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Rune 11:Isa

Posted in runes with tags 11, eis, eleven, is, isa, iss, mythtology, rune on Februar 27, 2008 by nottsvalin

The Isa rune is the antipolar force of Fehu.Isa is a world of ice that flows out
of Niflheim.It dont represents the force,more the anti-force that is created by by the
union between the energy of Muspellsheimr that creates the force(wich we call

The phonetic valor is I.It is the sign of individualism,it concentrates his power in one
single sign.

The ideographic valor is,ice or the flows of Niflheimr.

The esotheric interpretation,primary force or anti-force.

The sadha is:

Its magical powers are:

1.Development of concentration.

2.Constriction,detention of the not desired powers.

3.Integration of the ego in the universe.

4.Control of the power and a respectous constriction to other man’s.

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Rune 10:Naudhiz
Posted in runes with tags 10, Mythology, naudh, naudhiz, nauths, nyd, rune on Februar 18, 2008 by
Naudhiz is the cosmic power used by the forces that creates the destiny’s of humanity
and the world.Naudhiz also represents the concept of going towards the manifestation
of things.This idea was formed from the creacion of Nornir.In htis moment was born
the resistance of the universe.Nornir also hels to preserve the multiversum by giving
water to Yggdrasil with the water from the well of Uruz.

The phonetic valor is N.The N rune is the autocreated fire;the fire created by friction
and resistance by serving mankind,in spiritual and material ways.

The ideographic valor is,the soul and the bow that moves to create fire.

The esotheric interpretation is,fire and liberation.

The stadha is:

Its magical functions are:

1.Superation of the negative shades.

2.Development of the magic mind.

3.Development of the spiritual mind.

4.Usefull training of the power of resistance to gain magical endings.


6.It eliminates the hate and fights.

7.It creats the will of order.

8.recognizment of personal needs.


10.magic of love.


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Rune 9 :Hagalaz
Posted in runes on Februar 16, 2008 by nottsvalin

Hagalaz is like an cosmic egg filled with crystaline magic power and the
cosmic model.The rock is the symbol of the egg that contains the seed
of Ymir.Ymir was created by the union of the worlds of NIflheimr and Muspelheimr(the
egg of manifestation).Hagalaz is the power that contains the potential of the neutral
energy of the multiversum.

In the germanic mythology the 9 is a mistic number;there are 9 worlds in

Yggdrasil,Odin hanged 9 days on Yggdrasil,Heimdallr was born out of 9 mothers…

The phonetic valor is H,the H rune is the mistery of the structure of the world and it
defines the primitive form of the multiversum.

The ideographic valor is the union between two ways.

The esotheric interpretation is,egg of ice or seed of cosmic life.

The stadha is:

Its magical functions are:

1.Eqilibration of the powers.

2.Experience and knowledge of the Numenic powers.

3.Apropiate and evolutive operations.


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Rune 8 :Wunjo
Posted in runes with tags 8, eight, Mythology, rune, vend, winja, wunjo, wynnon Februar 11, 2008 by
The Wunjo rune is the power that experiments the individuals
between themselfs.Wunjo is the power from where all norse man came from.

Wunjo is the mistery of the harmonious existence between diferent forces.In the clans
this is the highest form of humanhappiness.The power of Wunjo enforces the
brotherhood between brothers and sisters.

The phonetic valor is W,Wunjo is the power that unificates the different fields of
power,this is why this rune has such an incalculable valor in runic magic.

The ideographic valor is the flag of a clan or the flag of a Dragonboat.

The esotheric interpretation is the relationship between beings of the same cradle.

The stadha is:

Its magical functions are:

1.Raising of relationships.

2.Invocation of brotherhood.

3.It suprimes the alienation.

4.Happiness and good luck.

5.Conciousness of the multiplicity of all things.

6.Unifies the runes to one thing.

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Rune 7:Gebo
Posted in runes with tags gebo, gmn, go, ia, Mythology, na, rune.7 on Februar 11, 2008 by nottsvalin

The Gebo rune is the rune of the emminent and unconscious magic power that is
present in Ginnungagap before the creation of the worlds.

Thanks to this rune people gather by their own will to reach agoal.The G rune has
some same atributes as the A rune because this one is also the rune of extasis.

Gebo contains the secrets of the psychic union between two persons or more.

The phonetic valor is G,like gift in english,this rune is considered the gift from the
gods to humanity to preserve the cosmic ecology.

The ideographic interpretation are two roads crossing or interaction of two forces.

The esotheric interpretation is the thing that exchanges between gods and humanity

The stadha is:

Its magical functions are:

1.Sexual magic.

2.Initiation to sexual magic.

3.Mystic union.

4.Rising of the magic powers.

5.Harmonie between brothers,sisters and lovers.

6.Magic influences in the divine and human worlds.

7.Adquirement of knowledge.

*In the old germanic languages,before they where influenced by christianity,the word
godwas neutral.But with the christian dogma(that is dominated by masulinism)the word became
reference to man(once more thank you for spreading our society you bastards)

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Rune 6:Kenaz
Posted in runes with tags 6, cén, k, kaun, kenaz, kusma, Mythology, rune on Februar 8, 2008 by nottsvalin
The Kenaz rune represents the mystery of regeneracion through death
or sacrifice.Its the rune of fire,the fire controled by man.

In rituals Kenaz is the fire of creation,sacrifice and of the forge;its the fire controlled
by man to reach the goals that purchases theman.Kenaz is the ability of engendration
and creacion there for it is the rune of the artists.

The phonetic valor is K this rune is is the rune of the human pasions like desire and

Its ideographic valor is the flame of a torch.

The esotheric interpretation is the controlled fire,a great knowledge is contained in in

Kenaz,knowledge that you can make come forth with your ability(like the creation of
fire by man).

The stadha is:

Its magical functions are:

1.Rise of all abbilities


3.More polarization

4.Regeneration and cure

5.Love(in a sexual way)

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Rune 5:Raidho
Posted in runes with tags Mythology, raidaho, raidho, raune, rune on Februar 7, 2008 by nottsvalin

The Raidho rune represents the correct order of the voyages of the nine worlds
of Yggdrasil.The power of advicement and good judgement.Raidho is the canalizator of
the natural powers,it leads us trough the good way and leads us to the correct answer.

The phonetic valor is R,the R rune combines the energie and accions seen by an
specific objective and in the correct way of the cosmic order.

The ideographic valor are the wheels of a barrow.

The esotheric interpretation is is the solar vagon or Thors barrow.

The stadha is:

The magic functions are:

1.Rises the experiences and capacities of rituals

2.It gives you acces to the inner voice of your conciousnes.

3.It elevates your conciousnes to te adecuate levels.

4.Union between the personal rythms and the world.

5.Obtaining justice throug its own law.


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