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Asian History

Notable Landforms

___________________________-known as Roof of the world

___________________________-longest mountain range in Asia

___________________________-world’s highest mountain;also known as House of Snow

___________________________-world’s highest plateau

___________________________-world’s largest archipelago

Notable waterforms

____________________________-known as China’s Sorrow

____________________________-world’s largest lake/ inland sea

____________________________- world’s deepest lake

____________________________-body of water with lowest elevation from sea and with highest level
of salinity.

West Asia

____________________________- world’s largest oil reserves, and is the world’s largest oil producer.

____________________________-known as the guardian of the Persian gulf

____________________________-transcontinental country, the bridge between Europe and Asia

____________________________-Land of the Cedars

___________________________-in Arabic, means two seas

___________________________-the result of the united seven trucial states in the area.

East Asia

___________________________-is also known as Zhongguo,meaning Middle Kingdom

___________________________-fragrant harbor

___________________________-first European colony in East Asia

___________________________-formerly known as Formosa.

Japanese call their country _____________________ which means sun origin.

_______________________,which is situated at Mongolia, is the world’s coldest desert.

Mongolia serves as a _______________________ between Russia and China.

South Asia
The Indian subcontinent has three major rivers:________________,____________________ and

___________________________-means five rivers.

___________________________-formerly known as Ceylon.

Central Asia

___________________________-where noah ark came to rest afther the flood.

__________________________-world largest landlocked country.

__________________________-Land of the forty tribes.

Southeast Asia

_________________________-most populous island in Indonesia

_________________________-ranked third in world’s countries with biggest oil reserves.

_________________________-means east

_________________________-land of the free

_________________________-richest part of the sea.

_________________________-computer country of Asia

_________________________-land of golden pagodas

_________________________-formerly known as Kampuchea

Some environmental concepts:

________________________-degradation of the soil.

________________________-the amount of nature needed to support human life.

II. Asian Identity

Word pool:

Homo sapiens sapiens Neanderthal ramapithecus

Homo sapiens Homo erectus austraolopitthecus africanus

Homo habilis dryopithecus

________________-a possible ape form ancestor of present human.

________________-a more developed ape-form ancestoe found in siwalik hill,india;

____________________________-first of the ape-form ancestors to be considered a hominid; size of

brain is same with modern humans.
___________________________-called as “man of skill” or handy man

___________________________-called as ‘upright man’

____________________________-probably appeared during the ice period

____________________________-the fully developed homo sapiens who appear around 35,000 years

Paleothic or Neolithic

_____________________________most important discovery-agriculture

_____________________________humans lived a nomadic life ;living hunter gatherer

_____________________________-Animism and handicraft developed

_____________________________-differences of paleo. Men with other animals

______________________________-most important tool -control use of fire

_____________________________-domestication of animals started.

_______________________________-is the only human species that lived with the start of the period.

______________________________-ability to speak and to received

Philosophy, beliefs, concepts

_____________________________-caste system four classed; brahmin kshatriya vaishya sudra,karma

and reincarnation.

_____________________________-gives importance to brotherhood, Purity, and humility

Founded by _____________________________.

_____________________________-states that China is in the center of the world.

_____________________________-focuses on the good behaviors or morality of man.

______________________________-introduced monotheism

______________________________-recognizes the emperor as a descendant of the sun

goddess,making the former the most powerful leader, ordinary citizens, then view themselves as the
superior race.

Characteristics of all civilizations:

1. System of administering________________________
2. Notable _____________________ and unique art styles
3. Written __________________________.
4. Division of people into ________________________
5. Large ______________________________ centers
6. Complex division of _______________________
_____________________________________lies on the Fertile crescent, the strip of land between the
rivers __________________ and _____________________;the whole area of river valley is now part of


__________________________-first great leader of semites. He founded the first empire.

____________________________-became known under the rule of Hammurabi.

____________________________-a set of political, civil , and economics laws

____________________________-their chief god

____________________________-the first to use iron to their weapon in warfare,also used horses and

_____________________________-known for the most brute and ferocious rule enforcement

______________________________-assyrian center

_______________________________-first great Assyrian ruler

_______________________________-next great Assyrian ruler;under his rule; Assyrian reached its


_______________________________-its capital

________________________________-their chief god.

________________________________-governed by concept of theocracy

________________________________-oldest city state,pratices _______________________

____________________-first writing system. first to create _____________ and wheels.

Used __________________ and developed ________________________(base 60).

_____________________________-they are very interested in astronomy; they were nicknamed

___________________. ___________________________ their greatest ruler.

___________________________-under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, _______________invaded

Jerusalem, and brought thousands of Jews to Babylonia as slaves.

_____________________________-one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.


__________________________-their first leader, allowed different religions t exist under his rule.

__________________________- annexed iran,indus valley, and more, this made _________________

the most powerful empire in the ancient world.

__________________________-the term for Persia’s provinces; for a higher government’s efficiency. Its
are called satrap.
____________________________-Persia’s official religion; founded by _________________

___________________________-chief god/god of truth

____________________________-known as the “Great Merchants of the Ancient world”,

Main products: ______________________; came from murex; a shellfish. Only the wealthiest can buy
this product due to the time and effort it takes to get the purple liquid.

The first to make _____________________. Most important contribution;__________________,

borrowed later by greeks.

____________________________-lord of the heaven _____________________-goddess of Byblos

________________________-led the jewish people.____________________-how they were delivered

from slavery and left Egypt. ____________-first five books of the Hebrews bible,__________________.

_________________________-unlike other civilization, this one is noted by archeologists to have a

concept of urban planning, like construction of floodways. Archeologist also found out that Indians had
traded with __________________ counter parts due to the discovery of artifacts especially the use of
______________in trade.

______________________-the first nomads to occupy Indus. _______________________-consists of

four collections of prayers, oration and ritual guidelines. ____________________-known as Varna in Rig

____________________- the oldest and most important of four vedas.





_____________________________-the beggars or anyone who has the lowest.

____________________________-after the death of __________________________-(where india is a

part of his empire. _______________________ Maurya swiftly grabbed the power of governing the
easternmost part of alexander’s territory from selueces I, its governor.

Chandragupta was advised by ______________________-author of ____________________,a book on

statecraft, economic policy and military stragegy.

__________________-under his rule, Maurya is on its peak.

After reflecting on the casualties brought by the ____________________, _________________ turned

buddhism for self renewal.

________________________-the golden Age of Hinduism . Founded by ____________________.

___________________________-discovered that planets rotate on their own axis.

Any religion was allowed. _________________ and _____________________ began to develop and to
spread. The courts started to have __________________ and observe formal processes.

__________________-the greatest poet and dramatist in the Sanskrit language of India.

____________________________________- Huang is the Chinese word for ______________________

and it refers to the fine yellow sediments that the river carries in to the floodplains and the sea.

_______________________________-the first to provide a written history of China.

_______________________________-proof that they have a writing system,practice _______________.

__________________________________- has the longest reign of any dynasty. Exercised

________________.built road and made _________________.made the use of _____________ for
farming tools and weapons. _______________was born.

____________________________-_________________________ was 13 y/o when he became the

emperor. He exercised ____________. He ordered to built _________________________ for defense
against invaders.

_____________________________-founded by ____________________; he exercised a centralized


Under _______________________, the _______________________started.

_______________________was discovered. ________________became known.

________________________the first great historian of China.

________________________-a shortlived dynasty,but laid the foundation for thw golden age of china

Under ________________rule, the Grand canal was built, It connected the Yangtze and huang he rivers.

_______________________________-founded by Li yuan

______________________________-known as Tang’s greatest emperor

_______________and ___________________- great writers._______________ spreads.

_________________________-founded by Sung taitsu. Discovery of ____________________compass,

paper printing and _________________powder.

___________________________-____________________ successfully invaded China in 1729.

______________________-became a court official under Khan.

_____________________________-______________________________ known as the greatest leader

during the Muslim invasion of India

_______________________-it was the Golden Age of _____________ Empire.

________________________-his name means “grasper of the world”

________________________- his name means “king of the world”; he ordered for
__________________to be built as a tomb for his wife.

______________________-last ruler of ___________________empire.

_______________________-first settlers of japan.

Yamato empire founded by ______________________, became Japan’s first emperor.

________________________-first capital of Japan.

_______________________-written by prince ___________________, first written set of laws of Japan.

_____________________-second capital of japan.

______________________- the world’s first fulllenght novel,written by Lady _____________________

_____________________-a hereditary military dictator;the ceremonial representative of the emperor.

_____________________-founded by ______________________;means tent government.

_____________________-_____________________ military governors

________________________- the military officials tasked to serve their lords

________________________-code of ethics that followed by samurais

_________________________-defeated the mongol’s invasion twice

_________________(1467-1568) warring states

_________________-introduced firearms in Japan,toyotomi _____________became known.

_________________known as Muromachi period. Founded by Ashikaga

__________________.considered as the weakest shogunate

_______________________-founded by tokugawa _________________

Moved the capital to __________________(present day Tokyo)

_________________________policy-forced vacation of daimyos with their family.

__________________________- a powerful empire that has control over the large area of sea routes
and ports.

___________________________(Cambodia)- founded by _________________ II

_______________________-its capital ________________ grandest work of architecture under

_______________ reign .

___________________________________(veitnam)-was part of China until 939; then governed by Ly

_____________________________(Thailand) -muang thai means Land of the Free.
________________founded by Rama Kanken

___________________-____________________first king of Burma, after his dead, the nation was

divided. _____________________successfully reunited the nation again. ______________its capital city.

___________________________-composed of malay peninsula,Indonesia, Philippines

___________________________-composed of Malaysia, Indonesia,Philippines,brunie,timor leste, and


_________________________-controlled and taxed over sea routes of Mallaca strait,kendah strait and
sunda strait in exchange of protection from pirate.

___________________________-began around 8th century AD in java.

__________________________-last hindu that reigned in malay archipelago founded by raden windjaya

around 1293.

___________________________-greatest leader of majapahit;under his reign, srivijaya was annexed

___________________________-hermit kingdom

___________________________-first kingdom in korea;founded by dangun wangeom;evemtually

divided into koguryo,paekche,shilla

___________________________-dongmeyeong,chieftain of ___________________,develop the military

territory from northern part of Korean peninsula to manchuria

____________________________-territory found in southwest part of Korean peninsula, was more

peace loving than goguryeo

___________________________-found in southeat part of Korean peninsula.

_____________________________-golden of korea

___________________________-unified the three kingdom

_____________________-a Korean confician,defeated Goryeo ___________________-fourth ruler,used

a centralized government founded yi dynasty.

____________________-korea alphabet,later conquered by mongols, ruled with centralized, Confucian

government was developed. After which, the kingdom collapsed.

III. tranformations of Asia

Factors leading to start of Age of discovery and exploration:

Portugal’s Exploration to the East

__________________________-built a navigation school

__________________________-reached the tip of southern Africa;called cape of storm then Cape of

Good Hope

________________________-reached Calicut, India in 1497;opened a direct sea route from Europe to


_________________________-first viceroy of Portugal to east

_________________________-viceroy of East indies ; conquered ____________, made it capital of

Portugal in the east.

Spain exploration to the East-_________________________-discovered the strait to reach pacific ocean

Colonization of Asia

_____________________________-went to china as ______________________is implanting a policy of


_____________________________-term by the Chinese to any foreigner who arrives in their country

____________________________-first portugese to visit in China

_____________________________-served as the trading center between the two countries;until 1999;

it’s last colony in Asia to be independent

_____________________________- apostle of the indies

____________________________-all of its country in the northern hemisphere; excepts for phil

____________________________-first colony in the country

____________________________-second colony in the country

Phil became the foundation for the spread of __________________in Asia.

________________________-________________________has authority over its trade in Asia

______________________-first Dutch coloby Indonesia

Dutch built a trading port in __________________, after helping the Japanese to get rid of Portugese.

__________________________-largest empire in world’s history

_________________________-after Mughal empire collapsed, british won ( under the leadership of

Robert _____________) over French to take control of India.

_________________________has port in Pondicherry, its first for ____________________until the

battle of Plassey. Moved east, then conquered _____________________.

________________-________________-nomadic tribe in search of new territory in central asia,led by

yermark timopeyavich
__________________________-set the boundaries and trades between Russia and China.

Tension bet. China and European

________________________-name of China given by Kublai Khan

_______________________-defeated the mongols in 1398.

Admiral _________________________-led the army for China’s maritime goal

_____________yuan chang-founded the dynasty

Emperor yunglo changed the capital to _______________________,

Where the named ming tai tsu set the capital in ___________________, forbidden city

__________________________-was able to annex Taiwan,central Asia,Mongolia,Tibet

_________________________-hairstyle often worn by men

Rule of Kangxi _______________________________jesuit priest who became kang’s teacher

______________________maxim art of government- his book that emphasizes the need to listen to the
people for a good statesmanship.

________________________Lung -the enduring kingdom

The Dutch did __________________for trading purpose only.


____________________________-was a guild of Chinese merchants or hongs who operated the import-

export monopoly in Canton.

Cause:________________________of the Chinese to illegally imported by the british

Commissioner Li ____________-helped to halt the opium trade and to send a letter to Britain regarding
this matter, Britain _______________. Li ordered to stop all opium trades and put sanctions; Britain still
refused. British was stripped of privilege; they have to Canton and head to __________ and hongkong.

First imperial war in ________________; China lost.

______________________________-1. New trading ports in China are opened 2. Hongkong was given
to Britain 3. British exerts extraterritorial rights, meaning british are not under the laws of China; 4.
Cohongs are closed.

_______________________________-leader: hung hsiu-__________________; he wanted to establish a

new dynasty; __________________ tienkuo (heveanly kingdom of great peace);controlled southern part
of China, set the capital in __________________; rebellion is ended by Frederick _________________
and his army called (the ever victorious army).

Cause: a group of _________________attacked a british vessel containing opium: the French teamed up
with the ________________.

Russians occupied ___________________ and established __________________, a military base in

Pacific. Japanese occupied _______________-off Formosa.

____________________convention – Opium trade is made _________________; Christian missionaries

and foreigners are ________ to have residence in china.

_________________________-the US was last of the imperialist countries to grab a piece of land in

China; They recommended an ___________________policy for China.

Empress _____________________ secretly talked with rebel groups to fight off the Europeans. The
_________________________ sparked a rebellion, but didn’t make a big success.

________________________-europeans are allowed to house military forces to their respectives

spheres of influence.

British imperialism in India

After the Mughal empire collapsed, there was a _________________________(the political condition
when someone has lost control of something and no one has replaced them) in india. _________, in
Persian, means soldier.

__________________________-first british governer-general in India.

British reforms:

1. Introduced an educational system in India, based from Britain’s and _______________as the
medium of language.
2. Sanctioned ____________ and female _________________
3. Tries to eradicated ______________*an organized gang of professional robbers and muderers)
and _________________(funeral custom where a widow sets herself on fire on her husband’s
4. Stopped locals to be in control of economic__________, of crops to produce, of purchasing
goods by fellow Indians.

__________________: Cause; a spread rumor that riffles are sealed with the oil from pigs or cow’s

___________________-means “self rule’ the first war for independence by the Indian

____________________- Britain now has a direct control over india

Modernization and westernization of japan

_____________________-forced Japan, with their show of big military force to enter into trade with

_____________________- was able to have US embassy in Japan; this was the start of imperialism
in Japan.
Japan won __________________________and the result in treaty of ______________. They also
won the __________________________(1904-1905) and the result Treaty of ________________.

Japan annexed _________________ as a ___________________(a state that is controlled and

protected by another.

Rise of Nationalism in india

_______________was founded in 1885, _________________________-in 1906.

Indians fought side by side with ___________, in hopes that latter will give their
independence,____________ did’nt do this.

Indians rejected the Government of the _________________________, since it only recognizes a

small number of the indians’ rights.

Under the __________________________, it allowed the british to jail Indians for two years,
without due process.

Indians went to ______________ for a prayer brigade, without knowing that ______________ are
not allowed. __________________________ordered to shoot people. This is the

____________________K. Gandhi and the independence movement

- _______________________-active non-voilence/civil disobedience

- _________________, which means great soul
- Campaign
1. Do not buy _________________from Britain.
2. Do not enter the british _________________________.
3. Do not pay _____________.
4. Do not _________________in the election.
5. Do not wear _______________by the british.

___________________-the Indian should buy their salt only from the british government, with no
additional tax.

As a response, Gandhi led the Indians for the ____________________.

_________________________- partial independence from by british government.

Rise of nationalism in China

___________________-father of modern china

-founded _______________________; to grab the power from qing but was not successful.

-founded ________________________________(nationalist part), which believes the progress of china

will come from its modernization
-____________________________-national day of the republic of China

____________________________overthrow the qing dynasty. _______________became the first

president of china.

-________________________-replaced Sun Yat Sen as the president

Three Principles: 1. ________________2. ______________________3. People’s welfare

___________________________-initiated by university students as a response to the verdict of the

treaty of Versailles over China (esp. of the transfer of Germany’s occupied territories in China to Japan).

-_________________________- a teacher of university of Beijing; later known as a great revolutionary


-founded the communist party in shanghai; aimed to unite with nationalist party and to accept soviet
union’s offer

-nationalist party became stronger after ______________________, a political adviser from soviet
union, offered aid.

________________________-led by _________________kai-shek

______________________________-many members of the communist party were killed.

-__________________-year when ______________bacame president of nationalist republic of china

His promise of progress wasn’t fulfilled due to corruption.

____________________________________-led by Mao Tse-tung; he believed that the farmers of the

rural areas can be the manpower he needs for a revolution.

- A ______________________happened between the two parties.

- Mao led the __________army
- ______________________-military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the communist party
of china to evade the pursuit of the koumintang;around _________________________ km long
from Jiangxi to shaanxi.

Sun Yat-sen;__________________________________

Mao tse-tung; ________________________________

1949-chiang retreated in _______________________, the republic of china

Mao created in ________________________ the people’s republic of China.

Rise of Nationalism in Southeast Asia

Date of full independence (from all other countries) in Philippines:__________________________

________________________-colonized by Britain; became a province of india.

_________________________-(we Burmese association)- ______________ became its leader, then
became a prime minister.

-aung san- known as _______________________;founder of communist party of Burma,

__________(armed forces), union of Burma.

______________________-colonized by Netherlands

___________________________-(glorious endeavor)- founded by wanhidin _____________in 1908;

improve the lives of farmers; first nationalistic organization in Indonesia

_____________________-(Islamic organization)-founded by ________________________

tjokroaminoto in 1912; for peace and economic reforms.

____________________________-(people’s council)-for expression of grievances

_____________________________-(Indonesian Communist Party)- was easily defeated by government

_____________________________-became the Nationalist Party of Indonesia, where sukarno became

its leader

_____________________________-became first president of Indonesia


-__________________________-communist leader; changed his name to ______________mihn;

founded the _________________________communist party

-also founded Viet ______________(league for the independence of Vietnam).

Rise of nationalism in west asia


______________(six arrows)- contains the founding ideology of the republic of turkey

__________________ kemai ataturk-turkey’s first president;father of turks

Arab world and Saudi arabia

____________________-the unification of the arab world

______________________-a secret 1916 agreement between the UK and France defining their
respective spheres of influence and control in West Asia after the collapse of Ottoman Empire.

McMahon-____________________ correspondence- Britain agreed to recognize Arab independence

after World War I.

__________________ Declaration- promised a national home for the jews in Palestine.

__________________-(sheik ibn-saud) most powerful leader of the Arab clans;was able to unite all
kingdoms, then formed _____________.

Persia (_______________)
Reha shah _________________-built the trans-iranian railway(1927-38);(1935)- emancipated

Israel and Zionism

_______________________________-belief that Judaism is a nationality and a religion at the same

time; and that its goal is to create and to develop their own state in their ancestral homeland, which is
Israel;founded by _________________herzl.

World war II in Asia and in the Pacific

______________________-Japanese pilots who initiated suicide attacks to deliberately targeted enemy


_______________________-the code name of a research and development undertaking that produced

the first nuclear weapons.

______________________-was the US President in this certain period in history.

_____________________-the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,1945 by the


_____________________-the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on august 9, 1945

_____________________declaration- called for the surrender of Japanese armed forces;

_________________-Victory over Japan day;the day on which Japan surrendered.

______________________-state of tension between superpowers USA (led the western

or______________bloc) and Soviet union (led the eastern or ____________________bloc).

China invaded ______________and ___________________, both of which are autonomous already.

_______________of 1950-1953

-______________________-the dividing line between the Korean peninsula, creating the two Koreans.

_______________________of 38th parallels- occupied by Soviet union, became communist


___________________of 38th parallels- occupied by USA, became democratic __________________

1950-north korea invaded the __________. ________________led the opposing forces for three years.

______________________-an area in which treaties or agreements between nations, military powers or

contending groups forbid military installations activities or personnel.

Vietnam war

__________________________-the nationalist and communist forces joined to defeat the French.

________________________-the dividing line,established by the 1954 geneva accord, bet. Vietnam

_______________ led the north and ngo dihn ____________ iniatially led the south.
__________________-communist forces defeated its opponents.

___________________________-became the military base of north korea

______________ rouge- the canbodian communists led by pol pot.

Tension in West Asia

____________________________-israelis won

____________________________-Cause:_________________nasser(the president of eqypt) decided to

occupy Suez Canal.

_______________________________or Six days war- Israelis won the war; occupied Judea and Samaria,
Golan height

_____________________________-Yom kippur is most important holiday of the jewish year.

During this time, Israel was under its first female prime minister – Golda _____________

________________sadat, president of Egypt, went to Israel and offer peace.

_______________________Accord of 1978- first mutual peace agreement between Israel anad arab

_______________liberation front- formed by yasse Arafat;_____________do not wan Israel and arab

_____________________-series of Palestinian demonstrations, nonviolent actions, like mass boycotts.

Religions in Asia

___________________-world’s oldest religion

___________________-the beliefs that god is equal to the universe

___________________-liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth(samsara)

Believes in __________________- and _______________.

_______________-who creates the universe; ___________________who preserves the universe;

_____________who destroys the universe.

________________________-______________________left the royal life; prayed under a

_____________; known as ‘the enlightened one’.

Four noble truths;

____________________-a guide to the rights and action of man

_____________________-state of ultimate happiness

______________________-its eight spokes are the eightfold path.

Five pillars

__________________________;reciting the muslim profession of faith

__________________________;performing prayers five times a day

__________________________; paying alms for the poor and the needy

__________________________;fasting during Ramadan

__________________________; pilgrimage to mecca

-_________________-holy war symbol;_______________

_______________________-considered as the father of Judaism

_______________________-based on the practice of mourning at the only remnant left of the temple

______________________-food that adhere to the dietary law


____________________-founded by guru _____________ in pujab, india

5k’s of Sikhism

_______________;(uncut hair)strength and holiness _____________________(steel bracelet)-

connection with Guru _________________________(wooden comb)-clean mind and body
_________________(cotton underwear); __________________(steel sword)—God/defense for the poor

_______________________-the ethnic religion of the Japanese

______________________-the spirits or phenomena that are worshipped

_______________________-three principle;__________________(nonviolence),
_________________(non-absolutism and ______________(non-attachment

Some regional organizations

______________________-an intergovernmental cooperation and facilities economic, educational, and

cultural integration amongst its member

Founded:____________ headquarters:______________________ number of current members:_______

____________________________-a response the growing interdependence of Asia

Founded:_____________ current members:________________ headquarters:________________

______________________________-coordination and unification of the petroleum policies and ensure

the stabilization of oil markets.

Founded:____________________ numbers of current members:_________ headquarters:___________

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