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As we age, maintaining youthful, healthy skin becomes challenging.

To attain healthy skin, there

are several easy options you can incorporate into your lifestyle.

Exercise regularly. Exercise doesn’t just trim your waistline and tone your muscles, it also
promotes healthier skin. Physical activity increases your blood flow. Blood cells bring vital
nutrients and oxygen to working cells and remove waste. Skin cells benefit from the exchange.
Blood cells bring oxygen and nutrients necessary for collagen production to skin cells and carry
away free radicals.[1] Working out firms and cleanses your skin from the inside.[2]

Manage your stress. When you feel stressed or anxious, it ages your skin.
Experiencing persistent stress and anxiety leads to the production of cortisol, an
inflammatory hormone that breaks down collagen. Cortisol also causes redness,
irritation, and breakouts.
 To combat stress, set aside time to relax. Yoga, progressive relaxation, and deep
breathing exercises are excellent ways to quell your nerves and lower your stress
 To combat the negative side effects of stress on your skin, increase your consumption
of antioxidants. Eat blueberries, oranges, and leafy greens.[

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