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Nama : Silvana Liburante

Nim : NH0115161

Kelas : A4


 Asthma is an obstructive airway disease intermittent, reversible where the

trachea and berspon in hyperactive bronchi basis to certain stimuli. (Smeltzer
And Bare, 2006).
 Extrinsic factors (asthma immunological / allergic asthma)
 Antigen-antibody reaction
 Inhaled allergens (dust, pollen, animal fur)

Intrinsic factor (non-immunological asthma / non-allergic asthma)

 Infection: parainfluenza virus, pneumonia, mycoplasmal

 Physical: cold weather, temperature changes
 Irritant: chemistry
 Air pollution: CO, smoke, perfume
 Emotional: fear, anxiety and tension
 Excessive activity may also be a precipitating factor. (Suriadi, 2001).
 Asthma Classification Based on Etiology
a) Bronchial Asthma Atopic mode (extrinsic)

Asthma arises because someone atopy by exposure to allergens.

Allergens that enter the body through the respiratory tract, skin,
gastrointestinal tract and others will be caught by macrophages that work as
antigen presenting cells (APC).

b) Bronchial Asthma Atopic Non mode (Intrinsic)

Non allergenic asthma (intrinsic asthma) is not due to exposure to

allergens but happened due to some precipitating factors such as upper
respiratory tract infections, exercise or activity severe physical and mental
stress or psychological stress.

 Management
a. Pharmacology
 Giving oxygen pernasal
 Beta 2-adrenergic antagonist (mg salbutamol or terbutaline fenetoral 2.5
mg or 10 mg). Nebulized inhalation, and administration can be repeated
every 20 minutes to 1 hour. Provision of beta 2 adrenergic antagonists
may subcutan or intravenously at a dose of 0.25 mg salbutamol in 5%
dextrose solution.
 Aminophilin intravenously 5-6 mg per kg, if it is to use these drugs in
the previous 12 hours then simply given half doses.
 Corticosteroid hydrocortisone 100-200 mg intravenously if there is no
response immediately or within a very heavy attack.
 Bronchodilators to overcome airway obstruction, including the class of
beta adrenergic and anti-cholinergic.
b. Treatment is simple and non pharmacological
 Chest physiotherapy and cough effectively help patients to remove
sputum well
 Physical exercise to increase physical activity tolerance
 Provide a comfortable sleeping position ( semi-Fowler)
 Suggest to drink warm water 1500-2000 ml per day
 Enterprises that patients warm baths every day
 Do not expose the patient from precipitating

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