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My educational philosophy is to create a safe learning environment
where diversity is respected and encouraged in my classroom. I hope
to accomplish this by making sure my students feel safe and free to
express who they are. I believe that creating a safe learning
environment encourages growth, both personally and in their
learning. Incorporating technology will help me bring in those ideas
as well teach them more effectively.


I have chosen to create a podcast to express my philosophy of

education. I chose a podcast because I feel like it is a great way to
express my ideas in detail and it is a modern type of platform. I can
speak on my ideas and people who listen to it can truly hear the
tone I am using to explain my philosophy. I am also able to hear it in
the future when I make change to it and see how much I have
grown since making it.


Some benefits of the medium I chose to express my educational

philosophy will have to be that it is easier to hear the tone I am
using when listening to the podcast. The audience will be able to
hear in my voice if I am genuine about my philosophy. It will be
easier to convey my message verbally than through text. A podcast
is easy to put together in my opinion. It can also be used to look
back on and edit if I must. It can be used by many other
educators/peers and can reach a larger audience.


Some challenges I believe I will face with the medium that I chose is
possibly some technical difficulties. For example, I can encounter
some difficulties recording or editing. Sometimes we may think we
hit record when really it has not been recording the whole time.
Some things may go wrong when exporting. I know that previously,
my other podcast only saved the first 50 seconds of it. I hope that
does not happen again. I will double check that the software is
working. I will write down a list of things I want to talk so that I do
not forget my points.


My project will be a podcast where I will be speaking about my

educational philosophy. I will include my exact philosophy and what
caused me to decide on it. I also include some of the sources I
borrowed ideas from in order to create my philosophy. At the end I
will speak about myself as an educator and how I wish to
implement/accomplish the ideas in my educational philosophy.


Ten years from now I hope to have implemented my

philosophy that I created in my first year of college. The respect of
diversity in education is very important to me. I wish to be apart of
a school that supports and respects the diversity. I want to be able

to feel safe, respected, and supported by staff in order to accomplish
my philosophy. I am aware that as I continue my career my
educational philosophy will be altered to fit the state that I am in at
that time. I want to be the start of that reaction. I want to provide a
safe learning environment for my students. This is important when it
comes to seeing growth in their learning. For a plant to grow, we
need to plant the seed and continue to water it and give it its
necessities. As an educator I want to plant seeds for my students’
futures. In ten years, I want to see that affect I had on my students
prevail in the society that views them as minority. That is also why I
would like to do this in a low-income school where they face many of
these challenges. I want to see them overcome those barriers placed
on them. I see potential in the generation of students that I will be
teaching in the future. As I continue with education, I know I will
find new and better ways to improve my educational philosophy. I
will learn new ways to better implement it into my teaching to better
fit the needs of my students. I also believe that as the technology
advances the easier it will be to teach and reach out to students and
their families. It is very beneficial to include technology in our
teaching. I will keep an open mind and be vigilant of things that can
be included in my future philosophy.


Replace this text with any additional comments or observations from

your project experience.

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