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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

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Improving Asset Management under a regulatory view T

Eliana Sangreman Lima , Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa
Center for Decision Systems and Information Development - CDSID, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil


Keywords: Organizations from all sectors of the economy have been using ISO 55000:2014 Asset Management standard
Asset management with the objective to better manage their assets. This is in order to obtain the various benefits of structuring and
Regulatory framework improving the AM process which includes the enhancement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the assets.
Electric energy transmission system Multi-asset organizations that are strongly regulated need instruments to support the decision on which struc-
Muiti-criteria Decision Analysis
turing requirements are essential in order to contribute to compliance with the regulatory framework of the
sector in which they operate in. To meet this purpose, this paper presents the Regulation-Oriented Model for
Asset Management AM-RoM, which embodies a joint analysis of ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 55001:2014. The AM-
RoM encompasses a multi-criteria decision method to rank the most critical requirements, based on experts'
perceptions. Its relevance goes to the contribution for organizations in the process of inducing improvement and
increasing the maturity level of the AM process, while being in compliance with the Regulatory Framework. The
validation of the AM-RoM was performed in a Brazilian company of the Electric Energy Transmission Sector.

1. Introduction balancing cost, risks, opportunities and performance benefits [12], and
avoiding or mitigating the loss of resources such as time and money and
Organizations have a major challenge which is to ensure that pro- possible damages to the company's reputation.
ducts and services add value to stakeholders in their business. This More critical than multi-asset system organizations are those subject
becomes more critical in organizations that deal with multi-asset to a specific regulation imposed by the granting public authority, which
system, defined by [1] as “a system composed of multiple assets that acts on various sectors of the economy as water, energy, tele-
share common characteristics or resources under the control of an or- communications, aviation, among others. These organizations need to
ganization”. In such systems, the organizations must manage an in- be very well managed to extract greater value from their assets while
herently complex process, involving functionalities of diverse areas, being sustainable and competitive and simultaneously having to be in
specialized knowledge and different levels of commitment, besides compliance with a strong regulatory framework.
being intensive in information. Regulatory practices are different in each country. However, the
This complexity requires an efficient Asset Management, which is aim is usually to keep costs and revenues under control, while requiring
the essence of the Asset Management – AM discipline. AM is based on service of high reliability and efficiency [3]. In this paper the concept of
four fundamentals or principles that can be translated into continuous Regulation is the one defined in the analysis developed by [4] as an
actions as: focusing on the worth the asset can deliver to the organi- “Intentional intervention in the activities of a target population, where
zation (Value); transforming strategic intent into technical, economic the intervention is typically direct – involving binding standard-setting,
and financial decisions (Alignment); leading the AM implementation, monitoring, and sanctioning – and exercised by public-sector actors on
operation and improvement within the organization (Leadership); and the economic activities of private-sector actors”. The regulation com-
having confidence that the assets will accomplish their essential ob- prises all the standards and rules that are established by the regulatory
jective (Assurance) [2]. As a guardian of these principles, Asset Man- agencies.
agement contributes to enhance the reliability, maintainability, avail- The inherent condition of regulated organizations, coupled with the
ability and safety of the assets. These are technical attributes that affect unpredictability of business environments leads to a quite complex si-
the economic life-cycle cost of a system and its utility. Asset manage- tuation, and requires better practices from companies to properly
ment also provides the multi-functional and integrated view necessary manage their assets. In this compound situation, not only Asset
to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the assets, through Management but also Risk Management – RM should be considered. As

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E.S. Lima), (A.P.C.S. Costa).
Received 3 January 2019; Received in revised form 24 April 2019; Accepted 26 May 2019
Available online 28 May 2019
0951-8320/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

all activities involve risks at any level, proper decisions must be made and RM priority requirements that must be implemented in the orga-
by the organizations to manage these effects. In this perspective, asset nization to make it compliant with the sector´s regulation?’
and risk management practices are vitally important and are intensively Considering that resources are restricted and a project to improve
being studied in various sectors of the economy for different types of the AM process requires considerable effort and costs, it is important
assets [3,5–10,22,23]. not only to identify among the AM and RM ISO requirements those that
An asset, as defined by [12], is ‘something that has potential or will bring better results in attending regulations, but also defining from
actual value to an organization’ and Asset Management is a ‘co- which criteria they will be evaluated.
ordinated activities of an organization to realize value from assets’. To implement and improve AM and RM, organizations rely on
Value can be tangible or intangible, financial or non-financial and in- conceptual models. As stated by [2], “A conceptual model describes, at
cludes consideration of risks at different times in the asset life. Asset the highest level: the key aspects of Asset Management, how these in-
management activities, as a core functions of organizational strategies, teract with each other and how they link to the overall corporate ob-
aim to deliver higher levels of customer service and reliability by al- jectives and business plan”. Examples of internationally known models
locating assets more efficiently [24]. It addresses technical issues such are: The IAM Conceptual Model for Asset Management [17] and Asset
as network planning or the specification of requirements in a trans- Capability Concept Model [18].
mission system, for example, and economic issues such as investment Despite the availability of these specialized models in the AM con-
planning and budget, as well as strategic planning matters [25]. text, there is no prescription to improve the AM process by focusing on
AM in a broader view is a multidisciplinary oriented process. Due to the regulatory framework compliance. To fill this gap this paper pro-
the involvement of a broad range of disciplines, including the entire poses a conceptual Regulation-Oriented Model for Asset
asset life cycle, the AM process is quite sophisticated [13], and requires Management – AM-RoM to offer a methodological support for orga-
ongoing and strategic attention by the organization. It encompasses nizations to better deal with this issue.
strategies and policies aimed at valuing the assets, including standards, AM-RoM does not aim to compete with established AM models, but
knowledge, assessment methodologies, conceptual models and more, rather offer a decision-making tool for the incremental improvement of
and is responsible for the asset life cycle. The whole asset life cycle the AM process in multi-asset organizations with a focus on regulation.
depends on the type of asset that is being managed. Generalizing, it This conceptual model was built from an integrated analysis of the set
comprises the phases from initial identification of requirements or op- of ISO 55001:2014 and ISO 31000:2018 standards [14,15,11]. It was
portunities, acquisition/creation, operation and maintenance, through designed with seven key actions, having the flexibility to be adapted to
to renewal or disposal [2]. According to [26], although only the pro- the scope of the regulatory requirements the organization must be
cesses that directly impact assets can be assessed for their cost-effec- compliant with.
tiveness in terms of resulting performance, the support activities or AM-RoM considers a descriptive statistical representation of the
management system contribute indirectly to realize value from assets, integrated view of the experts' perceptions, which is supported by their
improving the efficiency and effectiveness of those processes. knowledge and experience. It encompasses a Multi-criteria Decision
As stated by [12], AM affords many benefits such as: improved fi- Method – MCDM, based on aggregation of the decision makers’ pre-
nancial performance; informed asset investment decisions; managed ferences to support them in designing action plans for improving the
risk; improved services and outputs; demonstrated social responsibility; AM process. The main idea is to offer a flexible tool to prioritize
demonstrated compliance; enhanced reputation; improved organiza- AM&RM ISO requirements based on their degree of implementation and
tional sustainability; improved efficiency and effectiveness directly on the contribution they offer to the organization in meeting the reg-
impacting on the decision-making process. ISO 55001:2014 proposes to ulatory requirements.
structure the essential information by consolidating Asset Management The relevance of the Model is its support to ISO 55001:2014
and knowledge practices through an Asset Management System – AMS Improvement requirement, sub-item Continual improvement: "The or-
[14], and, when integrated to ISO 31000:2018 it is expected that the ganization shall continually improve suitability, adequacy and effec-
organization can maximize their assets’ value with minimum risk. tiveness of its Asset Management and Asset Management systems" [14],
The AMS helps the organization to achieve its goals through effi- and a closer observance of risk and regulation. To put it simply, it is the
cient and effective control of its assets maximizing value over time [14]. search for a model to give value to the assets not only from a technical
Furthermore, both the internal and external environments to which point of view, but also from a Regulatory point of view considering the
organizations are subjected are a constant target of uncertainties [15], current context of the organization.
hence the concern of ISO 55001 about risk. While the AMS designed by This paper proposes a solution to a real problem faced by highly
ISO 55000:2014 aims to maximize asset value [14], the Risk Manage- regulated organizations, such as utilities. It considers a balance between
ment Framework and the Risk Management Process, designed by ISO academic approach and practical application, based on the judgment of
31000:2018, intend to contribute to the improvement of management experts. The model was validated in a Brazilian company from the
systems, as part of governance and leadership [15]. The Risk Manage- Electric Energy Transmission Sector. The systems of this sector require
ment Framework provides the foundation and organizational arrange- high safety and reliability and consequently large investments in phy-
ments, while the Risk Management Process offers a systematic appli- sical assets are essential. In addition, the Energy Sector must meet strict
cation of management policies, procedures and practices. The former regulatory requirements, which may sometimes come into conflict with
aims at the “designing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing and the Asset Management view in a given context. The results can be used
continually improving risk management throughout the organization”. by managers to define intervention policies to improve the performance
The latter is responsible for the actions of “communicating, consulting, of the assets and the Asset Management.
establishing the context, and identifying, analyzing, evaluating,
treating, monitoring and reviewing risk” [16]. 2. Regulation-Oriented Model for Asset Management – AM-RoM
The AM process is complex in nature and the need to meet standards
by organizations introduces even greater sophistication. Due to con- The AM-RoM, showed in Fig. 1, aims to provide AM process im-
straints, such as human, financial and material, among others, organi- provement, in a multifunctional and comprehensive way, considering
zations need to decide which investments in AM&RM practices should two types of requirements: structuring and mandatory. The first is re-
be implemented to gain a better valuation of their assets and at the lated to Asset and Risk Management and the second to regulatory fra-
same time be compliant with regulation. Although, even with the ex- mework.
pected capability of these two management models, whose integration While the structuring requirements were previously identified
promotes much greater synergy, a question emerges: ‘What are the AM through a joint analysis of ISO 31000:2018 (guidelines to risk

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

on compliance with international standards in AM and RM as well as

compliance with regulation.
■ Stimulate the increase of the decision-making efficiency with the
prioritization of the essential requirements to the current organi-
zational context, through the application of a multicriteria decision
■ Assess the maturity of the AM process, focusing on Regulation
considering international standards.
■ Comply with ISO 55000:2014 “Continual improvement” require-
ment [12].

The components of the model are structured with seven key actions
(KA) represented in a circular and sequential view, including:

■ KA 1. Strategic decisions for AM improvement.

■ KA 2. Assessment of the Regulation Compliance.
■ KA 3. Assessment of the AM&RM implementation.
■ KA 4. Assessment of AM&RM contribution for regulatory com-
■ KA 5. Multicriteria Decision Model Structuring.
■ KA 6. Multicriteria Decision Method Application.
■ KA 7. AM Maturity Assessment for Regulation Compliance.

In the Model's internal layer three key-elements are integrally re-

Fig. 1. Regulation-oriented model for Asset Management––AM-RoM. presented: Regulation framework; AM standard requirements; and RM
standard requirements. In the following items, each of the key actions
management), and ISO 55001:2014 (Asset Management), by analyzing are detailed along with the pertinent key-elements. Fig. 2 illustrates the
the compatibility between the two standards [11], the mandatory re- process for key action 2 to 6.
quirements shall be evidenced a posteriori from a set of regulatory It is important to notice that the activities of AM-RoM process as
norms whose scope must be strategically defined to enable the appli- represented in Fig. 2 maybe associated with more than one key action
cation of the Model in a particular sector of the economy. in Fig. 1. For example, the 'assessment by experts' activity in Fig. 2
AM-RoM was designed to be prescriptive in describing how to im- refers to 'assessment of the regulatory compliance’ (key action 2), 'as-
prove the AM process and it is justified in practice by providing actions sessment of the AM&RM ISO requirements implementation’ (key action
to: 3) and 'assessment of AM&RM contribution to the regulatory com-
pliance’ (key action 4).
■ Contribute to strategic alignment of the AM process with business, To make a clear connection between the activities shown in Fig. 2
aiming the organization results improvement. and the key actions detailed in the next items, an explicit association is
■ Subsidize the implementation of action plans, identifying priority showed in Table 1.
actions to the organizational context.
■ Integrate the several multifunctional areas of the organization to- 2.1. Strategic decisions for Asset Management improvement
ward a common goal.
■ Identify priorities to provide Asset Management with effective This key action defines the strategic decisions that can impact the
control and governance of assets which is "essential to realize value execution of AM-RoM:
through risk and opportunity" [12], which contributes to promote
the efficiency and effectiveness of the assets. i. Context – Contextualize the Sector where the organization operates
■ Meet the stakeholders’ expectations by adding value to assets based in.

Fig. 2. AM-RoM process.

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

Table 1 action includes:

Process’ elements versus key actions.
Process’ elements (Fig. 2) Key actions (Fig. 1) i. Analysis of the Regulatory framework.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ii. Mapping the connections between the regulation standards and
Sector definition x
iii. Categorization of the Regulation requirements.
Identification of the sector's regulation x
Analysis of the regulatory instruments x
iv. Ckj - Compliance degree: Evaluation based on j experts’ percep-
Visibility of the requirements x x tions (j varying from 1 to n) of how much each k regulation re-
Assessment by experts x x x quirement (k varying from 1 to q) is being met by the organization
Integrated view of experts’ perceptions x x x in the current context, in a 0% to 100% scale, or ‘no information’ in
Aggregation of decision-makers’ preferences x x
case the expert does not have enough information about the status
Multicriteria decision method x x
Prioritized ISO requirements x of a requirement and is not comfortable to answer.
v. Mj[Ckj] - Integrated view of compliance degree: Integrated view
of Ckj, represented by the Ckj average.
ii. AM Goal Statement – Defines what the organization wants to n
∑ j = 1 Ckj
achieve by means of AM. All actions outlined during the execution Mj [Ckj ] =
of the Model should be in line with the stated objective. n (1)
iii. Scope of the AM-RoM – consists of the explanation of the regulated
Sector and the definition of the Regulatory scope, input for the
‘Assessment of the Regulation Compliance’ key action. As the experts’ perceptions are expected to be not uniform in view of
iv. Actors, roles and responsibilities – Determines the professionals that different experiences in distinct regulation´s aspects, and because the
will participate in the implementation of AM-RoM, their roles and search for consensus through an aggregation method, would be quite
responsibilities, depending on the organization's strategy and difficult to achieve, the integrated view by means of descriptive sta-
structure. The most important actors are: the high management, the tistics using the average seems to be a good metric, allowing to observe
AM´s leader, the Regulation´s leader, and the AM and Regulation the information in a less imprecise way.
experts. Some responsibilities for each role are presented in Table 2. The ‘Integrated view of compliance degree – Mj[Ckj]’, showed in
v. Fundamental objectives and criteria – Define objectives that are Fig. 3, is used to compose the indicator ‘Integrated view of non-com-
translated into criteria by which the AM&RM ISO and Regulatory pliance Regulation – W[Rijk]' further explained in Item 2.4 iii.
requirements will be evaluated. As stated by [19] the fundamental
objectives are obtained from the questions related to the research 2.3. Assessment of the AM&RM requirements implementation
process. In this case it should be: ‘What are the main aspects that
should be analyzed regarding the AM Goal Statement (Item 2.1.ii), This key action uses AM and RM requirements as input obtained
considering the current context of the organization?’. The criteria in from ISO 55001:2014 (Asset management — Management systems —
AM-RoM were pre-defined to attend the main aspects: Analysis of Requirements) and ISO 31000:2018 (Risk Management Guidelines).
the current level of regulatory compliance; Analysis of the degree of The first comprises: Context of the organization, Leadership, Planning,
implementation of AM standards; Diagnosis of the contribution of Support, Operation, Performance evaluation and Improvement. The
AM practices to compliance with Regulation. The criteria favor the second composes Risk Management Framework (Leadership &
preference of an AM&RM ISO requirement in a pair-to-pair com- Commitment; Integration; Design; Implementation; Evaluation;
parison. Improvement) and Risk Management Process. (Communication and
Consultation; Scope, context, criteria; Risk assessment; Monitoring and
Review; and Recording and Reporting). The key action includes:
2.2. Assessment of the regulation compliance

i. Identification of AM and RM requirements jointly analyzed [11].

In this key action a regulation affinity categorization is proposed.
ii. Iij - Implementation degree: Evaluation based on j experts’ per-
Even delimited by the scope defined in the previous key action, due to
ceptions (j varying from 1 to n) of how much each i AM&RM ISO
the vast extent of the Regulation, it is necessary to identify and analyze,
requirement (i varying from 1 to m) is implemented by the orga-
mapping their connections for the sector under study, and give visibility
nization in the current context, in a 0%–100% scale, or ‘no in-
to the requirements through a categorization.
formation’ in case the expert does not have enough information
The analysis of the Regulation is only possible if it is instantiated in
about the status of a requirement and is not comfortable to answer.
each context, given the differences and peculiarities that exist in the
Management practices act as a proxy for ISO requirements because
regulation of the different sectors of the economy of each country. In
not all organizations have AM and RM in a structured way, or they
this paper, the Brazilian Regulatory framework is presented as an il-
are not familiar with the international standards terminology.
lustration through the application of AM-RoM performed in a Brazilian
iii. Mj[Iij] - Integrated view of Implementation degree: Integrated
Electric Energy Transmission Enterprise described in Item 3. This key

Table 2
Roles and responsibilities.
Roles Responsibilities

Sponsor Guarantee the strategic alignment.

Guarantee the multidisciplinary involvement.
Mitigate the difficulties that may arise in the implementation of the Model.
Decision maker Decision on the best investment option to implement the AM&RM ISO requirements.
Establish the importance of the criteria for AM&RM ISO requirements evaluations.
Articulator Guarantee the multifunctional participation of the different business areas involved in the AM process.
Communicator Dissemination of results in order to strengthen the theme of AM improvement.
Expert Evaluation of the AM&RM ISO structuring requirements and mandatory regulation requirements.

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

Fig. 3. Evaluations integrated view.

view of Iij represented by Iij average. Integrated view of Rijk represented by Rijk matrix (i x k) multiplied
n by the vector (k x 1) which is the complement of Mj[Ckj]:
∑ j = 1 Iij
Mj [Iij ] = W [Rijk ] = Rijk *(1 − Mj [Ckj ]) (4)
n (2)

The justification for the average is the same as in Item 2.2.v. It should be noted that the 'Proportion of favorable evaluations to
Regulation – Rijk, component of the 'Integrated view of non-compliance
2.4. Assessment of the AM&RM requirements contribution for regulatory Regulation– W[Rijk]' indicator is non-zero in situations where at least
compliance one of the evaluators considers that the AM&RM ISO requirement
contributes favorably to meeting the regulatory requirement in analysis
The objective of this key action is to evaluate the contribution of the (Sijk = 1; aijk = 1; bijk = 1).
ISO requirements concerning the Regulation compliance. This key ac- As can be seen in subitem ii, the Rijk component comprises the
tion includes: proportion of the total of the favorable assessments in relation to the
total of the valid assessments. Valid assessments are those in which
i. Sijk - Support for Regulation compliance: Evaluation by j experts experts assess whether the AM&RM ISO requirement contributes to the
(j varying from 1 to n) of the contribution given by i AM&RM ISO compliance of the regulatory requirement (Sijk = 1) or does not con-
requirement (i varying from 1 to m) for compliance to the k tribute (Sijk = 0 ), therefore the assessments in which experts are not
Regulatory requirement (k varying from 1 to q) in the organization´s comfortable to express their perception (they don't have enough in-
current context. Evaluation 1 is a favorable assessment and means formation) are not considered.
that i AM&RM ISO requirement contributes significantly, evaluation The (1 − Mj [Ckj]) component of the non-compliance indicator W
0 means it does not contribute or contributes in an insignificant [Rijk] is the weighting element of component Rijk. This weighting ele-
way, and ‘no information’ in case the expert does not have enough ment represents what is missing so that the regulatory requirement is
information about the requirement´s status and is not comfortable fully met by the organization, in the integrated view of the experts'
to answer. perceptions. That is, the more non-compliance of the regulatory re-
ii. Rijk - Proportion of favorable evaluations to Regulation: pro- quirement, the greater the non-compliance indicator W[Rijk].
portion of favorable assessment, based on j experts, of ISOi con- It is important to emphasize that what is missing for the k regulatory
tribution for the compliance with k Regulatory requirement (con- requirement to reach 100% of compliance, given by the complement of
sidering the total of the valid evaluations in case there is Mj[Ckj], is a measure of degree of achievement, and not the necessary
information to judge). The set of Rijk values constitute a matrix with effort for the compliance.
i x k elements.
2.5. Multicriteria decision model structuring
⎧⎡ n ⎤ ⎡ n ⎤ n
⎪ ∑ j = 1 aijk ⎥/ ⎢∑ j = 1 bijk ⎥, if ∑ j = 1 bijk ≠ 0
Rijk = ⎢ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ This key action is responsible for the multicriteria decision problem
⎨ n
⎪ 0, if ∑ j = 1 bijk = 0 modeling and for the aggregation of the decision-makers’ preferences,

as well as the selection of the multicriteria Method. The procedures to
1, if Sijk = 1
aijk = ⎧ this key action are adapted from [19].

⎩ 0, otherwise Based on the evaluations by the AM and Regulation experts, ob-
1, if Sijk = 0 or 1 tained in the previous key actions, a consequence matrix can be built, as
bijk = ⎧ shown in Table 3, where the space of actions is discrete and comprises

⎩ 0, otherwise (3)
the m AM&RM ISO structuring requirements that are been evaluated
Note that aijk are the favorable evaluations while bijk is the number under Mj[Iij] and W[Rijk], the integrated view of AM&RM ISO require-
of experts whose evaluations are 0 or 1, that is, when there is in- ments implementation degree and Regulation compliance, respectively.
formation to judge. In this key action, some assumptions are made for the preference
iii. W[Rijk]- Integrated view of non-compliance Regulation: modeling and the method selection to solve the multicriteria decision
problem. Concerning to the preference modeling it's assumed a non-

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

Table 3
Consequence matrix.
πt (ISOx , ISOy ) = ∑ Pt (ISOx , ISOy ) wt
t=1 (7)
Criterium 1: Implementation - Criterium 2: Support for regulation
w1 compliance - w2
πt (ISOy , ISOx ) = ∑ Pt (ISOy , ISOx ) wt
ISO1 Mj[I1j] W[R1jk] t=1 (8)
ISO2 Mj[I2j] W[R2jk]
The first is the out-ranking degree of ISOx over ISOy and the second
. . .
. . . is the out-ranking degree of ISOy over ISOx.
ISOi Mj[Iij] W[Rijk] Since there are m AM&RM ISO requirements options for the pro-
. . . blem, each of them relates to other m-1 options. The positive and ne-
. . . gative over-classification flows are then defined as:
ISOm Mj[Imj] W[Rmjk]
ϕ+ (ISOx ) =
∑ π (ISOx , ISOi )
ISOx (9)
compensatory approach, meaning that the trade-off between the cri-
teria is not considered. In other words, the performance from an al- 1
ϕ− (ISOx ) =
∑ π (ISOi , ISOx )
ternative in one criterion is not compensated by better performance on ISOx (10)
other criteria and the weights w1 and w2 are the importance given by
the decision-maker to the criteria, representing their relative im- The net out-ranking flow is defined as:
portance, the sum shall be equal to 1 (one). ϕ (ISOx ) = ϕ+ (ISOx ) − ϕ− (ISOx ) (11)
When the problem involves more than one decision-maker it is
necessary to apply a procedure for aggregation of preferences to reduce The positive out-ranking flow [ϕ+ (ISOx )]
represents the intensity
the set of individual preferences to a collective preference. Two forms of degree of ISOx over the remaining alternatives, while the negative out-
aggregation scientifically accepted are: aggregation of the initial pre- ranking flow [ϕ− (ISOx )] represents the intensity of preference of all
ferences of the decision-makers (aggregation in the process input) and alternatives over ISOx.
aggregation of the ranking of the alternatives, defined by each decision- The PROMETHEE II GAYA software calculates the net flows for each
maker (aggregation in the process output). In the first case, the process of the alternatives based on the weighs and consequences showed in
does not seek the true solution, but rather the most appropriate solu- Table 3. The higher the net flow, the higher is the AM & RM ISO re-
tion, considering the DM's preferences. In the second case, the ranking quirement priority.
of alternatives produced individually by each decision maker is sub- The ‘Multicriteria Decision Method Application’ key action output is
mitted, for example, to a voting aggregation process [19]. the list of AM&RM ISO structuring requirements prioritized considering
The choice between the two methods of aggregation depends on the simultaneously its implementation degree in the organization and its
context of the organization, its power structure, the profile of the de- contribution for meeting the Regulatory requirements. The prioritized
cision makers and the characteristic of the problem in question. requirements could serve as input for projects to improve the AM
Concerning to the method selection, since the problem is the process.
AM&RM ISO requirements ranking, the multicriteria method must
generate a complete previous order among the alternatives. An out- 2.7. AM maturity assessment for compliance with regulation
ranking method like PROMETHEE II (The Preference Ranking
Organization METHod for Enrichment of Evaluations) is quite ade- There are several stages in the evolution of process maturity.
quate, provided that it deals with ranking problems in a non-compen- Realizing the level at which they are in is essential as a starting point for
satory preference modeling, besides being easily understood by the defining the strategy for driving improvement. Since the Asset
decision-maker [20]. Although AM-RoM has incorporated PROMETHEE Management process of organizations is in one of these stages, there-
II, other out-ranking multicriteria methods can be used, for example, fore, specific actions are necessary because the required initiatives to
ELECTRE II – Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Réalité [19]. improve it will be different due to different contexts. In order to char-
acterize the stage of the process maturity, it is necessary to define and
evaluate criteria periodically.
2.6. Multicriteria decision method application
Good practice indicates that evolution occurs in stages, from the
first to the second level, from the second to the third level and so on. So,
In this key action, the ranking problem evaluated by AM-RoM is
it is important to know the defined maturity levels and improve them in
summarized through the following question: Which is the priority
a planned way. The maturity of the process goes from adhoc initiatives,
AM&RM ISO requirements to be implemented considering the organi-
where the AM process contributes little to the organizational perfor-
zation´s necessity to be compliant with the Sector Regulation? The
mance, until the last stage where the results obtained contribute to the
answer is obtained by performing a multicriteria analysis to rank the
business effectively. Moving from one stage to another requires a sub-
AM&RM ISO requirements, using the method suggested in the previous
stantial change in the way the process is performed. Planning is needed
key action.
to induce significant improvements to leverage better results. From the
PROMETHEE works with six preference functions or general re-
implementation of an action plan, the maturity of the process is raised
presentations for evaluating criteria. The criteria are represented by the
to a new level, adding greater value to stakeholders.
usual function Pt in the intra-criteria evaluation. Comparing the alter-
An AM Maturity Assessment model for compliance with Regulation
natives (AM&RM ISO requirements) pair to pair, for each criterion, the
is justified because it complies with ISO 55000:2014 (´Performance
function of the difference between the performance of the ISOx and ISOy
evaluation´ item, ´Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation´
requirements is given by:
sub-item), which requires the organization to determine: "what needs to
gt (ISOx ) − gt (ISOy ) > 0 ⇒ Pt (ISOx , ISOy ) = 1 (5) be monitored and measured; the methods for monitoring, measure-
ment, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure valid results;
gt (ISOx ) − gt (ISOy ) ≤ 0 ⇒ Pt (ISOx , ISOy ) = 0 (6) when the monitoring and measuring shall be performed; and when the
results of monitoring and measurement shall be analyzed and eval-
Thus, it is possible to assign an out-ranking degree for each pair of uated" [14]. Nevertheless, the detailing of this instrument is not part of
ISO requirements: given by: the scope of this paper, because this AM-RoM key action is still under

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development. 3.1. Strategic decisions for Asset Management improvement

3.1.1. The organization´s context in the economic sector

3. AM-RoM application in electric transmission enterprise The supply of energy is an essential service of public utility for
economic development and for society's quality of life. The Electric
The AM-RoM was applied to the Brazilian Electric Energy Energy Transmission System is part of the Electric Energy Sector and
Transmission Enterprise – BEETE, a made-up name of the Brazilian has a broad range of engineering assets. It demands the best manage-
organization, due to the need for information confidentiality. The re- ment practices in order to guarantee that assets fulfill their purpose and
search was carried out with the sponsorship of the Operations Director have their useful lifetime extended if possible. In this way, the AM
who is responsible for the Asset Management and Regulation areas. delivers value to the organization, provides economy and gives visibi-
In this research, the consolidation of the scope and participation, as lity to the stakeholders. Moreover, establishing, maintaining and con-
well as the conditions of confidentiality were defined in a meeting with tinuously improving a structured AM process, which simultaneously
the sponsor. privileges RM and attend the Regulatory agencies requirements, is the
Amongst the company's professionals, 28 were identified as having key to gather the maximum value and to maintain the organization
recognized experience and expertise in one of the areas bellow: productive and sustainable.
As it is an engineering related sector, the assets of the Electric
i) Asset Management. Energy Transmission System have characteristics of: Expensiveness,
ii) One or more processes of the Asset Life Cycle of the Electric Power which demands strong asset governance; Complexity, because it deals
Transmission Sector. with different technologies that work in an integrated way; Broad im-
iii) The Electric Power Transmission Sector Regulation. pact on enterprise, which requires synchronization of AM with other
processes and effective visibility of asset information by multiple sta-
It's important to highlight that all the potential respondents were keholders; also Extended lifetime of its assets, which need management
ratified by the Operations Director, responsible for Asset Management and a continuous improvement process of asset life cycle performance
and regulation areas in the Organization and the participation was [13], and a necessity of a consistent IT support and decision tools for
voluntary. the management of the assets [25].
To accomplish the research the 28 experts were contacted and of The Electric Energy Transmission System AM life cycle generally
these, 14 responded (50%). Although the sample was 50% of the in- comprises the stages of prospecting, acquisition, design, construction,
tended universe, it is reasonable to affirm that the results are quite operation, maintenance and disposal. The asset´s life cycle is the aim of
reliable and significant for the organization, due to the careful selection the AM process where output depends on the information that flows
of the respondents. They belong to the set of professionals who better through all stages [13]. In turn, each stage has specific peculiarities and
know about the subject in the organization and their voluntary parti- is impacted by the AM and RM requirements and must be managed to
cipation has brought the necessary robustness to the result. be compliant with the Electric Energy Sector Regulation.
The professional of the highest hierarchical level among the 14 re- In Brazil, Electric Energy Sector´s regulatory framework is respon-
spondents was appointed by the Operations Director to be the decision- sibility of Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL, which is the
maker. As the Operations Director's advisor has extensive experience Brazilian electricity regulatory agency. The regulatory framework
and expertise in Asset Management, he was given the responsibility for covers topics related to the Generation, Transmission, Distribution and
the task of coordinating the research and making the decisions that Commercialization of energy, and involves Tariff Regulation
were pertinent decisions. Procedures (Procedimentos de Regulação Tarifária – PRORET), Technical
The structure of decision maker preference in relation to the criteria Notes, Normative Resolutions, Homologated Resolutions, among
involves value judgment, which will be considered by the multicriteria others.
decision method - MCDM. According to [19], "These preferences consist
of the DM's subjective evaluation of the criteria. This subjectivity is an 3.1.2. Statement of Asset Management purposes
inherent part of the problem and cannot be avoided". BEETE´s goals statement or purposes it wants to achieve through
The data collection was based on 3 questions, as described in Items AM were defined as:
3.2, 3.3 e 3.4, that required 16, 27 and 432 (27 × 16 matrix) evalua-
tions respectively (the first two in percentual and the last in binary ■ To subsidize strategic decisions on the asset portfolio in order to
form), by means of an Excel spreadsheet. If the expert did not feel contribute to a conscientious selection of a set of integrated projects
comfortable evaluating, he/she was oriented to give an explicit "no and actions, aiming to add value, minimize risks and achieve eco-
information" answer. Of the 14 questionnaires received, 14, 13 and 12 nomic sustainability resulting from an effective portfolio manage-
were considered valid for the first, second and third questions respec- ment and concession contracts.
tively. ■ To provide a structured coordination of integrated management,
engineering, operation, maintenance, finance, supplies and related
areas with the objective of increasing the efficiency of the
Organization, which can be reflected in the comparison between the

Table 4
Scope of transmission regulation standards.
Transmission regulation: reinforcements and improvements

RN 443/2011 updated by RN 643/2014 It distinguishes between improvements and reinforcements in transmission facilities under the responsibility of transmission
concessionaires and gives other measures.
RN 454 2011 Establishes the criteria and conditions for commercial start-up of reinforcements and expansions of transmission facilities to be
integrated into the National Integrated System - SIN.
PRORET 9.3 Annual adjustment of the transmission concessionaires´ revenues.
PRORET 9.7 Implementation of improvements and reinforcements in installations under the responsibility of transmission concessionaires.
PRORET 10.4 Readjustment of the revenues of transmission concessionaires.

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

Table 5
Roles and responsibilities.
Roles Responsibilities Actors

Sponsor Guarantee the strategic alignment x

Guarantee the multidisciplinary involvement. x x
Mitigate the difficulties that may arise in the Model implementation x x
Validate the AM-RoM results x
Decision maker Establish the importance of the criteria for assessing ISO requirements to meet regulatory requirements x
Articulator Guarantee the multifunctional participation of the different business areas involved in the Asset Management process. x
Communicator Dissemination of results in order to strengthen the theme in the company. x x x
Dissemination of the culture of Asset Management improvement. x x x x
Expert Evaluator of the ISO structuring requirements and regulation mandatory requirements x x x

companies in the Sector. requirement being addressed by the Organization in the current con-
text? Assign a value of 0% (not met) to 100% (fully met). In answering
3.1.3. Definition of the AM-RoM scope this question, consider that the information under analysis refers to
The Scope of the AM-RoM, for the purpose of this application, was professionals who, because of their role in the company, should be fully
defined by the Transmission regulation standards and rules shown in aware of the requirement and act as required by the Regulation’. The
Table 4 specifically in the asset's reinforcements and improvements area integrated view of the expert´ evaluations for each Regulation re-
[21]. quirement was obtained from the evaluations average, as explained in
Item 2.2. The result represented by the evaluation´s minimum, max-
3.1.4. Actors, roles and responsibilities imum and average of the 16 regulatory requirements conformance is
The professionals’ performance and responsibilities related to the showed in Fig. 4.
implementation of AM-RoM in BEETE are shown in Table 5, where D- The respondents stated that most regulatory requirements (12 from
stands for Director, R-Director Representant, L-Asset Management, L- 16) are, on average, at a compliance degree of around 60% or more. A
Regulation Leader and E-Experts. significant difference between the minimum and maximum evaluations
is visually observed in practically all requirements, leading to the as-
sumption that there is no uniformity of the experts´ perceptions re-
3.1.5. The fundamental objectives and criteria
garding the Regulation compliance. The non-uniformity is probably
The criteria defined in Item 2.1.v and the weights given by the
because they work in different areas of the organization and have dif-
decision-maker are shown in Table 6. The criterium ‘Degree of Com-
ferent backgrounds, which is an interesting issue which could be ex-
pliance’ is used to weight the criterion ‘Support of AM&RM to Reg-
plored in the improvement of the AM process.
ulation’, as detailed in Item 2.4.
The results provide interesting data about regulation compliance.
The weights express the decision-maker preference based on the
The organization should investigate the relation between “different
following question: "Considering the need of prioritizing the most re-
knowledge and experience” and “different perceptions” to enhance an
levant AM&RM ISO requirements for the organization to be compliant
Asset Management leveling plan. However, this was not an objective
with the Regulation, assign a weight considering the importance of the
considered in this study.
two criteria:

■ Degree of implementation of the current management practices in 3.3. Assessment of the AM&RM implementation
the Organization, equivalent to ISO 55001 - AM and ISO 31000 –
RM (instantiated in the AM process). The lower means that the The Assessment of the AM&RM ISO requirements was obtained
Organization is not mature enough about the implementation of through the following query: ‘Stand on your perception based on your
management practices. knowledge, how much are the management practices (equivalent to
■ Support to Regulation Compliance (contribution of management ISO55001 and ISO31000) implemented in the Organization? Assign a
practices to the Organization be compliant with Regulation). The value of 0% (not implemented) to 100% (fully implemented)’. The in-
greater support means that the requirement under analysis is re- tegrated view of the expert´s evaluations for each AM&RM ISO re-
levant for compliance with the Regulation, that is, its implementa- quirement was obtained from the average of the evaluations, as ex-
tion in a structured way would increase the Organization's ability to plained in Item 2.3, and the results Mj[Iij] are shown in the Matrix of
meet regulatory requirements regarding Reinforcement and Consequences, Table 7.
Improvement. The result showed in Fig. 5 is represented by the minimum, max-
imum and average of the 27 AM&RM ISO requirements implementation
3.2. Assessment of the regulation compliance degree. In an inverse way from the one obtained for the Assessment of
the Regulation Compliance, the respondents stated that most AM&RM
The evaluation of how the organization meets the regulatory fra- ISO requirements (18 from 27) are, on average, at a implementation
mework was obtained through the following query to experts: ‘Stand on degree of 40% or less. The result is a relevant contribution to be con-
your perception based on your knowledge, how much is the Regulatory sidered by the managers in the AM improvement process as it presents a

Table 6
Criteria and weights.
Criteria Description weigh

Degree of compliance Analysis of the current level of regulatory compliance. –

Degree of implementation Analysis of the degree of implementation of Asset Management standards. 0,4
Support of AM&RM ISO to regulation compliance Assessment of the contribution of AM practices with the organization to be in compliance with Regulation. 0,6

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

Fig. 4. Assessment of the regulation compliance.

Fig. 5. Assessment of AM&RM ISO implementation degree.
significant difference in the experts’ perceptions of how AM practices
are implemented in the organization 3.6. Multicriteria decision method application

The data in the Matrix of Consequences, Table 7, and the weights

3.4. Assessment of AM&RM contribution for regulatory compliance assigned by the decision-maker, Table 6, were input into PROMETHEE
GAYA to calculate the net flow for each alternative, obtaining the
Following the steps in Item 2.4, the Assessment of AM&RM ISO AM&RM ISO requirements ranking. The results found are shown in
requirement contribution to Regulatory compliance was firstly obtained Table 8.
from the expert´s evaluation through the following query: ‘Based on The first five prioritized dimensions, considering the context of the
your perception, do you realize that AM practices in the Organization organization studied, correspond to:
(equivalent to the ISO55001 (Asset Management) and ISO31000 (Risk
Management) requirements contribute significantly to the compliance ■ Documented and controlled internal and external information to
with the Regulatory requirement? Answer 1 if you think contributes meet legal and regulatory requirements.
significantly, zero if you find that it contributes little or does not con- ■ Professionals fully aware of their role in the Asset Management
tribute and no information’ if you are not comfortable to evaluate’. process.
Secondly, for each AM&RM ISO requirement, the proportion of fa- ■ Leadership and commitment of senior management about risk
vorable evaluations regarding to each Regulatory requirement were management integrated to the AM process and the establishment of
calculated from the total of valid evaluations, when there was enough policies, resource allocation and multi-functional collaboration.
information to draw on. Finally, the proportion of favorable evaluations ■ Establishment of criteria for AM decision making in considering the
was multiplied by the complement of the compliance degree of each needs and expectations of stakeholders.
Regulatory requirement. The results W[Rijk] are shown in the Matrix of ■ ‘Roles and responsibilities, significance of risks, consistency and
Consequences in Table 7. trace-ability of financial and technical data’ clearly defined, in order
to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
3.5. Multicriteria decision model structuring
The results found seem quite significant for the organization, since it
has just prioritized a formal structure under the aegis of a common
The integrated view of the evaluations of 27 AM&RM ISO require-
leadership for Asset Management and regulation. It is important to
ments and 16 Regulatory requirements based on experts’ perceptions is
highlight that concerns about the regulatory issue appear explicitly in
presented in the Matrix of Consequences, Table 7, and is an input to the
the first and fifth requirement prioritized, leading to the belief that the
Multi-criteria Decision Method Application.
joint action of Asset Management and Regulation further strengthens
In this case study, regarding the aggregation of preferences (see
the organization to achieve its objectives.
detail in Item 2.5), this was done at the beginning of the process, with
A sensitivity analysis was performed considering equalized weights
the alternatives and criteria agreed on by the Operations Director and
for implementation degree and regulation compliance, even though the
his staff, in a face-to-face meeting. It was not necessary to reach con-
result showed a collective ranking with no significant differences in the
sensus about the weights of the criteria because there was only one
order of the requirements.
decision-maker, as the Operations Director's advisor was delegated to
Considering that the model does not incorporate uncertainties, all
make decisions within the scope of the research. Autocratic decisions
parameters are known, among them the criteria's weights. So, varia-
are accepted in the business world where there is a hierarchy of power
tions of the weights were performed to observe how much the response
recognized in the organization and this fits perfectly to the context of
recommended by the model could be affected, that is, how much the
the case study.

Table 7
Matrix of Consequences.
AM&RM Mj[Iij] W[Rijk] AM&RM Mj[Iij] W[Rijk] AM&RM Mj[Iij] W[Rijk] AM&RM Mj[Iij] W[Rijk]

1 43,08 3,94 8 30,77 2,50 15 36,25 4,62 22 34,00 2,63

2 42,50 4,14 9 33,33 4,37 16 42,08 4,77 23 46,36 3,75
3 35,00 2,87 10 26,54 4,45 17 31,82 3,75 24 46,82 2,90
4 35,00 3,32 11 35,00 3,48 18 19,58 3,69 25 40,00 3,08
5 48,33 4,07 12 37,50 4,37 19 27,78 2,33 26 21,67 2,08
6 27,31 2,98 13 42,31 4,64 20 24,55 2,85 27 25,83 2,68
7 41,15 3,61 14 31,67 3,51 21 19,00 2,93

E.S. Lima and A.P.C.S. Costa Reliability Engineering and System Safety 190 (2019) 106523

Table 8
The net flow result from PROMETHEE.

16 0,8154 23 0,5000 11 −0,0154 21 −0,6308

13 0,8000 9 0,3308 4 −0,0615 8 −0,6615
5 0,6769 7 0,2308 14 −0,1231 20 −0,6769
2 0,6000 10 0,2124 18 −0,2769 27 −0,6923
15 0,6000 24 0,0923 3 −0,2923 19 −0,7385
1 0,5385 17 0,0692 6 −0,4000 26 −0,9385
12 0,5154 25 0,0154 22 −0,4923

Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis.

Multi-criteria Decision model was sensitive to the change of the para- awareness about their role in the Asset Management process; the es-
meters. The results did not show significant changes in the order of tablishment of policies; the resource allocation and the multi-functional
prioritization of the requirements, as shown in Fig. 6, verifying the collaboration to risk management integrated with the AM process.
robustness of the model. Multi-functional collaboration allows, for example, an easier identifi-
cation of incorrect design and failure modes, which helps to avoid de-
fects that make the system unsafe for the activity of the operator, also
4. Conclusion
helps to improve the reliability of the system, preventing the inter-
ruption of its operation. It is up to the Asset Management process to
Asset Management is, in essence, multidisciplinary and complex
determine which actions will be implemented throughout the life cycle
because it requires well-established and controlled processes, trained
of the asset, for example at the maintenance stage to propose policies
human resources, effective information management, integration be-
under which maintenance management will be structured considering
tween technical and managerial areas and highly committed leadership.
issues related to reliability, maintainability, availability and safety of
The problem addressed in this article fills a gap in the literature
the system.
linking the theme of regulation with the discipline of Asset
For future studies, the development of an Asset Management
Management, in addition to considering relevant aspects of risk man-
Maturity Model which focuses on Regulation is suggested. Also, re-
agement. This is a matter of interest to multi-asset organizations op-
search to evaluate how the implementation of the ISO 55000:2014 and
erating under strong control of regulatory agencies. The main objective
ISO 31000:2018 contributes to the organization being more compliant,
is to contribute to these organizations’ efforts to be in compliance with
considering the hypothesis that the greater the degree of structuring of
the regulation of the Sector in which they operate.
the AM process the greater the organization's compliance with the
In this study, the Asset Management Regulation Oriented Model –
regulatory framework of the sector in which it operates.
AM-RoM is proposed as a decision-support tool, based on experts’
perceptions which are supported by their knowledge and experience,
for the selection of international AM&RM ISO standard requirements of
higher priority to the compliance with regulation requirements in the
This study was partially financed by the Coordenação de
current organizational context.
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) -
How mature the organization is in implementing the risk and asset
Finance Code 001.
structuring requirements and how much it meets the regulatory de-
mands are identified through the application of the AM-RoM. It also
identifies which of the AM&RM ISO requirements contribute more
significantly to meeting the regulation. Algorithms are applied to obtain
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