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Dear Skinny Pop Popcorn,

Hi! We are Ainsley Merritt, Merritt Beathard, and Annabel Merritt, and we are
students from Austin High School. We are currently in 9th grade and are in school
program called Academy for Global Studies. For our end of the year project in
geometry, we have chosen the 4.4 oz bag of Skinny Pop to analyze the packaging and
to look at not only the manufacturers point of view, but the customers as well. We chose
this specific bag of Skinny Pop because we know at our school this is the most
frequently used bag. In this project we looked at the exterior of the package, package
material, package design, the information on the package, and unnecessary extra air
space in the box.
The goal was to help your company cut down extra packaging costs for the
Skinny Pop bag and make it more space efficient.The new packaging design we made
has many changes to make it more efficient and easy to use. The biggest change was
adding a resealable seal to the top of the bag to ensure that the product stays fresh all
the time, and none is wasted. This way customers can eat as much or as little popcorn
as they want when they first open the bag and have a way to seal it so that they can eat
more later. Another major change to the packaging was taking out some packaging
material on the sides and top to cut out the extra space that is not needed. These
changes will help your company save money on packaging costs and will make your
customers more pleased with your product.
These changes that we have made will definitely benefit your company in the
long run. No other popcorn brand has a resealable bag that keeps the popcorn fresh,
which would put Skinny Pop ahead of its competitors. We changed the original 31cm x
22cm x 10cm bag to 27cm x 21.5cm x 10cm. The original amount of unused air space
was about 22.6%, and now with our changes there is only about 9.04% unused air
space. These changes will show the customer exactly how much product is in the
package, while being able to open the bag over and over again. Thank you for taking
the time to read this and I hope you consider these changes to your current 4.4oz bag
of Skinny Pop Popcorn.

Annabel Merritt, Ainsley Merritt, and Merritt Beathard

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