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Manifest of the Qhara Qhara nation, of the section Aran Saya and Urin Saya.

To the President Juan Evo Morales Ayma:

From the foot of the hill Sumaj Orko that is our sacred Waca we say to you, after almost 500
years we thought you were the chosen one; that we had found you. We had supported you
because we thought that you were the brother who understood our needs, our hardships, and
our justice, always with the belief of fighting for the people of your country Bolivia, where we
live and share our customs and culture along with the courage of our brothers from the city. We
had the hope of being a different Bolivia, socially and economically, governed by a brother who
came from our land and with his identity well defined. Wise have been our ancestors by leaving
us the sacred law of the Ayni that teaches us to respect our neighbor, to fight for our brothers
and to be thankful for what we have and for what is given to us. Do not forget that we are a
culture of thankfulness and peace. But, until now we say to you with a grieve in our hearts that
we are sorry we were mistaken when we thought you were a people of good, unlike the other
presidents of our history. Now we realize that the prediction of Atahualpa our last Inca when he
faced death he said from here to a Pachacuti and Indio will come to kill the Indios themselves.

Mister President, from the bottom of our hearts and with great grieve, we say to you: Where
have you lost yourself? Why don’t you live within the ancient precepts that tell us that we must
to respect the Muyu: only once should we govern? Why have you prostituted our Pachamama?
Why did you commanded to burn the Chiquitanía? Why did you mistreat our indigenous
brothers in Chaparina and Tarquía? This is not how we have lived more than a thousand years.
Now how will our brothers from the world see us? You are killing us civilly, you are making the
people hate us, and you are making us disappear. Remember, now you are the one prohibiting
the entrance to the Murillo Square, like in the times of the colony. It seems you no longer
recognize the true Indigenous people; you only have used our identity.

We, as authorities say to you. Stop being proud. Stop taking more lives because your hands are
already tainted in blood. Respect our cultures; stop seeding hate between brothers from the
countryside and the city. Stop dividing the people; you have already violated our self-
determination, stop sending indigenous people to the frontlines just to support your own
interest and those of the people around you, those interests are no longer ours, stop talking in
our name, the name of the indigenous, since you already questioned your own. Respect God,
Respect life, Respect Pachamama, respect Bolivia and respect the law. If you want to come back
to our life, then quite the presidency.

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