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Kylie Delwiche

EDT 180D

September 24, 2019

Inquiry Module Reflection

My peer feedback session with Majorine A. was actually very helpful. She was

able to be very (brutally) honest with me, and tell me mainly to expand on everything I

had written. I had some writers block writing about the “AI” stage, and she told me to

think “outside the box”, which I then was able to think about what my future would look

like involving the specific AI Amazon Alexa I’d picked. I delved into the possibilities of

my own class and how I would incorporate the Alexa, or even the 3D printer and VR


Another girl, and I cannot remember her name, said I had good ideas but needed

to structure it better. I told her about how ever time I tried to practice “filming my video”,

with her or even in the mirror I just have a bad habit of saying “um” and “like” a lot in

place of nerves. She suggested practice, and just said to not draw attention to it, or else

it’ll be more noticable. That wasn’t the most helpful since I’d practiced, and I still said

“um” and “like” a bit, but I got so nervous I wasn’t sure how to fix it.

The final person I went to for advice was my roommate. She told me everytime I

consciously could feel there was a break to “um”, or put in a filler word I should breathe,

or start over so it trained my brain to stop doing that. There are still some nervous “um”s

I didn’t even know I was saying but I did catch myself multiple times, and my video was
like on the fourth take at least when I was finally happy enough with it! She also

suggested that I look more in depth into the stages I had chosen.

To implement all the feedback I was given I did the following things. I researched

the three stages in the lab a little further than what I was given in the Lab, and applied it

to my future. I also practiced before the video, and took many takes until I was

somewhat happy with my video. I hate seeing myself on video or in pictures even so I

knew I was going to hate it regardless I just had to have a personal moment of deep

breaths and just take a step back to submit it.

I was lucky to have a kind staff member help me when I went to the Lab and she

explained most things in depth, and then again in terms I would understand which was

beyond helpful. I would definitely recommend going when someone isn’t busy and can

help walk the stages and the processes of each feature. Next time I would spend more

time in there, maybe asking more questions so I don’t have to do as much of my own

research. Not that I think that is bad, I understood it more for myself doing my own

exploring but I definitely remember more seeing it demonstrated obviously firsthand in

front of me. Especially with the markers and the VR, I can’t just imagine that its

something you have to go and see. I would definitely also start the video earlier. I took

so many takes the two days before but I hated them so I either should’ve just stuck with

one of the takes or given myself more time to hate them and try again. Then again I

don’t know that more time would’ve helped I probably would’ve been mad with all of

them until I couldn’t afford to anymore. That’s self reflection I guess!

The technology I focused on most in my project was the 3D printer mainly, and

then the Alexa and VR headsets and supplies. I hadn’t even thought of it earlier, but I

read after that 3D printing could be super helpful for medical purposes. Printing pieces

needed, or anatomy models to help generate ideas or experimentations are actually

very common. The Alexa in the classroom I could use for personal use to play

music/Ted Talks on my lunch breaks, or even order things on Amazon for the classroom

like tissue boxes and such. Lastly, I touched on the subject of people possibly being

triggered by a VR headset because of PTSD or flashes perhaps. I didn’t think that that

is exactly what might help them, there is a real thing out there called “VR therapy” that

helps people overcome fears or flashes experienced in their traumatic events. I still like

the idea of teaching my Kindergarten kids the seasons, or even weather with the VR

headsets though, like I said putting a picture/scene to a name, that would be so fun for

them I would hope.

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