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Kylie Delwiche

EDT 180D

November 12, 2019

Construction Module Reflection

Arianne was very kind to give Majorine and I some quality feedback. She told us

we met all the minimum requirements, but specifically liked our images on each slide

and the videos we attached to the city/destination slides. She did say we could’ve

added more interactive media, which I can see. I just felt like we had the right amount of

collaged pictures, and on some too much wasn’t needed, like how many clip art pictures

does one want to see to designate east and west coast? It’s all about taste. I’m not sure

what “kiosk” mode is, but we did save ours in Powerpoint format, it was just done in

slides because that worked better for both of us working from home.

I have learned a lot by doing this project. Honestly, this has been my favorite so

far. I was excited about our idea, because we’ve both traveled a lot so this meant

something for us. Also I went into the project scared, thinking it was going to be hard to

put together and linking the slides to one another and getting them to flow but

everything fell together quite well. Mr. Lewallen was very helpful and patient in

explaining the linking which made all the difference for me to learn. Once I got the hang

of the linking the slides in the presentation it was easy, and we just had to implement

the interactive media. If I did it again I would make it some type of more specific theme,
like a holiday one so I can use music in it. I didn’t feel music suited our presentation but

if I did like a Christmas themed quiz a light holiday hum would work well with it.

I didn’t really think this would be useful at all but some people’s ideas were quite

helpful or fun. Like aforementioned, I enjoyed this project the most so far. These could

be used in the classroom, since they are fun to do, kind of like Buzzfeed and relate to

what kids are interested. This is a great alternative tool for teaching in my opinion, as

long as it's done in a creative and appealing way. I’m not sure what else to use it for.

Maybe instructional, like it could be used to tell someone what to do or how to use

something? What comes to mind is an exaggerated example, but like for NASA

astronauts like the beginning is scenarios that could happen and questions to specify

the situation that leads to a resolution or helpful tip? Could probably be in a movie too.

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