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Dear first semester student,

Congratulations! You have already achieved a great accomplishment at this point as you
have survived the nerve-wracking application and admission process to get into the program.
Take a deep breath, you deserve this spot in such a wonderful, enriching program. I am writing
this letter to you as a fourth semester student about to graduate, to provide you some
encouragement! Nursing school may seem extremely overwhelming at some points, but I am
here to encourage you that you will get through and be successful!
I think my biggest tip would be to find an amazing friend group that you can study with,
but also have fun outside of academia content. Throughout nursing school, I have made the best
and closest friendships I ever have as it is an unbreakable bond, and I wish you the same! Self-
care is also super important! I also highly suggest purchasing the Saunders NCLEX-RN study
book as I found this resource has helped me answer practice test questions for most of my
classes. These exams are nothing like you have taken before, and as a first semester student I
wish I knew of additional resources earlier.
I encourage you to continue working hard and take everything day by day. I also
encourage you to keep an open mind as to what kind of nurse you would like to be! There are so
many opportunities and specialties in nursing that you may come across and love during nursing
Congratulations again and these two years will absolutely fly by! One day you’re
learning about how to brush someone else’s teeth and the next you’re on your last day of
preceptorship juggling 4-5 patients.

Feel free to contact me via email if you have any further support or questions, I would be more
than happy to help!

Congratulations again and you will become an amazing nurse.

-Angela Matthew

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