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RA 10354 Analysis paper

Please read the newly-enacted RA10354 otherwise known as the ""Responsible

Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012"". Analyze the new law and provide
the pros and cons of the new law. A well-formed conscience is based on knowledge of
the issue and to for you to provide an accurate stand on the issue, reading the law is

Based on your reading and NOT your personal opinion, please submit under this
Assignment tab, a WORD format of your analysis. It has to be 1000-1500 words
analysis. Use your word counter to make sure you have the right count. I will be using a
plagiarism checker to make sure that your assignment is really yours. If you have to cite
any articles about the law, please cite properly (APA 5th edition) and write your
references. Details needed in the assignments are as follows:

1. Pros and cons of the law

2. What are the issues being contested by the Catholic Church regarding the law?
3. As a health care professional specifically, a Catholic health care practitioner, what are
the issues concerning your practice that you deem to be important in the law? Cite both
the advantages and the disadvantages.
4. How do you find the new law in relation to the appropriation of funds of the National
Budget and the amount allocated for it?
5. In relation to the Sex education given to minors, when do you think is the most
appropriate time to give it to them as well as who do you think should be responsible for
doing it?
6. As to the disagreement of married couples, and giving the decision to the one who
will be doing it, what is your stand to this considering, being married requires a joint

Please have your assignment submitted by November 18, 2019. Late submissions will
not be entertained. Rubric will be given for the grading of this analysis paper.

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