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Cooking Website

Design Document

Version 1.0

Group Id: F16027D7E3

Supervisor Name : Madam Madeeha Rashid

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

Introduction of the project
1.0 Vu ID
Recipes Management
system, is web application
that provide us an information
about how to make various
types of recipes by
categories of cuisine types.
“Recipes Management
system” will allow
administrator to manage the
user and recipe management
record. With this website,
users can view different
recipes by categories of
Cuisine type, chefs and
ingredients based.
Registered users will be able
to add new recipes and add
their reviews. Find the perfect
recipe for your next. By this
application we can learn new
recipe. Not only learn we can
add our own recipe.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction of Design Document

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3. Sequence Diagrams

4. Architecture Design Diagram

5. Class Diagram

6. Database Design

7. Interface Design

8. Test Cases

1. Introduction of Design Document

This document is the first document for designing the “Cooking Website”. The purpose of this
document is to provide the understanding of the application’s working and how users and admin will
interact with it.

In this document we will now provide some of cases named below.

1. Overview of the proposed system
2. ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) which shows the relationships between the entities and
attributes involved in the applications.
3. Sequence Diagrams.
4. Architecture Design of the application that will tell which tiered layer will be used for the
development of the system.
5. Class diagram
6. Database design
7. Interface design
8. Test cases

1.1 Benefits of the document.

1 The design document helps to understand how system is works.

2 The design process translates the requirements into a representation of the software that
can be assessed for quality before coding begins.
3 Design the technical kernel of the software engineering. During design, progressive
refinements of the data structure, architecture, interfaces, and procedural details of
software components are developed, reviewed, and documented.

1.2 Purpose of the document.

This phase starts with the requirement document delivered by the requirement phase and maps the
requirements to architecture. The architecture defines the components, their interfaces and behaviors.
The deliverable design document is the architecture. The design document describes a plan to
implement the requirements. This phase represents the ``how'' phase. Details on computer
programming languages and environments, machines, packages, application architecture, distributed
architecture layering, memory size, platform, algorithms, data structures, global type definitions,
interfaces, and many other engineering details are established. The design may include the usage of
existing components.
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
3. Sequence Diagrams
4. Architecture Design Diagram

Interface layer

Data Access Layer

Data Base

5. Class Diagram
Recipe Chef
-Recipe Name -Chef+SubmitViews()
+instructions() -Chef+searchChefProfile()
+ingredients used() -Chef Email
+typeOfRecipe() -cookingByChef()
+recipeCatagery() -numberOfRecipesByChef()

6. Database Design
7. Interface Design
8. Test Cases

Test Case Title: Admin Login

Preconditions: Admin want to login

Actions:  Admin will open log in page

 Admin will enter their Username ID
 Admin will enter their Password
Expected Results:  System will conduct error if admin ID or Password is incorrect
 System will show a message ( Successfully login ) if ID and
pass is correct
Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: You Have Successfully Login as a Admin

Test Case Title: User Registration

Preconditions: User want to create an account

Actions:  User will open registration page

 User will enter their First Name
 User will enter their Last Name
 User will enter their username
 User will enter their e-mail
 User will enter their password
 User will enter extra info that is required for registration
Expected Results:  System will conduct an error if username already exist
 System will conduct an error if password is invalid
 System will show a message (Account is successfully created )
if all required info in correct and valid
Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: You Have Successfully created account.

Test Case Title: Adding Recipes by Registered User

Preconditions: user want to add new recipe

Actions:  User will open page for adding new recipe

 User will select recipe for uploading
Expected Results:  System will show a message ( Successfully added new recipe )
if all required information is correct
Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: You Have Successfully added new recipe.

Test Case Title: Adding Recipes by admin

Preconditions: Admin want to add new recipe

Actions:  Admin will open page for adding new recipe

 Admin will select recipe for uploading
Expected Results:  System will show a message ( Successfully added new recipe )
if all required information is correct
Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: You Have Successfully added new recipe.

Test Case Title: Submitting Review

Preconditions: User must login/Must be in system

Actions:  User will login by entering their user name and password
 User will open reviews/comments box for submitting reviews
Expected Results:  System will conduct error if there is inappropriate wording is
 System will show a message ( Review is submitted ) if all
condition and requirement is valid
Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: You Have Successfully submitted reviews

Test Case Title: viewing chef profile

Preconditions: User looking for chef information

Actions:  User will open chef list page

 User will select any chef and open chef information
Expected Results:  System will open chef profile

Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: User can see chef profile information on interface

Test Case Title: Searching the recipes and videos

Preconditions: User want to search recipes and videos

Actions:  User will open recipes page and videos

Expected Results:  System will conduct smiler result according to user search

Tested By: Group ID (VU ID)

Result: User can see recipes and videos on Interface

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