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After your group discussion, prepare your group's answers to the following

questions, and be ready to share your answers with the class

a. What are the three big changes caused by the internet?

Ans. The printing press move a type will base in whole complex innovation that
made printing possible and turn your upside down starting in the middle of
1400's. Then there was innovation in two waking communication,
conversational medium the telegraph and telephone slow text base
conversations than real time voice base conversation. Then about hundred and
fifty years ago, there’s a revolution recording media other than print, first photos,
then recording sound, then movies all encoded in the physical objects. And
finally the harnessing of electro magnetic spectrum through sense sound
unable through the air radio and television.

The second is that all media are digitize carriage where the internet become
mediums. Media is increasing and is a source of information.

The third is member of the former audience Dan Gilmore can now also be
producers and not consumers. Every time new consumer join this media
landscape a new producer join as well because the same equipment phones,
computers let you consume and produce it's as if when you write a book they
threw it in printing press for free, is that you have a phone that can turn into a
radio if you press the right button.

B. How can we use social media to our best advantage?

Ans. Since technology is arising and still in the process off developing and
social media us most commonly used on taking and sharing information which
is easily accessible nowadays in different sites as well as for entertainment
purposes. Our group believes that we can use social media to our very best
advantage by means of being responsible as well as being wise on picking up
facts and data's specially on classifying if it is true or if it is a product of false

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