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Crash Course: Preparticipation Exam

Purpose: To make sure one knows who to conduct a preparticipation exam.

Hypothesis: Students who participate in an athletic activity will have a lower pulse and blood
pressure than those who do not participate in an athletic activity.


Me Kenny Ian Sofia

5 10 5 ll

517 56

130lb 200lb 150lb 120lb

78 62 60 62

120 140 120 118

so 60 to 60


yes yes yes

flexible flexible flexible flexible

flexible hot flexible flexible


LEsmall LE small
smaller thenbig thenbig

got gotsmaller

RE big RE small


20 LE 2 zo 20

20 RE noI 16 20


1. For each of your group members, was his/her pulse rate within normal range? Give evidence to
support your answer

A. Yes, all of my group members’ pulse rate was within the normal range.

2. For each of your group members, was his/her blood pressure within normal range? Give
evidence to support your answer

A. All of the group members’ blood pressure is around 180/20, except for Kenny. His blood
pressure was like that because he was completely relaxed in that moment.

3. For each of your group members, was his/her reflex reaction within normal range? Give
evidence to support your answer

A. Yes, every member in the group reacted to when the mini hammer hit their patella tendon.

4. For each of your group members, was his/her pupillary response within normal range? Give
evidence to support your answer

A. Yes, all of my group members’ pupils reacted to light by contracting (got smaller) in size.

5. For each of your group members, was his/her visual acuity within normal range? Give evidence
to support your answer

A. Everyone’s visual acuity is within normal range, except Kenny. Kenny wears contacts to
improve his eye sight, but his eye sight still wasn’t 20/20.

6. For each of your group members, was his/her flexibility within normal range? Give evidence to
support your answer

A. Everyone was flexible regarding their hamstrings, but only 3 out of the 4 of us were flexible
in our shoulders. Kenny was the only one not able to touch his hands together behind his


My hypothesis was partly correct. It was partly correct because we all participate in an athletic
activity, but our blood pressure was in the normal range. However, our pulses were on the lower
side. Experimental errors that may have affected our results could have been the pen light not being
as bright as it should be, or there could have been a faulty blood pressure gage. I do believe that a
pre-participation exam is necessary for someone who is going to start an athletic activity because it
can let the person know if they are healthy or not. For example, if they are not flexible in their
hamstrings and they want to run on the Track and Field team, they can then know that they need to
start stretching their leg muscles out everyday so they can gain back their flexibility.

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