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School name : SMP Negeri 1 Hiliduho

Subjects : English

Class / Semester : VII (Seven) / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat
sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar : 9.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan
interpersonal ( bersosialisasi ) sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta dan memberi jasa,
meminta dan memberi barang, dan meminta memberi fakta.

Learning Materials : (1) Simple past tense

Aspect / Skill : Speak

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes (1 Meetings)

1. Learning Objectives

At the end of learning, students can:

a. Register verbs and their shape changes.
b. Use simple past tense patterns to make sentences (verbal and nominal)

2. Character of students expected:

a. Trustworthines
b. Respect and attention (respect)
c. Diligent (diligence)
d. Responsibility (responsibility)

3. Learning Methods: Discussion, Lecture

4. Learning Model: Student Team-Achievement Divisions (STAD)
5. Activity Steps

The first meeting

a. Preliminary activities


• The teacher asks students questions related to the material to be studied such as:
1. What did you do last night?
2. Did your mother cook yesterday afternoon?
3. What is English cooking?

• The teacher explains that by studying the material, students can tell the lamp activities with appropriate grammar.

6. Core activities

• The teacher divides students into heterogeneous groups.
• The teacher gives examples of simple verbal sentences with simple past tense patterns.
• The teacher guides students to observe the sentence part of the subject sentence, predicate, and complement by
asking questions.
• The teacher explains the usage time and simple past tense (verbal) sentence patterns.

 The teacher gives examples of other sentences to students and asks them to observe them in groups.
 The teacher asks group members who are able to explain to other group members the results of their
 The teacher gives sentences in Indonesian and asks students to convert them into English using simple
past tense patterns.

 The teacher gives some questions to students in the group verbally, such as:
1). Mention the time of using simple past tense!
2). What is the verbalsimple past tense sentence pattern?
3). What sentence form uses the second verb in simple past tense?

 The teacher gives several verbs in Indonesian.

 The teacher asks students to change the verb into English and write down the shape changes.
 The teacher asks students to make simple past tense patterned sentences using the verbs that have been
 The teacher asks questions that are not understood by students.
 The teacher and students reflect.

7. Closing Activity

• The teacher together with students or themselves make material conclusions.

• The teacher presents the learning plan at the next meeting.

Second meeting

a. Preliminary activities


• The teacher asks questions to students regarding material that has been learned such as:
1. Mention the time of using simple past tense!
2. What is the pattern of simple past tense verbal sentences?

• The teacher asks questions to students relating to the material to be studied like :
1. Who was happy yesterday?
2. What kind of words "happy" is included?
3. Is English happy?

• The teacher explains that by studying the material, students can tell past events with proper grammar.

b. Core activities


 The teacher asks students to rejoin the previous group.

 The teacher gives examples of simple nominal sentences with simple past tense patterns.
 The teacher guides students to observe the sentence part of the subject sentence, predicate, and
complement by asking questions.
 The teacher explains the sentence patterns of simple past tense.

• The teacher gives some questions to students in the group verbally, such as:

1). What is the form of simple past tense nominal sentence patterns?
2). What are the auxiliary words used in simple past tense sentences?
• The teacher gives some adjectives, nouns, or adverbs in Indonesian.
• The teacher asks students to convert these words into English.
• The teacher asks students to make nominal sentences with simple past tense patterns using the given
• The teacher asks questions that are not understood by students.
• The teacher and students reflect.

b. Closing Activity

• The teacher together with students or themselves make material conclusions.

• The teacher presents the learning plan at the next meeting.

Learning resources

a. Grade VII English textbook, Erlangga publisher.

b. Other relevant text books.

8. Rating

a. Written test

 Making sentence
 Instrument (Make sentences in simple past tense)

Hiliduho, November 27, 2019

Headmaster, Subject Teacher,

Fenti Nilam Sari Zega, S.Pd. Novita Sari Zebua, S.Pd.

NIP. 19730301 199611 1 001 NIP. -

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