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1. I believe that every student is capable and valuable.

Accommodating student specific learning needs is a MAJOR piece of making the classroom a
more inclusive and equitable place. I.E.Ps and 504s are critical components of using data driven
results to improve student learning on an individual basis, however, I believe that when these
two components are combined TOGETHER with the student’s interest-- is where the real
measure of growth occurs.

2. I believe that students have a voice and should use it to guide their learning.
I will always advocate for student voice. My students will know that the classroom is OUR
collective space, not mine. In many pedagogical studies, theorists have stated that students learn
just as much from their peers as they do educators-- often this is overlooked in the classroom and
unfortunately that can result in students gaining only one perspective rather than a global

3. I believe Young Adult Literature is a door that should be opened and beneficial for all
students-- no matter the content.
With a dual licensure in ELA and SS I have benefited from viewing both contents from a
pedagogical standpoint. Exploring the world of Young Adult Literature has played a crucial role
in my own development of how best to teach young adults. YA Lit can be used as a mirror,
window, or door for any student that is willing to simply take the leap! I am invested in helping
my students discover the piece of YA Lit that best suits them and in turn- watch them grow from

4. I believe that classrooms should be inclusive of all.

The world is diverse, and as a result, so are classrooms. The belief that inclusivity is imperative
to providing a safe and enjoyable classroom environment is the most important. All students,
voices, and minds are important. All backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures, are important. In my
classroom I am dedicated to making everyone feel important and assuring that none of my
students will ever feel less than.

5. I believe that everyone is and can be a lifelong learner, including educators.

One of the major philosophies I plan on putting into practice as an educator is that I will
continuously be learning whether it is from my content or from my students! I am passionate
about the importance of establishing a learner that understands that it is a lifelong process, and
that within education you are given the tools to help in navigating that learning.

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