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Cameron Harrison

Professor Raymond


19 November 2019

Changes that affect my Genealogy Project

Starting off my year in the UWRT-1104 class was very challenging for a few aspects. I

personally did not know much about my family past three generations. I also did not know the

meaning of the majority of our “SLO’S” including Critical Reflection. My initial focus of this

project was simply to research more about my family. However, the inquiry portion of the

multimodal genealogy project really changed my initial focus. My goal was to find out more

about my family’s military history. I know the generations before me are rich in military history

in which I can exploit for my genealogy project. This lead me to research so much about my

grandfather's deployment I forgot it was a genealogy project and not a history project. I also

found out that my grandfather Daryl reached the Rank of Lieutenant! This research puts my

grandfather in a new light, I've never seen him in. Another aspect that was changed during the

project was the amount of research I have done. I would consider myself lazier than one that gets

things done. This project truly surprised me on how much research and thought I was putting

into the genealogy project. I also utilized critical reflection to really produce the best work I

possibly could. Critical reflection allows one to take a step back and revise their work. I first

used Critical Reflection when I worked on the out of class group assignment. I used this

knowledge I had gained on Critical Reflection and transferred it to my visual portion of the

multimodal genealogy project. Rehearsing the presentation allowed myself to identify the flaws
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and problems the presentation had. All in all, this multimodal genealogy project has truly been

eye opening on how much it changed my outlook on not just research but my entire family.

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