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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to complain about the poor service that I received from your
customer service representative, Mr. Nader, around 9:20p.m, November 20, 2019
(CS50251923) and the carelessness from Freedom service. This issue is mine at this
time, and it will be other customers’ if Freedom does not resolve it seriously.

I have received the second bill from Freedom so far, and none of them was right in the
beginning. My first bill was not applied for any promotion as the agent promised, which
was handed a month ago. My second bill was added the previous balance $11.3 by a
mistake because Freedom thought I was applied the $10 discount which was not my
entitlement in the first bill. But the truth is that I did not receive it, so why does Freedom
collect it back?

When I called Customer Service regarding my bill concern, Mr. Nader did not behave
properly as a customer service representative. He was arrogant that my bill
“430101546” was correct, refused listening to my concern and asked what problem with
me with an aggressive voice like I was annoying. “I SEE THE BILL IS CORRECT, SO

The fact is my bill from Freedom was incorrect. I refused to talk to him and called to
another one in new case CS50259442. Fortunately, my problem was resolved by a new
representative and I was satisfied enough to communicate with him. However, I still
spend my time writing this email because I believe that the way Mr. Nader did to me is
not the way Freedom wishes to conduct business with valued customers. As a human
being, it is acceptable to have a mistake, but it is unacceptable when that mistake
repeat time after time and the wrongdoer is reluctant to listen.

I was frustrated when communicating with Mr. Nader and I wish the others will not have
the same experience. The customer service is critical to developing business in any
organization, so, I request Freedom take the action to investigate and prevent a similar
situation from recurring. Moreover, please pay attention on my bill for the next time, I
hope that I never call to Freedom center once more time to complaint about the bill

Thank you for your time to read my complaint and I hope you will take a serious action
on that.

Yours faithfully,
Ha Hoang

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