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Kids And Pricy Technology Don´t Mix

Children have changed as much as the

technology has. As the computers and machines
have advanced, our kids have become more prone
to fits of rage and temper tantrums if they don't get
their turn on the new gadget. What strikes me, are
the parents who encourage their children by
buying them huge, highpriced computers and IPads. A touch-screen as delicate
as most IPhones isn't something you should give to a 5 year old to play with.
Despite that truth, I continue to see kids who are extremely young, texting away
at dinner tables in restaurants or constantly playing little games, on these knick-
knacks that look like one drop on the concrete could end its electronic life. I do
believe that kids should have cell phones but strictly for emergency uses. Most
companies make phones with tracking capabilities and parental controls.
Parents have become far too lenient when it comes to their children and
technology, which is why the internet rape cases are up and sexting is such an
issue. Kids are naturally curious and if you're the type to not monitor their use
and give them an IPad at a young age, you'll regret it. It may not be something
as traumatic as child abduction due to your kid's constant access to a chat
room, but it could mean a ruined piece of a very expensive piece of
technological equipment. I've found that a lot of parents are afraid to say no
because the kids will be pressured by peers to have a facebook and to do all
these new things with their new electronic toys. The simple fact remains though,
that you are the parent and good parenting techniques haven't changed when it
comes to what is and is not effective. I'm not saying take away all their
technology but parents shouldn't be afraid to include strict boundaries because
kids, particularly tweens, can get carried away when it comes to racking up the
phone bill with something that has an extendable keyboard. The upside? Their
typing skills are incredible. I've never seen anyone's thumbs move so fast. The
downside? Almost everything else. Think twice before allowing your usually so
responsible child to have a piece of technology that is far beyond their

Available at:

technology-don’t mix#sthash.zSnx1Mny.dpuf Accessed on: July 29, 2013.

D03- Inferir o sentido de uma palavra ou expressão

01) A palavra “kids” destacada no texto pode ser substituída, sem
alteração do sentido do texto, por

A ) boys.

B ) young.

C ) children.

D) adults.

D05- Identificar o tema ou assunto de um texto

02) Identifique dentre as alternativas qual é o tema do texto.

A) Child trafficking

B) Children and technologies

C ) Child abuse

D ) Children's games


D07-Diferenciar as informações principais das secundárias em um texto

03) Na frase “I do believe that kids should have cell phones but strictly for
emergency uses” a intenção do autor do texto é

( ) fazer uma crítica.

( ) narrar um fato.

( ) fazer um apelo.

( ) expressar uma opinião.

D17– Reconhecer relações lógico-discursivas presentes no texto,

marcadas por conjunções, advérbios, etc.

04-Leia o texto a seguir.

Mini Biography
Ayrton Senna da Silva was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil to a wealthy
family. When he was four years old his father Milton bought him a go-
kart, and by age eight Ayrton was regularly competing in karting events.
His career progressed quickly, and in 1982 he moved to England to
pursue his racing. In 1984 he came to the attention of the whole world by
racing in Formula One. Over the next ten years he won the World
Championship three times and engaged in some controversial racing
with France's Alain Prost and England's Nigel Mansell. Ayrton Senna
was killed on 1 May 1994 in a race at the San Marino Grand Prix when
his car, which had been beset with problems the entire season,
inexplicably left the track and crashed into the concrete barrier. His was
the last death in Formula One due to the major safety reforms that the
tragic weekend at Imola had brought about. He was voted by over two
hundred of his fellow Formula One drivers as the best driver of all time in
a 2010 poll. Senna was also a humanitarian who discreetly donated
millions to help those less fortunate in his native country.
O advébio When de “When he was four years….” (2ª linha) Indica:
a) ( ) manner
b) ( ) age
c) ( ) time
d) ( ) duration

D05- Identificar o tema ou assunto de um texto


I didn't have this face I have today,

so calm, so sad, so thin,
not even these empty eyes,
not even the bitter lip.
I didn't have these hands without strength,
so still and cold and dead;
I didn't have this heart
that is not even shown.
I didn't notice this change,
So simple, so right, so easy:
What mirror was lost in
my face?
Cecília Meireles: poesia, por Darcy Damasceno. Rio de Janeiro: Agir, 1974. p. 19- 20.
05. O tema do texto é
(A) a consciência súbita sobre o envelhecimento.
(B) a decepção por encontrar-se já fragilizada.
(C) a falta de alternativa face ao envelhecimento.
(D) a recordação de uma época de juventude.
(E) a revolta diante do espelho.
D14-Reconhecer as relações entre partes de um texto, identificando os
recursos coesivos que contribuem para sua continuidade.

São Paulo is a very big centre with many problems. Many people don't like são

Paulo, but i have always loved it. Sometimes it rains much and water floods the

shops, the houses, but i love são Paulo. The strets, the buses, the trains, the

Subway are always crowded, but i love são Paulo. The drivers often don't

respect the traffic lights and the pedestrians, but i love são Paulo. The air is

generally bad, but i love são Paulo. São Paulo is a noisy and dirt city, but i love

it. Thieves frequently rob the houses, the shops, the supermarkets, but i love

são Paulo. But why do i like são Paulo so much? Because i was born in it!

06- O pronome IT em destaque refere se a :

a)The buses
b)The trains
c)The air
d)The drivers
e)São Paulo

Mini tale
The two brothers were the worst enemies. I remember well at the old lady's
funeral. They held the coffin handle - and did not look at each other. Pale, but of
fury. Neither the cross of souls moved them both. They hated each other so
much that the little dead woman buzzed endlessly among the flowers
D03- Inferir o sentido de uma palavra ou expressão

07. No trecho “...the little dead woman buzzed endlessly among the flowers”,
as palavra destacadas indica que a finadinha
A) falava.
B) ria.
C) resmungava.
D) mexia.
E) andava.

D17-Reconhecer o sentido das relações lógico-discursivas marcadas por

conjunções, advérbios, etc.

08. No trecho “. They hated each other so much that the little dead woman
buzzed endlessly among the flowers.” a relação estabelecida pelo termo
destacado é de
A) finalidade.
B) tempo.
C) consequência.
D) oposição.
E) proporção.

D02-Inferir informação em texto verbal

The dog
The children knew that the presence of that mutt dog in their apartment would

be the target of their mother's strictest censorship. It had no place: an apartment

so small that it barely accommodated Alvaro, Alberto and Anita, besides their

parents, still had to shelter a dog! The boys hid the animal in a closet near the

corridor and sat in the living room waiting for events. In the late afternoon the

mother came home from work. He soon discovered the intruder and expelled

him under the distressed eyes of his children.

09. (D2) No texto, fica claro que haverá um conflito entre as crianças e a mãe, quando
as crianças
(A) resolvem levar um cachorro para casa, mesmo sabendo que a mãe seria contra.
(B) levam para casa um cachorro vira-lata, e não um cachorro de raça.
(C) decidem esconder o animal dentro de um armário.
(D) não deixam o animal ficar na sala.
D16-Estabelecer relação entre tese e os argumentos oferecidos para

Teenage Dating

A dating, to happen in a positive way, needs several ingredients: starting with

the family, which is not too rigid and late in its values, the family has to be

talkable, and at the same time has very clear limits on behavior. The teenager

needs this to feel safe. The other aspect has to do with the adolescent himself

and his internal conditions, which will determine his needs and choice. These

are unconscious factors that cause Mariazinha to be enchanted by João's shy

way and not to pellet the class hero, Mario. Situational aspects, such as the

harmonious relationship or not between the adolescent's parents, will also

influence their dating. A relationship in which one partner comes from a home in

crisis is, at first, a dose of lion to the other, which is used as a shield against all

pain and frustrations.

Usually, this burden is too much for the other partner, who also faces his crises

due to his own adolescent conditions. Getting in touch with the other person,

feeling it, listening to it, depending on it emotionally and at the same time not

slaying it and not being afraid to surrender is a difficult task at any age. But this

is how this learning to relate affectively begins and will last a lifetime.
SUPLICY, Marta. A condição da mulher. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1984.

10. Para um namoro acontecer de forma positiva, o adolescente precisa do apoio da

O argumento que defende essa ideia é
(A) a família é o anteparo das frustrações.
(B) a família tem uma relação harmoniosa.
(C) o adolescente segue o exemplo da família.
(D) o apoio da família dá segurança ao jovem.

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