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Cleft Lip and Palate

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From Origin to Treatment

Edited by
Genetics Program
Department of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine
Department of Epidemiology
Boston University School of Public Health
Boston, Massachusetts



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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cleft lip and palate : from origin to treatment / edited by Diego F. Wyszynski.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-513906-2
1. Cleft lip. 2. Cleft palate. 3. Cleft lip—Surgery. 4. Cleft palate—Surgery. I.
Wyszynski, Diego F.
[DNLM: 1. Cleft lip. 2. Cleft Palate. WV 440 C62152 2002]
RD524.C525 2002
617.5'22—dc21 2001133031

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on acid-free paper

This book is a testament to the remarkable growth of ronmental harm; the causes of malformations were, by
knowledge of oral clefts in the past three-quarters of a exclusion, genetic. Now the pendulum had shifted, and
century. In a foreword, it seems appropriate to con- the causes of malformations were increasingly seen as
sider the early studies of causation that were the ori- environmental. The pendulum began to shift back to
gins of the panorama of knowledge that this volume an intermediate position, not one or the other but both,
presents. The following is a very personal view of some when it was shown, at McGill, that the same terato-
of the events that were milestones in oral cleft history gen can cause very different frequencies of a malfor-
and will undoubtedly have omissions, which are quite mation on different genetic backgrounds. Genes influ-
unintentional. enced the embryo's response to teratogens, and
When I was in graduate school in the early 1940s, maternal as well as embryonic genes could be involved.
knowledge of causation had not progressed much be- Cortisone and CP in mice, the first example, was soon
yond the old wive's tales that mothers would tell me followed by others, and from these beginnings there de-
about being frightened by a wolf (from geule-de-loup) veloped the field of teratogenics.
or drawing the knife toward themselves while cutting Studies of how the mouse palate closed and how clo-
bread. sure was delayed by cortisone led to the concept of CP
In the late 1930s, Sheldon Read, at McGill Univer- as a multifactorial/threshold trait. A continuous distri-
sity, began to explore the genetics of cleft lip (CL) in bution of liability (time of shelf closure) was separated
an ancestor of the A/Jax mouse line, and the Danish into discontinuous portions, affected and unaffected,
plastic surgeon Paul Fogh-Anderson, for his M.D. the- by a threshold (the last point in time that closure was
sis, was collecting the monumental series of family his- possible). Specific genetic and environmental factors
tories of children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) and were identified that altered CP frequency, by affecting
cleft palate (CP) that provided the first reliable esti- either the position of the distribution or the position of
mates of recurrence risks for use in genetic counseling. the threshold.
In the late 1940s, Ted Ingalls, a Boston pediatrician, In the meantime, the multifactorial threshold concept
became convinced that maternal hypoxia was terato- was being independently developed by Cedric Carter,
genic. He had seen a woman who had had a motor ac- in London. He inferred it from a peculiarity in the re-
cident on the 52nd day of her pregnancy, had bled, and currence risks for hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Why
had had a child with Down syndrome. He reasoned was the recurrence risk higher for the near relatives of
that since all of the developmental processes that went affected females, when the frequency of the disorder is
wrong in Down syndrome happened on that day, ma- lower in females? The multifactorial threshold model
ternal hypoxia was the cause. To his credit, he put his provided a reasonable answer for this and other prop-
hypothesis to the test and showed that making preg- erties shown by the familial characteristics of pyloric
nant mice hypoxic led to CP in the offspring, another stenosis. Carter and the McGill group went on to show
example of the right conclusion from the wrong infer- that CL had the same characteristic properties of the
ence. model, though to a lesser extent, since the sex ratio for
This, plus the recognition by the Australian oph- CLP was less distorted.
thalmologist Norman McAlister Gregg that rubella was This model implied that CL usually resulted from the
teratogenic and Josef Warkany's demonstration that interaction of several genetic and environmental factors
maternal vitamin deficiencies could be teratogenic in that increased susceptibility and that the particular se-
the rat, led to a shift in attitude toward the causes of lection of factors could be different in different indi-
malformations. The uterus had been regarded as an in- viduals. Thus, identifying the specific factors in the
vulnerable barrier, protecting the embryo from envi- common type of cleft would be much more difficult


than it would be for those caused by genes or terato- factors such as prenatal events, susceptibility genes, so-
gens causing major increases in susceptibility. However, cial class, and race. Still, with better appreciation of the
that did not discourage people from trying, as shown problem and more sophisticated statistical approaches,
in Part III of this volume. things are beginning to sort out, as shown in Parts III
Human embryological studies were difficult because and IV.
embryos could be observed only after the fact. The ex- I cannot comment on the clinical side (Section II),
istence of mouse strains with a high frequency of CL except to say how dramatically treatment results have
and of teratogens that could produce high frequencies improved for the whole child, not just the cleft, at least
of CL or CP made it easier to study the embryology of in part because the need for a multidisciplinary ap-
oral clefts and to identify predisposing factors. proach was recognized.
From such studies came Daphne Trasler's idea that Better understanding of causes often takes a long
face shape was one component of CL susceptibility, at time to translate into prevention, but there is progress
least in the mouse. This inspired crude attempts to doc- (Section III). Families with oral clefts can find encour-
ument, with "physioprints" or cephalograms, the rele- agement in knowing that even though their child's cleft
vant components of face-shape susceptibility in the par- was not prevented, there have been great improvements
ents and monozygotic twins of children with CL. These in the management of clefts and their sequelae, coun-
have now been happily supplanted by elegant mor- seling and support of the family, and social attitudes
phometric studies (this volume, Part II). Racial differ- toward malformations. The very recognition of oral
ences in oral cleft frequencies were recognized early, clefts as a public health issue augurs well for affected
but there have been few attempts to relate these to fa- children and their families.
cial morphometrics.
Epidemiological studies are hampered by the fact that F. Clarke Fraser
for an uncommon multifactorial trait it is virtually im- Department of Human Genetics
possible to assemble groups large enough to allow sta- McGill University
tistically valid comparisons of potentially significant Montreal, Canada

Each year an estimated 150,000 babies are born with cules to tissues and organs (Chapters 1-3). These top-
birth defects in the United States. According to a 1998 ics will be of special interest to basic scientists. Part II,
report of the National Center for Health Statistics, one Chapters 4-8, is devoted to diagnostic and morpho-
in five infant deaths is due to birth defects, making them logical issues. There is still considerable debate on how
the leading cause of infant mortality. Cleft lip with or to classify syndromes associated with clefts. Thus, this
without cleft palate and isolated cleft palate, collec- part will be appealing to both clinicians and re-
tively termed oral clefts, are the second most common searchers. Part III includes methods in oral cleft epi-
birth defects among newborns. It is estimated that ap- demiology (Chapters 9 and 10), the development and
proximately 1 out of every 1000 newborns has an oral use of birth-defect surveillance systems (Chapter 11),
cleft, a figure that is higher in certain ethnic groups. measures of occurrence from international epidemio-
From these statistics it may be concluded that 4000 ba- logical studies (Chapter 12), theories on environmen-
bies are born each year with an oral cleft in the United tal exposures that may increase or decrease the risk of
States. At a lifetime cost of $100,000 per case (ac- oral clef ting (Chapters 13 and 14), and experimental
cording to the National Institute of Dental and Cra- (animal) models for the study of oral clefts (Chapter
niofacial Research in 1998), the expense resulting from 15). Part IV, Chapters 16-23, covers the genetic epi-
this disorder is close to half a billion dollars per annual demiology of oral clefts. This part, of special interest
cohort of such children. to basic researchers and health-policy analysts, de-
Among several objectives of the series Healthy Peo- scribes methodological issues and recent findings.
ple 2010, released by the U.S. Department of Health Cloning and identifying genes associated with disorders
and Human Services in January 2000, are efforts to re- is one of the principal aims of the worldwide Human
duce rates of birth defects and to increase the quality Genome Project. The consequences of these findings,
and years of healthy life in the population. An under- however, are of importance to policy analysts and the
standing of the genetic and environmental factors that public at large.
increase susceptibility to oral clefts is vital to their di- Section II reviews a broad set of clinical approaches
agnosis, treatment, and, eventually, prevention. This to patients and families with oral clefts. Beginning with
book, therefore, is intended to provide graduate stu- a detailed description of the craniofacial team approach
dents, practitioners, and researchers with information (Chapter 24), it deals with pediatric and feeding issues
to help them fulfill the goals of Healthy People 2010. (Chapter 25); surgery (Chapter 26); speech, language,
The book, however, was organized with a wider read- and articulation disorders (Chapter 27); dental care and
ership in mind. Many of the chapters will be of inter- orthodontic treatment (Chapters 28 and 29); associated
est to parents, siblings, and individuals with oral clefts. disorders in the ear, nose, and throat areas (Chapter
The following chapters cover a broad range of the- 30); genetic counseling (Chapter 31); and the psycho-
oretical, experimental, and clinical topics and are writ- logical care of children with oral clefts (Chapter 32).
ten by experts in the fields of craniofacial development, Due to their direct implications for treatment, this sec-
biomedical sciences, genetics, epidemiology, and pub- tion also covers international surgical missions (Chap-
lic health. The format is that of a state-of-the-art ref- ter 33) and evidence-based care for the individual with
erence text for a wide readership seeking in-depth in- an oral cleft (Chapter 34).
formation on oral clefts. The text is divided into three Section III addresses emerging issues that have a di-
sections, Basic Principles, Treatment, and Public Health rect impact on society. Chapter 35 deals with the pre-
Issues, plus one appendix and a glossary. vention of oral clefts through multivitamin supple-
The first section has four parts. Part I presents over- ments. Chapter 36 describes the financial burden
arching principles of facial development, from mole- associated with the care of oral cleft patients, both to


the family of the affected individual as well as to soci- the public. Education of practitioners and the public is
ety. Coverage of care is discussed in Chapter 37. discussed in Chapter 41, and an example of interna-
Parental perceptions and perspectives on having a child tional collaboration for research and treatment is pre-
with a cleft and on possibilities for treatment and so- sented in Chapter 42. A list of Internet resources is pro-
cial interactions are the subject of Chapter 38, which vided in the Appendix. Finally, a comprehensive
includes compelling stories of parents of children with glossary is included at the end of the volume.
oral clefts. Numerous ethical issues involved in the care Although research findings and strategies for the
of children with craniofacial conditions are discussed treatment of individuals with oral clefts will continue
in Chapter 39. "Translational" methods are presented to evolve in the next decades, I hope that this book will
in Chapter 40. This relatively new discipline aims at be of use to all those who seek specific information in
extending research findings into public health policy any of the areas that are covered here.
and action. This area is at an early stage, but as
presymptomatic genetic tests become increasingly avail- D. F. W.
able, it is receiving much attention from the media and Boston, Massachusetts

As the editor of this book, I wish to acknowledge with Sonja Rasmussen, Paul A. Romitti, Amado Ruiz-
gratitude the contributors' investment of time and Razura, Alan F. Scott, Melvin D. Schloss, Gary Shaw,
knowledge in the face of numerous competing demands J. C. Shirley, Robert J. Shprintzen, Keith J. Slifer, Marcy
for their attention. Drafts of each chapter were pre- C. Speer, Kathy K. Sulik, Tsunenobu Tamura, Norman
sented for formal review and comments to at least two J. Waitzman, and Allen Wilcox.
anonymous experts in the respective field. I am grate- My involvement in the field of craniofacial anom-
ful to the following individuals for engaging the con- alies and this book are fruits of the warm support I
tributors in challenging and incisive discussions and for have received from many people since I was a medical
supplying them with detailed comments about their student in Argentina until the present. Some people de-
work: Marlene Anderka, Judith A. Badner, Joan E. serve grateful recognition for inspiring me to fulfill this
Bailey-Wilson, Clint Baldwin, Michael L. Begleiter, dream and for serving as role models: Terri Beaty, Mike
Charles D. Bluestone, Karina Boehm, Dorret Boomsma, Cohen, Jeff Murray, Joan Bailey-Wilson, and Laura
Lorenzo Botto, Rachel Bramson, Alphonse R. Burdi, Mitchell. As the Talmudic sage Rabbi Elazar said: "Al-
Elisa Calzolari, John Canady, Mark A. Canfield, though I learnt a tremendous amount of wisdom from
Francesco Carinci, Suzan Carmichael, Maurizio my teachers, their knowledge was so vast that my learn-
Clementi, Alice Cusner, Muriel Davisson, Douglas S. ing from them could be likened to a dog that laps wa-
Diekema, Virginia M. Diewert, Edward F. Donovan, ter from the ocean."
David L. Duffy, Amy Feldman Lewanda, Ghali Ghali, At Oxford University Press, I am thankful to vice
John M. Graham, Jr., Susan Halloran Blanton, Chris- president Jeffrey House, who lent his support to this
tine Harrison, Jacqueline T. Hecht, Donald V. project from the very beginning, and to production ed-
Huebener, Russell S. Kirby, Deborah Klein Walker, itor Leslie Anglin, who masterfully expedited its pro-
David P. Kuehn, A. Kuijpers-Jagtman, Christopher A. duction. Finally, I acknowledge my lovely wife, Car-
Kus, Edward Lammer, Don LaRossa, Susan Lieff, Ross olien, for her understanding and enduring belief in me,
Long, Jr., Sue Malcolm, Eden R. Martin, Michael Mel- and my three children, Shoshana, Sara, and Daniel,
nick, James Mills, Jeffrey C. Murray, Bonnie L. Padwa, who are my inspiration and the loves of my life.

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Contributors, xv


Part I Basic Embryology of Cleft Lip and Palate

1. Formation of the Primary Palate, 5
Geoffrey H. Sperber
2. Palatogenesis: Closure of the Secondary Palate, 14
Geoffrey H. Sperber
3. Genes Implicated in Lip and Palate Development, 25
Samuel S. Chong, Felicia S. H. Cheah, and Ethylin Wang Jabs

Part II Clinical Features of Cleft Lip and Palate

4. The Orofacial Examination: Normal and Abnormal Findings, 43
Eric A. Wulfsberg
5. Classification and Description of Nonsyndromic Clefts, 47
Howard M. Saal
6. Syndromes with Orofacial Clefting, 53
M. Michael Cohen, Jr.
7. Morphometric Characteristics of Subjects with Oral Facial Clefts and Their Relatives, 66
Richard E. Ward, Elizabeth S. Moore, and James K. Hartsfield, Jr.
8. Craniofacial Morphology and Growth in Infants and Young Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, 87
Sven Kreiborg and Nuno V. Hermann

Part III Epidemiology of Cleft Lip and Palate

9. Methodological Issues in Epidemiological Studies of Oral Clefts, 101
Kaare Christensen
10. Exposure Assessment in Studies of Oral Clefts, 108
Martha M. Werler
11. Birth Defects Surveillance Systems and Oral Clefts, 117
Adolfo Correa and Larry Edmonds
12. Epidemiology of Oral Clefts: An International Perspective, 127
Peter A. Mossey and Julian Little


13. Environmental Risk Factors and Oral Clefts, 159

Catherine Hayes
14. Maternal Nutrition and Oral Clefts, 170
Ronald G. Munger
15. Experimental Models for the Study of Oral Clefts, 193
Barbara D. Abbott

Part IV Genetics of Cleft Lip and Palate

16. The Human Genome Project, 205
Janee Gelineau-van Waes and Richard H. Finnell
17. Twin Studies in Oral Cleft Research, 214
Laura E. Mitchell
18. Segregation Analyses, 222
Mary L. Marazita
19. Mode of Inheritance of Oral Clefts, 234
Laura E. Mitchell
20. Association Studies, 240
Mary L. Marazita and Katherine Neiswanger
21. Locating Genes for Oral Clefts in Humans, 255
Diego F. Wyszynski
22. Mapping Studies in Animal Models, 265
Diana M. Juriloff
23. Gene-Environment Interaction and Risk to Oral Clefts, 283
Joanna S. Zeiger and Terri H. Beaty


24. Developing a Cleft Palate or Craniofacial Team, 293

Ronald P. Strauss
25. Health Care for Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: Comprehensive Services and Infant Feeding, 303
John A. Nackashi, E. Rosellen Dedlow, and Virginia Dixon-Wood
26. Staging of Cleft Lip and Palate Reconstruction: Infancy through Adolescence, 319
Jeffrey C. Posnick and Ramon L. Ruiz
27. Evaluation and Management of Speech, Language, and Articulation Disorders, 354
John E. Riski
28. Pediatric Dental Care, 371
Frank Farrington
29. Role of the Orthodontist in the Management of Patients with Cleft Lip and/or Palate, 381
Andrew C. Lidral and Katherine W. L. Vig
30. Otolaryngologic Needs of Individuals with Oral Clefts, 397
Parick ]. Antonelli
31. Genetic Counseling and Interpretation of Risk Figures, 408
Carmella 5. Stadter

32. Psychological Care of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate in the Family, 412
Kathleen A. Kapp-Simon
33. International Surgical Missions, 424
5. T. Lee
34. Evidence-Based Care for Children with Cleft Lip and Palate, 428
William C. Shaw and Gunvor Semb


35. Prevention of Oral Clefts through the Use of Folk Acid and Multivitamin Supplements:
Evidence and Gaps, 443
Andrew E. Czeizel
36. Costs of Cleft Lip and Palate: Personal and Societal Implications, 458
Nancy W. Berk and Mary L. Marazita
37. Insurance and Coverage of Care, 468
David A. Billmire
38. Parents' Perspective on Cleft Lip and Palate, 474
Jane Nicholson
39. Ethical Issues in the Care of Children with Craniofacial Conditions, 481
Ronald P. Strauss
40. Translating Research Findings into Public Health Action and Policy, 488
Richard S. Olney and Cynthia A. Moore
41. Educating the Practitioner and the Public, 495
Marilyn C. Jones
42. Innovations in International Cooperation for Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate, 498
Nagato Natsume and David S. Precious
Appendix: Directory of Internet Resources, 503
Glossary, 507
Index, 511
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Reproductive Toxicology Division Center for the Prevention of Congenital Malformations
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Institute of Public Health
Laboratory University of Southern Denmark
Environmental Protection Agency Odense, Denmark
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina


Department of Otolaryngology F.C.C.M.G.
University of Florida Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences,
Gainesville, Florida of Pediatrics, of Community Health and Epidemiology,
of Health Services Administration, and of Sociology
TERRI H. BEATY, PH.D. and Social Anthropology
Department of Epidemiology Dalhousie University
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Public Health
Baltimore, Maryland
Division of Birth Defects and Pediatric Genetics
NANCY W. BERK, PH.D. National Center for Environmental Health
Department of Behavioral Sciences Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine Atlanta, Georgia
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Craniofacial and Pediatric Plastic Surgery Foundation for the Community Control of
Children's Hospital Medical Center Hereditary Diseases
Cincinnati, Ohio Budapest, Hungary


Department of Pediatrics E. ROSELLEN DEDLOW, M.S.N., C.S., A.R.N.P.
National University of Singapore Division of General Pediatrics
Human and Molecular Genetics Laboratory University of Florida
Johns Hopkins Singapore Gainesville, Florida
Science Park II, Singapore
SAMUEL S. CHONG, PH.D., F.A.C.M.G. Division of General Pediatrics
Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics University of Florida
and Gynecology Gainesville, Florida
National University of Singapore
Department of Pediatrics LARRY D. EDMONDS, M.S.P.H.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Birth Defects and Pediatric Genetics Branch
Baltimore, Maryland Division of Birth Defects, Child Development,
Human and Molecular Genetics Laboratory Disability and Health
Johns Hopkins Singapore National Center for Environmental Health
Science Park II, Singapore Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Department of Pediatric Dentistry Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry Northwestern University Medical School
Richmond, Virginia Chicago, Illinois


Institute of Biosciences and Technology Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Clinical Genetics
Texas A&M University System Health Science Center School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences
Houston, Texas University of Copenhagen
Department of Pediatrics, The Juliane Marie Center
JANEE GELINEAU-vAN WAES, D.V.M., PH.D. Copenhagen University Hospital
Copenhagen, Denmark
Center for Human Molecular Genetics
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
Nebraska Medical Center SENG-TEIK LEE, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.S., F.A.M.S.
Omaha, Nebraska Department of Plastic Surgery
Singapore General Hospital
Department of Oral Facial Development, Oral Facial
Genetics Section, Department of Orthodontics Section of Orthodontics
Indiana University School of Dentistry College of Dentistry
Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Epidemiology Group
CATHERINE HAYES, D.M.D., D.M.S. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology
University of Aberdeen
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Aberdeen, Scotland
Boston, Massachusetts
NUNO V. HERMANN, D.D.S., PH.D. Division of Oral Biology
Departments of Pediatric Dentistry and Clinical Genetics Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
and Oral Function and Physiology School of Dental Medicine
School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Human Genetics
University of Copenhagen Graduate School of Public Health
Copenhagen, Denmark University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Departments of Pediatrics, Medicine, and Plastic Surgery LAURA E. MITCHELL, PH.D.
Center for Craniofacial Development and Disorders Departments of Biostatistics and Epidemiology and of
Institute of Genetic Medicine Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Baltimore, Maryland University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department of Pediatrics CYNTHIA A. MOORE, M.D., PH.D.
University of California, San Diego National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental
Children's Hospital Disabilities
San Diego, California Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia
Department of Medical Genetics ELIZABETH S. MOORE, PH.D.
Faculty of Medicine Oral Facial Genetics Section
University of British Columbia Indiana University School of Dentistry
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Indianapolis, Indiana


Dundee Dental School Center for Craniofacial Disorders
Dundee, Scotland Speech Pathology Laboratory
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Utah State University
Logan, Utah RAMON L. Ruiz, D.M.D., M.D.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pediatrics
University of North Carolina Hospitals,
JOHN A. NACKASHI, PH.D., M.D. Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Division of General Pediatrics
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Division of Human Genetics
NAGATO NATSUME, D.D.S., D.MED.SC., PH.D. Children's Hospital Medical Center
Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Clinical Pediatrics
School of Dentistry University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Aichi-Gakuin University Cincinnati, Ohio
Nagoya, Japan


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Orthodontic Unit
School of Dental Medicine Department of Oral Health and Development
University of Pittsburgh University Dental Hospital of Manchester
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Manchester, England


Division of Women's Health
University of Michigan Health System D.ORTH.R.C.S.ENG., D.D.O.R.C.P.S.GLAS.
Ann Arbor, Michigan Orthodontic Unit
Department of Oral Health and Development
University Dental Hospital of Manchester
RICHARD S. OLNEY, M.D., M.P.H. Manchester, England
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention GEOFFREY H. SPERBER, B.Sc., B.D.S., M.S., PH.D.,
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, Georgia
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Alberta
JEFFREY C. POSNICK, D.M.D., M.D., F.R.C.S., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Departments of Plastic Surgery, of Otolaryngology/Head
and Neck Surgery, of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, CARMELLA S. STADTER, M.S., C.G.C.
and of Pediatrics Division of Human Genetics
Georgetown University University of Maryland
Washington, D.C. Baltimore, Maryland
Posnick Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Chevy Chase, Maryland
DAVID S. PRECIOUS, D.D.S., M.S. Department of Dental Ecology
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences University of North Carolina School of Dentistry
Dalhousie University Department of Social Medicine
Health Sciences Centre University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Chapel Hill, North Carolina


D.ORTH.R.C.S. Department of Pediatrics
Department of Orthodontics University of Maryland School of Medicine
College of Dentistry Baltimore, Maryland
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio DIEGO F. WYSZYNSKI, M.D., M.H.S., PH.D.
Genetics Program
RICHARD E. WARD, PH.D. Department of Medicine
Department of Anthropology Boston University School of Medicine
Indiana University Department of Epidemiology
Department of Oral Facial Development Boston University School of Public Health
Purdue University Boston, Massachusetts
Indianapolis, Indiana
MARTHA M. WERLER, Sc.D. Department of Epidemiology
Slone Epidemiology Unit Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public
Boston University School of Public Health Health
Boston, Massachusetts Baltimore, Maryland

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Basic Embryology of
Cleft Lip and Palate
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Formation of the primary palate


To know truly is to know by causes. This regulation is under the control of homeobox genes,
Francis Bacon, De Augmentis Scientiarum which endow the neural crest cells and surrounding tis-
sues with a positional identity that mediates many as-
The primary palate is the keystone to the upper lip and pects of facial and cranial patterning (Coburne, 2000).
anterior portion of the definitive palate. Its embryo- The stomodeal chamber that is the precursor to the
genesis is fundamental to normal development of the future mouth, situated at the termination of the foregut,
midface, and its maldevelopment has profound clinical becomes a deepened central depression in the facial re-
and sociological consequences upon breathing, suck- gion as a consequence of the surrounding five primor-
ling, swallowing, mastication, osculation, speech, and dia of the face bulging at the borders of the stomodeum
facial physiognomy. (Fig. 1.3). The five primordia are the single median ros-
Recent advances in molecular biology and genetics trally located frontonasal prominence and the paired
have provided significant insights into craniofacial em- bilateral maxillary and caudally located mandibular
bryology. Orofacial development in the embryo is first prominences (Ferguson et al., 2000). These promi-
demarcated by the appearance of the prechordal plate nences are the result of the migration and mitotic pro-
at the cranial end of the embryonic disk at the 14th liferation of neural crest ectomesenchyme, which orig-
day postconception (Sperber, 2001). This plate desig- inates from the caudal region of the mesencephalon and
nates the site of the future mouth or stomodeum. The the rhombencephalon of the developing brain (Rossel
mesenchyme that provides the facial primordia is pe- and Capecchi, 1999). There is also a mesodermal con-
culiarly of ectodermal derivation, arising from neural tribution to the mesenchyme of the facial prominences.
crest cells at the apices (crests) of the neural folds prior The destination fates of the neural crest tissue are di-
to neural tube formation (Fig. 1.1) (La Bonne and rected by genes that control the migration, growth, dif-
Bronner-Fraser, 1999; Lawson et al., 2001). The neural ferentiation, and apoptosis (cell death) of the facial
crest cells peculiarly disrupt the ectodermal-mesoder- primordia (Anderson, 1997; Hu and Helms, 1999;
mal boundary and migrate into the subjacent tissue as Houdayer and Bahuau, 1998; Maconochie et al., 1999;
ectomesenchymal cells. Their migration and prolifera- Garcia-Castro and Bronner-Fraser, 1999). The regula-
tion are fundamental in facial development. During tory homeobox (Hoxa-1, Hoxa-2, Hoxb-1, Hoxb-3,
their migration, they interact with the extracellular ma- Hoxb-4), sonic hedgehog (SHH), OXT (orthodontical),
trix and adjacent epithelia, which partly determines the GSC (goosecoid), DLX (distalless), and MSX (muscle
patterning and nature of the derivative tissues they will segment) gene families are expressed in the ectomes-
form. These derivatives include neural, skeletal, con- enchyme derived from the rhombomere neural crest.
nective, and muscular tissues (Sarkar et al., 2001). Mi- Many of these are candidate genes for orofacial cleft-
gration of neural crest cells into the five pharyngeal ing. Hedgehog proteins exert their effects through a
arches, which they in part create, occurs in a highly highly conserved signal-transduction pathway. Proteins
regulated manner (Graham and Smith, 2001) (Fig. 1.2). encoded by the homeobox genes are transcription fac-


and palate have been recently described (Sozen et al.,

2001; Braybrook et al., 2001).
Formation of the upper lip involves an extraordinary
combination of elements arising from both the fron-
tonasal prominence and the maxillary prominence,
which is a component of the first pharyngeal or
mandibular arch. At the inferolateral corners of the
frontonasal prominence, bilateral olfactory placodes
arise. The placodes become invaginated as a conse-
quence of the elevation of inverted horseshoe-shaped
ridges, the medial and lateral nasal prominences on
each side. The sinking nasal placodes form nasal pits,
the precursors of the anterior nares that are initially in
continuity with the stomodeum (Figs. 1.4, 1.5)
(O'Rahilly, 1967). The timing and rapidity of facial for-
mation is chronicled in Table 1.1.
The bilateral medial nasal prominences form the cen-
tral tuberculum of the upper lip and provide the basis
for the primary palate (Diewert and Shiota, 1990;
Diewert et al., 1993a,b; Diewert and Lozanoff, 1993;
Rude et al., 1994). The upper lip is completed on ei-
ther side of the central tuberculum by fusion of the
freely projecting medial nasal prominences with the lat-
FIG. 1.1. Schematic depiction of neural crest origin and migration. erally located maxillary prominences, requiring criti-
cally timed correlation of their growth, spatial loca-
tion, and disintegration of their contacting surface
tors of RNA from the DNA (gene) template. Tran- epithelia that form the transient nasal fin (Diewert and
scription factors can activate or repress gene expres- Wang, 1992) (Fig. 1.6). Disintegration of the nasal fin
sion, thereby controlling the cascade of molecular by apoptosis or mesenchymal transformation allows
events that produce cellular patterning and morpho- intermingling of the underlying mesenchymal cells,
genesis (Thesleff, 1998). At the cellular level, control is providing continuity of the median and lateral com-
expressed through regulatory proteins such as epider-
mal growth factor, the transforming growth factor fam-
ily, fibroblast growth factor, and bone morphogenetic
proteins (Lee et al., 2000; Lu et al., 2000). The critical
timing, dosage, and combination of these factors ac-
count for the different tissues and organs and provide
the key to understanding morphogenesis and dysmor-
phology. As an example, loss of SHH signaling leads
to facial clefting (Hu and Helms, 1999). Many growth
factors, signaling transductions, and mechanistic
movements are involved in the delicate morphogenetic
maneuvers of facial fabrication (lamaroon et al., 1996;
lamaroon and Diewert, 1996). The precise and ex-
quisite coordination of these processes creates the ge-
netically determined characteristics of the face (Thoro-
good and Ferretti, 1992; Johnston and Bronsky, 1995;
Morriss-Kay and Sokolova, 1996). Genetic mutations
or perturbations and environmental impacts upon the
complex mechanisms of craniofacial morphogenesis
lead to phenotypic anomalies, of which orofacial cleft-
ing is the most common (Hibbert and Field, 1996;
Dixon, 1998; Pirinen, 1998; Schutte and Murray, FIG. 1.2. Neural crest migration from rhombomeres 1-8 into pha-
1999). Further genetic defects responsible for cleft lip ryngeal arches and heart. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.)

FIG. 1.3. Schematic depiction of facial formation from 4 to 7 weeks postconception. (From Sperber,
2001, with permission.)

ponents of the upper lip (Fig. 1.7) (Gui et al., 1993; of the inheritability of cleft palate (Laatikainen, 1999).
Shuler, 1995). Failure of normal disintegration of the Genetic epidemiological studies have revealed that mu-
nasal fin or inadequate mesenchymal migration across tated genes involving between two and ten loci are re-
the two boundaries of the maxillary and medial nasal sponsible for orofacial clefting (Bender, 2000; Prescott
prominences results in lip clefting, unilaterally or et al., 2000; Suzuki et al., 2000; van den Boogaard et
bilaterally, of varying degrees of severity. Bilateral al., 2000). Lip clefting occurs twice as frequently in
clefting produces a prominent median (globular) pro- males as in females (Oliver-Padilla and Martinez-
cess arising from the central tuberculum. Cleft lip Gonzales, 1986), is usually unilateral, and occurs more
(cheiloschisis) is a developmental threshold trait in- commonly on the left side than on the right (Vanderas,
volving quantitative variation in the size of the em- 1987). Sex-dependent susceptibility to clefting is a con-
bryonic maxillary and medial nasal prominences (Mc- sequence of genetic variation at the MSX1 gene locus
Gonnell et al., 1998). on chromosome 4 (Blanco et al., 2001). Cleft lips can
Clefting of the upper lip is one of the most common now be identified prenatally by ultrasonography (Pre-
human malformations, with a prevalence averaging 1 torius et al., 1995; Pretorius and Nelson, 1995; Shaikh
in 700 live births (Tolarova and Cervenka, 1998). There et al., 2001), allowing for parental counseling and post-
is an inheritance factor in upper lip clefts, independent natal therapeutic preparation.

per lip, the tip of the nose, and the primary palate. The
philtral ridges are formed by thickened dermis and der-
mal appendages (Namnoum et al., 1997). The inter-
maxillary segment of the upper jaw (the premaxilla),
in which the four upper incisor teeth will develop, arises
from the median primary palate (Mooney et al., 1991,
1992; Siegel et al., 1991). The rare absence of the pri-
mary palate is demonstrated in premaxillary agenesis,
producing a median cleft lip and palate, a manifesta-
tion of holoprosencephaly (Sperber et al., 1989).
Ossification of the primary palate begins at the eighth
week in the medial nasal prominence and spreads lat-
erally across the fusion line with the maxillary promi-
nence. The existence of a separate premaxillary ossifi-
cation center from the primary ossification center of
the secondary palate has been disputed and is reviewed
in Chapter 2.
Development of the dentition in the primary palate
and in the alveolar ridges of the maxilla and mandible
is dependent on a great number of genes (PAX9, MSX1,
SHH, DLX, and WNT) and growth factors (nerve
growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, and bone mor-
phogenetic protein) that are expressed in the oral ec-
toderm and the underlying neural crest mesenchyme.
Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are induced at
specific locations to produce tooth buds from a sub-
merged ectodermal dental lamina at 28 days postcon-
ception. Amelogenesis, dentinogenesis, and cementoge-
nesis are programmed to form teeth (Tucker and
FIG. 1.4. Schematic depiction of embryonic lip formation. Sharpe, 1999). Normally, four tooth buds arise in the
primary palate which produce the upper incisor teeth.
The location of these four teeth usually defines the lim-
Fusion of the medial nasal and maxillary promi- its of the primary palate, which are demarcated by in-
nences not only provides continuity of the upper jaw cisive fissures in the fetus. The canine teeth normally
and lip but also separates the nasal pits from the sto- arise in the secondary palate. Most commonly, clefting
modeum (Fig. 1.8). The central median component of between the primary and secondary palates occurs at
the face forms the tuberculum and philtrum of the up- the incisive fissure sites that separate the lateral incisor

FIG. 1.5. Schematic depiction of a lateral sagittal section through the anterior facial region of an em-
bryo at approximately 7 weeks.
TABLE 1.1. Chronology of Key Embryonic Events
Carnegie Stage Postconception Age Craniofacial Features

6 14 days Primitive streak appears; oropharyngeal membrane forms

8 17 days Neural plate forms
9 20 days Cranial neural folds elevate; otic placode appears
10 21 days Neural crest migration commences; fusion of neural folds; otic pit forms
11 24 days Frontonasal prominence swells; first arch forms; wide stomodeum; optic vesicles form;
anterior neuropore closes; olfactory placode appears
12 26 days Second arch forms; maxillary prominences appear; lens placodes commence; posterior
neuropore closes; adenohypophysial pouch appears
13 28 days Third arch forms; dental lamina appears; fourth arch forms; oropharyngeal membrane
14 32 days Otic and lens vesicles present; lateral nasal prominences appear
15 33 days Medial nasal prominences appear; nasal pits form-widely separated, face laterally
16 37 days Nasal pits face ventrally; upper lip forms on lateral aspect of stomodeum; lower lip fuses
in midline; retinal pigment forms; nasolacrimal groove appears, demarcating nose;
neurohypophysial evagination
17 41 days Contact between medial nasal and maxillary prominences, separating nasal pit from
stomodeum; upper lip continuity first established; vomeronasal organ appears
18 44 days Primary palate anlagen project posteriorly into stomodeum; distinct tip of nose develops;
eyelid folds form; retinal pigment; nasal pits move medially; nasal alae and septum
present; mylohyoid, geniohyoid and genioglossus muscles form
19 47-48 days Nasal fin disintegrates; (failure of disintegration predisposes to cleft lip); the rima oris of
the mouth diminishes in width; mandibular ossification commences
20 50-51 days The lidless eyes migrate medially; nasal pits approach each other; ear hillocks fuse
22 54 days The eyelids thicken and encroach upon the eyes; the auricle forms and projects; the
nostrils are in definitive position
23 56-57 days Eyes are still wide apart but eyelid closure commences; nose tip elevates; face assumes a
human fetal appearance; head elevates off the thorax; mouth opens; palatal shelves
elevate; maxillary ossification commences
Fetus 60 days Palatal shelves fuse; deciduous tooth buds form; embryo now termed a fetus

FIG. 1.6. Formation of nostril and primary palate. Arrows indicate disintegration of nasal fin between
maxillary and medial nasal prominences. (Courtesy of Dr. J. Avery. University of Michigan and Thieme
Publishing Group.)

FIG. 1.7. Schematic depiction of breakdown of nasal fin. A: Groove between maxillary and medial nasal
prominences; B: apposition of surface epithelia; C: Arrows indicate disintegration of nasal fin between
maxillary and medial nasal prominences. (Courtesy of Dr. J. Avery. University of Michigan and Thieme
Publishing Group.)

FIG. 1.8. Scanning electron micrograph of the face of a 44-day-old FIG. 1.9. Paramedian sagittal section of the lips of a 12-week-old fe-
human embryo. The merging facial prominences have eliminated the tus. Note the multilayered periderm (PD), the orbicularis oris mus-
intervening grooves. The cut surface reveals arteries, veins, the phar- cle (OMj, the dental lamina (DL), and Meckel's cartilage (MC). Hair
ynx, and spinal cord. The eyelids have not yet formed. Magnifica- follicles (HF) are forming in the cutaneous area. Magnification X56.
tion X30. (From KV Hinrichsen, Human Embryologie. Courtesy of (From Sperber, 2001, with permission. Courtesy of Dr. R. R. Mi-
Springer-Verlag.) ethke.)


Lekkas et al., 1998). The delay in upper lip formation

might allow a longer period for teratogenic agents to
disrupt merging of lip components, although there
is undoubtedly a genetic factor accounting for the
discrepancy in the incidence of upper and lower lip
The cutaneous covering of the lips of the fetus is
sharply delineated from the adjacent skin and oral mu-
cosa. The primitive epithelium of the vermilion surface
of the lip forms a distinctive multilayered periderm that
is shed in utero. At birth, the surface of the lips is sub-
divided into a central highly mobile sucking area char-
acterized by fine villi (the pars villosa) distinct from lat-
eral smooth zones (the pars glabra) and an inner
vestibular zone (the pars mucosa) (Figs. 1.9, 1.10) (Mi-
ethke, 1977). The villous portion of the infant lip is ad-
hesive, more so than the glabrous or vestibular portions.
During suckling, the blood vessels in the villi swell, es-
tablishing an airtight seal around the nipple. This seal-

FIG. 1.10. Lips and commissure of mouth of a 39-week-old fetus.

Note in the lower lip the outermost smooth pars glabra (PG), which
narrows toward the commissure. The central pars villosa (PV) is cov-
ered with fine villi. The inner vestibular zone, pars mucosa (PM), is
continuous with the vestibule of the mouth. Magnification X4.
(Courtesy of Dr. R. R. Miethke.)

and canine teeth. However, abnormal location or ab-

sence of these teeth may occur in variations of pre-
maxillary (primary palate) hypoplasia or agenesis. The
occurrence of a single median central incisor within a
deficient primary palate characterizes holoprosen-
cephaly (Wei et al, 2000; Kjaer et al., 2002). Clefts
may occur within the primary palate, separating the
medial and lateral incisors (Sperber et al., 1989). Dis-
torted fetal tooth buds may be detected prenatally by
ultrasonography (Ulm et al., 1999).
The lower jaw and lip are formed by midline merg-
ing of the paired mandibular prominences and are the
first parts of the face to become definitively established.
The future lower jaw and lower lip are essentially es-
tablished by Carnegie stage 16 (37 days postconcep-
tion), whereas the upper jaw and lip components will
not blend until stage 19 (48 days postconception). The
earlier occurrence of lower lip completion might in part FIG. 1.11. Face of a 3-month-old (52 mm crown-rump length) hu-
account for the rarity of clefting of the lower lip in man fetus depicting closed eyelids and absent philtrum. (Courtesy of
comparison to the upper lip (Oostrom et al., 1996; Prof. Dr. E. Blechschmidt and Springer-Verlag Inc.)


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Palatogenesis: closure of the

secondary palate


" . . . find out the cause of this effect, maintains a continuous airway between the nasophar-
or rather say, the cause of this defect, ynx and laryngopharynx. Milk passes on either side of
For this effect defective comes by cause."
Shakespeare, Hamlet, act II, scene II
this continuous airway channel into the esophagus. An
oropharynx develops only upon postnatal descent of
the larynx, thereby separating the soft palate from the
The secondary palate, so called because it forms after epiglottis. As a consequence, the risk of aspirating food
the appearance of the primary palate, constitutes both may occur, protected by development of the cough
the floor of the nasal cavities and the roof of the mouth. reflex.
The secondary palate is comprised of the anterior hard The existence of an intact palate has enabled so-
and the posterior soft palate and is an essential com- phisticated masticatory movements and epicurian en-
ponent of normal respiration, mastication, deglutition, joyment to evolve by virtue of the taste and texture
and speech. senses embedded in the palate, accounting for the pop-
The very existence of the definitive secondary palate ular concept of the palate being the seat of taste (hence,
in humans characterizes a major mammalian evolu- palatable). Moreover, an intact palate is essential for
tionary separation of the respiratory from the masti- the production of normal speech. Deficiencies of palatal
catory functions of the primitive stomodeal (oronasal) development will result in food and salivary spillage
chamber of vertebrate antecedents. The transition of into the nostrils and impaired articulation.
the single chamber of the embryonic stomodeum into Three elements make up the secondary definitive
the divided compartments of the two nasal cavities for palate: the two lateral palatal processes projecting into
respiration and the oral cavity for mastication repre- the stomodeum from the maxillary prominences and
sents a subdivision of this common chamber found in the primary palate derived anteriorly from the fron-
primitive crossopterygian fish, reptiles, birds, and early tonasal prominence (Fig. 2.1). These three elements are
mammals. The separation of a continuous respiratory initially widely separated due to the advancing edges
channel (the nostrils) from an intermittently required of the palatal processes being deflected down on either
food-ingestion channel (the mouth) enabled the evolu- side of the obtruding tongue, which initially occupies
tionary development of leisurely mastication without most of the stomodeal chamber (Kimes et al., 1991)
respiratory interference. This separation occurs only (Fig. 2.2). Concomitantly, the midline cartilaginous
anteriorly since the nasopharynx and oropharynx share nasal septum descends from the roof of the stomodeum
a channel posteriorly, which accounts for momentary as a feature of nasal capsular development (Mooney et
asphyxiation during swallowing. However, in the al., 1994) (Fig. 2.3). During the 8th week postconcep-
neonate and infant until 6 months of age, concomitant tion, a remarkable transformation of the palatal shelves
breathing and swallowing can occur due to the epiglot- occurs, when they elevate into a horizontal position as
tis and soft palate being in contact, forming a seal that a prelude to their fusion with each other, the primary


FIG. 2.1. Schematic depiction of midcoronal sections of embryonic heads at 7 and 12 weeks postcon-
ception. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.)

palate, and the nasal septum, thereby partitioning the head facilitates jaw opening (Fig. 2.5). Mouth-opening
oronasal chamber (Fig. 2.4). reflexes and extrinsic tongue muscle activity have been
The transition from vertical to horizontal is com- implicated in the withdrawal of the tongue from be-
pleted within hours during the 8th week postconcep- tween the vertical shelves (Humphrey, 1969). De-
tion. There is a sex difference in the timing of palatal pressed fetal swallowing may delay palatal shelf eleva-
closure. Shelf elevation and fusion begin a few days ear- tion, precluding their conjunction, leading to clef ting.
lier in male than in female embryos (Burdi and Faist, Prenatal ultrasonography revealing aphagia has been
1967), the slight delay possibly accounting for the correlated with cleft palate formation (Laster et al.,
higher incidence of cleft palates in females. Several 2001). Absence of functioning of the hyoglossus mus-
mechanisms have been proposed for the rapid eleva- cle, which depresses the tongue, resulting from Hoxa
tion of the palatal shelves. They include biochemical gene mutations, prevents palatal shelf lifting and con-
transformations in the physical consistency of the con- sequent clefting (Barrow and Capecchi, 1999). Tongue
nective tissue matrix of the shelves; variations in vas- withdrawal is further aided by movement of the lower
culature and blood flow to these structures (Amin et jaw through the functioning of pharyngeal arch mus-
al., 1994), resulting in a sudden increase in tissue fluid cles, which in turn requires an intact neural motor sys-
turgor; rapid differential mitotic growth, muscular tem (Wragg et al., 1972; Kjaer, 1997). In this regard,
movements, and an intrinsic shelf force (Young et al., the trigeminal nerve is the first motor nerve to func-
1997; McGonnell et al., 1998). The intrinisic shelf el- tion in the fetus and, moreover, requires a functioning
evating force is generated chiefly by the synthesis, ac- incudomalleal primary jaw joint to allow opening of
cumulation, and hydration of hyaluronic acid and gly- the mouth. The fetus must be in a floating condition
cosaminoglycans within the extracellular matrix of the in the amniotic sac to permit jaw movements; in the
shelves (Singh et al., 1997). event of oligohydramnios,1 deficient amniotic fluid in-
The alignment of mesenchymal cells and orientation hibits mouth opening and tongue withdrawal, thereby
of collagen within the palatal shelves may direct the el- precluding palatal shelf elevation, accounting for a pos-
evating forces, while palatal mesenchymal cells are them- sible source of clefting. Extracellular agents such as
selves contractile. The withdrawal of the fetus's face growth factors, hormones, and neuropeptides have
from against the heart prominence by uprighting the been implicated in the regulation of various cellular re-

FIG. 2.2. Coronal section scanning electron micrographs of stomodeal chambers of embryos at (A) 4,
(B) 6, (C) 7, and (D) 8 weeks, revealing secondary palate development. T, tongue; np, nasal prominence
(septum); mee, medial edge epithelium; double arrows, palatal shelves; single arrow, midpalatal fusion
seam. (Courtesy of Dr. H. C. Slavkin. University of Southern California.)

sponses during palate development (Greene and Pratt, a high tongue position, preventing the shelves from fus-
1976; Morris-Wiman and Brinkley, 1992; Abbott et al., ing (Seegmiller and Fraser, 1977) to create the Pierre
1998; Izadnegahdar et al., 1999; Machida et al., 1999). Robin sequence (Lavrin, 2000).
Most significantly, epidermal growth factor (EGF), the The epithelium overlying the edges of the palatal
transforming growth factors (TGF-a, TGF-/31, TGF- shelves is especially thickened, and their fusion upon
/33), and their receptor molecules have been identified mutual contact is crucial to intact palatal development.
during all stages of palate formation (Citterio and Gail- This fusion is dependent on targeted removal of the ep-
lard, 1994; Proetzel et al., 1995; Kaartinen et al., 1997; ithelium between the palatal shelves, which is antici-
Cui et al., 1998; Sun et al., 1998). Docking of TGF-a pated by upregulation of keratin K5/6 and expression
with the EGF receptor results in the production of ma- of vimentin mRNA in the medial edge epithelium (Gib-
trix metalloproteinases, a class of proteins that regu- bins et al., 1999). Fusion also occurs between the dor-
late palate closure (Miettinen et al., 1999). sal surfaces of the fusing palatal shelves and the lower
During palate closure, the mandible becomes more edge of the midline nasal septum. The fusion seam ini-
prognathic and the vertical dimension of the stomod- tially forms anteriorly in the hard palate region, with
eal chamber increases, though maxillary width remains subsequent merging of the soft palate region (Fergu-
stable, allowing shelf contact to occur. Also, forward son, 1988). The mechanisms of adhesive contact, fu-
growth of Meckel's cartilage relocates the tongue more sion, and subsequent degeneration of the epithelium are
anteriorly, concomitant with head elevation. Mandibu- not clearly understood. The combination of degenerat-
lar growth retardation causes retrognathia that enforces ing epithelial cells and a surface coat accumulation of

FIG. 2.3. Coronal sections of embryos at (top) 54, (middle) 57, and (lower) 63 days postconception, re-
vealing elevation of lateral palatal shelves from vertical to horizontal and fusion with the nasal septum.
(From the Carnegie Embryo Collection.)

glycoproteins and desmosomes facilitates epithelial ad- oral and nasal surface epithelia) undergoes cytodiffer-
herence between contacting palatal shelves. The cell ad- entiation, which involves a decline of EGF receptors
hesion molecule syndecan is expressed as the shelves el- leading to apoptotic cell death (Greene and Pratt,
evate, and its expression decreases during fusion 1976). The oral surface of the palatal shelves differen-
(Fitchett et al., 1990). At the time of palatal shelf fu- tiates into stratified squamous epithelium, while the
sion, there is increased expression of N-cadherin. This nasal surface becomes respiratory ciliated pseudostrat-
may be instrumental in the transformation of epithe- ified columnar epithelium (Carette et al., 1991).
lium into its different phenotypes (nasal, medial edge, Programmed cell death of the fusing medial edge ep-
and oral) and into mesenchyme. Only the medial edge ithelia is restricted to the periderm, with basal cells re-
epithelium of the palatal shelves (in contrast to their maining healthy. Epithelial-mesenchymal transfprma-

palate (Fig. 2.6). This fusion seam is minimized in the

soft palate by invasion of extraterritorial mesenchyme.
Ossification of the palate proceeds during the 8th
week postconception from the spread of bone into the
mesenchyme of the fused lateral palatal shelves and
from trabeculae appearing in the primary palate as
premaxillary centers, all derived from the single pri-
mary ossification centers of the maxillae (Jacobson,
1955; Wood et al., 1967; Kjaer, 1989; Nijo and Kjaer,
1993; Silau et al., 1994; Vacher et al., 1999; Vacher et
al., 2001). The existence of an incisive fissure in the os-
sified palate at the site of fusion of the primary and
secondary palates has been demonstrated in archeo-
logical material (Sejrsen et al., 1993; Maureille and Bar,
FIG. 2.4. Coronal section of the palate of an embryo immediately af- 1999; Kieser et al., 1999). However, the coincidence of
ter midline fusion. PS, palatal shelves; NS, nasal septum; 1C, inferior
concha; C, cartilage of nasal septum; VN, vomeronasal organ; OC, the incisive fissure with alveolar palatal clefts has been
ossification centers; NF, nasal fossa; T, tongue. (From O'Rahilly,
1975, with permission.)

tion of medial edge epithelium is essential to mes-

enchymal coalescence of the shelves. The surface cells
lose their epithelial cell junctions and adopt a fibrob-
lastic morphology. Cytokeratins (characteristic of ep-
ithelia), vimentin (typical of mesenchyme), and cad-
herins are variously expressed during this
transformation (Montenegro et al., 2000). Some ep-
ithelial cells also migrate into the palatal mesenchyme,
undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal transformation
and contributing to seam disruption (Fitchett et al.,
1990; Shuler et al., 1991, 1992; Griffith and Hay,
1992; Hay, 1995; Lavrin and Hay, 2000). The epithe-
lium, at its leading edges, may contribute to failure of
fusion by not breaking down after shelf approxima-
tion, leading to epithelial pearl formation, or by not
maintaining adhesiveness beyond a critical time should
palatal shelf elevation be delayed.2 Obstructed, unfused
medial palatal shelf epithelium stratifies and keratinizes
before birth (Goss et al., 1970). However, the capabil-
ity to fuse is retained until shortly before birth (Lavrin
et al., 2001). This provides the possibility that unfused
palatal shelves brought into contact by in utero surgi-
cal intervention could forestall clefting.
Fusion of the three palatal components initially pro-
duces a flat, unarched roof to the mouth (Fig. 2.6). The
fusing lateral palatal shelves overlap the anterior pri-
mary palate, as indicated later by the sloping pathways
of the junctional incisive neurovascular canals that
carry the previously formed incisive nerves and blood
vessels. The site of junction of the three palatal com-
ponents is marked by the incisive papilla overlying the
FIG. 2.5. Schematic depiction of fetal head movements from frontal
incisive canal. The line of fusion of the lateral palatal (left) and lateral (right) perspectives at (1,2) 6, (3,4) 7, and (5,6) 8
shelves is traced in the adult by the midpalatal suture3 weeks. (Courtesy of Dr. V. M. Diewert. University of British Co-
and on the surface by the midline raphe of the hard lumbia.)

FIG. 2.6. Palate and upper lip of a 22-week-old fetus. F, frenulum; P, papilla overlying incisive foramen;
PR, palatal raphe; R, rugae; SP, soft palate. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.)

disputed (Lisson and Kjaer, 1997). Posteriorly, the hard cles are derived from somitomeres associated with the
palate is ossified by trabeculae spreading from the sin- fourth pharyngeal arch, accounting for the innervation
gle primary ossification center of each of the palatine by the first arch trigeminal nerve of the tensor veli pala-
bones. tini muscle and by the fourth arch pharyngeal plexus
The midpalatal sutural structure is first evident at and vagus nerves for all of the other muscles.
10.5 weeks, when an upper layer of fiber bundles de- The tensor veli palatini is the earliest of the five
velops across the midline (Del Santo et al., 1998). In palatal muscles to develop, forming myoblasts at 40
infancy, the midpalatal suture in coronal section has a days postconception. It is followed by the palatopha-
Y shape, and it binds the vomer with the palatal shelves. ryngeus (45 days), the levator veli palatini (8th week),
In childhood, the junction between the three bones rises the palatoglossus (9th week), and the uvular muscles
into a T shape, with the interpalatal section taking a (llth week). The palatoglossus, derived from the
serpentine course. In adolescence, the suture becomes tongue musculature, attaches to the soft palate during
so interdigitated that mechanical interlocking and in- the llth week postconception. The hard palate grows
terstitial islets of bone are formed. Cartilage may ap- in length, breadth, and height, becoming an arched roof
pear in islands in the suture in the neonatal period, but for the mouth (Fig. 2.7). The fetal palate increases in
after 3 years the suture is exclusively fibrous (Persson, length more rapidly than in width between 7 and 18
1973). Application of expansional forces on the max- weeks postconception, after which the width increases
illae to widen the palate in orthodontic practice induces faster than the length (Lee et al., 1992). In early pre-
osteogenesis in the midpalatal suture (distraction os- natal life, the palate is relatively long, but from the 4th
teogenesis) (Latham, 1971; Kobayashi et al., 1999). month postconception it widens as a result of mid-
The palatine bone elements remain separated from the palatal sutural growth and appositional growth along
maxillary elements by the transverse palatomaxillary the lateral alveolar margins. At birth, the length and
sutures into adulthood (Nijo and Kjaer, 1993). breadth of the hard palate are almost equal. The post-
Ossification does not occur in the most posterior part natal increase in palatal length is due to appositional
of the palate, giving rise to the soft palate. Myogenic growth hi the maxillary tuberosity region and, to some
mesenchymal tissue of the first and fourth pharyngeal extent, at the transverse maxillopalatine suture (Sejrsen
arches migrates into this faucial region, supplying the et al., 1996).
musculature of the soft palate and fauces (Cohen et al., Growth at the midpalatal suture ceases between 1
1993, 1994). The tensor veli palatini is derived from and 2 years of age, but no synostosis occurs to signify
somitomeres associated with the first pharyngeal arch; its cessation.4 Growth in width of the midpalatal su-
the levator palatini and uvular and faucial pillar mus- ture is larger in its posterior than in its anterior part.

Rossouw, 1991). They appear even before palatal fu-

sion, which occurs at 56 days postconception. The ru-
gae, which are most prominent in the infant, hold the
nipple while it is being milked by the tongue. Palatal ru-
gae are utilized as landmarks in cephalometry and or-
thodontics because of their stability (Hoggan and Sad-
owsky, 2001). The anterior palatal furrow is well
marked during the first year of life (i.e., the active suck-
ling period) and normally flattens out into the palatal
arch after 3 to 4 years of age, when suckling has been
discontinued. Persistence of thumb or finger sucking may
retain the accentuated palatal furrow into childhood.
Anomalies of the palate occur as a consequence of
disturbances of the above-mentioned developmental
processes. Successful fusion of the three embryonic
components of the palate involves complicated syn-
chronization of shelf movements with growth and with-
drawal of the tongue and growth of the mandible and
head. Mistiming of any of these critical events, because
FIG. 2.7. Schematic cross-sectional views of the palate at various ages. of environmental agents or genetic predisposition, re-
Note the increasing depth of the palatal arch concomitant with tooth sults in failure of fusion, leading to clefts of the palate.
eruption. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.) Palatal clefting is multifactorial in its etiology, and no
single genetic locus has been identified as a source of
its cause, despite its hereditary familial associations
Obliteration of the midpalatal suture may start in ado- (Hibbert and Field, 1996). Postnatal surgical repair of
lescence, but complete fusion is rarely found before 30 cleft palate results in cicatricial formation, the scarring
years of age. The timing and degree of fusion of this compromising the growth potential and final result.
suture vary greatly (Wehrbein and Yildizhan, 2001). However, in utero repair of fetal cleft palate offers the
Lateral appositional growth continues until 7 years possibility of scarless healing and is a potential future
of age, by which time the palate achieves its ultimate treatment (Christ, 1990; Weinzweig et al., 1999).
anterior width. Posterior appositional growth contin- The entrapment of epithelial rests or pearls in the
ues after lateral growth has ceased so that the palate line of fusion of the palatal shelves, particularly the
becomes longer, rather than wider, during late child- midline raphe of the hard palate, may give rise later to
hood. During infancy and childhood, bone apposition median palatal rest cysts (Arnold et al., 1998). A com-
also occurs on the entire inferior surface of the palate, mon superficial expression of these epithelial entrap-
accompanied by concomitant resorption from its supe- ments is development of epithelial cysts or nodules,
rior (nasal) surface. This bone remodeling results in de- known as Epstein's pearls, along the median raphe of
scent of the palate and enlargement of the nasal cav- the hard palate and at the junction of the hard and soft
ity. Nasal capacity must increase, to keep pace with the palates. Small mucosal gland retention cysts (Bohn's
increasing respiratory requirements engendered by gen- nodules) may occur on the buccal and lingual aspects
eral body growth. A fundamental drive in facial growth of the alveolar ridges, and dental lamina cysts com-
is provision of an adequate nasal capacity; if this need posed of epithelial remnants of this lamina may develop
is not met, the space capacity requirement is diverted on the crests of the alveolar ridges. All of these super-
to the mouth for maintenance of respiration. ficial cysts of the palate in the newborn usually disap-
The appositional growth of the alveolar processes con- pear by the third postnatal month. An anterior midline
tributes to deepening, as well as widening, of the vault maxillary cyst developing in the region of the primary
of the bony palate, at the same time adding to the height palate cannot be of fissural origin, but is a nasopala-
and breadth of the maxillae. The lateral alveolar pro- tine duct cyst encroaching anteriorly into the palate.
cesses help to form an anteroposterior palatal furrow, Cysts are rare in the soft palate because of the mes-
which together with a concave floor produced by a enchymal merging of the shelves in this region, al-
tongue curled from side to side results in a palatal tun- though submucous clefts may occur.
nel ideally suited to receive a nipple. A variable number Delay in elevation of the palatal shelves from the ver-
of transverse palatal rugae develop in the mucosa cov- tical to the horizontal while the head is growing con-
ering the hard palate (Harris et al., 1990; Thomas and tinuously results in a widening gap between the shelves

FIG. 2.8. Schematic depiction of cleft palate variations. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.)

so that they cannot meet and, therefore, cannot fuse. mined independently. The vertical nasal septum may
When eventually they do become horizontal, this leads fuse with the left or right palatal shelf or neither in
to clefting of the palate (palatoschisis). Other causes of cases of severe cleft palate (Figs. 2.9, 2.10).
cleft palate are defective shelf fusion, failure of medial Clefts of the soft palate alone incur varying degrees
edge epithelial cell death, possible postfusion rupture of speech difficulty and swallowing problems because
(Kitamura, 1991), and failure of mesenchymal consol- of the inability to close off the oropharynx completely
idation and differentiation (Lavrin and Hay, 2000). from the nasopharynx during these pharyngeal func-
The least severe form of cleft palate is the bifid uvula, tions. Clefts of the hard palate, which almost invariably
of relatively common occurrence. Increasingly severe include soft palate clefts, give rise to feeding problems,
clefts always incur posterior involvement, the cleft ad- particularly in infants in whom the vacuum-producing
vancing anteriorly in contradistinction to the direction sucking processes demand an intact hard palate.
of normal fusion (Fig. 2.8). The lines of fusion of the Spillage of food into the nasal cavity is symptomatic of
lateral palatal shelves with the primary palate dictate feeding difficulties. The efficacy of suckling is compro-
the diversion from the midline of a severe palatal cleft mised, with the necessary negative oral pressure for in-
anteriorly to either the right or left or, in rare instances, gestion shifted toward the nasal cavity and pharynx.
to both. If the cleft involves the alveolar arch, it usu- The consequent altered physiological pressures result in
ally passes between the lateral incisor and canine teeth altered morphology of adjacent structures (Ihan-Hren
(Lisson and Kjaer, 1997). Such severe clefting of the et al., 2001). Such infants require early reparative sur-
palate may or may not be associated with unilateral or gery and/or obturator fitting to maintain good nutrition
bilateral cleft upper lip; the two conditions are deter- and to aid development of correct enunciation.

FIG. 2.9. Schematic coronal section through a unilateral cleft palate with an oral opening into one nasal
cavity only. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.)

FIG. 2.10. Schematic coronal section through a bilaterally cleft palate with an oral opening into both
nasal cavities. (From Sperber, 2001, with permission.)

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1 Oligohydramnios arises from insufficient or absent urinary output
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Gene Tests
tween 200 and 600 ml of amniotic fluid per day during the last
trimester of pregnancy (Mann et al., 1996).

Genes implicated in lip and

palate development


Normal development of facial structures such as the lip homeodomain, basic helix-loop-helix, and basic leucine
and palate is a dynamic, highly regulated, and complex zipper. Protein-protein interactions are essential for spec-
process (Francis-West et al., 1998; Schutte and Mur- ifying the actions of transcription regulators. Such inter-
ray, 1999). Signaling interactions control the normal action permits these regulators to distinguish relevant tar-
outgrowth of facial primordia from undifferentiated get sequences from many nonspecific binding sites in
mesenchymal cells, as well as the subsequent fusion of the genome and confers highly precise transcription-
the frontal nasal mass and the left and right maxillary regulatory properties.
primordia to form intricate facial structures such as the Since their discovery in 1984, homeobox genes have
lip and palate. From mouse mutant models, human syn- attracted widespread interest among molecular biologists,
dromes, and both association and expression studies, a biochemists, geneticists, embryologists, and evolutionary
spectrum of gene products, such as transcription fac- biologists. These genes are defined by the presence of a
tors, growth factors, and signaling molecules, are pos- homeobox, which is a characteristic 180-base pair DNA
tulated to be involved in these interactions (Table 3.1). sequence coding for a relatively conserved block of 60
These factors interact in a series of intra- and intercel- amino acids called the homeodomain. In mammals, there
lular events that culminate in a developmentally sig- are four highly conserved homeobox-containing gene
nificant pattern of gene expression. When the structure clusters (Hox clusters) that are closely related to the
or expression of these genes is modified, a cleft of some Drosophila Antennapedia and Bithorax complexes.
type [cleft lip only (CL), cleft palate only (CP), or cleft Extensive analysis of the gene expression pattern for
lip and palate (CLP)] may occur. the Hox clusters has shown that they can mediate pat-
terning in craniofacial development (Krumlauf, 1993).
Many of these homeobox-containing genes are ex-
TRANSCRIPTION REGULATORS pressed in specific regions of neural crest-derived mes-
enchyme of the developing facial primordia. Much in-
Expression of every gene is uniquely controlled, terest has been focused on these genes as they may
whether in its spatial or temporal pattern or in its re- control patterning of the developing facial primordia.
sponse to extracellular signals. Transcription regulators Expression of Hox-cluster genes during craniofacial de-
control gene expression via activating or repressing velopment is highly conserved between mice and hu-
signal-transduction pathways. These transcription reg- mans (Vieille-Grosjean et al., 1997). This supports the
ulators possess specific DNA binding domains, such as validity of employing the mouse as a model for under-


standing the role of HOX and other homeobox- dependently of homeodomain DNA binding sites in
containing genes during human craniofacial development. target genes, even though the Msx proteins exhibit
sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Rather, Msx
MSX Genes proteins interact with other protein factors to modu-
late differentiation and/or proliferation. For example,
MSX genes are homeobox-containing genes homolo- the Msxl homeodomain interacts directly with TATA-
gous to the Drosophila msh (muscle segment homeo- binding protein (Zhang et al., 1996). Additionally, Msx
box) gene (Hill et al., 1989). The murine Msx family proteins dimerize in vitro and in vivo with other homeo-
consists of three members, Msxl-3. Msxl and Msx2 proteins, such as the Dlx proteins, to modulate their
have been well characterized with respect to their DNA own transcriptional activities (Zhang et al., 1997). This
binding and transcriptional properties (Catron et al., heterodimer formation results in a functional antago-
1995,1996; Woloshin et al., 1995; Zhang et al., 1996), nism that counteracts the represser and activator ac-
while Msx3 has been less studied (Holland, 1991; tions of Msx and Dlx, respectively, and has been pro-
Shimeld et al., 1996). They share a highly conserved posed as a mechanism by which Msx and Dlx proteins
homeobox motif that encodes a DNA binding domain mutually regulate their transcriptional activities in vivo.
(the homeodomain). In addition, Msx proteins share Embryonic expression patterns of Msx genes are con-
conserved regions such as the extended homeodomain sistent with a role for Msx proteins in epithelial-
and Msx homology regions, which flank the homeo- mesenchymal tissue interactions during craniofacial de-
domain (Zhang et al., 1997). velopment (Hill et al., 1989; MacKenzie et al., 1991a,b;
Both Msxl and Msx2 proteins function as tran- Mina et al., 1995). Msx genes are differentially ex-
scriptional repressers in cellular differentiation (Catron pressed in both migratory and postmigratory neural
et al., 1995, 1996; Woloshin et al., 1995; Zhang et al., crest cells. The role for Msx proteins in active mor-
1996). Interestingly, this represser activity occurs in- phogenesis is further suggested by the lack of Msxl ex-

TABLE 3.1. Genes Implicated in Lip/Palate Development and Disease

Candidate Evidence8 Reference

Transcription regulators
MSX genes Mutation, animal studies Satokata and Maas, 1994; Winograd et al., 1997; Lidral et al., 1998;
van den Boogaard et al., 2000
DLX genes Animal studies Qiu et al., 1995, 1997
LHX genes Animal, expression studies Grigoriou et al., 1998; Zhao et al., 1999a
PRRX genes Animal studies Martin et al., 1995; ten Berge et al., 1998
Goosecoid Animal studies Rivera-Perez et al., 1995; Yamada et al., 1995, 1997

Growth factors
FGF genes/receptors Expression studies Celli et al., 1998
TGFA gene Expression, association studies Ardinger et al., 1989; Dixon et al., 1991; Chenevix-Trench et al.
1992; Holder et al., 1992
TGF-/3 superfamily Expression, animal studies Brunet et al., 1995; Kaartinen et al., 1995, 1997; Proetzel et al.,
1995; Feijen et al., 1994; Matzuk et al., 1995a-c
PDGF genes/receptors Expression studies Morrison-Graham et al., 1992; Qiu and Ferguson, 1995
EGF genes/receptor Animal studies Miettinen et al., 1999

Signaling molecules
Endothelins and receptors Animal, expression studies Kurihara et al., 1994; Clouthier et al., 1998
Jagged and Notch Animal studies Jiang et al., 1998
Thrombospondins Expression studies Melnick et al., 2000
GABA and receptors Animal, teratological studies Wee and Zimmerman, 1983; Culiat et al., 1993, 1995; Homanics
et al., 1997
RYK gene Animal studies Halford et al., 2000

Type of evidence in the literature for gene being implicated in lip/palate development. MSX, Homologous to Drosophila muscle segment
homeobox (msh) gene; DLX, homologous to Drosophila distal-less (Dll) gene; LHX, LIM (lin-11 isl-1 mec-3) homeobox; PRRX, paired-re-
lated homeobox; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; TGFA, transforming growth factor-a; TGF-/3, transforming growth factor-/?; PDGF, platelet-
derived growth factor; EGF, epidermal growth factor; GABA, y-aminobutyric acid; RYK, related to tyrosine kinase.

pression in cells undergoing terminal differentiation (Dlxl, Dlx2, Dlx3, DlxS, Dlx6, and Dlx7) and encode
(Woloshin et al., 1995) and by restricted cellular ex- transcription factors that are involved in the pattern-
pression of Msxl transcript during periods of rapid cel- ing of the orofacial skeleton derived from cephalic
lular proliferation in tissues that are maintained in a neural crest cells (Porteus et al., 1991; Price et al., 1991;
developmentally plastic state during regeneration Robinson et al., 1991; Robinson and Mahon, 1994;
(Pavlova et al., 1994; Reginelli et al., 1995; Simon et Simeone et al., 1994; Nakamura et al., 1996; Davideau
al., 1995). et al., 1999). In mice, only Dlxl and Dlx2 are expressed
In mice, targeted disruption of Msxl leads to signif- in the developing maxillary arch, while Dlxl, -2, -3,
icant craniofacial abnormalities ranging from the loss -5, and -6 are expressed in overlapping domains in the
of structures such as palatal shelves and maxillary developing mandibular primordia (Dolle et al., 1992;
bones to a slight shortening of the maxilla and mandible Qiu et al., 1995, 1997).
and absence of tooth development beyond the bud stage Targeted disruption of either Dlxl or Dlx2 in mice
(Satokata and Maas, 1994) (Color Fig. 3.1a-c). That affects the development of the palatine and pterygoid
MSX1 is a candidate gene for human orofacial clefting bones of the palate, aside from features unique to each
is further supported by the findings of van den knockout (Qiu et al., 1995,1997). In Dlxl -'-/Dlx2-'-
Boogaard et al. (2000), who identified a Dutch family double gene knockout mice, no additional skeletal
with tooth agenesis and various combinations of CP structures are affected or replaced except for the ab-
and CLP, a phenotype similar to that of Msxl gene sence of maxillary molars.
knockout mice. Mutational analysis of the MSX1 gene
in affected individuals revealed heterozygosity for a LHX Genes
nonsense mutation (S104X) in exon 1. Further evidence
comes from an Iowa case-control study, which reported The LHX (LIM homeobox) genes encode a class of
positive association between MSX1 and CP (Lidral et transcription regulators that possess two tandemly re-
al., 1998; Romitti et al., 1999), although a previous peated cysteine-rich double-zinc finger motifs called
study in a Philippine population had shown no associ- LIM (lin-11 isl-1 mec-3) domains, followed by a home-
ation (Lidral et al., 1997). odomain (Freyd et al., 1990). Each LIM domain is com-
Msx2 is also involved in craniofacial development, posed of 50 to 60 amino acids with a conserved pat-
although its role in lip and palate development is less tern of cysteine and histidine residues forming a pair
well defined. Msx2-deficient mice show defects of skull of zinc fingers and separated by a linker of two amino
ossification and persistent calvarial foramen (Satokata acids.
et al., 2000). These features closely resemble the de- In contrast to the DNA binding activity of the homeo-
fective cranial osteogenesis and enlarged parietal domain, the LIM domains regulate the activity of the
foraminae observed in humans with functional hap- LIM protein molecules by protein-protein interaction
loinsufficiency of MSX2 (Wilkie et al., 2000). In con- (Sanchez-Garcia et al., 1993; Xue et al., 1993; Feuer-
trast, a gain-of-function mutation in MSX2 has been stein et al., 1994; Taira et al., 1994; Dawid et al., 1995;
shown to be the cause of autosomal dominant cranio- Agulnick et al., 1996; Jurata et al., 1996; Bach et al.,
synostosis in a family with one member having a CP 1997; Morcillo et al., 1997; Breen et al., 1998).
(Jabs et al., 1993; Ma et al., 1996). Furthermore, trans- Genetic studies conducted in various organisms such
genie mice harboring either a wild-type or a mutant as Drosophila and mice suggest that members of the
(P148H) human MSX2 gene show perinatal lethality Lhx gene family are required for tissue patterning or
and various degrees of craniofacial malformation, in- specification and differentiation of different cell types
cluding mandibular hypoplasia, cleft secondary palate, during embryonic development (Cohen et al., 1992;
exencephaly, and median facial cleft (Winograd et al., Taira et al., 1994; Shawlot and Behringer, 1995;
1997). In addition, aplasia of the interparietal bone and Sharma et al., 1998; Zhao et al., 1999b). Two of these
reduced ossification of the hyoid have been observed genes, Lhx6 and Lhx7, are expressed prior to initia-
in these transgenic mice. These data allude to the im- tion of tooth formation in presumptive oral and odon-
portance of MSX2 dosage effects during skull devel- togenic mesenchyme of the maxillary and mandibular
opment. processes during mouse embryogenesis (Grigoriou et
al., 1998). Another LIM homeobox gene, Lhx8 (also
DLX Genes called L3), is differentially expressed in the maxillary
primordia, mandibular primordia, and ventral fore-
DLX genes are homeobox-containing genes homolo- brain during mouse embryogenesis (Matsumoto et al.,
gous to the Drosophila Distal-less (Dll) gene (Price et 1996). Lhx8 has been mapped to mouse chromosome
al., 1991). They include at least six members in mice 3 syntenic segment H3-4 (Kitanaka et al., 1998), which

is homologous to a human chromosomal region (4q25- hibit absence of external ears, and 8% of them have
q31) that has been associated with craniofacial clefting clefting of the mandible and tongue (ten Berge et al.,
(Beiraghi et al., 1994; Mitchell et al., 1995). During 1998). Prrxl~!'IPrrx2~'~ mice die shortly after birth,
different stages of palatogenesis, continuous expression while Prrxl~!~ mice survive up to 24 h after birth.
of Lhx8 is observed in the mesenchyme (Zhao et al., These results indicate that Prrx may be essential for
1999a). In mice homozygous for deletion of the Lhx8 normal craniofacial development, including palate and
gene, the palatal shelves are not able to contact and mandibular formation (ten Berge et al., 1998; Lu et al.,
fuse normally, resulting in clefting of the secondary 1999).
palate (Zhao et al., 1999a) (Color Fig. 3.1d-f). The CP
phenotype observed in Lhx8~l~ mutant mice thus Goosecoid
makes Lhx8 a candidate gene for the isolated nonsyn-
dromic form of CP in humans. Goosecoid (GSC) is a homeodomain-containing pro-
tein that was originally isolated from a Xenopus dor-
PRRX Genes sal blastopore lip cDNA library (Blumberg et al., 1991).
Its name is derived from the fact that parts of the homeo-
The PRRX (paired-related homeobox) genes encode a domain are similar to the Drosophila genes gooseberry
class of transcription regulators that have a homeo- and bicoid (Cho et al., 1991). Highly conserved
domain homologous to the Drosophila paired and Goosecoid homologs have been identified in chick, ze-
gooseberry genes and to the mouse Pax3, Pax6, and brafish, and mouse. In addition to the homeodomain,
Pax7 genes (Nohno et al., 1993; Norris et al., 2000). they share a highly conserved seven-amino acid stretch
The Prrx proteins have three conserved domains: the known as the Goosecoid engrailed homology domain
homeodomain, the aristaless domain, and the Prrx-spe- (Goriely et al., 1996; Mailhos et al., 1998).
cific domain (ten Berge et al., 1998). These proteins do Goosecoid acts as a transcription factor and is ex-
not contain a paired box and have a glutamine at amino pressed in two distinct phases of mouse embryonic de-
acid position 50 of the homeodomain in place of the velopment: initially during gastrulation [embryonic
paired-specific serine. This amino acid difference con- day 6.4 (E6.4) to E6.7] in regions of the embryo with
fers the DNA binding specificity of the Prrx proteins axial patterning activity and subsequently during
(Treisman et al., 1989). organogenesis (El0.5 onward) in craniofacial regions,
The two best studied Prrx genes, Prrxl (also known the ventral body wall, and limbs (Blum et al., 1992;
as Mhox, Prxl, Phoxl, Pmxl, and K2) and Prrx2 (also Gaunt et al., 1993). Generally, Goosecoid appears to
known as Prxl and S8), are expressed in a variety of be involved in orchestrating the final stages of the for-
tissues, especially in the mesenchyme during embryonic mation of craniofacial structures such as the ear, nose,
development (Leussink et al., 1995, and references and mouth.
therein). The expression patterns of Prrxl and Prrx2 Homozygous disruption of the Gsc gene in mice re-
in the developing mouse embryo overlap but differ con- sults in numerous developmental defects affecting struc-
siderably. The Prrxl and Prrx2 genes have similar ex- tures in which Goosecoid is expressed during the
pression patterns in the cranium, branchial arches, organogenesis phase of embryonic development (Rivera-
body wall, and limbs; but major differences have been Perez et al., 1995; Yamada et al., 1995). The defects
observed in the brain and heart. For example, Prrxl predominantly involve the lower mandible and its as-
expression is detected in most of the ectoderm, includ- sociated musculature, including the tongue, nasal cav-
ing the precursors of the brain, whereas Prrx2 expres- ity, nasal pits, malleus, and external auditory meatus
sion is not detected in the developing brain. (Yamada et al., 1995, 1997). Rivera-Perez et al. (1995)
Inactivation (loss of function) of the Prrxl gene in demonstrated numerous craniofacial and rib cage ab-
mice results in homozygous mutants with craniofacial normalities in Gsc~'~ mutant mice, including reduction
defects such as microcephaly, low-set ears, pointed or absence of maxillary and frontal bones and struc-
snout, clefting of the secondary palate, and mild tures of the middle ear, as well as malformation of var-
mandibular hypoplasia (Martin et al., 1995; ten Berge ious bones at the base of the skull, e.g., palatine. Mice
et al., 1998). In contrast, inactivation ofPrrxZ does not chimeric for the Gsc-/~ mutation display defects sim-
result in any morphological abnormalities, suggesting ilar to those observed in constitutive Gsc~f~ mutant
that Prrxl functionally compensates for the loss of mice (Rivera-Perez et al., 1999), suggesting that
Prrx2 in Prrx2~'~ mice (ten Berge et al., 1998; Lu et Goosecoid acts in a cell-autonomous manner in
al., 1999). Prrxl~/~/Prrx2~/~ double-mutant mice ex- mesenchyme-derived tissues during craniofacial devel-
hibit abnormalities similar to but more severe than opment; i.e., Goosecoid is required for the emergence,
Prrxl~'~ mice. For example, double-mutant mice ex- proliferation, or survival of Goosecoid-expressing cells.
COLOR FIG. 3.1. Cleft palate phenotypes in mice homozygous for disruptions of Msxl (a-c), Lhx8 (d-f),
Tgfb3 (g-i), and Egfr (j-l) genes. Gross morphology of clefts is shown in the left panels (a, d, g, j), with
wild-type mice on the left and —/— littermates on the right. Frontal sections through the heads of these
mutant mice show failure of fusion of palatal shelves (c, f, i, I) compared to their wild-type sibs (b, e, h,
k). ps, palatal shelves; t, tongue. (From Satokata and Maas, 1994(a-c); Zhao et al., 1999a(d-f);
Kaartinen et al., 1995(g-i); and Miettinen et al., 1999(j-l) with permission.)
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GROWTH FACTORS Jackson-Weiss and Beare-Stevenson syndromes (re-

viewed in Yamaguchi and Rossant, 1995; Passos-Bueno
Growth factors such as fibroblast growth factor (FGF), et al., 1999). Each of these syndromes can be associ-
transforming growth factor-a (TGF-a), the TGF-/3 su- ated with CP, especially Apert syndrome.
perfamily, platelet-derived growth factor-a (PDGF-a),
and epidermal growth factor (EGF) together with Transforming Growth Factors
some structural extracellular matrix molecules con-
trol epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during normal The TGFs are extracellular signaling molecules that play
palatogenesis (Ferguson, 1988; Fitzpatrick et al., 1990; widespread roles in regulating development in both in-
Crossley and Martin, 1995; Wall and Hogan, 1995). vertebrates and vertebrates. TGF-a and TGF-/3 contrib-
Some of these growth factors are expressed at several ute to facial development, especially palate formation.
stages of facial development, making it unclear which
stage(s) of development is affected by mutations in any TGFA Gene. The TGFA gene encodes a 160-amino
of these genes. acid transmembrane glycoprotein called TGF-a (Derynck
et al., 1984). It interacts with the EGF receptor (EGFR)
Fibroblast Growth Factors and Receptors and elicits downstream responses during cell-to-cell in-
teraction (Brachmann et al., 1989). Biological relevance
To date, at least 23 structurally similar members of the for TGFA as a candidate gene for oral clefting is sup-
FGF family have been identified. They are associated ported by its expression pattern in palatal tissues, es-
with a wide spectrum of functions, such as angiogene- pecially in the midline seam and subjacent mesenchyme
sis, wound healing, embryonic development, and ma- of the palatal shelves at the time of shelf fusion (Dixon
lignant transformation (reviewed in Basilico and et al., 1991). Interestingly, however, Tgfa gene knock-
Moscatelli, 1992; Yamaguchi and Rossant, 1995). They out mice have failed to demonstrate a cleft phenotype
regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and migra- (Luetteke et al., 1993).
tion in many different tissues through complex signal- Some human population-based studies have yielded
transduction pathways. Upon binding of FGF to its re- a positive association between TGFA and CL with or
ceptor, FGFR, receptor dimerization occurs, followed without CP (CUP). Ardinger et al. (1989) first reported
by kinase activation in one of the receptors. This re- evidence that specific alleles of TGFA are associated
sults in the transphosphorylation of the other receptor with nonsyndromic CL/P. Subsequent results supported
in the dimer. The autophosphorylated FGFR can then this association in independent Caucasian populations:
bind and phosphorylate intracellular gene products to Australian (Chenevix-Trench et al., 1992), British
activate downstream signal-transduction pathways. (Holder et al., 1992), French (Stoll et al., 1992), and
Although the expression patterns of many members another U.S. population, in Pennsylvania (Sassani et
of the Fgf gene family have not been fully character- al., 1993). Another study, on a Chilean Caucasoid-
ized, at least seven members (Fgfl, Fgf2, Fgf4, Fgf5, Mongoloid population, demonstrated an association
Fgf8, Fgf9, and Fgf 12) are expressed in the developing between TGFA and nonsyndromic CL/P (Jara et al.,
facial primordia (reviewed in Francis-West et al., 1998; 1995). Conversely, two studies involving a population
Colvin et al., 1999). Some members of the Fgf family from the Philippines and a U.S. Caucasian population
may control outgrowth of the developing facial pri- failed to replicate the earlier findings (Lidral et al.,
mordia, analogous to their roles in limb bud develop- 1997, 1998).
ment (Richman and Crosby, 1990; Niswander and Rather than being a necessary and sufficient deter-
Martin, 1992; Drucker and Goldfarb, 1993; Ohuchi et minant on its own, it has been postulated that TGFA
al., 1994; Crossley and Martin, 1995; Wall and Hogan, acts as a modifier gene (Stoll et al., 1992; Jara et al.,
1995; Richman et al., 1997). 1995; Murray, 1995). Nevertheless, meta-analyses of
The Fgfrs (Fgfrl, Fgfr2, and Fgfr3) are also expressed TGFA continue to provide strong support for a possi-
in the facial primordia and later associate with some ble role in cleft etiology. Machida et al. (1999) utilized
regions of chondrogenesis. In a study by Celli et al. single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis to
(1998), transgenic expression of a kinase-deficient mu- search for causal TGFA mutations in the coding se-
tant, Fgfr2b (a dominant-negative mutant receptor), re- quence, splice junctions, and a portion of the 3' un-
sulted in embryonic lethality and limb and craniofacial translated region in 250 individuals with nonsyndromic
abnormalities such as CP and reduced maxillary bone. CL/P or nonsyndromic CP. Several novel sequence sub-
These features are reminiscent of several human cran- stitutions were identified. Five variants were found in
iofacial syndromes associated with activating muta- conserved regions of the gene and may represent rare
tions in FGFR genes, e.g., Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer, causes of clefting in individuals.

TGF-/3 Superfamily. The TGF-/3 superfamily of control study, showing an association between poly-
polypeptides performs a wide range of regulatory morphic markers in TGFB3 and CP (Lidral et al., 1998).
functions. Members include the TGF-/3 family (TGF- Activins, follistatin, and receptors. Activins are
/31, TGF-02, TGF-/33, TGF-04, and TGF-/35) and the dimeric glycoproteins that are widely expressed during
more distantly related bone morphogenetic proteins, rodent development (Feijen et al., 1994; Roberts and
growth and differentiation factors, and the activin/ Earth, 1994; Phillips, 2000). The first of these proteins
inhibin family. was originally purified from ovarian follicular fluid and
TGFB genes. Members of the TGF-/3 family, which shown to stimulate release of follicle-stimulating hor-
are encoded by the TGFB genes, display a remarkable mone from the pituitary. Various other nonreproduc-
spectrum of effects on patterning, epithelial-mes- tive functions have since been attributed to the activins,
enchymal interactions, cellular proliferation, apoptosis, such as in mesodermal and neuronal induction and in
and chondrogenesis during development (Kingsley, erythroid differentiation (reviewed in Phillips, 2000).
1994). The mature and active form of TGF-/3 contains The two best studied activin subunits, (3A and /3B, are
110 to 140 amino acids, derived from the C-terminal encoded by the INHBA and INHBB genes, respec-
region of the TGF-/3 precursor protein through a pro- tively. Activin A and activin B consist of homodimers
teolytic process. This precursor contains an N-terminal of j8A and j6B, respectively, while activin AB is a het-
signal peptide followed by a prodomain containing 50 erodimer of /3A and /3B. Activins interact with binding
to 375 amino acids and a C-terminal region. The ma- proteins such as follistatin and initiate intracellular sig-
ture domain contains six cysteine residues, which form naling by binding to serine/threonine kinase receptors,
three intrachain disulfide bonds. Each monomer has an types I and II (reviewed in Phillips, 2000). The type II
additional N-terminal cysteine, which can form an in- activin receptors (Acvr2 and Acvr2b) are constitutively
terchain disulfide bond to generate a population of ei- active kinases. Upon binding activin, they associate
ther homodimers or heterodimers, thus indirectly in- with and phosphorylate a type I activin receptor (Acvrl
creasing the functional diversity of these proteins. or Acvrlb), which then initiates intracellular signaling.
Tgf-/31, Tgf-/32, and Tgf-/33 are expressed in early The expression patterns of the activin /3A and /3B
embryogenesis and are associated later with some re- subunits in the developing mouse embryo overlap but
gions of skeletal development (Pelton et al., 1989, differ considerably (Feijen et al., 1994). At E10.5 to
1991; Millan et al., 1991). Expression of each Tgf-/3 is 12.5, E/3A (but not 0B) mRNA is abundant in mes-
temporally and spatially regulated in the developing enchymal tissues such as the developing face, body wall,
palate, suggesting an important role for these isoforms heart, and precartilaginous limb condensations. The
in this process (Fitzpatrick et al., 1990). Brunet et al. sites of type II activin receptor expression also overlap
(1995) showed that depletion of Tgf-/33 using either with or are adjacent to the sites of activin ft subunit
antisense oligonucleotides or neutralizing antibodies expression, but there are some differences between
prevents in vitro palatal fusion. In contrast, inhibition Acvr2 and Acvr2b. For example, only Acvr2 is ex-
of Tgf-/31 and Tgf-/32 activities by either strategy failed pressed in the whisker follicles and the mandibular
to affect palate development and fusion. Studies done component of the first branchial arch.
on Tgfb2~'~ and Tgfb3~'~ mutant mice have shown Targeted disruption of the Inhbb gene, which en-
that both play important roles in palatogenesis (Kaarti- codes the activin /3B subunit, causes defective (open)
nen et al., 1995, 1997; Proetzel et al., 1995; Sanford eyelids in otherwise viable homozygous mutant mice;
et al., 1997). Sanford et al. (1997) demonstrated that however, females are unable to rear offspring normally
23 % of their Tgfb2 ~!~ mutant mice had complete an- (Vassalli et al., 1994). This is in contrast to mice ho-
teroposterior clefting of the secondary palate extend- mozygous for targeted disruption of the Inhba gene,
ing to the soft palate, leaving the nasal septae exposed. which encodes the activin /3A subunit. Inhba~/~ mu-
Histological analysis of these mutants at El8.5 revealed tant mice lack whiskers and incisors; have a secondary
failure of the palatal shelves to elevate into the hori- defect in the alveolar ridge of the mandible, the site of
zontal orientation. Kaartinen et al. (1997) also dem- formation of the lower molars; and die within 24 h
onstrated impaired basement degradation and medial (Matzuk et al., 1995a). Significantly, approximately
edge epithelium (MEE) transdifferentiation in all one-third of these mice had clefting of the secondary
Tgfb3~l~ mutant mice, resulting in CP (Fig. 3.1g-i). palate. Of the mice that did not show clefting, detailed
These studies provide strong evidence for a critical role examination revealed that one-third lacked a hard
of Tgf-/32 and Tgf-/33 in the molecular control of palate, while the remainder had incomplete hard palate
palatal fusion. development.
That the TGFB3 gene is involved in human oral cleft- Acvr2 gene knockout mice also exhibit variable cra-
ing is supported by the findings in an Iowa case- niofacial defects (Matzuk et al., 1995b). Approximately

one-fifth of Acvr2 / mutant mice had variable expressed in the palatal mesenchyme and MEE, while
mandibular hypoplasia (micrognathia) and secondary only low-level expression of Pdgf-aa is detected in the
defects including CP, absence of incisors, defects in palatal epithelia. During palatal midline epithelial seam
Meckel's cartilage, and open eyelids. formation and degradation throughout E14, intensive
Matzuk et al. (1995c) also created follistatin (Fst)- co-localization of Pdgf-aa and its receptor in the nasal
deficient mice and reported that Fst~'~ mutant mice and midline seam epithelia is observed (Qiu and Fer-
were growth-retarded, had shiny skin, and died within guson, 1995).
hours of delivery. A majority of the mice either had de- Homozygous knockout of the Pdgfra gene causes
layed incisor development or lacked incisors altogether. some midline defects and under-development of the
Clefting of the secondary palate was observed in 6% face, with absence of some facial bones (Soriano, 1997).
of the null mice, while 21% (hybrid background) and The phenotype was similar to that observed in the re-
55% (inbred background) lacked a hard palate. cessive mouse mutant Patch (Ph), which involves a dele-
The incomplete penetrance of the CP phenotype in tion encompassing the Pdgfra gene (Morrison-Graham
Inhba and Fst gene knockout mice is' reminiscent of the et al., 1992). In both mutants, neuronal derivatives of
complex nature of human nonsyndromic oral clefting. the neural crest were unaffected, suggesting that Pdgf-
The malformations seen in Acvrl gene knockout mice, a affects survival of the subset of neural crest cells giv-
however, appear to mimic the human condition Pierre ing rise to nonneuronal derivatives.
Robin syndrome, which involves defects in the devel-
opment of the first branchial arch. Epidermal Growth Factors and Receptor

Plcrfelef-Derived Growth Factors and Receptors The EGF family consists of several different members,
including EGF, heparin-binding EGF-like factor, am-
The PDGFs are a family of homo- and heterodimers of phiregulin, epiregulin, betacellulin, the neuregulins, and
disulfide-bonded a- and /3-polypeptide chains. The ma- the neuregulin-2s (reviewed in Riese and Stern, 1998).
ture forms of a and /3 chains of PDGF are ~100 amino Most of the precursor proteins are membrane-bound
acids long and show ~60% amino acid sequence iden- and can be proteolytically cleaved into soluble forms
tity (reviewed in Heldin and Westermark, 1999). The or remain as membrane-anchored hormones in signal-
PDGF isoforms bind to two receptors, PDGFR-a and ing. They share a domain of homology of approxi-
PDGFR-/3. The first has high affinity for both a and j8 mately 50 amino acids and together with the EGFR
chains of PDGF, whereas the second binds only to the regulate proliferation and differentiation of various tis-
ft chain with high affinity. Hence, PDGF-aa can induce sue types, including the palate.
PDGFR-aa homodimers only, PDGF-/3/3 can induce all Egfr gene knockout mice exhibit facial mediolateral
3 dimeric combinations of a and {3 receptors, and defects such as narrow and elongated snouts, under-
PDGF-a/3 can induce both PDGFR-ao: homodimers developed lower jaws, and CP (Miettinen et al., 1999)
and PDGFR-a/3 heterodimers. Aside from their regula- (Fig. 3.1J-1). Interestingly, palatal shelf tissues extracted
tory roles in central nervous and vascular system de- from Egfr~'~ mutant mice are capable of fusing but
velopment, in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, with residual epithelium in the midline frequently ob-
and in wound healing (reviewed in Heldin and West- served. Cultured mandibular cells from these mice ex-
ermark, 1999), PDGFs and PDGFRs may play an im- hibit diminished morphogenesis of Meckel's cartilage.
portant role in palate development, particularly in reg- Secretion of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) was
ulating palatal midline epithelial seam formation and also diminished in palatal shelf tissues of Egfr~'~ mu-
degradation. tant mice. Usually, Egf is able to increase MMP secre-
The Pdgfs and Pdgfrs are differentially expressed dur- tion; absence of Egfr prevents Egf ligand binding and
ing development of the embryonic mouse secondary downstream signal transduction, leading to decreased
palate. For example, Pdgfr-aa is normally present dur- MMP expression. Hence, Egf/Egfr signaling is neces-
ing palate formation, while Pdgfr-/3/3 is sparse or ab- sary for normal craniofacial development, and down-
sent (Qiu and Ferguson, 1995). Furthermore, Pdgf-a is stream effectors such as the MMPs mediate this role
expressed in the mandibular arch of El0.5 embryos, indirectly.
while Pdgfr-cm is expressed in the surface ectoderm un- To further understand the respective roles of these
derlying branchial arch mesenchyme (Orr-Urtreger and growth factors during facial development, especially in
Lonai, 1992). The expression patterns of these genes the area of palatogenesis, functional studies are needed
change temporally during palatal shelf elevation and to determine how members of these growth factor fam-
midline epithelial seam formation and degradation. At ilies control the outgrowth and patterning via the dif-
El 3, before elevation of the palatal shelf, Pdgfr-aa is ferent signal-transduction pathways.

SIGNALING MOLECULES artery, and cardiac outflow tracts; homozygous dis-

ruption of this gene results in malformations of pha-
Signaling molecules are specific substances synthesized ryngeal arch-derived craniofacial structures, including
and released by signaling cells. They produce a specific a nonfused mandible (Kurihara et al., 1994,1995). The
response only in the target cells that have receptors zebrafish craniofacial mutant sucker was also shown
for them. Endothelins, jagged proteins, and thrombo- to be caused by a mutation in the etl gene (Miller et
spondins are some of the signaling molecules involved al., 2000). The exact role of Etl in neural crest devel-
in normal facial development. opment is unclear. However, one novel basic helix-
loop-helix transcriptional factor, dHAND, has been
Endothelins and Receptors shown to interact with Etl in controlling neural crest
branchial arch formation in mice (Thomas et al., 1998).
Endothelins (ETs) were initially identified as vasocon- Expression of dHAND is limited to the mesenchyme of
strictor proteins secreted by vascular endothelial cells the distal branchial arches, just beneath the Etl-
(Yanagisawa et al., 1988). They consist of three closely expressing epithelium. In dHAND null mutant mice, lack
related 21-amino acid polypeptides (ET1, ET2, ETS) of expression of dHAND in branchial and aortic arches
that are capable of binding one or both ET receptors, results in the branchial arches becoming hypoplastic at
ETA and ETB (Inoue et al., 1989; Arai et al., 1990;
Sakurai et al., 1990). Both receptors belong to the
seven-transmembrane, G protein-coupled receptor
family. At physiological concentrations, only ET1 and
ET2 can bind to ETA but all three ET isoforms are able
to bind to ETs-
The ETs are first synthesized as preproendothelins of
approximately 200 amino acid residues, which are then
processed by a furin-like protease into biologically in-
active intermediates called big ETs (Yanagisawa et al.,
1998). A further cleavage at the common Trp21 residue
by highly specific ET-converting enzymes (ECEs) yields
the mature ET. Two isozymes of ECE (ECE1 and
ECE2) are known, both belonging to the type II mem-
brane-bound metalloprotease family (Xu et al., 1994;
Emoto and Yanagisawa, 1995).
Recent gene knockout studies have revealed unex-
pected and interesting roles for Et isopeptides and their
receptors. For example, mice homozygous for a null
mutation of the Et& gene demonstrate craniofacial and
cardiovascular abnormalities similar to those associ-
ated with the CATCH-22 (cardiac defects, abnormal
facies, thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcemia,
associated with chromosome 22 microdeletion) syn-
drome (Clouthier et al., 1998). In contrast, mutant mice
deficient in Et3 or Ets gene product show develop-
mental abnormalities of other neural crest derivatives, FIG. 3.2. Endothelin-HAND-MSX pathway: proposed model for
including melanocytes and enteric neurons, giving rise regulation of branchial arch outgrowth. Endothelins (ETs) are se-
to coat-color spotting and aganglionic megacolon rem- creted from the epithelial layer of the branchial arch into the mes-
iniscent of Hirschsprung disease in humans (Baynash enchyme. They bind to receptors (ET^jz), which are expressed in mes-
enchymal and surrounding endothelial cells. This binding upregulates
et al., 1994; Hosoda et al., 1994). These observations the expression of two basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors,
suggest that two distinct Et signaling pathways likely dHAND and eHAND, in the distal mesenchyme. In turn dHAND
contribute to the development of different neural crest upregulates expression of the homeobox protein MSXI also in the
lineages and that only some of the Et isopeptides and distal mesenchyme. MSXI interacts with another homeobox protein,
their receptors are essential for craniofacial develop- DLX, and they regulate each other in an antagonistic manner. An
appropriate balance between MSXI and DLX is probably crucial in
ment. maintaining normal cell proliferation, differentiation, and death in
Endothelin 1 is expressed mainly in the epithelium the branchial arch, which is essential for formation of the secondary
of the pharyngeal arches, endothelium of the aortic arch palate.

as early as E9.5, apparently secondary to the pro- ciency of the JAGl gene in humans causes Alagille syn-
grammed cell death of the mesenchyme. Furthermore, drome (Alagille et al., 1987; Li et al., 1997; Oda et al.,
Msxl expression is undetectable in dHAND~'~ mu- 1997). This syndrome is characterized by a broad fore-
tant mice. head, deep-set eyes, malformed ears, long straight nose,
These data suggest a potential molecular model for and pointed mandible. Some cases of Alagille syndrome
the regulation of branchial arch outgrowth. In this result from truncation of the Jaggedl protein, which
model, Etl is secreted from the branchial arch epithe- acts in a dominant-negative fashion during craniofacial
lium into the mesenchyme, while its receptor, EtA, is development. A single-amino acid change in the
expressed in mesenchymal cells and surrounding endo- Jagged2 protein is thought to be responsible for the
thelial cells (Fig. 3.2). Intracellular signaling is initiated mouse syndactylism (sra) mutant, in which the digits
by the binding of secreted Etl to activated EtA recep- of the feet are fused (Sidow et al., 1997). In contrast,
tor, which enhances the expression of dHAND in the targeted deletion of the Jag2 exons encoding the DSL
mesenchyme. In turn, dHAND upregulates expression domain results in craniofacial defects and perinatal
of Msxl in the distal branchial arch (Thomas et al., lethality in mice (Jiang et al., 1998). Jag2~'~ mutant
1998). An appropriate balance between Msxl and its mice have CP mainly due to failure of the palatal shelves
modulator Dlx2 in the distal branchial arch may be to elevate and fuse. In addition, these mutant mice ex-
crucial for normal proliferation, differentiation, and hibit syndactyly of the fore- and hindlimbs. The limb
cell death in the branchial arch, processes necessary for defects are more severe than those seen in sm mutants.
formation of a continuous mesenchyme in the sec- These studies suggest that Notch signaling mediated by
ondary palate. Jagged2 plays an essential role during limb and cran-
iofacial development in mice and that sm is a hypo-
Jagged Molecules and Notch Receptors morphic allele of the Jag2 gene.

The Notch family of receptors are important signaling rhroznJbospondins

molecules regulating cell fate during development. They
are membrane-bound and have a large extracellular do- Thrombospondins (TSPs) are a family of multifunc-
main containing multiple tandemly arranged EGF-like tional, extracellular matrix glycoproteins secreted by a
repeats (Rebay et al., 1991). Jaggedl and Jagged2 (also variety of cells and consisting of five members (TSP1,
known as Serrate 1 and Serrate2) are transmembrane li- TSP2, TSP3, TSP4, and COMP/TSP5) encoded by dis-
gands for the Notch receptors (reviewed in Artavanis- tinct genes (reviewed in Bornstein, 1992; Vacca et
Tsakonas et al., 1995; Robey, 1997; Francis-West et al., 1999). The first, TSP1, is a homotrimeric multido-
al., 1998). Their extracellular domains also contain main glycoprotein. Each monomer contains an amino-
multiple EGF-like motifs as well as a conserved motif terminal heparin binding domain, followed by a pro-
called the DSL (delta, serrate, lag-2) domain. The DSL collagen homology domain, three TSP (properidin-like)
domain is required for interaction with their receptors. repeats, three EGF-like repeats, seven Ca2+-binding re-
Binding of Jaggedl and Jagged2 to the Notch re- peats, and a carboxy-terminal cell attachment domain
ceptors elicits a series of intracellular processes involv- (Bornstein and Sage, 1994). The TSPs have an affinity
ing receptor proteolysis and interactions with several for cell surfaces and extracellular matrix macromole-
novel cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins (Artavanis- cules such as fibronectin, laminin, heparan sulfate pro-
Tsakonas et al., 1995; Kopan et al., 1996). The Notch teoglycans, plasminogen, collagens, and histidine-rich
intercellular signaling pathway is evolutionarily con- glycoproteins (Lawler, 1986; Frazier, 1987). For ex-
served. It is essential for proper cell-fate specification ample, TSP1 is involved in platelet aggregation, in-
and embryonic development in a diverse group of or- flammation, and inhibition of angiogenesis, as well as
ganisms (reviewed in Artavanis-Tsakonas et al., 1995; cell adhesion, migration, growth, and differentiation
Gridley, 1997; Robey, 1997). In humans, mutations in (Bornstein and Sage, 1994).
the Notch genes have been implicated in cancer and an As discussed in an earlier section, the TGF-/3 family
inherited condition causing stroke and dementia (El- is one of the numerous growth factor families involved
lisen et al., 1991; Joutel et al., 1996). in modulating mesenchymal proliferation of the palatal
In contrast, Jaggedl and Jagged2 proteins play a role shelves. There are several pathways available for acti-
in craniofacial and limb development. In mice, Jaggedl vating the TGF-/3s, one of which utilizes TSPs. Ex-
is expressed in both developing maxillary and mandibu- pression of TSPs is prominent in head mesenchyme,
lar primordia (Mitsiadis et al., 1997), while Jagged2 is including the palate. Tspl and Tsp2 are expressed in
expressed in the first to third branchial arches and the different but overlapping regions of cartilage and bone
developing limb (Valsecchi et al., 1997). Haploinsuffi- mesenchyme (Tooney et al., 1998; Melnick et al.,

2000). Tspl activates latent Tgf-/31, while Tsp2 func- GABA and its receptors in normal embryonic and fe-
tions as an antagonist to the function of Tspl by com- tal development. In addition, both genetic and terato-
petitively binding latent Tgf-/3 and not activating it logical studies have suggested that GABA signaling may
(Crawford et al., 1998; Melnick et al., 2000). be involved in normal craniofacial development, in-
Although the precise roles of Tspl and Tsp2 in em- cluding palate formation (Zimmerman and Wee, 1984;
bryogenesis are poorly understood, studies based on Culiat et al., 1993, 1995; Homanics et al., 1997). Ter-
their transcript expression and protein localization shed atological studies have shown that drugs such as di-
some light on their functions during palatogenesis. azepam, which can potentiate GABA action, are capa-
High expression of Tspl, Tsp2, and Tgf-/3 mRNAs and ble of inducing CP formation during a critical phase of
high protein quantities are localized throughout the ex- mouse palate development (Miller and Becker, 1975;
tracellular matrix of the palatal mesenchyme (Melnick Wee and Zimmerman, 1983). However, the CP phe-
et al., 2000). At the vertical palatal shelf stage of palato- notype is observed only at high drug doses, suggesting
genesis, Tsp2 protein is found throughout the extra- that the effect may be nonspecific. Nonetheless, mice
cellular matrix of the shelf mesenchyme. By the hori- lacking the GABAA receptor /33 subunit (Gabr/33) show
zontal palatal shelf stage, Tsp2 protein is far less clefting of the secondary palate (Culiat et al., 1993,
evident in the palatal shelf proper. It is principally lo- 1995; Homanics et al., 1997). Furthermore, mice defi-
calized in the ossification centers of the maxilla, in- cient in Gad67, one of two GAD enzymes in mice, show
cluding the palate. This is consistent with its previously a similar phenotype (Condie et al., 1997), clearly
purported role in craniofacial morphogenesis (Tooney demonstrating a role for GABA signaling in normal
et al., 1998). However, in Thbsl (Tsp2) null mutant palatogenesis.
mice, CP or other craniofacial anomalies are absent
(Kyriakides et al., 1998), suggesting that Tsp2 may not RYK
be an essential participant in palatogenesis.
The RYK (related to tyrosine kinases) gene encodes a
y-Aminobutyric Acid and Receptors catalytically inactive member of the receptor protein
tyrosine kinase (RTK) family (Hovens et al., 1992; Hal-
y-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a major inhibitory neu- ford et al., 1999; Katso et al., 1999). The RTKs typi-
rotransmitter with many critical functions as an inter- cally are transmembrane signal-transduction glycopro-
cellular signaling molecule in the nervous system and teins with an extracellular N-terminal ligand binding
in a number of nonneuronal cell types (reviewed in domain and an intracellular C-terminal tyrosine kinase
Erdo and Wolff, 1990; Chebib and Johnston, 1999). domain (reviewed in van der Geer et al., 1994). They
In the GABA-utilizing neurons of the central nervous regulate diverse cellular functions, among them mito-
system, it is synthesized from glutamic acid by glutamic genesis, differentiation, and morphogenesis. Because of
acid decarboxylase (GAD). Outside of the central its inability to undergo autophosphorylation or to
nervous system, GABA is synthesized by a number of phosphorylate substrates, RYK is unique within the
cell types, including pancreatic (3 cells. It binds to GABA RTK family. Despite this, it is able to activate down-
receptors, namely GABAA, GABAB, and GABAC. Both stream signaling pathways (Katso et al., 1999, and ref-
GABAA and GABAc belong to a superfamily of trans- erences therein).
mitter-gated ion channels that includes nicotinic acetyl- In a study by Halford et al. (2000), most mice ho-
choline, strychnine-sensitive glycine, and 5-hydrox- mozygous for targeted disruption of the Ryk gene failed
ytryptamine 3 receptors. The GABAA receptors are to survive more than 24 h. In addition to some limb
heterooligomeric Cl~ channels that can be selectively abnormalities, these mice have a slightly smaller and
blocked by the alkaloid bicuculline and modulated by more rounded cranial vault, reflecting minor changes
steroids, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines. In con- in size and shape of individual calvarial elements. They
trast, GABAc receptors represent a relatively simple have a shorter snout due to shortened nasal bones, a
form of Cl~ channel made up of a single type of pro- flattened midface due to premaxillary/maxillary hy-
tein subunit. The GABAg receptors are heterooligo- poplasia, and a reduced mandible. In addition, over
meric receptors coupled to G proteins and can activate 88% of the mice presented with a completely cleft sec-
second-messenger systems and Ca2+ and K + ion chan- ondary palate. These results indicate that Ryk is es-
nels upon binding GABA (Chebib and Johnston, 1999). sential for normal development of craniofacial struc-
Cell culture studies have demonstrated that GABA is tures, including the secondary palate. These authors
capable of promoting the survival, differentiation, and also provide biochemical evidence to suggest that Ryk
migration of embryonic neurons (Barbin et al., 1993; activates downstream signaling via interaction with
Liu et al., 1997). These observations suggest a role for other members of different RTK subfamilies.

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Clinical Features of Cleft Lip
and Palate
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The orofacial examination: normal

and abnormal findings


The discovery of an oral cleft (OC) in a baby or young clinic populations. This tends to underestimate the in-
child is a distressing event for the family. Parents who cidence of the most severe or lethal malformation syn-
have been visualizing a healthy child throughout preg- dromes as these children often do not survive the
nancy are often shocked by the significant physical and neonatal period. Using these populations has the ad-
cosmetic abnormalities that accompany an OC. Fol- vantage that craniofacial clinics often include a dys-
lowing the discovery of the OC, the parents will ap- morphologist or clinical geneticist, resulting in a more
propriately have many questions, which may be divided thorough morphological evaluation. A study of this
into two general categories: the first addresses the di- type from the CP clinic in San Diego, which does not
agnosis and prognosis of the condition, involving ques- include early lethal syndromes, showed a 14% inci-
tions such as "What is wrong?," "What can be done dence of associated malformations in individuals with
about it?," and "What does it mean for the future?"; cleft lip (CL) with or without CP (CL/P), a 40% inci-
the second addresses etiology and recurrence risk, typ- dence of associated malformations among individuals
ically including questions such as "Why did it hap- with CP, and a 78% incidence of associated malfor-
pen?," "Will it happen again?," and "What are our re- mations among individuals with velopharyngeal insuf-
productive options in the future?" These questions can ficiency (Jones, 1993, 2000). For comparison, a French
be answered only after accurately determining the ab- population-based study utilizing a birth defects registry
normalities that are present and establishing the etiol- showed a 37% incidence of associated malformations
ogy of the OC. When a genetic syndrome with associ- in individuals with CL/P, a 47% incidence of associ-
ated mental retardation is the cause of the cleft, the ated malformations among individuals with CP, and a
developmental prognosis may be more important to the 14% incidence of associated malformations among in-
ultimate function of the individual than the specific an- dividuals with CL (Stoll et al., 2000). In the French
atomic issues surrounding the OC and its repair. Thus, study, approximately 13% of the patients with CL/P,
this section discusses issues related to the general and 14% with CP, and 6% with CL had recognized mul-
orofacial evaluation of the OC patient with emphasis tiple malformation syndromes (Stoll et al., 2000). Thus,
on clues to differentiate syndromic from nonsyndromic results from these two different patient populations
OCs. suggest that the type of OC can heighten or lower con-
While the majority of individuals with OCs have no cerns for associated malformations or genetic syn-
other physical abnormalities and are developmentally dromes. Similarly, the severity of the OC appears to be
normal, a significant number have associated malfor- important. Bilateral CL/P is almost twice as likely to
mations, possibly as part of a genetic or chromosomal be associated with a multiple malformation syndrome
syndrome. Most studies looking for associated abnor- than unilateral CL/P (Milerad et al., 1997).
malities or syndromes among individuals with facial While surgeons evaluate OC patients with reference
clefts have been done in craniofacial or cleft palate (CP) to the best technique for good cosmetic and functional


repair, the goal of the medical evaluation is to catego- tory may also identify individuals with other abnor-
rize the abnormality into one of three groups: (1) part malities, leading to the diagnosis of a familial OC syn-
of a multiple malformation syndrome with possible as- drome. Updating the family history at subsequent clinic
sociated developmental disabilities and/or mental re- visits is important as additional information may be
tardation and a recurrence risk as high as 25% to 50%, learned from other family members after the discovery
(2) a nonsyndromic abnormality with a presumed good of the individual OC and new affected individuals may
developmental outcome and lower recurrence risk, or be added to the family over time.
(3) one of a number of associated malformations not The physical examination needs to be comprehensive
representing a known or recognized syndrome, with a and thorough because extracranial as well as craniofa-
guarded developmental outcome depending on the na- cial abnormalities may be major components of an OC
ture and severity of the associated abnormalities and syndrome. Some dysmorphologists begin their physical
an unknown recurrence risk. These distinctions are crit- examinations away from the OC and craniofacial re-
ically important for counseling but may not be imme- gion so as not to overlook minor abnormalities of the
diately obvious at the initial evaluation of the OC pa- hands, feet, genitalia, and other body parts. The im-
tient. Therefore, evaluation of the OC patient is often portant extracranial abnormalities seen in clefting syn-
an ongoing process that may need to be repeated over dromes will be discussed elsewhere in this book. An
a period of time to accurately categorize the nature and important general concept to remember is that those
etiology of an individual OC and, thus, provide im- structures with complex embryonic development, such
portant treatment, long-term prognosis, and recurrence as the brain, heart, face, and hands, are the most likely
risk counseling information. As in other areas of med- to show associated abnormalities (Stoll et al., 2000).
icine, this clinical evaluation should include a detailed Examination for minor abnormalities in the parents,
medical and family history, a careful physical exami- and sometimes in other family members, is an impor-
nation, and appropriate diagnostic studies. tant part of the evaluation. This may uncover features
Evaluation of an individual with an OC begins by of a clefting syndrome not present in the affected indi-
gathering medical and family history information. The vidual.
pregnancy history should include the ages of the par- When trying to understand how a structural abnor-
ents as chromosomal abnormalities are more frequent mality such as an OC develops, it is important for the
with advanced maternal age and new gene mutations physician to have a thorough knowledge of the normal
are more frequent with advanced paternal age. Mater- embryology of facial development, as described earlier
nal health and any medications taken during the preg- in this book. The most common abnormal embryolog-
nancy may give clues to exposure to potential terato- ical processes that can lead to an OC include malfor-
gens. In particular, personal habits, such as alcohol or mations and disruptions. The majority of OCs are mal-
cigarette use during the pregnancy, should be ascer- formations, meaning that an error in early development
tained. The occupations of both parents may also sug- prevented completion of normal developmental pro-
gest potential teratogen exposures. Pregnancy compli- cesses, resulting in the OC (Jones, 1997). Primary mal-
cations, such as maternal illnesses or premature formation OCs can be nonsyndromic, part of a multi-
delivery, may add important clues. Perinatal history, ple malformation syndrome, or part of a number of
especially any nursery complications and feeding diffi- associated but nonsyndromic malformations. Malfor-
culties, is often important. While feeding difficulties mation OCs are most commonly (1) paramedian CL or
may be due to the OC itself, they may also indicate as- CLP occurring at the junction of the lateral branchial
sociated neurodevelopmental abnormalities suggestive arch derivatives and the frontonasal process, (2) iso-
of a syndromic etiology. Over time, a child's growth lated CP, or (3) medial facial clefts involving deficiency
and neurodevelopment are perhaps the two best mea- of the frontonasal process. A smaller number of OCs
sures of good health and normality. Abnormalities in are the result of disruptions, meaning that the lip and
these vital areas should raise concern of a syndromic palate structures were developing normally until they
etiology for the OC. were interfered with by an extrinsic force such as a
The family history is best done by constructing a swallowed amniotic strand, or of a chemical teratogen
three-generation pedigree, looking for individuals with such as in fetal alcohol syndrome (Jones, 1997). Clefts
OCs as well as other congenital and developmental ab- caused by swallowed amniotic strands are most likely
normalities. The family history may identify other to be atypical appearing oro-orbital or oroauricular
members with apparent nonsyndromic OCs, support- clefts, but the amniotic strands can interfere with sub-
ing a nonsyndromic etiology for the OC and altering sequent normal development and result in an oro-
the recurrence risk counseling. Because of the pheno- orbital or oroauricular cleft together with a typical ap-
typic variability of many OC syndromes, the family his- pearing paramedian OC (Eppley et al., 1998).

Careful physical evaluation of the type and severity eral mandibular processes. These most often occur as
of an OC can alter the concern for associated abnor- nonsyndromic abnormalities and generally have a good
malities and syndromes. As previously discussed, CL/P, developmental outcome.
CP, median facial clefts, and velopharnygeal insuffi- While there are less obvious structural differences
ciency are developmentally separate abnormalities among CPs compared to CL/Ps, the morphology of CPs
showing different patterns of inheritance, recurrence may be important in separating them into broad groups
risks, and syndrome associations. While typical unilat- with differing risks for associated abnormalities or syn-
eral or bilateral CL/P occurs at the boundary of the em- dromes. While a clear distinction is often not possible,
bryonic frontonasal process and lateral branchial arch most isolated nonsyndromic CPs tend to have a nar-
derivatives, care must be taken on oral examination to rower, V-shaped appearance with relatively normal de-
recognize the occasional severe unilateral CL/P, which velopment of the mandible in relationship to the max-
may mimic a less common median OC. Identification illa. However, CPs with a broader, more U-shaped
of frontonasal derivatives such as the philtral columns appearance and associated hypoplasia of the mandible
or prolabial segment will allow this important distinc- and glossoptosis are referred to as Robin sequence-type
tion to be made as midline structures may have been clefts and carry a much higher risk of being part of an
distorted and shifted to one side by a large unilateral associated genetic or chromosomal syndrome. Bifid
CL/P. Identification of median OCs involving failure of uvula and submucosal CP represent mild phenotypic ex-
formation or hypoplasia of the frontonasal process al- pression of CP and should be looked for in family mem-
most always signifies disturbances in underlying fore- bers of individuals with overt CP. Thus, subtle physical
brain development with a guarded developmental distinctions on the craniofacial examination can help to
prognosis and often an early lethal outcome (DeMyer, raise or lower the suspicion of a syndromic association.
1975). Aberrant oral frenulae are seen in a number of The history and physical examination of individuals
disorders, including Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, and with many of the OC syndromes characteristically
are combined with midline upper lip notches in the oro- show major malformations, growth and developmen-
faciodigital syndromes. It is likely that these disorders tal delays, and minor dysmorphic features all thought
are embryologically different from midline OCs due to to be due to a single unifying etiology (Jones, 1997).
absence or hypoplasia of the frontonasal process as un- However, approximately 40% of patients with OCs
derlying forebrain abnormalities are not present. Para- have one or more associated malformations but do not
median lower lip pits, which contain the openings of have a recognizable syndrome (Jones, 1993). These in-
labial mucous glands or accessory salivary glands, are dividuals appear to represent a heterogeneous group,
found in fewer than 1 % of individuals with CL/P, but with some having a good neurodevelopmental outcome
are highly associated with Van der Woude's syndrome, and low recurrence risk and others having a more
an autosomal dominant clefting syndrome (Cervenka guarded prognosis.
et al., 1967). The lip pits in Van der Woude's syndrome Future recurrence risk counseling includes not just in-
can occur without a CL/P so the finding of this ab- terpretation of recurrence risk figures but also compas-
normality in the parent of a child with a CL/P increases sionate communication of those risks and reproductive
the recurrence risk for this syndrome to 50% in future options to the family and affected individual. This is an
offspring. In contrast to lower lip pits, upper lip pits important task and should be performed by a specialized
or commissural pits, located at the angles of the mouth, genetic counselor, clinical geneticist, or other knowl-
have no association with CL/P or other anomalies (Let- edgeable professional. Therefore, the medical and family
tieri, 1993). Oroauricular and oro-orbital clefts are the history, a detailed physical and craniofacial examination,
least common types of OC and rarely have a genetic and parental examinations are central to distinguishing
etiology. As discussed above, oro-orbital and oroau- those individuals with nonsyndromic OCs from those
ricular clefts often result from swallowed amniotic with associated malformations or an OC syndrome.
strands, which either cause disruptions of normally
formed tissues or interfere with subsequent normal lip
and palate closure. Lateral oroauricular clefts, which REFERENCES
indicate incomplete merging of the maxillary and Cervenka, J, Gorlin, RJ, Anderson, VE (1967). The syndrome of pits
mandibular processes, are found in Treacher Collins of the lower lip and cleft lip and/or palate: genetic considerations.
syndrome, the oculoauriculovertebral spectrum (in- Am J Hum Genet 19: 416-432.
DeMyer, W (1975). Median facial malformations and their implica-
cluding hemifacial microsomia as well as Goldenhar's
tions for brain malformations. Birth Defects Original Article
syndrome), and the acrofacial dysostoses. Isolated clefts Series XI: 155.
of the lower lip are exceedingly rare and presumably Eppley, BL, David, L, Li, M, et al. (1998). Amniotic band facies.
caused by incomplete midline merging of the two lat- J Craniofac Surg 9: 360-365.

Jones, KL (1997). Introduction including dysmorphology approach clefts. Presented at the David W. Smith Workshop on Malfor-
and classification. In: Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human mation and Morphogenesis, San Diego, CA, August 2-4, 2000.
Malformation, edited by KL Jones. Philadelphia: Saunders, pp. Lettieri, J (1993). Lips and oral cavity. In: Human Malformations and
1-7. Related Anomalies, vol. 2, edited by RE Stevenson, JG Hall, and
Jones, MC (1993). Facial clefting: etiology and developmental patho- RM Goodman. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 367-381.
genesis. Clin Plast Surg 20: 599-606. Milerad, J, Larson, O, Hagberg, C, Ideberg, M (1997). Associated
Jones, MC (2000). Cleft lip with or without cleft palate and cleft malformations in infants with cleft lip and palate: a prospective,
palate alone: a clinic based population revisited to determine the population-based study. Pediatrics 100: 180-186.
frequency of multiple malformation syndromes within the popu- Stoll, C, Alembik, Y, Dott, B, Roth, MP (2000). Associated malfor-
lation and to define subgroups among individuals with isolated mations in cases with oral clefts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:41-47.

Classification and description of

nonsyndromic clefts


Cleft lip (CL) with or without cleft palate (CUP) and and Baraitser, 1996). These resources do not include
isolated cleft palate (CP), collectively termed oral clefts the substantial number of chromosomal disorders that
(OCs), are among the most common birth defects, with can be associated with OCs. However, despite these
a prevalence that ranges between 1 case in every 500 figures, approximately 75% of CL/P and 50% of CP
to 1000 newborns. The prevalence of CL/P varies ac- cases will be isolated, nonsyndromic OCs (Table 5.1)
cording to ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic factors (Milerad et al., 1997; Saal, 1998, 2000; Tolarova and
(Croen et al., 1998; Bender, 2000). Native Americans Cervenka, 1998; Jones, 2000; Stoll et al., 2000).
have the highest reported prevalence at birth, with 3.6 It is important to distinguish between syndromic and
CL/P cases per 1000 births. Asians have the second nonsyndromic CL/P and CP. This distinction has sig-
highest prevalence at birth for CL/P, with 2.1 cases per nificant implications for determining management and
1000 Japanese and 1.7 cases per 1000 Chinese live recurrence risks for patients and families. In addition,
births (Croen et al., 1998). Gender seems to play a role the success of genetic studies, which search for genes
in the etiology of CL/P since males predominate by a that cause OCs, depends on accurate clinical diagnosis.
2:1 ratio (Tolarova, 1987). Also, population studies What differentiates syndromic from nonsyndromic
have shown that individuals born in more rural, lower CL/P and CP is often subjective, differing in basic def-
socioeconomic conditions have a higher risk for CL/P inition from one center to the next. There are no spe-
compared to ethnically similar groups with a higher so- cific guidelines which define nonsyndromic OCs, al-
cioeconomic status (Chung et al., 1987; Cembrano et though one author has specified nonsyndromic OCs as
al., 1995). those associated with no or one major anomaly or two
The incidence of CP is much less dependent on racial or fewer minor anomalies (Jones, 1988). Another study
and ethnic factors, being approximately 1 in 2000 live precluded consideration of a nonsyndromic cleft if there
births (Vanderas, 1987; Gorlin et al., 1990). In con- was any other major anomaly or three or more minor
trast to CLP, however, there is a female predominance anomalies in addition to the OC (Tolarova and Cer-
of CP, the ratio being approximately 3:2 females to venka, 1998). Major anomalies are those of functional
males (Cohen, 2000). or cosmetic significance requiring some degree of med-
There are many genetic and developmental condi- ical intervention (Spranger et al., 1982). Minor anom-
tions that can cause CL/P or CP. The Online Mendelian alies are those of minimal or no cosmetic or functional
Inheritance in Man ( significance, which occur in less than 5% of the popu-
lists over 174 Mendelian disorders associated with lation (Jones, 1997; Spranger et al., 1982). If one is to
CL/P and 312 associated with CP. The London Dys- equate nonsyndromic OCs with isolated OCs, it seems
morphology Database, which also lists many terato- reasonable to include only those cases where no addi-
genic and other nongenetic disorders, identifies 205 dis- tional major anomaly exists. The distinctions between
orders associated with CL/P and 441 with CP (Winter syndromic and nonsyndromic OCs become less clear in


TABLE 5.1. Studies of Syndromic vs. Nonsyndromic other comprehensive approach was taken by the Inter-
Oral Clefts national Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive
Study Nonsyndromic (%) Syndromic (%)
Surgery, which at their 1967 congress established a
classification of OC based on the embryology of the
Tolarova and Cervenka, 1998 developing structures. They identified three major
CL 85.8 14.2 groups of OC (Millard, 1976).
CLP 67.7 32.3
CP 47.5 52.5 Group 1. Clefts of the primary palate
MileradetaL, 1997 a. Lip
CL/P 81 19 b. Alveolus
CP 78 22 Group 2. Clefts of the primary and secondary palate
Stall et al, 2000 a. Lip
CL/P 71.0 29.0 b. Alveolus
CP 53.2 46.7 c. Hard palate (secondary palate)
Jones, 2000
Group 3. Clefts of the secondary palate
CL/P 87 13
CP 41 59
a. Hard palate
b. Soft palate
Saal, 1998, 2000
CL/P 73 27 An anatomic diagnosis is clearly advantageous to the
CP 45.6 54.4 surgeon, who must decide on the best approach and
timing for the surgical treatment. However, some prob-
CL, cleft lip; CP, cleft palate; CLP, cleft lip and palate; CL/P, cleft
lip with or without cleft palate. lems with diagnosis based solely on anatomy and em-
bryology are that it does not explain the cause of the
cleft, does not allow for a comprehensive management
the presence of minor anomalies. The most helpful stud- plan of the patient for medical conditions that are not
ies have shown that the presence of three or more mi- directly related to the cleft, and does not give sufficient
nor anomalies is strongly associated with the presence information regarding possible recurrence risks. Clas-
of a major anomaly (Marden et al., 1964; Leppig et al., sification of OCs based solely on etiology or patho-
1987, 1988). Therefore, for the purpose of definition, genesis supplies insufficient information regarding the
it is reasonable to limit nonsyndromic OC to those as- severity of the cleft and the types of direct medical and
sociated with no additional malformations and two or surgical management required. Therefore, it is neces-
fewer minor anomalies. However, some syndromic OCs sary to combine the two types of classification in or-
may be associated with two or fewer minor anomalies. der to optimally diagnose and treat any patient with
For example, Van der Woude's syndrome is character- an OC.
ized by positive family history for OC and the presence
of lower lip pits. Similarly the Robin sequence with CP
and mild ear dysplasia or preauricular sinuses are found CLEFT LIP WITH OR WITHOUT CLEFT PALATE
in individuals with a mild form of the branchio-oto-re-
nal syndrome. In Stickler's syndrome, the only present- Nonsyndromic CL/P accounts for between 70% and
ing sign may be the Robin sequence and myopia with 80% of all cases (Milerad et al., 1997; Saal, 1998,
a positive family history for CP. The diagnosis is even 2000; Tolarova and Cervenka, 1998; Jones, 2000; Stoll
more challenging in the nonocular forms of Stickler's et al., 2000). Affected individuals may have either CL
syndrome or if an affected infant has a new mutation or CLP. In nonsyndromic CL/P, the cleft is not in the
with no family history of CP. midline and there is laterality to the CL. Midline CL is
Oral clefts can be classified on the basis of etiology indicative of another underlying disorder, such as one
and/or pathogenesis. There have been multiple classifi- of the oral-facial-digital syndromes or the holoprosen-
cations of OC based on anatomic and embryological cephaly sequence. The London Dysmorphology Data-
considerations (Fogh-Andersen, 1942, 1971; Millard, base identifies at least 40 different conditions with mid-
1976). Fogh-Anderson (1942) divided OCs into three line clefts (Winter and Baraitser, 1996).
main groups: (1) CL extending to the the incisive fora- In nonsyndromic CL, unilateral clefts are more com-
men and including clefts of the alveolus (primary mon than bilateral involvement (Fig. 5.1). In unilateral
palate); (2) CL and CP (CLP), including unilateral and CL, the prevalence of left-sided CL is greater than that
bilateral CLP; and (3) CP identified as being median of right-sided CL. The left-sided:right-sided:bilateral
and not extending beyond the incisive foramen. An- CL/P ratio is 6:3:1 (Lettieri, 1993).

telorism. This also may be a sign of an underlying ge-

netic condition, such as the Opitz G/BBB syndrome
(Saal, 2000).
Recurrence risk for nonsyndromic CLP depends on
several factors, including severity of the cleft, number
of affected relatives, gender of the affected individual,
and degree of genetic relationship to the affected indi-
vidual (e.g., first-degree relatives have higher risk than
second- and third-degree relatives). As noted, more se-
vere clefts are associated with a higher recurrence risk.
For example, for a child with a unilateral incomplete
CL and a negative family history for clefts, the recur-
rence risk would be 3%. However, if the child were
born with a bilateral complete CLP, the recurrence risk
would be 5% (Gorlin et al., 1990; Harper, 1993; Ben-
der, 2000).


Nonsyndromic CP refers to abnormal development of

the secondary palate. The prevalence at birth of CP is
estimated to be 1 in 2000 live births (Murray, 1995;
Wyszynski et al., 1996). In contrast to CL/P, where
there are obvious racial and ethnic genetic factors that

FIG. 5.1. Infant boy with isolated left-sided cleft lip.

Anatomically, the CL may be complete or incom-

plete. Complete CL refers to the cleft involving the en-
tire upper lip and extending into the naris. In incom-
plete CL, there is a variable amount of tissue that
bridges the upper lip. The connecting tissue may com-
prise only a narrow band, called a Simonart band (Mil-
lard, 1976).
Often, CL and CP occur concurrently. In most cases
of CLP, there is a cleft of both the primary and sec-
ondary palates. Again, when there is a unilateral CLP,
the cleft of the primary palate occurs on the side of the
CL (Fig. 5.2). There are uncommon cases of CL with
intact primary palate but clefting of the secondary
palate. Such cases are often syndromic, and one must
exclude associations, sequences (especially Robin se-
quence), and other associated anomalies. Bilateral CLP
is the most severe presentation (Fig. 5.3). In this clas-
sification, there is involvement of the primary palate
on the left and the right with, in most cases, clefting of
the secondary palate. Although possible in patients with
CLP, there is no specific pattern of expected minor
anomalies. Probably, the most common minor anom-
aly in patients with nonsyndromic CL/P is hyper- FIG. 5.2. Infant with unilateral complete cleft lip and cleft palate.

FIG. 5.4. Infant with micrognathia and Pierre Robin sequence.

FIG. 5.3. Infant with complete bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate. tors that cause either retrognathia or micrognathia,
with secondary posterior positioning of the tongue.
This, in turn, may cause interference with elevation and
merging of the lateral palatal shelves (Fig. 5.4) (Cohen,
contribute to the prevalence in certain populations, CP
1999). In the classic presentation, the CP is U-shaped,
has no such population propensity. Instead, the preva-
lence of CP is similar in all populations studied.
CP is genetically distinct from CL/P. In families and
individuals with nonsyndromic CL/P, the increased re-
currence risk is for CL/P; however, the risk for having
a child with CP remains at the general population level
(1 in 2000). The same is true for families and individ-
uals with nonsyndromic CP. Moreover, when individ-
uals in the same family are born with CL/P and CP,
one must look for an underlying genetic etiology, such
as Van der Woude's syndrome, one of a very few syn-
dromes where one can see both CP and CL/P (Murray,
Nonsyndromic CP is pathogenetically unrelated to
the CP in patients with CLP. In CLP, the CP is a sec-
ondary phenomenon related to failure of the lip to close
(Trasler and Fraser, 1977). It may be a primary mal-
formation, reflecting abnormal palate development in
one of the many critical steps including elevation, merg-
ing, and fusion of the palatal shelves. It may also be a
consequence of other events, which do not primarily
involve palate development, such as the Robin se- FIG. 5.5. Cleft palate secondary to Pierre Robin sequence. Note U-
quence. This condition is related to developmental fac- shaped cleft of the secondary palate.

reflecting fusion of the palatal shelves around the optimal long-term management and adequate genetic
tongue (Fig. 5.5). Another complication of the Robin counseling and recurrence risks, identification of the
sequence is respiratory distress from pharyngeal airway etiology of the OC is essential. A large percentage of
obstruction from the posteriorly placed tongue (glos- OC are syndromic, approximately 25% of CL/P and
soptosis). Many cases of Robin sequence will present 50% of CP cases. Therefore, the diagnosis of isolated,
with a V-shaped CP, making it difficult to distinguish nonsyndromic OC is one of exclusion of other diag-
between CP as a malformation and as a component of noses. This has significant implications for physicians,
the Robin sequence. Children with Robin sequence and patients, and families since management and genetic
V-shaped CP remain at high risk for glossoptosis. counseling issues are often closely tied to specific di-
Therefore, it is often not possible to clinically differ- agnosis. This also has implications for those who do
entiate CP as a malformation from CP as a secondary research in the area of OCs since much of the genetic
component of a sequence of events related to microg- research depends on an accurate diagnosis.
nathia or retrognathia (Cohen, 1999).
An additional difficulty in categorizing CP is classi- REFERENCES
fying submucous CP and bifid uvula. Submucous CP
appears to represent a microform or forme fruste of Annunen, S, Korkko, J, Czarny, M, et al. (1999). Splicing mutations
of 54-bp exons in the COL11A1 gene cause Marshall syndrome,
CP. As in CP, approximately 50% of cases of submu- but other mutations cause overlapping Marshall/Stickler pheno-
cous CP are associated with underlying syndromes types. Am J Hum Genet 65: 974-983.
(Saal, 2000). Bender, PL (2000). Genetics of cleft lip and palate. J Pediatr Nurs
In contrast to CLP, CP is much more likely to be syn- 15: 242-249.
dromic or associated with additional malformations Brunner, HG, van Beersum, SE, Warman, ML, et al. (1994). A Stick-
ler syndrome gene is linked to chromosome 6 near the COL11A2
(Jones, 1988,2000; Tolarova and Cervenka, 1998; Saal, gene. Hum Mol Genet 3: 1561-1564.
2000; Stoll et al., 2000). In several studies, the incidence Cembrano, JRJ, Vera, JS, Joaquino, JB, et al. (1995). Familial risk
of nonsyndromic CP has ranged from 41% to to 55% of recurrence of cleft lip and palate. Philippine J Surg Surg Spec
(Jones, 2000; Saal, 2000; Stoll et al., 2000). The most 50: 37-40.
common diagnosis is Stickler's syndrome (Saal, 2000). Chung, CS, Mi, MP, Beechert, AM (1987). Genetic epidemiology of
cleft lip with or without cleft palate in the population of Hawaii.
Stickler's syndrome has also been identified as the most Genet Epidemiol 4: 415-423.
common syndrome causing Robin sequence (Hanson Cohen, MM Jr (1979). Syndromology's message for craniofacial bi-
and Smith, 1975; Cohen, 1979; Gorlin et al., 1990). It ology. J Maxillofac Surg 7: 89-109.
is genetically heterogeneous, with at least three genes Cohen, MM Jr (1999). Robin sequences and complexes: causal het-
identified (Brunner et al., 1994; Annunen et al., 1999; erogeneity and pathogenetic/phenotypic variability [editorial].
Am J Med Genet 84: 311-315.
Martin et al., 1999; Snead and Yates, 1999). With both Cohen, MM Jr (2000). Etiology and pathogenesis of orofacial cleft-
ocular and nonocular forms, the diagnosis may be dif- ing. Oral Maxillofac Clin North Am 12: 379-397.
ficult to make in infants and young children with what Croen, LA, Shaw, GM, Wasserman, CR, Tolarova, MM (1998).
appear to be nonsyndromic CP. This is especially true Racial and ethnic variations in the prevalence of orofacial clefts
in nonocular Stickler's syndrome, where the patient may in California, 1983-1992. Am J Med Genet 79: 2-7.
Fogh-Andersen, P (1942). Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate.
have a mildly affected parent or a spontaneous gene mu- Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
tation and absence of myopia in infancy or early child- Fogh-Andersen, P (1971). Epidemiology and etiology of clefts. In
hood as a diagnostic sign. Birth Defects: Original Article Series (Volume VII, Part 7), edited
Therefore, the diagnosis of nonsyndromic CP is chal- by D. Bergsma. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Company, pp.
lenging. In many cases, the final diagnosis of nonsyn- 50-53.
Gorlin, R, Cohen, MJ, Levin, L (1990). Syndromes of the Head and
dromic CP cannot be made in infancy and must be de- Neck, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
layed until later childhood, emphasizing the need for Hanson, JW, Smith, DW (1975). U-shaped palatal defect in the Robin
clinical genetics follow-up. This is especially true when anomalad: developmental and clinical relevance. J Pediatr 87:30-33.
there are associated developmental disabilities, includ- Harper, PS (1993). Practical Genetic Counseling, 4th ed. Oxford:
ing mental retardation, since these clinical signs may Butterworth-Heinemann.
Jones, K (1997). Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malfor-
not become evident for several years. mation, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders.
Jones, MC (1988). Etiology of facial clefts: prospective evaluation of
428 patients. Cleft Palate J 25: 16-20.
CONCLUSIONS Jones, MC (2000). Cleft lip with or without cleft palate and cleft
palate alone: a clinic based population revisited to determine the
frequency of multiple malformation syndromes within the popu-
Oral clefts are among the most common birth defects. lation and to define subgroups among individuals with isolated
The causes of CL/P and CP are heterogeneous and in- clefts. Presented at the David W. Smith Workshop on Morpho-
clude genetic and environmental etiologies. To provide genesis and Malformations, San Diego, August 9, 2000.

Leppig, KA, Werler, MM, Cann, CI, et al. (1987). Predictive value Smith Workshop on Morphogenesis and Malformations, San
of minor anomalies. I. Association with major malformations. J Diego, August 9, 2000.
Pediatr 110: 531-537. Snead, MP, Yates, JR (1999). Clinical and molecular genetics of
Leppig, KA, Werler, MM, Cann, CI, et al. (1988). Minor malfor- Stickler syndrome. J Med Genet 36: 353-359.
mations: significant or insignificant [letter]. Am J Dis Child 242: Spranger, J, Benirschke, K, Hall, JG, et al. (1982). Errors of mor-
1274. phogenesis: concepts and terms. Recommendations of an inter-
Lettieri, J (1993). Human Malformations and Related Anomalies, national working group. J Pediatr 200: 160-165.
edited by RE Stevenson, JG Hall, and RM Goodman. New York: Stoll, C, Alembik, Y, Dott, B, Roth, MP (2000). Associated malfor-
Oxford University Press, pp. 367-381. mations in cases with oral clefts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:
Marden, PM, Smith, DW, McDonald, MJ (1964). Congenital anom- 41^7.
alies in the newborn infant including minor variations. J Pediatr Tolarova, M (1987). Orofacial clefts in Czechoslovakia. Incidence,
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Martin, S, Richards, AJ, Yates, JR, et al. (1999). Stickler syndrome: riod. Scand J Plast Reconstructive Surg 22: 19-25.
further mutations in COL11A1 and evidence for additional lo- Tolarova, MM, Cervenka, J (1998). Classification and birth preva-
cus heterogeneity. Eur J Hum Genet 7: 807-814. lence of orofacial clefts. Am J Med Genet 75: 126-137.
Milerad, J, Larson, O, et al. (1997). Associated malformations in in- Trasler, DG, Eraser, EC (1977). Time-position relationships with
fants with cleft lip and palate: a prospective, population-based particular reference to cleft lip and cleft palate. In: Handbook of
study. Pediatrics 200: 180-186. Teratology, Vol. 2, edited by JG Wilson and EC Eraser. New
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Saal, HM (2000). A prospective analysis of cleft palate: associated syndromic oral clefts revisited. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 33:
syndromes and malformations. Presented at the XXI David W. 16406-16417.

Syndromes with orofacial clefting


Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is etiologically dis- dromes. Of these, about 40% can be diagnosed as hav-
tinct from isolated cleft palate. In a patient with cleft lip ing specific, recognized syndromes. The other 60%
with or without cleft palate, if another family member is have unknown entities that need to be further delin-
affected, he or she will have either isolated cleft lip or eated. Although many syndromes are individually rare,
cleft lip together with cleft palate but not isolated cleft in the aggregate they constitute a significant portion of
palate alone. Similarly, if a patient has isolated cleft medicine (Cohen, 1997b). Many syndromes with oro-
palate, another affected family member can have only facial clefting are known (Cohen, 1978; Cohen and
isolated cleft palate. There are three exceptions. First, in Bankier, 1991).
genetic isolates that are inbred, both types may concur Syndromes are composed of multiple malformations.
by chance (Cohen, 1978, 2000). Second, cleft lip and A particular malformation can be minimally or maxi-
palate and cleft palate alone but not cleft lip alone have mally expressed. For example, bifid uvula is a minimal
been associated with MSX1 (]. C. Murray, personal expression of cleft palate. More complex malforma-
communication, 2000). Third, in many genetic syn- tions also can be minimally or maximally expressed, as
dromes with orofacial clefting, both types may be found. exemplified by holoprosencephaly and its attendant fa-
For example, in the autosomal dominantly inherited Van cial dysmorphism (Fig. 6.1).
der Woude syndrome, in which orofacial clefting is found A syndrome can be defined as a pattern of multiple
together with lip pits, patients may have cleft lip, cleft lip anomalies thought to be pathogenetically related and
and palate, or isolated cleft palate (Cohen, 1978, 2000). not representing a sequence. In contrast, a sequence can
When cleft data are broken down by subtype, iso- be defined as a pattern of multiple anomalies derived
lated cleft palate (13%-50%) is associated more fre- from a single known or presumed prior anomaly or me-
quently with congenital malformations than cleft lip chanical factor. In a syndrome, the level of under-
(7%-13%) or cleft lip and palate (2%-ll%). Some standing of a pathogenetically related set of anomalies
studies have suggested that associated anomalies occur is usually lower than in a sequence, in which the initi-
with a frequency of 44% to 64% in patients with clefts. ating event and the cascading of secondary events are
In general, the more malformations that occur together frequently known. A syndrome commonly, but not al-
with orofacial clefting, the lower the birth weight (Co- ways, implies a unitary etiology, e.g., del(4p) syndrome;
hen, 1978, 2000; Cohen and Bankier, 1991; Hagberg a sequence commonly has multiple causes, e.g., oligo-
et al., 1997; Kallen et al, 1996). hydramnios sequence (Cohen, 1997b; Spranger et al.,
A true malformation syndrome is characterized by
SYNDROMES, SEQUENCES, embryonic pleiotropy in which a pattern of develop-
AND ASSOCIATIONS mentally unrelated malformation sequences occurs, i.e.,
the malformations that make up the syndrome occur
Syndromology is a broad and diverse field of endeavor in embryonically noncontiguous areas. They are not re-
spanning almost all areas of medicine. Approximately lated to one another at the descriptive embryonic level;
1 % of all newborns have multiple anomalies, or syn- at a more basic level, the malformations have, or are


FIG. 6.1. Spectrum of dysmorphic faces associated with variable degrees of holoprosencephaly. A: Cy-
clopia without proboscis formation. Note single central eye. B: Cyclopia with proboscis. C: Ethmo-
cephaly. D: Cebocephaly. Ocular hypotelorism with single-nostril nose. E: Median cleft lip, flat nose,
and ocular hypotelorism. F: Ocular hypotelorism and surgically repaired cleft lip. (A-D, F from Cohen
et al., 1971. E from DeMyer and Zeman, 1963. Montage from Cohen 1997b, with permission.)

presumed to have, a common cause and are thus patho- eyes, proboscis formation, single-nostril nose, flattened
genetically related. The difference between a malfor- nose, median cleft lip, or lateral cleft lip may be ob-
mation sequence and a malformation syndrome is dia- served variably or in combination. All malformations
grammed in Figure 6.2. When holoprosencephaly encountered trace their origin developmentally to a sin-
occurs alone, it is a malformation sequence, but when gle primary defect in morphogenesis thought to be an
it occurs with multiple noncontiguous anomalies, such abnormality in the prechordal mesoderm (Cohen,
as in trisomy 13 syndrome or with multiple noncon- 1997b).
tiguous anomalies in the autosomal recessively inher- Although median cleft lip may occur with holopros-
ited Meckel syndrome, it is a malformation syndrome encephaly, cases occur without holoprosencephaly (Fig.
composed of several malformation sequences (Cohen, 6.3). In holoprosencephaly with median cleft lip, the
1997b). head circumference is dramatically reduced,3 but when
Because malformations can be relatively simple or median cleft lip occurs without holoprosencephaly, the
complex, the later a defect is initiated, the simpler the head circumference is within two standard deviations
malformation, and the earlier during organogenesis of the mean and normotelorism is the rule. Median cleft
that a defect is initiated, the more far-reaching the con- lip, reasonable head circumference, and normotelorism
sequences. The primary defect sets off a chain of sec- predict lack of holoprosencephaly. The distinction is
ondary and tertiary events, resulting in what appear to important clinically and surgically because survival is
be multiple anomalies. In holoprosencephaly, the em- the rule, necessitating surgical cleft lip repair. However,
bryonic forebrain fails to cleave sagittally into cerebral some degree of mental deficiency can accompany such
hemispheres, transversely into telencephalon and dien- cases (Cohen, 2000).
cephalon, and horizontally into olfactory and optic An association can be defined as a nonrandom oc-
bulbs. Holoprosencephaly varies in severity. At the mild currence of several anomalies in two or more individ-
end of the spectrum is simple absence of the olfactory uals. An association cannot be reduced to a sequence
tracts and bulbs. Holoprosencephaly is associated with or syndrome. For example, orofacial clefting is associ-
facial dysmorphism, which also varies from mild to se-
vere expression (Fig. 6.1). A single eye or closely set a
Except in those few cases that are accompanied by hydrocephalus.

FIG. 6.3. Median cleft lip with holoprosencephaly (left), note micro-
cephaly, without holoprosencephaly (right), note normal head cir-
cumference. (From Cohen, 2001, with permission.)

tion with the most learned colleagues in the field (Co-

hen, 1997b).
An example of a provisionally unique-pattern syn-
drome (Figs. 6.4-6.6) consists of a dysmorphic face
FIG. 6.2. Comparison of a malformation sequence (top) with a true with a prominent square forehead and Robin sequence,
malformation syndrome (bottom). Isolated holoprosencephaly is an
example of a malformation sequence. The combination of holo-
prosencephaly, ventricular septal defect, and polydactyly caused by
trisomy 13 is a malformation syndrome. (From Cohen, 1997b, with

ated with congenital heart defects more commonly than

expected by chance. Cleft lip-palate is also associated
with neural tube defects more commonly than expected
by chance. However, when cleft palate occurs with a basi-
lar encephalocele that herniates through the sphenoid
bone, the cleft palate occurs on a mechanical basis.


The process of syndrome delineation can be divided

into the following stages: (1) unknown-genesis syn-
dromes, including provisionally unique-pattern syn-
dromes and recurrent-pattern syndromes, and (2)
known-genesis syndromes, including pedigree syn-
dromes, chromosomal syndromes, biochemical-defect
syndromes, and environmentally induced syndromes
(Cohen, 1997b).
In an unknown-genesis syndrome, the cause is sim-
ply not known. In a provisionally unique-pattern syn-
drome, several anomalies are observed in the same pa-
tient such that the clinician does not recognize the
overall pattern of defects from his or her own experi- FIG. 6.4. Provisionally unique-pattern syndrome. Dysmorphic face
ence, from searching the literature, or from consulta- with Robin sequence. (From Martsolf et al., 1977, with permission.)

broad proximally placed thumbs, hypoplasia of the

third and fifth middle phalanges, absent middle pha-
langes in the second fingers, broad halluces, postaxial
polydactyly, rhizomelic short stature, and radiographic
abnormalities of the spine and pelvis (Martsolf et al.,
Most likely, the anomalies in this provisionally
unique-pattern syndrome have a common cause, though
unknown, rather than different causes acting indepen-
dently. The probability that such anomalies occur in
the same patient by chance becomes less likely the more
anomalies the patient has and the rarer these anomalies
occur individually in the general population (Cohen,
Obviously, if a second example of the syndrome
comes to light, the condition is no longer unique. A
provisionally unique-pattern syndrome is a one-of-
a-kind syndrome to a particular observer at a par-
ticular point in time. There may be a nineteenth cen-
tury description of a similar instance that escapes
his or her attention. There may also be some in-
stances of the syndrome in different parts of the
world that remain as yet unrecognized. Thus, many
syndromes appear to be unique at the time the ini-
FIG. 6.5. Provisionally unique-pattern syndrome. Broad proximally
placed thumb, hypoplasia of third and fifth middle phalanges, and
absence of middle phalanx of index finger. (From Martsolf et al.,
1977, with permission.)

FIG. 6.6. Provisionally unique-pattern syndrome. Postaxial hexa- FIG. 6.7. Recurrent-pattern syndrome. Catel-Manzke syndrome with
dactyly and abnormal toes. (From Martsolf et al., 1977, with per- micrognathia (Robin sequence), ventricular septal defect, and talipes
mission.) equinovarus.
tial patient is discovered but are no longer unique
when two or more examples become known (Cohen,
A recurrent-pattern syndrome can be defined as a
similar or identical set of anomalies in two or more un-
related patients (Cohen, 1997b). An example is the
Catel-Manzke syndrome, consisting of a globular cra-
nium, Robin sequence, clinodactyly of the index finger
with a supernumerary proximal phalanx in the index
finger, congenital heart defects (50%), particularly ven-
tricular septal defect, and talipes equinovarus (Gorlin
etal., 1990) (Figs. 6.7-6.11).
The same abnormalities in two or more patients
suggest, but do not prove, that the pathogenesis may
be the same. At the recurrent-pattern stage of syn-
drome delineation, the etiology is still not known. In
general, the validity of a recurrent-pattern syndrome
increases with the more abnormalities found in the
condition and the more patients recognized as hav-
ing the syndrome (Cohen, 1997b). About 25 cases of
Catel-Manzke syndrome have been described, mostly
in males but several females have also been noted
(Figs. 6.7-6.11). Although a few examples of famil-
FIG. 6.9. Recurrent-pattern syndrome. Catel-Manzke syndrome. Mi-
crognathia (Robin sequence).

ial aggregation have been reported, no pattern of in-

heritance has been discerned. Most cases are
sporadic, and the syndrome is still of the recurrent-
pattern type.
At the recurrent-pattern stage of syndrome delin-
eation, the number of findings is usually expanded as
the number of patients increases. However, because the
etiology remains unknown at this time, other examples

FIG. 6.8. Recurrent-pattern syndrome. Catel-Manzke syndrome. Mi- FIG. 6.10. Recurrent-pattern syndrome. Catel-Manzke syndrome.
crognathia (Robin sequence). Marked clinodactyly of right index finger.

drome. An environmentally induced syndrome is de-

fined in terms of the environmental factor or causative
teratogen, such as diphenylhydantoin syndrome (Co-
hen, 1997b).



The process of syndrome delineation is summarized in

Figure 6.12. Generally, a syndrome can be placed into
one of the categories previously discussed. Occasion-
ally, a syndrome may be delineated in one step, thus by-
passing several of the stages mentioned earlier. For ex-
ample, if a new chromosomal abnormality is discovered
during the laboratory investigation of a patient clini-
cally defined as having a provisionally unique-pattern
syndrome, the patient represents a known-genesis syn-
drome of the chromosomal type in a one-step delin-
eation. However, the variability of the clinical expres-
sion must await the discovery of more patients. In other
FIG. 6.11. Recurrent-pattern syndrome. Catel-Manzke syndrome. instances, such as a large dominant pedigree with many
Radiograph of left hand showing extra bone at base of proximal pha-
lanx of index finger.
affected individuals, a known-genesis syndrome of the
pedigree type and much of its phenotypic variability
can be determined in one step (Cohen, 1997b).
of the syndrome tend to be selected because they most Provisionally unique-pattern syndromes occur with
closely resemble the first case. This results in an artificial some frequency. Further delineation will often occur,
homogeneity of cases that emphasizes the most severe given sufficient time. A truly unique-pattern syndrome
aspects of the syndrome. Thus, we should be wary of may occur with a chromosomal anomaly involving two
estimated frequencies given in review articles and text- or more breaks. The condition may be sporadic or seg-
books for various anomalies that occur in a recurrent- regate within a family. Since the chance of an identical
pattern syndrome; they tend to be overestimates that duplication-deficiency syndrome occurring in another
can affect the prognostic risk counseling for possibly family is very slight, the syndrome may be considered
developing some features of the syndrome such as men- unique to an affected individual or an affected family
tal retardation (Cohen, 1997b). (Cohen, 1997b).
A known-genesis syndrome can be defined as several The multiple anomalies that make up any syndrome
anomalies causally related on the basis of (1) occur- are thought to be pathogenetically related. However,
rence in the same family or, less conclusively, the same anomalies may concur either by chance or as a statis-
mode of inheritance in different families; (2) a chro- tically related association in the same patient. Some as-
mosomal defect; (3) a specific defect in an enzyme or sociations are well-stocked pools for future syndrome
structural protein; or (4) an environmental factor. The delineation (Cohen, 1997b).
term pedigree syndrome refers to known genesis on the Syndrome delineation and the use of the delineation
basis of pedigree evidence alone; the basic defect itself terms proposed should be thought of as a dynamic,
remains undefined, although the condition is known to
represent a monogenic disorder. Several examples with
orofacial clefts include the autosomal recessively in-
herited Meckel syndrome and oral-facial-digital syn-
drome I, which has X-linked dominant inheritance,
lethal in the male. Chromosomal syndromes, such as
trisomy 13 syndrome, are cytogenetically determined.
In a biochemical-defect syndrome, specific enzymatic
defects are known in recessive syndromes. An example FIG. 6.12. Summary of the process of syndrome delineation. See text.
is the autosomal recessive Smith-Lemli-Opitz syn- (From Cohen, 1997b, with permission.)

flexible, and continually changing framework in SYNDROME NOMENCLATURE

which to view various syndromes. These categories
should never be thought of as static or immutable, In general, a newly recognized syndrome can be de-
even at the higher stages of syndrome delineation. Eti- noted by (1) an eponym, (2) one or more striking fea-
ologic and clinical heterogeneity is common and tures, (3) an acronym, (4) a numeral, (5) a geographic
should be expected to occur even when not readily term, or (6) some combination of the above. None of
apparent. Moreover, we should not confuse syndrome these systems of nomenclature is without fault. Each
delineation with understanding of the syndrome's has advantages and disadvantages. In general, nomen-
pathogenesis, even at the higher stages of delineation. clature usage evolves with time. Sometimes interna-
In a pedigree syndrome such as the autosomal reces- tional working groups are very helpful in standardiz-
sively inherited Meckel syndrome, we know nothing ing nomenclature in various subfields (Cohen, 1976).
about how the homozygous state of the Meckel gene Mythical terms such as elfin fades syndrome and an-
produces such diverse features as encephalocele, oro- imal nomenclature such as bird-headed dwarf are pe-
facial clefting, polydactyly, and polycystic kidneys jorative and should be discouraged. One commonly rec-
(Cohen, 1997B). ognized principle in the field is never to use apostrophe
5 in eponymic designations. Thus, we use Apert syn-
drome, not Apert's syndrome, because Apert neither
SIGNIFICANCE OF SYNDROME DELINEATION had nor owned the syndrome he described (Cohen,
1976, 1997a,b).
The significance of syndrome delineation cannot be
overestimated. As an unknown-genesis syndrome be-
comes delineated, its phenotypic spectrum, its natural PACE OF SYNDROME DELINEATION
history, and its inheritance pattern or risk of recur-
rence become known, allowing for better patient care Syndrome delineation is proceeding at a very rapid
and family counseling. If the phenotypic spectrum is pace. Table 6.1 illustrates syndrome delineation
known, the clinician can search for suspected defects through the years with respect to orofacial clefting. To-
that may not be immediately apparent but that may riello (1988) has estimated that newly recognized syn-
produce clinical problems at a later date, such as a dromes in general are being described at the rate of one
hemivertebra in Goldenhar syndrome. If a certain com- or more per week and, although some represent vari-
plication can occur in a given syndrome, such as Wilms able expression of previously recorded conditions,
tumor in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, the clini- many actually represent newly recognized syndromes.
cian is forewarned to monitor the patient for possible Orofacial clefting is estimated for the years 1971,
development of neoplasia. Finally, if the recurrence 1978, and 1990 in Table 6.1 (Cohen and Bankier,
risk is known, the parents can be counseled properly 1991). The 1990 estimate is based on the POSSUM
about future pregnancies. This is particularly impor-
tant if the risk is high and the disorder is severely dis-
abling or disfiguring, has mental deficiency as one TABLE 6.1. Syndrome Delineation Involving
component, or has a dramatically shortened life span. Orofacial Clefting
For example, Stickler syndrome is an autosomal dom- Etiology 1971* 1978t 1990*
inant disorder with a 50% recurrence risk when one
parent is affected. Retinal detachment occurs in 20% Monogenic 39 79 193
of reported cases, and blindness affects 15%. Genetic Autosomal dominant 17 35 69
counseling is important because the risk of developing Autosomal recessive 18 39 104
serious ocular problems is high. This relatively com- X-linked 4 5 20
mon condition also illustrates the importance of syn- Environmentally induced 0 6 10
drome delineation because the entity was unrecognized Chromosomal 15 29 49
before 1965, although clearly it existed before then. Unknown cause$ 18 40 90
Thus, syndrome delineation fosters good patient care. Total 72 154 342
The overall treatment program gains rationality. In *Based on Gorlin et al. (1971).
contrast, with a provisionally unique-pattern syn- tBased on Cohen (1978).
drome, the treatment program and overall manage- *Based on POSSUM (1990).
^Includes distinctive syndromes of unknown genesis and associa-
ment frequently leave something to be desired (Cohen, tions.
1997b). Source: Cohen and Bankier (1991).

TABLE 6.2. Genetic Aspects of Some Syndromes with Clefting

Syndrome Gene Map Locus Comments

Van der Woude syndrome Iq32-q41 Autosomal dominant 17pll.l-pll.2 inheritance. Gene maps to Iq32-q41. One
large Brazilian family maps to 17pll.l-pll.2. Either the syndrome is
genetically heterogeneous or the gene at both loci works synergistically,
17pll.l-pll.2 increasing the risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate.
Treacher Collins syndrome 5q32-q33.1 Treacle gene mutations cause premature termination of the protein.
del(22qll.2) syndrome* 22qll.2 Disruption of gene UFD1L alone or in combination with gene CDC45L and/or
HIRA has been suggested as the most likely etiology, and the role of the
dHand-UFDIL pathway has been discussed. However, many patients do not
have mutations in these genes. Thus, the genetic etiology is not resolved at
X-linked cleft palate with or (1) Xq21.3-q22 Genetically heterogeneous. (1) is found in German and Icelandic families.
without ankyloglossia (2) Xql3-q21.31 (2) is found in British Columbia families.

*Formerly known as velocardiofacial syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, or conotruncal anomalies/face syndrome. Data from Cohen (1997b,
2000), Gorlin et al. (1990), Murray (1995), Novelli et al. (1999), Saitta et al. (1999), Schutte et al. (1999), Srivastava and Yamagishi (1999),
Wulfsberg et al. (1997), and Yamagishi et al. (1999).
Source: Cohen (2000).

computer based system. POSSUM (1990) is a computer ROBIN SEQUENCE AND ROBIN COMPLEXES
program that provides an extensive catalogue of mul-
tiple anomaly syndromes, including photographs (on In a classic article titled "Not All Dwarfed Mandibles
video disk) and references. The POSSUM estimate is Are Alike," the late Samuel Pruzansky (1969) observed
compared with those of Cohen (1978) and Gorlin et that "Pierre Robin syndrome" (as he and others called
al. (1971). The category "unknown cause" in Table 6.1 it in those days) was not only causally heterogeneous
includes distinctive syndromes of unknown genesis and but also pathogenetically and phenotypically variable.
various simple associations. Shprintzen (1988) showed that by using different def-
Syndromes with orofacial clefting have been re- initions of Robin sequence proposed by various au-
viewed by Gorlin et al. (2001). Genetic aspects of a few thors, he could calculate different frequencies of syn-
syndromes are summarized in Table 6.2, and some ter- dromic and nonsyndromic Robin sequence in his own
atogenic syndromes with occasional clefting are shown hospital series. Different criteria for Robin sequence are
in Table 6.3. summarized in Table 6.4. Definitions I through IV are

TABLE 6.3. Some Human Teratogenic Syndromes'

Frequency of
Teratogen Use Teratogenic Effects Orofacial Clefting

Ethyl alcohol Recreational use or alcohol Growth retardation, small palpebral fissures, facial Occasional
dependence dysmorphism, microcephaly, mental deficiency,
cardiovascular defects
Diphenylhydantoin Antiseizure drug Growth retardation, facial dysmorphism, microcephaly, Occasional
mental deficiency, hypoplastic nails
Trimethadione Antiseizure drug Developmental delay, growth deficiency, V-shaped Occasional
eyebrows, ear anomalies, cardiovascular defects
Retinoids Drugs to treat cystic acne Abortion, craniofacial dysmorphism, various Occasional
central nervous system abnormalities
Aminopterin Folk acid antagonist, has Abortion hydrocephalus, growth retardation, mental Occasional
Methotrexate been used as an abortifacient deficiency, craniofacial dysmorphism, limb defects
Hyperthermia From heat source such as fever, Neural tube defects, occasional other central Occasional
sauna nervous system abnormalities, mental deficiency

"Data from Cohen (1997b).

Source: Cohen (2000).

TABLE 6.4. Defining Robin Sequence Using indicate Robin sequence. Thin lines show possible ways
Different Criteria that Robin complexes can occur (Cohen, 1999).
Mandibular Upper Airway
A distinction is made between micrognathia and ret-
Definition Deficiency Cleft Palate* Obstruction rognathia (Fig. 6.13). Micrognathia refers to size, ret-
rognathia to position. In Treacher Collins syndrome,
I + +(U)
the mandible is short. In deletion 22qll.2 syndrome,
II + +(U or V) +
the mandible is essentially normal in size but retro-
III + +(U) -
gnathia in position because the cranial base angle is
IV + ±(UorV) ±
larger than normal (Table 6.6). Most Robin conditions
V (non-Robin) — 1" +(V) + are micrognathic or retrognathic but not both together
*U, U-shaped cleft palate; V, V-shaped cleft palate. (so-called "microretrognathia") (Cohen, 1999). Differ-
^Mandible is normal but maybe slightly small subjectively, though ent results were found by Glander and Cisneros (1992),
it is impossible to be certain.
Source: Cohen (1997b). but their results may be questioned. These authors com-
pared del(22qll.2) with Robin in Stickler dysplasia.
No controls from the general population or from first-
clearly Robin sequence, but definition V is non-Robin degree relatives were provided. Furthermore, with mul-
in type. The cleft palate is V-shaped, and by poly- tiple measurements on each cephalogram, confidence
somnography, some respiratory compromise is evident. intervals would have produced a more meaningful in-
The mandible is normal but may be slightly small sub- terpretation than f-tests of significance.
jectively, though it is impossible to be certain. Thus, at Phenotypic variability (Table 6.6) is illustrated by com-
the interface, it is not always possible to distinguish be- paring the mandible in Treacher Collins syndrome with
tween Robin sequence and ordinary cleft palate (Co- that found in deformational Robin sequence (Cohen,
hen, 1997b, 2000). 1999). In both conditions, the mandibles are short. Catch-
Shprintzen (1988) demonstrated that different mech- up growth in deformational Robin sequence is incom-
anisms of obstruction can occur within the same syn- plete. Mandibular growth is severely affected in Treacher
drome and noted that glossoptosis is frequently not the Collins syndrome. The two conditions differ greatly in
cause of upper airway obstruction in some cases. Types shape; the Treacher Collins syndrome mandible is highly
of obstruction based on Sher (1992) are summarized specific (Cohen, 1999; Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996).
in Table 6.5. Kreiborg and Cohen (1996) documented Different Robin complexes are exemplified by
the growth pattern in Robin patients and found that del(22qll.2) syndrome and spondyloepiphyseal dys-
catch-up growth was partial, never complete. plasia congenita (Table 6.6). In del(22qll.2) syndrome,
Because of etiologic, pathogenetic, and phenotypic retrognathia, caused by an obtuse cranial base angle,
differences, Robin sequence or Robin complexes of var- and cleft palate, either submucous or true, are found.
ious types can occur. Table 6.6 summarizes several The flat cranial base angle and retrognathia do not con-
conditions with mandibular differences, cranial base tribute to pharyngeal obstruction, which in fact results
angle changes, and different types of respiratory com- from hypotonia (Arvystas and Shprintzen, 1984).
promise. These changes are shown in Figure 6.13. Dou- Robin sequence does not occur. Rather, in this form of
ble lines indicate general causes: malformation, defor- Robin complex, all of the manifestations are causally,
mation, or connective tissue dysplasia. Thick arrows but not sequentially, related (Cohen, 1999).

TABLE 6.5. Types of Obstruction in Robin Sequence/Complex (n = 52)

Tongue Retracts Posteriorly
with Velum Interposed
True between Tongue and Medial Movement of Pharynx Constricts in
Glossoptosis Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Lateral Pharyngeal Wall Sphincteric Manner

Stickler syndrome 15 6 1 0
22qll syndrome 4 0 1 1
Treacher Collins syndrome 3 0 1 1
Isolated Robin 5 1 0 0
Other 4 4 2 3

Source: Sher (1992).

FIG. 6.13. Robin sequence and complexes. Double lines indicate general causes: malformation, defor-
mation, or connective tissue dysplasia. Thick arrows indicate Robin sequence. Thin lines show all pos-
sible ways that Robin sequence can occur. (From Cohen, 1999, with permission.)

TABLE 6.6. Robin Sequences and Complexes

(Sequence or
Complex) Cause Mandible Cranial Base Angle Respiratory Compromise

Treacher Collins Mutations in TCOF1 Short body, short ramus, Decreased Pharyngeal
syndrome (mandibulo- (gene map location: characteristic shape,
facial dysostosis) 5q32-q33.1) growth severely
(sequence) affected
del(22qll.2) del(22qll.2) Retrognathia, essentially Increased Hypotonia
syndrome* normal in shape
Deformation Intrauterine Short body, short ramus, Decreased Pharyngeal
(sequence) constraint increased gonial angle,
incomplete catch-up
Connective tissue
Stickler dysplasia Heterogeneous; Short ramus, antegonial Decreased Pharyngeal
(complex) mutations in COL2A1 notching
(gene map location:
12ql3.1-ql3.3) (protein:
type II collagen)
Mutations in COL11A1
(gene map location:
6p21.3) (protein:
type XI collagen)
Spondyloepiphyseal Mutations in COL2A1 Short body Small mechanically
dysplasia congenita (gene map location: abnormal chest and/or
(complex) 12ql3.1-ql3.3) tracheobronchomalacia
and/or cervical instability
(resulting in central apnea)

* Formerly known as "velocardiofacial syndrome," "DiGeorge syndrome," or "conotruncal anomalies/face syndrome."

Source: Cohen (1999).


An example of multiple mechanisms of respiratory

compromise can be found in spondyloepiphyseal dys-
plasia congenita (Table 6.6): small mechanically ab-
normal chest, tracheobronchomalacia, and/or central
apnea due to cervical or medullary compression caused
by cervical instability (Harding et al., 1990) in addi-
tion to the possibility of upper respiratory obstruction
based on Robin sequence.



Tessier (1976) outlined an anatomic and descriptive

classificatory system in which the various types of bony
and soft tissue defects, which he called clefts, are situ-
ated along definite axes with numbers assigned to the
sites of clefting, depending on their relationships to the
sagittal midline (Fig. 6.14). Clefting may involve bone
and/or soft tissue but rarely to the same extent. From
the sagittal midline to the infraorbital foramen, ab-
normalities of soft tissue predominate. From the infra-
orbital foramen to the temporal bone, however, osseous
defects are more severe than those of soft tissue, a no-
table exception being the ear. Clefts through the orbit
use the lower eyelid as an equator. Cleft numbered lines
may be either northbound (cranial) or southbound (fa-
cial). Cranial numbered lines have facial numbered
counterparts, yet these numbers are different to avoid FIG. 6.14. Tessier craniofacial clefting system. A: Soft tissue clefts.
the implication that they necessarily have the same B: Bony clefts. Dotted lines represent uncertain localization or un-
certain clefting. Note that northbound cranial line has a different
etiopathogenesis. Thus, the Tessier classification per- number from southbound facial line. Thus, system is descriptive and
mits description of both the location and the extent of anatomic and avoids etiologic or pathogenetic speculation. For ex-
unusual facial clefts. Several different types of Tessier ample, the cause of a number 10 cleft may be different from the cause
clefts may occur in the same patient (Fig. 6.15). of a number 4 cleft. (From Cohen, 1999, with permission.)

FIG. 6.15. Multiple clefts. Left: Cleft lip with Tessier number 7 cleft on left side and cleft numbers 5
and 6 on right. Right: Cleft lip and palate with Tessier number 6 cleft on left side and number 4 cleft
on right. Courtesy of A. Richieri-Costa (Bauru, Brazil).

FIG. 6.16. Complex clefting. Hairline indicator points to cleft area. Computed tomographic scan showed
anterior cranium bifidum occultum and gap in sphenoid bone. Note ear tags. Courtesy of A. Richieri-
Costa (Bauru, Brazil).

In some instances, overlying soft tissue defects pre- dromes, and other disorders. In: Craniofacial Surgery: A Multi-
dict the possibility of underlying bony clefts. Elsewhere Disciplinary Approach to Craniofacial Anomalies, edited by K.
Y. Lin, R. C. Ogle, and J. A. Jane, 2002, Chapter 1, pp. 1-38.
I have referred to such features (e.g., colobomatous Cohen, MM, Jr, Bankier, A (1991). Syndrome delineation involving
notching of the upper or lower eyelids or the nostrils orofacial clefting. Cleft Palate-Craniofac J 28: 119-120.
or interruption of the eyelashes or the eyebrows) as Cohen, MM, Jr, Jirasek, JE, Guzman, RT, Gorlin, RJ, Peterson, MQ
Tessier signs (Cohen, 1997b). Also included in this cat- (1971). Holoprosencephaly and facial dysmorphia: nosology, eti-
egory are hairline indicators that may point to the cleft ology and pathogenesis. Birth Defects 7(7): 125-135.
DeMyer, WE, Zeman, W (1963). Alobar holoprosencephaly (arhin-
(Moore et al., 1988) (Fig. 6.16). encephaly) with median cleft lip and palate: clinical, electroen-
The causes of most Tessier clefts are unknown. The cephalographic and nosologic considerations. Confin Neurol 23:
overwhelming majority occur sporadically. One excep- 1-36.
tion is Treacher Collins syndrome, which is autosomal Glander, K II, Cisneros, GJ (1992). Comparison of the craniofacial
dominantly inherited. Some Tessier clefts are malfor- characteristics of two syndromes associated with the Pierre-Robin
sequence. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 29: 210-219.
mations that can be explained by faulty embryogene- Gorlin, RJ, Cervenka, J, Pruzansky, S (1971). Facial clefting and its
sis. However, others represent disruptions, such as syndromes. Birth Defects 7(7): 3-49.
those associated with amniotic bands (Cohen, 1997b). Gorlin, RJ, Cohen, MM, Jr, Hennekam, RCM (2001). Syndromes of
the Head and Neck, 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gorlin, RJ, Cohen, MM, Jr, Levin, LS (1990). Syndromes of the Head
and Neck, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hagberg, C, Larson, O, Milerad, J (1997). Incidence of cleft lip
Arvystas, M, Shprintzen, RJ (1984). Craniofacial morphology in the and palate and risks of additional malformations. Cleft Palate-
velocardiofacial syndrome. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 4: 39-45. Craniofac J 35: 40-45.
Cohen, MM, Jr (1976). Syndrome designations. J Med Genet 13: Harding, CO, Green, CG, Perloff, WH (1990). Respiratory compli-
266-270. cations in children with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita.
Cohen, MM, Jr (1978). Syndromes with cleft lip and palate. Cleft Pediatr Pulmonol 9: 49-54.
Palate J 15: 306-328. Kallen, B, Harris, J, Robert, E (1996). The epidemiology of orofa-
Cohen, MM, Jr (1997a). Apert syndrome, not Apert's syndrome: cial clefts: 2. Associated malformations. J Craniofac Genet Dev
Apert neither had nor owned the syndrome that bears his name. Biol 16:242-248.
Plast Reconstr Surg 100: 532-533. Kreiborg, S, Cohen, MM, Jr (1996). Syndrome delineation and
Cohen, MM, Jr (1997b). The Child with Multiple Birth Defects. New growth in orofacial clefting and craniosynostosis. In: Facial Clefts
York: Oxford University Press. and Craniosynostosis Principles and Management, edited by TA
Cohen, MM, Jr (1999). Robin sequences and complexes: causal het- Turvey, KWL Vig, and RJ Fonseca. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
erogeneity and pathogenetic variability. Am J Med Genet 84: Chapter 3, pp. 57-75.
311-315. Martsolf, JT, Reed, MH, Hunter, AGW (1977). Case report 56.
Cohen, MM, Jr (2000). Etiology and pathogenesis of orofacial clefting. Skeletal dysplasia, Robin anomalad, and polydactyly. Syndrome
In: Cleft Lip and Palate: A Physiological Approach, Oral and Max- Ident 5(1): 14-18.
illofacial Surgery Clinics of North America vol. 12. pp. 379-397. Moore, MH, David, DJ, Cooler, RD (1988). Hairline indicators of
Cohen, MM, Jr (2001). Perspectives on craniofacial anomalies, syn- craniofacial clefts. Plast Recontr Surg 82: 589-593.

Murray, JC (1995). Face facts: genes, environment, and clefts. Am J Shprintzen, RJ (1988). Pierre Robin, micrognathia, and airway ob-
Hum Genet 57: 227-232. struction: the dependency of treatment on accurate diagnosis. Int
Novelli, G, Amati, F, Dallapiccola, G (1999). UFDIL and CDC45L: Anesthesiol Clin 26: 64-71.
a role in DiGeorge syndrome and related phenotypes? Trends Spranger, JW, Benirschke, K, Hall, JG, Lenz, W, Lowry, RB, Opitz,
Genet 15: 251-253. JM, Pinsky, L, Schwarzacher, HG, Smith, DW (1982). Errors of
POSSUM (1990). Computer software system. Melbourne, Australia: morphogenesis: concepts and terms. J Pediatr 100: 160-165.
Murdoch Institute for Research into Birth Defects. Srivastava, D, Yamagishi, H (1999). Role of the dHAND-UFDIL
Pruzansky, S (1969). Not all dwarfed mandibles are alike. Birth De- pathway. Trends Genet 25: 253-254.
fects 5(2): 120-129. Tessier, P (1976). Anatomical classifications of facial, craniofacial
Saitta, SC, McGrath, JM, Mensch, H, et al. (1999) A 22qll.2 dele- and laterofacial clefts. J Maxillofac Surg 4: 69-92.
tion that excludes UFDIL and CDC45L in a patient with Toriello, HV (1988). New syndromes from old: the role of hetero-
conotruncal and craniofacial defects. Am J Hum Genet 65: geneity and variability in syndrome delineation. Am J Med Genet
562-566. Suppl 1: 50-70.
Schutte, BC, Basart, AM, Watanabe, Y (1999). Microdeletions at Wulfsberg, EA, Leana-Cox, J, Neri, C (1997). Reply to "What's in
chromosome bands Iq32-q41 as a cause of Van der Woude syn- a name? The 22qll.2 deletion" (letter to the editor). Am J Med
drome. Am J Med Genet 84: 145-150. Genet 72: 248-249.
Sher, AE (1992). Mechanisms of airway obstruction in Robin se- Yamagishi, H, Garg, V, Matsuoka, R (1999). A molecular pathway
quence: implications for treatment. Cleft Palate-Craniofac J 29: revealing a genetic basis for human cardiac and craniofacial de-
224-231. fects. Science 283: 1158-1161.

Morphometric characteristics of subjects

with oral facial clefts and their relatives


The relationship between cleft lip and palate (CLP) and persons as well as individuals who have had their clefts
facial form is widely recognized, frequently studied, and repaired, and finally discuss the current understanding
poorly understood. Thus, after nearly a century of re- of facial form in unaffected relatives of individuals with
search, it remains uncertain which aspects of facial clefts. There can be little doubt that we stand on the
form are related to the primary underlying cause of the threshold of a new era of understanding as emerging
cleft and which aspects are secondary to the effects of technologies and a revolution in our knowledge of the
the cleft or of its repair. Clearly, complete CLP will dis- interplay between genes and the "environment of devel-
tort normal facial growth but so may its later surgical opment" promise to resolve many of the questions that
repair. It is also suspected that certain facial shapes are remain unanswered. Nevertheless, this progress must
more predisposed to developing CLP than others. grow from a foundation established by the work of den-
To address these issues, facial form has been evalu- tists, physicians, anatomists, anthropologists, and other
ated in three distinct groups of subjects: untreated in- "morphometricians" who have attempted to penetrate
dividuals with oral facial clefts, affected individuals the complexities of this most frequently encountered
with repaired clefts, and unaffected relatives of indi- form of craniofacial anomaly.
viduals with clefts. An astonishing number of studies
over the last 50 years have examined one or more of
these populations and have generated considerable, fre- MORPHOMETRICS
quently conflicting information. Variations in method-
ology, sample composition, and the degree to which Morphometrics describes a variety of methods used to
the studies have controlled for differences in cleft type measure and assess form. Since its introduction by
and etiology have made it difficult to generalize from Broadbent in 1931, the two-dimensional lateral
this information. We make no pretense of comprehen- cephalometric radiograph has been the morphometric
sively reviewing every one of the several hundred arti- medium of choice for assessing cranial facial form. Less
cles written on these topics. Instead, in this chapter, we often, facial measurements have been taken directly
summarize a select group of key publications and ex- (anthropometries) (Farkas and Lindsay, 1971,1972a,b;
tract from them common themes that represent what Smahel and Brejcha, 1983; Smahel, 1984a,b,d; Farkas
is known at the start of a new century of research. et al., 1993) or derived from photographs (photo-
More specifically, we review the morphometric meth- grammetrics) (Vegter et al., 1997). More recently, com-
ods that have been used to assess facial form in clefts, puterized tomography and other forms of three-
summarize what is known about facial form in untreated dimensional radiography (Baumrind et al., 1983;


Cheverud et al, 1983; Grayson et al., 1983,1985; Savara investigators do not have ready access to the technol-
et al., 1985; Ras et al., 1994a,b) have augmented these ogy, software, or training necessary to carry out the
methods. more sophisticated analyses. Moreover, while the more
Data derived from any of these methods must be ad- advanced imaging techniques generate stunningly de-
justed mathematically so that individuals of different tailed images, they cost more, increase radiation expo-
ages, sizes, and sexes can be compared. To create equa- sure, and generally lack adequate control or reference
tions that control for size, age, and sex differences, in- data. In addition, many investigators find that tradi-
vestigators convert original data to standard deviation tional analyses continue to yield useful results. Never-
units (z-scores) or perform regression analysis. However, theless, there appears to be little reason to doubt that
such adjustments are seldom completely effective. For our understanding of oral facial clefting will improve
example, regression equations are sensitive to the varia- as we find more effective means to employ these more
tion within the samples from which they are generated, refined approaches and to couple them with the ex-
and z-scores must be calculated against some normative ploding technologies in developmental and molecular
or control population that may or may not be well genetics (McAlarney and Chiu, 1997; Mossey et al.,
matched to the study population. Therefore, even ad- 1997; Peltonen and McKusick, 2001).
justed data are likely to retain some variation due to age,
sex, and size, an often overlooked fact that can confound
comparisons of results from different studies. FACIAL FORM IN INDIVIDUALS WITH ORAL
There is also considerable debate over the efficacy of FACIAL CLEFTS
morphometric techniques derived from fixed but often
arbitrarily defined landmarks. For example, Moyers and As noted above, inconsistencies in study design, in-
Bookstein (1979) noted that traditional cephalometrics cluding method of evaluation (judgment vs. measure-
provides limited or even misleading information regard- ment), demographics of the patient population, selec-
ing the true shape and size of craniofacial structures. tion of cephalometric or anthropometric landmarks,
Compressing a complex three-dimensional structure into and methods of statistical analysis, make it difficult to
two dimensions distorts form, occludes anatomy, and compare results. In addition, as Bishara et al. (1985)
creates artifacts. Furthermore, two-dimensional mea- and Gaggl et al. (1999) have pointed out, many stud-
surements cannot reveal differences clearly visible in ies have limitations such as small sample size; incon-
three dimensions. Analyzing lines and angles to measure sistent age distribution; unspecified combinations of
the shape and size of such a distorted image compounds untreated, partially treated, and late treated individu-
the problem. Moyers and Bookstein (1979) noted that als; as well as a mixture of individuals with different
the standard measure of mandibular length (gonion to types of cleft. Despite the difficulties, we summarize in
menton) is likely to be highly inaccurate because it uses the following sections relevant morphometric literature
a straight line to measure a complex, curved surface. Fi- and distill common findings regarding the craniofacial
nally, they argue that classic serial cephalometric stud- phenotype of the various forms of cleft both pre- and
ies are inadequate because there is little relationship be- posttreatment. The discussion on cleft lip with or with-
tween the superimposed points moving in apparent out cleft palate (CL/P) and cleft palate (CP) is separated
succession and the actual geometry of growth. because these are best regarded as etiologically and de-
In response to these challenges, new technologies and velopmentally distinct anomalies. The review of the
analytical techniques have been proposed to extract CL/P phenotype is divided into sections based on de-
more accurate information from radiographic images. gree of facial disruption, beginning with the most se-
Geometric analytical techniques originally proposed by vere (untreated bilateral complete CLP) and proceed-
Thompson (1917) have come of age with the develop- ing through the least severe (repaired CL without cleft
ment of computer-assisted programs that are able to alveolus). Where possible, facial form in untreated in-
carry out the necessary complex equations (Bookstein, dividuals is contrasted to that in individuals whose
1982; Grayson et al., 1987; Trotman and Ross, 1993; clefts have been repaired. The often confusing use of
Lestrel et al., 1999). These techniques use geometric anatomical landmarks as descriptors has been avoided.
forms to assess change in shape over time or to com- Instead, we discuss anatomical areas and what indi-
pare form between individuals. vidual measurements reveal about these structures.
Despite the availability of new technologies and an-
alytical techniques most studies of facial form in cleft- Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate
ing continue to rely on traditional cephalometric ap-
proaches. It is likely that this reflects less a resistance Untreated Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. The most
to innovation and precision than the reality that most dramatic effects on facial structures occur in individu-

als with untreated complete bilateral CLP. Most struc- dart, 1970). The projection of the premaxilla contin-
tural abnormalities are obvious at birth (Huddart, ues if left untreated (Handelman and Pruzansky, 1968;
1970), and some, unless treated, worsen with age. In Friede and Pruzansky, 1972; Bishara et al., 1978; da
addition to the anterior facial areas directly affected by Silva Filho et al., 1998), contributing to the extreme
the cleft, adjacent and posterior areas (including the premaxillary prominence that is the most striking fea-
neurocranium and cranial base) often deviate from nor- ture in adult untreated bilateral CLP patients (da Silva
mal morphology. Filho et al., 1998).
Neurocranium and cranial base. Smaller cranio- The mandible tends to be small and retruded in un-
facial dimensions have been found in many different repaired bilateral CLP individuals (Bishara et al., 1985;
cleft types (Dahl, 1970; Ross and Johnston, 1972; Dahl et al., 1989; da Silva et al., 1998), a characteris-
Semb, 1991a,b; da Silva Filho et al., 1992; Capelozza tic found in untreated adult patients with other types
Filho et al., 1993), including untreated bilateral cleft of cleft (Mars and Houston, 1990; da Silva Filho et al.,
patients (da Silva Filho, 1998). In the latter study (da 1992, 1993). In addition, there is a tendency for the
Silva Filho, 1998), there were generally no differences mandibular plane to be steep (Bishara et al., 1985).
in the cranial base angle compared to controls, in spite Most studies have also found that untreated individu-
of the finding that cranial base linear (sagittal) dimen- als with bilateral CLP have significantly more obtuse
sions were smaller in the untreated CLP group. How- gonial angles (Brader, 1957; Levin, 1963; Dahl, 1970;
ever, Smahel et al. (1985) reported that maximum head Horowitz et al., 1976,1980; da Silva Filho et al., 1998).
width was significantly increased in untreated bilateral Dental arches and relationships. Incisors in both
CLP patients relative to controls (without a cleft). jaws tend to be retroclined (da Silva Filho et al., 1998),
da Silva Filho et al. (1998) studied a sample of adult and the two maxillary segments rotate medially, caus-
(Caucasian) Brazilians with untreated, complete bilat- ing various degrees of arch collapse. Decreased maxil-
eral CLP (20 males and 8 females) and compared these lary intercanine width and increased incidence of cross-
to a matched control, noncleft population. There was bite in the canine region are found (Bishara et al.,
a general reduction in cranial and facial size in the un- 1985). Patients with unoperated CLP tend to have
treated group with the means for most linear dimen- greater maxillary alveolar widths than operated cleft
sions significantly reduced compared to controls. subjects (Motohashi et al., 1994; Trotman et al., 1997).
Facial widths, da Silva Filho et al. (1998) reported
significantly greater cranial and facial widths, includ- Untreated Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. Individ-
ing maximum head width, and bizygomatic, interor- uals with unrepaired unilateral CLP exhibit many of
bital, and nasal widths. There was a significant sex ef- the same features seen in bilateral CLP, such as a ten-
fect, with males showing greater average mandibular dency for wide nasal cavities (Atherton, 1967a; Farkas
retrognathia and females showing greater average fa- et al., 1993), midface retrusion, acute nasaolabial an-
cial convexity. Farkas et al. (1993) found that most un- gle, and relatively excessive lower facial height (Dahl,
treated bilateral CLP patients had borderline-large to 1970; Bishara et al., 1985, 1986; Smahel et al., 1985;
abnormally large facial widths and all had abnormally Mars and Houston, 1990). In addition, individuals
large nasal widths. with unrepaired unilateral CLP tend to have signifi-
Craniofacial heights and profiles. An extremely cantly more obtuse gonial angles as well as a smaller
prominent premaxilla combined with a smaller mandible nasomaxillary-pharyngeal complex and reduced upper
results in marked facial convexity and an extreme im- posterior facial height, as reported in bilateral cases
balance between the jaws (Smahel et al., 1985; da Silva (Brader, 1957; Levin, 1963; Dahl, 1970; Horowitz et
Filho et al., 1998). da Silva Filho et al. (1998) also al., 1976, 1980).
found significantly greater facial convexity in the un- In general, the cranial base of subjects with unrepaired
treated group. The bilateral group had a combination unilateral CLP is similar to that of controls with the ex-
of a smaller nasomaxillary-pharyngeal complex and ception of reduced cranial base length (Bishara et al.,
reduced upper posterior facial height (Brader, 1957; 1976; Mars and Houston, 1990; Capelozza Filho et al.,
Levin, 1963; Dahl, 1970). 1993). In individuals with unilateral CLP, the unoper-
Maxillary, palatal, and mandibular structures. In ated maxilla usually maintains a normal relationship to
infancy prior to surgery, the overall maxillary size tends the cranial base, while the premaxilla tends to rotate for-
to be larger and the maxilla retrognathic (Huddart, ward on the noncleft side. In contrast, the mandible is
1970). Infants with unrepaired bilateral CLP also ap- generally rotated backward (retruded), which some re-
pear to have a surprising degree of asymmetry in left searchers have suggested is secondary to the biomechan-
and right maxillary arch size (Huddart, 1970). In ad- ical effect of the cleft on the mandible (Atherton, 1967b;
dition, the premaxilla is rotated and protrusive (Hud- Dahl, 1970; Chierici et al., 1973; Bishara et al., 1985;

Mars and Houston, 1990; Capelozza Filho et al, 1993). Neurocranium, and cranial base. Smahel (1984b)
Capelozza Filho et al. (1993) also reported a smaller compared lateral cephalograms of surgically repaired
mandibular body and ramus height in subjects with un- adult males with complete bilateral CLP to unaffected
treated unilateral CLP. Several researchers have con- controls as well as surgically repaired adult males with
cluded that these subjects also had significant increases unilateral CLP. In the bilateral CLP group, the height
in the angle of the mandibular plane (Ortiz-Monasterio of the neurocranium was reduced, the supraorbital
et al., 1966; Bishara et al., 1976; Mars and Houston, frontal width was increased, and the posterior cranial
1990; Capelozza Filho et al., 1993). base was significantly shorter compared to noncleft
Ortiz-Monasterio et al. (1959) and Mestre et al. controls. In comparison to subjects with unilateral CLP,
(1960) reported that the size of the maxilla in patients the cranial base was slightly but significantly flatter and
with unoperated clefts was within normal limits, while the clivus significantly shorter. In a related study on
Capelozza Filho et al. (1993) found that the maxilla the same group of treated adult males using anthropo-
was smaller and protruded at the alveolar level. metries, Smahel (1984c) noted that head circumference,
Capelozza Filho et al. (1993) employed posterior- head length, head width, and bizygomatic and bitragal
anterior cephalograms in their study, while other re- (cranial base) widths were not significantly different
searchers used lateral cephalograms. This may account compared to controls.
for the variability in results. In the maxillary arch, the There has been less agreement regarding the cranial
relationship of the cleft segment to the noncleft seg- base in studies of repaired CLP. Aduss (1971) reported
ment varied from normal to degrees of medial collapse, that there were no significant differences in the cranial
particularly in the canine area. This resulted in an in- base of patients with unilateral CLP compared with
creased incidence of crossbite (Atherton, 1967a; noncleft patients, while Krogman et al. (1975), in a lon-
Bishara et al., 1976,1985). There was also an increased gitudinal study of infants and children, found that all
incidence of buccal overjet of the maxillary premolars linear cranial base measurements were significantly
(Bishara et al., 1985). The side of the cleft was not longer and the cranial base angle was smaller in the
found to cause significant differences in craniofacial unilateral CLP group compared to a noncleft control
morphology in either pre- or postsurgery individuals group. In contrast to both of these studies, Hayashi et
(Jain and Krogman, 1983a; Hermann et al., 1999, al. (1976) reported no significant differences in the
2000). However, there appeared to be a greater inci- length of the anterior cranial base but noted that the
dence of lingual crossbite on the cleft side compared to cranial base angle was more obtuse in their unilateral
individuals with unilateral CL and alveolus but not CP CLP group compared to the noncleft group. Horswell
(Bishara et al., 1985). Tang and So (1992) noted that and Gallup (1992) found that the age at which the lin-
the majority of individuals with unilateral CLP had se- ear dimensions became significantly reduced varied but
vere malocclusion at an early age. In two samples of that, in general, both anterior and posterior dimensions
unoperated adults with unilateral CLP, the upper in- became significantly reduced between ages 8 and 9 (and
cisors were found to be similar to those of noncleft sub- remained so thereafter). No significant differences were
jects in one study (Mars and Houston, 1990) and pro- found in the cranial base angle of either the unilateral
clined in another (Capelozza Filho et al., 1993). or bilateral CLP individuals. In contrast, Semb (199la)
noted that cranial base angulation was greater in uni-
Repaired Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Compared lateral CLP subjects when compared to noncleft con-
to Repaired Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate and trols but also found a sex effect, with the angle being
Noncleft Individuals. Most morphometric studies of significantly greater for affected females compared to
bilateral CLP have reported that with treatment the se- affected males. Failure to consider variations due to age
vere facial dysmorphology was greatly improved, al- and sex may help to explain the lack of agreement in
though some residual effects remained (Trotman and previous studies, as may the use of inappropriate con-
Ross, 1993). However, several cephalometric studies trol samples and other variations in methodology (Hor-
have reported only minimal differences between sub- swell and Gallup, 1992).
jects who had surgically repaired bilateral clefts and Facial widths. As was the case for untreated indi-
their nonrepaired counterparts (Dahl, 1970; Narula viduals, most studies of treated subjects with CLP have
and Ross, 1970; Hanada and Krogman, 1975; Wepner described excessive widths across the midface. For ex-
and Hollman, 1975). In general, the facial differences ample, Smahel and Brejcha (1983) and Smahel (1984b)
found in the treated bilateral CLP group were similar reported a widening of the nasal cavity and the inte-
to those found in treated unilateral CLP (Dahl, 1970; rocular distance in both unilateral and bilateral sub-
Ishiguro et al., 1976; Smahel and Brejcha, 1983; Farkas jects. In a longitudinal study comparing three different
et al., 1993). cleft types (bilateral CLP, unilateral CLP, and CP),

Ishiguro et al. (1976) found that, in general, the re- sion of the mandible. This was reflected by the signif-
paired bilateral CLP group had significantly greater fa- icant difference between the angulation of the midface
cial breadths than the other two cleft groups or the relative to the cranial base in these two series (Smahel,
noncleft group. Athanasiou et al. (1990) found that in- 1984b). The configuration of the soft tissue profile
dividuals with repaired bilateral CLP also exhibited in- tended to correspond to its skeletal framework (Sma-
creases in nasal and intergonial widths compared to hel and Brejcha, 1983). Again, however, Farkas and
noncleft controls. However, Farkas et al. (1993) sug- colleagues (1993) demonstrated considerable individ-
gested that this might not be universal among affected ual variability in the expression of facial height devia-
individuals. Using direct anthropometry, they reported tions. They reported that in both unilateral and bilat-
that 71 % of patients with repaired unilateral CLP had eral CLP groups the anthropometric height of the upper
normal soft tissue nasal width, while only 48% of re- face was normal in two-thirds of individuals, in spite
paired patients with bilateral CLP had normal soft tis- of the differences in mean values for facial height be-
sue nasal width. Surprisingly, the mean values for these tween the CLP and control groups.
variables did not differ significantly between the two Maxillary, palatal, and mandibular structures. In
groups. They also noted that individuals with surgically patients with repaired complete bilateral CLP, Narula
repaired CLP tended to have normal or, in some cases, and Ross (1970) found severe protrusion of the pre-
abnormally narrow bizygomatic width. Part of the dif- maxilla at 6 years of age that reduced to almost nor-
ference between the outcomes of the radiographic and mal by 16 years of age. They also found superior and
direct methods may be that the direct method measures posterior positioning of the lateral maxillary segments,
the soft tissue, which may not absolutely correlate with although the length of the segments was normal.
the underlying skeletal structures. On the other hand, Similarly, Smahel and Brejcha, (1983) found that in re-
an uncritical reliance on group mean values can ob- paired bilateral cases there was displacement of the pre-
scure meaningful differences between study popula- maxilla forward and more marked displacement of the
tions. maxilla backward. This caused retrusion of the upper
Craniofacial heights and profiles. Both bilateral face similar to that found in cases with complete uni-
and unilateral surgically repaired groups had a combi- lateral CLP, although the retrusion of lateral den-
nation of a smaller nasomaxillary-pharyngeal complex toalveolar segments and maxilla was even greater than
and reduced upper posterior facial height (Brader, in individuals with unilateral clefts. In addition, there
1957; Levin, 1963; Dahl, 1970; Friede and Johanson, was posterior displacement of the zygomatic bones and
1974, 1977; Horowitz et al., 1976, 1980; Semb, orbits in the repaired bilateral cases that reflected the
1991a,b). In contrast, both groups tended to exhibit more posterior positioning of the maxilla (Smahel and
relatively excessive anterior lower facial height (Dahl, Brejcha 1983; Schultes et al., 2000). Midfacial growth
1970; Farkas and Lindsay, 1971; Krogman et al., 1975; deficiencies and posterior displacement of the upper
Ross, 1987; Enemark et al., 1990; Semb, 1991a,b). jaw have been reported in both unilateral and bilateral
Krogman et al. (1975) reported that both upper and groups (Ross, 1987; Mars and Houston, 1990; Chen
lower anterior facial heights were increased in unilat- and So, 1997). Several studies have found that the
eral CLP children compared to controls, while Hayashi palatal plane was rotated in a clockwise direction in
and colleagues (1976) found that the upper anterior fa- treated CLP subjects (Dahl, 1970; Friede and Johan-
cial height was reduced and the lower anterior facial son, 1974, 1977; Horowitz et al., 1980).
height was increased, resulting in normal total facial Trotman and Ross (1993) concluded that the great-
height. Smahel and Brejcha (1983) supported these est effects of growth and treatment on the face of in-
findings. In comparison to individuals with unilateral dividuals with CLP were in the area of the maxilla. This
CLP, individuals with bilateral CLP tended to have an region was consistently smaller and all its landmarks
increased length of the face as a whole but normal up- were located closer to the cranial base, implying a less
per facial measurements (Smahel, 1984b). A midfacial developed midface and oropharynx. As noted, the pre-
deficit was reported in the sagittal plane in patients with maxilla began in a grossly protruded position in the
repaired bilateral CLP, as was a moderate reduction in treated bilateral cases but gradually resolved until the
height of the midface in favor of the lower face (Gaggl relative protrusion was decreased in the adult. The
et al., 1999). nasal bones were longer and more protruded relative
In contrasting repaired unilateral and bilateral CLP to the cranial base, and the posterior segments of the
groups, the relatively greater increase in facial height maxilla were hypoplastic, as evidenced by their poste-
in the bilateral cleft group was associated with an even rior displacement and deficiency (Trotman and Ross,
more noticeable posterior growth rotation of the face, 1993). Gaggl et al. (1999) used cephalometric and
retroclination of the palatal plane, and greater retru- model analyses to assess the long-term growth effects

of surgical repair and orthodontic treatment in adults shortening of the mandibular body. Finally, several
with complete bilateral CLP. Compared with standard studies have reported that individuals with repaired
values, all patients in their study retained a small ex- complete unilateral CLP tend to have persistent facial
tent of maxillary retrognathia and retroposition of the asymmetries and nasal deformities (Harvold, 1954;
midface with a retrognathic type of face. Aduss and Pruzansky, 1967; Dahl, 1970; Mars and
Schultes et al. (2000) used the same methods to as- Houston, 1990; Moisted and Dahl, 1990; Moisted et
sess the surgical and orthodontic treatment of adults al., 1992; Sandham and Murray, 1993; Trotman et al.,
with unilateral CLP or isolated CP. They found that, 1993; Motohashi et al., 1994; Ras et al., 1994b;
similar to the bilateral CLP group, the unilateral group Kyrkanides et al., 1995).
had maxillary growth disturbances. On average, the Dental arches and relationships. Handelman and
unilateral CLP group had no growth disturbances in Pruzansky (1968) noted the presence of a significant
the higher midface region. over jet by the age of 4 in individuals with complete re-
The maxillary deficiencies associated with surgical paired bilateral CLP; however, Ross and Johnston
repair of CLP are associated with skeletal discrepan- (1972) found that significant overjet was rare but that
cies between the upper and lower jaws (Pruzansky and 38% of their CLP sample exhibited incisor crossbite.
Aduss, 1967; Ross and Johnston, 1972; Norden et al., According to Trotman and Ross (1993), the differences
1973; Bergland and Sidhu, 1974; Dahl and Hanusar- reported in the aforementioned studies were likely the
dottir, 1979; Smahel and Miillerova, 1986). However, result of differences in the surgical management of the
Friede and Pruzansky (1972) suggested that it was the two samples. Other differences in dental and arch re-
palatoplasty and not the lip repair that most affected lationships between individuals with repaired bilateral
midfacial development. In their patients with bilateral and unilateral clefts included a more pronounced retro-
CLP who had surgical closure of the lip without a pre- clination of the upper incisors and of the alveolar pro-
maxillary setback, facial profile measurements in early cess in the bilateral group (Smahel and Brejcha, 1983;
adolescence approximated those of the averages of non- Trotman and Ross, 1993). In contrast, Smahel and Bre-
cleft individuals. Other morphometric studies have sug- jcha (1983) noted a tendency toward overeruption of
gested that surgically induced scar tissue was a major the posterior teeth in individuals with repaired unilat-
contributing factor to the facial growth problems seen eral CLP. They suggested that this could occur as com-
in patients with clefts (Graber 1949, 1954; Ortiz- pensatory growth due to the vertical posterior maxil-
Monasterio et al., 1959, 1966; Mestre et al., 1960; lary hypoplasia.
Glass, 1970; Narula and Ross, 1970; Boo-Chai, 1971; The occlusal plane in surgically repaired CLP ap-
Friede and Pruzansky, 1972). peared not to differ significantly from that of controls
Trotman and Ross (1993), in their study of individ- (Narula and Ross, 1970; Trotman and Ross, 1993).
uals with repaired bilateral CLP, suggested that, com- However, Gaggl et al. (1999) employed model analy-
pared to controls, the main shape differences in the sis to show that for most patients with repaired CLP
mandible were concentrated at the gonial angle. They either the maxillary or the mandibular arch was too
found, as had many others, that patients with treated wide and that all had transverse space deficits as well
bilateral CLP tended to have a significantly more ob- as a reduction in sagittal measurements, even after ter-
tuse gonial angle than noncleft controls (Narula and mination of orthodontic treatment. Interestingly, pa-
Ross, 1970; Horowitz et al., 1980; Smahel, 1984b). tients with bilateral CLP tended to possess a better-
Trotman and Ross (1993) also found that the mandibu- formed anterior dental arch compared to patients with
lar length was smaller in surgically repaired patients at unilateral CLP or CP. According to Gaggl et al. (1999),
6 years of age but not different in adults. In contrast, sagittal and transverse space deficits in bilateral CLP
Narula and Ross (1970) found normal mandibular patients were consistent with the earlier observations
length in children with bilateral CLP, and Smahel reported by Steinhauser and Rudzki-Janson (1994). A
(1984b) reported that the mandibular length in an adult sagittal space deficit was observed in half of the bilat-
male study population was significantly shorter than in eral CLP group studied by Gaggl and colleagues (1999),
noncleft controls. Smahel and Brejcha (1983) found but positional abnormalities of the upper incisors were
that a higher degree of posterior growth rotation of the rare. The majority of patients with bilateral CLP also
mandible was accompanied by an even more marked had alveolar midline displacement of the maxilla and
compensatory increase of the anterior height compared mandible (Gaggl et al., 1999).
to individuals with unilateral clefts. They also found In a similar study of individuals with repaired uni-
that subjects with unilateral CLP exhibited deficient lateral CLP, Schultes et al. (2000) noted that an even
mandibular growth, which was associated with changes higher percentage of patients had a negative sagittal
in its shape, specifically a decrease in gonial angle and space available compared to individuals with bilateral

CLP (88% vs. 50%, respectively). In most cases with widening of the cranial base and increased interocular
unilateral CLP, there was a reduction in sagittal length, distance. This finding has been documented by nu-
implying a sagittal space deficit. This may reflect the merous investigators in both pre- and postoperative
reduction of maxillary growth in an anteroposterior di- CL/A patients (Ross and Coupe, 1965; Dahl, 1970;
rection that has been reported in other CLP types Aduss, 1971; Farkas and Lindsay, 1972a; Nakamura
(Bishara et al., 1979; da Silva Filho et al., 1998; Mars et al., 1972; Hirschfeld and Aduss, 1974; Smahel,
and Houston, 1990). Schultes et al. (2000) also found 1984d; Friede et al., 1986; Smahel et al., 1985).
a unilateral persistent transverse space deficit in the pre- Craniofacial heights and profiles. In addition to
molar and molar regions (also reported by Bishara et the increase in anterior facial heights previously re-
al., 1985). ported by Smahel et al. (1985), Casal et al. (1997) re-
ported an increase in facial convexity in treated CL/A,
Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Alveolus which was secondary to mandible retrognathism, and
a decrease in mandibular body length together with a
Most researchers agree that the craniofacial morphol- degree of mandibular rotation. Cronin and Hunter
ogy of individuals with cleft lip with or without cleft (1980) also noted a slight clockwise rotation of the
alveolus (CL/A) is very similar to that found in non- mandible in individuals with repaired CL.
cleft controls (Dahl, 1970; Nakamura et al., 1972; Maxillary, palatal, and mandibular structures. In
Hirschfeld and Aduss, 1974; Cronin and Hunter, 1980; their study of individuals with repaired CL/A, Naka-
Smahel, 1984d; Friede et al., 1986; Horswell and mura et al. (1972) found a greater transverse maxillary
Gallup, 1992). However, Smahel et al. (1985) noted dimension. The following features were also reported:
several small but significant differences between indi- decreased inclination of the nasal bones (Dahl, 1970;
viduals with unrepaired CL/A and normal controls. Nakamura et al., 1972), more superiorly placed ante-
Specifically, head width, bizygomatic width, interocu- rior nasal spine (Ross and Coupe, 1965; Dahl, 1970;
lar width, nasal width, mouth width, total facial height Nakamura et al., 1972), and increased length of the
and upper facial height, were significantly increased in maxilla and mandible (Dahl et al., 1982). However,
the untreated CL group (although the degree of differ- there has been some disagreement among investigators
ence was generally less than that seen in CL/P). Several in regard to maxillary width. Dahl (1970) found a de-
studies have agreed that the effects in this group seemed creased maxillary width, while Friede et al. (1986) re-
to center around the cleft area (Innes, 1962; Dahl, ported that the maxillary width of CL patients closely
1970; Bishara et al., 1976, 1985), although this does approximated noncleft values. The latter study also did
not account for the greater interocular and cranial not find the clockwise rotation of the mandible de-
widths often reported in this group. scribed by Cronin and Hunter (1980). It is possible that
Morphometric analysis of the craniofacial complex the differences were secondary to age discrepancies,
of individuals with CL/A after surgery showed little re- treatment differences, and differential inclusion of alve-
sidual effect from lip and alveolar repair and suggested olar clefts. Thus, Friede et al. (1986) employed a mixed
that the skeletal craniofacial relationship of CL/A pa- longitudinal study of CL patients (excluding CLA pa-
tients posttreatment is similar to that in noncleft faces tients) from infancy to 6 years of age, while most of
(Dahl, 1970; Bishara et al., 1985). However, only a few the other studies were conducted on adult CL (possi-
investigators have examined the craniofacial morphol- bly including CLA), in which most had undergone some
ogy of individuals with CLA (but not palate) indepen- type of orthodontic treatment.
dently from individuals with CL only (Bishara et al., Casal et al. (1997) found that in a small sample (n =
1976, 1985; Friede et al., 1986). Friede et al. (1986) 6) of young children with repaired isolated CL,
argued that there were important distinctions between mandibular body length was significantly shorter and
these two groups that accounted for some of the vari- mandibular position significantly more retruded than
ability in results reported in the literature and suggested in the control population, leading to greater convexity.
further that using CL/A individuals as normal controls These findings were similar to those reported for CLP,
(Dahl, 1970; Dahl et al., 1982; Nakamura et al., 1972) but other investigators did not find these features in
would be imprudent given the small but notable dif- their generally older populations (Dahl et al., 1982).
ferences consistently described in these populations. In Thus, Casal et al. (1997) may have described a tran-
the following sections, the term CL/A is used only for sient manifestation of CL that disappeared as the more
those studies where it is clear that such distinctions have normal growth trajectory of this group occurred or as
been noted. orthodontic treatment proceeded.
Cranial base and facial widths. Dahl et al. (1982) Dental arches and relationships. Individuals with
found that adults with unrepaired CL had a (lateral) unrepaired CLA tended to have an increased overjet

and canines that were edge-to-edge and sometimes in plasty. Finally, some deviations which occurred in
crossbite. The teeth on either side of the cleft tended adults, including changes in mandibular shape, were
to roll superiorly, resulting in infraocclusion, with a lo- mostly insignificant before palatal surgery, as docu-
calized open bite tendency. Bishara et al. (1985) used mented by Dahl et al. (1982) as well as Smahel et al.
lateral cephalometric analysis to compare unoperated (1987).
CLA individuals to unoperated CLP individuals. They The phenotypic differences between individuals with
found that the mandibular incisors were significantly untreated CP and individuals with untreated CLP re-
more lingually inclined in the CLP group and more labi- inforce the point that CP differs both etiologically and
ally inclined in the CLA group. This appeared to be morphologically and, in general, is believed to result in
different from what was seen in individuals with re- less overall facial abnormality. Nevertheless, many phe-
paired CL alone. Casal et al. (1997) reported that such notypic similarities between individuals with isolated
children had lingual inclination of the upper and lower CP and other forms of oral facial cleft occur.
teeth, which resulted in widening of the interincisal an- Neurocranium and cranial base. Dahl et al. (1982)
gle and a reduction in the incisor overjet prior to or- used lateral, anteroposterior, and axial cephalometry
thodontic treatment. to demonstrate that infants with untreated CP com-
pared to untreated CL infants (used as a "normal" con-
Isolated Cleft Palate trol) had shorter anterior cranial bases. Smahel et al.
(1987) also found evidence for shortening of the cra-
Debate persists about the degree to which isolated CP nial base in children before their palates were repaired.
and/or its surgical repair affect facial form. Some re- Facial widths. Widening of the nasal cavity and of
searchers have reported significant craniofacial differ- neighboring structures in all types of cleft with involve-
ences in children with unrepaired CP compared to con- ment of the palate prior to palatoplasty was demon-
trols (Smahel et al., 1987) and to children with strated early by Subtelny (1955) and Coupe and Sub-
unilateral CL (Dahl et al., 1982). Significant differences telny (1960). The finding of widening of the nasal cavity
were described in adult females with CP (both pre- and was also in agreement with the observations of Dahl et
postpalatoplasty combined) compared to a noncleft al. (1982). However, Smahel et al. (1987) could not dem-
control sample (Bishara, 1973a; Bishara and Iverson, onstrate a significant difference in interocular dimen-
1974). However, Mestre et al. (1960) found no signif- sions in their unrepaired CP subjects compared to con-
icant differences in facial morphology in adult Puerto trols. Smahel (1984a) also reported that the increased
Ricans with unoperated CP compared to a noncleft nasal cavity width almost disappeared in adulthood,
group. Bishara (1973a) suggested that the disagreement probably as a result of growth modifications caused by
in results might be due to differences in the populations the repair. Farkas and Lindsay (1972b) used direct an-
studied and to differences in the methods of study. thropometry to assess facial morphology in adult males
Bishara (1973b) also found that sex and the extent of and females with CP who underwent palate surgery in
the cleft were not correlated with significant changes childhood. They found that both male and female CP
in the craniofacial complex. However, Dahl (1970) patients had on average a significantly narrower bizy-
found a "systematic tendency for the morphological gomatic diameter than noncleft age- and sex-matched
changes to be most marked in extensive clefts." controls. The soft tissue width of the nose was also sig-
In regard to the effects of surgical repair, several in- nificantly smaller in adults with repaired CP. Similarly,
vestigators have found that the craniofacial morphol- Jain and Krogman (1983b) could not demonstrate an in-
ogy of patients with surgically repaired CP differed sig- crease in facial widths in their treated CP subjects, at
nificantly from that of noncleft patients (Shibaski and least compared to their CLP groups. These findings con-
Ross, 1969; Dahl, 1970; Farkas and Lindsay, 1972b; trast with those for CLP (and in some cases CL), where
Bishara, 1973a; Bishara and Iverson, 1974; Krogman increased orbital and nasal widths were commonly re-
et al., 1975). However, Bishara (1973a,b) and Bishara ported in both untreated and treated subjects.
and Iverson (1974) found no significant differences in Craniofacial height and profile. Smahel et al.
the craniofacial morphology of unrepaired and repaired (1987) found a reduction of the posterior height of the
(but obturated) CP adult females, which suggested that upper face in pretreated children but not in adults with
the morphometric features were not the result of sur- surgically repaired palates. Individuals with unrepaired
gical repair. However, Smahel et al. (1987) argued that palatal clefts also failed to exhibit the shortening of the
surgical repair did affect later growth, particularly in anterior height of the upper face or the elongation of
the restraint of further widening of the palate and sur- the lower face typical of the CLP group. Farkas and
rounding structures. They also suggested that the rela- Lindsay (1972b), however, found the total height of
tive maxillary shortening was progressive after palato- the face to be greater in adults with repaired CP than

in controls, but the difference was significant in males strated by Peterka (1979). Shibasaki and Ross (1969),
only. The difference could be attributed almost entirely in a cross-sectional growth study of children with op-
to an increase in anterior mandibular height, which was erated isolated CP, found that the maxillary underde-
significantly greater in both male and female adults velopment progressed with age but that an acceptable
with repaired CP compared to controls. The anterior facial balance was achieved because of the positional
heights of the upper and middle parts of the face were changes of the mandible. In addition, both Bishara
similar in both groups (Farkas and Lindsay, 1972a). (1973a) and Casal et al. (1997) found that, despite the
Maxillary, palatal, and mandibular structures. posterior positioning of the maxilla and mandible, the
Dahl et al. (1982) demonstrated that children with CP maxillary-mandibular relationship was normal and
prior to surgical repair exhibited a short maxilla and similar to the noncleft group.
reduced posterior maxillary height in addition to re-
duced dimensions of the mandible (especially mandibu- Discussion
lar length), narrow naso- and pharyngeal airways, and
retrognathia. They noted shortening of both jaws as Given the diversity of research designs, sample com-
early as age 2 to 3 months in infants with isolated CP position, treatment protocols, and analytical ap-
compared to infants with incomplete CL. Dahl (1970) proaches evident in studies of facial form associated
found that in adult males with CP, untreated and with oral clefts, disagreement is not surprising. Never-
treated combined, there was a tendency for the max- theless, some common findings can be discerned (Table
illa to be smaller in length and retrognathic. The max- 7.1). Investigators have demonstrated consistently that
illa was retruded in relation to the cranial base and to the facial morphology of infants, children, adolescents,
the mandible compared to a noncleft control group. In and adults with various types of cleft and various stages
a study that combined untreated and treated adult fe- of treatment deviated from normal (or control) popu-
males with CP, Bishara (1973a) reported similar re- lations (Ross and Coupe, 1965; Dahl, 1970; Aduss,
sults. There was a tendency toward posterior position- 1971; Friede and Johanson, 1977; Dahl et al., 1982,
ing of the maxilla and mandible in relation to the 1989; Friede et al., 1987; Moisted et al., 1987;
cranial base, while the maxillary-mandibular relation Kilpelainen and Laine-Alava, 1996; Kilpelainen et al.,
was not significantly different from that of noncleft 1996; Hermann et al., 1999). There is greater facial
controls. However, Smahel et al. (1987) found no evi- disruption in bilateral than in unilateral CLP and in
dence of a posterior positioning of the maxilla in their
study of 60 children prior to palatal repair.
Several studies have found serious aberrations in the TABLE 7.1. What We Know about Facial Shape in
Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate and in Cleft
craniofacial morphology of CP patients with repaired Palate Alone
clefts, although it is unclear whether these are due to
the repair or to the cleft. For example, two groups of 1. Facial morphology in infants, children, adolescents, and adults
investigators reported a relatively posterior position of with various types of cleft and various stages of treatment
the maxilla and mandible in relation to the cranial base deviates from normal.
in operated patients with CP compared to controls 2. There is a large range of variation within each cleft type in the
expression of associated morphological patterns.
(Shibaski and Ross, 1969; Dahl, 1970). Reduction in
the size of the mandible of children with repaired CP 3. This variation is associated with the severity of the defect:
individuals with complete clefts deviate more severely than
was reported by Nakamura et al. (1972). Smahel et al. those with incomplete clefts and individuals with isolated cleft
(1987) noted shortening of both jaws in adults who lip have fairly normal facial development but a similar
had undergone palatal repair as children, although morphometric pattern in key ways to more severe forms of cleft
Dahl et al. (1982) also found this feature in children
4. There is a tendency among individuals with clefts involving the
prior to palatal repair. Smahel et al. (1987) did not find lip, alveolus, and/or palate to demonstrate increased mandibular
retrognathia, commonly associated with CLP, or sig- rotation, increased anterior mandibular height, and total facial
nificant differences in other areas of the face except a height, as well as reduced facial convexity.
reduction in the mandibular plane inclination in their 5. Residual deformities are often observed in cleft individuals,
even following corrective surgery and/or orthodontic treatment.
sample of individuals with repaired CP. Casal et al.
(1997) found no evidence of retrognathia in their study 6. Growth deficiencies of the midface region following surgery
have also been reported as a problem in patients with cleft lip
of young children with reparied CP but suggested that and palate or cleft palate alone.
this may be secondary to the early age at reconstruc- 7. Widening of the nasal cavity and of interorbital dimensions has
tive surgery. been a persistent feature in studies of all forms of cleft lip with
Dental arches and relationships. Shortening of the cleft palate, but this feature is infrequently reported in
untreated or treated cleft palate.
dentoalveolar arch prior to palatoplasty was demon-

unilateral CLP than in isolated CP or CL, in that or- underscores the overriding impact of the palatal repair
der. Researchers have shown consistently that individ- in these two otherwise distinct populations.
uals with isolated CL have fairly normal facial devel- Finally, there is great phenotypic variation within any
opment in comparison to subjects with some form of group of individuals with oral facial clefts, even those
CLP or isolated CP (Dahl, 1970). However, even these who would be grouped together on the basis of cleft
CL individuals have been shown to differ, on average, location or severity (Farkas et al., 1993; Ishikawa et
from control values and in a fashion consistent with al., 2000). This fact is seldom discussed but readily ev-
other forms of CLP. ident in studies where standard deviations are reported.
Smahel (1984a) concluded that the configuration of Consistently, these measures of variation within the
the face in complete unilateral and bilateral CLP was sample are larger in the cleft groups than in the con-
characterized by essentially identical patterns. This pat- trols. This is significant because nearly every study of
tern included retroclination of the dentoalveolar com- facial morphometrics among individuals with oral clefts
ponent of the upper jaw, retroposition of the mandible utilizes mean values to characterize cleft types (e.g., bi-
and of the maxilla per se, and posterior growth rota- lateral vs. unilateral.) However, these mean phenotypes
tion of the face. There was impairment of vertical are probably a poor representation of the individual
growth within the lateral parts of the upper face in both cases comprising the category.
groups. Smahel (1984a) further suggested that in-
creased intraorbital widths might be an intrinsic char-
acteristic that predisposed the individual to develop the
Among the many unresolved questions is the effect Family Members of Individuals with Cleft Lip
of surgery on the growth and development of the face or Cleft Lip and Palate
in individuals with oral facial clefts. In a recent series
of studies that compared infants with early surgical re- The interest in a possible relationship between facial
pair of complete unilateral CLP with a group who had shape and increased risk for CL/P can be traced to stud-
repaired incomplete unilateral CL, Hermann et al. ies on differences in the susceptibility of various strains
(1999, 2000) argued that bimaxillary retrognathia, of mice to CL/P. Trasler (1968) suggested that varia-
short posterior height of the maxilla, and short tions in embryonic facial shape and growth dynamics
mandible were intrinsic in the CLP population and not were factors in the increased susceptibility to CL in the
the consequence of surgery. However, the maxillary- A/J mouse compared to the C57BL strain. Specifically,
mandibular discrepancies reported in operated unilat- she proposed that the more prominent and centrally
eral CLP patients were not frequently observed in the placed medial nasal process characteristic of the A/J
unrepaired faces of individuals with unilateral CLP, in- strain led to greater rates of failure in the fusion of me-
dicating that these features may be secondary to the dial and lateral nasal processes and in subsequent
treatment (Bishara, 1973a,b; Bishara et al., 1976,1985). breakdown of the isthmus of tissue connecting medial,
In regard to isolated CP, debate centers around the lateral, and maxillary processes. In effect, these mice
merits of early palatoplasty, which increases the likeli- had a heritable facial shape that led to a lower thresh-
hood of normal speech, vs. later closure, which may old (and hence a greater incidence) for CL.
maximize maxillary growth potential (and hence reduce As a result of Trasler's work, Fraser and Pashayan
the impact of surgery on growth). Rohrich and Byrd (1970) suggested the following: "if the shape of the em-
(1990) suggested that four key variables determine the bryonic face is related to the shape of the postnatal
outcome of cleft surgery: cleft type, surgeon's exper- face, and if the face shape is at least in part genetically
tise, operative technique, and timing of the repair. They determined, and if face shape is indeed related to the
concluded from a careful review of the literature that predisposition to cleft lip, it follows that the parents of
the type of surgery and the skill with which it was car- children with cleft lip should have faces that are, on
ried out predicted outcome better than the timing of the average, of a different shape than those of the gen-
the palatal closure. Smahel et al. (1999) argued in a eral population." These authors tested their hypothe-
similar vein, noting that surgical impact on growth was sis by examining 50 parents of children with CL/P (25
greater in their sample of 187 adult men with CLP, CP, males and 25 females) and contrasting this sample with
and CL, all of whom had their surgical repairs before normal controls drawn from other clinical (noncleft)
the "contemporary state of treatment," which includes populations and hospital staff. Using direct measure-
both alveolar repair and treatment with fixed ortho- ments, measurements from photographs, and "physio-
dontic appliances. They found no difference in the ba- prints" (after Sassouni, 1962), they concluded that the
sic bony facial characteristics of CP vs. CLP, a fact that parental group tended to have, on average, longer fa-

cial heights (intraocular to chin dimensions), narrower Erickson (1974), citing Trasler (1968) and Fraser and
bizygomatic widths, underdeveloped maxilla, thin up- Pashayan (1970), examined siblings of affected children
per lips, and more rectangular or trapezoidal facial and showed that they too had distinctive facial features.
shapes than ovoid (Fraser and Pashayan, 1970). More- They compared palatal form, dental arch shape, and
over, they argued that these deviations were more pro- facial profile in siblings of children with CL/P and sib-
nounced in parents who had more than one affected lings from families with no immediate history (first- or
child. Finally, they suggested the following: "Though second-degree relatives) of CL/P. While only one of the
the genetic basis for the quantitative differences dem- three traits (palatal form) differed significantly between
onstrated in this study is [sic] likely to be complex, it the study siblings and controls, consistent differences
is possible that specific traits showing simple Mendelian were found that tended in the direction of those previ-
inheritance can be distinguished. Their identification ously reported in parents. Thus, the facial profile in the
would help to clarify the biological basis for the ge- sibs of cleft children tended to be less convex than in
netically determined susceptibility to cleft lip." controls and palatal form was tapered and highly
Subsequent research can be divided into three cate- arched. As in previous studies (and most of those that
gories, based on research design and theoretical as- have followed), the presumptive genetic model being
sumptions. In the majority of studies, researchers have tested was the multifactorial threshold (MFT) model.
followed the basic design and assumptions first out- Therefore, when calculating values for sibs, Erickson
lined by Fraser and Pashayan (1970). Thus, a multi- (1974) used the mean value derived from combining
factorial model was assumed and a population of par- the scores of each (unaffected) child in the sibship for
ents was contrasted en masse to a population of each variable. The "midsib" values were then compared
controls. Differences were then documented using between treatment and control groups. If another
straightforward statistical tests of means. A second cat- model is presumed (major gene) or if, as Fraser and
egory of research design reflects the growing awareness Pashayan (1970) suggested, some pertinent aspects of
of the etiological and genetic variability present within facial form exhibit Mendelian patterns of inheritance,
and between CLP and CP populations. This approach then it might be expected that the associated pheno-
requires more sophisticated statistical models and the type would not be equally distributed between mem-
acceptance of the possibility that risk factors are not bers of a sibship. Therefore, any attempt to combine
evenly distributed among or between parental pairs. or average their values would weaken the ability to de-
The third category of research has emerged in the last fine the relevant phenotypic pattern.
several years as investigators have attempted to link Nakasima and Ichinose (1983) demonstrated that the
suspected genetic markers associated with oral facial unique facial phenotype transcended ethnicity. They ex-
clefts to specific morphological patterns seen in the par- amined lateral and posterior-anterior cephalometric
ents. This approach combines our greatly increased un- head plates from parents of 251 children in Japan with
derstanding of craniofacial morphogenetics with our oral facial clefts and an equal number of control pairs.
knowledge of craniofacial morphometrics. These investigators included parents of children with
CP as well as CLP and broke the latter sample into sub-
Multifactorial Models. Coccaro et al. (1972) built on groups based on severity (CL/P and CL). They utilized
the results of Fraser and Pashayan (1970), comparing a total of 53 cephalometric variables as well as multi-
cephalometric radiographs from a group of 40 parents variate statistical procedures (analysis of variance and
(20 males and 20 females) of children with CL/P to a discriminant function analysis) to further explore the
group of 40 control individuals. Their experimental data. As in all previous studies, an MFT mode of in-
group consistently displayed a more acute cranial base heritance was presumed. Thus, the investigators aver-
angle, smaller upper facial heights, shorter palatal aged the values for both parents for each variable and
lengths, shorter anterior lengths of the palate, and compared the group means of these midparental scores
shorter noses. Mandibular length was greater in the ex- to the means derived from the averaged scores of ran-
perimental group than in the controls. They speculated domly selected pairs of male and female controls.
that it was the "unfavorable variation" or disharmony Their findings were largely consistent with those re-
between the upper and lower facial sizes that was ported by previous researchers. Parents of CL/P chil-
passed on to their children, disrupting normal devel- dren had on average significantly shorter heads and
opment and leading to increased frequency of clefting. maxillary lengths as well as shorter anterior middle or
Their research again supported the idea that parents of upper facial heights coupled with a more open, rotated
children with CL/P demonstrate a facial form that dis- mandible (greater mandibular angle) and a significantly
tinguishes them from the general population, implying less convex face than controls. The midparental aver-
a heritable predisposition to the condition. age for head width in the CL/P parent group was sig-

nificantly smaller than in the control group. However, these differences were great enough to serve as a pos-
outer orbital width was significantly greater, as were sible mechanism for identifying parents at greater risk
forehead and nasal widths. The researchers also ex- for having an affected child (Nakasima and Ichinose,
amined left-right asymmetry from the frontal radio- 1983).
graphs and found that, for the most part, this was not Raghavan et al. (1994) analyzed a set of 38 parents
increased in any of the study groups (the exceptions of children with CL/P from India and compared these
were alveolar width asymmetry and nasal floor height individuals to a control set of 24 parents of healthy
asymmetry among parents of children with CLP). children from the same area. They utilized both lateral
Given the smaller cranial dimensions in the study and posterior-anterior cephalograms to assess mean
group, it would be reasonable to ask to what extent differences between the experimental group and the
the facial measurements were affected by this general control group for 30 variables, Midparental values
reduction in size. Nakasima and Ichinose (1983) ad- were used to generate mean values for each group, once
dressed this question by examining proportional rela- again reflecting the assumption of a multifactorial
tionships between cranial dimensions (maximum head mode of inheritance. Seven of the 22 means derived
width) and five midfacial widths (outer orbital width, from the lateral films were significantly different be-
forehead width, nasal width, zygomatic width, and tween the two samples, with the experimental group
maxillary width). With the exception of the cranial in- demonstrating on average a significantly more obtuse
dex, the proportions were always larger in the study cranial base angle, a more acute articular angle, shorter
groups, indicating that the facial measurements were upper facial height, shorter posterior facial height, a
not simply reflections of a generalized reduction in greater palatal length, a more projecting midface, and
body or head size. Nakasima and Ichinose (1984) in- a more obtuse mandibular angle. In contrast, seven of
vestigated this question further in a study that com- the eight width dimensions differed significantly be-
pared cranial area in four groups: children with oral tween the control and experimental groups, with max-
facial clefts, their parents, a control sample of children imum head width, bizygomaticofrontal suture width,
without clefts, and their parents. Cranial area (brain zygomatic width, alveolar width, gonial width, and to-
case) was significantly smaller in both the affected tal facial height being smaller in the experimental
group and their parents (again expressed as a mid- group. Only nasal cavity width was greater in the ex-
parental average) compared to the control children and perimental group. These results are somewhat at odds
their parents (midparental average). They also found with those reported by previous researchers. Examina-
higher correlation coefficients between the control chil- tion of their published data, however, offers a possible
dren and their parents for cranial area than between explanation for this apparent discrepancy: head size ap-
the affected children and their parents and suggested pears to be reduced on average in the experimental
that this might reflect varied disruptions to normal group. Had these investigators followed Nakasima and
growth caused by the cleft and its subsequent surgical Ichinose (1983) and used ratios to explore the possi-
repair. They argued as well that the small brain case bility that the experimental group might exhibit facial
appeared to be an inherited factor passed from the par- widths that were broad compared to head size, a dif-
ents to the children with clefts and suggested that it ferent set of conclusions would have resulted. Ratios
may be related to susceptibility to oral facial clefting can be calculated from the mean values in their tables,
(Nakasima and Ichinose, 1983). and these indicate that for inner orbital width, frontal
In the same study, the authors found a correlation width, and bigonial width (in addition to nasal width)
between cleft severity in the child and facial form in the values from the experimental group ranged from
the parents. Hence, they demonstrated that parents of 3% to 16% larger than those for the controls, a find-
children with CL alone consistently displayed less pro- ing that is much more in keeping with those reported
nounced deviations from control values than did par- earlier.
ents of children with CLP. This was noted both in mean
values of the various measurements and in the number Investigating Phenotypic Heterogeneity. Kurisu et
of these values that differed significantly from control al. (1974) expanded on all previous studies in a land-
values. However, these differences were minor com- mark work that still stands as a model of method-
pared to the differences with controls, as indicated by ological rigor. Their study used a greatly increased
discriminant function analysis. This multivariate tech- sample size and included parents of children with iso-
nique was unable to successfully separate the three lated CP as well as CL/P. In addition, they utilized two
study groups (CL, CL/P, and CP) from one another, independent control samples, one from Lancaster,
but each could be separated from the controls, as could Pennsylvania, and the other from Ann Arbor, Michi-
the study group as a whole. The authors proposed that gan. They also utilized posterior-anterior cephalo-

grams, in addition to the more traditional lateral head alone, little attention is paid to variation within sam-
films, to obtain a set of 20 linear and angular variables. ples.
Theirs was the first study to analyze fathers separately To overcome these methodological shortcomings,
from mothers. Their methods included both factor these investigators sorted their parental sample (lateral
analysis to generate a better understanding of the un- cephalograms from 82 parents of children with spo-
derlying biological (anatomical) differences between radic CL/P) using multivariate cluster analysis. This
the groups and a form of cluster analysis (Q-mode cor- technique generated multivariate distance or similarity
relations in conjunction with principal components measures to identify individuals with similar pheno-
analysis) to study the multivariate or global differences types. A dendrogram, or tree diagram, was produced
between the study and control groups. from these results, which displayed the pattern of sim-
In general, Kurisu et al. (1974) found the same phe- ilarity between groups of individuals. Resulting clusters
notypic associations reported by Coccaro et al. (1972). were compared to one another using linear regression
Thus, parents of children with CL/P tended to have analysis, which measures the correlation, or similarity
more concave facial profiles, more relative mandibular in the pattern of variation, between two clusters (with
prognathism, and shorter vertical and wider horizon- a value of 1 representing pattern identity).
tal dimensions in the upper face. However, fathers dem- The results of this analysis supported the contention
onstrated these features more dramatically than moth- that there was considerable variability in phenotypes
ers in regard to both individual variables and factor among parents of children with CL/P. While half of the
scores. (Their results relative to parents of children with parents sorted into a large group (n = 39) with mean
CP are discussed in a later section of this chapter, values that differed only in being consistently (but in-
Parental Facial Form in Isolated Cleft Palate.) The re- significantly) a little larger than the published norms,
searchers found no correlation between cleft severity the remaining 43 parents sorted into a series of smaller
and degree of facial abnormality in either parent and groupings that had major deviations from the published
called into question the MFT model of inheritance, norms. All clusters were compared (using regression
which would predict such a correlation. Interestingly, analysis) to an independent and unrelated sample of 16
they also found significant differences between the two individuals with repaired CLP. Interestingly, the largest
normal control populations and cautioned that such two phenotypically unusual groupings (n = 17 and n =
variation is likely to account for some of the discrep- 12) exhibited patterns of variation that were surpris-
ancies reported between studies using different control ingly similar to the phenotype seen in individuals with
populations. CLP. Correlations between the facial pattern of these
Ward et al. (1989, 1994) criticized previous studies, two clusters and that of the group with overt clefts were
including that of Kurisu et al. (1974), because parental (r = 0.88) and (r — 0.68), respectively. In contrast,
samples were treated as uniform entities. They argued there was little correlation between the pattern in the
that in any large sample, whether parents of sporadic cleft group and the largest (nominally normal) cluster
or of familial CLP children, a variety of etiologies of parents (r — 0.37).
would likely be represented. For example, among the Another outcome of Ward et al.'s (1989) different
sporadic cases, some would have a greater familial or methodological approach was the documentation that,
genetic component than others (it is well known that at least in this sample, it was rare for both parents to
a percentage of sporadic cases become familial cases af- be in one of the "phenotypically unusual" groups.
ter a subsequent affected child is born). Even in those Thus, in only 15% of the pairs were both parents un-
cases with a stronger familial component, there were usual. In over half of the pairs (54%), only one mem-
likely to be multiple genetic loci associated with in- ber showed an unusual facial phenotype, and in 31%
creased risk for clefting, not all associated with the of the pairs neither parent was unusual. These findings
same or any effect on facial form in the parents. Fur- suggest that some sporadic cases have a genetic or fa-
thermore, Ward et al. (1989) noted that in most pre- milial component while others do not.
vious studies the MFT model had been assumed, in Mossey et al. (1998b) examined 40 fathers and 43
which both parents contributed to the risk of an af- mothers of children with CL, CLP, and isolated CP.
fected child. Hence, parental phenotypes were consid- They analyzed fathers and mothers separately, echoing
ered en masse even when values were separated by sex. the concerns of Ward et al. (1989) that combining par-
There is nothing in the MFT model that requires the ents in a single group ignored the likelihood that
parental contributions to be equal, and moreover, there parental contributions to risk in children are unequal.
is ample evidence that the MFT model is inadequate The parents were compared to a carefully selected
for explaining the inheritance of many cases of oral fa- group of 100 control individuals from the same gen-
cial clefting. Finally, when relying on mean values eral population (Glasgow). Thirty-seven measurements

of the head and face were derived from lateral cephalo- scribed in previous studies. Multivariate discriminant
grams and included area measurements as well as an- function analysis showed that two functions comprised
gles and linear measures. Univariate analysis revealed of four variables (nasal cavity width, facial profile an-
that both fathers and mothers differed significantly gle, palatal length, and lower facial height) correctly
from controls but displayed little concordance in the classified 89% of the affected, carrier, and obligate nor-
specific traits that were significantly different. In fa- mal family members (no carriers were misclassified, one
thers, the mean mandibular area measurement was sig- affected individual was misclassified as obligate nor-
nificantly smaller than in controls, as was the mean mal, and one obligate normal was classified as an ob-
palatal length. The mean cranial base angle was sig- ligate carrier). The fact that carriers had even greater
nificantly more acute and the mean cross-sectional area mean values for nasal cavity width and outer orbital
of the cranium significantly smaller than those derived width than affected (though treated) individuals sug-
from control males. Only the mean area of occipital gests that these phenotypic characteristics do not sim-
subtenuce was larger in fathers than control males. In ply result from the oral cleft (since the carriers have no
contrast, means for mothers exhibited significant in- cleft).
creases in mandibular length, total facial height, ante- Suzuki et al. (1999) examined 65 individuals (25 fa-
rior cranial base, and clivus length. Mothers resembled thers and 40 mothers) who were parents of children
fathers in having significantly reduced means for cra- with CL/P but who also had at least one (blood) rela-
nial area. tive with CL/P within the last three generations. These
AlEmran et al. (1999) also found differences in fa- familial cases were compared to an unspecified control
thers and mothers of children with clefts. Specifically, sample of 413 parental pairs using 19 ratios (to adjust
utilizing frontal cephalograms, they reported that fa- for the effects of sex) derived from lateral and posterior-
thers tended to exhibit significantly greater nasal widths anterior cephalograms. Their results indicated that on
and narrower maxillary widths compared to controls. average the adjusted measurements for interorbital
Mothers tended to display significantly smaller head, width, bicoronoid width, nasal cavity width, and an-
bizygomatic, alveolar, and bigonial widths (although terior cranial base length were significantly increased
these differences were not apparent when considered in the parental sample compared to the controls. Dis-
as ratios to head width). Both mothers and fathers had criminant function analysis indicated that parents and
significantly increased facial asymmetry in orbital and controls could be correctly classified 68% of the time.
alveolar measurements to a constructed midline com- This value is considerably less than that reported by
pared to controls. However, these results are difficult Ward et al. (1994), but Suzuki et al. (1999) used a sam-
to interpret because the investigators apparently did not ple that was nearly 45 times larger.
separate parents of children with CP from those with
other types of cleft. Linking Morphometrics and Morphogenetics. Mossey
Some investigators have examined populations with et al. (1998a) combined molecular and morphometric
familial forms of isolated CLP on the assumption that techniques. Specifically, they examined polymorphisms
these may be more likely to display a heritable facial in the transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-a) locus
phenotype associated with the risk for oral facial clefts. in 83 parents (the same sample reported in Mossey et
Thus, Ward et al. (1994) studied a single multiplex fam- al., 1998b). They found that one polymorphism (the
ily using lateral and posterior-anterior cephalograms C2 allele of the TGF-a Taql polymorphism), although
to assess seven craniofacial variables. They demon- rare in general, had a significantly higher occurrence in
strated that the four individuals in this family who the parents of both CL/P and CP children than in con-
would be classified as likely gene carriers by pedigree trols. Also, by combining these genotypic predictors of
analysis (i.e., they had an affected parent or a sib and risk status with cephalometric predictors, discriminant
an affected child but were not cleft themselves) exhib- function classification improved. They correctly classi-
ited a distinct craniofacial phenotype, similar in some fied 76% of the CP and 94% of the CL/P parents (com-
ways to that reported in previous studies (Fraser and pared to controls). The authors acknowledged that it
Pashayan, 1970; Cocarro et al., 1972; Nakasima and is unlikely that the TGF-a gene plays a major role in
Ichinose, 1983). Thus, these individuals had signifi- the susceptibility to oral facial clefts but speculated that
cantly larger means for (outer) orbital widths and nasal it might be a modifying factor. Beiraghi et al. (1994),
cavity widths. However, in contrast to previous stud- who linked the risk of CL/P to the 4p- region of chro-
ies, the carriers had significantly shorter lower faces mosome 4, examined the same family as Ward et al.
than either the affected or the obligate normal group. (1994). In an unpublished study, Ward and Beiraghi
Carriers also did not show the decreased facial con- (personal communication) found that there was 100%
vexity or increased lower facial heights frequently de- correspondence between the individuals identified as

carriers by genetic marker analysis and morphometric ents of children with CL and CL/P but a few signifi-
analysis. cant differences between parents of children with CP
and CL/P. However, these differences were apparent
PcrrenfcrJ Facial Form in Isolated Cleft Palate only if the sample was first subdivided by sex. In this
case, means for mothers of children with CP were con-
Craniofacial form in parents of children with isolated sistently greater for mandibular length, mandibular ra-
CP has not been as extensively studied, and the few mus length, mandibular area, and cranial area when
studies that can be found exhibit many of the same de- compared to the means for mothers of children with
ficiencies in research design described in the previous CL/P. Stepwise discriminant function analysis could
section. Nevertheless, the same tendency for parents of correctly classify 80% of the CL/P mothers and 75%
affected children to exhibit unusual patterns of facial of the CP mothers using just mandibular ramus length
form has been reported in each of these studies. The and cranial height. Mandibular ramus length alone
nature of this pattern differed in significant ways from could correctly classify 71% of the CP parents and 63%
that described in parents of children with CLP. Thus, of the CL/P parents regardless of sex.
Kurisu et al. (1974) and Nakasima and Ichinose (1983) All of these research efforts suffered from the same
found that the parents of children with CP evidenced methodological assumption of a multifactorial mode of
fewer deviations from normal compared to the parents inheritance seen in most of the studies of relatives of
of children with CL/P; however, the general direction CLP cases. In an ongoing research effort in our lab, we
for the differences was similar. Kurisu et al. (1974) also are using a different approach but observing similar sex
noted that while fathers and mothers tended to have specific morphometric differences in parents of children
the same pattern of deviation from normal, the specific with CP. More specifically, Sammons (1999) examined
list of variables that differed significantly from controls 15 parental pairs who had a child with isolated CP.
varied by sex. For example, both fathers and mothers Seventeen variables from lateral cephalograms and 25
had, on average, larger maxillary widths and shorter posterior-anterior variables were analyzed and com-
anterior mid-facial measurements, but the former pared to published data derived from the same geo-
reached a value that was significant in the mothers graphic region (Saksena et al., 1987, 1990). Twenty of
while the latter reached significance in the fathers. In the 42 variables differed significantly from the refer-
general, fathers differed more than mothers compared ence means. Most values were smaller in the parental
to control values. Prochazkova and Tolarova (1986) group (14/20), although mean values for inner orbital
also examined mothers and fathers of CP children sep- width, nasal shelf width, mandibular angle, mandibu-
arately (20 mothers and 20 fathers). These subjects lar protrusion, lower facial height, and palatal length
were compared to a control sample of 75 university were larger in the parental group. However, Sammons
students for a series of 34 characteristics taken from (1999) went the additional step of using cluster analy-
lateral cephalograms and dental casts. They reported sis to determine if distinct groups could be identified
that parents on average had a significantly longer an- with in this parental sample. Two groupings could be
terior cranial base, longer palate, and shorter mandibu- defined, one comprised largely of females and the other
lar body. Soft tissue lower facial heights were greater of males. The predominantly female group (9/12 or
in parents compared to controls. Again, there were a 75%) was characterized by relatively greater reductions
few minor differences in significance levels for variables in facial height, shorter palates, longer mandibular bod-
between mothers and fathers, and, in general, the fa- ies, and greater mandibular prognathism compared to
thers showed greater deviation from normal in most the cluster that was predominantly male (12/18 or
measurements. In a later study, Prochazkova and 67%). While these findings do not correspond directly
Vinsova (1995) found that males tended to have sig- with those reported by Mossey et al. (1998b), they do
nificantly larger mandibles compared to controls, but support the contention that sex has an important in-
this feature was not characteristic of females. Both fluence on the expression of facial features that differ-
males and females however, differed from controls in entiate parents of CP children from the general popu-
a number of other cephalometric and anthropometric lation.
Mossey et al. (1997) examined 35 parents of chil- Discussion
dren with CP as well as 12 with CL children and 36
with children who had CL/P derived from a population What has been learned in the 30 years since Fraser and
in western Scotland. Using 37 linear, angular, and area Pashayan (1970) first suggested that facial form in par-
measurements from lateral cephalograms, they con- ents might relate to the risk of oral facial clefts in their
cluded that were no significant differences between par- offspring? The answer to this question is complex. As

Mossey and coworkers (1998a,b) have demonstrated affected individuals and noncleft parents of children
in their reviews of this subject, there is a lack of agree- with CL/P reinforces the original observations of Fraser
ment on the specific craniofacial features that distin- and Pashayan (1970) and suggests that increased facial
guish parents with such risk factors from the general width may be a heritable trait that predisposes one to
population. However, we can make some generaliza- an oral cleft by reducing the threshold for its occur-
tions (Table 7.2). rence. Second, the excessive width through the orbits
In spite of the differences in study design, variables (and in some cases other regions of the midface) may
assessed, and ethnic origin of the populations under indicate a general disturbance in growth, perhaps
study, investigators have consistently found that, taken caused by a major gene operating in the craniofacial
as a group, parents of children with isolated CL/P and developmental pathway. In this case, altered facial form
CP display morphometric features that distinguish them could be seen as a forme frust of the full-blown cleft.
from the general population (as represented by control One possible developmental anomaly that may ex-
subjects). This in and of itself would not be surprising plain the peculiar set of features shared by parents and
because, as Kurisu et al. (1974) demonstrated, even two affected individuals, at least for CLP, is the size and
reference normal populations can exhibit an alarming shape of the cartilaginous cranial base. In studies us-
number of statistically significant differences if they are ing axial projection instead of standard cephalometrics,
drawn from different regions of the country and/or are Moisted and colleagues (1993) found that there were
measured by different investigators. However, the dif- significant differences in the width of the spheno-
ferences exhibited by the parents of children with oral occipital synchondrosis and cranial base dimensions be-
clefts are quite similar to those shown by individuals tween a group of infants with untreated CLP and a
with oral facial clefts (as demonstrated by Ward et al., group of infants with untreated CL with minor in-
1989). Two classes of shared traits stand out. First, the complete clefts (used as a normal control). They also
repeated finding of excess intraorbital widths in both found that the CLP group exhibited significantly
greater widths in the superior as well as the inferior
part of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis. No differ-
ence between the groups was found in the cranial base
TABLE 7.2. What We Have Learned about Facial
length. However, the distance from the synchondrosis
Shape in Relatives of Individuals with Orofacial
Clefts to the sella point was significantly shorter in the CLP
group (Moisted et al., 1993). In their 1995 study, Moi-
1. Every study has found significant craniofacial differences sted et al. reported that the CLP group had an increased
between parents of children with clefts and the general width of the cranial base and that the angle between
population. the right and left ala major of the sphenoid bone and
2. These differences exist for parents of both sporadic cases of the angle between the petrous part on the right and left
cleft and cases within multiplex families.
side was also increased. Also, the posterior width of the
3. Many features that distinguish parents from controls also
distinguish affected (pretreated and treated) individuals from
maxilla was greater. Others have found that anterior-
controls. posterior cranial base dimensions are reduced in indi-
4. Common findings in affected individuals with cleft lip with or viduals with oral clefts (Bishara and Iversen, 1974;
without cleft palate and their unaffected relatives include Horswell and Gallup, 1992). Dahl et al. (1982) sug-
greater lower facial height, increased interorbital distances, and gested that the reduced anterior-posterior dimensions
rotated mandibular position.
of the cranial base might be an intrinsic (predisposing)
5. In studies where the methodology has been appropriate, it has
been demonstrated that these facial features are not uniformly factor in CP. We do not know whether such specific
distributed within the parental sample, within parental pairs, or morphometric features are heritable, but if so, the pri-
between sexes. mary defect in some forms of CLP could be an abnor-
6. The pattern of expression of unusual facial features within mally wide but short cranial base. This would account
parental samples supports the contention that cleft lip with or
without cleft palate and cleft palate are separate entities but
for the greater facial widths in both a parent and the
that both represent common phenotypic outcomes of a affected child, as well as abnormal midfacial depths
heterogeneous complex of genetic and environmental causes. (retruded maxilla, etc.), and could, following Trasler's
7. This heterogeneity further supports the probability of the (1968) original suggestion, lower the threshold for ex-
inheritance of major genes in some cases of clefting, a pression of the cleft.
multifactorial threshold inheritance in others, and a more
purely environmental cause in others. The second area where common morphometric ab-
8. At least in some cases, it has been demonstrated that the normalities can be seen is the mandible, which tends to
unusual cleft phenotype in the parental sample correlates with be posteriorly rotated both in people with CL/P and in
the inheritance of genetic markers potentially associated with (some) otherwise normal parents of these individuals.
the inheritance of cleft lip and/or palate.
This rotation also gives rise to either an increased to-

tal facial height or lower facial height and often an as- gists, and clinicians is that presented by the variability
sociated decrease in facial convexity. Mossey and co- of expression within the population of individuals with
workers (1997) suggested that in parents expressing oral clefts (and their families). The standard approach
some primary defect in maxillary growth (a finding in to studying facial form as it relates to CL/P has always
many studies of parents of children with CL/P) the been to compare groups of individuals with a certain
mandibular abnormalities may reflect functional adap- cleft phenotype to groups lacking this trait. This of
tation to the deficiency in the midface. They further course ignores the likelihood of genetic and etiological
suggested, as did Cocarro et al. (1972), that these dif- heterogeneity within the cleft population (Shprintzen et
ferences in mandibular growth might interact with em- al., 1985). This intrinsic variability is further obscured
bryonic tongue positioning in a susceptible offspring by the practice of summarizing the phenotype through
and subsequently interfere with lip and/or palatal clo- the use of mean values for the traits in question. The
sure. However, the fact that an increased intraorbital consequent tendency to rely on phenotypic typologies
width and a posterior rotation of the mandible occur that may poorly reflect underlying etiological typologies
together in otherwise normal parents of children with remains the biggest hindrance to a meaningful linkage
CL/P argues for a more generalized disturbance in cra- between morphometrics and morphogenetics. Finally,
niofacial growth. Moss (1997a,b) suggested that variant genes in the de-
The suggestion that variations in the shape of the cra- velopmental pathway interact in an as yet unrecognized
nial base or in any other region of the face correlate with but undoubtedly complex fashion with epigenetic (en-
morphological changes in structures far removed from vironmental) factors to produce a given phenotype.
the primary defect is a logical consequence of the func- From this perspective, variability is an inevitable ex-
tional matrix theory, especially in its most recent incar- pression of developmental complexity, and it is unlikely
nations (Moss, 1997a,b). It also may indicate that many that we will ever understand the morphometrics of in-
cases of oral facial clefts are best seen as part of larger dividuals with oral clefts without equal attention to both
malformation sequences, as suggested by Shprintzen et genetic and epigenetic factors that can influence facial
al. (1985) and Horswell and Gallup (1992). form. This problem is underscored by research in the
It is interesting that in most studies of parents of chil- last two decades that has identified a number of genetic
dren with CP the morphometric differences with the loci that may be linked to the expression of oral clefts
control population are less pronounced and seldom in- in different individuals (Mossey et al., 1998a).
clude significant differences in facial width or cranial It appears that, as Fraser and Pashayan (1972) first
size. However, variations in mandibular morphology predicted, facial shape may be an important aid in sort-
may be more common in some relatives of individuals ing out the genetic contributions to oral facial clefts.
with CP. There also appears to be a stronger correla- Specific morphometric patterns may serve as a marker
tion between facial morphology and sex in parents of for identifying individuals or families in which there
CP children. These differences suggest that heritable may be a greater risk for inheriting this condition. The
differences in facial form may be less important in pro- possibility of utilizing this information in combination
ducing a child with CP than some as yet unspecified with emerging technologies of genetic linkage analysis
influence of sex or imprinting coming from the parents. has not gone unnoticed (Ward et al., 1989, 1994;
Mossey et al., 1998a). However, future morphometric
research must recognize the lessons already learned,
CONCLUSIONS and a more sophisticated research design must be used
than has generally been employed in the past. First,
Facial form associated with CL/P reflects a complex mix morphometric research must allow for variable ex-
of primary and secondary factors. Thus, in both non- pression of the key features in individuals affected by
cleft relatives and individuals with CL/P prior to treat- oral clefts and their otherwise unaffected relatives. In-
ment, excessive width through the midface (orbits and deed, it is likely that there are multiple rather than sin-
nasal cavity) and posterior rotation of the mandible sug- gular characteristic phenotypes within the traditional
gest that facial form itself may be a causal factor or a cleft typologies of bilateral, unilateral, complete, and
minimal expression of the cleft. It is equally clear that incomplete CL/P. For example, individuals with CLP
an untreated cleft, whether of an isolated palate, lip and caused primarily by intrauterine exposure to a terato-
palate, or primary palate, interferes with facial growth gen may have a different phenotypic pattern than those
and distorts facial form. Finally, treatment and surgical who inherited a cleft-susceptible facial form. Research
repair can also disrupt the normal pattern of facial has shown that among parents of affected individuals,
growth. However, one of the great remaining difficul- significant phenotypic differences exist within and be-
ties faced by morphometricians, developmental biolo- tween parental pairs as well as by sex. Second, future
research must be guided by our increasing under- Bishara, SE, Jakobsen, JR, Krause, JC, Sosa-Martinez, R (1986).
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Craniofacicd morphology and growth

in infants and young children with
cleft lip and palate


Cleft lip and palate (CLP) may have severe conse- 1972a,b; Friede and Johanson, 1974; Tomanova and
quences for affected individuals because oral clefts in- Miillerova, 1994). Attention has been drawn to the
terfere with two of the most important means of com- harmful interference with the maxillary growth zones
munication: facial expression and speech. Individuals (Friede, 1998), including the premaxillary-vomerine
with either unoperated or operated clefts usually have complex (Pruzansky, 1971; Friede and Morgan, 1976;
a face which differs from that of unaffected individu- Friede, 1977, 1978). As a consequence of these stud-
als. Studies including both unoperated and operated in- ies, certain surgical procedures, such as premaxillary
dividuals have shown that some deviations are directly setback and primary bone grafting, have been largely
caused by the primary anomaly, while others are caused abandoned because they were shown to lead to dis-
by the surgical interventions and the subsequent dys- turbed maxillary growth and facial concavity. How-
plastic and compensatory growth of the facial bones ever, even more cautious surgical procedures are
(Dahl, 1970; Ehmann, 1989; Mars and Houston, 1990; claimed to interfere with maxillary growth. Maxillary
Dahl and Kreiborg, 1995; Sandham and Foong, 1997). retrognathia is a good example. Some authors believe
Semb and Shaw (1996) suggested several factors that that in subjects with CLP, maxillary retrognathia is in-
may be potential sources of interference with the nor- trinsically associated with the primary cleft malforma-
mal craniofacial growth pattern in individuals with tion. Others, however, claim it to be caused by surgi-
clefts: cal iatrogenesis (Bishara et al., 1976; Dahl et al., 1982,
1989; Semb and Shaw, 1996; Hermann et al., 1999a).
1. Variations intrinsically associated with the cleft mal-
The major reason for this disagreement is the scarcity
of data based on large, consecutive, well-controlled
2. Other variations intrinsically associated with the
samples on the craniofacial morphogenesis of infants
with oral clefts before surgery. This lack of informa-
3. Functional adaptations
tion is not surprising. In many institutions, cleft lip (CL)
4. Surgical iatrogenesis.
is surgically treated within the first couple of months
Severe surgical iatrogenesis to maxillary development after birth. Thus, the available period to examine the
in individuals with clefts has been documented repeat- unoperated state is short.
edly (Graber, 1949, 1954; Slaughter and Brodie, 1949; Comprehensive quantitative analysis of the infant's
Bishara and Olin, 1972; Friede and Pruzansky, craniofacial morphology requires the use of infant


roentgencephalometry (Pruzansky and Lis, 1958), in- MATERIAL AND METHODS

cluding several projections, combined with study
models of the maxilla. Although infant cephalometry Inspired by Dr. Samuel Pruzansky, we designed a three-
was introduced more than 50 years ago and has been projection cephalometer in the mid-1970s (Kreiborg et
shown to be useful in the study of congenital cran- al., 1977) (Figs. 8.1, 8.2). From 1976 to 1981, we ex-
iofacial anomalies (Pruzansky and Lis, 1958; Krei- amined nearly all infants born with a cleft in Denmark
borg, 1985), few investigators have adopted these (Jensen et al., 1988). Almost all children were exam-
techniques in the evaluation of patients with CLP ined at both 2 months (prior to any surgery) and 22
(Mazaheri and Sahni, 1969; Pruzansky, 1971, 1973; months of age by three-projection cephalometry and
Robertson and Hilton, 1971; Friede and Pruzansky, impressions of the palate. More than 600 consecutive
1972a,b; Dahan, 1974; Krogman et al., 1975, cases were examined. A comprehensive set of cephalo-
1982a,b; Ishiguru et al., 1976; Friede, 1977; Kreiborg metric landmarks (n = 279), defining all craniofacial
et al., 1977, 1985; Dahl et al., 1982, 1989; Long et regions, was built into a digitizing system (Kreiborg,
al., 1982; Jain and Krogman, 1983a,b; Friede et al., 1981, 1989; Heller et al., 1995; Hermann et al., 2001a)
1986; Berkowitz, 1995; Han et al., 1995; Moisted et (Color Figs. 8.3, 8.4, Fig. 8.5).
al., 1995; Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996; Hermann et The total sample of nonsyndromic oral cleft individ-
al., 1999a,b; 2000, 2001b). Furthermore, most of the uals comprised more than 600. Patients were divided
relatively few cephalometric studies of unoperated in- into four groups: CL (cleft of the primary palate only);
fants with CLP have been limited to the lateral pro- CP (cleft of the secondary palate only); Robin sequence
jection, a few have included the frontal projection, (RS) (CP, glossoptosis, and micrognathia); and CLP
and only a handful have included the lateral, frontal, (cleft of both the primary and secondary palate). Cases
and axial projections (Dahan, 1974; Dahl et al., 1982; with CLP were subsequently classified according to
Moisted et al., 1995; Hermann et al., 1999a,b, 2000). severity (Jensen et al., 1988) (Fig. 8.6).
All but one of the latter studies come from our group By the time this chapter was submitted for publica-
in Copenhagen, and these studies form the basis of tion, the following groups had been analyzed:
this chapter.
Additional information about the primary anomaly
can be obtained from studies of older children, ado-
lescents, and adults with unoperated clefts. A number
of such roentgencephalometric studies have been pub-
lished on subjects from Brazil, Cameroon, Czekoslo-
vakia, Denmark, India, Mexico, and Sri Lanka, among
others (Ortiz-Monasterio et al., 1959, 1966; Bishara,
1973; Bishara et al., 1976, 1985, 1986; Dahl, 1970;
Smahel et al., 1987; Ehmann, 1989; Mars and Hous-
ton, 1990; da Silva Filho et al., 1992a,b, 1998;
Capelozza et al., 1993; Capelozza Filho et al., 1996).
However, most of these studies are limited by small
sample sizes and the mixture of unoperated, partially
operated, and late operated individuals. Cephalometric
findings are also limited since often they only include
the lateral projection or perform simplistic cephalo-
metric analyses, typically based on 15 to 20 reference
points, or measure maxillary prognathism as the
nasion-sella-point A angle or similar measurements to
the premaxilla.
The aim of this chapter is to summarize the avail-
able information on the intrinsic craniofacial mor-
phology in individuals with oral clefts. The data pre-
sented here come primarily from our own studies but
are supplemented with findings from the literature, es-
pecially regarding unoperated older children, adoles- FIG. 8.1. Roentgencephalometric unit with two high-kilovoltage x-
cents, and adults. ray tubes for infants. (From Kreiborg et al., 1977, with permission.)

inclination (Dahl, 1970; Hermann et al., 1999a).

Following lip surgery, the premaxilla is molded into a
normal position by pressure from the soft tissue and
maxillary prognathism measured to point A or ss (sub-
spinale) is normal (Dahl, 1970; Han et al., 1995; Her-
mann et al., 1999a,b, 2000) (Fig. 8.7). Consequently,
for the purpose of this chapter, the group of patients
with UICL was used as a control.

Cleft Palate
Isolated CP involves only structures of the embryonic
secondary palate. Dahl et al. (1982, 1989) reported on
30 unoperated 2-month-old cases with CP from our
sample. In Figure 8.8, the mean facial diagram of the
CP group is superimposed on the mean facial diagram
FIG. 8.2. The x-ray tube above the cephalostat is tilted 45 degrees of a group of age-matched infants with CL (control
for the axial projection. The center of rotation is located at the ax-
ial ray of the x-ray tube for the lateral projection. The correct ori-
group). The major deviations in the CP group were bi-
entation of the head is secured by the ear rods and a light cross pro- maxillary retrognathia, reduced length and posterior
jected on the face. Note that the casette holder for this projection height of the maxilla, and reduced length of the
has an angulation of 45 degrees to the vertical plane. (From Krei- mandible with mandibular retrognathia. The sagittal
borg et al., 1977, with permission.) jaw relationship was normal. In the CP group, the up-
per airway dimensions were reduced. Hermann et al.
(2001 b) found similar deviations in infants with CP.
1. Unilateral incomplete CL (UICL) at 2 and 22 They also observed increased width of the maxilla and
months of age (Hermann et al, 1999a,b, 2000, nasal cavity. The mean facial growth pattern in the CP
2001b; Darvann et al., 2001) group from 2 to 22 months of age, before palatal sur-
2. Isolated CP at 2 and 22 months of age (Dahl et al., gery, was reported by Kreiborg and Cohen (1996) (Fig.
1982, 1989; Kreiborg et al., 1985; Kreiborg and 8.9). The facial growth pattern seemed harmonious.
Cohen, 1996; Hermann et al., 2001b) The bimaxillary retrognathia, with a normal sagittal
3. RS at 2 and 22 months of age (Kreiborg et al., 1985; jaw relationship, persisted. The cranial base angle de-
Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996; Hermann et al., 2001b) creased somewhat. The direction of facial growth was,
4. Unilateral complete CLP (UCCLP) at 2 and 22 however, more vertical than in the control group.
months of age (Hermann et al., 1999a,b, 2000, Bimaxillary retrognathia has been documented in un-
2001b; Darvann et al., 2001) operated older children (Smahel et al., 1987) and adults
5. Bilateral complete CLP (BCCLP) at 2 months of age (Dahl, 1970; Bishara, 1972) with CP and must be con-
(Dahl et al., 1989) sidered as a variation intrinsically associated with the
cleft malfornation. Dahl (1970) found an increased ver-
Cleft Lip tical dimension of the face in adult CP subjects (Fig.
Isolated CL involves only structures of the embryonic
primary palate. The craniofacial morphology in sub- Robin Sequence
jects with CL is fairly normal, except for the small re-
gion of the cleft including the premaxilla and the in- Robin sequence is defined by the presence of the fol-
cisors. In unoperated bilateral complete CL, the lowing three cardinal signs: isolated CP, micrognathia,
premaxilla may protrude markedly. In unilateral com- and glossoptosis (Gorlin et al., 1990). It may be part
plete CL, the protrusion is less pronounced but asym- of several syndromes, e.g., Treacher Collins syndrome
metric. In subjects with UICL, the protrusion of the (Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996; Cohen, 1997). In this
premaxilla is negligible (Hermann et al., 1999a). The chapter, only nonsyndromic cases of RS will be dis-
interorbital distance in subjects with CL appears to be cussed. We consider this to be a subgroup of the larger
slightly increased. The basal part of the maxilla has CP group.
normal prognathism in relation to the anterior cranial Kreiborg et al. (1985) and Kreiborg and Cohen
base, and the mandible is of normal size, shape, and (1996) have described the unoperated infant facial
COLOR FIG. 8.3. Landmarks and their names in the lateral x-ray. Landmarks denoted eccl-42 are
defined by radii drawn from a center point (sella) 5 degrees apart. All landmarks are defined as belong-
ing to a certain layer (Face, Orbit, Soft tissue, Calvaria), indicated by a color code, or to the group denot-
ed Special, which indicates that they exist in all four layers. (From Hermann et al., 1999a, with permis-
COLOR FIG. 8.4. Landmarks and their names in the frontal x-ray. Landmarks denoted ecc(f)37 are
defined by radii drawn from a center point (sella) 5 degrees apart. All landmarks are defined as belong-
ing to one of the two layers Face or Calvaria. (From Hermann et al., 1999a, with permission.)

FIG. 8.5. Landmarks and their names in the axial x-ray. All landmarks belong to one single layer. (From
Hermann et al., 1999a, with permission.)

morphology and early facial growth in eight consecu- significant mandibular retrognathia in the CP group
tive cases from our sample. In Figure 8.11, the mean and even more marked retrognathia in RS subjects.
facial diagram of the RS group at 2 months of age is Both studies concluded that RS subjects probably rep-
superimposed on the mean facial diagram of an age- resent the extreme part of the CP population in terms
matched CP group (Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996). The of mandibular retrognathia and upper airway con-
RS infants had a significantly smaller cranial base an- striction.
gle (nasion-sella-basion), shorter mandible with more The facial growth pattern in the RS group from 2 to
marked mandibular retrognathia, and smaller depth of 22 months of age, before palatal surgery, is illustrated
the bony nasopharynx than the CP infants. The degree in Figure 8.12 (Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996). Facial
of maxillary retrognathia was similar in the RS and growth seemed harmonious. At 22 months of age, the
the CP groups compared to infants with UICL. The maxilla was still retrognathic and the mandible was
marked mandibular retrognathia in the RS group was also still markedly retrognathic compared to the CP
confirmed by Hermann et al. (2001b), documenting group (Fig. 8.13). However, all patients with RS had

FIG. 8.7. The average craniofacial growth from 2 to 22 months of

age in the unilateral incomplete cleft lip (UICL) group (n = 45) in
the lateral projection. (From Hermann et al., 1999b, with permis-

found, however, in the facial structures. In the UCCLP

group, the most pronounced deviations were observed
in the maxillary complex and the mandible. The most
FIG. 8.6. The principle of catagorizing cleft lip and palate (Jensen et striking findings were the markedly increased width of
al., 1988). The extent of the cleft lip and the cleft palate was divided the maxilla and nasal cavity, a short mandible, and bi-
into four grades. Cleft lip: grade 1, up to one-third of lip height; maxillary retrognathia except for the premaxillary area,
grade 2, greater than one-third to two-thirds of lip height; grade 3, which was relatively protruding and asymmetric. Facial
greater than two-thirds to subtotal; grade 4, total. Cleft palate: grade retrognathia was also suggested to be part of the pri-
1, soft palate; grade 2, one-third of hard palate; grade 3, greater than
one-third up to subtotal; grade 4, total. mary anomalies associated with the cleft deformity in

outgrown their airway problems because of the increase

in facial and airway dimensions.
As mentioned above, the RS group is considered a
special subgroup of the CP group. Accordingly, it is be-
lieved that the bimaxillary retrognathia is intrinsically
associated with clefting of the secondary palate.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Combined clefts of the lip, alveolous, and palate involve
structures of both the embryonic primary palate and sec-
ondary palate. In Figure 8.14, the mean cranio-facial
morphology in 2-month-old unoperated infants with
UCCLP is compared to a control group consisting of in-
FIG. 8.8. Mean drawings of the 2-month-old unoperated cleft palate
dividuals with UICL (Hermann et al., 1999a). No (CP) and cleft lip (CL) groups (n = 30 in both groups) superimposed
marked differences were observed in the calvaria or cra- on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (Modified from
nial base. A number of significant differences were Dahl et al., 1989.)

FIG. 8.11. Mean drawings of 2-month-old unoperated cleft palate

(CP, n = 30) and Robin sequence (RS, n = 8) groups superimposed
on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (Modified from
Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996.)

FIG. 8.9. Average facial growth in the cleft palate (CP) group (n =
30) from 2 to 22 months of age. Mean drawings are superimposed
on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (Modified from children, adolescents, and adults (Ortiz-Monasterio et
Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996.) al., 1959, 1966; Bishara et al., 1976, 1985, 1986;
Capelozza et al., 1993), probably due to overgrowth in
the premaxillary-vomerine complex (Pruzansky, 1971;
unilateral CLP by Sandham and Foong (1997). Increased Friede and Morgan, 1976; Friede, 1978). The over-
width of the midface and nasal cavity has been reported growth is probably an effect of the lack of structural in-
in unoperated UCCLP infants (Han et al., 1995) and in tegrety in the region. The relative protrusion of the pre-
unoperated adults with UCCLP (Motohashi et al., maxilla explains why the measurements s-n-ans
1994). Relative protrusion and asymmetry of the pre- (sella-nasion-anterior nasal spine) and s-n-ss (S-N-A) in
maxilla have also been reported in unoperated UCCLP the infant UCCLP group are comparable to the values
in the control group, despite the fact that the UCCLP
group showed significant maxillary retrognathia mea-
sured to the lateral segments. Also, several studies of
older unoperated UCCLP children and adults have found

FIG. 8.12. Average growth in the Robin sequence (RS) group (n =

FIG. 8.10. Mean drawings of adult cleft palate (CP) and cleft lip (CL) 8) from 2 to 22 months of age. Mean drawings are superimposed
groups (n = 30 in both groups) superimposed on the nasion-sella line on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (Modified from
and registered on the sella. (Modified from Dahl et al., 1989.) Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996.)

chapter went to press, the sample had not yet been re-
examined at older ages. Therefore, it is not possible to
comment on facial growth and signs of further surgical
iatrogenesis after the age of 2 years.
Dahl et al. (1982) analyzed facial morphology in 2-
month-old infants with unoperated BCCLP (n = 22)
from our sample. Figure 8.17 illustrates the mean fa-
cial diagram of the BCCLP group superimposed on the
mean facial diagram of an age-matched group with
UICL (n = 30). The most obvious features in the BC-
CLP group were protrusion of the premaxilla, increased
width of the maxilla and nasal cavity, reduced poste-
rior maxillary height, and a short and retrognathic
mandible. The body of the maxilla was, however, ret-
rognathic when measured to both its anterior and pos-
terior aspects. Thus, the protruding premaxilla was sit-
FIG. 8.13. Mean drawings of 22-month-old unoperated cleft palate uated in a totally retrognathic face. The protruding
(CP, n = 30) and Robin sequence (RS, n = 8) groups superimposed premaxilla is probably the result of overgrowth in the
on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (Modified from premaxillary-vomerine complex secondary to lack of
Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996.)
structural integrity in the region, as discussed above.
For comparison, Mars and Houston (1990) and da
Silva Filho et al. (1998) described groups of adult un-
the maxillary prognathism to be within normal limits or operated patients with BCCLP and found extreme pro-
even increased compared to normative data (Ortiz- trusion of the premaxilla and a very convex profile
Monasterio et al, 1959,1966; Mars and Houston, 1990; measured as the ANB angle. No measurements were
Capelozza et al., 1993). All of these studies, however, performed to describe the position of the body of the
measured prognathism only to the A point or to the point maxilla.
ANS, both located in the relatively protruding premax- The retrognathia of the body of the maxilla and the
illa. Ortiz-Monasterio et al. (1959) concluded the fol- short and retrognathic mandible found in the present
lowing, based on their findings in unoperated adults with sample are, in our opinion, variations intrinsically as-
UCCLP: "The embryonic factor responsible for the fa- sociated with the cleft of the secondary palate (as dis-
cial cleft does not interfere with maxillary growth. This cussed above). The facial growth pattern, from the time
evidence leads us to believe that growth defects of the of lip surgery at 2 months of age to the time of palatal
middle third of the face so frequently seen are caused by closure at 22 months of age, was characterized by a
early or repeated and agressive surgery." We disagree normal amount of jaw growth but an increased verti-
somewhat with this conclusion. Based on our studies of cal growth direction (Hermann et al., 1999b) (Color
infants with UCCLP, the maxillary retrognathia in this Fig. 8.18).
group appears to be part of the intrinsic variations as-
sociated with the cleft malformation of the secondary
palate. In the unoperated infant and the unoperated DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
adult, the maxillary retrognathia is, however, partly
masked by relative protrusion of the premaxilla, sec- The findings discussed in this chapter support the sug-
ondary to overgrowth in the premaxillary-vomerine su- gestion of Dahl (1970) and others that facial clefts
ture. Surgical closure of the lip at 2 months of age molds should be classified based on embryonic facial devel-
the premaxilla back into place, unmasking the maxillary opment, i.e., into clefts involving the primary palate
retrognathia (Figs. 8.15, 8.16). Thus, we believe that the only (CL), clefts involving the secondary palate only
bimaxillary retrognathia shown in Figure 8.15 illustrates (CP), and clefts involving structures of both the pri-
the facial type characteristic of the 22-month-old lip-op- mary and secondary palate (CLP). The postnatal facial
erated UCCLP group. The maxillary retrognathia ob- morphology and growth in these groups differ greatly.
served at 22 months of age, therefore, should not be con- It has been the aim of this chapter to summarize the
sidered the result of surgical iatrogenesis. Rather, it available information about the intrinsic variations in
represents a normalization of the "intrinsic facial type" facial morphology associated with the different types
characteristic of subjects with UCCLP. By the time this of cleft malformation, to form a basis for valid esti-
FIG. 8.14. Craniofacial mean drawings of 2-month-old unoperated unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP, n = 82) and unilateral
incomplete cleft lip (UICL, n = 75) groups superimposed on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (From Hermann et al., 1999a,
with permission.)

FIG. 8.15. Craniofacial mean drawings of 22-month-old lip-operated unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP, n = 82) and unilateral
incomplete cleft lip (UICL, n = 75) groups superimposed on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (From Hermann et al., 2000,
with permission.)

complete clefts show the mildest deviations (Dahl, 1970).

Surgical closure of the CL, does not lead to disturbed
maxillary growth (Dahl, 1970; Hermann et al., 2000).
The development of the cranial base and mandible is un-
remarkable. However, a slight increase in interorbital
distance has been reported (Dahl, 1970; Ishiguru et al.,
1975; Dahl et al., 1982; Motohashi et al., 1994).

Cleft PcrJcrfe

Isolated CP appears to be associated with bimaxillary

retrognathia, reduced length and posterior height of the
maxilla, increased width of the maxilla and nasal cav-
ity, reduced mandibular length, and reduced dimen-
sions of the upper airway (Dahl, 1970; Dahl et al.,
1982, 1989; Hermann et al., 2001b). The sagittal jaw
FIG. 8.16. Axial maxillary mean drawings of 22-month-old lip- relationship is normal and early facial growth in un-
operated unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (solid line) (n = 82) operated patients revealed no change in the facial pat-
and unilateral incomplete cleft lip (dashed line) (n = 75) groups su- tern up to 22 months of age (Kreiborg and Cohen,
perimposed on the line between the left and right foramen ovale and 1996). This lack of change in facial pattern may be ob-
registered on the midpoint of this line. (From Hermann et al., 2000, served even into adulthood, except for a relative in-
with permission.)
crease in anterior facial height, which can probably be
explained by a more vertical growth pattern, most
likely related to altered function, e.g., change in head
mations of the amount of surgical iatrogenesis, espe- posture (Sandham and Foong, 1997).
cially to the maxillary development, introduced by dif-
ferent surgical procedures and regimes, including the
fiobin Sequence
timing of treatment.
Subjects with RS represent the extreme part of the CP
Cleff Lip population in terms of mandibular retrognathia and up-
per airway constriction. In our study, patients with RS
Several studies indicate that clefts involving structures of outgrew their breathing problems even without closure
the primary palate only are associated with minor vari- of the CP, simply through the growth in facial dimen-
ations in facial morphogenesis except for the area of the sions. However, at 22 months of age, the mandible was
primary malformation. In general, unilateral and in- still significantly shorter and more retrognathic than in
the CP group (Kreiborg and Cohen, 1996).

Cleft Lip and Palate

Complete clefts of the lip and palate (unilateral or bi-
lateral) appear to be associated with the following in-
trinsic variations in the newborn:
1. Protrusion (or relative protrusion) of the premaxilla
2. Retrognathia of the body of the maxilla
3. Increased maxillary width
4. Increased width of the nasal cavity
5. Reduced posterior height of the maxilla
6. Short and retrognathic mandible
7. Reduced dimensions of the upper airway
Secondary to surgical closure of the lip at 2 months
FIG. 8.17. Mean drawings of 2-month-old unoperated bilateral cleft
lip and palate (BCLP, n = 22) and cleft lip (CL, n = 30) groups su- of age in UCCLP, we found that the premaxilla was
perimposed on the nasion-sella line and registered on the sella. (Mod- molded into place, unmasking the intrinsic maxillary
ified from Dahl et al., 1989.) retrognathia and leading to a normal sagittal jaw rela-
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COLOR FIG. 8.18. Facial growth pattern from 2
to 22 months of age in unilateral complete cleft
lip and palate (UCCLP). Growth vectors have
been color-coded according to the significance
of the differences between the growth in the
UCCLP group relative to the unilateral incom-
plete cleft lip (UICL) group (control group).
Red, significant difference at the 1% level; yel-
low, 5%; green, 10%; blue, >10%. A: Differ-
ences in the total amount of growth (length of
growth vectors) between the two groups. B: Dif-
ferences in the direction of growth (angle of
growth vectors in relation to the nasion-sella
line) between the two groups, the UCCLP group
showing a significantly more vertical growth
pattern than the control group.

tionship at 22 months of age. The amount of jaw Capelozza, L, Jr, Taniguchi, SM, da Silva Filho, OG, Jr (1993). Cran-
growth was similar, except for the premaxillary mold- iofacial morphology of adult unoperated complete unilateral cleft
lip and palate patients. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 30: 376-381.
ing, in both the UCCLP and the UICL (control) groups. Capelozza Filho, L, Jr, Normando, ADC, da Silva Filho, OG, Jr
The direction of growth, however, was more vertical (1996). Isolated influences of lip and palate surgery on facial
in the UCCLP group. growth: comparison of operated and unoperated male adults with
Based on this concept, we found that surgery to the UCLP. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 33: 51-56.
lip and anterior part of the hard palate at 2 months of Cohen, MM, Jr (1997). Etiologic and pathogenetic heterogeneity. In:
The Child with Multiple Birth Defects. New York: Oxford Uni-
age in UCCLP subjects appeared to influence the de- versity Press, pp. 164-196.
velopment of the maxillary complex, as observed at 22 Dahan, J (1974). Die dreidimensionale rontgenkephalometrische Un-
months of age, in two beneficial ways: (1) the pre- tersuchung von Fallen mit Pierre-Robin-Syndrom. Fortschr
maxilla was no longer relatively protruding and (2) it Kieferorthop 35: 240-255.
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atively more normal, and the transverse position of the Ronning. Stockholm: Gothia, pp. 239-254.
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closer to normal. The posterior height of the maxilla ies of infants with untreated cleft lip and palate. In: What is a
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maxillary retrognathia was still present. The only ia- parison of Craniofacial morphology in infants with incomplete
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facial type, primarily characterized by bimaxillary ret- erated complete bilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate Cran-
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Epidemiology of Cleft Lip and Palate
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Methodological issues in epidemiological

studies of oral clefts


At a first glance, oral clefts (OCs) seem an ideal group that the nonsyndromic CP group may consist of two
of congenital malformations to be studied. They are etiologically different subtypes: CP affecting the soft
among the most common congenital malformations palate only and CP affecting both the hard and soft
and, compared to most other anomalies, easily diag- palate (Christensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1994; Clementi
nosed and described. However, even such a seemingly et al., 1997). A number of etiological factors are likely
straightforward task as estimating the frequency of OC shared by these subgroups, while other factors may be
imposes its own problems. The first part of this chap- unique to a subgroup. Therefore, the emerging inter-
ter addresses methodological issues in the assessment national collaborative efforts are essential to obtain rea-
of OC frequency, including frequency measurements sonable statistical power in analyses of the subgroups.
and the completeness and biases in various ascertain-
ment sources. The second part covers some method- Incidence or Prevalence?
ological issues in connection with the two major design
options for assessing environmental risk factors for OC: In epidemiology, the three major measures of disease
case-control studies and follow-up studies. frequency are incidence, prevalence, and risk. Incidence
is the number of disease onsets per risk time (observa-
tion time), prevalence is the proportion of a population
ASSESSING THE FREQUENCY OF ORAL CLEFTS that has a disease at a specific point in time, and risk
is a cumulative incidence proportion, i.e., the propor-
Although OCs are among the most frequent congeni- tion of a given population that becomes cases within a
tal malformations and relatively easily assessed, the sta- given time period (Rothman, 1986). The frequency of
tistical power of most etiological studies is low, espe- OCs is one usually reported as 1 to 2/1000 births. There
cially because most studies subdivide OCs into cleft lip has been a long semantic and conceptual discussion
(CL) with or without cleft palate (CL/P) and isolated about this frequency measurement: is it a measure of
cleft palate (CP) and, furthermore, into syndromic and incidence, prevalence, or risk?
nonsyndromic cases. These subdivisions are based on The primary palate and the palatine shelves fuse at
observations that nonsyndromic CL/P and CP rarely the end of the first trimester of gestation. Hence, the
segregate in the same family (Fogh-Andersen, 1942) population at risk includes all conceptions surviving to
and that a substantial number of syndromic cases have the time of normal fusion. Since it is not possible to as-
a strong association with specific genetic mutations. certain all conceptions that occur and survive until this
Additionally, it may be of interest to study OCs strat- point and not feasible to assess whether fusion has oc-
ified by familial occurrence and severity [bilateral vs. curred in all cases, neither the incidence nor the risk
unilateral CL/P, cleft lip and palate (CLP) vs. CL] measure of disease frequency is obtainable. What could
(Mitchell, 1997). Finally, some studies have suggested be measured is the proportion of OCs among new-


borns, stillborns, and abortions occurring after the first 0.7 to 0.9/1000). In contrast, there was apparently a
trimester. Therefore, only OC prevalence may be mea- steady increase in the prevalence of both CL/P and CP
sured (Rothman and Greenland, 1998). during the first half of the period (1936-1961).
Prevalence data have severe limitations when used However, the most likely explanation of this increase
for etiological research because prevalence depends on in the middle of the century is an improvement in the
both the incidence of new cases and the survival of survival of newborn CL/P cases (especially those with
cases. If first-trimester exposure to an environmental associated anomalies) and a better ascertainment dur-
risk factor increases OC risk when the exposure inten- ing these 26 years (especially of milder CP forms and
sity is moderate and the same exposure leads to spon- OC cases with associated anomalies). Figure 9.1 shows
taneous abortion when the exposure is intense (the so- that a substantial part of the increase in prevalence in
called two-threshold model), then paradoxical results that period was due to an increased proportion of cases
may occur (Dronamraju et al., 1982; Rothman and with associated anomalies and milder forms of OC. The
Greenland, 1998). A reduction in the exposure could nearly constant prevalence of the most severe OC forms
lead to a reduction in the number of spontaneous abor- (nonsyndromic bilateral CL/P and CP including the
tions and an increase in OC prevalence. Therefore, in hard palate) suggests that no major changes in the
principle, it would not be possible to know whether an prevalence of OC have occurred in the 52-year period.
association between an exposure (environmental or ge- If the overall figures were taken at face value, it might
netic) and OC occurrence is due either to better sur- be concluded that OCs became increasingly common
vival of an exposed OC fetus compared to nonexposed during the middle of the twentieth century. Detailed
OC fetuses or to an increased susceptibility of OC for- description of the cases, however, suggests the presence
mation in exposed fetuses. Formally, additional evi- of ascertainment bias.
dence is needed to disentangle these effects, e.g.,
through studies of spontaneous abortion. In reality,
however, estimating prevalence is the basis of OC epi- Change in Oral Clef* Frequency with Season
demiology research; therefore, high-quality methods of
collecting prevalence data are essential. Another example of why trends in rates should be in-
terpreted with caution is seasonal variation in the dates
of birth of children with congenital malformations. Sea-
Change in Oral Cleft Frequency over Time sonality has been studied to gain insight into the pos-
sible role of diet, infections, and other factors that may
Most countries have undergone dramatic changes dur- vary with season. Seasonal variation in the dates of
ing the last century in terms of living conditions, work birth of children with nonsyndromic CL/P has been
environment, health care, and lifestyle. Therefore, it is studied in nearly 600 cases born in Montreal between
of considerable interest to test whether the frequency 1950 and 1996 (Fraser and Gwyn, 1998). A significant
of OCs is associated with both gradual changes, such tendency for children with CL/P to be born more of-
as improved living conditions, and more delimited ex- ten in the summer than in the winter was found. In an-
posures, such as war, changes in legislation, and new other report, which used the Danish CL/P data set from
health programs. Such studies, however, rely heavily on Fogh-Andersen's (1942) thesis, no variation was found
the assumption of the same level of completeness of in month of birth among females, but a peak in
registration. False results may be obtained, e.g., if reg- April-May was observed for males. These analyses
istration is less complete during war or a famine. How- were based on the distribution of month of birth for
ever, spurious results may also occur even in settings CL/P cases. Applying this method to the entire Danish
with very good registration systems. The following ex- 1936-1987 cohort yielded a small seasonal variation
ample will illustrate this point. similar to that observed in the data from Canada for
A uniform and standardized registration system has both nonsyndromic CL/P and CP.
been used in Denmark since the 1930s. These data have A critical point to take into account when studying
been entered into the Danish Facial Cleft Register, which OC seasonally is that pregnancy-timing preferences
includes 7290 oral cleft cases born between 1936 and (i.e., when parents prefer to have their children) may
1987. Figure 9.1 is based on the Danish Facial Cleft Reg- vary between settings and time periods. For example,
ister and summarizes the estimated yearly prevalence of in the Scandinavian countries, the frequency of births
CL/P and CP in the period 1936-1987. From Figure 9.1, is 10% to 20% higher in spring and summer compared
it is clear that in the second half of the period to winter (NOMESKO, 1993). Hence, the Danish CL/P
(1962-1987) the prevalence at birth was fairly constant and CP seasonality pattern can be explained by the
for both CL/P (around 1.4 to 1.5/1000) and CP (around variation in the overall seasonality pattern of births;

FIG. 9.1. Change in the frequency of oral clefts over time. Smoothed prevalence (5-year moving aver-
age) of subgroups of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) and cleft palate (CP) per 1000 live
births in Denmark in the period 1936-1987. CL, cleft lip; CLP, cleft lip and palate; CPS, nonsyndromic
CP including only the soft palate (submucous CP included here); CPH, nonsyndromic CP including the
hard palate. (Modified from Christensen, 1999, with permission.)

i.e., the larger number of OC births in the spring and The factors that might increase susceptibility to OC in
summer can simply be explained by the larger number trisomy 18 may be the same as those that increase risk
of total births at that time of year. in chromosomally normal individuals.
The splitting vs. lumping problem also applies to mi-
Oral Clefts and Associated Anomalies nor and more subtle associated anomalies, for which it
is considerably harder to make a uniform ascertainment
A longstanding debate in OC research is whether cases and classification. The wide range in the reported fre-
with associated anomalies should be excluded ("split- quency of associated anomalies for OC (CL/P 2%-
ting") or included ("lumping") in etiological studies. The 15%, CP 10%-50%) is partially due to differences in
rationale for splitting is to reduce etiological heterogene- the definition of associated anomalies, how long after
ity, i.e., to eliminate all OC cases with known etiology birth and how carefully the individuals are examined,
(e.g., monogenic diseases such as Van der Woude's syn- and the selection of patients.
drome and chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy The 22qll deletion syndrome illustrates this prob-
18). The rationale for lumping is that there may be com- lem. Patients with this syndrome often display only CP
mon etiological factors in nonsyndromic and syndromic and a minor heart defect and/or learning disability, and
OC cases. For example, although OC occurs frequently many such cases are undiagnosed (Goldberg et al.,
in trisomy 18, far from all trisomy 18 cases have OC. 1993; Br0ndum-Nielsen and Christensen, 1996). The

inclusion of cases with 22qll deletion syndrome in a a bias in favor of surviving cleft cases, which leads to
study of nonsyndromic CP could reduce the power of underreporting of OC (Aabyholm, 1978). Surgical files
the study if the risk factors for CP in this syndrome are have played a major role in OC research; e.g., the Dan-
different from the risk factors for nonsyndromic CP. ish surgical files have been the basis of numerous, of-
As mentioned above, the rationale behind splitting is ten quoted studies (Fogh-Andersen, 1942, 1971; Bixler
to reduce etiological heterogeneity. However, splitting et al., 1971; Shields et al., 1979, 1981; Melnick et al.,
may introduce bias. If the definition of minor anomalies 1980; Marazita et al., 1984; Chung et al., 1986).
includes conditions that occur at a rather high frequency The completeness of various ascertainment sources
in the general population (e.g., learning disabilities), OC was studied in Denmark for the period 1983-1987
cases without any such conditions might represent an using three nationwide ascertainment sources and an
otherwise very healthy group. Furthermore, as men- autopsy study in a 10% sample of the Danish popu-
tioned above, a number of environmental and genetic lation. The nationwide ascertainment sources were
factors likely affect both syndromic and nonsyndromic (1) a centralized surgical facility, which had treated
OC cases; i.e., syndromic and nonsyndromic cases may all OC cases since the 1930s; (2) the National Insti-
have some common etiological factors. tute for Defects of Speech, which has coordinated the
Therefore, as long as the delineation of strictly non- registration and follow-up treatment of all OC cases,
syndromic OC cases depends strongly on definitions of also since the 1930s; and (3) the National Register of
associated anomalies as well as the length and inten- Congenital Malformations, which was based on doc-
sity of follow-up, the most reasonable approach is to tors' notifications and reports (Christensen et al.,
obtain as much information on associated anomalies 1992).
as possible and, later, to perform analyses with and Based on these comparisons, it was estimated that
without the OC cases with associated anomalies. more than 95% ascertainment was obtained by means
of surgical files for CL/P without associated malfor-
Sources of Ascertainment mations/syndromes. However, the comparison showed
that surgical files should not be used for studying CP.
The baseline epidemiological characteristics of OC are Surgical files included only 60% of these cases. Surgi-
important both for scientific purposes and for public cal files were found to be unsuitable for studying the
health planning. These data are usually obtained prevalence of associated malformations or syndromes
through population-based clinical records, cleft treat- in cases with OC. Figure 9.2 illustrates the complete-
ment centers, surveillance systems, or birth certificates. ness of the centralized surgical files in Denmark and
The completeness of such files highly depends on the the reasons for nonregistration.
practice and organization of the country, state, or fa-
cility providing them. Cleft Treatment Centers. Cleft treatment centers of-
ten have high-quality information on OC cases in terms
Population-Based Clinical Records. Population- of associated malformations and other characteristics.
based records of treated or hospitalized cases introduce However, these cases often cannot be used for estimat-

FIG. 9.2. Sources of ascertainment of oral cleft cases. Classification of 663 known facial cleft cases born
in Denmark during 1983-1987, identified through three nationwide ascertainment sources. Small slices
represent nonoperated cases. When a nonoperated case could be classified as belonging to more than
one slice, the vertically uppermost was chosen. Parentheses show the number of cases with cleft lip with
or without cleft palate, isolated cleft palate, and atypical facial clefts within each slice. (From Chris-
tensen et al., 1992, with permission.)

ing the prevalence of OC or other epidemiological char- mental and genetic factors these are is still largely an
acteristics because the population from which they come enigma. A number of design options for assessing OC
is not well defined. Furthermore, cleft treatment centers risk factors are available. This section covers some
often have a very high frequency of associated anom- methodological issues in connection with the two ma-
alies among OC cases. This is partially due to differences jor design options for assessing environmental risk fac-
in the definition of associated anomalies, how long af- tors for OC: case-control studies and follow-up studies.
ter birth and how carefully the individuals are examined,
as well as the referral practice. A bias in ascertainment Case-Control Studies
arises in highly specialized centers that attract severe or
complicated cases (Fraser, 1970; Shprintzen et al., 1985). The case-control study design is by far the most com-
monly used to evaluate environmental risk factors for
Surveillance Systems. Registries of congenital mal- OC. During the last decade, case-control studies have
formations were established in various countries after been used increasingly for genetic association studies
the thalidomide epidemic. The primary aim of these reg- as well. The basic concept is to compare the first-
istries was surveillance to avoid similar epidemics. While trimester exposures of mothers of OC cases with those
some of the registries are limited to surveillance, others of mothers of controls. Ideally, a case-control study
include etiological substudies within the register (Dolk uses incident cases from a well-defined population and
et al., 1998). A number of these registries have also been has four to five controls, who would have been cases
used in OC research. The efficiency of these record sys- in the study if they had had OC, for each case (Roth-
tems is highly dependent on the local practice and or- man and Greenland, 1998). As mentioned above, it is
ganization, but even the most well-established registries not possible to obtain incident cases in studies of OC;
may have significant underreporting of cases with OC, the best available option is to include cases and con-
particularly CP, which showed an under-reporting of trols in the study as shortly after birth (or abortion) as
12% in one study (Ericson et al., 1977). possible.
If one uses older cases with OC, the window of ex-
Birth Certificates. Birth certificates are a poor source posure of interest (the first trimester) will be further
for OC data, particularly for milder forms of CL/P and back in time, increasing the likelihood of recall bias
CP. Green et al. (1979) found that only 65% of known (Werler et al., 1989). This bias would arise if case moth-
OC cases in a register of congenital malformation in ers reported differently from control mothers (e.g., if
Arkansas were recorded as having a cleft on the birth case mothers were more inclined to remember all ex-
certificate and that only 48% were correctly classified posures during the first trimester). Therefore, a study
regarding cleft type. The same pattern was observed in would be substantially strengthened if exposure infor-
Denmark by Olsen (1982a,b), who found that only ap- mation were obtained during pregnancy (e.g., from gen-
proximately 75% of OC cases had any indication of eral practitioners' records), before the mother knew
OC on the birth certificate. whether the fetus had OC or not. For self-reported ex-
posures, it is often useful to collect the date of recog-
Death Certificates and Autopsy Series. Death cer- nition of the pregnancy as well as the exposure infor-
tificates and autopsies of fetuses can supplement other mation before and after this date. This is because many
ascertainment sources. However, OCs might not be women change their lifestyle to some degree when they
recorded on death certificates when multiple defects co- recognize that they are pregnant. For example, in a
exist because other, more severe malformations are most Danish case-control study of OC, both case mothers
likely to be registered as the causes of death. Underre- and control mothers reported changes in their lifestyle
porting in autopsies of fetuses is also likely because of after recognition of pregnancy: cigarette consumption
the difficulty of recognizing and diagnosing OCs in them decreased by one-third and alcohol consumption de-
(Kraus et al., 1963; Christensen et al., 1992). creased by 60% among all mothers (who were inter-
viewed on average 1-2 weeks after birth). If the date
of recognition of the pregnancy is known as well as the
DESIGN OPTIONS FOR ASSESSING exposure before and after the recognition, a first-
ENVIRONMENTAL RISK FACTORS FOR ORAL trimester dose can be calculated for each mother (Chris-
The number of controls necessary for each case is a
As pointed out in Chapter 17, there is convincing evi- compromise between statistical power and costs. How-
dence that both genetic and environmental factors play ever, it can be shown that including more than four or
a role in the etiology of OCs. However, what environ- five controls per case increases the statistical power only

slightly (Rothman, 1986). Selection of controls needs have to be followed in order to identify two cases. Such
special attention. Matching on time and place of birth studies are enormous undertakings. In the period
is a commonly used method that is logistically appeal- 1959-1966, such a study was conducted in the United
ing. However, a disadvantage is that it does not allow States, the Collaborative Perinatal Project. In this study,
the study of time and place of birth as potential risk fac- about 56,000 pregnant women were followed from the
tors. It has been argued that the control group should first prenatal visit through labor and delivery, and their
be selected among newborns with congenital malforma- offspring were later followed-up to assess, among other
tions other than OC. The rationale for this is to avoid things, the frequency of congenital malformations (Myr-
recall bias since both cases and controls would be equally ianthopoulos and Chung, 1974).
motivated to recall exposures. However, this approach An even larger study is emerging from Denmark.
presents several disadvantages. First, risk factors will be During the years 1998-2002, approximately 100,000
overlooked if they are associated with both OCs and the pregnant women and their offspring will be included
congenital malformations in the control group. Second, in a longitudinal study through a large collaborative ef-
it might be difficult to obtain a large control group if it fort. Women are typically enrolled in the study at the
consists of children with other congenital malformations. first visit to their general practitioner (usually in the
Third, it may be difficult to inform the parents of chil- first trimester). At this time, women who decide to par-
dren with congenital malformations in the control group ticipate, provide a blood sample and are interviewed
that the study is aimed at identifying causes of OC but about a broad range of health-related issues, including
not of the problem their children have. If the inclusion potential fetal risk factors and lifestyle information.
criterion in the case group is isolated OC, then the con- Around the beginning of the third trimester, women
trol group should have an isolated anomaly as well. If, who wish to participate again provide a blood sample
however, OC cases with associated anomalies/syn- and are interviewed. At birth, an umbilical blood sam-
dromes are included, then controls with other anom- ple is drawn, and later, punches are obtained from the
alies/syndromes should not be excluded. newborn's screening card. Finally, 6 and 18 months af-
A special situation arises when genetic factors are in- ter delivery, mothers participate in an interview. At this
cluded in case-control studies of ethnically heteroge- time, data including information on hospitalizations
neous populations. If the ethnic composition is differ- and surgeries are obtained from national health reg-
ent in the case and control groups, then any genetic istries. This study allows for the assessment of risk fac-
factor which is unequally distributed among ethnic tors even before the woman knows the outcome of her
groups might show an association with OC (without pregnancy, thereby avoiding recall bias. Also, it makes
having any etiological role); this is called population it feasible to include both maternal and infant geno-
stratification. This potential bias can be reduced by types in the analysis and to measure changes in mater-
matching on ethnic background or by conducting stud- nal plasma antibodies during pregnancy. The latter will
ies in ethnically homogeneous populations. Recent de- allow evaluation of the influence of various maternal
velopments in methodology extend the case-control de- infections in the etiology of OC. It should be empha-
sign to overcome such and other problems embedded sized, however, that even such a large study will not
in case-control studies of genetic factors. One option is be able to obtain incident data since women experi-
to sample case triads (i.e., an OC case and his or her encing spontaneous abortions prior to their first pre-
parents) and similar control-triads in the study. The use natal visit will not be included.
of such triads makes it possible to assess or avoid bias,
such as population stratification (Umbach and Wein-
berg, 2000). SUMMARY

Follow-Up Studies (Cohort Studies) Oral clefts are among the most common congenital mal-
formations and, compared to most other anomalies, rel-
From a strictly methodological point of view, a prospec- atively easily diagnosed and described. Delineation of
tive follow-up or cohort study is preferable over a case- nonsyndromic OC cases depends on the definition of as-
control study. If pregnant women are followed-up from sociated anomalies as well as on the length and inten-
recognition of pregnancy, exposure information can be sity of follow-up. The most reasonable approach in epi-
obtained with no recall bias. This is because these preg- demiological studies is to collect as much information as
nant women do not yet know who will eventually be a possible on associated anomalies and to perform analy-
case mother or a control mother. Despite OCs being ses with and without OC cases with associated anom-
among the most common congenital malformations, the alies. A fundamental problem of all studies is that they
drawback of this approach is that 1000 women would use only cases with OC who have survived at least two

trimesters. Hence, it is not possible to distinguish factors Clementi, M, Tenconi, R, Forabosco, P, et al. (1997). Inheritance of
which increase the risk of OC in fetuses and factors cleft palate in Italy. Evidence for a major autosomal recessive lo-
cus. Hum Genet 100: 204-207.
which enhance the survival chances of OC fetuses. In re- Dolk, H, Vrijheid, M, Armstrong, B, et al. (1998). Risk of congeni-
ality, however, prevalence measures of OC are the ba- tal anomalies near hazardous-waste landfill sites in Europe: the
sis of OC epidemiology research; therefore, high-quality EUROHAZCON study. Lancet 352: 423-427.
methods of collecting prevalence data are essential. Dronamraju, KR, Bixler, D, Majumder, PP (1982). Fetal mortality
The validity of comparing OC frequency between associated with cleft lip and cleft palate. Johns Hopkins Med J
151: 287-289.
settings and at different time periods depends heavily Ericson, A, Kallen, B, Winberg, J (1977). Surveillance of malforma-
on the degree of ascertainment. Many different ascer- tions at birth: a comparison of two record systems run in paral-
tainment sources are used, and all have limitations. lel. Int J Epidemiol 6: 35-41.
Population-based clinical records (surgical files) can Fogh-Andersen, P (1942). Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate.
provide high ascertainment of cases of CL/P without Copenhagen: Arnold Busck.
Fogh-Andersen, P (1971) Epidemiology and etiology of clefts. Birth
associated malformations/syndromes. However, they Defects 7: 51-53.
are not useful for CP cases or cases with associated Fraser, FC (1970). Counseling in genetics: its intent and scope. Birth
malformations or syndromes. For assessing environ- Defects 6: 7-12.
mental risk factors, the case-control study is logistically Fraser, FC, Gwyn, A (1998). Seasonal variation in birth date of chil-
the most appealing design. Ideally, a case-control study dren with cleft lip. Teratology 57: 93-95.
Goldberg, R, Motzkin, B, Marion, R, et al. (1993). Velo-cardio-
uses cases ascertained shortly after birth from a well- facial syndrome: a review of 120 patients. Am J Med Genet 45:
defined population and has four or five controls for 313-319.
each case. However, the case-control study is subject Green, HG, Nelson, CJ, Gaylor, DW, Holson, JF (1979). Accuracy
to recall bias and selection of appropriate controls of birth certificate data for detecting facial cleft defects in
might be difficult. Follow-up studies of pregnant Arkansas children. Cleft Palate J 16(2): 167-170.
Kraus, BS, Kitamura, H, Ooe, T (1963). Malformations associated
women and their offspring yield excellent exposure in- with cleft lip and palate in human embryos and fetuses. Am J
formation, but such studies are logistically enormous. Obstet Gynecol 86: 321-328.
Marazita, ML, Spence, MA, Melnick, M (1984). Genetic analysis of
cleft lip with or without cleft palate in Danish kindreds. Am J
This work was supported by the Egmont Foundation and the Na- Med Genet 19: 9-18.
tional Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (grant R01 DE Melnick, M, Bixler, D, Fogh-Andersen, P, Conneally, PM (1980).
11948). Cleft lip +/— cleft palate: an overview of the literature and an
analysis of Danish cases born between 1941 and 1968. Am J Med
Genet 6: 83-97.
Mitchell, LE, Christensen, K (1997). Evaluation of family history
data for Danish twins with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or with-
Aabyholm, FR (1978). Cleft lip and palate in Norway I. Registra- out cleft palate. Am J Med Genet 72: 120-121.
tion, incidence and early mortality of infants with CLP. Scand J Myrianthopoulos, NC, Chung, CS (1974). Congenital malformations
Plast Reconstr Surg 12: 29-34. in singletons: epidemiologic survey. Report from the Collabora-
Bixler, D, Fogh-Andersen, P, Conneally, PM (1971). Incidence of tive Perinatal project. Birth Defects 10: 1-58.
cleft lip and palate in the offspring of cleft parents. Clin Genet NOMESKO (1993). Birth and infant mortality in the Nordic coun-
2: 155-159. tries. Copenhagen: Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee.
Br0ndum-Nielsen, K, Christensen, K (1996). Chromosome 22qll Olsen, J (1982a). The register of congenital anomalies in Funen
deletion and other chromosome aberrations in cases with cleft County. I. The number of notifications and their sources [in Dan-
palate, congenital heart defects and/or mental disabilities. A sur- ish]. Ugeskr Laeger 144: 1333-1337.
vey based on the Danish facial cleft register. Clin Genet 50: Olsen, JH (1982b). Forplantning, miljo og kemiske staffer. Copen-
116-120. hagen: Milj0styrelsen.
Christensen, K (1999) The 20th century Danish facial cleft popula- Rothman, KJ (1986). Modern Epidemiology. Boston: Little, Brown.
tion—epidemiological and genetic-epidemiological studies. Cleft Rothman, KJ, Greenland, S (1998). Modern Epidemiology, 2nd ed.
Palate Craniofac J 36: 96-104. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven.
Christensen, K, Fogh-Andersen, P (1994). Etiological subgroups in Shields, ED, Bixler, D, Fogh-Andersen, P (1979). Facial clefts in Dan-
non-syndromic isolated cleft palate? A genetic-epidemiological ish twins. Cleft Palate J 16: 1-6.
study of 52 Danish birth cohorts. Clin Genet 46: 329-335. Shields, ED, Bixler, D, Fogh-Andersen, P (1981). Cleft palate: a ge-
Christensen, K, Holm, NV, Olsen, J, et al. (1992). Selection bias in netic and epidemiological investigation. Clin Genet 20: 13-24.
genetic-epidemiological studies of cleft lip and palate. Am J Hum Shprintzen, RJ, Siegel-Sadewitz, VL, Armato, J, Goldberg, RB (1985).
Genet 51: 654-659. Anomalies associated with cleft lip, cleft palate or both. Am J
Christensen, K, Olsen, J, N0rgaard-Pedersen, B, et al. (1999). Oral Med Genet 20: 585-595.
clefts, transforming-growth-factor-alpha gene variants, and ma- Umbach, DM, Weinberg, CR (2000). The use of case-parent triads
ternal smoking. A population based case-control study in Den- to study joint effects of genotype and exposure. Am J Hum Genet
mark 1991-1994. Am J Epidemiol 149: 248-255. 66: 251-261.
Chung, CS, Bixler, D, Watanabe, T, et al. (1986). Segregation anal- Werler, MM, Pober, BR, Nelson, K, Holmes, LB (1989). Reporting
ysis of cleft lip with or without cleft palate: a comparison of Dan- accuracy among mothers of malformed and non-malformed in-
ish and Japanese data. Am J Hum Genet 39: 603-611. fants. Am J Epidemiol 129: 415-421.

Exposure assessment in studies

of oral clefts


One challenge in studying environmental exposures re- fashion to that in a retrospective study, but exposure
lated to oral cleft risks is assessment of exposure. This status is measured at the time of case/control identifi-
chapter provides a general discussion of study design cation or later. Unless maternal exposure status after
issues and how they relate to the assessment of expo- delivery reflects the status early in pregnancy, inferences
sures. There is a brief description of the consequences made from cross-sectional findings are severely limited.
of inaccurate assessment and approaches to measuring Although oral clefts are one of the most common
it. Then, several sources of exposure information are birth defects, their occurrence at birth (1.7/1000) is rare
described. Following is a section describing the meth- enough to complicate their study. Since it is most ap-
ods of assessing specific exposures that are relevant to propriate to separate cleft lip with or without cleft
the study of oral clefts. palate from cleft palate alone (see Chapters 1, 2, and
5), prevalence rates are further reduced to 1.1/1000
births and 0.6/1000 births, respectively. Hence,
STUDY DESIGNS prospective studies must follow approximately 50,000
pregnant women to identify 85 infants with cleft lip
Accurate assessment of exposures depends, to a large with or without cleft palate and 30 infants with cleft
extent, on the study design. As described in Chapter 9, palate alone. The greater efficiency of the case-control
the cohort and case-control observational designs are design explains why the majority of oral cleft studies
the most widely used, in addition to the cross-sectional are retrospective. However, the gain in efficiency of ret-
method. Cohort studies typically measure exposure sta- rospective studies is countered by difficulties in accu-
tus prospectively before the outcome is known. rate exposure assessment.
Prospective studies are considered optimal for assess-
ment of exposures. In the case of oral clefts, prospec-
tive studies involve identifying a cohort of pregnant
women, measuring exposure status, and following the EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT
women to the end of pregnancy to determine the pres- MiscJcrssificcrfion
ence or absence of oral clefts in their offspring. Case-
control studies identify cases with the outcome of in- The main goal of conducting studies of environmental
terest and a control group, then measure exposure exposures in relation to oral clefts is to estimate risk.
status, typically, retrospectively for the etiologically rel- As exposure is more accurately assessed, so the risk
evant time period. Accurate retrospective assessment is measure is more accurately estimated. When exposure
a major challenge in case-control studies, but certain status is poorly ascertained across all study subjects and
steps can be taken to maximize accuracy. Cross- large portions of subjects are misclassified, the net re-
sectional studies identify cases and controls in similar sult is usually underestimation of risk. In other words,


in the presence of random misclassification, risk mea- posures, depending on the respondent's attitude, soci-
sures (e.g., odds ratios or relative risks) are biased to- ety's view, or whether the media had recently cast any
ward the null value. When exposure status is poorly negative attention on it. Also, increased length of time
ascertained for one of the study groups compared to between interview and early pregnancy is thought to
the other, known as differential misclassification, the negatively affect recall. Due to concerns of recall bias,
effect on risk measures may be great but the direction some retrospective studies have used a control group
(under- or overestimation) is more difficult to predict. comprised of infants with other major structural mal-
Both random and differential misclassification can be formations, assuming that accuracy of recall would be
present in any of the three previously described study similar between mothers of oral cleft cases and moth-
designs. However, there is particular concern over dif- ers of infants with other major malformations. Such a
ferential misclassification in retrospective studies based study design requires that the exposure(s) under study
on self-reported exposure information, referred to as not be associated with the malformations in the con-
recall bias. trol group (Swan et al., 1992), to avoid introducing a
selection bias. Since retrospective studies are often
Recall Bias launched with the intent of gathering information on
a wide variety of exposures, it may be difficult to pre-
Concern about recall bias stems from the intuitive idea dict which exposures are vulnerable to recall bias and
that a mother who gives birth to a child with an oral which are associated with non-oral cleft malformations.
cleft may reflect back on her pregnancy, searching for If resources allow, both non-malformed and malformed
a reason to explain why her baby is affected. Indeed, control groups may be utilized, to address concerns of
many a clinician can relay stories of concerned moth- potential recall and selection biases. Studies have shown
ers asking whether one exposure or another in preg- that risk estimates for various exposures do not vary
nancy could be 'the reason'. Under this scenario, case when malformed and non-malformed controls are used
mothers would be more accurate reporters than moth- (Werler et al., 1996,1999; Khoury et al., 1994). In any
ers of 'normal' children. Conversely, the reverse situa- event, the best approach is to obtain the most accurate
tion can be invoked, where mothers of cases might deny exposure information possible for all study subjects, to
exposures that women are warned to avoid in preg- reduce the likelihood of either random or differential
nancy (e.g., alcohol) and reporting accuracy would be misclassification.
greater for controls than cases. There is little empirical
evidence of recall bias in studies of oral clefts, not be- Validity Assessment
cause there is evidence that it does not exist but, rather,
because it is difficult to measure. To measure recall Despite the difficulties described above in determining
bias, a gold standard must be available against which the presence of recall bias or differential misclassifica-
exposure status is compared. For example, retrospec- tion, there is considerable merit in determining the va-
tive maternal reports might be compared to some other lidity of measuring exposures in both prospective and
source of exposure information such as stored biologic retrospective studies (Drews and Greenland, 1990). Va-
samples or documentation in medical records. How- lidity assessment involves comparing the exposure mea-
ever, such sources are often not available. Further, med- sure of interest to a gold standard. One measure of va-
ical records may provide an inaccurate assessment of lidity is sensitivity, or the probability of being classified
exposure and, thus, a poor gold standard (Drews et al., as exposed if truly exposed. Conversely, specificity is
1990; Werler et al., 1989). Prospective studies in which the probability of being classified as not exposed if truly
information was collected from women both during unexposed. Using the data presented in Table 10.1 as
and after pregnancy (MacKenzie and Lippman, 1989; an example, smoking measured by interview is com-
Klemetti and Saxen, 1967) have been important in mea-
suring accuracy of recall, but they offer less in terms
of assessing recall bias. This is due to the rarity of oral TABLE 10.1. Validity Assessment of Cigarette
clefts and other malformations. The gold standard Smoking
(whether prospective interview data or some other
source) would need to be available on hundreds of
thousands of pregnant women to compare postpartum Maternal Report Exposed Unexposed Total
recall accuracy between mothers of oral cleft cases and
Exposed 25 1 26
mothers of normal infants for exposures that are rare
Unexposed 5 69 74
(<10%). Further, it is likely that the accuracy of recall
Total 30 70 100
and the potential for recall bias would vary across ex-

pared to cotinine levels in first-trimester urine samples call bias), the odds ratio would decrease to 1.6. If the
(as the gold standard). Sensitivity would be the pro- sensitivity disparity were greater, say 70% vs. 40%, the
portion of cotinine identified-smokers who were clas- odds ratio would decrease to 1.0. However, in the for-
sified by interview as smokers (25/30 = 83%); speci- mer scenario, the prevalence of smoking among con-
ficity would be the proportion of women identified by trols would be 50%, which is unreasonably high based
cotinine levels as nonsmokers who were also classified on reported smoking and cotinine measures in preg-
by interview as nonsmokers (69/70 = 99%). nant women (Kendrick and Merritt, 1996; Haddow et
Exposure information may be available from two al., 1987). Hence, it would be reasonable to assume
separate sources or measures, but one may not neces- that extreme differential recording of cigarette smok-
sarily be considered a gold standard. In this instance, ing would not completely account for the increased risk
the amount of agreement or correlation between the in the example.
two exposure measures can be assessed. Simple percent
agreement can be misleading because a certain amount
of agreement occurs by chance. For dichotomous fac- GesfcrfioncrJ Timing
tors, the Kappa statistic corrects for the amount of As described in detail in Chapter 1, fusion of the up-
agreement that is expected to occur by chance (Thomp- per lip and palate occurs within the first 10 weeks of
son and Walter, 1988; Fleiss, 1973). The Kappa sta- gestation. Thus, epidemiologic studies should aim at
tistic is considered to represent excellent agreement capturing exposure status early in pregnancy. To do so,
when greater than 0.75, fair to good agreement in the it is necessary to establish gestational timing of preg-
range of 0.4 to 0.75, and poor agreement when less nancy. The usual approach is based on the last men-
than 0.4. However, it is particularly dependent on the strual period. However, approximately 5% of women
prevalence of exposure, tending to approach low val- have unreliable dates due to irregular cycles or missed
ues when prevalence rates are low, regardless of sensi- menstrual periods. Sonograms in the first half of preg-
tivity and specificity. nancy accurately assess gestational timing, with a gen-
It has been recommended that sensitivity analyses be eral rule being that the earlier in gestation the sono-
employed to assess the likelihood that an observed as- gram is performed, the more accurate the dating
sociation between exposure and disease might be due (Mongelli et al., 1996; Hall, 1990). Other methods of
to measurement error. This is a theoretical exercise gestational dating, such as fundal height of the mother
where effect estimates (e.g., odds ratios) are calculated and Dubowitz exam of the infant, are considered less
after assuming certain amounts of error in exposure reliable (Hall, 1990).
measurement (i.e., a particular sensitivity value). For
example, a study of cigarette smoking in pregnancy,
based on birth certificate data, observed 35% of cases
exposed and 20% of controls exposed and produced
an odds ratio of 2.2 (Table 10.2). Biologic Specimens
If the sensitivity of the observed cigarette smoking
data was assumed to be higher for cases than controls There is a range of possible biologic specimens that can
(80% vs. 60%, as might occur in the presence of re- serve as potential markers of exposure, including am-
niotic fluid; placenta; maternal serum, urine, hair, and
nails; and infant serum and urine. Each tissue has its
TABLE 10.2. Sensitivity Analysis own set of advantages and disadvantages. For exam-
ple, maternal hair or nail samples have the advantage
Sensitivity Smoking of representing cumulative exposure levels in previous
Outcome Cases/Controls Exposed Unexposed Odds Ratio months, thus allowing the time of sampling to follow
the etiologically relevant time period; however, only
limited exposures can reliably be measured from hair,
Cases 35 65 2.2
such as trace elements and cocaine, and contamination
Controls 20 80 Reference
is not uncommon (Hunter, 1990). Maternal cumula-
tive exposure may not be the best indicator of fetal ex-
Cases 44 56 1.6
posure. For example, maternal blood measurements of
Controls 33 67 Reference
compounds that are stored in fat or bone represent cir-
culating levels and may more closely represent fetal ex-
Cases 50 50 1.0
posure than measurements of storage tissues, which
Controls 50 50 Reference
would represent maternal cumulative exposure. How-

ever, blood samples would need to be collected during et al., 2000; Moore and Carpenter, 1999). Also, more
early pregnancy, which is not always feasible. When involved dosimetric models can be implemented which
the exposure of interest is a one-time event, such as incorporate environmental, individual, and biologic
acute exposure to a toxin resulting from an environ- data (Hatch and Thomas, 1993). Use of these sophis-
mental disaster, then compounds with long half-lives ticated models can help to characterize potential ex-
can be measured in biologic tissues years later, allow- posure, but without information on individual expo-
ing identification of exposed and unexposed subjects sure factors, they are likely to fall short of accurate
retrospectively. Exposures that are likely to change dur- assessment.
ing pregnancy (e.g., diet, cigarette smoking, coffee con-
sumption, and alcoholic beverage drinking) can be Records
more difficult to accurately measure in biologic sam-
ples from a feasibility standpoint in that the timing of Medical records can be an excellent source for expo-
measurement should coincide with the etiologically rel- sures or procedures that are accurately and routinely
evant time period, i.e., early gestation. documented in a standardized manner. For example,
Biologic measures may reflect intake amount or lev- infertility procedures or anesthetic exposures are usu-
els in tissues but not always both. In other words, in- ally well documented in medical records. Other expo-
take amounts may not correlate with tissue levels be- sures, such as vitamin use, over-the-counter medication
cause other factors (e.g., genetic factors, bioavailability, use, or infectious diseases, may not be well docu-
other exposures) may play a role. Both intake amounts mented. For prescription medications, pharmacy
and tissue levels are of interest; the former is poten- records are a reasonable source, assuming the woman
tially modifiable, and the latter is more closely related was compliant in her use.
to risk (Hunter, 1990). Vital records are sometimes used as a source of in-
formation. Birth certificates include demographic in-
Environmental or Occupational Sampling formation, such as maternal age, race, and birth order.
In most U.S. states, information is also available on ma-
Testing of exposures in the environment can be done ternal exposures such as cigarette smoking, alcohol
to measure air pollutants, water contaminants, or soil consumption, and illicit drug use during pregnancy.
contaminants. These measures may not represent indi- However, this source is considered inaccurate for such
vidual exposure levels; thus, they are indirect or eco- exposures, and details on level and timing of exposure
logic measures. Occupational records are sometimes are typically not recorded (Dietz et al., 1998).
available as either indirect or direct measures of expo-
sure. An example of an indirect measure of occupa- Maternal Report
tional exposure would be employment in an industry
or building known to use solvents, thereby indicating Finally, maternal report is a common source of expo-
the potential for exposure. Direct measurement would sure information. Reported exposures rely on maternal
indicate exposure status per individual rather than per recall and, therefore, are subject to error. Studies have
residence, employment category, or site. Because direct shown that such errors and the resulting random and
measurement of environmental exposures can be diffi- differential misclassification can be reduced by asking
cult, requiring personal monitoring devices, indirect standardized and detailed questions (Mitchell et al.,
measures are more often used. However, the accuracy 1986; Klungel et al., 2000; Eskenazi and Pearson,
of indirect measures can be improved by collecting in- 1988). Questions that are open-ended or that lead the
formation on individual behaviors that may influence respondent should be avoided. In addition, if questions
the likelihood of exposure. For example, the number on a particular exposure or set of exposures can be
of days of employment in a particular occupation as asked in several ways, it has been shown that report-
an indirect measure of an occupational exposure could ing increases. For example, information on medication
be enhanced by asking employees if they wore protec- use can be elicited by indication ("Did you take any-
tive devices. Another example is that individual resi- thing for headache?"), type of drugs ("Did you take
dences linked to water distribution records (as an in- any pain- or fever-reducing medications?"), and spe-
direct measure of exposure to contaminated water) cific drugs ("Did you take any aspirin, acetaminophen,
could be enhanced by asking individuals about con- or ibuprofen?"). In addition, questions can be tailored
sumption of tap vs. bottled water. Environmental data- to elicit details on the most relevant information, i.e.,
bases on air pollution dispersion, pesticide use patterns, exposure timing (onset and duration), dose, frequency,
water pollution, and toxic waste sites can be accessed changes in use, gestational timing, and potential con-
for geographic information systems studies (Rodenbeck founders.

The method of administering a questionnaire is re- etaldehyde in whole blood, and carbohydrate-deficient
lated to the quality of information. Self-administered transferrin, each with different sensitivities and speci-
questionnaires depend on the literacy and sometimes ficities. Stoler et al. (1998) used all four markers as a
intellect of the respondent. Further, questions may be screen for alcohol abuse in pregnant women and found
unintentionally skipped or left incomplete (O'Toole et greater sensitivity than with each marker alone, using
al., 1986). Both telephone and in-person interviews can abnormal phenotype in offspring as the gold standard.
overcome these limitations, with higher-quality infor- Several different screens, such as TWEAK, T-ACE,
mation obtained in person (Patterson et al., 1998; Her- Michigan Alcohol Screening Test or MAST, and CAGE
mann, 1985; Weeks et al., 1983; Einarson et al., 1999). (Russell et al., 1996), have been developed to identify
In addition, participation rates tend to be higher when heavy alcohol consumers with reasonably high sensi-
study subjects are verbally asked to participate (Weeks tivity and specificity (>75%). However, moderate and
et al., 1983). occasional binge alcohol drinking are more common
behaviors and may carry risks for oral clefts (Werler et
al., 1991; Munger et al., 1996). To measure these more
SPECIFIC EXPOSURES casual or intermittent patterns of use, separate ques-
tions on average and binge frequency (how often), tim-
Cigarette Smoking ing (when), dose (drinks per day), and type (beer, wine,
liquor) should be asked in detail. One pitfall in col-
There are several biomarkers of exposure to cigarette lecting alcohol information is asking separately about
smoke; but cotinine, the main nicotine metabolite, is at the frequency and dose of beer, wine, and liquor in-
present the most stable, sensitive, and specific marker take. Data collected in this manner cannot accurately
for either individual exposure or passive exposure assess the total frequency and dose without assuming
(Benowitz, 1999; Jauniaux et al., 1999). Cotinine can that only one type of beverage is consumed on any given
be measured in blood, saliva, urine, and amniotic fluid. day. For example, a woman may report drinking two
Findings on cigarette smoking in relation to oral cleft glasses of wine per drinking day 3 days per week and
risk appear to be dose-dependent (number of cigarettes two liquor drinks per drinking day 3 days per week. If
smoked per day); hence, details on quantity of smok- the woman drank only 3 days per week, her daily dose
ing should be collected. However, quantity and timing would be four drinks; if she drank 6 days per week,
of smoking in pregnancy are not well documented on her average daily dose would be two drinks. Sensitiv-
birth certificates in the United States, with approxi- ity and specificity values have not been estimated for
mately 30% underreporting compared to urinary coti- various questions on patterns of use, but presumably
nine measures (Kendrick et al., 1995). Documentation sensitivity is not high and specificity is not low.
in prenatal medical records is generally better than on
birth certificates; but underreporting remains, and in-
formation on quantity and timing is often missing. The Medications and Illnesses
quality of questionnaire data on smoking depends on Various medications and illnesses, such as antiepilep-
the way questions are asked. Kharrazi et al. (1999) tics (Abrishamchian et al., 1994) and the common cold
compared four questions on smoking in pregnancy to (Zhang and Cai, 1993), have been suggested to affect
cotinine levels determined from second-trimester blood oral cleft risk; and other such exposures deserve to be
samples. Timing-specific questions on cigarette smok- studied. Information on prescription medications can
ing by telephone interview were estimated to be 87% be obtained from medical records, but one must as-
sensitive, whereas a simple yes/no question during a sume that the woman followed her clinician's orders in
prenatal care visit was only 47% sensitive. Data sug- a timely and otherwise compliant fashion. Pharmacy
gest that pregnant smokers under-report that they records are one step closer in that they indicate that the
smoke at all and that, among those who report smok- prescription was filled, but one must assume that the
ing, the amount smoked is underreported (Ford et al., woman took the medication as prescribed. Also, a
1997). woman may have taken a medication that was not doc-
umented in her medical record or was filled at a dif-
Alcohol ferent pharmacy. Medical records and pharmacy
sources are most useful for cohorts of pregnant health
Maternal alcohol consumption is difficult to accurately maintenance organization members, where different
measure in early pregnancy. Various biologic markers medical and pharmacy services are documented within
of alcohol consumption have been examined, including one system. These sources have the added benefit of
mean red cell volume, y-glutamyl transpeptidase, ac- being documented during pregnancy and are not sub-

ject to recall bias. However, most medications taken in may result in degradation of nutrients, but such degra-
pregnancy are not prescribed (Werler and Mitchell, dation should not be differential for cases and controls.
2000) and are more difficult to ascertain because they Detailed discussion of sampling and measurement is-
tend not to be documented in medical records. The sues can be found elsewhere (Hunter, 1990). Hair and
most common approach to assessing exposure to over- nail samples provide stable measures of heavy metals
the-counter medications is by interview. Questions but are subject to contamination from cleansing and
must be detailed on specific product, frequency, dose, polishing products.
timing, and indication for use. To assess confounding Many studies rely on reported supplement and di-
by underlying illness in drug analyses, it is necessary to etary intakes to assess nutrient status. For supplements,
obtain information on the illness(es) among unmed- questions must be asked about specific products be-
icated women as well. Also, depending on the drug, cause there are hundreds of multivitamin products with
route of administration may be important; e.g., corti- varying amounts of different vitamin and mineral com-
costeroid exposure includes oral, inhaled, and topical ponents. Most women begin use of prenatal multivita-
routes. For over-the-counter drugs, particularly cough/ min preparations after pregnancy is clinically recog-
cold/analgesic products, it is important to identify the nized (Werler et al., 1999), regardless of whether or
product name, type (capsule, packet, liquid), and pack- not they were routine vitamin takers before pregnancy.
aging because product lines are often labeled accord- Therefore, it is important to ascertain the timing of use
ing to the symptoms they treat and vary in the com- of each supplement and to determine exposure status
ponents they contain. For example, Tylenol® contains during the developmentally relevant time period.
acetaminophen and Tylenol Flu® contains acetamino- Approaches to assessing dietary intake include 24 h
phen, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine. Over- dietary recalls, food diaries, and food-frequency ques-
the-counter medications are usually taken intermit- tionnaires (Witschi, 1990). The first two methods are
tently and on a more casual basis, which complicates effective for measuring dietary intake but reflect intake
accurate assessment, presumably reducing both sensi- at the time of data collection. Since dietary patterns of-
tivity and specificity. ten change during early pregnancy due to nausea and
Issues surrounding the assessment of illnesses in preg- then change again once nausea has passed, intake at
nancy parallel those of medication use in pregnancy. the time of measurement may not reflect the develop-
Chronic or severe illnesses are more likely to be reli- mentally relevant time period. One advantage of food-
ably documented in medical records than those that are frequency questionnaires is that they can refer to a spe-
acute or less severe. Infectious illnesses can be extremely cific time, e.g., pre-pregnancy or early pregnancy.
difficult to accurately assess in observational studies be- Indeed, food-frequency questions can identify changes
cause it is prohibitive to conduct sequential serology in diet during pregnancy (Brown et al., 1996) and have
tests in early pregnancy to identify true exposure to any been validated among pregnant women (Wei et al.,
given specific agent. Thus, studies usually rely on re- 1999). However, if there is a long delay between early
ported illness events, such as colds or flu. Assessment pregnancy and when dietary intake is measured, recall
of fever is subject to many of the same limitations. In of dietary patterns may be difficult for the relatively
interview studies on illnesses, the quality of informa- short period of organogenesis (approximately 8 weeks).
tion can be improved by asking details on timing, If there is an interval of several months or more be-
whether the illness was diagnosed by a clinician, what tween early gestation and the time that dietary infor-
symptoms were experienced, whether medication was mation is collected, food-frequency questions targeted
taken and what type, and whether fever accompanied to average diet during the months preceding pregnancy
the illness (and, if so, fever duration and highest tem- may be better recalled and may better reflect nutrient
perature). status of very early gestation.
The validity of food-frequency data collected retro-
Vitamins and Diet spectively has been examined in several non-pregnant
populations (Sobell et al., 1989; Block et al., 1990;
For biologic measurement of various nutrients, serum Mares-Perlman et al., 1993) but to date has not been
and plasma are commonly used. However, red blood reported in postpartum populations as a reflection of
cells may provide a better indication of nutrient status early or prepregnancy diet. Among nonpregnant
due to greater stability compared to serum and plasma women, correlation coefficients for retrospective mea-
levels. One potentially useful source of second-trimester surement of diet compared to 24 h recalls vary across
blood samples, for which measurements might corre- the range of foods from low to high but, on average,
late with early gestation levels, is banked maternal are in the moderate range (0.52) (Salvini et al., 1989);
serum following prenatal screening. Long-term storage for specific nutrients, correlation coefficients ranged

from 0.36 for vitamin A without supplementation to reduce the likelihood of spurious estimation of adjusted
0.75 for vitamin C with supplements (Willett et al., risks (Greenland, 1980).
1985). A detailed discussion of assessment of diet can Likewise, factors that may act as effect modifiers
be found elsewhere (Willett, 1990). should be accurately measured. Positive family history
of oral clefts is one such potential effect modifier. Ac-
Solvents and Pesticides curate assessment is best accomplished by contacting
family members individually for medical information.
Because exposure to solvents and pesticides can come One study has documented that family history of birth
from more than one source, it is important to be as defects was more accurately obtained by this method
comprehensive as possible in assessments. For exam- as opposed to maternal report (Romitti et al., 1997).
ple, occupational studies should include assessment of Inaccurate measurement can result in an apparent lack
exposure away from the workplace. This requires con- of effect modification when in fact it exists or in an ap-
tact with study individuals, which in some occupational parent interaction when none exists (Greenland, 1980).
or environmental studies may not be feasible; but if at
all possible, the gain in accuracy of exposure assess-
ment may be worth the extra expense. Further, in oc- Data Collection
cupational, environmental, and home settings, expo-
It is important to record data in a way that allows clear
sure to a single product may involve several different
understanding of exposure status. Because most sources
chemical agents. Every attempt should be made to de-
of exposure information are not perfect, allowance
termine the exact chemicals of exposure. In occupa-
must be made for incomplete or missing information.
tional settings, records of chemicals used can be as-
For example, no notation on alcohol consumption in
sessed. There is an Environmental Protection Agency
a medical record may represent truly missing informa-
number (EPA Reg. No.) on all pesticide products sold
tion (the question was never asked of the patient) or a
in the United States. This unique identifier can be eas-
negative response (only positive responses were
ily ascertained from products that are still on hand and
recorded). Likewise, medical records or maternal re-
then linked to its chemical contents. The typical re-
port may indicate use of cough medication, but the spe-
search goal is to identify whether risks are confined to
cific agent is missing. In addition, recall of details of
a particular chemical or group of chemicals, but often
illnesses and medication use that occurred several
there is so much overlap in exposure to individual
months earlier can be difficult. Data collection instru-
chemicals that it prohibits estimating independent ef-
ments should include options such as "missing," "not
fects. Nevertheless, there is value in identifying risks as-
otherwise specified," and "don't know" to accommo-
sociated with mixes of chemicals because public health
date these situations. In maternal interviews, there is a
interventions may occur for an overall exposure
natural tendency to try to force a study participant into
scenario rather than for a specific chemical (Hertz-
an exposed or unexposed category; however, random
Picciotto, 1998). A detailed discussion of pesticide and
misclassification will be reduced if truly unclear infor-
solvent exposure measurement can be found elsewhere
mation is recorded and analyzed as such.
(Armstrong et al., 1992).

Confounding Factors
While accurate assessment of exposure is important in
epidemiologic studies, potential confounding factors Accurate assessment of exposures is essential for valid
also deserve careful attention. In studies of oral clefts, study of risk factors for oral clefts. Prospective studies
factors that are known to be associated with their oc- may reduce exposure misclassification by collecting in-
currence are obvious candidates as confounders. For formation closer to the etiologically relevant time pe-
oral clefts, information should be collected on infant's riod (the first trimester), but they are less efficient than
race; ethnicity; sex; maternal and paternal ages; ma- retrospective studies. Therefore, the majority of stud-
ternal epilepsy; maternal use of anticonvulsants, corti- ies of environmental risk factors for oral clefts are ret-
costeroids, high-dose vitamin A, or trimethoprim; ma- rospective in design and thereby present further chal-
ternal occupation; maternal smoking; and maternal use lenges in accurate exposure assessment. It is important
of alcohol. However, other factors which have not pre- that efforts be made to collect detailed exposure infor-
viously been identified may be related to both oral clefts mation in as complete and accurate a fashion as pos-
and the exposure under study. It is important to col- sible, to reduce the likelihood of misclassification.
lect accurate information on potential confounders, to While such efforts can be laborious during the data col-

lection phase of studies, there is a gain in the validity Jauniaux, E, Gulbis, B, Acharya, G, et al. (1999). Maternal tobacco
of risk estimation that justifies the added effort. exposure and cotinine levels in fetal fluids in the first half of preg-
nancy. Obstet Gynecol 93: 25-29.
Kendrick, JS, Merritt, RK (1996). Women and smoking: an update
for the 1990s. Am J Obstet Gynecol 175: 528-535.
I thank Allen Mitchell for his helpful comments. Kendrick, JS, Zahniser, SC, Miller, N, et al. (1995). Integrating smok-
ing cessation into routine public prenatal care: the Smoking Ces-
sation in Pregnancy project. Am J Public Health 85: 217-222.
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Abrishamchian, AR, Khoury, MJ, Calle, EE (1994). The contribu- four maternal smoking questions. Public Health Rep 114: 60-70.
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clefts: a population based case-control study. Genet Epidemiol controls to address recall bias in case-control studies of birth de-
11:343-351. fects. Teratology 49: 273-281.
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Birth defects surveillance systems
and oral clefts


Oral clefts are among the more frequent and readily fects registries based on a selected sample of hospitals.
diagnosed major congenital anomalies. Accordingly, Therefore, after the epidemic of limb reduction defects
they have been the subject of many studies that have associated with thalidomide use in the 1960s, interest
increased our knowledge of their epidemiology. For in- was extensive in population-based surveillance systems
stance, studies of the variation in prevalence by for identifying increases in the frequency of birth de-
race/ethnicity have shown a high rate of oral clefts in fects possibly associated with maternal exposure to ter-
Asians, followed by whites and African-Americans atogens in the general population. As methodologic is-
(Vanderas, 1987). Etiologic studies have identified pos- sues of this approach became apparent (Khoury and
sible increases in the risk of oral clefts with a number Holtzman, 1987), birth defects surveillance programs
of factors, including maternal smoking (Khoury et al., expanded their functions; and interest in birth defect
1989; Kallen 1997; Lieff et al., 1999), alcohol con- surveillance has grown, with population-based pro-
sumption (Shaw et al., 1999), use of corticosteroids grams currently monitoring the occurrence of birth de-
(Carmichael and Shaw, 1999), and occupational fac- fects in 31 U.S. states and internationally (Centers for
tors (Bianchi et al., 1997; Lorente et al., 2000) (see Disease Control and Prevention, 2000; International
Chapters 16 and 17). Data for these studies have come Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems,
from population-based surveillance systems for birth 2000).
defects. This chapter examines the methods of popula- The fundamental objective in population-based sur-
tion-based birth defects surveillance systems, reviews veillance for birth defects, including oral clefts, is the
recent prevalence data on oral clefts from state and in- description of their frequency in the population and how
ternational monitoring programs, and offers some rec- this frequency varies with time, place, and personal
ommendations for enhancing the use of birth defects characteristics of infants with birth defects and their
surveillance programs for studies of oral clefts. mothers (e.g., child's sex, maternal age). Accordingly,
the general methods in surveillance for birth defects, in-
cluding oral clefts, are as follows: (1) specification of
METHODS OF BIRTH DEFECTS SURVEILLANCE the population covered; (2) definition and ascertainment
of affected infants and children (i.e., cases) in the pop-
Population-based birth defects surveillance programs ulation; (3) collection of clinical and descriptive data;
aim at having a relatively complete or representative (4) coding and classification of cases; and (5) data anal-
sample of affected infants in the population and, as ysis and dissemination. The methods used (e.g., case cri-
such, can provide more accurate and reliable estimates teria, case classification) need to be related to the spe-
of rates and risk factors for birth defects than birth de- cific objectives of the surveillance program.


Population Covered Vital records have several strengths: (1) the complete
coverage of the population since they are population-
The population covered by the surveillance system based, (2) availability of some information on the type
needs to be specified in terms of the geographic area, of defect, (3) availability of some information on char-
number of yearly live births and stillbirths to area res- acteristics of the parents, (4) availability of data for pre-
idents, and hospitals in the study area where births are vious years, (5) low cost, and (6) potential for linkage
delivered and children undergo medical evaluations. with other data for the conduct of follow-up studies of
Given the variation in the race/ethnicity characteristics children with birth defects. The weaknesses of vital
in the population of the United States and the known records include (1) underreporting of several birth de-
variation in prevalence of oral clefts by race/ethnicity, fects because of diagnostic difficulties (e.g., limited eval-
surveillance systems in the United States collect infor- uations for defects), (2) inaccurate diagnoses because
mation on the race/ethnicity characteristics of the yearly of limited evaluations, (3) lack of specificity of the di-
births. For example, the population covered by the agnosis for most birth defects, (4) possible exclusion of
Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program case infants born outside of the state, and (5) lack of
(MACDP), a population-based surveillance system for timeliness of the death certificates. That underascer-
birth defects in operation since 1967, included about tainment of oral clefts may result from the use of birth
47,000 births in 1999 in 22 area hospitals, occurring certificates as the only source of cases is well docu-
among residents of five counties in metropolitan At- mented. In a study in Norway, a 14.5% underreport-
lanta. The percent of nonwhite births has increased ing error was noted for cleft lip and palate patients'
over time from about 27% in 1967 to 46% in 1999. birth records when compared to subsequent surgery
records (Abyholm, 1978). Sixteen percent of orofacial
Case Definition clefts and other anomalies were underreported in Penn-
sylvania's birth certificates (Ivy, 1957), and 35% of fa-
The definition of a case specifies the inclusion criteria, cial cleft anomalies were not recorded as such in the
such as (1) births with any major defect (i.e., a defect birth certificates of affected infants in Arkansas (Green
that can cause death or a major disability in the ab- et al., 1979). Furthermore, many cases of oral clefts
sence of treatment), infants with any one of a select that are reported on the birth certificates are misclas-
subgroup of major defects, infants with major or mi- sified (Meskin and Pruzansky, 1967). For instance,
nor defects, or infants with other groups of birth de- 52% of all facial clefts in Arkansas were reported in-
fects; (2) period of detection of birth defects; (3) age correctly (Green et al, 1979).
by which cases should be ascertained; and (4) inclusion Newborn hospital discharge summaries have several
of live-born infants and stillbirths, 20 weeks of gesta- strengths: (1) more complete recording of birth defects
tion or more, or 500 g or more. For example, within than in the birth certificate, (2) more readily available
MACDP the case definition includes all infants born to data (usually within 6 months of discharge), (3) data
residents of five counties in metropolitan Atlanta and that may be already computerized and in digital form
who have at least one major birth defect diagnosed in in many hospitals. The weaknesses of newborn hospi-
their first year and identified by MACDP within their tal discharge summaries include (1) incomplete record-
first 5 years of life. ing of information on birth defects, (2) possible in-
complete or incorrect preliminary diagnosis in the
Case Ascertainment newborn period, (3) lack of access to personal identi-
fiers (making follow-up difficult), (4) difficulties in
Affected children can be identified from a variety of defining the population base because many infants born
routine data sources: (1) vital records (birth certificates, at home are not included, (5) difficulties in establish-
fetal death certificates, and infant death certificates), ing the representativeness of the case data, and (6) lack
where health professionals are asked report the pres- of information about maternal characteristics. The po-
ence of structural defects at birth or as a cause of death; tential problem of relying solely on newborn discharge
(2) newborn hospital discharge summaries and obstet- summaries was highlighted by a study of hospital new-
ric and nursery logs; (3) hospital records of subsequent born records as the sole source for oral facial clefts in
hospitalizations; and (4) data from other sources, in- King County, Washington, for the years 1956-1965
cluding specialty clinics (such as medical genetics for (Emanuel et al., 1973). This study showed that hospi-
syndrome diagnosis), pathology reports for termina- tal newborn records ascertained 98.5% of the total
tions, abortion records, autopsy records, and cytoge- cases of oral clefts found through all sources combined
netic laboratories. Each of these sources of information but that only 68.4% of them had been coded correctly
affects the quality of the data. on the discharge abstract.

Records from subsequent hospitalizations, specialty for case ascertainment and two relied on vital records
clinics, pathology reports, abortion reports, and cyto- alone (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
genetic laboratories are potentially very useful in that 2000).
they can provide clinical and laboratory data that may Case ascertainment can be characterized also by the
help clarify questions about possible diagnoses. How- intensiveness of the efforts involved. Case ascertain-
ever, such records may be collected and maintained ment may be limited to identification of cases from vi-
only on a select sample of cases, and practical or legal tal records or from reports submitted to the surveil-
considerations may limit their availability. Conse- lance program by staff from hospitals, clinics, or other
quently, population-based birth defects surveillance facilities. Such reports may be submitted voluntarily or
programs do not rely on such records as sole sources through reporting systems established by law or regu-
for case ascertainment. In 1999, none of the 31 oper- lation. More intensive surveillance methods entail the
ational birth defects surveillance programs in the identification of cases by trained staff who actively seek
United States relied solely on medical records for case cases in hospitals, clinics, or other facilities by system-
ascertainment (Centers for Disease Control and Pre- atically reviewing medical and other records. They may
vention, 2000). Twenty-two of these programs reported also query personnel who know about the newly diag-
use of medical records as one of several sources for case nosed cases. Program staff record the case information
ascertainment. on standard forms designed for the program.
Use of multiple sources for case ascertainment offers Figure 11.1 shows the geographic distribution birth
the best potential for complete case finding and for ob- defects surveillance systems that were operational or in
taining the best quality data on affected children. The the planning phase in the United States in August of
strengths of multiple-source case ascertainment include 2000. Among the 31 operational systems, 28 were
(1) relative completeness of the recording of cases, (2) statewide and 3 were limited to specific counties within
more precise and accurate diagnoses, (3) availability of a state. Among the operational systems, 10 (Alabama,
maternal and infant data, and (4) relative ease for re- Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Massa-
searchers to conduct follow-up studies of children with chusetts, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas) had
birth defects. The weaknesses of multiple-source case as- intensive surveillance, 7 (Colorado, Illinois, New Mex-
certainment include (1) more time and effort required to ico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Utah)
collect data from multiple sources, (2) higher costs (of- had mandatory reporting with follow-up and quality-
ten limiting the use of this method to small populations), control procedures, 11 (Arkansas, Connecticut, Dela-
(3) more time and effort to prepare the database, and ware, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Mis-
(4) more time needed to establish the baseline rates. Of souri, Nebraska, Virginia, and West Virginia) had
the 31 operational birth defects surveillance systems in mandatory hospital reporting but no follow-up or qual-
the United States in 1999, 29 used two or more sources ity-control procedures, and 9 (Louisiana, Montana, New

FIG. 11.1. State birth defects surveillance systems in the United States, 2000. (From Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 2000, with permission.)

Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, baseline prevalence data. Such comparisons may lead to
Wisconsin, and Wyoming) were planning or developing the identification of clusters of birth defects and to epi-
a registry. demiologic studies to identify possible risk factors.

Data Collection
Information collected on infants that meet the case def- MONITORING PROGRAMS
inition may include (1) identifying information on in-
fant and parents, (2) demographic information (such The objectives of birth defects monitoring programs are
as maternal age, race/ethnicity), (3) pregnancy history to describe the magnitude of the problem by quantify-
and birth outcomes, (4) information on the index preg- ing its prevalence, to serve as a source of cases for stud-
nancy and outcome, (5) diagnostic information on the ies of risk factors, and to enable follow-up studies of
types of birth defect, (6) cytogenetic and laboratory the impact of these conditions on children's health and
data, and (7) information on the hospital and physi- development and of the need of health and social ser-
cian to facilitate follow-up procedures. To evaluate the vices. This section describes recent prevalence rates for
completeness and accuracy of the data, surveillance sys- oral clefts and the extent to which birth defects sur-
tems may set up quality-control procedures. veillance systems are being used to address these ob-
Coding and Classification of Birth Defects
Prevalence Rates
Information may be collected on several defects for
each affected infant. These defects may then be re- Estimates of the birth prevalence of oral clefts have
viewed by a clinician/dysmorphologist and coded ac- been published recently for selected state surveillance
cording to established procedures. For instance, systems in the United States and for the International
MACDP uses a modified British Paediatric Association Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems
(BPA) six-digit code (British Paediatric Association, (ICBDMS).
1979) that is more detailed than the International Clas-
sification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modi- State Birth Defects Surveillance Systems in the
fication (ICD-9-CM codes) (World Health Organiza- United States. Prevalence data are available for cleft
tion, 1979). These modified BPA codes for orofacial lip with or without cleft palate and for cleft palate
clefts are as follows: cleft palate without cleft lip, without cleft lip from 26 state surveillance systems in
749.000-749.099; and cleft lip with and without cleft the United States for calendar year 1996 (except for a
palate, 749.100-749.299. Based on the clinical reviews, few states where data are available only for 1991,1993,
cases can be further classified into patterns of associ- 1994, or 1995) by race (white and other) (National
ated defects (isolated, sequences, syndromes with rec- Birth Defects Prevention Network, 2000). The state
ognized cause, and "multiples") (Spranger et al., 1982; birth defects surveillance programs that provided data
Stevenson and Hall, 1993). on oral clefts vary in several respects: (1) case ascer-
tainment methods, (2) definition of birth defects, (3)
Data Analysis and Dissemination coding systems, (4) inclusion of stillbirths and preg-
nancy terminations in counts of birth defects occur-
Data on major defects are analyzed to monitor the fre- rences, and (5) population coverage. In addition, some
quency of birth defects and to detect variations by cal- states do not include conditions noted in the medical
endar time or any unusual patterns. The frequency of chart as possible birth defects and in need of definitive
birth defects is usually measured as prevalence at birth, confirmation or exclusion, while other states do. Be-
expressed as the number of affected infants per 1000 or cause of these differences, state surveillance data on the
10,000 births. Some systems include late fetal deaths prevalence of oral clefts cannot be combined to give a
(stillbirths) in the prevalence estimates. In addition, the reliable overall national rate for the United States or be
gestational age at which delivery must occur for a clas- used to make meaningful comparisons between states.
sification of fetal death as late varies, being 20 weeks in However, it is possible to examine the variation in
some systems and 28 weeks in others. Prevalence data prevalence of oral clefts by subgroup of oral clefts and
are monitored by statistical evaluation of the difference race within each state as methods of case ascertainment
between observed and expected numbers of specific de- are likely to vary less within than between states.
fects or defect combinations for a specified time in a For cleft lip with or without cleft palate (Table 11.1),
specified area. Expected numbers are obtained from overall prevalence varied from 6 to 16 cases per 10,000

births (median 10/10,000), with rates generally higher TABLE 11.2. Prevalence Rates for Cleft Palate without
for white than for nonwhite infants. Among white in- Cleft Lip per 10,000 Live Births and Stillbirths by
fants, the prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft Surveillance System, Reporting Year, and Race
palate varied from 6 to 26 per 10,000 births (median State Year White Other Total
13/10,000); among infants of other races, it varied from
1 to 15 per 10,000 births (median 7/10,000). Alaska 1996 4.48 8.96 5.98

For cleft palate without cleft lip (Table 11.2), the Arizona 1991 4.45 3.13 4.26
overall prevalence varied from 1 to 14 cases per 10,000 Arkansas 1996 6.46 3.42 5.73
births (median 6/10,000) with some (but less pro- California 1995 8.00 7.07 7.28
nounced) variation by race. Among white infants, the Colorado 1996 9.20 7.67 8.73
prevalence of cleft palate without cleft lip varied from Connecticut* 1994 6.52 0.83 5.02
2 to 19 per 10,000 births (median 6/10,000); among Georgia* 1996 5.40 6.96 6.11
infants of other races, it varied from 0 to 15 per 10,000 Hawaii 1996 2.09 8.34 6.71
births (median 4/10,000). Illinois 1996 4.32 3.24 4.07
Within each surveillance system, the prevalence for lowaf 1996 4.59 4.16 4.82
cleft lip with or without palate tended to be higher than Maryland 1996 4.85 2.01 3.82
that for cleft palate without cleft lip. In addition, the Massachusetts 1996 4.60 14.94 5.98
Missouri* 1996 4.76 1.59 4.20
Nebraska 1996 7.97 0.00 7.26
New Jersey* 1996 8.49 3.48 7.17
TABLE 11.1. Prevalence Rates for Cleft Lip with and
New Mexico 1995 1.08
without Cleft Palate per 10,000 Live Births and
Stillbirths by Surveillance System, Reporting Year, New York* 1996 5.49 4.28 5.20
and Race North Carolina 1996 6.33 7.39 6.64
Ohio 1996 9.73 3.34 8.40
State Year White Other Total
Oklahoma 1996 7.10 7.31 7.32
Alaska 1996 7.47 2.29 5.98 Tennessee 1993 3.11 2.69 3.00
Arizona 1991 10.61 13.55 11.02 Texas 1995 19.24 0.77 6.75
Arkansas 1996 12.91 13.70 13.10 Utah 1996 6.02 13.51 6.38
California 1995 9.45 10.23 10.00 Virginia"1' 1996 4.22
Colorado 1996 12.02 5.31 10.33 Wisconsin 1996 14.36 12.74 14.06
Connecticut* 1994 8.00 3.32 6.77 *Total births include live births only.
Georgia* 1996 13.06 5.89 9.78 +Total births include live births, stillbirths, and terminations.
Hawaii 1996 12.55 15.29 14.44 Source: National Birth Defect Prevention Network (2000).
Illinois 1996 6.16 4.40 5.75
lowat 1996 11.18 12.49 11.52 prevalence of oral clefts tended to be higher among
Maryland 1996 5.77 5.23 5.58 white than among nonwhite infants. These observa-
Massachusetts 1996 6.75 10.27 7.22 tions have been noted before (Edmonds, 1997; To-
Missouri* 1996 12.96 10.35 12.48 larova and Cervenka, 1998; Amidei et al., 1994; Croen
Nebraska 1996 11.72 4.80 11.10 et al., 1998; Robert et al., 1996).
Nevada 1996 9.32 7.11 8.90
New Jersey* 1996 7.52 7.30 7.43 International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Mon-
New Mexico 1996 10.93 30.16 14.36 itoring Systems. The ICBDMS, an organization of
New York* 1996 7.50 3.87 6.60 birth defects monitoring programs around the world,
North Carolina 1996 10.77 7.39 9.77 recently published its Annual Report 2000, which in-
Oklahoma 1996 11.20 19.83 12.92 cludes prevalence data for several birth defects (Inter-
South Carolina 1996 10.77 5.23 8.72 national Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring
Tennessee 1993 8.77 4.31 7.64 Systems, 2000). These data include prevalence rates for
Texas 1995 25.36 1.53 9.23 cleft lip with or without cleft palate and for cleft palate
Utah 1996 12.29 40.54 13.71 without cleft lip for 1974-1998 for 25 systems: Aus-
Virginia^ 1996 9.00 tralia, USA Atlanta, Canada National, New Zealand,
Wisconsin 1996 15.81 15.13 15.69 Canada Alberta, England and Wales, Norway, North
Netherlands, Finland, Ireland Dublin, Italy Birth De-
*Total births include live births only.
"Total births include live births, stillbirths, and terminations. fects Registry of Campania (BDRCAM), Italy North
Source: National Birth Defect Prevention Network (2000). East, Italy Tuscany, Italy Emilia-Romagna Registry of

Congenital Malformations (IMER), Italy Sicilian Reg- differ in their methods, so meaningful between-pro-
istry of Congenital Malformations (ISMAC), France gram comparisons are not possible. However, the clear-
Strasbourg, France Central East, France Paris, Mexico inghouse data do allow for monitoring of temporal
Registry and Epidemiological Surveillance of External trends within each program.
Congenital Malformations (RYVEMCE), Spanish Col- In 1998, the prevalence rate for cleft lip with or with-
laborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECEMC), out cleft palate varied from 4 to 17 cases per 10,000
South America Latin American Collaborative Study of live births and stillbirths among the 25 reporting sys-
Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC), Czech Repub- tems (Fig. 11.2). Between 1974 and 1998, the preva-
lic, Hungary, Israel Birth Defects Monitoring System lence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate showed a
(IBDMS), and Japan Association of Obstetricians and consistent decline in six systems (USA Atlanta, New
Gynecologists (JAOG). The clearinghouse programs Zealand, England and Wales, North Netherlands, Italy

FIG. 11.2. Time trends in prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate [(live births + still-
births)/! 0,000] in programs participating in the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitor-
ing Systems 1974-1998. (From International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems, 2000,
with permission.)

Northeast, and Hungary), a consistent increase in three (Australia, Finland, Norway, France Central East, and
systems (Finland, France Strasbourg, and Japan JAOG), France Paris), and no appreciable change for the rest.
and no consistent change for the rest. Within each ICBDMS surveillance system, the preva-
In 1998, the prevalence rate for cleft palate without lence of cleft lip with or without palate tended to be
cleft lip varied from 3 to 15 cases per 10,000 live births higher than that for cleft palate without cleft lip, con-
and stillbirths among the 25 reporting systems (Fig. sistent with data from state surveillance systems in the
11.3). Between 1974 and 1998, the prevalence for cleft United States. Temporal trends for both subgroups of
palate without cleft lip showed a consistent decline in oral clefts showed no consistent patterns. The reasons
six systems (USA Atlanta, England and Wales, North for these temporal trends are unclear. Possibilities in-
Netherlands, Italy Northeast, France Strasbourg, and clude changes in methods or changes in risk factors in
Japan JAOG), a consistent increase in five systems the population over time. Without additional informa-

FIG. 11.3. Time trends in prevalence of cleft palate without cleft lip [(live births + stillbirths)/!0,000] in
programs participating in the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems
1974-1998. (From International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems, 2000, with per-

tion on possible changes in case ascertainment, meth- the different types of oral cleft and their differences in
ods of diagnosis, and patterns of prenatal detection and genetic and epidemiologic characteristics. However,
pregnancy termination, interpreting these temporal meaningful characterization of the spatial variation of
changes in prevalence of oral clefts is difficult. the prevalence of oral clefts through comparisons of
rates across regions, a basic goal of descriptive epi-
Source of Cases for Etiologic and demiology and a useful source of etiologic hypotheses,
Follow-Up Studies has not been possible because of differences in meth-
ods between surveillance systems. One approach to ad-
In addition to monitoring trends in prevalence, dress this issue is to compare prevalence rates among
population-based surveillance programs have become surveillance programs that use similar methods. With
an important source of cases for etiologic studies. Cases the continued development of birth defects surveillance
of oral clefts ascertained by population-based surveil- systems in the United States and efforts to standardize
lance programs have been included in case-control stud- the methods used, analyses of spatial variations will be
ies of a wide range of risk factors (see Chapters 13 and more feasible.
14). Examples of such etiologic studies include studies In recent years, use of sophisticated diagnostic pro-
of cigarette smoking (Khoury et al., 1989; Lieff et al., cedures to detect and diagnose birth defects in utero
1999; Kallen, 1997), alcohol consumption (Shaw and has increased, resulting in a corresponding increase in
Lammer, 1999), corticosteroid use (Rodriguez-Pinilla elective terminations of affected pregnancies. Such
and Martinez-Frias, 1998; Carmichael and Shaw, practices can result in underestimation of the preva-
1999), occupational factors (Bianchi et al., 1997; lence of birth defects at birth. A recent study in Hawaii
Lorente et al., 2000), use of multivitamins and folk (Forrester et al., 1998) found that the proportion of
acid (Shaw et al., 1995; Czeizel et al., 1999), and in- oral cleft cases diagnosed prenatally was 14% for cleft
teractions between genetic factors and cigarette smok- lip with or without cleft palate and 0% for cleft palate
ing (Hwang et al., 1995; Beaty et al., 1997). Currently, without cleft lip and that the resulting underestimation
eight population-based birth defects surveillance pro- of the prevalence rates was not substantial. Whether
grams in the United States serve as sources of cases for this limited impact of prenatal diagnosis on the preva-
the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, a multi- lence of oral clefts at birth is similar for other geo-
center case-control study of birth defects that is evalu- graphic areas and likely to remain in future years is un-
ating the role of genetic and environmental factors and clear. Further monitoring of the impact of prenatal
gene-environment interactions in the risk of oral clefts. diagnoses on the prevalence of oral clefts at birth may
Children with oral clefts are at increased risk for sev- become increasingly important, particularly in inter-
eral disorders that can impair normal development, in- preting temporal trends in relation to changes in risk
cluding dental problems (Ranta, 1986; Bokhout et al., or preventive factors in the population.
1997), hearing disorders (Koempel and Kumar, 1997), Oral clefts represent a heterogeneous group of de-
speech and hearing problems (Broen et al., 1998), and fects, including cleft lip only, cleft lip and palate, and
cognitive and psychomotor deficits (Speltz et al., 2000; cleft palate only. Cleft lip with or without palate and
Kapp-Simon and Krueckeberg, 2000). Much of this cleft palate without cleft lip are different entities that
knowledge has been derived from studies of children can occur as isolated defects, as part of a sequence of
with oral clefts referred to evaluation or treatment fa- primary defects, or as a multiple congenital anomaly
cilities. Studies of children referred for treatment may (Fogh-Andersen, 1942; Lettieri, 1993). In addition, oral
select for the more severe surviving cleft cases or for clefts can be part of a known monogenetic syndrome,
the group of cases in the segment of the population part of a chromosomal aberration, part of an associa-
served by the treating facility (Oka, 1979). Conse- tion, or part of a complex of multiple defects of un-
quently, such a select group of cases may not reflect known etiology (Cohen, 1991). Because these different
the wide spectrum of oral clefts in the population and types of oral cleft may have different etiologies, sur-
may result in biased assessment of the natural history, veillance systems may need to invest more resources in
morbidity, and developmental deficits associated with classifying infants with oral clefts into subgroups to ac-
oral clefts. count for such heterogeneity in descriptive and risk fac-
tor studies.
Because the causes of oral clefts remain unknown,
CONCLUDING REMARKS population-based surveillance systems will continue to
serve as sources of cases for studies of etiologic hy-
Many genetic and epidemiologic studies have focused potheses. Such studies will be instrumental in identify-
on oral clefts, resulting in increased knowledge about ing primary prevention strategies for population-based

interventions for oral clefts, as was done for neural tube Edmonds, LD (1997). Birth defects surveillance data from selected
defects with folic acid interventions. If and when such states. Teratology 56: 115-175.
Emanuel, I, Culver, BH, Erickson, JD, et al. (1973). The further epi-
interventions become available, surveillance systems for demiological differentiation of cleft lip and palate: a population
birth defects are likely to play a key role in the evalu- study of clefts in King County, Washington, 1956-1965. Tera-
ation of their effectiveness. In addition, population- tology 7: 271-282.
based surveillance systems of birth defects are likely to Fogh-Andersen, P (1942). Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate.
play an important role in population-based studies of Copenhagen: Arnold Busck.
Forrester, MB, Mertz, RD, Yoon, PW (1998). Impact of prenatal di-
the long-term effects of oral clefts on children's health agnosis and elective termination on the prevalence of selected
and development and of prognostic and risk factors for birth defects in Hawaii. Am J Epidemiol 148: 1206-1211.
developmental delays and morbidity associated with Green, HG, Nelson, CJ, Gaylor, DW, Holson, JF (1979). Accuracy
oral clefts. These efforts may ultimately help to further of birth certificate data for detecting facial clefts in Arkansas chil-
control and prevent the morbidity associated with oral dren. Cleft Palate J 16: 167-170.
Hwang, SH, Beaty, TH, Panny, SR, et al. (1995). Association study
clefts and thereby to improve the quality of life of af- of transforming growth factors alpha (TGFa) Taql polymor-
fected children and their families. phism and oral clefts: indication of gene-environment interaction
in a population-based sample of infants with birth defects. Am J
Epidemiol 141: 629-636.
International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems
The authors thank the International Clearinghouse of Birth De- (2000). Annual Report 2000. Rome: International Centre for
fects for permission to print the figures on temporal trends for oral Birth Defects, pp. 115-116.
clefts, and Ms. Cara Mai for valuable technical assistance with for- Ivy, RH (1957). Congenital anomalies. As recorded on birth certifi-
matting of the illustrations. cates in the Division of Health Statistics of Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Health, for the period 1951-1955, inclusive. Plast Re-
constr Surg 41: 50-53.
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1954-75. Scand Plast Reconstr Surg 12: 35-43. 65-70.
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Birth prevalence of cleft lip and palate in Colorado by sex dis- cigarette smoking during pregnancy cause cleft lip and palate in
tribution, seasonality, race/ethnicity, and geographic variation. offspring? Am J Dis Child 143: 333-337.
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Beaty, TH, Maestri, NE, Hetmanski, JB, et al. (1997). Testing for monitoring to detect new teratogens. Am J Epidemiol 126:
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Speltz, ML, Endriga, MC, Hill, S, et al. (2000). Cognitive and psy- Vanderas, AP (1987). Incidence of cleft lip, cleft palate and cleft lip
chomotor development of infants with orofacial clefts. J Pediatr and palate among races: a review. Cleft Palate J 24: 216-225.
Psychol 25: 185-190. World Health Organization. (1979). International Classification of
Spranger, J, Benirscke, K, Hall, JG, et al. (1982). Errors of mor- Diseases, 9th rev. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Epidemiology of oral clefts:

an international perspective


Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CUP) and iso- and EMBASE (from 1989,
lated cleft palate (CP) are serious birth defects, which alog/embx.htm) and OVID (
on a worldwide level affect approximately 1 in every ical.cfm), which incorporates Medline, BIDS and a
600 newborn babies. This means that assuming a global number of university medical databases. The PubMed
birth rate of 15,000 children per hour (United States database was searched with the key words cleft, lip,
Bureau of the Census, palate, and incidence, producing 377 records ranked
new.html, 2001), a child with a cleft is born somewhere by date. EMBASE was searched using cleft lip or cleft
in the world every 2.5 min. From birth to maturity, palate combined with prevalence or incidence, yielding
children with oral clefts (OCs) undergo multidiscipli- a total of 239 references. OVID was searched using
nary surgical and nonsurgical treatment with consider- cleft lip, cleft palate, and incidence or prevalence, pro-
able disruption to their lives and often adverse psy- ducing a total of 755 references dating back to 1965.
chological consequences to themselves and their In addition, selected literature was hand-searched, in-
families. cluding the Cleft Palate Journal dating back to 1960,
Efforts over the years have been made to record the and references were identified in earlier work on neural
frequency of birth defects, and accurate data on epi- tube defects (Elwood et al., 1992). Where available, the
demiology are important for documenting the burden following information was also noted: gender distribu-
in relation to the planning of public health services. tion, ethnic origin of the parents, and whether the fig-
They also form the basis for research into causes. The ures included stillbirths and induced abortions. This
eventual objective must be, from both scientific and hu- hand search concentrated on reports from more ob-
manitarian viewpoints, to advance the knowledge and scure journals and from various parts of the world, for
understanding of causative factors and to institute pri- which the above data sets may not contain complete
mary preventive measures. Among the barriers to records. This included the Indian subcontinent, Africa,
achieving this objective are (1) the heterogeneity of Asia, and the Middle East. In all searches, there was
OCs, (2) the lack of standard criteria for the collection no restriction on language and original papers were
of data, and (3) the lack of and/or failure to apply an sought. For a small percentage of the literature, only
internationally comparable OC classification. abstracts were reviewed. Bibliographies and review ar-
ticles from the literature obtained in the hand search
enabled identification of any missed articles. The
SEARCH STRATEGY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF searches are supplemented by EUROCAT (www.iph.
org) reports, in particular for examining time trends.
The search strategy began with a free text search of Among the minimum data required for eligibility
Medline (from 1966, were the following:


• Year of publication, reference population, and sam- 6.43/1000 stillbirths vs. 2.16/1000 live births in a study
ple size of the white population of Iowa (Hay, 1971). In a study
• Subdivision into cleft subgroups on live births in the pooled data from black, Mexican,
• Type of pregnancy outcome included, e.g., live births, and white populations (Lutz and Moor, 1955), rates
stillbirths, induced abortions were 2.72/1000 stillbirths vs. 0.91/1000 live births. The
risk of developing clefts in stillbirths and abortions ap-
Other issues affecting comparison of studies, e.g., as-
pears therefore to be about three times as frequent as
certainment methods, association of abnormalities or
in live births. Also, clefts with associated malforma-
syndromes, family history, were noted but not used as
tions behaved differently epidemiologically in compar-
criteria for exclusion.
ison to clefts without associated malformations.
A further study, in Hungary (Czeizel, 1984), reported
that the proportion of CP without cleft lip (CL) was
about sevenfold greater in stillbirths (primary fetal
deaths 28 weeks or older) than in live births (2.38/1000
Descriptive Epidemiology vs. 0.36/1000). In comparison, for CL/P, the ratio was
a little less than threefold (3.17/1000 vs. 1.15/1000).
The completeness of ascertainment may differ between As may be expected, this differential between live births
countries, depending on the number and type of sources and stillbirths is greater for individuals with additional
of ascertainment, the type of pregnancy outcome (live malformations elsewhere than for those with only CL,
births, terminations, stillbirths), and the recognition of CP, or both (CLP).
syndromic individuals. These issues can considerably Krause et al. (1963), examined human embryos and
affect the comparability of such data (McMahon and fetuses and reported that the frequency of clefts with
Pugh, 1970; Leek, 1983). Epidemiological data were associated malformations was 11.61/1000 and that the
derived from OC registries or surgical records, which frequency of clefts without associated malformations
may be different from the actual number of affected was 7.22/1000. Nishimura et al. (1966) reported the
OC individuals. Temporal trends in the prevalence at frequency of CL/P in 1213 voluntarily aborted human
birth of OCs exist, which can in part be explained by embryos to be 14.7/1000. In a separate study of 5117
the differing levels of ascertainment within countries as voluntarily aborted human embryos, lizuka (1973)
they develop. found that the prevalence at birth of CL was 4.3/1000,
Another critical requirement is that the observer de- that of CLP was 8.10/1000, and that of isolated CP
fines precisely the population in which the frequency was 3.2/1000. Thus, the lumping of figures that include
of malformation is measured. A major issue is whether not only live births but also stillbirths and/or induced
one reports or estimates rates in all recognized con- abortions will not be comparable to figures for live
ceptuses, all births, or all live births. The term births births only. If fetal deaths or earlier losses are included
is somewhat ambiguous because it (usually) included in summary rates, then this should be noted specifically
stillbirths, which does not have a uniform definition. and rates should be presented separately for live births
In summarizing the data, we have considered issues and for embryonic and fetal deaths.
such as (1) live births vs. stillbirths, (2) associated mal-
formations, and (3) particular factors contributing to Associated Malformations. It is generally accepted
the prevalence of isolated CP. that associated malformations occur less frequently in
infants who have CLP than in those who have CP and
Live Births vs. Stillbirths. The proportion of serious even less still in those with isolated CL. For example,
malformations is higher in stillbirths than in live births, a 17-year study in north-eastern France reported rates
so the inclusion of stillbirths tends to elevate the birth of associated malformations to be 46.7% in CP, 36.8%
prevalence or incidence rates over those derived if only in CLP, and 13.6% in CL (Kallen et al., 1996). Cor-
live births are considered. Similarly, inclusion of data nel et al. (1992) reported associated abnormalities in
on miscarriages and abortions, i.e., losses earlier in ges- 23% of CL/P cases and in 52% of cases with isolated
tation, may increase rates over those found if only live CP. Numerous other studies also found congenital
births and stillbirths are analyzed. anomalies to be much more commonly associated with
Vanderas (1987) examined the problem of inclusion CP than with CL/P (Ingalls et al., 1964; Drillien et al.,
or exclusion of stillbirths in the ascertainment of OCs 1966; Moller, 1972; Emanuel et al., 1973). In the
in a number of international studies, some of which in- Finnish population, however, CL/P was as often asso-
cluded live births, stillbirths, and abortions in their ciated with other malformations as was CP (Saxen and
evaluation of prevalence at birth. The OC rates were Lath, 1974). Familial background was also more often

reported in association with CP than with CL/P in Fin- many populations is unknown, and diagnosis may be
land, which contrasts with the findings of others, e.g., delayed, thus affecting the birth prevalence figures. X-
Fogh-Andersen (1942) in Denmark. linked clefting has been reported in some populations,
Some studies also subdivide CL/P into unilateral and e.g., the Icelandic population (Moore et al., 1987), but
bilateral groups when examining additional malforma- has not been investigated in many others. Also, Lowry
tions and report an increase in additional malforma- and Renwick (1969) reported X-linked submucous CP
tions in the bilateral subgroup (Hagberg et al., 1997). as part of an X-linked recessive trait, which might com-
Some reports do not define what is meant by associ- plicate the picture regarding CP birth prevalence and
ated abnormalities, while others give ambiguous de- sex ratio figures.
scriptions. Conway and Wagner (1966) recorded only
the "ten most common" associated abnormalities listed
on birth certificates over an 11-year period. This may GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION IN THE
explain some of the variation observed in the report- EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ORAL CLEFTS
ing of the frequency of other abnormalities accompa-
nying OCs (see tables in Appendix I). Epidemiological data for OCs from the three different
sources outlined above are presented as follows:
Prevalence of Isolated Cleft Palate. There is con-
siderable heterogeneity in what is described as isolated • Peer-reviewed publications, Table 12.1 (complete
CP. Many figures for isolated CP are provided without data shown in Appendix 12.1
an adequate explanation of inclusion/exclusion criteria. • Data from the European Registry of Congenital
For instance, the most common syndrome with isolated Anomalies and Twins (EUROCAT) registration sys-
CP as a feature is the Pierre Robin syndrome, and in- tem, Appendix 12.11
clusion or exclusion may make a substantial difference • Data collected through the National Birth Defects
to the figures. This subgroup is also more susceptible Prevention Network (NBDPN) in the United States,
to ascertainment bias as the prevalence of submucous Appendix 12.Ill
clefting within the general population is thought to be • A series of maps (Figs. 12.1-12.6) are included to il-
as common as overt isolated CP. In a detailed study of lustrate some of the birth prevalence data for isolated
isolated CP in Denmark, Christensen and Fogh-Ander- CP and cleft lip and palate (CL/P). The data used for
sen (1994) noted a marked difference in sex ratios for the maps were taken from individual reports or from
nonsyndromic overt CP including the hard palate and registries that are mentioned in the text of the chap-
non-syndromic overt CP of the soft palate only. This, ter (Appendix 12.1).
combined with the tendency for hard palate and soft • There is insufficient detail in the maps (Figs.
palate clefts not to occur within the same families in- 12.1-12.6) to reflect regional differences within
dicates that they may be two etiologically distinct sub- countries. These maps are intended merely to illus-
groups of CP. Therefore, the authors recommended trate general trends in the population distribution of
that future studies on isolated CP distinguish between CP and CL/P. They also indicate that there is a dearth
hard palate, soft palate, and submucous hard palate in of published information available for some coun-
an attempt to disclose etiological heterogeneity within tries and geographical areas of the world.
secondary palatal clefting. The commentary relates mainly to the peer-reviewed
Inclusion of the Robin sequence is also complicated literature, with occasional reference to the other regis-
by the fact that its etiology is heterogeneous and its di- tration systems, and deals with CL/P and CP separately.
agnosis inconsistent. Some authorities state that respi-
ratory distress is an essential part of the anomaly
Prevalence of Cleft Lip with or without
(Shprintzen and Singer, 1992), while others make a di-
Cleft Palate
agnosis on the basis of glossoptosis and micrognathia
with the cleft, whether or not there is respiratory dis- United States and Canada. One of the fundamental
tress (Caouette-Laberge et al., 1994). The Pierre Robin differences between the OC epidemiology data in Eu-
anomaly also occurs in association with other mono- rope and North America is the ethnic heterogeneity that
genie disorders, e.g., Stickler's syndrome. characterizes most of the North American population.
Further complications in the consideration of isolated It was therefore important to examine the North Amer-
CP are two recognized genetic phenomena: (1) the as- ican data in the light of ethnic origin. The highest preva-
sociation of CP with 22qll.2 deletion in the velocar- lence of CL/P was found in British Columbia among
diofacial syndrome and (2) X-linked clefting. The Native Americans, 2.73/1000 live births (Lowry and
prevalence at birth of velocardiofacial syndrome in Renwick, 1969). The next highest, 1.99/1000 births, is
TABLE 12.1 A. Extremes of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate Prevalence: Highest and Lowest figures
Prevalence (per
Continent/Country Total Births 1000 births) Reference

N. Netherlands 60,584 1.46 Cornel et al. (1992)
France (Rhone-Alpes-Auvergne) 813,513 0.67 Long et al. (1992)
United States and Canada
USA California 13,545 1.99 Croen et al. (1998)
USA New York (Native American) 344,929 0.29 Conway and Wagner (1966)
Central and South America
Bolivia 79,296 2.28 Castilla et al. (1999)
Caribbean (Santo Domingo) 704,410 0.42 Garcia-Godoy (1980)
Australia (Aborigines) 9,695 2.27 Bower et al. (1989)
New Zealand (Maoris) 178,240 0.39 Chapman (1983)
Far East
Japan (Hiroshima, Nagasaki) 63,806 2.13 Neel (1958)
Japan 55,103 0.97 Kondo (1987)
Middle East
Saudi Arabia 62,557 1.89 Borkar et al. (1993)
Israel (Jews) 47,768 0.37 Azaz and Koyoumdjisky-Kaye (1967)
Indian Subcontinent
India (Maharashtra) 3014 2.32 Chaturvedi and Banerjee (1989)
India (Madurai) 11,619 0.77 Kamala et al. (1978)
Kenya (Nairobi) 3061 1.63 Khan (1965)
South Africa (Johannesburg, blacks) 29,633 0.20 Kromberg and Jenkins (1982)

TABLE 12.IB. Extremes of Cleft Palate Prevalence: Highest and Lowest Figures
Continent/Country Total Births Prevalence Reference

Finland 2,258,850 0.97 Rintala (1986)
Denmark 1,631,376 0.36 Fogh-Andersen (1961)
United States and Canada
USA Native Americans 13,545 1.11 Croen et al. (1998)
New York (nonwhite) 344,929 0.22 Conway and Wagner (1966)
Central and South America
Chile 297,583 0.46 Castilla et al. (1999)
Peru 72,864 0.06 Castilla et al. (1999)
Australia (Whites) 170,760 0.67 Bower et al. (1989)
New Zealand (Maoris) 178,240 0.39 Chapman (1983)
Far East
Japan (Tokyo) 49,645 0.73 Mitani (1954)
China 1,243,284 0.15 Xiao (1989)
Middle East
Kuwait 53,786 0.42 Srivastava and Bang (1990)
Israel (Jews) 47,768 0.17 Azaz and Koyoumdjisky-Kaye (1967)
Indian Subcontinent
Kanpur 4150 0.48 Mital and Grewal (1969)
New Delhi 7590 0.32 Singh and Sharma (1980)
Tunisia 10,000 0.40 Khrouf et al. (1986)
Zaire 56,637 0.02 Ogle (1993)


FIG. 12.1. Distribution of cleft lip with

or without cleft palate for Europe,
Africa, Asia, and Australia.

from the Californian registry in the period 1983-1992 sample. In Wisconsin 1989-1995, prevalence was
(Croen et al., 1998), representing Native Americans 1.56/1000 with live births and stillbirths combined. The
only. The lowest figures are from nonwhite populations lowest recorded prevalence rate for CL/P was 0.59 in
in New York [0.29 reported by Conway and Wagner Alaska and Illinois; the Alaskan sample was for 1996
(1966)] and Mississippi [0.30 as reported by Das et al. only, while the Illinois sample was a 7-year sample
(1995)]. (1989-1996) and included stillbirths.
The NBDPN examined OC prevalence by U.S. state.
The highest recorded is for New Mexico at 1.73/1000 Central and South America. Most of the registers
live births in the 1995-1996 cohort, which included in South America report through the Latin American
stillbirths as well as live births and is a relatively small Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations

FIG. 12.2. Distribution of cleft palate for

Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

FIG. 12.3. Distribution of cleft lip with or without cleft palate for FIG. 12.4. Distribution of cleft palate for North and South America.
North and South America.

(ECLAMC; Appendix I, Table 12.IC), and the OC fig- the same study, New Zealand whites occupied an in-
ures include associated abnormalities. The highest CL/P termediate position (1.19) (Chapman, 1983).
prevalence figure is from Bolivia (2.28/1000), with Ar-
gentina (1.16/1000) and Chile (1.13/1000) next. These Europe. The highest birth prevalence of CL/P from all
are geographically in the southern, and generally less European countries was 1.46 (Cornel et al., 1992).
developed, parts of South America. At the lowest end Overall, the areas of highest prevalence within Europe
of the scale is the geographically and genetically dif- are Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and the north-
ferent population in Central America and the ern Netherlands. Intermediate levels occur in Central
Caribbean, with Das et al. (1995) reporting a preva- Europe, and the lowest are in southern Europe. In the
lence of 0.42/1000, the next lowest rate is for Venezuela British Isles, the frequency varies between 0.6 and 1.04,
(on the northern coast), with a prevalence of 0.77/1000. which is nearer to the southern European figures.

Australia and New Zealand. The figures for Aus- Middle East. In the Middle East, the highest record
tralia and New Zealand recognize the different ethnic for CL/P prevalence is 1.89/1000 in a Saudi Arabian
origins of the indigenous people of these islands and hospital-based study (Borkar et al., 1993). The next
the settlers. Prevalence figures range from remarkable highest is considerably lower (1.06/1000 live births) for
extremes for nonsyndromic clefts of 2.27 in Aborigines nonsyndromic OCs, reported in Kuwait between 1985
in a study between 1980 and 1987 (Bower et al., 1989) and 1987 (Srivastava and Bang, 1990). Taher (1992)
to the lowest recorded figure outside of Africa of 0.39 reported what he regarded as a cluster in one hospital
in New Zealand Maoris between 1960 and 1976. In in Tehran with a prevalence of 3.12/1000. Chemical

FIG. 12.5. Distribution of cleft lip with or without cleft palate for FIG. 12.6. Distribution of cleft palate for Europe.

sulfur mustard gas was implicated in the etiology dur- of live births in Japan between 1979 and 1982 (Kondo,
ing this 4-year period, 1983-1988. The lowest preva- 1987), 0.97/1000; the next lowest was reported by Nat-
lence (0.37/1000 live births) was recorded by Azaz and sume et al. (1987), 1.02/1000 live births, in Haichi,
Koyoumdjisky-Kaye (1967) in a hospital-based study Japan. These studies are not strictly comparable be-
of Israeli Jews between 1960 and 1962. The next low- cause of differences in ascertainment criteria; they
est recorded prevalence was 0.85/1000 live births in also reveal the difficulty of comparing hospital- vs.
Iran (Rajabian and Sherkat, 2000). population-based studies.

Far East. Data on CL/P prevalence from the Far East Indian Subcontinent. On the Indian subcontinent,
are often quoted as single figures with all clefts com- highest CL/P prevalences were recorded in Maharash-
bined rather than separate figures for CP and CL/P. tra (2.32/1000) in a hospital-based study that included
The highest rate reported is from Japanese data, a live births and stillbirths (Chaturvedi and Banerjee,
hospital-based sample in Hiroshima between 1948 and 1989). This is followed by a rate of 1.61/1000 in Cal-
1954, revealing a prevalence of 2.13/1000 live births cutta in a 29-month hospital-based study (Nair and
(Neel, 1958). In the Philippines, Murray et al. (1997) Mathai, 1964). The lowest prevalences were seen in
reported a prevalence of 1.94/1000 live births in a 7- Madurai (0.77/1000 live births) in a hospital-based
year survey of hospital records between 1989 and 1996, study (Kamala et al., 1978) and in a small 2-year
with this figure including syndromic clefts (21%). The hospital-based study in New Delhi (0.41/1000 live
lowest quoted figure is also from a hospital-based study births) (Kulshrestha et al., 1983).

Africa. In Africa, the highest figure of 1.63 comes from tween 1948 and 1975 (Rintala, 1986); in a later study,
a relatively small 6-month hospital-based study in between 1974 and 1988, Tolarova and Cervenka
Nairobi reported by Khan (1965), which is out of step (1995) reported a birth prevalence of 1.01. The next
with other African studies; selection bias is suspected. highest rate in Europe was reported by Womersley and
The next highest rate is from Tunisia in northern Stone (1987) in the west of Scotland, 0.81, between
Africa, where live births and stillbirths were recorded 1974 and 1985. The lowest reported European figures
in a 9-month study, with a prevalence of 1/1000 births come from Denmark (0.36/1000) in a study between
(Khrouf et al., 1986). Many of the studies reveal fig- 1938 and 1957 (Fogh-Andersen, 1961) and central and
ures less than half of that; e.g., the next highest is from eastern France (0.42/1000) (Kallen et al., 1996). In the
Nigeria (0.47/1000) (Gupta, 1969) and the lowest (0.2, EUROCAT regional registry (which does not include
0.21, and 0.3/1000 live births) were recorded in Finland), the highest figure is from Glasgow (western
hospital-based studies in Johannesburg (Kromberg and Scotland) (0.94) and the lowest (0.25/1000) is from
Jenkins, 1982) and Nigeria (Iregbulem, 1982; Ogle, Northern Ireland in the same time period (1990 and
1993). All three of these were small studies that may 1994). In general, the figures from Europe are charac-
be suspected of underascertainment. terized by significant variation, not only between coun-
tries but also within. For instance, the Paris registry re-
veals a relatively low frequency of CP (0.47/1000),
Prevalence of Isolated Cleft Palate while the figure for Strasbourg is 0.88/1000 (ICBDMS,
United States and Canada. In North America, the
highest reported prevalence for CP is 1.11 for Native Middle East. From the relatively few studies from the
Americans in the Californian registry between 1983 Middle East, the extremes in CP birth prevalence range
and 1992 (Croen et al., 1998). This is followed closely from a low of 0.17/1000 in a hospital-based study of
by the East Indian ethnic subgroup in California in the Israeli Jews (Azaz and Koyoumdjisky-Kaye, 1967) to a
same study (1.06/1000). The lowest figures reported high of 0.42/1000 for nonsyndromic clefts (Srivastava
are 0.22 for nonwhites in New York City (Conway and and Bang, 1990) in a population-based study in
Wagner, 1966) and 0.24/1000 for nonwhites in Mis- Kuwait. Taher (1992) reported what he regarded as a
sissippi in 1980-1989 (Das et al., 1995). In the cluster in one hospital in Tehran with a birth preva-
NBDPN, which compared the frequency of clefts in var- lence of 0.62/1000 for CP (and a remarkably high fig-
ious states, the highest reports come from Wisconsin ure of 3.12/1000 for CL/P). Chemical sulfur mustard
(1.45) and Connecticut (0.95), with the lowest in New gas was implicated in the etiology during this 4-year
Mexico (0.18) and Tennessee (0.29). period (1983-1988).

Central and South America. The prevalence of CP Far East. The highest recorded figure for isolated CP
in South America shows remarkably little variation, comes from an 18-year hospital-based study in Tokyo,
with eight out of the 10 South American countries con- in which Mitani (1954) reported 0.73/1000 births. The
tributing to the ECLAMC Registry; prevalence rates are lowest figure, 0.15/1000 live births, was recorded by
between 0.2 and 0.4/1000 births. The lowest is Xiao (1989) in a large cross-sectional study of 945 hos-
0.06/1000 in Peru, while the highest prevalence was pitals in China in a 12-month period between October
recorded in Chile, 0.46/1000. The figures from Central 1986 and September 1987. The next lowest figure
America for prevalence of isolated CP were 0.2/1000 comes from a report by Emanuel et al. (1972), who
in a hospital-based study in the Caribbean (Garcia- recorded a figure of 0.16/1000 in a hospital-based study
Godoy, 1980) and 0.27/1000 in a hospital-based reg- in Taipei (Taiwan).
ister in Mexico (Perez-Molina et al., 1993).
Indian Subcontinent. Much of the data from India
Australia and New Zealand. In Oceania, a remark- come from relatively small local hospital-based studies
ably high figure for isolated CP was reported for the recording the prevalence of birth defects including OCs.
Maoris in New Zealand, with a prevalence of While the majority of these studies record figures for
1.87/1000 between 1960 and 1976 (Chapman, 1983); CL/P, many do no record isolated CP. Of those that
figures of 0.64 and 0.67 were reported for whites in do, the lowest figure, 0.32/1000, comes from a study
New Zealand (Chapman, 1983) and Australia (Bower by Singh and Sharma (1980) in New Delhi. The high-
et al., 1989), respectively. est figure, 0.48/1000, comes from a small study in Kan-
pur by Mital and Grewal (1969). While a meta-analysis
Europe. The prevalence of isolated CP is highest in was carried out by Verma and Mathews (1983), this
Finland, with a rate of 0.97/1000 from in a study be- was methodologically flawed and included various
prospective and retrospective studies of live births and TABLE 12.2. Prevalence at Birth of Oral Clefts by
stillbirths throughout India. However, the figures of Ethnic Group of Parents (Birmingham 1960-1984)
1.20/1000 for CL/P and 0.44/1000 for CP appear to
Prevalence at birth
be the best available estimates for OC prevalence in the (per 10,000)
Indian subcontinent.
Cleft Lip
with or without Cleft
Africa. The lowest recorded birth prevalence for OC Ethnic Group Cleft Palate Palate
comes from Africa, and the lowest rate of any study in
Both parents originating from
the world is that from the hospital live births series re-
Europe 10.9 6.6
ported by Ogle (1993) between October 1977 and June
Indian subcontinent 12.1 7.4
1979 in a hospital-based study in Nigeria. The preva-
Caribbean 5.2* 2.2*
lence at birth was 0.02/1000 in a study of over 56,000
Mother European, father Caribbean 1.5"1" 6.1
live births. The next lowest, 0.07/1000, was recorded
Mother Caribbean, father European 0.0 0.0
by Iregbulem (1982) in another hospital series, in
Enugu, Nigeria. The highest prevalence rates come *p < 0.05.
from Tunisia on the north coast, where Khrouf et al. tp<0.01.
(1986) recorded 0.4/1000 in a hospital-based study that
included the recording of abnormalities in stillbirths.
The next highest, 0.33/1000, comes from a hospital- served in the Philippines, an intermediate prevalence in
based study in Nairobi reported by Khan (1965). Hawaii, and the lowest prevalence in California (Croen
et al., 1998). Such variations in cleft prevalence ac-
cording to maternal country of birth may reflect
changes in nongenetic risk factors, such as maternal
diet, that may occur following migration. Variations in
Ethnic Origin, Migration, and Population prevalence may also be related to racial and ethnic dif-
Admixture Studies ferences in nongenetic factors associated with clefting
risk, and this assists with the formulation of future hy-
While only a few studies have been carried out in Africa potheses in OC research.
to examine cleft prevalence, they suggest a low preva- In the United States, Croen et al. (1998) recognized
lence of both CP and CL/P. African-Americans have that the considerable population admixture requires in-
lower rates for both CP and CLP than whites in the vestigation of variation of OC prevalence according to
United States, and a study in Birmingham (UK) showed parental race, ethnicity, and maternal country of birth.
that those originating from the Caribbean have low OC This issue is particularly relevant in OC with the known
rates (Leek and Lancashire, 1995) (Table 12.2). Stud- ethnic variations; it is therefore important to pursue
ies from Asia reveal high rates of CL/P but not CP in clues as to the relative contribution of genetics and en-
mainly hospital-based series, and similarly higher rates vironmental factors to the etiology. Croen and col-
on the Indian subcontinent. Studies in North America leagues (1998) subdivided patients in the Calif or nian
also reveal high rates of CL/P in persons of Japanese birth defects monitoring program into 13 ethnic sub-
or Chinese origin (Croen et al., 1998; Tolarova and sets. They also recorded OC risk according to whether
Cervenka, 1998). mother and father were of the same race or ethnicity.
Ching and Chung (1974) have shown that the racial A further study in the United States examined rates
differences in CL/P birth prevalence are likely to have of CL/P by state (Table 12.3) and Hispanic ethnicity
a genetic basis. In an extensive study from Hawaii, they by subdividing the data into three subgroups: Hispan-
showed that Japanese immigrants continue to have in- ics, non-Hispanic whites, and non-Hispanic blacks
creased birth prevalence of CL/P and, by studying in- (Kirby et al., 2000). They concluded that CL/P preva-
terracial crosses, that Caucasian-Japanese matings lence was greatest among whites (1.03/1000) and low-
have intermediate birth prevalence, suggesting that the est among blacks (0.54/1000), with Hispanics having
racial differences are independent of environment. Sup- an intermediate prevalence (0.97/1000).
port for this theory is provided by Leek (1972), who
showed that the variation in the birth prevalence of flelative Proportions of Different Cleft Types
CL/P between different ethnic groups living in the same
areas is eight times greater that that among geograph- When considering OC frequency, the proportion of dif-
ically scattered populations of the same ethnic origin. ferent types of cleft has important implications for the
Among Filipinos, prevalence data for CL/P revealed clinical workload but is also of interest in providing
a difference by country, with the highest prevalence ob- clues about the underlying etiology. The relative pro-

TABLE 12.3. Number and Rates of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate by State and Hispanic Ethnicity (USA
National Center for Health Services 1993-1995)
Hispanic all Non-Hispanic white Non-Hispanic black
Cases Rate* 95% CI Cases Rate* 95% CI Cases Rate* 95% CI

Arizona 78 13.5 10.7-16.9 126 10.8 9.1-13.0 7 9.4 4.1-20.3

California 564 10.4 9.5-11.3 217 10.0 8.8-11.5 52 7.8 5.9-10.3
Colorado 48 14.8 11.-19.8 136 11.7 9.9-13.9 3 3.7 1.0-11.9
New Jersey 8 4.3 1.9-8.5 40 6.1 4.4-8.4 7 3.7 1.6-7.9
New York 91 5.8 4.7-7.1 367 10.9 9.9-12.1 63 4.3 3.4-5.6
Texas 52 8.6 6.5-11.3 26 7.6 5.1-11.4 8 5. 9 2.7-12.1
Totals 841 9.7 9.0-10.3 912 10.3 9.7-11.0 140 5.4 4.5-6.4

*Rate is quoted per 10,000 births. 95% CI, confidence interval.

Source: Kirby et al. (2000).

portions of syndromic clefts and associated abnormal- interesting. Table 12.4 was compiled from a selection
ities are also important in determining etiological fac- of studies that provide this information and presents in
tors. European and U.S. studies on nonsyndromic cleft particular the relative frequency of CL and CLP, as well
prevalence in general suggest that unilateral CLP is the as the overall prevalence of CL/P. The general trend is
most frequent single type of cleft, accounting for about that in those regions of the world where cleft preva-
30% to 35% of cases. Isolated CL and CP each ac- lence is highest, the ratio of CLP to CL is highest, and
count for between 20% to 25%, and bilateral CLP is in regions of lowest cleft prevalence, the proportion of
the most rare (about 10%), with submucous and other the more severe forms of clefting is correspondingly
clefts accounting for the rest (Hagberg et al., 1997). low. This provides indirect support for the multifacto-
Furthermore, of all CLP cases, 80% are unilateral rial threshold model and for the notion of OC being a
and 20% are bilateral. Overall, 15% of all OCs are threshold characteristic with genetic predisposition.
syndromic (12% of CL/P and 25% of CP). Over 300 The data in Table 12.4, however, need to be inter-
syndromes are recognized (involving the oral, cardiac, preted with caution because of the heterogeneity asso-
skeletal, and other body areas), and of the remaining ciated with the ascertainment methods from which the
85% of OC individuals, 50% have other less well- figures were derived. The data are from a range of stud-
defined anomalies (OMIM, 2000; www3.ncbi.nlm.nih. ies of varying sizes, some looking at nonsyndromic
gov/omim/). cases only, and some including associated malforma-
Fogh-Andersen (1942), using data from Denmark, tions; also, some included stillbirths as well as livebirths
reported a CL:CLP:CP ratio of 1:2:1, which is often and some did not. Since other studies have revealed a
quoted as the normal ratio for the different types of greater proportion of associated malformations with
cleft, especially for European or Caucasian populations. the more severe clefts and the milder clefts may not be
This has on occasion been used as a guide [e.g., Woolf as easily ascertained in areas with a higher proportion
et al. (1963), who felt that, because of underascertain- of severe cases, these factors must be accounted for be-
ment of isolated CP in their hospital-based sample in fore firm conclusions can be drawn.
Utah, the figure should be adjusted in line with this ra-
tio]. It may, however, be erroneous to assume this as Gender Ratios in Various Types of Cleft
a universal figure, as other studies indicate. A number
of Japanese studies (Natsume and Kawai, 1986; Nat- Among the accepted epidemiological differences be-
sume et al., 1987) reveal a much lower prevalence at tween CL/P and isolated CP is the now widely accepted
birth of CP, with a CL:CP ratio of 8:3. Similarly, in male predilection for CL/P and female tendency toward
Africa, CP is a much lower proportion of the overall CP. Therefore, to quote a sex ratio for OC as a whole,
prevalence at birth of clefting, being 4% in a newborn in view of the acknowledged differences in sex ratios
Zairian sample (Ogle, 1993) and 19% in a large Niger- for the subgroups, is meaningless.
ian study (Iregbulem, 1982). In the latter study, CL was The differences in sex ratios within the OC groups
much more common than CLP, the ratios being 49% have proven to be more complicated, varying with
for CL, 32% for CLP, and 19% for CP. severity of the cleft, number of affected siblings in a
Closer inspection of the figures in studies that pro- family, and ethnic origin. In all studies of white popu-
vide a breakdown of clefts into different subgroups is lations, CL/P occurs more frequently in males than fe-

TABLE 12.4. Relative Proportions of Cleft Lip Subtypes in a Sample of Studies

Relative proportions
of cleft types (%)

Prevalence Ratio
Country CL/P CL CLP CLP:CL Reference

New York City (nonwhites) 0.29 27.0 31.0 1.15 Conway and Wagner (1966)
Africa (Nigeria) 0.34 49.0 32.0 0.65 Iregbulem (1982)
Israeli Jews 0.37 31.0 38.0 1.23 Azaz and Koyoumdjisky-Kaye (1967)
Caribbean 0.42 36.4 31.4 0.86 Garcia-Godoy (1980)
(Santo Domingo)
Africa (Zaire) 0.44 50.0 46.0 0.92 Ogle (1993)
New York City (whites) 0.60 33.0 37.0 1.12 Conway and Wagner (1966)
Iran 0.85 35.0 48.0 1.37 Rajabian and Sherkat (2000)
USA Wisconsin 0.86 26.0 44.0 1.69 Gilmore and Hofman (1966)
Denmark 1.08 33.5 41.7 1.27 Fogh-Andersen (1961)
Bohemia 1.21 24.3 42.5 1.75 Tolarova (1987)
Thailand 1.22 26.0 48.0 1.84 Chuangsuwanich et al. (1998)
British Columbia 1.23 23.0 39.0 1.70 Lowry et al. (1989)
Australia (non-Aboriginal) 1.24 21.0 44.0 2.09 Bower et al. (1989)
Iceland 1.33 25.0 43.8 1.75 Moller (1965)
Japan 1.43 41.3 46.0 1.11 Natsume and Kawai (1986)
Australia (Aboriginal) 2.27 17.0 59.0 3.47 Bower et al. (1989)
Canadian Native Americans 2.73 8.0 78.0 9.75 Lowry et al. (1969)

CL, cleft lip; CP, cleft palate; CLP, cleft lip and palate; CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate.

males, with an average male to female ratio of 2:1 Andersen, 1942). It is, however, possible to have a CL
(Wyszynski et al., 1996). In Japanese populations, there and/or primary palate and a separate cleft of the soft
is a significant male excess in the CLP group but not palate with an intact hard palate between the two clefts,
in the CL only group (Fujino et al., 1963). In the white suggesting that they may be separate events (Hook and
population, the male excess in the CL/P group becomes Porter, 1982; Vanderas, 1987; Sayetta et al., 1989).
more apparent with increasing severity of cleft (Fogh- A review of the literature reveals that only a subset
Andersen, 1942) and less apparent when more than one of the epidemiological reports sub-divide the primary
sibling is affected in the family (Niswander et al., 1972). palatal clefting into CL and CLP. For those that do,
In both races, there appears to be a slight excess of af- there is considerable variation in the gender ratio for
fected females in the CP group (Fraser, 1970; Wyszyn- CL. There also tends to be less variation in CLP, and
ski et al., 1996), although there remains some uncer- by virtue of the fact that CLP is much more common
tainty and variation in the gender distribution of than isolated CL, the gender ratios for CL/P invariably
isolated CL. No generally accepted explanation for reveal a male predilection. This may, however, mask
these gender differences exists, although sex differences an important underlying trend in CL gender ratios with
in the timing of critical developmental stages in cra- considerable variation between ethnic groups. Womers-
niofacial development are thought to have an as yet un- ley and Stone, (1987) reported a CL male to female ra-
defined role in their etiology (Burdi and Silvey, 1969). tio of 3:1 in the west of Scotland, which is consider-
It is generally considered that clefts with associated ably higher than other U.K. and European figures. For
malformations are different epidemiologically from example, in Czechoslovakia, the CL male to female ra-
clefts without associated malformations (Vanderas, tio was 1.5 (Tolarova, 1987) and in Denmark, 1.73
1987). However, the subdivision of primary palatal (Melnick et al., 1980). Precisely the same value (1.73)
clefting into CL and CLP is somewhat controversial. was reported by Woolf et al. (1963) in Utah. Similar
Some argue that they are embryologically the same gender ratios have been reported in other U.S. studies,
structure and the pathogenesis is presumably chrono- such as Gilmore and Hofman (1966) in Wisconsin and
logically the same, with clefting of the hard palate be- Shaw et al. (1991) in California. However, the ratio is
ing a secondary phenomenon occurring because of the much lower in other countries, such as Nigeria (1.1 to
disturbance surrounding the primary palate cleft (Fogh- 1; Iregbulem, 1982). In China, Yi et al. (1999) reported

a male to female ratio of 0.85 to 1. In a 15-year sam- lesser, trend. In contrast, many of the other countries
ple of clefts in Iran (Rajabian and Sherkat, 2000) and that contribute data to ICBDMS, e.g., the United States
in a small sample of clefts in the Jewish population in and most of the European countries such as England
Israel (Azaz and Koyoumdjisky-Kaye, 1967), CL was and Wales, Ireland, northern Netherlands, Italy, and
also more common in females. Hungary, reveal a tendency to reduction in frequency
of CL/P. Apart from the aforementioned trend in Fin-
land, the birth prevalence of CP remains remarkably
Unilateral Clefts and Laterally consistent throughout this time period.
One of the most comprehensive data sets comes from
The tendency for unilateral CL to be left-sided has
Denmark, where there is a mandatory reporting system
proved to be a consistent finding. Of unilateral CL
and a rigorous ascertainment procedure. The reported
(80%-85% of all CL cases), approximately two-thirds
birth prevalence of OC in Denmark has risen from
have left-sided defects regardless of sex, ethnic group,
1/667 live-born infants in 1942 to 1/529 in 1981
and severity of defect (Fogh-Andersen, 1942; Fraser
(Jensen et al., 1988). This increase may be due to bet-
and Calnan, 1961). Since then, this predilection for the
ter reporting and recording, decreased neonatal mor-
left side in unilateral clefts has been a recurrent find-
tality, increasing environmental teratogens (e.g., drugs),
ing in the OC literature (Bonaiti et al., 1982; Tolarova,
and increased frequency of marriage among cleft pa-
1987; Jensen et al., 1988), and this seems to be a fea-
tients because of better care.
ture in all ethnic groups.
The decline in OC in England and Wales apparent
No convincing explanation for these differences has
in notification data does not appear in the EUROCAT
been advanced, but a proposed explanation is that
Registry data from Liverpool or Glasgow (EUROCAT
blood vessels, supplying the right side of the fetal head,
Reports, 1995, 1996). However, EUROCAT data from
leave the aortic arch closer to the heart and are per-
Northern Ireland show a consistent decline in birth
haps better perfused by blood than those going to the
prevalence for CP. In parallel with the increased preva-
left side (Johnston and Brown, 1980). Therefore, this
lence in Denmark over time between the 1940s and
left-sided characteristic would equally affect males and
1970s, increases were also noted in Finland during the
females, and this was confirmed for both unilateral CL
same period. Seasonal patterns are little studied, but
and unilateral CL/P in a study of the Metropolitan At-
where they have been (Saxen and Lathi, 1974), no con-
lanta Congenital Defects Program (Paulozzi and Lary,
sistency has been noted.
1999). An earlier report from the Netherlands by Cor-
nel et al. (1992), however, examined laterality accord-
ing to gender in an 8-year study and found that the Genetics and Environmental Factors
predilection to left-sided clef ting was seen only in boys.
The overall variation in craniofacial morphology
worldwide is related to ethnicity, and heritable char-
Time Trends acteristics (parental craniofacial characteristics being
an example) are associated with ethnicity. The myriad
The best data on which to base judgments on time of identifiable environmental causes are not uniform
trends for OC prevalence at birth are provided by the worldwide, individual countries and regions of coun-
registries, where the criteria and infrastructure for the tries being subjected to considerably differing lifestyle
collection of data over a time period in a defined geo- factors and environmental conditions. Maternal ciga-
graphical area are relatively consistent. Data from the rette smoking and alcohol consumption remain the
EUROCAT registry Report 6 (1980-1992) and Report most plausible environmental factors in the cause of
7 (1990-1994) provide a reasonable estimate of time OC, but the evidence is not entirely consistent and may
trends in prevalence during these two time periods for differ for CP and CL/P. Gene-environment interactions
CP and CL/P subgroups. While interesting variations may also play a role, and in two studies smoking has
during these time periods can be observed in various been shown to be a more potent risk factor when pres-
registries, there is no overall consistent trend to suggest ent in conjunction with the transforming growth
that OC is significantly increasing or reducing in preva- factor-alpha TaqI C2 allele (Hwang et al., 1995; Shaw
lence. et al., 1996). Specific environmental etiologies were im-
The ICBDMS, like EUROCAT, does not reveal any plicated in OC in the Tehran study (Taher, 1992), and
remarkable time trends in the period 1974-1998, with Zieglowski and Hemprich (1999) showed a dramatic
the occasional exception, such as the Finnish data. In increase (9.4%) in CLP 1 year after the Chernobyl nu-
Finland, the prevalence of CP has steadily increased clear accident, though there may be an element of se-
over this period and, for CL/P, there is a similar, though lection bias in this figure.

Variations in genotype are associated with ethnicity, considerable improvements in living conditions and nu-
and thus it is possible that the effects of gene- trition during this same time period. This might well
environment interactions may vary considerably be- be due to a concomitant increase in exposure to other
tween ethnic groups. This may also account for some environmental teratogens, or it may be a genetic phe-
of the ethnic and geographic variation in the epidemi- nomenon. In the context of gene-environment interac-
ology of OC. tion, Khoury and James (1993) state that if genetic sus-
ceptibility is not accounted for in the study of
Socioeconomic Status environmental factors, the results may be misleading.
It may be that the factors associated with low so-
A number of studies have speculated on socioeconomic cioeconomic status can account for some of the world-
status, but in general, little attempt has been made to wide variation in the prevalence of OC. The overall
record it accurately or to analyze the correlation with conclusion is that socio-economic status in OC is not
CP or CLP. Croen et al. (1998) examined variation in well studied. One of the barriers to investigation of the
the prevalence of CP and CL/P among Filipinos in Cal- role of socioeconomic status in OC is that common cri-
ifornia, Hawaii, and the Philippines and demonstrated teria for the description of low socioeconomic status
a gradient, with the highest prevalence observed in the do not exist. Also, in those studies where socioeco-
Philippines, an intermediate prevalence in Hawaii, and nomic status or social class have been examined, dif-
the lowest prevalence in California. They speculated ferent criteria have been used, making valid intercenter
that this variation may reflect differences in environ- comparisons impossible.
mental risk factors, such as lack of maternal pericon-
ceptional vitamin supplementation.
Womersley and Stone (1987) examined the preva- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRODUCING BETTER
lence of facial clefting within Greater Glasgow ac- DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS IN ORAL
cording to housing and social characteristics. The high- CLEFTS EPIDEMIOLOGY
est rates were observed in areas of high unemployment,
poor housing, and unskilled workers, whereas the low- Oral clefting is a heterogeneous group of defects with
est rates were found in affluent areas with large owner- a considerable range of severity; therefore, there will
occupied housing and professional or non-manual inevitably be variability in ascertainment rates. Many
workers. The majority of cases examined were CP, and earlier publications were less discriminating on the dif-
there appeared to be less variation in CL/P cases. The ferences in frequency between CP and CL/P, often quot-
authors concluded that a deprived environment en- ing a combined figure. Many of the more recent papers
hances the susceptibility to CP and that interaction be- do differentiate and some subdivide CL and CLP.
tween low socioeconomic status or a poor environment For example, the overall data from Europe show a
with a teratogen might explain Glasgow's high preva- fivefold variation in CL/P and a threefold variation in
lence of CP. Diet, infection, and drugs were suggested. CP. The explanation for such variation may, at least
Sivaloganathan (1972) examined social class and OC partly, be due to the variable quality of data. It is there-
in a hospital-based sample in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, fore important that methods of ascertainment are spec-
between September 1969 and May 1971. They found ified, as well as whether studies were population-based
that 65% of clefts were from the lower class, 28% from or hospital-based. Accurate data require a recording
the middle class, and 7% from the upper class, indi- system using multiple sources of ascertainment.
cating either that clefting is associated with poor socio-
economic status and environmental factors or that there Population-Based vs. Hospital-Based Registries
is a genetic predisposition. In a similar hospital-based
study in Thailand, Chuangsuwanich et al. (1998) re- In much of the older literature and in current work in
ported that low socio-economic status is also a signif- less developed countries, data are often available only
icant etiological factor for OC. on births delivered in hospital. Unless almost all births
It might be expected that if low socioeconomic sta- occur in hospital, such data may be biased. However,
tus were a significant factor, time trend data would re- if hospital confinement is more available to women
flect this in areas where there have been improvements from the upper socio-economic groups, hospital-
in living standards. Some trends are detectable from the derived rates may underestimate those for the commu-
available data in Europe (of which the EUROCAT data nity as a whole.
are regarded as being the most reliable), and these show Interpretation of hospital series, therefore, is not
that globally there was no reduction in the birth preva- straightforward unless the proportion of births in the
lence of OC between 1980 and 1996. This is despite community delivered in hospital approaches 100%.

Even so, when hospital records alone are searched, the and environmental risk factors may differ, and then for
number of cases expressed as a percentage of all known syndromic vs. nonsyndromic status within these cate-
cases found using multiple sources of ascertainment gories. Since the major cleft phenotypes are actually
may be low, as indicated by the Hungarian figure of heterogeneous entities, disaggregating them for statis-
52.5% based on this one source of ascertainment tical purposes may aid the investigation of unitary dis-
(Czeizel and Revesz, 1970). ease categories.
While complete ascertainment is almost impossible
to achieve, we can come close to this by pooling data Ethnic Grouping
from several overlapping sources. The quality of a
population-based perinatal register will depend on how Where possible, data within countries should be pre-
many sources are used and how thorough the ascer- sented by ethnic group, although it must be recognized
tainment process is; also, cleft registers or hospital- that grouping by ethnic origin is not entirely objective.
based registers tend to be a subset, excluding stillbirths, Also, in light of some emerging evidence, it may be use-
early deaths, minor anomalies not requiring surgery, ful to have a record of socioeconomic status. Ideally,
patients who move away, miscoding, etc. As well as be- data sets containing core information agreed by con-
ing less complete, a hospital-based registry will tend to sensus should be collected, while additional informa-
have fewer cases with associated abnormalities because tion should be collected for studies in suspected high-
of stillbirths and perinatal deaths and because another risk population subgroups: specific parental genotypes
feature may be more important than the cleft. or phenotypes, older parents, medicated mothers,
mothers with certain chronic diseases, and parents with
unique dietary or other environmental exposures.
Multiple Sources of Ascertainment
Multiple sources of ascertainment from population-
based samples should be used for incidence statistics, CONCLUSIONS
and complete censuses or representative samples should
be employed for prevalence statistics. These constitute The overall conclusions to be drawn from the data pre-
the best approaches available for preparing accurate es- sented in this chapter are as follows:
timates of rates because no single data source has suf- • There is ample evidence of the distinctly different na-
ficient reliability (Czeizel and Tusnadi, 1971). ture of CL/P and CP and emerging evidence of dis-
In preparing incidence data to support genetic and tinct differences in subgroups within these overall
other etiological studies, all abortions and stillbirths conditions.
should be included or appropriate adjustments made. • There is a great deal of geographical variation, which
Whether terminations and fetal deaths are included, the is more apparent for CL/P than CP.
inclusion criteria, and the methods used should be clar- • There is considerable variation in the proportion of
ified. Similarly, the effects of differential prenatal and OC cases with additional congenital anomalies and
postnatal death rates on the apparent sex ratios for syndromes.
clefts should be documented. All degrees of cleft ex- • The limited available data suggest that migrant
pression should be diagnosed to prevent underascer- groups retain rates of CL/P similar to those of their
tainment. area of origin.
• There is no consistent evidence of time trends, nor is
Cleft Type and Associated Malformations there consistent variation by socioeconomic status or
seasonality, but these areas have not been adequately
All epidemiological and genetic data should be pre- studied. There is a need to investigate such parame-
sented by specific cleft type whenever possible (Fogh- ters within as well as between different populations.
Andersen, 1942; Fraser, 1970). Each cleft type should • There is considerable international variation in the
be subdivided by the presence or absence of associated frequency of OCs, but validity and comparability of
congenital malformations (Emanuel et al., 1973). data are adversely affected by numerous factors:
Where possible, syndromic cleft cases should be sepa- source population of births considered (hospital vs.
rated from nonsyndromic ones and the classification population), time period, method of ascertainment,
used and how this was done should be explained, e.g., inclusion/exclusion criteria, and sampling fluctua-
by a dysmorphologist. Birth prevalence statistics for tion.
clefts will further benefit risk factor studies if they are • There are many parts of the world for which we have
tallied separately for familial and sporadic cases (Mel- little or no information on the frequency of OCs, in
nick et al., 1980; Bixler, 1981), in which the genetic particular parts of Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.

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TABLE 12.IA. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Europe*

Birth prevalence
Time Sources of No. of All Associated
Population Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP Clefts Abnormalities Reference

Czech Republic (Bohemia) 1964-1971 Population-based 1,831,036 1.21 0.60 1.81 Nonsyndromic Tolarova (1987)
1964-1982 Registry 689,967 1.28 0.63 1.95 2.1% Syndromic Kjaskova (1973)
(multiple sources)
Croatia 1983-1993 Zagreb Registry 65,100 —t — 1.10 Ligutic et al. (1997)
Denmark 1936-1961 Population-based 2,031,559 — 0.47 — Included Christensen and Fogh-Andersen
submucous (1994)
1938-1957 Surgical records 1,631,376 1.08 0.36 1.44 Syndromes Fogh-Andersen (1961)
1941-1968 Population-based 2,066,153 1.30 No data No data Nonsyndromic Melnick et al. (1980)
1942 Population-based 1.25 0.38 1.62 Nonsyndromic Fogh-Andersen (1942)
1962-1987 Population-based 1,761,504 n.d. 0.77 — Nonsyndromic Christensen and Fogh-Andersen
(including (1994)
1976-1981 Population-based 359,027 1.37 0.52 1.89 Included Jensen et al. (1988)
England 1940-1950 Multiple sources 218,693 — — 1.30 McMahon and McKeown (1953)
Birmingham 1949-1958 Multiple sources 404,124 0.95 0.47 1.42 Knox and Braithwaite (1962)
Liverpool 1950-1959 Multiple sources 186,046 — — 1.90 Leek (1969)
1960-1982 Multiple sources 325,727 — — 1.40 Owens et al. (1985)
Birmingham 1960-1984 Population-based 432,778 1.04 0.62 1.66 Included Leek and Lancashire (1995)
registry LB + SB
Trent 1973-1982 Hospital activity 617,940 — — 1.51 Coupland and Coupland (1988)
Finland 1948-1975 Population-based 2,258,850 0.77 0.97 1.74 — Rintala (1986)
1962-1967 Multiple sources 110,299 — — 1.30 Saxen and Lathi (1974)
1967-1971 Registry 347,316 0.83 0.86 1.72 20% CL/P Saxen and Lathi (1974)
Multiple sources 22% CP
1972-1973 Multiple sources 116,407 0.73 0.90 1.63 25% CL/P Saxen (1975)
30% CP
1974-1988 0.81 1.01 1.82 Nonsyndromic Tolarova and Cervenka (1995)
France 1978-1987 Registry 813,513 0.67 0.44 1.11 Nonsyndromic Long et al. (1992)
Alsace 1979-1987 Registry 118,286 0.98 0.77 1.75 Included Stoll et al. (1991)
Strasbourg 1979-1996 Population based 238,942 1.08 0.85 1.93 36.7% Stoll et al. (2000)

TABLE 12.IA. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Europe* (continued)

Birth prevalence

Time Sources of No. of All Associated

Population Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP Clefts Abnormalities Reference

East Central n.d. Registry 1,460,000 0.56 0.42 0.98 Chromosomal Kallen et al. (1996)
4.3% CL/P
4.5% CP
Hungary (Budapest) 1962-1967 Registry 1.03 0.27 1.30 — Czeizel (1997)
1970-1976 Registry 1.16 0.48 1.64 Included Czeizel (1997)
Iceland 1956-1962 Multiple sources 32,979 1.33 0.61 1.94 6.3% Moller (1965)
LB only
Emilia Romagna 1978-1986 Population-based 150,168 0.75 0.58 1.33 32% Calzolari et al. (1988)
Emilia Romagna and 1981-1989 Hospital and 561,539 0.82 0.61 1.43 23% CL/P Milan et al. (1994)
northeast Italy) population-based 43% CP
data LB + SB
Northern Ireland 1980-1990 Regional database 310,838 0.60 0.68 1.28 Nonsyndromic Gregg et al. (1994)
Netherlands 1981-1988 Multiple sources 73,879 1.46 0.81 2.27 Syndromic (453 Cornel et al. (1992)
23% CL/P
52% CP
Norway 1967-1988 Registry 516,657 1.43 0.65 2.08 Included Abyholm (1978)
1974-1988 1.42 0.50 1.92 — Tolarova and Cervenka (1995)
Poland 1981-1995 Hospital (surgical 132,783 1.16 0.84 2.00 Nonsyndromic Antoszewski and Kruk-Jeromin
cases) (1997)
Scotland 1971-1990 Regional database 356,922 0.77 0.63 1.40 Nonsyndromic Bellis and Wohlegemuth (1999)
Southeast and Highlands
West 1974-1985 Registry 158,333 0.75 0.81 1:56 Nonsyndromic Wormsley and Stone (1987)
West 1980-1984 0.74 0.79 1.53 Included Fitzpatrick et al. (1994)
26% CL/P
39.5% CP
Slovenia 1973-1993 Cleft registry 179,268 0.98 0.66 1.64 LB Nonsyndromic Kozelj (1996)
Sweden (Stockholm) 1958-1970 Cleft registry 253,468 1.17 0.55 1.72 Nonsyndromic Beckman and Myrberg (1972)
1973-1983 Cleft registry 1.00 0.47 1.47 Nonsyndromic McWilliam (1997)
1984-1994 Cleft registry 0.95 0.53 1.48 Nonsyndromic McWilliam (1997)
1991-1995 Population-based 122,148 1.35 0.65 2.00 17% Hagberg et al. (1997)
LB only
n.d. Registry 2.07 million 1.27 0.65 1.92 Chromosomal Kallen et al. (1996)
(includes PR) anomalies
2.1% CL/P
2.2% CP

CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths; PR, Pierre Robin; n.d., not defined,
dATA not available.
TABLE 12.IB. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—USA and Canada'
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of All Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP Clefts Abnormalities Reference

Canada 1943-1949 Surgical records 655,322 —t — 1.06 Hixon (1951)

British Columbia 1952-1986 Registry 1,299,495 1.23 0.75 1.98 Nonsyndromic Lowry et al. (1989)
Chinese 1952-1971 Multiple sources 12,5000 — — 1.76 Lowry and Trimble (1977)
White 1952-1971 Multiple sources 713,316 — — 1.97 Lowry and Trimble (1977)
Japanese 1952-1971 Multiple sources 3571 — — 3.36 Lowry and Trimble (1977)
1952-1964 Registry 452,147 1.09 0.54 1.63 Included Lowry and Renwick (1969)
Native Americans 1952-1964 Registry 20,819 2.73 0.44 3.17 Included Lowry and Renwick (1969)
Canada 1997 Registry (ICBD) 262,741 0.33 0.74 1.07 ICBDMS (2000)
USA n.d. Deliveries 15,565 — — 1.09 Davis (1924)
Black n.d. Deliveries 12,500 — — 0.56 Davis (1924)
Los Angeles 1936-1951 Hospital records 29,000 — — 1.00 Lutz and Moor (1955)
White LB + SB
Black 1936-1951 Hospital records 16,901 — — 0.71 Lutz and Moor (1955)
California 1955 Birth certificates, 313,164 0.82 0.36 1.18 Included Wayne Loretz et al.
population-based 18.2% (1961)
White 1955 Birth certificates 282,812 — — 1.20 Wayne Loretz et al.
Black 1955 Birth records 21,532 — — 0.60 Wayne Loretz et al.
California 1983-1986 Registry 452,287 0.74 0.38 1.1 2 Included Shaw et al. (1991)
California 1983-1993 Registry 2,509,881 0.77 0.31 1.08 Nonsyndromic Tolarova and Cervenka (1998)
California n.d. Registry 1.62 million 1.00 0.57* 1.57 Chromosomal Kallen et al. (1996)
(includes PR) anomalies
7 .4% CL/P
8.4% CP
Hawaii 1948-1966 Multiple sources 67,170 — — 2.65 Ching and Chung (1974)
White 1948-1986 Multiple sources 77,013 — — 1.55 Ching and Chung (1974)
Japanese 1974-1977 Birth records 2905 — — 2.41 Tyan (1982)
White 1963 Multiple sources 58,686 1.60 0.61 2.21 Included Hay (1971)
TABLE 12.IB. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—USA and Canada* (continued)
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of All Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP Clefts Abnormalities Reference

White 1980-1989 Birth certificates 228,156 0.93 0.43 1.36 Nonsyndromic Das et al. (1995)
Nonwhite 1980-1989 Birth certificates 211,198 0.30 0.24 0.54 Das et al. (1995)
New York City Jan 1952-Dec 1962 Birth certificates 1,478,315 0.60 0.26 0.86 Included Conway and Wagner (1966)
White 13% CL/P
Nonwhite Jan 1952-Dec 1962 Birth certificates 344,929 0.29 0.22 0.51 27% CP Conway and Wagner (1966)
Pennsylvania 1942 Birth records 191,161 — — 1.26 Grace (1943)
Black 1942 Birth records 39,130 — — 0.23 Grace (1943)
White 1961 Birth certificates 213,778 — — 1.32 Ivy (1962)
Black 1961 Birth certificates 26,086 — — 0.23 Ivy (1962)
Black 1961 Birth certificates 28,350 — — 0.95 Ivy (1962)
(Utah) (white) Jan 1951-Jan 1961 Nursery records 59,650 1.24 0.27 1.51 Included Woolf et al. (1963)
Washington D.C. 1952-1961 Hospital records 79,842 0.49 0.49 0.98 Included Altemus (1966)
White 1956-1965 Multiple sources 189,096 — — 1.75 Emanuel et al. (1973)
Black 1956-1965 Multiple sources 8730 — — 1.26 Emanuel et al. (1973)
Chinese 1956-1965 Multiple sources 1,237 — — 4.04 Emanuel et al. (1973)
Japanese 1956-1965 Multiple sources 2,538 — — 1.97 Emanuel et al. (1973)
Wisconsin (white) 1943-1962 Multiple sources 1,756,409 0.86 0.37 1.23 Included Gilmore and Hofman (1966)
USA 1983-1992 Registry 2,221,755 1.07 0.68 1.75 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
White 1983-1992 Registry 1,005,727 1.05 0.72 1.77 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
African-American 1983-1992 Registry 172,557 0.62 0.54 1.16 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Japanese 1983-1992 Registry 14,314 1.05 0.77 1.82 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Chinese 1983-1992 Registry 53,113 0.96 0.60 1.50 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Hispanic 1983-1992 Registry 769,866 1.01 0.56 1.57 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Filipino 1983-1992 Registry 61,012 1.00 0.92 1.92 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Native 1983-1992 Registry 13,545 1.99 1.11 3.10 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
East Indian 1983-1992 Registry 12,310 1.14 1.06 2.20 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Pacific 1983-1992 Registry 11,993 0.83 0.83 1.66 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Korean 1983-1992 Registry 15,353 0.65 0.26 0.91 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Laotian 1983-1992 Registry 26,735 1.46 0.67 2.13 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Vietnamese 1983-1992 Registry 30,779 1.23 0.45 1.68 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
Cambodian 1983-1992 Registry 12,336 0.97 0.32 1.29 Nonsyndromic Croen et al. (1998)
14 Institutions n.d. Follow-up 16,385 — — 1.82 Chung and Myrianthopoulos (1967)
Whites pregnancies
Blacks n.d. Follow-up 9756 — 0.82 — Chung and Myrianthopoulos (1967)
12 Institutions 1973-1974 Follow-up 24,153 — — 2.69 Myrianthopoulos and Chung
Whites pregnancies (1974)
Blacks 1973-1974 Follow-up 25,149 — 1.67 — Myrianthopoulos and Chung
pregnancies (1974)
Native Americans 1963-1966 Population-based 25,341 1.38 0.59 1.97 — Niswander and Adams

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths; PR, Pierre Robin; ICBD, International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects; n.d., not defined.
1"Data not available.
TABLE 12.IC. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Central and South America''
Birth prevalence

Sources of No. of Asscoiated

Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP All Clefts Abnormalities Reference

Caribbean (Santo Domingo) 1973-1976 Hospital records 704,410 0.42 0.20 0.62 Nonsyndromic Garcia-Godoy (1980)
Mexico (Guadalajara) Nov 1988-June 1991 Hospital registry 33,461 1.05 0.27 1.32 Included Perez-Molina et al.
(4 hospitals) (1993)
South America 1967-1981 56 hospitals 849,381 0.87 0.13 1.00 Nonsyndromic Menegotto and Salzano
South America 1982-1998 Registry 2,982,893 1.09 0.36 1.45 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Argentina 1982-1998 Registry 1,122,870 1.16 0.36 1.52 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Bolivia 1982-1998 Registry 79,296 2.28 0.21 2.50 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Brazil 1982-1998 Registry 754,657 1.01 0.39 1.40 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Chile 1982-1998 Registry 297,583 1.13 0.46 1.59 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Colombia 1982-1998 Registry 68,089 1.03 0.30 1.28 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Ecuador 1982-1998 Registry 56,199 1.05 0.37 1.42 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Paraguay 1982-1998 Registry 94,433 1.19 0.36 1.55 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Peru 1982-1998 Registry 72,864 0.81 0.06 0.87 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Uruguay 1982-1998 Registry 181,275 0.85 0.37 1.22 Included ECLAMC (2000)
Venezuela 1982-1998 Registry 255,627 0.77 0.33 1.10 Included ECLAMC (2000)
West Indies (Guadeloupe) July 1979-Feb 1983 Population-based 8,142 —t — 2.08 29%+ Goulet et al. (1986)
LB only 41% SB

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths; ECLAMC, Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations.
^Data not available.
TABLE 12.ID. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Australia and New Zealand*
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP All Clefts Abnormalities Reference

Australia 1980-1987 Registry 9695 2.27 0.72 2.99 Nonsyndromic Bower et al. (1989)
Non-Aboriginal 1980-1987 Registry 170,760 1.24 0.67 1.91 Nonsyndromic Bower et al. (1989)
Tasmania (whites) 1945-1957 Multiple sources 96,510 —f — 1.66 Rank and Thomson (1960)
New South Wales (Whites) 1964-1966 Hospital records 143,948 — — 1.21 Chi and Godfrey (1970)
New South Wales (Whites) 1963-1972 Multiple sources 193,520 0.54 0.68 1.22 Brogan and Woodings (1974)
South Australia (whites) 1949-1968 Multiple sources 392,228 — — 1.41 Spry and Nugent (1975)
New Zealand (Auckland) 1960-1976 Urban population 178,240 0.39 1.87 2.26 Nonsyndromic Chapman (1983)
Whites 1960-1976 Urban population 26,460 1.19 0.64 1.83 Nonsyndromic Chapman (1983)

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate.
tData not available.
TABLE 12.IE. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Far East'
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP All Clefts Abnormalities Reference

China n.d. Hospital births 9876 —+ — 1.62 Stevenson et al. (1966)

Hong Kong
Oct 1986-Sept 1987 945 hospitals 1,243,284 1.67 0.15 1.82 Nonsyndromic Xiao (1989)
Shanghai 1980-1989 Population-based 541,504 1.2 — — Nonsyndromic Cooper et al. (2000)
Japan n.d. Hospital birth 16,373 — — 2.41 Tsutsui (1951)
Osaka records
Tokyo 1922-1940 Hospital 49,645 1.17 0.73 1.90 Included Mitani (1954)
1922-1952 Hospital birth 80,423 — — 1.89 Mitani (1954)
1922-1955 Questionnaire to 114,815 — — 2.05 Tsukamoto (1956)
1940-1956 Hospital birth 46,635 — — 2.08 Kobayasi (1958)
Nagasaki 1948-1952 Survey of ABCC 27,016 — — 2.48 Hikita (1953)
Hiroshima, Nagasaki 1948-1954 Survey of ABCC 63,976 2.13 0.55 2.68 Included Neel (1958)
Okayama 1953-1960 Hospital birth 35,366 — — 1.64 Kurozumi (1963)
1957-1961 Questionnaire to 280,000 — — 1.65 Sato (1966)
Hokkaido 1965-1967 Questionnaire to 105,586 — — 1.79 Tanaka (1972)
1979-1982 Hospital 55,103 0.97 0.29 1.26 Nonsyndromic Kondo (1987)
LB only
Aichi 1982 293 hospitals 40,304 1.02 0.27 1.29 Natsume et al. (1987)
1983 Hospital 39,696 1.43 0.21 1.64 Nonsyndromic Natsume and Kawai (1986)
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Chinese) n.d. Hospital births 16,026 — — 1.56 Stevenson et al. (1966)
Philippines 1989-1996 Medical records 47,969 1.94 No data No data Included 21% at Murray et al. (1997)
Singapore 1985-1994 Hospital 474,542 1.59 0.48 2 .07 All-inclusive Yi et al. (1999)
LBonly 1.5% of clefts
Chinese n.d. Hospital births 39,655 — — 1.74 Stevenson et al. (1966)
1986-1987 Hospital 33,672 1.04 0.53 1.57 Nonsyndromic Tan (1988)
1986-1987 Hospital 30,411 1.15 0.59 1.74 Tan (1988)
Taiwan 1955-1962 Hospital births 14,583 — — 1.92 Wei and Chen (1965)
Chinese 1965-1968 Hospital births 25,517 — — 1.45 Emanuel et al. (1972)
Taipei Jan 1965-Jan 1968 6 hospitals 25,814 1.29 0.16 1.45 35% Emanuel et al. (1972)
>28 weeks
Thailand (Siriraj Hospital) 1990-1996 Hospital records 130,236 1.22 0.40 1.62 Included 4.38% Chuangsuwanich
et al. (1998)

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths; ABCC, Atomic Bomb Casualty Committee; n.d., not defined.
+Data not available.
TABLE 12.IF. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Middle East'
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP All Clefts Abnormalities Reference

Iran Aug 1976-Sept 1991 Hospital 19,369 0.85 0.18 1.03 7.73% Rajabian and Sherkat (2000)
Tehran (surgical cases) LB only
Tehran 1983-1988 One hospital 21,138 3.12 0.62 3.74 Chemical Taher (1992)
sulfur mustard
gas implicated in CL/P
Israel 1960-1962 6 hospitals 47,768 0.37 0.17 0.54 27% Azaz and Koyoumdjisky-Kaye (1967)
Whites 1961-1971 Multiple sources 218,750 —t — 0.80 Tal et al. (1974)
Kuwait 1985-1987 Population 53,786 1.06 0.42 1.48 Nonsyndromic Srivastava and Bang (1990)
Saudi Arabia 1989-1992 Hospital-based 62,577 1.89 0.30 2.19 CP 21.5% Borkar et al. (1993)
United Arab Emirates 1998 Hospital-based 7500 0.40 0.27 0.67 Included ICBDMS (2000)

CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths,
dATA not available.
TABLE 12.IG. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Indian Subcontinent'
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP All Clefts Abnormalities Reference

India Various prospective Hospital-based LB+ 224,341 1.20 0.44 1.64 Verma and Mathews (1983)
and retrospective SB (meta-analysis)
Bombay June 1960-Dec 1963 Pregnancy 24,248 1.59 —+ — Master-Notani et al.
terminations (1968)
Calicut Jan 1962-May 1964 Hospital 3721 1.61 — 1.61 Included Nair and Mathai (1964)
(6 clefts)
Lucknow Sept 1963-Oct 1964 Hospital 2851 — — 1.40 Included Sharma et al. (1972)
LB + SB (4 clefts)
Patna 1 March 1964- Hospital-based 5376 1.50 — — Khanna and Prasad (1967)
30 Nov 1964
Jaipur Jan 1965-Dec 1969 Hospital 28,511 — — 0.70 Included Hemrajani et al. (1971)
LB only
Kanpur Feb 1967-April 1968 Hospital 4150 0.96 0.48 1.44 Included Mital and Grewal (1969)
LB + SB (6 clefts)
Rajastan 1969 Hospital 2145 0.93 — — Gupta et al. (1971)
LB + SB (2 clefts)
New Delhi Dec 1969-March 1973 Hospital 7590 1.05 — — Ghosh et al. (1985)
LB only
New Delhi 1975-1978 Hospital 6274 1.43 0.32 1.75 Included Singh and Sharma (1980)
LB only (9 clefts) (2 clefts)
Hyderabad April-July 1970 Hospital 1060 1.75 0.9 2.65 Included Mathur et al. (1975)
LB + SB (4 clefts) 2 SB
Madras 1975-1976 Hospital 24,192 — — 1.71 Included Chandra and Harilal (1977)
LB + SB (28 clefts)
Haryana Jan 1976-Dec 1977 Population 2409 0.41 0.41 0.82 Included Kulshrestha et al. (1983)
LB only (2 clefts)
Madurai Jan 1976-July 1977 Hospital-based 11,619 0.77 — — Kamala et al. (1978)
Hubli 1 July 1976-30 Sept 1977 Hospital 2398 1.25 — — Goravalingappa and Nashi (1979)
LB + SB (3 clefts)
Calcutta 1976-1980 Hospital 21,016 — — 0.62 Choudhury et al. (1984)
LB + SB +
Malda 1976-1987 6 hospitals 126,266 — — 0.74 Choudhury et al. (1989)
Maharashtra April 1985-March 1986 Hospital 3014 2.32 — 2.32 Nonsyndromic Chaturvedi and Banerjee (1989)

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths.
^Data not available.
TABLE 12.IH. International Epidemiology of Oral Clefts—Africa''
Birth prevalence
Sources of No. of Associated
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP All Clefts Abnormalities Reference

Nairobi 1 Nov 1963-30 April 1964 Hospital-based 3061 1.63 0.33 1.96 Khan (1965)
Nigeria 1 Feb-31 July 1964 Adeoyo Hospital 4220 0.47 0.24 0.71 Gupta (1969)
Lagos 1966-1967 Hospital 16,720 0.36 —t 0.36 Included Lesi (1969)
LB + SB (5 clefts)
1976-1980 Clinical 21,624 0.30 0.07 0.37 18% Iregbulem (1982)
exam at birth
1976-1980 Hospital records 973,236 0.3 0.07 0.37 Included Iregbulem (1982)
Zaria Hospital 23,512 0.21 0.08 0.29 Included Harrison et al. (1985)
South Africa Jan 1976-Dec 1977 Hospital-based 29,633 0.20 0.10 0.30 22% Kromberg and Jenkins (1982)
(Johannesburg, blacks)
Tunisia 4 Oct 1983-16 July 1984 Hospital 10,000 1.00 0.40 1.40 Khrouf et al. (1986)
Zaire Jan 1970-Dec 1980 Hospital 64,777 — — 1.20 Nonsyndromic Tandu-Umba et al.
Oct 1977-June 1979 Hospital 56,637 0.44 0.02 0.46 Nonsyndromic Ogle (1993)
LB only
Zimbabwe March-July 1984 Hospital 18,033 — — 0.16 Included Shija and Kingo (1985)

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths.
+Data not available.

TABLE 12.11. Time Trends in Birth Prevalence of Cleft Palate (CP) and Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate
(CL/P) from Overlapping Time Periods in Consecutive EUROCAT Reports (EUROCAT 1995 = 1980-1992,
EUROCAT 1996 = 1990-1994)
Birth prevalence

Population Time Period CL/P CP All Clefts

Antwerp 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.97/1.00 0.35/0.30 1.32/1.30
Hainaut-Namur 1980-1992/1990-1994 1.19/1.26 0.61/0.75 1.80/2.01
Denmark (Odense) 1980-1992/1990-1994 1.59/1.29 0.75/0.78 2.34/2.07
Bouches-du-Rhone 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.87/0.74 0.85/0.86 1.72/1.60
Paris 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.78/0.97 0.47/0.62 1.25/1.59
Strasbourg 1980-1992/1990-1994 1.01/1.25 0.86/0.88 1.87/2.13
Northern Ireland (Belfast) 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.72/0.33 0.61/0.25 1.33/0.58
Dublin 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.88/0.88 0.70/0.75 1.58/1.63
Galway 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.78/0.62 0.47/0.54 1.25/1.16
Jte/y (Tuscany) 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.75/0.82 0.58/0.43 1.33/1.25
Ma/to 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.45/0.65 0.53/0.84 0.98/1.49
Northern Netherlands 1980-1992/1990-1994 1.52/1.53 0.66/0.72 2.18/2.25
Asturias 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.65/0.82 0.61/0.63 1.26/1.45
Basque Country 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.57/0.55 0.43/0.49 1.00/1.04
Switzerland 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.86/0.87 0.66/0.65 1.52/1.43
United Kingdom
Glasgow 1980-1992/1990-1994 0.65/0.87 0.84/0.94 1. 49/1.93

Sources of ascertainment, regional population-based registry. Associated anomalies: live births, stillbirths, and induced abortions.


TABLE 12.111. Birth Defect Surveillance Data from Selected U.S. States, 1989-1996*
Birth prevalence

White Other
Sources of No. of
Population Time Period Ascertainment Births CL/P CP CL/P CP All Clefts

Alaska 1996 NBDP 10,041 0.75 0.45 0.30 0.90 1.18

LB only
Arizona 1989-1991 NBDP 203,982 1.12 0.49 1.79 0.62 1.73
LB only
Arkansas 1993-1996 NBDP 141,666 1.26 0.78 1.12 0.56 1.96
California 1989-1995 NBDP 2,021,110 1.00 0.75 1.08 0.66 1.73
Colorado 1989-1995 NBDP 435,615 1.15 0.80 0.88 0.82 1.98
Connecticut 1993-1994 NBDP 92,453 0.80 1.00 0.46 0.83 1.66
LB only
Georgia 1989-1996 NBDP 313,404 1.19 0.58 0.67 0.57 1.51
LB only
Hawaii 1989-1996 NBDP 167,354 0.79 0.73 1.03 1.18 2.01
Illinois 1989-1996 NBDP 1,530,996 0.65 0.41 0.42 0.26 0.96
Iowa 1989-1995 NBDP 306,265 1.20 0.62 1.10 0.62 1.89
LB, SB, +
Maryland 1989-1995 NBDP 564,152 0.66 0.43 0.53 0.22 0.97
Massachusetts 1994-1996 NBDP 246,538 0.65 0.48 1.51 1.33 1.35
Missouri 1989-1996 NBDP 606,325 1.18 0.58 0.76 0.36 1.64
LB only
Nebraska 1989-1996 NBDP 189,863 1.12 0.82 1.30 0.42 1.90
Nevada 1989-1996 NBDP 182,744 0.97 0.67 0.91
New Jersey 1989-1996 NBDP 951,117 0.72 0.69 0.72 0.52 1.39
LB only
New Mexico 1995-1996 NBDP 55,464 1.57 0.14 0.29 1.91
New York 1989-1996 NBDP 2,263,026 0.75 0.58 0.46 0.40 1.21
LB only
North Carolina 1989-1996 NBDP 726,358 0.96 0.52 0.62 0.58 1.38
Ohio 1989-1996 NBDP 1,488,493 1.00 0.34 —t
Oklahoma 1994-1996 NBDP 138,100 1.21 0.71 1.50 0.77 1.99
South Carolina 1989-1996 NBDP 441,488 0.96 0.43 —
Tennessee 1991-1993 NBDP 222,073 0.80 0.31 0.48 0.21 1.05
Texas 1995 NBDP 112,620 1.27 0.96 0.07 0.03 1.59
Utah 1994-1996 NBDP 120,554 0.97 0.45 2.39 0.80 1.51
Virginia 1989-1996 NBDP 1,053,667 — — — — 1.30
LB, SB, +
Wisconsin 1989-1995 NBDP 563,141 1.62 1.51 1.31 1.56 3.01

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; LB, live births; SB, stillbirths; NBDP, National Birth Defects Prevention Net-
^Data not available.
Source: National Birth Defects Prevention Network (2000).

Environmental risk factors and oral clefts


Although the literature regarding the etiology of oral flicting results. While some have concluded that smok-
clefts is extensive, unique causal factors remain un- ers are more likely to have a child with an oral cleft
known. The widely held belief is that oral clefts are of (Ericson et al., 1979; Khoury et al., 1987, 1989; Shaw
multifactorial etiology, with both genetic predisposi- et al., 1996), others have not demonstrated a positive,
tion and environmental influence playing a role. In this statistically significant association (Saxen, 1975; Seid-
chapter, the term environmental is used in its broadest man et al., 1990; Kelsey et al., 1978; Evans, 1979; Wer-
sense to include characteristics of the individual, such ler et al., 1990; Lieff et al., 1999). A meta-analysis of
as age, sex, and race; behaviors, such as smoking and these studies concluded that the overall odds ratio (OR)
alcohol use; as well as other exposures, such as occu- for cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) was 1.29
pational or environmental ones. While no strong risk [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.18-1.42] and that for
factors for oral clefts have been identified, several po- CP was 1.32 (95% CI 1.10-1.62), indicating a weak
tential environmental risk factors have been investi- association between maternal smoking and oral clefts
gated, including smoking, alcohol, caffeine, benzodi- (Wyszynski et al., 1997).
azepines, and corticosteroids. In evaluating the role of In some of these studies, positive associations were
specific risk factors or a category of risk factors in epi- found for some, but not all, oral cleft groups. This is
demiology, several criteria are examined for causality. not unexpected as it is often seen in studies of oral cleft-
These include consistency, strength of association, bi- ing; i.e., a risk factor may be associated with one type
ologic plausibility, temporal sequence, and dose-response of cleft (e.g., CL/P) but not another [e.g., cleft palate
relationship. Often, there is a remarkable lack of con- (CP)]. This inconsistency is most likely related to the
sistency for several of the risk factors discussed in this fact that oral clefts represent a heterogeneous group of
chapter. Also, many of the measures of association are anomalies. Therefore, specific environmental factors
not strong. In addition, usually there is little informa- may not have the same effect on the various subgroups.
tion regarding the temporal sequence between exposure Also, the sample sizes in the subgroups are typically
and outcome. A dose-response relationship can seldom unequal, resulting in a difference in the statistical power
be demonstrated. Therefore, making inferences about to detect an effect, if one exists.
the causality of oral clefts is largely an inconclusive A gene-environment interaction has been proposed
task. In this chapter, the current evidence regarding the in the occurrence of oral clefts in children with the rare
role of environmental risk factors in the etiology of oral allele C2 of the transforming growth factor a (TGF-a)
clefts is discussed. gene born to women who smoked during pregnancy
(Hwang et al., 1995; Shaw et al., 1996; Beaty et al.,
1997; Romitti et al., 1999). This provided the first em-
MATERNAL CIGARETTE SMOKING pirical evidence for the multifactorial etiology of oral
clefts. More details on this may be found in Chapter 23.
Several studies examining the association between ma- In a study conducted in Sweden, infants with CL/P
ternal cigarette smoking and oral clefts have found con- born between 1983 and 1992 (n = 1834) were identi-


fied from the Swedish Registry of Congenital Malfor- and autopsy reports. A total of 54 congenital anom-
mations and the Medical Birth Registry. Smoking was alies were evaluated in the pregnancy outcomes of
recorded as none, <10 cigarettes/day, or >10 ciga- 86,946 live births. The OR for CL/P was 1.1 (95% CI
rettes/day. Four groups of oral clefts were evaluated: 0.5-2.4) based on 22 cases and that for 0.7 CP was
cleft lip (CL), CL/P, CP, and the Robin sequence. A sta- (95% CI 0.3-1.8) based on 19 cases. These results may
tistically significant increased risk was observed for iso- be due to insufficient power in both study groups.
lated CP with an OR of 1.35 and a 95% CI of In a population-based case-control study from the
1.12-1.63 (Kallen, 1997). Washington State Birth Registry, no statistically signif-
Khoury et al. (1987, 1989) consistently reported an icant increased risk for oral clefts was observed (Van
increased risk for oral clefts among smokers in two re- den Eeden et al., 1990). Smoking information was col-
ports using data from the Maryland Birth Defects Re- lected from birth certificate data and categorized as
porting and Information System. In both studies, cases "yes/no," which likely resulted in misclassification bias.
were ascertained at birth and reported by hospitals on This information was available for 96% of controls and
a special form that included demographic information, 97% of cases. One hundred five isolated CL/P and 37
obstetric variables, and prenatal illnesses and expo- CP cases were included in the analysis. Adjusted ORs
sures. Smoking history was obtained by an obstetric were 1.5 (95% CI 1.0-2.3) for CL/P and 1.2 (95% CI
nurse directly from the mother by asking (1) "Did you 0.6-2.5) for CP.
smoke at any time during pregnancy?" and (2) "If yes, In a multicenter case-control study (Lorente et al.,
how many cigarettes a day (1-5, 6-10, 11-20, >20)." 2000b), the ORs for first-trimester maternal smoking
Statistically significant increased risks were obtained were 1.79 (95% CI 1.07-3.04) for CL/P and 0.86 (95%
for both CL/P (OR = 1.55, 95% CI 1.10-2.18) and CP CI 0.40-1.87) for CP. Smoking was categorized as reg-
(OR = 1.96, 95% CI 1.10-3.50) in the latter study and ular smokers, never smokers, and ex-smokers; however,
for CL/P (OR = 3.33, 95% CI 1.3-8.4) in the former. modest information was provided on how smoking his-
In another case-control study, mothers were inter- tory was ascertained. In addition, only 63% of eligible
viewed within 6 months of delivery. This study included cases were interviewed, thereby limiting the interpreta-
400 cases with CL/P and 215 cases with CP compared tion and generalizability of the results.
to 2710 controls with other malformations (Werler et Data from the U.S. Natality database of 1996 were
al., 1990). Smokers were categorized into the follow- evaluated in a case-control study (Chung et al., 2000).
ing groups: 1-14, 15-24, or >25 cigarettes/day. No Information was available for 3,891,494 births, in-
statistically significant increased ORs were observed for cluding 2207 cases with oral clefts. Controls (n =
any cleft category after adjustment for age, education, 4414) were randomly selected from newborns without
race, maternal alcohol use, vitamin A supplementation, congenital anomalies. The database included maternal
and medical and reproductive histories. Adjusted ORs demographic information, maternal health risk factors,
were 0.70 (95% CI 0.3-1.6) for CL/P and 0.80 (95% and infant health characteristics. Smoking history, as
CI 0.3-2.2) for CP. In a later extension of this study well as the number of cigarettes smoked per day dur-
(Lieff et al., 1999), no significant increased risk for oral ing pregnancy, was recorded in the database. The
clefts were seen among cases in the highest smoking smoking categories were none, 1-10, 11-20, and >21
level. Adjusted ORs were 0.91 (95% CI 0.63-1.32) for cigarettes/day. The overall adjusted OR for CL/P was
CL/P and 0.99 (95% CI 0.54-1.91) for CP. 1.34 (95% CI 1.16-1.54), with dose-response rates re-
A large prospective cohort study resulted in no sta- ported for the three smoking categories of 1.50 (95%
tistically significant increase in risk for smoking in ei- CI 1.28-1.76), 1.55 (95% CI 1.23-1.95), and 1.78
ther subcategory of clefts (Shiono et al., 1986). In this (95% CI 1.22-2.59), respectively. Unfortunately, birth
study, information was obtained from the Kaiser- certificates from the U.S. Natality database do not dis-
Permanente Birth Defects Study and the Collaborative criminate between CL/P and CP. This represents the
Perinatal Project. Smoking status was ascertained by largest study to date examining the association between
self-report when women were seen for routine prena- smoking and oral clefts.
tal care. In the Kaiser-Permanente Birth Defects study, Overall, the results of the studies described above are
women were categorized as to smoking status and in- inconsistent (Table 13.1). These inconsistencies are
formation regarding congenital malformations was as- likely due to different study designs, case definitions,
certained from medical charts, discharge diagnoses, exposure assessments, and timing of exposure. The ev-
neonatologists' notes, and autopsy reports. In the Col- idence to date suggests that maternal cigarette smok-
laborative Perinatal Project, pregnancy outcomes were ing during the first trimester of gestation may be weakly
ascertained by physician examination conducted at associated with risk of oral clefting in the offspring.
birth, 4 months, and 1 year, as well as from medical However, considering the number of women who

TABLE 13.1. Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% CIs) for Highest

Smoking Category and Isolated Oral Clefts
Reference CL/P CP

Saxen (1974) 1.81 (0.89-3.78) 1.59 (0.75-3.45)

Ericson et al. (1979) 2.73 (1.21-6.32) 2.29 (0.43-15.63)
Shiono et al. (1986) 1.1 (0.5-2.4) 0.7 (0.3-1.8)
Khoury et al. (1987) 3.33 (1.3-8.4) 1.82 (.67-4.9)
Khoury et al. (1989) 1.55 (1.10-2.18) 1.96 (1.10-3.50)
Van den Eeden et al. (1990) 1.5 (1.0-2.3) 1.2 (0.6-2.5)
Werler et al. (1990) 0.7 (0.3-1.6) 0.8 (0.3-2.2)
Beaty et al. (1997) 1.96 (0.84-4.59) 1.76 (0.73-4.26)
Kallen (1997) 1.13 (0.99-1.29) 1.35 (1.12-1.63)
Romitti et al. (1999) 1.3 (0.7-2.3) 2.3 (1.1-4.6)
Christensen et al. (1999) 1.4 (0.99-2.00) 0.87 (0.5-1.52)
Lieff etal. (1999) 0.91 (0.63-1.32) 0.99 (0.54-1.81)

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; CI, confidence

smoke during pregnancy, even a weak association relative risks, adjusting for mother's age, smoking his-
would have a significant public health impact. tory, race, religion, seizure history, diabetes, stillbirth,
pregnancy history of rubella or measles, and family his-
tory of malformation in first-degree relatives. Con-
ALCOHOL sumption of alcohol at the highest level, defined as an
average of 5 or more drinks per day on five or more
Several studies have examined the association between drinking days, was more frequent among cases than
maternal alcohol intake and oral clefts in the offspring. controls. The only statistically significant increased risk
For example, Werler and colleagues (1990) explored was seen among CL/P cases in the highest intake cate-
the association between maternal alcohol use and de- gory, five or more drinks per drinking day (OR = 3.0,
fects in neural crest-derived structures/tissues of the 95% CI 1.1-8.5). Although no significant increase in
ear, face, anterior neck, and heart. The number of risk for CP was demonstrated, there were almost twice
drinking days per week, as well as the average number as many CL/P cases (n = 333) as CP cases (n = 188).
of drinks in a drinking day, were recorded separately Statistical power might have been too modest in the
for beer, wine, and liquor during the first 4 lunar latter group.
months of pregnancy. Data were collected between In a population-based case-control study conducted
1983 and 1987. Cases were defined as infants with de- in Iowa between 1987 and 1991, cases were obtained
fects of neural crest-derived structures/tissues such as from the Iowa Birth Defects registry. The registry in-
the face, ear, mouth, anterior neck, thymus, thyroid, cludes data on birth defects diagnosed during the first
parathyroid, branchial arch arteries, ventricular sep- year of life among infants born to Iowa residents
tum, and truncus. Cases associated with known (Munger et al., 1996). Ascertainment sources for cases
Mendelian disorders were excluded. A total of 1464 included medical records of all Iowa hospitals, hospi-
cases were available for analysis. Controls were infants tals of neighboring states serving Iowa residents, and
with malformations of non-neural crest-derived tissues. prenatal clinics. Diagnoses were confirmed by a med-
Three measures of alcohol exposure were used: (1) ical record specialist, nurse geneticist, and two board-
maximum number of drinks in any 1 day (maximum certified geneticists. Cases were selected from all live
intensity), (2) number of drinking days per week (av- births, stillbirths, and aborted fetuses. Controls were
erage frequency), and (3) number of drinks per drink- randomly selected from all Iowa-resident live births
ing day (average intensity). Mothers who consumed at listed with the Iowa Department of Public Health. Al-
least one drink were compared to mothers who drank cohol use was obtained via telephone interview and re-
less than one drink. The reference category included ported as number of drinks per month. Mothers were
mothers who reported no intake or a fraction of a questioned as to alcohol use during the period of 3
drink. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate months before pregnancy until the end of pregnancy.

Alcohol intake was categorized as 1-3, 4-10, or >10 risk of CL/P among women reporting >4 drinks/month
drinks per month. Participation rates were 74% for during the periconceptional period. Alcohol exposure
cases and 54.6% for controls. More mothers with was ascertained for the period of 3 months before con-
lower levels of education were non-participants, po- ception to 9 months following conception. Information
tentially introducing bias if they had higher levels of al- regarding the number of days per month and the typ-
cohol intake. The only statistically significant increased ical number of drinks consumed on those days was used
risk was observed in the highest alcohol consumption to calculate the maximum number of drinks consumed
group (>10 drinks/month) for isolated CL/P (n = 118), in a 24 h period. Cases were ascertained through the
with an OR of 4.0 (95% CI 1.1-15.1). In the CL/P Iowa Birth Defects registry from 1987 to 1994. Con-
group, no significant ORs were recorded for the lower trols were selected from all eligible Iowa live births dur-
consumption groups (4-10 drinks/month, OR = 3.5, ing the same time period. Information on alcohol in-
95% CI 0.8-15.4; 1-3 drinks/month, OR = 1.5, 95% take was assessed for the 1-month period prior to
CI 0.9-2.4). No significant increased risk for isolated pregnancy through the 9-month period following con-
CP (n - 56) was demonstrated for any of the alcohol ception. Women were asked to detail the number of
intake levels. The models were adjusted for household days per month that they consumed alcohol, the typi-
income, maternal education, maternal smoking, ma- cal number of drinks per day, and the maximum num-
ternal vitamin use, and gender of the child. However, ber of drinks consumed in a 24 h interval. The aver-
for CL/P the x2 test for trend was statistically signifi- age number of drinks per month was then determined
cant, indicating increased risk with increasing alcohol for each subject. Response rates were 64% (n = 142)
exposure. for cases and 60.6% (n = 230) for controls. For CL/P,
In a population-based case-control study of Califor- the ORs for women who reported one to three
nia births from 1987 to 1989, cases were ascertained drinks/month were 1.3 (95% CI 0.9-2.0) and for those
by review of hospital and genetic center records (Shaw who reported four or more drinks per month 2.8 (95%
and Lammer, 1999). Cases were diagnosed within 1 CI 1.2-6.6). For CP, the ORs were 1.1 (95% CI
year after birth, and controls were randomly selected 0.6-1.9) and 1.7 (95% CI 0.5-6.4), respectively.
from all live-born infants from the same geographic In a multicenter case-control study in four European
area as the cases born during the same time period. countries (France, United Kingdom, Italy, and The
Telephone interviews were completed with 734 case Netherlands), cases were defined as any live-born or
mothers (84.7%) and 732 controls (78.2%). Women stillborn child or fetus with a major congenital mal-
were asked to report information regarding exposures formation diagnosed prenatally or during the perinatal
during the period of 1 month before pregnancy until 3 period (birth to 6 days) (Lorente et al., 2000b). Con-
months after conception. They were asked how often trols were born immediately after cases and identified
during this period they had any alcoholic beverage, in- in maternity wards or from birth records. Sixty-three
cluding wine, beer, whiskey, or any other alcoholic percent of eligible case mothers were interviewed. Al-
drink. Responses were categorized as never, 1-3 dur- cohol intake was assessed via personal interview in the
ing the 4-month critical window period, 1-3/month, hospital after birth. Alcohol consumption was di-
1-4/week, or every day. Those who reported any drink chotomized as <70 g or >70 g per week. Ex-drinkers
were further asked how often they had five or more included those who reported drinking one drink per
drinks at one sitting. No increased risk for oral clefts day up until a few weeks before pregnancy and who
was found among those categorized as having low al- reported stopping at the beginning of pregnancy. The
cohol consumption (less than weekly, weekly, daily). only statistically significant increased risk was for CP
However, for those who reported consuming five or (OR = 2.28, 95% CI 1.02-5.09). This increase was sig-
more drinks per drinking occasion, the ORs were sig- nificant for isolated CP as well as for CP associated
nificantly elevated for isolated CL/P (n = 348, OR = with other anomalies. This finding was not consistent
3.4, 95% CI 1.1-9.7), for CL/P associated with other with the studies discussed above, which showed no in-
malformations (n = 99, OR = 4.6, 95% CI 1.2-18.8), creased risk for CP.
and for oral clefts occurring with known syndromes Each of the above studies used different definitions
(n = 69, OR = 6.9, 95% CI 1.9-28.6). There was no for highest alcohol intake, ranging from >4 drinks/
significant increased risk for isolated CP (OR — 1.0, month to >5 drinks/drinking occasion (Table 13.2).
95% CI 0.23-8.5). There were no infants with CP as- Despite these differences, these studies consistently
sociated with other malformations in the highest intake demonstrated, with one exception (Lorente et al.,
category. 2000b), an increased risk for CL/P with high alcohol
Another population-based case-control study in Iowa intake, with significant point estimates ranging from
(Romitti et al., 1999) showed a significant increase in 2.8 to 4.0. The fact that there was no increased risk

TABLE 13.2. Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% CIs) for Highest Alcohol Intake
Category and Isolated Oral Clefts *
Level of Alcohol CL/P CP
Reference Intake (95% CI) (95% CI)

Werler et al. (1991) >5 drinks/drinking day 3.0 (1.1-8.5) 0.9 (0.1-7.2)
Munger et al. (1996) >10 drinks/month 4.0 (1.1-15.1) 1.8 (0.3-12.1)
Shaw and Lammer (1999) >5 drinks >once/week 3.4 (1.1-9.7) 1.0 (0.23-8.5)
Romitti et al. (1999) >4 drinks per month 2.8 (1.2-6.6) 1.7 (0.5-6.4)

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; CI, confidence interval.

demonstrated for CP in all but one study may be ex- epilepsy, or an underlying genetic link between epilepsy
plained by inadequate statistical power to detect an in- and clefting that accounts for this increased prevalence
creased risk. of clefting disorders among children of epileptic
women. Use of anticonvulsants, several of which are
known folic acid antagonists, may affect the develop-
CAFFEINE ing fetus, resulting in congenital malformations, most
notably oral clefts (Meadow et al., 1970; Millar and
Only one case-control study has examined the associ- Nevin, 1973; Monson et al., 1973; Kelly et al., 1984;
ation between caffeine and oral clefts (Rosenberg et al., Dansky et al., 1992). Although some authors have
1982). In this study, information on beverage con- pointed out that it may be the mother's epilepsy and
sumption was obtained by asking mothers about their not the use of anticonvulsants that leads to the forma-
daily consumption of decaffeinated coffee, coffee con- tion of oral clefts, this has not been adequately dem-
taining caffeine, tea, cola, and other soft drinks during onstrated (Dronamraju, 1970; Monson et al., 1973;
pregnancy. Those who drank between one and four Friis, 1979; Friis et al., 1981; Kelly et al., 1984). Fur-
cups during their entire pregnancy were classified as ther, there may be a genetic relationship between
"occasional drinkers," and those who drank between epilepsy and oral clefts (Durner et al., 1992).
five and six cups per week were considered "daily A review of studies investigating clefts among fami-
drinkers." A total of 2030 mothers of malformed in- lies with a history of epilepsy found that there was no
fants were interviewed between March 1976 and De- familial occurrence of clefts in individuals with epilepsy
cember 1980. Caffeine consumption was estimated by (Hecht and Annegers, 1990). A case-control study by
summing the intake from tea (35 mg), caffeinated cof- Abrishamchian et al. (1994) demonstrated an increased
fee (100 mg), and cola (45 mg). There were 299 cases risk for CL/P among women with epilepsy (OR = 3.78,
of CL/P and 120 of CP, which were compared to 712 95% CI 1.65-7.88). A statistically significant increased
controls with other malformations. Caffeine consump- risk for CP, however, was not demonstrated.
tion, examined separately for cola, tea, and coffee, was An increased risk associated with drug therapy for
categorized as none, 1-2, or >3 beverages/day or oc- epilepsy during pregnancy was demonstrated, espe-
casional use. Overall daily caffeine consumption was cially for polytherapy, with a 10-fold increased risk for
categorized as none, 1-199 mg, 200-399 mg, or >400 CL/P (OR = 10.5, 95% CI 1.52-59.9). These results
mg. None of the ORs were significantly greater than come from a population-based study and might repre-
1.0, indicating that caffeine use is not associated with sent the most convincing evidence to date of an asso-
oral clefts. However, no definitive conclusion should ciation between epilepsy, its treatment, and oral clefts.
be made based on a single study. The authors pointed out, however, that the attribut-
able risks for clefts associated with epilepsy and its
treatment are very low (3.3% for CL/P and 0.9% for
EPILEPSY CP). The association between antiepileptic drugs and
oral clefts may be related to the fact that many anti-
Epileptic women are at increased risk of having a child epileptic drugs reduce plasma folate levels (Schwan-
with an oral cleft (Niswander and Wertelecki, 1973; inger et al., 1999).
Dronamraju et al., 1970; Speidel and Meadow, 1972; Although the underlying mechanism for the devel-
Monson et al., 1973; Friis, 1979; Hecht et al., 1989; opment of oral clefts in the offspring of women with
Abrishamchian et al., 1994). It is unclear if it is the seizure disorders is not well understood, the risk of hav-
epilepsy per se, the drug therapy used to treat the ing a child with an oral cleft among women with

seizures has been reported to be four to 11 times that among women exposed to benzodiazepines during
of women with no seizure disorders (Dansky and pregnancy (Czeizel, 1987). In this study, 630 cases with
Finnell, 1991). The conflicting reports, however, make CL/P and 179 cases with CP were compared to matched
it difficult to draw any strong conclusions as to whether controls with no significant increase in risk for any oral
it is the use of anticonvulsants by epileptic women dur- cleft demonstrated regardless of timing of diazepam use
ing early pregnancy that increases the risk of having a during pregnancy.
child with an oral cleft. The lack of evidence for a A prospective study reported no increase in risk of
strong familial occurrence may lead to the conclusion oral clefts for first-trimester diazepam use for any oral
that an environmental influence plays a significant role cleft (OR = 1.22, 95% CI 0.17-8.95) (Shiono and
in the association between epilepsy and oral clefts. In Mills, 1984). In a case-control study (Laegreid et
summary, the data suggest a strong association between al.,1990), benzodiazepine use was assessed by serum
seizure disorders in the mother, and perhaps the use of analysis from blood samples taken in early pregnancy
medications to treat them, and the occurrence of oral (prior to 12 weeks). Eighteen cases of congenital mal-
clefts in the offspring. formation were compared to 60 controls. Of these, six
cases were classified as CLP. The OR for exposure to
benzodiazepines during early pregnancy was 14.5 (p =
BENZODIAZEPINES 0.04). A subgroup analysis was not presented, nor was
it clearly stated whether these were isolated clefts or
Use of benzodiazepines during pregnancy and oral clefts associated with other anomalies.
clefts in the offspring has been the subject of several A meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies
reports. Benzodiazepines are prescribed to decrease concluded that cohort studies did not demonstrate an
anxiety, induce sedation, and treat eclampsia and pre- association between benzodiazepines and oral clefts,
eclampsia (Bergman et al., 1992). In one of the first an- with a summary OR of 1.19 (95% CI 0.34-4.15), while
alytical epidemiologic studies, information was ob- case-control studies did demonstrate a slightly in-
tained from the Metropolitan Atlanta Birth Defects creased risk for oral clefts, with a summary OR of 1.79
Program (Safra and Oakley, 1975). Drug use informa- (95% CI 1.13-2.82) (Dolovich et al., 1998). These re-
tion was collected through open-ended questionnaires sults were not broken down for cleft subgroups, thereby
with specific questions regarding the use of "tranquil- limiting their interpretation. Attaining a large sample
izers." Mothers were also shown a card with samples size by "lumping" all types of cleft might increase the
of several tranquilizers, e.g., chlordiazepoxide (Lib- statistical power to detect an association. However, due
rium), diazepam (Valium), prochlorperazine (Com- to the heterogeneity of oral cleft subgroups, this "lump-
pazine), amitriptyline (Elavil), and haloperidol (Hal- ing" might not be a good idea. Furthermore, the lack
dol). All interviews were completed within 4 months of agreement between case-control and cohort studies
after delivery. Cases were mothers of infants with CL/P, in the combined analysis was most likely due to the
and controls were mothers of infants with other con- lower number of cases in cohort studies.
genital anomalies. Increased risks for first-trimester use If an association between use of benzodiazepines and
of diazepam were demonstrated for all CL/P cases oral clefts does exist, the increase in risk is likely weak
(OR - 4.1, 95% CI 1.5-11.5) as well as isolated CL/P and perhaps modified by other factors. A possible
(OR = 4.9, 95% CI 1.6-14.7). mechanism has been proposed based on the theory that
In another case-control study (Rosenberg et al., these drugs may disrupt the neurotransmitter mecha-
1983), no association was demonstrated between use nisms that regulate embryonic development. There is
of diazepam during pregnancy and oral clefts. Due to evidence from mouse models that y-aminobutyric acid
the timing of oral cleft development, the authors did inhibits palatal shelf orientation. It is theorized that di-
not include first exposure to diazepam after the fourth azepam may mimic y-aminobutyric acid, leading to the
lunar month in their exposed category. In this study, development of oral clefts (Zimmerman, 1984). Al-
there were 445 CL/P cases, 166 CP cases, and 2498 though this theory is plausible, the evidence to date
controls. The control group consisted of mothers of in- from human studies does not indicate a strong associ-
fants with other malformations. Reported exposure to ation between diazepam use and risk for oral clefts.
diazepam during the first 4 lunar months of pregnancy
was compared between case subgroups and controls.
No statistically significant increased risk was observed CORTICOSTEROIDS
for any oral cleft subgroup. All relative risks approxi-
mated 1.0. Corticosteroids, which are administered topically, sys-
A study conducted in Hungary from 1980 to 1984 temically, or via inhalation, are mainly used to treat
did not demonstrate an increased risk for oral clefts asthma, lupus, and rheumatoid disorders; and it has

been proposed that they may promote fetal maturation was excluded, the ORs for CL/P when compared to the
(Czeizel and Rockenbauer, 1997). The potential associ- second control group as well as to the malformed con-
ation between oral clefts and corticosteroid use during trol group remained statistically significantly increased.
pregnancy was first proposed from animal studies (Bax- No conclusion can be made regarding the risk for CP.
ter and Fraser, 1950). A case-control study demon- In a case-control study conducted in Hungary
strated an increased risk of oral clefts in infants of (Czeizel and Rockenbauer, 1997), cases were identified
women who used corticosteroids during pregnancy using the Hungarian Congenital Abnormality Registry.
(Carmichael and Shaw, 1999). In this study, mothers Controls were selected from the national birth registry
were interviewed by telephone and asked about vari- and matched to cases according to sex, week of birth,
ous exposures, illnesses, and medication use during the and parents' residential district. A questionnaire was
period of 1 month prior to conception to the third mailed to all eligible cases and controls. In addition,
month of gestation. The average interval between in- the prenatal care logbook (which included information
terview and delivery was similar for cases (3.7 years) on prescribed drugs and diseases during pregnancy
and controls (3.8 years). A statistically significant in- recorded by the physician) and medical documents were
creased risk was demonstrated for CL/P (OR — 4.3, requested of parents. Response rates were 82% for
95% CI 1.1-17.2) as well as for CP (OR = 5.3, 95% cases (n = 20,830) and 65% for controls (n = 35,727).
CI 1.1-26.5). Similar increased risks were not observed No significant increase in risk for CP was observed for
for other congenital anomalies, such as neural tube de- topical or systemic corticosteroid use. An increase in
fects and conotruncal defects, indicating that the effect risk for CL/P with topical steroid use was observed for
of corticosteroid may be specific to oral cleft malfor- use during the entire pregnancy (OR = 2.21, 95% CI
mations. 1.11-4.39) and use in the first month of gestation
In a case-control study in Spain, Rodriguez-Pinilla (OR = 4.19, 95% CI 1.47-11.97). However, the risk
and Martinez-Frias (1998) demonstrated an increased was not significant for use during the second or third
risk of oral clefting in the offspring of mothers exposed month of gestation.
to corticosteroids during pregnancy. This hospital- Possible mechanisms for the association between cor-
based case-control study reported the results of the ticosteroid intake and oral clefts have been proposed.
Spanish Collaborative Study on Congenital Malforma- One theory is that the steroid acts directly on the fe-
tions, in which 1184 cases of nonsyndromic oral clefts tus, resulting in disruption of glycosaminoglycan or col-
were examined by physicians and the diagnoses were lagen synthesis or both, weakened midline fusion, and
made within 3 days after birth. There were three sets loss of amniotic fluid (Greene and Kochhar, 1975). Fur-
of controls: (1) the next nonmalformed infant born in ther, receptors for glucocorticoids have been demon-
the same hospital, (2) infants born at the same hospi- strated to be more common in palatal mesenchymal
tal as the case infant within 45 days (before or after) cells, which may explain why palatal tissues are affected
of the date, of birth of the case infant, and (3) remain- by this drug (Goldman et al., 1978; Pratt, 1985). Re-
ing malformed infants without oral clefts. Medication gardless of the underlying mechanism, the data suggest
use was ascertained via physician interview and in- that there is an increased risk (ranging from threefold
cluded month or week of intake, duration of treatment, to ninefold) for CL/P associated with use of corticos-
and daily and total dosages. During the period April teroids during pregnancy. The information regarding
1976 through December 1995, a total of 1,287,345 the risk for CP is less convincing.
live-born infants were surveyed. There were a total of
24,038 (1.9%) malformed infants, 1184 oral clefts, and
23,517 controls. Exposure to any systemic corticos- ORGANIC SOLVENTS/PESTICIDES
teroid during the first trimester was analyzed. Logistic
regression was used to estimate ORs, with CL/P as the Several investigators have examined the relationship be-
outcome and exposure to any systemic corticosteroid tween exposure to organic solvents and pesticides and
as the main exposure variable. The model was adjusted risk of oral clefts. In one study, which investigated the
for smoking during the first trimester; first-degree rel- association between organic solvents and oral clefts
ative with CL/P; maternal treatment with corticos- (Laumon et al., 1996), cases were live-born infants born
teroids during the first trimester; and exposure to between 1985 and 1989 in the Rhone-Alpes region of
antiepileptic drugs, benzodiazepines, metronidazole, or France with an oral cleft, ascertained through any of
sex hormones. Point estimates were similar when com- six maxillofacial surgery clinics. For each case, two con-
paring all oral clefts to paired controls or controls born trols were selected among newborns without congeni-
within 45 days of cases, 5.0 and 5.2, respectively. The tal anomalies born in the same delivery unit and whose
increased risk was significant only for the second con- mothers had the same obstetrician as the case mother.
trol group (95% CI 1.53-17.06). When the one CP case Case mothers were interviewed at the time of their first

visit to the surgeon. Controls were interviewed in the obtained by questioning the mother as to occupations
maternity unit a few days after birth. The interviewer before and during pregnancy. Occupations were coded
and questionnaires were the same for cases and con- following the International Standard Industrial Classi-
trols. Exposures were described by brand names of fication of all Economic Activities and the International
paints, dyes, glues, or other solvent-containing prod- Standard Classification of Occupations. Exposures
ucts. An occupational physician who translated them were further categorized as to (1) route (inhalation, cu-
into trace or significant exposure categories blindly re- taneous, or both), (2) level (low, medium, or high), (3)
viewed trade names. Solvents were divided into nine frequency (<5% of work time or 5%-50% of work
groups: halogenated aromatics, other aromatics, halo- time), and (4) reliability of assessment (possible, prob-
genated aliphatics, other aliphatics, alcohols, glycols, able, or certain exposure). Only mothers who worked
ketones, aldehydes, and esters. There were 200 cases during pregnancy were included. Potential exposure to
of oral clefts and 400 controls. A significant increased glycol ethers was assessed by experts for a variety of
risk was demonstrated only for halogenated aliphatic occupations. The OR for CP was 1.68 (95% CI
solutions and all oral clefts (OR = 4.4, 95% CI 0.75-3.76) and that for CL/P was 2.03 (95% CI
1.41-16.15) and for CL/P (OR = 4.0, 95% CI 1.11-3.73). Several limitations hamper the inter-
1.25-14.91). Since there was only one case with CP, pretability of the results of this study, including small
the results are not clearly interpretable. numbers, misclassification bias, and recall bias.
A cohort of men who were members of three printer's A study conducted in the United States evaluated fe-
unions in Norway were studied and categorized into tuses exposed to agricultural chemicals in Iowa and
four exposure groups: lead only, solvents only, lead Michigan. Data were obtained from the National Cen-
plus solvents, other exposure (Kristensen et al., 1993). ter for Health Statistics and county and city data book
Information on children was ascertained by linking computerized files based on the 1970 U.S. Census, the
parents' union membership files with the birth registry 1974 U.S. Census of Agriculture, and the 1976 update
in Norway, which is a record of all live births and still- of Area Health Education Centers (Gordon and Shy,
births of >16 weeks' gestation. The standardized mor- 1981). Iowa and Michigan were selected because they
bidity ratio for CL/P was 1.6 (95% CI 0.97-2.5). best met the criteria for this study, which included good
In a study in Finland, 388 mothers of infants with birth defect monitoring programs, adequate numbers
oral clefts born between December 1977 and May 1980 of births per year, participation in a community pesti-
were identified from the Finnish Registry of Congeni- cide study, and being agricultural states. The study pop-
tal Malformations (Holmberg et al., 1982). Mothers ulation included live-born singletons and controls,
were questioned as to occupational and in-home ex- which were selected randomly by sampling two per cen-
posures to organic solvents via personal interview. Nine ter of live births in each state with a 5:1 controhcase
cases of CP were born to exposed mothers compared ratio. Exposures were classified as crops only, all pes-
to two cases in the nonexposed group; five CL/P cases ticidal chemicals and fertilizers, and suspect chemicals.
were observed among exposed mothers compared to Each county was rated as "high" or "low," using mid-
two cases in the nonexposed group. The total numbers points of each of the three categories. A score was cal-
of exposed and nonexposed subjects were not included; culated for each exposure category within each county.
therefore, an OR could not be calculated. The authors Results revealed an increased risk of oral clefts for
reported a McNemar's test with p < 0.05. There are males and females in Iowa, with ORs of 4.25 (95% CI
several limitations of this study, most notably, random 1.08-16.67) and 7.13 (95% CI 1.20-42.49), respec-
and nonrandom misclassification bias. tively. In Michigan, the ORs for oral clefts were not
A study conducted in France, Italy, the United King- statistically significantly increased (for males, OR =
dom, and The Netherlands using European Registra- 1.46, 95% CI 0.59-3.62; for females, OR - 1.00, 95%
tion of Congenital Anomalies registries, included live- CI 0.33-2.99). Subgroup analyses were not included;
births, stillbirths (fetal death after 20 weeks' gestation), thus, the interpretation of the results is limited. Cau-
and induced abortions with a confirmed congenital tion must be used in drawing conclusions based on this
anomaly diagnosed prenatally, at birth, or within the study because of the likelihood of bias due to misclas-
first week of life (Cordier et al., 1997). Oral clefts were sification of exposure, as well as the lumping of het-
divided into CL/P (« = 109) and CP (n = 52). Controls, erogeneous cases of oral clefts.
which were the first infant born with no anomaly af- In another multicenter case-control study (Lorente et
ter the case, were selected from the same hospital as al., 2000a), data were obtained from the EUROCAT
cases. A standardized questionnaire was used in all cen- study and included live births, still births, and thera-
ters to obtain information regarding socioeconomic sta- peutic abortions with a major congenital malformation
tus, mother's medical and obstetric history, and occu- diagnosed prior to birth or during the perinatal period.
pational exposures. Occupational exposures were Controls were recruited for each case. A standardized

questionnaire was used to obtain information from neural tube defects, conotruncal heart defects, and limb
cases and controls for the periods before conception anomalies from most California counties between Jan-
and during each trimester of pregnancy regarding so- uary 1987 and December 1988 (n = 344,214). Orofa-
cioeconomic status, age, residence, country of origin, cial clefts were ascertained by the California Birth De-
mother's medical and obstetric history, alcohol use, to- fects Monitoring Program staff, reviewed by medical
bacco use, drug use, occupation, and hobbies. Infor- geneticists, confirmed by surgical or autopsy report.
mation on occupations before and during pregnancy Controls (n = 972) were randomly selected from all in-
was collected, including a description of tasks, prod- fants born alive (n = 548,844) in the same geographic
ucts handled, frequency and timing of use (1 month be- region and time period who had no major congenital
fore conception and first, second, and third trimesters), anomaly diagnosed before the first birthday. Telephone
and typical job categories. Of eligible cases with oral interviews were conducted, and the information col-
clefts, 63% were interviewed. Controls were matched lected included pesticide exposure and other covariates.
to oral cleft or to other cases in the parent study. Anal- The periconceptional window was defined as 1 month
ysis of occupational exposures was conducted for those prior to and 3 months following conception. Of cases
women who worked during pregnancy. The ORs were with oral clefts, 85% completed interviews, as did 78%
adjusted for center, mother's socio-economic status, ur- of controls. Pesticide information was collected from
banization, and country of origin. The ORs for oral the following sources: (1) occupation (reviewed by an
clefts were estimated for each type of cleft and each industrial hygienist); (2) home use, including weed
type of occupation. The only statistically significant killer treatments for insects, tree diseases, treatment of
ORs were reported for CP among housekeepers (OR = pests inside and outside of the home, and treatment of
2.8, 95% CI 1.08-7.24) and hairdressers (OR = 5.1, fleas; and (3) residential proximity to agricultural
95% CI 1.10-25.9). The two most likely limitations of crops. The majority of exposed women were employed
this study include misclassification of exposure and the in agriculture, in housekeeping, as florists, or as ani-
substantial likelihood of spurious associations due to mal handlers. The covariates included in the analysis
the high number of analyses. Chance is a likely expla- were periconceptional vitamin use, cigarette smoking,
nation for the findings for CP. education level, race, and ethnicity. The only statisti-
In a case-control study in 15 maternity hospitals in cally significant increased risk was found for CP asso-
France (Cordier et al., 1992), cases included all prod- ciated with multiple anomalies and use of insect fog-
ucts of conception with major congenital malforma- ger (OR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.0-4.4). The limitations of
tions born to mothers attending one of the study hos- this study include misclassification of exposure, the
pitals, including all live births, still births, and likelihood of spurious associations due to multiple test-
therapeutic abortions with major defects detected pre- ing, and low power for stratified analysis.
natally or during prenatal period. For each case, one
control who was normal at birth and born immediately
after the case in the same maternity ward was selected. OTHER POTENTIAL RISK FACTORS
Mothers of cases and controls were interviewed in the
hospital regarding age; place of residence; family, med- In addition to the studies discussed above, there have
ical, and obstetric history; use of alcohol or drugs dur- been numerous investigations regarding other potential
ing pregnancy; and specific occupations. Occupational risk factors for oral clefts (Wyszynski and Beaty, 1996).
histories of mothers were reviewed blindly by an in- Reports have been published on chemical combustion
dustrial hygienist, who assessed the presence of any (ten Tusscher et al., 2000), bed-heating devices (Shaw
chemical exposure for each work period and estimated et al., 1999b; Dlugosz et al., 1992), proximity to haz-
frequency of exposure for 10% of the work time, 10% ardous waste sites (Croen et al., 1997), and stress
to 50% of the work time, and >50% of the work time. (Carmichael and Shaw, 2000). The findings from these
Twenty-nine cases of oral clefts were included. A sta- studies are variable, and most are limited by significant
tistically significant increased risk for all oral clefts was methodologic challenges encountered in capturing
demonstrated for solvents with high frequency (OR = these exposures accurately. Little information is avail-
7.9, 95% CI 1.8^4.9). These results are difficult to in- able to draw any conclusions on the role of these ex-
terpret since all oral clefts were evaluated as one case posures and the risk of oral cleft formation.
group. The limitations of misclassification bias and spu-
rious associations cannot be ruled out as possible ex-
planations for the findings of these studies. SUMMARY
A population-based case-control study (Shaw et al.,
1991) included all live-born infants and fetal deaths In summary, some of the exposures discussed in this
(>20 weeks' gestation) diagnosed with orofacial clefts, chapter have demonstrated associations with increased

risk of oral clefts, most notably use of alcohol, corti- Dlugosz, L, Vena, J, Byers, T, et al. (1992). Congenital defects and
costeroids, or anticonvulsant medications and seizure electric bed heating in New York state: a register-based case con-
trol study. Am J Epidemiol 135: 1000-1011.
disorders. For the most part, these association are weak Dolovich, LR, Addis, A, Vaillancourt, JMR, et al. (1998). Benzodi-
or modest for CL/P but not for CP. Perhaps this indi- azepine use in pregnancy and major malformations or oral cleft:
cates that CL/P has a stronger environmental compo- meta-analysis of case control and cohort studies. BMJ 327:
nent to its etiology than CP. None of the environmen- 839-843.
tal risk factors studied to date stands out as a strong Dronamraju, KR (1970). Epilepsy and cleft lip and palate. Lancet 2:
and consistent risk factor for oral clefts. There is a Durner, M, Greenberg, DA, Delgado-Escueta, V (1992). Is there a
tremendous amount of heterogeneity in the study de- genetic relationship between epilepsy and birth defects. Neurol-
signs and assessment of exposures. It is likely that the ogy 42(Suppl 5): 63-67.
mystery surrounding the etiology of oral clefts will be Ericson, A, Kallen, B, Welesterholm, P (1979). Cigarette smoking as
unlocked as technology advances and the ability to ex- an etiologic factor in cleft lip and palate. Am J Obstet Gynecol
235: 348-351.
amine gene-environment interactions increases. Evans, DR, Newcombe, RG, Campbell, H (1979). Maternal smok-
ing habits and congenital malformations: a population study. BMJ
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Friis, ML (1979). Epilepsy among parents of children with facial
Abrishamchian, AR, Khoury, MJ, Calle, EE (1994). The contribu- clefts. Epilepsia 20: 69-76.
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clefts: a population based case-control study. Genet Epidemiol among epileptic patients. Arch Neurol 38: 227-229.
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Maternal nutrition and oral clefts


Inadequate maternal nutrition during pregnancy has poverished group of patients at the Philippine General
been suspected as a possible cause of oral clefts in hu- Hospital than among births to wealthier patients in the
mans since at least the early 1900s (Strauss, 1914). Makati financial district a few kilometers away (Lasa
Evidence for this view has accumulated from several and Manalo, 1989). Social class may be a determinant
areas of research, including animal experiments, ob- of maternal nutritional status, but it may also be re-
servational studies of human populations, and in some lated to other environmental exposures that have a
limited cases human experimental studies, yet many bearing on the risk of oral clefts.
gaps remain in our understanding of the etiology of Several environmentally induced causes of clefting
oral clefts. Each of these areas of research will be re- have been identified. Maternal cigarette smoking is per-
viewed in this chapter. haps the best-studied environmental risk factor for oral
Oral clefts comprise one of the most common groups clefts. In a meta-analysis of 11 published studies, smok-
of birth defects in the world (World Health Organiza- ing was associated with an increased risk for both cleft
tion, 1998), and there is considerable geographic vari- lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) and cleft palate
ation in occurrence. Asian populations in Asia and Na- alone (CP) (Wyszynski and Beaty, 1996). The associa-
tive Americans (of Asian genetic ancestry) have higher tion between maternal smoking and risk of clefting may
rates of oral clefts than other major groups (Chung and be due in part to confounding in studies that do not
Kau, 1985; Croen et al., 1998). The burden of oral cleft account for maternal diet or nutritional status. Mater-
birth defects is great because affected children require nal alcohol use has been associated with an increased
substantial medical care and speech training. In areas risk of oral clefts in some studies (Werler et al., 1991;
of the developing world where corrective surgery is not Munger et al., 1996; Romitti et al., 1998; Shaw and
available, affected children face having a serious dis- Lammer, 1999; Lorente et al., 2000) but not all (Nat-
ability for their entire lives and are often shunned by sume et al., 2000). Examination of the social and di-
others. Hence, there is a strong public health impera- etary context in which alcohol consumption takes place
tive for a better understanding of the causes and pre- may help to clarify its relation to risk of oral clefts. For
vention of oral clefts in all populations, and these in- example, the risk from alcohol consumed while drink-
sights may provide clues to the etiology of other birth ing beer at a pub is not likely to be equivalent to that
defects. from the same amount of alcohol consumed while
Poverty has been linked to the occurrence of oral drinking wine with a nutritious meal. Other environ-
clefts. In Glasgow, oral clefts were found to be more mental exposures linked to increased risks for oral clefts
common in socioeconomically deprived areas than else- include agricultural chemicals, solvents, and medica-
where in the city (Womersley and Stone, 1987). Stud- tions (reviewed in detail in Chapter 13).
ies in metropolitan Manila found evidence of a social Genetic and developmental studies have provided ev-
class gradient in oral cleft risk: the prevalence was idence that the etiology of cleft lip (CL) with or with-
higher among births in a hospital serving a more im- out cleft of the primary (hard) palate is different com-


pared to clefts affecting only the secondary (soft) palate of folate-homocysteine metabolic pathways have been
(Fraser, 1955). Oral clefts are often classified into four under investigation (Daly et al., 1997). Red cell folate
groups: isolated CL/P, isolated CP, CL/P in association is a more accurate indicator of long-term folate status
with other major birth defects, and CP in association compared to plasma folate (Herbert, 1989). Research
with other major birth defects. In isolated cases, af- has focused on understanding the shape of the dose-
fected individuals have no other physical or develop- response curve between the maternal red cell folate
mental anomalies (Murray, 1995). Most studies sug- level, the risk of NTDs, and the levels of folate intake
gest that about 60% to 70% of cases are isolated and, required to result in a desired red cell folate level (Daly
thus, not associated with any syndrome of malforma- et al., 1997; Wald et al., 1998). The risk of NTDs de-
tions (Jones, 1988). Most of the remaining 30% to creases in a continuous dose-response relationship with
40% of cases occur with a pattern of multiple malfor- increasing maternal level of red cell folate. A high level
mations and either are classified as recognized syn- of plasma total homocysteine is an indicator of im-
dromes related to chromosomal abnormalities, one of paired folate and vitamin Bj2 metabolism and has been
several hundred known Mendelian disorders, or known observed in mothers of children with NTDs compared
teratogen exposures (e.g., phenytoin or alcohol) or be- to unaffected controls (Steegers-Theunissen et al., 1994;
come candidates for newly defined syndromes. Some Mills et al., 1995). The major catabolic pathway for
studies of maternal nutrition and oral clefts have used homocysteine involves cystathione /3-synthase with vi-
subgroups of clefts in their analyses, and this approach tamin Bg as a co-factor. Low levels of vitamin 612 have
is clearly needed in all future studies. More informa- also been implicated as a cause of NTDs and, thus, may
tion on the clinical classification of oral clefts may be be relevant for the discussion of oral clefts (Kirke et al.,
found in Chapters 5 and 6 of this volume. 1993)
An irony of the folic acid-NTD success story is that
other nutrients, including those identified years ago in
NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS AND MATERNAL the animal experiments described below, have been
NUTRITION: RELEVANCE FOR ORAL CLEFTS largely overlooked in recent epidemiologic studies of
human populations.
The literature on nutritional causes of neural tube de-
fects (NTDs) is extensive and relevant to oral clefts be-
cause some structures of the craniofacial region are de- EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL STUDIES ON
rived from cephalic neural crest cells; thus, these two MATERNAL NUTRITION AND ORAL CLEFTS
conditions may share some developmental origins (Been
and Lieuw Kie Song, 1978; Lammer et al., 1985). Mal- The role of maternal nutrition in the formation of oral
nutrition was suspected as a cause of NTDs as early as clefts has been studied extensively in experimental an-
the 1960s, when it was noted that women in the United imal models over the past 70 years (Table 14.1). A sur-
Kingdom from the poorer social classes had an elevated prising number of specific nutritional deficiencies have
risk of NTDs in their pregnancies (Hibbard, 1964; Hib- been found to cause oral clefts, and in most cases mul-
bard and Smithells, 1965). Attention was later focused tiple birth defects and excessive fetal loss also have been
on the role of folic acid, but early attempts at supple- observed. In light of the history of animal experimen-
mentation trials provoked controversy because they tation, it is remarkable that recent investigations in hu-
were not fully controlled by randomization and there man populations have been so narrowly focused, ne-
was no masking of the treatment status (Smithells et glecting many nutrients that may be important causes
al., 1976; Wald and Polani, 1984). The Medical Re- of oral clefts.
search Council Vitamin Study was a randomized, con- The first reported observations from animal studies
trolled trial of folic acid and multivitamin supplemen- were anecdoctal, yet with scant evidence authors were
tation that provided strong evidence of the role of folic eager to promote nutritional interventions for the pre-
acid supplementation in reducing the risk of NTDs in vention of oral clefts in humans. As early as 1914, ma-
the pregnancies of women who had previously had a ternal diet was thought to influence the occurrence of
pregnancy with an NTD (MRC Vitamin Study Re- CP among lions at the London Zoological Gardens
search Group, 1991). Folic acid supplementation has (Pickerill, 1914). Cleft palate was reported among
also been shown to reduce the primary occurrence of nearly all of the lion cubs born during a period when
NTDs in Hungary (Czeizel and Hirschberg, 1997) and the lionesses were fed a diet of meat alone. When the
China (Berry et al., 1999). diet was changed to whole small animals, which were
The mechanism for the protective effect of folic acid consumed entirely, the occurrence of oral clefts among
against NTDs remains unknown, and several features subsequent births dropped immediately and consider-

TABLE 14.1. Nutritional Factors Found to Cause Oral Clefts in Experimental Animal Models
Nutritional Animal
Factor Type of Exposure Model Reference

Vitamin A Dietary deficiency Pig Hale (1935)

Mouse Kochhar (1967)
Primate Fantel et al. (1977)
Retinoic acid Mouse Abbott et al. (1988), Abbott and
Pratt (1988a, b)
Mouse Tyan and Tyan (1993)
Rat Whitby et al. (1994)
Mouse Soprano and Soprano (1995)
Rabbit Ross (1999)
Riboflavin Dietary deficiency Rat Warkany and Nelson (1940)
(Vitamin B2) Rat Noback and Kupperman (1944)
Rat Giroud and Boisselot (1947)
Rat Leimbach (1949)
Rat Piccioni and Bologna (1949)
Rat Giroud and Boisselot (1951)
Mouse Kalter and Warkany (1957)
Folate Dietary deficiency + Mouse Nelson and Evans (1947)
folate antagonist
Folate antagonist Chicken Karnofsky et al. (1949)
Folate antagonist Chicken Sunde et al. (1950)
Dietary deficiency Rat Giroud and Boisselot (1951), Giroud and
Lefebvres (1951), Giroud et al. (1951)
Folate antagonist Rat Thiersch and Philips (1950)
Folate antagonist Rat Evans et al. (1951)
Folate antagonist Rat Nelson et al. (1952)
Folk acid supplementation Dog Elwood and Colquhoun (1997)
Pyridoxine B6 + corticosteroid-induced cleft model Mouse Peer et al. (1958a)
(Vitamin B6) Mouse peer et al (1958b)
B6 + vitamin A-induced cleft model Rat Yamaguchi (1968)
Dietary deficiency Mouse Davis et al. (1970)
B6 antagonist + corticosteroid- Mouse Miller (1972)
induced cleft model
B6 + corticosteroid-induced cleft model Mouse Yoneda and Pratt (1982a,b)
B6 + cyclophosphamide-induced cleft model Mouse Dostal and Schubert (1990)
B6 + /3-aminonitrile-induced cleft model Rat Jacobsson and Granstrom (1997)
Plant-derived Feeding experiments with native Sheep, cattle James (1999)
alkaloids plants and isolated alkaloids

ably. Pickerell attributed the reduction to the added sible even if the mother generally seemed to be well-
consumption of bones and suggested that women with nourished and that these nutritional factors acted in
a family history of frequent oral clefts should be given concert with "hereditary tendencies" to result in oral
a diet during early pregnancy with added powdered clefts. Nearly 100 years later, the interaction between
fresh bone or lime phosphate. In the same year, ex- maternal nutritional status and genes is still invoked as
periments with cats in the United States were reported, a cause of oral clefts, yet the specific components re-
in which oral clefts were easily induced by unspecified main unclear.
manipulations of diet and environmental conditions The identification and isolation of vitamins led to an-
(Strauss, 1914). Strauss noted that in humans the oc- imal experiments with great specificity, and the first vi-
currence of clefts seemed to be more frequent among tamins characterized were included in the earliest ter-
the poor and suggested that a "hypoplastic condition atologic studies. Hale, of the Texas Agricultural
of the blood" due to "faulty metabolism" was respon- Experiment Station, reported in 1933 that sows raised

on rations deficient in vitamin A gave birth to pigs with- among offspring of female rats bred while on the defi-
out eyes and in 1935 that cleft lip and palate (CLP) cient diet. In further studies of the timing of deficien-
and ear and kidney malformations also occurred in cies during gestation, Warkany found that riboflavin
these animals. Hale cited further breeding experiments supplementation before day 13 prevented the malfor-
as evidence against genetic causes of the defects in his mations but that later supplementation did not. Other
experimental animals. When control animals were bred investigators confirmed that riboflavin deficiency
on the same rations but with added cod-liver oil or caused malformations in rats (Noback and Kupperman,
were allowed to graze on green pastures, no birth de- 1944; Giroud and Boisselot, 1947, 1951; Leimbach,
fects were produced. Impressed with the protective ef- 1949; Piccioni and Bologna, 1949) and fowl (Lep-
fect of green pastures, Hale (1935) wrote that "perhaps kovsky et al., 1938; Romanoff and Bauernfeind, 1942).
we have been forcing our spinach on the wrong vic- The mechanism by which riboflavin deficiency caused
tims; it ought to be administered to the mothers instead oral clefts and other malformations was not clear, and
of the children." subsequent studies in the late 1940s of riboflavin defi-
ciency in mice did not replicate the cleft findings in the
Warkany and the Development of Animal rat studies (Fraser and Fainstat 195la). A subsequent
Models of Teratogenesis study by Kalter and Warkany (1957) reported malfor-
mations in mice caused by riboflavin deficiency, but lit-
Josef Warkany began his pioneering work on nutrition tle if any work has been done on the teratogenic effects
and birth defects in 1938 after immigrating to Cincin- of riboflavin deficiency since then.
nati from Vienna (Kalter 1993). Warkany was inspired
by Hale's previous work and set out to challenge the Vitamin A
prevailing view that nearly all congenital malforma-
tions were hereditary (Warkany, 1954). At that time, The role of vitamin A deficiency in the growth and re-
it was commonly asserted that maternal nutrition could production of rats was further studied by Warkany,
not have an important effect on the development of the who reported patterns of malformations including de-
embryo, which was viewed as a small parasite that fects of the skeleton, eyes, kidney, urogenital tract, and
could easily extract the small amount of needed nutri- aortic arch; no oral clefts were mentioned however
ents from the unlimited stores of the mother. (Warkany and Shraffenberger, 1944). The possible role
Warkany had developed a broad view of nutrition of vitamin A in craniofacial abnormalities did not ap-
and health from his early childhood experiences. As a pear in the literature until many years later, when re-
boy foraging for food for his family during wartime in ports on the role of excess exposure to vitamin A and
the Austrian countryside, Warkany was struck by the related compounds in oral clefts and other birth defects
sight of physically and mentally disabled cretins and in animal studies were published. Retinoic acid and
developed a lifelong interest in the role of maternal io- other retinoids were discovered to cause oral clefts and
dine nutrition in this condition. Likewise, he became other malformations in several animal species, includ-
interested in the role of nutrition in rickets, then com- ing mice, rats, rabbits, and primates; and the specific
mon in the European mountain villages he frequented effects were found to be dependent on the precise tim-
(Kalter, 1993). Warkany often cited these as examples ing of exposure during early fetal development
of evidence of important nutritional causes of birth de- (Kochhar, 1967, 1973; Fantel et al., 1977; Kochhar et
fects. al., 1984; Soprano and Soprano, 1995). After gesta-
Warkany and his first co-worker in the United States, tional day 10 in the mouse, retinoic acid-induced oral
Rose Nelson, developed techniques for breeding clefts result from abnormally small palatal shelves that
Sprague-Dawley rats in states of nutritional deficiency. do not contact one another and medial epithelial cells
Female rats fed on rations made from cornmeal, wheat of the shelves differentiate into oral-like epithelial tis-
gluten, calcium carbonate, and sodium chloride gave sue; after day 12, shelves of normal size form but fail
birth to young with multiple skeletal and craniofacial to fuse and medial cells proliferate and abnormally dif-
anomalies, including CP. The addition of 2% dried pig ferentiate into nasal-like epithelium (Abbott et al.,
liver to the rations completely prevented the anomalies, 1988a,b; Abbott and Pratt, 1988a,b). Abbott and Birn-
and these investigators set out to discover the specific baum (1990) found that RA exposure disrupts the spe-
vitamins responsible. B-complex vitamins, including cific expression pattern of growth factors, including
thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and pan- transforming growth factors a, j31, and /32, during this
tothenic acid, had recently become available in crys- period of development and suggested that the timing
talline form, and Warkany found that riboflavin alone of this disruption determines whether the cleft is due
prevented oral clefts and all of the other malformations to the formation of small palatal shelves that never con-

tact one another or to abnormal differentiation of me- Thiersch, 1956; Warkany et al., 1959; Emerson, 1962;
dial epithelial cells and failure of fusion of the palatal Goetsch, 1962; Milunsky et al., 1968; Shaw and Stein-
shelves. Other important variables found to influence bach, 1968; Powell and Ekert, 1971). Methotrexate, a
the expression of oral clefts after retinoid exposure in folate antagonist used in cancer therapy, was found to
animal experiments include form of retinoid, dose, cause oral clefts, craniofacial anomalies, and other mal-
species studied, rate of metabolism (Ross, 1999), in- formations in rats and rabbits, although rabbits re-
teraction with ethanol and other exposures including quired a dose level 60 times greater than rats to pro-
vitamin A (Whitby et al., 1994), and genetic suscepti- duce similar effects (Jordan et al., 1977). The A/WySn
bility (Tyan and Tyan, 1993). strain of mice is genetically predisposed to oral clefts
and has been used to examine the interaction of genetic
Folcrfe susceptibility to oral clefts with folate status. The oc-
currence of oral clefts in the offspring of A/WySn dams
The role of folate in malformations began to be stud- was increased after they had been fed a low-folate diet
ied in the late 1940s by several groups of investigators (Lidral et al., 1991) and reduced when dams were
using folate antagonists in animal experiments. By this treated with folinic acid, the most stable intermediate
time, Nelson had moved to Berkeley from Cincinnati, of folic acid metabolism, via continuous delivery by
further developed the experimental methods she had way of an osmotic minipump (Paros and Beck, 1999).
established earlier with Warkany, and in 1947 dem- A high incidence of CP was observed over a 30-year
onstrated that folic acid deficiency caused the resorp- period in a breeding line of Boston Terrier dogs, and
tion of 26% of rat fetuses using a purified diet with in 1982 animals from this group were supplemented
the addition of succinyl-sulfathiazole (Nelson and with a daily dose of 5 mg folic acid for the purpose of
Evans, 1947). Folic acid deficiency induced by folate reducing aggressiveness in the mother toward the pups
antagonists was shown to cause beak malformations in after birth. Cleft prevention was apparently not the
chickens (Karnofsky et al., 1949). Oral clefts and other original reason for the supplementation (Elwood and
malformations were produced in rats by folic acid de- Colquhoun, 1997). The occurrence of oral clefts in the
ficiency in combination with sulfonamide treatment to period after supplementation began (1982-1997) was
suppress folic acid production by maternal intestinal significantly less than in the presupplementation period
bacteria (Giroud and Boisselot, 1951; Giroud and (1974-1981) [4.2% of 191 pups from supplemented
Lefebvres, 1951). The folate antagonist 4-aminofolic pregnancies were affected vs. 17.6% of 51 unsupple-
acid was shown to be sufficient to cause resorption of mented pups; odds ratio (OR) = 0.20, 95% confidence
embryos (Thiersch and Philips, 1950), and Nelson interval (CI) 0.07-0.62]. Studies in several animal mod-
found that addition of the folic acid antagonist X- els have thus shown that folic acid plays an important
methyl-pteroylglutamic acid to her previous protocol role in fetal viability and normal development of the
further increased adverse reproductive effects in rats craniofacial region and other structures. The mecha-
and that the timing of the induced folate deficiency was nisms by which folate deficiency causes oral clefts and
more important than the dose of folate antagonist in other malformations remain unclear.
producing malformations and fetal deaths (Evans et al.,
1951; Nelson et al., 1952). Folate deficiency induced Vitamin Bg
between days 1 and 9 of gestation resulted in 100%
fetal resorptions and that induced between days 10 and Vitamin Bg has been shown to protect against terato-
11 resulted in 100% stillbirths, in which 94% had CP; gen-induced oral clefts in many animal studies. Vita-
when the induction of folate deficiency was delayed un- min Bg is the generic term for 3-hydroxy-2-methylpyri-
til day 15, only 6% were stillborn and none had cleft dine derivatives that have the biologic activity of
palates. Nelson et al. (1952) noted that the malforma- pyridoxine. Vitamin Bg plays many vital roles in amino
tions induced by folic acid deficiency were similar to acid metabolism, including transamination and decar-
but more severe than those produced by deficiencies of boxylation reactions, acting as the coenzyme of glyco-
riboflavin (Warkany and Nelson, 1941), vitamin A gen phosphorylase, steroid hormone action, and acting
(Wilson and Warkany, 1948), pantothenic acid (Bois- as a coenzyme in the degradation of homocysteine;
selot, 1949, 1951), and vitamin Bi2 (O'Dell et al., thus, there are many potential pathways in which vit-
1951) and concluded that similar patterns of malfor- amin 65 protects against oral clefts. Corticosteroid ex-
mations result from interference with any one of a num- posure has been used as a model for teratogen-induced
ber of metabolic pathways during critical developmen- oral clefts in mice since the 1950s (Fraser and Fainstat,
tal periods. 1951a,b; Kalter, 1957; Bonner and Slavkin, 1975; Mel-
Folate antagonists were subsequently found to be nick et al., 1981), and Peer et al. (1958a,b) demon-
highly toxic to human embryos (Meltzer, 1956; strated that vitamin Bg supplementation reduced the
occurrence of corticosteroid-induced oral clefts in mice. Veratrum californicum (false hellebore) on day 14 of
Vitamin Bg deficiency alone was demonstrated to cause gestation resulted in cyclopic craniofacial anomalies
CP and other birth defects in mice (Davis et al., 1970). and CLP in the lambs (James, 1999). The teratogens
Miller (1972) demonstrated that dietary vitamin Bg de- isolated from V. californicum include the steroidal al-
privation in mice resulted in isolated oral clefts in 20% kaloids cyclopamine, jervine, and cycloposine (Keeler,
of the offspring, and the prevalence increased to 61% 1968,1990). A potential mechanism for the teratogenic
to 100% when deoxypyridine, a vitamin Bg antagonist, action of the Veratrum alkaloids includes disruption of
or cortisone was administered to the pyridoxine- signal transduction mediated by Sonic hedgehog pro-
deficient mothers. Later studies demonstrated that vit- teins, responsible for developmental patterning of the
amin Bg also prevented the induction of oral clefts by mammalian craniofacial region (Cooper et al., 1998;
vitamin A excess (Yamaguchi, 1968), cyclophos- Incardona et al., 1998). Oral clefts and skeletal defects
phamide (Dostal and Schubert, 1990), and /3-amino- are also caused in cattle that graze on Lupine species
proprionitrile (Jacobsson and Granstrom, 1997); (James, 1999). Humans are exposed to alkaloids from
hence, the role of vitamin Bg in cleft prevention may a variety of plant sources, including Nicotiana (to-
be complex and involve several different mechanisms. bacco), Lobelia (medications), Punica (pomegranate),
The susceptibility to corticosteroid-induced oral Duboisia (medications), Carica (papaya), and Prosopis
clefts in mice is strain-dependent, raising the possibil- (mesquite); but the relevance of these alkaloid expo-
ity that the protective effects of vitamin Bg may depend sures to human birth defects is largely unexplored.
on genotype (Marazita et al., 1988). Vitamin Bg ap-
pears to regulate the activity of hormones, including
androgens, estrogens, progesterone, retinol, retinoic
acid, thyroid hormones, calcitriol, and glucocorticoids, HUMAN OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES OF
by binding to nuclear receptor proteins and influenc- MATERNAL NUTRITION AND ORAL CLEFTS
ing transcription and gene expression (Jacobsson and
Granstrom, 1997). Cytoplasmic levels of glucocorticoid Peer et al. (1958b) were among the first to publish data
receptors in the developing secondary palate of mice on a series of mothers of cleft patients that included vi-
are associated with the susceptibility to glucocorticoid- tamin use. The subtitle of their 1958 paper on the re-
induced oral clefts (Salomon et al., 1979; Salomon and sults of 400 human pregnancies is "protective effect of
Pratt, 1979). These authors suggested that glucocorti- folic acid and vitamin Bg therapy," yet no evidence
coids inhibit the growth of palatal mesenchyme cells at from human studies was presented to support these
a critical point in palatal formation. Yoneda and Pratt conclusions. Recognizing that existing medical records
(1982a,b) found that vitamin Bg inhibited the specific were inadequate, the authors sent questionnaires to
binding of labeled glucocorticoid to cytosolic receptors 1000 mothers of cleft-affected children who were sur-
from cultured mouse palatal mesenchyme and sug- gical patients at St. Barnabus Medical Center in
gested that it reduces the occurrence of cortisone-in- Newark, New Jersey. Four hundred mothers re-
duced oral clefts by altering the binding of glucocorti- sponded. The racial composition of the sample was not
coids to their cytoplasmic receptors and, consequently, reported, although it was the impression of the authors
nuclear acceptors. that oral clefts were less common among African-
Americans than in other groups. Because 77% of the
Plant Toxins oral clefts occurred in families without a previous his-
tory, the authors believed that environmental causes
Naturally occurring toxins in plants cause malforma- were important. Five pairs of identical twins with oral
tions, including oral clefts in sheep, cattle, and other clefts were described, three of whom had one affected
grazing animals. Extensive studies of the role of plant and one unaffected twin. Douglas (1958) had cited sim-
toxins have been conducted since the 1950s in the arid ilar discordant sets of identical twins in which the cleft-
mountainous regions of the western United States, affected twin had a lower birth weight and length than
where many poisonous plant species have caused epi- the unaffected twin as evidence that differences in the
demics of birth defects with significant morbidity and fetal environment, perhaps related to unequal maternal
mortality in livestock. The production and sequester- blood supply between twins, may give rise to a cleft in
ing of toxins by plants appear to have evolved as de- the more compromised fetus. Peer et al. (1958b) noted
fense mechanisms against herbivores, especially in arid that 90% of the mothers in their series either had not
regions where plant growth is quite limited. Many of used vitamin supplements or had used them late in
the plants with potent toxins are in the legume family pregnancy or irregularly; no data from a control group
of flowering plants, and alkaloids are often found to were cited, making the significance of this observation
be the active compound. Exposure of pregnant ewes to uncertain.

Montreal Case-Control Study significant differences between groups. Several medica-

tions were used more often among cases vs. controls in
Fraser and Warburton (1964) collected family history the first trimester, including salicylates, other antipy-
and medical information from mothers of 187 children retic analgesics, opiates, tetracyclines, chlorampheni-
with CL/P and 59 with CP in the Montreal area and col, and antineurotics. The strengths of the Finnish
compared these data to reports from 90 mothers of study included being among the first population-based
children with genetically determined diseases that did case-control studies of nutritional supplements and cleft
not include oral clefts. This study thus represents the risk, an adequate sample size, and assessment of ex-
first of a growing list of case-control studies of oral posure by trimester of pregnancy. The limitations of
clefts (Table 14.2). The authors were primarily inter- the study include the simple exposure variable of all
ested in whether stressful life events were associated supplement use combined (most of which may have
with the risk of oral clefts via excessive adrenal gland been iron alone), lack of dietary data, possible over-
secretion of glucocorticoids. Both case and control matching of cases and controls by place of residence,
mothers reported more stressful events during the preg- and lack of information on possible confounding fac-
nancy of their affected children than during the preg- tors. The medication data indicated that case mothers
nancies of their other unaffected children, and the au- had more illnesses during pregnancy than controls;
thors attributed this finding to maternal recall bias. thus, it is possible that these illnesses compromised
Prescribed nutritional supplements were taken during the nutritional status of case mothers more often than
pregnancy by 67% of the CL/P mothers, 77% of the controls.
CP mothers, and 71 % of the control mothers; the au-
thors concluded that use of prescribed dietary supple-
ments was not associated with the occurrence of CL/P
or CP. The strengths of this early case-control study in- Baltimore Case-Control Study of Maternal
clude collection of data from a structured question- Metabolic Factors
naire, use of a control group with children affected with Maternal metabolic factors were studied in a case-
known genetic diseases, and consideration of the role control study by Niebyl et al. (1985). Cases were 59
of maternal recall bias by comparing the results of re- mothers of children with CL/P recruited through sur-
ports from affected pregnancies to those of unaffected gical clinics and advertisements in the Baltimore area.
pregnancies from the same mothers. No information Controls were a convenience sample of 56 mothers of
was provided on the demographic characteristics of the unaffected children drawn from the authors' private pa-
sample, type of nutritional supplements, or diets of the tients or hospital employees. The sample size was thus
mothers. small, was not population-based, and yielded controls
of higher socioeconomic status (40% college graduates
Finland Case-Control Study vs. 24% among cases); thus, the results may be con-
founded by these differences. No information on diet
The Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations was or supplement use was presented. The authors collected
used by Saxen (1975) in a study of medication and vi- blood specimens and conducted a broad spectrum of
tamin supplement use during pregnancy in relation to biochemical studies, including folate status and pheny-
oral clefts. The register covered 98% of Finnish births toin pharmacokinetics. In cases compared to controls,
in 1967; thus, this report was the most representative mean red cell folate was higher (143 vs. 138 ng/ml) and
population-based sample at that time. Mothers of 232 serum folate was lower (6.0 vs. 6.3 ng/ml), but these
CL/P children, 232 CP children, and 232 control chil- differences were not statistically significant. In a more
dren were contacted by midwives after their deliveries detailed substudy of 10 cases and 10 controls, the mean
while working with the Maternity Welfare Centres and baseline red cell folate was higher in cases vs. controls
interviewed with a standard questionnaire. Controls (150 vs. 118 ng/ml) but the mean peak serum folate af-
were unaffected children born in the same district just ter a 1.0 mg dose of pteroylmonoglutamate was lower
prior to a case child; thus, they were matched on place in cases vs. controls (63.5 vs. 83.3 ng/ml); these dif-
of residence and time of pregnancy. Use of iron, vita- ferences were not statistically significant, but this ap-
min supplements, or both was tabulated by trimester proach may be useful in characterizing differences in
of pregnancy; during the first trimester, use was greater folate metabolism in larger samples of cleft case moth-
for CL/P case mothers compared to controls (63.8% ers vs. controls. After a 1-week period of phenytoin
vs. 54.4%) and similar for CP case mothers and con- treatment (300 mg/day), the mean peak serum folate
trols (46.6% vs. 47.8%). Use of supplements increased values of cases and controls were similar (56.4 vs. 52.9
to 82% for all mothers in the third trimester, with no ng/ml), as were the phenytoin elimination kinetics.
TABLE 14.2. Case-Control Studies of Maternal Nutritional Status in Pregnancy and Risk of Oral Clefts3
Sample of mothers
Assessment of Maternal
References Population Cases Controls Nutritional Status Findings'1

Fraser and Warburton Montreal 187 CL/P 90 AC Self-reported MV use MV use in pregnancy:
(1964) Canada 59 CP CTL 71%, CL/P 67% (p = 0.49), CP 77% (p = 0.57)
Saxen (1975) Finland 232 CL/P 232 UC-CL/PC Self-reported MV use MV use in first trimester:
232 CP 232 UC-CPd CL/P 63.8% vs. CTL 54.4% (p = 0.047),
CP 46.6% vs. CTL 47.8% (p = 0.85)
Niebyl et al. (1985) Baltimore, MD 59 CL/P 56 UC Biochemical measures No significant differences in serum or red cell folate between CL/P
after delivery and CTL
Hill et al. (1988) England 676 OC 676 UC Medical record review of MV use in pregnancy: OC 1.9%, CTL 1.3% (p = 0.52)
MV use FA use in pregnancy: OC 1.2%, 0.9% CTL (p = 0.79)
Khoury et al. (1989) Atlanta, GA 238 CL/P 2809 UC Self-reported MV use MV use in periconceptional6 period:
107 CP CL/P vs. CTL: OR = 0.74 (0.56-0.97)
CP vs. CTL: OR = 0.93 (0.62-1.40)
Bower and Western 13 OC 115 UC Self-reported diet and MV No significant differences in folate intake between OC and CTL
Stanley (1992) use
Shaw et al. (1995) California 448 CL/P 734 UC Self-reported MV + FA use MV + FA use in periconceptional period:
215 CP CL/P-ISO vs. CTL: OR = 0.50 (0.36-0.68)
CL/P-M vs. CTL: OR = 0.61 (0.35-1.1)
CP-ISO vs. CTL: OR - 0.73 (0.46-1.2)
CP-M vs. CTL: OR = 0.64 (0.35-1.2)
Czeizel et al. (1996) Hungary 1246 CL/P 1246 UC-CL/PC Medical record review FA use in critical period6 of cleft development:
537 CP 537 UC-CPd and self-reported FA use CL/P vs. CTL: OR = 0.72 (0.55-0.92)
CP vs. CTL: OR = 0.86 (0.66-1.13)
Hayes et al. (1996) Boston, Toronto, 195 CL/P 1167 AC Self-reported MV + FA use MV + FA use in periconceptional period:
Philadelphia 108 CP CL/P vs. CTL: OR = 1.2 (0.7-2.0)
CP vs. CTL: OR = 0.9 (0.5-1.7)
Werler et al. (1999) Boston, Toronto, 114 CL/P 521 UC Self reported MV use MV use in critical period of cleft development:
Philadelphia 46 CP 442 AC CL/P vs. CTL (UC): OR = 0.8 (0.5-1.3)
CP vs. CTL (UC): OR = 0.4 (0.2-0.8)
Stoll et al. (1999) Strasbourg, 14 CL/P 340 UC Biochemical measures in No significant CL/P-CTL differences in trace elements, serum folate,
France previously stored samples vitamin A, vitamin 612
Wong et al. (1999) Nijmegen, Netherlands 35 CL/P 56 UC Biochemical measures 1-6 Serum hyperhomocysteinemia:6 CL/P (15.6%) vs. CTL (3.6%),
years after delivery OR = 5.3 (1.1-24.2). Higher mean serum and red cell folate and
poorer vitamin Bg status in CL/P vs. CTL
OC, unspecified oral cleft; CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; ISO, isolated cleft; M, cleft with multiple birth defects; UC, unaffected control child; AC, affected con-
trol child with noncleft birth defect or genetic disease; CTL, control; MV, multivitamin and mineral supplement; FA, folk acid; OR, odds ratio (95% confidence interval).
p values from two-sided Fisher's exact test.
UC-CL/P, separate control group for comparison to CL/P group.
UC-CP, separate control group for comparison to CP group.
See text for definition.

Hill's Case-Control Study in England began. No further information was provided regarding
what constituted vitamin use, i.e., frequency, regular-
Medication use during pregnancy was the focus of a ity, and type of vitamins used; and no information was
study of 676 mothers of cleft-affected children and an provided on maternal diet. The percent of mothers re-
equal number of mothers of unaffected children born porting vitamin use was 53.3% for CL/P, 58.9% for
during 1983-1984 in England (Hill et al., 1988). Cases CP, and 60.7% for controls; the OR for risk of oral
were ascertained by the congenital malformation sur- clefts associated with vitamin use was 0.74 for CL/P
veillance system of the Office of Population Censuses (95% CI 0.56-0.98) and 0.93 for CP (95% CI
and Surveys. Data were not presented by type of cleft. 0.62-1.40).
Each case child was matched with the next unaffected
child born in the same general medical practice. The
family medical practitioners of case and control chil- Western Australia
dren were identified from the District Health Authori- A case-control study in Western Australia, in which an
ties and visited by a medical officer of the study, who inverse association was found between maternal dietary
abstracted information on maternal medical and fam- intake of folate and risk of NTDs (Bower and Stanley,
ily history from the written records of the medical prac- 1989), was extended to examine midline birth defects,
tice. No demographic data were presented for cases or some of which included oral clefts. (Bower and Stan-
controls, and no data were collected directly from ley, 1992). In the original study, all cases of NTDs in
mothers. Medical records provided very limited infor- infants born during mid-1982 through 1984 and as-
mation on supplement use during the 3-month period certained via the Western Australia Birth Defects Reg-
before the last menstrual period: vitamin use was indi- istry were eligible. Two control groups were drawn
cated in only 1.9% of cases and 1.3% of controls, and from the same population, one with major malforma-
folic acid supplementation was indicated in only 1.2% tions other than NTDs and the other including unaf-
of cases and 0.9% of controls. More case than control fected live-born infants. Midline defects were identified
mothers reported use of one or more of 13 categories in 59 infants of the malformed control group in the
of medications. Thus, this study design was useful for original study, and these were designated as cases in
evaluation of exposure to medications but inadequate the study of midline defects. Infants with chromosomal
to capture data on use of nutritional supplements. Pre- anomalies or known Mendelian syndromes were ex-
scription of nutritional supplements by physicians for cluded. The controls used in the midline study were
mothers in this study seemed nearly nonexistent, and 115 unaffected infants used as controls in the original
no data were provided on the use of supplements ob- study of NTDs. Mothers were interviewed by telephone
tained outside of the medical system. and completed a self-administered food-frequency
questionnaire regarding their diet for the period 3
Metropolitan A flan fa Congenital Defects Program months before to 9 months after their last menstrual
period before pregnancy. The questionnaire was lim-
The Atlanta Birth Defect Case-Control Study investi- ited to food items that contained substantial amounts
gated a wide variety of risks for birth defects, includ- of folate and included questions on cooking methods,
ing oral clefts, in the Atlanta metropolitan area (Khoury dietary changes, and use of vitamin supplements. In-
et al., 1989). Cleft cases were ascertained during take of free folic acid and total folate was calculated
1968-1980 via multiple sources as part of the routine using food-composition tables and adjusted for cook-
surveillance of the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital ing practices (Paul and Southgate, 1979; Truesdale,
Defects Program and included 238 with CL/P and 107 1984). Folate intake was divided into quartiles, and the
with CP; data were reported on these separate groups, risk of midline defects was evaluated with the lowest
but each group included isolated, multiple, and syn- quartile as the reference level in multivariate models
dromic birth defects. Controls were mothers selected that included several potential confounding factors. No
among 323,421 live births to women in the same pop- consistent relationship was observed between risk of
ulation and frequency-matched to cases by birth pe- midline defects and either free folic acid or total folate
riod, race, and hospital of birth The focus of the re- intake. The power of this study was limited by the small
port was on maternal cigarette smoking, but data on sample size, and the heterogeneity of the sample fur-
vitamin use were presented, although not controlled for ther compounded this problem. Only 13 of the 59 cases
potential confounding factors. Mothers were inter- with midline defects had oral clefts. While there re-
viewed by telephone, and the participation rate was mains a strong and plausible argument for shared
70%. Mothers were asked whether they used vitamins causes in this diverse group of birth defects, the most
during the periconceptional period, defined as 3 months promising approach in identifying these causes is to fo-
prior to conception through 3 months after pregnancy cus on cleft defects per se and to use homogeneous sub-

groups such as isolated CL/P and CP in case-control other subgroups of oral clefts but more variable, per-
analyses. haps because of smaller sample sizes in each. Vitamin
use may be associated with other healthy lifestyle char-
California Birth Defects Monitoring Program acteristics, so Shaw et al. (1995) rigorously controlled
for potential confounding factors, including race and
The California Birth Defects Monitoring Program pro- ethnicity, education, age, gravidity, smoking, alcohol
vided a large population-based sample of oral clefts for use, family history of oral clefts, maternal medical his-
the case-control study reported by Shaw et al. (1995). tory, and use of folate-antagonist medications; the re-
Cases were infant births or fetal deaths during duced risk with multivitamin use was not influenced by
1987-1989 with oral clefts ascertained via multiple these factors. Throughout this report, the relevant ex-
sources throughout California. All cases were reviewed posure was described as use of "multivitamins con-
by a medical geneticist and classified as isolated CL/P taining folic acid," yet this placed an artificial empha-
or CP either in isolation or with multiple birth defects. sis on folic acid because most of the multivitamin
Known monogenic syndromes were excluded. Controls preparations contained folic acid and a large number
were randomly sampled from all unaffected infants of other vitamins and minerals. The authors noted that
born during the same period and matched to cases by of the 954 case and control mothers using vitamins,
county of residence. Mothers of 731 cases and 734 con- only two reported using a supplement with folic acid
trols were interviewed by telephone and asked about only and only 27 used a multivitamin supplement with-
use of vitamin and mineral supplements, intake of cold out folic acid. Shaw et al. (1995) extended their analy-
breakfast cereals, and other traits and demographic fac- ses by examining the risk of oral clefts in mothers who
tors. The periconceptional exposure period of interest consumed cold cereals, an unspecified proportion of
for vitamin use was defined as 1 month before con- which were fortified with vitamins and minerals.
ception through 2 months afterward, and mothers who Among the mothers who used no multivitamins in the
started vitamin use in the third month after conception periconceptional period, the risk of clefting was re-
were excluded from the analyses. Doses of folic acid duced among those with daily cereal consumption
were imputed as 0.8 mg for reports of prenatal vita- (OR = 0.41, 95% CI 0.17-0.98) for isolated CL/P and
min use and 0.4 mg for all other vitamin supplements suggestive for other cleft types, although the small num-
that contained folic acid. Fewer case than control moth- ber of case mothers with these characteristics (22 case
ers reported any use of multivitamins containing folic and 32 control mothers) limited the analyses. The Cal-
acid during the periconceptional period (57.2% vs. ifornian study, one of the most exhaustive to date, pro-
69.1%) and during the 1-month period before con- vides compelling evidence that maternal multivitamin
ception (14.3% vs. 18.9%). The ORs indicating risk of use in the periconceptional period is associated with a
specific types of oral cleft with any use of multivita- reduced risk of oral clefts, but the specific role of folic
mins with folic acid in the periconceptional period were acid remains uncertain.
0.50 for isolated CL/P, 0.61 for CL/P with multiple
birth defects, 0.73 for isolated CP, and 0.64 for CP Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of
with multiple birth defects. The 95% CI for isolated Congenital Abnormalities
CL/P excluded 1.0 and was narrow (95% CI
0.36-0.68), based on the substantial sample size of 348 The Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Congen-
cases in this subgroup; the CIs for the other subgroups ital Abnormalities has collected data since 1980 on
included 1.0 but were based on much smaller sample cases of birth defects identified among infants in the
sizes. The risk of oral clefts by subgroup was evaluated first 3 months of life and in fetal deaths ascertained by
over four levels of average daily intake of folic acid the Hungarian Congenital Abnormality Registry. Con-
from multivitamins, with the lowest (none) as the ref- trols were selected from unaffected births via the na-
erence level. The highest level of intake (>1.0 mg/day) tional birth registry and matched to cases by sex, birth
was uninformative because only four cases of isolated week, and district of parental residence. Data on cleft
CL/P, one case of multiple CL/P, and no CP cases were cases were reported by Czeizel et al. (1996) and later
in this level and the number of controls in this level updated (Czeizel et al., 1999); the latest analyses were
was not presented. The ORs for isolated CL/P were based on 1246 matched pairs of CL/P cases and con-
0.47 (95% CI 0.33-0.67) for 0.4 mg or less folic acid trols and 537 matched pairs of CP cases and controls.
per day and 0.52 (95% CI 0.36-0.76) for 0.4 to 0.9 Data were collected from mothers on use of vitamin
mg/day, indicating that the risk of this type of cleft was supplements, use of medications, and medical and preg-
reduced by half with any use of multivitamins con- nancy history by mailed questionnaire, review of ante-
taining folic acid, and no dose-response relationship natal logbooks and medical records, and (for nonre-
was discernible. The results appeared similar for the sponding cases) interviews by visiting nurses. Folic acid

supplementation was evaluated from these records, and et al., 1999). The bank of samples represented births
according to the authors, the commonly available form occurring between 1985 and 1994, and each was stored
during the period of study was a 3.0 mg tablet pre- at -20°C until the assays were completed. Biochemi-
scribed by obstetricians in the amount of 1 to 3 cal studies of maternal plasma trace elements and vit-
tablets/day; the usual dose was assumed to be 6.0 amin 612, vitamin A, and folic acid were evaluated in
mg/day. Use of folk acid alone was uncommon (14% a nested case-control study. Mothers of 170 children
of controls and 13% of cases) and not further evalu- with congenital malformations ascertained by the local
ated; among the remaining majority of participants, registry of congenital malformations were included as
other vitamins, minerals, and medicines were taken; but cases, and two controls per case were matched for sex,
these details were not reported. The onset of folic acid age of mother, hospital of delivery, obstetric history,
supplement use was reported by month of pregnancy and social class. The sample included only 14 cases of
for cases and controls, and the critical period of expo- CL/P. The other major groups and numbers of mal-
sure was defined as months 1 to 2 for CL/P and 1 to formations included heart (n ~ 72), vesicorenal reflux
3 for CP. The ORs describing risk of oral clefts for (n = 8), limb reduction defects (n — 12), spina bifida
mothers using folic acid supplements in the critical pe- (n = 6), and hydrocephaly (n = 6). There were no sign-
riod vs. all others were 0.72 (95% CI 0.55-0.92) for ficant differences between all malformations and con-
CL/P and 0.86 (95% CI 0.66-1.13) for CP. Shaw et al. trols or between specific subgroups of defects in mean
(1995) excluded from their analyses mothers in Cali- plasma zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, folate, vi-
fornia who began use of supplements after 3 months; tamin 612, or vitamin A. The sample size was adequate
thus, the remaining comparison was mothers using sup- to detect a 1.0 standard deviation difference in mean
plements in the periconceptional period vs. nonusers. trace elements at a = 0.05 and (3 = 0.10 between the
Applying this approach to the 1999 Hungarian data congenital heart defects (n = 72) and controls but
yields an OR of 0.62 (95% CI 0.46-0.83) for the risk lacked power for comparisons with the other subgroups
of CL/P among mothers using folic acid supplements including oral clefts. The close matching of cases and
in the critical period vs. nonusers. When late users (be- controls on a number of characteristics including so-
yond the second month of pregnancy) were compared cial class and hospital of delivery may have resulted in
to nonusers, the OR for risk of CL/P was 0.77 (95% an artificial similarity between cases and controls.
CI 0.62-0.96); because this exposure period is after
cleft formation, these results indicate that the associa- Boston-Philadelphia-Toronto
tion between supplement use and reduced risk of oral Case-Control Studies
clefts may be confounded by other personal character-
istics associated with supplement use and risk of oral The Slone Epidemiology Unit has combined surveil-
clefts. A similar analysis of the CP data yields an OR lance of birth defects and medication use with case-
of 0.71 (95% CI 0.52-0.98) for use in the critical pe- control studies since 1976 in participating hospitals in
riod (months 1-3) vs. nonuse, and the contrast of late the Boston, Philadelphia, and Toronto metropolitan ar-
supplement users (beyond the third month) and eas. Hayes et al. (1996) reported results of a case-
nonusers yields an OR of 0.79 (95% CI 0.54-1.15). control study of oral clefts that, like the Western Aus-
The Hungarian findings, like the Californian findings, tralia Study, was derived from a previous investigation
reveal associations between the use of nutritional sup- of NTDs. Cases included mothers of infants live- or
plements and reduced risk of clefting, but the inde- stillborn during 1988-1991 with CL/P (n = 195) or CP
pendent role of folic acid per se also remains uncertain. (n = 108). Mendelian conditions were excluded. Con-
Some of the reduced risk associated with maternal vi- trols were 1167 mothers of live-born children with con-
tamin use appears to be due to confounding factors be- genital anomalies other than NTDs or midline defects,
cause mothers who initiated supplement use after the and the larger groups were renal anomalies (n = 177),
period of cleft formation also appeared to have a re- gastrointestinal anomalies (n = 156), limb defects (n =
duced risk of clefting compared to mothers who did 139), craniosynostosis (n = 115), and chromosomal
not use supplements. anomalies (n = 90). Case and control mothers were in-
terviewed by a trained nurse within 6 months of birth
Strasbourg Case-Control Study regarding demographic background, medical and fam-
ily history, dietary practices, and use of nutritional sup-
Plasma samples were routinely collected during the first plements and medications. Dates of initiation and ces-
antenatal visit of women in the Strasbourg area for sub- sation of supplement use were determined with the aid
sequent case-control comparisons of mothers of chil- of a calendar, highlighting the exposure periods of in-
dren affected and unaffected with malformations (Stoll terest. The relevant period of periconceptional expo-

sure was defined as 1 month prior to the last menstrual ates in multivariate models. Using the non-malformed
period though the fourth month of pregnancy (16 control group, the OR indicating risk of CL/P with any
weeks after last menstrual period). Medication and sup- use of supplements in the critical period was 0.8 (95%
plement bottles were examined for content and dose CI 0.5-1.3); the CL/P results using the malformed con-
information. Supplementation was defined as use of a trol group were similar (OR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.4-1.1).
folic acid-containing multivitamin or a folic acid sup- A reduced risk of CP was significantly associated with
plement alone; 95% of the folic acid supplementation, supplement use in the comparisons using non-
however, was in the form of a multivitamin, so the ef- malformed controls (OR = 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.8) and
fects of folic acid could not be separated from those of malformed controls (OR = 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.9). Both
other nutrients as in the Californian and Hungarian studies used similar methods of ascertainment and the
studies. Reported use of supplements at any time dur- same rigorous data-collection methods; supplement use
ing the periconceptional period was 68% among con- increased only slightly between the earlier and later pe-
trols, 70% among CL/P cases, and 62% among CP riods of study. The data from these studies do not pro-
cases. When mothers using supplements daily through- vide evidence for a protective effect of multivitamin
out the periconceptional period were compared with supplements against CL/P. The difference between the
mothers not using them in the same period, the OR es- null association for CP in the earlier study and the pos-
timate of risk was 1.2 (95% CI 0.7-2.0) for CL/P and itive association in the later study may be partially ex-
0.9 (95% CI 0.5-1.7) for CP; thus, no evidence was plained by the use in the earlier study of some groups
found of a protective association between maternal use of malformed controls excluded in the later one, i.e.,
of multivitamin and mineral supplements and risk of groups including limb defects and urinary tracts defects.
oral clefts. The parallel use of malformed and non-malformed con-
A second study of maternal nutrition and oral clefts trols and the similarity of results provide strong evi-
in the same populations was reported from the Slone dence that maternal recall of supplement use is not bi-
group by Werler et al. (1999), in which case and con- ased between mothers of affected and unaffected
trol mothers for birth years 1993-1996 were recruited children. The possibility remains, despite the best ef-
using similar procedures. A second control group was forts of investigators, that residual confounding factors
included of mothers of children without birth defects related to maternal vitamin use and risk of oral clefts
selected from the same birth hospitals in the surveil- may affect the findings of the Slone studies as in other
lance program. The 822 case mothers represented eight case-control studies.
major categories of birth defects, and of these, 114 were
CL/P and 46 were CP. Data-collection procedures were The Netherlands Case-Control Study of Maternal
the same as in the earlier study, and participation rates Metabolic Factors
were nearly the same in cases, malformed controls, and
normal controls (66% overall). Multivitamin supple- The University of Nijmegen in The Netherlands has
mentation was defined more broadly than in the ear- been a center of innovative studies of homocysteine me-
lier study and included daily use of a supplement with tabolism in relation to NTDs (Steegers-Theunissen et
two or more water-soluble vitamins and two or more al., 1991, 1994, 1995; Wong, 1999). Exposure to high
fat-soluble vitamins. Reported use of supplements at levels of homocysteine alters the migration of neural
any time during months 1 through 4 was 76% among crest cells and causes malformations in experimental
both malformed and non-malformed control mothers, avian models (Rosenquist et al., 1996). Wong et al.
75% among CL/P case mothers, and 64% among CP (1999) demonstrated the usefulness of investigating
case mothers; each represented slight increases over the biochemical markers of maternal nutritional status in
previous study. Supplementation was categorized by case-control studies of oral clefts. Cases of nonsyn-
the month of pregnancy of first use, and use in the 1- dromic oral clefts, both CL/P and CP, were ascertained
month period before the last menstrual period was not by the Nijmegen Cleft Palate Team from patients
a criterion for exposure as in the earlier study. The crit- treated between 1992 and 1997, and 71 eligible moth-
ical exposure period was defined as months 1 through ers of case children between ages 1 and 5 years were
3 for CL/P and 1 through 4 for CP because of the later identified. Of these, three could not be contacted, 17
period of palatal closure. The reference group included declined participation, and others were excluded be-
mothers with no supplement use or use that began af- cause of current vitamin use (n — 6) or pregnancy (n =
ter the critical period. Maternal characteristics associ- 10); 35 case mothers completed the study. Control
ated with supplement use included age, education, race, mothers were selected from the nearby population
planned pregnancy, nausea and vomiting in first month, (methods not specified), and 56 completed the study;
and geographic center; these were included as covari- 1 was excluded because of recent vitamin use. Mean

ages of mothers were 32.0 years for cases and 34.8 years by Warkany (1942) that riboflavin deficiency induced
for controls. Venous blood samples were collected for skeletal abnormalities in rats, Douglas began adding ri-
measurement of serum and red cell folate, plasma ho- boflavin to the diets of pregnant women in Tennessee
mocysteine, serum vitamin Bi2, and vitamin B6 (as pyri- who had previously given birth to a child with a cleft.
doxal-5-phosphate) in whole blood. Oral methionine- Douglas (1958) justified the intervention with the state-
loading tests (Steegers-Theunissen et al., 1992) were ment that "riboflavin and other vitamins in proper
then performed, and plasma homocysteine was mea- amounts as a supplement could not possibly harm the
sured again after 6 h. Case mothers had higher mean mother or the fetus in any way; further when one con-
plasma homocysteine levels than controls for both the siders that it could only improve the mother's general
fasting (12 vs. 9 /u-mol/1, p < 0.01) and methionine af- welfare and might lower the risk of her having a sec-
terload (35 vs. 31 />tmol/l, p < 0.05) samples. Hyper- ond deformed child." Douglas reported no further de-
homocysteinemia, defined as fasting or afterload val- tails of efforts to reduce the recurrence of oral clefts
ues above the 97.5 percentile, was found in 15.6% of other than the fact that not a single treated mother had
case mothers and 3.6% of control mothers (OR = 5.5, another affected child; she acknowledged that the ex-
95% CI 1.1-24.2). Unexpectedly, case mothers com- pected prevalence of oral clefts at birth in the area at
pared to controls had higher mean levels of serum fo- that time was 0.6 to 1.0/1000 births and that the num-
late (16 vs. 13 nmol/1, p < 0.01) and red cell folate (550 ber of patients in the study was too small to be signif-
vs. 490 nmol/1, p < 0.05). Vitamin Bi2 levels were not icant.
significantly different between groups, but case moth- The next reported experimental trial to prevent the
ers had lower levels of whole-blood pyridoxal-S-phos- recurrence of oral clefts in humans was described by
phate compared to controls (41 vs. 52 nmol/1, p < Conway (1958) just months after the report by Dou-
0.05). The mild hyperhomocysteinemia of case moth- glas appeared. Aspects and results of the trial by Con-
ers thus was not explained by low folate values but way (1958) and subsequent ones are listed in Table
may have been related to the poorer vitamin B6 status 14.3. Conway (1958) cited the work of Fogh-Andersen
of case mothers compared to controls. The advent of (1942) on the genetic determination of oral clefts in hu-
biochemical studies of maternal nutritional status, even mans and the induction of oral clefts in animal mod-
years after the affected pregnancies, appears to be a sig- els and concluded that "the occurrence of induced de-
nificant methodologic advance in case-control studies formities is influenced by the genetic background of the
of oral clefts. This method, however, is still subject to experimental animals and that alteration of environ-
many of the pitfalls of case-control studies, including mental factors is important in bringing out the defor-
biased selection of participants. The Nijmegen results mities." Conway (1958) was also influenced by the
are based on a small number of case mothers from a work of Warkany and Kalter (1957) and cited their ad-
single clinical center and had different rates of partici- monition that "it would be premature and dangerous
pation and exclusion between cases and controls. These to infer that parallels exist between the etiologies of the
studies should be extended to a larger sample in The experimental and human abnormalities." Conway,
Netherlands and other populations. working at the Cornell Medical College during
1946-1957, provided vitamin supplements for moth-
ers of cleft-affected children during the periconcep-
HUMAN EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS OF VITAMIN tional period of their subsequent pregnancies. Multivi-
SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE PREVENTION tamin capsules were given daily and included vitamin
OF ORAL CLEFTS A (12,500 USP units), vitamin D (1000 USP units), vi-
tamin C (100 mg), vitamin BI (5 mg), vitamin B2 (5mg),
Soon after the demonstration that vitamin deficiencies vitamin B6 (2 mg), vitamin 612 (4 ^tg), calcium pan-
produced oral clefts in animal models in the 1940s, tothenate (10 mg), nicotinamide (30 mg), and folk acid
physicians became interested in whether vitamin sup- (0.5 mg). In addition, an intramuscular injection of vi-
plementation could prevent the recurrence of oral clefts. tamins was given every other day, including vitamin BI
The prevailing view at that time was that gene muta- (5 mg), vitamin 62 (2 mg), vitamin Bg (5 mg), vitamin
tions were the most important cause of birth defects. 612 (2.5 ^ig), nicotinamide (75 mg), and sodium pan-
In contrast, Douglas (1958) presented clinical observa- tothenate (2.5 mg). No details were provided on the
tions of identical twins that were discordant for cleft- method of assignment of treatment; thus, it is unclear
ing in which the affected twin weighed less than the what selective factors and possible biases were in-
normal twin as evidence that variations in maternal volved. Participants included private, semiprivate, and
blood supply between twins may adversely affect fetal "pavillion" (presumably indigent) patients; but the dis-
nutritional status and risk of clefting. After the report tributions of these patient types in the treated and un-
TABLE 14.3. Trials of Maternal Vitamin Supplementation for the Prevention of Recurrence of Oral Clefts in the Pregnancies of High-Risk Women
Treatment Control
References Population Group* Group Design of Trial Resultsf

Conway (1958) New York Vitamins A, Bj, B2, No supplements Method of treatment assignment 0 clefts in 59 treated pregnancies,
Be, BU, C, D, not specified 4 clefts in 78 control pregnancies
FA, PT, N (p = 0.13)
Peer et al. (1958b, 1963, 1964), New Jersey Vitamins BI, B2, No supplements Method of treatment assignment 7 clefts in 228 treated pregnancies,
Briggs (1976) B6, B12, C, FA, P, N not specified 20 clefts in 417 control pregnancies
(p = 0.41)
Tolarova (1982), Czech Republic Vitamins A, BI, B2 No supplements Treatment group included 3 clefts in 211 treated pregnancies,
Tolarova and B6, C, D, E, FA, mothers accepting supplements; 77 clefts in 1824 control pregnancies
Harris (1995) PT, N controls were mothers who (p = 0.058)
refused supplements or failed to
comply; additional interventions
encouraged for treatment group
but not for control group
Czeizel and Dudas (1992) Hungary Vitamins A, BI, B2, Cu, Mn, Zn Randomized, double-blind, 4 clefts in 2471 treated pregnancies,
Czeizel (1993a,b, 1998), B6, B12, C, D, vitamin C; intention-to-treat analysis 6 clefts in 2391 control pregnancies
Czeizel and E, FA, PT, N, BT lactose (p = 0.57)
Hirschberg (1997) Minerals: Ca, P, Mg, Fe
Trace elements: Cu, Mn,

BT, biotin; FA, folk acid; N, nicotinamide; P, phosphorus; PT, pantothenate. See text for doses,
p values from two-sided Fisher's exact test.

treated groups was not reported. Of the 196 mothers the supplementation was most helpful for mothers of
under observation, 87 subsequently become pregnant; CL/P index children and that supplementation might
of these, 39 were given vitamin therapy and 48 received be "specifically detrimental when evaluating the inci-
no vitamin therapy. The 39 mothers receiving vitamin dence of cleft palate alone." He attempted to extend
therapy had a total of 59 subsequent pregnancies, and the sample size by including additional births of treated
none of the infants had an oral cleft. Among the 48 mothers who had already delivered one child while in
mothers receiving no vitamin therapy, there were 78 the trial, but no comparable mothers in the untreated
subsequent pregnancies and four infants with oral group were included; this may have introduced con-
clefts, including one with congenital heart defects. No founding related to differences in parity and social class
statistical analyses were reported; application of between treated and untreated mothers.
Fisher's exact test to these data revealed that the dif- Additional studies of the effect of vitamin supple-
ference between groups was not statistically significant mentation on the reduction of the recurrence of oral
(p = 0.13). clefts were reported by von Krebig and Stoeckenius
Peer et al. (1958a) reported that because animal stud- (1978), Gabka (1981), and Schubert et al. (1990).
ies showed protective effects of vitamin Bg and folic These authors claimed success in reducing the risk of
acid against cleft induction in cortisone-treated mice, oral clefts with vitamin supplements, yet each of these
he routinely provided these vitamins to mothers of chil- studies either was too small or had insufficient data to
dren with oral clefts during the early weeks of their allow a detailed evaluation of the results.
subsequent pregnancy. Appeals were made to other
plastic surgeons to do the same with their patients and Czech Cleft Prevention Trial
contribute their data on pregnancy outcome to a pooled
analysis. Peer et al. (1963, 1964) reported on patients A collection of pedigrees of 8250 cleft patients born
in Newark, New Jersey, and 51 patients referred by between 1886 and 1982 in Bohemia provided an op-
colleagues at other locations. No details of the patient portunity for Tolarova (1986, 1987a,b) at the
population were provided other than that each mother Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague to ex-
had a previous child with a cleft. Treatment consisted plore the occurrence, genetics, and prevention of oral
of prenatal vitamin capsules and an additional 5 mg clefts. The Bohemian data include careful clinical clas-
folic acid and 10 mg vitamin Be, each taken daily dur- sification of cleft type and genetic studies of the more
ing the first trimester. The prenatal vitamin capsule also recent patients and their families. In 1976, Tolorova
contained vitamin Bg (2 mg); thus, the total daily dose began providing vitamin supplements to mothers
of vitamin B$ was 12 mg. Other vitamins in the pre- deemed at high risk of cleft recurrence because they had
natal capsule included vitamin BI (10 mg), vitamin B2 either a cleft themselves or a child with a cleft. Moth-
(10 mg), vitamin 612 (4 /Ag), vitamin C (300 mg), niacin- ers were instructed to take three tablets of the "Spo-
amide (100 mg), and calcium pantothenate (20 mg). favit" multivitamin preparation each day beginning 3
Briggs (1976) provided an updated account of Peer's months before conception and continuing until the end
work and reported on the results of births to 228 of the first trimester of pregnancy. Each tablet included
treated mothers and 417 untreated control mothers. No vitamin A (2000 IU), vitamin B! (1 mg), vitamin B2 (1
details were provided on the methods of assigning mg), vitamin B6 (1 mg), vitamin C (50 mg), vitamin D
women to the treatment or control group. Among the (100 IU), vitamin E (2 mg), nicotinamide (10 mg), and
228 subsequent births of the treated mothers, seven had calcium pantothenate (1 mg); in addition, mothers were
oral clefts (3.1%); among the 417 subsequent births to given 10 mg of folic acid per day. The treatment group
the untreated women, 20 had oral clefts (4.8%). No consisted of mothers who accepted the vitamin sup-
statistical analyses were provided in the original pub- plements when offered, and controls were mothers who
lication; the difference between groups was not statis- declined the vitamin supplements or failed to comply
tically significant (Fisher's exact p = 0.41). Briggs with the treatment regimen. Tolarova (1982) reported
(1976) further stratified the data according to the type that 1 of 85 supplemented pregnancies and 10 of 212
of cleft of the index child of each mother. Among moth- unsupplemented pregnancies were affected with oral
ers of children with CL/P, recurrence was 1.9% among clefts. The results were updated in 1987 (Tolarova,
the 161 pregnancies of treated mothers and 5.5% 1987a,b) and 1995 (Tolarova and Harris, 1995), and
among the 275 pregnancies of untreated mothers (p = the most recent results revealed that 3 of 211 supple-
0.08). Among mothers of index children with CP, re- mented pregnancies and 77 of 1824 unsupplemented
currence was 6.0% in the treated group and 3.5% in pregnancies were affected with oral clefts. A Fisher ex-
the untreated group (p — 0.47). Briggs (1976) con- act p value of 0.03 from a one-sided test was provided;
cluded, without statistical support for his claim, that the p value for the two-sided test was 0.058.

The exclusion of noncompliant participants in a clin- Nutley, NJ) contained vitamin A (6000 IU until 1989
ical trial may seriously bias the results, even if the trial and 4000 IU thereafter); vitamin BI (1.6 mg); vitamin
began with random assignment of treatments; this is 62 (1.8 mg); vitamin Bg (2.6 mg); vitamin Bi2 (4 /ig);
the basis for "intention-to-treat" analyses in the design vitamin C (100 mg); vitamin D (500 IU); vitamin E (15
of modern clinical trials (Meinert, 1986). A serious lim- mg); folic acid (15 mg); nicotinamide (19 mg); calcium
itation of the Czech study was the lack of random as- pantothenate (10 mg); biotin (0.2 mg); four minerals
signment of mothers to treatment or no treatment. including calcium (125 mg), phosphorus (125 mg),
Mothers in the treatment group were acceptors of the magnesium (100 mg), and iron (60 mg); and three trace
offer of supplementation and compliant, while the con- elements including copper (1 mg), manganese (1 mg),
trol group consisted of mothers who rejected the offer and zinc (7.5 mg). The trace-element control group
of supplementation or failed to adequately comply with took a tablet with the same amounts of copper, man-
the treatment regimen. This may have resulted in im- ganese, and zinc with the addition of vitamin C (7.3
portant confounding differences between groups re- mg) and lactose (736 mg). All live births and other preg-
lated to lifestyle factors and risk of clefting. The au- nancy outcomes were evaluated for the presence of con-
thors noted that mothers in the supplemented group genital abnormalities through participating obstetrical
received additional interventions, including advice to clinics. The compliance of participants in pill taking
conceive in the late spring and summer months because was carefully assessed, and participants in 29% of the
of the greater availability of fresh fruit and green veg- multivitamin group and 27% in the trace-element
etables and a lesser risk of respiratory tract infections; group were classified as taking no supplements or only
this advice was not given to the control group. Because a partial course. The outcome of pregnancy was as-
the Czech trial did not include randomization, was a sessed in 99% of participants, and the final results
comparison of compliers and noncompliers by design, (Czeizel, 1998; Czeizel et al., 1999), based on an in-
included additional lifestyle interventions for the sup- tention-to-treat analysis of all participants, revealed a
plemented group but not for the control group, and in- significant reduction in NTDs (0 in 2471 vitamin-
cluded an intervention with multiple vitamins, the re- supplemented pregnancies vs. 6 in 2391 trace element-
sults are uninterpretable with regard to the role of any treated pregnancies; p = 0.02), but no significant dif-
specific nutrient in the prevention of oral clefts. ferences were observed in the occurrence of a small
number of oral clefts between treatment groups (4
Hungarian Birth Defects Prevention Trial among the vitamin-supplemented and 5 in the trace el-
ement-supplemented pregnancies; p — 0.57). The mul-
The Hungarian Family Planning Program (HFPP) is a tivitamin group had higher rates of conception (71.3%
comprehensive program of medical care and social ser- vs. 67.9%), multiple births (3.7% vs 2.7%), and fetal
vices devoted to improving reproductive health. This deaths (13.4% vs. 11.4%) compared to the trace-ele-
setting was used for a clinical trial of the efficacy of ment group.
periconceptional multivitamin supplementation in the
prevention of birth defects and other complications of
pregnancy (Meinert, 1986; Czeizel and Dudas, 1992;
Czeizel 1993a,b; Czeizel et al., 1994; Czeizel and NUTRIENT-GENE INTERACTIONS IN
Hirschberg, 1997; Czeizel, 1998; Czeizel et al., 1999). ORAL CLEFTS
The HFPP included 26 centers coordinated by the De-
partment of Human Genetics and Teratology at the A major role for genes in the development of normal
Hungarian National Institute of Hygiene and is a craniofacial structures is evident from the common ob-
World Health Organization Collaborating Center for servation that monozygotic twins are nearly identical
the Community Control of Hereditary Diseases. Par- in appearance. Patterns of genetic inheritance of cleft-
ticipants were offered extensive medical examinations, ing were first described by Fogh-Andersen (1942) and
genetic counseling, and health education, including rec- confirmed by segregation analysis (Marazita et al.,
ommendations on diet and the avoidance of tobacco, 1986; Mitchell and Risch, 1992; Mitchell and Chris-
alcohol, and other hazardous substances. Women at- tensen, 1996). The processes involved in the construc-
tending the HFPP were recruited for a multivitamin tion of the face have begun to be established through
supplementation trial and randomly assigned to take studies of animal models, human mutations, and rec-
either a multivitamin or a trace-element tablet daily for ognized teratogens. Facial development is a complex
the period 1 month before conception until the third process dependent on a broad spectrum of signaling
month of gestation. The trial was double-blind. The molecules, homeobox genes, and growth factors (Mur-
multivitamin (Elevit Prenatal; Hoffman-La Roche, ray, 1995). Development is initiated by migrating

neural crest cells, which combine with mesodermal cells and cystathionine /3-synthase and found an OR for
to establish the facial primordia. gene-gene interaction of 5.2 (95% CI 0.8-2.1); this rep-
A variation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reduc- resents the estimate of the factor by which the OR for
tase gene (MTHFR, C677T allele) is the first known persons with both mutations is different from the mul-
genetic risk factor for NTDs and may be relevant to tiplied effect of each mutation alone.
oral clefts. Persons homozygous for the MTHFR T al- The MTHFR-NTD associations provide an interest-
lele have a more thermolabile form of the MTHFR en- ing model, which at first glance may seem useful in un-
zyme with reduced activity, which in the presence of derstanding the causes of oral clefts. Early evidence,
low plasma folate (presumably low folate intake) re- however, indicates that the association between
sults in higher plasma homocysteine levels (Jacques et MTHFR genotype and cleft risk may be different from
al., 1996; Christensen et al., 1997). Not all studies, that of NTDs. In a California study of isolated CL/P,
however, have shown a significant increase in risk of Shaw and colleagues (1998a) found no increase in cleft
NTDs associated with the MTHFR T allele (Mornet et risk among infants with the C677T allele (T); in the
al., 1997). Shaw et al. (1998b) found a modest associ- largest ethnic subgroup, non-Hispanic whites, the T al-
ation between the MTHFR genotype of infants and risk lele was associated with a reduced risk of CL/P. In a
of NTDs but no evidence of interaction between infant follow-up report on isolated CP in the same study, a
MTHFR genotype and maternal intake of folic acid- reduced risk of clefting was also found; the risk of CP,
containing supplements. relative to infants with the CC genotype, was 0.6 (95%
The MTHFR-NTD association is an example of a CI 0.3-1.3) for TT infants and 0.8 (95% CI 0.5-1.2)
possible nutrient-gene interaction in which the combi- for CT infants (Shaw et al., 1999).
nation of these factors explains more than genotype or Further understanding of the role of MTHFR poly-
nutritional status alone. Christensen et al. (1999) ex- morphisms and cleft risk will require determinations of
tended the analysis of nutrient-gene interactions to in- biochemical markers of folate and other nutrients, and
clude the genotype of both mother and child. The com- insights might be gained from study of other
bination of the MTHFR TT genotype for mother and MTHPJR-disease associations. The C677T allele has
child yields an OR estimate of NTD risk of 6.0 (95% also been associated with a reduced risk of colon can-
CI 1.26-28.53). The OR for mothers alone with the cer in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (Chen
TT genotype was 1.29, and that for TT children alone et al., 1999), the Physicians' Health Study (Ma et al.,
was 2.0 (neither was statistically significant). When the 1997), and a case-control study conducted in Utah and
combination of mother's TT genotype and low red cell Minnesota (Slattery et al., 1999). The mechanism by
folate was considered, the OR was 3.28 (95% CI which the C677T allele contributes to the reduction in
0.84-12.85). The combination of child's TT genotype colon cancer risk has been hypothesized to include ei-
and low maternal red cell folate yielded an OR of 13.43 ther imbalanced DNA methylation or altered synthesis
(95% CI 2.49-72.33). This example illustrates both the of nucleic acids (Ma et al., 1996, 1997, 1999; Bagley
potentials and the pitfalls of analyses of nutrient-gene and Selhub, 1998; Chen et al., 1998; Chen et al., 1998).
interactions: uncovering strong interactions yields far Presence of the C677T allele was shown by Bagley and
more insight than studying single genotypes or nutri- Selhub (1998) to be associated with an accumulation
ents alone, yet large sample sizes are needed to accu- of formylated folates in red blood cells relative to the
rately estimate the effect because the combination of CC genotype; this shift in the distribution of folate
relatively uncommon genotypes with the probability of forms may favor DNA synthesis and repair because of
being in the lowest part of the distribution of an indi- the dependence of these pathways on nonmethylated
cator of nutritional status results in a comparison group forms of folate.
that is a small fraction of the total original sample. This
is presumably why Christensen et al. (1999) were un-
able to report on the risk of NTDs among mother-child DISCUSSION
pairs in which both mother and child had the TT geno-
type and the mother had low red cell folate. Substan- Maternal nutrition is likely an important environmen-
tially larger sample sizes will be necessary to probe the tal factor responsible for the occurrence of oral clefts
extent of this and other complex interactions. As more in humans. Evidence for this view has accumulated
data become available on multiple genes related to vi- from studies over most of the past century from ex-
tamin B6 and folate metabolism, there will be more op- perimental animals, observational studies of human
portunities to explore the interaction between genes. populations, and some limited human experimental
Botto and Mastroiacovo (1998) analyzed the risk of studies. The history of experimental studies of oral
NTDs in the presence of variations in both MTHFR clefts in experimental animals reveals several nutrients

that might be used to prevent oral clefts in susceptible trients. Maternal red cell folate levels were determined
populations. The leading candidate nutrients include 1 year after delivery in a study in north London and
folic acid, vitamin Bg, and vitamin A. A lesser body of found to be reasonably correlated with values deter-
evidence implicates riboflavin, vitamin 612, zinc, pan- mined early in pregnancy (Leek et al., 1983).
tothenic acid, and biotin. Studies of nutrient-genotype interactions may clar-
Josef Warkany was a pioneer in the early experi- ify the role of folate and other nutrients in oral clefts.
mental studies of teratogenesis but remained cautious The early indications from MTHFR studies are that the
about the relevance of animal studies for congenital oral cleft results are quite different from expectations
anomalies in humans: "experimental cleft palate has based on studies of NTDs. These findings underscore
been going on for 40 years . . . to my knowledge the the importance of developing new methods for folate
brilliant studies on mechanisms involved in cleft palate analyses that will characterize the distribution of vari-
formation have not led to the prevention of human ous forms of folate so that the metabolic consequences
palate defects" (Kalter, 1993). Warkany died at the age of genetic variation may be examined in large-scale epi-
of 90 about the time that the results from the MRC demiologic studies.
trial (MRC Vitamin Study Research Group, 1991) pro- The human experimental trials conducted to date
vided proof that maternal supplementation with folic have done little to clarify the causal role of maternal
acid substantially reduced the recurrence of NTDs and folate nutrition in human oral clefts. These trials either
a source of optimism that improved maternal nutri- have had an inadequate number of participants to pro-
tional status might reduce the burden of other birth de- vide sufficient statistical power, have not included study
fects. of folic acid apart from other nutrients, have not ran-
The relevance of folic acid supplementation for the domly assigned participants to treatment or control
prevention of human oral clefts remains unclear despite groups, or have failed to use intention-to-treat analyses.
a number of studies that have addressed this hypothe- Despite the extensive investigation of the role of vi-
sis. Folate was an early focus in animal experiments on tamin Bg in animal models of oral clefts since the 1950s,
oral clefts, long before it was implicated in NTDs. there is little information on the relevance of vitamin
Warkany's colleague Rose Nelson established methods Bg to oral clefts in humans, and this remains an im-
for inducing dietary folate deficiency and exacerbating portant gap in our present knowledge. The use of an-
it with folate antagonists to produce fetal deaths, oral tinausea medications was associated with a reduced risk
clefts, and other malformations. This work was repli- of congenital heart defects in the Atlanta Birth Defects
cated by Giroud and Boisselot (1951) in Paris, and a Case-Control Study (Erickson, 1991), and vitamin Bg
detailed description of the importance of the timing of may have a role in this story. Further analyses of these
folate deficiency during gestation emerged. Folate de- findings revealed that maternal nausea during the first
ficiency may even have relevance in dogs: a daily dose 2 months of pregnancy and use of the antinausea com-
of 5 mg folic acid prevented oral clefts in a line of bination of doxylamine, dicyclomine and vitamin Bg
Boston Terriers with a genetic predisposition to this (Bendectin) (Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Midland,
disorder. MI) was significantly associated with a reduced risk of
Case-control studies of folate nutrition and oral clefts congenital heart defects (Boneva et al., 1999). The au-
in humans have been limited by the facts that folate in- thors pointed out that Bendectin was composed of
take is difficult to estimate, folates have a wide range doxylamine succinate (10 mg), dicyclomine (10 mg,
of bioavailability, and folic acid supplements are usu- dropped from the formulation in 1976), and vitamin
ally taken with other vitamins, minerals, and trace el- Bg (pyridoxine, 10 mg) and that vitamin Bg was often
ements that may also have protective effects against used alone for treatment of nausea in pregnancy. Por-
oral clefts. Studies of medications that disrupt folate tions of the developing heart are linked to cellular mi-
metabolism may shed more light on the role of folate gration from the cranial neural crest; thus, it is plausi-
nutrition in human oral clefts. Another useful approach ble that vitamin B^ may be related to several types of
is the study of biochemical indicators of maternal fo- birth defect, including oral clefts, with common devel-
late status (and other nutrients) even long after the fact opmental origins in the neural tube and neural crest.
of the affected pregnancy. The approach of examining Biochemical analyses of maternal vitamin Bg status
biochemical markers of maternal nutritional status has in case-control studies also hold great promise, as
rarely been employed in case-control studies but makes shown in the Nijmegen study in The Netherlands
sense because mothers tend to resume their pre- (Wong et al., 1999). Adequate maternal vitamin B^ nu-
pregnancy dietary habits and each mother, of course, trition may be important in lowering the risk of oral
has the same genotype at each time point in the study, clefts by reducing plasma homocysteine levels. Animal
which is important in determining tissue levels of nu- experiments have provided evidence of other mecha-

nisms for the protective effects, including a role for vi- hypotheses in observational epidemiologic studies. The
tamin B6 in glucocorticoid metabolism. The prevalence flip side of this coin is that reductionism may obscure
of vitamin Bg deficiency is not well described world- our recognition of other nutrients that may play im-
wide, and little attention has been given to vitamin Bg portant roles in the prevention of birth defects. Many
in public health nutrition policy in the United States researchers and public health advocates seem to have
and elsewhere. There are no regulations mandating the lost sight of the fact that a balanced diet based on
fortification of food with vitamin Bg in the United wholesome foods is critical for providing the vitamins,
States as there are with thiamine (vitamin Bj), ri- minerals, macronutrients, and energy needed to sustain
boflavin (vitamin 62), niacin, and folic acid. Vitamin a healthy pregnancy.
Bg deficiency results from the use of medications in- A new generation of epidemiologic studies may help
cluding isoniazid treatment of tuberculosis and oral to establish a broader and more balanced view of the
contraceptives (Sauberlich et al., 1972); thus, these fac- role of maternal nutrition in oral clefts. A good start-
tors should be considered in future studies of vitamin ing point would be studies of the co-occurrence of
Bg status. NTDs and oral clefts (or the lack of it). While it is pos-
Both abnormally low and high levels of vitamin A sible that NTDs and clefts share developmental origins,
intake by mothers early in pregnancy may increase the it may be useful to try to understand how the nutri-
risk of oral clefts and other malformations in their off- tional and other causes of NTDs and oral clefts are dif-
spring. Despite Male's early discovery that vitamin A ferent. Well-designed case-control studies with detailed
deficiency caused ocular defects, oral clefts, and other assessment of biochemical markers of maternal nutri-
malformations in pigs (Hale, 1933, 1935), little re- tional status are needed to fill the gaps in our under-
search has been subsequently conducted on the role of standing of the role of maternal nutrition in oral clefts.
inadequate dietary vitamin A intake in experimental Genetic studies of the underlying susceptibility to nu-
animal or human oral clefts. One recent exception has tritional deficiency will clarify our understanding fur-
been the work of Natsume and colleagues (1999) in ther. International collaboration will be essential to un-
Japan, who found that intake of vegetables rich in /3- cover nutrition-related and other important causes of
carotene (and folate) was associated with a reduced risk oral clefts and to discover feasible public health inter-
of CL/P. Vitamin A deficiency is widespread, especially ventions, to reduce their occurrence. Studies in diverse
in developing countries around the world (West et al., populations around the globe will likely uncover mul-
1999). Much work has been done on the effects of vi- tiple nutritional, environmental, and genetic causes of
tamin A deficiency on maternal and child health, es- oral clefts. Consistency of research methods across
pecially related to morbidity and mortality due to in- studies is highly desirable, and considerable efforts are
creased susceptibility to infectious diseases, impaired now under way to organize a global network of cleft
vision, blindness, and other eye problems. Congenital researchers with common case-control study protocols
anomalies may occur in the setting of vitamin A defi- that will enhance the comparison and combination of
ciency but may go unnoticed because of the larger bur- the results of individual studies (Wyszynski and
den of other health problems. Mitchell, 1999). As the results from the next wave of
In a prospective study of over 22,000 pregnancies of enhanced case-control studies become available, rigor-
American women, Rothman et al. (1995) found that ously designed intervention trials of vitamin supple-
malformations of structures derived from the embry- mentation will be the next logical step toward the pre-
onic cranial neural crest were more common among vention of oral clefts.
women who consumed more than 10,000 IU of vita-
min A in the periconceptional period. Humans and
other primates are thought to be more susceptible to Supported by grant RO1-HD39061 from the U.S. National Insti-
retinoid-induced birth defects than rodents and rabbits, tute of Child Health and Human Development and the National In-
although the types of malformation are similar between stitute for Dental and Craniofacial Research.
species and include the craniofacial and other malfor-
mations mentioned above. The greater susceptibility to
retinoid exposure among humans compared to other REFERENCES
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Experimental models for the study

of oral clefts


Toxicology and teratology studies routinely utilize an- utero throughout the period of organogenesis. These
imal models to determine the potential for chemical and studies are important for evaluating the potential of a
physical agents to produce reproductive and develop- chemical or physical agent to disrupt development and
mental toxicity, including birth defects such as cleft produce major morphological malformations. Typi-
palate (CP). The standardized teratology screen typi- cally, this test is preceded by a dose-response pilot study
cally tests compounds in two species, one of which is to define the toxic range of the chemical. Although a
a nonrodent. The laboratory rat and rabbit are often compound can be identified as teratogenic with the
the species of choice for such screens. However, re- standardized testing approach, an understanding of the
search examining the mechanisms through which cellular and molecular mechanisms through which the
agents induce their teratogenic effects has been con- chemical produces its effects requires additional stud-
ducted in a variety of mammalian species, including ies with specific design requirements.
mice, rats, and hamsters, as well as in nonmammalian For molecular and cellular mechanistic studies, it is
species, including birds, fish, and frogs. A variety of in desirable to identify, if possible, a dose regimen that
vitro models are also available to researchers interested produces a high incidence of CP in the exposed litters,
in the study of palatogenesis. The literature presenting while producing minimal or no toxicity in the mater-
palatal research is extensive, and many outstanding nal animal. It is especially helpful in mechanistic stud-
studies could be cited in which a wide range of mod- ies to identify a single day and dose that induce a high
els were developed and applied; however, it is beyond response rate. This window of sensitivity has to be de-
the scope of this chapter to present more than a brief termined for each chemical under study as it will de-
overview of some of these models and an example of pend on the mechanism through which the agent acts
their application in the study of environmental contam- (e.g., one agent may retard palatal shelf elevation and
inants. An overview of in vivo and in vitro models is thus be most effective prior to or during that event,
presented and the specialized requirements for research while another may block processes involved in the fu-
addressing the etiology of clefting are discussed. The fi- sion of shelves after elevation).
nal section of the chapter provides examples of these Traditionally, dose-response studies relate the
models, testing the environmental contaminant 2,3,7,8- amount of compound administered to the pregnant
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). dam to the incidence of some toxicological or terato-
logical outcome. Greater detail regarding the absorp-
tion, distribution, metabolism and elimination of the
IN VIVO MODELS chemical is important for comparison between species
Teratology and Developmental and for applying laboratory animal data to human
Toxicology Studies health risk assessment. The teratogenic agent may be a
metabolite of the administered compound, and the
The teratology or developmental toxicology screen typ- specifics related to metabolism can influence the selec-
ically examines near-term fetuses following exposure in tion of species and/or the use of culture models. These


data can be difficult to acquire, in part because of the fetus. Advances in molecular biological methods and in
very limited amounts of tissue during early stages of sequencing the genome of the rat, mouse, and human
embryonic development. Determining the levels of the have provided valuable tools to the developmental bi-
compound that reach an embryonic target tissue (such ologist and toxicologist; and studies can be designed to
as the palatal shelf) and characterizing the time course examine gene expression, protein and mRNA localiza-
of that distribution present unique challenges, but the tion, functionality of enzymes, and potential modifica-
effort is justified by the impact such data can have for tion of other biological processes critical to palatogen-
interspecies extrapolations of response and for risk as- esis.
sessment determinations. Also, recent advances in the
development and application of physiologically based Transgenic Mice
pharmacokinetic and biologically based dose-response
models support the importance of characterizing the The development of transgenic animal models has
concentrations of teratogen within the target tissue. stimulated rapid gains in basic biological research, and
Studies that initiate the exposure with a single dose palatal research has also benefitted from these efforts.
at specific developmental stages provide valuable in- There are numerous examples of targeted inactivation
sight into the mechanism(s) of action of the chemical. of a specific gene which resulted in a transgenic phe-
Examination of these embryos at critical stages of mor- notype that included CP. Some of these were unantic-
phogenesis following the exposure may allow initial ipated, while other studies specifically targeted genes
hypotheses to be formed regarding the molecular and believed to be involved in the etiology of clefting. A
cellular etiology. For example, morphological observa- few examples will be presented, although there are
tions may identify the clefting as primarily due to one many other reports and undoubtedly more to come in
of the following: failure of secondary palatal shelves to the future. The transforming growth factor-/33 (TGF-
form, reduction in growth of the shelves, failure of the (33) gene was knocked out (genotype of the transgenic
shelves to elevate above the tongue (in rodents the shelf is denoted as —/—, inactive genes on both chromo-
is initially vertical beside the tongue) or to elevate at somes), and the pups with no growth factor expression
the required time, inadequate expansion/growth of had cleft secondary palate, which was attributed to fail-
shelves after elevation, contact but failure to adhere, ure of the medial epithelia to adhere on contact and
and failure of opposing shelves to fuse. These possibil- fuse (Proetzel et al., 1995). Transgenic —/— palates
ities can generally be distinguished when observations were put in organ culture to test the hypothesis that
are made at close intervals during palatogenesis, but TGF-/33 is required for fusion. This was shown by sup-
conversely it is unlikely that observations of the near- plementing the medium with TGF-/33 and observing
term rodent fetus can identify a specific morphological that the opposing shelves fused. These studies further
basis for the clefting. For example, even shelves that defined the defect in —/— animals as a failure of the
were in contact at the appropriate time but failed to basement membrane under the epithelium to degrade
fuse for other reasons will be widely separated in the and permit transdifferentiation of cells to the mes-
near-term fetus due to further cranial growth during enchyme (Chai et al., 1997; Kaartinen et al., 1997;
the late fetal period. Once an initial morphological ba- Taya et al., 1999). Another transgenic knockout ex-
sis can be identified, cellular and molecular events that hibiting CP is the mouse in which function was elimi-
may be involved in such a response can be postulated nated for MSX-1 (Nugent and Greene, 1998). Allelic
and tested. Mechanisms could involve disruption of cell variants of this gene and TGF-(33 appear to be associ-
proliferation, migration, differentiation, interaction be- ated with increased risk for non-syndromic cleft lip and
tween cells or between cells and the extracellular ma- palate (CLP) in cases where there was maternal ciga-
trix, cell migration, programmed cell death (apoptosis), rette smoking and alcohol consumption (Romitti et al.,
and production and/or remodeling of the extracellular 1999). Thyroid dysgenesis and CP have been reported
matrix. Each of these processes could potentially be for mice lacking function of TTF-2, a forkhead do-
linked with pathways (e.g., gene expression, receptor main-containing transcription factor (De Felice et al.,
binding and signal transduction, enzymatic activities) 1998). Transgenic inactivation of the genes Pax9,
known to regulate such events during development. Hoxal, endothelin-1, and /3-3 GABA& (neurotrans-
In summary, to study the effects of a teratogen on mitter y-aminobutyric acid) receptor also results in fe-
developmental gene expression, it may be necessary to tuses with CP, and further evidence has been provided
collect the embryonic tissues soon after the dose is given for the roles of each gene in normal palatogenesis. Ad-
and subsequently at close time intervals. Ideally, such ditional discussion of the genetic regulation of palatal
a dosing regimen would previously have been demon- development is presented in other chapters of this
strated to produce a high incidence of CP in the term volume.

IN VITRO sion of the palates. Culture methods are similar for

mouse and rat studies; however, successful fusion of
There are several in vitro approaches for the study of the rat palate in suspension culture varies with differ-
CP, and these can be valuable supplements to the in ent strains of rat and usually requires modifications in
vivo studies. Several of the culture models described in the supplementation of the medium, relative volume of
this section have proven useful in mechanistic studies medium per tissue explant, and oxygenation of medium
and for comparison of the sensitivity and response to for later stages of the culture period . Palatal organ cul-
a teratogenic agent across species. The models discussed ture models include species other than rat and mouse,
include palatal organ culture, cell culture, whole em- such as chick, hamster, or alligator; and some of these
bryo culture, and a few utilizing non-mammalian species. investigations have incorporated combinations of
palatal shelves from different species and even recom-
Palatal Organ Culture binations of epithelia and mesenchyme from different
species (Ferguson et al., 1984; Shah et al., 1985; Sun
Palatal organ culture models have been developed for et al., 1998). Applications of palatal culture models are
mouse, rat, hamster, chick, and human secondary numerous, but only a few examples are included here.
palates. The secondary palatal shelves can be cultured The chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is
by being either supported on grids or a gel slab above teratogenic and produces CP. This agent was used as
the medium (Trowel's type cultures) or submerged in a model compound to develop biologically based dose-
medium; both approaches have advantages. Each of response models, and a component of that effort in-
these methods can be useful in addressing specific hy- volved characterization of the inhibition of the enzyme
potheses regarding palatal fusion and in evaluating the thymidylate synthetase (TS) and evaluation of cell pro-
responses to exogenous chemical agents. These exper- liferation. Palatal organ culture was included in this
iments can also test the responses to excess endogenous study, and it provided a unique data set in which palatal
regulatory factors [growth factors, vitamins, and es- morphometric analysis, palatal fusion, cell cycle anal-
sential minerals, such as epidermal growth factor ysis, quantitative measures of 3H-thymidine uptake, as
(EGF), retinol, or selenium] and to reductions in the well as autoradiographic localization, DNA and pro-
activity or abundance of specific proteins, mRNAs, or tein content, and biochemical data (TS enzyme inhibi-
enzymes (e.g., with neutralizing antibodies, antisense tion) were correlated for multiple doses across a time
RNA, or inhibitory compounds, respectively). course (Abbott et al., 1993). This study illustrated the
Culture of palates on a supporting platform requires range of end points available in such a model and pro-
placement of isolated secondary palatal shelves with the vided an example of the correlation of end points in an
opposing medial edges in contact on the support, to experimental design that might not be possible in vivo.
evaluate the potential to fuse along the midline. Sus- Also in this study, a variation of the model was used
pension cultures typically submerge the dissected mid- in which embryos were exposed in utero and subse-
facial region of the embryo (maxillary arch and asso- quently removed at specific intervals for culture in
ciated tissues of primary and emerging secondary palate serum-free control medium. This allowed the exposure
with removal of hindbrain, mandible, and tongue) un- to be limited, as well as retention of the initial distri-
der the medium. In this system, early-stage palatal bution and/or metabolism of an in vivo exposure sce-
shelves develop in situ, allowing outgrowth, elevation, nario. This experimental design made it possible to de-
contact, and fusion to occur as the tissue floats freely termine that brief exposure to 5-FU in utero was
under the medium. Several variations of the suspension sufficient to produce palatal growth retardation and
models for mice and rats have been published (Shiota dysmorphogenesis (Shuey et al., 1994).
et al., 1990; Abbott and Buckalew, 1992; Al-Obaidi et The palatal organ culture model has proven effective
al., 1995), and a detailed laboratory protocol for a in defining the influences and roles of various growth
serum-free palatal organ culture model is presented in factors in palatogenesis. A good example of this is a
Methods in Molecular Biology (Abbott, 1999). Palatal study examining the importance of TGF-/33 in palatal
organ culture models have a number of advantages and fusion. This endogenous growth factor was inactivated
permit manipulations that are not possible with in vivo at specific developmental stages by inclusion of anti-
studies. The progress of palatal development can be fol- body and/or antisense RNA. Addition of these agents
lowed for individual embryonic tissues, and experi- to the medium blocked the normal production and
mental exposures or other manipulations can be initi- function of TGF-/33 and allowed investigators to con-
ated or terminated at specific stages/times. Serum-free clude that this growth factor is essential for palatal fu-
conditions are useful for evaluation of growth factor sion (Brunet et al., 1995). Similarly, the roles of EGF,
influences on the critical stages of palatogenesis and fu- platelet-derived growth factor, TGF-a, and other mem-

bers of the TGF-/3 family have been evaluated using the cell cultures of mouse (MEPM) or human (HEPM) ori-
culture system (Dixon and Ferguson, 1992). gin. The epithelial sheet of cells covering the palatal
Human embryonic palatal tissues have been cultured shelf can be dissociated from the underlying mes-
using the supported and submerged models. Palatogen- enchyme and cultured as an intact sheet on a extracel-
esis in the human spans approximately gestational days lular matrix-coated plastic substrate. There are some
(GDs) 48 to 59, and generally the outgrowth of the sec- examples of these cultures in which the responses to
ondary palate can be detected around 49 days, with fu- growth factor and/or retinoic acid were examined
sion in most cases by gestational day 54 to 55 (Abbott (Tyler and Pratt, 1980; Abbott and Pratt, 1988). The
et al., 1999a). (This is based on specimens obtained ability to dissociate the epithelial and mesenchymal
from the Central Laboratory for Human Embryology, components permits investigation of the contribution
University of Washington, Seattle. The determination of each in regulating the events of palatogenesis or in
of gestational age was based on an extensive database the response to an experimental treatment. Investiga-
correlating foot length, morphological features, and tors have even recombined dissociated epithelia and
gestational age.) Craniofacial tissues that were placed mesenchyme from different species (Ferguson et al.,
in a serum-free suspension culture at GD 50 to 52 and 1984). Though not widely applied due to the technical
cultured for 4 to 5 days achieved secondary palatal challenges presented by these approaches, the avail-
growth and fusion in vitro (Abbott and Buckalew, ability of such options can be intriguing.
1992). Culture models for human tissue are nearly iden- The MEPM and HEPM cultures are based on enzy-
tical to those for other species and appear to reason- matic digestion of the palatal shelf with subsequent cul-
ably model human palatogenesis and, thus, provide a ture under conditions favoring survival and prolifera-
unique opportunity for linking animal models of tion of isolated mesenchymal cells. Both of these models
palatogenesis with human embryonic developmental have been used to evaluate mechanisms of palatogen-
responses to challenge. However, there are difficulties esis and teratogenic responses. The MEPM cultures
which limit application of the human model. Tissues have been used to study the responses to regulators of
suitable for use in culture are typically available only growth and differentiation (Greene and Lloyd, 1985;
from voluntary terminations of pregnancy in the sev- Sharpe et al., 1992; Gehris et al., 1994; Potchinsky et
enth to eighth week. The availability of such early de- al., 1997) and to examine the interactions of growth
velopmental stages is limited, as are research centers or factors with retinoic acid (Nugent and Greene, 1995;
programs that collect and distribute such tissues to re- Nugent et al., 1995). The HEPM applications include
searchers. Also, research with human tissues requires evaluation of the ability of teratogenic compounds to
protocols approved by an institutional review board, interfere with intercellular communication (Welsch et
and the collection and use of the materials occurs un- al., 1985) and to inhibit cell growth (Pratt and Willis,
der National Institutes of Health standard guidelines 1985). Isolated HEPM cells, which were developed as
for research involving human subjects. In general, dur- a cell line, may not accurately model the responses of
ing the previous decade, basic research requiring hu- mesenchymal cells in situ, as all cultured cells have the
man embryonic/fetal tissue, but not involving clinical potential to change during the culture period as well as
applications, was allowed in institutions receiving fed- with increasing passage (or generations) of the cultures.
eral research funding. However, regulations and guide- Even with primary cultures, removing the cells from
lines regarding research utilizing human embryonic/fe- the normal milieu of the extracellular matrix, as well
tal tissues are under ongoing review, and updates as elimination of potentially critical interactions be-
regarding bans on specific research can be issued at any tween different cell types, can modify the responses of
time. Even with potential restrictions and limited avail- cells, affect the interpretation of experimental data, and
ability of specimens, human palatal cultures have the render inaccurate any attempt to extrapolate from the
potential to provide unique information on normal culture model to an in vivo situation. Applications of
palatogenesis and to allow interspecies comparison of in vitro models should always be interpreted with con-
responses to teratogens. In an example which will be sideration of the potential of that model to deviate from
presented in more detail later in this chapter, human a normal developmental scenario.
palatal organ cultures were used to assess the potential
for the environmental contaminant TCDD to induce Whole Embryo Culfure
clefting in the developing human embryo.
Although not a model for secondary palate formation,
Cultured CeJJs the whole embryo culture (WEC) system has been used
to study the early embryonic morphogenetic events pre-
Palatal culture models also include isolated cultured ceding and essential to normal formation of maxillary
cells, epithelial sheets, as well as primary mesenchymal arch derivatives. The WEC system encompasses a pe-

riod of neural crest cell migration and formation of the toxic member of this class is TCDD, which is found
branchial or visceral arches. This model detects prob- throughout the environment. Sources of release include
lems with early craniofacial morphogenesis and can be incineration of waste (municipal, medical, and rural
applied to post-implantation rat or mouse embryos. domestic waste), automobile exhaust, industrial chlo-
Applications to developmental biology and teratology rine bleaching, and in the past production of herbicides.
have been reviewed (Sadler, 1985; Sadler et al., 1985; It is associated with a wide range of biological re-
Flynn, 1987). Briefly, this model requires dissection of sponses in wildlife, laboratory animals, and humans ex-
presomite or early somite embryonic stages, which are posed through food contamination, industrial acci-
then cultured in serum or serum-containing culture dents, or herbicide spraying. In laboratory animals, the
medium for 24 to 48 h (typically, GD 9-11 for the rat biological effects include carcinogenesis, immunotoxi-
and GD 8-10 for the mouse). The WEC system can in- city, reproductive toxicity, cancer, and teratogenesis. In
clude co-culture with cells to metabolically activate the humans, high exposure can produce chloracne and has
test compound, and in some cases serum from treated been associated with cancer and neurological and hor-
animals is used as the exposure paradigm. With some monal effects (Peterson et al., 1993; Holladay and Lus-
modifications to the standard protocol, the later-stage ter, 1994; Birnbaum and Abbott, 1996; Abbott, 1997;
mouse embryo can be cultured from GD 10 to 12 (Pratt Abbott and Birnbaum, 1998). Dioxin produces devel-
et al., 1987). A detailed anatomical scoring system de- opmental toxicity in every species that has been ex-
veloped by Brown and Fabro (1981) is commonly used amined, and the responses include fetal mortality,
to evaluate the development of cultured embryos and decreased fetal weight, edema, thymic atrophy, hem-
biochemical measures, as well as DNA, RNA, and pro- orrhaging, structural and functional defects in repro-
tein analyses. There is an extensive literature reporting ductive organs, and immunological deficiencies (Cou-
teratogenic responses in WEC, and this model has ture et al., 1990; Peterson et al., 1993; Birnbaum,
also been extensively used in developmental biology 1995). Cleft palate is produced in the mouse, rat, and
research. guinea pig; however, in the latter two species, this re-
sponse is observed at fetotoxic levels. The C57BL/6N
strain of mice is especially sensitive to the induction of
NONMAMMALIAN MODELS CP by TCDD, and the response occurs at doses that
are not overtly toxic to either the pregnant dam or the
Nonmammalian models may also be used in the labo- fetus. The only other teratogenic effect is hy-
ratory to study craniofacial morphogenesis; these may dronephrosis in the pups. The sensitivity of this strain
include the chick, quail, fish, and frog. A variety of fish correlates with expression of a high-affinity aryl hy-
species are studied in the laboratory, including lake drocarbon receptor (AhR). A considerable research ef-
trout, Japanese medaka, zebra fish, and flathead min- fort has characterized the molecular pathways of re-
now (Henry et al., 1997, 1998; Hornung et al., 1999). sponse to this class of chemicals using TCDD as the
Generally, these models detect major malformations prototypic compound (Nebert et al., 1993; Birnbaum,
and defects in morphogenesis of the cranial region, and 1994a; Okey et al., 1994). Basically, the dioxin and
their application to teratological research was reviewed dioxin-like compounds, which are very lipid-soluble,
by Collins (1987). Basic research addressing the fun- diffuse into the cell and bind to the AhR, which then
damental mechanisms of developmental biology utilizes interacts with the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear transloca-
many of these models, and there is an extensive litera- tor (ARNT) protein and moves into the nucleus of the
ture reporting such applications. cell, where it binds to specific sequences of DNA (re-
ferred to as dioxin response elements). The bound com-
plex then regulates expression of the gene associated
APPLICATION OF PALATAL MODELS TO STUDY with the dioxin response element. In this way, TCDD
AN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANT regulates expression of specific genes that have the po-
tential to alter development in the embryo or normal
Dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls are cell function in the adult.
structurally related members of a class of compounds To assess the potential for TCDD to affect palato-
found in the environment. Many of the members of this genesis in the human, it was necessary to identify the
class are poorly metabolized and do not readily degrade mechanisms through which TCDD induces CP and to
in the environment; thus, they persist and bioaccumu- compare the morphological, cellular, and molecular re-
late in ecological and biological systems. Several re- sponses in the mouse to those occurring in cultured
views of the literature have provided information re- human palatal shelves. It was important to establish
garding the sources, bioaccumulation, and biological that the molecular mechanisms for response are pres-
effects (Birnbaum, 1994b; Schecter, 1995). The most ent in palates of both species (i.e., AhR and ARNT pro-

teins were expressed), to determine that the in vitro /31, TGF-/32, and TGF-/33) (Abbott and Birnbaum,
model accurately reflects the in vivo responses for the 1990). These responses are observed after exposure in
mouse, and that these responses occur at comparable vivo or in Trowell's or submerged cultures (Abbott et
tissue burdens of the chemical and then to compare the al., 1989). Human palates responded to TCDD in
morphological, cellular, and molecular responses in the Trowell's and suspension cultures with responses sim-
mouse palates after exposure in vivo or in culture with ilar to those observed in the mouse (Abbott and Birn-
those of the cultured human palates. It was also im- baum, 1991; Abbott and Buckalew, 1992; Abbott et
portant to examine gene expression in human palates al., 1998).
that were not cultured for comparison with cultured Human embryonic palates had similar, although not
tissues. identical, patterns of growth factor mRNA and protein
Formation of the secondary palate in the mouse or expression compared to comparable stages of mouse
human requires that complex developmental processes palatogenesis (GD 49-59 human compared with GD
are regulated to produce shelves that expand across the 12-16 mouse palates). A comparison of growth factor
oral cavity, make contact, and fuse along the medial expression in human and mouse palates is shown in
edge. In the mouse, after exposure to TCDD palatal Table 15.1 A. Human and mouse palates were dissim-
shelves form and expand to establish contact along the ilar in particular spatiotemporal patterns of expression
medial edge; however, these shelves fail to fuse (Pratt of these genes. Human tissues differed from mouse tis-
et al., 1984). This is associated with hyperplasia of the sues in the expression of EGF at early palatal stages,
medial epithelium, which is attributed to excessive pro- the expression of EGF receptor and TGF-a throughout
liferation and formation of a stratified, squamous ep- fusion events, and the uniform expression of TGF-/33
ithelial phenotype (Abbott and Birnbaum, 1989; Ab- in all epithelial regions without specifically higher lev-
bott et al., 1989). These responses are correlated with els in the medial cells. The effects of TCDD on growth
effects on expression of growth factors that regulate factor expression also differed somewhat between mice
proliferation and differentiation (EGF, TGF-a, TGF- and humans (Table 15.IB). Responses to TCDD were

TABLE 15.1 A. Summary of Human and Mouse Embryonic Gene Expression in Palatogenesis''
Mouse Human

EGF receptor Decreased in medial epithelial cells prior to fusion Increased in mesenchyme, expressed in medial
epithelium through fusion events
TGF-a Decreases with age, expression in epithelium and Expressed through palatogenesis, increases with age
mesenchyme similar
EGF Increases with age, greater expression in No change with age, greater expression in epithelium
epithelium than mesenchyme. than mesenchyme
TGF-/31 No change with age, epithelium and No change with age for epithelium, increase in
mesenchyme similar mesenchyme with age, greater in mesenchyme
than epithelium.
TGF-/32 High in early stages, becomes regional, Expression varies between individuals, no trend detected
decreases in mesenchyme
TGF-/33 Higher in medial epithelium at contact and fusion Not higher in medial cells, greater in epithelium
than mesenchyme

TABLE 15.IB. Summary of Human and Mouse Palatal Response to TCDD+

Human in culture at 1 x 1()- M TCDD
Protein A A A A A A T A A
mRNA T A A A A A 4 V
Mouse in vivo
Protein T na A A T + T 4 na
mRNA T na A na na na na na na

*EGF, epidermal growth factor; TGF, transforming growth factor.

+AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; ARNT, aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocation; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; EGFR, epidermal growth
factor receptor; TCDD, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin.
Relative to control: A, increase; T, decrease; 4, unchanged; na, data not available.
Source: Abbott et al. (1998).

compared after exposures in culture (human, ECioo = of palatogenesis. Also, TCDD increased expression of
1 X 10~8 M) or in vivo (mouse EDioo = 24 /xg/kg on both growth factors in the human palate but in mice
GD 12) that altered the morphology and proliferation TGF-a appeared to be unaffected while EGF expres-
of the medial epithelium. In human palates, EGF, TGF- sion decreased at a time when expression of this growth
a, and TGF-/32 proteins increased after TCDD; but factor normally increases (Abbott et al., 1998, 1999a).
mouse palates showed decreased expression of EGF and Thus, interspecies differences in growth factor expres-
no change in TGF-a and TGF-/32. The variation in sion may influence the response to a teratogen that af-
growth factor expression during normal palatogenesis fects those regulatory peptides.
may have some role in the differential responsiveness Although mouse and human palates showed slightly
of humans and mice to the disruptive effects of TCDD. different growth factor responses to TCDD, the mor-
In the mouse, the coordinated regulation of growth fac- phological outcomes (medial epithelial hyperplasia and
tors may be more easily disturbed by the exposure. For proliferation) were similar. However, the level of
example, in the mouse palate, stage-dependent shifts in TCDD required to produce these responses in humans
TGF-a in the absence of EGF are apparently important was 1 X 10~8 M, which is about 200 times higher than
in early stages of palate formation; but in the human the effective concentration for mice, 5 X 10"11 M
palate, both growth factors are detected at that stage (Table 15.2). Comparing the responses in culture with

TABLE 15.2. Interspecies Comparison of Embryonic Responsiveness to TCDD

ECioo for Morphological and Cellular Responses3"0

Mouse Mouse Human

in vivo3 in vitrob in vitroc
24 /Ag/kg 5 X ID'11 M 1 X 1(T8 M

Distribution of TCDD In Vivo and In Vitrod~8

TCDD Mouse Mouse Human Human fetal

(PPt) in vivod in vitroe in vitro TCDD burden^
24/xg/kg 5 X 10~n M 1 X 10~8 (8-14 weeks, n = 10)
pg/g wet weight 440 (1636)f (3 X 105)f 1.4 (lipid-adjusted,
pg/g protein 7800 29,000 5.3 X 106 0.647% lipid) and
TEQ = 5.3 ng/kg lipid

CYP1A1 Induction in Molecules/100 fg Total RNAh

Time after Mouse Mouse Human TCDD concentration

exposure in vivo*1 in vitro in vitro in medium
6h 14,545 14,234 9.2 1 X 1Q- 9 M

AhR and ARNT Expression in Molecules/100 fg Total RNAh''

Range Median Mean Range Median Mean

Human 0.2-26 2 4 0.03-6 0.98 1.18

in vitro
in vivoh 93-1979 692 765 16-445 133 130
Relative expression of AhRrARNT
Mouse = 6.8:1
Human = 3.9:1
ECioo — concentration or dose of TCDD that produced responses in 100% of exposed palates (Abbott and Birnbaum, 1989, 1990).
Abbott et al. (1989).
Abbott and Birnbaum (1991), Abbott and Buckalew (1992).
Data from Abbott et al. (1989).
Abbott et al. (1996).
Values for culture extrapolated from mouse in vivo (pg/g wet weight) using the distribution relationship between in vitro and in vivo de-
termined for protein (pg/g).
sSchecter (1995), Schecter et al. (1996).
Abbott et al. (1998).
'Mouse in vivo data from Abbott et al. (1998). Mouse and human ratio, mean, median, and range include mRNA expression across all
times for control and TCDD-treated palates.
TCDD, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; ARNT, aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator; TEQ, toxic

those of the mouse embryo exposed in vivo requires than the average embryonic tissue burden determined
knowing more than just the concentration in the by Schecter et al. (1996).
medium. It is impossible to compare the dose admin- Both human and mouse secondary palates express
istered orally to the pregnant mouse with the concen- AhR and ARNT, the requisite transcriptional regula-
tration present in the culture medium. These compar- tors of the response to TCDD, and there are similar
isons require knowledge of the TCDD concentration in patterns of localization for these proteins and their
the palatal tissues. Knowing the tissue concentrations mRNAs (determined immunohistochemically and by in
is critical for comparing the cellular and molecular re- situ hybridization, respectively). Quantitation of AhR
sponses of mouse and human palates. To achieve this and ARNT mRNA by reverse-transcription polymerase
goal, distribution studies were performed in which ra- chain reaction showed that the expression of both was
diolabeled TCDD was used for in vivo dosing of mice considerably lower in human palates (based on median
and in the submerged palatal organ culture model (Ab- values AhR was 346 times lower and ARNT 135-fold
bott et al., 1989, 1996). After oral dosing of the preg- lower in humans, Table 15.2). In both species, AhR is
nant female mouse, TCDD reached the embryos rapidly expressed at higher levels relative to ARNT; however,
and remained at a constant level in the palatal tissue AhR:ARNT ratios are approximately 7:1 for humans
for up to 3 days. With this distribution profile, the cul- and 4:1 for mice. In cultured human palates, TCDD
ture model represents a reasonable exposure scenario did not alter expression of either AhR or ARNT in ei-
as the compound rapidly diffused throughout the cul- ther a dose- or a time-related manner (Abbott et al.,
tured organs and levels were maintained throughout 1998, 1999a,b).
the duration of culture. The tissue burden or concen- Expression of some of the members of the cy-
tration was expressed in each experiment as a ratio of tochrome P-450 family of metabolic phase I enzymes
picograms of TCDD per gram of protein and picograms is induced by exposure to TCDD, and CYP1A1 mRNA
of TCDD per gram of wet tissue weight (Table 15.2). is considered a biomarker of response to compounds
These units made it possible to compare tissue levels that act by binding to the AhR. Expression of that
from the vitro and vivo experiments and to discuss the gene is directly regulated through binding of the
cellular, morphological, and molecular end points at AhR:TCDD:ARNT complex to its dioxin response el-
various time points and after different exposures rela- ement. In the palate, expression of AhR and ARNT
tive to the tissue concentrations. correlated with induction of CYP1A1 mRNA. In the
As shown in Table 15.2, the differences between mouse palate, where expression of both AhR and
mouse and human sensitivity to TCDD are apparent in ARNT is higher compared to humans, induction of
comparisons of the amount of TCDD required to pro- CYP1A1 mRNA was 435 times higher that that ob-
duce cellular and morphological responses. At 24 h af- served in human palates (Table 15.2). Comparisons of
ter oral dosing (24 ^ig/kg on GD 12), 440 pg TCDD this induction response were made 6 h after exposure
were localized per gram palatal wet weight (also ex- in utero on GD 12 (24 /xg/kg) and 6 h after initiating
pressed as 7800 pg TCDD/g total protein). Palates ex- exposure to 1 X 10~9 M TCDD in medium (human
posed to 5 X 10"11 M TCDD in medium for 24 h re- and mouse cultures). The level of CYP1A1 induction
tain 29,000 pg TCDD/g total protein. This is was almost identical for mouse palates exposed either
approximately 3.7 times the amount detected follow- in vivo or in culture; however, expression in human
ing in vivo exposure at 24 h. Human embryonic palates palates was 1547 times lower after the same duration
of similar developmental stages to the mouse require and exposure level in culture compared to the mouse.
200 times more TCDD to alter differentiation, prolif- This difference in response of human palatal tissues
eration, and growth factor expression. The difference may be a function of decreased affinity of the human
is apparent in both the concentration in medium that receptor for binding of TCDD (Manchester et al., 1987;
is required to produce effects (1 X 10~8 M TCDD) and Ema et al., 1994). However, the level of TCDD re-
the tissue burdens (5.3 X 106 pg TCDD/g total protein) quired to produce the palatal cellular and morpholog-
after 24 h exposure. Limited data are available re- ical responses is also considerably higher in humans
garding tissue levels in human embryos; however, in a than in mice, suggesting that the level of expression of
sample of 10 embryos aged 8 to 14 weeks, approxi- the receptor and its partner may also be involved.
mately 1.4 pg TCDD/g tissue (ppt) was detected (lipid-
adjusted, assuming 0.65% lipid) (Schecter et al., 1996).
This average tissue burden for human embryos is con- CONCLUSIONS
siderably below that required to produce morphologi-
cal, cellular, or molecular responses in cultures palates. In response to TCDD, human embryonic palates have
As shown in Table 15.2, the ECioo of 3 X 105 ppt in fewer receptors, have different relative levels of AhR
cultured palates is approximately 2000 times higher and ARNT, and show less induction of the biomarker

enzyme CYP1A1. The levels of TCDD required to pro- Abbott, BD, Birnbaum, LS (1998). Dioxins and teratogenesis. In:
duce the morphological and cellular responses in the Molecular Biology of the Toxic Response, edited by A Puga and
K Wallace. Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis, pp. 439^47.
developing palate are unlikely to be achieved through Abbott, BD, Birnbaum, LS, Diliberto, JJ (1996). Rapid distribution
exposure to existing environmental levels. There are ef- of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) to embryonic tis-
fects of TCDD in animal models that occur at much sues in C57BL/6N mice and correlation with palatal uptake in
lower exposure levels than those required to induce CP, vitro. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 141: 256-263.
and these may also be a concern for the developing hu- Abbott, BD, Buckalew, AR (1992). Embryonic palatal responses to
teratogens in serum-free organ culture. Teratology 45: 369-382.
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sponse such as CP is unlikely in humans. cell differentiation in vitro. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 100:
The research strategies outlined in the preceding sec- 119-131.
tion may require years of dedicated effort by many lab- Abbott, BD, Held, GA, Wood, CR, et al. (1999a). AhR, ARNT, and
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anisms through which it produces CP. There are vivo and in culture. Toxicol Sci 47: 62-75.
advantages to using in vitro models for mechanistic re- Abbott, BD, Lau, C, Buckalew, AR, et al. (1993). Effects of 5-fluo-
search studies, and there can be applications for these rouracil on embryonic rat palate in vitro: fusion in the absence
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Genetics of Cleft Lip and Palate
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The Human Genome Project



Technical advances in molecular genetics that were be- therapeutic regimens for disease prevention or, at the
ing developed in the 1970s led to the initiation of the very least, the targeting of specific treatment modali-
Human Genome Project (HGP), a long-term interna- ties to the individual patient on the basis of their geno-
tional research effort to completely map and sequence type.
the human genome. In 1988, U.S. Congress appropri- The potential long-term benefits for clinical science
ated funds to the Department of Energy (DOE) and the are tremendous, but the need to avoid potentially ad-
National Institutes of Health (NIH) to begin the plan- verse consequences is also critical. Examination of the
ning stages of this vast endeavor (Collins, 1999). The entire spectrum of implications of human genome re-
HGP objectives included construction of a detailed ge- search and development of policy options for public
netic and physical map of the human genome, deter- consideration are essential. An important component
mination of the complete nucleotide sequence of hu- of the HGP is the goal of examining the ethical, legal,
man DNA, and localization of the currently estimated and social implications (ELSI) of these new gene-based
30,000 genes within the human genome. The completed technologies (Collins et al., 1998). Issues raised by the
HGP therefore comprises a resource of detailed infor- integration of genetic technologies and information into
mation about the structure, organization, and function health care are being examined, as well as the ways in
of human DNA. Similar analyses of the genomes of which this knowledge interacts with a variety of philo-
other model organisms used extensively in research lab- sophical, theological, and ethical perspectives. The
oratories are also being performed. This information HGP's ELSI program is unique among technology pro-
will change the way medical services are provided in grams in its mandate to consider and deal with these
the future, including the treatment of individuals with issues as societal and ethical considerations are crucial
oral-facial clefting disorders. in determining the pace and acceptability of clinical de-
In addition to promoting the development of im- velopments.
proved technologies for biomedical research and ge-
nomic analysis, project goals included training scien-
tists to utilize tools and resources developed through HISTORY
the HGP to pursue biological studies that would ulti-
mately improve human health. Specific additional ben- The HGP is an international collaboration of research,
efits include an enhanced understanding of the genetic involving the U.S. and several other countries, includ-
contributions to human disease and the development ing Britain, France, Japan, and Germany. The HGP was
of rational strategies for minimizing or preventing dis- established with the goal of mapping out the entire hu-
ease phenotypes. Sequencing the human genome greatly man genetic blueprint (genome) in order to give scien-
improves our understanding of the genetic and molec- tists a complete understanding of the genetic basis of
ular basis of disease mechanisms and suggests new evolution and the molecular events that take place in


development, aging, and disease processes and to pro- land. He decided that the best way to complete se-
vide valuable knowledge for the development of new quencing of the human genome was to utilize a "shot-
therapeutic strategies. gun" sequencing approach. This basic strategy involved
In late 1986, a committee on mapping and sequenc- selecting cDNA clones at random and performing sin-
ing the human genome was commissioned by the Na- gle automated sequencing reads from both ends of each
tional Academy of Sciences/National Research Coun- insert (Schuler, 1997). These sequences were subse-
cil, and after considerable planning, initiation of the quently reassembled into the full genome using high-
HGP was formalized in October 1990 (McKusick, speed computers and novel software. In 1998, Venter
1997). In the United States, the NIH and the DOE have formed a partnership with Applied Biosystems (now PE
been the lead funding agencies, with the U.S. govern- Biosystems, Foster City, CA), developer of the rapid,
ment responsible for developing and planning the proj- highly automated ABI Prism 3700 DNA sequencer. The
ect. The NIH-sponsored program was initially under joint venture was called Celera Genomics Corporation.
the direction of the National Center for Human Ge- Celera combined its sequencing data with data obtained
nome Research, which became the National Human from the international, publicly funded HGP, leading
Genome Research Institute in January 1997. In Britain, to a rapid acceleration of the project. In June 2000, sci-
the bulk of the DNA sequencing has been carried out entists from Celera and the HGP announced jointly that
at the Sanger Center in Cambridge, with funding from they had finished sequencing the first working draft of
the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Coun- the human genome. Well ahead of schedule, scientists
cil (Berger, 1998). announced that they had sequenced the human genome,
In addition to the basic sequencing of the genome deciphering essentially all of the 3.1 billion biochemi-
and the plan to study human genetic variation and hu- cal "letters" of human DNA.
man susceptibility to disease, the project involves se-
quencing the genomes of other model organisms for
comparative analysis. Some of these model organisms
include the mouse (Mus musculus), yeast (Saccha- GOALS/PERSPECTIVE
romyces cerevisiae), the fruit fly (Drosophila melano-
gaster), and the roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans). In 1990, the initial research plan for the HGP set out
The genetic similarity between mice and humans makes specific goals for the first 5 years of what was projected
identification of important regulatory genes in mice of to be a 15-year research project. However, since
particular interest and relevance. Scientists can use the progress was more rapid than initially anticipated, proj-
mouse model to gather clues in order to subsequently ect goals were updated again in 1993 (Collins and
go back to the human genome and identify sections of Galas, 1993). In 1998, another NIH-DOE master plan
DNA that are likely to have a similar role in humans. was developed to cover completion of the original ob-
The mouse model also provides a useful experimental jectives of sequencing the human genome, as well as to
tool. Knowledge of the mouse genome coupled with expand the HGP to include the study of genetic varia-
technological advances that allow for the creation of tion and functional analysis (Collins et al., 1998).
genetically engineered mice in which candidate genes In this new plan (1998-2003), the major emphasis
of interest have been knocked out, lend considerable of the HGP was outlined as DNA sequencing of the
insight into gene functions and biological roles. human genome. Additional goals addressed the devel-
In October 1990, when the HGP officially began, the opment of both genetic and physical maps, improved
projected completion date was sometime in the year DNA sequencing technology, the study of human se-
2005. However, improvements in technology, success quence variation, gene identification, functional analy-
in achieving early mapping goals, and emerging re- sis, and comparative genomics through the use of model
search/funding opportunities prompted project leaders organisms. Bioinformatics and computational studies
to promise the genetic blueprint ahead of schedule. for the interpretation of data as well as training of ge-
New goals for the HGP were defined in October 1998, nome scientists were also included. Study of the ethi-
which included a commitment to complete a third of cal, legal, and social implications of genomic research
the human sequence and a "working draft" to cover was defined as another project goal since acquisition
90% of the genome by 2001, with complete sequenc- of a high-quality human genome sequence would have
ing of the whole genome by 2003 (Collins, 1999). an unprecedented impact on basic biology, biomedical
In 1991, Craig Venter, a scientist at the NIH Neu- research, biotechnology, and health care.
rological Institute, split off from the HGP to run The The 1998 5-year plan had eight major goals (Collins
Institute for Genomic Research in Gaithersburg, Mary- et al., 1998):

GOAL 1: Human DNA Sequence b. Examine issues raised by the integration of genetic
technologies and information into health care and public
a. Finish the complete human genome sequence by the
health activities
end of 2003
c. Examine issues raised by the integration of knowl-
b. Finish one-third of the human DNA sequence by
edge about genomics and gene-environment interactions into
the end of 2001
nonclinical settings
c. Achieve coverage of at least 90% of the genome in
d. Explore ways in which new genetic knowledge may
a working draft based on mapped clones by the end of 2001
interact with a variety of philosophical, theological, and eth-
d. Make the sequence totally and freely accessible
ical perspectives
GOAL 2: Sequencing Technology e. Explore how socioeconomic factors and concepts
a. Continue to increase the throughput and reduce the of race and ethnicity influence the use, understanding, and
cost of current sequencing technology interpretation of genetic information; the utilization of ge-
b. Support research on novel technologies that can netic services; and the development of policy
lead to significant improvements in sequencing technology GOAL 7: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
c. Develop effective methods for the advanced devel-
a. Improve content and utility of databases
opment and introduction of new sequencing technologies into
b. Develop better tools for data generation, capture,
the sequencing process
and annotation
GOAL 3: Human Genome Sequence Variation c. Develop and improve tools and databases for com-
a. Develop technologies for rapid, large-scale identifi- prehensive functional studies
cation or scoring, or both, of single-nucleotide polymor- d. Develop and improve tools for representing and an-
phisms (SNPs) and other DNA sequence variants alyzing sequence similarity and variation
b. Identify common variants in the coding regions of e. Create mechanisms to support effective approaches
the majority of identified genes during this 5-year period for producing robust, exportable software that can be widely
c. Create an SNP map of at least 10,000 markers shared
d. Develop the intellectual foundations for studies of GOAL 8: Training
sequence variation
e. Create public resources of DNA samples and cell a. Nurture the training of scientists skilled in genomic
lines research
b. Encourage the establishment of academic career
GOAL 4: Technology for Functional Genomics paths for genomic scientists
a. Develop cDNA resources c. Increase the number of scholars who are knowl-
b. Support research on methods for studying functions edgeable in both genomic and genetic sciences as well as
of non-protein-coding sequences ethics, law, or the social sciences
c. Develop technology for comprehensive analysis of
gene expression Accomplishing the goals outlined by the HGP should
d. Improve methods for genomewide mutagenesis enhance our understanding of gene-environment inter-
e. Develop technology for global protein analysis actions and aid in the development of highly accurate
GOAL 5: Comparative Genomics DNA-based medical diagnostics and therapeutics.
Availability of the human genome sequence should also
a. Complete the sequence of the C. elegans genome in
allow the study of natural genetic variation in humans
and provide a basis for risk assessment among indi-
b. Complete the sequence of the Drosophila genome
by 2002 viduals with numerous medically important, genetically
c. For the mouse genome: complex diseases. Furthermore, understanding the re-
Develop physical and genetic mapping resources lationship between genetic variation and risk should
Develop additional cDNA resources provide valuable insight with respect to the prevention
Complete the sequence of the mouse genome by and treatment of illness.
Identify other model organisms that can make
major contributions to the understanding of the
human genome and support appropriate genomic MAPPING AND SEQUENCING
Genetic Map
GOAL 6: Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications
(ELSI) Several essential stages preceded completion of the se-
a. Examine the issues surrounding the completion of quencing of the human genome. The first of these was
the human DNA sequence and the study of human genetic the construction of an integrated genetic and physical
variation map (Schuler et al., 1996). In principle, for any given

segment of a chromosome, elucidation of the human fragments in bacterial or yeast cells. The traditional ap-
genome has advanced by a series of maps. The genetic proach for the identification of disease genes involves
map consists of a series of sequence-based markers that positional cloning, in which researchers study a num-
can be used to pinpoint the location of an altered gene ber of disease-affected families using a set of polymor-
responsible for a disease phenotype or other trait. It phic DNA markers that span the entire genome (Hud-
provides information in which distances between map son, 1998). When the transmission of certain markers
features represent their likelihood of co-inheritance is shown to correlate with the transmission of a dis-
(linkage) and can be used to identify and isolate highly ease, it is possible to locate or map the chromosomal
penetrant gene mutations with Mendelian inheritance interval that contains the responsible gene. The DNA
patterns. Genetic mapping involves recording the rela- from such an interval can then be isolated as a set of
tionship between an extensive set of genetic markers, ordered and overlapping clones, referred to as a phys-
or segments of DNA, which vary in configuration be- ical map, which serves as a template to identify the
tween individuals (Schuler et al., 1996). genes or transcripts localized in that specific region.
Markers on different chromosomes show no linkage These "candidate genes" are then examined for the
as they sort randomly during meiosis, whereas mark- presence of DNA sequence mutations in individuals
ers on the same chromosome tend to be co-inherited. with the disease.
On the genetic map, the unit of distance is the centi-
morgan (cM), representing a 1% chance of recombi-
nation during a single meiosis or, in other words, a Physical Map
99% probability that markers will stay together. On
the average, 1 cM represents about 1 million bases (1 The physical map gives the physical DNA base pair dis-
Mb). The initial goal of the HGP was to create a ge- tances from one landmark to another and refers to an
netic map with markers spaced at intervals of 2 to 5 ordered set of DNA segments within the genome. Phys-
cM. For linkage studies, a screening set of 300 to 400 ical mapping provides cloned sets of contiguous DNA
markers is generally used, followed by a more densely that represent regions of a chromosome. These over-
saturated map that is used to investigate the most lapping DNA clone sets, or contigs, were used by the
promising areas (Collins, 1997). HGP to isolate genes located within a known region
If pairs of the various forms of markers are inher- on a chromosome (Fink and Collins, 1997). Once ge-
ited together in families more than 50% of the time, netic markers defined a region containing a sought-
these markers are considered to be genetically linked. after gene, cloned pieces from the physical map pro-
By making multiple comparisons of this type with a vided a resource for the ultimate isolation and identi-
large set of DNA-based genetic markers, it has been fication of the gene.
possible to put together a genetic linkage map of the Physical mapping allows construction of overlap-
human genome. The value of this map is that it allows ping sets of cloned DNA fragments spanning the ge-
examinations of linkage between sets of markers and nome, by providing a framework in which the DNA
putative disease loci that segregate in families. As the sequence can be arranged and the means to connect
density of markers on the map improves, it will be pos- the linear DNA code of each chromosome. The HGP
sible to carry out large-scale, whole-genome associa- uses polymerase chain reaction-based markers, the
tion analyses that will supersede conventional linkage STSs, as the cornerstone of its mapping strategy. Each
studies (Lanchbury, 1998). STS represents the position of a unique DNA se-
The genetic map was then used to produce an inte- quence in the human genome. The STSs are a uni-
grated sequence-tagged site (STS) map, which offered versal tool for accessing the genome as they can be
extensive and detailed marker order across the human used to screen any type of genome resource, e.g., as
genome and provided a key tool for positional cloning. yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), bacterial artifi-
cial chromosomes (BACs), cosmids, or radiation hy-
brid panels. On physical maps, the distances between
Positional Cloning consecutive markers are defined not by probability of
co-inheritance but by actual distances along the DNA,
Maps and other forms of genomic technology provide measured in bases. A goal of the HGP is to generate
the tools for a gene-isolation technique known as po- STSs that span the human genome at an average spac-
sitional cloning. The ability to locate and identify a gene ing of 100,000 bases and dissemination of this in-
coding for a disease advanced with the discovery of formation by listing the sequence of the specific oli-
DNA markers such as restriction fragment length poly- gonucleotide primers on the Internet (Deloukas et al.,
morphisms and the isolation and propagation of DNA 1998).

Sequencing sity of markers, most genes in the human genome

should lie within fewer than 100,000 bases of any given
Detailed physical maps provided essential guidance for STS. The goal of the HGP is to produce the first com-
large-scale DNA sequencing, with the goal of identify- plete, highly accurate reference sequence of the human
ing long, complete spans of DNA code. Under the orig- genome by 2003, the year that marks the 50th an-
inal master plan, the NIH and the DOE were to se- niversary of the discovery of the structure of DNA by
quence approximately 60% to 70% of the human James Watson and Francis Crick.
genome, and the rest was to be sequenced by the Sanger
Center in England and other sequencing centers around
the world. The international sequencing community HUMAN GENOMIC VARIATION/GENETIC
agreed to a policy of releasing data every 24 h into a POLYMORPHISM
free, publicly accessible database (GenBank, http://, operated by the Na- Genetic variation among individuals includes DNA mu-
tional Center for Biotech Information. The HGP began tations that give rise to disease or birth defects. The
its sequencing efforts using the BAC-to-BAC method, spectrum of diseases, or altered phenotype, being in-
also referred to as the map-based method (Lanchbury, vestigated using genetic technologies is shifting from
1998). This approach first creates a crude physical map "simple" genetic diseases, which can be caused by
of the whole genome before sequencing the DNA. Large unique and highly penetrant mutations, toward "com-
blocks of genomic DNA (typically 150,000 bp) are in- plex" genetic diseases, which are modulated by the ac-
serted into BACs. The entire collection of BACs con- tion of many susceptibility alleles and environmental
taining the human genome is called a BAG library. factors. Comprehensive genetic studies of common dis-
These pieces are fingerprinted to determine the loca- eases require large-scale investigations of genomic vari-
tion of each BAG along a chromosome. Each BAG is ation among individuals, followed by large association
then broken into smaller pieces and sequenced. studies comparing affected and unaffected individuals.
In contrast, the privately funded company Celera Ge- The HGP initiated new studies of genetic variation
nomics took a different sequencing approach from that in the human population to provide a dense map of
of the public consortium by adopting the "shotgun" common DNA variants, including insertions and dele-
technique, which utilized the basic strategy of selecting tions of nucleotides, differences in the copy number of
cDNA clones at random and performing single auto- repeated sequences, and SNPs. The SNP variation,
mated sequencing reads from both ends of each insert. where one nucleotide is substituted for another, is the
The shotgun sequencing method was much faster since most common type in the genome, occurring at a rate
it bypassed the need for a physical map and went of about 1/1000 bases of DNA (Hudson, 1998). While
straight to the task of decoding. Computer algorithms it often occurs without any physiological consequence,
were used to assemble the millions of sequenced frag- sometimes the variation, occurring in gene sequences
ments into a continuous stretch resembling each chro- or regulatory elements, does result in a biological ef-
mosome. Combining their own data with that publicly fect. The SNPs can be used as markers in whole-ge-
available on the NIH GenBank website, Celera re- nome linkage analysis of families with affected mem-
assembled millions of DNA base pairs with their su- bers as well as in association studies of individuals in
percomputer, fast outpacing the publicly funded HGP. a population. Association studies may directly test a
In January 2000, Celera Genomics announced that it variant with potential functional importance or may
had sequenced 81% of the human genome, and when take advantage of the phenomenon of linkage disequi-
combined with publicly available data, it had accom- librium, in which a marker and a gene are inherited to-
plished enough sequencing to cover 90% of the human gether, to map gene variants associated with the dis-
genome (Smaglik and Butler, 2000). This led to a rapid ease of interest. Some SNPs may contribute directly to
acceleration of the HGP, and on June 26, 2000, scien- a trait or disease phenotype by altering function, par-
tists from Celera and the HGP announced jointly that ticularly those within protein-coding sequences. As the
they had finished sequencing the first draft of the hu- importance of understanding genetic polymorphism
man genome. and its relationship to disease became clear, so too did
With the completion of the working draft sequence the need for large-scale analysis of millions of SNPs
of the human genome, the human genetic blueprint be- among individuals. Many SNPs have been identified by
came available, consisting of thousands of linked pieces computer comparison of multiple sequences of the same
of DNA. The working draft met the HGP's goal for gene using existing databases, and the recent develop-
physical mapping, containing over 41,000 DNA mark- ment of DNA chip technology has further aided such
ers (STSs) that properly align the pieces. With this den- studies in genetic variation.

GENE EXPRESSION/MICROARRAYS possible to determine how function and position have

changed over the course of evolution. An understand-
DNA chips or arrays provide a promising approach to ing of evolutionary development through the use of
genome-scale studies of genetic variation, detection of comparative genomics provides necessary insight into
heterogeneous gene mutations, and gene expression. the processes of genetics and inheritance.
Microarray technology can be applied to the detection Prior to 1996, the goals of DNA sequencing were
of DNA variations as well as the expression of mRNA largely targeted toward genomes of model organisms.
in individual cells and tissues, genomic comparisons Scientists sequenced the genomes of S. cerevisiae, a
across species, genetic recombination, and large-scale species of yeast, and numerous bacteria, including
analysis of gene copy number and expression. This Escherichia coli. The first complete genomic sequence
technology will also permit clinical geneticists to detect of a multicellular organism, the roundworm C. elegans,
gene mutations. Baseline genome scans could provide was finished in late 1998 and contains over 19,000
helpful information about a person's risk profile and genes on six chromosomes (about 74% of named hu-
indicate prevention strategies (Lipshutz et al., 1995). man genes have a definite C. elegans homologue)
Gene expression profiles and genomic composition (Clark, 1999). Comparative mapping provides data on
can be analyzed using high-density microarrays, gener- gene families, homologues, and gene environment. Evo-
ated by linking oligonucleotides or cDNA molecules to lutionarily conserved segments indicate regions of DNA
the surface of nylon filters, glass slides, or silicon chips. where conservation of linkage has implications for gene
An RNA sample is isolated from the cell or tissue of control, and alteration in gene function can be corre-
interest, labeled with a fluorescent probe, and hy- lated to positional changes within the genome.
bridized to the array. The intensity of hybridization, The various genome projects are generating huge
deduced from the fluorescence intensity at each posi- amounts of data, some in the form of finished se-
tion, enables determination of which genes have been quences, either of single genes or of genomic regions,
up- or downregulated in a given experimental or clin- others in the form of expressed sequence tags (ESTs).
ical paradigm (Kozian and Kirschbaum, 1999; Graves, Formation of an EST database and release of this in-
1999). formation to the scientific community has accelerated
The rapidly increasing power of bioinformatics and the discovery and study of many new genes. The ESTs
automation has resulted in substantial improvements collected from GenBank are divided into clusters rep-
in information gathering and interpretation, allowing resenting distinct genes and organized into a catalogue
better understanding of complex interactions and func- called UniGene. Map locations are determined by ra-
tional networks operating in living organisms (Zweiger, diation hybrid mapping of one or more ESTs from a
1999). DNA chip technology enables large-scale com- cluster. The increasing number of cDNA libraries and
parisons to be made between related genes in one or- EST data represent a wealth of scientific information.
ganism, genes and genomes of different organisms, Basically, genetics has been transformed from a data-
genes in health and disease states in human beings and poor to a data-rich discipline. Data are available in the
animal models, and analysis of gene expression profiles public domain, and comparative databases and search
during development and aging. The expression levels engines have been constructed to take advantage of this
of hundreds or thousands of genes from high-density information. Genomic similarities and differences have
microarrays will enable monitoring of the expression been exploited in studies of highly accurate sequences
status of cells and tissues on a global basis and high- that have identified previously unrecognized exons, pre-
light induced and suppressed pathways by comparison dicted gene enhancers, and found new genes; and the
with normal and diseased states. Expression profiling increasing use of cross-referencing has provided valu-
provides patterns of data and enables pattern recogni- able comparative insights into gene structure and ex-
tion that will aid in the study of complex genotype- pression.
phenotype correlations and in elucidating the events be- Many genes in humans have been identified through
tween the primary mutation and the resulting disease the exclusive use of computer programs and data-
state or alteration/dysfunction within the cell or or- mining approaches, rather than through the more la-
ganism (van Ommen et al., 1999). borious wet lab approaches. The function of these
human genes will become more apparent through com-
parisons with homologues in model organisms. Exper-
COMPARATIVE GENOMICS imental data for analysis of gene function can be per-
formed in model organisms using techniques such as
The genomic environment is specific to each organism. mutation screens, reporter gene assays, and transgenic
By comparing similar genes in different organisms, it is animals (Bouck et al., 2000). Comparative genomics

enables the transfer of experimental results in model Genetic analysis and tissue-specific expression stud-
organisms to humans, which could provide potentially ies support a role for transforming growth factor-alpha
important consequences for health management. (TGF-a) in craniofacial development. Numerous stud-
Genetic studies of model organisms have elucidated ies have confirmed an association at the TGF-a locus
numerous genes, their functions, and their association with nonsyndromic CL/P in humans (Farrall and
with human disease. One of the most widely used mam- Holder, 1992; Jara et al., 1995), extending the role for
malian model systems is the mouse (M. musculus) TGF-a in craniofacial morphogenesis and supporting
(Meisler, 1996). Interspecies comparisons provide an an interrelated mechanism for this major gene in the
excellent means to identify conserved regions of ge- etiology of nonsyndromic forms of CL/P (Shiang et al.,
nomic DNA. Alignment of regions of shared homology 1993). In addition, a gene-environment interaction be-
between mice and humans has identified functionally tween maternal smoking, TGF-a, and clefting has been
important motifs, including exons, gene regulatory re- reported. Shaw et al. (1996) offered evidence that the
gions, and promoters. Considerable progress has been risk for orofacial clefting in infants may be influenced
made in the efficiency of positional cloning of mutant by maternal smoke exposure alone as well as in com-
mouse genes, induction of new mutants by teratogens bination (gene-environment interaction) with the pres-
or chemical mutagens, targeted mutation of cloned ence of the uncommon TGF-a allele. This was sup-
genes by homologous recombination, strategies for ported in a study by Hwang et al. (1995), in which
analysis of polygenic traits, and comparative mapping infants with isolated birth defects (CL/P and controls
of human and mouse chromosomes (Pennisi, 1999). with nonclefting birth defects) were tested for an asso-
ciation among maternal exposures, genetic markers,
and oral clefts. A modest increase in the less common
CLEFT LIP WITH OR WITHOUT CLEFT PALATE C2 allele of the TGF-a locus was seen among CP only
infants compared with the birth defect controls, and
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is a com- the association appeared to reflect an underlying in-
mon congenital malformation. Nonsyndromic clefting teraction between maternal smoking and infant geno-
of the lip and palate in humans has a highly complex type. This apparent gene-environment interaction was
etiology, with both multiple genetic loci and exposure also found among those reporting no family history of
to teratogens influencing individual susceptibility any birth defect.
(Diehl and Erickson, 1997). The familial clustering of Even though the first association studies of CL/P with
CL/P has been extensively characterized, and epidemi- candidate genes found an association with TGF-a,
ological studies have proposed monogenic models (pu- other candidate genes have also been identified. Asso-
tative major locus associated with reduced penetrance) ciation of CL/P with the retinoic acid receptor-alpha
(Hecht et al., 1991), multifactorial threshold models, (RAR-a) locus has been reported (Mitchell et al., 1995),
and mixed major gene/multifactorial models to explain as well as associations with the BCL-2 oncogene, BCL-
its inheritance (Farrall and Holder, 1992; Mitchell and 3 (Stein et al., 1995), sonic hedgehog (Shh), epidermal
Risch, 1992). Clefting can result from a single gene de- growth factor receptor (EGFR) (Young et al., 2000),
fect either as part of a syndrome (e.g., Van der Woude's and several of the known homeobox genes (Chenevix-
syndrome, Treacher-Collins syndrome, velocardiofacial Trench et al., 1992). While some studies suggest that
syndrome) or as an isolated phenotypic effect [e.g., X- the familial aggregation of nonsyndromic CL/P is likely
linked cleft palate (CP); nonsyndromic, autosomal attributable to the effects of several susceptibility loci
dominant orofacial clefting). Several studies have sug- acting in a multiplicative fashion (Mitchell et al., 1995),
gested that chromosome 6p is a candidate region for a others report no evidence of an interaction between the
locus involved in orofacial clefting (Davies et al., 1995), TGF-a and RAR-a polymorphisms, even though jointly
and linkage studies suggest another susceptibility locus they appear to account for almost half the attributable
on the long arm of chromosome 4 (Beiraghi et al., risk of clefting (Chenevix-Trench et al., 1992).
1994). Although evidence for the involvement of a ma- Another gene that has been identified as having a po-
jor gene in the etiology of CL/P has been reported, oro- tential role in clefting is TGF-/33. Kaartinen et al.
facial clefting is genetically complex, with no single (1995), using TGF-/33 null mutant mice, demonstrated
gene being responsible for all forms. Molecular studies an essential function for TGF-fi3 in normal morpho-
provide further insight into the genetic mechanism un- genesis of the palate, directly implicating a role for this
derlying CL/P, and these findings have important im- gene in the epithelial-mesenchymal transformation
plications with regard to the feasibility of detecting necessary for palatal fusion (Proetzel et al., 1995). Mice
linkage to loci conferring susceptibility to CL/P lacking TGJF-/33 exhibit an incompletely penetrant fail-
(Mitchell et al., 1995). ure of the palatal shelves to fuse, leading to CP. The

defect appears to result from impaired adhesion of the havioral interventions directed at genotypically suscep-
apposing medial edge epithelia of the palatal shelves tible individuals.
and subsequent elimination of the midline epithelial Genomics has accelerated our knowledge and un-
seam. Since these mutant mice exhibit no other cran- derstanding of mammalian biology through positional
iofacial abnormalities, these results demonstrate that cloning of mutations in model organisms such as the
TGF-/33 affects palatal shelf fusion by an intrinsic, pri- mouse, and comparative genomics has further enabled
mary mechanism rather than by effects secondary to the transfer of these experimental results to humans,
craniofacial defects. providing important consequences for health manage-
In addition to the identification of major genes in- ment. In addition, the HGP has contributed to the un-
volved in the etiology of nonsyndromic CL/P, infor- derstanding of developmental anomalies by providing
mation made available through the HGP and the use informative and efficient genetic markers for the map-
of animal models has facilitated the study of gene- ping of qualitative or complex traits, thereby allowing
environment interactions with respect to orofacial cleft- the subsequent mapping of variant genes that contrib-
ing. For example, an interaction between maternal peri- ute to a given phenotype. Microarray technology per-
conceptual smoking and the TGF-a polymorphism mits baseline genome scans and analysis of individual
leading to increased risk for CL/P has been shown expression patterns, which provides helpful informa-
(Shaw et al., 1996). In addition, it has been reported tion about a person's risk profile and indicates pre-
that maternal multivitamin supplementation may lead vention strategies. Advanced technology for functional
to a reduced risk for CL/P in infants having the TGF- genomics provides a better understanding of the com-
a mutation (Shaw et al., 1998). Pharmaceutical com- plex interactions between genetic and environmental
pounds such as anticonvulsant drugs [phenytoin (Di- factors and offers clinical benefits in the form of use-
lantin)] (Finnell and Dansky, 1991), hydrocortisone ful predictive or diagnostic tests for susceptibility genes.
(Abbott, 1995), folate antagonists (methotrexate), and The HGP has made it possible to map all of the in-
retinoids [isotretinoin (Accutane)], as well as alcohol, dividual nucleotides that make up the 23 human chro-
maternal hyperthermia, and organic solvents/agricul- mosomes. A catalogue of human gene sequences is a
tural chemicals have been shown to cause CL/P in ex- critical resource for both computational and experi-
posed offspring (for review, see Wyszynski and Beaty, mental approaches to genomic analysis, and it provides
1996). However, in spite of considerable effort on the a framework for organizing and understanding the in-
part of the teratological community, the mechanism by formation collected from these studies. The genetic re-
which many of these compounds exert their teratogenic search community now has access to numerous DNA
effect remains unknown. Recent technological ad- markers, detailed chromosome maps, extensive online
vances, however, will allow critical changes in gene databases, and rapid DNA analysis technologies that
expression subsequent to teratogen exposure to be an- can be used to identify genetic mutations. This infor-
alyzed and promote the discovery of genetic polymor- mation should lead to improved understanding of the
phisms that will enhance our ability to identify indi- causes of diseases and/or congenital malformations
viduals at risk. The ability to identify individuals with such as CL/P and to better approaches for the diagno-
inherent genetic susceptibility to environmentally in- sis, prevention, and treatment of human genetic disor-
duced malformations such as CL/P will have important ders.
medical implications in terms of diagnostic and pre-
ventive strategies.
Abbott, BD (1995). Review of the interaction between TCDD and
CONCLUSION glucocorticoids in embryonic palate. Toxicology 105: 365-373.
Beiraghi, S, Foroud, T, Diouhy, S, et al. (1994). Possible localization
of a major gene for cleft lip and palate to 4q. Clin Genet 46:
Sequencing of the human genome has improved our
understanding of the genetic and molecular mecha- Berger, A (1998). Human genome project to complete ahead of sched-
nisms of disease and provided new opportunities for ule. BMJ317: 834.
novel therapeutic regimens and disease-prevention re- Bouck, JB, Metzker, ML, Gibbs, RA (2000). Shotgun sample se-
search. Understanding genetic risk factors and their in- quence comparisons between mouse and human genomes. Nat
teraction with the environment may potentially provide Genet 25: 31-33.
Chenevix-Trench, G, Jones, K, Green, AC, et al. (1992). Cleft lip
the ability for diseases and developmental defects such with or without cleft palate: associations with transforming
as CL/P to be predicted and prevented, at both indi- growth factor alpha and retinoic acid receptor loci. Am J Hum
vidual and population levels using environmental or be- Genet 51: 1377-1385.

Clark, MS (1999). Comparative genomics: the key to understanding Lanchbury, J (1998). The Human Genome Project. Br J Rheumatol
the Human Genome Project. Bioessays 21: 121-130. 37: 119-125.
Collins, F (1997). Sequencing the human genome. Hosp Pract. Avail- Lipshutz, RJ, Morris, D, Chee, M, et al. (1995). Using oligonucleo-
able from; tide probe arrays to access genetic diversity. Biotechniques 29:
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Collins, F (1999). Shattuck lecture. Medical and societal conse- McKusick, VA (1997). Genomics: structural and functional studies
quences of the human genome project. N Engl J Med 341: 28-37. of genomes. Genomics 45: 244-249.
Collins, F, Galas, D (1993). A new five-year plan for the U.S. Hu- Meisler, M (1996). The role of the laboratory mouse in the human
man Genome Project. Science 262: 43—46. genome project. Am J Hum Genet 69: 764-771.
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U.S. Human Genome Project: 1998-2003. Science 2S2: 682-689. an association between nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without
Davies, AF, Stephens, RJ, Olavesen, MG, et al. (1995). Evidence of cleft palate and a gene located on the long arm of chromosome
a locus for orofacial clefting on human chromosome 6p24 and 4. Am J Hum Genet 57: 1130-1136.
STS content map of the region. Hum Mol Genet 4: 121-128. Mitchell, LE, Risch, N (1992). Mode of inheritance of nonsyndromic
Deloukas, P, Schuler, GD, Gyapay, G, et al. (1998). A physical map cleft lip with or without cleft palate: a reanalysis. Am J Hum
of 30,000 human genes. Science 282: 744-746. Genet 52:323-332.
Pennisi, E (1999). Mouse genome added to sequencing effort. Sci-
Diehl, S, Erickson, R (1997). Genome scan for teratogen-induced
clefting susceptibility loci in the mouse: evidence of both allelic ence 2S6: 210.
Proetzel, G, Pawlowski, SA, Wiles, MV, et al. (1995). Transforming
and locus heterogeneity distinguishing cleft lip and cleft palate.
growth factor-beta 3 is required for secondary palate fusion. Nat
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Farrall, M, Holder, S (1992). Familial recurrence-pattern analysis of
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Finnell, RH, Dansky, LV (1991). Parental epilepsy, anticonvulsant
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drugs, and reproductive outcome: epidemiologic and experimen-
Shaw, GM, Wasserman, CR, Lammer, EJ, et al. (1996). Orofacial
tal findings spanning three decades. Reprod Toxicol 5: 281-299.
clefts, parental cigarette smoking, and transforming growth
Fink, L, Collins, F (1997). The Human Genome Project: view from factor-alpha gene variants. Am J Hum Genet 58: 551-561.
the National Institutes of Health. J Am Med Womens Assoc 52: Shaw, GM, Wasserman, CR, Murray, JC, Lammer, EJ (1998). In-
fant TGF-alpha genotype, orofacial clefts, and maternal pericon-
Graves, DJ (1999). Powerful tools for genetic analysis come of age. ceptional multivitamin use. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 35: 366-370.
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Hecht, JT, Yang, P, Michels, W, Buetow, KH (1991). Complex seg- transforming growth-factor alpha gene polymorphisms with non-
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Hudson, T (1998). The Human Genome Project: tools for the iden- Smaglik, P, Butler, D (2000). Celera turns to public genome data to
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Twin studies in oral cleft research


Twin studies of oral clefts (OCs) have in general been Accurate assessment of zygosity is an extremely im-
undertaken to address one of two questions: (1) Are portant aspect of any twin study. Fortunately, recent
OCs in twins related to or a consequence of the twin- advances in molecular genetics have made it possible
ning process? and (2) What can twins tell us about the to assign zygosity with a very high degree of accuracy
genetic contribution to OCs in the general population in a relatively inexpensive and easy manner. DNA fin-
of, predominantly singleton (i.e., nontwin), affected in- gerprinting (Eufinger et al., 1993) or the evaluation of
dividuals? Clearly, the answers to these two questions six to eight polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems
are not independent. If OCs in twins are a consequence (Eufinger et al., 1995; Martin et al., 1997) can be used
of the twinning process, information from twins will to obtain an accurate zygosity diagnosis. The latter ap-
not be useful in establishing the genetic contribution to proach is generally preferred since it can be performed
OCs in the general population of affected individuals. using DNA from buccal swabs, blood spots (e.g.,
Prior to examining the literature, it is helpful to have Guthrie card), or venous blood, whereas DNA finger-
an appreciation for some of the challenges presented printing requires 0.5 to 1.0 ml of ethylenediamine-
by twin studies of OCs. Although OCs are relatively tetraacetic acid (EDTA) blood (Eufinger et al., 1995).
common malformations, the co-occurrence of twinning Unfortunately, the majority of published twin stud-
and OCs is rare. Population-based data from Denmark ies of CL/P and CP predate the use of DNA-based as-
(Christensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1993a,b), which has signment of zygosity. In fact, many of these studies did
a high ascertainment of OC cases (Christensen, 1999), not assess zygosity directly but, rather, used Weinberg's
suggests that only approximately 1/21,000 newborns difference method to estimate the number of mono- and
will be a twin with an OC. Hence, it is extremely dif- dizygotic twin pairs. This method estimates the num-
ficult to ascertain an unbiased sample of OC twins that ber of monozygotic pairs by subtracting twice the num-
is sufficiently large to address the questions of interest ber of opposite-sex pairs (which must be dizygotic)
with any degree of precision. This problem is com- from the total number of pairs. The assumptions un-
pounded by the fact that data from twins with cleft lip derlying this method are that the sexes of dizygotic
with or without cleft palate (CL/P) and those with cleft twins are independent and that same-sex dizygotic pairs
palate only (CP) must be evaluated separately since, are representative of opposite-sex dizygotic pairs. The
with rare exceptions (e.g., Van der Woude's syndrome), validity of the first of these assumptions has, however,
the etiologies of these disorders differ (Fraser, 1970). been challenged (James, 1979; Allen, 1981; Boklage,
In addition, twins with syndromic forms of CL/P and 1985; James, 1992), and the validity of the second is
CP must be excluded from any analysis that focuses on questionable when dealing with conditions, such as
the causes of nonsyndromic OCs, and monozygotic CL/P, that exhibit distorted sex ratios. [Although some
twins (i.e., identical twins derived from a single sperm studies have detected a predominance of females among
and egg) and dizygotic twins (i.e., fraternal twins de- individuals with CP, there is evidence that this may be
rived from the fertilization of two eggs) must be eval- an artifact of ascertainment, which typically includes
uated separately. only cases requiring surgical intervention (Christensen


et al., 1992).] Hence, estimates of twin concordance for pleteness of case ascertainment and the potential for bi-
CL/P and CP based on Weinberg's difference method ased ascertainment of twin pairs (Christensen and
may be biased and must be interpreted with caution. Fogh-Andersen, 1993b). Based on these studies, there
is some evidence that twins have a higher prevalence
of CL/P, but not CP, relative to singletons (Table 17.1).
ORAL CLEFTS AND THE TWINNING PROCESS However, in three of these studies (Layde et al., 1980;
Little and Nevin, 1989; Ramos-Arroyo, 1991), the
Previous studies have suggested that twins are more number of twins with CL/P was very small (n < 10),
likely than singletons to be affected with congenital and the two largest studies (Hay and Wehrung, 1970;
malformations (Hay and Wehrung, 1970; Myri- Mastroiacovo et al., 1999) provided conflicting results.
anthopoulos, 1976; Layde et al., 1980; Little and Interpretation of the data from same- and opposite-sex
Nevin, 1989; Mastroiacovo et al., 1999), although such twin pairs is also hampered by the small number of af-
differences have not been identified in all studies (Wind- fected twins observed in the majority of studies. How-
ham and Bjerkedal, 1984; Ramos-Arroyo, 1991). When ever, there appears to be no clear tendency for the
detected, the excess risk for congenital malformations prevalence of CL/P to be higher in same-sex than in
in twins has generally been attributed to an increased opposite-sex twin pairs. Conclusions regarding differ-
risk only among monozygotic twins (Myrianthopoulos, ences in the prevalence of CP in same-sex and opposite-
1976; Layde et al., 1980). It has been suggested that sex pairs are precluded by the small number of affected
this may reflect either developmental disturbances individuals in all but one study (Mastroiacovo et al.,
associated with the monozygotic twinning process 1999).
(Myrianthopoulos, 1978; Nance, 1981) or a common Studies in Denmark have provided the most com-
etiology for monozygotic twinning and specific mal- pelling evidence that the prevalence rates of CL/P and
formations (Myrianthopoulos, 1978; Schinzel et al., CP are not significantly different in twins and single-
1979; Nance, 1981). tons (Christensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1993a,b). These
The conclusions that can be drawn from studies of studies had the advantage of near complete ascertain-
the prevalence of congenital malformations in twins ment since, in Denmark, individuals with CL/P or CP
and singletons are limited by a number of factors. Sev- have been carefully registered for over five decades and
eral of these studies did not assess zygosity directly but, treatment is both free and highly centralized (Chris-
rather, compared the prevalence of malformations in tensen, 1999). In addition, zygosity was directly as-
same-sex twins and opposite-sex twins (Hay and sessed (using 8-17 blood, serum, and enzyme types) in
Wehrung, 1970; Layde et al., 1980; Little and Nevin, all twin pairs that included at least one affected indi-
1989; Ramos-Arroyo, 1991). The rationale for this vidual, and the analyses were restricted to individuals
comparison is that all opposite-sex twins are dizygotic, who had nonsyndromic forms of CL/P and CP. Al-
whereas same-sex twins represent a mixture of though a slight excess of twins with CL/P was detected
monozygotic and dizygotic pairs. Hence, assuming that in this population (33 expected vs. 47 observed), this
opposite-sex dizygotic twins are representative of same- difference was not statistically significant and there was
sex dizygotic twins, any differences between same- and no evidence that the risk of CL/P differed in monozy-
opposite-sex pairs must be attributed to the monozy- gotic and dizygotic twins (Christensen and Fogh-
gotic twins. However, as previously stated, this as- Andersen, 1993a). Further, there was no significant dif-
sumption is questionable when dealing with conditions ference in the observed and expected numbers of twins
that exhibit distorted sex ratios. An additional limita- with CP (16 expected vs. 9 observed) and no evidence
tion of these studies is that the risk to twins was as- that the risk of this malformation differed by zygosity
sessed using information from both members of each (Christensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1993b).
twin pair. This will lead to an overestimate of the risk In summary, comparisons of the prevalence of CL/P
to twins relative to singletons since the members of a and CP in singletons and twins, same-sex and oppo-
twin pair are not independent. Finally, most of these site-sex twin pairs, and monozygotic and dizygotic
studies were based on relatively small samples and thus pairs do not provide compelling evidence that these
had limited statistical power to evaluate the relation- malformations are associated with twinning in general
ship between twinning and specific malformations or with monozygotic twinning in particular. Additional
(Mastroiacovo et al., 1999). evidence for or against such associations could be ob-
A small number of studies have compared the preva- tained by comparing other characteristics of CL/P and
lence of CL/P and CP in twin and singleton births and CP in twins and singletons. Specifically, demonstration
in same- and opposite-sex twin pairs. In general, these of differences between affected singletons and twins
studies are limited by concerns regarding the com- with respect to well established characteristics of these
TABLE 17.1. Prevalence per 10,000 of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and Cleft Palate (CP) in Singleton and Twin Births
ORA (Twins vs. Opposite- Same-Sex OR (Same
Condition Reference Singletons (No.) All Twins (No.) Singletons) Sex Twins (No.) Twins (No.) vs. Opposite Sex)

CL/P Mastroiacovo et al. (1999) 7.7 (9135) 10.2 (265) 1.31* NA NA —

Ramos- Arroyo (1991) 5.9 (196) 8.7 (5) 1.42 15.8 (2) 7.0 (3) 0.44t
Little and Nevin (1989) 9.4 (146) 18.8 (6) 2.00 9.5 (1) 23.4 (5) 2.47
Laydeet al. (1980)* 12.4 (173) 24.6 (6) 1.98 14.5 (1) 18.43 (3) 1.27
Hay and Wehrung (1970) 7.7 (7714) 7.4 (147) 0.96 6.6 (43) 7.7 (104) 1.17
CP Mastroiacovo et al. (1999) 3.8 (4480) 4.2 (110) 1.11 NA NA —
Ramos- Arroyo (1991) 5.2 (173) 5.2 (3) 1.01 0.0 (0) 7.0 (3) —
Little and Nevin (1989) 4.0 (63) 0.0 (0) — 0.0 (0) 0.0 (0) —
Laydeet al. (1980)* 6.7 (93) 8.2 (2) 1.23 0.0 (0) 6.1 (1) —
Hay and Wehrung (1970) 3.4 (3408) 3.4 (67) 0.99 3.5 (23) 3.3 (44) 0.93
OR, odds ratio.
*Difference is significant at p < 0.05.
tThis number was estimated from the reported prevalence per 10,000 in same- and opposite-sex twin pairs since the total number of such pairs was not provided.
*The number of affected individuals was back-calculated from the total numbers and the reported prevalence.
conditions (e.g., sex ratio, pattern of familial recur- In many twin studies, only the subset of twin pairs
rence, severity of defect) would provide some support that includes at least one affected member is sampled.
for the hypothesis that these malformations are asso- Each independently ascertained twin is called a
ciated with the twinning process. Such differences have proband. Two methods are commonly employed to es-
not been extensively investigated. However, the Dan- timate twin concordance rates from such data. The
ish data provide no evidence that the sex ratios among pairwise concordance rate, which is the probability that
individuals with CL/P or CP differ in twins and sin- both members of a twin pair are affected given that at
gletons (Christensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1993a,b) or least one is affected, and the probandwise concordance
that either the distribution of CL/P types (i.e., unilat- rate, which is the probability that a twin is affected
eral vs. bilateral, cleft lip vs. cleft lip and palate) (Chris- given that the cotwin is a proband (Allen et al., 1967).
tensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1993a) or familial recur- The probandwise concordance rate is generally pre-
rence patterns for CL/P (Mitchell and Christensen, ferred over the pairwise rate because it provides esti-
1997) differ in twins and singletons. mates of risk for individuals rather than pairs. In ad-
In conclusion, additional, larger studies of the fa- dition, estimates of probandwise concordance are
milial, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics of directly comparable to estimates of risk for other types
CL/P and CP in twins are required to definitively rule of relatives and can be used to infer the relative im-
out the existence of an association between twinning portance of genetic factors for the trait of interest
and these conditions. Such studies should include ac- (McGue, 1992). In contrast to pairwise concordance
curate assessment of zygosity and samples of sufficient rates, probandwise concordance rates can also be com-
size to evaluate the characteristics of these conditions pared across studies with different ascertainment
separately in monozygotic and dizygotic twins. Given schemes (McGue, 1992).
that CL/P (and possibly CP) exhibits a distorted sex ra- Comparison of probandwise concordance rates in
tio, samples adequate for the analysis of zygosity and mono- and dizygotic twins can provide a number of
sex-specific subgroups would be particularly desirable. clues regarding the genetic contribution to a trait. If a
However, since the available data provide little evi- trait is determined by a single gene, the probandwise
dence that the causes of CL/P or CP differ in twins and concordance rate for monozygotic cotwins should be
singletons, it appears likely that cautious use of twin no greater than four-fold higher than the correspond-
data may provide important insights regarding the ge- ing rate for dizygotic cotwins. For example, concor-
netic contribution to these conditions in the general dance rates for a fully penetrant, autosomal dominant
population of affected individuals. condition would be 100% and 50% in monozygotic
and dizygotic twins, respectively, giving rise to a
twofold difference in risk. The corresponding values for
a fully penetrant, autosomal recessive condition would
WHAT TWINS TELL US ABOUT THE GENETIC be 100% and 25%, corresponding to a fourfold dif-
CONTRIBUTION TO ORAL CLEFTS ference. Hence, relative risks that exceed 4 are incom-
patible with simple, single-gene inheritance and indi-
In the classic twin design, concordance for a trait is cate that more than one gene and/or environmental
measured in monozygotic twins (who are genetically factor must impact on the disease risk.
identical) and dizygotic twins (who, on average, share Comparison of concordance rates in dizygotic twins
only one-half of their genes) and the relative contribu- with risks to full sibs also provides information re-
tion of genetic and nongenetic factors to disease risk is garding the influence of nongenetic factors. Specifically,
estimated. A basic assumption of the classic twin ap- an increase in risk to dizygotic cotwins relative to full
proach is that the environment (both pre- and postna- sibs (who are genetically equivalent to cotwins) sug-
tal) of monozygotic and dizygotic twins is similar and, gests that shared environmental factors must contrib-
therefore, that any differences in their concordance ute to disease risk. Finally, monozygotic twin concor-
rates must be attributable to differences in their degree dance rates less than 100% indicate that genetic
of genetic similarity. Although this assumption has been alterations occurring after cleavage of the embryo
challenged (Phillips, 1993), it appears to be valid in and/or other noninherited factors (e.g., intrauterine en-
many circumstances (Duffy, 1993; Christensen et al., vironmental differences in the allocation of cells and in
1995). For additional information regarding the the placental vascular supply to each twin, stochastic
strengths and limitations of the classic twin approach, events) influence disease risk.
the reader is referred to the many reviews of this topic Several studies have reported twin concordance rates
(Bundey, 1991; Bryan, 1992; LaBuda et al., 1992; Hall, for CL/P and CP (Metrakos et al., 1958; Hay and
1996; Martin et al., 1997). Wehrung, 1970; Shields et al., 1979; Christensen and

Fogh-Andersen, 1993a,b; Nordstrom et al., 1996; Nat- the risk for both CL/P and CP is determined by genetic
sume et al., 2000). However, estimates from the ma- factors. Moreover, as the quest to identify the specific
jority of these studies are largely inadequate for several genes involved in these conditions has been initiated
reasons: concordance was assessed in same- and (Wyszynski et al., 1996a; Schutte and Murray, 1999),
opposite-sex pairs and used to estimate the expected the availability of precise, twin-based estimates of her-
concordance rates in mono- and dizygotic twins (Hay itability for CL/P and CP is unlikely to significantly in-
and Wehrung, 1970), the number of available twin fluence the current direction of research regarding the
pairs was small (Table 17.2), and pairwise rather than etiology of these conditions. Hence, the ability to ob-
probandwise concordance rates were reported (Me- tain heritability estimates does not by itself provide
trakos et al., 1958; Hay and Wehrung, 1970; Shields strong justification for additional twin studies of CL/P
et al., 1979; Nordstrom et al., 1996). and CP. Twin studies of CL/P and CP can, however,
Probandwise concordance rates for CL/P suggest that provide information that would be useful for genetic
the risk to monozygotic cotwins of affected individu- counseling purposes [e.g., what is the risk that the un-
als is less than 100% but six- to 19-fold higher than affected member of a monozygotic twin pair discordant
the risk to dizygotic cotwins (Table 17.2). In addition, for CL/P will have an affected child? (Wyszynski et al.,
the observed risk to dizygotic cotwins does not appear 1996b)l. In addition, information on probandwise twin
to be markedly different from the 3% to 5% risk gen- concordance rates can be used to establish the mode of
erally quoted for the full sibs of individuals with CL/P inheritance, which is helpful in determining the most
(Mitchell and Risch, 1992). These observations suggest appropriate methods for the identification of CL/P and
that CL/P is influenced by genetic factors but that it is CP susceptibility loci.
unlikely to be determined by a single gene. Moreover, Several approaches (e.g., linkage, association studies)
non-genetic factors (or postcleavage genetic alterna- can be used to identify disease-causing or disease-
tions) are also implicated in the development of CL/P predisposing genes (Lander and Schork, 1994). In gen-
since the probandwise concordance rate for monozy- eral, linkage strategies are more appropriate for con-
gotic twins is less than 100%. ditions determined by a small number of genes, each
Estimates derived from the most recent Danish study of which has a relatively major impact on risk. In con-
(Christensen and Fogh-Andersen, 1993a) suggest that trast, association studies are better suited for conditions
as much as 73% of the variation in liability to CL/P determined by a relatively large number of genes which
(i.e., the heritability of CL/P) may be determined by ge- have a modest impact on risk. Hence, it is helpful to
netic effects. This estimate is likely the most accurate have some understanding of the mode of inheritance of
assessment of the genetic contribution to CL/P since it a trait (i.e., the number of genes involved and the mag-
is based on twins for whom zygosity was established nitude of their effect) prior to undertaking studies
using extensive typing of blood, serum, and enzymes, aimed at disease-gene identification.
as well as an accurate estimate of the population preva- Analysis of the familial recurrence patterns exhibited
lence of CL/P in Denmark during the relevant time pe- by a trait can provide insight regarding the number of
riod (Christensen et al., 1992). genes involved in determining a trait and the magni-
Twin studies suggest that CP is also influenced by tude of their effect. Specifically, the pattern of decline
both genetic and nongenetic factors and unlikely to be in AR — 1, where AR is the ratio of risk to a relative of
inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion (Table 17.2). type R (R = M, 1, 2, 3 for monozygotic twin, par-
However, the relatively small number of dizygotic twin ent/offspring, second-degree, and third-degree relatives,
pairs in the individual studies makes it difficult to de- respectively) compared to the population prevalence is
termine if the risk to dizygotic cotwins is similar to or determined by the underlying genetic model, and anal-
greater than the risk to full sibs, which has been esti- ysis of the observed decline in AR — 1 from monozy-
mated to be approximately 2% to 3% (Fitzpatrick and gotic cotwins to first-degree relatives, as well as from
Farrall, 1993; Christensen and Mitchell, 1996). Twin- first- to second-, and second- to third-degree relatives,
based estimates of heritability for CP are also difficult can be used to assess the mode of inheritance (Risch,
to derive for this reason. 1990). (Additional detail regarding this approach is
Additional, larger studies of twins with CL/P and CP provided in Chapter 19.) The lack of good estimates of
will be required to obtain more precise estimates of AR, for monozygotic twins has, however, limited the
twin concordance and heritability for these traits. Al- usefulness of this approach for establishing the mode
though heritability estimates provide useful informa- of inheritance of CL/P and CP (Mitchell and Risch,
tion regarding the relative genetic contribution to a 1992). Hence, an important goal of future twin stud-
trait, such estimates can and have been obtained from ies of CL/P and CP should be the precise estimation of
other types of relative and it is generally recognized that monozygotic probandwise concordance rates.
TABLE 17.2. Monozygotic (MZ) and Dizygotic (DZ) Twin Concordance Rates for Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and Cleft Palate (CP)
Total pairs Pairwise Probandwise
(concordant pairs) concordance rate concordance rate*
Condition Reference MZ DZ MZ DZ MZ DZ

CL/P Natsume et al. (2000) 26 (13) NAt 0.50 NA 0.67 NA

Nordstrom et al. (1996) 6(1) 26 (0) 0.17 0.00 0.28 0.00
Christensen and Fogh-Andersen (1993a) 14(6) 19(1) 0.43 0.05 0.60 0.05
Fogh-Andersen (1942), Shields et al. (1979) 10 (4) 67(1) 0.40 0.02 0.57 0.03
Hay and Wehrung (1970) 51(9) 84(2) 0.18 0.02 0.30 0.05
Total 107 (33) 196 (4) 0.31 0.02 0.47 0.04
CP Natsume et al. (2000) 13(5) NA 0.31 NA 0.56 NA
Nordstrom et al. (1996) 11(6) 45(5) 0.54 0.11 0.70 0.20
Christensen and Fogh-Andersen (1993b) 2(1) 8(0) 0.50 0.00 0.67 0.00
Fogh-Andersen (1942), Shields et al. (1979) 3(1) 11 (0) 0.33 0.00 0.50 0.00
Hay and Wehrung (1970) 15(6) 42(2) 0.40 0.05 0.57 0.09
Total 44 (19) 106 (7) 0.43 0.07 0.60 0.12

* Probandwise concordance rates were estimated by assuming that all affected twins are probands.
1"Natsume et al. (2000) evaluated only monozygotic twins.

Twin studies of CL/P and CP that incorporate the ies coordinated through a single center (Margitic et al.,
collection of DNA samples from both members of the 1995). One multicenter, international study of twins
twin pair and their parents may also help to determine with CL/P is currently nearing completion (L.E.
the contribution of a specific genetic locus to disease Mitchell, unpublished data). The results of this study
risk. Information from monozygotic and dizygotic should provide additional clues regarding the etiology
twins can be used to estimate the coefficient of genetic of this condition and important insights regarding the
contribution, which measures the genetic contribution design and implementation of future multicenter twin
of a putative susceptibility locus to a multilocus disease studies of OCs.
(Rotter and Landaw, 1984). In addition, information
from dizygotic twins can be used to estimate the rela-
tive increase in risk to sibs compared to the general This work was supported in part by a grant (DEI 1388) from the
population (As) that is attributable to a putative sus- National Institutes of Health.
ceptibility locus (Risch, 1987), and concordant dizy-
gotic pairs can be used in affected sib pair or affected
relative pair linkage analyses. REFERENCES
In conclusion, twin studies offer the opportunity to Allen, G (1981). Errors of Weinberg's difference method. Prog Clin
obtain additional insights regarding the genetic contri- Biol Res 69A: 71-74.
bution to CL/P and CP. Such studies provide informa- Allen, G, Harvarld, B, Sheilds, J (1967). Measures of twin concor-
tion that cannot be obtained by other methods and, dance. Acta Genet 17: 475-481.
hence, provide a useful complement to more traditional Boklage, CE (1985). Interaction between opposite-sex dizygotic fe-
tuses and the assumptions of Weinberg's difference method in
family-based and epidemiological investigations of epidemiology. Am J Hum Genet 37: 591-605.
these conditions. Bryan, EM (1992). The role in twins in epidemiologic research. Pae-
diatr Perinat Epidemiol 6: 460-464.
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tion—epidemiological and genetic-epidemiological studies. Cleft
Twin studies have played an important role in attempts Palate Craniofac J 36: 96-104.
to unravel the genetic contribution to many diseases Christensen, K, Fogh-Andersen, P (1993a). Cleft lip (+/- cleft palate)
(Martin et al., 1997) but have not been extensively uti- in Danish twins, 1970-1990. Am J Med Genet 47: 910-916.
lized to examine the genetic contribution to common Christensen, K, Fogh-Andersen, P (1993b). Isolated cleft palate in
Danish multiple births. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 30: 469-474.
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congenital anomalies is partly attributable to the com- genetic-epidemiologic studies of cleft lip and palate. Am J Hum
monly held belief that the causes of these conditions Genet 51: 654-659.
differ in twins and singletons. However, this belief is Christensen, K, Mitchell, LE (1996). Familial recurrence-pattern
not well substantiated for either CL/P or CP. analysis of nonsyndromic isolated cleft palate—a Danish registry
study. Am J Hum Genet 58: 182-190.
The rarity of twins with specific malformations is Christensen, K, Vaupel, JW, Holm, NV, Yashin, Al (1995). Mortal-
also a limiting factor in twin studies of congenital ity among twins after age 6: fetal origins hypothesis versus twin
anomalies. Ascertainment of twins with a specific mal- methods. BMJ 310: 432-436.
formation, from a single source, is unlikely to provide Duffy, DL (1993). Twin studies in the medical research. Lancet 341:
sufficient numbers to address the questions of interest.
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quire multicenter, multinational collaborations. Such determination. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 30: 564-568.
studies are subject to concerns regarding heterogeneity Eufinger, H, Schwartz, CE, Schutte, U (1995). Use of single- and
resulting from differences in case definition and ascer- multi-locus and polymerase chain reaction systems for zygosity
tainment, as well as the potential for etiological het- determination—clinical applications in twins with clefts of the lip
and palate. Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma) 44: 25-30.
erogeneity across centers. Careful consideration of Fitzpatrick, D, Farrall, M (1993). An estimation of the number of
study design and the development of common proto- susceptibility loci for isolated cleft palate. J Craniofac Genet Dev
cols and diagnostic criteria will be essential factors in 13: 230-235.
future twin studies of CL/P and CP. Although meta- Fogh-Andersen, P (1942). Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate.
Copenhagen: Arnold Busck.
analysis of observational data remains controversial, a
Fraser, FC (1970). The genetics of cleft lip and cleft palate. Am J
well-designed prospective meta-analysis of OCs in Hum Genet 22: 336-352.
twins may provide advantages over both retrospective Hall, JG (1996). Twinning: mechanisms and genetic implications.
meta-analyses of data from individual studies and stud- Curr Opin Genet Dev 6: 343-347.

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studies for exploring the etiology of childhood and adolescent Nordstrom, REA, Laatikainen, T, Juvonen, TO, Ranta, RE (1996).
psychiatric disorders. Am J Med Genet 48: 47-59. Cleft-twin sets in Finland 1948-1987. Cleft Palate Craniofac J
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1974-1978. Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma) 38: 1-16. terminants of disease. Am J Hum Genet 40: 1-14.
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Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma) 25: 331-335. cleft lip and palate. Am J Med Genet 66: 468-470.

Segregation analyses


Segregation analysis refers to statistical methods that leading proponent of Mendelism and included "hare-
are used to determine the mode of inheritance of a trait. lip" as one of a group of "dominant hereditary diseases
Segregation in this context therefore is derived from and malformations" (Bateson, 1909; Melnick, 1997).
Mendel's laws regarding the segregation of alleles in The fundamental tenet of Mendelism, i.e., unit in-
the formation of gametes (Mendel, 1866; translated by heritance, has since been demonstrated to be correct
Bateson, 1902, 1909). According to the Oxford En- and has led to today's burgeoning field of genetics.
glish Dictionary (Burchfield, 1986), the first usage of Rischbieth (1910), although fundamentally incorrect in
the word was by Weldon (1902) in his description of his assessment of the meaning of familial cases of oral-
Mendel's laws. Therefore, segregation analysis origi- facial clefts, did provide a pertinent charge to modern
nated from the assessment of Mendelian patterns of in- scientists studying the inheritance of CL and CP:
heritance, i.e., testing whether family data were con-
sistent with a single genetic locus. Today, the term is The cause of these defects lies in the family tendency, but
used more broadly, to encompass tests of many types it is only when the family is considered as a whole, in all
of transmission of traits not limited to Mendelian pat- its branches and when normal as well as deformed indi-
viduals are included in the records, that we shall begin to
terns. Complex segregation analysis is sometimes used
understand the mode of working of the hereditary influ-
to describe statistical methods that incorporate two or ence. This fact has long been known to students of in-
more distinct, functionally independent parameters sanity, but in the case of hare-lip and cleft palate inquiry
(Ellandt-Johnson, 1971). has usually gone no further than to ask how many rela-
The importance of inheritance in the etiology of cleft tives (usually in the direct line) showed this defect.
lip (CL) and cleft palate (CP) has been noted by scien-
tists for more than 200 years. The first published de- This succinctly describes the key components of
scription of a family with several affected members was study designs of human disorders. When appropriate
in 1757 (Trew, 1757). Charles Darwin (1875) pointed data are collected, statistical models can be applied to
out a publication of "the transmission during a century derive an unbaised conclusion regarding the inheritance
of hare-lip with a cleft-palate" by Sproule (1863) de- pattern of a human trait.
scribing the author's family. Rischbieth (1910) sum- Segregation analysis methods were developed to ad-
marized pre-1900 publications of familial cases of CL dress the inherent biases of most studies of human fam-
("hare-lip") and CP (abridged facsimile of Rischbieth, ily data. In studies of experimental animals, it is pos-
1910, and commentary putting Rischbieth's conclu- sible to design controlled matings that allow direct
sions into historical perspective are provided by Mel- inference of the inheritance pattern of the trait of in-
nick, 1997). Rischbieth (1910) epitomized the anti- terest. The ideal human family study design would in-
Mendelian view of Pearson and the other members of volve obtaining a large, random, population-based
the Galton Laboratory by concluding that inheritance sample of families; taking a subset of the random fam-
of CL and CP was an expression of general physical ilies in which there are individuals with clefts; and then
and racial degeneracy which could be traced to poor determining the genotypic mating type and offspring
protoplasm (Melnick, 1997). Bateson, however, was a for each family. However, for a number of reasons, this

ideal study design is not feasible for most human traits, limitation and source of potential bias that segregation
including oral-facial clefts. The necessary fully infor- analysis addresses is the mode of ascertainment.
mative matings are generally not available, and the There are two major classes of ascertainment, com-
genotypes of the family members are usually unknown. plete and incomplete ascertainment. The ascertainment
A further difficulty in studying inheritance patterns in probability is, conceptually, the proportion of probands
humans is that the traits most often under study are among affected individuals. Complete ascertainment is
relatively rare. Oral-facial clefts, for example, are com- the situation in which all possible offspring sets for a
mon birth defects but still occur in only 1/500 to 1/1000 particular mating type will enter a study, i.e., indepen-
births. Therefore, it is generally not possible to take a dent of the phenotype of the offspring. An example of
random sample of a population and obtain the neces- complete ascertainment is defining a sample of affected
sary numbers of families with cleft individuals. Fami- people and then estimating the segregation ratio in their
lies for study of human traits are most often ascertained children. Incomplete ascertainment refers to situations
through affected individuals, therefore requiring ap- in which not all possible offspring sets are found. An
propriate statistical correction to eliminate potential bi- example of incomplete ascertainment is defining a sam-
ases introduced by the mode of ascertainment. ple of affected people, their siblings, and parents and
then estimating the segregation ratio in the children
sets. This is incomplete because the only offspring sets
CLASSICAL SEGREGATION RATIO ANALYSIS entering the study will be those with at least one af-
fected offspring. As can be seen in Table 18.1, many
To illustrate some important concepts in segregation of the mating types that can produce affected offspring
analysis, I will focus on the first and simplest segrega- can also produce unaffected offspring. By chance, there
tion analysis parameter, the segregation ratio. A segre- will be an appreciable proportion of families with only
gation ratio is the proportion of affected children unaffected offspring. Consider an autosomal recessive
among the progeny of a particular mating type. Con- trait. If the affected allele is rare, the only genotypic
sider a two-allele autosomal genetic locus. There are mating type capable of producing affected children that
six possible genotypic mating types, representing six is likely to be present in the data set will be AB X AB
phenotypically distinguishable mating types under (Table 18.1). This mating type has an expected segre-
codominance or three phenotypic mating types if dom- gation ratio of 25%; therefore, the expected propor-
inance exists for the trait. Table 18.1 shows the possi- tion of unaffected children is 75%. For three-child fam-
ble matings and the expected proportions of affected ilies, applying the multiplication rule of combining
children for each mating type. As can be seen, only probabilities yields the probability of all three children
some of the mating types are expected to produce af- being unaffected as 0.753 = 0.4219. Therefore, ascer-
fected children. Therefore, in the usual human study taining three-child families through affected children
situation of ascertaining families through affected in- will miss 42.19% of the families that would be neces-
dividuals, only some of the possible mating types will sary for an unbiased estimate of the segregation ratio.
be represented in the resulting data set. This is one of One of the first methods of correcting for ascertain-
the limitations that the statistical methods of segrega- ment bias in segregation analysis was the Weinberg
tion analysis are designed to address. The other major proband method, originally proposed by Weinberg

TABLE 18.1. Expected Segregation Ratios for Mating Types at a Single Genetic Locus with
Two Alleles, A and B, with A Representing the Affected Allele
A dominant A recessive

Genotypic Mating Expected % Genotypic Mating Expected %

Phenotypic Mating Type Type Affected Offspring Type Affected Offspring

Affected X affected A A X AA 100 A A X AA 100

A A X AB 100
A B X AB 75
Affected X unaffected AAXBB 100 A A X AB 50
Unaffected X unaffected B B X BB 0 BBXBB 0
A B X AB 25

(1912, 1927) with standard error formulas derived by The next major advance in segregation analysis was
Fisher (1934). For Weinberg's method and for all sub- by Morton (1959), in which the segregation ratio was
sequent methods of segregation analysis, it is crucial to assumed to follow the binomial probability distribu-
define the term proband carefully. A proband (Wein- tion and likelihood methods were used to estimate the
berg, 1927; Morton, 1959; Wright, 1968) is an affected parameters and to test hypotheses. Morton also con-
person who is necessary and sufficient to ascertain a sidered the ascertainment probability to be binomially
family for study. Depending on the comprehensiveness distributed and estimable. Morton divided incomplete
of the sampling frame, there may be more than one ascertainment into three categories: truncate, single,
proband per family. The first proband in a family is and multiple. Under single incomplete ascertainment,
sometimes termed the propositus or index case. Addi- each family has only one proband (even if the family
tional nonproband affected individuals in a family are has multiple affected members) and the ascertainment
termed secondary cases (Morton, 1982). Careful de- probability is close to 0. Under truncate incomplete as-
lineation of probands and nonprobands in families is certainment, every affected individual in a family is a
extremely important in correcting for ascertainment bi- proband and the ascertainment probability is 1.0. Mul-
ases in the statistical genetic analysis of patterns of in- tiple incomplete ascertainment is intermediate between
heritance, although even then problems may arise these two extremes, with some families having more
(Greenberg, 1986; Vieland and Hodge, 1995). A di- than one proband but not all affected offspring being
chotomy has developed in the use of the term proband probands (ascertainment probability between 0 and
by clinicians as opposed to researchers (Marazita, 1.0). Table 18.2 summarizes the key points of incom-
1995). Clinicians tend to use proband and index case plete ascertainment and the bias in the segregation ra-
interchangeably (Thompson et al., 1991; Bennett et al., tio due to incomplete ascertainment. Table 18.3 sum-
1995a), implying that there would be only one proband marizes the parameters that were estimated in classical
indicated per family in clinical genetic records. This di- segregation ratio analysis.
chotomy would seriously bias analysis of such records Segregation ratio analysis methods were limited to
(Marazita, 1995). Therefore, Bennett et al. (1995b) rec- analysis of single-locus, Mendelian patterns in nuclear
ommended that the research definition be followed in family data. Such analyses were amenable to analytic
clinical genetic situations. solution. The next wave of advances in segregation
The essence of the Weinberg method is that the analysis included methods that were developed to ad-
proband individuals provide the information that a par- dress more complex models in larger family structures.
ticular mating type is segregating, i.e., capable of pro- The theoretical underpinnings of such methods were
ducing affected offspring. Therefore, Weinberg (1912, developed in the 1970s, before there were computers
1927) proposed calculating the segregation ratio in the that were able to apply such methods fully. With im-
nonproband children to obtain an unbiased estimate. proved computers, application of such models became
Refinements were later introduced to incorporate a cor- a reality and laid the foundation for other important
rection factor for large sibship sizes. statistical methods in human genetics today, such as

TABLE 18.2. General Incomplete Ascertainment Model of Morton (1959) for Selection through
Affected Children
Type of incomplete ascertainment

Single Multiple Truncate

No. of probands/family One proband per family More than one proband in some Every affected individual is a
families, but not every affected proband
individual is a proband
Value of TT* 77 close t o O 0 < 77 < 1 77 = I
Bias in segregation ratio The segregation ratio is distorted because not every at-risk mating actually has an affected child
Additional bias in segregation ratio Extreme, families with r Intermediate No additional distortion
affected children appear r
times more often than they
MLEf of segregation ratio (p) Exact analytic MLE of p (true No analytic solution No analytic solution (follows
binomial distribution after truncated binomial distribution)
omitting proband)

*77, ascertainment probability: 0 < 77 < 1.

fMLE, maximum likelihood estimate.
TABLE 18.3. Parameters Estimated for Classical Single-Locus Segregation Analysis,
Utilizing Segregation Ratios in Nuclear Families
Method Parameter Description

Weinberg proband method (Weinberg, 1912, 1927) p Segregation ratio

77 Ascertainment probability
Morton (1959) p Segregation ratio (binomial)
X Proportion of sporadic cases
77 Ascertainment probability (binomial)

linkage analysis in extended kindreds (Ott, 1991). Re- rameters estimated between the restricted and unre-
lated statistical methods for investigating the inheri- stricted hypotheses. If there are multiple equally likely
tance of oral-facial clefts are reviewed in other chap- hypotheses, the Akaike information criterion (AIC;
ters (Chapters 17, 19, 21). In the discussion of complex Akaike, 1974) is often applied. The AIC for any hy-
segregation analysis methods, I will focus on those that pothesis equals -2(ln-likelihood) + 2(number of pa-
have been applied to oral-facial cleft data, in particu- rameters estimated). The model with the smallest AIC
lar, the major locus transmission model (Elston and is the most parsimonious.
Stewart, 1971; Elston, 1980), the mixed/unified model
(Morton and MacLean, 1974; Lalouel and Morton, MAJOR LOCUS TRANSMISSION MODELS
1981; Lalouel et al., 1983), and regressive models (Bon-
ney, 1984, 1986). Because the oral-facial cleft pheno- Under the major locus transmission model of Elston
types analyzed to date have been qualitative in nature and Stewart (1971), segregation at a major locus is pa-
(i.e., "affected" vs. "unaffected"), I will focus on the rameterized by use of transmission probabilities for
qualitative application of these methods, though each each of three possible types in the data (AA, AB, or
method also has applications for quantitative traits. BB). Two individuals have the same type if and only if
Each of the approaches defines an underlying gen- the expected phenotypic distribution of their offspring
eral model with assumptions as to the probability dis- by a mate of a given type is identical (Cannings et al.,
tributions and parameters of interest. The hypotheses 1978). Genotypes are the special case of types (or
to be tested are each nested within the underlying gen- "ousiotypes," following Cannings et al., 1978) that
eral model; i.e., each hypothesis corresponds to re- transmit to offspring in a Mendelian fashion. When
strictions on the parameters of the underlying model. there is no transmission from one generation to the
Likelihoods are calculated for each hypothesis; param- next, the model allows for only a single type. Table
eters are estimated by maximum likelihood (Edwards, 18.4 summarizes the parameters of the model.
1992). The likelihood ratio criterion is used to com- Elston and Stewart (1971) also provided a major ad-
pare the likelihood of each restricted hypothesis to that vance for genetic analysis of extended kindreds by de-
of the most general, unrestricted model. Twice the dif- veloping an efficient computational algorithm for cal-
ference in In-likelihoods between the unrestricted hy- culating the likelihoods of any general family structure
pothesis and each of the restricted hypotheses is as- (Lange, 1997). Their algorithm is the basis for the most
ymptotically distributed as a x2 with degrees of freedom widely used linkage analysis computer program, LINK-
corresponding to the difference in the numbers of pa- AGE (Terwilliger and Ott, 1994).

TABLE 18.4. Parameters for Major Locus Segregation Analysis of Qualitative Traits Utilizing Transmission
Probabilities in General Pedigrees
Method Parameter Description

Major locus segregation analysis (Elston and q Gene frequency

Stewart, 1971) Probability that an individual of type AA will transmit A
T2 Probability that an individual of type AB will transmit A
T3 Probability that an individual of type BB will transmit A
f1 Probability that an individual of type AA will be affected (penetrance)
f2 Probability that an individual of type AB will be affected (penetrance)
f3 Probability that an individual of type BB will be affected (penetrance)

TABLE 18.5. Parameters Estimated for Complex Segregation Analysis of Qualitative Traits under the Mixed
Model (i.e., Major Locus with Multifactorial and Sporadic Components) in General Pedigrees Broken Down
into Their Component Nuclear Families
Method Parameter Description

Mixed model, POINTER (Morton and MacLean, 1974) d Degree of dominance at the major locus
t Displacement between homozygotes, in standard deviation units
q Gene frequency
b Relative variance due to common sibling environment
h2 Polygenic heritability
X Proportion of sporadic cases
Unified mixed model (Lalouel et al., 1983), TI Probability that an individual of type AA will transmit A
includes all of the above parameters plus the following T2 Probability that an individual of type AB will transmit A
transmission probabilities
T3 Probability that an individual of type BB will transmit A

MIXED/UNIFIED MODEL regarding the dependence between siblings. In class A,

B, and C models, the correlations between siblings dif-
Under the mixed/unified model, an individual's pheno- fer depending on how close in age the siblings are. In
type is assumed to be due to a major locus component the class D model, correlations between siblings are as-
and a multifactorial component (Morton and MacLean, sumed not to differ by age relationships but, at the same
1974; Lalouel and Morton, 1981; Lalouel et al., 1983). time, are necessarily due to common parentage alone.
This model has had particular appeal for segregation The concept of types introduced by Elston and Stew-
analyses of oral-facial clefting because of the desire to art (1971) and summarized by Cannings et al. (1978)
contrast multifactorial hypotheses with major locus hy- plus the structure of transmission probabilities was in-
potheses. The parameters of the model are summarized corporated into the regressive models. Table 18.6 sum-
in Table 18.5. The original mixed model of Morton marizes the primary parameters of the regression
and MacLean (1974) was extended to incorporate the model. Ascertainment corrections were incorporated by
transmission probabilities of the Elston and Stewart conditioning on the subsets of proband individuals in
(1971) major locus model to create the so-called uni- each family.
fied model (Lalouel et al., 1983). Ascertainment cor-
rections are done by breaking the extended kindreds
into their component nuclear families and specifying FAMILY STUDIES OF ORAL-FACIAL CLEFTS
the mode of ascertainment of each nuclear family. This
method of ascertainment correction has the advantage Oral-facial clefts are a major public health problem, af-
of allowing multiple ascertainment schemes, each with fecting 1/500 to 1/1000 births worldwide (Murray,
its own ascertainment probability; however, some of 1995). Therefore, many research groups have at-
the transmisison information from extended kindreds tempted to elucidate the etiology of oral-facial clefts,
is lost. with limited success. Oral-facial clefts can occur as part
of Mendelian syndromes, certain chromosomal anom-
alies include oral-facial clefts in the phenotype, and cer-
REGRESSIVE MODELS tain teratogens can increase the risk of having an off-
spring with a cleft. However, phenotypes of known
Regression analysis methods were first applied to com- etiology comprise only a small portion of all individu-
plex segregation analysis by Bonney (1984, 1986), who als with an oral-facial cleft; therefore, a major research
combined aspects of the transmission approach of El- focus has been on the genetics of nonsyndromic forms
ston and Stewart (1971) with the flexibility of regres- of clefting (the focus of this chapter).
sion analysis. In regression models for complex segre- There have been many essentially descriptive publi-
gation analysis as proposed by Bonney (1984), the cations of oral-facial cleft families, summarized in
dependence among family members is modeled as a Table 18.7. Each of the descriptive studies presented
Markovian process, where each individual's trait value an hypothesis as to the inheritance of oral-facial clefts
(phenotype) is influenced by his or her own covariates, and described how their data fit the hypothesis, with-
as well as the observed phenotypes of preceding fam- out attempting any statistical tests. In Rischbieth's
ily members. Class A, B, C, and D models were defined (1910) summary of pre-1900 oral-facial cleft families,
(Bonney, 1984, 1986), which differ in the assumptions the hypothesis was that such families were the result of
TABLE 18.6. Parameters Estimated for Complex Segregation Analysis of a Qualitative Trait under Regressive
Models in General Pedigrees
Method Parameter Description

Regressive model, complex segregation analysis

(Bonney, 1986) q Gene frequency
TI Probability that an individual of type AA will transmit A
T2 Probability that an individual of type AB will transmit A
T3 Probability that an individual of type BB will transmit A
01 Regression coefficient, type AA
02 Regression coefficient, type AB
03 Regression coefficient, type BB
"spouse Regressive effects for affected and unaffected spouse
"parents Regressive effects (non-Mendelian) for affected and unaffected parents
fl, fo, • • • £v Regression coefficients for v covariates

general physical degeneracy. Bateson (1909), however, models to test the goodness-of-fit of the MFT model;
attributed the clefts in such families to dominantly in- a number of investigators applied such models to oral-
herited genes. Fogh-Andersen (1942) was the first to facial cleft family data (Table 18.7) (Melnick et al.,
collect a systematic data set of cleft families and to eval- 1980; Mendell et al., 1980; Marazita et al., 1986b).
uate the observed inheritance patterns. He concluded The results of the goodness-of-fit studies were mostly
that the CL with or without CP (CL/P) families were inconclusive, with the MFT model being rejected for
consistent with segregation of alleles at a single genetic some portions of the parameter space in most studies.
locus with variable penetrance and that CP families In the late 1970s and early 1980s, investigators be-
were consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance gan to apply segregation analysis methods, such as
with greatly reduced penetrance. mixed models, to test the MFT model and to evaluate
In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a paradigm shift. the major locus alternative. Table 18.8 summarizes
A specific statistical model, termed the multifactorial published segregation analyses of oral-facial clefting.
threshold model (MFT), was described and invoked to Some of the first mixed-model studies of oral-facial
explain the familial patterns of oral-facial clefts (Carter, clefts were inconclusive (Chung et al., 1974; Demenais
1976; Fraser, 1976). Under the MFT model, the oc- et al., 1984) because the sample sizes were inadequate
currence of a cleft depends on a very large number of to distinguish between models. There were then a num-
genes, each of equal, minor, and additive effect, plus ber of mixed or unified model studies of sufficient sam-
environmental factors. An accumulation of these genes ple sizes (Table 18.8). In virtually every such study of
and environmental factors is tolerated by the develop- CL/P, the MFT model could be rejected in favor of ei-
ing fetus to a point, termed the threshold, beyond which ther a mixed model (major locus plus multifactorial
there is the risk of malformation. This model has background) (Marazita et al., 1984; Chung et al., 1986)
testable predictions and, in theory, could explain many or a major locus alone (Hecht et al., 1991; Marazita
of the features observed for oral-facial clefts in fami- et al., 1992; Nemana et al., 1992). Most such studies
lies. The early proponents of the MFT model published were conducted in Caucasian populations, although
several large series of cleft families from a variety of there were a few in Asian populations (Table 18.8)
populations, each concluding that the data were con- (Marazita et al., 1992). Given these segregation analy-
sistent with the MFT model (Table 18.7) (Woolf et al., sis results, gene mapping studies of CL/P were then con-
1963, 1964; Carter et al., 1982a,b; Hu et al., 1982). sidered feasible and are a current focus of intensive re-
However, none of these early studies attempted any sta- search (see Chapters 20, 21, and 23).
tistical tests of the MFT model. There are many fewer segregation analyses of non-
The early descriptive studies were followed by stud- syndromic CP than there are of CL/P. There are only
ies that did test the predictions of the MFT model three published studies, one in Hawaii (Chung et al.,
(Table 18.7) (Bear, 1976; Melnick et al., 1980; 1974) and two in Caucasian populations (Demenais et
Marazita et al., 1984). In each of these studies, some al., 1984; Clementi et al., 1997). Chung et al. (1974)
or all of the predictions of the MFT model could be re- and Demenais et al. (1984) could not distinguish be-
jected. However, statistical tests of the predictions of a tween the MFT and major locus models; Clementi et
model do not constitute statistical tests of that model. al. (1997) concluded that a single recessive major lo-
Other investigators then formulated and parameterized cus with reduced penetrance was sufficient to explain
TABLE 18.7. Summary of Published Family Studies of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and Cleft
Palate Alone (CP) Using Methods Other Than Segregation Analysis
Analysis Method
Study Population Program)* Conclusionf Reference

European Caucasian, Descriptive Hereditary, expression of general physical and Rischbieth (1910)
compendium of pre-1900 racial degeneracy (facsimile in
reports: 74 multiplex Melnick, 1997)
pedigrees, summaries of 244
cases and other published
reports, mixture of CL/P and
CP cases
Danish Caucasian, 703 surgical Descriptive Single gene with variable penetrance, either Fogh-Andersen
cases recessive or dominant based on genetic (1942)
U.S. Caucasian (Utah), 533 Descriptive Heterogeneity: dominant in some families, Woolf et al. (1963)
surgical cases interaction of polygenes and nongenetic
factors in other families, some phenocopies
U.S. Caucasian (Utah), 418 Descriptive MFT Woolf et al. (1964)
surgical cases
Japanese, number of cases not Descriptive MFT Tanaka et al. (1969)
Danish and Canadian Descriptive MFT Fraser (1970)
Caucasian, 805 surgical cases
Hungarian Caucasian, 570 Descriptive Polygenic, multifactorial Czeizel and Tusnady
families (1972)
Hawaiian interracial crosses, Descriptive No significant associations were found with Ching and Chung
341 probands through demographic factors; hence, genetic control (1974)
registries and hospitals of CL/P was concluded
Japanese, 823 cases Descriptive MFT Koguchi (1975)
British Caucasian, 324 surgical Predictions MFT Bear (1976)
index cases
U.S. Caucasian Goodness-of-fit Assumed MFT Spence et al. (1976)
Danish Caucasian, 1895 Predictions Some predictions of the MFT were satisfied Melnick et al. (1980)
surgical cases with first- but others were not
degree relatives
Goodness-of-fit Multiple-sex threshold model: neither MFT
(PGOODFIT) nor single-locus models fit well, proposed
(but not tested) was a monogenic-dependent
susceptibility locus
U.S. Caucasian (North Goodness-of-fit MFT could be rejected at some points of the Mendell et al. (1980)
Carolina) (PGOODFIT) parameter space but not all
British Caucasian, 424 three- Descriptive MFT Carter et al. (1982b)
generation families, surgical (see also Marazita
probands et al., 1986a)
Chinese, 163 surgical cases Descriptive MFT Hu et al. (1982)
Danish Caucasian, 2027 Goodness-of-fit MFT model was rejected (see also segregation Marazita et al.
nuclear families (all through (PGOODFIT) analysis results in Table 18.8 below) (1984)
surgical probands)
Danish Caucasian, 2686 Predictions All but one of the MFT predictions could be Marazita et al.
surgical probands and their rejected (1986b)
families; British Caucasian, Goodness-of-fit MFT could be rejected in the Danish and
424 surgical probands and (PGOODFIT) Chinese data sets and at some points in the
their three-generation parameter space for the British data set
families; Chinese, 163 surgical (see also segregation analysis results in
probands and their families Table 18.8 below)
British Caucasian, two multiplex Descriptive Apparently dominant transmission, but MFT Temple et al. (1989)
families (affected members in could not be ruled out
three or four generations)
British Caucasian, 632 families Recurrence risk Oligogenic, four to seven loci Farrall and Holder



TABLE 18.7. Summary of Published Family Studies of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and Cleft
Palate Alone (CP) Using Methods Other Than Segregation Analysis (continued)
Analysis Method
Study Population Program)* Conclusion! Reference

Combined Caucasian data from Recurrence risk Both MFT and single-locus models fit Mitchell and Risch
four studies (British, Danish, (1992)
Canadian, U.S.)
India (Madras), 331 probands Predictions All but one of the MFT predictions could be Nemana et al. (1992)
and their extended kindreds rejected
Goodness-of-fit MFT model could be rejected at the estimated
(PGOODFIT) ascertainment probability and heritability
(see also segregation analysis results in
Table 18.8 below)
Danish Caucasian, Recurrence risk Single locus and additive multiplicative Mitchell and
3073 probands models could be excluded; model Christensen (1996)
of multiple interacting loci
could not be excluded
European Caucasian, Descriptive Hereditary, expression of general physical and Rischbieth (1910)
compendium of pre-1900 racial degeneracy (facsimile in
reports: 74 multiplex Melnick, 1997)
pedigrees, summaries of 244
cases and other published
reports, mixture of CL/P and
CP cases
Danish Caucasian, 703 surgical Descriptive Single gene, dominant with greatly reduced Fogh-Andersen
cases penetrance (1942)
Hawaiian interracial crosses, Descriptive No significant associations were found with Ching and Chung
195 probands through demographic factors; hence, genetic control (1974)
registries and hospitals of CP was concluded
British Caucasian, 147 surgical Predictions Heterogeneity, multiple genetic forms Bear(1976)
index cases
U.S. Caucasian, one four- Descriptive Single gene, X-linked recessive Rushton (1979)
generation family
British Caucasian, 167 surgical Descriptive Heterogeneity, some families showing modified Carter et al. (1982a)
probands dominant inheritance
U.S. Caucasian, three multi- Descriptive One family: single gene, autosomal dominant Rollnick and Kaye
generation families Two families: single gene, X-linked recessive (1986)
One family: single gene, X-linked recessive Rollnick and Kaye
but with some nonpenetrant males (1986)
Combined Caucasian data from Recurrence risk Oligenic model with six loci Fitzpatrick and
four studies (Scottish, Danish, Farrall (1993)
U.S., French)
Danish Caucasian, 1364 Recurrence risk Multiplicative interactions between CP- Christensen and
probands susceptibility loci, single gene, and MFT Mitchell (1996)
provide poor fit to the data

*Descriptive, descriptive studies, no statistical tests; Predictions, statistical tests (usually x2) of the predictions of the multifactorial thresh-
old (MF/T) model (note that such tests do not constitute a test of the model); Goodness-of-fit, goodness-of-fit tests of the MF/T model; Re-
currence risk, analysis of the recurrence risk patterns in families. Reference for computer program: PGOODFIT (Gladstien et al., 1978).
•(•Conclusions drawn by the authors of each paper.

their data. There is also a significant subset of non- dence for genes of major effect. Although such studies
syndromic CP families in which CP is X-linked, as ev- imply a single major locus, hypotheses of multiple in-
idenced by the descriptive studies of Rushton (1979) teracting loci or genetic heterogeneity cannot be ruled
and Rollnick and Kaye (1986, 1987). The X-linked out and, indeed, have not been explicitly tested in any
form of CP includes ankyloglossia and has been con- of the published segregation analyses to date (see
firmed by linkage analysis (Moore et al., 1987, 1991; Jarvik, 1998, for a summary review of this issue with
Bjornsson et al., 1989; Gorski et al., 1992, 1994) and respect to complex segregation analysis). Analyses of
physical mapping (Forbes et al., 1995, 1996). recurrence risk patterns (Table 18.7) (Farrall and
In summary, segregation analyses of oral-facial clefts, Holder, 1992; Mitchell and Risch, 1992; Fitzpatrick
both CL/P and CP, have consistently resulted in evi- and Farrall, 1993; Christensen and Mitchell, 1996;
TABLE 18.8. Summary of Published Segregation Analyses of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and
Cleft Palate Alone (CP)
Analysis Method
Study Population Program)* Conclusion! Reference

Hawaiian, 240 probands from Mixed Could not distinguish between MFT with Chung et al. (1974)
multiple ethnic backgrounds high heritability and major gene models,
the high heritability being more consistent
with a major gene
French Caucasian, 458 surgical Unified mixed Could not distinguish between MFT with high Demenais et al.
probands and their nuclear (POINTER) heritability and major gene models (dominant (1984)
families or additive)
Danish Caucasian, 2532 Classical Consistent with autosomal recessive Marazita et al.
kindreds: 26 large (SEGRAN) (1984)
multigenerational families with
four or more affected members, ML transmission 26 large families: eight fit autosomal recessive,
2027 nuclear families (all (GENPED) three fit codominant, could not distinguish
through surgical probands) in 15
Unified mixed MFT rejected, mixed model or major gene
(POINTER) possible
English Caucasian, 424 three- Unified mixed MFT rejected, mixed model provided the best Marazita et al.
generation families (POINTER) fit (1986a) (analysis
of data in Carter
et al., 1982b)
Danish Caucasian, 2686 Classical Segregation ratios were consistent with an Marazita et al.
surgical probands and their (SEGRAN) autosomal recessive major gene in all three (1986b)
families; British Caucasian, data sets, with significant admixture of
424 surgical probands and their sporadic cases in the Danish and British
three-generation families; data sets
Chinese, 163 surgical probands Mixed (MIXMOD) Only performed in Danish and British data sets:
and their families a major gene alone fit well in the British data
set, and the mixed model fit best in the Danish
data set
Chinese (Shanghai), 163 Mixed (MIXMOD) MFT rejected, autosomal recessive provided best Melnick et al. (1986)
families through surgical fit
Danish, 2998 families; Unified mixed In the Danish families, the mixed model with a Chung et al. (1986)
Japanese, 627 families; all (POINTER) recessive major gene component fit best.
through surgical probands In the Japanese families, MFT fit best
Hawaiian: 189 Japanese Mixed (POINTER) Overall a mixed model provided the best fit, Chung et al. (1989)
probands and their families, 22 with no heterogeneity in the results based
Chinese or Korean, 42 on high- or low-risk ethnic classifications or
Caucasian, 122 Hawaiian, 59 severity classifications
Filipinos, 94 other
U.S. Caucasian, 79 probands Unified mixed MFT, autosomal dominant and codominant fit Hecht et al. (1991)
and families (POINTER) equally well; the high heritability in the MFT
model argues for a major locus
Regressive (SAGE) Autosomal dominant (or codominant) with
reduced penetrance
Chinese (Shanghai), 2255 Unified mixed Autosomal recessive major locus Marazita et al.
nuclear families through (POINTER) (1992)
surgical probands
India (Madras), 331 probands Unified mixed Major gene with reduced penetrance Nemana et al. (1992)
and their extended kindreds (POINTER)
India (West Bengal), Unified mixed Autosomal dominant or codominant Ray et al. (1993)
90 extended kindreds (POINTER)
Italian Caucasian, 549 Unified mixed MFT and major gene models fit equally well Clementi et al.
probands from consecutive (POINTER) (1995)
newborns plus their nuclear
families Two-locus A single major gene could be rejected in favor of
(COMDS) a two-locus model, one dominant major locus
with a modifying locus


TABLE 18.8. Summary of Published Segregation Analyses of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and
Cleft Palate Alone (CP) (continued)
Analysis Method
Study Population Program)* Conclusion! Reference

Chilean, Amerindian/Caucasian Unified mixed Autosomal dominant, reduced penetrance (25%) Palomino et al.
admixed, 67 multigenerational (PAP) (1991, 1997)
families with surgical probands
Italian Caucasian, 46 extended Unified mixed Mixed model with a dominant major locus Scapoli et al. (1999)
kindreds with surgical probands (POINTER) component
Two-locus The highest likelihood was obtained for a
(COMDS) dominant major locus with a recessive modifier
Hawaiian, 113 probands from Mixed (POINTER) Could not distinguish between MET and major Chung et al.
multiple ethnic backgrounds gene models, MF/T had better fit (1974)
French Caucasian, 156 surgical Unified mixed Could not distinguish between MFT with high Demenais et al.
probands and their nuclear (POINTER) heritability and major gene models (recessive) (1984)
Italian Caucasian, 357 Unified mixed Autosomal recessive major gene with reduced Clementi et al.
probands from consecutive (POINTER) penetrance (1997)
newborns Two-locus Single major locus (two-locus models did not
(COMDS) improve the fit)

*Classical, classical segregation analysis (segregation ratio; Weinberg, 1912, or Morton, 1959); Mixed, mixed model (major locus and mul-
tifactorial components; Morton and MacLean, 1974); Unified mixed, unified mixed model (major locus and multifactorial components) in-
corporating transmission probabilities for the major locus (Lalouel et al., 1983); ML transmission, major locus transmission model (Elston
and Stewart, 1971); Regressive, regressive major locus models incorporating the transmission probabilities of Elston and Stewart (1971), with
residual variance and covariates (Bonney, 1984); Two-locus, extension of mixed model framework to evaluate oligenic or two-locus models.
References for computer programs: SEGRAN (Morton et al., 1983); POINTER, COMDS (Morton and MacLean, 1974; Morton et al., 1983);
GENPED (Elston and Stewart, 1971); SAGE (Case Western Reserve University, 1997); PAP (Hasstedt, 1994).
-(-Conclusion of the authors.

Mitchell and Christensen, 1996) (see also Chapter 17) important roles for segregation analysis to play. Para-
have been consistent with oligenic models, with ap- metric linkage analysis methods require estimates of pa-
proximately four to seven interacting loci. Other po- rameters such as gene frequency, which are obtained
tential limitations of complex segregation analysis in- from segregation analyses. Most segregation analyses
elude difficulty in determining the power of specific to date have been in Caucasian populations; thus, there
sample sizes and difficulty in appropriately adjusting is a need for studies in other ethnic/racial groups to de-
for the method of ascertainment (Jarvik, 1998). termine if the family patterns are the same across
groups. Furthermore, the lack of major gene mapping
successes in oral-facial clefting highlights the fact that
clefts are unlikely to be due to the proximate pheno-
ROLE OF SEGREGATION ANALYSIS IN FUTURE typic expression of the genes involved. Segregation
STUDIES OF ORAL-FACIAL CLEFTS analyses can be used to refine the phenotype, with a
focus on either subclinical expressions in unaffected rel-
Segregation analyses to date have primarily been con- atives [e.g., anatomic differences in the obicularis oris
cerned with testing the MFT hypothesis regarding the muscle (Martin et al., 2000)] or associated phenotypic
etiology of nonsyndromic oral-facial clefts. Although features that may be markers for developmental insta-
in some sense oral-facial clefts are due to multiple fac- bility [e.g., handedness (Wentzlaff et al., 1997) or
tors, the specific MFT statistical model that was in- cephalometric features (Ward etal., 1994)]. Once genes
voked for several years (Carter, 1976; Fraser, 1976) have been identified, segregation analysis methods can
was not well supported. As summarized in Table 18.8, also be used to help identify other factors that modify
in most studies, the MFT model either could be rejected expression at those genes.
or was equally as likely as major locus models. Despite over 200 years of interest in the familial ag-
in the current age of gene mapping, ultimate confir- gregation of oral-facial clefts, we still do not have a de-
mation of the existence of major genetic loci for cleft- finitive understanding of the genetic component of the
ing may be at hand (see Chapters 20, 21, and 23 for familiality. Segregation analyses have provided signifi-
progress to date). Until that time, there are still several cant insights, and the powerful statistical and molecu-

lar approaches available to geneticists today should Darwin, C (1875). The variation of animals and plants under do-
continue to build on that foundation. mestication, Vol. 1, second edition. New York: Appleton.
Demenais, F, Bonaiti-Pellie, C, Briard, ML, Feingold, J (1984). An
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Mode of inheritance of oral clefts


Oral clefts (OCs), including cleft lip with or without itive family history. The observed familial recurrence
cleft palate (CL/P) and isolated cleft palate (CP), com- patterns provide strong evidence for a genetic contri-
prise one of the most commonly occurring groups of bution to both conditions since the risks to relatives of
human malformations. These malformations have a affected individuals are much higher than would be ex-
profound influence on the basic human condition, af- pected if familial aggregation was attributable to the
fecting appearance, nutrition, and communication, and effects of a shared environment (Khoury et al., 1988).
require long-term, multidisciplinary treatment. Given However, the familial recurrence patterns for both
the prevalence, severity, and economic consequences of CL/P and CP are also inconsistent with the segregation
OCs, it is not surprising that there has been extensive of a single fully penetrant Mendelian disease locus.
research into their etiology and inheritance. Nonsyndromic CL/P and CP are, therefore, classified
It is generally recognized that CL/P and CP are, with as genetically complex traits (Wyszynski et al., 1996),
rare exceptions (e.g., Van der Woude's syndrome), eti- but their specific mode of inheritance has not been
ologically distinct conditions (Fogh-Andersen, 1942). clearly defined.
Further, even within these two groups, there is causal
heterogeneity; i.e., identical cleft malformations may
occur as the result of different underlying factors. Over
300 recognized causes of OCs have been identified
(Gorlin et al., 1990), including teratogenic exposures
The ability to establish mode of inheritance for a given
(e.g., antiepileptic medications), chromosomal abnor-
condition is important for at least two reasons. Knowl-
malities (e.g., deletion of chromosome 22qll), and
edge of mode of inheritance allows for more accurate
single-gene disorders (e.g., Van der Woude's syn-
genetic counseling of affected individuals and their rel-
drome). However, such factors tend to be individually
atives. In particular, when mode of inheritance is
rare and are estimated to account for only 30% of CL/P
known, recurrence risks can be based on an under-
and 50% of CP cases (Jones, 1988; Gorlin et al., 1990;
standing of the underlying disease etiology rather than
Saal, 1998).
on empiric estimates. In addition, an understanding of
At present, a specific causative agent(s) cannot be
mode of inheritance is important when designing stud-
identified for the majority (50%-70%) of OCs. In some
ies aimed at the identification of disease-causing or pre-
cases, these OCs occur in association with additional
disposing loci.
malformations and are likely to be attributable to as
yet unidentified teratogens, subtle chromosomal ab-
normalities (e.g., microdeletions), or unrecognized One vs. Many
single-gene defects. However, in many cases, the OC
occurs in isolation. This latter group constitutes the so- Efforts to determine the mode of inheritance of non-
called nonsyndromic OCs and is the focus of the re- syndromic CL/P and CP have been guided and limited
mainder of this chapter. by the methods that prevailed during a given period.
For both nonsyndromic CL/P and CP, the most con- Early investigators invoked modifications of simple
sistently identified risk factor is the presence of a pos- Mendelian inheritance (Fogh-Andersen, 1942). How-


ever, such models were largely unsatisfactory to explain various modes of inheritance that have been proposed
the observed familial recurrence patterns for these con- for CL/P and CP is provided in Chapter 18.)
ditions, which are characterized by monozygotic twin The inconsistent results obtained from complex seg-
concordance rates less than 100%, a nonlinear decline regation analyses of CL/P and CP may be attributed to
in risk to relatives with decreasing degree of genetic re- genetic heterogeneity; i.e., the genetic mechanisms un-
lationship to the proband, and recurrence risks that are derlying these conditions may differ across populations.
dependent on the severity of the proband's defect as However, given the similarity of CL/P and CP familial
well as the number of affected family members (Carter, recurrence patterns across populations (particularly
1969). Caucasian populations), it is more likely that these dif-
During the 1960s, it was recognized that multifac- ferences reflect the relatively low power of segregation
torial threshold models, which were originally devel- analyses to discriminate between single-locus and mul-
oped to explain the inheritance of continuously dis- tifactorial models of inheritance (Smith, 1971; Ott,
tributed traits, could also be applied to discrete traits 1990).
such as CL/P and CP (Falconer, 1965). Under the mul-
tifactorial threshold model, liability to a discrete trait Shifting Paradigms
is assumed to be determined by the equal, additive, and
relatively small effects of numerous genetic and envi- The multifactorial threshold and single-gene models
ronmental risk factors and to be normally distributed. that are evaluated in the context of complex segrega-
Further, the observed dichotomy in phenotypic ex- tion analysis represent two extreme classes of inheri-
pression is determined by a threshold beyond which in- tance. It is generally recognized that the mode of in-
dividuals are affected. Such models can account for heritance of many conditions, including CL/P and CP,
monozygotic twin concordance rates of less than is likely to lie between these two extremes. However,
100%, nonlinear declines in risk to relatives as a func- only in the very recent past has there been much in-
tion of the degree of genetic relationship, and risks that terest in defining more precisely the mode of inheri-
are dependent on the severity of the proband's defect tance for such conditions. This interest follows from
and/or the number of affected family members. advances in molecular genetics that offer the possibil-
The multifactorial threshold model quickly gained ity of identifying genes that contribute to the develop-
acceptance as an appropriate model for the inheritance ment of non-Mendelian or complex traits and the re-
of many common congenital anomalies, including CL/P alization that an understanding of mode of inheritance
and CP. However, the assumptions underlying this is important when designing studies to identify such
model have been criticized as being unrealistic. In ad- genes (Risch, 1990a,b; Lander and Schork, 1994).
dition, it was not until the methods of complex segre- Although mode of inheritance questions are difficult
gation analysis were developed (see Chapter 18 for de- to answer definitively, familial recurrence studies can
tails) that the fit of multifactorial threshold and offer some clues (Risch, 1990b). For a dichotomous
single-gene (i.e., Mendelian) models of inheritance to trait, such as CL/P or CP, familial recurrence is often
observed familial recurrence patterns could be directly expressed as the ratio of risk to relatives of an affected
compared. individual compared to the population prevalence, de-
Complex segregation analyses can explicitly evaluate noted AR, The subscript R denotes the type of relation
single major locus vs. multifactorial threshold models (M, monozygotic twins; S, sib; 1, parent/offspring; 2,
of inheritance. Several such analyses of CL/P have been second-degree relative; 3, third-degree relative). For ex-
conducted (Demenais et al., 1984; Marazita et al., ample, if the risk of CL/P in the offspring of affected
1986, 1992; Chung et al., 1986, 1989; Hecht et al., individuals is 0.03 and the prevalence of CL/P in the
1991; Nemana et al., 1992; Ray et al., 1993; Clementi population is 0.001, then A! is 0.03/0.001 or 30.
et al., 1995), but no clear picture had emerged from The pattern of decline in AR — 1 with decreasing de-
these studies (Mitchell, 1997). In those instances where gree of unilineal relationship is determined by the un-
it was possible to discriminate between alternate mod- derlying genetic model (Risch, 1990b). When a single
els of inheritance for CL/P, the best-fitting models var- gene contributes to disease risk, AR — 1 decreases by a
ied widely and included multifactorial inheritance as factor of 2 with each degree of unilineal relationship,
well as both autosomal recessive and autosomal dom- using the parent-offspring relationship for the first-
inant single-gene models with and without an addi- degree relatives. If the parent-offspring risk is the same
tional multifactorial component. Although fewer seg- as the sib risk (i.e., the dominance variance is 0), this
regation analyses have been performed for CP (Chung pattern will also hold for sibs and monozygotic twins.
et al., 1974; Demenais et al., 1984; Pietrzyk et al., Under single-locus inheritance, the expected risk ratio
1985), conclusions regarding the best-fitting models of to second-degree relatives is, therefore, obtained by
inheritance are also inconsistent. (A summary of the solving the following equation for AI,

as the product of the effects of the individual loci, or

3.5(3.0) = 10.0. Corresponding values for third-degree
relatives are ASI = 2.25, As2 = 2.00, and AS = 4.5. The
expected decline in risk in AR is clearly more dramatic
The expected risk ratio to third-degree relatives (As) is under this multiplicative model (A i = 30, A 2 = 10, AS =
obtained in a similar fashion. Hence, assuming a 4.5) than under the single-locus model of inheritance
single-locus model of inheritance and AI = 30, the risk (A! = 30, A 2 = 15.5, A 3 = 8.25).
ratios for second- and third-degree relatives of indi-
viduals with CL/P are expected to be 15.5 and 8.25,
respectively. Familial Recurrence Pattern Analysis
If a trait is determined by multiple loci that act in an Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate. Three analy-
additive fashion or by multiple independent loci (i.e., ses of the familial recurrence patterns observed for non-
loci that are each sufficient to cause disease), AR — 1 syndromic CL/P, using the methods described above,
will also decline by a factor of 2 with each degree of have been published (Farrall and Holder, 1992;
unilineal relationship. Hence, the expected familial re- Mitchell and Risch, 1992; Mitchell and Christensen,
currence pattern is identical under single-locus, multi- 1996). Two of these studies were based on re-analyses
ple additive loci, or multiple independent loci models of published data from multiple sources (Farrall and
of inheritance and familial recurrence studies cannot be Holder, 1992; Mitchell and Risch, 1992), whereas the
used to discriminate between these models. If, however, third was based on Danish data obtained by record
the trait is determined by multiple loci acting in a mul- linkage (Mitchell and Christensen, 1996). Despite dif-
tiplicative fashion, AR — 1 will decline by greater than ferences in the types of bias that may have influenced
a factor of 2 with each degree of relationship. the various data sets, the results from these studies are
Under a multilocus, multiplicative model of inheri- relatively consistent. In contrast to earlier segregation
tance, the rate of decrease of AR — 1 is determined by analyses, all three studies clearly excluded single-locus
the number of underlying loci as well as the degree of inheritance of CL/P. As the predictions of models with
interaction between loci; thus, it varies depending on multiple additive loci and multiple independent loci are
the specifics of the underlying model. The predictions similar to those of the single major locus model, these
of various multiplicative models can, therefore, be com- models were also excluded in each of these studies.
pared to the observed familial recurrence pattern. In Each of the familial recurrence studies of CL/P con-
general, the power to discriminate between alternate cluded that this condition is most likely determined by
multiplicative models of inheritance using this ap- multiple genes acting in a multiplicative fashion. Fur-
proach is low (Farrall and Holder, 1992). However, ther, these analyses suggest that there are likely to be
such comparisons are extremely helpful in defining the two to eight CL/P susceptibility loci and that the max-
number of genes that contribute to a trait and the max- imum effect of any one of these loci would be to in-
imum plausible effect that any one gene may have on crease the risk to first-degree relatives of affected indi-
disease risk. viduals by three- to sixfold. The analyses based on the
To estimate risk ratios under multiplicative models Danish data (Mitchell and Christensen, 1996) are sum-
of inheritance, it is necessary to specify the number and marized in Table 19.1 and suggest that CL/P is likely
magnitude of the effects at each locus in the model. For to be determined by two to three loci, with no single
example, one multiplicative model of inheritance for locus accounting for more than a threefold increase in
CL/P might predict that the observed risk ratio, AI = risk to first-degree relatives. This analysis is likely to
30, is determined by two loci, one that increases the provide the most accurate indication of the mode of in-
risk of CL/P in first-degree relatives by sixfold and a heritance of CL/P for several reasons: it is based on a
second that increases the risk by fivefold. Since these single, well-defined population, estimates of risk were
two loci are hypothesized to act multiplicatively, they obtained by record linkage rather than self-reported
are the only loci required to account for the overall in- family history, and an accurate estimate of the popu-
crease in risk observed among first-degree relatives (i.e., lation prevalence of CL/P in Denmark was used to es-
6 X 5 = 30). To calculate the risk to other types of rel- timate values of AR.
ative, the increase in AR attributable to susceptibility
locus / is determined in a manner analogous to that Cleft Palate. Two analyses of the familial recurrence
outlined above. For example, A 2 i (the risk ratio for patterns observed for nonsyndromic CP have been pub-
second-degree relatives attributable to the first locus) = lished (Fitzpatrick and Farrall, 1993; Christensen and
0.5(6 + 1) = 3.5, A22 = 0.5(5 + 1) = 3.00, and the Mitchell, 1996). One was based largely on the re-
overall risk to second-degree relatives (A 2 ) is obtained analysis of published data from multiple sources (Fitz-
TABLE 19.1. Familial Recurrence Pattern Analysis of Cleft Lip with
or without Cleft Palate in Denmark

Observed values 24.7 461 4.2 7.6*

95% CIA 292-631 2.4-6.6 3.2-13.8
Predicted values
Single-locus model 48 12.8 6.9
Multiplicative models!
An = 2.0 457 5.3 2.3
An = 3.0 339 5.7 2.5
A n = A i 2 = 1.5 482 5.2 2.3
A n = A i 2 = 2.0 343 5.6 2.5
An =A 1 2 = Ai 3 = 1.25 539 5.1 2.3
AH = Ai2 = Ai3 = 1.5 428 5.3 2.3

*Given the small number of affected second- (15/2738) and third- (8/809) degree
relatives, the observed increase in risk to third-degree relatives, compared to second-
degree relatives, is most likely attributable to random error. This pattern of risk is,
however, incompatible with any genetic model of inheritance and limits the useful-
ness of third-degree relatives for familial recurrence pattern analysis.
95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
fUnder each multiplicative model of inheritance, the remainder of the increase in
risk to first-degree relatives is attributable to a large number of loci, each with a very
small effect on risk. See Risch (1990b) for details.
Source: Mitchell and Christensen (1996).

patrick and Farrall, 1993), whereas the other was based The familial recurrence pattern exhibited by CP ap-
on Danish data obtained by record linkage (Christensen pears to be most consistent with an underlying multi-
and Mitchell, 1996). Both studies provided strong ev- plicative model of inheritance. The analyses based on
idence against single-locus inheritance of CP. Models the Danish data (Christensen and Mitchell, 1996) are
of inheritance assuming multiple additive loci and mul- summarized in Table 19.2 and suggest that CP is likely
tiple independent loci are, therefore, also unlikely for to be determined by several interacting loci. Under such
this condition. a model, no single locus is likely to account for more

TABLE 19.2. Familial Recurrence Pattern Analysis of Cleft Palate

in Denmark

Observed values 47.2 1149 4.8 0.0

95% CIA 618-1681 1.0-11.9
Predicted values
Single-locus model 93 24.1 12.6
Multiplicative models*
AH = 2.0 1671 7.3 2.8
AH = 4.0 975 8.6 3.2
AH = 6.0 681 9.8 3.8
A n = A i 2 = 2.0 1253 7.7 2.9
A i i = A ] 2 = 3.0 688 9.1 3.4
An = A ] 2 = Ai3 = 1.5 1566 7.3 2.8
An = Ai2 = Ai 3 = 2.0 940 8.2 3.0
95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
*Under each multiplicative model of inheritance, the remainder of the increase
in risk to first-degree relatives is attributable to a large number of loci, each with
a very small effect on risk. See Risch (1990b) for details.
Source: Christensen and Mitchell (1996).

than a sixfold increase in risk to first-degree relatives This work was supported in part by a grant (DEI 1388) from the
of affected individuals. National Institutes of Health.

Carter, CO (1969). Genetics of common disorders. BMJ 25: 52-57.
CONCLUSIONS Christensen, K, Mitchell, LE (1996). Familial recurrence-pattern
analysis of nonsyndromic isolated cleft palate—a Danish registry
The results of familial recurrence pattern analyses for study. Am J Hum Genet 58: 182-190.
CL/P and CP have important implications for the de- Chung, CS, Beechert, AM, Lew, RE (1989). Test of genetic hetero-
geneity of cleft lip with or without cleft palate as related to race
sign of studies aimed at the identification of specific
and severity. Genet Epidemiol 6: 625-631.
susceptibility loci. These analyses indicate that the Chung, CS, Bixler, D, Watanabe, T, et al. (1986). Segregation anal-
strongest susceptibility loci for these conditions may be ysis of cleft lip with or without cleft palate: a comparison of Dan-
associated with values of AI Z as large as 6 to 8 or as ish and Japanese data. Am J Hum Genet 39: 603-611.
small as 2 to 3. Hence, the prospect of detecting such Chung, CS, Ching, GHS, Morton, NE (1974). A genetic study of
cleft lip and palate in Hawaii. Complex segregation analysis and
loci using traditional linkage approaches will be low,
genetic risk. Am J Hum Genet 26: 177-188.
particularly if the latter estimates are correct. More- Clementi, M, Tenconi, R, Collins, ACE, Milan, M (1995). Complex
over, even nonparametric linkage approaches (e.g. af- segregation analysis in a sample of consecutive newborns with
fected pedigree members, affected sib pairs) are likely cleft lip with or without cleft palate in Italy. Hum Hered 45:
to require sample sizes that will be difficult to achieve 157-164.
Demenais, F, Bonaiti-Pellie, C, Briard, ML, Feingold, J (1984). An
for these conditions (Risch, 1990c).
epidemiological and genetic study of facial clefting in France. II.
At present, association studies (see Chapter 20) tar- Segregation analysis. J Med Genet 21: 436-440.
geted at specific candidate genes are likely to offer the Ewens, WJ, Spielman, RS (1995). The transmission/disequilibrium
most fruitful strategy for the identification of specific test: history, subdivision, and admixture. Am J Hum Genet 57:
CL/P and CP susceptibility loci. Such studies should 455-464.
Falconer, DS (1965). The inheritance of liability to certain diseases,
employ methods, such as the transmission disequilib-
estimated from the incidence among relatives. Ann Hum Genet
rium test (Spielman et al., 1993), that eliminate con- 29: 51-76.
cerns regarding false-positive findings attributable to Farrall, M, Holder, SE (1992). Familial recurrence pattern analysis
population structure (Spielman et al., 1993; Ewens and of cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Am J Hum Genet 50:
Spielman, 1995) or focus on populations where such 270-277.
Fitzpatrick, D, Farrall, M (1993). An estimation of the number of
concerns are reduced. Association studies of CL/P and
susceptibility loci for isolated cleft palate. J Craniofac Genet Dev
CP have begun to provide clues regarding the role of Biol 13: 230-235.
putative susceptibility loci (Wyszynski et al., 1996; Fogh-Andersen, P (1942). Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate.
Schutte and Murray, 1999). However, the full poten- Copenhagen: Arnold Busck.
tial of this approach may not be realized until large- Gorlin, RJ, Cohan MM, Lavin, LS (1990). Syndromes of the Head
and Neck. New York: Oxford University Press.
scale (i.e., genomewide) association studies for complex
Hecht, JT, Yang, PMW, Buetow, KH (1991). Complex segregation
diseases become feasible. analysis of nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate. Am J Hum Genet
Familial recurrence pattern analyses provide useful 49: 674-681.
information regarding the genetic contribution to com- Jones, MC (1988). Etiology of facial clefts: prospective evaluation of
plex traits. However, such analyses do not consider all 428 patients. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 25: 16-20.
Juriloff, DM (1986). Major genes that cause cleft lip in mice: progress
of the complexities that may be involved in the deter-
in the construction of a congenic strain and in linkage mapping.
mination of a particular condition. For example, in the J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 2(Suppl): 55-66.
mouse, susceptibility to CL/P is influenced by both Karolyi, IJ, Liu, S, Erickson, RP (1987). Susceptibility to phenytoin-
maternal genetic effects (Trasler and Trasler, 1984; induced cleft lip with or without cleft palate: many genes are in-
Juriloff, 1986) and gene-environment interactions volved. Genet Res Camb 49: 43-49.
Khoury, MJ, Beaty, TH, Liang, KY (1988). Can familial aggregation
(Karolyi et al., 1987). Although such factors may also
of disease be explained by familial aggregation of environmental
influence susceptibility to CL/P and CP in humans, their factors. Am J Epidemiol 127: 674-683.
impact on familial recurrence patterns and on conclu- Lander, ES, Schork, NJ (1994). Genetic dissection of complex traits.
sions regarding mode of inheritance drawn from these Science 265: 2037-2048.
patterns are difficult to predict. Hence, at present, mode Marazita, ML, Goldstein, AM, Smalley, SL, et al. (1986). Cleft lip
with or without cleft palate: reanalysis of a three-generation fam-
of inheritance of CL/P and CP remains a vaguely de-
ily study from England. Genet Epidemiol 3: 335-342.
fined concept that is unlikely to be fully elucidated un- Marazita, ML, Hu, D-N, Spence, MA, et al. (1992). Cleft lip with
til the specific causes of these conditions have been or without cleft palate in Shanghai, China: evidence for an au-
identified. tosomal major locus. Am J Hum Genet 51: 648-653.

Mitchell, LE (1997). Genetic epidemiology of birth defects: nonsyn- Risch, N (1990b). Linkage strategies for genetically complex traits.
dromic cleft lip and neural tube defects. Epidemiol Rev 19: 61-68. I. Multilocus models. Am J Hum Genet 46: 222-228.
Mitchell, LE, Christensen, K (1996). Analysis of the recurrence pat- Risch, N (1990c). Linkage strategies for genetically complex traits.
terns for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in II. The power of affected relative pairs. Am J Hum Genet 46:
the families of 3,073 Danish probands. Am J Med Genet 61: 229-241.
371-376. Saal, HM (1998). Syndromes and malformations associated with cleft
Mitchell, LE, Risch, N (1992). Mode of inheritance of nonsyndromic lip with or without clerft palate. Am J Hum Genet 63S: A118.
cleft lip with or without cleft palate: a reanalysis. Am J Hum Schutte, BC, Murray, JC (1999). The many faces and factors of oro-
Genet 51: 323-332. facial clefts. Hum Mol Genet 8: 1853-1859.
Nemana, LJ, Marazita, ML, Melnick, M (1992). Genetic analysis of
Smith, C (1971). Discriminating between different modes of inheri-
cleft lip with or without cleft palate in Madras, India. Am J Med
tance in genetic disease. Clin Genet 2: 303-314.
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Ott, J (1990). Cutting a Gordian knot in linkage analysis of com- Spielman, RS, McGinnis, RE, Ewens, WJ (1993). Transmission test
plex human traits. Am J Hum Genet 46: 219-221. for linkage disequilibrium: the insulin gene region and insulin-
Pietrzyk, JJ, Rozanski, BS, Swisterska, E (1985). Genetic analysis of dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Am J Hum Genet 52:
cleft lip and cleft palate in S. Poland: complex segregation anal- 506-516.
ysis. Acta Anthropogenet 9: 140-152. Trasler, DG, Trasler, TA (1984). Left cleft lip predominance and ge-
Ray, AK, Field, LL, Marazita, ML (1993). Nonsyndromic cleft lip netic similarities of L line and CL/Fr strain mice. Teratology 30:
with or without cleft palate in West Bengal, India: evidence for 423-427.
an autosomal major locus. Am J Hum Genet 52: 1006-1011. Wyszynski, DF, Beaty, TH, Maestri, NE (1996). Genetics of non-
Risch, N (1990a). Genetic linkage and complex diseases, with spe- syndromic oral clefts revisited. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 33:
cial reference to psychiatric disorders. Genet Epidemiol 7: 3-16. 406^17.

Association studies


Association methods are used as an adjunct to linkage duce an actual disease state. This concept does not ex-
approaches for gene mapping, especially for complex clude the possibility that Mendelian genes for a com-
traits. In association analysis, one compares the allele plex disorder segregate in atypical families or that one
frequencies of a genetic marker or candidate gene be- or a few of the underlying susceptibility genes exert rel-
tween groups of affected individuals vs. controls. If al- atively large effects. Indeed, for several complex disor-
lele frequencies differ significantly between the two ders, including coronary artery disease (Ozturk and
groups, then a specific allele at the marker or candi- Killeen, 1999), breast cancer (Bennett et al., 1999), and
date locus is said to be associated with the disease at Alzheimer's disease (St. George-Hyslop, 2000), linkage
the population level. Genetic linkage between a marker analysis has been used successfully to locate unusual
and a disease gene implies that alleles at the marker lo- genetic mutations that exert major effects in a subset
cus co-segregate with the disease allele within families. of families.
With linkage, different marker alleles may co-segregate However, for other complex traits, such as bipolar
with the disease allele in different families and the over- disorder (Berrettini, 2000), obesity (Chagnon et al.,
all frequencies of the marker alleles, as calculated from 1998), and oral-facial clefting (Murray, 1995; Carinci
population-based samples, need not vary between af- et al., 2000), linkage analysis has produced either neg-
fected and control groups. For the purposes of this dis- ative results or a plethora of weak, positive results that
cussion, two loci are in linkage equilibrium when they are not easily replicated. Theoretical research suggests
are linked but not associated. Linkage disequilibrium several reasons for the ambiguity of the linkage results
occurs when two genes are both linked within families in these cases. First, if a disease gene is neither neces-
and associated in the population. sary nor sufficient to cause a disease but rather is a
The procedures for mapping, cloning, and charac- "modifier" gene that elevates a non-zero baseline risk,
terizing genes for rare, Mendelian diseases are now well conventional parametric linkage analysis may not de-
established. Consequently, progress in mapping tect it, even for close genetic linkage (Greenberg, 1993).
Mendelian traits has been dramatic over the past sev- Second, if the relative contribution of a gene to a dis-
eral years. In contrast, genes contributing to common, ease phenotype is small, i.e., the disease susceptibility
complex diseases such as oral-facial clefting have been allele raises the risk by a factor of <2, linkage analy-
much more difficult to isolate. Complex diseases are sis using affected sib pairs will not be powerful enough
those for which no single dominant or recessive mode to detect the gene, given realistic sample sizes (Risch
of inheritance adequately explains the observed pat- and Merikangas, 1996). Thus, linkage analysis may not
terns of transmission in families. In the absence of spe- be a useful strategy to detect modifier genes or genes
cific genetic models, the etiology of complex diseases that exert small effects, precisely those genes which
is often conceptualized as being due to multiple factors, might operate in oral-facial clefting and many other
i.e., several genetic loci interacting with each other to complex disorders. In light of these issues, attention has
produce an underlying susceptibility, which in turn shifted away from linkage analysis to association
interacts with additional environmental factors to pro- analysis as an alternative means of locating disease-


susceptibility genes, especially since association studies mosome as A2 the other 40% of the time. Linkage still
can sometimes detect weaker effects than linkage anal- exists, but the population-based association due to link-
ysis (Hodge, 1994). age disequilibrium is gone; i.e., M and A have reached
Two types of association analysis are commonly em- linkage equilibrium.
ployed in genetic studies: population-based and family- In the absence of selection, the degree of linkage dis-
based (Hodge, 1993). The population-based approach equilibrium depends on two factors: (1) the distance of
utilizes a standard case-control design, in which marker the marker from the disease-susceptibility mutation and
allele frequencies are compared between cases (affected (2) the time elapsed since either the disease or the
individuals) and controls (either unaffected individuals marker mutation occurred. A relatively recent disease-
or individuals randomly chosen from the population). susceptibility mutation will be in linkage disequilibrium
When a positive association is found, several interpre- with its adjacent markers as a function of the genetic
tations are possible: (1) the associated allele itself is the distance between disease mutation and marker. For ex-
disease-predisposing allele, (2) the associated allele is ample, disease mutations occurring up to 60,000 years
in linkage disequilibrium with the actual disease- ago demonstrate linkage disequilibrium with adjacent
predisposing locus, (3) the association is due to popu- markers when the recombination rate between them is
lation stratification, or (4) the association is a sampling, 1 in 1000 (Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer, 1971). How-
or statistical, artifact. ever, except for the most tightly linked markers, an-
The first two interpretations represent the alternative cient disease-susceptibility mutations will show a pat-
hypotheses of interest in a gene-mapping context. These tern of linkage disequilibrium that does not depend
two alternatives are not readily distinguishable using solely on the distance to adjacent markers but also on
either population-based or family-based association the time at which the adjacent markers mutated. Re-
strategies (Hodge, 1994). In case 1, the marker itself is cent marker mutations will be in varying degrees of
the disease-susceptibility locus. This outcome is the ra- linkage disequilibrium with the disease mutation, while
tionale behind candidate-gene studies, in which the older marker mutations will not, even when they are
genes being tested have some a priori expectation of physically closer to it. Thus, lack of association still al-
being directly involved in the disease process. A classic lows for the possibility that the marker is closely linked
example is the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, but in linkage equilibrium with the disease-susceptibility
in which various HLA haplotypes are associated with gene. A positive association suggests that the disease-
a number of diseases, including insulin-dependent dia- susceptibility gene is close to the marker, probably
betes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing within 1 cM and possibly within kilobases of it. How-
spondylitis (Thomson, 1988). ever, the degree of linkage disequilibrium can vary
Case 2 occurs if the actual disease-susceptibility mu- throughout the genome or in different populations. In
tation is at a second, unknown locus that is so close to specific cases, such as genetically isolated populations,
the marker that it is still in linkage disequilibrium with linkage disequilibrium can exist even if the distance be-
it. This interpretation may be invoked if there is no ob- tween a marker and a disease locus is greater than 1
vious functional connection between the marker and cM. However, a positive result from a population-
the disease, e.g., if the associated allele is not located based association test can also be artifactual, either be-
within the promoter or coding region of a gene. To cause of population stratification (case 3 above) or
fully appreciate the nature of associations due to link- sampling error (case 4). Stringent significance levels and
age disequilibrium, it is necessary to consider carefully larger sample sizes can help to reduce sampling error.
how linkage disequilibrium occurs. When a new mu- Population stratification is more problematic. If the
tation first appears in the genome, it occurs on one spe- marker allele frequencies differ among ethnic groups
cific chromosome and is in complete linkage disequi- and the case and control samples contain different pro-
librium with any polymorphic markers in the adjacent portions of these ethnic groups, an artifactual positive
DNA. For example, if a mutation, M, occurs near the association due to allele frequency differences among
Al allele of genetic locus A (with allele frequencies of ethnic groups may be misinterpreted as evidence for a
0.6 and 0.4 for Al and A2, respectively), Al will be disease-susceptibility gene. Thus, case and control
associated with 100% of the M mutations, while A2 is groups should be matched as closely as possible for eth-
never associated with M mutations. This is a popula- nicity, to avoid creating an association due to popula-
tion-based association between M and Al, due to com- tion stratification. The population-based association of
plete linkage disequilibrium between mutation M and alcoholism with the TaqI Al allele from the dopamine
locus A. With time, recombination will shuffle M and D2 receptor locus illustrates the difficulty in deciding
Al so that eventually M will be on the same chromo- among various possible interpretations (Neiswanger et
some as A1 60% of the time and on the same chro- al., 1995a,b).

To avoid the effects of unknown population stratifi- have proposed methods to obtain exact p values for
cation, alternative association analysis strategies that TDTs for multiallelic markers. A sibship test has also
use family members as controls have been proposed. been developed, in which unaffected siblings, rather
Such statistical methods are collectively known as than parents, are used as controls (Curtis, 1997;
family-based association studies (Hodge, 1993). Tests Boehnke and Langefeld, 1998; Horvath and Laird,
of this type include genotype- and haplotype-based hap- 1998; Spielman and Ewens, 1998). Extensions of the
lotype relative risk methods (Falk and Rubinstein, TDT have been proposed that use nuclear family or
1987; Terwilliger and Ott, 1992), affected family-based pedigree data (Cleves et al., 1997; Martin et al., 1997,
controls (Thomson, 1995), the heterozygote transmis- 2000), allow for incomplete data (Weinberg, 1999), in-
sion test (Swift et al., 1990), and the transmission dis- corporate covariates (Lunetta et al., 2000), and extend
equilibrium test (TDT) (Spielman et al., 1993; Ewens to quantitative traits (Allison, 1997; Rabinowitz, 1997;
and Spielman, 1995). Of these methods, the TDT has Fulker et al., 1999; Abecasis et al., 2000; Monks and
been widely applied in studies of complex traits, in- Kaplan, 2000). As increasingly dense marker maps be-
cluding a oral-facial clefting. The TDT determines come available, many investigators advocate the TDT
whether a given marker allele is transmitted from a het- for genomewide screening. Camp (1997, 1999) re-
erozygous parent to an affected child more often than viewed the arguments, provided calculations of power
the 50% expected frequency. The TDT cannot detect under a range of assumptions for genome scans of com-
either linkage or association in the absence of linkage plex traits, and demonstrated that TDT approaches
disequilibrium. Therefore, in general populations, the have greater power than sib-pair identity-by-descent
TDT will not detect linkage at distances much greater linkage methods. The TDT methods continue to de-
than 1 cM. However, neither will it generate an arti- velop rapidly; any such new approaches may become
factual association due to population stratification. relevant to studies of oral-facial clefts in the future.
Spielman and co-workers (Spielman et al., 1993; Gene-mapping studies of oral-facial clefts have uti-
Ewens and Spielman, 1995) introduced the TDT in lized both linkage and association methods. Table 20.1
1993, with modifications by several groups to extend summarizes chromosomal regions that have shown pos-
the test to multiple alleles (Bickeboller and Clerget- itive results (p < 0.05, lod > 3.0) from at least one as-
Darpoux, 1995; Rice et al., 1995; Sham and Curtis, sociation or linkage study in humans, along with any
1995; Cleves et al., 1997; Kaplan et al., 1997a,b; Sham, additional evidence from animal models or chromoso-
1997). Cleves et al. (1997) and Kaplan et al. (1997a) mal rearrangements [see also the reviews by Wyszyn-

TABLE 20.1. Chromosomal Regions that Have Shown Positive Linkage or Association Results for
Oral-Facial Clefting
Association studies

Region Genetic Locus CL/P or CP Linkage Studies Case-Control TDT or AFBAC Other Evidence

2pl3 TGFA CL/P - ++/- ++/- EXP

CP - ++/-
4pl6 MSX1 CL/P - +/- - CH/KO/EXP
CP N/A +/- +/-
4q31 anonymous CL/P +/- +/-
6p23 anonymous CL/P ++/- N/A N/A CH/KO
14q24 TGFB3 CL/P - KO/EXP
CP N/A +/- +/-
17q21 KARA CL/P +/- ++/- - TG/EXP
19ql3 BCL3 CL/P +/- - ++/- CH

CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate; TDT, transmission disequilibrium test; AFBAC, family-based control; —, one
or more negative studies; +, one positive study; ++, more than one positive study; CH, chromosome deletion (recurrent) or translocation;
KO, knockout mouse; TG, transgenic mouse; EXP, expression studies; N/A, not available.
ski et al. (1996) and Carinci et al. (2000)]. Regions on clefting: some studies included only familial cases, some
chromosomes 2, 4, 6, 14, 17, and 19 have had posi- studies included only sporadic cases, and many studies
tive findings. Chapter 21 provides more detail about included both familial and sporadic cases in varying
linkage results in oral-facial clefting, Chapter 22 details proportions, If there are different etiologic factors that
animal model studies, and Chapter 23 summarizes are important in familial vs. sporadic clefting, then it
gene-environment studies. This chapter provides a is not surprising that association study results differ.
comprehensive review of the results from published al- Furthermore, there were different proportions of CL
lelic association studies. vs. CLP cases, different types of data (case-control vs.
Table 20.2 summarizes all published association nuclear triads vs. nuclear families vs. extended kin-
studies with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without dreds), different types of analysis, and different TGFA
cleft palate (CL/P) and cleft palate (CP), whether uti- markers employed. Sample size may also be a factor,
lizing population-based or family-based controls. Pre- although most of the published studies were sufficiently
sented in the table are all published studies of the re- large for valid conclusions.
gions with positive association results in at least one Any of these factors could account for the inconsis-
study. There are a few additional loci and chromoso- tent results. However, there is no consistent correlation
mal regions that have only negative results reported in between any of the above factors and association; i.e.,
the literature, although there are no comprehensive, there are positive and negative associations with TGFA
genomewide association results. Also, there are many in each possible study design. In general, studies with
studies for some loci and few studies for others; this is fewer familial cases were less likely to exhibit a posi-
not a reflection of the strength of the evidence for any tive association with TGFA. There were also no posi-
particular association but merely a reflection of the in- tive results in Asians, although there were only two
terest in particular loci. In Table 20.2 we present the studies [Filipinos studied by Lidral et al. (1997) and
statistics reported in the original papers. Wyszynski et Chinese studied by Marazita et al. (2001)], too few to
al. (1996), Mitchell (1996), and Carinci et al. (2000) draw any conclusion about TGFA and ethnicity. A
instead present odds ratios calculated from the raw meta-analysis of pre-1996 studies (Mitchell, 1996) con-
case-control data of the original references. cluded that there was positive evidence of association
The first published association studies for oral-facial between CL/P and TGFA in Caucasians (odds ratio
clefts evaluated association with alleles at loci within 1.43, 95% confidence interval 1.12-1.80). The meta-
the major histocompatibility system (HLA) (Bonner et analysis found significant heterogeneity between Cau-
al., 1978; Van Dyke et al., 1980, 1983; Watanabe et casian studies in the allele frequencies of cases but not
al., 1984). They examined HLA because susceptibility controls. Thus, heterogeneity between studies is un-
to cortisone-induced CP in some mouse strains is as- likely to be due to ethnicity differences; it is more likely
sociated primarily with genotypes at the H2 locus (Bon- to be due to the differing proportions of familial and/or
ner and Slavkin, 1975; see also Chapter 22). Although severe cases of clefting (Mitchell, 1996).
several studies have been conducted in Caucasian and There are additional etiologic clues from association
Asian populations, no overall positive associations be- studies of TGFA and clefting. A few studies were con-
tween HLA and CL/P or CP have been found. sistent, with TGFA modifying cleft severity, i.e., with
The first positive association with oral-facial clefts significantly different TGFA allele patterns between CL
was a population-based association between CL/P and and CLP cases. Also, some association studies reported
a TaqI restriction site polymorphism in the transform- an interaction between maternal smoking and TGFA,
ing growth factor-a locus (TGFA) (Ardinger et al., which increased the risk of clefts, although other stud-
1989). Interestingly, this locus was studied as a candi- ies failed to find such an interaction (see Chapter 23
date because of its involvement in CP in the mouse. for a summary of gene-environment interaction stud-
The TGFA association with CL/P has since been repli- ies). Finally, as noted earlier, different TGFA markers
cated in several studies, but several other studies have have been assessed in different studies. Of possible eti-
failed to confirm it (Table 20.2). An association of ologic significance, some studies tested multiple TGPA
TGFA with CP has also been reported, although most markers, with usually only one of the markers show-
studies of TGFA and CP have failed to find an associ- ing an association with clefting.
ation (Table 20.2). Machida et al. (1999) characterized the intron-exon
There are many possible reasons for the conflicting boundaries in TGFA, as well as a substantial portion
TGFA association study results. Although the majority of additional untranslated sequence. They identified
of the studies have been in Caucasian populations, the five regions of human-mouse homology outside of the
data sets are heterogeneous in several ways. There are coding sequence, with a particularly high degree of ho-
differing proportions of cases with a family history of mology scattered throughout the 3'-untranslated region
TABLE 20.2. Summary of Association Studies of Oral-Facial Clefting for Chromosomal Regions with at Least One Study Showing Positive Evidence of
Polymorphic Significant
Region Locus Analytic Method* OR (95% CI) p Value Association? Population Reference

Association studies for cleft lip with or without cleft palate

2pl3 TGFA, Taql Case-control — 0.0047 Yes U.S. Caucasian (80 cases, Ardinger et al. (1989)
102 controls), family history
not reported
TGFA, BamHl Case-control — 0.0052 Yes U.S. Caucasian (80 cases,
102 controls), family history
not reported
TGFA, Taql Case-control — 0.0003 Yes Australian Caucasian (96 Chenevix-Trench et al. (1991)
cases, 100 controls), 48
cases with a family history
of clefting
TGFA, Taql Case-control 1.77 (1.00-3.26) 0.049 Yes Australian Caucasian (117 Chenevix-Trench et al.
cases, 113 controls), about (1992)^:
50% with a family history of
2.23 (1.30-3.82) 0.005 Yes Add 63 controls from
Hayward et al. (1988)
TGFA, BamHl Case-control 1.78 (0.89-3.50) 0.053 No Australian Caucasian (115
cases, 112 controls), about
50% with a family history of
TGFA, Taql Case-control, — <0.001 Yes British Caucasian (57 cases, Holder et al. (1992)1:
C2 allele 60 controls), 21 cases with a
Case-control, — <0.01 Yes family history of clefting
C2C2 genotype
TGFA, BamHl Case-control — 0.85 No British Caucasian (57 cases,
60 controls), 21 cases with a
family history of clefting
TGFA, Taql Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (67 Stoll et al. (1992)
cases, 90 controls), sporadic
cases only
TGFA, BamHl Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (67
cases, 90 controls) sporadic
cases only
TGFA, Taql Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (98 Stoll et al. (1993)t
cases, 99 controls), sporadic [includes data from
cases only Stoll et al. (1992)]
TGFA, BamHl Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (98
cases, 99 controls), sporadic
cases only
TGFA, Taql Case-control 2.07 (1.06-4.04) 0.03 Yes U.S. Caucasian (83 cases, Sassani et al. (1993)«
84 controls)
Case-control Pooled OR = 1.95 0.02 Yes U.S. Caucasian (83 cases,
84 controls) plus Asian (6
cases, 6 controls) and
African-American (11
cases, 8 controls), 14 with a
family history of clefting
TGFA, Taql TDT <0.005 Yes U.S. and British Caucasian Feng et al. (1994)
(13 multiplex families) [the 36 simplex cases
U.S. Caucasian (36 simplex were derived from the
families) subjects of Sassani et al.
TGFA, SSCP-K Case-control 0.407 No West Bengal, Indian (34 Field et al. (1994)
(family member affected individuals, 38 [overall results were
controls) unaffected from 14 nonsignificant but CL
AFBAC 0.581 No multiplex families) differed significantly
from CLP]
CL vs. CLP 0.00008 Yes West Bengal, Indian (23 CL,
AFBAC 0.002 Yes 11 CLP)
TGFA, Taql Case-control 1.20 (0.65-2.20) 0.51 No U.S. Caucasian (114 cases, Hwang et al. (1995)"
284 noncleft, other birth
defect controls)
TGFA, Taql Case-control 0.97 No Chilean admixed Jara et al. (1995)5
(39 cases, 51 controls), 16
cases had a family history of
TGFA, BamHl Case-control 5.55 (1.14-36.83) 0.014 Yes Chilean admixed
(39 cases, 51 controls), 16
cases had a family history of
TGFA, Taql Case-control 0.92 (0.54-1.50) No U.S. Caucasian (190 cases, Shaw et al. (1996)«
379 controls)
Case-control 1.6 (0.40-4.3) No U.S. Hispanic (85 cases,
175 controls)
Case-control 1.3 (0.04-23.9) No U.S. African-American (8
cases, 20 controls)
All include some cases with a
family history of clefts
TGFA, Taql Case-control, 1.43 (1.12-1.80) Yes Caucasian cases and Mitchell (1996) [includes
Meta-analysis controls studies with Caucasians^:
and other groups^ plus
Case-control, 1.42 (1.16-1.73) Yes All cases and controls controls from Hayward
Meta-analysis et al. (1988)]
TGFA, Taql Case-control, 2.23 (0.51-9.75) No U.S. Caucasian (15 bilateral Beaty et al. (1997)
bilateral CLP cases CLP cases, 86 controls)
Case-control, 2.09 (0.15-7.75) No U.S. Caucasian (22 bilateral
bilateral CL cases CL cases, 86 controls)
TABLE 20.2. Summary of Association Studies of Oral-Facial Clefting for Chromosomal Regions with at Least One Study Showing Positive Evidence of
Association (continued)
Results f
Polymorphic Significant
Region Locus Analytic Method* OR (95% CI) p Value Association? Population Reference
Case-control, 0.81 (0.20-3.25) — No U.S. Caucasian (38 unilateral
unilateral CL cases CL cases, 86 controls)
Mix of familial and non-
familial cases
TGFA, Taql Case-control — 0.84 No Filipino (652 cases, 776 Lidral et al. (1997)$
TGFA TDT, logistic OR from 0.248 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
(D2S443) regression, CL regression = 0.67 other (28 CL case-parent
cases triads)
TDT, logistic 0.013 Yes U.S., 87% Caucasian/13%
regression, CLP OR from other (66 CLP case-parent
cases regression = 5.50 triads)
TGFA TDT — 0.657 No U.S. Caucasian (35 Wyszynski et al. (1997a)
(D2S443) multiplex families)
TDT — 0.457 No Mexican (22 multiplex
TGFA, Case-control — 0.84 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (189 Lidral et al. (1998) [includes
GGAA4D07 cases, 209 controls) subjects of Ardinger
et al. (1989)]
TGFA, Taql Case-control 0.85 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (182
cases, 251 controls)
TGFA, Taql TDT — 0.847 No Italian Caucasian (40 Scapoli et al. (1998)
multiplex families)
TDT, pooled 0.297 No 40 Italian families plus 16
with Feng et al. U.S. and British Caucasian
(1994) families (Feng et al., 1994)
TGFA, Taql Case-control, 1.20 (0.70-2.08) — No Danish Caucasian (94 cases, Christensen et al. (1999)
nonsmoking 259 controls with
mother (2 alleles) nonsmoking mothers)
Case-control, 1.03 (0.54-1.94) — No Danish Caucasian (94 cases,
smoking mother 185 controls with smoking
(2 alleles) mothers)
TGFA, SSCP-K Case-control — 0.017 Yes Japanese (43 cases, 73 Tanabe et al. (2000)
TGFA, Taql Case-control 0.867 No controls)
TGFA, SSCP TDT, total — 0.17 No Chinese (Shanghai, 58 Marazita et al. (2001)
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.34 No Chinese (Shanghai, 41
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.42 No Chinese (Shanghai, 17
multiplex families)
4pl6 MSX1 Case-control — 0.26 No Filipino (637 cases, 746 Lidral et al. (1997)
MSX1, CA Case-control — 0.35 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (198 Lidral et al. (1998) [includes
TDT 0.93 No cases, 275 controls/133 subjects from Ardinger
AFBAC 0.92 No case-parent triads) et al. (1989)]
MSX1, XI.1 Case-control — 0.80 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (185
TDT 0.95 No cases, 165 controls/133
AFBAC 0.87 No case-parent triads)
MSX1, X1.3 Case-control — 0.005 Yes U.S., 95% Caucasian (197
TDT 0.41 No cases, 159 controls/133
AFBAC 0.46 No case-parent triads)
MSX1, X2.1 Case-control — 0.44 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (187
TDT 0.68 No cases, 200 controls/133
AFBAC 0.55 No case-parent triads)
MSX1, X2.4 Case-control — 0.68 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (179
TDT 0.41 No cases, 74 controls/133 case-
AFBAC 0.60 No parent triads)
MSX1 TDT, total — 0.26 No Chinese (Shanghai, 22 Marazita et al. (2001)
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.75 No Chinese (Shanghai, 15
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.25 No Chinese (Shanghai, 7
multiplex families)
4q31 D4S192 Case-control, — 0.002 Yes Australian Caucasian (95 Mitchell et al. (1995) [these
overall allele cases, 254 controls), 59 cases and 94 of the controls
distribution patients had a family history are included in Chenevix-
Case-control, 2 1.75 (1.24-2.47) 0.0013 Yes of clefting Trench et al. (1992)]
high-risk alleles
vs. all others
D4S192 Case-control,
allele 87 1.98 (0.98^.04) 0.0256 Yes Chilean (78 total cases, 35 Paredes et al. (1999)
D4S175 Case-control, from simplex families, 43
allele 130 2.47(0.99-6.31) 0.0088 Yes from multiplex; 124
unaffected relatives; 85
D4S175 TDT, total — 0.98 No Chinese (Shanghai, 28 Marazita et al. (2001)
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.99 No Chinese (Shanghai, 22
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 1.00 No Chinese (Shanghai, 6
multiplex families)
D4S175 TDT, total — 0.86 No Chinese (Shanghai, 59
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.92 No Chinese (Shanghai, 42
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.34 No Chinese (Shanghai, 17
multiplex families)
14q24 TGFB3 TDT, logistic OR from 0.074 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
(D14S61) regression, CL regression = 2.17 other (27 CL case-parent
cases triads)
TDT, logistic OR from 0.057 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13%
regression, CLP regression = 1.62 other (68 CLP case-parent
cases triads)
TGFB3 Case-control — 0.92 No Filipinos (282 cases, 440 Lidral et al. (1997)
TGFB3, CA Case-control — 0.27 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (175 Lidral et al. (1998)
TDT 0.51 No cases, 243 controls/133 [includes subjects from
AFBAC 0.63 No case-parent triads) Ardinger et al. (1989)]
TGFB3, Case-control — 0.45 No U.S. 95% Caucasian (177
5' UTR.l TDT 0.11 No cases, 241 controls/133
AFBAC 0.11 No case-parent triads)
TABLE 20.2. Summary of Association Studies of Oral-Facial Clefting for Chromosomal Regions with at Least One Study Showing Positive Evidence of
Association (continued)
Polymorphic Significant
Region Locus Analytic Method* OR (95% CI) p Value Association? Population Reference

TGFB3, X5.1 Case-control — 0.63 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (82

TDT 0.05 No cases, 65 controls/133 case-
AFBAC 0.08 No parent triads)
TGFB3, CA Case-control — 0.52 No Japanese (43 cases, 73 Tanabe et al. (2000)
17q21 KARA, Pstl Case-control 2.11 (1.10-4.02) — Yes Australian Caucasian (110 Chenevix-Trench et al. (1992)
cases, 75 controls), about 50%
with a family history of
KARA Case-control — 0.44 No West Bengal, Indian (35 Shaw et al. (1993) [overall
(D17S579) (family member affected individuals, 41 results were nonsignificant,
controls) unaffected from 14 but CL differed
multiplex families) significantly from CLP]
CL vs. CLP — 0.029 Yes West Bengal, Indian (24 CL,
11 CLP)
RARA, Pstl Case-control 1.34 (0.72-2.43) — No British Caucasian (61 cases, Vintiner et al. (1993)
60 controls)
RARA Pstl Case-control 1.60 (1.10-2.30) — Yes Australian Caucasian (170 Mitchell et al. (1995)
cases, 135 controls)
RARA TDT, logistic OR from 0.088 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
(THRA1) regression CL regression = 2.00 other (23 CL case-parent
cases triads)
TDT, logistic OR from 0.208 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13%
regression CLP regression = 1.32 other (65 CLP case-parent
cases triads)
TDT, logistic — 0.047 Yes U.S., 87% Caucasian/13%
regression CL other (88 CL/P case-parent
plus CLP cases triads)
D17S250 TDT, total — 0.69 No Chinese (Shanghai, 55 Marazita et al. (2001)
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.98 No Chinese (Shanghai, 40
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.12 No Chinese (Shanghai, 15
multiplex families)
D17S579 TDT, total — 0.45 No Chinese (Shanghai, 52
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.72 No Chinese (Shanghai, 38
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.83 No Chinese (Shanghai, 14
multiplex families)
19ql3 BCL3 TDT, marginal — 0.181 No [see U.S. multiplex, Stein et al. (1995),
homogeneity test, Amos et al. multigenerational families Amos et al. (1996b)
all affecteds (1996)] (38 Caucasian, 1 African-
TDT, 1 nuclear 3 alleles American)
family/kindred 0.25
D19S178 TDT, marginal — 0.011 Yes [but U.S. multiplex, Stein et al. (1995),
homogeneity test, was not re- multigenerational families Amos et al. (1996b)
all affecteds tested by (38 Caucasian, 1 African-
TDT, 1 nuclear 3 alleles Amos et al. American)
family/kindred 0.006 (1996)]
BCL3 TDT, marginal — 0.03 Yes U.S. sporadic cases (30 Amos et al. (1996a)
homogeneity test case-parent triads: 27
TDT 3 alleles, Caucasian, 1 Asian, 2
0.03 African-American)
D19S178 TDT, marginal — 0.017 Yes U.S. sporadic cases (30 Amos et al. (1996a)
homogeneity test case-parent triads: 27
TDT 2 alleles, Caucasian, 1 Asian, 2
0.004 African-American)
BCL3 TDT — 0.0005 Yes U.S. Caucasian (58 Wyszynski et al. (1997b)
proband-parent triads from
30 multiplex families)
TDT — 0.0616 No Mexican (32 proband-parent
triads from 11 multiplex
TDT — <0.0001 Yes Combined (90 trios from 41
U.S. and Mexican families)
BCL3 TDT, logistic OR from 0.010 Yes U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
regression CL regression = 3.40 other (20 CL case-parent
cases triads)
TDT, logistic OR from 0.217 Yes U.S., 87% Caucasian/13%
regression CLP regression = 1.42 other (40 CL case-parent
cases triads)
BCL3 Case-control Results not — No U.S, 95% Caucasian (243 Lidral et al. (1998)
presented in cases, controls not [includes subjects from
detail enumerated) Ardinger et al. (1989)]
BCL3 TDT — 0.768 No Italian Caucasian (40 Martinelli et al. (1998)
multiplex families) [these are the same
families reported in
Scapoli et al. (1998)]
D19S574 TDT, alleles — 0.065 No Italian Caucasian (40 Martinelli et al. (1998)
multiplex families) [these are the same
TDT, genotypes — 0.015 Yes families reported in
Scapoli et al. (1998)]
ApoC2 TDT, total — 0.49 No Chinese (Shanghai, 48 Marazita et al. (2001)
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.29 No Chinese (Shanghai, 36
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.45 No Chinese (Shanghai, 12
multiplex families)
D19S49 TDT, total — 0.004 Yes Chinese (Shanghai, 29
multiplex families)
TDT, CLP — 0.09 No Chinese (Shanghai, 20
multiplex families)
TDT, CL — 0.25 No Chinese (Shanghai, 9
multiplex families)

TABLE 20.2. Summary of Association Studies of Oral-Facial Clefting for Chromosomal Regions with at Least One Study Showing Positive Evidence of
Association (continued)
Polymorphic Significant
Region Locus Analytic Method* OR (95% CI) p Value Association? Population Reference

Association studies of cleft palate alone

2pl3 TGFA, Taql Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (38 Stoll et al. (1992)
cases, 99 controls), sporadic
cases only
TGFA, BamHl Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (38
cases, 99 controls), sporadic
cases only
TGFA, Taql Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (57 Stoll et al. (1993) [includes
cases, 99 controls), sporadic data from Stoll et al.
cases only (1992)]
TGFA, BamHl Case-control — >0.05 No Alsatian Caucasian (57
cases, 99 controls), sporadic
cases only
TGFA, Taql Case-control 2.64 (1.31-5.31) — Yes U.S. Caucasian (43 cases, Shiang et al. (1993)
170 controls)
TGFA, Taql Case-control 2.17 (1.13-4.16) 0.015 Yes U.S. Caucasian (69 cases, Hwang et al. (1995)
284 noncleft, other birth
defect controls)
TGFA, Taql Case-control 1.6 (0.83-2.90) — No U.S. Caucasian (77 cases, Shaw et al. (1996)
379 controls)
Case-control 0.65 (0.03-5.30) — No U.S. Hispanic (24 cases,
175 controls)
Case-control 3.0 (0.08-79.3) — No U.S. African-American (4
cases, 20 controls)
All include some cases with
family history of clefts
TGFA, Taql Case-control — 0.37 No Filipinos (97 cases, 776 Lidral et al. (1997)
TGFA, Taql Case-control 1.40 (0.45-4.33) — No U.S. Caucasians (46 cases, Beaty et al. (1997)
86 controls), mix of familial
and nonfamilial cases
TGFA TDT, logistic OR from 0.197 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
(D2S443) regression regression = 2.50 other (47 CP case-parent
TGFA, Case-control — 0.66 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (57 Lidral et al. (1998) [includes
GGAA4D07 cases, 209 controls) subjects from Ardinger
et al. (1989)]
TGFA, Taql Case-control 0.62 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (62
cases, 251 controls)
TGFA, Taql Case-control, 1.19 (0.55-2.57) — No Danish Caucasian (40 Christensen et al. (1999)
with nonsmoking cases, 259 controls with
mothers nonsmoking mothers)
Case-control, 0.72 (0.26-2.00) — No Danish Caucasian (24
with smoking cases, 185 controls with
mothers smoking mothers)
4pl6 MSX1 Case-control — 0.91 No Filipino (92 cases, 746 Lidral et al. (1997)
MSX1, CA Case-control — 0.027 Yes U.S., 95% Caucasian (60 Lidral et al. (1998) [includes
TDT 0.11 No cases, 275 controls/61 case- subjects from Ardinger
AFBAC 0.04 Yes parent triads) et al. (1989)]
MSX1, XI. 1 Case-control — 0.95 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (51
TDT 0.64 No cases, 165 controls/61 case-
AFBAC 0.49 No parent triads)
MSX1, XI. 3 Case-control — 0.0057 Yes U.S., 95% Caucasian (61
TDT 0.65 No cases, 159 controls/61 case-
AFBAC 0.65 No parent triads)
MSX1, X2.1 Case-control — 0.53 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (56
TDT 0.36 No cases, 200 controls/61 case-
AFBAC 0.35 No parent triads)
MSX, X2.4 Case-control — 0.37 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (50
TDT 0.68 No cases, 74 controls/61 case-
AFBAC 0.51 No parent triads)
14q24 TGFB3 Case-control — 0.86 No Filipino (92 cases, 440 Lidral et al. (1997)
D14S61 TDT, logistic OR from 0.024 Yes U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
regression regression = 2.09 other (40 CP case-parent
TGFB3, CA Case-control — 0.85 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (53) Lidral et al. (1998) [includes
TDT 0.80 No cases, 243 controls/61 case- subjects from Ardinger
AFBAC 0.97 No parent triads) et al. (1989)]
TGFB3, Case-control — 0.56 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (53
5' UTR.l TDT 0.75 No cases, 241 controls/61 case-
AFBAC 0.75 No parent triads)
TGFB3, X5.1 Case-control — 1.00 No U.S., 95% Caucasian (35
TDT 0.58 No cases, 65 controls/61 case-
AFBAC 0.55 No parent triads)
17 RAKA TDT, logistic OR from 0.33 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
(THRA1) regression regression = 1.37 other (41 CP case-parent
19ql3 BCL3 TDT, logistic OR from 0.250 No U.S., 87% Caucasian/13% Maestri et al. (1997)
regression regression = 1.70 other (31 CP case-parent
BCL3 Case-control Results not — No U.S, 95% Caucasian (77 Lidral et al. (1998) [includes
presented in cases, controls not subjects from Ardinger
detail enumerated) et al. (1989)]

* Case-control, standard population-based, cases with unrelated controls; AFBAC, family-based controls; TDT, transmission disequilibrium test; TGF, transforming growth factor; UTR, un-
translated region; RAR, retinoic acid receptor.
+OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. ORs are reported for population-based case-control methods; p values are reported for TDT and other family-based methods.
*'§Studies included in Mitchell (1996) meta-analysis (^indicates Caucasian data, ^indicates other data).

(UTR). The 3'-UTR regions play a role in mRNA sta- In addition, with the development of extremely dense
bility and are sites for RNA-binding proteins (Siomi marker maps, genomewide scans for cleft loci via link-
and Dreyfuss, 1997). Machida et al. (1999) also found age disequilibrium (at genetic distances much less than
five rare variants (three in the 3'-UTR) among 250 non- 1 cM) are becoming feasible. The major weakness of
syndromic oral-facial cleft cases; none of these variants population-based analysis, that it has the potential to
was found in any of 270 control samples. This may be generate artifactual associations due to population
an example of a rare mutation in control regions as at stratification, has begun to be addressed by the use of
least one component of TGFA cleft susceptibility. Also genomic controls (Devlin and Roeder, 1999; Bacanu et
of note is that TGFA knockout mice do not have a cleft al., 2000). Risch and Teng have compared the power
(Luetteke et al., 1993). This result does not necessarily of various population-based and family-based associa-
eliminate a role for TGFA in clefting because alter- tion methods, both when DNA samples are pooled
ations in TGFA expression, rather than complete gene (Risch and Teng, 1998) and for individual genotyping
inactivation, could be involved. (Teng and Risch, 1999), and provide conditions under
In addition to TGFA, alleles at loci in several other which different approaches will have the most power.
chromosomal regions have shown positive association Finally, methods that combine elements of both popu-
results with oral-facial clefting, although, like TGFA, lation- and family-based data are being proposed
none of these loci has given consistent results across all (Whittemore and Tu, 2000). With the development of
studies. Homeobox 7 (MSX1, chromosome 4pl6) has new markers and new methods, progress in detecting
one report of an association with CL/P and CP in Cau- cleft-susceptibility genes with small to moderate effects
casians and two negative reports in Asians. Anonymous can be expected in the near future.
markers on 4q31 have one report of a positive associ-
ation with CL/P in Caucasians and one negative report
in Asians. Transforming growth factor-/:? 3 (TGFB3, REFERENCES
14q24) has one positive association reported with CP Abecasis, GR, Cardon, LR, Cookson, WOC (2000). A general test
(in Caucasians) and two negative reports (one Cau- of association for quantitative traits in nuclear families. Am J
Hum Genet 66: 279-292.
casian, one Asian). Retinoic acid receptor a (KARA,
Allison, DB (1997). Transmission-disequilibrium tests for quantita-
17q21) has multiple reports of a positive association tive traits. Am J Hum Genet 60: 676-690.
with CL/P (Caucasians) and negative reports (Cau- Amos, C, Gasser, D, Hecht, JT (1996a). Nonsyndromic cleft lip with
casians and Asians), as well as one negative report with or without cleft palate: new BCL3 information. Am J Hum Genet
CP in Caucasians. Protooncogene BCL3 (19ql3) has 59: 743-744.
Amos, C, Stein, J, Mulliken, JB, et al. (1996b). Nonsyndromic cleft
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lip with or without cleft palate: erratum. Am J Hum Genet 59:
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Association analysis in human genetics is coming of Ardinger, HH, Buetow, KH, Bell, GI, et al. (1989). Association of
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control. Am J Hum Genet 66: 1933-1944.
eral study designs will be important, as will indepen- Beaty, TH, Maestri, NE, Hetmanski, JB, Wyszynski, DF (1997). Test-
dent replication of any positive findings. To remove ing for interaction between maternal smoking and TGFA geno-
any possible biases due to unknown population strati- type among oral cleft cases born in Maryland 1992-1996. Cleft
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Locating genes for oral clefts in humans


The identification of disease genes (genes whose aber- alies and linkage analysis are the mainstays of mapping
rant alleles are responsible for defined clinical syn- technologies, they will be detailed and illustrated with
dromes) has been a major focus of human genetics over relevant studies in the orofacial field.
the past 30 years as a natural consequence of signifi-
cant improvements in DNA technology and genetic re-
sources. To identify genes involved in inherited disease CHROMOSOMAL ANOMALIES TO DETERMINE
or predispositions, two general strategies are commonly THE LOCATION OF DISEASE GENES
applied: positional cloning and the candidate-gene ap-
proach. In the case of positional cloning, a physical Chromosomal anomalies present in germline DNA,
map of the target region must be developed. All genes such as translocations, duplications, expansions, and
within the mapped region are considered candidates for deletions, are found either as de novo mutations or as
the disease gene and are subject to screening for mu- transmissions in ova or sperm from parents to their off-
tations in constitutional DNA from patients. In the spring (Groden and Albertsen, 1996; Shaffer and Lup-
candidate-gene approach, prior knowledge of specific ski, 2000). De novo, apparently balanced reciprocal
genes is exploited by analyzing these genes for muta- translocation occurs in 1:2000 births, and close to 6%
tions (Groden and Albertsen, 1996). A subset of genes of these will be associated with major congenital mal-
already shown to play an important role in the devel- formations (Warburton, 1991). In a completely ascer-
opment of the head, with particular relevance to the tained cohort of cases with oral clefting, apparently bal-
development of the lip and palate, is listed in Table anced chromosomal rearrangements were found in
21.1. Additional growth, signaling, and transcription 1.05% (95% confidence interval 0.98%-1.12%) of pa-
factors that play a role in facial development include tients (FitzPatrick et al., 1994).
JAGGED 1, sonic hedgehog, patched, cAMP response As of November 2000, the Mendelian Cytogenetics
element (CRE)-binding protein, GLI3, fibroblast Network database ( con-
growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), calcium/calmodulin- tained information on 75 breakpoints in 25 individu-
dependent serine protein kinase (CASK), treacle, fibro- als with cleft palate (CP). Among these cases, there were
blast grown factor receptor 2 (FGFR2), distalless eight bands involved in more than one case (Ip31,
homeo box (DLX)5/6, and paired box gene 3 (PAX3) 4q21, 6p24, 7q36, 9pl3, 16q24, 17q23, and 17p25).
(Schutte and Murray, 1999). Table 21.2 presents published translocations and in-
Many traits are not associated with cytogenetically versions associated with orofacial clefting. Systematic
detectable chromosomal abnormalities, and in these cloning of breakpoints associated with specific non-
cases, linkage analysis on family material has to be per- Mendelian developmental pathologies is now feasible
formed to determine the chromosomal localization of and being undertaken by several investigators (Wirth
the underlying mutant gene. Since chromosomal anom- et al., 1999).

TABLE 21.1. Genes Regulating Development of the Head, in Particular of the Lip and Palate''
Gene Type Feature Mouse Human References

TGFa GF L/P LD Ardinger et al. (1989), Mitchell (1997)

END1 SF M KO Linkage Kurihara et al. (1994)
RARa SF P/M TG/EXP LD, linkage Chenevix-Trench et al. (1992)
TGF/3 GF L/P KO, EXP LD Lidral et al. (1998), Maestri et al. (1997)
SKI GF L/P/M KO, EXP Berk et al. (1997)
MSX1 HD L/P KO, EXP LD, linkage Lidral et al. (1998), van den Boogaard et al. (2000)
DLX1/2 HD P/M EXP Qiu et al. (1997)
PITX2 HD P/M KO, EXP Rieger Semina et al. (1996)
PAX9 HD P/M KO, EXP Peters et al. (1998)
AP2 TF L/P/M KO, EXP Linkage Nottoli et al. (1998)
TTF2 TF P KO Thyroid dysgenesis De Felice et al. (1998), Clifton-Bligh et al . (1998)
PVRL1 PVR L/P PC CL/P, Suzuki et al. (2000), Sozen et al. (2001)
ectodermal dysplasia

*GF, growth factor; HD, homeodomain; SF, signaling factor; TF, transcription factor; PVR, orthologue of the gene encoding the poliovirus
receptor; lip; P, palate; M, maxilla and/or mandible; KO, knockout; TG, transgene; EXP, expression; LD, linkage disequilibrium; PC, posi-
tional cloning; CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate.
Source: Schutte and Murray (1999).

TABLE 21.2. Reported Translocations and Inversions Associated with Orofacial Clef ting*
Reference BP1 BP2 De novo? Clinical Details

Cleft lip with/without cleft palate

Yoshiura et al. (1998) 2qll.2 19ql3.3f Familial
Davies et al. (1998) 6p23 7q36.1 ? Bilateral CLP
Donnai et al. (1992) 6p23$ 9q22.3 Familial Oral clefts and features of ectodermal
Hasegawa et al. (1991) 7pll.2 9ql2 Familial Familial case ectrodactyly, ectodermal
dysplasia, and CL/P
Cowchock (1989) 2q23 10pl3 ? Unilateral CLP
Cowchock (1989) 10pl3 14q24 Familial Father has bilateral CLP, son has VSD
Tinning et al. (1975) Iq23 6q27 ? MR and congenital glaucoma
Masuno et al. (1997) Xq28 16qll.2 De novo CL, pedunculated skin masses, short
stature, MR
Akita et al. (1993) 7q22.1 7q36.3 De novo Sparse hair, CLP, bilateral
ectrodactyly of hands and feet
Viljoen and Smart (1993) 6q21 13ql2 ? Severe MR, ectrodactyly of both feet,
bilateral microphthalmia, bilateral CLP
Ikeuchi et al. (1991) Iq31.2 7pl5 De novo CLP, hypertelorism, microtia

Cleft palate only

Wallace et al. (1994) 7q32.1 20ql3.2 ? Cataracts, ptosis, CP, thickened alveolar
Conte et al. (1992) 9p21.2 Ilpl4.2 ? Dysmorphisms and CP
Brewer et al. (1999) 2q33J 7p21 De novo CP and mild MR
Brewer et al. (1999) 2q33^ Ilpl4 De novo CP and mild MR
Pfeiffer et al. (1973) Yq 15p ? CP and MR
Davies et al. (1998) 6p24 9p23 ? CP and MR
Riccardi and Holmquist (1979) 13ql2 13q22 ?

*BP, breakpoint; CLP, cleft lip and palate; CP, cleft palate; VSD, ventricular septal defect; MR, mental retardation.
fBreakpoint cloned and a gene identified.
^Breakpoint currently being cloned by collaborating laboratories.
Source: D. David FitzPatrick (personal communication).


FIG. 21.1. In pedigree 1, the disease cosegregates with an A allele of the marker. In pedigree 2, the disease initially cosegregates with a B al-
lele until there is a recombination, after which it cosegregates with a C allele.

LINKAGE ANALYSIS Mendel's law of independent assortment. The extent of

linkage is a function of the distance between the two
Genetic linkage analysis refers to the ordering of ge- loci, which can be measured by the number of
netic loci on a chromosome and to estimating genetic crossovers between them among the observed meioses
distances among them, where these distances are de- (Xu et al., 1998).
termined on the basis of a statistical phenomenon (i.e., In Figure 21.1, pedigree 1, the disease cosegregates
the crossover frequency occurring between two points with the A allele of the marker in all affected individ-
in a gamete) (Ott, 1999). Linkage analysis is a power- uals. In pedigree 2, the disease cosegregates with the B
ful methodology to help elucidate the underlying ge- allele of the marker. In this family, however, there is
netic mechanisms for inherited disorders (traits) and to an affected individual who carries the genotype AC.
find chromosomal locations for genes controlling sus- This situation is referred to as recombination. A non-
ceptibility. recombinant is an individual who inherited a haplotype
Genetic linkage is the phenomenon whereby alleles (i.e., alleles at the marker locus and the disease locus)
at loci close together on the same chromosome tend to identical to that received by the parent from one grand-
be inherited together in a family, thus departing from parent. A recombinant is an individual who inherited

FIG. 21.2. DNA haplotypes shared by descent in siblings of affected individuals.


a haplotype not identical to that inherited from his or tive approaches to judging significance when evaluat-
her grandparent. All individuals in pedigree 1 are non- ing lod scores.
recombinants, having received a paternal haplotype in- Xu et al. (1998) described four major advantages of
tact (i.e., A allele at the marker and disease allele at the lod score analysis over the genetic analysis methods de-
trait locus). Individuals who inherited the A allele and scribed previously:
are not affected are called nonpenetrant. In pedigree 2,
1. Statistically, it is a more powerful approach than
there are two affected people who descend from the re-
any nonparametric method (see below).
combinant individual, both carriers of the C allele. This
2. It utilizes every family member's phenotypic and
situation originated as a consequence of a genetic re-
genotypic information.
combination during meiosis in the father of the re-
3. It provides an estimate of the recombination frac-
combinant individual.
tion (genetic distance).
The closer together two loci are, the less likely
4. It provides a statistical test for linkage and for ge-
crossovers will be and the fewer recombinants will be
netic heterogeneity.
observed. If loci are far apart or on different chromo-
somes, then recombination will occur by chance in 50% It can be difficult to apply the lod score method to
of meioses. The recombination fraction, also known as so-called complex diseases where there is non-
6, ranges from 0 (complete linkage) to 0.5 (no linkage) Mendelian inheritance because the likelihood calcula-
and is a measure of genetic distance. tions require that an exact mode of inheritance and
Linkage can be used to map disease genes by typing other parameters be specified and, of course, this may
polymorphic DNA markers and seeing if their alleles be unknown. When these parameters are correctly spec-
cosegregate with disease among related subjects. Link- ified, linkage analysis remains a powerful approach for
age can be studied in multiplex families, in which case detecting genes. However, if the assumed genetic model
the strength of evidence in favor of linkage can be mea- is wrong, the true picture can be disguised, leading to
sured as the log-odds or, as it is more frequently termed, either false-positive or false-negative evidence of link-
the lod score. The lod score is the logio of the ratio of age (Xu et al., 1998).
the likelihood of the observed genotypes given linkage The MOD score analysis (also called maximized lod
(0 < 0.5) compared with the likelihood under nonlink- score), in which lod scores are maximized over several
age (i.e., 6 = 0.5). Traditionally, a lod of 3.0 or more genetic parameters, not just 0, provides an alternative
is taken as significant evidence for linkage, while a lod to lod score analysis when mode of inheritance is un-
score of —2.0 or less is taken as evidence against link- known. Simulation studies have shown that, in at least
age (Morton, 1955). These critical values correspond some cases, MOD score analyses have good power to
to 1000:1 odds for linkage and 100:1 odds against link- detect linkage when the true mode of inheritance is
age, respectively, at some specified value of 6 (Meyers, complex (i.e., a single disease locus with reduced pen-
1993). The actual rate of type I error (i.e., rejecting the etrance or two additive disease loci), but fairly simple
true hypothesis that 6 = 0.5) using these values is very genetic models are still assumed (Hodge and Elston,
close to the conventional 5% level of significance, once 1994; Greenberg et al., 1998).
the prior probability of two loci being linked is con- A further limitation of the lod score method for the
sidered (Morton, 1955). Table 21.3 presents alterna- study of oral clefts is that it requires families with at

TABLE 21.3. Proposed p Values for a Genomic Screen

Thomson (1994) Lander and Kruglyak (1995) Haines (1998)
Nominal p value (adjusted p p value p value
value) [lod score]] (lod score) (lod score)

Weak 3 data sets with p < Suggestive 0.0007 Interesting 0.03 (1.0)
0.05 (0.0001) [2.9] (2.2)
Moderate 2 data sets with p < Significant 0.00002 Very interesting 0.0009 (2.0)
0.01 (0.0001) [3.0] (3.6)
Strong 1 data set with p < Highly 0.0000003 Provisional linkage 0.00003 (3.0)
0.001 (0.001) [4.1] significant (5.4) Confirmed linkage 0.0000008 (4.0)
(from at least 2
independent data sets)

Source: Haines (1998).


least two available affected individuals and DNA from mon relationships. Figure 21.2 illustrates the mating of
both affected and unaffected family members. As most two individuals with genotypes A/B and C/D. The
individuals with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or with- proband carries the genotype A/C. He shares by de-
out cleft palate (CL/P) and CP do not have any family scent both alleles with the first sibling, one allele with
history of clefting, it is difficult to identify families that the following two sibs, and no alleles with his youngest
are suitable for lod score analyses. Hence, this approach sib, in perfect agreement with Mendelian expectation.
is limited to investigators who have access to very large If the marker is linked to the disease gene, however, al-
patient cohorts or who participate in multicenter col- leles will be shared between affected sib pairs more of-
laborations (Mitchell et al., 2002). ten than expected. If the parents are genotyped, the in-
heritance of the marker alleles can be studied directly
(IBD analysis). If the parents are unavailable, one can
use population allele frequencies to test for increased
allele sharing (IBS analysis). The strength of evidence
in favor of linkage can be given by a x2 statistic or by
An alternative approach to the lod score method is to
a maximum likelihood score, the latter being on the
examine allele sharing between pairs of affected rela-
same scale as a lod score. These allele-sharing statistics
tives, and the simplest example of this is the sib-pair
are commonly nonparametric approaches, primarily
method. This approach was first described by Penrose
because no specific assumptions have been made about
(1935), who reasoned that if linkage existed, it would
the mode of inheritance.
be reflected in the nonrandom association of two traits
(i.e., a disease and a marker or two markers) in inde-
pendent pairs of sibs. JVonpcrrcrmeferic Linkage Analysis
In the absence of linkage between the unknown sus-
ceptibility locus and the marker locus, full sibs are ex- The nonparametric linkage (NPL) statistic is a measure
pected to share two alleles at any marker 25% of the of allele sharing among affected individuals within a
time, one allele 50% of the time, and zero alleles 25% pedigree. Introduced in 1996 by Kruglyak et al. (1996),
of the time. Some terminology should be explained first. this method is the only affected relative pair test that
Two alleles are said to be identical by state (IBS) if they considers all affected relatives simultaneously, rather
cannot be distinguished by means of a particular than as a combination of all possible pairs. This ap-
method of detection (Goldgar, 1998). Identity by de- proach tests for excess allele sharing, however, as done
scent (IBD), however, depends not only on whether the in affected sib-pair analysis. This means that, e.g., if
alleles appear the same but also on whether they were five affected individuals in a pedigree share the same
derived or inherited from a common ancestor (Goldgar, allele IBD, this information should carry more weight
1998). While IBD alleles must also be IBS, the converse than if each of the 15 possible pairs in the same pedi-
is not necessarily true. Table 21.4 shows the expected gree shared some allele IBD but not necessarily the same
proportion of alleles IBD for a number of other com- allele.
While the major disadvantage of using the NPL
method is that it is limited to relatively small and sim-
ple pedigrees, the NPL statistic can be used in several
TABLE 21.4. Expected Percentage of Affected Pairs situations:
Showing 0, 1, or 2 Alleles Identical by Descent (IBD)
at a Marker Locus if No Linkage Is Present 1. When pedigrees of moderate size are available
Alleles IBD
2. When many relatives other than siblings are avail-
able for a complex trait where the exact model of
Pair Type 0 \ 2 inheritance is unknown
Monozygotic twins 0 0 100 3. When a large number of linked markers are being
Siblings 25 50 25 examined simultaneously (in this case, the NPL ap-
Parent-child 0 100 0 proach can be readily extended to multipoint anal-
Grandparent—grandchild 50 50 0 ysis)
Half-siblings 50 50 0
Relative to the lod score method, the main advan-
Uncle-nephew, etc. 50 50 0
tage of allele-sharing methods is that they provide valid
Cousins 75 25 0
tests of linkage without the need of specifying details
Double first cousins 62 38 0
of the mode of inheritance for the phenotype of inter-

est. The main disadvantage of this method is that it can • Clinical and etiological heterogeneity. Difference in
require a very large number (i.e., several hundred) of clinical characteristics of oral cleft patients between
affected relative pairs (Mitchell et al., 2002). studies could be a cause of discrepant linkage results
The allele-sharing methods require DNA from pairs if genetic markers are linked with different trait loci.
of affected relatives. To establish IBD, DNA is also re- A relatively large proportion of individuals with oral
quired from additional relatives (e.g., for affected sib clefting have an underlying genetic or developmental
pairs, parental DNA samples are also required). As the syndrome (Jones, 1988; Gorlin, 1990; Saal, 1998;
recurrence rates for nonsyndromic CL/P and CP are rel- Stoll et al., 2000). Thus, it is necessary to distinguish
atively low, the accumulation of an adequate sample between individuals with syndromic and nonsyn-
of affected relatives is likely to be restricted to investi- dromic clefts when conducting studies of potential
gators who have access to large patient cohorts or who risk factors. Similarly, some oral clefts may be due
participate in multicenter collaborations. to maternal exposures to teratogens. Identification
of these cases is a challenge when conducting
population-based research since both family history
information and direct physical examination of af-
fected individuals are needed and often unavailable
(Mitchell et al., 2002).
The term multipoint mapping refers to linkage analy-
• Ethnic variability. As shown by Wyszynski et al.
sis of more than two loci at a time. Considering mul-
(1997b) and Maestri et al. (1997), ethnic background
tiple loci simultaneously gives substantial increases in
may act as an effect modifier in the relationship be-
information for both estimating the recombination
tween genetic polymorphisms and oral clefting.
fraction and establishing the order of linked loci (Mey-
• Insufficient statistical power. Attaining an adequate
ers, 1993). Thus, linkage results are less sensitive to the
sample size to conduct definitive linkage analysis may
uninformative or missing genotype at any single
be difficult in some populations. This situation is par-
marker. Additionally, the multipoint mapping ap-
ticularly critical if the genetic marker under study is
proach may be very useful to pinpoint the disease gene
not highly informative. An example is BCL3, on
location when fine mapping. This technique may be
chromosome 19ql3, which has a heterozygosity of
used when applying the lod score method as well as the
only 0.47 (Wyszynski et al., 1997b). Also, large sam-
NPL statistic (Kruglyak and Lander, 1995), for both
ple sizes are required if the contribution of the sus-
qualitative and quantitative traits, and in more general
ceptibility locus to familial clustering of the trait is
analyses of extended pedigrees (Kruglyak et al., 1996).
small, if oral clefts are determined by several sus-
ceptibility loci, and if the researcher is evaluating a
modifier rather than a major gene. Results of analy-
LINKAGE ANALYSIS OF NONSYNDROMIC ses performed using an insufficient sample may pro-
ORAL CLEFTS duce ambiguous results (i.e., neither for nor against
evidence of linkage).
For the past 20 years, several research groups have eval-
uated multiplex families with CL/P using linkage anal- In spite of these limitations and applying a biologi-
ysis. The results, however, remain conflicting and non- cally driven "complex disease approach," candidate
definitive. Table 21.5 presents some features of genes are now used to test for interactions among genes
published linkage studies. No single locus has been and between genes and selected environmental factors
shown conclusively to be etiologically related to non- (see Chapter 23). Sophisticated statistical methods to
syndromic oral clefting in multiple studies. distinguish maternal genotypic effects from those of the
It is widely accepted that nonsyndromic oral clefts fetus have been developed as well (Weinberg et al.,
are complex birth defects characterized by an uncer- 1998; Wilcox et al., 1998; Weinberg, 1999a,b; Wyszyn-
tain mode of inheritance, incomplete penetrance, and ski and Diehl, 2001). Finally, the growing number of
heterogeneity both within and among populations robust statistical methods of linkage analysis incorpo-
(Maestri et al., 1997). Other non-mutually exclusive rated in user-friendly computer software packages will
circumstances may produce conflicting linkage results allow researchers to overcome or at least minimize
as well: some of the limitations mentioned above.
TABLE 21.5. Results of Linkage Analyses on Candidate Genes for Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate
Chromosome Locus
Region Name Population Results* References

Ip36 Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 1.34 Prescott et al. (2000)
Iq21 D1S104 3 European Caucasian families Z = 0.09 at 0 = 0.40 Pierpont et al. (1995)
Iq32 D1S245 19 Swedish families Z < —2 for all markers (multipoint) Wong et al. (2000)
2pl3 TGF-a 12 Families, ethnicity not specified Z= -2.1 at 9 = 0 Hecht et al. (1993)
TGF-a 8 Families, ethnicity not specified Z= 0.448 at 9 = 0 Vintiner et al. (1993)
TGF-a 14 West Bengal Indian families Z= 0.13 at 6 = 0.2 Field et al. (1994)
TGF-a 40 Caucasian Italian families Z= 0.22 at 0 = 0.3 Scapoli et al. (1999)
D2S443 32 U.S families Z= 0.14 at 9 = 0.05 Wyszynski et al. (1997a)
D2S443 22 Mexican families Z= -0.008 at 9 = 0.05 Wyszynski et al. (1997a)
D2S380 38 Italian Caucasian families Z= 1.15 at 0 = 0.3 Pezzetti et al. (1998)
D2S378 46 Italian Caucasian families Z= 0.001 Scapoli et al. (1999)
D2S123 19 Swedish families Z< — 2 for all markers (multipoint) Wong et al. (2000)
Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 0.66 Prescott et al. (2000)
2q37 PAX3 3 European Caucasian families Z = -0.03 at 6 = 0.40 Pierpont et al. (1995)
Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 0.9 Prescott et al. (2000)
4q31 D4S175 1 U.S. Caucasian family Z = 2.27 at 6 = 0 Beiraghi et al. (1994)
D4S175 3 European Caucasian families Z = -0.64 at 6 = 0 Pierpont et al. (1995)
6p23-24 F13A 49 Danish Caucasian families Z = 2.016 at 6 = 0.01 for males Eiberg et al. (1987)
F13A 8 British Caucasian families Z = 0.224 at 0 = 0.001 Vintiner et al. (1993)
F13A 9 Families, different ethnic groups Z = -0.29 at 6 = 0.3 Hecht et al. (1993)
F13A 19 Swedish families Z ~ 1 (multipoint) Wong et al. (2000)
D6S89 14 Families from northeastern Italy Z = 4.48 at 6 = 0.001 Carinci et al. (1995)
D6S89 12 Families, different ethnic groups Z = -0.41 at 0 = 0.3 Hecht et al. (1993)
D6S89 33 Families, different ethnic groups Z < -2 at 6>< 0.3 Blanton et al. (1996)
D6S259 38 Italian Caucasian families Z = 3.6 at 1 cM, a = 0.6 Scapoli et al. (1997)
D6S259 46 Italian Caucasian families Z = 2.1 at 6 = 0.098 Scapoli et al. (1999)
D6S89+F13A 14 Families from northeastern Italy Z = 2.03 at 6 = 0.001 for males Carinci et al. (1995)
D6S89+EDN1 14 Families from northeastern Italy Z = 2.31 at 9 = 0.1 Carinci et al. (1995)
EDN1 19 Swedish families Z < 1 (multipoint) Wong et al. (2000)
TABLE 21.5. Results of Linkage Analyses on Candidate Genes for Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate (continued)
Chromosome Locus
Region Name Population Results* References

Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 1.34 Prescott et al. (2000)

6p23+2pl3 D6S259-D2S378 30 Italian Caucasian families Z = 3.79 at 6 = 0.01 Pezzetti et al. (1998)
6p23+19ql3 D6S89-not stated 15 Families linked to 19ql3.1 Z = -0.835 at 6 = 0.3 Blanton et al. (1996)
6p25 Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 1.50 Prescott et al. (2000)
Ilpl2-ql4 Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 2.09 Prescott et al. (2000)
16P13 Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 1.65 Prescott et al. (2000)
17q21 RAR-a 8 British Caucasian families Z = 0.048 at 6 = 0.05 Vintiner et al. (1993)
RAR-a 17 Families, different ethnic groups Z = 1.14 at 6 = 0 Stein et al. (1995)
D17S579 8 West Bengal Indian families Z = -2 at 9 < 0.1 Shaw et al. (1993)
19ql3 BCL3 17 Families, different ethnic groups Z = 7.00 at 6 = 0 (multipoint) Stein et al. (1995)
BCL3 30 U.S. and 11 Mexican families Z = 0.89 at 6 = 0.2 Wyszynski et al. (1997b)
BCL3 38 Italian Caucasian families Z = 0.23 at 6 = 0.3 Martinelli et al. (1998)
BCL3 19 Swedish families Z < 1 (multipoint) Wong et al. (2000)
22qll.2 D22S156 3 European Caucasian families Z = -0.04 at 6 = 0.40 Pierpont et al. (1995)
D22S264 3 European Caucasian families Z = 0.43 at 6 = 0.20 Pierpont et al. (1995)
Xcen Multipoint 92 UK affected sib pairs MLS = 2.89 Prescott et al. (2000)

*MLS, Maximum lod score from sib-pair analysis; Z, highest lod score from linkage analysis; 6, recombination fraction.
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Mapping studies in animal models


Orofacial clefting has been observed sporadically in a emphasis of this chapter is on the results of approaches
variety of vertebrates, including monkeys (Stills and to mapping the genetic components of the multifacto-
Bullock, 1981), gorillas (Siebert et al., 1998), cattle rial nonsyndromic class of orofacial defects in mice.
(Swartz et al., 1982), cats (Loevy and Feynes, 1968),
dogs (Dreyer and Preston, 1974), and chickens (Juriloff
and Roberts, 1975), but genetic studies have usually DEVELOPMENTAL AND GENETIC
been limited. The most advanced animal models for ge- INDEPENDENCE OF TYPES OF OROFACIAL
netic analysis and linkage mapping of orofacial defects CLEFTS IN MICE
are laboratory mice, where the extensive resources of
specialized strains and crosses, spontaneous and tar- Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P), isolated
geted mutations, polymorphic markers, and well- cleft palate (CP), and median cleft lip (MCL) are de-
developed linkage and physical maps can be used to velopmentally distinct malformations in mice. Cleft lip
identify genes and their effects on orofacial develop- with or without cleft palate arises on embryonic days
ment. Conservation of genes and linkage relationships 10 to 11 of gestation, from the failure of a mesenchy-
between mice and humans is well documented, and the mal bridge to fuse the embryonic maxillary prominence
chromosomal location of a gene in humans can often with the lateral nasal prominence internally and with
be predicted from its genetic map position in mice. De- the lateral and medial prominences on the external sur-
velopment of the orofacial complex is very similar be- face of the prospective upper lip (Diewert and Wang,
tween mouse and human embryos, and much of the 1992; Millicovsky et al., 1982). The result is a unilat-
understanding of developmental mechanisms in hu- eral or bilateral cleft between the maxilla and the pre-
mans has been inferred from mice (Diewert and Wang, maxilla, extending into the nostril (see Figs. 1.3, 1.6,
1992). 1.7, and 1.12 in this volume). Cleft palate arises later,
Highly penetrant Mendelian defects of craniofacial on days 14 to 16 of gestation in mice, from a failure
development are relatively easily mapped in both mice of outgrowth of the palatal shelves from the medial as-
and humans. The most common orofacial clefting in pect of the maxillary prominence or from a failure of
humans does not follow Mendelian transmission ratios, the palatal shelves to elevate to a horizontal orienta-
however, and is clearly genetically complex and not tion to contact in the midline and fuse, resulting in a
well understood (Mitchell and Risch, 1992; Schutte and failure to form the roof of the mouth (see Fig. 2.1 in
Murray, 1999). Mapping and identification of mouse this volume). The cleft palate that usually accompanies
genes that participate in genetically complex ("multi- cleft lip (CL) has been observed to originate in me-
factorial") causes of orofacial clefting will lead to chanical obstruction of palatal shelf elevation by the
knowledge of the gene-regulatory pathways important tongue, due to alterations in the shape of the oral cav-
to nonsyndromic orofacial clefting and will identify ity caused by the CL, and thus is secondary to the CL
candidate pathways, as well as candidate genes, for ex- (Trasler and Fraser, 1963; Pourtois, 1967). Median
amination in studies of human genetic risk factors. The cleft lip arises on gestational days 9 to 11 in mice, from


TABLE 22.1. Genetic Causes of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate in Mice
Type of Liability Loci Location Candidate Genes Human Homologous Location*

Nonsyndromic dfl Chr llf Dlx3, Dlx7, Itgb3, 17q21

multifactorial and others
clf2 Chr 13t Msx2, MadhS, Fragmented: 5q22, 5p, 9q22
and others
Syndromic DC Chr 19 — llq
Mendelian Tw Chr 18 — 18q
AP-2 chimera Chr 13 Gene known: Tcfap2a 6p
Xtbph Chr 13 Gene known: GU3 7pl3
Lgl Chr 12 — ?q
Liability to H2 complex Chr 17 H2 6p21
phenytoin- Natl region Chr 8 Natl 8p
induced CL/P
"A" liability loci 1-4$ Chr 3, 4, 7, 19 Many 4q, 9p, llq/15q, 9q/llq
"B" liability loci 5-8$ Chr 5, 8, 12, 12 Many 4p, 4q, 2p, 14q

*From the Mouse Genome Database (, 2001.

tConfirmed in two independent data sets.
:£ Significant at p < 0.05 after correction for multiple tests of genome screen.
§Type I error reported as p < 0.05 was not corrected for the multiple tests of a genome screen; assuming that there are about 30 inde-
pendent linkage tests in the mouse genome, the Bonferroni correction indicates that the type I error associated with each locus is 1.0 > p >

a midline defect of outgrowth of the mesenchyme be- CLEFT LIP WITH OR WITHOUT CLEFT PALATE
tween and merging with the medial prominences, lead-
ing to a midline cleft of the premaxilla. Nonsyndromic
Median CL and CL/P are different traits genetically Occurrence Only in A-Strctin Lineages. Sponta-
as well as developmentally. Median CL occurs in syn- neous CL/P, i.e., not induced by teratogens, is very rare
dromic mutants that do not have CL/P, such as patch in most strains of mice. All stocks with frequent oc-
(Ph) (Gruneberg and Truslove, 1960), doublefoot (Dbf) currence of spontaneous nonsyndromic CL/P trace to
(Lyon et al., 1996), the Kara dominant-negative muta- a single genetic origin, a closely related set of strains,
tion (Damm et al., 1993), and the MSX2 transgene referred to as the "A" strains. These strains share at
(Winograd et al., 1997). Also, CL/P is usually geneti- least 30 generations of brother-sister inbreeding before
cally distinct from CP; they are caused by mutations at their dispersion to different laboratories about 70 years
different loci, the exception being the twirler (Tw) syn- ago and subsequent designation as substrains, and they
dromic mutant, where CL/P and CP can occur as al- are expected to be identical at nearly all of their loci.
ternative phenotypes (Lyon, 1958). Only five Mende- All A strains examined produce CL/P at relatively
lian mutations are known that cause CL/P, and all are high frequencies in their fetuses or newborns (Kalter,
syndromic (Table 22.1). Only a few Mendelian muta- 1979; Juriloff, 1982). The frequency of CL/P varies
tions cause nonsyndromic CP (Table 22.2), but nu- among these strains. The A/J strain, with about 10%
merous spontaneous and gene-knockout mutations CL/P, was used in most genetic and developmental
cause syndromes that include CP; these will not be re- studies of CL/P until about 1980, when the A/WySnJ
viewed in detail. This pattern parallels the genetics of strain was discovered to have a higher risk of CL/P,
human orofacial clefting syndromes, and it is likely that 20% to 30% (Juriloff, 1982), and became the A strain
the syndromic mouse mutants are homologs of human of choice for CL/P studies. In the 1970s, outcrosses of
syndromes. the A/J strain, with subsequent selection for production
Nonsyndromic CL/P occurs spontaneously in some of CL/P during inbreeding of descendants, led to two
mouse strains, and nonsyndromic CP occurs sponta- new stocks that also produced CL/P, the CL/Fr strain,
neously at unusually high frequencies in other strains with 20% to 25% CL/P in the offspring (Juriloff and
(Table 22.3). This pattern indicates that they are ge- Fraser, 1980), and the "L line," with about 10% CL/P
netically independent traits. The genetics and linkage (Trasler and Trasler, 1984).
mapping of CL/P and CP therefore will be discussed An outcross of the A/J strain, to the normal
separately. C57BL/6J strain, was also the origin of a new set of re-

TABLE 22.2. Genetic Causes of Liability to Nonsyndromic Cleft Palate (CP) in Mice
Candidate Human Homologous
Type of Liability Loci Location Genes Location*

Genetic CP Lhx8 Chr 3 Gene known —

Gadl (Gad67) Chr2 Gene known 2q
Gabrb3 Chr 7 Gene known 15q
Tgft>3 Chr 12 Gene known 14q24
Glucocorticoid-induced CP susceptibility Dcpl Chr 17 H2-Eb 6p21
Dcp2 Chr 17 H2 6p21
Acp Chr 17 H2 6p21
"H3" region Chr 2 — —
Pgml region Chr 5 — 4
Natl region Chr 8 Natl 8p
X-linked ChrX — X
Phenytoin-induced CP susceptibility Dcpl Chr 17 H2-Eb 6p21
Dcp2 Chr 17 H2 6p21
Natl region Chr 8 Natl 8p
6-Aminonicotinamide-induced CP Nat 1 region Chr 8 Natl 8p
susceptibility "A" liability loci l-3f Chr 8, 11, 15 Many 4q, 5q/16p, 12q
"B" liability loci 4-1 Of Chr 4, 4, 5, 7, Many 9p, Ip, 12q, llq/15q,
9, 14, 17 llq/15q, 3p, 6q

*From the Mouse Genome Database (, 2001.

fType I error reported as p < 0.05 was not corrected for the multiple tests of a genome screen; assuming that there are about 30 inde-
pendent linkage tests in the mouse genome, the Bonferroni correction indicates that the type I error associated with each locus is 1.0 > p >

combinant inbred (RI) strains, descended from a series of the strains are expected to be homozygous for the
of closed lineages, each tracing back to a separate F2 A strain allele at any given locus (Sampson et al., 1998).
breeding pair. These strains are called the AXB-1, AXB- Among these strains, only AXB-6/Pgn and BXA-8/Pgn
2 ... and the BXA-1, BXA-2 . . . strains; the AXB set have been reported to have spontaneous CL/P (Diehl
has A/J cytoplasm and the BXA set has C57BL/6J cy- and Erickson, 1997; Juriloff et al., 2001).
toplasm. Each RI strain is expected to have a unique The cumulative understanding of the genetics and
combination of pieces of its genome derived equally mapping of the liability to spontaneous CL/P of A-
and randomly from the two parental strains, and half strain mice has been deduced in genetic contrasts with

TABLE 22.3. Mouse Strains with High Frequencies of Spontaneous Nonsyndromic Orofacial Clefts
Type of Cleft Strain Affected* References

Cleft lip
with or without cleft palate A/J 5-10 Kalter (1979), Juriloff and Fraser (1980)
A/HeJ 5-10 Kalter (1979), Juriloff (1982)
A/WySnJ 20-30 Juriloff (1982)
CL/Fr 20-25 Juriloff and Fraser (1980)
AXB-6/Pgn 5-10 Karolyi et al. (1987), Juriloff et al . (2001)
BXA-8/Pgn 5 Juriloff et al. (2001)
L line 10 Trasler and Trasler (1984)
Cleft palate SW/Fr 5-10 Vekemans and Fraser (1979)
CF1 3 Matsushima et al. (1992)
J/Glw "High" Staats (1972)

*Both types of cleft are lethal at birth in mice. Frequencies are usually observed in fetuses.

FIG. 22.1. Genetic architecture of risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) derived from the A strains of mice. Two compartments
influence risk: genes acting in the embryo and genes acting in the mother. Filled circles and squares denote alleles from the A strain; open
circles and squares denote normal-strain alleles. Only a combination of A alleles across the clfl and clf2 loci can cause risk of CL/P. The va-
riety of specific risk levels created by subsequent modifiers is not shown; only the effect of A-strain modifiers is shown as the embryo risks
are carried forward into the maternal effect compartment. Two types of maternal effect are shown: A/WySnJ mothers (dark ovals) and Fl
mothers from A/WySnJ x C57BL/6J (light polygons).

the normal C57BL/6J strain and the C57BL-related tionships between the facial prominences (Trasler,
normal AEJ/GnRk strain. In the A strains, CL/P is a 1968; Juriloff and Trasler, 1976). In particular, a de-
genetically complex trait but does not appear to have lay in the forward growth of the maxillary prominence
the polygenic additive basis often assumed of multi- leads to its inadequate contact and fusion with the lat-
factorial threshold traits. Historical assumptions about eral and medial prominences ( Diewert and Wang,
the number and nature of the CL/P genes acting di- 1992; Wang et al., 1995). By a critical time in the de-
rectly in the embryos strongly influenced the ap- velopment of the face, the fusion (mesenchymal bridge)
proaches taken to linkage mapping, as discussed be- must reach a critical size or fail. Variation between em-
low. The genetic architecture of the trait has genetic bryos, stochastic or micro-environmental, distributes
components in two layers (Fig. 22.1): a layer of genes some embryos to the "failure" side of this threshold.
acting directly in the embryo to cause risk of CL/P and Thus, among genetically identical embryos, some fail
to influence expression of that risk and a layer of genes to successfully form one or both sides of the upper lip.
acting in the mother to indirectly modify the embryos' The genes that cause risk of CL/P in the A strains there-
risk of CL/P. fore cause a quantitative change in the growth of em-
bryonic facial prominences, which is not a severe ab-
Developmental Threshold. The developmental de- normality in itself, although the potential consequence,
fect in A/J, CL/Fr, L Line, and A/WySnJ embryos is a CL/P, is severe. Embryos that successfully form the mes-
minor quantitative change in the dynamic spatial rela- enchymal bridges go on to become normal adults. The

genes causing risk of CL/P in the A strains are expected With evidence of a major gene, clfl, in hand, it was
to be expressed in the cells that populate the maxillary clearly feasible to construct a congenic strain pair, i.e.,
prominence, and candidate loci identified in linkage inbred strains differing only by the chromosomal seg-
studies can be evaluated by this criterion. ment containing clfl. This entailed transferring the
CL/P liability trait from A/WySnJ by repeated back-
Maternal Effects. Every study of CL/P that has used crossing into the normal AEJ/GnRk strain background;
reciprocal crosses has demonstrated that the genotype segregants in each generation were testcrossed and the
of the mother influences the frequency of CL/P in ge- CL/P producers were used for further backcrossing. Si-
netically liable embryos. The maternal effects do not multaneously, assuming clfl to be a recessive essential
cause CL/P; crosses of A-strain females to normal-strain mutation and using a variety of available markers in
males do not produce CL/P in the Fl; the effect of the standard linkage crosses and other approaches, a sig-
maternal genotype is to influence the risk of CL/P in nificant part of the genome was excluded as the site of
embryos that have the CL/P-causing genes. Reciprocal clfl (Juriloff, 1993). Later, when the ideal mapped
crosses between A/HeJ and A/WySnJ, between A/J and polymorphic linkage markers, simple sequence length
CL/Fr, and between A/WySnJ and AXB-6/Pgn each in- polymorphisms (SSLPs), became available, the A-strain
dicated that the strain of the mother, not the genotype alleles at passenger SSLP loci on the selected differen-
of the embryo, causes the differences in CL/P frequency tial CL/P-causing chromosomal segment in the congenic
between strains. The frequency of CL/P obtained in strain were used to map clfl to mid-distal chromosome
each cross was that of the maternal strain (Juriloff and 11 near the marker, DllMitlO (Juriloff and Mah,
Fraser, 1980; Juriloff, 1982; Juriloff et al., 2001). Ma- 1995; Juriloff et al., 1996).
ternal effects are not confined to strains that have CL/P
liability; the standard normal C57BL/6J strain used in A Second Epistatic Gene, cJ/2. In addition to the ev-
genetic studies of CL/P also differs from A/J, A/WySnJ, idence of a major recessive causative locus, clfl., his-
and CL/Fr by genetic maternal effects, detected in re- torical genetic studies of CL/P indicated the presence
ciprocal backcrosses, where the frequency of CL/P is of at least one other important contributing locus in A-
lower in progeny from Fl females than from Fl males strain mice because the frequencies of CL/P were con-
(Davidson et al., 1969; Bornstein et al., 1970; Juriloff sistently significantly lower in segregants after out-
et al., 2001). The variety of strain combinations that crosses than expected for segregation of a single locus
demonstrate maternal effects indicates that multiple (Davidson et al., 1969; Juriloff, 1980; Juriloff, 1995).
loci and/or at least three alleles are responsible for the Analysis of the CL/P frequencies recovered across all
maternal effects. None has been identified or mapped, of the generations of testcrosses during construction of
and the mechanism is not known. the congenic strain and comparison with expected pat-
terns under various multigenic hypotheses excluded all
A Major Gene, elf 1. Nonsyndromic spontaneous CL/P additive genetic models and indicated that an allele
in mice was for many years thought to be a polygenic from A strains at a second locus, clf2, was necessary
trait with low penetrance (Gruneberg, 1952; Davidson to permit expression of CL/P caused by clfl homozy-
et al., 1969), leading to the assumption that linkage gosity; heterozygotes at clfl permitted some CL/P at
mapping of the genes involved would require imprac- low frequencies, and homozygotes allowed high fre-
tically large sample sizes. However, in the 1980s, two quencies, similar to those of the A strains. With the
separate studies showed that a major recessive gene in map position of clfl in hand, a genome screen in a new
A/J, clfl, is necessary for risk of CL/P (Juriloff, 1980; independent genetic study was done to map elf2. It was
Biddle and Fraser, 1986). In each study, after a cross based on a cross of A/WySnJ with C57BL/6J, followed
between A/J and C57BL/6J and backcross of Fl to A/J, by a backcross to A/WySnJ females to produce "BC1"
the resultant BC1 males were individually test-crossed embryos; 2.4% of the 1485 BC1 embryos had CL/P.
with A/J and the frequency of CL/P in their progeny The first 29 embryos with CL/P were used in a genome
was observed. Two approximately equal groups of BC1 screen of informative mapped SSLP loci spaced 10 to
males were discerned, one producing CL/P in the prog- 25 cM across the genome (Juriloff et al., 2001). For
eny at about half the frequency of the other. This pat- loci not linked to CL/P risk loci, half of the embryos
tern is diagnostic of the presence of a major recessive were expected to be homozygous for the A allele; loci
variant necessary to risk of CL/P. If a set of closely with an excess of A homozygotes with an uncorrected
spaced, highly polymorphic mapped linkage markers p < 0.02 were further typed in an additional seven
had been available at that time, it would have been pos- CL/P BC1 embryos obtained later in the study. All 36
sible to do a genome screen of marker genotypes in the CL/P embryos were homozygous A at DllMitlO near
sires or in BC1 segregants with CL/P to map clfl. clfl, confirming this locus. Of the 36, 32 were also

homozygous A at D13Mitl3, mapping elf2 to mid- have a variety of recombination breakpoints in the
proximal chromosome 13 (Juriloff et al., 2001). Both broad region previously defined for elf2; and on the as-
were significant at p < 0.001 as individual tests and, sumption that only the strains with the A allele at clf2
when corrected for the multiple tests of a genome produce high risk of CL/P in the testcross, they were
screen, at p < 0.05. No other regions were significant. used to refine the clf2 candidate region as the subre-
The hypothesis (Juriloff, 1995) that the A strain-like gion common to the two high risk-producing strains
high risk of CL/P requires both clfl and clf2 simulta- (Juriloff et al., 2001), between D13Mitl3 and
neously in homozygous A state and that homozygosity D13Mit231 (Fig. 22.2).
for the clfl causative gene in clf2 heterozygotes leads
to a detectable but lower risk of CL/P was supported Modifiers. There are other modifier loci that influence
by the data. risk levels for CL/P. The frequency of CL/P expected
in the BC1 from A/WySnJ and C57BL/6J (in A/WySnJ
Epistatic Interaction between clfl and clf2 and mothers), if simultaneous homozygosity at two loci is
Finer Mapping of el/2 in Testcrosses of the required, is one-quarter of the A/WySnJ frequency, or
AXB/BXA RI Strain Set. Gene mapping based on RI about 6%, and the observed frequency of 2.4% was
strains requires an observable phenotypic variation dis- significantly lower (Juriloff et al., 2001). Furthermore,
tributed among the strains, with several strains of each some RI strains whose genotypes at the clfl and clf2
phenotype, to be correlated with the strain distribution loci predicted 1% to 2% CL/P in testcrosses, produced
pattern (SDP) of allelic alternatives at mapped marker none in samples of 130 to 225 embryos (Juriloff et al.,
loci throughout the genome. Although several strains 2001). The most promising candidate locations of mod-
have the clfl region from the A/J parent, CL/P occurs ifier loci are near D7Mitl58 and D18Mit4, two genetic
in only two of the several AXB/BXA RI strains exam- regions that had suggestive nonsignificant association
ined, AXB-6/Pgn and BXA-8/Pgn; and their risk is sim- with CL/P in the genome screen, with >75% proba-
ilar to that of the A/J parental strain (Table 22.3). This bility of linkage after correction for multiple tests by a
SDP for CL/P has little statistical power for linkage Bayesian approach (Silver, 1995; Juriloff et al., 2001).
mapping by a direct approach. The pattern, fairly high Both regions were homozygous for the A allele in the
risk of CL/P in two RI strains and no detectable risk four BC1 CL/P embryos heterozygous at elf2 and in the
in all others examined, is not consistent with a poly- two RI strains with high risk of CL/P in testcrosses but
genie additive genetic architecture, where a variety of not in strains with lower risk. The random probability
levels of risk of CL/P would be expected to occur among of each genotype at each locus in each individual or
the strains, but it is consistent with an epistatic genetic strain is 0.5, and the random probability of the com-
architecture, where A-strain alleles at a combination of bination of the AA genotypes at the two loci across all
particular loci must be reconstituted for the risk of CL/P six observations is <0.001. The human homologs of
to be present. these two regions are on 19q and 18q.
An indirect measure of the CL/P genotype of 10 of
the RI strains was obtained by testcrossing them with Candidate Loci for clfl. The recombination and
A/WySnJ females. Testcross embryos are heterozygous physical map for the region of clfl on chromosome 11
for all CL/P risk loci not already present in the ho- is summarized in Figure 22.2. The recombination map
mozygous A allelic state in the RI strain itself and are position of clfl is defined by an A-strain haplotype be-
within the most permissive maternal environment tween DllMit360 and DllMitl66 (Juriloff et al.,
available. Consistent with the recessive epistatic model, 2001) held in common between congenic strain carri-
only strains with the A allele at DllMitlO near clfl ers of CL/P liability and BC1 embryos with CL/P from
produced CL/P in testcrosses, and these strains pro- the genome screen. These markers flank an approxi-
duced CL/P at two distinct levels, one rate near 20% mately 2 cM region, within which the genes Crhr and
(two RI strains) and similar to that of the A/WySnJ Itgb3 have been located by recombination mapping in
strain, as expected for homozygotes for A alleles at both the same materials (Juriloff et al., 2001). Yeast artifi-
clfl and clf2, and one rate low, 0% to 2% (four RI cial chromosome (YAC) contigs, marked by SSLP loci,
strains), as expected for homozygotes for the A allele indicate that the loci WntlS, Wnt3, Crhr, and Mtapt
at clfl with heterozygosity at clf2 (Fig. 22.1). are within the candidate region. The YAC contig is in-
The A-strain derived chromosomal segments around complete. One YAC that is well within the candidate
DllMitlO in the RI strains that produced CL/P in test- region contains the loci Itgb3, Dlx3, and Dlx7 (Juriloff
crosses are relatively large (SDP database, www.infor- et al., 2001). It is expected that a bacterial artificial and cannot chromosome (BAG) contig will extend through this re-
refine the map position of clfl. However, these strains gion as part of the current Mouse Genome Project (Gra-

FIG. 22.2. Locations of clfl (a) and clf2 (b) on the mouse linkage map. All known genes that map into the physical interval defined for clfl
are shown. The order of genes mapped to yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) but not by recombination mapping is arbitrary. For elf2, some
potential candidate genes are shown; however, they have not been mapped against the interval defined for clf2, and their specific location is
uncertain. For clf2, the thickest bar denotes the location defined by testcrosses of recombinant inbred strains; the less thick bar denotes the
location from BC1 segregants (see text).

ham et al., 2001) and that more candidate genes for expressed in the branchial arches and molar and incisor
the clfl mutation may be identified. From the per- teeth (Nakamura et al., 1996), but details have not been
spective that in knockout studies genes defined by a published. As the maxillary prominence, the site of the
function in the maintenance of adult homeostasis have primary defect in CL/P, is derived from the first
surprisingly demonstrated roles in embryogenesis, all branchial arch, Dlx7 appears to be a good candidate
of the loci in the candidate region can be considered to for clfl. Another good candidate, Dlx3, is expressed in
be candidate genes for clfl. Among these genes, em- the distal tips of the first branchial arch; its knockout
bryonic expression of Crhr (corticotropin-releasing mutant dies during embryogenesis before lip formation
hormone receptor) and Mtapt (microtubule-associated due to placental defects (Kraus and Lufkin, 1999;
protein tau) has not been described. Wnt3 and WntlS Morasso et al., 1999); a frameshift mutation in humans
are members of a family of genes that encode secreted causes trichodento-osseous (TDO) syndrome (Price et
glycoproteins that act in signaling pathways to modu- al., 1998).
late cell behavior and fate in embryos (Moon et al., Integrin (33 (Itgb3, also known as Cd61) is a mem-
1997). Expression domains have not been reported for ber of a large family of genes coding for components
WntlS. In the embryonic period just before develop- of heterodimer transmembrane receptors for extracel-
ment of the facial prominences, Wnt3 is expressed lular matrix proteins, and some are involved in cell mi-
specifically in dorsal forebrain neuroepithelium, with a gration during morphogenesis. The functional rela-
sharp rostral boundary between the prospective dien- tionships among integrins are complex; each ft protein
cephalon and telencephalon, caudal to the part of the can form functionally different heterodimers with dif-
forebrain that will underlie the facial prominences, and ferent a proteins; each integrin locus produces multi-
not in the neural crest cells migrating to the facial ple different proteins through alternative mRNA splic-
prominences (Roelink and Nusse, 1991; Parr et al., ing sites. One of the heterodimers of (33 (allb, (33) is
1993). expressed on blood platelets, and human loss of func-
Dlx3 and Dlx7 are members of the distal-less homeo- tion of the (33 gene causes Glanzmann's thrombasthe-
box transcription factor gene family. Dlx7 is said to be nia, a bleeding disorder (Hynes, 1994). The embryonic

expression domains of Itgb3 have not been described mice, and a piece of it, containing a Neurod locus, is
in detail; one of the heterodimers, ay/^s, is expressed on chromosome 13. clfl is linked to Neurod2, and clfl
in the blastocyst and appears necessary for implanta- is linked to NeurodS. Thus, the possibility remains that
tion (Illera et al., 2000). There is an interrelationship clfl and clf2 are functionally redundant paralogs. No
between ay/3s and ay/Si functions (Blystone et al., pair of candidate paralogous loci have been recognized
1995), and it is a way that Itgb3 could lead to CL/P: in the pair of candidate intervals, but more gene loci
disruption of jSl function leads to deficient maxillary are expected to be identified in both.
prominences (Baudoin et al., 1998), and ay/3i with an Among the many loci currently known to map in the
expression domain in developing eyelids is associated general region encompassing the clfl locus, some of the
with the defect open-eyelids-at-birth when deficient most interesting potential candidate loci are Tcfap2a
(Carroll et al., 1998). It is particularly interesting, there- (AP-2) and Msx2, although both appear to be outside
fore, that the CL-liable A strains and the CL/Fr strain of the segment most likely to contain clf2 (Fig. 22.2).
occasionally have open-eyelids-at-birth (Kalter, 1979; Locus AP-2 demonstrates a role in lip development by
Kadowaki et al., 1997), suggesting that they may have CL/P in mutants, as discussed below (Nottoli et al.,
disruption of integrin signaling. 1998). Msx2 is a transcription factor expressed in the
In summary, among the loci currently believed to be maxillary prominence (MacKenzie et al., 1992; Wang
within the clfl region, the best candidates to be exam- et al., 1996). Knockout mutants have defects of skull
ined for mutations are Dlx3, Dlx7, and Itgb3. The hu- ossification and other abnormalities but not CL/P
man homologs of these loci are on 17q, which has been (Satokata et al., 2000). As the Msx2 knockout mutant
associated with CL/P in some studies (Chenevix-Trench has not been examined in the context of homozygos-
et al., 1992; Huie et al., 1999). ity for the requisite A-strain allele at clfl, it has not
been examined in a context where it would be expected
Candidate Loci for ci/2. The identification of candi- to cause CL/P. The homolog of a related gene, Msxl,
date loci for clfl is at an earlier stage than that for clfl has been associated with CL/P in humans (van den
(Fig. 22.2). Many of the gene loci around clf2 have not Boogaard et al., 2000). Msx gene products interact with
been finely mapped or mapped against SSLPs, and their candidates for clfl, Dlx products (Zhang et al., 1997),
placement on the composite reference map MGD 2001 consistent with the epistatic relationship between clf2
(Mouse Genome Database,, and clfl.
considered to be a work in progress, is expected to con- Other interesting possible candidate loci are within
tain significant errors in the relative placement of loci. the clf2 candidate region. These include MadhS (for-
Consequently, loci shown on the current MGD map to merly SmadS), which codes for a protein involved in
be several centimorgans outside of the SSLP-defined bone morphogenetic protein signaling and whose
clfl candidate interval are not necessarily excluded as knockout mutant has forebrain and branchial arch de-
candidate genes, and the number of potential candi- ficiencies within a severe multifaceted embryonic lethal
dates is large. An approach to identifying good candi- syndrome (Chang et al., 1999).
date loci for clf2 is based on the paralogy phenome- The clf2 candidate interval is fragmented relative to
non. In mammals, a cluster of linked loci extending human homologous linkage groups. Tcfap2a is on 6p,
over several centimorgans and comprising several Hox Msx2 and MadhS are on 5q, and other loci in the re-
genes, a pair of Dlx genes, and Rar, Neurod, Evx, Crhr, gion are reported to have homologs on 5p and 9q
Mdk, Itga, Wnt, Krt, and Sen genes, is present in four (MGD 2001).
copies, i.e., one on each of four mouse chromosomes
(Chromosomes 2, 6, 11, 15), although not all loci are
Syndromic Mutants
present in each of the four copies. It is thought that
these conserved duplicated paralogous linkage groups Dancer. A semidominant mutation on proximal chro-
originated in two sequential genome duplication events mosome 19, Dancer (Dc) is characterized in heterozy-
in the evolutionary path to mammals, with subsequent gotes by a circling behavior due to defects in the inner
loss or sequence diversion of the duplicate loci, clfl ear (Wenngren and Anniko, 1989). Homozygotes die
maps into one of these paralogous linkage groups on at birth and often have CL/P due to deficiencies of the
chromosome 11 and interacts epistatically with clf2 in facial prominences (Trasler and Leong, 1982; Trasler
the manner of duplicated loci. Although in mapping to et al., 1984). The human homologous region is on llq.
chromosome 13, clfl is not located in one of the rec-
ognized paralogous gene clusters, the approach of par- Twirler. A semidominant mutation on proximal
alogy need not be rejected. It appears that one of the chromosome 18, Twirler (Tw) is characterized in het-
clusters has broken up in the evolutionary lineage to erozygotes by circling behavior due to defects of the in-

ner ear and by obesity. Homozygotes die at birth and 10% CL/P in the normal C57BL/6J strain (Juriloff,
have CL/P (Lyon, 1958; Gong et al., 2000). The hu- 1980). These differences are often explained on the ba-
man homologous region is on 18q (Griffith et al., sis of the multifactorial threshold model, where the ef-
1996). fect of the teratogen adds to the initial genetic effect on
risk (Fig. 22.3a). However, normal mouse strains that
AP-2 Null Chimeras. A widely expressed transcrip- do not have risk of spontaneous CL/P also differ in the
tion factor, AP-2 (or AP-2a, Tcfapla), has a strong ex- frequency of CL/P induced by treatment with a variety
pression domain in the facial prominences (Mitchell et of teratogens (Biddle, 1988). Interpretation of the ge-
al., 1991). Knockout homozygotes have multiple early, netic basis of risk of teratogen-induced CL/P is com-
severe embryonic defects (Schorle et al., 1996; Zhang plex; not only loci that affect craniofacial development
et al., 1996) that preclude observation of later defects but also loci influencing maternal, placental, and em-
such as CL/P. Embryos chimeric for AP-2 null cells have bryonic metabolism of the teratogen are expected to in-
regions lacking in AP-2 activity; in many, CL/P was ob- fluence the risk of CL/P (Atlas et al., 1980; Lankas et
served (Nottoli et al., 1998). As AP-2 has multiple tran- al., 1998). Further complexity of interpretation derives
scripts (Meier et al., 1995), one can speculate that point from heterogeneity of defective developmental mecha-
mutations in a facial prominence-specific transcript nisms; e.g., small lateral prominences (Sulik et al.,
could lead to nonsyndromic CL/P. The human homolog 1979) vs. small maxillary prominences (Diewert and
is on 6p. Wang, 1992; Wang et al., 1995) can result in CL/P.
The developmental mechanism underlying the induced
Brachyphalangy (GH3Xt~Bph). A radiation-induced defect may differ from that underlying the spontaneous
mutation, brachyphalangy, causes homozygotes to trait (Fig. 22.3b). A study of the genetic co-transmission
have abnormal digits and various other defects, in- of spontaneous CL/P risk and 6-aminonicotmamide-
cluding CL/P (Johnson, 1969). It is allelic to mutations inducible CL/P indicated that the two traits are not con-
at the GU3 locus, which is mapped to proximal chro- trolled by the same genes (Juriloff, 1980).
mosome 13 (Perou et al., 1997), clearly outside the can-
didate region for df2. Only the Bph allele has been re- Phenytoin-Induced Cleft Lip with or without Cleft
ported to cause CL/P, raising the possibility that the Palate. The anticonvulsant phenytoin induces CL/P if
mutational event that caused this allele has also dam- administered to the pregnant mother in the 2 days prior
aged clf2 and is in linkage disequilibrium. The human to embryonic lip formation. The A strains are more li-
homolog is on 7p. able to phenytoin-induced CL/P than the C57BL/10 and
C57BL/6J strains (Goldman et al., 1983b; Karolyi et
Legless. A 600 kb deletion on distal chromosome 12 al., 1990). Differences in liability to phenytoin-induced
that probably spans multiple genes (Supp et al., 1999), CL/P in reciprocal congenic strains differing by the ge-
the legless (Igl) mutation causes a recessive syndrome nomic region containing the major histocompatibility
of skeletal, craniofacial, and visceral malformations, in- locus H2 are present in the context of an A-strain back-
cluding absence of distal limb structures, and a variety ground but not in a C57BL/10 background (Goldman
of severe facial and brain defects, such as frontonasal et al., 1983b). Similarly, in other reciprocal congenic
encephalocele with severe midline clefts. As part of the strains, a region that includes an N-acetyltransferase
phenotypic spectrum, some specimens have CL/P; il- variant now called Natl alters liability to phenytoin-
lustrations of this mutant (McNeish et al., 1990) sug- induced CL/P in the context of the A/J strain back-
gest that the premaxilla is abnormally small. The hu- ground but not in the C57BL/6J background (Karolyi
man homologous region is on 7q. et al., 1990). There is another N-acetyltransferase lo-
cus, Aanat, linked to clfl about 20 cM distal (MGD
2001). The variant attributed to Natl on chromosome
Genefic Liability to Teratogen-Induced Cleft Lip
8 was transferred between backgrounds based on bio-
with or without Cleft Palate
chemical phenotype (Karolyi et al., 1990), raising the
Role of Genes that Influence Risk of Teratogen- possibility that Aanat and clfl on chromosome 11 were
Induced Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate. Het- also transferred in the congenic strains.
erozygotes for the CL/P liability gene DC have greater Another analysis to map loci influencing the risk of
risk of CL/P than genetically normal embryos when phenytoin-induced CL/P was done in the AXB and BXA
treated with 6-aminonicotinamide (Trasler et al., RI strains (Diehl and Erickson, 1997). The parental
1984). The CL/Fr strain, which has about 20% spon- strain C57BL/6J (B) had about 1% phenytoin-induced
taneous CL/P, is easily induced to near 100% CL/P at CL/P at the dosage used, whereas the A/J strain had
dosages of 6-aminonicotinamide that cause less than about 43% CL/P. Nine RI strains with CL/P responses

FIG. 22.3. Conceptual models for the interpretation of genetic liability to teratogen-induced orofacial clefts, (a) Threshold model assumes ad-
ditivity of genotypes and teratogens for risk of clefting. Gaussian curves represent relative frequencies of individuals, within a given genotype,
having each value of a quantitative liability trait, shown on the x axis. The liability trait impinges on a critical threshold value, denoted by
a bold vertical line, beyond which malformation occurs. Both the effect of genetic variants that increase liability and the effect of teratogens
move the distributions toward the same threshold, and the effects of genes and teratogens act by the same developmental mechanism, (b)
Threshold model assumes that there is mechanistic heterogeneity of various types of genetic and teratogen-induced orofacial cleft. Each cir-
cle represents a distribution of individuals within a given genotype. Normal development occupies a range of values for several liability traits,
and the borders of "normal" space represent three different mechanistic thresholds (Tl, T2, T3; e.g., small lateral prominences vs. late growth
of maxillary prominences). In this model, genetic liability may be created by mechanisms at least partly different from the mechanism of ef-
fect of the teratogen.

ranging from 0% to 34 % were used. A novel analyt- all possible random distributions of marker alleles at
ical method contrasted the set of risk values for strains that locus. By this strategy, a genome screen for link-
with the A allele at a marker locus with the risk val- age to closely spaced marker loci was done. Eight chro-
ues for the strains with the B allele at the locus. The mosomal regions were significant by the criterion of
threshold value for type I error for linkage (false- p < 0.05 for each test; among these regions, the B al-
positives) was estimated from the values obtained from lele from the low-risk strain, C57BL/6J, was associated

with high risk of CL/P in the RI strains at four of these trinsic to the palate but also contribute to risk of CP.
eight loci (Table 22.1). None of the eight regions co- This multifactorial and heterogeneous set of develop-
incided with the spontaneous CL/P loci clfl and clf2 mental factors predicts that the genetic factors involved
or with the DC, Tcfapla, or G//3 gene loci; however, also will be heterogeneous.
one with an A-susceptibility allele coincided with the
vicinity of the Tiv locus on chromosome 19, one with Afonsyndromic
a jB-susceptibility allele coincided with the region of the
Igl mutation, and one with a B-susceptibility allele co- Some genetically normal inbred strains of mice have a
incided with the Nat 1 region for which B in the previ- fairly high risk of spontaneous nonsyndromic CP at
ous congenic study conferred resistance. birth (Table 22.3): the SW/Fr strain was reported to
The four regions (Table 22.1) with B alleles (from have 6% CP (Vekemans and Fraser, 1979); several
the low-risk strain) that contribute to high risk are dif- stocks of CFl mice in Japan have 3% CP (Matsushima
ficult to interpret. If both parental strains have alleles et al., 1992); and the J/Glw strain was said to have a
conferring relative risk at various loci, it is expected "high" risk of CP (Staats, 1972), estimated to be up to
that the frequencies of induced CL/P for some RI strains 25% (S. Gluecksohn-Waelsch, personal communica-
will fall beyond the parental strain range because of tion, 1978). Generally, sporadic CP is not rare in ge-
new allelic combinations across loci; but this expecta- netically normal stocks of laboratory mice, and it is oc-
tion is not met. Each of the eight regions has a high casionally documented (Gasser et al., 1981; Proetzel et
likelihood of being a false "hit." Genome screens for al., 1995). The genetic cause of a relatively high risk
linkage involve many statistical analyses of one data of spontaneous CP in mouse strains has not been stud-
set, and there is a high risk of false-positives at the stan- ied, and there appear to be no mapping studies of spo-
dard p < 0.05 threshold for type I error. For example, radic, probably multifactorial, nonsyndromic CP in
if 100 independent markers are used, at p < 0.05, five mice.
false-positive linkages are expected; therefore, in this A few mutations that cause nonsyndromic CP in mice
study using 342 markers at p < 0.05, many of the eight are known (Table 22.2). These are promising models
loci "mapped" may well be false-positives. Various ap- for definition of the gene-regulatory pathways involved
proaches to identify the P value for each marker locus in human nonsyndromic multifactorial CP. Loss of
that corresponds to a functional value of p < 0.05 per function of a transcription factor on chromosome 3,
locus in genome screens have been described (Silver, Lhx8, leads to CP in about half of homozygotes,
1995; Belknap et al., 1996); these values tend to be through failure of the elevated palatal shelves to make
around p < 0.001 or less, a criterion not met by any contact (Zhao et al., 1999); the moderate penetrance
of the linkages indicated. On the basis of balancing the suggests that genetic and environmental modifiers
risk of false-positives against overlooking loci of mod- could influence risk, as would be expected in its hu-
erate effect, Diehl and Erickson (1997) endorse a two- man counterpart. Similarly, loss of function of the y-
step mapping strategy to confirm these suggested link- aminobutyric acid (GABA)-synthesizing enzyme Gadl
ages in new intercross or backcross data. In the (also Gad67) on chromosome 2 leads to failure of fu-
meantime, it is premature to attempt to further inter- sion of elevated shelves in most homozygotes (Condie
pret the genetic architecture implied by participation of et al., 1997); loss of the /33 subunit for a GABA re-
several low-risk strain alleles in causing high risk, as ceptor (Gabrb3) on chromosome 7 also causes CP (Cu-
well as the very large number of potential candidate liat et al., 1995). Lack of transforming growth factor-
loci within 15 cM of each of the eight marker loci. /33 (Tgfb3) on chromosome 12 also leads to CP,
through failure of fusion of the apposed palatal shelves
(Proetzel et al., 1995; Kaartinen et al., 1995; Taya et
CLEFT PALATE al., 1999). The human homologous regions are listed
in Table 22.2.
A wide variety of perturbations of the developing cran-
iofacial complex can, singly or in combinations, lead Syndromic Mutants
to CP (Eraser, 1976, 1980; Diewert, 1986). Some of
these factors, e.g., small size of the palatal shelves, de- More than 50 mapped mutations in mice cause syn-
layed timing of elevation of the shelves, and lack of fu- dromes of malformations that include CP. Many prob-
sion of apposed shelves, are intrinsic to the palate. ably correspond to human syndromes caused by mu-
Other factors, such as excessive head width, abnormal tations at homologous loci. Searches of the TBASE
head posture, lack of tongue movement, lack of jaw ( and DHMHD (
movement, and deficient size of the lower jaw, are ex- DHMHD/dysmorph.html) electronic databases for

"cleft palate" lead to lists of many of these mutants, by various teratogens such as glucocorticoids, 6-
and their human linkage homologies can be found in aminonicotinamide, and phenytoin. A common pre-
the MGD 2001 database; they will not be reviewed in conception has been that liability to teratogen-induced
detail here. In many of these syndromic mutants, the CP is caused by a weakness in craniofacial development
CP appears to be secondary to other defects. For ex- in A/J arising from the same loci as spontaneous CL/P.
ample, defects in cartilage growth that cause short The available evidence indicates that the apparent con-
limbs and short snouts probably lead to mechanical ob- vergence of these traits in A/J may be a misinterpreta-
struction of palatal closure by the tongue because of tion. There are several avenues of evidence. A/J has nei-
inadequate space in the oral cavity for the tongue, as ther an unusually high risk of spontaneous isolated CP,
in and (Rittenhouse et al., 1978), cho (Seegmiller and with less than 0.5% (Hackman and Brown, 1972;
Fraser, 1977), and Col2al (Maddox et al., 1998) mu- Brown et al., 1974; Gasser et al., 1981) (Table 22.3),
tants. A similar obstructive mechanism may be present nor a uniquely high risk of either cortisone- or 6-amino-
in mutants with a small mandible, such as the SEF1 nicotinamide-induced CP. Another strain, SWV/Bc, has
transcription factor knockout (Takagi et al., 1998), the a genetic liability to cortisone-induced CP as high as
activin receptor II knockout (Matzuk et al., 1995a), that of A/J and a high liability to 6-aminonicoti-
and the Hoxa2 knockout with abnormal tongue move- namide-induced CP but never has CL/P (Biddle, 1978;
ment (Barrow and Capecchi, 1999). In several other Juriloff, 1987). The mechanisms leading to CP in A/J
mutants, the cause of CP seems to be an independent differ between cortisone and 6-aminonicotinamide, as
pleiotropic effect of loss of function of genes with key demonstrated by their different critical periods and by
roles in other developmental pathways. Among these their different dose-response slopes (Biddle, 1978), in-
are activin-/3A (Inhba) (Matzuk et al., 1995b), follis- dicating that these two types of CP are different traits.
tatin (Fs£) (Matzuk et al., 1995c), Tgfb2 (Sanford et In backcrosses descended from a cross of A/J and
al., 1997), Egfr (Miettinen et al., 1995, 1999), the reg- C57BL/6J, liability to CL/P and liability to either type
ulator of Hox gene expression Edrl (formerly rae28) of induced CP segregate independently (my analysis of
(Takihara et al., 1997), and the transcription factors combined data from Biddle and Fraser, 1979, 1986).
Titfl (De Felice et al., 1998), Msxl (Satokata and Among the 12 RI strains derived from A/J and
Maas, 1994), and Pax9 (Peters et al., 1998). In some C57BL/6J that were tested for liability to 6-aminoni-
syndromic mutants, the effect on palatal shelves ap- cotinamide-induced CP, the only one that produced
pears to be direct; severe deficiency of the palatal spontaneous CL/P, AXB-6, ranked ninth for CP, also
shelves is the cause of CP in the Dlx2 transcription fac- indicating the genetic independence of spontaneous
tor knockout (Qiu et al., 1997) and the Far mutant (Ju- CL/P and 6-aminonicotinamide-induced CP (Diehl and
riloff and Harris, 1983). A genetic complexity of CP Erickson, 1997).
risk may be introduced by the participation of im- Few genetic analyses have attempted to detect the
printed loci from the genomic region on chromosome number of differential loci responsible for a strain dif-
7 homologous to Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome loci ference in liability to teratogen-induced CP. The
(Eggenschwiler et al., 1997; Wise and Pravatcheva, A/J-C57BL/6J difference in liability to cortisone-
1997; Caspary et al., 1999). induced CP may be due to two loci acting additively
(Biddle and Fraser, 1977), and that for 6-aminonicoti-
namide-induced CP may be due to three loci interact-
Generic Liability fo Terafogen-Induced
ing epistatically (Biddle, 1977). Another strain differ-
Cleff PaJafe
ence in susceptibility to cortisone-induced CP, between
Complexities of Interpretation of the Genetics of DBA/2J and C57BL/6J, where DBA/2J is the more sus-
Liability to Teratogen-Induced Cleft Palate. Palatal ceptible strain, may be largely due to one gene (Veke-
closure is one of the last major morphogenetic events mans et al., 1981).
during development. The critical period for inducing Mapping studies (Table 22.2) for loci controlling li-
CP by teratogens is usually after most other morpho- ability to teratogen-induced CP are expected to detect
genetic events are completed, and the CP is therefore a heterogeneity of types of locus, some involved in a
usually nonsyndromic. Genetic liability to spontaneous variety of craniofacial mechanisms that lead to CP and
CP expressed as late palatal closure can cause elevated some in teratogen binding or metabolism (Lankas et
liability to teratogen-induced CP, as demonstrated by al., 1998; Atlas et al., 1980).
the SW/Fr strain response to cortisone (Vekemans and
Fraser, 1979). A/J, a strain with spontaneous CL/P, is Glucocorticoid-Induced Cleft Palate. Several ge-
more susceptible than C57BL/6J to isolated CP induced nomic regions, identified in different strain compar-

isons, influence liability to glucocorticoid-induced CP. these loci may be the Natl region, also involved in glu-
The regions include at least three loci within the ma- cocorticoid susceptibility, as shown by a significant in-
jor histocompatibility gene (H2) complex, Dcpl, Dcp2, crease in phenytoin-induced CP when the A/J N-acetyl-
and Acp (Gasser et al., 1988, 1991; Tyan and Tyan, transferase trait was substituted into a congenic
1993), which were detected in congenic strains on the C57BL/6J background (Karolyi et al., 1990).
C57BL/10 background. On this background, in other
congenic strains, another immune response gene region, 6-Aminonicotinamide-Induced Cleft Palate. Lia-
H3, also influences susceptibility (Gasser et al., 1981). bility to 6-aminonicotinamide-induced CP is much
The H2-region loci do not appear to affect palatal de- higher in A/J than C57BL/6J mice and is in part at-
velopment directly (Vekemans and Fraser, 1982), they tributable to the variant in the Natl region. Substitu-
seem to cause differences in palate binding of gluco- tion of the C57BL/6J variant into A/J in a congenic
corticoids (Katsumata et al., 1981), and biochemical strain significantly reduced the frequency of CP in-
studies indicate that the mechanism of teratogenesis is duced; however, this effect was limited to the context
through the anti-inflammatory activity of glucocorti- of the A/J background, and the reverse substitution into
coids and consequent differences in inhibition of arachi- the C57BL/6J background had no detectable effect
donic acid release (Gupta et al., 1984). In contrast to (Karolyi et al., 1990). This epistatic phenomenon is
the congenic strains, the DBA/2J-C57BL/6J strain dif- consistent with the independent genetic analysis that
ference in susceptibility to glucocorticoid-induced CP estimated that a combination of three recessive epista-
is not detectably influenced by the genes in the H2 com- tic loci in A/J cause its high response to 6-aminoni-
plex, and a major susceptibility locus difference was cotinamide (Biddle, 1977) as the epistasis would enable
mapped in the BXD RI strains to chromosome 5 near the dominant allele from C57BL/6J at any one of the
the Pgml marker locus (Vekemans et al., 1981). An- three loci to suppress the effects of the other two loci,
other strain difference in susceptibility to glucocorticoid- whereas the homozygous recessive state at one of the
induced CP, between A/J and C57BL/6J, where A/J is three loci would have no effect, as demonstrated by the
the relatively susceptible strain, was shown by recip- reverse congenic on C57BL/6J.
rocal congenic strains to be strongly influenced by func- In another approach (Diehl and Erickson, 1997) to
tional variants of N-acetyltransferase, attributed to mapping loci responsible for the A/J-C57BL/6J strain
Natl on chromosome 8 or closely linked loci (Karolyi difference (54% CP vs. 9% CP at the 6-aminonicoti-
et al., 1990). An effect of genes on the X chromosome namide dosage used), the CP response and genome
also was demonstrated for the susceptibility differences screen of markers from a set of nine AXB/BXA RI
between A/J, C57BL/6J, and C3H/HeJ, using compar- strains were analyzed by a novel method, as described
isons of risk in specific categories of reciprocal back- above for the parallel study done on phenytoin-induced
crosses that differ only in X chromosome genes (Fran- CL/P. Ten genomic regions were identified at p < 0.05;
cis, 1973). however, as discussed above, the lack of correction for
the multiple tests of a genome screen increases the ac-
Phenytoin-Induced Cleft Palate. In many strains of tual risk of false linkages greatly, and it is likely that
mice, CP is induced when the anticonvulsant phenytoin as many as half of the "hits" could be false-positives.
is given to the mother during the 3 days before palatal Among the 10 potential linkages found, in three the
closure in the fetus. Although phenytoin is not chemi- higher-susceptibility allele was from the A/J strain
cally similar to glucocorticoids, at least some of the (Table 22.2); in the rest, it was the B (low-risk strain)
same genes appear to influence strain susceptibilities to allele. Although the RI strains do exceed the parental
CP induced by both teratogens. On the C57BL/10 back- range in CP response, predicting some B-susceptibility
ground, at least two loci in the H2 complex and a gene alleles, it is difficult to reconcile the very low risk of
at or near the H3 locus strongly influence susceptibil- the C57BL/6J strain with its contributing most of the
ity to phenytoin-induced CP (Goldman et al., 1983a,b). high-risk alleles to the cross, and this argues that many
The biochemical mechanism of the H2 genetic effect are false linkages. In keeping with the recommended
on susceptibility to phenytoin-induced CP has been ob- two-step mapping strategy for genome surveys in RI
served to be the same as for glucocorticoids, involving strains (Belknap et al., 1996; Diehl and Erickson,
an H2 effect on the degree of inhibition of arachidonic 1997), which relaxes the criterion for significance on
acid release (Gupta et al., 1984). Other loci are also the first pass on condition that the suggested linkages
implicated: the A/J background confers a higher degree be tested in independent segregating crosses, it is pre-
of inhibition of arachidonic acid by phenytoin than the mature to extrapolate to genetic architecture or to can-
C57BL/10 background (Gupta et al., 1984). One of didate loci from these data.

POTENTIAL FUTURE ROLES FOR QUANTITATIVE teractions among a few loci rather than segregation of
TRAIT LOCUS APPROACHES a large number of QTL's.
The QTL mapping programs that are based on sta-
Measurable characteristics that normally vary among tistical assumptions for quantitative variables are gen-
individuals on a continuous scale are termed quantita- erally not directly applicable to the low-penetrance bi-
tive traits. The normal variation in agriculturally im- nary data for orofacial clefting in segregants. A function
portant traits such as milk production, egg production, of the MAPMAKER/QTL program, termed a pene-
fruit yield, and growth rate appears to be due to the trance scan, can be used with binary data to map QTLs
additive effects of numerous polymorphic gene loci. A of large effect, as demonstrated by Cadfar
Cadfar in cadmium-
theoretical base and statistical methods were developed induced forelimb malformations (Hovland et al., 2000).
to study and manipulate these traits (Falconer, 1981). However, if a small number of loci of relatively large
An individual locus that contributes to the variation in effect are involved, they can be mapped by direct anal-
a quantitative trait is termed a quantitative trait locus ysis of marker segregation ratios in a genome screen of
(QTL). Quantitative genetic methodology has been de- affected segregants, as demonstrated by df1 clfl and df2
veloped to use highly polymorphic mapped molecular (Juriloff et al., 2001).
markers in a genome screen of genetic segregants to The goal of mapping QTLs is to identify the genes.
identify chromosomal regions that contain QTLs (Lan- Mapping is the first step. Because there is not a direct
der and Botstein, 1989; Tanksley, 1993). In principle, relationship between the genotype at a particular QTL
the core of these methods is concerned with statistical and the phenotype, it is not possible, among segregants,
detection of the impacts on variation in the quantita- to distinguish the rare recombinants that refine the def-
tive trait by the QTL variants present in marked chro- inition of the QTL map position. Therefore, QTL map
mosomal regions. Several statistical approaches to QTL positions begin as large chromosomal segments (e.g.,
mapping have been developed and the available soft- 10 cM) containing dozens of genes. A prerequisite to
ware packages reviewed (Manly and Olson, 1999). gene identification is more precise mapping of the QTL
Generally, BC1 and F2 generations are more efficient (e.g., a 1-2 cM segment). Precise mapping requires ad-
for detection of QTLs than are RI strains; BC1 segre- ditional mapping strategies (reviewed in Darvasi,
gants are more efficient than F2s for mapping major 1998). Some approaches that are applicable to binary
QTLs, but F2s give a more accurate picture of genetic threshold traits are as follows. In the recombinant prog-
architecture (Darvasi, 1998). eny testing method, segregants are screened for the
Approaches to QTL mapping have been applied to flanking markers surrounding the QTL interval, recom-
diseases with complex inheritance that are expressed as binants within the QTL interval are testcrossed, and
observable extremes of quantitative physiological vari- the phenotypes of their progeny indicate which part of
ables, such as hypertension (Jacob et al., 1991) or fre- the interval contains the QTL. For example, if high risk
quency of seizures induced by specific environments of CL/P were associated with the A allele at the QTL,
(Frankel et al., 1994). Application of the statistical the recombinants retaining the A haplotype through the
methods for QTL mapping both to normal variation part of the interval containing the QTL would transmit
and to disease states tends to obscure some funda- a higher risk of CL/P to their testcross progeny than the
mental genetic questions. Whether there is a systematic recombinants that had been changed by recombination
difference in the genetic architecture and type of ge- to B in this region. In the interval-specific congenic
netic variants or loci that contribute to the two situa- strain approach, the flanking markers are used to as-
tions is not known. It has become conventional to re- sist in transferring the QTL interval from one parental
fer to the loci involved in genetically complex traits as strain to the other, by repeated backcrossing. Then, in-
QTLs, although their role may not be quantitative. dividuals with recombinant haplotypes between the
A longstanding quantitative genetic hypothesis flanking markers are used as founders of homozygous
(Fraser, 1976; Falconer, 1981) explains the complexity strains, each containing a different section of the trans-
of heredity of some "all-or-none" (qualitative) birth de- ferred interval, identified by a series of closely spaced
fects such as CL/P and CP. It proposes that an under- markers. Comparison of the phenotypes of these strains
lying polygenic quantitative trait in a developmental is used to identify the fraction of the original interval
process is translated into the observed binary trait by that contains the QTL. Other, more complex ap-
a critical threshold value, such as timing or size (Fig. proaches may also be taken (Darvasi, 1998).
22.3a). This threshold hypothesis has been supported With a precisely defined map position in hand, the
by observations of embryos. The polygenic aspect of gene at the QTL can be identified by examination of
the hypothesis has not been supported by mouse mod- the sequence of candidate genes already known in the
els; the genetic complexity originates in nonadditive in- region.
SUMMARY developmental mechanisms and genetic mechanisms of
interaction that lead to complexity of transmission pat-
Mouse models offer some insight into the gene- terns of orofacial clefts will likely be identified first in
regulatory pathways involved in nonsyndromic nonin- mice.
duced CL/P and CP. For CL/P, these are df1 clfl and df2
which are naturally occurring variants that need to be REFERENCES
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Gene-environment interaction and risk
to oral clefts


Oral clefts include cleft lip (CL), cleft palate (CP), and gistic effects, it is important to realize that a number
cleft lip and palate (CLP); and collectively these con- of patterns of risk in the presence of the gene alone,
stitute a heterogeneous group of nonfatal birth defects environment alone, and both are possible, including
known to be multifactorial in origin, in that both genes negative or protective effects (Khoury et al., 1993).
and environmental factors contribute to their etiology Ottman (1996) described five "biologically plausible"
(Mitchell et al., 2001). It is possible to reduce hetero- models of relationships between genotype, environ-
geneity in a sample of oral cleft cases by eliminating mental exposure, and disease risk. These models in-
infants with recognized malformation syndromes (ge- clude situations where (1) the genotype increases ex-
netic or teratogenic) that can include oral clefts and in- pression of the risk factor, which can act on its own;
fants with multiple anomalies that may not fall into (2) the high-risk genotype exacerbates the effect of the
any recognized malformation syndrome. Even so, iso- risk factor, but the genotype has no effect in unexposed
lated, nonsyndromic oral clefts represent a complex and individuals; (3) the exposure exacerbates the effect of
heterogeneous group of birth defects where there is a high-risk genotype, but there is no effect in exposed
strong evidence of an etiologic role for both genetic and individuals without this genotype; (4) both exposure
environmental factors. It is imperative, therefore, to de- and the high-risk genotype are needed to alter risk; and
sign studies of oral clefts so that the effects of both (5) both the exposure and the genotype affect disease
genes and environmental factors, as well as their pos- risk separately, but the risk is higher (or lower) when
sible interaction, are considered. A variety of study de- they occur simultaneously.
signs are available, each with its own advantages and The marginal effects of the gene or the environment
limitations. Here, we review how these different study may or may not be apparent when interaction exists.
designs can be used to test for gene-environment in- A number of epidemiologic study designs can be used
teraction and then describe published studies of oral to test for gene-environment interaction, as discussed
clefts which incorporate gene-environment interactions below, and several of these have been used to demon-
to one degree or another. strate gene-environment interaction in studies of oral
In epidemiologic studies, interaction occurs when the clefts.
joint effect of two risk factors is greater (synergism) or
less than a simple combination of their individual effects
(Rothman, 1986). In the context of gene-environment METHODS FOR IDENTIFYING
interaction, the isolated effects of a genotype (or of an GENE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION
allele) and of some observed environmental exposure
fail to predict the effect seen when both are present. It is possible to model gene-environment interaction in
While interactions are commonly described as syner- formal genetic analysis by considering genotype-specific


effects of covariates on the risk of having an oral cleft TABLE 23.1. Contrasts Needed to Test for
(where the covariate represents some observable envi- Gene-Environment Interaction in a Case-Control
ronmental factor), but this has significant limitations. Study
In particular, information about the covariate will be Genotype and Exposure Cases Controls Notation
needed for all family members (affected and unaf-
fected), not just on the proband who brings the family G+E+ i bj ORge

into the study. When the covariate is something simple G+E- a

i b2 ORg
like gender (which does influence risk for oral clefts), G-E+ as bs ORe

this may be possible; but in utero environmental ex- G-E- c d Reference

posures, such as maternal smoking, will be difficult to G + E + , presence of high-risk genotype and environmental expo-
collect on older relatives. Thus, analysis of extended sure; G + E~, presence of high-risk genotype and no exposure; G~E + ,
pedigrees is rarely used to detect gene-environment in- presence of low-risk genotype and environmental exposure; G~E~,
reference group, low-risk genotype and no exposure.
teraction. Rather, retrospective epidemiologic designs
are commonly extended to incorporate genetic infor-
mation and used to test for gene-environment interac-
tions (Weinberg and Umbach, 2000). lele frequencies across most European populations are
The most common epidemiologic design used to de- too modest to justify such concern.
tect gene-environment interaction is the case-control When testing for gene-environment interaction in the
design. Cases with the birth defect of interest are com- case-control design, the standard 2 X 2 table compar-
pared to controls with no known birth defects or with ing exposure to case or control status expands to con-
a birth defect other than the one under study. Cases sider all combinations of genetic and environmental
and controls are genotyped for the markers of interest, factors (Yang and Khoury, 1997), as shown in Table
and environmental exposure information is collected, 23.1.
typically by direct interview of parents. From this table, three distinct ORs can be con-
This retrospective design allows broad inferences un- structed: (1) the effect of the genotype (G) in the ab-
der two conditions: (1) when it is population-based, sence of the environmental exposure (E) [G + E~ vs.
i.e., when the sampled cases are representative of all G~E-, ORg = (a 2 *d)/(b 2 *c)], (2) the effect of exposure
infants with oral clefts and the controls are represen- in the absence of the genotype [G"E+ vs. G~E~, ORe =
tative of all infants without oral clefts, and (2) these (a 3 *d)/(b 3 *c)], and (3) their interaction [G+E+ vs.
two samples are sufficiently comparable to conclude G~E~, ORge = (ai*d)/(bi*c)]. If gene-environment in-
that differences in either gene frequencies or environ- teraction is present, ORge will not be a simple function
mental exposures could reflect causality. It is impor- of ORe and ORg, under either an additive or a multi-
tant to remember, however, that when a genetic marker plicative model. Under an additive model, the null hy-
is used in any case-control study, a statistically signif- pothesis of no interaction would imply (ORg + ORe) —
icant association could represent direct causality (i.e., ORge = 1 (i.e., ORge = ORg + ORe); while under a
the genetic marker could be part of the causal path- multiplicative model, the null hypothesis would be
way) or indirect causality (i.e., the marker could be in ORge/(ORe * ORg) = 1 (i.e., ORge = ORg*ORe).
linkage disequilibrium with a causal allele at some un- An alternative method to look at the joint effects of
observed susceptibility locus). genotype and environment in the context of a case-
A critical weakness of the case-control design for test- control design is multiple logistic regression (Umbach
ing for association between genetic markers and case and Weinberg, 1997). An interaction term is added to
or control status (and thus the possibility of gene- the standard predictive model that tests for the mar-
environment interaction) is the distinct possibility of ginal effects of genotype (x\) and environment (#2).
confounding due to population stratification. Con- This interaction term is generated by multiplying the
founding arises when the sample of cases and controls outcomes of the two variables of interest, xi and X2
consists of genetically distinct subgroups that vary in [e.g., transforming growth factor-a (TGFA) genotype
both disease frequency and marker allele frequency. and smoking] to create a new variable (x\ #2):
Such heterogeneity among unrecognized subgroups
can, under the right circumstances, create a completely
spurious statistical association, a phenomenon known
as Simpson's paradox. The resulting bias in estimates
of any odds ratio (OR) due to confounding can be sub- A model testing for interaction between TGFA geno-
stantial (Witte et al., 1999), although Wacholder et al. type and maternal smoking would look like the fol-
(2000) argued that observed differences in marker al- lowing:

resents "overmatching" and, thus, will reduce statisti-

cal power to detect isolated genetic and environmental
effects. Witte et al. (1999) noted that sib controls are
This logistic model tests not only for the independent more closely matched for genetic factors than are
effects of smoking and TGFA genotype but also for the cousin controls and, thus, minimize the possibility of
effect of smoking in the presence of the high-risk geno- confounding but provide less statistical power to de-
type (Pagano and Gauvreau, 1993). tect genetic effects due to overmatching. Furthermore,
The three ORs presented in Table 23.1 along with full sibs will be closely matched for shared maternal
the prevalence of the genotype, the prevalence of ex- environmental factors. In addition to this loss of power,
posure to the environmental factors, and the number the practical issue of availability of a sib or a cousin
of controls recruited per case combine to determine sta- must be considered. Given today's relatively small fam-
tistical power. A number of reports have presented ily sizes, not all oral cleft cases will have a sib or first
methods to estimate statistical power and the minimum cousin available. For example, Beaty et al. (1997) found
sample sizes needed to achieve predetermined levels of that almost 40% of all case infants were firstborn and
power in case-control designs (Hwang et al., 1994; had no sib.
Khoury et al., 1995; Foppa and Speigelman, 1997; A more intriguing family-based study design, which
Garcia-Closas and Lubin, 1999). The assumptions traces its roots back to work by Falk and Rubinstein
made in each study differ, however, so subsequent cal- (1987), has generated much interest (Schaid, 1998).
culations of minimum sample size often vary. This approach has been variously termed the "case-
One key assumption of all of these tests for gene- parent trio" design, the "case-parental control" design,
environment interaction is the independence of the or the "triad" design. The case-parent trio is comprised
genotype and exposure. While this assumption is by no of the case and two parents and involves comparing
means guaranteed, it seems reasonable for many situ- the genes observed in the case with those present in the
ations involving birth defects. A more subtle possibil- parental mating type, thus eliminating the requirement
ity is that the prevalence of a genotype and exposure of a separate individual as a control. Spielman et al.
to an environmental factor could vary across unrecog- (1993) proposed an allelic version of this design called
nized subgroups sufficiently to create a correlation be- the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). As demon-
tween genotype and exposure in the total sample strated in Figure 23.1, the father with alleles 1 and 2
(Weinberg and Umbach, 2000). transmitted allele 1 and did not transmit allele 2 to the
A variation on the case-control design is the case- child. The mother, whose genotype was 2,2 transmit-
only design, which can be used to test for gene- ted one allele 2 to the child but not the other allele 2.
environment interaction (Khoury and Flanders, 1996; The subsequent genotype of the child was 1,2 (where
Yang et al., 1997). Paradoxically, this approach can be the three alternative genotypes were 1,2; 2,2; and 2,2).
more statistically efficient than the traditional case-con- The case-parent trio design (in either an allelic or a
trol design but faces its own strict limitations. Piegorsch genotypic form) allows tests for deviation from ex-
et al. (1994) showed that case-only designs can actu- pected transmission of marker alleles (or genotypes) to
ally provide greater statistical efficiency in testing for the affected child and represents a composite null hy-
interaction within the framework of a log-linear model
and should thus be more powerful at detecting gene-
environment interaction. The gain in efficiency occurs
primarily because case-only designs do not consider the
variance contributed by controls. However, it is impos-
sible to test for isolated effects of either genotype or
environmental factors in case-only designs. Furthermore,
the case-only approach relies strictly on the assumption
of independence in the distribution of genotypes and
environmental exposure and on a multiplicative model.
Family-based case-control studies offer an alternative
to either case-only or traditional case-control designs
since they avoid the pitfall of confounding by match-
ing a control to the genetic background of the case (An-
drieu and Goldstein, 1998). When, e.g., the control is
an unaffected sib or cousin, the potential for con-
founding is minimized; but use of related controls rep- FIG. 23.1. Pedigree illustrating transmitted vs. nontransmitted alleles.

TABLE 23.2. Allelic Transmission Disequilibrium lele and an observed environmental risk factor variable.
Test (TDT) Covariates were then added to the original logistic
model individually, and the likelihood ratio test was
Allele not transmitted
used to calculate the impact of the exposure on the
Allele Transmitted Mi M2 odds of transmission to the case.
MI a b
Umbach and Weinberg (2000) have criticized this al-
lelic approach as too narrow. An alternative approach
M2 c d
is to compare the observed genotype of the case to the
Ho: P(transmitting M1) = 0.5, McNemar's x2 = (b - c)2l(b + c). three possible genotypes from the parental mating type
(Schaid, 1998). Again, logistic regression models can
be used to predict the log-odds of being the affected in-
pothesis that there is neither linkage nor association fant as a function of marker genotypes and then ex-
(i.e., no disequilibrium due to linkage) between the ob- pand these models to include gene-environment or even
served marker locus and an unobserved trait locus. The gene-gene interaction.
original TDT, e.g., constructs a 2 X 2 table comparing As Lake et al. (2000) noted, the original case-parent
alleles transmitted and not transmitted to the affected trio design was developed for the composite null hy-
child and uses McNemar's x2 statistic to test for devi- pothesis of no linkage or no linkage disequilibrium;
ation from the expected 50% transmission of any one however, a related approach is to test for linkage dis-
marker allele from a heterozygous parent (as shown in equilibrium (association) given prior evidence of link-
Table 23.2). age. In this situation, the alternative hypothesis is the
The null hypothesis implies both no disequilibrium same, i.e., that both linkage and linkage disequilibrium
due to linkage (i.e., the target allele MI is not associ- exist. Generalized test statistics for both of these null
ated with the high-risk allele at the trait locus in the hypotheses have been developed for nuclear family de-
population) and that the marker is not linked to the signs and for case-parent trios (Laird et al., 2000). A
trait locus; thus, transmission of the marker allele to summary of study designs to test for gene-environment
the affected child has a 50% probability from a het- interaction is presented in Table 23.3.
erozygous parent, i.e., b = c under the null hypothesis.
While this is a valid test of linkage (Speilman and
Ewens, 1996) in the presence of disequilibrium, it could STUDIES EXAMINING GENE-ENVIRONMENT
well miss a linked susceptibility locus if two-locus INTERACTION AND ORAL CLEFTS
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium existed (so there would
be no association between alleles at the marker and It is very important to investigate possible gene-envi-
trait loci). ronment interaction because, if present, it opens up the
Maestri et al. (1997) expanded the allelic TDT to test option of effective intervention programs to prevent
for gene-environment interaction and oral clefts using birth defects through modification of the environmen-
conditional logistic regression models to include co- tal risk factor alone. There are several examples of po-
variates. An interaction term was created by obtaining tential gene-environment interaction in studies of oral
the product of the indicator variable for the target al- clefts; however, the observed associations are modest

TABLE 23.3. Study Designs to Test for Gene-Environment Interaction

Study Design Advantages Disadvantages

Case-control Broad inferences about Confounding due to population

(unrelated) causality possible for stratification could lead to
population-based samples spurious results
Case-control Minimizes potential for Constitutes overmatching on
(related) confounding due to genetic factors and possibly on
population stratification environmental factors; not all
cases will have available
Case only Greater statistical power than Cannot test for isolated
case-control possible, genotypic or environmental
cheaper without controls effects
Case-parent trios Avoids confounding due to Cannot test for environmental
population heterogeneity factors only
TABLE 23.4. Studies of Oral Clefts that Tested for Gene-Environment Interactions
Candidate Environmental Odds Ratio
Reference Gene Factor Subjects Results (95% Confidence Interval)

Hwang et al. TGFA Smoking 114CL/P Gene-smoking CP:

(1995), 69 CP interaction for CP 5.5 (2.1-14.6)
Maryland 284 birth
defect controls
Shaw et al. TGFA Smoking 348 CL/P Gene-smoking CL/P:
(1996), 141 CP cases interaction 6.1 (1.1-36.6)
California 734 normal for heavy CP:
controls smokers 9.0 (1.4-61.9)
Maestri TGFA Smoking 160 case- Gene-smoking Nonsmokers:
et al. (1997), TGFB3, parent trios interaction for TGFA 1.46
Maryland KARA, TGFA and TGFB3 1.54
BCL3 TGFB3 for all Smokers:
clefts TGFA 9.00 (p = 0.06)*
TGFB3 5.33 (p = 0.04)
Shaw et al. TGFA Multivitamin 348 CL/P Gene-nutrient CL/P:
(1998), use 141 CP cases interaction for 3.0 (1.4-6.6)
California 734 normal both C and CP:
controls CL/P 2.6 (0.97-7.7)
Shaw et al. MTHFR, Multivitamin 310 CL/P No evidence of Nonusers:
(1998), C677T use 383 controls gene-nutrient 1.4 (0.54-3.6)
California interaction Uses
0.74 (0.39-1.4)
Romitti et al. TGFA, Smoking and 154 CL/P CP: CP:
(1999), MSX1, alcohol 60 CP gene-smoking MSX1 2.7 (1.1-6.3)
Iowa TGFB3 373 controls interaction
(MSX1 and TGFB3 18.8 (1.3-469.5)
gene-alcohol 19.3 (2.9-274.7)
interaction (MSX1)
Christensen TGFA Smoking 233 CL/P No increased Not available
et al. 83 CP risk for CP or
(1999), 604 controls CL/P; no
Denmark evidence for

CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate.
*p-values based on likelihood ratio test.

and somewhat inconsistent across studies (Table 23.4). an isolated, noncleft defect. They showed (1) a slight
The single most widely studied genetic marker is the but nonsignificant increase in the number of CP only
TGFA gene, although several other candidate genes infants carrying the rare C2 allele compared to the birth
have been examined. Environmental exposures exam- defects control group and (2) a significantly increased
ined to date include modifiable risk factors such as risk of CP among infants carrying the C2 allele if the
smoking and alcohol consumption and dietary factors mother smoked [OR = 5.5, 95% confidence interval
such as vitamin supplementation. (CI) = 2.1-14.6], thus suggesting gene-environment in-
Hwang et al. (1995) first studied the association be- teraction between the infant's genotype at this TGFA
tween the Taql site marker in the TGFA gene and iso- locus and maternal smoking.
lated oral clefts. Both cases and controls were ascer- Shaw et al. (1996) confirmed these findings in a
tained from the Birth Defects Registry Information population-based case-control study from California,
System, a passive birth defect registry maintained by in which control infants had no birth defect. Mothers
the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hy- who smoked more than 20 cigarettes/day showed an
giene. Hwang et al. (1995) used these data in a retro- increased risk for having a child with CP or CL with
spective case-control study design to examine whether or without CP (CL/P); this risk increased when the in-
there was an association between the rarer C2 allele at fant carried the rare C2 allele.
the Taql site in the TGFA gene and oral clefts. Cases Christensen et al. (1999) performed a large popula-
with isolated oral clefts were compared to controls with tion-based case-control study in Denmark. This study

had the advantages of a high participation rate, a ho- magnified if the infant carried an allelic variant at the
mogeneous population, and exposure information on MSX1 site. As mentioned above, there was no evidence
smoking collected soon after the birth of the child. Con- of gene-smoking interaction for either type of cleft phe-
trols were non-malformed infants born at the same hos- notype at the TGFA locus in this Iowa study.
pital as the case infant. Twenty-five percent of all CL/P Shaw et al. (1998) tested for an association between
cases (n = 233), CP cases (n = 83), and controls (n = the C677T mutation in the methyltetrahydrofolate re-
316) carried the rare Taql allele. There was a slight in- ductase (MTHFR) gene, maternal multivitamin use,
creased risk of having a CL/P infant among mothers and risk of CL/P. Cases (n = 310) and controls (n =
who smoked during pregnancy (OR = 1.40, 95% CI 383) were obtained from a cohort of California births
0.99-2.00); however, these authors found no evidence from 1987 through 1989. There was no increased risk
of interaction between TGFA genotype of the infant for CL/P among infants carrying the mutant T allele.
and maternal smoking. Romitti et al. (1999) also failed In addition, there was no evidence for an interaction
to find any evidence of gene-environment interaction between infant's genotype at the MTHFR locus and
between this rare C2 allele at the Taql site and maternal multivitamin use affecting risk of CL/P.
maternal smoking during pregnancy in a study of In a review of different methodologies to test for
366 cases (161 with CL/P and 64 with CP) and 393 gene-environment interaction, Yang and Khoury
controls from Iowa. Thus, the evidence for gene- (1997) utilized the data from Hwang et al. (1995) to
environment interaction between TGFA and maternal illustrate the case-only design. Using the standard case-
smoking remains ambiguous. control method, Hwang et al. (1995) found an OR of
Shaw et al. (1998) found evidence for an interaction interaction for CP, maternal smoking, and TGFA geno-
between this same TGFA marker and nutrient intake. type of 5.5 (95% CI 2.1-14.6). This is quite compara-
Cleft cases (n = 731) and non-malformed controls (n = ble to the OR of 5.1 (95% CI 1.5-18.5) computed by
734) were obtained from a population-based case-con- Yang and Khoury (1997) using only cases. However,
trol study performed in California. Cases included 348 when reanalyzing the data from Shaw et al. (1996),
with CL/P, 141 with CP, 99 with CL/P and other anom- which also examined the effects of maternal smoking
alies, 74 with CP and other anomalies, and 69 with and TGFA on oral clefts, we found less agreement be-
some known syndrome. Women who reported taking tween these two designs. For CP, Shaw et al. (1996)
multivitamins containing folic acid during the pericon- found an OR of interaction of 9.0 (95% CI 1.4-61.9),
ceptual period were at reduced risk for delivering a which was quite different from the case-only OR of
child with an oral cleft; i.e., there was a marginal pro- 2.92 (95% CI 0.64-13.34). Likewise, for CL/P, Shaw
tective effect of vitamin use. There were no increased et al. (1996) found an OR of interaction of 6.1 (95%
risks for oral clefts when considering the rare Taql al- CI 1.1-36.6), which deviated considerably from the
lele alone, however. Gene-environment interaction was case-only OR of 2.01 (95% CI 0.60-6.55). Schmidt
suggested since there was an increased risk for having and Schaid (1999) suggested that case-only analysis to
a child with an oral cleft if the mother did not use mul- test for gene-environment interaction may lead to un-
tivitamins during the periconceptual period and the in- derestimated ORs in some circumstances.
fant carried the rare C2 allele at TGFA. This risk was Although Lidral et al. (1998) incorporated TDT anal-
highest for CL/P (OR - 3.0, 95% CI 1.4-6.6). ysis into their Iowa study, Maestri et al. (1997) per-
In the above-mentioned Iowa study, Romitti et al. formed one of the few studies using case-parent trios
(1999) examined three candidate genes (TGFA, MSX1, to test explicitly for gene-environment interaction. Us-
TGFB3) and two environmental factors (smoking, al- ing 160 case-parent trios from Maryland, they utilized
cohol) to determine their combined effects on oral conditional logistic regression models to extend the tra-
clefts. Cases (n = 60 CP, n - 154 CL/P) were identi- ditional allelic TDT to include an interaction term for
fied through the Iowa Birth Defects Registry from 1987 gene-environment interaction. Markers at TGFA
through 1994, and controls (n = 373) were selected (D2S443), TGFB3 (D14S61), BCL3, and KARA were
from all Iowa births during this same time period. No genotyped; and information about maternal smoking
marginal allelic effects for markers at any of these can- was included as an environmental exposure. There was
didate genes were observed. Small increases in risk were some evidence of increased transmission of allele 4
seen among CP infants if the mother smoked more than among smoking mothers for the TGFA marker
10 cigarettes/day (OR = 2.3, 95% CI 1.1-4.6), but D2S443. In addition, the TGFB3 marker D14S61
these risks were even higher if the infant carried allelic showed increased transmission of allele 6 only among
variants at the MSX1 or TGFB3 gene. Increases in risk smoking mothers. Both of these results raise the possi-
for CL/P were also observed if the mother consumed bility that gene-environment interaction at several loci
alcohol (OR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.2-6.6), and this risk was may contribute to risk of oral clefts.

DISCUSSION proach to family based tests of association. Genet Epidemiol

Suppl 19: S36-S42.
Lake, SL, Blacker, D, Laird, NM (2000). Family based tests of asso-
Despite their sometimes ambiguous results, it is evident ciation in the presence of linkage. Am J Hum Genet 67:1515-1525.
from the preceding examples that genetic factors and Lidral, AC, Romitti, PA, Basart, AM, et al. (1998). Association of
environmental factors do play a role in the etiology of MSX1 and TGFB3 with nonsyndromic clefting in humans. Am J
oral clefts, both independently and jointly. When study- Hum Genet 63: 557-568.
ing complex diseases, such as birth defects, it is im- Maestri, NE, Beaty, TH, Hetmanski, J, et al. (1997). Application of
transmission disequilibrium tests to nonsyndromic oral clefts: In-
portant to explore the effects of both genetic and en- cluding candidate genes and environmental exposures in the mod-
vironmental factors and whether they interact, not only els. Am J Med Genet 73: 337-344.
to better understand the etiology of oral clefts but also Mitchell, LE, Beaty, TH, Lidral, AC, et al. (2001). Guidelines for the
to identify when modifiable environmental factors may design and analysis of studies on non-syndromic cleft lip and cleft
increase risk. Such situations present a real opportu- palate in humans. Summary report from a workshop of the In-
ternational Consortium for Oral Clefts Genetics. Cleft Palate
nity for intervention. Several different methods and Craniofac J (in press).
study designs exist to examine gene-environment in- Ottman, R (1996). Gene-environment interaction: definitions and
teraction, ranging from family-based studies to tradi- study designs. Prev Med 25: 764-770.
tional epidemiologic studies incorporating data on ge- Pagano, M, Gauvreau, K (1993). Principles of Biostatistics. Belmont,
netic markers. The choice of study design depends both CA: Duxbury Press.
Piegorsch, WW, Weinberg, CR, Taylor, JA (1994). Non-hierarchial
on the availability of subjects and on the hypothesis be- logistic models and case-only designs for assessing susceptibility
ing tested, but the etiology of oral clefts will not be in population-based case-control studies. Stat Med 13: 153-162.
fully understood without serious consideration of both Romitti, PA, Lidral, AC, Munger, RG, et al. (1999). Candidate genes
genes and environmental factors, as well as their in- for nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate and maternal cigarette
teraction. smoking and alcohol consumption: evaluation of genotype-
environment interactions from a population-based case-control
study of orofacial clefts. Teratology 59: 39-50.
Rothman, KJ (1986). Modern Epidemiology. Boston: Little, Brown.
Andrieu, N, Goldstein, AM (1998). Epidemiologic and genetic ap- Schaid, DJ (1998). Transmission disequilibrium, family controls, and
proaches in the study of gene-environment interaction: an great expectations. Am J Hum Genet 63: 935-941.
overview of available methods. Epidemiol Rev 20: 137-147. Schmidt, S, Schaid, DJ (1999). Potential misinterpretation of the case-
Beaty, TH, Maestri, NE, Hetmanski, JB, et al. (1997). Testing for only study to assess gene-environment interaction. Am J Epi-
gene-environment interaction among oral cleft cases born in demiol 150: 878-885.
Maryland in 1992-1996. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 34: 447-454. Shaw, GM, Wasserman, CR, Lammer, EJ, et al. (1996). Orofacial
Christensen, K, Olson, J, Norgaard-Pedersen, B, et al. (1999). Oral clefts, parental cigarette smoking, and transforming growth fac-
clefts, transforming growth factor alpha gene variants, and ma- tor-alpha gene variants. Am J Hum Genet 58: 551-561.
ternal smoking: a population-based case-control study in Den- Shaw, GM, Wasserman, CR, Murray, JC, Lammer, EJ (1998). In-
mark, 1991-1994. Am J Epidemiol 149: 248-255. fant TGF-alpha genotype, orofacial clefts, and maternal pericon-
Falk, CT, Rubinstein, P (1987). Haplotype relative risks: an easy re- ceptional multivitamin use. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 35: 366-370.
liable way to construct a proper control sample for risk calcula- Speilman, RS, Ewens, WJ (1996). The TDT and other family-based
tions. Am J Hum Genet 51: 227-233. tests for linkage disequilibrium and association. Am J Hum Genet
Foppa, I, Speigelman, D (1997). Power and sample size calculations 59: 983-989.
for case-control studies of gene-environment interactions with a Spielman, RS, McGinnis, RE, Ewens, WJ (1993). Transmission test
polytomous exposure variable. Am J Epidemiol 146: 596-604. for linkage equilibrium: the insulin gene region and insulin-
Garcia-Closas, M, Lubin, JH (1999). Power and sample size calcu- dependent diabetes mellitus. Am J Hum Genet 52: 506-516.
lations in case-control studies of gene-environment interactions: Umbach, DM, Weinberg, CR (1997). Designing and analysing case-
comments on different approaches. Am J Epidemiol 149: 689-692. control studies to exploit independence of genotype and expo-
Hwang, SJ, Beaty, TH, Liang, KY, et al. (1994). Minimum sample sure. Stat Med 16: 1731-1743.
size estimation to detect gene-environment interaction in case- Umbach, DM, Weinberg, CR (2000). The use of case-parent triads
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of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-a) Taql polymor- Wacholder, S, Rothman, N, Caporaso, N (2000). Population strati-
phism and oral clefts: indication of gene-environment interaction fication in epidemiologic studies of common genetic variants and
in a population-based sample of infants with birth defects. Am J cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 19: 1151-1158.
Epidemiol 141: 629-636. Witte, JS, Gauderman, WJ, Thomas, DG (1999). Asymptotic bias
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Developing a cleft palate or
craniofacial team


Cleft palate and other craniofacial conditions are 1983; Temkin-Greener, 1983; Ovretveit, 1996; Jones,
widely cared for in the context of a multi-specialty 1992) and ideology (Nagi, 1975; Brill, 1976; Dingwall,
healthcare team (Strauss, 1999). Various types of 1980; Kane, 1980; Payne, 1982; Feinstein, 1983; Mar-
healthcare team organization exist, and effective team- golis and Fiorelli, 1984) of the interdisciplinary health-
based healthcare delivery has the ability to address the care team as well as the settings for interdisciplinary
fragmentation and dehumanization that can result team practice (Briggs, 1980; Campbell and Whitenack,
when a spectrum of specialists and disciplines are 1983; DeSantis, 1983). The cleft palate or craniofacial
needed to provide assessment and technical care. The team has been studied as an organization (Koepp-
organization and delivery of cleft palate and craniofa- Baker, 1979; Day, 1981; MacGregor, 1982; Strauss
cial health services vary according to national and and Broder, 1985, 1990; Nackashi and Dixon-Wood,
health system characteristics. Economic development 1989; Ellis, 1993) with specific focus on issues related
and sociopolitical structures define the resources and to team communication (Lillywhite, 1957) and func-
health delivery system within which craniofacial care tion (Mason and Riski, 1982; Noar, 1992). In partic-
is rendered. In developed nations, organized healthcare ular, the mental health and support functions of the in-
teams largely deliver craniofacial care, although indi- terdisciplinary healthcare team have been examined
vidual specialists outside of the team context render (Lonsdale et al., 1980; Webb and Hobdell, 1980; Cluff
some care. In some nations, regional or national cen- and Cluff, 1983; DeSpirito and Grebler, 1983; Mc-
ters of clinical care have been organized to aggregate Keganey and Bloor, 1987; Strauss and Ellis, 1996;
clinical service delivery and facilitate regionalization. In Strauss, 1997).
recent years, efforts such as the "Eurocleft" study have Cleft palate and craniofacial care has been described
resulted in more regionalized care delivery. In many na- as optimally delivered by organized teams (Strauss and
tions, such as the United States, a competitive market Ellis, 1996). The benefits of healthcare teams include
system exists that allows as many teams to develop as the ability to coordinate complex services, meet the psy-
the market for services will bear. Reimbursement mech- chological and social needs of families, and provide
anisms, cultural factors, and health system characteris- multifaceted evaluations (Koepp-Baker, 1979; Morris
tics define the craniofacial health delivery system. et al., 1978; Nackashi and Dixon-Wood, 1989;
Pannbacker et al., 1992; Strauss, 1997). Typically, cleft
or craniofacial teams include medical, surgical, speech,
HEALTHCARE TEAMS psychosocial, and dental professionals; but large sam-
ple profiles of these organizations did not appear in the
Research has examined the roles (Horwitz, 1970; Furn- literature until recently (Strauss and The ACPA Team
ham et al., 1981; Logan and McKendry, 1982; Nason, Standards Committee, 1998).


The literature on healthcare teams suggests that there integrates both medical and social interventions
is little agreement on what comprises a healthcare team, (Phillips and Whitaker, 1979; Dingwall, 1980). Mc-
how it is organized, and what its goals and objectives Keganey and Bloor (1987) argue that teamwork
should be. However, the need for integrating various emerged particularly in those specialties where social
specialized disciplinary perspectives in the care of per- problems are most evident. Teamwork in healthcare de-
sons with complex health issues results in increasing livery has sometimes evolved as a result of the recog-
numbers of clinical settings in which teamwork is em- nition by healthcare professionals of the social and be-
ployed. Attention has been paid to team decision- havioral aspects of medical conditions (Ovretveit,
making, the authority structure of teams (Nagi, 1975), 1996; Cluff and Cluff, 1983; Day, 1981, 1984; Mac-
and team cost effectiveness in terms of personnel and Gregor, 1982, Brantley and Clifford, 1979).
other resources (Strauss and Broder, 1985). Research Cleft palate and craniofacial teams have been devel-
on the attitudes and perspectives of team professionals oped around the appreciation that all professionals, as
(Noar, 1992) suggests that most teams function by well as patients and their families, can make meaning-
agreement or consensus, even though each profession ful contributions to treatment and management. Mac-
may view the needs of patients differently. Healthcare Gregor (1982) notes that all team healthcare workers
teams form when a sizable number of professionals and must demonstrate an awareness of the behavioral and
other health workers become involved in complex pa- social structural aspects of the sickness experience; this
tient care that demands the insights and skills of vari- function cannot be the exclusive concern of behavioral
ous specialists. Teams, such as cleft palate or cranio- professionals. It is important to involve family mem-
facial teams, are a response to increasingly specialized bers, especially parents, in craniofacial team decision-
knowledge and to the advancing technology of medi- making and treatment planning (Hill, 1956; MacDon-
cine. Teams are organized when a variety of specialists ald, 1979; Temkin-Greener, 1983; Jones, 1992).
are required for the treatment of patients, as occurs in Craniofacial teams have formed to efficiently meet the
facial birth defects. Some have hypothesized that the clinical and psychosocial needs of a complex patient
availability of intensive care units and life support for population. The health outcomes of craniofacial team
newborns with craniofacial conditions has improved management have not as yet been established in the re-
their survival and resulted in greater and more spe- search literature, though clinicians and administrators
cialized treatment demands on the cleft or craniofacial report many advantages of team-based care over frag-
team (Strauss and Ellis, 1996). If such is the case, the mented, community-based, multispecialty care.
future model of team care delivery will need to fit in-
creasingly complex clinical needs. Teams may find
themselves incorporating professionals with expertise MODELS OF TEAM ORGANIZATION
in swallowing disorders, pediatric anesthesiology, pul-
monary function, neuropsychology, dental implantol- There has been disagreement about whether or not a
ogy, and intensive care medicine. This elaboration of health team is a distinct social unit (Temkin-Greener,
team function will depend on the healthcare system 1983; Margolis and Fiorelli, 1984; Strauss and Ellis,
providing resources and a payment mechanism. Mar- 1996). Most health teams are established and operate
ket forces, including managed care, may limit the abil- for particular and specialized purposes (Campbell and
ity to expand the services of the team as they seek to Whitenack, 1983; Nason, 1983; Ellis, 1993, Logan and
control the costs of team care. McKendry, 1982). Specific organizational or institu-
The specialization and complexity of health profes- tional arrangements may also force some professionals
sional practice have been seen as causing fragmenta- to work together as a "team" (Furnham et al., 1981).
tion of care, with dehumanizing results (Feinstein, Distinctions are drawn by some between intradiscipli-
1983). To humanize care, teams often include several nary, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary teams
psychosocial specialists, such as social workers, psy- (Briggs, 1980; DeSpirito and Grebler, 1983; Horwitz,
chologists, therapists, and nurses. Commenting on the 1970; Kane, 1980; Ovretveit, 1996). The exact disci-
complex nature of craniofacial problems and the need plinary composition of the team specialties may deter-
for specialists to work together, Nackashi and Dixon- mine the categorization of a team. Furthermore, team
Wood (1989) point out that the cleft lip and palate re- categorization has to do with cohesiveness, level of co-
habilitative process includes medical, social, psycho- operation between members, quality of relationships,
logical, and vocational factors and that a holistic and maintenance of professional authority and auton-
approach to the patient or client is needed. omy.
When medical or human problems cluster in a fam- An intradisciplinary team is composed of more or
ily (Nagi, 1975), they need to be treated in a way that less similar specialists within a very narrow field of spe-

cialization. It has been described as a team in which "participative" team. It appears that teams might be
each discipline makes an initial independent assess- divided into those with a structured hierarchy of au-
ment, information is later shared, and team members thority and power and those which share authority, al-
are not permitted to cross over traditional role bound- locating power to the group. Hierarchical teams may
aries between disciplines (Nackashi and Dixon-Wood, be considered efficient because individual disciplines
1989). An intradisciplinary team operates with a nar- can maintain autonomy and conflicts are limited, while
row focus and has members whose orientation is to one egalitarian teams allow for joint participation and de-
discipline but who speak to different aspects of that cision-making (Strauss and Broder, 1985; Ellis, 1986).
discipline (Brill, 1976). There are important implications of team structure on
Multidisdplinary teams may be specifically set up to team communication and cooperation. Multidiscipli-
allow a number of professionals to cooperate in a par- nary teams are often assumed to be hierarchical and
ticular area while maintaining autonomy from each interdisciplinary teams to be egalitarian in nature.
other (Payne, 1982; Bardach et al., 1984; Ovretveit, Temkin-Greener (1983) questioned the existence of
1996; Jones, 1992; Strauss and Ellis, 1996). Nackashi egalitarian interdisciplinary teams, claiming that the
and Dixon-Wood (1989) indicate that on multidisci- structure of teams reflects traditional status arrange-
plinary teams the members work independently because ments in which physicians dominate. Bardach et al.
they involve established, defined roles for the profes- (1984) also regarded certain medical specialists as
sional and permit only limited communication among "cornerstones" of the team, while others were por-
professionals. Multidisciplinary teams may be seen as trayed as contributing less central, but necessary, "sup-
work units where a number of varied professionals are port and treatment."
involved in a treatment situation (Temkin-Greener, The role of the physician/surgeon is often critical to
1983). They form a loose collection of specialists treat- the function of healthcare teams. Some may expect that
ing various aspects of a patient's clustered problems physicians will dominate on healthcare teams (Nagi,
without constructing mutually agreed on plans. Payne 1975). For instance, on a surgical operating team, a hi-
(1982) calls these "work groups," as distinguished from erarchy of professionals may be engaged but final
a "collaborative team." authority and decision-making may be given to the sur-
In comparing interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary geon (Dingwall, 1980). Medicine's traditional author-
teams, Day (1981) suggests that a multidisciplinary ap- ity and status among the professions usually account
proach may involve isolated evaluations by a series of for the strength of physician influence. The effects of
disciplines and does not imply the merger of thinking medical training, the doctor-patient relationship, and
or the formation of a shared treatment plan. An inter- the bureaucratic structure and technological nature of
disciplinary team is one in which a number of profes- hospitals and medical schools reinforce status and
sionals from related, but not necessarily similar, disci- power relationships on teams (Strauss and Ellis, 1996).
plines are involved in conducting a joint evaluation and A subservient and auxiliary role for other nonphysician
developing a treatment plan in which expertise is professionals may occur on some healthcare teams
pooled and decision-making is collective (Day, 1981; (Mason and Riski, 1982; De Santis, 1983). The inter-
Strauss and Broder, 1985). Nackashi and Dixon-Wood disciplinary team may present a direct challenge to
(1989) indicate that interdisciplinary teams meet often physician dominance as it emphasizes "role blurring"
to plan, with each professional member forming an in- (Kane, 1980). This does not mean that differences be-
dependent opinion, followed by the sharing of findings, tween team specialists are eliminated with respect to
the construction of recommendations, and the writing roles. Legal accountability mandates specific discipli-
of a report summarizing all recommendations. The nary roles and a clear division of labor (Logan and
team leader facilitates and coordinates the treatment McKendry, 1982). Ambiguous professional or team
plan and then communicates this to the patient and member roles may lead to team conflict. The need for
family. shared understanding and acceptance of role definitions
is important to healthcare team function (Strauss,
1994). A lack of such understanding can cause suspi-
TEAM LEADERSHIP cion about other specialists and their methods (Lilly-
white, 1957). An ethical concern has arisen about
The scientific literature deals with team organization where responsibility resides when a group or team ren-
by describing hierarchical and egalitarian teams (Nagi, ders care. It is important that a team leader be seen as
1975). Horwitz (1970) distinguishes between a ultimately responsible for the outcomes and complica-
"leader-centered coordinated" team and a "fraternally tions or care and that this person be identified clearly
oriented integrated" team, or a "hierarchical" and a to the family.

On contemporary cleft palate and craniofacial teams, bers (Strauss and Broder, 1985; Horwitz, 1970). This
there have been interprofessional tensions related to style may reduce interprofessional barriers and assist in
common domains of expertise. Such overlapping ex- diminishing professional status hierarchies. The rota-
pertise may occur between mental health and psy- tion of the position of team leader assures that several
chosocial professionals, such as psychologists, social disciplines experience being at the helm of the team.
workers, and nurses. Most commonly, interprofessional They will certainly become more aware of the challenge
boundary disputes have occurred between surgical spe- of leadership and will appreciate how hard it is to de-
cialties in the United States. The oral-maxillofacial sur- velop an interprofessional plan at the team conference.
geon, the plastic/reconstructive surgeon, and the oto- Team leadership often implies the ability to resolve
laryngologist may be trained and capable in performing team conflict. Conflicts resulting from the structural
cleft palate and craniofacial surgery. In centers where constraints of a team organization can be dealt with by
all three disciplines coexist, there may sometimes be ri- a team leader who can arbitrate differing positions
valry for access to patients and tensions may erupt (Lonsdale et al., 1980); however, conflicts that reflect
along professional boundaries. Such tensions have the larger interprofessional rivalries, or "turf battles," may
potential for being detrimental to the team process and be more difficult to resolve on a team-specific basis. On
to the quality and continuity of patient care. Success- teams where plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists, and
ful resolutions of interprofessional rivalries may require oral-maxillofacial surgeons try to negotiate their spe-
mediation by disinterested parties and will depend on cific boundaries and responsibilities, conflicts may oc-
the various professionals holding high-quality patient cur over the division of labor in patient care. The team
care as a prime value. leader must recognize such conflicts, but their resolu-
Some observers hold that treatment decisions are of- tion may actually depend on the role definitions of the
ten made unilaterally by team leaders, often physicians, specific professionals involved and the "turf" defini-
who hold a dominant place on the hierarchy of the tions supported by professional organizations.
team (Bardach et al., 1984; Mason and Riski, 1982). The team interaction approach to conflict resolution
Others have found that joint decision-making takes allows the leader to facilitate team members in the set-
place when teams have more egalitarian and collegial tling of their differences, thus reducing role clashes,
structures (Strauss and Broder, 1985). In the case of conflicting professional judgments, and class, cultural,
joint decision-making, there is sharing of status and and gender differences (Strauss and Broder, 1985;
knowledge with colleagues and a willingness to learn Strauss, 1985; Nason, 1983). Tensions within the team
about other disciplines (Ellis, 1986). To achieve true and in team deliberations may be natural, inevitable,
interdisciplinary function, it is necessary that commu- and productive. The expression of tension may, if care-
nicative openness and a shared vocabulary exist (Lilly- fully managed, enhance the probability of emerging
white, 1957; Margolis and Fiorelli, 1984; Koepp-Baker, with superior patient care plans (Margolis and Fiorelli,
1979). 1984). Nonprofessional actors in team deliberations are
Where the formulation of a joint plan of action is the patient, the family, and the funder of care. Their
the desired team goal, as in interdisciplinary teams, in- perspectives will often be woven into the team delib-
sistence on the dominance of one specialty can become erations, and in some settings patients or parents may
counterproductive. Leadership on healthcare teams can sit in on team discussions. In other team settings, an
vary according to the nature of the team, the patient's interpretive meeting is held between a designated team
problem(s), the institutional set-up, personal leadership member and the parent or patient, to transmit the treat-
style, and individual personalities. Horwitz (1970) ment plans and team findings. Both strategies allow for
viewed team leadership primarily as "facilitating the parents or patients to voice their concerns and to de-
achievement of common goals." Margolis and Fiorelli termine if the team has responded to their questions.
(1984) also viewed the leader as an "impartial facili- Teams that meet with patients only in a group or that
tator," who ensures efficiency in the team's operation. do not find time to interpret findings and recommen-
Logan and McKendry (1982) referred to a coordina- dations may fail to meet consumer expectations.
tor, rather than a leader, whose role should be clearly The healthcare funder has increasingly been per-
distinguished from the professional roles on the team, ceived as a party to the team's decisions about care. In
to avoid being dominating. Leadership can also be the United States, managed care organizations and
granted to the person who serves as the administrator other funders have increasingly mandated treatment
of the team. options and even have determined which team profes-
In some craniofacial team settings, team leadership sionals will be engaged in a patient's evaluation and
is rotated between disciplines and their various mem- treatment (Herelinger, 1997).
The cost and quality of cleft palate and craniofacial tional legislation has sought to permit Americans
care are receiving increasing attention in the health pol- portability of health insurance and to protect them
icy arena (Strauss, 1994). Little has been written about from denial of coverage when changing jobs (Kutner,
the emergence of managed care into the care of per- 1998). Some managed care organizations have been se-
sons with cleft and craniofacial conditions in the United lective in who they enroll. When this occurs, it has been
States. The managed care organization has sometimes called "skimming the cream," in that the lowest-risk
been seen as providing effective levels of gatekeeping patient population is covered while more complex pop-
to assure that overutilization of care does not occur ulations are left uncovered. To deal with this, many
(Kutner, 1998). The managed care organization gener- states have begun to cover Medicaid services (care for
ally will guide entrance to team services for their clients primarily low-income persons) under managed care.
and will restrain clinical activism. The managed care Thus, poor adults and children may also receive care
organization has much at stake in preventing unneces- under the guidelines of a managed care organization.
sary procedures, radiographs, or laboratory tests. In the The advent of managed care may have fundamentally
name of controlling costs, the managed care organiza- changed the relationship between the patient and the
tion has sought to limit the number of professionals provider by inserting the managed care organization
that evaluate a person with a health condition (Kutner, between them (Povar and Moreno, 1988; Reinhardt,
1998; Nelson, 1997). Furthermore, they may mandate 1993; Emmanuel and Dubler, 1995).
that only their own providers can evaluate clients of Issues of the quality of care (Inglehardt, 1996) have
their managed care organization. In the case of "closed- also emerged as the healthcare system in the United
panel" managed care organizations or health mainte- States changes. The National Committee for Quality
nance organizations, there is often a reluctance to al- Assurance has taken on the role of evaluating and ac-
low a client to seek services or evaluation "out of crediting managed care organizations and health plans
system." The primary care provider assigned to, or se- using specified outcome measures and parameters of
lected by, the client is portrayed as serving in an ad- care (Inglehardt, 1996). Such standards of care and
vocacy role, wherein the provider seeks needed services clinical pathways or guidelines have been developed to
for the client. Critics of the managed care organization rationalize care patterns. The emphasis on evidence-
point out that there are often incentives for the primary based practice suggests that technological advances will
care provider to reduce the number of specialty refer- need to demonstrate their effectiveness and that out-
rals made, especially "out of system." In some man- comes research will guide future clinical practices.
aged care organizations, there are direct economic dis-
incentives for specialty referral, even for evaluation
purposes (Povar and Moreno, 1995; Simon and Em- EVALUATING THE CHARACTERISTICS
mons, 1997). Clients of some managed care organiza- OF TEAMS
tions report that they have a difficult time accessing
their primary care physician due to the long wait for The American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
nonemergency appointments or consultations. Some (ACPA) (1993) has revised its mechanism for listing
cleft palate and craniofacial teams work with managed teams in the ACPA Membership-Team Directory
care organizations that wish to "unbundle" the team (2001). This began when it became apparent that pub-
evaluation. In other words, they seek to use several lic funding agencies and many health insurance or man-
team professionals and several of their own in-house aged care providers would set criteria for cleft palate
professionals. Some teams have resisted this move by and craniofacial team care. Believing that a professional
arguing that they function effectively when they can association should provide leadership in such matters,
work as an experienced and complete unit or team. An- the ACPA initiated efforts to define basic and minimal
other challenge associated with the current health sys- standards for team listing that include categorization
tem relates to the ability of patients to access compre- of teams. The resulting ACPA Team Self-Assessment
hensive coverage for craniofacial conditions (Strauss, Instrument employs specific criteria to list teams. Team
1994). Some states have passed legislation to mandate categorization is achieved through a self-rating process
coverage, but the results have been uneven across the with no examiners or site visitors. Standards for list-
United States. One issue that has arisen is when health ings permit the specification of two principal types of
coverage is provided by an employer who self-insures team, the cleft palate team and the craniofacial team.
workers (Nelson, 1997). In that situation, the insurer A given center may be listed in either or both of these
is often not covered under state-specific insurance leg- categories. Strauss and The ACPA Team Standards
islation and cannot be affected by state legislation. Na- Committee (1998) reported that all known (n - 296)
TABLE 24.1. American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (ACPA) Standards for Listing the Cleft Palate
Team (CPT)*
Basic Criteria
1. The CPT meets face-to-face for regularly scheduled meetings for treatment planning and case review, at least six times per year, with at
least four specialties represented.
2. The CPT evaluated at least fifty new or recall patients with cleft lip/palate in the past year.
3. The CPT keeps a central and shared file on each patient.
4. The CPT has at least an actively involved Surgeon, Orthodontist and Speech-Language Pathologist, who attend team meetings. As a
minimum, patients evaluated by the CPT are seen by these specialties plus at least one additional team specialty that attends the CPT
5. The CPT assures that each child has health evaluation by a primary care Physician (Pediatrician, Family Physician or General Internist)
in the community or on the team. The CPT uses the findings from the health evaluation to guide its treatment planning and team
meeting deliberations.
6. Evaluations at the CPT include a screening hearing test and tympanogram. All patients with clefts of the palate, or hearing concerns, or
abnormal tympanograms or hearing tests, are referred to an Otolaryngologist (E.N.T.) for examination, consultation or treatment.
7. At least one Surgeon on the CPT operated on ten or more patients for primary repairs of a cleft lip and/or cleft palate in the past year.
8. For patients requiring facial skeletal surgery, the CPT has or refers to a surgeon whose education, training and experience has
adequately prepared him/her to provide facial skeletal surgery (bone graft, orthognathic surgery) and who has performed ten or more
major maxillary or mandibular osteotomies in the past year (not necessarily on patients with cleft lip and/or cleft palate.

Additional CPT Criteria

1. The CPT has a Speech-Language Pathologist(s) who attends team meetings and whose education, training and experience have
adequately prepared him/her for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate.
2. At least one Speech-Language Pathologist on the CPT provided speech therapy and/or a complete speech and language evaluation to a
minimum of 10 patients (team or other patients) with cleft lip/palate in the past year.
3. The CPT Speech-Language Pathologist performs a structured speech assessment during team evaluations.
4. The CPT uses clinical speech instrumentation (such as endoscopy, pressure flow, videofluoroscopy, etc.) to assess velopharyngeal
function, when indicated.
5. CPT has an Orthodontist who attends team meetings and whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her
for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate.
6. At least one Orthodontist on the CPT provided orthodontic treatment for a minimum of 10 patients with cleft lip/palate in the past
7. The CPT refers patients requiring orthognathic treatment to an Orthodontist(s) whose education, training and experience have
adequately prepared him/her for the provision of orthodontic care as a part of orthognathic treatment.
8. Orthognathic surgical treatments are adequately documented with intraoral dental casts, facial and intraoral photographs, and
appropriate radiographs.
9. Orthognathic surgical planning and outcomes are routinely discussed at the CPT meetings for patients requiring such care.
10. The CPT has, or refers to, a Pediatric Dentist/General Dentist/Prosthodontist(s) whose education, training and experience have
adequately prepared him/her for the dental diagnosis and treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate.
11. CPT has a Surgeon(s) who attends team meetings and whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for
the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate.
12. The CPT has a Psychologist, Clinical Social Worker, or other Mental Health Professional(s) who evaluates all patients on a regular
13. The CPT routinely tests or screens patients for learning disabilities and developmental, psychological, and language skills.
14. The CPT collects school reports and other information relative to learning in school-age patients, when indicated.
15. The CPT has a nurse or other trained professional who regularly provides supportive counseling and instruction (feeding,
developmental) to parents of newborns.
16. The CPT sponsors or makes referrals to a parent support group or parent network in the community (if available), as desired by
17. The CPT regularly provides supportive counseling and instruction to parents and patients pre- and post-operatively.
18. The CPT provides for formal genetic counseling or a clinical genetic evaluation for parents and patients.
19. The CPT evaluation includes a hearing test by an Audiologist(s) beginning before one year of age.
20. The CPT has an Otolaryngologist(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the diagnosis and
treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate. The Otolaryngologist provides examination, consultation and treatment to patients evaluated
by your team.
21. The CPT evaluation includes ear examinations by an otolaryngologist(s) on a routine basis beginning before one year of age.
22. After a CPT evaluation, the patient and family have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the treatment plan with a team
23. The CPT routinely (for each evaluation) writes reports or summary letters, containing a treatment plan, which are sent to the family in
a timely manner.
24. CPT reports are routinely sent in a timely manner to the patient's care providers in the community (schools, health department,local
professionals) with the family's permission.
25. The CPT record includes a diagnosis(es).
26. The CPT team record includes a complete medical history.
27. The CPT record includes a treatment plan or goals which are reviewed periodically on a formal basis.
28. The CPT record includes a social and psychological history.
29. The CPT record includes dental and orthodontic findings and history.
30. The CPT makes intraoral dental casts on patients, when indicated.

TABLE 24.1. American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (ACPA) Standards for Listing the Cleft Palate
Team (CPT)* (continued)
31. The CPT takes facial photographs on patients in treatment or evaluation.
32. The CPT obtains appropriate radiographs, including lateral cephalometric radiographs on patients, when indicated.
33. The CPT has an office and coordinator or secretary.
34. The CPT supports, encourages, or offers continuing education in cleft lip/palate care for its members.
35. The CPT provides case management (follow-up, referral, and coordination of care) and benefits advocacy/assistance (help families
obtain financial or programmatic support), as needed.

*The CPT provides coordinated and interdisciplinary evaluation and treatment to patients with cleft lip and/or cleft palate. The CPT meets
the 8 basic criteria defined by the ACPA Committee on Team Standards, plus 30 of the 35 additional criteria.
Source: American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Parameters for evaluation and treatment of patients with Cleft Lip/Palate or other
Craniofacial Anomalies. Pittsburgh: American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 1993.

North American cleft and craniofacial teams were con- 1. How can cleft/craniofacial teams be most produc-
tacted for team listing purposes using a self-assessment tive?
method developed by an interdisciplinary committee of 2. Are limitations on the numbers of cleft/craniofacial
national stature. Team clinical leaders classified their teams in a region effective at controlling cost and
centers and provided data on team care. The response improving the quality of care?
rate was 83.4% (n = 247), and the distribution of listed 3. Is team care more cost-effective than fragmented
teams was 105 (42.5%) cleft palate teams, 102 (41.3%) care? Does it result in improved outcomes for pa-
craniofacial teams (includes craniofacial teams that are tients?
both cleft palate and craniofacial teams), and 12 (4.9%) 4. What constitutes a minimal team? an excellent
geographically listed teams. There were 28 (11.3%) team?
other teams that included interim cleft palate teams
(new teams of less than 5 years' duration), low-density The cleft palate and craniofacial team can be under-
teams (teams in states with low population density), or stood as a way to organize complex, multi-specialty
evaluation and treatment review cleft palate teams care in a humanistic and cost-effective manner. It is not
(teams that provide no direct clinical treatment but only difficult to endorse the vision of teams of profession-
evaluation and quality assurance). They noted that als working together to reduce fragmentation and to
85% of all teams systematically collected and stored make specialized care more personal. It is clear that get-
clinical data on their team's patient population in the ting a group to work together, e.g., to perform several
past year. Furthermore, 50% of all North American different surgical procedures with one hospitalization
teams had a quality assurance program in place to mea- and one anesthesia in one operating room, makes in-
sure treatment outcomes. Other findings included the tuitive sense. A team approach reduces costs, minimizes
annual number of face-to-face team meetings; new and school and work time loss, and promotes a more com-
follow-up patient censuses; and surgical rates for ini- prehensive view of care. The team approach implies
tial repair of cleft lip/palate, orthognathic/osteotomy quality peer review on a continuous basis. Construct-
procedures, and intracranial/craniofacial procedures. ing the most effective team possible is a challenge, but
The authors concluded that two out of five North the rewards lie in the shared group interaction, the es-
American teams classify themselves as having the ca- prit-de-corps, and the families and patients who express
pacity to provide both cleft palate and craniofacial care. satisfaction with the experience and outcomes of care.
An additional two out of five teams limit their primary
role to cleft palate care.
In evaluating a team, one might consider the ques- Team standards criteria were developed by the ACPA Team Stan-
tions included on the ACPA Team Self-Assessment In- dards Committee: Samuel Berkowitz, DOS, MS (Orthodontics, Mi-
strument (Strauss and The ACPA Team Standards ami, FL); Philip J. Boyne, DMD, MS (Oral and Maxillofacial Sur-
gery, Loma Linda, CA); Arthur Brown, MD (Plastic Surgery,
Committee, 1998). As shown in Tables 24.1 and 24.2, Camden, NJ); John Canady, MD (Plastic Surgery, Iowa City, IA);
there are different criteria for cleft palate teams and Marilyn Cohen, BA (Team Coordinator, Speech Pathology, Camden,
craniofacial teams. In developing a team, a potential NJ); Linda Hallman, DOS, PhD (Orthodontist, Washington, DC);
team leader might use these criteria to guide planning. Robert Hardesty, MD (Plastic Surgery, Loma Linda, CA); Marilyn
As the U.S. health system changes, it is predictable Jones, MD (Pediatrics and Genetics, San Diego, CA); Kathleen Kapp-
Simon, MA, PhD (Psychology, Chicago, IL); Pat Landis, MA (Speech
that increasing attention will be paid to the rationale Pathology and Administration, Baltimore, MD); James Lehman, MD
and value of cleft and craniofacial teams. Health plan- (Plastic Surgery, Akron, OH); Lynda Power, RN (Nursing, Toronto,
ners are likely to ask the following: Canada); Craig Senders, MD (Otolaryngology, Sacramento, CA); He-
TABLE 24.2. American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (ACPA) Standards for Listing Craniofacial Team

1. The Operating Surgeon(s), Orthodontist(s), Mental Health Professional(s) and Speech-Language Pathologist(s) on the CFT meet face-
to-face at a scheduled team meeting or conference to evaluate patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes at least six times per
year. The meeting may or may not coincide with CPT meetings.
2. The CFT evaluated at least 20 patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes in the past year.
3. The CFT assures that each child has health evaluation by a primary care Physician (Pediatrician, Family Physician or General Internist)
in the community or on the team. The CPT uses the findings from the health evaluation to guide its treatment planning and team
meeting deliberations. A community or team-based primary care Physician evaluates all patients prior to craniofacial surgery.
4. Craniofacial surgical treatments are adequately documented with facial and intraoral photographs, and appropriate radiographs.
5. Craniofacial treatment plans and treatment outcomes (results) for patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes are discussed at
CFT meetings.
6. The CFT has a Surgeon(s) who attends team meetings and whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her
for the diagnosis and treatment of patients requiring craniofacial surgery.
7. At least one Surgeon on the CFT provided craniofacial surgical treatment (surgical procedures in which the intracranial approach to
the midfacial segment -includes the orbit and/or supraorbital rim-is used) for a minimum of 10 patients with craniofacial anomalies or
syndromes in the past year.
8. The CFT has an Orthodontist(s) who attends team meetings and whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared
him/her for the orthodontic diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
9. At least one Orthodontist on the CFT provided orthodontic evaluation or treatment for a minimum of 10 patients with craniofacial
anomalies or syndromes in the past year.
10. The CFT has a Speech-Language Pathologist(s) who attends team meetings and whose education, training and experience have
adequately prepared him/her for speech and language diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
11. At least one Speech-Language Pathologist on the CFT provided speech therapy and/or a complete speech and language evaluation to a
minimum of 10 patients (team or other patients) with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes (or cleft lip/palate) in the past year. The
CFT Speech-Language Pathologist performs a structured speech assessment during team evaluations.
12. The CFT uses clinical speech instrumentation (such as endoscopy, pressure flow, videofluoroscopy, etc.) to assess velopharyngeal
function, when indicated.
13. The CFT has a Mental Health Professional(s) (Psychologist, Social Worker, Developmental Pediatrician, Psychiatrist) who attends team
meetings and whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the psychological and psychosocial
diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
14. The CFT has a Mental Health Professional(s) who evaluates all patients on a regular basis.
15. The CFT routinely tests or screens patients for learning disabilities and developmental, psychological, and language skills.
16. The CFT collects school reports and other information relative to learning in school-age patients, when indicated.
17. The CFT has a nurse or other trained professional who regularly provides supportive counseling and instruction (feeding,
developmental) to parents of newborns.
18. The CFT sponsors or makes referrals to a parent support group or parent network in the community, as desired by families.
19. The CFT regularly provides supportive counseling and instruction to parents and patients pre- and post-operatively.
20. The CFT has a Neurosurgeon(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the neurosurgical
diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination, treatment and
consultation for CFT patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
21. The CFT has an Ophthalmologists ) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the
ophthalmological diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination,
treatment and consultation for CFT patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
22. The CFT has an Otolaryngologist(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the
otolaryngologic diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination,
treatment and consultation for CFT patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
23. The CFT evaluation routinely includes hearing evaluation by an audiologist and\or otologic evaluations by an otolaryngologist.
24. The CFT has a Radiologist(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the radiological
evaluation of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination and consultation for CFT patients with
craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
25. The CFT facility has C.T. capability and access to M.R.I.
26. The CFT obtains lateral cephalometric radiographs (or the equivalent) on patients, when indicated.
27. The CFT has a Pediatric Dentist/General Dentist/Prosthodontist(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared
him/her for the dental diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination,
treatment and consultation for CFT patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
28. The CFT makes intraoral dental casts on patients, when indicated.
29. The CFT has an Audiologist(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the audiologic
diagnosis and treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination, treatment and
consultation for CFT patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
30. The CFT has a Geneticist(s) whose education, training and experience have adequately prepared him/her for the genetic diagnosis and
treatment of patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes and who provides examination, treatment and consultation for CFT
patients with craniofacial anomalies or syndromes.
31. The CFT provides for formal genetic counseling or a clinical genetic evaluation for parents and patients.
32. The CFT facility has a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (P.I.C.U.) in the facility where they perform craniofacial surgery.
33. After a CFT evaluation, the patient and family have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the treatment plan with a team
34. The CFT (for each evaluation) writes reports or summary letters, containing a treatment plan, which are sent to the family in a timely


TABLE 24.2. American Cleft Palate-Craniafacial Association (ACPA) Standards for Listing Craniofacial Team
(CFT)* (continued)
35. CFT reports are sent in a timely manner to the patient's care providers in the community (schools, health department, local
professionals) with the family's permission.
36. The CFT keeps a central and shared file on each patient.
37. The CFT record includes a diagnosis(es).
38. The CFT record includes a complete medical history.
39. The CFT record includes a treatment plan or goals which are reviewed periodically.
40. The CFT record includes a social and psychological history.
41. The CFT record includes dental and orthodontic findings and history.
42. The CFT takes facial photographs on patients in treatment or evaluation.
43. The CFT has an office and coordinator or secretary.
44. The CFT supports, encourages, or offers continuing education in craniofacial care for its members.
45. The CFT provides case management (follow-up, referral, and coordination of care) and benefits advocacy/assistance (help families
obtain financial or programmatic support), as needed.

The CFT provides coordinated and interdisciplinary evaluation and treatment for patients with a range of craniofacial anomalies or syn-
For the purposes of the categorization, craniofacial anomalies or syndromes are defined as congenital conditions other than cleft lip/palate,
unless cleft lip/palate is a feature of another condition, anomaly or syndrome. The specific definition of craniofacial surgery being used states
that "craniofacial surgery consists of the diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical procedures in which the intracranial approach to the
midfacial segment (includes the orbit and/or supraorbital rim) is used."
The CFT meets all of the following criteria defined by the ACPA Committee on Team Standards.
Source: American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. Parameters for evaluation and treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate or other
craniofacial anomalies. Pittsburgh: American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 1993.

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Health care for children with cleft lip

and palate: comprehensive services
and infant feeding


Children with cleft lip with or without palate (CUP) the cleft itself. Clefts may be associated with syn-
have a wide array of needs. The most obvious conse- dromes, early feeding problems, airway compromise,
quence of CL/P is the facial difference. The impact of growth and developmental abnormalities, speech dis-
the cleft condition on the child and family can vary orders, recurrent ear infections, and psychosocial con-
considerably. The child's long-term outcome is influ- cerns. An understanding of the underlying condition
enced by many factors, which include the underlying helps in predicting the complexity of the child's needs
condition, strengths of the child and family, access to and possible outcomes. A child may have essentially no
services, and completion of a comprehensive treatment major concerns or may be unusually complicated. Early
plan. Children with CL/P have all of the needs and identification of a syndrome is extremely important and
strengths of typical children, but many have special represents the first step in determining the child's needs
needs related to the cleft condition. Children with clefts and the complexity of care. Due to the increased risk
can be referred to as children with special health care for medical, developmental, psychological, surgical,
needs, i.e., "those who have or are at elevated risk for and dental problems, a team of CL/P specialists can
chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emo- best serve the child and family. A team can also sup-
tional conditions and who also require health and re- port the child's community providers in the provision
lated services of a type or amount not usually required of local healthcare services. Pediatric primary care
by children" (Maternal and Child Health Bureau, providers, specialists, and cleft palate teams need to
1995). This definition helps to identify children who recognize that children with CL/P have the same needs
may need increased services. Through this identifica- as typical children in addition to their special needs.
tion process and to provide care, government agencies This conceptual framework provides the foundation for
and health policymakers are given the foundation to care.
build systems of care, health benefit packages, and ser-
vices. For the clinician, recognizing that a child has spe-
cial needs directs and emphasizes the importance of KEY TIMES FOR CARE:
comprehensive and coordinated services. A GENERAL PERSPECTIVE
The presence of CL/P is a marker indicating that
there may be associated concerns, which may be more There are key times for the child and family that are
significant and of greater consequence to the child than associated with significant medical, development, psy-


chosocial, surgical, and dental needs. The care for chil- who require interventions for speech, development, and
dren with CL/P is very age-dependent. This is impor- cognitive and psychosocial needs. Some children re-
tant to know because the final outcome is dependent quire surgical procedures to correct speech. Some fam-
on the correct timing of evaluations and procedures. ilies choose to have minor surgical lip and nose revi-
As a child becomes older, the next step in care is built sions.
upon the prior completed step. During the life of the
child, there are periods of time, which extend from Age 7 to Teenage Years
weeks to years, in which a specific type of need (i.e.,
feeding, surgical, speech, or dental services) best de- For children who have completed the needed and ap-
scribes the goals of treatment. There are also periods propriately timed procedures, the primary needs are
of time in which the only intervention is monitoring. now dental. Dental care provides the final and neces-
Recognition of these key times is very useful in com- sary step to have the best long-term outcome. From the
municating with families to help them develop a frame age of 7 to the teen years a period of extensive dental
of reference about their child's care and the treatment bracing is required. Bone grafting is routinely done to
plan. These key times are linked to the specific goals allow teeth to be moved into the cleft. Many families
and interventions. will choose this time period to have minor, "touch-up"
There is a great commonality of needs among chil- surgery on the nose and lip. Due to a significant den-
dren and across cleft conditions and associated health tal malocclusion, some children will have orthognathic
concerns, but there also may be great variation of needs surgery when they are finished growing, usually after
depending on the specific child and family. The fol- 16 years of age. For most children, the treatment is now
lowing is a simplified way to view care for children complete.
with CL/P, providing a big-picture perspective that
should be helpful to families. There is some variation
in the timing of surgery by various centers and teams. THE BIRTH EXPERIENCE AND FIRST
First Monfh
The birth of an infant with CL/P is usually unexpected.
The first month is the time for evaluations to make the Prenatal diagnosis is becoming more common with
diagnosis, counsel families, and provide instruction to transvaginal sonography. Accurate detection of a cleft
safely feed the infant. Weekly weight checks are rec- lip is possible at 13 to 16 weeks' gestation. Cleft palate
ommended to monitor weight gain and ensure that the is difficult to detect in utero due to its posterior and
infant reaches birth weight by at least 3 weeks of age. midcephalic location (Habel et al., 1996). Prenatal di-
A critical role for healthcare professionals is commu- agnosis of CL/P represents only a very small number
nication, information sharing, and referral to services. of children. As a result, families and healthcare
providers are not prepared. In addition, healthcare
Birth to 2 Years providers commonly do not know the significance of
the CL/P, what to tell the family, and how to provide
For many children, the majority of surgery is completed care for the infant. Families are looking for a healthy
by 18 months. In many centers, the lip is repaired by baby and certainly not one that looks different and is
3 months and the palate by 1 year. For all children, difficult to feed. They are expecting healthcare
this is a time for screening growth and development providers who are confident and reassuring rather than
with a special emphasis on language and speech, confused and uncertain.
growth, middle ear disease, and hearing. Many parents will describe their reaction to the birth
of their baby with a cleft, especially when it involves a
Age 2 to 7 Years cleft lip, as one of "shock." A consistent finding in stud-
ies involving the birth and diagnosis of CL/P is the fam-
Screening of development with a special emphasis on ilies reporting shock, guilt, anxiety, and depression
speech and cognitive and psychosocial functioning is a (Strauss, 1997). Families commonly state that there ap-
pivotal need between the ages of 2 and 7. Initiation of pears to be a great deal of confusion associated with
dental care sets the stage for most of the treatment the birth of their baby. Factors contributing to the dif-
needs for the adolescent and teenage years. For many ficulties encountered during the birth include cultural
children, the occurrence of otitis media begins to wane. beliefs, the birthing experience, the level of experience
Some children continue to have middle ear disease and of healthcare providers with CL/P infants, and the qual-
hearing loss. There are a significant number of children ity of communication with the family. Typically, the
medical and nursing staff has little opportunity to de- during pregnancy. A newborn is examined with an em-
velop competency in the early management of infants phasis on detecting subtle variations and obvious
with CL/P, even though it is one of the most frequent anomalies while focusing on the craniofacial, cardiac,
congenital defects. The incidence of infants with CL/P skeletal, and genitourinary systems. Meticulous obser-
is approximately 1/700 births in North America. Nu- vation and documentation is the key to quickly deter-
merous community hospitals may have fewer than 1 or mining the correct diagnosis. At the same time, the pe-
2/1000 births in a year. Based on the incidence of cleft diatrician should not feel pressured to make a definitive
lip and palate, there may be only one or two such in- diagnosis. Geneticists and cleft palate team experts are
fants born in a year. In some community hospitals, a best at making a final diagnosis. The detailed birth his-
baby with CL/P may be delivered only every few years. tory and physical examination will enable the geneti-
Due to the limited number of births, physicians do not cist to determine if the cleft is a sporadic occurrence,
develop a high level of experience in providing care for associated with a syndrome, genetically transmitted
the infant with CL/P. Typically, there is turnover of through single-gene or multifactorial inheritance,
nursing and other hospital staff, which adds to the chromosomal in nature, or caused by teratogens
problem of developing competency in the care of new- (Domet, 1986). References are available which will be
borns with clefts. of assistance in determining whether physical exam
For many years, literature on children with disabili- findings suggest a syndrome (Pashayan, 1983; Smith,
ties has shown that families have expressed major con- 1997) and which link major and minor anomalies with
cerns about how physicians communicate and deliver syndromes (Pashayan, 1983; Smith, 1997). For the in-
needed information. A study on parental recall about fant who has findings suggesting the presence of a syn-
how they were told of their child's diagnosis of CL/P drome, genetic consultation should be obtained as soon
(Strauss, 1997) revealed that there were significant dif- as possible.
ferences between what parents experienced and what If the history reveals no concerns and the physical
they wanted in their communication with physicians. exam is normal, the pediatric provider can tell the fam-
Parents related the need for more time to talk, more of ily that the baby most likely has an isolated CL/P. The
an opportunity to show their feelings, and more of an family can be told that the infant can be referred to a
effort on the part of the physician to make them feel cleft palate team and that comprehensive services di-
better. Parents wanted more information, referral to rected by the team can maximize the outcome for the
another parent of a child with CL/P, and more oppor- child. Even though a child appears to have only an iso-
tunity to discuss the possibility of mental retardation lated CL/P, many infants will benefit from a genetics
(Strauss et al., 1995). evaluation, which can be scheduled at a convenient time
The first clinical encounter with healthcare providers for the family. This is an important time for families
has profound significance for the child and family. to gain information about CL/P in general and about
Since the birth of an infant with CL/P is typically un- their infant's specific needs. They may also have ques-
expected, the role of the pediatrician or other health- tions about future childbearing, which can be addressed
care providers is complicated by the special needs of by the genetics counselor. Pamphlets, web sites, and
the infant and the emotional and psychosocial impact contact with families who have a child with CL/P are
on the family. a great help to the family. These resources are an ef-
Pediatric providers have a critical role that involves fective way to provide information and support to the
evaluating the medical and feeding needs of the infant. family. A critical responsibility at the first clinical en-
The first responsibility is to evaluate the infant's med- counter is assessing the infant's feeding skills.
ical stability and need for immediate treatment, refer-
ral to specialists, and/or transferral to a neonatal in-
tensive care unit (NICU). Once it is determined that the PROVISION OF PEDIATRIC HEALTH SERVICES:
infant is medically stable (which represents the major- COMMUNITY AND CLEFT PALATE TEAM
ity of infants), the next step is to search for the pres-
ence of major and minor malformations or findings All children with oral clefts should have primary care
suggesting an associated syndrome. This involves a de- through a community medical home that provides con-
tailed review of the infant's medical history and the tinuity of care which is accessible, compassionate, and
family's history of CL/P, syndromes, congenital defects, culturally competent. The American Academy of Pedi-
or conditions that have affected children. The prenatal atrics and the National Center of Medical Home Ini-
history is important to elicit information about prena- tiatives for Children with Special Health Care Needs
tal care, illnesses, chronic conditions, use of medica- promote this concept for children with special health-
tions, use of alcohol, use of tobacco, or substance abuse care needs. The primary care well-child evaluation con-

sists of a history, review of medications, allergies, im- nication with a cleft palate team can be important in
munizations, development and psychosocial status, determining the need for special testing (i.e., renal ul-
family and social history, complete physical exam, an- trasounds, cardiac consultation, immediate genetic
ticipatory guidance, laboratory tests, immunizations, evaluations, and cranial computed tomographic scans).
clinical impression, plan, and follow-up. Infants with isolated CL/P may need only a genetic eval-
Coordinated, comprehensive services are best pro- uation, which can be scheduled at a time convenient
vided by a partnership between the primary care for-the family. Other infants may need early or imme-
provider, the cleft palate team, and the family. This diate extensive evaluation.
partnership is critical for the optimum outcome. Pedi-
atric healthcare providers may be pediatricians, family
practitioners, pediatric nurse practitioners, and physi- Evaluate Infant's Ability to Feed and Refer to a
cian assistants. The functions of the community and Professional with Expertise in Feeding of Infants
team pediatric healthcare providers overlap, but the with Cleft Lip with or without Palate
roles are different. The community pediatrician uses The vast majority of infants with CL/P will need assis-
this comprehensive approach to provide primary care. tance to be successfully fed orally. The primary care
The cleft palate team pediatrician uses this compre- provider, through the initial medical examination,
hensive approach to gain a familiarity with the child needs to determine that the infant can protect the air-
and to support the team's evaluation and the develop- way and coordinate feeding and breathing. Consulta-
ment of an appropriate and safe treatment plan. The tion with a professional, knowledgeable about feeding
team benefits from the pediatrician's ability to give ad- infants with CL/P, is important to instruct the family,
vise about special health concerns, the need for diag- nurses, and hospital staff how to feed the infant (see
nostic evaluations and treatments for known or previ- Feeding Infants with Cleft Lip with or without Palate,
ously undetected problems, general developmental and below, for specific information).
psychosocial functioning, and the determination that
surgery and procedures can be safely conducted. The
team pediatrician has a unique role of overseeing the Provide Screening and Monitoring with Each
total needs of the child during the team evaluation and Well-Child Visit for Early Detection of Problems
treatment process. for which Children with Cleft Lip with or without
Palate Are at Increased Risk
Weight Gain in the First Month of Life. In general,
feeding an infant with CL/P is initially difficult and
Provide Early Identification and Diagnosis of stressful for the family, but with appropriate instruc-
Cleft Lip with or without Palate and Associated tion and monitoring, the infant will do fine. Parents
Conditions and Refer to Appropriate Specialists can be told to expect that their infant will not only take
longer to feed but be a noisy feeder compared to the
The primary care provider can support the family fol- typical newborn. A weekly weight check for the first
lowing the prenatal diagnosis by collaborating with ge- month of life ensures that the infant is gaining weight
neticists and specialists. Key responsibilities include aid- adequately. Birth weight should be regained by 2 to 3
ing the communication and parental education process weeks of life. Documented weekly weight gain is of im-
so that the family understands the significance of the portance to the infant's physiological health and the
suspected condition for the life of the child and fam- psychological well-being of the family, indicating that
ily, required treatments, complexity of care, probable the infant is growing normally. Usually, after the first
outcome with appropriate care, and the family's op- 4 to 5 weeks of age, the baby develops the ability to
tions. The primary care provider's role is to facilitate effectively orally feed. Infants with isolated CL/P should
communication with experts in the field and to listen be able to orally feed and not require tube feedings. In-
to the family's concerns and questions. The primary fants who are unable to successfully feed without tube-
care provider may have a unique role as gatekeeper, to feeding support should be evaluated for associated
support the family's search for expert care. The most anomalies, perinatal illnesses, or injuries. Children who
important initial responsibility at birth is determining drop off their own growth curve need to be evaluated
that the infant is medically stable or has complex health for failure to thrive.
conditions requiring special support or transfer to an
NICU experienced with children with CL/P. The next Stature. Investigators have reported on the relation-
step is to provide a medical diagnosis. Early commu- ship between CL/P and children's stature. Short stature

is defined as height less than two standard deviations are between the 5th and 95th percentiles for stature,
below the mean or height below the third percentile for have adequate nutrition, and have no other health risks
same sex and age peers. An expected outcome for chil- need to be routinely monitored. The family and child
dren with CL/P is attainment of normal stature con- should be counseled that the child is normal and
sistent with the family. A review of the literature shows healthy.
great variability of findings about the stature and
growth patterns of children with CL/P. Development, Behavior, and Psychosocial Func-
Increased incidence of short stature has been reported tioning. Children with CL/P experience many psy-
(Ranalli and Mazaheri, 1975; Roitman and Laron, chosocial stressors starting in early childhood. Multi-
1978; Rudman et al., 1978; Duncan et al., 1983; Cun- ple investigators have examined a diverse set of
ningham and Jerome, 1992; Felix-Schollaart et al., psychological factors, including emotional and behav-
1992). Investigators have found variations in the ioral adjustments (Padwa et al., 1991); peer relation-
growth patterns, e.g., poor early growth with attain- ships (Krueckeberg et al., 1993), learning disabilities,
ment of normal growth by 2 years of age (Roitman and and neuropsychological development (Kapp-Simon et
Laron, 1978; Rudman et al., 1978; Duncan et al., 1983, al., 1993; Richman and Eliason, 1993; Kapp-Simon,
Felix-Schollaart et al., 1992; Nystrom et al., 1992). In- 1994); self-perception and body image (Broder and
creased incidence of severe short stature due to associ- Strauss, 1989; Leonard et al., 1991; Kapp-Simon et al.,
ated growth hormone deficiency has been reported 1992; Pope and Ward, 1997); and social interaction
(Roitman and Laron, 1978; Rudman et al., 1978). Nor- patterns (Kapp-Simon and McGuire, 1997). An exten-
mal growth has also been reported (Nackashi et al., sive review of the literature on CL/P and other cranio-
1988). The variation in findings may be due to sample facial anomalies involving parental acceptance, social
size, accuracy of measurements, ascertainment bias, competence, self-concept, emotional adjustment, and
cultural differences (country of origin), and definition cognitive functioning indicates that 30% to 40% of
of short stature. children in most studies experience difficulties with in-
Explanations for growth pattern variations and ex- ternalizing and/or externalizing problems, learning dis-
cessive short stature include feeding difficulties during orders, and social competence (Endriga and Kapp-
the neonatal period and infancy (Drillen et al., 1966; Simon, 1999).
Jensen et al., 1983) and decreased feeding after palatal Screening of development and behavior by the pri-
surgery (Drillen et al., 1966; Ranalli and Mazahari, mary care provider involves standard developmental
1975; Hunter, 1981; Jensen et al., 1983, 1988; Seth approaches. Appropriate approaches include parental
and McWilliams, 1988). Felix-Schollaart et al. (1992) report of skills and concerns, use of milestones and de-
reported that feeding difficulties, airway infections, and velopmental screening tools (e.g., the Denver II), and
surgery affect growth but did not account for differ- clinical observation to detect developmental delay and
ences among the CL/P groups and controls reported in affirm particular strengths of the infant and young
the literature. Danish infants with some combination child. Screening by a cleft palate team is also of great
of CL/P were found to have birth weights and lengths help to the primary care provider. The team has the
close to those considered average for Danish newborns, advantage of seeing many children with CL/P, result-
but infants with severe palatal clefts demonstrated in- ing in a rich experience and expertise. When concerns
creased incidence of delayed growth. arise, referral to a developmental pediatrician, psy-
Due to the variation in findings, many suggesting that chologist, speech-language pathologist, and other spe-
children with CL/P have short stature, it is wise to view cialists is critical to reduce morbidity and improve out-
these children as at risk for being somewhat short but come.
not meeting the criteria for short stature. The primary Developmental screening of school-aged children fo-
care provider, through continuity of care, is afforded cuses on learning problems, school-related issues, and
the best opportunity to monitor growth by serial mea- psychosocial functioning. The primary care provider
surements and standardized growth charts. can screen the child and family for psychosocial stres-
After the newborn period, weight and length, in par- sors and well-being by asking about family and peer
ticular length, need to be closely monitored. Families relationships, social and educational concerns, and
need to be informed that children with syndromes com- strengths. Recommendations to the family to intervene
monly are small for age. Children with true short with peer-related concerns by visiting with school-
stature (height less than two standard deviations below teachers and counselors can be helpful. Parents can talk
the mean or below the third percentile) should be re- to their child's classmates about CL/P with the hope
ferred for an endocrinological evaluation. Children that an understanding of the condition will extinguish
who are smaller than their peers or family members but negative behaviors and teasing. The primary care

provider should counsel the family prospectively middle ear effusion increases the risk of conductive
through anticipatory guidance. Persistent, disturbing, hearing loss, especially during the first year of life, in-
and pervasive psychological problems may require re- creasing the chance of delayed speech and language de-
ferral to a psychologist or licensed mental health pro- velopment (Habel et al., 1996).
fessional. This is even more problematic since it is generally
painless and therefore can go undetected except by an
Speech-Language Skills. Cleft palate puts the child otological evaluation. In addition, the child with cleft
at high risk for a speech disorder known as velopha- palate may have COME, which increases the chances
ryngeal insufficiency (VPI), the cause of classic "cleft for serious middle ear pathology, including tympanic
palate speech." Even after surgery, the velum (soft membrane atelectasis, perforation, and cholesteatoma
palate) and pharyngeal walls may be unable to create (Bluestone and Kline, 1990).
a velopharyngeal port that regulates the correct amount Otological and audiological monitoring to detect
of airflow through the nose. Excess airflow through the middle ear pathology and hearing loss need to begin in
nose results in hypernasality. If not treated, the hyper- infancy and continue through the teenage years. Chil-
nasality contributes to the development of compen- dren should receive biannual otological and audiolog-
satory speech patterns, which can be severe and life- ical testing consisting of at least an ear exam, tympa-
long. Most speech pathologists are not trained in the nometry, and audiogram during the first year of life
care of VPI, and this makes the involvement of an ex- and preferably up through 3 years of age. This same
perienced cleft palate team even more important. The battery of screening tests should continue annually un-
role of the primary care provider is to conduct routine til care is completed. Many children have stabilization
speech-language screening and to refer to profession- of their middle ear status by 7 years of age and pri-
als for therapy when indicated. Indications for referral marily require monitoring. Depending on the com-
include speech-language delay, articulation problems, plexity of the child's otological and audiological sta-
hypernasality, and unintelligible speech. tus, testing may need to be more frequent and extensive.
Contemporary approaches for the treatment of acute
Otitis Media and Hearing Loss. Children with CL/P otitis media include minimizing the use of antibiotics
are at increased risk for otitis media and hearing loss. in asymptomatic cases. Antibiotics are used for febrile
Most children with CL/P experience some degree of episodes and when hearing loss is detected. If otitis me-
middle ear inflammation, otitis media, or recurrent dia persists or continues to recur regardless of antibi-
middle ear pathology during their early childhood otic treatment, the child needs more extensive follow-
years. Eustachian tube dysfunction is the physiological up. Recurrent otitis media, COME, and hearing loss
cause for this increased incidence of middle ear pathol- are commonly treated by placement of tympanostomy
ogy and hearing loss. It is generally thought that eu- tubes. Tympanostomy tubes can be effective at clearing
stachian tube dysfunction is caused by disruption of the middle ear effusion and correcting hearing impairment,
entire muscular sling of the soft palate due to the for- but they can also cause sequelae, including scarring and
mation of the posteriorly located cleft. This results in tympanic membrane perforation. Adenoidectomy is
abnormal muscle attachments of the tensor veli pala- contraindicated because it can exacerbate VPI. The out-
tini to the eustachian tubes. The tensor veli palatini come for middle ear function and hearing is maximized
muscles cannot contract effectively, resulting in inade- by long-term monitoring and testing as part of the com-
quate opening of the eustachian tubes, which leads to prehensive care provided by a cleft palate team.
middle ear disease. One of the goals of early palatal re-
pair is to create a palate that is functional for speech Dental. The primary care provider can emphasize the
and improves eustachian tube function. Investigators importance of developing good dental hygiene habits
have reported that eustachian tube function improves toward the long-term outcome of cleft care. Weaning
after cleft palate repair (Doyle et al., 1986; Sweitzer et from the bottle early in the second year of life can en-
al., 1968). Children with a cleft palate can recover nor- hance dental care. Other important strategies involve
mal eustachian tube function after repair of the palate, introduction of early cleaning and brushing of teeth.
but the recovery may take many years (Smith et al., Since dental malocclusion is common, long-term use of
1994). For children who do not regain normal eu- a pacifier and thumb sucking should be discouraged.
stachian tube function, recurring otitis media or chronic The family needs to know that the child's care from
otitis media with effusion continues to be a problem. around 6 years of age to the completion of treatment
Paradise et al. (1969) found that the most prevalent in the mid-teens is primarily dental. Completion of
form of otitis media in children with cleft palate is properly timed dental care and procedures results in
chronic otitis media with effusion (COME). Persistent the best outcome. Families need to understand that den-

tal care is a necessary component of the total treatment for airway and nutrition support. Some children with
plan and that a combination of surgery and dental care RS may also have Stickler syndrome, which involves
will result in the best outcome for the child. orofacial findings consistent with RS along with my-
opia and musculoskeletal abnormalities. After many
Special Conditions years, arthritis may become a significant problem and
progressive myopia may lead to retinal detachment and
There are over 300 syndromes associated with CL/P. blindness. Some children are at risk for mitral valve
All children with CL/P can benefit from a genetics eval- prolapse. Children with RS, and especially those
uation and referral to a cleft palate team. Two of the thought to have Stickler syndrome, should have a chest
more common associated conditions have implications x-ray, electrocardiogram, genetic evaluation, eye ex-
for the primary care provider. amination, and a sleep study. Robin sequence is an ex-
Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) is the most fre- ample of a condition often apparent at birth, due to
quent clefting condition (Shprintzen et al., 1981). There the airway compromise and feeding difficulties, but that
are numerous features, which are not always present, can have an excellent outcome with appropriate sup-
including cleft palate, cardiac anomalies, typical facial portive care. Stickler syndrome is an example of a con-
features, slender hands and digits, ophthalmological dition that cannot be fully evaluated at birth because
abnormalities, psychiatric illness, VPI, and medial dis- the features evolve over time. Children with this con-
placement of the internal carotid arteries. The condi- dition are at risk for worsening vision and need regu-
tion is caused by deletions of the human chromosome lar vision screening in the primary care office.
22qll region. These deletions are also common in Di-
George syndrome, suggesting an etiological connection. Feeding Infants with Cleft Lip with or
DiGeorge syndrome is considered a sequence found in without Palate
VCFS and involves thymic aplasia, immune deficiency,
hypocalcemia, and congenital heart defects. Children The goal of feeding the newborn is to provide adequate
who have these clinical features and 22qll deletions calories to support life, growth, and development.
have VCFS. The implications of VCFS are broad, span- Mother-infant bonding is an important, but physio-
ning physical, cognitive, psychosocial, speech, and de- logically secondary, part of the feeding process. It has
velopmental domains. These children are at high risk been suggested by Rybski et al. (1984) that feeding the
for poor outcomes, including school failure, behavioral newborn is contingent on the coordinated interaction
concerns, and psychiatric illness. This is an example of of a complex set of behaviors, including the participa-
a condition that can be missed at birth and has long- tion of a caregiver. It is a common clinical observation
term consequences. that parents of a newborn with CL/P often experience
Robin sequence (RS) is a well-known condition that considerable anxiety due to the problems they en-
includes micrognathia, cleft palate, and glossoptosis, counter when attempting to feed their baby and that
causing airway obstruction. Many infants with RS have these feelings can interfere with the normal interaction
some degree of airway compromise and are at risk for between parent and child.
airway-related feeding problems. A large number of in-
fants are managed with positioning, careful feeding,
and close monitoring. When calm, infants are gener- BIOLOGY OF SUCKING
ally engaged in quiet breathing and appear well. Upper Normal Sucking
respiratory infections, vigorous crying, and feeding can
cause obstruction or partial obstruction of the airway, Sucking, one of the earliest organized behaviors, and
which leads to airway compromise. rhythmical bursts of jaw opening and closing associ-
At birth, infants with severe airway compromise need ated with movements of the tongue have been identi-
NICU management, which may include tracheal intu- fied even in fetal life (de Vries et al., 1988). Fetuses
bation, supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation, have been observed in activities of nonnutritive suck-
orogastric tube feedings, and 24 h monitoring. Surgi- ing of thumbs and toes as early as 28 weeks while in
cal management of the airway may involve tracheos- utero (Shaker, 1990; Medoff-Cooper and Ray, 1995).
tomy, tongue-lip adhesion, or mandibular distraction. For the neonate of 32 to 34 weeks, the mechanisms
Some infants may require months of hospitalization be- of creating a partial vacuum intraorally, controlling an
fore they are stable enough to be discharged home. The effective stripping motion of the nipple by the tongue,
vast majority of infants will stabilize and have normal and coordinating an efficient swallow have matured
breathing and feeding abilities although, some will re- into a well-integrated system (Goldson, 1987; Shaker,
quire a protracted period of time to outgrow their need 1990). The infant encompasses the nipple with the lips,

creating an airtight seal around the nipple or areola. bottles equipped with transducers. Great care is taken
With an effective anterior seal, the mandible is pulled to remove confounding variables by offering the same
down along with the central dorsum part of the tongue, nipple, the same fluid, in the same position, etc., to all
resulting in more space intraorally and subsequently a infants in a study. Research on breast-fed infants is more
decreased or negative intraoral air pressure (suction). complex as it is harder to measure negative intraoral
The infant then presses the nipple against the alveolus pressure and the infant-mother interaction and physi-
and hard palate and, with a rolling or stripping move- ological responses of the mother to sucking cannot be
ment of the tongue tip across the nipple from front to quantified. Research and clinical observation indicate
back, extracts milk from the nipple. The milk bolus is that the sucking pattern of infants changes over the
forced by this rolling action of the tongue into the phar- course of the feed, as do the availability and composi-
ynx, where it enters into the esophagus, and through tion of the breast milk (Chetwynd et al., 1998). The
the process of peristalsis (and gravity), is carried to the amount of milk extracted is not determined solely by
stomach (Bu'Lock et al., 1990). the baby and the sucking pressure patterns but is af-
fected by the let-down reflex and other maternal vari-
Suction or the Partial Vacuum Created ables (Prieto et al., 1996). Infants who are breast-fed
Intraorally as Part of fhe Sucking Process use negative intraoral pressure to position and stabilize
the breast in the mouth. A combination of negative in-
Various techniques have been utilized to define the traoral pressure, the stripping action of the tongue
sucking and swallowing process, including cineradiog- against the breast supported by the palate, and the
raphy (Ardran et al., 1958a,b), ultrasound (Smith et pumping movements of the jaw and gums empties the
al., 1985; Weber et al., 1986; Bu'Lock et al., 1990; milk ducts (Clarren et al., 1987; BuLock et al., 1990).
Nowak et al., 1995), videofiberoscopy (Eishima, 1991;
Iwayama and Eishima, 1997), and assessment of pres- Biology of Sucking in a Neonate with a Cleft
sure changes intraorally, with or without measurement
of fluid flow, using pressure transducers (Goldson, There has been extensive research in the sucking pat-
1987; Jain et al., 1987; Medoff-Cooper et al., 1989, terns of preterm and term infants, and descriptions of
1993; Fadavi et al., 1997; Waterland et al., 1998). Of the developmental stages of the sucking pattern to the
the three primary components in feeding [lip seal, age of 14 months (DeMonterice et al., 1992; Medoff-
tongue stripping, and intraoral negative pressure (suc- Cooper and Ray, 1995; Turgeon-O'Brien et al., 1996;
tion)], it is suction with its several dimensions that can Fadavi et al., 1997; Hafstrom et al., 1997; Iwayama
be relatively easily and objectively measured. and Eishima, 1997; Finan and Barlow, 1998; Water-
Research has been directed at quantifying various land et al., 1998). There has been very little research
components of sucking, such as the intensity of each on the sucking patterns of infants with cleft lip or cleft
suck, the duration of each suck, and the duration of palate preoperatively or postoperatively (Choi et al.,
rest periods between sucks. These measures have been 1991). One report examined palatal motor movement
obtained using a pressure transducer to determine pre- and postoperatively (Igawa et al., 1998). The suck-
changes in air pressure within the bottle while the in- ing characteristics of these groups must be described
fant is feeding (Linder, 1991; McGowan et al., 1991; prior to comparison to noncleft children. Dixon-Wood
Medoff-Cooper, 1991; Palmer, 1993; Medoff-Cooper et al. (1999) measured the intraoral pressure of infants
and Ray, 1995). As growth occurs, the infant can gen- with CL/P during feeding. Special nipples were devel-
erate greater negative intraoral pressure and stripping oped (Medoff-Cooper et al., 1993), which contained
pressure (Linder, 1991; Medoff-Cooper et al., 1993). two tubes connected to a transducer. Intraoral pressure
By the end of the first year, there is generally a change was measured during bottle-feeding. None of the chil-
in diet and a weaning off the bottle, with sucking ac- dren with cleft palate were able to generate any nega-
tivities and reflexes becoming repressed (Iwayama and tive intraoral pressure. An interesting finding was that
Eishima, 1997). these children learned very early to position the nipple
in the mouth so as to mechanically strip it with the
Biology of Sucking during Breast-Feeding tongue against the alveolus, cheek, or palate.
This supports what we know about anatomy, the de-
Functionally, breast-feeding differs from bottle-feeding velopment of negative intraoral pressure during suck-
in the wide-open position of the jaw, the position of the ing, and the effect of cleft palate on the ability to de-
nipple in the mouth, the muscles used, and the response velop negative intraoral pressure. Therefore, we can
or elasticity of the nipple in the mouth in response to assume that a child with a cleft palate preoperatively
the sucking (Turgeon-O'Brien et al., 1996). Most of the cannot create effective negative intraoral pressure due
research on sucking has been done on infants fed from to the open communication between mouth and nose.

Additionally, infants with cleft palate lack the sup- superior" nutritionally for both sick and well infants,
port against which the tongue can effectively strip the and every mother should be encouraged to breast-feed.
nipple or breast. Depending on the position of the pre- Research has shown breast milk to have multiple health
maxilla and its stability, the infant may be further ham- benefits, including a decreased incidence of diarrhea
pered by an inability to use movements of the jaw and and otitis media (Scariati et al., 1997), inhibition of col-
gums to assist with feeding. Clarren et al. (1987) sep- onization by respiratory bacterial pathogens (Hokama
arated subjects into groups by diagnosis and made feed- et al., 1999), and increased protection against viral ill-
ing recommendations for each cleft type. This technique ness (Englund et al., 1998), among many others. Breast
has been adapted Table 25.1. milk provides protection against otitis media even in
otitis-prone infants with CL/P (Paradise et al., 1994).
Several researchers have even found breast-feeding to
DETERMINING AN INFANT'S ABILITY TO BE be responsible for improved cognitive development
ORALLY FED (Anderson et al., 1999; Uauy and Peirano, 1999). In
addition to health benefits for the infant, health bene-
After the birth of an infant with CL/P, the physician fits for the mother and socioeconomic benefits for fam-
and newborn nursery staff need to make a rapid de- ilies, employers, and the nation are expounded (Amer-
termination of the infant's ability to be safely and suc- ican Academy of Pediatrics, 1997; Ball and Wright,
cessfully fed by breast or bottle. The clinician can use 1999). The primary care provider's role is to provide
Table 25.1 to guide the feeding evaluation by asking parents with complete and current information about
four physiological questions: (1) Can the infant protect the benefits of breast-feeding so that a fully informed
the airway and coordinate swallowing with breathing? decision can be made. Mothers of infants with CL/P
(2) Is the ability to swallow intact? (3) Can the infant should be encouraged to provide breast milk as the pre-
generate negative intraoral pressure? (4) Is the sucking ferred source of nutrition if they are able to do so.
mechanism normal? Table 25.1 lists a series of cleft Encouraging breast-feeding has been a controversial
conditions and compares them across these four phys- subject in this population (Chibbaro, 1998). Societal
iological elements. parenting pressures and breast-feeding expectations
A review of Table 25.1 reveals the following basic compounded by the difficulties in feeding an infant with
concepts: CL/P, anxieties about the infant's underlying condition,
concerns about upcoming surgeries, and the already
• Most infants with CL/P can be safely and success- stressful postpartum period leave many parents feeling
fully orally fed using breast or bottle, usually bottle. overwhelmed, anxious, and guilty. Professional con-
• The presence of a syndrome, multiple anomalies, cerns about already fragile parent-infant attachment in
perinatal illness, or neurological complications puts infants with a facial difference and about further in-
the infant at risk for not being able to be safely orally creasing stress in this difficult postpartum period have
fed. led some to suggest that breast-feeding should not be
• Infants with RS may be unable to generate negative recommended. The increasing findings of health bene-
intraoral pressure or even suck/swallow normally due fits from breast milk cannot be ignored. Some parents
to anatomy (a posteriorly placed tongue due to mi- have reported feeling good about expressing breast milk
crognathia). because they know this is something they can do for
• Infants with isolated cleft lip are the easiest to feed. their child's health. Individual preference is paramount;
• The presence of an isolated cleft palate suggests that however, the American Academy of Pediatrics (1997)
an infant can safely orally feed but will need assis- states "before advising against breastfeeding or recom-
tance due to an inability to generate negative intra- mending premature weaning, the practitioner should
oral pressure. weigh thoughtfully the benefits of breastfeeding against
• Some infants with symptomatic submucous cleft the risks of not receiving human milk."
palate may have difficulty generating negative intra-
oral pressure. Formula Is Satisfactory. Although not providing all
of the health benefits attributed to breast milk, formula
feeding is an acceptable alternative. Historically, for-
FEEDING PRACTICES IN A CLINICAL SETTING mula supplementation and assisted feeding techniques
have been the mainstay of feeding an infant with CL/P.
What to Feed Infants with Cleft Lip with or
Extended periods of time to directly breast-feed, then
without Palate
express additional breast milk, give expressed milk by
Breast Milk is Best. The American Academy of Pedi- assisted feeding, followed by the additional time-
atrics (1997) guidelines state "human milk is uniquely consuming chores of cleaning the breast pump, the bot-
TABLE 25.1. Feeding Characteristics and Suggested Feeding Techniques by Oro facial Diagnosis*
Expected Ability to Ability to Make
Protect Airway and Ability to Generate Normal Mechanical
Coordinate Swallow Expected Presence of Negative Intraoral Movements of
Diagnosis with Breathing Intact Swallow Pressure Sucking Feeding Techniques

Orofacial clefts with Require careful evaluation of

syndromic conditions or physiological and neurological
multiple anomalies conditions which might affect
Orofacial clefts with feeding in addition to impact of
prematurity, perinatal type of cleft
infection, or injury with
possible neurological
Robin sequence Direct breast-feeding unlikely,
nipple position critical,
needs assisted feeding
Isolated cleft lip Direct breast-feeding best,
soft artificial nipple with a large
base works well,
does not need assisted feeding
Isolated cleft lip and palate Direct breast-feeding unlikely,
needs assisted feeding
Isolated cleft of hard and Direct breast-feeding unlikely,
soft palate only needs assisted feeding
Isolated cleft of soft Direct breast-feeding unlikely
palate only but depends on size of cleft,
artificial nipple shape may
assist with palate function,
probably needs assisted
Submucous cleft palate Direct breast-feeding best,
(symptomatic) nipple shape may assist with
palate function by support,
may need assisted feeding

* Based on Herbst (1983), Clarren et al. (1987), Bu'Lock et al. (1990), and Kaufman (1991).

ties, and the baby's bottom, all while keeping the Such instruction is offered, knowing that parents run
mother well fed, rested, and hydrated are minimized. the risk of "flooding" their baby in a flow of milk. This
In households where other children also require care, may result in undesired compensatory oral motor
the demands of breast-feeding an infant with a cleft strategies in an attempt to cope with the excess flow
may contribute to family stress or neglect of other fam- and prevent choking and gagging and/or to gain mo-
ily members. Benefits of formula include the ability to mentary control to enable swallowing and breathing.
accurately measure the volume and caloric intake and Finan and Barlow (1998) and Fadavi et al. (1997) dem-
to provide changes in concentration or additives to in- onstrated the disruptive impact of such environmental
crease the caloric density. Under a pediatric nutrition- stimuli on sucking motor patterns.
ist's guidance, formula has the unique ability to be re- Rather than espousing only one feeding technique, it
constituted from concentrate or powder to create a is important to communicate to parents that there is
more concentrated formulation. Pediatric nutritionists no "right" way to feed an infant with cleft. Each in-
can also prescribe a variety of substances to add to for- fant and parent diad will develop their own relation-
mulas and expressed breast milk to increase caloric den- ship and strategy during feeding, which works best for
sity. Simple sugars, Polycose®, corn oil, and medium them. Infants (especially those with a cleft) are very
chain triglycerides (MCT oil®) oil are just a few. adaptable and can tolerate being fed in a variety of
At first glance, a calorically dense formula is invit- ways by different care providers, parents, and other
ing since the infant needs less volume to meet caloric family members. However, some general guidelines or
needs. A careful balance is necessary, however. If too strategies are commonly used.
dense, the fluid is hard to digest. This can increase tran-
sit time, causing constipation and other gastrointesti- Direct Breast-Feeding. Infants with cleft lip or cleft
nal symptoms. Maintaining enough free water for ad- lip with incomplete cleft of the alveolus may have some
equate hydration and protection of the kidneys is difficulty with the orolabial seal around the breast or
another important factor. bottle. These infants may respond best to breast-
Whatever feeding method is chosen by the family, feeding since the breast tissue is more malleable and
the primary care provider's responsibility is to support can fill the opening, allowing for a tight seal. If there
the decision and put the family in contact with the ap- is no associated cleft palate, the infant should be able
propriate community support professionals. The Amer- to strip the nipple against the roof of the mouth nor-
ican Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association maintains a mally and seal the soft palate against the posterior pha-
registry of cleft and craniofacial teams that provide care ryngeal wall to create negative intraoral pressure (suc-
for people with clefts. The Cleft Palate Foundation tion). These infants should be able to feed and grow
(1992) has written educational materials for parents, normally, and their intake is not affected by their cleft
healthcare providers, and hospitals. (Clarren et al., 1987; Coulter-Danner, 1992; Elster et
al., 1994).
Recommended Feeding Strategies Infants who have clefts of the palate can provide
some stripping action, depending on the size and place-
Initial feeding instruction is often provided to parents ment of the cleft, but cannot create negative intraoral
of a newborn with CL/P at a time when they are ex- pressure. The breast must be held in the infant's mouth
periencing shock, anxiety, and grief. Newborn nursery and the infant held up to the breast. Supporting the
staff, who may have little experience with feeding an baby on pillows will decrease the strain on the mother.
infant with CL/P, often provide this initial instruction. Experimenting with the infant body and head position,
All too often, parents are discharged to take their baby to get the best compression of the breast within the
home without having received any training in feeding mouth, will assist with the mechanical emptying of the
or time to practice these techniques. However, when milk ducts. These infants can still be directly breast-fed
feeding instruction is provided by cleft palate teams, it by mothers with a strong let-down reflex who have a
is generally based on trial-and-error strategies that may stream of milk from the breast. Massaging the breast
have worked for some families, rather than on proven to assist the letdown reflex or manually expressing milk
physiological principles of sucking/feeding (Richard, from the breast into the infant's mouth are additional
1994). Most instruction is limited to positioning the in- strategies (Cleft Palate Foundation, 1992). This may be
fant during feeding so as to minimize choking and gag- easier in mothers who have previously breast-fed other
ging. Parents also are often advised to assist fluid flow infants. Using these strategies may allow a parent and
from the bottle by enlarging or cross-cutting the hole infant to have some direct breast-feeding time but rarely
in the nipple or by using a plastic bottle that can be provides adequate calories. Accurate measurement of
squeezed to force a more rapid flow (Elster et al., 1994). actual intake (not just minutes of feeding on each

breast) is essential since feeding efficiency is reduced. needed. In this way, if an infant shows poor weight
One way to estimate this is by obtaining prefeeding and gain at a follow-up visit, the energy expenditure at the
postfeeding weights. The higher-calorie "hind milk" is breast and the total time of feeding with assistance can
not expressed by these methods, and the infant may be evaluated and recommendations made to decrease
miss out on the nutrient-dense portion of the feeding energy expenditure or increase intake. It is important
while expending higher calories over a longer period of to stress to mothers that every infant is different and,
time than with direct breast-feeding alone. This puts in some ways, every feeding is different. Infants will
the infant at increased risk of dehydration, hyper- vary in their ability to feed efficiently depending on
bilirubinemia, failure to thrive, and weight loss (Clar- many variables, including the extent of the cleft, their
ren et al., 1987; Coulter-Danner, 1992; McCartney, level of arousal at the time of feeding, development of
1996; Wide Smiles, 1997). respiratory infections, or just a change in schedule. By
Subsets of the population at greatest risk for breast- doing their best at each feeding and monitoring weight
feeding failure include infants with symptomatic but gain every week or so, mothers will be doing all they
undiagnosed submucous cleft palate. Most children can to ensure that their baby has the best nutrition for
with submucous cleft palate are asymptomatic, and this growth and development (Wide Smiles, 1996).
is often not diagnosed until later. In this age group,
symptomatic submucous cleft palate puts these infants Assisted Feeding. Assisted feeding can reduce calo-
at risk because the palatal musculature is not able to rie expenditure. Assisted feeding techniques use pulse-
effectively and consistently seal against the posterior squeezed bottles, droppers, cups, and other devices to
pharyngeal wall, impairing the ability to produce neg- get the milk into the infant's mouth without sucking
ative intraoral pressure and increasing feeding ineffi- and with decreased energy expenditure. It should take
ciency. When the baby is put to breast or to bottle, ap- approximately 15 to 30 min for infants to complete a
propriate rooting and sucking movements occur. If a feeding (Sidoti and Shprintzen, 1995). If an infant takes
gloved finger is placed in the mouth, appropriate place- longer than 30 min, valuable calories needed for growth
ment of the tongue with normal peristaltic muscular are being used and the infant may tire, fail to gain
movements and compression against the roof of the weight, or even lose weight (Balluff, 1986). Because in-
mouth are felt. This may mislead a healthcare provider fants with CL/P are inefficient feeders due to the struc-
or parent into believing that effective sucking is occur- tural problems of the cleft, assisted feeding is recom-
ring. If a symptomatic submucous cleft palate is not di- mended to compensate for the decreased or absent
agnosed by physical exam at birth, it may not be di- negative intraoral pressure. The choice of feeding
agnosed until feeding difficulty progresses to failure to equipment must be based on what works well for the
thrive or poor weight gain. infant, is readily available in the community, and is af-
fordable for the parent. Some examples are described
Expressed Breast-Feeding. A combination of direct below.
breast-feeding and expressed breast milk by assisted The Mead Johnson (Evansville, IN) Cleft Lip/Palate
feeding or expressed breast milk by assisted feeding Nurser is a compressible bottle with a cross-cut straight
alone is the preferable way to feed most infants with nipple. It can be fitted with an orthodontic nipple. The
CL/P. A mother's desire to provide breast milk to an orthodontic nipple is wider and has a larger surface to
infant is a commitment of time, energy, and fortitude. be compressed, but care must be taken to turn the nip-
She will need the full support of the hospital staff, fam- ple upside down so the stream of fluid is directed to-
ily, primary care provider, and cleft palate team to ac- ward the tongue or the posterior pharnyx, not up into
complish it. She needs better than average nutrition, the cleft. This bottle works best with nipples that have
adequate sleep, forced hydration, and a great breast the porthole on the tip. If a vertical slice is made on
pump. She will, in essence, be taking the time for two the tip, the formula will flow through the enlarged hole
feedings for each infant feeding. She will need assis- when the infant compresses the nipple between the
tance from a spouse or family member to feed the in- gums, even without negative intraoral pressure. Alter-
fant with assisted feeding techniques while she ex- natives are a horizontal slice for a lower flow rate or
presses breast milk to be fed later. She will benefit from a cross-cut for a faster flow rate. The bottle can also
a lactation consultant familiar with feeding infants with be pulse-squeezed by the caregiver along with the in-
cleft and from a friend who will support her decision fant's mouthing pattern to simulate sucking. The Mead
to breast-feed or to begin formula supplementation if Johnson CL/P Nurser is a disposable bottle and cannot
breast-feeding becomes too difficult for her. be sterilized. It can be reused in the home by washing
For each feeding, a careful diary must be maintained it in warm water with soap and sterilizing the nipples
with the number of minutes at breast, the volume of or washing it in the top rack of the dishwasher. Stan-
milk given by assisted feeding, and the length of time dard baby bottle nipples by most manufacturers fit.

These bottles are the least expensive and require re- and syringes with all manner of bulbs, catheters, and
placement after 15 uses. To increase the life of the Mead other attachments. An interesting adaptation of the
Johnson CL/P Nurser, do not heat milk or formula on Playtex Nurser with its wide-based nipple and col-
the stove or in the microwave. Use a regular bottle to lapsible formula bag was made by cutting away part
heat the milk or formula in a cup of warm or hot wa- of the hard plastic sleeve so the liner could be com-
ter, then transfer it to the Mead Johnson CL/P Nurser pressed by the parent. There is not room to review all
(Dixon-Wood, 1997; Mead Johnson Nutritionals, per- of the possibilities here. Suffice it to say that if it gets
sonal communication, 2000). a sufficient quantity of breast milk or formula in the
The Haberman Feeder (Medela, McHenry, IL) is a baby with little calorie expenditure or risk of choking,
rigid bottle with an elongated, compressible nipple. It it has probably been tried. If the infant fails to grow
has an adjustable flow rate depending on the direction with conventional feeding strategies and after medical,
the nipple is inserted into the mouth. Making this ad- psychosocial, and nutritional evaluations the growth
justment does not require any alteration of the nipple failure is still felt to be a mechanical problem due to
hole. The feeder has a one-way valve between the nip- the cleft, then unconventional feeding techniques can
ple and the bottle to prevent formula from being pushed be tried.
back into the bottle by compression and to decrease
the amount of air ingested through the nipple. Some
Additional Helpful Feeding Strategies
infants are able to adequately compress the enlarged
nipple and do not need pulse-assisted feeds; however, Feed in More Upright Position. Positioning the in-
the nipple can be pulse-squeezed for infants who need fant with CL/P in a more upright position (>65 de-
additional assistance. Due to the one-way valve, this grees) is recommended for several reasons. One is that
nipple does not do well for infants who require the more upright position allows gravity to assist with
thickened feedings for gastroesophageal reflux. The moving the formula bolus to the back of the mouth
Haberman Feeder and nipple can be sterilized. As and down the esophagus. This gravity assistance helps
with the Mead Johnson CL/P Nurser, do not heat milk to reduce infant energy expenditure and fatigue during
or formula in a Haberman Feeder in the microwave. feeding. It also reduces the amount of nasal regurgita-
The Haberman nipple is recommended for room- tion. Nasal regurgitation is common since the infant's
temperature liquids only. Complaints about this feeder tongue reflexively pushes up into the cleft when at-
center around the price (currently about $16 each if tempting to strip the nipple. Although nasal regurgita-
purchased directly from the manufacturer), the unusual tion is a sign of swallowing dyscoordination in children
appearance, and the lack of a travel cap (Medela, Inc., without clefts, it is not an indication of swallowing
1994; Wide Smiles, 1996). problems in an infant with a cleft palate (Clarren et al.,
The Cleft Palate Nipple System (Children's Medical 1987; Cleft Palate Foundation, 1992).
Ventures, Norwell, MA) is a compressible bottle with
a larger-than-usual tri-cut nipple that is stiffer on one Frequent Burping. The soft palate cannot form an
side and very pliable on the other. It is positioned in airtight seal during swallowing, and air freely flows
the infant's mouth with the stiff side toward the cleft. through the nose during feeding and swallowing. In ad-
The tongue then strips along the very pliable side, com- dition, coordination between the parent pulsing the for-
pressing against the stiffer side and maximizing each mula (with an assisted feeding device) and the infant
attempt at sucking. The bottle can also be pulse- swallowing and breathing may not be fully developed
squeezed by the caregiver along with the infant's for several weeks. For these reasons, infants with CL/P
mouthing pattern to simulate sucking. It also has a one- swallow more air during feeding. They require more
way valve between the nipple and the bottle to prevent frequent burping than infants without a cleft and may
milk from flowing back into the bottle by compression. have more "wet burps," nasal regurgitation, vomiting,
Flow rate can be adjusted by tightening or loosening or colic-like symptoms. Thankfully, as the infant grows
the cap, which opens or closes dual air holes. If the in- and muscle tone, swallow-breath coordination, and
fant does not require pulse-squeezed assistance, this parental skill at feeding and reading subtle cues from
nipple will fit on any baby bottle. The Pigeon Feeder the infant improve, these symptoms usually resolve.
can be boiled or gas-sterilized. As with the Haberman Colic-like symptoms from air swallowing are common
Feeder, the one-way valve precludes the use of thick- in this population and do not necessarily mean that true
ened feedings for infants with gastroesophogeal reflux colic is developing. Antiflatulence drops (e.g., simeth-
(Children's Medical Ventures, 1999). icone) are one possible medical intervention to consider.
A review of the literature reveals a variety of other At the same time, if feeding and burping are going
feeding innovations and anecdotal stories of infants fed well and the typical symptoms of colic continue, then
successfully with eyedroppers, Dixie cups, shot glasses, counseling the parents on the development of colic in

babies with or without CL/P may be indicated. A trial Balluff, MA, Udin, RD (1986). Using a feeding appliance to aid the
of some of the other common interventions for treat- infant with cleft palate. Ear Nose Throat J 65: 50/316-55/320.
Berkowitz, S (ed) (1996). Cleft Lip and Palate: Perspectives in Man-
ment of colic may work. In addition, the possibility of agement. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group.
other etiologies (other than the cleft) should be ex- Bluestone, CD, Klein, JO (1990). Intratemporal complications and
plored. It cannot be too strongly stressed that infants sequelae of otitis media. In: Pediatric Otolaryngology, Vol. 1,
with CL/P have the same incidence rates of associated edited by CD Bluestone, SE Stool, and MA Kenna. Philadelphia:
problems like colic, reflux, and pyloric stenosis as the WB Saunders, pp. 583-635.
Broder, H, Strauss, R (1989). Self concept of early primary school
general population.
age children with visible or invisible defects. Cleft Palate J 26:
Plain Water for Mouth and Nose Rinse. Mucus may Bu'Lock, F, Woolridge, MW, Baum, JD (1990). Development of co-
line the nasal area and cleft prior to a feeding. Formula ordination of sucking, swallowing and breathing: ultrasound
(and later foods) may get trapped in the cleft after a study of term and pre-term infants. Dev Med Child Neurol 32:
feeding. A few sips or spoonfuls of water before and
Chetwynd, AG, Diggle, PJ, Drewett, RF, Young, B (1998). A mix-
after feedings will rinse trapped mucus and food/ ture model for sucking patterns of breast-fed infants. Stat Med
formula particles away (Muir and Burton, 2000). 17: 395-405.
Chibbaro, P (moderator) (1998). The great debate: be it resolved that
Obturators ("Feeding Appliances"). Presurgical early palate closure allows effective breastfeeding. Presented at the
55th annual meeting of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial
palatal appliances were at one time advocated because Association, Baltimore, Maryland, April 24, 1998.
it was hoped that they would help the infant with CL/P Children's Medical Ventures, Inc (1999). Technical Information Bul-
feed more efficiently (Balluff and Udin, 1986; Jones, letin. Pigeon Corporation Nursing Bottles and Nipples. Norwell,
1988). In as much as these appliances provide a solid MA: Children's Medical Ventures.
surface against which the infant can compress the nip- Choi, BH, Kleinheinz, J, Joos, U, Komposch, G (1991). Sucking ef-
ficiency of early orthopaedic plate and teats in infants with cleft
ple, they do improve the ability to feed. Currently, these
lip and palate. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 20: 167-169.
presurgical appliances are used to direct palatal seg- Clarren, SK, Anderson, B, Wolf, LS (1987). Feeding infants born
ments into position for surgical repair or to prevent with cleft lip, cleft palate, or cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate J
dental arch collapse from the pressure of the cheeks. 24: 244-249.
These appliances do not allow the infant to create neg- Cleft Palate Foundation (1992). Feeding an Infant with Cleft. Chapel
ative intraoral pressure, however, and the infant still Hill: Cleft Palate Foundation.
Coulter-Danner, S (1992). Breast feeding the infant with a cleft de-
needs assisted feeding (Choi et al., 1991). A palatal ap- fect. NAACOG Clin Issues Perinat Womens Health 3: 634-639.
pliance may improve, but will not solve, feeding prob- Cunningham, ML, Jerome, JT (1997). Linear growth characteristics
lems in an infant with CL/P. The benefit of a solid sur- of children with cleft lip and palate. J Pediatr 131: 707-711.
face on which to compress the nipple must be weighed DeMonterice, D, Meier, PP, Engstrom, JL, et al. (1992). Concurrent
against the large percentage of intraoral space the ap- validity of a new instrument for measuring nutritive sucking in
preterm infants. Nurs Res 41: 342-346.
pliance occupies. Infants with retrognathia, whose
de Vries, JIP, Visser, GHA, Prechtl, HFR (1988). The emergence of
tongues are posteriorly positioned, are poor candidates fetal behavior. III. Individual differences and consistencies. Early
for palatal appliances because of the risk for airway oc- Hum Dev 16: 85-103.
clusion. In addition, palatal appliances must be moni- Dixon-Wood, VL (1997). Counseling and early management of feed-
tored closely and refitted with growth, thus becoming ing and language skill development for infants and toddlers with
cleft palate. In: Communicative Disorders Related to Cleft Lip
expensive and time-consuming (Cleft Palate Founda-
and Palate, 4th ed., edited by KR Bzoch. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed, pp.
tion, 1992; Berkowitz, 1996). 465-474.
Dixon-Wood, VL, Williams, WN, Clapper, DC, Gibbs C (1999). Nu-
tritive sucking characteristics of infants with cleft lip and palate.
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Staging of cleft lip and palate reconstruction:
infancy through adolescence


The satisfactory rehabilitation of a child born with cleft care emphasize the need for the team of cleft special-
lip and palate (CLP) presents unique challenges. Close ists to organize for maximum long-term patient bene-
cooperation is required among the specialists who in- fit, taking into account the child's growth intervals and
tegrate their talents for the child's overall well-being. levels of need in the individual's life.
A coordinated approach is required to achieve ideal Whenever surgery is contemplated for the recon-
speech, occlusion, facial aesthetics, and individual self- struction of CLP deformities, the benefit-to-risk (and
esteem (Adams, 1981; Berry et al, 1997; Broder and -cost) ratio should be considered (Leonard et al., 1991;
Strauss, 1989; Harper, 1995; Richman and Eliason, Strauss, 1994). Windows of opportunity may exist for
1982; Richman et al., 1985). The effective cleft palate maximum advantage (improved benefit-to-risk ratio) at
(CP) team is patient-, family-, and community-oriented different stages in the patient's growth and develop-
rather than physician-, specialty-, and hospital- ment. The goal of the CLP surgeon, orthodontist,
centered (Benacerraf and Mulliken, 1993; Slutsky, speech therapist, and team is to work with the family,
1969). carry out periodic reassessments, and make suggestions
Koop (1987), then the Surgeon General of the United about the timing and sequencing of care to ensure long-
States, issued a report, Children with Special Health term benefits and to minimize complications and costs
Care Needs, that called for a family-centered, commu- (Cohen et al., 1995).
nity-based, coordinated healthcare delivery system for The child born with either a complete unilateral or
children with special needs (Christensen and Fogl- bilateral CLP (UCLP or BCLP, respectively) or cleft of
Andersen, 1993; Jensen et al., 1983; Jones, 1988; the palate only (ICP) will face a series of hurdles related
Laatikainen et al., 1996). to speech, occlusion, facial appearance, and self-devel-
The American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association opment. Reviewing the basic decision-making process
(ACPA) (1993) responded by developing parameters of of treatment options prospectively provides a recon-
care designed to facilitate the rehabilitation of patients structive outline for the family and team members.
with CLP. The parameters developed by the ACPA sup-
port the concept of interdisciplinary care for the CLP
patient, encouraging the use of treatment protocols that ROBIN SEQUENCE
emphasize the thoughtful timing of interventions (sur-
gery, speech and language therapy, dental and psy- The French stomatologist Pierre Robin is best known
chosocial treatment) to coincide with the child's phys- for his description of an anomaly consisting of mi-
ical, cognitive, dental, and psychosocial development crognathia with glossoptosis, CP, and respiratory ob-
(Bowers et al., 1987; Gould, 1990). The parameters of struction (Jeresaty et al., 1969; Perlman and Robin,


FIG. 26.1. A child born with Robin sequence consisting of micrognathia with glossoptosis, clefting of the secondary palate, and a degree of
respiratory distress. A: Profile view indicating micrognathia. B: Profile view of three-dimensional craniofacial computed tomographic recon-
struction indicating micrognathia but with all of the components of the jaw present. For this child, the small mandible is the result of de-
forming forces during fetal development rather than of a malformation. Catch-up growth of the mandible is anticipated during childhood.
(From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)

1992; Randall et al, 1965; Robin, 1923, 1934) (Fig. ing mandibular growth and impacting the elevated
26.1), but the condition had been described earlier by tongue between the palatal shelves (Poswillo, 1968;
St. Hilaire in 1822 (Dennison, 1965), Fairbairn (1846), Rintala et al., 1984). This deformational cause of Robin
and Shukowsky (1911). Birth prevalence estimates of sequence has been supported by several authors (Beers
Robin sequence have ranged from 1/200 to 1/30,000 and Pruzansky, 1955). Pruzansky (1969) and Pruzan-
(Bush and Williams, 1983; Carroll et al., 1971; Cohen, sky and Richmond (1954) have shown that mandibu-
1976). Definitions of this sequence of events also vary, lar catch-up growth is likely to result in a normal pro-
making it difficult to obtain a more precise estimate of file by 4 to 6 years of age, when the cause of
the birth prevalence and the ratio of syndromes said to micrognathia is deformation rather than malformation.
be associated with the Robin sequence (Cohen, 1997). Hanson and Smith (1975) found specific syndromes in
Cohen (1997) indicated that the clinical data are most 25% of their Robin sequence patients, multiple anom-
consistent with etiologic and pathogenetic heterogene- alies but no specific syndrome in 35%, and isolated
ity (Stoll et al., 1992). The most common genetic syn- Robin sequence in the remaining 40%. A diversity of
drome associated with Robin sequence is Stickler's specific syndromes and associated malformations have
syndrome (Turner, 1974). Prompt ophthalmologic as- been reported (Bezirdjian and Szucs, 1989; Bruce and
sessment of the newborn with Stickler's syndrome is re- Winship, 1993; Carey et al., 1982; Chitayat et al.,
quired to detect a myopia because blindness, resulting 1991; Dykes et al., 1985; Glander and Cisneros, 1992;
from retinal detachment, is associated with this syn- Robinow et al., 1986; Schimke et al., 1993; Schrander-
drome (Turner, 1974; Schreiner et al., 1973; Smith and Stumpel et al., 1991; Shprintzen, 1992).
Stowe, 1961). Caouette-Laberge and co-workers (1994) reviewed
In animal models, intrauterine mandibular constraint all children admitted to Montreal Children's Hospital
with secondary failure of the tongue to descend and re- between 1964 and 1991 with the diagnosis of Robin
sultant CP has been described (Cocke, 1966; Edwards sequence. Each child was placed into one of three
and Newall, 1985). Some instances of Robin sequence groups according to the severity of symptoms: group I
have been associated with oligohydramnios. It is comprised children with adequate respiration in the
thought that reduced amniotic fluid results in com- prone position and bottle-feeding (n = 56, 44.8%),
pression of the fetal chin against the sternum, restrict- group II had adequate respiration in the prone position

but feeding difficulties requiring gavage feeding (n = Timing

40, 32%), group III consisted of children with respira-
tory distress requiring endotracheal intubation and gav- Cleft lip repair is generally carried out when the child
age feeding (n = 29, 23.2%). Interestingly, 17 children is 2 to 3 months of age (Thompson, 1912). The gen-
(13.6%) died during the first year of life. The mortal- eral rule is to proceed when the child is approximately
ity rate increased with the severity of symptoms 10 weeks of age, weighs 10 Ib, and has achieved a serum
(breathing and swallowing), associated anomalies, and hemoglobin of 10 mg/ml. These guidelines have stood
the prematurity of the newborn. Among the 108 sur- the test of time and, in general, place the child at re-
vivors in the study, 25 presented with psychomotor im- duced anesthetic risk, ensure successful wound healing,
pairment (23.1%). and allow enough time to determine if other malfor-
The results of Caouette-Laberge and colleagues mations are present and to establish comfortable feed-
(1994) contrasts somewhat with those of Lehman and ing and airway routines for the child and parents
associates (1995). The latter reviewed a consecutive se- (Marsh, 1996).
ries of Robin sequence newborns presenting over an Some surgeons and cleft teams have advocated other
18-year period (1972-1990) to their tertiary care pe- protocols, including "immediate" repair of the cleft,
diatric center located in the midwestern United States. just after birth and prior to discharge from the new-
Thirty-six patients were included in this study. Only born nursery (Van Boven et al., 1993). Their rationale
two infants required a tracheostomy, and 34 patients for doing so is twofold: first, to take advantage of the
underwent CP repair. At follow-up several years later, benefits of "fetal-like" wound healing and, second, to
only 17.4% of the repaired CP patients required a sec- avoid any psychosocial trauma to the parents of hav-
ondary pharyngoplasty and 11.8% had palatal fistula. ing to live with their baby with an unrepaired CL
No deaths were reported. The discrepancy in these two (Marsh, 1996). Unfortunately, the desired long-term
studies likely reflects differences in referral patterns to facial aesthetic advantages of "neonatal" lip repair with
each hospital center. Other authors have reported var- reduced scarring have not been realized (Longaker et
ious airway difficulties and have recommended a vari- al., 1992; Sullivan et al., 1996). Furthermore, studies
ety of treatment protocols (Abramson et al., 1997; have failed to show improved bonding between the
Argamaso, 1992; Frohberg and Lange, 1993; James child and mother when immediate lip repair is per-
and Ma, 1997; LeBlanc and Golding-Kushner, 1992; formed (Field and Vega-Lahr, 1984). It is therefore dif-
Moos, 1997; Moyson, 1961; Sher, 1992). ficult to justify the increased anesthetic and surgical
risks of neonatal surgery (Eaton et al., 1994).

Placing tape or an elastic band across the segmented
A cleft that occurs through at least the lip and alveo- lip or cheeks to encourage soft tissue lip alignment and
lus (primary palate) produces distortions in all tissue alveolar segment remodeling has been performed in
layers, including skin, muscle, cartilage, mucous mem- preparation for lip repair for centuries. One of the ear-
branes, teeth, and bone. With repair of the UCL, e.g., liest proponents of this procedure was Gaspare Tagli-
the surgeon is expected to create a structure directly acocci, who in the 16th century described the use of a
adjacent to its normal mirror image located in the most linen splint with "agglutination" material, under which
conspicuous area of the human body (Figs. 26.2, 26.3). the approximated prepared (CL) edges could heal with
There are many reasons for the observed differences in less tension (Gnudi and Webster, 1950). Poole and
the aesthetic results of the repaired CL. Surgeons vary Farnworth (1994) described their experience with "lip
in their ability to achieve a symmetrical and propor- taping" to approximate the segments prior to repair. It
tionate lip repair. Furthermore, there is a wide variety is their belief that the soft tissue approximation and
of presenting cleft malformations and potentials for bony alignment achieved by lip taping can be as effec-
healing. Although clefts usually follow a pattern, some tive as lip adhesion for those who believe that alignment
are narrow while others are wide. There are differences of the lip and alveolar segments prior to repair pro-
in the severity of distortion of the cupid's bow in UCL vides long-term advantages to lip and nose aesthetics.
and in the amount of philtrum to work with in BCL Controversy continues as to whether it is advanta-
(Latham, 1993; Mulliken et al., 1993) (Figs. 26.4, geous to use passive or more aggressive presurgical or-
26.5). It is an advantage for the surgeon to have expe- thopedic regimens and, if so, to what extent (Ross and
rience in CLP care and a broad range of techniques MacNamera, 1994; Shaw and Semb, 1990). The pur-
from which to choose. pose of these techniques is to improve the alignment of

FIG. 26.2. Illustration of the basic components of the Millard rotation and advanced flap technique used by the authors for unilateral cleft
lip repair. A: The rotation flap (greater lip segment) and the advancement flap (lesser lip segment) are outlined. Flaps are incised, redundant
tissue is excised, and initial flap dissection is completed. The three tissue layers (skin, orbicularis oris muscle, and underlying mucosa) are
separated. B: The orbicularis oris muscle, having been released from its abnormal bony attachments, is sutured across the midline and to the
base of the columella. The underlying oral mucosa is sutured with reestablishment of a normal intraoral vestibule. C: Once the orbicularis
oris muscle has been sutured, the cutaneous flaps approximate without tension for wound closure. The floor of the nose flaps are sutured to
establish the nasal sill. D: Precise approximation of anatomic landmarks with fine sutures is undertaken to align the philtral columns, ver-
milion-cutaneous junction, and vermilion-mucosa/junction. (From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)

the maxillary segments and overlying soft tissues prior group did not. When facial photographs were judged
to lip repair. Ross and MacNamara (1994) reviewed by double-blinded impartial observers, no statistical
the long-term CL and nasal soft tissue aesthetics in two difference in lip or nasal aesthetics between the two
groups of teenagers who were born with BCLP. The groups was found.
first group underwent presurgical orthopedic proce- A lip adhesion is a partial CL repair that converts a
dures (lip taping) prior to lip repair, and the second wide, complete cleft into an incomplete one (Millard,

FIG. 26.3. A spectrum of children born with varied degrees of unilateral cleft lip/alveolus and palate (UCLP) before and after initial repairs.
A: Child with complete UCLP before surgery. B: Child 2 years later. C: Child with incomplete UCL before surgery. D: Child 6 months later.
(From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)

1976a; Randall, 1965). Advocates of lip adhesion sug- hesion usually carry it out when the child is 3 to 4
gest that it be used as a first stage only for those pa- months of age (Randall, 1965). They then allow 3 to
tients with very wide clefts where a primary repair 6 months for the scar tissue of the lip to soften before
might not be possible. A lip adhesion is said to recre- undertaking definitive lip repair. Lip adhesion has the
ate the natural compression forces and can be expected disadvantage of adding a second operation with addi-
to narrow a wide cleft and to encourage the alignment tional anesthetic and hospital recovery. Potential com-
of the alveolar arches. Those who advocate a lip ad- plications associated with lip adhesion include wound
FIG. 26.4. Illustration of the basic components of the Millard technique used by the authors for bilateral cleft lip repair. A: Typical complete
bilateral cleft lip deformity. B: Incisions for bilateral cleft lip repair are indicated (dotted lines), with tissue to be excised (diagonal lines). C:
The philtral (skin) flap has been elevated, with circulation maintained on its columellar base. Lateral lip flaps have been elevated with addi-
tion dissection of lateral vermilion mucosal flaps to be used for reconstruction of the central red lip region. The orbicularis oris muscle has
been dissected free of its abnormal bony attachments. D: The anterior portion of the nasal floor has been reconstructed by suturing of the
medial and lateral nasal floor flaps. The intraoral mucosa and oral vestibule have been carefully sutured with excision of redundant red lip
from the philtral flap. E: The orbicularis oris muscle is approximated across the midline and sutured to the columellar base. F: The vermil-
ion-cutaneous junction is sutured on each side, and the vermilion-mucosal junction is aligned in the midline by approximating the lateral red
lip flaps. Lateral cutaneous flaps are advanced and sutured to the columellar base on each side. Philtral columns and nasal sills are sutured.
(From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)


FIG. 26.5. A spectrum of children born with bilateral cleft lip/alveolus and palate (BCLP) before and after initial repairs. A: Child born with
multiple malformations, including complete BCLP, before surgery. B: Child 8 months later. C: Child born with BCLP before surgery. D: Child
2 years later. (From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)

dehiscence and excess scar formation, which may leave sented by LeMesurier (1955), whose approach gave ad-
the tissue less supple for the definitive lip repair. vantages over the previously advocated straight line clo-
Every CL surgeon has a favorite technique for re- sure. This was followed by the Tennison (1952) trian-
pairing the unilateral and bilateral cleft types (Abbe, gular flap technique, the Skoog (1969) high triangular
1898; Brauer, 1985; Davies, 1966; LeMesurier, 1955; insertion of the lateral lip segment method, and the
McComb, 1985; Millard, 1960, 1964, 1976b; Mohler, modifications introduced by Randall (1990) and Brauer
1987; Skoog, 1969). Refinements in lip repair were pre- (1985). Finally, in the early 1950s, Millard, realized

that the popular triangular flap technique often aligned ments to reconstruct the central red lip, reconstructing
the peak of the cupid's bow in its normal position but a relatively small philtrum as it tends to stretch and ex-
violated the natural lines of the philtrum dimple (Mil- pand with growth, and restoring a sufficient inner lip
lard, 1957). Rather than merely rotating the lower third vestibule (Figs. 26.4, 26.5). Millard's concepts of pre-
of the central lip, he conceptualized the high release serving tissue led him to suggest the "banking of forked
and subsequent rotation of the whole medial lip seg- flaps" in each nasal sill, to be used later to lengthen
ment, thereby returning it to its normal position. The the columella in the BCLP patient. It has been the ex-
lateral lip segment was then prepared and advanced to perience of many that, in the short run, the banked
meet the leading edge of the rotated medial lip segment. forked flaps may obstruct the infant's nasal breathing.
Through the years, Millard and others have added var- In the long run, the flaps contract and are unlikely to
ious refinements to his initial technique (Millard, 1960, provide useful tissue for later nasal reconstruction.
1964, 1976a,b). Today, the Millard rotation and ad- Mulliken (1995) has advanced our understanding of
vancement flap technique remains the gold standard by the BCLP patient's nasal deformities and has added sev-
which other lip repairs are judged. eral key refinements to BCL repair. He believes that
Millard's method of UCL repair (the rotation and "the bilateral cleft lip nasal deformity is both intrinsic
advancement flap technique) is the most frequently em- (a primary malformation deficiency) and deformational
ployed method of CL repair in the United States and (extrinsic, secondary to the surgeon's well-intended clo-
throughout the world (Fig. 26.2). The rotation and ad- sure of the lip)." He states that the "malformed alar
vancement flap repair can be applied to a wide variety cartilages are rotated caudally and subluxed from their
of UCL deformities, with flexibility and consistency of normal position overlying the upper lateral cartilage.
results. Other options for CL repair remain the straight- The lower lateral cartilages and alar soft tissues are hy-
line closure (Rose, 1976), the Tennison-Randall trian- poplastic and widely separated." Unlike the majority,
gular flap technique (Randall, 1990), and the he believes that early repositioning of the alar cartilage
LeMesurier (1955) approach. Whichever basic tech- under direct vision through an open technique at the
nique is used, the goal is to achieve a symmetrical and time of primary lip repair is essential to correct BCL
proportionate upper lip in repose with dynamic nasal deformity. He does not believe that the columella
mimetic function. is intrinsically deficient and recommends against
In unilateral clefts, the alar cartilage is splayed out lengthening procedures. While the final word is not in,
(laterally) and rotated caudally (downward). The lower we prefer the McComb approach to nasal reconstruc-
border of the lateral crus produces an oblique ridge in tion at the time of lip repair and recommend against
the nasal vestibule and the nostril rim droops. The alar columellar (skin) lengthening procedures.
dome is pulled laterally and downward, causing irreg-
ularity of the nasal tip and shortening of the columella
on the cleft side.
At the time of primary CL repair, if the nostril on
the cleft side is repositioned without lifting the alar car-
While the optimal age of the patient and method of
tilage, a curve is further accentuated in the nostril that
closure of the CP remain unresolved, available infor-
may result in the typical flare of the CL nose. Lifting
mation suggests a limited range of acceptable options
the slumped alar cartilage is thought to be a useful step
for timing and technique. A surgical objective of the
in limiting this problem. McComb considers the es-
primary repair is to reconstruct the hard and soft palate
sential features of primary CL nasal repair to be wide
with closure of all existing oronasal communication
undermining of the nasal skin envelope (separating the
from the incisal foramen back through the uvula. An-
lower lateral cartilage from the overlying skin) on the
other goal is the creation of a dynamic soft palate, ca-
side of the cleft, avoidance of incisions in the nasal lin-
pable of interfacing with the lateral and posterior pha-
ing (to limit nostril cicatrization), and placement of su-
ryngeal walls to achieve sufficient velopharyngeal (VP)
tures to bolster the lower lateral cartilage on the cleft
closure and, thus, "normal" speech (Broomhead, 1957;
side into its preferred position (McComb, 1985, 1990,
Maher, 1977; Ross and Johnstone, 1972).
1994; McComb and Coghlan, 1996). The details of
surgical technique should be expected to differ from
surgeon to surgeon (Takato et al., 1995a; Trier, 1995). Timing
Key elements unique to BCL repair include repairing
both cleft sides at one operative sitting, achieving a suc- Ideally, a decision about the appropriate age for palatal
cessful orbicularis oris muscle repair, bringing in ade- repair should be based on the child's stage of phone-
quate vermilion and mucosa from the lateral lip seg- mic development or articulation age (language or

speech age), as opposed to chronologic age (Copeland, well as the surgical risks and potential for growth re-
1990; Dalston, 1992; Denk and Magee, 1996; Evans striction of the upper jaw (Dorf and Curtin, 1990; Dev-
and Renfrew, 1974; Haapanen and Rantala, 1992; lin, 1990).
Kemp-Fincham et al., 1990; Randall et al, 1983; Riski
and DeLong, 1984). A child with either an unrepaired Techniques
palate or an inadequately closed palate who approaches
a level of phonemic development (articulation age) that Options for repositioning the displaced cleft maxillary
requires VP competence will be left vulnerable to the segments prior to CP repair include no preoperative or-
development of compensatory articulations. These thopedic procedures (no active segment repositioning),
maladaptive speech patterns interfere with intelligibil- a conservative preoperative orthopedic treatment (lip
ity and may be difficult to eliminate once developed taping and a passive palatal plate), or use of the Latham
(Blijdorp and Muller, 1984; Chapman and Hardin, presurgical orthopedic appliance (Bitter, 1992; Geor-
1992; Grobbelaar et al., 1995; Harding and Campbell, giade and Latham, 1975; Millard and Latham, 1990;
1989; Herman, 1995; Riski, 1996; Rohrich et al., Nguyen and Sullivan, 1993; Pruzansky, 1955, 1964;
1996). Ross and MacNamera, 1994). Despite several decades
Most studies indicate that the nonsyndromic nor- of experience with the Latham appliance and other less
mally developing infant who is without hearing im- aggressive preoperative orthopedic options, no con-
pairment or cognitive delay will develop significantly vincing studies have demonstrated long-term compar-
fewer compensatory articulations and maladaptive ative benefits in lip or nose aesthetics, arch alignment,
speech patterns if the palate is repaired before 2 years or occlusion (Millard, 1980). The potential for mor-
of age. Furthermore, Dorf and Curtin (1982) reported bidity when aggressive preoperative orthopedic options
startlingly different speech results in a group of 21 chil- are selected must also be considered.
dren whose clefts were closed before 12 months of age Berkowitz (1996) compared conservative presurgical
compared with a group of 59 children who underwent orthopedic treatment in complete BCLP patients to use
palatal repair after 12 months of age. In their study, of the Millard-Latham (M-L) method. In the conserv-
speech was assessed only for the presence or absence atively treated group, external elastic traction was
of compensatory articulations. Only 10% of children sometimes used to apply gentle pressure to the pre-
in the early-repair group developed these patterns maxilla prior to surgical lip closure. The M-L method
compared with 86% in the late-repair group. In a later involves mechanical traction of the protruded premax-
follow-up study of an expanded series of patients, Dorf illa using the pinned Latham palatal appliances fol-
and Curtin (1990) reported an even greater discrepancy lowed by a Millard gingivoperiosteoplasty. In both
in speech performance between the early- and late- study groups, the palatal cleft (hard and soft) was
repair groups. The independent studies of Peterson- closed between 18 and 30 months of age using a mod-
Falzone (1990,1995) and Dalston (1992) failed to con- ified Langenbeck procedure.
firm the Dorf and Curtin findings of 12 months being As part of the Berkowitz (1996) study, the children
a watershed age for CP repair. While these authors did who underwent each regimen were followed similarly
find an overall prevalence of compensatory articula- into the early teenage years. The conservative presur-
tions in their CP study group similar to that found by gical orthopedic group underwent secondary alveolar
Dorf and Curtin, there were no statistical significances bone grafting between the ages of 6 and 9 years. Ninety
when the CP was closed at or before 12 months vs. be- percent of the children in the M-L group demonstrated
tween 12 and 24 months of age. The two studies did bony bridging across the alveolar cleft with partial or
confirm that repair of the palate after 24 months re- complete closure of the lateral incisor gap. By 10 to 12
sulted in a much higher prevalence of compensatory ar- years of age, only two of the 29 patients in the con-
ticulations than repair at less than 24 months of age. servatively treated group (6%) demonstrated an ante-
Unfortunately, none of the CP "timing" studies to date rior crossbite suggestive of maxillary retrusion. All of
have controlled for the variable language or speech age. the patients that underwent the M-L method demon-
Riski (1996) and Riski and DeLong (1984) believe that strated maxillary retrusion by 9 years of age, indica-
children who develop speech early may be more prone tive of maxillary hypoplasia. The results of Berkowitz
to incorporate maladaptive misarticulations since they (1996) confirm that a major disadvantage of using the
attempt pressure consonants even before palatal repair. latham palatal appliance followed by the Millard gin-
For most children, CP repair to close down the oronasal givoperiosteoplasty technique for palatal repair is max-
opening and establish a competent VP sphincter by 9 illary growth restriction, with a need for orthognathic
to 12 months of age minimizes the development of ir- surgery in the teenage years anticipated in the major-
reversible pathologic compensatory speech patterns as ity of patients.

CP centers have advocated earlier protocols for the ating adequate conditions for normal speech. There re-
timing of initial repair (Copeland, 1990; Denk and main some cleft surgeons who continue to advocate a
Magee, 1996). When contemplating early repair of the two-stage palatoplasty, in which the velum (soft palate)
palate (before 6 months of age), three additional fac- is repaired first, leaving the hard palate unrepaired for
tors are important to consider (Bardach and Salyer, a period ranging from several months to several years.
1991a; Hedrick et al., 1996). First, there is a known Advocates of the two-stage palatoplasty, a concept pre-
potential for maxillary or midfacial growth restriction sented by Schweckendiek in the late 1930s, believe that
resulting from surgery carried out in the immature max- this approach achieves two goals simultaneously: cre-
illa (Copeland, 1990; Pruzansky, 1964; Bishara, 1973; ation of a functional soft palate and unrestricted max-
Canady et al., 1997; Derijcke et al., 1994; Heidbuchel illary growth. Advocates of the one-stage palatoplasty
et al., 1994; Kramer et al., 1996; McCance et al., 1993; believe their approach to be more efficient as it obvi-
Motohashi et al., 1994; Roberg and Koblin, 1973; ates the need for a second palatal procedure and pre-
Semb, 1991; Shaw et al., 1992; Trotman and Ross, vents the need to constantly wear a palatal plate, which
1993). Second, the need for blood transfusion at the must be frequently modified to ensure satisfactory
time of palatal repair and the potential for airway com- speech. Many prominent CP speech pathologists (Mor-
plications are inherently greater when the procedure is ris, Shprintzen, Witzel, and others) report more favor-
carried out at a very young age. Third, for the general able speech outcomes following the one-stage palato-
CP population, there are no known long-term func- plasty than following the two-stage approach (Witzel
tional advantages (speech, airway, dental) to carrying et al., 1984). Interestingly, studies have not documented
out palatal repair before 9 to 12 months of age. advantages in maxillary growth with the two-stage
There are three basic surgical options for palatal re- technique. The one-stage palatoplasty remains the most
pair: the modified Langenbeck procedure (von Lan- frequently performed technique for CP repair through-
genbeck, 1861), the two-flap Bardach technique (Bar- out the world (Bardach and Salyer, 199la; von Lan-
dach and Salyer, 1991a; Bardach and Nosal, 1987; genbeck, 1861; Bardach et al., 1990; Furlow, 1986,
Bardach et al., 1990), and the Furlow Z-plasty (Fur- 1992, 1997; Horswell et al., 1993; Upton, 1993).
low, 1986, 1992, 1997; Horswell et al., 1993; Upton, The basic principles of the Bardach two-flap palato-
1993). There are no confirmed inherent advantages of plasty technique include (1) complete closure of the en-
one method over the other, and each has theoretical tire palatal cleft as a one-stage procedure; (2) two-layer
benefits and technical limitations which the surgeon closure (nasal and oral layers) of the hard palate and
must understand and master. Other methods of CP re- three-layer closure (nasal mucosa, soft palatal muscles,
pair have been advocated over the years (Kilner, 1937, and oral mucosa) of the soft palate; (3) release of the
1958; Millard et al., 1970; Perko, 1979; Schweck- muscles of the soft palate from the posterior edge of
endiek, 1978; Skoog, 1965; Veau, 1931; Wardill, 1928, the hard palate and from the periosteum on the nasal
1937; Wood et al., 1997). Whichever technique the sur- side, allowing creation of a more physiologic soft palate
geon prefers, the objectives of primary repair remain muscle sling; and (4) in wide clefts, when an area of
the same: achievement of an intact palate (from the an- bare bone must be left exposed on the hard palate, cov-
terior incisive foramen through the uvula) without ering of the open areas with Avitene (microfibrillar col-
oronasal communication and creation of a dynamic soft lagen) Hemostat to limit healing time and scar forma-
palate that is able to achieve VP closure during normal tion (Bardach and Salyer, 199la; Bardach and Nosal,
phonation (Abyholm, 1979; Amaratunga, 1988; Emory 1987; Bardach et al., 1990) (Fig. 26.6).
et al., 1997; Posnick and Getz, 1987). Whenever pos- The Furlow Z-plasty is also a one-stage palatoplasty
sible, complete soft tissue closure over the hard palate (Furlow, 1986, 1992, 1997; Horswell et al., 1993).
should be achieved in the operating room without leav- The Furlow technique provides for closure of the hard
ing raw lateral bone surfaces open to heal with granu- palate in one procedure without push-back or lateral
lation tissue formation. Healing of the hard palate by relaxing incisions and repair of the soft palate with
secondary intention likely results in increased palatal mirror-image Z-plasties to retroposition and overlap
scarring, maxillary growth restrictions, and the need the soft palatal muscles, forming a muscle sling (Fig.
for orthognathic surgery in the teenage years. 26.7). Furlow believes that if there is some lengthen-
Another often discussed issue related to CP repair is ing of the soft palate it is by the Z-plasties, which do
whether to complete a one- or two-stage palatoplasty. not take tissue from the hard palate. If the Z-plasties
The aim of the one-stage palatoplasty (whether using in fact lengthen the palate, they do so at the expense
the Langenbeck method, the Bardach two-flap tech- of palatal tissue, which would otherwise be used for
nique, or the Furlow Z-plasty) is straightforward: com- approximation at the junction of the hard and soft
plete closure of the palatal cleft in one operation, cre- palate. This may be the reason for the reported in-
FIG. 26.6. Illustration of the basic technique of the Bardach two-flap palatal repair. A: Oral and nasal mucosae are incised and separated from
the uvula forward to the incisal foramen on each side of the cleft. A second incision is completed on each palatal shelf to allow for flap ele-
vation. The second set of incisions is from the anterior extent of the previous incision, continuing posteriorly at the junction of the palatal
mucosa and alveolar mucosa. Relaxing incisions are made behind each maxillary tuberosity. Each full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap is ele-
vated, with care taken to preserve the greater palatine vascular pedicle within each flap. B: With each full-thickness flap elevated and the
greater palatine vessels preserved, the soft palatal musculature is taken off its abnormal attachments to the posterior palatine bones. C: Nasal
mucosa is sutured for a water-tight closure from the incisal foramen to the junction of the hard and soft palate. The nasal side of the soft
palate is then closed from the uvula forward to the junction of the hard and soft palate. The soft palatal musculature is also sutured across
the midline. D: Oral mucosa is closed from the uvula forward to the incisal foramen. Finally, each mucoperiosteal flap is sutured back to its
original location, limiting exposed bone whenever feasible. (From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)


FIG. 26.7. Illustration of the basic technique of the Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty palatal repair. A: Location of planned incisions. B: Flaps
are elevated. C: Nasal side closure is achieved using opposing Z-plasty flaps in the soft palate and nasal flap closure over the hard palate. D:
Oral side closure of hard and soft palate is completed. (From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)

creased incidence of oronasal fistulae when using the pedicle for improved flap circulation. Unfortunately,
Furlow technique. with maintenance of the anterior pedicle, direct visu-
The Langenbeck palatoplasty calls for elevation of alization for nasal side closure is limited. In addition,
two bipedicled mucoperiosteal flaps, one off of each flap elevation and relaxation for advancement to the
palatal shelf (von Langenbeck, 1861) (Fig. 26.8). The midline to close the cleft at the junction of the hard
theoretical advantage is the maintenance of an anterior and soft palate may be difficult.

FIG. 26.8. Illustration of the basic technique of Langenbeck's cleft palate repair. A, B: Incisions and initial elevation of bipedicled, full-thick-
ness mucoperiosteal palatal flaps. C: After separation of nasal and oral mucosae, nasal side closure is achieved from the incisal foramen back
to the uvula. Release of the soft palatal musculature off of its abnormal attachment to the palatine bones is completed, and the soft palatal
musculature is approximated in the midline with sutures. D: Oral side closure is completed with interrupted sutures from the incisal foramen
back through the uvula. Laterally, the palatal flaps are sutured back to their origin. This prevents exposed bone, which would then have to
heal by secondary intention. (From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)

SECONDARY CLEFT PALATE PROCEDURES FOR Morris et al., 1989; Peterson-Falzone, 1995; Riski,
MANAGEMENT OF VELOPHARYNGEAL 1995). It must be remembered that all aspects of VP
DYSFUNCTION valve function are not based solely on the palate. The
CP itself is only one factor contributing to VP function,
Velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) is one of the most and even this single aspect cannot be managed opti-
complex secondary problems related to CP treatment. mally in every patient because of the varying degrees
It affects the ability of the patient to communicate co- of severity of cleft and hypoplasia as well as differences
herently with others and may be considered more de- in surgical techniques used, surgeon expertise, and in-
bilitating than many other secondary lip, nose, and dividual factors related to the local wound-healing pro-
dental deformities that primarily affect physical ap- cess (McCance et al., 1993; Ren and Wang, 1993).
When carrying out initial CP repair, the surgeon will Timing
try to restore the palatal anatomy for optimal VP clo-
sure and eventual normal speech production (Cutting Additional surgical intervention is recommended after
et al., 1995; Morris, 1973). Unfortunately, present initial palatal repair when VP dysfunction is consistent
knowledge does not allow prediction of the eventual and determined to be related to an anatomic problem
speech outcome in individual patients after initial (Henningsson and Isberg, 1986; Isberg and Hennings-
palatal repair (Ainoda et al., 1985; Hartzel et al., 1994; son, 1987; Lohmander-Agerskov et al., 1996). In pa-

tients 2.5 to 4 years of age, it is difficult for the sur- speech sounds, eliminating hypernasality. At present,
geon, but occasionally possible for the speech and lan- there are only limited clinical data to support any one
guage pathologist, to draw definitive conclusions about surgical technique as the optimal choice for a particu-
VP function or dysfunction. Riski (1997a,b) believes lar form of VP dysfunction (Riski, 1979; Riski et al.,
that many children who suffer marked VP dysfunction 1984, 1989, 1992a,b; Witt et al., 1997; Witzel et al.,
after CP repair can be critically assessed at 3 years of 1989). The basic techniques of pharyngoplasty include
age. According to Shprintzen and Bardach (1995a) and the inferiorly based pharyngeal flap, the superiorly
Shprintzen and Golding-Kushner (1989), this judgment based pharyngeal flap, the sphincter pharyngoplasty,
generally cannot be made until the child is 4 to 5 years and augmentation of the posterior pharyngeal wall.
of age. They specify several reasons for delaying sur- The custom-designed, superiorly based pharyngeal
gery until this age, including the child's language and flap remains the standard for the surgical resolution of
articulation development, the ability to accurately as- VP dysfunction after initial palatal repair (Argamaso et
sess VP function, and patient compliance. All agree that al., 1994; Shprintzen et al., 1979) (Fig. 26.9). With the
preoperative diagnostic accuracy is critical to achieving superiorly based flap technique, a long flap can be de-
a good clinical outcome. Secondary palatal surgery signed to ensure a tension-free insertion and fixation
should not be planned until reliable and consistent as- of the flap into a bed created in the soft palate. The
sessment of the patient's speech is possible (Riski, width of the flap is varied to accommodate individual
1997b; D'Antonio et al., 1989; Golding-Kushner et al., VP needs (Argamaso et al., 1994). Proper elevation of
1990; Siegel-Sardewitz and Shprintzen, 1986; Warren, the pharyngeal flap to place its base at a level higher
1975, 1994; Warren et al., 1994). Pharyngeal flap sur- than the posterior edge of the soft palate is preferred,
gery is reportedly successful approximately 80% of the to avoid a downward pull on the soft palate. This prob-
time when applied randomly to repaired CP patients lem is avoided with a superiorly based flap but occurs
with subjective hypernasality who have not undergone frequently when an inferiorly based flap is used. Ran-
advanced preoperative diagnostic tests (i.e., na- dall and others in the 1970s (Randall et al., 1978) doc-
sopharyngoscopy or multiview videofluoroscopy) umented greater morbidity without improved speech
(Argamaso et al., 1994; Shprintzen et al., 1979). How- outcomes when using the inferiorly based flap com-
ever, a success rate of 97% was reported when the same pared with the superiorly based flap. For this reason,
surgeons applied their operations based on the preop- the inferiorly based flap is rarely used. Using a tailored
erative diagnostic information provided by approach to the elevation and insertion of the superi-
nasendoscopy, multiview videofluoroscopy, and dis- orly based flap designed to accommodate individual pa-
cussion with the evaluating speech therapist (Argamaso tient needs, Argamaso and colleagues (1994) described
et al., 1994; Shprintzen et al., 1979). The major ad- effective resolution of VPI in 97% of their patients. Bar-
vantage of nasendoscopy is the ability to dynamically dach and Salyer (1991b) reported the use of a superi-
observe the internal anatomy of the nose, pharynx, and orly based pharyngeal flap tailored according to pre-
larynx in detail. Decisions regarding the advisability of operative objective findings and demonstrated a 95%
surgery, the choice of operation, and treatment alter- success rate.
natives are influenced by observations of the VP valve The so-called dynamic sphincter pharyngoplasty is
and surrounding structures and are best made after dis- another option (Jackson, 1990; Jackson and Silverton,
cussion with the speech pathologist (Argamaso et al., 1977). Its aim is to substitute the two lateral ports that
1994; Croft et al., 1981; Peat et al., 1994; Riski et al., would be created by a superiorly based pharyngeal flap
1984; Shprintzen, 1990; Shprintzen and Bardach, with one central port with improved VP valve function.
1995b). This is achieved by elevating and inserting mucomus-
cular flaps into the lateral walls, to create a functional
Techniques sphincter. The dynamic sphincteroplasty technique has
no proven advantage over the superiorly based flap in
Various pharyngoplasty techniques have been designed the elimination of VP dysfunction but may be the pre-
to improve VP function following initial CP repair (Bar- ferred method to prevent the postoperative airway
dach and Salyer, 1991b; Barone et al., 1994; Blocksma, obstruction and mucus trapping sometimes seen with
1963; Bluestone et al., 1968; Brauer et al., 1990; Chen the latter (Croft et al., 1981; Brouilette et al., 1984;
et al., 1994; Denny et al., 1993; Graivier et al., 1992; Caouette-Laberge et al., 1992; Gray, 1990; Guillem-
Hogan, 1973; Jackson, 1990; Morris et al., 1995; Or- inault and Stoohs, 1990; Shprintzen et al., 1987; Sirois
ticochea, 1968, 1984; Witt et al., 1995, 1997; Wolford et al., 1994; Witt et al., 1996; Ysunza et al., 1993).
et al., 1989). The basic goal of any pharyngoplasty is Augmentation of the posterior pharyngeal wall rep-
to allow complete VP sphincter closure with specific resents another option in the treatment of VPI recog-
FIG. 26.9. Illustration of the basic technique of elevation and inset of a superiorly based pharyngeal flap for management of velopharyngeal
insufficiency. A: Intraoperative view of soft palate and posterior pharyngeal wall with Dingman mouth gag in place. The soft palate is in-
cised in the sagittal midline from the uvula forward to the junction of the hard and soft palate. The superiorly based pharyngeal flap is ele-
vated off the prevertebral fascia. B: The superiorly based pharyngeal flap is inset to the soft palate and sutured to the nasal side of the soft
palate with interrupted sutures. This is also demonstrated in the cross-sectional view (inset). C: The pharyngeal wall donor site is partially
closed with 2-0 Vicryl interrupted sutures. Nasopharyngeal airways are placed through each lateral pharyngeal port for sizing and for post-
operative airway support as needed. With the flap inset and the nasal side closed, the soft palatal musculature is further dissected and ap-
proximated as indicated. The oral side of the soft palate is then closed with interrupted sutures. A cross-sectional view (inset) demonstrates
the separate oral and nasal side closure of the soft palate. D: Cross-sectional sagittal view of the face indicates the location of the nasopha-
ryngeal airway in relationship to the soft palate and inset pharyngeal flap. (From Posnick, 2000a, with permission.)


nized in the child after first-stage palatal repair. in both height and width according to the preoperative
(Blocksma, 1963; Bluestone et al., 1968; Brauer et al., findings gives the most reliable results with an accept-
1990; Witt et al., 1997). When successful, this proce- able degree of morbidity.
dure moves the posterior pharyngeal wall forward so
that the mobile but poorly functioning palate can more
easily make contact with the posterior wall to prevent
nasal air escape with certain speech sounds. Unfortu-
nately, the ideal material to use for augmentation of
the posterior pharyngeal wall has not been found. Ho-
mologous or autologous cartilage, Silastic implants,
When the congenital cleft runs through the alveolar
Teflon injections, and Dacron-wrapped silicone gel im-
ridge, as it does in 75% of CLP patients, a residual peri-
plants have been tried but without reliable long-term
alveolar oronasal fistula and bony defect through the
success. Outcome studies demonstrating the long-term
alveolar ridge, floor of the nose, and hard palate will
efficacy of these augmentation techniques have not
remain despite satisfactory lip and palatal repair (Mil-
been forthcoming.
lard, 1980). In addition, by early childhood there will
Witt and co-workers (1996) reported on the use of
be a variable degree of collapse of the two maxillary
autogenous posterior pharyngeal wall augmentation
segments in the UCLP patient and of the lateral and
using a "rolled superiorly based pharyngeal myomu-
premaxillary segments in the BCLP patient, resulting in
cosal flap." This procedure was originally described by
lateral crossbites and the potential for a negative over-
Wardill (1928). Witt and colleagues (1996) used this
jet at the incisors (Preuzansky, 1964; Derijcke et al.,
technique on a series of 14 consecutive patients who
1994; Jolleys, 1954; Jolleys and Robertson, 1972;
had VP dysfunction not responsive to speech therapy
Lebert, 1962; McCance et al., 1993; Nelson et al.,
and a less than 20% coronal gap on VP nasendoscopy.
1988; Nylen et al., 1974; Rehrmann, 1971; Robertson
All patients were evaluated preoperatively and 3
and Jolleys, 1968).
months postoperatively with recorded (audiovisual
tape) perceptual, nasendoscopic, and fluoroscopic stan-
dardized speech and airway tests. Preoperatively, the Timing
majority of these patients had nasal turbulence and all
had variable degrees of hypernasality ranging from in- The most efficient way to achieve the objectives of erup-
termittent to pervasive. Unfortunately, there were no tion of the (permanent) canine tooth through the
statistically significant tendencies for patients' speech grafted cleft with normal alveolar ridge development,
to be rated as closer to normal after the augmentation improved skeletal support for the base of the nose, ef-
procedure than before it. The authors concluded that fective closure of all residual labial and palatal oronasal
autogenous posterior pharyngeal wall augmentation by fistulae, and unity of the cleft maxillary segments is
the techniques selected does not result in speech im- through properly sequenced and timed interceptive or-
provement. thodontic treatment and secondary alveolar and palatal
In another attempt to resolve the problem of VPI, skeletal and soft tissue surgery (Pruzansky, 1964; Aby-
Marsh and Wray (1980) reported the results of 34 chil- holm et al., 1981; Assuncao, 1993; Bergland et al.,
dren, aged 3 to 13 years, who were randomized to man- 1986; Bertz, 1981; Boyne, 1970, 1974, 1985; Boyne
age their VPI with either a speech bulb (n — 12) or su- and Sands, 1972,1976; Correa Normando et al., 1992;
periorly based pharyngeal flap (n = 22). The speech El Deeb et al., 1982; Hall and Posnick, 1984; Hender-
bulb was effective in 11 of 12 and the pharyngeal flap son and Jackson, 1975; Koberg, 1973; Nique et al.,
in 20 of 22 cases. All patients randomized to surgery 1987; Posnick, 1991; Rosenstein et al., 1982, 1991a,b;
complied, while 29% of the prosthesis patients did not. Rudman, 1997; Sindet-Pedersen and Enemark, 1990;
In addition, 33% of patients randomized to the speech Troxell et al., 1982; Turvey et al., 1984; Waite and
prosthesis later had a pharyngeal flap placed. For a va- Kersten, 1980). There are two advantages to waiting
riety of reasons (e.g., cost, time, expertise, compliance, until the eruption of the permanent maxillary first mo-
and family preference for surgery), use of a speech bulb lars before proceeding. First, reliable and efficient or-
to solve the problem of VPI is almost always a sec- thodontic anchorage is achieved for rapid arch expan-
ondary choice (Ross et al., 1996). sion just prior to the surgical procedure. Second,
Our clinical impression is in agreement with the ob- waiting allows maximal transverse (posterior) growth
jective findings of Shprintzen et al. (1979), Argamaso of the maxilla prior to bone grafting. The preferred age
et al. (1994), and Salyer and others. For the majority at treatment is therefore dependent on dental age rather
of patients, a superiorly based pharyngeal flap tailored than chronologic age (Abyholm et al., 1981; Hall and

Posnick, 1984). It is important to remember that in the nasal floor with closure of all residual labial and palatal
CLP patient the maxillary dental eruption pattern is of- oronasal fistulae (Canady et al., 1993; Catone et al.,
ten delayed. 1992; Fonseca, 1997; Posnick, 2000a,b) (Figs. 26.10-
26.12). While some CLP teams believe that placement
Techniques of the bone graft within the skeletal defect prior to erup-
tion of the permanent central or lateral incisors at the
The interceptive phase of orthodontic treatment will cleft site is an advantage, all agree that a successful
achieve expansion of the posterior arch width in both graft is best placed prior to eruption of the permanent
BCLP and UCLP patients and will reposition the pre- canine tooth through the cleft (Abyholm et al., 1981;
maxilla in BCLP patients. Once these orthodontic ob- Hall and Posnick, 1984).
jectives are completed, surgery is carried out to place There is no long-term advantage to achieving ortho-
the patient's own cancellous iliac (hip) bone within the dontic expansion of the cleft segments until just prior
skeletal defects in the hard palate, alveolar ridge, and to grafting. Arch expansion is generally achieved with


FIG. 26.10. Illustrations of techniques for bone grafting and management of residual oronasal fistula in the patient with unilateral cleft lip
and palate. A: Location of planned left and right labial and bilateral palatal incisions prior to flap elevation. B: Close-up view of left labial
mucogingival incision in progress. C: Left labial mucogingival incision completed and right labial incision in progress. D: Attention is turned
to the palate for elevation of the palatal flaps and separation of the oral and nasal mucosae at the site of the fistula. £: Subperiosteal eleva-
tion of palatal flaps. F: With palatal flaps elevated, the nasal mucosa is separated from the floor of the nose on each side for later closure.
G: Left and right labial flaps have been elevated. The nasal mucosa is further separated from its bony surface along the distal aspect of the
central incision for later suturing. H: Suturing of nasal flaps for water-tight closure. A hemostat is placed through the left nostril to demon-
strate the sutured nasal floor. /: Once the nasal flaps are sutured, lilac cancellous bone graft is packed into palatal, alveolar, and floor-of-the-
nose skeletal defects. /: The left labial flap is scored at the periosteum to allow advancement for wound closure over the cleft site. K: Left
and right labial flaps and palatal flaps are closed for water-tight seal. By advancing the left labial mucogingival flap, keratinized tissue has
been placed over the alveolar ridge where the permanent canine tooth will eventually erupt. (From Posnick, 2000b, with permission.)
FIG. 26.10. Continued


FIG. 26.11. A child in the mixed dentition born with unilateral cleft lip and palate who underwent lip and palatal repair in infancy and early
childhood. He presented in the mixed (transitional) dentition with an alveolar/palatal defect and residual labial and palatal oronasal fistulae.
He underwent interceptive orthodontic treatment to expand the maxillary arch width, followed by autogenous lilac bone grafting and fistula
closure. A: Intraoperative close-up view with nasolacrimal probe placed through the floor of the nose into the oral cavity, demonstrating
oronasal fistula. B: Close-up view of skeletal defect after flap elevation. C: Same view with cancellous (lilac) bone graft packed into defect.
D: Occlusal view after bone grafting and completion of interceptive orthodontic treatment. (From Posnick, 2000b, with permission.)

a Quadhelix or Hyrax appliance over a 3- to 6-month tooth will erupt (Adell, 1974). It is important to ele-
period. Approximately 6 to 8 weeks following bone vate and advance the flap to achieve closure of the fis-
grafting, the orthodontist may proceed with additional tula without destruction of the vestibular architecture,
segment repositioning and tooth movement in and as would occur if a buccal (cheek) flap were used. The
around the grafted area. Only rarely will the rudimen- erupted canine tooth is then surrounded by gingiva and
tary lateral incisor tooth at the cleft site have long-term develops a normal periodontal sulcus.
value (Abyholm et al., 1981; Hall and Posnick, 1984).
Even if the (lateral incisor) crown is sufficient to hold
a restoration, its root length and volume are generally ORTHOGNATHIC DEFORMITIES IN
insufficient to warrant its preservation. The decision of CLEFT LIP AND PALATE
whether to retain or extract the lateral incisor tooth
must be made early in the mixed dentition, with extrac- Unfortunately, one long-term negative effect of CP re-
tion carried out prior to or at the time of bone grafting. pair is a 25% incidence of maxillary growth restriction
An important aspect of the surgical procedure is that produces secondary deformities of the jaws and
management of the intraoral soft tissue as part of the occlusion, which will also have a negative impact on
oronasal fistula closure. A labial mucogingival flap is speech and self-esteem to the extent that further skele-
elevated and advanced anteriorly, bringing keratinized tal surgery will be required (Harper, 1995; Correa Nor-
mucosa to the cleft site, where the permanent canine mando et al., 1992; Bardach et al., 1994; Kapp-Simon,
FIG. 26.12. Illustration of the technique modifications for bone graft and management of the residual oronasal fistula in the patient with bi-
lateral cleft lip and palate. A: Palatal view indicating location and extent of planned incisions for secondary bone grafting and fistula closure.
B: Frontal view indicating location and extent of planned labial incisions. Note the importance of maintaining the integrity of the labial mu-
cosa to the premaxillary bone. Without doing so, the circulation requirements to the premaxilla would be compromised. C: After nasal side
closure and bone graft placement, the oral wounds are closed. View of palate indicating final placement of bone graft prior to closure. D:
Frontal view of patient at end of bone grafting procedure. A prefabricated acrylic splint is used to secure the three maxillary segments to one
another to allow for bone graft healing. (From Posnick, 2000b, with permission.)


1995). The maxillary hypoplasia is the result of surgi- 2. Residual oronasal fistula. Despite the general pref-
cal intervention and is not attributable to the congen- erence for oronasal fistula closure and bone graft-
ital clefting. Jaw reconstruction is needed for these pa- ing in the mixed dentition, the UCLP candidate for
tients, which must be coordinated with the final phase orthognathic surgery will often have residual labial
of orthodontic treatment. Jaw surgery, if required, is and palatal fistulae. Previous attempts at closure
preferably carried out at the time of skeletal maturity may have failed. Furthermore, buccal mucosa may
of the patient (age 14-16 in girls and 16-18 in boys). have been placed over the cleft site, resulting in a
Unfortunately, there remains a subgroup of adoles- lack of attached gingiva in the tooth-bearing surface
cents who present with a jaw deformity requiring or- region and loss of vestibular depth.
thognathic surgery as well as residual CLP, alveolar and 3. Residual bony defects. In the UCLP patient who has
palatal defects, oronasal fistulae, and dental gaps of the not been successfully bone-grafted in the mixed den-
maxilla. For these patients, modification of the stan- tition, there remain significant bony defects, not just
dard Le Fort I osteotomy allows for independent repo- at the alveolus but throughout the palate and floor
sitioning of the cleft maxillary segments according to of the nose along the cleft site. This results in an in-
the type of presenting cleft (UCLP or BCLP), the spe- feriorly and posteriorly displaced floor of the nose
cific residual deformities, and individual variation (Hall and nasal sill.
and Posnick, 1984; Posnick, 1991, 2000c,d; Proffitt, 4. Cleft-dental gap. The lateral incisor is frequently
1991). These unique anatomic abnormalities should be congenitally absent at the cleft site. A hypoplastic
seen as technical challenges rather than obstacles to the tooth may be present but with inadequate root de-
satisfactory rehabilitation of the patient. For either the velopment or bony impaction in the cleft. Ortho-
isolated CP patient or the UCLP or BCLP patients who dontic closure of this gap with movement of the ca-
achieved a successful bone graft in the mixed dentition, nine tooth into the bone-grafted lateral incisor
a more standard Le Fort I type osteotomy provides the location is the preferred approach in the mixed den-
desired skeletal reconstruction of the maxilla and den- tition. Unfortunately, this is not always accom-
tal rehabilitation. plished and often there is mesial angulation of the
canine tooth into a nongrafted cleft site. The result
Cleft-Orthognathic Surgery: Unilateral Cleft Lip is often a dental gap at the cleft site between the
and Palate central incisor and canine teeth.
5. Chin dysplasia. The UCLP patient will frequently be
Residual deformities in the adolescent born with
a mouth-breather with the resulting open-mouth
unilateral cleft lip and palate. The prevalence of re-
posture. Addition of a pharyngeal flap in childhood
sidual clefting deformities in adolescents born with
may increase this tendency. The result is a vertically
UCLP who present with a jaw discrepancy varies
long and retrognathic chin.
widely, depending on the center's philosophy in regard
6. Mandibular dysplasia. True mandibular prog-
to the staging of reconstruction and its available sur-
nathism is uncommon in the UCLP patient. The
gical expertise. In addition, despite a center's preferred
need for mandibular osteotomies should be limited
method of management in infancy, childhood, and
to facial asymmetries, occlusal plane canting, and
early adolescence, a subgroup of UCLP patients pre-
the occasional true anteroposterior discrepancy
senting with multiple clefting problems includes the fol-
(Laspos et al., 1997).
1. Maxillary hypoplasia. The maxilla is often vertically Technique. We have described modifications of the
short, resulting in an edentulous look, and the oc- Le Fort I osteotomy for the UCLP deformity, placing
clusal plane is often canted (up on the cleft side). the soft tissue incisions to permit direct exposure for
Arch width deficiency resulting in crossbite may be dissection, osteotomies, disimpaction, fistula closure,
present in the transverse plane. The maxillary den- bone graft, and application of plate-and-screw fixation
tal midline may be shifted off the facial midline, usu- but without risk of circulation injury to the dento-os-
ally toward the cleft side. The hypoplastic maxilla seous-musculo-mucosal flaps (Posnick, 2000c; Posnick
is retruded in the horizontal plane, resulting in a and Tompson, 1992). The increased visibility provided
concave midfacial profile, Angle class III malocclu- by these incisions makes it possible to incorporate rou-
sion, and negative overjet. Greater and lesser max- tine surgical closure of the cleft-dental gap through
illary segments vary in degree of dysplasia, making differential maxillary segmental repositioning (Figs.
it difficult to achieve a satisfactory appearance by 26.13, 26.14). This method of approximating the gap
repositioning the maxilla in one unit rather than in the maxillary segments also closes the cleft dead
with segmental osteotomies. space and brings together the labial and palatal flaps

FIG. 26.13. Illustrations of modified Le Fort I osteotomy, performed in two segments, in a patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate. A: Lat-
eral view of maxillofacial skeleton before and just after osteotomies and fixation of modified Le Fort I osteotomy. B: Illustration of down-
fractured Le Fort I osteotomy in two segments after submucous resection of septum, reduction of inferior turbinate through the nasal mu-
cosa opening, and watertight nasal side closure. C: Palatal view of bony segments before and after repositioning. D: Oral-side wound closure
on both labial and palatal aspects after differential segmental repositioning. (From Posnick, 1991b, with permission.)

to permit closure of recalcitrant oronasal fistulae with- tically short, with an edentulous look. There may
out tension. be a negative overjet, indicating horizontal defi-
ciency. The arch width of the lateral segments is gen-
erally deficient in the transverse plane, with bilat-
Cleft-Orthognctthic Surgery: Bilateral Cleft Lip
eral posterior crossbites and a degree of horizontal
and Palate Deformity
deficiency, with an Angle class III malocclusion.
Residual deformities in the adolescent born with 2. Residual oronasal fistula. Despite a preference for
bilateral cleft lip and palate. The BCLP adolescent fistula closure and bone grafting in the mixed den-
presenting with a jaw discrepancy may have several or tition, the BCLP candidate for orthognathic surgery
all of the following residual clefting problems (Posnick, will often have residual labial and palatal fistulae
2000d). These deformities, when present, must be ad- with loss of fluid through the nose while drinking
dressed to achieve improved facial aesthetics, function, and air leakage while speaking. Previous attempts
and dental rehabilitation. at fistula closure may have failed because of inade-
quate available soft tissue for wound closure.
1. Maxillary hypoplasia. The premaxilla may be either 3. Cleft-dental gaps. Lateral incisors are most fre-
vertically long, resulting in a gummy smile, or ver- quently absent at the cleft site. Rudimentary teeth

FIG. 26.14. A 16-year-old girl born with unilateral cleft lip and palate underwent a combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgical approach
including a modified Le Fort I osteotomy in two segments (differential repositioning of the segments, correction of occlusal canting, and clo-
sure of oronasal fistula, alveolar defect, and cleft-dental gap), bilateral sagittal split osteotomies of the mandible (correction of asymmetry),
and osteoplastic genioplasty (vertical reduction and horizontal advancement). Stabilization was accomplished with iliac graft and miniplate
and screw fixation. A: Frontal view in repose before surgery. B: Frontal view in repose after reconstruction. C: Profile view before surgery.
D: Profile view after reconstruction. E: Occlusal view before surgery. F: Occlusal view after reconstruction. G: Oblique occlusal view before
surgery. H: Oblique occlusal view after reconstruction. /: Lateral view of articulated dental casts before surgery. /: Lateral view of articulated
dental casts after model surgery. K: Lateral cephalometric radiograph before surgery. L: Lateral cephalometric radiograph after reconstruc-
tion. (From Posnick and Tompson, 1995, with permission.)


FIG. 26.14. Continued

may also be impacted within the cleft and, if so, are 4. Residual bony defects. Significant residual bony de-
of no functional value. If hypoplastic lateral incisors fects through the alveolus, floor of the nose, and
do erupt in the lateral segments, they rarely have ad- palate are frequent, resulting in a mobile premaxilla
equate root support for long-term functioning. The secured only to the nasal septum.
result is often a dental gap at the cleft site between 5. Chin dysplasia. The BCLP patient will frequently be
the central incisor and canine teeth on each side. a mouth-breather with the resulting open-mouth
FIG. 26.15. Illustrations of modified Le Fort I osteotomy in two or
three segments. A: Patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate before
(left) and after (right) lateral segmental osteotomies and reposition-
ing. B: Illustrations before (left) and after (right) three-part maxil-
lary osteotomies with repositioning of the segments. C: Incisions for
modified Le Fort I in three segments. D: Downfractured lateral seg-
ments demonstrating exposure of nasal-side closure of oronasal fis-
tula and additional view of oral mucosal incisions. E: Premaxillary
osteotomy from palatal side using either a chisel, a rongeur, or a re-
ciprocating saw. F: Oral wounds sutured at end of procedure.
G: Palatal view of bone segments before (left) and after (right) repo-
sitioning for closure of cleft-dental gaps. (From Posnick, 1991b, with


FIG. 26.16. An 18-year-old boy born with bilateral cleft lip and palate underwent a combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgical approach
including a modified Le Fort I osteotomy in three segments (differential repositioning of segments; closure of oronasal fistula, alveolar de-
fects, and cleft-dental gaps; and stabilization of premaxilla), bilateral sagittal split osteotomies of the mandible (correction of asymmetry),
and an osteoplastic genioplasty (vertical reduction and horizontal advancement). Stabilization was accomplished with iliac bone graft and
miniplate and screw fixation. A: Frontal view prior to cleft lip and palate repair. B: Profile view in the mixed dentition developmental stage.
C: Occlusal view early in the mixed dentition stage. D: Occlusal view later in the mixed dentition stage. E: Frontal view with smile before
surgery. F: Frontal view with smile after reconstruction. G: Profile view before surgery. H: Profile view after reconstruction. I: Occlusal view
before surgery. /: Occlusal view after reconstruction. K, L: Lateral views of articulated dental casts after model surgery. M: Lateral cephalo-
metric radiographs before surgery. N: Lateral cephalometric radiograph after reconstruction. (From Posnick and Tompson, 1993, with per-

FIG. 26.16. Continued

posture. The result is a vertically long and retrog- presenting with a jaw discrepancy may have one or
nathic chin. more of the following residual maxillofacial deformi-
6. Mandibular dysplasia. True manidular prognathism ties (Posnick, 2000e).
in the BCLP patient is uncommon. The need for
1. Maxillary dysplasia. When maxillary dysplasia oc-
mandibular osteotomy should be limited to facial
curs, it generally follows one of two patterns. The
asymmetries, occlusal plane canting, and actual an-
first and most frequently seen is horizontal maxil-
teroposterior discrepancy.
lary retrusion, generally with a degree of vertical hy-
poplasia. The second is vertical maxillary excess
Technique. Precise incision placement is critical in
with a degree of horizontal retrusion. The latter
the modified Le Fort I osteotomy for midfacial ad-
tends to occur in mouth-breathers, especially if a
vancement in the BCLP patient (Posnick, 2000d; Pos-
pharyngeal flap was placed in childhood.
nick and Tompson, 1993) (Figs. 26.15, 26.16). Buccal
2. Residual oronasal (palatal) fistula. There may be a
incisions are made in the depth of the vestibules and
residual midline palatal fistula located in the region
extend from the zygomatic buttress forward to the lo-
between the incisal foramen and the soft palate.
cation of the residual labial oronasal fistula on each
3. Residual bony defects. The alveolus is not cleft, but
side. The premaxillary segment labial incisions are
generally there are bony defects of the hard palate.
placed adjacent to the distal line angle of the central
4. Chin dysplasia. The isolated CP patient will fre-
incisor on each side to separate the oral and nasal mu-
quently be a mouth-breather with the resulting
cosae. Care is required to prevent any disruption of, or
open-mouth posture. The end result is a vertically
incision into, the mucosa on the labial vestibule of the
long and retrognathic chin. If Robin sequence is
premaxilla. It is imperative that the labial vestibule mu-
present, retrogenia is also expected.
cosa in the premaxilla remain connected to its under-
5. Mandibular dysplasia. True mandibular prog-
lying periosteum and the bone since blood flows
nathism is rare. Mandibular retrognathism may be
through this pedicle into the premaxillary bone and
part of a Robin sequence but is rarely seen in the
teeth. The nasal and oral mucosae are also sharply in-
adolescent. The need for mandibular osteotomies in
cised and separated on the palatal aspect of the pre-
addition to maxillary osteotomy is limited, but each
maxilla and on each lateral segment.
patient's unique jaw deformities must be evaluated
A subperiosteal soft tissue dissection provides direct
exposure of the anterolateral maxilla on each (lateral
segment) side. Routine Le Fort I osteotomies are then
performed through the lateral, anterior, and medial
maxillary walls with a reciprocating saw. The ptery- REVISION OF THE CLEFT LIP SCAR AND
gomaxillary sutures are separated with a mallet and os- CORRECTION OF THE NASAL DEFORMITY
teotome. The lateral segments are downfractured with
finger pressure, then disimpacted with Tessier hooks to Cleft Nasal Reconstruction
release scar tissue for three-dimensional repositioning.
The vomer may be attached to the lateral segments. If A congenital cleft, either unilateral or bilateral, ex-
it is, an osteotomy is also required before the down- tending through the lip, nasal base, and alveolar ridge
fracture. The lateral maxillary segments are advanced results in a significant nasal malformation affecting
and ligated into the prefabricated acrylic occlusal splint, both function and appearance (McComb, 1990, 1994;
along with the premaxillary segment. Through this pro- Horswell and Pospisil, 1995; Sandham and Murray,
cedure, the cleft-dental gap on each side and the dead 1993). Despite effective initial CL repair with or with-
space associated with the bony clefts are closed. All out primary nasal maneuvers, a significant functional
three segments are placed into a prefabricated acrylic and displeasing nasal malformation or deformation fre-
splint, and the desired horizontal advancement is quently persists, which, for psychological reasons, will
achieved. The ideal vertical dimension, determined pre- benefit from further reconstruction.
operatively, is achieved at the maxillary osteotomy sites Some surgeons take an aggressive posture to correc-
to improve the lip-to-tooth relationship and the ap- tion of both the nasal dysfunction and less-than-ideal
pearance of the smile. facial aesthetics, carrying out additional surgery once
the problem is recognized, regardless of the child's age.
Others take a long-range approach and selected a pre-
Cleft-Orthognathic Surgery: Isolated Cleft
ferred window of opportunity to achieve maximal long-
Palate Deformity
term nasal function and facial aesthetics, with the cre-
Residual deformities in the adolescent born with ation of minimal scar tissue and a limited need for
an isolated cleft palate. The isolated CP adolescent additional procedures.

The final (secondary) nasal reconstruction will likely tablishment of a normal upper lip oral vestibule. Ide-
be carried out through an open (columella-splitting) ally, only one major lip scar revision will be required,
technique to achieve maximal exposure of the nasal and it is best accomplished when the child is between
dorsum, tip, and septum. Through this approach, nasal 5 and 15 years of age, with psychosocial needs taken
osteotomies, dorsal reduction, lower lateral cartilage into account. The exact age at revision is dependent on
repositioning or sculpting, and harvesting of septal car- the family's and patients' preference, the extent of the
tilage for augmentation of the nasal tip to improve deformity, and the potential for surgical improvements.
nasal symmetry and projection can be performed un-
der direct vision (Gubiscla, 1990; Takato et al., 1995b).
If the need for orthognathic surgery seems likely, then CONCLUSIONS
it is best to postpone the final rhinoplasty until after
the jaw reconstruction. The cleft surgeon must re- The successful rehabilitation of a child born with CLP
member that cartilage grafting is an essential compo- requires close cooperation among the specialists that
nent of the final rhinoplasty and that septal cartilage make up the CLP team. Each specialist has a level of
provides the best source and will be available in suffi- involvement at different stages of the patient's growth
cient quantity only one time. The use of ear or rib car- and development. A coordinated approach is essential
tilage is another option. to help the child achieve ideal speech, occlusion, facial
Standard thinking holds that the columella in the appearance, and self-esteem. Unnecessary, unproduc-
BCL patient is short and requires secondary lengthen- tive, and unproven interventions, whether speech ther-
ing. The teaching is that there are two ways to ac- apy, orthodontic or prosthetic treatment, or surgical
complish this goal: using banked forked flaps (Millard, procedures, should be avoided as they exhaust the pa-
1967; van der Meulin, 1992) and lengthening the col- tient, family, and healthcare system, produce unfulfilled
umella with medial rotation of the bilateral nasal floor expectations, and often introduce secondary deformi-
and alar flaps (Cronin, 1958). Unfortunately, these ties which may limit the eventual success of rehabilita-
techniques result in an unnatural, sharp columellar- tion. Maximizing the patient's ability to pursue and
labial angle, excessive columellar length, a broad nasal achieve personal success in his or her life without spe-
tip, further deformity to the nostrils, and a wide and cial regard to the original CLP malformation is the ul-
scarred columella. Trier (1995), agreeing with Mulliken timate objective.
(1995), abandoned the secondary columellar lengthen-
ing procedures as unsightly and cosmetically counter-
productive. We prefer to reshape and augment the REFERENCES
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Evaluation and management of speech,

language, and articulation disorders


Cleft palate (CP) is the most common cause of velopha- load outside of craniofacial centers. Hypernasality,
ryngeal incompetence (VPI). Hypernasality, nasal air nasal air emission, and compensatory articulation are
emission, and other forms of aberrant speech mark the also low-incidence speech disorders and may result
failed primary management of the patient with CP. De- from structural, neurological, or functional (learned)
spite the best attempts, primary palatal management is etiologies. The rate of hypernasality after initial CP clo-
successful in only 70% to 80% of individuals with CP sure is only 20% to 30% (Riski, 1979; Riski and De-
(Morris, 1973; Riski, 1979). Significant efforts have Long, 1984). Low-incidence disorders such as oral
been devoted to better understand, evaluate, and man- clefts and hypernasality offer few educational or clini-
age the problem, as well as to achieve the goal of cal opportunities for developing clinical expertise. We
velopharyngeal competence. However, many chal- are challenged to educate other healthcare workers
lenges and issues remain concerning evaluation of the about appropriate identification, diagnosis, and man-
velopharyngeal mechanism, physical management, and agement.
speech therapy. The purpose of this chapter is to dis- A challenge to evaluation is that the etiologies of hy-
cuss these challenges and issues by reviewing our cur- pernasality and nasal airflow disorders are often occult
rent understanding of this area. or hidden. In reviews, of patients receiving surgical cor-
rection for hypernasality, approximately 30% did not
have CP (Riski et al, 1992; Riski, 1995). The etiology
ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF in these children is an anatomically deep nasopharynx,
CRANIOFACIAL DISORDERS which can be diagnosed accurately only by lateral
cephalometric (radiographic) assessment. Normal di-
Specialists who routinely deal with oral clefts face sev- mensions and growth of the velopharynx were de-
eral challenges that impact labeling and identification scribed after cephalometric analysis by Subtelny (1957)
of some disorders. We must meet these challenges with and highlighted by Zemlin (1997). The disproportion-
education, to improve the quality of care and outcomes. ately deep pharynx, an occult anatomical defect, was
Although oral clefts are among the most common described by Calnan (1971).
birth defects, they remain a low-incidence disorder in An issue in speech pathology that may have its ori-
pediatric practice. The prevalence is approximately gin in the low incidence and occult nature of the dis-
1/750 to 1/1000 newborns in the Caucasian popula- order is that noncleft hypernasality is erroneously la-
tion and even higher in other populations. It is esti- beled as a voice disorder. Labeling hypernasality as a
mated that there are 4000 new cleft lip with or with- voice disorder implies that it is a disorder of the lar-
out palate (CL/P) cases in the United States annually. ynx and results in delayed identification, labeling, re-
Despite the relative prevalence of oral clefts, these pa- ferral, and management. Because the physical defect is
tients still represent a small part of the pediatric case- not recognized, ineffective speech therapies are often


undertaken (Ruscello, 1997). This further delays iden- (1967) proposed a two-stage theory of innervation.
tification and referral to specialists at craniofacial whereby velopharyngeal function for swallowing is in-
teams. A CP is identified at birth, and surgical closure nervated through the vagus but speech function is in-
is before 1 year of age (Riski, 1995). In stark contrast, nervated through cranial nerve VII, the facial nerve.
the average age at referral to our center for children This proposal has been supported by Ibuki et al. (1978),
with noncleft hypernasality resulting from velocardio- who traced facial nerve fibers of rhesus monkeys
facial syndrome (VCFS) is 9.2 years of age. through the greater petrosal nerve to the levator pala-
Delayed management of VPI leads to increased fail- tini.
ure of surgical intervention and refractory speech The superior constrictor narrows the pharynx dur-
deficits. The rate of complete success when VPI is man- ing swallowing (Bell-Berti, 1976; Fritzell, 1979.) Some
aged before 6 years of age is 90.9%. Success rates fall have proposed that the superior constrictor is also re-
to 73.9% between 6 and 12 years, 70.0% between 12 sponsible for mesial movement of the lateral pharyn-
and 18 years, and 47.0% after 18 years (Riski et al., geal walls for speech (Shprintzen et al., 1975; Iglesias
1992). et al., 1980). In contrast, Maue-Dickson and Dickson
Oral clefts and hypernasality are evaluated by spe- (1980) argued that the levator veli palatini leads to lat-
cialists in craniofacial clinics. However, Public Laws eral pharyngeal wall motion. Niimi et al. (1982) sug-
94-142 and 99-457 have mandated that speech ther- gested that we do not know what muscle(s) contributes
apy be provided through specialists in schools and de- to the mesial movement of the lateral pharyngeal walls.
velopmental centers. Professionals in these settings of- Since the fibers of the superior constrictor are divided
ten have limited experience with cleft-related problems in a pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty, postoperative
because these problems usually form a very small part movement of the lateral pharyngeal walls has been
of their caseload. This separation of evaluation and questioned. Some have observed reduced postoperative
therapy can lead to poor communication between the lateral wall motion (Zwitman, 1982a,b) and some have
evaluator and the therapist. The result can be therapy not (Shprintzen et al., 1980).
plans that do not directly address the needs of the pa- The musculus uvulae is a paired muscle that occu-
tient. There is an unmistakable need for partnerships pies the midline of the nasal surface of the velum. Its
between the evaluation centers and the settings in which role during speech appears to be to provide midline mass
the therapy is conducted. and to assist in obturating the nasopharynx. Absence
of the musculus uvulae leads to a midline defect on the
nasal surface of the velum (Huang et al., 1997). The
NASOPHARYNGEAL ANATOMY tensor veli palatini is generally regarded as the primary
AND PHYSIOLOGY muscle of eustachian tube dilation (Bell-Berti, 1976).
The bilateral palatopharyngeus muscles form the
Many surgical procedures have been devised to take posterior faucial pillars; their function is to narrow the
advantage of the presumed function of the velopha- posterior oral cavity during swallowing. The muscles
ryngeal portal. In addition, some surgical strategies and do not consistently function with the levator for
techniques have been criticized as inconsistent with the velopharyngeal closure. The palatopharyngeus muscles
neuroanatomy and physiology of the velopharyngeal are used in the sphincter pharyngoplasty. Superiorly
mechanism. Further, understanding of the motor con- based flaps are created and then raised from a vertical
trol of the velopharyngeal mechanism is paramount to to a horizontal position and inserted into a transverse
establishing effective speech therapy regimens. There incision made into the posterior pharyngeal wall. This
are many excellent descriptions of normal velopharyn- provides a static buttress for the elevating velum to con-
geal anatomy and physiology (Zemlin, 1997). The pur- tact. There has been speculation that active sphincter-
pose of this section is to comment on the specific as- ing also develops. Ysunza et al. (1999) used pre- and
pects of anatomy, physiology, and motor control which postoperative electromyograms of this muscle to de-
are pertinent to the evaluation and management of the termine that any movement of the palatopharyngeus
velopharyngeal mechanism. flaps remains passive postoperatively. The bilateral
The levator veli palatini is the primary elevator of palatoglossus muscles form the anterior faucial pillars.
the velum for speech. The levator palatini has been im- They contribute to posterior tongue elevation for the
plicated as the sole muscle responsible for velopharyn- lingual-velar sounds. They are antagonistic to the lev-
geal closure in speech (Bell-Berti, 1976; Fritzell, 1979). ator and can lower the velum. In one isolated instance,
Innervation of the velum is generally conceded through these muscles were substituted for the palatopharyn-
the pharyngeal plexus by way of the pharyngeal branch geus in a sphincter pharyngoplasty (Graiver et al.,
of cranial nerve X, the vagus. However, Sedlackova 1992).

Kuehn and Moon (1995) have conducted a series of servations of normal vocal tract function. They pro-
studies to evaluate the role and limits of velopharyn- posed that the vocal tract is regulated during speech to
geal function. They reported that subjects with CP use maintain pressure. Vocal tract pressure is controlled by
a relatively high activation level for the levator muscle adjusting respiratory airflow and vocal tract (e.g., la-
during speech, in relation to their total activation range, ryngeal) valving.
compared to subjects without CP (Kuehn and Moon, Vocal tract adjustments during breathing or speech
1995); i.e., speakers with CP have less reserve palatal should require continual adjustments of laryngeal valv-
strength. They also found that the electromyographic ing and respiratory support. These adjustments appear
response of the levator increases with increased oral to require instantaneous knowledge of vocal tract sta-
pressure for blowing (Kuehn and Moon, 1994). This is tus from receptors within the vocal tract. Morr et al.
consistent with frequent clinical observations that there (1988) speculated that certain respiratory receptors
is greater velopharyngeal function when speech sounds found in the trachea, larynx, and nasopharynx may also
are aspirated with more force, i.e., increased oral pres- operate in the regulation of vocal tract pressures dur-
sure. Lastly, Kuehn and Moon (2000) investigated the ing speech. While these receptors have not been iden-
ability of the velum to close against nasal air pressure. tified, investigations in humans and laboratory animals
They found that it was possible to induce such fatigue (reported in the experimental pulmonary physiology lit-
in most subjects and that greater rates of fatigue gen- erature) offer some possible explanations regarding the
erally occurred at the higher levels of external loading, location and nature of the receptors. Possible sites in-
i.e., 25 and 35 cm I-^O. clude the nasopharynx (McBride and Whitelaw, 1981),
Patterns of velopharyngeal function have been iden- bronchi (Gonzalez-Baron et al., 1989), C-fiber affer-
tified. Shprintzen et al. (1974) examined velopharyn- ents in the extrathoracic trachea and larynx (Sant'Am-
geal function by videofluoroscopy for speech and non- brogio et al., 1983; Szereda-Przestaszewska, 1989), pul-
speech tasks. They observed that patterns of closure monary stretch receptors (Harding, 1984), receptors
were different for pneumatic (speech) and non- responding to rate of lung volume change and/or up-
pneumatic (nonspeech) tasks. Tasks involving airflow per airway pressure (Giering and Daubenspeck, 1990),
(blowing, whistling, and speech) showed focal closure and receptors of expiratory resistive loads and changes
of the velopharyngeal port. In contrast, nonpneumatic in respiratory pattern (Insalaco et al., 1991).
tasks demonstrated more complete closure of the en- In response to Warren's pressure regulation/control
tire pharynx. Skolnick and colleagues (Skolnick, 1970; theory, Netsell (1990) suggested an acoustic regulation
Skolnick and McCall, 1972) first described and labeled hypothesis, which suggested that the goal of speech is
the velopharyngeal closure patterns for speech as coro- to produce meaningful acoustics. A speaker with VPI
nal, circular, and sagittal. A coronal pattern included valves at the larynx to generate acoustic distinctions
active velar elevation with some simultaneous mesial that cannot be produced downstream from the VPI. In
movement of the lateral pharyngeal walls; closure was a test of the acoustic and pressure regulation theories,
in the coronal plane. A circular pattern was demon- Moon and Folkins (1991) disrupted auditory feedback
strated by relatively greater lateral wall motion than with noise. This yielded only small increases in oral
velar movement. Finally, lateral wall movement and pressure, leading the investigators to conclude that au-
contact with little velar elevation characterized a sagit- ditory regulation alone does not explain pressure main-
tal pattern. tenance. Additional study of speech compensations for
Some theories of motor control have developed from various deficits may provide greater insight into speech
research of compensatory speech in speakers with CP. motor control.
These theories are an application of the theory of mo-
tor equivalence. Motor equivalence was initially de-
scribed as "variability of specific muscular responses,
with circumstance, in such a way as to produce a sin- SPEECH SOUND SYSTEM
gle result" (Tolman, 1932; Hebb, 1949). Motor equiv- Articulation
alence was applied to speech production by Mac-
Neilage (1970) to refer to the adjustment of speech Understanding the normal speech system is necessary
motor commands to assure that individual articulators to assess the outcome of treatment and to understand
reach semi-invariant target positions. A further adap- compensatory articulation. American English includes
tation of motor equivalence is the pressure regulation/ approximately 46 sounds or phonemes. The sounds are
control theory forwarded by Warren and Hinton learned, beginning in the first year of life and continu-
(1983) and Warren (1986). This theory is based on ing through 6 to 7 years of age. The neurologically sim-
compensations to VPI in the CP population and ob- ple sounds (vowels) are learned first and the more com-
plex sounds (affricates, i.e., ch and dg) are learned last. velopharyngeal valve to isolate the nasal cavity from
Normal speech learning requires adequate hearing and the vocal tract. Hypernasality is the quality perceived
a competent velopharyngeal mechanism. Both may be by the listener caused by inappropriate nasal coupling
compromised because of a CP. The severity of articu- with the vocal tract during speech. It is most easily per-
lation disorders increases with the severity of clefting ceived on vowel sounds. In contrast, hyponasality is
(Riski, 1979; Riski and DeLong, 1984; Laitinen et al., perceived as inadequate coupling or obstruction of the
1998). nasal tract during production of those sounds normally
All vowels are voiced and described by the position associated with nasal energy. The obstruction may be
of the tongue in the oral cavity. The vertical position posterior (e.g., hypertrophied adenoids) or anterior
is described as high, middle, or low. The horizontal po- (e.g., hypertrophied turbinates). Further, a speaker may
sition is described as front, mid, or back. For example, also demonstrate a mixed hyper-hyponasality when
ee requires a high-front tongue position and ah requires velopharyngeal closure is incomplete but the nasal cav-
a low-back position. A high tongue carriage offers more ity is occluded anteriorly.
resistance to sound energy as it exits the oral cavity. In Nasal air emission is most easily perceived on the un-
the presence of even a small VPI, high vowels are more voiced consonants. Nasal air emission may be inaudi-
susceptible to hypernasal resonance than low vowels. ble in patients with patent nasal cavities. In these pa-
Two parameters are used to describe consonants. The tients, the air passes through the nasal cavity without
place of articulation describes the location of articula- creating any audible turbulence. Oral pressure is re-
tors in the oral cavity. For example p is bilabial, t is a quired for the frication associated with the fricative
lingual-alveolar, and k is a lingual-velar. The manner consonants (e.g., s and /) or the stop and release of
of articulation describes the way in which the sound is pressure associated with the plosive consonants (e.g., p
produced. Stop-plosive sounds such as p, t, and k are and t). Oral pressure is often inversely related to nasal
made by a brief interruption or stop of the airstream air emission, which represents loss of pressure out of
and then a release. Fricative sounds such as s, f, and th the nose. Posterior nasal frication in association with
are made by constricting the airstream. The affricate attempts at oral airflow generally represents touch
sounds ch and dg are considered combinations of stops velopharyngeal contact. Velopharyngeal closing force
and fricatives. There are three nasal sounds, m, n, and is not maintained, and the air leak through the port
ng. Lastly, several sounds are labeled as glides or semi- creates the posterior nasal frication. Air flows simulta-
vowels, including the sounds w, y, I, and r. neously through the oral and nasal cavities.
All vowels and the nasal and glide consonants are
voiced. The stops, fricatives, and affricates exist in Compensatory Arficukrfion
voiced and voiceless pairs. For example, the sound s is
voiceless and made only with a constriction of the Children born with CL/P often learn articulation com-
airstream between the tongue and alveolar ridge. The pensatory to the loss of oral pressure or dental arch
addition of voicing to the s creates the z. All stops, collapse. The classic compensatory misarticulations de-
fricatives, and affricates require intraoral air pressure. scribed are glottal stops and pharyngeal fricatives.
Intraoral air pressure requires appropriate coordination Trost (1981) added the following:
of velopharyngeal competence with adequate respira-
• Pharyngeal stop, point of stop is tongue base to pos-
tory pressure and oral articulatory function.
terior pharyngeal wall, used as substitute for k or g.
• Midpalatal stop, point of stop is midpalate, between
Nasal Coupling position of t and k, used as substitute for t, d, k,
or g.
The terminology used to describe the characteristics of
• Posterior nasal fricative, point of frication is velopha-
nasal coupling has been described (Riski and Millard,
ryngeal valve, tongue stops airstream and nasal air-
1979). Resonance qualities are associated with the
flow is the only airflow, used as a substitute for s, z,
voiced elements of speech, while nasal air emission is
and other fricative and affricate sounds.
associated with the unvoiced elements of speech.
Oral-nasal resonance is the balance of oral and nasal We might also consider the anterior nasal fricative,
acoustic (voiced) energies. It is achieved by the appro- which is similar to the posterior nasal fricative except
priate coupling or isolation of the nasal cavity from the that the point of frication is the anterior nostrils. Nasal
remainder of the vocal tract during speech by move- grimacing may accompany this substitution.
ments of the velopharyngeal valve. Three English The posterior nasal fricative is often observed in
sounds require the nasal cavity to be coupled with the speakers without CP and with normal velopharyngeal
vocal tract: m, n, and ng. All other sounds require the function. Other hallmarks of speech include normal

oral-nasal resonance, normal aspiration of stop-plosive tion, including a perceptual evaluation of resonance
consonants, and ability to learn a normal oral s. For and assessment using at least one instrument during
such cases, the terms sound-specific VPI and functional connected speech (i.e., fluoroscopy or pressure-flow)
VPI have been coined (Riski, 1984). However, the pos- (Dalston et al., 1988). A consensus conference of 71
terior nasal fricative does not reflect anatomical or neu- individuals experienced in the diagnosis and treatment
rological dysfunction of the velopharyngeal mechanism of individuals with craniofacial anomalies developed
but, rather, a unique sound substitution. The clinician's the Parameters for Evaluation and Treatment of Pa-
differential diagnosis of the nasal airflow associated tients with Cleft Lip/Palate or Other Craniofacial
with the posterior nasal fricative and a true VPI is crit- Anomalies (American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Associ-
ical to developing an appropriate treatment plan, the ation, 1993).
former requiring speech therapy and the latter possible The American Speech-Language Hearing Associa-
surgical or prosthetic intervention. tion (1997) has also produced a resource for evalua-
The etiology of the posterior nasal fricative is some- tion of the velopharyngeal mechanism, listing proce-
what elusive. One theory is that it develops to com- dures to assess oral, nasal, and velopharyngeal
pensate for conductive hearing loss (Riski, 1984). The functions for speech production. It advocates percep-
vibration produced at the velopharynx could be easily tual and instrumental assessment.
transmitted by bone conduction up the cervical verte- Longitudinal study of velopharyngeal port function
brae to the skull and the cochlea. The sound s may be has demonstrated instability in children as the phono-
more susceptible since it is one of the earliest learned logical system develops and craniofacial growth and
sibilants and requires a lesser degree of hearing loss to adenoid involution occur (Van Demark and Morris,
impact perception. 1983; Van Demark et al., 1988). Some children develop
VPI as the adenoids involute (Mason and Warren, 1980;
Riski and Mason, 1994). In contrast, some children
ASSESSMENT OF VELOPHARYNGEAL eventually resolve hypernasality, which is identified im-
FUNCTION mediately following palatoplasty (Fox et al., 1988).
These studies demonstrate the need for longitudinal as-
Assessing velopharyngeal function may be approached sessment of velopharyngeal function and the need to
as a multilevel problem. The first level should include exercise caution before performing a pharyngoplasty.
the perceptual evaluation of oral pressure, oral-nasal Velopharyngeal function impacts speech proficiency.
resonance, nasal air escape, and articulatory precision. However, speech proficiency is not an adequate mea-
The trained ear is still the gold standard of the evalu- sure of velopharyngeal function (Riski, 1979). These
ation. Resonance should be neither hypernasal nor hy- two areas should be evaluated separately. It is possible
ponasal (Riski et al., 1989). The second level is the to have severely defective speech and a competent
screening of velopharyngeal closure. This step can use velopharyngeal mechanism. However, normal speech
inexpensive tools and is underutilized by clinicians. Pa- usually cannot be produced without a competent
tients who fail these two steps should undergo the third velopharyngeal mechanism.
step of objective assessment with computerized instru-
ments for acoustic (Fletcher, 1978) and nonacoustic Nasopharyngeal Patency
(Warren and DuBois, 1964; Warren and Devereux,
1966) assessment of velopharyngeal function. Finally, Aerodynamic assessment has demonstrated the re-
imaging should account for the three-dimensional na- quirements of adequate nasal airway patency (Warren,
ture of the velopharyngeal port. This can be achieved 1984). Nasal deformities decrease nasal patency in the
by some combination of flexible fiberoptic nasendo- CP population (Warren et al., 1969), and pharyngeal
scopy (Pigott, 1974; Gilbert and Pigott, 1982; Zwit- flap surgery further decreases nasal airway patency in
man, 1982a,b), radiography, or fluoroscopy (Skolnick, children but not in adults (Warren et al., 1974). Both
1970, 1975; Williams, 1979; Williams and Eisenbach, children and adults with CL/P demonstrate increased
1981) during speech. Articulatory precision should be nasal resistance (15%-30%) compared to the noncleft
evaluated separately with special attention to any com- population (Hairfield et al., 1988). Furthermore, the
pensatory misarticulations and the age appropriateness minimal cross-sectional area of the nose can be esti-
of articulation. mated from differential oral-nasal pressure and nasal
Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. flow measures and has been reported for individuals
No one instrument can provide all of the necessary in- with and without CP (Warren et al., 1992). Surgeons
formation. An ad hoc committee of the American Cleft have become so successful in addressing and managing
Palate-Craniofacial Association suggested minimal hypernasality that hyponasality may now be a more
standards for the evaluation of velopharyngeal func- frequent velopharyngeal dysfunction (Riski, 1995).

Evaluation Protocol determining the presence or absence of nasal airflow.

In addition, they require little training and clinicians
There are many procedures and instruments for evalu- with little experience can become adept users. The dis-
ating speech and velopharyngeal function. Evaluation advantage is that they lack quantification.
can take the form of a perceptual exam, clinical screen-
ing of velopharyngeal closure, computer instrumental
evaluation, imaging, or diagnostic therapy. Each in- Objective Assessment of
strument offers advantages and disadvantages that the Velopharyngeal Function
clinician should consider. A problem-oriented protocol The two most common computer instruments for eval-
can lead the clinician in the process. uating velopharyngeal function are pressure-flow and
nasometry. Pressure-flow evaluates nonvocalic ele-
Perceptual Evaluation ments, and nasometry documents vocalic elements. The
The perceptual evaluation is the most common form of two measures are taken consecutively, and correlations
evaluating speech. The result of this evaluation is still are reported in the 0.70 range. Powerful personal com-
the standard from which speech surgeries are recom- puters and improved multichannel software now allow
mended. The scale studied by Subtelny et al. (1972) is simultaneous recording of vocalic and nonvocalic ele-
especially useful since it allows functional analysis of ments.
speech qualities associated with oral clefts. Hyper-
nasality is often used as a standard of success. How- Pressure Flow
ever, there are advantages to rating the aspiration or
oral pressure of the pressure consonants. Van Demark Pressure-flow instrumentation measures the oral-nasal
(1979) demonstrated that correct production of the oral pressure differential and the volume-velocity of nasal
pressure bilabial consonants p and b is predictive of fu- airflow. It provides quantifiable data about velopha-
ture velopharyngeal competence. ryngeal port function for speech. The hydrokinetic
The advantage of perceptual evaluation is that it pro- equation has been modified by Warren and Dubois
vides an accepted standard for speech qualities. Rat- (1964) for estimating velopharyngeal port orifice area.
ings of oral-nasal resonance, nasal air escape, oral pres- This modification of the hydrokinetic equation has
sure, and articulation are the standards by which withstood vigorous study (Smith and Weinberg, 1980,
surgical outcomes are evaluated. The disadvantage is 1982). Pressure-flow study is an objective and reliable
that these qualities are not easily quantified and valid- method for repeated, noninvasive measures of velopha-
ity is difficult to establish without extensive listener ryngeal port function. The palatal efficiency rating
training (Keunig et al., 1999). However, nasal air es- computed instantaneously-Speech Aeromechanical Re-
cape is not always audible, so some VPIs might escape search System (Perci-SARS; MicroTronics, Carrboro,
detection without instrumental evaluation. The quality NC) allows six channels of input, including two pres-
of voice or articulation may influence the rating of res- sure channels, two flow channels, a high-speed voice
onance. The presence of articulation disorders may neg- channel, and a low-speed DC channel. Software is in-
atively influence ratings of resonance, while the pres- cluded for velopharyngeal function, nasopharyngeal
ence of hoarseness may preclude an accurate assessment airway patency, laryngeal airway resistance, and sev-
of resonance. eral other voice-analysis measures (Riski et al., 1995).
Advantages of pressure-flow assessment are that it
Screening Velopharyngeal Closure quantifies oral pressure and nasal air escape. It also
provides an objective estimate of the size of the
Numerous devices are available to screen velopharyn- velopharyngeal opening. Disadvantages are that it is
geal closure. Generally, anything that is sensitive to air- relatively expensive and does not quantify the shape of
flow can be used. Examples of these devices include the the velopharyngeal opening. In addition, the speech
See-Scape® (Pro-Ed, Austin, TX), nasal listening tubes sample is restricted to unvoiced, stop-plosive conso-
(Blakeley, 1972; Riski and Millard, 1979), nasal mir- nants (i.e., p), and measures of velopharyngeal area do
rors, and paper paddles. Nasal airflow is monitored not always correlate with perception of hypernasality.
during the pronunciation of words such as puppy,
puppy, which should be devoid of nasal airflow. The Acoustic Measures
presence of any airflow indicates some degree of
velopharyngeal opening and that further objective test- The Nasometer (Kay Elemetrics, Lincoln Park, NJ) has
ing is warranted. become a popular and useful instrument for evaluating
The advantages of these devices are that they are in- the acoustic elements (i.e., hypernasality) of velopha-
expensive, portable, noninvasive, and very accurate for ryngeal function. The Nasometer provides an objective

measure of nasality, termed nasalance, which is the ra- coronal, circular, and sagittal (see above, NASOPHA-
tio of nasal acoustic energy divided by nasal plus oral RYNGEAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY). These patterns
acoustic energy. Hardin et al. (1992) reported 91% are significant because pharyngoplasties have been de-
agreement of nasalance with listener ratings of hyper- signed and their success reviewed with reference to the
nasality. In addition, nasalance values greater than 26 type and amount of movement. Videofluoroscopy al-
were correlated with hypernasality, values between 26 lows assessment of velar function in its dynamic state
and 39 were correlated with mild hypernasality, and for connected speech. Still radiographs often misrepre-
values greater than 40 were correlated with moderate sent velar function because of the limited speech sam-
to severe hypernasality. Dalston et al. (1991a) reported ple that can be employed (Williams and Eisenbach,
sensitivity of 0.89 and specificity of 0.99 for listeners' 1981). In addition, shadows and the two-dimensional
ratings of mild hypernasality. Dalston and Warren nature of the still radiograph can distort the true na-
(1986) observed that nasalance and velopharyngeal ture of velopharyngeal function.
area estimates change in concert. Normative nasalance Advantages of the lateral radiograph are that the im-
values were reported by Adams et al. (1989). A com- age it produces provides good resolution of the
pletely oral passage ("zoo passage") yielded an aver- velopharyngeal port and allows assessment of the ra-
age nasalance of 15.53 [standard deviation (SD) = tio of nasopharyngeal depth to velar length. These mea-
4.8^. A mixed oral and nasal passage ("rainbow pas- sures can be compared to normative age-matched data
sage") yielded an average nasalance of 35.69 (SD = (Subtelny, 1957). The average normal ratio of na-
5.20). Nasal-laden sentences yielded an average nasal- sopharyngeal depth, measured along the palatal plane,
ance of 61.06 (SD = 6.94). compared to the length of the velum, measured from
The correlation of nasalance with hyponasality has the posterior nasal spine to the tip of the uvula, ranges
also been reported. Dalston et al. (1991b) reported sen- from 0.6 to 0.7. This ratio is maintained through
sitivity of 0.48 and specificity of 0.79. The measure growth and development.
may have been influenced by nasal air escape in some Despite being two-dimensional and static, the
patients since the measures improved to 1.0 and 0.95, depth:length ratio appears to have some value in pre-
respectively, when patients with nasal air escape were dicting VPI. Wu et al. (1996) reported differences in
eliminated. Hardin et al. (1992) reported that listeners' cephalometric measures between groups of patients dif-
perception of hyponasality was related to nasalance ferentiated by velopharyngeal competence. Specifically,
scores of less than 50. noncleft patients with velopharyngeal competence dem-
An advantage of nasometry is that it reliably quan- onstrated a significantly smaller depthrlength ratio
tifies oral-nasal resonance. The instrument also pro- (0.66) compared to CP patients with VPI (1.02).
vides feedback in real time and, thus, is useful as a ther- Velopharyngeal closure is achieved using adenoids in
apy tool as well as a diagnostic tool. A disadvantage is all preadolescent speakers (Gereau and Shprintzen,
that the speech sample must be restricted to voiced 1988). Lateral radiographs can assess the contribution
sound elements. Another disadvantage is that the in- of the adenoids to, and changes in, the depth:length ra-
strument does not discriminate between hypernasality tio to velopharyngeal closure. In one reported series,
and nasal air escape. In a study that simultaneously 11/121 (9.1%) speakers with CP developed VPI with
recorded nasalance and nasal airflow, Riski (1996) involution of the adenoids (Riski et al., 1996). The
found that 33/92 (35.9%) airflow peaks had recordable depth:length ratio was 0.76 when nasal air escape was
nasalance. These findings supported the observation of first detected at an average age of 5.7 years. The ratio
Karnell (1995) that the combination of turbulent nasal increased to 0.91 with adenoidal involution at an av-
airflow during pressure consonant productions with erage age of 8.6 years. A matched control group with
nasal acoustic energy during vowel productions re- normal velopharyngeal function demonstrated a depth:
sulted in elevated nasalance values. length ratio of 0.75.
The relationship of attempted velopharyngeal closure
Imaging to the cervical spine can be determined and is impor-
tant for targeting the height of insertion of the sphinc-
Lateral still cephalometric radiographs and videofluo- ter pharyngoplasty (Riski et al., 1984b). Lateral radio-
roscopy have been used for some time to assess graphs were used to determine the height of attempted
velopharyngeal function. Sphincteric function during velopharyngeal contact relative to the cervical spine.
speech has been demonstrated using multiview video- The information was used by the surgeon to guide the
fluoroscopy by Skolnick and colleagues (Skolnick, insertion of the sphincter flaps to the height of the at-
1970, 1975; Skolnick and McCall, 1972), who de- tempted closure. The success of resolving VPI increased
scribed and labeled the velopharyngeal closure patterns: from 61% to 93%. Disadvantages of lateral radio-

graphs are that the image is static and two-dimensional There is a positive relationship between the extent of
and requires irradiation. clefting and articulation deficiency. Children with any
Advantages of videofluoroscopy are the same as one type of cleft demonstrate heterogeneous develop-
those for lateral radiographs but also include the abil- ment of articulation skills (Riski and DeLong, 1984).
ity to evaluate the movements of the velopharyngeal The type of cleft may affect early sound development.
mechanism and the mechanism in multiple views. Dis- Lohmander-Agerskov et al. (1994) found that noncleft
advantages include exposure to irradiation and the in- and CP only children first learned anteriorly placed
ability of young children to cooperate. sounds, e.g., bilabial, dental, and alveolar sounds. In
contrast, children with cleft lip and palate first learned
Fiberoptic Nasendoscopy posteriorly placed sounds.
Under normal valving conditions, a fairly constant
The flexible fiberoptic nasal endoscope is a popular tool pressure is maintained along the vocal tract during
for evaluating velopharyngeal function because there is speech articulation. The unique misarticulations asso-
no irradiation and it allows direct observation of the ciated with VPI (e.g., glottal stops and pharyngeal frica-
portal during connected speech. There are rigid endo- tive sound substitutions) may be attempts to maintain
scopes and flexible endoscopes. Rigid scopes provide a constant resistance in the presence of a loss of pres-
better optics, but flexible scopes are more comfortable sure through the velopharyngeal port. It has been sug-
to the patient. Each allows recording of the image us- gested that the vocal tract functions with the use of
ing 35 mm or videotape format. pressure-sensing regulators (Warren, 1986). Some of
The advantages of fiberoptic nasendoscopy include the receptors needed for feedback may be in the oral
direct visualization of velopharyngeal movement and mucosa (Furusawa et al., 1994).
evaluation of the nasal surface of the velum for the In contrast to the errors that compensate for VPI, er-
prominence of the musculus uvulae or defects. It also rors such as tat/cat, wabbit/rabbit, and teef/teeth are
allows observation of the size and shape of velopha- examples of normal developmental errors. Children are
ryngeal opening and evaluation of the larynx and phar- expected to outgrow these errors; however, excessive
ynx, which are innervated through the vagus nerve. Dis- errors (given the age of the child) should be treated
advantages include its invasive nature and the with speech therapy.
possibility that young children will not be able to com- When compensatory errors are concomitant with
ply. The vertical component may be difficult to evalu- VPI, the course of management is two-pronged: first,
ate. Another disadvantage is that, although most speech the VPI must be treated; second, the speech problem
pathologists working in the field of oral clefts believe must be treated. In some cases, speech therapy can be-
that nasendoscopy is important in the assessment of gin before the VPI is managed. In such cases, the nos-
velopharyngeal function, surveys have revealed that trils can be occluded manually to direct the airstream
they are not well trained in the use of a nasopharyn- orally. The child usually cannot employ newly learned
goscope. In a survey, 40% had no academic prepara- sounds without holding the nose. Therapy before sur-
tion and 20% had no clinical experience in na- gery can assist learning after surgery (Riski et al.,
sopharyngoscopy (Pannbacker et al., 1993). 1984a). Speech therapy has a limited role in treating
In summary, no single instrument can provide all of VPI. Increasing oral air pressure increases muscular ac-
the necessary information about velopharyngeal func- tivity of the levators and may increase velopharyngeal
tion. A combination of instruments, each selected after movements (Kuehn et al., 1993), and continuous pos-
assessing the advantages and disadvantages, is advo- itive nasal airway pressure may be used to increase
cated (Van Demark et al., 1975; Hirschberg and Van velopharyngeal closure (Kuehn, 1991). With these few
Demark, 1997). exceptions, a review of velopharyngeal exercises dem-
onstrates their ineffectiveness (Ruscello, 1982, 1989).
Articulation Assessment
There have been numerous studies of articulation de-
velopment in the CLP population (Van Demark et al., SPECIAL CONCERNS AND
1979; Riski and DeLong, 1984). Articulation is a very TREATMENT STRATEGIES
important part of speech assessment. Analysis of an ar- Palatoplasty
ticulation test provides data for the speech clinician to
develop a therapy program that is realistic and struc- Children who have their palate closed early (before 1
tured. Articulation tests also help clinicians evaluate the year) often develop normal speech earlier and more eas-
child's progress (Van Demark, 1997). ily than children who have the palate closed later (af-

ter 1 year) (Dorf and Curtin, 1982). This may be es- ment of the tongue. Fistulas should be managed when
pecially true for early learning of oral stop-plosive testing indicates air loss sufficient to undermine speech
sounds (O'Gara et al., 1994). The best timing of palato- or when there is a nasal hygiene problem from nasal
plasty has not been defined, possibly because studies regurgitation. Research suggests that only larger fistu-
have controlled only for chronological age and not for las are capable of such air loss (Shelton and Blank,
language age at the time of palatoplasty (O'Gara and 1984). Further Tachimura et al. (1997) reported that
Logemann, 1988). The coordination of palatal closure the magnitude of the effect is greater for subjects with
with the development of babbling is intuitive. It is at adequate velopharyngeal function than for subjects
this point in speech and language development that a who demonstrate VPI. Fistulas may be covered with a
child must learn to coordinate velopharyngeal function dental appliance or closed surgically. Surgical inter-
with respiratory pressure, laryngeal abduction and ad- vention might be delayed until after any planned max-
duction, and oral articulation to produce consonants. illary arch expansion because this might reopen any fis-
In short, the child's first dada is much more compli- tula closed under tension.
cated than it appears.
Palatoplasty successfully creates a competent velo- Submucous Cleft Palate
pharyngeal mechanism in 80% of children. This 80%
success rate may or may not be influenced by the ini- Children with submucous CP are unique in the CP pop-
tial type of cleft (Riski, 1979; Riski and DeLong, 1984; ulation. The frequency is reported to be between
Karnell and Van Demark, 1986). One report demon- 1:10,000 and 1:20,000. Velopharyngeal incompetence
strated that the dimensions of the unoperated na- is more common in the coronal closure pattern (Ve-
sopharynx vary within each type of cleft and suggested lasco et al., 1988). The speech of individuals with sub-
that the type and extent of palatoplasty should be tai- mucous CP should be monitored and management ini-
lored to the preoperative dimensions of the nasophar- tiated only when VPI is diagnosed. A large percentage
ynx (Komatsu et al., 1982). Furlow (1986) first de- (44%) remain unsymptomatic through adulthood
scribed the double opposing Z-plasty for primary repair (McWilliams, 1991).
of CP with good results.
Long-term follow-up of palatal surgery has been re- Heading Disabilities
ported by Becker et al. (2000). They reported on 66
Investigation of reading abilities has revealed that chil-
adults who had isolated CP closed by either the von
Langenbeck or Wardill repair. Speech problems were dren with CL/P display a prevalence for reading dis-
primarily residual hypernasality, which was moderate abilities similar to the general population (9%). In con-
trast, children with CP only demonstrate a much higher
or severe in seven (16%) of the patients in the von Lan-
genbeck group and in seven (32%) in the Wardill rate of reading disabilities (33%) (Richman et al.,
group. Patients in the Wardill group had fewer fistulas 1988). Ceponiene et al. (1999) explored auditory short-
closed and fewer velopharyngoplasties. There were no term memory in children with oral clefts. A measure of
significant differences between the two methods re- detection of change in auditory input was used. They
reported a deficiency in auditory short-term memory
garding speech in adulthood.
trace maintenance in cleft children and contend that
this dysfunction may contribute to their language and
OronasaJ Fistula learning disabilities.
Loss of air through an oronasal fistula can be detected
and quantified with the assessment tools described pre-
viously. It is wise to repeat these measures once with SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF
the fistula open and a second time with the fistula tem- VELOPHARYNGEAL INCOMPETENCE
porarily occluded with dental wax (Bless et al., 1980) Posferior Pharyngeal Flap Pharyngoplasty
or chewing gum. With the fistula successfully occluded,
velopharyngeal port function can also be adequately The concept of a surgical procedure to manage VPI was
tested. Accurate assessment of airflow through the fis- first introduced by Passavant (1862), who surgically
tula is often confounded by obstructing turbinates or tethered the uvula to the posterior pharyngeal wall in
a deviated nasal septum. If the fistula is not patent for an attempt to restore a competent valving mechanism
speech, surgical intervention may not be warranted. A for speech. This was modified to the superiorly based
patent fistula allows the loss of air for speech sounds flap by Bardenheur (1892) and Sanvenero-Rosselli
produced anterior to its site. These are usually the p, (1934).
b, f, v, and th sounds, although others may be affected, Postoperative studies of pharyngeal flap surgery us-
depending on the location of the fistula and the place- ing electromyographic analysis and endoscopic and

videofluoroscopic imaging have suggested several (1999) reported the results of electromyographic anal-
methods by which the nasopharynx is obturated. The ysis before and after sphincter pharyngoplasty in 25 pa-
primary method of velopharyngeal closure is by active tients. None of the patients demonstrated electromyo-
mesial movement of the lateral pharyngeal walls against graphic activity in the palatopharyngeus muscle. In
the static, obturating flap (Shprintzen et al., 1980). Sec- contrast, all patients showed normal electromyographic
ondarily, circumferential scar contracture narrows the activity at the superior constrictor and the levator veli
pharynx. Finally, contracture of the flap itself elevates palatini muscles. Videonasopharyngoscopy demon-
the velum into the pharynx, diminishing the anterior- strated that lateral pharyngeal wall movements, which
posterior dimension. Crockett et al. (1988) suggested ranged from 25% to 40%, were related to strong elec-
that three variables should be controlled for successful tromyographic activity at the superior constrictor mus-
pharyngeal flap surgery: flap width, height or level of cle. They concluded that the flaps of the sphincter
flap, and lateral port size. Strategies have been devel- pharyngoplasty do not seem to create an active di-
oped to cope with these variables. The size of the lat- aphragm for velopharyngeal closure. Moreover, the ob-
eral ports has been controlled (Hogan and Schwartz, served sphinctering appeared to be passive, caused by
1977), and the width of the pharyngeal flaps have been contraction of the superior constrictor pharyngeus.
tailored to the amount of wall motion (Shprintzen et Sie et al. (1998) reported the results of sphincter
al., 1979). Some have suggested that little strategy, if pharyngoplasty on children with VCFS. Three (12.5%)
any, is needed for small VPI. Randall et al. (1978) ob- required a revision because of residual hypernasality,
served that if the VPI is small, any method should have and three (12.5%) were hyponasal. After revision, they
a good result. reported an overall success rate of 18/24 (75.0%).
Treatment strategies are compared infrequently.
Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Augmentation and Pensler and Reich (1991) compared the outcome of 75
Muscle Transposition patients undergoing pharyngeal flaps with only 10 pa-
tients undergoing sphincter pharyngoplasties. Surgeries
Augmentation of the posterior pharyngeal wall was were done over a 31-year span, from 1958 to 1989.
first reported by Wardill (1928, 1933). He created a The authors reported a failure rate of 30% for each
permanent ridge of fibrous tissue on the posterior pha- type of surgery. They concluded that either procedure
ryngeal wall by making transverse incisions through the could be used with equal effectiveness, de Serres et al.
superior constrictor at the level of Passavant's ridge. (1999) evaluated speech outcomes and complications
The tissue was sutured vertically, creating a ridge for of sphincter pharyngoplasties and pharyngeal flaps. Pa-
the elevated velum to contact. Hynes (1951, 1953) and tients who underwent sphincter pharyngoplasties had
Orticochea (1968, 1970, 1983) advocated pharyngo- a higher rate of resolution of VPI than those who had
plasties by muscle transposition that were similar in de- pharyngeal flaps, although this was not statistically sig-
sign but differed in their intended function. Each pro- nificant. Postoperative hyponasality and obstructive
cedure has undergone modification and refinement sleep symptoms were present in both groups. However,
(Jackson and Silverton, 1977; Huskie and Jackson, only patients who underwent pharyngeal flaps and had
1977; Pigott, 1993; Riski et al., 1984b, 1992; Roberts postoperative obstructive sleep symptoms had obstruc-
and Brown, 1983; Stratoudakis and Bambace, 1984; tive sleep apnea.
Moss et al., 1987; Mirrett et al., 1993).
Orticochea (1968) recommended elevating the height Combined Pharyngoplasty and
of insertion for the sphincter pharyngoplasty from the Primary Palatoplasty
low insertion. Several others have recommended ele-
vating the height of insertion as high as possible (Jack- Because the initial palatoplasty may not be completely
son and Silverton, 1977; Roberts and Brown, 1983). successful, a number of investigators have incorporated
Riski et al. (1992) offered a rationale for tailoring the a primary pharyngoplasty. The procedure remains con-
height of flap insertion. The height of attempted troversial. Most report more patients with normal res-
velopharyngeal contact was identified relative to the onance than with palatoplasty alone (Bingham et al.,
anterior tubercle of the first cervical vertebra, the at- 1972; Dalston and Stutteville, 1975; Dorf and Curtin,
las. The atlas was identified by palpation at the time 1982) but not all (Morris, 1973). One study demon-
of surgery, and the flaps were surgically inset at that strated that 54% of children receiving a combined pro-
predetermined height. Success improved from 61% to cedure did not require the pharyngoplasty (Riski et al.,
93% when the height of the flaps was elevated to the 1987). Mazaheri and colleagues (1994) could not iden-
level of attempted velopharyngeal contact. tify any differences in velar length or nasopharyngeal
Debate has continued over whether closure of the depth between one group of children with clefts who
sphincter orifice is active or passive. Ysunza et al. required pharyngeal flaps and a second group of chil-

dren with clefts who did not. Although it is clear that Orr et al. (1987) observed OSA in 9/10 patients at
some children born with CP will require a pharyngo- 2 to 3 days post-surgery. Apnea resolved in 7/9 patients
plasty, we cannot accurately identify those children at by 3 months. Shprintzen (1988) identified OSA by
the time of palatoplasty. polysomnography in 30/300 patients following pha-
ryngeal flap surgery; OSA lasted longer than 6 months
Furlow Z-Plcrsty in three and resolved in the remaining patients. Nar-
row and wide flaps had the same incidence of OSA.
Chen et al. (1994) reported their results with the Fur- They postulated that the causes of OSA were obstruc-
low Z-plasty as a secondary procedure. They docu- tion of the portals by large tonsils, contraction of the
mented velopharyngeal closure in 16/18 patients. Fur- nasopharynx around the flap, postoperative nasopha-
low (1994), in a review of the series, observed that ryngeal edema, or a sudden change in breathing pat-
retroposition of the levator muscle sling appeared to be tern. Sirois et al. (1994) reported on 14/40 (35%) pa-
the chief benefit of the procedure and that any length- tients with abnormal polysomnograms after pharyngeal
ening of the velum may be an incidental benefit. Gun- flap surgery. Six had OSA, six had central sleep apnea,
ther et al. (1998) evaluated the results of Fur low's dou- and two had both types. Long-term follow-up demon-
ble reversing z-plasty (Furlow, 1986) compared to strated residual central apneas. Witsell et al. (1994)
intravelar veloplasty. Intravelar veloplasty patients showed decreased nasal patency in 5/7 patients after a
demonstrated a 34% higher incidence of hoarseness, pharyngeal flap.
nasal escape, and hypernasality at 3 years of age com- Shprintzen et al. (1992) modified pharyngeal flaps
pared to Furlow patients. These same patients likewise (shorter) for less contracture below the flap, in an at-
required significantly more secondary pharyngoplastic tempt to lessen airway obstruction. They also suggested
procedures. using nasopharyngeal tubes for nasal respiration until
the patient is awake and can breathe orally. The au-
Complications of Pharyngoplasty thors reported that the protocol reduced all complica-
tions: OSA was eliminated in all patients, snoring was
Complications with pharyngoplasties are not uncom- reduced from 82% to 10.5%, and hospital stay was re-
mon. Some complications are immediate and some de- duced from 7 to 3 days.
velop in the long term. Obstruction may be severe
enough to warrant takedown of the flap (Caouette-
Laberge et al., 1992). Ren et al. (1992) suggested that
loss of tongue-lip balance might be one factor causing SPEECH THERAPY
midfacial retrusion. Sturim (1974) reported hemor- Before Palatal Closure
rhaging from pharyngeal flap surgery in two patients
who previously had a Teflon injection for VPI. Za- Parents are counseled regarding what to expect from
worski (1981) reported anorexia nervosa in a 15-year- their child's early speech attempts. Resonance will be
old female after pharyngeal flap surgery. Hoffman hypernasal, and the child will be able to say correctly
(1985) reported surgical revision followed by dilation words with a nasal sound, such as mama, but will not
and stenting with a dental prosthesis to prevent repeat correctly say words with pressure sounds, such as dada.
contracture of a pharyngeal flap that stenosed. Drew Parents are instructed in play activities which focus on
et al. (1985) reported that 12/25 pharyngeal flap pa- verbal interaction between parent and child and ap-
tients demonstrated elevated serum antidiuretic hor- propriate modeling of speech and language.
mone levels, low serum osmolity, and hyponatremia in
the postoperative period. After Palatal Closure

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Speech and language stimulation should continue with
age-appropriate games, vocabulary, and syntax. Par-
Kravath et al. (1980) reported on three patients who ents are now asked to monitor the sounds that the child
developed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) immediately makes. If there are no confounding developmental
following pharyngeal flap surgery. Thurston et al. problems, we expect the child to begin making crisp,
(1980) reported significant nasal obstruction in 8/85 pressure consonants such as p, b, t, d, k, and g. Often,
patients following pharyngeal flap. Obstruction was of- parents are asked to occlude the child's nose manually
ten occult and identified only after careful questioning. while playing "sound games," such as repeating the syl-
Seven of the eight patients required surgical revision to lable ba, ba, ba, ba. Occluding the nose prevents any
relieve airway obstruction. nasal airflow and directs the airstream to the oral cav-

ity. Parents are also asked to observe any signs of craniofacial team is appropriate after no more than sev-
velopharyngeal dysfunction or oral-nasal fistulas. eral weeks of ineffective speech therapy.
These include nasal reflux while eating or drinking,
nasal airflow or facial grimacing, or the continued use
of nasal sounds and the lack of pressure consonants
Speech therapy for the child with CP is unique be- Functional or Sound-Specific
cause the child may present with unique misarticula- Velopharyngeal Incompetence
tions not found in the noncleft population (Trost,
1981). Unique speech therapy strategies and facilitat- The practicing clinician should also recognize that there
ing postures are used to correct misarticulations in the are a small number of cleft (and noncleft) children with
CL/P child. Moreover, exercises are generally unsuc- normal soft palate function who use some form of nasal
cessful at increasing velopharyngeal movements except air emission as a sound substitute (Peterson, 1975;
in some very specific situations (Ruscello, 1982, 1989). Riski, 1984). This is termed a functional VPI or a
Maximizing oral pressure for pressure consonants will sound-specific VPI. The characteristics include normal
maximize velopharyngeal elevation and may gain resonance, sound-specific use of some form of nasal air
velopharyngeal closure for small VPIs. Kuehn (1991) escape (usually a posterior nasal fricative), normal
developed a unique therapy technique using continu- velopharyngeal function for correctly produced sounds,
ous positive airway pressure to the nasal surface of the and the ability to correctly produce the errored sound
soft palate. Velar elevation for speech under the resis- without nasal air escape. These patients present a spe-
tance of continuous positive airway pressure may im- cial diagnostic challenge, and the differential diagnosis
prove velopharyngeal closure. of an organic VPI from a functional VPI is the key to
The importance of parental involvement in the ther- appropriate management.
apeutic process has been demonstrated. Broen et al.
(1993) and Pamplona et al. (1996) evaluated the ef- Velocardiofacial Syndrome
fectiveness of speech therapy provided by parents and
directed by a speech-language pathologist. Broen et al. Shprintzen et al. (1978) first described VCFs. Over 100
(1993) reported that the mother was able to change the characteristics have been reported. The most common
child's speech so that more of the child's productions features include facial dysmorphology, conotruncal
were at the correct place of articulation. After struc- heart defects, palatal abnormalities or hypernasality,
tural management, nasal and glottalized productions learning disabilities, and behavioral abnormalities. Phe-
disappeared from the child's speech but glottal stops notypically, VCFS overlaps with DiGeorge syndrome,
did not (Pamplona et al., 1996). Patients accompanied and both are associated with hemizygous deletion of
by their mothers showed significantly higher linguistic 22qll.2. Yamagishi et al. (1999) reported that VCFs
advance compared to patients receiving therapy with- might be related to the gene Ufdl.
out their mothers. The results of this study support the The incidence of VCFS is reported to be 1/4000. It
statement that linguistic development in the CP child is thought to be the most common form of syndromic
is strongly related to adult-child modes of interaction. clefting. Riski et al. (1999) demonstrated that 20% of
Pamplona et al. (1999) studied whether a phono- children with VCFS at two different centers had CP.
logical intervention may reduce the total time of speech There is also a high incidence of noncleft hypernasal-
therapy necessary for correcting compensatory articu- ity found in VCFS, which may vary from center to cen-
lation in CP children compared to an articulatory in- ter because of referral patterns. One center, with a high
tervention. They demonstrated that the total time of rate of referral from the public schools, found hyper-
speech intervention was significantly reduced (p < nasality in 19/25 (76%) VCFS children without clefts.
0.001) when a phonological intervention was utilized. The second center, with a high rate of referral from a
Once a VPI is diagnosed as adversely affecting speech heart center, found hypernasality in only 5/22 (23%)
or speech development, it should be managed. Articu- VCFS children without clefts (Riski et al., 1999).
lation skills improve immediately following manage- Other investigations have found a high incidence of
ment of VPI (Riski, 1979). Patients with VPI make lit- Chiari malformation, cervical spine anomalies, and
tle or no progress in speech therapy until the VPI is neurological deficits in a series of patients with VCFS
managed (Van Demark, 1974; Riski and DeLong, (Hultman et al., 2000). Four of 16 (25%) children dem-
1984; Va^n Demark and Hardin, 1985). When a VPI is onstrated Chiari malformation type I, 2/16 (12.5%)
suspected or documented, speech therapy should be had occipitalization of the atlas, 1/16 (8.25%) had
considered diagnostic and short-term. Referral to a CP- spina bifida occulta and subluxation on extension, and

1/16 (8.25%) had narrowing of the foramen magnum ating hyponasality and obstruction. Hyponasality has
with basilar invagination of the odontoid. One patient been considered more socially acceptable than hyper-
required suboccipital craniectomy with laminectomy nasality, and many consider hyponasality an improve-
and decompression. Orofacial neurological deficits ment over hypernasality (Crockett et al., 1988).
were identified in 14/41 (34%). Ten demonstrated ve- A pharyngoplasty should have a physiological basis,
lar paralysis, which was unilateral in six and bilateral and evaluation of velopharyngeal physiology has been
in four. the responsibility of the speech pathologist. The clini-
cian is challenged to incorporate available instrumen-
tation into the evaluation process. The clinician may
SUMMARY be guided by experience and by documents of the Amer-
ican Speech-Language, Hearing Association and the
The child with an oral cleft or related disorder repre- American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association. The
sents a special challenge. Correct identification and la- American Speech-Language, Hearing Association (1997)
beling of occult disorders such as noncleft hypernasal- offers specific recommendations for the evaluation of
ity requires careful imaging of the velopharynx. nasal resonance and nasal airflow. The American Cleft
Successful evaluation and management of the structural Palate-Craniofacial Association (1993) offers several
and behavioral problems requires special knowledge, recommendations for evaluation and treatment, in-
special tools, and most importantly close communica- cluding "secondary palatal and pharyngeal surgery for
tion among professionals. While craniofacial teams velopharyngeal inadequacy should be performed only
pride themselves on their skills and expertise, there is after evaluation of the velopharyngeal mechanism and
an obligation to partner with the community specialist review by the team." This includes "in-depth analysis
in caring for these children. The past decade has seen of articulatory performance, aerodynamic measures,
a marked advancement in computer and imaging in- videofluoroscopy, nasopharyngoscopy, and nasometric
strumentation. These instruments can provide the clin- studies, all of which should be conducted with the par-
ician with objective measures of velopharyngeal dy- ticipation of the team speech-language pathologist."
namics, including the size, shape, and position of a
velopharyngeal opening. Each of these instruments has
specific advantages and disadvantages that should be REFERENCES
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Pediatric dental care


Optimum dental health is essential for the total health havior and attitude toward dental care is as important
of the child. The basic dental care needs of children as the actual dental treatment in the child's overall care.
with oral clefts are the same as those for anyone of the Past dental and medical experience, the age of the child,
same age, with the addition of the special needs re- the extent of care needed, and the child's attitudes and
sulting from the cleft. Early evaluation and preventive fears must be of major concern in developing a good
care are extremely important as the primary and de- dental patient. The American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial
veloping permanent dentitions provide the basic frame- Association (1993) provides guidelines for the optimum
work for future dental, orthodontic, and prosthetic care of individuals with craniofacial anomalies, re-
treatment. However, parents are often so overwhelmed gardless of the specific type of disorder. The underly-
by other aspects of their children's care that dental ing principle of these guidelines is that patients with
needs are given a rather low priority. Emphasizing the craniofacial anomalies are best managed by an inter-
fact that their child with an oral cleft needs the same disciplinary team of specialists.
basic dental care as any child the same age brings an
element of normalcy to parents' thinking regarding
their children's needs. The dental needs of the child can THE INFANT AND TODDLER
be divided into four stages, based on oral development,
preventive needs, and treatment: The infant should be seen for initial oral evaluation
shortly after birth and, preferably, as part of an inter-
1. The infant and toddler need early assessment, and
disciplinary team evaluation. Evaluation of factors that
parents need to be oriented toward the prevention
may influence surgical management, such as arch form,
of oral disease.
displacement of the arch segments, and presence of na-
2. The needs of the child during the primary dentition
tal or neonatal teeth, needs to be done. Evaluation of
center around the establishment of regular dental
airway and feeding problems also needs to be done
care, assessment of the developing dentition, devel-
early. In some programs, the use of an oral appliance
opment of a preventive program, and treatment
is an option as a noninvasive method of management.
needs related to the cleft.
Dental evaluation and preventive care should begin
3. Mixed dentition presents a time of transition as the
with this initial team evaluation of the infant. The im-
child becomes more involved in dental care, includ-
portance the profession puts on this early evaluation is
ing the temporary replacement of missing teeth as
seen in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
well as regular dental care.
(1999) recommendation that all children be seen for a
4. The needs of the adolescent during the development
first general dental visit 6 months after the eruption of
of the young permanent dentition center around the
the first tooth or at 1 year of age, whichever comes
dental needs associated with supporting orthodon-
tic and prosthetic care.
The early oral healthcare visit provides the founda-
During each of these stages, the management of the tion for a lifetime of preventive and corrective dental
child is a prime concern. Management of the child's be- care and helps to assure optimal oral health during


childhood and into adulthood. Oral examination, an-

ticipatory guidance including preventive education, and
appropriate therapeutic care are essential during the en-
tire period of oral development, to provide the neces-
sary specialty care needed because of the oral cleft. Fol-
lowing are several recommendations related to infant
oral health:
1. Ideally, infant oral healthcare begins with prenatal
oral health counseling for parents. An initial oral
evaluation should occur within 6 months of the
eruption of the first primary tooth and no later than
12 months of age.
2. At the infant oral evaluation visit, the dentist should
do the following:
a. Record a thorough medical and dental history, FIG. 28.1. Retraction of the premaxillary segment in a bilateral cleft
covering the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal with tape and elastics.
b. Complete a thorough oral examination
time of lip repair. In bilateral clefts, the retraction and
c. Assess the patient's risk of developing oral and
centering of the premaxillary segment also makes lip
dental disease and determine an appropriate in-
closure easier (Fig. 28.1). To prevent collapse of the
terval for periodic re-evaluation based on that as-
arch from the tension of the tape or elastics, a palatal
prosthesis, essentially a denture base without teeth, can
d. Discuss and provide anticipatory guidance re-
be used. The appliance is usually tolerated well by in-
garding dental and oral development, fluoride
fants during the period prior to lip repair. If the appli-
status, nonnutritive oral habits, injury preven-
ance is used after the lip repair to stabilize the segments
tion, oral hygiene, and effects of diet on the den-
or cover the hard palate defect, the eruption of teeth
makes retention of the appliance difficult. Intraoral ap-
3. Dentists who perform such services for infants
pliances to stabilize and realign cleft segments have
should be prepared to provide therapy when indi-
been used for over 50 years. McNeil (1950) used a
cated or should refer the patient to an appropriately
chewing or feeding plate to realign segments. A model
trained individual for necessary treatment (Ameri-
of the cleft arch was progressively modified to reposi-
can Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 1999).
tion the segments. As the infant chewed or nursed, the
The general development of the dentition is the same appliance acted similarly to an orthodontic positioner
in children with and without clefts. Abnormal findings to move the segments. Removable appliances using ex-
are usually isolated to the areas in and adjacent to the pansion screws to slowly expand and reposition the
cleft itself. Eruption of the dentition occurs at the usual dental arch have been used since the 1960s. To gain
time and in the usual sequence. more control of the movement of segments, Latham
(1980) designed an acrylic palatal appliance containing
Infant Oral-Facial Orthopedics an elaborate combination of screws and hinges, which
was anchored to the maxillary palatal shelves with
The break in the continuity of the alveolar arch may metal pins. A number of variations of pinned palatal
lead to a collapse of the arch segments and the devel- appliances have been developed over the years. A mod-
opment of anterior and posterior crossbites. Closure of ification developed by Mylin used sliding plastic palatal
the lip can lead to pressure on the alveolar segments, shelves to keep the hard palate defect sealed during ex-
resulting in remolding of the bony segments and/or col- pansion (Farrington, 1998) (Fig. 28.2).
lapse of the posterior portions of the arch, creating a Treatment of these crossbites is usually not needed
unilateral or bilateral crossbite. Depending on the treat- until the child is older. In a few cases, treatment may
ment philosophy of the interdisciplinary team and the be advised if there are functional problems associated
actual deformity of the alveolar arch, early appliance with the crossbite. The lack of proper anterior devel-
therapy may be indicated. Use of tape or a combina- opment of the maxilla can lead to a pseudo-class III
tion of tape and orthodontic elastics to close the gap malocclusion. By 2.5 to 3 years of age, the primary den-
between the anterior and posterior segments of a uni- tition should be complete, as it would be in the nor-
lateral cleft allows for less stretching of lip tissue at the mal child without a cleft.

5. mutans are not detected before eruption of the pri-

mary teeth, and there is a gradual increase in the fre-
quency of S. mutans with age as the number of teeth
increases. Seeding of the organism seems to come from
the mother, with the time of greatest infectability be-
ing around 18 months of age. If the mother has a high
Streptococcus count, the child is likely to have a high
FIG. 28.2. Pinned palatal appliance showing sliding shelves to seal count as well (Kohler et al., 1979).
palatal cleft during expansion.
Children colonized with 5. mutans before the age of
2 years run a higher risk of developing dental caries
For the child with a cleft, this early evaluation is even than children colonized with the organism at a later
more important than for the average child. Erupted na- age. Almost 50% of children with oral clefts had been
tal or neonatal teeth that may be malformed in the area colonized with S. mutans and 16% with lactobacilli at
of the cleft need to be identified early. The lateral in- the age of 18 months compared to children without
cisor is located directly in the plane of the suture of the clefts, who showed 13% 5. mutans colonization.
maxillary and premaxillary segments. The primary lat- Kohler et al. (1983) found that 24% of 15-month-old
eral incisor may be absent or malformed. In some cases, children with mothers who had high levels of S. mu-
a supernumerary lateral incisor may develop. The tooth tans were colonized with 5. mutans.
may erupt early and can appear anywhere along the Children with clefts who took a bottle to bed have
cleft line (Figs. 28.3, 28.4). shown an increased risk for developing early childhood
The teeth on either side of the cleft are at increased or nursing bottle caries. In a study by Lin and Tsai
risk for caries. Their location makes them hard to keep (1999), 39% of children reported a bottle-feeding
clean and susceptible to plaque accumulation. habit. The overall prevalence of baby bottle nursing
Feeding problems related to the cleft and the surgery caries was 15.4%. The decayed-extracted-filled pri-
over the first year increase the risk for early childhood mary teeth (def) scores of bottle-fed children were sig-
caries. Concerns that the child is well nourished and nificantly higher than those of children who were not
comfortable, especially after surgery, may keep the bottle-fed. Parents and caregivers of bottle-fed babies
child on the bottle past 10 to 12 months, when it is showed a lack of motivation to perform regular pre-
recommended that the child go to a cup. Parents need ventive dental home care. Parents of non-bottle-fed
to be informed of the problems related to prolonged children demonstrated significantly better dental care
and ad lib. use of the bottle, especially at naptime and than parents of bottle-fed children regarding brushing
at night. frequency and brushing before bed.
Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli are important Dental treatment of the infant and toddler centers on
pathogens in the development of dental caries. Usually, evaluation, prevention, education of parents, and man-

FIG. 28.3. Radiography of unilateral cleft showing a wide defect in

the area of the lateral incisor, which is shown with no supporting FIG. 28.4. Unilateral cleft lip and palate showing a malformed tooth
bone on the entire mesial surface. erupting ectopically along the cleft margin.

agement of dental problems resulting from the cleft.

Prevention of dental disease is a major goal. The fluo-
ride content of the child's water supply needs to be
evaluated early. If the water supply has less than the
optimum of 0.7 to 1.2 ppm, supplementation needs to
be considered at 6 months of age. The level of supple-
mentation is based on the fluoride level of the water
and the child's age. A number of families use bottled
water for drinking and cooking. If the child's major
water intake is from nonfluoridated bottled water,
complete or partial supplementation needs to be con-
sidered. The bottled water label usually will not indi-
cate if the water is fluoridated. As soon as the first teeth
erupt, parents should be instructed to clean them with
a cloth when bathing the child.
FIG. 28.5. Basic palatal appliance with posterior wire loop to hold
tongue down.
Anticipatory Guidance
Anticipatory guidance, as used in pediatric health care,
pose in managing the airway is to use the appliance to
is the process of providing practical, developmentally
hold endotracheal tubes or a wire loop extending pos-
appropriate health information about children to their
teriorly to hold the tongue forward off the posterior
parents in anticipation of significant physical, emo-
pharyngeal wall. The tube not only holds the tongue
tional, and psychological milestones. This information
forward but also establishes a mechanical airway (Far-
guides parents by alerting them to impending change,
rington, 1998). Once the basic appliance is complete,
teaching them their role in maximizing their children's
a loop of orthodontic wire can be attached with acrylic
developmental potential, and identifying their chil-
(Fig. 28.5). The exact length of the wire and amount
dren's special needs. of curvature will vary in each case. As a starting point,
Areas of concern in anticipatory guidance in pedi-
the wire loop should extend posterior to the appliance
atric dentistry are oral development, fluoride adequacy,
to a length that is about the same as the anterior-
oral hygiene and diet, habits, nutrition, and injury pre- posterior length of the appliance. An endotracheal tube
vention. Early evaluation and education of the parents
can be attached to the appliance by forming self-cure
as to the dental needs of their child is extremely im-
acrylic around a well-lubricated tube (Fig. 28.6). The
portant if comprehensive dental care is to be provided
tube should be of the same size as one that would be
(Nowak and Casamassimo, 1995).
used to intubate that child. The natural curve will help
to direct the tube down behind the tongue (Fig. 28.7).
Special Needs
A small number of infants with cleft palate also pre-
sent with glossoptosis, resulting in difficulty in man-
aging the airway. Usually, this is a transitory problem
that resolves itself in a short time as the child grows.
Oral appliances to assist in the maintenance of an air-
way can be used in some cases, thus alleviating the need
for other techniques, such as long-term intubation or
tracheotomy. Appliances similar to denture bases with-
out teeth have been developed. Impressions can be
taken with either alginate or compound. Alginate gives
a clearer impression of the cleft defect but runs the risk
of material being left in the defect. Compound does not
give as detailed an impression but is easier to remove
when set. For short-term use, it is usually not neces-
sary to use the undercuts of the defect for retention.
With the use of denture adhesive as needed, the appli- FIG. 28.6. Basic palatal appliance with endotracheal tube added to
ance does not have to extend into the cleft. The pur- aid in maintaining airway.

Establishment of a fairly normal occlusion is the

overall dental goal. The pure mechanics of treatment
must be tempered by the behavioral development and
ability of the child to accept treatment and cooperate
(Farrington, 1998).
Close supervision is needed because of the added risk
the child has for dental disease, especially in the area
of the cleft. Parents initially, and the child at the ap-
propriate age, should be instructed in proper oral hy-
giene techniques. Ectopic eruption of teeth in the area
of the cleft and redundant gingival and alveolar tissue
make good plaque control difficult (Figs. 28.8, 28.9).
Children with cleft lip and/or palate have more decayed
and filled teeth in the primary dentition than do chil-
dren without clefts. Almost 50% of children with an
oral cleft had S. mutans colonization by 18 months of
age. This compares with studies of children without
FIG. 28.7. Position of appliance showing the endotracheal tube ex-
tending over the tongue to maintain the airway.
clefts, who had colonization rates of between 13% and
36%. Such early colonization indicates a high risk for
dental caries in the primary dentition for children with
cleft lip and/or palate (Bokhout et al., 1996).
Starting with the tube extending about the same length Eruption of the primary dentition and occlusal de-
posterior to the appliance as with the wire loop, it can velopment need to be followed closely. A high incidence
be extended or retracted as needed. The tube should of natal/neonatal teeth was found in unilateral (2.02%)
extend back as far as the child will allow. At this point, and bilateral (10.6%) cleft groups. The findings in both
it should be retracted a few millimeters. In some cases, groups were higher than the incidence reported in a
use of a tube and a wire loop may be considered. The noncleft group (0.05%) (Machado de Almeida and Go-
wire loop extends behind the tube and is used to in- mide, 1996).
crease the curvature of the tube and to keep it from ir-
ritating the posterior pharyngeal wall. The effectiveness
of the appliance can be measured using a pulse
oxymeter to measure saturation levels with and with-
out the appliance.


As mentioned before, prevention and caries control are

the same for the child with a cleft as for other children
at the same age and state of development. Hence, more
frequent recalls, at 3- to 4-month intervals, may be nec-
essary to monitor oral health. Topical fluoride needs
to be professionally applied regularly. In areas without
optimal water fluoridation, prescription fluoride sup-
plements should be considered. Use of pit and fissure
sealants should be considered in selected cases. Oral
hygiene instructions and dietary advice must be checked
and reinforced.
Restorative care should be provided before carious
lesions become extensive. Loss of a single tooth can
complicate the overall treatment. Use of stainless steel
crowns on carious primary teeth should be considered, FIG. 28.8. Eruption of the lateral incisor into the site of the cleft, re-
especially if the tooth is to be banded as part of appli- sulting in a crossbite; poor plaque control increases the risk of cer-
ance therapy (King and Wei, 1988). vical caries.

best predictor of dental caries in the first permanent

molars of 7-year-olds was caries in three or more pri-
mary molars by 5 years of age.
Eruption of the permanent dentition during the ele-
mentary school years must be carefully observed. In
boys with unilateral cleft lip and palate, eruption of the
permanent maxillary lateral incisors and the permanent
maxillary second molar is retarded on the cleft side. In
boys with bilateral cleft lip and palate, the highest re-
tardation of eruption was found in the permanent max-
illary lateral incisor and the permanent maxillary first
molar (Peterka et al., 1996). Ectopic eruption of both
primary and permanent incisors is common. Lateral in-
cisors may erupt in the cleft defect without periodon-
tal support. These teeth are usually very unstable, are
lost prematurely, or have to be extracted (Fig. 28.10).
Dental treatment centers on caries control, tempo-
rary replacement of missing teeth, general dental care,
and support for the other services involved in the child's
care. Preventive care centers on the expanded use of
fluorides and occlusal sealants. Plaque control in the
FIG. 28.9. The alveolar defect has resulted in the lateral incisor fail-
ing to properly erupt into occlusion.
areas of the cleft can be difficult, and following sur-
gery or grafts, the child and parents may be reluctant
to adequately clean the areas. Prevention at this age is
Dental treatment at this age centers on prevention, marked by acceptance of increasing responsibility by
caries control, and support for the other disciplines in- children for their own oral health. Parental involvement
volved. This includes removal of malformed teeth and is still needed; however, the parents' role moves from
replacement of teeth that may be needed to help with one of performing the child's oral hygiene to that of
speech therapy. Occasionally, a child will be seen with active supervision. By the start of middle school, most
an unrepaired hard palate or a hard palate fistula that children can provide their own basic oral hygiene. Par-
cannot be closed. ents do need to actively inspect the results of their chil-
A major concern should be patient management. The dren's oral hygiene practices. As the child gets older,
small child does not always distinguish between the ex- home-applied fluoride gels and rinses need to be con-
amination and treatment of the various team members. sidered, especially in children with poor plaque control
To the young child, there is no difference between den-
tal treatment and other care that involves the face and
oral cavity. This is of special concern when the child
needs restorative or oral surgical care. If the child needs
extensive restorative care, consideration should be
given to combining the dental care with some other sur-
gical care, such as ear, nose, and throat surgery. In
treating any young child where behavior is an issue,
consideration should be given to restoration with stain-
less steel crowns on primary molars rather than alloys
or composites. The goal in the restoration of any pri-
mary tooth should be that, with proper oral hygiene,
a tooth should have to be restored only once.


With the eruption of the first permanent molars, caries

of the occlusal surfaces and morphological defects that FIG. 28.10. The alveolar defect has resulted in the lateral incisor
require restoration or sealing may be expected (Mc- erupting into the arch without periodontal support. Note the rota-
Donald et al., 2000). Gray et al. (1991) found that the tion of the central incisor and the scar tissue from the lip repair.

and a history of caries. The child must be able to fol-

low instructions and properly expectorate before home-
applied gels and rinses should be introduced. Fluoride
rinses have been shown to be very effective when or-
thodontic and prosthetic appliances are used and
plaque control is difficult (McDonald et al., 2000).
Alveolar grafts are usually carried out as the perma-
nent maxillary canines begin their initial eruption. The
graft provides a bed of bone into which the canine on
the cleft side can erupt. Prior to grafting, expansion of
the maxillary arch to correct crossbites and to align the
alveolar segments is usually completed. Appliances to
stabilize the arch, such as a transpalatal arch, may be
placed for retention. It is critically important that oral
hygiene and home care be excellent to reduce caries risk
factors. Use of sealants on teeth being banded, espe- FIG. 28.12. Maxillary lingual arch in place. Note the partial-erup-
tion appearance of the lateral incisor to match the contralateral side.
cially molars, and frequent checking for loose bands
are essential in caries prevention.
As the child grows older, appearance and replace- caries and hygiene problems still exist, the long-term
ment of missing teeth become more important to the risk is reduced.
child and parents. Removable and fixed appliances each
have drawbacks. Removable appliance use for long-
term tooth replacement has problems of compliance YOUNG PERMANENT DENTITION
and proper care by the preteen child. Loss of appli-
ances, when removed for eating and sports at school, The dental needs of the adolescent with a cleft are sim-
is common. The frequently changing dentition at this ilar to the needs of children of the same age without a
age affects the fit and comfort of removable appliances. cleft except for the additional facial and oral problems
Fixed appliances, such as the lingual arch to hold re- caused by the cleft. Care mainly centers on the repair
placement teeth, work well at this age (Figs. 28.11, of malformed teeth and the replacement of missing
28.12). Compliance issues are removed, but oral hy- teeth. Many children in this age group undergo ortho-
giene and increased caries risk become concerns. Band- dontic treatment. Incorporation of prosthetic teeth is
ing permanent molars increases caries risk and makes an easy way to temporarily replace teeth and give the
oral hygiene more difficult; however, if the risk is rec- child an appearance similar to that of his or her peers
ognized and a sound preventive program established, (Figs. 28.13-28.15).
these appliances are very effective. When possible, con- Dental caries continue to be the major dental infec-
sideration should be given to banding second primary tious disease problem for adolescents. A rise in the
molars instead of permanent molars. Although the caries attack rate continues with the eruption of the

FIG. 28.13. During orthodontic treatment, a large space has been cre-
FIG. 28.11. Maxillary lingual arch with prosthetic teeth attached. ated due to missing teeth in the area of the cleft.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (1999)

recommends that the adolescent benefit from a pre-
ventive dental program consisting of the following:
1. Fluorides
a. Systemic fluoride intake via optimal fluoridation
of drinking water or professionally prescribed
supplements to age 16 years or eruption of the
second permanent molars is needed.
b. A fluoride dentifrice is recommended, to provide
continuous topical fluoride benefit.
c. Regular professionally applied fluoride treat-
ments through adolescence should be based on
the individual patient's caries pattern and fluo-
ride status of the community water.
FIG. 28.14. Prosthetic teeth to be incorporated into an orthodontic d. Topical supplementation by home-applied fluo-
appliance. The acrylic ridge overlap and lingual wires prevent the ride is indicated by an individual's dental caries
teeth from rotating on the arch wire. pattern or caries risk.
2. Oral Hygiene and Diet Management
a. Adolescents should be educated and motivated to
second permanent molars and premolars. Adolescents maintain personal oral hygiene through daily
are still prone to tooth decay. Immature permanent plaque removal, including flossing. Professional
teeth, an increase in susceptible tooth surfaces, and fac- cleaning and calculus removal is recommended,
tors such as diet, independence in seeking or avoiding with a frequency determined by the dentist.
care, poor oral hygiene practices, and failure to com- b. Dietary analysis and management should consider
ply with preventive recommendations contribute to dental disease patterns, overall nutrient and en-
dental and periodontal disease. ergy needs, psychological aspects of adolescent nu-
The adolescent can still benefit from fluoride trition, dietary carbohydrate intake, and wellness.
throughout the teenage years. Although the systemic 3. Sealants
benefit of fluoride for developing enamel is not con- Pit and fissure sealants can be of significant benefit.
sidered necessary after the age of 16, the topical bene- The occlusal surfaces of second permanent molars
fits of remineralization and antimicrobial activity still are highly prone to caries. Sealants are an effective
can be obtained through water fluoridation, profes- decay-preventing measure that should be used on an
sionally applied or prescribed fluoride, and fluoridated individual basis.

Adolescence seems to be a critical period in periodon-

tal health. Data suggest that irreversible periodontal
damage begins in late adolescence and early adulthood.
Pubertal changes characteristically affect the periodon-
tium with an increase in inflammation, which in most
cases is managed by oral hygiene and professional care.
Periodontal disease in patients with cleft palate is sim-
ilar in extent to the general population. Patients with
cleft lip, palate, and alveolus had a predisposition to
deep periodontal destruction of teeth adjacent to the
cleft (Schultes et al, 1999).
Crowded or malpositioned teeth, hypertrophic gin-
giva, orthodontic appliances, and prosthetic replace-
ments can impede proper plaque removal and thus
perpetuate periodontal disease. It is important to in-
FIG. 28.15. Prosthetic teeth wired into place in the orthodontic ap- corporate periodontal treatment into the comprehen-
pliance. sive treatment as early as possible.

MISSING TEETH the cleft, to increase the functional loading capability

and to prevent regression. Use of multiple-unit fixed
A significant concern in the dental care of the adoles- prostheses, however, may create a number of problems,
cent with a craniofacial cleft is missing teeth. As part including extensive loss of sound tooth structure and
of the team evaluation, the permanent replacement of increased difficulty with oral hygiene. It is desirable to
missing teeth must be considered. As the permanent include as few teeth as possible in the fixed prosthesis
dentition is complete, decisions as to how to replace (Suzuki et al., 1995). Single tooth implants can be con-
missing teeth must be made. Temporary replacement sidered when esthetically and functionally restoring the
of anterior teeth, usually maxillary lateral incisors, may dental arch. Cosmetically, the single tooth replacement
continue to be needed during orthodontic care or dur- is more acceptable than a multiunit bridge. Tooth struc-
ing the period of alveolar and periodontal grafting, to ture is spared on healthy adjacent teeth, and the prob-
establish the continuity of the dental arch. Pontics may lem presented by large pulp chambers on abutment
be incorporated into orthodontic appliances, and teeth teeth in teenage patients is circumvented. A possible
may be replaced with removable or fixed appliances, disadvantage is the necessity of adequate graft height
such as acid etch bridges. Use of dental implants is be- and width to support the implant. In the case of place-
coming a standard of care for single tooth replacement. ment of implants in grafted sites, it seems likely that
Although implants have been placed in the early teen the success of osseointegration would approach that of
years, this treatment is usually delayed until late ado- implants in nongrafted areas. Early failure of the im-
lescence, when growth and development, surgical treat- plant should be evident in the first year after implan-
ment, and orthodontic care are complete. tation (Verdi et al., 1991).
Caring for the adolescent patient with a cleft is a re- Once the permanent dentition has erupted and facial
warding endeavor. Science is unable to provide a deci- growth is complete, treatment of the adolescent is di-
sive answer to many of the questions that guide treat- rected at prosthetic care to permanently replace miss-
ment, so it becomes obligatory to let the patient have ing teeth. The reason teeth are missing is not as im-
an expanded role in determining the course of treat- portant at this stage as the design and construction of
ment. This may require spending time listening to a pa- the prosthesis.
tient who may not want to tell us anything at the time
we want to hear it. With more time and more patience,
a course can usually be plotted which will get both the FAMILY SUPPORT
practitioner and the patient to a desired destination
(Canady, 1995). There are a number of excellent resources available to
Periodontal therapy should be an integral part of the the family that provide information on the management
total restoration of the function and esthetics of the of the child's oral health needs. The American Acad-
cleft palate patient. Periodontal treatment should begin emy of Pediatric Dentistry web site provides informa-
early and continue as supportive therapy. tion to parents, children, and professionals regarding
The amount of periodontal destruction is more pro- proper oral health care for children of all ages. The
nounced in the cleft lip and palate patient than in non- American Dental Association also has an extensive ar-
cleft patients. Bacterial plaque accumulation is en- ray of information for the lay public and professionals
hanced due to irregularly positioned teeth or displaced on all aspects of oral healthcare, new products, and re-
teeth, difficulty in closing the lips, mouth breathing, search. The American Dental Association can be con-
and inadequate personal oral hygiene care. It is im- tacted by phone, mail, or through its web site. The in-
portant to appreciate the etiology of periodontal dis- formation available from these organizations addresses
turbances in cleft lip and palate patients so that perio- children with special needs but is basically directed at
dontal disease can be diagnosed early and treatment the needs of the average child. There are two organi-
initiated and maintained before, during, and after sur- zations providing programs and support specifically re-
gical, orthodontic, and prosthetic treatments (Santi et lated to individuals with cleft defects and other facial
al., 1995). differences: (1) AboutFace in Canada (
In prosthetic treatment of cleft lip and palate pa- and AboutFace U.S.A.
tients, it is imperative to prevent regression and col- ( and
lapse of the alveolar segments and teeth after surgical (2) the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
and orthodontic correction, but it is also important that ( The goal of the foundation
the treatment provide equal functional loading capa- is to provide information to parents of newborns with
bilities for the upper and lower jaws. Accordingly, some clefts and other craniofacial birth defects and to health-
of the teeth in the upper jaw must be splinted across care professionals. Both organizations provide a wealth

of information through published material, web sites, and in first molars of the same child at 7 years. Community Dent
and chapters throughout the United States and Canada. Health 8: 3-7.
King, NM, Wei, SH (1988). The management of children with cleft
A major service these organizations offer parents and lip and palate. In: Pediatric Dentistry—Total Patient Care, edited
families is the opportunity to interact with parents of by SH Wei. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, pp. 374-387.
other children with similar problems. Chances for new Kohler, B, Bratthall, D, Krasse, B (1979). Intrafamilial levels of Strep,
parents to talk or correspond with others who "have mutans and some aspects of the bacterial transmission. Scand J
been there" can help. The opportunity to see children Dent Res 86: 35-42.
Kohler, B, Bratthall, D, Krasse, B (1983). Preventive measures in
who have been through the various levels of surgery mothers influence the establishment of the bacterium Strepto-
and the results that may seem impossible to achieve coccus mutans in their infants. Arch Oral Biol 28: 225-231.
when the newborn is first seen can help parents and Latham, RA (1980). Orthopedic advancement of the cleft maxillary
other family members adjust to the initial trauma of segment: a preliminary report. Cleft Palate J 17: 227-233.
this unexpected problem. Lin, YJ, Tsai, C (1999). Caries prevalence and bottle-feeding prac-
tices in 2-year-old children with cleft lips, cleft palate, or both in
Regardless of the interaction an individual has in the Taiwan. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 36: 622-626.
oral healthcare of a child with a craniofacial defect, the Machado de Almeida, C, Gomide, MR (1996). Prevalence of natal/
goal of all those involved is to provide the general and neonatal teeth in cleft lip and palate infants. Cleft Palate Cranio-
specialty care needed for the child to pass through the fac J 33: 4. pp. 397-399.
various stages of oral development as easily and nor- McDonald, RE, Avery, DR, Stookey, GK (2000). Dental caries in
the child and adolescent. In: Dentistry for the child and adoles-
mally as possible. cent, edited by RE McDonald and DR Avery. St. Louis: Mosby,
pp. 209-246.
McNeil, CK (1950). Orthopedic procedures in the treatment of con-
genital cleft palate. Dent Rec 70: 126-132.
Nowak, AJ, Casamasssimo, PS (1995). Using anticipatory guidance
to provide early dental intervention. J Am Dent Assoc 126:
Ameican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2001). American Academy 1156-1163.
of Pediatric Dentistry Reference Manual 2000-01. Pediatr Dent Peterka, M, Peterlpva, R, Likovsky, Z (1996). Timing of exchange
22. Guidelines for Dental Health of the Adolescent, pp. 52-54. of the maxillary deciduous and permanent teeth in boys with three
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (1993). Parameters types of orofacial clefts. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 33: 4, pp.
for Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Cleft Lip/Palate 318-323.
or Other Craniofacial Anomalies. Pittsburgh: American Cleft Santi, E, Weinberg, MA, Abitol, TE (1995). Periodontal and pros-
Palate-Craniofacial Association. thetic treatment of a cleft lip and palate patient: a case report.
Bokhout, B, van Loveren, C, Xavier, F, et al. (1996). Prevalence of Cleft Palate Craniofac J 32: 4, pp. 346-349.
Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli in 18-month-old children Schultes, G, Gaggl, A, Karcher, H (1999). Comparison of periodon-
with cleft lip and/or palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 33: 5, pp. tal disease in patients with clefts of palate and patients with uni-
424-428. lateral clefts of lip, palate, and alveolus. Cleft Palate Craniofac J
Canady, J (1995). Emotional effects of plastic surgery on the ado- 36: 4, pp. 322-327.
lescent with a cleft. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 32: 2, pp. 120-124. Suzuki, R, Taniguchi, H, Ohyama, T (1995). Prosthodontic abut-
Farrington, FH (1998). Management of the child with cleft lip and ment in four patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft
palate. In: Clinical Dentistry, Vol. 2, edited by J Clark. St. Louis: Palate Craniofac J 32: 5, pp. 346-349.
Mosby, Chapter 14, pp. 1-18. Verdi, FJ, Lanzi, GL, Cohen, SR, Powell, R (1991). Use of the Brane-
Gray, MM, Marchment, MD, Anderson, RJ (1991). The relation- mark implant in the cleft palate patient. Cleft Palate Craniofac J
ship between caries experience in the deciduous molars at 5 years 28: 3, pp. 301-304.

Role of the orthodontist in the management

of patients with cleft lip and/or palate


The role of the orthodontist on a cleft palate team was tients and their parents be aware of the choices with a
defined when the cleft palate team approach was rec- risk/cost/benefit appraisal so that they can make an in-
ognized as the most appropriate method to manage the formed decision, understanding the consequences of the
care of patients with facial clefts. In the past, individ- different options available, especially in light of emerg-
uals with clefts and craniofacial anomalies underwent ing technologies and treatment modalities for which
a succession of evaluations and hospitalizations by their long-term outcomes are not available. The "Parameters
independent caregivers. This individualized delivery of for evaluation and treatment of patients with cleft
care was considered in the best interest of the patients lip/palate or other craniofacial anomalies," which was
in spite of additional hospital admissions and general the product of a consensus conference on recommen-
anesthetics. However, this led to the fragmentation of dations for the care of patients with craniofacial anom-
care and higher costs and risks. A team approach for alies, serves as a guideline for the clinical management
providing care has been developed and is the contem- of these anomalies in a patient-oriented manner (Amer-
porary standard endorsed by the American Cleft Palate ican Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 1993).
Association, which was established in 1943. In 1972, The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the ortho-
craniofacial teams became established as an extension dontic management of the patient with cleft lip and/or
to the cleft palate team, and the organization was re- palate in the context of a team approach. Orthodontic
named the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Associ- intervention should be confined to discrete stages in
ation. This was a natural development to the cleft skeletodental development of the craniofacial complex
palate team as clinical geneticists and dysmorphologists and should not be considered a continuum of treatment
became increasingly aware that facial clefts were part from birth to adulthood.
of a phenotypic spectrum of craniofacial anomalies
(Shprintzen et al., 1985).
The team approach to comprehensive care requires THE TEAM APPROACH
the orthodontist to work in a collaborative way to de-
termine the timing and sequencing of treatment inter- The timing and sequencing of orthodontic care may
ventions. This patient-centered care by an interactive conveniently be divided into four distinct developmen-
and evidence-based team of caregivers provides the ba- tal periods. These are defined by age and dental devel-
sis for a rational approach to diagnosis and treatment opment and should be considered time frames for the
planning and delivery. Because there are multiple meth- accomplishment of specific objectives. This avoids the
ods and alternative treatment interventions available, all too common tendency to allow an early phase of
the team approach to management requires that pa- treatment intervention to extend through childhood


FIG. 29.1. Members of a cleft palate-craniofacial team.

into adolescence and beyond. The timing and se- THE NEONATE
quencing of orthodontic treatment are not carried out
in isolation from other members of the team but as a Presurgical orthopedics or neonatal maxillary orthope-
result of collaborative decisions made in a coordinated dics typically is initiated during the first week follow-
manner (Fig. 29.1). Several texts provide specific de- ing birth unless there are complications due to other
tails of treatment intervention, but the overall care of congenital anomalies or medical problems (Burston,
affected infants should rely on team decisions rather 1958; McNeil, 1964; Pruzansky, 1964; Jolleys and
than a series of conflicting events sequenced by indi- Robertson, 1972; Hotz et al., 1978; Rosenstein et al.,
vidual specialists on a team (Surgeon General's Report, 1982). This treatment is usually carried out by the or-
1987). The orthodontist serving on a cleft palate team thodontist, the pediatric dentist, or the prosthodontist.
should consider additional priorities other than maloc- The goals of presurgical orthopedics are to align both
clusion. The timing and sequencing of treatment should the soft and hard tissues of the cleft segments to ap-
be sensitive to other interventions by specialists on the proximate the normal neonatal anatomy. This would
team, to provide the affected individual with a patient- presumably facilitate closure of the cleft lip and result
centered interdisciplinary approach that follows criti- in fewer postoperative complications such as dehiscence
cal pathways (Vig and Turvey, 1985; Turvey et al., and scarring. In addition, for surgeons advocating pri-
1995). These have been well defined in a document on mary bone grafting or periosteoplasty, infant orthope-
critical elements of care for children with special health dics is a necessity to allow for closure of the alveolar
problems, which was developed by the Washington segments. Claims have also been made that restoring
State Department of Health (1997). These guidelines the anatomy to normal leads to normalization of fu-
were developed through a consensus process including ture growth. The popularity of infant orthopedics and
primary and tertiary care providers, family members, primary bone grafting was at its height in the 1960s
and representatives from a health plan. (Long et al., 2000), but reports that primary bone graft-
With the understanding that children born with cleft ing adversely affected the potential growth of the mid-
lip and/or palate should be treated by an interdiscipli- face and that no long-term benefit was achieved led to
nary team approach, the following four time periods a decrease in the use of infant orthopedics by most
in the child's development will be used as a framework teams as a routine intervention before surgical lip re-
for discussing and recommending defined objectives in pair (Pruzansky, 1964; Jolleys and Robertson, 1972;
the care of this special group of patients. Hotz et al., 1978; Millard et al., 1999). Furthermore,

studies comparing various treatment regimens sug-

gested that neonatal maxillary orthopedics produced
little effect on developing malocclusions if assessed
when the child was 10 years old, especially if treatment
had included primary bone grafting to stabilize and pre-
vent maxillary collapse in the infant (Moisted et al.,
However, as an adjunctive procedure to primary de-
finitive lip repair, the procedure was recognized by plas-
tic surgeons as having benefits and its popularity has
recently returned but with objectives different from
eliminating orthodontic treatment later in develop-
ment. Specifically, nasal molding has been advocated
as a mechanism to restore normal nasal symmetry and
anatomy, while eliminating the need for future nasal
revisions. Numerous articles regarding neonatal ortho-
pedics have been published, and the enthusiasm of
many clinicians in this field attests to the variety and
complexity of the appliances created (Moisted et al.,
1993; Winters and Hurwitz, 1995; Grayson et al.,
1999). The one feature that all of these appliances have
in common is that they adjust the position of the cleft
segments into a more ideal relationship prior to defin-
itive surgical repair of the lip (Fig. 29.2). Some are fixed
using pins inserted into the maxilla (Millard et al.,
1999). This requires at least two general anesthesia pro-
cedures, and there is the risk of damaging a develop-
ing tooth bud by the inserted pin. This remains a con-
troversial topic, although there are several institutions
that continue neonatal maxillary orthopedics and pri-
mary bone grafting with substantial benefits reported
(Rosenstein et al., 1982; Millard et al., 1999). How-
ever, the emerging evidence is only of short-term ben-
efit for presurgical orthopedic appliances, and this
needs to be weighed against the increased burden of
care due to the multiple number of clinic visits neces-
sary to adjust the appliance during the first year of life
(Ross and MacNamera, 1994; Santiago et al., 1998;
Severens et al., 1998; Grayson et al., 1999). Long-term
outcomes assessing the growth of the midface and both
nasal and lip esthetics will be necessary to determine
the benefits of presurgical orthopedics and nasal
Although neonatal maxillary orthopedics continues
to be practiced in a number of centers in both the
United States and Europe, it is not generally considered
an essential or desirable routine intervention for treat-
ment of the infant with a cleft. Nonetheless, the mold- FIG. 29.2. A: Neonate with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate.
ing of segments achieved by these appliances does make B: Neonatal with presurgical orthopedics via lip taping to approxi-
definitive lip repair easier for the plastic surgeon, es- mate the segments before cleft lip repair. C: Postsurgical view of de-
finitive lip repair.
pecially in patients with a severely protruding pre-
maxilla due to a bilateral cleft lip (Vig and Turvey,

Surgical lip adhesion in infancy is another technique (Long et al., 2000). Early repair of the palate may have
employed to align the segments, yielding results simi- a profound effect on the developing maxilla and den-
lar to those obtained with infant orthopedic appliances. tition. The most common malocclusion of patients who
When the segments have been aligned following lip ad- have had repair of a cleft lip or palate is a dental cross-
hesion, definitive lip repair, including ensuring muscle bite of anterior and/or posterior teeth, due to maxil-
continuity, is performed. This early surgical repair of lary hypoplasia as a result of surgical scaring. The
the lip by an adhesion technique has much to commend severity of the malocclusion may be associated with cer-
it as the parents are not required to remove or adjust tain methods of surgical repair of the palate.
appliances, the cosmetic appearance is improved with
a relatively minor initial surgical procedure, and post-
operative care by the parents is minimal. The most se- PRIMARY DENTITION
rious problem with this approach is the potential of
wound dehiscence and the need for an additional sur- At 2 to 3 years of age, the establishment of the primary
gery (Hotz et al., 1978). Currently, lip adhesion is not dentition permits classification of the type of develop-
universally accepted as a method of realigning the seg- ing malocclusion. This may be part of the diagnostic
ments before definitive repair of the lip. regime in which the contribution of the skeletal and
Although definitive repair of the lip is usually dental components is specified relative to the etiology
achieved by the time the infant is 3 to 6 months old, of the malocclusion.
repair of the palate is typically delayed until 12 months The facial soft tissues may mask the underlying skele-
to 2 years of age. This is also a controversial issue, and tal deficiency of the midface in young children (Fig.
many methods are available for repairing either just the 29.3). With growth of the intermaxillary space in three
soft palate or both the hard and soft palate simultane- dimensions, redistribution of the facial soft tissue
ously. The rationale for the timing of palatal repair is changes as the chubby face of infancy takes on the more
related to the speech and language development of the mature and defined proportions of the child. These fa-
child, which is usually in conflict with the effect of early cial characteristics reflect the underlying skeletal dis-
surgical repair and the constraints of scar tissue on the crepancy more accurately than in the younger child.
growth and development of the maxillary complex The dentition often reflects the skeletal discrepancy, es-

FIG. 29.3. A: Frontal view of a 6-year-old girl with repaired bilateral cleft lip and palate. B: Profile view indicating mild midfacial deficiency
in the paranasal and infraorbital regions.

FIG. 29.4. A: Intraoral view in occlusion of the same child shown in Figure 29.3. Note the normal occulsion on the nonaffected side and the
anterior crossbite on the affected side. B: Panorex radiograph indicating congenitally absent maxillary lateral incisor associated with the cleft
site. C: Lateral skull radiograph in early mixed dentition with superimposed tracing.

pecially if the dentoalveolar component has not com-

pensated for the skeletal relationship and the axial in-
clination of the teeth reflects the skeletal discrepancy.
Typically, dental compensation for maxillary skeletal
deficiency results in retroclination of mandibular in-
cisors with proclination of the maxillary incisors to
eliminate the anteroposterior discrepancy (Fig. 29.4).
The more upright primary incisors may result in an
anterior crossbite and/or posterior crossbite, which may
be unilateral or bilateral and with or without a func-
tional shift of the mandible. This shift occurs when the
child closes the teeth together. To eliminate mandibu-
lar shifts, orthodontic treatment may be indicated to
remove the interfering contact by tooth movement. This
may involve the maxillary incisors if an anterior cross-
bite exists or expansion of the posterior segments to
eliminate a posterior crossbite (Fig. 29.5). The dental FIG. 29.5. Palatal expander with bands cemented on the maxillary
crossbite relationship is a continuing problem once the second premolars and canines with palatal hooks to attach the pro-
dentition is established and may be a reflection of the traction face mask.

FIG. 29.6. A: Eight-year-old boy with repaired unilateral complete cleft lip and palate with sagittal and transverse maxillary deficiency. B:
Lateral skull radiograph of the same boy. Note the 7 mm reverse overjet. C: Protraction face mask with elastics attached to palatal hooks
(see Fig. 29.5). D: Lateral and anterior crossbites improving with palatal expansion and maxillary and dental protraction.

underlying skeletal discrepancy for which growth mod- tition. Given that typically there will be a need for or-
ification and redirection may be indicated with a facial thodontic treatment in the early mixed and permanent
mask (Fig. 29.6) Many factors need to be considered dentitions and there is no evidence for a benefit of treat-
in determining whether to initiate orthodontic treat- ing during the primary dentition, orthodontic treatment
ment during this stage, including the ability of the child may be best deferred until it can be combined with
to cooperate, severity of the malocclusion, timing of other treatment goals to shorten the overall length of
any secondary bone grafts, psychosocial issues, speech time a patient is in orthodontic treatment.
considerations, and the need for future orthodontic Severe sagittal skeletal discrepancies in the primary
treatment in either the early mixed or permanent den- dentition, most commonly caused by maxillary hy-
poplasia, are a more complex problem. Modification
or redirection of growth has been advocated, and use
of functional or orthopedic appliances and the forward
protraction face mask, as promoted by Delaire, has had
some success (Rygh and Tindlund, 1995). More com-
monly, the "apparent correction" is achieved by a tran-
sient change in the position of the teeth only so that,
with subsequent growth, the skeletal discrepancy is
once again reflected in the re-establishment of the mal-
occlusion. Early treatment procedures, in common with
neonatal maxillary orthopedics, require a long-term
follow-up period to evaluate the outcome of treatment
when the child reaches adolescence (Figs. 29.6, 29.7).
Excessive changes attributable to therapeutic growth
modification are now considered the exception rather
than a predictable outcome of this early intervention
(Tindlund, 1989, 1994; Ishikawa et al., 2000). Careful
consideration must be given to the severity of the skele-
tal discrepancy, to determine the likelihood of success-
ful growth modification and subsequent long-term re-
sults vs. conventional orthognathic surgery at a later
stage. It may be more conservative to provide a com-
bined orthodontic/orthognathic surgical treatment plan
than to promote long-term growth-modification strate-
gies that may not ultimately be successful.


The mixed dentition stage starts at approximately 6

years of age with the eruption of the first permanent
molars and incisors. Further growth of the craniofacial
complex often accentuates a previously mild skeletal
discrepancy. As the permanent incisor teeth erupt ad-
jacent to the cleft site, they will typically be rotated,
misplaced, or malformed (hypoplastic). In addition,
there may be supernumerary, absent, or peg-shaped in-
cisors. This is considered a result of early disruption of
the dental lamina at the cleft site, which subsequently
affects the developing tooth germs (Figs. 29.8, 29.9a).
As deficiency of tissue is an inevitable consequence of
clefting, not only may there be missing teeth but also
the supporting alveolar bone at the cleft site is variable.
In the past, rehabilitation of the maxillary dentition was
dependent on the expertise of the prosthodontist to re-
place the missing teeth and alveolus in the cleft defect
with a fixed or removable partial denture, or in the
most severe cases, an overdenture. This challenge to re-
store the cleft site was resolved with the advent of sec-
FIG. 29.7. A: Facial profile after 9 months of protraction face mask ondary alveolar bone grafting in the 1970s (Boyne,
therapy and palatal expansion (same patient shown in Fig. 29.6). B: 1974; Boyne and Sands, 1976; Abyholm et al., 1981).
Lateral skull radiograph demonstrating anterior crossbite correction. This provided the orthodontist with one of the most
C: Intraoral view with correction of anterior and posterior crossbites. important milestones in managing the cleft site, allow-
ing for the orthodontic movement of teeth across the

intact alveolus or the placement of implants for the

prosthetic replacement of missing teeth in the cleft site
(Fig. 29.9). Elimination of the residual cleft provided a
major advance in the contemporary management of the
cleft maxilla and is an example of the outcome of a co-
ordinated and problem-oriented approach to develop-
ing new strategies of treatment (Turvey et al., 1984;
Vig et al., 1995; Vig, 1999).

Alveolar Bone Grafting

The success of alveolar bone grafting requires collabo-
rative treatment planning between the orthodontist,
surgeon, and other team members (Troxell et al., 1982;
Bergland et al., 1986; Semb, 1991). Secondary alveo-
lar bone grafting offers the following five main bene-
1. Bone support for unerupted teeth and those teeth
adjacent to the cleft. If a bone graft is placed before
eruption of teeth adjacent to the cleft, it will im-
prove their periodontal support. If a bone graft is
placed after eruption of the canine, the bone will
not improve the crestal height of support and will
quickly resorb to its original level.
2. Closure of oral-nasal fistulas. By utilizing a three-
layered closure technique, with the graft sandwiched
between the two soft tissue planes, a high success
rate of fistula closure has been observed.
3. Support and elevation of the alar base on the cleft
side. This benefit helps to achieve nasal and lip sym-
metry and provides a stable platform on which the
nasal structures are supported. If this procedure is
performed alone or combined with alar cartilage re-
vision, satisfactory esthetic changes occur.
4. Construction of a continuous arch form and alveo-
lar ridge. This benefits the orthodontist by moving
teeth into the cleft site and the surgeon and prostho-
dontist by enabling a more esthetic and hygienic
prosthesis or implants to be placed when teeth are
5. Stabilization and some repositioning of the pre-
maxilla in the bilateral cleft patient.
Controversies concerning alveolar bone grafting re-
quire a rational and evidence-based approach for res-
olution. These relate to the timing of the alveolar bone
graft, the sequencing of orthodontic treatment to cor-
rect a transverse discrepancy with palatal expansion,
and the sites and types of bone for the graft (Zins and
Whittaker, 1979; Vig, 1990, 1999).
FIG. 29.8. A: Facial view of 10-year-old girl with repaired bilateral Timing of Bone Graft. The timing of the bone graft
cleft lip and palate. B: Lateral skull radiograph of mixed dentition
with anterior crossbite. C: Intraoral photograph with bilateral pos- surgery is more dependent on dental development than
terior and anterior crossbites. on chronological age. Ideally, the permanent cuspid

FIG. 29.9. A: Intraoral radiograph demonstrating successful bone grafting (same patient shown in Fig. 29.8). Note missing permanent lateral
incisor on the left with the canine erupting through the graft adjacent to the central incisor and a malformed right lateral incisor, which will
be extracted to allow the permanent canine to erupt adjacent to the right central incisor. B: Central incisors moved labially to correct the an-
terior crossbite. Note the mild maxillary deficiency, which has been camouflaged by proclining the maxillary incisors. C: Intraoral view fol-
lowing correction of the anterior crossbite. D: Facial appearance following labial movement of the maxillary incisors to correct the crossbite.

root should be approximately one-half to two-thirds inal level. It is for this reason that it is essential to per-
formed at the time the graft is placed (Fig. 29.9a). This form the graft prior to the eruption of the permanent
generally occurs between the ages of 8 and 11 years cuspid, or if the lateral incisor will erupt into the cleft,
(Vig, 1992). Rarely is the graft placed prior to this time, the graft should be placed earlier. Although results from
although occasionally it may be placed at an earlier age primary bone grafting have indicated a significant ad-
to improve the prognosis of a lateral incisor. Once teeth verse effect on maxillary development, performing a
have erupted into the cleft site, their periodontal sup- secondary bone graft at an age when maxillary growth
port will not improve with a bone graft. Instead, the is almost complete has resulted in no effect on subse-
height of the crest of alveolar bone resorbs to its orig- quent facial development (Semb et al., 1988).

Sequencing of Treatment. Secondary bone grafting the cancellous bone graft. Retention of the corrected
has been divided into the categories of early (2-5 years crossbite with orthodontic appliances postsurgically
of age), intermediate (6-15 years of age), and late (16 may be indicated as the bone graft is unlikely to main-
years to adult). Since the results of an Oslo study, in tain the expansion initially.
which 378 consecutive patients who had undergone
Incisor Alignment. Alignment of the incisors adjacent
alveolar bone grafting, were published (Bergland et al.,
to the cleft will be limited by the available bone into
1986), contemporary opinion supports the intermedi-
which the roots of the teeth can be moved. Appliances
ate period as the most appropriate time for grafting.
may be placed presurgically but not activated. This per-
This has the greatest benefit and least risk for interfer-
mits the initiation of orthodontic tooth movements
ing with midfacial and skeletodental growth and de-
within 3 to 6 weeks following placement of the bone
velopment. This sequencing of procedures, including
graft. The early movement of the roots into the grafted
presurgical orthodontics, requires interdisciplinary
bone appears clinically to consolidate the alveolar bone
communication and cooperation, but the benefit is im-
and improve the crestal height.
proved and more predictable patient care.
Canine Eruption. The maxillary canine erupts through
Surgical Technique. The surgical procedure utilizes the grafted bone following surgery (Fig. 29.9a). With
tissue lining the cleft defect to construct a nasal floor orthodontic movement, enough space is created in the
and close the nasal side of the oral-nasal fistula. The arch to allow the cuspids to erupt successfully. Super-
cleft lining is elevated in a subperiosteal plane, which numerary teeth are removed at the time that the bone
leaves bare the osseous margins of the cleft. Cancellous graft is placed, to create an unobstructed path of erup-
bone taken from the ilium, cranium, or mandibular tion for the cuspid. Often, the canine will erupt rapidly
symphysis is then packed into the cleft defect. Cortical once the bone is available, and if the lateral incisors are
bone is avoided because the cancellous bone revascu- malformed or absent, especially in patients with bilat-
larizes quickly and is less likely to become infected eral clefts, the canine is encouraged to erupt adjacent
(Zins and Whittaker, 1979). Once the cleft defect is to the central incisors. This is an advantage in closing
packed with bone and the margins are overpacked, soft space as it avoids the need for prosthetic replacement
tissue coverage of the graft is required. The donor site of the absent lateral incisors. However, canine substi-
is chosen by the surgeon. Traditionally, the iliac crest, tution needs to be considered in light of the occlusion
ribs, and tibia have been utilized because of their abun- and the need for orthognathic surgery.
dant supply of cancellous bone. The morbidity of har-
vesting bone from these sites results in most patients
being hospitalized postsurgically because of complica- PERMANENT DENTITION
tions associated more with the donor site than the
oronasal recipient site. The cranium has become an al- Following eruption of the canines and premolars, the
ternative site from which to harvest cancellous bone permanent dentition is established. During this time,
because of the lack of associated pain and the reduced the adolescent growth spurt and onset of puberty oc-
hospitalization time involved. However, the operating cur. The skeletal discrepancy becomes accentuated, and
risks are higher and the abundance of cancellous bone both facial appearance and occlusal relationships dete-
reduced. The mandibular symphysis is another donor riorate (Fig. 29.10). This occurs at a time when the in-
site that is associated with relatively little pain and al- dividual is most self-conscious of his or her appearance.
lows for early hospital discharge. This site should be Facial scars already detract from the cosmetic appear-
utilized only when the permanent mandibular cuspids ance, and derogatory comments by peers may have a
have been carefully located so as to minimize the profound psychological effect. At this time, involution
chances of injuring these developing teeth. of the adenoidal lymphoid tissue occurs, often with a
consequent impairment of speech and hyper-nasality.
With a decline in both cosmetic appearance and speech
Orthodontic Considerations Associated with
communication, many patients have a special need for
Secondary Bone Grafting
early intervention by surgeons, orthodontics, and
Transverse Dimension. Orthodontic expansion of speech therapists.
the posterior segments (Fig. 29.5) preoperatively may
improve the occlusion but also may widen an existing Growth Considerations
fistula. The larger fistula in most cases is favorable be-
cause it provides better access at surgery, and closure Unilateral complete clefts of the lip and palate typi-
of the palatal and vestibular fistulas occurs following cally become more maxillary-deficient and mandibu-

FIG. 29.10. Intraoral view of the same patient illustrated at 6 years

of age in Figure 29.3. Note anterior crossbite re-establishing as pa-
tient undergoes her pubertal growth spurt.

lar-prognathic in appearance. Typically, this is a re-

sult of sagittal maxillary deficiency (Kuijpers-Jagtman
and Long, 2000; Will, 2000). However, vertical max-
illary deficiency may also accentuate the class III ten-
dency, resulting in overclosure of the mandible to
achieve occlusion of the teeth. It is important to eval-
uate clinically the extent of overclosure and to mea-
sure the interocclusal clearance at the premolar region
with the patient in a resting posture. Alternatively, a
class III skeletal relationship can be camouflaged by
increasing the vertical dimension to rotate the
mandible down and back. Careful consideration must
be made to ensure that any camouflage treatment is
an acceptable option, depending on the patient's de-
sires, esthetics, occlusion, and biological limits. The
class III dental relationship also accentuates the trans-
verse discrepancy. To evaluate the occlusion, study
models of the teeth will be necessary so that the rela-
tionship of the maxillary to mandibular dentition can
be accurately assessed in all three dimensions, taking
into account the final sagittal occlusion. Facial growth
is the result of the interaction of genetic and envi-
ronmental factors. Continued growth in early adult-
hood may enhance or detract from treatment results
obtained during childhood and adolescence. These dy-
namic properties of the face make the management of
facial growth both challenging and rewarding (Rygh
and Tindlund, 1995; Kuijpers-Jagtman and Long, FIG. 29.11. A: Comprehensive orthodontic treatment with camou-
flage for stabilized skeletal discrepancy (same patient shown in Figs.
2000; Will, 2000). A patient whose orthodontic treat- 29.3 and 29.10). Note the proclined maxillary incisors and retro-
ment in the permanent dentition allowed camouflage clined mandibular incisors. B: Occlusal view showing missing right
of the mild skeletal discrepancy and prosthetic re- lateral incisor and left lateral incisor, which is smaller than normal.
placement of the maxillary right lateral incisor is C: Intraoral lateral view showing class I canine relationship and sta-
shown in Figures 29.11-29.13. ble overjet and overbite.

FIG. 29.12. A: Same patient as illustrated in Figures 29.3, 29.10, and 29.11 at age 13 following orthodontic treatment and nose and lip re-
visions. B: Profile view showing mild midfacial deficiency and paranasal flattening. C: Facial view of patient smiling. Note the symmetry of
the upper lip in function. The patient is very satisfied with the facial and dental outcomes. D: Lateral skull radiograph demonstrating class I
camouflaged occlusion. E: Panorex radiograph with cleft site successfully bone-grafted and adequate space for implant placement to pros-
thetically replace the congenitally missing lateral incisor due to the cleft alveolus. F: Class I incisal relationship with some overbite reduction.
G: Maxillary occlusal view demonstrating closure of palatal oronasal fistula and adequate bony ridge depth for an implant replacement of
the missing lateral incisor. H: Mandibular occlusal view illustrating a well-aligned and symmetrical arch form.


FIG. 29.12. Continued

Skeletal-Facial Considerations should be documented with the patient in a resting po-

sition, smiling, animated, and in occlusion. Cephalo-
Examination of facial balance and proportions is es- metric analysis and surgical prediction tracings will
sential in determining a treatment plan that combines provide further information for deciding whether a pa-
surgery and orthodontics. This clinical evaluation tient should be treated by orthodontics alone or in com-
should be carried out with the patient standing so that bination with a surgical orthognathic procedure. If the
the overall stature can be taken into consideration. Full- skeletal discrepancy is mild and esthetic concerns are
face and profile assessments will provide a database in- minimal, dental compensation by orthodontic treat-
corporating all three dimensions, and this information ment alone may be recommended (Figs. 29.9, 29.11-


FIG. 29.13. A: Profile of the same patient at age 16 showing stability of the skeletal relationship. B: Smiling view after prosthodontic treat-
ment via an implant for tooth number 7 and esthetic recountouring of tooth number 10. C: Intraoral view of prosthodontic treatment in
combination with gingivoplasty to restore the tissue contours and position for an improved tooth display and better gingival symmetry. D:
Radiograph showing complete osteointegration of implant prosthesis in the former site of the cleft alveolus.

FIG. 29.13. Continued

29.13). Alterations in the axial inclination of the teeth tion osteogenesis is performed. However, this is an
may adequately camouflage the skeletal relationship. emerging treatment modality that currently has no
However, caution should be taken as the individual long-term follow-up results. Questions related to how
may outgrow the dental correction so that ultimately much to overcorrect the occlusion if utilized on a grow-
skeletal surgery may be necessary to obtain a normal ing child and the effects of surgery on any remaining
occlusion. growth remain. Also, distraction osteogenesis may not
If surgery is necessary, the presurgical phase of or- negate the need for a conventional osteotomy to detail
thodontic treatment will require decompensation of the the occlusion due to the inability to precisely control
dentition so that the maxillary and mandibular teeth the maxilla during distraction. Again, the treatment
are placed in their correct relationship to the underly- benefits need to be weighed vs. the burden of care and
ing skeletal bases. If orthodontic therapy has achieved considered in light of the scientific evidence of positive
the ideal relationship of the dentition to their skeletal outcomes (Dalston et al., 1988; Shaw et al., 1995).
bases, surgical correction of the skeletal discrepancy
will result in normal class I occlusion and a normal Treatment Coordination
skeletal relationship. In the past, using conventional or-
thognathic surgical techniques for patients with severe The timing and sequencing of orthodontic treatment
maxillary hypoplasia, it was not uncommon to advance require close communication with the team. Deciding
the maxilla as much as possible, with the limit being to delay surgical orthodontic treatment until growth is
the scar tissue from the lip and palatal repairs. The re- stabilized may be sound judgment but not always in
maining skeletal discrepancy would then be corrected the patient's best interest, especially when psychosocial
with a mandibular setback. Essentially, this was a sur- development is affected. In some instances, skeletal sur-
gical compromise due to the inability to predictably gery may be indicated before growth is completed,
correct the underlying maxillary hypoplasia. With the knowing that a further procedure may be necessary
advent of distraction osteogenesis, it may be possible should the patient outgrow the correction. As a gen-
to correct severe maxillary hypoplasia solely by ad- eral rule, skeletal surgery, orthodontic intervention, and
vancing the maxilla (Cohen et al., 1997; Policy and final prosthetic rehabilitation should be completed be-
Figueroa, 1998). This would be accomplished by tissue fore soft tissue revision or rhinoplasty is instituted. The
expansion of the scar tissue at the same time distrac- outcome of soft tissue surgical procedures when com-

bined with surgical orthognathic movement of the max- team-based care is to have a fully rehabilitated patient
illa and mandible is unpredictable. who is satisfied with the treatment outcomes in terms
of speech, hearing, occlusion, facial, and dental esthet-
Orthodontic /nfervenfion ics such that he or she needs only conventional dental
and medical preventive therapies typical of any adult
A coordinated approach to the presurgical phase of or- and possesses optimal self-esteem to develop to his or
thodontic treatment will be indicated before the surgi- her full potential.
cal procedure. Approximately 12 to 18 months of or-
thodontics will usually be necessary to align the teeth,
correct any midline discrepancy, coordinate arches, and
We are indebted to Dr. Jack Lude for permission to publish Fig-
localize space for prosthetic replacement of the teeth. ure 29.2 and to the patients and their families for agreeing to par-
The provision of space for surgical cuts between both ticipate in this publication. In addition, we extend gratitude to the
the crown and the roots of adjacent teeth is also an im- orthodontic residents and to the members of the cleft palate team at
portant part of the presurgical preparations. Placement Children's Hospital of Columbus, Ohio, including Drs. Robert Ru-
of full-sized arch wires with lugs provides a means of berg, Peter Larsen, Brent Buchele, Rafael Villolobos, Ron Berggren,
James Ferraro, Gregory Wiet, Michael Martyn, Darryl Willett, Lisa
intermaxillary fixation at the time of surgery as rigid Knobloch, Christine Halket, and Annemarie Sommer as well as Ms.
internal fixation is performed. The goal of the post- Leslie Justice, CPNP; Ms. Christina Ferguson, MS, CCC-SLP; Ms.
surgical phase of orthodontics is to detail the occlusion Nancy Neal, RN, BSN, CPN, and Ms. Katy Nash Krahn, MS, CGC
in coordination with any future prosthodontic treat- for their cooperative management of the patients illustrated in this
ment, and this should be completed within 4 to 6 chapter.

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Otolaryngologic needs of individuals

with oral clefts


Oral clefts can profoundly impact the physiology of the and the presence or absence of symptoms (Table 30.2).
entire upper aerodigestive tract. Although disorders of Though these definitions may seem unambiguous, there
the upper aerodigestive tract are central to the field of are no clear distinctions in clinical practice. Otoscopy
otolaryngology, patients with oral clefts are best man- is far from 100% accurate (Finitzo et al., 1992; Jensen
aged by a multidisciplinary team. Many of the issues and Lous, 1999). Otitis media is a dynamic process that
related to the Otolaryngologic needs of individuals with may vacillate along a continuum (Paparella et al.,
oral clefts have been addressed in other chapters (e.g., 1990). Extrinsic factors may also complicate the dis-
velopharyngeal insufficiency). Accordingly, this chap- tinction between types of otitis media (Kempthorne and
ter focuses on the ear, nose, and throat issues for which Giebink, 1991). For example, a child with persistent
individuals with oral clefts most commonly seek Oto- otitis media with effusion may become febrile because
laryngologic care (Table 30.1). of a bacterial superinfection in the middle ear. Alter-
natively, the fever may be due to an unrelated viral ill-
ness. These issues must be kept in mind when making
EAR therapeutic decisions concerning children with otitis
media, particularly children with persistent otitis me-
Disorders of the ear are the most common reason that dia with effusion, such as children with cleft palate.
children with cleft palate seek care from an otolaryn- Though clinicians may use many different criteria to
gologist. Otologic problems in individuals with oral diagnose acute otitis media (Hayden, 1981), the crite-
clefts, like those in individuals without clefts, change ria proposed by Paradise (1995) have gained the widest
with age. In early childhood, the primary concerns in- acceptance. Acute otitis media is generally defined as
clude acute otitis media, chronic otitis media with ef- acute, symptomatic, suppurative middle ear inflamma-
fusion, and the cognitive sequelae of hearing loss. With tion. Acute otitis media is likely to afflict most children
advancing age, otologic concerns shift to the middle ear with cleft palate at some point in their early childhood
sequelae of chronic eustachian tube dysfunction and its (Skolnik, 1958), but the same is true for children with-
treatment. out cleft palate (Teele et al., 1989). Recurrent acute oti-
tis media is only slightly more common in children with
Otitis Media: Classification and Prevalence cleft palate (Rynnel-Dagoo et al., 1992).
Otitis media with effusion is defined as painless, per-
Otitis media is defined as any inflammation within the sistent middle ear effusion. Otitis media with effusion
middle ear. The sine qua non of otitis media is effusion is found in nearly all infants born with cleft palate
within the middle ear space. Further classification is (Stool and Randall, 1967; Paradise et al., 1969,
based largely on duration, the nature of the effusion, Dhillon, 1988; Grant et al., 1988). Controlled studies


TABLE 30.1. Most Common Otolaryngological Issues stachian tube dysfunction is a gradual absorption of
in Individuals with Oral Clefts oxygen and carbon dioxide from the middle ear space
and the development of negative middle ear pressure
(Elner, 1977; Doyle and Seroky, 1994). The negative
Acute otitis media
pressure leads to transudation and accumulation of
Otitis media with effusion
Hearing loss and developmental sequelae
sterile middle ear effusion (Casselbrandt et al., 1988).
Eustachian tube dysfunction
This is known as the "hydrops ex vacuo" theory of the
Chronic suppurative otitis media
pathogenesis of chronic otitis media with effusion.
Otitis media with effusion in individuals with cleft
Nasal obstruction
palate is due primarily to eustachian tube dysfunction
resulting from tensor veli palatini incompetence (Doyle
et al., 1980; Casselbrandt et al., 1988). Although ten-
sor veli palatini dysfunction improves after definitive
Tonsilitis and tonsillar hypertrophy
palatal reconstructive surgery, this may never normal-
Airway obstruction
ize, and otitis media with effusion remains a common
problem after palatal surgery (Matsune et al., 1991;
Dhillon, 1988; Tasaka et al., 1990; Rynnel-Dagoo et
have confirmed that otitis media with effusion is far al., 1992; Robinson et al., 1992; Nunn et al., 1995).
more common in children with cleft palate (Kemaloglu This may result from congenital abnormalities of the
et al., 1999). eustachian tube that are not, and cannot be, addressed
Chronic suppurative otitis media is broadly defined by palatoplasty (Yamaguchi et al., 1990; Matsune et
by persistent suppuration of the middle ear, manifested al., 1991, 1992; Kemaloglu et al., 1999).
by otorrhea through a defect in the tympanic mem- Tubal dysfunction and negative middle ear pressure
brane (e.g., a tympanic membrane perforation). also predispose to bacterial infection (Meyerhoff et al.,
Though persistence is usually defined as being greater 1981). This may lead to recurrent acute otitis media
than 6 to 8 weeks, it also implies failed conservative with common upper respiratory pathogens, Strepto-
management. Chronic suppurative otitis media is fur- coccus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and
ther categorized by the presence or absence of Moraxella catarrhalis. Tubal dysfunction is very com-
cholesteatoma (i.e., the presence of squamous epithe- mon in all children (Bluestone and Klein, 1996a) and
lium and accumulation of desquamated skin debris after viral upper respiratory dysfunction (Buchman et
within the middle ear space). The latter classification al., 1994). Children with cleft palate, like any other
is of great importance with respect to therapeutic op- children, are vulnerable to other risk factors for the de-
tions. Cholesteatoma (Dominguez and Marker, 1988) velopment of acute otitis media, including day-care at-
and tympanic membrane perforation (Gordon et al., tendance, bottle-feeding (vs. breast-feeding), and envi-
1988) have long been reported to be more common in ronmental tobacco smoke exposure. Hence, it can be
patients with cleft palate than in those without it (Po- difficult to isolate the effects of cleft palate from these
doshin et al., 1986; Mawson and Ludman, 1979). This other factors.
has been substantiated in more rigorous epidemiologic Chronic otitis media with effusion may also be per-
studies (Kemppainen et al., 1999). petuated, at least in part, by bacterial infection. Though
chronic otitis media with effusion (nonsuppurative oti-
Eusfachian Tube Dysfunction and the tis media) has traditionally been thought of as a ster-
Pafhogenesis of Ofitis Media ile process, the same spectrum of bacteria found in
acute otitis media may be cultured from the middle ear
Eustachian tube dysfunction is thought to be central to effusion in up to 30% of cases (Liu et al., 1976; Post
the pathogenesis of otitis media. The main effect of eu- et al., 1995). Polymerase chain reaction techniques have

TABLE 30.2. Classification of Otitis Media

Class Duration Effusion Symptoms

Acute otitis media Brief Suppurative Pain, fever

Otitis media with effusion Brief, persistent Nonsuppurative Painless
Chronic suppurative otitis media Persistent Suppurative Painless, otorrhea

FIG. 30.1. Progression of middle ear atelectasis to cholesteatoma.

suggested that the vast majority of chronic otitis me- membrane retraction toward the promontory with loss
dia with effusion cases may yield viable bacteria (Post of its biconvex contour. Stage 2 involves further re-
et al., 1995,1996; Rayner et al., 1998; Aul et al., 1998). traction of the pars tensa such that the tympanic mem-
Studies on the role of bacteria in the pathogenesis of brane contacts the incus and/or the stapes. In stage 3,
chronic otitis media with effusion have not been per- the tympanic membrane contacts the promontory but
formed on children with cleft palate. does not adhere to it. In stage 4, the tympanic mem-
Persistence of eustachian tube dysfunction after brane adheres to the promontory and ossicular dam-
palatoplasty is the primary basis for the development age is commonly seen. Attic retraction (Color Fig. 30.3)
of more serious middle ear pathology in children with is graded similarly (Tos and Poulson, 1980). This is
cleft palate (Bluestone and Klein, 1996a; Dominguez considered mild (stage 1) when retraction of the pars
and Marker, 1988; Goldman et al., 1993; Muntz, flaccida is not accompanied by erosion of the scutum
1993). Persistent eustachian tube dysfunction leads to (the superomedial tympanic ring). Moderate attic re-
chronic negative middle ear pressure. Chronic negative traction (stage 2) is manifested by slight bone erosion
middle ear pressure leads to inward distention of the (exposure of malleus neck). Severe retraction (stage 3)
tympanic membrane. This may eventually cause irre- involves exposure of the malleus head.
versible tympanic membrane pathology, such as at- A cholesteatoma (Color Fig. 30.4) results when skin
electasis (collapse), perforation, or cholesteatoma (epi- that is sloughed from the atelectatic tympanic mem-
dermoid cyst) (Bluestone and Klein, 1996a). These brane begins to accumulate, forming an expansile cyst.
conditions are thought to occur along a continuum, and Accumulation of debris in the middle ear space, in con-
atelectasis is considered a precursor to perforation and junction with body heat and moisture from the exter-
cholesteatoma (Fig. 30.1) (Sade and Berco, 1976; Wells nal ear, creates a nidus for chronic suppurative otitis
and Michaels, 1983; Wolfman and Chole, 1986). If the media. Chronic or recurrent purulent drainage usually
tympanic membrane ruptures in response to the chronic occurs. In some cases, no drainage may be seen. In most
negative middle ear pressure, a chronic tympanic mem- cases without apparent drainage, the drainage will dry
brane perforation may result. If the tympanic mem- over the defect in the tympanic membrane, giving the
brane remains intact, atelectasis will usually develop. appearance of cerumen (Color Fig. 30.5).
Less commonly, atelectasis will progress to chole- Tympanic membrane perforation may lead to recur-
steatoma formation. rent or chronic middle ear infection in one of two ways
Atelectasis of the pars tensa (Color Fig. 30.2) is com- (Bluestone and Klein, 1996a). The defect in the tym-
monly graded using the classification system of Sade panic membrane may allow contamination of the mid-
and Berco (1976) (Fig. 30.1). Stage 1 involves tympanic dle ear with water and pathogens from the ear canal.

Such an infection may be seen after an individual with Teele and colleagues (1990) found a significant, last-
a tympanic membrane perforation has been swimming. ing effect of chronic otitis media with effusion on in-
Alternatively, the defect in the tympanic membrane telligence quotient, math skills, and verbal language
may allow reflux of nasopharyngeal secretions. scores; but these findings have not been corroborated
In contrast to the pathogens isolated from acute oti- in other well-controlled studies (Roberts et al., 1994).
tis media and otitis media with effusion, the bacteria Roberts and colleagues (1995, 1998) have found the
isolated from chronic suppurative otitis media, with or greatest correlation between chronic otitis media-
without cholesteatoma, include Pseudomonas aerugi- related hearing loss and the quality of the home and
nosa, anaerobes, Enterobacteriaceae, and Staphylococ- day-care environments. Hence, the impact of hearing
cus species (Kenna and Bluestone, 1986; Papastavros loss due to otitis media with effusion remains unclear.
et al., 1986; Harker and Koontz, 1977). Experimental
animal studies have indicated that middle ear infection Treatment of Ofifis Media with Effusion and
with P. aeruginosa can lead to both conditions (Fried- Hearing Loss
mann, 1955a,b; Kenna, 1988; Antonelli et al., 1988,
1992, 1993). In humans, antipseudomonal treatment Because intratemporal or intracranial complications of
can eradicate chronic suppurative otitis media without otitis media are rare (Bluestone and Klein, 1996b) and
cholesteatoma (Kenna et al., 1986; Fliss et al., 1990). hearing loss may have a lasting impact on cognitive de-
However, chronic suppurative otitis media can be cured velopment, treatment of otitis media, most commonly
with tympanaplasty (repair of the tympanic membrane chronic otitis media with effusion, has been directed at
perforation and removal of the cholesteatoma), with- correcting the associated conductive hearing loss.
out the use of antibiotics. Hence, it is unclear whether Speech and cognitive sequelae with much more se-
bacteria are truly pathogenic (i.e., contribute to the de- vere (sensorineural) hearing loss can be minimized or
velopment of tympanic membrane perforation or prevented with appropriate early identification and re-
cholesteatoma) or merely colonize the middle ears with habilitation (Yoshinaga-Itano et al., 1998). However,
tympanic membrane perforations or cholesteatoma. conductive hearing loss due to chronic otitis media with
effusion, unlike sensorineural hearing loss, presents
Hearing Loss and Cognitive Sequelae of unique difficulties, principally as a result of its fluctu-
Of if is Media ating nature. Even relatively brief periods of conduc-
tive hearing loss, in both childhood and adulthood, can
Chronic otitis media with effusion is clinically relatively have lasting effects on central auditory system pro-
silent. Few children with chronic otitis media with ef- cessing (Gunnarson and Finitzo, 1991; Moore et al.,
fusion have symptoms referable to the ear (Paradise et 1999). Treatment for brief or transient conductive hear-
al., 1969). The most common clinical manifestation of ing loss, with either surgery or amplification, has not
chronic otitis media with effusion is conductive hear- been advocated. Central auditory processing difficul-
ing loss (Paradise et al., 1969). Hearing loss due to oti- ties resolve slowly after resolution of bilateral chronic
tis media with effusion averages 25 to 30 dB but may otitis media with effusion (Hall et al., 1995) or unilat-
be as high as 50 dB (Cohen and Sade, 1972; Brown et eral conductive hearing impairment (Hall and Derlacki,
al., 1983; Fria et al., 1985), yet many parents and treat- 1986; Magliulo et al., 1990; Hall et al., 1990; Hall and
ing physicians may be unaware that a child has hear- Grose, 1993; Snik et al., 1994; Wilmington et al.,
ing loss due to otitis media with effusion (Rosenfeld et 1994). Because this has been found in both children
al., 1998; Brody et al., 1999). and adults, adaptation following treatment is thought
Though hearing loss due to otitis media with effu- to be independent of critical periods for speech and lan-
sion is considered mild in children with normal inner guage development (Hall et al., 1990; Ferguson et al.,
ear function, children with chronic otitis media with 1998).
effusion may experience greater problems in speech and Conductive hearing loss may be readily treated ei-
language acquisition, cognitive development, and so- ther surgically or with amplification. Unfortunately, no
cial maturation than children without it (Stewart et al., studies have compared language and cognitive devel-
1996; Silverman, 1996). Although a great deal of re- opment in children with chronic otitis media with ef-
search continues to look for definitive evidence of last- fusion treated by amplification against those treated
ing speech and cognitive sequelae of chronic otitis me- surgically.
dia with effusion, the data are conflicting or show only Amplification has traditionally relied on the use of
mild effects (Hubbard et al., 1985; Schilder et al., 1993; hearing aids. Fitting young children with hearing aids
Welsh et al., 1996; Roberts et al., 1998). For example, can be difficult because hearing loss due to chronic oti-
COLOR HG. 30.2. Stage 4 atelectasis of the tympanic membrane-pars tensa.
COLOR FIG. 30.3. Stage 2 atelectasis of the tympanic membrane-pars flaccida.
COLOR FIG. 30.4. Cholesteatoma of the left ear. Debris and granulation tissue fill
the epitympanic defect.
COLOR FIG. 30.5. Cholesteatoma of the right ear obscured by dried drainage that mimics cerumen.

tis media with effusion may fluctuate significantly and as atelectasis and tympanic membrane perforation
young children cannot provide the feedback necessary (Moller, 1975, 1981; Sade and Berco, 1976; Skinner et
to readily handle such fluctuations. Although the use al., 1988; Sederberg-Olsen, et al., 1988; Gordon et al.,
of hearing aids for hearing loss due to chronic otitis 1988; Le et al., 1991; Robson et al., 1992; Schilder, et
media with effusion requires frequent audiologic as- al., 1993; Maw and Bawden, 1994). More specifically,
sessment and intervention, they are well tolerated by the tympanostomy may serve as the nidus for the de-
most children (Updike, 1994; Flanagan et al., 1996; velopment of irreversible tympanic membrane pathol-
Jardine et al., 1999). Alternative amplification strate- ogy, particularly with long-term tube placement
gies include the use of FM trainers, modification of en- (Moller, 1981; Lildholdt, 1983; Gundersen et al., 1984;
vironmental acoustics, sound-field amplification, and Mortensen and Lildholdt, 1984; Soderberg et al., 1986;
home stimulation language programs (Bergstrom, Skinner et al., 1988; Le et al., 1991; Robinson et al.,
1980; Bess et al., 1984; Crandell, 1993). 1992; Robson et al., 1992; Maw and Bawden, 1994;
Surgical treatment of chronic otitis media with effu- Oluwole and Mills, 1996; Golz et al., 1999a,b). Olu-
sion involves myringotomy (incision through the tym- wole and Mills (1996) reported that 70% of tympanic
panic membrane) and insertion of a tympanostomy membrane perforations are tube-related. Similar asso-
tube through this incision, as described by Armstrong ciations have been drawn for cholesteatoma (Golz et
(1954). This bypasses the eustachian tube, allowing al., 1999a).
ventilation of the middle ear and clearance of middle Adverse middle ear outcomes appear to be more
ear effusion. Clearance of middle ear effusion leads to common in children treated with tympanostomy tubes
correction of hearing impairment in the vast majority than with myringotomy alone. Compared to treatment
of children with chronic otitis media with effusion (Fria with tympanostomy tubes, chronic otitis media with ef-
et al., 1987). The simplicity and prompt auditory ben- fusion treated by myringotomy alone has been associ-
efits of tympanostomy tube placement have led to this ated with a lower rate of myringosclerosis (deposition
procedure becoming the standard of care for chronic of hyalinized scar tissue within the lamina propria of
otitis media with effusion in the United States (Paradise, the tympanic membrane or submucosally in the mid-
1976; Robinson et al., 1992; Otitis Media Guideline dle ear) (Sade and Berco, 1976). Le et al. (1991) found
Panel, 1994). The placement of tympanostomy tubes a significantly higher rate of tympanic membrane per-
has been cited as the most commonly performed sur- forations in ears treated with tympanostomy tubes than
gical procedure in the United States. Nearly one-third with myringotomy alone. Thus, tympanostomy tubes
of children less than 2 years old are treated with tym- do not protect against long-term adverse middle ear
panostomy tubes (Myer and France, 1997). Because outcomes of eustachian tube dysfunction. Rather, they
chronic otitis media with effusion in children with cleft may increase the risk of their development.
palate commonly persists for the first few years of life, Lildholdt (1983), Skinner and colleagues (1988), and
even after palatoplasty, and tympanostomy tubes com- Maw and Bawden (1994) performed long-term, con-
monly extrude in a shorter period of time (Weigel et trolled studies on the effects of tympanostomy tubes
al., 1989), children with cleft palate who are managed (with or without concomitant adenoidectomy) for
with tympanostomy tubes commonly require multiple chronic otitis media with effusion in children without
tympanostomy tube placement procedures (Muenker, cleft palate. All enrolled patients had bilateral chronic
1980; Robinson et al., 1992; Muntz, 1993). Use of tym- otitis media with effusion, but tympanostomy tubes
panostomy tubes has not been globally adopted as the were placed in only one ear. These authors assessed the
standard of care. This is likely a function of the lim- incidence of several forms of tympanic membrane
ited access to care in developing countries, the expense pathology observed in children with chronic otitis me-
of surgical intervention, and the potential for sequelae dia with effusion, including segmental atrophy (loss of
due to tympanostomy tube placement. the lamina propria, the fibrous, strength layer) of the
A decrease in the incidence of irreversible tympanic pars tensa, scarring and thickening of the pars tensa,
membrane conditions (e.g., atelectasis and cholestea- atelectasis of the pars tensa, attic retraction, myringo-
toma) has been perceived by many clinicians. Most sclerosis, cholesteatoma, and tympanic membrane per-
have related this decline to an increase in the use of foration. Though ears treated with tubes took less time
tympanostomy tubes, but Roland et al. (1992) found to resolve the middle ear effusion, other problems were
no correlation between the use of tympanostomy tubes more common in these surgically treated ears. Prob-
and the incidence of cholesteatoma. On the contrary, lems such as myringosclerosis and segmental tympanic
a number of studies have implicated tympanostomy membrane atrophy were statistically significantly more
tubes in the pathogenesis of middle ear pathology, such common in ears treated with tympanostomy tubes as

early as 3 years of age. Skinner et al. (1988) found that fusion who had been treated with tympanostomy tubes.
less common but more serious problems, such as Robson et al. (1992) similarly found higher rates of
cholesteatoma, were more common in ears treated with otoscopic abnormalities in the ears of cleft children
tympanostomy tubes (6.5% vs. 0%), but these differ- treated with tympanostomy tubes. Seagle et al. (1998)
ences were not statistically significant. Higher rates of reported higher rates of otologic and audiologic prob-
myringosclerosis with the use of tympanostomy tubes lems in American children with cleft palate who had
have been reported (Sederberg-Olsen et al., 1988; been treated with tympanostomy tubes than in Russian
Schilder et al., 1993). children with cleft palate who had not received tym-
Both Skinner et al. (1988) and Maw and Bawden panostomy tubes. Hence, some clinicians have long
(1994) treated many of their patients with concomitant been advocating more limited use of tympanostomy
adenoidectomy. Adenoidectomy has been shown to sig- tubes (Moller, 1981; Gundersen et al., 1984; Robinson
nificantly impact the resolution of chronic otitis media et al., 1992; Robson et al., 1992). Use of tympanos-
with effusion and to minimize the recurrence of mid- tomy tubes has been similarly questioned in other cra-
dle ear effusion, i.e., to minimize the need for repeat niofacial disorders (e.g., Down syndrome) because of
tympanostomy tube placement (Gates et al., 1987; Par- higher rates of such sequelae (lino et al., 1999). Un-
adise et al., 1990). The benefits of adenoidectomy on fortunately, the long-term value and consequences of
chronic otitis media with effusion are greater than those tympanostomy tube placement in children with cleft
of tympanostomy tubes (Gates et al., 1987; Paradise et palate and chronic otitis media with effusion are still
al., 1990). The benefit of adenoidectomy is presumably not clearly understood. This issue has not been for-
due to its effects on tubal function and nasopharyngeal mally, prospectively studied in children with cleft palate
microflora (Bluestone and Klein, 1996a). Unfortu- and chronic otitis media with effusion.
nately, adenoidectomy is relatively contraindicated in
children with cleft palate because it places them at an Treatment of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
increased risk of velopharyngeal insufficiency (Haapa-
nen et al., 1993). Only a single, small retrospective As with chronic otitis media with effusion, chronic oti-
study has addressed the impact of adenoidectomy on tis media with tympanic membrane perforation or
otitis media with effusion in children with cleft palate cholesteatoma commonly manifests by hearing loss (Pa-
(Severeid, 1972). parella and Schachern, 1984). However, untreated,
In light of the contraindication for adenoidectomy cholesteatoma and chronic infection can spread into
and the more lasting difficulties with eustachian tube surrounding structures (e.g., the inner ear or cranium)
dysfunction in children with cleft palate, it is not sur- with potentially life-threatening consequences (Sheehy
prising that these children undergo more treatment with and Brackmann, 1979; Kangsanarak et al., 1993;
tympanostomy tubes than children without cleft palate Burggraff et al., 1995). Simple procedures, such as tym-
(Muenker, 1980; Robson et al., 1992; Muntz, 1993). panostomy tube placement, will not correct either of
As standard tympanostomy tubes extrude or become these conditions or their associated hearing loss. Mid-
nonfunctional in 1 to 2 years (Weigel et al., 1989), they dle ear reconstructive surgery (tympanoplasty with or
are often repeatedly placed in children with cleft palate without mastoidectomy), often requiring multiple pro-
(Muenker, 1980; Robson et al., 1992). Though longer- cedures, is commonly necessary (lino et al., 1998;
acting tympanostomy tubes are available, these are as- Stangerup et al., 1999; Silvola and Palva, 1999). Al-
sociated with significantly higher rates of serious tym- though surgical treatment is highly effective for pre-
panic membrane pathology, such as cholesteatoma and venting serious intratemporal and intracranial suppu-
persistent tympanic membrane perforation (Weigel et rative complications, hearing may remain compromised
al., 1989). Robson et al. (1992) found that children (Silvola and Palva, 1999). This can have a lifelong im-
with cleft palate needed an average of 1.66 tympanos- pact on quality of life (Mulrow et al., 1990).
tomy tubes, despite the use of long-acting tubes. Thus, Ideally, cholesteatoma should be identified as early
children with cleft palate and chronic otitis media with as possible, before significant ossicular damage has
effusion are at higher risk than children without cleft been incurred and before ossicular removal would be
palate of experiencing any possible adverse outcomes necessary to eradicate the disease. Distinguishing
related to tympanostomy tubes. cholesteatoma from end-stage atelectasis can prove
To date, only retrospective studies have addressed challenging. Debris or drainage from a cholesteatoma
the long-term middle ear outcomes in children with pocket can look very similar to cerumen (Color Fig.
cleft palate. Gordon et al. (1988) reported that 30.5). Cholesteatoma should be considered if there is
myringosclerosis was significantly more common in the any sign or symptom of recurrent or progressive mid-
ears of cleft children with chronic otitis media with ef- dle ear inflammation (Table 30.3).

TABLE 30.3. Clinical Findings Consistent with the and reflux of pharyngeal contents into the nasal cavity
Diagnosis of Cholesteatoma (Robinson et al., 1982). Stasis of nasal secretions and
rhinitis may develop if adenoid tissue or anatomic ab-
Accumulation of squamous debris within a pars tensa or pars
flaccida retraction pocket normalities obstruct the choanae. Rhinosinusitis in cleft
Overt chronic purulent drainage from stage 4 atelectasis patients has been attributed to mucociliary dysfunction
Recurrent purulent drainage with the middle ear atelectasis, in the (Ishikawa et al., 1989). Ishikawa and Amitani (1994)
absence of a tympanostomy tube or a perforation reported rhinosinusitis to be more common both in pa-
Honey-colored crusting over an advanced retraction pocket, with tients with cleft palate and in congenital (noncleft)
associated erosion of the bone adjacent to the tympanic velopharyngeal insufficiency relative to normal control
subjects. Nasal obstruction and mucociliary dysfunc-
tion were significantly more common in cleft palate pa-
tients than in congenital velopharyngeal insufficiency
NOSE subjects or normal controls. Hence, nasal obstruction,
mucociliary dysfunction, and velopharyngeal insuffi-
The nasal airway is commonly compromised in indi- ciency may all play a role in the pathogenesis of rhi-
viduals with oral clefts (Chaudhuri and Bowen-Jones, nosinusitis in individuals with cleft palate.
1978; Warren et al., 1990; Ishikawa and Amitani,
1994). Nasal airway obstruction is generally not man-
ifest until after cheiloplasty, palatoplasty, or pharyn- THROAT
goplasty (Orr et al., 1987; Josephson et al., 1996; Witt
et al., 1996). This can seriously affect spontaneous ven- Recurrent tonsillitis and sleep apnea secondary to ton-
tilation in obligate nasal breathers, such as young in- sillar hypertrophy are the most common indications for
fants (Sculerati et al., 1994). Older individuals may removal of the palatine tonsils in childhood. By virtue
manifest nasal airway obstruction in more subtle ways, of their juxtaposition to the palate, tonsillar pathology
such as obstructive sleep apnea (Nowak and Weider, can significantly impact palatal function and speech
1998). (Finkelstein et al., 1994). Though velopharyngeal in-
In most cases, the nasal obstruction is ipsilateral to sufficiency has been reported to be a complication of
the cleft palate, but both sides may be involved (Sand- palatine tonsillectomy (Haapanen et al., 1994), D'An-
ham and Murray, 1993; Wahlmam et al., 1998; Suzuki tonio and colleagues (1996) found no evidence of sig-
et al., 1999; Kunkel et al., 1999). Anatomic deformi- nificant degradation of speech or velopharyngeal func-
ties include septal deviation (Suzuki et al., 1999), nasal tion following tonsillectomy in children with cleft
valve stenosis (Wahlmam et al., 1998), posterior palate. A number of reports have documented im-
choanae (Wahlmam et al., 1998), ectopic teeth (Ranalli provement in palatal function after removal of hyper-
et al., 1990; Yeung and Lee, 1996), adenoid hypertro- trophied tonsils (MacKenzie-Stepner et al., 1987;
phy (Shapiro, 1982), and skull base encephalocele Shprintzen et al., 1987; Kummer et al., 1993).
(Shimizu et al., 1999). Septoplasty and rhinoplasty are Palatine tonsillectomy may be necessary to accom-
often helpful (Lowenthal, 1981), but results may be less modate other cleft palate procedures. Creation of a
than ideal because of midfacial developmental prob- pharyngeal flap can seriously compromise the airway
lems (Drake et al., 1993; Mooney et al., 1994; Anas- in the presence of tonsillar hypertrophy (Reath et al.,
tassov et al., 1998). 1987). Though tonsillectomy may be done prior to
Adenoid hypertrophy can obstruct the choanae of pharyngoplasty, they may be safely performed simul-
children with cleft palate. Adenoidectomy is relatively taneously (Reath et al., 1987; Eufinger and Eggeling,
contraindicated in children with cleft palate because of 1994; Eufinger et al., 1994).
the increased risk for velopharyngeal insufficiency Airway obstruction is the most serious of the oto-
(Pickrell et al., 1976; Croft et al., 1981; Witzel et al., laryngologic conditions involving individuals with oral
1986; Haapanen et al., 1993). However, a limited ade- clefts. Airway obstruction in individuals with cleft lip
noidectomy (i.e., from high within the choanae) may and palate, as discussed above, is commonly due to
significantly improve the nasal airway with a low rate nasal abnormalities and adenotonsillar hypertrophy
of velopharyngeal insufficiency in selected patients and may be aggravated following palatal or pharyngeal
(Shapiro, 1982; Kakani et al., 2000). reconstruction. Obstructive sleep apnea may develop
Rhinitis and sinusitis are also relatively common in later in childhood, well after primary palatoplasty, as
individuals with cleft palate (Robinson et al., 1982; adenoid hypertrophy develops (Kiely et al., 1998;
Ishikawa and Amitani, 1994). These conditions have Nowak and Weider, 1998). Conservative management,
historically been related to velopharyngeal insufficiency such as continuous positive airway pressure ventilation,

may be sufficient (Kiely et al., 1998), but adenotonsil- viscous fluids in the middle ear. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
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way obstruction is of particular concern in patients dalities. Plast Reconstr Surg 93: 934-942.
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Genetic counseling and interpretation

of risk figures


Genetic counseling, defined as the provision of med- lated abnormality or part of a multiple malformation
ical, prognostic, and recurrence risk information about syndrome in the patient, and whether there is any fa-
a disorder together with psychosocial support to the milial clustering of oral clefts. Only after establishing
family, can be a complex undertaking when dealing the etiology can thorough, accurate, and relevant ge-
with oral clefting. Previous chapters have dealt with netic counseling be provided to the patient and family.
medical and prognostic counseling, and this chapter
will concentrate on recurrence risk and supportive Isolated Oral Clefts
counseling. Patients and families need to be made aware
of their recurrence risks and reproductive options in an Oral clefts are most often isolated, meaning that they
easy to understand manner with attention paid to the are primary defects with no other associated abnor-
emotional impact of the information. Counseling an in- malities or syndromic features. Among oral clefts, CP
dividual with a physical defect of the face, one of the is more likely to have associated abnormalities and syn-
most obvious and public parts of the body, is chal- dromes than CL/P. Isolated oral clefts have long been
lenging. As with genetic counseling for any condition, assumed to be inherited in a multifactorial manner,
one of the key aspects of supportive counseling for fam- meaning that numerous genes in combination with en-
ilies with oral clefts is listening and allowing them to vironmental factors contribute to the formation of the
voice their concerns, frustrations, and joys. As dis- cleft. This model assumes a threshold effect in which
cussed in earlier chapters, cleft lip with or without cleft there is a critical mass of contributory genetic and en-
palate (CL/P) and cleft palate alone (CP) result from vironmental factors that need to be reached before an
distinctly different developmental processes occurring oral cleft occurs. Recent studies have questioned the
at different gestational ages. While these differences applicability of the multifactorial model to all clefts and
lead to certain counseling issues unique to each condi- have proposed instead a greater degree of heterogene-
tion, there are also a number of important counseling ity than previously thought, with at least some famil-
issues shared by both conditions. ial oral clefts being the result of the presence of one,
or at the most a few, major predisposition genes with
incomplete penetrance (Jones, 1993; Carinci et al.,
RECURRENCE RISKS 2000). Issues surrounding the genetic mechanisms of
isolated oral clefts are explored in much greater detail
A thorough physical examination of the patient and elsewhere in this book (see Part IV).
other family members and a careful medical and fam- While theoretically it is likely that there is hetero-
ily history are of utmost importance to the accuracy of geneity among isolated oral clefts, with some families
recurrence risk counseling. These tools help to estab- segregating a major predisposition gene with incom-
lish the etiology of the cleft, whether the cleft is an iso- plete penetrance, practical genetic counseling for the


TABLE 31.1. Recurrence Risks for Isolated Oral Clefts cussed in Part II of this book. However, additional ab-
normalities that may be seen in a child with a cleft are
Affected Family Member CL/P (%) CP (%)
not automatically assumed to be due to an underlying
1 Sibling 3-7 2-5 syndrome. Any associated abnormalities may be due to
2 Siblings 8-14 10-20 the same disruptive event as the cleft itself and, there-
1 Parent 2-5 3-7 fore, may constitute an association rather than a syn-
CL/P, cleft lip with or without palate; CP, cleft palate.
Sources: Lynch and Kimberling (1981), Robinson and Linden If a specific syndrome is identified, the recurrence
(1993), Wyszynski et al. (1996), Harper (1999). risk is that of the syndrome itself. Of special note are
syndromes caused by teratogens, such as fetal alcohol
syndrome. The recurrence risk of the syndrome, and
isolated cleft still relies on data of incidence of recur- thus the oral cleft, should be neglible if the teratogen
rence within a family compiled over years. If after a is removed in future pregnancies. If no specific syn-
thorough evaluation, including a physical examination drome is recognized in a child but suspicion of a ge-
by an experienced clinical geneticist and a careful fam- netic condition is high based on associated abnormal-
ily history, the patient is diagnosed with an isolated ities, a worst-case scenario recurrence risk of up to 25%
oral cleft, the family should be provided information for unaffected parents (assuming autosomal recessive
on recurrence risks based on empiric data (Table 31.1). inheritance) should be discussed.
In general, the risk increases with the number of af-
fected family members, so it is important to examine Hecurrence Bisk Reduction
other family members for subtle or subclinical oral
clefts. Additionally, recurrence risks tend to increase There is a possible decrease in recurrence risks for oral
with increasing severity of the oral cleft, so the higher clefts in women taking supplemental folic acid, similar
end of the risk figure range may be more appropriate to the situation with open neural tube defects (Har-
in the case of a bilateral vs. a unilateral oral cleft in the tridge et al., 1999; Mills, 1999). This is most applica-
proband (Lynch and Kimberling, 1981; Robinson and ble to couples facing the recurrence risk of an isolated
Linden, 1993; Wyszynski et al., 1996; Harper, 1999). cleft. The relationship between folic acid supplementa-
Bixler (1981) found a much reduced recurrence risk tion and oral clefting has not yet been proven and is
(<1%) when the cleft was sporadic vs. an increased further discussed in Part III of this book. Alternative
risk (16%) when there was a history of clefting in a reproductive technologies, such as the use of donor egg
first- or second-degree relative. or sperm, may be options for couples facing a signifi-
However, these risks are most appropriately applied cant recurrence risk of an oral cleft as part of a genetic
to cases of oral clefts in which no, or only an occa- syndrome. As noted above, for couples facing a recur-
sional, family member is affected. If the family history rence risk based on an oral cleft resulting from a ter-
shows a number of members affected with oral clefts atogenic exposure, removal of the teratogen, if possi-
or other associated abnormalities, then a clefting syn- ble, from the pregnancy environment should remove
drome or the possibility of mendelian inheritance the risk. Finally, prenatal diagnosis is possible in some
(e.g., autosomal dominant with decreased penetrance) cases and can provide parents with valuable informa-
should be considered. A higher recurrence risk figure tion prior to the baby's birth.
based on these findings may be appropriate.
Prenatal Diagnosis
Syndromic Oral Clefts
Prenatal diagnosis of an oral cleft has been reported
In approximately 35% to 50% of cases of CP and 7% using visualization of the fetal facial structures by ul-
to 15% of cases of CL/P, other physical abnormalities trasound. The accuracy of this diagnosis is highly de-
are seen in the affected individual (Jones, 1993; Robin- pendent on many factors, including maternal body
son and Linden, 1993). The presence of any other birth habitus, fetal positioning, quality of the ultrasound ma-
defect or health concern should prompt an evaluation chine, and skill of the examiner. In general, oral clefts
by a clinical geneticist, looking for evidence of an un- cannot be identified until the second trimester of preg-
derlying genetic syndrome. There are well over 200 nancy, with CL/P being easier to detect than CP. Use
known syndromes featuring oral clefts, with etiologies of three-dimensional ultrasound has increased the ac-
including single-gene defects, teratogens, chromosomal curacy of prenatal diagnosis of oral clefts (Jones, 1993;
abnormalities, and those with uncertain etiology. The Cockell and Lees, 2000). Prenatal identification of an
more common and relevant of these conditions are dis- oral cleft should prompt a careful ultrasound evalua-

tion looking for any associated physical abnormalities Isolated Oral Clefts
that could lead to the diagnosis of a syndrome in a pre-
viously low-risk pregnancy. Fetal karyotyping should The many medical issues surrounding the birth of a
also be considered, especially in the presence of any ad- child with an oral cleft can often leave a family feeling
ditional anomalies. overwhelmed. Consultation with a comprehensive
If the oral cleft in a family is part of a recognized craniofacial/oral cleft clinic team can be invaluable to
syndrome, prenatal diagnosis for the specific condition help the parents learn how to manage the medical needs
may be possible irrespective of the ability to visualize of their child. The type and severity of the oral cleft,
the cleft itself. Known chromosomal abnormalities as especially in terms of its impact on feeding, also greatly
well as some single-gene disorders can be diagnosed affect the amount of support and counseling a family
prenatally by chorionic villus sampling or amniocente- may need. Early contact with a family reassures them
sis. Because clinical genetic testing changes so rapidly, that they are not alone and that there are experienced
the availability of prenatal testing for any given condi- people available to help them care for their child. This
tion should be investigated on a case-by-case basis. "safety net" of healthcare providers will hopefully free
parents from some of their worries, allowing them to
channel their energies into coping with the emotional
SUPPORTIVE COUNSELING aspects of having a child with an oral cleft.
Having other members of the family with oral clefts
Emotional support for patients with oral clefts and their can be a double-edged sword in regard to how it may
families is one of the most important responsibilities of impact on a family's reaction. The way in which a fam-
healthcare providers and is ideally provided as a group ily reacts depends greatly on the experience of the other
effort from all members of a craniofacial team, in- affected family members. If a previous individual with
cluding a genetic counselor. The birth of a child with a cleft had a successful repair with few or no compli-
any type of health problem or physical abnormality can cations, this will obviously help allay many of the fears
bring on a grieving process in parents. These parents a family may have. However, a previous family mem-
grieve the loss of the "perfect" child they have visual- ber with a poor repair experience may make a family
ized for 9 months (or longer) while learning to accept even more frightened of the future. This is especially
the fact that such a rare event as a birth defect has af- true of a parent who had a cleft as a child; it is likely
fected their family. As parents go through the stages of that surgical repair was not as good then, so it is not
grieving, it is important to follow them and make sure uncommon to encounter a parent with bad memories
they are able to navigate these stages, ideally ending up of the experience. Because the face is the first thing no-
in acceptance of their child with an oral cleft. Recog- ticed about a person, a less-than-optimal repair can lead
nition of a family unable to work through these steps to emotional problems, from internal and external
and of our limitations in helping them is crucial. A ge- sources, especially during adolescence. Envisioning
netic counselor or other craniofacial team member their children going through a similar experience can
should not hesitate to refer a family to formal therapy be very upsetting for parents, and they may be greatly
if any concerns about their ability to cope arise. reassured when recent advances in surgical repair are
It is also important to remember that each family discussed. Finally, the birth of a second child with a
brings to the counseling session a unique history of ex- cleft forces parents to relive the grieving process and
periences that will mold his or her view of the present increases their anxiety and risks of having another child
situation. Often, oral clefts are viewed as merely struc- with an oral cleft.
tural defects that are easily amenable to surgery. For-
tunately, this is true for the majority of patients, but it Syndromic Oral Clefts
is important not to assume that this is the experience
of every patient and family. Is this the first person in Another important consideration is whether the oral
the family with an oral cleft, or are there other affected cleft is associated with other health concerns, possibly
members? Does one of the parents have an oral cleft? a recognized syndromic condition. This will have a
Is the oral cleft thought to be isolated in the child, or great impact on how much time and energy the child
are there other health concerns and the possibility of a will spend in hospitals having surgeries and seeing doc-
genetic syndrome? Is this a syndrome that has been in- tors. This will also greatly affect how the parents view
herited in the family? Taking the time to listen to a their child's oral cleft in that the oral cleft is not the
family and learn enough about their experiences to un- only health problem their child faces. For some fami-
derstand their reactions is an invaluable aid in provid- lies, an oral cleft may be the least of their concerns
ing useful supportive counseling. compared to the other, possibly life-threatening fea-

tures of the syndrome and severe developmental dis- Peer Support Groups
abilities. What may have been an emotionally devas-
tating birth defect if isolated may now be viewed as Support from healthcare providers can be very valu-
simply a surgically repairable health concern. able to families, especially in the first days and weeks
The parents of a child with a syndromic oral cleft of a child's diagnosis; however, an even more worth-
face all of the emotional issues faced by the family of while source of support is other families of children
a child with an isolated oral cleft in addition to those with an oral cleft. Though we, as healthcare providers,
concerning the syndrome. The risk of developmental can discuss the medical and psychosocial aspects of
delay or mental retardation in a child with a syndromic having a child with an oral cleft, other families in sim-
cleft is a significant concern (Kapp-Simon and Kruecke- ilar situations are the true experts on the day-to-day
berg, 2000). The presence of mental retardation is one realities of raising a child with a cleft. It is also very
of the most emotionally burdensome aspects of deal- valuable for children as they grow into adolescence and
ing with a syndromic condition. Another consideration adulthood to have peers to talk with about problems
is the special instance of a mildly affected parent who they face that may be unique to a child with an oral
is diagnosed with a genetic syndrome after the more cleft. National support groups geared toward families
severely affected child is born. In this situation, a par- affected by oral clefting are listed in the Appendix to
ent deals with his or her own diagnosis as well as the this book.
diagnosis of the child. Thus, families of children with These are some of the more important issues that
a syndromic oral cleft may warrant closer attention as come up when providing genetic counseling for fami-
they cope with the diagnosis of a syndrome as well as lies of a child with an oral cleft. Each family is unique
the oral cleft and all of the consequences that the di- and will teach the healthcare provider a new aspect of
agnosis may hold for the child. coping with a child born with an oral cleft. Our job as
providers of genetic counseling is to remain open and
to actively listen to families so that we are able to best
Guilt address their needs with any resources we may have.
This is the way in which we continue to learn so that,
Having a child with an oral cleft brings guilt feelings hopefully, each new family can benefit from our past
to any parent at having possibly caused the cleft. In the experience as well as the experiences of previous
absence of a known teratogen, parents should be reas- families.
sured that nothing that either of them did before or
during the pregnancy caused the oral cleft. Also, no one
has any control over the genes they pass on to a child,
whether the oral cleft is isolated or part of a recognized Bixler, D (1981). Genetics and clefting. Cleft Palate J 18: 10-18.
Carinci, F, Pezzetti, F, Scapoli, L, et al. (2000). Genetics of nonsyn-
syndrome. This becomes an especially emotionally
dromic cleft lip and palate: a review of international studies and
charged issue if one of the parents also has an oral cleft. data regarding the Italian population. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:
Again, special attention should be paid to the issue of 33-40.
guilt as it often persists, even when the parents intel- Cockell, A, Lees, M (2000). Prenatal diagnosis and management of
lectually understand that they had no control over the orofacial clefts. Prenat Diagn 20: 149-151.
situation. Harper, P (1999). Practical Genetic Counseling. Boston: Butterworth-
Heineman, pp. 210-212.
For those cases in which the oral cleft is thought to Hartridge, T, Illing, H, Sandy, J (1999). The role of folk acid in oral
be the result of a teratogen, there will likely always be clefting. Br J Orthod 26: 115-120.
guilt and remorse on the part of the parents over the Jones, M (1993). Facial clefting etiology and developmental patho-
use of the medication or drug during pregnancy. If the genesis. Clin Plast Surg 20: 599-606.
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teratogen, as in the case of antiepileptic medication,
fants with cleft lip and/or palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:
carries a definite benefit to the mother despite the risk 65-70.
of oral clefting in the fetus, this benefit and the possi- Lynch, H, Kimberling, W (1981). Genetic counseling in cleft lip and
ble negative ramifications of discontinuing the medica- cleft palate. Plast Reconstr Surg 68: 800-815.
tion during the pregnancy can be stressed. In cases of Mills, J (1999). Folate and oral clefts: where do we go from here?
teratogens without known benefit, such as alcohol, New directions in oral clefts research. Teratology 60: 251-252.
Robinson, A, Linden, M (1993). Clinical Genetics Handbook. Ox-
counseling should stress education of the cause and ef- ford: Blackwell, pp. 515-521.
fect of the teratogen and the benefits of avoiding the Wyszynski, DF, Beaty, TH, Maestri, N (1996). Genetics of nonsyn-
exposure in future pregnancies. dromic oral clefts revisited. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 33: 406-417.
Psychological care of children with cleft
lip and palate in the family


The birth of a child with a cleft lip with or without RISK, STRESS, AND COPING
palate (CL/P) sets in motion a variety of reactions that
have significant consequences for the long-term emo- Every family that has a child with CL/P must cope with
tional development of the child within his or her fam- a significant number of problems and stressors. Some
ily. Although every family is unique, there is a com- families cope very well, while others do less well. It is
monality to the experience of responding to the birth critical to identify those factors that are associated with
of a child with special medical needs that has been fre- more adaptive outcomes so that practitioners can pro-
quently described in terms of shock, sadness, fear, grief, vide appropriate guidance to families who have a child
guilt, anger, and other types of psychological distress with CL/P. Eiserman (2001) pointed out that the ma-
(Clifford and Crocker, 1971; Spriesterbach, 1973; Dro- jority of the research on children with CL/P has focused
tar et al., 1975; Richman and Harper, 1978; Brantley on factors associated with poor adjustment. In this
and Clifford, 1979; Strieker et al., 1979; Barden, 1980; chapter, we examine that research with the explicit goal
Benson and Gross, 1989; Pillemer and Cook, 1989; Ep- of identifying factors that foster adaptation despite the
person and Meyers, 1990; Speltz et al., 1990; Carreto, very real difficulties that children and their families
1991; Endriga et al., 1994). Despite the extensive evi- face. Wallander and Varni (1992) presented a model
dence documenting the distress of the initial period fol- on disability, stress, and coping that provides a useful
lowing the child's birth, most families cope very well framework for discussing the factors that play an im-
and provide an emotionally healthy environment for portant role in the psychosocial adjustment of children
their child. However, children live not only in their fam- with chronic medical conditions such as CL/P. Within
ilies but also in society, and there is considerable evi- this model, heterogeneous risk factors of the disorder,
dence that individuals with facial differences must ne- including medical risks, cognitive risks, functional risks,
gotiate a plethora of personal challenges to self-esteem and psychosocial risks, are identified. The resources
and social acceptance once they leave the protective en- that families use to cope with these risks are concep-
vironment of the family (Macgregor, 1974,1979,1990; tualized as resistance factors and include contingencies
Bull and Rumsey, 1988). Nevertheless, most individu- such as the intrinsic characteristics of the child (in-
als with CL/P are ultimately successful in coping with trapersonal factors), family mental health, social re-
these difficulties and mature into productive members sources and support (social-ecological factors), and
of society (Strauss, 2001). How families negotiate the stress processing. The ultimate result of the interplay
risks associated with their child's CL/P while fostering between risk and resistance factors is the psychosocial
hope and adaptation is the focus of this chapter. adaptation of the affected individual.


RISK FACTORS Krueckeberg, 2000; Speltz et al., 2000). Cognitive

problems in more than one-third of children with CL/P
Medical Risks represent a significant risk to long-term psychological
The medical risks associated with different forms of adaptation. The presence of learning disabilities in so
CL/P are varied. A child with an isolated cleft of the many children with CL/P also confounds studies of psy-
soft palate and no known genetic etiology may have chological adaptation. Children with learning disabili-
some mild feeding problems and require a single sur- ties who do not have CL/P are at risk for behavioral
gery to correct the palatal defect, medical management and emotional problems as well as deficits in social
of the ears for otitis media, and monitoring by speech skills (Margalit, 1989; McConaughy et al., 1994;
and audiology through early childhood. At the other Handwerk and Marshall, 1998). Therefore, children
end of the severity spectrum, a child with a protrusive, with CL/P who also have a learning disability may be
complete bilateral CL/P may experience significant dually at risk.
feeding problems and require prosthetic management Functional risks associated with CL/P that are sepa-
prior to initial lip repair. The severity of the problem rate from cognitive risks generally include speech ar-
may necessitate two surgeries to accomplish initial lip ticulation problems and the possibility of fluctuating
repair, a separate surgery for palatal repair, bone graft- conductive hearing loss secondary to otitis media. A
ing of the alveolar clefts, multiple surgeries to revise significant number of children with a repaired CP re-
the lip and nose at various times throughout childhood quire speech therapy to address articulation or language
and young adolescence, extensive orthodontic treat- problems (Dalston, 1990; Peterson-Falzone, 1990;
ment with the possibility of orthognathic surgery, on- Grames et al., 2000). These problems can range from
going follow-up and surgical interventions by the oto- mild to severe. While mild problems may require ther-
laryngologist, and mildly invasive speech evaluations apy to correct, they seldom interfere with a child's abil-
(e.g., nasopharyngoscopy) and speech therapy. Cleft ity to communicate. However, children whose prob-
palate (CP) in the context of Robin sequence may in- lems are more severe may have significant difficulty
volve other complications, such as airway compromise, making themselves understood to individuals unfamil-
that necessitate a tracheotomy in addition to the surg- iar with their speech patterns. Communication diffi-
eries to correct the palatal defect. In yet another sce- culties may alter the way in which family members,
nario, a child with CL/P and a genetic deletion, such teachers, and peers interact with the child. In turn, com-
as a 22qll disorder, will have the medical risks asso- munication difficulties may have a significant impact
ciated with CL/P as well as the potential of associated on the child's ability to master normal developmental
problems, including cardiac, neuromotor, seizure or de- tasks, including personal independence, academic com-
velopmental problems. Thus, the specific medical risks petence, and reciprocal play.
associated with a diagnosis of CL/P are heterogeneous. Most children with CP experience multiple episodes
The greater the potential spectrum of medical prob- of otitis media with effusion, resulting in frequent dis-
lems, the greater the potential risk factors for an indi- ruptions of auditory input due to fluctuating mild to
vidual family. moderate conductive hearing loss (Stool, 1990). A num-
ber of studies have suggested that these changes in hear-
ing sensitivity may affect the development of language
Functional Risks skills and/or reading skills when they occur during the
formative years of language learning (Peters et al.,
There are also cognitive risks associated with CL/P. Al- 1994; Roberts et al., 1995; Johnson et al., 2000; Kindig
though the majority of school-aged children with CL/P and Richards, 2000). While the findings have been in-
and CP score in the low-average range of intelligence, consistent, the presence of repeated otitis media with
verbal IQ is typically lower than nonverbal IQ (Rich- effusion with resultant conductive hearing loss is a sig-
man and Eliason, 1982). Learning disabilities, particu- nificant risk factor for children with CL/P.
larly in the areas of reading, language, and memory,
occur in 30% to 40% of children with CL/P and at sig- Psychosocial Risks
nificantly higher rates in children with CP (Eliason and
Richman, 1990; Broder et al., 1998). There is some ev- Children with CL/P experience a significant number of
idence that the cognitive problems associated with psychosocial risks, including multiple medical appoint-
learning disabilities may present as subtle differences in ments and evaluations, feeding difficulties, repeated
both verbal and nonverbal developmental progress surgeries, differences in appearance resulting in possi-
during infancy and toddlerhood (Kapp-Simon and ble stigmatization, and the possible, need for early in-

tervention programs or special therapies (e.g., speech characteristics, social-ecological characteristics, and the
therapy). Similar to other children, children with CL/P way in which stress is processed by the child and fam-
are subject to major life stress, such as the birth of a ily members.
sibling, a family move, parental divorce, the death of
a close relative, or chronic school failure. Likewise, psy-
chosocial stress is part of the daily hassles that all chil- Intrapersonal Factors
dren face, including children with CL/P. These daily
Intrapersonal factors include characteristics intrinsic to
hassles can be as mild as being scolded for forgetting
the individual, such as temperament, as well as learned
homework or more significant, as in peer teasing. Re-
characteristics, such as social skills and evaluation of
gardless of the severity, however, these daily hassles in-
personal competence and self-esteem/self concept.
crease the stress that children feel and contribute to the
Other factors could also be included under the rubric
overall psychosocial risk to which children with CL/P
of intrapersonal factors; however, the current discus-
are subjected.
sion focuses on these three.
The risks identified above represent areas of poten-
tial vulnerability for children with CL/P. The responses
to these risks and the methods of coping that develop Temperament. Temperamental variables are stable
play a significant role in a child's ability to adapt. A characteristics that identify individual differences in
number of researchers have suggested that children children (Thomas and Chess, 1957, 1980; Thomas et
with chronic medical conditions are at about twice the al., 1961, 1963). Buss and Plomin (1984) identified
risk for problems of maladjustment as their healthy three broad constructs that encompass the major di-
peers (Rutter et al., 1970; Pless and Roghmann, 1971; mensions of temperament: emotionality, how a child
Wallander et al., 1988). Children with CL/P fall into responds to distress, fear, or anger; activity level, a
the same risk rate (Speltz et al., 1997; Kapp-Simon and child's ability to attend or the degree of cognitive dis-
Dawson, 1998). However, despite the known risks and tractibility/persistence present; and sociability, a child's
the increased rate of psychosocial problems for indi- tendency to approach or avoid new people or situa-
viduals with CL/P, many children are happy and well tions. While temperamental characteristics are gener-
adjusted and many adults are satisfied with themselves, ally thought to be immutable, in some cases having a
display good emotional adjustment, and make a sig- genetic basis (Kagan et al., 1987, 1988; Kagan, 1994),
nificant contribution to society (Strauss, 2001; Eiser- they also interact with environmental demands. For ex-
man, 2001). What accounts for this differential adap- ample, a child who is inhibited and becomes extremely
tation? How is it that children faced with a similar set fearful during medical exams is more likely to react
of risks can have such different outcomes? positively if the parent is calm and supportive and the
medical staff provides adequate time to become com-
fortable with the situation than if the adults are quick
RESISTANCE FACTORS to make demands and intolerant of the child's justifi-
able need to acclimate to the exam.
Murphy and Moriarty (1976), in their groundbreaking Children with CL/P frequently demonstrate tem-
book Vulnerability, Coping, & Growth: From Infancy peramental characteristics consistent with increased
to Adolescence, describe the resilience of a child in the anxiety (emotionality), behavioral inhibition (activity
following terms: level) , and social withdrawal (sociability) (Richman,
1976, 1978b, 1998; Richman and Harper, 1978; Rich-
a child is ... an adapting, plastic individual finding a way man and Millard, 1997; Kapp-Simon and Dawson,
to come to terms with changing pressures and opportuni- 1998). While it is unlikely that a cautious child will
ties. The latter are experienced individually and selectively learn to become exuberant or predominantly extro-
as each child's strengths and vulnerabilities make a given
verted, parents and other adults can develop strategies
situation a source of threat, deprivation, or satisfaction.
. . . The adaptational style, then, is a more or less flexi-
for supporting the inhibited child that foster more
ble attunement between the range of resources and limi- adaptive interactions. One basis for that support is en-
tations of the child and the quality of the environmental couragement (see Nelsen et al., 1998a, pp. 199-214 for
pressures and opportunities, (p. 166) further discussion of this concept). A "slow-to-warm-
up child" needs adults to believe that he or she can
As noted earlier, Wallander and Varni (1992) postu- warm up. When that child is faced with an unfamiliar
late a similar set of resources as moderator variables, peer or potentially challenging situation, parents can
which they call "resistance factors." Broadly speaking, help if they are able to communicate to their child that
they classify these resistance factors as intrapersonal they believe the child can be successful. Additional in-

formation on responding to temperamental differences cial skills have also been demonstrated in studies of ad-
in children is provided by Nelsen et al. (1988b). justment involving children with craniofacial condi-
tions. In longitudinal research, the degree of friendli-
Social Skills. While temperament is often considered ness displayed by preschool children with craniofacial
an intrinsic characteristic of individuals, the second in- conditions has been associated with better social ad-
trapersonal characteristic, social skills, includes behav- justment and fewer behavioral problems at school age
iors that can be taught. Social skills are those behav- based on teacher observations (Krueckeberg et al.,
iors that enhance social interaction. Regardless of 1993; Krueckeberg and Kapp-Simon, 1997). In ado-
temperament, children can learn specific skills that en- lescence, parents report that children who have better
able them to initiate and maintain social interactions, social skills show fewer emotional or behavioral ad-
modulate their emotions, provide social reinforcement justment problems and are less likely to be socially in-
to their peers, and solve social problems. hibited or withdrawn (Kapp-Simon et al., 1992).
Children with CL/P and other facial differences have The social skills needed for effective interaction will
been identified as being at risk for difficulties in social vary depending on the age of the child. However, even
relationships. Macgregor (1990) identified social en- a preschool child can learn to respond to a question
counters as the most stressful aspect of having a facial about scarring from the repaired cleft lip in a friendly
disfigurement. In an observational study, Kapp-Simon and effective manner. Parents should be encouraged to
and McGuire (1997) found that children with cranio- provide their children with a vocabulary that they can
facial conditions initiated and received fewer social ap- use to describe the condition, and the children should
proaches than their school peers without facial differ- practice answering questions. Parents can also model
ences and that the strategies that such children used to appropriate behavior by the way they respond to ques-
engage their peers were less effective and more tenta- tions in their child's presence. If families are able to use
tive than those used by the comparison group. Mac- the same tone of voice and positive emotional energy
gregor (1990) suggested that the difficulties involved in when talking about their child's cleft as they do when
social encounters occur for individuals with craniofa- they talk about the child's blue eyes or black curly hair,
cial conditions because the rituals, typical behaviors, they will communicate that the cleft is simply another
and rules of social conduct are altered when one of the valued part of the child's person. This matter-of-fact
participants is facially disfigured. Difficulties main- approach enables the child to believe that the cleft need
taining culturally appropriate interaction sequences are not be a source of embarrassment or shame.
difficult for both the individual with a facial difference As the child matures, more specific skills may be
and the individual without disfigurement. The nondis- needed. There are a variety of programs geared to the
figured participant feels awkward and unsure about development of social skills for preschool and elemen-
how to relate to a person with facial scars. This awk- tary school students (Cartledge and Milburn, 1980;
wardness is communicated nonverbally through body Coie, 1985; Schneider and Bryne, 1985; Goldstein,
movements, postural and facial changes, head posi- 1988; Matson and Ollendick, 1988). Kapp-Simon and
tioning, eye movements, gestures, and social distance. Simon (1991) provided a model for social skills train-
Paralinguistic communication, in the tone and pitch of ing with adolescents who have special needs. For the
voice, rate of speech, hesitations, and emotional over- child with CL/P, specific attention should be paid to
tones, can also contribute to the discomfort of the sit- skills that encourage good pragmatic communication
uation. In addition, individuals with craniofacial con- (eye contact, tone of voice, social distance) as well as
ditions are frequently confronted with impolite stares specific skills for entering and maintaining conversa-
or intrusive questions. To be successful in this envi- tions, anxiety management, and empathy. The skill of
ronment, the individual with facial differences must de- empathy is particularly important for children who are
velop coping strategies. However, those strategies that anxious or self-conscious. An empathic response en-
both children and adults report using quite frequently, courages the child to think about the feelings and ex-
including feigning unawareness of the other's stares, periences of the person to whom he or she is speaking
staring back, making a defiant comment, or with- rather than to focus on his or her own concerns.
drawing in hopelessness, are not particularly effective Direct teaching of social skills has been found to be
and are more likely to truncate the encounter than to effective. Using a pre-post design, McGuire (1990) eval-
promote interaction. uated the social skills of 13 children with craniofacial
Learning effective social skills can have lifelong ben- conditions before and after participation in a social
efits. Research has demonstrated that social deficits can skills training group and compared the results with
have implications for personal adjustment at later ages those of seven children who did not participate in the
(Parker and Asher, 1987). The benefits of positive so- group. The young adolescents who had participated in

the social skills group significantly increased the fre- birth, some families may be doing well: the marital re-
quency with which they initiated conversations with lationship is stable, and the child is anticipated with
peers and the frequency with which these contacts be- eagerness and joy. Other families may be getting along
came actual conversations. For group participants, reasonably well: there may be some stresses, possibly
these skills increased to be equivalent to the nonclini- mild marital discord, financial problems, or problems
cal group, while they remained unchanged for the com- with another child. The current pregnancy may be
parison subjects with craniofacial conditions. viewed with mixed emotions, though in general the
Robinson et al. (personal communication) also re- family looks forward to a new addition. A third group
ported increased social competence for participants of families may not cope particularly well prior to the
with craniofacial conditions after a 2-day social skills pregnancy. In some cases, the pregnancy is unplanned;
training workshop sponsored by Changing Faces in En- in others, it is planned as a way of "saving the mar-
gland. Only anecdotal reports regarding the improve- riage." Marital discord or some other form of signifi-
ment in social skills were included in the results; how- cant stress, e.g., job loss or illness of a grandparent,
ever, reported anxiety decreased significantly after may be present.
group participation. The family's level of adaptation, cohesion, and gen-
eral emotional health will influence its ability to cope
Self-Concept. A third intrapersonal consideration with the birth of a child with CL/P (Nash, 1995). For
that is important when discussing resistance factors is each family, regardless of prior level of functioning, the
self-concept. According to Kliewer and Sandier (1992), birth of a child with CL/P marks a time of temporary
positive self-esteem may enhance an individual's ap- crisis. Most families anticipate a healthy baby, and the
praisal of a stressor; i.e., a child may view the failure presence of the cleft disrupts their expectations (En-
to achieve a particular goal as a challenge to try harder driga and Kapp-Simon, 1999). Clinical experience dem-
rather than as evidence of a lack of competence. Har- onstrates that the family's ability to navigate that cri-
ter (1985) identified five separate areas of competence sis will be related to the parents' ability to work through
believed to be critical to self-evaluation by children and their own emotional responses to this crisis and sup-
to contribute to overall self-esteem: scholastic achieve- port each other. Each parent will experience emotional
ment, conduct/behavior, physical appearance, athletic distress, but the two parents may not be at the same
achievement, and social acceptance. Harter (1985) de- stage at similar times. For example, one parent may be
scribed self-esteem as a global judgment that assesses dealing with depressed feelings, while the other is an-
the degree to which the child likes him- or herself, is grily searching for something or someone to blame. The
satisfied with the way he or she is living life, and feels ability of the parents to recognize the validity of their
good about him- or herself. Children who believe that own feelings as well of those of their partner, even if
they are competent in the classroom, in the orchestra, they differ from their own, is critical. Acknowledgment
on the athletic field (regardless of level of play), or in of differing emotional responses is the first step toward
terms of their ability to interact effectively with others providing mutual support or, if indicated, seeking out-
are more likely to believe in themselves. Most of their side support to handle intense emotional distress. There
emotional energy can be directed toward continued suc- is evidence from the broader literature on chronic ill-
cess in their chosen area. Cleft-related concerns can be ness that mothers who experience greater marital sat-
relegated to the inconvenience of having to attend med- isfaction and broader family and psychosocial support
ical appointments or to consider surgeries. demonstrate healthier mental and physical adjustment
(Wallander et al., 1989).
Each parent brings unique abilities to the task of rear-
SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SUPPORT ing a child with special medical needs. It behooves par-
ents to recognize each other's strengths. For example,
Children with CL/P receive support from a variety of one parent may be more competent at negotiating med-
sources in their environment. To focus on those aspects ical terminology and treatment plans, while the other
of the social environment that are common to most is able to support the child more effectively through an
children, the following sources of social-ecological sup- invasive medical procedure. Mutual and respectful ac-
port are discussed: family adaptation, financial re- knowledgment of the importance of different types of
sources, medical care, and the school environment. strength will support the marital relationship and pro-
vide the child with optimal care.
Mother-infant attachment may not be affected as
Family Adaptation and Resources
negatively as previously thought by the presence of
Parental Adjustment. Children with CL/P are born CL/P (Hoeksma and Koomen, 1991; Speltz et al., 1997;
into many different types of family. Prior to the child's Maris et al., 2000). Based on attachment theory, ma-

ternal responsiveness is more important than the char- Social Support. Social and emotional support for par-
acteristics of the infant in determining the quality of ents of children with CL/P is essential, particularly dur-
the mother-infant relationship. The finding that infants ing the first years of the child's life. This support can
with CL/P are as securely attached to their mothers as be provided by extended family, friends, and, for fam-
infants without CL/P is encouraging. These findings ilies who choose them, parent-support groups. Many
suggest that many mothers do overcome the challenges parents seek the help they need, and both Speltz et al.
that are a real part of raising a child with CL/P and are (1990) and Krueckeberg and Kapp-Simon (1993) found
able to nurture the infant in an effective and satisfying that parents of young children with craniofacial con-
manner. The characteristics most commonly seen in ditions did not differ in terms of their social networks
those mothers whose children were securely attached or the support they received. This differs from reports
included belief in their ability to meet their child's by Benson et al. (1991) and Bradbury and Hewison
needs, satisfaction in their role as parent, and an abil- (1994). Benson et al. (1991) found that families of chil-
ity to realistically acknowledge the stress of their cur- dren with craniofacial conditions reported less social
rent situation (Speltz et al., 1997). support and were less satisfied with their social sup-
Parents can build on the initial positive attachment port networks. Bradbury and Hewison (1994) reported
that typically develops between mother and infant by increased parental concern about allowing their infants
ensuring that they have specific parenting skills that en- with visible differences to be seen in public, particu-
able them to provide emotional support, impart posi- larly when their own parents had difficulty adjusting
tive discipline, and promote social interaction skills for to the child's cleft. Demonstrating the links between
their child. In at least one study, parents of 2- and 3- various types of resistance factors, Benson et al. (1991)
year-old children with CL/P reported feeling less com- found that parents' satisfaction with social support was
petent as parents than other study participants (Speltz related to their child's social competence. Families in
et al., 1990), thus highlighting the need for focus on which the children with craniofacial conditions dis-
this area. Parents can be encouraged to increase their played more age-appropriate social skill development
parenting competence by learning specific parenting were likely to have a more extensive social network and
skills. This need is supported by research. For exam- experience more satisfaction from those relationships.
ple, speaking about the needs for parenting skills, Participation in a parent-support group or an online
Gottman (1997) states the following: chat room geared to families who have a child with
In my research, I discovered that love by itself wasn't CL/P can be another source of social support for some
enough. Very concerned, warm, and involved parents of- families. Parents often find it uplifting to speak with
ten had attitudes toward their own and their children's another family that has experienced some of the same
emotions that got in the way of them being able to talk stages of treatment that they anticipate for their child.
to their children when they were sad or afraid or angry. As the children mature, they, too, enjoy getting together
But while love by itself was not enough, channeling that with others who have had to handle similar peer situ-
caring into some basic skills that parents practiced as if ations or surgeries. The Cleft Palate Foundation, About
they were coaching their children in the area of emotion Face U.S.A., About Face International, and Wide Smiles
was enough. The secret lay in how parents interacted with provide resources for families looking to make contact
their children when emotions ran hot. (p. 16) with others who have a child with a condition similar
Gottman outlines a five-step procedure for "emotion to that of their child (see Appendix for Internet ad-
coaching," a process of discipline that provides a sound dresses).
foundation for parenting skills across a large variety of
situations. Parents are taught to become aware of their Financial Resources. Adequate financial resources,
child's emotions, to recognize that times of emotional including steady employment and medical insurance,
upset are also moments of potential intimacy with their are important. The birth of a child with CL/P creates
child, to respond with empathy to their child's distress, a financial strain for most families (see Waitzman et
to help the child label emotions with words that are al., 1994, for an estimate of costs). Even with appro-
appropriate to the age of the child, and to set limits priate medical insurance, there are many needed ser-
while helping their child solve the problem. Other par- vices that are not adequately covered (Sheils and Wolfe,
enting programs teach similar skills (Gordon, 1970; 1992; Waitzman et al., 1994). Often, tremendous
Nelsen, 1996; Faber and Mazlish, 1998). Consistent amounts of time need to be devoted to tracking insur-
use of positive parenting skills will model appropriate ance claims, making phone calls, and writing letters re-
social interactions for the child with CL/P and provide garding denials. With health-maintenance organiza-
the child with the sense of security that comes from tions or preferred provider organizations, families
knowing that important adults care enough to set rea- struggle to coordinate care and may worry that the
sonable limits. practitioners within their provider network do not have

sufficient experience in treating CL/P (Fox and Mc- Coordinated, multidisciplinary team care for chil-
Manus, 1998). The financial strain becomes greater as dren with CL/P provides many necessary safeguards for
economic need increases because so many of the work- the children and their families. The experience of team
ing poor do not have medical insurance and do not members with CL/P helps to ease the anxiety that a
qualify for public assistance. family with a newborn feels as they realize that the
Especially during the early years of the child's life, team members understand the condition and can
multiple medical appointments and surgeries require quickly address their initial concerns. Issues such as
absences from work. For many families, these absences feeding problems, timing of corrective surgery, and
entail loss of pay or use of vacation time. In either case, long-term treatment needs can be readily addressed by
family members pay a price to provide appropriate care appropriate team members so that the feelings of cri-
for their child with CL/P. sis are diminished and the family is able to move in the
In the United States, insurance coverage is generally positive direction of intervention. The team is able to
tied to a parent's job. If that parent loses the job or provide information about long-term expectations of
changes jobs voluntarily, the insurance will no longer care that can instill hope, an important ingredient for
be available to the child with CL/P. For some children, the success of the child's treatment. Finally, team care
care for cleft-related treatment will never again be cov- allows for coordinated efforts. When indicated, pres-
ered by insurance due to a clause in the family's new sure equalizing tubes can be inserted at the time of lip
insurance excluding preexisting conditions; for others, or palate repair, rather than as a separate surgery. Un-
coverage will be provided only after a waiting period necessary secondary surgeries on the palate can be
of up to 2 years. Insurance expenses can also create avoided if the speech pathologist is allowed to deter-
stress for a family when the parent works for a smaller mine whether speech articulation errors are related to
firm, where extraordinary expenses from one member velopharyngeal incompetence or some other cause
can cause an insurance carrier to drop an account (Sloan, 2000).
rather than bear the expense of the child with CL/P (see As the child matures, team members work with the
Perrin et al., 1992, for a discussion of healthcare needs family to identify treatment priorities. The family and,
for children with chronic illness). Clinical experience when old enough, the child with CL/P are encouraged
demonstrates that families frequently forgo treatment to voice their concerns. Allowing the child and parents
for their child that they feel is less important, such as to play a role in the determination of treatment prior-
dental care, speech therapy, or psychological services, ities and, when feasible, the timing of interventions em-
when insurance coverage is inadequate. In each case, powers the family members. Families do not always
postponement of, or a decision not to provide, needed make the same decisions that the treatment team mem-
care in those areas will increase the child's risk for long- bers would make under similar circumstances. The role
term treatment failure. Provision of these essential ser- of the team is to present the family with options and
vices can increase the child's level of invulnerability and then to support the family's decision even when that
thus improve long-term adaptation, the ultimate goal would not be the decision of the treatment team. This
of CL/P-related treatment. empowerment enables families to be more accepting of
the treatment options available as well as the final out-
Medical Care come of the treatment they choose. Satisfaction with
treatment outcomes, particularly in terms of appear-
Coordinated, family-centered care is a critical factor in ance, is an important factor. In the study of adolescents
the long-term adaptation of children with CL/P. The with CL/P by Richman et al. (1985), self-reported sat-
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (ACPA) isfaction with appearance (not objective ratings of ap-
(1993) provides information on the treatment needs of pearance) was associated with level of behavioral inhi-
children with CL/P or other craniofacial conditions. bition. The greater the level of satisfaction, the less
The "Standards of Team Care" (Strauss and ACPA behavioral inhibition observed.
Team Standards Committee, 1998) identifies the Team care also affords families the opportunities to
makeup of a CL/P or craniofacial team in terms of spe- obtain the psychosocial support they require. Team
cialists who should be included on the medical team members generally include a nurse, psychologist, or so-
and the services that should be provided. It is the rec- cial worker who is sensitive to the emotional needs of
ommendation of the ACPA that all children with any families. These team members specifically assess the
type of CL/P or craniofacial condition be provided with strengths of families and work with them to foster the
medical care within the framework of a medical team best emotional environment for the child. In addition,
that meets the standards established through these doc- psychosocial staff are responsible for assessing the emo-
uments. tional and social adjustment of the child, supporting

child and parents, helping to develop parenting skills, CL/P. Education can increase the sensitivity of the
providing preparation for invasive medical procedures teacher to the behavior of all of the children. The goal
or surgery, and screening for developmental delay and would be for the teacher to set up a social environment
learning problems (American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial in which each child's uniqueness would be respected
Association, 1993). This type of psychosocial support and honored. School programs such as the About Face
allows for early identification of areas of concern and School Program, "Unwrapping the package: dispelling
development of a treatment plan to address them. myths about unusual appearances" (About Face, 1996)
or "Bully-proof your school" (Short-Camilli et al.,
School Support 1999) can be used in the classroom to increase the sen-
sitivity of children to the importance of accepting dif-
Children spend a good percentage of their time in ferences in each other. The extent to which the child
school. The school environment is a critical forum in with a cleft would be singled out during such a dis-
which children are afforded the opportunity for both cussion is something that should be agreed upon by the
intellectual and social learning. Children with CL/P face parents and teacher in consultation with the child. Fam-
a number of risks within the school environment. Rich- ilies and children differ in their level of comfort in dis-
man (1978a) found that teachers underestimated the cussing issues related to CL/P in a public forum. How-
intellectual abilities of children with CL/P compared ever, testimonials that advocate the benefits of such
with actual ability, particularly children with more sig- open discussion are certainly found in the parent net-
nificant scarring. This finding is consistent with other works (e.g., Ability Online Support Network, About
literature that has documented a relationship between Face International, About Face U.S.A., Let's Face It,
cleft-related impairments (e.g., oral-facial differences Wide Smiles). Some children enjoy and gain esteem
or speech impairment) and judgments of inferior intel- from presenting information about CL/P and their per-
lectual functioning (Clifford and Walster, 1973; Shaw sonal history to their classmates using pictures and
and Humphreys, 1982). medical terminology.
Nash (1995) assessed adults with CL/P and found Education of the teacher regarding the ways in which
that the vast majority (80.2%, n = 174) reported be- teasing occurs in a particular classroom is also critical.
ing teased about their cleft when they were children. Teachers are often unaware of the extent to which a
The finding of increased withdrawal and inhibition at child is victimized because the taunting or bullying
school vs. parental report of the same behaviors at takes place out of view and earshot. While the ideal is
home (Richman, 1976, 1978b) suggests that the stress for a child to address the issues of teasing independently
of social interactions and perhaps competition in the through improved social skills, there are occasions
classroom has a negative effect on social adjustment when the adults must take charge to bring about
and may even affect achievement. Further support for changes in the peer atmosphere (Nash, 1995). When a
excessive inhibition of impulse and concern over inter- parent has worked to help the child develop a variety
personal relationships was seen in a study of adoles- of response strategies to the teasing but the teasing per-
cents using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality In- sists, action at the school level is needed. This inter-
ventory (Harper and Richman, 1978). In this study, vention may require bringing in a counselor or social
females with CL/P displayed greater dissatisfaction with worker to help the students break the cycle of teasing
their life situation, which was interpreted to relate to that has developed (see Wilson, 2001, for information
the greater emphasis on physical appearance in females, on additional resources that can be used by parents,
particularly during adolescence. Kapp (1979) came to counselors, or teachers).
similar conclusions when examining self-concept of The school can also address the special educational
adolescents with CL/P. needs of those children with CL/P who also have a
In addition to the social/emotional concerns that chil- learning disability. Early memory problems (e.g., rapid
dren of school age face, there is the real concern re- naming or verbal memory, such as an inability to la-
garding academic difficulties. The rate of learning dis- bel colors, recite the ABCs, or count accurately) may
abilities for children with CL/P is significantly higher be indicators of potential learning disabilities for many
than that of the general population (Broder et al., children with CL/P (Buckenburger, 1991; Richman,
1998). As noted previously, these children are doubly 2000). Other children, particularly those with CP, may
at risk and may face social difficulties and assaults on have more pervasive difficulties with language (Rich-
self-esteem from either front. man and Eliason, 1984; Richman et al., 1988; Rich-
Despite the risks, the school can become a source of man, 1990). Teachers should be made aware of these
social support for child and family. Teachers can be ed- indicators so that appropriate early intervention can be
ucated about the multiple risks involved in having provided.

Stress Processing Clinical experience provides anecdotal information

regarding strategies that families use to help their chil-
The experience of CL/P clearly increases the number dren cope effectively with CL/P team consultations and
and types of stressors experienced by family and child. surgeries. From an appraisal standpoint, parents ac-
Another variable that affects outcome in terms of child knowledge that cooperating with the various assess-
adaptation relates to the cognitive appraisal and cop- ments that are part of the team consultation can be
ing strategies that families adapt in response to those stressful for their child. Parents who are effective at
stressors. Cognitive appraisal refers to the family's per- supporting their children give the child the message that
ception of their ability to handle the stresses associated they believe he or she can cooperate. These parents are
with their child's condition. Four broad areas receive able to establish an expectation that the child will talk
focus: the family's perception of their ability to deal during the speech exam and will open his or her mouth
with the child's medical problems and related symp- during the oral exam without making the interaction a
toms, the family's perception of their ability to main- power struggle. Some families find success by having
tain the child's emotional well-being, the parent's abil- their child practice cooperating for the various medical
ity to maintain their own emotional well-being, and the exams using appropriate play medical equipment. The
parent's ability to maintain the well-being of other chil- child can be afforded the opportunity to "examine" a
dren in the family (Sloper, 2000). Coping strategies de- parent's or cooperative sibling's mouth and ears as well
fine the ways in which families respond to stress. A va- as "play doctor" with their dolls or stuffed animals.
riety of conceptual models have been developed to Stressful events, e.g., having blood drawn prior to sur-
examine this process. However, Compas et al. (1992) gery, can be handled through strategies such as dis-
suggest that these models reflect two broad styles of traction, which encourage the child to think about
coping: the first focuses on the problem itself, whether something else (e.g., count, sing a song, or imagine
that be some aspect of the person, the event, or a com- themselves in a pleasant place) during the stressful pro-
bination of the two; and the second focuses on the need cedure or relaxation coupled with positive self-talk
to cope with the distressful emotions associated with (Miller et al., 1992b). The team social worker or psy-
the event. chologist can be accessed by families to help them de-
There have been no direct studies focusing on stress velop strategies that work most effectively for their
processing in families whose children have CL/P. Con- child.
sequently, the information discussed here is drawn from Another area of potential stress in families whose
the broader area of research involving children with children have CL/P is the child's social acceptance, par-
other types of chronic illness. ticularly when facial scarring or speech problems are
Few studies have actually looked at cognitive ap- present. Though not specifically assessing cognitive ap-
praisal as an independent factor associated with ad- praisal, the findings of Pope and Ward (1997) on fac-
justment. However, Kazak and Barakat (1997) sug- tors associated with peer social competence in preado-
gested that perception of illness-related stress is related lescents with craniofacial conditions can be interpreted
to adjustment problems. This relationship was empiri- within this context. They found a relationship between
cally demonstrated in the research of Sloper (2000), in- parental worry about their child's social adjustment
volving families whose children had been diagnosed and the child's social competence. Children whose par-
with cancer. She found that parents' appraisal of the ents were concerned about them but took active steps
strain of the illness combined with their confidence in to solve the children's social difficulties, such as help-
their ability to handle the strain was related to parental ing to arrange play dates and encouraging social con-
distress. Parental confidence in their ability to cope tact, displayed greater adjustment than children whose
combined with family cohesion were factors associated parents demonstrated high worry and anxiety about the
with less emotional distress for these families. problem with little or no effective action. In this con-
Positive, problem-focused coping strategies (making text, parents or school counselors and social workers
a plan and following through with it), as opposed to can help children develop effective prosocial skills. As
coping strategies that encompass negative self-criticism, described earlier in this chapter, teaching children to
were more effective for mothers in the Sloper (2000) approach their peers in a friendly manner, helping them
study. Similar findings have been found in other stud- to develop strategies for handling questions about fa-
ies where it has been demonstrated that families of chil- cial scarring or speech difficulties, and teaching them
dren with chronic illness do better when they choose how to respond to bullies are social skills that will fa-
an active, problem-focused coping style (Mullins et al., cilitate better adjustment.
1991; Miller et al., 1992a; Thompson et al., 1993; Enabling families to share their successes can also en-
Davis et al., 1998). hance effective coping. Eiserman (2001) suggests that

efforts need to be made to provide families with opti- Benson, BA, Gross, AM, Meeser, SC, et al. (1991). Social support
mism and models of positive outcome: networks among families with craniofacial anomalies. Health Psy-
chol 10: 252-258.
The optimum outcome for families like this was a kind of Bradbury, ET, Hewison, J (1994). Early parental adjustment to vis-
peace of mind and adaptation that comes when individu- ible congenital disfigurement. Child Care Health Dev 20:
als and families accept their circumstances as something: 251-266.
Brantley, HT, Clifford, E (1979). Cognitive, self-concept, and body
to work with, not against; to help frame their lives, not
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their families, (p 6) ties, school achievement, and grade retention among children with
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havior, and personality. Cleft Palate J 19: 249-257. individual differences in child behavior. J Clin Exp Psy-
Richman, LC, Eliason, MJ (1984). Type of reading disability related chopathology Quarterly Rev Psychiatry Neurol 18: 347-356.
to cleft type and neuropsychological patterns. Cleft Palate J 21: Thomas, A, Chess, S (1980). The Dynamics of Psychological Devel-
1-6. opment. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Richman, LC, Eliason, MJ, Lindgren, SD (1988). Reading disability Thomas, A, Chess, S, Birch, HG, et al. (1963). Behavioral Individ-
in children with clefts. Cleft Palate J 25: 21-25. uality in Early Childhood. New York: New York University Press.
Richman, LC, Harper, DC (1978). School adjustment of children Thompson, RJ, Gil, KM, Burbach, DJ, et al. (1993). Psychological
with observable disabilities. J Abnorm Child Psychol 6: 11-18. adjustment of mothers of children and adolescents with sickle cell
Richman, LC, Holmes, CS, Eliason, MJ (1985). Adolescents with disease: the role of stress, coping methods, and family function-
cleft lip and palate self-perceptions of appearance and behavior ing. J Pediatr Psychol 18: 549-559.
related to personality adjustment. Cleft Palate J 22: 93-95. Waitzman, NJ, Romano, PS, Scheffler, RM (1994). Estimates of the
Richman, LC, Millard, TL (1997). Cleft lip and palate: longitudinal economic costs of birth defects. Inquiry 33: 188-205.
behavior and relationships of cleft conditions to behavior and Wallander, JL, Varni, JW, Babani, L, et al. (1988). Children with
achievement. J Pediatr Psychol 22: 487-494. chronic physical disorders: Maternal reports of their psychologi-
Roberts, JE, Burchinal, MR, Medley, LP, et al. (1995). Otitis media, cal adjustment. J Pediatr Psychol 22: 197-212.
hearing sensitivity, and maternal responsiveness in relation to lan- Wallander, JL, Varni, JW, Babani, L, et al. (1989). J Pediatr Psychol
guage during infancy. J Pediatr 226: 481-489. 24: 371-387.
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and Behavior. London: Longman. chronic physical disorders: programmatic research on a disabil-
Schneider, BH, Bryne, BH (1985). Children's social skills training: a ity-stress-coping model. In: Stress and Coping in Child Health,
meta-analysis. In: Issues in Assessment and Intervention, edited edited by AM LaGreca, LJ Siegel, JL Wallander, CE Walker. New
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Springer-Verlag, pp. 175-192. Wilson, B (2001). Resources for people with facial differences. Let's
Shaw, WC, Humphreys, S (1982). Influence of children's dentofacial face it.

International surgical missions


For the foreseeable future, there will always be a need resources/expertise with the CLP population in the
for international surgical missions to deal with the world.
backlog and the increasing number of patients with oral
clefts in the world. These volunteer field missions
should, however, be only a part of an overall global PHILOSOPHY OF VOLUNTEER MISSIONS
strategy. Rather, the emphasis should be on genetic and
environmental research, to understand the causative Traditionally, volunteer surgical missions have been
factors of oral clefts, which might lead to the develop- sponsored by religious groups, service clubs, non-
ment of preventive strategies to reduce incidence. government organizations, philanthropic institutions,
Based on the current world population and birth sta- and altruistic individuals. They are usually motivated by
tistics (United States Bureau of the Census, www. a sense of charity, compassion, and public-spiritedness, 132 million babies toward those who belong to the more vulnerable and
were born in 2001, out of a global population of 6.2 disadvantaged groups in society.
billion individuals. If the prevalence at birth of cleft lip International cleft missions should mobilize these
with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is taken to be 1/500 positive forces and encourage volunteer work as an ex-
live births, 264,000 babies were born with oral clefts pression of a concerned and caring society. Voluntary
in 2001. This enormous number illustrates the magni- work, as most volunteers on cleft missions have found,
tude of the problem, which needs to be addressed on is not necessarily a one-way street: the volunteer gives
a global scale. It is likely that the population with oral time and expertise and gains much in return from the
clefts will increase globally, unless there are dramatic experience. Interaction with different cultures and dif-
genetic breakthroughs or new preventive strategies that ferent socioeconomic groups can be a very enriching
can reduce this ever-increasing number. experience, broadening one's outlook of the world
Concurrently, there is also the problem of limited community, creating of new bonds, and heightening the
global health resources, especially when dealing with a sense of personal fulfillment at being able to do some-
non-life-threatening condition such as cleft lip and thing positive, meaningful, and totally voluntary in na-
palate (CLP). The overwhelming numbers of newborns ture.
with oral clefts are found in countries with high birth
rates (e.g., China, India, Indonesia, Africa, South Amer-
ica, Southeast Asia) (Lee, 1999b), where there are in- GOALS OF INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS
variably limited resources for dealing with the prob-
lem. This unequal distribution of expertise and There is a common thread which runs through all of
resources is a global dilemma. Resource-rich countries the goals and objectives of international surgical mis-
have fewer patients, while countries with minimal re- sions. As far as cleft missions are concerned, the
sources are inundated with more cleft patients than they "purist" approach is to deal only with oral cleft pa-
can handle. Therein lies the challenge of matching the tients, to the exclusion of any other medical condition.

As far as this author is aware, only a few teams, such Close contact with the main liaison of the host coun-
as Michael Mars' from the Great Ormond Street Chil- try will need to be maintained. With the availability of
dren's Hospital (Mars et al., 1990) and Amado Ruiz- the Internet today, communication has become less of
Razura's of Operation San Jose (Ruiz-Razura et al., a problem. The team composition, the inventory of
2000), conduct their missions in such an exclusive equipment and supplies, the basic screening of patients
manner. Almost all other missions deal with a high per- before arrival of the team, and the operating schedule
centage of CLP cases (usually over 80%) and, to a lesser for the duration of the mission need to be jointly
extent, burns, contractures, chronically unhealed worked out between the team leader and the liaison be-
wounds from snakebites and other causes, tropical ul- forehand.
cers, and cancrum oris. As far as the preparation of the team members is con-
Volunteer organizations usually have five main goals, cerned, they need to be briefed on the nature of the
which are humanitarian in nature (for more details, In- mission, their individual responsibilities even though
ternational Medical Corps, 1997; Interplast Australia, they may be volunteers, the local customs and culture,
1999; Interplast, Inc., 1998; Operation Smile, 1997): and their role as medical "ambassadors." They need to
take the necessary immunization and prophylactic pro-
1. Provision of direct care to cleft patients and those
cedures against, e.g., malaria (where chloroquine resis-
requiring reconstructive and other ancillary services
tance is a problem, check with World Health Organi-
2. Provision of educational training to the local popu-
zation and local health authorities on appropriate
lation of doctors, nurses, and paramedical person-
prophylaxis). Each member of the team should be per-
sonally insured against injury as well as covered
3. Provision for more complex cases, who cannot be
medicolegally. Either the organization or the institution
treated locally, to be brought back to the donor
will need to provide this coverage, and its importance
country for treatment
cannot be overemphasized.
4. Promotion of self-reliance and establishment of lo-
cal teams capable of continuing the work of volun-
teer teams
5. Collection of epidemiological and other research RECIPE FOR SUCCESS: THE DOs AND DON'Ts
data which could give a better insight into the
causative factors and result in preventive strategies Guidelines have been drawn up by various volunteer
organizations (Lee, 1999a; Reconstructive Surgeons
Volunteer Program, 1999; American Cleft Palate As-
sociation, 1994) to help those who wish to volunteer
PREPARATION FOR A SURGICAL MISSION their services in developing countries. These guidelines
are necessary, to provide a minimum standard of care
The preparation of a surgical mission is as important for cleft patients and to prevent the "downside" of vol-
as the actual execution of the mission itself. The unteer missions. Much has been written about the un-
preparatory work may take from 6 months to a year favorable outcomes of medical missions (Lehman and
for all of the necessary correspondence and clearance D'Antonio, 1992), and this disquiet prompted the Re-
with the relevant medical bodies, ministries, etc. to be constructive Surgeons Volunteer Program to organize
completed. Assessment of the needs and the local fa- a symposium entitled "Volunteering Overseas: Avoid-
cilities means that a site usually must be visited by the ing the Downside" in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1998.
team leader and key personnel prior to the mission it- From these discussions, the following 10 guidelines for
self. the conduct of volunteer surgical missions have been
Embassies in the countries to be visited are usually accepted.
a repository of relevant information about local health
hazards, immunization required for the team, local in- Guidelines for Volunteer Medical Missions
formation on food, accommodation, entry regulations, 1. Go where there is a need and go where you are
areas to avoid because of security problems, social wanted.
taboos, etc. In addition, the ambassador and embassy 2. The goals should be service, training, education,
staff are usually very solicitous and proud of the visit- and, where possible, research.
ing team and can provide useful contacts with local 3. All volunteer missions should liaise closely with the
ministry officials to facilitate the team's movement and host organization and seek clearance from local
activities. Contact with the embassy is to notify the government authorities and national organizations.
team's visit rather than the actual organization of the 4. Proper planning and attention to details of the mis-
mission itself. sions will ensure success, e.g., proper timing, cus-

toms and immigration, flight arrangements, and sionals may feel threatened or there may be a "loss of
patient screening. face." It is important to realize that the local profes-
5. Local host participation is important to the success sionals may not be able to accept that their skill levels
of the mission, e.g., local transport, storage of are not equal to the visitors' and that any discussion
equipment and supplies, food, and accommodation of sophisticated technology will further enhance feel-
for team members. ings of inferiority and animosity. To avoid such nega-
6. Personal health and liability are the individual re- tive feelings, active steps should be taken by the vol-
sponsibilities of team members themselves, to avoid unteer team to dispel such perceptions. The best way
sickness during or after the mission. Proper vacci- to accomplish this is to have the local professionals
nation and prophylactic measures should be un- work alongside the visiting team members from the
dertaken. start.
7. Sources of funding may be personal donations, in- Host countries can participate actively to ensure the
dustry, philanthropic organizations, private sector, success of missions in several ways.
nongovernment organizations, and governments.
1. Needs, whether they involve service, training, or
Recipient countries may contribute toward local
equipment and supplies, should be identified as ac-
transport, food, and accommodation.
curately as possible.
8. Team members should be experienced specialists
2. The patient population needs to be screened so that
in their own fields, to ensure quality of care. Only
only those suitable for surgery are presented to the
senior residents or trainees should be allowed to
team. Usually, the short duration of the mission pre-
operate under the supervision of senior team mem-
cludes dealing with every patient, and there needs
to be some prioritization. Investigation and surgery
9. Postoperative care and follow-up must be of the
for some complex craniofacial anomalies will need
highest quality, to avoid complications, especially
to be done in the donor institution/country.
after the team's departure.
3. Facilitation of entry and customs requirements as
10. Volunteer teams should always avoid self-promot-
well as local transport and accommodation will al-
ing publicity, especially in the host country. Sensi-
low the volunteer team to settle in and get to work
tivities may be aroused by undue and unwanted
as quickly as possible.
publicity among the local medical fraternity; but
4. Host country and institutions can demonstrate re-
publicity at home, especially after completion of a
sponsibility in the usage of funds and supplies/equip-
successful mission, is welcome and good for rais-
ment so that donors can be assured that the dona-
ing awareness and funds.
tions have reached the people most in need of help.
In general, volunteers should maintain the highest 5. Follow-up of patients after the departure of the vol-
standards of care. They should work in conjunction unteer team will need to be carried out by local pro-
with local doctors and transfer skills and knowledge to fessionals. Documentation and records are impor-
them so that they can be self-reliant in delivering ser- tant for subsequent recall of patients who may
vices after the departure of the team. Technical aid pro- require staged repair or secondary procedures.
grams to bring doctors, nurses, and paramedical per- 6. To develop the concept of multidisciplinary team
sonnel for further training in the donor institutions care for cleft patients, host countries and institutions
should be made available. Medical volunteers are am- should identify suitable individuals for training in
bassadors of care as well as goodwill and should be orthodontics, speech therapy, pediatric anesthesia,
sensitive to local customs and culture. They should be and specialized cleft nursing. They are encouraged
adaptable to local conditions of medical practice and to function as a unit and to work with the volun-
living. Team members should be chosen for their adapt- teer team on subsequent visits. If opportunities are
ability as much as their surgical skills. available, they should be sent for training in the
donor countries/institutions so that eventually a self-
reliant and independent CLP team can be created
for long-term care of the local cleft population.

The perception by the local professional community of FUTURE OF SURGICAL MISSIONS

the goals of a volunteer mission is important in deter-
mining the level of cooperation. If volunteers are per- As Gorney (1987) said: "there is no more undervalued
ceived as providing a "superior" service and this is the a weapon of foreign policy as reconstructive surgery."
belief among the local patients, then the local profes- When volunteers bring hope to those born with clefts

and deformed faces who would otherwise have to face ture, and until it does, volunteerism will provide the
a life as a castaway and shunned by society, they are avenue for following our humanitarian drive and
regarded as angels of hope and humanitarian ambas- achieving our hippocratic ideals.
sadors for their countries.
No amount of foreign aid will touch as many lives
as those operated on by the volunteer teams or gener- REFERENCES
ate the aura of goodwill and understanding between American Cleft Palate Association (1994). Cleft and Craniofacial Sur-
peoples and nations. gery Services in Developing Nations: Guidelines for Volunteers,
However, volunteer missions must be audited for edited by K Stueber and L Wilson.
their performance. They must not leave behind a trail Gorney, M (1987). Principles of successful medical expeditions to
of mishaps and complications to sully the reputation developing nations. In: A Different Kind of Diplomacy, edited by
JC Fisher and D Armstrong. San Diego: Plastic Surgery Educa-
of volunteer missions. Untrained personnel and those tion Foundation, pp. 10-14.
who do not have the credentials to carry out the sur- International Medical Corps (1997). Annual Report 1997. Los An-
gical procedures in their own countries should not do geles: International Medical Corps.
so in the guise of a "foreign expert" in a developing Interplast Australia (1999). Annual Report 1999. Melbourne: Inter-
country. Volunteer missions, after all, are not safaris plast Australia.
Interplast Inc (1987). The Story of Interplast—Shared Miracles. Palo
for hit-and-miss surgeons. They are for the most expe- Alto: Interplast.
rienced in the specialty so that spot decisions can be Lee, ST (1999a). International Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic
made in the field. There are no intensive care units when Society, Committee on Projects in Developing Countries. Guide-
something goes amiss, and only experience and clini- lines for volunteer missions overseas. IPRAS Newsletter.
cal judgment of the best course of action will some- Lee, ST (1999b). New treatment and research strategies for the im-
provement of care of cleft lip and palate patients in the new mil-
times save the day. lenium. Ann Acad Med Singapore 28: 760-767.
Those who are starting off as volunteers are advised Lehman, JA, D'Antonio, LL (1992). Volunteer medical missions.
to adhere closely to the guidelines set out by interna- Cleft Palate Craniofac J Vol 29, pp. 1-2.
tional bodies such as The Reconstructive Surgeons Vol- Mars, M, James, DR, Lamabadusuriya, SP (1990). The Sri Lankan
unteer Program, The American Cleft Palate Associa- Cleft Lip and Palate Project. Cleft Palate J 27: 3-6.
Operation Smile (1997). Annual Report 1997. Norfolk, VA: Oper-
tion, and The International Plastic Reconstructive and ation Smile.
Aesthetic Society. They should consult veterans of vol- Reconstructive Surgeons Volunteer Program (1998). RSVP Guide-
unteer missions, who will usually have many interest- lines for Good Guests. Arlington Heights, IL: Reconstructive Sur-
ing anecdotes to tell and down-to-earth advice to give. geons Volunteer Program.
Volunteer missions will continue to be needed until cleft Ruiz-Razura, A, Cronin, ED, Navavro, CE (2000). Creating long-
term benefits in cleft lip and palate volunteer missions. Plast Re-
teams are established in all developing countries and const Surg 105: 195-201.
the population of individuals with oral clefts stops United States Bureau of the Census. International Data Base. 2001.
growing. This will not happen in the foreseeable fu-

Evidence-based care for children with

cleft lip and palate


In the modern age, evidence-based care is considered JUDGING EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS

to be an integration of the best research evidence with
clinical expertise and patient values. With respect to The general rules of health technology assessment are
therapeutic interventions, the strongest evidence is de- well established and the quality of treatment compar-
rived from systematic reviews that provide a synthesis isons conforms to a widely accepted hierarchy, from
of relevant randomized control trials (Sackett et al., anecdotal reports to randomized trials and systematic
2000). reviews. This hierarchy relates to the degree of effort
For cleft lip and palate care providers, however, there made to minimize ever-present sources of research bias,
are some challenges ahead. The present scientific basis "the usual suspects," that readily lead to false conclu-
of the discipline is weak since virtually no elements of sions:
treatment have been subjected to the rigors of con-
temporary clinical trial design (Roberts et al., 1991). 1. Susceptibility bias. Some patients will inevitably be
Thus, highly complex and varied protocols of care are more susceptible to treatment because their condi-
practised by different teams. Generally speaking, tion is less severe or they inherently possess a bet-
choices regarding surgical technique, timing and se- ter prognosis. Thus, the effectiveness of any tech-
quencing, and ancillary procedures, such as orthope- nique, applied to a group of cases that are inherently
dics, orthodontics, and speech therapy, are arrived at more amenable, will be inflated if compared with
following disappointment in the results of former prac- another technique applied to a more challenging
tices rather than firm evidence that the new protocol sample.
has succeeded elsewhere. As a consequence, the un- 2. Proficiency bias. In a similar manner, a more skilled
substantiated testimony of enthusiasts for a particular surgeon or clinical team can also flatter or inflate
treatment has done much to shape current practices. the apparent effectiveness of a technique. If opera-
Typically, enthusiastic claims are made for a new type tor A is 10% better than operator B and technique
of therapy, the procedure is widely adopted, a flow of X is 5% better than technique Y, a false conclusion
favorable clinical reports ensues, little or no positive will be reached in a comparison of Y performed by
evidence develops to support the desirability of the pro- A vs. X performed by B.
cedure, and there is a sharp drop in the number of clin- 3. Follow-up bias. How confident can the consumer of
ical reports, again without evidence to support the journal or lecture reports be that the whole story
change (Spriestersbach et al., 1973). has been given? Can we be sure that follow-up was


as rigorous for the cases that went badly as for those unconvincing in the absence of subsequent confirma-
that went well? Without knowing about all of the tory series.
cases in which the new technique was tried, reliable
conclusions cannot be drawn.
4. Exclusion bias. In reporting the effectiveness of an Case Series
intervention, it is often tempting to exclude retro-
Reports of a series of cases treated by the same method
spectively cases where the expected progress was not
provide more substantial evidence of the merits of a
achieved. Typical grounds for retrospective exclu-
particular technique or program of treatment and a
sion might be lack of compliance on the part of the
general impression of relative efficacy for the profes-
patient or suspicion that an underlying condition
sional community. They are of particular value in
(e.g., an ill-defined syndrome) has prevented the in-
demonstrating that new procedures can be reliably per-
tervention from working. Irregular application of
formed and can have a low risk of serious morbidity.
the rules of retrospective exclusion clearly can re-
Rather commonly, however, outcome is measured in
move any equivalence that comparison groups may
the short term and the enthusiasm of the reporters may
have had.
impair true objectivity. Thus, primary bone grafting,
5. Analysis bias. Given the virtual absence of agreed
first heralded as an important breakthrough in case se-
rating schemes for outcome evaluation, reporting in
ries reports, was later shown by randomized control
the cleft literature is inevitably inconsistent. With-
trials to be harmful to facial growth (Rehrmann et al.,
out objectivity in appraisal, as achieved with
1970; Jolleys and Robertson, 1972). However, case se-
blinded, independent panels, comparisons must be
ries of secondary bone grafting using cancellous iliac
crest grafts revealed that one aspect of outcome, the
6. Reporting bias. Clinical researchers, like drug com-
patient's dentition, could be reliably restored beyond
panies, are less likely to report negative findings than
previously attainable levels (Boyne and Sands, 1972,
positive ones. However, not only are findings more
1976; Bergland et al., 1986). The immediacy of these
likely to be reported if they are positive, but they
benefits ruled against the need for a randomized trial,
are also more readily accepted for publication by
though potential growth disturbances still deserved
journals, more readily accepted for conferences,
consideration (Semb, 1988). Future trials of bone graft-
more often published in English, and more often
ing may, however, still be necessary to examine indi-
cited in later publications (Dickersin and Min, 1993;
vidual aspects of surgical technique or timing or the
Dickersin et al., 1992; Easterbrook et al., 1991; Eg-
suitability of alternative graft materials.
ger et al., 1997; Stern and Simes, 1997).
Case series rarely provide evidence of the superior-
Not surprisingly then, empirical research consistently ity of one technique over others where a choice of
demonstrates that in studies without randomized con- broadly similar methods exists and any improvement
trol groups an overestimation of effectiveness results may be incremental rather than dramatic. This is a ma-
(Kunz and Oxman, 1998). Thus, controlled trials of jor problem in the evaluation of primary surgical re-
psychiatric interventions found them to be effective pair since this may be achieved with apparently simi-
only 25% of the time, but in uncontrolled studies of lar success by methods that differ in technique, timing,
the same medications 75% were positive. Even more and sequence. Meaningful comparison of case series re-
dramatically, none of a series of randomized trials of ported in the literature is prohibited by methodologi-
portacaval shunt surgery found clear evidence of ben- cal inconsistencies in assessment and by the absence of
efit, but 75% of uncontrolled studies did. Clearly then, strict and well-defined entry criteria, such as consecu-
uncontrolled studies, which make up the great major- tive cases with an equivalent prognosis.
ity of the current literature of cleft care, must be ap-
praised with great caution. They should be appreciated
for the contributions to knowledge they can make, with Uncontrolled Comparison Studies
recognition of their inherent limitations.
Opportunities for nonexperimental comparisons of
therapies or programs of care can arise in several ways:
AnecdofaJ Case Reports through coexisting therapies at the same center,
through replacement of one therapy with another, or
Case reports may signal important new developments by comparison of treatment centers using different
in surgical practice, but the evidence they contain for therapies. However, any lack of equivalence between
a widespread change in practice remains generally the cases prior to treatment or lack of equivalence in

the competence of the clinicians will again undermine to be gathered prospectively as a randomized clinical
the conclusions. trial and is clearly attractive where recruitment of cases
is slow. Furthermore, it has been argued that in cir-
Comparison of Coexisting Therapies. When using cumstances of poor outcome it may be unethical to
retrospective material such as case notes or clinical withhold new treatment in order to create a control
databases, checks can be made on the equivalence of group (Gehan, 1984). There are nevertheless several bi-
the groups, commonly in terms of gender, age, or cleft ases and possibilities for confounding that generally fa-
subtype. Preferably, cases can be matched pairwise on vor the newly introduced procedure. In practice,
these characteristics. Alternatively, adjustments can be changes in technique at a treatment center often come
made in the analysis by stratification or the use of mul- about as a result of changes in personnel, who may
tivariate statistical methods. In either case, doubt will have performed differently with respect to the previous
remain that important prognostic factors have been method. This leads to bias due to differences in the skill
masked, for if two or more therapies were being used of personnel associated with either treatment method.
concurrently within a single center, selective allocation For example, a new method of treatment is often tested
to treatment must be suspected. by an experienced and innovative surgeon, who may
Factors that may have influenced clinical decision- be expected to achieve better results than the average
making could be unrecorded or unreliably recorded. surgeon. This clearly introduces the confounding effect
For example, decisions as to when (at what age) to per- of operator skill with treatment. Even where there is
form primary surgery may be influenced by unrecorded stability of staff, bias reflecting gradual changes of abil-
aspects of the morphology of the cleft, the availability ity and technique is highly likely and definition or as-
of personnel, the health of the child, or parental atti- certainment of prognosis may change. New methods
tudes toward the cleft. Should these factors influence may also be initially applied with some selectivity to
outcome, confounding would occur in any study of the "suitable" cases as experience is gained. Other aspects
effect of age on surgical outcome. of clinical management may have been altered with the
The possibility of confounding in this way is espe- intention of improving outcome, creating additional
cially likely when treatment was provided 5 or 10 years possibilities for bias in favor of the innovative proce-
previously and different staff were involved. Retro- dure. Multivariate methods have been suggested as a
spective ascertainment of the details of primary surgery way to adjust for these biases, but serial changes in
or cleft subtype is difficult, and descriptive terminol- treatment are likely to take place in parallel, resulting
ogy may have changed in subtle ways. It may be pos- in a strong association between treatment variables.
sible to match or adjust data to remove bias due to gen- This is one reason why historical control design is gen-
der, age, or cleft subtype; but this gives no guarantee erally unsuited to evaluating primary surgery since
that some other prognostic factor that may affect out- other changes in the total program of care are likely to
come is not associated with choice of treatment. Also, have occurred during the extensive recruitment.
a critical factor in surgical outcome must be the com- Bias favoring the innovative procedure is a major
petence of the surgeon. cause for concern with historical control studies as they
may either fail to resolve a controversy or create ethi-
Comparison with Historical Controls. Comparisons cal concerns that preclude further, more rigorous com-
with historical controls may arise as natural experi- parisons. Favorable outcomes suggested for a new pro-
ments by changes in therapy within a treatment center. cedure by historical control studies have been disputed
Such research is particularly valuable when durable by subsequent randomized controlled trials (Pinsky,
records (e.g., radiographs, study casts, speech record- 1984; Pollock, 1986). Thus, historical control studies
ings, photographs) are obtained in a standardized way could set in motion an unwarranted cycle of change
for both subjects treated by a previous method (his- with no benefit to the patient and, consequently, delay
torical controls) and those treated by the new method, the process of development.
allowing simultaneous unbiased evaluation. Data may The reduction in recruitment time for a historical
already exist on two well-documented treatments used control study in which data are gathered prospectively
in different time periods. on a new method is also less important when evaluat-
An alternative circumstance in which such studies ing primary surgery due to the extended follow-up re-
arise is where data for a group of patients receiving a quired for each case. If, for example, the proposed
standard treatment already exist and can be gathered follow-up of a trial of two methods of primary surgery
in a similar way when a new treatment is introduced. is 10 years and the recruitment time of patients suffi-
This design requires only half the number of patients cient for a randomized trial is 4 years, the total dura-

tion would be 14 years. The potential saving of time ficrndomized Controlled Trials
in a partially prospective historical control study would
be only 2 years (14%). For the comparison of therapies, there is little doubt
that the randomized control trial (RCT) is generally the
Intercenter Comparison. The multicenter approach method of choice both scientifically and ethically. Ran-
offers distinct advantages for even the busiest cleft lip domization minimizes conscious or unconscious bias
and palate treatment centers; the generation of ade- in treatment allocation. Prognostic factors, whether
quate samples within specific cleft subtypes treated by known or unknown to the investigator, tend to be bal-
contrasting treatment modalities is extremely difficult. anced between treatment groups. Since patients are fol-
Prospectively planned recall of cases at participating lowed prospectively according to a clearly defined pro-
centers allows data on outcome to be collected in a tocol, missing data are less likely, and the potential loss
standardized way, and rigorous planning and execu- to follow-up is reduced. If loss does occur, it may be
tion across the centers can ensure consecutive case re- possible to quantify any induced bias, in contrast with
cruitment and unbiased evaluation (Shaw et al., retrospective studies, where the researcher may be un-
1992b). aware of patients lost to follow-up, thus introducing
Provided procedures for entry into the study are bias into the results.
equivalent in all participating centers, this strategy is RCTs, however, can also be performed badly. No-
extremely valuable in assessing the outcome of primary tably, if the randomization procedure is not strictly ap-
surgery together with other major components of the plied (i.e., allocation is not fully concealed from the in-
treatment program at respective centers. However, it is vestigators), bias can enter. As with nonrandomized
difficult, if not impossible, to establish the key benefi- studies, inadequate concealment is associated with
cial or harmful features of a specific treatment as a gen- higher odds ratios; i.e., an inflated view of effectiveness
eral scientific conclusion due to the invariably complex emerges (Moher et al., 1998).
and arbitrary mix of surgical techniques, timing, se- The ethical issues concerning RCTs in cleft care are
quence, ancillary procedures, and surgical personnel interesting (Berkowitz, 1995; Shaw, 1995), particularly
(Shaw et al., 1992a). For example, if two centers dif- the double standards that are applied in clinical ex-
fer in the use of presurgical orthopedics and types of perimentation. History tells us that not all surgical in-
primary lip and palate surgery, there is no way to de- novations are an enduring success. Discredited tech-
termine which of these procedures might be responsi- niques, though once fashionable, include gastric
ble for any difference in outcome between centers, nor freezing for bleeding peptic ulcer, carotid body dener-
would a null result allow the conclusion that individ- vation for bronchial asthma, portacaval shunt to pre-
ual aspects of the treatment program are equivalent. vent esophageal variceal bleeding, nephropexy for
The method is, therefore, better suited to comparative viceroptosis, removal of chronically inflamed appendix,
clinical audit and quality assurance than definitive clin- and periarterial sympathectomy (Baum, 1981; Salz-
ical research. Significant disparities in outcome of the man, 1985). One dramatic medical example is the pro-
overall treatment process provide a basis for speculat- phylactic use of antiarrhythmic drugs during myocar-
ing as to the possible cause, and intercenter studies dial infarction: at the peak of their use in the late 1980s,
should therefore be highly motivating toward the gen- it has been estimated that these drugs caused between
eration of specific hypotheses for subsequent trials. 20,000 and 70,000 deaths every year in the United
An ambitious audit of this kind was conducted in the States alone, a yearly total of the same order of mag-
United Kingdom, to determine the standards of cleft nitude as the total number of Americans who died in
care in the country as a whole, and included a com- the Vietnam War (Moore, 1995).
parison with centers in other European countries (Beam Where the doctor leads, most patients and parents
et al., 2001). Prospectively planned recall of all 5- and will follow. Such is the desire to shed handicap and
12-year-olds with unilateral cleft lip and palate and stigma. Yet, innovation per se offers no guarantee. Nu-
standardized recording of a range of outcomes allowed merous reports show that new treatments are as likely
a series of subgroup comparisons as well as compari- to be worse as they are to be better than existing al-
son with standards elsewhere. The conclusions of this ternatives (Chalmers, 1997).
study formed the basis for government recommenda- What then should be our ethical position? If we wish
tions to reconfigure cleft services in the United King- to test an innovate procedure in an RCT, we must ob-
dom such that care is now concentrated in the hands tain ethical approval from an appropriate body and
of a small number of regional specialist centers (Clini- fully inform each new patient about any uncertainty
cal Standards Advisory Group, 1998). and risk prior to obtaining signed consent. Ironically,

if we wish to test the same innovation on all of our pa- ryngeal insufficiency, maxillary arch development, or
tients, no such rules currently apply (Chalmers and soft tissue profile as measured on cephalometric ra-
Lindley, 2000). "Ethical codes that seek to protect pa- diographs. However, phonological development was
tients . . . regulate the responsible investigator but not significantly better in patients operated at 6 months,
the irresponsible adventurer" (Lantos, 1994). In the and none of the patients in this group developed com-
United States, the National Commission for the Pro- pensatory articulation. The authors concluded that cleft
tection of Human Subjects recommended that "med- palate repair performed at 6 months significantly en-
ical committees should be responsible for ensuring that hances speech outcome and prevents compensatory ar-
major innovations undergo proper scientific evaluation" ticulation disorder.
and be charged with "determining which new treat- At the Hospital for Research and Rehabilitation of
ments need to be evaluated, the proper method of eval- Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo,
uation and how to limit the use . . . prior to the com- Brazil, an RCT comparing velopharyngeal function for
pletion of that evaluation" (Tonelli et al., 1996). As yet, speech outcomes in two groups of patients with com-
no such body exists in the United States or Europe. plete unilateral cleft lip and palate has begun (Williams
Almost 30 years ago, Spriestersbach and co-workers et al., 1998). The two palatoplasty techniques are the
(1973) identified the need for prospective research to von Langenbeck with intravelar veloplasty and the Fur-
resolve the central problems of cleft management. low procedure. A total of 608 patients will be entered
However, remarkably few RCTs have been performed into one of two age categories: patients having surgery
in cleft lip and palate surgery, despite being the surest before 1 year of age and patients undergoing surgery
means of advancing the discipline in the face of over- at approximately 1.5 years of age. This study is de-
whelming uncertainty about the relative efficacy of signed to determine which of the two surgical proce-
countless different programs of care around the world. dures is superior at constructing a velum capable of af-
In a review of 25 years of the Cleft Palate Journal, only fecting velopharyngeal competence for the development
five controlled clinical trials were identified, with only of normal speech.
one involving follow-up after surgery of more than 4 For patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency, sec-
years (Roberts et al., 1991). ondary surgery to the pharynx is often recommended.
Robertson and Jolleys conducted two small RCTs of The two most popular techniques are pharyngeal flap
primary surgery in the 1960s. In the first study, a sample and sphincter pharyngoplasty. These techniques are
was randomized with respect to alveolar bone grafting presently being tested in a multisite RCT. Patients are
at the time of primary surgery in infancy (Robertson evaluated before and at least twice following surgery
and Jolleys, 1968). Follow-up revealed a detrimental by perceptual speech evaluation, video nasopharyn-
effect on facial growth in the grafted group (Robertson goscopy, nasometry, polysomnographic sleep study,
and Jolleys, 1983). The second study involved two lateral cephalometric radiography, audiometry, and
groups of 20 cases, one group having anterior palate tympanometry. When completed, the study should sig-
closure delayed until age 5 years. No benefit for dento- nificantly increase our understanding of both opera-
facial growth was found in delaying hard palate clo- tions and allow an objective comparison between them
sure (Robertson and Jolleys, 1974). A follow-up study in terms of speech results, incidence of sleep apnea,
when the children were 11 years of age reached the other complications, and rate of reoperation, as well as
same conclusion (Robertson and Jolleys, 1990). operating time, length of hospital stay, and financial
In a quasi-RCT on speech outcome, Marsh et al. costs (Sloan et al., 1996).
(1989) alternated (rather than randomized) palate re- Since 1986, north European teams have been devel-
pair with or without intravelar veloplasty in 51 sub- oping a concerted program of multidisciplinary inter-
jects with a broad range of palatal cleft types. Speech center research on cleft lip and palate, including a com-
evaluations were made at 2-year follow-up. No differ- parison of surgical outcome in four Scandinavian
ence in outcome was detected, but the procedure in- centers (Friede et al., 1991; Enemark et al., 1993) and
cluding intravelar veloplasty required a significantly six European centers (Shaw et al., 1992a,b; M01sted et
longer operating time. al., 1992, 1993a,b; Mars et al., 1992; Asher-McDade
Another RCT on speech outcome and maxillary et al., 1992; Morrant and Shaw, 1996; Grunwell et al.,
growth in patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and 2000).
palate operated on at 6 vs. 12 months of age was un- Following these collaborations, the limitations of in-
dertaken in Mexico (Ysunza et al., 1998). The study tercenter studies became increasingly obvious to these
groups consisted of 41 subjects operated on at 12 teams. In particular, it became clear that it would be
months and 35 subjects operated on at 6 months. There impossible to separate out the single elements of the
was no statistically significant difference in velopha- package of care provided in the different centers. It was

recognized that outcomes of care reflect surgical skill class correlation coefficient, also referred to as the
as well as surgical technique and timing and sequence reliability coefficient. In a research setting, a measure-
of surgery as well as other auxiliary procedures, such ment may be broken up into two components: the
as presurgical orthopedics. "true," or error-free, measurement of each case and the
This experience, therefore, provided a compelling error, or "noise," in the measurement that one would
stimulus for starting RCTs on primary surgery of clefts. wish to minimize. The intraclass correlation coefficient
Ten centers are currently participating in a set of three is a ratio of the variation of the error-free measurement
parallel trials, in which teams test their traditional lo- to the total variation including measurement error. As
cal protocols against a common protocol (Semb and a ratio, it is dimensionless and, hence, independent of
Shaw, 1998). At the time of this writing, almost half the units of measurement whether they be distances,
of the proposed sample of 450 infants with unilateral angles, or scale points in a rating scale. Consequently,
cleft lip and palate had been entered. it allows cross-comparison of reproducibility between
Randomized trials of nonsurgical intervention have different methods of measurement.
also been completed. These include the use or nonuse In the unlikely circumstance that a measurement
of presurgical orthopedics (Prahl et al., 1996), the use scale is applied without any measurement error, the
or nonuse of arm splints following surgery (Jigjinni et variation of error-free measurement will equal the to-
al., 1993), unrestricted sucking after surgery (Lee, tal variation. In this case, the intraclass correlation co-
1999), and feeding methods in infancy (Brine et al., efficient equals 1. However, a scale containing sub-
1994; Shaw et al., 1999). stantial error will have a much smaller intraclass
Such efforts demonstrate the feasibility of RCTs in correlation coefficient. In the worst case, where the
the cleft field and indicate the probable shape of future measurement error is so great that the scale is unable
progress. Thus, trials of sufficient power are likely to to distinguish between cases, the intraclass correlation
be mounted either through collaborations between coefficient is equal to 0. At the design stage of a study,
funding agencies, clinical scientists, and large, possibly poor reproducibility of an outcome measure may be
developing world centers or through multicenter trials offset by an increase in sample size. The sample size re-
within collaborative groups with strong geographic or quired is increased (relative to that for an entirely reli-
cultural links. able scale) by the factor 1/R, where R is the intraclass
correlation coefficient. It is generally estimated using
analysis of variance. If the scale used is categorical, the
MEASURING TREATMENT OUTCOME weighted kappa statistic may be used (Cohen, 1968).
This is equivalent to the intraclass correlation coeffi-
The ultimate goal of cleft care is restoration of the pa- cient if squared weights are used (Fleiss and Cohen,
tient to a "normal" life, unhindered by handicap or dis- 1973).
ability. However, the measurement of normalcy is a Another strategy to improve the reproducibility of a
highly complex proposition, and there is certainly no measure is to use the total or mean of a set of mea-
index at present that would allow sufficiently sensitive surements from a panel of observers working indepen-
comparison between alternative treatment protocols. dently. This also reduces any bias that may related to
Clinical trials focus more on "proximate" outcomes. the idiosyncratic perceptions of a particular observer.
These mainly represent different aspects of anatomical It is possible to estimate the reliability of such a pooled
form and function in the parts affected by the clefting value using the Spearman Brown formula (Fleiss,
process, often reflecting the particular interests of in- 1986). If R is the intraclass correlation coefficient for
dividual disciplines and provider groups. In essence, a single observer, then the intraclass correlation coef-
most measures will be an indication of the degree of ficient for a measurement obtained by totaling the
handicap that persists despite (or as a result of) treat- scores of m observers is as follows:
ment, such as shortcomings in speech, hearing, and
dentofacial development.

Outcome Measures
More difficult is the requirement of validity that the
Proximate outcome measures must satisfy several cri- measure truly represents what it is supposed to repre-
teria. The easiest to meet is that the measurement sent. For example, do the results of a nasendoscopic
should be reproducible between and within examiners. examination reflect how well the patient sounds to oth-
The most suitable statistic for comparing the repro- ers? Or does a series of cephalometric measurements
ducibility of different measurement scales is the intra- actually reflect how well the patient looks to others?

TABLE 34.1 Correlation between Measurement of

Maxillo-Mandibular Profile at Age 6 and
Subsequently in the Same Cases*
Strength of linear relationship with A-N-B at
age 6 years (±1) measured by r2 (n = 56)
12 years 15 years year;
18 years

a-n-b 0.67 0.45 0.27

A-N-B 0.74 0.57 0.46

*Data from the Oslo Archive (Semb, 1991).

Data from the Oslo Archive (Semb, 1991) were ex-

amined at a number of age points to assess how well
early measurement of the A-N-B angle would predict
FIG. 34.1. Comparison of maxillo-mandibular profile measurements the situation in adulthood. To assess the strength of
for unilateral cleft lip and palate, a-n-b, hard tissue; A-N-B, soft tis- any linear predictive relationship, r2 was calculated be-
sue. Data derived from the Eurocleft Study.
tween the soft tissue A-N-B angle at age 6 ± 1 year and
measurements at a later stage (Table 34.1). Small
groups of 20 to 30 unilateral cleft lip and palate pa-
External facial appearance is a crucial outcome for pa- tients from Manchester and Oslo were compared in a
tients since this, after all, is what they and society number of studies at different ages. In Figure 34.2, the
around them actually see. Cephalometric analysis, with average soft tissue A-N-B angle for each center at ages
its central place in the thinking of orthodontists, is as- 6, 9, and 12 years is shown. Though the levels of sig-
sumed to be an important outcome in its own right, if nificance for the differences fall just below the 5% level,
only as a surrogate measure (Herson, 1989). It is how- the differences between each center at different ages are
ever, an invalid measure of many aspects of external of similar magnitude, reinforcing the predictive worth
facial appearance. of the soft tissue A-N-B angle at age 6 ± 1 year.
A particular problem in the study of a congenital
condition such as cleft lip and palate arises when out-
comes are assessed in childhood, though eventual form Measurement Scales
and function will not be known until adulthood. This Development of measurement scales that are both re-
is especially so for aspects of facial growth such as max- producible and valid for cleft outcomes is still at an
illary prominence since this feature deteriorates steadily early stage. Preliminary experience comes from com-
during growth (Semb, 1991). A useful way to identify parisons of dentofacial form and relationships in the
potential outcome measures that are valid and predic-
tive is to examine longitudinal archives. The relative
prominence of the maxilla in patients with complete
clefts is an important outcome for evaluating the suc-
cess of primary surgery. One common method for do-
ing this is to measure angle a-n-b, the relationship of
the anterior outlines of the maxilla and mandible to the
fronto-nasal suture. However, identification of point A
on the maxillary outline is difficult in early childhood
because of the position of the unerupted permanent in-
cisors. In the Eurocleft study (Moisted et al., 1992),
soft tissue analysis at age 10 for unilateral cleft lip and
palate was broadly consistent with that derived from
hard tissues (Fig. 34.1), and if the soft tissue A-N-B an-
gle could be shown to be adequately predictive, it
would be a good alternative. Indeed, it has the further
advantages of being measurable on photographs, obvi- FIG. 34.2. Comparison of Oslo and Manchester samples with uni-
ating the need for irradiation and reflecting the actual lateral cleft lip and palate for different age groups. Group means with
facial outline observable in everyday life. 95% confidence limits.

Eurocleft study using cephalometric analysis for skele- ments could be made directly without the need of as-
tal form (Moisted et al., 1992), dental arch relation- sembling a panel of orthodontists. To relate the sub-
ships (Mars et al., 1992), and nasolabial appearance jective assessment of the Goslon Yardstick to objective
(Asher-McDade et al., 1991, 1992). measurement, overjet, overbite, incisor angulation, and
Cephalometric measurements, though reproducible, various arch form and crossbite relationships were mea-
suffer a lack of content validity since they measure sured on the same series of study casts using a reflex
three-dimensional structures in a two-dimensional way. metrograph. These objective measurements were then
Nonetheless, cephalometric relationships can tell a used as predictors of the mean Goslon score in a mul-
great deal about potential growth inhibition for struc- tiple regression analysis. Overjet of the incisor on the
tures undoubtedly affected by surgical procedures unaffected side (all cases were unilateral cleft lip and
(Semb and Shaw, 1996), and they successfully dis- palate) explained a substantial proportion of the vari-
criminate between different centers (M01sted et al., ance (r2 = 0.87). The other measures explained only an
1992). additional 3% of the variance.
To compare dental arch relationships, the Goslon To compare the nasolabial appearance of patients in
Yardstick, an index designed to systematize subjective the Eurocleft study using photographs, several difficul-
perception, was used (Mars et al., 1987). Originally, a ties were confronted. Technical issues such as film qual-
large sample of study casts was graded by a panel of ity, lighting, sharpness of image, facial expression, and
orthodontists into a series of five groups containing rep- background general facial appearance were factors that
resentative cases ranging from the best (group 1) to the could influence an observer's opinion. To assess the in-
worst (group 5) dental arch relationships. These refer- fluence of background appearance, such as hair, eyes,
ence groups were subsequently used to assist in grad- and complexion, a panel of observers was asked to ex-
ing new cases. A similar grading system was introduced amine independently three frontal views: the nasiolabial
for use on the study casts of 5-year-old subjects with area in isolation, the full face, and the surrounding fea-
unilateral cleft lip and palate (Atack et al., 1997). This tures without the nasolabial part (Asher-McDade et al.,
was extensively used in the recent national enquiry in 1991). Each view was scored in terms of attractiveness
the United Kingdom described above. using a visual analogue scale. A strong correlation was
In the Eurocleft study, five observers assessed a sam- found between the full face and surrounding area (r =
ple of 149 study casts using the yardstick and a good 0.53, p < 0.001), indicating that the full face is likely
level of reliability with an intraclass correlation coeffi- to be influenced by surrounding features.
cient of 0.80 was obtained (Table 34.2). The mean of Consequently, a more valid measure would be based
the five measurements was then used as a summary on restricting the areas under consideration to those di-
score. Application of the Spearman Brown formula sug- rectly affected by the anomaly and its repair. Thus, the
gests that the reliability of this average score is excel- Eurocleft examiners were asked to assess a standard-
lent. From the formula above, the estimated value for ized view of the frontal and lateral views of the nasio-
the mean of five assessments was 0.95. The mean of labial area. We considered it important to break down
the five examiners' scores was sensitive to differences the task into four components: (1) nasal form (frontal
between treatment center (Mars et al., 1992). view), (2) deviation of the nose from the midline, (3)
In a subsequent study (Morris et al., 1994), an at- shape of the vermilion border, and (4) profile includ-
tempt was made to discover whether certain measure- ing the upper lip. Each observer was asked to score

TABLE 34.2 Evaluation of Reproducibility for Study Cast (Goslon) and Features of Nasolabial Appearance'
Goslon Nasal Symmetry Vermilion Profile Total

Intraclass correlation coefficient 0.80 0.47 0.36 0.47 0.48 0.49

Lower 95% confidence limit 0.76 0.41 0.30 0.40 0.42 0.43
Sample size 149 115 115 115 115 115

Spearman Brown Estimates of Reliability of

Number of Examiners Total of Independent Scores

3 0.92 0.73 0.62 0.72 0.74 0.75

5 0.95 0.82 0.73 0.81 0.82 0.83
6 0.96 0.84 0.77 0.84 0.85 0.85

*A11 based on six observers except Goslon involving five. Data derived from the Eurocleft study.

each of the components on a 5-point subjective scale, jects within the same sample since the comparison is
from very good appearance to very poor appearance. not transferable from one study to another.
A total score was also computed by aggregation of the The static nature of a still photograph, of course, is
scores of the four components. The reliability of each a major weakness with respect to validity since the lip
component and the total score ranged from 0.47 for in function cannot be judged. Consequently, the use of
nasal form and vermilion border to 0.36 for symmetry video recording has been explored (Morrant and Shaw,
(Table 34.2). 1996). An edited sequence for a series of 30 subjects
We found poor reproducibility compared to that ob- using a number of standardized views of the nasolabial
tained for dental arch relationships, and the reliability area at rest and function was prepared. A panel of
of the total score was little better than that for the com- judges then rated the cases using a scoring chart with
ponent scores. In this case, the strategy of splitting the nine responses for the lip and 10 for the nose.
assessment into components appeared to have a lim- The nose and lip were assessed separately with eight
ited ability to improve the quality of measurement. De- components and an overall score for lip and nine com-
tailed analysis of the data suggested that if one observer ponents and an overall score for the nasal area. For the
scored higher than another for one of the four com- nasal area, the intraclass correlation coefficient for in-
ponents, that observer was likely to do so for the other dividual components ranged from 0.40 to 0.27 with
three. 0.52 for the overall score and 0.49 for the sum of the
For future work, we will test whether reproducibil- components. For the lip, the intraclass correlation co-
ity is improved by reducing the subjective element, pro- efficient ranged from 0.39 to 0.10 with 0.28 for the
viding reference examples, or "benchmarks" as with overall score and 0.34 for the sum of components.
the Goslon Yardstick, or by enumeration of specific While such a dynamic view may be more valid, the
features for rating. Elsewhere, we have found this to interexaminer agreement was generally worse than that
improve reproducibility. For example, rating of dental achieved from a static image. This may reflect the sig-
aesthetics is assisted by providing an illustrated 10- nificantly higher content of information contained in
point scale, and orthodontic treatment need on dental the video format, and by further discussion of the items
health grounds is reproducibly rated when clear diag- to be rated and possible provision of improved de-
nostic categories are used (Brook and Shaw, 1989). scriptive categories or illustrated examples, an appear-
Benchmarks must be provided with some caution, ance scale of high validity seems feasible.
however, as the choice of categories for each scale and
the subject of each subscale determine the content va-
lidity of the total measurement. Thus, there is a dan- TREATMENT COSTS
ger of imposing the researchers' perceptions of what is
important. In most developed countries, the high medical costs of
An alternative strategy for rating appearance is to rehabilitating the child with a cleft are borne, or at least
rank subjects pairwise against each other. All possible supported in part, by the state. Economic pressures
pairs of subjects are compared (Tobiasen, 1989). For around the world now force a re-examination of the
each pair, a score of 1 is allocated to the preferred pho- true financial costs of treatment, and with declining
tograph. The score for each case is then its total after budgets, clinicians must either be involved in cost con-
comparison with all other cases. One practical diffi- trol or have arbitrary choices imposed upon them. Sur-
culty, however, is that the number of comparisons es- gery is invariably expensive, and successful primary op-
calates with sample size. The number of possible pairs erations that minimize the need for multiple secondary
is equal to n(n — l)/2 for a sample of n cases. Thus, revisions are highly desirable. Furthermore, successful
for a sample of 10 subjects, 45 comparisons are needed; primary repairs are likely to reduce the duration and
for 50 subjects, the number rises to 1225. However, complexity of ancillary procedures, such as speech ther-
the pairwise technique might be modified by compar- apy, orthodontics, and maxillary osteotomy.
ing each case against a random or systematic sample In economic terms, the cheapest care will certainly
of other subjects. For example, the photographs for the be that which is provided with a high degree of plan-
complete sample might be arranged in a random se- ning and coordination. Common examples might be
quence and then a score for each case obtained by com- combining the placement of drainage tubes with an-
paring against the next k subjects. The larger choices other operation, timing alveolar bone grafting so that
for k would improve the reliability of the score for each natural space closure is facilitated and the duration of
case but increase the total time to perform the task. A subsequent orthodontics is minimized, and recognizing
more fundamental limitation is that the scale is mean- a later need for maxillary osteotomy so that inappro-
ingful only with regard to the relationship between sub- priate early orthodontics is avoided.

BURDEN OF CARE turns start to apply? Surgical management of velopha-

ryngeal incompetence is not without some risk, so how
Since the consequences of an orofacial cleft are appar- bad does the problem have to be to justify the average
ent through every phase of childhood and adolescence, gain from pharyngoplasty or flap? How much ortho-
there is seldom a time when the disciplines involved in dontics should be performed in childhood if the dura-
care could not recommend some or other intervention. tion and outcome of definitive treatment in the per-
The powerful desire of patients and parents to reach manent dentition will not be radically altered? These
the point where the stigma of clefting will be completely are issues about which patients and parents deserve
eradicated makes it likely that they will accept most honest information and the opportunity to have their
proposals. Most patients and parents will willingly preferences taken into account.
comply with protocols of care recommended by all
members of their team, no matter how demanding they
may be. They have little choice. CONCLUSION
So far, the burden of care has received little atten-
tion in cleft care, yet the combined total of operations, Regrettably, evidence-based care for children with cleft
other treatment episodes, and review appointments for lip and palate is scarcely available. However, there is
the first 20 years of life, including all of the disciplines some evidence that simple treatment protocols that
that may be involved, can easily exceed 100. Apart minimize the burden on the child can produce equiva-
from the pain and suffering and disruption of family lent or better results than complex ones (Shaw et al.,
life and school attendance, the dependent role in which 1992a; Shaw, 1997) and no evidence that the opposite
this places the patient may have an adverse effect on is true. Furthermore, centralization of treatment with
the patient's sense of self-determination or locus of con- therapy provided by high-volume operators provides
trol. the best setting for good and comprehensive care and
at least allows quality assessment within a reasonable
period (Shaw et al., 1996).
BALANCING OUTCOME, COST, AND BURDEN It has been said that doctors make choices about
treatment in three ways: seduction, induction, or de-
Decision analysis (utility theory) is the science of rela- duction. In the seductive method, the clinician simply
tive utilities or preferences and can be employed to for- adopts what he or she has been taught or encouraged
mulate global outcome measures that are more relevant to do by teachers or colleagues, i.e., treatment based
to patients than the short-sighted proximate outcomes on faith. The inductive method includes choices based
that absorb clinicians. Clearly, it behooves the provid- on clinical experience, i.e., on what seems to work or
ers of cleft care to seek optimal balance in the devel- on theories of what ought to work. For example, do
opment of protocols of care spanning the years from extensive muscle repositioning during primary lip re-
birth to late adolescence. pair because this will encourage growth, do minimal
Undoubtedly, there are intriguing discussions ahead, tissue mobilization and disturbance during surgery be-
e.g., the use of early orthopedics and delayed palatal cause more surgery means more scar-induced growth
closure. Patients receiving this treatment have to be disturbance, do not touch the vomer during lip repair
brought on many additional visits to the treatment cen- because it is a growth center, or do use a vomerine flap
ter during infancy and childhood and endure the mi- because there is no evidence for growth disturbance and
nor risk of impression as well as the greater risk of dis- it permits good arch development, minimizes fistulae,
comfort associated with the appliances. For the years and provides a good nasal floor for later bone graft-
until the hard palate is closed, they must tolerate a re- ing. Finally, there is the deductive, or hypothetico-
sidual cleft or an obturator, while having a clear sense deductive, method, in which decisions are made on the
of being an orthodontic patient. How much benefit unbiased evidence of randomized trials. Initiating mul-
does this additional treatment have to produce over ticenter collaborations and protocols for these trials is
treatment without early orthopedics to justify its in- the challenge that must be grasped by today's clinicians
clusion in care: an average increase in angle s-n-a (max- who wish to choose the best treatment for their pa-
illary prominence) of 1 degree, a 10% reduction in os- tients. In time, randomized trials will be aggregated in
teotomy rate in the teens, or a better cosmetic repair systematic reviews (Chalmers and Altman, 1995), pro-
of the lip? (If differences do exist, how would they be viding as never before a sound evidence base for pro-
measured?) Similar questions arise about other ele- vision of cleft care.
ments of care. How often should lip or nasal revision Following a recent survey of European cleft centers,
be attempted? When does the law of diminishing re- the register of 201 teams revealed the use of 194 pro-

tocols (Shaw et al., 2000). The start of a new millen- Enemark, H, Friede, H, Paulin, G, et al. (1993). Lip and nose mor-
nium appears to be a timely point for concerted action phology in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate from four
Scandinavian centres. Scand J Plast Reconstr Hand Surg 27:
to leave this morass of clinical uncertainty behind. The 41-47.
unfortunate consumers of cleft care certainly deserve Fleiss, JL (1986). Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiment. New
better. York: Wiley.
Fleiss, JL, Cohen, J (1973). The equivalence of weighted kappa and
the intra-class correlation coefficient as a measure of reliability.
J Educ Psychol Measurement 33: 613-619.
Asher-McDade, C, Brattstrom, V, Dahl, E, et al. (1992). A six- Friede, H, Enemark, H, Semb, G, et al. (1991). Craniofacial and oc-
center international study of treatment outcome in patients with clusal characteristics in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients from
clefts of the lip and palate. Part 4. Assessment of nasolabial ap- four Scandinavian centres. Scand J Plast Reconstr Hand Surg 25:
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Prevention of oral clefts through the use of

folic acid and multivitamin supplements:
evidence and gaps


Oral clefts (OCs) are among the most extensively stud- ondary" prevention of OCs (through the use of high-
ied congenital abnormalities (CAs) due to their visibil- resolution ultrasound scanning or other diagnostic
ity, which frequently causes serious psychological prob- methods for fetal OCs, followed by elective termina-
lems, and their common occurrence (1/500-550 births). tion of pregnancy) is not acceptable (the manifestation
CAs including OCs represent a distinct category of dis- of OCs in holoprosencephaly or other very severe syn-
orders because of their early (prenatal) onset without dromes may be an exception), and this topic is beyond
a good chance of spontaneous or medically assisted the scope of this chapter. Possible in utero surgical cor-
complete recovery. Thus, prevention of OCs is the op- rection or gene therapy of OCs is premature (Zanjani
timal solution. and Anderson, 1999).
Several maternal and environmental factors have
been studied in relation to OCs, and some have possi-
ble associations (Wyszynszki and Beaty, 1996). Among
maternal factors, epilepsy and/or use of antiepileptic CLASSIFICATION OF ORAL CLEFTS
drugs such as phenytoin appear to be important. Many IN HUNGARY
studies have proposed an association between acute vi-
ral infections and OCs; however, viruses, medications, The findings of three Hungarian studies on the primary
hyperthermia, and other related factors are question- prevention of OCs will be presented in this chapter,
able. Drugs such as corticosteroids, ampicillin, metro- however, before this I summarize our previous Hun-
dinazole, and folate antagonists are potential terato- garian activities in the research of OCs which explain
gens in the etiology of OCs as well. Maternal cigarette our classification of OCs. Ascertainment of cases in ad
smoking and alcohol consumption may also have a role hoc population-based epidemiological studies was
as co-teratogens through gene-environment interac- based on an active search of all available sources of
tion. Pesticides/herbicides, water contaminants, and oc- cases, and on information on the racially homogeneous
cupational exposures have been cited as possible causes Hungarian births (Czeizel and Tusnady, 1971, 1972;
of OCs, but they probably explain only a small por- Czeizel and Nagy, 1986; Czeizel et al., 1986). In addi-
tion of cases. Currently, nutritional factors such as fo- tion, the population-based Hungarian Congenital Ab-
late deficiency appear to be the most relevant, accord- normality Registry, which represents nearly total noti-
ing to the concept of gene-environment interaction, in fication of OC cases thanks to the obligatory reporting
the etiology of OCs. system (Czeizel, 1997; Czeizel and Hirschberg, 1997)
This chapter reviews the primary prevention of OCs was used. The classification of OCs and birth preva-
through the use of folic acid and multivitamin supple- lences of different OC entities per 1000 total births are
ments, with emphasis on our Hungarian studies. "Sec- shown in Figure 35.1.


FIG. 35.1. Classification of oral clefts (OCs) and birth prevalences of different OC entities per 1000 total births (in parentheses) in Hungary
during the 1980s.

The different origins of posterior cleft palate (CP) mendelian-monogenic, and teratogenic CA-syndromes
and cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) were which include OCs as component element. The origin
shown in the classical work of Fogh-Andersen (1942) of nonsyndromic CL/P corresponds to the Gaussian
and confirmed in our population-based Hungarian epi- multifactorial threshold model (proportion of heri-
demiological studies (Table 35.1). Later, it was neces- tability 72 ± 14%) (Czeizel and Tusnady, 1984), while
sary to differentiate CP and Robin sequence (RS) due that of nonsyndromic CP and RS is also heterogeneous,
to their different origins and clinical manifestations with a certain proportion of mendelian-monogenic en-
(Table 35.1). A pathogenetic distinction should also be tities (Czeizel and Tusnady, 1972; Czeizel et al., 1986).
made between isolated, "nonsyndromic" OCs (which The prevalence at birth of OCs in Hungary was
are likely due to a localized error of morphogenesis) 2.05/1000 total births in the 1980s. About three-
and multiple, "syndromic" OC (a co-ocurrence of two or quarters (1.55/1000, or 76%) were nonsyndromic. The
more different morphogenetic errors in the same per- most common categories were CL/P (1.03/1000) and
son, i.e., OC not part of a sequence) (Czeizel et al., CP (0.42/1000) (Fig. 35.1). These prevalences seem
1988). The difference between nonsyndromic and syn- higher than those reported internationally (Tolarova
dromic CL/P is clearly illustrated by the epidemio- and Cervenka, 1998). This may be due to bias from as-
logical, clinical, and genetic data (Table 35.2). The certainment, classification, and certain population
syndromic CL/P group comprises chromosomal, characteristics.

TABLE 35.1. Different Features of Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P), Posterior Cleft
Palate (CP), and Robin Sequence (RS) Based on Hungarian Studies (Czeizel and Tusnady, 1971, 1972; Czeizel
etal, 1986)
Critical Period in
Postconception (C)
Weeks (days) and in Infant Familial cluster"' (%)
Gestational (G) Mortality
Type weeks (days) Localization of CP Percent Males (%) CL/P CP RS

CL/P C: 5-7 (35-50) Most anterior foramen 65 Low 10.7 0.1 0.0
(defect of primary G: 7-9 (49-64) incisivum (male excess)
CP C: 8-12 (56-84) Most posterior foramen 41 Low 0.2 4.7 0.0
(defect of secondary G: 10-14 (70-98) incisivum and inverted V (female excess)
RS C: 6-9 (42-63) Inverted U 49 High 0.1 0.2 4.5
(early mandibular G: 8-11 (56-77) (i.e., rounded shape) (no sex dominance)

'Includes first- and second-degree relatives.


TABLE 35.2. Different Features of Nonsyndromic and Syndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate Based
on Hungarian Studies (Czeizel and Tusnddy, 1971; Czeizel et al, 1988)
Localization of cleft lip (%)
Birth Weight Infant Mortality*
Group Origin Right Left Both Percent Males (g) (%)

Nonsyndromic Multifactorial 20 60 20 65 3078 4.3

(male excess)
Syndromic Heterogeneous 33 34 33 51 2675 47.1
(no sex dominance)

''During the study period, between 1962 and 1967, when infant mortality was 3.8% in Hungary.

ANIMAL STUDIES min B£, folic acid, or both. In addition, maternal fo-
late supplementation reduced ethanol teratogenicity in
Treatment of individuals with OCs has improved con- CP-susceptible strains of mice (Sakanashi et al., 1996).
siderably in recent decades. Nevertheless, the optimal Finally, folinic acid (the most stable intermediate of
solution is primary prevention. This requires knowl- folic acid metabolism) reduced the occurrence of OCs
edge of causes. The role of dietary deficiencies in the in A/WySN mice (Paros and Beck, 1999).
origin of OCs was suggested as early as 1914, when
Strauss observed 32 jaguars with CP from one dam by
the same sire (Strauss, 1914). When he changed their HUMAN STUDIES OF RECURRENCE
inadequate diet to fresh meat, no further offspring were
born with CP from the same two parents. Pickerill The data of previous human intervention studies on the
(1914) reported a 99% occurrence of CP in lion cubs efficacy of vitamins in the reduction of recurrent OCs
born at the zoo. A significant decrease of CP was are summarized in Table 35.3. Conway (1958) used B
achieved after the lionesses received a better diet in vitamins together with vitamins A, C, and D. Of 87
early pregnancy. In animal studies, the pioneers of ter- women who had already had one child with an OC,
atology (Warkany and Nelson, 1940; Nelson et al., 48 received no vitamin supplementation during their
1952, 1955) induced OCs in more than 90% of rats 78 subsequent pregnancies and four cases with OC
whose mothers had transitory folk acid deficiency dur- (two CL/P and two CP) were seen among their chil-
ing days 9 through 11 of gestation due to an an- dren. The 39 remaining women were supplemented
timetabolite. Their findings have been confirmed with the above vitamins during the first trimester of 59
(Lidral et al., 1991). The rate of OCs was reduced in subsequent pregnancies and no recurrent OCs were
animal experiments by prophylactic vitamins, particu- found (p = 0.078). Peer et al. (1958b, 1964) gave 5 mg
larly vitamin Bx (Schinke et al., 1976; Kreybig, 1981). of folic acid, 10 mg of vitamin Bg, or both to mothers
Bienengraber et al. (1997), however, did not confirm who had previously given birth to children with CL/P
these findings. Peer et al. (1958a) reduced the terato- at the first suspicion of pregnancy through the fourth
genic effect of cortisone in mice by administering vita- month. Of 176 women with this supplementation, four

TABLE 35.3. Data of Intervention Studies to Check the Efficacy of Vitamins Including Folic Acid in Early
Pregnancy for the Reduction of Recurrent Oral Clefts (OC)
Supplemented Unsupplemented
Sibs Recurrent OC Sibs Recurrent OC
Study Type* (no.) (no.) (%) (no.) (no.) (%)

Conway (1958) CL/P and CP 59 0 0.0 78 4 5.1

Peer et al. (1958b, 1964) CL/P 176 4 2.3 418 19 4.5
Briggs (1976) CL/P 348 11 3.2 417 20 4.8
Tolarova (1982)t CL/P 84 1 1.2 206 15 7.4
Tolarova (1987)f CL/P 173 3 1.7 1901 77 4.1
Tolarova and Harris (1995)f CL/P 214 3 1.4 1901 77 4.1

*CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, posterior cleft palate.
fThere is overlapping in these values due to the cumulative cases.

(2.3%) had children with CL/P compared with 19 of mg/day). Among 84 pregnancies of 80 fully supple-
418 women (4.5%) without vitamin supplementation mented women, one (1.2%) recurrence was reported
[relative risk 0.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) compared with 15 recurrences among 206 pregnancies
0.2-1.4]. Briggs (1976) supplemented 348 pregnancies of 202 women without supplementation (7.4%) (p —
of 228 women who had already had a child with CL/P 0.023). The supplemented and unsupplemented groups
using a multivitamin including 0.5 mg of folic acid, and also experienced one and six miscarriages, respectively,
11 (3.2%) cases of recurrent CL/P were found. Among not included in the data. The frequency of CL/P in the
the control group of 417 women who also had a CL/P control group, however, was higher than the 4.1% risk
child but did not take supplemental vitamins during for uni- or bilateral CL/P calculated from 2487 sibships
their subsequent pregnancies, the recurrent CL/P rate in the total Bohemian data set. Tolarova (1987) re-
was 4.8% (p = 0.30). Tolarova (1982) highlighted the ported cumulative findings (including data from the
possible primary prevention of CL/P by folic acid and 1982 study) that continued to show a significant re-
other vitamins in a prospective study of healthy women duction of recurrent CL/P associated with use of a mul-
living mainly in Bohemia who had had one child with tivitamin and a very high dose of folic acid supple-
unilateral CL/P. These women were encouraged to take mentation during the periconceptional period. Later,
three tablets of a multivitamin (Table 35.4) and 10 mg the data set of all subtypes of CL/P, collected from 1970
of folic acid per day for at least 3 months before con- through 1982, was re-evaluated by Tolarova and Har-
ception and to continue taking these tablets at least un- ris (1995). From a group of 2115 women with one pre-
til the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Most of vious child with nonsyndromic CL/P, 214 pregnancies
the women also received supplemental iron (75 mg/day were supplemented and three (1.4%) recurrent CL/P
of ferrum II fumaricum) and additional vitamin Bg (1 cases occurred. However, of 1901 pregnancies without
supplementation, 77 (4.1%) ended again with the birth
of infants with CL/P (p = 0.03). When the supple-
TABLE 35.4. Component of Multivitamin Spofavit® mented group was divided according to sex and sever-
Used in the Studies of Tolarova (1982, 1987) and ity, the biggest reduction was found in the group of
Tolarova and Harris (1995) in Addition to male probands with unilateral CL (this subgroup had
Components of Elevit Pronatal® Used in the the lowest heritability value and, thus, the largest pro-
Hungarian Intervention Studies portion of environmental factors).
Multivitamin Multivitamin These studies, however, were not randomized, and
Components (Spofavit®) (Elevit Prenatal®) the possible effect of folic acid could not be distin-
guished from the possible effect of other vitamins. In
addition, both the dose (0.5-10.0 mg) and the design
A 2000IU 4000IU*
(prospective or retrospective) were different. In general,
BI 1.0 mg 1.6 mg
the observed protective effect did not reach statistical
B2 1.0 mg 1.8 mg
significance (except in the Bohemian data set), but the
Nicotinamide 10.0 mg 19.0 mg
trend was similar. However, starting vitamins before
B6 1.0 mg 2.6 mg
conception could just as easily be a marker for general
612 — 4.0 meg
health consciousness. Thus, there were two significant
C 50.0 mg 100.0 mg
goals for further studies. First, it was necessary to or-
D3 100 IU 500 IU
ganize a double-blind randomized controlled trial
E 2.0 mg 15.0 mg
(RCT). Second, the reduction of recurrent OCs is im-
Calcium pantothenate 1.0 mg 10.0 mg
portant from the aspect of these families, but about
Biotin — 0.2 mg
95% of OCs manifested as a first occurrence; there-
Folk acid — 0.8 mg
fore, the reduction of first occurrences would be of
great public health benefit.
Calcium — 125.0 mg
Phosphorus — 125.0 mg
Magnesium — 100.0 mg
Iron — 60.0 mg
Trace elements
Copper — 1.0 mg
One of the major objectives of the Hungarian RCT of
Manganese — 1.0 mg
periconceptional folic acid-containing multivitamin
Zinc — 7.5 mg
supplementation (PFMS) was to evaluate whether mul-
* Before 1989, 6000 IU. ti vitamins including 0.8 mg of folic acid can reduce the

first occurrence of nonsydromic CL/P and CP. The RCT 1994). Informative offspring (fetuses with prenatally di-
was based on the periconceptional care program in agnosed conditions aborted after the week 12 of ges-
Hungary (Czeizel et al., 1998; Czeizel, 1999), estab- tation, stillborn fetuses, and liveborn infants) were eval-
lished in 1984. To be eligible to participate, women uated with particular attention to the appropriate
planning a pregnancy had to satisfy the following cri- diagnosis or description of the CA.
teria: no infertility, no current pregnancy, and volun- The data from the Hungarian RCT showed a signif-
tary appearance. Qualified nurses supervised the three icant reduction in the first occurrence of neural tube
steps: checkup of reproductive health, a 3-month prepa- defects and some other CAs (Czeizel and Dudas, 1992;
ration period for conception, and better protection of Czeizel, 1993a, 1996). However, the study did not
early pregnancy before the usual prenatal care. Sup- show a reduction in the occurrence of nonsyndromic
plementation was part of the periconceptional care. CL/P and CP (Table 35.5), though the statistical power
The RCT took place between February 1, 1984, and of these results was small for these defects (it could de-
April 30, 1992. At the first periconceptional care visit, tect incidence differences only on the order of 50%).
the criteria for eligibility were reviewed. Eligible women
were informed about the purpose of the RCT and asked
whether they agreed to be randomly assigned to receive OTHER HUMAN STUDIES OF OCCURRENCE
a multivitamin pill or a placebo-like trace element pill.
The women were then asked to provide written, in- Khoury et al. (1989) analyzed the data of the Atlanta
formed consent and to stop taking any other vitamins. Birth Defects Case-Control Study. Mothers who con-
The women entering the RCT were randomly assigned sumed vitamins during pregnancy were at lower risk of
to receive a multivitamin (Elevit Prenatal®; Roche, having a child with CL/P than mothers who did not
Switzerland) (Table 35.4) or a trace element supple- take vitamins [odds ratio (OR) 0.74, 95% CI
ment as a single tablet each day for at least 1 month 0.56-0.98], but a statistically significant difference was
before the planned conception. They were asked to not found in the CP group (OR 0.93, 95% CI
record daily their pill taking on a form used to record 0.62-1.40). Other studies did not find any association
their basal body temperature and to leave unused between vitamin use and OCs (Eraser and War burton,
tablets in the box. At the second visit, 3 months later, 1964; Saxen, 1975; Hill et al., 1988).
women were supplied with tablets for the next 3 Shaw et al. (1995) investigated whether use of mul-
months, advised to attempt conception within this pe- tivitamins containing folk acid from 1 month before
riod, and asked to return immediately after the first through 2 months after conception reduced the risk of
missed menstrual period. The purpose of the third visit OCs in a population-based case-control study in Cali-
was to confirm pregnancy if a menstrual period had fornia, 1987-1989. The risk of nonsyndromic CL/P
been missed and to supply tablets until the end of the was reduced by half (OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.36-0.68).
third month of gestation. If a woman did not conceive For CP, this reduction was smaller and not statistically
within this 3-month period, she was given an additional significant (OR 0.73, 95% CI 0.35-1.2). However, the
3-month supply of supplement until the end of 1 year. crude ORs for syndromic CL/P (0.61, 95% CI
Compliance in taking the supplement was verified by 0.35-1.1) and CP (0.64, 95% CI 0.35-1.2) were also
interview, checking records of basal body temperature, lower, though not significantly. This is surprising be-
and counting unused tablets. Compliance was catego- cause, as mentioned above, syndromic OCs have a dif-
rized as full, partial, or none (Smithells et al., 1980). ferent origin. Hayes et al. (1996), in a hospital-based
However, the intention-to-treat analysis was used to case-control study, compared folic acid supplementa-
evaluate the primary end point of the RCT (Czeizel and tion in cases with CL/P (n = 195), CP (n = 108), and
Dudas, 1992). Each participant had a certificate with 1167 patient controls with other CAs (e.g., other than
a page including the pregnancy outcome data (date and OCs, such as neural tube defects and other midline de-
type of pregnancy outcome, sex, weight, gestational age fects). The adjusted relative risks for daily folic acid
of singletons or twins, and particularly any defects of supplementation during the periconceptional period
the fetuses or newborn infants) filled in by mothers and were 1.32 (95% CI 0.82-2.12) for CL/P and 0.89 (95%
confirmed by physicians (documented by signature), CI 0.51-1.58) for CP. However, Werler (1999), from
and women were asked to mail this certificate after the the same research group and using the same approach
end of pregnancy. When a woman did not mail the cer- with "normal" and "affected" controls, found ORs be-
tificate, considerable effort was expended to obtain in- low 1.0 in both CL/P and CP groups regardless of con-
formation about her pregnancy outcome. This effort trol type. In addition, there was a statistically signifi-
resulted in only 49 of 4753 (1%) confirmed pregnan- cant reduction in the occurrence of CP due to
cies with unknown pregnancy outcomes (Czeizel et al., multivitamin use after the periconceptional period.

TABLE 35.5. Results of the Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) and Two Cohort
Controlled Study (TCS)
Informative Offspring Multivitamin Trace Element Supplemented Unsupplemented

Elective termination of 3 13 20 8
pregnancy after fetal
Stillbirth 11 9 7 8
Live birth 2457 2369 3029 3040
Total 2471 2391 3056 3056
Nonsyndromic OC*
CL/P 4 3* 3* 2
Rate per 1000 1.62 1.25 0.98 0.65
C P 0 2 1 1 *
Rate per 1000 0.00 0.84 0.33 0.33
Together 4 5 4 3
Rate per 1000 1.62 2.09 1.31 0.98
Syndromic OC
Chromosomal syndromes 1 2 1 1
Monogenic syndromes 0 0 0 0
Teratogenic syndromes 0 0 0 0
Unidentified syndromes 2 0 0 4
Together 3 2 1 5
Rate per 1000 1.21 0.84 0.33 1.64

*OC, oral cleft; CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, posterior cleft palate.
^Includes one familial case.
*Robin sequence.

In summary, the results of studies using low doses of pregnant at the start of PFMS, she was excluded from
folic acid (in general, 0.4 mg) are puzzling since they the TCS and referred to regional prenatal care.
provide different findings despite using similar ap- Matched controls were recruited during prenatal care,
proaches. Thus, the effects of confounders (such as which is mandatory in Hungary for pregnant women.
lifestyle) and other indirect causal factors should not All pregnant women after the first visit between weeks
be excluded. 8 and 12 of gestation were informed about the pur-
pose of the TCS and invited to take part in the region
where cases were recruited. Eligibility of controls was
THE HUNGARIAN TWO COHORT based on three criteria: (1) no multivitamin and/or
CONTROLLED STUDY folic acid supplementation in the periconceptional pe-
riod; (2) appropriate matching of age (±1 year), so-
The results of previous studies were controversial; cioeconomic status, and residence of supplemented
nevertheless, the Hungarian RCT was discontinued pregnant women; (3) voluntary participation. If un-
due to ethical reasons. A two cohort controlled study supplemented pregnant women were eligible for the
(TCS) was therefore launched on May 1, 1993, and TCS and agreed to participate, they were asked to sign
closed on April 30, 1996 (Czeizel et al., 1999). Cases an informed consent form and to personally deliver
were recruited from the participants with PFMS of the or mail their completed pregnancy certificate to the
Hungarian periconceptional care centers after confir- regional prenatal care center after the end of preg-
mation of pregnancy. They were also supplemented nancy. Each supplemented pregnant woman was
with Elevit Prenatal® (Table 35.4) during the same matched to two unsupplemented pregnant women, the
periconceptional period and using the same criteria of second of whom was enrolled if the first dropped out
compliance as in the RCT. However, if a woman was of the study.
TABLE 35.6. Data of Liveborn Cases with Nonsyndromic Oral Clefts from the Randomized Controlled Trial
(RCT) and the Two Cohort Controlled Study (TCS)
Gestational Age
Study Group Birth Year (weeks) Birth Weight (g) Sex OC Comment

RCT PFMS-I 1986 40 3800 M CL, right + CP Epicanthal fold

PFMS-I 1987 39 3000 M CL, bilateral + CP —
PFMS-I 1988 41 4000 M CL, right + CP —
PFMS-II 1988 40 2950 F CL, bilateral + CP Mother: epilepsy without anticonvulsant
treatment during pregnancy
PTES-I 1986 37 2450 M CL, right Father: CL + CP
PTES-II 1985 40 3200 M CL, bilateral + CP —
PTES-II 1985 40 3150 M CL, left Mild CL: spontaneous closure
PTES-II 1990 41 3200 F CP —
PTES-III 1987 40 3250 F CP —
TCS PFMS-I 1995 40 5100 M CL, left + CP Father: subfertility (AIH)
PFMS-I 1995 40 4080 M CP (soft) —
PFMS-I 1996 38 3300 M CL, left + CP Brother: CL + CP
PFMS-II 1997 39 3450 F CL, bilateral + CP Mother: scoliosis,
Father: congenital inguinal hernia
Brother (1993): craniostenosis
Brother (1995): lethal left heart hypoplasia
NoS 1995 31 1400 F CP + mandibular Twin A (twin B healthy)
hypoplasia (RS)
NoS 1997 39 3600 M CL, left Mild CL
NoS 1998 39 2950 M CL, bilateral + CP —

OC, oral cleft; PFMS, periconceptional folic acid-containing multivitamin supplementation; PTES, periconceptional trace element supple-
mentation; NoS, no supplementation; I, fully supplemented; II, partially supplemented; III, unsupplemented; CL, cleft lip; CP, posterior cleft
palate; RS, Robin sequence; AIH, artificial insemination by husband.

The data of CAs including OCs were evaluated in had RS, but in general this CA entity is included in the
3056 case-control matched pairs. Birth order was lower CP group; the other twin was healthy. There was one
in the supplemented group (1.2 ± 0.6) due to the larger recurrent case of cleft lip and CP (CLP) in a newborn
proportion of women planning first pregnancies com- infant; his brother also had CLP.
pared with the unsupplemented group (1.4 ± 0.7) be- The data on all infants with nonsyndromic OCs in
cause primiparous females preferred to take part in the RCT and TCS are shown in Table 35.6. The ma-
periconceptional care. Fetal deaths, infant deaths, and jor methodological factors were similar in the two Hun-
CAs in previous pregnancies were more common garian intervention studies (Table 35.7); however, there
among supplemented than unsupplemented women. was a significant difference in design: the RCT was ran-
These differences can be explained by the expected domized among participants in the coordinating center
higher medical standard of periconceptional care in of periconceptional care, while the TCS was nonran-
couples with previous unsuccessful pregnancy out- domized and supplemented women were recruited in
comes. Of 172 malformed offspring in the previous all (n = 32) periconceptional centers, while unsupple-
pregnancies of supplemented women, six had OCs, mented controls enrolled in the regional prenatal care
while of four previous malformed offspring in the un- clinics. Combination of the data from the RCT and
supplemented group, none had an OC. In addition, of TCS offers an opportunity to estimate the efficacy of
3056 case and control mothers, one and none, respec- PFMS in the reduction of the first occurrence of non-
tively, had an OC, while of 3056 case and control fa- syndromic CL/P and CP (Table 35.8). (One infant in
thers, three and one, respectively, had OCs. Thus, a the trace element group of the RCT who had a father
higher potential recurrence risk for OCs must be con- with CLP and one infant and his brothers who had CLP
sidered in the supplemented group than in the unsup- in the supplemented group of the RCT were excluded
plemented group. All OCs occurred in liveborn infants. from the analysis. In addition, ten and one newborn
The occurrence of CL/P and CP did not show a differ- infants with OC who had parents or previous sibs af-
ence between the supplemented and unsupplemented fected with OCs in the supplemented and unsupple-
groups (Table 35.5). One unsupplemented twin infant mented groups of the TCS, respectively, were also ex-

TABLE 35.7. Comparison of Major Methodological Factors of the Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) and the
Two Cohort Controlled Study (TCS)
Method RCT, 1984-1992 TCS, 1993-1996
Type Occurrence Occurrence
Design Randomized double-blind Two cohort
Recruitment Coordinating center of periconceptional care All centers of periconceptional care and regional
prenatal care
Supplementation Multivitamin: Elevit Prenatal® Multivitamin: Elevit Pronatal®
(incl. 0.8 mg folk acid) (incl. 0.8 mg folic acid)
Time period of Periconceptional in both study groups Periconceptional in supplemented group only
Compliance Intention-to-treat analysis Unsupplemented pregnancies excluded
Evaluation Three time windows: Three time windows:
a. Prenatally diagnosed fetal defect a. Prenatally diagnosed fetal defect
b. Birth (still- and liveborn) b. Birth (still- and liveborns)
c. Postnatal development c. Postnatal development
End points Pregnancy outcomes Six major congenital abnormalities*
Congenital abnormalities Other congenital abnormalities
(mainly neural tube defects and OC)
Follow-up Controlled until 1 year of age Controlled until 1 year of age

* Cardiovascular and urinary tract congenital abnormalities, pyloric stenosis, limb deficiencies, neural tube defect, and oral clefting (OC).

eluded from the denominators due to a 50-fold higher in the PFMS and placebo-like trace element groups of
recurrence risk.) There were seven and four CL/P in- the RCT, respectively. One and two fetuses had Ed-
fants in the supplemented and unsupplemented groups, wards' or Patau's syndrome including OCs in the PFMS
respectively. In addition, there were one and three chil- and placebo-like groups, respectively. Of two uniden-
dren with CP in the supplemented and unsupplemented tified multimalformed cases after PFMS, one newborn
groups, respectively. Crude ORs did not show a dif- was affected with RS (CP + micrognathia) and rib age-
ference between the two groups. In addition, there was nesia, while another had bilateral CLP, bilateral con-
no significant difference in the first occurrence of non- genital structural talipes equinovarus, and spina bifida
syndromic CL/P (p = 0.47) and CP (p = 0.35) between occulta. There were one and five syndromic OCs in the
the supplemented and unsupplemented groups. Thus, supplemented and unsupplemented groups of the TCS,
the data of 5516 supplemented and 5445 unsupple- respectively. Both chromosomal OCs occurred in Ed-
mented women do not indicate a protective effect of wards' syndrome. In addition, four unidentified multi-
PFMS, including a physiological dose (<1 mg) of folic malformed infants were found in the unsupplemented
acid, for nonsyndromic OC. group of the TCS: left CLP and polycystic kidney dis-
The so-called syndromic OCs were also evaluated ease type IV causing hydronephrosis (Meckel syn-
(Table 35.5). There were three and two syndromic OCs drome?); bilateral CL + ventricular septal defect +

TABLE 35.8. First Occurrence of Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and Posterior
Cleft Palate (CP) in the Previous Hungarian Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial (RCT) and the Two
Cohort Controlled Study (TCS) with (Supplemented) or without (Unsupplemented) Folic Acid-Containing
(0.8 mg) Multivitamin during the Periconceptional Period
Supplemented group Unsupplemented group
Study OC Off.* No. Per 1000 Off.* No. Per 1000 OR (95% CI)

RCT CL/P 2471 4 1.62 2390 2 0.84 1.94 (0.41-9.09)

TCS CL/P 3045 3 0.99 3055 2 0.65 1.14 (0.20-6.75)
Together CL/P 5516 7 1.27 5445 4 0.73 1.59 (0.48-5.30)
RCT CP 2471 0 0.00 2391 2 0.84 0.19 (0.01-4.03)
TCS CP 3045 1 0.33 3055 1 0.33 1.14 (0.12-10.94)
Together CP 5516 1 0.18 5445 3 0.55 0.35 (0.05-2.40)
Off., number of informative offspring evaluated; OC, oral cleft; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.

cholecyst agenesia + mesenterium commune (one respectively. Second, mothers were requested to send
member of a triplet); CP + facial dysmorphism + syn- us the prenatal care logbook and all medical records
dactyly in left hand (II-V fingers) and in right hand (II- concerning their diseases during pregnancy and the
IV fingers); RS and bilateral congenital structural tal- child's CA. Third, regional nurses were asked to visit
ipes equinovarus (the father had micrognathia and high and to question nonresponding families in the group of
arched palate). The limited number of syndromic OCs cases. Thus, information was available on 79% (69%
does not allow any conclusion; however, these findings from reply, 10% from visit) of cases. The response rate
do not appear to confirm the observation of Shaw et for population controls was 64%, but district nurses
al. (2000) that women who used PFMS had an elevated did not visit nonresponding population control fami-
risk of delivering a fetus or infant with multiple CAs. lies because the ethical committee considered this fol-
In conclusion, data from the two Hungarian inter- low-up to be disturbing to the parents of these healthy
vention studies do not support a protective effect children. If a case had two population controls, one
against nonsyndromic OCs of multivitamins including was randomly excluded. If a case had no population
folic acid (<1 mg). control, another one was selected from the 38,151 pop-
ulation controls on the basis of matching criteria.
Folic acid intake was evaluated according to (1)
THE HUNGARIAN CASE-CONTROL source of information (maternal self-reported, med-
SURVEILLANCE OF CONGENITAL ically recorded, or both), (2) type of treatment (folic
ABNORMALITIES acid alone or folic acid plus other drugs; multivitamins
including 0.1-1.0 mg folic acid were excluded due to
The association between oral supplement use and CA the small number of pregnant women in the two groups
occurrence was also evaluated using a case-control ap- of OC), (3) dose (only one kind of folic acid tablet, 3
proach in the population-based data from the Hun- mg, was available during the study period, and obste-
garian Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Ab- tricians prescribed daily 1-3, but in general 2, tablets,
normalities (HCCSCA) between 1980 and 1991 i.e., 6 mg for pregnant women), (4) duration of treat-
(Czeizel et al., 1996) and between 1980 and 1996 ment (after the start of folic acid use, it was generally
(Czeizel et al., 1999). Cases with nonsyndromic CAs continued until the end, but at least until the fourth
(except for congenital dislocation of the hip, congeni- month, of pregnancy), (5) gestational age [calculated
tal inguinal hernia, and hemangiomas) and multiple from the first day of the last menstrual period, and three
CAs reported to the Hungarian Congenital Abnormal- time intervals were considered: first month of preg-
ity Registry in the first 3 months after birth or termi- nancy as a continuation of preconceptional treatment;
nation of pregnancy were selected for the HCCSCA. the critical period for primary palatal development, i.e.,
Babies with Down syndrome were used as patient con- 49-64 gestational (35-50 postconceptional) days in
trols. The methods and data set of the above registry CL/P, and for secondary palatal development, i.e.,
have been described elsewhere (Czeizel et al., 2001). 70-98 gestational (56-84 postconceptional) days in CP
Population controls were ascertained from the National (Canick, 1954); gestational months after the critical pe-
Birth Registry of the Central Statistical Office. Two riod of orofacial clefts], (6) potential confounding fac-
population controls without CAs were matched to tors (e.g., maternal age, birth order, acute and chronic
every case according to sex, date of birth (within 1 maternal disorders, and use of other drugs).
week), and parent's residence (district). At the evaluation of the HCCSCA data set between
Data on use of vitamins were obtained from three 1980 and 1996, the study period covered 2,146,574
sources. First, a postpaid questionnaire with an ex- total births in Hungary; hence, the 38,151 population
planatory letter and a list of drugs and diseases was controls represented 1.8% of Hungarian births. Of
mailed to parents immediately after the selection of 22,834 cases with CA, 1377 and 600 cases with non-
cases and controls. The questionnaire requested infor- syndromic CL/P and CP, respectively, were evaluated
mation on drug intake and use of pregnancy supple- in the case-control matched pair analysis.
ments, pregnancy complications, and maternal diseases Data on maternal age, birth order, pregnancy com-
during pregnancy according to gestational month. To plications, maternal disorders, and use of other drugs
standardize the answers, mothers were asked to read a are shown in Table 35.9. Influenza/common cold and
set of lists as a memory aid before they replied. These epilepsy were more frequent in cases with CL/P or CP
were lists of medications, including pregnancy supple- compared with their matched controls, while excessive
ments such as folic acid, and diseases. The mean return nausea/vomiting was less frequent.
time of completed questionnaires was 1.6 and 3.5 Pregnant women rarely (13.9%-14.8%) used folic
months after birth for the case and population controls, acid alone in the two groups. Thus, folic acid alone and

TABLE 35.9. Some Variables of Total, Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P), and Posterior Cleft Palate
(CP) Cases, in Addition to Comparative Values of Total, Matched CL/P, and CP Controls in the Hungarian
Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities between 1980 and 1996
Cases Controls

Total CUP CP Total CL/P CP

(a. = 22,834) (n = 1377) (n = 600) (n = 38,151) (n = 1377) (n = 600,1

Continuous Variables Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Maternal age (years) 25.5 5.3 25.7 5.3 26.2 5.5 25.5 5.2 25.7 5.4 25.5 5.2
Birth order 1.9 1.1 1.9 1.1 1.9 1.1 1.7 0.9 1.7 1.1 1.8 1.1

Categorical Variables No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Pregnancy complications
Nausea, vomiting (excessive) 1355 5.8 68 4.9 34 5.7 3042 8.0 99 7.2 59 9.8
Threatened abortion 3430 15.0 204 14.8 91 15.2 6450 16.9 245 17.8 105 17.5
Preeclampsia 656 5.8 68 4.9 34 5.7 1135 3.0 42 3.1 12 2.0
Threatened preterm delivery 2454 10.7 146 10.6 61 10.2 5205 13.6 187 13.6 71 11.8
Anemia 3240 14.2 191 13.9 86 14.3 6365 16 .7 239 17.4 112 18.7
Acute maternal diseases
Influenza/common cold 4962 21.7 432 31.4 153 25.5 7054 18.5 252 18.3 106 17.7
Respiratory system 2095 9.2 145 10.5 72 12.0 3443 9.0 119 8.6 66 11.0
Urinary tract 1576 6.9 110 8.0 44 7.3 2289 6.0 77 5.6 42 7.0
Genital organs 1633 7.1 118 8.6 33 5.5 2825 7.4 109 7.9 48 8.0
Others 912 4.0 98 7.1 29 4.8 1599 4.2 67 4.9 19 3.2
Chronic maternal diseases
Epilepsy 55 0.2 8 0.6 5 0.8 61 0.2 3 0.2 0 0.0
Others 3247 14.2 211 15.3 75 12.5 6107 16. 0 226 16.4 87 14.5
Other drugs*
Acetylsalicylic acid 1001 4.4 72 5.2 30 5.0 1397 3.7 56 4.1 21 3.5
Allylestrenol 3477 15.2 178 12.9 91 15.2 5364 14.1 197 14.3 87 14.5
Aminophenazone 492 2.2 43 3.1 19 3.2 730 1.9 16 1.2 9 1.5
Aminophylline 1369 6.0 91 6.6 46 7.7 2281 6.0 77 5.6 39 6.5
Ampicillin 1616 7.1 121 8.8 47 7.8 2584 6.8 104 7.6 42 7.0
Bromhexine 473 2.1 29 2.1 14 2.3 794 2.1 28 2.0 15 2.5
Cefalexin 261 1.1 18 1.3 10 1.7 368 1.0 16 1.2 10 1.7
Clotrimazole 1636 7.2 117 8.5 34 5.7 3068 8.0 129 9.4 52 8.7
Diazepam 2745 12.0 159 11.5 63 10.5 4125 10.8 155 11.3 47 7.8
Drotaverine 2049 9.0 139 10.1 54 9.0 3482 9.1 132 9.6 54 9.0
Metronidazole 961 4.2 75 5.4 17 2.8 1408 3. 7 45 3.3 21 3.5
Nalidixic acid 242 1.1 13 0.9 4 0.7 377 1.0 17 1.2 7 1.2
Penamecillin 1591 7.0 106 7.7 50 8.3 2239 5 .9 68 4.9 39 6.5
Promethazine 3640 15.9 236 17.1 100 16.7 6020 15.8 205 14.9 106 17.7
Terbutaline 2342 10.3 141 10.2 54 9.0 3996 10.5 145 10.5 63 10.5
Verapamil 341 1.5 12 0.9 7 1.2 501 1. 3 17 1.2 8 1.3

1% in the total groups.

with other drugs were evaluated together (Table 35.10) of matched controls (54.7%). This was the case in the
because most other drugs, including other pregnancy CP group (47.7%) as well compared with their matched
supplements (other vitamins, irons, calcium deriva- controls (55.2%). The proportion of medically
tives), had similar occurrence rates in cases and con- recorded folic acid supplementation was similar in the
trols. Mothers of newborn infants with CL/P had a sig- combined control (65.6%) and case (64.2%) groups
nificantly lower use of folic acid (49.4%) than mothers (X2 = 5.1, p — 0.25). However, it is worth evaluating
TABLE 35.10. High-Dose (in General Daily 6 mg) Folic Acid Supplementation in Case-Control Pairs of Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft
Palate (CL/P) and Posterior Cleft Palate (CP) in Addition to Distribution of Gestational Months According to Start of Folic Acid Supplementation
and Cumulative Number of Pregnant Women during the Critical Period of CL/P (i.e., 49-64 Gestational Days) and of CP (i.e., 70-98 Gestational
Days) and Adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for Confounding Factors
(n = 1377) (n = 600)

Cases Controls Cases Controls

Month No. % No. % OR (95% CI) No. % No. % OR (95% CI)

I 48 3.5 68 4.9 — 12 2.0 20 3.3 —

II 76 5.5 94 6.8 I-II = 0.73 (0.58-0.93) 29 4.8 48 8.0 —
III 239 17.4 246 17.9 11-111 = 0.88(0.74-1.03) 113 18.8 109 18.2 1-111 = 0.84(0.64-1.13)
IV 107 7.8 124 9.0 — 42 7.0 64 10.7 I-IV = 0.72 (0.57-0.90)
V 102 7.4 100 7.3 — 36 6.0 43 7.2 —
VI 41 3.0 59 4.3 — 23 3.8 23 3.8 —
VII 37 2.7 41 3.0 — 24 4.0 14 2.3 —
VIII 25 1.8 16 1.2 — 5 0.8 8 1.3 —
IX 5 0.4 5 0.4 IV-IX = 0.92 (0.81-1.12) 2 0.3 1 0.2 V-IX = 0.99 (0.73-1.38)
Total 680 49.4 753 54.7 I-IX = 0.81 (0.70-0.94) 286 47.7 331 55.2 I-IX = 0.73 (0.60-0.91)
Folic acid alone 191 13.9 204 14.8 I-IX = 0.91 (0.72-1.12) 78 13.0 83 13.9 I-IX = 0.92 (0.73-1.31)

the start of folic acid supplementation according to ges- effect may be real is supported by the finding that a re-
tational month (Table 35.10). Folic acid was used only duction was seen after the use of folic acid during the
in a small proportion of women in the first month of critical period of OC development, but not after de-
gestation, which corresponded to the preconceptional velopment of the primary and secondary palate.
supplementation. The increase of folic acid use in the Some data of both the TCS and the HCCSCA were
second month of gestation may reflect the early visits published previously (Czeizel et al., 1999); however,
to the prenatal care or voluntary folic acid supple- the data set of the TCS was complemented by supple-
mentation after the recognition of pregnancy. The max- mented and unsupplemented pregnant women of three
imum rate was seen in the third month of gestation, at other regional periconceptional care centers, while that
the usual time of the first visit to prenatal care. The of the HCCSCA was modified after the cleaning of mul-
later start of folic acid supplementation can be ex- tiple CAs and the decision to use one case-one control
plained by a postponed visit to prenatal care or a de- matched pairs.
lay in folic acid use. The major point is the use of folic In conclusion, folate/folic acid deficiency may play a
acid before and during the time of primary and sec- role in the origin of OCs, and it can be neutralized by
ondary palatal development. Thus, the cumulative supplementation of high-dose folic acid during the crit-
number of pregnant women with high-dose folic acid ical period of primary and secondary palatal develop-
supplementation was calculated during the critical pe- ment. According to our study, only high doses (about
riod of CL/P and CP. However, the critical period of 6 mg) of folic acid daily during the critical period of
primary palatal development (CL/P) includes the last OC development reduce the first occurrence of non-
week of the second and the first week of the third ges- syndromic CL/P and CP. About 30% of first occur-
tational months, while secondary palatal development rences can be prevented by this method. Our findings
(i.e., CP-forming period) overlaps the last 2 weeks of agree with the results of Tolarova (1982, 1987), which
the third and the first 2 weeks of the fourth gestational indicated a reduction of recurrent CL/P after the peri-
months. This explains why there were two estimates conceptional use of 10 mg of folic acid. Thus, the pro-
for the protective effect of folic acid. (The adjusted OR tective effect of folic acid seems to be dose-dependent
in case-control pairs was estimated by a conditional lo- because only high-dose folic acid supplementation was
gistic regression model for confounding factors.) At the effective at reducing first and recurrent cases of non-
evaluation of primary palatal development, there was syndromic CL/P and CP.
a significantly higher rate of supplementation with a
high dose (in general, 6 mg/day) of folic acid during
the first and second months of gestation in the matched BIOLOGICAL PLAUSIBILITY AND PRACTICAL
population control group (11.7% vs. 9.0% in the case IMPLICATIONS OF THE DOSE-DEPENDENT
group), which may indicate a protective effect for CL/P. PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF FOLIC ACID
This was also the case at the evaluation of folic acid
supplementation in the first 4 months of gestation Berry et al. (1999), in a study in China, showed that
(40.2% in matched population controls and 32.6% in the preventive efficacy of folic acid depends on the birth
cases) in the CP group. There was no difference in the prevalence of neural tube defects. This rule may be valid
use of folic acid supplementation after the critical pe- for nonsyndromic OCs as well. In addition, the popu-
riod of these two kinds of OC between cases and lation differences in genetic background (ethnicity),
matched population controls (Table 35.10). lifestyle (e.g., diet), and demographic features (e.g., ad-
The strengths and weaknesses of the HCCSCA have vanced maternal age) may influence not only on the oc-
been discussed previously (Czeizel et al., 2001). How- currence of OCs but also on the possible preventive ef-
ever, the HCCSCA is the largest case-control data set fect of folic acid. These findings demonstrate that here
of its type in the world, and population-based sampling state-of-the-art OC prevention is based mainly on the
makes risk-benefit assessment possible. A significant homogeneous white Hungarian population.
reduction was found in the rate of nonsyndromic CL/P A major proportion of first-occurrence neural tube
and CP due to the pharmacological doses (in general, defects can be prevented by folic acid (Berry et al.,
6 mg/day) of folic acid supplementation during the cri- 1999) or PFMS (Czeizel and Dudas, 1992). The origins
fical period of these OC entities in pregnant women. of neural tube defects and OCs may have some simi-
This finding is in agreement with the previously men- larities. In the early embryo, the neural folds are largely
tioned results of Tolarova (1982, 1987) and Tolarova comprised of epithelial cells of the neural plate. After
and Harris (1995) because 10 mg of folic acid was used. elevation of the neural folds, cells adjacent to the neural
The question is whether the reduction of nonsyndromic plate undergo mesenchymal differentiation and migrate
OCs associated with folic acid supplementation is real into underlying regions. These neuroepithelial cells, cra-
or confounded by other factors (e.g., lifestyle). That the nial neural crest cells, represent the major cell popula-
tion that contributes to the formation of, among oth- 1. It was possible to induce OCs in animal experiments
ers, the frontonasal processes and palatal shelves. Thus, by drastic folate deficiencies (Nelson et al., 1952,
closure of the neural tube and development of the face 1955), and an association was suggested between
and palate have a common origin, with the same or a antifolate agents and OCs (Hernandes-Dias at al.,
similar genetic background (Thorogood and Tickle, 2000).
1988). They may share potential candidate genes in 2. There is no evidence of an obvious socioeconomic
folate/folic acid metabolism, providing a plausible bio- dependence in the occurrence of nonsyndromic CL/P
logical link between the prevention of neural tube de- and CP that may be connected with dietary differ-
fects and OCs by maternal folate/folic acid supple- ences (Czeizel and Tusnady, 1971). Dietary folate
mentation during the critical period for these CAs. intake was not able to reduce the occurrence of OCs
Analysis of the population-based data of multimal- (Bower and Stanley, 1992). The usual daily intake
formed cases in the Hungarian Congenital Abnormal- of folate is about 0.18 to 0.20 mg, and it is difficult
ity Registry indicated that the so-called schisis-type to achieve the necessary two- to threefold increase
CAs, i.e., neural tube defects, OCs, CAs of the midline in folate intake, which would need about 15 serv-
abdominal region, and diaphragmatic CAs, associated ings of broccoli or brussel sprouts. In addition, this
with one another far more frequently than at the ex- dose would not be enough to prevent OCs. Finally,
pected random combination rates. Their combination Cuskelly et al. (1996) showed that an extreme in-
with other CAs did not exceed the expected rate. Com- crease in consumption of extra folate from natural
binations of two or more schisis-type CAs without food is relatively ineffective at increasing folate sta-
other CAs therefore were managed as a provisional en- tus.
tity, named schisis association (Czeizel, 1981) or mid- 3. The teratogenic, particularly OC-inducing, effect of
line defect (Opitz and Gilbert, 1982). Later, the causal anticonvulsant medications, smoking, and alcohol
association of schisis-type CAs was confirmed by fa- may be related to the reduction of folate that is avail-
milial clustering (Fraser et al., 1982). However, there able to the developing embryo. The teratogenic ef-
are also differences between these two CA groups; e.g., fect of most anticonvulsants is mediated through fo-
studies have shown an association between homozy- late deficiency (Wegner and Nau, 1992). Smoking
gosity for a variant form of the C677T genotype, nor can lower serum folate in pregnant women (Hou-
in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) dayer and Bahuau, 1998). Shaw et al. (1996) dem-
gene and risk of neural tube defects (van der Put et al., onstrated a strong association between periconcep-
1995; Kirke et al., 1996), while Shaw et al. (1998a, tional maternal cigarette smoking, transforming
1999) did not indicate increased risk for CL/P and CP growth factor-a (TGFa) genotype of infants, and risk
among infants homozygous for the C677T genotype of OCs. Shaw et al. (1998b) compared infants with
nor an interaction between infant C677T genotype and the common TGFa genotype whose mothers used
maternal multivitamin use on the occurrence of these PFMS to infants with the A2 genotype (homo- and
OCs in the United States. However, Wyszynszki and heterozygous) whose mothers did not use multivita-
Diehl (2000) reanalyzed the data of Shaw et al. (1999) mins and found increased OC risk (for nonsyndromic
and concluded that multivitamin supplementation be- CL/P, OR = 3.0, 95% CI 1.4-6.6; for syndromic
fore and during the early weeks of pregnancy may pro- CL/P, OR = 2.4, 95% CI 0.7-11.6; for nonsyn-
tect against CL/P. Mills et al. (1999) found that the dromic CP, OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.0-7.7; for syn-
thermolabile variant of MTHFR (TT) was associated dromic CP, OR = 4.2, 95% CI 1.3-16.2; for other
with a significantly higher risk for nonsyndromic CP known syndromic OCs, OR = 8.1, 95% CI 2.6-
in the Irish population. Thus, ethnic origin may be im- 27.7). Other candidate genes for nonsyndromic OC
portant. The point is that a multivitamin including a and maternal smoking and alcohol consumption
physiological dose of folic acid is appropriate (Czeizel were also detected (Romitti et al., 1999). Thus, a
and Dudas, 1992) and that flour-bread fortification gene-environment interaction may play an impor-
with folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B^ (Czeizel tant role in the origin of OCs.
and Merhala, 1998) may be effective at reducing neural 4. Only the very high dose (6-10 mg) of folic acid re-
tube defects but not for OCs because the latter requires duced both occurrence (Czeizel et al., 1996, 1999)
a high dose of folic acid. and recurrence (Peer et al., 1964; Tolarova, 1982,
The available findings about the possible protective 1987; Tolarova and Harris, 1995) of nonsyndromic
effect of folic acid against OCs are conflicting. The data CL/P and CP in intervention studies.
of our Hungarian studies, however, may be appropri- 5. The protective effect of high-dose folic acid is prob-
ate to generate the dose-dependent effect of folic acid ably different from its reduction of neural tube de-
hypothesis because this theory is based on the follow- fects. There is little evidence for a defect in folate
ing evidence. metabolism in infants with OCs or their mothers

(Mills, 1999). However, the natural polyglutamate conceptional multivitamin supplementation. BMJ 306: 1645-
folate and the synthetic monoglutamate folic acid 1648.
Czeizel, AE (1993b). Epidemiological studies of congenital abnor-
(i.e., two forms of the same vitamin, which is called malities in Hungary. Issues Rev Teratol 6: 83-124.
recently as vitamin BH as a twin to vitamin Bi 2 ) are Czeizel, AE (1996). Reduction of urinary tract and cardiovascular
pluripotent (Little, 1995). For example, folates also defects by periconceptional multivitamin supplementation. Am J
play a role in cell proliferation, and the absence of Med Genet 62: 179-183.
an adequate level of folates in the embryo leading Czeizel, AE (1997). First 25 years of the Hungarian Congenital Ab-
normality Registry. Teratology 55: 299-305.
to less epithelial activity may cause a fusing defect Czeizel, AE (1999). Ten years of experiences in periconceptional care.
in the craniofacial processes. However, the impor- Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 84: 43-49.
tance of folic acid/folate in the production of the Czeizel, AE, Dobo, M, Dudas, I, et al. (1998). The Hungarian Peri-
methyl group needed in the remethylation (i.e., conceptional Service as a model for community genetics. Com-
detoxification) of homocysteine should also be con- munity Genet 1: 252-259.
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sidered (Cooper, 1984). neural-tube defects by periconceptional vitamin supplementation.
The major question is related to practical use of our N Engl J Med 327: 1832-1835.
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knowledge. A higher dose (about 6 mg) of folic acid randomized controlled trial of periconceptional multivitamin
should be recommended for the reduction of recurrent supplementation. Final report. Arch Gynecol Obstet 255:
OCs early during the postconceptional period under 131-139.
medical control (Czeizel et al., 1999). The question is Czeizel, AE, Hirschberg, J (1997). Orofacial clefting in Hungary. Fo-
whether it is appropriate to recommend the use of a lia Phoniatr Logop 49: 111-116.
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CL/P and CP. The pharmacological dose of folic acid vitamin B^ and vitamin Bg in Hungary. Lancet 352: 1225.
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nicious anemia or epilepsy (Eros et al., 1998). It is rea- Czeizel, AE, Rockenbauer, M, Siffel, C, Varga, E (2001). Descrip-
sonable to foresee that, in the future, women will be tion and mission evaluation of the Hungarian Case-Control Sur-
targeted with high doses of folic acid supplementation veillance of Congenital Abnormalities, 1980-1996. Teratology
based on their genetic composition. Then, primary pre- 63: 176-185.
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Costs of cleft lip and palate:

personal and societal implications


One of the most common congenital anomalies, cleft this condition and to serve as a springboard for future
lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is also one of research that would enable health professionals, in-
the most common visible birth defects, occurring in 1 cluding health economists, to better determine the mag-
of every 500 to 1000 live births worldwide (Murray, nitude of these costs. The term cost will be used
1995). While the severity of this condition varies, mul- throughout this chapter as a global lay construct re-
tidisciplinary treatment is often warranted. This may flecting price, loss, and sacrifice. This chapter first ad-
include craniofacial surgery, specialized dental and or- dresses the direct financial costs associated with CL/P,
thognathic treatment, speech and hearing intervention, with an illustration of early childhood treatment costs
and educational, psychological, and social assessment in a patient cohort (age 0-6). Next, physical costs are
and intervention. The National Institute of Dental and addressed with respect to the morbidity and mortality
Craniofacial Research (2000) estimates that in the seen in the CL/P population, including families. Finally,
United States the annual health cost for craniofacial psychosocial costs are reviewed, including those related
anomalies approaches $1 billion and reflects the "com- to health beliefs and behaviors, the impact of facial dif-
prehensive and time-consuming habilitation required to ferences, social competence, and psychosocial inter-
enable each child born with such birth defects the op- ventions.
portunity to pursue a productive life." These categories (financial, physical, and psychoso-
The preceding statement recognizes the inherent right cial) provide a means of conceptualizing the many costs
of each individual to pursue a life that is free from the associated with clefting. They are not, however, mutu-
debilitating physical and social effects of a birth defect. ally exclusive. For example, psychosocial costs, such as
The economic cost of CL/P is multidimensional. It is social anxiety, may influence job opportunities for a
felt by the patient, his or her family, and society. It is patient, in turn impacting his or her income and fi-
highlighted by fiscal burden for the patient and family nancial resources. This chapter provides a foundation
and can represent lost potential and productivity at the for understanding these costs and their interrelated na-
individual, family, and societal levels, which is often ture, as well as the costs associated with the inability
forgotten by those focused on dollars, budgets, and re- or unwillingness to access specialized care.
Ideally, this topic should be examined within the
rigor of standard health economic paradigms. How- FINANCIAL COSTS
ever, the absence of economic data on clefting prohibits
us from assessing the precise fiscal impact of CL/P. The While there are little data on the medical costs of CL/P,
purpose of this chapter then is to elucidate, for the it is well accepted that the medical costs for those with
health professional, the myriad costs associated with chronic health conditions, including those associated


with genetic disorders, exceed costs for those in good service (e.g., educational testing and intervention can
health. Variability of medical costs has been associated be costly). However, such intervention may prove to
with disease severity for genetic disorders such as cys- defray part of the societal costs and psychosocial im-
tic fibrosis, even mild severity being associated with pact of CL/P by maximizing educational experiences
substantial cost (Lieu et al, 1999). In a study of 1993 and promoting the patient's academic success and fu-
Medicaid claims data for 310,977 children with one of ture occupational opportunities and productivity.
eight selected chronic conditions, Ireys et al. (1997) As an illustration of some of the costs associated with
found medical care for these children to be 2.5 to 2.0 cleft lip (CL) and cleft palate (CP), we have summa-
times more expensive than medical care for children in rized the average number of services provided within
general. These costs were found to be condition- the University of Pittsburgh Cleft Palate-Craniofacial
dependent. While CL/P was not included among these Center (CPCC), as well as average fees charged, for the
eight conditions, such findings illustrate that medical first 5 years of life for selected patients from the 1994
care costs are burdensome for those with chronic health birth cohort. Also presented are numbers and fees
problems. charged for plastic surgery procedures outside of the
While many have acknowledged the overwhelming CPCC. These numbers do not fully reflect all costs, par-
financial burden associated with CL/P, few have di- ticularly those associated with dental procedures such
rectly assessed the associated financial cost. In perhaps as orthodontia and oral surgery. While these special-
the most frequently cited study of financial cost of ties are represented within the CPCC, cost assessment
CL/P, Waitzman et al. (1994) reviewed the total cost and estimates are difficult to track for most patients.
per case based on samples in California, that ac- Treatments and related billing are often conducted out-
knowledging direct and indirect costs. The authors cal- side of the CPCC by either the affiliated specialty de-
culated this to range from $29,000 to $246,000. Their partment or specialists. In some cases, patient reluc-
conservative estimate of the cost per case, which has tance to travel long distances for dental procedures has
been widely quoted in the cleft literature, is $92,000. resulted in the seeking of specialty care outside of the
Waitzman et al. (1994) noted that the "high total cost team network. This sample may not be representative
of cleft lip/palate reflects its high incidence coupled with of all CL/P patients. While the cleft severity of this sam-
relatively high frequencies of first-year mortality and ple resembles that seen in national birth registry data,
activity limitation" (p. 200). This number, while as- socioeconomic status is somewhat lower. This differ-
sessing indirect costs, did not include occupational costs ence would not impact patient treatment needs but
to parents or psychosocial costs to the patient, such as could potentially influence parental treatment-seeking
pain or anxiety. Thus, this may be an extremely low behavior. Traditionally, attrition secondary to low so-
estimate of the fiscal burden of this birth defect on the cioeconomic status is rare in this group, given the
patient, family, and society. Direct financial costs in- child's obvious medical needs until at least age 6. None-
clude surgeries, dental care, speech and language in- theless, these data should be interpreted cautiously with
tervention, audiological assessment, and psychological these limitations in mind.
and educational assessment and intervention. Aspects Table 36.1 summarizes the selected patients. In-
of the financial impact on the family that are often ne- cluded are patients with nonsyndromic anomalies who
glected or unassessed include parking, transportation, were born in 1994, began as patients with the CPCC
and other travel expenses related to patient treatment. at birth, and have remained continuously under the
Insurance concerns and restrictions, particularly with care of the CPCC until May of 2000. This cohort was
respect to the identification of CL/P as a pre-existing chosen to track patients who had received comprehen-
condition, may impact parental occupational opportu- sive team care at the CPCC rather than patients who
nities and advancement (Strauss, 1994). may have been seen for isolated visits (e.g., second opin-
Also, CL/P is associated with significant costs beyond
birth, including nonmedical direct costs such as special
education services (Waitzman et al., 1994). For exam- TABLE 36.1. Patients of the University of Pittburgh
ple, children with CL/P are at risk for learning disabil- Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Center (CPCC) from 1994
Birth Cohort Who Are Currently Active
ities and other developmental problems (Broder et al.,
1998; Kapp-Simon and Krueckeberg, 2000). In com- Male Female Total
parison to unaffected peers, CL/P children have higher
Cleft l 4 2 6
rates of learning disabilities (Richman et al., 1988; Elia-
Cleft lip plus palate 15 6 21
son, 1990; Broder et al., 1998). If the educational needs
Cleft palate 5 6 11
of these at-risk children are routinely assessed and ad-
Total 24 14 38
dressed, the financial cost of care rises at the point of

TABLE 36.2. Patients from the 1994 Birth Cohort of the University of Pittsburgh Cleft
Palate-Craniofacial Center (CPCC) Receiving Services over the First 5 Years of Life
CPCC services * Plastic surgery procedures
Diagnosis Minimum Average Maximum Minimum Average Maximum

Cleft lip 9 39.7 71 1 1.17 2

Cleft lip plus palate 5 66.0 99 2 3.90 8
Cleft palate 12 41.8 75 0 1.09 3

* Services provided by the CPCC include audiology; speech/language; genetics; pediatrics; ear, nose, and throat
consults; dental consults; plastic surgery consults.

ions, lost to follow-up secondary to relocation). As rior and anterior palatal repair, and closure of fistulae
most CL/P children receive care up to age 6 regardless (see Chapter 26 for more details on surgery). Not sur-
of severity, this cohort enabled us to examine the early prisingly, the CLP members of the birth cohort had the
financial impact of clefting experienced by nearly all highest average number of CPCC services and plastic
families to some extent. There were 38 such patients, surgery procedures (about 1.5 times the average for CL
six with CL, 21 with cleft lip with cleft palate (CLP), or CP individuals and about 4 times the average plas-
and 11 with CP. The usual male preponderance was tic surgery procedures).
seen for the CL and CLP categories, and the usual slight Table 36.3 summarizes the fees billed to these pa-
female preponderance was seen for CP (see Chapter 12 tients. Presented are the minima, maxima, and average
for more details). fees billed during the first 5 years of life for CPCC ser-
Table 36.2 summarizes the total number of services vices and plastic surgery procedures. These figures rep-
provided by the CPCC over the first 5 years of life for resent the fees billed, not those collected. For the pur-
the 1994 birth cohort and the total number of plastic pose of this chapter, billable fees are presented since
surgery procedures. Presented are the minima, maxima, these are based on the cost of providing the services
and averages by cleft type. The specialties providing and, therefore, represent a more accurate reflection of
services within the CPCC include audiology; pediatrics; the "costs" of having a cleft than would collections.
genetics; ear, nose, and throat (ENT), speech/language, Again, not surprisingly, CLP individuals have the high-
dental (consults), plastic surgery (consults), psychology, est average fees billed over the 5-year period (about 1.5
and family support. Also summarized is the care re- times the average for CL or CP individuals and about
ceived outside of the CPCC and treatment planning af- 4 times the average plastic surgery fees).
ter full team staffing of individual cases (see Section II Table 36.4 presents the categories of service provided
of this book for a full description of multidisciplinary by the CPCC for the first 5 years of life. Presented are
care of CL/P patients; also refer to the American Cleft average numbers of services and average fees billed for
Palate-Craniofacial Association website www.cleft- each category, by each cleft type. These numbers high- Examples of the plastic surgery procedures light the direct medical costs faced by those affected by
provided to this cohort during the first 5 years of life CL/P. However, they capture only a portion of that
include lip repair, primary nasal reconstruction, poste- burden in that costs are often incurred beyond those

TABLE 36.3. Fees Billed to Patients from the 1994 Birth Cohort of the University of
Pittsburgh Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Center (CPCC) for Services over the First 5 Years
of Life
Fees billed for plastic surgery
Fees billed for CPCC services* procedures*

Diagnosis Minimum Average Maximum Minimum Average Maximum

Cleft lip $418.00 $1978.84 $2879.00 $2000.00 $2466.67 $3200.00

Cleft lip plus palate $125.00 $2591.53 $3940.00 $3700.00 $7738.10 $15,400.00
Cleft palate $585.00 $1610.09 $2852.00 $2000.00 $2000.00 $4000.00

These are the fees charged, not necessarily the amount that was collected for the services.

TABLE 36.4. Categories of Service Provided to Patients of the 1994 Birth Cohort of the University of Pittsburgh
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Center (CPCC) over the First 5 Years of Life
Cleft Up Cleft lip with palate Cleft palate

Average No. of Average Average No. of Average Average No. of Average

Category Services Fees Billed Services Fees Billed Services Fees Billed

Services provided by the CPCC

Audiology 12.7 $560.00 17.5 $771.67 12.5 $550.91
Pediatrics/genetics/ 7.5 $387.50 12.5 $629.05 8.9 $486.36
ear, nose, throat
Dental consults 4.5 $129.67 9.0 $292.48 1.5 $27.82
Plastic surgery 5.8 $285.00 8.9 $454.52 4.9 $242.27
Speech/language 8.5 $216.67 17.1 $443.81 12.9 $302.73
Family support 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.9 0.0
Plastic surgery procedures
Surgery 1.17 $2466.67 3.90 $7738.10 1.09 $2000.00
Total (CPCC + plastic surgery)
Total 40.87 $4045.51 69.9 $10329.63 42.79 $3610.09

charged by the multidisciplinary center and the sur- tion in California (Jones, 1988). The percentage for
geon. Likewise, costs extend far beyond the first 5 years CL/P ranges from 6.4% in Denmark (Christensen,
of life. 1999) to 29.2% in New York (Druschel et al., 1996).
The wide range in the reported percentages from study
to study is probably due in part to differences in the
definition of associated anomalies, particularly in
whether major and minor anomalies are included.
Table 36.6 presents selected population-based stud-
In addition to the financial costs of having an oral cleft
ies that tested whether cleft cases had higher neonatal
are other equally significant costs. There are several
mortality (death during the first year of life) than con-
morbidity factors associated with having a cleft, as well
trols. A consistent finding across these studies was that
as increased risk of neonatal mortality. The impact on
CL/P and CP individuals with additional associated
the family includes problems associated with low birth
anomalies were significantly more likely to die during
weight, fetal wastage, and risk of recurrence.
the first year of life than were controls. The results for
individuals with isolated CP were also consistent across
Individual studies in that they were not more likely to die during
the first year of life than controls. However, the results
The two major factors that have been consistently for isolated CL/P were not consistent, with two stud-
shown to affect the individual with a cleft are associ- ies finding a significantly increased risk for cases vs.
ated malformations and neonatal mortality. There is controls and two studies not finding a statistically sig-
also some evidence that cleft individuals are at risk for nificant increased risk.
low birth weight (Emanuel et al., 1973; Cooper et al., Furthermore, two studies investigated low birth
2000). Table 36.5 presents the percentages of CL, CLP, weight in CL/P and CP individuals vs. controls. Drus-
CL/P, and CP individuals having additional malforma- chel et al. (1996) reported that both isolated CP and
tions from several large, population-based studies CL/P had slightly higher rates of low birth weight
throughout the world. A consistent finding in each of [<2500 g, risk ratio = 1.3, 95% confidence interval
these studies was that the frequency of associated (CI) 1.0-1.7 for CP; risk ratio = 1.3, 95% CI 1.0-1.5
anomalies is higher for CP than for CL/P cases. The for CL/P) than did individuals with no anomalies but
percentage of CP individuals having associated anom- that CP and CL/P individuals with other anomalies had
alies ranges from 15.1% in a large series from Den- greatly increased rates of low birth weight (<2500 g,
mark (Christensen, 1999) to 55% in a patient popula- risk ratio = 4.4, 95% C.I. 3.8-5.1 for CP; risk ratio =

TABLE 36.5. Percentages of Cases Having One or More Other Malformations*

Study Population N % N % N % N % Reference

U.S. (Washington), 89 14.6% 161 24.2% 250 20.8% 128 39.8% Emanuel et al. (1973)
U.S. (California), —+ — — — 259 14.0% 139 55% Jones (1988)
Saudi Arabia, 68 — 67 — — 13.4%* 40 — Kumar et al. (1991)
The Netherlands, — — — — 120 23% 48 52% Cornel et al. (1992)
U.S. (Washington), _ _ _ _ _ 254 13.4% 130 33.1% Hujoel e t a l . (1992)
Italy (Emilia Romagna — — — — 463 23% 303 43% Milan et al. (1994)
and northeast),
U.S. (New York), — — — — 1599 29.2% 1187 43.6% Druschel et al. (1996)
1988-1995 — — — — 93 20.4% Murray et al. (1997)
birth records
1992-1996 — — — — 1019 6.2% 162 7.4%
surgical screening
Denmark, 1936-1987 — — — — 4989 6.4% 2301 15.1% Christensen (1999)

*CL, cleft lip; CLP, cleft lip with cleft palate; CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CP, cleft palate.
tNo data presented.
^Presented as the overall proportion of cases with associated malformations; data not presented on each type of cleft.

4.5, 95% CI 3.9-5.2 for CL/P). Menegotto and Salzano of relationship (Murray, 1995; Christensen, 1999).
(1990) investigated birth weight in isolated CP and Therefore, the financial costs of having an individual
CL/P cases vs. controls and found that CP individuals with a cleft are magnified within an affected individ-
did not have a significantly lower birth weight than ual's family because there is likely to be an additional
controls but that CL/P individuals did (p < 0.001). affected family member.
The associated anomalies, neonatal mortality, and Furthermore, that there may be additional noncleft
low birth weight have concomitant financial and psy- morbidity in families of individuals with a cleft. Al-
chosocial costs. While early mortality may reduce med- though not a consistent finding across all studies, mul-
ical costs for families, one might argue that other costs tiple studies have found an increase in fetal mortality
prove to be equally as devastating, particularly from a in the sibships of cleft individuals (Dronamraju and
psychosocial perspective (e.g., psychological trauma, its Bixler, 1984; Menegotto and Salzano, 1990). Also,
impact, and subsequent intervention needs). Unfortu- there may be an increased risk of cancer in the fami-
nately, such costs have been neither well characterized lies of cleft individuals. Two genetic loci involved with
nor well documented in this population. neoplasms have shown positive linkage or association
with nonsyndromic CL/P. Retinoic acid receptor-a
Family (KARA, 17q21) has shown positive association with
CL/P (see Chapter 20), is involved in the teratogenic-
In addition to the morbidity and neonatal mortality ity of vitamin A, and is in the same chromosomal re-
costs to the individual are the costs to the families of gion as a major breast cancer gene (BRCA1). BCL3
affected individuals. In other words, the concomitant (19ql3) is a proto-oncogene that has shown both pos-
costs associated with oral clefting are disproportion- itive association and linkage with nonsyndromic CL/P
ately borne by the families in which there is a cleft in- (see Chapter 21). Yang et al. (1994) also showed that
dividual. there were much higher rates of cancer in the relatives
First, the risk of having an additional affected fam- of CL/P probands vs. published population rates. How-
ily member (recurrence risk) is significantly higher than ever, this finding was not confirmed by Steinwachs et
the population risk of having a cleft for every degree al. (2000).
TABLE 36.6. Risks of Dying in the First Year of Life for Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate (CL/P) and Cleft Palate (CP)
Statistically significant increased risk of neonatal death?

Study Population Isolated Multiple Anomalies Isolated Multiple Anomalies Reference

U.S. (Washington, 1956-1965): No, first-year mortality Yes, first-year mortality No, first-year mortality Yes, first-year mortality Emanuel et al. (1973)
251 CL/P, 127 CP vs. overall rate = 0.25% rate = 4.42% rate = 0.26% rate = 4.12%
first-year mortality rate
Latin America (1967-1981) Yes, p value vs. N/A No, not significantly N/A Menegotto and Salzano (1991)
collaborative study: 741 CL/P, controls <0.001 different from controls
115 CP vs. matched controls
(only isolated cases
U.S. (Washington, 1984-1988): Yes, odds ratio Yes, odds ratio No, odds ratio Yes, odds ratio Hujoel et al. (1992)
254 CL/P, 130 CP vs. controls for dying in first for dying in first year = for dying in first for dying in first
with no anomaly on birth year = 4.6 66.6 (95% CI 32.7-135.8 year =1.4 year = 96.7
certificate (95% CI 1.9-11.7) (95% CI 0.2-9.1) (95% CI 61.1-153.0)
U.S. (New York, 1983-1990): No, risk ratio Yes, risk ratio No, risk ratio Yes, risk ratio Druschel et al. (1996)
1599 CL/P, 1187CP vs. for dying in first year for dying in first year = for dying in first for dying in first
controls with no anomaly 1.4 (95% CI 0.8-2.5) 33.8 (95% CI 26.1-43.9) year =1.2 year = 27.3
(95% CI 0.5-2.7) (95% CI 20.9-35.7)

As summarized earlier, a high proportion of CL/P Costs Belated to Health Behaviors and Beliefs
and CP individuals have additional associated anom-
alies (estimates range from 6.4% to 29.2% for CL/P Individual. Chronically ill children who undergo fre-
and from 15.1% to 55% for CP). A significant pro- quent invasive medical procedures may be prone to an-
portion of cleft individuals with associated anomalies ticipatory anxiety associated with future medical pro-
have mendelian syndromes with variable expressivity; cedures (Jacobsen et al., 1990). Most research in this
therefore, some of their relatives may have findings domain has involved pediatric cancer patients (cf.,
other than a cleft. For example, Stickler's syndrome is Redd et al., 1987; Jacobsen et al., 1990; Manne et al.,
the most common syndrome that may include CP; other 1992). The impact of early medical experiences on the
associated features that may occur alone in carriers of lives of older CL/P patients has not been comprehen-
the gene include high myopia and/or detached retina sively examined. It is unclear how the early childhood
and joint disorders. experiences of these patients affect their attitudes to-
In addition to the disproportionate burden borne by ward preventive health behaviors, including medical
families of cleft individuals, those racial and ethnic and dental treatment seeking. However, certain health-
groups with high birth prevalence of clefts face an in- related behaviors (e.g., smoking cessation, exercise) can
creased burden from the costs of clefts secondary to the have significant implications in the reduction of costs
higher prevalence. As reviewed by Wyszynski et al. associated with illness prevention and detection.
(1996), Native Americans have the highest reported Frequent medical appointments, hospitalizations,
birth prevalence of CL/P (3.6/1000 live births), fol- and associated medical problems (e.g., inner ear pathol-
lowed by Asians (2.1/1000 in Japanese, 1.3-1.7/1000 ogy) of CL/P children can result in excessive school ab-
in Chinese), Caucasians (1/1000), and individuals of sences. For some children, these absences may con-
African descent (0.3/1000). tribute to educational disadvantages. However, there is
little research on how these health behaviors and prob-
lems impact the future of CL/P individuals from a cost
PSYCHOSOCIAL COSTS perspective. It has been suggested that the academic
performance of CL/P children is negatively influenced
Differences can be stigmatizing. For the individual with by speech, language, and hearing deficits as well as fa-
CL/P, differences often involve varied degrees of facial cial differences (Richman and Eliason, 1982). How this
scarring, dental and orthognathic features such as miss- directly impacts career development and occupational
ing teeth, and speech and language limitations. Syn- outcomes is unknown.
dromic clefts may be associated with a myriad of visi-
ble differences, from minor structural ones to major Family. The economic burden of CL/P for the family
differences in symmetry. The psychosocial implications extends beyond the price of surgeries, the cost of or-
of CL/P have been acknowledged and examined (Kapp- thognathic intervention, or the costs of speech evalua-
Simon et al., 1992; Richman and Eliason, 1993), but tion and treatment. The indirect costs for a parent in-
the costs are rarely assessed. This may be due in part clude such things as lost work hours and opportunities
to the lack of available outcome data. Some psychoso- (occupational and social) secondary to the treatment
cial aspects of CL/P (e.g., learning disabilities) have needs of the affected child. While families may be cog-
been noted in financial cost studies because of their nizant of these costs, members may also be reluctant
commonality and the acknowledged fiscal burden. to verbalize or elaborate upon these experiences.
Other aspects that may be more difficult to assess or
have more variability among patients and families are
Costs Related to Facial Esthetics
reviewed below.
Psychosocial costs often translate into economic costs The impact of physical appearance, particularly facial
for the individual, the family, and society. This may oc- attractiveness, on the reactions of others is well docu-
cur in a variety of ways. For example, psychosocial fac- mented (cf., Berscheid and Gangestad, 1982; Reis and
tors associated with CL/P may warrant specific treat- Hodgins, 1995). Individuals who are perceived by oth-
ment that is associated with a financial cost (e.g., ers as attractive are more likely to receive preferential
psychotherapy). Indirect costs may occur via oppor- treatment in educational, occupational, legal, and other
tunistic losses related to societal, individual, or familial social settings. Because the majority of research on at-
imposed restrictions or limitations (e.g., vocational ob- tractiveness involves unaffected individuals ranging
stacles, relationship difficulties). Lack of treatment in any from attractive to unattractive, it cannot be assumed
domain has the potential to contribute to psychosocial that conclusions based on these studies are generaliz-
and financial burdens for the patient and family. able to CL/P populations (Reis and Hodgins, 1995).

Certainly, when excluding the specific visible charac- tress. This may be exacerbated by the fact that few chil-
teristics of the craniofacial anomaly, CL/P patients, like dren are diagnosed in utero, thus preventing any prepa-
unaffected individuals, span a range of attractiveness. ration (Berk et al., 1999). While learning of a birth de-
How the interaction between patient attractiveness and fect or chronic health condition would normally elicit
severity of the anomaly influences perceived attractive- some level of anxiety, there are no data to suggest that
ness is not known. We are currently examining the con- the child's condition and treatment needs interfere with
tributions of facial attractiveness, severity of the anom- parent-child attachment or normal and positive inter-
aly, and auditory attractiveness in predicting perceived actions (Richman and Eliason, 1993). However, stud-
attractiveness. ies examining the early interaction of mothers and CL/P
infants suggest that their interactions differ from those
Individual. Berscheid and Gangestad (1982) noted the of unaffected infants and mothers. Specifically, affected
following: infants (infants with CL/P and other craniofacial anom-
The social psychological effects of physical attractiveness alies) and their mothers are less responsive and active
are pervasive, strong, and generally uniform in nature. in their interactions with one another (Field, 1995). The
They are such that the physically attractive, whether male implications from this research with respect to long-
or female, old or young, black or white, or of high or low term adjustment and subsequent costs are unknown.
socioeconomic status, receive preferential social treatment
in virtually every social situation examined thus far. (p.
Costs Related to Social Competence

Highly attractive individuals have been found to elicit Children and adults with CL/P are at higher risk for
more favorable social impressions, responses, and in- psychosocial adjustment problems in areas related to
teractions (Berscheid et al., 1971; Bull and Rumsey, social competence than unaffected peers (Heller et al.,
1988; Feingold, 1992). Individuals with craniofacial 1981; Richman, 1983, 1998; Tobiasen and Hiebert,
differences are more prone than unaffected individuals 1993; Tobiasen, 1995; Berk et al., 2001). Individuals
to unpleasant social responses from others, particularly with oral clefts may be more disadvantaged with re-
strangers (Reis and Hodgins, 1995). Individuals with spect to social affiliation and adaptation than unaf-
physical deformities are more prone to being avoided fected adults.
by others who may be uncomfortable with, or insensi- A number of studies have revealed a tendency to-
tive to, the anomaly. ward social inhibition and withdrawal in children, ado-
Reactions from others and perceived reactions can lescents, and adults with oral clefts (Peter et al., 1975;
influence an individual's behavior. Likewise, differen- Heller et al., 1981; Richman, 1983, 1997, 1998; Kapp-
tial reactions from others may result in different op- Simon et al., 1992; Tobiasen and Hiebert, 1993; To-
portunities and/or needs for individuals with visible dif- biasen, 1995; Kapp-Simon and McGuire, 1997). These
ferences. These experiential differences may translate disaffiliation behaviors associated with social anxiety
to financial costs in areas such as career options and can impair the development or maintenance of social
need for psychological intervention. It appears that ad- relationships (Leary and Kowalski, 1995). This may
justment in cleft adolescents may be related to an af- have significant implications, given that social rela-
fected individual's self-perception of appearance, given tionships, specifically certain forms of social support,
that individuals who perceive themselves to be more at- may facilitate psychological adjustment and wellness
tractive or less impaired have higher social competence (Wallston, et al., 1983; Cohen and Hoberman, 1983).
scores (Tobiasen and Hiebert, 1993). Withdrawal behaviors in children and adolescents
Teacher expectations are influenced by facial disfig- with oral clefts may be mediated by other variables,
urement (Richman, 1978), children with clefts being particularly those associated with the severity of the
more likely to be inaccurately assessed with respect to craniofacial anomaly, perceived attractiveness, or per-
their intellectual ability than their unaffected peers. ceived importance of facial attractiveness (Richman,
While there is no direct evidence that this results in neg- 1983; Richman et al., 1985; Tobiasen and Hiebert,
ative educational outcomes for the CL/P child, it does 1993).
have strong implications with respect to teacher ex-
pectations, student advising, student opportunities, and Costs Related to Psychological Intervention
educational/occupational/social outcomes for affected
individuals. The need for, and benefits of, psychological interven-
tion with CL/P individuals have been implied and ac-
Family. For most families, the initial reaction to the knowledged (Heller et al., 1985; Kapp-Simon et al.,
birth of a child with a cleft involves some degree of dis- 1992; Kapp-Simon, 1995). In a survey of cleft/cranio-

facial teams, Broder and Richman (1987) found that Psychosocial costs include those associated with the
80% of team directors identified mental health inter- execution of health behaviors, reactions to facial dif-
vention as important for their patients. Of interest is ferences, and disparities in social competence (between
that these same directors noted that fewer than 50% affected and unaffected individuals). In addition, the
of patients received psychological services. It is unclear inability to access or the unwillingness to utilize treat-
whether this is a reflection of underutilization, inac- ment has the potential to result in physical, psychoso-
cessibility, or selective utilization (e.g., utilization by cial, and financial burden to the patient, the family, and
the most severely impaired). society.
Psychological intervention can enhance adjustment Health professionals must be cognizant of the bur-
for individuals with CL/P. For example, Kapp-Simon den facing the CL/P patient and family. This burden
et al. (1992) found social skills to be one of the best extends beyond direct medical costs and must be ac-
predictors of adjustment in adolescents with craniofa- knowledged by patients, families, and those who make
cial anomalies. They suggested that social skill training decisions related to medical coverage/third-party reim-
may enhance adjustment in this population. Others bursement and government assistance. To enhance
have found family support groups, neuropsychological quality of life and maximize patient potential, we must
testing, and individual psychotherapy, while not war- identify at-risk patients and families and provide them
ranted in all cases, to be clinically beneficial for some with the strategies, resources, and tools to access in-
subsets of patients and families. Despite this general tervention and support in all of the aforementioned do-
professional consensus, there are no data regarding the mains.
utilization of psychological services in this population.
The percentage of CL/P individuals and families seek-
ing treatment or evaluation is unclear. Costs for indi- REFERENCES
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Insurance and coverage of care


The birth of a child with a cleft or a craniofacial defect on the fee-for-service concept. There are a whole series
can be a traumatic event for a family. Feelings of shock, of health maintenance organization (HMO)-based and
guilt, and inadequacy are common. Once these fears and propagated programs using various management con-
concerns are addressed and the parents are assured that cepts, discounted fees, contracted services, panels, etc.
the problem is not their fault, the next question they in- Finally, there are the government-based and -adminis-
variably ask is how they will pay for the child's care. tered programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, State Chil-
This is a legitimate concern, especially in view of the dren's Health Insurance Program, Civilian Health and
current situation regarding healthcare financing and Medical Program Uniformed Service (CHAMPUS),
coverage. With about 13% of children having no health- state-based special needs programs, and locally admin-
care coverage at all, 26% covered mainly by Medicaid istered indigent care programs. Children are usually
(Edmunds and Coye, 1998), and the remaining covered covered by, or are eligible for coverage under, one of
by some form of managed care, the treatment of any the above programs.
complex disorder brings anxiety to the family and
treatment team. The concern for the family is whether Indemnity Insurance
they can afford the care, and the concern for the team
is whether they will be allowed to do what can and Traditional indemnity insurance is becoming less com-
should be done. Craniofacial disorders are somewhat mon. It is based on a fee-for-service design, and while
unique from a medical perspective. They are rarely fa- it may provide the greatest choice of practitioners, it
tal, their functional aspects (i.e., speech, hearing, and usually does not cover routine care. Denial of care for
dental) are easily dismissed by managed care, and they lack of "medical necessity" is uncommonly an issue as
have a strong quality-of-life issue with significant aes- management is left up to the physician and family.
thetic overlay. Furthermore, they must be treated over However, dental care, a critical factor in clefts, is not
the developmental life of the child, which makes them covered and speech coverage may be limited.
susceptible to claims of pre-existing conditions, and,
most importantly, they occur exclusively in children. Health Maintenance Organizations
Children and their parents lack the financial and polit-
ical wherewithal to effect significant changes in health- For most Americans, the majority of healthcare cover-
care (Strauss, 1994). Despite all of this, however, it is age is provided by some sort of managed care organi-
rare that a child in the United States with a craniofa- zation. The oldest type of this system of healthcare is
cial disorder does not receive at least basic care. the HMO. For a prepaid, fixed fee, the organization
will provide comprehensive hospital and outpatient ser-
vices. Kaiser Permante of California is the prototype of
HEALTHCARE FUNDING this form of healthcare. The federal government became
involved in 1973, when Congress passed the Health
Healthcare is funded through a number of different Maintenance Organization Act of 1973. This law, as
sources. There is traditional indemnity insurance based well as subsequent amendments and bills, established


the ground rules under which HMOs operate. Cur- because of lower co-payments and maximum limits on
rently, the majority of HMOs are federally qualified. out-of-pocket costs for network services. Enrollees are
By being federally qualified, these organizations may allowed to see out-of-network providers but at a higher
offer their products to Medicare clients. They must pro- personal cost. Such organizations have become quite
vide 10 basic benefits, such as physician services; hos- popular as they offer both lower premium costs as well
pitalization; preventive care; emergency services; diag- as greater choice of providers. One of the notable dif-
nostic services; rehabilitation services; up to 2 months ferences between HMOs and PPOs is that enrollees may
of physical, occupational, or speech therapy; drug and visit specialists without the need of authorization from
substance abuse treatment; and home healthcare. These their primary care physician. Like HMOs, PPOs have
are basic guidelines and the minimum that can be of- several different types. A provider-sponsored organiza-
fered. tion is established by the providers, employers, and
To provide services, HMOs can either directly em- other groups. Traditional indemnity companies often
ploy providers or contract with independent providers. set up their own networks or may, in some cases, lease
Patients then choose from among the providers or, in networks from other insurers (the providers themselves
some cases, are assigned to specific offices, depending may be unaware of this situation). An exclusive
on location. There are four basic types of HMO model provider organization is a system which in nonemer-
currently in existence. The staff model is one in which gent care is limited to a fixed panel. It is essentially a
the HMO directly employs the providers. These form of a point-of-service system, allowing some out-
providers offer services solely to members of the HMO. of-network care. Specialty PPOs provide a limited range
In the group model, the HMO contracts with a num- of benefits such as occupational/physical therapy,
ber of groups to provide healthcare services to its sub- speech/language, dental, mental health, and pharmacy
scribers. Usually in this situation, the majority of pa- services.
tients treated by the groups are HMO members. In the
network model, the HMO contracts widely with a Poinf of Service
number of groups and practitioners to provide services.
The HMO members are only a fraction of the group Point-of-service systems combine the advantages of
and practitioners' business. In the independent practice HMOs with out-of-network coverage. This is done
association model, the HMO contracts with solo prac- with economic incentives using a fixed co-payment as
titioners or associations of providers, which in turn opposed to a 20% to 30% co-insurance rate. Services
contract with their members to provide the necessary obtained out of network are reimbursed at fee-for-
services. Typically, an HMO will actually combine two service rates, but there is usually a per-person limit.
or more of these models to create a system. Point-of-service plans are popular as they allow access
Usually, HMOs provide good basic care, but they to specialists for those who are willing to pay.
may fall short in services to children with special needs In addition to private HMOs, there are both
(Ireys et al., 1996; Fox et al., 1993; Newacheck et al., Medicare and Medicaid HMOs. The effect of Medic-
2000). By definition, they deal with a fixed practitioner aid HMOs on children with special healthcare needs is
base and obviously cannot provide comprehensive spe- questionable. Many of these children are covered un-
cialty care in every case. In cleft care, this can be a der Title V programs with service coordination as part
problem if there is no one in the plan who is experi- of their management (Fox et al., 1993).
enced in the care of such patients. Providers may be re-
luctant to refer out of their plan due to the added cost.
Cleft care has become the hallmark of team manage-
ment (Bardach et al., 1984, 1992), but the HMOs, de-
spite their stated commitment to quality and health State Children's Health Insurance Program
maintenance, may be against referring to a team for and Medicaid
management (Cohen, 1995). Comprehensive care of
these disorders may be too expensive for the HMOs While it is true that millions of children are not cov-
bottom line. ered by health insurance, a significant number are eli-
gible for state and federal programs and would be cov-
Preferred Provider Organizations ered if only the applications were filled out (Summer
et al., 1997). Traditional pediatric coverage is usually
A preferred provider organization (PPO) offers a sys- available through the federal Medicaid program. This
tem of coverage by contracting to providers at a dis- program was created in 1965 as Title XIX of the So-
count and then offering these services to employers. En- cial Security Act (Edmunds and Coye, 1998). It is a fed-
rollees are encouraged to use preferred providers erally mandated program, whose original intent was to

provide coverage to children similar to that which With the recent increase in managed care coverage, they
Medicare provided to the elderly. Medicaid was ini- have also been forced into an active advocacy program
tially tied to participation in welfare; however, in the regarding insurance coverage for children with birth de-
mid-1990s these restrictions were loosened. A phase-in fects. Their budgets are becoming strained by the de-
program was initiated so that by the year 2002 all poor nial and restriction of services created by managed care.
children under the age of 19 will be eligible for Med- What was once thought of as a stopgap measure is now
icaid. Unlike Medicare, however, the programs are par- becoming the primary source of services. Recent ex-
tially state-managed and -funded. While the federally pansions and changes in both Medicaid and SCHIP
managed Medicare program has consistent rules and have called into question the existence and function of
levels of reimbursement nationwide, state-funded Med- this critical resource.
icaid programs have highly variable coverage and re-
imbursement rates. The low level and variability of re- Alternative Sources
imbursement can and do restrict the availability of care.
The State Children's Health Insurance Program If the above programs fail, there are still individual
(SCHIP) was established in 1998 by federal law (Bal- state-financed and private sources of care. The Shriners
anced Budget Act of 1997) (see Families USA, Hospitals for Children ( to help fill in the gaps in chil- may offer care. The Choices program (Children Health-
dren's healthcare for those not eligible for Medicaid. care Options Improved through Collaborative Efforts
Coverage is available to families with incomes up to and Services) links these private endeavors with exist-
twice the federal poverty level. The combination of ing state and federal assistance programs.
Medicaid, SCHIP, and private health insurance should
theoretically cover the medical needs of all children.

As parents of a child with a craniofacial disorder know, In any type of private insurance, whether it be tradi-
treatment needs extend beyond classical medical tional indemnity, HMO, or governmental, it is critical
boundaries, specifically in the areas of speech and den- for the parent and provider to realize that insurance is
tistry. Although Medicaid does include some dental ser- contract-based. There are obligations on both the par-
vices, these are areas long neglected by traditional in- ents' (subscribers') and the insurance companies' parts.
surance. In 1935, along with establishing the Social These are spelled out in the contract. While it may seem
Security Act, the U.S. Congress created Women and logical that a service be covered, unless it is spelled out
Children's Health Care, now better known as Title V in the contract, it is likely to be denied. This also en-
(National Maternal and Child Health Clearing House tertains the whole concept of medical necessity (Ireys These programs came under the Ma- et al., 1999). Currently, medical necessity is the deter-
ternal and Child Health Bureau of the Department of mination of whether a specific service will be provided
Health and Human Services ( for a specific situation. The legal authority lies with the
These programs, currently refered to as Maternal and managed care organization or the insurance company.
Child Health and Children with Special Health Needs Typically, the insurance companies' interpretation of
programs, exist in every state and territory of the medical necessity is often different from that of the
United States. The actual administration and scope of physician and patient. Many current definitions of med-
these programs vary from state to state. These are var- ical necessity, i.e., a service that will significantly im-
iously known as, e.g., crippled children's programs, prove health, may work to the detriment of children
special needs programs, or children with medical hand- with special health care needs, who need the services
icaps programs. They are designed to provide services simply to maintain function. In the case of children with
to children with developmental, congenital, and ac- craniofacial disorders, medical necessity may be used
quired disorders and diseases. In general, these pro- to deny care based on the definition of improving
grams are a stopgap measure. They provide payment health. After all, one is only improving appearance, not
and often service coordination when no other source is health. Determination of medical necessity is not easy
available. They also provide standards of care, which and must be individualized, taking into account the pa-
are followed by the Medicaid programs. The programs tient, the disorder, and the family situation. While ra-
are usually need-based, with a sliding scale of reim- tioning (a deliberate decision to protect resources for
bursement. These programs help pay for critical den- the group as a whole at the expense of an individual)
tal care, such as restoration, splints, and orthodontics is conceptually different from medical necessity, in re-
and prosthodontics (crown, bridge, dental prosthesis). ality, expense can and will factor into the medical ne-

cessity decision-making process. Having explored this speech therapy is included in this mandate. While the-
issue, it is important to again emphasize that medical oretically this was a good idea, in reality it has become
plans and insurance are contract-based. If the contract a treatment nightmare. By mandating school coverage
excludes coverage for certain services, e.g., dental, scar for speech therapy, the government has allowed the in-
revision, or jaw surgery, the determination of medical surance companies to abrogate their responsibility for
necessity for these services is not an issue for the this critical service. A number of problems have ensued.
provider. In other words, the insurance provider will First and foremost, school does not usually start until
not argue the medical necessity of the service but sim- age 5. During the early critical period of speech devel-
ply state that it is not a covered service by contract and, opment, children are left in a treatment limbo. They
therefore, will not be provided. In situations where ser- often do not get necessary diagnostic and treatment ser-
vices are covered and medical necessity is approved, the vices when indicated. Second, school speech programs
insurance company may still stipulate restrictions as to are geared toward relatively simple cases, such as ar-
length or extent of care. ticulation disorders. They are usually understaffed,
In the case of a child with special health care needs, meet infrequently, often group-based rather than indi-
it behooves the parents to look closely at the potential vidual, and in no way adequate for the complex speech
health plan and ask the following questions: problems associated with clefting and craniofacial dis-
• Will the plan allow my child to go to a center and
Insurance companies have, as a result, geared their
be team-managed?
programs for adults. Speech therapy is often available
• Will it allow my child to seek second opinions?
only to treat loss of an acquired skill, such as loss of
• What providers are in the plan?
speech following a stroke or accident. In children,
• What ancillary services, i.e., speech, does it provide?
speech is not yet acquired, so it cannot be lost. There-
• What are the restrictions and exclusions?
fore, coverage of speech diagnostic and therapeutic ser-
• What defines a pre-existing condition?
vices is often denied (remember that contract). Most
Since most plans are presented as group plans, it is dif- HMOs are federally qualified, and one requirement is
ficult, if not impossible, to negotiate any of these points. that they provide a minimum of 60 therapy treatments.
More latitude may be allowed in employer-sponsored Most insurance companies have taken this is as their
or self-insured types of coverage. In larger companies, maximum, not minimum. If one reviews most policies,
one can often discuss these points with the benefits one will see that the number of 60 sessions of speech
manager. Some HMO plans provide service managers or occupational/physical therapy is the maximum. This
for complex cases. If this situation is available, it is ad- limitation is problematic not only for acquired disor-
vantageous for the parents to see if this type of service ders but also for the complex issues associated with in-
coordination can be applied. This can significantly re- herited craniofacial conditions. As most speech prob-
duce the paperwork and provide uninterrupted care for lems in these children fall under some form of
the child. developmental diagnosis code, they are often automat-
ically denied. Speech and language therapists are forced
to become creative in order to come up with codes that
ANCILLARY SERVICES will allow them to provide necessary services. Cur-
rently, there are a number of state and nationwide ini-
A child with special health care needs often requires tiatives to overcome this glaring shortcoming.
extensive use of services beyond those strictly medical.
In many ways, these services are as essential, if not more Dental
so, to the child's well-being than those provided by
medical professionals. These are the services that allow Dental care, a critical component in the care of these
the child to function in life. As they are not often children, has traditionally been almost totally ignored
thought of as medical in nature but their need stems by insurance. In the last few years, there has been a
from a medical condition, they are usually covered by proliferation of both dental insurance and dental
medical insurance. In craniofacial disorders, both den- HMOs. As with medical insurance, these contracts
tal and speech services fall under this umbrella. must be closely evaluated to see exactly what is cov-
ered and what the restrictions are. Historically, med-
Speech ical insurance coverage occasionally provided for some
of the perioperative services required for bone grafting
The state and federal governments have passed laws and orthognathic surgery, such as splints and planning,
mandating that schools provide services for special- but this is no longer the case. While Medicaid does pro-
needs children. Of significance to cleft children is that vide for basic dental care, the complex issues associ-

ated with craniofacial disorders are usually not cov- clefts will require at least one scar revision. Surgery un-
ered. The Title V programs have become an important fortunately does not always come out uniformly. Re-
funding source for these services. These services, al- visions to both the lip and nose are common. A typi-
though covered by the special needs programs, are re- cal reason for denial is either cosmetic or pre-existing
imbursed at levels significantly below the market rate, condition, or both. The parents and their surgeon will
and it is often difficult to find practitioners who can often have to send documentation, letters, pictures, etc.,
afford or are willing to provide the often complex treat- to get coverage. At times, it will appear to be, or ac-
ment needed. The average wage earner, with or with- tually will be, a delaying tactic on the part of the in-
out dental insurance, will usually have to personally surance company. This may be a standard ploy, and
bear the cost of the child's special dental care needs. parents should not hesitate to appeal all adverse deci-
sions by the carrier. They should know their rights and
Secondary Surgery read the contract. It is important to emphasize the con-
genital nature of the child's condition in dealing with
While basic care can be provided by the programs de- the carrier. Bone grafting of the alveolar cleft is often
scribed above, secondary care is increasingly being de- denied as it is thought to be a dental procedure. This
nied. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons can usually be overcome with some education of the
( in a recent poll of its mem- medical director of the plan and because of the fact
bers discovered that 53.5% of the surgeons surveyed that almost all alveolar clefts are associated with a fis-
have had at least one pediatric patient partially or to- tula (a covered medical problem). Orthognathic sur-
tally denied coverage for craniofacial or congenital de- gery (surgery to reposition the jaws) was at one time
fects. Even when coverage is available, it is getting almost universally covered for everyone, congenital de-
harder to obtain approval. One of the most common fect or not. Insurance plans have drastically limited or
ploys is that of the pre-existing condition. Combine this eliminated this procedure altogether. Even in circum-
with the almost revolving-door change in insurance stances with severe malocclusion secondary to either a
coverage, and one can see that a child with a birth de- congenital condition or trauma, this procedure is de-
fect is at great risk for disruption or frank denial of nied as cosmetic. Sometimes it can be approved if the
care. The American Medical Association (AMA House condition results in airway obstruction and surgery will
of Delegates Policy H-475.992) officially defines cos- improve breathing. This is an instance where patients
metic surgery as "being performed to reshape normal might be better off with one of the government pro-
structures of the body in order to improve the patient's grams than private insurance. There are standards of
appearance and self-esteem" and reconstructive surgery cleft care published by the American Cleft Palate-
as "being performed on abnormal structures of the Craniofacial Association (1993), which include the nec-
body, caused by congenital defects, developmental ab- essary orthognathic surgery. Most Title V special needs
normalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease." It is programs follow these guidelines. The HMOs, which
clear that congenital defects and their correction fall purport to provide comprehensive care, usually do not
under the definition of reconstructive surgery. Despite follow the guidelines.
this, insurance companies continue to deny coverage
for any surgery beyond initial repair as "cosmetic."
There are even reports of denying repair of isolated LEGISLATION
clefts of the lip as "cosmetic." When dealing with the
insurance company, it is important to never refer to The increasing denial of secondary, advanced, and in
any planned surgery on the child as cosmetic. Once they some cases primary treatment of craniofacial disorders
hear this, it can be impossible to dissuade them from has, as one would expect, led to some attempt at cor-
changing their stand. The correct term is congenital de- rection by legislative means. Nationally and in indi-
formity, and any treatment or surgery that improves vidual states there are bills being submitted and passed
the situation is reconstructive. Nevertheless, it should which will mandate coverage of reconstructive surgical
be emphasized that insurance is a contract. Often, the procedures for children with congenital, developmen-
company has its own definitions of conditions and tal deformities, diseases, or injuries. As of this writing,
terms outlined in the contract, which may not be the 13 states have passed such bills and there is a bill in
commonly accepted and assumed definitions. They can Congress which addresses the issue. One of the prob-
and will define anything in the contract that they lems is that the bill mandates surgery only and does
choose as cosmetic or a noncovered disorder. not cover ancillary services for needs such as speech,
The most common denied procedures are scar revi- hearing, dental, or psychological therapies. While su-
sion, nasal surgery, bone grafting and closure of the perficially this may seem to be a good idea, simply
alveolar cleft, and orthognathic surgery. Virtually all mandating the requirement does not guarantee that re-

imbursement will be adequate or that anyone will be tidisciplinary management of unilateral cleft lip and palate. Ann
willing to do the procedure. Coverage of breast recon- Plast Surg 12: 235-242.
Bardach, J, Morris, HL, Olin, WH, et al. (1992). Results of multi-
struction recently became mandated, but reimburse- disciplinary management of bilateral cleft lip and palate at Iowa
ment levels are now so low that many surgeons either Cleft Palate Center. Plast Reconstr Surg 89: 419-435.
are unwilling to do the procedures or provide only the Borah, GL, Hagberg, N, Jakubiak, C, Temple, J (1993). Reorgani-
most basic, simple reconstructions. zation of craniofacial/cleft care delivery: the Massachusetts ex-
The medical insurance business in the United States perience. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 30: 333-336.
Cohen, SR (1995). Managed care. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 32: 178.
has undergone rapid and profound changes over the Edmunds, M, Coye, MJ (ed) (1998). America's Children: Health In-
last decade and, unfortunately, shows no sign of sta- surance and Access to Care. Institute of Medicine and National
bilizing. Many of the problems that allegedly brought Research Council, Committee on Children, Health Insurance and
about these changes are still present. The treatment of Access to Care. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
craniofacial problems by an integrated team method is Fox, HB, Wicks, LB, Newacheck, PW (1993). Health maintenance
organizations and children with special health needs. A suitable
often pointed to proudly as the first attempt by orga- match? Am J Dis Child 147: 546-552.
nized medicine to approach a group of disorders in a Ireys, HT, Wehr, E, Cooke, RE (1999). Defining Medical Necessity:
"managed" manner. Standards of care have been es- Strategies for Promoting Access to Quality Care for Persons with
tablished, treatment plans created, and critical path- Developmental Disabilities, Mental Retardation, and Other Spe-
ways outlined. Furthermore, this has been done in a cial Health Care Needs. Arlington, VA: National Center for Ed-
ucation in Maternal and Child Health.
national, organized, consensus-based forum with mul- Ireys, HT, Eichler, RJ (1988). Program priorities of crippled chil-
tiple disciplines involved. This is exactly what managed dren's agencies: a survey. Public Health Rep 103: 77-83.
care has asked of us, to justify the treatment of any dis- Ireys, HT, Grason, HA, Guyer, B (1996). Assuring quality of care
ease. Yet when presented with these facts and reports, for children with special needs in managed care organizations:
their approach is somewhat disingenuous, hiding be- roles for pediatricians. Pediatrics 98: 178-185.
Ireys, HT, Nelson, RP (1992). New federal policy for children with
hind contractual jargon and denying care. Parents need special health care needs: implications for pediatricians. Pediatrics
to carefully review their contracts, voice their concerns 90: 321-327.
to their employers, and become advocates for their chil- Kuter, R (1998a). The commercialization of prepaid group health
dren. Insurance companies often are unaware of, ig- care, part I. N Engl J Med 33S: 1558-1563.
nore, or bend the rules. Parents and providers need to Kuter, R (1998b). The commercialization of prepaid group health
care, part II. N Engl J Med 338: 1635-1639.
know their rights. Appealing decisions has become al- Newacheck, PW, McManus, M, Fox, HB, et al. (2000). Access to
most standard operating procedure. Flagrant violations health care for children with special health care needs. Pediatrics
of coverage can and should be reported to the state in- 205: 760-766.
surance commission. The Title V programs (www. Salyer, KE (1995). Effects of managed care on the treatment of cra- have become increasingly active in this niofacial deformities. J Craniofac Surg 6: 4.
Shaw, WC, Devlin, HB, Williams, A (1994). Provision of services for
area as they often bear the financial brunt of these de- cleft lip and palate in England and Wales. BMJ 309: 1552.
nials. In summary, one has to know one's rights, be an Strauss, RP (1994). Health policy and craniofacial care: issues in re-
advocate, and be persistent. source allocation. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 31: 78-80.
Strauss, RP (1999). The organization and delivery of craniofacial
health services: the state of the art. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 36:
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association (1993). Parameters Summer, L, Parrott, S, Mann, C (1997). Millions of uninsured and
for the evaluation and treatment of patients with cleft lip/palate underinsured children are eligible for medicaid. Center on Bud-
or other craniofacial anomalies. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 30: 4. get and Policy Priorities. Available from
Bardach, J, Morris, HL, Olin, WH, et al. (1984). Late results of mul- mcaidprt.htm.
Parents' perspective on cleft lip and palate


When a child is born with a cleft lip and/or palate ture to imagine the worst when one encounters some-
(CL/P), it is most often a shock at the time of delivery. thing new and unexpected. Most parents who have
An enormous amount of information will have to be lived with a child with a cleft could tell you that the
absorbed above and beyond that which is needed by reality is not as bad as they had expected. At every step
all new parents. What follows is a compilation of the along the way, health providers can help the parents
collective wisdom of a group of parents whose children by reassuring, giving hope, and providing resources.
were born with a cleft. It is our hope that these insights From the moment of delivery onward, the tone and
will make it easier for new parents of such children and demeanor of the doctor and staff should be reassuring.
those who provide care for them. "This is a common birth defect and one that can be re-
One mother of a 22-year-old with a repaired cleft lip paired. Most children do well." If a pediatrician is not
and palate (CLP) reflected at the time of his graduation, already present, then let the parents know that a pedi-
"I wished I would have known how successful he would atrician will take a look at the baby and make sure that
be and how well he would do. I wish someone had told otherwise everything is all right.
me his own wonderful spirit would be the driving force A subset of babies will need initial help with breath-
of his success. No one tells you that things will be OK." ing and stabilization. Let the parents know what is tak-
Parents need to know that their children will do well. ing place. If the baby needs to be moved to another
The key word should be encouragement. The encour- area, make sure that the parents know what is being
agement should start from the very beginning. done and give timely updates. Reunite the parents and
For most parents, the birth of a child is a joyful event. baby as soon as possible. Good communication is
After months of anticipation, we look forward to see- paramount.
ing and holding that newborn baby. The pain of child- Parents are worried and may feel that they are
birth will be over, but there can be a very noticeable drowning and need a lifeline. Since their fears are prob-
difference in the tone of the birthing room when a child ably far worse than the reality, the sooner they can get
is born with CL/P. accurate information, the better. Be truthful. If you do
There is an awkward moment when the doctor not know what you are talking about, then do not of-
breaks the news: "Your child has a cleft lip and palate." fer incorrect information. Tell the parents that you will
Suddenly, all of the relief and joy that had been antic- get them to the people who know about CL/P, and then
ipated is replaced with fear and confusion. Most peo- do it.
ple have never seen an unrepaired CL/P, and to see it Some hospitals will be more prepared than others.
in the face of one's own child is a shock indeed. Those In a center where children are routinely seen with this
who find out at the time of an ultrasound scan may be problem, there may already be a team in place. Other
equally anxious. hospitals should help the parents with their immediate
First and foremost, it is important for the medical needs and then connect them with specialists who can
personnel to assume a positive attitude. It is human na- help with the baby's care.


First, the parents need some time to be with their Some hospitals have a plastic surgeon or an oral max-
baby. Let them hold and cuddle the infant. Meanwhile, illofacial surgeon who can come and speak with the
a plan needs to be made about who needs to see the parents to give them information. Depending on the
child and when this can be done. Once a plan is for- time of day and the other responsibilities of the sur-
mulated, give the parents an outline of the game plan geon, it may be later in the day or the following day
about who will see them and when. when he or she can meet with the parents. If this is the
Write information down and suggest that the par- case, then let the parents know. Sometimes, the parents
ents do too. Because there is so much information, it will need to bring their baby to another hospital or
helps to have it written down. Small amounts of in- clinic. If this is the case, then arrangements should be
formation accumulate quickly. Most parents find it made on their behalf to have an appointment in a timely
helpful to have some type of organizing notebook. fashion. Then, they should be given up-to-date written
While providing a notebook from the start is not nec- materials to review on their own prior to this visit.
essary, it can be suggested. The materials provided can Make sure that pamphlets are not outdated.
be grouped together in a folder. There can be a section Confidence can be infectious. A positive attitude and
where questions are kept. confidence on the part of the surgeon make a world of
Remember that many of these are first-time parents. difference to the parents. Parents have noted that it felt
They have to learn all of the same things as new par- reassuring to have the plastic surgeon confidently tell
ents. They have the added insecurity of not knowing them that this is something that can be fixed.
what additional problems having a child with a cleft Before and after pictures are very helpful. Some sur-
will bring. The severe fatigue and emotional roller geons have a notebook to share with parents so that
coaster of postpartum hormonal changes can affect all they can have an idea of what to expect for their child.
new mothers. It can help to let the parents know that Many parents remember only people who did not have
these are normal feelings. the most cosmetic repairs. Times and techniques have
It is also completely normal to feel sad, overwhelmed, changed, and they need to know there are wonderful
and upset. One nurse told her patient, "First you have things that can be done with plastic surgery.
to grieve for the loss of the child that you thought you Because the cleft is in the middle of the baby's face,
would have, then you will learn to love the child that it is an instant point of focus. Help the parents learn
you have been given." No one expects to have a child that there is much more to their baby, something they
with a birth defect. Consideration should be given to will learn over time. Tell them their children are beau-
having the parents meet with a social worker or psy- tiful. Emphasize the positives and point out unique fea-
chologist. tures, e.g., "Look at her beautiful eyes, hair, coloring,
Before parents are sent home from the hospital, they etc. ..." Everyone likes to hear nice things about their
need at least the bare facts about the causes of CL/P. child.
At some point, formal counseling with someone from
genetics can be very helpful. However, right away, these
parents will be faced with many people who will want FEEDING
to know what happened. It is human nature for par-
ents to assume that they somehow caused or are re- The most immediate concern is getting the child to eat.
sponsible for the birth defect. Many children with a cleft will have feeding difficul-
A simple explanation is all that is needed to start. ties. Tell the parents that this is the first challenge and
"We do not know what causes cleft lips and palates, that each baby is unique. There are many ways to help
but we know that it was nothing that you did or failed a baby eat, and what works for one may not work for
to do during the pregnancy. They just happen." Some another. Through trial and error the best means of feed-
are the result of a genetic syndrome, but most are the ing each baby will be determined.
result of multifactorial causes. It can happen to anyone One mother lamented that she was told that "these
in any family. Fingers should not be pointed at any- kids fail to thrive." Another said she was told that her
one. We do not choose the genes that we pass down child would have feeding problems but he did not. If
to children. Be sure they hear "It is no one's fault." It only the medical staff had been more positive about it,
is worth repeating. e.g., "Some children with clefts have problems with
Parents also need some idea about what repairs will feeding, but we will work with you to find out what
be done and what they will entail. The initial repairs works best for your child."
are not done for several weeks, so let the parents know Bring in the most qualified person or persons to help.
that they will have time to absorb the information and This may include a lactation consultant, a postpartum
learn. or newborn nurse, a pediatrician, or a speech-language

pathologist. Many different specialty bottles, nipples, the child walks into the clinic, always take time to read
and feeding devices are available. Parents should not his or her chart. Review what has happened in the med-
be sent home until a satisfactory means is found to feed ical course of events. Consider having some place on
their child. the chart where unique things about the child can be
If a mother has planned to breast-feed, then she noted, something like "collects rockets" or "plays soc-
should be encouraged but should know that up to 85% cer." Be sure to use the child's name.
of babies may not physically be able to breast-feed. The Always introduce yourself and tell the family what
normal mechanics of breast-feeding include suction your function is that day. Even if the child is familiar
from the baby's mouth around the nipple and pushing to you, it can help to say "I'm Doctor X, the oral sur-
and squeezing the nipple against the roof of the mouth geon. I saw you last December. Today, I want to take
to release the milk. Suction may not be possible be- a look at you so we can talk about the next surgeries
cause of the cleft, and a defect in the roof of the mouth you may need." Or "I'm Doctor Z, one of the resident
may make squeezing the milk out impossible. There are doctors who works with Dr. X, I am here to find out
some techniques the mother can use to circumvent these how you are doing. I have heard a lot about you. Af-
problems, but it most often would take the skill of a ter I am done, I'll come back with Dr. X." Coming to
lactation consultant to help with this complex process. clinic visits can be an anxious time, so it helps to know
Some cannot breast-feed despite their best efforts. the game plan.
Many mothers will feel guilty because they feel like they Language is very powerful. Pick the words and
have failed if they cannot breast-feed. Help the parents phrases you use carefully. Never talk down to a child.
find the best way to feed their infant. Tell them that Try to be cognizant of the child's age. Although they
what is important is for this baby to eat and grow. If may be young, they are likely to be smart and percep-
she wishes to pump and save the breast milk, provide tive.
access to a hospital-grade pump. Taking care of any Never talk in front of the child as if he or she is not
infant is time-consuming and taking care of a baby with there. If it is necessary to use medical descriptions and
a cleft can be exhausting, so any saving of time is ap- technical terms, then explain them to the child and par-
preciated. ents. For example, "I want to describe some things in
medical terms to my colleagues so they can learn more
about you and about your cleft lip and palate. When
CLINIC AND HOSPITAL VISITS we are done, we will make sure that we explain every-
thing to you. Then you can ask questions so that we
Once the baby goes home, the family starts on a jour- make sure you understand everything too." Always be
ney of clinic visits and surgeries that may last well into cognizant that the parents and child are listening. Take
the baby's teens. It is overwhelming at first but becomes time at the end of the visit to make sure that all ques-
routine over time. It is important to get off to the right tions are answered.
start and to have each clinic visit be a positive experi- Some families make a special event of the day when
ence. their children come to the clinic. Remember that these
Sometimes coming to the hospital and clinic setting children have to be pulled out of their normal activi-
can be a relief. Out in public, families often have to ex- ties and often miss school. Since it is the nature of chil-
plain about the child's cleft. It can be tiresome as par- dren to fit in with their peers, it can be awkward to
ents would prefer to talk about the same things as all have attention drawn to them because they have a dif-
parents. In the medical community, seeing a child with ference. By making it a family day and a positive ex-
a cleft is common and a cleft is only one of many dif- perience, some of the discomfort from missing activi-
ferent medical conditions. Hence, it gives a chance for ties may be offset.
the kids just to be kids. Joke and laugh with them. Treat
them as if they are special.
One parent, a lawyer, commented that when a client SURGERIES
steps into his office that person wants to feel that he
or she has his undivided attention and at that moment "Giving up my child to the surgeon was one of the
is the most important person in the world to him. It is hardest parts about having a child with a cleft,"
no different in the medical office. When parents bring lamented one mother. It is indeed one of the hardest
their children to a clinic visit, they know that time is times and yet has to be faced repeatedly. There are some
very short and much must be accomplished. things that can make it easier.
When the children come to clinic visits, recognize Make certain everyone knows what to expect. When
them as unique individuals. One parent noted, "It is is the surgery to take place? What does it entail? How
extremely important to remember each child." Before long is it expected to take? Will you let me know how

things are going if it takes longer than expected? How are also special funds that can be used to support the
long will the child be in the hospital? What does the medical expenses of these children. Parents should not
recovery period involve? Who can we contact if we have to worry needlessly when there is funding avail-
have questions or problems? able.
Have a written set of instructions. Be specific and de-
tailed. Most parents are not medically oriented. It is
better to write too much than not enough. CONCLUSION
Let parents be with the child as much as possible.
Many hospitals allow the child to be with a parent right Parents have a special love for their children. All par-
up to the time that the child is being put to sleep. This ents want their children to be happy. We want them
helps the anxiety of both the parents and the child. to be free to enjoy childhood. We want to nuture their
Make certain parents are able to be with their child at self-esteem, to give them the best chance at future en-
all times in the hospital, including spending the night. deavors. We all want to protect our children from
Over time, parents will realize that their child is much harm.
tougher than they thought. It does not hurt to hear this While these are universal parental feelings, those of
ahead of time. Kids become "old pros" at being tough us who have CL/P children worry even more. In fact,
for surgery, but we need to remember that they are still because a child has a facial difference, the parents have
children. a heightened sense of protectiveness for that child.
While the children can do very well, it takes a while
for the parents to see that. We need all of the support
RESOURCES and nurturing we can get from healthcare providers.
Help us so that we can launch our children into the
Parents universally felt that resources were paramount. world, just like that successful college graduate.
Providing access to up-to-date resources is a valuable
service of healthcare providers.
One of the most helpful resources is another family
with a CL/P child. Most parents say they would be
happy to help a new family. They can provide a wealth
of information because they have been through the Karen's Story
same things themselves. If such a network is not avail-
able in your community, consider starting one. My 4-year-old daughter, Ashley, is a bundle of smiles
and sensitivity, with golden blonde hair. Although Ash-
ley goes to speech therapy only two evenings per week,
SPEECH every night when I pick her up from day care she meets
me with a smile and the same one-word question,
Most children with a cleft will need some degree of "Speech?" Ashley truly enjoys the one-on-one instruc-
speech pathology services throughout their lives, but as tion she receives from her speech therapist, Andrea, at
with information about feeding problems, do not make the Scottish Rite Clinic in Roseburg, Oregon. Although
blanket negative statements. Not all children will have her one-word question may not say much on its own,
problems, but those who do will have resources avail- Ashley uses her eyes, smiles, and gestures to get her
able to them. point across.
As parents, we worry about how our children will Ashley's story begins much earlier. Ashley's father
communicate. Will they be intelligible? Will people was born with bilateral CLP. When I was 19 weeks
make fun of them? Will they sound funny? We do not pregnant, we chose to receive genetic counseling prior
want anything to interfere with their independence and to the birth of our child. On January 26, 1996, her fa-
self-esteem. ther and I unexpectedly learned that our daughter
Although speech difficulties are common, it is reas- would be born with cleft lip (CL) and most likely cleft
suring to know that there are resources to help. palate (CP). I began preparation for my daughter's birth
Speech-language pathologists have numerous ways to with anticipation, shock, guilt, and fear. I made phone
help children. calls to doctors, friends, and national support groups
Parents should be told that there is teaching and as- to gather information on how to feed our daughter and
sistance through their intermediate school district. what to expect with surgeries. My daughter's first en-
Laws are in place which mandate services to children counter with a speech therapist came about while I was
with special needs. They can be directed to these ser- putting everything in place to prepare for her birth. I
vices by a social worker or a cleft support team. There phoned the Child Development and Rehabilitation

Center in Portland, Oregon. The director of the cra- guage at both assessments; however, impaired articu-
niofacial team, a speech-language pathologist, spoke lation by itself was not an eligibility criterion. When
with me about what to expect after the birth of our she was 3 years old, I was told that the eligibility cri-
child and the services provided by their team. This pre- teria had changed. What magically changes when a
birth instruction and the ongoing instruction and sup- child turns 3 years old so that she qualifies for speech
port our family receives from our craniofacial team therapy? My advice to members of a craniofacial team
have been invaluable. Ashley was born with bilateral is to advocate for patients to receive speech therapy at
CLP. We met with the craniofacial team, including the an early age and to be aware of eligibility criteria for
speech therapist, for the first time when Ashley was speech therapy in agencies with which you work. It
only 10 days old. I still remember the speech therapist took my questions, ideas from my public health nurse,
telling us that the first sounds to expect from Ashley and finally a physician to write a medical referral for
would be M, N, H, W, and Y as these do not require early intervention to qualify her for speech therapy.
air pressure to make them. My advice to all members Yes, even as a registered nurse, I need to bounce
of a craniofacial team working with a parent who is ideas off of my public health nurse, who helps to case-
dealing with acceptance of a child born with a facial manage my daughter's medical care.
birth defect is that first impressions are always re- Ashley ended up qualifying for speech therapy in July
membered. 1998. Her speech therapist at the time worked with
Since Ashley's father had first-hand experience of liv- Ashley at day care and sent assignments for me to work
ing with CLP and being a registered nurse myself, I felt on with Ashley at home. Therapy at her day care was
informed of what the future might hold and that we convenient, but I admit that homework was rarely done
had a foundation of knowledge and experience. How- because I had little idea of how much emphasis to put
ever, but despite any knowledge a person has, there is on sounds and what type of correction I was supposed
always more knowledge to obtain. My advice to all to be giving Ashley. Although letters sent home for me
members of a craniofacial team is to never assume that to read were beneficial, they did not help me to work
parents who are members of the medical field or whom with my daughter. I was missing out on hearing what
have a cleft themselves comprehend their child's med- Ashley was able to accomplish with her speech thera-
ical care. When Ashley and I are on the patient side of pist at day care. Ashley's speech difficulties involve a
medical care, I am her mother and no more. I need variety of factors, two of which are difficulty effectively
things explained clearly and several times before med- closing her top and bottom lips together as needed to
ical information sinks in. The medical field is always make sounds and a large palatal fistula. It was not un-
changing, as does the cleft and the child. Please, start til July 2000 and after two previous palatal surgeries
at ground zero and ask parents questions, reinforce in- that Ashley's fistula was finally closed using a tongue
formation at follow-up appointments, use verbal com- flap graft. Ashley frequently substitutes sounds she can-
munication a parent with no background in the med- not make with alternatives and speaks in sentences with
ical field would understand, and allow parents time to few words or uses gestures to get her intent across. My
ask questions. There is an obvious and enormous ben- advice to all members of a craniofacial team is to make
efit to meeting Ashley's needs through the interdisci- sure parents observe every speech therapy session while
plinary approach of the craniofacial team; however, children are still young as both the child and the par-
please know that a day with the craniofacial team can ent are impressionable.
be overwhelming when I walk away with new infor- In June 1999, as Ashley turned 3 years old, she was
mation about audiology, dentistry, plastic surgery, ge- re-evaluated to determine what services to provide for
netics, otolaryngology, and speech therapy, new infor- the next year. The options included continuing speech
mation that changes my daughter's life. therapy at day care, placing her in Headstart preschool,
The story continued when Ashley was referred to or attending the Scottish Rite Clinic. A worry her
early intervention for speech therapy. My advice to speech therapist brought to this meeting was that she
members of a craniofacial team making a referral to an could seldom find a quiet place to work with Ashley
outside agency is to follow through with families, en- at her day care without interruption from other chil-
suring that children you referred actually qualified for dren or teachers. My concern with placing Ashley in
services. My daughter was denied speech services at Headstart was that she would start in the morning at
both 10 and 17 months of age due to the wording of her regular day care, be transported to and from Head-
the eligibility criteria, even though she had a wide CP start, and be returned to her regular day care until the
at 10 months of age and a large palatal fistula at 17 end of the day. I felt this was too much disruption for
months of age. "Denied services?" I could not believe a 3-year-old, who at the time had undergone a total of
it. Ashley had appropriate receptive and expressive lan- eight surgeries and just experienced her parents' di-

vorce. My advice to all members of a cranio-facial team support of other families just like us, who had tons of
is to listen and help the family to look at all factors in- information to offer. Check out the Widesmiles web
fluencing the decision. Based on Ashley's needs, the de- site ( Always remember that
cision was made, and Ashley settled in to the routine craniofacial anomalies can be repaired. Your children
of speech therapy at the Scottish Rite Clinic. Ashley has can grow up to live normal, happy lives with few or
remained there for 2 years now, and we are at present no effects. These children will endure much with the
discussing how to transition her speech services to the many surgeries that lie ahead, but remember that they
public school next year for kindergarten. I observe are young and can heal more quickly. Through this or-
every speech session, twice weekly. Ashley is currently deal, I have learned to appreciate how precious life is
working on the P, B, T, and D sounds while I sit in an and how to be a better parent.
adjoining room behind a one-way mirror. The one-on-
one environment provides the attention that both she
and I need to learn how to help her speech. Tomor- Aggie's Story
row, when I pick up Ashley from day care, chances are
At the age of 21, I gave birth to a son with complete
she will run up to me and say "Speech?" and I will re-
CP. When he was 3 months old, he had his first sur-
mind her to say, "Mommy, are we going to speech to-
gery. When he was 1.5 years old, his palate was closed.
day?" So that is how the story goes . . . at least for
The surgeons explained to me that this is usually a two-
part operation and that they like to close the hard and
soft palate at the same time. The chances of it reopen-
Tanya's Story ing were very high, and they were right: his soft palate
reopened, to about the size of a dime. When he was 2
My name is Tanya, of Troy, Tennessee. My husband
years old, the doctors decided to do some lip revisions
John and I had a son, Ty, on January 6, 2000. Ty was
and close the soft palate again. This operation was suc-
born with bilateral complete CLP and no upper gums.
cessful, and the soft palate stayed closed. When he was
My husband was born with unilateral CL; therefore,
5 years old, they performed a bone graft, to replace
our chances of having a baby with a cleft were slightly
bone that was missing on the upper part of his jaw,
higher. I learned how to feed using nasogastric tubes
where his two splits were. Meanwhile, I had to take
and syringes and later the Haberman feeders, which we
him for speech therapy for 2 years, twice a week, to
still use today. I stress to parents the need to use the
help him learn to speak more clearly. At the age of 15,
proper feeding methods with your children, feed in the
he had grown enough to do the jaw alignment; they
upright position to reduce the risk of ear infections,
had to take out the upper part of his jaw and bring it
burp also the same way due to the risk of aspiration,
forward, using metal plates and screws to hold the jaw
and always wash and sterilize everything that goes into
correctly in his mouth. At the age of 16, he had sur-
their mouths due to infection. Enroll your child in an
gery to reconstruct his nose and more lip revisions.
Early Interventions Program (they work with children
They made the brim of his nose thinner, tucked his nos-
up to 3 years of age and help you find the specialists
trils in a little, and built up the cartilage under his nose.
you need). The Tennessee Infant/Parent Stimulation
Now, at the age of 17, he will be going for more revi-
Program also will work with your child as far as hear-
sions on his face, to make his lips even on both sides.
ing, vision, stimulation, and motor skills to make sure
I was very lucky that he was not born with any other
they are progressing as they should for their age. Keep
problems but the CP. It was very hard for him grow-
all doctors' appointments, which include plastic sur-
ing up and making friends, but now he is older and
geons, speech therapists, audiologists, and otolaryn-
knows how to handle situations. Being born with CP
gologists among others. After surgery, always follow
is very hard, but we all manage.
your doctor's suggestions as far as the feeding regimen
and arm restraints. It is important not to affect the sur-
gery site in any way by keeping foreign objects, fingers, Lynn's Story
and other things out of their mouths. So far, we have
had no ear infections, but there is a heart murmur that My daughter, Elaine, was born with unilateral CL 2
will close spontaneously; finally, he's gaining weight. years ago. It was a surprise to my husband, our doc-
Make sure you keep your child's immunizations cur- tor, and me. When she was born, the nurses and doc-
rent. Read any and everything you can find on clefts. tor told us how they see CL often, but no one was able
Unfortunately, we had no information or local groups to offer us any factual, useful information.
here. I have been lucky and found everything on my For 2 months, we felt like the only people with a
own with the help of the Internet. There, I found the cleft baby. Then, we moved halfway across the coun-

try. Within 2 weeks, we were meeting a world-class many much worse than ours, every year, so I turned to
plastic surgeon at a highly ranked hospital. She was Susan. I asked questions about the surgery, how long
scheduled for surgery within a month. I was nervous was he out, how much pain was he in, how long was
about putting my little darling under anesthesia and he in surgery, how long before his swelling went down,
about changing the little face with the gap, the face I etc. She reassured me by telling me how great and how
had loved from the first minute I had seen her, the face different he looks. She even sent me pictures of him be-
we bonded with and the smile that filled our hearts. I fore and after surgery.
asked the cleft case nurse if there was a mother I could The most amazing thing about Susan and her fam-
talk to who had gone through this surgery recently with ily was how they opened their lives to us in many ways.
her baby. They invited us to stay with them the night before the
She called an hour later with the name of Susan G. surgery because they lived 20 minutes away from the
Her son, Lance, had the same kind of cleft and had his hospital and we lived 2 hours away. They had never
repair the day my daughter was born. The way I looked met us, except for the numerous phone calls. They fed
at it was that Susan's family was 3 months ahead of us dinner, gave us some snacks to get us through the
us, so I could ask any question about what to expect waiting, and most importantly talked to us late into the
during and after surgery as well as the recovery period. night. Once the husbands went to bed, Susan and I
The first time we talked, I was overwhelmed by the stayed up talking until I had to give Elaine her last feed-
emotions I revealed to her and found that we shared ing at 3:45 A.M. The ease with which we talked was
the same thoughts about the situation. There are some distracting enough that the night flew by. We talked
emotions and questions that constantly weigh your about the surgery and about our lives, so we were able
mind down: "What did I do wrong?" "How could I to relax and enjoy their hospitality.
have prevented this?" "Why us?" "What if something The surgery went very well, and Susan was right: she
goes wrong?" "Do we have to do it, she's so cute now?" looks like a different baby. We still talk to Susan and
To find someone who can say she felt the exact same her family and, when we go for appointments with the
way is like embracing an old friend you shared your plastic surgeon, we visit them. Recently, Elaine had a
deepest secrets with as a child. Friends and family were lip revision, and once again, I was on the phone with
very supportive and reassuring but did not truly reas- Susan because her son had had the same procedure
sure me. I felt like they were patronizing me. They done a couple of months before. She was available for
meant well and really tried, but I just did not feel com- me, and I have also been there for her; we have a bond
forted, until I heard Susan say "She'll be fine, and it now, which will always be there, no matter what.
will all go well." She said the same thing so many peo- Because the experience of having another mother to
ple had said to me, but she had the same true-life ex- talk to was so rewarding for us, I asked that I be put
perience of the cleft, the feelings of guilt, the success of on a list for any other mother who wants information
the repair, and the recovery. It was her comments and or just to talk. At Elaine's first postoperative visit, I
assurances that finally reached me. met Tracey S. and her family. I hope I have given her
Susan quickly became a wonderful resource, the most one-tenth of the support and reassurance I was given.
comforting and informative, even better than the liter- My daughter's cleft story is nothing extraordinary,
ature or the Internet because she was a live person with unless you count Susan and her family. They were
whom I could interact. The doctor and cleft case nurse amazing, and they made the difference for us. They
could only say so much; this was a routine job for them. opened their home, their hearts, their lives, and their
They see literally hundreds or even thousands of cases, ears to us. For that, we will be eternally grateful.

Ethical issues in the care of children with

craniofacial conditions


Ethical issues that arise in the treatment of children ical discourse will consider how individual benefit and
with craniofacial anomalies often require health pro- the needs of the society can be fairly balanced. In the
fessionals, patients, and families to make difficult de- conduct of ethical decision-making, it may not be pos-
cisions. In this chapter, we examine the nature of eth- sible to both meet the desires of individuals and satisfy
ical dilemmas and the principles that may guide ethical the needs of the society at large; however, both per-
decision-making. A number of selected issues that af- spectives are recognized, and an equitable resolution is
fect craniofacial care are presented, but rather than pro- sought.
viding answers to ethical dilemmas, we pose questions Health professionals have dealt with ethical decisions
that readers can use to examine their own values and for many years and have sought to define guidelines
principles. for practice in their written codes of ethics (Beauchamp
Ethical decisions involve questions of meaning and and Childress, 1994). While these codes provide a state-
call for a distinction between what is "right" and what ment for a profession, they may not provide guidance
is "wrong." In the conduct of clinical care, judgments to individual health professionals who face an ethical
about fairness, human duty, and personal morals are dilemma in their clinical practice. When such quan-
ethical decisions. These are not technical questions that daries occur, a professional must first identify the eth-
are meant for experts in ethics; rather, health profes- ical issue involved. While this seems simple, the rou-
sionals regularly make ethical decisions in clinical prac- tine of clinical practice may hide an ethical issue or the
tice (Beauchamp and Childress, 1994; Jonsen et al., clinician may not consider the ethical aspects of the
1992). management decisions being made. Awareness that an
Biomedical ethics has received considerable attention ethical dilemma is present is a first step in making a
because clinical practice involves a professional who is decision. In some settings, the complexity of ethical
called upon to decide or recommend "what is right" problems makes ethics consultation useful. Many med-
for a patient. Decisions that impact the lives of others, ical centers have an ethics committee or a consultant
particularly in the context of healthcare, have stimu- ethicist. Consultation may be informative, but the ul-
lated substantial public and professional controversy. timate responsibility for a decision remains with the
Biomedical ethical issues that generate public and me- health professional, in consultation with the family and
dia attention highlight general social and moral issues. patient. Often, an ethics consultation will be used to
In some regards, ethical issues in craniofacial care are outline the issues, various possible viewpoints, and the
particular cases of social and moral decisions that oc- possible courses of action.
cur in the conduct of other human matters. For exam- The values of health professionals, patients, and fam-
ple, issues that relate to the access to costly dental ser- ilies determine their interpretation of ethical principles
vices are merely a subset of the issues that relate to how of autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. These
a society manages access to scarce resources. The eth- principles may be complementary or in conflict. Au-


tonomy implies the ability of an individual to deter- It may be legal to allow parents to decide about a 15-
mine how he or she is to be treated by others. It means year-old patient's planned craniofacial surgery; how-
that a person can freely define the healthcare treatment, ever, it may be ethical to empower the teen to actually
outcomes, and process to be used. Autonomy implies make the treatment decision. It may be legal for a pro-
the ability to make reasonable decisions in one's self- fessional to perform a procedure on a patient, but it
interest. Beneficence is a principle by which a profes- may not be ethical for him or her to do so.
sional provides what he or she believes is best for an- Justice is a complex principle that involves three re-
other person. In the case of healthcare, a professional lated concepts: treating people fairly, giving people
will judge what form of treatment is offered in a pa- what they deserve, and giving people what they are en-
tient's best interest. Sometimes what the patient (or titled. These concepts may not be in agreement; how-
family) sees as the best course of action may not agree ever, they are tied to distributive justice or approaches
with the professional's vision of what would be in the to allocate resources in a society (Churchill, 1987). Is-
best interest of the patient. When a patient and a pro- sues of justice may be found on the macroallocation
fessional hold differing views of the right course of ac- level, which examines how goods and services are
tion, who is to judge? Health professionals are often rightly distributed in the society at large. Microalloca-
seen as being held to a principle of nonmaleficence, or tion issues may affect how a practitioner decides to al-
the expectation that they will do everything possible to locate attention or time and the conduct of clinical care.
avoid harm, compared to creating good or well-being. In the case of craniofacial surgery, the costly nature of
In the surgical care of children with craniofacial anom- care and the scarcity of trained personnel contribute to
alies, should the surgeon provide an operation to a pa- this being seen as a scarce resource. Various microal-
tient because the family or patient expresses that wish? location approaches may be proposed to decide who
Should the surgeon provide the patient only with the gets craniofacial surgical care and who does not. Does
treatment options he or she believes are optimal and the sickest person receive care first? Does the wealthi-
disregard the other possibilities? Should a surgeon who est or the most valued member of society receive care
does not believe that he or she can perform an opera- first? Is care distributed on a first-come, first-served ba-
tion without significant risk of harm refer the patient sis or by merit? Who will determine? Elements in mi-
elsewhere? Issues of autonomy and beneficence arise croallocation decision-making include (1) medical in-
frequently in communicating surgical treatment plans dications (who is most likely to appreciate a medical
and in negotiating a course of care. benefit or who is in greatest need), (2) patient prefer-
Another concept that affects clinical decision-mak- ences (what the patient desires in care), (3) quality-of-
ing is competence. Competence implies the legal abil- life aspects (how care or lack of care will affect a pa-
ity to make healthcare decisions. Adults are assumed tient's ability to experience comfort, security, and
to be competent unless their legal decision-making function), and (4) contextual features such as social,
rights have been granted to others, such as a legal cultural, economic, and legal factors (Jonsen et al.,
guardian or one with power of attorney. Children are 1992).
not generally considered competent to make indepen- It is also important to recall that medical practice
dent decisions without a guardian's involvement. The deals primarily with the doctor-patient relationship, in
legal age of competence varies considerably across and which the doctor's primary goal is to meet the needs
within nations; however, some pediatricians and ethi- of a patient. On a public health or policy level, health
cists have used the concept of a mature minor, in which professions are called upon to protect society and to
an adolescent or child is judged to be developmentally maxime justice. These goals may differ, especially in
capable of making a decision about his or her own care. organizations where the health professional may be
On occasion, decision-making authority is granted to asked to meet patient, societal, and market/organiza-
a legal minor based on his or her ability and desire to tional goals.
decide. Confidential communications between health Ethics is not only an abstract endeavor; rather, it illu-
professionals and adolescents about birth control, sex- minates real-life problems and guides decision-making.
ually transmitted diseases, and substance use may af- Examples or cases are often useful in making ethical is-
fect how involved the parent or guardian will be in clin- sues real and allowing for debate and consideration of
ical decision-making about the minor. Individuals who various options (Strauss, 1995).
because of limited intellectual capacity or disabilities
are unable to engage in the informed consent process
may be considered not competent. GATEKEEPING
The difference between legal age of competence and
the mature minor concept highlights the idea that there In the past, many children with major craniofacial de-
sometimes is a difference between the law and ethics. formities did not survive or had a markedly reduced

quality of life. This happened because of limitations in to offer treatment: they may be willing to recommend
the ability to offer nutrition, surgical care, and post- care in the hope that nonbiological benefits may result
operative assistance (Scheper-Hughes, 1990). The suc- from appearance or functional change.
cess of neonatal intensive care units, anesthetic ad- The role of health professional gatekeeper often im-
vances, and changes in craniofacial surgery have made plies an ethical conflict of interest. In many settings,
it possible to treat many serious defects that may once the health professional both controls access to medical
have been untreatable, even lethal. Medical education services and is financially rewarded for providing care.
socializes health professionals and surgeons to be ac- This is most evident in fee-for-service payment contexts
tivist in their responses. They are trained to intervene where the health professional is compensated for the
in deformities and seek to repair or alter disabilities amount of treatment provided (Hall, 1992).
when possible. The decision not to offer care or to Capitation payment mechanisms, in which a health
withdraw care already started is always difficult and professional is uniformly paid for care of patients en-
places the health professional in struggle with estab- rolled in a plan, tend to diminish overtreatment or ex-
lished healing values. Clinical activism expressed as the cessive treatment. The financial reward system of a cap-
desire to fix disabilities orients the professional toward itation plan will not reinforce activism. Some managed
providing craniofacial surgical treatment whenever care plans limit referrals to specialty services by finan-
possible. cially rewarding generalists who deny referrals. This
The professional's role as a gatekeeper to medical may result in too few referrals for craniofacial surgery,
and surgical services is critical as the health professional even when care is warranted. Health professional
serves as an agent for the society in making such care compensation mechanisms exert pressures on clinical
decisions. The gatekeeper role involves exerting control decision-making and may place stress on ethical roles.
over the availability of clinical treatment. Furthermore, When health professionals and healthcare payers are
the gatekeeper explains care to the parties that pay for thoughtful in controlling treatment activism, the gate-
treatment. The gatekeeper role for clinicians raises keeper role is working well.
some difficult ethical questions (Strauss, 1983). Health
professionals must consider whether infants with ma-
jor and handicapping craniofacial deformities routinely INFORMED CONSENT, DISCLOSURE, AND
should be offered treatment in the neonatal intensive CONFLICT RESOLUTION
care unit. Surgeons may find themselves asking whether
severely affected children should always receive cranio- Nowhere in healthcare is information more critical than
facial surgical care. They may search for criteria that in the seeking of informed consent (Beauchamp and
might be used to decide when to offer such care. Fur- Childress, 1994). Questions of health professional-
thermore, questions may arise about who should make patient-family communication are central to the in-
the decision to treat or not to treat. Are decisions best formed consent process. Health professionals must con-
left to the parents, to the surgeons, to the ethics com- sider how much detail should be told to patients or
mittee, or to multiple parties? Indeed, surgeons will families. Does too much detail about risk scare a pa-
likely ask themselves to what extent should the health tient? What complications does a family need to be in-
professional or surgeon direct the use of scarce and formed about prior to surgery? Should potentially
costly resources (Ward, 1995). The role of allocating lethal complications always be communicated? In seek-
treatment resources raises many questions of distribu- ing informed consent, the health professional must de-
tive justice. Surgeons must puzzle their role in the cide how much information is needed and can be un-
healthcare system and consider how many resources derstood by a patient or family. While there are many
can be directed toward any individual child. examples of informed consent being conducted so that
Several factors may encourage health professional all possible negative outcomes are listed, this may not
gatekeepers to be overly activist about providing care be in the best interests of the patient or family. Overly
or to offer access to surgery even in possibly risky or graphic or extreme forms of truth-telling may enhance
costly situations. Health professionals may consider expectations of postoperative pain or disability.
themselves charged by the society with the role of nor- Informed consent may be particularly challenging
malizing children born with defects. This sense of mis- when cultural, language, or educational differences ex-
sion may be enhanced by the desire to perform heroic, ist between the health professional and the family.
novel, and highly technical treatments. The health pro- When communicating across social differences, special
fessional's gatekeeper role may also call upon a clini- attention must be paid to ensuring that information is
cian to consider quality-of-life factors. Knowledge of not only provided but also understood (Kleinman,
the social and psychological implications of major cra- 1979). Families may not comprehend the language of
niofacial deformities may impact clinicians' willingness biomedical thinking and often do not understand sta-

tistical risk. Special care may be needed to explain the tive and judicial decisions may become central in guid-
recurrence risk of an anomaly or the chance of a neg- ing such medical decisions and in defining the limits of
ative surgical outcome to a patient who does not fully parental autonomy. The surgeon may ask whether it is
understand the meaning of percentages. Ethicists have his or her role to argue for care when a family is risk-
sometimes wondered if fully informed consent is ever averse. There are many examples of health profession-
possible. They have considered whether a surgeon can als who have sought court-sanctioned permission to
ever accurately convey the likelihood and quality of provide care on a minor when the family is unwilling
postoperative pain to a patient. Can the surgeon really to authorize treatment. On occasion, families with re-
know how or what the patient will feel? The limita- ligious beliefs that preclude treatment (i.e., Jehovah's
tions of linguistic ability to describe sensations may be Witnesses and blood transfusion) have been forced by
felt by clinicians seeking to be fully informative. court order to comply with surgical recommendations.
Ethical dilemmas have arisen when patients or fam- Does the reverse occur? Can families force a craniofa-
ilies have asked a health professional not to inform cial surgeon to provide care that he or she believes is
them about a specific issue. This may occur when a unnecessary or too risky? Courts have not forced un-
parent does not want to be told about environmental willing surgeons to provide care; however, one might
or genetic causes of an anomaly in their child or in a speculate how often craniofacial surgeons are pressured
family that does not wish to learn about the recurrence by parents to operate when the expectation of positive
risk of a condition during genetic counseling. In such clinical outcomes is minimal.
cases, the health professional may find it difficult to This discussion of information sharing and potential
possess important information that the family seeks to conflicts might be mistakenly taken to suggest that par-
avoid or deny. Issues of privacy and confidentiality ents, children, and health professionals are often in a
have also arisen in the counseling setting. Are both par- contentious relationship. However, this would be in-
ents always informed of the causes or recurrence risks accurate since most families and health professionals
during counseling? What is the potential family harm work harmoniously to achieve common goals that are
in truth-telling? Do all family members have a right to guided by the child's best interest. Such harmony oc-
know about etiology, or is there ever a right to privacy, curs when there is mutual respect and careful infor-
even within a family? At what point does the child or mation sharing that avoids persuasive or emotional lan-
a spouse need to be informed of the likelihood of hav- guage.
ing future offspring with a genetic defect?
The transfer of information about surgical care may
be a concern in the teaching and training hospital set- ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES
ting. Should students and residents make it clear to pa-
tients that they are inexperienced and in training? In the realm of craniofacial care, ethical dilemmas oc-
Should it be apparent to families exactly who will be cur not only in the direct provision of craniofacial
making cuts or suturing their child in the operating health services but also in the decisions that guide the
room? Does seeking care in an academic health center healthcare distribution, organization, and policies.
imply that students and residents will be care providers. One must first consider that every society has a
Issues of truth-telling, of informed consent and of au- means to allocate resources. In the United States, we
thority to make healthcare decisions occur on a rou- have long sought to understand the role of the health-
tine basis in professional practice. care professional in the allocation of care and the con-
Most health professionals see their principal roles as trol of cost. It is critical to remember that behind a so-
being within the individual doctor-patient relationship. ciety's allocation of resources lay values, political
The health professional is seen as having a powerful forces, and a vision of justice. Decisions about how
personal relationship with a patient and the family. scarce or limited resources should be distributed reflect
Health professionals are taught to see themselves as ad- a society's perspective on equity and justice (Churchill,
vocates for the child patient as well as for the parents. 1987).
They may have difficulties when the interests of pa- The definition of what is a "just" system for the dis-
tients and parents do not coincide. For example, in a tribution of services or products varies across countries
situation where a child has a serious but partially cor- and cultures. The choice of an allocation approach will
rectable craniofacial defect that would require risky and determine who receives services and at what cost. Sev-
costly surgical care and the family expresses a wish to eral individual allocation approaches have been pro-
avoid treatment, the clinician may be placed in a diffi- moted as "just."
cult position. Is the parental decision in the child's best The open-market approach would have services of-
interest? Whose interests does the health professional fered to each person according to ability to pay. This
serve when there is a determination to make? Legisla- approach expands the variety of services available to

the wealthy, while limiting access to less affluent pop- exceed the system capacity. Fundamental ethical ques-
ulations. The merit approach would distribute services tions will be raised in these deliberations. Advocates
to each person according to their efforts to avoid hav- for craniofacial care will need to respond when asked
ing need. Under this approach, persons who do not about how to use limited dollars for healthcare: e.g.,
smoke tobacco, who abstain from alcohol consump- when dollars are limited, should they be spent on
tion, and who maintain a healthy lifestyle might be of- population-based prevention or should they be spent
fered access to health services and those with less merit on the treatment of relatively rare but disabling condi-
would not. This approach would deny care to precisely tions? In considering whether limited resources are best
the segment of the population most likely in need of spent on prevention or on treatment, some would state
health services. The social worth approach would give that health and economic resources are most rationally
services to persons according to the degree to which invested in maternal and prenatal healthcare and on es-
they contribute to the society. More highly valued tablished preventive regimes. For example, it could be
members of society would have greater access and argued that prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome is
choice of services. Decisions about the value of an in- preferable to focusing resources on its treatment. How-
dividual to the society are loaded with questions of bias, ever, not all conditions are preventable and some pre-
prejudice, and stigmatization. The social worth system ventive methods or approaches have had greater power
was briefly used to allocate kidney dialysis machines in than others. In making resource allocation decisions, it
the 1960s in Seattle; however, the basis for establish- will be important to consider the efficacy and cost of
ing social worth was very controversial. This approach preventive initiatives. In the case of major craniofacial
has been effectively employed only during wartime or deformities, current resources might best be spent on
emergencies. The rights approach would see access to research into the prevention of defects. This might in-
services or health care as a right, at least for each in- volve developing programs that encourage maternal
dividual to have equal access to basic care according health and nutrition, genetic counseling, screening, and
to the need for services. Two other schemes have been therapy. However, the major craniofacial disorders are
proposed to allocate resources. One scheme uses chance rare and currently often of unknown etiology. Given
and would see healthcare given to each according to the paucity of preventive craniofacial research and ef-
luck or according to a lottery. Another approach would fort, resources are currently focused on clinical treat-
have scarce resources delivered on a first-come, first- ment.
served basis, according to place in line. A combination Health professionals do not ask questions about so-
of approaches may be used, e.g., when a basic level of cial justice when encountered with a specific patient's
need is first met and then potential recipients enter a needs. Few would find it reasonable for a clinician to
lottery. worry about whether the society's resources are better
To understand distributive justice in the United spent on public health or immunization than on ex-
States, one might ponder how this society allocates re- pensive surgical reconstruction. Most citizens would
sources such as food, primary education, secondary ed- agree that public dollars would be better invested in
ucation, and luxury cars. It becomes immediately ob- the realm of prevention, yet when faced with the de-
vious that the United States employs a mixture of the nial of reconstruction to the individual patient due to
various allocation approaches reviewed. limited resources, the decision is often to provide care.
What forces guide resource allocation to craniofacial Values on the worth of the individual are strongly
care? Several social considerations may influence how held, and rationing of U.S. healthcare has proven to be
resources will be allocated to craniofacial care. Deci- a difficult prospect, though it happens in a de facto way
sions may be made in the context of age, in which there regularly. When rationing of healthcare occurs, it may
is a competition for resources between younger, less be through limited insurance policies, total lack of
powerful interests and older, growing, and more pow- health insurance coverage, or a scarcity of providers or
erful political segments. Furthermore, the visibility of facilities. The issues arise when payment is not avail-
a clinical condition may be a real factor in resource al- able and when care is very costly. If patients cannot
location decisions. Visible defects are more likely to af- themselves afford care and insurers are unable or un-
fect voter and legislator emotions. Community aware- willing to pay, then the true impact of scarce resources
ness and human interest are factors that impact social becomes apparent.
decisions and draw media attention to an issue. Antic- Low-income and minority populations do not uni-
ipated voter behaviors are probably the single most use- formly have access to high-quality health services in the
ful predictor of legislative decisions. United States. This is reflected in their relatively lower
Decisions about the allocation of funds to craniofa- health status when compared to more affluent or non-
cial care will be made in the context of limited resources minority populations. In a society where marked dif-
in societies where demands on the healthcare system ferences in access to healthcare exist, one must ask

whether the ability to pay is the most just mechanism fessionals with information about a child's craniofacial
for deciding who is to receive care. In the case of ma- defect prior to birth (Rothman, 1986). Knowledge of
jor craniofacial deformities, should ability to pay for a condition during the prenatal period implies the pos-
expensive services guide their availability? In the case sibility of choice relative to the birth of a child with a
of costly procedures that benefit very few persons, po- defect.
litical advocacy seems unlikely to be a large force in Knowledge about defects prior to birth has caused
guiding insurance coverage. Principles of social justice medicine to face profound questions about how we as
do come into play when decision-makers consider how a society will deal with prenatal information about se-
much quality of life would decline if care were denied rious craniofacial deformities (Murray and Botkin,
or how much gain could be achieved by funding treat- 1995; Roberston, 1986). Will there be significant pres-
ment. These decisions are difficult to make, and sure on mothers to abort such fetuses in order to avoid
cost-benefit thinking may be used in making them. the cost and pain of corrections? Will there be rewards
Some of the most difficult resource distinctions oc- for parents who decide to save the society the cost of
cur around the relative worth of social investments in treatment? Will we stigmatize and harass parents for
various diagnoses. Why is a cleft palate repair gener- seeking to terminate a life, regardless of quality, by
ally seen as cost-effective, while some question a clover- abortion (Lapham et al., 1996)?
leaf skull deformity repair? Is it that we expect a bet- The realities of the high cost associated with the sur-
ter outcome from the cleft lip/palate surgery? Or is it vival and treatment of children with major craniofacial
that the frequency of cleft lip/palate demands repair, defects may affect how we perceive a parent decision
while the scarcity of major craniofacial syndromes does to abort a fetus with an identified deformity. A deci-
not? If the society can afford to provide cleft repairs, sion to bear such a child implies major expenditures
why then not afford craniofacial repairs? Clearly, ques- for the parents and/or the society.
tions of the magnitude of cost exist. The costs as cal- Social values relative to aesthetic and functional con-
culated cannot be merely the direct costs of several formity may also be challenged by prenatal diagnosis
years of surgical care; rather, they must also include of defects (Wexler, 1995; Wertz and Fletcher, 1989).
the costs of parental work loss, of special education, of Will all deformed infants be aborted? How major a de-
rehabilitation services, of mental health assistance, of formity must there be to rationalize an abortion (Blu-
lost patient productivity, and of mental anguish. These menfeld et al., 1999; Eiserman and Strauss, 1999)? Will
costs are generally not measurable, yet they constitute there be less tolerance of different appearance or iden-
a real part of the losses and quality of life realized. Cost tity if all those with different identities are aborted or
awareness and the need to control the cost of health- corrected? To what extent does living with a range of
care have affected the willingness to incur extraordi- appearances and disabilities benefit a society? Some
nary medical expenses. Cost-benefit calculations have would argue that medicine should exert itself to make
been applied to treatment decisions, but often these cal- children look as normal as possible to meet social ex-
culations break down when the possible denial of care pectations. Others would say that instead of changing
to a specific child becomes a reality. The cost of cor- the child or his or her appearance, the focus should be
recting major craniofacial conditions may sometimes on changing social values to encourage the acceptance
be extremely high but must be weighed against the so- of those who appear different. For the moment, there
cial and humanitarian costs of not providing access to is little question that those who look different are
care. In the current context of declining health dollars treated as less than equal and often are stigmatized
and limited resources, it is predictable that some ra- (Fiedler, 1978).
tioning decisions will be made. The allocation approach
to be applied is unclear, but it will determine who will
be cared for and who will not. CONCLUDING COMMENTS

The care of children with craniofacial conditions raises

PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS many issues that involve ethical and moral choices. In
this chapter, we have examined the principles that sup-
Prenatal diagnosis of major craniofacial or genetic con- port ethical decisions and introduced concepts such as
ditions is increasingly common (Bosk, 1992; Eng et al., autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, competence,
1997). The use of continuous real-time ultrasound al- justice, and informed consent. Selected ethical issues
lows for the early visualization of fetal defects. Tech- were considered, including professional gatekeeper
niques such as amniocentesis, genetic screening, and roles, informed consent and truth-telling, allocation of
risk appraisal may provide the family and health pro- scarce resources, and implications of prenatal diagno-

sis. These were chosen because they demonstrate the natal diagnosis of cleft lip and the decision-making process. Cleft
range of ethical dilemmas that arise in craniofacial care. Palate Craniofac J 36: 105-107.
Bosk, CL (1992). All God's Mistakes: Genetic Counseling in a Pe-
Other issues that might have been examined include diatric Hospital. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
the following: Churchill, LR (1987). Rationing Health Care in America: Percep-
tions and Principles of Justice. Notre Dame, IN: University of
• The relationship between risk to the child and ben- Notre Dame Press.
efit Eiserman, W, Strauss, RP (1999). Commentary on early prenatal di-
• Professional-peer relations and quality of care agnosis and the decision-making process. Cleft Palate Craniofac
• Issues in surgical and clinical research J 36: 542-545.
• The neonatal intensive care unit as a locus for ethi- Eng, C, Schechter, C, Rabinowitz, J, et al. (1997). Prenatal genetic
carrier testing using triple disease screening. JAMA 278:
cal decisions 1268-1272.
• Quality of life with or without surgery Fiedler, L (1978). Freaks, Myths and Images of the Secret Self. New
• The control of sophisticated medical technology and York: Simon and Schuster.
the introduction of new techniques Hall, MA (1992). The political economics of health insurance mar-
ket reform. Health Aff (Millwood) 108-124.
The ethical dilemmas and issues raised in this chapter Jonsen, AR, Siegler, M, Winslade, W (1992). Clinical Ethics: A Prac-
stimulate moral and personal questions to which there tical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine, 3rd ed.
are rarely easy answers. If the answers were apparent, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kleinman, A (1979). Sickness as cultural semantics: issues for an an-
they would not be ethical dilemmas or quandaries. thropological medicine and psychiatry. In: Toward a New Defi-
However, health professionals must be prepared to deal nition of Health, edited by P Ahmed and G Coelho. New York:
with such questions and must find satisfactory answers Plenum, pp. 53-65.
to the ethical dilemmas that they encounter in their ca- Lapham, VE, Kozma, C, Weiss, JO (1996). Genetic discrimination:
reers. One would hope that there is willingness to con- perspectives of consumers. Science 274: 621-624.
Murray, TH, Botkin, JR (1995). Genetic testing and screening: eth-
sider the complex issues suggested here and that clini- ical issues. In: Encyclopedia of Bioethics, rev. ed., Vol. 2, edited
cians and those engaged in healthcare financing and by WT Reich, pp. 174-178.
policy making will participate in a lively discussion of Roberston, JA (1986). Legal issues in prenatal therapy. Clin Obstet
the ethics of craniofacial care. Toward that end, each Gynecol29: 603-611.
participant in the conversation might pose the follow- Rothman, BK (1986). The Tentative Pregnancy: Prenatal Diagnosis
and the Future of Motherhood. New York: Viking.
ing questions: Scheper-Hughes, NM (1990). Difference and danger: the cultural dy-
• What moral issues are involved? namics of childhood stigma, rejection and rescue. Cleft Palate J
27: 301-307.
• What varied options are possible? Strauss, RP (1983). Ethical and social concerns in facial surgical de-
• What are the ramifications of each of the options? cision making. Plast Reconstr Surg 72: 727-730.
• Does this decision relate to larger ethical questions? Strauss, RP (1995). Experiencing ethical dilemmas: cases of ethical
• Is there a philosophy/value system that guides your decision-making in the care of children with major craniofacial
ethical actions? deformities. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 32(6): 494.
Ward, C (1995). Essays on ethics relating to the practice of plastic
surgery. In: British Journal of Plastic Surgery. Harlow: Churchill
Wertz, DC, Fletcher, JC (eds) (1989). Ethics and Human Genetics:
Beauchamp, T, Childress, J (1994). Principles of Biomedical Ethics, A Cross Cultural Perspective. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Wexler, A (1995). Mapping Fate: A Memoir of Family, Risk, and
Blumenfeld, Z, Blumenfeld, I, Bronshtein, M (1999). The early pre- Genetic Research. New York: Random House.

Translating research findings into public

health action and policy


Cleft lip and cleft palate are important to public health IMPROVING ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE,
in terms of birth prevalence, associated disabilities, HIGH-QUALITY SERVICES
costs of care, and psychosocial impact. Scientific stud-
ies relating to these issues are outlined in other chap- The roles of providers and agencies in the public health
ters of this book. In this chapter, we focus on the prac- aspects of genetic disorders and birth defects include
tical application of scientific knowledge by public preventing such conditions and developing and insti-
health providers to prevent and ameliorate birth defects tuting measures to prevent suffering and related dis-
at the community level. Some of the examples in this abilities when such disorders occur (Khoury et al.,
chapter do not necessarily apply directly to orofacial 1993). Application of the latter approach, sometimes
clefts. However, since these examples of birth defect called tertiary prevention but more accurately known
programs include other malformations of similar pub- as disability prevention, is an important public health
lic health importance such as neural tube defects, or activity for children with orofacial clefts (Pope and
are programs directed at exposures and outcomes that Tarlov, 1991). In translating scientific advances into
may also be related to orofacial clefts, they represent practice, public health agencies and providers become
model approaches to public health aspects of birth de- involved with clinical programs to ensure that affected
fects that may also apply to cleft lip and cleft palate. children are identified and linked with specialty care
One public health program at the Centers for Dis- shortly after birth, that the costs of such medical care
ease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Con- are covered (often with public funds), and that appro-
trol and Prevention, Division of Diabetes Translation, priate interventions are actually provided. Public health
2001) has defined its role in translating research find- agencies and related organizations have been involved
ings into widespread clinical and public health practice with a variety of initiatives to ensure that these goals
in the following ways: are addressed (Table 40.1).
As noted in Section II of this book, treatment of af-
• Targeting special populations to improve access to
fected children has traditionally relied on multidisci-
affordable, high-quality services
plinary teams to address a variety of aspects of long-
• Supporting extramural prevention programs
term care beyond surgical repair and often on
• Researching better ways to apply scientific findings
cutting-edge advances in clinical practice that may be
• Strengthening surveillance systems to better define
available only at referral centers in certain geographic
and monitor the burden of disease
areas. These teams have existed for many years (Ely,
This conceptual framework will be used here to dis- 1969; Ivy, 1971). However, active involvement of state
cuss areas of public health policy and action that may public health agencies with craniofacial teams has been
apply to emerging epidemiologic, genetic, and clinical incomplete. Healthy People 2010 sets national public
research findings related to cleft lip and cleft palate. health priorities in the United States; in the chapter on


TABLE 40.1. Public Health Initiatives Relating to Comprehensive Clinical Care for Children with Orofacial
Clefts and Other Special Healthcare Needs
Initiative Goals Addressed Agencies/Organizations Internet Address

National Agenda for Children Access to quality healthcare, Health Resources and Services
with Special Health Needs provider training, Administration/Maternal and Child html/achieving_
financing issues Health Bureau (HRSA/MCHB) measuringsuccess.html
Healthy People 2010 Early identification and Healthy People Consortium (alliance
referral, surveillance of more than 350 national healthypeople/document/
for interventions membership organizations and html/volume2/
250 state agencies, including the 21oral.htm
Association of State and
Territorial Dental Directors,
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and HRSA/MCHB)
Recommended Benchmarks Care from qualified Federal Interagency Coordinating
of Health Care Benefits providers; coordination Council (multiple agencies policy/hcbench.htm
for Newborns, Infants of medical, preventive, including the Social Security
Children and developmental Administration and
Departments of Education,
Health and Human Services,
Agriculture, Interior, and Defense)
Medical Home Initiatives for Accessible, continuous, American Academy of Pediatrics,
Children with Special Needs comprehensive, coordinated HRSA/MCHB advocacy/medhome/
heath-care services ResourcesCenter.htm

oral health, objective 21-15 promotes efforts to increase universal newborn hearing screening programs in many
the number of states that have a system for recording states, which should lead to interventions earlier in in-
and referring children with orofacial clefts to cranio- fancy for hearing impairment with or without cranio-
facial rehabilitative teams (US Department of Health facial anomalies.
and Human Services, 2000). As a baseline, 23 states The medical home concept is closely related to com-
surveyed and the District of Columbia had such sys- prehensive care initiatives for children with special
tems in 1997 (US Department of Health and Human healthcare needs. The essence of the medical home
Services, 2000). Objective 21-16 advocates for cranio- movement is to ensure continuous, coordinated, and
f acial health surveillance systems, one purpose of which comprehensive care for children with chronic condi-
is to implement and evaluate interventions. In Britain, tions, which is a particular necessity when insurance
a craniofacial surveillance system (currently known as coverage is provided in a managed care environment
the Craniofacial Anomalies Register) has operated since requiring a single provider to refer for multidisciplinary
1982 (Hammond and Stassen, 1999). care (American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on
Title V of the Social Security Act mandated com- Children with Disabilities, 1997). The HRSA/MCHB
prehensive care by states for children with special has also funded the American Academy of Pediatrics
needs, and state health departments have set up spe- to establish the National Center of Medical Home Ini-
cific offices and coordinators for these efforts through tiatives for Children with Special Needs. The goals of
funding by the federal Maternal and Child Health Bu- the center are to develop advocacy materials for med-
reau (currently part of the Health Resources and Ser- ical home providers and issue recommendations that
vices Administration, HRSA/MCHB) (Walker, 2000). benefit children with chronic conditions and to assess
Some of these state programs directly fund healthcare outcomes (Table 40.1).
reimbursement for children with orofacial clefts who
are seen in multidisciplinary craniofacial clinics. The
HRSA/MCHB has also promulgated the National PREVENTION PROGRAMS
Agenda for Children with Special Health Needs to set
specific goals (Table 40.1). Important outcomes of this Examples of public health prevention programs for
initiative include adequate insurance coverage for all birth defects or other reproductive outcomes are listed
affected children and ongoing comprehensive care for in Table 40.2. State-sponsored prenatal screening pro-
all children. Another component of the agenda is early grams, although better established than other preven-
screening for special needs; e.g., the HRSA/MCHB (in tion programs, primarily involve pregnancies affected
partnership with the CDC and the federal Office of Spe- with neural tube defects, abdominal wall defects, or
cial Education and Rehabilitation Services) now funds multiple congenital anomaly syndromes such as trisomy

TABLE 40.2. Birth Defect Prevention Programs

Type of Etiologic Risk
Factor Protective Factor or Cause Outcome Public Health Interventions

Nutrition Folic acid Neural tube defects Food fortification, targeted supplementation
Behavioral Smoking Low birth weight Smoking cessation programs
Genetic Chromosomal abnormalities Trisomy syndromes Maternal serum screening programs
Teratogenic drugs Isotretinoin and thalidomide Associated multiple congenital Pregnancy Prevention Program (isotretinoin),
anomaly syndromes STEPS program (System for Thalidomide
Education and Prescribing Safety)

18 or 21 (Cunningham et al., 1998; Cunningham and vention, 1994; National Center for Health Statistics,
Tompkinson, 1999; Kirby, 2000). These public health 2000). One of the Healthy People 2010 objectives (16-
programs will not be considered in detail here because 17) is to increase the cigarette abstinence rate among
orofacial clefts are not common features of the cur- pregnant women to 99% (US Department of Health
rently targeted disorders and a limited number of pub- and Human Services, 2000). A meta-analysis of smok-
lic health agencies and providers are involved with the ing cessation programs targeted specifically toward
programs. pregnant women showed them to be effective at re-
The folic acid story is an example of an evolving pre- ducing smoking rates as well as adverse outcomes
vention program that could also potentially prevent clearly linked to perinatal tobacco use: low birth weight
orofacial clefts. The role of nutritional factors in pre- and preterm birth (Lumley et al., 2000).
venting orofacial clefts is reviewed extensively in Sec- A third type of prevention program is aimed at re-
tion I of this book. In summary, some observational ducing exposure of pregnant women to teratogenic
studies have shown risk reduction by folic acid/multi- drugs. Currently known teratogens, such as anticon-
vitamins in the occurrence of orofacial clefts, although vulsant medications, have been associated with less
more research is needed to fully evaluate this hypoth- than 5% of orofacial clefts (Abrishamchian et al.,
esis. Based on strong epidemiologic evidence showing 1994). However, new gene-drug interactions may yet
the efficacy of folic acid at reducing the risk for an- be identified (see Section I of this book), leading to pre-
other group of congenital anomalies, neural tube de- vention programs. Isotretinoin embryopathy is one con-
fects, public health approaches to increasing folic acid dition that occasionally includes cleft palate in addition
consumption have proceeded in a variety of ways to other characteristic craniofacial defects, central ner-
(Watkins, 1998). The most important interventions vous system abnormalities, and conotruncal heart de-
have included encouraging supplementation (con- fects (Fernhoff and Lammer, 1984). In 1988, the drug
sumption of multivitamins) and food fortification in the manufacturer (Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, New
United States. These efforts have occurred through Jersey) together with the Food and Drug Administra-
partnerships between such groups as federal and state tion (FDA) implemented a Pregnancy Prevention Pro-
public health agencies, professional organizations, gram in women of childbearing age who were receiv-
community service and advocacy organizations such as ing isotretinoin (Mitchell et al., 1995). The pregnancy
the March of Dimes, and grass-roots spina bifida as- rate among women enrolled in this program was sub-
sociations. Because some folic acid-related interven- stantially lower than that in the general population, but
tions will have general effects on public health and are this voluntary program enrolled only approximately
not solely targeted to pregnancies at high risk for neural half of the women taking the drug between 1989 and
tube defects, these programs might lower the birth 1993. Even among the 177,216 women enrolled in the
prevalence of orofacial clefts. program, 402 pregnancies occurred. In 2000, an advi-
Smoking cessation programs are another example of sory committee to the FDA recommended that the
widespread public health efforts aimed at effecting a isotretinoin program be further strengthened by mak-
variety of healthy outcomes that could also potentially ing registration of female patients and verification of a
lower rates of orofacial clefts, based on the epidemio- negative pregnancy test mandatory (Food and Drug Ad-
logic evidence discussed elsewhere in this book. In the ministration, 2000; House Committee on Government
1990s, studies showed that approximately one-quarter Reform, 2000; Meadows, 2001). When the notorious
of U.S. women of reproductive age smoked, while re- teratogen thalidomide was approved by the FDA for
ported smoking rates during pregnancy were slightly limited use in 1998, the experience of the isotretinoin
less than 20% (Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Pregnancy Prevention Program was considered by the

FDA, CDC, and other public health providers in de- volve principles similar to those that have been applied
signing a program for its use (Lary et al., 1999). The in neural tube defect prevention programs or novel ap-
System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing proaches to behavioral or environmental modification
Safety (STEPS) program was developed, which includes of another type of risk factor. A good example of im-
not only contraception and pregnancy testing but also plementation of a genetic test is a pilot demonstration
mandatory registration of prescribers, pharmacies, and project of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis in the
patients; informed consent forms for treatment; and form of a statewide randomized trial in Wisconsin (Far-
tight controls over prescription and dispensation. Al- rell et al., 1997, 2001). Evaluation of interventions
though the success of STEPS has yet to be measured, refers to studies of their effect on morbidity or mor-
the designs of both of these pregnancy prevention pro- tality; for birth defects, this would include the impact
grams can provide lessons for the use of other known on birth prevalence after a prevention program is im-
teratogens associated with orofacial clefts such as an- plemented. The latter would involve surveillance and
ticonvulsants or when the use of "new" teratogens is birth defect monitoring, as discussed below. Evalua-
considered in the future. tions of orofacial cleft morbidity prevention would in-
volve the application of evidence-based medical care
(see Section II of this book).
APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS Communication and information dissemination are
major components of birth defect prevention programs.
Applying the results of birth defect-related genetic and Genetic counselors have developed an entire discipline
epidemiologic discoveries to public health practice is a for the study and practice of communicating informa-
challenging prospect and has resulted in a spate of re- tion about specific genes involved with cleft lip and cleft
search to meet this challenge. Khoury et al. (2000) out- palate or other disorders. Initial efforts to evaluate the
lined a framework for this research, which includes four training of genetic counselors, which occasionally takes
main components: place within schools of public health, were sponsored
by the Office of Maternal and Child Health (now
• Public health assessment
HRSA/MCHB) (Walker, 1998). Folic acid counseling
• Evaluation of genetic testing
is already the standard of care for genetic counseling
• Development, implementation, and evaluation of
about neural tube defect recurrence, and although pre-
population interventions
vention of orofacial clefts through multivitamin use
• Communication and information dissemination
needs further study, discussions about vitamins may
Public health assessment includes application of sur- also be important in genetic counseling about recur-
veillance and epidemiologic methods. This topic is dis- rence risks for families of children with orofacial clefts
cussed in Section I of this book. The second research- (Harper, 1998; Itikala et al., 2001). Prevention pro-
related component, evaluation of genetic testing, will grams involved with modifying environmental risk fac-
become important as new molecular and/or biochemi- tors, such as smoking or folic acid intake, rely primar-
cal risk factors for orofacial clefts are discovered. ily on changing knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of
Guidelines for evaluation were promulgated by the women of childbearing age. For this reason, public
Task Force on Genetic Testing (Holtzman and Shapiro, health agencies involved with birth defect prevention
1998; Holtzman and Watson, 1998). These guidelines have increasingly relied on behavioral scientists and re-
include both initial evaluations and studies of the use searchers in health communication to develop effective
of these tests in actual clinical and public health prac- prevention messages. Sometimes this has involved the
tice (postmarketing surveillance). The task force iden- use of novel techniques, such as analysis of survey data-
tified three important components in the assessment of bases to identify a target audience, selection of focus
genetic tests: analytic validity, clinical validity, and clin- groups to define motivational concepts, and testing of
ical utility. Analytic validity refers to the sensitivity, these concepts in a controlled setting (Centers for Dis-
specificity, and predictive values of the test itself with ease Control and Prevention, 1998; Daniel, 1999).
respect to genotype. Clinical validity refers to these
same parameters with respect to phenotype. Clinical
utility measures the benefits of interventions that fol- SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEMS
low genetic testing.
Development, implementation, and evaluation of Section I of this book includes a discussion of epi-
population interventions refer to the real-world appli- demiologic issues in birth defect surveillance. Table
cation of basic scientific discoveries. Development of a 40.3 illustrates some uses of birth defect surveillance
new prevention program for orofacial clefts might in- systems for public health action and policy. Many birth

TABLE 40.3. Examples of Uses of Birth Defect Surveillance for Public Health Action and Policy
Public Health Issue Example Outcome Internet Address

Clusters/outbreaks Chorionic villus sampling Quantification of risk for counseling

associated with limb (Centers for Disease Control and mmwrhtml/00038393.htm
deficiencies Prevention, 1995)
Services for children Colorado birth defects Needs assessment, service planning
with special heath- monitoring program and delivery, family support, case dc/CRCSN/crcsn fact sheets.htm
care needs identification (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 2000;
Montgomery and Miller, 2001)
Community Agency policies for folic acid Analysis of secular trends in neural http://www.icbd. org/collab_99.htm
effectiveness of daily supplementation tube defects since enactment of
public health and food fortification recommendations/policies (Rosano
interventions et al., 1999)

defect surveillance systems have been established in re- were subsequently adopted in part by a policy-making
sponse to concerns about identifying and controlling committee of the American College of Obstetricians
teratogens, although methodologic issues have put and Gynecologists (American College of Obstetricians
identification of new teratogens lower on their program and Gynecologists Committee on Genetics, 1996).
agendas (Khoury and Holtzman, 1987). Nevertheless, Surveillance also has the potential to improve med-
clusters of birth defects and public concerns about spe- ical care for children with orofacial clefts. One of the
cific environmental exposures frequently surface. Oc- uses of birth defect surveillance systems is early identi-
casionally, high rates of orofacial clefts in specific fication of children who are eligible for social services
places and times have prompted investigations. For ex- and special programs (Lynberg and Edmonds, 1994).
ample, a high orofacial cleft rate of 7/1000 births in In some states and countries, birth defect registries are
the Netherlands in the 1960s led to a study that im- linked to, or part of, a larger system of early identifi-
plicated, but could not prove, local chemical combus- cation and case management for children with special
tion as a risk factor (ten Tusscher et al., 2000). An East healthcare needs. In a 1999 directory of birth defect
German secular trend study showed that local rates of surveillance programs, 13 U.S. states listed "service de-
orofacial clefts increased after the Chernobyl reactor livery" as one of the uses of their data (Centers for Dis-
accident in 1986, but this type of study also can only ease Control and Prevention, 2000; Montgomery and
suggest and not prove causality for etiologic factors Miller, 2001). In a 1996-1997 survey, eight states re-
(Zieglowski and Hemprich, 1999). sponded that they linked their birth defect surveillance
Registry-based studies can help to quantify risks systems to their databases of children with special
when clusters have suggested etiologies for certain birth healthcare needs (Kirby, 2000). The challenge for the
defects, which can ultimately lead to policy recom- future of database integration is to increase the num-
mendations. In the early 1990s a prenatal diagnostic ber of states performing such activities and to demon-
procedure, chorionic villus sampling, was associated strate to the lawmakers and agencies responsible for
with a transverse terminal limb deficiencies based on funding that they contribute to better outcomes
cluster reports, but early recommendations developed (Walker, 2000).
at the National Institutes of Health suggested counsel- Finally, birth defect monitoring is important to as-
ing only about a "possible" risk (Report of National sess the effects of prevention programs. For example,
Institute of Child Health and Human Development efforts are under way to judge the effect of folic acid
Workshop on Chorionic Villus Sampling and Limb and prevention programs on secular trends in neural tube
Other Defects, 1993). A multistate, registry-based case- defect rates (Rosano et al., 1999). A similar examina-
control study subsequently showed that an increased tion of trends in orofacial cleft rates could also provide
risk for limb deficiency after the procedure was statis- epidemiologic evidence about the contribution of folic
tically significant, but lower than first suggested by the acid fortification to orofacial cleft prevention (Itikala
early cluster reports (Centers for Disease Control and et al., 2001). Neural tube defect trend studies are con-
Prevention, 1995). The results of this study led to new founded by prenatal diagnosis. In studies of birth preva-
recommendations by the CDC for counseling that (for lence rates of clefts over time, as mentioned in Chap-
the first time) quantified the risk; the CDC risk figures ter 11 of this book, similar confounding is less likely

to occur, even with increasing sophistication of prena- Cunningham, G, Kohatsu, N, Stratton, N, Neutra, R (1998). Meet-
tal ultrasound, such as the use of three-dimensional ing the challenge of genetics and public health: state perspectives
on program activities. California. Community Genet 1: 98-99.
techniques. Anticipating the need for these studies is Cunningham, GC, Tompkinson, DG (1999). Cost and effectiveness
important for placing methodologically sound surveil- of the California triple marker prenatal screening program. Genet
lance systems that include orofacial clefts in as many Med 1: 199-206.
geographic areas as possible. Daniel, KL (1999). Observations from the CDC: using health com-
munications research to reduce birth defects. J Womens Health
8: 19-22.
Ely, JH (1969). The cleft palate team. Bull N Y State Soc Dent Child
20: 9-10.
CONCLUDING REMARKS Farrell, PM, Kosorok, MR, Laxova, A, et al. (1997). Nutritional ben-
efits of neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis. N Engl J Med 337:
Last (2001) defined public health as a combination of 963-969.
social institutions, practices, and scientific disciplines, Farrell, PM, Kosorok, MR, Rock, MJ, et al. (2001). Early diagnosis
the aim of which is to improve community health of cystic fibrosis through neonatal screening prevents severe mal-
nutrition and improves long-term growth. Pediatrics 107: 1-13.
through collective action. Practical efforts to translate
Fernhoff, PM, Lammer, EJ (1984). Craniofacial features of
scientific advances related to orofacial clefts into im- isotretinoin embryopathy. J Pediatr 205: 595-597.
proved community outcomes must proceed on several Food and Drug Administration (2000). Dermatologic and Oph-
fronts. These efforts often start with legislative or policy- thalmic Drugs Advisory Committee; notice of meeting. Federal
making initiatives; work through innovative, scientifi- Register 65: 45384.
cally based prevention or treatment programs; and end Hammond, M, Stassen, L (1999). Do you care? A national register
for cleft lip and palate patients. Br J Orthod 26: 152-157.
with surveillance and monitoring to evaluate their suc- Harper, PS (1998). Practical Genetic Counselling. Oxford: Butter-
cess or failure. In other areas of maternal and child worth-Heinemann, p. 176.
health, medical therapy and public health practice have Holtzman, NA, Shapiro, D (1998). Genetic testing and public pol-
had dramatic effects, such as 10-fold to 100-fold de- icy. BMJ 316: 852-856.
creases in infant and maternal mortality over the last Holtzman, NA, Watson, MS (eds) (1998). Promoting Safe and Ef-
fective Genetic Testing in the United States: Final Report of the
century (Wilcox and Marks, 1994). A prevention
Task Force on Genetic Testing. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni-
achievement of this magnitude for cleft lip and cleft versity Press.
palate would be a more complicated but equally wor- House Committee on Government Reform (2000). Accutane: Hear-
thy goal. ings before the House Committee on Government Reform. 106th
Cong., 2nd sess., 5 December 2000, Cong Rec 146, D1195.
Itikala, PR, Watkins, ML, Mulinare, J, Moore, CA, Liu, Y (2001).
Maternal multivitamin use and orofacial clefts in offspring. Ter-
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Educating the practitioner and the public


Although in the aggregate congenital anomalies affect could be treated, very few understood how this was ac-
3% to 4% of all term infants, individual birth defects complished and what outcomes could be expected.
are usually infrequent enough that the public, most par- Based on the preferences of those surveyed, 10 outreach
ents at least at the outset, and many professionals have approaches were suggested, including a media blitz,
no experience with the specific problem and conse- speakers' bureau, and the development of various writ-
quently no skill sets with which to approach affected ten and visual educational materials.
individuals. Public education plays a significant role in A survey of employees of a Louisiana school district
dispelling myths and raising awareness about the issues demonstrated that 87% of regular education teachers,
faced by people with a variety of medical problems. 85% of special education teachers, and 31% of speech
Moreover, increased public awareness can influence at- pathologists had no experience with children with clefts
titudes, perceptions, health policy, and research agen- (Mitchell et al., 1984). Similarly, Lass et al. (1973) doc-
das. Advocacy groups, such as AIDS awareness groups umented significant deficiencies with respect to clefting
and the Breast Cancer Coalition, have demonstrated in the experience of medical and dental students. The
the impact of aggressive lobbying and public education need for in-service education, conferences, and cur-
campaigns. Concomitant with increased awareness of riculum changes in the training of professionals was
human immunodeficiency virus-related diseases and emphasized.
breast cancer as important health issues has come in- The American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
creased support for affected individuals and increased (ACPA), the major professional association dedicated
funding for research and treatment. Patients have been to the care of affected individuals, first recognized the
empowered in treatment decisions, public mispercep- need to develop educational materials for families in
tions have been dispelled, and professionals have 1966 (Wells, 1979). From initial outreach efforts to
broader knowledge of treatment options. This chapter families, ACPA established the American Cleft Palate
explores past and current educational efforts with re- Foundation, now the Cleft Palate Foundation (CPF), in
spect to cleft lip and palate. 1973 in response to the growing need to educate a much
Over the past 20 years, a number of investigators broader audience. Yet, 10 years after its establishment,
have surveyed groups of parents, professionals, stu- gaps in public and professional knowledge remained
dents, and the general public to define the magnitude enormous as evidenced by the above surveys. In re-
of the gaps in knowledge and create solutions. The only sponse to growing concerns, the CPF sponsored the de-
published study of public awareness dates from the velopment of a series of educational pamphlets for par-
mid-1980s. Middleton et al. (1986) surveyed 1200 in- ents and professionals, established a telephone 1-800
dividuals selected at random in six cities across the hotline for families in crisis, and broadened relations
United States regarding their knowledge about cleft with patient/parent advocacy groups such that infor-
palate. More than half of the respondents had never mation could be broadly disseminated.
heard of the condition. Over 60% did not know any- Professionals involved in research and treatment
one with a cleft palate. Although 82% knew that clefts wrote books for professionals and parents, contributed


chapters to texts, produced videos, lectured at profes- bearing age to increase intake of folic acid in advance
sional meetings and incorporated information on cleft of pregnancy to reduce the risk of neural tube defects
lip and palate into training programs in their respec- has met with moderate success, particularly with the
tive disciplines (Moller et al., 1990; Vallino and Brown, health-conscious consumer who assumes an active role
1996). Despite concerted efforts, the dissemination of in treatment. The effort contributed to the decision of
information was limited. Although the ACPA infor- the Food and Drug Administration to supplement
mation was readily available, to access it, profession- grain-based foods with a low level of folic acid. Folate
als or parents/patients would have to know of the ex- status in women of childbearing age has improved over
istence of the organization. Since much of the the last 10 years (MMWR 2000b). Targeted efforts to
information was written, a certain level of literacy was educate practitioners and patients have met with mixed
required of the consumer. Likewise, outreach to other success, if the isotretinoin (Accutane) experience is ex-
professional organizations met with modest success amined. Despite an active pregnancy-prevention pro-
since most primary care practitioners, nurses, speech gram sponsored by the manufacturer, roughly 900 ex-
pathologists, and dentists perceive clefts as a small posures to this potent human teratogen occurred
enough component of an individual practice or case among 400,000 voluntary enrollees in the Boston Uni-
load to warrant a concerted educational effort. Con- versity Accutane Survey (MMWR, 2000a). With all of
ferences on cleft-related issues at specialty continuing these efforts, the programs involved have identified a
education meetings tended to attract the interest of the message (stop smoking, take folic acid, do not get preg-
already informed. nant while on isotretinoin), a target audience (the gen-
The advent of electronic communication, including eral public, practitioners, and patients), and an out-
the Internet and telecommunication, has changed the come measure to document their success (number of
rules with respect to patient and practitioner education. smokers, number of neural tube births, and number of
The Internet has given both patients and practitioners pregnancy exposures). With respect to cleft and cra-
the tools to access information directly without the fil- niofacial defects, one of the educational messages for
ter of professional consultation. Superb educational in- patients and practitioners is that treatment of affected
formation from the ACPA, the National Institute for individuals requires a multidisciplinary effort. Patients
Dental and Craniofacial Research, and various support are likely to be best served in centers with broad-based,
groups is readily available to anyone with a home com- active teams. However, the Eurocleft Project has dem-
puter. Some practitioners and hospitals have discovered onstrated that team care alone is not enough to predict
that web-based educational pieces are excellent mar- a successful outcome (Shaw et al., 1992, 2000). Treat-
keting opportunities. Consequently, the distinction be- ment teams in the United States need to develop out-
tween education and advertising is becoming less clear come measures to assure the public that appropriate
in some circumstances. Both educational and market- care is being provided. As the risk factors that predis-
ing campaigns start with identification of a goal. For pose to cleft and craniofacial anomalies are conclusively
individual practitioners and some healthcare institu- identified, public education programs for prevention
tions, this goal is usually increased patient referrals, al- need to be implemented using strategies that have been
though the foundations associated with some hospitals successful for other birth defects.
may focus more broadly on a general educational mis- Several issues could be approached immediately. The
sion. Consequently, the information, no matter how ex- first is dissemination of information regarding feeding
cellent, usually reflects the biases of the sponsoring in- techniques (including breast-feeding) for affected new-
stitution, particularly with respect to treatment. Given borns. The target audience for such information would
the lack of outcome data, there is little solid ground be parents and primary care providers for delivering
for challenging specific treatment recommendations. mothers and newborns, including obstetricians, pedia-
For patients, frustration regarding the prior dearth of tricians, family physicians, nurse midwives, nurses, nu-
information may be replaced with confusion generated tritionists, and lactation consultants. The mode of com-
by the plethora of unfiltered and conflicting informa- municating this information to professionals could be
tion available on the web. in-services (at the local level), conferences (at the re-
Antismoking efforts have demonstrated that public gional level), Internet hot-links, and articles in broadly
education campaigns can be successful despite well- circulated professional journals (at the national and in-
funded and organized opposition, particularly when the ternational levels). From the parent standpoint, there
message is simple (stop smoking) and continually rein- is no real substitute for one-on-one instruction from a
forced. The more focused public education campaign knowledgeable professional; however, videotapes and
of the March of Dimes to encourage women of child- pamphlets suffice when the former is not available. A

web-based database of the many excellent videotapes REFERENCES

available with reviews and information on how to Lass, N, Gasperini, R, Overberger, J, Conolly, M (1973). The ex-
access/purchase them might be helpful. posure of medical and dental students to the disorder of cleft
The second relates to the need for broader accep- palate. Cleft Palate J 10: 306.
tance of individuals with facial differences. AboutFace Middleton, GF, Lass, NJ, Starr, P, Pannbacker, M (1986). Survey of
International has developed an excellent teaching mod- public awareness and knowledge of cleft palate. Cleft Palate J 23:
ule for use in elementary schools called "Unwrapping Mitchell, CK, Lott, R, Pannbacker, M (1984). Perceptions about cleft
the Package" ( Such palate held by school personnel: suggestions for in-service train-
programs need to be easily accessible to parents, teach- ing programs. Cleft Palate J 21: 308-312.
ers, school counselors, and school nurses, who deal MMWR (2000a). Accutane-exposed pregnancies—California, 1999.
with issues of social acceptance and peer interactions MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 49: 28-31.
MMWR (2000b). Folate status in women of childbearing age—
on a daily basis. Videotapes addressing social skills United States, 1999. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 49:
training and how to handle teasing might be highly 962-965.
valuable if they were easily accessible. A web-based, Moller, KT, Starr, CD, Johnson, SA (1990). A Parent's Guide to
peer-reviewed database of such resources would be very Cleft Lip and Palate. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
helpful. Shaw, B, Semb, G, Nelson, P, et al. (2000). The Eurocleft Project.
Amsterdam: IOS.
Lastly, the ACPA message regarding the need for Shaw, WC, Dahl, E, Asher-McDade, C, et al. (1992). A six-center
team care is relevant. Perhaps the most practical way international study of treatment outcome in patients with clefts
to disseminate this information is to assure that the or- of the lip and palate: part 5. General discussion and conclusions.
ganization's website is among the first to appear on the Cleft Palate Craniofac J 29: 413-418.
list of suggestions generated by the major and com- Vallino, LD, Brown, AS (1996). Assessing third-year medical stu-
dents' knowledge of and exposure to cleft palate before and af-
monly used Internet search engines when the words ter plastic surgery rotation. Ann Plast Surg 36: 380-387.
cleft, cleft lip, cleft palate, and craniofacial are entered Wells, C (1979). The American Cleft Palate Association: its first 36
in a search. There is much work to be done. years. Cleft Palate J 16: 86.

Innovations in international cooperation for

patients with cleft lip and palate


Since World War II, there has been a remarkable in- a necessary condition for long-term treatment of cleft
crease in international activities concerned with public lip and palate in developing nations. Operation Smile
health, an important example of which is the treatment (, for instance, trains local
of patients with cleft lip and palate. Most of this treat- medical providers from the mission site while there and,
ment is carried out by volunteers from developed coun- upon departure, leaves behind necessary medical equip-
tries, who either belong to or participate with non- ment. In 1999, the organization donated sufficient
government organizations (NGOs). The stated goals of equipment to supply both an operating room and a re-
these NGOs are to provide free surgery, which would covery room in 18 countries. They have also relied on
otherwise not be available, to patients who have cleft multimedia as a means to pass on knowledge to local
lip and palate; to train surgeons in developing coun- missions by donating instructional videos and video
tries to perform these operations; and to donate equip- equipment. SmileTrain ( also works
ment, instruments, teaching aids, and the like to regions toward local self-sufficiency. One means that they em-
where there is need. ploy is to co-sponsor educational scholarships for doc-
tors from developing nations to attend international
cleft lip and palate meetings.
"SAFARI" SURGERY Strides toward technological enhancement and ge-
netic research are also commendable expansions in the
It is encouraging to note that today many individuals volunteer medical arena. Initiatives taken by SmileTrain
and NGOs perform charitable operations on patients include the use of computer animation in teaching and
with cleft lip and palate in developing countries. Sev- perfecting surgical techniques for cleft lip and palate
eral organizations send missions to as many as 20 dif- and the creation of a web-based patient database. Most
ferent countries spanning South America, Africa, Asia, organizations currently carrying out volunteer surgery
and the Middle East. Emphasis on volunteer treatment are also researching genetic patterns to help explain the
in Asia is particularly important given the proportion- cause of cleft lip and palate.
ally higher incidence of cleft lip and palate in that pop- While the increase in volunteer missions and related
ulation. Thanks to these contributions, many children medical advances is undoubtedly positive, serious con-
have been helped and the skills of local surgeons have siderations remain. The risk of injury to physicians oc-
improved. curring during the mission, for instance, highlights the
Also encouraging is the greater emphasis some or- need to establish comprehensive insurance policies with
ganizations are now placing on local self-sufficiency as coverage extending not only to the particular injury but


also, potentially, to the long-term disability suffered by at the ICPF Cleft 2000 meeting, with 550 members
a physician unable to carry out his or her former po- from 56 countries, held in Zurich, Switzerland, in July
sition upon return home. 2000.
By far the most critical area in need of attention re-
1. A long-term technology transfer plan is needed for
lates to patient safety, rights, and quality of care. The
charitable operations. A memorandum of under-
current situation is in effect a regulatory void. The con-
standing between the local people and/or govern-
duct of a clinician/surgeon at home is governed by the
ment and the volunteer mission is necessary when
guidelines and standards of relevant licensing and pro-
the visiting doctors perform operations, donate
fessional bodies. These organizations are generally re-
equipment, and provide education.
sponsible not only for establishing the principles and
2. Medical humanitarian aid, including cosmetic sur-
rules dictating standards of care but also for enforcing
gery, should not be profit-motivated. These proj-
these with disciplinary action in the event of breaches.
ects should be carried out in a charitable spirit. Fur-
While abroad, though, there exists no global body with
thermore, these operations should not entail an
these responsibilities or powers. Despite its ambitious
additional financial burden to the host community.
work on a global scale and universal recognition, some
3. Participants should fully understand the host coun-
argue that the World Health Organization has been re-
try's laws, customs, and systems and conduct them-
luctant in adopting treaties and creating guidelines with
selves as guests.
the authority that it does have (Fidler, 1999).
4. These charitable activities should not be religiously
The result of this void is that there is effectively noth-
or politically motivated.
ing prohibiting a surgeon, untrained in a particular op-
5. Surgeons should act as teachers, practitioners, and
eration at home, from performing such a procedure vol-
untarily in a developing nation, yet the risk of harm to
6. Surgery and other treatment should be performed
the patient is potentially serious. There are few provi-
in collaboration with the local doctors, to allow
sions for compensation to the patient in the event that
more effective treatment and technology transfer.
the surgery is carried out improperly. Moreover, there
7. We must take responsibility for the patients' con-
is currently no uniform procedure for ensuring in-
valescence. We should also establish a plan of as-
formed consent of mission patients either for the ac-
sistance for the patients' independence.
tual surgery or for cooperation in genetic research and
8. The governing body of the organization should
analysis. Some have argued that there is no need for
maintain a record of the volunteer participants'
such a procedure owing to the already desperate med-
professional licenses and personal histories. Mea-
ical situation of both the mission communities gener-
sures should be taken to ensure the health and
ally and the patients in particular. One can also envi-
safety of the volunteer participants.
sion, though, how a physician-patient information
9. A fund should be established for medical accident
asymmetry that is even greater abroad than at home
and/or travel insurance for the staff.
and compounded by cultural differences underscores
10. An important charity mission goal is establishment
the very need to proceed with surgery only under cir-
of centers of excellence.
cumstances where patients' rights and safety are ac-
corded the same respect as at home. These guidelines include important items that indi-
This said, there have been some laudable efforts to viduals and NGOs ought to keep in mind when they
address this regulatory void. SmileTrain now requires undertake aid projects abroad. In subscribing to such
all healthcare providers performing cleft lip and palate guidelines, surgeons volunteering in developing coun-
surgery for its organization to meet its Safety and Qual- tries would be able to work toward the important goal
ity Improvement Protocol. This document specifically of a universal standard of care for patients, irrespec-
addresses the issues of patient safety and adequacy of tive of nationality or need.
surgeons' qualifications but remains silent with respect
to informed consent. The World Health Organization
Human Genetics Program (1997) has published Pro- ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF SURGERY
posed International Guidelines on Ethical Issues in
Medical Genetics and Genetic Services, which addresses There is a need not only to enhance the research in-
the issue of genetic research being carried out as part frastructure but also to meet the challenge of improv-
of the surgical mission. ing quality of services by sharing examples of good
The International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation practice, recognition and appreciation of common
(ICPF) has addressed these problems. The following problems, and application of one country's demon-
guidelines were adopted as the "Zurich Declaration" strated success to other countries. This task is all the

more difficult in countries where patient follow-up is of clefts of the lip and palate. There will never be one
hindered, and sometimes even prevented, by distance, best technique or one best protocol. We must broaden
cost of travel, lack of trained clinicians, and culture. our approach so that we respect the patient's right to
Attempts to assess outcomes of cleft lip and palate choose, on the basis of adequate information, from al-
surgery based on pre- and postoperative photographs ternate treatment plans that meet professional stan-
are limited by the inability to assess dynamic function. dards of care. Our duty to secure informed consent is
Even in developed countries, rigor must be applied in of an even higher order when the patient and the fam-
the selection of parameters on which will be based the ily have little or no information about the proposed
methodology of outcome studies. surgery.
In cleft lip/palate patients, aberrations in craniofacial
morphology and growth have often been attributed to
the technique and timing of lip and palate surgery (Moi- INTERNATIONAL CHARITY
sted, 1999). This attribution overlooks the influence of OPERATION NETWORK
inherent growth tendencies, such as those resulting
from variation in cranial base morphology. Cranial When NGO aid activities are undertaken without any
base patterns may predispose an individual to certain criteria such as those outlined in the above-mentioned
growth patterns irrespective of the technique and tim- guidelines, unnecessary confusion can occur in aid-
ing of cleft surgery. Thus, when evaluating the results recipient countries. If we share our own information,
of surgical treatment in CLP patients, cranial base mor- not only can we avoid such risks but also both the NGO
phology should be included as one influential factor in and the local people can make use of that information.
dental/skeletal relationships. For this reason, one must With this network system, multiple NGOs can ex-
use caution in interpreting studies based on the exam- change information about their activities through the
ination of dental casts, as is done using the Goslon Internet so that more than two NGOs can cooperate
yardstick (Mars et al., 1987). with each other when they undertake activities in the
In cleft lip and palate, an important (perhaps the same place or arrange a mutually acceptable schedule
most important) event for the patient is what happens of activities to avoid ineffectiveness.
on the operating table. The aims of physiological sur- The ICPF has established an incubator program,
gery for cleft lip and palate are to restore the best anat- whereby a meeting of like-minded groups and individ-
omy and physiology of the divided muscles, to recover uals will be held once every 2 years at the ICPF con-
all normal orofacial functions, not to interfere with the gress. The incubator program facilitates participation
process of maxillary growth, and to ensure good de- and meeting of NGOs in each country, senders of char-
velopment of the facial skeleton. A priori, seemingly, ity operation missions, and recipients. Accordingly, if
aesthetics is not the primary concern of this surgery, there is a certain group which is planning to send a
but in fact, it is the best anatomical and physiological mission and another which is seeking surgeons to per-
reconstruction of the muscles involved in the cleft that form care, they can talk about their needs face to face
ensures the most beautiful facial aesthetics, both at rest at the meeting. It is generally agreed that this will fos-
and in function (Delaire, 1978). ter the establishment of effective new aid projects.
Assessment of outcomes of primary and secondary
surgery based on functional parameters, such as
vestibular oral-nasal fistula, palatal oral-nasal fistula, WORLD GENE BANK
deviation of the nasal septum to the noncleft side, den-
tal over jet, and coincidence of the maxillary dental mid- Gene analyses used to improve treatment will become
line with that of the mandible (to list a few), offers the much more important for cleft lip and/or palate treat-
advantages not only of simplicity and certainty (there ment in the twenty-first century. However, there are
is either a fistula or there is not) but also of providing still problems with treatment in developing countries,
a means by which the clinician can determine the ex- particularly with regard to psychological support for
tent to which the specific goals of surgery were achieved every patient and family. In the twentieth century, in-
(Precious, 2000). An oral-nasal fistula is not a com- dividuals, hospitals, and countries made efforts to solve
plication of palatal surgery; rather, it is a failure to these problems. What is required in the twenty-first
achieve the purpose of the surgery. This functional ap- century is that all nations, including developing coun-
proach to outcomes assessment is seen as one practical tries, address these problems.
innovation by the ICPF. A prerequisite to progress in the twenty-first century
The way forward is through collaborative research is worldwide establishment of an informed consent sys-
to improve understanding, treatment, and prevention tem in gene analysis therapies and global registration

of patients with rare diseases. Thus, the World Cleft cleft lip and palate can cause an unaesthetic facial ap-
Gene Bank was established to ensure patients' rights in pearance, speech problems, and disadvantages regard-
gene analysis therapies and to determine the cause of ing marriage and other social relationships.
syntrophus in collaboration with the global commu- Organizations like the ICPF want patients, their fam-
nity. It is vitally important to determine the causes not ilies, and doctors to discuss how they can cope with
only of cleft lip and palate alone but also of all con- these difficulties, including prejudice by their neighbors
genital syndromes that affect the maxillofacial region. and bullying by classmates. In addition, this same ini-
A registration system for rare diseases is as important tiative includes preparation of a database compiled by
as the cause-determination project in the gene analysis contacting governments, including information about
therapies. Further, the World Cleft Gene Bank will keep what policies the government has in place to care for
a close watch on patients' rights, especially regarding cleft lip and palate. This is the challenge of the future.
protection of privacy, which sometimes can be over-
looked due to competition among researchers.
Delaire, J (1978). Theoretical principles and technique of functional
closure of the lip and nasal aperture. J Maxillofac Surg 6:
PATIENTS/FAMILIES AND DOCTORS Fidler, DP (1999). International law and global public health. Kansas
Law Rev
Since cleft lip/palate rarely results in death or serious Mars, M, Flint, D, Houston, W, et al. (1987). The Goslon yardstick:
disease, administrative bodies tend to be reluctant to a new system of assessing dental arch relationships in children
with unilateral clefts of the lip and palate. Cleft Palate J 24:
take quick measures, but in Japan roughly 30% of
mothers who delivered a child with cleft lip and palate Moisted, K (1999). Treatment outcome in cleft lip and palate: issues
said that they had considered committing suicide. and perspectives. Grit Rev Oral Biol Med 10: 225-239.
Mothers who delivered a child with serious bilateral Precious, DS (2000). Unilateral cleft lip and palate. In: Cleft Lip and
cleft lip and palate said that they had considered not Palate—A Physiological Approach. Oral and Maxillofacial Clin-
ics of North America. Vol. 12. Philadelphia: Saunders, pp.
only committing suicide but also killing their own child.
Actually, there is a recorded case of a grandmother who World Health Organization Human Genetics Program. (0000) Pro-
killed her cleft lip and palate grandchild. Why do fam- posed International Guidelines on Ethical Issues in Medical Ge-
ilies think of such dreadful things? The reasons are that netics and Genetic Services. Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Directory of Internet resources

About Face, a nonprofit international organization ded- Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Repro-
icated to providing information, emotional support, duction,
and educational programs to individuals who have a
Children's Craniofacial Association, national nonprofit
facial disfigurement and to their families. http://www.
organization, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, dedi-
cated to improving quality of life for people with fa-
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, a na- cial differences and their families. http://www.ccakids.
tional organization providing lay and professional ser- com/
vices for cleft lip, cleft palate, and other craniofacial Cleft Club, a Yahoo club for those who are cleft or
deformities, who know someone with a cleft lip and/or palate.
American Society of Plastic Surgeons and Plastic
Surgery Educational Foundation, http://www.plastic- Cleft Club, for anyone dealing with cleft lip and cleft palate, whether you were born with it, are a parent of
a cleft kid, or interested,
Association of Birth Defect Children, an organization
providing information to parents and professionals
about all kinds of birth defect, resource, support group, Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA), UK orga-
and environmental exposure. http://www.birthdefects. nization offering information and support to anyone
org/ with, or affected by, cleft lip or cleft palate. http://www.
Australasian Cleft Lip and Palate Association
(ACLAPA), representing the interests of health profes- Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland (CLAPAI),
sionals involved in the management of cleft lip and
palate-related conditions, Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Center at the University of
Birmingham Craniofacial Unit (UK), http://www.cran- Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, http://www.den-
Cleft Palate Foundation (CPF), a nonprofit organiza-
Center for Craniofacial Development and Disorders
tion dedicated to assisting individuals with birth defects
of the head and neck and their families. http://www.
Center for Craniofacial Disorders, Scottish Rite (At-
lanta, GA), Cleft-Talk, online support group for parents and indi-
viduals, http ://www. widesmiles. org/ct/
COGENE, the Craniofacial and Oral Gene Expression
Listing in this directory does not imply either approval or disapproval Network.
of the Internet resource on the part of the editor. Descriptions were
taken from the websites. All websites were functional as of Decem- Craniofacial Foundation of America,
ber 11, 2001. .html


DHMHD, the Dysmorphic Human-Mouse Homology Mouse Genome Database (MGD), maintained by The
Database. Jackson Laboratory,
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental
Embryo images of normal and abnormal development. Disabilities (NCBDDD) at the Centers for Disease Con- trol and Prevention,
FACES, the National Craniofacial Association, http:// National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
(NIDCR) of the National Institutes of Health, http://
Florida Cleft Palate Association (FCPA), a well-estab-
lished statewide association of healthcare specialists
and parents who welcome opportunities to help chil- National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource
dren with a facial difference. http://www.florida- Center,
National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse, an
Friendly Faces, providing accurate and abundant in- agency of the National Institute on Dental and Cra-
formation regarding various Craniofacial conditions niofacial Research providing information on oral health
and related subjects, needs for patients requiring special care. http://www.
Frontiers in Fetal Health, an informative online jour-
nal edited by Dr. Anne Pastuszak. http://www.sick- Nemours Foundation, a nonprofit organization de- voted to children's health and the largest physician
Genetic Alliance, an international coalition represent- practice delivering subspecialty pediatric care in the
ing more than 300 consumer and health professional United States.
organizations with millions of members working to- birth_defect/cleft_lip palate.html
gether to promote healthy lives for everyone impacted
by genetics, Northwestern University Cleft Lip and Palate Institute.
International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Moni-
toring Systems, a nongovernmental organization in of- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM).
ficial relation with the World Health Organization, rep-
resenting more than 30 malformation-monitoring
programs worldwide, Operation Smile, a private, not-for-profit, volunteer
medical services organization providing reconstructive
International Institute for Birth Defects, research insti- surgery and related healthcare to indigent children and
tute providing information on cleft lip and palate with young adults in developing countries and the United
an online registry, States,
Interplast, works in partnership with Third-World na-
Pierre Robin Network, for families whose children have
tions to support the development and growth of high-
been diagnosed with Pierre Robin sequence/syndrome.
quality, free reconstructive surgery programs for chil-
dren and adults with birth defects, burns, and other
crippling deformities,
POSSUM, a computer-based system that helps clini-
cians to diagnose syndromes in their patients, http://
Let's Face It USA, a nonprofit network that links peo-
ple with facial disfigurement and all who care for them
to resources that can enrich their lives. http://www. Recombinant Inbred Strain Distribution Patterns (SDP), maintained by The Jackson Laboratory, http://
March of Dimes, an organization dedicated to im-
proving the health of babies by preventing birth defects Smiles, a group of dedicated families who have devel-
and infant mortality through research, community ser- oped a first-hand understanding of the needs of chil-
vices, education, and advocacy. http://www.modimes. dren with cleft lip, cleft palate, and Craniofacial defor-
org/ mities.

Smile Train, a nonprofit organization that provides free Transgenic/Targeted Mutation Database (TBASE),
medical training and surgeries for cranifacial defects. maintained by The Jackson Laboratory. http://tbase.
Teratology Society, a multidisciplinary scientific soci-
ety founded in 1960, the members of which study the
causes and biological processes leading to abnormal de- WideSmiles, a nonprofit organization providing re-
velopment and birth defects at the fundamental and sources, support, and information for those affected by
clinical levels, and appropriate measures for prevention. cleft lip/palate, the fourth most common birth defect.
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Admixture: The "flow" of genes from one population compacted stretch of DNA with associated proteins,
into another. African-Americans are an example of an which are sets of linear DNA from which the genes are
admixed population, resulting from the flow of Euro- arranged. They carry all of the instructions for a
pean genes into African populations. species. Chromosomes come in pairs. Human beings
have, in normal cells, 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of
Allele: One of two or more alternative forms of a given
chromosomes (22 pairs of autosomes and two sex chro-
mosomes, X and Y). In each pair, one chromosome,
Alveolar ridge: The bony ridge of the gumline con- containing one copy of each gene, is inherited from the
taining the teeth. mother and one from the father.
Articulation: Movements of the mouth and airway that Columella: The central, lower portion of the nose
produce speech. which divides the nostrils into right and left.
Association (genetic): The nonrandom occurrence of a Confidence interval (CI): The range of numerical val-
disease or trait and a particular allele or genotype. ues in which we can be confident (to a computed prob-
Bifid uvula: The small, cone-shaped tissue in the mid- ability, such as 90% or 95%) that the population value
dle of the soft palate that is split into two parts. being estimated will be found. Confidence intervals in-
dicate the strength of evidence; wide CIs indicate less
Birth defect: An abnormality of structure, function, or precise estimates of effect. The larger the study's sam-
body metabolism which often results in a physical or ple size, the larger the number of outcome events and
mental handicap. It may be inherited (genetic) or envi- the greater the confidence that the true relative risk re-
ronmental. duction is close to the value stated. Thus, the CIs nar-
Candidate gene: A gene whose protein product sug- row and precision is increased.
gests that it could be involved in the etiology of a par- Congenital defects: Problems or conditions that are
ticular disease or trait. present at birth.
Case-control study: A study in which people with a Denasality: The quality of voice that lacks normal
disease (cases) are compared to people without the dis- nasal resonance for m, n, and ng ("head cold" sound).
ease (controls) to see if chemical exposures or other fac-
tors were different for the two groups. Dental arch: The curved structure formed by the teeth
in their normal position.
Caudal: Denoting a position more toward the cauda,
or tail, than some specified point of reference, same as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): The substance of hered-
inferior. ity. It is the biochemical molecule of which chromo-
somes and genes are composed. It is the primary ge-
Chromosomal abnormalities: These can be either
netic material of all cells that tells the cells what to do
structural or numerical. Structural abnormalities in-
and when to do it. It contains all of the information
clude translocations, deletions or insertions, duplica-
necessary for any organism to develop and function. It
tions, and amplifications. Numerical abnormalities are
is the blueprint for all of the structures and functions
either a gain or loss of chromosomes.
of a living being. It holds the coded genetic instructions
Chromosome: Microscopic, rod-like structure in the each person inherits from his or her parents. As a cod-
cell's nucleus that carries genetic material. Threadlike ing sequence, it determines the function of a gene, e.g.,
structures in the nucleus of a cell, consisting of a highly the synthesis and amino acid sequence of a protein. It


is found in all plant and animal cells and carries the the length of time and the nature and size of a popu-
genetic information that cells need to replicate, to pro- lation exposed to a chemical.
duce proteins, and to regulate enzyme production.
DNA is a long, two-stranded, intertwined, chain-like Follow-up: Observation over a period of time of an in-
molecule held together by weak bonds between base dividual, group, or initially defined population whose
pairs of nucleotides (polysugar and phosphate chemi- relevant characteristics have been assessed in order to
cal groups). The chain resembles a ladder twisted into observe changes in health status or health-related vari-
a double helix, spiral shape. The four nucleotides, or ables.
chemical building blocks, in DNA contain the follow- Gene: The fundamental unit of heredity, it is a work-
ing bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and ing subunit of DNA. DNA is a substance that tells cells
thymine (T). In nature, base pairs form only between what to do and when to do it. A gene is the position
A and T and between G and C; thus, the base sequence on a chromosome (strand of DNA) where a specific
of each single strand can be deduced from that of its DNA sequence, or allele, resides in the cells and mito-
partner. Most human DNA is nDNA, which is a huge chondria. It is a specific, unique stretch of DNA se-
molecule folded tightly and stored in the nucleus of the quence that codes for a single characteristic or com-
cell. mtDNA is a much smaller molecule stored in the ponent of physical development and function. It
mitochondria. contains the code for a specific product, typically a pro-
mtDNA: Mitochondrial DNA contain the genes that tein such as an enzyme. Examples: ABO blood group
code for some of the enzymes and some of the neces- gene, Rh blood group gene. The information in genes
sary molecules needed to make those enzymes of the is passed from parent to child; e.g., a gene might tell
respiratory chain. Mitochondria are the only part of some cells to make the hair red or the eyes brown.
the body cell with separate and unique DNA. Regard- Changes in the sequence from one allele to another can
less, most of the mitochondria and the respiratory chain be transmitted to the next generation.
are coded by nDNA. mtDNA is inherited only from the Genetic marker: A segment of DNA with an identifi-
mother. able physical location on a chromosome whose inher-
nDNA: Nuclear DNA. Located in the nucleus of the itance can be followed, often referred to simply as a
cell, this DNA contains the blueprints for cells that marker.
make up the body. Genome scan: Evaluation of linkage using a panel of
Ectoderm: From the Greek ektos (outside) + derma several hundred polymorphic markers, distributed
(skin). Most dorsal layer of cells of the early embryo, across the entire genome.
which gives rise to the epidermis, neural tube, neural Genotype: Genetic constitution of an individual, often
crest, etc. used to refer to the combination of alleles at any given
Effectiveness: A measure of the benefit resulting from locus.
an intervention for a given health problem under usual Hereditary: Transmitted or capable of being transmit-
conditions of clinical care for a particular group; this ted genetically from parent to offspring.
form of evaluation considers both the efficacy of an in-
tervention and its acceptance by those to whom it is Heredity: The passing of a trait such as color of the
offered, answering the question "Does the practice do eyes from parent to child. A person "inherits" these
more good than harm to people to whom it is offered?" traits through the genes.
Efficacy: A measure of the benefit resulting from an in- Hypernasality: Speech that sounds overly nasal, as if
tervention for a given health problem under the ideal the person is talking through his or her nose.
conditions of an investigation; it answers the question,
Hyponasality: Denasality, a lack of normal nasal res-
"Does the practice do more good than harm to people
onance during speech.
who fully comply with the recommendations?"
Etiologic heterogeneity: The phenomenon by which a Intention-to-treat analysis: A method for data*analysis
certain phenotype (or clinical feature) can be produced in a randomized clinical trial in which individual out-
by different mechanisms. comes are analyzed according to the group to which
the patient was randomized, even if the patient never
Exposure assessment: A process that estimates the received the assigned treatment. By simulating practi-
amount of a chemical that enters or comes into con- cal experience, it provides a better measure of effec-
tact with people. An exposure assessment also describes tiveness (vs. efficacy).

Linkage: The association of genes or markers that lie p value (probability value): The probability that a mea-
near each other on a chromosome. Linked genes or sure of effect is as extreme as or more extreme than
markers tend to be inherited together. that observed even if no effect exists (i.e., if the null
hypothesis is false).
Linkage analysis: A method to identify whether or not
alleles from two loci segregate together in families. Palatal insufficiency: A lack or shortness of tissue pre-
venting the soft palate from contacting the back of the
Linkage disequilibrium: Nonrandom association of al-
throat (pharynx).
leles at different loci in a population.
Locus (plural, loci): The position that a gene occupies Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): A molecular biolog-
on a chromosome or within a segment of DNA. ical technique for making, from a very small amount
of DNA, an unlimited number of copies of a specific
Lod score (log of the odds of linkage): A statistical es- segment of DNA.
timate of whether two loci are likely to lie near each
other on a chromosome and are therefore likely to be Polymorphism: A common variation in the sequence
inherited together. A lod score of 3.0 (odds of 1000:1 of DNA among individuals.
in favor) or more has been traditionally considered Population stratification: The existence of two or more
strong evidence in favor of linkage. subpopulations within a larger population.
Malocclusion: A deviation from normal occlusion, i.e., Prevalence: The proportion of persons with a particu-
incorrect positioning of the upper teeth in relation to lar disease within a given population at a given time.
the lower teeth.
Prolabium: The central area of the upper lip beneath
Multidisciplinary team: A group of professionals who the center of the nose (columella) and between the
work together to plan and carry out treatment for pa- philtral columns.
tients with cleft lip, cleft palate, and related disorders.
The group usually includes surgeons, dental specialists, Randomized controlled trial: Study design where treat-
speech pathologist, and others who meet regularly to ments, interventions, or enrollment into different study
evaluate and discuss the patients under their care. groups are assigned by random allocation rather than
by conscious decisions of clinicians or patients. If the
Nasal emission or nasal escape: An abnormal flow of sample size is large enough, this study design avoids
air through the nose during speech, usually indicative problems of bias and confounding variables by assur-
of an incomplete seal between oral and nasal cavities. ing that both known and unknown determinants of
Nasal septum: The "wall" that divides the nose into outcome are evenly distributed between treatment and
right and left halves. It normally joins the roof of the control groups.
hard palate like an inverted 7. Recall bias: Systematic error due to differences in ac-
Nasopharyngoscope: A lighted telescopic instrument curacy or completeness of recall to memory of past
used for examining the passages in the back of the events or experiences.
throat, useful in assessing velopharyngeal function. Recurrence risk: Probability that a person expresses a
Nonparametric linkage analysis: A number of statisti- disease given the existence of an affected relative (of a
cal methods have been developed that do not require given type). For example, the population lifetime risk
a trait locus model to be specified. The most common of developing psoriasis is approximately 2%, but if one
approach one will encounter in the literature is the af- has an affected parent or sibling, the recurrence risk is
fected sib-pair method. This requires families contain- 20%.
ing two affected siblings and can be shown to be equiv-
Relative risk (RR): the ratio of the probability of de-
alent to a lod score linkage analysis assuming a
veloping, in a specified period of time, an outcome
completely recessive model for the trait locus.
among those receiving the treatment of interest or ex-
Occlusion: Relationship between upper and lower posed to a risk factor compared with the probability
teeth when they are in contact, refers to the alignment of developing the outcome if the risk factor or inter-
of teeth as well as the relationship of dental arches. vention is not present.
Odds ratio (synonyms: cross-product ratio, relative Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP):
odds): A measure of the degree of association, e.g., the Genetic variation at the site where a restriction enzyme
odds of exposure among cases compared with the odds cuts a piece of DNA. Such variants affect the size of
of exposure among controls. the resulting fragments.

Risk assessment: A process which estimates the likeli- coding or noncoding regions, so that there is approxi-
hood that people exposed to chemicals have health ef- mately one SNP per 1000 base pairs. Because of this
fects. The four steps of risk assessment are hazard iden- density, SNPs are more useful for fine mapping of trait
tification (Can this substance damage health?), dose- loci known to be within a certain chromosomal region.
response assessment (What dose causes what effect?),
exposure assessment (How and how much do people Susceptibility locus: Gene which contributes (or is
contact it?), and risk characterization (combining the thought to contribute) to the risk of disease but may
other three steps to estimate risk). be neither a necessary nor a sufficient cause of disease.

Risk management: The process of deciding how to re- Transmission-disequilibrium test (TDT): Tests the
duce or eliminate possible health effects by considering transmission ratio of alleles at a marker locus from a
the risk assessment, engineering factors (Can engineer- heterozygous parent to an affected child. There is dis-
ing procedures or equipment do the job, for how long, tortion of the ratio from the mendelian 50:50 only if
and how well?) and social, economic, and political con- the marker locus is linked to the trait locus and ex-
cerns. hibits allelic association. If a marker locus is close
(tightly linked) to the trait locus, then allelic associa-
Route of exposure: The way in which a person may tion may be observed; but association does not auto-
contact a chemical substance. For example, drinking matically imply tight linkage.
(ingestion) and bathing (skin contact) are two different
routes of exposure to contaminants that may be found Velopharyngeal closure: Closing of the nasal cavity
in water. from the oral cavity which directs air used in speech
through the mouth rather than the nose. It requires in-
Short tandem repeat polymorphism (STRP): DNA se- teraction of the muscles in the palate and the back of
quence variation due to the existence of a variable num- the throat.
ber of copies of the same base sequence on a chromo-
some. Velopharyngeal incompetence: Inability to achieve ad-
equate velopharyngeal closure despite structures that
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, pronounced may appear normal.
"snip"): These are simply point mutations of a suffi-
ciently high frequency to be useful for linkage and as- Velopharyngeal insufficiency: A structural or func-
sociation analyses. The nucleotide-wise mutation rate tional disorder resulting in the inability to achieve ad-
is approximately 10 exp~ 6 and randomly occurs within equate separation of the nasal and oral cavities.

AboutFace International, 497 Appearance, rating, 435-436 repair(ed), 69-72, 326

Acoustic measures, 359-360 Articulation, 356-357 residual deformities in adolescents
Activins, 30 assessment of, 361 born with, 340, 342
AcvrZ gene, 30-31 compensatory, 357-358 untreated, 67-68
Adenoidectomy, 402 place and manner of, 357 Bilateral complete CLP (BCCLP), 89, 94
Adenoid hypertrophy, 403 Aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator Bilateral palatopharyngeus muscles, 355
Adolescents born with BCLP, residual (ARNT), 197, 200 Birth certificates, 105, 111, 120
deformities in, 340, 342 Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), 197, Birth defect prevention programs,
Africa, epidemiology of OCs in, 130, 200 489-490
131, 134, 135, 156 Ascertainment, complete vs. incomplete, Birth defects, coding and classification
Airway 223 of, 120
obstruction, 403-404 Asia. See Far East; Indian subcontinent; Birth defects surveillance systems, 117,
palatal appliance with endotracheal Middle East 124-125, 492-493
tube to help maintain, 374, 375 Assessment. See Diagnosis; Evaluation methods, 117
Akaike information criterion (AIC), 225 Associated abnormalities/malformations, case ascertainment, 118-120
Alar cartilage, 326 epidemiology/frequency of, case definition, 118
Alcohol intake, maternal, 161-163 103-104, 128-129, 461, 462 data collection, analysis, and
assessment of, 112 Association analysis, types of, 241 dissemination, 120
Alkaloids, plant-derived, 172 using family members as controls, 242 population covered, 118
Alleles. See Genes Associations, 54-55 and prevalence rates, 120-124
Allelic transmission disequilibrium test defined, 54 state, 119-121
(TDT), 285-286. See also Association studies, 240-252 state and international monitoring
Transmission disequilibrium test Atelectasis programs, 120-124
Alveolar defects, 375, 376. See also middle ear, progression to sources of cases for etiologic and
Cleft lip with or without cleft cholesteatoma, 399 follow-up studies, 124
alveolus of pars tensa, 399 Bone grafting, 335-336, 338. See also
management of, 334-346 Atlanta Birth Defect Case-Control Skeletal defects, palatal (cleft)
Alveolar grafts, 377 Study, 178 alveolar, 388-390
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Attachment, mother-infant, 416-417 Bony defects, residual, 339, 342, 346
Association (ACPA), 297-301, Australia Boston case-control studies, 180-181
319, 371, 379, 381, 418, epidemiology of OCs, 130-132, 134, Bottle-feeding, 310, 311
495-497 151 Brachyphalangy, 273
American Cleft Palate Foundation. See Western, case-control study in, Breast-feeding, 476
Cleft Palate Foundation 178-179 direct, 313-314
-y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and Autonomy, 481-482 expressed, 314
receptors, 34, 164, 275 Autopsy series, 105 Breast milk, 311
6-aminonicotinamide induced CP, 267, Burden of care, 437
277 Background, strain, 279 Burping, frequent, 315-316
Analysis bias, 429 Baltimore case-control study of maternal
Anecdotal case reports, 429 metabolic factors, 176 Caffeine consumption, maternal, 163
Animal models. See also Mice; Mouse Bardach two-flap technique, 328-330. California Birth Defects Monitoring
models See also Furlow Z-plasty Program, 179
and CP, 275-277 Behavioral functioning, 307-308. See Canada, epidemiology of OCs in, 129,
mapping studies in, 265-267 also specific topics 130, 132, 134, 147
Animal studies on causes of OCs, 445 Benchmarks, 436 Capitation payment mechanisms, 483
Ankyloglossia, 60 Beneficence, 482 Caries, dental, 375, 377
Anterior nasal fricative, 357-358 Benzodiazepine use, maternal, 164 Cartilage, alar, 326
Anticipatory guidance, 374 Bifid uvula, 21 Case-control study design, 105-106,
Anticonvulsants, 163, 164 Bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP), 21, 241, 284
Antiepileptic drugs, 163, 164 22 related vs. unrelated, 285, 286
AP-2 null chimeras, 273 morphometric characteristics, 67-72 Case-only design, 285, 286


Case-parental control design, 285 Comparison permanent, 379, 390

Case-parent trio design, 285-286 with historical controls, 430-431 growth considerations, 390-394
Case reports, anecdotal, 429 intercenter, 431 orthodontic intervention, 395
Case series, 429 Comparison studies, uncontrolled, skeletal-facial considerations,
Catel-Manzke syndrome, 56-58. See 429-431 393-394
also Robin sequence Competence in clinical decision making, treatment coordination, 394-395
Cd61, 271 482 young, 377-378
Central America, epidemiology of OCs Complex clefting, 64 primary, 375-376, 384-386
in, 130-132, 134, 150 Complex disease approach, 260 severe sagittal skeletal discrepancies
Chin dysplasia, 339, 341, 346 Confidentiality, 484 in, 386-387
Cholesteatoma, 398, 399 Conflict resolution, 484 Developmental screening, 306-308
clinical findings consistent with Congenital abnormalities (CAs), 443, dHAND, 32-33
diagnosis of, 402, 403 444, 447, 449, 451, 455. See also Diagnosis
progression of middle ear atelectasis specific topics early identification and, 43-45, 306
to, 399 Congenital deformity, 472 prenatal, 409-410
Chromosomal anomalies, 255. See also Coping strategies, 412, 420-421 Diet, assessment of, 113-114
Genes Correlation coefficient, intraclass, 433 Disclosure, 484
translocations and inversions, 255, 256 Corticosteroid use, maternal, 164-165, Distal-less homeobox transcription
Chromosomal regions showing positive 175 factor gene family, 271
linkage results for OCs, 242-243 Cosmetic surgery, 472 Distributive justice, 485
Chromosome, yeast artificial, 270, 271 Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit Dlx3 and Dlx7, 271, 272
Chronic otitis media with effusion calculations, 486 DLX genes, 27
(COME), 308 Cost(s), 458, 466 DNA, 208
Cigarette smoking, maternal, 159-161, to family, 462, 464, 465 DNA chips/arrays, 210
490, 496 financial, 458-461 DNA haplotypes shared by descent in
assessment of exposure, 112 treatment, 436, 437 siblings, 257
validity assessment, 109-110 physical, 461-464 Drugs, prescription. See also specific
CL. See Cleft lip psychosocial, 464-466 drugs
Classification, 88, 91. See also Diagnosis Counseling maternal use of, 195, 451-452
of nonsyndromic clefts, 47-51 genetic, 491 Dysplasia
of OCs in Hungary, 443-445 and interpretation of risks and chin, 339, 341, 346
Cleft-dental gaps, 339, 340, 342 figures, 408-410 mandibular, 339, 341, 346
Clefting, complex, 64 supportive, 410 maxillary, 339, 346
Cleft lip and palate (CLP). See also Cranial base, 68, 69, 72, 73, 81
specific topics Craniofacial disorders, issues and Ear, 397-403
historical overview, v-vi challenges of, 354-355 Educating practitioners and the public,
Cleft lip with or without cleft alveolus Craniofacial features, development of, 9 495^97
(CL/A), 72-73 Craniofacial heights and profiles, 68, Elevit Pronatal (multivitamin), 446
Cleft lip with or without cleft palate 70, 72-74 "Emotion coaching," 417
(CL/P). See specific topics Craniofacial teams (CFTs). See also Endothelins (ETs), 32-33
Cleft palate (CP). See also specific topics Teams Endotracheal tube, 374, 375
variations, 21 ACPA standards for listing, 299-301 England, Hill's case-control study in, 178
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Center (CPCC), Crossbite, 372, 375, 385 Environmental contaminant
459-461 Cultured cells, 196 application of palatal models to study
Cleft Palate Foundation (CPF), 495 CYP1A1, 200-201 of, 197-200
Cleft Palate Nipple System, 315 Czech cleft prevention trial, 184-185 Environmental exposure assessment,
Cleft palate teams (CPTs). See also 108-110, 114-115
Teams Dancer (Dc), 272 confounding factors, 114
AGFA standards for listing, 298-299 Death certificates, 105 data collection, 114
Clefts. See also specific topics Death in first year of life, risks of, 461, misclassification, 108-109
unusual, 63-64 463 recall bias, 109
clfl, 269-271 Del(22qll.2) syndrome, 60 sources of information
candidate loci, 270-272 Denmark. See also Europe biologic specimens, 110-111
clfl, 269-271 familial recurrence pattern analysis of environmental/occupational
candidate loci, 272 CP and CP/L in, 237 sampling, 111
Clinical decision making, competence in, Dental arches and relationships, 68, maternal reports, 111-112
482 71-74, 435, 436 records, 111
Clinical utility, 491 Dental care, 308-309, 371. See also of specific exposures, 112-114
Cognitive appraisal, 420 Orthodontics study designs, 105-108
Cohort studies, 106 family support regarding, 379-380 validity assessment, 109-110
Columelta, 346-347 for infant and toddler, 371-374 Environmental risk factors. See Risk
Communications and information insurance and coverage for, 471—472 factors
dissemination, 491 Dentition Epidemiology of OCs, 101-104,
Community medical homes, 305-306 mixed, 376-377, 387-390 106-107, 138-140
and associated anomalies, 103-104 Facial esthetics, costs related to, Formula, infant, 311, 313
birth defects surveillance systems and, 464^65 Funds. See Resources
120-124 Facial form, 67-75 Furlow Z-plasty, 328-330, 364
changes in in relatives of affected individuals,
over time, 102, 103 75-82 GABA (y-aminobutyric acid) and
with season, 102-103 Facial formation, 5, 7, 9 receptors, 34, 164, 275
design options for assessing Facial growth in infancy, average, 89, 92 Gatekeeping, 482-483
environmental risk factors, Facial widths, 68-70, 72, 73 Gender ratios in different types of cleft,
105-106 Familial recurrence pattern analysis. See 136-138
ethnic origin, migration, and under Inheritance Gene-based technologies
population admixture studies, Family, cost to, 462, 464, 465 ethical, legal, and social implications
135, 136 Family adaptation and resources, of, 205
gender ratios, 136-138 416-417 Gene-environment interaction, 283-286,
geographical variation, 129-137 Family-based association strategies, 241 289
prevalence figures and statistics, Family-based case-control study design, methods for identifying, 283-286
128-129 285, 286 in case-control study, 284
and associated malformations, Family-centered medical care, 418-419 studies examining OCs and, 286-288
128-129, 140 Family members of CL/P patients, study designs to test for, 286
international, 145-156 75-82 synergism, 283
recommendations for producing multifactorial models, 76-77 Gene expression in palatogenesis, human
better, 139-140 Family studies of oral-facial clefts, and mouse embryonic, 198
in singleton and twin births, 215,216 226-227 Gene expression/microarrays, 210
prevalence vs. incidence, 101-102 Family support regarding dental care, Gene-nutrient interactions, 185-187
relative proportion of different cleft 379-380 Genes. See also Chromosomal
types, 135-136, 444 Far East, epidemiology of OCs in, 130, anomalies; specific genes
search strategy for identification of 131, 133, 134, 152-153 implicated in lip/palate development,
relevant studies, 127-128 Feeding, 309, 373, 496 25-34, 255, 256
sources of ascertainment, 104-105, assisted, 314-315 future perspectives regarding, 35
118,491 evaluating infant's capacity for, 306, locating
multiple, 119, 140 311 chromosomal anomalies to
time trends, 122-123, 138, 157 in more upright position, 315 facilitate, 255-256
Epidermal growth factors (EGF) and parents' perspective on, 475—476 sib-pair methods of analysis, 259-260
receptor (EGFR), 31 what to feed them, 311, 313 MTHFR, 186, 455
Epileptic mothers, 163-164 Feeding appliances, 316 regulating development of head, 255,
Ethical, legal, and social implications Feeding strategies/techniques, 311-316 256
(ELSI) of gene-based technologies, recommended, 313-315 Genetic contribution, coefficient of, 220
205 Fetal head movements, 18 Genetic counseling, 491
Ethical issues Fiberoptic nasendoscopy, 361 and interpretation of risks and figures,
in care of children with craniofacial Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) and 408-410
conditions, 481-487 receptors (FGFR), 29 Genetic independence of different types
concerning RCTs, 431^32 Financial resources, 417-418 of OCs in mice, 265-267
Ethnic grouping (methodology), 140 Finland case-control study, 176 Genetic liability to teratogen-induced
Ethnicity, 135, 136, 138-139 First-come, first-served basis, 485 clefts, 276-277
Ethnic variability, 260 Fistula, oronasal/palatal, 334-342, interpretation of
Etiology, occult/hidden, 354 344-346, 362, 388, 390 complexities of, 276
Europe, epidemiology of OCs in, Fluorides, 378 models for, 273, 274
130-134, 145-146 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), 195 Genetic linkage analysis. See Linkage
time trends, 157 Folate deficiency, 172, 174, 187, 454 analysis
Eustachian tube dysfunction, 398-399 Folk acid (FA) Genetic map, 207-208
Evaluation. See also Diagnosis dose-dependent protective effect of Genetic polymorphism, 209
challenges to, 354 biological plausibility and Genetics, 60, 170-171, 462. See also
Evidence-based care, 428, 437-438 implications of, 454—456 Inheritance; Mice
Evidence of effectiveness, judging, and prevention programs, 490 vs. environmental factors, 138-139
428-433 supplementation during pregnancy, and nonsyndromic CL/P, 260-262,
Exclusion bias, 429 171, 172, 174, 177-180, 183, 269-272
Experimental models for study of OCs, 184, 187, 445, 446-449, twin studies, 217-220
193, 200-201 451-456 Genomics. See also Human Genome
application of palatal models to study Follistatin, 30 Project
of environmental contaminant, Follow-up bias, 428-429 comparative, 210-211
197-200 Follow-up studies, 106 Genomic screen, 258
nonmammalian, 197 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Genomic variation, human, 209
in vitro, 195-197 490-491 Geographical variation
in vivo models, 193-194 Food-frequency data, 113. See also Diet; in prevalence of CL/P, 129-134
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs), 210 Nutrition in prevalence of isolated CP, 130-137

Gestational timing, 110 Identical by descent (IBD), 259 Linkage results for oral-facial clefting,
Gingivoperiosteoplasty, Millard, 327 Identical by state (IBS), 259 chromosomal regions showing
G//3, 273 Illnesses in mother, infectious positive, 242-243
Glossoptosis, 51, 374 assessment of, 112-113 Lip adhesion, 322-323, 325
Glucocorticoid-induced CP, 276-277. Imaging, 360-361 Lip formation, embryonic, 6, 8, 18-19
See also Corticosteroid use Incidence. See also Epidemiology of OCs Lip taping, 321
Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), 34 defined, 101 Lod score, 258
Goosecoid (GSC), 28 Independence, developmental and maximum, 258
Government insurance programs, genetic Lod score analysis, advantages and
469-470 of different types of OCs in mice, limitations of, 258-259
Growth factors, 26, 29-31 265-267
Growth pattern, craniofacial Index case, 224 Major locus transmission models,
in infants and children with CLP, Indian subcontinent, epidemiology of 225-226
87-95 OCs in, 130, 131, 133-135, 155 Managed care organizations, 296
sources of interference with, 87 Infant formula, 311, 313 Mandibular dysplasia, 339, 341, 346
Guilt, 411 Information exchange for Mandibular structures, 68, 70-72, 74,
patients/families and doctors, 81-82
Haberman Feeder, 315 484, 501 Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Health behaviors and beliefs, costs Informed consent, 483-484 (HRSA/MCHB), 489, 491
related to, 464 Inheritance of OCs, mode of, 234, 238. Maternal diseases, 452
Healthcare for children with CL/P, 303. See also Genetics Maternal reports, 111-112
See also Public health familial recurrence pattern analysis, Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), 31
birth experience and first clinical 236-238 Mature minors, 482
encounter, 304-305 one vs. many, 234-235 Maxillary dysplasia, 339, 346
key times for care, 303-304 shifting paradigms, 235-236 Maxillary hypoplasia, 339, 340,
provision of pediatric health services, Insurance and coverage. See also 386-387
305-306 Managed care organizations Maxillary lingual arch, 377
roles and responsibilities of primary for ancillary services, 471-472 Maxillary orthopedics, neonatal,
care provider, 306-309 contractual basis of, and medical 382-383
Healthcare funding, 468-469 necessity, 470-471 Maxillary structures, 68-72, 74
Healthcare teams. See Teams, healthcare indemnity, 468 Maxillo-mandibular profile
Health maintenance organizations legislation, 472-473 measurements, 434
(HMOs), 468-469 Integrin j83 (Itgb3), 271, 272 Mead Johnson CL/P Nurser, 314-315
types of HMO model, 469 Intensive care unit, neonatal, 305, 306 Measurement scales, 434-436
Health Resources and Services Interdisciplinary teams, 294-295. See Median CL, 54, 55
Administration (HRSA), 489 also Teams Medicaid, 469^70
Health services, improving access to International Clearing House for Birth Medical home concept, 489
affordable high-quality, 488-489 Defects Monitoring Systems Medication use by mother, infectious
Hearing aids, 400-401 (ICBDMS), 120-124 assessment of exposure, 112-113
Hearing loss, 308 International Cleft Lip and Palate MEPM cultures, 196
HEPM cultures, 196 Foundation (ICPF), 499-501 Merit approach to resource allocation,
Hispanic ethnicity, and CL/P International cooperation for CLP 485
epidemiology, 135, 136 patients, innovations in, 498-501 Mesenchymal cell cultures, 196
Holoprosencephaly, 54, 55 Internet resources, 503-505 Metabolic factors, maternal, 176,
Hospital and clinic visits, parents' Intraclass correlation coefficient, 433 181-182. See also Nutrition
perspective on, 476 Isolated CP, 89, 312. See also specific Methylenetrahydrofolate reductase
Hospital discharge summaries, 118-119 topics (MTHFR) gene, 186, 455
Hox genes, 25-26 geographical variation in prevalence Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects
Human Genome Project (HGP), 205, 212 of, 130-137 Program (MACDP), 118, 120,
and CL/P, 211-212 morphometric characteristics, 73-74 178
ELSI program, 201, 205 prevalence, 129 Mice, OCs in. See also Mouse models
goals/perspective, 206-207 developmental and genetic
history, 205-206 Jagged molecules, 33 independence of different types
mapping and sequencing, 207-209 Justice, 482, 485 of, 265-267
Hungarian Birth Defects Prevention genetic causes, 266
Trial, 185 Langenbeck palatoplasty, 330, 331 genetic liability to teratogen-induced
Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Le Fort I osteotomy, 339-344, 346 CL/P, 273-275
Congenital Abnormalities Legless (Igl) mutation, 273 nonsyndromic CL/P
(HCCSCA), 179-180, 451-454 Levator veli palatini, 355 developmental threshold, 268-269
Hungarian Family Planning Program LHX genes, 27-28 genes, 269-272
(HFPP), 185 LIM (lin-11 isl-1 mec3) domains, 27 maternal effects, 269
Hygiene, oral, 378 Linkage analysis, genetic, 242, 257-259 occurrence only in A-strain lineages,
Hypernasality, 354 nonparametric, 259-260 266-268
Hypoplasia, maxillary, 339, 340, of nonsyndromic OCs, 260-262 syndromic mutants, 272-273
386-387 Linkage disequilibrium, 240, 241 Mice, transgenic, 194
Micrognathia, 50, 57, 61 Nasendoscopy, fiberoptic, 361 Orthodontist, role of, 381, 395. See also
Middle East, epidemiology of OCs in, Nasolabial appearance, rating, 435-436 Orthodontics
130-134, 154 Nasometer, 359-360 Orthognathic deformities, management
Midpalatal stop, 357 Nasometry, 359 of, 337, 339
Millard-Latham (M-L) method, 327 Nasopharyngeal anatomy and Orthognathic/orthodontic surgery. See
Millard rotation and advancement flap physiology, 355-356 Surgery, cleft-orthognathic
technique, 324-326 Nasopharyngeal patency, 358 Orthopedics
Modifier loci, 270 Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), infant oral-facial, 372-374
MOD score analysis, 258 305, 306 presurgical, for neonates, 382-384
Morphology, craniofacial Neonatal maxillary orthopedics, Otitis media, 308
in infants and children with CLP, 382-383 acute, 397
87-95 Netherlands case-control study of chronic suppurative, 398, 402
Morphometric characteristics maternal metabolic factors, classification and prevalence, 397-398
of bilateral CLP, 67-72 181-182 with effusion, 397-400
of isolated CP, 73-74 Neural crest origin and migration, 5, 6 eustachian tube dysfunction and
of untreated unilateral CLP, 68-69 Neural tube defects (NTDs), and pathogenesis of, 398-399
Morphometrics, 66-67, 82-83. See also maternal nutrition, 171, 178, hearing loss and cognitive sequelae,
Facial form 180, 181,186-188 400
linking morphogenetics and, 79-80 Neurocranium, 68, 69, 73 treatment, 400-402
Morton, N. E., 224 New Zealand, epidemiology of OCs in, Otolaryngological issues, 397, 398
Mother-infant attachment, 416-417 130-132, 134, 151 Otolaryngologic needs. See Ear
Motor equivalence, theory of, 356 Nongovernmental organizations Outcome measures, 433-434
Mouse models, 279. See also Animal (NGOs), 498-500 Overmatching, 285
models Nonmaleficence, principle of, 482
Mouse strains. See also Mice Nonparametric linkage (NPL) statistic
with high frequencies of spontaneous and analysis, 259-260 Pairwise concordance rate, 217-219
nonsyndromic OCs, 279 Nonpenetrant (genetics), 258 Palatal appliances, 375
A strains, genetic architecture of risk Nonsyndromic clefts, 181, 449 basic, 374
of CL/P derived from, 268 classification and description, 47-51 pinned, 372, 373
Mouth rinse, plain water for, 316 CL/P, 48-50. See also under Mice Palatal expander, 385
MSX genes, 26-27 first occurrence of, 449, 450 Palatal fistula. See Fistula
Multidisciplinary teams, 295, 418, 426. CP, 49-51, 275 Palatal organ culture model, 195-196
See also Teams studies of syndromic vs., 47, 48 Palatal structures, 68, 70-72, 74
Multifactorial models of inheritance, Nonsyndromic multifactorial causes of Palate, secondary, 14, 15
76-77 CL/P in mice, 266 closure, 14-22
multifactorial threshold (MFT) model, Nose, 403 Palatogenesis, 14-22
76, 78, 227-231, 235, 273, 274 Nose rinse, plain water for, 316 Palatoplasty, 75, 361-362
Multifactorial threshold concept, v-vi Nostril formation, 6, 9 combined pharyngoplasty and
Multiple clefts, 63 Notch receptors, 33 primary, 363-364
Multiplicative models of inheritance, Nutrient-gene interactions, 185-187 Langenbeck, 330, 331
236 Nutrition (maternal), and OCs, one- vs. two-stage, 328
Multipoint mapping, 260 170-171, 186-188. See also Palatoschisis, 21
Multivitamin supplements Vitamins Parental facial form in isolated CP, 80.
and human studies of occurrence, neural tube defects and, 171 See also Family members of CL/P
177, 446-148 studies on patients
and human studies of recurrence, case-control, 176-182 Parents of children with OCs
445-446 experimental animal, 171-175 perspective of, 474-477
primary prevention through use of, human observational, 175-182 stories from, 477-480
443 Pedigree syndrome, 58
Hungarian double cohort controlled Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 364, Peer support groups, 411
study (DCS), 448-451 403 Penetrance scan, 278
Hungarian RCT, 446-450 Obturators, 316 Perceptual evaluation, 359
Spofavit (multivitamin), 184, 446 Open-market approach to resource Periconceptional folic acid-containing
Musculature surrounding CL, 12 allocation, 484-485 multivitamin supplementation
Musculus uvulae, 355 Oral clefts (OCs). See specific topics (PFMS), 446-449
Myringosclerosis, 401 Oral-nasal resonance, 357, 360 Periodontal disease, 378
Myringotomy, 401 Orofacial examinations, 43—45 Pesticides, maternal exposure to,
Oronasal fistula. See Fistula 165-167
Nasal air emission, 357 Orthodontics, 381, 395. See also Dental assessment of, 114
Nasalance, 360 care; Dentition; Surgery, cleft- Pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty,
Nasal capsular development, 14, 17 orthognathic posterior, 362-363, 432
Nasal coupling, 357 for neonates, 382-384 Pharyngeal stop, 357
Nasal fin, breakdown of, 6, 10 presurgical phase, 394-395 Pharyngeal wall augmentation and
Nasal fricative, 357-358 and secondary bone grafting, 390 muscle transposition, posterior,
Nasal reconstruction, cleft, 346-347 team approach, 381-382 363

Pharyngoplasty (techniques), 332, 363, Public health initiatives, 488, 489 Risks for children with CL/P, 306-309
364, 432 Pyridoxine. See Vitamin B complex, Bg functional, 413
complications, 364 deficiency medical, 413
Phenotypic heterogeneity, 77-79 psychosocial, 413-414
Phenytoin-induced CL/P, 273-275 Quantitative trait locus (QTL) Robin sequence (RS), 50, 55, 56, 129,
Phenytoin-induced CP, 267, 277 approaches, potential future roles 309, 312. See also Catel-Manzke
Philadelphia case-control studies, for, 278 syndrome
180-181 Quantitative traits, defined, 278 craniofacial morphology in infants
Physical map(ping), 208 Questionnaires. See Maternal reports and children with, 89-93, 95
Pierre Robin syndrome. See Robin defining, 61-62, 89
sequence Randomized clinical trials (RCTs), reconstruction, 319-321
Plant toxins, 175 431-432 and Robin complexes, 60-63
Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) of nonsurgical interventions, 433 types of obstruction in, 61
and receptors (PDGFRs), 31 of surgical interventions, 432-433 RYK gene, 34
Playtex Nurser, 315 Rationing, 470-471
Point-of-service systems, 469 Reading disabilities, 362
Polypeptides, TGF-/3 superfamily of, Receptor protein tyrosine kinase (RTK), "Safari surgery." See Surgical missions
30-31 34 Scar revision, CL, 347
Population-based approach, 241 Recombination and recombinants School support, 419
Positional cloning, 208 (genetics), 257-258 Screening, 306-308
Posterior nasal fricative, 357-358 Reconstruction, 319, 347. See also velopharyngeal closure, 359
Poverty, 139, 170, 485-486 Repair; Surgery Sealants, pit and fissure, 378
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs), cleft nasal, 346-347 Season, changes in frequency of OCs
469 Reconstructive surgery, 472 with, 102-103
Pregnancy complications, 452 Recurrence risk reduction, 409 Secondary cases, 224
Premaxillary segment, retraction of, 372 Recurrence risks, 408 Secondary palate, 14, 15. See also
Prenatal diagnosis, 409^10, 486 human studies of, 182, 445-446 specific topics
Pressure-flow assessment, 359 isolated DCs and, 408-409 closure, 14-22
Pressure regulation/control theory, Recurrent-pattern syndrome, 56-58 Segregation analyses, of CL/P,
Warren's, 356 Referrals to professionals, 306 published, 230-231
Prevalence. See also under Epidemiology Registries, population- vs. hospital- Segregation analysis, 222-223, 226-227,
of DCs based, 139-140 229
defined, 101 Registry-based studies, 492 complex, 222, 227, 235
Prevention programs. See also Vitamins Regression analysis and regressive defined, 222
public health, 489-491 models, 226, 227 major locus, 225-226
Prevention trial, Czech cleft, 184-185 Repair mixed/unified model, 226
Primary palate formation, 5-12 CL, 321-326 regressive models, 226
Privacy, 484 CP, 326-331 role in future studies of oral-facial
Proband, 224 techniques, 321-323, 325-335, 337, clefts, 231
Probandwise concordance rate, 217-219 339-340, 342, 346 Segregation ratio analysis, classical,
Proficiency bias, 428 timing, 321, 326-327, 331-332, 223-225
Propositus, 224 334-335 Self-concept, 416
Prosthesis, 379. See also Teeth, prosthetic Reporting bias, 429 Sensitivity analysis, 110
Protraction face mask therapy, 387 Research bias, 428-429 Sensitivity of measures, 109-110
Provisionally unique-pattern syndrome, Residual oronasal fistula. See Fistula Sequences, 53-55
55-56 Resilience. See Resistance factors defined, 53
PRRX genes, 28 Resistance factors, 414 Sequence-tagged site (STS) map, 208
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. intrapersonal, 414-416 Signaling molecules, 26, 32-34
aeruginosa), 400 Resources Sinusitis, 403
Psychological care of children with CLP allocation of, 484-486 Skeletal defects, palatal (cleft)
in the family, 412, 421 parents' perspective on, 477 management of, 334-346
resistance factors and, 414-416 Retinoic acid receptor-alpha (RAR-a), Sleep apnea, 364, 403
risk, stress, and coping, 412 211 SNPs, 209
risk factors and, 413-414 Retrognathia, 61 Social acceptance, 420
social-ecological support, 416-421 Rhinitis, 403 Social competence, costs related to, 465
Psychological intervention, costs related Riboflavin. See Vitamin B complex, B2 Social cost. See Psychosocial costs
to, 465-466 Rights approach to resource allocation, Social skills, 415-416
Psychosocial costs, 464—466 485 Social worth approach to resource
Psychosocial functioning, 307-308 Risk factors for OCs, 452. See also allocation, 485
Psychosocial risks for children with specific risk factors Socioeconomic status (SES), 139, 170,
CL/P, 413-414 environmental, 159, 167-168, 170, 485^86
Public health action and policy, 175, 195, 197, 452. See also Solvents, maternal exposure to, 165-167
translating research findings into, Vitamins assessment of, 114
488-493 design options for assessing, South America, epidemiology of OCs in,
application of scientific findings, 491 105-108 130-132, 134, 150
Spearman Brown formula, 433, 435 System for Thalidomide Education and Twinning process, OCs and, 215-217
Special education needs, 419 Prescribing Safety (STEPS), 491 Twin studies in OC research, 214-216,
Specificity of measures, 109-110 220
Speech TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p- concordance rates, 217-219
parents' perspective on, 477 dioxin), human and mouse and genetic contribution to OCs,
pathology, 354 palatal response to, 197-201 217-220
proficiency, 358 Teachers, education of, 419 Twirler (Tw), 272-273
surgery and, 432 Team consultations, coping with, 420 Tympanic membrane conditions, 401
Speech-language skin, 308 Teams, healthcare, 293-294, 303 Tympanic membrane perforation,
Speech sound system, 356-358 evaluating the characteristics of, 399-402
Speech therapy, 471 297-301 Tympanoplasty, 400-402
after palatal closure, 364-365 leadership, 295-297
before palatal closure, 364 members of cleft palate-craniofacial Unilateral CL, 49
Spofavit (multivitamin), 184, 446 team, 382 complete, 49
State Children's Health Insurance models of team organization, 294-295 isolated, 49
Program (SCHIP), 470 multidisciplinary, 295, 418, 426 laterality, 138
Stature, 306-307 Teeth Unilateral CLP, 21
Stillbirths vs. live births, 128 erupting ectopically, malformed, 373, morphometric characteristics of
Stomodeal chambers, 16 375, 376 untreated, 68-69
Strain background, 279 missing, 377, 379 Unilateral complete CLP (UCCLP), 89,
Strain distribution pattern (SDP), 270 prosthetic, 379 91-93
Strasbourg case-control study, 180 maxillary lingual arch with Unilateral incomplete CL (UICL), 49,
Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), 373, attached, 377 91, 93
375 wired into place, 378 United States, epidemiology of OCs in,
Stress processing, 420-421 Temperament, 414-415 129-132, 134, 147-149
Submucous CP, 312, 362 Teratogenesis, animal models of, 173 United States cities, birth prevalence of
Sucking, biology of Teratogenic syndromes, 60 OCs in various, 158
during breast-feeding, 310 Teratogens/teratogenic drugs, 490. See University of Pittsburgh Cleft Palate-
in neonates with clefts, 310-312 also Genetic liability to teratogen- Craniofacial Center (CPCC),
normal, 309-310 induced clefts 459-461
Sucking process, suction/vacuum created Teratology studies, 193-194 Untranslated region (UTR), 243, 252
in, 310 Tessier classification, 63-64
Superior constrictor, 355 Therapies, coexisting Validity, analytic vs. clinical, 491
Surgery comparison of, 430 Van der Woude syndrome, 60
assessment of quality of, 499-500 Threshold model, multifactorial, 76, 78, Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), 309,
cleft-orthognathic 227-231, 235, 273, 274 355, 365-366
for BCLP, 340, 342-346 Throat, 403-404 Velopharyngeal closure, screening, 359
for isolated CP deformity, 346 Thrombospondins (TSPs), 33-34 Velopharyngeal function
for UCLP, 339-342 Title V programs, 470 assessment of, 358-361
coping with, 420 Tongue, palatal appliance with posterior evaluation protocol, 359
insurance and coverage for secondary, wire loop to hold down, 374 objective, 359
472 Tonsillitis, 403 role and limits of, 356
parents' perspective on, 476-477 Toronto case-control studies, 180-181 Velopharyngeal incompetence
Surgical lip adhesion, 384 Toxicology studies, developmental, functional/sound-specific, 365
Surgical missions, international, 424, 193-194 surgical management of, 362-364
498-499 Tranquilizer use, maternal, 164 Velopharyngeal insufficiency/dysfunction
future of, 426-427 Transcription regulators, 25-28 (VPI), 356, 360, 365
goals, 424-425 Transforming growth factors (TGFs), errors that compensate for, 361
guidelines, 425-426 29-31, 198-199, 247, 248, 250 functional/sound-specific, 358, 365
how host countries can ensure the TGF-a/TGFA, 29, 79, 211, 243-246, secondary CP procedures for
success of, 426 252, 287, 288, 455 management of, 331-334
philosophy, 424 TGF-/33/TGFB, 30-31, 194, 198 surgical procedure to manage,
preparation for, 425 Transgenic animal models, 194 362-363, 432
Surveillance and monitoring systems, Transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), Videofluoroscopy, 361
105, 491-493 242, 246-251, 285-286, 288 Vital records, 105, 111, 120
Susceptibility bias, 428 Treacher Collins syndrome, 60, 61 Vitamin A, 180, 183, 188
Syndromes, 53-55 Treatment. See Health care; Repair; deficiency, 172-174, 188
defined, 53 Surgery Vitamin B complex, 173
delineation, 55-58 Treatment centers, cleft, 104-105 B6 deficiency, 171, 172, 174-175,
pace of, 59-60 Treatment outcome, measuring, 182-184, 187-188
process of, 58-59 433-436 B2 (riboflavin), 172, 182, 183
significance of, 59 Triad design, 285 Bu, 171, 180, 182, 183
nomenclature, 59 TT genotype, 186 Vitamin levels and intake of mothers.
Syndromic mutants of CP, 275-276 Twin concordance rates, monozygotic See also Nutrition
Syndromic OCs, 409-411 and dizygotic, 218, 219 assessment of, 113-114

Vitamins. See also Folic acid; Warkany, Josef, 173 X-linked CP with or without
Multivitamin supplements Warren, D. W., 356 ankyloglossia, 60
in early pregnancy, efficacy of, Weight gain in first month of life, 306
445 Weinberg proband method, 224, 225
Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), 270,
Vocal tract adjustments during Whole embryo culture (WEC) system,
breathing/speech, 356 196-197
Volunteer surgical missions. See Surgical Withdrawal, social, 465
missions Work groups, 295 Z-plasty, 328-330, 364. See also
Vowels, articulating, 356-357 World Cleft Gene Bank, 501 Bardach two-flap technique

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