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Because he put another wish out, but he wished it in himself for years, but it

didnot happen
Because his wish could not manifest because the outer level of himself his house ,
was just contradicting himself all the time.

Inside relationships, it's important to first understand who's coming to the

and not your partner, but to understand yourself.

The Law of Attraction or The Secret

i want to kiss myself! because you're gonna to love yourself.
I'm not talking about conceit. I'm talking about a respect for yourself.
and as you love yourself, you'll love others.

Inside relationships, it's important to first understand who's coming to the

and not your partner, but to understand yourself.

But for relationships to really work, we need to focus on what we appreciate about
the other person, not what we're complaining about.
when we complain about those things we get more of those things

think about all the reasons that you love them

you appreciate their sense of humor, how supportive they are.
and what you'll find is that when you focus on appreciating and acknowledging their
that's what you'll get more of. and the problems will fade away.

we create our own happiness through the law of attraction. oftentimes, you give
others the opportunity to create your happiness.
and many times they fail to create it the way you want it.
Why ? Because only one person
can be in charge of your joy, of your bliss.
and that's you

so even as a nurse, as a child, as a spouse, even the people closest to you, they
do not have the control
to create your happiness. Your joy lies within you

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