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Hailey Roberson

EDT 180 C
Module Reflection Questions:
1. Implementation of feedback:
Based on the feedback I received, I would alter my project by providing more details and
examples as to how my classroom would look. It could be difficult to understand for someone
who may not know me or my intentions. While my philosophy is written clearly, I would also
explain it into deeper aspects and topics. Not just the few different topics that I chose. With more
time, I would go into further detail and depth as to who I am, especially as a teacher. That
website could serve as a tool for future parents to get to know who their child’s teacher is, and I
would form it to aid anyone who may visit the website.
2. Learning Reflection:
If I were to visit this project again from the beginning, I would still do a website. It is
easily accessible to update and modify, and anyone can look at it to retrieve the information.
Something I would do differently would be to incorporate external links to other scholars and
educational professionals who share the same views that I do. This allows visitors to view it as
more credible. With that addition, other people could also do research of their own to find what
they think is best. A few things that I would keep the same would be the layout of the website,
including the organization and tabs provided at the top. Those allow to easy navigation and for
readers to see what all is in included in the website.
3. Alternative Use / Future directions
Some ways the website could be used that haven’t already been considered is a hard topic
to focus on. Websites are very common nowadays and already have a widespread variety of uses.
Teachers can use them for lessons, homework, and many other options. Some ways that I have
not considered though, are to provide resources for students online. Each page could host a
different topic or section, based on what the student is needing. Everything for the class could
also be pasted onto the board, so that students can always see what is coming up.
Also, sometimes teachers need support from other teachers and online is a place they can
get it. If a website was created and used for teachers to interact, ask questions, and provide tips
for other teachers, this could be very beneficial!

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