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Many teachers today teach in their own way and force the
students to have to adapt to the teacher’s style of teaching. I
believe that this is not a beneficial way for the students to learn.
Each child is different and has a different way of learning than the
rest of the class. Teachers need to notice these differences and use
all the different ways of teaching so that students can learn in the
best way that works for them. By doing this, students will be able to
learn better and in a faster way. This will also help the teachers get
through lessons quicker if the students understand the material
better because of the way it’s taught.


For my medium, I chose to create a video from iMovie by using

pictures and text. I chose to use this because I wanted to create
something that shows my experiences. For this video I will be using
pictures of the COOP kids that I taught for the past two years. This
is where this idea for my philosophy began. When I was in COOP, I
learned a lot from the other teachers there. All of the teachers
created such great lessons for the preschoolers that incorporated
more than one style of learning. This is where I started to try to
incorporate different learning styles to my lessons so that the
students would understand the lessons better.


By choosing this medium, I am able to include a lot of different

aspects like pictures, videos, text, and audio recordings. I think by
having this it creates both a visual and an auditory aspect to it. Like
I said before, I decided to create a video so that way I can I can
include pictures of the preschoolers that I taught because of the fact
that the COOP room was the place where this philosophy formed for


One of the concerns I have about using a video for my medium

is the way that I am going to include the text on the pictures. On
the iMovie app, it does not allow you to change the color of the font
which makes it a lot harder. The font for iMovie is a white color so if
I choose to use bright color pictures for my video, the text may not
show up very clear. Luckily, I have quite a few options to choose
from in order to overcome this challenge. To solve this, I can either
make sure I include only pictures where the font will show up
clearly, I can edit the text onto the picture using another app and
then put it into the iMovie, or I can choose to use a different app to
create the whole video.


1st picture: Many students struggle in school because of many

different reasons.

2nd picture: One of the main reasons is not because of the student,
but because of the way the teacher teaches.

3rd picture: About 30% of students indicate that they are bored in
class due to the lack of interaction with teachers.

4th picture: Only 46.7% of kids in grades 3-8 are proficient in English
and only 42.7% in math.

5th picture: Teachers need to incorporate all the different learning


6th picture: Instead of forcing children to adapt to the teachers style

of teaching, the teacher needs to adapt to the style that the students
learn best.

Audio: Over the past couple years, I have been blessed to be a part
of the teaching staff for the COOP program at my school. I have
learned so much from my past teachers about different ways to
teach the students. The COOP program focuses on creating hands
on lessons for the students that incorporate different learning
methods. Out of the two years that I was a part of COOP, I noticed a
huge difference in how quickly each of the preschoolers learned in
comparison to other preschools out there. During these past two
years is when I developed my teaching philosophy for wanting
students to be able to learn in the way that works best for them.

7th picture: Learning styles remind us that every child is different.

8th picture: Learning styles can make learning more enjoyable.

9th picture: And learning styles can expand teachers’ professional


Audio: In ten years from now, I would hope to see more resources
and technology out there to help teachers plan ways to incorporate

different learning styles in their lesson plans. One of the ways
technology can help this issue is by helping students and teachers
understand what learning style works best for them so that way they
can be able to learn better. I believe that this is a very important
issue in schools that needs to be changed in order to help students’

10th picture: By incorporating different learning styles in lessons,

students will be able to have more success in school.

Artist statement

In schools today, so many students are getting passed along

each grade without fully understanding the material that is being
taught. For some of the students, that is their own fault because
they are the ones who don’t try and don’t take the responsibility to
get their work done and to try to learn. However, often times, this is
not the case. Sometimes this is because the teacher isn’t teaching in
an effective way that is best for each of the students. Ten years
from now, I would hope that this issue in schools would be solved. I
think in order to do this, colleges need to teach future teachers
about the different learning styles and teach them different ways
that they can incorporate each learning style in the classroom. Ten
years from now, I would hope that every teacher would take the
time to learn about each of their students and how they learn best.
Even though this is a lot of extra work for teachers, I believe that it
is very beneficial to students’ success. Ten years from now, I would
hope that there would be enough resources and technology to help
teachers learn more about these different learning styles and how to
use them in the classroom. I would hope that ten years from now,
there would be even better resources for helping these students and
teachers figure out what type of learning method work best for

them. If this issue improves in the future, ten years from now
students will not be struggling in school as much as they are right
now. Students will not continue to get passed from grade to grade
without fully understanding the basic concepts that they learned
throughout the years. Not only will this benefit the students, it will
also benefit the teachers by allowing them to move on to new
lessons quicker because the students will then understand the
content quicker and be able to move on to the next thing at a faster

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