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THE WISDOM OF THE AGES Book 1 [I Fights Reserved, tocluting The Fight To Reproduce This Course Or Any Portion Thcot In Any Form 1953 ie tings, ow fs of ysiny ta reer Sect tc ae Soc ae Sethe poker soe uo coger opto: © lied i the A, Reprinted 2011 bs oe NATURAL SCIENCE SOCIETY Health Research Books 282 5. Bamby Stet P.O. Box 850. (ORLANDO, FLORIDA Pomeroy, Wa 99347 wor althesearcbooks com FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND OF THE PRESS ‘We believe In the inallenable and constitutional right of religious liberty, and freedom of speeeb and of the pres as a ‘cans of education and conveying God's message to our felow Iman, as is guaranteed by the frst amendment to the Const ‘on, tien reads: PRET, “Congress shalt make no law respecting on established re- Ligion, or prohibiting the free exercise theeaf: o7 abridging the ‘eedor of speech oF the press; or the right ofthe people peace- ‘biy to assemble, an to petition the government fore redress of ene tive ‘Supreme Court Justices of the State of Florida appeared to be in harmony with this amendment when they ebved n'a ence before ta “what le rely ivcned ny tompt to ovate ieee spoath of to shoke fe pss" Cone ‘ing Inthe decison with te others Judge Chapman rendeed a Sepacate opinion, in wick he sa to part “ithe erty end freedom ofthe pase wndar ow fundomentat tow i not conned fo meopepers and periodic, but embraces amphiels,leaies, and comprehends ecery publication which {iforas a shite of ttormation end opian. ‘The perpetty of Democracies hae at's foundation on informed, eaotad end Inteigentcilensy, An unenbeidied press catental fo oad potent acter im inirulie Sjormation and eduction of the Deol o a democracy an ol nformed people wl perpetuate ar contain tert” ot tater" Vo. 7, NB, Bat Quarter 19, Pa LOOK MAGAZINE, of February 26, 152, carried en iner- esting article iiled—THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BIBLE oy Hartzell Spence. Look Magazine stated that Spence checked te fats inthe acl with leading Uheologlans. A few sentences of the article are quoted below — STUDENTS OF THE SCRIPTURES SAY THE NEW ‘TESTAMENT WE READ TODAY MAY HAVE 60,000, ERRORS. study of the New Testament now In progress indicates ‘thet much of it—including portions We think of ae the very heart of the Bibie—wa inserted gr changed over the centuries ether ‘dlberately or by mistake, Evidence has been turned up that ‘questions some of the mos:-quoted statoments and happenings In the Seviptures. Not even the Lord's Prayer has been spated “he study is «20 year project In an atterapt to sete forall time the hundreds of discrepancies among various versions. St dents have questioned the accuracy of many Biblical passages for centuries, As early as 1720, an English euthority eetimated ‘that there were atleast 20,000 errors in the two editions af the ‘New Testament commoniy read by Protestants and Catholics Modern students say there are prob 80,00 errors ‘The modern theory of Testament inaccuracies is that ost or the damage was dane in tne firs 200 years of Chestanity. During that period when doctrine was being clare fis be eed thatthe early ehuren fazners "pointed up” certain passages ‘or emphasis and retouched others for clarity “Besides that n the 1800 years before the invention of print- Ing, existing manuscripts were copied end recopied by monks in Inundres of cols to keep pace withthe spread of Chrstlanity and the demand for Bibles. 1 is almost impossible to eopy witnout ror a work as long ab the Now Testement, ‘cn this century, many new discoveries of ancient texts have been made, and the prinsipal coneemn of the scholars en gaged in the present rosearen project Haat after they complete {heir twenty years of wos, some hitherto uniasovered cache may come to ight wnd seveai stil further discrepancies." CONTENTS INTRODUCTION LEESON 1 Trmertalty ‘Man Dies to Live New Diseoteries ‘Wisdom Goa Science Uhnclent Records Discovered ‘Ancient Sls Not Understood LESSON 2 ‘Ancient Civilizations E Degenerate Descendants of Cultured Race ‘Rnowledge Preserved in Seret Places LESSON 3 ‘Antiqulyof fan ‘Amazing Ancient Records LESSOX 4 ancient Americans Marvelous Achievement ‘Wonderful Sis of Ancient Americans Greater Than the Pyramid Mighty Capital of Tlanuanaco Most Fascinating Mystery dan Uncanny AbiLiy of the Incas = LESSON 6 umn Progress acts of Human History| LBSSON 7 ‘Sunken Continents Basie Prineples of Religion Teenibie Forge of Destruction Bridence of lence and Religion ‘Gigantic Pyramid Found by Fliers QuEsTIONs INTRODUCTION With the “suiting of the Atom there dawned a new era that brought the doom of Materialism and Evotationism. "The theory of Materialism was shattered by he discovery that Matter, a5 such, has no actual existence “Everything in the Universe is composed of invisible gases in various states of eandensation and erystalization, just as the Ancient Masters declared; and these gases they termed “The Breath of tile" ‘Tne Raseneo of the Universe le sn the Infinite Air 4m tema movement whieh containe ALL in itself Byerything is formed by integration and disintegration of the AUR under the Law of Expansion and Centrac ton."Anaxmenes, ‘The Inve gases oft ar are the foundation of cvarything known to man, This fact leases the theories of inductive science sn physical seienee stranded on the barn rock of empty specs Ison. "These theories Rad never been bora ad the fatners of Inodeen theciogy not destroyed the Sacred Science and Palloe ‘phy the Ancient Master. ‘That wanton work of destruction, to destroy the Wisdom of tne Ages and enslave the Masses, was so well carried out hat ‘enbishop Chrysostom, in the middle of the Sth eentary AD, Tasted “very trace of the old philosophy and Lteratute of anclent world has vanihed from fhe face ofthe earth” —(aibte Myibs, Doane, P38) Why was ls elon phileeophy and Strate daetoyed? That 2 “hop tere lang sonetaieg fom the masse, but tom spared in The ‘eo he preparation of which hon requed mere than fy year a ‘THE ROSETTA STONE Ccnryeostom's boast remained practically true for more than fourteen handed yeas, all though that long reign of darkness whieh theology terms The "Mldae Age.” 131s a law that nothing whieh has been can ever be eom Dietely destroyed and annihilated. Even the mammary glands Diethe original Androgyne stl emai on the breast of modem ‘nan as evidence of his degeneration and his high origin, ‘The tight that was to teveal the skslton in the thelogical closet sind show fhe way to "the old pRlasophy and Uterature of fhe ancient world” began suddenly to dawn in 1796, when [Napoleoa's army, digging izonehes in Egypt, chanced to unearth tune now famous Rosella Stone from Ue soil of the Nile delta, whore it had been deepiy buried im the 4th century AD. by Constantine's army of destruction ‘But for the discovery of Uhat ancient stone, Chrysostom’s boast might have continued true and correct for many centuries "men followed the marvelous work of Champoltion 2 de- ciphering the exppic hierogiyphics engraved in that rock, ‘THE ANCIENT VOICE CChampotion’s decipherment released the Ancient Voice whieh Chryaostous ed boasted and believed was forerersllenced ‘uch a staring story 0 told. The word was amazed and modern theology was shocked, The ory showed thatthe Masters Gr antiquity were nat superstitious heathens and idolstrous bar- barlane, BU aclentits of the frst water ‘Every concelvable effort has been made by theclogy to rush and dass everytning that story tells But now that Anclent oiee, whieh despots and bigots tied so hard to silence and [Supotee, speaks again in this work fom te dim and distant past, with all te mighty power and proficiency. MAN AND HIS REGENERATION ‘The sory shows tht Men and he Reganeraton i the bay to the Bible {hows that oe Anclnt Maxtrs tug that Ma ts etena, Record [Egle thelr dating he tren’ x merely a nae cppled fo Cod Split nthe och on tho pace pene "They held that man appeats on eats asthe inearnated God spin Some trace of this doctrine sil appear in the Bible. Tt ‘was not al destroyed “Know ye not that your body s the temple of God Spirit, wich fein you, whieh 8 you?” God Spirit that dweteth Tn you does the work. ‘You have no power to do any. thing of yourset” (Jn, 4:24; 6:69; 1410; 1 Cor. 3:16: 619) ‘Language could not be plainer nor more explicit. Most men are so completely deceived that they cannot comprehend these piste propositions "Tuey are taught to look for a God in the Aistant sky. ‘Tae Bible not only explains what mani, but destoys th dogma of the Vicarious Atonement and clearly man aoe the lel showe tr ih “hats the doctrine contained in “the od pinophy and literature of the ancient world” which the founders of “ecb ‘in the 4th century tried so hard to destzoy. oo Lesson 1. IMMORTALITY. 1 aman di, shall he live again. (Job 14:14) ‘Your heart (soul) shall lve forever. T shall not die, but tive, (Pe 22:26; 118:17) ‘Man iongs fr eternal life. He has spent billions upon billions cof dollars to cover the earth with tampies and eturehes In whlch ‘he sucks to learn the mystery of Life. Th these places of worship, man has had rilons of sermons srouted at him to have faith, “He has read books on why he shoud have faith, al of them tried ta argue nim into a beet im Tmmortanty. But not preacher nor an author cited any [FAW to support thelr arguments. ‘if immortality Je-a tac, It must be the work of Universal ‘aw; for everything, every condition, every anton, are subject Ts written — “Bahold, 1 show you a mystery; we shall not sleep (in doetn) but We anal all be CH4xYGED to (im mortality) ina moment, (n the twinkling of an eye." (1 Cor. 15:51,52) ‘Tat “mystery” ie the work of the Universal LAW OF ELICITY, "st as the setion of that law changes invisbie "spor to srater, and water back to vapor, go ehanges man fama Mortaty to Temortaty ‘Know the LAW and the “mystery” is solved, Man Dies to Live According tothe Bible, Ma lives to di, and des to liv. ‘That (seed) whien thou sowest is not gulekened, except it fs, (1 Cor 15:36) IBxcept a man be bor again (in the process termed death) tne cannot see the Kingdom of God. (28. 3:3) Por our light aietion (death), which 8 But for moment, wosketh for tsa far mare sxceading and etsnal weight ff glory (eternal lle). (2 Cor. 4:17) ‘For weknow thet when our eartniy house (body) is dtslved (in death), we have 2 building of God, a (slrtual) house not made with bends eternal inthe neavens. (2 Cor $1) "Then Death is swallowed up in Wetory. O death, where ts ly ating? grave, where is thy victory? (fsa. 2:8, 1 Cor, 15:56, 35) Universal proceses move in cycles; and Man is no exception to that law. He could not be morta, he could not exist on the Visible plane, wore he nol Immortal and Eternal. For eometning never comes from nothing ‘Man is born irom Immortality into Mortality by the univer. sal process termed birth; and in the mysterious process termed death, he is reborn into Immortality ‘Man must shed the mortal by physieal dissolution in order to show the Immortal in Spiritual Restitution. Recent aimoveres sow that the Natural scence of the Anclont Masters ielided mpi elenee, mental selene ana Dipset stence, "The Spiritual Word, termed the Kingdom of God, t= the seaim of the Fourth Dimension. Tt the unditerentated, Un. Smered,uedormes universal or nile Word ‘The Vise (Papel) World is the rem of the Third Dimension iia the conaitoned, Difrentites, formed, thd: vidualze, numbered, or Vise Word ‘Wnen Materiel Forms dintograt, tele substance ig not sannifated,redueed to nothing. 1 sl exss fn tbe spitas, Primordial or lectonlel state "Vinble Bitter ie sompeste of slaile electrons, which are oes oe composed of spel substance. Phys! scence terms them the bung Docks of the Universe and also of fe human a : "New discoveries make it imperative to re-write the literature of physical scence, as Ite now chalet, ‘The bai dogras of ‘odem theslogy ahist bs revamped, ae they are mown 10 B2 “Te ltestcucoverias prove the doctrine of the Ancient Mast rs, that "Alls Ose and One is Al” And tat ALL se the $0. ‘sb spiitual,eteroal Bence which we may term God, and but of which the Universe and al hinge are ade Stern theslogy mut fora ts Sake dctines, and hy ‘cul steve must repudiate ts theory, oat "Als pyc etter fin mechanical emery: Wisdom “rhe greatest tt that ean be bestowed upon Man i Mantiod, I s that which the Mysteries are ordained of God to bestow on ie votatlen Not sectarianiam and religious dogme; nota rudimental max- tauty that may appear in the writings of Confucius, Zoruaster, ‘Seneca, andthe Rabb n the Proverbs, Pealma, and Eecletastes, rot a tie cheap schoo: knowledge — but that Manhcod of Si- nee and Paioeoph. Seimce and Philosophy are not in opposition to Religion, Philosphy is that knowledge of God and the Soul whieh 1s de. Fived ftom observation and study of the manifested action ‘of God and the soul and frum a wise and iogieal analogy. PBlsopiy 's the intelectual guide that religions sentiment nets, "The true religious philosophy of being is not a eystem o ‘reed but as Socrates thought an infinite earch of appre. ton. Philosophy is teat inilisetual and moral progres wick ‘he religious sentiment inspires and ennobles Selénee could not walk alone Welle religion was stationary 1 consists of those matured Inferences from: experience that other experience conti. Tt ecogniees and unites all thats truly valuable in both tae old schemes of mediation, — one boro, or the system of ation and effort; and the mayetical theory of spiritual, contemptative communion, “Listen to me," says Galen, "at tate voce of the Eleusinian Uicropban, and beieve thatthe study of Nature i a mystery no less important than thers, nor less adapted to dlapay the wisiom, and power of the Great Creator. Their leone and demnonsta- tons are obseure, but ours are cleat an certain” God Science ‘There 1s no true seience but Got or Natural Science, Tt ould be termed God Science, for the visible, natural world fe G's work and proot of his existence, ‘The God Selence ot the Universe, revetied directly by God's ‘ork, wes brought tothe New World after the Food by she Ante. itavian Masters before the Cradle of an was swallowed up by ‘This Sclence was esablished asthe result ofthe long etforts the Masters to solve the seer "If a man dic, shall he ve gen” ‘The determination of senolars ta cive the secret of Man't ‘xistence and that of a Future life, evelved the greatest school Df seientife wisdom that the world hae ever knows ‘That schoo! left no record accessible tothe pubic; but those records nave not been lst, though oceans tow cover the land where they were mae, CConturies have rolled Into eyes, yet that precious know ledge has been preserved and pasted on through the ages. The ancient schoo! of God Science may have been destroyed on the Surface, Dut It has never disbanded ‘Por neatly seventeen hundred years, the Ancient wisdom has boon own t0 only a few in those paris of the world ruled by omanism. Ta the fourth century A. D. a vigorous attempt was begun to destroy it utterly; and these who attempted to salvage snd revive it, were tortured and exterminate. Ancient Records Discov 1m the cary part of the 10th century a great floed of light began to illuminate the world. Tt streamed from the marvelous discoveries of archeologists, who excavated tablets of clay and Stone buried deep beneath ruined cites of the Ancient World, "These ancient records show Uhak the continent of Atlante sank in the Atlantic, giving that ocean its name, while the ean- ‘nent of Mu, or Lemuria, sank under the blue waters of the Paoite Ooeas "These vanished continents carried down in the deep, the secorets of an exalted iveaion that we are beginning to dls Cover. The archenlgists are deciphering the inscriptions on the flay tablets and stone monuments, and are able t0 reconstruct Some of the scriptures, history, and location of these lost lands ‘all races have legends of the tand that was once thet home, ‘the land that was destroyed by a ed. ‘There are inscriptions on these discovered clay and stone tsbite to the effect dua the Antedlovian Masters carried Thelt Selenee and Pailoophy ta varous colonies in Foreign lands over ‘T0000 years ago. "Phi may szow approximately when the Biblical ‘ood oncurred. "Reoent excuvation® in the Gobl Desert reveal the remains of estroyed cities of an ancient civilization that flourished over ‘T9900 years ago, and the inscriptions on the stone and elay tab- lets show that wise men existed en earth before the food, anc that they were Zar advanced in art architecture, astronomy, physics, mathematics und philosophy "The translations ofthese insertions show where some parts of the Roman Bible originated, as some ofits pastages have the identical wording found in these Inscriptions; and, as eorobora- tive evidencr fragments of the ancient terpturts of Lemuria we been discovered in some of the old monasteries in the Himalaya Mountains, where they have been preserved and pro tected through al these many centuries, ‘The evidence shows that the countries now existing were lonieed by people trom the sunken continents who did wot Deri in the Billa feed. Ancient Skills Not Understood ‘Ine ancient Pyramids of Bgypt, Ava, Mexto, South Amerie, and other regions, real bulls fem a common patter, aid force used tn erecting them vas the combination of nod ad Adjusted Insiames's all pitched to a certain key or tone, Sod the concentrated eats power projected by the will of the sted enancrs Ini work, "Conquest of Peru Presot is fie with aton- ‘niment when he considers that the enormous tt af stove Socks ome fem 2 fn ng 8 et boa, and 1 fet hss were hewn fom quaves fifteen leagues sian, teapot ‘eros deep ravines and rver, and elevated with precise neeartey to predetersined postionswithout any indaton of te ue ot Machinery (Penge of Avanti PST) Tiere i evidence ofthe existence Of than tn Amerie, so fat tack in the pat that we can find othr peli tree ohm et posta a knowedge ofthe art ad eclances of gestation snd eitation, so superior to Our own, that we canst deere int demonstrate how he eid hi work, how he costrtad his {eat temples and pyramids, st sanding btoe our ttonened Seton proto hs wor an ae “We cannot deny the evidence tat the ancient erchiect and engineers understood so Well the Lavi8 OP NATURE, thet tos ‘fag tone were quate, mone, and place! oy the aypsaion Shee Laws, Mastie backs of stone wee easly Peso ane Imai place as though they were sta “his knowledge ep oto the fet tents so we wi beleve in the grata of moter sence, in the tery f Baton, Lesson 2. ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS. ‘rhe year 4004 B. Cs the earliest date that appears in the oman Bible, ‘Foc over thousand years, sflor Romanism was established by Constantine ln $99 A. D. ft meant fortaro and death for him {Tho dared to question publly anything or any date contained 1b that book "Hy the 17th century A. D,, it became somewnst safer for ‘men in Butope to express the thoughts and opinions, and speet- {ation on fhe origin and age of man became an teresting toc ‘Then te theory of Bvoluion was Snvented to eolve the mystery. “Pe history of than is mie longer than Is usually supposed, ‘The general views of tex-books and popular “oulins of history.” Sehick contain a short historical period and a more or less dark ge before that, are now elscredited Uy late eacoveries, Dtodean historical seienoe st Beginning co regard the “pre- histone” pened and the “stone age” much dtterenty from that in whieh thane things wore viewed fifly years ago. "ye can no longer consider tne “prohistori” period as one of barbarism, as tae been taught. For against his view there “posts the shady of semaine of prohistrleealfures, memrait Grancient art and literature, the iudy of religious customs and es of very ancient paope, the comparative study of regions, {ind particulary the tc 6! langue, tha isthe data of com parative piilology, which shows the astonishing peychologicel ehness of the ancient language, Degenerate Descendants of Cultered Race 1 ppt ote fnmer se, thee iw a an tuwores te possi of arent pretisortecizations The Stone age” ome tbe consered ich more probablity nok wefeios of he begning of tan, But of fe deci of re ‘Holy existing eelztins “The people whom var culte hes dlcoveed ins savage or semiaage sais, age the degenerate descendants of mare cul- {Shu eaoee This tt neteting foc lo pusea ver in sUE000 tle relents an evolutionist, and Kept out uf text-book. Wot Savage race hwn, no ole surage nr sumbsarage so fart four ele, has shown In a vespeck whatever so progres or even. On he santary in every cA Without exception, signa of degeneration have invariably been fohwrved And She evidence shows thar tis degeneration has been in process for centuries before contact with our culture, ‘Il savage of sem-savege people have traditions of Golden ‘age oF of @ stone period; and these traditions speek of thei On past, of thelr own anclent eivitzatlons ‘The languages of all ptople contain words and ideas tor Which there is row no place i actual life. "The evidence shows that all people previously had higher forms of religion ‘The same fact explains the superiority of the palelithic, that Js the move ancient drawings found in raves, ta the neolthi, ot tie more recent drewings. This fact is also piss over Sn silence bythe ego and evolutions, an Hep eu of text Ones ‘Many elviizationt, unknown to oUt historia sclance, nave ssmeeeded one another on earth, and the evidence shows that Some of these veached Tar higher point then our elillzation— fot i the work of murder and slaughter, ut In human sence hn destiny, in payehology and speiiusiy. This is another fact that St aso kept out of text-book (Of many of these ancient civilizations, no visible traces re- ‘main, But the attainments of the science and art ofthese remote Periods have never been utter lost, even though ignored in our {ay ana time. Knowledge Preserved in Secret Places knowlege is alys a danger to eepot_So the Rnowdce nitinol hes cen presered ser paver io centr ty rom ag toa, tod handed ow fee one secret ceo deetitte to antner-~ Bt alway eaefly guarded to potest 1SStom fe dsr hand of demote. Tete soe entenens nf Rani inthe A> Contry Ap, the school ofthe Ane terns wee he guaréans of the lcintKowiecge, it wes prvced by ther Sana none ince’ person 0 wo ttle and atre Rand wns handed do trem eecer to Del wn ed preity under ones prinnged ane itficatprepse.n “ater halfa century of nts say and reerch in thi ptian fl, Sis aster har somped tha ese of sly intr fo rote and to rest to preity the tit A nage of fi cts fib, ought an acre the ‘it ef ance Wisdom Lesson 3. ANTIQUITY OF MAN. ‘Modern sclenco has come to beleve that the earth 1s from ‘gee ofr billion year ol, Thus pushing back for three toueand tllicn years the biblical date of 4004 B.C. ‘The pres of February 1h, 1949, states that the fossized bones have been discovered of @ dinosaur that roamed the New Seneay coastal aren sixty alin youve ago, according 10 an ar ouneement ef the Phiadelphia Academy of Natural Slence. "The bones were found some two flles trom Haddonfield, Nd and wore those ofa M0 (eet long hadrasaurus, a plant= ating diposeur that ived at the end of the age of repes Tr W.C- Pel, tseareh fellow of the Chinese National Geo- topical Survey, unsarthed "The Peking Man's remains near Pel ‘Die in 1029," and this ciavovery pushes back man’s appesrance Sneath fifty milion yeare, aeording to slence “Pe. agcvding tote peas of ly 300, 108, sad "We know tat there was a dawning of human life in China 60 milion years age the Peking Man proves tnat. But our knowledge s scanty tf wnat happened since at time and the Christan Be.” TE now claimed, wen auch claims no longer jeopardize the ite of him who makes thera, tnat Stone Implements have been found in the sstovene fortations 8,000,000 yeers 820. ‘ach stronger cline aiow that Stone Implements have bean found tn the Lower Ploeene tims, 6000000 years sf "The Foss Mat. of Java, in the upper Puocene times, is proot of man's existence on eur 200,000 years ago, ‘ore surprising may be the fact thal, no matter now far ‘ack ine archeologleal Investigations go, high states ot eiviiza- Wor are found, each ving an elaborate cumerieal aystem — 4. Where only the mest przitive conditions should be ‘expected according to moder selence. 12 Wheve oniy the woost of cavages and barbarians ould have lived according to Romani. ‘the remains of primitive people, ape-man, caveman, stone agesman and other degenerate remnants of early aces, are 10 Tore ofan index tothe stages of development to when marking fir whole had reached in those distant days, than the present ‘Bosnroen of Ausbalia are an index Yo the height to whieh modern comiztion tas reached Primitive conditions are stil found existing side by ede wish the most advanced; and tne Great Pyramid of Egypt sad been ‘ut by world-renowned engineers, mathematicians snd mechan: ies for thousands of yours befre Columbus dseovered the New World inhabited by naked Indians. ‘The almost incalelabie antiquity of elaborate astronomica! sd pumeriealayatome ie euilently Sngieated to sustain the ecu teachings, by the fllowing quetations “Diogonss Lacrtuls carted back the astronomical cal culations of tne Yeyptlans to 48865 years befare Alex: lander Tho Great. -Martianus Capella eorroborates this by stating that the Bgyptians had secreliy studied as- tronomy for afer 40.000 ears before they ovr gave thair Knowledge to the worl Simplicimus, ft the 6th cen- iMag AD, stated that the Ryplians hd kept asiron. mica obgesvations ad record for 630,000 oars” Puny, tne Bier, mite: “Bpigenes states shat the Babylon- lans ave a aerleg of observations on Une stars for pened oF 725,000 years, Ingered on bake ries, Berosus and Celtoger, no make the period the shortest, give it ax 480,000 years. Prom this statement) It would appear that leters have been in se fromall eter.” (Wall P36) ‘Tae Poeress Atlas says, "The sacred scriptures ofthe Hindus lgve their anciont history an Ineredible chronclogy extending ack aver amlion yeas.” (P49) Amazing Ancient Records ‘Asa typical exampio of how ancient ravers have teen dt. lortod ana destroyed to support tne cams of Romani that Ifo the advent of ie tliglows system, the world wae inhabited es, Heathens ad olsters, we shal ct the case of on iterally flea withthe remains of ancient ci ‘raion, wilh inscriptions on stone monuments extending back or 200,600 years ‘When the oman missiongries saw with estonishment the remains ofthese magnificent temples they wrote, in Use story that Romanism has permiited 10 reach Us, that these temples od oem bt aBON 50 years, Tedemands a constant course of faud to support system ‘ounded on fraud, "The Roman Bishop, Landa, who ascompanied the Spanish soldiers inthe 18t century, got'in his destrictive work by burm- ‘ng thousands of ansiont books an 27 laege manuscripts on parchment, found in the run of dese very ancient temples of Yucatan. He also destroyed over 5000 statues and 197 beautiful ‘uses, He followed the regular Roman course of destroying the bridence that revealed Uhe existence of high eivlzations more ‘han 200,000 years before Constantine invented Romanist. ‘Cogaliat, im his "Historia de Yueetan,” wrote "The Spanish cimonieles (xtiten by Roraris) do not give one reliable word boat the manners and customs of the builders of the grand fantigue edifices that wete objects of admiration to them, as they fre now to modern travelers” (Bk. 42.177) Lesson 4. ANCIENT AMERICANS, Anyone who dared suggest fifty years ego, that ran inhab ied the New World before fe Glacial Perio, or that he oad tur plains, mountains snd forest tenor twenty thousand eats ‘up, woud have been considered fo. ‘Today there is proot that man not only dwelt inthe Xew Wostd during the Pestocene perio, previous to t2e lacs, but that this mah was the equal in sk and intelligence, sf not the superior, of met inthe OM! World atthe same tie, ‘various rooms in this eountey, man arate pave can found acted withthe skeletons of kone Pleistanene period animals ‘Among these animals were mastedons, camels, elephants, ores Under the fsss were fund fly made nt arrow heads aod speat-eods and oer artifacts sb placed that here can be 80 doubt that they were deposited bore the ong dead ‘nia round their graves inthe gravel. In Colorado, Oklahom, ‘New Mexico and Texas the flint weapons belg mia tbe skele: tons whe ahers were embedded fn the Sone ‘these foes mammals are typical of the frst Giacia or Attontan stage ofthe Peston period, timated to have been tore thar fie hundred thousand Years ogo he men who made the stone weapons used in king thew beat, mst Rave hon ‘etl along-an the read to culture long before the famed Cro- Magnon and Neanderthal man of Burope teamed to male 8 Weld stone hammer “The weight of authority now hes tat oir traces of mars existence on eth are found in America than in Europe, and {hat man went so Europe from Americ, ‘so, In the attainments of these arcont Armeriean rcs appears very sirong erence agaist any theory of igri ‘tom any present existent lands "These people came from land {nat now formes thebottor sf fhe esa ‘Among these atisinmenta are the Temarkable written ab sage of the Mayes, the architecture of the pre-Inea, the cra: tis of the Naseas, the cure of the Chimus andthe calendar Of the Toles, who are suid to have been a race of Inne, white peopl, nue tere from the Indians now inhabiting Mexico, ‘Nowhete in ali the present existent ands was there anging vemotely resembling many ofthese sitlnmonte; and range Sil and even more explicable, i the fat that many of these peur to have sprung into 0! blonm overnight, so to spenk Teappeare as though some super genius had invented or evolved san Mea and perfected itn a cy So far a5 is known, there are no remains of preliminary sagen of bogannings to show a gradual evolution or development, hor any evidence fo lead one to presume that she results were ‘the culmination of slow progeessWirough many centuries. Hence, the invention and development of these things must Nave occur” fed ina ln that dose ot now exist Marvelous Achievement ‘The Mayon writing is ane of the most marvelous achieve. sents of any race, ad keown ony In I mast highly perfected foram. Yer #t mast necessary have Toqulved thowsands of years {oxlts development. ‘But thas no counterpart, nothing remotely resembling Inthe whole Woe. ‘The axtee calendar Is ater example of marvelous achieve- sent, ‘The Cyelopesn arebtectre of the Andean highlands tn fo way revembles that of any otber knows land ar race, a 0 fav oe we know, there ino intermediate type of architecture ‘etmeen these prefocan and the latter Ineam Tors. ‘Nowhere else on earth are there such structures as those st Tiahcanaco in Bolivia far up on the Andean eights, nearly ‘sion ousund ‘eet above the sea; and nowhere are there any remains sdowing an archale ce primitive type of sueh work "Phete are hundreds of snr evampe of the aame sort o¢atiasing feats and highly perfeclet mathematica, astranom- teat ana selenite attainment thet seem to nave uo beginning, Dut which, judging by what we know, appear to have beon trans blunted, fly deveiped, from some distant region. No one has ber been able to tind deinitely the region whence they exe rope had anything simi to thls, the bari could not ‘noid the books with whieh srlentists would tlood the country Bot what does the world Have on this? Physics) scleneo sirives fovconceat it Yo make Istf appear great, and Homanism fears it tsuuse entigntemment is always dangerous to orgenined fraud ‘The Atte calendar atone recorded the dectruction of the orth hy grest food, and peeviouly by ne, ‘Tae Mformetion ‘s carefully Rept out of text-book. Wonderful Skills of Ancient Americans ‘The story of Genesis, as stcorded in the Roman sible, dates ‘wok to very remote antiquity: and very probably before it was carded on stone, clay Ulele of In Say other form, it bad been [heed down by Word of ith for numerous centuries ‘No such accurate astronomical calesations were made by ‘any other people of thelr times at by toe Mayas and Axes, No ote people invented gush & remarkaie form of weting vs the Mayas. ‘No other race, not even the people af modem times, ever evied such walls end bullangs as those of the preIncan races, 1No other race ever carried out such Cyclopean works of such stupendous feats of stane-cutting, as the akanacans. "No other race ever wove, by hand or machine, textes equal to thate produced by the ancient Paruvians ‘And the famed Roman roads and agueducts seem searcely wore than ehils play compared tothe marvelous highways and nee engineeting fats of tee Ineens PPernaps the greatest of all mysterie are how the ancient irlzed races of America performed ier amazing feats and ‘ccompllshed such getanlching works in metalt and the hardest ow they eshionsd poss, no Larger them the head oa pi, Now they cat, paisnes, perforated and carves taper, amet, ‘arnet, agate, crystal, snd other precios tones, How they worked friable obsidian into thin poahed rings, ow they executed the most beautifal and complex sculptures Inthe most releactory st rocks How they moved blocks of stone, weighing upwards of two Inundcod tons, for miles across country and aed them in hie builings.| "How they wove textiles far finer than i Ss posible on any modern oot, ow they cut tong tunnels through mountains. How they luvented the worlds most romarkabie mumereal system, How thay evolved a marvelous writen language And tow they per- formed countess other feats whih, with th mown tole, imple ments and devles they had et hand, might almost seem fo ever ofthe supematural ‘The bayas potiessed a remarkable glyphed or written lan- age in whieh cartan evans wore recorded, Carved on & stone ‘emple in Tel they lett = date 12089 years ag, ‘The Aztecs used a very complete artangement of symbols for dates and other reeerde; and they had pictographie codices Inst recorded their migrations in thelr past. But with their visual fanatical zea, the Roman priests destroyed everything of su emghtening and educational character that they E0016 lay thelr hands on, and among other things they destroyed were rast of those codes any ofthe prise eiviations of the Ametieas sumostinemeeiabie age, Sone of them rast go back fly fit thousand yeu Ang, strange toe, al sbow etn infec, {ney'Suy, a tal had oninated fom a commen noeleus. No ony id thes anclent races ence he most amazing scapes in the hardest of tone, bat ey itt a degree thal outa a et task Yor x sioder reenane equipped With The inst tons of see, an ey appazeniy cid wih ese ad api re are single Hacks of stone weighing many ton, ifeen foot meng tener width, and be fet tisk, eaborely {Stiptured ed formed into onoltue gateways, with portals fat tn material acaracy through the ret mass of sone “There ae immense dings, tarples, pyramids and under. round charers of eonework, eer suse tcf the sian {Epics completely covered tn deeply cuneate carvings. ‘Tere ave tone Sols sets, images, and monument ora rented wih carvedfrewook inthe tnt ample eis nd human ond other gases carved from transparent quarts, ‘Shee table olan and even gen-iones, so bewubuly cut and Posshed thas ey wotid bea ere t0 any modern lapiary ovking with diamond dust. Greater Than the Pyramid 1.0, Wells says that the construction of the Grest Pyramid or Gian must have exhausted Egypt more than a great wac. Yet here are stone eonsirietions in Arcerica that exceed. this pyramid, and it stems Shab centuries must have been required {transport hundeeds of mosallths, often weighing many tons, ‘orm distant quarry tote temples, ‘The eolnns in themselves are astonishing object Many cof thor are fifteen to Sent fet in length fom sixteen to thirty ‘ches squate, eut an tooled fo rectangular, octagonal, pentag- tl eylndesent oy eliteal form, ad sometimes covered wit ‘Symbol sculptures and glyph that appear to be characters wit ‘Some unienown meaning. "Far up on Une Adean heights, neaziy three miles abore sta level ate the remains of the oldest and most mysterious elty ‘he Wester Hemisphere Mighty Copitel of Tiohuonaco tere ace the ruins of Tiuanaco, once the mighty capital ca highly eile people whase origin, history and decline are Utnslved mysteries, whose feats of engineering stil seem almost superhuman, whose seuptures kave no counterpart in the entice ‘nord, and who fad vanished from the earth many centuries bofoe the fal of Rome. ‘Although Tabuanaco has been at the mercy ofthe elements snd earthguskes for thousands of years, mich stl exists of the Drebistarie ety, it immense temples, it stupendous balaings tnd its arsazing monoliths. ‘howe portions of the clty that have defied time and man. ‘rough the long ages, are the portions that speaX most eloquent. ly of the high etilation and incredible feats of the vanes ‘ace that dvelt and worshipped there ‘Deypte the rin and wanton destruction of man that heve courted at Tlahuanaeo, the most remarkable feature of the ‘empl stit stands almost Intast—tne socalled Gateway to the Sun; which stands at the western end oft terace ‘This monolithic portal is the largee! known example of stonecutting on earth Tt is eut fom a single massive block of deste, thirteen fet five Snches in length, seven fee two inches letelght, eighteen inches in thickness, with square doorway four fet and a hat by three eet im sie, cut through It center ‘The westem surface of the upper portal forming the lintel Iscut ima series of iow bas-relos of plain geometrical form, and with four doop niches that were probably designed to hold small Iinages, mae of gold or ser, perhaps. "The tel on the eastern ‘ace ie completly covered! with beautify seutpiured symbolic figures in baste, and as to vleop niches, on each ide of the doorway. "The soulptarea symbols of figures are arranged in a series 5 equa-szed squares surrounding a representation of & seit, ‘upposedly the Sun God. In elther hand the semaiuman dure beats seremontat safe, ana the rays about the head terminate ‘rominiatue jaguar heads. Flanking thls central figure are the forty-eight squares, twenty-four on eaeh side, arranged in three yous of eight figures "ach, All these face the sim God as though running texas, ind ah carves small Sepler ‘The upper and lover rows are seminuman figures with wings and crowns anc are identical in all respects. The figures the central row ate repetiions of the others, aide from the Toot that thay have conace needs, ‘Below ll these there is a line of ssteen carvings consisting of twelve human heads i le elie, tanked by teo condor heads ‘According to the aRolent Peruvian mythology. giant cndogod carl the sun aerags the heavens each day; and he soften represented batting with a jaguar, the god of datknest for night, thus eymbolieally sepresonting the eternal conflict be- ‘ween night and day—a scene very similar to parts of « drama fot the Sgyptian Mystere, Tn all probaly the seulptures upon this Gateway to the Sun represent the Bupreme Deity Woh the various laser delties ‘paying him homage, ‘Although this elaborate ajmbolic carving Is mast inleresting, 18 4 by no means so remarkable 2s the ormamenta} design and riches an the opposite sie ofthe huge block of cut stane. ‘So accurately and periectly are thes ext, 5 goometrlaity and mathomatialy tre, that st impassible 1 detect an error fren by the aso of calipers, rllimeter rule and a draftsman's| Tehangie. ‘ihe same i trie of the doorway itself end of all the Insiuimerable geometrical seuiptures there ow any human belnge could have cut this hard andesite rock fo mush perfect angles, with such trae sharp edges, and often tow depth ot shor east snches from the surface unless they pos- esued steel tools aNd most accurate mathematical Instruments, Is pernaps the greatant mystery of the ruins. ‘Beerywhtse, throughout the Andean region, along tho coast, and for thousatde of miles notth wd south, ee remains of Pre- htore eultares showing unmistakable proote of Tlahuancan Influenee. ad always these are in the most ancient or lowest Strata, tas proving thot the Plahuanaco cilzstion was beyond | (question the most ancient exllagtion am South America and Tec in Uhe Western Hemisphere. 1 ie folly even to gues atthe date when this city was in its ory. Ht must have amtodales tho so-called Christian era by {any centuries, Tt mist have required hundreds of years 0 1 ‘out and construct the city and its stupendous edifices, and the ‘vuization must have been ouelshing fr agoebofre it attained {sr eulmination a Tiahuanaee, "To develop sich an advanced and farttaching sftsization rust have redulted an almost immeasurable Hime, and unless the Tishuanaco eivization was brought, tuliy develope, trom Some unkown distant region, the highlands about this ero must have been inhabited by siied human belngs long before the Uitleal Mages ever enw the ligt of day. ‘The Tiahuanacans let nothing but their ruins, hele utensils tnd thelr language. Tt i2 even doubtful whether they eft any ‘human remoibe 10 in oiring the mystery of tel deny. ‘Many skelstong ond skulls have boon found in and about the rolns ofthe city, but itis questionable whether any of these are those ofthe bulders of the ety. ‘Many are unquestionably those of the much later Incan in- habitants of te region. Others aze of people who, as proven by the inferior character of tho potlery and arifaciesssclated with ‘hem, were not of the highly eiviized Tishuanaco people, ‘Most Fascinating Mystery Until some epochal discovery is made, Tishusnaco will ro. vain the most fascinating mystery of ll ihe prehistoric Amer. Iran ete ‘in Pert and Bolivia there are immense monuments and Images of certain kind of stone that te mot found within bane ica of mies of tee predent sites, the nearest depant of Sie tock belng more than a thousand mile away. (Oe suck manallth Is Sayounin ot La Pledra Canada near ‘ouantay. This immense stone, known as the Abandos Mono Tin, measures neapiy seventeen fet in length, ten feet Im wets so! three feet in thlekes, ‘The largest stone image rocarded was that of the Wi uaman, which was over ftty feet in langth and twelve fet a lameter. “This was destroyed by Roman priests, and Ht Ib re forded hat, in order to rodaee it ta rubles roqured teirty men working steadily for three days. "Ewe shail believe the statements and writings of the Span lords who invaded the Americas, many of the men they found Imssessed certain powers which aze inexplicable ‘An Uncanny Ability of the Incens According to innumerable historians, a5 well as Incan tra- tions, the Incen vaces hed an tmncanny and acemingly cue habural abity for conveying and veceving accurate Information vor long distances According to apparently unvarnished acecunts, ib was as once ns wayne wien tlograpiy or mental llepathy ‘An Incan could and often did know exactly how many men ‘or horses were approaching long Before they could be seen or Nard He could fell where or in what direction {endo foe was traveling; and’ he eould perform many more equally rays Teviou feats Beerywhere, throughout Teuador, Pers, Bolivia, and over Ine porders in Braait and Chile, are scattered the ruins and re rains of elvilzed people of whom nothing definitely is known, Over an area of more than a millon aguare miles there i scarcely a square mile that does not contaln evidences of once having been inbablted by races who had reached a igh state of fulture, and many of whom performed almost incredible feats engineering. ‘Bresywhere among the Andcan ranges and upon the deserts fare the ruin of temples, palaces, great cites, immense walls Iastive forreses, and hundreds of thousands of graves and tombs eontanng millon of sums ‘Por a distance of more than a thousand miles north and south, there isan almost endless cain of eemotaries and burile ‘pounds extending inland to beyond the Andes. Tn many of these the number of dead interred is almost beyond belle. "Te earth Is erally tle with the dead, and there must be Dpundrede of milions of mummies within tho area. These of foutse represent the sccumblaton of dead bodies over & period of min thousands of years ‘Nowhere inthe socalled Old World ean there be found any- thing compari Lesson 5. CAVE MAN. When the curtain of history rst, it appears that Europe was inhabited by the Cave Man Thal period of time le called the "Stone Age” This ts the creature that physica! slenee pletures im ts tncory of Byolutin to make that theory appear tore plausible, I've ascended from that Cave Man, then Vets easier to males Tsleve tus! he eacended trom the ape ‘The Brolutonste have beer. careful not fo te) ws that this Yuopean Cave Man wos the remnant of an ancient race, wander- Ing aay from his native bore, meeting adverse conditions abd ‘verses that forced him 20 become what he became. Of hls past hothing appears to be known, and tle Js Howe of i Stance age age ‘This Cave Man dwelt in dark caverns, hunted wilé beasts with crude stone implements, murdered thers and subsisted on thelr carcasses. For protectin ‘rom the cold, he clad his body with ther nies. ‘At this point physial science stops in and nands the world lus theory of Evolution, exiting this Cave Man as the ink to I tke gap between modern man and ape ‘The Slone Age Savage of physical sclence never chiseled the anciont story contained on the "famous Rosita Stone" He tusee enrved out of slid rock hill the magnificent Temples of Indie and Rgyph He never but the great ees and temples of "aoyion an Ninevab, He merer eonseted the Great Pyramid of aypt. He never wrote the story of Creation and the Deluge, contained om ancient clay tablets, neared in Babylonia ‘Ages bofore the Fist Cave Man ever appeared in Europe, and centuries before he er wandered from hs native Home tn trop eal regions long before the bible! patriarchs pitabed their tents tinder Syrian sanny skies, Uhousands of years before Moses saw the Tablets of Stone an the Mount, there were millons of spirit ualists, prophets sages end seers in Ancient India ‘when history ves us the first gmpse of the fertile region othe Buphrates, the land even then wae inhabited by a highly ‘llued race. When Herodotus published his account of the incient city of Babylon, the Gresks refused to believe his story fa termed him he "Father of Claes” 1 was owenty-four Mundred yours after the days of this Groce tora shat the modem world has come to know some ‘Hing of ths amazing clty of that dim world af long ago. Less Then 300 Years Ago ‘Thete ls am Interesting passage in the diary of Samuel Pepys, written tn 1669, lees than three conburies age, wien tne cating ‘of vegetables in England wes stil almost unknown by the descen- ‘dante of the Carnivorons Cave Man of Europe In fast pasenge Poppe records hs delight in taking up his fret study of aritnmeue. ‘Pepys was then a man of middle age, holding the high etise of Seerolary of the Admiralty of England, and one of the lading Figures of ie country, we may say. He talls with ehildsh Joy of lesrning the multpieston tables ‘Bune by prelude, ignarant of the true history of past ‘ages, Pepye belle then, as we belleve now, that his county and | b's people stood at that tme atthe very apex of uman develop- ‘ent and progress and That his nation Was the lightbearer to fall otner races, in time and place, ‘So compleialy had the valuable records of the Ancient World ‘been destroyed by the fathers of Romanian, that Pepys and all ‘the rest of the ehtidren of Buropesn Cave Man knew nothing of the great civzations that vse, flourished, and disappeared we ‘ls own country was coveved with suimmering sleet and sex ing snow in the cold Yea Age ‘Two thousand years before Popys' day, Alexander the Great had erussod the Hellespont and carried Ws conquering. Greeks {nto Asia, When he rooted the ate of ancient Babylon, he found the remains ofa city whieh "in magnificance,” wrote Herodotus, there Is no other efty thas approaches 1." And the Grecks of that time thought they had some great cities. ‘The Ruropean Cove Man originally came from the native home of nunzanity in same warm region, No one knows Why not how ne decame separated trom his native land Our pletuse of fim ea, OF hls history we know nothing. ‘The term Stone Age fat came Into recognized use by the publication In 1888 of "Prehistori Tims” by Sir John Luobock, ‘who compiled and set In order an account of the discoveries mado ‘nthe deop gravel of the Somme Valley in France “The Ancient people who bult the Pyramid ved in a Stone ‘Age, but ib was a Stone Age that medern man has not yet been abt to equal Lesson 6. HUMAN PROGRESS. or century after century, Romanism has fed the deceived masse on ts fraudulent alt of anes and loeses. (at. 14:7), Sa the mlsled masses filled thelr stomach wite thie dish and tke for more, “Romuaniem fre destroyed the nisiory of the Anelent World. ‘ren Roman authors coulé sefely make thelr story daplct man is coming up from the savage that worshipped idols and ienew hothing of Ged, ntl he reached tne stage were Ronsanism 2are him ether iols and « personal Ged. ‘Tne whole seheme #10 make man Believe thst he owes to oman nis rise trom Bayberism and idolatry to what he 1s ladlay. ‘That task is done so well, that millions of unthinking opie refuse to Usten to any facis that upset the seem ‘nthe 11th edition ofthe Bheyclopedia Britannica, published ln 1011, appears an esa 02 "Civlizatan,” by a famed sociologist And anitropetogist, from which is summarized the following — ‘The entice petiod of human progress may be divided nto ine periods, defined as follows: 4. The Lower pevid of saxagery, terminating with the Aiseovery and applcation of the es of Ze 2. "The middle period of savagery, terminating with the ‘vention of the bow and error The upper perod of savagery, tarminating with the ‘vention o! peter, 4. Tho lower porto of barbarism, terminating with the domestication of animals 5. The middie pelea of barbarism, terminating wah the discovery of the process gf smelting lor #6. 6. The upper period of barbara, terminating with the development of systom of wilting ‘1. The frst period of civilization, terminating with the Intrequction of gunpowder, the compast and the printing press. 8. “The second period of elvzation, terminsting with {he invention ofthe stesm engine 8. The upper perlad of eiiization, which = stil in progress, bu: which ls probably neering its termina- aes ‘The author then prediets the 10th period: "The great revo- Duta invention tha wl whe new ra ley Reng ‘The airship is destined to be the mechanism that will give ‘the new smpetue to humen eivlgation, "The conauest of the ait ‘will bacome a Zactor in the fall emergency of ursaniy from the Insularty of nationalism to the brosd vew of eosmopaltanism, Facts of Human History ‘To these iargely empty and unfounded statements, the actual ‘acta of human history TDI ‘There isnot a scrap of reliable evidence on earth to support the theory of Bvohution advanced by physical science, oF 10 support the assertion of Romanism that infant man Was ever & ‘savage and then a barbarian ‘Granted that modern elvieation 4 based upon the Remsen ‘bleh must be remembered the books thereat were written 20 far bask im tne night of time that there is no record of thelt oviin or thelr authors, ‘These authors must have lived in the days of savagery, but ther seiptures st aze and remain the only Toteh that lights the Path whieh leads to Goa, ‘No group of men in “the upper period of eiiiation” ha ben cornpetent to produce any iaratre thet ean compare wit ‘the Bibio. Furtiermer, the bible is composed ot symbols, pa bles and allegories which maderm salentstsof "the upper period of civzation” have not the knowledge and intelligence to wner- Stand, interprot and explain. ‘The most wonderful structure on earth today is the Great ‘Pyramid of Gizeh, in Veypt, whicn was built s0 long ago that there is no record of ils eansiruction and no trace of te mech snlsms and instruments that were used in ite esate ‘Ascording to the above outlin, “Ue frst peri of cviza tion ended with the invention of gunpowder, tse compas anc the printing press”. Tn that one, the great engineers, architects, mmathomatielans, and mecnanies who ceugred and Dult the pyramid, Lived way back in “the lower period ot savagery,” whieh ned "withthe discovery and applieation of fie" Pie Is something man never discovered. There was fire fn earth for ages before the frm man ever appeared to ee ft ‘olzance nave elohed forth fire fom thet bowels since Uhe ist ‘ry land appeared on the face of the earth and when the #uface fof the earth wae stl so hot that wes Barren a8 dose. Voleanic eruptions so great that they destroyed continents dnave cceurred way back in the days when the earla was Young, comparatively. ‘Due to recent discoveries, physical sclance ie coming to re- jr the ptehstare periods andthe "stone age” quite diferentiy From the way in which they fave boan pisturea by the Homan futhors who have controlled and written oUF histry for over ‘Sxleen hundred year. Piles of evidence have bocn dug from the ruins of grest ees st past ages tn the last ‘nat century. disclosing the surprising uulave of ine prebistorie periods, tvs making it smpractiesbe say longer for people to bo doesved by the Homan pictures of snelent savages and barbatiens, For against hat Roman history there now appears the rine of prehistoric science, art and philosophy fer superior to any- Thing we have now. Ih view of these fasts, the “stone age” ie coming to be considered as the fall and degeneration of ante. ‘cedert elvitzations of a nigh order. ‘No clvlition ever begins itself. There exists no evoltion ‘hat begins by ehance or aeident, a proceeds mettodially and mechanically. Only degeneration and deeay ean ts proce Givlination never starts as a natural growth, but only ‘ough ertitietal eulture, ‘Some leader, posessing learning and wisiom received from Masters of the pas, sets out fo educate and insiruct 2 special uoup. He gives the group & sence ad religion, formulas law, Dnilds temples, introduces writing, and creates the beginning of an, arelestice, satzonomy, matoematies, which ‘beginning Spreads trom group to group and fam ngtion to mation con nung ste progres wnt ershed by some despotic mer. Lesson 7. SUNKEN CONTINENTS. ‘The earth Is ver old, Its age is variously estimated at trom three to five Dillon years, Man has been en earth for milions of years In the old Azole yeks there ean sil be seen the igneous re- sains ofthe Bizet Root Race, ‘The atlantesns are termed the Great Fourth Race, Far ‘back inthe night of me, some three milion years ago, the Third Rave Nad appeaved, Long before, the Second Race had perished by a feo Romanism destroyed the history of tho ancient worl a cient people, and ancient cvtizations so well, that it has been nly within’ the last century that archeologists have begun to ‘uncover the evidence of antiquity. ‘There is Ito evidence of ‘man’s accomplishments in scence and philosophy prior to about ‘7000 years ago. “Another reason for this i the fack that each epoch pudes iHeetf on being greater than those preceding, and males is eam fate by desteeying the evidence that shows the advancement of ‘an in previous perods. ‘Thet is being done now. Prejudiced historians claim that the stat perled of eiiization terminated with the intreduetion ff gunpowder the compass andthe prising press, All hs has foctraed in quite recent times. ‘These claims are flee, and ae fend to isle and deesve or senturles the theory of lost continants was expressed in boos and manuserits, and Was Fdlouled by payaleal sence and Romani, 1m the las ity yeats the archeologists have fund snserp tions on stone and elay tablets relating to these lst lands ‘yhe Briish Government bas fad a ehip taking cotndings for years inthe Atlantis, and discovered evience of high state ‘of chilization under that body of walec in certen regions. ‘The lest Lemurian continent, slap called Mu, was much larger than Atlanta, and now lley'under the blue waters of the ‘Pattie, scriptions on stone dear the destruction of Lemuria, wen the eaeth's crust was split by milghsy earthquakes and the Contisent sank ina fiery abpa Basic Principles of Religion 6 said that Lemuria was the motherland of Man, Tt sent colonists 19 the Americas, then to Aantis. ‘The other way they ‘went 9 Indie snd tothe northeast cosst of Africe, All the text (ofthe known world was under its dominion, and from it tomes fasied fortn se True God feience and Reigton of the Masters, ‘That is the mystarions reason why the sme basle prineplet of religion are (ound Sn all ancient civeaions, Aeeounts of thete things ace preserved on elay tablets, carefully guwrded By the high pests cr India, here the records are concealed ih the tempts 1s sald that ina cortain valley inthe Himalayas thers are tree seeret depositories ofall ancient crit. In ane ofthe vast omples, exeved out of sold stone im this valley, le "the record of Man thr the ages” 1m thes rorords there are maps of the word in the days of Lemuria, and later during the time of Atlant.” The record tes that AUlantis was destroyed by the for of three treme cous explosions, spaced severe! thousand yeare epa, the final two Islands sinking approximately 10000 years ago, burying a smigaty race, James Churchwara, famous axcheoiogist, spent years inves tigaiing the matter and found eridenee that Temsira did. once fst. "He Wen: to Tadla and one ofthe high pees show hi he record, He studied ad mattered tee Lemtrian language, find wrote two Books, entitled "Last Continent of Mit" and "Sueyed Symbols of 3a" ‘This means that we are now geting history ovar 70,000 years old, direct from the original source, and not ater it has teen copied, translated, edited, colored, changed and felsfed by prejudleed ten, who distort and fulsy facts to support thoit Febgious dogmas and selenite theories, Inscriptions on stone tabats eannot be altered without de- tection. Stone tablets have been discovered i exetyations of prehistoric elty with Inseriptlons that neve given us the complete Cemurian alpsabet, and mach of te history, written it that language Certain inscriptions show that they had alrships thst were powered by atumé energy, and eosnle ray guns that shot dawn other aiship, ‘Tis mighty sidered foros was named by tae AUantean as Mashv-Mak. Its the Vell of Bulwer Lution’s Coming Race. Terrible Force of Destruction ‘According to the Ashiar Vidya of the Aryan Rishi, this Ccoamie Farce, almed trom a flying. vessel, reduced to ashes 100,000 men and eipaants as eally a t would a dead dog. Te alegoraed in the Vishou Pursna, the Ramayana and otnor an ‘ent writings. ‘This mighty force could reduce Furope in @ few Gays to its primitive enaote state, with no mac left allve to tl the tale “Will ours be the next eivlzation tobe destroyed by Cosmle ‘Bnorgy?" asks PB. Noyes in his work, "The Palld Giant.” ‘Noyes asserts that she Cro-Magnons, 25,00 10 30,000 years ‘ago, wore descendants ofa great people who posessed erature “gaiten many milions of years before the Cro Atagnon age,” ad things or thelr race." (P33) “According to this ancient literature, millions of yours ago, when the earin was younger and shrinking much faster than| ow, earinguaxes were frequent. Great mountain chains were being born, and the people, in terror, searched desperately for ‘means to aioderate ihe violence ofthe eonvulsions, By intensive Study of tho eartaquales and the gases emitted, they ascovere the aosret fares fn Natuce and fiow to control ang tine them for thelr nest and protection. "They developed © formula for neutralising cohesion, and thus dissolving visible substance into that infinitude of base pasticles of invisible sutetance, In this work they discovered the Death Ray, Which they termed “Ilepton-Holori"—a fore that ‘would sweep from the earth whole tribes of people ‘In the experiments, when the Deat® Ray was directed toward live creature placed against hl, they enimbied tio dust and ‘with them every form of regetation sbalght away beyond the RIL. For no Mikes, however grea, coud check the Death Ray. Evidence of Science and Religion ‘These Lemutlans lett evidence of their scence and phillos- opin, cltate and regen, in the form of writings and symbols fon clay an stone in various parts of the wot, which have now Deen deciphered and’ translated by our own archeologists and feologsts, Unprejidices ey sclentiie tucories and lions ‘ogmas. "These reveal the story of man's earlest ancestors. Nor were they savages or berbarians. They were highly cultured people, ‘who had a slence and religion which ame directly from God's own epiitual teachers, and which was not distorted and fatsed by ambitious priests and unprincpled despets for their own pet sonal power end profit is now known thatthe temps of India and the Pyramids ff Bgypt were bult by the colonists fom Lemuria; and the ‘Masters who taught in these temples were sent dlvetly from the ‘Motheniand, with the God Seience and Religion hended dowa by the Seven Spirits Uefre the Holy Throne. (Bev. 4:5) All races nave legends ofa Fiood that destroyed thelr Rome land, The sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis s probably the Flood ‘eniloned in the Bible "There i in the Roman Bible no seoord of the ze4, yellow, own and black races being taken into Noah's ark; yeb these people are allover the world, with history extending back for thomsen of years ‘Resent excavations in the Gobi desert revealed remains of cities of prehistoric leization over hundred thowad years tid, ‘Te insertions on the stone ana clay tabjete are I the Temurian langue Gigantic Pyramid Found by Fliers 1m 1948 U, 8, Army fiers found a gigantie pyramid near this region reported to dvart the great pyramid of Bgyps. 1 was fstimated tote 1.500 feet wide by 1000 feet high. The base cov: red aporoximately 50 acres. Its great age cannot even be con. Joetured. ‘The stone inscriptions show that « highly eile porple Inhabited ths regian long before the Flood, and were well ad vanced in art, areniteture, astronomy, astrlogy, mathematics and phileseph. "These inscriptions show where certain sections of the Bible originate as some of the Old Testarnent is enpied verbatim trom these fasriptons, thus making it easy to dscern the true from the Tate, te orginal from the deceptive Interpalations, and sift ‘ne grain from the prestly ena, Tn northeastern Africa, in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula tne Islands of the Aegean Sea, Greece, Turkey are ruins which, ‘ven in their present arumbiing condition, stil reflect a grander that modeen eiisstion does not even begin te approximate. At ‘Smyona, six elles have been discovered each bull on the ruins of the otter. We eannot imagine the antiquity of the original ‘ity at the bottom af the ruins, ‘At Saalbeck, the PURE of which le northeast of Beirut be- ‘meen the easter end of the Mediterranean and the northern ‘nd of the Syrian desert, appears a typloal example of Lemuria Irchiteetce afta Hes. One ofthese, known ae the Great Temple ta the Sun, is regarded by aecheologits as one of the ost mat ‘ie of the ears ancient structures, ‘The temple nearly 300 fect long, 160 feet wide, taversed, by tuneletorough wieh a train may exally pass. Ted 34 giant cossmna, a of Which sul stand. ‘These, wit thor ntablature, Ste over 90 feet high, and move than feet in diameter ‘Stonet of prodigious weight compose 182 Wide platform of the temple. ‘The stones are 18 fect square and over 6 fet lng, se ios massive wall 200 fet above ground lve ‘Apoman, caveman, sloncage cuvago never bull such a rmamamoth eae, then sew)plured toe stone ep artistically that they suggest the delicacy of filigree Ince of severe hundred fet, while the seulptired portions, Dewn ou Of solid rock, are so prodigious in siz that they impress and] Dewider al who sou them to a degree of reverence and ame. Many) ‘who gaze upon tese magnifieent temples have attributed tele fonstrvction ns representing sore unknown but mgsty race of Sem-supeenatura or superhuman abies, ad of whom we nave bo neoord ost rae ‘Wm. Niven, mineraogist of Mexico, mado archeological die coveries, showing that man existed in a high elvied stave tens Of thoutands of years before the geological Glacial Period and the European Pistocene man, and thousands of years before the ‘Aviecs appeared. They were newcomers, and ravaged with tnd sword the cites bull by the Tatees, Chmecs and Mayas ‘Niven found iron oxide in use in casting ornaments ut of precious metals. ‘This ls the eldest record known of te use of ton, and antedate the bronze age by tens of thousands of years ‘le fourd shat when Prinea Coho the Dan Dynasty of Maya wes buried 16,000 yrs ago, the descendent's wife wos depicted] In foeeses on the wale of his mangos. ‘howsands of years Tater the same eagtom was followed lathe burial chambers of the most anciont Beyptian kings. INiven found a copper axe that was highly tempered —show- tng that this now Jost art dates back into the Tertlary Bra. So) ricdem selene is nat 30 made, 4 found images of al he southern Asiatic races, showing that the people ofthat regicn and thove of America eam from murs. Tt ie estimated that the buried city where Niven made these ‘aseoveries in Mexico ta over 200,000 yours ol. This evidence shows that highly developed and cultured people inhabited ‘Mexico tens of thousands of years before the European Fils ‘one man lived ‘At the site of anothor ruined city, several milse northwect of Mexico City, Niven excavated over 2,600 stone table's mor Yuan 12,000 yers ol covered with ancient witings and symbels, “The writing on ona slone was dedicated to the “Saeved Four." 09 doobt meaning te Four Elements, Ar, Fire, Wster, Farth, and Sowing the reason why the New Testament conteins Four cep ‘This stone was a masterpiece in symbolism, with a dual meaning in every line of writing, whict was in the language ot Tamura. ‘One of the inseriptions said, "Mu, the Mothering; ‘the ands of the West” At Usmal, in Yueatan, isan ancient Maya structure, called ‘ne Temple ot the Sacred Mysteries, with inscriptions onthe stone ‘walls that connect anelent man with the eary history of Exypt tnd Babylonia. ‘This temple is mae than 12.000 years oi (On the tomple walls was an inscription reading: “This eiice is a memorial commemorating the destruction ot Mu, the Lands fe the West, whence same aus Sacred Mysteries” ‘Another tseription stated that the temple had been des: lroyed threo ilmes by earthquakes, and had boon rebut tee ‘Ancient tnseriptions show tat during the forming of the feat gas belt under central America and Yucatan, 13000 to 's00p years ago, muge catutysmle waves were formed, which rolled ofer the land. Earthquakes "tio the (and ike the leaves fia tree ine stormy," and the "land rose at holed ike ocean twaves""” The seooust states that the sbooks and rolls of the {quakes shook the structures ino ruins, and Tage waves of water followed, blotting out all te." Sore Moods ‘A mest ancient Aziee tradition in Mexco states that the ‘tes settlers in Mexico were a-whlte rece," which was conquered by a darker race and driven ‘om tho land. ‘Ene white race “om: ‘barked in their ships and salled to © far-off land tavards the Hsing run, snd settled nee.” Pesiaps these people eeted slong the nortnern coastline of tne Mediterranean Sea ‘as belts onder Lemuria eased tremendous voleante erup- ons, ahd the ancient records say that tne land was “tice p= heaved, twice kicked from its foundations” ‘This continent was locatad in the tropes! Pacific ocean. I was five to six thousand sles long east nd west, and 2500 S000 males wide nortn and south, ‘Lemuria, in the Pacific, perched by fe. Atlantis, Que tthe sas, perished by water. "Lo! Tnow tan of today By hou will depart ithe fumes of time, But fear nol—foryeat oe Lessons 1-7. QUESTIONS. ‘The Student should study the lesions until he ean answer sul the questions and fel certain nis answers are cores. 1, Do you ballevo that Life eternal? Explain your ancwer. 1 Descebo what you belie the word “death means 4. Explain tho altteronce between the Third Dimension and ‘the Faurih Dimension 4. Do you belive that Scienes and Religion are so closely st- Jated that they should be Joined in ene system? Explain your answer. Have you read any history of the so-called Christin ible? ‘HEave Jou read a history of the Dark Ages? Do you now ‘when Romen Cathollelam wae finely erfabished? ‘Do you belive inthe theory of Bretton? 8. According to the ruins of ancient civilztions, aid man ap ‘pear tintin tho Hastern of in the Western Hemitpnete? 9. Is thoro any reliable evidence to show that modem man descended of ascended foom te scaled Cave Man? 10. Have you vead any works on the sunken continents of ‘Lemuria (Mu) and Avanti 1, Hapiain the priniple of the soeaied Death Ray, 12, What is an sllegory? THE WISDOM OF THE AGES Book 2 {A Rights Reserved Ineudng The Right ‘Te Reproduce This Course Or Any Potion Thare! Ia Any Form 1883 NATURAL SCIENCE SOCIETY 2035, Sumy Stet | CONTENTS LESSON 8 ‘One Religion ae ‘True Selence and Religion Preserved Light and Guidance LESSON 9 Beypt ‘Words Cut in Stone Eaure LESSON 10 ‘louse of Enoch ‘Knowledge from the Pr-Flod Wold Lungsox 11 a "The Great Monument ‘theis Worke Prove Their Abity Mysteries Yet Unsolved ‘Book at the Dead Moriaméents of Wisdom Bvotionists Run Into Trowble LESSON 12 ‘An Alsar to the Lond Selenee and Religion Degenerste . Znieresting Facis abou! the Pyramid “The Wonder of the World QuaSTIONS LESSON 8. (ONE RELIGION. Piclemy Philadelphus (909.248 B.C.), «earned schol of is time, offered rien rewards forall kinds of reuglous manserpts, or papyrus rolls for his grest brary at Alexandra ‘Wise men of all Nations, impelled by thelr desire for the reward, went to Alexandria with their sacred writings. ‘By this means Piolemy Phlladelpius succeeded in securing some 280,000 of the most valuable religious seviptures and rolls in the worl, Zy careiully comparing the various waitings, he was sur prised to find that all religious apstems were approximately the ‘me, And way not? "Taig fect struslehim ce stranger and he hha inserted over the doorway af the chief temple ths sentence “Rxperience is the god ofall morality.” TE would have been more definite and proper had the word ‘Guide dee. od Instead of God Ihe instance ‘Inscriptions on stone tables fond in all parts ofthe world, Indiate thatthe entire Earth was colonized by people from one source, and that source, eccording to Chrehward, was te lot continent of Ms or Lert, This i a fect which appears to be Inairecty eontrmed by the Bible, For i i writen that tie mas when "the while earth was of one lazguage and of one speech” (Gen. 1:1) Overwhelming evidence shows that all religious aystems of the word are but copes of one original aysteu, ce unlversal religion, whieh varies in different ccuntries only the customs ‘oF the people vary. CChronnogieal forgeries have been freely used in order to rake one particular religious sytem and sts Goo older than all ‘ne rest. tls reapect, Romaniam: has been the most active and greatest offender ‘Traces of this ancient religion have been proserved by in. seriptions on stone montiments end temples of al races ad nations, in spite of the destructive work of vavious teligioas fuvalie, wh etoive to make thelr religion appear as the only te religion, ‘Then there came atime when {twas found expedient by the Masters to divide the ancient religion into two systems; one for the masses, and one forthe elect. Tae latter system was reserved for those found wort. ‘Then came tyrants and despots, sho corrupted the popular riigton to inereate thelr power by clouding and controling the ‘ings ofthe masses with fate gods, ‘These are the "gods of paganism” to which Romanism somn- tly rofes in its attemp! to show its Tollowers that ancient civilizations were composed of idolatrous heathens Preserved True Science and Relig Due to the work of despos, a time came wien it was neces sary forthe Masters to preserve their solentifi religious system. ‘by Fesorting to ways and means not understood by thoge who had not the Key. By this occult method there has Been preserved Unto this day the gist of the trae Sience and Religion vealed {early man by Gad's work “This selenite region solves the seeret of Immortaliam of ‘te Univers, the relation of God to Mian, and many olber my terles that have puaged the masses for ages ‘Tals was common knowledge to the Masters, but it was lot tothe masses because its protection from despots made it neces- ary to coneeal ft in a sytem of symbols, parables, allegories, {ables and fiction, not understood without the Key. Without Sclence there can be no perfect Religion. For ‘Science interprets Nature, and Nature is the Work of God an roof er His existence. very system of rellgion 1 false that say to explain the ‘prysieal acta of Nature and the lawe of their operatian, ‘The Religion ofthe Masters was ands a consistent, rational ‘system of selonce and philosophy combined. For Tae must be Joined ip Rarmanious order to form the foundation of & tue ‘Sjotem af vellgion. And such syste recognizes God and explaias His work, dealing wit both the spritue and phyles! Aten ‘This apetem wos taught primarily, stead, By a group of ‘asters, the Seren Sacred. Elohim, termed the Seven Splits before the Throne, (Rev. 45) ‘The lst despotic attempt to destroy all traces ofthis Scien- tide Religion began in the 4th century A.D, and plunged Europe ‘nto a state of irmoll and darkest that hae lasted wnt nom. In this aterpt, alent temples were destroyed, fons of anclent scriptuies burned, and millions of people were murdered because ‘hey refused to forsake th religion of thet Zathers. Light ond Guidonce ‘This present work is compiled after yoars of research, and resented to thote people who, with open minds sincerely search for Light and Guidance. ‘This work contains the fragments of ‘tho true Religion of the Mastars wish the archeologists nave dug from the ruins ofthe Ancient World and that whieh was salvaged and is taught by certain cveult groups. During the dark ages, wen mighty Rorsanism was all pomerfu, these occult sttdents faced dangerous sitions, and for thetr protection it was necesary to conceal their physical and notural selenee, a5 physics, chemistry, astronomy, ete, under Such misleading names as Alchemy, necromancy, astrology, the Diack at, ee LESSON 9. EGYPT. BOYPT—"ine land of the winged globe,” the iand of science land philosophy, "peerless and stately tombs and magnificent femples—the land whase clviation wat old and mature Delore ‘other nations, since called tp empire, even had a name” By she ancient Greeks, Hyypt wes calcd Aiguplos. Finally ‘this became Baye 1h the Bole, Zgypt is called the "Land of Ham." (Gen. 19:6; Gen, 145; Ps. 105:2527; 106.22). Ip Pe 78:51, mention le made of “Tabernacle of Ham in EgypL" ‘Evidence that Ham, son of Noah (Gen, 11:18), clt sn the Jand currently known as Egypt, appears in a tradition of the fanclent Hebrews, who called tne lana iraim, Now Mirai, ‘Was the son of Ham, (Ger, 10:62 Oh, 13) Ham had four sons: “lara, Canaan, Cush, and Pout, Te land of Canaan Hes adjacen tothe land of Ham. When ABrabara ‘was 7 years old he left Haran for te land of Canaan, (Gen, 145) ‘Noah's father, Lameen, was 96 yours old when Adam died This gave Noah, through his father, direst contact with the life nd learning of Adam; and the contact was passed on by Nosh to bis son Ham, who passea ito to his som Misesim. ‘Ths the line of contact extended, unbroken, directly back from Egypt to Adam trom the land after the Fiood to the land belts the Flood, 2 sirange story appears to have been interpolated inthe fist nine verses ofthe Lith chapter of Genesis. Tt-doee not fit in not ‘harmonize wit the rest of tat chapter. Te 4th verse mentions ‘he people as preparing to build “a tower, whase top may Teach unto heaven.” When these preparations were made, Noah Was Goa years old, ‘Was this “tower” the Great Pyramid of Gt? ‘There was a definite reason why the Reman compilers of the Bible were so caveful io omit ang and all direct reference to the Grest Pyramid, und that reason wil elesriy appear in cue ine 11 was planned ‘that way for a definite purpose Many ages before to ibleal Mase ever sa the ght of day, lie Land of Ham was poeries for ately tombe and. palatial lempies, and the nome of the greats science, philawpiy abd religion that the world has know since the sinking of Lema find Atlantis, or more than ten thousand year, Egypt was the stronghold of snes oy and pure docs the toa of which constitutes tive science of principles and may be called the esters orthodoxy ot antigay, ‘beneath the apparent idolatry of her extelor polythelsm, gypt ever twiained the old foundation of her occult the0g0ny and sacerdotal organization She resised the Might of time as does the Great Pyramid, whole and intact, though halt-burled Uinesth the desert sand, “Thanks to et secret aphimelike immobility, that granite resistance, Beypt, after the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis, was the axis around whieh rolled the teliglous thought of humanity ‘ast patgod from the Bast and from the West and met inthe land ot Ham. ‘The gyptian Masters had gone through the ages, cazrying fon thelr organization and symbols, thelr ssrets, so long impenc Irable, thelr slenee and religion, Wat Egypts temples, crypts and pyramids was developed the farnous doctrine of the Logos Tight. (Jonn 1) Words Cut in Stone Endure But the famous prophecy of Hermes has been realized: “O ‘Bgypt, ere shall remain for theo for feiure generations only {abies that noone will delleve, noting of thee shall endure except the words eut Ut ip stone” And it was 50 ‘The history of the Land of Ham extends far back into an- Lquity, and fades out in @ sloud of obscurity that was no doubt created by Constantine's army of destructive fanatis, who were fngaged in the nefarous work of fostering upon the world he realest fraud ever invented. ‘Until 1, the oldest records discovered in Egypt extended ‘ack only to the ath Dynasty. Since then there has been a steady stream of alcoveres in prehistoric and early historic cemeteries, land, due to this, monuments ready Known, and sch as the ‘annals of the Palermo stone have buen Tale to speak for the Deginnings of Reyptian history “Because of immenve excavations and investigations in recent years, th people of ancient Egypt are better known to us by the ‘work than any elvilzation that preseded Greese. 1s history Is preserved because Its carved on pager of stone that have resisted ‘he hand ofthe destroyer, Th aplte of the fact that its stone monuments have been tleazed of the accumulation of ages, and its hieroglyphs de- fiphered, the work haa not yot succeeded in penetrating to the Geepest secrets of its Unoughts—the occult teachings of its Masters LESSON 10. HOUSE OF ENOCH. Most of us have read books on the Great Pyramid of Gieeh ‘The Masters who designed and built that glant structure were ‘ot prodused in Baypt "The land we know as Egypt was called Mieraim by the anclent Hebrews. They had tradilion that the Great Pyramid ‘Was bull 800 years Beare the bibl deluge, wd thatthe names Of Seth, Hoch, Noah, and Shem appeared on te voster of the Dulers “According to the Egyptian bible, the “Book of the Dead,” the leader was Enoch. The Bayption transliteration of tho word Phoenix is PaHaneocl, or “House of Enoch.” ‘Brofessor Tuevenin addes evidence to show that thousands oc yoars ago there saddenly appeared im Zeypt trom some tn Jawa source, seletists and phlloophers with « knowedge of sstronomy, geometry, physics, chemistry, mathematics “and -mcchanics co extraordinary, who bad scientific instriments of Such precision, who knew the secrets ofthe Universe 40 well, and ‘who employed ther knowiedge co skilfully, that thei Work ssi ‘miraculous and beyond cur comprehension, Jowephus, noted Jewish historian, bora in $7 AD., gives it fs an historical fect that Soth, Adams fst acm (Gen, 5:9), and ‘ls Immediate descendan's, "were the inentors of that pecular| fort of wisdom concerned with the heavenly bodles ad their ‘rer. That thls Inventions might not be lost before they were Sutfleonty known, upon Adam’ prediction that the wor Was toe destroyed, they made two pillars one of brie, the other of sione. ‘They inseribed thelr alscoveries on them both, so that ciao te play of buck was deteayed by the Floed, the pillar of Ssione might remain and exhibit these dscoveles tp mankind Now thls (pular) remains in the land of Sivid (gypt) to thls day dewian antiquities, 12 ‘The anclent Arabians had a similar tradition. In a man script preserved in the Bodleian Library, Abou Balt eays "The wise men previous tothe Flood, foreseeing an impending judg tment trom heaven, elther by submersion af by fice, which woud destroy every exeated thing, Balt in Bgypt many pyramids of sons, in order to have some refuge against the approaching calamity. Two of these exceeded the rest in eight, being 400 cubits high, and as many brosd, and as many Jong. “They were ult wits large blocks of marble, and so wel jolned together that the joints were scarcely perceptible, Upon the exterior of the bullng was fscrbod every charm and wonder of physls." ‘Massoud, another Arabian author gives the same, even more cieumstantlally, and says that— "On the eastem gr Great Pyramid, as built by these ancient sen, the beavanly spheres were insribed, zewise the positions ff the stars and thelr circles, together with the history and ‘chronicler of past lie, of that wich isto come, and of every future event “Another Arabie fragment, claiming tobe a translation trom sn ancient Coptic papyrus, gives a similar account ofthe origin (of the Pyrams, and states thal— fnnumerable precious things were treasured in these bulld- Ings, including the mysteries of slence, astronomy, geometry, ‘phyla, ad such use! knowledge," /P. 173) ‘Ut anothes Arablan account states thatthe pyramids were cconstracted by Hermes, the same person as Enoch, father of ‘Methuselan (Gon. s:10-25), t preserve the arts and sconces and other intelligence during the Prcot. ‘A certain legend states that Hermes, the same person as noch, was the Master Atenitect who planned and cuperviset the bulding of the Grest Pyramid. He made it x complete dramatization 0: the fundamental cssntils of sidero-geciogica, physical, payehological, spiritual, and historicel wisdom. He em bodied it inthe sclences of mathematics, geometry, estrology al astronomy, whieh were regarded as the foundation of all true selence, philosophy end religion. “The history of Freemason mentions a Jengend to tho effect ‘that the three sons of Lameet and is daugater Neamah, “aid know that God would take vengeance for sin, ether by Gre oF water; sterefore they wrote In two pillars of stone (hese sciences ‘hat they had, that they might be found after the Flood.” ‘Subsequently thls legend took a diferent farm, and to Enoch ‘was attbited the preceution of burying the stone of foundation Inthe bosom of Bt Moriah, and of erecting the fo pillars shove iL e515) "Te fiat Mazon tradition referring to Noa, states thet his attention had often been directed to the Pillars that Enoch ed rected on Bt Moriah. By dllgent search he finaly detected ‘he entrance 1 the subterranean vault, and discovered the stone ‘of foundation, which he tok and placed in the Arle ‘Stil another legend tndicates that it was on the Mountains 1 Nile, where Noan's ofthe Boon In Africa, the present souree of Arc came to rst, and that he and his descendants setled in the ‘opin from the mountains through the Nie valley to te se, and ‘ete bal the Greet Byram Knowledge from the Pre-Flood World ‘The knowledge that Noa and his predecessors nad Derore ‘he Flood, when men ved nea & thousand years, he would not leave bohind when he embarked In is Ave for 8 new world, whieh it wag is conscious mission 20 populate, ‘The tools he used in building the Ark, the knowledge of their use, and bow to make them, together with al that Ged had revealed, or man had di ‘covered on the other sce ofthe Flood, he teok with im in the ‘By this wet man of the antadluvlan wotld, oF by some of hls imnediate descendants only a short time after nim 1 not in| hls lifetime, tne Great Pyramid was bult. Of necesity, there fore, he science by and ta whish thls edifice was fashioned, and perhaps the same tools which helped bulld the Ark or at least {he knowiedgo how to mai and use toem, came irom tne grand Wort before the Food, and found imperishable memorial im ths Monument of the New World. Hence, snot bult by Noah, by Seth, and the Sethite entediluvian peiriarchs, tore was stil a Aiee: connection between fe and them, between thei science acd ‘what it represents, 1s certain that the proound, prophetic, philosophic seen. Le and religious wistom embodied in and represented by the (Great Pyramid, required many thousands of years for 1s dlscov- ‘ny and evelopment: and could nol possibly have been dacovened nd developed by the natives of Egypt ‘nl tne ages that have passed Since the Flood, man has not been able to discover and develop anything that can begin to prateh itt Tn fect, modern man haa only recently reached thal Stage ie natural seence which enabies en Just Yo Begin to de- ‘per and understand come ofthe simpler parts of the strange imesage ofthe Great Pyramid. He wil learn much more of that imessige ashe advances in the knowledge of Watural Selance ‘Thats the reason why thls anelent structure, with which men have for centuries bellared tnemsevas eegualnied, has Sud Sdenty burst forth with a aig 90 Caring: and & seionee and Fallon ao gripping as to convert tn sofsere fbn sober believers, {nd to tongine stlace ad soientits toad om al ur account: fshfor only on the thenry that a Master Selene of great an ‘gully was ity Archies end Builder LESSON Il. ‘THE GREAT MONUMENT. Chronologically, the Great Pyramid (House of Bnoch) ante- ates by thousands of years all present nations and faiths, and ‘evn the scriptures of the Roman Bib Eis net only massive masonry of the Great Pyramid that ‘merits al our etfention, but the small spaces around which tls lant structure was bull to endure the passages of thousands of Centuries and the ensiaught ofthe elements ‘Within she rerrited ares of tie Great Monument Se cone twined tho most amazing story ever wittan ofthe Rarth’s history, of the mysteries of the Universe, of sacred prophecy, and of man's ‘worship of God ‘written bib may easly be Jorge altered, o inter alata. ‘But such a stone structure could not be changed without the lerstions being instantly detected, as any change would rath 1 mutilation of the maconzy. Thais anotnar reacon WAY the ‘Masters preserved thes wisdom in an edifice of stone that Is peace Healy indestructibie ‘very propaelie element embodied in the Great Zyeamla to far cider than any part of the written Bible. As the to works, in general, tell the samo story, it Is certain that the biblical ‘crbes tad intimate Knowledge ot the Great Pyramid. ‘Then why id they dellberetaly ard utterly fe to make any direct and paste reference to I? ‘To that qusstion Would come an amaning answer i could ‘issue from the lips of Constantine's "correctares" who compiled ‘and “revised” the bblcat books, Direotzoferance tothe Grast Pyramls was carefully cested ‘rom the Bible, which was so compiled and edited as to deceive ature generations that they would come ta despise Exypt be- cause Constantine's eicesssos, for definite reasons, purposely stigmatized Pgypt the “Land of Darimess” We steal 2 man's ‘money, then murder him to conceal the etme. ‘As en exarpleot the “revicional wore of those “eorzectres” ‘hare Is no evidence that the River Dan (Gen. 1414), chief river ‘of Puestine, ever bore the name Jordan unt years after the dave of Moces and Joshua, Yet, thet subsequent Jewish name “Jordan is eresywhere interpolated in the antecndent records Just as arefully for certain rears, all direct and defintta zo ‘ezence 1 the Great Pyramid seta removed from Une Bible Their Works Prove Their Ability 1 cary man were nly an ape or troglodte, as clalmed by pphyaoal selene, now could the Bulders of te Great Pyramid In those prehistoric days nave known 20 wel, wnat our profoundest ssvants, after 4 stor of centuries of observation and experiment, have been able afar to dacover only imperertiy? ‘How could the sitonengeeathens” who ul the Great Pyramid know encugt to make and tundle the tool, machines fand expodiente indispensable to the construction of an edifoe ‘enormous in dimensions, so massive ins materials, s exalted tn ite heights, and so perfect in Its workmanship, bat to thls day It stands without & known zal on eartn? “low could these primitive men know the spherty, rotation, ameter, density, taiitades, pees, land distribution, and. tem Deratured of the carth, or Hts aetronamic relations? "How could ra ea oe eee ceatenre ey {out exedinal points? How could they frame charts of history and dispensation tryoto fact im evers particular for Uh space of thousands of years after ipelr time, and down even to the final consummations? How could they know when the Mosaic economy would best, how long it would last, and In what It would eventuate? How could they Know of the grand precessional eyele, the Jengtt of ts duration, tne number of days in the te Year, the mean dlstance of the un from the eat, and the exact poxtion| fof the stars the time the Great Pyramid was Bult? ‘How oul they devas n standard and system of weights and ‘measures, s0 evenly Sted 1 each other, 40 bereficently cot formed tte common wants of man, and eo perfectly harmon faed with all he fact of Natore? How could tney know how to put all these things on record fone angle stricture of stone, without ono verbal or pictorial Inseription, yet proot against al he ravages and changes of time, snd capable of being rend and understood down to the very end the world? ‘Yet all these things the Ancient Masters did, and did know, 5 proven by thelr Wook. Here hls amazing knowledge {8 ro corded In sll stone agpiayed to the epes of the wail, and cha Tenging the seratiny ofall th experts and selentist on ear. Shela, aclentista,evolutloniste—they may ance, but they cannot laugh down this mighty piece of masonry, cr scoff Its ‘angles, proportions, measures, nature seferences, and sacred cor- ‘espordences which its bulders gave it. cre they stand in all ‘hele speaking signiteance, tuboorn and Invincible beyond al power of man to suppress them, "Nothing can bot out tis record; and in tis wztten In stone the true serptural dignity of ancient an, faioned in the image of hls Maker, fumished of God with everything requisite to Dis hignst te on earth, and iumined and impaled of beavan to ‘make this memeral of Bis sacred possessions, ere they should finally be lost auld the ever Increasing deterioration, degenera- tion, debauchery and corruption of man. ‘es a record whose antiqulty none can dispute, whose suthentciy none can corrupt, and ws readings none can ean fimze without the admission of Divine intervention, Mysteries Yet Unsolved ‘This isthe boasted age of steel and cement, Here appears ‘ating problem eonneeted withthe coment sed in the Great Pyramid. Tt could be reduced to the consistency of paint, and yet made to bold for centuries with such tenacity that the rock breaks rather than the Joint. Chemists can analyze I, but ao Scientist can produce i. Moder science i not so modern. ‘Another mystery relates to the dolls and saws used Yo cut the granite boaks ‘Among Ue reasons why the Coffer or lidless Chest in the Great Pyramid ia veritable miracle im stone and Use prefouncest ‘ingle object in the world, are the splral markings of the drills te to hollow out st interior, "To dril out granite this as a carpenter bores out wood, requires not only 4 dil of extreme hardness and tvighnese bat ‘machine permitting of overhead pressure Farging from ane 10 two tons ‘That the scientists who bult the Great Pyramid had and ‘used such dri Is an established fact for inno other way could be made the spiral markings as they appear In the sold granite (CotfeHore ie move evidence tnat the ancient engineers weed some form of atomic energy in thelr stanecusting work. ‘Bvidence aio apprars that the mechanics operated bronze ‘anys having hardened teeth set with sapphires. In other in- ances, the cutting edges must have been set with dlamands But this is ust a mere fragment of the whole truth; aniy the {faintest ray of light on a mystery that the world would be glad ‘to unravel iit could ‘The press of August 20th, 1996, described a subway system, sed by the ancient Bpyplians of ten thousand years ago, whic pisses heneath the causeway leading between the second pyramid ‘and the Spits, "earved Unrough hard sand stone, (and) about Sight feet in bight,” says the account, which continues “The “aso is more than 70 fet wide” andthe central division was ‘covered foad down which the priests marched on ceremoniat Tn the center of she subway 6 a deep shaft that ends in a spacious foom, in the center ef which is another shaft that ‘dscrnds to and ends in a roomy court, flanked with seven side ‘chambers, some of which contain huge Sarcophagi of basalt and erate ane of the seven rooms is a third shaft extending to Side chamber. Total depth of the three shafts is moze than 125 fet Modern engineers assert that these giant structures cut in ‘sold stane aye stong evidence that the anclest engineers used ‘Some form of alcmic energy, anc ere so Jealous of their secret ‘hat they were cazefUl to leave behind no trace of their devices And mechanism, 'm support of this theory is itad the ease of John W. Koaly ‘who amazed a group of men i= 1888 when he gave a demonstra- tan of is machine powered by atomic energy. He cut a tunnel 4m 16 minutes thot was 18 fot long and 41s fet tn diometer in hard gold-earing quartereet. He later destzoyed fis peculiar ‘machine, and bis scret dled with him. Book of the Dead For almost 8,900 years no human vole disturbed the un- broken sence ofthe depth of the Great Pyramid, and no morta tye beneld by the light of the torch its hidden passages and chambers. In ll those years no one was able to dscover the teu entrance, 99 portectly had the builders fitted the hinged, hime Stone door that swung toward at the bottom, and with no great ior, thet i i doubtful whether it would have ever bee se Covered without the aid of the data secured from the Epyplian "Bonk ofthe Dead.” ‘The Great Pyramids chronology 1s based upon the preces- sional ele of 258275 years. Tis cycle of time began 7060 ‘years before the Une ofthe iblcal Adam. It system of aston: ‘lca slonce isso profound, comprehensive snd purpossful, as tovtranecend anything that the mind of Mader men might Some scholars think the Great Pyramid was bult in some past Aah ‘enabled them to solve the mysteries of Creation, and who sought ta preserve the same by concealing tin symbols that constitite ‘mossured revelatlons, or roveations Ukrough measirements “The eatth entered the Cyele of Aquarius in 1861. it takes the earth 2156 years and ® months in te great eiruit 10 pass throu tne range of « Constellation of the Zodiac, of whieh there are twelve. ‘The previous Aquarian Age ended 25,947 years ago, If the GGrest Pyramid was not but then, the next preceding. Aquarian ‘Age goes back 25,800 years more, or 81821 years trom now. And tats the age some teholars have ised ae the time when Ihe (Groat Pyramid was Dull, Monuments of Wisdom Fo: Jong ages the pyramids of Baypt were fust lege piles of stone. Now they have Suddenly burst forth at astounding mont ‘ents of Anelant Wisdom, ‘The elence of numbers, colors, weights, measures, geometry, astronomy, astrology, chemistry, and the mysteries of thelogy biology, peyenologs, and peyeholay are recorded in that neon parable monument of sione, and revealed to him only who cts Aecipher the message "The blstory of Freemasonry is recorded there. Its passage ‘ways and funnels correspond to the inner man, and typity the mysterious Hiram AblT (Huram Abil—? Chron. 4:16) of Pre rasonry, by whose death the Secret Word was fost, and by his resurrection was restored, ‘The Masters wore scientific astronomers They knew that the twelve Constallations of the Zodiac are Star Groupe that le along the Sun's path, each occupying a space of tity degree showing that they applied ths matheratica formula ta the le fone of heaven. "These Masters reallzed that God geomezites, and that Order ‘is Nature's basle aw. They Anew that men are riled by thelr ‘motions; that thelr emotional nature i influenced bythe astral fides, and that these tides, ae week or strong. ot oreo, rough ‘or smooth, in proportion to the postion of the Planets of the Solar System: ‘They studled the firmament and deciphered the Mesrage of ‘ame formed by the Constllations in the fathomless depts of space. These signs, reasoned the Masters, must have a meaning. ‘Yor if the indniacimal, the motion of the ator, has te reason for existence, surely hen also the immeasuvatiy geet, the Wide extended st Ualverse TAs these Masters studied the Stars abore in relation to Man below, they reached the conclusion that evesytaing in the Uni ‘verse is by law dependent upon everything else, and that the Important task to be accomplished is to make the proper indl- ‘igual adjustinent to the Coste forces, "That Ancient Wisdom the Mawes concealed in the Greet Pyramid, Bub our knowledge is ao deficient nat-we have been able to discover only a small portion oft. ‘Revelations of God and the Universe through measurements, sake the Great Pyvamia the most amazing sraclare of ancient art inat has yet been disoveres. ‘Recent invesigntios show that if 1s an encyclopedia of physical and spiritual slence and astral lore, whose constellations represent a body of the Evolutionists Run Into Trouble 1 the parabotsm and spells of the Great Pyramid, the volutionlt meets hia Wateroo, For there ho comes face 1a ote ‘with that eternal God whose very existence ie denis ‘is true science, not superstition, to believe In God, fOr apart ‘rom God ther is no sclance; only hans and ennai. ‘Bruch Selence begins and ends with Gods work.” Moder felenco Is atheistic Beeauce It eannot agcapt the Ged Theoey of ‘the churea, Taattheary makes athelsts of men of selene ‘When Romianism resurrects the cnly ‘Tue God of tte Mus. fers, modern science Wil repudiate atheism and the thoory of _Evoution vil nave a speed end "The Great Pyrainid repeesents enginscring ski, arhite foal genius, matonie artlsty and mechanical ingonits, the ‘equal Sf weich modern man, with all his Doasted cwolttion and ogres, eannot proce, “Fevolution ie feet, en men of thls age should at east bv abie to do as well as di the pyrara oullders. ‘Tho truth ‘ne do not even Know how Uhey accomplished s0 perfectly thelr eveuiean tee 3 the half be true that learned investigators allege as to the ‘Gvvat Pyramid te the mast asounding snd most sentially constructed objest known, und should command universal atton- ton. IE has neen pronounced the. greatast discovery of te der wotld LESSON 12. AN ALTAR TO THE LORD. “In thot day shall there be an altar tothe Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereot to the ‘Lord. And it shall bg fora sign and fora witnass unto the Lord of ests in the land of Beppe" (ls. 18:20,20) “Lord” Isa word that comes from England, and did not ap- pear in tho Bible, some scholars assert, unt the English voreon fins prepaced hy a emission of scholars tinder James % (1604 m) ‘While % Is cortain that the above scriptural passage was vwnitten long ages after the Great Pyramid was bull, the biblical Caitors and eampslers were cavefal to make ft eppeat that te billeal writings antedatea te Greet Pyramid (Of the many unexplained mysteries of the encient word, the ‘question of how the builders of tne Great Pyramig came to ehcoie the ste for the great monument to shelr civilaaton stands among the foremost. Por years thas baled the modern world's Teading engineers, and may continue to mystify thelr suscessors for centuries #9 come. "The tp of the Great Pyramid marks the almost exact plvotal land balance point of the Burth’s entve land area. Lines drown through the Greet Pyramid from east to west, and from marth Soult, would if exiended around the globe divide the earth into four sections of equa land surface. The lines would extend along ‘he greatest land area over which any similar line could be dru. ‘Some scholars think the Great Pyramid bullders knew at ‘ty wore sxeting the Barth’ lard center when they chose the ste thousands of Years ago, wen most of the World, AerOrdNg to the thenry of madern slence, was suppesedly unknown ‘Te fact that the Great Pyramid is aightiy off center only emphasizes the fact tat the ste was desinitelyseected. For te ‘exact pivotal balance point of the Barth's land area Ison a Bill ‘adjoining the Grest Pyramid which is as near the northern edge (of tho las it was praticabe to construct «foundation fori 1 the Great Pyramid bullers did iow ‘what they were ‘doing, they must have baen mastrs of same science unkown to us. ‘They must have had charts of the sae and situs of every Jarge land mass on earth thousands of yeurs before Columbus ‘iesoversd a new nord ‘The Great Pyramid isa true Sign and Pilla of Witnas in the midst of the land of Beypt Ibis situated exactly In the {Fegraphieal center Detween upper and lower Egypt. 80 it is ‘the midst of Bgypt os a whole and on the barders thereat cof bad sections ofthe couse. “The Great Pyramid sppears as Goals stone witness, erected ‘under the aieation ofthe descendants of the Bibles! Adam, ho cited the sigos Wiat mark the Constellations of the heavens, fd wrote the seriptura! parables and allagorc, so rich tn Spe ble and propaetie truth. "in its seeret and sealed-propheticl, mathematieal and as. ‘wonomlea! mackings, the Great Pyramid stands as a mle post fof the ages among fhe ancient land-marks (Deut 19:14) watch prove true and tn peefect consonance with the facts of nlstory; ‘Walch prove that there exists mathematical rales of prophecy land a science of numbers and laws ofthe Cosme, shat ate post live In thelr evolution and may be correctly celoulated and fig trad upon a testo toad of the Future, sng placed sn permanen? record for fulure confirmation of events, Science ond Religion Degenerate ‘Tis systems of science and religion came from Lemuris, and strom Bgypt it was disseminated through Asia Minor, Greece, Tome, and other adjacent eountres, And to Egypt tho Free: ‘masons have aleays looked with expect Interest as fe ernie of that scence of symbolism whose peculisr modes of teaching, Shay lone, ofall modern institutions, have preserved in a modiied form unto this day. ‘The word Fieerason comes rom. the eyptian Pace masien, meaning “Sons of Light" ‘Teachers of Truth and Science are compelled to maduate ana moxlly their language to make their message harmonize With the leel of the understanding of thelr stdents, Thus, we {ind that Snevement after movement, whieh enginated tn she ‘minds of me Ancient Masters, degenerated in the course of Hime, bocuuse it has been modified to met ie level of the nuence— then ts chet primes were lost "That ie tne reason wy all great movements gradually degen vate intoaritualiatc sect The intellectual eel of the audience is responsible for the modifentions the Masler mast introduce to nccommodate ta yet undeveloped mines of she Thought set ‘That is the reason why the God Solece and Religion of the Anciont Masters uncerwent @ degenerative proeass during he ‘ges os it sprecd from the central base fn tte land of Lenya to the Land of Ham and on to the surrounding segions ot tess ‘entigntened people "No edifice an eas is found to be exacliy square with the roid.” Where ihe most exacting proeantions have bre taken, ‘hey are sil found, By final test upan completion, to vary m few secon frm the perfect ovate, Interesting Facts About the Pyramid ‘The Great Pyramid is tne most accurately orientated striae ture on earth today, varying only five seconds from the ue north and south pasiion; and even this sight variation, engin ‘ets believe resulted from a aniring of the etth's surface since ‘the Great Pyramid was bul, rather than sem an error on {he Dart of the bullders” It was bull astronomical correct. ‘The pyramid engincrs divided the Cirle inio 260 degrees fas we do, and they used the "pyeami inch” because #2 as the fqulvalon toa primitive Diameter inch and this was the unit of measurement adopted by the Hebrews, ‘As we approach the inteslor of the Grast Byeemta with a tape moasure of Polar inches or Heth inches, the Bint struce tare begins to speek forth In its sg Iangunge of “revelations through measurements," dsclasing ihe story of past centarise before it was bull ofthe times when i was Bul, and ofthe ages yet to come TE iv sald that modern enyineers are unable to construct sgeomatrically a square equa in aren toa gin elle, But the “Antechambers of the Great Pyrumid shows that it Buicers squared the elec, ‘The citle whose circumference equals the number of days Jn the year, can be "lle from the center of the Antecnamee tothe end Wall of tae King’s Chamber exactiy 65.249 pyramid sehes "Te squaring of the clzee related, then, to the “rotting ‘of cielo on 2 line or flat plane, "A cle roled one eighth of its czeumteronce fo the right and left of @ exter Une, defines the exact shape ofthe "Apex” or "ehiat corner and head-etae” ‘ana ll form of the Great Pyraald. (Ps, 148-2, Mae. 21°42, Mk 22:10, 2017, dct 411) Certain lines of measurement in the Great Pyramid reveal ‘the true solar year of 365242 days, and the sidereal year by she dneasurements of $6 525.6 inces, ‘Sees finds that eertat: measurements of the Great Pye sig repreanit the solar eyele snd the difference, between the sar, sierea, and orbital years, thereby resulting m measure- iments that give the average distance o tae aun feum the eurt, dnd the ari’ surfac displacements, and the lspiacements of the earth's ortit. ‘The "measured rowiatione” of the Great Pyramid show that its engineers new the distance of the earth trom the sun, the Iengtt of the solar yeas te the exack feation, the length of the fdezeal year, and the position of the pole sta, the weight and otunity ofthe earth, tne length ofthe earths au, the parallels ‘or latitude, that the earth revolved round the sun, 2nd nutverous oar sclntiieally known and demonstrable facts 12 600 RC. tee Greeks astimated the distance cf the sun from, the earth to be appresimately ten miles ‘They later raised ft to 2000 miles. Finally they set the distance at 2,300,000 rls, At the close of the 16in century Kepler ineeased the figure ta '3800,000 rales. Tn 1908, after ten years of study, modern i+ neo fied the “average distance of the earth from tho sum at approximately 92.900 000 miles” (Marvels of Science P21) ‘Knwing the result of man's log struggle witha great prob tem, its tiling io discover that thousands of years ago the Grand Architect bull into the Great Pyramids bas, plans Which ipve the distance of 821008085 miles az Uae answer to thie ques: an, ‘Dr. Porsival Lowell says, "The Great Pyramid was a great observatory, the most super one ever erected. ‘The Grand Gallary ico exaciy inoluded every posibie poston of tne Sun's Shadow at ncen from the years beginning to its end. We thus reach tho remarkable result that the gallery wes a gigantic {gnoron or subdle,feling not Ike an ordinary sundial the nour Of the day, but on a more impressive scale, the seasons of the Year" (Pression of the Pyramid, P90) ‘The Great Pyramid represents nok only s etilzation that had no Intuney own to US, and whose Work and art are vastly superior to all that followed, but llkewisem language 80 perfect In terminology as to permit taennial calculations, exact speci cations and explanatory insbractions uttrly inelapensable to a fask as tremendous, difficult and artistic as the Great Pyramid ‘We need no Deiter evidence to prove the superhuman ine ligence and uncanny guidance of the Masters than that giant ‘monument of stone efting forth the knowledge of the Universe The Wonder of the World ‘The Great Pyramid anticipated by thousands of yeas ll the natura! law of gravitational aetronomy tha! have been elle dated by Kepler, Newton, Binstein and all oster modern scien fits, ‘simply ae an erhitectural achievement, ths Pilar of Stone thas held fs place atthe head of the ist of “The Seven Wenders ‘of the World” But under the studies of the engincers, astron- ‘mers, snathematilans,Hgypwolovsis and Divine, it has vecntly ‘come to assume a charater vastly move emazicblo. ‘Pacts até oolekdenses:0 numerous and extreordinary have ‘been evoivad, that some ofthe ost sober philosophic minds nave ‘been startled by them, "yor i would verliy seem that it were about to prove isle tobe a ey to the Universe itself —a symbol of the profoundest truths of scenes, of plulasophs, of religion, end of all the past fd future history of humarity. At las, many competent schol ‘ts nave bean led a to roger I, after he most thorough sifting ‘hat she appliances of modem science and inteligence nave been able to give ‘As We aivence in knowledge, wo discern the footsteps of those mighty Masters who Sroa the Path of Light np before us, landers learhing Unt they were then fara with wat Rinstein nae recently brought to the attention ofthe woud ot sense. Space it whe foundation of everything, and without this primitive and ineltable bypothesls, no undcrstanding was pos- [Sole a8 to the origin or purpose of existance, Binstcin is correc fg the fatlacy of physieal sence that Matter i eating up Space, ‘We pra the discoveries af Gallo, Bruno, Herschel, Nex- ton, Kepler, and many other higly endowed men who lived but f few centuries ago, and ae praise them none too higy whet we pay glowing telbutes to Uiekerewarshes and indtey. Bot te are learning that the Heioeentie Syetom of Astenomy as known tothe Masters tnousande of years ago, LESSONS 8 - 12. QUESTIONS. THE WISDOM OF THE AGES | ‘The Student should study the leans unit he can answer fai tre questions and fel certain his answers are correct. 2, Are the religions of the world all diforont im general prin- ‘ple or Yatlations of ane universal apstem of Feligion? 2. Why Isa perfect religious aystem impracticable without is Book 3 Delng selene? ) 3, Read Chapter 11 of Genesis snd noe the break betwean verses B and 10. Give your opinion of the reason Zor the break, and state why you think the biblisl seibe was 60 snvous to hurry from Shem to Abram (Abraham) and have the story of the latir bepin with Chapter 12. ‘There is a special reason for 4. Why was ail iret reference to the Greet Pyramid omitted frm She Bie? 5. Avcording to 8 certain legend, who populated the Nie valley? 6. Was the River Jordan known by that name before the time of Moses? “1 Did anelent slense iow the eatth i round and revolves ‘om ts axe? A. Do you believe there is any selation between Man and the plats and ate? 8. According tp the evidence, Row came the word “Lord” to ‘pear In the Bite? | 10, Why ore the teachers of truth and sblence compelled to vnodity thee language im misting for and speaking to the sultitude? | {All Rights Herve Inching The Right ‘To Reproduce This Course Or Ray Pow Thetet In Aay Form 1983 NOVICE Stennis thi cute are rec fs {etna Row ft ot pally a Etre ‘fo whe te ftom ced may fr ure any ‘Boe ce ae the paises eure negate or Soi expr Putin i ne UA, wy NATURAL SCIENCE SOCIETY 1203 5 bomb 8. CONTENTS LESSON 18 - ‘Tae Sacied Fite Splitting of the alo Modern Science Not So Mader A Territying Discovery LESSON 14 ‘usd of Dasinese This for Power ‘Truth Suppressed = ‘Rozote tone Was the Key “LESSON 15 ‘and of Darkness (Continued) ‘To Conceal, They Destroyed “Language Older Than Sanskrit Lpssos 18 ‘Land of atyatery Modern Investigators More Foranate Archeslogists Reverse Belles Past mistory Destroyad, Not Concealed Secrets of the Three Resureciions A'Now Race and’ 2 New Age wn essox 17 ‘he Great Sun ees Influence of the Great Su eat Teaching of Grest Importance ‘Age of Man and the World LESSON 16 ‘Seret ofthe Sans . Protection fom Misise ad Abuse Monument of Pailssophy and Religion ussrioNs, LESSON 13. THE SACRED FIRE. 1m the nunbest Rut nthe Eastern Hemisphere there Ss aimays light a ight toet nver fl physaly o> symbol. "yo that extent Romanism has fall to eradicate all traces ot me seentie Religion of the Masters. Moreover, Romar Spied that aymbel fo please ts followers and to increase tele ober. "Tore is a ight constanty burning before the Hoiy Ark sa the synagogue "These Is alight over the Altar of the church ‘There is ight Dluminating the Cressent ofthe mosque, ‘There Wabi upon the hearin in ancient cays Fire Worship with the Ancient Masters had its symbetial meaning, and It appears as the oldest ofall forms of anclent religions Pie was venerated as @ visible smbol of od, from. whom 1 things emanate an to nhom al tings retuca” Thats the Grand Cire of the Universe andthe Seerst of immortal. Pyra i Greek for fre, or light, or the iumsation that re eats something ar makes things vst im das, 8 well a= efving heat, ids is Gretk snd means "measures." {Tue word Pyramid ia eomplnation of the Greek words Pyra fand boa, abd these words tne Greeks adopted from the Poe ‘lan word “Purmosddaby” which sana “ight easines. 'So the Pyramid then, fs an ancient symbat thst constituted sneatired sevens or tevelations trough meseuerents Tn shape and form, the Pyramid represents the ascending iam ying uporarto meet He Divine Origsal ~ a sibel of the Eternal Spark of Life eturing to Gos ‘The Pyramid symbolizes the Mundane Fire serking an sscen- ston to and an abserption Into the Cetestil ir, or God. In & ‘wore, the Fyramid i ebole of God and Lite. "Ps doctrine constituted what has been called “The Plame Secret" ofthe Fite Wortlppers Tire ls the most ancient symbol of 1A: and tae 6 God God ia the only ite; for apart from God, there no Lie, In the ancient sciplnes, Fre 8 symbol of toe holiness ‘of God, Tne purying power of Fie 1s naturally deduced! from ‘his symbal ofthe holiness ofthe elements In the Rgyptian Mysteries there was & symbolic “purifien: ‘Hon by Fire” ‘mh tne sible appear many seforonces tothe Sacred Fire used ‘38a form of devcton. Goi appeared to Moses ina flame of fie. ‘He descended ga Mt. inal in the midst of Fire. At the temple the Fire descended from heaven to eantume tee burnt-offering ‘The Fire Pallasophers espoused the veneration of Fre, and cultivated the “Fire secret," not as an Idolatrous practie, but Iodited ay their Kerem doctrines ‘They were alao called “Theosopists” and through thom, or In reference to them, the ‘Tuosophie Dogroes of Freemasonry came into existence In the oth century ‘As Fire and Light are cegarded as synonymous, so the Fst, whieh was to the Zoroastrains tho symbol of God, Is to Free masons tinder the equivalent of Light, the symbol of Dine ‘Truth, cr ofthe Grand Architect, ‘The Suered Fire ofthe Masters wae a symbol that concealed cone oftheir deeper secrets. The secret seems ta have at last been Siroovered Splitting of the Atom ‘When mote selene>eraeod the ator, IL found that atoms, so long regarded by modern scientists as the ultimate theory of Matter, are actualy gonstiuted of whining Sparks of Tape eres, ‘Then ptgsial science promptly Doasts that tn this achieve iment it hae gone deeper end névanced farther into the realm of the unizowm than man has ever gone before. Wrong agin. ‘The archeologist have ciccvored that aver 60,000 oars a0 the Anelent Masters had a perfec system in symbols, similar to ‘their bibles! symbole, for wnat phjaial tienes lars "auslear ‘Fora thousand years the modern world as trie to interpret ‘not cymbals, and felled, Ie flled boeauve ils knowiaze Was Tnsutteent olore modern science discovered the seer of the Atami ‘Hom, we coe fist the grey ellouled tncory of the ancient Alchemists regarding the Tranmutation of Metale—a theory 20 Tong scoffed by modern sient ‘But with te decovery of “muelear filo,” gold suddenly ‘went out of eireulation, and it became unlawful for anyone to possess gold money, 'No one But these selenite lenow the reason why. They die covered with deep surprise that the ancient alchemists’ theory regarding the Transmtation of Motals was not so sly as they ‘a balled It tobe (Gold wil remain out of eireulation only so Jong as this know ledge encuten. That will be of brit duzation, a few centaros rayoe. ‘Then the secret will again be lost, Modern Science Not So Modern ‘rhe ancient Byypilan Tarot and Astclogy revealed in sp bole the mystery of lear fest, and evan wiated the kind ff melal roquited~radium, symbolized by the planet Uranus, ‘The feats performed by tremendous eictrie voltage. The Ancient Masters inex how to doit, and they did it,” Bfodern science is not so modera, ‘Rurthermore, the Anelent Masters knew wht occurs within the Atom to cause itt break up or disintegrate. For they under- ‘stood the underlying principle. Like all the grt achievements fof man, the mort pusling problem bocors simple when the principle is uierstood. ‘That explaine the reason why in 1046 certaln doctor vas enced, after suing his waiting for five oF six yeaz=. Like Dr, Harvey, he got too far ahead of "medical science,” and it Docame expedient to discret, dsgrace and liquidate hi. ‘Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expectent tor tus (doctors), that ane man should perish In order to save the ‘medial profession (2m. 21:5051). Human nature never changes ‘As we ety the symbollam of Ancient Science, destroyed In the dh century AD. by the Roman Army, we are amazed atthe ‘wealtn of knowledge the Anclont Mastte possessed. Te must Ihave taken thousands of years to discover and develop tt, For instance, ln taking a certain degre inthe Ancient Nye ‘eres, te lipeof the candidate mere touched wit a ive coal of fire tae symbolism of hich fern de Lime te masses of te ‘world wil be scorebed by a ternie conslagration of their own Inaking. ‘The answer has appeared—The Atomic Bam’. Every Freemason sould know that Fire is symbolized tn ‘une strong grip of the Lion's paw” that “raised” (resucrected) Grand Masicr Hiram AbUC(Blstory of Freemasonry, P18). "Also, hat Us the symbotcal “den of Hons” into which It 5 claimed te “cary Cortions” wore thrown. Another allegory ‘Heratized to deceive the multitude A Terrifying Discovery AAs they understood mumnan nature and universal law, the “Ancient Masters knew what the condition of the world wosid be today. They new certain factors and principles never change ‘They knew that numan nasure nevor ahenges, ‘They knew that ‘what man has always dase, he wil always do, They knew that hie would work hls owa destruction as he hae always done, and Wwith what means he would do It. Bo they wisely deterred the fa ay a5 Tong as they eould by concealing thelr secrets trom the "Now read history again and learn how ancient civisatlons have disappeared and left no ‘ase to explain the reesan why. Modern man, in hls deeepive "progress," te coming to the ‘inal stage. “Already his lntest dacovery fils hm with terror. He has come too clase tothe Infinite Power of God. He is a> proaching the borderline betwean the peysical and epicitual ‘worlds. “As he visions the dangers of his new clscovery, he is ferted and wants to destroy i ‘With thus knowledge, we lear the reason way the Ancient ‘acters wore 9 caret to conceal thelr sere! knowledge 0! the Universe rom the unreliable and unresponaible mulltuge and ‘he unscrupulous tyrants, ‘To know the Science of Man, we mutt know the secrets of the Spirtual Wong, the Buistence of whieh physical sence has consistently and seornfully denied. To know thote secrets pts into man’s nand a power tao great for any but the mast irtuous ‘and righteous ofthe race ‘The Ancient Maslers knew the Selene of Man beeause they ‘know the ssezets of the Spiritual World. In thelr sriptures they Grscrbed the Selence of Man In parables, allegrtes, Tables nd fiction in order to preserve ié and also to conceal It trom those tunwortay to nave ana know i LESSON 14. LAND OF DARKNESS. ‘Things and men are great by comparison. Every despot ters to make nimsct great by destroying the works of the Aespots wio preceded him, and by increasing his power over is subject “We come to tne 4th century AD, and find the ruler of the greatest Roman Empire that ever exised, bullding himself up to Totter holgnts by destroying Ancient Wisdom and the Masters ‘who understoc Ht ‘Wy showid Bgypt, the Land of Light snd Learning, sud enly stk $0 iow ih the seale ns to be tormod tho "Land of Darkness"? Concerning ths, one able scholar writes— “Why Haypt was ealled the "Land of Darkness" i dttieu to understand. There are many lande on serthteday that at one time rote to great heights in eultural and titlletual develop rent, and then maak fo a very low level bt none of these fs commonly tefered to as the “Land of Darkness! Symbol Prophecy of the Great Pyramid, © ‘When the facts are krown, the answer to that question Ie easy to find. Livingston har tat answer in ie work "Boos of David." under the subhead, "The Constantine Bite” (P10) Livingston id not term it the Christan Bible, not the ‘Roman Bible. He knew who establaied Roman Catholicism an ‘who directed the work of compiling the aceipures appearing the Bible. How carey have the Roman histori sets conccatoa tne ra hi ‘when Constantine “the Great” Rod regehod the peat of hie amlgnty power, like most other men, he wanted tobe sil greater. He craved more power ‘This man vas motivated by the vain ambition ta have the exciusverallatous power ofthe world. He wosld go to the very Seat of shat seligion which ruled the sabjrts of ie wast Teal, Import to Rome its most precious principe an precept, seve ‘hase to sarve his purpage, snyent «popes name for his new Feligan, and then conceal hls traudulent wore ty sending le ‘army 10 demolisn the ancient temples and destroy the anclent st for Power seripluwes. ‘To make bis work the more secure, effective and Complete, he would murder the Masters ot tae old religion, and tien diet and disgrace thelr country by stigmatiaing iy "Land of Darkness” "The work Was well dons. When this Reman despot had fine lshed his nefarious designs, the wonderful Land of Tight and ‘Learning was actually transformed into the "Land of Darkness” 1 ws the most astounding crime ever committed against Imumanity by any one man in all the known history ofthe worl fnd its cansequenees and reactions were 20 far-reaching, that it plunged al Europe into state of darkness that lasted for over f thousand years. For doing allthis, he was the fist petaor be raised to the high plane of "Saint by Romania, ‘Out ofthat dariness and deetriction nas come lle history fof ancient times that the Christian world hes bad. ‘When it became ieurul to do 4, researchers began to salvage from the ruine af the "Land of Darkness” some precious tage ments cf the Wisdom of the Ancient Masters, Trath Suppressed ‘The true sory of this erime as been suppres at meh 1s poasibie by the “powers that bo.” Por the rule of Christian nations has Been under the contro: of the Christan power nce Roman Cothollelem came into bring under the lesdershlp of Constantine, ‘The Science and Religion of the World before the Flend, Drought to Fgypt by Seth, Enoch, Noss and Shem, ad preserved from loss and gestruction in so Great Pyramid, remained n- Jnown to the modem word unt the 19¢h century, thanks to Constantine and hs successors ‘Our boastful scientists and theologst, reared in the dark- hess created by Constantine and his Sioessors, have known litle of Gad and the mysteries of the Universe, that they were unable to deeiphor the ecient nseeitions on ‘ike monuments {nd temples of store, and understand thelr meaning FHadinot the Wisdom of the Warld before the Fiona been thus preseeved, it would have been lol forever We of today would hava noalterntive but to believe as true the fale and unfounded Gecieretions of modern scence and the Evolatinlsts, that men now stands at the peak of his development and progress, and {that the God of the Masters was only hathenish myth ‘Accentury ago schalers sald that "the more the subjests of the anciont Egyptian religion and mythology are atid, the lest ‘ve how abou them." ‘That was so, Deeause modern stlence 1 so grossly materia istic that its votaries could not comprehend the spirtuaistic teachings of the Masters, Their teachings mere conndeve Just so mie superstition. "Recent clscoveries of the researches into Egypt's ruins bogan sm 1858, and have dscloved a mass of starting knowiedge, con- ‘eal forages from a deluded world in the strange inscriptions fn the ancient tablets and stone monuments, which no one could Interpret because the Key was lost. Justa itle more than a generation ago, the early history of fneiont Buypt was buried In the ruins of ite temples, which fempies naa been destroyed by the Roman Army. ‘That history right have remained therefor many ages more Rosetta Stone Was the Koy In fact, the Selene and Religion of ancient Byypt would st be a sealed book, so well did Constantine and hls muceesors do thelr destructive work, nad it not been forthe famous Rosetia Stone. ‘This Stone obtained the Mey to Use Hierogiyphics, im Which aze writen the aucred snsevipions that ell a surprising, Rory. Tn 195 BC, the Bgyptian Masters erected a stone in honor of Ploiemy V.Epiphanet. Carved ino ite surace was an inscrip- tion, duplicated in three languages: 1a Greek in the Bayptan acted ieropyphies, and im the Tegulat of common Beyplian ‘havacters, ‘This stone, 3 feet long, 2% feet wide, and nearly @ fot hic, was four by alder in 1790 by Napoleon's soldiers wile digging cenches near the Ragtta mouth of the Noe River 'BY comparing the Greek translation with the Rgyptian, the French scholar, M. Champlin, in 1822, was ebe to discover! the ‘Key tothe fundamental principle of the ancien: Egyptian sacred hlerogyphics, and to begin, for the Ors time in modern history, i declpherment of the peculiar, mysterious, long-dead, unknows, Sacred language of Seth, Booch, Noah and Shem. And so the Tost history of oid Baypt began to unfold before the eyes of a Sarted world ‘When darinesssctled over Burope folowing the First Coun cilof Nea, blotting out all nelent learning, the people of Europe ‘wore taught by the Roman priosts that the Reathenish inh tants of ancient Egypt had sat in the shadows of darkness until the “Light ofthe gospel Jesus Mashed upon a word of barbarians ‘and iolaters." Thus began What work whch edestned eventually to de pate the datines of Romanism by recovery and ectorng to Fain, the Gad Seenee and Regen of i Ancis Btere Other shears eager raged fate worse thes seve harparet as ch as practiable by the Roman power, ‘Thu there Have been dicen’ inthe lant aentay the dees af the hitneto plating tnsotons sed by the Masters Choe fe of seers ago in nr ort shoo of Sclnce une lion, non hice te archeologist aoe song I ln, ‘Vill the ascidental eacovery of the Rowtia Store, the com nisony of thee “hand tan” ha tenalned ie the uno thee Tal ‘Wlinin he comparatively snort eptce of te preceding ger- exation, arching Bare levered soe af hal nis By digging ints the ins and uncovering te ome af our ceed ‘thus yours ago. Tembn offer date coainne te se ‘range wor, coming ou ofthe shadowy pase ‘Tee eiightenng and amasing breton have gen the ‘moter instcine of esence ted gon serous ese ot the Iter. inorder to save ae” every means o postion spat the pec seuctins of those esoverie is beng Gene! ad epee, Conacquenty all the detalles of he ancient selence and ‘aigion of Seth, Enoch, Noah and tem taste ete found in ‘heot ott runs ae no! tea to the iuioned pubic ay ie Covered and most of hat whch peed hy te censors fey pul consurption leo nel Giuted ana eoore, intured and nts, tat eof te value "To fantom Roth pict or monk who buted wo deeply that now tao Rowen Stone to onset freer is informatie roesage,neter cued tat the day wast co wen md fae tn fom te alent grave nd cena tne Nem of Bi Sloe Into, wc ao grey fears tbe Ponpg ete of th tint ot ena Tat LESSON 15. LAND OF DARKNESS. (Continued) ‘The seston is often atked why the Christian world has called Avie tte Dark Continent and Rgypt the Land of Dari nest? ‘There isa definite reason: I was done to turn the word against and away trom that region, because it contained the Sneient secrets of Selence abd Religion waten Ramanism had io hlde—or perish ‘The Ancient Masters ad said: as above, so below: as on cast so in heaven; man is an epitome of the Universe, and his body fepresente ce powers thereat ‘They said, the viable things of God trom the ereaton of the wortd are clearly seen in the mind, belng understood by the things tnat are made vale, evn His ctemal power and God head. (Rom. 120) "The anclent secrets of the God Ssienee and Religion of the ‘Masters ware contained in the antadluvian records concealed in secret vanit in the pyramids of the upper Nus Vale, which hav never been dlacovercd, secording ta Hao, the great Armenian ‘ing who Lived mare than 000 yours ago, and who founded the ‘Armenian nation. He said that the region in question was i Dhablted by lgnlyebellzed people 1200 years before his tie anc that they ware the votares of Zarathustra ‘IL appears that these ancien people had the scriptures now called the Oid Testament, aid that thew writings were take fand revised by Romanian, nitar which the originals were des toyed at the time when Romania clamped is galing YoKe onto ‘these people "The Ancient Master Zacotnuste established the God Seience ‘and Religion ofthe Masters in that region, known as Psi, more ‘han 9,000 years ago. ‘an illsteicus historian and geographer named Strabo, born in Cappadocia about 80 BC, compllst a wonderful history of the fnelont world consisting ot &3 books, "These works were desiroyed by Romanism in the ath century in order to conceal the true history of ancient people, Only & few fragments ofthis history have come down to us, ‘We have Romanism to thank for the seanty and unralghle istry the werld nas of ancient thes and anetent people. One ‘uttior says that Hf Strabe's work had survived, thece would now Jeno ayaiem called Christianity, oF Romanism as shoal rope cen be termed To Conceal, They Destroy ‘The founding Romanists were compelled ta destroy the works of Strabo in order to conceal the actual origin of ther system, fand the fexud committed in lteralizing ancient allegries and Dersonifying ancient symbol, ‘The pertinacity with which the wark of destruction, suppres: sion, and coneestment is continued, down to the present day, ‘makes the guilt of the sucessors of the founding Homaniss as (eat as that of those who established the system ad Imposud I ‘upon humanity with tre and sword, Tt was wallimowm and understood im Strabo's day, and it twas then freely taught, that the doctrines of Pythagoras, Plato, nd the Gymnosophiss, together with the dodtrines regarding the gods and goddeses, virgins and saviors of Asia Minor, Gren, Rome and all of Buroze, were to be found in the mort ancient inscriptions, whether on stone or papyrus, in Nubia, Upper Egypt, ‘and Ethiopia, where they were orlgialiy ettabihed ty Seth, noch, Noah and Shem, ‘Tete was clear ovldenco of the existence of igh civliza ton in these areas so remote, wrota Strabo, “that we had oe al Jenowledge of It inthe abrewrty of time ‘Strabo wrote on that subject under the title “Ancient Relies” ‘The cover of hls book ind upon it a reprsentation of the Ancient Serpent Worship, The cover was that of a book then extant, and he uscd the cover as tho over of he wat. “HL stated that in Sennaar and Abyssinia, and among the ruins scattred throught Nubia, in northeast Afvica, there Op peared on stone monument certain inscriptions sila to those fn the temples of Khrshns at Mathura, on the Junma tiver, in Tia ‘A comparison of the eldest inscriptions on the temples at DMativra with those of Afsica, showed that meatly all the deters ofthe anclest Sensisit appeared in a prehistoric form inthe rane ff Smmnaar and Nubia, Language Older Thon Sanskrit 1 the light ofthis knowledge, the generally recived opinion ‘hat tho Sanskrit Ls the oldest written language on earth, will, Ihave to be discarded, and the whole history of the anlent word rewtion a was record before twas sro ty Romain, | In 28:24 BC, Strabo went tothe contines oF Riplopa, whlch then was a vague term that ineluded all the region ofAfrca, fouth ofthe borders of Upper Hypt. He said that the shadowy Distory ofthat tien Uttleknown region related to ancient races that hed long preseded the Eyyptlans i the march of timo, and ‘showed them to be hightyeiiled. He stated also that fragments ff those monumenta ‘a seen in ble day, incorporated sith the ‘buildings of t3e Hgyptians eemseves, “give to dese ancient ‘ins Uhe appearance of modem construction if the Cragments of those mosuments of « pre-Egyptian civitiation are to be sec a this time, ney must Rave been much, ‘more apparent nearly 2000 years age, when Strabo sew them. ‘He definitely stated in his work, "Ancient Relies" that in ihiopia originated the religions and philosophies of India, sia Dinof, Greece at Rome ‘Minieus Folix (280 AD.) a distinguished Roman lawyer Wao ‘nad eMoraced Romaniam, sated that all ancient and modern clvlizations originated not upon the elevated plains of Aa, but ‘upon the waters of the Blue and White Nie in Afcea;”and ade — "nthe pee-historeeivilization of Btbiopia mat we look for ‘the true Sun, the true God, the Great Light.” “He consiuded: "No ie can exist without Beat, Heat isthe governing principe of exlsence, and ft comes from that glorious ‘ight, the Sun, whieh lighter every man thot cometh into tne | sword “This quotation appears asthe source of the same Identical words that appear in the Jonn gospel, but there the words aze Intended to convey Use false impression that the gospel Jesus was ‘hat Light. (7m 1:9) LESSON 16. LAND OF MYSTERY. 2n the Land of Ham, the Land of Mystery, the Land of Light and Learning, the Ancient Wham was concealed by the Great ‘Masters from the word a largo in a solentilie system af sys, Inleraies and hleroglyphics which, even now, are bot Mis und lmperteeby understood by the leading saat of boast eivi- Suation at cals to be the highest and greatest tho world has fer known, with little to support such claims but gt dple: plans of murder and tinue ‘Whe the strange and puzaing gyotem of Seth, Enoed, Nosh and Shem has remained a soeret Unt the last centuty, ater @ Inundred years o inensio study a ele time thst system ie et so nyjsletiou, and describes Unings 20 peculiar to us, thal we ow le abou ‘But we have learned enough to relia, tuat no ancient Greek aunor and no ancient Latin author had any definite knowledge ofthese subjects; and that name of these aulhors ever succeeded {in reproducing corectly in thelr writings, the true facts com cerning these subjesa from any knowledge that they derived ‘om the mysterious inscriptions ofthe Anelent Masts. When we search though histones and encyelopedias for data snd snformation on these subjects, wa find nothing but falsehoods and deception that have been deliberately prepared fo misiead the moder worl. ‘While itis presumed thet the pretent deeipherment of the ancient hieratiand hieroglyphic texts has enabled us to draw from alive souess our proent Anowlegge of the Science and Religion of sneleut Hgypt, we must sti contend against the ‘gorance of the lazy Bgypilan sevbes, who knew Ito about tie matter, nd alse tne ereore of eaclea copys, ‘We must also lemember that the thealoglane at the court the Pharaohs of the 17th, 38th and Oth Dyadtien, wore fully as ignorant an we are of many Caste and careta connected with ‘he ancient Eeypiian Science and Religion. ‘Recent researches show that te yal sesbes under the New Emp for & thousand yeess, trom 1700 BC. down to 700 By ‘west unable to decipher ccrretly the hieratic symbols thet formed the natoes of some of ihe kings of the early Archaic Perle, ‘This being so, ttle surprise shouldbe fle at he atculties found in seienific and saligous tes due to the ignorance and ‘blunders ofthese royal seribes. Aside from such considerations, ‘he subjots othe mak enelent Selenee and Relig are replete ‘with Imberent aifnewtis that nave not been lesened by the stupid manner in whieh Bgyptologsts have teated. them Deeause fof thelt bia, resulting from their Cerstan fat and thst pe juice resulting trom the inuence of thelr Boast etvSasion, During the 4th Dynasty, approximately 2000 BC, the num ber of symboleal gos that reprenented the powers of te Universe ind tne mysteries of Creation, were very great ‘The Pyremid Text, written under the 4h, 5th and 6th Dynas- ties, supplies te names of same 200 of these eymbaleas gods But in the ancient Duyptien “Toot of the Dead.” according ¢9 the Tuehan Revension (1700-1200 B.C), ofer 1200 of theses) Dolleal gods are mentioned Modern Investigators More Fortuna ‘Tho attributes of most of those symbols are so vague and sadowy to us, that the theologians, in attempting to decipher these symbols, found it impossino to form a system of symbolic ds that would be consistent in all te parts, and assign to tho farth gods, water gods, air gods, vilage gods, city gods, nome 05, Hational gods and foreign gods, the exact positions and SUsbutes whieh were tao due In Une ancien? ystems From one viewpoint, the modern investigator 1s more for. ‘vunate than the older Egyptian theologians, influenced as they swere by Conlantine’s Romanism, for he ‘ob only has more ‘sterlals upon walen to Work, bute i eer of prejudice, treet of danger for expresing cxaciiy what ho finds, an he has the ald of lala discoveries of modern sence, taking tr Deck to. point where me can begin to understand, in a hazy way, the secrets of the Science and Religion of the Ancient Masiers that ‘were lost to tho workd when boat-fouds of their precious reords find tee aeiantie instrument were ruth dumped into te sean the 4th century AD, under the orders of Constantin. Anotner serio oss of ancient wisdom eecusred im the delib- crate desirdotion of the furous Alexandcian Libracy by Roman: fm, sn whieh destruction ‘tee was consumed by ‘iro the inal. culabie wealth of karning that had required vast ages to discoyer fand accumulate, That catastrophe annihilated the most pricee Joss posaion of wisdom the race evet kad. For instance, during the “dark ayes," Romanlsm taught that ‘the earth was ft, whereas that lot and dastoyed knowledge “Showed thatthe rolundlty of the earth was known to the Masters, ‘and is eircumference was sletfcally measured by them, thous ands of years belore the days of Moses ‘Thales (640 BC.) and Pythagoras (882 B.C.) wore taught by ‘he Exyptian Aastrs that te earth le round acd! revolves found fhe Sun. They were also taught thatthe Law of Attraction and aulallon is one of the base Principles of Creation, But these Greeks were Sound by a terle oath never ta reveal that lenow: ledge. Moreover, these secrets of the Universe were biterly assaled and ridiculed in the “ark age,” especially by the (Christian Lactantius, with the support of Romanisi, and, by ‘means of persecution, Romanism sought to prove as fale teed Screts and facts of ereaton, Greck and Roman Visitors, going to Rgypt for knowledge, were courteously recsived by the Fayptian Blasters; but these Vsllors were taught nothing of Egyptian lore except m super ‘sal enosae, ‘There Inno evidence that any Greve or Roman of the eerly ays ever had the slightest comprehension of the true character ff tho Exyptian Inscriptions, whleh covered overy al, plan, archltrave,leze and doorpost of the ancient Rgypuan Temples, Archeologists Reverse Boliets Our histories and encyclopedias, steletly censored tn thelr preparation by Romapism, assert thatthe knowledge and inven- ton that made Byypt great were taken there bythe Greeks. The facts now being Uncovered by Lhe areheclogists show Just the "twas in Bgypt thatthe greatest Grecks got their education and knowledge. Of these, some asort shat Pythugorue was the react. He studied under tne Rgyplian Masters for 22 years, nd stil they did nat teach ins alt hey knew Pechaps few people ever socelved nore trom other counties than the Gree reetved trom Baypt, and none appeat t0 nave Inen more tenacious of the pretense that all thelr aftalaments riginated with themacives, “The Greeks sald that the Hgyptian Masters had varee waye of expressing their thoughts, "The tts was tlear and simple, the stcond was symbolieal and figurative, the Und was sacred land hieroglyphic. The same words astumed, at their wil ether the iteal, the figurative or Uhe transcendental, Such was te ionlus of ttle language,” waites Pike. ‘Heraclitus exprasied tit diference when he designated the danguage of the Egyptian Masters as being speaking, signifying sand concealing if sn the thoogonie and casmogonie sciences, the Egyptian Masters always employed the thint method of writing. ‘Their Inerogiyphs nad three corresponding and distinct meanings, The tro later could not be understood without the Key. These ‘Masters alone possessed the universal Key to the sacred scleces, Walch are allegorcsly dscelbed in the Ble, but untorstond by zo one without toe Key. ‘Modern thecloglns are the most ignorant of the true mean- ing at what they Hy to teach. ‘The word at larg knows te of the secult meaning ofthe symbols, parables and alegories in the Bible Past History Destroyed, Not Concealed Some authors assert that the frst settlers ofthe Wie Valley conceated thelr past history from the word. That is wrong ‘Their history was destroyed by Homanism in order to conceal the soucee ofits theclogy, ad to couseal also tte source of the God Selenes and Religion ofthe Masters. ‘The fine arts never attain perfection at once. At all times tnd in all lands they have passed through a long series of erude attempts and imperfect beginnings before they Tech perfection Dut in Egyptian at there is no trace of such a bopinning. Te ‘busts pon us at once inthe ful loom of ls highest per‘ecion, showing that must have been brought therefrom ott regions byotuer races, Th wes the work of Seth, Enoch, Nala and Sher ‘As despots control the history of the word, the people have site apportunity to learn what the despots do, and reat they have done, to keep their subjects in darkness. Even the encyclo. dias of he world are more or Lew unreliable, because the ma terial prepated for them must pass censors Before being allowed tobe printed, ‘Modern study of the Seience and Religion of snelont Heypt ray be sui to have bigun with the publication in fell of the texis, Doth hlerate and hlerog)yphle, of the Hellopoltan, Thebaa and Salte Recessions of tho Bgyptien Bible, “The Book of the Dead," and of te cognate funeral texts, sci as "The Book of ‘What 1 in the Underworld,” "The Book of Besthings" "The ‘Book of Transformations,” the "Lamentation," and the "Festivat Songs of al" “ven here, the workers and waiters, pesudiced by the theory of Prolution, tnd pressurized and intimidated by modern theel- gy, have suppressed, distorted anid perverted many facts which W truly and fully known, would demolish and destroy current dogmas, opinions, belies and faiths, and disclose the tecible See ee ee “skeetan in the cose” whlch the Constantine thecloglans have sy tas seh ord oh ck wee Sab iar Tae, striven for more that sixteen-hundred yeast to hide frm the data pees Gaited eoritaie oe ae eit yi of the wor those glands mate him, Secrets of the Three Resurrections ‘One ey these glands are useless rudiments ofa former or instance, inthe initiation in the Noechite Mysteries, ‘age, wo tbe next they are the mot portant gla in the three chaners ofthe Great Pyrannld, the eancldate was i the’ ody. Tis queuing and. speculating is termed struct in the serets of the Three Resurretins contained In medical since. {he Ancent Retgion, 1. The Fist Resurrection ie that when Split raises up tert Matter to Living Matter ‘The amazing mysteries of the Universe are those evar ‘aking place ll around us; so trite and so common that ‘we seidom ever refiest upon them. Peehaps the greatest ot theso phenomena ls the rusing of Inert Matter to a Living Soul. (Gen. 2:7). Think i ovr. 2. The Second Resurmtion is that when the common ‘man of Darkness, in hs search for Light, ls synbollealy slain and buried, than Ralsed, tne Son'of Light. 26 drama Is staged ow inthe thitd degree of modern Pres Imatonry, and ism mimicry of part of the ritual of the Ancient styateris. 1 tls sacred drama, the Noashite Master said “Let no rman speak the Word" for by it God crested Light (Gen. 13), that Immortal Spark of the Father's Infinite Boing which penetrates Matter and becomes the Living ‘Sout—and fo, ban the Immortal” (Pike, P52) Romanism terms these Masters idoietous heathens — Thus we see way despot theives in dare When Constantine stole the Ancient Religion of Baypt, ‘i was this aymboleed resitrection in te sacred drama ct tho Mysteries which his "corrctores" eralized and Sotualsed in the Four Gespels of the New Testament, S. ‘nthe Tita Reaurretion, tor which Constantine td his followers had no use, the candidate was taught the secret of the Endocrine System, the ductiess giands In the body recently aiaovered by the medica Woe, At fist these glands were proclaimed to be merely vs. Uipiel organs that were ence ustul ane functional In tae apestage of evolution, but of no use now in man. > the medical doctors began to eut them out to improw the eondtion ofthe body, only to tind with dismay that ‘The eeeet taught the candidate by the Masters was to {he effect, tat hon the Uni ifrentiates Duality, the Dun} Parts have, by an inherent instinct, the urge to return and zeunite fo form the Unit, ‘Te etfect of this luge produces tho Tvinity, tae Triad. Hive les the bane cause of Sex Force, The urge fr re ‘union, perfection, ean suceaed only when the postive (male ‘and negative (female) elements tind polarize ‘Hon, te one in the other on all planes of being Le, ‘hyslal, mental and spits, ‘Te purely physieal argo is produced by she doseending actiity of the Spinal Force, which acts on the erative funtors, the Tree of Life. its pascal gratieation in procreation on the animal plane is natural and proper {or that course offers the only kind of creativity of whieh ‘the ania fe capable, "The at being erative wder Ue lay, Ib sais holy. ‘The eanliate was also taught that the Dual Parts have no escape trom the weakening etfet that naturally ows fom the function of production, ‘The plants of the vegetable Kingdom fade and die after fruiting and seeding. So man was told that In the day he eats of tne Tree of Life, no will le (Gen. 2:17). For he is subject tothe same universal law ‘We mutt not anticipate, ‘This dep secret of the body and ls funetion is tmoce fly covered ina later lesson. Te required thousands of yoars for the Masters to eiscover land develop their Science and Religion, and many mere centuies {or them to formulate aslentitc system of symbols and parables ‘m which to preerve their diseovris, and also conces! thems from the despots and the profane ‘There ie Constantines “Land of Darkness" the Anctent [Maters lee their monuments of science, religion, pilosop hy, astronomy, geometry and thie wisdom, fn comparison with wile Inodern Tsing and labor grow pale and fade. A Now Race ang @ New Age Wove It posibie or practicable to tach that Selene and Jullion to the deluded end misguided multitude nor, 1 would oer anew race and # new age ‘The ruins of the Masters” arebstecture in the “Land of Daraness" has been ike school of modern builders. From the ‘wonders in that land which time and the elements have epared, veo may conjecture with appreximate certainty on Whal has Been destroyed, 4n Constantine's “Land of Daskess:” there til proudly standing, boeauce Ie very glantiem made it sineibe tae the wweath and finy of fanatical destruction, le one of the most tazing works that man has ever produced, so far as we know. ‘tsoems certain that the greates: wisdom of the world stood ‘herp and was present atthe designing and constriction of the “signe and wonders in the lend of Egypt,” and the placing of ‘them there by "the Great, the Mighty Gad.” (Jer. 3251820) ‘The Great Pyramid isso huge end so unconquerabe, that not fren the Roman Army eoula budge ft from ies foundation, ‘And that Temple of Stone in Constantine's "Land of Dask- ‘ness before which the great enginoers af the rocern world stand ‘awe, was erected so far back im the dim and distant past, that sll mecord and memory ofits birth have been lot snd destroyed, ‘Of the arest antiquity of Constantine's “Land of Darkest,” that brillant Engisiman, Winwood Reade, wrote— "Buried eltles are beneath ou feat the ground on whlch we walk isthe pavement ofa tomb. See the pyramids towering to the eky (Gen. 11-4), with men, Ike insets, eraling around their base; and the Sphinx, couched in vast syposs, with a ruined temple beneath is gant pave "ince those huge monuments were raised, the very heavens havo been changed. Wain the Ancient Masters bogan tele wor, ire was anotuer Polar Star in the northem sky, andthe outhern Ors shone upen the Battle shores. “How glorious are the memories ofthese Ancient Wise Men, whose names are long ace ongotten; for they lived and labored tn the distant and unvriten past. Too great tobe known they sit fn the heights of the centuries and look down on thelr fame ‘Tuelr Wonk ls 9 pertect that it seams to have been dicted by the God of the Universe” ‘That is a brlef picture of the Glory of the Ancient atasters ‘whom the modern world has known as heathenish iolaters for xveemsundred years LESSON 17. THE GREAT SUN. ‘When the history and the seiptres of the Ancent Word vere destroy by the founders of Hemanin, the foun Thihers kept that secord of astronomical oluevations, whieh ‘ntonded bac nto the ight of ie for more tan alta milion wet precious record, now carefully concealed in the Vatican urery irom tne eye of & detuned ord, contlne @ surprising fsccount of te Gceat Cara Sin, tered by te Anson! Masters {Ge “tun Behind the Sun” and concerning whieh the modern Clergy iow note Sine existence of the Great Sun has been Known inal ages ‘tthe preset, a ts known now’ to oe siento ‘We rpard ou loa! Sun asa ery lege boy, compara. ‘Te peat, ved giant, Antaes (Alp Scorpio large thats tase some Hondreds of thoustnds of tne that of oar un 1H has 4000 mes the eabdlepower of our Sun, and ib ovr 460 times hs deter. So nuge (Antares that Jt would require 88. minutes for aus clei euctent torte haltvay around “Te Great Sun i alegoriely mentioned fa the Mle, Tb deserved asa Chait of Pre ad ores o Pie: “enol, thee Sppeared a chart of fr, and hore of fre and Hija went ‘pont Henven by a whisenad’" (2 Kings 2:2) “Acordng tegen, when the Great uh comes Into con- suneton with our lea! Sun, here ours a reign of extraordinary Livakening and effusion of Light throughout our entre Slat Syed alles ote of eas eerghing oo ear ‘ste super ower of the Great Sn le renee the earth throug oz local Sn, it esl fo send the Sons of Gd into the eonscousness of the ear apaere tet & New Bra of ‘Taought and Intligence may be born sm the minds of tue or the stilton en gudance of pion! Developmen." ‘That event is badly mowed now, In oder fo eipate the reign of Ate and Matealism with which mankind has born Cutaed snes the dawn of modern Hrosons, ‘and the birt af Hvoutoiem rnued rest from the fact, that iteligent men cod not swallow the pera god of oruanise, who tale fo Adam and vein the Garden of Bde, {Gon 3) and to Mes, (23°59) Tovotionism ie the child of atheste seentsts who admit that their ignorance of the constitution of Man is practieally complete, ‘exis Care, one oftheir great leaders, gave these athelstic sonuists a shock when he wrote in 1935 that “our ignorance (ot Man) i: profound. Mest of the questions put to themseves by those ho cy man beings remain without angwer.” ‘en, The Unknown, P4) "such conjunction of the Great Sun with our leat sun is now nearing its perihelion, and that event opens wide tne Door ff Opportunity to all the Acpirants unto the Light” Influence of the Great Sua 1 is said that the benefclent influence flowing fom the Great Sun is such, that the Soler Force which flows forta into Dbumanity at these propitious periods of time, enables the Adept lo avalon the alrophied ongans, and ehsnnes, and nerve plexi Within his mlcrecasm, whieh eauss his sven Stara (Seven Great [Nerve Centers of the body). symbolically termed the Seven Eyes of God whieh run to and fre through the whole earth (bodj— Been. 41) to Gloray (glorty) as centers of Spiritual Light. (in. 19; 18:5) ‘when thus awakened, the Adept functions on a higher plane ‘by reason of the fact thet he receives the additonal beneiit of the "ing af his Starry Realm” within his body, the Temple of (Goa, (tu 17:21; # Cor 6:19) ‘We must aivaye remember that Man # the central subject ofthe Bible. He is am epitome ofthe Universe. Rach cell of is body is replica of the Universe. Within each oell there 18 a Intetignt Life Point—the Sun of the Cet Univers, whieh, ke bur piysieal Sun, recelves Light, Life and Vital trom the Sun behuid the Sun, and whoa i the Light, Life and Vitality of Goa "The Kingdom of God is actualy’ within, manifesting the presence of God within every eel and fber of the human. body ad these precious Feats of Truth tot boen preserved or us by being eoncealed by the Masters in allegory, parable and fable they had long ago Been obliterated by the despots from the Word’ erature, ana we would have no alternative but to sit ike fois the dareness of Remaiam ae ite o-partner, vol ‘The ancient engineers who designed and but the Great ‘Pyramid, had knowiedge ofthe Great Son, which the Atlantenns hhad nated Onin Sirius, the Dog Star, the True Sun of the Universe ‘These men knew that once a year the great (Parent) Sun is fm ne with Sinus. or unt season the Grest Pyramid wes 20 Dult that, atthe prcize moment, th light of Bias (Osir) fll ‘upon the aquare “Stone of God” which was placed xt the upper fd of the Grand Gallry, and the light sono upon the Fgh Pres, “who recived the Super Solar Force, and sought, through ‘ls own perfected body, to transmit to the initiates this added stimulation and nvigoration of the oveluton of tht God hoed: ‘This was the secret purpose of the square "Sione of God ‘whereon, in the ritual, Osiris sits to bestow upon the Iiuminate the At Crown of Celestial Light and Glory Health Teaching of Great Importance ‘The human body actually being the Temple of God, tt was only logical thatthe Masters made heat teaching ofthe highest, frder, an Important branch of thelr God Seience end Religion For the reelpt and transmission ofthe Super Sola Force requires not only perfected body im the High Pest, but also in the Tniuate ‘The Super Solar Foree cannot function normally through jbncrmet bodies. An electri globe must be In perfect condition to receive and manifest the electric foree flowing into fe mesh anita, or ese the free produces no apparent effect. ‘And thus, Hhroughost the teachings of the Ryptian My teris, the Visible Light was Dut a shadow of the Invisible Light; and inthe wisdom ofthat ancient country, the Measires of Truth ‘were the years of tae Most High.” (Book of the Maser) “The adorable Fire and Immense depth of Flame which the human Beart must not fear to toueh, 3 that power proceeding from the Giver of Life, the Living Principle of the Universe, the ‘Sun behind the Sun. ‘The astronomical change in the dispensation of the Masters fs termed the Precssian of tho Hquinowes. This i a retrograde ‘ation in the passage of our local Sun as it cress the eeliptic ach year This retrograde movernent requires 2.158067 yeurs to pass ‘rough each sign af the Zodiac; and the particwae change we are now experiencing, wit not occur egain for 25,872 years So we can readly understand why it requires ages of me to aiscover some of the deeper mysteries of the Universe, many fof Which are absolutely unknown to boast modeen sclence, bom but @ few centuries go, hen bold Columbus, agai 26 | | | | Strong opposition of Romanism, showed & deluded world thatthe tatth isnot only round, bt that it revoltes round the Sun. ‘The earth cicles our loeal Sun every 30824 days; and our ‘Sun circles tne Great Sun (Aleyon) every 25.84 years, ‘The earth travels round our Sun atm speed of 1080 males per ‘minute, and turns on its axis atthe rate of 1080 miles an Hour. ‘Ale bullet travela 38 miles per minute. ‘Age of Man and the World ‘This amazing work of God has been going on for billions of years, and perhaps forever. For if theso things ever had @ be- Binning, how, why and when did they begin. ‘Man has beon cn eatin actuality for mallions of years, and dhe has potentialy existed always. HE was with God before the wworls was, (2m 17°5), ‘Man has seen this old world make these cycles many times, fang he has stuaied tet effets ad recorded thelr rel rom these ages of astroncmical observation and study, the Masters developed tele God Selence and Raison. ‘Romanism destroyed their great work, then smeared them with the term idolaicous pagans. Modern scence calls them Supersitious heathens, LESSON 18. SECRET OF THE STARS. ‘rhe goal of the Ancient Masters was to disover the Key to the Mystenes of Lite 4a their lgent efforts to discover that Key, they developed the oldest and greatest study ever Know, the progeniar both of ‘astronomy and mithematie, as we KNOW them. A study that ‘combines pute selenee, pure art ana pare philosophy-—Astology: 2A study of the planetary iniuenee of San. Tn the tomb of Ramses, who reigned 3500 years ago, there vas found a massive elie of wrought gold, divided into $63 ‘egret, and ach division was marked as tothe rising and sting fof the stars for each day Th is evident that the Bgyptin Masters had received from ‘etn, Enoch, Noah and Shem the strange knoweage thats mutta! dependence exists between everything in the Universe, Including @ definite relation between the Spirits of the Stare and the Spies of Man ‘The Masters knew that the destiny of mortals is regulated by the movement and induence of the heavenly bodes, for taey ate all subject to the sme Universal Law. ‘Out of this study, the Masters originated the system of Astrology, whlch was purposely arranged 0 that it gould not be ‘understood without the Key. ‘From the conjunction of the planets at the hour of birt, the Mastere prophesied what woud be the temperament of an Infant, wnat fet wots likely ive, and what death ft would die ‘Prom the four Great Masters named, the Bgyptian Masters recelved the knowledge as to te thape of tue earth, is revlution Found the sum, and how % calculate solar and iunar eelpse. ‘The Egyptian Masters were taught Low to foretell withthe greatest of accuracy what Was about to happen to mankind, the fillure or abundance of crop, the sscret of earthquakes, deluzes, the sppesranoe of comets, snd all thet srange phenemens, she Imowlaige of which appears to ut impossible of common compre >penalon, ‘Amid the squandered fruits of the Tree of Krowledge, those of Astrology preent the mest flagrant case of misuse and abuze, Tstead of seriously studying the divinely designed laws of solar and planetary influence, not only on earth and tides, bat fon men and heredity, on all humae existence, relationships od attinitles, upon groups, nation, and epochs; Instead of studying the everdnereasing wonder, the Gscoverabieevidance and. proot of Divine Control and Design in all the so-called azeidents of Lite of the Cosme Plan underiving all desinities—the leaders of ‘the peoste have allowed the only selence that ean seveal a definite ‘naiation of Divine Wil, to take rank among the ticks of ehar- Jatans, who pander Uo human weskness, human desires and nomen sovastice, Protection from Misuse and Abuse 1 was to protect ther diacoveries from thls misuse and abuse ‘hat the Masters never revealed them to the Uninitiatea or the rmulitude, But concealed them in symbols, parables, fables and Megories. "To explore the mysteries of the Univerte and to strive to solve its manifold enigmas, isthe chlef use of Thought, ard eon stitutes the principle distinction between Man and he Tower snimals, “Accordingly, in all ages the Human Intellect has labored to undersiand and explain the nature of Man and his relationship to this God, ‘The human mind has never struggiod harder and longer to explain to itself the press of Cretion, and of divine maniesta: ton, and at the same time to conceal is discoveries from all but the initiated, than in the Kabbsiah. Hence, much of it soems like rothing but jargon to the profane ‘The Kabbalah alone consecrate the sliane ofthe Univers ‘Reason and the Divine Word. It establishes, by the counterposts| of two forees apparently opposite, the eternal Balance Libra) ‘of Being. Tt alone reconltes Reason with ath, Power with Liner, Sclence with Mystery, Philosophy with Religion, 1 has ‘he Keys tothe Present, the Past, and the Puture ‘The Masters postulsted that God is cause whlle Man i effect, nd thas the invisible things of God may be geen in the Mtnd, being understood by the things made visible (Rom. 1-20). The proces of reasoning to the Masters was the faczity of deducting ‘unknown éruths from known principles. For every effect must hnave a mitilent ease "rhe Roman Bible, with al ite strange parables and alle goris, expresses in an incomplete end velled manner only, the Religious Science cf the Masters. "The doctrine of Moses and the Prophets, basically identic with that ofthe ancient Hgyptians, also had its outward meaning snd evel ‘The Old Testament Dooks were wilten only to recall to remory the Traditions; and they were writen in symbols unin {elle tothe profane, and not now unders-eed by Romani, “The Pentateueh and the prophetic poems were merely ele- mentary books of doctrines, morals or itrgy. "The true secret and tradsional philosophy was oniy written afterward, under veils les transparent. ‘Monument of Philosophy and Religion ‘Tas there was born a second set of scriptures, unksown 10, cr rather uncomprehended by, Romanism—a collection, the Romanists si, of monstrous absurdities; but a Monument, the Adept says, wherein is everything the genius of philosophy’ and religion have ever formed or imagined ofthe sublime: a treasure ucrounded by thoens iamond concealed ina dark, TOUgh Sone ‘On penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Kabbalah, one is ‘ed with admiration at meeting a doctrine so logit, 0 simple, 0 absolute. The necessary unlon of eas and signs, the eance ration ofthe mod funcamental realiins by the primitive char sete the Trinity of Words, Letters, and Numbers—a piloanphy fs simple as the alphapet, yet as sound as the Divine Word: theorems more complete an tuminous than those of Pythagoras; 2 theology summed up by counting en one's fingers; an Taine that can be Reid in the Hollow of a infant's nana; ten ciphers and 22 letter, telange, a square and a ele ‘These are the elementary principe of the written Word eftdions of we Divine Mhodght tt crated wos ‘Legend inform us that the Kaboaia i the emboiment of that!rnte occult adem that eas sivaged from the. Atlantean inilization, and was carted to Eegpt by Hermes, most ancient Ditlosoper, where the paliareh allowed a portion of to one but. In thal way the nations cbtalned some knowledge o iad ‘htroduced it Into thee phlasophical and religious systems “Wares was learned in all the wisdom of Eaypt.” He covertly tala down the prineples ofthis eterle doctrine inthe st four books of tie Pentateuch, but withbeld them from Deuterenamy. ‘hls constitutes tne frrier, the Man, and the later, te Woman Moses also iuiiated the Seventy Elders into the secrets of (is ‘etzine, a they in urn transmitted them fm hand to ha ‘Of all who ‘ormod the unbroken line of tradition, 8 appears that David and Solomon were ihe frst initiated into the Ka blah, No one dared to wets it down ti Simon Ben Jochal, who lived inthe ime of the destruction ofthe second Temple and who ficd with this dviue doctrine ints mouth whilst dscoursing Om It to bis diseples, LESSONS 13-18. ‘QUESTIONS ‘The Student should study the scons unt he can answer al he ‘questions and fee certain his answers are correct 4. Define the word Pyramid. Why dld the Masters symbolize ‘ire aoa sored object? 2, Explain why gold suddenly went out of clreuiation in the 3. Why was Raypt called the “Land of Daviess"? Why did the Rocetla Stone reveal the secrets of the ancient inscriptions? 2 Why was hls history ofthe anelent world 4 Who was assayed? 5. Do the people of tod ‘sno, expan why. 6, Brietly deteribe the Three Resurvections. If « Mason, do you now ffom what souree the Order got the Werk ofthe second ‘section of the Third Degree? 17. Why do plants fade and die after sruting and seeding? Ts rman subject 9 the same law? 8, Why i Athotim and Matevalom so prevalent today? 8, ‘Do you belleve there Is any relationship between the Stars ‘nd Man? nave much knowledge reparding the the Ancient Masters? If your arawer THE WISDOM OF THE AGES. Book 4 [AL Rights Reserve, Including The Rit ‘Te Reproduce This Course Or Any Potion Tevet Ta Ray Foe 1959 {Use nine, brora ‘act f ploy nn eleceaee Sc nh een ec ue {non eres » NATURAL SCIENCE SOCIETY ‘ontanoo, FLoRion CONTENTS LESSON 18, oalse a ‘The Apocalyptic Zodiac = Onigin of the Zodiae ‘The Blamal Cyela.— 0 ‘Man's Valuable Lessons eras ‘Why the Zodiac fs Divided Tato 80 Degrees Faste Concealed and Distorted ‘Marvels and Dfysteries of tne Univers. Rey to Ancient Wisdom = ‘Tae Zodine ot Clock of Destiny. rw and Deception 10 Signs, Symbols and ATiegories LESSON 20... basta “Astology A a History of the Colestat Sclece. z Sas “Astrology Changed to Astronomy. 5 asic Radlations Not a New Discovery. 18 LESSON 21, sete 8 Astrology B. Bridence of Previows Air Age Roirth of Pover in Women. We Will Advance im Aquaris {A system That Solved Man's Proiems 2 ‘An Invisible HAPMOMY on 2 [LRBEON 22 - 2 ANDDORY SC ee 2 Great mgs Will Happen in his Age 3 ‘Testimony to the Truth of Astrology 2 LESSON 73, a pee oi ‘Astrology D n 1 virgo a 2 Leo eae 23 3. Cancer 23 & Gemint eis S. Tourue » & Aves 2 1 Pisces 2 4. aguarius » Story of Man Ts Bull Tato tne Great Pyramid » ouESrIONS 2 LESSON 19. zopiac. the Starry Sky long before st was repented and copied on Barth fn the human desma, "That history the Masters ist traced upon the fase of the Dheavens, an then symbolised in Une Zoe. 'o the Zodlae was the Grad Symbol of the God Slenee and Holigion ofthe Lemuvian Masters a hundeea thousand years go. Origin of the Zodiac ‘The whole subject o te history of the Zodite that has been, permitted to come down io us, is now very obscure, thane 10 "The Encyclopedia Americans clams that the Zodine “seems to have originated with the Chaldean astronomers about 2100, Bc", and "the Feyptians adopted the 12‘01d division of the odie trom the Greeks.” ‘Authors who publish facts, assert that Thales, who traveled ‘into Bgypt and the Fast, Ot brouga: Astrology, Geometry and ‘Natural learing to Greece, ‘Thus we learn How well out publications are censored by ‘Romanism, and how earetly ttc and truth are eonecaled om fhe mide, "There ate reali two zodiac, via, the Zodiac of Constellations sand the Zodine of Signs, ‘The former consits of twelve actual wnequal Constellations along the line of the ecliptic, bearing the same names as the Sgn and through which the Sun travels duting the year i ‘lstlng around the eaptc ‘The latter isan imaginary cece or belt Uhat ws vied by the Masters into twelve equal portions called sigs, and they srefe name fom the Censtelitvons then adjacent to tern. Ts [S Uhe Zodiae of Signs teed In astrology, and the Constalatlon oui may be disregarded, Originally the two coincided, Dit bwin to the phenomenon known as the Precession af the Byuin- ‘nos they do not now coinede ‘The Rarth performs one complete rotation upon its own axis from west to east in twenty-four hours, The effect of this move: ment isto make the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars appear to ese In the eas, pass aeros the sky, and set in the west. ‘Ths, each sign and dogree of the Zodiac rites, culminates, and sets nee in twenty-four hous. TLison this account thatthe time of birth i¢ or grt importance ip astrology, in order to the exact point of the Farth in relation to the otter celestial ‘oats and poles In space, ‘The Zodine of the Masters ls the Commie Wheel of Life. Ite the greatest of all symbols, and represents the greatest of all spiritual work produced by tian, ‘The story It tells of God, the Universe and Man require for its fermulation a petod of time tmtending over early alt arlll Yous The Eternal Cycle ‘The anclent scriptures were just the uterary extension and amplification of the eymbology of the Zodias. ‘These scriptures {ell the story of the Jourmey of the Universtt Soul from Gad ‘Man, and from Man to Goethe eternal Cyoe. The Soul was never and is never lst! ‘The Zodiac symbolizes oth aspects of the Univers, the vs: ible an the invisible. In this spe x contained in allegory the smyelorios ofthe creative processes of the cosmos. ‘Some authors assert that there is not im this country an coveult student that ie empetent to interpret inteligenty al the ‘arious phases of the symbology ofthe Zodiac ‘The Masters, by long study, discovered that the Heavenly ‘Man, in whose image the Barth Man le made (Gen. 1:27), and fm whose organism the cela are actually tiny stars, une and planets Is the prototype of man himelt In the Stars the Masters discovered the story of the Sou, and in the Stars their discoveries they hid, knowing that the Stars are Light Eternal, whieh wil always attract the attention of man, and wil always reveal thei secrets to him who has the patience to study them dligenty, and the inteigence to intr ret correctly what he finds ‘That cannot be done by the athelst who denis God, by the Rorsanist who knows not God, nor by the evolatcnist who be- Ives that he ascended fcom at ape. ‘The Masters who devised the signs and symbols that mark the constellations now tne natural divisions of the humen body, tunderstoed the origin of the Spint Monad, indivisible, wich Aivdesitstf and beomes x Dusd, comprehended in the Cycle ff Tnvolution tothe Human, and of Byatution to the Creator 1h the Stars the Masters dzovered Row the fate of man would ebb ana ow Between Light and Dacess, between Spin Ualism and Materialism, between Maseuliniem and. Feminism, ‘and symbolize ital inthe Sign ofthe Zodiae and thelr parans- {eclona._ Astronomy, Uhvoup te atenigleal expression, was hele Golden Key. It constituted the written law of God. | | | “Be waietn the number of the stars; and He ealete them by thee names.” (Pa 147-4). And it Was So."Thy law is written within my hear.” (Ps, 48), "Forever, © Lord, toy ward ae) [Gaesiea in eave” (Ps 16:48). It revealed in te Stas, ‘The Zedige Circe (the For Wheels in the Berkel 3:18), ix the apmbol of Eternity and God. Tt represent the path our Sun ‘ant Solar Systom travel im thee passage around the great Sun ‘Aeyon, which journey requires 25920 of our solar years. The ‘Masters had charted many of these Journeys ible Less ‘The passage of the Sun through the Twelve Signs of the odie was made the basis Of God Sesence by the Masters, Who ‘studied the fall of Man as traveling Uurough the Twelve Houses o: Poasties of the Zodige during te days of his earthy eareer, fd, um cach nous, experiensing valuable leson "As the Masters studied astronomy, Imaginary figures were traced by them allover the Heaven, to which the dierent Stars ‘wore assigned, Chief among thom were those Stars that lay ‘long the path thatthe Sun travels ashe climbs toward the north fnsummer and cecconds towand the sot in winter ying within cevtain limits and extending equal distances on each sde of the line of ual days and nights ‘This ely, curving like a serpent, was termed te Zodiac, snd as divided into twee parts oF signs, to each of which was as ‘Signed a cectaim name. At he vernal equinox fm 2488 BC. the ‘Sun entered te zodiac sign and Consetlution of Taurus, having paseed through since he commences to ascend ortnward at the ‘Winter Solstice, the signs of Aquarius, Paces and Aries, on enter- ‘ng the frst of which he reached the lowest limit of his southward journey ‘From Taurus, the Sun passed through Gemini and Cancer fang reached Lon when ne aftived at the termine of hie noth ‘ward journey. ‘Thence, trough Leo, Virgo and Libr, he entered Scorpio at the Autumnal Equinox, end traveled” southward ‘throuth Scorpio, Sagittarius apd Capricorus to Aquarius, He terminus of is Journey south ‘The path in which the Sun traveled through these 2odiae signs Became the Bip, and that whieh paseed through the tio equinores, the Equator. ‘The Earth in its Great Circuit, passes through the range of 4 Constelation, represented by 2 Cycle of 215867 years. During that period of time, the annual bith of the Sun oecurs in the same zodiac sgn. In each Grand Cycle of 25,80 years, the Barth pesscs throug all Twelve Houses of the Zodia, just a the Sum oes sarough them i 365.26 cays ‘Our Sun aso makes a Grand Cyete that requtes 20,000,000 sears to complete ‘inn work enitled "Marvels and mysteries of Slense” pub- tiene im 1041, 816 pages, si stated teat our Sun, whl really aaa “with its attendant planets, ts moving throughs spaze at speed of 200 miles & second, traveling around the enter of gravity of lls eosmlesjstam. A ths speed it ‘eles 22,000 00 years to complete a revolution otis figanti orbit How many times the Sun has erelo its orbit eannct be dotermined or even accuraaly estimated. According to some authorities, it must have made thousands, and Perhaps indreds of thousands of complste revolutions.” (e3) Why the Zodiac Is Divided Into 30 Degrees ‘az stated in Lesson No, 17, the Sun doce not arrive at the ‘oint on the equator ‘The reel of tie fe termed the "precession of the equinoxes, ‘by means of which the Sun is constantly ehanging fs positon in the Zodiae at each vernal equinak ‘Tho annual amount of precession Is a tle over 80 seconds, fang amounts to 30 degrees, ofa sign of the Zodiae, 18 2.156657 ‘years That isthe secret eason why the Masters, many thowsaeis OF years ago, divided the Zodlac Circe into 30 degrees ‘Wat dies the "Atarvels and Mysteries of Selence” say about this! That we shall quote n due course. ‘The period of te requzed for « complete Revolution of the ‘Bquinoxes is 25,880 years, or one Grand Cyele ofthe Barth, We ‘hall see agein how modem science "eaves face” by concealing this encient knowledge, ‘Te will thus be ready observed that it required a vast pelod of time forthe Masters to check and recheex this data through the ages tn order to formulate thar chart and make thelr coords, sowing and deseribng not only these mysteries of the Universe, ‘but also the states and conditions of the Barth and it lahable fants as affected and influenced by the Hbrations ofthe various (Geestial Bodies symbolized inthe Zone, all of which the dition. ary and encyclopedias declare Is false, counterfelt and spurious Facts Concealed and Distorted When the histories, eneyelopeias and works of modern science sate that the Zone “seems to have originated with the Chaldeen astronomers cbout 210 B.C." the authors of euch false statements are ether lying ot ignorant of the fects, and are pot competent to write upon the swbec. ‘As further evidance of the flagrant manner in which repu- table publications are distorted 29 conceal facts and hide te knowledge of the Masters, it i stated In the work an Science tove mentioned, that Hippaichus dscovered the "precession of the equinosse" in 125 BC. We quote: ‘the Greek astronomer, Hipparchus, who has been called the father of astronumy, in 125 Be. discovered the precasson ofthe egulnoxes by comparing the length. of the year, decermined by dates when certain Deght Sars could fest be sen In the dawn after the sun had Deed them in ts annual motion, with the lenge of the year of the scasona determined with the gnomon. This amazing discovery of a motion of the earth that requires nearly 26,000 years or the completion at one ‘Srcuit, sometimes called the Great Year, eould not be xplaised at the time, but haa to wait 1800 years for the tind of Newton to explain the piysiea cause” (Pil). ‘Tue statement that Hpparchus made, “this amazing discor- ery" Is ereoneous, and made to tation af modern selence ‘That “amazing discovery” was made by the Masters half a million years ago, and the knowledge ‘as lost when Romans Aestrojed the ancient records ‘The above quoted statement $8 designed and prepared to make people believe thal medern selence kaows what ie doing in has come up with another “amazing discovery ‘Morvels and Mysteries of the Universe 1t was their lmosledge of tho procession of the equinoxes that consteained the Masters to divide the Zofixe Chrele into 0 dogrece; and they knew the exact annual mount of precession ‘Gown tothe fraction of a minute, Nor did they have “to walt 1800 years forthe mind of Newton to explain the piysiealeause.” he did explain it, ble explanation does not appear in the face” and protest the rept “Marvels and Mysteries of Science"—a title that should be changed ta the Marvels and Mysteries of the Universe ‘There are no marvels and mysteries about “science.” So- called slentsts are strong on lowing bouquets at Uemselve, 435 4988 B.C, the Sun entered the zodie sgn of Taurus, the Bull; and for 2186.67 years the Bull of the Zodiac was the object of veneration. "The Bui im turn, was replaced by Aries, she Ram, when the ‘Sun entered thal odine sgn in 2432 BG, ‘rom that time until 276 BC, the Ram or Lam beeame the object of adoration when, in its tum, it opened the equinox for 2108.01 years, "to deliver the world from the wintry reign ef eo, Dbarrennese and davies" as the ancients termed it in theif nna celebration, During those centuries, the people ving north of the Equator eal Ares “the Lam of God, which taketn away the sins of te world” (Jn, 1:29) ‘The annual “birt of the Sun" was wis! coleerataa by alt ancient nations north ofthe equator on that day, Which day has ‘ow come to be the 25th of December, and swell commercalaed that it constrains the people of the USA to squander bilions of éollars each ye ‘Among the books of the Bible aie two works Which the unsaiible cnuren” doa not pretend to understand, end never aitempta to explaln—the Haekiel and. the Rexslation (Apacs: Iypse); two cabaletic clavieules, closed with Seven Seals U9 ali ‘tinal beuovers; but clear and plain ta the "unbaievers” who Ihave been inflated In the occult eclences, Koy to Ancient Wisdor ‘The Revelation is master parable that is the Key to the Gnosis the Anclent Wisdom. Incomprehensble as the boo' may ‘sce to th esleie scholar, however great his intelectual alas ‘ens, keen Dis mental acumen, ad vast his sare of erudition, tg tne mere tyro in the God Soienoe the general meaning of the ‘Apocalypue Is perfectly clear. This work treats Yery faly of the Spittal and peyehie frees in man as symbolized in the Zodiac ‘As tis work appears inthe New Testament i is shot through and through with spurious interpolations to weave the gospel Jesus into the picture. For that purpose It was nocessary for ‘Romanism to write and pret the fiat mine verses of the frst shaper. ‘The clergy are 9 completly misied by deception, that they never suspect the izekie! to be parable dealing withthe Masters ‘Wheel of Life and its twelve signs. "A whirivind came out ofthe nor, and a great cloud. ‘Behold one whee) upon the esith... © And tir appearance and Uheir work was, as it were, a wel Sa the middle of whee... And when the ing creates ‘were lifted up from the eartn, the wheels were lifted up... For the Spiit ofthe living eeatures was in the vwhesis™ ‘To emphesize the last sentence, it was repeated: “Por the Spint af the living erentures waa in the wheels” (Bx 1.1516, 2) Forkie’s hess are the Zotac, and they deat with the astro. logical doetrine ofthe ascending Macrocoamos and the descend ing Miercecemos, The same is true of Jaood's Laddes—six steps up trom Libra to Arles, and st steps dour on Ue other ade from Aries to Libra, “And he dreamed, and beheld x ladder set up on the earth, anu the top oft zenehed to neuven; and beheld the angels of God fscending und descending on i.” (Gon. 28112) Tho angels symbolize the ascending Macrossemos and the escending Mierocasmas. ‘The Grand Cyete of te Spit THE ZODIAC OR CLOCK OF DESTINY (Courtesy of Johan Wien) ‘The face of modern clocks was copied from the face of the ancient Zodine. We copy thelr works, but we call thom “heathens " “A horizontal line dawn asrote the center of the Zodiae is the diameter, and i called the "River Jordan,” and also the Ses of Mion, ‘The Masters used the Zodiac as a chart to Mluetrate the lessons they Taught their disciples, AN the mysteries of the ‘nlverse are locked up in Wis eaumic eat, “The upper hat of the Zodiac Circle symbolizes the Kingdom of God, the colestist world. ‘The Lover RU! Js 4 symbol of the Earth, tne terrestrial world “The bottom hatf of the Zodiae forms a eup, and was syrabol- ‘aed by the Masters as the Bilter Cup. The feason why tt was ‘hus termed wee sha explain tn de time, and slo wy eae nan ‘must drink of the Biter Cup before he an soe the "kingdom of Goa" (im. 3'2) ‘This mystery was alleoriaed in the drama of the Egyptian iysteies, and the candidate was taught the literal meaning of the allegory. It was Included in the eriptres, and the gospel Jesus tera drank of te Biter Cup. We rad ‘They gave me also gall for my mest; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink (Ps 6:21) ‘They gave na vinogar to drink mingled ‘with gal ‘They filed a sponge with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave im to drink. (at. 27:3448) Atter this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accom- plished, thatthe seripture might bo fuflied, salt, r thirst... ‘And they filed @ sponge with vinegar, and put i upon hss, ‘and put it to is mouth, When Jeste terete nad feenved Coe ‘inega, ne sald, 1 fineneds nd he bowed is heed, and gave pte ghast. Jn, 19:2830), Fraud and Deception So clever and cunning were the compilatos ofthe New Testa- rent, and s0 constantly end compictely ld they transform Alegorism into iteralism. Ten Romanism produced that dack- ‘eas and ignorance so Vital and necestary Wo persuade people tO buieve in fraud and deception as tra ‘The Masters also called the bottom aif of the Zodize the World of Huson; for at the ft impression, and to the deceived masses in daskmes, the Barth appears fo be real and permanent [But actually, under Cosmie Lay, all visible things are constantly changing. Nothing is static and permanent. ‘The order of visible texistence is that of constant change. The Cycle of arity ‘The bottom half of the Zagiae is also a symbol of “the Far ‘couniry” to whieh the Prodigal Son went andl spent his substance In rotous ving. (Bs. 18:11-82) “This ts another allegory. ‘The Prodigal Son sa symbol of man’s experince on the teresri! plane, “the far country,” and his return to tne “kingdom 07 God. "Tae two mart famous divisions of the Heavens, by seven, ‘whichis Shat ofthe planets, and by twelve, which Is that of the ‘Signa ofthe Zadia, appear on the stone monuments ofall people ofthe ancient world. Being on stone, the mast of them eoulé not be destroyed by Romans. “Ancient Egypt had twelve great gods later called "dol" by ‘Romanism, to rymboliae the twelve divisions of the Heuvens ‘Theae Symbolcal gods were adopted by the ancient Oreoks and the Romane. ‘Te Homans asigned ope of the gods to each sign ot the Zodiac, Their mages before belng destroyed by Homenism, ‘were seen in Aen and aa altar Was erected to eath; and they ‘were painted ex tae pains ‘Signs, Symbols and Allegs ‘Twelve lines are used in drawing the four tangles of the Pyramid, ‘That lines symbole iho blve signs of the Zodiac, divided into their respective groups "Tne Zodine has free sigus because twelve is th circle of ‘completencs. ‘All cosmie operations in Nature that produc, may be termed ‘rweive, being eommplete in order to proauce, “The product is ‘Thirteen "The Twelte Signs of the Zodiae and tne Sun make Thirteen

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