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Palestine Polytechnic University

College of information Technology and computer engineering

Computer Programming Lab

Lab No. ( 1 )

This lab contains two parts:

1. C++ compilers installation process
a. Dev-C++ compiler Installation.
b. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 compiler Installation.
2. Introduction to C++ programming

PART 1: C++ compilers installation process

a. Dev-C++ compiler Installation.

There are many C++ compilers; in this lab, we will provide the installation process for the Dev-C++
compiler. It is up to you to select a different C++ compiler.

Installation steps of Dev-C++:

1. Go to the
2. Use your username and password to enter to the course page (Computer Programming). Please
note that the enrolment key is ppu2013.
3. You will see the following page. Click on Devcpp- to start downloading the file.
[In case you have a problem to login to the elearning system, get the file from this link: ]

4. After downloading the file, double click on it to start the installation process.

5. Click OK.

6. Click Ok.

7. Click I Agree.

8. Click Next.

9. Click Install.

10. Click Finish.

11. Finally, Dev-C++ is ready to use.

12. You can start a new empty source file by clicking New followed by Source file.

13. You now have a new empty source file.

14. You can write the following program in the source file:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a, b, c;
double avg;
cout << "Input three integers:" << endl;
cin >> a >> b >> c;
cout << "Average=" << avg << endl;
return 0;

15. You can now run the program by clicking Execute followed by Compile & Run or click on :

16. You will be asked to save the file. Choose a suitable name.

17. If the file is already there and you want to overwrite it, click Yes.

18. The output.

b. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 compiler Installation.

1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 download file is located at D:\Programs 2013

in all labs PCs
2. Open it then Click on the setup file to start the installation process.
3. The following screenshoot is displayed ,click on Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 link to
continue Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installation.

4. The following screenshoot is displayed.After setup is completed loading of installation
components, click on Next button.

5. The following screenshoot is displayed. Mark the indicating that you have read and accepted
the license terms, Then Next button is activated, click on Next button to continue Microsoft
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installation.

6. The following screenshoot is displayed.Select features to install:
a. Full:complete Visual Studio installaion.Install all programming languages and tools.
b. Custom:select which programming languages and tools to install on the next page.

Press the Install button to continue VS2010 setup.

7. The following screenshoot is displayed showing the progress of installing VS2010 component

After installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Beta 2 you must restart your computer to complete the

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installation will automatically continue after your computer is started.
And after some time, it completes the VS2010 installation.

8. After all components listed on the above screen are installed the below result screen is displayed
to show the successful completeness of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate setup.

9. The first time you start Visual Studio, you will see the following screen:

Choose Visual C++ Development settings.

10. Creating “Hello World” C++ Program in Windows Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

1) Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate from Start  All Programs  Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as shown in the following screenshot:

2) Click on File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

3) Choose the type the project such as General and the Empty Project template and put the name of the
project. For example, we type my first project for our C++ project. Moreover, you may put
the Location text box, to save the project to the desired space of your computer hard disk and finally
click on OK button.

4) Solution Explorer will be appeared on Microsoft Visual Studio. From Solution Explorer, just right-
click on Source Files folder and choose Add and then click Add New Item.

5) You now have to add your program. Click on C++ File (.cpp) under Templates and write the name
of the program in the Name text box. For example, we type my first file for our program. At last,
click Add button to complete the creation of .cpp file.

6) Now, we have to type the code of our Hello World program. Just type the following lines of code.


using namespace std;

int main()

cout << "Hello World !!!";


return 0;

7) Compile the program by clicking on Build menu, and then compile. If everything is ok a successful
message will appear to show that your program is build successfully. Otherwise, you will get error
message. Then you need to correct the codes.

8) Run your program by clicking the start debugging from the Build menu then the output will appear
on a Command Prompt window.

PART 2: Introduction to C++ programming:


1. An example is to convert feet to inches.

using namespace std;
int main()
int feet;
cout << "Enter an integer:";
cin >> feet;
cout << endl;
cout << feet <<" Feet = " << 12* feet << " Inches"<< endl;
return 0;

The output:
Enter an integer:3
3 Feet = 36 Inches
Press any key to continue . . .

2. An example to find the area of a rectangle.

using namespace std;
int main()
int length;
int width;
cout << "Enter two integers:";
cin >> length >> width;
cout << endl;
cout << "Area = " << length*width << endl;
return 0;

The output:
Enter two integers:4
Area = 20
Press any key to continue . . .`

3. An example of the data types sizes.

using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "the size of char is:" << sizeof(char) << endl;
cout << "the size of int is:" << sizeof(int) << endl;
cout << "the size float is:" << sizeof(float) << endl;
cout << "the size of double is:" << sizeof(double) << endl;
return 0;

The output:
the size of char is:1
the size of int is:4
the size float is:4
the size of double is:8
Press any key to continue . . .


Solve the following questions:

1. Write a complete C++ program to find the value of if x = 10-1.

2. Write a C++ program to find y = b++ * c/b + --c%2 + ++a%c *b. a, b, c are entered by user.

3. Write a C++ program that computes a salary of a part time employee based on:
- Number of days worked.
- Number of hours per day assuming that he worked the same hours every day.
- The hourly wage.
Choose the suitable data type for each variable.

4. Write a program that reads radius and height of a cylinder and computes its volume and surface
area. The surface area is the surface of the 2 circular bases and the surface of the lateral side.
volume   r 2 h surface area  2r r h  2 r 2


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