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Role of Stomach in digestion

Announce It’s play time
1. Everybody in the class room is asked to join the game
2. The Teacher will divide the class into 4 groups
3. The teacher will let the students play picture puzzle. She
will show green blocks containing clues.
4. The students should answer the clues correctly to reveal
the picture.
5. The group who can first guess the picture wins the game.
6. At the end explain the pictures that these are all about
digestive system.
7. The Teacher can alshow the diagram and asks the students
to answer the labelled parts
What two important parts of the mouth help with digestion? Answer: Teeth, tongue 2. What does the
mouth do? Answer: Chews the food. 3. What is this process called? Answer: Digestion 4. What is the
watery juice in the mouth that helps in this process? Answer: Saliva 5. Where does the food travel to
next? Answer: Down through the esophagus. 6. Where does food go after it travels down the
esophagus? Answer: To the stomach. 7. What happens to the food when it’s in the stomach? Answer: It
is turned into a soupy paste. 8. Where does food go next? Answer: Into the small intestine. 9. What does
the small intestine do? Answer: It absorbs nutrients for the body to use. Where does the small intestine
send what’s left? Answer: Any undigested food goes to the large intestine. 11.What does the large
intestine do? Answer: It absorbs water and eliminates the solid waste.

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