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1What’s your name?

My name is yiseth paola reyes

2How old are you?
I am sixteen years old
3When is your birthday?
my birthday is the sixth of March
4Where are you from?
I am from a apartado antioquia
5What’s your nationality?
My nationality is Sincelejo
6Are you married?
No, I'm single
7What do you do?
I am a student
8Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, if I have two siblings
9 What’s your favorite band?
my favorite band is piso 21
10 What’s your favorite food?
my favorite food is the salchipapa
11 What do you like doing in your
free time?
I like listening to music
12 Do you have any pets?
not, I do not have pets
13 How tall are you?
I measure 1 52
14What is your favorite sport
My favorite sport football
15what is your favorite color
My favorite color is blue
16with whom you live
I live with my dad with my mom and
my two brothers
17 hat are your brothers called
wthey are called dayana and jhonfer

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