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I would like to choose short story Leaving by M.G Vassanji .

From that short story,I like the ending of

the story because the ending makes me happy.

Towards the ending of then story, mother wants to see how the university looks like.She looks at the
propectus with her two children. Finally,on the advice of a school officer,the mother relents and
accepts the idea of allowing Aloo to leave home for a different sky. Aloo for the first time,sees her
mother as a person and not just as her mother-someone who has always thought only of the
children's welfare.Finally Aloo’s mother let him go to overseas. After Aloo left Tanzania ,his mother
receives letter from him who writes a letter from London, but his mother still feels unsure that Aloo
will return to hometown in Tanzania.

The reason i like the ending because Aloo does not resign to his fate.Aloo always determine to
further his studies in medicine at America. Instead he does research and looks at prospectus of
universities abroad.As a conclusion, Aloo is a person who not easily despair with the affliction he
faced.Moreover,I like the ending because finally his mother realize that she should let Aloo for his
own benefit.Maybe one day,Aloo can helps his mother and family to a better life.This shows that
mother always understand Aloo’s determination.Lastly,I like when his mother feels unsure
eventhough he writes a letter to her.This shows,Aloo’s mother is concern towards his son and still
love to his son.

In a nutshell,I like the ending of the story because this story teach me how to display our
determination and success in this world.Sometimes,we must sacrifice ourselves to be a great person
who can solve any problems calmly.

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