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Final Reflection

Cassidy Stevens

1. Looking back over your previous reflections, do you see any themes or patterns emerge

on your approach to learning with technology? What stands out to you? Were you

surprised by any of your observations on your own learning experiences?

Technology is a very broad spectrum of things. technology is the application of

scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It is not limited to the electronics that are

advancing today like we commonly see. Technology originally was just a word that I

used to describe electronic devices. With new technological advancements and findings,

new things and processes are being created and implemented every day without us even

thinking about it.

For my future career, these advancements in technology can greatly impact my

field. So many practical uses can be found for new modern technology in classes. What

surprised me the most is how far we have come from just a few years ago, we made the

first cell phone, and now we are electronically printing what ever we want. I am so

excited for what technology has become and what it will eventually evolve into in the


2. Taking into consideration all of your experiences in this course (including all the

assignments) what were some of the problems or challenges you encountered, and how

did you solve them or work to get past them? How has your strategy for dealing with

challenges changed over the course of this class (or has it)?
I had a few problems that I encountered while taking this course. One of the

biggest ones is complications that I had was trying to adjust from using Google Drive to

using Microsoft applications like Powerpoint and Excel. I have gotten use to a certain

type of format and changing where you know tools are can complicate things and make

life a little difficult when you are trying to finish a project. Another problem that I

encountered the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes red during this

course is Canvas. Sometimes it was difficult to upload my assignments or find certain

projects because this application is new to me and to some of my teachers.

3. Compare the way you thought about learning with technology before the beginning of

this class, and now, what has changed? Why do you think it changed?

From this class, I believe I did not learn as much as I hoped I would. The most I

gained from these modules and projects is how to use a few functions on Microsoft

Word. I wish that this class taught us more about how new technology in the classroom

and ways that technology is implemented in the teaching setting. Although most of the

work was being done independent, I wish that I was taught actual lessons instead of

trying to find out the necessary information for the next assignment. I don’t think that m

view of technology has changed. I believe that I just was shown a few more technological

4. If you take an assignment from the beginning of the class, and one from the end, compare

and contrast how you approached those assignments. What changes can you see in how

you approached the work?

The first assignment that I completed for this class was for the inquiry module.

When first doing this assignment, I was new to college, and did not know how to

complete work for class and making sure how to fulfill the requirements of this class.

Although my grade was pretty good, there were some room for improvement that I would

gladly change if i could. From my last assignment, I was able to understand requirements

better, figure out what I needed to do to get a better grade. I know now how to approach

my assignments more effectively. With experience, I know the best ways to pace my

work and figure out how to best complete my work. Comparing my first to my last

project, I feel like I put a lot more thought and effort into my work.

5. What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' work or process that you

would like to try in your next project?

From reviewing my classmates, projects there were many things that I see in their

works that are different from mine. There are a few things I noticed in the other

works that I liked is the ways that they were organized and the creativity of the

design. While there are some things that I liked in other projects better than mine,

I still did a few things that I liked better in my own projects. I peronally liked the
way that I designed my plans ad the ways I customized the projects to have an

image that represented what I liked.

6. Thinking about any of your module projects if you could go back and change something

what would you change if you had a chance to do this assignment over again?

If I had the chance to change my assignments, I would only change a few minor things. I

believe the work I made was a very good effort and showed my personality and beliefs

through it. I would only change very minor things like fonts and font colors. This is

because I got points taken from my grade due to colors being to monochromatic, meaning

that the text was the same color, but different shades. I would change this and a few

minor details just to raise my grade. Other than that, I would keep everything the same

for my projects.

7. What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for your next semester / class?

For next semester, I have a few goals that I would like to set for my future classes.

One of these goals is to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle while also balancing

school, wok, and a social life. Although that may seem a bit basic, it is a lot harder to

achieve when you are a college student who lives at home, away from her community

that is living in the dorms 40 minutes away. Another goal of mine is to maintain the

highest GPA that I can while in college. While C’s still get degrees, my insurance gives

discounts for good grades and it looks good on job applications when they see that you

have higher grades.

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