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g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg

;+ljwfg;ef ;lrjfno
l;+xb/af/, sf7df8f+} .


xfdL ;fj{ef}d;Qf;DkGg g]kfnL hgtfÙ

g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}ldstf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«o Pstf,
:jfwLgtf / :jfledfgnfO{ cIf'00f /fvL hgtfsf] ;fj{ef}d clwsf/, :jfoQtf /
:jzf;gsf] clwsf/nfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{Ù
/fi6«lxt, nf]stGq / cu|ufdL kl/jt{gsf nflu g]kfnL hgtfn] k6s–
k6s ub{} cfPsf P]ltxfl;s hg cfGbf]ng, ;z:q ;+3if{, Tofu / alnbfgsf]
uf}/jk"0f{ Oltxf;nfO{ :d/0f Pj+ zxLbx¿ tyf a]kQf / kLl8t gful/sx¿nfO{
;Ddfg ub}{Ù
;fdGtL, lg/+s'z, s]Gb|Ls[t / PsfTds /fHoJoj:yfn] ;[hgf u/]sf ;a}
k|sf/sf lje]b / pTkL8gsf] cGTo ub}{Ù
ax'hftLo, ax'eflifs, ax'wfld{s, ax';f+:s[lts tyf ef}uf]lns
ljljwtfo'Qm ljz]iftfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ u/L ljljwtfaLrsf] Pstf, ;fdflhs
;f+:s[lts P]Soa4tf, ;lxi0f'tf / ;b\efjnfO{ ;+/If0f Pj+ k|jw{g ub}{Ù juL{o,
hftLo, If]qLo, eflifs, wfld{s, n}+lus lje]b / ;a} k|sf/sf hftLo 5'jf5"tsf]
cGTo u/L cfly{s ;dfgtf, ;d[l4 / ;fdflhs Gofo ;'lglZrt ug{ ;dfg'kflts
;dfj]zL / ;xeflutfd"ns l;4fGtsf cfwf/df ;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f
ug]{ ;+sNk ub}{Ù
hgtfsf] k|lt:kwf{Tds ax'bnLo nf]stflGqs zf;g k|0ffnL, gful/s
:jtGqtf, df}lns clwsf/, dfgj clwsf/, aflnu dtflwsf/, cfjlws lgjf{rg,
k"0f{ k|]; :jtGqtf tyf :jtGq, lgikIf / ;Ifd Gofokflnsf / sfg"gL /fHosf]
cjwf/0ff nufotsf nf]stflGqs d"No / dfGotfdf cfwfl/t ;dfhjfbk|lt
k|lta4 /xL ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0f ug{Ù
;+3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds zf;g Joj:yfsf] dfWodåf/f lbuf]
zflGt, ;'zf;g, ljsf; / ;d[l4sf] cfsf+Iff k"/f ug{ ;+ljwfg ;efaf6 kfl/t
u/L of] ;+ljwfg hf/L ub{5f}+ .

!= ;+ljwfg d"n sfg"g M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg g]kfnsf] d"n sfg"g xf] . o;
;+ljwfg;Fu aflemg] sfg"g aflemPsf] xb;Dd cdfGo x'g]5 .
-@_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] kfngf ug'{ k|To]s JolQmsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
@= ;fj{ef}d;Qf / /fhsLo;Qf M g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf / /fhsLo;Qf
g]kfnL hgtfdf lglxt /x]sf] 5 . o;sf] k|of]u o; ;+ljwfgdf Joj:yf
eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#= /fi6« M ax'hftLo, ax'eflifs, ax'wfld{s, ax';f+:s[lts ljz]iftfo'Qm,
ef}uf]lns ljljwtfdf /x]sf ;dfg cfsf+Iff / g]kfnsf] /fli6«o :jtGqtf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«o lxt tyf ;d[l4k|lt cf:yfjfg /xL Pstfsf]
;"qdf cfa4 ;a} g]kfnL hgtf ;dli6df /fi6« xf] .
$= g]kfn /fHo M -!_ g]kfn :jtGq, cljefHo, ;fj{ef}d;Qf;DkGg,
wd{lg/k]If, ;dfj]zL, nf]stGqfTds, ;dfhjfb pGd'v, ;+3Lo
nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds /fHo xf] .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æwd{lg/k]IfÆ eGgfn]
;gftgb]lv rlncfPsf] wd{ ;+:s[ltsf] ;+/If0f nufot wfld{s, ;f+:s[lts
:jtGqtf ;Demg' k5{ .
-@_ g]kfnsf] If]q b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avtsf] If]q, /
-v_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 k|fKt x'g] If]q .
%= /fli6«o lxt M -!_ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf,
/fli6«otf, :jfwLgtf, :jfledfg, g]kfnLsf] xs lxtsf] /Iff, ;Ldfgfsf]
;'/Iff, cfly{s ;d'Gglt / ;d[l4 g]kfnsf] /fli6«o lxtsf cfwf/e"t ljifo
x'g]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6« lxt k|lts"nsf] cfr/0f / sfo{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
b08gLo x'g]5 .
^= /fi6«efiff M g]kfndf af]lng] ;a} dft[efiffx¿ /fi6«efiff x'g\ .
&= ;/sf/L sfdsfhsf] efiff M -!_ b]jgfu/L lnlkdf n]lvg] g]kfnL efiff
g]kfnsf] ;/sf/L sfdsfhsf] efiff x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfnL efiffsf cltl/Qm k|b]zn] cfˆgf] k|b]zleq ax';+Vos
hgtfn] af]Ng] Ps jf PseGbf a9L cGo /fi6«efiffnfO{ k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd k|b]zsf] ;/sf/L sfdsfhsf] efiff lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ efiff ;DaGwL cGo s'/f efiff cfof]usf] l;kmfl/;df g]kfn
;/sf/n] lg0f{o u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
*= /fli6«o em08f M -!_ l;ld|s /+usf] e'OF / uf9f gLnf] /+usf] lsgf/f ePsf]
b'O{ lqsf]0f clnslt hf]l8Psf], dflyNnf] efudf v'k]{ rGb|sf] aLrdf
;f]x|df cf7 sf]0f b]lvg] ;]tf] cfsf/ / tNnf] efudf afx| sf]0fo'Qm ;"o{sf]
;]tf] cfsf/ c+lst ePsf] em08f g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08f xf] .
-@_ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08f, /fli6«o em08f agfpg] t/Lsf /
tT;DaGwL cGo ljj/0f cg';"rL–! df pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
(= /fli6«o ufg OToflb M -!_ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ufg cg';"rL–@ df pNn]v eP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfnsf] lgzfg 5fk cg';"rL–# df pNn]v eP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
-#_ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o k"mn nfnLu'/fF;, /fli6«o /+u l;ld|s, /fli6«o
hgfj/ ufO{ / /fli6«o kIfL 8fFkm] x'g]5 .

!)= gful/stfaf6 jl~rt gul/g] M -!_ s'g} klg g]kfnL gful/snfO{
gful/stf k|fKt ug]{ xsaf6 jl~rt ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ g]kfndf k|fb]lzs klxrfg ;lxtsf] Psn ;+3Lo gful/stfsf]
Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
!!= g]kfnsf] gful/s 7xg{] M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt g]kfnsf]
gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf / o; efu adf]lhd gful/stf k|fKt ug{ of]Uo
JolQmx¿ g]kfnsf] gful/s x'g]5g\ .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt g]kfndf :yfoL a;f]jf;
ePsf] b]xfosf] JolQm j+zhsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf] gful/s 7xg]{5 M–
-s_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'g'eGbf cl3 j+zhsf] cfwf/df
g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] JolQm,
-v_ s'g} JolQmsf] hGd x'Fbfsf avt lghsf] afa' jf cfdf
g]kfnsf] gful/s /x]5 eg] To:tf] JolQm .
-#_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'g'eGbf cl3 hGdsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf]
gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] gful/ssf] ;Gtfgn] afa' / cfdf b'j} g]kfnsf]
gful/s /x]5g\ eg] lgh aflnu ePkl5 j+zhsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf]
gful/stf k|fKt ug]{5 .
-$_ g]kfnleq k]mnf k/]sf] lkt[Tj / dft[Tjsf] 7]ufg gePsf]
k|To]s gfafns lghsf] afa' jf cfdf k]mnf gk/];Dd j+zhsf] cfwf/df
g]kfnsf] gful/s 7xg]{5 .
-%_ g]kfnsf] gful/s cfdfaf6 g]kfndf hGd eO{ g]kfndf g}
a;f]af; u/]sf] / afa'sf] klxrfg x'g g;s]sf] JolQmnfO{ j+zhsf]
cfwf/df g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|bfg ul/g]5 .
t/ afa' ljb]zL gful/s ePsf] 7x/]df To:tf] JolQmsf] gful/stf
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd c+uLs[t gful/stfdf kl/0ft x'g]5 .
-^_ g]kfnL gful/s;Fu j}jflxs ;DaGw sfod u/]sL ljb]zL
dlxnfn] rfx]df ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfnsf] c+uLs[t gful/stf lng
;Sg]5 .

-&_ o; wf/fdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljb]zL
gful/s;Fu ljjfx u/]sL g]kfnL dlxnf gful/saf6 hlGdPsf] JolQmsf]
xsdf lgh g]kfndf g} :yfoL a;f]af; u/]sf] / lghn] ljb]zL d'n'ssf]
gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] /x]g5 eg] lghn] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfnsf]
c+uLs[t gful/stf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ gful/stf k|fKt ubf{sf avt lghsf cfdf / afa' b'j} g]kfnL
gful/s /x]5g\ eg] g]kfndf hGd]sf] To:tf] JolQmn] j+zhsf] cfwf/df
g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-*_ o; wf/fdf n]lvPb]lv afx]s g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd g]kfnsf] c+uLs[t gful/stf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-(_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfnsf] ;Ddfgfy{
gful/stf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-!)_ g]kfnleq ufleg] u/L s'g} If]q k|fKt ePdf To:tf] If]qleq
a;f]af; ePsf] JolQm ;+3Lo sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL g]kfnsf] gful/s
x'g]5 .
!@= j+zLo cfwf/ tyf n}+lus klxrfg ;lxtsf] gful/stf M of] ;+ljwfg
adf]lhd j+zhsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|fKt ug]{ JolQmn] lghsf]
cfdf jf afa'sf] gfdaf6 n}+lus klxrfg ;lxtsf] g]kfnsf] gful/stfsf]
k|df0fkq kfpg ;Sg]5 .
!#= gful/stfsf] k|flKt, k'gMk|flKt / ;dflKt M gful/stfsf] k|flKt, k'gMk|flKt
/ ;dflKt ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!$= u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL gful/stf k|bfg ug{ ;lsg] M ljb]zL d'n'ssf]
gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] blIf0f PlzofnL If]qLo ;xof]u ;+u7gsf] ;b:o
/fi6« afx]ssf b]zdf a;f]af; u/]sf] ;flasdf j+zhsf] jf hGdsf]
cfwf/df lgh jf lghsf] afa' jf cfdf, afh] jf aHo} g]kfnsf] gful/s
/xL kl5 ljb]zL d'n'ssf] gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] JolQmnfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd cfly{s, ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts clwsf/ pkef]u ug{ kfpg] u/L
g]kfnsf] u}/cfjf;Lo gful/stf k|bfg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!%= g]kfnsf] gful/stf ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf M g]kfnsf] k|To]s gful/ssf]
kl/ro v'Ng] u/L clen]v /fVg] tyf g]kfnsf] gful/stf ;DaGwL cGo
Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

df}lns xs / st{Jo
!^= ;Ddfgk"j{s afFRg kfpg] xs M -!_ k|To]s JolQmnfO{ ;Ddfgk"j{s afFRg
kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ s;}nfO{ klg d[To'b08sf] ;hfo lbg] u/L sfg"g agfOg] 5}g .
!&= :jtGqtfsf] xs M -!_ sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ j}olQms
:jtGqtfaf6 jl~rt ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ b]xfosf] :jtGqtf x'g]5 M–
-s_ ljrf/ / cleJolQmsf] :jtGqtf,
-v_ ljgf xftxltof/ zflGtk"j{s e]nf x'g] :jtGqtf,
-u_ /fhgLlts bn vf]Ng] :jtGqtf,
-3_ ;+3 / ;+:yf vf]Ng] :jtGqtf,
-ª_ g]kfnsf] s'g} klg efudf cfjthfjt / a;f]af; ug]{
-r_ g]kfnsf] s'g} klg efudf k]zf, /f]huf/ ug]{ / pBf]u,
Jofkf/ tyf Joj;fosf] :yfkgf / ;~rfng ug]{
:jtGqtf .
-!_ v08 -s_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«otf / :jfwLgtfdf jf
;+3Lo OsfO jf ljleGg hft, hflt, wd{,
;Dk|bfoaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{], hftLo
e]befj jf 5'jf5"tnfO{ b'?T;fxg ug]{, >dk|lt
cjx]ngf ug]{, ufnL a]OHhtL, cbfntsf] cjx]ngf
x'g], ck/fw ug{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ jf ;fj{hlgs
lzi6frf/ jf g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x'g] sfo{df
dgfl;a k|ltaGw nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s
nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ v08 -v_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«otf / :jfwLgtf, ;+3Lo
OsfOaLrsf] ;'–;DaGw jf ;fj{hlgs zflGt /
Joj:yfdf vnn kg]{ sfo{df dgfl;a k|ltaGw
nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg]
5}g .
-#_ v08 -u_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«otf / :jfwLgtfdf
vnn kg]{, /fi6«sf] lj?4 hf;";L ug]{, /fli6«o
uf]kgLotf e+u ug]{ jf g]kfnsf] ;'/Iffdf cfFr
k'¥ofpg] u/L s'g} ljb]zL /fHo, ;+u7g jf
k|ltlglwnfO{ ;xof]u ug]{ jf /fHob|f]x ug]{ jf
;+3Lo OsfOaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{ jf
hftLo jf ;fDk|bflos ljå]if km}nfpg] jf ljleGg
hft, hflt, wd{ / ;Dk|bfoaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf
vnn kg]{ jf s]jn hflt, efiff, wd{, ;Dk|bfo jf
ln+usf] cfwf/df s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:otf
k|fKt ug{] jf aGb]h nufpg] jf gful/sx¿aLr
lje]b ug]{ u/L /fhgLlts bn u7g ug{],
lx+;fTds sfo{ ug{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ jf ;fj{hlgs
g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x'g] sfo{{df dgfl;a k|ltaGw
nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg]
5}g .
-$_ v08 -3_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«otf / :jfwLgtfdf
vnn kg]{, /fi6«sf] lj?4 hf;";L ug]{, /fli6«o
uf]kgLotf e+u ug]{ jf g]kfnsf] ;'/Iffdf cfFr
k'¥ofpg] u/L s'g} ljb]zL /fHo, ;+u7g jf
k|ltlglwnfO{ ;xof]u ug]{, /fHob|f]x ug]{ jf ;+3Lo
OsfOaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{ jf hftLo jf
;fDk|bflos ljå]if km}nfpg] jf ljleGg hft, hflt,
wd{ / ;Dk|bfoaLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{ jf
lx+;fTds sfo{ ug{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ jf ;fj{hlgs
g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x'g] sfo{df dgfl;a k|ltaGw
nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg]
5}g .

-%_ v08 -ª_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] lxt
jf ;+3Lo OsfOaLrsf] ;'–;DaGw jf ljleGg hft,
hflt, wd{ jf ;Dk|bfox¿sf aLrsf] ;'–;DaGwdf
vnn kg]{ jf lx+;fTds sfo{ ug]{ jf To:tf] sfo{
ug{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ sfo{df dgfl;a k|ltaGw
nufpg] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg]
5}g .
-^_ v08 -r_ sf] s'g} s'/fn] ;+3Lo OsfOaLrsf] ;'–
;DaGwdf vnn k'¥ofpg] sfo{ jf ;j{;fwf/0f
hgtfsf] ;fj{hlgs :jf:Yo, lzi6frf/ jf
g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x'g] sfo{df /f]s nufpg] jf
s'g} vf; pBf]u, Jofkf/ jf ;]jf /fHon] dfq
;~rfng ug{ kfpg] jf s'g} k]zf, /f]huf/, pBf]u,
Jofkf/ jf Joj;fo ug{sf nflu s'g} zt{ jf
of]Uotf tf]Sg]] u/L P]g agfpg /f]s nufPsf]
dflgg] 5}g .
!*= ;dfgtfsf] xs M -!_ ;a} gful/s sfg"gsf] b[li6df ;dfg x'g]5g\ .
s;}nfO{ klg sfg"gsf] ;dfg ;+/If0faf6 jl~rt ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ ;fdfGo sfg"gsf] k|of]udf pTklQ, wd{, j0f{, hft, hflt, ln+u,
zf/Ll/s cj:yf, ckf+utf, :jf:Yo l:ylt, j}jflxs l:ylt, uef{j:yf,
cfly{s cj:yf, efiff jf If]q, j}rfl/s cf:yf jf o:t} cGo s'g} cfwf/df
e]befj ul/g] 5}g .
-#_ /fHon] gful/sx¿sf aLr pTklQ, wd{, j0f{, hft, hflt, ln+u,
cfly{s cj:yf, efiff, If]q, j}rfl/s cf:yf jf o:t} cGo s'g} cfwf/df
e]befj ug]{ 5}g .
t/ ;fdflhs jf ;f+:s[lts b[li6n] lk5l8Psf dlxnf, blnt,
cflbjf;L, cflbjf;L hghflt, dw]zL, yf¿, d'l:nd, pTkLl8t ju{,
lk58f ju{, cNk;+Vos, ;LdfGtLs[t, ls;fg, >lds, o'jf, afnaflnsf,
Ho]i7 gful/s, n}+lus tyf of}lgs cNk;+Vos, ckf+utf ePsf JolQm,
uef{j:yfsf JolQm, czQm jf c;xfo, lk5l8Psf] If]q / cfly{s ¿kn]
ljkGg v; cfo{ nufot gful/ssf] ;+/If0f, ;zQmLs/0f jf ljsf;sf
nflu sfg"g adf]lhd ljz]if Joj:yf ug{ /f]s nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g .

:ki6Ls/0f M o; efu / efu $ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu æcfly{s ¿kn]
ljkGgÆ eGgfn] ;+3Lo sfg"gdf tf]lsPsf] cfoeGbf sd cfo ePsf]
JolQm ;Demg' k5{ .
-$_ ;dfg sfdsf nflu n}+lus cfwf/df kfl/>lds tyf
;fdflhs ;'/Iffdf s'g} e]befj ul/g] 5}g .
-%_ k}t[s ;DklQdf n}+lus e]befj ljgf ;a} ;Gtfgsf] ;dfg xs
x'g]5 .
!(= ;~rf/sf] xs M -!_ ljB'tLo k|sfzg, k|;f/0f tyf 5fkf nufotsf
h'g;'s} dfWodaf6 s'g} ;dfrf/, ;DkfbsLo, n]v, /rgf jf cGo s'g}
kf7\o, >Jo, >Job[Zo ;fdu|Lsf] k|sfzg tyf k|;f/0f ug{ jf ;"rgf
k|jfx ug{ jf 5fKg k"j{ k|ltaGw nufOg] 5}g .
t/ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, /fli6«otf jf ;+3Lo
OsfOaLrsf] ;'–;DaGw jf ljleGg hft, hflt, wd{ jf ;Dk|bfo aLrsf]
;'–;DaGwdf vnn kg]{, /fHob|f]x, ufnL a]OHhtL jf cbfntsf] cjx]ngf
x'g] jf ck/fw ug{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ jf ;fj{hlgs lzi6frf/, g}ltstfsf]
k|lts"n sfo{ ug{], >dk|lt cjx]ngf ug{] / hftLo 5'jf5"t Pj+ n}+lus
e]befjnfO{ b'?T;fxg ug]{ sfo{df dgfl;a k|ltaGw nufpg] u/L P]g
agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ s'g} >Jo, >Job[Zo jf ljB'tLo pks/0fsf] dfWod jf
5fkfvfgfaf6 s'g} ;dfrf/, n]v, ;DkfbsLo, /rgf, ;"rgf jf cGo s'g}
;fdu|L d'b|0f jf k|sfzg, k|;f/0f u/] jf 5fk] afkt To:tf] ;fdu|L
k|sfzg, k|;f/0f ug]{ jf 5fKg] /]l8of], 6]lnlehg, cgnfOg jf cGo s'g}
lsl;dsf] l8lh6n jf ljB'tLo pks/0f, 5fkf jf cGo ;~rf/
dfWodnfO{ aGb, hkmt jf btf{ vf/]h jf To:tf] ;fdu|L hkmt ul/g]
5}g .
t/ o; pkwf/fdf n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] /]l8of], 6]lnlehg,
cgnfOg jf cGo s'g} lsl;dsf] l8lh6n jf ljB'tLo pks/0f,
5fkfvfgf jf cGo ;~rf/ dfWodsf] lgodg ug{ P]g agfpg aGb]h
nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-#_ sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s s'g} 5fkf, ljB'tLo k|;f/0f tyf
6]lnkmf]g nufotsf ;~rf/ ;fwgnfO{ cj?4 ul/g] 5}g .
@)= Gofo ;DaGwL xs M -!_ s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ kqmfp ePsf] sf/0f ;lxtsf]
;"rgf glbO{ y'gfdf /flvg] 5}g .
-@_ kqmfpdf k/]sf JolQmnfO{ kqmfp k/]sf] ;dob]lv g} cfk"mn]
/f]h]sf] sfg"g Joj;foL;Fu ;Nnfx lng kfpg] tyf sfg"g Joj;foLåf/f
k'k{If ug{] xs x'g]5 . To:tf] JolQmn] cfˆgf] sfg"g Joj;foL;Fu u/]sf]
k/fdz{ / lghn] lbPsf] ;Nnfx uf]Ko /xg]5 .
t/ zq' b]zsf] gful/ssf] xsdf of] pkwf/f nfu" x'g] 5}g .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkwf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æsfg"g Joj;foLÆ eGgfn]
s'g} c8\8f cbfntdf s'g} JolQmsf] k|ltlglwTj ug{ sfg"gn] clwsf/
lbPsf] JolQm ;Demg' k5{ .
-#_ kqmfp ul/Psf] JolQmnfO{ kqmfp ePsf] ;do tyf :yfgaf6
af6f]sf] Dofb afx]s rf}aL; 306fleq d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L ;dIf pkl:yt
u/fpg' kg{]5 / To:tf] clwsf/Laf6 cfb]z ePdf afx]s kqmfp ePsf]
JolQmnfO{ y'gfdf /flvg] 5}g .
t/ lgjf/s gh/aGbdf /flvPsf JolQm / zq' b]zsf] gful/ssf]
xsdf of] pkwf/f nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-$_ tTsfn k|rlnt sfg"gn] ;hfo gx'g] s'g} sfd u/] afkt s'g}
JolQm ;hfoefuL x'g] 5}g / s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ s;"/ ubf{sf] cj:yfdf
sfg"gdf tf]lsPeGbf a9L ;hfo lbOg] 5}g .
-%_ s'g} cleof]u nfu]sf] JolQmnfO{ lghn] u/]sf] s;"/ k|dfl0ft
geP;Dd s;"/bf/ dflgg] 5}g .
-^_ s'g} klg JolQm lj?4 cbfntdf Ps} s;"/df Ps k6seGbf
a9L d'2f rnfOg] / ;hfo lbOg] 5}g .
-&_ s'g} s;"/sf] cleof]u nfu]sf] JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf] lj?4 ;fIfL
x'g afWo kfl/g] 5}g .
-*_ k|To]s JolQmnfO{ lgh lj?4 ul/Psf] sf/afxLsf] hfgsf/L
kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-(_ k|To]s JolQmnfO{ :jtGq, lgikIf / ;Ifd cbfnt jf Goflos
lgsfoaf6 :jR5 ;'g'jfOsf] xs x'g]5 .
-!)_ c;dy{ kIfnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd lgMz'Ns sfg"gL ;xfotf
kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
@!= ck/fw kLl8tsf] xs M -!_ ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ cfkm" kLl8t ePsf] d'2fsf]
cg';Gwfg tyf sf/afxL ;DaGwL hfgsf/L kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ ck/fw kLl8tnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd ;fdflhs k'gM:yfkgf /
Ifltk"lt{ ;lxtsf] Gofo kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
@@= oftgf lj?4sf] xs M -!_ kqmfp k/]sf] jf y'gfdf /x]sf] JolQmnfO{
zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s oftgf lbOg] jf lgh;Fu lgd{d, cdfgjLo jf
ckdfghgs Jojxf/ ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{ sfg"g adf]lhd b08gLo x'g]5 /
To:tf] Jojxf/af6 kLl8t JolQmnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs
x'g]5 .
@#= lgjf/s gh/aGb lj?4sf] xs M -!_ g]kfnsf]] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns
cv08tf jf ;fj{hlgs zflGt / Joj:yfdf tTsfn vnn kg]{ kof{Kt
cfwf/ geO{ s;}nfO{ klg lgjf/s gh/aGbdf /flvg] 5}g .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd lgjf/s gh/aGbdf /x]sf] JolQmsf
l:yltsf] af/]df lghsf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o jf glhssf] gft]bf/nfO{ sfg"g
adf]lhd tTsfn hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
t/ zq' b]zsf] gful/ssf xsdf of] pkwf/f nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-#_ lgjf/s gh/aGbdf /fVg] clwsf/Ln] sfg"g ljk/Lt jf
ablgotk"j{s s'g} JolQmnfO{ gh/aGbdf /fv]df To:tf] JolQmnfO{ sfg"g
adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
@$= 5'jf5"t tyf e]befj lj?4sf] xs M -!_ s'g} klg JolQmnfO{ lghsf]
pTklQ, hft, hflt, ;d'bfo, k]zf, Joj;fo jf zf/Ll/s cj:yfsf]
cfwf/df s'g} klg lghL tyf ;fj{hlgs :yfgdf s'g} k|sf/sf] 5'jf5"t jf
e]befj ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ s'g} j:t', ;]jf jf ;'ljwf pTkfbg jf ljt/0f ubf{ To:tf]
j:t', ;]jf jf ;'ljwf s'g} vf; hft jf hfltsf] JolQmnfO{ v/Lb jf k|fKt
ug{af6 /f]s nufOg] jf To:tf] j:t', ;]jf jf ;'ljwf s'g} vf; hft jf
hfltsf] JolQmnfO{ dfq laqmL ljt/0f jf k|bfg ul/g] 5}g .
-#_ pTklQ, hft, hflt jf zf/Ll/s cj:yfsf] cfwf/df s'g} JolQm
jf ;d'bfonfO{ pRr jf gLr bzf{pg], hft, hflt jf 5'jf5"tsf] cfwf/df
;fdflhs e]befjnfO{ Gofof]lrt 7fGg] jf 5'jf5"t tyf hftLo pRrtf jf
3[0ffdf cfwfl/t ljrf/sf] k|rf/ k|;f/ ug{ jf hftLo lje]bnfO{ s'g} klg
lsl;dn] k|f]T;fxg ug{ kfOg] 5}g .

-$_ hftLo cfwf/df 5'jf5"t u/L jf gu/L sfo{:yndf s'g}
k|sf/sf] e]befj ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-%_ o; wf/fsf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L ePsf ;a} k|sf/sf 5'jf5"t tyf
e]befjhGo sfo{ uDeL/ ;fdflhs ck/fwsf ¿kdf sfg"g adf]lhd
b08gLo x'g]5g\ / To:tf] sfo{af6 kLl8t JolQmnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd
Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
@%= ;DklQsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL ;DklQ
cfh{g ug]{, ef]u ug]{, a]rlavg ug]{, Jofj;flos nfe k|fKt ug]{ /
;DklQsf] cGo sf/f]af/ ug]{ xs x'g]5 .
t/ /fHon] JolQmsf] ;DklQdf s/ nufpg / k|ultzLn s/sf]
dfGotf cg'¿k JolQmsf] cfodf s/ nufpg ;Sg]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æ;DklQÆ eGgfn] rn crn
nufot ;a} k|sf/sf] ;DklQ ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] af}l4s ;DklQ
;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu afx]s /fHon] s'g} JolQmsf] ;DklQ
clwu|x0f ug]{, k|fKt ug]{ jf To:tf] ;DklQ pk/ c? s'g} k|sf/n] s'g}
clwsf/sf] l;h{gf ug]{ 5}g .
t/ s'g} klg JolQmn] u}/sfg"gL ¿kn] cfh{g u/]sf] ;DklQsf]
xsdf of] pkwf/f nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu /fHon] s'g} klg
JolQmsf] ;DklQ clwu|x0f ubf{ Ifltk"lt{sf] cfwf/ / sfo{k|0ffnL P]g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ / -#_ sf] Joj:yfn] e"ldsf] pTkfbg / pTkfbsTj
j[l4 ug{, s[lifsf] cfw'lgsLs/0f / Joj;foLs/0f, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f,
Jojl:yt cfjf; tyf zx/L ljsf; ug{] k|of]hgsf nflu /fHon] sfg"g
adf]lhd e"ld ;'wf/, Joj:yfkg / lgodg ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd /fHon] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu s'g}
JolQmsf] ;DklQ clwu|x0f u/]sf]df To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] ;6[f csf{]
s'g} ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu To:tf] ;DklQ k|of]u ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g .
@^= wfld{s :jtGqtfsf] xs M -!_ wd{df cf:yf /fVg] k|To]s JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf]]
cf:yf cg';f/ wd{sf] cjnDag, cEof; / ;+/If0f ug{] :jtGqtf x'g]5 .

-@_ k|To]s wfld{s ;Dk|bfonfO{ wfld{s :yn tyf wfld{s u'7L
;~rfng / ;+/If0f ug{] xs x'g]5 .
t/ wfld{s :yn tyf wfld{s u'7Lsf] ;~rfng / ;+/If0f ug{ tyf
u'7L ;DklQ tyf hUufsf] Joj:yfkgsf nflu sfg"g agfO{ lgoldt ug{
afwf k'u]sf] dflgg] 5}g .
-#_ o; wf/fåf/f k|bQ xssf] k|of]u ubf{ s;}n] klg ;fj{hlgs
:jf:Yo, lzi6frf/ / g}ltstfsf] k|lts"n x'g] jf ;fj{hlgs zflGt e+u
ug]{ lqmofsnfk ug{, u/fpg jf s;}sf] wd{ kl/jt{g u/fpg] jf csf{sf]
wd{df vnn kg{] sfd jf Jojxf/ ug{ jf u/fpg x'Fb}g / To:tf] sfo{
sfg"g adf]lhd b08gLo x'g]5 .
@&= ;"rgfsf] xs M k|To]s gful/snfO{ cfˆgf] jf ;fj{hlgs ;/f]sf/sf] s'g}
klg ljifosf] ;"rgf dfUg] / kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
t/ sfg"g adf]lhd uf]Ko /fVg' kg]{ ;"rgfsf] hfgsf/L lbg
s;}nfO{ afWo kfl/g] 5}g .
@*= uf]kgLotfsf] xs M s'g} klg JolQmsf] hLp, cfjf;, ;DklQ, lnvt,
tYof+s, kqfrf/ / rl/q ;DaGwL ljifosf] uf]kgLotf sfg"g adf]lhd
afx]s cgltqmDo x'g]5 .
@(= zf]if0f lj?4sf] xs M -!_ k|To]s JolQmnfO{ zf]if0f lj?4sf] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ wd{, k|yf, k/Dk/f, ;+:sf/, k|rng jf cGo s'g} cfwf/df s'g}
klg JolQmnfO{ s'g} lsl;dn] zf]if0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-#_ s;}nfO{ klg a]rlavg ug{, bf; jf afFwf agfpg kfOg] 5}g .
-$_ s;}nfO{ klg lghsf] OR5f lj?4 sfddf nufpg kfOg] 5}g .
t/ ;fj{hlgs k|of]hgsf nflu gful/snfO{ /fHon] clgjfo{
;]jfdf nufpg ;Sg] u/L sfg"g agfpg /f]s nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ / -$_ ljk/Ltsf] sfo{ sfg"g adf]lhd b08gLo
x'g]5 / kLl8tnfO{ kL8saf6 sfg"g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
#)= :jR5 jftfj/0fsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ :jR5 / :j:y
jftfj/0fdf afFRg kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ jftfj/0fLo k|b"if0f jf x|f;af6 x'g] Ifltafkt kLl8tnfO{
k|b"ifsaf6 sfg"g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x''g]5 .

-#_ /fi6«sf] ljsf; ;DaGwL sfo{df jftfj/0f / ljsf;aLr
;d'lrt ;Gt'ngsf nflu cfjZos sfg"gL Joj:yf ug{ o; wf/fn] afwf
k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
#!= lzIff ;DaGwL xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ cfwf/e"t lzIffdf kx'Frsf]
xs x'g]5 .
-@_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ /fHoaf6 cfwf/e"t tx;Ddsf] lzIff
clgjfo{ / lgMz'Ns tyf dfWolds tx;Ddsf] lzIff lgMz'Ns kfpg] xs
x'g]5 .
-#_ ckf+utf ePsf / cfly{s ¿kn] ljkGg gful/snfO{ sfg"g
adf]lhd lgMz'Ns pRr lzIff kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-$_ b[li6ljxLg gful/snfO{ a|]nlnlk tyf alx/f / :j/ jf af]nfO
;DaGwL ckf+utf ePsf gful/snfO{ ;f+s]lts efiffsf] dfWodaf6 sfg"g
adf]lhd lgMz'Ns lzIff kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-%_ g]kfndf a;f]af; ug{] k|To]s g]kfnL ;d'bfonfO{ sfg"g
adf]lhd cfˆgf] dft[efiffdf lzIff kfpg] / To;sf nflu ljBfno tyf
z}lIfs ;+:yf vf]Ng] / ;~rfng ug{] xs x'g]5 .
#@= efiff tyf ;+:s[ltsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s JolQm / ;d'bfonfO{ cfˆgf] efiff
k|of]u ug]{ xs x'g]5 .
-@_ k|To]s JolQm / ;d'bfonfO{ cfˆgf] ;d'bfosf] ;f+:s[lts
hLjgdf ;xefuL x'g kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-#_ g]kfndf a;f]af; ug{] k|To]s g]kfnL ;d'bfonfO{ cfˆgf] efiff,
lnlk, ;+:s[lt, ;f+:s[lts ;Eotf / ;Dkbfsf] ;+jw{g / ;+/If0f ug{] xs
x'g]5 .
##= /f]huf/Lsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ /f]huf/Lsf] xs x'g]5 .
/f]huf/Lsf] zt{, cj:yf / a]/f]huf/ ;xfotf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
-@_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ /f]huf/Lsf] 5gf}6 ug{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
#$= >dsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s >ldsnfO{ plrt >d cEof;sf] xs x'g]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æ>ldsÆ eGgfn] kfl/>lds
lnO{ /f]huf/bftfsf nflu zf/Ll/s jf af}l4s sfo{ ug{] sfdbf/ jf
dhb"/ ;Demg' k5{ .
-@_ k|To]s >ldsnfO{ plrt kfl/>lds, ;'ljwf tyf of]ubfgdf
cfwfl/t ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] xs x'g]5 .
-#_ k|To]s >ldsnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd 6«]8 o'lgog vf]Ng], To;df
;xefuL x'g] tyf ;fd"lxs ;f}bfafhL ug{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
#%= :jf:Yo ;DaGwL xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ /fHoaf6 cfwf/e"t :jf:Yo
;]jf lgMz'Ns k|fKt ug{] xs x'g]5 / s;}nfO{ klg cfsl:ds :jf:Yo
;]jfaf6 jl~rt ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ k|To]s JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf] :jf:Yo pkrf/sf] ;DaGwdf hfgsf/L
kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
-#_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ :jf:Yo ;]jfdf ;dfg kx'Frsf] xs x'g]5 .
-$_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ :jR5 vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfOdf kx'Frsf]
xs x'g]5 .
#^= vfB ;DaGwL xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ vfB ;DaGwL xs x'g]5 .
-@_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ vfBj:t'sf] cefjdf hLjg hf]lvddf kg]{
cj:yfaf6 ;'/lIft x'g] xs x'g]5 .
-#_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd vfB ;Dk|e'tfsf] xs
x'g]5 .
#&= cfjf;sf] xs M -!_ k|To]s gful/snfO{ pko'Qm cfjf;sf] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s s'g} klg gful/snfO{ lghsf]
:jfldTjdf /x]sf] jf;:yfgaf6 x6fOg] jf cltqmd0f ul/g] 5}g .
#*= dlxnfsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ n}+lus e]befj ljgf ;dfg j+zLo
xs x'g]5 .
-@_ k|To]s dlxnfnfO{ ;'/lIft dft[Tj / k|hgg :jf:Yo ;DaGwL
xs x'g]5 .
-#_ dlxnf lj?å wfld{s, ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts k/Dk/f, k|rng jf
cGo s'g} cfwf/df zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s, of}ghGo, dgf]j}1flgs jf cGo
s'g} lsl;dsf] lx+;fhGo sfo{ jf zf]if0f ul/g] 5}g . To:tf] sfo{ sfg"g
adf]lhd b08gLo x'g]5 / kLl8tnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs
x'g]5 .

-$_ /fHosf ;a} lgsfodf dlxnfnfO{ ;dfg'kflts ;dfj]zL
l;4fGtsf] cfwf/df ;xefuL x'g] xs x'g]5 .
-%_ dlxnfnfO{ lzIff, :jf:Yo, /f]huf/L / ;fdflhs ;'/Iffdf
;sf/fTds lje]bsf cfwf/df ljz]if cj;/ k|fKt ug]{ xs x'g]5 .
-^_ ;DklQ tyf kfl/jfl/s dfldnfdf bDktLsf] ;dfg xs x'g]5 .
#(= afnaflnsfsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s afnaflnsfnfO{ cfˆgf] klxrfg ;lxt
gfds/0f / hGdbtf{sf] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ k|To]s afnaflnsfnfO{ kl/jf/ tyf /fHoaf6 lzIff, :jf:Yo,
kfng kf]if0f, plrt :ofxf/, v]ns"b, dgf]/~hg tyf ;jf{+uL0f JolQmTj
ljsf;sf] xs x'g]5 .
-#_ k|To]s afnaflnsfnfO{ k|f/lDes afn ljsf; tyf afn
;xeflutfsf] xs x'g]5 .
-$_ s'g} klg afnaflnsfnfO{ snsf/vfgf, vfgL jf o:t} cGo
hf]lvdk"0f{ sfddf nufpg kfOg] 5}g .
-%_ s'g} klg afnaflnsfnfO{ afn ljjfx, u}/sfg"gL cf];f/k;f/ /
ckx/0f ug{ jf aGws /fVg kfOg] 5}g .
-^_ s'g} klg afnaflnsfnfO{ ;]gf, k|x/L jf ;z:q ;d"xdf egf{
jf k|of]u ug{ jf ;f+:s[lts jf wfld{s k|rngsf gfddf s'g} klg dfWod
jf k|sf/n] b'Jo{jxf/, pk]Iff jf zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s, of}ghGo jf cGo s'g}
k|sf/sf] zf]if0f ug{ jf cg'lrt k|of]u ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-&_ s'g} klg afnaflnsfnfO{ 3/, ljBfno jf cGo h'g;'s} :yfg
/ cj:yfdf zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s jf cGo s'g} lsl;dsf] oftgf lbg kfOg]
5}g .
-*_ k|To]s afnaflnsfnfO{ afn cg's"n Gofosf] xs x'g]5 .
-(_ c;xfo, cgfy, ckf+utf ePsf, åGåkLl8t, lj:yflkt Pj+
hf]lvddf /x]sf afnaflnsfnfO{ /fHoaf6 ljz]if ;+/If0f / ;'ljwf kfpg]
xs x'g]5 .
-!)_ pkwf/f -$_, -%_, -^_ / -&_ ljk/Ltsf sfo{ sfg"g adf]lhd
b08gLo x'g]5g\ / To:tf] sfo{af6 kLl8t afnaflnsfnfO{ kL8saf6
sfg"g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .

$)= blntsf] xs M -!_ /fHosf ;a} lgsfodf blntnfO{ ;dfg'kflts ;dfj]zL
l;4fGtsf] cfwf/df ;xefuL x'g] xs x'g]5 . ;fj{hlgs ;]jf nufotsf
/f]huf/Lsf cGo If]qdf blnt ;d'bfosf] ;zQmLs/0f, k|ltlglwTj /
;xeflutfsf nflu sfg"g adf]lhd ljz]if Joj:yf ul/g]5 .
-@_ blnt ljBfyL{nfO{ k|fyldsb]lv pRr lzIff;Dd sfg"g
adf]lhd 5fqj[lQ ;lxt lgMz'Ns lzIffsf] Joj:yf ul/g]]5 . k|fljlws /
Jofj;flos pRr lzIffdf blntsf nflu sfg"g adf]lhd ljz]if Joj:yf
ul/g]5 .
-#_ blnt ;d'bfonfO{ :jf:Yo / ;fdflhs ;'/Iff k|bfg ug{ sfg"g
adf]lhd ljz]if Joj:yf ul/g]5 .
-$_ blnt ;d'bfonfO{ cfˆgf] k/Dk/fut k]zf, 1fg, ;Lk /
k|ljlwsf] k|of]u, ;+/If0f / ljsf; ug]{ xs x'g]5 . /fHon] blnt
;d'bfosf k/Dk/fut k]zf;Fu ;DalGwt cfw'lgs Joj;fodf pgLx¿nfO{
k|fyldstf lbO{ To;sf nflu cfjZos kg]{ ;Lk / ;|f]t pknAw
u/fpg]5 .
-%_ /fHon] e"ldxLg blntnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd Ps k6s hdLg
pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-^_ /fHon] cfjf;ljxLg blntnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd a;f]af;sf]
Joj:yf ug]{5 .
-&_ blnt ;d'bfonfO{ o; wf/fåf/f k|bQ ;'ljwf blnt dlxnf,
k'?if / ;a} ;d'bfodf /x]sf blntn] ;dfg'kflts ¿kdf k|fKt ug]{ u/L
Gofof]lrt ljt/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
$!= Ho]i7 gful/ssf] xs M Ho]i7 gful/snfO{ /fHoaf6 ljz]if ;+/If0f tyf
;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] xs x'g]5 .
$@= ;fdflhs Gofosf] xs M -!_ ;fdflhs ¿kn] k5fl8 k/]sf dlxnf, blnt,
cflbjf;L, cflbjf;L hghflt, dw]zL, yf¿, cNk;+Vos, ckf+utf ePsf
JolQm, ;LdfGtLs[t, d'l:nd, lk58f ju{, n}+lus tyf of}lgs cNk;+Vos,
o'jf, ls;fg, >lds, pTkLl8t jf lk5l8Psf] If]qsf gful/s tyf
cfly{s¿kn] ljkGg v; cfo{nfO{ ;dfj]zL l;4fGtsf cfwf/df /fHosf]
lgsfodf ;xeflutfsf] xs x'g]5 .
-@_ cfly{s ¿kn] ljkGg tyf nf]kf]Gd'v ;d'bfosf gful/ssf]
;+/If0f, pTyfg, ;zQmLs/0f / ljsf;sf nflu lzIff, :jf:Yo, cfjf;

/f]huf/L, vfBfGg / ;fdflhs ;'/Iffdf ljz]if cj;/ tyf nfe kfpg]
xs x'g]5 .
-#_ ckf+utf ePsf gful/snfO{ ljljwtfsf] klxrfg ;lxt dof{bf
/ cfTd;Ddfgk"j{s hLjgofkg ug{ kfpg] / ;fj{hlgs ;]jf tyf
;'ljwfdf ;dfg kx'Frsf] xs x'g]5 .
-$_ k|To]s ls;fgnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd s[lif sfo{sf nflu e"lddf
kx'Fr, k/Dk/fut ¿kdf k|of]u / cjnDag ul/Psf] :yfgLo aLp lahg
/ s[lif k|hfltsf] 5gf}6 / ;+/If0fsf] xs x'g]5 .
-%_ g]kfndf cu|ufdL nf]stflGqs kl/jt{gsf]] nflu ePsf ;a}
hg cfGbf]ng, ;z:q ;+3if{ / qmflGtsf qmddf hLjg pT;u{ ug]{
zxLbsf kl/jf/, a]kQf kfl/Psf JolQmsf kl/jf/, nf]stGqsf of]4f,
åGåkLl8t / lj:yflkt, ckf+utf ePsf JolQm, 3fOt] tyf kLl8tnfO{
Gofo Pj+ plrt ;Ddfg ;lxt lzIff, :jf:Yo, /f]huf/L, cfjf; /
;fdflhs ;'/Iffdf sfg"g adf]lhd k|fyldstfsf ;fy cj;/ kfpg] xs
x'g]5 .
$#= ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] xs M cfly{s ¿kn] ljkGg, czQm / c;xfo
cj:yfdf /x]sf, c;xfo Psn dlxnf, ckf+utf ePsf, afnaflnsf,
cfk\mgf] x]/rfx cfkm}+ ug{ g;Sg] tyf nf]kf]Gd'v hfltsf gful/snfO{
sfg"g adf]lhd ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] xs x'g]5 .
$$= pkef]Qmfsf] xs M -!_ k|To]s pkef]QmfnfO{ u'0f:t/Lo j:t' tyf ;]jf
k|fKt ug]{ xs x'g]5 .
-@_ u'0f:t/xLg j:t' jf ;]jfaf6 Iflt k'u]sf] JolQmnfO{ sfg"g
adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] xs x'g]5 .
$%= b]z lgsfnf lj?4sf] xs M s'g} klg gful/snfO{ b]z lgsfnf ul/g] 5}g .
$^= ;+j}wflgs pkrf/sf] xs M o; efuåf/f k|bQ xssf] k|rngsf nflu
wf/f !## jf !$$ df n]lvP adf]lhd ;+j}wflgs pkrf/ kfpg] xs
x'g]5 .
$&= df}lns xssf] sfof{Gjog M o; efuåf/f k|bQ xsx¿sf] sfof{Gjogsf
nflu cfjZostf cg';f/ /fHon] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] tLg jif{leq
sfg"gL Joj:yf ug]{5 .
$*= gful/ssf st{Jo M k|To]s gful/ssf st{Jo b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5g\ M–

-s_ /fi6«k|lt lgi7fjfg xF'b} g]kfnsf] /fli6«otf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf /
cv08tfsf] /Iff ug{',
-v_ ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] kfngf ug{',
-u_ /fHon] rfx]sf avt clgjfo{ ;]jf ug'{,
-3_ ;fj{hlgs ;DklQsf] ;'/Iff / ;+/If0f ug{' .

/fHosf lgb]{zs l;4fGt, gLlt tyf bfloTj
$(= dfu{lgb]{zgsf ¿kdf /xg] M -!_ o; efudf plNnlvt lgb]{zs l;4fGt,
gLlt tyf bfloTj /fHo ;~rfngsf] dfu{lgb]{zgsf ¿kdf /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fHon] o; efudf plNnlvt l;4fGt, gLlt / bfloTjsf]
sfof{Gjog ug{ cfjZostf cg';f/ ;|f]t ;fwg kl/rfng ug]{ u/fpg]5 .
%)= lgb]{zs l;4fGtx¿ M -!_ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns
cv08tf / :jfwLgtfnfO{ ;jf]{kl/ /fVb} gful/ssf] hLp, wg, ;dfgtf /
:jtGqtfsf] ;+/If0f u/L sfg"gsf] zf;g, df}lns xs tyf dfgj
clwsf/sf d"No / dfGotf, n}+lus ;dfgtf, ;dfg'kflts ;dfj]zLs/0f,
;xeflutf / ;fdflhs Gofosf] dfWodaf6 /fli6«o hLjgsf ;a} If]qdf
Gofok"0f{ Joj:yf sfod ub}{ nf]ssNof0fsf/L /fHoJoj:yfsf] :yfkgf ug]{
tyf k/:k/ ;xof]udf cfwfl/t ;+3Lotfsf cfwf/df ;+3Lo
OsfOx¿aLrsf] ;DaGw ;~rfng ub}{ :yfgLo :jfoQtf /
ljs]Gb|Ls/0fsf] cfwf/df zf;g Joj:yfdf ;dfg'kflts l;4fGtnfO{
cfTd;ft\ ub}{ nf]stflGqs clwsf/sf] pkef]u ug{ kfpg] cj:yf
;'lglZrt ug{ ;+3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds Joj:yf ;'b[9 ug]{
/fHosf] /fhgLlts p2]Zo x'g]5 .
-@_ wd{, ;+:s[lt, ;+:sf/, k|yf, k/Dk/f, k|rng jf cGo s'g} klg
cfwf/df x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf lje]b, zf]if0f / cGofosf] cGTo u/L ;Eo /
;dtfd"ns ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ Pj+ /fli6«o uf}/j, nf]stGq,
hgkIfLotf, >dsf] ;Ddfg, pBdzLntf, cg'zf;g, dof{bf /
;lxi0f'tfdf cfwfl/t ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts d"Nox¿sf] ljsf; ug]{ tyf
;f+:s[lts ljljwtfsf] ;Ddfg ub}{ ;fdflhs ;b\efj, P]Soa4tf /
;fd~h:o sfod u/L /fli6«o Pstf ;'b[9 ug]{ /fHosf] ;fdflhs /
;f+:s[lts p2]Zo x'g]5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs, lghL / ;xsf/L If]qsf] ;xeflutf tyf ljsf;
dfkm{t pknAw ;fwg / ;|f]tsf] clwstd kl/rfngåf/f tLj| cfly{s j[l4
xfl;n ub{} lbuf] cfly{s ljsf; ug]{ tyf k|fKt pknlAwx¿sf] Gofof]lrt
ljt/0f u/L cfly{s c;dfgtfsf] cGTo ub}{ zf]if0f/lxt ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f
ug{ /fli6«o cy{tGqnfO{ cfTdlge{/, :jtGq tyf pGgltzLn agfpFb}
;dfhjfb pGd'v :jtGq / ;d[4 cy{tGqsf] ljsf; ug]{ /fHosf] cfly{s
p2]Zo x'g]5 .

-$_ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf,
:jfwLgtf / /fli6«o lxtsf] /Iff ub}{ ;fj{ef}lds ;dfgtfsf cfwf/df
cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw sfod u/L ljZj ;d'bfodf /fli6«o ;Ddfgsf]
clej[l4 ug]{tkm{ /fHosf] cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw lgb]{lzt x'g]5 .
%!= /fHosf gLltx¿ M /fHon] b]xfosf gLltx¿ cjnDag ug]{5 M–
-s_ /fli6«o Pstf / /fli6«o ;'/Iff ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf /
:jfwLgtfsf] ;+/If0f ub}{ /fli6«o Pstf cIf'00f /fVg],
-@_ ljleGg hft, hflt, wd{, efiff, ;+:s[lt / ;Dk|bfoaLr
kf/:kl/s ;b\efj, ;lxi0f'tf / P]Soa4tf sfod u/L ;+3Lo
OsfOaLr k/:k/df ;xof]ufTds ;DaGw ljsf; ub}{
/fli6«o Pstf k|jw{g ug]{,
-#_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; u/L zflGt ;'/Iffsf]
Joj:yf ug]{,
-$_ ;jf+{uL0f dfgjLo ;'/Iffsf] k|Tofe"lt ug]{,
-%_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf cfwf/df g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L,
;z:q k|x/L, an g]kfn nufot ;a} ;'/Iff lgsfonfO{
;an, ;'b[9, Jofj;flos, ;dfj]zL / hgpQ/bfoL agfpg],
-^_ /fli6«o cfjZostf cg'¿k gful/snfO{ /fi6«sf] ;]jf ug{
tTk/ / ;Ifd agfpg],
-&_ k"j{ sd{rf/L, ;}lgs / k|x/L nufotsf k"j{ /fi6«;]jsx¿df
/x]sf] 1fg, ;Lk / cg'ejnfO{ /fi6« lxtdf ;d'lrt pkof]u
ug{] .
-v_ /fhgLlts tyf zf;g Joj:yf ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ /fhgLlts pknlAwsf] /Iff, ;'b[9Ls/0f / ljsf; ub}{
cfly{s, ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts ¿kfGt/0fsf dfWodaf6
hgtfsf] ;jf]{Qd lxt / ;d'Gglt k|Tofe"t ug]{,
-@_ dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g ub}{ ljlwsf] zf;g
sfod /fVg],

-#_ g]kfn kIf ePsf cGt/f{li6«o ;lGw ;Demf}tfx¿sf]
sfof{Gjog ug]{,
-$_ ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gnfO{ :jR5, ;Ifd, lgikIf, kf/bzL{,
e|i6frf/d'Qm, hgpQ/bfoL / ;xeflutfd"ns agfpFb}
/fHoaf6 k|fKt x'g] ;]jf ;'ljwfdf hgtfsf] ;dfg / ;xh
kx'Fr ;'lglZrt u/L ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt ug]{,
-%_ cfd;~rf/nfO{ :jR5, :j:y, lgikIf, dof{lbt, lhDd]jf/ /
Jofj;flos agfpg cfjZos Joj:yf ug]{,
-^_ ;+3Lo OsfOaLr lhDd]jf/L, ;|f]t ;fwg / k|zf;gsf]
;fem]bf/L ub}{ ;'dw'/ / ;xof]ufTds ;DaGwsf] ljsf; /
lj:tf/ ug]{ .
-u_ ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts ¿kfGt/0f ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ :j:y / ;Eo ;+:s[ltsf] ljsf; u/L ;fdflhs ;';DaGwdf
cfwfl/t ;dfhsf] lgdf{0f ug]{,
-@_ P]ltxfl;s, k'/ftflTjs tyf ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f,
;+jw{g / ljsf;sf nflu cWoog, cg';Gwfg, pTvgg tyf
k|rf/ k|;f/ ug]{,
-#_ ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts tyf ;]jfd"ns sfo{df :yfgLo
;d'bfosf] l;h{gzLntfsf] k|jw{g / kl/rfng u/L :yfgLo
hg;xeflutf clej[l4 ub}{ ;fd'bflos ljsf; ug]{,
-$_ /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ¿kdf /x]sf snf, ;flxTo / ;ËLtsf]
ljsf;df hf]8 lbg],
-%_ ;dfhdf ljBdfg wd{, k|yf, k/Dk/f, /Llt tyf ;+:sf/sf
gfddf x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf lje]b, c;dfgtf, zf]if0f /
cGofosf] cGt ug]{,
-^_ b]zsf] ;f+:s[lts ljljwtf sfod /fVb} ;dfgtf Pj+
;xcl:tTjsf cfwf/df ljleGg hfthflt / ;d'bfosf]
efiff, lnlk, ;+:s[lt, ;flxTo, snf, rnlrq / ;Dkbfsf]
;+/If0f / ljsf; ug]{,
-&_ ax'eflifs gLlt cjnDag ug{] .
-3_ cy{, pBf]u / jfl0fHo ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ ;fj{hlgs, lghL / ;xsf/L If]qsf] ;xeflutf / :jtGq
ljsf; dfkm{t /fli6«o cy{tGq ;'b[9 ug]{,
-@_ cy{tGqdf lghL If]qsf] e"ldsfnfO{ dxTj lbb} pknAw
;fwg / ;|f]tsf] clwstd kl/rfng u/L cfly{s ;d[l4
xfl;n ug{],
-#_ ;xsf/L If]qnfO{ k|jw{g ub{} /fli6«o ljsf;df cTolws
kl/rfng ug{],
-$_ cfly{s If]qsf ;a} ultljlwdf :jR5tf, hjfkmb]xL /
k|lt:kwf{ sfod ug{ lgodgsf] Joj:yf ub}{ ;jf{+uL0f
/fli6«o ljsf;df k|f]T;fxg / kl/rfng ug]{,
-%_ pknAw ;fwg, ;|f]t tyf cfly{s ljsf;sf] k|ltkmnsf]
Gofof]lrt ljt/0f ug]{,
-^_ t'ngfTds nfesf If]qsf] klxrfg u/L pBf]usf] ljsf; /
lj:tf/åf/f lgof{t k|jw{g ub{} j:t' tyf ;]jfsf] ahf/
ljljwLs/0f / lj:tf/ ug{],
-&_ sfnfahf/L, Psflwsf/, s[lqd cefj l;h{gf ug]{ /
k|lt:kwf{ lgoGq0f h:tf sfo{sf] cGTo ub{} /fli6«o
cy{tGqnfO{ k|lt:kwL{ agfO{ Jofkfl/s :jR5tf / cg'zf;g
sfod u/L pkef]Qmfsf] lxt ;+/If0f ug]{,
-*_ /fli6«o cy{tGqsf] ljsf;sf nflu /fli6«o pBf]uwGbf /
;fwg ;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f / k|jw{g u/L g]kfnL >d, ;Lk /
sRrf kbfy{df cfwfl/t :jb]zL nufgLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg],
-(_ /fli6«o cy{tGqsf] ljsf;sf nflu :jb]zL nufgLnfO{
k|fyldstf lbg],
-!)_ /fli6«o lxt cg's"n cfoft k|lt:yfkg, lgof{t k|jw{gsf
If]qdf j}b]lzs k"FhL tyf k|ljlwsf] nufgLnfO{ cfslif{t ub{}
k"jf{wf/ ljsf;df k|f]T;fxg Pj+ kl/rfng ug]{,
-!!_ j}b]lzs ;xfotf ln+bf /fli6«o cfjZostf / k|fyldstfnfO{
cfwf/ agfpFb} o;nfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg] / j}b]lzs
;xfotfaf6 k|fKt /sd /fli6«o ah]6df ;dflxt ug]{,

-!@_ u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnLx¿sf] 1fg, ;Lk, k|ljlw / k"FhLnfO{
/fli6«o ljsf;df pkof]u ug]{,
-!#_ cf}Bf]lus sl/8f]/, ljz]if cfly{s If]q, /fli6«o kl/of]hgf,
ljb]zL nufgLsf kl/of]hgfsf] ;Gbe{df cGt/ k|b]z tyf
k|b]z / ;+3 aLr ;dGjo :yflkt u/fO{ cfly{s ljsf;nfO{
ultzLntf k|bfg ug{] .
-ª_ s[lif / e"ld;'wf/ ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ e"lddf /x]sf] bf]xf]/f] :jfldTj cGTo ub}{ ls;fgsf] lxtnfO{
Wofgdf /fvL j}1flgs e"ld;'wf/ ug]{,
-@_ cg'kl:yt e"–:jfldTjnfO{ lg?T;flxt ub}{ hUufsf]
rSnfaGbL u/L pTkfbg / pTkfbsTj j[l4 ug{],
-#_ ls;fgsf] xs lxt ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g ub{} s[lifsf] pTkfbg /
pTkfbsTj a9fpg e"pkof]u gLltsf] cjnDag u/L e"ldsf]
Joj:yfkg / s[lifsf] Joj;foLs/0f, cf}Bf]lusLs/0f,
ljljwLs/0f / cfw'lgsLs/0f ug{],
-$_ e"ldsf] pTkfbgzLntf, k|s[lt tyf jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ng
;d]tsf cfwf/df lgodg / Joj:yfkg ub}{ To;sf]
;d'lrt pkof]u ug]{,
-%_ s[ifssf nflu s[lif ;fdu|L, s[lif pkhsf] plrt d"No /
ahf/df kx'Frsf] Joj:yf ug]{ .
-r_ ljsf; ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ If]qLo ;Gt'ng ;lxtsf] ;dfj]zL cfly{s ljsf;sf nflu
If]qLo ljsf;sf] of]hgf cGtu{t lbuf] ;fdflhs cfly{s
ljsf;sf /0fgLlt / sfo{qmdx¿ th{'df u/L ;dGjofTds
tj/n] sfof{Gjog ug{],
-@_ ljsf;sf b[li6n] k5fl8 k/]sf If]qnfO{ k|fyldstf lb+b}
;Gt'lnt, jftfj/0f cg's"n, u'0f:t/Lo tyf lbuf] ¿kdf
ef}lts k"jf{wf/sf] ljsf; ug]{,
-#_ ljsf; lgdf{0fsf] k|lqmofdf :yfgLo hg;xeflutf clej[l4

-$_ j}1flgs cWoog cg';Gwfg Pj+ lj1fg / k|ljlwsf]
cfljisf/, pGgog / ljsf;df nufgL clej[l4 ug]{] tyf
j}1flgs, k|fljlws, af}l4s / ljlzi6 k|ltefx¿sf] ;+/If0f
-%_ /fli6«o cfjZostf cg';f/ ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ljsf; /
lj:tf/ u/L To;df ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] ;xh / ;/n
kx'Fr ;'lglZrt ug]{ tyf /fli6«o ljsf;df ;"rgf
k|ljlwsf] pRrtd pkof]u ug]{,
-^_ ljsf;sf] k|ltkmn ljt/0fdf ljkGg gful/snfO{
k|fyldstf lb+b} cfd hgtfn] Gofof]lrt ¿kdf kfpg]
Joj:yf ug]{],
-&_ PsLs[t /fli6«o kl/ro Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL ljsf;
u/L gful/ssf ;a} k|sf/sf ;"rgf / ljj/0fx¿ PsLs[t
¿kdf Joj:yfkg ug]{ tyf o;nfO{ /fHoaf6 pknAw x'g]
;]jf ;'ljwf / /fli6«o ljsf; of]hgf;Fu cfa4 ug]{,
-*_ hg;f+lVos tYof+snfO{ cBfjlws ub}{ /fli6«o ljsf;
of]hgf;Fu cfa4 ug]{ .
-5_ k|fs[lts ;fwg ;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f, ;+jw{g / pkof]u ;DaGwL
gLlt M
-!_ /fli6«o lxt cg's"n tyf cGt/k':tf ;dGofosf]
dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{ b]zdf pknAw k|fs[lts ;|f]t
;fwgsf] ;+/If0f, ;+jw{g / jftfj/0f cg's"n lbuf] ¿kdf
pkof]u ug]{ / :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ k|fyldstf /
cu|flwsf/ lb+b} k|fKt k|ltkmnx¿sf] Gofof]lrt ljt/0f
-@_ hg;xeflutfdf cfwfl/t :jb]zL nufgLnfO{ k|fyldstf
lb+b} hn;|f]tsf] ax'pkof]uL ljsf; ug]{,
-#_ gjLs/0fLo pmhf{sf] pTkfbg tyf ljsf; ub}{ gful/ssf
cfwf/e"t cfjZostf kl/k"lt{sf nflu ;'ky / ;'ne
¿kdf e/kbf]{ pmhf{sf] cfk"lt{ ;'lglZrt ug]{ tyf
pmhf{sf] ;d'lrt k|of]u ug]{,

-$_ hnpTkGg k|sf]k lgoGq0f / gbLsf] Joj:yfkg ub}{ lbuf]
/ e/kbf]{ l;+rfOsf] ljsf; ug]{,
-%_ hg;fwf/0fdf jftfj/0fLo :jR5tf ;DaGwL r]tgf a9fO{
cf}Bf]lus Pj+ ef}lts ljsf;af6 jftfj/0fdf kg{ ;Sg]
hf]lvdnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ub}{ jg, jGohGt', kIfL, jg:klt
tyf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+/If0f, ;+jw{g / lbuf] pkof]u
-^_ jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ngsf nflu cfjZos e"efudf jg If]q
sfod /fVg],
-&_ k|s[lt, jftfj/0f jf h}ljs ljljwtfdfly gsf/fTds
c;/ k/]sf] jf kg{ ;Sg] cj:yfdf gsf/fTds
jftfj/0fLo k|efj lgd"{n jf Go"g ug{ pko'Qm pkfox¿
cjnDag ug]{,
-*_ jftfj/0f k|b"if0f ug{]n] ;f] afkt bfloTj Aoxf]g{'kg{] tyf
jftfj/0f ;+/If0fdf k"j{;fjwfgL / k"j{;"lrt ;xdlt
h:tf kof{j/0fLo lbuf] ljsf;sf l;4fGt cjnDag ug]{,
-(_ k|fs[lts k|sf]kaf6 x'g] hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f ug{ k"j{ ;"rgf,
tof/L, p4f/, /fxt Pj+ k'g:yf{kgf ug{] .
-h_ gful/ssf cfwf/e"t cfjZostf ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ lzIffnfO{ j}1flgs, k|fljlws, Jofj;flos, ;Lkd"ns,
/f]huf/d"ns Pj+ hgd'vL agfpFb} ;Ifd, k|lt:kwL{,
g}lts Pj+ /fli6«o lxtk|lt ;dlk{t hgzlQm tof/ ug]{,
-@_ lzIff If]qdf /fHosf] nufgL clej[l4 ub}{ lzIffdf ePsf]
lghL If]qsf] nufgLnfO{ lgodg / Joj:yfkg u/L
;]jfd"ns agfpg],
-#_ pRr lzIffnfO{ ;xh, u'0f:t/Lo / kx'Fr of]Uo agfO{
qmdzM lgMz'Ns agfpFb} n}hfg],
-$_ gful/ssf] JolQmTj ljsf;sf nflu ;fd'bflos ;"rgf
s]Gb| / k':tsfnosf] :yfkgf / k|jw{g ug]{,
-%_ gful/snfO{ :j:y agfpg /fHon] hg:jf:Yosf] If]qdf
cfjZos nufgL clej[l4 ub}{ hfg],

-^_ u'0f:t/Lo :jf:Yo ;]jfdf ;a}sf] ;xh, ;'ne / ;dfg
kxF'r ;'lglZrt ug{]{,
-&_ g]kfnsf] k/Dk/fut lrlsT;f k4ltsf] ¿kdf /x]sf]
cfo'j{]lbs, k|fs[lts lrlsT;f / xf]ldof]k]lys nufot
:jf:Yo k4ltsf] ;+/If0f / k|jw{g ug{],
-*_ :jf:Yo If]qdf /fHosf] nufgL clej[l4 ub}{ o; If]qdf
ePsf] lghL nufgLnfO{ lgodg / Joj:yfkg u/L
;]jfd"ns agfpg],
-(_ :jf:Yo ;]jfnfO{ ;j{;'ne / u'0f:t/Lo agfpg :jf:Yo
cg';Gwfgdf hf]8 lb+b} :jf:Yo ;+:yf / :jf:YosdL{sf]
;+Vof j[l4 ub}{ hfg],
-!)_ g]kfnsf] Ifdtf / cfjZostfsf cfwf/df hg;+Vof
Joj:yfkgsf nflu kl/jf/ lgof]hgnfO{ k|f]T;flxt ub}{
dft[ lzz' d[To'b/ 36fO{ cf};t cfo' a9fpg],
-!!_ cJojl:yt a;f]af;nfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{] tyf of]hgfa4
/ Jojl:yt a:tL ljsf; ug]{,
-!@_ s[lif If]qdf nufgL clej[l4 ub}{ vfB ;Dk|e'tfsf] dfGotf
cg'¿k hnjfo' / df6f] cg's"nsf] vfBfGg pTkfbgnfO{
k|f]T;fxg u/L vfBfGgsf] lbuf] pTkfbg, cfk"lt{, ;~ro,
;'/Iff / ;'ne tyf k|efjsf/L ljt/0fsf] Joj:yf ug]{,
-!#_ cfwf/e"t j:t' tyf ;]jfdf ;a} gful/sx¿sf] ;dfg
kxF'r ;'lglZrt ub}{ b'u{d / k5fl8 kfl/Psf] If]qnfO{
ljz]if k|fyldstf lbO{ of]hgfa4 cfk"lt{sf] Joj:yf ug]{,
-!$_ oftfoft ;'ljwfdf gful/sx¿sf] ;/n, ;xh / ;dfg
kxF'r ;'lglZrt ub}{ oftfoft If]qdf nufgL clej[l4 ug]{
/ jftfj/0f cg's"n k|ljlwnfO{ k|fyldstf lb+b} ;fj{hlgs
oftfoftnfO{ k|f]T;fxg / lghL oftfoftnfO{ lgodg u/L
oftfoft If]qnfO{ ;'/lIft, Jojl:yt / ckf+utf ePsf
JolQm cg's"n agfpg],
-!%_ gful/ssf] :jf:Yo aLdf ;'lglZrt ub{} :jf:Yo pkrf/df
kx'Frsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg] .
-em_ >d / /f]huf/ ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ ;a}n] sfd ug{ kfpg] cj:yf ;'lglZrt ub}{ b]zsf] d'Vo
;fdflhs cfly{s zlQmsf] ¿kdf /x]sf] >dzlQmnfO{ bIf
/ Jofj;flos agfpg] / :jb]zdf g} /f]huf/L clej[l4
-@_ dof{lbt >dsf] cjwf/0ff cg'¿k ;a} >ldssf]
cfwf/e"t clwsf/ ;'lglZrt ub}{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff
k|Tofe"t ug]{,
-#_ afn>d nufot >d zf]if0fsf ;a} ¿ksf] cGTo ug]{,
-$_ >lds / pBdL Joj;foLaLr ;';DaGw sfod ub{}
Joj:yfkgdf >ldssf] ;xeflutf k|f]T;fxg ug{],
-%_ j}b]lzs /f]huf/LnfO{ zf]if0fd'Qm, ;'/lIft / Jojl:yt ug{
tyf >ldssf] /f]huf/L / clwsf/sf] k|Tofe"lt ug{ o;
If]qsf] lgodg / Joj:yfkg ug]{,
-^_ j}b]lzs /f]huf/Laf6 cfh{g ePsf] kF"hL, ;Lk, k|ljlw /
cg'ejnfO{ :jb]zdf pTkfbgd"ns If]qdf nufpg
k|f]T;fxg ug]{ .
-`_ ;fdflhs Gofo / ;dfj]zLs/0f ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ c;xfo cj:yfdf /x]sf Psn dlxnfnfO{ ;Lk, Ifdtf /
of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df /f]huf/Ldf k|fyldstf lb+b}
hLljsf]kfh{gsf nflu ;d'lrt Joj:yf ub}{ hfg],
-@_ hf]lvddf k/]sf, ;fdflhs / kfl/jfl/s alxis/0fdf
k/]sf tyf lx+;f kLl8t dlxnfnfO{ k'gM:yfkgf, ;+/If0f,
;zQmLs/0f u/L :jfjnDaL agfpg],
-#_ k|hgg cj:yfdf cfjZos ;]jf ;'ljwf pkef]usf]
;'lglZrttf ug]{,
-$_ afnaRrfsf] kfng kf]if0f, kl/jf/sf] x]/rfx h:tf sfd
/ of]ubfgnfO{ cfly{s ¿kdf d"Nof+sg ug]{],
-%_ afnaflnsfsf] ;jf{]Qd lxtnfO{ k|fylds ¿kdf Wofg
-^_ d'Qm sd}of, sDxn/L, x/jf, r/jf, xlnof, e"ldxLg,
;'s'Daf;Lx¿sf] klxrfg u/L a;f]af;sf nflu 3/ 38]/L
tyf hLljsf]kfh{gsf nflu s[lifof]Uo hdLg jf
/f]huf/Lsf] Joj:yf ub}{ k'gM:yfkgf ug]{,
-&_ /fli6«o ljsf;df o'jf ;xeflutf clej[l4 ub}{ /fhgLlts,
cfly{s, ;fdflhs / ;f+:s[lts clwsf/x¿sf] k"0f{
pkof]usf] jftfj/0f l;h{gf ug]{, o'jfsf] ;zQmLs/0f /
ljsf;sf nflu lzIff, :jf:Yo, /f]huf/L nufotsf If]qdf
ljz]if cj;/ k|bfg ub}{ JolQmTj ljsf; ug{] tyf
/fHosf] ;jf+{uL0f ljsf;df of]ubfgsf nflu pko'Qm
cj;/ k|bfg ug]{,
-*_ cflbjf;L hghfltsf] klxrfg ;lxt ;Ddfgk"j{s afFRg
kfpg] clwsf/ ;'lglZrt ug{ cj;/ tyf nfesf nflu
ljz]if Joj:yf ub}{ o; ;d'bfo;Fu ;/f]sf/ /fVg]
lg0f{ox¿df ;xefuL u/fpg] tyf cflbjf;L hghflt /
:yfgLo ;d'bfosf] k/Dk/fut 1fg, ;Lk, ;+:s[lt,
;fdflhs k/Dk/f / cg'ejnfO{ ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g ug]{],
-(_ cNk;+Vos ;d'bfonfO{ cfˆgf] klxrfg sfod /fvL
;fdflhs / ;+f:s[lts clwsf/ k|of]usf] cj;/ tyf
nfesf nflu ljz]if Joj:yf ug]{,
-!)_ dw]zL ;d'bfo, d'l:nd / lk58f ju{nfO{ cfly{s,
;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts cj;/ / nfesf] ;dfg ljt/0f
tyf To:tf ;d'bfoleqsf ljkGg gful/ssf] ;+/If0f,
pTyfg, ;zQmLs/0f / ljsf;sf cj;/ tyf nfesf
nflu ljz]if Joj:yf ug]{,
-!!_ pTkLl8t tyf lk5l8Psf] If]qsf gful/ssf] ;+/If0f,
pTyfg, ;zQmLs/0f, ljsf; / cfwf/e"t cfjZostf
kl/k"lt{sf cj;/ tyf nfesf nflu ljz]if Joj:yf ug]{,
-!@_ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff / ;fdflhs Gofo k|bfg ubf{ ;a} ln+u,
If]q / ;d'bfoleqsf cfly{s ¿kn] ljkGgnfO{ k|fyldstf
k|bfg ug]{,
-!#_ :j:y, ;Ifd / cg'zfl;t gful/s tof/ ug{ v]ns"b
tyf v]nf8Ldf of]hgfa4 nufgL ug]{ / v]ns"bnfO{
/fli6«o Pstf ;'b[9 ug]{ Pj+ cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf /fli6«o
;Ddfg clej[l4 ug{]{ dfWodsf] ¿kdf ljsf; ug]{,

-!$_ ;fd'bflos tyf /fli6«o jf cGt/f{li6«o u}/;/sf/L ;+3
;+:yfsf] nufgL / e"ldsfnfO{ hjfkmb]xL / kf/bzL{
agfpFb} To:tf ;+:yfx¿sf] :yfkgf, :jLs[lt, ;~rfng,
lgodg / Joj:yfkgsf nflu Psåf/ k|0ffnL ckgfpg] /
/fli6«o cfjZostf / k|fyldstfsf If]qdf dfq To:tf
;+3 ;+:yfx¿nfO{ ;+nUg u/fpg] .
-6_ Gofo / b08 Joj:yf ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ Gofo k|zf;gnfO{ l56f] 5l/tf], ;j{;'ne, ldtJooL,
lgikIf, k|efjsf/L / hgpQ/bfoL agfpg],
-@_ ;fdfGo k|s[ltsf ljjfb ;dfwfgsf nflu d]nldnfk,
dWo:ytf h:tf j}slNks pkfox¿ cjnDag ug]{,
-#_ /fhgLlts, k|zf;lgs, Goflos, ;fdflhs nufot ;a}
If]qsf] e|i6frf/ / clgoldttf lgoGq0fsf nflu
k|efjsf/L pkfo cjnDag ug]{ .
-7_ ko{6g ;DaGwL gLlt M g]kfnsf P]ltxfl;s, ;f+:s[lts, wfld{s,
k'/ftflTjs / k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx¿sf] klxrfg, ;+/If0f, k|jw{g Pj+
k|rf/ k|;f/ dfkm{t /fli6«o cy{tGqsf] dxTjk"0f{ cfwf/sf] ¿kdf
kof{j/0f cg's"n ko{6g pBf]usf] ljsf; ug]{, ko{6g ;+:s[ltsf]
ljsf; ug{ cfjZos jftfj/0f Pj+ gLlt lgdf{0f ug]{ tyf
ko{6g pBf]usf] nfe ljt/0fdf :yfgLo hgtfnfO{ k|fyldstf
lbg] .
-8_ cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw ;DaGwL gLlt M
-!_ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf, :jfwLgtf /
/fli6«o lxtsf] /Iff ug{ lqmofzLn /xFb} ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf]
a8fkq, c;+nUgtf, k~rzLnsf] l;4fGt, cGt/f{li6«o
sfg"g / ljZjzflGtsf] dfGotfsf cfwf/df /fi6«sf]
;jf]{kl/ lxtnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL :jtGq k//fi6« gLlt
;~rfng ug]{,
-@_ ljutdf ePsf ;lGwx¿sf] k'g/fjnf]sg ub}{ ;dfgtf /
kf/:kl/s lxtsf] cfwf/df ;lGw ;Demf}tfx¿ ug]{ .
%@= /fHosf] bfloTj M g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf /
:jfwLgtfnfO{ cIf'00f /fVb} df}lns xs tyf dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f /

;+jw{{g, /fHosf lgb]{zs l;4fGtx¿sf] cg';/0f tyf /fHosf gLltx¿sf]
qmdzM sfof{Gjog ub}{ g]kfnnfO{ ;d[4 tyf ;d'Ggt agfpg] /fHosf]
bfloTj x'g]5 .
%#= k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{] M o; efudf plNnlvt /fHosf lgb]{zs l;4fGt, gLlt
/ bfloTj sfof{Gjogsf ;DaGwdf u/]sf sfd / k|fKt pknlAw ;lxtsf]
jflif{s k|ltj]bg g]kfn ;/sf/n] /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug]{5 / /fi6«kltn]
To:tf] k|ltj]bg k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t ;+3Lo ;+;b ;dIf k]z ug]{ Joj:yf
ug]{5 .
%$= cg'udg ;DaGwL Joj:yf M o; efudf plNnlvt /fHosf lgb]{zs
l;4fGt, gLlt / bfloTjsf] k|ultzLn sfof{Gjog eP gePsf] cg'udg /
d"Nof+sg ug{ ;+3Lo ;+;bdf sfg"g adf]lhd Ps ;ldlt /xg]5 .
%%= cbfntdf k|Zg p7fpg g;lsg] M o; efudf n]lvPsf s'g} ljifo
sfof{Gjog eP jf gePsf] ;DaGwdf s'g} cbfntdf k|Zg p7fpg ;lsg]
5}g .

/fHosf] ;+/rgf / /fHozlQmsf] afF8kmfF8
%^= /fHosf] ;+/rgf M -!_ ;+3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGq g]kfnsf] d"n ;+/rgf
;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx u/L tLg txsf] x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfnsf] /fHozlQmsf] k|of]u ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] o;
;+ljwfg tyf sfg"g adf]lhd ug{] 5g\ .
-#_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt g]kfndf sfod /x]sf
cg';"rL–$ df pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf lhNnfx¿ /x]sf k|b]z /xg]5g\ .
-$_ :yfgLo tx cGtu{t ufpFFkflnsf, gu/kflnsf / lhNnf ;ef
/xg]5g\ . ufpFkflnsf / gu/kflnsfdf /xg] j8fsf] ;+Vof ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts ;+/If0f jf cfly{s
ljsf;sf nflu ljz]if, ;+/lIft jf :jfoQ If]q sfod ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, :jfwLgtf, /fli6«o lxt, ;jf{+uL0f ljsf;, ax'bnLo
k|lt:kwf{Tds nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds ;+3Lo zf;g k|0ffnL, dfgj
clwsf/ tyf df}lns xs, sfg"gL /fHo, zlQm k[ysLs/0f / lgoGq0f tyf
;Gt'ng, ax'ntf / ;dfgtfdf cfwfl/t ;dtfd"ns ;dfh, ;dfj]zL
k|ltlglwTj / klxrfgsf] ;+/If0f ug]{ 5g\ .
%&= /fHozlQmsf] afF8kmfF8 M -!_ ;+3sf] clwsf/ cg';"rL–% df plNnlvt
ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ k|b]zsf] clwsf/ cg';"rL–^ df plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt
/xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u of] ;+ljwfg / k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
-#_ ;+3 / k|b]zsf] ;femf clwsf/ cg';"rL–& df plNnlvt
ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u of] ;+ljwfg, ;+3Lo
sfg"g / k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ :yfgLo txsf] clwsf/ cg';"rL–* df plNnlvt ljifodf
lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u of] ;+ljwfg / ufpF ;ef jf
gu/ ;efn] agfPsf] sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] ;femf clwsf/ cg';"rL–( df
plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt /xg]]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u of] ;+ljwfg /

;+3Lo sfg"g, k|b]z sfg"g / ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efn] agfPsf] sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -#_ jf -%_ adf]lhd k|b]z ;ef, ufpF ;ef jf gu/
;efn] sfg"g agfpFbf ;+3Lo sfg"g;Fu gaflemg] u/L agfpg' kg{]5 /
k|b]z ;ef, ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efn] agfPsf] To:tf] sfg"g ;+3Lo
sfg"g;Fu aflemPdf aflemPsf] xb;Dd cfdfGo x'g]5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efn] sfg"g
agfpFbf k|b]z sfg"g;Fu gaflemg] u/L agfpg' kg{]5 / ufpF ;ef jf
gu/ ;efn] agfPsf] To:tf] sfg"g k|b]z sfg"g;Fu aflemPdf aflemPsf]
xb;Dd cfdfGo x'g]5 .
%*= cjlzi6 clwsf/ M o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;+3, k|b]z tyf :yfgLo txsf]
clwsf/sf] ;"rL jf ;femf ;"rLdf pNn]v gePsf] jf of] ;+ljwfgdf s'g}
txn] k|of]u ug{] u/L gtf]lsPsf] ljifodf ;+3sf] clwsf/ x'g]5 .
%(= cfly{s clwsf/sf] k|of]u M -!_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] cfˆgf]
clwsf/leqsf] cfly{s clwsf/ ;DaGwL ljifodf sfg"g agfpg], jflif{s
ah]6 agfpg], lg0f{o ug]{, gLlt tyf of]hgf tof/ ug]{ / To;sf]
sfof{Gjog ug]{ 5g\ .
-@_ ;+3n] ;femf ;"rLsf ljifodf / cfly{s clwsf/sf cGo If]qdf
k|b]znfO{ ;d]t nfu" x'g] u/L cfjZos gLlt, dfkb08 / sfg"g agfpg
;Sg]5 .
-#_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] cf–cfˆgf] txsf] ah]6 agfpg] 5g\
/ k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] ah]6 k]z ug]{ ;do ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
-$_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn]] k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] k|of]u jf
ljsf;af6 k|fKt nfesf] ;dGoflos ljt/0fsf] Joj:yf ug{' kg{]5 . To:tf]
nfesf] lglZrt c+z /f]oN6L, ;]jf jf j:t'sf] ¿kdf kl/of]hgf k|efljt
If]q / :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd ljt/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] pkof]u ubf{
:yfgLo ;d'bfon] nufgL ug{ rfx]df nufgLsf] k|s[lt / cfsf/sf]
cfwf/df sfg"g adf]lhdsf] c+z nufgL ug{ k|fyldstf lbg' kg{]5 .

-^_ j}b]lzs ;xfotf / C0f lng] clwsf/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] x'g]5 .
To:tf] ;xfotf jf C0f ln+bf b]zsf] ;dli6ut cfly{s :yfloTj x'g] u/L
lng' kg]{5 .
-&_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] ah]6 3f6f Joj:yfkg tyf cGo
ljQLo cg'zf;g ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
^)= /fh:j ;|f]tsf] afF8kmfF8 M -!_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] cfˆgf] cfly{s
clwsf/If]q leqsf] ljifodf s/ nufpg / tL ;|f]tx¿af6 /fh:j
p7fpg ;Sg]5g\ .
t/ ;femf ;"rLleqsf] ljifodf / s'g} klg txsf] ;"rLdf gk/]sf
ljifodf s/ nufpg] / /fh:j p7fpg] Joj:yf g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f
u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+sng u/]sf] /fh:j ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo
txnfO{ Gofof]lrt ljt/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg]5 .
-#_ k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] k|fKt ug]{ ljQLo x:tfGt/0fsf] kl/df0f
/fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] l;kmfl/; adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|b]z / :yfgLo txnfO{ vr{sf] cfjZostf /
/fh:jsf] Ifdtfsf] cfwf/df ljQLo ;dfgLs/0f cg'bfg ljt/0f ug]{5 .
-%_ k|b]zn] g]kfn ;/sf/af6 k|fKt cg'bfg / cfk\mgf] ;|f]taf6
p7\g] /fh:jnfO{ dftxtsf] :yfgLo txsf] vr{sf] cfjZostf / /fh:j
Ifdtfsf] cfwf/df k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd ljQLo ;dfgLs/0f cg'bfg
ljt/0f ug{] 5g\ .
-^_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifaf6 k|bfg ug{] ;zt{
cg'bfg, ;dk"/s cg'bfg jf cGo k|of]hgsf nflu lbg] ljz]if cg'bfg
ljt/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-&_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx aLr /fh:jsf] afF8kmfF8 ubf{
;Gt'lnt / kf/bzL{ ¿kdf ug{' kg{]5 .
-*_ /fh:j afF8kmfF8 ;DaGwL ;+3Lo P]g agfpFbf /fli6«o gLlt,
/fli6«o cfjZostf, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] :jfoQtf, k|b]z / :yfgLo
txn] hgtfnfO{ k'¥ofpg' kg]{ ;]jf / pgLx¿nfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] cfly{s
clwsf/, /fh:j p7fpg ;Sg] Ifdtf, /fh:jsf] ;DefJotf / pkof]u,
ljsf; lgdf{0fdf ug'{kg]{ ;xof]u, If]qLo c;Gt'ng, u/LaL / c;dfgtfsf]

Go"gLs/0f, jl~rtLs/0fsf] cGTo, cfsl:ds sfo{ / c:yfoL cfjZostf
k"/f ug{{ ;xof]u ug'{ kg]{ ljifox¿df Wofg lbg' kg]{5 .

/fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt
^!= /fi6«klt M -!_ g]kfndf Ps /fi6«klt /xg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«klt g]kfnsf] /fi6«fWoIf x'g]5 . lghn] o; ;+ljwfg /
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd cfˆgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{5 .
-#_ /fi6«kltn] g]kfnsf] /fli6«o Pstfsf] k|jw{g ug{]5 .
-$_ ;+ljwfgsf] kfng / ;+/If0f ug'{ /fi6«kltsf] k|d'v st{Jo
x'g]5 .
^@= /fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg M -!_ /fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg ;+3Lo ;+;bsf ;b:o /
k|b]z ;efsf ;b:o dtbftf /x]sf] lgjf{rs d08naf6 x'g]5 . ;+3Lo
;+;bsf ;b:o / k|b]z ;efsf ;b:osf] dtef/ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
km/s x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} k|b]zdf
k|b]z ;efsf] lgjf{rg gePsf sf/0fn] dfq /fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg
k|of]hgsf nflu lgjf{rs d08n u7g ug{ afwf k/]sf] dflgg] 5}g .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgjf{rs d08nsf] tTsfn sfod
/x]sf] s'n dtsf] ax'dt k|fKt ug]{ JolQm /fi6«klt lgjf{lrt x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd s'g} pDd]bjf/n] ax'dt k|fKt ug{
g;s]df ;a}eGbf a9L dt k|fKt ug]{ b'O{ pDd]bjf/x¿ aLr dtbfg x'g]5
/ To:tf] dtbfgdf s'n dtsf] krf; k|ltzteGbf a9L dt k|fKt ug]{
pDd]bjf/ /fi6«klt lgjf{lrt x'g]5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhdsf] dtbfgaf6 ;d]t s'g} pDd]bjf/n]
s'n dtsf] krf; k|ltzteGbf a9L dt k|fKt ug{ g;s]df k'gM dtbfg
x'g]5 . To:tf] dtbfgdf v;]sf] s'n ;b/ dtsf] a9L dt k|fKt ug{]
pDd]bjf/ /fi6«klt lgjf{lrt x'g]5 .
-^_ lgjf{rg, dgf]gog jf lgo'lQm x'g] /fhgLlts kbdf axfn
/x]sf]] JolQm o; wf/f adf]lhd /fi6«klt lgjf{lrt ePdf lghsf] To:tf]
kb :jtM l/Qm x'g]5 .
-&_ /fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg / tT;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .

^#= /fi6«kltsf] kbfjlw M -!_ /fi6«kltsf] kbfjlw lgjf{lrt ePsf] ldltn] kfFr
jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePsf] /fi6«kltn] csf{]
lgjf{lrt /fi6«kltn] kbef/ g;Dxfn];Dd o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf] sfo{
;Dkfbg ug]{5 .
^$= /fi6«kltsf] of]Uotf M -!_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm /fi6«klt x'gsf
nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o x'g of]Uo ePsf],
-v_ sDtLdf k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-u_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf] .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b'O{ k6s
/fi6«klt lgjf{lrt eO;s]sf] JolQm /fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rgdf pDd]bjf/ x'g
;Sg] 5}g .
^%= /fi6«kltsf] kb l/Qm x'g] cj:yf M b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf /fi6«kltsf] kb
l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] pk/fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
^^= /fi6«kltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ /fi6«kltn] of] ;+ljwfg jf ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd lghnfO{ k|fKt clwsf/sf] k|of]u / st{Josf] kfng
ug{]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd clwsf/sf] k|of]u jf st{Josf] kfng
ubf{ of] ;+ljwfg jf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd s'g} lgsfo jf kbflwsf/Lsf]
l;kmfl/;df ul/g] egL ls6fgL;fy Joj:yf ePsf] sfo{ afx]s
/fi6«kltaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] cGo h'g;'s} sfo{ dlGqkl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/; /
;Ddltaf6 x'g]5 . To:tf] l;kmfl/; / ;Ddlt k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t k]z
x'g]5 .

-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd /fi6«kltsf] gfddf x'g] lg0f{o jf cfb]z
/ tT;DaGwL clwsf/kqsf] k|df0fLs/0f ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
^&= pk/fi6«klt M -!_ g]kfndf Ps pk/fi6«klt /xg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltsf] cg'kl:yltdf /fi6«kltaf6 ul/g] sfo{x¿
pk/fi6«kltaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g]5 .
-#_ lgjf{rg, dgf]gog jf lgo'lQm x'g] /fhgLlts kbdf axfn
/x]sf]] s'g} JolQm pk/fi6«kltsf] kbdf lgjf{lrt ePdf lghsf] To:tf] kb
:jtM l/Qm x'g]5 .
^*= pk/fi6«kltsf] kb l/Qm x'g] cj:yf M b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf
pk/fi6«kltsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
^(= pk/fi6«klt ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf M pk/fi6«kltsf] of]Uotf, lgjf{rg
k|lqmof, kbfjlw ;DaGwL Joj:yf /fi6«kltsf] ;/x x'g]5 .
&)= /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt km/s km/s ln+u jf ;d'bfosf] x'g] M o; ;+ljwfg
adf]lhd /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg km/s km/s ln+u jf
;d'bfosf] k|ltlglwTj x'g] u/L ug{' kg{]5 .
&!= /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] zky M /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltn] cfˆgf] sfo{ef/
;DxfNg' cl3 ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd /fi6«kltn] k|wfg GofofwLz ;dIf /
pk/fi6«kltn] /fi6«klt ;dIf kb tyf uf]kgLotfsf] zky lng' kg]{5 .
&@= /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf M /fi6«klt /
pk/fi6«kltsf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 /
To:tf] P]g gag];Dd g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
&#= /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] sfof{no M -!_ /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] sfo{
;Dkfbgsf nflu 5'§f5'§} sfof{no /xg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfof{nosf] sfd sf/afxL ;~rfng
ug{ cfjZos sd{rf/L tyf cGo Joj:yf g]kfn ;/sf/n] ug]{5 .
;+3Lo sfo{kflnsf
&$= zf;sLo :j¿k M g]kfnsf] zf;sLo :j¿k ax'njfbdf cfwfl/t
ax'bnLo k|lt:kwf{Tds ;+3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds ;+;bLo zf;g
k|0ffnL x'g]5 .
&%= sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ M -!_ g]kfnsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ of] ;+ljwfg /
sfg"g adf]lhd dlGqkl/ifbdf lglxt x'g]5 .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL g]kfnsf] zf;g
Joj:yfsf] ;fdfGo lgb]{zg, lgoGq0f / ;~rfng ug]{ cleef/f
dlGqkl/ifbdf x'g]5 .
-#_ g]kfnsf] ;+3Lo sfo{sfl/0fL ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ sfd g]kfn
;/sf/sf] gfddf x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] gfddf x'g] lg0f{o jf
cfb]z / tT;DaGwL clwsf/kqsf] k|df0fLs/0f ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
&^= dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g M -!_ /fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;efdf ax'dt k|fKt
;+;bLo bnsf] g]tfnfO{ k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm ug]{5 / lghsf] cWoIftfdf
dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd k|ltlglw ;efdf s'g} klg bnsf] :ki6
ax'dt g/x]sf] cj:yfdf k|ltlglw ;efdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ b'O{ jf b'O{
eGbf a9L bnx¿sf] ;dy{gdf ax'dt k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] k|ltlglw ;efsf]
;b:onfO{ /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm ug]{5 .
-#_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff ePsf]
ldltn] tL; lbgleq pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL lgo'lQm x'g ;Sg]
cj:yf gePdf jf To;/L lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd
ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug{ g;s]df /fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;efdf ;a}eGbf
a9L ;b:ox¿ ePsf] bnsf] ;+;bLo bnsf] g]tfnfO{ k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm
ug]{5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] To;/L
lgo'Qm ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbgleq k|ltlglw ;efaf6 ljZjf;sf] dt
k|fKt ug'{ kg]{5 .

-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] pkwf/f -$_
adf]lhd ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug{ g;s]df pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] s'g}
;b:on] k|ltlglw ;efdf ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] cfwf/ k|:t't
u/]df /fi6«kltn] To:tf] ;b:onfO{ k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm ug{]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] pkwf/f -$_
adf]lhd ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt
ug{ g;s]df jf k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm x'g g;s]df k|wfgdGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df
/fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;ef lj36g u/L 5 dxLgfleq csf]{ k|ltlglw ;efsf]
lgjf{rg ;DkGg x'g] u/L lgjf{rgsf] ldlt tf]Sg]5 .
-*_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ePsf] k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf]
clGtd kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff ePsf] jf k|wfgdGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePsf] ldltn]
k}+tL; lbgleq o; wf/f adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL lgo'lQm ;DaGwL k|lqmof
;DkGg ug'{ kg{]5 .
-(_ /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df ;+3Lo ;+;bsf
;b:odWo]af6 ;dfj]zL l;4fGt adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL ;lxt a9Ldf kRrL;
hgf dGqL /x]sf] dlGqkl/ifb u7g ug]{5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; efusf] k|of]hgsf nflu ædGqLÆ eGgfn] pkk|wfgdGqL,
dGqL, /fHo dGqL / ;xfos dGqL ;Demg' k5{ .
-!)_ k|wfgdGqL / dGqL ;fd"lxs ¿kdf ;+3Lo ;+;bk|lt pQ/bfoL
x'g]5g\ / dGqL cfˆgf] dGqfnosf] sfdsf nflu JolQmut ¿kdf
k|wfgdGqL / ;+3Lo ;+;bk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g]5g\ .
&&= k|wfgdGqL tyf dGqLsf] kb l/Qm x'g] cj:yf M -!_ b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf k|wfgdGqLsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ wf/f !)) adf]lhd ljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t x'g g;s]df
jf lghsf] lj?4 cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t ePdf,
-u_ lgh k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;b:o g/x]df,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-@_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf dGqLsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–

-s_ lghn] k|wfgdGqL ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ k|wfgdGqLn] lghnfO{ kbd'Qm u/]df,
-u_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -s_, -v_ jf -u_ adf]lhd
k|wfgdGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePdf,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd k|wfgdGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePdf csf]{
dlGqkl/ifb u7g geP;Dd ;f]xL dlGqkl/ifbn] sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{5 .
t/ k|wfgdGqLsf] d[To' ePdf csf{] k|wfgdGqL lgo'lQm geP;Ddsf
nflu jl/i7td dGqLn] k|wfgdGqLsf] ¿kdf sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{5 .
&*= ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o gePsf] JolQm dGqL x'g] M -!_ wf/f &^ sf] pkwf/f
-(_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqLsf]
l;kmfl/;df ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o gePsf] s'g} JolQmnfO{ dGqL kbdf
lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm dGqLn] zkyu|x0f u/]sf] ldltn]
5 dxLgfleq ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:otf k|fKt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:otf
k|fKt ug{ g;s]df tTsfn sfod /x]sf] k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfne/ lgh
dGqL kbdf k'gM lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g] 5}g .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg tTsfn
sfod /x]sf] k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rgdf k/flht ePsf] JolQm To:tf]
k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfndf pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd dGqL kbdf lgo'lQmsf
nflu of]Uo x'g] 5}g .
&(= k|wfgdGqL / dGqLsf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf M k|wfgdGqL / dGqLsf]
kfl/>lds / cGo ;'ljwf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 . To:tf] P]g
gag];Dd g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
*)= zky M k|wfgdGqL, pkk|wfgdGqL / dGqLn] /fi6«klt ;dIf tyf /fHodGqL
/ ;xfos dGqLn] k|wfgdGqL ;dIf cfˆgf]] sfo{ef/ ;DxfNg' cl3 ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd kb tyf uf]kgLotfsf] zky lng' kg]{5 .
*!= /fi6«kltnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg] M k|wfgdGqLn] b]xfosf ljifox¿df
/fi6«kltnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg]5 M–

-s_ dlGqkl/ifbsf lg0f{o,
-v_ ;+3Lo ;+;bdf k]z ul/g] ljw]os,
-u_ v08 -s_ / -v_ df plNnlvt ljifodf /fi6«kltn] hfgsf/L
dfu]sf] cGo cfjZos ljj/0f, /
-3_ g]kfnsf] ;d;fdlos kl/l:ylt / j}b]lzs ;DaGwsf
ljifo .
*@= g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ;~rfng M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t
lgodfjnL adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ljefhg / sfo{ ;Dkfbg
x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ cGtu{tsf] lgodfjnLsf] kfng eof] jf ePg eGg]
k|Zg s'g} cbfntdf p7fpg ;lsg] 5}g .

;+3Lo Joj:yflksf
*#= ;+3Lo Joj:yflksf M k|ltlglw ;ef / /fli6«o ;ef gfdsf b'O{ ;bg
;lxtsf] Ps ;+3Lo Joj:yflksf x'g]5 h;nfO{ ;+3Lo ;+;b elgg]5 .
*$= k|ltlglw ;efsf] u7g M -!_ k|ltlglw ;efdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf b'O{ ;o
krxQ/ ;b:o /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ g]kfnnfO{ e"uf]n / hg;+Vofsf] cfwf/df Ps ;o k}+;¶L
lgjf{rg If]q sfod u/L k|To]s lgjf{rg If]qaf6 Ps hgf
/xg] u/L klxnf] x'g] lgjf{lrt x'g] lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd
lgjf{lrt x'g] Ps ;o k}+;¶L ;b:o,
-v_ ;Dk"0f{ b]znfO{ Ps lgjf{rg If]q dfgL /fhgLlts bnnfO{
dt lbg] ;dfg'kflts lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd lgjf{lrt
x'g] Ps ;o bz ;b:o .
-@_ ;dfg'kflts lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd x'g] k|ltlglw ;efsf]
lgjf{rgsf nflu /fhgLlts bnn] pDd]bjf/L lb+bf hg;+Vofsf] cfwf/df
dlxnf, blnt, cflbjf;L hghflt, v; cfo{, dw];L, yf¿, d'l:nd,
lk5l8Psf] If]q ;d]taf6 aGb ;"rLsf cfwf/df k|ltlglwTj u/fpg]
Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . To;/L pDd]bjf/L lb+bf e"uf]n /
k|fb]lzs ;Gt'ngnfO{ ;d]t Wofg lbg' kg{]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkwf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æv; cfo{Æ eGgfn] If]qL,
a|fDx0f, 7s'/L, ;+Gof;L -bzgfdL_ ;d'bfo ;Demg' k5{ .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd /fhgLlts bnn] pDd]bjf/L lb+bf
ckf+utf ePsf] JolQmsf] ;d]t k|ltlglwTj x'g] Joj:yf ug{' kg{]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd x'g] k|ltlglw ;ef ;b:osf] lgjf{rg
sfg"g adf]lhd uf]Ko dtbfgåf/f x'g]5 .
-%_ c7f/ jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf] k|To]s g]kfnL gful/snfO{ ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd s'g} Ps lgjf{rg If]qdf dtbfg ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-^_ k|ltlglw ;efsf ;b:osf nflu x'g] lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug{
clwsf/ kfPsf] wf/f *& adf]lhd of]Uotf k'u]sf] JolQm ;+3Lo sfg"gsf]
cwLgdf /xL s'g} klg lgjf{rg If]qaf6 pDd]bjf/ x'g kfpg]5 .

t/ Pp6} JolQm PseGbf a9L lgjf{rg If]qdf Ps} k6s pDd]bjf/
x'g kfpg] 5}g .
-&_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfn 5 dxLgfeGbf a9L cjlw afFsL 5Fb}
s'g} ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm ePdf To:tf] :yfg h'g lgjf{rg k|0ffnLaf6
k"lt{ ePsf] lyof] ;f]xL k|lqmofåf/f k"lt{ ul/g]5 .
-*_ o; efudf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+3Lo
;+;bdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ k|To]s /fhgLlts bnaf6 lgjf{lrt s'n ;b:o
;+Vofsf] sDtLdf Ps ltxfO ;b:o dlxnf x'g' kg]{5 . To;/L lgjf{lrt
ubf{ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / wf/f *^ sf] pkwf/f -@_ sf] v08 -s_
adf]lhd lgjf{lrt ;b:ox¿ dWo] s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] Ps ltxfO
;b:o dlxnf lgjf{lrt x'g g;s]df To:tf] /fhgLlts bnn] pkwf/f -!_
sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd ;b:o lgjf{lrt ubf{ cfˆgf] bnaf6 ;+3Lo
;+;bdf lgjf{lrt x'g] s'n ;b:osf] sDtLdf Ps ltxfO dlxnf ;b:o x'g]
u/L lgjf{lrt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-(_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rg / tT;DaGwL cGo ljifo ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
*%= k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfn M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd cufj} lj36g
ePsf]df afx]s k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfn kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+s6sfnLg
cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z nfu" /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd
k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfn Ps jif{df ga9\g] u/L yk ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd yk ul/Psf] k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfn
;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z vf/]h ePsf] ldltn] 5 dxLgf
k'u]kl5 :jtM ;dfKt x'g]5 .
*^= /fli6«o ;efsf] u7g / ;b:ox¿sf] kbfjlw M -!_ /fli6«o ;ef Ps :yfoL
;bg x'g]5 .
-@_ /fli6«o ;efdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf pgfG;f7L ;b:o /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ k|b]z ;efsf ;b:o, ufpFkflnsfsf cWoIf / pkfWoIf
tyf gu/kflnsfsf k|d'v / pkk|d'v /x]sf] lgjf{rs
d08nåf/f ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd k|b]z ;efsf ;b:o,
ufpFkflnsfsf cWoIf / pkfWoIf tyf gu/kflnsfsf
k|d'v / pkk|d'vsf] dtsf] ef/ km/s x'g] u/L k|To]s

k|b]zaf6 sDtLdf tLg hgf dlxnf, Ps hgf blnt /
Ps hgf ckf+utf ePsf JolQm jf cNk;+Vos ;lxt
cf7 hgf u/L] lgjf{lrt 5kGg hgf,
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltaf6 dgf]gLt
sDtLdf Ps hgf dlxnf ;lxt tLg hgf .
-#_ /fli6«o ;efsf ;b:ox¿sf] kbfjlw 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 . /fli6«o
;efsf Ps ltxfO ;b:osf] kbfjlw k|To]s b'O{ jif{df ;dfKt x'g]5 .
t/ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 klxnf] k6s ;b:osf] kbfjlw
sfod ubf{ uf]nf k|yfåf/f Ps ltxfOsf] b'O{ jif{, csf]{ Ps ltxfOsf] rf/
jif{ / afFsL Ps ltxfOsf] 5 jif{sf] x'g] u/L kbfjlw sfod ul/g]5 .
-$_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 /fli6«o ;efsf ;b:osf] klxnf]
k6s kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ /fli6«o ;efsf] k|yd a}7s a;]sf] lbgaf6
;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox¿sf] kbfjlw k|f/De ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-%_ /fli6«o ;efsf] l/Qm x'g cfpg] :yfgsf] k"lt{ To:tf] :yfg l/Qm
ug]{ ;b:osf] lgjf{rg jf dgf]gog h'g t/Lsfn] ePsf] lyof] ;f]xL
t/Lsfn] aFfsL cjlwsf nflu ul/g]5 .
-^_ /fli6«o ;efsf ;b:osf] lgjf{rg ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
*&= ;b:osf nflu of]Uotf M -!_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] ;b:o x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfnsf] gful/s,
-v_ k|ltlglw ;efsf nflu kRrL; jif{ / /fli6«o ;efsf
nflu k}+tL; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf],
-u_ g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df ;hfo gkfPsf],
-3_ s'g} ;+3Lo sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf], /
-ª_ s'g} nfesf] kbdf axfn g/x]sf] .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf nflu ænfesf]
kbÆ eGgfn] lgjf{rg jf dgf]gogåf/f k"lt{ ul/g]
/fhgLlts kb afx]s ;/sf/L sf]ifaf6 kfl/>lds jf
cfly{s ;'ljwf kfpg] cGo kb ;Demg' k5{ .

-@_ s'g} klg JolQm Ps} k6s b'j} ;bgsf] ;b:o x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
-#_ lgjf{rg, dgf]gog jf lgo'lQm x'g] /fhgLlts kbdf axfn
/x]sf]] JolQm o; efu adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o kbdf lgjf{lrt jf
dgf]gLt ePdf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o kbsf] zky u|x0f u/]sf] lbgb]lv
lghsf] To:tf] kb :jtM l/Qm x'g]5 .
**= zky M ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] k|To]s ;bgsf ;b:on] ;bg jf To;sf] s'g}
;ldltsf] a}7sdf klxnf] k6s efu lng' cl3 ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
zky lng' kg]{5 .
*(= :yfgsf] l/Qmtf M b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:osf] :yfg
l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] ;efd'v jf cWoIf ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] wf/f *& adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf gePdf jf g/x]df,
-u_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] sfo{sfn jf /fli6«o ;ef ;b:osf] kbfjlw
;dfKt ePdf,
-3_ lgh ;DalGwt ;bgnfO{ ;"rgf glbO{ nuftf/ bzj6f
a}7sdf cg'kl:yt /x]df,
-ª_ h'g bnsf] pDd]bjf/ eO{ ;b:o lgjf{lrt ePsf] xf] To:tf]
bnn] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd lghn] bn Tofu u/]sf] s'/f
;"lrt u/]df,
-r_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
()= ;b:osf nflu cof]Uotf ;DaGwL lg0f{o M ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;b:o wf/f
*& adf]lhd cof]Uo 5 jf x'g uPsf] 5 eGg] k|Zg p7]df To;sf] clGtd
lg0f{o ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] ;+j}wflgs Ohnf;n]] ug]{5 .
(!= k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v / pk;efd'v M -!_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] klxnf]
a}7s k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq k|ltlglw ;efsf ;b:ox¿n]
cfkm"dWo]af6 k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v / pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg
ug]{5g\ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd lgjf{rg ubf{ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v /
pk;efd'v dWo] Ps hgf dlxnf x'g] u/L ug{' kg]{5 / k|ltlglw ;efsf]
;efd'v / pk;efd'v km/s km/s bnsf] k|ltlglw x'g' kg]{5 .

t/ k|ltlglw ;efdf PseGbf a9L bnsf] k|ltlglwTj gePsf] jf
k|ltlglwTj eP/ klg pDd]bjf/L glbPsf] cj:yfdf Ps} bnsf] ;b:o
k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v / pk;efd'v x'g afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-#_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v jf pk;efd'vsf] kb l/Qm ePdf
k|ltlglw ;efsf ;b:ox¿n] cfkm"dWo]af6 k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v /
pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg u/L l/Qm :yfgsf] k"lt{ ug]{ 5g\ .
-$_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'vsf] cg'kl:yltdf pk;efd'vn]
k|ltlglw ;efsf] cWoIftf ug]{5 .
-%_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v / pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg gePsf]
jf b'j} kb l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf k|ltlglw ;efsf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf
pkl:yt ;b:o dWo] pd]/sf] lx;fan] Ho]i7 ;b:on] ug]{5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v jf
pk;efd'vsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lgh k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;b:o g/x]df,
t/ k|ltlglw ;ef lj36g ePsf] cj:yfdf cfˆgf]
kbdf axfn /x]sf k|ltlglw ;efsf ;efd'v / pk;efd'v
k|ltlglw ;efsf nflu x'g] csf]{ lgjf{rgsf] pDd]bjf/L
bflvn ug]{ cl3Nnf] lbg;Dd cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /xg]5g\ .
-v_ lghn] lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-u_ lghn] kb cg's"n cfr/0f gu/]sf] eGg] k|:tfj k|ltlglw
;efsf] tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] b'O{
ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ePdf .
-&_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'vn] kb cg's"nsf] cfr/0f gu/]sf]
eGg] k|:tfj pk/ 5nkmn x'g] a}7ssf] cWoIftf k|ltlglw ;efsf]
pk;efd'vn] ug]{5 . To:tf] k|:tfjsf] 5nkmndf k|ltlglw ;efsf]
;efd'vn] efu lng / dt lbg kfpg]5 .
(@= /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf / pkfWoIf M -!_ /fli6«o ;efsf] klxnf] a}7s
k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq /fli6«o ;efsf ;b:ox¿n]
cfkm"dWo]af6 /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf / pkfWoIfsf] lgjf{rg ug]{5g\ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd lgjf{rg ubf{ /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf /
pkfWoIf dWo] Ps hgf dlxnf x'g] u/L ug{' kg]{5 .

-#_ /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf jf pkfWoIfsf] kb l/Qm ePdf /fli6«o
;efsf ;b:ox¿n] cfkm"dWo]af6 /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf jf pkfWoIfsf]
lgjf{rg u/L l/Qm :yfgsf] k"lt{ ug]{ 5g\ .
-$_ /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIfsf]] cg'kl:yltdf /fli6«o ;efsf]
pkfWoIfn] /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIftf ug]{5 .
-%_ /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf / pkfWoIfsf] lgjf{rg gePsf] jf kb
l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf /fli6«o ;efsf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf pkl:yt
;b:odWo] pd]/sf] lx;fan] Ho]i7 ;b:on] ug]{5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf jf pkfWoIfsf]
kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lgh /fli6«o ;efsf] ;b:o g/x]df,
-v_ lghn] lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-u_ lghn]] kb cg's"n cfr/0f gu/]sf] eGg] k|:tfj /fli6«o
;efsf] tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] b'O{
ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ePdf .
-&_ /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIfn] kb cg's"nsf] cfr/0f gu/]sf] eGg]
k|:tfj pk/ 5nkmn x'g] a}7ssf] cWoIftf /fli6«o ;efsf] pkfWoIfn]
ug]{5 . To:tf] k|:tfjsf] 5nkmndf /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIfn] efu lng /
dt lbg kfpg]5 .
(#= clwj]zgsf] cfJxfg / cGTo M -!_ /fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;efsf nflu
ePsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbgleq
;+3Lo ;+;bsf] clwj]zg cfJxfg ug]{5 . To;kl5 o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd
/fi6«kltn] ;do ;dodf b'j} jf s'g} ;bgsf] clwj]zg cfJxfg ug{]5 .
t/ Pp6f clwj]zgsf] ;dflKt / csf]{ clwj]zgsf] k|f/Desf
aLrsf] cjlw 5 dxLgfeGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j} jf s'g} ;bgsf] clwj]zgsf]
cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ /fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;efsf] clwj]zg rfn" g/x]sf] jf a}7s
:ylut ePsf] cj:yfdf clwj]zg jf a}7s af]nfpg jf~5gLo 5 egL
k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] Ps rf}yfO ;b:ox¿n] lnlvt
cg'/f]w u/]df To:tf] clwj]zg jf a}7s a:g] ldlt / ;do tf]Sg]5 .

To;/L tf]lsPsf] ldlt / ;dodf k|ltlglw ;efsf] clwj]zg k|f/De x'g]
jf a}7s a:g]5 .
($= u0fk"/s ;+Vof M o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoyf n]lvPsf]df afx]s ;+3Lo ;+;bsf]
s'g} klg ;bgsf] a}7sdf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] Ps rf}yfO ;b:o
pkl:yt geP;Dd s'g} k|Zg jf k|:tfj lg0f{osf nflu k|:t't x'g] 5}g .
(%= /fi6«kltaf6 ;Daf]wg M -!_ /fi6«kltn] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;bgsf] a}7s
jf b'j} ;bgsf] ;+o'Qm a}7snfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ / To;sf nflu ;b:osf]
pkl:ylt cfXjfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rg kl5sf] klxnf] clwj]zg /
k|To]s jif{sf] klxnf] clwj]zg k|f/De ePkl5 ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j} ;bgsf]
;+o'Qm a}7snfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{5 .
(^= pkk|wfgdGqL, dGqL, /fHo dGqL / ;xfos dGqLn] b'j} ;bgsf] a}7sdf
efu lng kfpg] M pkk|wfgdGqL, dGqL, /fHo dGqL / ;xfos dGqLn]
;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;bg jf To;sf] ;ldltdf pkl:yt x'g / sf/afxL
tyf 5nkmndf efu lng kfpg] 5g\ .
t/ cfkm" ;b:o gePsf] ;bg jf To;sf] ;ldltdf dtbfg ug{
kfpg] 5}gg\ .
(&= ;ldltsf] u7g M -!_ k|ltlglw ;ef / /fli6«o ;efn] ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd ;ldltx¿ u7g ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
-@_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'O{ ;bgsf aLrsf] sfo{k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt
ug{, s'g} ljw]osdf /x]sf] dtleGgtf cGTo ug{ jf cGo s'g} vf;
sfo{sf nflu b'j} ;bgsf] ;+o'Qm ;ldlt u7g ul/of];\ egL s'g} ;bgn]
k|:tfj kfl/t u/]df ;+o'Qm ;ldltsf] u7g ul/g]5 . To:tf] ;+o'Qm
;ldltdf k|ltlglw ;efsf ;b:o kfFr hgf / /fli6«o ;efsf ;b:o Ps
hgfsf] cg'kftdf ;dfj]lztfsf] cfwf/df a9Ldf kRrL; hgf ;b:o
/xg]5g\ .
(*= ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;bgsf] sfo{ ;~rfng M ;+3Lo
;+;bsf]] s'g} ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm eP klg ;bgn] cfˆgf] sfo{ ;~rfng
ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;bgsf] sf/afxLdf efu lng gkfpg]
s'g} JolQmn] efu lnPsf] s'/f kl5 kQf nfUof] eg] klg eO;s]sf] sfo{
cdfGo x'g] 5}g .

((= dtbfg M o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoyf Joj:yf ul/Psf]df afx]s ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] s'g} ;bgdf lg0f{osf nflu k|:t't ul/Psf] h'g;'s} k|:tfjsf]
lg0f{o pkl:yt eO{ dtbfg ug]{ ;b:ox¿sf] ax'dtaf6 x'g]5 . cWoIftf
ug]{ JolQmnfO{ dt lbg] clwsf/ x'g] 5}g .
t/ dt a/fa/ ePdf lghn] cfˆgf] lg0ff{os dt lbg]5 .
!))= ljZjf;sf] dt / cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|wfgdGqLn]
s'g} klg avt cfk"mdfly k|ltlglw ;efsf] ljZjf; 5 eGg] s'/f :ki6
ug{ cfjZos jf pko'Qm 7fg]df ljZjf;sf] dtsf nflu k|ltlglw ;ef
;dIf k|:tfj /fVg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ k|wfgdGqLn] k|ltlglwTj ug{] bn ljeflht ePdf jf ;/sf/df
;xefuL bnn] cfˆgf] ;dy{g lkmtf{ lnPdf tL; lbgleq k|wfgdGqLn]
ljZjf;sf] dtsf nflu k|ltlglw ;ef ;dIf k|:tfj /fVg' kg{]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] k|:tfj k|ltlglw ;efdf
tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dtaf6 kfl/t x'g g;s]df
k|wfgdGqL cfˆgf] kbaf6 d'Qm x'g]5 .
-$_ k|ltlglw ;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox¿ dWo]
Ps rf}yfO ;b:on] k|wfgdGqLdfly ;bgsf] ljZjf; 5}g egL lnlvt
¿kdf cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .
t/ k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm ePsf] klxnf] b'O{ jif{;Dd / Ps k6s
/fv]sf] cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj c;kmn ePsf] Ps jif{ leq cljZjf;sf]
k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-%_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k]z ubf{
k|wfgdGqLsf nflu k|:tfljt ;b:osf] gfd ;d]t pNn]v u/]sf]] x'g'
kg]{5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k|ltlglw
;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dtaf6 kfl/t
ePdf k|wfgdGqL kbd'Qm x'g]5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t eO{
k|wfgdGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePdf pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfj ul/Psf]
k|ltlglw ;ef ;b:onfO{ /fi6«kltn] wf/f &^ adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL lgo'Qm
ug]{5 .

!)!= dxfleof]u M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]sf] cfwf/df
k|ltlglw ;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] Ps rf}yfO
;b:on] /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«klt lj?4 dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj k]z ug{
;Sg]5g\ . To:tf] k|:tfj ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j} ;bgsf] tTsfn sfod /x]sf
;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ePdf lgh
kbaf6 d'Qm x'g]5 .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] u+eL/ pNn+3g u/]sf], sfo{Ifdtfsf]
cefj jf v/fa cfr/0f ePsf] jf Odfgbf/Lk"j{s cfˆgf] kbLo st{Josf]
kfng gu/]sf] jf cfrf/ ;+lxtfsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]]sf] sf/0fn] cfˆgf]
kbLo lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug{ g;s]sf] cfwf/df k|ltlglw ;efdf tTsfn
sfod /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] Ps rf}yfO ;b:on] g]kfnsf] k|wfg
GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf GofofwLz, Gofo kl/ifbsf ;b:o,
;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v jf kbflwsf/Lsf lj?4 dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
k]z ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . To:tf] k|:tfj k|ltlglw ;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf
;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ePdf
;DalGwt JolQm kbaf6 d'Qm x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] s'g} JolQmsf] lj?4 dxfleof]usf]
k|:tfj k]z ug{] cfwf/ / sf/0f ljBdfg eP gePsf] 5fgaLg u/L
l;kmfl/; ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu k|ltlglw ;efdf Ps dxfleof]u l;kmfl/;
;ldlt /xg]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltdf k|ltlglw ;efsf P3f/ hgf
;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd dxfleof]uaf6 kbd'Qm x'g] JolQmn]
;+ljwfgsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]sf] jf sfo{Ifdtfsf] cefj jf v/fa
cfr/0f jf kbLo bfloTjsf] kfng Odfgbf/Lk"j{s gu/]sf] jf cfrf/
;+lxtfsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]]sf] eGg] cfwf/df k|fKt ;"rgf, hfgsf/L jf
ph'/L u|fx\o /x]sf] egL k|ltlglw ;efsf sDtLdf tLg hgf ;b:on]
k|dfl0ft u/L k]z u/]df pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] To:tf]
ph'/Ldfly ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd 5fglag u/L dxfleof]u ;DaGwL
sf/afxLsf nflu k|ltlglw ;ef ;dIf l;kmfl/; u/]df pkwf/f -@_
adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj k]z x'g ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] sf/afxL k|f/De ePkl5
g]kfnsf] k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf GofofwLz, Gofokl/ifbsf

;b:o, ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v jf kbflwsf/Ln] To:tf] sf/afxLsf] 6'+uf]
gnfu];Dd cfˆgf] kbsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
-&_ pkwf/f -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] cf/f]k nfu]sf]
JolQmnfO{ ;kmfO k]z ug{] dgfl;a df}sf lbg' kg{]5 .
-*_ o; wf/f adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj kfl/t eO{ kbd'Qm
ePsf /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«klt, g]kfnsf] k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr
cbfntsf GofofwLz, Gofokl/ifbsf ;b:o, ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v jf
kbflwsf/Ln] kbdf /xFbf s'g} s;"/ u/]sf] eP To:tf] s;"/df ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxL ug{ afwf kg{] 5}g .
-(_ pkwf/f -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj kfl/t eO{
kbd'Qm ePsf]] JolQmn] To:tf] kbaf6 kfpg] s'g} ;'ljwf lng / eljiodf
s'g} klg ;fj{hlgs kbdf lgo'lQm jf dgf]gog x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
-!)_ dxfleof]u ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
!)@= cglwsf/ pkl:yt ePdf jf dtbfg u/]df ;hfo M wf/f ** adf]lhd
zky glnPsf] jf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o gePsf] s'g} JolQm ;b:osf]
x}l;otn] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;bg jf To;sf] ;ldltsf] a}7sdf
pkl:yt ePdf jf dtbfg u/]df lghnfO{ To:tf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf ug]{
JolQmsf] cfb]zn] To;/L pkl:yt ePsf] jf dtbfg u/]sf] k|To]s k6ssf
nflu kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofF hl/afgf x'g]5 / To:tf] hl/afgf ;/sf/L afFsL
;/x c;'n pk/ ul/g]]5 .
!)#= ljz]ifflwsf/ M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j}
;bgdf k"0f{ jfs\ :jtGqtf /xg]5 / ;bgdf JoQm u/]sf] s'g} s'/f jf
lbPsf] s'g} dtnfO{ lnP/ s'g} klg ;b:onfO{ kqmfp ul/g], y'gfdf /flvg]
jf lgh pk/ s'g} cbfntdf sf/afxL rnfOg] 5}g .
-@_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] k|To]s ;bgnfO{
cfˆgf] sfd sf/afxL / lg0f{o ug{] k"0f{ clwsf/ /xg]5 / ;bgsf] s'g}
sf/afxL lgoldt 5 jf 5}g egL lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/ ;DalGwt ;bgnfO{
dfq x'g]5 . o; ;DaGwdf s'g} cbfntdf k|Zg p7fOg] 5}g .
-#_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;bgsf] s'g} klg sf/afxLdfly To;sf]
c;n lgotaf/] z+sf p7fO{ s'g} 6Lsf–l6Kk0fL ul/g] 5}g / s'g} ;b:on]
af]n]sf] s'g} s'/fsf] ;DaGwdf hfgL–hfgL unt jf e|fds cy{ nufO{ s'g}
k|sf/sf] k|sfzg jf k|;f/0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ / -#_ sf] Joj:yf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o afx]s
;bgsf] a}7sdf efu lng kfpg] cGo JolQmsf xsdf klg nfu" x'g]5 .
-%_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} ;bgn] lbPsf] clwsf/ cGtu{t s'g}
lnvt, k|ltj]bg, dtbfg jf sf/afxL k|sflzt u/]sf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ s'g}
JolQm pk/ cbfntdf sf/afxL rNg] 5}g .
:ki6Ls/0f M of] pkwf/f / pkwf/f -!_, -@_, -#_ / -$_ sf] k|of]hgsf
nflu æ;bgÆ eGgfn] k|ltlglw ;ef jf /fli6«o ;ef ;Demg' k5{ / ;f]
zAbn] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;+o'Qm a}7s jf ;ldlt jf ;+o'Qm ;ldltnfO{ ;d]t
hgfpF5 .
-^_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] s'g} klg ;b:onfO{ clwj]zg af]nfOPsf]
;"rgf hf/L ePkl5 clwj]zg cGTo geP;Ddsf] cjlwe/ kqmfp ul/g]
5}g .
t/ s'g} kmf}hbf/L cleof]udf s'g} ;b:onfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd kqmfp ug{ o; pkwf/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g . To;/L
s'g} ;b:o kqmfp ul/Pdf kqmfp ug]{ clwsf/Ln] To;sf] ;"rgf
;DalGwt ;bgsf] cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmnfO{ t'?Gt lbg' kg]{5 .
-&_ ljz]ifflwsf/sf] xggnfO{ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] cjx]ngf dflgg]5 /
s'g} ljz]ifflwsf/sf] xgg ePsf] 5 jf 5}g eGg] ;DaGwdf lg0f{o ug]{
clwsf/ ;DalGwt ;bgnfO{ dfq x'g]5 .
-*_ s;}n] s'g} ;bgsf] cjx]ngf u/]df ;DalGwt ;bgsf]
cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmn] ;bgsf] lg0f{oaf6 ;f] JolQmnfO{ ;r]t u/fpg,
g;Lxt lbg jf tLg dxLgfdf ga9\g] u/L s}b ug{ jf bz xhf/
?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] hl/afgf ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x
c;'n pk/ ul/g]]5 .
t/ ;DalGwt ;bgnfO{ ;Gtf]if x'g] u/L To:tf] JolQmn] Ifdfofrgf
u/]df ;bgn] Ifdf k|bfg ug{ jf tf]ls;s]sf] ;hfonfO{ dfkmL ug{ jf
36fpg ;Sg]5 .
-(_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ljz]ifflwsf/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!)$= sfo{ ;~rfng ljlw M -!_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] k|To]s ;bgn] cfˆgf] sfo{
;~rfng ug{, a}7ssf] ;'Joj:yf sfod /fVg / ;ldltx¿sf] u7g, sfd,
sf/afxL / s'g} ;bg jf ;ldltsf] sfo{ljlw lgoldt ug{ lgodfjnL

agfpg]5 . To;/L lgodfjnL gag];Dd ;+3Lo ;+;bn] cfˆgf] sfo{ljlw
cfkm+} lgoldt ug]{5 .
-@_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;+o'Qm a}7ssf] sfo{ ;~rfng / ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] ;+o'Qm ;ldltsf] u7g / sfd sf/afxL ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j}
;bgsf] ;+o'Qm a}7sn] :jLs[t u/]sf] lgodfjnL jf sfo{ljlw adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
!)%= ax;df aGb]h M g]kfnsf] s'g} cbfntdf ljrf/fwLg d'2fx¿sf ;DaGwdf
Gofo lg¿k0fdf k|lts"n c;/ kfg]{ ljifo tyf GofofwLzn] st{Jo
kfngsf] l;nl;nfdf u/]sf] Goflos sfo{sf] ;DaGwdf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf]
s'g} ;bgdf 5nkmn ul/g] 5}g .
t/ dxfleof]usf] k|:tfjdf 5nkmn ubf{ GofofwLzsf] cfr/0fsf]
;DaGwdf s'g} s'/f JoQm ug{ o; wf/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
!)^= ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] dxf;lrj / ;lrj M -!_ /fi6«kltn] k|ltlglw ;efsf]
;efd'v / /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf b'j}sf] ;+o'Qm l;kmfl/;df ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] dxf;lrj, ;efd'vsf] l;kmfl/;df k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;lrj /
/fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIfsf] l;kmfl/;df /fli6«o ;efsf] ;lrj lgo'Qm ug{]5 .
-@_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] dxf;lrj, k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;lrj / /fli6«o
;efsf] ;lrjsf] of]Uotf, sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf ;]jfsf cGo zt{
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!)&= ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;lrjfno M ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] sfd sf/afxL ;~rfng tyf
Joj:yfkg ug{ Ps ;lrjfno /xg]5 . To:tf] ;lrjfnosf] :yfkgf /
tT;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!)*= kfl/>lds M k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v / pk;efd'v, /fli6«o ;efsf]
cWoIf / pkfWoIf, ;ldltsf ;efklt tyf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf ;b:ox¿sf]
kfl/>lds / ;'ljwf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . To:tf] sfg"g
gag];Dd g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .

;+3Lo Joj:yfkg sfo{ljlw
!)(= ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] Joj:yflksLo clwsf/ M ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] Joj:yflksLo
clwsf/ cg';"rL–%, cg';"rL–& / cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf pNn]v
eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!!)= ljw]os k|:t't ug]{ ljlw M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] s'g} klg ;bgdf ljw]os k|:t't ug{ ;lsg]5 .
t/ cy{ ljw]os k|ltlglw ;efdf dfq k|:t't ul/g]5 .
-@_ cy{ ljw]os, g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L jf ;z:q k|x/L an,
g]kfn nufot ;'/Iff lgsfo;Fu ;DalGwt ljw]os ;/sf/L ljw]ossf]
¿kdf dfq k|:t't ul/g]5 .
-#_ æcy{ ljw]osÆ eGgfn] b]xfodf plNnlvt ;a} jf s'g}
ljifo;Fu ;DaGw /fVg] ljw]osnfO{ hgfpF5 M–
-s_ s/ nufpg], p7fpg], vf/]h ug]{, 5"6 lbg], kl/jt{g ug]{ jf
s/ k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt ug]{ ljifo,
-v_ ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]if jf cGo s'g} ;+3Lo ;/sf/L sf]ifsf]
;+/If0f ug]{, To:tf] sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug]{ jf To:tf]
sf]ifaf6 s'g} /sd ljlgof]hg jf vr{ ug]{ jf ljlgof]hg
jf vr{ ug{ vf]lhPsf] /sd 36fpg], a9fpg] jf vf/]h ug]{
-u_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] C0f k|fKt ug]{ jf hdfgt lbg] ljifo
Jojl:yt ug]{ jf g]kfn ;/sf/n] lnPsf] jf lng] cfly{s
bfloTj ;DaGwL sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ ljifo,
-3_ ;+3Lo ;/sf/L sf]ifdf k|fKt x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf] /fh:j, C0f
c;'nLaf6 k|fKt /sd / cg'bfgsf] /sd lhDdf /fVg],
nufgL ug]{ jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] n]vf jf n]vfk/LIf0f ug]{
ljifo, /
-ª_ v08 -s_, -v_, -u_ jf -3_ ;Fu k|ToIf ;DaGw ePsf cGo
k|f;+lus ljifox¿ .

t/ s'g} cg'dltkq b:t'/, lgj]bg b:t'/, gjLs/0f b:t'/ h:tf
b:t'/, z'Ns jf dx;"n nufpg] jf s'g} hl/jfgf jf s}b x'g] Joj:yf
ePsf] sf/0fn] dfq s'g} ljw]os cy{ ljw]os dflgg] 5}g .
-$_ s'g} ljw]os cy{ ljw]os xf] xf]Og eGg] k|Zg p7]df
;efd'vsf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 .
!!!= ljw]os kfl/t ug]{ ljlw M -!_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] Pp6f ;bgn] kfl/t u/]sf]
ljw]os oyfzL3| csf]{ ;bgdf k7fOg]5 / ;f] ;bgn] kfl/t u/]kl5
k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ul/g]5 .
-@_ k|ltlglw ;efn] kfl/t u/]sf] cy{ ljw]os /fli6«o ;efdf
k7fOg]5 . /fli6«o ;efn] ;f] ljw]osdf 5nkmn u/L ljw]os k|fKt u/]sf]
kGw| lbgleq s'g} ;'emfj eP ;'emfj ;lxt k|ltlglw ;efdf lkmtf{
k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd ;'emfj ;lxt lkmtf{ cfPsf] ljw]osdf
k|ltlglw ;efn] 5nkmn u/L plrt b]v]sf] ;'emfj ;dfj]z u/L
k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug]{5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd cy{ ljw]os k|fKt u/]sf] kGw|
lbg;Dddf /fli6«o ;efn] ;f] ljw]os lkmtf{ gu/]df k|ltlglw ;efn]
k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ k|ltlglw ;efn] kfl/t u/L /fli6«o ;efdf k7fPsf] cy{
ljw]os afx]s cGo ljw]os /fli6«o ;efn] cfkm" ;dIf k|fKt ePsf] b'O{
dxLgfleq kfl/t u/L jf ;'emfj ;lxt lkmtf{ k7fpg' kg]{5 . To:tf]
;dofjlwleq /fli6«o ;efn] ;f] ljw]os lkmtf{ gu/]df k|ltlglw ;efn]
tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dt ;b:ox¿sf] lg0f{oaf6 ;f]
ljw]os k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ cy{ ljw]os afx]s s'g} ;bgn] kfl/t u/]sf] cGo ljw]os
csf]{ ;bgn] c:jLs[t u/]df jf ;+zf]wg ;lxt kfl/t u/]df ;f] ljw]os
pTklQ ePsf] ;bgdf lkmtf{ k7fpg' kg{]5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd /fli6«o ;efaf6 c:jLs[t eO{ jf
;+zf]wg ;lxt k|ltlglw ;efdf lkmtf{ cfPsf] ljw]os pk/ ljrf/ u/L
k|ltlglw ;efsf] tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dt ;b:ox¿n]
k|:t't ¿kdf jf ;+zf]wg ;lxt k'gM kfl/t u/]df ;f] ljw]os
k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ul/g]5 .

-*_ pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd k|ltlglw ;efaf6 ;+zf]wg ;lxt /fli6«o
;efdf lkmtf{ cfPsf] ljw]os /fli6«o ;efn] klg tTsfn sfod /x]sf]
;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dt ;b:on] To:tf] ;+zf]wg ;lxt k'gM kfl/t u/]df
k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ul/g]5 .
-(_ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ljw]os b'j} ;bgsf] ;+o'Qm a}7sdf k|:t't
ul/g]5 / ;+o'Qm a}7sn] ljw]osnfO{ k|:t't ¿kdf jf ;+zf]wg;lxt
kfl/t u/]df ljw]os pTklQ ePsf] ;bgn] k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt
;dIf k]z ug]{5 M–
-s_ /fli6«o ;efn] kfl/t u/]sf] t/ k|ltlglw ;efn]
c:jLsf/ u/]sf], jf
-v_ k|ltlglw ;efn] ;+zf]wg ;lxt /fli6«o ;efdf lkmtf{
k7fPsf] t/ /fli6«o ;ef To:tf] ;+zf]wgdf ;xdt x'g
g;s]sf] .
-!)_ s'g} ljw]os ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;bgsf] clwj]zgsf]
cGTo eP klg To:tf] ljw]osdfly cfufdL clwj]zgdf sf/afxL x'g
;Sg]5 .
t/ s'g} ljw]os k|ltlglw ;efdf k|:t't eO{ ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] jf
k|ltlglw ;efdf kfl/t eO{ /fli6«o ;efdf ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf
k|ltlglw ;ef lj36g ePdf jf To;sf] sfo{sfn ;dfKt ePdf To:tf]
ljw]os lgliqmo x'g]5 .
!!@= ljw]os lkmtf{ lng] M ljw]os k|:t'tstf{n] ;bgsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ ljw]os
lkmtf{ lng ;Sg]5 .
!!#= ljw]osdf k|df0fLs/0f M -!_ wf/f !!! adf]lhd k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu
/fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ul/g] ljw]os pTklQ ePsf] ;bgsf] ;efd'v jf
cWoIfn]] k|dfl0ft u/L k]z ug'{ kg{]5 .
t/ cy{ ljw]ossf xsdf cy{ ljw]os xf] egL ;efd'vn] k|dfl0ft
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ o; wf/f adf]lhd k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z
ePsf] ljw]os kGw| lbgleq k|df0fLs/0f u/L To;sf] ;"rgf oyf;Dej
rfF8f] b'j} ;bgnfO{ lbg' kg{]5 .
-#_ k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu k]z ePsf] cy{ ljw]os afx]s cGo
ljw]osdf k'glj{rf/ x'g' cfjZos 5 eGg] /fi6«kltnfO{ nfu]df To:tf]
ljw]os k]z ePsf] kGw| lbgleq lghn] ;Gb]z ;lxt ljw]os pTklQ
ePsf] ;bgdf lkmtf{ k7fpg]5 .
-$_ /fi6«kltn] s'g} ljw]os ;Gb]z ;lxt lkmtf{ u/]df To:tf]
ljw]osdfly b'j} ;bgn] k'glj{rf/ u/L To:tf]] ljw]os k|:t't ¿kdf jf
;+zf]wg ;lxt kfl/t u/L k'gM k]z u/]df To;/L k]z ePsf] kGw| lbgleq
/fi6«kltn] k|df0fLs/0f ug{]5 .
-%_ /fi6«kltaf6 k|df0fLs/0f ePkl5 ljw]os P]g aGg]5 .
!!$= cWofb]z M -!_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j} ;bgsf] clwj]zg rln/x]sf] cj:yfdf
afx]s cGo cj:yfdf tTsfn s]xL ug{ cfjZos k/]df dlGqkl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] cWofb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd hf/L ePsf] cWofb]z P]g ;/x dfGo
x'g]5 .
t/ To:tf] k|To]s cWofb]z,–
-s_ hf/L ePkl5 a;]sf] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] b'j} ;bgdf k]z
ul/g]5 / b'j} ;bgn] :jLsf/ gu/]df :jtM lgliqmo x'g]5,
-v_ /fi6«kltaf6 h'g;'s} avt vf/]h x'g ;Sg]5, /
-u_ v08 -s_ jf -v_ adf]lhd lgliqmo jf vf/]h gePdf b'j}
;bgsf] a}7s a;]sf] ;f7L lbg kl5 :jtM lgliqmo x'g]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkwf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æb'j} ;bgsf] a}7s a;]sf]
lbgÆ eGgfn] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf b'j} ;bgsf] clwj]zg k|f/De ePsf] jf
a}7s a;]sf] lbg ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf ;bgx¿sf]
a}7s cl3kl5 u/L a;]sf] cj:yfdf h'g ;bgsf] a}7s kl5 a;]sf] 5
;f]xL lbgnfO{ hgfpF5 .

;+3Lo cfly{s sfo{k|0ffnL
!!%= s/ nufpg jf C0f lng gkfOg] M -!_ sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s s'g} s/
nufOg] / p7fOg] 5}g .
-@_ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g} C0f lng] /
hdfgt lbg] 5}g .
!!^= ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]if M u'7L /sd afx]s g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ k|fKt x'g] ;a}
k|sf/sf /fh:j, /fh:jsf] lwtf]df lnOPsf ;a} shf{, P]gsf] clwsf/
cGtu{t lbOPsf] h'g;'s} C0f c;'n x'Fbf k|fKt ePsf] ;a} wg / g]kfn
;/sf/nfO{ k|fKt x'g] cGo h'g;'s} /sd ;+3Lo P]gåf/f csf]{ s'g} Joj:yf
gul/Pdf Ps ;/sf/L sf]ifdf cfDbfgL afFlwg]5 h;nfO{ ;+3Lo ;l~rt
sf]if elgg]5 .
!!&= ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]if jf ;+3Lo ;/sf/L sf]ifaf6 Joo M b]xfo adf]lhdsf
/sd afx]s ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]if jf cGo s'g} ;+3Lo ;/sf/L sf]ifaf6
s'g} /sd lemSg ;lsg] 5}g M–
-s_ ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ ePsf] /sd,
-v_ ;+3Lo ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd vr{ x'g] /sd,
-u_ ljlgof]hg ljw]os ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf k]ZsLsf]
¿kdf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd vr{ x'g] /sd, jf
-3_ ljz]if cj:yfdf Joosf] ljj/0f dfq ePsf] ;+3Lo pwf/f]
vr{ P]g adf]lhd Joo x'g] /sd .
t/ ;+3Lo cfsl:ds sf]ifsf xsdf wf/f !@$ adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!!*= ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ M b]xfosf ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt vr{
;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ x'g]5 / To:tf] Joosf nflu ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] :jLs[lt cfjZos kg]{ 5}g M–
-s_ /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwfsf] /sd,
-v_ g]kfnsf] k|wfg GofofwLz, ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf GofofwLz /
Gofokl/ifbsf ;b:onfO{ lbOg] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwfsf]

-u_ k|ltlglw ;efsf ;efd'v / pk;efd'v, /fli6«o ;efsf
cWoIf / pkfWoIfnfO{ lbOg] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwfsf]]
-3_ ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v / kbflwsf/LnfO{ lbOg]
kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwfsf] /sd,
-ª_ k|b]z k|d'vsf] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwfsf] /sd,
-r_ /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«kltsf] sfof{no, ;jf]{Rr cbfnt,
Gofokl/ifb, ;+j}wflgs lgsfo / k|b]z k|d'vsf] sfof{nosf]
k|zf;lgs Joo,
-5_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] bfloTjsf] C0f ;DaGwL Jooef/,
-h_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lj?4 cbfntaf6 ePsf] km};nf jf cfb]z
cg';f/ ltg'{ kg]{ /sd, /
-em_ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ x'g]
/sd .
!!(= /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cy{dGqLn] k|To]s cfly{s
jif{sf] ;DaGwdf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf b'j} ;bgsf] ;+o'Qm a}7sdf b]xfosf
ljifox¿ ;d]t v'nfO{ jflif{s cg'dfg k]z ug'{ kg]{]5 M–
-s_ /fh:jsf] cg'dfg,
-v_ ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ x'g] cfjZos /sdx¿, /
-u_ ;+3Lo ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd Joo x'g] cfjZos
/sdx¿ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd jflif{s cg'dfg k]z ubf{ cl3Nnf] cfly{s
jif{df k|To]s dGqfnonfO{ 5'6\ofOPsf] vr{sf] /sd / To:tf] vr{
cg';f/sf] nIo xfl;n eof] jf ePg To;sf] ljj/0f klg ;fy} k]z ug'{
kg]{5 .
-#_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cy{dGqLn] pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] /fh:j /
Joosf] cg'dfg k|To]s jif{ h]7 dxLgfsf] kGw| ut] ;+3Lo ;+;bdf k]z
ug]{5 .
!@)= ljlgof]hg P]g M ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd Joo x'g] /sd ;DalGwt
zLif{sdf pNn]v u/L ljlgof]hg ljw]osdf /flvg]5 .

!@!= k"/s cg'dfg M -!_ s'g} cfly{s jif{df b]xfosf] cj:yf kg{ cfPdf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] cy{dGqLn] k|ltlglw ;efdf k"/s cg'dfg k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ rfn" cfly{s jif{sf nflu ljlgof]hg P]gn] s'g} ;]jfsf
nflu vr{ ug{ clVtof/L lbPsf] /sd ckof{Kt ePdf jf
To; jif{sf nflu ljlgof]hg P]gn] clVtof/L glbPsf] gofF
;]jfdf vr{ ug{ cfjZos ePdf, jf
-v_ rfn" cfly{s jif{df ljlgof]hg P]gn] clVtof/L lbPsf]
/sdeGbf a9L vr{ x'g uPdf .
-@_ k"/s cg'dfgdf /flvPsf] /sd ;DalGwt zLif{sdf pNn]v
u/L k"/s ljlgof]hg ljw]osdf /flvg]5 .
!@@= k]ZsL vr{ M -!_ o; efudf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
ljlgof]hg ljw]os ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf cfly{s jif{sf nflu
cg'dfg ul/Psf] Joosf] s'g} c+z k]ZsLsf ¿kdf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd
vr{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ wf/f !!( adf]lhd /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg k]z gul/P;Dd
k]ZsL vr{ ljw]os k|:t't ul/g] 5}g / k]ZsLsf] /sd cfly{s jif{sf] Joo
cg'dfgsf] Ps ltxfO eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-#_ ;+3Lo k]ZsL vr{ P]g adf]]lhd vr{ ePsf] /sd ljlgof]hg
ljw]osdf ;dfj]z ul/g]5 .
!@#= pwf/f] vr{ M o; efudf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
k|fs[lts sf/0f jf afx\o cfqmd0fsf] cfz+sf jf cfGtl/s lj£g jf cGo
sf/0fn] ;+s6sf] cj:yf k/L wf/f !!( sf] pkwf/f -!_ cGtu{t rflxg]
ljj/0f v'nfpg cJofjxfl/s jf /fHosf] ;'/Iff jf lxtsf b[li6n]
cjf~5gLo b]lvPdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cy{dGqLn] Joosf] ljj/0f dfq
ePsf] pwf/f] vr{ ljw]os k|ltlglw ;efdf k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!@$= ;+3Lo cfsl:ds sf]if M -!_ ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd cfsl:ds sf]ifsf gfdn]
Pp6f sf]if :yfkgf ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf] sf]ifdf ;do ;dodf ;+3Lo
P]g adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ePsf] /sd hDdf ul/g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]if g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lgoGq0fdf
/xg]5 / g]kfn ;/sf/n] To:tf] sf]ifaf6 cfsl:ds sfo{sf nflu vr{
ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] vr{sf] /sd ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd
oyfzLw| ;f]wegf{ ul/g]5 .
!@%= cfly{s sfo{ljlw ;DaGwL P]g M ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd ljlgof]lht /sd Ps
zLif{saf6 csf]{ zLif{sdf /sdfGt/ ug{] / cfly{s sfo{ljlw ;DaGwL cGo
Joj:yf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

!@^= Gofo ;DaGwL clwsf/ cbfntaf6 k|of]u x'g] M -!_ g]kfnsf] Gofo
;DaGwL clwsf/ of] ;+ljwfg, cGo sfg"g / Gofosf dfGo l;4fGt
adf]lhd cbfnt tyf Goflos lgsfoaf6 k|of]u ul/g]5 .
-@_ d'2f dfldnfsf] /f]xdf cbfntn] lbPsf] cfb]z jf lg0f{osf]
;a}n] kfng ug'{ kg]{5 .
!@&= cbfntx¿ M -!_ g]kfndf b]xfo adf]lhdsf cbfntx¿ /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ ;jf]{Rr cbfnt,
-v_ pRr cbfnt, /
-u_ lhNnf cbfnt .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df n]lvPb]lv afx]s sfg"g adf]lhd d'2f x]g{
:yfgLo :t/df Goflos lgsfo jf ljjfb ;dfwfgsf j}slNks pkfo
cjnDag ug{ cfjZostf cg';f/ cGo lgsfo u7g ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!@*= ;jf]{Rr cbfnt M -!_ g]kfndf Ps ;jf]{Rr cbfnt x'g]5 .
-@_ ;jf]{Rr cbfnt clen]v cbfnt x'g]5 . o; ;+ljwfgdf
cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s ;a} cbfnt / Goflos lgsfox¿ ;jf]{Rr
cbfnt dftxt /xg]5g\ . ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] JofVof ug{] clGtd
clwsf/ ;jf{]Rr cbfntnfO{ x'g]5 .
-#_ ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] cfˆgf] / cfˆgf] clwsf/ If]qleq kg]{
cbfnt, ljlzi6Ls[t cbfnt jf cGo Goflos lgsfox¿sf] Gofo k|zf;g
jf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL ljifodf lg/LIf0f, ;'kl/j]If0f u/L cfjZos lgb]{zg
lbg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ d'2f dfldnfsf /f]xdf ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] u/]sf] ;+ljwfg /
sfg"gsf] JofVof jf k|ltkfbg u/]sf] sfg"gL l;4fGt ;a}n] kfng ug{'
kg]{5 . ;jf{]Rr cbfntn] cfˆgf] jf dftxtsf] cbfntsf] Gofo;Dkfbgsf]
sfo{df s;}n] cj/f]w u/]df jf cfb]z jf k}m;nfsf] cj1f u/]df sfg"g
adf]lhd cjx]ngfdf sf/afxL rnfO{ ;hfo ug{{ ;Sg]5 .
!@(= g]kfnsf] k|wfg GofofwLz tyf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm /
of]Uotf M -!_ ;jf{]Rr cbfntdf g]kfnsf] k|wfg GofofwLzsf cltl/Qm
a9Ldf aL; hgf GofofwLz /xg]5g\ .
-@_ ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzsf] / Gofo
kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf cGo GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm
/fi6«kltaf6 x'g]5 .
-#_ ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLz kbdf sDtLdf tLg jif{ sfd
u/]sf] JolQm k|wfg GofofwLzsf] kbdf lgo'lQm x'g of]Uo x'g]5 .
-$_ k|wfg GofofwLzsf] kbfjlw 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-%_ sfg"gdf :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/L pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo
GofofwLz jf GofofwLzsf] kbdf sDtLdf kfFr jif{ sfd u/]sf] jf
sfg"gdf :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/L jl/i7 clwjQmf jf clwjQmfsf]
x}l;otdf sDtLdf kGw| jif{ lg/Gt/ jsfnt u/]sf] jf sDtLdf kGw|
jif{;Dd Gofo jf sfg"gsf] If]qdf lg/Gt/ sfd u/L ljlzi6 sfg"gljbsf]
¿kdf Voflt k|fKt u/]sf] jf Gofo ;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst k|yd >]0fL jf
;f]eGbf dflyNnf] kbdf sDtLdf afx| jif{ sfd u/]sf] g]kfnL gful/s
;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo dflgg]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M of] ;+ljwfg nfu" x'g'eGbf klxn] k'g/fj]bg cbfntdf d'Vo
GofofwLz jf GofofwLz eO{ sfd u/]sf] cjlwnfO{ of] pkwf/fsf]
k|of]hgsf nflu pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo GofofwLz jf GofofwLzsf]
x}l;otdf sfd u/]sf] cjlw dflgg]5 .
-^_ k|wfg GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm ePdf jf s'g} sf/0fn] k|wfg
GofofwLz cfˆgf] kbsf] sfd ug{ c;dy{ ePdf jf labf a;]sf] jf
g]kfnaflx/ uPsf] sf/0fn] k|wfg GofofwLz ;jf]{Rr cbfntdf pkl:yt
gx'g] cj:yf ePdf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] jl/i7td GofofwLzn]
sfodd'sfod k|wfg GofofwLz eO{ sfd ug]{]5 .
!#)= k|wfg GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzsf] ;]jfsf zt{ tyf ;'ljwf M -!_ k|wfg
GofofwLz tyf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLzn] sDtLdf kfFr jif{ sfd
u/L /fhLgfdf lbPdf jf clgjfo{ cjsfz k|fKt u/]df jf lghsf] d[To'
ePdf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd lgj[lQe/0f kfpg]5 .
-@_ o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoyf Joj:yf ul/Psf]df afx]s k|wfg
GofofwLz tyf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf GofofwLzsf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf cGo
zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ / -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg

dxfleof]uåf/f kbd'Qm ePsf] jf g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df
cbfntaf6 ;hfo kfPsf] k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf]
GofofwLzn] pkbfg jf lgj[lQe/0f kfpg] 5}g .
-$_ k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLznfO{ dsf{
kg]{ u/L lghsf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf cGo zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+vntfsf]] sf/0fn] ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf]
3f]if0ff ePsf] cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
!#!= k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm x'g]
M b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf]
GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL k|wfg GofofwLzsf] xsdf
;+j}wflgs kl/ifb / ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] xsdf
Gofo kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghn] g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df cbfntaf6
;hfo kfPdf,
-r_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
!#@= k|wfg GofofwLz tyf ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLznfO{ cGo s'g} sfddf
nufpg gx'g] M -!_ k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLznfO{
GofofwLzsf] kbdf afx]s cGo s'g} kbdf sfddf nufOg] jf sfhdf
v6fOg] 5}g .
t/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] Gofo kl/ifb;Fu k/fdz{ u/L ;jf{]Rr
cbfntsf] GofofwLznfO{ Goflos hfFra'emsf] sfddf jf s]xL vf;
cjlwsf nflu sfg"g jf Gofo ;DaGwL cg';Gwfg jf cGj]if0fsf] s'g}
sfddf v6fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLz eO;s]sf]
JolQm o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoyf pNn]v ePsf]df afx]s s'g} klg ;/sf/L
kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
!##= ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] clwsf/ If]q M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgåf/f k|bQ df}lns xs
pk/ cg'lrt aGb]h nufOPsf]] jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] s'g} sfg"g of]
;+ljwfg;Fu aflemPsf] x'Fbf To:tf] sfg"g jf To;sf] s'g} efu jf k|b]z
;efn] agfPsf] s'g} sfg"g ;+3Lo ;+;bn] agfPsf] s'g} sfg"g;Fu
aflemPsf] jf gu/ ;ef jf ufpF ;efn] agfPsf] s'g} sfg"g ;+3Lo ;+;b
jf k|b]z ;efn] agfPsf] s'g} sfg"g;Fu aflemPsf] xF'bf To:tf] sfg"g jf
To;sf] s'g} efu ab/ 3f]lift u/L kfpFm egL s'g} klg g]kfnL gful/sn]
;jf]{Rr cbfntdf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 / ;f] cg';f/ s'g} sfg"g aflemPsf]
b]lvPdf ;f] sfg"gnfO{ k|f/Deb]lv g} jf lg0f{o ePsf] ldltb]lv cdfGo /
ab/ 3f]lift ug]{ c;fwf/0f clwsf/ ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{ x'g]5 .
-@_ o; ;+ljwfgåf/f k|bQ df}lns xssf] k|rngsf nflu jf
csf]{ pkrf/sf] Joj:yf gePsf] jf csf]{ pkrf/sf] Joj:yf eP klg
To:tf] pkrf/ ckof{Kt jf k|efjxLg b]lvPsf] cGo s'g} sfg"gL xssf]
k|rngsf nflu jf ;fj{hlgs xs jf ;/f]sf/sf] s'g} ljjfbdf ;dfj]z
ePsf] s'g} ;+j}wflgs jf sfg"gL k|Zgsf] lg¿k0fsf nflu cfjZos /
pko'Qm cfb]z hf/L ug{], plrt pkrf/ k|bfg ug{], To:tf] xssf] k|rng
u/fpg] jf ljjfb 6'+uf] nufpg] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{
x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ If]q cGtu{t
;jf]{Rr cbfntn] aGbL k|ToIfLs/0f, k/dfb]z, pTk|]if0f, k|ltif]w,
clwsf/k[R5f nufot cGo pko'Qm cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ clwsf/ If]qsf] cefj ePsf]df afx]s ;+3Lo ;+;b jf k|b]z
;efsf] cfGtl/s sfd sf/afxL / ;+3Lo ;+;b jf k|b]z ;efn] rnfPsf]
ljz]ifflwsf/sf] sf/afxL / tT;DaGwdf tf]s]sf] ;hfodf o; pkwf/f
cGtu{t ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] x:tIf]k ug]{ 5}g .
-$_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{ ;+3Lo
sfg"gdf Joj:yf eP adf]lhd d'2fsf] z'? sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug{],
k'g/fj]bg ;'Gg], ;fws hfFRg], d'2f bf]xf]¥ofpg], lgj]bg ;'Gg] jf cfˆgf]
km};nf jf clGtd cfb]zsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 . To;/L
k'g/fjnf]sg ubf{ klxnf km};nf ug{] GofofwLz afx]s cGo GofofwLzn]
ug{] 5g\ .
-%_ pRr cbfntn] z'¿ sf/afxL / lsgf/f u/]sf] d'2fsf]
k'g/fj]bg ;'Gg] / ;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] JofVof ;DaGwL k|Zg ;dfj]z
ePsf] ;fj{hlgs dxTjsf] ljifo jf ;jf]{Rr cbfntaf6 lg0f{o x'g'
pko'Qm 5 egL pRr cbfntn] cfˆgf] /fo ;lxt l;kmfl/; u/]sf] d'2fsf]
lg¿k0f ug]{ clwsf/ ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{ x'g]5 .
-^_ ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] cGo clwsf/ / sfo{ljlw ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!#$= d'2f ;fg{ ;Sg] M -!_ ;f/e"t ¿kdf ;dfg k|Zg ;dfj]z ePsf] d'2f
;jf]{Rr cbfnt / pRr cbfntx¿df ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf To:tf]
k|Zg ;fj{hlgs dxTjsf] xf] eGg] ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{ nfu]df jf
dxfGofoflwjQmf jf d'2fsf kIfsf] lgj]bgaf6 b]lvPdf To:tf d'2f
lemsfO{ ;fy} /fvL k}m;nf ug]{ clwsf/ ;jf]{Rr cbfntnfO{ x'g]5 .
-@_ s'g} pRr cbfntdf bfo/ ePsf] d'2fdf ;'g'jfO{ x'Fbf Goflos
lgikIftfdf k|Zg p7\g] ljz]if kl/l:ylt b]lvPdf sf/0f / cfwf/ v'nfO{
sfg"g adf]lhd Ps pRr cbfntaf6 csf]{ pRr cbfntdf To:tf] d'2f
;f/L ;'g'jfO{ ug{ ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 .
!#% ax; k}/jL ug{ gkfpg] M k|wfg GofofwLz / ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf]
GofofwLzn] ;]jflgj[Q ePkl5 s'g} klg c•f cbfntdf ax; k}/jL,
d]nldnfk jf dWo:ytf ;DaGwL sfo{ ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
!#^= k|wfg GofofwLzsf] lhDd]jf/L M ;jf]{Rr cbfnt / dftxtsf cbfnt,
ljlzi6Ls[t cbfnt jf cGo Goflos lgsfox¿sf] Gofo k|zf;gnfO{
k|efjsf/L agfpg] clGtd lhDd]jf/L k|wfg GofofwLzsf] x'g]5 .
!#&= ;+j}wflgs Ohnf;sf] u7g M -!_ ;jf{]Rr cbfntdf Ps ;+j}wflgs
Ohnf; /xg]5 . To:tf] Ohnf;df k|wfg GofofwLz / Gofo kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] tf]s]sf cGo rf/ hgf GofofwLz /xg]
5g\ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Ohnf;n] wf/f !## sf] pkwf/f -!_
adf]lhd k/]sf lgj]bgsf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf d'2fsf] z'¿ sf/afxL /
lsgf/f ug{]5 M–
-s_ ;+3 / k|b]z, k|b]z / k|b]z, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx tyf
:yfgLo txx¿ aLrsf] clwsf/ If]qsf] af/]df ePsf] ljjfb
-v_ ;+3Lo ;+;b jf k|b]z ;ef ;b:osf] lgjf{rg ;DaGwL
ljjfb / ;+3Lo ;+;bsf ;b:o jf k|b]z ;efsf ;b:osf]
cof]Uotf ;DaGwL .

-#_ wf/f !## df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;jf{]Rr
cbfntdf ljrf/fwLg s'g} d'2fdf uDeL/ ;+j}wflgs JofVofsf] k|Zg
;dfj]z ePsf] b]lvPdf To:tf] d'2f pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Ohnf;af6
x]g{] u/L k|wfg GofofwLzn] tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ ;+j}wflgs Ohnf;sf] ;~rfng ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;jf{]Rr
cbfntn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!#*= jflif{s k|ltj]bg M -!_ ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, Gofo kl/ifb / Gofo ;]jf
cfof]un] k|To]s jif{ cfˆgf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug]{5 /
/fi6«kltn] To:tf] k|ltj]bg k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t ;+3Lo ;+;b ;dIf k]z
ug{]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd k|:t't ePsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg dfly
5nkmn x'Fbf ;+3Lo ;+;bn] s'g} ;'emfj lbg cfjZos b]v]df g]kfn
;/sf/, sfg"g tyf Gofo dGqfno dfk{mt ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ lbg
;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!#(= pRr cbfnt M -!_ k|To]s k|b]zdf Ps pRr cbfnt /xg]5 .
-@_ pRr cbfntn] cfˆgf] / cfˆgf dftxtsf cbfnt jf Goflos
lgsfox¿af6 x'g] Gofo ;Dkfbgsf] sfo{df s;}n] cj/f]w u/]df jf cfb]z
jf k}m;nfsf] cj1f u/]df ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd cjx]ngfdf sf/afxL
rnfO{ ;hfo ug{{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ k|To]s pRr cbfntdf d'Vo GofofwLzsf cltl/Qm ;+3Lo
sfg"gdf Joj:yf eP adf]lhdsf] ;+Vofdf GofofwLzx¿ /xg]5g\ .
!$)= pRr cbfntsf d'Vo GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm / of]Uotf M
-!_ k|wfg GofofwLzn] Gofo kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df pRr cbfntsf d'Vo
GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm ug{]5 .
-@_ sfg"gdf :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/L lhNnf GofofwLzsf] kbdf
sDtLdf kfFr jif{ sfd u/]sf] jf sfg"gdf :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/L jl/i7
clwjQmf jf clwjQmfsf] ¿kdf sDtLdf bz jif{ lg/Gt/ jsfnt u/]sf]
jf sDtLdf bz jif{ sfg"gsf] cWofkg, cGj]if0f jf sfg"g jf Gofo
;DaGwL cGo s'g} If]qdf lg/Gt/ sfd u/]sf] jf Gofo ;]jfsf] sDtLdf
/fhkqf+lst k|yd >]0fLsf] kbdf sDtLdf kfFr jif{ sfd u/]sf] g]kfnL

gful/s pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzsf] kbdf
lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo dflgg]5 .
-#_ pRr cbfntsf d'Vo GofofwLz / GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm ubf{
pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd of]Uotf k''u]sf JolQmx¿dWo]af6 lhNnf
GofofwLzsf] xsdf lghn] jflif{s ¿kdf km};nf u/]sf] d'2fsf] cg'kft /
dflyNnf] cbfntdf clGtd lg0f{o x'Fbf d'2f ;b/, ab/ jf pN6L ePsf]]
d"Nof+sgsf] cfwf/df, Gofo ;]jfsf] sDtLdf /fhkqf+lst k|yd >]0fLsf]
kbdf sDtLdf kfFr jif{ sfd u/]sf] JolQmsf] xsdf Ho]i7tf, of]Uotf /
sfo{;Dkfbgsf]] :t/sf] d"Nof+sgsf] cfwf/df / cGosf] xsdf jl/i7tf,
Jofj;flos lg/Gt/tf, Odfgbf/L, k]zfut cfr/0f / Gofo / sfg"gsf]
If]qdf u/]sf] of]ubfgsf] d"Nof+sg u/L lgo'lQm ul/g]5 .
-$_ d'Vo GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm ePdf jf c? s'g} sf/0fn] d'Vo
GofofwLz cfˆgf] kbsf] sfd ug{ c;dy{ ePsf] jf labf a;]sf] jf k|b]z
aflx/ uPsf] sf/0fn] d'Vo GofofwLz pRr cbfntdf pkl:yt x'g ;Sg]
cj:yf g/x]df pRr cbfntsf] jl/i7td GofofwLzn] sfodd'sfod
d'Vo GofofwLz eO{ sfd ug]{]5 .
!$!= d'Vo GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzsf] ;]jfsf zt{ tyf ;'ljwf M -!_ o;
;+ljwfgdf cGoyf Joj:yf ul/Psf]df afx]s pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo
GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzsf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf] cGo zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Gofo
kl/ifbaf6 sf/afxL eO{ kbd'Qm ePsf] jf g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L
s;"/df cbfntaf6 ;hfo kfO{ kbd'Qm ePsf] pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo
GofofwLz tyf GofofwLzn] pkbfg jf lgjl[Qe/0f kfpg] 5}g .
t/ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL Gofo kl/ifbn] kbd'Qm u/]sf] cj:yfdf
of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-#_ pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo GofofwLz jf GofofwLznfO{ dsf{ kg]{
u/L lghsf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf cGo zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>+[Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
!$@= d'Vo GofofwLz jf GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm x'g] M -!_ b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo GofofwLz jf GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm
x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] k|wfg GofofwLz ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ lq;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] sfo{Ifdtfsf] cefj, v/fa cfr/0f, Odfgbf/L
k"j{s cfˆgf] st{Josf] kfng gu/]sf], ablgotk"j{s
sfdsf/afxL u/]sf] jf lghn] kfng ug{' kg{]
cfrf/;+lxtfsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]sf] cfwf/df Gofo
kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] kbd'Qm
-3_ lgh zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf
/xL sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL Gofo
kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] kbd'Qm
-ª_ lghn] g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df
cbfntaf6 ;hfo kfPdf,
-r_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhd kbd'Qm ug'{ cl3 cf/f]k
nfu]sf] GofofwLznfO{ cfkmgf] ;kmfO k]z ug{ dgfl;a df}sf lbg' kg]{5 .
To;/L sf/afxL k|f/De ePsf] GofofwLzn] sf/afxLsf] 6'+uf] gnfu];Dd
cfˆgf] kbsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
-#_ kbd'Qm ePsf] d'Vo GofofwLz jf GofofwLzn] kbdf /xFbf
u/]sf] s;"/df ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxL ug{ afwf kg{] 5}g .
!$#= d'Vo GofofwLz tyf GofofwLznfO{ cGo s'g} sfddf nufpg gx'g] /
;?jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo GofofwLz jf
GofofwLznfO{ GofofwLzsf] kbdf afx]s cGo s'g} kbdf sfddf nufOg]
jf sfhdf v6fOg] 5}g .
t/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] Gofo kl/ifb;Fu k/fdz{ u/L pRr cbfntsf]
GofofwLznfO{ Goflos hfFra'emsf] sfddf jf s]xL vf; cjlwsf nflu
sfg"g jf Gofo ;DaGwL cg';Gwfg, cGj]if0f jf /fli6«o ;/f]sf/sf] s'g}
sfddf v6fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ Gofo kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] pRr cbfntsf

GofofwLznfO{ Ps pRr cbfntsf] GofofwLzaf6 csf]{ pRr cbfntsf]
GofofwLzdf ;?jf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!$$= pRr cbfntsf] clwsf/ If]q M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgåf/f k|bQ df}lns xssf]
k|rngsf nflu jf csf]{ pkrf/sf] Joj:yf gePsf] jf csf]{ pkrf/sf]
Joj:yf eP klg ;f] pkrf/ ckof{Kt jf k|efjxLg b]lvPsf] cGo s'g}
sfg"gL xssf] k|rngsf nflu jf ;fj{hlgs xs jf ;/f]sf/sf] s'g}
ljjfbdf ;dfj]z ePsf] s'g} sfg"gL k|Zgsf] lg¿k0fsf nflu cfjZos /
pko'Qm cfb]z hf/L ug]{ clwsf/ pRr cbfntnfO{ x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu pRr cbfntn]
aGbLk|ToIfLs/0f, k/dfb]z, pTk|]if0f, k|ltif]w, clwsf/k[R5f nufot
h'g;'s} pko'Qm cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ clwsf/ If]qsf] cefj ePsf]df afx]s ;+3Lo ;+;b jf k|b]z
;efsf] cfGtl/s sfd sf/afxL / ;+3Lo ;+;b jf k|b]z ;efn] rnfPsf]
ljz]ifflwsf/sf] sf/afxL / tT;DaGwdf tf]s]sf] ;hfodf o; pkwf/f
adf]lhd pRr cbfntn] x:tIf]k ug]{ 5}g .
-#_ pRr cbfntnfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd z'¿ d'2f x]g]{,
k'g/fj]bg ;'Gg] / ;fws hfFRg] clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-$_ pRr cbfntsf] cGo clwsf/ tyf sfo{ljlw ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!$%= d'2f ;fg{ ;Sg] M -!_ pRr cbfntn] cfˆgf] If]qflwsf/leqsf dftxt
cbfntdf ljrf/fwLg /x]sf d'2fdf k|b]z sfg"g ;DaGwL k|Zg ;dfj]z 5
/ pQm d'2fsf] lg0f{o ug{ ;f] k|Zgsf] lg/fs/0f x'g' clgjfo{ 5 eGg]
nfu]df To:tf d'2fx¿ dftxt cbfntaf6 lemsfO{ d'2fsf] k"/} lg0f{o ug{
jf To:tf] k|Zgdf dfq lg0f{o u/]/ d'2f z'¿ cbfntdf lkmtf{ k7fpg
;Sg]5 .
-@_ s'g} lhNnf cbfntdf bfo/ ePsf] d'2fdf ;'g'jfO{ x'Fbf Goflos
lgikIftfdf k|Zg p7\g] ljz]if kl/l:ylt b]lvPdf sf/0f / cfwf/ v'nfO{
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd cfˆgf] dftxtsf Ps lhNnfaf6 csf]{ lhNnf
cbfntdf To:tf] d'2f ;f/L ;'g'jfO{ ug{ pRr cbfntn] cfb]z lbg
;Sg]5 .
!$^= ax; k}/jL ug{ kfpg] M pRr cbfntsf] GofofwLz eO{ ;]jflgj[Q ePsf]
JolQmn] cfk"mn] GofofwLzsf] x}l;otdf ;]jf u/]sf pRr cbfnt /
dftxtsf cbfnt afx]s cGo pRr cbfnt / ;jf]{Rr cbfntdf
pkl:yt eO{ ax; k}/jL ug{ kfpg]5 .
!$&= d'Vo GofofwLzsf] lhDd]jf/L M pRr cbfnt / To;sf] dftxtsf] cbfnt
jf cGo Goflos lgsfosf] Gofo k|zf;gnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg]
lhDd]jf/L d'Vo GofofwLzsf] x'g]5 . ;f] k|of]hgsf nflu d'Vo
GofofwLzn] o; ;+ljwfg tyf ;+3Lo sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL dftxtsf
cbfnt tyf Goflos lgsfonfO{ cfjZos lgb{]zg lbg ;Sg]5 .
!$*= lhNnf cbfnt M -!_ k|To]s lhNnfdf Ps lhNnf cbfnt x'g]5 .
-@_ k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd :yflkt :yfgLo :t/sf Goflos lgsfo
lhNnf cbfntsf] dftxtdf /xg]5g\ . lhNnf cbfntn] cfˆgf] dftxtsf
Goflos lgsfox¿sf] lg/LIf0f Pj+ ;'kl/j]If0f ug{ / cfjZos lgb{]zg
lbg ;Sg]5 .
!$(= lhNnf cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm, of]Uotf tyf kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf
cGo zt{ M -!_ lhNnf cbfntsf GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm Gofo kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzaf6 x'g]5 .
-@_ lhNnf cbfntdf l/Qm GofofwLzsf] kb b]xfo adf]lhd k"lt{
ul/g]5 M–
-s_ l/Qm kbdWo] aL; k|ltzt kbdf sfg"gdf :gfts
pkflw k|fKt u/L Gofo ;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst låtLo
>]0fLsf] kbdf sDtLdf tLg jif{ sfd u/]sf
clws[tx¿dWo]af6 Ho]i7tf, of]Uotf / sfo{Ifdtfsf]
d"Nof+sgsf] cfwf/df,
-v_ l/Qm kbdWo] rfnL; k|ltzt kbdf sfg"gdf :gfts
pkflw k|fKt u/L Gofo ;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst låtLo
>]0fLsf] kbdf sDtLdf tLg jif{ sfd u/]sf
clws[tx¿dWo]af6 v'nf k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf]
-u_ l/Qm kbdWo] afFsL rfnL; k|ltzt kbdf sfg"gdf
:gfts pkflw k|fKt u/L clwjQmfsf] ¿kdf lg/Gt/
sDtLdf cf7 jif{ jsfnt u/]sf, sfg"gdf :gfts
pkflw k|fKt u/L Gofo ;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst kbdf
sDtLdf cf7 jif{ sfd u/]sf jf sfg"gsf] cWofkg,
cGj]if0f jf sfg"g jf Gofo ;DaGwL cGo s'g} If]qdf
lg/Gt/ sDtLdf cf7 jif{ sfd u/]sf g]kfnL
gful/sdWo]af6 v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf]
cfwf/df .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ sf] v08 -v_ / -u_ adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf ePsf
JolQmx¿dWo]af6 ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd Gofo ;]jf cfof]un] lnlvt /
df}lvs k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIff lnO{ of]Uotfqmd adf]lhd lhNnf
GofofwLzdf lgo'lQmsf nflu Gofo kl/ifbnfO{ l;kmfl/; ug{]5 .
-$_ lhNnf cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf cGo zt{
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ lhNnf cbfntsf] GofofwLznfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L lghsf]
kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf cGo zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5|}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>+[Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-^_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf lhNnf cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] kb
l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] k|wfg GofofwLz ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ lq;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] sfo{Ifdtfsf] cefj, v/fa cfr/0f,
Odfgbf/Lk"j{s cfˆgf] st{Josf] kfng gu/]sf],
ablgotk"j{s sfdsf/afxL u/]sf] jf lghn] kfng ug{'
kg{] cfrf/;+lxtfsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]sf] cfwf/df
Gofo kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] kbd'Qm
-3_ lgh zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf
/xL sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL Gofo
kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghn] g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df
cbfntaf6 ;hfo kfPdf,
-r_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-&_ pkwf/f -^_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhd kbd'Qm ug'{ cl3 cf/f]k
nfu]sf] lhNnf GofofwLznfO{ cfˆgf] ;kmfO k]z ug{ dgfl;a df}sf lbg'

kg]{5 . To;/L sf/afxL k|f/De ePsf] lhNnf GofofwLzn] sf/afxLsf] 6'+uf]
gnfu];Dd cfˆgf] kbsf] sfo{;Dkfbg ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
-*_ kbd'Qm ePsf] lhNnf GofofwLzn] kbdf /xFbf u/]sf] s;"/df
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxL ug{ afwf kg{] 5}g .
!%)= lhNnf GofofwLznfO{ cGo s'g} sfddf nufpg gx'g] / ;?jf ;DaGwL
Joj:yf M -!_ lhNnf GofofwLznfO{ GofofwLzsf] kbdf afx]s cGo s'g}
kbdf sfddf nufOg] jf sfhdf v6fOg] 5}g .
t/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] Gofo kl/ifb;Fu k/fdz{ u/L lhNnf
GofofwLznfO{ Goflos hfFra'emsf] sfddf jf s]xL vf; cjlwsf nflu
sfg"g jf Gofo ;DaGwL cg';Gwfg jf cGj]if0f tyf lgjf{rg ;DaGwL
sfddf v6fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ Gofo kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] lhNnf
GofofwLznfO{ Ps lhNnf cbfntaf6 csf]{ lhNnf cbfntdf ;?jf ug{
;Sg]5 .
!%!= lhNnf cbfntsf] clwsf/ If]q M -!_ lhNnf cbfntnfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"gdf
cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s cfˆgf] clwsf/If]qleqsf ;Dk"0f{ d'2fsf]
z'¿ sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug]{, aGbL k|ToIfLs/0f lgif]wf1f nufot sfg"g
adf]lhdsf lgj]bg x]g]{, cw{Goflos lgsfon] u/]sf] lg0f{o pk/ sfg"g
adf]lhd k'g/fj]bg ;'Gg], k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd ul7t :yfgLo:t/sf
Goflos lgsfon] u/]sf] lg0f{o pk/ k'g/fj]bg ;'Gg] tyf cfk"m / cfˆgf]
dftxtsf cbfntx¿sf] Gofo ;Dkfbgsf] sfo{df s;}n] cj/f]w u/]df jf
cfb]z jf k}m;nfsf] cj1f u/]df ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd cjx]ngfdf
sf/afxL rnfO ;hfo ug{ ;Sg] clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-@_ lhNnf cbfntsf] clwsf/ If]q / sfo{ljlw ;DaGwL cGo
Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!%@= ljlzi6Ls[t cbfnt M -!_ wf/f !@& df n]lvPb]lv afx]s vf; lsl;d /
k|s[ltsf d'2fx¿sf] sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd cGo
ljlzi6Ls[t cbfnt, Goflos lgsfo jf Gofoflws/0fsf] :yfkgf / u7g
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
t/ s'g} vf; d'2fsf nflu ljlzi6Ls[t cbfnt, Goflos lgsfo jf
Gofoflws/0fsf] u7g ul/g] 5}g .
-@_ Ps jif{ eGbf a9L s}b ;hfo x'g] kmf}hbf/L s;"/ ;DaGwL

d'2f cbfnt jf ljlzi6Ls[t cbfnt jf ;}lgs cbfnt jf Goflos
lgsfo afx]s cGo lgsfosf] clwsf/ If]qdf kg{] 5}g .
!%#= Gofo kl/ifb M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQm, ;?jf,
cg'zf;g ;DaGwL sf/afxL, avf{;L / Gofo k|zf;g ;DaGwL cGo
ljifosf] l;kmfl/; ug{ jf k/fdz{ lbg Pp6f Gofo kl/ifb /xg]5, h;df
b]xfo adf]lhdsf cWoIf / ;b:ox¿ /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ k|wfg GofofwLz –cWoIf
-v_ ;+3Lo sfg"g tyf Gofo dGqL –;b:o
-u_ ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf jl/i7td GofofwLz Ps hgf – ;b:o
-3_ /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df lgo'Qm u/]sf]
Ps hgf sfg"gljb\ –;b:o
-ª_ g]kfn af/ P;f]l;Pzgsf] l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltåf/f
lgo'Qm sDtLdf aL; jif{sf] cg'ej k|fKt jl/i7
clwjQmf jf clwjQmf – ;b:o
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -3_ / -ª_ adf]lhdsf] ;b:osf] kbfjlw
rf/ jif{sf] x'g]5 / lghsf] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf]
GofofwLzsf] ;/x x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -3_ / -ª_ adf]lhdsf] ;b:o ;jf]{Rr
cbfntsf] GofofwLz ;/x ;dfg cfwf/df / ;dfg t/Lsfn] kbd'Qm
x'g]5 .
-$_ Gofo kl/ifbsf] cWoIf tyf ;b:on] s'g} GofofwLzsf]
;DaGwdf kg{ cfPsf] ph'/L;Fu ;Da4 d'2fsf] cWoog u/L Gofo
kl/ifbdf To;sf] k|ltj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ s'g} GofofwLzsf] ljifodf kg{ cfPsf] ph'/Lsf] ;DaGwdf
k|f/lDes 5fgaLg u/fpFbf ljz]if1af6 lj:t[t 5fgaLg ug'{kg{] b]lvPdf
Gofo kl/ifbn] hfFra'em ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] sf/afxLaf6 kbd'Qm x'g
;Sg] GofofwLz afx]s cGo GofofwLzn] e|i6frf/ u/L clVtof/sf]
b'?kof]u u/]sf]df Gofokl/ifbn] cg';Gwfg u/L sfg"g adf]lhd d'2f
rnfpg ;Sg]5 .
-&_ Gofo kl/ifbn] o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] k|wfg
GofofwLz / GofofwLz, pRr cbfntsf d'Vo GofofwLz / GofofwLzsf]
kbdf lgo'Qm x'g of]Uotf k'Ug] JolQmx¿sf] cBfjlws clen]v tof/ ug'{
kg]{5 .
-*_ Gofo kl/ifbsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!%$= Gofo ;]jf cfof]u M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] sfg"g adf]lhd ;+3Lo Gofo
;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst kbdf lgo'lQm, ;?jf, a9'jf ubf{ jf To:tf] kbdf
axfn /x]sf] s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ ljefuLo ;hfo ubf{ Gofo ;]jf cfof]usf]
l;kmfl/; adf]lhd ug]{5 .
t/ ;+3Lo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf axfn g/x]sf] JolQmnfO{ ;+3Lo Gofo
;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst kbdf gofF egf{åf/f :yfoL lgo'lQm ubf{ jf ;+3Lo
Gofo ;]jfsf] /fhkq cglÍt kbaf6 ;f]xL ;]jfsf] /fhkqf+lst kbdf
a9'jf ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] l;kmfl/; adf]lhd ug'{
kg]{5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu ;+3Lo Gofo ;]jfsf]
/fhkqf+lst kbdf lgo'lQm ubf{ lnOg] v'nf / cfGtl/s k|ltof]lutfTds
k/LIff nf]s ;]jf cfof]un] lng]5 .
-@_ Gofo ;]jf cfof]udf b]xfo adf]lhdsf cWoIf / ;b:ox¿
x'g]5g\ M–
-s_ k|wfg GofofwLz –cWoIf
-v_ ;+3Lo sfg"g tyf Gofo dGqL –;b:o
-u_ ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] jl/i7td GofofwLz –;b:o
-3_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] cWoIf –;b:o
-ª_ dxfGofoflwjQmf –;b:o
-#_ Gofo ;]jf cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ / sfo{ljlw
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!%%= ;]jfsf zt{ / ;'ljwf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M ;+3Lo Gofo ;]jfsf
sd{rf/Lx¿sf] kfl/>lds, ;'ljwf tyf ;]jfsf zt{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

!%^= k|b]z Gofo ;]jf cfof]u ;DaGwL Joj:yf M k|b]z Gofo ;]jf cfof]usf]
u7g / k|b]z Gofo ;]jfsf sd{rf/Lx¿sf] kfl/>lds, ;'ljwf tyf ;]jfsf
zt{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

!%&= dxfGofoflwjQmf M -!_ g]kfndf Ps dxfGofoflwjQmf /xg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df dxfGofoflwjQmfsf]
lgol'Qm ug]{]5 . k|wfgdGqLn] rfx]sf] cjlw;Dd dxfGofoflwjQmf cfˆgf]
kbdf axfn /xg]5 .
-#_ ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLz x'g] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm
dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 .
-$_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt
/fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghnfO{ k|wfgdGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltaf6 kbd'Qm
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf ;jf]{Rr
cbfntsf] GofofwLz ;/x x'g]5 . dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] ;]jfsf cGo zt{
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5g\ .
!%*= dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ dxfGofoflwjQmf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] d'Vo sfg"gL ;Nnfxsf/ x'g]5 . ;+j}wflgs Pj+ sfg"gL ljifodf
g]kfn ;/sf/ / g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]lslbPsf] cGo clwsf/LnfO{ /fo
;Nnfx lbg' dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] xs, lxt jf ;/f]sf/ lglxt /x]sf] d'2fdf
dxfGofoflwjQmf jf lghsf] dftxtsf ;/sf/L jsLnaf6 g]kfn
;/sf/sf] k|ltlglwTj ul/g]5 . o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df
afx]s s'g} cbfnt jf Goflos lgsfo jf clwsf/L ;dIf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] tk{maf6 d'2f rnfpg] jf grnfpg] eGg] s'/fsf] clGtd lg0f{o
ug]{ clwsf/ dxfGofoflwjQmfnfO{ x'g]5 .
-#_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tk{maf6 bfo/ ePsf] d'2f lkmtf{ ln+bf
dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] /fo lng' kg]{5 .
-$_ dxfGofoflwjQmfn] ;+3Lo ;+;b jf To;sf] s'g} ;ldltn]
u/]sf] cfdGq0f adf]lhd To:tf] a}7sdf pkl:yt eO{ sfg"gL k|Zgsf]
;DaGwdf /fo JoQm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ cfˆgf] kbLo st{Josf] kfngf ubf{ dxfGofoflwjQmfnfO{
g]kfnsf] h'g;'s} cbfnt, sfof{no / kbflwsf/L ;dIf pkl:yt x'g]
clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -@_ sf] cltl/Qm dxfGofoflwjQmfnfO{ cfˆgf] st{Jo
kfng ubf{ b]xfosf] sfd ug{] clwsf/ x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL jf k|ltjfbL eO{ bfo/ ePsf d'2f
dfldnfdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tk{maf6 k|lt/Iff ug]{,
-v_ d'2f dfldnfsf /f]xdf ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] u/]sf] sfg"gsf]
JofVof jf k|ltkfbg u/]sf] sfg"gL l;4fGtsf] sfof{Gjog
eP jf gePsf] cg'udg ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-u_ lx/f;tdf /x]sf] JolQmnfO{ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL
dfgjf]lrt Jojxf/ gu/]sf] jf To:tf] JolQmnfO{{ cfkmGt;Fu
jf sfg"g Joj;foL dfk{mt e]63f6 ug{ glbPsf] eGg] ph'/L
k/]df jf hfgsf/L x'g cfPdf 5fgaLg u/L To:tf] x'gaf6
/f]Sg ;DalGwt clwsf/LnfO{ cfjZos lgb{]zg lbg] .
-&_ dxfGofoflwjQmfn] of] wf/f adf]lhd cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u / kfng ug]{ u/L dftxtsf
;/sf/L jsLnnfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-*_ o; wf/fdf n]lvPsf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf] cltl/Qm
dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!%(= jflif{s k|ltj]bg M -!_ dxfGofoflwjQmfn] k|To]s jif{ of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd cfk"mn] ;Dkfbg u/]sf] sfdsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L
/fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug]{5 / /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t To:tf] k|ltj]bg
;+3Lo ;+;b ;dIf k]z ug{ nufpg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd k]z ul/g] k|ltj]bgdf cGo s'/fsf]
cltl/Qm dxfGofoflwjQmfn] jif{el/df ;+j}wflgs Pj+ sfg"gL ljifodf lbPsf]
/fo ;Nnfxsf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f ;lxtsf] ;+Vof, ;/sf/jfbL eO{ rn]sf
d'2f ;DaGwL ljj/0f, g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL jf k|ltjfbL eO{ bfo/ ePsf
d'2f dfldnfdf k|lt/Iff u/]sf] ljj/0f, g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL eO{ rNg]

d'2fdf eljiodf ul/g'kg{] ;'wf/ tyf ck/fwsf k|j[lQ ;DaGwL ljj/0f
pNn]v ug'{ kg{]5 .
!^)= d'Vo GofoflwjQmf M -!_ dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] dftxtdf /xg] u/L k|To]s
k|b]zdf Ps d'Vo GofoflwjQmf /xg]5 .
-@_ d'Vo GofoflwjQmfsf] lgo'lQm ;DalGwt d'VodGqLsf]
l;kmfl/;df k|b]z k|d'vaf6 x'g]5 . d'VodGqLn] rfx]sf] cjlw;Dd d'Vo
GofoflwjQmf cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /xg]5 .
-#_ pRr cbfntsf] GofofwLz x'g] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm d'Vo
GofoflwjQmfsf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 .
-$_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf d'Vo GofoflwjQmfsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] d'VodGqL dfk{mt k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf lnlvt
/fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghnfO{ d'VodGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df k|b]z k|d'vn] kbd'Qm
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ d'Vo GofoflwjQmf k|b]z ;/sf/sf] d'Vo sfg"gL ;Nnfxsf/
x'g]5 / ;+j}wflgs Pj+ sfg"gL ljifodf k|b]z ;/sf/ jf k|b]z ;/sf/n]
tf]lslbPsf] cGo clwsf/LnfO{ /fo ;Nnfx lbg' d'Vo GofoflwjQmfsf]
st{Jo x'g]5 .
-^_ d'Vo GofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{no cGtu{tsf sd{rf/Lx¿sf]
Joj:yfkg dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{non] ug]{5 .
-&_ d'Vo GofoflwjQmfsf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf pRr
cbfntsf] GofofwLz ;/x x'g]5 . d'Vo GofoflwjQmfsf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ tyf ;]jfsf cGo zt{ k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!^!= ;]jfsf zt{ / ;'ljwf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M ;/sf/L jsLn tyf
dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] dftxtdf /xg] cGo sd{rf/Lx¿sf] kfl/>lds,
;'ljwf tyf ;]jfsf zt{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

k|b]z sfo{kflnsf
!^@= k|b]zsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ M -!_ k|b]zsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ of]
;+ljwfg / k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbdf lglxt x'g]5 .
t/ ;+3Lo zf;g nfu" ePsf] sf/0faf6 k|b]z sfo{sfl/0fL sfod
g/x]df g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lgb{]zg adf]lhd k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]zsf]
sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ k|of]u ug]{5 .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg / cGo sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL k|b]zsf] zf;g
Joj:yfsf] ;fdfGo lgb]{zg, lgoGq0f / ;~rfng ug]{ cleef/f k|b]z
dlGqkl/ifbdf /xg]5 .
-#_ k|b]zsf] sfo{sfl/0fL sfo{x¿ k|b]z ;/sf/sf gfddf x'g] 5g\ .
-$_ of] ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL k|b]zsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/
cg';"rL–^, cg';"rL–& / cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
t/ ;+3 / k|b]zsf] ;femf clwsf/sf] ljifosf ;DaGwdf of]
;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"gdf :ki6 pNn]v ePsf]df afx]s k|b]z
dlGqkl/ifbn] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/sf] k|of]u ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu
;dGjo u/L ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd k|b]z ;/sf/sf] gfddf x'g] lg0f{o jf
cfb]z / tT;DaGwL clwsf/kqsf] k|df0fLs/0f k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
!^#= k|b]z k|d'v ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|To]s k|b]zdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
k|ltlglwsf] ¿kdf k|b]z k|d'v /xg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] k|To]s k|b]zsf nflu Ps k|b]z k|d'v lgo'lQm
ug]{5 .
-#_ /fi6«kltn]] kbfjlw ;dfKt x'g'eGbf cufj} lghnfO{ kbd'Qm
u/]df afx]s k|b]z k|d'vsf] kbfjlw kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ Pp6} JolQm Ps k6seGbf a9L Ps} k|b]zdf k|b]z k|d'v x'g
;Sg] 5}g .

!^$= k|b]z k|d'vsf] of]Uotf M b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm k|b]z k|d'v x'gsf
nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;b:o x'g of]Uo ePsf]],
-v_ k}+tL; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-u_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf] .
!^%= k|b]z k|d'vsf] kb l/Qm x'g] cj:yf M -!_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf k|b]z
k|d'vsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf jf ;f] cufj} /fi6«kltn]
lghnfO{ kbd'Qm u/]df,
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-@_ s'g} k|b]zsf] k|b]z k|d'vsf] kb l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf k|b]z
k|d'vsf] lgo'lQm geP;Ddsf nflu /fi6«kltn] csf]{ s'g} k|b]zsf] k|b]z
k|d'vnfO{ To:tf] k|b]zsf] ;d]t sfdsfh ug]{ u/L tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
!^^= k|b]z k|d'vsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ k|b]z k|d'vn] of] ;+ljwfg jf
sfg"g adf]lhd lghnfO{ k|fKt clwsf/sf] k|of]u / st{Josf] kfng
ug{]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd clwsf/sf] k|of]u ubf{ jf st{Josf]
kfng ubf{ of] ;+ljwfg jf sfg"g adf]lhd s'g} lgsfo jf kbflwsf/Lsf]
l;kmfl/;df ul/g] egL ls6fgL;fy Joj:yf ePsf] sfo{ afx]s k|b]z
k|d'vaf6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] cGo h'g;'s} sfo{ k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;
/ ;Ddltaf6 x'g]5 . To:tf] l;kmfl/; / ;Ddlt d'VodGqL dfkm{t k]z
x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd k|b]z k|d'vsf] gfddf x'g] lg0f{o jf
cfb]z / tT;DaGwL clwsf/kqsf] k|df0fLs/0f k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
!^&= k|b]z k|d'vsf] zky M k|b]z k|d'vn] cfˆgf] sfo{ef/ ;DxfNg' cl3 ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd /fi6«klt ;dIf kb tyf uf]kgLotfsf] zky lng' kg{]5 .

!^*= k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g M -!_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efdf ax'dt k|fKt
;+;bLo bnsf] g]tfnfO{ d'VodGqL lgo'Qm ug]{5 / lghsf] cWoIftfdf
k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd k|b]z ;efdf s'g} klg bnsf] :ki6
ax'dt g/x]sf] cj:yfdf k|b]z ;efdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf
a9L bnx¿sf] ;dy{gdf ax'dt k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:onfO{
k|b]z k|d'vn] d'VodGqL lgo'Qm ug]{5 .
-#_ k|b]z ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff ePsf] ldltn]
tL; lbgleq pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd d'VodGqL lgo'lQm x'g ;Sg] cj:yf
gePdf jf To;/L lgo'Qm d'VodGqLn] pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd ljZjf;sf]
dt k|fKt ug{ g;s]df k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efdf ;a}eGbf a9L ;b:ox¿
ePsf] ;+;bLo bnsf] g]tfnfO{ d'VodGqL lgo'Qm ug]{5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm d'VodGqLn] To;/L lgo'Qm
ePsf] tL; lbgleq k|b]z ;efaf6 ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm d'VodGqLn] pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd
ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug{ g;s]df pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] s'g} ;b:on]
k|b]z ;efdf ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf ePdf k|b]z k|d'vn]
To:tf] ;b:onfO{ d'VodGqL lgo'Qm ug{]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm d'VodGqLn] pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd
ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm d'VodGqLn] ljZjf;sf] dt k|fKt
ug{ g;s]df jf d'VodGqL lgo'Qm x'g g;s]df d'VodGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df
k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efnfO{ lj36g u/L 5 dxLgfleq csf]{ k|b]z ;efsf]
lgjf{rg ;DkGg x'g] u/L lgjf{rg ldlt tf]Sg]5 .
-*_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ePsf] k|b]z ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd
kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff ePsf] jf d'VodGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePsf] ldltn] k}+tL;
lbgleq o; wf/f adf]lhd d'VodGqL lgo'lQm ;DaGwL k|lqmof ;DkGg ug'{
kg{]5 .
-(_ k|b]z k|d'vn] d'VodGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df k|b]z ;efsf
;b:odWo]af6 ;dfj]zL l;4fGt adf]lhd d'VodGqL ;lxt k|b]z ;efsf
s'n ;b:o ;+Vofsf] aL; k|ltzt eGbf a9L gx'g] u/L] k|b]z dlGqkl/ifb
u7g ug]{5 .

:ki6Ls/0f M o; efusf] k|of]hgsf nflu ædGqLÆ eGgfn] dGqL, /fHo
dGqL / ;xfos dGqL ;Demg' k5{ .
-!)_ d'VodGqL / dGqL ;fd"lxs ¿kdf k|b]z ;efk|lt pQ/bfoL
x'g]5g\ / dGqLx¿ cfˆgf] dGqfnosf] sfdsf nflu JolQmut ¿kdf
d'VodGqL / k|b]z ;efk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g]5g\ .
!^(= d'VodGqL tyf dGqLsf] kb l/Qm x''g] cj:yf M -!_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf
d'VodGqLsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ wf/f !** adf]lhd ljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t x'g
g;s]df jf lghsf] lj?4 cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t
-u_ lgh k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o g/x]df,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-@_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf dGqLsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] d'VodGqL ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ d'VodGqLn] lghnfO{ kbd'Qm u/]df,
-u_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -s_, -v_ jf -u_ adf]lhd
d'VodGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePdf,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd d'VodGqLsf] kb l/Qm eP tfklg csf]{
k|b]z dlGqkl/ifb u7g geP;Dd ;f]xL dlGqkl/ifbn] sfo{ ;~rfng
ug]{5 .
t/ d'VodGqLsf] d[To' ePdf csf{] d'VodGqL lgo'lQm geP;Ddsf
nflu jl/i7td dGqLn] d'VodGqLsf] ¿kdf sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{5 .
!&)= k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o gePsf] JolQm dGqL x'g ;Sg] M -!_ wf/f !^* sf]
pkwf/f -(_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k|b]z k|d'vn]
d'VodGqLsf] l;kmfl/;df k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o gePsf] s'g} JolQmnfO{
dGqL kbdf lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm dGqLn] zky u|x0f u/]sf] ldltn]
5 dxLgfleq k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:otf k|fKt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:otf k|fKt
ug{ g;s]df tTsfn sfod /x]sf] k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfndf lgh dGqL
kbdf k'gM lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g] 5}g .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg tTsfn
sfod /x]sf] k|b]z ;efsf] lgjf{rgdf k/flht ePsf] JolQm ;f] k|b]z
;efsf] sfo{sfndf pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd dGqL kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu
of]Uo x'g] 5}g .
!&!= d'VodGqL / dGqLsf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf M d'VodGqL / dGqLsf]
kfl/>lds / cGo ;'ljwf k|b]z P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 . To:tf] P]g gag];Dd
k|b]z ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!&@= zky M d'VodGqL / dGqLn] k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf tyf /fHodGqL / ;xfos
dGqLn] d'VodGqL ;dIf cfˆgf] sfo{ef/ ;DxfNg' cl3 k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd kb tyf uf]kgLotfsf] zky lng' kg]{5 .
!&#= k|b]z k|d'vnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg] M d'VodGqLn] b]xfosf ljifodf k|b]z
k|d'vnfO{ hfgsf/L lbg]5 M–
-s_ k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbsf lg0f{o,
-v_ k|b]z ;efdf k]z ul/g] ljw]os,
-u_ v08 -s_ / -v_ df plNnlvt ljifodf k|b]z k|d'vn]
hfgsf/L dfu]sf] cGo cfjZos ljj/0f, /
-3_ k|b]zsf] ;d;fdlos kl/l:ylt .
!&$= k|b]z ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ;~rfng M -!_ k|b]z ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t lgodfjnL
adf]lhd k|b]z ;/sf/sf] sfo{ ljefhg / sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ cGtu{tsf] lgodfjnLsf] kfng eof] jf ePg eGg]
k|Zg s'g} cbfntdf p7fpg ;lsg] 5}g .

k|b]z Joj:yflksf
!&%= k|b]z Joj:yflksf M k|b]zsf] Joj:yflksf Ps;bgfTds x'g]5 h;nfO{
k|b]z ;ef elgg]5 .
!&^= k|b]z ;efsf] u7g M -!_ k|To]s k|b]z ;efdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;+Vofdf
;b:o /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ ;DalGwt k|b]zaf6 k|ltlglw ;efdf klxnf] x'g] lgjf{lrt
x'g] lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd lgjf{lrt x'g] ;b:o ;+Vofsf]
bf]Aa/ ;+Vofdf x'g cfpg] ;b:o,
-v_ v08 -s_ adf]lhd sfod x'g] ;b:o ;+VofnfO{ ;f7L
k|ltzt dfgL afFsL rfnL; k|ltztdf ;dfg'kflts
lgjf{rg k|0ffnLaf6 lgjf{lrt x'g] ;b:o .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] ;b:o lgjf{rgsf nflu
e"uf]n / hg;+Vofsf] cfwf/df ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd lgjf{rg If]q sfod
ul/g]5 .
-#_ k|b]z ;efsf ;f7L k|ltzt ;b:ox¿ klxnf] x'g] lgjf{lrt x'g]
lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd / rfnL; k|ltzt ;b:ox¿ ;dfg'kflts
lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd lgjf{lrt x'g]5g\ .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd x'g] k|b]z ;ef ;b:osf] lgjf{rg sfg"g
adf]lhd jflnu dtflwsf/sf] cfwf/df uf]Ko dtbfgåf/f x'g]5 .
-%_ c7f/ jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf] k|b]zsf] If]qleq a;f]af; ug]{
k|To]s g]kfnL gful/snfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd s'g} Ps lgjf{rg If]qdf
dtbfg ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-^_ ;dfg'kflts lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd x'g] k|b]z ;efsf]
lgjf{rgsf nflu /fhgLlts bnn] pDd]bjf/L lb+bf hg;+Vofsf] cfwf/df
dlxnf, blnt, cflbjf;L hghflt, v; cfo{, dw];L, yf¿, d'l:nd,
lk5l8Psf] If]q, cNk;+Vos ;d'bfo ;d]taf6 aGb ;"rLsf cfwf/df
k|ltlglwTj x'g] Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . To;/L pDd]bjf/L
lb+bf ;DalGwt k|b]zsf] ef}uf]lns ;Gt'ngnfO{ ;d]t Wofg lbg' kg{]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; efusf] k|of]hgsf nflu æv; cfo{Æ eGgfn] If]qL,
a|fDx0f, 7s'/L, ;+Gof;L -bzgfdL_ ;d'bfo ;Demg' k5{ .
-&_ pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd /fhgLlts bnn] pDd]bjf/L lb+bf
ckf+utf ePsf JolQmsf] ;d]t k|ltlglwTj x'g] Joj:yf ug{' kg{]5 .
-*_ k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfn 5 dxLgf eGbf a9L cjlw afFsL 5Fb}
s'g} ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm ePdf To:tf] :yfg h'g lgjf{rg k|0ffnLaf6
k"lt{ ePsf] lyof] ;f]xL k|lqmofåf/f k"lt{ ul/g]5 .
-(_ o; wf/fdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k|b]z
;efdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ k|To]s /fhgLlts bnaf6 lgjf{lrt s'n ;b:o
;+Vofsf] sDtLdf Ps ltxfO ;b:o dlxnf x'g' kg]{5 . To;/L lgjf{lrt
ubf{ pkwf/f -!_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhd lgjf{lrt ;b:ox¿ dWo] s'g}
/fhgLlts bnsf] Ps ltxfO ;b:o dlxnf lgjf{lrt gePdf To:tf]
/fhgLlts bnn] ;f]xL pkwf/fsf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd ;b:o lgjf{lrt
ubf{ cfˆgf] bnaf6 k|b]z ;efdf lgjf{lrt x'g] s'n ;b:osf] sDtLdf Ps
ltxfO dlxnf ;b:o x'g] u/L lgjf{lrt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!)_ k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:osf nflu x'g] lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug]{
clwsf/ kfPsf] wf/f !&* adf]lhd of]Uotf k'u]sf] s'g} klg JolQm
sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL k|b]zsf] s'g} klg lgjf{rg If]qaf6 pDd]bjf/ x'g
kfpg]5 .
t/ Pp6} JolQm Ps eGbf a9L lgjf{rg If]qdf Ps} k6s
pDd]bjf/ x'g kfpg] 5}g .
-!!_ k|b]z ;efsf] lgjf{rg ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!&&= k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfn M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd cufj} lj36g
ePsf]df afx]s k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfn kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;DalGwt
k|b]zdf ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z nfu" /x]sf] cj:yfdf
k|b]z P]g adf]lhd k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfn Ps jif{df ga9\g] u/L yk ug{
;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd yk ul/Psf] k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfn
;DalGwt k|b]zdf ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z vf/]h ePsf]
ldltn] 5 dxLgf k'u]kl5 :jtM ;dfKt x'g]5 .
!&*= k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:osf nflu of]Uotf M -!_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm
k|b]z ;efsf]] ;b:o x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–

-s_ g]kfnL gful/s,
-v_ ;DalGwt k|b]zsf] dtbftf /x]sf],
-u_ kRrL; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf]],
-3_ g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df ;hfo gkfPsf],
-ª_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf], /
-r_ s'g} nfesf] kbdf axfn g/x]sf] .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf nflu ænfesf]
kbÆ eGgfn] lgjf{rg jf dgf]gogåf/f k"lt{ ul/g]
/fhgLlts kb afx]s ;/sf/L sf]ifaf6 kfl/>lds jf
cfly{s ;'ljwf kfpg] cGo kb ;Demg' k5{ .
-@_ lgjf{rg, dgf]gog jf lgo'lQm x'g] /fhgLlts kbdf axfn
/x]sf]] JolQm o; efu adf]lhd k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o kbdf lgjf{lrt
ePdf To:tf] kbsf] zky u|x0f u/]sf] lbgb]lv lghsf] To:tf] kb :jtM
l/Qm x'g]5 .
!&(= k|b]z ;efsf ;b:osf] zky M k|b]z ;efsf ;b:ox¿n] k|b]z ;ef jf
To;sf] s'g} ;ldltsf] a}7sdf klxnf] k6s efu lng' cl3 k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd zky lng' kg]{5 .
!*)= k|b]z ;ef ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm x'g] M b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf k|b]z
;efsf ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] k|b]z ;efsf] ;efd'v ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf
-v_ lghsf] wf/f !&* adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf gePdf jf g/x]df,
-u_ k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{sfn ;dfKt ePdf jf lj36g ePdf,
-3_ lgh k|b]z ;efnfO{ ;"rgf glbO{ nuftf/ bz j6f a}7sdf
cg'kl:yt /x]df,
-ª_ h'g bnsf] pDd]bjf/ eO{ ;b:o lgjf{lrt ePsf] xf] To:tf]
bnn] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd lghn] bn Tofu u/]sf] s'/f
;"lrt u/]df,
-r_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .

!*!= k|b]z ;ef ;b:osf] cof]Uotf ;DaGwL lg0f{o M k|b]z ;efsf] s'g} ;b:o
wf/f !&* adf]lhd cof]Uo 5 jf x'g uPsf] 5 eGg] k|Zg p7]df To;sf]
lg0f{o ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] ;+j}wflgs Ohnf;n] ug{]5 .
!*@= k|b]z ;efsf] ;efd'v / pk;efd'v M -!_ k|b]z ;efsf] klxnf] a}7s
k|f/De ePsf] ldltn]] kGw| lbgleq k|b]z ;efsf ;b:ox¿n] cfkm"dWo]af6
k|b]z ;efd'v / k|b]z pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg ug]{5g\ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd lgjf{rg ubf{ k|b]z ;efd'v jf k|b]z
pk;efd'v dWo] Ps hgf dlxnf x'g] u/L ug{' kg]{5 / k|b]z ;efd'v jf
k|b]z pk;efd'v km/s km/s bnsf] k|ltlglw x'g' kg]{5 .
t/ k|b]z ;efdf Ps eGbf a9L bnsf] k|ltlglwTj gePsf] jf
k|ltlglwTj eP/ klg pDd]bjf/L glbPsf] cj:yfdf Ps} bnsf] ;b:o
k|b]z ;efd'v jf k|b]z pk;efd'v x'g afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-#_ k|b]z ;efd'v jf k|b]z pk;efd'vsf] kb l/Qm ePdf k|b]z
;efsf ;b:ox¿n] cfkm"dWo]af6 lgjf{rg u/L k|b]z ;efd'v jf k|b]z
pk;efd'vsf] kb k"lt{ ug]{ 5g\ .
-$_ k|b]z ;efd'vsf] cg'kl:yltdf k|b]z pk;efd'vn] k|b]z
;efsf] cWoIftf ug]{5 .
-%_ k|b]z ;efd'v / k|b]z pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg gePsf] jf b'j}
kb l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf k|b]z ;efsf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf pkl:yt ;b:o
dWo] pd]/sf] lx;fan] Ho]i7 ;b:on] ug]{5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf k|b]z ;efd'v jf k|b]z pk;efd'vsf]
kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lgh k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o g/x]df, t/ k|b]z ;ef
lj36g ePsf] cj:yfdf cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /x]sf
k|b]z ;efd'v / k|b]z pk;efd'v k|b]z ;efsf nflu
x'g] csf{] lgjf{rgsf] pDd]bjf/L bflvn ug]{ cl3Nnf]
lbg;Dd cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /xg]5g\ .
-v_ lghn] lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-u_ lghn] kb cg's"n cfr/0f gu/]sf] eGg] k|:tfj k|b]z
;efsf] tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf]
b'O{ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ePdf .

-&_ k|b]z ;efd'vn] kb cg's"nsf] cfr/0f gu/]sf] eGg] k|:tfj
pk/ 5nkmn x'g] a}7ssf] cWoIftf k|b]z pk;efd'vn] ug]{5 . To:tf]
k|:tfjsf] 5nkmndf k|b]z ;efd'vn] efu lng / dt lbg kfpg]5 .
!*#= k|b]z ;efsf] clwj]zgsf] cfJxfg / cGTo M -!_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z
;efsf nflu ePsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff ePsf] ldltn]
aL; lbg leq k|b]z ;efsf] clwj]zg cfJxfg ug]{5 . To;kl5 o;
;+ljwfg adf]lhd k|b]z k|d'vn] ;do ;dodf cGo clwj]zg cfJxfg
ug{]5 .
t/ Pp6f clwj]zgsf] ;dflKt / csf]{ clwj]zgsf] k|f/Desf
aLrsf] cjlw 5 dxLgfeGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-@_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efsf] clwj]zgsf] cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efsf] clwj]zg rfn" g/x]sf] jf a}7s
:ylut ePsf] cj:yfdf clwj]zg jf a}7s af]nfpg jf~5gLo 5 egL
k|b]z ;efsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] Ps rf}yfO ;b:ox¿n] lnlvt
cg'/f]w u/]df To:tf] clwj]zg jf a}7s a:g] ldlt / ;do tf]Sg]5 .
To;/L tf]lsPsf] ldlt / ;dodf k|b]z ;efsf] clwj]zg k|f/De x'g] jf
a}7s a:g]5 .
!*$= k|b]z k|d'vaf6 ;Daf]wg M -!_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efsf] a}7snfO{
;Daf]wg ug{ / To;sf nflu ;b:ox¿sf] pkl:yltsf] cfXjfg ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efsf nflu ePsf] lgjf{rg kl5sf] klxnf]
clwj]zg / k|To]s jif{sf] klxnf] clwj]zgsf] k|f/De ePkl5 k|b]z ;efsf]
a}7snfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{]5 .
!*%= k|b]z ;efsf] u0fk"/s ;+Vof M o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoyf n]lvPsf]df afx]s
k|b]z ;efsf] a}7sdf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] Ps rf}yfO ;b:o pkl:yt
geP;Dd s'g} k|Zg jf k|:tfj lg0f{osf nflu k|:t't ul/g] 5}g .
!*^= k|b]z ;efdf dtbfg M k|b]z ;efdf lg0f{osf nflu k|:t't ul/Psf]
h'g;'s} k|:tfjsf] lg0f{o pkl:yt eO{ dtbfg ug]{ ;b:ox¿sf]
ax'dtaf6 x'g]5 . cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmnfO{ dt lbg] clwsf/ x'g] 5}g .
t/ dt a/fa/ ePdf cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmn] cfˆgf] lg0ff{os dt
lbg]5 .

!*&= k|b]z ;efsf] ljz]ifflwsf/ M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL k|b]z
;efdf k"0f{ jfs\ :jtGqtf /xg]5 / k|b]z ;efdf JoQm u/]sf] s'g} s'/f
jf lbPsf] s'g} dtnfO{ lnP/ s'g} klg ;b:onfO{ kqmfp ug]{, y'gfdf /fVg]
jf lgh pk/ s'g} cbfntdf sf/afxL rnfOg] 5}g .
-@_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL k|b]z ;efnfO{ cfˆgf] sfd
sf/afxL / lg0f{o ug{] k"0f{ clwsf/ /xg]5 / k|b]z ;efsf] s'g} sfd
sf/afxL lgoldt 5 jf 5}g egL lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/ k|b]z ;efnfO{ dfq
x'g]5 . o; ;DaGwdf s'g} cbfntdf k|Zg p7fOg] 5}g .
-#_ k|b]z ;efsf] s'g} sf/afxL pk/ To;sf] c;n lgotaf/] z+sf
p7fO{ s'g} 6Lsf–l6Kk0fL ul/g] 5}g / s'g} ;b:on] af]n]sf] s'g} s'/fsf]
;DaGwdf hfgL–hfgL unt jf e|fds cy{ nufO{ s'g} k|sf/sf] k|sfzg
jf k|;f/0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ / -#_ sf] Joj:yf k|b]z ;ef ;b:o afx]s k|b]z
;efsf] a}7sdf efu lng kfpg] cGo JolQmsf xsdf klg nfu" x'g]5 .
-%_ k|b]z ;efsf] clwsf/ cGtu{t s'g} lnvt, k|ltj]bg, dtbfg
jf sf/afxL k|sflzt u/]sf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ s'g} JolQm pk/ cbfntdf
sf/afxL rNg] 5}g .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkwf/f / pkwf/f -!_, -@_, -#_ / -$_ sf] k|of]hgsf
nflu æk|b]z ;efÆ eGgfn] k|b]z ;efsf] ;ldltsf] a}7s ;d]tnfO{
hgfpF5 .
-^_ k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:onfO{ clwj]zg af]nfOPsf] ;"rgf hf/L
ePkl5 clwj]zg cGTo geP;Ddsf] cjlwe/ kqmfp ul/g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} kmf}hbf/L cleof]udf s'g} ;b:onfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd
kqmfp ug{ o; pkwf/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g . To;/L s'g} ;b:o
kqmfp ul/Pdf kqmfp ug]{ clwsf/Ln] To;sf] ;"rgf k|b]z ;efsf]
cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmnfO{ t'?Gt lbg' kg]{5 .
-&_ ljz]ifflwsf/sf] xggnfO{ k|b]z ;efsf] cjx]ngf dflgg]5 /
s'g} ljz]ifflwsf/sf] xgg ePsf] 5 jf 5}g eGg] ;DaGwdf lg0f{o ug]{
clwsf/ k|b]z ;efnfO{ dfq x'g]5 .
-*_ s;}n] k|b]z ;efsf] cjx]ngf u/]df To:tf] ;efsf] cWoIftf
ug]{ JolQmn] k|b]z ;efsf] lg0f{oaf6 To:tf] JolQmnfO{ ;r]t u/fpg,
g;Lxt lbg jf tLg dxLgfdf ga9\g] u/L s}b ug{ jf bz xhf/

?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] hl/afgf ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x
c;"n pk/ ul/g]]5 .
t/ k|b]z ;efnfO{ ;Gtf]if x'g] u/L To:tf] JolQmn] Ifdfofrgf
u/]df To:tf] ;efn] Ifdf k|bfg ug{ jf tf]ls;s]sf] ;hfonfO{ dfkmL jf
sd ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-(_ k|b]z ;efsf] ljz]ifflwsf/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!**= ljZjf;sf] dt / cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ d'VodGqLn]
s'g} klg avt cfk"mdfly k|b]z ;efsf] ljZjf; 5 eGg] s'/f :ki6 ug{
cfjZos jf pko'Qm 7fg]df ljZjf;sf] dtsf nflu k|b]z ;ef ;dIf
k|:tfj /fVg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ d'VodGqLn] k|ltlglwTj ug{] bn ljeflht ePdf jf k|b]z
;/sf/df ;xefuL bnn] cfˆgf] ;dy{g lkmtf{ lnPdf tL; lbgleq
d'VodGqLn] ljZjf;sf] dtsf nflu k|b]z ;ef ;dIf k|:tfj /fVg' kg{]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] k|:tfj k|b]z ;efdf
tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dtn] kfl/t x'g g;s]df
d'VodGqL cfˆgf] kbaf6 d'Qm x'g]5 .
-$_ k|b]z ;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox¿ dWo] Ps
rf}yfO ;b:on] d'VodGqLdfly k|b]z ;efsf] ljZjf; 5}g egL
lnlvt¿kdf cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .
t/ d'VodGqL lgo'Qm ePsf] klxnf] b'O{ jif{;Dd / Psk6s /fv]sf]
cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj c;kmn ePsf] Ps jif{ leq To:tf] cljZjf;sf]
k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-%_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k]z ubf{
d'VodGqLsf nflu k|:tfljt ;b:osf] gfd ;d]t pNn]v u/]sf] x'g'
kg]{5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k|b]z
;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dtaf6 kfl/t
ePdf d'VodGqL kbd'Qm x'g]5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t eO{
d'VodGqLsf] kb l/Qm ePdf pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfj u/]sf] k|b]z

;ef ;b:onfO{ k|b]z k|d'vn] wf/f !^* adf]lhd d'VodGqL lgo'Qm
ug]{5 .
!*(= dGqL, /fHodGqL / ;xfos dGqLn] k|b]z ;efsf] a}7sdf efu lng
kfpg] M dGqL, /fHodGqL / ;xfos dGqLn] k|b]z ;ef / To;sf]
;ldltsf] a}7sdf pkl:yt x'g / sf/afxL tyf 5nkmndf efu lng
kfpg]5 .
t/ k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o gePsf] dGqL, /fHodGqL jf ;xfos
dGqLn] k|b]z ;efsf] a}7sdf jf To;sf] ;ldltdf dtbfg ug{ / k|b]z
;efsf] ;b:o /x]sf] dGqL, /fHodGqL jf ;xfos dGqLn] cfkm" ;b:o
/x]sf] ;ldlt afx]ssf] ;ldltsf] a}7sdf dtbfg ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
!()= k|b]z ;efdf cglwsf/ pkl:yt ePdf jf dtbfg u/]df ;hfo M wf/f
!&( adf]lhd zky glnPsf] jf k|b]z ;efsf] ;b:o gePsf] s'g} JolQm
;b:osf] x}l;otn] k|b]z ;ef jf To;sf] ;ldltsf] a}7sdf pkl:yt
ePdf jf dtbfg u/]df lghnfO{ To:tf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmsf]
cfb]zn] To;/L pkl:yt ePsf] jf dtbfg u/]sf] k|To]s k6ssf nflu
kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofF hl/afgf x'g]5 / To:tf] hl/afgf ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x
c;'n pk/ ul/g]]5 .
!(!= ax;df aGb]h M g]kfnsf] s'g} cbfntdf ljrf/fwLg d'2fsf ;DaGwdf
Gofo lg¿k0fdf k|lts"n c;/ kfg]{ ljifo tyf GofofwLzn] st{Jo
kfngsf] l;nl;nfdf u/]sf] Goflos sfo{sf] ;DaGwdf k|b]z ;efdf s'g}
5nkmn ul/g] 5}g .
!(@= ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm /x]sf] cj:yfdf k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{ ;~rfng M k|b]z
;efsf] s'g} ;b:osf] :yfg l/Qm /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;d]t k|b]z ;efn]
cfˆgf] sfo{ ;~rfng ug{ ;Sg]5 / k|b]z ;efsf] sf/afxLdf efu lng
gkfpg] s'g} JolQmn] efu lnPsf] s'/f kl5 kQf nfUof] eg] klg
eO;s]sf] sfo{ cdfGo x'g] 5}g .
!(#= k|b]z ;efn] ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg] M k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{ k|0ffnLnfO{
Jojl:yt ug{ k|b]z ;efn] lgodfjnL adf]lhd cfjZostf cg';f/
;ldlt jf ljz]if ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!($= k|b]z ;efsf] sfo{ ;~rfng ljlw M k|b]z ;efn] cfˆgf] sfo{ ;~rfng
ug{, a}7ssf] ;'Joj:yf sfod /fVg / ;ldltx¿sf] u7g, sfd, sf/afxL
/ ;ldlt ;DaGwL cGo ljifo lgoldt ug{sf nflu lgodfjnL

agfpg]5 . To;/L lgodfjnL gag];Dd k|b]z ;efn] cfˆgf] sfo{ljlw
cfkm}+ lgoldt ug{]5 .
!(%= k|b]z ;efsf] ;lrj / ;lrjfno M -!_ k|b]z k|d'vn] k|b]z ;efd'vsf]
l;kmfl/;df k|b]z ;efsf] ;lrj lgo'Qm ug{]5 .
-@_ k|b]z ;efsf] sfd sf/afxL ;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkg ug{sf
nflu Ps ;lrjfno /xg]5 . To:tf] ;lrjfnosf] :yfkgf / tt\;DaGwL
cGo Joj:yf k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ k|b]z ;efsf] ;lrjsf] of]Uotf, sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf
;]jfsf cGo zt{ k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!(^= kfl/>lds M k|b]z ;efsf] ;efd'v, pk;efd'v tyf ;b:osf] kfl/>lds
/ ;'ljwf k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . To:tf] sfg"g gag];Dd k|b]z
;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .

k|b]z Joj:yfkg sfo{ljlw
!(&= k|b]z ;efsf] Joj:yflksLo clwsf/ M k|b]z ;efsf] Joj:yflksLo
clwsf/ cg';"rL–^, cg';"rL–& / cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf pNn]v
eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!(*= k|b]z ;efdf ljw]os k|:t't ug]{ ljlw M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL
k|bz] ;efdf ljw]os k|:t't ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ cy{ ljw]os / zflGt ;'/Iff;Fu ;DalGwt ljw]os ;/sf/L
ljw]ossf] ¿kdf dfq k|:t't ul/g]5 .
-#_ æcy{ ljw]osÆ eGgfn] b]xfodf plNnlvt ;a} jf s'g}
ljifo;Fu ;DaGw /fVg] ljw]osnfO{ hgfpF5 M–
-s_ k|b]zdf s/ nufpg], p7fpg], vf/]h ug]{, 5"6 lbg], kl/jt{g
ug]{ jf s/ k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt ug]{ ljifo,
-v_ k|b]z ;l~rt sf]if jf cGo s'g} k|b]z ;/sf/L sf]ifsf]
;+/If0f ug]{, To:tf] sf]ifdf /sd hDdf ug]{ jf To:tf]
sf]ifaf6 s'g} /sd ljlgof]hg jf vr{ ug]{ jf ljlgof]hg
jf vr{ ug{ vf]lhPsf] /sd 36fpg], a9fpg] jf vf/]h ug]{
-u_ k|b]z ;/sf/n] C0f k|fKt ug]{ jf hdfgt lbg] ljifo
Jojl:yt ug]{ jf k|b]zsf] ;/sf/n] lnPsf] jf lng] cfly{s
bfloTj ;DaGwL sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ ljifo,
-3_ k|b]z ;/sf/L sf]ifdf k|fKt x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf] /fh:j, C0f
c;'nLaf6 k|fKt /sd / cg'bfgsf] /sd lhDdf /fVg],
nufgL ug]{ jf k|b]z ;/sf/sf] n]vf jf n]vf k/LIf0f ug]{
ljifo, jf
-ª_ v08 -s_, -v_, -u_ jf -3_ ;Fu k|ToIf ;DaGw ePsf
k|f;+lus ljifo .
t/ s'g} cg'dltkq b:t'/, lgj]bg b:t'/, gjLs/0f b:t'/ h:tf
b:t'/, z'Ns jf dx;"n nufpg] jf s'g} hl/jfgf jf s}b x'g] Joj:yf
ePsf] sf/0fn] dfq s'g} ljw]os cy{ ljw]os dflgg] 5}g .

-$_ s'g} ljw]os cy{ ljw]os xf] xf]Og eGg] k|Zg p7]df k|b]z
;efsf] ;efd'vsf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 .
!((= ljw]os kfl/t ug]{ ljlw M -!_ k|b]z ;efn] kfl/t u/]sf] ljw]os
k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf k]z ul/g]5 .
-@_ s'g} ljw]os ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf k|b]z ;efsf]
clwj]zgsf] cGTo eP klg ;f] ljw]osdfly csf]{ clwj]zgdf sf/afxL
x'g ;Sg]5 .
t/ s'g} ljw]os k|b]z ;efdf ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf k|b]z
;ef lj36g ePdf jf ;f] ;efsf] sfo{sfn ;dfKt ePdf To:tf] ljw]os
lgliqmo x'g]5 .
@))= ljw]os lkmtf{ lng ;Sg] M ljw]os k|:t'tstf{n] k|b]z ;efsf] :jLs[lt lnO{
ljw]os lkmtf{ lng ;Sg]5 .
@)!= ljw]osdf k|df0fLs/0f M -!_ wf/f !(( adf]lhd k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu
k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf k]z ul/g] ljw]os k|b]z ;efsf] ;efd'vn]] k|dfl0ft
u/L k]z ug'{ kg{]5 .
t/ cy{ ljw]ossf xsdf cy{ ljw]os xf] egL k|b]z ;efd'vn]
k|dfl0ft ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ o; wf/f adf]lhd k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf k]z
ePsf] ljw]os k|b]z k|d'vn] kGw| lbgleq k|df0fLs/0f u/L To;sf] ;"rgf
oyf;Dej rfF8f] k|b]z ;efnfO{ lbg]5 .
-#_ k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu k]z ePsf] cy{ ljw]os afx]s cGo
ljw]ossf] ;DaGwdf k'glj{rf/ x'g cfjZos 5 eGg] k|b]z k|d'vnfO{
nfu]df lghn] ljw]os k]z ePsf] kGw| lbgleq ;Gb]z ;lxt k|b]z ;efdf
lkmtf{ k7fpg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd k|b]z k|d'vn] s'g} ljw]os ;Gb]z ;lxt
lkmtf{ u/]df To; ljw]osdfly k|b]z ;efn] k'glj{rf/ u/L To:tf] ljw]os
k|:t't ¿kdf jf ;+zf]wg ;lxt kfl/t u/L k'gM k]z u/]df To;/L k]z
ePsf] kGw| lbg leq k|b]z k|d'vn] k|df0fLs/0f ug{]5 .
-%_ k|b]z k|d'vaf6 k|df0fLs/0f ePkl5 ljw]os P]g aGg]5 .

@)@= cWofb]z M -!_ k|b]z ;efsf] clwj]zg rln/x]sf] cj:yfdf afx]s cGo
cj:yfdf tTsfn s]xL ug{ cfjZos k/]df k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df k|b]z k|d'vn] cWofb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd hf/L ePsf] cWofb]z P]g ;/x dfGo
x'g]5 .
t/ To:tf] k|To]s cWofb]z,–
-s_ hf/L ePkl5 a;]sf] k|b]z ;efsf] a}7sdf k]z ul/g]5
/ k|b]z ;efn] :jLsf/ gu/]df :jtM lgliqmo x'g]5,
-v_ k|b]z k|d'vaf6 h'g;'s} avt vf/]h x'g ;Sg]5, /
-u_ v08 -s_ jf -v_ adf]lhd lgliqmo jf vf/]h gePdf
k|b]z ;efsf] a}7s a;]sf] ;f7L lbgkl5 :jtM lgliqmo
x'g]5 .

k|b]z cfly{s sfo{k|0ffnL
@)#= s/ nufpg jf C0f lng gkfOg] M -!_ sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s k|b]zdf
s'g} s/ nufOg] / p7fOg] 5}g .
-@_ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s k|b]z ;/sf/n] s'g} C0f lng] /
hdfgt lbg] 5}g .
@)$= k|b]z ;l~rt sf]if M u'7L /sd afx]s k|b]z ;/sf/nfO{ k|fKt x'g] ;a}
k|sf/sf /fh:j, /fh:jsf] lwtf]df lnOPsf ;a} shf{, k|b]z P]gsf]
clwsf/ cGtu{t lbOPsf] h'g;'s} C0f c;'n x'Fbf k|fKt ePsf] ;a} wg /
g]kfn ;/sf/af6 k|fKt x'g] cg'bfg Pj+ C0f /sd k|b]z P]gåf/f csf]{
s'g} Joj:yf gul/Pdf Ps k|b]z ;/sf/L sf]ifdf cfDbfgL afFlwg]5
h;nfO{ k|b]z ;l~rt sf]if elgg]5 .
@)%= k|b]z ;l~rt sf]if jf k|b]z ;/sf/L sf]ifaf6 Joo M b]xfosf /sd afx]s
k|b]z ;l~rt sf]if jf cGo s'g} k|b]z ;/sf/L sf]ifaf6 s'g} /sd lemSg
;lsg] 5}g M–
-s_ k|b]z ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ ePsf] /sd,
-v_ ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd vr{ x'g] /sd,
-u_ ljlgof]hg ljw]os ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf
k]ZsLsf] ¿kdf P]g adf]lhd vr{ x'g] /sd, jf
-3_ ljz]if cj:yfdf Joosf] ljj/0f dfq ePsf] pwf/f]
vr{ P]gåf/f Joo x'g] /sd .
t/ k|b]z cfsl:ds sf]ifsf xsdf wf/f @!@ adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@)^= k|b]z ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ M b]xfosf ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt vr{ k|b]z
;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ x'g]5 / To:tf] Joosf nflu k|b]z ;efsf]
:jLs[lt cfjZos kg]{ 5}g M–
-s_ k|b]z ;efd'v / k|b]z pk;efd'vnfO{ lbOg] kfl/>lds /
;'ljwfsf /sd,
-v_ k|b]z nf]s;]jf cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:onfO{ lbO{g]
kfl/>lds / ;'ljwfsf /sd,
-u_ k|b]z ;/sf/sf] bfloTjsf] C0f ;DaGwL Jooef/,
-3_ k|b]z ;/sf/sf] lj?4 cbfntaf6 ePsf] km};nf jf cfb]z
cg';f/ ltg'{ kg]{ /sd, /
-ª_ k|b]z sfg"gn] k|b]z ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ x'g] egL
lgwf{/0f u/]sf] /sd .
@)&= /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg M -!_ k|b]zsf] cy{dGqLn] k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf]
;DaGwdf k|b]z ;ef ;dIf b]xfosf s'/f ;d]t v'nfO{ jflif{s cg'dfg
k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ /fh:jsf] cg'dfg,
-v_ k|b]z ;l~rt sf]ifdfly Jooef/ x'g] cfjZos
/sdx¿, /
-u_ k|b]z ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd Joo x'g] cfjZos
/sdx¿ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd jflif{s cg'dfg k]z ubf{ cl3Nnf] cfly{s
jif{df k|To]s dGqfnonfO{ 5'6\ofOPsf] vr{sf] /sd / vr{ cg';f/sf]
nIo xfl;n eof] jf ePg To;sf] ljj/0f klg ;fy} k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
@)*= k|b]z ljlgof]hg P]g M k|b]z ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd Joo x'g] /sd
zLif{sdf pNn]v u/L ljlgof]hg ljw]osdf /flvg]5g\ .
@)(= k"/s cg'dfg M -!_ s'g} cfly{s jif{df b]xfosf] cj:yf kg{ cfPdf
k|b]zsf] cy{dGqLn] k|b]z ;ef ;dIf k"/s cg'dfg k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ rfn" cfly{s jif{sf nflu k|b]z ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd s'g}
;]jfsf nflu vr{ ug{ clVtof/L lbOPsf] /sd ckof{Kt
ePdf jf To; jif{sf nflu k|b]z ljlgof]hg P]gn] clwsf/
glbPsf] gofF ;]jfdf vr{ ug{ cfjZos ePdf, jf
-v_ rfn" cfly{s jif{df k|b]z ljlgof]hg P]g adf]lhd clVtof/L
lbPsf] /sdeGbf a9L vr{ x'g uPdf .
-@_ k"/s cg'dfgdf /flvPsf] /sd ;DalGwt zLif{sdf pNn]v
u/L k"/s ljlgof]hg ljw]osdf /flvg]5 .
@!)= k]ZsL vr{ M -!_ o; efudf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
k|b]z ljlgof]hg ljw]os ljrf/fwLg /x]sf] cj:yfdf cfly{s jif{sf nflu
cg'dfg ul/Psf] Joosf] s'g} c+z k]ZsLsf ¿kdf k|b]z P]g adf]lhd vr{
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ wf/f @)& adf]lhd /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg k]z gul/P;Dd
k]ZsL vr{ ljw]os k|:t't ul/g] 5}g / k]ZsLsf] /sd cfly{s jif{sf] Joo
cg'dfgsf] Ps ltxfO eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-#_ k|b]z k]ZsL vr{ P]g adf]lhd vr{ ePsf] /sd k|b]z
ljlgof]hg ljw]osdf ;dfj]z ul/g]5 .
@!!= pwf/f] vr{ M o; efudf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
k|fs[lts sf/0f jf cGo sf/0fn] ubf{ k|b]zdf ;+s6sf] cj:yf k/L wf/f
@)& sf] pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd rflxg] ljj/0f v'nfpg cJofjxfl/s jf
k|b]zsf] ;'/Iff jf lxtsf] b[li6n] cjf~5gLo b]lvPdf k|b]zsf] cy{dGqLn]
Joosf] ljj/0f dfq ePsf] pwf/f] vr{ ljw]os k|b]z ;ef ;dIf k]z ug{
;Sg]5 .
@!@= k|b]z cfsl:ds sf]if M -!_ k|b]z P]g adf]lhd k|b]z cfsl:ds sf]ifsf]
gfdn] Pp6f sf]if :yfkgf ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf] sf]ifdf ;do ;dodf
k|b]z P]g adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ePsf] /sd hDdf ul/g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]if k|b]z ;/sf/sf] lgoGq0fdf
/xg]5 . k|b]z ;/sf/n] To:tf] sf]ifaf6 cfsl:ds sfo{sf nflu vr{ ug{
;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] vr{sf] /sd k|b]z P]g adf]lhd
oyfzLw| ;f]wegf{ ul/g]5 .
@!#= cfly{s sfo{ljlw ;DaGwL P]g M k|b]z P]g adf]lhd ljlgof]lht /sd Ps
zLif{saf6 csf]{ zLif{sdf /sdfGt/ ug{] / cfly{s sfo{ljlw ;DaGwL cGo
Joj:yf k|b]z P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

:yfgLo sfo{kflnsf
@!$= :yfgLo txsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ M -!_ :yfgLo txsf] sfo{sfl/0fL
clwsf/ of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL ufpF sfo{kflnsf jf
gu/ sfo{kflnsfdf lglxt /xg]5 .
-@_ :yfgLo sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ cg';"rL–* / cg';"rL–(
adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ of] ;+ljwfg / cGo sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL ufpFkflnsf /
gu/kflnsfsf] zf;g Joj:yfsf] ;fdfGo lgb]{zg, lgoGq0f / ;~rfng
ug]{ cleef/f ufpF sfo{kflnsf / gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] x'g]5 .
-$_ ufpFkflnsf / gu/kflnsfsf sfo{sfl/0fL sfo{ ufpF
sfo{kflnsf / gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] gfddf x'g]5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd ufpF sfo{kflnsf / gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf]
gfddf x'g] lg0f{o jf cfb]z / tT;DaGwL clwsf/kqsf] k|df0fLs/0f
:yfgLo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@!%= ufpF sfo{kflnsf cWoIf / pkfWoIf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|To]s
ufpFkflnsfdf Ps hgf ufpF sfo{kflnsf cWoIf /xg]5 . lghsf]
cWoIftfdf ufpF sfo{kflnsf u7g x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] ufpF sfo{kflnsfdf Ps hgf
pkfWoIf, k|To]s j8faf6 lgjf{lrt j8f cWoIf / pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd
lgjf{lrt ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-#_ cWoIf / pkfWoIfsf] lgjf{rg ;DalGwt ufpFkflnsf If]qleqsf
dtbftfn] Ps JolQm Ps dtsf] cfwf/df uf]Ko dtbfgåf/f klxnf] x'g]
lgjf{lrt x'g] lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd ug]{5g\ .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æcWoIf / pkfWoIfÆ eGgfn]
ufpF sfo{kflnsfsf] cWoIf / pkfWoIf ;Demg' k5{ .
-$_ wf/f @@@ adf]lhdsf] ufpF ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd
kl/0ffd k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq ufpF ;efsf ;b:ox¿n]
cfk"mdWo]af6 lgjf{lrt u/]sf rf/ hgf dlxnf ;b:o / pkwf/f -%_
adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf ePsf blnt jf cNk;+Vos ;d'bfoaf6 ufpF ;efn]
lgjf{lrt u/]sf b'O{ hgf ;b:o ;d]t ufpF sfo{kflnsfsf] ;b:o x'g]5g\ .
-%_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm cWoIf, pkfWoIf, j8f cWoIf /
;b:osf] kbdf lgjf{lrt x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfnL gful/s,
-v_ PSsfO; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf],
-u_ ufpFkflnsfsf] dtbftf gfdfjnLdf gfd ;dfj]z
ePsf], /
-3_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf] .
-^_ cWoIf, pkfWoIf, j8f cWoIf / ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgjf{lrt
ePsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-&_ cWoIfsf] kbdf b'O{ sfo{sfn lgjf{lrt ePsf] JolQm
ufpFkflnsfsf] lgjf{rgdf pDd]bjf/ x'g kfpg] 5}g .
-*_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf cWoIf, pkfWoIf, j8f cWoIf /
;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ cWoIfn] pkfWoIf ;dIf / pkfWoIfn] cWoIf;dIf
lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-(_ cWoIf jf pkfWoIfsf] Ps jif{eGbf a9L kbfjlw afFsL /x]sf]
cj:yfdf pkwf/f -&_ adf]lhd kb l/Qm x'g uPdf afFsL cjlwsf nflu
l/Qm kbsf] k"lt{ pklgjf{rgåf/f x'g]5 .
@!^= gu/ sfo{kflnsf k|d'v / pkk|d'v ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|To]s
gu/kflnsfdf Ps hgf gu/ sfo{kflnsf k|d'v /xg]5 . lghsf]
cWoIftfdf gu/ sfo{kflnsf u7g x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] gu/ sfo{kflnsfdf Ps hgf
pkk|d'v, k|To]s j8faf6 lgjf{lrt j8f cWoIf / pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd
lgjf{lrt ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-#_ k|d'v / pkk|d'vsf] lgjf{rg ;DalGwt gu/kflnsf If]qleqsf
dtbftfn] Ps JolQm Ps dtsf] cfwf/df uf]Ko dtbfgåf/f klxnf] x'g]
lgjf{lrt x'g] lgjf{rg k|0ffnL adf]lhd ug]{ 5g\ .

:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æk|d'v / pkk|d'vÆ eGgfn]
gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] k|d'v / pkk|d'v ;Demg' k5{ .
-$_ wf/f @@# adf]lhdsf] gu/ ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd
kl/0ffd k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq gu/ ;efsf ;b:ox¿n]
cfk"mdWo]af6 lgjf{lrt u/]sf kfFr hgf dlxnf ;b:o / pkwf/f -%_
adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf ePsf blnt jf cNk;+Vos ;d'bfoaf6 gu/ ;efn]
lgjf{lrt u/]sf tLg hgf ;b:o ;d]t gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] ;b:o x'g]
5g\ .
-%_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm k|d'v, pkk|d'v, j8f cWoIf /
;b:osf] kbdf lgjf{lrt x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfnL gful/s,
-v_ PSsfO; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf],
-u_ gu/kflnsfsf] dtbftf gfdfjnLdf gfd ;dfj]z
ePsf], /
-3_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf] .
-^_ k|d'v, pkk|d'v, j8f cWoIf / ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgjf{lrt
ePsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-&_ k|d'vsf] kbdf b'O{ sfo{sfn lgjf{lrt ePsf] JolQm
gu/kflnsfsf] lgjf{rgdf pDd]bjf/ x'g kfpg] 5}g .
-*_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf k|d'v, pkk|d'v, j8f cWoIf /
;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ k|d'vn] pkk|d'v ;dIf / pkk|d'vn] k|d'v ;dIf
lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-(_ k|d'v jf pkk|d'vsf] Ps jif{eGbf a9L kbfjlw afFsL /x]sf]
cj:yfdf pkwf/f -*_ adf]lhd kb l/Qm x'g uPdf afFsL cjlwsf nflu
l/Qm kbsf] k"lt{ pklgjf{rgåf/f x'g]5 .
@!&= Goflos ;ldlt M -!_ sfg"g adf]lhd cfˆgf] clwsf/If]q leqsf ljjfb
lg¿k0f ug{ ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsfn] k|To]s ufpFkflnsfdf
pkfWoIfsf] ;+of]hsTjdf / k|To]s gu/kflnsfdf pkk|d'vsf]
;+of]hsTjdf tLg ;b:oLo Ps Goflos ;ldlt /xg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Goflos ;ldltdf ufpF ;ef jf gu/
;efaf6 cfk"mdWo]af6 lgjf{lrt u/]sf b'O{ hgf ;b:ox¿ /xg]5g\ .
@!*= ufpF sfo{kflnsf / gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] sfo{ ;~rfng M ufpF sfo{kflnsf
/ gu/ sfo{kflnsfaf6 :jLs[t lgodfjnL adf]lhd ufpF sfo{kflnsf jf
gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] sfo{ ljefhg / sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g]5 .
@!(= :yfgLo txsf] sfo{sfl/0fL ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf M o; efudf n]lvP
b]lv afx]s :yfgLo txsf] sfo{sfl/0fL ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf o;
;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@@)= lhNnf ;ef / lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldlt M -!_ lhNnf leqsf ufpFkflnsf /
gu/kflnsfx¿aLr ;dGjo ug{ Ps lhNnf ;ef /xg]5 .
-@_ lhNnf ;efdf lhNnf leqsf ufpF sfo{kflnsf cWoIf /
pkfWoIf tyf gu/ sfo{kflnsf k|d'v / pkk|d'v ;b:o /xg]5g\ . ufpF
;ef / gu/ ;efsf] lgjf{rgsf] clGtd kl/0ffd k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] tL;
lbg leq lhNnf ;efsf] klxnf] a}7s a:g]5 .
-#_ lhNnf ;efn] Ps hgf k|d'v, Ps hgf pkk|d'v, sDtLdf
tLg hgf dlxnf / sDtLdf Ps hgf blnt jf cNk;+Vos ;lxt a9Ldf
gf} hgf ;b:o /x]sf] lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf] lgjf{rg ug]{5 . lhNnf
;dGjo ;ldltn] lhNnf ;efsf] tkm{af6 ug'{ kg]{ ;Dk"0f{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg
ug]{5 .
-$_ ;DalGwt lhNnfleqsf] ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efsf] ;b:o
lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf] k|d'v, pkk|d'v jf ;b:o kbsf] pDd]bjf/ x'g
of]Uo x'g]5 . lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf] k|d'v pkk|d'v jf ;b:osf] kbdf
lgjf{lrt ePdf To:tf] JolQmsf] ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efsf] ;b:o kb
:jtM l/Qm x'g]5 .
-%_ lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf] k|d'v, pkk|d'v / ;b:osf] kbfjlw
lgjf{lrt ePsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf] k|d'v,
pkk|d'v jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ k|d'vn] pkk|d'v ;dIf / pkk|d'v jf ;b:on] k|d'v
;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-&_ lhNnf ;efsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd
x'g]5 M–
-s_ lhNnfleqsf ufpFkflnsf / gu/kflnsf aLr ;dGjo
-v_ ljsf; tyf lgdf{0f ;DaGwL sfo{df ;Gt'ng sfod
ug{ ;f]sf] cg'udg ug]{,
-u_ lhNnfdf /xg] ;+3Lo / k|b]z ;/sf/L sfof{no /
ufpFkflnsf / gu/kflnsf aLr ;dGjo ug]{,
-3_ k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhdsf cGo sfo{x¿ ug]{ .
-*_ lhNnf ;efsf] ;~rfng, lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf ;b:on]
kfpg] ;'ljwf tyf lhNnf ;ef ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .

:yfgLo Joj:yflksf
@@!= :yfgLo txsf] Joj:yflksLo clwsf/ M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL
:yfgLo txsf] Joj:yflksLo clwsf/ ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efdf lglxt
/xg]5 .
-@_ ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf] Joj:yflksLo clwsf/ cg';"rL–*
/ cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@@@= ufpF ;efsf] u7g M -!_ k|To]s ufpFkflnsfdf Ps ufpF ;ef /xg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] ufpF ;efdf ufpF sfo{kflnsf cWoIf
/ pkfWoIf, j8f cWoIf / k|To]s j8faf6 lgjf{lrt rf/hgf ;b:o /
wf/f @!% sf] pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd blnt jf cNk;+Vos ;d'bfoaf6
lgjf{lrt ufpF sfo{kflnsfsf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd u7g x'g] ufpF ;efdf k|To]s j8faf6
sDtLdf b'O{hgf dlxnfsf] k|ltlglwTj x'g]5 .
-$_ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd ufpFkflnsfdf /xg] k|To]s j8fdf j8f
cWoIf / rf/hgf ;b:ox¿ /x]sf] j8f ;ldlt u7g x'g]5 . To:tf] j8f
cWoIf / j8f ;b:osf] lgjf{rg klxnf] x'g] lgjf{lrt x'g] lgjf{rg k|0ffnL
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ c7f/ jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf] ufpFkflnsfsf] dtbftf gfdfjnLdf
gfd ;dfj]z ePsf] JolQmnfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"gdf Joj:yf eP adf]lhd
dtbfg ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm ufpF ;efsf] ;b:osf] kbdf
pDd]bjf/ x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfnL gful/s,
-v_ PSsfO; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf],
-u_ ufpFkflnsfsf] dtbftf gfdfjnLdf gfd ;dfj]z ePsf], /
-3_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf] .
-&_ ufpF ;efsf] lgjf{rg / tT;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .

@@#= gu/ ;efsf] u7g M -!_ k|To]s gu/kflnsfdf Ps gu/ ;ef /xg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] gu/ ;efdf gu/sfo{kflnsfsf k|d'v
/ pkk|d'v, j8f cWoIf / k|To]s j8faf6 lgjf{lrt rf/hgf ;b:o /
wf/f @!^ sf] pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd blnt jf cNk;+Vos ;d'bfoaf6
lgjf{lrt gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd u7g x'g] gu/ ;efdf k|To]s j8faf6
sDtLdf b'O{hgf dlxnfsf] k|ltlglwTj x'g]5 .
-$_ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd gu/kflnsfdf /xg] k|To]s j8fdf j8f
cWoIf / rf/hgf ;b:ox¿ /x]sf] j8f ;ldlt u7g x'g]5 . To:tf] j8f
cWoIf / j8f ;b:osf] lgjf{rg klxnf] x'g] lgjf{lrt x'g] lgjf{rg k|0ffnL
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ c7f/ jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf] gu/kflnsfsf] dtbftf
gfdfjnLdf gfd ;dfj]z ePsf] JolQmnfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd dtbfg
ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm gu/ ;efsf] ;b:osf] kbdf
pDd]bjf/ x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfnL gful/s,
-v_ PSsfO; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf],
-u_ gu/kflnsfsf] dtbftf gfdfjnLdf gfd ;dfj]z ePsf], /
-3_ s'g} sfg"gn] cof]Uo gePsf] .
-&_ gu/ ;efsf] lgjf{rg / tT;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@@$= ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf] cWoIf / pkfWoIf M ufpF sfo{kflnsfsf] cWoIf
/ pkfWoIf tyf gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] k|d'v / pkk|d'vn] qmdzM ufpF ;ef
/ gu/ ;efsf] kb]g cWoIf / pkfWoIf eO{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{5 .
@@%= ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf] sfo{sfn M ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf] sfo{sfn
lgjf{rg ePsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 . To:tf] sfo{sfn ;dfKt ePsf]
5 dxLgfleq csf{] ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf] lgjf{rg ;DkGg ug{' kg{]5 .

@@^= sfg"g agfpg ;Sg] M -!_ ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efn] cg';"rL–* /
cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf plNnlvt ljifodf cfjZos sfg"g
agfpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd sfg"g agfpg] k|lqmof k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@@&= ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;ef ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf M ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf]
;~rfng, a}7ssf] sfo{ljlw, ;ldlt u7g, ;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g] cj:yf,
ufpF ;ef / gu/ ;efsf ;b:on] kfpg] ;'ljwf, ufpFkflnsf /
gu/kflnsfsf] sd{rf/L / sfof{no ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf k|b]z sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .

:yfgLo cfly{s sfo{k|0ffnL
@@*= s/ nufpg jf C0f lng gkfOg] M -!_ sfg"g adf]lhd afx]s :yfgLo
txdf s'g} s/ nufpg, p7fpg / C0f lng kfOg] 5}g .
-@_ :yfgLo txn] cfˆgf] clwsf/ If]qleqsf] ljifodf /fli6«o
cfly{s gLlt, j:t' tyf ;]jfsf] cf];f/ k;f/, k"FhL tyf >d ahf/,
l5d]sL k|b]z jf :yfgLo txnfO{ k|lts"n gx'g] u/L sfg"g agfO{ s/
nufpg ;Sg]5 .
@@(= :yfgLo ;l~rt sf]if M -!_ :yfgLo tx cGtu{tsf k|To]s ufpFkflnsf /
gu/kflnsfdf Ps :yfgLo ;l~rt sf]if /xg]5 . To:tf] sf]ifdf
ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsfnfO{ k|fKt x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf] /fh:j, g]kfn
;/sf/ / k|b]z ;/sf/af6 k|fKt x'g] cg'bfg tyf ufpFkflnsf jf
gu/kflnsfn] lnPsf] C0f /sd / cGo ;|f]taf6 k|fKt x'g] /sd hDdf
x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] :yfgLo ;l~rt sf]ifaf6 ug{ ;lsg]
vr{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf :yfgLo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@#)= ufpFkflnsf / gu/kflnsfsf] /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg M -!_ o;
;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL ufpF sfo{kflnsf / gu/ sfo{kflnsfn] k|To]s
cfly{s jif{sf] /fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg :yfgLo sfg"g adf]lhd ufpF
;ef jf gu/ ;efdf k]z u/L kfl/t u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd ufpF sfo{kflnsf jf gu/ sfo{kflnsfn]
/fh:j / Joosf] cg'dfg k]z ubf{ 3f6f ah]6 lgdf{0f ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
;+3Lo sfg"g / k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd 3f6f k"lt{ ug]{ ;|f]t ;d]tsf] k|:tfj
ug'{ kg]{5 .

;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx aLr cGt/;DaGw
@#!= ;+3 / k|b]z aLrsf] Joj:yflksLo cGt/;DaGw M -!_ ;+3Lo sfg"g
g]kfne/ jf cfjZostf cg';f/ g]kfnsf] s'g} If]qdf dfq nfu" x'g] u/L
agfpg ;lsg]5 .
-@_ k|b]z sfg"g k|b]ze/ jf cfjZostf cg';f/ k|b]zsf] s'g}
If]qdf dfq nfu" x'g] u/L agfpg ;lsg]5 .
-#_ b'O{ jf b'O{eGbf a9L k|b]zn] cg';"rL–^ df plNnlvt s'g}
ljifodf sfg"g agfpg g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf cg'/f]w u/]df ;+3Lo ;+;bn]
cfjZos sfg"g agfpg ;Sg]5 . To:tf] sfg"g ;DalGwt k|b]zsf] xsdf
dfq nfu" x'g]5 .
@#@= ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx aLrsf] ;DaGw M -!_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx
aLrsf] ;DaGw ;xsfl/tf, ;xcl:tTj / ;dGjosf] l;4fGtdf cfwfl/t
x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] /fli6«o dxTjsf ljifodf / k|b]zx¿ aLr
;dGjo ug'{kg]{ ljifodf k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbnfO{ of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] lgb]{zgsf] kfng ug'{
;DalGwt k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-#_ s'g} k|b]zdf g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf,
/fli6«otf jf :jfwLgtfdf uDeL/ c;/ kg]{ lsl;dsf] sfo{ ePdf
/fi6«kltn] To:tf] k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbnfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ ;r]t u/fpg,
k|b]z dlGqkl/ifb / k|b]z ;efnfO{ a9Ldf 5 dxLgf;Dd lgnDag ug{ jf
lj36g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd s'g} k|b]z dlGqkl/ifb / k|b]z ;ef
lgnDag jf lj36g u/]sf]df To:tf] sfo{ k}+tL; lbg leq ;+3Lo ;+;bsf]
tTsfn sfod /x]sf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dtaf6 cg'df]bg u/fpg'
kg]{5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd ul/Psf] lj36g ;DaGwL sfo{ ;+3Lo
;+;baf6 cg'df]bg ePdf To:tf] k|b]zdf 5 dxLgfleq k|b]z ;efsf]
lgjf{rg x'g]5 .

t/ ;+3Lo ;+;baf6 cg'df]bg gePdf To:tf] lgnDag jf lj36g
;DaGwL sfo{ :jtM lgliqmo x'g]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd ul/Psf] lgnDag pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd
cg'df]bg ePdf To:tf] lgnDagsf] cjlwe/ / pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd
k|b]z ;efsf] lgjf{rg geP;Ddsf nflu To:tf] k|b]zdf ;+3Lo zf;g
sfod /xg]5 .
-&_ ;+3Lo zf;g sfod /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;+3Lo ;+;bn] cg';"rL–^
adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf k/]sf] ljifodf sfg"g agfpg ;Sg]5 . To:tf] sfg"g
;DalGwt k|b]z ;efn] csf{] sfg"g agfO{ vf/]h gu/];Dd axfn /xg]5 .
-*_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfkm} jf k|b]z ;/sf/ dfkm{t ufpF
sfo{kflnsf jf gu/ sfo{kflnsfnfO{ of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd cfjZos ;xof]u ug{ / lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 . To:tf] lgb{]zgsf]
kfng ug{' ufpF sfo{kflnsf jf gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
@##= k|b]z–k|b]z aLrsf] ;DaGw M -!_ Ps k|b]zn] csf]{ k|b]zsf] sfg"gL
Joj:yf jf Goflos Pj+ k|zf;sLo lg0f{o jf cfb]zsf] sfof{Gjogdf
;xof]u ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ Ps k|b]zn] csf]{ k|b]z;Fu ;femf rf;f], ;/f]sf/ / lxtsf]
ljifodf ;"rgf cfbfg k|bfg ug{, k/fdz{ ug{, cfˆgf] sfo{ / ljwfogsf
af/]df cfk;df ;dGjo ug{ / cfk;L ;xof]u lj:tf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ Ps k|b]zn] csf]{ k|b]zsf] afl;GbfnfO{ cfˆgf] k|b]zsf] sfg"g
adf]lhd ;dfg ;'/Iff, Jojxf/ / ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
@#$= cGt/ k|b]z kl/ifb M -!_ ;+3 / k|b]z aLr tyf k|b]z–k|b]z aLr pTkGg
/fhgLlts ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] Ps cGt/ k|b]z kl/ifb
/xg]5 M–
-s_ k|wfgdGqL – cWoIf
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf u[xdGqL – ;b:o
-u_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf cy{dGqL – ;b:o
-3_ ;DalGwt k|b]zsf d'VodGqL – ;b:o
-@_ cGt/ k|b]z kl/ifbsf] a}7s cfjZostf cg';f/ a:g]5 .

-#_ cGt/ k|b]z kl/ifbn] cfˆgf] j}7sdf ljjfbsf] ljifo;Fu
;DalGwt g]kfn ;/sf/sf] dGqL / ;DalGwt k|b]zsf] dGqL tyf
ljz]if1nfO{ cfdGq0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ cGt/ k|b]z kl/ifbsf] a}7s ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw ;f] kl/ifb
cfkm}n] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@#%= ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx aLrsf] ;dGjo M -!_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx
aLr ;dGjo sfod ug{ ;+3Lo ;+;bn] cfjZos sfg"g agfpg]5 .
-@_ k|b]z, ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsf aLr ;dGjo sfod ug{ /
s'g} /fhgLlts ljjfb pTkGg ePdf k|b]z ;efn] ;DalGwt ufpFkflnsf,
gu/kflnsf / lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldlt;Fu ;dGjo u/L To:tf] ljjfbsf]
;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ k|lqmof / sfo{ljlw
k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@#^= cGt/ k|b]z Jofkf/ M o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP
tfklg Ps k|b]z jf :yfgLo txaf6 csf]{ k|b]z jf :yfgLo txsf] If]qdf
x'g] j:t'sf] 9'jfgL jf ;]jfsf] lj:tf/ jf s'g} k|b]z jf :yfgLo txsf]
If]qdf x'g] j:t'sf] 9'jfgL jf ;]jfsf] lj:tf/df s'g} lsl;dsf] afwf
cj/f]w ug{ jf s'g} s/, z'Ns, b:t'/ jf dx;"n nufpg jf To:tf] ;]jf
jf j:t'sf] 9'jfgL jf lj:tf/df s'g} lsl;dsf] e]befj ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
@#&= ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] ;+j}wflgs Ohnf;sf] clwsf/ If]qdf c;/ gkg]{ M o;
efudf n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] wf/f !#& adf]lhdsf] ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf]
;+j}wflgs Ohnf;sf] clwsf/ If]qdf s'g} c;/ kg]{ 5}g .

clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u
@#*= clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps clVtof/
b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u /xg]5 h;df k|d'v cfo'Qm / cGo rf/ hgf
cfo'Qmx¿ /xg]5g\ . k|d'v cfo'Qmn] clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg
cfof]usf] cWoIf eO{ sfd ug{]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|d'v cfo'Qm /
cfo'Qmsf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ k|d'v cfo'Qm / cfo'Qmsf] kbfjlw lgo'lQmsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf]
x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf k|d'v cfo'Qm jf cfo'Qmsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|d'v cfo'Qm tyf cfo'Qmsf] k'gM
lgo'lQm x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ cfo'QmnfO{ k|d'v cfo'Qmsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 /
To:tf] cfo'Qm k|d'v cfo'Qmsf] kbdf lgo'Qm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf
ubf{ cfo'Qm ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg
cfof]usf] k|d'v cfo'Qm jf cfo'Qmsf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/]sf],
-v_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-u_ n]vf, /fh:j, OlGhlgol/ª, sfg"g, ljsf; jf cg';Gwfgsf]
If]qdf sDtLdf aL; jif{ sfd u/L cg'ej / Voflt k|fKt
-3_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-ª_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ k|d'v cfo'Qm / cfo'Qmsf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . k|d'v cfo'Qm / cfo'Qm cfˆgf] kbdf axfn
/x];Dd lghnfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g]
5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ k|d'v cfo'Qm jf cfo'Qm eO;s]sf] JolQm cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf
lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@#(= clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ s'g}
;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmn] e|i6frf/ u/L clVtof/sf] b'?kof]u
u/]sf] ;DaGwdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] sfg"g adf]lhd
cg';Gwfg ug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
t/ o; ;+ljwfgdf 5'§} Joj:yf ePsf] kbflwsf/L / cGo sfg"gn]
5'§} ljz]if Joj:yf u/]sf] kbflwsf/Lsf] xsdf of] pkwf/f nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-@_ wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]u k|:tfj kfl/t eO{ kbd'Qm x'g]
JolQm, Gofo kl/ifbaf6 kbd'Qm x'g] GofofwLz / ;}lgs P]g adf]lhd
sf/afxL x'g] JolQmsf xsdf lgh kbd'Qm eO;s]kl5 ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd cg';Gwfg ug{ jf u/fpg ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd ePsf] cg';Gwfgaf6 ;fj{hlgs
kb wf/0f u/]sf] s'g} JolQmn] sfg"g adf]lhd e|i6frf/ dflgg] s'g} sfd
u/]sf] b]lvPdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] To:tf] JolQm / ;f]
ck/fwdf ;+nUg cGo JolQm pk/ sfg"g adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt
cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ ug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd ePsf] cg';Gwfgaf6 ;fj{hlgs
kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmsf] sfd sf/afxL cGo clwsf/L jf lgsfosf]
clwsf/If]q cGtu{t kg{] k|s[ltsf] b]lvPdf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg
cfof]un] cfjZos sf/afxLsf nflu ;DalGwt clwsf/L jf lgsfo ;dIf
n]vL k7fpg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] cg';Gwfg ug]{ jf d'2f
rnfpg] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dWo] s'g} sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
k|d'v cfo'Qm, s'g} cfo'Qm jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{
tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u tyf kfng ug{] u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{
;Sg]5 .
-^_ clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ tyf sfo{ljlw ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

dxfn]vf k/LIfs
@$)= dxfn]vf k/LIfs M -!_ g]kfndf Ps dxfn]vf k/LIfs x'g]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df dxfn]vf k/LIfssf]
lgo'lQm ug{]5 .
-#_ dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] kbfjlw lgo'lQmsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] k'gM lgo'lQm
x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf]] JolQm dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] kbdf
lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 Joj:yfkg, jfl0fHozf:q jf
n]vfdf :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/L jf rf6{8{ PsfpG6]G;L
k/LIff pQL0f{ u/L g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ljlzi6 >]0fLsf] kbdf
sfd u/]sf] jf n]vf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL sfddf sDtLdf aL;
jif{ cg'ej k|fKt u/]sf],
-v_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-u_ k}Ftfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-3_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .

-&_ dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 . dxfn]vf k/LIfs cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /x];Dd lghnfO{
dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>+[Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ dxfn]vf k/LIfs eO;s]sf] JolQm cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf
lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@$!= dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ /fi6«klt /
pk/fi6«kltsf] sfof{no, ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ;+3Lo ;+;b, k|b]z ;ef, k|b]z
;/sf/, :yfgLo tx, ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf ;f]sf] sfof{no, cbfnt,
dxfGofoflwjQmfsf] sfof{no / g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L jf ;z:q k|x/L
an, g]kfn nufotsf ;a} ;+3Lo / k|b]z ;/sf/L sfof{nosf] n]vf
sfg"g adf]lhd lgoldttf, ldtJolotf, sfo{bIftf, k|efjsfl/tf /
cf}lrTo ;d]tsf] ljrf/ u/L dxfn]vf k/LIfsaf6 n]vfk/LIf0f x'g]5 .
-@_ krf; k|ltzteGbf a9L z]o/ jf hfoh]yfdf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
k|b]z ;/sf/sf] :jfldTj ePsf] ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] n]vfk/LIf0fsf nflu
n]vfk/LIfs lgo'Qm ubf{ dxfn]vf k/LIfs;Fu k/fdz{ ul/g]5 . To:tf]
;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] n]vfk/LIf0f ubf{ ckgfpg' kg]{ l;4fGtsf] ;DaGwdf
dxfn]vf k/LIfsn] cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ dxfn]vf k/LIfsnfO{ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfdsf nflu
n]vf ;DaGwL sfuhkq h'g;'s} avt x]g{ kfpg] clwsf/ x'g]5 .
dxfn]vf k/LIfs jf To;sf s'g} sd{rf/Ln] dfu u/]sf] h'g;'s} sfuhkq
tyf hfgsf/L pknAw u/fpg' ;DalGwt sfof{no k|d'vsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd n]vfk/LIf0f ul/g] n]vf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd dxfn]vf k/LIfsn] tf]s]sf] 9fFrfdf /flvg]5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -!_ df pNn]v ePsf sfof{nox¿sf] n]vfsf cltl/Qm
cGo s'g} sfof{no jf ;+:yfsf] dxfn]vf k/LIfsaf6 n]vfk/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{
u/L ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
@$@= nf]s ;]jf cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf nf]s ;]jf cfof]u /xg]5 h;df cWoIf /
cGo rf/ hgf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df nf]s ;]jf
cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug{]5 .
-#_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf ;b:ox¿dWo] sDtLdf krf; k|ltzt
;b:o aL; jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L cjlw;Dd s'g} ;/sf/L ;]jfdf /x]sf
JolQmx¿ dWo]af6 / afFsL ;b:ox¿ lj1fg, k|ljlw, snf, ;flxTo,
sfg"g, hgk|zf;g, ;dfhzf:q jf /fli6«o hLjgsf cGo If]qdf zf]w,
cg';Gwfg, cWofkg jf cGo s'g} dxTjk"0f{ sfo{ u/L Voflt k|fKt u/]sf
JolQmx¿ dWo]af6 lgo'Qm x'g]5g\ .
-$_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm ePsf]
ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] k'gM lgo'lQm
x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;b:onfO{ cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf]
;b:o cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ ;b:o
ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -$_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .

-&_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] cWoIf jf
;b:osf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 :gftsf]Q/ pkflw k|fKt
-v_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-u_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-3_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-*_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf
zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:o
cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /x];Dd lghx¿nfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds /
;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-(_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:o eO;s]sf] JolQm cGo
;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@$#= nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbdf
lgo'lQmsf nflu pko'Qm pDd]bjf/ 5gf}6 ug{ k/LIff ;~rfng ug'{ nf]s
;]jf cfof]usf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu ælghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbÆ eGgfn]
;}lgs jf g]kfn k|x/L jf ;z:q k|x/L an, g]kfnsf] sd{rf/Lsf] ;]jfsf]
kb tyf lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kb xf]Og egL P]g adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] cGo
;]jfsf] kb afx]s g]kfn ;/sf/sf c? ;a} ;]jfsf] kb ;Demg' k5{ .
-@_ lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kb afx]s g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q
k|x/L an, g]kfn, cGo ;+3Lo ;/sf/L ;]jf / ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] kbdf
kbk"lt{sf nflu lnO{g] lnlvt k/LIff nf]s;]jf cfof]un] ;~rfng ug{]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; wf/fsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æ;+ul7t ;+:yfÆ eGgfn]
ljZjljBfno / lzIfs ;]jf cfof]u afx]ssf krf; k|ltzt jf ;f] eGbf
a9L z]o/ jf hfoh]yfdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jfldTj jf lgoGq0f ePsf]
;+:yfg, sDkgL, a}+s, ;ldlt jf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd :yflkt jf g]kfn
;/sf/åf/f ul7t cfof]u, ;+:yfg, k|flws/0f, lgud, k|lti7fg, af]8{, s]Gb|,
kl/ifb / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo ;+ul7t ;+:yf ;Demg' k5{ .
-#_ g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an, g]kfn / cGo
;+3Lo ;/sf/L ;]jfsf kbdf a9'jf ubf{ ckgfpg' kg{] ;fdfGo l;4fGtsf]
ljifodf nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] k/fdz{ lng' kg{]5 .
-$_ s'g} ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] ;]jfsf sd{rf/Lsf] ;]jfsf zt{ ;DaGwL
sfg"g / To:tf] ;]jfsf kbdf a9'jf / ljefuLo sf/afxL ubf{ ckgfpg'
kg{] ;fdfGo l;4fGtsf] ljifodf nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] k/fdz{ lng' kg{]5 .
-%_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 lgj[lQe/0f kfpg] kbdf nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf]
k/fdz{ ljgf :yfoL lgo'lQm ul/g] 5}g .
-^_ b]xfosf ljifodf nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] k/fdz{ lng' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfsf] zt{ ;DaGwL sfg"gsf] ljifodf,
-v_ ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jf jf kbdf lgo'lQm, a9'jf / ljefuLo
sf/afxL ubf{ ckgfpg' kg]{ l;4fGtsf] ljifodf,
-u_ ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbdf 5 dxLgfeGbf a9L ;dosf
nflu lgo'lQm ubf{ pDd]bjf/sf] pko'Qmtfsf] ljifodf,
-3_ s'g} Ps k|sf/sf] ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbaf6 csf]{
k|sf/sf] ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbdf jf cGo ;/sf/L
;]jfaf6 ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfdf ;?jf jf a9'jf ubf{ jf
s'g} k|b]zsf] lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbaf6 ;+3Lo lghfdtL
;]jfsf] kbdf jf ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbaf6 k|b]z
lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbdf ;]jf kl/jt{g jf :yfgfGt/0f ubf{
pDd]bjf/sf] pko'Qmtfsf] ljifodf,
-ª_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] k/fdz{ lng' gkg]{ cj:yfsf] kbdf
axfn /x]sf] sd{rf/LnfO{ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] k/fdz{ lng'
kg]{ cj:yfsf] kbdf :yfoL ;?jf jf a9'jf ug]{ ljifodf, /
-r_ ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jfsf] sd{rf/LnfO{ lbOg] ljefuLo
;hfosf] ljifodf .

-&_ pkwf/f -^_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg wf/f !%$
adf]lhdsf] Gofo ;]jf cfof]usf] clwsf/ If]qleq kg{] ljifodf ;f]xL
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-*_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dWo] s'g}
sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ cfof]usf] cWoIf jf s'g} ;b:o jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u tyf kfng
ug]{ u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-(_ nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@$$= k|b]z nf]s ;]jf cfof]u ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|To]s k|b]zdf k|b]z nf]s
;]jf cfof]u /xg]5 .
-@_ k|b]z nf]s ;]jf cfof]usf] u7g, sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ k|b]z
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu ;+3Lo ;+;bn] sfg"g agfO{
cfwf/ / dfkb08 lgwf{/0f ug{]5 .

lgjf{rg cfof]u
@$%= lgjf{rg cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps lgjf{rg cfof]u /xg]5 h;df k|d'v
cfo'Qm / cGo rf/ hgf cfo'Qm /xg]5g\ . k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qmn]
lgjf{rg cfof]usf] cWoIf eO{ sfd ug{]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|d'v lgjf{rg
cfo'Qm / cfo'Qmsf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm / lgjf{rg cfo'Qmsf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm
ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm / lgjf{rg cfo'Qmsf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm tyf
cfo'Qmsf] k'gM lgol'Qm x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ cfo'QmnfO{ k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qmsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{
;lsg]5 / To:tf] cfo'Qm k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qmsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf
lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ cfo'Qm ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf
ul/g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm jf
lgjf{rg cfo'Qm kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 :gfts pkflw k|fKt u/]sf],
-v_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-u_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /

-3_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm / cfo'Qmsf]] kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5g\ . k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm / cfo'Qm cfˆgf]
kbdf axfn /x];Dd lghx¿nfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{
kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>+[Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ lgjf{rg cfof]usf] k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm / cfo'Qm eO;s]sf]
JolQm cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@$^= lgjf{rg cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ lgjf{rg cfof]un] o;
;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL /fi6«klt, pk/fi6«klt, ;+3Lo
;+;bsf ;b:o, k|b]z ;efsf ;b:o, :yfgLo txsf ;b:osf] lgjf{rgsf]]
;+rfng, /]vb]v, lgb]{zg / lgoGq0f ug{]5 . lgjf{rgsf] k|of]hgsf nflu
dtbftfsf] gfdfjnL tof/ ug{] sfo{ lgjf{rg cfof]un] ug{]5 .
-@_ lgjf{rg cfof]un] o; ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
/fli6«o dxTjsf] ljifodf hgdt ;+u|x u/fpg]5 .
-#_ /fi6«klt, pk/fi6«klt, ;+3Lo ;+;bsf ;b:o, k|b]z ;ef ;b:o
jf :yfgLo txsf ;b:osf nflu pDd]bjf/Lsf] dgf]gog btf{ eO;s]sf]
t/ lgjf{rg kl/0ffd 3f]if0ff eO{ g;s]sf] cj:yfdf s'g} pDd]bjf/sf]
of]Uotf ;DaGwdf s'g} k|Zg p7]df To;sf] lg0f{o lgjf{rg cfof]un]
ug]{5 .
-$_ lgjf{rg cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dWo] s'g}
sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm, s'g} lgjf{rg cfo'Qm jf
;/sf/L sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u tyf kfng ug]{
u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ lgjf{rg cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tyf sfo{ljlw
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

@$&= cfjZos ;xof]u ug{' kg{] M o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd lgjf{rg cfof]unfO{
cfˆgf] sfd k"/f ug{ cfjZos kg{] sd{rf/L / cGo ;xof]u g]kfn
;/sf/, k|b]z ;/sf/ / :yfgLo ;/sf/n] pknAw u/fpg]5 .

/fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u
@$*= /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/
cfof]u /xg]5 h;df cWoIf / cGo rf/ hgf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df /fli6«o dfgj
clwsf/ cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{5 .
-#_ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] kbfjlw
lgo'lQm ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] k'gM
lgo'lQm x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;b:onfO{ cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf]
;b:o cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ ;b:o
ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm
x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-u_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf]
cWoIf jf ;b:o kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ cWoIfsf] xsdf dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / ;+jw{gsf]
If]qdf ljlzi6 of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf k|wfg GofofwLz jf
;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] GofofwLzsf] kbaf6 ;]jflgj[Q JolQm jf
dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g jf /fli6«o hLjgsf

ljleGg If]qdf sDtLdf aL; jif{ lqmofzLn /xL ljlzi6
of]ubfg k'¥ofO{ Vofltk|fKt u/]sf],
-v_ ;b:osf] xsdf dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g,
afnaflnsfsf] xslxtsf] If]qdf sfo{/t jf /fli6«o hLjgsf
ljleGg If]qdf sDtLdf aL; jif{ lqmofzLn /xL ljlzi6
of]ubfg k'¥ofO{ Vofltk|fKt u/]sf],
-u_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 :gfts pkflw xfl;n u/]sf],
-3_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f u/]sf],
-ª_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf avt /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-r_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds
/ ;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/
cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:o cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /x];Dd lghx¿nfO{ dsf{
kg{] u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:o eO;s]sf]
JolQm cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@$(= /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ dfgj
clwsf/sf] ;Ddfg, ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g tyf To;sf] k|efjsf/L
sfof{GjognfO{ ;'lglZrt ug'{ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf] st{Jo
x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df plNnlvt st{Jo k"/f ug{ nflu /fli6«o dfgj
clwsf/ cfof]un] b]xfo adf]lhdsf sfd ug{]5 M–
-s_ s'g} JolQm jf ;d"xsf] dfgj clwsf/ pNn+3g jf To;sf]
b'?T;fxg ePsf]df kLl8t cfkm}+ jf lghsf] tk{maf6 s;}n]
cfof]u ;dIf k|:t't jf k|]lift u/]sf] lgj]bg jf ph"/L jf
s'g} ;|f]taf6 cfof]unfO{ k|fKt ePsf] jf cfof]usf]
hfgsf/Ldf cfPsf] ljifodf 5fglag tyf cg';Gwfg u/L
bf]ifL pk/ sf/afxL ug{ l;kmfl/; ug{],
-v_ dfgj clwsf/sf] pNn+3g x'gaf6 /f]Sg] lhDd]jf/L jf
st{Jo ePsf] kbflwsf/Ln] cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/L k"/f gu/]df jf
st{Jo kfng gu/]df jf lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug{ jf st{Jo
kfng ug{ pbf;Lgtf b]vfPdf To:tf] kbflwsf/L pk/
ljefuLo sf/afxL ug{ ;DalGwt clwsf/L ;dIf l;kmfl/;
-u_ dfgj clwsf/ pNn+3g ug{] JolQm jf ;+:yfsf lj?4 d'2f
rnfpg' kg{] cfjZostf ePdf sfg"g adf]lhd cbfntdf
d'2f bfo/ ug{ l;kmfl/; ug{],
-3_ dfgj clwsf/sf] r]tgf clej[l4 ug{ gful/s ;dfh;Fu
;dGjo / ;xsfo{ ug{],
-ª_ dfgj clwsf/sf] pNn+3gstf{nfO{ ljefuLo sf/afxL tyf
;hfo ug{ sf/0f / cfwf/ v'nfO{ ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf
l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-r_ dfgj clwsf/;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gsf] cfjlws ¿kdf
k'g/fjnf]sg ug{] tyf To;df ug'{ kg{] ;'wf/ tyf
;+zf]wgsf ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug{],
-5_ dfgj clwsf/;Fu ;DalGwt cGt/f{li6«o ;lGw jf
;Demf}tfsf] g]kfn kIf aGg' kg{] ePdf To;sf] sf/0f;lxt
g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ l;kmfl/; ug{] / g]kfn kIf alg;s]sf
;lGw jf ;Demf}tfsf] sfof{Gjog eP jf gePsf] cg'udg
u/L sfof{Gjog gePsf] kfOPdf To;sf] sfof{Gjog ug{
g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug{],
-h_ dfgj clwsf/sf] pNn+3gsf ;DaGwdf /fli6«o dfgj
clwsf/ cfof]un] u/]sf] l;kmfl/; jf lgb{]zg kfng jf
sfof{Gjog gug{] kbflwsf/L, JolQm jf lgsfosf] gfd
sfg"g adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs u/L dfgj clwsf/
pNn+3gstf{sf] ¿kdf clen]v /fVg] .
-#_ dfgj clwsf/ cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ jf st{Jo
kfng ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ s'g} JolQmnfO{ cfof]u ;dIf pkl:yt u/fO{ hfgsf/L jf
aofg lng] jf askq u/fpg], k|df0f a'‰g], bzL k|df0f
bflvnf ug{ nufpg] ;DaGwdf cbfntnfO{ eP ;/xsf]
clwsf/ k|of]u ug{],
-v_ dfgj clwsf/sf] uDeL/ pNn+3g x'g nfu]sf] jf eO;s]sf]
;"rgf cfof]un] s'g} lsl;daf6 k|fKt u/]df s'g} JolQm jf
lghsf] cfjf; jf sfof{nodf ljgf ;"rgf k|j]z ug{],
vfgtnf;L lng] tyf To;/L vfgtnf;L ln+bf dfgj
clwsf/sf] pNn+3g;Fu ;DalGwt lnvt, k|df0f jf ;a't
sAhfdf lng],
-u_ s'g} JolQmsf] dfgj clwsf/ pNn+3g eO/x]sf] s'/f
hfgsf/L eO{ tTsfn sf/afxL ug{' kg{] cfjZos b]lvPdf
ljgf ;"rgf ;/sf/L sfof{no jf cGo 7fpFdf k|j]z ug{] /
p4f/ ug{],
-3_ dfgj clwsf/sf] pNn+3gaf6 kLl8tnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd
Ifltk"lt{ lbg cfb]z lbg] .
-$_ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ dWo] s'g} sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;f] cfof]usf] cWoIf, s'g}
;b:o jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL
k|of]u tyf kfng ug{] u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
tyf sfo{ljlw ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

/fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]u
@%)= /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps /fli6«o
k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]u /xg]5 h;df cWoIf ;lxt a9Ldf kfFr
hgf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df /fli6«o k|fs[lts
;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf]
kbfjlw lgo'lQm ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf cWoIf jf ;b:osf]
kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] k'gM lgo'lQm
x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;b:onfO{ cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf]
;b:o cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ ;b:o
ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf]] JolQm /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ
cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 ;DalGwt ljifodf :gfts
pkflw xfl;n u/L k|fs[lts ;|f]t jf ljQ Joj:yfkg,

cy{zf:q, sfg"g, Joj:yfkgsf] If]qdf sDtLdf aL; jif{
lqmofzLn /xL ljz]if1tf xfl;n u/]sf],
-v_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-u_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-3_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf]
kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 / lghx¿ axfn
/x];Dd lghnfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g]
5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:o
eO;s]sf] JolQm cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@%!= /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_
/fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo
adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ ;+ljwfg / sfg"g adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifaf6 ;+3,
k|b]z / :yfgLo ;/sf/aLr /fh:jsf] afF8kmfF8 ug]{ lj:t[t
cfwf/ / 9fFrf lgwf{/0f ug]{,
-v_ ;+3Lo ;l~rt sf]ifaf6 k|b]z / :yfgLo ;/sf/nfO{ k|bfg
ul/g] ;dfgLs/0f cg'bfg ;DaGwdf l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-u_ /fli6«o gLlt tyf sfo{qmd, dfgs, k"jf{wf/sf] cj:yf
cg';f/ k|b]z / :yfgLo ;/sf/nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] ;zt{
cg'bfgsf] ;DaGwdf cWoog cg';Gwfg u/L cfwf/ tof/
-3_ k|b]z ;l~rt sf]ifaf6 k|b]z / :yfgLo ;/sf/aLr
/fh:jsf] afF8kmfF8 ug]{ lj:t[t cfwf/ / 9fFrf lgwf{/0f ug]{,
-ª_ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] vr{ lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug{] /
/fh:j c;'nLdf ;'wf/ ug'{ kg]{ pkfox¿sf] l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-r_ ;dli6ut cfly{s ;"rsx¿sf] ljZn]if0f u/L ;+3, k|b]z /
:yfgLo ;/sf/n] lng ;Sg] cfGtl/s C0fsf] ;Ldf
l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-5_ ;+3 / k|b]z ;/sf/sf] /fh:j afF8kmfF8 cfwf/sf]
k'g/fjnf]sg u/L kl/dfh{gsf] l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-h_ k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] kl/rfng ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/, k|b]z ;/sf/
/ :yfgLo txsf] nufgL tyf k|ltkmnsf] lx:;f lgwf{/0fsf]
cfwf/ to u/L l;kmfl/; ug{],
-em_ k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] afF8kmfF8 ;DaGwL ljifodf ;+3 / k|b]z,
k|b]z / k|b]z, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx tyf :yfgLo txx¿
aLr p7\g ;Sg] ;+efljt ljjfbsf] ljifodf cWoog
cg';Gwfg u/L To;sf] lgjf/0f ug{ ;dGjofTds ¿kdf
sfd ug{ ;'emfj lbg] .
-@_ /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]un] k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf]
afF8kmfF8 ubf{ ;f];Fu ;DalGwt jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ;DaGwdf
cfjZos cWoog / cg';Gwfg u/L g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ l;kmfl/; ug]{5 .
-#_ /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/, k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] kl/rfng ubf{ jf /fh:jsf] afF8kmfF8 ubf{
ckgfpg' kg]{ lj:t[t cfwf/, cfof]usf kbflwsf/Lx¿sf] ;]jfsf zt{
nufot cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

cGo cfof]ux¿
@%@= /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u /xg]5 .
h;df cWoIf / cGo rf/hgf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df /fli6«o dlxnf
cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{5 .
-#_ /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm
ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]u k|:tfj kfl/t
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] k'gM lgo'lQm
x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;b:onfO{ cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf]
;b:o cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ ;b:o
ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf] cWoIf
/ ;b:osf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ sDtLdf bz jif{ dlxnfsf] xs, lxt jf n}+lus Gofo jf
dlxnf ljsf; jf dfgj clwsf/ / sfg"gsf] If]qdf
dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf] dlxnf,

-v_ cWoIfsf] xsdf dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 :gfts
pkflw xfl;n u/]sf],
-u_ k}t+ fln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f u/]sf],
-3_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf] avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-ª_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds /
;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 / lghx¿ axfn /x];Dd
lghnfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>+[Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:o eO;s]sf] JolQm
cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@%#= /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ /fli6«o dlxnf
cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ dlxnfsf] xs lxt;Fu ;/f]sf/ /fVg] gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf]
th'{df u/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf k]z
-v_ dlxnfsf] xs lxt;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"g jf g]kfn kIf ePsf]
cGt/f{li6«o ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf cGtu{tsf] bfloTj
sfof{Gjog eP jf gePsf] ljifodf cg'udg u/L To;sf]
k|efjsf/L kfng jf sfof{Gjogsf] pkfo ;lxt g]kfn
;/sf/nfO{ ;'emfj lbg],
-u_ dlxnfnfO{ /fli6«o ljsf;sf] d"n k|jfxdf ;dflxt ug{ tyf
/fHosf ;a} lgsfodf ;dfg'kflts ;xeflutf ;'lglZrt
ug{ df}h"bf gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf] ;dLIff, cg'udg tyf

d"Nof+sg ug]{ / To;sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu
g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-3_ n}+lus ;dfgtf, dlxnf ;zQmLs/0f tyf dlxnf;Fu
;DalGwt sfg"gL Joj:yfsf] cWoog, cg';Gwfg u/L To:tf
sfg"gdf ug'{kg]{ ;'wf/sf ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{
l;kmfl/; ug]{ / ;f]sf] cg'udg ug]{,
-ª_ dlxnf clwsf/;Fu ;DalGwt g]kfn kIf ePsf] cGt/f{li6«o
;lGw jf ;Demf}tfdf ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd g]kfnn]
k7fpg' kg]{ k|ltj]bg tof/Lsf ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{
;'emfj lbg],
-r_ dlxnf lx+;f jf ;fdflhs s'/Lltaf6 kLl8t ePsf] jf
dlxnf clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ glbPsf] jf jl~rt u/]sf]
ljifodf s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yf lj?4 d'2f bfo/ ug'{kg]{
cfjZostf b]lvPdf sfg"g adf]lhd cbfntdf d'2f bfo/
ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug]{ .
-@_ /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dWo]
s'g} sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ cfof]usf] cWoIf, s'g} ;b:o jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u tyf
kfng ug{] u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf
tt\;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@%$= k|b]zdf sfof{no :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg] M /fli6«o dlxnf cfof]un] cfjZostf
cg';f/ k|b]zdf cfˆgf] sfof{no :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@%%= /fli6«o blnt cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps /fli6«o blnt cfof]u /xg]5
h;df cWoIf / cGo rf/ hgf ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df /fli6«o blnt
cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{5 .
-#_ /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm
ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–

-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] k'gM lgo'lQm
x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;b:onfO{ cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf]
;b:o cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ ;b:o
ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf] cWoIf
jf ;b:osf] kbdf lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ sDtLdf bz jif{ blnt ;d'bfosf] xs lxt jf dfgj
clwsf/ / sfg"gsf] If]qdf dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf]
-v_ cWoIfsf] xsdf dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 sDtLdf
:gfts pkflw k|fKt u/]sf],
-u_ k}Ftfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf],
-3_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf] avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-ª_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds /
;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 / lghnfO{ dsf{ kg]{ u/L
kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .

-*_ /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:o eO;s]sf] JolQm
cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@%^= /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ /fli6«o blnt
cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ blnt ;d'bfosf] ;du| l:yltsf] cWoog tyf cGj]if0f u/L
tt\;DaGwdf ug{' kg{] gLltut, sfg"gL / ;+:Yffut ;'wf/sf
ljifo klxrfg u/L g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ l;kmfl/; ug{],
-v_ hftLo 5'jf5"t, pTkL8g / lje]bsf] cGTo u/L blnt
pTyfg / ljsf;sf nflu blnt lxt;Fu ;/f]sf/ /fVg]
/fli6«o gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf] th'{df u/L sfof{Gjogsf
nflu g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf k]]z ug{],
-u_ blnt ;d'bfosf] pTyfg tyf lxtdf ePsf ljz]if Joj:yf
nufot blnt lxt;Fu ;DjlGwt sfg"gsf] k|efjsf/L ¿kdf
kfngf eP jf gePsf] ljifodf cg'udg u/L kfngf jf
sfof{Gjog gePsf] eP ;f]sf] kfngf jf sfof{Gjogsf
nflu g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf ;'emfa lbg],
-3_ blnt ;d'bfosf] clwsf/;+u ;DalGwt g]kfn kIf ePsf]
cGt/f{li6«o ;lGw jf ;Demf}tfdf ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd
g]kfnn] k7fpg' kg]{ k|ltj]bg tof/Lsf ;DaGwdf g]kfn
;/sf/nfO{ ;'emfj lbg],
-ª_ blnt ;d'bfonfO{ /fli6«o ljsf;sf] d"n k|jfxdf ;dflxt
ug{ tyf /fHosf ;a} c+ux¿df ;dfg'kflts ;xeflutf
;'lglZrt ug{ df}h"bf gLlt tyf sfo{qmdsf]] ;dLIff,
cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg ug]{ / ;f]sf] k|efjsf/L
sfof{Gjogsf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-r_ hftLo e]befj tyf 5"jf5"t jf ;fdflhs s'/Lltaf6
kLl8t ePsf] jf blntsf] xs k|of]u ug{ glbPsf] jf
jl~rt u/]sf] ljifodf s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yf lj?4 d'2f
bfo/ ug{' kg{] cfjZostf b]lvPdf sfg"g adf]lhd
cbfntdf d'2f bfo/ ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf l;kmfl/;
ug{] .
-@_ /fli6«o blnt cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dWo]
s'g} sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ cfof]usf] cWoIf, s'g} ;b:o jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u tyf
kfng ug{] u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ /fli6«o blnt cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf
tt\;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@%&= k|b]zdf sfof{no :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg] M /fli6«o blnt cfof]un] cfjZostf
cg';f/ k|b]zdf cfˆgf] sfof{no :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@%*= /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]u /xg]5
h;df cWoIf / cGo rf/ hgf;Dd ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df /fli6«o ;dfj]zL
cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw
lgo'lQm ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] s'g}
cj:yfdf /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm ePsf]
dflgg]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-u_ lghsf] lj?4 wf/f !)! adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s c:j:ytfsf] sf/0f ;]jfdf /xL sfo{
;Dkfbg ug{ c;dy{ /x]sf] egL ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf]
l;kmfl/;df /fi6«kltn] kbd'Qm u/]df,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] k'gM lgo'lQm
x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;b:onfO{ cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf]
;b:o cWoIfsf] kbdf lgo'lQm ePdf lghsf] kbfjlw u0fgf ubf{ ;b:o
ePsf] cjlwnfO{ ;d]t hf]8L u0fgf ul/g]5 .

-^_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf]
cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kbdf lgo'lQm x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ sDtLdf bz jif{ ;fdflhs ;dfj]zLs/0f, ckf+utf ePsf
JolQm, cNk;+Vos Pj+ ;LdfGtLs[t ;d'bfo tyf lk5l8Psf]
If]q / ju{sf] xs lxt jf ljsf; jf dfgj clwsf/sf]
If]qdf dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf],
-v_ cWoIfsf] xsdf dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 :gfts
pkflw xfl;n u/]sf],
-u_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f u/]sf],
-3_ lgo'lQm x'Fbfsf] avt s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o g/x]sf],
-ª_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-&_ /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf] cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds /
;]jfsf zt{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 / lgh axfn /x];Dd lghnfO{
dsf{ kg]{ u/L kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{ kl/jt{g ul/g] 5}g .
t/ r/d cfly{s lj>[+Vfntfsf sf/0f ;+s6sfn 3f]if0ff ePsf]
cj:yfdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf] cWoIf jf ;b:o eO;s]sf] JolQm
cGo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf lgo'lQmsf nflu u|fXo x'g] 5}g .
t/ s'g} /fhgLlts kbdf jf s'g} ljifosf] cg';Gwfg, hfFra'em jf
5fgaLg ug]{ jf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf cGj]if0f u/L /fo, dGtJo jf
l;kmfl/; k]z ug]{ s'g} kbdf lgo'Qm eO{ sfd ug{ o; pkwf/fdf
n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@%(= /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ /fli6«o ;dfj]zL
cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ v; cfo{, lk58f ju{, ckf+utf ePsf JolQm, Ho]i7
gful/s, >lds, ls;fg, cNk;+Vos Pj+ ;LdfGtLs[t
;d'bfo tyf lk5l8Psf] ju{ / s0ff{nL tyf cfly{s ¿kn]
ljkGg ju{ nufotsf ;d'bfosf] xs clwsf/sf] ;+/If0fsf
nflu cWoog tyf cg';Gwfg ug{],
-v_ v08 -s_ df plNnlvt ;d'bfo, ju{ / If]qsf]
;dfj]zLs/0fsf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] cjnDag u/]sf]

gLlt tyf sfg"gsf] sfof{Gjog cj:yfsf] cWoog u/L
;'wf/sf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ ;'emfj lbg],
-u_ v08 -s_ df plNnlvt ;d'bfo, ju{ / If]qsf]] /fHo
;+oGqdf plrt k|ltlglwTj eP gePsf] cWoog u/L To:tf]
;d'bfo, ju{ / If]qsf]] k|ltlglwTjsf nflu ul/Psf] ljz]if
Joj:yfsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ ;'emfj lbg],
-3_ v08 -s_ df plNnlvt ;d'bfo, ju{ / If]qsf]] ;+/If0f,
;zQmLs/0f / ljsf; ;Gtf]ifhgs eP gePsf] cWoog
u/L eljiodf cjnDag ug{' kg{] gLltsf] ;DaGwdf g]kfn
;/sf/ ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug{],
-ª_ s0ff{nL / lk5l8Psf] If]qsf] ljsf; / ;d[[l4sf nflu
canDag ug'{ kg]{ gLlt / sfo{qmdsf] ;DaGwdf g]kfn
;/sf/nfO{ ;'emfj lbg],
-r_ cNk;+Vos tyf ;LdfGtLs[t ;d'bfo ;DaGwL sfg"gdf
;dofg's'n kl/dfh{gsf nflu l;kmfl/; ug{],
-5_ cNk;+Vos tyf ;LdfGtLs[t ;d'bfosf nflu k|Tofe"t xs
clwsf/sf] sfof{Gjog l:ylt cg'udg u/L cfjlws
¿kdf x'g] /fli6«o hgu0fgf tyf dfgj ljsf; ;"rsf+s
;DaGwL k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df cfjZos k'g/fjnf]sg u/L
kl/dfh{gsf nflu l;kmfl/; ug{] .
-@_ /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dWo]
s'g} sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;f] cfof]usf] cWoIf, s'g} ;b:o jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL k|of]u tyf
kfng ug]{ u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf
tt\;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^)= k|b]zdf sfof{no :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg] M /fli6«o ;dfj]zL cfof]un]
cfjZostf cg';f/ k|b]zdf cfˆgf] sfof{no :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@^!= cflbjf;L hghflt cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps cflbjf;L hghflt cfof]u
/xg]5 h;df cWoIf / cGo rf/ hgf;Dd ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df cflbjf;L hghflt
cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ cflbjf;L hghflt cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw
lgo'lQm ePsf] ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ cflbjf;L hghflt cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] of]Uotf,
kb l/Qm x'g] cj:yf, kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{x? / To:tf] cfof]usf]
sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
@^@= dw]zL cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps dw]zL cfof]u /xg]5 h;df cWoIf /
cGo rf/ hgf;Dd ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df dw]]zL cfof]usf
cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ dw]zL cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm ePsf]
ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ dw]zL cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] of]Uotf, kb l/Qm x'g]
cj:yf, kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{x? / To:tf] cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^#= yf¿ cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps yf¿ cfof]u /xg]5 h;df cWoIf / cGo
rf/ hgf;Dd ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df yf¿ cfof]usf
cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ yf? cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm ePsf]
ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-$_ yf¿ cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] of]Uotf, kb l/Qm x'g]
cj:yf, kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{x? / To:tf] cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^$= d'l:nd cfof]u M -!_ g]kfndf Ps d'l:nd cfof]u /xg]5 h;df cWoIf /
cGo rf/ hgf;Dd ;b:o /xg]5g\ .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df d'l:nd cfof]usf
cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ug]{]5 .
-#_ d'l:nd cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQm ePsf]
ldltn] 5 jif{sf] x'g]5 .

-$_ d'l:nd cfof]usf cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] of]Uotf, kb l/Qm x'g]
cj:yf, kfl/>lds / ;]jfsf zt{x? / To:tf] cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^%= cfof]usf] k'g/fjnf]sg M o; efu adf]lhd u7g ePsf cfof]ux?sf]
;+3Lo ;+;bn] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] bz jif{ kl5
k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{5 .

/fli6«o ;'/Iff ;DaGwL Joj:yf
@^^= /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb M -!_ g]kfnsf] ;du| /fli6«o lxt, ;'/Iff / k|lt/Iff
;DaGwL gLlt th'{df ug{ tyf g]kfnL ;]gfsf] kl/rfng jf lgoGq0f
ug{sf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifbnfO{ l;kmfl/; ug{ b]xfo
adf]lhdsf cWoIf / ;b:ox¿ /x]sf] Ps /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb /xg]5 M–
-s_ k|wfgdGqL – cWoIf
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /Iff dGqL – ;b:o
-u_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] u[x dGqL – ;b:o
-3_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k//fi6« dGqL – ;b:o
-ª_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cy{ dGqL – ;b:o
-r_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] d'Vo ;lrj – ;b:o
-5_ k|wfg ;]gfklt, g]kfnL ;]gf – ;b:o
-@_ /Iff dGqfnosf] ;lrjn] /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifbsf] ;b:o–;lrj
eO{ sfd ug]{5 .
-#_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifbn] cfˆgf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg /fi6«klt ;dIf
k]z ug]{5 / /fi6«kltn] To:tf] k|ltj]bg k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t ;+3Lo ;+;b
;dIf k]z ug{ nufpg]5 .
-$_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^&= g]kfnL ;]gf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ g]kfnsf] :jtGqtf, ;fj{ef}d;Qf,
ef}uf]lns cv08tf, :jfwLgtf / /fli6«o Pstfsf] /Iffsf nflu o;
;+ljwfgk|lt k|lta4 ;dfj]zL g]kfnL ;]gfsf] Ps ;+u7g /xg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«klt g]kfnL ;]gfsf] k/dflwklt x'g]5 .
-#_ g]kfnL ;]gfdf dlxnf, blnt, cflbjf;L, cflbjf;L hghflt,
v; cfo{, dw]zL, yf¿, d'l:nd, lk58f ju{ tyf lk5l8Psf] If]qsf
gful/ssf] k|j]z ;dfgtf / ;dfj]zL l;4fGtsf] cfwf/df ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd ;'lglZrt ul/g]5 .
-$_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd ljsf;
lgdf{0f / ljkb Joj:yfkg nufotsf cGo sfo{df ;d]t kl/rfng ug{
;Sg]5 .
-%_ /fi6«kltn] dlGqkl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg ;]gfkltsf] lgo'lQm
/ kbd'lQm ug]{5 .
-^_ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf jf s'g} efusf]
;'/Iffdf o'4, afx\o cfqmd0f, ;z:q ljb|f]x jf r/d cfly{s lj>[+vntfsf]
sf/0fn] uDeL/ ;+s6 pTkGg ePdf /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/zdf
g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifbsf] lg0f{o adf]lhd /fi6«kltaf6 g]kfnL ;]gf
kl/rfngsf] 3f]if0ff x'g]5 . g]kfnL ;]gf kl/rfngsf] 3f]if0ff ePsf]
ldltn] Ps dxLgfleq k|ltlglw ;efaf6 cg'df]bg x'g' kg{]5 .
-&_ g]kfnL ;]gf ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^*= g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an, g]kfn / /fli6«o cg';Gwfg ;+u7g ;DaGwL
Joj:yf M -!_ ;+3df g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an, g]kfn / /fli6«o
cg';Gwfg ljefu /xg]5g\ .
-@_ k|To]s k|b]zdf k|b]z k|x/L ;+u7g /xg]5 .
-#_ g]kfn k|x/L / k|b]z k|x/Ln] ;Dkfbg ug]{ sfo{sf] ;~rfng,
;'kl/j]If0f / ;dGjo ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an, g]kfn / /fli6«o cg';Gwfg
ljefu ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

/fhgLlts bn ;DaGwL Joj:yf
@^(= /fhgLlts bnsf] u7g, btf{ / ;~rfng M -!_ ;dfg /fhgLlts
ljrf/wf/f, bz{g / sfo{qmddf k|lta4 JolQmx¿n] wf/f !& sf] pkwf/f -
@_ sf] v08 -u_ cGtu{t ag]sf] sfg"gsf] cwLgdf /xL /fhgLlts bn
u7g u/L ;~rfng ug{ / bnsf] ljrf/wf/f, bz{g / sfo{qmdk|lt
hg;fwf/0fsf] ;dy{g / ;xof]u k|fKt ug{sf nflu To;sf] k|rf/ / k|;f/
ug{, u/fpg jf ;f] k|of]hgsf nflu cGo cfjZos sfd ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd u7g ePsf /fhgLlts bnn] sfg"g
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L lgjf{rg cfof]udf bn btf{ u/fpg' kg{]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd bn btf{ u/fpg] k|of]hgsf nflu lgj]bg
k]z ubf{ ;DalGwt /fhgLlts bnsf] ljwfg / 3f]if0ffkqsf cltl/Qm
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhdsf cGo sfuhft k]z ug'{ kg{]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd bn btf{sf nflu lgj]bg lb+bf
/fhgLlts bnn] b]xfosf zt{ k"/f ug'{ kg{]5 M–
-s_ /fhgLlts bnsf] ljwfg / lgodfjnL nf]stflGqs x'g' k5{,
-v_ /fhgLlts bnsf] ljwfgdf sDtLdf kfFr jif{df Ps k6s
;f] bnsf ;+3Lo / k|b]z txsf k|To]s kbflwsf/Lsf]
lgjf{rg x'g] Joj:yf x'g' k5{,
t/ ljz]if kl/l:ylt pTkGg eO{ kfFr jif{leqdf
kbflwsf/Lsf] lgjf{rg ;DkGg x'g g;s]df 5 dxLgfleq
To:tf] lgjf{rg ug{ ;lsg] u/L /fhgLlts bnsf] ljwfgdf
Joj:yf ug{ afwf kg{] 5}g .
-u_ bnsf] ljleGg txsf sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltdf g]kfnsf]
ljljwtfnfO{ k|ltlalDat ug]{ u/L ;dfj]zL k|ltlglwTjsf]
Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'g' k5{ .
-%_ s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] gfd, p2]Zo, lrGx jf em08f b]zsf]
wfld{s jf ;fDk|bflos Pstfdf vnn kfg{] jf b]znfO{ ljvl08t ug{]
k|s[ltsf] /x]5 eg] To:tf] /fhgLlts bn btf{ x'g] 5}g .
@&)= /fhgLlts bnnfO{ k|ltaGw nufpg aGb]h M -!_ wf/f @^( adf]lhd
/fhgLlts bnsf] u7g u/L ;~rfng ug{ / bnsf] ljrf/wf/f, bz{g /

sfo{qmdk|lt hg;fwf/0fsf] ;dy{g / ;xof]u k|fKt ug{sf nflu To;sf]
k|rf/ / k|;f/ ug]{ sfo{df s'g} k|ltaGw nufpg] u/L agfOPsf] sfg"g jf
ul/Psf] s'g} Joj:yf jf lg0f{o of] ;+ljwfgsf] k|lts"n dflgg]5 / :jtM
cdfGo x'g]5 .
-@_ s'g} Pp6} /fhgLlts bn jf Ps} lsl;dsf] /fhgLlts
ljrf/wf/f, bz{g jf sfo{qmd ePsf JolQmx¿n] dfq lgjf{rg, b]zsf]
/fhgLlts k|0ffnL jf /fHo Joj:yf ;~rfngdf efu lng kfpg] jf
;lDdlnt x'g kfpg] u/L agfOPsf] sfg"g jf ul/Psf] s'g} Joj:yf jf
lg0f{o of] ;+ljwfgsf] k|lts"n dflgg]5 / :jtM cdfGo x'g]5 .
@&!= /fhgLlts bnsf] ¿kdf lgjf{rgsf nflu dfGotf k|fKt ug{ btf{ u/fpg'
kg{] M -!_ lgjf{rgsf] k|of]hgsf nflu lgjf{rg cfof]uaf6 dfGotf k|fKt
ug{ rfxg] wf/f @^( adf]lhd btf{ ePsf] k|To]s /fhgLlts bnn] ;+3Lo
sfg"g adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L lgjf{rg cfof]udf btf{ u/fpg'
kg{]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu lgj]bg lb+bf /fhgLlts bnn]
wf/f @^( sf] pkwf/f -#_ df plNnlvt ljj/0fsf] cltl/Qm jflif{s
n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg k]z ug{' kg{]5 / ;f]xL wf/fsf] pkwf/f -$_ df
plNnlvt zt{ ;d]t k"/f u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 .
@&@= /fhgLlts bn ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf M /fhgLlts bnsf] u7g, btf{,
;~rfng / ;'ljwf tyf tT;DaGwL cGo ljifo ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .

;+s6sfnLg clwsf/
@&#= ;+s6sfnLg Joj:yf M -!_ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf jf
s'g} efusf] ;'/Iffdf o'4, afXo cfqmd0f, ;z:q ljb|f]x, r/d cfly{s
lj>[+vntf, k|fs[lts ljkb jf dxfdf/Lsf] sf/0fn] uDeL/ ;+s6 pTkGg
ePdf /fi6«kltn] g]kfne/ jf g]kfnsf] s'g} vf; If]qdf nfu" x'g] u/L
;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff ug{ jf cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} k|b]zdf
k|fs[lts ljkb jf dxfdf/Lsf] sf/0fn] uDeL/ ;+s6 pTkGg ePdf
;DalGwt k|b]z ;/sf/n] g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf o; wf/f adf]lhd k|b]z jf
k|b]zsf] s'g} efudf ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z hf/L ug{sf
nflu cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd ul/Psf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z To:tf] 3f]if0ff
jf cfb]z ePsf] ldltn] Ps dxLgfleq cg'df]bgsf nflu ;+3Lo ;+;bsf
b'j} ;bgdf k]z ul/g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd cg'df]bgsf nflu k]z ePsf] 3f]if0ff jf
cfb]z ;+3Lo ;+;bsf b'j} ;bgdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o
;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtn] cg'df]bg u/]df To:tf] 3f]if0ff jf
cfb]z ePsf] ldltn] tLg dxLgf;Dd sfod /xg]5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd cg'df]bgsf nflu k]z ePsf] 3f]if0ff jf
cfb]z pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd cg'df]bg gePdf :jtM lgliqmo x'g]5 .
-^_ o; wf/fdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg pkwf/f -
!_ adf]lhdsf] cj:yf cem} ljBdfg 5 egL pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhdsf]
cjlw ;dfKt gx'Fb} csf{] Ps k6s tLg dxLgfdf ga9fO{ ;+s6sfnLg
3f]if0ff jf cfb]zsf] cjlw yk ug]{ k|:tfj ;+3Lo ;+;bdf k]z ug{
;lsg]5 .
-&_ pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj ;+3Lo ;+;bsf b'j} ;bgdf
tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtn]
kfl/t ePdf To:tf] k|:tfjdf plNnlvt cjlw ;Ddsf nflu ;+s6sfnLg
cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z sfod /xg]5 .

-*_ k|ltlglw ;ef lj36g ePsf] cj:yfdf pkwf/f -#_, -$_, -^_
/ -&_ adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;+;bn] k|of]u ug{] clwsf/ /fli6«o ;efn] k|of]u
ug{]5 .
-(_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z
ePkl5 To:tf] cj:yfsf] lgjf/0f ug{ /fi6«kltn] cfjZos cfb]z hf/L
ug{ ;Sg]5 . To;/L hf/L ePsf] cfb]z ;+s6sfnLg cj:yf axfn
/x];Dd sfg"g ;/x nfu" x'g]5 .
-!)_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfsf] 3f]if0ff jf
cfb]z hf/L ubf{ To:tf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z axfn /x];Ddsf nflu efu–#
df Joj:yf ePsf df}lns xs lgnDag ug{ ;lsg]5 .
t/ wf/f !^, wf/f !& sf] pkwf/f -@_ sf] v08 -u_ / -3_, wf/f
!*, wf/f !( sf] pkwf/f -@_, wf/f @), @!, @@, @$, wf/f @^ sf]
pkwf/f -!_, @(, #), #!, #@, #%, #^ sf] pkwf/f -!_ / -@_, #*, #(,
$) sf] pkwf/f -@_ / -#_, $!, $@, $#, $% / wf/f $^ adf]lhdsf]
;+j}wflgs pkrf/sf] xs / aGbL k|ToIfLs/0fsf] pkrf/ k|fKt ug{] xs
lgnDag ul/g] 5}g .
-!!_ pkwf/f -!)_ adf]lhd o; ;+ljwfgsf] s'g} wf/f lgnDag
ul/Psf]df ;f] wf/fåf/f k|bQ df}lns xssf] k|rngsf nflu s'g}
cbfntdf lgj]bg lbg jf To; ;DaGwdf s'g} cbfntdf k|Zg p7fpg
;lsg] 5}g .
-!@_ o; wf/f adf]lhdsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z axfn /x]sf] cj:yfdf
s'g} kbflwsf/Ln] ablgot;fy s'g} sfd u/]af6 s;}nfO{ s'g} k|sf/sf]
Iflt ePsf] /x]5 eg] kLl8tn] To:tf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z ;dfKt ePsf]
ldltn] tLg dxLgfleq cfk"mnfO{ k/]sf] Iflt afkt Ifltk"lt{sf] bfaL ug{
;Sg]5 . To:tf] bfaL k/]df cbfntn] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{
e/fOlbg / kL8snfO{ ;hfo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-!#_ o; wf/f adf]lhdsf] 3f]if0ff jf cfb]z /fi6«kltn] h'g;'s}
avt lkmtf{ lng ;Sg]5 .

;+ljwfg ;+zf]wg
@&$= ;+ljwfg ;+zf]wg M -!_ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}ldstf, ef}uf]lns cv08tf,
:jfwLgtf / hgtfdf lglxt ;fj{ef}d;Qfsf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L of] ;+ljwfg
;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ / o; ;+ljwfgsf] cGo wf/fsf] cwLgdf /xL o;
;+ljwfgsf] s'g} wf/fnfO{ ;+zf]wg jf vf/]h ug]{ ljw]os ;+3Lo ;+;bsf]
s'g} klg ;bgdf k]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .
t/ pkwf/f -!_ nfO{ ;+zf]wg ul/g] 5}g .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] ljw]os ;DalGwt ;bgdf
k|:t't ePsf] tL; lbgleq ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] hfgsf/Lsf nflu
;fj{hlgs ¿kdf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] ljw]os s'g} k|b]zsf] ;Ldfgf
kl/jt{g jf cg';"rL–^ df plNnlvt ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt ePdf To:tf]
ljw]os ;+3Lo ;+;bdf k|:t't ePsf] tL; lbgleq ;DalGwt ;bgsf]
;efd'v jf cWoIfn] ;xdltsf nflu k|b]z ;efdf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pkwf/f -$_ adf]lhd k7fOPsf] ljw]os tLg dxLgfleq
;DalGwt k|b]z ;efsf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{{ ;b:ox¿sf]
ax'dtaf6 :jLs[t jf c:jLs[t u/L To;sf] hfgsf/L ;+3Lo ;+;bdf
k7fpg' kg{]5 .
t/ s'g} k|b]z ;ef sfod g/x]sf] cj:yfdf To:tf] k|b]z ;ef
u7g eO{ To;sf] klxnf] a}7s a;]sf] ldltn] tLg dxLgfleq :jLs[t jf
c:jLs[t u/L k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq To:tf] ljw]os :jLs[t jf
c:jLs[t ePsf] hfgsf/L glbPdf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ljw]os pTklQ ePsf]
;bgn] To:tf] ljw]os pk/sf] sf/afxL cufl8 a9fpg afwf kg{] 5}g .
-&_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq ax';+Vos k|b]z ;efn]
To:tf] ljw]os c:jLs[t u/]sf] ;"rgf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] ;DalGwt ;bgnfO{
lbPdf To:tf] ljw]os lgliqmo x'g]5 .
-*_ k|b]z ;efsf] ;xdlt cfjZos gkg{] jf pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd
ax';+Vos k|b]z ;efaf6 :jLs[t eO{ cfPsf] ljw]os ;+3Lo ;+;bsf b'a}
;bgdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{ ltxfO
ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ug{' kg{]5 .
-(_ pkwf/f -*_ adf]lhd kfl/t ePsf] ljw]os k|df0fLs/0fsf
nflu /fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ul/g]5 .
-!)_ /fi6«kltn] pkwf/f -(_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] ljw]os k|fKt
ePsf] kGw|lbg leq k|df0fLs/0f ug{]5 / k|df0fLs/0f ePsf] ldlt b]lv
;+ljwfg ;+zf]wg x'g]5 .

@&%= hgdt ;+u|x ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ /fli6«o dxTjsf] s'g} ljifodf hgdt
;+u|xaf6 lg0f{o ug{ cfjZos 5 egL ;+3Lo ;+;bdf tTsfn sfod
/x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] b'O{ ltxfO ;b:osf] ax'dtaf6 lg0f{o ePdf
To:tf] ljifodf hgdt ;+u|xaf6 lg0f{o lng ;lsg]5 .
-@_ hgdt ;+u|x / tT;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@&^= dfkmL M /fi6«kltn] s'g} cbfnt, Goflos jf cw{Goflos lgsfo jf
k|zf;sLo kbflwsf/L jf lgsfon] u/]sf] ;hfonfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd
dfkmL, d'NtjL, kl/jt{g jf sd ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@&&= pkflw, ;Ddfg / lje"if0f M -!_ /fi6«kltn] /fHosf] tkm{af6 k|bfg ul/g]
pkflw, ;Ddfg / lje"if0f k|bfg ug{]5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[lt k|fKt gu/L g]kfnsf] s'g} gful/sn]
s'g} ljb]zL ;/sf/af6 k|bfg ul/g] pkflw, ;Ddfg jf lje"if0f u|x0f ug{'
x'Fb}g .
@&*= ;lGw ;DkGg ug]{ clwsf/ M -!_ ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf ug]{ clwsf/ ;+3df
lglxt /xg]5 .
-@_ k|b]zsf] clwsf/sf] ;"rLdf kg{] ljifodf ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf
ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;DalGwt k|b]z;Fu k/fdz{ ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ k|b]z dlGqkl/ifbn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;xdlt lnO{ cfly{s tyf
cf}Bf]lus ljifosf s/f/hGo ;Demf}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@&(= ;lGw jf ;Demf}tfsf] cg'df]bg, ;lDdng, :jLs[lt jf ;dy{g M -!_ g]kfn
/fHo jf g]kfn ;/sf/ kIf x'g] ;lGw jf ;Demf}tfsf] cg'df]bg, ;lDdng,
:jLs[lt jf ;dy{g ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd sfg"g agfpFbf b]xfosf ljifosf ;lGw
jf ;Demf}tfsf] cg'df]bg, ;lDdng, :jLs[lt jf ;dy{g ;+3Lo ;+;bsf
b'j} ;bgdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] b'O{ ltxfO
ax'dtn] ug'{kg]{ zt{ /flvg]5 M–
-s_ zflGt / d}qL,
-v_ ;'/Iff Pj+ ;fdl/s ;DaGw,
-u_ g]kfn /fHosf] ;Ldfgf, /
-3_ k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf To;sf] pkof]usf] afF8kmfF8 .

t/ v08 -s_ / -3_ df plNnlvt ljifosf ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf dWo]
/fi6«nfO{ Jofks, uDeL/ jf bL3{sfnLg c;/ gkg{] ;fwf/0f k|s[ltsf
;lGw jf ;Demf}tfsf] cg'df]bg, ;lDdng, :jLs[lt jf ;dy{g k|ltlglw
;efsf] a}7sdf pkl:yt ;b:ox¿sf] ;fwf/0f ax'dtaf6 x'g ;Sg]5 .
-#_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 x'g] s'g} ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf o;
wf/f adf]lhd cg'df]bg, ;lDdng, :jLs[lt jf ;dy{g geP;Dd g]kfn
;/sf/ jf g]kfnsf] xsdf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-$_ pkwf/f -!_ / -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lns cv08tfdf k|lts"n c;/ kg]{ u/L s'g} ;lGw jf
;Demf}tf ul/g] 5}g .
@*)= /fi6«kltsf] sfo{ ug]{ ;DaGwL ljz]if Joj:yf M o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd
/fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt b'j}sf] kb l/Qm ePdf /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«kltsf]
lgjf{rg eO{ sfo{ef/ g;Dxfn];Dd o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd /fi6«kltaf6
ul/g] sfo{ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'vn] ;Dkfbg ug]{5 .
@*!= ljz]if clwsf/sf] ;dLIff tyf k'g/fjnf]sg M g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|To]s bz
jif{df x'g] /fli6«o hgu0fgf;Fu} dlxnf tyf blnt ;d'bfosf] ljz]if
clwsf/sf] Joj:yfsf] sfo{fGjog / To;sf] k|efj ;DaGwdf dfgj
ljsf; ;"rsf+ssf] cfwf/df ;dLIff tyf k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{5 .
@*@= /fhb"t / ljz]if k|ltlglw M -!_ /fi6«kltn] ;dfj]zL l;4fGtsf] cfwf/df
g]kfnL /fhb"t / s'g} vf; k|of]hgsf nflu ljz]if k|ltlglw lgo'lQm ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ /fi6«kltn] ljb]zL /fhb"t tyf s"6gLlts k|ltlglwaf6
cf]xf]bfsf] k|df0fkq u|x0f ug{]5 .
@*#= ;dfj]zL l;4fGt adf]lhd lgo'lQm ug{' kg{] M ;+j}wflgs c+u / lgsfosf
kbdf lgo'lQm ubf{ ;dfj]zL l;4fGt adf]lhd ul/g]5 .
@*$= ;+j}wflgs kl/ifb ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd k|wfg
GofofwLz / ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v / kbflwsf/Lx¿sf] lgo'lQmsf]
l;kmfl/; ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf cWoIf / ;b:o /x]sf] Ps ;+j}wflgs
kl/ifb /xg]5 M–
-s_ k|wfgdGqL –cWoIf
-v_ k|wfg GofofwLz –;b:o
-u_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ;efd'v –;b:o
-3_ /fli6«o ;efsf] cWoIf –;b:o
-ª_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] ljkIfL bnsf] g]tf –;b:o
-r_ k|ltlglw ;efsf] pk;efd'v –;b:o

-@_ k|wfg GofofwLzsf] kb l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf k|wfg
GofofwLzsf] lgo'lQmsf] l;kmfl/; ubf{ ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbdf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] sfg"g tyf Gofo dGqL ;b:osf] ¿kdf /xg]5 .
-#_ ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbn] k|wfg GofofwLz jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf
s'g} k|d'v jf kbflwsf/Lsf] kb l/Qm x'g'eGbf Ps dxLgf cufj} o;
;+ljwfg adf]lhd lgo'lQmsf nflu l;kmfl/; ug{' kg{]5 .
t/ d[To' eO{ jf /fhLgfdf lbO{ To:tf] kb l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf
l/Qm ePsf] ldltn] Ps dxLgfleq kbk"lt{ x'g] u/L lgo'lQmsf nflu
l;kmfl/; ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tyf k|wfg
GofofwLz jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf k|d'v jf kbflwsf/Lsf] lgo'lQm ;DaGwL
sfo{ljlw ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] d'Vo ;lrjn] ;+j}wflgs kl/ifbsf] ;lrj eO{
sfd ug{]5 .
@*%= ;/sf/L ;]jfsf] u7g M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] b]zsf] k|zf;g ;~rfng ug{
;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jf / cfjZostf cg';f/ cGo ;+3Lo ;/sf/L
;]jfx¿sf] u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 . To:tf ;]jfx¿sf] u7g, ;~rfng / ;]jfsf
zt{ ;+3Lo P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jf nufot ;j} ;+3Lo ;/sf/L ;]jfdf
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffåf/f kbk"lt{ ubf{ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd v'nf /
;dfg'kflts ;dfj]zL l;4fGtsf cfwf/df x'g]5 .
-#_ k|b]z dlGqkl/ifb, ufpF sfo{kflnsf / gu/ sfo{kflnsfn]
cfˆgf] k|zf;g ;~rfng ug{ cfjZostf cg';f/ sfg"g adf]lhd ljleGg
;/sf/L ;]jfx¿sf] u7g / ;~rfng ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
@*^= lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]u M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;+;bsf
;b:o / k|b]z ;efsf ;b:osf] lgjf{rg ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu lgjf{rg
If]q lgwf{/0f ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n]] b]xfosf cWoIf / ;b:o /x]sf] Ps
lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]usf] u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf] ;]jflgj[Q GofofwLz –cWoIf
-v_ e"uf]nljb Ps hgf – ;b:o
-u_ ;dfhzf:qL jf dfgjzf:qL Ps hgf – ;b:o
-3_ k|zf;gljb jf sfg"gljb Ps hgf – ;b:o

-ª_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ljlzi6 >]0fLsf] clws[t –;b:o ;lrj
-@_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]usf] sfof{jlw To:tf] cfof]u u7g
ubf{sf avt tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]usf]
cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kbdf lgo'Qm x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 ;DalGwt ljifodf sDtLdf
:gfts pkflw k|fKt u/]sf],
-v_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-u_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-$_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]usf cWoIf
jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghnfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifbn] x6fPdf,
-u_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-%_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]un] o; wf/f adf]lhd lgjf{rg If]q
lgwf{/0f ubf{ hg;+Vof / e"uf]nnfO{ k|ltlglwTjsf] cfwf/ dfgL To:tf]
lgjf{rg If]qsf] e"uf]n, hg;+Vof / ;b:o ;+Vof aLrsf] cg'kft
oyf;Dej ;dfg x'g] u/L lgwf{/0f ug]{5 .
-^_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;f] If]qsf]
hg;+Vofsf] 3gTj, ef}uf]lns ljlzi6tf, k|zf;lgs Pj+ oftfoftsf]
;'udtf, ;fd'bflos tyf ;f+:s[lts kIfnfO{ ;d]t Wofg lbg' kg]{5 .
-&_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]uåf/f lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] / k'g/fjnf]sg ul/Psf] ljifodf s'g} cbfntdf k|Zg p7fpg
kfOg] 5}g .
-*_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]un] cfkm"n] ;Dkfbg u/]sf] sfdsf]
k|ltj]bg g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf k]z ug{]5 .
-(_ g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifbn] pkwf/f -*_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bg
;+3Lo ;+;b ;dIf k]z ug{'sf] cltl/Qm sfof{Gjogsf nflu lgjf{rg
cfof]udf k7fpg]5 .

-!)_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfo{ljlw cfkm}+ lgwf{/0f
ug]{5 .
-!!_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds
tyf ;'ljwf qmdzM lgjf{rg cfof]usf k|d'v lgjf{rg cfo'Qm / lgjf{rg
cfo'Qm ;/x x'g]5 .
-!@_ pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ePsf] lgjf{rg If]qsf] k|To]s
aL; jif{df k'g/fjnf]sg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!#_ lgjf{rg If]q lgwf{/0f cfof]unfO{ cfjZos kg]{ sd{rf/L
g]kfn ;/sf/n] pknAw u/fpg]5 .
@*&= efiff cfof]u M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{leq g]kfn
;/sf/n] k|b]zx¿sf] k|ltlglwTj x'g] u/L Ps efiff cfof]usf] u7g
ug{]5 .
-@_ efiff cfof]udf cWoIfsf cltl/Qm cfjZos ;+Vofdf ;b:ox¿
/xg]5g\ .
-#_ efiff cfof]usf cWoIf / ;b:osf] kbfjlw lgo'lQmsf] ldltn]
5 jif{sf] x'g]5 . lghx?sf] k'gM lgo'lQm x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
-$_ b]xfosf] of]Uotf ePsf] JolQm efiff cfof]usf] cWoIf jf
;b:osf] kbdf lgo'Qm x'g of]Uo x'g]5 M–
-s_ dfGotfk|fKt ljZjljBfnoaf6 ;DalGwt ljifodf
:gftsf]Q/ pkflw k|fKt u/]sf],
-v_ g]kfnsf ljleGg efiffx¿sf] ;DaGwdf cWoog, cWofkg,
cg';Gwfg / cGj]if0fsf] If]qdf sDtLdf aL; jif{sf] sfo{
cg'ej ePsf],
-u_ k}+tfln; jif{ pd]/ k"/f ePsf], /
-3_ pRr g}lts rl/q ePsf] .
-%_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf efiff cfof]usf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb
l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghnfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifbn] x6fPdf,
-u_ lghsf] pd]/ k}+;¶L jif{ k"/f ePdf,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-^_ efiff cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd
x'g]5 M–
-s_ ;/sf/L sfdsfhsf] efiffsf ¿kdf dfGotf kfpg k"/f
ug'{kg]{ cfwf/x¿sf] lgwf{/0f u/L g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf
efiffsf] l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-v_ efiffx¿sf] ;+/If0f, ;+jw{g / ljsf;sf nflu cjnDag
ug'{kg]{ pkfox¿sf] g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-u_ dft[efiffx¿sf] ljsf;sf] :t/ dfkg u/L lzIffdf k|of]usf]
;DefJotfsf af/]df g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf ;'emfj k]z ug]{,
-3_ efiffx¿sf] cWoog, cg';Gwfg / cg'udg ug]{ .
-&_ efiff cfof]un] pkwf/f -^_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{
cfof]u u7g ePsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{ leq ;DkGg ug]{5 .
-*_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|b]z ;/sf/;Fu ;dGjo u/L k|b]zdf efiff
cfof]usf] zfvf :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-(_ efiff cfof]usf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tyf sfo{ljlw
;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@**= /fhwfgL M -!_ g]kfnsf] /fhwfgL sf7df8f}+df /xg]5 .
-@_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf k|b]zsf] /fhwfgL ;DalGwt k|b]z
;efdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;b:o ;+Vofsf] b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6 lg0f{o
eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lg0f{o geP;Dd g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]
adf]lhdsf] :yfgaf6 k|b]zsf] sfo{ ;~rfng x'g]5 .
@*(= kbflwsf/Lsf] gful/stf ;DaGwL ljz]if Joj:yf M -!_ /fi6«klt,
pk/fi6«klt, k|wfgdGqL, k|wfg GofofwLz, k|ltlglw ;efsf ;efd'v,
/fli6«o ;efsf cWoIf, k|b]z k|d'v, d'VodGqL, k|b]z ;efsf] ;efd'v /
;'/Iff lgsfosf k|d'vsf] kbdf lgjf{lrt, dgf]gLt jf lgo'lQm x'g
j+zhsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ df plNnlvt kb afx]s cGo ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf]
kbdf o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd lgo'lQmsf] nflu j+zhsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf]

gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] JolQm, g]kfnsf] c+uLs[t gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf]
JolQm jf hGdsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] JolQm ;d]t
of]Uo x'g]5 .
t/ g]kfnsf] c+uLs[t gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] JolQmsf] xsdf
sDtLdf bz jif{, hGdsf] cfwf/df g]kfnsf] gful/stf k|fKt u/]sf] JolQm
/ wf/f !! sf] pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd g]kfnsf] c+uLs[t gful/stf k|fKt
u/]sf] JolQmsf] xsdf sDtLdf kfFr jif{ g]kfndf a;f]af; u/]sf] x'g'
kg]{5 .
@()= u'7L ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ u'7Lsf] d"ne"t dfGotfdf k|lts"n c;/ gkg]{
u/L u'7L hUufdf ef]uflwsf/ e}/x]sf ls;fg Pj+ u'7Lsf] clwsf/sf
;DaGwdf ;+3Lo ;+;bn] cfjZos sfg"g agfpg]5 .
-@_ u'7L ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@(!= lgo'lQmsf nflu of]Uo gx'g] M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljb]zsf] :yfoL cfjf;Lo cg'dltkq lnPsf] g]kfnsf]
gful/s o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd lgjf{rg, dgf]gog jf lgo'lQm x'g] kbdf
lgjf{lrt, dgf]gLt jf lgo'lQmsf] nflu of]Uo x'g] 5}g .
t/ To:tf] ljb]zsf] :yfoL cfjf;Lo cg'dltkq Tofu]sf] JolQmnfO{
sDtLdf tLg dxLgfsf] cjlw Joltt eP kl5 To:tf] kbdf lgjf{lrt,
dgf]gLt jf lgo'Qm ug{ afwf kg{] 5}g .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljb]zsf] :yfoL cfjf;Lo cg'dltkq
lnPsf] g]kfnsf] gful/s ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
@(@= ;+;bLo ;'g'jfO{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;+j}wflgs
kl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df lgo'Qm x'g] k|wfg GofofwLz, ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf
GofofwLz, Gofo kl/ifbsf ;b:o, ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] k|d'v jf
kbflwsf/L / /fhb"tsf] kbdf lgo'lQm x'g' cl3 ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd
;+;bLo ;'g'jfO{ x'g]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu ;+3Lo ;+;bsf b'j} ;bgsf
;b:ox¿ /xg] u/L ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd kGw| ;b:oLo Ps ;+o'Qm
;ldlt u7g ul/g]5 .

-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;+o'Qm ;ldltdf /xg] ;b:on] ;+3Lo
;+;bsf] pQm sfo{sfne/ ;jf{]Rr cbfntdf pkl:yt eO{ ax; k}/aL
ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
@(#= ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] sfd sf/afxLsf] cg'udg M ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf
k|d'v / kbflwsf/L ;+3Lo ;+;bk|lt pQ/bfoL / hjfkmb]xL /xg' kg]{5 .
k|ltlglw ;efsf ;ldltn] /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u afx]ssf cGo
;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] k|ltj]bg nufotsf sfd sf/afxLsf] cg'udg /
d"Nof+sg u/L cfjZos lgb]{zg jf /fo ;Nnfx lbg ;Sg]5 .
@($= ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg M -!_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf
;+j}wflgs lgsfon] cfk"mn] u/]sf] sfd sf/afxLsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg
/fi6«klt ;dIf k]z ug{]5 / /fi6«kltn] k|wfgdGqL dfkm{t To:tf] k|ltj]bg
;+3Lo ;+;b ;dIf k]z ug{ nufpg]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]{
s'/fx¿ ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+j}wflgs
lgsfon] k|To]s k|b]zsf] sfd sf/afxLsf] ;DaGwdf cnu cnu k|ltj]bg
tof/ u/L k|b]z k|d'v ;dIf k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .

;+qmd0fsfnLg Joj:yf
@(%= ;+3Lo cfof]usf] u7g M -!_ k|b]zsf] ;Ldf+sg ;DaGwL ljifodf ;'emfj
lbg g]kfn ;/sf/n] Ps ;+3Lo cfof]u u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ wf/f %^ sf] pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhdsf k|b]zsf] gfds/0f
;DalGwt k|b]z ;efsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6
x'g]5 .
-#_ wf/f %^ sf] pkwf/f -$_ / -%_ adf]lhd lgdf{0f x'g]
ufpFFkflnsf, gu/kflnsf tyf ljz]if, ;+/lIft jf :jfoQ If]qsf] ;+Vof /
;Ldfgf lgwf{/0f ug{sf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] Ps cfof]u u7g ug]{5 .
To:tf] cfof]un] ufpFFkflnsf, gu/kflnsf tyf ljz]if, ;+/lIft jf :jfoQ
If]qsf] ;+Vof / ;Ldfgfsf] lgwf{/0f g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f u/]sf]
dfkb08 adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhdsf] cfof]usf] u7g of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De
ePsf] ldltn] 5 dxLgfleq ul/g]5 . To:tf] cfof]usf] sfof{jlw Ps
jif{sf] x'g]5 .
@(^= ;+ljwfg ;ef Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf ¿kfGt/0f x'g] M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg
k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt sfod /x]sf] ;+ljwfg ;ef of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De
ePkl5 Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf :jtM ¿kfGt/0f x'g]5 / To:tf]
Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] sfo{sfn ;+jt\ @)&$ ;fn df3 & ut];Dd sfod
/xg]5 .
t/ To:tf] sfo{sfn k"/f x'g' cufj} o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf]
k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rg x'g] ePdf To:tf] lgjf{rgsf nflu pDd]bjf/sf]
dgf]gogkq bflvnf ug{] cl3Nnf] lbg;Dd Joj:yflksf–;+;b sfod
/xg]5 .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg hf/L x'Fbfsf avt Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf
ljrf/fwLg /x]sf ljw]osx¿ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–
;+;bdf :jtM ;g]{5g\ .
-#_ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;+;bn] ;Dkfbg ug{' kg{] sfd
o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd k|ltlglw ;efsf] lgjf{rg geP;Dd pkwf/f -!_
adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bn] ug{]5 .

-$_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 k|b]z ;ef u7g geP;Dd
cg';"rL–^ adf]lhdsf] ljifodf sfg"g agfpg] k|b]z ;efsf] clwsf/
pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf /xg]5 . To;/L ag]sf]
sfg"g of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf] k|b]z ;ef u7g ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{kl5
To:tf] k|b]zsf] xsdf lgliqmo x'g]5 .
-%_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avtsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;b
;lrjfno, To;sf dxf;lrj, ;lrj / sd{rf/Lx¿ lghx¿sf] lgo'lQm
x'Fbfsf avtsf] ;]jfsf zt{x¿sf] cwLgdf /xL o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf]
;+3Lo ;+;b ;lrjfnodf sfod x'g]5g\ .
-^_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf]
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]g5 eg] /fi6«kltn] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf]
ldltn] ;ft lbgleq Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] clwj]zg cfXjfg ug]{5 .
To; kl5 /fi6«kltn] ;do ;dodf Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] clwj]zg
cfXjfg ug{]5 .
@(&= /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf
avt sfod /x]sf] /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt o; wf/f adf]lhd csf{]
/fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt lgjf{lrt geP;Dd cf–cfˆgf] kbdf axfn
/xg]5g\ .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf]
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]5 eg] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] /
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]g5 eg] wf/f @(^ sf] pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd
clwj]zg cfXjfg ePsf] ldltn] Ps dxLgfleq /fhgLlts ;xdltsf]
cfwf/df /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg wf/f @(^ sf] pkwf/f -!_
adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bn] ug{]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd ;xdlt sfod x'g g;s]df
Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:osf] ax'dtåf/f
/fi6«klt / pk/fi6«kltsf] lgjf{rg ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd lgjf{lrt /fi6«klt jf
pk/fi6«kltsf]] kb s'g} sf/0fn] l/Qm ePdf ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] u7g
geP;Dd o;} wf/f adf]lhd Joj:yflksf–;+;baf6 /fi6«klt jf
pk/fi6«kltsf]] lgjf{rg ul/g]5 .

-%_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgjf{lrt /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«kltsf]
kbfjlw wf/f ^@ adf]lhdsf] lgjf{rs d08naf6 csf{] /fi6«klt jf
pk/fi6«klt lgjf{lrt eO{ sfo{ef/ g;Dxfn];Dd sfod /xg]5 .
-^_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgjf{lrt /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«kltsf] kb
b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf l/Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ /fi6«kltn] pk/fi6«klt ;dIf / pk/fi6«kltn] /fi6«klt ;dIf
lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ lghsf] lj?4 pkwf/f -&_ adf]lhd dxfleof]usf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf,
-u_ wf/f ^@ adf]lhdsf] lgjf{rs d08naf6 csf{] /fi6«klt jf
pk/fi6«klt lgjf{lrt eO{ sfo{ef/ ;Dxfn]df,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-&_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgjf{lrt /fi6«klt jf pk/fi6«kltn] of]
;+ljwfg / sfg"gsf] uDeL/ pNn+3g u/]sf] cf/f]kdf wf/f @(^ sf]
pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{
;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf Ps rf}yfO ;b:on] lghsf] lj?4 dxfleof]usf]
k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;Sg]5g . To:tf] k|:tfj Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf tTsfn
sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t
ePdf lgh kbd'Qm x'g]5 .
@(*= dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf
avt sfod /x]sf] dlGqkl/ifb pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] dlGqkl/ifb u7g
geP ;Dd sfod /xg]5 .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf]
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]5 eg] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] /
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]g5 eg] wf/f @(^ sf] pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd
cfXjfg ul/Psf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] clwj]zg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn]
;ft lbgleq /fhgLlts ;xdltsf cfwf/df k|wfgdGqLsf] lgjf{rg
;DkGg u/L lghsf] cWoIftfdf dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd ;xdlt sfod x'g g;s]df
Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf]
ax'dtsf] cfwf/df k|wfgdGqL lgjf{lrt x'g]5 .

-$_ o; wf/f adf]lhd u7g x'g] dlGqkl/ifbsf] ;+/rgf / sfo{
ljefhg cfk;L ;xdltaf6 to ul/g]5 .
-%_ o; wf/f adf]lhd u7g x'g] dlGqkl/ifbdf cfjZostf cg';f/
pk–k|wfgdGqL / cGo dGqLx¿ /xg]5g\ .
-^_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] pkwf/f -%_ adf]lhd
dGqL lgo'lQm ubf{ ;DalGwt bnsf] l;kmfl/;df Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf
;b:ox¿ dWo]af6 lgo'lQm ug'{ kg{]5 .
-&_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqL / cGo dGqLx¿
Joj:yflksf–;+;bk|lt ;fd"lxs ¿kdf pQ/bfoL x'g]5g\ / dGqLx¿
cfˆgf dGqfnosf] sfdsf nflu JolQmut ¿kdf k|wfgdGqL /
Joj:yflksf–;+;bk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g]5g\ .
-*_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqL
cfˆgf] kbaf6 d'Qm x'g]5 M–
-s_ lghn] /fi6«klt ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ pkwf/f -!$_ adf]lhd lghsf] lj?4 cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj
kfl/t ePdf jf ljZjf;sf] k|:tfj kfl/t x'g g;s]df,
-u_ lgh Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] ;b:o g/x]df,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-(_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm pk–k|wfgdGqL, dGqL, /fHo dGqL
tyf ;xfos dGqL b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf cfˆgf] kbaf6 d'Qm x'g]5g\ M–
-s_ lghn] k|wfgdGqL ;dIf lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ pkwf/f -*_ adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL cfˆgf] kbaf6 d'Qm ePdf,
-u_ ;DalGwt bnsf] l;kmfl/;df jf ;DalGwt bn;Fusf]
;Nnfxdf k|wfgdGqLn] lghnfO{ kbd'Qm u/]df,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-!)_ pkwf/f -*_ adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL cfˆgf] kbaf6 d'Qm eP
klg csf]{ dlGqkl/ifb u7g geP;Dd ;f]xL dlGqkl/ifbn] sfo{ ;~rfng
u/L /xg]5 .

-!!_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLsf] d[To' ePdf csf{]
k|wfgdGqLsf] rog geP;Ddsf nflu pk–k|wfgdGqL jf jl/i7td
dGqLn] k|wfgdGqLsf] ¿kdf sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{5 .
-!@_ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqLn] s'g} klg avt
cfk"mdfly Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] ljZjf; 5 eGg] s'/f :ki6 ug{ cfjZos
jf pko'Qm 7fg]df ljZjf;sf] dtsf nflu Joj:yflksf–;+;b ;dIf
k|:tfj /fVg ;Sg]5 .
-!#_ Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf Ps
rf}yfO ;b:on] o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm k|wfgdGqL pk/ Joj:yflksf–
;+;bsf] ljZjf; 5}g egL lnlvt ¿kdf cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k]z ug{
;Sg]5g\ .
t/ o; wf/f adf]lhd lgo'Qm Pp6} k|wfgdGqL pk/ 5 dxLgfdf
Ps k6seGbf a9L cljZjf;sf] k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-!$_ pkwf/f -!@_ jf -!#_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfjsf] lg0f{o
Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf]
ax'dtaf6 x'g]5 .
-!%_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf] k|b]z
dlGqkl/ifbsf] u7g geP;Dd k|b]zsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ g]kfn
;/sf/n] k|of]u ug]{5 .
@((= ;efd'v / pk;efd'v ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf
avt sfod /x]sf Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf ;efd'v / pk;efd'v o; wf/f
adf]lhd csf{] ;efd'v / pk;efd'v lgjf{lrt geP;Dd cf–cfˆgf]
kbdf axfn /xg]5g\ .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf]
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]5 eg] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] /
clwj]zg rln/x]sf] /x]g5 eg] wf/f @(^ sf] pkwf/f -^_ adf]lhd
clwj]zg cfXjfg ePsf] ldltn] aL; lbgleq Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf
;b:ox¿n] cfkm"dWo]af6 /fhgLlts ;xdltsf] cfwf/df Pshgf ;efd'v
/ Pshgf pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg ug{]5g\ .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;xdlt sfod x'g g;s]df
Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf tTsfn sfod /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] ax'dt
k|fKt ug]{ Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] ;b:o Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] ;efd'v jf
pk;efd'v kbdf lgjf{lrt ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd lgjf{rg ubf{ ;efd'v /
pk;efd'v Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf k|ltlglwTj ug{] cnu–cnu /fhgLlts
bnaf6 k|ltlglwTj ug{] ;b:o x'g' kg{]5 .
-%_ ;efd'v jf pk;efd'vn] o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd cfˆgf] sfo{
;Dkfbg ubf{ s'g} klg /fhgLlts bnsf] kIf jf ljkIfdf g/xL t6:y
JolQmsf] x}l;otn] ug{]5 .
-^_ b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf ;efd'v jf pk;efd'vsf] kb l/Qm
-s_ lghn] lnlvt /fhLgfdf lbPdf,
-v_ Joj:yflksf–;+;bdf lghsf] ;b:otf g/x]df,
-u_ lghn] kb cg's"nsf] cfr/0f u/]sf] 5}g eGg] k|:tfj
Joj:yflksf ;+;bsf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o ;+Vofsf] sDtLdf b'O{
ltxfO ;b:osf] ax'dtaf6 kfl/t ePdf,
-3_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
-&_ Joj:yflksf ;+;bsf] ;efd'vn] kb cg's"nsf] cfr/0f
u/]sf] 5}g eGg] k|:tfj pk/ 5nkmn x'g] a}7ssf] cWoIftf pk;efd'v
jf cGo s'g} ;b:on] ug{]5 / To:tf] k|:tfjsf] 5nkmndf ;efd'vn] efu
lng / dt lbg kfpg]5 .
-*_ ;efd'v / pk;efd'vsf] lgjf{rg ;DaGwL cGo k|lqmof /
;efd'v jf pk;efd'vn] kb cg's"nsf] cfr/0f gu/]sf] eGg] k|:tfj k]z
ug]{ / kfl/t ug]{ k|lqmof tTsfn k|rlnt Joj:yflksf–;+;bsf] lgodfjnL
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#))= Gofokflnsf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt
sfod /x]sf ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ;+ljwfg ;ef cbfnt, k'g/fj]bg cbfnt /
lhNnf cbfntx¿ o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf] Gofokflnsfsf] ;+/rgf tof/
geP;Dd sfod /xg]5g\ . of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'g' cl3 To:tf cbfntdf
bfo/ ePsf d'2fx¿ / of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 bfo/ x'g] d'2fx¿ tt\
tt\ cbfntaf6 lg¿k0f ug{ o; ;+ljwfgn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt ;jf{]Rr cbfnt, k'g/fj]bg
cbfnt / lhNnf cbfntdf axfn /x]sf ;jf{]Rr cbfntsf k|wfg
GofofwLz jf GofofwLz, k'g/fj]bg cbfntsf d'Vo GofofwLz, GofofwLz

/ lhNnf cbfntsf GofofwLz o;} ;+ljwfg adf]lhd lgo'Qm ePsf]
dflgg]5 .
-#_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{leq ;+3Lo sfg"g
adf]lhd wf/f !#( adf]lhdsf pRr cbfntsf] :yfkgf ul/g]5 . To:tf]
cbfntsf] :yfkgf ePkl5 of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt sfod /x]sf]
k'g/fj]bg cbfnt lj36g x'g]5 .
-$_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd pRr cbfnt :yfkgf ePkl5 k'g/fj]bg
cbfntdf ljrf/fwLg /x]sf d'2fx¿ g]kfn ;/sf/n] Gofokl/ifbsf]
k/fdz{df g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] pRr cbfntdf
;g{]5g\ .
-%_ pkwf/f -#_ adf]lhd pRr cbfnt :yfkgf ePkl5
Gofokl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df k|wfg GofofwLzn] of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf
avt axfn /x]sf k'g/fj]bg cbfntsf d'Vo GofofwLz /
GofofwLzx¿nfO{ pRr cbfntsf] d'Vo GofofwLz / GofofwLzdf
kb:yfkg ug{]5 .
-^_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt axfn /x]sf k'g/fj]bg
cbfntsf cltl/Qm GofofwLzx¿ lgo'lQm x'Fbf tf]lsPsf] cjlw;Dd axfn
/xg ;Sg]5g\ .
-&_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt cbfnt afx]s cGo lgsfodf
ljrf/fwLg /x]sf Ps jif{eGbf a9L s}b ;hfo x'g] kmf}hbf/L s;"/
;DaGwL d'2f of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De ePkl5 ;DalGwt lhNnf cbfntdf
;g{]5g\ .
#)!= ;+j}wflgs lgsfo / kbflwsf/L ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De
x'Fbfsf avt sfod /x]sf / o; ;+ljwfgdf Joj:yf ePsf ;+j}wflgs
lgsfo o;} ;+ljwfg adf]lhd u7g ePsf] dflgg]5 / To:tf lgsfodf
ljrf/fwLg /x]sf ljifonfO{ of] ;+ljwfgsf] cwLgdf /xL km5\f}{6 ug{ afwf
k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt axfn /x]sf ;+j}wflgs
lgsfosf k|d'v jf kbflwsf/L o;} ;+ljwfg adf]lhd lgo'Qm ePsf]
dflgg]5 / lgh lgo'Qm x'Fbfsf avtsf] ;]jfsf] zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL
cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /xg]5 .
-#_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg
cfof]u / nf]s ;]jf cfof]udf o; ;+ljwfgdf pNn]v ePsf] ;+Vof eGbf
a9L ;+Vofdf sfo{/t kbflwsf/L lgh lgo'Qm x'Fbfsf avtsf] ;]jfsf]
zt{sf] cwLgdf /xL cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /xg]5 .
#)@= k|b]z / :yfgLo txdf ;/sf/L ;]jfx¿sf] u7g / ;~rfng M -!_ k|b]z /
:yfgLo txdf cfjZos ;]jf k|jfx ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos
Joj:yf ug{]5 .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yf ubf{ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De
x'Fbfsf avt ;/sf/L ;]jfdf sfo{/t /fi6«;]js sd{rf/LnfO{ g]kfn
;/sf/n] sfg"g adf]lhd ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txdf ;dfof]hg u/L ;]jf
k|jfxsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg ;Sg]5 .
#)#= :yfgLo lgsfo ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt
sfod /x]sf :yfgLo lgsfox¿ of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhd :yfgLo txsf]
;+Vof / If]q lgwf{/0f geP;Dd sfod /xg]5g\ .
-@_ pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhd sfod /x]sf :yfgLo lgsfosf
kbflwsf/Lsf] lgjf{rg sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkwf/f -@_ adf]lhd lgjf{lrt :yfgLo lgsfosf
kbflwsf/Lx¿ of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhd :yfgLo txsf] lgjf{rg geP;Dd
sfod /xg]5g\ .
#)$= jt{dfg sfg"g nfu" /xg] M -!_ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt sfod
/x]sf g]kfn sfg"g vf/]h jf ;+zf]wg geP;Dd nfu" /xg]5g\ .
t/ of] ;+ljwfg;Fu aflemPsf] sfg"g of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf]
;+3Lo ;+;bsf] klxnf] clwj]zg a;]sf] ldltn] Ps jif{kl5 aflemPsf]
xb;Dd :jtM cdfGo x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# adf]lhdsf zflGt k|lqmof
;DaGwL sfo{x¿ o;} ;+ljwfg adf]lhd eP u/]sf] dflgg]5 .
#)%= afwf c8\sfp k'msfpg] clwsf/ M of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;+3Lo ;+;bsf]
lgjf{rg eO{ To;sf] klxnf] clwj]zg k|f/De geP;Dd of] ;+ljwfgsf]
sfof{Gjog ug{ s'g} afwf c8\sfp k/]df /fi6«kltn] g]kfn ;/sf/,
dlGqkl/ifbsf] l;kmfl/;df To:tf] afwf c8\sfp k'msfpg cfjZos cfb]z
hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 . To:tf] cfb]z hf/L eP kl5 tTsfn a;]sf]
Joj:yflksf–;+;b jf ;+3Lo ;+;b ;dIf cg'df]bgsf nflu k]z ug{'
kg{]5 .

Kfl/efiff / JofVof
#)^= kl/efiff / JofVof M -!_ ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o;
-s_ æcNk;+VosÆ eGgfn] ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd lgwf{l/t
k|ltzt eGbf sd hg;+Vof /x]sf hftLo, eflifs / wfld{s
;d"x ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] cfˆg} hftLo, wfld{s /
eflifs ljlzi6tf ePsf], To;nfO{ arfO{ /fVg] cfsf+Iff
/x]sf, lje]b / pTkL8g ef]u]sf ;d"x ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-v_ æsfg"gÆ eGgfn] ;+3Lo sfg"g, k|b]z sfg"g / :yfgLo
sfg"g ;Demg' k5{ .
-u_ æwf/fÆ eGgfn] o; ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f ;Demg' k5{ .
-3_ ægu/kflnsfÆ eGgfn] dxfgu/kflnsf /
pkdxfgu/kflnsf ;d]t ;Demg' k5{ .
-ª_ ægful/sÆ eGgfn] g]kfnsf] gful/s ;Demg' k5{ .
-r_ æk|b]zÆ eGgfn] o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd ;+3Lo OsfOdf
ljefhg ul/Psf] g]kfnsf] ;+3Lo OsfOsf] If]q / :j¿k
;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ ækfl/>ldsÆ eGgfn] tna, eQf / cGo s'g} lsl;dsf]
kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf ;d]t ;Demg' k5{ .
-h_ æ/fHozlQmÆ eGgfn] /fHosf] sfo{kflnsf, Joj:yflksf /
Gofokflnsf ;DaGwL clwsf/ ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn]
cjlzi6 clwsf/ ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-em_ æljw]osÆ eGgfn] ;+3Lo ;+;b jf k|b]z ;efdf k]z ePsf]
;+ljwfg ;+zf]wg jf P]gsf] d:of}bf ;Demg' k5{ .
-`_ æ;+3Æ eGgfn] ;+3Lo ;+/rgfsf] ;a}eGbf dflyNnf] OsfOsf]
¿kdf /xg] ;+3Lo tx ;Demg' k5{ .
-6_ æ;+3Lo OsfOÆ eGgfn] ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx ;Demg'
k5{ .

-7_ æ;+j}wflgs lgsfoÆ eGgfn] o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd u7g
ul/Psf clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u, dxfn]vf
k/LIfs, nf]s;]jf cfof]u, lgjf{rg cfof]u, /fli6«o dfgj
clwsf/ cfof]u, /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]u,
/fli6«o dlxnf cfof]u, /fli6«o blnt cfof]u, /fli6«o
;dfj]zL cfof]u, cflbjf;L hghflt cfof]u, dw]zL cfof]u,
yf¿ cfof]u / d'l:nd cfof]u ;Demg' k5{ .
-8_ æ;LdfGtLs[tÆ eGgfn] /fhgLlts, cfly{s / ;fdflhs
¿kn] k5fl8 kfl/Psf, lje]b / pTkL8g tyf ef}uf]lns
ljs6tfsf] sf/0fn] ;]jf ;'ljwfsf] pkef]u ug{ g;s]sf jf
To;af6 jl~rt /x]sf ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhdsf] dfgj
ljsf;sf] :t/ eGbf Go"g l:yltdf /x]sf ;d'bfo ;Demg'
k5{ / ;f] zAbn] clt;LdfGtLs[t / nf]kf]Gd'v ;d'bfo
;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-9_ æ:yfgLo txÆ eGgfn] o; ;+ljwfg adf]lhd :yfkgf x'g]
ufpFFkflnsf, gu/kflnsf / lhNnf ;efnfO{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-@_ ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; ;+ljwfgdf JoQm
ePsf s'/fx¿sf] cwLgdf /xL sfg"gsf] JofVof ;DaGwL sfg"gL Joj:yf
g]kfn sfg"gsf] JofVofdf nfu" eP ;/x o; ;+ljwfgsf] JofVofdf klg
nfu" x'g]5 .

;+lIfKt gfd, k|f/De / vf/]hL
#)&= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; ;+ljwfgnfO{ æg]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgÆ
elgg]5 .
-@_ of] ;+ljwfg ;+jt\ b'O{ xhf/ axQ/ ;fn c;f]h dxLgfsf] tLg
ut]b]lv k|f/De x'g]5 .
#)*= vf/]hL M g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# vf/]h ul/Psf] 5 .

-wf/f * sf] pkwf/f -@_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08f

g]kfnsf] /fli6«o em08f agfpg] t/Lsf

-s_ lsgf/fleqsf] cfsf/ agfpg] t/Lsf

-!_ Pp6f l;ld|s /+usf] /ftf] sk8fdf tNnf] efudf rflxPsf] hlt
nDafOsf] /]vf afofFaf6 bflxg]lt/ lvRg] / o;nfO{ s v gfd
/fVg] .
-@_ s af6 ;Lwf dfly u ;Dd s v sf] nDafO hltdf s v s}
t[tLof+z yKbf hlt x'G5 Tolt nfdf] x'g] u/L s u /]vf lvRg] .

s u df s af6 s v sf] nDafO hlt lnO{ 3 lrgf] nufpg] .
v / 3 hf]8\g] .
-#_ v 3 /]vfdf v af6 s v hlt lnO{ ª lrgf] nfpg] .
-$_ ª x'Fb} s v sf] ;dfgfGt/ kf/]/ s u df kg]{ laGb' r af6 z'?
u/L bflxg]lt/ 5 ;Dd s v sf] nDafO hlt /]vf lvRg] .
-%_ u / 5 nfO{ hf]8\g] .
-v_ rGb| agfpg] t/Lsf
-^_ s v sf] rt'yf{+z hlt s af6 bflxg]df h lrgf] nfpg] /
ToxfFaf6 dfly s u sf] ;dfgfGt/ kf/]/ u 5 nfO{ em df 5'g]
/]vf lvRg] .
-&_ u r sf] cfwf ` af6 s v sf] ;dfgfGt/ kf/]/ /]vf bfofFlt/
lvrL u 5 nfO{ 6 df 5'g] .
-*_ ` 6 / h em /]vf sfl6Psf] 7fpFdf 7 lrgf] /fVg] .
-(_ ` / 5 hf]8\g] .
-!)_ ` 5 / h em sfl6Psf] laGb'df 8 lrgf] nfpg] .
-!!_ 8 nfO{ s]Gb| dfgL v 3 /]vfnfO{ Go"gtd cGt/ kg]{ u/L :kz{
ubf{ x'g] hlt b"/L kg]{ u/L h em /]vfsf] tNnf] efudf 9 lrgf]
nufpg] .
-!@_ 8 df 5f]O{ s v sf] ;dfgfGt/ /]vf afofFaf6 bfofFlt/ lvRg] /
o;n] s u nfO{ 5f]Psf] laGb'sf] gfd 0f /fVg] .
-!#_ 7 s]Gb| lnP/ 7 9 Jof;f4{n] tNnf] efudf j[Q v08 lvRg] / 0f
8 af6 uPsf] /]vfnfO{ o;n] 5f]Psf] b'j} 7fpFdf qmdzM t / y
gfd /fVg] .
-!$_ 8 nfO{ s]Gb| dfgL 8 y Jof;f4{n] tNnf] efudf cw{ j[Qfsf/ t
y nfO{ 5'g] u/L lvRg] .
-!%_ 9 s]Gb| dfgL 9 8 sf] Jof;f4{n] t 9 y j[Q v08sf] b'j}tkm{
5'g] u/L j[Q v08 lvRg] / o;n] t 9 y nfO{ 5f]Psf]
ljGb'x¿sf] gfd qmdzM b / w /fVg] . b w nfO{ hf]8\g] . b 9 /
h em sfl6Psf] ljGb'sf] gfd g /fVg] .

-!^_ g nfO{ s]Gb| dfg]/ Jof;f4{ g w n] t 9 y sf] dflyNnf] efudf
b'j} 7fpFdf 5'g] u/L cw{ j[Qfsf/ lvRg] .
-!&_ g nfO{ s]Gb| dfg]/ Jof;f4{ g 8 n] t 9 y sf] dflyNnf]
efudf b'j} 7fpFdf 5'g] u/L j[Q v08 lvRg] .
-!*_ o; cg';"rLsf] g+= -!^_ sf] cw{ j[Qfsf/ leq / g+= -!&_ sf]
j[Q v08 aflx/ rGb|dfsf] cf7j6f a/fa/sf sf]0f agfpg] .
-u_ ;"o{ agfpg] t/Lsf
-!(_ s r sf] cfwf k af6 s v sf] ;dfgfGt/ kf/]/ v ª df 5'g] u/L
k km /]vf lvRg] .
-@)_ h em / k km sfl6Psf] ljGb' a s]Gb| dfg]/ 8 9 sf] Jof;f4{n]
j[Qfsf/ k"/f lvRg] .
-@!_ a nfO{ s]Gb| dfg]/ 7 9 Jof;f4{n] j[Qfsf/ k"/f lvRg] .
-@@_ of] cg';"rLsf] g+= -@)_ sf] j[Qfsf/ aflx/ / of] cg';"rLsf] g+= -
@!_ sf] j[Qfsf/leq k/]sf] uf]n 3]/fsf] aLr efudf ;"o{sf]
afx|j6f a/fa/sf sf]0fx¿ b'O{ r'Rrfx¿n] h em /]vfdf 5'g] u/L
agfpg] .
-3_ lsgf/f agfpg] t/Lsf
-@#_ g 9 sf] rf}8fO hlt uf9f gLnf] /+usf] lsgf/f em08fsf] cfsf/sf]
aflx/L ;a}lt/sf] ;Ldfdf yKg], t/ em08fsf] kfFr sf]0fx¿df rflx+
aflx/L sf]0fx¿ klg leq} ;/xsf agfpg] .
-@$_ em08f 8f]/L nufO{ k|of]u u/]df dfly atfOPs} k§L /fVg] . em08f
n6\7Ldf 3';fg]{ xf] eg] s u kl§ cfjZos k/] hlt lsgf/f
rf}8\ofpg] . 8f]/L jf n6\7Lsf] k|of]udf s u sf] k§Ldf Kjfn /fVg]
:ki6Ls/0f M em08f agfpFbf lvlrPsf h em b w, r ª, ª 3, `
5, 0f y, ` 6 / k km /]vfx¿ slNkt x'g\ . To:t} ;"o{sf aflx/L /
leqL j[Qfsf/x¿ tyf v'k]{ rGb| afx]s c? j[Q v08 klg slNkt
x'g\ . lognfO{ em08fdf b]vfOFb}g .
b|i6Jo M /fli6«o em08fsf] cfsf/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgwf{/0f u/]
adf]lhd x'g]5 .

-wf/f ( sf] pkwf/f -!_ ;F+u ;DalGwt_

g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ufg

;of+} y'Fuf km"nsf xfdL Pp6} dfnf g]kfnL

;fj{ef}d eO{ km}lnPsf d]rL–dxfsfnL .
k|s[ltsf sf]6Lsf]6L ;Dkbfsf] cfFrn
jL/x¿sf /utn] :jtGq / c6n
1fge"ld zflGte"ld t/fO{ kxf8 lxdfn
cv08 of] Kof/f] xfd|f] dft[e"ld g]kfn
ax'n hflt efiff wd{ ;+:s[lt 5g\ ljzfn
cu|ufdL /fi6« xfd|f] ho ho g]kfn .

-wf/f ( sf] pkwf/f -@_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

g]kfnsf] lgzfg 5fk

b|i6Jo M of] lgzfg 5fk cfjZostf cg';f/ 7"nf] jf ;fgf] cfsf/sf]

agfpg ;lsg]5 . To;df g]kfn ;/sf/af6 lgwf{l/t /+usf]
k|of]u x'g]5 .

-wf/f %^ sf] pkwf/f -#_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
k|b]z / ;DalGwt k|b]zdf /xg] lhNnfx¿

k|b]z g+= ! k|b]z g+= @

1= tfKn]h'ª 1. ;Kt/L
2= kfFry/ 2. l;/fxf
3= Onfd 3. wg'iff
4= ;+v'jf;ef 4. dxf]Q/L
5= t]x|y'd 5. ;nf{xL
6= wgs'6f 6. /f}tx6
7= ef]hk'/ 7. af/f
8= vf]6fª 8. k;f{
9= ;f]n'v'Da'

10= cf]vn9'+uf

11= pbok'/

12= emfkf

13= df]/ª

14= ;'g;/L

k|b]z g+= # k|b]z g+= $
1. bf]nvf 1. uf]/vf
2. /fd]5fk 2. ndh'ª
3. l;Gw'nL 3. tgx'F
4. sfe|]knf~rf]s 4. sf:sL
5. l;Gw'kfNrf]s 5. dgfª
6. /;'jf 6. d':tfª
7. g'jfsf]6 7. kj{t
8. wflbª 8. :ofªhf
9. lrtjg 9. DofUbL
10. dsjfgk'/ 10. afUn'ª
11. eQmk'/ 11. gjnk/f;L
12. nlntk'/ -ab{3f6 ;':tf k"j{_
13. sf7df8f}+

k|b]z g+= % k|b]z g+= ^
1= gjnk/f;L -ab{3f6 ;':tf 1= ?s'd -klZrd efu_
klZrd_ 2= ;Nofg
2= ¿kGb]xL 3= 8f]Nkf
3= slkna:t' 4= h'Dnf
4= kfNkf 5= d'u'
5= c3f{vfFrL 6= x'Dnf
6= u'NdL 7= sflnsf]6
7= ?s'd -k"jL{ efu_ 8= hfh/sf]6
8= /f]Nkf 9= b}nv]
9= Ko"7fg 10= ;'v{]t
10= bfª
11= afFs]
12= alb{of
k|b]z g+= &
1= afh'/f
2= aemfª
3= 8f]6L
4= c5fd
5= bfr{'nf
6= a}t8L
7= 88]Nw'/f
8= s~rgk'/
9= s}nfnL

-wf/f %& sf] pkwf/f -!_ / wf/f !)( ;Fu ;DalGwt_
;+3sf] clwsf/sf] ;"rL
qm=;+= ljifox¿
! /Iff / ;]gf ;DaGwL
-s_ /fli6«o Pstf / ef}uf]lns cv08tfsf] ;+/If0f
-v_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff ;DaGwL
@ o'4 / k|lt/Iff
# xftxltof/, v/vhfgf sf/vfgf tyf pTkfbg ;DaGwL
$ s]Gb|Lo k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an, /fli6«o u'Ktr/ tyf cg';Gwfg,
zflGt ;'/Iff
% s]Gb|Lo of]hgf, s]Gb|Lo a}+s, ljQLo gLlt, d'b|f / a}+lsª\u, df}lb|s
gLlt, ljb]zL cg'bfg, ;xof]u / C0f
^ k//fi6« tyf s"6gLlts dfldnf, cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw / ;+o'Qm
/fi6«;+3 ;DaGwL
& cGt/f{li6«o ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf, ;'k'b{uL, kf/:kl/s sfg"gL ;xfotf /
cGt/f{li6«o ;Ldf, cGt/f{li6«o ;Ldf gbL,
* b"/;~rf/, /]l8of] lk|mSj]G;Lsf] afF8kmfF8, /]l8of], 6]lnlehg / x'nfs
( eG;f/, cGtMz'Ns, d"No clej[l4 s/, ;+:yfut cfos/, JolQmut
cfos/, kfl/>lds s/, /fxbfgL z'Ns, le;f z'Ns, ko{6g b:t'/,
;]jf z'Ns b:t'/, b08 hl/afgf
!) ;+3Lo lghfdtL ;]jf, Gofo ;]jf / cGo ;/sf/L ;]jf
!! hn;|f]tsf] ;+/If0f / ax'cfoflds pkof]u ;DaGwL gLlt / dfkb08
!@ cGt/b]zLo tyf cGt/k|b]z ljB't k|;f/0f nfOg
!# s]Gb|Lo tYof+s -/fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o dfgs / u'0f:t/_
!$ s]Gb|Lo :t/sf 7"nf ljB't, l;+rfO / cGo cfof]hgf tyf kl/of]hgf

!% s]Gb|Lo ljZjljBfno, s]Gb|Lo:t/sf k|1f k|lti7fg, ljZjljBfno
dfkb08 / lgodg, s]Gb|Lo k':tsfno
!^ :jf:Yo gLlt, :jf:Yo ;]jf, :jf:Yo dfkb08, u'0f:t/ / cg'udg,
/fli6«o jf ljlzi6 ;]jf k|bfos c:ktfn, k/Dk/fut pkrf/ ;]jf,
;?jf /f]u lgoGq0f
!& ;+3Lo ;+;b, ;+3Lo sfo{kflnsf, :yfgLo tx ;DaGwL dfldnf,
ljz]if ;+/rgf
!* cGt/f{li6«o Jofkf/, ljlgdo, aGb/ufx, Sjf/]G6fOg
!( xjfO{ p8\8og, cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yn
@) /fli6«o oftfoft gLlt, /]n tyf /fli6«o nf]sdfu{sf] Joj:yfkg
@! ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, pRr cbfnt, lhNnf cbfnt tyf Gofo k|zf;g
;DaGwL sfg"g
@@ gful/stf, /fxbfgL, le;f, cWofudg
@# cf0fljs pmhf{, jfo'd08n / cGtl/If ;DaGwL
@$ af}l4s ;DklQ -k]6]G6, l8hfOg, 6]«8dfs{ / k|ltlnlk clwsf/ ;d]t_
@% gfk–tf}n
@^ vfgL pTvgg
@& /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o jftfj/0f Joj:yfkg, /fli6«o lgs'~h,
jGohGt' cf/If tyf l;d;f/ If]q, /fli6«o jg gLlt, sfa{g ;]jf
@* aLdf gLlt, lwtf]kq, ;xsf/L lgodg
@( e"pkof]u gLlt, a:tL ljsf; gLlt, ko{6g gLlt, jftfj/0f cg's"ng
#) kmf}hbf/L, b]jfgL sfg"gsf] lgdf{0f
#! ;'/lIft 5fkfvfgf
#@ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff / u/LaL lgjf/0f
## ;+j}wflgs lgsfox¿, /fli6«o dxTjsf cfof]ux¿
#$ k'/ftflTjs dxTjsf :yfg / k|frLg :df/s
#% ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] clwsf/sf] ;"rLdf jf ;femf ;"rLdf
pNn]v gePsf] s'g} ljifo tyf of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"gdf
gtf]lsPsf] ljifo

-wf/f %& sf] pkwf/f -@_, wf/f !^@ sf] pkwf/f -$_, wf/f !(&, wf/f @#! sf]
pkwf/f -#_, wf/f @#@ sf] pkwf/f -&_, wf/f @&$ sf] pkwf/f -$_ / wf/f @(^
sf] pkwf/f -$_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

k|b]zsf] clwsf/sf] ;"rL

qm=;+= ljifox¿
1. k|b]z k|x/L k|zf;g / zflGt ;'/Iff
2. g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] gLlt cg'?k ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] ;~rfng,
;xsf/L ;+:yf, s]Gb|sf] ;xdltdf j}b]lzs cg'bfg / ;xof]u
3. /]l8of], Pkm= Pd, 6]lnlehg ;~rfng
4. 3/ hUuf /lhi6«]zg z'Ns, ;jf/L ;fwg s/, dgf]/~hg s/,
lj1fkg s/, ko{6g, s[lif cfodf s/, ;]jf z'Ns b:t'/, b08
5. k|b]z lghfdtL ;]jf / cGo ;/sf/L ;]jf
6. k|b]z tYof+s
7. k|b]z :t/sf] ljB't, l;rfO / vfg]kfgL ;]jf, kl/jxg
8. k|b]z ljZjljBfno, pRr lzIff, k':tsfno, ;+u|xfno
9. :jf:Yo ;]jf
10. k|b]z ;ef, k|b]z dlGqkl/ifb ;DaGwL
11. k|b]zleqsf] Jofkf/
12. k|b]z nf]sdfu{
13. k|b]z cg';Gwfg Ao'/f]
14. k|b]z ;/sf/L sfof{nox¿sf] ef}lts Joj:yfkg / cGo cfjZos
15. k|b]z nf]s ;]jf cfof]u
16. e"ld Joj:yfkg, hUufsf] clen]v
17. vfgL cGj]if0f / Joj:yfkg
18. efiff, lnlk, ;+:s[lt, nlntsnf / wd{sf] ;+/If0f / k|of]u
19. k|b]zleqsf] /fli6«o jg, hn pkof]u tyf jftfj/0f Joj:yfkg
20. s[lif tyf kz' ljsf;, snsf/vfgf, cf}Bf]lusLs/0f, Jofkf/
Joj;fo, oftfoft,
21. u'7L Joj:yfkg

-wf/f %& sf] pkwf/f -#_, wf/f !)(, wf/f !^@ sf] pkwf/f -$_, wf/f !(& ;Fu
;+3 / k|b]zsf] ;femf clwsf/sf] ;"rL
qm=;+= ljifox¿
1. kmf}hbf/L tyf b]jfgL sfo{ljlw / k|df0f / zky -sfg"gL dfGotf,
;fj{hlgs sfo{ / clen]v / Goflos k|lqmof_
2. cfjZos j:t' tyf ;]jfsf] cfk"lt{, ljt/0f, d"No lgoGq0f, u'0f:t/ /
3. b]zsf] ;'/Iff;Fu ;DalGwt ljifodf lgjf/s gh/aGb, sf/fuf/ tyf
lx/f;t Joj:yfkg / zflGt ;'/Iffsf] Joj:yf
4. Ps k|b]zaf6 csf]{ k|b]zdf cleo'Qm, y'g'jf / s}bLsf] :yfgfGt/0f
5. kfl/jfl/s dfldnf -ljjfx, ;DklQ x:tfGt/0f, ;DaGw ljR5]b,
nf]kf]Gd'v, 6'x'/f, wd{k'q, wd{k'qL pQ/flwsf/ / ;+o'Qm kl/jf/_
;DaGwL sfg"g
6. ;DklQ k|flKt, clwu|x0f / clwsf/sf] ;[hgf
7. s/f/, ;xsf/L, ;fem]bf/L / Ph]G;L ;DaGwL
8. 6f6 kN6]sf] / bfdf;fxL ;DaGwL
9. cf}iflw / ljifflb
10. of]hgf, kl/jf/ lgof]hg / hg;+Vof Joj:yfkg
11. ;fdflhs ;'/Iff / /f]huf/L, 6«]8 o'lgog, cf}Bf]lus ljjfbsf]
;dfwfg, >ldssf xs, clwsf/ / ljjfb ;DaGwL sfo{
12. sfg"g Joj;fo, n]vfk/LIf0f, OlGhlgol/ª, lrlsT;f, cfo'j{]b
lrlsT;f, kz' lrlsT;f, cfDrL / cGo k]zf
13. k|b]z ;Ldf gbL, hndfu{, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f, h}ljs ljljwtf

14. ;~rf/ dfWod ;DaGwL
15. pBf]u tyf vlgh / ef}lts k"jf{wf/
16. Sofl;gf], lr7\7f
17. k|fs[lts tyf u}/ k|fs[lts ljkb k"j{ tof/L, p4f/ tyf /fxt /
18. ko{6g, vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfO
19. rnlrq, l;g]df xn, v]ns"b
20. aLdf Joj;fo ;~rfng / Joj:yfkg
21. u/LaL lgjf/0f / cf}Bf]uLs/0f
22. j}1flgs cg';Gwfg, lj1fg k|ljlw / dfgj ;+;fwg ljsf;
23. cGt/k|fb]lzs ¿kdf km}lnPsf] h+un, lxdfn, jg ;+/If0f If]q hn
24. e"ld gLlt / ;f] ;DaGwL sfg"g
25. /f]huf/L / a]/f]huf/ ;xfotf

-wf/f %& sf] pkwf/f -$_, wf/f @!$ sf] pkwf/f -@_, wf/f @@! sf] pkwf/f -@_
/ wf/f @@^ sf] pkwf/f -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
:yfgLo txsf] clwsf/sf] ;"rL
qm=;+ ljifox¿
1. gu/ k|x/L
2. ;xsf/L ;+:yf
3. Pkm= Pd ;~rfng
:yfgLo s/ -;DklQ s/, 3/ axfn s/, 3/ hUuf /lhi6]«zg z'Ns,
;jf/L ;fwg s/_, ;]jf z'Ns b:t'/, ko{6g z'Ns, lj1fkg s/,
Joj;fo s/, e"lds/ -dfnkf]t_, b08 hl/jfgf, dgf]/~hg s/,
dfnkf]t ;+sng

5. :yfgLo ;]jfsf] Joj:yfkg

6. :yfgLo tYof+s / clen]v ;+sng
7. :yfgLo :t/sf ljsf; cfof]hgf tyf kl/of]hgfx¿
8. cfwf/e"t / dfWolds lzIff
9. cfwf/e"t :jf:Yo / ;/;kmfO
10. :yfgLo ahf/ Joj:yfkg, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / h}ljs ljljwtf
11. :yfgLo ;8s, u|fdL0f ;8s, s[lif ;8s, l;+rfO
12. ufpF ;ef, gu/ ;ef, lhNnf ;ef, :yfgLo cbfnt, d]nldnfk /
dWo:ytfsf] Joj:yfkg
13. :yfgLo clen]v Joj:yfkg
14. 3/ hUuf wgL k'hf{ ljt/0f
15. s[lif tyf kz'kfng, s[lif pTkfbg Joj:yfkg, kz' :jf:Yo, ;xsf/L

16. Ho]i7 gful/s, ckf+utf ePsf JolQm / czQmx¿sf] Joj:yfkg

17. a]/f]huf/sf] tYof+s ;+sng

18. s[lif k|;f/sf] Joj:yfkg, ;+rfng / lgoGq0f

19. vfg]kfgL, ;fgf hnljB't cfof]hgf, j}slNks pmhf{
20. ljkb Joj:yfkg
21. hnfwf/, jGohGt', vfgL tyf vlgh kbfy{sf] ;+/If0f
22. efiff, ;+:s[lt / nlntsnfsf] ;+/If0f / ljsf;

-wf/f %& sf] pkwf/f -%_, wf/f !)(, wf/f !^@ sf] pkwf/f -$_, wf/f !(&,
wf/f @!$ sf] pkwf/f -@_, wf/f @@! sf] pkwf/f -@_ / wf/f @@^ sf] pkwf/f
-!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] clwsf/sf] ;femf ;"rL

qm=;+ ljifox¿
1= ;xsf/L
2= lzIff, v]ns"b / kqklqsf
3= :jf:Yo
4= s[lif
5= ljB't, vfg]kfgL, l;+rfO h:tf ;]jfx¿
6= ;]jf z'Ns, b:t'/, b08 hl/jfgf tyf k|fs[lts ;|f]taf6 k|fKt
/f]oN6L, ko{6g z'Ns
7= jg, h+un, jGohGt', r/fr'?+uL, hn pkof]u, jftfj/0f, kof{j/0f
tyf h}ljs ljljwtf
8= vfgL tyf vlgh
9= ljkb Joj:yfkg
10= ;fdflhs ;'/Iff / u/LaL lgjf/0f
11= JolQmut 36gf, hGd, d[To', ljjfx / tYof+s
12= k'/ftTj, k|frLg :df/s / ;+u|xfno
13= ;'s'Daf;L Joj:yfkg
14= k|fs[lts ;|f]taf6 k|fKt /f]oN6L
15= ;jf/L ;fwg cg'dlt
;+ljwfg;ef cWoIfåf/f k|dfl0ft ldlt M )&@÷)^ ÷)#

Table of Contents

Fundamental Rights and Duties
Directive Principles, Policies and Obligations of the State
Structure of State and Distribution of State Power
Part -6
President and Vice-President
Federal Executive
Federal Legislature
Federal Legislative Procedures
Federal Financial Procedures
Attorney General
State Executive
State Legislature
Part- 15
State Legislative Procedures
State Financial Procedures
Local Executive
Local Legislature
Local Financial Procedures
Interrelations between Federation, State and Local level
Part- 21
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority
Auditor General
Part -23
Public Service Commission
Election Commission
National Human Rights Commission
Part -26
National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission
Part -27
Other Commissions
Part -28

Provision Relating National Security
Part- 29
Provision relating to Political Parties
Part- 30
Emergency Power
Part- 31
Amendment to the Constitution
Part- 32
Part- 33
Transitional Provisions
Part- 34
Definitions and Interpretation
Part- 35
Short Title, Commencement and Repeal
Schedule- 1
National Flag of Nepal
Schedule -2
National Anthem of Nepal
Schedule -3
Coat of Arms of Nepal
Schedule -4
States and Districts to be included in the States
Schedule- 5
List of Federal Power
Schedule- 6
List of State Power
Schedule- 7
List of Concurrent Powers of Federation and State

Schedule- 8
List of Local level Power
Schedule- 9
List of Concurrent Power of Federation, State and Local level

The Constitution of Nepal
Date of Publication in Nepal Gazette
20 September 2015 (2072.6.3)
We, the Sovereign People of Nepal,

Internalizing the people's sovereign right and right to autonomy and self-rule, while
maintaining freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity, national unity, independence and
dignity of Nepal,

Recalling the glorious history of historic people's movements, armed conflict, dedication
and sacrifice undertaken by the Nepalese people at times for the interest of the nation,
democracy and progressive changes, and respecting for the martyrs and disappeared and
victim citizens,

Ending all forms of discrimination and oppression created by the feudalistic, autocratic,
centralized, unitary system of governance,

Protecting and promoting social and cultural solidarity, tolerance and harmony, and unity
in diversity by recognizing the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural
and diverse regional characteristics, resolving to build an egalitarian society founded on
the proportional inclusive and participatory principles in order to ensure economic
equality, prosperity and social justice, by eliminating discrimination based on class, caste,
region, language, religion and gender and all forms of caste-based untouchability, and

Being committed to socialism based on democratic norms and values including the
people's competitive multiparty democratic system of governance, civil liberties,
fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise, periodic elections, full freedom of the

press, and independent, impartial and competent judiciary and concept of the rule of law,
and build a prosperous nation,

Do hereby pass and promulgate this Constitution, through the Constituent Assembly, in
order to fulfil the aspirations for sustainable peace, good governance, development and
prosperity through the federal, democratic, republican, system of governance.

1. Constitution as the fundamental law: (1) This Constitution is the fundamental
law of Nepal. Any law inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of
such inconsistency, be void.
(2) It shall be the duty of every person to observe this Constitution.

2. Sovereignty and state authority: The sovereignty and state authority of Nepal
shall be vested in the Nepalese people. It shall be exercised in accordance with the
provisions set forth in this Constitution.

3. Nation: All the Nepalese people, with multiethnic, multilingual, multi-religious,

multicultural characteristics and in geographical diversities, and having common
aspirations and being united by a bond of allegiance to national independence,
territorial integrity, national interest and prosperity of Nepal, collectively constitute
the nation.

4. State of Nepal: (1) Nepal is an independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular,

inclusive, democratic, socialism-oriented, federal democratic republican state.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "secular" means religious,
cultural freedoms, including protection of religion, culture handed down from the
time immemorial.
(2) The territory of Nepal shall comprise:
(a) the territory existing at the time of commencement of this
Constitution, and
(b) such other territory as may be acquired after the
commencement of this Constitution.

5. National interest: (1) Safeguarding of the freedom, sovereignty, territorial

integrity, nationality, independence and dignity of Nepal, the rights of the Nepalese

people, border security, economic wellbeing and prosperity shall be the basic
elements of the national interest of Nepal.
(2) Any conduct and act contrary to the national interest shall be
punishable by the Federal law.

6. Languages of the nation: All languages spoken as the mother tongues in Nepal
are the languages of the nation.

7. Official language: (1) The Nepali language in the Devnagari script shall be the
official language of Nepal.
(2) A State may, by a State law, determine one or more than one
languages of the nation spoken by a majority of people within the State as its
official language(s), in addition to the Nepali language.
(3) Other matters relating to language shall be as decided by the
Government of Nepal, on recommendation of the Language Commission.

8. National flag: (1) The national flag of Nepal consists of two juxtaposed triangular
figures with a crimson-coloured base and deep blue borders, there being a white
emblem of the crescent moon with eight rays visible out of sixteen in the upper
part and a white emblem of a twelve rayed sun in the lower part.
(2) The method of drawing out the flag and other particulars relating
thereto shall be as set forth in Schedule-1.

9. National anthem etc: (1) The national anthem of Nepal shall be as set forth in
(2) The coat-of-arms of Nepal shall be as set forth in Schedule-3.
(3) The Rhododendron Arboreum shall be the national flower, Crimson
Colour shall be the national colour, the Cow shall be the national animal and the
Lophophorus shall be the national bird of Nepal.

10. Not to deprive of citizenship: (1) No citizen of Nepal may be deprived of the
right to obtain citizenship.
(2) There is a provision of single federal citizenship with State identity
in Nepal.

11. To be citizens of Nepal:(1) The persons who have obtained the citizenship of
Nepal at the time of commencement of this Constitution and who are qualified to
obtain citizenship in accordance with this Part shall be the citizens of Nepal.
(2) The following person who has his or her permanent domicile in
Nepal at the time of commencement of this Constitution shall be the citizen of
Nepal by descent:
(a) a person who has obtained the citizenship of Nepal by descent prior to
the commencement of this Constitution,
(b) a person whose father or mother was a citizen of Nepal at his or her
(3) A child of a citizen having obtained the citizenship of Nepal by birth
prior to the commencement of Nepal shall, upon attaining majority, acquire the
citizenship of Nepal by descent if the child's father and mother both are citizens of
(4) Every minor who is found within Nepal and the whereabouts of
whose father and mother are not known shall, until the father or the mother of the
child is traced, be a citizen of Nepal by descent.
(5) A person who is born in Nepal from a woman who is a citizen of
Nepal and has resided in Nepal and whose father is not traced shall be provided
with the citizenship of Nepal by descent.

Provided that his or her father is held to be a foreign citizen, the citizenship
of such person shall be converted into naturalized citizenship as provided for in
the Federal law.
(6) A foreign woman who has a matrimonial relationship with a citizen
of Nepal may, if she so wishes, acquire the naturalized citizenship of Nepal as
provided for in the Federal law.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, in the
case of a person born from a woman who is a citizen of Nepal and married to a
foreign citizen, the person may acquire the naturalized citizenship of Nepal in
accordance with the Federal law if he or she has permanently resided in Nepal and
has not acquired the citizenship of a foreign country.
Provided that if such person's mother and father both are citizens of Nepal
at the time of acquisition of citizenship, such person born in Nepal may acquire
the citizenship of Nepal by descent.
(8) In the cases other than those mentioned in this Article, the
Government of Nepal may, in accordance with the Federal law, grant the
naturalized citizenship of Nepal.
(9) The Government of Nepal may, in accordance with the Federal law,
grant the honorary citizenship of Nepal.
(10) Whenever any territory is acquired by way of merger into Nepal, a
person having his or her domicile in such territory shall become a citizen of Nepal,
subject to the Federal law.

12. Citizenship with identity of descent and gender: A person who obtains the
citizenship of Nepal by descent in accordance with this Constitution may obtain a
certificate of citizenship of Nepal with gender identity by the name of his or her
mother or father.

13. Acquisition, reacquisition and termination of citizenship: Other matters
relating to the acquisition, reacquisition and termination of citizenship shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.

14. Power to grant non-resident Nepalese citizenship: The non-residential

citizenship of Nepal may be so granted to a person who has acquired the
citizenship of a foreign country, has resided in a country other than a member state
of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, and who or whose
father or mother, grandfather or grandmother was previously a citizen of Nepal by
decent or birth but subsequently acquired the citizenship of the foreign country
that such person may enjoy economic, social and cultural rights in accordance
with the Federal law.

15. Other provisions relating to citizenship of Nepal: Other matters relating to the
maintenance of records setting out the identity of every citizen of Nepal and the
citizenship of Nepal shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

Fundamental Rights and Duties
16. Right to live with dignity: (1) Every person shall have the right to live with
(2) No law shall be made providing for the death penalty to any one.

17. Right to freedom: (1) No person shall be deprived of his or her personal liberty
except in accordance with law.
(2) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms:
(a) freedom of opinion and expression,
(b) freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms,
(c) freedom to form political parties,
(d) freedom to form unions and associations,
(e) freedom to move and reside in any part of Nepal,
(f) freedom to practice any profession, carry on any occupation, and
establish and operate any industry, trade and business in any part of
Provided that:
(1) Nothing in sub-clause (a) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an
Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine
the sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality and independence of
Nepal or the harmonious relations between the Federal Units or the
people of various castes, tribes, religions or communities or incite caste-
based discrimination or untouchability or on any act of disrespect of
labour, defamation, contempt of court, incitement to an offence or on
any act which may be contrary to public decency or morality.
(2) Nothing in sub-clause (b) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an
Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine
the sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality and independence of

Nepal or the harmonious relations between the Federal Units or public
peace and order.
(3) Nothing in sub-clause (c) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an
Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine
the sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality and independence of
Nepal, constitute an espionage against the nation or divulge national
secrecy or on any act of rendering assistance to any foreign state,
organization or representative in a manner to undermine the security of
Nepal or on an act of sedition or on any act which may undermine the
harmonious relations between the Federal Units or on any act of
incitement to caste-based or communal hatred or on any act which may
undermine the harmonious relations between various castes, tribes,
religions and communities, or on any act of acquisition of, or restriction
on, membership of any political party on the basis solely of tribe,
language, religion, community or sex or on any act of formation of a
political party with discrimination between citizens or on incitement to
violent acts or on any act which may be contrary to public morality.
(4) Nothing in sub-clause (d) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an
Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine
the sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality and independence of
Nepal, or on any act which may constitute espionage against the nation
or on any act of divulgence of national secrecy or on any act assisting
any foreign state, organization or representative in a manner to
undermine the security of Nepal or on an act of sedition or on any act
which may undermine the harmonious relations between the Federal
Units or on any act of incitement to caste-based or communal hatred or
on any act which may undermine the harmonious relations between
various castes, tribes, religions and communities or on incitement to
violent acts or on any act which may be contrary to public morality.

(5) Nothing in sub-clause (e) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an
Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine
the interest of the general public or which may undermine the
harmonious relations between the Federal Units or the harmonious
relations between the peoples of various castes, tribes, religions or
communities or which may constitute or incite violent acts.
(6) Nothing in sub-clause (f) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an
Act to prevent any act which may undermine the harmonious relations
between the Federal Units or any act which may be contrary to public
health, decency or morality of the general public or to confer on the
State the exclusive right to undertake any specific industry, trade or
service, or to prescribe any condition or qualification for carrying on
any industry, trade, occupation, employment or business.

18. Right to equality:(1) All citizens shall be equal before law. No person shall be
denied the equal protection of law.
(2) No discrimination shall be made in the application of general laws
on grounds of origin, religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, physical condition, condition
of health, marital status, pregnancy, economic condition, language or region,
ideology or on similar other grounds.
(3) The State shall not discriminate citizens on grounds of origin,
religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, economic condition, language, region, ideology or
on similar other grounds.
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of special
provisions by law for the protection, empowerment or development of the citizens
including the socially or culturally backward women, Dalit, indigenous people,
indigenous nationalities, Madhesi, Tharu, Muslim, oppressed class,
Pichhadaclass, minorities, the marginalized, farmers, labours, youths, children,

senior citizens, gender and sexual minorities, persons with disabilities, persons in
pregnancy, incapacitated or helpless, backward region and indigent Khas Arya.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Part and Part 4, "indigent" means a person
who earns income less than that specified by the Federal law.
(4) No discrimination shall be made on the ground of gender with regard
to remuneration and social security for the same work.
(5) All offspring shall have the equal right to the ancestral property
without discrimination on the ground of gender.

19. Right to communication: (1) No publication and broadcasting or dissemination or

printing of any news item, editorial, feature article or other reading, audio and
audio-visual material through any means whatsoever including electronic
publication, broadcasting and printing shall be censored.
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of Acts to
impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, nationality of Nepal or the harmonious relations between the
Federal Units or the harmonious relations between various castes, tribes, religions
or communities, or on any act of sedition, defamation or contempt of court or
incitement to an offence, or on any act which may be contrary to public decency or
morality, on any act of hatred to labour and on any act of incitement to caste-based
untouchability as well as gender discrimination.
(2) No radio, television, on-line or other form of digital or electronic
equipment, press or other means of communication publishing, broadcasting or
printing any news item, feature, editorial, article, information or other material
shall be closed or seized nor shall registration thereof be cancelled nor shall such
material be seized by the reason of publication, broadcasting or printing of such
material through any audio, audio-visual or electronic equipment.

Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the
making of an Act to regulate radio, television, online or any other form of digital
or electronic equipment, press or other means of communication.
(3) No means of communication including the press, electronic
broadcasting and telephone shall be interrupted except in accordance with law.

20. Rights relating to justice: (1) No person shall be detained in custody without
informing him or her of the ground for his or her arrest.
(2) Any person who is arrested shall have the right to consult a legal
practitioner of his or her choice from the time of such arrest and to be defended by
such legal practitioner. Any consultation made by such person with, and advice
given by, his or her legal practitioner shall be confidential.
Provided this clause shall not apply to a citizen of an enemy state.
Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, "legal practitioner" means any
person who is authorized by law to represent any person in any court.
(3) Any person who is arrested shall be produced before the
adjudicating authority within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest,
excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to such
authority; and any such person shall not be detained in custody except on the order
of such authority.
Provided that this clause shall not apply to a person held in preventive
detention and to a citizen of an enemy state.
(4) No person shall be liable for punishment for an act which was not
punishable by the law in force when the act was committed nor shall any person
be subjected to a punishment greater than that prescribed by the law in force at the
time of the commission of the offence.
(5) Every person charged with an offence shall be presumed innocent
until proved guilty of the offence.

(6) No person shall be tried and punished for the same offence in a court
more than once.
(7) No person charged with an offence shall be compelled to testify
against himself or herself.
(8) Every person shall have the right to be informed of any proceedings
taken against him or her.
(9) Every person shall have the right to a fair trial by an independent,
impartial and competent court or judicial body.
(10) Any indigent party shall have the right to free legal aid in
accordance with law.

21. Right of victim of crime: (1) A victim of crime shall have the right to get
information about the investigation and proceedings of a case in which he or she is
the victim.
(2) A victim of crime shall have the right to justice including social
rehabilitation and compensation in accordance with law.

22. Right against torture:(1) No person who is arrested or detained shall be subjected
to physical or mental torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
(2) Any act mentioned in clause (1) shall be punishable by law, and any
person who is the victim of such treatment shall have the right to obtain
compensation in accordance with law.

23. Right against preventive detention: (1) No person shall be held under preventive
detention unless there is a sufficient ground of the existence of an immediate threat
to the sovereignty, territorial integrity or public peace and order of Nepal.
(2) Information about the situation of a person who is held under
preventive detention pursuant to clause (1) must be given immediately to his or
her family members or relatives.

Provided that this clause shall not apply to a citizen of an enemy state.
(3) If the authority making preventive detention holds any person under
preventive detention contrary to law or in bad faith, the person held under
preventive detention shall have the right to obtain compensation in accordance
with law.

24. Right against untouchability and discrimination: (1) No person shall be

subjected to any form of untouchability or discrimination in any private and public
places on grounds of his or her origin, caste, tribe, community, profession,
occupation or physical condition.
(2) In producing or distributing any goods, services or facilities, no
person belonging to any particular caste or tribe shall be prevented from
purchasing or acquiring such goods, services or facilities nor shall such goods,
services or facilities be sold, distributed or provided only to the persons belonging
to any particular caste or tribe.
(3) No act purporting to demonstrate any person or community as
superior or inferior on grounds of origin, caste, tribe or physical condition or
justifying social discrimination on grounds of caste, tribe or untouchability or
propagating ideology based on untouchability and caste based superiority or hatred
or encouraging caste-based discrimination in any manner whatsoever shall be
(4) No discrimination in any form shall be allowed at a workplace with
or without making untouchability on the ground of caste.
(5) Any act of untouchability and discrimination in any for committed in
contravention of this Article shall be punishable by law as a severe social offence,
and the victim of such act shall have the right to obtain compensation in
accordance with law.

25. Right relating to property: (1) Every citizen shall, subject to law, have the right
to acquire, own, sell, dispose, acquire business profits from, and otherwise deal
with, property.
Provided that the State may levy tax on property of a person, and tax on
income of a person in accordance with the concept of progressive taxation.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "property" means any form of
property including movable and immovable property, and includes an intellectual
property right.
(2) The State shall not, except for public interest, requisition, acquire, or
otherwise create any encumbrance on, property of a person.
Provided that this clause shall not apply to any property acquired by any
person illicitly.
(3) The basis of compensation to be provided and procedures to be
followed in the requisition by the State of property of any person for public
interest in accordance with clause (2) shall be as provided for in the Act.
(4) The provisions of clauses (2) and (3) shall not prevent the State from
making land reforms, management and regulation in accordance with lawfor the
purposes of enhancement of product and productivity of lands, modernization and
commercialization of agriculture, environment protection and planned housing and
urban development.
(5) Nothing shall prevent the State from using the property of any
person, which it has requisitioned for public interest in accordance with clause (3),
for any other public interest instead of such public interest.

26. Right to freedom of religion: (1) Every person who has faith in religion shall
have the freedom to profess, practice and protect his or her religion according to
his or her conviction.
(2) Every religious denomination shall have the right to operate and
protect its religious sites and religious Guthi (trusts).

Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the regulation, by making
law, of the operation and protection of religious sites and religious trusts and
management of trust properties and lands.
(3) No person shall, in the exercise of the right conferred by this Article,
do, or cause to be done, any act which may be contrary to public health, decency
and morality or breach public peace, or convert another person from one religion
to another or any act or conduct that may jeopardize other's religion and such act
shall be punishable by law.

27. Right to information: Every citizen shall have the right to demand and receive
information on any matter of his or her interest or of public interest.
Provided that no one shall be compelled to provide information on any
matter of which confidentiality must be maintained in accordance with law.

28. Right to privacy: The privacy of any person, his or her residence, property,
document, data, correspondence and matters relating to his or her character shall,
except in accordance with law, be inviolable.

29. Right against exploitation: (1) Every person shall have the right against
(2) No person shall be exploited in any manner on the grounds of
religion, custom, tradition, usage, practice or on any other grounds.
(3) No one shall be subjected to trafficking nor shall one be held in
slavery or servitude.
(4) No one shall be forced to work against his or her will.
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of law
empowering the State to require citizens to perform compulsory service for public

(5) Act contrary to clauses (3) and (4) shall be punishable by law and
the victim shall have the right to obtain compensation from the perpetrator in
accordance with law.

30. Right to clean environment: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to live in a
clean and healthy environment.
(2) The victim shall have the right to obtain compensation, in
accordance with law, for any injury caused from environmental pollution or
(3) This Article shall not be deemed to prevent the making of necessary
legal provisions for a proper balance between the environment and development,
in development works of the nation.

31. Right relating to education: (1) Every citizen shall have the right of access to
basic education.
(2) Every citizen shall have the right to get compulsory and free
education up to the basic level and free education up to the secondary level from
the State.
(3) The citizens with disabilities and the economically indigent citizens
shall have the right to get free higher education in accordance with law.
(4) The visually impaired citizens shall have the right to get free
education through brail script and the citizens with hearing or speaking
impairment, to get free education through sign language, in accordance with law.
(5) Every Nepalese community residing in Nepal shall have the right to
get education in its mother tongue and, for that purpose, to open and operate
schools and educational institutes, in accordance with law.

32. Right to language and culture: (1) Every person and community shall have the
right to use their languages.

(2) Every person and community shall have the right to participate in the
cultural life of their communities.
(3) Every Nepalese community residing in Nepal shall have the right to
preserve and promote its language, script, culture, cultural civilization and

33. Right to employment: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to employment. The
terms and conditions of employment, and unemployment benefit shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.
(2) Every citizen shall have the right to choose employment.

34. Right to labour: (1) Every labourer shall have the right to practice appropriate
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "labourer" means a labourer or
worker who does physical or mental work for an employer in consideration for
(2) Every labourer shall have the right to appropriate remuneration,
facilities and contributory social security.
(3) Every labourer shall have the right to form and join trade unions and
to engage in collective bargaining, in accordance with law.

35. Right relating to health: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to free basic health
services from the State, and no one shall be deprived of emergency health services.
(2) Every person shall have the right to get information about his or her
medical treatment.
(3) Every citizen shall have equal access to health services.
(4) Every citizen shall have the right of access to clean drinking water
and sanitation.

36. Right relating to food: (1) Every citizen shall have the right relating to food.

(2) Every citizen shall have the right to be safe from the state of being in
danger of life from the scarcity of food.
(3) Every citizen shall have the right to food sovereignty in accordance
with law.

37. Right to housing: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to an appropriate housing.
(2) No citizen shall be evicted from the residence owned by him or her
nor shall his or her residence be infringed except in accordance with law.

38. Rights of women: (1) Every woman shall have equal lineage right without gender
based discrimination.
(2) Every woman shall have the right to safe motherhood and
reproductive health.
(3) No woman shall be subjected to physical, mental, sexual,
psychological or other form of violence or exploitation on grounds of religion,
social, cultural tradition, practice or on any other grounds. Such act shall be
punishable by law, and the victim shall have the right to obtain compensation in
accordance with law.
(4) Women shall have the right to participate in all bodies of the State on
the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion.
(5) Women shall have the right to obtain special opportunity in
education, health, employment and social security, on the basis of positive
(6) The spouse shall have the equal right to property and family affairs.

39. Rights of the child: (1) Every child shall have the right to name and birth
registration along with his or her identity.
(2) Every child shall have the right to education, health, maintenance,
proper care, sports, entertainment and overall personality development from the
families and the State.

(3) Every child shall have the right to elementary child development and
child participation.
(4) No child shall be employed to work in any factory, mine or engaged
in similar other hazardous work.
(5) No child shall be subjected to child marriage, transported illegally,
abducted/kidnapped or taken in hostage.
(6) No child shall be recruited or used in army, police or any armed
group, or be subjected, in the name of cultural or religious traditions, to abuse,
exclusion or physical, mental, sexual or other form of exploitation or improper use
by any means or in any manner.
(7) No child shall be subjected to physical, mental or any other form of
torture in home, school or other place and situation whatsoever.
(8) Every child shall have the right to juvenile friendly justice.
(9) The child who is helpless, orphan, with disabilities, conflict victim,
displaced or vulnerable shall have the right to special protection and facilities from
the State.
(10) Any act contrary to in clauses (4), (5), (6) and (7) shall be punishable
by law, and a child who is the victim of such act shall have the right to obtain
compensation from the perpetrator, in accordance with law.

40. Rights of Dalit: (1) The Dalit shall have the right to participate in all bodies of the
State on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion. Special provision shall
be made by law for the empowerment, representation and participation of the Dalit
community in public services as well as other sectors of employment.
(2) Provision of free education with scholarship, from primary to higher
education, shall be made by law for the Dalit students. Special provision shall be
made by law for the Dalit in technical and vocational education.
(3) Special provision shall be made by law in order to provide health
and social security to the Dalit community.

(4) The Dalit community shall have the right to use, protect and develop
their traditional occupation, knowledge, skill and technology. The State shall
accord priority to the Dalit community in modern business related with their
traditional occupation and provide skills and resources required therefore.
(5) The State shall once provide land to the landless Dalit in accordance
with law.
(6) The State shall, in accordance with law, arrange settlement for the
Dalit who do not have housing.
(7) The facilities conferred by this Article to the Dalit community must
be distributed in a just manner so that the Dalit women, men and Dalit in all
communities can obtain such facilities proportionately.

41. Rights of senior citizens: The senior citizens shall have the right to special
protection and social security from the State.

42. Right to social justice:(1) The socially backward women, Dalit, indigenous
people, indigenous nationalities, Madhesi, Tharu, minorities, persons with
disabilities, marginalized communities, Muslims, backward classes, gender and
sexual minorities, youths, farmers, labourers, oppressed or citizens of backward
regions and indigent Khas Aryashall have the right to participate in the State
bodies on the basis of inclusive principle.
(2) The indigent citizens and citizens of the communities on the verge of
extinction shall have the right to get special opportunities and benefits in
education, health, housing, employment, food and social security for their
protection, upliftment, empowerment and development.
(3) The citizens with disabilities shall have the right to live with dignity
and honour, with the identity of their diversity, and have equal access to public
services and facilities.

(4) Every farmer shall have the right to have access to lands for agro
activities, select and protect local seeds and agro species which have been used
and pursued traditionally, in accordance with law.
(5) The families of the martyrs who have sacrificed their life, persons
who were forced to disappear, and those who became disabled and injured in all
people's movements, armed conflicts and revolutions that have been carried out for
progressive democratic changes in Nepal, democracy fighters, conflict victims and
displaced ones, persons with disabilities, the injured and victims shall have the
right to get a prioritized opportunity, with justice and due respect, in education,
health, employment, housing and social security, in accordance with law.

43. Right to social security: The indigent citizens, incapacitated and helpless citizens,
helpless single women, citizens with disabilities, children, citizens who cannot
take care themselves and citizens belonging to the tribes on the verge of extinction
shall have the right to social security, in accordance with law.

44. Rights of the consumer: (1) Every consumer shall have the right to obtain quality
goods and services.
(2) A person who has suffered injury from any substandard goods or
services shall have the right to obtain compensation in accordance with law.

45. Right against exile: No citizen shall be exiled.

46. Right to constitutional remedies: There shall be a right to obtain constitutional

remedies in the manner set forth in Article 133 or 144 for the enforcement of the
rights conferred by this Part.

47. Implementation of fundamental rights: The State shall, as required, make legal
provisions for the implementation of the rights conferred by this Part, within three
years of the commencement of this Constitution.

48. Duties of citizens: Every citizen shall have the following duties:
(a) to safeguard the nationality, sovereignty and integrity of Nepal, while
being loyal to the nation,
(b) to abide by the Constitution and law,
(c) to render compulsory service as and when the State so requires,
(d) to protect and preserve public property.

Directive Principles, Policies and Obligations of the State
49. To be guiding principles: (1) The directive principles, policies and obligations set
forth in this Part shall be the guiding principles for the governance of the State.
(2) The State shall mobilize, or cause to be mobilized, means and
resources, as required, to implement the principles, policies and obligations set
forth in this Part.

50. Directive principles:(1) The political objective of the State shall be to establish a
public welfare system of governance, by establishing a just system in all aspects of
the national life through the rule of law, values and norms of fundamental rights
and human rights, gender equality, proportional inclusion, participation and social
justice, while at the same time protecting the life, property, equality and liberties of
the people, in keeping with the vitality of freedom, sovereignty, territorial
integrity and independence of Nepal, and to consolidate a federal democratic
republican system of governance in order to ensure an atmosphere conducive to
the enjoyment of the fruits of democracy, while at the same time maintaining the
relations between the Federal Units on the basis of cooperative federalism and
incorporating the principle of proportional participation in the system of
governance on the basis of local autonomy and decentralization.
(2) The social and cultural objective of the State shall be to build a
civilized and egalitarian society by eliminating all forms of discrimination,
exploitation and injustice on the grounds of religion, culture, tradition, usage,
custom, practice or on any other similar grounds, to develop social, cultural values
founded on national pride, democracy, pro-people, respect of labour,
entrepreneurship, discipline, dignity and harmony, and to consolidate the national
unity by maintaining social cohesion, solidarity and harmony, while recognizing
cultural diversity.

(3) The economic objective of the State shall be to achieve a sustainable
economic development, while achieving rapid economic growth, by way of
maximum mobilization of the available means and resources through participation
and development of public, private and cooperatives, and to develop a socialism-
oriented independent and prosperous economy while making the national economy
independent, self-reliant and progressive in order to build an exploitation free
society by abolishing economic inequality through equitable distribution of the
(4) The State shall direct its international relations towards enhancing
the dignity of the nation in the world community by maintaining international
relations on the basis of sovereign equality, while safeguarding the freedom,
sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence and national interest of Nepal.

51. Policies of the State: The State shall pursue the following policies:
(a) Policies relating to national unity and national security:
(1) to keep intact the national unity, while protecting the freedom,
sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Nepal,
(2) to promote the national unity while developing mutual cooperative
relations between the Federal Units by maintaining mutual cohesion,
harmony and solidarity between various castes, tribes, religions,
languages, cultures and communities,
(3) to maintain law and order by developing a national security system,
(4) to guarantee the overall human security system,
(5) to make all security organs, including the Nepal Army, Nepal Police
and Armed Police Force Nepal, competent, strong, professional,
inclusive and accountable to the people, on the basis of national
security policies,
(6) to make and keep the citizens ready and competent to serve the
nation as and when necessary,

(7) to make proper use, in nations' interest, of the knowledge, skills and
experiences of former public employees including former
employees, military and police.

(b) Policies relating to political and governance system of State:

(1) to guarantee the best interests and prosperity of the people through
economic, social and cultural transformations, while safeguarding,
consolidating and developing political achievements,
(2) to maintain rule of law by protecting and promoting human rights,
(3) to implement international treaties, agreements to which Nepal is a
(4) to guarantee good governance by ensuring the equal and easy access
of the people to the services and facilities delivered by the State,
while making public administration fair, competent, impartial,
transparent, free from corruption, accountable and participatory,
(5) to make necessary provisions to make mass media fair, healthy,
impartial, decent, responsible and professional,
(6) to develop and expand harmonious and cooperative relations
between the Federal Units by way of sharing of responsibilities,
resources and administration between them.

(c) Relating to social and cultural transformation:

(1) to build the society founded on cordial social relations by developing
a healthy and civilized culture,
(2) to carrying out studies, research works, excavation and
dissemination for the protection, promotion and development of
ancient, archaeological and cultural heritages,

(3) to make community development through enhancement of local
public participation, by promoting and mobilizing the creativity of
local communities in social, cultural and service-oriented works,
(4) to focus on the development of arts, literature and music which form
national heritages,
(5) to end all forms of discrimination, inequality, exploitation and
injustice in the name of religion, custom, usage, practice and
tradition existing in the society,
(6) to protect and develop languages, scripts, culture, literature, arts,
motion pictures and heritages of various castes, tribes,and
communities on the basis of equality and co-existence, while
maintaining the cultural diversity of the country,
(7) to pursue a multi-lingual policy.

(d) Relating to economy, industry and commerce:

(1) to enhance national economy through partnership and independent
development of the public, private and cooperative sectors,
(2) to achieve economic prosperity by way of optimum mobilization of
the available means and resources, while focusing on the role of
private sector in economy,
(3) to promote the cooperative sector and mobilize it in national
development to the maximum extent,
(4) to encourage and mobilize the economic sector in the overall
national development, while providing for regulation to maintain
fairness, accountability and competition in all of its activities,
(5) to make equitable distribution of the available means and resources
and benefits of economic development,

(6) to diversify and expand markets for goods and services, while
promoting exports through development and expansion of industries
upon identifying areas of comparative advantage,
(7) to protect the interests of consumers by maintaining trade fairness
and discipline by making national economy competitive, while
ending activities such as creating black marketing, monopoly,
artificial scarcity and restricting competition,
(8) to protect and promote domestic industries and resources and accord
priority to domestic investment based on Nepalese labour, skills and
raw materials for the development of national economy,
(9) to give priority to domestic investment for the development of
national economy,
(10) to encourage foreign capital and technological investment in areas of
import substitution and export promotion, in consonance with
national interest, and encourage and mobilize such investment in
infrastructure building,
(11) to make the obtaining of foreign assistance transparent, while
making the national needs and priorities as the basis for obtaining
foreign assistance, and incorporating amounts received in form of
foreign assistance in the national budget,
(12) to utilize knowledge, skill, technology and capital of the non-
resident Nepalese in the national development,
(13) to give dynamism to the economic development by establishing
coordination between the States and the States and the Federation in
relation to industrial corridors, special economic zones, national
projects and projects involving foreign investment.

(e) Policies relating to agriculture and land reforms:
(1) to make scientific land reforms having regard to the interests of the
farmers, while ending the dual ownership existing in the lands,
(2) to enhance product and productivity by carrying out land pooling,
while discouraging inactive land ownership,
(3) to make land management and commercialization, industrialization,
diversification and modernization of agriculture, by pursuing land-
use policies to enhance agriculture product and productivity, while
protecting and promoting the rights and interests of the farmers,
(4) to make proper use of lands, while regulating and managing lands on
the basis of, inter alia, productivity, nature of lands and ecological
(5) to provide for the farmers' access to agricultural inputs, agro-
products at fair price and market.

(f) Policies relating to development:

(1) to formulate sustainable socio-economic development strategies and
programs under the regional development plan for inclusive
economic development with regional balance, and implement them
in a coordinative manner,
(2) to develop balanced, environment friendly, quality and sustainable
physical infrastructures, while according priority to the regions
lagging behind from development perspective,
(3) to enhance local public participation in the process of development
(4) to enhance investment in scientific study, research works and in
invention, progress and development of science and technology, and
protect scientists, technologists, intellectual and eminent talents,

(5) to ensure easy and simple access of the general public to information
technology by developing and expanding information technology to
the tune of national needs, and make optimum utilization of
information technology in the national development,
(6) to make provisions enabling the general public to enjoy fruits of
development in a just manner, while according priority to the
indigent citizens in the distribution of such fruits,
(7) to develop an integrated national identity management information
system and manage all kinds of information and data of the citizens
in an integrated manner, and linking such system with the services
and facilities provided by the State and with national development
(8) to update demographic statistics and linking it with national
development plans.

(g) Policies relating to protection, promotion and use of natural resources:

(1) to protect, promote, and make environmental friendly and
sustainable use of, natural resources available in the country, in
consonance with national interest and adopting the concept of inter-
generational equity, and make equitable distribution of fruits,
according priority and preferential right to the local communities,
(2) to make multi-purpose development of water resources, while
according priority to domestic investment based on public
(3) to ensure reliable supply of energy in an affordable and easy manner,
and make proper use of energy, for the fulfilment of the basic needs
of citizens, by generating and developing renewable energy,
(4) to develop sustainable and reliable irrigation by making control of
water-induced disasters, and river management,

(5) to conserve, promote, and make sustainable use of, forests, wildlife,
birds, vegetation and bio-diversity, by mitigating possible risks to
environment from industrial and physical development, while raising
awareness of general public about environment cleanliness,
(6) to maintain the forest area in necessary lands forecological balance,
(7) to adopt appropriate measures to abolish or mitigate existing or
possible adverse environmental impacts on the nature, environment
or biological diversity,
(8) to pursue the principles of environmentally sustainable development
such as the principles of polluter pays, of precaution in
environmental protection and of prior informed consent.
(9) to make advance warning, preparedness, rescue, relief and
rehabilitation in order to mitigate risks from natural disasters.

(h) Policies relating to basic needs of the citizens:

(1) to prepare human resources that are competent, competitive, ethical,
and devoted to national interests, while making education scientific,
technical, vocational, empirical, employment and people-oriented,
(2) to make private sector investment made in education service-
oriented by regulating and managing such investment, while
enhancing the State's investment in the education sector,
(3) to make higher education easy, qualitative and accessible, and free
(4) to establish and promote community information centres and
libraries for the personality development of citizens,
(5) to keep on enhancing investment necessary in the public health
sector by the State in order to make the citizens healthy,
(6) to ensure easy, convenient and equal access of all to quality health

(7) to protect and promote health systems including Ayurveda, as a
traditional medical system of Nepal, natural therapy and homeopathy
(8) to make private sector investment in the health sector service-
oriented by regulating and managing such investment, while
enhancing the State's investment in this sector,
(9) to focus on health research and keep on increasing the number of
health institutions and health workers in order to make health
services widely available and qualitative,
(10) to increase average life expectancy by reducing maternal and infant
mortality rate, while encouraging family planning for population
management on the basis of Nepal's capacity and need,
(11) to manage unplanned settlement and develop planned and systematic
(12) to provide for sustainable production, supplies, storage, security, and
easy and effective distribution of foods by encouraging food
production in tune with climate and soil, in consonance with the
concept of food sovereignty, while enhancing investment in the
agriculture sector,
(13) to ensure planned supply system by according special priority to the
remote and backward regions, while ensuring equal access of all
citizens to basic goods and services,
(14) to enhance investment in the transportation sector, while ensuring
simple, easy and equal access of the citizens to transportation
facilities, and to make the transportation sector safe, systematic and
persons with disabilities friendly by encouraging public
transportation and regulating private transportation, while according
priority to the environment friendly technologies,

(15) to arrange for access to medical treatment while ensuring citizen's
health insurance.

(i) Policies relating to labour and employment:

(1) to make competent and professional the labour force that has
remained as the main socio-economic strength of the country and
enhance employment within the country, while ensuring a situation
enabling all to work,
(2) to guarantee social security, while ensuring the basic rights of all
labours, in consonance with the concept of decent labour,
(3) to abolish all forms of labour exploitation including child labour,
(4) to encourage participation of labours in management, while maintain
cordial relations between the labours and entrepreneurs,
(5) to regulate and manage the sector in order to make foreign
employment free from exploitation, safe and systematic and to
guarantee employment and rights of the labours,
(6) to encourage to mobilize the capital, skills, technology and
experience gained from foreign employment in productive sectors in
the country.

(j) Policies relating to social justice and inclusion:

(1) to keep on making appropriate arrangements for the livelihoods of
the helpless single women, while according priority to them in
employment on the basis of skills, competency and qualification,
(2) to make self-dependent the women who are vulnerable, subjected to
social and family exclusion and victims of violence self-reliant by
making their rehabilitation, protection and empowerment,
(3) to ensure enjoyment of requisite services and facilities at the
reproductive stage,

(4) to evaluate economically the work and contribution such as
maintenance of children and care of families,
(5) to take into consideration primarily of the best interests of the child,
(6) to identify the freed bonded labours, Kamlari, Harawa, Charawa,
tillers, landless, squatters and rehabilitate them by providing
housing, housing plot for residence and cultivable land or
employment for their livelihoods,
(7) to create an atmosphere conducive to the full enjoyment of the
political, economic, social and cultural rights, while enhancing the
participation of youths in national development, to make their
personality development, while providing special opportunity in
areas including education, health and employment for the
empowerment and development of the youths and provide them with
appropriate opportunities for the overall development of the State,
(8) to make the indigenous nationalities participate in decisions
concerning that community by making special provisions for
opportunities and benefits in order to ensure the right of these
nationalities to live with dignity, along with their identity, and
protect and promote traditional knowledge, skill, culture, social
tradition and experience of the indigenous nationalities and local
(9) to make special provisions for opportunities and benefits to minority
communities to enjoy social and cultural rights, with maintaining
their identity,
(10) to make special provisions for equal distribution of economic, social
and cultural opportunities and benefits to the Madhesi community,
Muslims and backward class, and for opportunities and benefits to
the indigent citizens within such communities for their protection,
upliftment, empowerment and development,

(11) to make special provisions for opportunities and benefits for the
protection, upliftment, empowerment and development of the
citizens of the oppressed and backward regions and for the
fulfilment of their basic needs,
(12) to accord priority to the indigent within all sexes, regions and
communities in the provision of social security and social justice,
(13) to make planned investment in sports and sport-persons in order to
prepare healthy, competent and disciplined citizens, and to develop
sports as a means of consolidating national unity and enhancing
national prestige at the international level,
(14) to adopt a single door system for the establishment, approval,
operation, regulation and management of community-based and
national or international non-governmental organizations and to
involve such organizations only in the sectors of national need and
priority, while making investment and role of such organizations
transparent and accountable.

(k) Policies relating to justice and penal system:

(1) to make the administration of justice speedy, efficient, widely
available, economical, impartial, effective, and accountable to
(2) to pursue alternative means such as mediation and arbitration for the
settlement of disputes of general nature,
(3) to adopt effective measures for the control of corruption and
irregularities in all sectors including political, administrative, judicial
and social sectors.

(l) Policies relating to tourism: To develop eco-friendly tourism industries as

an important base of national economy by way of identification, protection,

promotion and publicity of the ancient, cultural, religious, archaeological
and natural heritages of Nepal, to make environment and policy required
for the development of tourism culture, and to accord priority to local
people in the distribution of benefits of tourism industries.

(m) Policies relating to international relations:

(1) to conduct an independent foreign policy based on the Charter of
the United Nations, non-alignment, principles of Panchsheel,
international law and the norms of world peace, taking into
consideration of the overall interest of the nation, while remaining
active in safeguarding the sovereignty, territorial integrity,
independence and national interest of Nepal,
(2) to review treaties concluded in the past, and make treaties,
agreements based on equality and mutual interest.

52. Obligations of the State: It shall be the obligation of the State to make Nepal a
prosperous and affluent country by protecting and promoting fundamental rights
and human rights, pursuing directive principles of the State and gradually
implementing policies of the State, while keeping intact the freedom, sovereignty,
territorial integrity and independence of Nepal.

53. To submit report: The Government of Nepal shall submit an annual report
containing the steps taken and achievements made in the implementation of the
directive principles, policies and obligations of the State set forth in this Part to the
President, and the President shall cause such report to be laid through the Prime
Minister before the Federal Parliament.

54. Provisions relating to monitoring: There shall be a committee, in accordance

with law, in the Federal Parliament in order to monitor and evaluate whether the

directive principles, policies and obligations of the State set forth in this Part have
been implemented progressively or not.

55. Questions not to be raised in court: No question shall be raised in any court as to
whether any matter contained in this Part has been implemented or not.

Structure of State and Distribution of State Power
56. Structure of State: (1) The main structure of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Nepal shall be of three levels, namely the Federation, the State and the Local level.
(2) The Federation, State and Local levels shall exercise the power of
State of Nepal pursuant to this Constitution and law.
(3) There shall be States consisting of the Districts as mentioned in
Schedule-4 existing in Nepal at the time of commencement of this Constitution.
(4) There shall be Village Institutions, Municipalities and District
Assemblies under the Local level. The number of Wards in a Village Institution
and Municipality shall be as provided for in the Federal law.
(5) Any Special, Protected or Autonomous Region can be set by the
Federal law for social, cultural protection or economic development.
(6) The Federation, State and Local levels shall protect Nepal's freedom,
sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, national interest, overall
development, multi-party, competitive, democratic, republican, federal system of
governance, human rights and fundamental rights, rule of law, separation of
powers and check and balance, egalitarian society based on pluralism and equality,
inclusive representation and identity.

57. Distribution of State power: (1) The powers of the Federation shall be vested in
the matters enumerated in Schedule-5, and such powers shall be exercised
pursuant to this Constitution and the Federal law.
(2) The powers of a State shall be vested in the matters enumerated in
Schedule-6, and such powers shall be exercised pursuant to this Constitution and
the State law.
(3) The concurrent powers of the Federation and the State shall be
vested in the matters enumerated in Schedule-7, and such powers shall be
exercised pursuant to this Constitution, the Federal law and the State law.

(4) The powers of the Local level shall be vested in the matters
enumerated in Schedule-8, and such powers shall be exercised pursuant to this
Constitution and the law made by the Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly.
(5) The concurrent powers of the Federation, State and Local levels
shall be vested in the matters enumerated in Schedule-9, and such powers shall be
exercised pursuant to this Constitution, the Federal law, the State law and the law
made by the Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly.
(6) Any law to be made by the State Assembly, Village Assembly or
Municipal Assembly pursuant to clause (3) or (5) shall be so made as not to be
inconsistent with the Federal law, and any law made by the State Assembly,
Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly which is inconsistent with the Federal
law shall be invalid to the extent of such inconsistency.
(7) Any law to be made by the Village Assembly or Municipal
Assembly pursuant to clause (5) shall be so made as not to be inconsistent with the
State law, and any law made by the Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly
which is inconsistent with the State law shall be invalid to the extent of such

58. Residual powers: The Federation shall have power on any matter not enumerated
in the Federal List, State List, List of Local level or Concurrent List or on any
matter which is not so specified in this Constitution as to be exercised by any

59. Exercise of financial powers: (1) The Federation, State and Local level shall
make laws, make annual budget, decisions, formulate and implement policies and
plans on any matters related to financial powers within their respective

(2) The Federation may so make necessary policies, standards and laws
on any of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent List and other areas of
financial powers as to be applicable also to the States.
(3) The Federation, State and Local level shall make budget of their
respective levels, and the time for submission of budget by the State and Local
level shall be as provided for in the Federal law.
(4) The Federation, State and Local level shall provide for the equitable
distribution of benefits derived from the use of natural resources or development.
Certain portions of such benefits shall be distributed, pursuant to law, in forms of
royalty, services or goods to the project affected regions and local communities.
(5) If, in utilising natural resources, the local community desires to
make investment therein, the Federation, State and Local level shall accord
priority to such investment in such portion as provided bylaw on the basis of the
nature and size of such investment.
(6) The Government of Nepal shall have power to obtain foreign
assistance and borrow loans. Such assistance or loans shall be so obtained or
borrowed as to have macro-economic stability of the country.
(7) Provisions relating to the management of budget deficits and other
fiscal discipline of the Federation, State and Local level shall be as provided for in
the Federal law.

60. Distribution of sources of revenue: (1) The Federation, State and Local level
may impose taxes on matters falling within their respective jurisdiction and collect
revenue from these sources.
Provided that provisions relating to the imposition of taxes and collection
of revenue on matters that fall within the Concurrent List and on matters that are
not included in the List of any level shall be as determined by the Government of

(2) The Government of Nepal shall make provisions for the equitable
distribution of the collected revenue to the Federation, State and Local level.
(3) The amount of fiscal transfer receivable by the State and Local level
shall be as recommended by the National Natural Resources and Fiscal
(4) The Government of Nepal shall, on the basis of the need of
expenditure and revenue capacity, distribute fiscal equalization grants to the State
and Local level.
(5) Each State shall, in accordance with the State law, distribute fiscal
equalization grants out of the grants received from the Government of Nepal and
revenues collected from its sources, on the basis of the need of expenditure and
revenue capacity of its subordinate Local level.
(6) Provisions relating to distribution of conditional grants,
complementary grants or special grants for other purposes to be provided by the
Government of Nepal from the Federal Consolidated Fund shall be as provided for
in the Federal law.
(7) Distribution of revenues between the Federal, State and Local level
shall be made in a balanced and transparent manner.
(8) A Federal Act on the distribution of revenues shall be made having
regard to the national policies, national requirements, autonomy of the State and
Local levels, services to be rendered by the State and the Local level to the people
and financial powers granted to them, capacity to collect revenues, potentiality and
use of revenues, assistance to be made in development works, reduction of
regional imbalances, poverty and inequality, end of deprivation, and assistance to
be made in the performance of contingent works and fulfilment of temporary

President and Vice-President
61. President: (1) There shall be a President of Nepal.
(2) The President shall be the head of state of Nepal. He or she shall
perform his or her functions in accordance with this Constitution and theFederal
(3) The President shall promote the national unity of Nepal.
(4) The main duty of the President shall be to abide by and protect this

62. Election of President: (1) The President shall be elected by an electoral college
composed of the members of the Federal Parliament and of the State Assemblies.
The voting weight age of the members of the Federal Parliament and of the State
Assemblies shall vary as provided for in the Federal law.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), nothing shall be
deemed to bar the formation of an electoral college for the purpose of election to
the President by the sole reason that election to the State Assembly has not been
held in any State.
(3) A person who secures a majority of the then existing total votes of
the electoral college under clause (1) shall be elected as the President.
(4) If none of the candidates secures a majority under clause (3), there
shall be voting between the two candidates who have secured the highest number
of votes, and a candidate who secures more than fifty percent of the total votes in
such a voting shall be elected as the President.
(5) If none of the candidates secures more than fifty percent of the total
votes even in the voting under clause (4), re-voting shall be held. A candidate who
secures a majority of the total valid votes cast in such voting shall be elected as the

(6) If a person who holds a political office to be filled by way of
election, nomination or appointment is appointed as the President under this
Article, his or her such office shall ipso facto be vacant.
(7) Election to the President and other matters related thereto shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.

63. Term of office of President: (1) The term of office of the President shall be five
years from the date on which he or she is so elected.
(2) The President whose term of office under clause (1) has expired
shall continue to discharge the functions under this Constitution until another
elected President assumes his or her office.

64. Qualification for President: (1) A person who has the following qualification
shall be qualified to become the President:
(a) being qualified to become a member of the Federal Parliament,
(b) having completed the age of at least forty five years, and
(c) not being disqualified by any law.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), a person who has
already been elected twice as the President shall not become a candidate in the
election to the President.

65. Vacation of office of President: The office of the President shall become vacant
in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Vice-President,
(b) if a motion of impeachment against him or her is passed under
Article 101,
(c) if his or her term of office expires,
(d) If he or she dies.

66. Functions, duties and powers of President: (1) The President shall exercise such
powers and perform such duties as conferred to him or her pursuant tothis
Constitution or a Federal law.
(2) In exercising the powers or duties under clause (1), the President
shall perform all other functions to be performed by him or her on
recommendation and with the consent of the Council of Ministers than those
functions specifically provided to be performed on recommendation of any body
or official under this Constitution or Federal Law. Such recommendation and
consent shall be submitted through the Prime Minister.
(3) Any decision or order to be issued in the name of the President under
clause (2) and other instrument of authorization pertaining thereto shall be
authenticated as provided for in the Federal law.

67. Vice-President: (1) There shall be a Vice-president of Nepal.

(2) The functions to be performed by the President shall be performed
by the Vice-president during the absence of the President.
(3) If a person who holds a political office to be filled by way of
election, nomination or appointment is appointed as the Vice-president, his or her
such office shall ipso facto be vacant.

68. Vacation of office of Vice-president: The office of the Vice-president shall

become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if a motion of impeachment against him or her is passed under
Article 101,
(c) if his or her term of office expires,
(d) if he or she dies.

69. Other provisions relating to Vice-President: Provisions relating to the
qualification, procedures of election and term of office of the Vice-President shall
be the same as that of the President.

70. President and Vice-President to be from different sex or community: Election

to the President and the Vice-president under this Constitution shall be so made as
to have representation of different sex or community.

71. Oath by President and Vice-President: Prior to assuming their respective

offices, the President shall take an oath of office and secrecy before the Chief
Justice, and the Vice-President, before the President, as provided for in the Federal

72. Remuneration and facilities of President and Vice-President: The remuneration

and other facilities of the President and the Vice-president shall be as provided for
in the Federal Act, and as specified by the Government of Nepal until such Act is

73. Office of President and Vice-President: (1) There shall be separate offices for
the performance of the functions of the President and the Vice-President.
(2) The Government of Nepal shall make arrangements for employees
and other provisions as required to perform the functions of the offices under
clause (1).

Federal Executive
74. Form of government: The form of government of Nepal shall be multi-party,
competitive, federal, democratic, republican, parliamentary form of government
based on pluralism.

75. Executive power: (1) The executive power of Nepal shall, pursuant to this
Constitution and law, be vested in the Council of Ministers.
(2) The responsibility for issuing general directives, controlling and
regulating the governance of Nepal shall, subject to this Constitution and law, lie
in the Council of Ministers.
(3) All Federal executive functions of Nepal shall be performed in the
name of the Government of Nepal.
(4) Any decision or order to be issued in the name of the Government of
Nepal pursuant to clause (3) and other instruments of authorization pertaining
thereto shall be authenticated as provided for in the Federal law.

76. Constitution of Council of Ministers: (1) The President shall appoint the leader
of a parliamentary party that commands majority in the House of Representatives
as the Prime Minister, and the Council of Ministers shall be constituted under his
or her chairpersonship.
(2) In cases where no party has a clear majority in the House of
Representatives under clause (1), the President shall appoint as the Prime Minister
a member of the House of Representatives who can command majority with the
support of two or more parties representing to the House of Representatives.
(3) In cases where Prime Minister cannot be appointed under clause (2)
no later than thirty days after the date of declaration of the final results of election
to the House of Representatives or the Prime Minister so appointed fails to secure
a vote of confidence under clause (4), the President shall appoint as the Prime

Minister the parliamentary party leader of the party which has the highest number
of members in the House of Representatives.
(4) The Prime Minister appointed under clause (2) or (3) shall obtain a
vote of confidence from the House of Representatives no later than thirty days
after the date of such appointment.
(5) In cases where the Prime Minister appointed under clause (3) fails to
obtain a vote of confidence under clause (4) and any member under clause (2)
presents a ground on which he or she can obtain a vote of confidence in the House
of Representatives, the President shall appoint such member as the Prime Minister.
(6) The Prime Minister appointed under clause (5) must obtain a vote of
confidence under clause (4).
(7) In cases where the Prime Minister appointed under clause (5) fails to
obtain a vote of confidence or the Prime Minister cannot be appointed, the
President shall, on recommendation of the Prime Minister, dissolve the House of
Representatives and appoint a date of election so that the election to another
House of Representatives is completed within six months.
(8) Procedures on the appointment of the Prime Minister under this
Article must be completed no later than thirty five days after the date of
declaration of the final results of election to the House of Representatives held
under this Constitution or the date on which the office of the Prime Minister has
fallen vacant.
(9) The President shall, on recommendation of the Prime Minister,
constitute the Council of Ministers comprising a maximum of twenty five
Ministers including the Prime Minister, in accordance with the inclusive principle,
from amongst the members of the Federal Parliament.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "Minister" means a Deputy Prime
Minister, Minister, Minister of State and Assistant Minister.
(10) The Prime Minister and Ministers shall be collectively responsible to
the Federal Parliament, and the Ministers shall be individually responsible for the

work of their respective Ministries to the Prime Minister and the Federal

77. Vacation of office of Prime Minister and Minister: (1) The office of the Prime
Minister shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if a vote of confidence is not passed or a vote of no-confidence is
passed against him or her under Article 100,
(c) if he or she ceases to be a member of the House of Representatives,
(d) if he or she dies.
(2) The office of a Minister shall be vacant in any of the following
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Prime Minister,
(b) if the Prime Minister removes him or her from office,
(c) if the office of Prime Minister falls vacant under sub-clause (a), (b)
or (c) of clause (1),
(d) if he or she dies.
(3) If the office of Prime Minister falls vacant under clause (1), the same
Council of Ministers shall continue to act until another Council of Ministers is
Provided that if the Prime Minister dies, the senior-most Minister shall act
as the Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister is appointed.

78. Non-member of Federal Parliamentto be Minister: (1) Notwithstanding

anything contained in clause (9) of Article 76, the President may, on
recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoint a person who is not a member of
the Federal Parliament as a Minister

(2) A Minister appointed under clause (1) must obtain membership of
the Federal Parliament within six months from the date of taking oath by him or
(3) In the event of failure to obtain membership of the Federal
Parliament within the period mentioned in clause (2), he or she shall not be
qualified to be reappointed to the office of Minister during the term of the then
House of Representatives.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), a person who has
been defeated in the election to the then House of Representatives shall not be
qualified to be appointed to the office of Minister as mentioned in clause (1)
during the term of such House of Representatives.

79. Remuneration and other facilities of Prime Minister and Ministers: The
remuneration and other facilities of the Prime Minister and Ministers shall be as
provided for in the Federal Act, and shall be as specified by the Government of
Nepal until such Act is made.

80. Oath: The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers shall take an oath
of office and secrecy before the President, and Ministers of State and Assistant
Ministers, before the Prime Minister, as provided for in the Federal law, prior to
assuming their respective offices.

81. To inform President: The Prime Minister shall inform the President about the
following matters:
(a) resolutions of the Council of Ministers,
(b) Bills to be introduced in the Federal Parliament,
(c) such other necessary information as commanded by the President on
matters set forth in clauses (a) and (b), and

(d) current general state of affairs of the country and matters concerning
foreign relations.

82. Transaction of business of Government of Nepal: (1) The business of the

Government of Nepal shall be allocated and transacted in accordance with the
rules approved by the Government of Nepal.
(2) No question may be raised in any court as to whether or not the rules
under clause (1) have been observed.

Federal Legislature
83. Federal Legislature: There shall be a Federal Legislature consisting of two
Houses to be known as the House of Representatives and the National Assembly,
which shall be called as the Federal Parliament.

84. Composition of House of Representatives: (1) The House of Representatives

shall consist of a total of two hundred and seventy five members, as follows:
(a) One hundred and sixty five members to be elected through the first
past the post electoral system, with one being elected from each
election constituency of one hundred and sixty five election
constituencies delimited in the country on the basis of geography
and population,
(b) One hundred and ten members to be elected through the proportional
electoral system where voters vote for political parties, with the
whole country being considered as a single election constituency.
(2) The Federal law shall provide that, in fielding candidacy by political
parties for the election to the House of Representatives under the proportional
electoral system, representation shall be ensured on the basis of a closed list also
from women, Dalit, indigenous peoples, Khas Arya, Madhesi, Tharu, Muslims and
backward regions, on the basis of population. In so fielding candidacy, regard
shall also be had to geography and territorial balance.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, "Khas Arya" means Kshetri,
Brahmin, Thakuri, Sanyasi (Dashnami) community.
(3) In fielding candidacy under clause (2), political parties shall provide
for representation of the persons with disabilities as well.
(4) Election to the House of Representatives under clause (1) shall be
held through secret ballots in accordance with law.

(5) Each citizen of Nepal who has completed the age of eighteen years
shall have the right to vote in any one election constituency as provided for in the
Federal law.
(6) A person who is qualified under Article 87 and entitled to vote in an
election to the members of the House of Representatives may, subject to the
Federal law, be a candidate in any election constituency.
Provided that a person shall not be a candidate in more than one election
constituencies at the same time.
(7) If the seat of any member of the House of Representatives falls
vacant while its term still remains for more than six months, the vacancy shall be
filled in the same manner of electoral system as in which such seat was filled in.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part, at least
one third of the total number of members elected from each political party
representing in the Federal Parliament must be women. If women are not so
elected as to constitute one third of the elected members of any political party
under sub-clause (a) of clause (1) and sub-clause (a) of clause (2) of Article 86,
such political party must, in electing members under sub-clause (b) of clause (1),
so elect that women members constitute at least one third of the total number of
members elected to the Federal Parliament from that party.
(9) Election to the House of Representatives and other matters
pertaining thereto shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

85. Term of House of Representatives: (1) Unless dissolved earlier pursuant to this
Constitution, the term of the House of Representatives shall be five years.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the term of the
House of Representatives may be extended by a Federal Act for a period not
exceeding one year in cases where a proclamation or order of a state of emergency
is in effect.

(3) The term of the House of Representatives extended under clause (2)
shall ipso facto expire upon the expiry of six months from the date of voidance of
the proclamation or order of the state of emergency.

86. Composition of National Assembly and term of office of its members: (1) The
National Assembly shall be a permanent House.
(2) The National Assembly shall consist of fifty nine members as
(a) fifty six elected members consisting of at least three women, one
Dalit and one from persons with disabilities or minorities, from each
State by an electoral college composed of members of the State
Assembly, chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of the Village Bodies,
and Mayors and Deputy-Mayors of the Municipalities, with different
weight age of vote by members of the State Assembly, chairpersons
and vice-chairpersons of the Village Bodies, and Mayors and
Deputy-Mayors of the Municipalities, as provided for inthe Federal
(b) Three members consisting of at least one woman nominated by the
President on recommendation of the Government of Nepal.
(3) The term of office of the members of the National Assembly shall be
six years. The term of office of one third of the members of the National Assembly
shall expire in every two years.
Provided that, for the first time, after the commencement of this
Constitution, arrangements shall be made by drawing lots to retire one-third of the
members on the expiry of two years, another one-third on the expiry of four years,
and the final one-third on the expiry of six years.
(4) In computing the term of office of the members of the National
Assembly for the first time after the commencement of this Constitution, the term

of office of all members shall be deemed to have commenced on the day on which
the first session of the National Assembly is held.
(5) Any vacancy of seat in the National Assembly shall be filled for the
remainder of the term of office in the same manner of election or nomination as in
which the seat of the vacating member was filled.
(6) Other matters relating to election to the members of the National
Assembly shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

87. Qualification for member :(1) A person who has the following qualification shall
be qualified to become a member of the Federal Parliament:
(a) being a citizen of Nepal,
(b) having completed the age of twenty five years, for the House of
Representatives, and the age of thirty five years, for the National
(c) not having been convicted of a criminal offense involving moral
(d) not being disqualified by any Federal law, and
(e) not holding any office of profit.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, "office of profit" means any position,
other than a political position which is to be filled by election or nomination, for
which a remuneration or economic benefit is paid out of a government fund.
(2) No person may be a member of both Houses at the same time.
(3) If a person who holds a political office to be filled by way of
election, nomination or appointment is elected or nominated as a member of the
Federal Parliament under this Part, his or her such office shall ipso facto be vacant
from the day on which he or she takes an oath of office of member of the Federal

88. Oath: Every member of each House of the Federal Parliament must, before taking
part for the first time in the session of the House or any of its committees, take an
oath as provided for in the Federal law.

89. Vacation of seat: The seat of a member of the Federal Parliament shall become
vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing before the Speaker or
(b) if he or she is no longer qualified or ceases to possess the
qualification under Article 87,
(c) if the term of the House of Representatives or the term of office of
the member of the National Assembly expires,
(d) if he or she absents himself or herself from ten consecutive
meetings, without giving notice to the concerned House,
(e) if the political party of which he or she was a member when elected
provides a notification in accordance with the Federal law that he or
she has defected from the party,
(f) if he or she dies.

90. Decision as to disqualification of member: If a question arises as to whether any

member of the Federal Parliament is disqualified or has become disqualified under
Article 87, the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court shall finally decide that

91. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives: (1) The members of
the House of Representatives shall, not later than fifteen days of the date of
holding of the first meeting of the House of Representatives, elect a Speaker and a
Deputy Speaker from amongst themselves.

(2) Election under clause (1) shall be so held that there is one woman
out of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, and the Speaker and the Deputy
Speaker of the House of Representatives shall be representatives from different
Provided that if there is no representation of more than one party in the
House of Representatives or no candidacy is filed by more than one party in spite
of representation, nothing shall prevent the members of the same party from being
the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(3) If the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker falls vacant,the
members of the House of Representatives shall fill the vacancy by electing the
Speaker or Deputy Speaker from amongst themselves.
(4) The Deputy Speaker shall, in the absence of the Speaker, chairthe
House of Representatives.
(5) If election to the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker is not held or if
both the positions become vacant, the attending member who is by age the senior-
most shall chair the meeting of the House of Representatives.
(6) The office of the Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the House of
Representatives shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she ceases to be a member of the House of Representatives,
Provided that, in the event of dissolution of the House of
Representatives, the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House
of Representatives holding their respective offices shall continue in
office until the previous day of the filing of nominations for another
election to the House of Representatives,
(b) if he or she tenders resignation in writing,
(c) if a resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the total
number of the then members of the House of Representatives that his
or her conduct is not compatible with his or her office.

(7) The Deputy Speaker shall chair a meeting at which deliberations are
to be held on a resolution that the conduct of the Speaker of the House of
Representatives is not compatible with his or her office. The Speaker of the House
of Representatives may take part and vote in the deliberations on such resolution.

92. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of National Assembly: (1) The members of

the National Assembly shall, not later than fifteen days of the date of holding of its
first meeting, elect the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the National
Assembly from amongst themselves.
(2) Election under clause (1) shall be so held that there is one woman
out of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the National Assembly.
(3) If the office of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the National
Assembly falls vacant, the members of the National Assembly shall fill the
vacancy by electing its Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson from amongst
(4) The Vice-Chairperson of the National Assembly shall, in the
absence of its Chairperson, chair the National Assembly.
(5) If the election to the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the
National Assembly is not held or if both the positions becomes vacant, the
member who is by age the senior-most out of the attending members shall chair
the meeting of the National Assembly.
(6) The office of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the National
Assembly shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she ceases to be a member of the National Assembly,
(b) if he or she tenders resignation in writing,
(c) if a resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the total
number of the then members of the National Assembly that his or
her conduct is not compatible with his or her office.

(7) The Vice-Chairperson of the National Assembly shall chair a
meeting at which deliberations are to be held on a resolution that the conduct of
the Chairperson of the National Assembly is not compatible with his or her office.
The Chairperson of the National Assembly may take part and vote in the
deliberations on such resolution.

93. Summoning and prorogation of session: (1) The President shall summon a
session of the Federal Parliament within thirty days of the declaration of final
results of the election to the House of Representatives. Thereafter, the President
shall, from time to time, summon sessions of both or either of the Houses pursuant
to this Constitution.
Provided that the interval between the two consecutive sessions shall not
exceed six months.
(2) The President may prorogue the sessions of both or either of the
Houses of the Federal Parliament.
(3) If, during the prorogation or recess of the session of the House of
Representatives, one-fourth of the total number of its members write a petition that
it is desirable to convene a session or meeting, the President shall specify the date
and time for such session or meeting. The House of Representatives shall meet or
commence its session at the date and time so specified.

94. Quorum: Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, no question or

resolution shall be presented for decision in a meeting of either House of the
Federal Parliament unless one-fourth of the total number of its members are

95. Address by President: (1) The President may address either a meeting of any
House or a joint sitting of both Houses of the Federal Parliament, and summon the
members for that purpose.

(2) The President shall address the first session after election to the
House of Representatives and a joint sitting of both Houses of the Federal
Parliament after the commencement of the first session of each year.

96. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister, Minister of State and Assistant Minister
entitled to take part in both Houses: The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister,
Minister of State and Assistant Minister shall be entitled to attend and take part in
the proceedings and deliberations of either House of the Federal Parliament or its
Provided that he or she shall not be entitled to vote in a House or its
committee of which he or she is not a member.

97. Formation of committees: (1) The House of Representatives and the National
Assembly may form committees as provided for in the Federal law.
(2) If a resolution is passed by either House demanding that a joint
committee of both the Houses be formed for the purpose of managing the working
procedures between the two Houses of the Federal Parliament, resolving
disagreement on any Bill or for any other specified function, the joint committee
shall be formed. The joint committee shall consist of a maximum of twenty five
members in the ratio of five members from the House of Representatives to one
member from the National Assembly on the basis of inclusion.

98. Transaction of business in case of vacancy in seat of member: Either House of

the Federal Parliament shall have the power to transact its business
notwithstanding any vacancy in the seat of its member. No proceedings of either
House of the Federal Parliament shall become invalid even if it is subsequently
discovered that a person who was not so entitled took part in such proceedings.

99. Voting: Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, any motions submitted
for decision in either House of the Federal Parliament shall be decided by a
majority vote of the members present and voting. The member chairing the
meeting shall not have the right to vote.
Provided that he or she may cast vote in the case of a tie.

100. Provisions relating to vote of confidence and motion of no-confidence: (1) The
Prime Minister may, whenever he or she considers necessary or appropriate to
show that he or she has confidence from the House of Representatives, table a
motion to that effect in the House of Representatives for the vote of confidence.
(2) If the political party which the Prime Minister represents is divided
or a political party in coalition government withdraws its support, the Prime
Minister shall table a motion in the House of Representatives for a vote of
confidence within thirty days.
(3) If a motion tabled under clauses (1) and (2) is not passed by a
majority of the total number of the then members of the House of Representatives,
the Prime Minister shall relieve of his or her office.
(4) One-fourth of the total number of the then members of the House of
Representatives may table a motion of no-confidence in writing that the House has
no confidence in the Prime Minister.
Provided that a motion of no confidence shall not be tabled until the first
two years after the appointment of the Prime Minister and until another one year
after the date of failure of the motion of no confidence once tabled.
(5) A motion of no confidence to be tabled under clause (4) shall also
indicate the name of a member proposed for the Prime Minister.
(6) If a motion of no confidence tabled under clause (4) is passed by a
majority of the total number of the then members of the House of Representatives,
the Prime Minister shall relieve of his or her office.

(7) If the office of Prime Minister falls vacant because of the passage of
a motion of no confidence under clause (6), the President shall, in accordance with
Article 76, appoint as the Prime Minister the member of the House of
Representatives proposed under clause (5).

101. Impeachment: (1) One fourth of the total number of the then members of the
House of Representatives may move a motion of impeachment against the
President or Vice-President on the ground of serious violation of this Constitution
and the Federal law. If the motion is passed by at least two thirds majority of the
total number of the then members of both Houses of the Federal Parliament, he or
she shall relive of his or her office.
(2) One fourth of the total number of the then members of the House of
Representatives may move a motion of impeachment against the Chief Justice of
Nepal or a Judge of the Supreme Court, member of the Judicial Council, chief or
official of a Constitutional Body on the ground of his or her failure to fulfil his or
her duties of office because of serious violation of this Constitution and law,
incompetence or misconduct or failure to discharge the duties of office honestly or
serious violation of the code of conduct. If the motion is passed by at least two
thirds majority of the total number of the then members of the House of
Representatives, the concerned person shall relieve of his or her office.
(3) There shall be an impeachment recommendation committee in the
House of Representatives for the purpose of making recommendation after
inquiring into whether there exist the ground and reason for moving a motion of
impeachment against any person under clause (2).
(4) The committee under clause (3) shall consist of eleven members of
the House of Representatives.
(5) If at least three members of the House of Representatives certify and
submit a petition that the received information, notice or petition is admissible on
the ground of serious violation of the Constitution or incompetence or misconduct

or failure to discharge the duties of office honestly or serious violation of the code
of conduct by the person relieving of office on impeachment under clause (2), and
the committee under clause (3), upon inquiring into such petition in accordance
with Federal law, makes recommendation to the House of Representatives for
impeachment proceedings, a motion of impeachment under clause (2) may be
(6) After the commencement of impeachment proceedings under clause
(2), the Chief Justice of Nepal or Judge of the Supreme Court, member of the
Judicial Council, chief or official of the Constitutional Body shall not be allowed
to discharge the duties of his or her office pending the settlement of such
(7) A person who is charged with impeachment under clause (1) or (2)
shall be provided with a reasonable opportunity to defend himself or herself.
(8) Nothing shall bar the taking of action under the Federal law in
relation to the offence, if any, committed while in office by the President or Vice-
President, Chief Justice of Nepal or a Judge of the Supreme Court of Nepal,
member of the Judicial Council, chief or official of a Constitutional Body who is
relieved of office upon the passage of a motion of impeachment under this Article.
(9) A person who is relieved of office on the passage of a motion of
impeachment under clause (1) or (2) shall not be entitled to obtain any facility
accruing from such office and to be appointed or nominated to any public office
in the future.
(10) Other matters relating to impeachment shall be as provided for in the
Federal law.

102. Penalty for unauthorized presence or voting: If a person who has not taken oath
under Article 88 or who is not a member of the Federal Parliament is present or
votes in the capacity of member in a meeting of either House of the Federal
Parliament or of its committee, the person shall, by order of the person chairing

the meeting, be fined with a sum of five thousand rupees for each instance of such
presence or voting, and such fine shall be recovered as a government due.

103. Privileges: (1) There shall be full freedom of speech in both Houses of the Federal
Parliament; and no member shall be arrested, detained or prosecuted in any court
for anything expressed or any vote cast by him or her in the House.
(2) Each House of the Federal Parliament shall, subject to this
Constitution, have full power to regulate and decide its internal business, and the
concerned House shall have the exclusive right to decide whether or not any of its
proceedings is regular or irregular. No question shall be raised in any court in this
(3) No comment shall be made about the good faith concerning any
proceeding of any House of the Federal Parliament, and no publication and
broadcasting of any kind shall be made about anything said by any member,
intentionally distorting or misinterpreting the meaning of the speech.
(4) The provisions of clauses (1) and (3) shall also apply to other
persons who are entitled to participate in the meetings of the House than the
members of the Federal Parliament.
(5) No proceedings shall be initiated in any court against any person in
respect of the publication, under the authority granted by any House of the Federal
Parliament, of any document, report, vote or proceeding.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause and clauses (1), (2), (3) and (4),
"House" means the House of Representatives or the National Assembly, and
includes a joint sitting or committee or joint committee of the Federal Parliament.
(6) No member of the Federal Parliament shall be arrested during the
period from the issuance of a notice summoning the session to its prorogation.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to bar the arresting
under the Federal law of any member on a criminal charge. If any member is so

arrested, the authority making such arrest shall forthwith give information thereof
to the person presiding over the concerned House.
(7) Any breach of the privileges shall be deemed to constitute contempt
of the Federal Parliament, and the concerned House shall have the exclusive right
to decide whether any privilege has been breached.
(8) If any person is in contempt of any House, the person presiding over
the concerned House may, after a decision by the House to that effect, admonish,
warn or impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months
or of a fine not exceeding ten thousand rupees on such person, andsuch fine shall
be recovered as a government due.
Provided that if such person apologies to the satisfaction of the concerned
House, it may pardon, remit or commute the sentence imposed on, him or her.
(9) Other matters relating to the privileges of the Federal Parliament
shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

104. Procedures relating to conduct of business: (1) Each House of the Federal
Parliament shall frame rules to conduct its business, maintain order during its
meetings and regulate the constitution, functions and procedures of the committees
and procedures of the House or its committee. Until such rules are framed, the
Federal Parliament shall regulate its procedures on its own.
(2) The conduct of business of the joint sitting of the Federal
Parliament, and constitution and proceedings of the joint committee of the Federal
Parliament shall be regulated by the rules or procedures approved by the joint
sitting of both Houses of the Federal Parliament.

105. Restriction on discussion: No discussion shall be held in either House of the

Federal Parliament on any matters that may cause adverse effect on the
dispensation of justice on any cases which are sub judice in any courts of Nepal

and on any judicial acts done by Judges in the course of performance of their
Provided that nothing in this Article shall be deemed to bar the expression
of opinions about the conduct of a Judge during deliberations held on a motion of

106. Secretary General and Secretary of Federal Parliament: (1) The President
shall appoint the Secretary General of the House of Representatives on
recommendation of both the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
Chairperson of the National Assembly, the Secretary of the House of
Representatives on recommendation of the Speaker, and the Secretary of the
National Assembly on recommendation of the Chairperson.
(2) The qualification, functions, duties, powers and other conditions of
service of the Secretary General of the Federal Parliament, Secretary of the House
of Representatives and Secretary of the National Assembly shall be as provided
for in the Federal law.

107. Secretariat of Federal Parliament: There shall be a Secretariat for conducting

and managing the business of the Federal Parliament. The establishment of such
Secretariat and other matters related thereto shall be as provided for in the Federal

108. Remuneration: The remuneration and facilities of the Speaker and the Deputy
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chairperson and the Vice-
Chairperson of the National Assembly, chairpersons of the committees and
members of the Federal Parliament shall be as provided for in the Federal law, and
as specified by the Government of Nepal until such law is made.

Federal Legislative Procedures
109. Legislative powers of Federal Parliament: The legislative powers of the Federal
Parliament shall be as enumerated in the lists of Schedule-5, Schedule-7 and

110. Procedures for introduction of Bills: (1) A Bill may, subject to this Constitution,
be introduced in any House of the Federal Parliament.
Provided that a Money Bill shall be introduced only in the House of
(2) A Money Bill and a Bill concerning a security body including the
Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force, Nepal shall be introduced only
as a Government Bill.
(3) "Money Bill" means a Bill concerning any or all of the following
(a) the imposition, collection, abolition, remission, alteration or
regulation of taxes,
(b) the preservation of the Federal Consolidated Fund or any
other Federal Government Fund, the deposit of moneys into
and the appropriation or the withdrawal of moneys from such
Funds, or the reduction, increment or cancellation of
appropriations or of proposed expenditures from such Funds,
(c) the regulation of matters relating to the borrowing of money
or the giving of guarantee by the Government of Nepal, or
any matter pertaining to the amendment of the law with
respect to any financial obligations undertaken or to be
undertaken by the Government of Nepal,
(d) the custody and investment of all revenues received by any
Federal Government Fund, moneys acquired through the

repayment of loans, and grant moneys, or accounts or audits
of the accounts of the Government of Nepal, or
(e) Other matters directly related to any of the subjects specified
in clause (a), (b), (c)or (d).
Provided that any Bill shall not be deemed to be a Money Bill by the
reason only that it provides for the levying of any charges and fees such as
license fee, application fee, renewal fee or for the imposition of fines or
penalty of imprisonment.
(4) If any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the
decision of the Speaker thereon shall be final.

111. Procedures for passage of Bills: (1) A Bill passed by one House of the Federal
Parliament shall be transmitted to the other House as soon as possible and such
Bill, if passed by the receiving House, shall be presented to the President for
(2) A Money Bill passed by the House of Representatives shall be
transmitted to the National Assembly. The National Assembly shall, after
deliberations on such Bill, send back the Bill to the House of Representatives
within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the Bill, with suggestions, if any.
(3) The House of Representatives shall, upon deliberations on a Bill
returned with suggestions under clause (2), present the Bill incorporating such
suggestions as it may deem appropriate to the President for assent.
(4) If the National Assembly does not return a Money Bill received
under clause (2) for more than fifteen days, the House of Representatives may
present the Bill to the President for assent.
(5) Any Bill, except for a Money Bill, passed by the House of
Representatives and transmitted to the National Assembly shall be returned with
approval or suggestions within two months from the date of receipt. If the National
Assembly does not return the Bill within that period, the House of Representatives

may, by a resolution passed by a majority of the total number of its existing
members, present the Bill to the President for assent.
(6) If any Bill, other than a Money Bill, passed by one House is rejected
or is passed with amendments by the other House, the Bill shall be returned to the
House where it originated.
(7) If the House of Representatives, in considering a Bill which has been
rejected or amended and returned by the National Assembly under clause (6),
passes it again as it was or with amendments, by a majority of the total number of
its existing members, the Bill shall be presented to the President for assent.
(8) If a Bill which has been returned with amendments by the House of
Representatives to the National Assembly under clause (6) is also again passed,
with such amendments, by a majority of the number of existing members ofthe
National Assembly, the Bill shall be presented to the President for assent.
(9) The following Bills shall be referred to a joint sitting of the both
Houses, and if the joint sitting passes the Bill as it was or with amendments, the
House in which the Bill originated shall present it to the President for assent:
(a) Bills which, though passed by the National Assembly, have
been rejected by the House of Representatives, or
(b) Bills which have been returned to the National Assembly with
amendments by the House of Representatives, but the
National Assembly has not agreed on such amendments.
(10) Even though the session of a House is prorogued while a Bill is
under its consideration, deliberations on the Bill may continue at the succeeding
Provided that if the House of Representatives is dissolved or its term
expires when any Bill introduced in the House of Representatives is under its
consideration or when any Bill passed by the House of Representatives is under
consideration in the National Assembly, such Bill shall lapse.

112. Withdrawal of Bills: One who has introduced a Bill may, with the approval of the
House, withdraw the Bill.

113. Assent on Bills: (1) A Bill which is to be submitted to the President for assent
under Article 111 shall be so submitted by the Speaker or the Chairperson of the
House in which the Bill originated after it has been certified by him or her.
Provided that in the case of a Money Bill, the Speaker shall so certify.
(2) A Bill submitted to the President for his or her assent in accordance
with this Article shall be assented to within fifteen days, both Houses shall be
informed thereof as soon as possible.
(3) If the President is of the opinion that any Bill, except a Money Bill,
submitted for assent needs reconsideration, he or she may, within fifty days from
the date of presentation of such Bill, return the Bill with his or her message to the
House in which the Bill originated.
(4) If any Bill is returned with a message by the President, and both
Houses reconsider, passes such Bill as it was or with amendments and submit it
again, the President shall give assent to that Bill within fifteen days of such
(5) A Bill shall become an Act after the President gives assent to it.

114. Provisions relating to Ordinance: (1) If, at any time, except when both Houses
of the Federal Parliament are in session, circumstances exist which render it
necessary to take immediate action, the President may, on recommendation of the
Council of Ministers, promulgate an Ordinance.
(2) An Ordinance promulgated under clause (1) shall have the same
force and effect as an Act.
Provided that every such Ordinance:

(a) shall be tabled at the session of both Houses of the Federal
Parliament held after the promulgation, and if not passed by
both Houses, it shall ipso facto cease to be effective,
(b) may be repealed at any time by the President, and
(c) shall, unless rendered ineffective or repealed under sub-clause
(a) or (b), ipso facto cease to be effective at the expiration of
sixty days after the day on which a meeting of both Houses is
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, "day on which a meeting of
both Houses is held" means the day on which a session or meeting of both
Houses of the Federal Parliament commences or is held, and this term
means the later day on which a meeting of the House is held if the Houses
of the Federal Parliament meet on different dates.

Federal Financial Procedures
115. No tax to be levied or loan to be raised: (1) No tax shall be levied and collected
except in accordance with law.
(2) No loan shall be raised and guarantee given by the Government of
Nepal except as provided for in the Federal law.

116. Federal Consolidated Fund: Except for the revenues of trusts (Guthi), all
revenues received by the Government of Nepal, all loans raised on the security of
revenues, all amounts received in repayment of any loans made under the
authority of any Act and any other moneys received by the Government of Nepal
shall, except as otherwise provided by a Federal Act, be credited to a Government
Fund to be known as the Federal Consolidated Fund.

117. Expenditures from Federal Consolidated Fund or Federal Government Fund:

No expenditure shall be incurred out of the Federal Consolidated Fund or any
other Federal Government Fund except the following:

(a) moneys charged on the Federal Consolidated Fund,

(b) moneys required to meet the expenditure under a Federal
Appropriation Act,
(c) advance moneys authorized by a Federal Act required to meet
expenditures, when an Appropriation Bill is under consideration, or
(d) expenditures to be incurred in extraordinary circumstances under a
Federal Vote of Credit Act which contains only a description of
Provided that matters relating to the Federal Contingency Fund shall be
governed by Article 124.

118. Expenditures chargeable on Federal Consolidated Fund: The expenditures
relating to the following matters shall be charged on the Federal Consolidated
Fund, and approval of the Federal Parliament shall not be required for such
(a) the amount required as remuneration and facilities of the President
and the Vice-president,
(b) the amount required as remuneration and facilities payable to the
Chief Justice of Nepal, Judges of the Supreme Court, and members
of the Judicial Council,
(c) the amount required as remuneration and facilities payable to the
Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives,
and the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the National
(d) the amount required as remuneration and facilities payable to the
chiefs and officials of the Constitutional Bodies,
(e) the amount required as remuneration and facilities of the Chiefs of
(f) the administrative expenses of the Office of the President or the Vice
President, the Supreme Court, the Judicial Council, the
Constitutional Bodies, and the offices of Chiefs of States,
(g) all charges relating to debts for which the Government of Nepal is
(h) any sum required to satisfy any judgment or decree made by a court
against the Government of Nepal, and
(i) any other sum to be chargeable by the Federal law on the Federal
Consolidated Fund.

119. Estimates of revenues and expenditures: (1) The Minister for Finance of the
Government of Nepal shall, in respect of every financial year, lay before the joint

sitting of both Houses of the Federal Parliament an annual estimate setting out,
inter alia, the following matters:
(a) an estimate of revenues,
(b) the moneys required to meet the charges on the Federal Consolidated
Fund, and
(c) the moneys required to meet the expenditure to be provided for by a
Federal Appropriation Act.
(2) The annual estimate to be laid pursuant to clause (1) shall also be
accompanied by a statement of the expenses allocated to every Ministry in the
previous financial year and particulars of whether the objectives of the expenses
have been achieved.
(3) The Minister for Finance of the Government of Nepal shall lay
before the Federal Parliament an estimate of revenues and expenditures under
clause (1) on the 15th day of Jesta (mid May) each year.

120. Appropriation Act: The moneys to be spent under an Appropriation Act shall be
specified under concerned heads in an Appropriation Bill.

121. Supplementary estimates: (1) The Minister for Finance of the Government of
Nepal may lay before the House of Representatives a supplementary estimate if it
is found in any financial year,-
(a) that the sum authorized to be spent for a particular service by the
Appropriation Act for the current financial year is insufficient, or
that a need has arisen for expenditures on some new service not
provided for by the Appropriation Act for that year, or
(b) that the expenditures made during that financial year are in excess of
the amount authorized by the Appropriation Act.
(2) The sums included in the supplementary estimate shall be specified
under the related heads in a Supplementary Appropriation Bill.

122. Votes on account: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part,
a portion of the expenditure estimated for the financial year may, when an
Appropriation Bill is under consideration, be incurred in advance,as provided for
in the Federal Act.

(2) A Vote on Account Bill shall not be introduced until the estimates of
revenues and expenditures have been laid in accordance with Article 119, and the
sums involved in the Vote on Account shall not exceed one-third of the estimate of
expenditures for the financial year.
(3) The expenditures incurred in accordance with the Federal Vote on
Account Act shall be included in the Appropriation Bill.

123. Votes of credit: Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part, if

owing to an emergency due to either natural causes or a threat of external
aggression or internal disturbances or other reasons, it appears to be impractical or
inexpedient in view of the security or interest of the country to specify the details
required under Article 119, the Minister for Finance of the Government of Nepal
may lay before the House of Representatives a Vote of Credit Bill giving only a
statement of expenditures.

124. Federal contingency fund: (1) A Federal Act may create a fund to be known as
the contingency fund into which such moneys as may be determined by the
Federal Act shall be paid from time to time.
(2) The Government of Nepal shall control the fund under clause (1),
and may meet any unforeseen expenditure out of such fund.
(3) The amount of the expenditure under clause (2) shall be reimbursed
as soon as possible as provided for in the Federal Act.

125. Act relating to financial procedures: Matters relating to the transfer of moneys
appropriated by the Federal Act from one head to another and other financial
procedures shall be as provided for in the Federal Act.

126. Courts to exercise powers relating to justice: (1) Powers relating to justice in
Nepal shall be exercised by courts and other judicial bodies in accordance with
this Constitution, other laws and the recognized principles of justice.
(2) All shall abide by the orders or decisions made in the course of trial
of lawsuits by the courts.

127. Courts: (1) There shall be the following courts in Nepal:

(a) Supreme Court,
(b) High Court, and
(c) District Court.
(2) In addition to the courts under clause (1), judicial bodies may be
formed at the Local level to try cases under law or other bodies as required may be
formed to pursue alternative dispute settlement methods.

128. Supreme Court: (1) There shall be a Supreme Court in Nepal.

(2) The Supreme Court shall be a court of record. All courts and judicial
bodies shall, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, be under the
Supreme Court. The Supreme Court shall have the final authority to interpret this
Constitution and laws.
(3) The Supreme Court may inspect, supervise and give necessary
directives to, it and courts, specialized courts or other judicial bodies under its
jurisdiction, in relation to matters relating to judicial administration or
(4) All must abide by any interpretation of the Constitution or a law
made by or any legal principle laid down by the Supreme Court in the course of
trying a lawsuit. If anyone makes obstruction in the dispensation of justice by, or
disregard any order or judgment handed down by, it or any of its subordinate

courts, the Supreme Court may, in accordance with law, initiate proceedings and
impose punishment for contempt.

129. Appointment and qualification of Chief Justice of Nepal and Judges of

Supreme Court: (1) The Supreme Court shall consist of a maximum of twenty
Judges, in addition to the Chief Justice of Nepal.
(2) The President shall appoint the Chief Justice, on recommendation of
the Constitutional Council, and other Judges of the Supreme Court, on
recommendation of the Judicial Council.
(3) Any person who has served as a Judge of the Supreme Court for at
least three years shall be qualified for appointment as the Chief Justice.
(4) The term of office of the Chief Justice shall be six years.
(5) Any citizen of Nepal who has obtained a bachelor's degree in law
and served as the Chief Judge or a Judge of a High Court for at least five years or
who has obtained a bachelor's degree in law and constantly practiced law as a
senior advocate or advocate for at least fifteen years or who is a distinguished
jurist having constantly worked for at least fifteen years in the judicial or legal
field or who has served in the post of Gazetted first class or a higher post of the
Judicial Service for at least twelve years shall be deemed qualified for
appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court.

Explanation: The period during which one has served as the Chief Judge or Judge
of an Appellate Court prior to the commencement of this Constitution shall, for the
purposes of this clause, be deemed to be the period of service in the capacity of the
Chief Judge or Judge of the High Court.
(6) If the office of the Chief Justice falls vacant or the Chief Justice is
unable to carry out the duties of his or her office by reason of illness or otherwise
or he or she cannot be present in the Supreme Court by reason of a leave of

absence or his or her being outside of Nepal, the senior-most Judge of the Supreme
Court shall act as the Acting Chief Justice.

130. Conditions of service and facilities of Chief Justice and Judges:(1) If the Chief
Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court who has served for at least five years
resigns or undergoes compulsory retirement or dies, he or she shall be entitled to
such pension as may be provided for in the Federal law.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, the remuneration
and other conditions of service of the Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme
Court shall be provided for in the Federal law.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (1) and (2), the Chief
Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court who has been removed from office by
way of impeachment or who has been punished by a court for a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude shall not be entitled to gratuity or pension.
(4) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chief
Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be altered to his or her
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.

131. Vacation of office of Chief Justice or Judge of Supreme Court: The office of
the Chief Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing before the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if the President removes from office the Chief Justice, on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council, and the Judge of the

Supreme Court, on recommendation of the Judicial Council, on the
ground that he or she is unable to discharge his or her duties because
of physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she is punished by a court for a criminal offence involving
moral turpitude,
(f) if he or she dies.

132. Chief Justice and Judges of Supreme Court not to be engaged in any other
office: (1) No Chief Justice or Judge of the Supreme Court shall be engaged in or
deputed to any office other than that of Judge.
Provided that the Government of Nepal may, in consultation with the
Judicial Council, depute a Judge of the Supreme Court to work concerning judicial
inquiry, or to legal or judicial investigation or research for a specified period.
(2) No person who has once held the office of Chief Justice or a Judge
of the Supreme Court shall be eligible for appointment to any government office,
except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.

133. Jurisdiction of Supreme Court: (1) Any citizen of Nepal may file a petition in
the Supreme Court to have any law or any part thereof declared void on the
ground of inconsistency with this Constitution because it imposes an unreasonable
restriction on the enjoyment of any fundamental right conferred by this
Constitution or on any other ground, or to have any law or any part thereof made
by a State Assembly declared void because it is inconsistent with any law made by
the Federal Parliament or to have any law or any part thereof made by a Municipal
Assembly or Village Assembly declared void because it is inconsistent with a law
made by the Federal Parliament or the State Assembly, and the Supreme Court
shall have an extra-ordinary power to declare that law to be void either ab initio or
from the date of its decision if the law appears to be so inconsistent.

(2) The Supreme Court shall, for the enforcement of the fundamental
rights conferred by this Constitution or of any other legal right for which no other
remedy has been provided or for which the remedy even though provided appears
to be inadequate or ineffective or for the settlement of any constitutional or legal
question involved in any dispute of public interest
extraordinary power to issue necessary and appropriate orders, provide appropriate
remedies, enforce such right or settle such dispute.
(3) Under the extra-ordinary jurisdiction under cla
Court may issue appropriate orders and writs including the writs of
mandamus, certiorari, prohibition and quo warranto.
Provided that except on the ground of lack of jurisdiction, the Supreme
Court shall not under this clause interfere with any internal proceedings of the
Federal Parliament or State Assembly, and with any proceedings instituted by the
Federal Parliament or State Assembly concerning violation of its privileges and
penalties imposed there for.
(4) Subject to this Constitution, the Supreme Court shall, as provided in
a Federal law, have the power to originally try and settle cases, hear appeals, test
judgments referred for confirmation, revise cases, hear petitions or review its
judgments or final orders. Judges other than those having handed down the
previous judgment shall make such review.
(5) The Supreme Court shall settle appeals from cases originally tried
and settled by a High Court and matters of public importance involving questions
of interpretation of the Constitution and law or cases recommended by a High
Court, accompanied by its opinion that it is reasonable that decision be made by
the Supreme Court.
(6) Other powers and procedures of the Supreme Court shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.

134. Power to transfer of cases: (1) If cases which involve substantially the same
questions are sub judice before the Supreme Court and a High Court, and the
Supreme Court is satisfied on its own or on application by the Attorney General or
parties to such cases that such questions are of public importance, the Supreme
Court shall have the power to procure and adjudge the cases together.
(2) If there exists a special situation where judicial impartiality can be
questioned if a case filed in a High Court is tried by that Court, the Supreme Court
may, for reasons and grounds to be recorded, order such case to be transferred
from such High Court to another High Court and tried by the latter High Court, in
accordance with law.

135. Not to be engaged in practice of law: No Chief Justice or Judge of the Supreme
Court may, after retirement from service, be engaged in the practice of law,
mediation or arbitration proceedings before any office or court.

136. Responsibility of Chief Justice: The Chief Justice shall have the ultimate
responsibility to make effective the administration of justice by the Supreme
Court, subordinate courts, specialized courts or other judicial bodies.

137. Formation of Constitutional Bench: (1) There shall be a Constitutional Bench in

the Supreme Court. The Constitutional Bench shall consist of the Chief Justice and
other four Judges designated by the Chief Justice on recommendation of the
Judicial Council.
(2) The Bench under clause (1) shall originally try and settle the
following cases, in addition to the petitions filed in accordance with clause (1) of
Article 133:
(a) Disputes relating to jurisdiction between the Federation and a State,
between States, between a State and a Local level and between Local

(b) Disputes relating to election to members of the Federal Parliament or
State Assembly and matters relating to disqualification of a member
of the Federal Parliament or of the State Assembly.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 1
any case sub judice in the Supreme Court involves a question of seriou
constitutional interpretation, the Chief Justice may appoint such case to be tried by
the Bench under clause (1).
(4) Other provisions relating to the functioning of
Bench shall be as determined by the Supreme Court.

138. Annual report: (1) The Supreme Court, Judicial Council and Judicial Service
Commission shall, every year, submit annual reports to the President, and the
President shall submit such reports to the Federal Parliament through the Prime
(2) If the Federal Parliament, upon deliberating on the annual reports
submitted under clause (1), deems it necessary to give any suggestion, it may give
such suggestion to the concerned body through the Government of Nepal, Ministry
of Law and Justice.
(3) Other provisions relating to annual reports under clause (1) shall be
as provided for in the Federal law.

139. High Courts: (1) There shall be a High Court in each State.
(2) If anyone makes obstruction in the dispensation of justice by, or
disregard any order or judgment handed down by, it or any of its subordinate
courts or judicial bodies, the High Court may initiate proceedings on and impose
punishment for contempt, as provided for in the Federal law.
(3) Each High Court shall consist of such number of Judges, in addition
to the Chief Judge, as provided for in the Federal law.

140. Appointment and qualification of Chief Judge and Judges of High Court: (1)
The Chief Justice shall, on recommendation of the Judicial Council, appoint the
Chief Judge and Judges of the High Court.
(2) Any citizen of Nepal who has obtained a bachelor's degree in law
and served as a Judge of a District Court for at least five years or who has obtained
a bachelor's degree in law and constantly practiced law as a senior advocate or
advocate for at least ten years or who has constantly been engaged in the teaching
or research of law or in any other field relation to law or justice for at least ten
years or who has served in the post of at least Gazetted first class of the Judicial
Service for at least five years shall be deemed qualified for appointment as the
Chief Judge or a Judge of the High Court.
(3) Appointments to the Chief Judge and Judges of a High Court shall
be made from amongst the persons who have possessed the qualification under
clause (2) on the basis of the proportion of cases settled by him or her annually
and of evaluation of cases upheld, quashed or reversed by superior courts in the
course of final decision thereof, in the case of a District Judge, and of his or her
seniority, qualification and evaluation of standard of performance of business, in
the case of a person who has served in the post of at least Gazetted first class of
the Judicial Service, and of evaluation of seniority, professional continuity,
honesty, professional conduct and contribution made to the field of law and
justice, in the case of others.
(4) If the office of the Chief Judge falls vacant or the Chief Judge is
otherwise unable to carry out the duties of his or her office or cannot be present in
the High Court by reason of a leave of absence or his or her being outside of the
State, the senior-most Judge of the High Court shall act as the Acting Chief Judge.

141. Conditions of service and facilities of Chief Judge and Judges: (1) Except as
otherwise provided in this Constitution, the remuneration and other conditions of

service of the Chief Judge and Judges of the High Court shall be provided for in
the Federal law.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the Chief Judge or
a Judge of a High Court who has been removed from office upon action by the
Judicial Council or upon punishment by a court for a criminal offence involving
moral turpitude shall not be entitled to gratuity or pension.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where the Judicial
Council has removed him or her from office on the ground of inability to perform
the duties of his or her office because of physical or mental illness.
(3) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chief Judge
or a Judge of the High Court shall not be altered to his or her disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.

142. Vacation of office of Chief Judge or Judge: (1) The office of Chief Judge or
Judge of a High Court shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing before the Chief
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-three years,
(c) if he or she is removed from office by the Chief Justice on
recommendation of the Judicial Council, on the ground of his
or her incompetence, bad conduct, failure to perform his or
her duties honestly, performance of business with mala fide
intention or serious violation by him or her of the code of
conduct required to be observed by him or her,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the Chief Justice on
recommendation of the Judicial Council on the ground that he
or she is unable to discharge his or her duties because of
physical or mental illness,

(e) if he or she is punished by a court for a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude,
(f) if he or she dies.
(2) A Judge who is facing a charge shall be provided with a reasonable
opportunity to defend himself or herself prior to removing him or her from the
office under sub-clause (c) of clause (1). The Judge against whom the proceedings
have been so instituted shall not be allowed to perform the duties of his or her
office until the proceedings are completed.
(3) Nothing shall bar the institution of action in accordance with the
Federal law against the Chief Judge or Judge who has been removed from office
for an offence which he or she has committed while in office.

143. Chief Judge and Judges not to be engaged in any other office and provisions
relating to transfer : (1) No Chief Judge or Judge of a High Court shall be
engaged in or deputed to any office other than that of Judge.
Provided that the Government of Nepal may, in consultation with the
Judicial Council, depute a Judge of the High Court to work concerning judicial
inquiry, or to legal or judicial investigation or research or to any business of
national concern for any specific period.
(2) The Chief Justice may, on recommendation of the Judicial Council,
transfer a Judge of a High Court to another High Court.

144. Jurisdiction of High Court: (1) The High Court shall have the power to issue
necessary and appropriate orders, for the enforcement of the fundamental rights
conferred by this Constitution or for the enforcement of any other legal right for
which no other remedy has been provided or for which the remedy even though
provided appears to be inadequate or ineffective or for the settlement of any legal
question involved in any dispute of public interest or concern,

(2) For the purposes of clause (1), the High Court may issue appropriate
orders and writs including the writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari,
prohibition and quo warranto.
Provided that except on the ground of absence of jurisdiction, the High
Court shall not under this clause interfere with any internal proceedings of the
Federal Parliament or State Assembly, and with any proceedings instituted by the
Federal Parliament or State Assembly concerning violation of its privileges and
penalties imposed therefor.
(3) The High Court shall, in accordance with the Federal law, have the
power to originally try and settle cases; hear appeals and test judgments referred
for confirmation.
(4) Other powers and procedures of the High Court shall be as provided
by the Federal law.

145. Power to transfer cases: (1) If a High Court is of the opinion that a case which
is sub judice in a subordinate court within its jurisdiction involves a question
relating to a State law and it is essential to settle that question in order to decide
the case, the High Court may procure the case and dispose the case wholly or
decide only such question and remand the case to the court of first instance.
(2) If it is satisfied with the reason that there exists a situation where
judicial impartiality can be questioned if a case filed in a District Court is tried by
that Court, the High Court may, for reasons and grounds to be recorded, order
such case to be transferred from such District Court to another District Court
under its jurisdiction and tried by the latter District Court, as provided for in the
Federal law.

146. To be engaged in practice of law: A person who has retired from the office of a
Judge of a High Court may be engaged in the practice of law before the Supreme

Court and a High Court, other than the High Court where he or she has served as a
Judge and a subordinate court.

147. Responsibility of Chief Judge: The Chief Judge shall have the ultimate
responsibility to make effective the administration of justice by the High Court
and the Courts or other judicial bodies which are subordinate to it. For that
purpose, the Chief Judge may, subject to this Constitution and the Federal law,
give necessary direction to the subordinate Courts and judicial bodies.

148. District Courts: (1) There shall be a District Court in each District.
(2) The Local level judicial bodies established in accordance with the
State law shall be subordinate to the District Court. The District Court may inspect
as well as supervise and give necessary direction to its subordinate judicial bodies.

149. Appointment, qualification, remuneration and other conditions of service of

Judges of District Courts: (1) The Chief Justice shall, on recommendation of the
Judicial Council, appoint Judges of the District Courts.
(2) The vacant posts of Judges of the District Court shall be filled as
(a) twenty percent of the vacant posts, on the basis of evaluation of
seniority, qualification and competency, from amongst the officers
who have obtained bachelor's degree in law and served for at least
three years in the post of Gazetted Second Class of the Judicial
(b) forty percent of the vacant posts, on the basis of open competitive
examination, from amongst the officers who have obtained
bachelor's degree in law and served for at least three years in the
post of Gazetted Second Class of the Judicial Service,

(c) the remaining forty percent of the vacant posts, on the basis of open
competitive examination, from amongst the citizens of Nepal who,
having obtained bachelor's degree in law, have constantly practiced
law for at least eight years as an advocate or who, having obtained
bachelor's degree in law, have served in a Gazetted post of the
Judicial Service for at least eight years or have constantly been
engaged in the teaching or research of law or served in any other
field of law or justice for at least eight years.
(3) The Judicial Service Commission shall, in accordance with the
Federal law, hold written and oral competitive examinations for the persons who
have possessed the qualification under sub-clauses (b) and (c) of clause (2), and
make recommendation, in order of merit, to the Judicial Council for appointment
as District Judges.
(4) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Judges of
the District Court shall be provided for in the Federal law.
(5) The remuneration and other conditions of service of a Judge of the
District Court shall not be altered to his or her disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(6) The office of a Judge of the District Court shall be vacant in any of
the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing before the Chief
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-three years,
(c) if he or she is removed from office by the Chief Justice on
recommendation of the Judicial Council, on the ground of his
or her incompetence, misconduct, failure to perform his or her
duties honestly, performance of business with mala fide

intention or serious violation by him or her of the code of
conduct required to be observed by him or her,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the Chief Justice on
recommendation of the Judicial Council on the ground that he
or she is unable to continue service and discharge his or her
duties because of physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she is punished by a court for a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude,
(f) if he or she dies.
(7) A District Judge who is accused shall be given a reasonable
opportunity to defend himself or herself before removing him or her from office
under sub-clause (c) of clause (6).The District Judge against whom the
proceedings are so initiated shall not perform the duties of his or her office until
the proceedings are completed.
(8) Nothing shall prevent the instituting of action, in accordance with
the Federal law, against a District Judge who is removed from office for an
offence which he or she has committed while in office.

150. District Judges not to be engaged in any other office and provisions relating
to transfer : (1) No District Judge shall be engaged in or deputed to any office
other than that of Judge.
Provided that the Government of Nepal may, in consultation with the
Judicial Council, depute a District Judge to work concerning judicial inquiry, or to
legal or judicial investigation or research and to any election related work, for a
specified period.
(2) The Chief Justice may, on recommendation of the Judicial Council,
transfer a District Judge from one District Court to another District Court.

151. Jurisdiction of District Court: (1) Except as otherwise provided by the Federal
law, a District Court shall have the power to originally try and settle all cases
under its jurisdiction, to try petitions under law, including petitions of habeas
corpus and prohibition, hear appeals under law from decisions made by quasi-
judicial bodies, hear appeals from decisions made by Local level judicial bodies
formed under the State law, institute contempt proceedings and punish for
contempt under the Federal law if anyone makes obstruction in the dispensation of
justice by, or disregards any order or judgment by, it or any of its subordinate
(2) Other provisions relating to the jurisdiction and procedures of the
District Courts shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

152. Specialized courts: (1) Other specialized courts, judicial bodies or tribunals may
be formed to try and settle specific types and nature of cases other than those
mentioned in Article 127, as provided for in the Federal law.
Provided that no specialized court, judicial body or tribunal shall be formed
for any specific case.
(2) No criminal offence involving imprisonment for a term of more than
one year shall fall under the jurisdiction of a body other than a court, specialized
court, military court or judicial body.

153. Judicial Council: (1) There shall be a Judicial Council to make

recommendation or give advice, in accordance with this Constitution, on the
appointment of, transfer of, disciplinary action against, and dismissal of, Judges,
and other matters relating to the administration of justice, which shall consist of
the following as its chairperson and members:
(a) The Chief Justice - Chairperson
(b) The Federal Minister for Law and Justice - Member

(c) The senior-most Judge of the Supreme - Member
(d) One jurist nominated by the President on
recommendation of the Prime Minister - Member
(e) A senior advocate or advocate who has
gained at least twenty years of experience,
to be appointed by the President on - Member
recommendation of the Nepal Bar
(2) The term of office of the members under sub-clauses (d) and (e) of
clause (1) shall be four years, and their remuneration and facilities shall be
equivalent to those of a Judge of the Supreme Court.
(3) The members under sub-clauses (d) and (e) of clause (1) shall be
removed from office in the same manner and on the same grounds as a Judge of
the Supreme Court.
(4) The chairperson and a member of the Judicial Council may study the
case associated with a complaint filed in respect of any Judge, and make a report
thereof to the Judicial Council.
(5) If a preliminary inquiry of a complaint filed in respect of any Judge
reveals a need to have a detailed inquiry by an expert, the Judicial Council may
form an inquiry committee.
(6) If a Judge, other than a Judge who can be removed from office by
way of impeachment in accordance with this Constitution, commits an abuse of
authority by way of corruption, the Judicial Council may investigate into the
matter and institute a case in accordance with law.
(7) The Judicial Council must prepare updated records of the persons
who are qualified for appointment to offices of the Chief Justice, Judges of the
Supreme Court, Chief Judges and Judges of the High Courts.

(8) Other functions, duties and powers of the Judicial Council shall be
as provided for in the Federal law.

154. Judicial Service Commission:(1) In appointing, transferring or promoting

gazetted officers of the Federal Judicial Service or taking departmental action
concerning such officers in accordance with law, the Government of Nepal shall
act on recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission.
Provided that in making new permanent appointments to gazetted posts of
the Federal Judicial Service from persons who are not already in the Federal
Government Service or making promotions from non-gazetted posts of the Federal
Judicial Service to gazetted ones of that Service, the Government of Nepal shall
act on the recommendation of the Public Service Commission.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, the Public Service
Commission shall hold open and internal competitive examinations to be held for
appointments to Gazetted posts of the Federal Judicial Service.
(2) The Judicial Service Commission shall consist of the following as its
chairperson and members:
(a) The Chief Justice - Chairperson
(b) The Federal Minister for Law and - Member
(c) The senior most Judge of the - Member
Supreme Court
(d) The Chairperson of the Public - Member
Service Commission
(e) The Attorney General - Member
(3) Other functions, duties, powers and procedures of the Judicial
Service Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

155. Provisions relating to conditions of service and facilities: Provisions relating to
the remuneration, facilities and conditions of service of the employees of the
Federal Judicial Service shall be as provided for in the Federal Act.

156. Provisions relating to State Judicial Service Commission: Provisions relating to

the formation of a State Judicial Service Commission and the remuneration,
facilities and conditions of service of the employees of a State Judicial Service
shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

Part- 12
Attorney General
157. Attorney General: (1) There shall be an Attorney General of Nepal.
(2) The President shall, on recommendation of the Prime Minister,
appoint the Attorney General. The Attorney General shall hold office during the
pleasure of the Prime Minister.
(3) A person who is qualified to be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme
Court shall be eligible to be appointed as the Attorney General.
(4) The office of the Attorney General shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President through
the Prime Minister,
(b) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Prime Minister,
(c) if he or she dies.
(5) The remuneration and other facilities of the Attorney General shall
be similar to those of a Judge of the Supreme Court. Other conditions of service of
the Attorney General shall be in accordance with law.

158. Functions, duties and powers of Attorney General: (1) The Attorney General
shall be the chief legal advisor to the Government of Nepal. It shall be the duty of
the Attorney General to give opinions and advices on constitutional and legal
matters to the Government of Nepal and such other authorities as the Government
of Nepal may specify.
(2) The Attorney General or government attorneys subordinate to him or
her shall represent the Government of Nepal in lawsuits wherein the rights,
interests or concerns of the Government of Nepal are involved. Except as provided
otherwise in this Constitution, the Attorney General shall have the right to make a

final decision as to whether to institute any case on behalf of the Government of
Nepal in any court, judicial body or authority.
(3) Opinion of the Attorney General must be obtained for withdrawing a
case filed on behalf of the Government of Nepal.
(4) The Attorney General may, upon invitation by the Federal
Parliament or any of its committees, to appear and express his or her opinion on
any legal question in such a meeting.
(5) In the course of discharging the duties of his or her office, the
Attorney General shall have the right to appear in any Court, office and authority
of Nepal.
(6) The Attorney General shall, in the course of performing his or her
duties, have the power to carry out the following acts, in addition to that set forth
in clause (2):
(a) to defend, on behalf of the Government of Nepal, any lawsuit in
which the Government of Nepal is a plaintiff or a defendant,
(b) to monitor, or cause to be monitored, whether any interpretation
given to a law or any legal principle laid down by the Supreme Court
in the course of hearing of lawsuits has been implemented,
(c) if a complaint is made alleging that any person held in custody has
not been treated humanely subject to this Constitution or such person
has not been allowed to meet his or her relative or through his or her
legal practitioner or if information of such matter is received, to
inquire there into and give necessary directive to the concerned
authority to prevent such act.
(7) The Attorney General may so delegate his or her functions, duties
and powers under this Article to his or her subordinate government attorneys as to
be exercised and complied with subject to the specified conditions.

(8) In addition to the functions, duties and powers mentioned in this
Article, other functions, duties and powers of the Attorney General shall be
pursuant to this Constitution and the Federal law.

159. Annual report: (1) The Attorney General shall, every year, submit to the
President an annual report on the works which he or she has performed pursuant to
this Constitution and the Federal law, and the President shall cause such report to
be laid before the Federal Parliament through the Prime Minister.
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to clause (1) shall set out,
inter alia, the number of advices and opinions on constitutional and legal matters
rendered by him or her throughout the year, and short description of such advices
and opinions, details of cases instituted as state cases, details of defence made in
lawsuits in which the Government of Nepal is a plaintiff or defendant, details of
reforms to be made in the future in relation to cases to be instituted as state cases
and information relating to crime trends.

160. Chief Attorney: (1) There shall be a Chief Attorney in every State, who shall be
subordinate to the Attorney General.
(2) The Chief of State shall, on recommendation of the concerned Chief
Minister, appoint the Chief Attorney. The Chief Attorney shall hold office during
the pleasure of the Chief Minister.
(3) A person who is qualified to be appointed as a Judge of High Court
shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chief Attorney.
(4) The office of the Chief Attorney shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Chief of State
through the Chief Minister,
(b) if he or she is removed from office by the Chief of State on
recommendation of the Chief Minister,

(c) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chief Attorney shall be the chief legal advisor to the State
Government. It shall be the duty of the Chief Attorney to give opinions and
advices on constitutional and legal matters to the State Government and such other
authorities as the State Government may specify.
(6) The Office of Attorney General shall manage the employees under
the Office of Chief Attorney.
(7) The remuneration and other facilities of the Chief Attorney shall be
similar to those of a Judge of High Court. The functions, duties and powers and
other conditions of service of the Chief Attorney shall be as provided for in the
State law.

161. Provisions relating to conditions of service and facilities: Provisions relating to

the remuneration, facilities and conditions of service of the government attorneys
and other employees under the Attorney General shall be as provided for in the
Federal Act.

Part -13
State Executive
162. Executive power of State: (1) The executive power of a State shall, pursuant to
this Constitution and the State law, be vested in the State Council of Ministers.
Provided that if a State Executive does not exist because of enforcement of
Federal governance, the Chief of State shall exercise the executive power of the
State as directed by the Government of Nepal.
(2) The responsibility for issuing general directives, controlling and
regulating the governance of the State shall, subject to this Constitution and other
laws, lie in the State Council of Ministers.
(3) All State executive functions shall be performed in the name of the
State Government.
(4) The executive power of the State shall be as mentioned in Schedule-
6, Schedule-7 and Schedule-9 subject to this Constitution.
Provided that the State Council of Ministers shall exercise the executive
powers in coordination with the Government of Nepal, except as explicitly
mentioned in this Constitution and in the Federal law in relation to concurrent
powers of the Federation and the State.
(5) Any decision or order to be issued in the name of the State
Government pursuant to clause (3) and other instruments of authorization
pertaining thereto shall be authenticated as provided for in the State law.

163. Provisions relating to Chief of State: (1) There shall be a Chief of State in each
State, as a representative of the Government of Nepal.
(2) The President shall appoint one Chief of State for each State.
(3) The term of office of a Chief of State shall be five years except
where the President removes him or her from office prior to the expiration of his
or her term of office.

(4) A person may not be the Chief of State for more than once in the
same State.

164. Qualification for Chief of State: A person who has the following qualification
shall be qualified to become the Chief of State:
(a) being qualified for being a member of the Federal Parliament,
(b) having completed the age of thirty five years, and
(c) Not being disqualified by any law.

165. Vacation of office of Chief of State: (1) The office of the Chief of State shall
become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if his or her term of office expires and he or she is removed from
office by the President prior to expiration of the term,
(c) if he or she dies.
(2) If the office of the Chief of State of any State falls vacant, the
President may so designate the Chief of State of another State to act as such also
for such State.

166. Functions, duties and powers of Chief of State: (1) The Chief of State shall
exercise such powers and perform such duties as conferred to him or her pursuant
to this Constitution or law.
(2) In exercising the powers or duties under clause (1), the Chief of
State shall perform all other functions to be performed by him or her on
recommendation and with the consent of the State Council of Ministers than those
functions specifically provided to be performed on recommendation of any body
or official pursuant to this Constitution or law. Such recommendation and consent
shall be submitted through the Chief Minister.

(3) Any decision or order to be issued in the name of the Chief of State
under clause (2) and other instrument of authorization pertaining thereto shall be
authenticated as provided for in the State law.

167. Oath by Chief of State: The Chief of State shall, prior to assuming office, take an
oath of office and secrecy before the President, as provided for in the Federal law.

168. Constitution of State Council of Ministers: (1) The Chief of State shall appoint
the leader of the parliamentary party commanding a majority in the State
Assembly as the Chief Minister, and the State Council of Ministers shall be
constituted under his or her chairpersonship.
(2) In cases where no party has a clear majority in the State Assembly
under clause (1), the Chief of State shall appoint as the Chief Minister a member
of the State Assembly who can command majority with the support of two or more
parties representing to the State Assembly.
(3) In cases where the Chief Minister cannot be appointed under clause
(2) no later than thirty days after the date of declaration of the final results of
election to the State Assembly or the Chief Minister so appointed fails to secure a
vote of confidence under clause (4), the Chief of State shall appoint as the Chief
Minister the parliamentary party leader of the party which has the highest number
of members in the State Assembly.
(4) The Chief Minister appointed under clause (2) or (3) shall obtain a
vote of confidence from the State Assembly no later than thirty days after the date
of such appointment.
(5) In cases where the Chief Minister appointed under clause (3) fails to
obtain a vote of confidence under clause (4) and any member under clause (2)
presents a ground on which he or she can obtain a vote of confidence in the State
Assembly, the Chief of State shall appoint such a member as the Chief Minister.

(6) The Chief Minister appointed under clause (5) must obtain a vote of
confidence under clause (4).
(7) In cases where the Chief Minister appointed under clause (5) fails to
obtain a vote of confidence or the Chief Minister cannot be appointed, the Chief of
State shall, on recommendation of the Chief Minister, dissolve the State Assembly
and appoint a date of election so that the election to another State Assembly is
completed within six months.
(8) Procedures on the appointment of the Chief Minister under this
Article must be completed no later than thirty five days after the date of
declaration of the final results of election to the State Assembly held under this
Constitution or the date on which the office of the Chief Minister has fallen
(9) The Chief of State shall, on recommendation of the Chief Minister,
constitute the State Council of Ministers consisting of a maximum of twenty
percent of the total number of members of the State Assembly, including the Chief
Minister, in accordance with the inclusive principle, from amongst the members of
the State Assembly.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "Minister" means a Minister,
Minister of State and Assistant Minister.
(10) The Chief Minister and Ministers shall be collectively responsible to
State Assembly, and the Ministers shall be individually responsible for the work of
their respective Ministries to the Chief Minister and the State Assembly.

169. Vacation of office of Chief Minister and Minister: (1) The office of the Chief
Minister shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Chief of State,
(b) if a vote of no-confidence is passed against him or her under Article
188 or a vote of confidence is not passed,
(c) if he or she ceases to be a member of the State Assembly,

(d) if he or she dies.
(2) The office of a Minister shall be vacant in any of the following
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Chief Minister,
(b) if the Chief Minister removes him or her from office,
(c) if the office of the Chief Minister falls vacant under sub-clause (a),
(b) or (c) of clause (1),
(d) if he or she dies.
(3) Even though the office of the Chief Minister falls vacant under
clause (1), the same Council of Ministers shall continue to act until another State
Council of Ministers is constituted.
Provided that if the Chief Minister dies, the senior-most Minister shall act
as the Chief Minister until a new Chief Minister is appointed.

170. Appointment of non-member of State Assembly as Minister: (1)

Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (9) of Article 168, the Chief of State
may, on the recommendation of the Chief Minister, appoint any person who is not
a member of the State Assembly as a Minister.
(2) A Minister appointed under clause (1) must obtain membership of
the State Assembly within six months from the date of taking an oath by him or
(3) In the event of failure to obtain membership of the State Assembly
within the period mentioned in clause (2), he or she shall not be eligible to be
reappointed to the office of Minister during the term of the then State Assembly.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), a person who has
been defeated in the election to the then State Assembly shall be not eligible to be
appointed to the office of Minister under clause (1) during the term of such State

171. Remuneration and other Facilities of Chief Minister and Minister: The
remuneration and other facilities of the Chief Minister and Ministers shall be as
provided by a State Act, and until such Act is made, shall be as specified by the
State Government.

172. Oath: The Chief Minister and Ministers shall, before assuming their respective
offices, take an oath of office and secrecy before the Chief of State, and Ministers
of State and Assistant Ministers, before the Chief Minister, as provided for in the
State law.

173. To give information to Chief of State: The Chief Minister shall inform the Chief
of State about the following matters:
(a) resolutions of the State Council of Ministers,
(b) Bills to be introduced in the State Assembly,
(c) such other necessary information as commanded by the Chief of
State on matters set forth in clauses (a) and (b), and
(d) current general state of affairs of the State.

174. Transaction of business of State Government: (1) The allocation and

transaction of business of the State Government shall be carried out in accordance
with the rules approved by the State Government.
(2) No question shall be raised in any court as to whether or not the
rules under clause (1) have been observed.

State Legislature
175. State Legislature: The legislature of a State shall be unicameral, which shall be
called as the State Assembly.

176. Composition of State Assembly: (1) Each State Assembly shall consist of a
number of members, as follows:
(a) Members in a number that is twice as many as the number of
members elected to the House of Representatives from the
concerned State, through the first past the post electoral system,
(b) The number of members to be set under clause (a) shall be
considered to be sixty percent, and the rest forty percent members to
be elected, through the proportional electoral system.
(2) Election constituencies shall be set on the basis of geography and
population as provided for in the Federal law, for the election to members under
sub-clause (a) of clause (1).
(3) Sixty percent members of the State Assembly shall be elected in
accordance with the first past the post electoral system and the forty percent
members in accordance with the proportional electoral system.
(4) Election to the members of the State Assembly under clause (3) shall
be held through adult suffrage by secret ballots in accordance with law.
(5) Each citizen of Nepal who resides within the territory of the State
and who has completed the age of eighteen years shall have a right to vote in any
one election constituency in accordance with law.
(6) The Federal law shall provide that, in fielding candidacy by political
parties for the election to the State Assembly under the proportional electoral
system, representation shall be ensured on the basis of a closed list also from
women, Dalit, indigenous, indigenous nationalities, Khas Arya, Madhesi, Tharu,
Muslims and backward regions, minority communities, on the basis of population.

In so fielding candidacy, regard shall also be had to geographical balance of the
concerned State.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, "Khas Arya" means Kshetri,
Brahmin, Thakuri, Sanyasi (Dashnami) community.
(7) In fielding candidacy under clause (6), political parties must provide
for representation of the persons with disabilities as well.
(8) If the seat of a member of the State Assembly falls vacant while its
term still remains for more than six months, the vacancy shall be filled through the
same electoral system as through which such seat was filled in.
(9) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, at
least one third of the total number of members elected from each political party
representing in the State Assembly must be women. If women are not so elected as
to constitute one third of the elected members of any political party under sub-
clause (a) of clause (1), such political party must, in electing members under sub-
clause (b) of that clause, so elect that women members constitute at least one third
of the total number of members elected to the State Assembly from that party.
(10) A person who is qualified under Article 178 and entitled to vote in
an election to the members of the State Assembly may, subject to law, be a
candidate in any election constituency of the State.
Provided that a person shall not be a candidate in more than one election
constituencies at the same time.
(11) Other provisions relating to election to the State Assembly shall be
as provided for in the Federal law.

177. Term of State Assembly: (1) Unless dissolved earlier pursuant to this
Constitution, the term of the State Assembly shall be five years.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the term of the
State Assembly may be extended by a State Act for a period not exceeding one
year in cases where a proclamation or order of a state of emergency is in effect.

(3) The term of the State Assembly extended under clause (2) shall ipso
facto be terminated after the expiry of six months from the date of voidance of the
proclamation or order of the state of emergency in the concerned State.

178. Qualification for member of State Assembly: (1) A person who has the
following qualification shall be qualified to become a member of the State
(a) being a citizen of Nepal,
(b) being a voter of the concerned State,
(c) having completed the age of twenty five years,
(d) not having been convicted of a criminal offense involving moral
(e) not being disqualified by any law, and
(f) not holding any office of profit.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, "office of profit" means any
position, other than a political position which is to be filled by election or
nomination, for which a remuneration or economic benefit is paid out of a
government fund.
(2) If a person who holds a political office to be filled by way of
election, nomination or appointment is elected as a member of the State Assembly
under this Part, his or her such office shall ipso facto be vacant with effect from
the day on which he or she takes an oath of such office.

179. Oath of member of State Assembly: Every member of the State Assembly must,
before taking part for the first time in the meeting of the Assembly or any of its
committees, take an oath as provided for in the State law.

180. Vacation of seat of member of State Assembly: The seat of a member of the
State Assembly shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:

(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing before the Speaker of the
State Assembly,
(b) if he or she is no longer qualified or ceases to possess the
qualification under Article 178,
(c) if the term of the State Assembly expires or it is dissolved,
(d) if he or she absents himself or herself from ten consecutive
meetings, without giving notice to the State Assembly,
(e) if the political party of which he or she was a member when elected
provides a notification as provided for in the Federal law that he or
she has defected from the party,
(f) If he or she dies.

181. Decision as to disqualification of member: If a question arises as to whether any

member of the State Assembly is disqualified or has ceased to possess any of the
qualifications under Article 178, the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court
shall make the final decision of such question.

182. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of State Assembly: (1) The members of the State
Assembly shall, not later than fifteen days of the date of holding of the first
meeting of the State Assembly, elect a State Speaker and a Deputy State Speaker
from amongst themselves.
(2) Election under clause (1) shall be so held that there is one woman
out of the State Speaker and the Deputy State Speaker, and the State Speaker and
the Deputy State Speaker of the State Assembly shall be representatives from
different parties.
Provided that if there is no representation of more than one party in the
State Assembly or no candidacy is filed by more than one party despite
representation, nothing shall prevent the members of the same party from being
the State Speaker and the Deputy State Speaker of the State Assembly.

(3) If the office of the State Speaker or the Deputy State Speaker falls
vacant, the members of the State Assembly shall fill the vacancy through election
to the State Speaker or the Deputy State Speaker from amongst themselves.
(4) The Deputy State Speaker shall, in the absence of the State Speaker
of the State Assembly, chair the State Assembly.
(5) If the election to the State Speaker and the Deputy State Speaker has
not taken place, or if both the positions have become vacant, the attending member
who is by age the senior-most shall chair the meeting of the State Assembly.
(6) The office of the State Speaker or the Deputy State Speaker of the
State Assembly shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she ceases to be a member of the State Assembly,
Provided that, in the event of the dissolution of the State Assembly,
the State Speaker and the Deputy State Speaker of the State Assembly
holding their respective offices shall continue in office until the previous
day of the filing of nominations for another election to the State Assembly,
(b) if he or she resigns in writing,
(c) if a resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the total
number of the then members of the State Assembly to the effect that
his or her conduct is not compatible with his or her office.
(7) The State Deputy Speaker shall preside over a meeting at which
deliberations are to be held on a motion that the conduct of the Speaker of the
State Assembly is not compatible with his or her office. The State Speaker shall be
entitled to take part and vote in the deliberations on such motion.

183. Summoning and prorogation of session of State Assembly: (1) The Chief of
State shall summon a session of the State Assembly within twenty days of the
declaration of final results of the election to the State Assembly. Thereafter, the
Chief of State shall, from time to time, summon other sessions pursuant to this

Provided that the interval between the two consecutive sessions shall not
exceed six months.
(2) The Chief of State may prorogue the sessions of the State Assembly.
(3) If, during the prorogation or recess of the session of the State
Assembly, one-fourth of the total number of its members make a petition that it is
expedient to convene a session or meeting, the Chief of State shall specify the date
and time for such session or meeting. The State Assembly shall meet or commence
its session at the date and time so specified.

184. Address by Chief of State: (1) The Chief of State may address a sitting of the
State Assembly, and summon the members for that purpose.
(2) The Chief of State shall address the first session after an election to
the State Assembly and a sitting of the State Assembly after the commencement of
the first session of each year.

185. Quorum of State Assembly: Except as otherwise provided for in this

Constitution, no question or motion shall be presented for decision in the State
Assembly unless one-fourth of the total number of its members are present.

186. Voting in State Assembly: All questions submitted for decision in the State
Assembly shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present and
participate in voting. The member chairing the meeting shall not have the right to
Provided that he or she may exercise his or her casting vote in the case of a

187. Privileges of State Assembly: (1) There shall be full freedom of speech in the
State Assembly, subject to this Constitution, and no member shall be arrested,

detained or prosecuted in any court for anything expressed or any vote cast by him
or her in the State Assembly.
(2) The State Assembly shall, subject to this Constitution, have full
power to regulate and decide its internal business, and it shall be the exclusive
right of the State Assembly to decide whether or not any of its proceedings is
regular or irregular. No question shall be raised in any court in this behalf.
(3) No comment shall be made about the good faith concerning any
proceeding of the State Assembly, and no publication and broadcasting of any
kind shall be made about anything said by any member, intentionally distorting or
misinterpreting the meaning of the speech.
(4) The provisions of clauses (1) and (3) shall also apply to other
persons who are entitled to participate in the meetings of the State Assembly than
the members of State Assembly.
(5) No proceedings shall be initiated in any court against any person in
respect of the publication, under the authority granted bythe State Assembly, of
any document, report, vote or proceeding.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause and clauses (1), (2), (3) and
(4), "State Assembly" means and includes the meeting of a committee of the State
(6) No member of the State Assembly may be arrested during the period
from the issuance of a notice summoning the session to its prorogation.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the arrest
under the law of any member on a criminal charge. If any member is so arrested,
the authority making such arrest shall forthwith give information thereof to the
person presiding over the State Assembly.
(7) Any breach of the privileges shall be deemed to constitute contempt
of the State Assembly, and the State Assembly shall have the exclusive right to
decide whether any breach of its privileges has taken place.

(8) If any person is in contempt of the State Assembly, the person
presiding over the State Assembly may, after a decision by the State Assembly to
that effect, admonish, warn or impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months or of a fine not exceeding ten thousand rupees on such
person, and such fine shall be recovered as a government due.
Provided that if such a person submits an apology to the satisfaction of the
State Assembly, it may either pardon him or her or remit or commute the sentence
imposed on him or her.
(9) Other matters relating to privileges of the State Assembly shall be as
provided in the State law.

188. Provisions relating to vote of confidence and motion of no-confidence: (1) The
Chief Minister may, whenever he or she considers necessary or appropriate to
show that he or she has confidence from the State Assembly, table a resolution to
that effect in the State Assembly for the vote of confidence.
(2) If the political party which the Chief Minister represents is divided
or a political party in coalition State Government withdraws its support, the Chief
Minister shall table a resolution in the State Assembly for a vote of confidence
within thirty days.
(3) If a resolution tabled under clauses (1) and (2) is not passed by a
majority of the total number of then members of the State Assembly, the Chief
Minister shall relieve of his or her office.
(4) One-fourth of the total number of then members of the State
Assembly may table in writing a motion of no-confidence against the Chief
Provided that a motion of no confidence may not be tabled until the first
two years after the appointment of the Chief Minister and until another one year
after the date of failure of the motion of no confidence once tabled.

(5) A motion of no confidence to be tabled under clause (4) shall also
indicate the name of a member proposed for Chief Minister.
(6) If a motion of no confidence tabled under clause (4) is passed by a
majority of the total number of then members of the State Assembly, the Chief
Minister shall relieve of his or her office.
(7) If the office of the Chief Minister falls vacant because of the passage
of a vote of no-confidence under clause (6), the Chief of State shall, in accordance
with Article 168, appoint as the Chief Minister the member of the State Assembly
proposed under clause (5).

189. Minister, Minister of State and Assistant Minister entitled to take part in
meetings of State Assembly: The Minister, Minister of State and Assistant
Minister shall be entitled to attend, and take part in the proceedings and
deliberations of, the State Assembly or its committees.
Provided that a Minister, Minister of State or Assistant Minister who is not
a member of the State Assembly shall not be entitled to vote in a meeting of the
State Assembly or its committee, and a Minister, Minister of State or Assistant
Minister shall not be entitled to vote in a meeting of a committee of which he or
she is not a member.

190. Penalty for unauthorized presence or voting in State Assembly: If a person

who has not taken oath under Article 179 or who is not a member of the State
Assembly is present or votes in a meeting of the State Assembly or of its
committee as a member, the person shall, by order of the person chairing the
meeting, be fined with a sum of five thousand rupees for each instance of such
presence or voting, and such a fine shall be recovered as a government due.

191. Restriction on discussion: No discussion shall be held in the State Assembly on

any matters that may cause adverse effect on the dispensation of justice on any

cases which are sub judice in any courts of Nepal and on any judicial acts done by
Judges in the course of performance of their duties.

192. Transaction of business in case of vacancy in seat of member: The State

Assembly shall have the power to transact its business notwithstanding any
vacancy in the seat of its member; and no proceedings of the State Assembly
already conducted shall become invalid even if it is subsequently discovered that a
person who was not so entitled took part in such proceedings.

193. Power of State Assembly to form committees: The State Assembly may, in
accordance with its rules, form committees or special committees, as required, in
order to manage its working procedures.

194. Procedures relating to conduct of business of State Assembly: The State Assembly
shall frame rules to conduct its business, maintain order during its meetings and
regulate the constitution, functions and procedures of, and other matters relating
to, its committees. Until such rules are framed, the State Assembly shall regulate
its procedures on its own.

195. Secretary and Secretariat of State Assembly: (1) The Chief of State shall
appoint the Secretary of the State Assembly on recommendation of the Speaker of
State Assembly.
(2) There shall be a Secretariat for conducting and managing the
business of the State Assembly. The establishment of such Secretariat and other
matters related thereto shall be as provided for in the State law.
(3) The qualification, functions, duties, powers and other conditions of
service of the Secretary of the State Assembly shall be as provided for in the State

196. Remuneration: The remuneration and facilities of the Speaker and the Deputy
Speaker of the State Assembly shall be as provided for in the State law, and as
specified by the State Government until such law is made.

State Legislative Procedures
197. Legislative powers of State Assembly: The legislative powers of the State
Assembly shall be as contained in lists of Schedule-6, Schedule-7 and Schedule-9.

198. Procedures for introduction of Bills in State Assembly: (1) A Bill may, subject
to this Constitution, be introduced in the State Assembly.
(2) A Money Bill and a Bill concerning peace and security may be
introduced only as a Government Bill.
(3) "Money Bill" means a Bill concerning any or all of the following
(a) the imposition, collection, abolition, remission, alteration or
regulation of taxes in the State,
(b) the preservation of the State Consolidated Fund or any other
State Government Fund, the deposit of moneys into and the
appropriation or the withdrawal of moneys from such Funds,
or the reduction, increment or cancellation of appropriations
or of proposed expenditures from such Funds,
(c) the regulation of matters relating to the borrowing of money
or the giving of guarantee by the State Government, or any
matter pertaining to the amendment of the law with respect to
any financial obligations undertaken or to be undertaken by
the State Government,
(d) the custody and investment of all revenues received by any
State Government Fund, moneys acquired through the
repayment of loans, and grant moneys; or audits of the
accounts of the State Government, or
(e) other incidental matters directly related to any of the subjects
specified in clause (a), (b), (c) or (d).

Provided that any Bill shall not be deemed to be a Money Bill by the reason
only that it provides for the levying of any charges or fees such as license fee,
application fee, renewal fee or for the imposition of fines or penalty of
(4) If any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the
decision of the Speaker of State Assembly thereon shall be final.

199. Procedures for passage of Bills: (1) A Bill passed by the State Assembly shall be
presented to the Chief of State for assent.
(2) If a session of the State Assembly terminates while a Bill is under
consideration, deliberations on the Bill may continue at the succeeding session.
Provided that if the State Assembly is dissolved or its term expires when
any Bill is under its consideration, such a Bill shall lapse.

200. Withdrawal of Bills: A member who has introduced a Bill may, with the approval
of the State Assembly, withdraw the Bill.

201. Assent on Bills: (1) A Bill which is to be presented to the Chief of State for assent
under Article 199 shall be so presented by the Speaker of State Assembly after it
has been certified by him or her.
Provided that in the case of a Money Bill, the Speaker of State Assembly
shall so certify.
(2) A Bill presented to the Chief of State for his or her assent shall be
assented to within fifteen days, and the State Assembly shall be informed thereof
as soon as possible.
(3) Except for a Money Bill, if the Chief of State is of the opinion that
any Bill needs further deliberations, he or she may send back the Bill with his or
her message to the State Assembly within fifteen days from the date of
presentation of the Bill to him or her.

(4) If any Bill is sent back with his or her message by the Chief of State
under clause (3), it shall be reconsidered by the State Assembly and if the Bill so
reconsidered is again passed as it was or with amendments, and is again presented
to him or her, the Chief of State shall give assent to that Bill within fifteen days of
such presentation.
(5) A Bill shall become an Act after the Chief of State gives assent to it.

202. Ordinance: (1) If, at any time, except when the State Assembly is in session, a
circumstance exists which renders it necessary to take immediate action, the Chief
of State may, on the recommendation of the State Council of Ministers,
promulgate an Ordinance.
(2) An Ordinance promulgated under clause (1) shall have the same
force and effect as an Act.
Provided that every such Ordinance:
(a) shall be tabled at the session of the State Assembly held after
the promulgation, and if not passed by the State Assembly, it
shall ipso facto cease to be effective,
(b) may be repealed at any time by the Chief of State, and
(c) shall, unless rendered ineffective or repealed under sub-clause
(a) or (b), ipso facto cease to be effective at the expiration of
sixty days after the day on which a meeting of the State
Assembly is held.

Part -16
State Financial Procedures
203. No tax to be levied or loan to be raised: (1) No tax shall be levied and collected
in a State except in accordance with law.
(2) No loan shall be raised and guarantee given by the State Government
except as provided for in the Federal law.

204. State Consolidated Fund: Except for the revenues of trusts (Guthi), all revenues
received by the State Government, all loans raised on the security of revenues, all
moneys received in repayment of any loans made under the authority of any State
Act and any mounts of grants or loans received from the Government of Nepal
shall, except as otherwise provided for in the State Act, be credited to a State
Government Fund to be known as the State Consolidated Fund.

205. Expenditures from State Consolidated Fund or State Government Fund: No

expenditure shall be incurred out of the State Consolidated Fund or any other State
Government Fund except the following:
(a) moneys charged on the State Consolidated Fund,
(b) moneys required to meet the expenditure under an Appropriation
(c) advance moneys authorized by an Act required to meet expenditures,
when an Appropriation Bill is under consideration, or
(d) expenditures to be incurred in extraordinary circumstances under a
Vote of Credit Act which contains only a description of expenditures.
Provided that matters relating to the State Contingency Fund shall be
in accordance with Article 212.

206. Expenditures chargeable on State Consolidated Fund: The expenditures
relating to the following matters shall be charged on the State Consolidated Fund,
and approval of the State Assembly shall not be required for such expenditures:
(a) the amount required as remuneration and facilities payable to the
State Speaker and the State Deputy Speaker,
(b) the amount required as remuneration and facilities payable to the
Chairperson and members of the State Public Service Commission,
(c) all charges relating to debts for which the State Government is
(d) any sum required to satisfy any judgment or decree made by a court
against the State Government, and
(e) any other sum specified by a State law to be chargeable on the State
Consolidated Fund.

207. Estimates of revenues and expenditures: (1) The State Minister for Finance
shall, in respect of every financial year, lay before the State Assembly an annual
estimate setting out, inter alia, the following matters:
(a) an estimate of revenues,
(b) the moneys required to meet the charges on the State Consolidated
Fund, and
(c) the moneys required to meet the expenditure to be provided for by a
State Appropriation Act.
(2) The annual estimate to be laid pursuant to clause (1) shall also be
accompanied by a statement of the expenses allocated to every Ministry in the
previous financial year and particulars of whether the objectives of the expenses
have been achieved.

208. State Appropriation Act: The moneys required to meet the expenditure to be
provided for by any State Appropriation Act shall be specified under appropriate
heads in an Appropriation Bill.

209. Supplementary estimates: (1) The State Minister for Finance may lay before the
State Assembly a supplementary estimate if it is found in any financial year,-
(a) that the sum authorized to be spent for a particular service by the
State Appropriation Act for the current financial year is insufficient,
or that a need has arisen for expenditures upon some new service not
provided for in the State Appropriation Act for that year, or
(b) that the expenditures made during that financial year are in excess of
the amount authorized by the State Appropriation Act.
(2) The sums included in the supplementary estimates shall be specified
under the heads in a Supplementary Appropriation Bill.

210. Votes on Account: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part,
a portion of the expenditure estimated for the financial year may, when aState
Appropriation Bill is under consideration, be incurred in advance under a State
(2) A Vote on Account Bill shall not be introduced until the estimates of
revenues and expenditures have been laid in accordance with Article 207, and the
sums involved in the Vote on Account shall not exceed one-third of the estimate of
expenditures for the financial year.
(3) The expenditures incurred in accordance with the State Vote on
Account Act shall be included in the State Appropriation Bill.

211. Votes of Credit: Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part, if

owing to an emergency due to natural causes or other reasons, it appears to be
impractical or inexpedient in view of the security or interest of the State to specify

the details required under clause (1) of Article 207, the State Minister for Finance
may lay before the State Assembly a Vote of Credit Bill giving only a statement of

212. State Contingency Fund: (1) A State Act may create a Fund to be known as the
State Contingency Fund into which shall be paid from time to time such moneys
as may be determined by the State Act.
(2) The Fund under clause (1) shall be under the control of the State
Government. Any unforeseen expenditure may be met out of such Fund by the
State Government.
(3) The amount of the expenditure under clause (2) shall be reimbursed
as soon as possible by the State Act.

213. Act relating to financial procedures: Matters relating to the transfer of moneys
appropriated by the State Act from one head to another and other financial
procedures shall be as provided for in the State Act.

Local Executive
214. Executive power of Local Level: (1) The executive power of the Local Level
shall, pursuant to this Constitution and the Federal law, be vested in the Village
Executive or the Municipal Executive.
(2) The local executive power shall be as mentioned in Schedule-8 and
(3) The responsibility for issuing general directives, controlling and
regulating the governance of the Village Body and the Municipality shall, subject
to this Constitution and other laws, lie in the Village Executive and the Municipal
(4) The executive functions of the Village Body and the Municipality
shall be performed in the name of the Village Executive and the Municipal
(5) Any decision or order to be issued in the name of the Village
Executive and the Municipal Executive pursuant to clause (4) and other
instruments of authorization pertaining thereto shall be authenticated as provided
for in the Local law.

215. Provisions relating to Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of Village

Executive: (1) There shall be a Chairperson of Village Executive in each Village
Body. The Village Executive shall be formed under his or her chairpersonship.
(2) The Village Executive under clause (1) shall consist of one Vice-
Chairperson, Ward Chairperson elected from each Ward and members elected
pursuant to clause (4).
(3) The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by the
voters residing within the concerned Village Body area by secret ballots on the
basis of one person one vote, in accordance with the first past the post electoral

Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "Chairperson" and "Vice-
Chairperson" mean the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Village
(4) The members of the Village Executive shall also include four women
members elected by the members of the Village Assembly from amongst
themselves and two members elected by the Village Assembly from the Dalit or
minority communities, in possession of the qualification under clause (5), no later
than fifteen days after the final results of the election to the Village Assembly
under Article 222.
(5) A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to be
elected to the office of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Ward Chairperson and
(a) being a citizen of Nepal,
(b) having completed the age of twenty one years,
(c) being a voter whose name is included in the electoral rolls of
the Village Body,
(d) not being disqualified by any law.
(6) The term of office of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Ward
Chairperson and member shall be five years after the date of being elected.
(7) A person who has been elected as the Chairperson for two terms
shall not be eligible to be a candidate in an election to the Village Body.
(8) The office of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Ward Chairperson
or member shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if the Chairperson tenders resignation in writing to the Vice-
Chairperson, and if the Vice-Chairperson tenders resignation
before the Chairperson,
(b) if his or her term of office expires,
(c) if he or she dies.

(9) If the seat falls vacant under clause (7) while the term of office of
the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson still remains for more than one year, the
vacancy shall be filled through by-election for the remainder of term.

216. Provisions relating to Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Municipal Executive: (1)
Each Municipality shall have a Mayor. The Municipal Executive shall be formed
under his or her chairpersonship.
(2) The Municipal Executive under clause (1) shall consist of one
Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairperson elected from each Ward and members elected
pursuant to clause (4).
(3) The Mayor and the Deputy Mayor shall be elected by the voters
residing within the concerned Municipal area by secret ballots on the basis of one
person one vote, in accordance with the first past the post electoral system.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "Mayor" and "Deputy Mayor" mean
the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Executive.
(4) The members of the Municipal Executive shall also include five
women members elected by the members of the Municipal Assembly from
amongst themselves and three members elected by the Municipal Assembly from
the Dalit or minority communities, in possession of the qualification under clause
(5), no later than fifteen days after the final results of the election to the Municipal
Assembly under Article 223.
(5) A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to be
elected to the office of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairperson and member:
(a) being a citizen of Nepal,
(b) having completed the age of twenty one years,
(c) being a voter whose name is included in the electoral rolls of
the Municipality,
(d) not being disqualified by any law.

(6) The term of office of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairperson
and member shall be five years after the date of being elected.
(7) A person who has been elected as the Mayor for two terms shall not
be eligible to be a candidate in an election to the Municipality.
(8) The office of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairperson or
Member shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if the Mayor tenders resignation in writing to the Deputy
Mayor, and if the Deputy Mayor tenders resignation in
writing before the Mayor,
(b) if his or her term of office expires,
(c) if he or she dies.
(9) If the seat falls vacant under clause (8) while the term of office of
the Mayor or Deputy Mayor still remains for more than one year, the vacancy
shall be filled through by-election for the remainder of term.

217. Judicial Committee: (1) There shall be a three-member judicial committee to be

coordinated by its Vice-Chairperson in the case of a Village Body and by its
Deputy Mayor in the case of a Municipality, in order to settle disputes under their
respective jurisdictions in accordance with law.
(2) The judicial committee under clause (1) shall consist of two
members elected by the members of the Village Assembly or the Municipal
Assembly from amongst themselves.

218. Conduct of business of Village Executive and Municipal Executive: Allocation

and conduct of business of the Village Executive and the Municipal Executive
shall be carried out in accordance with the rules approved by the Village Executive
and the Municipal Executive, respectively.

219. Other provisions relating to Local Level Executive: Other provisions relating to
the Local Level Executive, except those contained in this Part, shall be as provided
for in the Federal law, subject to this Constitution.

220. District Assembly and District Coordination Committee:(1) There shall be a

District Assembly to make coordination between the Village Bodies and
Municipalities within the district.
(2) The District Assembly shall consist of Chairpersons and Vice-
Chairpersons of Village Executives, and Mayors and Deputy Mayors of Municipal
Executives within the district. The first meeting of the District Assembly shall be
held no later than thirty days of the date of final results of the election to the
Village Assemblies and the Municipal Assemblies.
(3) The District Assembly shall elect the District Coordination
Committee consisting of a maximum of nine Members including one Chief, one
Deputy Chief, at least three women and at least one Dalit or minority. The District
Coordination Committee shall discharge all functions required to be discharged by
the District Assembly.
(4) A Member of a Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly within the
concerned district shall be eligible to be a candidate for the office of Chief, Deputy
Chief or Member of the District Coordination Committee. If elected to the office
of Chief, Deputy Chief or Member of the District Coordination Committee, his or
her office of Member of Village Assembly or of Municipal Assembly shall ipso
facto lapse.
(5) The term of office of the Chief, Deputy Chief and member of the
District Coordination Committee shall be five years after the date of being elected.
(6) The office of the Chief, Deputy Chief and member of the District
Coordination Committee shall become vacant in any of the following

(a) if the Chief tenders resignation in writing before the Deputy
Chief, and if the Deputy Chief or member tenders resignation
in writing before the Chief,
(b) if his or her term of office expires,
(c) if he or she dies.
(7) The functions, duties and powers of the District Assembly shall be as
(a) to make coordination between the Village Bodies and Municipalities
within the district,
(b) to monitor development and construction works to make balance of
such works,
(c) to make coordination between the Federal and the State Government
offices and Village Bodies and Municipalities in the district,
(d) to perform other functions as provided for in the State law.
(8) Provisions relating to the conduct of the District Assembly, facilities
of Members of the District Coordination Committee and other matters relating to
the District Assembly shall be as provided for in the State law.

Local Legislature
221. Legislative powers of Local Level: (1) The legislative powers of the Local Level
shall be vested in the Village Assembly and the Municipal Assembly, subject to
this Constitution.
(2) The legislative powers of the Village Assembly and the Municipal
Assembly shall be as mentioned in the lists contained in Schedule-8 and Schedule-

222. Composition of Village Assembly: (1) Each Village Body shall have a Village
(2) A Village Assembly under clause (1) shall consist of the
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Village Executive, Ward Chairpersons,
and four members elected from each ward and Members of the Village Executive
elected from Dalit and minority communities pursuant to clause (4) of Article 215.
(3) A Village Assembly to be formed under clause (1) shall have
representation of at least two women from each ward.
(4) Each ward of a Village Body under the Federal law shall have a
Ward Committee composed of the Ward Chairperson and four members. Such
Ward Chairperson and Ward members shall be elected in accordance with the first
past the post electoral system.
(5) Every person who has completed the age of eighteen years and
whose name is included in the electoral rolls of the Village Bodyshall have a right
to vote as provided for in the Federal law.
(6) A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to
become a candidate for the office of the Member of the Village Assembly:
(a) being a citizen of Nepal,
(b) having completed the age of twenty one years,

(c) being his or her name included in the electoral rolls of the
Village Body, and
(d) not being disqualified by any law.
(7) Matters relating to the election to the Village Assembly and other
matters pertaining thereto shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

223. Composition of Municipal Assembly: (1) Each Municipality shall have a

Municipal Assembly.
(2) A Municipal Assembly under clause (1) shall consist of the Mayor
and the Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Executive, Ward Chairpersons, and four
members elected from each Ward and members of the Municipal Executive
elected from Dalit or minority communities pursuant to clause (4) of Article 216.
(3) A Municipal Assembly to be formed under clause (1) shall have
representation of at least two women from each Ward.
(4) Each ward of a Municipality shall have a Ward Committee
composed of one Ward Chairperson and four members as provided for in the
Federal law. Such Ward Chairperson and Ward members shall be elected in
accordance with the first past the post electoral system.
(5) Every person who has completed the age of eighteen years and
whose name is included in the electoral rolls of the Municipality shall have a right
to vote as provided for in the Federal law.
(6) A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to be
a candidate for the office of member of the Municipal Assembly:
(a) being a citizen of Nepal,
(b) having completed the age of twenty one years,
(c) being his or her name included in the electoral rolls of the
Municipality, and
(d) not being disqualified by any law.

(7) Matters relating to the election to the Municipal Assembly and other
matters pertaining thereto shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

224. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of Village Assembly and Municipal

Assembly: The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of a Village Executive and the
Mayor and Deputy Mayor of a Municipal Executive shall ipso factobe the
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Village Assembly and the Municipal
Assembly, respectively, and perform functions as such.

225. Term of Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly: The term of a Village
Assembly and of a Municipal Assembly shall be five years for the date of election.
Another Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly shall be elected not later than
six months of the expiration of such a term.

226. Powers to make law: (1) A Village Assembly and a Municipal Assembly may
make necessary laws on the matters set forth in the Lists contained in Schedule-8
and Schedule-9.
(2) The process for making laws under clause (1) shall be as provided
for in the State Law.

227. Other provisions relating to Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly: Other
matters relating to the conduct of business of a Village Assembly and Municipal
Assembly, rules of procedures of meetings, formation of committees, conditions in
which the office of member falls vacant, facilities receivable by members of the
Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly and employees and offices of the
Village Body and Municipality shall be as provided for in the State law.

Local Financial Procedures
228. No tax to be levied or loan to be raised: (1) No tax shall be levied and collected
and no loan raised in the Local level except in accordance with law.
(2) The Local level may levy tax by law on matters falling within its
domain without prejudice to national economic policies, carriage of goods and
services, capital and labour market, and the neighbouring State or Local level.

229. Local Consolidated Fund: (1) Each Village Body and Municipality under the
Local Level shall have one Local Consolidate Fund. All revenues received by the
Village Body or Municipality, any amounts of grants received from the
Government of Nepal and the State Government, all loans raised by the Village
Body and Municipality, and amounts received from other sources shall be credited
to such a Fund.
(2) Matters relating to expenditures from the Local Consolidated Fund
under clause (1) shall be as provided for in the Local law.

230. Estimates of revenues and expenditures of Village Body and Municipality: (1)
The Village Executive and the Municipal Executive shall, subject to this
Constitution, lay an estimate of revenues and expenditures of every financial year
before, and have the estimate passed by, the Village Assembly and the Municipal
Assembly, respectively, as provided for in the Local law.
(2) If, in laying an estimate of revenues and expenditures under clause
(1), the Village Executive or Municipal Executive is required to make a deficit
budget, it must purpose also the sources to meet the deficit as provided for in the
Federal law and the State law.

Interrelations between Federation, State and Local Level
231. Legislative interrelations between Federation and States: (1) The Federal Law
may be made to be applicable to the whole of, or, if required, to any part of, the
territory of Nepal.
(2) A State law may be made to be applicable to the whole of, or as
required, to any part of the territory of the State.
(3) If two or more States make a request to the Government of Nepal to
make laws on any matter enumerated in Schedule-6, the Federal Parliament may
make necessary laws. Such laws shall be applicable only to the concerned States.

232. Relations between Federation, State and Local level: (1) The relations between
the Federation, States, and Local level shall be based on the principles of
cooperation, co-existence and coordination.
(2) The Government of Nepal may, pursuant to this Constitution and the
Federal Law, give necessary directions to any State Council of Ministers on
matters of national importance and on matters to be coordinated between the
States, and it shall be the duty of the concerned State Council of Ministers to abide
by such directions.
(3) If any such type of act as may seriously undermine the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, nationality or independence of Nepal is carried out in any
State, the President may, as required, warn such State Council of Ministers,
suspend or dissolve the State Council of Ministers and the State Assembly for a
period not exceeding six months.
(4) Any suspension or dissolution of any State Council of Ministers and
State Assembly made pursuant to clause (3) must get ratified by a two-thirds
majority of the total number of the then members of the Federal Parliament within
thirty five days.

(5) If dissolution made pursuant to clause (3) is ratified by the Federal
Parliament, election to the State Assembly shall be held in such State within six
Provided that such suspension or dissolution shall ipso facto be invalid if it
is not ratified by the Federal Parliament.
(6) The Federal ruling shall apply to such State during the period of
such suspension if the suspension made pursuant to clause (3) is ratified pursuant
to clause (4) and until election to the State Assembly is held pursuant to clause (5).
(7) During the continuance of the Federal rule, the Federal Parliament
may make laws with respect to any matter enumerated in the List contained in
Schedule-6. Such laws shall continue to exist until repealed by other laws made by
the concerned State Assembly.
(8) The Government of Nepal may, directly or through the State
Government, render necessary assistance to, and give necessary directives to, any
Village Executive or Municipal Executive, pursuant to this Constitution and the
Federal law. It shall be the duty of the Village Executive or Municipal Executive to
abide by such directives.

233. Relations between States: (1) One State shall render assistance in the execution
of legal provisions or judicial and administrative decisions or orders of another
(2) A State may exchange information and consult with another State on
matters of common concern and interest, coordinate each other on their activities
and legislations and extend mutual assistance.
(3) A State shall, in accordance with its State law, provide equal
security, treatment and facility to residents of another State.

234. Inter-State Council: (1) There shall be an Inter-State Council as follows to settle
political disputes arising between the Federation and a State and between States:

(a) Prime Minister - Chairperson
(b) Minister for Home Affairs of the Government of Nepal- Member
(c) Minister for Finance of the Government of Nepal - Member
(d) Chief Ministers of the concerned States - Member
(2) The Inter-State Council may meet as required.
(3) The Inter-State Council may invite to its meeting a Minister of the
Government of Nepal and a Minister of the concerned State who is responsible for
the matter of dispute and a concerned expert.
(4) The rules of procedures of the meeting of the Inter-State Council
shall be as determined by the Council itself.

235. Coordination between Federation, State and Local Level: (1) The Federal
Parliament shall make necessary laws in order to maintain coordination between
the Federation, State and Local level.
(2) The State Assembly may maintain coordination between the State
and Village Bodies or Municipalities and settle political disputes, if any, that have
arisen, in coordination with the concerned Village Body, Municipality and the
District Coordination Committee.
(3) The processes and procedures for the settlement of disputes under
clause (2) shall be as provided for in the State law.

236. Inter-State trade: Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this

Constitution, it is prohibited to make any kind of obstruction to the carriage of
goods or extension of services by a State or Local level to another State or Local
level or to the carriage of goods or extension of services to any State or Local
Level or to levy tax, fee or charge thereon or to make any kind of discrimination
on the carriage or extension of such services or goods.

237. Not to affect jurisdiction of Constitutional Bench of Supreme Court: Nothing
contained in this Part shall affect the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Bench of the
Supreme Court under Article 137.

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority
238. Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority: (1) There shall be a
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority of Nepal, consisting of the
Chief Commissioner and four other Commissioners. The Chief Commissioner
shall act as the Chairperson of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of
(2) The President shall, on recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chief Commissioner and Commissioners.
(3) The term of office of the Chief Commissioner and Commissioners
shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chief Commissioner or a Commissioner shall be vacant in any of the following
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chief Commissioner and Commissioners appointed under
clause (2) shall not be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a Commissioner may be appointed to the office of Chief
Commissioner, and when a Commissioner is so appointed as the Chief
Commissioner, his or her term of office shall be so computed as to include his or
her term as the Commissioner.

(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chief
Commissioner or a Commissioner of the Commission for the Investigation of
Abuse of Authority if he or she possesses the following qualification:
(a) holding a bachelor's degree from a recognized university,
(b) not being a member of any political party at the time of
(c) having gained at least twenty years of experiences in the field
of either accounting, revenue, engineering, law, development
or research and being a distinguished person,
(d) having attained the age of forty five years, and
(e) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chief
Commissioner and the Commissioners shall be as provided for inthe Federal law.
The remuneration and conditions of service of the Chief Commissioner and the
Commissioners shall not, so long as they hold office, be altered to their
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chief Commissioner or
Commissioner shall not be eligible for appointment in other government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

239. Functions, duties and powers of the Commission for the Investigation of
Abuse of Authority: (1)The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of
Authority may, in accordance with law, conduct, or cause to be conducted,

investigations of any abuse of authority committed through corruption by any
person holding public office.
Provided that this clause shall not apply to any official in relation to whom
this Constitution itself separately provides for such action and to any official in
relation to whom other law provides for a separate special provision.
(2) In the case of the persons who can be removed from office by
passing a motion of impeachment under Article 101, the Judges who can be
removed by the Judicial Council and the persons who are liable to action under the
Army Act, it may conduct, or cause to be conducted, investigations in accordance
with the Federal law after they have been removed from office.
(3) If the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority finds,
on investigation conducted pursuant to clause (1) or (2), that a person holding
public office has committed an act which is defined by law as corruption, it may
file, or cause to be filed, a case against that person and other person involved in
that offense in the competent court in accordance with law.
(4) If, on investigation conducted pursuant to clause (1) or (2), any act
or action done or taken by a person holding public office appears to be of such
nature as to be falling under the jurisdiction of another official or body, the
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority may write to the
concerned official or body for necessary action.
(5) The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority may
delegate any of its functions, duties and powers on the conducting of
investigations or filing cases, to the Chief Commissioner, a Commissioner or an
officer employee of the Government of Nepal to be exercised and complied with
subject to the specified conditions.
(6) Other functions, duties and powers and rules of procedure of the
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority shall be as provided for in
the Federal law.

Auditor General
240. Auditor General: (1) There shall be an Auditor General of Nepal.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Auditor General.
(3) The term of office of the Auditor General shall be six years from the
date of appointment.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Auditor General shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Auditor General appointed under clause (2) shall not be eligible
for reappointment.
(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Auditor General if
he or she possesses the following qualification:
(a) having served in the Special Class of the Government of
Nepal or having at least twenty years of experiences in audit
related work, after having obtained a bachelor's degree in
management, commerce or accounting from a recognized
university or having passed a chartered accountancy

(b) not being a member of any political party at the time of
(c) having attained the age of forty five years, and
(d) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and conditions of service of the Auditor General
shall be as provided for in the Federal law. The remuneration and conditions of
service of the Auditor General shall not, so long as he or she holds office, be
altered to his or her disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Auditor General shall not be eligible
for appointment in another government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

241. Functions, duties and powers of Auditor-General: (1) The accounts of all
Federal and State Government Offices including the Office of the President,
Office of the Vice-President, Supreme Court, Federal Parliament, State Assembly,
State Government, Local level, Constitutional Bodies and Offices thereof, Courts,
Office of the Attorney General, Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police
Force, Nepal shall be audited by the Auditor-General in accordance with law,
having regard to, inter alia, the regularity, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and
the propriety thereof.
(2) The Auditor General shall be consulted in the matter of appointment
of an auditor to carry out the audit of a corporate body of which the Government
of Nepal or State Government owns more than fifty percent of the shares or assets.

The Auditor General may also issue necessary directives setting forth the
principles for carrying out the audit of such corporate body.
(3) The Auditor General shall, at all times, have power to examine any
books of accounts for the purpose of carrying out the functions under clause (1). It
shall be the duty of the concerned chief of office to provide all such documents
and information as may be demanded by the Auditor General or any of his or her
(4) The accounts to be audited pursuant to clause (1) shall be maintained
in the form prescribed by the Auditor General, as provided for in the Federal law.
(5) In addition to the accounts of the offices mentioned in clause (1), the
Federal law may also require the accounts of any other offices or bodies to be
audited by the Auditor General.

Part -23
Public Service Commission
242. Public Service Commission: (1) There shall be a Public Service Commission of
Nepal, consisting of the Chairperson and four other Members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and Members.
(3) At least fifty percent of the total number of Members of the Public
Service Commission shall be appointed from amongst the persons who have
worked for twenty or more in any government service, and the rest of the
Members shall be appointed from amongst the persons who hold reputation after
having done research, investigation, teaching or any other significant work in the
field of science, technology, art, literature, law, public administration, sociology or
other sphere of national life.
(4) The term of office of the Chairperson and Members of the Public
Service Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(5) The Chairperson and Members appointed under clause (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a Member may be appointed to the office of Chairperson, and
when a Member is so appointed as the Chairperson, his or her term of office shall
be so computed as to include his or her term as the Member.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (4), the office of the
Chairperson or a Member of the Public Service Commission shall be vacant in any
of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of

his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(7) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the Public Service Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) holding a master's degree from a recognized university,
(b) not being a member of any political party at the time of
(c) having attained the age of forty five years, and
(d) being of high moral character.
(8) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chairperson
and the members of the Public Service Commission shall be as provided for inthe
Federal law. The remuneration and conditions of service ofthe Chairperson and the
Members of the Public Service Commission shall not, so long as they hold office,
be altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(9) A person once appointed as the Chairperson and the members of the
Public Service Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in other
government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

243. Functions, duties and powers of the Public Service Commission: (1) It shall be
the duty of the Public Service Commission to conduct examinations for the

selection of suitable candidates to be appointed to the positions in the Civil
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "positions in the Civil
Service" means all positions in the services of the Government of Nepal, other
than the positions in the services of Army personnel, Nepal Police or Armed
Police Force, Nepal and such other positions in the services as are excluded by an
Act from the Civil Service.
(2) The Public Service Commission shall conduct written examinations
to be given for appointment to the offices of the Nepal Army, Nepal Police,
Armed Police Force, Nepal, other Federal governmental services and of bodies
corporate, other than the positions in the Civil Service.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, "body corporate" means a
corporation, company, bank or board of which more than fifty percent or more of
the shares or assets is owned or controlled by the Government of Nepal, except a
university or Education Service Commission, or a commission, corporation,
authority, body, academy, board, centre, council and other body corporate of
similar nature established under the Federal law or formed by the Government of
(3) The Public Service Commission shall be consulted on the general
principles to be followed in the course of making appointment and promotion to
any position of the Nepal army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepal and
other Federal government services.
(4) The Public Service Commission shall be consulted on the laws
relating to the conditions of service of the employees in the service of a body
corporate and on the general principles to be followed in the course of making
promotion to any position of such service and taking departmental action against
any such employee.

(5) No permanent appointment to any pensionable position chargeable
on the Government of Nepal shall be made except in consultation with the Public
Service Commission.
(6) The Public Service Commission shall be consulted on the following
(a) matters concerning the law relating to the conditions of service of
the Federal Civil Service;
(b) the principles to be followed in making appointments to,
promotions to, the Federal Civil Service or positions thereof and
taking departmental action;
(c) matters concerning the suitability of any candidate for
appointment to the Federal Civil Service position for a period of
more than six months;
(d) matters concerning the suitability of any candidate for transfer or
promotion from a position in one type of Federal Civil Service to
a position in other type of Federal Civil Service or transfer or
promotion from other government service to the Federal Civil
Service or for a change in service or transfer from a position in a
State Civil Service to a position in the Federal Civil Service or
from a position in the Federal Civil Service to a State Civil
(e) matters concerning the permanent transfer or promotion of an
employee working in any position which does not require
consultation with the Public Service Commission to any position
which requires consultation with the Public Service Commission;
(f) matters relating to departmental action against any employee of
the Federal Civil Service.

(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (6), matters falling
within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Service Commission under Article 154 shall
be governed by that Article.
(8) The Public Service Commission may so delegate any of its
functions, duties and powers to its Chairperson or Member, an employee of the
Government of Nepal as to be exercised and complied with subject to the specified
(9) Other functions, duties and powers and rules of procedure of the
Public Service Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

244. Provisions relating to State Public Service Commission: (1) Each State shall
have a State Public Service Commission.
(2) The functions, duties and powers of the State Public Service
Commission shall be as provided for in the State law.
(3) The Federal Parliament shall by law determine grounds and
standards for the purposes of clause (2).

Election Commission
245. Election Commission: (1) There shall be an Election Commission of Nepal,
consisting of a Chief Commissioner and four other Commissioners. The Chief
Commissioner shall act as the chairperson of the Election Commission.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chief Election Commissioner and Commissioners.
(3) The term of office of the Chief Election Commissioner and
Commissioners of the Election Commission shall be six years from the date of
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chief Election Commissioner or Election Commissioner shall be vacant in any of
the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chief Election Commissioner and Commissioners appointed
under clause (2) shall not be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a Commissioner may be appointed to the office of Chief
Election Commissioner, and when a Commissioner is so appointed as the Chief
Election Commissioner, his or her term of office shall be so computed as to
include his or her term as the Commissioner.

(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chief Election
Commissioner or an Election Commissioner if he or she possesses the following
(a) holding a bachelor's degree from a recognized university,
(b) not being a member of any political party at the time of
(c) having attained the age of forty five years, and
(d) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chief
Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners shall be as provided for in
the Federal law. The remuneration and conditions of service of the Chief Election
Commissioner and the Commissioners shall not, so long as they hold office, be
altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chief Election Commissioner and a
Commissioner of the Election Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in
other government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

246. Functions, duties and powers of the Election Commission: (1) The Election
Commission shall, subject to this Constitution and the Federal law, conduct,
supervise, direct and control the election to the President, Vice-President,
members of the Federal Parliament, members of State Assemblies and members of

Local level. For these purposes, the Election Commission shall prepare electoral
(2) The Election Commission shall hold a referendum on a matter of
national importance pursuant to this Constitution and the Federal law
(3) If, after nomination of candidacy for the President, Vice-President,
member of the Federal Parliament, member of State Assemblies or member of
Local level has been filed but before the election results are declared, a question
arises about the qualification of a candidate, the Election Commission shall decide
that question.
(4) The Election Commission may so delegate any of its functions,
duties and powers to the Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commissioner or
any government employee as to be exercised and complied with subject to the
specified conditions.
(5) Other functions, duties and powers and rules of procedure of the
Election Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

247. To provide necessary assistance to Election Commission: The Government of

Nepal, State Government and Local Government shall provide such employees and
other assistance to the Election Commission as may be required to perform its
functions pursuant to this Constitution.

National Human Rights Commission
248. National Human Rights Commission: (1) There shall be a National Human
Rights Commission of Nepal, consisting of a Chairperson and four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members.
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the National
Human Rights Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) The Chairperson and members appointed under clause (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a Member may be appointed to the office of Chairperson, and
when a member is so appointed as the Chairperson, his or her term of office shall
be so computed as to include his or her term as the Member.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chairperson or member of the National Human Rights Commission shall be
vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(c) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(d) if he or she dies.
(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the National Human Rights Commission if he or she possesses the
following qualification:
(a) in the case of the Chairperson, being a retired Chief Justice or retired
Judge of the Supreme Court and having rendered outstanding

contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights or
being a renowned person having been active for at least twenty years
in and rendered outstanding contribution to the protection and
promotion of human rights or to various fields of national life,
(b) in the case of a Member, being a person being involved in the field
of the protection and promotion of human rights or rights and
interests of the child or being a renowned person having been active
for at least twenty years in and rendered outstanding contribution to
various fields of national life,
(c) holding a bachelor's degree from a recognized university,
(d) having attained the age of forty five years,
(e) not being a member of any political party at the time of appointment,
(f) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chairperson
and members of the National Human Rights Commission shall be as provided for
in the Federal law. The remuneration and conditions of service of the Chairperson
and members of the National Human Rights Commission shall not, so long as they
hold office, be altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chairperson or a member of the
National Human Rights Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in other
government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

249. Functions, duties and powers of National Human Rights Commission: (1) It
shall be the duty of the National Human Rights Commission to respect, protect
and promote human rights and ensure effective enforcement thereof.
(2) For the accomplishment of the duty mentioned in clause (1), the
National Human Rights Commission shall perform the following functions:
(a) to inquire, on its own initiative or on petition or complaint presented
in or sent to the Commission by a victim or any person on his or her
behalf or on information received by the Commission from any
source, into and investigate complaints of violations of human rights
of an individual or group or abetment thereof, and make
recommendation for action against the perpetrators,
(b) if any official who has the responsibility or duty to prevent
violations of human rights fails to fulfil or perform his or her
responsibility or duty or shows reluctance in the fulfilment or
performance of his or her responsibility or duty, to make
recommendation to the concerned authority to take departmental
action against such official,
(c) if it is required to institute a case against any person or organization
who has violated human rights, to make recommendation to file a
case in the court in accordance with law;
(d) to coordinate and collaborate with the civil society in order to
enhance awareness on human rights,
(e) to make recommendation, accompanied by the reasons and grounds,
to the concerned body for taking departmental action against and
imposing punishment on those who have violated human rights,
(f) to carry out periodic reviews of the relevant laws relating to human
rights and make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for
necessary improvements in and amendments to such laws,

(g) if Nepal has to become a party to any international treaty or
agreement on human rights, to make recommendation, accompanied
by the reasons therefor, to the Government of Nepal; and monitor
whether any such treaty or agreement to which Nepal is already a
party has been implemented, and if it is found not to have been
implemented, to make recommendation to the Government of Nepal
for its implementation,
(h) to publish, in accordance with law, the names of the officials,
persons or bodies who have failed to observe or implement any
recommendations or directives made or given by the National
Human Rights Commission in relation to the violations of human
rights, and record them as violators of human rights.
(3) In discharging its functions or performing its duties, the National
Human Rights Commission may exercise the following powers:
(a) to exercise all such powers as of a court in respect of the summoning
and enforcing the attendance of any person before the Commission
and seeking and recording his or her information or statements or
depositions, examining evidence and producing exhibits and proofs,
(b) on receipt of information by the Commission in any manner that a
serious violation of human rights has already been committed or is
going to be committed, to search any person or his or her residence
or office, enter such residence or office without notice, and, in the
course of making such search, take possession of any document,
evidence or proof related with the violation of human rights,
(c) in the event of necessity to take action immediately on receipt of
information that the human rights of any person are being violated,
to enter any government office or any other place without notice and
rescue such person,

(d) to order for the provision of compensation in accordance with law to
any person who is a victim of the violations of human rights;
(4) The National Human Rights Commission may so delegate any of its
functions, duties and powers to the Chairperson of the Commission, any of its
Members or a government employee as to be exercised and complied with subject
to the specified conditions.
(5) Other functions, duties and powers and rules of procedure of the
National Human Rights Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission
250. National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission: (1) There shall be a
National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission of Nepal, consisting of a
maximum of five members including a Chairperson.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the National Natural Resources
and Fiscal Commission.
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the National
Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission shall be six years from the date of
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chairperson or member of the National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission
shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chairperson and members appointed under clause (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a member may be appointed to the office of Chairperson, and
when a member is so appointed as the Chairperson, his or her term of office shall
be so computed as to include his or her term as the member.

(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission if he or she
possesses the following qualification:
(a) having gained expertise upon being active for at least twenty years in
the field of natural resources or fiscal management, economics, law,
management, after holding a bachelor's degree in the relevant subject
from a recognized university,
(b) not being a member of any political party at the time of appointment,
(c) having attained the age of forty five years,
(d) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Chairperson
and members of the National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission shall be
as provided for in the Federal law, and their remuneration and conditions of
service shall not, so long as they hold office, be altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chairperson or a member of the
National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission shall not be eligible for
appointment in other government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

251. Functions, duties and powers of National Natural Resources and Fiscal
Commission: (1) The functions, duties and powers of the National Natural
Resources and Fiscal Commission shall be as follows:

(a) to determine detailed basis and modality for the distribution of
revenues between the Federal, State and Local Governments out of
the Federal Consolidated Fund in accordance with the Constitution
and law,
(b) to make recommendation about equalization grants to be provided to
the State and Local Governments out of the Federal Consolidated
(c) to conduct study and research work and prepare parameters as to
conditional grants to be provided to the State and Local
Governments in accordance with national policies and programs,
norms/standards and situation of infrastructures,
(d) to determine detailed basis and modality for the distribution of
revenues between the State and Local Governments out of the State
Consolidated Fund,
(e) to recommend measures to meet expenditures of the Federal, State
and Local Governments, and to reform revenue collection,
(f) to analyze macro-economic indicators and recommend ceiling of
internal loans that the Federal, State and Local Governments can
(g) to review the bases for the distribution between the Federal and State
Governments of revenues and recommend for revision,
(h) to set bases for the determination of shares of the Government of
Nepal, State Government and Local level in investments and returns,
in the mobilization of natural resources,
(i) to do study and research work on possible disputes that may arise
between the Federation and the States, between States, between a
State and a Local level, and between Local levels, and make
suggestions to act in a coordinated manner for the prevention of such

(2) The National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission shall carry
out necessary study and research work about environmental impact assessment
required in the course of distribution of natural resources, and make
recommendations to the Government of Nepal.
(3) Other functions, duties and powers and rules of procedure of the
National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission, detailed bases required to be
followed in the mobilization of natural resources or distribution of revenues, and
other matters including conditions of service of the officials of the Commission
shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

Other Commissions
252. National Women Commission: (1) There shall be a National Women
Commission of Nepal, consisting of a Chairperson and four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the National Women
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the National
Women Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chairperson or member of the National Women Commission shall be vacant in
any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chairperson and members appointed under clause (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a member may be appointed to the office of Chairperson, and
when a member is so appointed as the Chairperson, his or her term of office shall
be so computed as to include his or her term as the member.
(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the National Women Commission if he or she possesses the following

(a) being a woman having rendered outstanding contribution, for at least
ten years, to the field of rights and interests of women or gender
justice or women development or human rights and law,
(b) in the case of the Chairperson, holding a bachelor's degree from a
recognized university,
(c) having attained the age of forty five years,
(d) not being a member of any political party at the time of appointment,
(e) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and conditions of service of the Chairperson and
members of the National Women Commission shall be as provided for in the
Federal law, and their remuneration and conditions of service shall not, so long as
they hold office, be altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chairperson or a member of the
National Women Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in other
government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

253. Functions, duties and powers of National Women Commission: (1) The
functions, duties and powers of the National Women Commission shall be as

(a) to formulate policies and programs concerning the rights and interests of
the women and submit them to the Government of Nepal for
(b) to monitor as to whether laws concerning the rights and interests of the
women and obligations under the international treaties to which Nepal is
a party have been implemented, and make suggestions, accompanied by
the measures for their effective compliance and implementation to the
Government of Nepal,
(c) in order to have the women included in the mainstream of national
development and ensure proportional participation in all organs of the
State, to assess, monitor and evaluate the existing policies and
programs, and make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for
their effective implementation,
(d) to carry out study and research work on the legal provisions relating to
gender equality, empowerment of women and women, make
recommendations to the concerned bodies on reforms to be made on
such laws, and monitor the same.
(e) to make suggestions to the Government of Nepal about the preparation
of reports to be submitted by Nepal in accordance with the provisions
contained in the international treaties or agreements concerning
women's rights, to which Nepal is a party,
(f) if it is necessary to file cases against any persons or bodies on matters of
violence against women or being subjected to social ill-practices or
infringement of or deprivation of enjoyment of women's rights, to make
recommendations to the concerned bodies to file such cases in courts in
accordance with the law.
(2) The National Women Commission may so delegate any of its
functions, duties and powers to the Chairperson of the Commission, any of its

members or any employee of the Government of Nepal as to be exercised and
complied with subject to the specified conditions.
(3) Other functions, duties and powers and other relevant matters of the
National Women Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.
254. Powers to establish offices in States: The National Women Rights Commission
may, as required, establish its offices in States.

255. National Dalit Commission: (1) There shall be a National Dalit Commission of
Nepal, consisting of a Chairperson and four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the National DalitCommission.
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the National
Dalit Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chairperson or member of the National Dalit Commission shall be vacant in any
of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of
his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chairperson and members appointed under clause (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment.

Provided that a member may be appointed to the office of Chairperson, and
when a member is so appointed as the Chairperson, his or her term of office shall
be so computed as to include his or her term as the member.
(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the National Dalit Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) being a person having rendered outstanding contribution to the field
of rights and interests of the Dalit community or human rights and
law, for at least ten years,
(b) in the case of the Chairperson, holding at least a bachelor's degree
from a recognized university,
(c) having attained the age of forty five years,
(d) not being a member of any political party at the time of appointment,
(e) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and conditions of service of the Chairperson and
members of the National Dalit Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal
law, and their remuneration and conditions of service shall not, so long as they
hold office, be altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chairperson or a member of the
National Dalit Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in other
government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

256. Functions, duties and powers of National Dalit Commission: (1) The functions,
duties and powers of the National Dalit Commission shall be as follows:
(a) to conduct study and exploration as to the overall situation of the Dalit
community, identify areas of necessary policy, legal and institutional
reforms in that field, and make recommendations to the Government of
(b) to formulate national policies and programs concerning the interests of
the Dalit for the upliftment and development of the Dalit, putting an end
to caste-based discrimination, oppression and discrimination, and
submit such policies and programs to the Government of Nepal for their
(c) to monitor as to whether laws concerning the interests of the Dalit,
including the special provisions made for the upliftment and interests of
the Dalit community have been effectively implemented, and in the
event of absence of observance or implementation, to make suggestions
to the Government of Nepal for the observance or implementation
(d) to make suggestions to the Government of Nepal about the preparation
of reports to be submitted by Nepal in accordance with the provisions
contained in the international treaties or agreements concerning the
rights of the Dalit community, to which Nepal is a party,
(e) in order to have the Dalit community included in the mainstream of
national development and ensure proportional participation in all organs
of the State, to assess, monitor and evaluate the existing policies and
programs, and make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for
their effective implementation,
(f) if it is necessary to file cases against any persons or bodies on matters of
being victims of caste-based discrimination and untouchability or social

ill-practices or infringement of or deprivation of enjoyment of the rights
of the Dalit, to make recommendations to the concerned bodies to file
such cases in courts in accordance with the law.
(2) The National Dalit Commission may so delegate any of its
functions, duties and powers to the Chairperson of the Commission, any of its
members or any employee of the Government of Nepal as to be exercised and
complied with subject to the specified conditions.
(3) Other functions, duties and powers and other relevant matters of the
National Dalit Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

257. Powers to establish offices in States: The National Dalit Commission may, as
required, establish its offices in States.

258. National Inclusion Commission: (1) There shall be a National Inclusion

Commission of Nepal, consisting of a Chairperson and four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the National Inclusion
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the National
Inclusion Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (3), the office of the
Chairperson or member of the National Inclusion Commission shall be vacant in
any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if he or she attains the age of sixty-five years,
(c) if a motion of impeachment is passed against him or her under
Article 101,
(d) if he or she is removed from office by the President on
recommendation of the Constitutional Council on grounds of

his or her inability to hold office and discharge the functions
due to physical or mental illness,
(e) if he or she dies.
(5) The Chairperson and members appointed under clause (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment.
Provided that a member may be appointed to the office of Chairperson, and
when a member is so appointed as the Chairperson, his or her term of office shall
be so computed as to include his or her term as the member.
(6) A person shall be eligible to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the National Inclusion Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) being a person having rendered outstanding contribution, for at least
ten years, to the field of social inclusion, rights and interests or
development of persons with disabilities, minority and marginalized
communities and backward areas and classes or human rights,
(b) in the case of the Chairperson, holding a bachelor's degree from a
recognized university,
(c) having attained the age of forty five years,
(d) not being a member of any political party at the time of appointment,
(e) being of high moral character.
(7) The remuneration and conditions of service of the Chairperson and
members of the National Inclusion Commission shall be as provided for in the
Federal law, and their remuneration and conditions of service shall not, so long as
they hold office, be altered to their disadvantage.
Provided that this provision shall not apply in cases where a state of
emergency is declared because of extreme economic disarrays.

(8) A person once appointed as the Chairperson or a member of the
National Inclusion Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in other
government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the
responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to
any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or
recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.

259. Functions, duties and powers of National Inclusion Commission:(1) The

functions, duties and powers of the National Inclusion Commission shall be as
(a) to conduct study and research works for the protection of the rights and
interests of the communities, including KhasArya, Pichhada class,
persons with disabilities, senior citizens, labours, peasants, minorities
and marginalized community, backward class, people of Karnali and the
indigent class,
(b) to study the status of implementation of the policies and laws adopted
by the Government of Nepal for the inclusion of the community, class
and region mentioned in sub-clause (a) and make suggestions to the
Government for reforms,
(c) to study as to whether there has been appropriate representation of the
community, class and region mentioned in sub-clause (a) in the organs
of the State and make suggestions to the Government of Nepal to review
the special provisions made for the representation of such community,
class and region,
(d) to study as to whether the protection, empowerment and development of
the community, class and region mentioned in sub-clause (a) has been

satisfactory and make recommendations to the Government of Nepal
about policies to be pursued in the future,
(e) to make suggestions to the Government of Nepal about policies and
programs to be pursued for the development and pros
Karnali and backward regions,
(f) to make recommendations for timely revisions of
minority and marginalized communities,
(g) to monitor the status of implementation of rights and interests
guaranteed for minority and marginalized communities and make
recommendations for revision upon necessary review on the basis of
periodic national census and human development index.
(2) The National Inclusion Commission may so delegate any of its
functions, duties and powers to the Chairperson of the Commission, any of its
members or any employee of the Government of Nepal as to be exercised and
complied with subject to the specified conditions.
(3) Other functions, duties and powers and other relevant matters of the
National Inclusion Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

260. Powers to establish offices in States: The National Inclusion Rights Commission
may, as required, establish its offices in States.

261. Indigenous Nationalities Commission: (1) There shall be an Indigenous

Nationalities Commission of Nepal, consisting of a Chairperson and a maximum of
four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the Indigenous Nationalities

(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the
Indigenous Nationalities Commission shall be six years from the date of
(4) Other matters relating to the qualification for the Chairperson and
members of the Indigenous Nationalities Commission, circumstances in which
their offices fall vacant, their remuneration and conditions of service and the
functions, duties and powers of this Commission shall be as provided for inthe
Federal law.
262. Madhesi Commission: (1) There shall be a Madhesi Commission of Nepal,
consisting of a Chairperson and a maximum of four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the Madhesi Commission.
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the Madhesi
Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Other matters relating to the qualification for the Chairperson and
members of the Madhesi Commission, circumstances in which their offices fall
vacant, their remuneration and conditions of service and the functions, duties and
powers of this Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

263. Tharu Commission: (1) There shall be a Tharu Commission of Nepal, consisting
of a Chairperson and a maximum of four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the Tharu Commission.
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the Tharu
Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Other matters relating to the qualification for the Chairperson and
members of the Tharu Commission, circumstances in which their offices fall
vacant, their remuneration and conditions of service and the functions, duties and
powers of this Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

264. Muslim Commission: (1) There shall be a Muslim Commission of Nepal,
consisting of a Chairperson and a maximum of four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional
Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the Muslim Commission.
(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the Muslim
Commission shall be six years from the date of appointment.
(4) Other matters relating to the qualification for the Chairperson and
members of the Muslim Commission, circumstances in which their offices fall
vacant, their remuneration and conditions of service and the functions, duties and
powers of this Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

265. Review of Commissions: The Federal Parliament shall, after ten years of the
commencement of this Constitution, review the Commissions formed under this

Provisions Relating to National Security
266. National Security Council: (1) There shall be a National Security Council for
making recommendation to the Government of Nepal, Council of Ministers for the
formulation of a policy on overall national interest, security and defence of Nepal,
and for the mobilization and control of the Nepal Army, which shall consist of the
following as the Chairperson and members:
(a) The Prime Minister -Chairperson
(b) Minister for Defence, Government of Nepal -Member
(c) Minister for Home, Government of Nepal -Member
(d) Minister for Foreign Affairs, Government of Nepal -Member
(e) Minister for Finance, Government of Nepal -Member
(f) Chief Secretary of Government of Nepal -Member
(g) Commander-in-Chief, Nepal Army -Member
(2) The secretary at the Ministry of Defence shall act as the member
secretary of the National Security Council.
(3) The National Security Council shall submit its annual report to the
President, and the President shall cause the report to be laid through the Prime
Minister before the Federal Parliament.
(4) Other matters relating to the National Security Council shall be as
provided by the Federal law.

267. Provisions relating to Nepal Army: (1) There shall be an organization of the
Nepal Army in Nepal, which is inclusive and committed to this Constitution, for
the safeguarding of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national

(2) The President shall be the supreme commander-in-chief of the Nepal

(3) Entry of women,Dalit, indigenous people, indigenous
nationalities,Khas Arya, Madhesi, Tharu, Pichhada class and backward region
citizens into the Nepal Army shall, on the basis of principles of equality and
inclusion, be ensured by the Federal law.
(4) The Government of Nepal may also mobilize the Nepal Army in
other works including development, construction and disaster management works,
as provided for in the Federal law.
(5) The President shall, on recommendation of the Council of Ministers,
appoint the Commander-in-Chief and remove him or her from office.
(6) The President shall, on recommendation of the National Security
Council and pursuant to a decision of the Government of Nepal, Council of
Ministers, declare the mobilization of the Nepal Army in cases where a grave
emergency arises in regard to the sovereignty or territorial integrity of Nepal or the
security of any part thereof, by war, external aggression, armed rebellion or
extreme economic disarray. A declaration of the mobilization of the Nepal Army
must be ratified by the House of Representatives within one month after the date
of such declaration.
(7) Other matters pertaining to the Nepal Army shall be in accordance
with law.

268. Provisions Relating to Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepal and National
Investigation Department: (1) The Federation shall have Nepal Police, Armed
Police Force, Nepal and National Investigation Department.
(2) Each State shall have a State police organization.
(3) Matters relating to the Operation, supervision and coordination of
functions to be discharged by the Nepal Police and the State police shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.

(4) Other matters relating to the Nepal Police, Armed Police Force,
Nepal and National Investigation Department shall be as provided by the Federal

Provisions Relating to Political Parties
269. Formation, registration and operation of political parties: (1) Persons who are
committed to common political ideology, philosophy and program may, subject to
laws made under sub-clause (c) of clause (2) of Article 17, form and operate
political parties, and generate, or cause to be generated, publicity in order to secure
support and cooperation from the general public for their ideology, philosophy and
program or carry out other necessary activity for this purpose.
(2) A political party formed in accordance with clause (1) must register
the party with the Election Commission upon fulfilment of the procedures
established by law.
(3) A petition to be made for the purpose of registration of a party in
accordance with clause (2) must be accompanied by the constitution and manifesto
of the concerned political party and such other documents as required by the
Federal law.
(4) For a petition to be made for the registration of a party in accordance
with clause (2), the political party must fulfil the following conditions:
(a) its constitution and rules must be democratic,
(b) its constitution must provide for election of each of the office-
bearers of the party at the Federal and State levels at least once in
every five years;
provided that nothing shall bar the making of provision by the
constitution of a political party to hold such election within six
months in the event of failure to hold election of its office-bearers
within five years because of a special circumstance.
(c) there must be a provision of such inclusive representation inits
executive committees at various levels as may be reflecting the
diversity of Nepal.

(5) If the name, objective, insignia or flag of a political party is of such a
nature as to jeopardize the religious and communal unity of the country or to
fragment the country, that party shall not be registered.

270. Prohibition on imposition of restrictions on political parties: (1) Any law,

arrangement or decision so made as to impose any restriction on the formation and
operation of a political party and on the generation of publicity in order to secure
support and cooperation from the general public for the ideology, philosophy and
program of the party in accordance with Article 269 shall be deemed to be
inconsistent with this Constitution and shall, ipso facto, be void.
(2) Any law, arrangement or decision so made as to allow for
participation or involvement of only a single political party or persons having
similar political ideology, philosophy or program in the elections or in the political
system of, or in the conduct of governance of, the country shall be deemed to be
inconsistent with this Constitution and shall, ipso facto, be void.

271. Registration required for securing recognition for the purpose of contesting
elections as political party: (1) Every political party that is registered in
accordance with Article 269 and intends to secure recognition from the Election
Commission for the purposes of elections must be registered with the Election
Commission in fulfilment of the procedures set forth in the Federal law.
(2) The political party must submit a yearly audit report in addition to
the matters set forth in clause (3) of Article 269 along with an application to be
made for the purpose of clause (1) and also fulfil the terms set forth in clause (4) of
that Article.

272. Other provisions relating to political parties: Provisions relating to the

formation, registration, operation and facilities of political parties and other matters
pertaining thereto shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

Emergency Power
273. Emergency power: (1) If a grave emergency arises in regard to the sovereignty,
territorial integrity of Nepal or the security of any part thereof, by war, external
aggression, armed rebellion, extreme economic disarray, natural calamity or
epidemic, the President may declare or order a state of emergency in respect of the
whole of Nepal or of any specified part thereof.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), if there arises a
grave emergency in a State by a natural calamity or epidemic, the concerned State
Government may request the Government of Nepal to declare or order a state of
emergency in respect of the whole of the State or of any specified part thereof, in
accordance with this Article.
(3) Every declaration or order made in accordance with clause (1) shall
be laid before both Houses of the Federal Parliament for approval within one
month after the date of issuance of such proclamation or order.
(4) If a declaration or order laid for approval in accordance with clause
(3) is approved by at least two-thirds majority of the total number of the then
members of both Houses of the Federal Parliament, the declaration or order shall
continue in force for a period of three months from the date of its issuance.
(5) If a declaration or order laid for approval in accordance with clause
(4) is not approved in accordance with clause (3), the declaration or order shall
ipso facto be inoperative.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, prior
to expiration of the period mentioned in clause (4), a motion to extend the period
of the declaration or order of state of emergency as mentioned in clause (1) for
another period not exceeding three months may be submitted to the Federal

(7) If a motion mentioned in clause (6) is passed by at least two-thirds
majority of the total number of the then members of both Houses of the Federal
Parliament, the declaration or order shall continue in force for the period
mentioned in that motion.
(8) In the event of dissolution of the House of Representatives, the
powers exercisable by the Federal Parliament in accordance with clauses (3), (4),
(6) and (7) shall be exercised by the National Assembly.
(9) After the making of a declaration or order of a state of emergency in
accordance with clause (1), the President may issue such orders as are necessary to
meet the exigencies. Orders so issued shall apply as of law so long as the state of
emergency is in operation.
(10) At the time of making a declaration or order of a state of emergency
in accordance with clause (9), the fundamental rights as provided in Part-3 may be
suspended until the declaration or order is in operation.
Provided that Article 16, sub-clauses (c) and (d) of clause (2) of Article 17,
Article 18, clause (2) of Article 19, Articles 20, 21, 22 and 24, clause (1) of Article
26, Articles 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, clauses (1) and (2) of Article 36, Articles 38 and
39, clauses (2) and (3) of Article 40, Articles 41, 42, 43 and 45,the right to
constitutional remedy in relation to such Articles pursuant to Article 46 and the
right to the remedy of habeas corpus shall not be suspended.
(11) If any Article of this Constitution is suspended pursuant to clause
(10), no petition may lie in any court for the enforcement of the fundamental right
conferred by that Article nor may a question be raised in any Court in that respect.
(12) If, during the continuance of a declaration or order under this
Article, any injury is caused to a person from any act done by any official in bad
faith, the victim may, within three months from the date of termination of that
declaration or order, file a petition for compensation for such injury. If such
petition is made, the court may order for compensation by, and punish, the
perpetrator as provided for in the Federal law.

(13) The President may, at any time, withdraw a declaration or order of a
state of emergency made in accordance with this Article.

Amendment to the Constitution
274. Amendment to Constitution: (1) No amendment shall be made to this
Constitution in manner to be prejudicial to the sovereignty, territorial integrity,
independence of Nepal and sovereignty vested in the people.
(2) Subject to clause (1) and other Articles of this Constitution, a Bill to
amend or repeal any Article of this Constitution may be introduced in either House
of the Federal Parliament.
Provided that clause (1) shall not be amended.
(3) A Bill introduced pursuant to clause (2) shall be publicly published
for information to the general public within thirty days of its introduction in the
concerned House.
(4) If a Bill introduced pursuant to clause (2) is related with the
alteration in the borders of any State or matters set forth in Schedule-6, the Speaker
or the Chairperson of the concerned House must send that Bill to the State
Assembly for its consent, within thirty days after its introduction in the Federal
(5) The concerned State Assembly must, by a majority of the total
number of its the then members, accept or reject the Bill presented for its consent
pursuant to clause (4) and give information thereof to the FederalParliament within
three months.
Provided that if any State Assembly is not in existence, such Bill must be
either accepted or rejected within three months after the date of holding of the first
meeting following the formation of that State Assembly.
(6) In the event of failure to give information of acceptance or rejection
of such Bill within the period set forth in clause (5), nothing shall prevent the
House of the Federal Parliament in which the Bill was originated from proceeding
with the Bill.

(7) If the State Assembly, by its majority, givesa notice of rejection of
such Bill to the concerned House of the Federal Parliament within the period under
clause (5), the Bill shall be inoperative.
(8) A Bill which does not require the consent of the State Assembly or a
Bill accepted by a majority of the State Assembly under clause (5) must be passed
by at least two-thirds majority of the total number of the then members of both
Houses of the Federal Parliament.
(9) A Bill passed under clause (8) shall be presented to the President for
(10) The President shall give assent to a Bill presented under clause (5),
within fifteen days from the date of its receipt, and the Constitution shall get
amended from the date of assent.

275. Provisions relating to referendum: (1) If a decision is made by a two-thirds
majority of the total number of the then members of the Federal Parliament that it
is necessary to hold a referendum with respect to any matter of national
importance, decision on that matter may be taken by way of referendum.
(2) Matters relating to referendum and other relevant matters shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.

276. Pardons: The President may, in accordance with law, grant pardons, suspend,
commute or remit any sentence passed by any Court, judicial or quasi-judicial
body or administrative authority or body.

277. Titles, honours and decorations: (1) The President shall confer titles, honours
and decorations to be conferred on behalf of the State.
(2) No citizen of Nepal may, without the approval of the Government of
Nepal, accept any title, honour or decoration from any foreign government.

278. Power to make treaties: (1) The Federation shall have the power to make treaties
or agreements.
(2) In making a treaty or agreement on a matter falling within the list of
State power, the Government of Nepal must consult the concerned State.
(3) A State Council of Ministers may, with the consent of the
Government of Nepal, make contractual agreements on financial and industrial

279. Ratification of, accession to, acceptance of, or approval of, treaties or
agreements: (1) The ratification of, accession to, acceptance of, or approval of,

treaties or agreements to which Nepal or the Government of Nepal is to become a
party shall be as provided for in the Federal law.
(2) Any law to be made pursuant to clause (1) shall, inter alia, require
that the ratification of, accession to, acceptance of, or approval of, treaties or
agreements on the following subjects must be made by a majority of two-thirds of
the total number of the then members of both Houses of the Federal Parliament:
(a) peace and friendship,
(b) defence and strategic alliance,
(c) boundaries of the State of Nepal, and
(d) natural resources, and the distribution of their uses.
Provided that, out of the treaties or agreements under sub-clauses (a) and
(d), if any treaty or agreement is of an ordinary nature, which does not affect the
nation extensively, seriously or in the long term, the ratification of, accession to,
acceptance of, or approval of, such treaty or agreement may be made by a simple
majority of the members present in a meeting of the House of Representatives.
(3) After the commencement of this Constitution, unless a treaty or
agreement is ratified, acceded to, accepted or approved in accordance with this
Article, such treaty or agreement shall not apply to the Government of Nepal or
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (1) and (2), no treaty
or agreement may be concluded in detrimental to the territorial integrity of Nepal.

280. Special provision relating to discharge of functions of President: If the offices

of both the President and the Vice-President fall vacant in accordance with this
Constitution, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall discharge the
functions required to be performed by the President under this Constitution until
election to the President or Vice-President is held and he or she assumes office.

281. Appraisal and review of special rights: The Government of Nepal shall make
appraisal and review of the implementation of special rights of the women and
Dalit community and impacts thereof, on the basis of human development index,
concurrently with a national census to be held in every ten years.

282. Ambassadors and special emissaries: (1) The President may, on the basis of the
principle of inclusion, appoint Nepalese ambassadors and special emissaries for
any specific purposes.
(2) The President shall receive letters of credentials from foreign
ambassadors and diplomatic representatives.

283. Appointments to be made in accordance with inclusive principle:

Appointments to offices of Constitutional Organs and Bodies shall be made in
accordance with the inclusive principle.

284. Provisions relating to Constitutional Council: (1) There shall be a Constitutional

Council for making recommendations for appointment of the Chief Justice and
Chiefs and officials of the Constitutional Bodies in accordance with this
Constitution, which shall consist of the following as the Chairperson and members:
(a) The Prime Minister -Chairperson
(b) The Chief Justice -Member
(c) The Speaker of the House of Representatives -Member
(d) The Chairperson of the National Assembly -Member
(e) Leader of Opposition Party in the House of Representatives
(f) Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives -Member
(2) While making a recommendation for appointment to the office of the
Chief Justice, the Constitutional Council shall include the Minister for Law and
Justice of the Government of Nepal, as its member.

(3) The Constitutional Council must make a recommendation for
appointment under this Constitution before one month of the vacation of the office
of the Chief Justice or a chief or official of a Constitutional Body.
Provided that if such office falls vacant because of death or resignation, it
may so make recommendation for appointment that the office is fulfilled within
one month after the date of vacancy.
(4) Other functions, duties and powers of the Constitutional Council and
rules of procedures on the appointment of the Chief Justice or chiefs or officials of
Constitutional Bodies shall be as provided for in the Federal law.
(5) The Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal shall act as the
secretary of the Constitutional Council
285. Constitution of government service: (1) The Government of Nepal may, in order
to run the administration of the country, constitute the Federal civil service and
such other Federal government services as may be required. The constitution,
operation and conditions of service of such services shall be as provided for in the
Federal Act.
(2) Positions in the Federal civil service as well as all Federal
government services shall be filled through competitive examinations, on the basis
of open and proportional inclusive principle.
(3) The State Council of Ministers, Village Executives and Municipal
Executives may by law constitute and operate various government services as
required for the operation of their administration.

286. Election Constituency Delimitation Commission: (1) The Government of Nepal

may constitute an Election Constituency Delimitation Commission, to determine
election constituencies for the purpose of election to the members of the Federal
Parliament and members of the State Assemblies in accordance with this
Constitution, which shall consist of the following as the Chairperson and members:

(a) Retired Judge of the Supreme Court -Chairperson
(b) One Geographer -Member
(c) One sociologist or demographer -Member
(d) One administration expert or jurist -Member
(e) Gazetted special class officer of the -Member-
Government of Nepal secretary
(2) The term of office of the Election Constituency Delimitation
Commission shall be as prescribed at the time of its constitution.
(3) A person shall be qualified to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the Election Constituency Delimitation Commission if he or she
possesses the following qualification:
(a) holding at least bachelor’s degree in related subject from a
recognized university,
(b) having attained the age of forty-five years, and
(c) having high moral character.
(4) The office of the Chairperson or a member of the Election
Constituency Delimitation Commission shall be vacant in any of the following
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing,
(b) if he or she is removed by the Government of Nepal, Council of
(c) if he or she dies.
(5) While determining election constituencies pursuant to this Article,
the Election Constituency Delimitation Commission shall so determine the
constituencies, having regard to population and geography as the basis of
representation, and as to ensure that the ratio between the geography, population
and number of members of such election constituencies is equal, so far as

(6) While delimitating election constituencies pursuant to clause (5),
regard must be had to, inter alia, the density of population, geographical
specificity, administrative and transportation convenience, community and cultural
aspects of the constituencies.
(7) No question may be raised in any court on any matter of the
determination, or review, of election constituencies made by the Election
Constituency Delimitation Commission.
(8) The Election Constituency Delimitation Commission shall submit a
report on the works it has performed to the Government of Nepal.
(9) The Government of Nepal, Council of Ministers, shall lay the report
received pursuant to clause (8) before the Federal Parliament and send it to the
Election Commission for implementation.
(10) The Election Constituency Delimitation Commission shall determine
its rules of procedures itself.
(11) The remuneration and facilities of the Chairperson and the members
of the Election Constituency Delimitation Commission shall be similar to those of
the Chief Election Commissioner and the Election Commissioners of the Election
Commission, respectively.
(12) The election constituencies delimited in accordance with clause (5)
must be reviewed in every twenty years.
(13) The Government of Nepal shall provide such employees as may be
required for the Election Constituency Delimitation Commission.

287. Language Commission: (1) The Government of Nepal shall, no later than one
year of the commencement of this Constitution, constitute a Language
Commission comprising representation of States.
(2) The Language Commission shall consist of one Chairperson and a
required number of members.

(3) The term of office of the Chairperson and members of the Language
Commission shall be six years from the date of their appointment. They may not
be reappointed.
(4) A person shall be qualified to be appointed as the Chairperson or a
member of the Language Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) holding master’s degree in related subject from a recognized
(b) having gained at least twenty years of experience in the fields of
study, teaching and research on various languages of Nepal,
(c) having completed the age of forty-five years, and
(d) having high moral character.
(5) The office of the Chairperson or a member of the Language
Commission shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing,
(b) if he or she is removed by the Government of Nepal, Council of
(c) if he completes the age of sixty five years,
(d) if he or she dies.
(6) The functions, duties and powers of the Language Commission shall
be as follows:
(a) to determine the criteria to be fulfilled for the recognition of the
official language and make recommendations on languages to the
Government of Nepal,
(b) to make recommendations to the Government of Nepal, on the
measures to be adopted for the protection, promotion and
development of languages,

(c) to measure the levels of development of mother tongues and make
suggestions to the Government of Nepal, on the potentiality of their
use in education,
(d) to study, research and monitor languages.
(7) The Language Commission shall complete its task under sub-clause
(a) of clause (6) no later than five years after the date of its constitution.
(8) The Government of Nepal may, in coordination with a State
Government, establish a branch of the Language Commission in that State.
(9) The other functions, duties, powers and rules of procedures of the
Language Commission shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

288. Capital: (1) The capital of Nepal shall be situated in Kathmandu.

(2) The capital of a State under this Constitution shall be as decided by a
two-thirds majority of the number of the then members of the concerned State
(3) The business of a State shall be conducted through the place as
specified by the Government of Nepal until decision is made in accordance with
clause (2).

289. Special provision relating to citizenship of officials: (1) In order for a person to
be elected, nominated or appointed to the office of President, Vice-President,
Prime Minister, Chief Justice, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chief of
State, Chief Minister, Speaker of a State Assembly and chief of a security body,
the person must have obtained the citizenship of Nepal by descent.
(2) A person who has obtained the citizenship of Nepal by descent, a
person who has obtained the naturalized citizenship of Nepal or a person who has
obtained the citizenship of Nepal by birth shall also be qualified for the office of a
constitutional body other than that mentioned in clause (1).

Provided that the person must have resided in Nepal for at least ten years in
the case of a person who has obtained the naturalized citizenship of Nepal, and for
at least five years in the case of a person who has obtained the citizenship of Nepal
by birth or who has obtained the naturalized citizenship of Nepal in accordance
with clause (6) of Article 11.

290. Provisions relating to Guthi (trusts): (1) The Federal Parliament shall make
necessary laws in relation to the rights of the trust and the farmers enjoying
possessory rights over trust lands in a manner not to be prejudicial to the basic
norms of the trusts.
(2) Other matters relating to trusts shall be as provided by the federal

291. Not to be qualified for appointment: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained

elsewhere in this Constitution, a citizen of Nepal who has obtained a foreign
permanent residence permit shall not be qualified for election, nomination or
appointment to an office to be elected, nominated or appointed pursuant to this
Provided that nothing shall prevent electing, nominating or appointing a
person who has renounced such foreign permanent residence permit to such office
after the expiry of a period of at least three months.
(2) Other matters relating to the citizens of Nepal who have obtained
foreign permanent residence permits as mentioned in clause (1) shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.

292. Provisions relating to parliamentary hearings: (1) Parliamentary hearings shall

be conducted as to appointments to the offices of the Chief Justice and Judges of
the Supreme Court, members of the Judicial Council, chiefs and members of
Constitutional Bodies, who are appointed on the recommendation of the

Constitutional Council under this Constitution, and to the offices of ambassadors,
as provided for in the Federal law.
(2) For the purposes of clause (1), there shall be formed a fifteen-
member joint committee consisting of members of both Houses of the Federal
Parliament, in accordance with the Federal law.
(3) No member of the joint committee under clause (2) shall practice
law in the Supreme Court during that term of the Federal Parliament.

293. Monitoring of functioning of Constitutional Bodies: The chiefs and officials of

the Constitutional Bodies must be accountable and responsible to the Federal
Parliament. The committees of the House of Representatives may monitor and
evaluate the functioning, including reports, of the Constitutional Bodies, other
than the National Human Rights Commission, and give necessary direction or

294. Annual reports of Constitutional Bodies: (1) Every Constitutional Body under
this Constitution shall submit an annual report of its functioning to the President,
and the President shall cause that report to be laid through the Prime Minister
before the Federal Parliament.
(2) The matters to be set out in the annual report under clause (1) shall
be as provided for in the Federal law.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), a Constitutional
Body may prepare a separate report in relation to the functioning of each State and
submit it to the Chief of State.

Transitional Provisions
295. Constitution of Federal Commission: (1) The Government of Nepal may
constitute a Federal Commission for making suggestions on matters relating to the
boundaries of States.
(2) The names of the States under clause (3) of Article 56 shall be set by
a two thirds majority of the total number of members of the concerned State
(3) The Government of Nepal shall constitute a commission for the
determination of the number and boundaries of Village Bodies, Municipalities and
Special, Protected or Autonomous Regions to be formed under clauses (4) and (5)
of Article 56. The commission must determine the number and boundaries of the
Village Bodies, Municipalities and Special, Protected or Autonomous Regions in
accordance with the criteria set by the Government of Nepal.
(4) The commission under clause (3) shall be constituted no later than
six months of the date of commencement of this Constitution. Its term shall be one

296. Constituent Assembly to be converted into Legislature-Parliament: (1) The

Constituent Assembly existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution
shall ipso facto be converted into the Legislature-Parliament after the
commencement of this Constitution, and the term of such Legislature-Parliament
shall exist until 7 Magha 2074.
Provided that if an election is held to the House of Representatives set forth
in this Constitution prior to the expiration of that term, the Legislature-Parliament
shall continue to exist until the day before the day specified for the filing of
nominations of candidates for that election.

(2) The Bills under consideration of the Legislature-Parliament at the
time of commencement of this Constitution shall ipso facto be transferred to the
Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause (1).
(3) The Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause (1) shall perform the
business required to be performed by the Federal Parliament in accordance with
this Constitution until election to the House of Representatives is held pursuant to
this Constitution.
(4) The legislative power of the State Assembly with respect of matters
set forth in Schedule-6 shall, upon the commencement of this Constitution, be
vested in the Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause (1) until the State
Assembly is formed. Any law so made shall be inoperative in relation to that State
after one year of the date of formation of the State Assembly set forth in this
(5) The Legislature-Parliament Secretariat, its Secretary General,
Secretary and employees existing at the time of commencement of this
Constitution shall, subject to the conditions of service in force at the time of their
appointment, exist in the Federal Parliament Secretariat set forth in this
(6) Where the Legislature-Parliament is in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, the President shall summon its session no
later than seven days after the date of commencement of this Constitution. The
President shall thereafter summon a session of the Legislature-Parliament from
time to time.

297. Provisions relating to the President and the Vice-President: (1) The President
and the Vice-President existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution
shall continue to hold their respective offices until other President and Vice-
President are elected in accordance with this Article.

(2) The Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause (1) of Article 296
shall, on the basis of political understanding, elect the President and the Vice-
President, no later than one month after the date of the commencement of this
Constitution where the Legislature-Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution and after the date on which the session is
summoned in accordance with clause (6) of Article 296 where the Legislature-
Parliament is in recess.
(3) In the event of failure to have an understanding under clause (2), the
President and the Vice-President must be elected by a majority of all the then
members of the Legislature-Parliament.
(4) If the office of the President or Vice-President elected in accordance
with clause (2) or (3) falls vacant for any reason, the President or Vice-President
shall be elected by the Legislature-Parliament in accordance with this Article until
the Federal Parliament is formed.
(5) The term of office of the President or Vice-President elected in
accordance with this Article shall continue to exist until another President or Vice-
President elected by an electoral college set forth in Article 62 assumes office.
(6) The office of the President or Vice-President elected in accordance
with this Article shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if the President tenders resignation in writing to the Vice-President
and the Vice-President, before the President,
(b) if a motion of impeachment against him or her is passed in
accordance with clause (7),
(c) if another President or Vice-President elected by an electoral college
set forth in Article 62 assumes office,
(d) if he or she dies.
(7) At least one fourth of the total number of the then members of the
Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause (1) of Article 296 may move a motion of
impeachment against the President or Vice-President elected in accordance with

this Article on the ground of serious violation of this Constitution and law. If the
motion is passed by at least two thirds majority of the total number of the then
members of the Legislature-Parliament, he or she shall relive of his or her office

298. Provisions relating to formation of Council of Ministers: (1) The Council of

Ministers existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution shall continue
to exist until the Council of Ministers set forth in clause (2) is formed.
(2) The Prime Minister shall, on the basis of political understanding, be
elected no later than seven days after the date of the commencement of this
Constitution where the Legislature-Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, and after the date on which the session of the
Legislature-Parliament summoned in accordance with clause (6) of Article 296
commences where the Legislature-Parliament is in recess, and a Council of
Ministers shall be formed under his or her chairpersonship.
(3) In the event of failure to have an understanding under clause (2), the
Prime Minister shall be elected by a majority of all the then members of the
(4) The composition and allocation of portfolios of the Council of
Ministers to be formed in accordance with this Article shall be made through
mutual understanding.
(5) The Council of Ministers to be formed in accordance with this
Article shall consist of a Deputy Prime Minister and other Ministers, as required.
(6) The Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article shall,
in appointing Ministers in accordance with clause (5), appoint Ministers from
amongst the members of the Legislature-Parliament, on the recommendation of
the concerned party.
(7) The Prime Minister and other Ministers appointed in accordance
with this Article shall be collectively responsible to the Legislature-Parliament,

and the Ministers shall be individually responsible to the Prime Minister and the
Legislature- Parliament for the work of their respective Ministries.
(8) The office of the Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this
Article shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if a vote of no-confidence is passed against him or her or a vote of
confidence is not passed in accordance with clause (14),
(c) if he or she ceases to be a member of the Legislature-Parliament,
(d) if he or she dies.
(9) The office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister, Minister of State
and Assistance Minister appointed in accordance with this Article shall be vacant
in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Prime Minister,
(b) if the Prime Minister is removed from office in accordance with
clause (8),
(c) if he or she is removed from office by the Prime Minister on the
recommendation or advice of the concerned party,
(d) if he or she dies.
(10) Even though the office of the Prime Minister falls vacant under
clause (8), the same Council of Ministers shall continue to act until another
Council of Ministers is constituted.
(11) If the Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article dies,
the Deputy Prime Minister or senior-most Minister shall act as the Prime Minister
until another Prime Minister is appointed.
(12) The Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article may,
whenever he or she considers necessary or appropriate to show/clarify that he or
she has confidence from the Legislature-Parliament, table a resolution to that
effect in the Legislature-Parliament for the vote of confidence.

(13) At least one-fourth of the total number of the then members of the
Legislature-Parliament may table in writing a motion of no-confidence against the
Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article.
Provided that a motion of no confidence shall not be tabled more than once
in six moths' period against the same Prime Minister appointed in accordance with
this Article.
(14) A motion tabled under clauses (12) or (13) shall be decided by a
majority of the total number of the then members of the Legislature Parliament.
(15) The Government of Nepal shall, after the commencement of this
Constitution, exercise the powers of a State until the Council of Ministers of the
State set forth in this Constitution is formed.

299. Provisions relating to Speaker and Deputy Speaker: (1) The Speaker and
Deputy Speaker existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution shall
continue to hold their respective offices until another Speaker and Deputy Speaker
is elected pursuant to this Constitution.
(2) The members of the Legislature-Parliament shall, on the basis of
political understanding, elect one Speaker and one Deputy Speaker from
themselves no later than twenty days after the date of the commencement of this
Constitution where the Legislature-Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, and after the date on which the session of the
Legislature-Parliament is summoned in accordance with clause (6) of Article 296
where the Legislature-Parliament is in recess.
(3) In the event of failure to have an understanding under clause (2), a
member of the Legislature-Parliament who commands a majority of all the then
members of the Legislature-Parliament shall be deemed to be elected as the
Speaker or Deputy Speaker.

(4) In holding electing in accordance with clause (2) or (3), the Speaker
and the Deputy Speaker shall be members representing different political parties in
the Legislature-Parliament.
(5) In discharging his or her functions in accordance with this
Constitution, the Speaker or Deputy Speaker shall so discharge functions in the
capacity of a neutral person without standing for or against any political party
(6) The office of the Speaker or Deputy Speaker shall become vacant in
any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she resigns in writing,
(b) if he or she ceases to be a member of the Legislature-Parliament,
(c) if a resolution is passed by a majority of at least two-thirds of the
total number of the members of the Legislature-Parliament to the
effect that his or her conduct is not compatible with his or her office,
(d) if he or she dies.
(7) The Deputy Speaker or another member shall preside over a meeting
at which deliberations are to be held on a resolution that the conduct of the
Speaker of the Legislature-Parliament is not compatible with his or her office, and
the Speaker may take part and vote in the deliberations on such resolution.
(8) Other procedures on the election to the Speaker and Deputy Speaker
and procedures on the moving and passage of a motion that the Speaker or Deputy
Speaker has committed conduct not compatible with his or her office shall be as
provided by the then prevailing rules of the Legislature-Parliament.

300. Provisions relating to Judiciary: (1) The Supreme Court, Constituent Assembly
Court, Appellate Courts and District Courts existing at the time of commencement
of this Constitution shall continue to exist until the structure of Judiciary set forth
in this Constitution is set up. Nothing in this Constitution shall be deemed to bar
the settlement by respective Courts of the cases already filed in such Courts prior

to the commencement of this Constitution and of the cases to be filed after the
commencement of this Constitution.
(2) The Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court, Chief Judges
and Judges of the Appellate Courts and Judges of the Districts Courts at the time
of commencement of this Constitution shall be deemed to have been appointed
under this Constitution.
(3) The High Courts set forth in Article 139 shall be established no later
than one year after the date of commencement of this Constitution. The Appellate
Courts existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution shall be
dissolved after the establishment of such Courts.
(4) After the establishment of the High Courts in accordance with clause
(3), the cases sub judice in the Appellate Courts shall be transferred to such High
Courts as specified by the Government of Nepal, in consultation with the Judicial
Council, by notification in the Nepal Gazette.
(5) After the establishment of the High Courts in accordance with clause
(3), the Chief Justice shall, on recommendation of the Judicial Council, post the
Chief Judges and Judges of the Appellate Courts who are holding office at the
time of commencement of this Constitution to the offices of the Chief Judges and
Judges of the High Courts.
(6) The Additional Judges of the Appellate Courts who are holding
office at the time of commencement of this Constitution may continue to hold
office until the term specified at the time of their appointment.
(7) The cases on criminal offences punishable by imprisonment for a
term of more than one year and sub judice in any body other than a Court at the
time of commencement of this Constitution shall, after the commencement of this
Constitution, be transferred to the concerned District Court.

301. Provisions relating to Constitutional Bodies and officials thereof: (1) The
Constitutional Bodies which are existing at the time of commencement of this

Constitution and provided in this Constitution shall be deemed to have been
formed under this Constitution, and nothing shall be deemed to bar the settlement
of the matters under consideration of such Bodies subject to this Constitution.
(2) The chiefs or officials of the Constitutional Bodies holding office at
the time of commencement of this Constitution shall be deemed to have been
appointed in accordance with this Constitution and shall continue to hold their
respective offices subject to the conditions of services at the time of their
(3) The officials holding office in the Commission for the Investigation
of the Abuse of Authority and the Public Service Commission, at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, in excess of the number specified in this
Constitution, shall continue to hold their respective offices subject to the
conditions of services at the time of their appointments.

302. Formation and operation of government services at State and Local levels: (1)
The Government of Nepal shall make necessary provisions for the delivery of
services at the State and Local levels.
(2) The Government of Nepal may, in making provisions under clause
(1), arrange for the delivery of services by making adjustment of the employees
serving in the government services at the time of commencement of this
Constitution with the Federal, State and Local levels in accordance with law.

303. Provisions relating to Local Bodies: (1) The Local Bodies existing at the time of
Commencement of this Constitution shall continue to exist until the determination
of the number and areas of the Local level in accordance with this Constitution.
(2) Election to the officials of the Local Bodies existing under clause (1)
shall be held in accordance with law.

(3) The officials of the Local Bodies elected in accordance with clause
(2) shall continue to hold office until election to the Local level is held in
accordance with this Constitution.

304. Existing laws to remain in force: (1) The Nepal laws in force at the time of
commencement of this Constitution shall continue to be in force until such laws
are repealed or amended.
Provided that any law which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall ipso
facto be invalid to the extent of such inconsistency, after one year of the date on
which the first session of the Federal Parliament set forth in this Constitution is
(2) Acts relating to peace process under the Interim Constitution of
Nepal, 2007 (2063) shall be deemed to have been done under this Constitution.

305. Power to remove difficulties: If any difficulty arises in connection with the
implementation of this Constitution until the commencement of the first session of
the Federal Parliament, upon being elected in accordance with this Constitution,
the President may, on the recommendation of the Government of Nepal, Council
of Ministers, issue necessary orders to remove such difficulty; and such orders
must be submitted to the Legislature-Parliament or Federal Parliament, held
immediately after the issue such orders, for approval.

Definitions and Interpretations
306. Definitions and interpretations: (1) Unless the subject or the context otherwise
requires, in this Constitution,-
(a) "minorities" means ethnic, linguistic and religious groups whose
population is less than the percentage specified by the Federal law,
and includes groups that have their distinct ethnic, religious or
linguistic characteristics, aspirations to protect such features and
subjected to discrimination and oppression,
(b) "law" means a Federal law, State law and Local law,
(c) "Article" means an article of this Constitution,
(d) "Municipality" means and includes a Municipal Corporation and
Sub-municipal Corporation.
(e) "citizen" means a citizen of Nepal,
(f) "State" means the area and form of a federal unit of Nepal divided
into the Federal units in accordance with this Constitution,
(g) "remuneration" means and includes salary, allowance, pension and
any other form of emolument and facility,
(h) "state power" means the power relating to the Executive, Legislative
and Judiciary of the state, and includes residual power.
(i) "Bill" means a draft of amendment to the Constitution or of an Act
which has been introduced in the Federal Parliament or a State
(j) "Federation" means the federal level that is the apex unit of the
federal structure,
(k) "Federal Units" means the Federation, State and Local levels,
(l) "Constitutional Bodies" means the Commission for the Investigation
of Abuse of Authority, Auditor General, Public Service
Commission, Election Commission, National Human Rights

Commission, National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission,
National Women Commission, National Dalit Commission, National
Inclusion Commission, Indigenous Nationalities Commission,
Madhesi Commission, Tharu Commission and Muslim Commission,
(m) "marginalized" means communities that are made politically,
economically and socially backward, are unable to enjoy services
and facilities because of discrimination and oppression and of
geographical remoteness or deprived thereof and are in lower status
than the human development standards mentioned in Federal law,
and includes highly marginalized groups and groups on the verge of
(n) "Local level" means the Village Bodies, Municipalities and District
Assemblies to be established in accordance with this Constitution.
(2) Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, the legal
provisions relating to interpretation of laws shall, subject to the provisions of this
Constitution, apply to the interpretation of this Constitution in the same manner as
that provisions apply to the interpretation of the Nepal laws.

Short Title, Commencement and Repeal
307. Short title and commencement: (1) This Constitution may be cited as the
"Constitution of Nepal".
(2) This Constitution shall commence on 20 September 2015 (3rd day of
the month of Ashwin of the year 2072 Bikram Sambat).

308. Repeal: The Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 (2063) is hereby repealed.

(Relating to clause (2) of Article 8)
National Flag of Nepal

The method of making the National Flag of Nepal

(a) Method of making the shape inside the border
(1) On the lower portion of a crimson cloth draw a line AB of the required
length from left to right.
(2) From A draw a line AC perpendicular to AB making AC equal to AB plus
one third AB. From AC mark off D making line AD equal to line AB. Join B
and D.
(3) From BD mark off E making BE equal to AB.
(4) Touching E draw a line FG, starting from the point F on line AC, parallel to
AB to the right hand-side. Mark off FG equal to AB.
(5) Join C and G.
(b) Method of making the moon

(6) From AB mark off AH making AH equal to one-fourth of line AB and
starting from H draw a line HI parallel to line AC touching line CG at point
(7) Bisect CF at J and draw a line JK parallel to AB touching CG at point K.
(8) Let L be the point where lines JK and HI cut one another.
(9) Join J and G.
(10) Let M be the point where line JG and HI cut one another.
(11) With centre M and with a distance shortest from M to BD mark off N on the
lower portion of line HI.
(12) Touching M and starting from O, a point on AC, draw a line from left to
right parallel to AB.
(13) With centre L and radius LN draw a semi-circle on the lower portion and let
P and Q be the points where it touches the line OM respectively.
(14) With centre M and radius MQ draw a semi-circle on the lower portion
touching P and Q.
(15) With centre N and radius NM draw an arc touching PNQ at R and S. Join
RS. Let T be the point where RS and HI cut one another.
(16) With centre T and radius TS draw a semi-circle on the upper portion of PNQ
touching it at two points.
(17) With centre T and radius TM draw an arc on the upper portion of PNQ
touching at two points.
(18) Eight equal and similar triangles of the moon are to be made in the space
lying inside the semi-circle of No. (16) and outside the arc of No. (17) of
this Schedule.
(c) Method of making the sun
(19) Bisect line AF at U, and draw a line UV parallel to AB line touching line BE
at V.
(20) With centre W, the point where HI and UV cut one another and radius MN
draw a circle.

(21) With centre W and radius LN draw a circle.
(22) Twelve equal and similar triangles of the sun are to be made in the space
enclosed by the circles of No. (20) and of No. (21) with the two apexes of
two triangles touching line HI.
(d) Method of making the border
(23) The width of the border will be equal to the width TN. This will be of deep
blue colour and will be provided on all the side of the flag. However, on the
five angles of the flag the external angles will be equal to the internal angles.
(24) The above mentioned border will be provided if the flag is to be used with a
rope. On the other hand, if it is to be hoisted on a pole, the hole on the
border on the side AC can be extended according to requirements.
Explanation: The lines HI, RS, FE, ED, JG, OQ, JK and UV are imaginary.
Similarly, the external and internal circles of the sun and the other arcs except the
crescent moon are also imaginary. These are not shown on the flag.
Note bene:The size of the National Flag of Nepal shall be as determined by the
Government of Nepal.

(Relating to clause (1) of Article 9)
National Anthem of Nepal

Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka Hami Eutai Mala Nepali

Sarvavhaum Vai Failiyeka Mechi Mahakali
Prakitika Koti Koti Sampada Ko Aanchala
Bir Haruka Ragata Le Swatantra Ra Atala
Gyana Bhumi Shanti Bhumi Terai Pahad Himala
Akhanda Yo Pyaro Hamro Matri Bhumi Nepal
Bahul Jati Bhasa Dharma Sanskriti Chan Bishala
Agragami Rastra Hamro Jaya Jaya Nepal.

(Relating to clause (2) of Article 9)
Coat of Arms of Nepal

Note bene: This Coat of Arms may be made in larger or smaller size as per
necessity. The colour determined by the Government of Nepal shall
be used on it.

(Relating to clause (3) of Article 56)
States, and Districts to be includedin the concerned States

State No. 1 State No. 2

1. Taplejung 1. Saptari
2. Panchthar 2. Siraha
3. Ilam 3. Dhanusa
4. Sankhuwasabha 4. Mahottari
5. Tehrathum 5. Sarlahi
6. Dhankuta 6. Rautahat
7. Bhojpur 7. Bara
8. Khotang 8. Parsa
9. Solukhumbu
10. Okhaldhunga
11. Udayapur
12. Jhapa
13. Morang
14. Sunsari

State No. 3 State No. 4
1. Dolakha 1. Gorkha
2. Ramechhap 2. Lamjung
3. Sindhuli 3. Tanahun
4. Kavrepalanchok 4. Kaski
5. Sindhupalchok 5. Manang
6. Rasuwa 6. Mustang
7.Nuwakot 7. Parbat
8. Dhading 8. Syangja
9. Chitwan 9. Myagdi
10. Makawanpur 10. Baglung
11. Bhaktapur 11.Nawalparasi (East of
12. Lalitpur Bardaghat Susta)
13. Kathmandu

State No. 5 State No. 6 State No. 7
1. Nawalparasi (West 1.Rukum (Western 1.Bajura
of Bardaghat Susta Part) 2.Bajhang
2. Rupandehi 2. Salyan 3. Doti
3. Kapilbastu 3. Dolpa 4. Achham
4. Palpa 4. Jumla 5. Darchula
5. Arghakhanchi 5. Mugu 6. Baitadi
6. Gulmi 6. Humla 7. Dadeldhura
7.Rukun (Eastern Part) 7. Kalikot 8. Kanchanpur
8. Rolpa 8. Jajarkot 9. Kailali
9. Pyuthan 9. Dailekh
10. Daang 10. Surkhet
11. Banke
12. Bardiya

(Relating to clause (1) of Article 57, and Article 109)
List of Federal Power
SN Matters
1. Relating to defence and military
(a) Protection of national unity and territorial integrity
(b) Relating to national security
2. War and defence
3. Arms and ammunitions factories and production thereof
4. Central Police, Armed Police Force, national intelligence and
investigation, peace, security
5. Central planning, central bank, finance policies, monetary and banking,
monetary policies, foreign grants, aid and loans
6. Foreign and diplomatic affairs, international relations and United Nations
related matters
7. International treaties or agreements, extradition, mutual legal assistance
and international borders, international boundary rivers
8. Telecommunications, allocation of radio frequency, radio, television and
postal matters
9. Customs, excise-duty, value-added tax, corporate income tax, individual
income tax, remuneration tax, passport fee, visa fee, tourism fee, service
charge and fee, penalty
10. Federal civil service, judicial service and other government services
11. Policies relating to conservation and multiple uses of water resources
12. Inland and inter-State electricity transmission lines
13. Central statistics (national and international standards and quality)
14. Central level large electricity, irrigation and other projects
15. Central universities, central level academies, universities standards and

regulation, central libraries
16. Health policies, health services, health standards, quality and monitoring,
national or specialised service providing hospitals, traditional treatment
services and communicable disease control
17. Federal Parliament, Federal Executive, Local Level related affairs, special
18. International trade, exchange, port, quarantine
19. Civil aviation, international airports
20. National transportation policies, management of railways and national
21. Laws relating to the Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts and
administration of justice
22. Citizenship, passport, visa, immigration
23. Atomic energy, air space and astronomy
24. Intellectual property (including patents, designs, trademarks and
25. Measurement
26. Mines excavation
27. National and international environment management, national parks,
wildlife reserves and wetlands, national forest policies, carbon services
28. Insurance policies, securities, cooperatives regulation
29. Land use policies, human settlement development policies, tourism
policies, environment adaptation
30. Criminal and civil laws making
31. Security printing
32. Social security and poverty alleviation
33. Constitutional Bodies, commissions of national importance
34. Sites of archaeological importance and ancient monuments

35. Any matter not enumerated in the Lists of Federal Powers, State Powers
and Local Level Powers or in the Concurrent List and any matter not
specified in this Constitution and in the Federal laws

(Relating to clause (2) of Article 57, clause (4) of Article 162,
Article 197, clause (3) of Article 231, clause (7) of Article 232, clause (4)
of Article 274 and clause (4) of Article 296)
List of State Power
SN Matters
1. State police administration and peace and order
2. Operation of banks and financial institutions in accordance with the
policies of Nepal Rastra Bank, cooperative institutions, foreign grants
and assistance with the consent of the Centre
3. Operation of Radio, F.M., television
4. House and land registration fee, motor vehicle tax, entertainment tax,
advertisement tax, tourism, agro-income tax, service charge, fee,
5. State civil service and other government services
6. State statistics
7. State level electricity, irrigation and water supply services, navigation
8. State universities, higher education, libraries, museums
9. Health services
10. Matters relating to the State Assembly, State Council of Ministers
11. Intra-State trade
12. State highways
13. State bureau of investigation
14. Physical management and other necessary matters of State
governmental offices
15. State Public Service Commission
16. Management of lands, land records
17. Exploration and management of mines

18. Protection and use of languages, scripts, cultures, fine arts and
19. Use of forests and waters and management of environment within the
20. Agriculture and livestock development, factories, industrialization,
trade, business, transportation
21. Management of trusts (Guthi)

(Relating to clause (3) of Articles 57, Article 109, clause (4) of
Article 162, and Article 197)
List of Concurrent Powers of Federation and State
SN Matters
1. Civil and criminal procedure, evidence and oaths (legal recognition,
public acts and records, and judicial proceedings)
2. Supply, distribution, price control, quality and monitoring of essential
goods and services
3. Preventive detention for reasons connected with the security of the
country, prison and detention management, and maintenance of peace
and order
4. Transfer of accused persons, detainees and prisoners from one State to
another State
5. Laws relating to family affairs (marriage, transfer of property, divorce,
persons on the verge of extinction, orphan, adoption, succession and
joint family)
6. Acquisition, requisitioning of property and creation of right in property
7. Contracts, cooperatives, partnership and agency related matters
8. Matters relating to bankruptcy and insolvency
9. Drugs and pesticides
10. Planning, family planning and population management
11. Social security and employment, trade unions, settlement of industrial
disputes, labour rights and disputes related matters
12. Legal profession, auditing, engineering, medicines, Ayurvedic
medicines, veterinary, Amchi and other professions
13. State boundary river, waterways, environment protection, biological

14. Matters related to means of communication
15. Industries and mines and physical infrastructures
16. Casino, lottery
17. Early preparedness for, rescue, relief and rehabilitation from, natural
and man made calamities
18. Tourism, water supply and sanitation
19. Motion pictures, cinema halls and sports
20. Insurance business operation and management
21. Poverty alleviation and industrialization
22. Scientific research, science and technology and human resources
23. Utilization of forests, mountains, forest conservation areas and waters
stretching in inter-State form
24. Land policies and laws relating thereto
25. Employment and unemployment aid

(Relating to clause (4) of Article 57, clause (2) of Article 214, clause
(2) of Article 221 and clause (1) of Article 226)
List of Local Level Power

SN Matters
1. Town police
2. Cooperative institutions
3. Operation of F.M.
4. Local taxes (wealth tax, house rent tax, land and building
registration fee, motor vehicle tax), service charge, fee, tourism fee,
advertisement tax, business tax, land tax (land revenue), penalty,
entertainment tax, land revenue collection
5. Management of the Local services
6. Collection of local statistics and records
7. Local level development plans and projects
8. Basic and secondary education
9. Basic health and sanitation
10. Local market management,environment protection and bio-
11. Local roads, rural roads, agro-roads, irrigation
12. Management of Village Assembly, Municipal Assembly, District
Assembly, local courts, mediation and arbitration
13. Local records management
14. Distribution of house and land ownership certificates
15. Agriculture and animal husbandry, agro-products management,
animal health, cooperatives
16. Management of senior citizens, persons with disabilities and the

17. Collection of statistics of the unemployed
18. Management, operation and control of agricultural extension
19. Water supply, small hydropower projects, alternative energy
20. Disaster management
21. Protection of watersheds, wildlife, mines and minerals
22. Protection and development of languages, cultures and fine arts

(Relating to clause (5) of Article 57, Article 109, clause (4) of Article 162, Article
197, clause (2) of Article 214, clause (2) of Article 221, and clause (1) of Article 226)
List of Concurrent Powers of Federation, State and Local Level
SN Matters
1. Cooperatives
2. Education, health and newspapers
3. Health
4. Agriculture
5. Services such as electricity, water supply, irrigation
6. Service fee, charge, penalty and royalty from natural resources,
tourism fee
7. Forests, wildlife, birds, water uses, environment, ecology and bio-
8. Mines and minerals
9. Disaster management
10. Social security and poverty alleviation
11. Personal events, births, deaths, marriages and statistics
12. Archaeology, ancient monuments and museums
13. Landless squatters management
14. Royalty from natural resources
15. Motor vehicle permits

g]k fn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g, @)$!
nfndf]x/ / k|sfzg ldlt
;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g
!= Gofo k|zf;g P]g, @)$* @)$*.@.!^
@= g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f -klxnf] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)$( @)$(.&.^
@)$! ;fnsf] P]g g+= !*
g]k fn ljB't k|f lws/0fsf] :yfkgf / Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf]f ] P]g
k|:tfjgf M ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fnfO{ ;Ifd, e/kbf]{ / ;j{;'ne u/L ljB't cfk"lt{ ug]{
Joj:yf ug{ g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f :yfkgf / ;~rfng ug{sf] nflu sfg"gL Joj:yf ug{ jf~5gLo
>L % dxf/fhflw/fh jL/]Gb| jL/ ljqmd zfxb]jaf6 /fli6«o k~rfotsf] ;Nnfx / ;Ddltn] of] P]g
agfOaS;]sf] 5 .
kl/R5]b – !
k|f /lDes
!= ;+l IfKt gfd / k|f /De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æg]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g, @)$!Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L tf]s]sf] ldltblv
k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ æu|fxsÆ eGgfn] ljB't pkef]u ug]{ JolQm ;D´g' k5{ .
-v_ æk|flws/0fÆ eGgfn] bkmf # cGtu{t :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f ;D´g'
k5{ .
-u_ æljB'tÆ eGgfn] kfgL, l8h]n, sf]Onf jf cGo s'g} k|ljlwaf6 pTkfbg ul/g] ljB't
zlQm ;D´g' k5{ .
-3_ ædx;'nÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0fn] ljB't pknAw u/fP jfkt u|fxsaf6 lnOg] ljB't
dx;'n ;D´g' k5{ .
-ª_ æ;ldltÆ eGgfn] bkmf * adf]lhd ul7t ;~rfns ;ldlt ;D´g' k5{ .
of] P]g ldlt @)$@.%.! b]lv P]g nfu" x'g] u/L tf]lsPsf] -g]kfn /fhkq ldlt @)$@.%.@ .


-ª!_ æcgflwsf/ pkef]uÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0fsf] :jLs[lt glnO{ k|flws/0fsf] ljB't
k|0ffnLaf6 ljB't pkef]u ug]{ sfo{ jf u|fxsn] ljB't pkef]u ubf{ kfng ug{' kg]{
zt{sf] pNn3+g x'g] u/L ljB't pkef]u ug]{ jf ljB't rf]g]{ sfo{ ;D´g' k5{ .
-r_ ætf]lsPsf]Æ jf ætf]lsP adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] ljlgoddf
tf]lsPsf] jf tf]lsP adf]lhd ;D´g' k5{ .
kl/R5]b – @
;+:yfkgf, k"+h L / Joj:yfkg
#= k|f lws/0fsf] :yfkgf M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fnfO{ ;Ifd, e/kbf]{ / ;j{;'ne
u/L ljB't cfk"lt{sf] ;d'lrt Joj:yf ug{sf] nflu g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f :yfkgf ul/Psf]
-@_ k|flws/0fnfO{ c+u|hL efiffdf æg]kfn On]lS6«l;6L cyf]l/6LÆ elgg]5 .
-#_ k|flws/0fsf] k|wfg sfof{no sf7df8f}+df /xg]5 .
$= ;+u l7t ;+:yf x'g ] M -!_ k|flws/0f cljlR5Gg pQ/flwsf/jfnf Ps :jzfl;t / ;+ul7t
;+:yf x'g]5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf] cfKMgf] Pp6f 5'§} 5fk x'g]5 .
-#_ k|flws/0fn] JolQm ;/x rn crn ;DklQ k|fKt ug{, pkef]u ug{, a]rlavg
ug{ jf cGo lsl;dn] aGbf]a:t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ k|flws/0fn] JolQm ;/x cfKMgf] gfdaf6 gfn];, ph"/ ug{ / ;f] pk/ klg ;f]xL
gfdaf6 gfn]; ph"/ nfUg ;Sg]5 .
%= z]o / k"+h L / z]o /jfnf M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] k|f/lDes clws[t z]o/ k"+hL g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn
/fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L tf]s]adf]lhd x'g]5 / To:tf] k"+hL ;f]xL ;"rgfdf
tf]s]adf]lhdsf] z]o/df ljeflht x'g]5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cg'dlt lnO{ cfKMgf] k|f/lDes clws[t z]o/ k"FhL
yk36 ug{ ;Sg]5 / k|flws/0fsf] z]o/k"FhL 36L x'g cfPdf k|To]s z]o/sf] cl°t -gf]ldgn_
d"No klg z]o/ k"FhLs} cg'kftdf 36fOg]5 .
-#_ k|flws/0fn] lgisfzg u/]sf] z]o/ dWo] g]kfn ;/sf/n] v/Lb u/L afFsL /x]sf]
z]o/ dfq ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfnfO{ laqmL ul/g]5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

-$_ k|flws/0fsf z]o/jfnfx?sf] bfloTj ;Lldt x'g]5 .
-%_ k|To]s z]o/ cljefHo x'g]5 / z]o/jfnfn] cfkm"n] lnPsf] k|To]s z]o/sf] Ps
dtsf] lx;fan] z]o/jfnfx?sf] ;fwf/0f ;efdf dt lbg kfpg]5 .

%s= z]o / v/Lb ug{ ;Sg] M ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf ePkl5 ;fwf/0f ;efn] kfl/t u/] adf]lhd
/ ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf geP;Dd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jLs[lt lnO{ k|flws/0fn] ljB't;+u
;DalGwt pBf]ux?sf] z]o/ v/Lb ug{ ;Sg]5 .
^= C0fkq hf/L ug]{ M ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf ePkl5 ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 kfl/t u/]adf]lhd /
;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf geP;Dd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jLs[lt lnO{ k|flws/0fn] C0fkq hf/L
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
&= C0f jf cg'b fg lng]
lng M ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf ePkl5 ;fwf/0f ;efn] kfl/t u/] adf]lhd
/ ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf geP;Dd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jLs[lt lnO{ k|flws/0fn] cfKMgf] rfn"
k"+hLsf] nflu cfjZos gub jf lhG;L C0f lng jf cg'bfg :jLsf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
*= ; ~rfns ;ldltsf] u7g
u7 M k|flws/0fsf] ;Dk"0f{ sfd sf/jfxLsf] ;~rfng, /]vb]v /
Joj:yfkgsf] nflu Ps ;~rfns ;ldlt u7g x'g]5 . ;~rfns ;ldltn] of] P]g / o; P]g
cGtu{t ag]sf] ljlgod adf]lhd k|flws/0fnfO{ ePsf ;a} clwsf/sf] k|of]u / st{Jo kfng
ug]{5 .
(= ;~rfnsx? M -!_ ;~rfns ;ldltdf cf7hgf ;~rfns /xg]5g\ . tL ;~rfnsx? ;fwf/0f
;efåf/f lgjf{lrt x'g]5g\ / lgjf{lrt ;~rfnsx?n] cfkm"dWo]af6 5fg]sf] Pshgf JolQm
;~rfns ;ldltsf] cWoIf x'g]5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf s'g} ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] lnPsf] z]o/sf] cg'kftdf g]kfn ;/sf/
jf To:tf] ;+:yfn] ;~rfnsx? dgf]lgt ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] dgf]lgt ;~rfnsx?sf] xs
tyf bfloTj lgjf{lrt ;~rfnssf] ;/x x'g]5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg ;fwf/0f ;efåf/f ;~rfnsx?
lgjf{lrt x'g] Joj:yf geP;Dd ;~rfns ;ldltdf b]xfosf ;b:ox? /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ dfggLo hn;|f]t dGqL, /fHo dGqL jf g]kfn ;/sf/n]
dgf] gLt u/] s f] JolQm – cWoIf

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-v_ ;lrj, hn;|f]t dGqfno –;b:o
-u_ ;lrj, cy{ dGqfno –;b:o
-3_ pBf]u, jfl0fHo jf ljQLo If]qdf ;+nUg JolQmx? dWo]af6
g]k fn ;/sf/åf/f dgf]g Lt Pshgf –;b:o
-ª_ ljB't pkef]Qmfx? dWo]af6 g]kfn ;/sf/åf/f dgf]gLt
Pshgf – ;b:o
-r_ ljB't If]qdf ljz]iftf xfl;n u/]sf u}/;/sf/L JolQmx?
dWo] af6 g]k fn ;/sf/åf/f dgf]g Lt b' O{ hgf –;b:o
-5_ sfo{ sf/L lgb]{ z s, k| flws/0f – ;b:o–;lrj

-$_ ;ldltsf dgf]gLt ;b:ox?sf] sfof{jlw rf/ aif{sf] x'g]5 .
t/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos k/]df To:tf ;b:ox?sf] kbfjlw ;dfKt x'g' cufj}
ltgLx?nfO{ x6fpg jf ltgLx?sf] ;§f csf]{ JolQm dgf]gLt ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ ;fwf/0f ;efåf/f lgjf{lrt ;~rfnsx?sf] sfof{jlw rf/ jif{sf] x'g]5 /
sfof{jlw ;dfKt ePkl5 a9Ldf nuftf/ b'O{ k6s;Dd k'gM ;~rfnsdf lgjf{lrt x'g
;Sg]5g\ .
t/ k|yd k6s lgjf{lrt cf7hgf ;~rfnsx?dWo] uf]nf k|yfåf/f lg0f{o u/]sf
rf/hgf ;~rfnsx?sf] sfof{jlw b'O{ jif{sf] x'g]5 .
!)= ;~rfnssf] lgldQ cof]Utf
t M b]xfosf] s'g} JolQm ;~rfns x'g jf sfod /xg ;Sb}g M–
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] s'g} j}tlgs kbflwsf/L,
t/ g]kfn ;/sf/åf/f lgo'Qm sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] ;DaGwdf of] v08 nfu" x'g]5}g .
-v_ C0f ltg{ g;sL ;fx"sf] bfdf;fxLdf k/]sf],
-u_ ax'nfPsf] jf dfgl;s ;Gt'ng gePsf],
-3_ g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}Hbf/L cleof]udf cbfntaf6 s;"/bf/ k|dfl0ft ePsf],
-ª_ k|flws/0f;+u ePsf] s'g} 7]Ssf k§fdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kn] lx:;]bf/ ePsf] .
!!= ;~rfnsnfO{ x6fpg ;lsg]
;lsg M -!_ ;fwf/0f;efåf/f lgjf{lrt ;~rfnsnfO{ b]xfosf]
cj:yfdf ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt z]o/xf]N8/x?sf] ax'dtn] x6fpg ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ bkmf !) df plNnlvt s'g} cj:yf k/]df,

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-v_ s'g} d'gfl;a sf/0f tyf ;ldltsf] cg'dlt lagf ;ldltsf] a}7sdf
nuftf/ tLg k6seGbf a9L cg'kl:yt ePdf .

-@_ ==========================
-#_ b]xfosf cj:yfdf ;~rfnsx? ;ldltaf6 :jtM x6\g]5g\ M–
-s_ ;b:oaf6 lbPsf] /fhLgfdf :jLs[t ePdf,
-v_ d[To' ePdf .
!@= ; ~rfnssf] l/Qm :yfgsf] k"l t{ M -!_ d[To', /fhLgfdf jf cGo s'g} sf/0faf6 s'g}
;~rfnssf] kb l/Qm x'g cfPdf ;fljsjfnfsf] afFsL cjlw;Dd dfq ;f] :yfgdf k"lt{
ul/g]5 .
!#= sfd sf/jfO{ ab/ gx'g ] M ;ldltsf] u7gdf s'g} q'6L eO{ jf s'g} ;~rfnssf]:yfg l/Qm eO{
;ldltdf s'g} sfd sf/jfO{ ePsf] ePklg ;f]xL sf/0fn] dfq To:tf] sfd sf/jfO{ ab/
x'g]5}g .
!$= ;~rfnssf] kfl/>lds M ;~rfnssf] kfl/>lds tyf ;'ljwf tf]lsPadf]lhd x'g]5 .
t/ bkmf ( sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhdsf ;b:ox?n] kfl/>lds kfpg] 5}gg\ / lghx?n]
;ldltn] tf]s] adf]lhd a}7s eQf dfq kfpg]5g\ .
!%= ;ldltsf] a}7 s M -!_ ;ldltsf] a}7s tf]lsPsf] ldlt, ;do / :yfgdf a:g]5 .
-@_ krf; k|ltzteGbf a9L ;~rfnsx? pkl:yt ePdf ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] nflu
u0fk"/s ;+Vof k'u]sf] dflgg]5 .
-#_ ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] jf lghsf] cg'kl:yltdf a}7sdf
pkl:yt ;~rfnsx?n] cfkm"dWo]af6 5fg]sf] ;~rfnsn] ug]{5 .
-$_ ;ldltsf] a}7sdf ax'dtsf] /fo dfGo x'g]5 / dt a/fa/ ePdf a}7ssf]
cWoIftf ug]{ ;~rfnsn] lg0f{ofTds dt lbg]5 .
-%_ ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlw tf]lsPadf]lhd x'g]5 .
!^= Jofkfl/s
Jofkfl /s l;4fGt cg'; /0f ug]
ug { M ;ldltn] k|flws/0fsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ ;j{;fwf/0f
hgtfsf] ;'ljwf ;d]tsf] Vofn /fvL Jofkfl/s l;4fGt cg';/0f ug]{5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

!&= dxfk|aGws jf sfo{sf/L lgb]{z s, ;Nnfxsf/ / cGo sd{r f/L M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] sfo{
;~rfngsf] lgldQ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] ?kdf ;ldltn] Pshgf dxfk|jGws /
cfjZostf cg';f/ ;Nnfxsf/ / sd{rf/Lx? lgo'lQm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf geP;Dd To:tf] d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] ?kdf
g]kfn ;/sf/n] Pshgf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs lgo'lQm ug]{5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf] dxfk|aGws jf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, ;Nnfxsf/ / cGo
sd{rf/Lx?sf] kfl/>lds ;]jfsf] cGo zt{ tyf ;'ljwf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!*= dxfk|aGws jf sfo{sf/L lgb]{z s pk/ k|l taGw M k|flws/0fsf] s'g} dxfk|aGws jf sfo{sf/L
lgb]{zsn] k|flws/0f;+u x'g] s'g} 7]Ssfk§fdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kn] lx:;]bf/ x'g ;Sg]5}g .
kl/R5]b – #
k|f lws/0fsf] sfd, st{J o / clwsf/
!(= k|f lws/0fsf] sfd / st{J o M k|flws/0fsf] sfd / st{Jo b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ ljB't cfk"lt{ ;DawL bL3{sfnLg / cNksfnLg gLlt lgwf{/0f ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{
l;kmfl/z ug]{,

-s!_ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f u/L ljB't cfk"lt{ ug]{ .
-v_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f k|0ffnL tyf tT;DaGwL cGo sfo{sf] of]hgf th{'df
ug]{ / th{'df ePsf] of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjog ug{ cfjZos ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|, ?kfGt/
s]Gb| -;j:6]zg_, ljt/0f s]Gb|, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f nfO{g tyf tT;DaGwL ;'ljwfx?sf]
lgdf{0f, ;~rfng, ;+/If0f / ;Da4{g ug]{,
-u_ cf}Bf]lus tyf s[lif ljsf; tyf hgtfsf] ;'ljwfsf] nflu cfly{s b[li6n] pko'QM
If]qdf pko'Qm :t/sf] ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fsf] Joj:yf ug]{,
-3_ ljB't dx;'n / ljB't ;DaGwL cGo ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ug]{,
-ª_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f ;DaGwdf cfjZos cg';Gwfg sfo{ ug]{ u/fpg],
-r_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f ;DaGwdf bIf hgzlQm tof/ ug{ pRr tfnLd
tyf cWoogsf] k|jGw ug]{ u/fpg],

-r!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f sfo{;+u ;DalGwt k|fljlws ;Nnfx / k/fdz{
k|bfg ug]{ .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

-5_ k|flws/0fsf] p2]Zo k"lt{sf] nflu cfjZos cGo sfdx? ug]{ u/fpg] .
@)= k|f lws/0fsf] clwsf/ M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ :jb]zL ;+:yf a}+s jf JolQmaf6 C0f lng],
-v_ ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf ljb]zL ;+:yf / cGt//fli6«o ;+:yfaf6 C0f lng],
-u_ u|fxsaf6 ljB't dx;'n / ;]jf z'Ns p7fpg],
-3_ ljb]zL d'n'snfO{ ljB't laqmL ug]{ jf ljb]zL d'n'saf6 ljB't v/Lb
-ª_ k|flws/0fsf] sf]ifdf /x]sf] /sd nufgL ug]{,

-ª!_ k|flws/0fn] ljt/0f u/]sf] ljB'tsf] cgflwsf/ pkef]u lgoGq0f ug]{,
-r_ lghL If]qaf6 pTkflbt ljB't zlQm v/Lb ug]{,
-5_ cfˆgf] sfd / st{Jo k"/f ug{sf] nflu ckl/xfo{ / cfjZos ;a} sfd
ug]{ .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ v08 -v_ / -3_ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/ k|of]u ubf{ k|flws/0fn] g]kfn
;/sf/sf] k"j{:jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
@!= hUuf k|f Kt ug]
ug { M k|flws/0fnfO{ b]xfosf] k|of]hgsf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd cfjZos hUuf k|fKt ul/lbg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ afFw jf t6aGw lgdf{0f ug{,
-v_ gx/ s'nf] lgdf{0f ug{,
-u_ hnfzo lgdf{0f ug{,
-3_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f / ?kfGt/ s]Gb| -;a:6]zg_ lgdf{0f ug{,
-ª_ hdLg dfly jf d'lg ljB't tf/ jf nfO{g h8fg ug{,
-r_ ljB't n¶f 78\ofpg,
-5_ ljB't ;DaGwL cGo ;'ljwfx? lgdf{0f ug{,
-h_ k|flws/0fsf] p2]Zo k"lt{ ug{ ul/g] cGo sfd ug{ .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

@@= c?sf] 3/ hUufdf k|j]z ug]{ M k|flws/0fn] clws[t u/]sf] JolQmn] k|flws/0fsf] sfdsf]
l;nl;nfdf c?sf] 3/ hUufdf k|j]z ug{' cfjZos k/]df tTsfn To:tf] 3/ jf hUuf k|of]u
ul//x]sf JolQmnfO{ k"j{ ;"rgf lbP/ k|j]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ ljB'tsf] b'?kof]u jf rf]/L eO/x]sf] z+sf ug{'kg]{ dgfl;a sf/0f ePdf jf s'g}
b'3{6gfnfO{ arfp jf h?/L dd{t sfo{ ug{' k/]df k"j{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5}g .
@#= ljB't nfOg sf6\
sf6 g\ ;lsg] M -!_ s'g} u|fxsn] k|flws/0fnfO{ a'´fpg' kg]{ dx;'n h/Ljfgf,
Ifltk"lt{, cltl/Qm z'Ns, cGo z'Ns tyf ltg{ a'´fpg' kg]{ cGo /sd tf]lsPsf] ;doleq

ga'´fPdf jf ljB'tsf] cgflwsf/ k|of]u u/]df k|flws/0fn] To:tf] u|fxsnfO{ lbO/fv]sf]
ljB't nfOg sf6\g ;Sg]5 .


@#s= Ifltk"l t{, cltl/Qm dx;'n tyf hl/jfgf lng ;lsg] M u|fxs jf cGo s;}n] ljB'tsf]
cgflwsf/ pkef]u u/]df jf u|fxsn] lgwf{l/t ;doleq ljB't dxz"n glt/]df k|flws/0fn]
To:tf] u|fxs jf ljB'tsf] cgflwsf/ pkef]u ug]{;+u tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] hl/jfgf, IftLk"lt{
tyf cltl/Qm dxz"n lng ;Sg]5 .
@$= ;DklQ a]r lavg ug{ gkfpg] M k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{:jLs[lt glnO{ s'g} crn
;DklQ / Ps nfveGbf a9L d"Nosf] s'g} rn ;DklQ s;}nfO{ a]rlavg ug{ jf cGo
lsl;dn] x:tfGt/0f jf gfd;f/L u/L lbg kfpg] 5}g .
t/ sfddf k|of]u eO{ jf cGo s'g} sf/0faf6 sfd gnfUg] b]lvPsf ;fdfgx? lnnfd laqmL
ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{:jLs[lt lng' kg]{ 5}g .
@%= lgb]{z g lbg] clwsf/ M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|flws/0fnfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] lgb]{zg lbg
;Sg]5 M–
-s_ s'g} vf; If]q tf]sL jf gtf]sL s'g} ljB't ;]jf ;~rfng ug{ jf cGo
s'g} sfd sf/jfO{ ug{,
-v_ k|flws/0fn] s'g} If]qdf ul//x]sf] s'g} sfd sf/jfO{ /f]Sg jf To;df
s'g} kl/jt{g ug{ jf k"/} aGb ug{,
-u_ k|flws/0fn] ug{ cfF6]sf] s'g} sfd s'/f gug{ .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/n] lbPsf] lgb]{zgsf] kfngf ug{' k|flws/0fsf]
st{Jo x'g]5 .

-#_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ adf]lhdsf] sfd ug{sf]
nflu lbPsf] lgb]{zg cg';f/ sfd ubf{ k|flws/0fn] 3f6f a]xf]g'{ kg]{ ePdf ;f] afkt a]xf]g{'
k/]sf] /sd g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|flws/0fnfO{ Ifltk"lt{sf] ?kdf lbg' kg]{5 .
@^= jflif{s k|l tj]b g M k|flws/0fn] k|To]s jif{ n]vf k/LIf0f ;dfKt ePkl5 n]vf k/LIfssf]
k|ltj]bg ;lxt b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf jflif{s k|ltj]bg k]z ug{' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ljB't cfk"lt{ ;DaGwL gLlt sfof{Gjog ug]{ of]hgf ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-v_ k|flws/0faf6 ;~rflnt cfof]hgfx?sf] l:yltsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f,
-u_ cfufdL kfFr jif{sf] nflu k|flws/0fsf] k|If]lkt vr{ / cfDbfgLsf] ;|f]t ;DaGwL
ljQLo ljj/0f,
-3_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 k|fKt lgb]{zgx?sf] sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-ª_ k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm b]v]sf cGo ljj/0f .
@&= clwsf/ k|T ofof]h g M k|flws/0fn] cfKMgf] s'g} clwsf/ ;ldltsf] cWoIf, ;~rfns jf ;b:o
jf pk–;ldlt, k|flws/0fsf] dxfk|jGws jf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs jf cGo s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{
k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
kl/R5]b – $
;fwf/0f ;ef
@*= ;fwf/0f ;ef M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] hDdf lgisflzt z]o/k"+hLsf] slDtdf bz k|ltzt d"Nosf]
z]o/ ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfdf laqmL eO{;s]kl5 k|To]s jif{ n]vf k/LIf0f ;dfKt eO{ To;sf]
k|ltj]bg k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] tLg dxLgfleq k|flws/0fsf] k|wfg sfof{nodf aflif{s ;fwf/0f
;ef ul/g]5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf] hDdf r'Qmf z]o/ k"FhLsf] slDtdf bz k|ltzt d"Nosf] z]o/ lng]
z]o/jfnfx?n] lnlvt cg'/f]w u/]df jf ;ldltn] cfjZos 7x¥ofPdf s'g} klg ;dodf
k|flws/0fsf] ljz]if ;fwf/0f ;ef ul/g]5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-#_ z]o/jfnfx?sf] btf{ lstfadf z]o/jfnfsf] ?kdf gfd btf{ ePsf
z]o/jfnfx?sf] hDdf ;+Vofsf] kRrL; k|ltzt z]o/jfnfx? cfkm} jf cfKMgf] k|ltlglwåf/f
pkl:yt ePdf ;fwf/0f ;efsf] u0fk"/s ;+Vof k'u]sf] dflgg]5 .
-$_ jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf k|flws/0fsf] gfkmf gf]S;fgLsf] lx;fa tyf jf;nft,
n]vfk/LIfssf] k|ltj]bg / k|flws/0fsf] jif{ el/sf] sfd ;DaGwL ;ldltsf] k|ltj]bg pk/
5nkmn ul/g]5 .
-%_ z]o/jfnfx?sf] btf{ lstfadf z]o/jfnfsf] ?kdf gfd btf{ ePsf z]o/jfnfn]
cfkm} pkl:yt eO{ jf cGo s'g} z]o/jfnfnfO{ /Ltk"j{s cfˆgf] k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/L ;f]
k|ltlglwåf/f ;fwf/0f ;efdf dt lbg kfpg]5 .
t/ k|flws/0fn] dfu u/]sf] z]o/sf] r'Qmf x'g afFsL /sd e'Qmfg gug]{ z]o/jfnfn]
To;/L dt lbg kfpg] 5}g .
-^_ ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;efkltTj ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] jf lghsf] cg'kl:yltdf
;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt z]o/jfnfx?n] ax'dtåf/f cfkm" dWo]af6 5fg]sf JolQmn] ug]{5 .
kl/R5]b – %
sf]i f / n]v f k/LIf0f
@(= k|f lws/0fsf] sf]i f M -!_k|flws/0fsf] cfKMgf] Pp6f 5'§} sf]if x'g]5 . k|flws/0fsf] k"h
F L C0f /
cg'bfg nufot ;a} /sd ;f] sf]ifdf hDdf ul/g]5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf] ;Dk"0f{ vr{ sf]ifaf6 Joxf]l/g]5 .
-#_ k|flws/0fsf] sf]ifsf] ;~rfng tyf cfly{s k|zf;g tf]lsPadf]lhd x'g]5 .
#)= n]v f / n]v fk/LIf0f M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] n]vf ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t 9fFrf / t/Lsf adf]lhd
/flvg]5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf] n]vfsf] n]vfk/LIf0f ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf geP;Dd dxfn]vf
k/LIfs jf lghn] tf]s]sf] n]vfk/LIfsåf/f / ;fwf/0f ;efsf] Joj:yf ePkl5 ;fwf/0f
;efn] tf]s]sf] n]vfk/LIfsåf/f x'g]5 .

kl/R5]b – ^

#!= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] u7g M -!_ k|flws/0fn] tf]lsP adf]lhd ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt u7g ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ul7t ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
#@= :yfgLo s/ gnfUg] M k|flws/0fsf] sf/f]af/df s'g} lsl;dsf] :yfgLo s/ nfUg] 5}g .

#@s= ;/sf/L afFs L ;/x c;"n pk/ ug{ ;lsg]
;lsg M k|flws/0fn] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf
ljlgodx? adf]lhd u|fxs jf cGo s'g} JolQml;t lng' kg]{ dxz"n, hl/jfgf, Ifltk"lt{,
cltl/Qm z'Ns ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;"n pk/ u/L lng ;Sg]5 .
##= O{dfGbf/L / uf]k gLotfsf] zky u|x 0f ug]
ug { M k|flws/0fsf] k|To]s ;~rfns jf ;b:o,
n]vfk/LIfs, dxfk|aGws jf sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs / cGo kbflwsf/L tyf sd{rf/Lx?n] cfˆgf]
sfo{ef/ ;DxfNg' cl3 cg';"rLdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd uf]kgLotfsf] zky u|x0f ug{' kg]{5 .
#$= k|f lws/0f lj36g ug]{ M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] b]xfosf] cj:yfdf k|flws/0f lj36g ug]{ cfb]z
hf/L u/L To;sf] hfoh]yfsf] ljt/0fsf] nflu Ps jf Ps eGbf a9L lnlSj8]6/ lgo'Qm ug{
;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] r"Qmf z]o/ k"FhLsf] slDtdf kRrL; k|ltzt d"Nosf]
z]o/ lng] z]o/jfnfx?n] dgfl;a sf/0f b]vfO{ lnlvt ?kdf
k|flws/0fnfO{ lj36g ug]{ dfu u/]df,
-v_ k|flws/0fsf] sfd ;'rf? ?kn] rn]sf] 5}g jf k|flws/0fsf] ;DklQ
lxgfldgf x'Fb} uPsf] 5 jf k|flws/0fn] >L % sf] ;/s/sf] lgb]{zgx?
a/fa/ pNn3+g u/]sf] 5 eGg] g]kfn ;/sf/n] 7x¥ofPdf .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|flws/0fnfO{ lj36g ug]{ u/L hf/L
u/]sf] cfb]z clGtd x'g]5 .
#%= ljlgod agfpg] clwsf/ M k|flws/0fsf] sfo{ ;~rfngsf] nflu of] P]gsf] ljkl/t gx'g] u/L
k|flws/0fn] cfjZos ljlgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 .

#^= g]k fn ;/sf/;+u ;Dks{ M k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/;+u ;Dks{ /fVbf gLltut s'/fsf] xsdf
hn;|f]t dGqfno dfkm{t / cGo s'/fsf xsdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;DalGwt lgsfo;+u ;f]´}
;Dks{ /fVg ;Sg]5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

#&= ;DklQ / bfloTj x:tfGt/0f M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ljsf; ;ldlt P]g, @)!# cGtu{t ul7t
ljsf; ;ldltx?af6 ;~rfng ul/Psf cfof]hgfx? of] P]g k|f/De ePkl5 To:tf]
cfof]hgfx?sf] ;DklQsf] d"Nof°g u/L k|flws/0fnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ul/g]5 .
t/ To:tf] cfof]hgf k"/f gx'Fb} x:tfGt/0f ul/g] eP ;f] cfof]hgf k"/f ePkl5 dfq
;DklQsf] d"Nof°g ul/g]5 .
-@_ ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf ljb]zL ;+:yf jf cGt//fli6«o ;+:yfaf6 C0f k|fKt u/L
;~rfng ul/Psf] cfof]hgf pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|flws/0fnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ubf{ To:tf] C0f
jfkt g]kfn ;/sf/n] ltg{'kg]{ ;fFjf / Aofhsf] lgldQ g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] zt{df
k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ cfjZos /sd ltg{' kg]{ u/L x:tfGt/0f ul/g]5 .
t/ To:tf] cfof]hgfdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] e'QmfgL ul/Psf] ;fFjf / Aofhsf] /sd /
Aoxf]g{' k/] hltsf] vr{ jfkt k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ z]o/ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf ljb]zL ;+:yf jf cGt//fli6«o ;+:yfaf6 ;xfotf jf cg'bfg
k|fKt u/L ;~rfng ul/Psf] jf g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfˆg} vr{df ;~rfng u/]sf] cfof]hgfx?
pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|flws/0fnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ubf{ To:tf] cfof]hgfsf] ;DklQ jfkt
k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ z]o/ pknAw u/fpg] u/L x:tfGt/0f ul/g]5 .
#*= vf/]h L tyf ;DklQ / bfloTj ;g]
;g { M -!_ g]kfn ljB't skf]{/]zg P]g, @)!( vf/]h ul/Psf] 5
/ ;f] P]g cGtu{t ul7t g]kfn ljB't skf]{/]zg lj36g ul/Psf]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lj36g ul/Psf] g]kfn ljB't skf]{/]zgsf] ;Dk"0f{ rn
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nflu lgh JolQmut ?kdf hjfkmb]xL x'g] 5}g .

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ug{ jf ug{ nufpg jf s;}nfO{ k|flws/0fsf] clwgdf /x]sf] / k|flws/0f ;DaGwL s'g} lstfa jf
sfuhkq s'g} To:tf] JolQmnfO{ lg/LIf0f jf u|x0f ug{ lbg] 5}g .

Nepal Electricity Authority Act, 2041 (1984)
Date of Authentication and Publication
27 Kartik 2041 (Nov.12, 1984)

1. Administration of Justice Act, 2048 (1991) 2048/2/16

2. Nepal Electricity Authority (First Amendment) Act, 2049 (1984) 2049/7/6

Act number 18 of the year 2041 (1984)

An Act made to provide for the Establishment and Management of Nepal
Electricity Authority

Preamble : Whereas it is expedient to enact legislation for the establishment and

management of the Nepal electricity Authority to make arrangements for power
supply by generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity in an efficient, reliable
and convenient manner.
Now therefore, His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev has enacted
this Act on the advice and with the approval if the National Panchayat .

Chapter 1

1. Short Title and commencement : (1) This Act may be called the Nepal
Electricity Authority Act, 2041(1984).
(2) It shall come into force from such date as may be prescribed by
Government of Nepal by notification in the Nepal Gazette.♠
2. Definitions : In this Act, Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires:-
(a) "Customer" means a person who consumes electricity.
(b) "Authority" means the Nepal Electricity Authority established
under Section 3.

It came into force on 2042.5.1 (August 17, 1985) by a notification published in the Nepal Gazette dated
2042.5.1 (August 18, 1985).

(c) "Electricity" means electric power generated by means of water,
diesel, coal, or through any other technology.
(d) "Fee" means the electricity fee to be collected from customers in
consideration of supply of power by the Authority.
(e) "Board" means the Board of Directors formed pursuant to
Section 8.

(e1) "Unauthorized consumption" means consumption of electricity
from the power system of the Authority without obtaining its
permission or in violation of the conditions to be compelled with
by consumers while consuming electricity, or pilferage of
(f) "Prescribed" or "as prescribed" means prescribed or in the manner
prescribed in Bye-laws framed under this Act.
Chapter 2
Establishment, cabinet and Management

3. Establishment of the Authority : (1) The Nepal Electricity Authority has

been established for the purpose of making appropriate arrangements to supply
power by generating, transmitting and distributing electricity in an efficient
and reliable manner and in such a way that it is available to all.
(2) In English language, the Nepal Vidyut Pradhikarana shall be called
the Nepal Electricity Authority.
(3) The head office of the Authority shall be located in Katmandu.
4. Corporate Body : (1) The Authority shall be an autonomous corporate body
with perpetual succession.
(2) The Authority shall have a separate seal of its own.
(3) The Authority may acquire, possess, sell or otherwise dispose of
movable and immovable property like an individual.
(4) The Authority may sue or be sued in its own name like an

 Inserted by First Amendment.

5. Share Capital and Shareholders : (1) The initial authorized share capital
of the Authority shall be as prescribed by Government of Nepal by
notification in the Nepal Gazette, and such capital shall be divided into shares
in the number as prescribed therein.
(2) The Authority may increase or reduce its initial authorized share
capital with the permission of Government of Nepal and in case the Share
Capital of the Authority is reduced, the nominal value of the Share Capital,
shall also be reduced in proportion to the Share Capital.
(3) Only the shares left unsubscribed after the purchase of shares by
Nepal Government from among those issued by the Authority shall be offered
for public sale.
(4) The liability of shareholders of the Authority shall be limited.
(5) Each share shall be indivisible, and each shareholder shall be
entitled to cast one vote for each share subscribed by him/her at the general
meeting of shareholders,

5A. Power to purchase shares : The Authority may purchase share of
industries connected with Electricity in accordance with the resolution passed
by the general meeting after arrangements have been made for such meeting,
and with the approval of Government of Nepal until arrangements are made
for such meeting.
6. Debentures : The Authority may issue debentures according to the resolution
passed by the general meeting have been made, and, until then, with the
approval of Government of Nepal.
7. Loans or Grants : The Authority may obtain necessary loans in cash or in
kind or accept grants for use as working capital according to a resolution
adopted by the general meeting after arrangements have been made for such
meeting, and, until then, with the approval of Government of Nepal.
8. Formation of Board of Directors : There shall be a Board of Directors to
operate, supervision, and manage the entire business of the Authority. The

Inserted by First Amendment.

Board of Directors shall exercise all the powers and discharge all the duties of
the Authority under this Act and the Bye-laws framed thereunder.
9. Directors : (1) The Board of directors shall consist of eight directors, who
shall be elected by the general meeting. One person chosen by the elected
directors from among themselves shall be the Chairperson of the Board of
(2) Government of Nepal or any corporate body may nominate directors
in proportion to the shares subscribed by it and the rights and liabilities of such
nominated directors shall be the same as those of elected directors.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Section (1) until
arrangements are made for the election of directors by the general meeting, the
Board of Directors shall consist of the following members:
(a) Minister or Minister of state of water
resources, or a person designated by - Chairperson
(b) Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources - Member
(c) Secretary, Ministry of Finance - Member
(d) A person nominated by Government of Nepal
from among persons engaged in the fields of
industry, commerce or finance - Member
(e) A person nominated by Government of Nepal
from among consumers of electricity - Member
(f) Two person nominated by Government of
Nepal from non-governmental persons
specializing in the field of electricity - Member
(g) Executive Director, Authority - Member Secretary

(4) The nominated members of the committee shall have a tenure of
four years.
Provided that, Government of Nepal may, if it becomes so necessary,
remove such members before the expiry of their term or nominate other
persons to replace them.

Amended by First Amendment.

(5) The tenure of directors elected by the general meeting shall be four
years, and they may be reelected as directors for a maximum of two
consecutive terms on the expiry of their four-year term.
Provided that, the tenure of four out of the eight directors elected for the
first time shall be fixed at two years by drawing lots.
10. Disqualifications of Directors : None of the following persons shall be or
continue as a director:
(a) Any paid office bearer of the Authority,
Provided that, this Clause shall not be applicable to the
executive Director appointed by the Government of Nepal,
(b) One who is insolvent,
(c) A lunatic,
(d) One who has convicted of a criminal offense involving moral
(e) One who is a direct or indirect partner in any contract executed
with the Authority.

11. Power to Remove Directors : (1) A director elected by the general

meeting may be removed by a majority of the shareholders present at the
general meeting in the following circumstances:
(a) In case he/she suffers from any of the disqualification
mentioned in Section 10.
(b) In case he/she remains absent from three consecutive meeting
of the Board without any reasonable explanation and without
the permission of the Board.
(2) ............∝
(3) The directors shall ioso facto leave the Board in the following
(a) In case their resignation from membership is accepted.
(b) In the event of death.

Deleted by First Amendment.

12. Vacancies in posts of Directors to be filled up : In case, the post of any
director falls vacant by reason of his/her death, resignation or otherwise, it
shall be filled up only for the remaining term of the predecessor.
13. Action not to be invalidated : In case, the Board has taken any action even
though there had been any shortcomings in the formation of the Board, or the
post of any director had remained vacant, such action shall not be invalidated
merely by reason of such shortcomings or vacancy.
14. Remuneration of directors : The remuneration and facilities of directors
shall be as prescribed.
Provided that, the members mentioned in Sub-Section (3) of Section 9
shall not be entitled to any remuneration rather they shall be paid meeting
15. Meeting of the Board : (1) Meeting of the Board shall be held at the
prescribed date, time and venue.
(2) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be deemed to have
been fulfilled if it is attended by more than fifty percent of the total number of
(3) Meeting of the Board shall be presided over by the Chairperson of
the Board, and, in his/her absence, by a person chosen by the attending
directors from among themselves.
(4) The opinion of the majority shall be biding at meeting of the Board.
In case there is a tie, director presiding the meeting shall cast the casting vote.
(5) Other procedural matters relating to meeting of the Board shall be as
16. Commercial principles to be followed : while discharging the functions of
the Authority, the Board shall follow commercial principles with due
consideration to the convenience of the public as well.

17. General Manager or Executive Director, Adviser, and Other Staff :
(1) For the purpose of managing the business of the Authority, the
Board may appoint, a General Manager to function as chief Administrative
officer and advisers, and employees as per necessity.
Provided that, Government of Nepal may appoint an Executive Director
to function as chief Administrative officer until arrangements are made for
holding the general meeting.
(2) The remunerations, facilities, and other conditions of service of the
General Manager or Executive Director, advisers, and other employees of the
Authority shall be as prescribed.
18. Restrictions on General Manager or Executive Director : No General
Manager or Executive Director of the Authority shall become a partner directly
or otherwise in any contract concluded with the Authority.

Chapter 3
Functions, Duties, and powers of the Authority

19. Function and Duties of the Authority : The functions and duties of the
Authority shall be as follows:
(a) To recommend to Government of Nepal for the formulation of
long-term and short-term policies regarding power supply.

(a1) To supply electricity by generating, transmitting or distributing it
pursuant to the prevailing law.
(b) To formulate projects relating to power generation, transmission,
and distribution and other related functions and build, operate,
protect, and consolidate necessary power generation centers, sub-
stations, distribution lines, and related facilities for the
implementation of such projects.

Inserted by First Amendment.

(c) To make arrangements for generation, transmission, and supply
of electricity of suitable standard in economically feasible areas
for industrial and agricultural development and for the benefit of
the people.
(d) To determine electricity fees and other electricity related service
(e) To conduct or cause to conduct necessary research in power
generation, transmission and distribution.
(f) To make arrangements for advanced training and studies with
the objective of preparing skilled human resource in respect to
power generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.
(f1) To provide technical advice and consultancy in matters
connected with the work of generation, transmission and
distribution of electricity.
(g) To perform other functions necessary for the fulfillment of the
objectives of the Authority.
20. Power of the Authority : (1) The power of the Authority shall be as follows:
(a) To seek loans from local institutions, banks or individuals.
(b) To seek loans from foreign government or foreign or
international agencies.
(c) To collect electricity fees and services charges from customers.
(d) To sell electricity to the foreign countries or to purchase
electricity from the foreign countries.
(e) To invest the funds of the Authority.

(e1) To control the unauthorized consumption of electricity
distributed by the Authority.
(f) To purchase electricity generated in the private sector.
(g) To perform all such other functions as are indispensable and
necessary for the performance of its functions and fulfillment of
its duties.

Inserted by First Amendment.

(2) The Authority shall obtain the prior approval of the Government
of Nepal while exercising its powers mentioned in Clauses (b) and (d) of
Sub-section (1)
21. Land Acquisition : The Government of Nepal may acquire necessary lands
and hand them over to the Authority according to the prevailing law in case the
Authority requires such lands for the following purposes:
(a) Construction of dams or embankments.
(b) Construction of canals and channels.
(c) Construction of canals and channels.
(d) Construction of power generation, transmission and distribution
centers and Sub-Sections.
(e) Installation of electric cables or transmission lines either over or
(f) Erection of electricity poles.
(g) Construction of other electricity-related facilities.
(h) Performance of any other function to fulfill the objective of the
22. Entry into the House of other persons : In case it becomes necessary for
any person authorized by the Authority to enter into the house or land
belonging to any other person in connection with the business of the Authority,
he/she may do so after giving advance notice to the person who is in
possession of such house or land at the time.
Provided that, no such advance notice shall be necessary in case he/she
has reason to suspect misuse or pilferage of electricity, or in case it becomes
necessary for him/her to undertake urgent repair work or to overt any accident.
23. Power to Cut off Electricity Lines : (1) In case any customer fails to pay
fees, fines, compensation, additional charges, other charges and any other

amounts due to the Authority within the prescribed time-limit, or makes

Inserted by First Amendment.

unauthorized consumption of electricity, the Authority may cut off the
Electricity Lines supplied to such customer.
(2) ............ ∝

23A. Power to collect compensation, Extra-charges or Fines : In case a
customer or any other persons consumes electricity in an unauthorized
manner, or a customer fails to pay the electricity charges within the prescribed
time-limit, the Authority may collect fines, compensation or extra-charges as
prescribed from such customer or person consuming electricity in an
unauthorized manner.
24. Prohibition to Dispose of property : The Authority shall not be entitled to
sell or otherwise transfer any immovable asset, and any movable asset worth
more than One Hundred Thousand Rupees to any other person without the
prior approval of the Government of Nepal.
Provided that, it shall not be necessary to obtain the prior approval of
Government of Nepal for the auction of such goods as are deemed obsolete or
otherwise unserviceable.
25. Power to issue Directives : (1) Government of Nepal may issue the
following directives to the Authority:
(a) To operate any power service or perform any other function,
specifying or without specifying any area for the purpose.
(b) To suspend, or make any change in, or fully stop any work being
done or action being taken by the Authority in any area.
(c) To refrain from taking any action which the Authority intends to
(2) It shall be the duty of the Authority to comply with the directives
issued by Government of Nepal under Sub-Section (1).
(3) In case, the Authority suffers losses as a result of compliance with
the directives issued by Government of Nepal under Clause ♣(a) and (b) of

Deleted by First Amendment.

Amended by First Amendment.

Sub-Section (1), Government of Nepal shall pay compensation to the Authority
to the extent of such losses.
26. Annual Report : Every year, after audit is completed, the Authority shall
submit to Government of Nepal its Annual Report containing the following
particulars, along with the auditor's report:
(a) Particulars regarding plans for the implementation of policies
relating to power supply,
(b) Detailed particulars about the status of projects being operated by
the Authority,
(c) Financial particulars of estimated expenditure and sources of
income of the Authority for coming five years,
(d) Particulars regarding implementation of directives received from
Government of Nepal,
(e) Such other particulars as the Authority may deem appropriate.
27. Delegation of Authority : The Authority may delegate any of its powers to
the Chairperson of the Board, any director or member, a sub-committee, or to
the General Manager or Executive Director, or any other employee of the
Chapter 4
General Meeting

28. General Meeting : (1) After shares worth at least ten percent of the total
issued share capital of the Authority have been subscribed by the public, the
annual general meeting shall be held at the head office of the Authority within
three months from the date when the audit report is received after the annual
audit of accounts.
(2) An extraordinary general meeting of the Authority may be held
at any time if shareholders who have subscribed to the shares worth at least ten
percent of the total paid capital request in writing, or if the Board so deems

(3) The quorum for a general meeting shall be deemed to have been
fulfilled if twenty-five percent of the total number of shareholders' registered in
the such Register attend it personally or by proxy.
(4)The annual general meeting shall discuss the profit and loss account
and the balance-sheet of the Authority, the auditor's report, and the Board's
report in relation to the business of the Authority during the year.
(5) Any shareholder whose name is registered in the shareholders'
Register may cast his/her vote at the general meeting either personally or
through another shareholder whom he/she has dully designated as his/her
proxy for the purpose.
Provided that, no shareholder who has failed to pay the amount due on
shares in respect to which calls have been made by the Authority shall be
entitled to cast his/her vote in this manner.
(6) The general meeting shall be presided over by the chairperson of the
Board, and if absent, by a person elected by the majority of the attending
shareholders from among themselves.

Chapter 5
Fund and Audit

29. Fund of the Authority : (1) The Authority shall have a separate fund of its
own. The capital of the Authority and all other amounts received by it
including loans and grants shall be credited to this Fund.
(2) All expenses of the Authority shall be borne from the Fund.
(3) The Fund of the Authority and its financial administration shall
be operated as prescribed.
30. Accounts and Audit : (1) The accounts of the Authority shall be maintained
according to the procedure approved by the Board.
(2) Until the preliminary meeting is held, the accounts of the Authority
shall be audited by the Auditor-General, or by an auditor designated by

him/her After arrangements have been made for the general meeting, the
accounts shall be audited by an auditor, designated by the general meeting.
31. Formation of advisory committee : (1) The Authority may form an
Advisory Committee in the prescribed manner.
(2) The function and duties of the Advisory Committee formed under
Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.
32. Exemption from local Taxes : The business of the Authority shall be
exempt from local taxes of any category.

32A. Power to Realize dues as Government arrears : The charges, fines,
compensation and extra-charges due from any person or customer under this
Act or the Bye-laws framed hereunder may be realized by the Authority as
government arrears.
33. Oath of Honesty and Secrecy to be taken : Every director or member of
the Authority, the auditor, the General Manager or the Executive Director, and
other office-bearers and employees shall, before assuming charge, take oath of
secrecy in the form indicated in the schedule.
34. Dissolution of Authority : (1) In the following circumstances, the
Government of Nepal may order the dissolution of the Authority and appoint
one or more liquidator to dispose its assets.
(a) In case shareholders subscribing to at least twenty-five percent of
the paid-up share capital of the Authority demand in writing the
dissolution of the Authority along with reasonable ground for
doing so.
(b) In case Government of Nepal is satisfied that the business of the
Authority is not being conducted smoothly, or that its assets are
being misappropriated, or that the Authority has repeatedly flouted
the directives of Government of Nepal.
(2) The order issued by Government of Nepal for dissolution of the
Authority shall be final.

Inserted by First Amendment.

35. Power to Frame Bye-laws : For the purpose of managing its business, the
Authority may frame necessary bye-laws without prejudice to this Act.

36. Contact with the Government of Nepal : The Authority may establish
contacts with the Government of Nepal through the Ministry of Water
Resources in connection with policy matters and with concerned agencies of
the Government of Nepal directly in connection with other matters.
37. Transfer of Assets and Liabilities : (1) After the commencement of this
Act, projects operated by Government of Nepal or by Development Boards
formed under the Development Boards Act,2013 (1956) shall be handed over
to the Authority after an evolution of the assets of such projects.
Provided that, in case such projects are required to be handed over
before they are completed, evaluation of their assets shall be done only after
their completion.
(2) In case any project operated with a loan provided by a foreign
government, or a foreign agency, or an international agency, has to be handed
over to the Authority under Sub-Section (1), this shall be done on the condition
that the Authority pays necessary funds to Government of Nepal on terms
prescribed by Government of Nepal in consideration of the principal and
interest to be paid by Government of Nepal in respect to such loan.
Provided that, the Authority has to make available the shares to
Government of Nepal in consideration of the principal and interest paid and
expenses incurred by the Government of Nepal.
(3) In case, projects operated with aid or grants obtained from a foreign
government or a foreign agency, or an international agency have to be handed
over to the Authority under Sub-Section (1), this shall be done on the condition
that the Authority makes shares available to Government of Nepal in
consideration of the assets of such projects.

Amended by First Amendment.

38. Repeal and Devolution of Assets and Liabilities : (1) Nepal Electricity
corporation Act, 2019 (1962) has been repealed, and the Nepal electricity
corporation formed thereunder has been dissolved.
(2) All movable and immovable assets and liabilities of the Nepal
Electricity Corporation dissolved under Sub-Section (1) shall accrue to the
39. Adjudicating Authority : The original jurisdiction in respect to cases in
which the Authority is a plaintiff or defendant shall vest in the ♥Appellate

39A. Immunity for Action taken in Good Faith : The General Manager, the
Executive Director, or other employees of the Authority shall not be held
personally liable for any action taken by them in good faith while discharging
their duties under this Act.
40. Applicability of Other Current Laws : In matters provided for in this Act,
action shall be taken accordingly, and, in other matters, action shall be taken
according to prevailing laws.

Amended by Administration Justice Act, 2048.

Inserted by First Amendment.
Note : The words changed by The Act Amending Some Nepal laws, 2063 :-
"Government of Nepal" Instead of "His majesty's Government"

Pertaining to section 33
Oath of Honesty and Secrecy
I. ... .... swear that I shall discharge my duties to the best of my ability and
faithfully in my capacity of director/member/auditor/officer/employee of the
Authority, or in all matters connected with my post in the Authority.
I also swear that I shall not disclose or order the disclosure of any confidential
information relating to the Authority to any unauthorized person, or let any such
person inspect or accept any book or document in the possession of or relating to the


नेपाल व त ा धकरण

कमचार सेवा व नयमावल

(३५ औ ं सं शोधन स हत)
कमचार सेवा व नयमावल ¸ २०६२ (संशोधन स हत)
.सं . संशोधन बैठक सं या नणय म त
१. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (प हलो संशोधन)¸ २०६२ ४४४ २०६२/१२/१४
२. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (दो ो सं शोधन)¸ २०६३ ४४७ २०६३/०५/०५
३. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (ते ो संशोधन)¸ २०६३ ४५० २०६३/०६/१२
४. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (च थो सं शोधन)¸ २०६३ ४६५ २०६३/१२/०२
५. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पाच सं शोधन)¸ २०६४ ४७४ २०६४/०३/३१
६. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (छै ठ संशोधन)¸ २०६५ ४९८ २०६५/०२/२७
७. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (सात सं शोधन)¸ २०६५ ५१८ २०६५/१२/३०
८. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (आठ सं शोधन)¸ २०६६ ५२३ २०६६/०५/०१
९. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (नव सं शोधन)¸ २०६६ ५२४ २०६६/०५/२०
१०. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (दश संशोधन)¸ २०६६ ५३२ २०६६/०८/१५
११. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (एघार सं शोधन)¸ २०६६ ५३९ २०६६/११/२६
१२. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (बाह सं शोधन)¸ २०६७ ५४५ २०६७/०२/०६
१३. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (तेह सं शोधन)¸ २०६७ ५५८ २०६७/०६/१८
१४. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (चौध संशोधन)¸ २०६७ ५६१ २०६७/०७/१७
१५. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (प सं शोधन)¸ २०६८ ५९८ २०६८/११/२६
१६. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (सोह सं शोधन)¸ २०६९ ६०५ २०६९/०१/१६
१७. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (स सं शोधन)¸ २०६९ ६१३ २०६९/०२/३२
१८. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (अठार सं शोधन)¸ २०६९ ६२१ २०६९/०४/१३
१९. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (उ नाईस सं शोधन)¸ २०६९ ६३१ २०६९/०६/१७
२०. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (बीस सं शोधन)¸ २०६९ ६४१ २०६९/०९/१०
२१. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (ए ाईस सं शोधन)¸ २०६९ ६४५ २०६९/१०/२२
२२. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (बाईस सं शोधन)¸ २०७० ६५९ २०७०/०३/३०
२३. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (तेईस सं शोधन)¸ २०७१ ६८० २०७१/०३/३२
२४. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (चौबीस सं शोधन)¸ २०७१ ६८५ २०७१/०५/०६
२५. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पि चस संशोधन)¸ २०७१ ६८८ २०७१/०५/३१
२६. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (छि बस सं शोधन)¸ २०७१ ६८९ २०७१/०६/१०
27= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (स ाइस सं शोधन)¸ २०७२ ७१० २०७२/०३/१२
28= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (अ ाइस संशोधन)¸ २०७२ ७१३ २०७२/०३/२९
2९= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (उन तीस सं शोधन)¸ २०७२ ७२२ २०७२/०९/२०
३०= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (तीस सं शोधन)¸ २०७३ ७२४ २०७३/०१/३०
३१= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (एकतीस सं शोधन)¸ २०७३ ७३५ २०७३/०४/३१
३२= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (ब ीस सं शोधन)¸ २०७३ ७४४ २०७३/०९/२१
३३= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (ते ीस सं शोधन)¸ २०७४ ७५९ २०७४/०४/२९
३४= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (च तीस संशोधन)¸ २०७४ ७६० २०७४/०५/२८
३५= कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन)¸ २०७४ ७६२ २०७४/०७/२२
वषय सूची

प र छे द १ 1
१. सं ि त नाम र ार भ 1
२. प रभाषा 1
३. व नयमावल मा सं शोधन 2
४. अ धकार यायोजन 2
५. शासक य आदे श दने र बाधा अ चन फुकाउने 2
६. व नयमावल को या या 2
प र छे द २ 3
७. ा धकरणको सं गठन ता लका तथा पद ववरण 3
८. पद दता र काय ववरण 3
९. पद उपयोग तथा खारे जी 3
१०. सेवाको वग करण 3
११. तहको वग करण 3
१२. पद र तह वग करण 3
१३. सेवा, समूह, उप-समूह प रवतन 3
प र छे द ३ 4
१४. पदपूत 4
१५. र दरव द ववरण पेश गनु पन 4
१६. नयुि सफा रस स म त 5
१७. नयुि सफा रस स म तको काम कत य 5
१८. बढुवा सफा रस स म त 6
१९. बढुवा सफा रस स म तको काम कत य 6
२०. तशत नधारण 7
२१. पर ाको त रका 10
२२. व ापन 10
२३. गो य रहने 10
२४. आव यक युनतम यो यता 11
२५. नयुि को ला ग अयो यता 11
२६. अ तवाता 11
२७. त ा सूची 11
प र छे द ४ 12
२८. नयुि गन अ धकार 12
२९. नयुि प 12
३०. पद थापन 12
३१. नरो गताको माणप 12
३२. पर णकाल 12
३३. नोकर तथा वैयि क ववरण फाराम 13
३४. पदपूत मा ब दे ज 13
३५. पद नभई नयुि गन नहुने 13
३६. करारमा नयुि 13
प र छे द ५ 14
३७. पदा धकार कायम रहने 14
३८. स वाः 14
३९. काज 18
४०. ता लममा पठाउने 18
४१. कायम मुकायम मुकरर 18
४२. नम भई काम गन 19
प र छे द ६ 20
४३. बढुवा 20
४३.(क)जे ठता तथा काय स पादन ारा हुने बढु वा 20
४४. बढुवाको ला ग उ मेदवार हुन आव यक पन सेवा अव ध 21
४५. बढुवा हुन तहको ब दे ज 22
४६. बढुवा हुन आव यक यूनतम यो यता 22
४७. बढुवाको ला ग उ मेदवार हुन ब दे ज 22
४८. काय मताको आधारमा हुने बढुवा 22
४९. बढुवाको आधार 23
५०. काय मताको मू या न 23
५१. यो यता म सूची काशन 27
५२. बढुवाको उजुर 28
५३. बढुवा म त र बढु वा नयुि 28
५४. वढु वा स वि ध वशेष यव था 28
५४.क वढु वाको शतमा प रवतन 29
५४.ख बढुवा स ब धी वशेष यव था ारा बढु वा भएका कमचार समायोजन स ब धी यव था 29
प र छे द ७ 30
५५. कमचार को सबै समय ा धकरणको अ धनमा हुने 30
५६. कायालय समय 30
५७. हािजर 30
५८. नय मतता 30
प र छे द ८ 31
५९. कमचार ले पाउने वदाको क सम 31
६०. सावज नक वदा 31
६१. भैपर आउने र पव वदा 31
६२. वरामी वदा 31
६३. घर वदा 32
६४. असाधारण वदा 32
६५. अ ययन वदा 32
६६. सुती वदा 33
६६ (क) सु त याहार वदाः 34
६७. क रया वदा 34
६८. स ा वदा 35
६९. वदा न लई कामबाट अनुपि थत हुन नहुने 35
७०. वदा दने अ धकार 35
७१. वदा बसेको अव धमा काय इलाका छो ने जानकार 36
७२. वदा लने व ध 36
७३. वदाको अ भलेख 36
प र छे द ९ 36
७४. तलब भ ा 36
७५. चाडपव खच 37
७६. तलबमान 37
७७. तलब बृ ( ड
े ) 37
७८. स वा तथा बढुवा हुं दा पाउने तलब भ ा 38
७९. नल बन भएमा पाउने तलब 38
८०. सेवाबाट हटाउने आदे श र भई पुन 38
८१. तलबी फाराम 38
८२. कमचार सं चयकोष 38
८३. ओभरटायम भ ा र खाजा खच 39
प र छे द १० 40
८४. अवकाश 40
८५. रािजनामा 40
८६. वेि छक अवकाश 40
८७. नवृ भरण 41
८८. उपदान 41
८९. अवकाश स ब धी वशेष यव था 42
९०. पा रवा रक वृि र उपदान 42
९१. अश वृि 43
९२. नवृ भरण वा उपदानको नवेदन 43
९३. उमेर हसाव 43
९४. नवृ भरण वा उपदान रो ा गन तथा नपाउने अव था 44
प र छे द ११ 45
९५. उपचार खच 45
९६. कडा रोग लागी वदे श वा वदे शमा उपचार गराउनु पदा 46
९७. बाटो खच र वरामी कु वा खच 47
९८. बीमा 47
९९. कामको सल सलामा दुघटना परे मा पाउने सु वधा 48
१००. थानीय भ ा, आवास सु वधा र अ य भ ा 48
१०१. रा ी िश ट भ ा 49
१०२. कठ न काय भ ा 49
१०३. अनकल भ ा 49
१०४. नगद भ ा 50
ु उपयोग सु वधा
१०५. व त 50
१०६. पोशाक भ ा 50
१०७. टे लफोन सु वधा 50
१०८. सवार सु वधा 51
१०९. ो साहन भ ा र ो साह पुर कार 51
प र छे द १२ 52
११०. दान, उपहार, च दा वा आ थक सहायता लन नहुने 52
१११. यापार यवसाय वा नोकर गन नहुने 52
११२. लिखत वा समाचार काशन गनमा तब ध 52
११३. आम सं चार मा यम वा अदालतसँग स ब ध 52
११४. समय पालन र नय मतता 53
११५. राजनी तमा भाग लन नहुने 53
११६. नवाचनमा भाग लन नहुने 53
११७. दशन र हडताल गन नहुने 53
११८. हडताल, थुनछे क तथा घेराउ गनमा तब ध 53
११९. त न ध व गनमा तब ध 53
१२०. बा हर भाव पान नहुने 53
१२१. सापट 53
१२२. बहु ववाह, बाल ववाह र अनमेल ववाहमा तब ध 53
१२३. सं थाको सद यता 54
१२४. अनुशासन र आ ापालन 54
१२५. ा धकरणको अ हत हुने काय गन नहुने 54
१२६. स पि ववरण पेश गनु पन 54
१२६क. थायी आवासीय अनुम त लन नहुने 54
१२६ख. वयम् घोषणा गर ववरण पेश गनु पनः 54
१२६ग. जानकार दन स कनेः 55
प र छे द १३ 55
१२७. सजाय 55
१२८. सजाय दने अ धकार 57
१२९. नल बन 58
१३०. पि टकरणको मौका र कारवाह 58
१३१. सजाय गन 58
१३२. पुनरावलोकनको नवेदन 58
१३३. पुनरावलोकन स म त 58
प र छे द १४ 59
१३४. गोप नयताको शपथ हण गन 59
१३५. काय स पादन मू या न फाराम अ नवाय पले भनु पन 59
१३६. सेवा अव धको गणना 59
१३७. कवु लयत गराउने वा सुर ण लने 59
१३८. बरबुझारथ 60
१३९. बहाल याद 60
१४०. इ छाएको यि वा हकवालाले पाउने 60
१४१. कमचार क याण कोषको थापना र स चालन 60
१४१. (क) माणीकरण गराउनुपन 60
१४२. द दशन तयार गन 61
१४३. खारे जी र बचाऊ 61
अनुसूची-१ 63
अनुसूची-२ 63
अनुसूची-३ 64
अनुसूची-४ 65
अनुसूची-५ 66
अनुसूची-६ 72
अनुसूची-७ 74
अनुसूची-९ 85
अनुसूची-१० 87
अनुसूची-११ 95
अनुसूची-१२ 96
अनुसूची-१३ 97
अनुसूची-१४ 98
अनुसूची-१५ 100
अनुसूची-१६ 100
अनुसूची-१७ 101
अनुसूची-१८ 102
गोपनीयताको शपथ हण 104

नेपाल व त ा धकरण
कमचार सेवा व नयमावल , २०६२

नेपाल व त ा धकरण ऐन, २०४१ को दफा ३५ ले दएको अ धकार योग गर ा धकरणले दे हायका
व नयमह वनाएको छ ।

प र छे द १
ारि भक

१. सं ि त नाम र ार भ

(१) यी व नयमह को नाम "नेपाल व त ा धकरण, कमचार सेवा व नयमावल , २०६२" रहेको
(२) यो व नयमावल २०६२ साल फा गुण २१ गते दे िख ार भ हुनेछ ।

२. प रभाषा
वषय वा सं गले अक अथ नलागेमा यस व नयमावल मा,
(क) "ऐन" भ नाले नेपाल व त
ु ा धकरण ऐन, २०४१ स झनु पछ ।
(ख) "म ालय" भ नाले ऊजा म ालय स झनु पछ ।
(ग) " ा धकरण" भ नाले ऐनको दफा ३ अ तगत ु
थापना भएको नेपाल व त ा धकरण स झनु
पछ ।
(घ) "स म त" भ नाले ऐनको दफा ८ बमोिजम ग ठत ा धकरणको स चालक स म त स झनु पछ ।
(ङ) "मु य शासक य अ धकृत" भ नाले ऐनको दफा १७ बमोिजम नयु महा ब धक वा साधारणसभा
नभएस मका ला ग नेपाल सरकारबाट नयु कायकार नदशक स झनु पछ ।
(च) "कमचार " भ नाले ा धकरणको कुनै पदमा थायी पले नयुि भएको यि स झनु पछ ।
(छ) "प रवार" भ नाले कमचार को आफूस◌ँग ब ने तथा नज आफैले पालन पोषण गनु पन प त वा
प नी, छोरा, अ ववा हता छोर , धमपु वा अ ववा हता धमपु ी, आमा, बाबु र सौतेनी आमालाई
स झनु पछ र सो श दले पु ष तथा अ ववा हत म हला कमचार को हकमा नजको बाजे, ब यै तथा
ववा हत म हला कमचार को हकमा नजको सासु, ससुरा समेतलाई जनाउं छ ।
(ज) "हकवाला" भ नाले च लत कानून बमोिजम सवै भ दा निजकको अं िशयार स झनु पछ ।
(झ) "तलब" भ नाले कमचार ले आफू नयु भएको पद र तह अनुसार पाउने मा सक पा र मक
स झनु पछ र सो श दले तलब वृ समेतलाई जनाउं छ ।
(ञ) " वभागीय मुख" भ नाले अनुसूची-१ मा तो कएको पदा धकार स झनु पछ ।
(ट) "कायालय मुख" भ नाले अनुसूची-२ मा उ लेिखत कायालयको मुखलाई स झनु पछ ।
(ठ) " यवसाय" भ नाले दे हायको यवसाय स झनु पछः
(१) उ पादन यवसाय (उप-कायकार नदशक र मातहतका स पूण कायालयह ),
(२) सारण तथा णाल स चालन यवसाय (उप-कायकार नदशक र मातहतका स पूण
कायालयह ),
(३) वतरण तथा ाहक सेवा यवसाय (उप-कायकार नदशक र मातहतका स पूण कायालयह ),
(४) ईि जनीय र सेवा यवसाय (उप-कायकार नदशक र मातहतका स पूण कायालयह ),

आठ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 1
(५) स म तले समय-समयमा तोकेका अ य यवसाय ।
(ड) "तो कएको" वा "तो कए बमोिजम" भ नाले स म त ारा समय समयमा तो कएको वा तो कए
बमोिजम स झनु पछ ।

३. व नयमावल मा संशोधन
(१) व नयमावल एवं अनुसूचीमा रहे को कुनै यव थालाई सं शोधन गन आव यक दे िखएमा मु य
शासक य अ धकृतले न नानुसारको व नयमावल सं शोधन स म त गठन गनु पनछः
(क) उप-कायकार नदशक, शासन - सं योजक
(ख) नदशक, जनसाधन वभाग - सद य
(ग) मु य शासक य अ धकृतले तोकेको ा व धक सेवा तफको तह ११ को नदशक - सद य
(घ) नदशक, कानून वभाग - सद य
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमका व नयमावल सं शोधन स म तमा कमचार शासन महाशाखा मुखले
सिचव भई काय गनछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको व नयमावल सं शोधन स म तको वैठकमा सं योजकले आव यकतानुसार
वशेष लाई आम ण गन स नेछ ।
(४) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको व नयमावल सं शोधन स म तले संशोधनको म यौदा मु य शासक य
अ धकृत माफत स म तमा पेश गनु पनछ ।

४. अ धकार यायोजन
(१) यस व नयमावल बमोिजम आफूलाई ा त भएको अ धकार स म तले अ य कुनै स म त वा उपस म त
वा मु य शासक य अ धकृतलाई र मु य शासक य अ धकृतले वभागीय मुख, कायालय मुख
तथा अ य अ धकृत कमचार लाई यायोजन गन स नेछ ।
तर, वभागीय कारवाह गन र उजुर सु े अ धकार यायोजन गन पाइने छै न ।
(२) यो व नयमावल मा भएका ावधान काया वयन गन अ धकार उ लेख भएकोमा सोह अनुसार र
उ लेख नभएकोमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले काया वयन गनछ ।

५. शासक य आदे श दने र बाधा अ चन फुकाउने

(१) ा धकरणका दै नक यव थापनका कायलाई भावकार र ग तशील तु याउन, स म तको नदशन
एबं यायोिजत अ धकार भ रह उिचत दे िखएका आदे श, नदशन मु य शासक य अ धकृतले
समय समयमा जार गन स नेछ ।य त◌ो आदे श, नदशनको पालना गनु कमचार को कत य
(२) यो व नयमावल को ावधानलाई काया वयन गदा बाधा अ चन आएमा व नयमावल को ममको
वप रत नहुने गर मु य शासक य अ धकृतले य तो बाधा अ चन फुकाउन स नेछ ।
(३) यो व नयमावल योग गदा कमचार लाई मका परे मा स म त सम उजुर गन स नेछ ।

६. व नयमावल को या या
यस व नयमावल को या या गन अ धकार स म तलाई हुनेछ । मु य शासक य अ धकृतले व नयम ३
को उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको व नयमावल सं शोधन स म तको राय समेत लई स म तमा या याको
ला ग पेश गन स नेछ ।

चौथो सं शोधन ।
आठ सं शोधन ।
2 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
प र छे द २
संगठन तथा पद ववरण

७. ा धकरणको संगठन ता लका तथा पद ववरण

(१) ा धकरणको सं गठना मक संरचना तथा दरव द स म तले वीकृत गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(२) ा धकरणका उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालयले आ नो वा अ तगतको कायालयको ला ग नयां
पद सृजना गन आव यक दे खेमा अनुसूची-३ बमोिजमको ढांचामा पद सृजना माग फाराम भर
जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु पनछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम ा त हुन आएको पद सृजना माग फाराम जनसाधन वभागले स वि धत
कायालयको कायवोझ, पन आउने आ थक दा य व एवं अ य कमचार बाट सो काम गराउन स ने वा
नस ने अव था समेतलाई वचार गर पद सृजना गनु पन लागेमा सफा रस स हत मु य शासक य
अ धकृत माफत स म तमा पेश गनु पनछ ।

८. पद दता र काय ववरण

(१) पद सृजना गन नणयको जानकार ा त भए प छ जनसाधन वभागले य तो पदको सेवा, समूह,
उप-समूह तथा तह समेत खुलाई दरव द कतावमा पद दता गराउनु पनछ ।
(२) अ धकृत तरका पदको काय ववरण स म तले र सहायक तरका पदको काय ववरण मु य
शासक य अ धकृतले वीकृत गनछ ।

९. पद उपयोग तथा खारे जी

(१) एक कायालयको ला ग सृजना भएको पद अक कायालयको ला ग योग ग रने छै न ।
(२) नयां सृजना भएको पद वा सा वकमा भइरहे को पद वढुवाको कारवाह चले को अव थामा वाहे क दुई
वष दे िख पूत नभएमा जनसाधन वभागले य तो पदको औिच य समेतलाई अ ययन गदा
आव यकता नभएको लागेमा पद खारे जीको ला ग मु य शासक य अ धकृत माफत स म तमा पेश
गनु पनछ ।

१०. सेवाको वग करण

ा धकरणमा अनुसूच ी-४ बमोिजम सेवा, समूह तथा उप-समूह रहनेछन् ।

११. तहको वग करण

ा धकरणमा तह १ दे िख तह ५ स म सहायक तर र तह ६ दे िख तह १२ स म अ धकृत तर गर
ज मा १२ तह हुनेछ ।

१२. पद र तह वग करण
(१) पदको वग करण, काम, कत य र उ रदा य व अ धकृत तरको ला ग स म तले र सहायक तरको
ला ग मु य शासक य अ धकृतले नधारण गर दए वमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(२) ा धकरणमा रहने व भ न कारका पदको पद नाम अनुसूची-५ मा उ लेख भए बमोिजम हुनेछ ।

१३. सेवा, समूह, उप-समूह प रवतन

कुनै प न कमचार को सेवा, समूह, उप-समूह प रवतन ग रने छै न । तर व नयम ४४ को उप- व नयम
(४) बमोिजम आ त रक तयो गतावाट समूह¸ उप-समूह प रवतन हुनमा बाधा पुगेको मा नने छै न ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 3

प र छे द ३

१४. पदपूत
(१) ा धकरणको र पदको पूत यस व नयमावल मा तो कएको आधारमा ग रनेछ ।
(२) .................................(हटाईएको)

१५. र दरव द ववरण पेश गनु पन

, , , (१)
5 6 7 8
येक वषको असोज र चै मसा त भ र रहे का पदको ववरण मश का तक
मसा त र बैशाख मसा त स म जनसाधन वभागले पदपूत वभाग माफत नयूि सफा रस स म त
सम पेश गनु पनछ । यसर पेश भएको र दरव द यसै व नयमावल मा यव था भए बमोिजम
खुला र बढुवा (जे ठता तथा काय स पादन¸ काय मता मू या न र आ त रक तयो गता) का
ला ग तशत नधारण ग र सामा यत मशः मं सर मसा त र जे ठ मसा त भ व ापन पकाशन
ग र पदपूत गनुपनछ । तर खुला तयो गताको ला ग व ापन गदा नयुि सफा रस स म तले
वषमा एक पटक व ापन गन गर पदपूत गन स नेछ । यसर व ापन ग रएको पदको
सामा यतया सोह वष पदपूत हुनेग र समय ता लका मलाउनु पनछ ।
(१.क) यस पटकको ला ग २०७१ साल साउन मसा त स मको र पदको आधारमा व ापन
काशन गर पदपू त ग रनेछ ।
, , , (२)
10 11 12 13
आ नो भौगो लक े अ तगत सबै कायालयह मा असोज र चै मसा त भ र
रहेका सहायक तरका पदको ववरण ए कन गर स वि धत े ीय कायालयले का तक मसा तस म
जनसाधन वभागमा पेश गनुपनछ । ा त ववरण जनसाधन वभागबाट जु ग र पदपूत वभागमा
पठाइनेछ । यसर पदपूत को ला ग ा त भएको ववरण बमोिजम नयुि सफा रस स म तबाट
बढु वा र खुलाको ला ग तशत नधारण ग र येक े ीय कायालयका भौगो लक े भ रहेका
कायालयह का र पदह तो कएको काय बधी अनुसार े तोक व ापन ग र पदपूत ग रनेछ ।
यसर पदपूत गदा उ मेदवारह को दरखा त सं कलन, लिखत पर ा स चालन, योगा मक प र ा
र अ तवाता पर ा लगायतका यव था नयुि सफा रस स म तले तोके वमोिजम हुनेछ । तर
काठमाड े को भौगो लक े भ रहे का सबै कायालयह को र पदह को पदपूत स ब धी
स पुण कायह धान कायालय पदपूत वभागबाट हुनेछ ।

सातौ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
आठ सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
चौबीस सं शोधन ।
बीस सं शोधन ।
स सं शोधन ।
अठार सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
4 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(३) उप- व नयम (२) वमोिजम े ीय तरवाट नयुि भएका कमचार लाई सात वषस म सो े
भ का कायालय वाहे क अ य स वा ग रने छै न । तर म हला र अपा कमचार को हकमा ५ वष
पुरा भएप छ अ य े मा स वा गन स कनेछ ।

१६. नयुि सफा रस स म त

(१) र पदमा नयां नयुि ारा पूत को ला ग सफा रस गन न नानुसारको एक नयुि सफा रस
स म त रहनेछः
(क) स म तले तोकेको स चालक - अ य
(ख) उप-कायकार नदशक, शासन - सद य
14 15
, (ग) ऊजा म ालयको शासन महाशाखा मुख - सद य
, (घ)
16 17
लोक सेवा आयोगको सहसिचव सरहको तनध - सद य
(ङ) पदपूत वभागको नदशक - सद य सिचव
मा थ (१)(क) अनुसार नयुि हुने अ य को पद जुनसुकै कारणले र भएको अव थामा र
वहाल रहे को अ य ले केह अव धको ला ग बै ठकमा उपि थत हुन नस ने यहोराको लिखत
जानकार दएमा य तो अव धको ला ग उप- व नयम (१) को मा थ लो म अनुसारको सद यले
बै ठकको अ य ता गनछ ।
(२) नयुि सफा रस स म तले आ नो बै ठकमा आव यकतानुसार वशेष लाई आम ण गन
स नेछ ।
(३) नयुि सफा रस स म तको बैठक आव यकतानुसार ब नेछ ।
(४) अ य लगायत तीन जना सद य उपि थत भएमा नयुि सफा रस स म तको गणपुरक सं या पुगेको
मा ननेछ ।
(५) नयुि सफा रस स म तको सिचवालयको काम पदपूत ljefuले गनछ ।
(६) नयुि सफा रस स म तको बैठक स ब धी अ य काय व ध नयुि सफा रस स म त आफैले
नधारण गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।

१७. नयुि सफा रस स म तको काम कत य

(१) नयुि सफा रस स म तको काम कत य दे हाय बमोिजम हुनेछः
(क) व नयम १४ र अनुसूची-६ को अ धनमा रह र पदम ये बढु वा र खुला तयो गता ारा
पूत ग रने पदको सं या नधारण गन ।
(ख) नधा रत तशत अनुसार खुला तयो गता ारा पूत गनु पन पदका ला ग व ापन गन,
लिखत पर ा, योगा मक पर ा र अ तवाता लने तथा यसबाट छनौट भएका
उ मेदवारलाई नयुि को ला ग सफा रस गन ।
(ग) खुला तयो गताको ला ग छनौट या तय गन, पा म तथा नप तयार गन,
नप प रमाजन गन, दरखा त फाराम तयार गन, पर ा द तुर नधारण गन, लिखत
पर ा र अ तवाताका ला ग यू नतम र अ धकतम अ कायम गन ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
बाइस संशोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
बाइस संशोधन ।
अ ाइस संशोधन ।
एघार सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 5
(घ) कुनै यो यता वषयसँग स वि धत भए नभएको एकि◌न गन, ता लमको मा यता था पत गन,
यो यता नधारण गन र यो यता स वि ध ववाद न पण गन ।
(ङ) नयुि स ब धी सबै या पुरा गर यो यता म अनुसार उ मेदवारलाई नयुि को ला ग
सफा रस गन ।
(च) नयां नयुि ारा ग रने पदपूत स ब धी काय व ध तयार गर लागू गन ।
(२) नयुि सफा रस स म तले आव यक परे मा काय कृ त अनु प उपस म त गठन गर काम गराउन
र आफ्नो अि तयार कुनै उपस म त वा अ धकृतलाई यायोजन गन स नेछ ।
(३) े ीय कायालयबाट ग रने नयां नयुि
स वि ध काय व ध नयुि सफा रस स म तले नधारण गरे
बमोिजम हुनेछ ।

१८. बढुवा सफा रस स म त

(१) र पदमा बढुवा ारा पूत को ला ग सफा रस गन न नानुसारको एक बढुवा सफा रस स म त
(क) मु य शासक य अ धकृत (कायकार नदशक) -अ य
(ख) उप-कायकार नदशक, शासन -सद य
(ग) ऊजा म ालयको शासन महाशाखा मुख -सद य
(घ) मु य शासक य अ धकृतले तोकेको ा धकरण बा हरको अनुभ व वशेष -सद य
(ङ) पदपूत वभागका नदशक -सद य सिचव
(२) बढु वा सफा रस स म तले आ नो बैठ कमा आव यकता अनुसार वशेष लाई आम ण गन स नेछ।
(३) बढु वा सफा रस स म तको बैठक आव यकता अनुसार ब नेछ ।
(४) अ य लगायत तीन जना सद य उपि थत भएमा बढु वा सफा रस स म तको गणपुरक सं या पुगक
े ो
मा ननेछ ।
(५) बढु वा सफा रस स म तको सिचवालयको काम पदपूत वभागले गनछ ।
(६) बढु वा सफा रस स म तको बैठक स ब धी अ य काय व ध आफैले नधारण गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।

१९. बढुवा सफा रस स म तको काम कत य

(१) बढु वा सफा रस स म तको काम कत य दे हाय बमोिजम हुनेछः
(क) नयुि सफा रस स म तले वढुवाको ला ग नधारण गरे को पद सं यालाई व नयम १४ र
अनुसूची-६ को अ धनमा रह जे ठता तथा काय स पादन¸ आ त रक तयो गता र काय
मताको आधारमा ग रने वढुवाको ला ग सं या नधारण गन ।
(ख) यस व नयमावल बमोिजम बढु वा ग रने पदमा बढुवा गन आव यक यव था गन ।
(ग) आ त रक तयो गताको ला ग छनौट या तय गन, पा म तथा नप तयार गन,
नप प रमाजन गन, पर ा द तुर नधारण गन, लिखत पर ा र अ तवाताका ला ग
यू नतम र अ धकतम अ कायम गन ।
ँ स वि धत भए नभएको एक न गन, ता लमको मा यता
(घ) कुनै यो यता वषयसग था पत गन,
यो यता नधारण गन र यो यता स वि ध ववाद न पण गन ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
बाइस सं शोधन ।
अ ाइस संशोधन ।

6 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

(ङ) जे ठता तथा काय स पादन¸ काय मता मू या न र आ त रक तयो गताको आधारमा ग रने
बढुवाको ला ग दरखा त फाराम तयार गन ।
(च) बढुवा स ब धी सबै या पुरा गर यो यता म अनुसार उ मेदवारलाई बढु वाको ला ग
सफा रस गन ।
(छ) काय स पादन मू या न स वि ध कृयागत कारवाह गदा अ यािशत कुनै क ठनाई आई
परे मा व नयमावल को तकुल नहुने गर आव यक नणय गन ।
(ज) वढु वा स ब धी काय व ध तयार गर लागू गन ।
(२) बढु वा सफा रस स म तले आव यक परे मा काय कृ त अनु प उपस म त गठन गर काम गराउन र
आ नो अि तयार कुनै उपस म त वा अ धकृतलाई यायोजन गन स नेछ ।
(३) े ीय कायालयबाट ग रने बढु वा स वि ध काय व ध बढुवा सफा रस स म तले नधारण गरे बमोिजम
हुनेछ ।

२०. तशत नधारण

(१) नयुि सफा रस स म तले ज मा र पद सं यालाई अनुसूची-६ अनुसार तो कएको तशतको
आधारमा बढुवा र खुला तयो गताको ला ग पदसं या नधारण गनु पनछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) अनु प वढु वाको ला ग नधा रत पद सं यालाई वढुवा सफा रस स म तले
अनुसूची-६ अनुसार तो कएको आधारमा जे ठता तथा काय स पादन¸ काय मता मू या न र
आ त रक तयो गताको ला ग पदसं या नका नु पनछ ।
(३) नयुि सफा रस स म तले तो कएको तशत अनुसार पदसं या नधारण गदा एक भ दा घट भई
दशमलवमा पद सं या कायम हुन आएमा न नानुसारको कृया अवल वन गनु पनछः
(क) दशमलव प छको अ जुन यामा बढ छ यसलाई एक मानी सोह यामा रा ने,
(ख) दशमलव प छको अ वरावर भएमा बढु वाको ला ग छु याउने ।
(ग) स मत तयोगीता स वि ध वशेष यव था
27 28
, ा धकरणमा र रहे को पदह खुला र बढुवा ारा पूत गन स व धमा यस
वनीयमावल मा जे सुकै उ लेख भएतापनी ा धकरणमा वगत लामो समयदे िख हाल स म
नर तर पमा याद मा कायरत कमचार ह लाई एक पटकको ला ग स मत तयो गताको
मा यमबाट थायी हुने अवसर दान गन योजनाथ न न यव थाको अ धनमा रह तह १
दे िख तह ४ स मका सहायक तरका पदमा स मत तयोगीताबाट पूत गन स कनेछः
¸ (१)
29 30
यो सं शोधन लागू भएप छ एक पटक ग रने स मत तयो गताबाट पदपूत भई
सकेप छ यो यव था वतः खारे ज हुनेछ ।
(२) याद मा तहगत पमा कायरत कमचार को आधारमा स चालक स म तले स मत
तयो गताका ला ग दरब द तथा पदसं या नधारण गन स नेछ ।
(३) ...... खारे ज ।

तेईस सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
एघार सं शोधन ।
बाइस सं शोधन ।
स सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 7
(४) सी मत तयो गतामा समान तहमा कायरत याद कमचार ले मा भाग लन
पाउनेछन् ।
(५) सी मत तयो गतामा तह १ र २ का पदको ला ग योगा मक र अ तरवाताबाट छनौट
ग रनेछ र तह ३, ४ र ५ का पदको ला ग खुला तयो गता सरह
लिखत/ योगा मक र अ तरवाताबाट छनौट ग रनेछ ।
(६) सी मत तयो गतामा दरखा त दने याद कमचार लाई उमेरको हद ला ने छै न ।
(७) स मत तयो गताबाट पदपू तका ला ग यू नतम यो यता स ालक स म तको मत
२०७१/०३/३२ को ६८० ु दा अगाडीको
औं बैठकबाट सं शोधन हुनभ खुला
तयो गताको ला ग अनुसूची-७ मा तो कए अनुसार नै हुनछ
े ।
(४) वढु वा सफा रस स म तले तो कएको तशत अनुसार पदसं या नधारण गदा एक भ दा घट भई
दशमलवमा पद सं या कायम हुन आएमा न नानुसारको कृया अवल वन गनु पनछः
(क) दशमलव प छको अ जे ठता तथा काय स पादन¸ काय मता मू या न र आ त रक
तयो गता म ये जुन यामा बढ छ यसलाई एक मानी सोह यामा रा ने,
34 35
, (ख) दशमलव प छको अ बरावर भएमा मशः ाथ मकताको आधारमा जे ठता तथा काय
स पादन¸ काय मता मू या न र आ त रक तयो गतालाई एक मानी सोह यामा रा ने।
(५) उप- व नयम (१) मा जुनसुकै लेिखएको भए ताप न ा धकरणको सेवालाई समावेशी बनाउन खुला
तयो गता ारा पूत हुने पद म ये ४५ तशत पद छु ाई सो तशतलाई शत तशत मानी
दे हाय बमोिजमका उ मेदवार वीचमा मा छु ाछु ै त पधा गराई पदपूत ग रनेछः
(क) म हला – ३३ तशत
(ख) आ दवासी/जनजा त – २७ तशत
(ग) मधेशी – २२ तशत
(घ) द लत – ९ तशत
(ङ) अपा – ५ तशत
(च) पछ डएको े – ४ तशत
पि टकरणः
(१) यस उप- व नयमको योजनका ला ग " पछ डएको े " भ नाले अछाम, काल कोट,
जाजरकोट, जु ला, डो पा, वझा , वाजुरा, मुग ु र हु ला िज ला स झनुपछ ।
(२) यस उप वनयमको ख ड (क), (ख) (ग) र (घ) को योजनका ला ग म हला,
आ दवासी/जनजा त, मधे सी र द लत भ नाले आ थक र सामािजक पमा पछाडी परे का
म हला, आ दवासी/जनजा त, मधे सी र द लतलाई स झनुपछ ।
आ थक र सामािजक पमा पछाडी परे का म हला, आ दवासी/जनजा त, मधे सी र द लत
समुदायको ववरण नेपाल सरकारले नेपाल राजप मा सूचना काशन गरे बमोिजम
हुनेछ ।

तेईस सं शोधन ।
पि चस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
छै ठ सं शोधन ।
8 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
तर नेपाल राजप मा सूचना काशन गर नतोके स मको ला ग स पूण म हला,
आ दवासी/जनजा त, मधे सी र द लतलाई आ थक र सामािजक पमा पछा ड परे को
समुदाय मा ननेछ ।
(क) आ दवासी/जनजा तका हकमा नेपाल आ दवासी/जनजा त उ थान राि य त ठान
ऐनमा सूिचकृत भएको जा तको हकमा सोह सूचीको आधारमा, तर नेपाल
आ दवासी/जनजा त उ थान राि य त ठान ऐनमा सूिचकृत भएको जा त भ एक
भ दा बढ थरह भएमा स बि धत थानीय नकायको मुखको सफा रसमा मुख
िज ला अ धकार बाट सूिचकृत भएको जा त भ को थर भनी मािणत गराई
दरखा तसाथ पेश गनुपनछ ।
(ख) द लतका हकमा राि य द लत आयोगबाट सूिचकृत भएको जा तको हकमा सोह
सूिचको आधारमा, तर नेपाल राि य द लत आयोगबाट सूिचकृत भएको जा त भ
एक भ दा वढ थरह भएमा स बि धत थानीय नकायको मुखको सफा रसमा
मुख िज ला अ धकार बाट सुिचकृत भएको जा त भ को थर भनी मािणत गराई
दरखा त साथ पेश गनु पनछ ।
(ग) अपा का हकमा वीकृत िच क सकको सफा रसमा समाज क याण प रषदबाट
अपा ता मािणत गरे को आधारमा ।
(घ) मधेसीको हकमा नेपाल सरकारले नेपाल राजप मा सूचना कािशत गर तोके
बमोिजमको सं थाबाट मधेसी भनी मािणत गरे को आधारमा, तर नेपाल राजप मा
सूचना काशन गर नतोकेस म स बि धत थानीय नकायको मुखको
सफा रसमा मुख िज ला अ धकार बाट मधेसी भनी मािणत गराई दरखा तसाथ
पेश गनु पनछ ।
(ङ) पछ डएको े को हकमा प ट करणको (१) मा उ लेख भएका िज लामा
थायी बसोबास उ लेख गर स बि धत िज लाबाट ा त ग रएको नाग रकताको
माणप तथा स बि धत गाउँ वकास स म त वा नगरपा लकाबाट हाल सोह
थानमा थायी बसोबास भएको भनी मािणत गरे को आधारमा ।
(६) यस व नयममा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न उप- व नयम (५) को ख ड (ङ) बमोिजम
नधा रत तशतको पद कुनै खास कृ तको कामको ला ग तो कए बमोिजमको अपा ह व◌ीच मा
त पधा गन पाउने गर त पधा मक पर ा ारा पूत ग रनेछ ।
38 39
, (७) उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजम तशत नधारण गदा दरव द सं या एक भ दा कम भई दशमलवमा
अ आएमा समावेशी समूह म ये जुन समूहको अ बढ हु छ सो अ लाई एक मानी सोह समूहमा
र दशमलव प छको अ बराबर भएमा तशत म अनुसार मा थ लो समूहमा कायम ग रनेछ ।
40 41
, (८) उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजम छु याईएको पदमा जुन वषको ला ग व ापन भएको हो सो वष हुने
व ापनमा उपयु उ मेदवार आव यक सं यामा उपल ध हुन नसकेमा वा लिखत पर ामा उ ीण
नभएमा य तो पद सोह व ापनको लिखत पर ाको न तजा काशन गदा खुला तयो गता ारा
पूत हुने पदमा समावेश गनु पनछ ।

छै ठ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
छै ठ संशोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
छै ठ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 9
, (९) खारे ज ग रएको ।
42 43

(१०) उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजमको तशत बमोिजम पदसं या नधारण गदा कुनै ववाद आएमा
नयुि सफा रस स म तको नणय अि तम हुनेछ ।
(११) यस व नयममा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न कुनै खास कृ तको काय वा पदका
ला ग म हलाले मा त पधा गन पाउने गर सूचना कािशत गर पद तो न स नेछ ।

२१. पर ाको त रका

(१) पदपूत गदा न नम ये कुनै एक वा एक भ दा वढ त रकाबाट पर ा लन स कनेछः
(क) लिखत पर ा,
(ख) योगा मक पर ा,
(ग) अ तवाता ।
(२) सेवा, समूह, उप-समूहको पदको ला ग कुन त रकाबाट पर ा लने हो सो को नणय पदको काय
कृ त, शैि क यो यता र ववरणका आधारमा नयुि सफा रस स म त एवं वढु वा सफा रस
स म तले तय गनछ । तर,
(क)सामा यतया सबै कारका पदमा अ तवाता लनु अिघ लिखत वा योगा मक वा दुबै पर ा
लनु पनछ ।
(ख) द ता मािणत गर भना गनुपन पदह ज तै सवार चालक, क यूटर अपरे टर आ द पदमा
योगा मक पर ा लनुपनछ ।
(३) अि तम छनौट गदा लिखत पर ा, योगा मक पर ा र अ तवातामा दईने अ को भार
नयुि सफा रस स म तले नधारण गरे बमोिजम हुनछ
े । लिखत पर ाको उ ीणा नधारण गदा
येक वषयमा क तीमा चाल स तशत भ दा कम हुने छै न । अ तरवाता पर ाको पूणा लिखत
पर ाको पूणा को २० तशत कायम गनुपनछ । अ धकतम अ र युनतम अ दं दा कारण
खुलाएको अव था बाहे क मश ६० तशत र ४० तशतको सीमा भ हुन ु पनछ ।

२२. व ापन
(१) र पद पूत गदा राि य तरको प प कामा क तीमा तीस दनको अव ध तोक व ापन
कािशत गनु पनछ ।
(२) व ापनमा पूत गनु पन पदको सं या, काय गनुपन थान, सेवा, समूह, उप-समूह, तह, आव यक
यूनतम् यो यता, कामको क सम, पर ाको क सम, उमेरको हद, नाग रकता, दरखा त दने
अि तम म त, पर ा द तुर आ द कुराह प ट खुलाउनु पनछ ।

२३. गो य रहने
ा धकरणबाट स चालन ग रने पर ासँग स बि धत सबै अ भलेख गो य रहनेछ ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
छै ठ सं शोधन ।
छै ठ सं शोधन ।
छै ठ सं शोधन ।
ते ो सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
10 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
२४. आव यक युनतम यो यता
(१) ा धकरणको पदमा नयु हुन अनुसूची-७ मा तो कए बमोिजमको यो यता पुगक
े ो हुन ु पनछ ।
(२) खुला तयो गता ारा र पदपूत गन आव यक हुने कायानुभवको हकमा नेपाल सरकार वा नेपाल
सरकारको वा म व भएको सं गठ त सं था वा नेपाल सरकारबाट मा यता दएको सं था र सं थान
तथा अ तराि य सं था वा च लत कानून बमोिजम थापना भएको सं थामा काम गरे को अनुभवलाई
मा यता दइनेछ ।
तर त ह ता चा लस घ टा भ दा कम समय काम गरे को अनुभव (आंिशक पमा काम गरे को)
लाई सो योजनको ला ग गणना हुने छै न ।
(३) खुला तयो गताको ला ग ता लम आव यक भएकोमा नेपाल सरकार वा नेपाल सरकारको
वा म वमा रहे को वा नेपाल सरकारबाट मा यता ा त ता लम स ब धी सं था, व व व ालय वा
तनका नकाय वा ा धकरणबाट सं चा लत वा ा धकरणले समय-समयमा मा यता दएको सं थाबाट
दान ग रएको ता लमलाई मा यता दइनेछ ।

२५. नयुि को ला ग अयो यता

(१) ा धकरणको कुनै पदमा दे हायका यि शु नयुतm हुन स ने छै नन्
(क) सहायक तरको पदको ला ग १८ वष उमेर पुरा नभएको,
(ख) अ धकृत तरको पदको ला ग २१ वष उमेर पुरा नभएको,
, , (ग) खुला
50 51 52
तयो गताका ला ग दरखा त दने अि तम म तस ममा पु ष उ मेदवारको हकमा
३५ र म हला उ मेदवारको हकमा ४० वष उमेर पुरा भइसकेको । तह ८ र सो भ दा
मा थको खुला तयो गतामा ४५ वष उमेर पुरा भईसकेको । तर ा धकरणमा कायरत
थायी/ याद कमचार को हकमा उमेरको हद ला ने छै न ।
(घ) मान सक स तुलन व क
े ो,
(ङ) गैर नेपाल नाग रक,
(च) नेपाल सरकार वा नेपाल सरकारको वा म व ा त सं ग ठत सं थाको सेवाको न म अयो य
ठह रने गर सेवाबाट बखा त ग रएको,
(छ) नै तक पतन दे िखने फौजदार अ भयोगमा अदालतबाट कस◌ुरदार ठह याईएको ।

२६. अ तवाता
लिखत वा योगा मक पर ाको न तजा कािशत भएप छ साधारणतया एक म हना भ अ तवाता गनु
पनछ। अ तवाता फाराम नयुि सफा रस स म त एवं वढु वा सफा रस स म तले नधारण गरे बमोिजम

२७. त ा सूची
नयुि को ला ग यो यता म सूची कािशत गदा र पदको अनुपातमा यथास भव प तशत र
क तीमा दुई जना (जुन बढ हु छ) उ मेदवारको नाम यो यता म अनुसार त ा सूचीमा काशन गनु
पछ । य तो त ा सूची कािशत ग रएको म तले एक वषस म मा कायम रहनेछ ।

तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
सोह सं शोधन ।
थम सं शोधन ।
ते ो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 11
प र छे द ४

२८. नयुि गन अ धकार

नयुि सफा रस स म त एवं बढु वा सफा रस स म तको सफा रसमा अ धकृत तरका कमचार को हकमा
स म तले र सहायक तरका कमचार को हकमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले नयुि गनछ ।

२९. नयुि प
(१) र पदमा नयुि का ला ग सफा रस भएको उ मेदवारलाई सफा रस भएको म तले साधारणतया
तीस दन भ नयुि गन अ धकार ले नयुि प दनु पनछ ।
(२) सफा रस भएको सूचना कािशत भएको पताल स दनस म प न कुनै उ मेदवारले नयुि प लन
नआएमा वा नयुि प लएको म तले प दन भ कायालयमा हािजर नभएमा य तो
उ मेदवारको नाम यो यता म सूचीबाट हटाइनेछ ।
(३) दे हायको अव थामा त ा सूचीमा रहे का उ मेदवारलाई नयुि गन अ धकार ले नयुि प दन
स नेछः
(क) यो यता ममा परे का उ मेदवारले उप- व नयम (२) मा उ लेिखत याद भ नयुि प
लन नआएमा वा कायालयमा हािजर नभएमा,
(ख) र पदमा नयु यि पर णकालको अव ध भ जुनसुकै कारणबाट सेवामा नरहेमा ।
(४) अ धकृत तर तथा सहायक तरको नयुि प मशः उप-कायकार नदशक¸ शासन र
नदशक¸ जनसाधन वभागबाट दनु पनछ ।

३०. पद थापन
व नयम २८ अ तगत नयु भएका कमचार लाई यो यता म अनुसार दे हायका कुरा समेतलाई आधार
मानी पद थापन गन स कनेछः
(क) शैि क यो यता एवं ता लम,
(ख) पूव अनुभव,
(ग) वशेष ता,
(घ) स म तले तोकेका अ य आधार ।

३१. नरो गताको माणप

ा धकरणको र पदमा खुला तयो गतावाट नयुि को ला ग सफा रस भएको उ मेदवार लाई
ा धकरणले सूचीकृत गरे को वीकृत िच क सक वा िच क सकको बोडले सफा रस गरे को नरो गताको
माणप पेश नगरे स म नयु ग रने छै न ।

३२. पर णकाल
(१) ा धकरणको थायी पदमा नयां नयुि गदा म हला कमचार को हकमा छ म हना र पु ष
कमचार को हकमा एक वषको पर णकालमा रहने गर ग रनेछ । पर णकालको अव धको गणना
हािजर भएको म तदे िख ग रनेछ ।

छै ठ संशोधन ।
12 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(२) पर णकालमा रहेका कमचार को सेवा स तोषजनक नभएको भ न पर णकाल अव धमा स बि धत
उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालय माफत तवेदन ा त भएमा नयुि गन अ धकार ले छान वन
गर नजलाई सेवाबाट अवकाश दन स नेछ ।
(३) पर णकालमा नयुि भएका कमचार का हकमा स तोषजनक सेवा नभएको भ न तवेदन ात
भएमा बाहे क सवै कमचार पर णकाल पुरा भए प छ थायी सेवामा वतः कायम भएको मा ननेछ।
(४) पर णकालमा रहे को अव धलाई प न थायी सेवा अव धमा गणना ग रनेछ ।

३३. नोकर तथा वैयि क ववरण फाराम

(१) कमचार ले नयुि पाएको म तले प दन भ स बि धत उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालय
माफत अनुसूची-८ बमोिजमको नोकर तथा वैयि क ववरण फाराम भर अ भलेखको ला ग
जनसाधन वभागमा बुझाउनु पनछ ।
(२) कमचार आफैले वा कायालयले कुनै कमचार को वैयि क ववरणमा कुनै कुरा प रवतन भई
समावेश गनु परे मा स बि धत उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालय माफत समावेश गनाको कारण
स हत जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु पनछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम ववरणको एक त जनसाधन वभागमा र एक त स बि धत कमचार
बहाल रहे को कायालयमा नजको यि गत फाइलमा रािखनेछ ।
(४) येक कमचार को नयुि , स वा, बढुवा, वभागीय कारवाह तथा ो साह पुर कार आ दको
ववरण के य अ भलेखमा रािखनेछ । सो बमोिजमको ववरण जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु पनछ ।

३४. पदपूत मा ब दे ज
कुनै प न पदमा यस व नयमावल मा यव था भएदे िख बाहे क अ य कुनै त रकाबाट पदपूत ग रने छै न ।

३५. पद नभई नयुि गन नहुने

पद नभई कसैलाई कुनै प न पदमा नयु गन हुदैन । यसर नयु गरे को पाईएमा य तो यि ले
खाएको तलब भ ा लगायतका अ य सु वधा नयुतm गन अ धकार बाट असुल गर वभागीय कारवाह
ग रनेछ ।

३६. करारमा नयुि

(१) वीकृत दरब द भ नपरे को कुनै खास वशेष को सेवा आव यक भएमा स म तको पूव वीकृ त
लई करारमा नयुि गन स कनेछ । यसर नयु यि ले गनु पन काम, वहन गनु पन
िज मेवार , पाउने पा र मक तथा सु वधा र सेवा अव ध करारमा काम लगाउन वीकृ त दने
अ धकार ले तोके बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(२) वशेष वाहे कका तह ७ र सो भ दा मुनीका वीकृत दरव द भ को र पदमा पूत
नहु जेलस मका ला ग बढ मा एक वषको ला ग नयुि सफा रस स म तले तोकेको कृया पु याई
जनसाधन वभाग माफत मु य शासक य अ धकृतले करारमा नयुि गन स नेछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजमको याद भ पदपूत हुन नसकेमा स म तले वढ मा छ म हना स मको
ला ग याद थप गन स नेछ । याद थप नभएको ख डमा वतः हटे को मा ननेछ ।

छै ठ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 13
(४) ा धकरणवाट सं चा लत आव धक आयोजनाका ला ग तह १ दे िख दे िख तह ७ स मको वीकृत
अ थायी दरव द मा नयुि सफा रस स म तले तोकेको कृया पु याई आव यकता अनुसार बढ मा
आयोजना अव धभरको ला ग कमचार करारमा भना गन स कनेछ ।
(५) वशेष पदः वीकृत दरब द भ दा बा हरको वशेष कायमा कुनै खास पदमा यो यता, अनुभव र
कामको कृ त हे र वशेष ताको वकासको ला ग स चालक स म तको नणयबाट ा धकरणलाई
नभई नहुने अव थामा वशेष यो यता समेत खुलाई वशेष पद तो न स ने र यसर तो कएको
वशेष को ला ग उमेरको हद ला ने छै न ।
(६) उप- व नयम (२) र (४) को योजनको ला ग ु
नेपाल व त ा धकरणले स चालन गन खुला
तयो गता मक लिखत पर ामा उ ीण भई थायी नयुि का ला ग सफा रस नभएका खुला तफका
ा व धक सेवा अ तगत अ धकृत तरका पदका उ मेदवारह म येबाट नयुि सफा रस स म तले
करारमा नयुि गन योजनाथ छु ै यो यता म सूची काशन गनछ।
(७) करारमा नयुि गन स ब धी अ य या नयुि सफा रस स म तले छु ै काय ब ध तजुमा गर
लागू गनछ।

प र छे द ५
स वा, पदा धकार, काज, कायम मुकायम

३७. पदा धकार कायम रहने

(१) ा धकरणको थायी पदमा एक समयमा एक यि को मा पदा धकार रहनेछ ।
(२) यस व नयमावल बमोिजम ा धकरणका कुनै थायी पदमा रहे को कुनै कमचार को पदा धकार
दे हायका अव थास म कायम रहनेछः
(क) सो पदमा बहाल रहं दास म ।
(ख) स वा ग रएको कायालयमा हािजर हुन दइएको यादस म ।
(ग) वदामा रहे को अव धस म ।
(घ) नल बन रहे को अव धस म ।
(ङ) ा धकरणले कुनै काममा काज खटाएको अव धभर ।
(च) अ य कुनै पदमा कायम मुकायम भई काम गरे को अव धभर ।

60 61 62
३८. स वाः
ा धकरणका कमचार ह लाई दे शको व भ न भौगो लक े को अनुभव समेत दलाउन ा धकरणका
व भ न कायालयह मा स वा गन अ धकार अि तयारवालालाई दे हाय बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(१) तह ९ र सो भ दा मु नका कमचार लाई स वा गदा एउटा वगको भौगो लक े को कायालयमा
कि तमा दुई वष काम ग र सकेप छ सोह वग वा अक वगको भौगो लक े को कायालयमा स वा
गन स कनेछ ।

नव सं शोधन ।
सोह सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
प सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
स ाईस सं शोधन ।
14 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
तर एउटै कायालयमा कायरत रहने अ धकतम अवधी न नानुसार हुनेछः-
क) कायालय मुख, ले खा मुख र शासन मुख तीन वष
ख) मटर र ड काय गनको दुई वष अव ध पुगेप छ स ब धीत वतरण के मा ए रया
प रवतन गनु पनछ । उपल धी मुख र टोर मुखको िज मेवार पाएको कमचार लाई
वभागीय मुख/ े ीय मुखले तीन वष पुगेपछ आ नो े भ को अक कायालयमा
स वा गनु पनछ ।
ग) े ीय तरको खुला तयो गताबाट नयुि भएका कमचार ह लाई सात वष स म सात
वष स म सोह े भ का कायालय बाहे क अ य स वा ग रने छै न । म हला र
अपा कमचार को हकमा पाँच वष पुरा भएपछ अ य े मा स वा गन स कनेछ ।
पि टकरणः यस ख डको योजनको ला ग एक वष भ नाले कि तमा दुई सय ते ीस दन जु
हािजर भएको अव धलाई जनाउने छ ।
(२) माथी ख ड (१) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न दे हायको अव थामा कमचार लाई तो कएको
अव ध नपु दै अ धकार ा त अ धकृतले आफू अ तगतका कमचार को स वा गन स नेछः
(क) कुनै थानमा कायरत कमचार अश भई सो थानमा नजको उपचार हुन नस ने यहोरा
तो कएको मे डकल वोडले सफा रस गरे मा ।
(ख) कुनै कमचार को काय स पादन स तोषजनक नभएको भनी सुप रवे कले लिखत जानकार
गराएमा वा वभागीय कारवाह भएमा ।
(ग) कुनै कमचार लाई नज कायरत कायालयमा रािख रा न उपयु नभएको त ययु कारण
(घ) पदो न त, लामो अव धको वदा, अवकाश, रािजनामा¸ नल बन र मृ युको कारणले कायालय
मुख, ले खा मुख¸ शासन मुखर अ य पद र भई त काल पूत गनुपन अव था
(ङ) बजेट के प रवतन नहुने गर कुनै कमचार लाई आ त रक स वा गनु परे मा ।
(च) कायालय मुख¸ ले खा मुख¸ शासन मुख¸ उपल धी मुख र टोर मुखले मुखको
िज मेवार बहन गन असमथ भएको कारण खुलाई लिखत पमा स वा माग गरे मा र स वा
गन अि तयार ा त अ धकार सो कुरामा स तु ट भएमा स वा गन स कनेछ । यसर स वा
भएको कमचार लाई एक वष स म मुखको िज मेवार दईने छै न ।
पि टकरणः "कायालय मुख" भ नाले अनुसूची–२ मा उ लेख भएका कायालयको मुख तथा
"ले खा मुख" र " शासन मुख" भ नाले सोह कायालयका मशः लेखा समूह र शासन
समूहका मुखको पमा तो कएका कमचार स झनु पछ ।
(३) तह १० र सोभ दा मा थका अ धकृतलाई अ धकार ा त अ धकार ले आव यकतानुसार स वा गन
स नेछ ।
(४) कमचार को प त/प नी दुवै ा धकरणको सेवामा कायरत भए स ब धी तहको सेवा¸ समुह¸
उपसमुहको पद र भएको अव थामा एउटै िज लामा स वा गन स कनेछ ।
(५) ा धकरणबाट स चा लत आयोजनामा कमचार खटाउँ दा तथा वशेष ताल म लएका कमचार ह का
स ब धमा न नानुसार हुनछ
े ।
क) वीकृत दरव द को प र ध भ रह चालू आ थक वषको लागी धान कायालयबाट मा
खटाइने छ । आयोजनाबाट थप अवधीको लागी माग भएमा आव यकताको आधारमा
कमचार को काज थप गन स कनेछ । यसर काजमा जाने कमचार को तलब भ ा तथा
आयोजनाको वीकृत दरब द भ को कमचार ले पाउने ो साहन भ ा आयोजनाबाटै यहोनु

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 15

पनछ । आयोजनामा ो साहन भ ा दं दा आयोजनाको वीकृत दरब द को समा भ को
कमचार लाई मा दइनेछ । यसर आयोजनामा खटाउँदा आयोजनामा काम गन मौका
नपाएकोलाई ाथ मकता दईनेछ ।
ख) स चालन स भार स ब धी वशेष ताल म लएका कमचार ले ताल म प चात यूनतम दुई वष
स म स ब धीत कायालयमा काम गनु पनछ । उ अव ध अगावै स वा हुन चाहेमा वशेष
ताल मबाट ात ान तथा सीप सो कायालयमा कायरत क तीमा दुई जना अ य कमचार लाई
दईसकेको यहोरा स ब धीत कायालय मुखले लिखत पमा जानकार गराए प छ मा
स वा ग रनेछ ।
(६) ा धकरणका सहायक क पनीमा कमचार खटाउँदा स बि धत क पनीको स ालक स म तको
नणयबाट आव यकता औिच यता र वशेष ता खुलाई माग भएमा तह–६ र सो भ दा मा थका
कमचार लाई नेपाल ु
व त ा धकरणको स ालक स म तको वीकृ तमा अव ध तोक खटाउँन
स कनेछ। य ता कमचार को सो क पनीमा आव यकता दे िखएमा पुनः स म तले याद थप गन
स नेछ ।
पि टकरणः "सहायक क पनी" भ नाले ा धकरणको शेयर रहे को क पनीnfO hgfpg]छ ।
(७) ा धकरण बा हरको अ य कुनै कायालयमा कमचार खटाउँदा स बि धत कायालयको अनुरोधमा चालू
आ थक बषको ला ग मा काजमा खटाउन स कनेछ। यसर काजमा ख टने कमचार ले
ा धकरणबाट दै नक तथा मण भ ा, ओभरटाईम, प रयोजना भ ा, बै देिशक ता लम तथा मण
ज ता सु बधा पाउने छै न ।
(८) कुनै कायालयमा दरब द कटौती भई वा कुनै कारणले वीकृत दरब द भ दा बढ कमचार कायरत
भएको अव थामा स वा गदा बढ अव ध र स वि धत कायालय मुखको सफा रस समेतलाई आधार
मानी कमचार को मशः स वा ग रनेछ ।
(९) नयाँ नयुि गदा र बढु वा भई पद थापना गदा र दरव द मा मा ग रने छ ।
(१०) बभागीय मुख¸ कायालय मुख¸ महाशाखा मुख¸ शाखा मुखको पमा एक तह माथीको
िज मेवार दनु परे मा ब नयम अनुसार कायम मुकायम मुकरर ग रनेछ। य द ब नयम अनुसार
कायम मुकायम मुकरर गन नस कने अव थामा कायालय मुख¸ लेखा मुख र शासन मुखको
िज मेवार तो न स कनेछ।
तर हालको पदभ दा मा थ लो पदमा बढुवा हुन आव यक पन शैि क यो यता नपुगेका कमचार लाई
एक तह मा थको पदमा िज मेवार तो कने छै न ।
(११) कमचार को स वा, काज र िज मेवार दने काय अ धकार ा त अ धकार ले गनछ ।
(१२) अ धकार ा अ धकार लाई र दरब द मा दुई बष अव ध पुगेका कमचार को स वा गन अ धकार
न नानुसार हुनछ
े ः­
क) बभागीय मुखले कायालय मुख, लेखा मुख र शासन मुख बाहे क आ नो मातहतको
बभाग/ े अ तगत पाँचौ तह स म ।\
ख) उपकायकार नदशकले कायालय मुख, ले खा मुख, शासन मुख र ख ड (क) बाहेक
आ नो मातहतको एक बभाग/ े ीय कायालयबाट सो ह वा अक बभाग/ े ीय कायालयमा
नव तह स म।
ग) यस व नयमावल बमोिजम धान कायालयले आव यकता अनुसार स वा गनछ।
क) तह नौ र सो भ दा मुनीको कायालय मुख, ले खा मुख र शासन मुखको स वा गदा
कायकार नदशककले स बि धत उपकायकार नदशक सँग परामश गर गनु पनछ ।

16 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

ख) उपकायकार नदशकले अ धकृत तरका कमचार स वा गदा स बि धत नदशकसँग
परामश गर गनु पनछ।
(१३) यस स वा स वि ध यव थाको पालन नगन वा यव था वप रत स वा गन पदा धकार लाई
व नयम १२७ (२) (अ) (च) अनुसार वभागीय कारवाह गन मु य शासक य अ धकृतले नदशन
दन स नेछ । य तो स वा वभागीय मुखले गरे को भए स वि धत उप-कायकार नदशकले र
उप-कायकार नदशकले गरे को भए कायकार नदशकले र गन स नेछ । उ लेिखत यव था
पालन नभएको भ न उजुर परे को अव थामा स वा गन अ धकार भ दा मा थ लो तहको स बि धत
अ धकृत/ नकाय/स म तले छान वन ग र कारवाह अगाडी बढाउनु पनछ ।
(१४) मा थ ख ड (१) र (२) को अव था वाहे क ने. व. ा. का कमचार ह लाई स वा गदा दे हाय
बमोिजमको समय ता लका अनुसार गनु पनछः
(क) कायालय मुखलाई भदौ र माघ म हनामा ।
(ख) शासन मुख/ले खा मुखलाई काि क र फा गुण म हनामा ।
(ग) अ य कमचार को हकमाः
अ) वभागीय मुखले ावण र माघ म हनामा¸
आ) उपकायकार नदशकले भा र फागुण म हनामा¸
इ) धान कायालयले आि न र चै म हनामा।
(१५) कायालय मुख, लेखा मुख र शासन मुखको स वा गदा वगतको काय स पादनको आधार
समेत लई ग रनेछ । काय स पादन सूचका कायकार नदशकले तोके वमोिजम हुनेछ । काय
स पादन सुचका अनुसार काय स पादन नभएको भ न सुप रवे कले लिखत जानकार गराएमा
जुनसुकै समयमा स वा ग रनेछ।
(१६) उमेरको कारणबाट अ नवाय अवकाश हुन ६ म हना वा सो भ दा कम अव ध बाँक रहेको
कमचार लाई नजले मागेको अव थामा बाहे क स वा ग रने छै न । तर नजह ले स वा मागेको
अव थामा दरव द र भएमा स वा गन स कनेछ । अ नवाय अवकाश हुन ६ म हना बांक रहेका
कायालय मुख र लेखा मुखलाई मुखको िज मेवार नरहने गर स वा गन वाधा पन छै न ।
(१७) ..... खारे ज ।
(१८) हाल कायरत कायालयमा दुई बष काम ग रसकेप छ स वा हुन ई छु क कमचार ले स बि धत बभाग
े भ स वा चाहे मा बभाग/ े ीय कायालयमा, स बि धत उप-कायकार नदशक मातहत स वा
चाहेमा उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालयमा र अ य स वा चाहे मा जनसाधन बभागमा नवेदन
दनु पनछ।
(१९) स वा भएको कमचार लाई सा वक कायालय मुखले बरबुझारथ स प गराई स वा प ा
भएको म तले बढ मा ए ाईस दन भ अनुसूची–९ बमोिजम रमाना प दनु पनछ। यसर स वा
भएको कमचार लाई रमाना न दएमा स वि धत कायालय मुखलाई ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा
व नयमावल अनुसार वभागीय कारवाह ग रनेछ ।
(२०) ा धकरणको कुनै कायमा वशेष ता भएका कमचार लाई वशेष ताको आव यकता खु ने गर कुनै
कायालयबाट माग भएमा कायरत कमचार को कायालय मुख र वशेष ता आव यक भएको
कायालय मुखको सहम तमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले अव ध कटान गर िज मेवार तो न
स नेछ ।
(२१) तह १ र २ मा कायरत कमचार को हकमा दरव द र भएस म सामा यतः घर पायक म ने गर
स वा गन स कने छ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 17

३९. काज
(१) मु य शासक य अ धकृत वा नजबाट अ धकार ा त अ धकार ले काजको अव ध र काजमा रहं दा
गनु पन काम तोकेर कमचार लाई काज खटाउन स नेछ ।
(२) सात दन भ दा वढ अव धको ला ग काजमा ख टएको कमचार ले काजबाट फ कएको प दन
भ काजमा रहं दा आफूले गरे को कायको तवेदन काजमा खटाउने अ धकार सम पेश गनु
पनछ। य तो तवेदन पेश नभएस म पे क रकम फछयौट वा रकम सोधभना हुने छै न ।
(३) काजमा जाने कमचार लाई ा धकरणको व नयम बमोिजम दै नक तथा मण भ ा दइनेछ ।
(४) कुनै प न कमचार लाई एक कायालयमा दरव द कायम राखी अ य कायालयमा एक आ थक
बषमा तीन म हना भ दा बढ अव धको ला ग काजमा खटाईने छै न । यसर काज ख टएका
कमचार लाई काज अवधी समा भए प ात स बि धत कायालयले अ नवाय पमा काज फता गनु
पनछ ।
(५) यस व नयममा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न आयोजनाको वीकृत अ थायी दरव द मा तीन
म हना भ दा बढ अव ध काजमा रा न स कनेछ ।

४०. ता लममा पठाउने

(१) कुनै कमचार लाई ा धकरणको ला ग उपयुतm र आव यक वषयमा ता लम हा सल गन पठाउं दा
काजमा खटाइनेछ । तर कुनै प न शैि क उपा धका ला ग काज खटाइने छै न ।
(२) स म तले तोकेको मापद ड बमोिजम कमचार लाई ता लमको ला ग छनौट ग रनेछ ।

४१. कायम मुकायम मुकरर

(१) ा धकरणका उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालय, वभाग तथा छु ै अि त व भएका कायालयको
मुख पद कुनै कारणबाट तीस दन भ दा बढ अव धका ला ग र भई काय स चालन गन अक
यि आव यक भएमा एक तह मु नको पदमा कायरत कमचार म येबाट ये ठ कमचार लाई
मु य शासक य अ धकृतले वा नजले अ धकार यायोजन गरे को अ धकृतले कायम मुकायम मुकरर
गन स नेछ ।
तर नदशक र सो भ दा मा थका पदमा एक वष भ दा बढ कायम मुकायम मुकरर गनु परे मा
स म तको वीकृ त लनु पनछ ।
(२) कायम मुकायम मुकरर गदा एक पदमा एक यि लाई मा कायम मुकायम मुकरर गनु पनछ ।
(३) कुनै प न कमचार लाई कायरत तह भ दा एक तह मा थको पदमा मा कायम मुकायम मुकरर
ग रनेछ ।
(४) कायम मुकायम मुकरर ग रएको कमचार ले कायम मुकायम गरे को म तदे िख काम गरे को पदको
शु केलको तलब र भ ा वा नजले खाईपाई आएको तलब भ ा जुन बढ हुन आउं छ सोह
पाउनेछ ।
(५) कायम मुकायमको अव ध बढ मा एक वष स म हुन स नेछ । सो अव ध भ पदपूत को यव था
गर स नु पनछ ।
तर पदपूत नहुने अव थामा एक वष भ दा बढ कायम मुकायम मुकरर गनु परे मा स म तको
वीकृ त लनु पनछ ।

स ाईस सं शोधन .
चौथो संशोधन ।
18 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
४२. न म भई काम गन
(१) वभागीय मुख तथा कायालय मुख कुनै कारणवस कायालयबाट अनुपि थत हुन ु पन भएमा
आफूभ दा मु नका तहमा सोह कायालयमा कायरत व र ठ कमचार लाई अ नवाय पमा न म दई
सो को जानकार तालुक कायालयलाई गराई काय स चालन गन यव था मलाउनु पनछ ।
(२) तीस दन भ दा बढ समयका ला ग अनुपि थत रहनु पन अव था पन आएमा अनुपि थत हुने मुख
वा न म भई काम गरे को कमचार ले जनसाधन वभागमा सू चना गनु पनछ र जनसाधन वभागले
कायम मुकायमको यव था मलाउनु पनछ ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 19

प र छे द ६

४३. बढुवा
(१) तह १२ को र पदमा बढु वा गदा स वि धत सेवामा तह ११ को पदमा तीन वष थायी सेवा
पुरा गरे का अ धकृत म येवाट काय मता र नेत ृ व गन स ने मता समेत हे र उपयु ठह याएको
अ धकृतलाई स म तले बढुवा गनछ ।
(२) तह १२ वाहे क अ य र पदमा बढुवा गदा बढुवा सफा रस स म तको सफा रसको आधारमा
ग रनेछ ।
(३) कमचार लाई काय मताको आधारमा बढुवा गदा व नयम ५० बमोिजम काय मताको मू या न
गर बढ अ ा त गरे को आधारमा बढुवा ग रनेछ ।
(४) आ त रक तयो गताको आधारमा बढु वा गदा लिखत पर ा र अ तवातामा ा त गरे को अ जोडी
बढ अ ा त गन कमचार लाई यो यता मको आधारमा बढुवा ग रनेछ ।
(५) काय मता मू या न वा आ त रक तयो गतामा समान अ ा त गन कमचार को बढु वाको म
सेवाको जे ठताको आधारमा ग रनेछ ।
(६) उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजम कमचार को से वाको जे ठता नधारण न न आधारमा ग रनेछः
(क) हाल बहाल रहे को पदमा नयुि वा बढुवा भएको म त,
(ख) ख ड (क) बमोिजम जे ठता नधारण हुन नसकेमा हाल बहाल रहेको पद भ दा एक तह
मु नको पदमा नयुि वा बढु वा भएको म त र सोबाट प न जे ठता नधारण हुन नसकेमा
मानुसार सो मु नको पदमा नयुि वा बढु वा भएको म त,
(ग) ख ड (ख) बमोिजम प न जे ठता नधारण हुन नसकेमा शु नयुि हुंदा सफा रसको
यो यता म,
(घ) ख ड (ग) बमोिजम प न जे ठता नधारण हुन नसकेमा ज म म त अनुसार जे ठता म ।

४३.(क) जे ठता तथा काय स पादन ारा हुने बढुवा
(१) यस व नयमावल मा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न बढुवा सफा रस स म तले जे ठता तथा
काय स पादनको आधारमा बढु वाको ला ग सफा रस गदा बढु वा हुने पदभ दा एक तह मु नको पदमा
सबैभ दा बढ से वा अव ध भएका कमचार लाई दे हाय बमोिजमको आधारमा बढु वाको सफा रस
(क) बढुवाको ला ग स भा य उ मेदवार हुन ज त वषको सेवा अव ध आव यक पन हो प छ लो
य त वषको काय स पादन मू या नको औसतमा प चान बे तशत वा सोभ दा बढ अ
ा त गरे को,
(ख) बढुवाको ला ग तो कएको यूनतम शैि क यो यता भएको,
(ग) हाल बहाल रहे को तहमा भौगो लक े मा काम गरे बापत व नयम ४९(२) (घ) बमोिजम
पुरा अ ा त गरे को।
तर भौगो लक े मा काम गरे बापत पूरा अ ा त गरे को स भा य उ मेदवार नभएमा वा
छु याइएको र पदमा स भा य उ मेदवार नपुग हुने अव था भएमा य तो पदमा भौगो लक

तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
20 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
े मा काम गरे बापत पुरा अ ा त नगरे को कमचार लाई प न स भा य उ मेदवार कायम
गर बढुवा ग रनेछ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) को ख ड (ग) को तब धा मक वा यांश बमोिजमको स भा य उ मेदवार बढुवा
भएमा य तो कमचार को जे ठता सोह उप- व नयम बमोिजम बढु वा हुने अ य कमचार भ दा प छ
हुने गर कायम ग रनेछ।
(३) यस सं शोधन प छ बढुवा गदा यस व नयम बमोिजम ग रने बढु वाको कारवाह स प न गर सफा रस
गरे प छ काय मताको मू या न ारा ग रने बढु वाको सफा रस गनु पनछ।
(४) जे ठता कायम गदा व नयम ४३ को उप- व नयम (६) बमोिजम ग रनेछ।

४४. बढुवाको ला ग उ मेदवार हुन आव यक पन सेवा अव ध

, (१) जे ठता तथा काय स पादन¸ काय
67 68
मता मु या न र आ तर क तयो गतावाट हुने बढु वाको
ला ग उ मेदवार हुन बढुवाको फाराम भन अि तम म तमा दे हाय वमोिजमको सेवा अव ध पुगेको हुन ु
पनछ ।
(क) अ धकृत तर तह ११ को पदमा बढु वा हुनको ला ग ा व धक सेवाको हकमा स वि धत सेवा
भ तह १० को पदमा यूनतम तीन वष थायी सेवा अव ध पुरा गरे को र शासन सेवाको
हकमा स वि धत समूहको तह १० को पदमा तीन वष थायी सेवा अव ध पुरा गरे को ।
(ख) अ धकृत तर तह १० को पदमा बढु वा हुनको ला ग स बि धत समूह भ तह ९ को पदमा
यू नतम तीन वष थायी से वा अव ध पुरा गरे को ।
(ग) अ धकृत तर तह ६, ७, ८ र ९ को पदमा वढु वा हुनको ला ग जुन पदको ला ग उ मेदवार
हुने हो सो पद भ दा एक तह मु नको स बि धत सेवा/समूह/उप-समूहको पदमा तीन वष
थायी सेवा अव ध पुरा गरे को ।
(घ) सहायक तरको हकमा जुन पदको ला ग उ मेदवार हुने हो सो पदभ दा एक तह मु नको
स बि धत सेवा/समूह/उप-समूहको पदमा तीन वष थायी सेवा अव ध पुरा गरे को ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) को (क), (ख), (ग) र (घ) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न म हला,
आ दवासी/जनजा त, मधेसी, द लत, अपा र पछ डएको े मा थायी बसोबास भएका कमचार को
उि लिखत सेवा अव धमा एक वष कम सेवा अव ध भए प न बढु वाको ला ग स भा य उ मेदवार
हुनेछन् ।
, , , (३)
73 74 75 76
...................... (हटाइएको)
77 78
, (४) अनुसूची-७ बमोिजम बढुवाको ला ग तो कएको आव यक शैि क यो यता र उप- व नयम (१)
बमोिजमको सेवा अव ध पु ने कमचार स वि धत सेवाको एक तह मा थको पदमा आ त रक

सात सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
छै ठ सं शोधन ।
बीस सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
सात सं शोधन ।
उ नाईस सं शोधन ।
चौध सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 21
तयो गतामा स भा य उ मेदवार हुन पाउनेछ र आ त रक तयो गतामा भाग लं दा समूह/उप-समूह
प रवतन हुने भएमा जुन पदको ला ग आवेदन गन हो सो पदमा खुला तयो गतावाट नयु हुन
अनुसूची-७ मा तो कएको शैि क यो यता र उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको सेवा अव ध समेत पुगेको
हुन ु पनछ ।
तर क युटर उप-समूहका पदको आ त रक तयो गतामा अ य उप-समूहका कमचार सं भा य
उ मेदवार हुन पाउने छै नन् ।
(५) सेवा, समूह र उप-समूह प रवतन भएका कमचार को हकमा सा वकको सेवा, समूह र उप-समूहमा
काम गरे को सेवा अव ध समेत गणना ग रनेछ ।

४५. बढुवा हुन तहको ब दे ज

तह नाघी कुनै प न पदमा बढुवा गन स कने छै न ।

४६. बढुवा हुन आव यक यूनतम यो यता

आ त रक तयो गता तथा काय मताको आधारमा बढुवा हुन उ मेदवारले अनुसूची-७ बमोिजम बढु वा हुने
पदको ला ग तो कएको युनतम यो यता ा त गरे को हुन ु पनछ ।

४७. बढुवाको ला ग उ मेदवार हुन ब दे ज

दे हायको अव थामा कमचार बढु वाको ला ग उ मेदवार हुन पाउने छै नः
(क) नल बन भएकोमा नल बन अव धभर,
(ख) बढु वा रो ा भएकोमा रो ा भएको अव धभर,
(ग) तलव वृ
( ड
े ) रो ा वा घटु वा भएकोमा सो तलव वृ ( ड
े ) रो ा वा घटुवा गन नणय भएको
म तबाट एक वष स म,
(घ) तो कएको अव ध भ बढुवाको ला ग आवेदन फाराम नभरे मा ।

४८. काय मताको आधारमा हुने बढुवा

(१) काय स पादन मू या न फाराम व नयम ५० मा यव था ग रए बमोिजम भर अनुसूची-१० को
काय स पादन मू या न फाराम भन नदिशकामा तो कएको अव ध भ पदपूत वभागमा ात
भएको हुनपु छ ।
(२) बढु वाको योजनका ला ग ज त वषको सेवा अव ध आव यक पन हो प छ लो य त वषको काय
स पादन मू या न फाराम आव यक हुनेछ । आ त रक तयो गतावाट बाहेक तो कएको अव धको
काय स पादन मु यांकन नभई कुनै प न कमचार को बढु वा हुने छै न ।
(३) कुनै कमचार एक आ थक वष भ ज तसुकै अव ध हािजर भई काय गरे प न उ अव धलाई सो
आ थक वषको पुरा अव ध गणना गर काय स पादन मू या न ग रनेछ ।
(४) अदालतबाट पुनवहाल हुने कमचार को अवकाश अव धको र अ ययन वा ता लममा गएका
कमचार को अ ययन वा ता लममा गएको अव धको काय स पादन मू या न वापत मशः अवकाश
हुन ु अिघ र अ ययन वा ता लममा जानु भ दा त काल अिघको वषमा ज त अ पाएको छ यती नै
अ दइनेछ ।

सात सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
22 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(५) असाधारण वदामा बसेको कमचार को काय स पादन मू या नको अ गणना गदा एक आ थक
वषमा ज त अव ध असाधारण वदामा वसेको हो सो अव धको ला ग नजले उ आ थक वषमा ात
ा ता बाट दामासा हले क ा गर अ गणना ग रनेछ ।

४९. बढुवाको आधार

(१) बढु वा सफा रस स म तले कमचार लाई वढुवाको ला ग सफ रस गदा नजको काय मताको
आधारमा गनछ ।
(२) कमचार को काय मताको मू या न गदा दे हाय बमोिजम अ दइने छः
(क) काय स पादन मू या न वापतः अ धकतम ४५ अ
(ख) जे ठता वापतः अ धकतम २५ अ
(ग) शैि क यो यता वापतः अ धकतम १५ अ
(घ) भौगो लक आधारमा बग कृत े मा काम गरे वापतः अ धकतम १५ अ

५०. काय मताको मू या न

कमचार को काय मताको मू या न दे हाय बमोिजम ग रनेछ
(क) काय स पादनको मू या नः
(१) कमचार को काय स पादन मू या नको ला ग योग गन काय स पादन मू या न फाराम र सो
स ब धी नदिशका अनुसूची-१० मा उ लेख भए बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(२) काय स पादन मू या न योजनको ला ग अ गणना गदा बढु वाको ला ग स भा य उ मेदवार
हुन ज त वषको सेवा अव ध आव यक पन हो प छ लो य त वषको काय स पादन मू या न
अ को औषतबाट हसाव ग रनेछ ।
(३) कमचार को काय स पादन मू या न कमचार को तर अनुसार दे हाय बमोिजमको अ
वभाजनको आधारमा हुनेछः
(क) अ धकृत तर तह ६, ७, ८, ९, १० र ११ का कमचार को हकमाः
(१) सुप रवे कले दन स ने अ धकतम २० अ
(२) मू या न कताले दन स ने अ धकतम १५ अ
(३) मू या न स म तले दन स ने अ धकतम १० अ
(ख) सहायक तर तह ५ का कमचार को हकमाः
(१) सुप रवे कले दन स ने अ धकतम २५ अ
(२) मू या नकताले दन स ने अ धकतम १० अ
(३) मू या न स म तले दन स ने अ धकतम १० अ
(ग) सहायक तर तह १, २, ३ र ४ का कमचार को हकमाः
(१) सुप रवे कले दन स ने अ धकतम ३० अ
(२) मू या नकताले दन स ने अ धकतम १५ अ
(४) मू या न ग रने कमचार भ दा क तीमा एक तह मा थको काम सँग स वि धत नकटतम
अ धकृत कमचार सुप रवे क हुनेछ ।

तेईस सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 23
(५) कायालय मुखको हकमा सो कायालयको नकटतम तालुक कायालयको मुख (अ धकृत
तर) सुप रवे क हुनेछ ।
(६) सुप रवे क भ दा कि तमा एक तह मा थको नकटतम अ धकृत कमचार मू या न कता
हुनेछ ।
(७) मु य शासक य अ धकृत सुप रवे क भएको अव थामा मू या न कता प न नज नै हुनेछ ।
(८) यस योजनको ला ग सुप रवे कबाट कमचार को काय स पादन मू या न स प न गराउने
िज मेवार स बि धत वभागीय म◌ुखको हुनेछ ।
(९) मू या न स म तको गठन दे हाय बमोिजम हुनछ
े ः
(क) तह ८, ९, १० र ११ का कमचार को ला गः
(अ) मु य शासक य अ धकृत - अ य
(आ) स बि धत उप-कायकार नदशक - सद य
(इ) उप-कायकार नदशक, शासन - सद य
तर, सोझै मु य शासक य अ धकृत मातहत रहे का वभाग वा कायालयका कमचार
र उप-कायकार नदशक शासन मातहतका कमचार को मू या न गदा ख ड (आ)
बमोिजमको सद यको पमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले तोकेको तह १२ को अ धकृत
सद य हुनेछ ।
(ख) तह ५, ६ र ७ का कमचार को ला गः
(अ) स बि धत उप-कायकार नदशक -अ य
(आ) स बि धत नदशक/ े ीय मुख ( नदशक नभए
स बि धत कायालयको ब र ठतम अ धकृत) -सद य
(इ) जनसाधन वभागका नदशक -सद य
तर, न न अव थामा न नानुसार हुनेछ,
(१) सोझै मु य शासक य अ धकृत मातहत रहेका वभाग वा कायालयको कमचार को
मु यांकन गनुपदा उप-कायकार नदशक शासन अ य रहनेछ ।
(२) जनसाधन वभागका कमचार को मू या न गदा ख ड (आ) बमोिजमको सद यको
पमा स वि धत उप-कायकार नदशकले तोकेको तह ११ को अ धकृत सद य
हुनेछ ।
(३) लेखा समूहको कमचार को हकमा अथ तथा लेखा वभागको नदशक समेत सद य
हुनेछ ।
(ग) ....... खारे ज ।
(घ) मा थ ख ड (क) र (ख) बमोिजम गठ त मू या न स म तको सिचवालयको पमा
पदपूत वभाग रहनेछ र सिचवको काय पदपूत महाशाखा मुखले गनछ ।
(ङ) ....... खारे ज ।
(च) ....... खारे ज ।

चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
24 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(१०) समान तहको कमचार सुप रवे क, मू या न कता एवं मू या न स म तको अ य वा सद य
हुने छै न ।
(११) काय स पादन मू या न फारामको अ गो य हुनेछ ।
(१२) कमचार को काय स पादन मू या त फाराम पदपूत वभागमा रहनेछ ।
(१३) व नयममा तो कएको याद भ आ नो काय स पादन मू या न फाराम भर नकटतम
सुप रवे क सम पेश नगन स बि धत कमचार को यस आ थक वषको काय स पादन
मू या नबाट ा त अ मा १ (एक) अ घटाईनेछ र सं शो धत यव था आ थक वष
०६३/०६४ को काय स पादन मू या नदे िख लागु गन । तर तो कएको अव धमा कुनै
कमचार अ ययन वदा वा ता लम काजमा गएको भए नज फकप छ भरे को काय स पादन
मू या न तो कएको समयमै भरे को मा ननेछ ।
(१४) काय स पादन मू या न फारामका वभ न ख डमा मू या न गन सुप रवे क वा
मू या नकताले व नयममा तो कएको समय मै ा त हुन आएको काय स पादन मू या न
फाराम समयमै मू या न नगरे मा य तो सुप रवे क र मू या नकतालाई सजाय दन पाउने
अ धकार ले न सहत दन स नेछ ।
(१५) कुनै कमचार को काय स पादन मू या न फाराममा मू या न गन छु ट भएको भए यसै
व नयमावल अनुसारका सुप रवे क, मू या नकता र मू या न स म तले मू या न गनु
पनछ ।
(ख) जे ठताको मू या न
(१) क) कमचार लाई हाल बहाल रहे को तहमा काम गरे को येक वषको न म दुई अ का
दरले अ धकतम प चीस अ दईनेछ ।
ख) जे ठता बापत अ गणना गदा १ वष भ दा बढ चानच ुन म हना वा दनको ला ग
दामासाह को हसाबले अ दइनेछ । गयल भएको वा असाधारण वदामा बसेको
अव धको अ दइने छै न ।
, (२)
93 94
हाल बहाल रहे को तह भ दा एक तह मु नको पदमा काम गरे को कमचार लाई येक
वषको ला ग आधा अ (०.५) का दरले उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको अ मा नव ने गर
बढ मा २ अ दइनेछ ।
(ग) शैि क यो यताः
(१) काय मता मू या न बढुवाको ला ग शैि क यो यता वापत दईने अ दे हाय बमोिजम हुनेछः
थम तीय तृतीय
शैि क यो यता (उपा ध)
े णी े णी े णी
(क) अनुसूची ७ बमोिजम बढुवाको ला ग तो कएको यू नतम
१२ ११.५ ११
शैि क यो यता वापत
(ख) यू नतम शैि क यो यता भ दा मा थको स वि धत
३ २.५ २
वषयको कुनै एक अ त र शैि क यो यता वापत
(२) मा थ ख ड (१) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न न न वषयमा न नानुसार नै हुनछ
े ः

छै ठ सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
सोह सं शोधन ।
स सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 25
(क) व ावा र ध ( प.एच. ड.) को ला ग थम े णी सरहको र े णी नखुलेको अ य शैि क
उपा धको हकमा तीय े णी बराबरको अ दइनेछ ।
(ख) व भ न िश ण सं थामा माणप तह वा सो सरहबाट सधै नातको र तह (पांच वष
एम. ए सी. ईि ज नय र ड लोमा, थे सस स हत) को उपा ध हा सल गरे को शैि क
यो यतालाई काय मता मू या न बढु वामा शैि क यो यताको अ दं दा नातक तहको
यूनतम शैि क यो यता वापत पाउने अ र यू नतम यो यता भ दा मा थको स बि धत
वषयको कुनै एक शैि क उपा ध वापतको अ (दुवै तहको ला ग) नातको र तहको
माणप मा उ लेख भएको े णी अनुसार दइनेछ ।
(ग) यो व नयमावल लागू हुन ु पूव ा व धक सेवा , स भल समूह , सव ण उप-समूहको
अ धकृत तरको पदमा कुनै वषयमा नातक भई स बि धत वषयको ता लमको
आधारमा सेवा वेश गरे का कमचार को हकमा सो यो यता र ता लमलाई बढुवा
योजनको ला ग स बि धत वषयको यूनतम यो यता सरह मा ननेछ । यो व नयमावल
लागू हुन ु पूव क युटर उप-समूहमा कायरत कमचार कुनै इि जनीय र वषयमा
नातक भई क युटर स वि ध ता लम लएको भए सो समूहको नम आव यक
यो यता पुगेको मा ननेछ ।
(घ) वेिशका पर ा वा सो सरह उ ीण भ दा मु नको शैि क यो यताको हकमा शैि क
यो यता बापतको अ दान ग रने छै न ।
तर बढु वाको ला ग वेिशका पर ा वा सो सरह भ दा मु नको यो यता आव यक पन
पदको हकमा वेिशका पर ा वा सो सरह उ ीण यो यतालाई एक तह मा थको
अतर शैि क यो यता मा ननेछ र सोह बमोिजम अ त र शैि क यो यता बापत
मा अ दइनेछ ।
(ङ) आंिशक वेिशका पर ा उ ीणलाई तृतीय े णी सरह अ दइनेछ ।
(च) म त २०५४/१०/०३ भ दा अिघ शासन सेवा, ले खा समूहमा कायरत थायी
कमचार को हकमा नजले उ म त भ दा अिघ जुनसुकै वषयमा शैि क उपा ध ात
गरे को भए प न यसै व नयमावल बमोिजमको यूनतम र अ त र शैि क यो यता मा न
अ दईनेछ ।
तर म त २०५४/१०/०३ भ दा प छ नजले ा त गरे को शैि क उपा धको हकमा
यस व नयमावल मा यव था भए बमोिजमको स बि धत वषय नै हुन ु पनछ ।
(छ) स बि धत वषयमा नातक यो यता भई यापार शासनमा नातको र उपा ध हा सल
गरे का ा व धक सेवाका कमचार लाई तह १० र सो भ दा मा थको पदमा बढुवा गदा
उ उपा धलाई युनतम यो यता भ दा मा थको स बि धत वषयको अ त र शैि क
यो यता मानी अ दान ग रनेछ ।
(ज) शैि क यो यताको त ल प पेश नगन कमचार लाई शैि क यो यता वापत कुनै अ
दान ग रने छै न ।
(झ) स वि धत वषयमा यूनतम यो यता नभई मा थ लो यो यता स वि धत वषयमा भएमा
यसलाई यूनतम यो यता पुगेको मा ननेछ । शासन उप-समूहको ला ग कुनै प न
वषयको यो यता स वि धत वषय मा ननेछ ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
26 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ञ) अ धकृत तर तह ७ का पदमा काय मता मू या न ारा बढु वा हुनका ला ग स बि धत
वषयमा नातक नभई युनतम शैि क यो यता वापत कुनै अ दईने छै न ।
(घ) भौगो लक आधारमा वग कृत े मा काम गरे को मू या कनः
(१) भौगो लक आधारमा वग कृत े मा काम गरे वापत अ दं दा अनुसूची-११ मा उ लेख भए
बमोिजम क, ख, ग, घ र ङ समूहमा व गकरण गर दे हाय बमोिजम अ दईनेछः
"क" वगमा काम गरे को येक वषको ला गः ३ अ
"ख" वगमा काम गरे को येक वषको ला गः २.७५ अ
"ग" वगमा काम गरे को येक वषको ला गः २.५० अ
"घ" वगमा काम गरे को येक वषको ला गः २.२५ अ
"ङ" वगमा काम गरे को येक वषको ला गः २ अ
(२) वग कृत े मा काम गरे वापतको अ हाल वहाल रहेको तहमा ा त गरे को भए मा गणना
ग रनेछ ।
(३) वग कृत े मा काम गरे को अव धको गणना गदा एक भौगो लक े वाट अक भौगो लक
े मा काम तो क वा स वा भए प छ दईने रमाना प को आधारमा ग रनेछ । रमाना प
पेश नगन कमचार लाई यस अव धको युनतम अ पाउने व गकृत े को अ दईनेछ ।
नया◌ँ नयुि हुने कमचार लाई नयुि प को आधारमा हािजर भएको म त दे िख व गकृत
े को अ दईनेछ ।
(४) वग कृत े मा ज तसुकै अव ध काम गरे को भए ताप न दामासाह को हसावले अ गणना
ग रनेछ ।
(५) अदालतको नणयवाट पुनवहाल हुने कमचार लाई अवकाश अव धको र तलबी अ ययन
वदामा वसेको कमचार लाई अ ययन अव धको भौगो लक े वापत अ दनु पदा यू नतम
अ पाउने भौगो लक े को अ दईनेछ ।
(६) व नयम ६२ को उप- व नयम (७) को अव था वाहे क असाधारण वदामा बसे को अव धको
वग कृत े वापतको अ दईने छै न ।
(७) उप लो अ पाउने वग कृत े मा कायरत कमचार त लो अ पाउने कुनै वग कृत े मा
एक वषमा पटक-पटक वा लगातार न बे दन भ दा वढ काजमा रहे को पाईएमा यस वषको
उ वढ अव धको ला ग जुन वग कृत े मा काजमा रहे को हो सोह वग कृत े को अ
कायम ग रनेछ ।

५१. यो यता म सूची काशन

(१) व नयम ५० बमोिजम बढुवाको ला ग स भा य उ मेदवारको काय मताको मू या न भएप छ बढु वा
हुने उ मेदवारको यो यता म सूची स बि धत सबैको जानकार को ला ग कािशत ग रनेछ । य तो
नामावल मा कमचार को ा ता समेत उ लेख गनु पनछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम बढुवा नामावल कािशत भएप छ कुनै उ मेदवारले आफूले पाएको अ
हे न चाहेमा नजको काय स पादन मू या न बापतको अ बाहे क अ य आधारह बापतको अ हे न
दइनेछ ।

बाह सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 27
५२. बढुवाको उजुर
(१) व नयम ५१ बमोिजम वढु वा सफा रस स म तले काशन गरे को नामावल मा थान नपाई िच
नबु ने उ मेदवारले य तो सूची कािशत भएको प दन भ आ नो आधार माण खुलाई
पुनरावलोकन स म तमा नवेदन दन स नेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम कुनै नवेदन परे मा पुनरावलोकन स म तले सो स व धमा जांचबुझ गर
नवेदन दने याद स कएको म तले सामा यत तीस दन भ प हले कािशत नामावल वदर गन,
कायम रा ने वा यसमा सं शोधन गन नणय गनु पनछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम जांचबुझ गदा जानी जानी ुट पूण काय गन गराउने कमचार लाई
पुनरावलोकन स म तले चेतावनी दन स नेछ ।

५३. बढुवा म त र बढुवा नयुि

(१) व नयम ५१ बमोिजम बढु वा नामावल काशन भए प छ उतm बढुवा सफा रस मा थ उजुर नपरे मा
उजुर गन याद स कए प छ वढुवा सफा रस स म तले सफा रस गरे को म तबाट बढु वा हुने तहको
जे ठता कायम हुने गर नयुि दनु पनछ ।
(२) बढु वा सफा रस मा थ व नयम ५२ बमोिजम उजुर परे मा दे हाय अनुसार जे ठता म त कायम गर
नयुि दनु पनछः
(क) कािशत बढुवा नामावल मा सं शोधन भएमा संशो धत नामावल कािशत गन नणय भएको
म त दे िख, र
(ख) उजुर खारे ज भएमा वा प हलेकै बढु वा सफा रस नै कायम भएमा उप- व नयम (१) अनुसार नै
हुनेछ ।

५४. वढु वा स वि ध वशेष यव था

(१) ........ खारे ज
(२) ........ खारे ज
(३) ........ खारे ज
(४) ........ खारे ज
(५) यस व नयमावल मा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न १ तह दे खी ११ तह स मको
एउटै तहमा कि तमा १५ (प ) बषस म बहाल र हरहे का कमचार ह को व नयम ८४ बमोिजम
अ नवाय अवकाश हुन एक म हना बाँक भएमा नजलाई एक तह मा थको पदमा बढुवा ग रनेछ।
(६) यस व नयमावल मा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न ११ तह स मको एउटै तहमा
कि तमा १५ (प ) बषस म बहाल र हरहे का कमचार ह ले व नयम ८६ बमोिजम वेि छक
अवकाश लन चाह नवेदन दएमा नजलाई एक तह मा थको पदमा बढुवा ग र अवकाश दइनेछ।
(७) उप- व नयम (५) र (६) बमोिजम बढुवा गनको ला ग वतः वशेष पद सजना हुनेछ र य तो
कमचार सेवावाट अवकाश भएप छ सो पद वतः खारे ज हुनछ
े ।

तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
28 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(८) यस व नयममा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न एउटै तहमा कि तमा १५ (प ) बष
अव ध पुरा भएको कुनै कमचार को मृ यु भएमा य तो कमचार को प रवारलाई एक तह माथीको
पदको नवृ भरण लगायतका अ य सु वधा दान ग रनेछ।

५४.क वढु वाको शतमा प रवतन
यस व नयमावल को अनुसूची-७ मा उ लेिखत बढु वाको ला ग नधा रत यो यता तथा व नयम ५४ मा
भएको सं शो धत यव था ि वकृत भएको एक बष प छ लागु हुनेछ।

५४.ख बढुवा स ब धी वशेष यव था ारा बढु वा भएका कमचार समायोजन स ब धी यव था
(१) यो व नयम ार भ हुन ु भ दा अिघ वशेष बढुवा भएका कमचार ह को समायोजनको ला ग जनसाधन
वभागले यो व नयम ार भ भएको म तले एक म हना भ स बि धत कायालयह मा पुल दरब द
सजना गर यसर बढुवा भएका कमचार ह लाई य तो दरब द मा समायोजन पद थापना गनछ।
(२) व नयमावल ि वकृत भएको एक बष प छ वशेष बढुवा भएका वा हुने कमचार ह को समायोजनको
ला ग जनसाधन वभागले स बि धत कायालयह मा पूल दरब द सजना गर यसर बढुवा भएका
तथा हुने कमचार ह लाई य तो दरब द मा समायोजन पद थापन गनछ।
(३) उप- व नयम (१) र (२) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न यसर बढुवा भएका तथा हुने
कमचार ह दरब द नरहे को कायालयमा कायरत रहे को भएमा य तो कमचार को दरब द भएको
कायालयमा पूल दरब द सजना गर य तो दरब द मा समायोजन पद थापन गनु पनछ।
(४) उप- व नयम (१), (२) र (३) बमोिजम समायोजन पद थापन भएप छ नजह बढु वा हुन ु भ दा
अगा ड बहाल रहे को पद वतः खारे ज हुनेछ।
(५) उप- व नयम (१), (२) र (३) बमोिजम समायोजन पद थापन भएको तीन म हना भ जनसाधन
वभागले सा वकको सं गठन सं रचना र दरब द को पुनरावलोकन गर वशेष बढुवा भएका तथा हुने
कमचार ह को समायोजनको ला ग आव यक पन दरब द को तरो नती र थप दरब द को य कन
गर वीकृ तको ला ग जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु पनछ। यसर पठाइने ववरणमा सा वकको
दरब द , वशेष बढुवा भएको तथा हुने कमचार को ववरण तथा पुनःसं रचना गर समायोजन गन
स कने दरब द को ववरण खुलाइ पठाउनु पनछ।
(६) उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजमको ववरण ा त भए प छ स चालक स म तले एक म हना भ दरब द
वीकृत गनछ।
(७) उप- व नयम (६) बमोिजम दरब द वीकृत भएप छ सो दरब द मा जनसाधन वभागले उप- व नयम
(८) बमोिजम तयार ग रएको यो यता म सूची म ये मा थ लो यो यता ममा पन कमचार ह को
ची तथा चाहनाको ाथ मकता म नधारण गन लगाई पद थापन गनछ।
(८) उप- व नयम (७) को योजनको ला ग जनसाधन वभागले स बि धत सेवा, समूह वा उप-समूहका
वशेष बढुवा भएका कमचार ह को यो यता म सूची तयार गर रा नु पनछ। यसर यो यता मको
सूची व नयम ४३(६) बमोिजम तयार गनु पनछ।
(९) उप- व नयम (७) बमोिजम पद थापन भएप छ य तो पूल दरब द वतः खारे ज हुनेछ।

तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 29
(१०) यस व नयमावल मा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न उप- व नयम (१), (२) र (३)
बमोिजम पुल दरब द मा रहेका कमचार ह को उप- व नयम (७) बमोिजम पद थापन नभई अ य
स वा तथा काज खटाइने छै न।

प र छे द ७
कायालय समय, हािजर र नय मतता

५५. कमचार को सबै समय ा धकरणको अ धनमा हुने

यस व नयमावल मा अ यथा लेिखएकोमा बाहेक कमचार को जुनसुकै समय ा धकरणको अ धनमा हुनेछ र
ा धकरणले कमचार लाई जुनसुकै समयमा प न ा धकरणको काममा लगाउन स नेछ ।

५६. कायालय समय

(१) ा धकरणमा काम गन समय फागुन दे िख का तकस म नौ म हना त ह ता चा लस घ टा र मं सर
दे िख माघस म तीन मह ना त ह ता प तस घ टा हुनेछ ।
(२) भौगो लक अव था, थानीय आव यकता एवं कामको कृ त हे र कुनै कायालयको कायालय
समयलाई मु य शासक य अ धकृतले कामको आव यकता अनुसार समय प रवतन गन स नेछ ।

५७. हािजर
(१) ा धकरणले यव था गरे बमोिजम कमचार ले नय मत पले आ नो कायालयमा आएको र गएको
समय जनाई हािजर गनु पनछ ।
(क) उप- व नयम (१) अनुसार ु ीय हािजर (E-attendance) लागू गन स नेछ र
ा धकरणले व त
सो स ब धी अ य यव था कायकार नदशकले वीकृत गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(२) कायालयमा हािजर भएको कमचार ले मु य शासक य अ धकृत वा नजले अ धकार यायोजन
गरे को अ धकृतको वीकृ त न लई कायालय समय भ कायालय छोडी जानु हुदैन ।

५८. नय मतता
(१) कमचार कायालय समयमा हािजर भए/नभएको वा कायालय समय भ कमचार काममा उपि थत
रहे नरहेको आकि मक जांच मु य शासक य अ धकृत, उप-कायकार नदशक, वभागीय मुख,
स बि धत कायालय मुख वा नजले तोकेको अ धकृतले गन स नेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) अनुसार आकि मक जांच गदा अनुपि थत रहे को कमचार सँग प ीकरण लइनेछ
र प ीकरण स तोषजनक नभएमा य तो कमचार लाई गयल गनुको साथै वभागीय कारवाह समेत
ग रनेछ ।

30 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

प र छे द ८

५९. कमचार ले पाउने वदाको क सम

कमचार ले दे हायका वदा पाउने छन्
(क) सावज नक वदा (ख) भैपर आउने र पव वदा
(ग) वरामी वदा (घ) घर वदा
(ङ) असाधारण वदा (च) अ ययन वदा
(छ) सुती वदा (ज) क रया वदा

६०. सावज नक वदा

कमचार लाई स म तले समय-समयमा नधारण ग र दए बमोिजम सावज नक वदा दईनेछ ।

६१. भैपर आउने र पव वदा

(१) कमचार ले येक वष ६ दन भैपर आउने र ६ दन पव वदा पाउनेछ ।
(२) भै पर आउने र पव वदा आधा दन प न लन पाइनेछ ।
(३) भै प र आउने र पव वदा वदा जुनसुकै वदासँग मलाई लन पाइनेछ ।
(४) भै पर आउने र पव वदा बसेको कमचार ले पुरा तलब भ ा पाउनेछ ।
(५) भै पर आउने र पव वदा सं िचत गर अक वषमा लन पाइने छै न ।
(६) भै पर आउने र पव वदा बसेको अब ध भ पन सावज नक वदा भैपर आउने र पव वदामा गणना
ग रने छै न ।
(७) असाधारण वदा र अ ययन वदामा बसे को कमचार ले भै पर आउने र पव वदा पाउने छै न ।

६२. वरामी वदा

(१) कमचार ले म हनाको एक दनका दरले एक वषमा बा दन वरामी वदा पाउनेछ ।
(२) वरामी वदामा बसेको कमचार ले पुरा तलब भ ा पाउनेछ ।
(३) कमचार ले आफूले पकाएको वरामी वदा संिचत गर रा न पाउनेछ ।
(४) कुनै कारणबाट कमचार सेवाबाट अलग भएमा सं िचत रहे को वरामी वदा वापत नजले खाईपाई
आएको तलबका दरले हुन आउने ज त रकम एकमु ट पाउनेछ ।
(५) एकै पटक सात दनभ दा बढ अव धको वरामी वदा माग गदा िच क सकको माणप स हत
नवेदन दनु पनछ । वदा वीकृ त दने अ धकार लाई व वास लागेमा िच क सकको माणप
नभए प न वदा वीकृत गन स कनेछ ।
(६) कुनै ठु लो वा कडा रोग लागी उपचार गन वरामी वदा र घर वदावाट नपुग हुने भएमा ा धकरणले
नयु गरे को िच क सकको माणप पेश गरे मा कमचार ले प छ पाउने वरामी वदा र घर
वदावाट क ा हुने गर नोकर अव ध भरमा पताल◌ीस दन स म थप वरामी वदा पे क को पमा
लन स नेछ । यसर पे क वरामी वदा लई वसेको कमचार ले पुरा तलब पाउनेछ ।
(७) उप- व नयम (६) बमोिजम लएको वदाले नपुग भई थप वदा लनु परे मा व नयम ९६ को उप-
व नयम (१) बमोिजम ग ठत मे डकल वोडको सफा रसमा असाधारण वदाबाट क ा हुने गर सेवा
अव धभरमा बढ मा एक वष असाधारण वदा दन स कनेछ ।

सात सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 31
(८) उप- व नयम (६) बमोिजम लएको पे क वरामी वदा लने कमचार को मृ यु भएमा यसर लएको
वदा मनाहा हुनेछ ।
(९) कमचार ले असाधारण वदा लई बसे को अव धभर वरामी वदा पाउने छै न ।

६३. घर वदा
(१) कमचार ले काम गरे को अब धको बा दनको एक दनका दरले घर वदा पाउनेछ । यस
योजनको ला ग "काम गरे को अव ध" भ नाले सो अव ध भ परे को भैपर आउने र पव वदा,
सावज नक वदा, वरामी वदा, सु त वदा र क रया वदालाई समेत जनाउं छ ।
तर एक वषमा तीस दन भ दा बढ घर वदा पाउने छै न ।
(२) घर वदामा बसेको कमचार ले पुरा तलब भ ा पाउनेछ ।
(३) घर वदा बढ मा एक सय पचास दनस म सं िचत गन स कनेछ । कमचार को घर वदा साठ दन
भ दा बढ सं िचत रहे मा बढ सं िचत रहे को घर वदाको स ा एक आ थक वषमा बढ मा तीस दन
स मको खाईपाई आएको तलब वरावरको रकम दईनेछ ।
(४) कुनै कारणबाट कुनै कमचार सेवाबाट अलग भएमा नजको संिचत रहे को घर वदाको नजले
खाईपाई आएको मा सक तलबको दरले हुन आउने ज त रकम एकमु ट पाउनेछ ।
(५) वषको एक पटक लगातार प दन भ दा बढ घर वदा वीकृत गराई वदामा जाने कमचार ले घर
जान आउनका ला ग बस वा हवाईजहाज योग गरे को छ भने सोह अनुसार र पैदल हं नु पन
अव थामा बढ मा तराईमा तीन दन र पहाडमा पांच दनस म बाटोको याद पाउनेछ ।
(६) कमचार ले असाधारण वदा, अ ययन वदा र घर वदा बसेको अव धको घर वदा पाउने छै न ।

६४. असाधारण वदा

(१) पांच वष थायी सेवा अब ध पुरा गरे का कमचार ले वशेष कारण वा प रि थ तमा सेवाको तमाम
अव ध भरमा बढ मा दुई वष असाधारण वदा पाउन स नेछ ।
तर व नयम ६२ को उप- व नयम (७) बमोिजमको असाधारण वदाको हकमा भने पांच वष थायी
सेवा अव ध पुरा गन आव यक पन छै न ।
(२) असाधारण वदामा ब ने कमचार ले तलब भ ा तथा अ य सु वधा पाउने छै न ।
(३) घर वदा सं िचत नभएको कमचार ले मा असाधारण वदा पाउनेछ ।
(४) असाधारण वदामा बसेको अव थामा कुनै प न वदा पाउने छै न ।
(५) व नयम ६२ को उप- व नयम (७) बमोिजमको असाधारण वदा ब ने कमचार बाहेक असाधारण
वदामा ब ने अ य कमचार को असाधारण वदा लएको अव ध नजको से वा अव धमा गणना ग रने
छै न ।

६५. अ ययन वदा

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(१) पांच वष थायी सेवा अव ध पुरा गरे का र ४५ वष उमेर ननाघेका कमचार लाई सेवाको
तमाम सेवा अव धभरमा कोषको अव ध वमोिजम बढ मा चार बषस म अ ययन वदा दन स कनेछ ।
(२) ा धकरणलाई उपयु र आव यक पन वषयमा शैि क यो यता ा त गनका ला ग ा धकरणले
छा वृि को यव था गर वदे श वा वदे शमा अ ययन गन पठाउन स ने छ । य ता कमचार लाई

एघार सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
32 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
पुरा तलब स हतको अ ययन वदा दइनेछ । अ ययनमा पठाइने कमचार को चयन ा धकरणबाट
वीकृत मापद डको आधारमा ग रनेछ ।
(३) तो कएको िश ण अव ध वा वीकृत वदा भ अ ययन समा त नगन कमचार लाई सो अब ध प छ
उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम पाउने सु बधा सहु लयत दइने छै न ।
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कमचार ले निज यासमा शैि क यो यता हा सल गन उ े यले आफूले अ ययन गन
चाहेको वषय समेत खोल स वि धत िश ण सं थामा अ ययनको दरखा त पेश गनु पूव म◌ु य
शासक य अ धकृतको वीकृ त लई दरखा त दई अ ययन वदा माग गरे मा य ता कमचार ले
कोसको अव ध वमोिजम बढ मा ४ बषको ला ग अ ययन वदा पाउन स नेछ । य तो वदा ५ बष
थायी सेवा अवधि◌ पुरा गरे का र ४५ वष उमेर ननाघेका कमचार ले मा पाउन स नेछ । सो
अ ययन वदा अव धभर कमचार ले तलव भ ा र अ य सु वधा पाउने छै न । तर अ ययन वदा
अव ध नोकर मा गणना ग रनेछ ।
(५) उप- व नयम (२) र उप- व नयम (४) बमोिजम अ ययनमा जानु अगाडी कमचार ले दे हाय
बमोिजमको अव ध स म अ नवाय पले ा धकरणमा सेवा गनुपन ग र अनुसूची १२ बमोिजमको
कब◌ु लयत गनुपन छ । कवु लयत अनुसार सेवा नगरे मा सो अ ययन वदा र सो प छको अव ध
नोकर मा गणना ग रने छै न ।
अ ययन / सेवा गनु पन यूनतम अव ध
ता लमको अव ध ा धकरणवाट मनोनयन भएकोमा आ नै यासबाट गएकोमा
छ म हना स म एक वष छ म हना
एक वष स म दुई वष एक वष
दुई वष स म चार वष दुई वष
तीन वष स म पांच वष तीन वष
चार वष स म सात वष चार वष
(६) उप- व नयम ५ बमोिजम कवु लयत गन कमचार ले सो बमोिजम सेवा अव ध पुरा नगरे मा उप-
व नयम (२) बमोिजम अ ययन गदा लागेको खच, नजले ा त गरे को सु वधा रकम र अ ययन
अव धको तलब भ ा नजबाट दामासाह ले असुल उपर ग रनेछ । य द उ रकम तो कएको अव ध
भ असुलउपर हुन नसकेमा सो कमचार बाट सरकार बांक सरह असुल उपर ग रनेछ ।
(७) उप- व नयम (४) बमोिजम अ ययनमा जाने कमचार ले उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजम सेवा अव ध पुरा
नगरे मा सेवा नगरे को अव ध नजको कूल सेवा अव धवाट घटाईनेछ ।
(८) अ ययन वदामा ब ने कमचार ले घर वदा, वरामी वदा एवं भैप र आउने र पव वदा पाउने छै न।

६६. सुती वदा
(१) कुनै म हला कमचार गभवती भएमा सु केर हुन ु अगा ड र पछा ड गर अ ठान बे दनस म
सुती वदा पाउनेछ ।

एघार सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
एघार संशोधन ।
एघार सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
तीसौ सं शोधन ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 33

(२) उप- व नयम (१) वमोिजम सु त वदा लएका म हला कमचार ले चाहे मा कुनैप न वदावाट क ा
नहुने गर थप ६ म हना स म वेतलवी सु त वदा लन स नेछन् । तर य तो वेतल व वदा सु त
वदासँग लगातार पमा लनु पनछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) वमोिजम वेतल व सु त वदामा वसेको अव ध नोकर अव धमा जो डनेछ । तर
तलब, भ ा र अ य सु वधा पाउने छै न ।
(४) य तो वदा सेवा अव धभर दुई पटक मा दइने छ ।
(५) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको वदा ब ने कमचार ले पुरा तलब भ ा पाउनेछ ।
(६) सु त वदा तथा सु त याहार वदा पाएका कमचार लाई ब चाको याहारको न म बढ मा २ वटा
व चाको ला ग जनह एकमु ट पांच हजार पै या िशशु याहार भ ा दइनेछ ।
पि टकरणः प त/प नी दुवै जना कायरत रहेको भए एक जना कमचार ले मा िशशु याहार भ ा
पाउनेछ ।
(७) सु त वदा तथा सु त याहार वदा लएको अ भलेख स वि धत कायालयले अ याव धक बनाइ
येक चोट स वा भई रमाना लई जाँदा रमानाको प मा र कमचार अ भलेख फाइलमा समेत रा ु
पनछ ।
(८) सु त वदा र सु त याहार वदा माग गन कमचार ले सु त स व धमा जांच गराएको अ पतालको
र सु केर भएको स वि धत अ पताल वा न स होमको ड चाज समर वा बथ स ट फकेट वा ज म
दता माण प पेश गनु पनछ ।

६६ (क) सु त याहार वदाः
(१) कुनै पु ष कमचार को प नी सु केर हुने भएमा य तो कमचार ले सु केर को अिघ वा प छ गर १५
दन सु त याहार वदा लन पाउनेछ ।
(२) सु त याहार वदा व ने कमचार ले पुरा तलव पाउनेछ ।
(३) सु त याहार वदा सेवा अव धभर २ पटक मा दइनेछ ।
(४) सु त याहार वदा लएको कमचार ले वदा लएको म तले ३ म हना भ मा ब चाको ज मदता
माणप कायरत कायालयमा पेश गनुपनछ ।
(५) उप- व नयम (४) बमोिजमको अव ध भ य तो माणप पेश नगन कमचार को य तो वदाको
अव ध नजले पाउने अ य वदाबाट क ा ग रनेछ ।
(६) सु त याहार वदा लएको अ भलेख स वि धत कायालयले अ याव धक बनाइ येक चोट स वा
भई रमाना लई जांदा रमानाको प मा र कमचार अ भलेख फाइलमा समेत रा नु पनछ ।

६७. क रया वदा
(१) कुनै कमचार ले कूल धम अनुसार आफै क रया ब नु परे मा वा य तो कमचार को बाबु आमा, बाजे
ब यै, छोरा छोर वा सासु ससुराको मृ यू भएमा वा पु ष कमचार को हकमा नजको प नीको मृ यू
भएमा प दन क रया वदा पाउनेछ । म हला कमचार को प तले क रया ब नु परे मा नजलाई
प न १५ दन क रया वदा दइनेछ ।
(२) क रया वदा ब दा कमचार ले पुरा तलव भ ा पाउनेछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम वदा लने कमचार ले वदा प छ कायालयमा हािजर भएको १५ दन भ
मृत यि को मृ यू दता माणप वा मृत यि सं गको नाता माणप पेस गनु पनछ ।

सातौ संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
34 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(४) उप- व नयम (३) बमोिजमको अव ध भ य तो माण पेश नगन कमचार को य तो वदाको
अव ध नजले पाउने अ य वदाबाट क ा ग रनेछ ।

६८. स ा वदा
(१) सावज नक वदाको दनमा काम गन कमचार लाई काममा लगाइएको अव थामा स ा वदा
दइनेछ ।
(२) स ा वदा सात दनस म सं िचत रा न स कनेछ । स ा वदा आधा दन लन पाइने छै न र स ा
वदा चालु आ थक वषको अ तस ममा लई स नु पनछ ।
(३) स ा वदा लने कमचार ले ओभरटाइम भ ा वा खाजा भ ा पाउने छै न ।

६९. वदा न लई कामबाट अनुपि थत हुन नहुने

(१) अ म वदा वीकृत नगराई कुनै कमचार कायालयमा अनुपि थत हुन पाउने छै न ।
, (२)
120 121
वदा ि वकृत नगराई लगातार ९० दन स म अनुपि थत हुने कमचार को सो अव धको
गयल गर तलव भ ा क ा ग रनेछ र सो अव ध सेवा अव धमा गणना ग रने छै न ।
, (३)
122 123
उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम अनुपि थत हुने कमचार लाई लगातार ४५ दन पुगप
े छ १०
दन भ स वि धत कायालय मुखले ९० दन पु न ज त अव ध बांक रह छ सो अव ध भ
अनुपि थत कमचार वयं उपि थत हुन आउने यहोराको सूचना कािशत गनु पनछ । उ
अव ध भ कमचार वयं उपि थत हुन आएमा नजलाई हाजीर गराई वभागीय कारवाह ग रनेछ
साथै उ अनुपि थत अव ध असाधारण वदाबाट मलान गन कारवाह अगाडी बढाइनेछ ।
124 125
(४) यस व नयममा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न वदा ि वकृत नगराई लगातार
९० दन भ दा बढ अव ध अनुपि थत हुने कमचार वतः आ नो सेवाबाट हटे को मा ननेछ ।
नजलाई गयल क ◌ी गर हािजर गराउन स कने छै न । हािजर गराएमा य तो हािजर वतः र
भई यसर हाजीर गराउने पदा धकार लाई व नयम १२७ बमोिजम वभा गय कारवाह हुनेछ र
हाजीर गराएको कमचार ले खाएको तलब भ ा समेत हाजीर गराउने पदा धकार बाट सरकार वा◌ँक
सरह असुलउपर ग रनेछ । वतः अवकाश स वि ध कायवाह धान कायालयबाट हुनेछ ।
(५) उप- व नयम (३) बमोिजम अनुपि थत हुने कमचार को सूचना कािशत नगन स वि धत
कायालय मुख/ वभागीय मुखलाई समेत वभागीय कारवाह ग रनेछ ।

७०. वदा दने अ धकार

(१) असाधारण वदा र अ ययन वदा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले वीकृत गन स नेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) मा उ लेख भएको वदा वाहेक अ य वदा मु य शासक य अ धकृत वा नजले
तोकेको अ धकृतले दन स नेछ ।
(३) वदा दने अ धकार ले कायालयको काममा बाधा पन/नपन हे र वदा वीकृत वा अ वीकृत गन
स नेछ ।

सातौ संशोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 35
७१. वदा बसेको अव धमा काय इलाका छो ने जानकार
वदा बसेको अव धमा आ नो काय इलाका छो ने भएमा वदा वीकृत गन अ धकार लाई र आ नो
वभागीय मुखलाई आफूसँग स पक रा न स कने ठे गानाको सू चना दनु पनछ ।

७२. वदा लने व ध

(१) वदा अ धकारको कुरा होइन सहु लयत मा हो ।
(२) वदा लनको ला ग कमचार ले अनुसूची-१३ अनुसार फाराम भर वदा दने अ धकार सम नवेदन
दनु पनछ ।
(३) वदा दने अ धकार ले वदा वीकृत भए नभएको सूचना स बि धत कमचार लाई दनु पनछ । वदा
वीकृत गदा वदामा ब ने कमचार ले गर आएको काम सुचा पले भइरहने यव था मलाएर
मा वदा वीकृत गनु पनछ ।
(४) भै प र आउने वदा, पव वदा र वरामी वदा वाहे क अ कुनै कारको वदा लई वसेको
कमचार ले सो वदा भ ु ान हुंदा सावज नक वदा पन गएमा र सावज नक वदा प छ प न
कायालयमा हािजर नभएमा सो सावज नक वदाको अव ध प न नज कमचार ले लए अनुसारको वदा
वा सो बांक नभएमा लन पाउने अ वदा वसेको मा ननेछ ।
(५) अ ययन वदा र असाधारण वदा वाहेक अ य वदा वसेको अव थामा अचानक क रया वदा ब नु
परे मा लएको वदामा क रया वापत पाउने वदा क ा गर गणना ग रनेछ ।

७३. वदाको अ भलेख

(१) वदा वीकृत गन अ धकार ले स बि धत कमचार को वदाको अ भलेख रा ने यव था मलाउनु
पनछ ।
(२) कमचार शासन स ब धी काम गन इकाई वा शाखाले सबै कमचार को वदाको अ भले ख रा ु
पनछ ।
(३) कुनै कमचार ले अ ययन वदा र असाधारण वदा मागेमा वदा सफा रस गन अ धकार ले जनसाधन
वभाग माफत कारवाह गर वदा वीकृत भए प छ यसको अ भलेख राखी तलब खुवाउने
िज मेवार भएको कायालय र कमचार अ भलेखलाई जानकार दनु पनछ ।

प र छे द ९
तलब, भ ा र संचय कोष

७४. तलब भ ा
(१) कमचार ले कायालयमा हािजर भई काम गरे को म त दे िख तलबमान बमोिजम तलब र भ ा
(२) कमचार को तलबमान स म तले समय समयमा नधारण गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(३) कमचार ले नयमानुसार काम गर पकाएको तलब भ ा नजले जुनसुकै यहोराबाट सेवाबाट अवकाश
पाएमा प न पाउनेछ ।
(४) एक म हना वा सो भ दा बढ अव धको ला ग पूव वीकृत गराई असाधारण वदा र अ ययन वदा
बाहेकको वदामा ब ने कमचार लाई वीकृत वदा अव धको वा कुनै म हनाको प चीस गते छु ने गर
लगातार वदामा ब ने कमचार लाई सो म हनाको एकमु ट तलब भ ा दन स कनेछ ।

सातौ सं शोधन ।
36 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(५) कमचार लाई आव यक परे मा स बि धत कायालयका मुखले चालु म हनाको तलब पे क दन
स नेछ । य तो सु वधा वषमा दुई पटक भ दा बढ दइने छै न ।
(६) कमचार ले सेवाबाट अलग भएको दन दे िखको तलब भ ा पाउने छै न ।

७५. चाडपव खच
(१) कमचार लाई नजले खाईपाई आएको एक म हनाको तलव बरावरको रकम येक वष कमचार को
नवेदन अनुसार मुख चाडपवको १५ दन अगाडी चाडपव खचको पमा दइनेछ ।
(२) य तो रकम एक आ थक वषमा एक पटक मा भ ु ा न दइनेछ ।
(३) स वा भएको कमचार लाई रमाना दं दा नजले उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम उ आ थक वष भ
ु नछ ।
चाडपव खच लएको न लएको ववरण खुलाई कमचार अ भले खको फाइलमा समेत रा प

७६. तलबमान
(१) कुनै प न पदम◌ा नयुि हुने कमचार ले शु वषमा तलबमानको यूनतम तलब पाउनेछ ।
(२) वढु वा भएको कमचार ले हालको पदमा पाई रहेको तलब बढुवा भएको शु तलब बराबर वा बढ
भएमा बढु वा भएको पदमा पाउने तलबमा खाईपाई आएको तलब समायोजन गर क तीमा एक ड
े ले
बढ हुने गर तलब पाउनेछ । ा धकरणमा कायरत कमचार त लो तहवाट मा थ लो तहमा खुला
तयो गतावाट नयुि भएमा नजले खाईपाई आएको तलब भ दा कम हुने छै न ।
(३) उप- व नयम (१) वा (२) अनुसार तलब पाउने गर नयुि वा बढु वा भएको कमचार को तलब
बृ नयां तलबमानबाट हुदै जानेछ ।
(४) २०५७ साल ावण १ गते प छ तह ४ र तह ५ मा थायी नयुि तथा बढुवा हुने
कमचार ले तीन े पाईसकेप छ चौथो
ड े पाउने समयमा नजले खाईपाई आएको तलब ( ड
ड े
समेत) समायोजन गर अ त र मानको शु तलबमान पाउनेछ ।
(५) उप- व नयम (४) बमोिजम अ त र मानको तलब पाउने गर समायोजन भएप छ कमचार को
तलब केल वृ अतर मानको तलबमानबाट हुँदै जानेछ तर, २०५७ ावण १ गते भ दा अिघ
तह ४ र ५ मा थायी नयुि भएका कमचार को हकमा सा वकको यव था बमोिजम अ त र मान
तलब पाउनेछ ।

७७. तलब बृ ( ड
े )
(१) कमचार ले नयुि पाएको वा बढुवा भएको म तले एक वष पुरा गर सकेप छ आउने प हलो
म हना दे िख सु केल अनुसार एक दनको तलब बराबर तलबमा थप एक तलब बृ पाउनेछ ।
सजाय दन पाउने अ धकार ले तलब बृ रो ा गरे मा बाहेक अि तम तलब बृ नपुगस
े म येक
वष बृ पाउनेछ ।
(२) रो ा भएको तलब वृ को समयाव ध समा त भए प छ आदे शमा अ यथा लेिखएकोमा वाहे क तलब
वृ पाउने म हना दे िख मा तलब वृ पाउनेछ ।

सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 37
७८. स वा तथा बढुवा हुंदा पाउने तलब भ ा
(१) स वा भएको कमचार ले स वा भई जाने अिघ लो दन स मको तलब भ ा सा वक कायालयबाट र
सा वक कायालय छाडे को दन दे िखको तलब भ ा स वा भई गएको कायालयबाट पाउनेछ ।
(२) बढु वा भएको कमचार ले बढुवा भएको पदमा हािजर भएको म त दे िख बढुवा भएको पदको तलब
भ ा पाउनेछ ।

७९. नल बन भएमा पाउने तलब
(१) कुनै कमचार ा धकरणको कामको सल सलामा नल बन भएमा सो नल बनको अव धभर नजले
खाइपाई आएको तलबको आधा मा पाउनेछ ।
तर लागेको अ भयोग मािणत नभई नजले सफाई पाएमा नल बन रहे को अव धमा आधा तलब भ ा
पाएको भए सो क ा गर बांक आधा तलब भ ा र नपाएको भए पूरै तलब भ ा (तलब बृ हुने
भएमा) सो समेत पाउने छ । अ भयोग मािणत भएमा नल बन भएको म त दे िखको बांक तलब
भ ा पाउने छै न ।
(२) ा धकरणको कुनै कमचार उप- व नयम (१) मा उ लेिखत कारण वाहेक अ य कुनै कारणबाट
नल बन भएमा नजले सो अव धको तलब भ ा पाउने छै न ।

८०. सेवाबाट हटाउने आदे श र भई पुन

सेवामा कायम रहन आएमा पाउने तलब, भ ा र सेवा अव ध कुनै कमचार लाई सेवाबाट हटाउने आदे श
र भई नज पुनः सेवामा कायम भएमा नजले कायालयमा उपि थत नभएको अव धको तलब, भ ा र
तलब बृ पाउनेछ । सो अव ध नजको सेवा अव धमा समेत गणना ग रनेछ ।

८१. तलबी फाराम

(१) येक आ थक वषको शु म हनामा आफ्ना कायालयमा कायरत कमचार को तलबी फाराम तयार
गन लगाई पा रत गनु कायालय मुखको कत य हुनेछ । तलबी फाराम पा रत नगराई तलब
खुवाउनु हुदैन ।
(२) तलबी फाराम पा रत गदा दे हायका कुराह यक न गनु पनछः
(क) कायालयको ला ग वीकृत दरव द ,
(ख) कायरत कमचार को नयुि प /रमाना प मा उ लेख भएको तलब भ ा र वा षक ड

बृ को ववरण ।
(३) य तो तलबी फाराम भा मसा तस ममा जनसाधन वभागमा समथनका ला ग पठाउनु पनछ ।
जनसाधन वभागले का तक मसा त भ छान बन गर समथन/सुधार गन स बि धत कायालयलाई
सूिचत गनु पनछ ।

८२. कमचार संचयकोष

(१) थायी कमचार ले खाईपाई आएको मा सक तलबको दश तशत रकम अ नवाय पले क ा गर
कमचार सं चय कोषमा ज मा ग रनेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम क ा भएको रकममा शत तशत ा धकरणले थप गर कमचार सं चय
कोषमा ज मा गर दनेछ ।
(३) संचय कोषमा रािखएको रकमको हसाव, याज र सापट को यव था स बि धत सं चय कोष
व नयमावल अनुसार हुनेछ ।

स ाइस सं शोधन ।
38 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
८३. ओभरटायम भ ा र खाजा खच
(१) कायालयको नधा रत दरव द पूत नभएको वा कमचार वदा वा अनुपि थत भएको अथवा थप काय
स पादन गनु पन अव था पन आएमा बढ अव ध काम गनु पन प ट कटान गर मु य शासक य
अ धकृत वा नजले तोकेको अ धकृतले कायालय समयभ दा बढ समय काम लगाउन स नेछ ।
(२) कायालय समय भ दा अिघ प छ वा सावज नक वदाको दनमा काम गरे वापत सहायक तरका
कमचार ले दे हाय बमोिजम ओभरटाइम भ ा पाउनेछः
(क) कायालय खुलेको दन नय मत समय भ दा बढ काम गरे वापत काम गरे ज त समयको
नम खाईपाई आएको तलब बराबरको रकम ।
(ख) श नवार वा अ य सावज नक वदाका दन काम गरे को समयको न म खाईपाई आएको
मा सक तलबको एक सय पचास तशत बराबरको रकम ।
(ग) दशै वा तहार वदामा कामको समयको न म खाईपाई आएको मा सक तलबको दुई सय
तशत बराबरको रकम ।
, (३) अ धकृत
133 134
तरका कमचार ले कायालय समयभ दा अिघ प छ वा सावज नक वदाको दनमा तीन
घ टा वा बढ अ त र समय काम गरे वापत सावज नक वदाका दन शु तलबको एक दनको
तलब बराबरको रकम र अ य दन आधा दनको तलब बराबरको रकम खाजा खच वापत पाउनेछ।
ु ीय हािजर
व त णाल लागू भएका कायालयको हकमा सावज नक वदाको दन बाहे क अ य दन
दै नक तीन घ टा भ दा कम अ त र समय काम गरे को भए य तो अव ध मा सक ज त घ टा
हु छ यसलाई ३ ले भाग गदा हुन आउने दन बराबर अ य दन सरह खाजा खच दइनेछ । तर
अतर समय गणना गदा त दन यू नतम एक घ टा अ त र समय काय गरे को हुनपु नछ ।
तर, दश वा तहार वदामा काम गन अ धकृत कमचार ले त दन शु तलबको एक दनको तलब
बराबर रकमको २०० (दुई सय) तशत रकम खाजा खच वापत पाउनेछ ।
(४) आकि मक अव था बाहे क मा थ उप- व नयम (१) अनु प काम लगाउन अ धकार ा त अ धकार को
पूव वीकृ त लनु पनछ र वीकृ त दं दा बजेटको प र ध भ रहनु पनछ ।
(५) अ त र समय काममा लगाउँदा गनु पन काय ट क टान गर स प न गनु पन अव ध समेत
एकि◌न गर काममा लगाउनु पनछ र अ त र समय काम गरे को भ ा खच ले नु पूव ग रएको
कायको ग त ववरण अ नवाय पले पेश गनु पनछ ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 39
प र छे द १०
अवकाश, उपदान र नवृि भरण

८४. अवकाश
(१) कमचार को उमेर अ ठाउ न वष पुरा भए प छ ा धकरणको सेवाबाट अ नवाय अवकाश पाउनेछ ।
तर तह १२ को पदमा पांच वष सेवा अव ध पुरा भएमा उमेर अ ठाउ न वष पुरा नभए प न अ नवाय
अवकाश पाउनेछ ।
(२) कमचार ा धकरणको काम काजको सल सलामा दुघटनामा पर असतm भएमा नज ा धकरणको
बहाल रहेको पदको ला ग अशतm छ/छै न न पण गन व नयम ९६ को उप- व नयम (१) को
मे डकल वोडले कमचार को अशतmताको मा ा हे र सेवाबाट अवकाश दनु पन अव था छ छै न
खुलाई सफा रस गनछ । सो मे डकल वोडको सफा रसको आधारमा यस व नयमावल अनुसार
पाउने सु वधा दई अ धकृत तरको कमचार को हकमा स म तले र सहायक तरको कमचार को
हकमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले सेवाबाट अवकाश दन स नेछ ।
(३) दे हायका कुनै अव थामा स म तले ा धकरणका कमचार लाई सेवाबाट अवकाश दन स नेछः
(क) स बि धत कमचार जुन पदमा बहाल रहे को छ सो पद नै ा धकरणलाई आव यक नभएमा र
सोह सेवा समूहको समान तरको पद ा धकरण भ र नभएमा,
(ख) स बि धत कमचार लाई ा धकरणको सेवामा राखी रहं दा ा धकरणको काम गन वातावरणमा
अवाि छत वा तकूल असर पन स ने प ट कारण खुलाई नणय भएमा ।
(४) उप- व नयम (३) अनुसार अवकाश स म तले मा दन स नेछ र स म तको नणय अि तम हुनछ
े ।
(५) उप- व नयम (३) को ख ड (क) बमोिजम अवकाश दं दा स बि धत कमचार लाई सो को कारण
खुलाई थप एक म हनाको तलब दइनेछ ।

८५. रािजनामा
(१) कमचार ले रािजनामा गन चाहे मा स बि धत कायालय मुख मापmत नयुि दने अ धकार सम
रािजनामा पेश गनु पनछ । रािजनामा वीकृत गन अ धकार नयुि दने अ धकार वा अ धकार
ा त अ धकार लाई हुनेछ ।
(२) कमचार ले व नयम ६५ को उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजम पुरा गनु पन सेवा अव ध समा त हुन ु अगावै
रािजनामा गन चाहे मा उ उप- व नयम बमोिजमको रकम बुझाउनु पनछ । यसर बुझाउनु पन
रकम नबुझाएमा नजको रािजनामा वीकृत नगर वभागीय कारवाह ग रनेछ ।

८६. वेि छक अवकाश

(१) वीस वष वा सो भ दा बढ सेवा अव ध पुरा गरे का र अ नवाय अवकाश पाउन आवेदन गरे को
म तबाट एक वष भ दा बढ सेवाव ध बांक रहे का कमचार ले वेि छक अवकाश लन चाहे मा
ा धकरणले वेि छक अवकाश दन स नेछ ।
(२) वेि छक अवकाश पाउने कमचार ले पचास हजार पया वा एक वषको खाईपाई आएको तलब जुन
बढ हु छ सो बराबरको रकम एकमु ट थप पाउनेछ ।
(३) ा धकरणलाई वेि छक अवकाश लन चाहने कमचार को सेवाको आव यकतालाई यानमा राखी
सहायक तरका कमचार को वेि छक अवकाश मु य शासक य अ धकृतले र अ धकृत तरका
कमचार को वेि छक अवकाश स म तले वीकृत गन स नेछ ।

40 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

८७. नवृ भरण
(१) म त २०६३/०४/०१ भ दा अगाडी थायी नयुि भई बीस वष वा सो भ दा बढ थायी
सेवा पुरा ग रसकेका कमचार ले सेवा नवृ भएप छ दे हाय बमोिजमको हसावले मा सक नवृ भरण
आजीवन पाउनेछः
ज मा नोकर वष × खाईपाई आएको मा सक तलब
मा सक नवृ भरण Ö .......................................................................
तर नवृत हुने कमचार को नवृ हुंदाको समयको मा सक नवृ भरण खाईपाई आएको तलब भ दा
वढ हुने छै न ।
(२) कमचार को तलबमानमा बृ हुंदा तलबको शु अ मा ज त बृ भएको छ यसको दुई तहाई
रकम समान तहका नवृ कमचार को नवृ भरण रकममा प न बृ ग रनेछ ।
(३) म त २०४९/०८/१२ अगाडी दे िख बहाल रहे का थायी कमचार अ ठाउ न वष उमेर पुरा भई वा
सेवा अव धको कारणले अ नवाय अवकाश पाउ◌ँदा नजको उमेर साठ वष पुरा हुन ज त अव ध
बांक छ सो अव ध समेत नजले गरे को ज मा नोकर अव धमा थप गर नवृ भरणको हसाव
ग रनेछ ।
(४) नवृत कमचार लाई नजको नवेदन अनुसार म◌ुख चाडपव भ दा अगाडी नजले खाईपाई
आएको एक म हनाको नवृि भरण बराबरको रकम चाडपव खच वापत दईनेछ । नवृि भरणको
प ामा नै नजले चाडपव खच लए न लएको उ लेख गनु पदछ ।
(५) १५ बष वा सो भ दा बढ सेवा अव ध पुगेको कुनै कमचार को मृ यू भएमा नजको से वा
अव धमा २० वष पु न ज त अव ध बां क छ य त अव ध थप गर नजको प रवारको इ छा अनुसार
नवृ भरण वा उपदान म ये कुनै एक रोजेर लन पाउनेछ ।
तर, यो उप- व नयम ार भ हुनभ
ु दा अगाडी मृ यू भइसकेका कमचार का प रवार र मत
२०६३/०४/०१ दे िख नयु भएका कमचार का हकमा यो यव था लागू हुने छै न ।

८८. उपदान
पांच वष वा सो भ दा बढ थायी सेवा गरे को र नवृ भरण पाउने अव ध नपुगेको थायी कमचार ले
अवकाश पाएमा वा रािजनामा वीकृत गराई सेवाबाट अलग भएमा दे हायका दरले उपदान पाउनेछः
(क) पांच वष दे िख दश वषस म सेवा गरे को कमचार ले आफूले काम गरे को येक वषको ला ग एक
म हनाका दरले खाईपाई आएको तलब अनुसार हुन आउने रकम ।
(ख) दश वष भ दा बढ प ध वष स म सेवा गरे को कमचार ले आपूmले काम गरे को येक वषको डेढ
म हनाको दरले खाईपाई आएको तलब अनुसार हुन आउने रकम ।
(ग) प वष भ दा बढ बीस वष भ दा कम सेवा गरे को कमचार ले आपूmले काम गरे को ये क वषको
दुई म हनाको दरले खाईपाई आएको तलब अनुसार हुन आउने रकम ।

चौथो संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 41
८९. अवकाश स ब धी वशेष यव था
(१) यस व नयमावल को व नयम ८७ र व नयम ८८ मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न म त
२०६३/०४/०१ दे िख नयुि भएको कमचार ले सो अनुसार उपदान तथा नवृ भरण पाउने
छै नन्। य ता कमचार लाई उपदान दने योजनको ला ग अवकाश कोष खडा ग रनेछ ।
(२) म त २०६३/०४/०१ दे िख नयुि भएका थायी कमचार ले खाईपाई आएको तलबको दश
तशत रकम अ नवाय पले क ी गर य त नै रकम ा धकरणले थप गर हुन आउने रकम
अवकाश कोषमा ज मा ग रनेछ ।
(३) यस उप- व नयम बमोिजम खडा भएको अवकाश कोषमा ज मा हुने रकमको यव थापन, स चालन,
कोष क ी गन या, उपदान योजनको ला ग कोष क ी रकमको भ ु ानी तथा कोष क ी
स ब धी अ य यव था स म तले नधारण गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।

९०. पा रवा रक वृि र उपदान

(१) कमचार को वधवा प नी वा वधुर प तले नजको प त वा प नी सेवामा छं दै वा नवृ भरण पाउन
थालेको सात वष नपु दै मृ यु भएमा नवृ भरण पाएको दन दे िख सात वष अव ध पु न बांक
अव धस मको ला ग व नयम ८७ को उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम नजले पाउने नवृ भरण बराबरको
पा रवा रक नवृ भरण पाउनेछ र सो सात वषको अव ध यतीत भएको म त दे िख जीवनभरस म
व नयम ८७ को उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजमकै नजले पाउने नवृ भरणको आधा रकम पाउनेछ ।
तर वधुर प त वा वधवा प नीले पुन ववाह गरे को ख डमा य तो नवृ भरण पाउने छै न ।
(२) मृत कमचार को नाबालक स तान भएमा र वधवा प नी वा वधुर प तको प हले नै मृ यू भईसकेको
रहेछ भने का छो स तानको उमेर अठार वष नपुगेस म मृत कमचार ले पाउने मा सक नवृ भरणको
दुई तहाई बराबरको रकम स त त वृि को पमा स तानको कानूनी सं र कले लन पाउनेछ ।
(३) कुनै थायी कमचार ा धकरणको कामको सल सलामा दुघटनामा पर सो को कारणबाट मृ यू
भएमा नजको वधवा प नी वा वधुर प तलाई दे हाय बमोिजमको छु ै आजीवन मा सक पा रवा रक
वृि समेत दइनेछः
तर वृि को मा सक दर ( .)
सहायक तर १,२००।००
अ धकृत तर १,५००।००
(४) भ ु ानी दने कायालय भएको िज ला बा हर थायी ठे गाना भएको मृतक कमचार को प रवारले
नवृ भरण वा उपदानको रकम लन आउं दा एक पटकको ला ग शु केलको एक म हनाको तलब
बराबरको थप रकम पाउनेछ ।
(५) ा धकरणको कामको सल सलामा कुनै कमचार दुघटनामा पर सो को कारणबाट नजको मृ यु
भएमा क रया खचवापत नजको हकवालाले पि चस हजार पया पाउनेछ ।
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140 141 142
(६) ा धकरणको कामको सल सलामा कमचार ( थायी, करार, याद , यालादार ) दुघटनामा
पर सो को कारणवाट मृ यु भएमा य ता कमचार का निजकको हकवालालाई मृत कमचार ले
खाईपाई आएको तीन वषको तलब बराबरको रकम वा . पांच लाख जुन वढ हु छ सो रकम

चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
आठ सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
42 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
आ थक सहायता दने वा मृतक कमचार को वधवा प नी वा वधुर प तलाई व नयम अनुसार उमेर र
शैि क यो यता पुगम
े ा एक तहको पदमा यालादार नयुि दइनेछ ।
तर वधुर प त वा वधवा प नीले नवृि भरण वा उपदान पाउने अव था भएमा यस कारको नयुि
ग रने छै न ।
(७) मा थ उप- व नयम ६ अनुसार दुघटनामा प र थायी पले अश भएको भ न अ पतालबाट
मािणत भएमा ा धकरणको मे डकल बोडको सफा रस समेतको आधारमा नज वा नजको आि त
प रवारलाई उप- व नयम ६ मा उ लेख भएको सु वधा उपल ध गराईनेछ ।
(८) कायालयको कामको सल सलामा दुघटना भई मृ यू हुने कमचार को दूघटना स वि ध तवेदन
तो कएको ढांचामा स वि धत कायालय मुख/ वभागीय मुखले यथाशी कमचार क याण
महाशाखामा पठाउनु पनछ ।

९१. अश वृि
व नयम ८४ को उप- व नयम (२) अनुसार अवकाश भएको कमचार ले िज वकाको न म नजको तहले
पाउने च लत तलबमानको शु केलको असी तशत रकम मा सक पमा आजीवन अशतm वृि
पाउनेछ ।

९२. नवृ भरण वा उपदानको नवेदन

(१) उमेरको वा सेवा अव धको कारणबाट अ नवाय अवकाश पाउने कमचार लाई अवकाश स ब धी
सूचना छ म हना अगावै दइनेछ । आ नो अवकाशको नधा रत म तको जानकार लनु स बि धत
कमचार को प न कत य हुनेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम सूचना ा त गन कमचार ले आफू अ नवाय अवकाश हुन ु भ दा दुई
म हना अगावै आफू बहाल रहेको कायालय मापmत जनसाधन वभागमा नवृ भरणको ला ग नवेदन
दनु पनछ ।
(३) कुनै प न कारणबाट सेवाबाट अलग भएको कमचार ले यसर सेवाबाट अलग भएको कायालय
माफत जनसाधन वभागमा नवृ भरण वा उपदानको ला ग उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजमको नवेदन
न दएको भए छु ै नवेदन दनु पनछ ।
(४) उप- व नयम (२) वा (३) बमोिजम नवेदन गन नपाउदै कुनै कमचार को मृ यू भएमा य तो मृतक
कमचार को निजकको हकवालाले नवेदन दनु पनछ ।

९३. उमेर हसाव
कमचार को उमेरको हसाव दे हाय बमोिजम ग रनेछः
(१) कमचार ले सेवामा वेश गदा पेश गरे को शैि क सं थाको माणप मा क टएको ज म म तवाट हुन
आएको उमेर वा नेपाल नाग रकताको माणप मा क टएको ज म म तवाट हुन आएको उमेर वा
नजले भरे को वैयि क नोकर ववरण ( सटरोल) मा लेिख दएको ज म म तवाट हुन आएको उमेर
म ये जुन उमेरवाट गणना गदा ५८ वष प हले आउं छ सोह लाई आधार मा न उमेरको हसाव
ग रनेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम १ (एक) अनुसार ज म म त नखुल वष वा सं वतमा उ ले ख भएको माणप को
आधारमा ज म म त कायम गदा दे हाय वमोिजम कायम ग रनेछ ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
आठ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 43
(क) शैि क सं थाको माणप को हकमा माणप जार भएको म तको आधारमा,
(ख) नाग रकताको माणप को हकमा माणप ा त गरे को म तको आधारमा,
(ग) वैयि क नोकर ववरण ( सटरोल) को हकमा शु भना भएको म तको आधारमा ।
(३) कुनै माणप मा वष वा साल मा उ लेख भएको र अक माणप मा पुरा ज म म त खुलेको
रहेछ र य तो माणप मा उ लेिखत ज म साल एउटै रहेछ भने पुरा ज म म त खुलेको
माणप लाई आधार मा नु पनछ ।
तर यसर छु ा छु ै माणप मा उ ले ख भएको ज म साल फरक भएमा जुन माणप वाट ज म
साल प हले आउं छ सोह माणप को आधारमा उप- व नयम (२) वमोिजम ज म म त कायम
ग रनेछ ।
ख ड (क) बमोिजम हसाब गदा ज म वष मा खुल म हना र गते नखुलेको अव थामा वा वष र
म हना खुल गते नखुलेमा वष खुल म हना नखुलेकोमा वैशाख १ गते र म हना मा खुल गते
नखुलेकोमा उ लेिखत म हनाको १ गते कायम गर उमेरको हसाव ग रनेछ ।

९४. नवृ भरण वा उपदान रो ा गन तथा नपाउने अव था

(१) व नयम ८७ र व नयम ८८ मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न बरबुझारथ गनु पन कमचार ले
बरबुझारथ नगरे स म य तो कमचार को नवृ भरण वा उपदान रो ा ग रनेछ ।
(२) दे हायका अव थामा कमचार ले उपदान वा नवृ भरण पाउने छै नः
(क) भ व यमा ा धकरणको सेवाको न म अयो य ठह रने गर वखा त ग रएको ।
(ख) ा धकरणमा सेवा पाउने वा सेवामा बहाल रहने उ े यले नाग रकता वा उमेर वा यो यता
ढांटेको मािणत हुन आएमा ।
तर दे हाय बमोिजमको रकम पाउन वाधा प◌ु ने छै न ।
(अ) यसै व नयमावल अनुसार कमचार ले सं िचत गरे को वदा वापतको रकम र
साव धक जीवन वमा वापतको रकम,
(आ) व नयम ८९ बमोिजम उपदान पाउने कमचार ले उ कोषमा नजको तलबबाट क ी
ग रएको कुल रकम र सो वापत पाकेको याज समेतको रकम ।
(३) स य कोष र वीमा बाहे क अ य कुनै सु वधा नपाउनेM
(क) यस व नयमावल मा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न व नयम १२७(२)(उ)(ग)
बमोिजम से वाबाट बखा त भएको कमचार ले व नयम ८२ बमोिजमको कमचार स य कोषको
रकम र व नयम ९८(ख) बमोिजमको वीमाबाट ा रकम मा पाउनेछ। सो बाहे क अ य
कुनै सु वधा पाउने छै न।
(ख) व नयम १२६ (ख) (२) बमोिजमको ववरणबाट कुनै कमचार को सगोलको प त वा प ीले
थायी आवासीय अनुमती ा गरे को दे िखएमा थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएको य तो
कमचार को प त वा प ीले व नयम ८२ बमोिजमको कमचार स य कोषको रकम र व नयम
९८ (ख) बमोिजमको वीमाबाट ा रकम मा पाउने छ । सो बाहे क अ य कुनै सु वधा
पाउने छै न।

आठ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
उन तीस सं शोधन ।

44 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

प र छे द ११
उपचार खच र अ य सु वधा

९५. उपचार खच
(१) ा धकरणका कमचार वा नजको प रवारको उपचारको ला ग येक आ थक वषमा एक म हनाको
तलब बराबरको रकम उपचार खच वापत दईनेछ ।
तर पर णकालमा रहे का कमचार को हकमा पर णकाल समा त भएप छ मा पर णकाल
अव धको समेत उपचार खच दईनेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको उपचार खच लन बल भपाई अथवा खचको ववरण पेश गनु पन छै न
र य तो उपचार खच सं िचत हुने छै न ।
(३) उप- व नयम (१) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न म त २०५४/१०/०३ भ दा अगावै
ा धकरणको सेवामा कायरत थायी कमचार एवं नजको प रवारको उपचारको ला ग नोकर
अव धभर न नानुसारको उपचार खच दईनेछः
तह ८ र सो भ दा मा थलाई १५ म हनाको तलब बराबर ।
तह ६ र ७ लाई १७ म हनाको तलब बराबर ।
तह ५ लाई १९ म हनाको तलब बराबर ।
तह १ दे िख ४ स मलाई २१ म हनाको तलब बराबर ।
(४) उप- व नयम (३) बमोिजमको उपचार खचको ला ग नवेदन दने कमचार लाई येक आ थक
वषमा एक म हनाको खाईपाई आएको तलब बराबरको रकम मा दइनेछ ।
तर दे हायको अव थामा दे हाय बमोिजमको रकम पे क दन स कनेछ ।
(क) उपचार खच वढ ला ने भई कमचार ले एक वषमा एक म हनाको तलव भ दा वढ रकम
पे क को पमा माग गरे मा कारण मना सब दे िखए नजले सं िचत गरे को औषधी उपचार रकम
म येबाट बढ मा ७५ तशत स मको रकम पे क व प पाउन स नेछ ।
(ख) औषधी उपचार खच सं िचत नहुने कमचार को हकमा नजले पाउने तलब भ ाबाट क ा गन
गर बढ मा तीन म हनास मको तलब बराबरको रकम पे क व प दन स कनेछ ।
(५) भ व यमा सेवाको नम अयो य ठह रने गर वखा त भएको अव थामा वाहे क अ जुनसुकै
कारणवाट दश वष नोकर अव ध पुगेका कमचार ले नोकर वाट अलग हुंदा उप- व नयम (३)
बमोिजमको उपचार खच सं िचत रा ने कमचार ले सेवामा रहँदा लएको उपचार खच क ा गर वांक
रकम पाउनेछ । ा धकरणको कुनै कमचार दश वषको सेवा अव ध नपु दै भ व यमा सेवाको
नम अयो य ठह रने गर वखा त भएको अव थामा वाहे क अ जुनसुकै कारणवाट दश वष नोकर
अव ध पुगेका कमचार ले नोकर वाट अलग भएमा प न दश वषको नोकर अव ध मानी यसको
दामासाह ले हुने औष ध उपचार खच पाउनेछ । बीस वष सेवा अव ध पुरा गर अवकाश पाएका
कमचार लाई य तो पाउन बाँक रहन आएको रकममा पाँच तशत थप र प चीस वष पुरा गरे को
भए दश तशत थप गर हुन आउने रकम दईनेछ ।
(६) ा धकरणको कुनै प न कमचार से वावाट अलग हुँदा नजले उपचार खच लई सकेको रहे छ भने
नज पुनः ा धकरणको से वामा नयुि भएमा उपचार खच पाउने छै न ।

चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 45
(७) वा य उपचारको ि टकोणले यादै नै पछ डएको भ न तो कएको िज लाका कमचार लाई लागेको
रोग थानीय वा य सु वधाबाट उपचार हुन नस ने र नजको यानलाई नै जोिखम हुने अव था
परे को छ भ न सो िज लाको वा य के /अ पतालको मुखले सफा रस गरे मा उपचारको ला ग
यस ठाउं बाट सबभ दा निजकको नेपाल अ धरा य भ को अ कुनै अ पतालमा लै जांदा ला ने खच
ा धकरणले यहोन छ ।
(८) म त २०५४/१०/०३ भ दा अिघ अ थायीबाट थायी नयु भएका कमचार ले अ थायी हुं दा
लएको औषधोपचार रकम पुरै गणना ग रनेछ ।

९६. कडा रोग लागी वदे श वा वदे शमा उपचार गराउनु पदा
(१) कुनै थायी कमचार लाई ख ड (अ) मा उ लेख भएको रोग ला ग वदे श वा वदे शमा गई उपचार
गनु पन भएमा ख ड (आ) मा यव था भएको मे डकल बोडको सफा रसमा व नयम ९५ वमोिजम
पाउने उपचार खचको अ त र थप आ थक सहायता व प स चालक स म तले वढ मा ३ लाख
पै यास म पे क दन स नेछ ।
(अ) रोगका कारः
(क) Kidney Failure (chronic renal failure) भई डाइलो सस गनु परे मा वा मृगौला यारोपण
गनुपरे मा,
(ख) अवुद रोग भएमा (Malignent cancer) वा Brain Tumor भई श य या गनुपरे मा,
(ग) मुटुको रोग ला ग श य या गनुपरे मा वा याथलर व धबाट उपचार गनुपरे मा
(आ) मे डकल बोडको यव थाः
क) उप-कायकार नदशक, शासन —अ य
ख) मु य शासक य अ धकृतले तोकेको िच क सक —सद य
ग) मु य शासक य अ धकृतले तोकेको स वि धत रोगको वशेष —सद य
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम थप आ थक सहायता पाउनको ला ग वरामी कमचार ले आफूलाई
लागेको रोगको जानेस मको ववरण खोल िच क सकको सफा रस साथ आ नो कायालय माफत
वभागीय मुख सम नवेदन दनु पनछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम परे को नवेदन उप- व नयम (१) को ख ड (आ) बमोिजमको मे डकल
बोडमा पेश गन स बि धत वभागीय मुखले आ नो सफा रस स हत जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु
पनछ ।
(४) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम दइने आ थक सहायता पे क को पमा दइनेछ र उपचार गराई फक
आएप छ कायालयमा हािजर भएको पत◌ीस दन भ बल भपाइ र बांक रकम समेत बुझाई
फछयौट गनुपनछ । यसर आ थक सहायता पे क लने कमचार को उपचार हुंदा हुंदै मृ यू भएमा
उ पे क रकम मनाहा हुनछ
े ।
(५) थप आ थक सहायताको समाः
(क) उप- व नयम १ को ख ड (अ) मा उ ले ख भएको रोग ला ग उपचार गराउने कमचार ले
उपचार गराउँदा खच भएको बल (रकम) र िे सनको आधारमा शु मा बमाबाट दावी
गनुपन र दावी अनुसार बमाबाट ा त रकम कटाएर नपुग भएमा मे डकल बोडको
सफा रसमा थप आ थक सहायता वापतको . ३,००,०००।0० म ये नजले लएको पे क
रकम क ा गनु पनछ ।

सातौ संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
46 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ख) माथी ख ड (क) मा उ लेख भए अनुसार वमा दावी गर ा त रकम र थप आ थक
सहायतावापत लएको पे क रकमले प न उपचार खच नपुग भएमा िच क सकको े सन र
वलको आधारमा मे डकल बोडको सफा रसमा बढ मा . २,००,०००।0० स म
ा धकरणले थप भ ु ानी दन स नेछ ।

९७. बाटो खच र वरामी कु वा खच

कुनै कमचार ले व नयम ९९ मा उ लेख भए बमोिजमको अव थामा आ नो घर वा डेरा छाडी अक
िज लामा वा वदे शमा गई औष ध उपचार गराउनु परे मा य तो थानस म पु दाको र फकदाको वरामीको
र कु वा चा हने अव था भए एक जना कु वा स मको यातायात खचको पुरै रकम र खाना खच वापत
नज वरामी कमचार ले नयमानुसार पाउने दै नक भ ाको पचह र तशत रकम थप पाउनेछ ।

९८. बीमा
सामु हक दुघटना बीमाः दुघटनामा पर मृ यु वा अं गभं ग भएको अव थामा सवै कमचार ह को
. २,२५,०००।०० बराबरको सामु हक दुघटना बीमा ग रनेछ ।
य तो बीमा गदा उ सीमामा नब ने गर कमचार तथा नजको प रवार बरामी भई
अ पताल/न सङ होम भना भएमा . ५५,०००। स मको औषधी उपचार सु वधालाई समेत समावेश
गन स कनेछ ।
(ख) साव धक जीवन बीमाः
(अ) ा धकरणका कमचार ह को तीन वष छ म हनाको शु तलब बराबरको रकमको
साव धक जीवन बीमा ग रनेछ ।
156 157
¸ (आ) थायी सेवा २० वष पुरा गर नवृ भरण पाउने गर सेवावाट अलग हुने, सेवा
अव धवाट अ नवाय अवकास पाउने कमचार र साव धक जीवन वीमा भई सकेको कुनै
कमचार को मृ यु भएमा वीमा वापत ा त हुने वोनस स हतको सवै रकम उपल ध गराइने
छ। बीमावाट ा त हुने वोनस वाहे कको रकम तीन वष छ म हनाको खाईपाई आएको तलब
वरावर हुने रकम भ दा कम भएमा नपुग रकम ा धकरणले थप गर भ ु ानी दनेछ ।
तर नवृ भरण नभई उमेरको हदले अ नवाय अवकाश हुने कमचार र व नयम ९४ (२)
अनुसार सेवा मु हुने कमचार को हकमा भने वमाबाट ा त हुने रकम मा दईनेछ ।
(इ) कुनै कमचार नवृ भरण नहुँदै र बीमा अव ध प न समा त नहुँदै सेवावाट वे छाले अलग
भएमा बीमावाट ा त समपण मू य वरावरको रकम मा उपल ध गराईनेछ । ा धकरणवाट
थप रकम उपल ध गराईने छै न । तर नजले आफै बीमा नर तर गन चाहे मा सो अवसर
दईनेछ ।
(ई) थायी नयुि भएका कुनै कमचार को जीवन बीमा नहुँदै मृ यू भएमा तीन वष छ
म हनाको शु तलब वरावरको रकम ा धरणवाट दईनेछ ।
159 160
(उ) थायी नयुि हुने ५ (पाँच) वष भ दा कम सेवा अव ध बाँक रहे का कमचार को
साव धक जीवन वमा ग रने छै न ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
च तीस सं शोधन ।
चौथो संशोधन ।
च तीस सं शोधन ।
च तीस सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 47
य ता कमचार लाई सेवाबाट अलग हुने समयमा नजले काम गरे को एक वष सेवाको एक
म हनाको खाईपाई आएको तलबको दरले हुन आउने रकम साव धक जीवन वमावापतको
सु वधा ा धकरणले भ ु ानी दनेछ ।
, (ऊ) बमा अव ध पुरा भई बमा वापतको स पूण रकम
161 162
ा धकरणमा फता हुने कमचार को
बमाबाट ा त रकम स बि धत कमचार लाई त काल उपल ध गराईनेछ ।
(ए) ा धकरणबाट साव धक जीवन वमा ग रएको कमचार ह लाई जीवन वमा गन
क पनीबाट उपल ध गराउने ऋणमा कमचार को नाममा ज मा भएको बोनस समेतको
रकमस मको ऋण लने योजनका ला ग ा धकरणबाट वमा क पनीलाई जमानत उपल ध
गराउन स कनेछ ।
(ऐ) ........खारे ज ग रएको ।

९९. कामको सल सलामा दुघटना परे मा पाउने सु वधा

(१) कायालयको कामको सल सलामा कमचार लाई चोटपटक ला न गई सेवाबाट अवकाश लनुपन
नभए ताप न सो चोट पटकको कारणबाट नजको मता उपयोगमा बाधा पन भएमा य तो
कमचार लाई लागेको चोटपटकको अव थाको वचार गर नजले खाईपाई आएको तलबको अि तम
केलस मको तलब बृ दन वा मे डकल बोडको सफा रशमा ३ दे खी ६ म हनास मको शु
केलको तलव बरावरको एकमु ट रकम आ थक सहायता दन स कनेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको चोटपटकको उपचार गराउन आव यक पन अव धभरको नम
कमचार ले कुनै प न सं िचत वदाबाट वदा क ा नहुने गर पुरा तलब स हतको बढ मा छ म हना थप
वरामी वदा पाउनेछ ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम उपचार गराउं दा लागेको उपचार खचको शत तशत रकम ा धकरणले
यहोनछ । यसर ग रएको उपचार खच व नयम ९५ को उप- व नयम (१) र (३) बमोिजम पाउन
स ने उपचार खचमा क ा हुने छै न ।
(४) कुनै कमचार लाई जानाजान आप्mनै ग भीर लापरवाह बाट चोटपटक लागेको कारणले अं गभं ग
भएकोमा यस व नयम बमोिजम सु वधा पाउने छै न ।
, (५)
166 167
कुनै कमचार दुघटनामा परे मा स वि धत कायालयले अव था हेर उपचाराथ आव यक
रकम कायालय मुखको अ धकार भ रहे र त काल पेि क व प उपल ध गराउनु पनछ र
तो कएको ढांचामा दुघटनाको तवेदन यथाशी कमचार क याण महाशाखामा पठाउनु पनछ ।

१००. थानीय भ ा, आवास सु वधा र अ य भ ा

(१) थानीय भ ाः
(क) मा सक थानीय भ ाको योजनको ला ग अनुसूची–१४ अनुसार े व गकरण ग रएको छ ।

सातौ संशोधन ।
चौध संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौध संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
48 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ख) ख ड (क) को योजनको ला ग अनुसूची–१५ अनुसार थानीय भ ा कायम ग रएको छ ।
(२) आवास सु वधा र अ य भ ाः
थायी कमचार लाई अनुसूची–१६ बमोिजमको आवास सु वधा र अ य भ ा दइनेछ । ा धकरणको
आवास उपभोग ग ररहे का कमचार लाई आवास सु वधा दइने छै न ।

१०१.रा ी िश ट भ ा
ु उ पादन के
व त , ड, सव टे शन तथा ाहक सेवा स ब धी कामको ला ग नय मत पबाट
दै नक िश टमा बसी काम गन तो कएका तह १ दे िख तह ६ स मका कमचार ह लाई राती १० बजे दे िख
बहान ६ बजेको अव ध भ मा मा सक क तीमा ७ दन काम गरे वापत त िश टको . १०००|-
िश ट भ ा दइनेछ ।

१०२.कठ न काय भ ा
दे हायको अव थामा काम गन कमचार लाई पाउने तलबमा न नानुसार थप रकम कठ न काय भ ा
(क) तापीय ु उ पादन के
व त को ईि जन वा जेनेरेटर क भ उ च ताप वा उ च वनीको
वातावरणमा रह स ट वा मेि टने समा काम गन ा व धक कमचार लाई तलवको पचास तशत ।
ु के
(ख) जल व त को टवाइन, मेिशन क वा क ोल म वा इ टे क वा रजभ वायर े मा स ट
वा मेि टने समा काम गन ा व धक कमचार लाई तलवको तीस तशत ।
ु उ पादन के
(ग) मा थ (क) र (ख) मा उ लेिखत तापीय व त ु के को कायालयमा
र जल व त
काम गन अ य कमचार लाई तलबको मशः पि चस तशत र प तशत ।
(घ) दश हजार फट भ दा मा थको उचाईमा काम गनु पन कमचार लाई नजले पाउने तलबको प चीस
तशत ।
(ङ) उदयपुर समे ट उ ोगको धुवांबाट भा वत भई काम गनु पन सव टे शनका कमचार लाई नजले
पाउने तलबको प चीस तशत ।
(च) हे ट डा ीड महाशाखा र हे टौडा सव टे शनका कमचार ह हेटौडा डजेल के को ताप र
वनीका कारण भा वत भई काम गनु पन भएकोले तलबको २५ तशत ।
(छ) उप- व नयम (क) र (ख) बमोिजमको सु बधा स बि धत कायालय मुखले काम तोकेको आधारमा
काय गन कमचार लाई मा दइने छ ।

१०३.अनकल भ ा
(१) ु उ पादन,
व त सारण एवं वतरण र णाल नय ण कायमा कामकाज गन तो कएका
कमचार ह लाई न नानुसारको अनकल भ ा दइनेछः
तह अनकल भ ा
अ धकृत तर तह ९ र ८ . १०००।०० त म हना
अ धकृत तर तह ७ र ६ . ७००।०० त म हना
(२) अनकल सेवाको ला ग कमचार ह लाई न नानुसार कामकाज तो कनेछः

एकतीसौ सं शोधन ।
दो ो सं शोधन ।
सातौ संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 49
(क) व त
ु उ पादन के र सव टे शन स चालन (अपरे शन) को काय गन तह ६ दे िख ९ स मको
कुनै एक तहको कुनै एक ा व धक कमचार ।
(ख) ३३ के.भी. र ११ के.भी. सव टे शनको सम वय र नय णको साथै स चालन स भार काम
ु वतरण सेवाको ला ग अनकल
गन भ न तो कएको वा व त युट गन तो कएको तह ६ दे िख
९ स मको कुनै एक ा व धक कमचार ।
तर यो उप- व नयमको योजनको ला ग एक ठाउं मा एक भ दा बढ कमचार लाई कामकाज
तो न पाईने छै न ।

१०४.नगद भ ा
172 173
, काउ टरमा बसी ु महशुल वु ने आय तफका कमचार ह लाई मा सक
ाहकबाट व त .५००।-
नगद भ ा दइनेछ ।

ु उपयोग सु वधा
१०५. व त
थायी कमचार ( ा धकरणको आवास योग गन थायी कमचार समेत) लाई सु खायाम (मं सर-वैशाख)
मा ७५ यु नट र वषायाम (जे ठ-कात क) मा १२५ यु नट ु उपयोग सु वधा
त म हना नःशू क व त
दईनेछ ।

१०६. पोशाक भ ा
, (१) कमचार ह लाई
175 176
येक आ थक वषमा एक पटक पोशाक भ ा . ७,५००।०० र उ च
हमाल िज लाह (रसुवा¸ डो पा¸ हु ला¸ काल कोट र मुग)ु थीत कायालयह मा कायरत
कमचार ह लाई . १५¸०००।०० दईनेछ ।
(२) कमचार को तर, कामको कृ त हे र रङ, डजाईन र पोशाकको तर म◌ु य शासक य अ धकृतले
तो नेछ ।
(३) पोशाक सु बधा पाउने कमचार ले आफू काम गन कायालय समयमा अ नवाय पमा तो कएको
पोशाक लगाउनु पनछ ।
(४) पोशाक सु वधा पाउने कमचार ले कायालय समयमा तो कएको पोशाक लगाए/नलगाएको
अनुगमनको यव था स वि धत वभा गय मुख/कायालय मुखले गनु पनछ ।

१०७.टे लफोन सु वधा

(१) दे हायका कमचार लाई नज कायरत रहे को ठाउँको आवासमा एउटा टे लफोन जडान गन ला ने
धरौट र अ य खच तथा टे लफोन महसुल वापत मा सक दे हाय बमोिजमको रकम सोधभना दईनेछः
अ तरदे शीय अ तरा य ं कल
पदा धकार थानीय कल
(एस. ट. ड.) (आई.एस. ट. ड.)
कायालयको काममा योग
मु य शासक य अ धकृत बल अनुसार बल अनुसार
भएको बल अनुसार
उप-कायकार नदशक बल अनुसार बल अनुसार कायालयको काममा योग

चौथो सं शोधन ।
एकतीसौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
छि बस सं शोधन ।
ए काईस सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
50 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
भएको बल अनुसार
नदशक/ े ीय नदशक/आयोजना नदशक ४५० कल .५००।० –
ब धक/सह- नदशक ३०० कल .४००।० –
तह १० भ दा मु नको कायालय मुख र
काय कृ तको आधारमा मु य
यू नतम कल – –
शासक य अ धकृतले उपयु ठानेको
अ धकृत
तर मोबाइल सु वधा पाउने कमचार ले अ तरदे िशय (एस. ट. ड.) सु वधा पाउने छै न ।
(२) टे लफोन जडान वापत ा धकरणले बुझाएको धरौट रकम कमचार ले जुनसुकै कारणबाट
ा धकरणबाट अवकाश पाए प न ा धकरणलाई बुझाएमा सो टे लफोनको वा म व ा धकरणले नज
कमचार मा नामसार गर दनेछ ।

१०८.सवार सु वधा
(१) तह १० र सो भ दा मा थका पदा धकार ह लाई कायालय आउन जान र कायालयको कामको
योजनको ला ग सवार सु वधा दईनेछ ।
(२) कायालयको कामको कृ त हे र मु य शासक य अ धकृतले अ य कमचार लाई सवार सु वधा दन
स नेछ ।

१०९. ो साहन भ ा र ो साह पुर कार

(१) आयोजना तथा कायालयमा हा सल गनु पन ग तको ल य ा ी, नधा रत अव ध भ भएको काय
स पादन र काम कारवाह को गुण तर समेतको मू या न गर स म तले तजुमा गरे को नी त तथा
या अनुसार कमचार लाई ो साहन भ ा दन स नेछ ।
(२) उ कृ ट काम गन बढ मा प जना कमचार लाई ा धकरणको वा षको सवको उपल यमा ो साह
पुर कार दान गन स कनेछ । अनुसूची–१७ मा नधा रत ढांचामा कायालय मुखले उ कृ ट एवं
अनुकरणीय काम गन कमचार लाई पुर कृत गन आफ्ना उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालय मापmत
सफा रस पठाउनु पनछ ।
(३) ो साह पुर कार सफा रस गनका ला ग दे हाय बमोिजमको ो साह पुर कार सफा रस स म त
मु य शासक य अ धकृत - अ य
उप-कायकार नदशकह (सबै) - सद य
जनसाधन वभागका नदशक - सद य सिचव
(४) ो साह पुर कार सफा रस स म तको सफा रसको आधारमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले शंसा-प
र .२५,०००।०० स म नगद पुर कार दन स नेछ ।

प ौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 51
प र छे द १२

११०.दान, उपहार, च दा वा आ थक सहायता लन नहुने

ा धकरणको काममा कुनै कारको तकूल असर पन गर वा कुनै प पातपूण काम गन गर कमचार ले
स म तको पूव वीकृ त बना आफूले वा आफ्ना प रवारको कुनै सद यले कसैबाट कुनै कारको दान
दात य, कोसेल वा उपहार वीकार गन वा च दा वा आ थक सहायता लनु हुदैन ।

१११. यापार यवसाय वा नोकर गन नहुने
कमचार ले स म तको पूव वीकृत◌ी वेगर कुनै यापार यवसाय गन वा फमको ह सेदार ब न वा अ य
कुनै कारको नोकर वीकार गन हुंदैन । ा धकरणको काय े तथा स बि धत कमचार को िज मेवार मा
तकूल असर नपन भएमा ५ बष थायी सेवा अव ध पुरा भएका कमचार म ये सहायक तरका
कमचार को हकमा उप-कायकार नदशकले र अ धकृत तर तह ६ दे िख तह ९ स मलाई मु य
शासक य अ धकृतले र सो भ दा मा थ स म तले वीकृ त दन स नेछ ।
ु क पनीको सं थापक शेयर धनी हुन वभागीय वीकृ त दइने छै न ।
तर जल व त

११२. लिखत वा समाचार काशन गनमा तब ध

(१) कमचार लाई आ नो पे शागत वषयमा अ ययन, अनुस धान गन ा धकरणले ो साहन गनछ । यस
सल सलामा कमचार ले सं कलन गरे को ा धकरणसँग स बि धत त या ववरण आ द मु य
शासक य अ धकृतको वीकृ त लई काशनमा याउन स नेछ ।
(२) कुनै प न कमचार ले मु य शासक य अ धकृत वा आफ्ना नकटतम सुप रवे कको वीकृ त न लई
आ नो कत य पालन गदा आफूले लेखेको वा सं कलन गरे को कुनै लिखत वा समाचार ा धकरणको
हतमा तक◌ुल हुने गर य वा अ य पले अन धकृत यि वा ेसलाई दनु हुदैन ।
(३) उप- व नयम (२) को कुरा कमचार ले जुनसुकै कारणबाट ा धकरणको सेवाबाट अवकास प छ प न
पालना गनु पनछ ।

ँ स बध
११३.आम संचार मा यम वा अदालतसग
(१) 180
कमचार ले आ नो बा त वक वा का प नक नाममा ा धकरणको हत वा ा धकरणले अपनाएको
नी तको व वा कुनै सावज नक लाभको पदमा रहेका अ धकार को ँ पु ने ग र कुनै
त ठामा आच
प न स चारका मा यमबाट जुनसुकै कारले समाचार सूचना र लेख काशन गन र यस कारको
सूचनाको सँ ेषण गन गराउन समेत हुँदैन ।
(२) कमचार ले आ नो पद य कामको स ब धमा कुनै यि ारा लगाइएको झु ा आरोपको सफाईको
नम े वा अदालतको सहारा लनु पदा मु य
स शासक य अ धकृतको वीकृ त लनु पनछ ।
मु य शासक य अ धकृतले वीकृ त दएमा अदालत जाँदा आउँ दाको खच ा धकरणले यहोनछ ।
तर कमचार को आ नो यि गत काम अथवा च र को स ब धमा सफाई दन वीकृ त लनु पन
छै न ।

सातौ संशोधन ।
ते ीस सं शोधन ।

52 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

११४.समय पालन र नय मतता
कमचार ले आफूलाई पद थापना वा स वा ग रएको वा काज खटाइएको कायालय वा थानमा नधा रत
समयमा नय मत पले हािजर भई कामकाज गनु पनछ ।

११५.राजनी तमा भाग लन नहुने

कमचार ले राजनी तक दलको सद यता लनु हुँदैन । राजनी तक दलह ले स चालन गरे को राजनै तक
याकलापमा सहभागी ब नु हुँदैन ।

११६. नवाचनमा भाग लन नहुने

कमचार ले कुनै प न राजनै तक पदको ला ग हुने नवाचनमा भाग लन र कसै को न म मत मा न वा कुनै
कारबाट भाव पन गर राजनी तक चार सार गनु गराउनु हुदैन । तर च लन कानून बमोिजम
आफूले पाएको मतदानको अ धकार योग गन बाधा पन छै न ।

११७. दशन र हडताल गन नहुने

कमचार ले नेपाल अ धरा यको सावभौम स ा, अख डता, शाि त सुर ा वा वैदेिशक स ब धमा खलल पन
गर , सावज नक मयादाको वप रत हुने गर , अदालतको नणयको अपहे लना हुने गर , व भ न जातजा त,
धम, वग, े र स दायका मा नसह बीच वै मन य उ प न गराउने वा सा दा यक दुभावना फैलाउने
गर वा कुनै अपराधलाई य हुने गर दशन गन, हडताल गन वा हडतालमा भाग लन वा सो उ े यले
अ लाई उ साउनु हुदैन ।

११८.हडताल, थुनछे क तथा घेराउ गनमा तब ध

कमचार ले आ नो र अ य कुनै प न कायालय वा कमचार लाई कानून ारा नधा रत कत य पुरा गनमा
बाधा वरोध हुने गर हडताल, कलम ब द, थुनछे क वा घेराउ गनु वा शार रक वा मान सक उ पीडन
हुने गर दवाब दन वा सो गन उ े यले अ लाई उ साउनु समेत हुदैन ।

११९. त न ध व गनमा तब ध
ा धकरणको कायको सल सलामा कमचार ले आफूलाई मका परे को वषयमा आपैmले वा वारे स ारा
स बि धत नकाय वा अ धकार सम नवेदन दन बाहेक अ यि वा समूहको तपmबाट तनध व
गनु हुदैन ।
तर नेपाल सरकारबाट मा यता ा त कमचार को सं थाको तपmबाट ग रने त न ध व र कमचार ह को
पद य दा य वको आधारमा गनु पन कुनै काय गन बाधा पन छै न ।

१२०.बा हर भाव पान नहुने

कमचार ले आ नो सेवा स ब धी कायमा आ नो वाथ सा य गन अ य कमचार मा थ अवा छनीय भाव
पान अथवा पान य न गनु हुदैन ।

कमचार ले ा धकरणको कामसँग स ब ध भएको कुनै वा य यि सँग सापट लन वा नजको आ थक
कृत तामा पन काय गनु हुदैन । तर बक तथा य तै अ य व ीय सं थासँग लेनदे न गन बाधा पन छै न ।

१२२.बहु ववाह, बाल ववाह र अनमेल ववाहमा तब ध

कमचार ले मुलक ऐनको बहेवार को महलको वप रत हुने गर बहु ववाह, बाल ववाह वा अनमेल ववाह
गनु, गराउनु हु◌ंदैन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 53
१२३.सं थाको सद यता
कमचार ले ा धकरणको पूव वीकृ त वेगर च लत कानून बमोिजम दता भएको आ नो पे शागत हक हत
वा काय सत स बि धत सं था र सामािजक सं घ सं था बाहे क अ य सं घ सं थाको सद यता ा त गनु

१२४.अनुशासन र आ ापालन
(१) कमचार ले आ नो काम कत य इमा दार र त परता साथ पालना गनु पनछ ।
(२) कमचार ले आ नो कायालयको काम स ब धी कुरामा आफू भ दा मा थका अ धकृतले दएको आदे श,
नदशन अनुशा सत भई पालना गनु पनछ ।
(३) कमचार ले सबै कमचार ह त िश ट यवहार गनु पनछ ।
(४) ा धकरणका कमचार ले कायालयमा मादक वा लागुपदाथ सेवन गन वा सेवन गर कायालयमा
आउन हुंदैन ।

१२५. ा धकरणको अ हत हुने काय गन नहुने

ा धकरणको हत व हुने कुनै काय गनु हुदैन र ा धकरणका सबै ाहक वा स बि धत अ य
यि सँग काम कारवाह वा कुराकानी गदा िश ट यवहार गनु पनछ ।

१२६. स पि ववरण पेश गनु पन
ा धकरणमा कायरत कमचार ले ये क आ थक वष समा त भएको म तले साठ दन भ र नयां नयु
हुने कमचार ले नयुि पाएको साठ दन भ स वि धत उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालय माफत
कायकार नदशक सम अनुसूची–१८ बमोिजमको स पि को ववरण पेश गनु पनछ ।

१२६क. थायी आवासीय अनुम त लन नहुने
कुनै प न कमचार ले वदे शी मुलक
ु को थायी आवासीय अनुमती लन वा य तो अनुमती ा गनको ला ग
आवेदन दनु हुदैन।

१२६ख. वयम् घोषणा गर ववरण पेश गनु पनः
१) यो व नयम ार भ हुन अिघ थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएको वा य तो अनुमतीका ला ग आवेदन
दएको कमचार ले यो व नयम ार भ भएको म तले तीस दन भ सोको वयम् घोषणा गर दे हाय
बमोिजमको ववरण आफु कायरत कायालयमा पेश गनु पनछः
क) आ नो नाम, थर, से वा, समूह, उपसमूह र हालको पद।
ख) थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएको वा य तो अनुमती ा गनको ला ग आवेदन दएको भए
सोको म त।
ग) ु को नाम।
स बि धत वदे शी मुलक
घ) आफुले लएको थायी आवासीय अनुमती प र याग गन वा य तो अनुमतीको ला ग दएको
आवेदन र गराउन इ छु क भए नभएको।

सातौ संशोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
उन तीस सं शोधन ।
उन तीस सं शोधन ।
54 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
२) कुनै कमचार को सगोलको प त वा प ीले थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएको भएमा यो व नयम
ार भ भएको म तले ३० दन भ स वि धत कमचार ले आफु कायरत कायालयमा उप- व नयम
(१) बमोिजमको ववरण पेश गनु पनछ।
३) उप व नयम (१) वा (२) बमोिजमको ववरण ा भएको म तले १५ दन भ स वि धत
कायालयले सोको जानकार जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु पनछ ।

१२६ग. जानकार दन स कनेः
१) व नयम १२६क. वप रत कुनै कमचार ले थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएको जानकार कसैलाई ा
भएमा य तो यि ले सो जानकार स बि धत कायालय वा जनसाधन वभागमा दन स नेछ।
२) उप व नयम (१) बमोिजमको जानकार कुनै कायालयमा ा हुन आएमा स बि धत कायालयले
य तो जानकार ा भएको म तले सात दन भ जनसाधन वभागमा पठाउनु पनछ।
३) उप व नयम (१) वा (२) बमोिजम वा अ य कुनै ोतबाट कुनै कमचार ले थायी आवासीय अनुमती
लएको वा सोको ला ग आवेदन दएको जानकार ा हुन आएमा जनसाधन वभागले व नयम
१२६ख.(१) बमोिजमको अव ध य तत भएप छ य तो कमचार को स ब धमा छान वन गन
वभागीय सजाय दने अ धकार लाई लेिख पठाउनु पनछ।
४) उप व नयम (३) बमोिजम लेिख आएमा वभागीय सजाय दने अ धकार ले य तो कमचार को
स ब धमा तीन दन भ छान वन ार भ गर सोको जानकार यथा स जनसाधन वभागलाई दनु
५) उप- व नयम (४) बमोिजम छान वन गदा वभागीय सजाय दने अ धकार ले जनसाधन वभाग वा अ य
कुनै सरकार नकायसँग कुनैकुराको जानकार वा सहयोग माग गन स नेछ।
६) यस व नयम बमोिजम छान वन र कारवाह गदा कुनै कमचार ले थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएको
वा सोको ला ग आवेदन दएको दे िखएमा नजलाई तीन म हना भ च लत कानून बमोिजमको
या पूरा गर यस व नयमावल अनुसार सजाय गर सोको जानकार प दन भ जनसाधन
वभागमा दनु पनछ।

प र छे द १३
वभागीय कारवाह

(१) उिचत छान वन र जांचबुझ नगर कुनै कमचार लाई सजाय दईने छै न ।
(२) कुनै कमचार लाई नजको खराव आचरणको ग भीरता समेतलाई यानमा राखी सजाय दने
अ धकार ले दे हाय अनुसारको सजाय दन स नेछः
(अ) न सहत दने◌ः
(क) आफूले गनुपन काम त हेलच या गरे मा ।
(ख) काम स तोषजनक नगरे मा ।
(ग) स वा/बढु वा भएको कमचार लाई २१ दन भ रमाना न दएमा ।
(घ) समयमा बरबुझारथ नगरे /नगराएमा ।

उन तीस सं शोधन ।
प ौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 55
(ङ) कमचार वा नजको सुप रवे क वा पुनरावलोकन कताले तो कएको अव ध भ काय
स पादन मू या न फाराम नभरे मा ।
(च) आफूभ दा मा थ लो पदा धकार ले दएको लिखत आदे श वा नदशन उलं घन गरे मा ।
(छ) पद य दा य व िज मेवार पूवक पुरा नगरे मा ।
187 188
(ज) व नयम ६९ (३) बमोिजम कायालयमा अनुपि थत हुने कमचार को सूचना
कािशत गन कारवाह नगरे मा ।
189 190
(आ) ब ढमा पाँच तलव वृ ( ड
े ) रो ा वा घटुवा गन ।
(क) अनुशासनह न काय गरे मा ।
(ख) ख ड (अ) बमोिजमको सजाय पाई सके प न प◌ूनः सोह सजाय पाउने काम गरे मा ।
(ग) असुल गनुपन ठह रएको बे जु रकम याद भ फछयौट नगरे मा ।
(घ) स वा/बढु वा भएको कमचार रमाना लएको म तले पैतीस दन भ स वा/बढुवा
भएको कायालयमा हािजर नभएमा ।
(ङ) कायालयले जार गरे का कागजातह ् नमानेमा ।
स बि धत कमचार ले नबुझे वा बुझन
(च) वदा ि वकृत नगराई लगातार ९० दनस म कायालयमा अनुपि थत भएमा ।
(छ) यो व नयमावल ले गन नहुने भ न ब दे ज लगाएको काय गरे मा ।
(इ) पांच वषस म बढु वा रो का गनः
(क) ख ड (आ) बमोिजमको सजाय पाईसके प न प◌ूनः सोह सजाय पाउने काम गरे मा ।
(ख) कायालयमा मादक पदाथ सेवन गरे मा वा सेवन गर असामा य अव थामा कायालय
आएमा ।
(ग) मटर र ड गन कमचार ले ु खपत २५० यु नट स म
व त टक राखेको ठहर
भएमा ।
(घ) ा धकरणको सं कलन भएको रकम नयमानुसार बक दािखला नगरे मा ।
(ङ) यस व नयमावल मा यवि थत आचरण स ब धि◌ यव थाको उ ल न गरे मा ।
(च) यायोिजत अ धकार अनु पको काम नगरे मा वा यायोिजत अ धकार दु पयोग
गरे मा ।
(ई) भ व यमा ा धकरणको सेवाको न म अयो य नठहन गर सेवाबाट हटाउनेः
(क) जानाजानी वा लापरवाह गर ा धकरणलाई हानी नो सानी पु याएमा ।
(ख) अयो यताको कारणले आ नो पदको काम र िज मेवार पुरा गन नसकेमा ।
(ग) व नयम ६९ को उप- व नयम (३) बमोिजमको याबाट प न कायालयमा हािजर हुन
नआएमा ।
(घ) ा धकरणको सं कलन भएको रकम हना मना गरे को मािणत भएमा ।
ु को अना धकार उपभोग गन कायमा सघाउ पु याएमा वा
(ङ) कुनै क समबाट कसै लाई व त
ु को अना धकार उपभोग गरे मा ।
व त

सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौध संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौध संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौध संशोधन ।
सातौ सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
56 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(च) मटर र ड गन कमचार को कारणले व त
ु खपत २५० यु नट भ दा वढ टक
राखेको ठहर भएमा ।
(छ) आ नो िज मामा रहे को वा अ य कुनै ा धकरणको स पि हना मना गरे को मािणत
भएमा ।
(ज) यो व नयमको ख ड (इ) बमोिजमको सजाय पाई सके प न पुनः सोह सजाय
पाउने काम गरे मा ।
(झ) ..... खारे ज ।
तर यो ख ड ार भ हुन ु अगावै कुनै कमचार ले य तो अनुम त ा त गरे को रहे छ भने
यो ख ड ार भ भएको म तले साठ दन भ आफूले ा त गरे को थायी आवासीय
अनुम त या ने वा कायम रा ने कुराको माण स हतको जानकार आफू कायरत रहेको
कायालयमा पेश गनु पनछ ।
(उ) भ व यमा ा धकरणको सेवाको न म अयो य ठह रने गर सेवाबाट बखा त गनः
(क) नै तक पतन दे िखने फौजदार अ भयोगमा अदालतबाट अपराधी मािणत भएमा ।
(ख) टाचार गरे मा ।
(ग) ु को थायी आवासीय अनुमती लएमा ।
वदे शी मुलक
यस व नयमावल मा अ य जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न यो व नयम ार भ हुन ु
अिघ थायी आवासीय अनुम त लएको वा सोको आवेदन दएको कुनै कमचार ले यो
व नयम ार भ भएको म तले ३० (तीस) दन भ वयम् घोषणा गर आफुले ा
गरे को थायी आवासीय अनुमती यागेको वा य तो अनुम त ा गनको ला ग दएको
आवेदन र ु मा लिखत अनुरोध गरे को
गनको ला ग स वि धत मुलक माण स हतको
जानकार आफु कायरत रहे को कायालय माफत जनसाधन वभागमा पेश गनु पनछ।
यसर थायी आवासीय अनुमती याग गन कमचार ह लाई यस व नयमावल बमोिजम
कुनै कारवाह ग रने छै न। तर य तो अनुमती कायम रा ने कमचार ले उ अव ध
भ सेवाबाट अलग हुन चाहेमा रािजनामा दने मौका दइनेछ।

१२८. सजाय दने अ धकार
(१) व नयम १२७ (२) को (अ) (आ) र (इ) को सजाय अ धकृत तरको कमचार लाई स बि धत उप-
कायकार नदशकले, उप-कायकार नदशक मातहतमा नरहे का कायालयका अ धकृत तरको
कमचार लाई मु य शासक य अ धकृतले र सहायक तरका कमचार लाई स बि धत वभागीय
मुखले गन स नेछ । उप-कायकार नदशकलाई सो सजाय मु य शासक य अ धकृतको
सफा रसमा स म तले गन स नेछ ।
(२) व नयम १२७ (२) को (ई) र (उ) को सजाय अ धकृत तरको कमचार लाई स म तले र सहायक
तरको कमचार लाई मु य शासक य अ धकृतले गन स नेछ ।

चौथो सं शोधन ।
उन तीस सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
उन तीस सं शोधन ।
पांचौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 57
१२९. नल बन
(१) दे हायको अव थामा सजाय दने अ धकार ले कमचार लाई नल बन गर कारवाह गन स नेछ र
नल बन ग रएको आदे शको एक त स बि धत कमचार लाई दनु पनछः
(क) नल बन नगर काम गन दं दा झुठा सबुत माण सं कलन गन स कने वा आ नो व को
सबुत माण लोप गन वा बगान स ने सं भावना दे िखएमा ।
(ख) नल बन नगर काम गन दं दा ा धकरणलाई हानी नो सानी हुने सं भावना दे िखएमा ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम कुनै कमचार लाई नल बन गदा साधारणतया न बे दन भ दा बढ
नल बन गन हुदैन र सो अव ध भ कमचार लाई लागेको अ भयोगको कारवाह कनारा लगाउनु
पनछ । असामा य अव था पर उतm अव ध भ कारवाह कनारा लगाउन नस कने भई
नल बनको अव ध बढाउनु परे मा सहायक तरको कमचार भए मु य शासक य अ धकृतको र
अ धकृत तरको कमचार भए स म तको पूव वीकृ त लई तीस दन स म नल बनको अव ध
बढाउन स कनेछ ।
(३) 200
ा धकरणको कुनै कमचार कुनै कारणबाट हरासतमा रहेमा सो अव धस म र कुनै कमचार
व ु चोर ¸
व त ा धकरणको स प ी हना मना तथा अपचलन¸ सं ग ठत अपराध¸ कत य यान¸
अपहरण मु ा अदालतमा दायर भई स बि धत अदालतबाट फैसला नभए स मका ला ग वतः
नल बन हुनेछ।

१३०. पि टकरणको मौका र कारवाह

(१) व नयम १२७ बमोिजम कुनै सजाय दनु अिघ प दनको याद दई सुपर वे कले कमचार लाई
आ नो पि टकरण पेश गन मौका दनु पनछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) अनुसार कमचार ले पेश गरे को पि टकरणका स ब धमा नजका स बि धत
सुपर वे कले छान बन गर आ नो त या स हत सजाय दने अ धकार सम तु त पेश गनु
पनछ ।

१३१.सजाय गन
व नयम १३० बमोिजम दईएको याद भ कमचार ले आ नो सफाई पेश नगरे मा वा पेश गरे को सफाई
स तोषजनक नभएमा सजाय दने अ धकार ले य तो कमचार लाई सजाय गन नणय गर नजलाई यसको
सूचना दनेछ ।

१३२.पुनरावलोकनको नवेदन
(१) व नयम १२८ बमोिजमको सजाय दने अ धकार ले दएको सजायमा िच ् े कमचार ले यसको
सूचना पाएको म तले प दन भ पुनरावलोकन स म त सम नवेदन दन स नेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम कुनै नवेदन परे मा सो स ब धमा पुनरावलोकन स म तले आव यक
जांचबुझ गर य तो नवेदन परे को म तले साठ दन भ नणय गनछ ।

१३३.पुनरावलोकन स म त
(१) व नयम ५२ र व नयम १३२ को योजनको ला ग दे हाय बमोिजमको पुनरावलोकन स म त
(क) स म तले तोकेको स चालक - अ य

ते ीस सं शोधन ।
पैतीस सं शोधन ।
58 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ख) स म तले तोकेको ा धकरण बा हरको कानून वशेष - सद य
(ग) म ालयले मनो नत गरे को क तीमा राजप ा त थम े णीको अ धकृत - सद य
(२) पुनरावलोकन स म तमा जनसाधन वभागका नदशकले सिचवको काम गनछ ।
(३) पुनरावलोकन स म तले वैठकमा आव यकता अनुसार वशेष आम ण गन स नेछ ।
(४) पुनरावलोकन स म तको काय व ध पुनरावलोकन स म त आफैले नधारण गरे बमोिजम हुनेछ ।
(५) पुनरावलोकन स म तको नणय अि तम हुनेछ ।

प र छे द १४
व वध

१३४.गोप नयताको शपथ हण गन

ा धकरणमा प हलो पटक थायी नयुि ु
हुने कमचार ले आ नो कायभार स हा नु अिघ नेपाल व त
ा धकरण ऐनको दफा ३३ बमोिजम गोप नयताको शपथ हण गनु पनछ ।

१३५.काय स पादन मू या न फाराम अ नवाय पले भनु पन

(१) कमचार ले अनुसूची-१० बमोिजम काय स पादन मू या न फाराम येक वष अ नवाय पले भनु
पनछ ।
(२) कमचार ले उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजम भरे को फाराममा ा त गरे को अ लाई बढु वाको अ त र
नजले ा त गन सेवा सु वधाका साथै सम पमा नजको मू या नको आधार मा ननेछ ।

१३६.सेवा अव धको गणना

(१) बढु वा, अवकाश, उपदान तथा नवृि भरण आ द योजनका ला ग कमचार को सेवा अव ध दे हाय
बमोिजम गणना ग रनेछः
(क) ा धकरणको सेवामा थायी नयुि भई सेवा गरे को ज मा अव ध (बीचमा टु टेको भए टुटेको
अव ध कटाई) शत तशत ।
(ख) ा धकरणमा मलान वा स वा भई आएका कमचार को हकमा पूव शत बमोिजम ।
(२) ा धकरणमा म त २०५४/१०/०३ अिघ अ थायी सेवामा अटु ट कायरत रह थायी भएकोमा उतm
अ थायी अव धको गणना दे हाय बमोिजम ग रनेछः
(क) बढुवाको योजनको ला ग साठ तशत ।
(ख) अवकाश, नवृ भरण र उपदान योजनको ला ग पचास तशत ।
(३) ा धकरणमा अ थायी सेवा गरे को अव धको गणनाको ला ग कमचार ले आफूसँग भएको मािणत
आधार स हत जनसाधन वभागमा नवेदन दनु पनछ । जनसाधन वभागले नयमानुसार अ थायी
सेवा अव ध जोडी स बि धतलाई जानकार दनुपनछ ।

१३७.कवु लयत गराउने वा सुर ण लने

कुनै कमचार को पदसँग स बि धत काम अनुसार कुनै कवु लयत गराउनु पन वा सुर ण लनु पन भएमा
ा धकरणले य तो कवु लयत गराउन वा सुर ण वापत जमानी लन स नेछ ।

सातौ सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस सं शोधन सह त) 59
(१) स वा वा बढु वा भएका लेखा तथा िज सीमा काम गन कमचार ले आ-आ नो िज माको िज सी,
कागजप आ द स वा वा बढु वा भएको म तले २१ दन भ र अ य कमचार ले ७ दन भ
बरबुझारथ गर स नु पनछ ।
(२) कायालयले बुझाउन याएका स वा, बढुवा वा अ य िच ठप ह स बि धत कमचार ले नबुझी
आफूले गनु पन बरबुझारथ नगरे मा कायालय मुखले नजको हािजर रो ा गर हािजर रो ा अव धभर
गयल क ी गन स नेछ ।

१३९.बहाल याद
(१) काठमाड उप यकामा बाहे क अ य थानमा एक िज लाबाट अक िज लामा स वा भई जाने
कमचार ले तयार को न म बाटोको याद बाहे क बढ मा तीन दनस म बहाल याद पाउनेछ ।
स वा हुंदा कायालय नबि लने भएमा बहाल याद पाउने छै न । एक ठाउं बाट केवल कायालयको
मा बदल भई स वा भएमा एक दनको मा बहाल याद पाउनेछ ।
(२) एक थानबाट अक थानमा स वा भएर गएको कमचार बहाल रहे को सा वक कायालयको मुखले
कमचार को तलब, वदा र औषधोपचार आ दको अ भलेख स वा भएको कायालयमा पठाउनु पनछ।

१४०.इ छाएको यि वा हकवालाले पाउने

(१) यस व नयमावल बमोिजम पाउने रकम लन नपाउ◌ँदै कुनै कमचार को मृ यू भएमा वा वेप ा
भएमा य तो रकम नजले इ छाएको यि ले वा सो नभएमा नजको हकवालाले पाउनेछ ।
(२) वेप ा भएको कमचार को इ छाएको यि वा हकवालाले यस व नयमावल बमोिजम पाउने रै
रकम पाऊ◌ँ भनी माण स हत (स बि धत कायालयको सफा रस, स बि धत
गा. व.स./नगरपा लकाको सफा रस, नाता मािणतको माणप ) नवेदन दएमा कमचार वेप ा
भएको दुई वष य तत भएप छ सो यहोरा उ ले ख गर पै ◌ंतीस दनको सावज नक सूचना कािशत
ग रनेछ । सो बमोिजम सूचना कािशत गदा प न स बि धत कमचार ले रै रकमको दावी गन
नआएमा उ लेिखत माणको आधारमा इ छाएको यि वा हकवालालाई नयमानुसार पाउने रै रकम
दईनेछ ।

१४१.कमचार क याण कोषको थापना र स चालन

(१) ा धकरणले कमचार को हतलाई यानमा राखी सापट तथा सु वधा दान गन उ े यले एक
कमचार क याण कोष थापना गनछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) बमोिजमको कोषमा स म तले नणय गरे बमोिजम एकमु ट रकम सो कोष खाता
स चालनको ला ग उपल ध गराईनेछ ।
(३) कोषको रकमबाट उठे को सावां याज पुनः कमचार क याण कोषमा ज मा गर स चालन ग रनेछ।
(४) कमचार क याण कोषको यव थापन र स चालन कमचार क याण कोष काय व ध बमोिजम
हुनेछ ।

१४१. (क) माणीकरण गराउनुपन
(१) खुला तयो गताबाट नयाँ नयुि पाएका कमचार ह को एक वष भ शैि क माणप को
माणीकरण दे हाय बमोिजम गराईस नु पनछः

चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
60 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(अ) नेपाल भ का िश ण सं थाबाट ा त शैि क यो यता भएमा सधै स बि धत शैि क सं था,
व व व ालय वा वोडमा स पक गर माणीकरण गराउनु पनछ ।
(आ) वदे शी व व ालय वा वोडको शैि क यो यता भएमा भूवन व व व ालय वा उ च
मा य मक िश ा प रष वा पर ा नय ण कायालय वा ा व धक िश ा तथा यवसायीक
ताल म प रषद जससँग स बि धत छ सोह सं थामाफत वदे शमा माणीकरणका ला ग पठाई
माणीकरण गराउनु पनछ ।
बढु वा नयुि स ब धमा
ा धकरणमा वहाल रहे का कमचार को बढुवा नयुि भएको म तले एक वष भ मा उप- व नयम
(१) को (अ) र (आ) मा उ लेख ग रए अनुसार शैि क माणप को माणीकरण गराई स नु
पनछ ।
तर मा थ उप- व नयम (१) को (अ) र (आ) वमोिजम मािणकरण भैसकेको शैि क यो यताको
आधारमा वढु वा भएको रहे छ भने पुनः मािणकरण गराउनु पन छै न ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) को (अ) र (आ) बमोिजम शैि क यो यताको माणप को माणीकरण मु य
शासक य अ धकृतले तोकेको स म तले गनछ ।

१४२. द दशन तयार गन

(१) यो व नयमावल मा यव था ग रएका ावधानह को काया वयनका ला ग आव यकतानु प मु य
शासक य अ धकृतले काय व ध तथा द दशन तयार गर जार गन स नेछ ।
(२) उप- व नयम (१) मा जुनसुकै कुरा लेिखएको भए ताप न नयुि सफा रस स म त र बढुवा सफा रस
स म तले आ नो योजनका ला ग काय व ध तयार गर काय स चालन गन स नेछ ।

१४३.खारे जी र बचाऊ
(१) नेपाल ु
व त ा धकरण, कमचार सेवा व नयमावल , २०५० (सं शोधन स हत) खारे ज
ग रएकोछ ।

(२) नेपाल व त ा धकरण, कमचार सेवा व नयमावल , २०५० (सं शोधन स हत) अनुसार भए गरे का
काम कारवाह यसै व नयमावल बमोिजम भए गरे को मा ननेछ ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 61

( व नयम २ को ख ड (ञ) सँग स बि धत)

वभागीय मुख

१. मु य शासक य अ धकृत
२. उप-कायकार नदशक
३. नदशक/ े ीय नदशक/ आयोजना नदशक

( व नयम २ को ख ड (ट) सँग स बि धत)

.सं. कायालयको नाम

१. धान कायालय ।
२. नदशनालयह ।
३. े य कायालयह ।
४. ता लम के ।
५. णाल स चालन वभाग (भार ेषण के ) ।
६. माटो ढुंगा तथा कं ट योगशाला ।
७. वतरण के ह ।
८. शाखा कायालयह ।
९. ु के
जल व त ह ।
१०. डजेल के ह ।
११. शारण ीड महाशाखाह /शाखाह ।
१२. पोल ला टह ।
१३. के य वकशप / ा सफमर वकशप ।
१४. प रयोजनाह र आयोजनाह ।
१५. स म तले समय समयमा तोकेका अ य कायालयह ।

सात सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 63
ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम ७ को उप- व नयम (२) सग

पद सृजना माग फाराम

१. जनशि माग गन कायालयको नामः
२. माग गरे को पदको ववरणः
पदको नाम सेवा/समूह तह पदको सं या पदको क सम काय थल

३. पदको ला ग आव यक यूनतम यो यता◌ः

४. बजेटको यव थाः
(क) जनशि को ला ग ला न स ने थप वा षक आ थक दा य वः
(ख) बजेटको यव था चालु आ थक वषमा भए/नभएकोः

५. जनशि आव यकताको औिच य

(क) व मान कायवोझः
(ख) कायवोझ वृ हुनाको कारणः
(ग) हाल उपल ध जनशि ः
( येक पदको ला ग छु ाछु ै )

६. काय ववरण (Job Description):

(पदले गनु पन काय ववरण)

तयार गन अ धकृतको
ह ता रः
म तः
यस माग फाराममा उ लेख भए वमोिजम जनशि को आव यकता औिच यपूण भएकोले काया वयनको ला ग
सफा रस गदछु ।
उप-कायकार नदशक
ह ता रः
म तः

64 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १० सग

सेवाको वग करण
सेवा समूह उप-समूह
शासन (क) शासन (१) शासन
(२) कानून
(३) क युटर अ श
े न
(ख) लेखा  207(१) चाटड एकाउ टे सी
(ग) व वध १) अथशा
(२) समाजशा
(३) त यां शा
(४) पु तकालय
(५) सुर ा
(६) कुक
ा व धक (क) इले ि कल (१) इले ि कल
(२) इले ोन स
(ख) मेका नकल
(ग) स भल (१) स भल
(२) सभ
(घ) क युटर ईि ज नय रं ङ
(ङ) व वध (१) वातावरण
(२) िजयोलिज
(३) सवार चालक
(४) वा य
(५) लि व
(६) सकम
(७) डकम
(८) डाई भ

सात सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 65
ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १२ को उप- व नयम (२) सग

ा धकरणका पद
शासन सेवाः
(क) शासन समूहः
क यूटर अ श
े न
तह शासन उप-समूह कानून उप-समूह
१ कायालय सहयोगी १ - -
२ कायालय सहयोगी २ - -
३ लक, मटर रडर जू नयर क यूटर अपरे टर -
४ कायालय सहायक, स नयर मटर रडर सहायक क यूटर अपरे टर -
५ ब र ठ सहायक, मटर र ड क यूटर अपरे टर -
६ सहायक शासक य अ धकृत सहायक क यूटर अ धकृत सहायक कानून अ धकृत
७ शासक य अ धकृत कानून अ धकृत
८ सहायक नदशक सहायक नदशक
९ उप- नदशक उप- नदशक
१० सह- नदशक सह- नदशक

११ नदशक
(ख) लेखा समूहः
तह 211
चाटड एकाउ टे सी उप-समूह

३ लक
४ सहायक लेखापाल, सहायक टोर कपर
५ लेखापाल, टोर कपर
६ सहायक लेखा अ धकृत
७ लेखा अ धकृत
८ सहायक नदशक 212
चाटड एकाउ टे ट
९ उप- नदशक 213
स नयर चाटड एकाउ टे ट
१० सह- नदशक
११ नदशक

प सं शोधन ।
प सं शोधन ।
च तीस सं शोधन ।
चौध सं शोधन ।
चौध सं शोधन ।
चौध सं शोधन ।
66 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ग) व वध समूहः
अथशा समाजशा त या शा पु तकालय कुक उप-
तह सुर ा उप-समूह
उप-समूह उप-समूह उप-समूह उप-समूह समूह


३ सुर ागाड कुक
४ गाड कमा डर हे ड कुक
५ हे डगाड कमा डर
६ स. पु तकालय
अ धकृत
७ अथशा ी समाजशा ी त या शा ी पु तकालय
अ धकृत
८ सहायक सहायक सहायक सहायक नदशक
नदशक नदशक नदशक
९ उप उप नदशक उप नदशक
१० सह- नदशक
११ नदशक

प सं शोधन ।
प सं शोधन ।
सात सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 67
ा व धक सेवा
(क) इलेि कल समूहः
तह इलेि कल उप-समूह इले ो न स उप-समूह
१ जु नयर हे पर
२ हे पर
३ इलेि सयन जु नयर टे ि न सयन, टे लफोन अपरे टर
४ फोरमेन फोरमेन, क यु नकेशन इ यूपमे ट अपरे टर, टे ि न सयन
५ सुपरभाईजर सुपरभाईजर, स नयर क यु नकेशन इ युपमे ट अपरे टर
६ सहायक ईि ज नयर सहायक ईि ज नयर
७ ईि ज नयर ईि ज नयर
८ सहायक व धक सहायक ब धक
९ उप- ब धक उप- ब धक
१० ब धक

(ख) मेका नकल समूहः

तह पद
१ जु नयर हे पर
२ हे पर
३ जु नयर म ी, रगर, वे डर, फटर, टनर, लेथ अपरे टर, गेट अपरे टर, टरवाइन अपरे टर, मेिशन अपरे टर, लर
४ फोरमेन, स नयर वे डर, स नयर ले थ अपरे टर, स नयर टरवाइन अपरे टर, स नयर मेिशन अपरे टर, स नयर लर
५ सुपरभाईजर, लङ सुपरभाईजर
६ सहायक ईि ज नयर
७ ईि ज नयर
८ सहायक ब धक
९ उप- ब धक
१० ब धक

चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
68 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ग) स भल समूह
तह स भल उप-समूह सभ उप-समूह
१ जु नयर हे पर
२ हे पर
३ वकसरकार, े सर, ला टर, जु नयर टे ि न सयन
४ फोरमेन, सहायक ाफ्टमेन, स नयर े सर स नयर सहायक सभयर
टे ि न सयन, स नयर ला टर, जु नयर याव टे ि न सयन
५ सुपरभाईजर, ाफ्टमेन, याव टे ि न सयन सभयर
६ सहायक ईि ज नयर सहायक सभ अ धकृत
७ ईि ज नयर सभ अ धकृत
८ सहायक ब धक सहायक ब धक
९ उप- ब धक उप- ब धक
९ ब धक 232
ब धक

(घ) क युटर ईि ज नय रं समूह

तह पद

५ सुपरभाइजर
६ सहायक इि ज नयर
७ ईि ज नयर
८ सहायक ब धक
९ उप- ब धक
१० व धक

चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
तेइस सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 69
(ङ) व वध समुहः
सवार डाइ भं
वातावरण िजयोलिज वा य लि व सकम डकम
तह चालक उप- उप-
उप-समूह उप-समूह उप-समूह- उप-समूह उप-समूह उप-समूह
समूह समूह

३ ाइभर ल वर सकम डकम
४ फोरमेन स नयर स नयर स नयर गोताखोर
ाइभर, ल वर सकम डकम
हे भी
ई युपमे ट
अपरे टर
५ स नयर हे भी क पाउ डर सुपरभाइजर सुपरभाइजर स नयर
ई युपमे ट गोताखोर
अपरे टर,
स नयर
६ सहायक वर ठ
इि ज नयर क पाउ डर
७ वातावरण िजयो इि ज नयर
व , लिज ट,
बन प त िजयो
व , जीव फिज ट
व ान

८ सहायक सहायक
ब धक ब धक
९ उप- उप-
ब धक ब धक
१० ब धक

ट य◌ः
१. (क) तह १२ र ा व धक सेवाको तह ११ मा सेवा रहनेछ, समूह रहने छै न ।
(ख) तह १० मा र शासन सेवाको तह ११ मा समूह रहनेछ, उप-समूह रहने छै न ।
२. तह ११ मा नदशक/ े ीय नदशक/आयोजना नदशक पद र तह १२ मा उप-कायकार नदशक पद
रहनेछ ।

चौध सं शोधन ।
चौध सं शोधन ।
70 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
३. यो व नयमावल लागु भए प छ टाई प उप-समूहमा हाल कायरत सवै कमचार ह लाई दरव द स हत
समान तहको क युटर अ श
े न उप-समूहमा मलान गर सा वकमा रहेको टाई प उप-समूह खारे ज
ग रनेछ । यसर मलान भएका तह ३ को पदमा कसैको पदा धकार नरहेमा सो पद खारे ज हुनेछ ।
(क) शासन सेवा व वध समूह अ तगत रहेको क युटर अपरे शन उपसमूहलाई शासन सेवा शासन
समूह अ तगत क युटर अ श
े न उपसमूहमा रािखएको छ ।
४. यो व नयमावल ार भ भए प छ ा व धक सेवा, स भल समूहको वायल उप-समूह स भल उप-समूहमा,
ा व धक सेवा, व वध समूहको िजयो फिज ट उप-समूह िजयोलिज उप-समूहमा, ा व धक सेवा मेका नकल
समूहको अटो उप-समूह (तह ३, ४ र ५ का सवार चालक बाहेक) मेका नकल समूहमा गा भनेछ र
सा वकमा गरे को सेवा अव ध हाल गा भएको समूह/उप-समूहमा गरे सरह मानी सेवा अव ध गणना
ग रनेछ।
५. अटोमोवाईल इि जनीय र वषयमा माण प तह उ तण गरे का मेका नकल समूहका सहायक इि ज नयर
पदमा कायरत कमचार व वध समूहको सवार चालक उप-समूह तह ७ इि ज नयर पदमा बढु वाको ला ग
स भा य उ मेदवार हुन स ने छन ।
६. यो व नयमावल ार भ भएप छ सा वकको कुनै पद हाल जुन सेवा, समूह, उप-समूहमा कायम भएको छ
यसमा कायरत कमचार प न सोह से वा, समूह, उप-समूहमा रहनेछ र सा वकको सेवा अव ध हाल कायम
हुन आएको सेवा, समूह, उप-समूहमा गरे को मा ननेछ ।
७. हाल कायम हुन आएको समूह, उप-समूहमा सा वकको कुनै पद नाम रहेनछ भने जुन पद नाम¸ व मान
छ सा वकको पद नाम यसै मा प रवतन हुनेछ ।
(क) यो सं शोधन लागू भए प छ शासन सेवा व वध समूह अ तरगत क यू टर उप-समूहका पद
खुला तयो गतावाट पूत ग रने छै न । शासन तथा लेखा समूहका तह ३, ४ र ५ का पदमा
क यू टर स चालन स वि ध ान समेत भएका कमचार भना गन नयुि सफा रस स म तले
आव यक नणय गन स नेछ ।
८. यो व नयमावल ार भ भए प छ शासन सेवा व वध समूहको कुक र सुर ा उप-समूह, ा व धक सेवा
व वध समूहको वा य, लि व , सकम , डकम र डाइ भं उप-समूह पद खुला तयो गताबाट पूत
ग रने छै न । उ उप-समूहमा कायरत कमचार जुनसुकै कारणबाट र भएमा सो पद खारे ज हुनछ
े र
उप-समूहमा कुनै कमचार कायरत नभएमा उप-समूह समेत खारे ज हुनछ
े ।
(क) यो सं शोधन लागू भए प छ शासन सेवा लेखा समूह तह ३ लकका र पदह समान तहको
मटर रडरमा प रणत गर खू ला तयो गताबाट पूत ग रनेछ ।
९. समय समयमा मु य शासक य अ धकृतले पदह को नाममा थपघट तथा प रवतन गन स नेछ ।

सात सं शोधन ।
सात सं शोधन ।
सात सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 71

( व नयम १४ को उप- व नयम (१), व नयम १७ को उप- व नयम (१) को ख ड (क),

ँ स बि धत)
व नयम १९ को उप- व नयम (१) को ख ड (क) र व नयम २० सग

र पदह को पूत

(क) ा धकरणका र पदह दे हाय बमोिजम पूत ग रने छः
तह सेवा समूह खुला तयो गताको ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
१ सबै सबै – –
२ सबै सबै – १0०%
३ ा व धक सबै ५०% ५०%
३ शासन सबै ७०% ३०%
४ सबै सबै ७०% ३०%
५ सबै सबै ४०% ६०%
६ ;a} सबै – १००%
७ ा व धक सबै ७०% ३०%
७ शासन सबै ^०% $०%
८ दे िख १० स म सबै सबै १०% ९०%
११ सबै सबै – १००%

(ख) मा थ ख ड (क) वमोिजम वढु वाको ला ग छु याईएको पद सं यालाई जे ठता तथा काय स पादन
मू या न¸ काय मता मू या न र आ त रक तयो गताको ला ग न नानुसार पद सं या नधारण ग रनेछः
बढुवाको ला ग

. तह सेवा समूह जे ठता तथा काय काय मता आ त रक

स◌ं. स पादन मू याकन मू याकन तयो गता
१ २ सबै सबै ३०% ७०% -
२ ३ ा व धक सबै ४०% ४०% २०%
३ ३ शासन सबै – – १००%
४ ४ सबै सबै ३०% ४०% ३०%
५ ५ सबै सबै ३०% ४०% ३०%
६ ६ शासन शासन उप-समूह तथा लेखा ३०% ३०% ४०%
समू ह
७ ६ शासन क यूटर अपरे शन उप-समूह २०% २०% ६०%

८ ६ शासन कानून – – १००%

९ ६ ा व धक सबै ३०% ३०% ४०%

तेईस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
72 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
१० ७ ा व धक सबै ३०% ४०% ३०%
११ ७ शासन सबै ४०% ४०% २०%
१२ ८ दे िख १० सबै सबै ४०% ५०% १०%
१३ ११ सबै सबै ५०% ५०% –

(ग) स मत तयो गताको ला ग न नानुसार पदसं या हुनेछ ( व नयम २० (३) (ग) (२) को योजनको
ला ग):
ा व धक सेवा तफः
तह पद सेवा समुह उपसमुह स मतको ला ग व ापन गन सं या
१ जु नयर हे पर ा व धक ईलेि कल ईलेि कल ३३३
२ हे पर ा व धक ईलेि कल ईलेि कल १२९
३ ईलेि सयन ा व धक ईलेि कल ईलेि कल ३१
४ फोरमेन ा व धक ईलेि कल ईलेि कल ३
शासन सेवा तफः
तह पद सेवा समुह उपसमुह स मतको ला ग व ापन गन सं या
१ कायालय सहयोगी १ शासन शासन शासन १२०
२ कायालय सहयोगी २ शासन शासन शासन ५
३ मटर रडर शासन शासन शासन ३१
४ स नयर मटर रडर शासन शासन शासन ३

ट यः
यस अनसूचीमा जुनसुकै कुरा उ लेख भए ताप न दे हाय बमोिजम पदसं या नधारण ग रनेछः
१. (क) ये ठता र काय स पादन मू या न ारा हुने बढुवाको ला ग छु ाईएको सबै वा के ह पदमा स भा य
उ मेदवार नभई पदपूत हुन नस ने भएमा य तो पद सो ह अव धको काय मता मू या न ारा ग रने
बढु वामा,
(ख) ख ड (क) मा उि लिखत कृया ारा सबै वा के ह पदमा स भा य उ मेदवार नभई पदपूत हुन नस ने
भएमा सो पद जनसाधन वभागमा फता पठाउनु पनछ।
२. तह ३ र सो भ दा माथीका खुला तयो गता ारा पदपूत नग रने पदको ला ग ख ड (ख) को .सं . ७
अनुसार पदसं या नधारण गन।
३. कुनै प न समूह, उप-समूहका सबभ दा त लो तहको र पद शत तशत खुला तयो गताबाट पूत ग रनेछ। तर
तह ६ को कुनै प न पदह खुला तयो गताबाट पूत ग रनेछैन।
४. तह ३ का पदमा बढु वा हुने उ मेदवार भएस म खुला र बढुवाका ला ग उपरो यव था अनुसार पदसं या
नधारण ग रनेछ र उ मेदवार उपल ध नभएमा सबै पदसं या खुलातफ नधारण गन

पि चस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 73

( व नयम २४ को उप- व नयम (१), व नयम ४४ को उप- व नयम (४), व नयम ४६,
ँ स वि धत)
व नयम ५० को ख ड (ग) (१), व नयम ५४.क सग

पदपूत का ला ग युनतम यो यता

(क) शासन सेवाः
तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढु वाको ला ग
शासन शासन – –

व वध सुर ा – –
शासन शासन – –

व वध सुर ा – -
शासन वेिशका पर ा उ ीण ८ क ा उ ीण
शासन क यूटर
– ८ क ा उ ीण
अ श
े न

लेखा वेिशका पर ा उ ीण ८ क ा उ ीण
कुक – ८ क ा उ ीण
व वध
सुर ा – ८ क ा उ ीण
वणता माणप तह उ ीण वा +२
शासन एस एल सी उ ीण
उ ीण
क युटर
– एस एल सी उ ीण
अ श
े न
४ बािण यशा वा यापार शासन लई
लेखा वणता माणप तह उ ीण वा +२ एस एल सी उ ीण
उ ीण
कुक – एस एल सी उ ीण
व वध
सुर ा – एस एल सी उ ीण
वणता माणप तह उ ीण वा +२
शासन एस एल सी उ ीण
उ ीण
क युटर
– एस एल सी उ ीण
अ श
े न
बािण यशा वा यापार शासनमा

लेखा वणता माणप तह उ ीण वा +२ एस एल सी उ ीण
उ ीण
व वध
कुक – एस एल सी उ ीण

सुर ा – एस एल सी उ ीण

तेईस सं शोधन ।
74 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढु वाको ला ग
वणता माणप तह वा १०+२
शासन –
शासन उ ीण
क युटर वणता माणप तह वा १०+२

अ श
े न उ ीण
६ बािण य वा यापार शासनमा वणता
लेखा –
माणप तह वा १०+२ उ ीण

शासन कानून – कानूनमा नातक तह उ ीण

वणता माणप तह वा १०+२
व वध पु तकालय –
उ ीण
वणता माणप तह वा १०+२
शासन शासन नातको र तह उ ीण
उ ीण
बािण य वा यापार शासनमा
बािण य वा यापार शासनमा
लेखा वणता माणप तह वा १०+२
नातको र तह उ ीण
उ ीण
कानूनमा नातक भई अ धव ाको
शासन कानून माणप ा त वा कानूनमा नातको र कानूनमा नातक उ ीण
तह उ ीण

समाजशा वा मानव शा मा
समाजशा –
नातको र तह उ ीण
अथशा वषयमा नातको र तह
व वध अथशा –
उ ीण
त या शा त या शा मा नातको र तह उ ीण –
नातक तह उ ीण र पु तकालय
वणता माणप तह वा १०+२
पु तकालय व ानमा कि तमा १ बषको ता लम
उ ीण
नातको र तह उ ीण गर अ धकृत
शासन शासन नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
बािण य वा यापार शासनमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र अ धकृत बािण य वा यापार शासनमा
लेखा –
तरको पदमा स बि धत े मा ४ नातक तह उ ीण
बषको कायानुभव
चाटड स.ए. वा ए. स. स.ए. वा स. प.ए

८ एकाउ टे सी उ ीण
कानूनमा नातको र उ ीण गर
शासन कानून अ धकृत तरको पदमा स बि धत कानूनमा नातक तह उ ीण
े मा ४ बषको कायानुभव
समाजशा वा मानव शा मा
व वध
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत समाजशा वा मानव शा मा
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ४ नातको र तह उ ीण
बषको कायानुभव
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 75
तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढु वाको ला ग
अथशा वषयमा नातको र तह
अथशा वषयमा नातको र तह
अथशा उ ीण र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
उ ीण
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
त या शा मा नातको र तह उ ीण
त या शा मा नातको र तह
त या शा र अ धकृत तरको पदमा स बि धत
उ ीण
े मा ४ बषको कायानुभव
नातको र तह उ ीण गर अ धकृत
शासन शासन नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ६ बषको कायानुभव
बािण य वा यापार शासनमा नातको र
बािण य वा यापार शासनमा
लेखा तह उ ीण गर अ धकृत तरको पदमा
नातक तह उ ीण
स बि धत े मा ६ बषको कायानुभव
चाटड स.ए. वा ए. स. स.ए. वा स. प.ए
एकाउ टे सी पास गरे को
कानूनमा नातको र उ ीण गर
शासन कानून अ धकृत तरको पदमा स बि धत कानूनमा नातक तह उ ीण
९ े मा ६ बषको कायानुभव
समाजशा वा मानव शा मा नातको र
समाजशा वा मानव शा मा
समाजशा तह उ ीण र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
नातको र तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ६ बषको कायानुभव

व वध अथशा वषयमा नातको र तह

अथशा वषयमा नातको र तह
अथशा उ ीण र अ धकृत तरको पदमा
उ ीण
स बि धत े मा ६ बषको कायानुभव
त या शा मा नातको र तह उ ीण
त या शा मा नातको र तह
त या शा र अ धकृत तरको पदमा स बि धत
उ ीण
े मा ६ बषको कायानुभव
नातको र तह उ ीण गर अ धकृत
शासन नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ८ बषको कायानुभव
कानूनमा नातको र गर अ धकृत तरको
कानून कानूनमा नातक तह उ ीण
पदमा स बि धत े मा ८ बष कायानुभव
बािण य वा यापार शासनमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र अ धकृत नातक तह
१० लेखा –
तरको पदमा स बि धत े मा ८ उ ीण
बषको कायानुभव
अथशा वा समाजशा /मानव शा
अथशा वा समाजशा /मानव
वा त या शा मा नातको र तह
व वध – शा वा त या शा मा
उ ीण र अ धकृत तरको पदमा
नातको र तह उ ीण
स बि धत े मा ८ बषको कायानुभव
११ शासन – – नातक तह उ ीण

च तीस सं शोधन ।
76 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
ट य :
(१) नेपाल व त
ु ा धकरणमा कायरत थायी कमचार को हकमा शासन सेवाको शासन समूह र लेखा
समू हको तह ७ का पदमा खुला तयो गताको उ मेदवार हुन थायी से वा अवधी दुई वष पुरा भएको र
स बि धत वषयमा नातक यो यता भएमा यूनम यो यता पुगक
े ो मा ननेछ ।
(२) म त २०५४/१०/३ भ दा अिघ शासन से वा, लेखा समूहमा कायरत थायी कमचार को हकमा नजले
उ म तभ दा अिघ जुनसुकै वषयमा शैि क उपा ध ा त गरे को भए ताप न बढुवाको ला ग यो यता
पुगेको मानी यसै व नयमावल बमोिजमको यूनतम र अ त र शैि क यो यताको अ समेत दइनेछ।
तर म त २०५४/१०/३ भ दा प छ नजले ा त गरे को शैि क उपा धको हकमा यस व नयमावल मा
यव था भए बमोिजम स बि धत वषय नै हुन ु पनछ।

(ख) ा व धक सेवाः
तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
१ सबै सबै – –
२ सबै सबै – -
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक दशम क ा
इले ि कल ८ क ा उ ीण
अ ययन गरे को
इले ि कल
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक दशम क ा
इले ोन स ८ क ा उ ीण
अ ययन गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक दशम क ा
मेका नकल ८ क ा उ ीण
अ ययन गरे को
३ स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक दशम क ा
स भल स भल ८ क ा उ ीण
अ ययन गरे को
सवार ८ क ा उ ीण गर हलुका सवार

चालक चालकको लाइसे स ात ।
व वध लि वङ – ८ क ा उ ीण
सकम – ८ क ा उ ीण
डकम – ८ क ा उ ीण
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक एस.एल.सी. स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
इले ि कल
उ ीण गरे को दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
इले ि कल
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक एस.एल.सी. स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
इले ोन स
उ ीण गरे को दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
४ स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक एस.एल.सी. स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
मेका नकल
उ ीण गरे को दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक एस.एल.सी. स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
स भल
स भल उ ीण गरे को दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
सभ स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक एस.एल.सी. स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक

तीस सं शोधन ।
तेईस सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 77
तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
उ ीण गरे को दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
८ क ा उ ीण गर हलुका
सवार चालकको लाइसे स
सवार १० क ा अ ययन गर भार हलुका ा त। भार सवार वा भार
चालक सवार को लइसे स ात उपकरण अपरे टरको हकमा
स बि धत भार सवार वा भार
उपकरणको अनुमती प ा त।
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
व वध लि वङ –
दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
सकम –
दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
डकम –
दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
डाइ भङ –
दशम क ा अ ययन गरे को
इलेि कल इि ज नय रङमा वणता स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
इले ि कल
माणप वा ड लोमा तह उ ीण एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
इले ि कल
इले ोन स इि ज नय रङमा वणता स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
इले ोन स
माणप वा ड लोमा तह उ ीण एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
मेका नकल इि ज नय रङमा वणता स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
मेका नकल
माणप वा ड लोमा तह उ ीण एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
स भल इि ज नय रङमा वणता माणप स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
स भल
वा ड लोमा तह उ ीण एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
स भल
स भल वा सभ इि ज नय रङमा वणता स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
माणप वा ड लोमा तह उ ीण एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
क यूटर
- -
५ इि ज नय रङ
१० क ा अ ययन गर भार
सवार को लाइसे स ात ।
वेिशका पर ा उ ीण गर स बि धत
सवार भार सवार भार सवार वा भार
भार सवार /भार उपकरणको सवार
चालक उपकरण अपरे टरको हकमा
चालक अनुमतीप ात
स बि धत भार सवार वा भार
उपकरणको अनुमती प ा त।
व वध स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
वा य –
एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
सकम –
एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा ा ब धक
डकम –
एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को

78 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
डाइ भङ – एस.एल.सी. उ ीण गरे को
स बि धत बषयमा वणता
इले ि कल –
माणप तह उ ीण
इले ि कल
स बि धत बषयमा वणता
इले ोन स –
माणप तह उ ीण
स बि धत बषयमा वणता
मेका नकल –
माणप तह उ ीण
स बि धत बषयमा वणता
स भल –
माणप तह उ ीण
६ स भल
स बि धत बषयमा वणता
सभ –
माणप तह उ ीण
क यूटर स बि धत बषयमा वणता

इि ज नय रङ माणप तह उ ीण
सवार मेका नकल इि ज नय रङमा

चालक वणता माणप तह उ ीण
व वध
स बि धत बषयमा वणता
वा य –
माणप तह उ ीण
इलेि कल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा इले ि कल इि ज नय रङ
इले ि कल
नातक तह उ ीण वषयमा माणप तह उ ीण
इले ि कल इले ोन स इि ज नय रङ
इले ोन स इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
इले ोन स वषयमा माणप तह उ ीण
नातक तह उ ीण

मेका नकल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातक मेका नकल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा

मेका नकल –
तह उ ीण माणप तह उ ीण
स भल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातक तह स भल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
स भल
उ ीण माणप तह उ ीण
स भल सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा भूगोल वषयमा
नातको र उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष पुरा सभ वा स भल इि ज नय रङ
७ सभ
गरे को वा व.एस. स. गिणत उ ीण गर स नयर वषयमा माणप तह उ ीण
सभयर कोष पुरा गरे को।

क युटर क युटर इि ज नय रङमा नातक तह क यूटर इि ज नय रङमा

इि ज नय रङ उ ीण वणता माणप तह उ ीण
वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन व ान वा
वातावरण जीव व ान वा ाणी व ानमा –
नातको र तह उ ीण
व वध िजयालिज वा िजयो फिज स वषयमा
िजयोलजी –
नातको र तह उ ीण
सवार मेका नकल इि ज नय रङमा

चालक वणता माणप तह उ ीण

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 79

तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
इलेि कल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
इले ि कल इि ज नय रङमा
इले ि कल नातको र र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
इले ि कल
इले ोन स इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
इले ोन स इि ज नय रङमा
इले ो न स नातको र र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
मेका नकल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
मेका नकल इि ज नय रङमा
मेका नकल - नातको र र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
स भल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातको र
स भल इि ज नय रङमा नातक
स भल र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत तरको
तह उ ीण
पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा भूगोल सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा
स भल वषयमा नातको र उ ीण गर स नयर भूगोल वषयमा नातको र
सभयर कोष पुरा गरे को वा व.एस. स. उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
८ गिणत उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष पुरा गरे को वा व.एस. स. गिणत
पुरा गरे को र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव। पुरा गरे को
क युटर इि ज नय रङमा वषयमा
क युटर क युटर क युटर इि ज नय रङमा
नातको र र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
इि ज नय रङ इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ४ बषको कायानुभव
वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन व ान वा
जीव व ान वा ाणी व ानमा वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन
वातावरण नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत व ान वा जीव व ान वा ाणी
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ४ बषको व ानमा नातको र तह उ ीण
व वध
िजयोलिज वा िजयो फिज स वषयमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत
िजयोलिज वा िजयो फिज स
िजयोलजी े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ४ बषको
वषयमा नातको र तह उ ीण

इलेि कल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत इले ि कल इि ज नय रङमा
इले ि कल
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ६ बषको नातक तह उ ीण
९ इले ि कल
इले ोन स इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत इले ोन स इि ज नय रङमा
इले ोन स
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ६ बषको नातक तह उ ीण
80 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
मेका नकल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत मेका नकल इि ज नय रङमा
मेका नकल
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ६ बषको नातक तह उ ीण
स भल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातको र
स भल इि ज नय रङमा नातक
स भल तह उ ीण र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ६ बषको कायानुभव
सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा
सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा भूगोल
भूगोल वषयमा नातको र
स भल वषयमा नातको र उ ीण गर स नयर
उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
सभयर कोष पुरा गरे को वा व.एस. स.
सभ पुरा गरे को वा व.एस. स. गिणत
गिणत उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
पुरा गरे को र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
पुरा गरे को
तरको पदमा ६ बषको कायानुभव

क युटर इि ज नय रङमा वषयमा

क यूटर क युटर नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत क युटर इि ज नय रङमा
इि ज नय रङ इिज नय रङ े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ६ बषको वषयमा नातक तह उ ीण
वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन व ान वा
जीव व ान वा ाणी व ानमा वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन
वातावरण नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत व ान वा जीव व ान वा ाणी
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ६ बषको व ानमा नातको र तह उ ीण
व वध कायानुभव
िजयोलिज वा िजयो फिज स वषयमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत िजयोलिज वा िजयो फिज स
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ६ बषको वषयमा नातको र तह उ ीण
इलेि कल वा इले ोन स
इले ि कल वा इले ोन स
इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातको र तह
इले ि कल इि ज नय रङमा नातक तह
उ ीण र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
उ ीण
तरको पदमा ८ बषको कायानुभव
मेका नकल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत
१० मेका नकल इि ज नय रङमा
मेका नकल े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ८ बषको
नातक तह उ ीण

स भल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा नातको र
स भल इि ज नय रङ वषयमा
स भल स भल तह उ ीण र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत
नातक तह उ ीण
तरको पदमा ८ बषको कायानुभव

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 81

तह समूह उप-समूह खुला तयो गताका ला ग बढुवाको ला ग
सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा भूगोल सभ इि ज नय रङमा नातक वा
वषयमा नातको र उ ीण गर स नयर भूगोल वषयमा नातको र
सभयर कोष पुरा गरे को वा व.एस. स. उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
गिणत उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष पुरा गरे को वा व.एस. स. गिणत
पुरा गरे को र स बि धत े मा अ धकृत उ ीण गर स नयर सभयर कोष
तरको पदमा ८ बषको कायानुभव पुरा गरे को
क युटर इि ज नय रङमा वषयमा
क यूटर नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत क युटर इि ज नय रङमा
इि ज नय रङ े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ८ बषको वषयमा नातक तह उ ीण
वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन व ान वा
वातावरण वा पयावरण वा वन
जीव व ान वा ाणी व ान वा
व ान वा जीव व ान वा ाणी
िजयोलिज वा िजयो फिज स वषयमा
व वध व ान वा िजयोलिज वा
नातको र तह उ ीण र स बि धत
िजयो फिज स वषयमा
े मा अ धकृत तरको पदमा ८ बषको
नातको र तह उ ीण
११ ा व धक - - नातक तह उ ीण

१. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल २०६२ वमोिजम तह १ मा तो कएको सेवा अब ध पुरा गरे का र प छ लो तीन
आ थक बषको काय स पादन मू या नमा यूनतम न बे तशत औषत अ ा त गरे को कमचार म ये
ब र ठताको आधारमा जे ठता तथा काय स पादन र काय मता मू या न ारा तह २ मा बढुवा गन
यो यता पुगेको मा ननेछ ।
२. ा व धक िश ा तथा यवसा यक ता लम प रष (CTEVT) वाट ा त गरे को स वि धत वषयको सीप
पर णको माणप लाई दे हायको तहको ला ग दे हाय वमोिजम यूनतम शैि क यो यता मा ननेछ ।
सीपको तह उ मेदवार हुन पाउने तह
एक तह तीन
दुई तह चार
तीन तह पाँच
चार तह छै ठ

३. व भ न पदमा खुला तयो गतावाट नयु हुने तो कएको शैि क यो यता भ दा त लो शैि क यो यता
(बढु वाको ला ग आव यक पन शैि क यो यता) नभएको भनी शैि क सं थावाट लेिख आएमा य तो
पदको यूनतम शैि क यो यता खुला तयो गताका ला ग नधा रत शैि क यो यता नै कायम हुनेछ।
४. 249
यस अनुसूचीमा बढुवाका ला ग जुनसुकै यो यता तो कएको भए ताप न म त म त २०७१/०३/३२
भ दा अिघ ा धकरणको सेवामा वेश गरे का कमचार को हकमा स ालक स म तको मत
२०६५/१२/३० को ५१८ औ ं बैठकबाट तह ३ दे िख ६ स मका व भ पदह मा बढुवाको ला ग
तो कएको शैि क यो यतालाई नै यूनतम शैि क यो यता पुगक
े ो मा ननेछ ।

ब ीसौ सं शोधन ।
82 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम ३३ को उप- व नयम (१) सग

नोकर तथा वैयि क ववरण

कमचार को पुरा नाम थरः
हालको ठे गानाः
थायी ठे गानाः फोन नं .
अ थायी ठे गानाः फोन नं .
नाग रकताः
ज म म त सालः म हनाः गतेः
धमः लं गः ी/पु ष हु लयाः
वैवा हक ि थ तः
ववा हत भएमा प त/प नीको नामः
पेशाः पूव पेशाः
पताको नामः सं र कको नामः
बाजेको नामः आकि मक अव थामा खवर गनु पन
इ छाएको यि को नामः यि को नाम ठे गानाः
ठे गानाः फोन नं .
िश ण शैि क मूल अ ययन गरे को साल ..... पर ाफल कािशत
.सं. े णी कै फयत
सं थाको नाम यो यता वषय दे िख ...... स म भएको वष

िश ण ता लम आ द (टाइ पंग,शट ा ड,क युटर आ द)समेतमा िश ण पाएको भए सो खुलाउनेः

ता लम दने अव ध
.सं. ता लमको वषय े णी कै फयत
सं था दे िख स म

मातृ भाषाः
लेखपढ गन र बो न जानेका अ भाषाह ः ............ यादै रा ो । रा ो । सामा य । के हो खुलाउनेः
ची तथा अ ची याकलापः

वग कृत े मा काय गरे को ववरणः

काम गरे को समय कै फयत

दे िख स म

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 83

वभागीय कारवाह ः
.सं. सजायको क सम सजायको आदे श पुनरावलोकन नणय कै फयत
१ न सहत
२ तलब बृ
३ बढु वा रो ा
४ हानी नो सानी, असुल उपरको कारवाह
५ नोकर बाट हटाइएको वा बखा त ग रएको

(आफूले ा त गरे का माणप ह को त ल प सं ल न गनु पनछ)

कमचार को द तखतः मािणत गनको सह ः

(कमचार शासन शाखाका मुख)
म तः म त◌ः
नोकर ववरणः
अि तम
दजा नयुि स वा बढुवा छाडेको
.स. कायालयको नाम पदमा रह कै फयत
(तह) मत मत मत तलब
गरे को काम

नेपाल सरकार वा अ य सं थानमा काम गर ा धकरणमा सारे को सु वधा (उपदान¸ पे सन इ याद )

.सं . सु वधा रकम अ य कै फयत

ो साह पुर कार पाएको म त तथा ववरणः

.सं . शंसाप तलब बृ नगर पुर कार अ य कै फयत

कमचार शासन शाखाको अ भलेख योजनको नि तः

१. कमचार सं केत नं.
२. ५८ वष उमेर पु ने म तः
ववरण भन स बि धत कमचार ले कै फयत महलमा म त स हत द तखत गनु पनछ ।

84 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम ३८ को उप- व नयम (१९) सग

रमाना प
नेपाल व त ु ा धकरण
प सं याः म तः ......................
कमचार सं केत नं. ...............
ी ...........................

नेपाल व त ा धकरण ।

वषयः रमाना ।
.......................... कायालयको प सं या ........... च.नं. .......... म त ..................... को प ान
तपाईलाई ...................................................... कायालयमा स वा/बढुवा/काम तो ने काय भएकोले म त
.................... दे िख लागु हुने गर उ कायालयमा हािजर हुन जान रमाना दइएको छ । तपाईको यस
कायालयमा रहं दाको ववरण न नानुसार छ ।

(१) बदाको ववरणः
(क) .................... साल .............. म हना स म घर बदा दन ...... बांक छ र यस आ.व.को घर बदा
वापतको सु बधा लएको छ/छै न ।
(ख) ...................... साल .............. म हनास म वरामी बदा दन ..... बांक छ । .... दन बदा पे क
दइएको छ र यस आ.व.को वरामी बदा वापतको सु वधा लएको छ/छै न ।
(ग) चालु आ.व. मा भैप र आउने बदा म ये लई सकेको ज मा दन ........... कटाउं दा अब ज मा दन
......... बांक छ / बांक छै न ।
(घ) ..................... साल ............... म हना स म वशेष बदा ....... दन र अ ययन बदा ............ दन
लनु भएको छ ।
(ङ) सुती बदा/ सुती याहार बदा ........... पटक लनु भएको छ ।
(२) हािजर ः
यस म हनाको हािजर ववरण न नानुसार छः
................... गते स म हािजर ........... दन/ बदा लएको दन .........
(३) तलब ववरणः
(क) मा सक तलब.............. अ रे पी . ................................... येक वषको ........ म हनामा वा षक
बृ पाउने गरे को छ ।
(ख) यस म हनाको म त ............... स मको तलव लनु भएको छ ।
(ग) यस म हनाको तलब लनु भएको छै न । यहांबाट भ ु ानी दनु हुन अनुरोध छ ।
(घ) ..................... वापत पे क . ................ बांक छ ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 85

(४) सापट ः
३ तशत याजी सापट लएको ववरण दे हाय अनूसार छः
सापट लएको सापट कटाएको सापट बांक रहेको
. सापट को
ज मा ज मा क ता रकम ज मा क ता कै फयत
सं . क सम पटक क ता क ता
. क ता रकम . . रकम
१ घरज गा ख रद
२ घर बनाउने
३ घर ममत

५ औषधोपचार
६ ाकृ तक कोप
(५) यि गत ववरण र अनुभवः
(क) ठे गानाः
(१) थायी ठे गाना नाग रकताको माणप अनुसार िज ला ........... नगरपा लका/ गा. व.स ........
वडा नं . ...... ।
(२) यि गत ववरण अनुसारः िज ला ....... नगरपा लका । गा. व.स. .............. वडा नं . ......
(ख) सेवा अव धको क समः
(१) ा धकरणको थायी सेवामा/पर णकालमा ।
(२) पर णकालमा रहे को भए प र णकाल शु म त .......... र समा त हुने म त ...................
(३) यस कायालयमा रहदां मु यतया ......................... स ब धी काम गरे को ।
(६) औषधी उपचार सु वधाः
(क) नजले यस आ थक वषको एक म हनाको तलब बराबरको रकम . ... .. लई स नु भएको छ/छै न र सो
समेत गर हाल स म . ............. लई स नु भएको छ ।
(ख) यस आ थक वषमा उपचार गन पे क वापत . ...... लई स नु भएको छ/छै न ।
(७) यस आ थक वषको पोशाक स◌ु बधा लनु भएको छ/छै न ।
(८). यस आ थक वषको चाडपव खच लनु भएको छ/छै न ।
ु सु वधाः
(९). व त नजले कमचार सेवा व नयमावल २०६२, (सं .स.) बमोिजम पाउने ु सु वधा
व त
ाहकको नाम ...................................................... ु महशुल बुझाउने
ाहक नं . .............. व त
काउ टर .................................................. वतरण के /शाखाबाट लनु भएको छ ।

सात सं शोधन ।
चौथो सं शोधन ।
86 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम ५० को ख ड (क) (१), र व नयम १३५ सग

(क) तह १२ का अ धकृतको ला ग

काय स पादन मू या न फाराम

१. स बि धत कमचार ले भनः

कमचार को नाम, थरः संकेत नं.

पदः तहः सेवाः समू हः
उप-समूहः कायरत कायालयः
ा धकरणबाट ा त काय ववरण भए सं ल न गनः
मू या न अव धः ............................... दे िख ................................. स म ।

उ मू या न अव धमा काम गरे का कायालयह ः

काय अव ध
कायालयको नाम
दे िख स म

उ मू या न अव धमा स प न गरे का मुख ५ वटा कायह ः

(च) आफ्नै अ सरताबाट कुनै काय गरे को भए सो को ववरणः

कमचार को द तखतः
म तः

सूप रवे कको कायालयमा दता म तः

दता नं.

प ध सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 87
२. उ कायह को आधारमा नकटतम सुप रवे कले गन मू यांकनः

काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
५ ४ ३ २
१ नी तगत प टता
२ यवसा यक ान
३ यव थापक य
४ नणय दन स ने
५ नेत ृ व गूण
६ स पा दत कामको
मू या न
७ समय
८ गुणा मक
९ प रमाण

ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)

सुप रवे कको नाम, थरः ह ता रः म तः

पदः कायकार नदशक

88 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

(ख) अ धकृत तर तह ६, ७, ८, ९, १० र ११ स मका कमचार को ला ग
काय स पादन मू या न फाराम
१. स बि धत कमचार ले भनः
कमचार को नाम, थरः संकेत नं.
पदः तहः सेवाः समू हः
उप-समूहः कायरत कायालयः
ा धकरणबाट ा त काय ववरण भए सं ल न गनः
मू या न अव धः ............................... दे िख ................................. स म ।
उ मू या न अव धमा काम गरे का कायालयह ः
काय अव ध
कायालयको नाम
दे िख स म
उ मू या न अव धमा स प न गरे का मुख ५ वटा कायह ः
(च) आफ्नै अ सरताबाट कुनै काय गरे को भए सो को ववरणः
कमचार को द तखतः
म तः
स◌ुप रवे कको कायालयमा दता म तः
दता नं.
२. उ कायह को आधारमा नकटतम सुप रवे कले गन मू यांकनः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
४ ३ २ १
१ वषय व तुको ान र सीप
२ पद य िज मेवार अनुसार स पा दत कामको सम
प रमाण र गुण तर
३ नदशानुसार काम गन स ने मता
४ अ तर वैयि क वभाव र मलनसा रता
५ इमा दार ता, नै तकता तथा सं था तको तव ता
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)
सुप रवे कको नाम, थरः ह ता रः म तः
तह र पदः कायालयः

प ध सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 89
३. मू या नकताको म◌ु य◌ा नः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
३ २.५ २ १.५
१ नेत ृ व र सं गठना मक मता
२ साधन र ोतको प रचालन गन मता
३ ृजनशीलता र अ सरता
४ काय चाप बहन गन मता
५ सहयोगीलाई वक सत गन मता
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ..........................................................
मू या नकताको नाम, थरः ह ता रः
म तः
तह र पदः कायालयः
४. मू या नकन स म तले भनः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
२ १.५ १ ०.५
१ नी त व ले षण गन मता
२ छलफल तथा वाता गन मता
३ सजनशीलता र अ सरता
४ ववेकको योग, नणय र मू या न गन मता
५ पेशागत संवेदनशीलता (इमा दा रता, गोपनीयता आ द)
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)
मू यां न स म तः
.सं. पद नाम र थर द तखत मत
१ अ य
२ सद य
३ सद य

मू या न स म तको सिचवले भनः

कुल ा तांकः
(क) सुप रवे कले दएको अ ...................
(ख) मू यां ननकताले दएको अ ...................
(ग) मू यां न स म तले दएको अ ..................

काय स पादन मू या न वापतको ज मा अ .............. (अ रमा ...................................)

द तखतः
म तः

90 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

(ग) सहायक तर तह ५ का कमचार को ला ग
काय स पादन मू या न फाराम

१. स बि धत कमचार ले भनः
कमचार को नाम, थरः संकेत नं.
पदः तहः सेवाः समू हः
उप-समूहः कायरत कायालयः
ा धकरणबाट ा त काय ववरण भए सं ल न गनः
मू या न अव धः ............................... दे िख ................................. स म ।

कमचार ले स प न गरे का मुख कायह ः

(च) आफ्नै अ सरताबाट कुनै काय गरे को भए सो को ववरणः

कमचार को द तखतः
म तः
सुप रवे कको कायालयमा दता म तः
दता नं.

२. उ कायह को आधारमा नकटतम सुप रवे कले गन मू या नः

काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
५ ४ ३ २
१ कामसँग स बि धत शीप, ान
२ सुि पएको काय िज मेवार का साथ वहन गन
स ने मता
३ कत य न ठा र अनुशासन
४ मलनसा रता र सहयोगी भावना
५ समय पालना र काममा अ सर हुने मता

ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)

सुप रवे कको नाम, थरः ह ता रः म तः

तह र पदः कायालयः

प ध संशोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 91
३. उ कमचार को काय ववरण र सामा य जानकार को आधारमा प हलो मु यांकनकताः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
२ १.५ १ ०.५
१ कामसँग स बि धत शीप, ान
२ सूि पएको काय िज मेवार का साथ वहन गन
स ने मता
३ कत य न ा र अनूशासन
४ मलनसा रता र सहयोगी भावना
५ नदशानूसार काम गन मता
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)
सुप रवे कको नाम, थरः ह ता रः म तः
तह र पदः कायालयः
४.मु यां न स म तले भनः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
२ १.५ १ ०.५
१ अ भलेख यव थापन
२ सुि पएको काय िज मेवार का साथ वहन गन
स ने मता
३ गोपनीयता रा न स ने मता
४ अ तर वैयि क वभाव र संचार सीप
५ सं था तको ि टकोण
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)

मु यां न स म त
.सं. पद नाम र थर द तखत मत
१ अ य
२ सद य
३ सद य

मू या न स म तको सिचवले भनः

कुल ा तांकः
(क) सुप रवे कले दएको अ ...................
(ख) मू यां ननकताले दएको अ ...................
(ग) मू यां न स म तले दएको अ ..................
काय स पादन मू या न वापतको ज मा अ .............. (अ रमा ...................................)
द तखतः
म तः

92 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

(घ) सहायक तर तह १, २, ३ र ४ का कमचार को ला ग
काय स पादन मू या न फाराम
१. स बि धत कमचार ले भनः
कमचार को नाम, थरः संकेत नं.
पदः तहः सेवाः समू हः
उप-समूहः कायरत कायालयः
ा धकरणबाट ा त काय ववरण भए सं ल न गनः
मू या न अव धः ............................... दे िख ................................. स म ।
कमचार ले स प न गरे का मुख कायह ः
अ य केह भएः
कमचार को द तखतः
म तः
सुप रवे कको कायालयमा दता म तः
दता नं.
२. उ कायह को आधारमा नकटतम सुप रवे कले गन मू यांकनः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
६ ५ ४ ३
१ कामसँग स बि धत शीप, ान
२ नदशानुसार काम गन मता
३ आ ापालन र अनुशासन
४ काममा ची, उ साह र शी ता
५ उपि थ त, समय पालना र सजगता
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)
सुप रवे कको नाम, थरः ह ता रः म तः
तह र पदः कायालयः
३. उ कमचार को काय ववरण र सामा य जानकार को आधारमा प हलो मु यांकनकताः
काय स पादन तर
ववरण यादै रा ो रा ो सामा य सामा य भ दा कम
सं .
३ २.५ २ १.५
१ कामसँग स बि धत शीप, ान
२ नदशानुसार काम गन मता
३ सं चार सीप
४ कत य न ा र अनुशासन
५ उपि थ त, समय पालना र सजगता
ज मा ा तांकः (अ रमा ............................................................)

प ध सं शोधन ।
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 93
कुल ा तांकः
(क) सुप रवे कले दएको अ ...................
(ख) मू या नकताले दएको अ ...................

काय स पादन मू या न वापतको ज मा अ .........(अ रमा .......................................)

मू यां कनकताको नाम, थरः ह ता रः म तः

तह र पदः कायालयः

काय स पादन मू या न फाराम भन नदिशकाः

(क) येक कमचार ले एक आ थक वषमा भए गरे को कामको ववरण प ट उ लेख गर तो कएको काय
स पादन मू या न फाराम एक त भर येक वषको ावण मसा त भ सुप रवे क सम दता गर
पेश गनु पदछ। दता म त र दता नं. उ ले ख नभएको काय स पादन मू या न फाराम तो कएको याद
प छ पे श गरे को मा ननेछ ।
(ख) ख ड (क) बमोिजम ा त हुन आएको काय स पादन मू या न फाराम सुप रवे कको है सयतले गनु पन
मू या न गर भा १५ गते भ मू या नकताको कायालयमा दता गर पेश गनु पनछ ।
(ग)ख ड (ख) अनुसार ा त मू या न फाराममा मू या नकताले मू या न गर तह १, २, ३ र ४ का
कमचार को काय स पादन मू या न फाराम गो यताका साथ भा मसा त भ पदपू त वभागमा दता गर
स नु पनछ ।
(घ) ख ड (ख) अनुसार मू या न कताले मू या न गर ा त हुन आएको तह ५ र सो भ दा मा थका
कमचार को काय स पादन मू या न पदपूत वभागमा भा मसा त भ दता गर स नु पनछ ।
(ङ) ख ड (घ) बमोिजम ा त काय स पादन मू या न फारामह सामा यतया असोज १५ गते भ मू या न
स म तह वाट मू या न गराई स नु पनछ ।
(च) काय स पादन मू या न अव धमा एक भ दा बढ सुप रवे क वा मू या नकता भएमा प छ लो सुप रवे क
वा मू या नकताले मू या न गनु पनछ ।
(छ) तो कएको अव ध भ काय स पादन मू या न काय स प न नगन कमचार ह को अ भलेख तै यार गर
मु य शासक य अ धकृत र स बि धत मू या न स म तलाई जानकार गराउने काम पदपूत वभागको
हुनेछ ।
(ज) तो कएको याद भ आ नो काय स पादन मू या न फाराम भर नकटतम सुप रवे क सम पेश नगन
स बि धत कमचार को यस आ थक वषको काय स पादन मू या नबाट ा त अ मा एक अ घटाइनेछ ।
(झ) काय स पादन मू या न फारामका व भ न ख डह मा म त य दने वा मू या न गन सुपर वे क वा
मू या न कताले व नयममा तो कएको समय मै ा त हुन आएको काय स पादन मू या न फाराम समयमै
मू या न नगरे मा य तो सुपर वे क र मू या नकतालाई न सहत दईनेछ ।
(ञ) कुनै कमचार को कुनै आ थक वषको काय स पादन मु यांकन भन भराउन छु ट भएको भए मा थ ख ड
(ज) र (झ) बमोिजम गन गर हाल कायरत कायालयको सुप रवे क, मू या न कता र काय स पादन
मू या न स म तका सद यले मू या न गन स नेछन् ।

चौबीस सं शोधन ।
चौबीस संशोधन ।
चौबीस सं शोधन ।
चौबीस सं शोधन ।
94 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
ँ स वि धत)
( व नयम ५० को ख ड (घ) (१) सग
भौगो लक े को वग करण◌ः
वग ववरण
"क" १ ु
मेची अ चलको ता लेजंग
२ सगरमाथा अ चलको सोलुखु वु
३ ग डक अ चलको मना
४ धवला गर अ चलको मु ता
५ रा ती अ चलको रो पा, कुम
६ कणाल अ चलको हु ला, जु ला, मुग,ु काल कोट, डो पा
७ भेर अ चलको जाजरकोट
८ सेती अ चलको वझां , वाजुरा
९ महाकाल अ चलको दाच ुला
"ख" १ मेची अ चलको पांचथर
२ ु ासभा
कोशी अ चलको भोजपुर, ते थुम, सं खव
३ सगरमाथा अ चलको ओखलढु ा, खोटा
४ जनकपुर अ चल रामेछाप
५ वागमती अ चलको रसुवा
६ लुि बनी अ चलको अघाखाची, गु मी
७ धवला गर अ चलको या द
८ रा ती अ चलको स यान, यू ठान
९ सेती अ चलको डोट , अछाम
१० महाकाल अ चलको डडे लधुरा, वैतडी
११ भेर अ चलको दै लेख
"ग" १ मेची अ चलको इलाम
२ कोशी अ चलको धनकुटा
३ सगरमाथा अ चलको उदयपुर
४ जनकपुर अ चलको स धुल , दोलखा
५ बागमती अ चलको स धुपा चोक, धा द
६ ग डक अ चलको तनहु, यां जा, गोरखा, ल जुंग
७ धवला गर अ चलको पवत, बा लु
८ लुि बनी अ चलको पा पा
९ रा ती अ चलको दा
१० भेर अ चलको व दया, सुखत
११ सेती अ चलको कैलाल
१२ महाकाल अ चलको क चनपुर
"घ" १ मेची अ चलको झापा
२ कोशी अ चलको मोरं ग, सुनसर
३ सगरमाथा अ चलको स तर , सराहा
४ जनकपुर अ चलको धनुषा, महो र , सलाह
५ बागमती अ चलको नुवाकोट, का पे ला चोक
६ नारायणी अ चलको बारा, पसा, रौतहट, िचतवन, मकवानपुर
७ ग डक अ चलको का क
८ लुि बनी अ चलको प दे ह , नवलपरासी, क पव तु
९ भेर अ चलको बांके
"ङ" १ बागमती अ चलको काठमाडौ, भ पुर, ल लतपुर
ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 95
( व नयम ६५ को उप- व नयम (५) सँग स बि धत)
कवु लयतको ढांचा
(क) ा धकरणवाट मनोनयन भएकोमा

म........................................ ा धकरणको ..................... तरको तह........... को कमचार ा धकरणको

म त .........................................को नणयानुसार व नयम ६५ को उप- व नयम (२) बमोिजम मनोनयन
भएकोमा ...................... अव ध अ ययन/ता लम ग र सकेप छ व नयम ६५ को उप- व नयम (५) बमोिजम
तो कएको सेवा अव ध पुरा गनछु भ न यो कवु लयतनामा गरे को छु । कथं कदािचत मैले तो कएको समयाव ध
पुरा नगरे मा ा धकरणवाट मनोनयन भएकोमा मनोनयन गन लागेको खच, सं थामा पठाएको खच, छा वृि को
ला ग ा त रकम, हवाई र अ य खच तथा मैले सो अव धभर पाएको तलव भ ा फता गनछु नगरे मा मैले पाउने
जुनसुकै रकमवाट क ा गरे मा वा सोवाट नपुग भएमा मेरो घरघरानावाट अस◌ुल उपर गन म म जुर रहे को छु ।

नजले मेरो रोहवरमा कवु लयतनामा गरे को मािणत गदछु ।

स वि धत शाखा मुख/महाशाखा मुखको नामः कमचार को नामः
पदः पदः
द तखतः द तखतः
म तः म तः
( या चे छाप)
दायां बांया

(ख) आ नै यासमा अ ययन गन गएकोमा

म........................................ ा धकरणको ..................... तर तह........... को कमचार व नयम ६५

को उप- व नयम (४) बमोिजम आ नै यासमा अ ययन गन ा धकरणको म त.................................को
नणयवाट वीकृ त पाएकोमा ...................... अव ध अ ययन/ता लम ग र सकेप छ व नयम ६५ को उप-
व नयम (५) बमोिजम तो कएको सेवा अव ध पुरा गनछु भ न यो कवु लयतनामा गरे को छु । कथंकदािचत मैले
तो कएको समयाव ध पूरा नगरे मा ज त सेवा अव ध पुरा नगरे को हो य त नै से वा अव ध मेरो सेवा अव धमा
गणना नग रएमा मेरो म जुर छ ।
नजले मेरो रोहवरमा कवु लयतनामा गरे को मािणत गदछु ।
स वि धत शाखा मुख/महाशाखा मुखको नामः कमचार को नामः
पदः पदः
द तखतः द तखतः
म तः म तः
( या चे छाप)
दायां बांया

96 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

( व नयम ७२ को उप- व नयम (२) सँग स बि धत)

वदाको आवेदन

मलाई म त २० । । गते दे िख २० । । स म ...... दन ............ बदा आव यक भएकोले वीकृ तको

ला ग अनुरोध गदछु ।

सह ः
बांक बदाको ववरण
( बदाको रे कड रा ने स बि धत कमचार शासन शाखाले भन)
गत सालको बांक वदा ................ दन बदामा रहं दा स पक गन स कने फोन नं
यो वषको ................ दन
ज मा बांक ................ दन
आवेदन गरे को ................ दन
अब बांक हुने ................ दन

..................... ................... ....................

उतार गनको सह सफा रश गन वीकृ त दने

कमचार को जानकार को न म

ी ................................... तपाईले माग गनु भएको ....................... बदा ............ मत

...................... दे िख ..................... स म ........ दन वीकृत/अ वीकृत ग रएको छ ।

बदा वीकृ त दने अ धकृतको सह ः


ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 97

ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १०० को उप- व नयम (१) को ख ड (क) सग

थानीय भ ाको ला ग े वग करण

े वग करणः
"क" वगका े का थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाह
१. ग डक मना
२. कणाल हु ला, मुग,ु डो पा र काल कोट
३. सेती बाजुरा

"ख" वगका े का थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाह

१. धवला गर मु ता
२. कणाल जु ला
३. सेती वझा
४. महाकाल दाच ुला

"ग" वगका े का थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाह

१. रा ती कुम
२. भेर जाजरकोट, दै लेख
३. सेती अछाम

"घ" वगका े का थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाह

१. मेची ता लेज ु
२. कोशी ु ासभा, भोजपुर, ते थुम
३. सगरमाथा खोटा , ओखलढु ा, सोलुखु वु
४. धवला गर या द
५. रा ती रो पा, स यान र यूठान
६. महाकाल डडेलधुरा र वैतडी
७. सेती डोट

"ङ" वगका े का थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाह

१. मेची पांचथर
२. कोशी धनकुटा
३. जनकपुर रामेछाप, दोलखा
४. बागमती रसुवा, स धुपा चोक, धा दं ग (सदरमुकाम े )
५. ग डक ल जुं ग, गोरखा
६. लुि बनी गु मी, अघाखाची
७. धवला गर बा लु , पवत

98 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

प ीकरण◌ः
थानीय भ ा दर स ब धमा मा थ जुनसुकै तावका दरह ताव ग रएका भए प न दे हायमा उ लेख भएका थानह मा
कायरत कमचार ह ले दे हायमा उ लेख भएका दरह ले थानीय भ ा पाउनेछः
१. "ख" वगको "सदरमुकाम र ६ कोष भ " महलको दरले थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाका गाउँ वकास स म तह ः
(क) मेचीः ता लेजग ुं को धु सा र ओलाङचोङगोला, यसमा पन गाउँ वकास स म तह (१) ओलाङचोङगोला
ु ासभा नुम भ दा उ र िज लामा पन (१) चे पव
(ख) कोशीः सं खव ु ा (२) हे दा ना (३) कमाथांका (४) याक सला (५)
वालदु र समाजोर
(ग) सगरमाथाः सोलुखु वुको ना चे स हत उ रको इलाका, यसमा पन गाउ वकास स म तहर (१) खु जुग (२) ना चे
(३) चौ रखक
(घ) जनकपुरः दोलखा िज लाको लामोवगर र रो वा लं ग स हत उ र इलाका यसमा पन गाउ वकास स म त (१)
(ङ) बागमतीः रसुवाको टमुरे स हत उ र इलाका, यसमा पन गाउँ वकास स म त (१) टमुरे
(च) ग डक ः गोखाका स दवास उ रको इलाका, यसमा पन गाउँ वकास स म तह (१) स दवास (२) ोक (३)
लोङ (४) केरोला (५) छे क पार र (६) मान च ु
(छ) धवला गर ः बा लुंगको ढोरपाटन े मा पन गाउँ वकास स म तह (१) वोडांग (२) न ल (३) हुकाम (४)
र मा (५) मैकोट र (६) टकवाहछ
(ज) से तीः डोट िज लाको ख तड जडीवुट उ ानको ९००० (नौ हजार) फट भ दा उचाईको भाग
२. "घ" वगको "१२ कोष र सो भ दा मा थ" महलको दरले थानीय भ ा पाउने िज लाका गाउँ वकास स म तह ः
(क) बागमतीः धा द को आ दुर् खोलाको उ र इलाका, यसमा पन गाउँ वकास स म तह (१) बुढाथुम (२) लापा (३)
फुलखक (४) रगाउँ (५) स यानकोट (६) स यानटार, स धुपा चोक फु पग र सेमाया स हत उ र इलाका
यसमा पन गाउँ वकास स म तह (१) बराचो (२) व वा (३) भौतांग स हत उ र इलाका यसमा पन गाउँ
वकास स म तह (१) बराचो (२) ब वा (३) भौतांग (४) वरतागोलदे (५) गुनसा (६) गुवा (७) कउल (८)
लसतीकोट (९) महांकाल (१०) पांग तांग (११) फुि प क (१२) धागपालकोट र (१३) टमुयठगल
टनुस यागल ।
(ख) ग डक ः ल जु को खुद स हत उ र े , यसमा पन गाउँ वकास स म तह (१) बाहुन डांडा महे ोदय (२)
ीकाल काताघी (३) ठ◌ुल वेशी पताह र (४) ठाकन फा लका दे वी ।
ट यः थानीय भ ा दने आधारह ः
(क) कमचार ले तो कएको थानका ला ग तो कएको रकम थानीय भ ा पाउने छन् ।
(ख) थानीय तरका कमचार ले सोह थानमा काम गरे मा थानीय भ ा नपाउने । तर (क) र (ख) वगमा काम गन
कमचार ह लाई भने तो कएको दरको ५० तशतले थानीय भ ा दइनेछ ।
(ग) कुनै कमचार थानीय भ ा पाउने थानमा बसी काम गरे को भएमा मा य तो भ ा पाउनेछ । कमचार को पद थापन
थानीय भ ा पाउने थानमा भएको भएता प न काजमा वा अ य तवरले कुनै भ ा नपाउने वा अ य पाउने थानमा बसी
काम गरे मा नजले सो अव धभर थानीय भ ा नपाउने तर कायरत थानको न म तो कएको भ ा स म दने ।
(घ) एक वषमा ३० दन स मको बदामा वसे को कमचार लाई थानीय भ ा दने । तर सु केर बदा, या बदा, भै पर
बदा र पव वदाको हकमा यो यव था लागू नहुने । अ ययन काज तथा अ ययन बदा र असाधारण बदा, वेतलवी
बदामा बसेका कमचार ले थानीय भ ा नपाउने । भ ा पाउने थानमा पदा धकार रहेको आधारमा मा थानीय भ ा
न दने ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 99

ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १०० को उप- व नयम (१) को ख ड (ख) सग
थानीय भ ा (मा सक .)
क वग ख वग ग वग घ वग ङ वग
सदरम◌ुका सदरम◌ुका सदरम◌ुका सदरम◌ुका सदरम◌ुका
सदरमूका म बाट ६ सदरमूकाम म बाट ६ सदरमूकाम म बाट ६ सदरमूकाम म बाट ६ सदरमूकाम म बाट ६
म र ६ कोष र सो र ६ कोष कोष र सो र ६ कोष कोष र सो र ६ कोष कोष र सो र ६ कोष कोष र सो
कोष भ भ दा भ भ दा भ भ दा भ भ दा भ भ दा
बा हर बा हर बा हर बा हर बा हर
१ 5630 5910 4500 4730 3380 3550 1750 2240 580 610
२ 6190 6500 4950 5200 3720 3900 2000 2350 640 680
३ 6750 7090 5400 5680 4050 4250 2280 2500 700 740
४ 7690 8080 6150 6460 4380 4600 2560 2760 790 830
५ 9190 9650 7350 7710 5250 5510 3060 3210 930 980
६ 14060 14760 11250 11820 8370 8800 3750 3940 1290 1350
७ 15150 15900 12120 12730 8870 9320 4380 4600 1430 1500
८ 16230 17040 12980 13630 9370 9850 5000 5250 1650 1730
९ 17960 18860 14370 15090 10060 10570 5630 5980 1830 1920
१० 19690 20680 15750 16540 10750 11280 6250 3700 2100 2210
११ 21970 23070 16880 17020 11870 12470 8380 8870 2170 2290
१२ 24250 25460 1800 18900 13000 13650 10500 11030 2280 2400

ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १०० को उप- व नयम (२) सग
तह 261
आवास सु बधा मा सक . अ य भ ा
१२ ४००० ६२५
११ ४००० ६२५
१० ४००० ६२५
९ ४००० ६२५
८ ४००० ६२५
७ ४००० ६२५
६ ४००० ६२५
५/५ अ त र मान ३००० ६००
४ ३००० ५६०
३ २५०० ९७६
२ २५०० १०५१
१ २५०० १०१४

छि बस सं शोधन ।
एकतीस संशोधन ।
100 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १०९ को उप- व नयम (२) सग

ो साह पुर कारको ला ग सफा रश ववरण◌ः

(क) कायरत कायालयः
उप-कायकार नदशकको कायालयको कायालय,...............................,
.................................................. वभाग/ े ीय कायालय
...................... महाशाखा .......................... शाखा
(ख) यि गत ववरणः
(१) नाम (२) कमचार को सं केत नं .
(३) तहः (४) पदः (५) सेवाः (६) समूहः
(७) नयुि को क समः ( थायी/ याद /करार/ यालादार आव धक म ये कुन हो ?)
(८) यो भ दा अगा ड पुर कार पाएको छ/छै न ? पाएको भए सोको ववरणः
.सं . पटक पुर कारको क सम साल
(ग) काय स पादनको अव थाः
(१) हािजर गत ....... आ.व. मा कायालय स चालन भएको ज मा दन ।
नज उपि थत ज मा दन ......... ।
(२) तो कएको मु य मु य काय र स पादनको तरः
.सं . मु य मु य काय तर
(३) अनुसाशनः
(४) पुर कार गन लायकको कायः
(५) सफा रश गनुको आधारः

(घ) सफा रशः

(१) सफा रश ग रएको नगद पुर कार (२) ाथ मकता मः
(३) सफा रश कताह ः
(अ) काम लगाउने सुप रवे क (अ धकृत) (आ) कायालय मुख
सह ः सह ः
नामः नामः
पदः पदः
म तः म तः
(इ) वभागीय मुख (ई) उप-कायकार नदशक
सह ः सह ः
नामः नामः
पदः पदः
म तः म तः

(ङ) पुर कार सफा रश स म तको सफा रशः

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 101
( व नयम १२६ सँग स वि धत)
( ष्टाचार नवारण ऐन, २०५९ को दफा ५० को उपदफा (१) तथा अि तयार दु पयोग अनुस धान आयोग ऐन
२०४८ को दफा ३१ क को उपदफा (१) को योजनको लागि◌)
स पि ववरण फाराम
सावज नक पदधारण गरे को यि को नाम, थरः–
पदः– ववरण पेश गरे को नकायः–
ववरण पे श गरे को आ.व.–
थायी ठे गानाः–
िज लाः– गा. व.स./न.पा.– वडा नं .– टोलः–
हाल बसोवास गरे को ठे गानाः
िज लाः– गा. व.स./न.पा.– वडा नं .– टोलः–
कमचार सं केत न बरः– थायी ले खा न◌ः
१. अचल स पि को ववरण
(क) घर
घर र घरले चचको ज गाको ववरण ख रद
. ा तीको
घर ध नको नाम वडा क ा े फल गरे को भए कै फयत
सं िज ला गा. व.स./न.पा ोत
नं. नं. (वग मटर) ख रद मु य

(ख) ज गा
ववरण ख रद
. ा तीको
घर ध नको नाम वडा क ा े फल गरे को भए कै फयत
सं िज ला गा. व.स./न.पा ोत
नं. नं. (वग मटर) ख रद मु य

२. चल स पि को ववरण
(क) नगद, सुन, चाद , हरा, जवाहरातः
ख रद गरे को भए
.स. ववरण प रणाम ा त मत ा तीको ोत कै फयत
ख रद मु य

प ध सं शोधन ।
102 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)
(ख) बैक, वि य सं था तथा सहकार सं थामा रहेको खाताको ववरण
खातावालाको सं थाको नाम
.सं. खाता नं. मौ दात रकम ा तीको ोत कै फयत
नाम र ठे गाना

(ग) धतोप , शेयर वा ऋणप को ववरण

शेयरधनीको क पनीको शेयर /ऋणप को शेयर/ऋणप को ववरण ा तीको
.सं. कै फयत
नाम, थर नाम, ठे गाना क सम सं या रकम ोत

(घ) ऋण लए / दए / तरे को ववरण

ऋण लने/ दने, तन ऋण
ऋण लए/ दए/ ऋण लए / दए/
.सं. यि सं थाको नाम कै फयत
लएको दएको तरे को तरे को रकम तरे को म त
ठे गाना

(ङ) सवार साधन (अटोमोवाइलको हकमा मा ) को ववरण

सवार को क सम र
.सं. सवार धनीको नाम ख रद मु य ख रद म त ा तीको ोत कै फयत
न बर

३. कृ ष तथा पशुधन (घरज गा बाहेक) को ववरण

.सं. ववरण सं या ख रद मु य ा ीको म त ा तीको ोत कै फयत

४. अ य स पि को ववरण
.सं. ववरण ख रद मु य ा ीको म त ा तीको ोत कै फयत

मैले जाने बुझेस म मा थ लेिखए बमोिजमको ववरण ठक छ । फरक पन छै न ।

द तखतः–
म तः–
ट यः अिघ लो आ थक बषमा पेश गरे को स पि ववरण थपघट भएको ववरण यसै बमोिजमको फाराममा
भर पेश गनु पनछ ।

ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त) 103

नेपाल व त ा धकरण ऐनको दफा ३३
ँ स बि धत)
( व नयम १३४ सग

गोपनीयताको शपथ हण

म .............................................. त ा गदछु क ा धकरणको स ालक वा सद य वा लेखापर क वा

पदा धकार वा कमचार को है सयतवाट वा ा धकरणमा आ नो ओहदा स वि ध समु चा काम कुरामा आ नो
यो यता र मताले भेटेस म पर आएको कत यको पालना ईमा दार पूवक र स य न ठाले गनछु ।

म पुनः त ा गछु क कुनै अना धकृत यि लाई ा धकरण स ब धी कुनै गो य सूचना काशन गन लगाउन
वा कसैलाई ा धकरणको अ धनमा रहे को र ा धकरण स ब धी कुनै कताव वा कागजप कुनै य तो
यि लाई नर ण वा हण गन दने छै न ।

द तखतः
म तः

( या चे छाप)

दायां बांया

104 ने. व. ा. कमचार सेवा व नयमावल (पैतीस संशोधन सह त)

ljB't lgodg cfof]u P]g, @)&$

k|df0fLs/0f tyf k|sflzt ldlt
;+jt\ @)&$ ;fnsf] P]g g+= !#

k|:tfjgf M ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf Jofkf/nfO{ ;/n, lgoldt, Jojl:yt tyf kf/bzL{
agfO{ ljB'tsf] dfu / cfk"lt{df ;Gt'ng sfod /fVg, ljB't dx;'n lgodg ug{, ljB't pkef]Qmfsf]
xs / lxt ;+/If0f ug{, ljB'tsf] ahf/nfO{ k|lt:kwf{Tds agfpg tyf ljB't ;]jfnfO{ e/kbf]{,
;j{;'ne, u'0f:t/o'Qm tyf ;'/lIft agfpg ljB't lgodg cfof]usf] Joj:yf ug{ jf~5gLo ePsf]n],
g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f @(^ sf] pkwf/f -!_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yflksf–;+;bn]] of] P]g
agfPsf] 5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æljB't lgodg cfof]u P]g, @)&$Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g k|df0fLs/0f ePsf] ldltn] PsfgAa]cf}F lbgb]lv k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;ª\un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ æcWoIfÆ eGgfn] cfof]usf] cWoIf ;Demg' k5{ .
-v_ æcg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmÆ eGgfn] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf Jofkf/
ug{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf ;ª\ul7t ;+:yf ;Demg'
k5{ .
-u_ æcfof]uÆ eGgfn] bkmf # adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] ljB't lgodg cfof]u ;Demg'
k5{ .
-3_ æpkef]QmfÆ eGgfn] ljB't pkef]u ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yf ;Demg' k5{ .
-ª_ ætf]lsPsf]Æ jf ætf]lsP adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgoddf
tf]lsPsf] jf tf]lsP adf]lhd ;Demg' k5{ .
-r_ ædGqfnoÆ eGgfn] pmhf{ dGqfno ;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ ædx;'nÆ eGgfn] ljB't ;]jf pkef]u u/] afkt pkef]Qmfn] ljt/0f cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmnfO{ a'emfpg' kg]{ ljB't d"No, dx;'n, z'Ns tyf cGo b:t'/ ;Demg'
k5{ .
-h_ æljB'tÆ eGgfn] kfgL, vgLh t]n, sf]Onf, Uof;, ;f}o{, jfo', cf0fljs, h}ljs
kbfy{ jf cGo s'g} ;|f]taf6 pTkfbg x'g] ljB't ;Demg' k5{ .
-em_ æ;lrjÆ eGgfn] bkmf #@ adf]lhd cfof]usf] ;lrjsf] ¿kdf sfd ug]{] sd{rf/L
;Demg' k5{ .
-`_ æ;b:oÆ eGgfn] cfof]usf] ;b:o ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] cWoIfnfO{ ;d]t
hgfpF5 .


cfof]usf] :yfkgf tyf u7g
#= cfof]usf] :yfkgf M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf Jofkf/nfO{ lgodg ug]{ lgodgsf/L
lgsfosf] ¿kdf ljB't lgodg cfof]usf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 .
-@_ cfof]usf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{no sf7df8f}+ pkTosfdf /xg]5 / cfof]un] cfjZostf
cg';f/ g]kfnsf cGo :yfgdf ;d]t zfvf sfof{no vf]Ng ;Sg]5 .
$= cfof]u :jzfl;t / ;ª\ul7t ;+:yf x'g] M -!_ cfof]u cljlR5Gg pQ/flwsf/jfnf Ps :jzfl;t
/ ;ª\ul7t ;+:yf x'g]5 .
-@_ cfof]usf] sfd sf/afxLsf] lgldQ o;sf] Pp6f 5'§} 5fk x'g]5 .
-#_ cfof]un] JolQm ;/x rn, crn ;DklQ k|fKt ug{, pkef]u ug{, a]rlavg ug{ jf
cGo lsl;dn] Joj:yfkg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ cfof]un] JolQm ;/x cfˆgf] gfdaf6 gfln; ph'/ ug{ / cfof]u pk/ klg ;f]xL
gfdaf6 gfln; ph'/ nfUg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ cfof]un] JolQm ;/x s/f/ ug{ / s/f/ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u / bfloTj lgjf{x
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
%= cfof]usf] u7g M -!_ cfof]usf] u7g b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fhkqflÍt ljlzi6 >]0fLsf] kbdf /xL sfd
u/]sf] jf cy{zf:q, jfl0fHo, Joj:yfkg, n]vf, sfg"g jf Ol~hlgol/Ë
ljifodf sDtLdf :gftsf]Q/ txsf] z}lIfs pkflw xfl;n u/L
To:tf] ljifo ;DaGwL If]qdf sDtLdf aL; jif{ sfo{ cg'ej ePsf]
JolQmdWo] g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgo'Qm u/]sf] JolQm – cWoIf
-v_ cy{zf:q, jfl0fHo, Joj:yfkg, n]vf, sfg"g jf Ol~hlgol/Ë ljifodf
sDtLdf :gftsf]Q/ txsf] z}lIfs pkflw xfl;n u/L
To:tf] ljifo ;DaGwL If]qdf sDtLdf kGw| jif{ sfo{ cg'ej
ePsf JolQmdWo] g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgo'Qm u/]sf rf/ hgf JolQmx¿ – ;b:o
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd cWoIf / ;b:o lgo'lQm ubf{ sDtLdf Ps hgf dlxnf ;lxt
;dfg'kflts ;dfj]zL l;4fGtsf cfwf/df ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ cWoIf / ;b:osf] lgo'lQm ePsf] ;"rgf g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sfzg ul/g]5 .
^= cof]Uotf M bkmf % df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] JolQm cWoIf jf ;b:o kbdf
lgo'lQm x'g jf axfn /xgsf] nflu of]Uo x'g] 5}g M–
-s_ u}/g]kfnL gful/s,
-v_ ljb]zL d'n'ssf] :yfoL cfjf;Lo cg'dlt lnPsf],
-u_ e|i6frf/, ha/h:tL s/0fL, dfgj a]rlavg tyf cf];f/k;f/, nfu" cf}ifw sf/f]af/,
;DklQ z'4Ls/0f, /fxbfgL b'¿kof]u, ckx/0f ;DaGwL s;"/ jf g}lts ktg b]lvg]
cGo kmf}hbf/L s;"/df ;hfo kfPsf],
-3_ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf k/]sf] jf To:tf] ;"rLaf6 km's'jf ePsf]
ldltn] sDtLdf tLg jif{ k"/f gePsf],
-ª_ cfkm" jf cfˆgf] Psf3/sf] kl/jf/sf] ;b:o ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf
Jofkf/df ;+nUg s'g} sDkgL jf To:tf] sDkgLsf] ;xfos sDkgL, kmd{ jf ;+:yfsf]
;+:yfks, Joj:yfksLo tx, z]o/ wgL jf ;~rfns, n]vfk/LIfs jf ;Nnfxsf/sf]

x}l;otdf ;+nUg /x]sf] jf To:tf] x}l;otaf6 cnu eO{ sDtLdf tLg jif{sf] cjlw
Joltt eO{ g;s]sf] .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æz]o/ wgLÆ eGgfn] ;DalGwt sDkgLsf]
sDtLdf Ps k|ltzt z]o/df :jfldTj /x]sf] JolQm ;Demg' k5{ .
-r_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf Jofkf/ ;DaGwL s;"/df ;hfo kfO{ ;hfo
e'Qmfg u/]sf] ldltn] tLg jif{sf] cjlw k"/f gePsf] .
-5_ g]kfn ;/sf/, k|b]z ;/sf/ jf :yfgLo tx jf g]kfn ;/sf/, k|b]z ;/sf/ jf
:yfgLo txsf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] ;ª\ul7t ;+:yf jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf]
axfnjfnf sd{rf/L .
-h_ ;fx'sf] C0f ltg{ g;sL bfdf;fxLdf k/]sf] .
-em_ s'g} /fhgLlts bnsf] ;b:o jf kbflwsf/L ePsf] .
&= cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] lgo'lQm M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/;df
cfof]usf] cWoIf tyf ;b:o lgo'lQm ug]{5 M–
-s_ ;lrj, dGqfno –;+of]hs
-v_ dGqfnon] dgf]lgt u/]sf] ljB't lj1 Ps hgf –;b:o
-u_ dGqfnon] tf]s]sf] /fhkqflª\st k|yd >]0fLsf] clws[t –;b:o–;lrj
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] cWoIf tyf ;b:o lgo'lQm ug{ pDd]bjf/ l;kmfl/;
ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu O{R5's pDd]bjf/nfO{ cfj]bg ;lxtsf] JolQmut ljj/0f k]z ug{ sDtLdf
kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd cfj]bg ug]{ pDd]bjf/ dWo]af6
pko'Qm 7xl/Psf JolQmsf] gfd cfj]bg ug]{ Dofb ;dfKt ePsf] PSsfO{; lbgleq g]kfn ;/sf/
;dIf l;kmfl/; ug'{ kg]{5 . To;/L l;kmfl/; ubf{ ;b:osf] xsdf bkmf % sf] v08 -v_
adf]lhdsf cnucnu ljifosf JolQmsf] gfd l;kmfl/; ug'{ kg]{5 .
t/ cnucnu ljifosf kof{Kt pDd]bjf/ pknJw x'g g;s]df Pp6} ljifosf Ps
hgfeGbf a9L JolQmnfO{;d]t l;kmfl/; ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf To:tf] ;ldltsf] ;+of]hsn] ug]{5
/ ;+of]hs tyf Ps hgf ;b:o pkl:yt ePdf ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] nflu u0fk"/s ;ª\Vof k'u]sf]
dflgg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] a}7sdf ax'dtsf] /fo dfGo x'g]5 / dt a/fa/
ePdf cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmn] lg0ff{os dt lbg]5 .
-^_ cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] nflu pDd]bjf/ l;kmfl/; ug]{ ;DaGwL cfwf/, k|s[of / a}7s
;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlw ;f] ;ldlt cfkm}n] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] ;+of]hs tyf ;b:osf] a}7s eQf cy{ dGqfnon]
tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
*= kbfjlw M cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] kbfjlw kfFr jif{sf] x'g]5 / lgh k'gM Ps kbfjlwsf] nflu
lgo'Qm x'g ;Sg]5 .
(= kbaf6 x6fpg ;Sg] M -!_ cWoIf jf s'g} ;b:odf sfo{ Ifdtfsf] cefj jf v/fa cfr/0f
ePsf] jf bkmf ^ adf]lhd lgh cof]Uo ePsf] jf o; P]g adf]lhd lghn] kbLo bfloTj k"/f
gu/]sf]] b]lvPdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] To:tf] ljifodf 5fglag ug{ Ps 5fglag ;ldlt u7g ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] 5fglag ;ldltn] cf/f]k nfu]sf] cWoIf jf ;b:osf]
;DaGwdf 5fglag u/L cfˆgf] /fo;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg g]kfn ;/sf/;dIf k]z ug]{5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] 5fglag ;ldltn] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd 5fglag ubf{ cf/f]k
nfu]sf] cWoIf jf ;b:onfO{ cfˆgf] ;kmfO{ k]z ug{ dgfl;a df}sf lbg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] 5fglag ;ldltn] cWoIf jf ;b:onfO{ kbaf6 x6fpg
l;kmfl/; u/]df g]kfn ;/sf/n] To:tf] cWoIf jf ;b:onfO{ kbaf6 x6fpg]5 .
-%_ o; bkmf adf]lhd 5fglagsf] sf/afxL k|f/De ePkl5 To:tf] 5fglagsf] ljifodf
6'Ëf] gnfu];Dd To:tf] cWoIf jf ;b:on] cfˆgf] kbsf] sfd ug{ kfpg] 5}g .
-^_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] 5fglag ;ldltsf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo
;'ljwf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!)= kb l/Qm ePsf] dflgg] M b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kb l/Qm ePsf] dflgg]5 M–
-s_ lghn] g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf cfˆgf] kbaf6 lbPsf] /fhLgfdf :jLs[t ePdf,
-v_ lghdf bkmf % adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf gePdf jf g/x]df,
-u_ bkmf * adf]lhd lghsf] kbfjlw ;dfKt ePdf,
-3_ bkmf ( adf]lhd lghnfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] kbaf6 x6fPdf,
-ª_ lghsf] d[To' ePdf .
!!= cfof]usf] a}7s M -!_ cfof]usf] a}7s dlxgfdf sDtLdf Psk6s a:g]5 .
-@_ cfof]usf] a}7s cWoIfn] / cWoIfsf] kb l/Qm ePsf] cj:yfdf jl/i7 ;b:on]
tf]s]sf] ldlt, ;do / :yfgdf a:g]5 .
t/ sDtLdf b'O{ hgf ;b:on] cfof]usf] a}7s af]nfpg lnlvt ¿kdf cg'/f]w u/]df
cWoIfn] / lghsf] cg'kl:yltdf jl/i7 ;b:on] ;ft lbgleq cfof]usf] a}7s af]nfpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]usf] a}7s a:g'eGbf sDtLdf rf}aL; 306f cufj} a}7sdf 5nkmn x'g]
ljifo;lxtsf] ;"rL ;lrjn] ;b:onfO{ pknJw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-$_ cfof]usf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf cWoIfn] / lghsf] cg'kl:yltdf pkl:ytdWo] jl/i7
;b:on] ug]{5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; bkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æjl/i7 ;b:oÆ eGgfn] lgo'lQmsf] qmddf
cufl8 /x]sf] ;b:o ;Demg' k5{ .
-%_ cfof]usf] a}7sdf tLg hgf ;b:o pkl:yt ePdf cfof]usf] a}7ssf] nflu u0fk"/s
;ª\Vof k'u]sf] dflgg]5 .
-^_ cfof]usf] a}7sdf ax'dtsf] /fo dfGo x'g]5 / dt a/fa/ ePdf cWoIftf ug]{
JolQmn] lg0ff{os dt lbg]5 .
-&_ cfof]un] a}7sdf cfjZostf cg';f/ ;DalGwt ljifosf] ljz]if1nfO{ cfdGq0f ug{
;Sg]5 .
-*_ cfof]usf] lg0f{o clen]v ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu 5'§} k'l:tsfsf] Joj:yf u/L k|To]s
lg0f{o To:tf] k'l:tsfdf clen]v ul/g]5 / To:tf] k'l:tsfdf a}7sdf pkl:yt ;Dk"0f{ ;b:on]
b:tvt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-(_ cfof]usf] a}7s ;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlw cfof]u cfk}mn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
cfof]usf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
!@= k|fljlws Joj:yfkg ug]{ M ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf Jofkf/ ;DaGwdf lgodg ug{
cfof]un]] k|fljlws Joj:yfkgsf] nflu b]xfosf sfo{x¿ ug]{5 M–


-s_ ljB't ;]jf ;DaGwL lu|8 ;+lxtf / ljt/0f ;+lxtf agfO{ sfof{Gjog tyf To;sf]
cg'udg ug]{ .
-v_ ljB't ;]jfsf] ;~rfng tyf dd{t ;Def/sf] :t/ tyf sfo{ljlw lgwf{/0f u/L
sfof{Gjog ug]{ .
-u_ /fli6«o ljB't k|0ffnLsf] u'0f:t/ tyf ;'/Iff:t/ sfod /fVg cfjZos dfkb08
agfO{ nfu" ug]{ .
-3_ ljB't k|0ffnL ;~rfnssf] bfloTj lgwf{/0f u/L sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg ug{] .
-ª_ ljB't ;]jf aGb ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf, To;sf] cfwf/ / k|fyldstf lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-r_ ljB't ;]jfsf] cfGtl/s dfu tyf cfk"lt{sf] nflu Go"gtd nfut lj:tf/ sfo{
of]hgf agfO{ sfof{Gjog ug]{ jf ug{ nufpg] .
!#= dx;'n lgwf{/0f ug]{ tyf ljB't vl/b laqmLsf] lgodg ug]{ M -!_ cfof]un] dx;'n lgwf{/0f ug]{
tyf ljB't vl/b laqmLsf] lgodg ug]{ ;DaGwdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ug]{5 M–
-s_ ;~rfng vr{, x|f;s§L b/, ;fjfF Jofhsf] e'QmfgL, dd{t ;Def/ vr{, ljB't
;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f, k'glg{df{0f, k'g:yf{kgf tyf z]o/ nufgL afkt jflif{s ¿kdf
k|fKt x'g] k|ltkmn nufot ljB't vl/b ;Demf}tf ;d]tnfO{ ljrf/ u/L ljB't
dx;'n b/ lgwf{/0fsf zt{ tyf cfwf/ lgwf{/0f u/L To;sf] cfwf/df pkef]Qmfn]
a'emfpg' kg]{ dx;'n lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-v_ ljB't vl/b laqmLsf] yf]s ahf/ :yfkgf geP;Dd ljt/0f cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm
/ pTkfbg cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf Jofkf/ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/n] :yfkgf u/]sf] ;ª\ul7t ;+:yfaLr x'g] ljB't vl/b
laqmL b/ / k|lqmof lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-u_ pTkflbt ljB't vl/b laqmL ug{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿aLr ljB't vl/b
;Demf}tf ug{ ;xdlt lbg] .
-3_ ljB't d"Nosf] nfut Go"gtd agfpg cfjZos pkfosf] klxrfg u/L nfu" u/fpg]
-ª_ k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f b:t'/ -lJxlnª rfh{_ lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-r_ ljz]if kl/l:yltdf ljB't ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt ljifodf lglZrt ;dosf] nflu ljB't
dx;'ndf cltl/Qm dx;'n -;/rfh{_ lgwf{/0f ug{] .
-@_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd dx;'n lgwf{/0f ;Dk"0f{ sfuhft k|fKt ePsf] ldltn]
;f7L lbgleq ul/;Sg' kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd dx;'n lgwf{/0f u/]kl5 /fli6«o :t/sf] klqsfdf
;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ o; bkmf adf]lhd dx;'n lgwf{/0f ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{leq k'gM ljB't dx;'n
lgwf{/0f ul/g] 5}g .
!$= k|lt:kwf{ sfod ug]{ tyf pkef]Qmfsf] lxt ;+/If0f ug]{ M cfof]un] ljB't ahf/df k|lt:kwf{
sfod ug{ tyf pkef]Qmfsf] lxt ;+/If0f ug{ b]xfosf sfo{ ug]{5 M–
-s_ pkef]Qmfsf] lxt ;+/If0fsf] nflu cfjZos pkfo klxrfg u/L sfof{Gjog ug]{ jf
u/fpg] .
-v_ ljB't vl/b laqmLsf] b/df k|lt:kwf{sf] jftfj/0f sfod u/fpg] .
-u_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿aLr ljB't dx;'n b/df k|lt:kwf{ u/fpg cfjZos
pkfosf] klxrfg u/L nfu" u/fpg] .


-3_ ljB't dx;'n b/df Psflwsf/ -l;l08s]6_ x'g gkfpg] Joj:yf ug]{] .
-ª_ ljB'tsf] yf]s ahf/ :yfkgf, ;~rfng tyf vl/b laqmL k|lqmof lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-r_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿ cfk;df ufleg -dh{/_, cfk;df ldNg, PSn} jf cfˆgf]
;xfos sDkgL;Fu ldnL To:tf] JolQm /x]sf] sDkgLsf] krf; k|ltzt jf To;eGbf
a9L z]o/ vl/b ug{, ;+/rgfsf] vl/b laqmL -;]n ckm KnfG6_, k|flKt
-PSjLlhzg_ jf u|x0f -6]s cf]e/_ ug{sf] nflu cfjZos dfkb08 agfO{ sfof{Gjog
ug]{ jf u/fpg] .
-5_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿ cfk;df ufleg, ;+/rgfsf] vl/b laqmL -;]n ckm
KnfG6_ tyf k|flKt -PSjLlhzg_ jf u|x0f -6]s cf]e/_ ug{ ;xdlt lbg] .
-h_ ljB'tsf] Jofkf/ ubf{ kfngf ug'{kg]{ zt{x¿ tf]Sg] tyf To;sf] lgoldt ¿kdf
cg'udg ug]{ .
-em_ k|;f/0f nfO{gdf alx/x]sf] ljB'tsf] u'0f:t/ sfod u/fpg ;do ;dodf hfFr
k/LIf0f ug]{ jf u/fpg] .
-`_ ljB'tLo k|0ffnLdf v'Nnf kx'Frsf] Joj:yf ug]{ .
!%= ;Ë7gfTds Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{ M cfof]un] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] ;Ë7gfTds Ifdtf
clej[l4 u/L ;+:yfut ;'zf;g sfod u/fpg b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ug]{5 M–
-s_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] sfo{Ifdtf d"NofÍgsf] :t/ tyf cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-v_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] sfd sf/afxLnfO{ dof{lbt agfpg cfrf/;+lxtf tof/
u/L nfu" ug]{ .
-u_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ ljB'tsf] ahf/ k|a4{g, lj:tf/ tyf ljljwLs/0f ug{
pTk|]l/t ug]{ .
-3_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f, n]vf k|0ffnL, n]vfk/LIf0f ljlwdf
Ps¿ktf sfod ug{ dfkb08 agfO{ nfu" ug]{ .
-ª_ cg'dltkq k|fKt ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] ;~rfns ;ldltsf kbflwsf/L tyf cGo
kbflwsf/Ln] To:tf] ;+:yfnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{ ljifo lgwf{/0f u/L To;nfO{
kfngf ug{ nufpg] .
-r_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] n]vf k|0ffnLsf] cfjZostf cg';f/ cfsl:ds hfFr ug]{ .
-5_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] sfd sf/afxLdf ;'zf;g sfod u/fpg cfjZos
lgb]{zg lbg] tyf dfkb08 hf/L ug]{ .
!^= gLltut ;'emfj lbg] tyf l;kmfl/; ug]{ M ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf Jofkf/ ;DaGwL
Joj:yfnfO{ e/kbf]{ / k|efjsf/L agfpg ug'{ kg]{ gLltut ;'wf/sf ;DaGwdf cfof]un] g]kfn
;/sf/nfO{ cfjZos ;Nnfx / ;'emfj lbg]5 .
!&= hfFra'em tyf lg/LIf0f ug]{ M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] of] P]g, o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf]
lgod, ljlgod, lgb]{lzsf jf dfkb08 tyf k|rlnt cGo sfg"g jf cg'dltkq k|bfg ubf{
lgwf{/0f ul/Psf zt{ adf]lhd sfo{ u/] gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf cfof]un] cfjZos hfFra'em tyf
lg/LIf0f ug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd hfFra'em tyf lg/LIf0f ubf{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm;Fu n]vf,
clen]v, ljj/0f cflb dfu ug{ jf :ynut ¿kdf hfFra'em tyf lg/LIf0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd hfFra'em tyf lg/LIf0f ug]{ kbflwsf/L jf sd{rf/Ln]
To;sf] k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L cfof]u ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 / To:tf] k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df cfof]un]
;DalGwt cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cfjZos cfb]z tyf lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 .


-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd lbPsf] cfb]z tyf lgb]{zg cg'dlt kq k|fKt JolQmn] kfngf
gu/]df cfof]un] To:tf] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ bkmf !( sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd hl/afgf
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!*= ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ M -!_ b]xfosf] ljifodf pTkGg ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ clwsf/ cfof]unfO{ x'g]5
-s_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿aLr pTkGg ljB't ;DaGwL ljjfb,
-v_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u/]sf] s'g} lg0f{odf lrQ ga'em]sf] jf lghn] u/]sf]
sfo{af6 cfk"mnfO{ dsf{ k/]sf] s'/f pNn]v u/L To; afktsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] bfaL
u/]sf] ljifo .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljjfb jf ljifosf ;DaGwdf cg'dlt k|fKt JolQm jf
pkef]Qmfn] cfof]u ;dIf ph"/L lbg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] ph"/L k/]df cfof]un]] gAa] lbgleq ;'g'jfO{
u/L lg0f{o ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]u ;dIf k/]sf] ph"/Lsf] sf/afxL / lsgf/f ubf{ cfof]unfO{ k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd cbfntnfO{ eP ;/x b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 M–
-s_ s'g} JolQmnfO{ cfof]u ;dIf pkl:yt u/fO{ aofg jf hfgsf/L lng],
-v_ ;fIfL a'‰g],
-u_ g]kfn ;/sf/, k|b]z ;/sf/ jf :yfgLo txsf] s'g} lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfdf
/x]sf] s'g} lnvt sfuhft k]z ug{ cfb]z lbg],
-3_ :ynut lg/LIf0f ug]{, u/fpg] tyf b;L k|df0f k]z ug{ cfb]z lbg] .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd cfof]un] u/]sf] lg0f{odf lrQ ga'e\mg] JolQmn] To:tf] lg0f{o
ePsf] ldltn] k}FtL; lbgleq pRr cbfnt, kf6gdf k'g/fj]bg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f jf
Jofkf/ ;DaGwL ljifodf cg'dlt k|fKt JolQmx¿aLr ePsf] ;Demf}tfdf ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] 5'§}
Joj:yf ul/Psf] /x]5 eg] To:tf] ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg ;f]xL ;Demf}tf adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!(= hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ cfof]un] bkmf !& sf] pkbkmf -#_ jf bkmf #& adf]lhdsf] cfb]z jf
lgb]{zg, bkmf !* sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] lg0f{o jf of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf]
lgod adf]lhdsf] s'g} ljifo kfngf gug]{ jf k"j{ ;"rgf glbO{ ljB't ;]jf cj?4 ug]{ jf u/fpg]
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ kfFr nfv ¿k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd hl/afgf ul/Psf] /sd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;l~rt sf]ifdf
bflvnf ul/g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ul/Psf] hl/afgf afkt a'emfPsf] /sd dx;'n lgwf{/0f ug]{
k|of]hgsf] nflu cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] vr{ jf nufgLsf] ¿kdf ;dfj]z ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd cfof]un] u/]sf] hl/afgf pk/ lrQ ga'‰g] cg'dltkq k|fKt
JolQmn] o:tf] hl/afgf ePsf] ldltn] kF}tL; lbgleq pRr cbfnt, kf6gdf k'g/fj]bg ug{
;Sg]5 .
@)= ;]jf z'Ns lng ;Sg] M cfof]un] b]xfosf ljifodf cg'dlt kq k|fKt JolQmaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhd
;]jf z'Ns lng ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ lu|8 / ljt/0f ;+lxtf :jLs[t ubf{,
-v_ ljB'tsf] yf]s vl/b laqmL b/ lgwf{/0f ubf{,
-u_ ljB't vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;xdlt lbFbf,


-3_ k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f b:t'/ -lJxlnª rfh{_ nufotsf cGo dx;'n jf b:t'/ lgwf{/0f
-ª_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿ cfk;df ufleg, ;+/rgfsf] vl/b laqmL -;]n ckm
KnfG6_, k|flKt -PSjLlhzg_ jf u|x0f -6]s cf]e/_ ug]{ ;xdlt lbFbf,
-r_ bkmf !* adf]lhd ljjfb ;dfwfg ubf{{,
t/ ufx{:y pkef]Qmfn] ph'/L lbFbf s'g} z'Ns a'emfpg kg]{ 5}g .
-5_ cfof]un] tf]s]sf] cGo ljifodf .
@!= ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ cfof]un] bkmf !# adf]lhd dx;'n lgwf{/0f ug'{k"j{ tf]lsP
adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt cGo ljifodf ;d]t cfjZostf cg';f/
;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{sf] Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd u/]sf] ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{sf] clen]v /fVg' kg]{5
@@= k'g/fjnf]sg ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfn] cfof]usf] lg0f{o k'g/fjnf]sg x'g'kg]{
7fg]df To:tf] lg0f{osf] hfgsf/L ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu cfjZos
sfuhft;lxt cfof]udf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
t/ cfof]un] bkmf !( adf]lhd hl/afgf ug]{ u/L u/]sf] lg0f{osf] xsdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g]
5}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgj]bg k/]df cfof]un] kGw| lbgleq ;fljssf] lg0f{o sfod
/fVg] jf ;+zf]wg ug]{ lg0f{o ul/;Sg' kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;fljssf] lg0f{o ;+zf]wg ug{] lg0f{o u/]df ;fljssf]
lg0f{o sfof{Gjog gug{ cfb]z lbg]5 .
-$_ o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] unt
sfuhft k]z u/]sf] jf s'g} sfuhft n'sfPsf] hfgsf/L s'g} ;|f]taf6 k|fKt x'g cfPdf jf yk
sfuhft k|fKt x'g cfPdf cfof]un] To:tf] ljifodf k'gM lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg]5 .
cWoIf / ;b:osf] sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf ;'ljwf
@#= cWoIfsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M cWoIfsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ cfof]usf] k|zf;sLo k|d'vsf] ¿kdf sfo{ ug]{,
-v_ cfof]usf] sfd sf/afxLdf lgodg, cg'udg, ;'k/Lj]If0f tyf d"NofÍg u/L
;DalGwt kIfnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg],
-u_ cfof]usf] a}7snfO{ Jojl:yt ug]{,
-3_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo sfo{ ug]{ .
@$= ;b:osf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ ;b:o cfof]usf] k"/f ;do sfd ug]{ kbflwsf/L x'g]5 .
-@_ ;b:on] cfof]u / cfof]usf] cWoIfn] tf]s] adf]lhdsf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf]
kfngf / k|of]u ug]{5 .
@%= cWoIf tyf ;b:osf] ;]jf, zt{ tyf ;'ljwf M -!_ cWoIf cfof]usf] k"/f ;do sfd ug]{ k|d'v
kbflwsf/L x'g]5 .
-@_ cWoIf / ;b:osf] kfl/>lds, ;'ljwf / ;]jfsf cGo zt{ tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5g\ .


-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yf geP;Dd cWoIfsf] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf
g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ cWoIf jf ;b:on] cfof]udf sfo{/t /xFbf s'g} cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm;Fu ;DalGwt
ljifodf s'g} lg0f{o u/]sf] ePdf lgh cfof]uaf6 ;]jf lgj[Q ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{;Dd To:tf]
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm;Fu s'g} klg ¿kdf ;+nUg x'g kfpg] 5}g .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; bkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æ;+nUgÆ eGgfn] cg'dlt kq k|fKt JolQmsf]
;~rfns, sd{rf/L, ljz]if1 jf k/fdz{bft[sf] ¿kdf :YffoL, c:YffoL, s/f/ tyf ;Demf}tfdf
sfo{ ug]{ cj:yf ;Demg' k5{ .
@^= zky lng' kg]{ M cfˆgf] sfo{ef/ ;DxfNg'cl3 cWoIfn] pmhf{ dGqL ;dIf / ;b:on] cWoIf ;dIf
cg';"rLsf] 9fFrfdf kb tyf uf]kgLotfsf] zky lng' kg]{5 .
@&= hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_ cWoIf tyf ;b:on] cfkm" lgo'Qm ePsf] tL; lbgleq b]xfosf]
ljifosf] lnlvt hfgsf/L cfof]unfO{ u/fpg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ cfkm" cWoIf jf ;b:o kbdf lgo'Qm x'g'eGbf cufl8 ;+nUg /x]sf] k]zf, /f]huf/L jf
Joj;fo / To;sf] sfof{nosf] ljj/0f,
-v_ cfkm" jf cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:o s'g} cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] z]o/wgL eP
jf gePsf] / z]o/wgL eP lnPsf] z]o/ ;ª\Vofsf] ljj/0f tyf To:tf] cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQm;Fu s'g} lsl;dsf] ljQLo :jfy{ /x] jf g/x]sf],
-u_ cfkm" jf cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:o kl5Nnf] tLg jif{leq s'g} cg'dltkq k|fKt
JolQmsf] ;~rfns, kbflwsf/L, ;Nnfxsf/, sd{rf/L jf n]vf k/LIfs eP jf
-3_ cfof]unfO{ o; bkmf adf]lhd hfgsf/L u/fpFbfsf avt s'g} cg'dlt kq k|fKt
JolQm;Fu lghsf] :jfy{ b]lvg ;Sg] s'g} ;Defljt cj:yf eP To;sf] ljj/0f .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd hfgsf/L u/fPsf] ljifosf] Ps k|lt ljj/0f cfof]un] g]kfn
;/sf/, k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{nodf k7fpg' kg]]{5 / k|wfgdGqL tyf
dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{non] To;sf] clen]v /fVg]5 .
@*= lgodgsf/L cj;/ -/]u'n]6/L ck/Ro"lg6L_ sf] b'¿kof]u ug{ gx'g] M -!_ cWoIf, ;b:o tyf
cfof]usf sd{rf/L, n]vf k/LIfs, ;Nnfxsf/, k|ltlglw jf cfof]u;Fu s/f/ u/L sfd ug]{ JolQm,
kmd{ jf sDkgLsf s'g} klg JolQmn] cfkm\gf] kbLo x}l;otdf jf cfof]usf] tkm{af6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg
ubf{ lghsf] hfgsf/Ldf cfPsf] s'g} uf]Ko ;"rgf sfg"g adf]lhd pknJw u/fpg'kg]{ cj:yfdf
afx]s cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ pknJw u/fpg jf To;sf] ;|f]t vf]Ng x'Fb}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf kbflwsf/Ln] kbLo x}l;otdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ lghsf]
hfgsf/Ldf cfPsf] s'g} uf]Ko ;"rgf lgh jf lghsf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:osf] nfe, ;'ljwf,
;x'lnot jf kmfObfsf] nflu k|of]u ug{ jf u/fpg x'Fb}g .
-#_ cWoIf, ;b:o tyf cfof]usf sd{rf/L, n]vf k/LIfs, ;Nnfxsf/, k|ltlglw jf
cfof]u;Fu s/f/ u/L sfd ug]{ JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgLsf s'g} klg JolQmn] cfˆgf] kbLo
x}l;otdf jf cfof]usf] tkm{af6 s'g} sfd ubf{ cfk"m, cfˆgf] kl/jf/ jf c¿ s;}nfO{ s'g}
lsl;dsf] nfe, ;'ljwf, ;x'lnot jf kmfObf lng lbg x'Fb}g .
-$_ s;}n] pkbkmf -!_, -@_ jf -#_ sf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L s'g} sfd u/]df lghn] kbLo
bfloTj cg'¿k sfd gu/]sf] dfgL k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxL x'g]5 .
@(= :jfy{ aflemPdf lg0f{o ug{df aGb]h M -!_ cWoIf, ;b:o jf lghsf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:osf]
ljQLo :jfy{, lghL :jfy{ jf Jofj;flos :jfy{ ePsf] s'g} klg k|:tfj cfof]usf] a}7sdf


5nkmn x'g] ePdf To:tf] ;b:on] a}7s z'? x'g'eGbf cufj} To:tf] :jfy{ aflemg ;Sg] s'/fsf]
hfgsf/L cfof]unfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljifodf 5nkmn x'g] cfof]usf] a}7sdf To:tf] ;b:on] efu
lng] 5}g .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ sf] k|lts"n s'g} lg0f{o ePdf ;f] lg0f{o To:tf] :jfy{ /x]sf]
JolQmsf] xsdf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
#)= k]zfut cfr/0f kfngf ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ cWoIf, ;b:o jf cfof]usf sd{rf/L jf ;Nnfxsf/n]
cfˆgf] kbdf axfn /xFbfsf avt jf kbaf6 cjsfz ePkl5 tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] k]zfut
cfr/0f kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ cWoIf, ;b:o tyf cfof]usf sd{rf/L jf ;Nnfxsf/n] cfof]udf To:tf] x}l;otn]
sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ ;b}j cfof]usf] lxtnfO{ ;jf]{k/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
cfof]usf sd{rf/L
#!= sd{rf/L ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ cfof]usf] sfo{ ;~rfngsf] nflu cfof]udf g]kfn ;/sf/n]
:jLs[t u/]sf] ;ª\Vofdf sd{rf/Lx¿ /xg]5g\ .
-@_ cfof]un] ljlgodfjnLdf ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd sd{rf/L lgo'lQm ug]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg
ug{sf] nflu cfjZos ljz]if1 sd{rf/L s/f/df lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cfof]udf sd{rf/L lgo'lQm
geP;Ddsf] nflu dGqfnon] g]kfn ;/sf/sf s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ cfof]udf sfd ug{sf] nflu
cjlw tf]sL sfhdf v6fpg ;Sg]5 .
#@= cfof]usf] ;lrj M cfof]usf] al/i7 sd{rf/Ln] cfof]usf] ;lrj eO{ sfd ug]{5 .
sf]if tyf n]vf k/LIf0f
##= sf]if M -!_ cfof]usf] Pp6f 5'§} sf]if x'g]5 / To:tf] sf]ifdf b]xfosf /sdx¿ /xg] 5g\ M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 k|fKt /sd,
-v_ s'g} JolQm jf ;+3 ;+:yfaf6 k|fKt /sd,
-u_ ljb]zL ;/sf/, JolQm jf cGt/f{li6«o ;+3 ;+:yfaf6 k|fKt /sd,
-3_ ljB't ljt/0f cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf]] ljB't laqmLaf6 ePsf] jflif{s s'n cfosf]
Ps k|ltztdf ga9fO{ cfof]un] tf]s] adf]lhd k|fKt /sd,
-ª_ ljB't Jofkf/ ug{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB't Jofkf/af6 u/]sf] jflif{s s"n
cfosf] Ps k|ltztdf ga9fO{ cfof]un] tf]s] adf]lhd k|fKt /sd,
-r_ /fli6«o lu|8 k|of]u u/L ljB't lgsf;L ug]{ cg'dlt kq k|fKt JolQmn] k|fKt u/]sf]
lJxnLË b:t'/sf] Ps k|ltztdf ga9fO{ cfof]un] tf]s] adf]lhd k|fKt /sd,
-5_ bkmf @) adf]lhd k|fKt ;]jf z'Ns,
-h_ cGo ;|f]taf6 k|fKt /sd .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] /sd k|fKt ug'{cl3 cfof]un] cy{ dGqfnosf]
:jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifsf] /sd g]kfn /fi6« a}Íaf6 Ohfht k|fKt …sÚ
>]0fLsf] s'g} afl0fHo a}Ídf vftf vf]nL hDdf ug]{5 .

-$_ cfof]usf] gfdaf6 ul/g] ;a} vr{ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifdf hDdf ePsf]
/sdaf6 Joxf]l/g]5 .
-%_ sf]ifdf ePsf] /sdaf6 cfof]usf] sfo{ ;~rfngsf nflu gk'u ePdf ;f]sf] nflu cy{
dGqfnon] cfjZos /sd pknJw u/fpg]5 .
-^_ sf]ifdf tf]lsP adf]lhdeGbf a9L /sd hDdf ePdf cfof]un] To:tf] a9L /sd g]kfn
;/sf/sf] ;l~rt sf]ifdf hDdf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifsf] vftfsf] ;~rfng cfof]un] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#$= n]vf / n]vfk/LIf0f M -!_ cfof]usf] cfo Joosf] n]vf g]kfn ;/sf/n] ckgfPsf] 9fFrf adf]lhd
/flvg]5 .
-@_ cfof]un] tf]lsP adf]lhd cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL sfod /fVg' kg]{5 / cfˆgf] cfo
Joosf] n]vfk/LIf0f u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]usf] n]vfk/LIf0f dxfn]vf k/LIfsaf6 x'g]5 .
-$_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] rfx]df cfof]usf] cfo Joosf] n]vf / tt\;DaGwL lx;fa lstfa
h'g;'s} avt hfFRg jf hfFr ug{ nufpg ;Sg]5 .
#%= ;xof]u ug'{ kg]{ M cfof]usf] sfd sf/afxL tyf lg0f{o sfof{Gjog ug{ ;DalGwt ;a}n] cfjZos
;xof]u ug'{ kg]{5 .
#^= pk;ldlt jf sfo{6f]nL u7g ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ cfof]un] o; P]g adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{ s'g} sfdsf]
nflu cfjZostf cg';f/ pk;ldlt jf sfo{6f]nL u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ul7t pk;ldlt jf sfo{6f]nLsf] sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ /
sfo{ljlw tyf To:tf] pk;ldlt jf sfo{6f]nLsf ;b:on] kfpg] ;'ljwf cfof]un] tf]lslbP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#&= lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg] M o; P]g adf]lhdsf sfo{x¿ sfof{Gjog ug{ cfof]un] cfjZostf cg';f/
cg'dlt kq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ lgb]{zg lbg]5 / To:tf] lgb]{zg kfngf ug'{ ;DalGwt cg'dlt kq
k|fKt JolQmsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
#*= jflif{s k|ltj]bg M -!_ cfof]un] k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] tLg dlxgfleq cfkm"n]
u/]sf] sfd sf/afxL ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L dGqfno ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5  .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf cGo s'/fsf cltl/Qm cfof]un] jif{el/df
;~rfng u/]sf] sfo{qmd, k|fKt u/]sf] /sd, sfo{qmd ;~rfng ubf{ x'g uPsf] nfut,
sfo{qmdaf6 ePsf] pknlAw tyf eljiodf ug'{ kg]{ ;'wf/ ;d]tsf s'/fx¿ ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k]z ul/Psf] k|ltj]bg ;j{;fwf/0fsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu
;fj{hlgs ¿kdf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] tLg dlxgfleq
n]vf k/LIf0fsf] k|ltj]bg;lxt cfkm"n] u/]sf] sfd sf/afxL ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L cfof]u
;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ cfof]un] pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] cWoog u/L cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bgsf] ;f/f+z cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
;fj{hlgs ug'{ kg]{5 .


#(= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg M cfof]un] o; P]g adf]lhd cfkm"nfO{ k|fKt clwsf/dWo] dx;'n lgwf{/0f
ug]{, cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmx¿ cfk;df ufleg, ;+/rgfsf] vl/b laqmL -;]n ckm KnfG6_, k|flKt
-PSjLlhzg_ jf u|x0f -6]s cf]e/_ ug{ ;xdlt lbg] tyf ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ clwsf/ afx]ssf
cGo clwsf/ cfjZostf cg';f/ cWoIf, ;b:o, ;lrj, bkmf #^ adf]lhd ul7t pk;ldlt jf
sfo{6f]nL jf cfof]usf] clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
$)= g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu ;Dks{ M cfof]un] g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu ;Dks{ /fVbf dGqfno dfk{mt /fVg' kg]{5 .
$!= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M o; P]gsf] sfof{Gjogsf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos lgod agfpg
;Sg]5 .
$@= ljlgod agfpg ;Sg] M -!_ cfof]un] of] P]g / o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgodsf] cwLgdf /xL]
b]xfosf ljifodf ljlgod agfO{ nfu" ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ sd{rf/Lsf] lgo'lQm, sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/, of]Uotf, kfl/>lds, ;'ljwf tyf ;]jfsf]
zt{ ;DaGwdf,
-v_ ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] nflu lbOg] ph'/L tyf To:tf] ph'/L sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug]{
sfo{ljlw ;DaGwdf,
-u_ cfof]usf] cfGtl/s sfo{ ;~rfng ;DaGwL cGo cfjZos ljifodf .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cfof]un] sd{rf/Lsf]
lgo'lQm, kfl/>lds, ;]jf zt{ tyf ;'ljwf / g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ yk cfly{s bfloTj kg]{ ljifodf
ljlgod agfpFbf cy{ dGqfnosf] :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
$#= lgb]{lzsf, dfkb08 jf ;+lxtf agfO{ nfu" ug{ ;Sg] M cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
If]qleqsf ljifodf of] P]g / o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod tyf ljlgod ljk/Lt gx'g] u/L
lgb]{lzsf, dfkb08 jf ;+lxtf -sf]8_ agfO{ nfu" ug{ ;Sg]5 .
$$=;+zf]wg, vf/]hL / arfp M ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] M
-!_ bkmf !^ df /x]sf æbkmf !& adf]lhdÆ eGg] zAbx¿sf] ;§f æljB't lgodg cfof]u
;DaGwL k|rlnt ;ª\3Lo sfg"g adf]lhdÆ eGg] zAbx¿ /flvPsf 5g\ .
-@_ bkmf !& / !* vf/]h ul/Psf 5g\ .
-#_ bkmf !& / !* adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ePsf] ljB't dx;'n o;} P]g adf]lhd lgwf{/0f eP
u/]sf] dflgg]5 .


-bkmf @^ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

d ============================================= O{Zj/nfO{ ;fIfL /fvL÷;To lgi7f k"j{s zky lnG5' ls ljB't

lgodg cfof]usf] cWoIf÷;b:o kbsf] lhDd]jf/L / st{Jo s;}sf] 8/, df]nflxhf, kIfkft, å]if jf
nf]edf gk/L Odfgbf/L;fy kfngf ug]{5' . cfˆgf] st{Jo kfngfsf] l;nl;nfdf cfkm"nfO{ 1ft x'g
cfPsf] s'/f k|rlnt sfg"gsf] kfngf ubf{ afx]s cfkm" kbdf axfn /x] jf g/x] klg s'g} klg
cj:yfdf k|s6 ug]{ 5}g .

ldlt M ========================= x:tfIf/=============================


ljB't P]g, @)$(

nfndf]x/ / k|sfzg ldlt
;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g
!= ljB't rf]/L lgoGq0f P]g, @)%* @)%*.!).!)
@= cfos/ P]g, @)%* @)%*.!@.!(
k|df0fLs/0f / k|sfzg ldlt
#= u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ @)^^.!).&
$= s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ @)&@.!!.!#

@)$( ;fnsf] P]g g+= $!

ljB't zlQmsf] ljsf; / Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]g
k|:tfjgf M ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fnfO{ lgoldt u/L ljB't zlQmsf] ljsf; ug{ /
ljB't ;]jfnfO{ :t/Lo Pj+ ;'/Iffo'Qm ug{ jf~5gLo ePsf]n],
>L % dxf/fhflw/fh jL/]Gb| jL/ ljqmd zfxb]jsf] zf;gsfnsf] PSsfO;f}+ jif{df ;+;bn] of] P]g
agfPsf] 5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æljB't P]g, @)$(Æ /x]sf]5 .
-@_ of] P]g g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L tf]lslbPsf] ldlt
b]lv k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;+un] csf{] cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ æljB'tÆ eGgfn] kfgL, vgLh t]n, sf]Onf, Uof;, zf}o{ zlQm, jfo' zlQm, cf0fljs zlQm
jf cGo s'g} ;fwgaf6 pTkfbg x'g] ljB't zlQm ;D´g' k5{ .
-v_ æhnljB'tÆ eGgfn] kfgLaf6 pTkfbg x'g] ljB't zlQm ;D´g' k5{ .
-u_ æcg'dltkqÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t lbOg] cg'dltkq ;D´g' k5{ .

of] P]g ;+jt\ @)^% ;fn h]7 !% ut] b]lv nfu" ePsf] .

u0fqGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .
 of] P]g, ldlt @)%).%.! b]lv nfu" x'g] u/L tf]lsPsf] -g]kfn /fhkq ldlt @)%).%.!_ .


-3_ æu|fxsÆ eGgfn] cg'dltkq kfpg] JolQmaf6 ljB't zlQm k|fKt ug{] JolQm ;D´g' k5{ .
-ª_ ædxz"nÆ eGgfn] o; P]g adf]lhd ljB't ;]jf pknAw u/fP afkt u|fxsaf6 lnOg]
z'Ns ;D´g' k5{ .
-r_ æcg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmÆ eGgfn] bkmf $ adf]lhd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf ;+ul7t
;+:yf ;D´g' k5{ .
-5_ ælg/LIfsÆ eGgfn] bkmf #& adf]lhd lgo'Qm ePsf] ljB't lg/LIfs ;D´g' k5{ / ;f]
zAbn] k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfsnfO{ ;d]t hgfpg]5 .
-h_ ætf]lsPsf]Æ jf ætf]lsP adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgoddf tf]lsPsf] jf
tf]lsP adf]lhd ;D´g' k5{ .
#= ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f M of] P]g adf]lhd cg'dltkq glnO{ s;}n]
klg ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ x'Fb}g .
t/ !))) lsnf]jf6 ;Ddsf] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f tyf To;sf] nflu
cfjZos ;j{]If0f ug{ :jb]zL JolQm jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] cg'dltkq lng' kg{] 5}g . !)) b]lv
!))) lsnf]jf6;Ddsf] hnljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{' cl3 tf]lsPsf]
clwsf/L ;dIf tf]lsP adf]lhd hfgsf/L lbg' kg{]5 .
$= cg'dltkqsf] Joj:yf M -!_ ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ rfxg]
JolQm jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] ;DalGwt ljifosf] cfly{s, k|fljlws / jftfj/0fLo cWoog
k|ltj]bg tyf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tf]lsPsf] clwsf/L ;dIf cg'dltkqsf]
nflu b/vf:t lbg' kg{]5 .
t/ ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lb+bf To:tf] cWoog k|ltj]bg ;+nUg
ug{ cfjZos kg{] 5}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k/]sf] b/vf:tdf tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] cfjZos hfFra'´ u/L
u/fO{ b/vf:t k/]sf] ldltn] ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f cg'dltkqsf] xsdf tL; lbg leq / ljB'tsf]
pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f cg'dltkqsf] xsdf Ps;o aL; lbg leq tf]lsP adf]lhdsf]
9fFrfdf b/vf:tjfnfnfO{ cg'dltkq lbg' kg{]5 .
-#_ of] P]g k|f/De x'g' eGbf cufj} ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ul//x]sf] JolQm
jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] klg bkmf # sf] k|ltaGwfTds jfSof+z adf]lhd x'g]df afx]s tf]lsPsf]


ljj/0f ;lxt of] P]g k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{ leq tf]lsPsf] clwsf/L ;dIf cg'dltkqsf]
nflu b/vf:t lbg' kg{]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd k/]sf] b/vf:tdf tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] cfjZos hfFra'´ u/L
b/vf:t k/]sf] ldltn] ;f7L lbg leq tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf cg'dltkq lbg' kg{]5 .
-%_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfˆgf] cg'dltkq laqmL ug{ jf cGo s'g} k|sf/n] s;}nfO{
x:tfGt/0f ug{' k/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[lt lng' kg{]5 .
%= cg'dltkqsf] cjlw M -!_ ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0fsf] nflu lbOg] cg'dltkqsf] cjlw a9Ldf kfFr
jif{;Ddsf] x'g]5 .
-@_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] nflu lbOg] cg'dltkqsf] cjlw a9Ldf krf;
jif{;Ddsf] x'g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ df tf]lsPsf] cjlw eGbf sd cjlwsf] nflu cg'dltkq
lbOPsf]df cg'dltkqdf tf]lsPsf] cjlw ;dfKt x'g' eGbf Ps jif{ cufj} tf]lsP adf]lhd
gjLs/0f u/fpg' kg{]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd gjLs/0f gu/fPdf To:tf] cg'dltkq :jtM /2 x'g]5 .
^= cg'dltkq lbgdf jGb]h M o; P]g adf]lhd s'g} If]qdf ljB't ljt/0fsf] nflu s'g} JolQm
jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfnfO{ cg'dltkq lbOPsf]df To:tf] cg'dltkqsf] cjlw e/ ;f]xL If]qdf
ljB't ljt/0fsf nflu cGo s'g} JolQm jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfnfO{ cg'dltkq lbOg] 5}g .
t/ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] To; If]qsf] ljB'tsf] dfu k"lt{ ug{ g;s]sf] eGg] s'/f b]lvg
cfPdf cGo s'g} JolQm jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfnfO{ klg ;f] If]qdf ljB't ljt/0f ug{ cg'dltkq
lbg ;lsg]5 .
&= cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] kfng ug{' kg{] s'/fx? M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB'tsf] ;j{]If0f,
pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] ;DaGwdf kfng ug{' kg{] s'/fx? tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5g\ .
*= cg'dltkq vf/]h ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t
ag]sf] lgod ljk/Lt s'g} sfd u/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] cjlw tf]ls To:tf] sfddf
cfjZos ;'wf/ ug{ ;DalGwt cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] cjlw leq cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfjZos ;'wf/
gu/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] To:tf] JolQmn] kfPsf] cg'dltkq vf/]h ug{ ;Sg]5 .


-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd cg'dltkq vf/]h ug{' cl3 tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] ;DalGwt
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cfˆgf] ;kmfO{ k]z ug{ dgfl;a df}sf lbg' kg{]5 .
(= cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm;+u ;D´f}tf ug{ ;lsg] M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm;+u ljB'tsf]
Psd'i6 vl/b, nufgL ul/g] cfjZos k"+hLsf] hdfgt jf cGo cfly{s Pj+ k|fljlws
ljifox?sf ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;D´f}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!)= g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jfldTj x'g] M -!_ hDdf nufgLsf] %) k|ltzt eGbf a9L ljb]zL JolQm jf
;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] nufgLdf :yfkgf ul/Psf] ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb| jf k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f
nfOg l;t ;DalGwt hUuf, ejg, pks/0f tyf ;+/rgfdf cg'dltkqdf tf]lsPsf] cjlw
;dfKt ePkl5 g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jfldTj x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jfldTjdf cfPsf] ;DklQ ljB't pTkfbg,
k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{sf] nflu k"j{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] d"Nodf lng ;Sg]5 / To;/L ;DklQ k|fKt u/] kl5 lghn] g]kfn ;/sf/;+u ;D´f}tf
u/L ;f] ;D´f}tf adf]lhd ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{' kg{]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] d"No lgwf{/0fsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] sDtLdf
kfFrhgf JolQmx?sf] Ps ;ldlt u7g ug{]5 .
-$_ hDdf nufgLsf] %) k|ltzt;Dd ljb]zL JolQm jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] nufgLdf jf
ljb]zL nufgL ljgf :yfkgf ul/Psf] ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb| jf k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f nfOgsf]
;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkg cg'dltkqdf tf]lsPsf] cjlw ;dfKt ePkl5 k"j{ cg'dltkq k|fKt
JolQmn] g]kfn ;/sf/;+u ;D´f}tf u/L ;f] ;D´f}tf adf]lhd ug{' kg{]5 .
!!= /f]oN6L a'´fpg' kg{] M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] hnljB'tsf] Jofkfl/s pTkfbg z'?
u/]sf] kGw| jif{;Dd k|lt hl8t lsnf]jf6 jflif{s Ps;o ?k}ofF / k|lt o'lg6 -lsnf]jf6
306f_ ;/b/ ljqmL d"Nosf] @ k|ltztsf b/n] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ /f]o lN6 a'´fpg' kg{]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df plNnlvt cjlw kl5 cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] k|lt hl8t lsnf]jf6
jflif{s Psxhf/ ?k}ofF / k|lt o'lg6 -lsnf]jf6 306f_ ;/b/ ljqmL d"Nosf] !) k|ltztsf b/n]
g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ /f]oN6L a'´fpg' kg{]5 .

!@= ========== / cGo s/, b:t'/ ;DaGwL ;'ljwf M -!==========================

cfos/ P]g, @)%* åf/f lemlsPsf] .


-@_ ==========================

-#_ =================

-$_ ==============

-%_ ===============================

-^_ ======================================
-&_ :yfgLo pBf]ux?af6 pTkfbg tyf ljqmL ul/g] hn ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf
ljt/0fsf] nflu cfjZos kg{] lgdf{0f pks/0fx?, d]lzg/L cf}hf/x? tyf ;~rfng / ;Def/sf]
lgldQ cfjZos kg{] pks/0fx? / tLgsf kf6{k"hf{x? cfoft u/]df k|rlnt b/jGbL cg';f/
eG;f/ / ljqmLs/ nfUg]5 . g]kfndf pTkfbg gx'g] ;fdfgx?sf] xsdf ! k|ltzt dfq eG;f/
dxz"n nfUg]5 / To:tf]df cfoft Ohfhtkq b:t"/, laqmLs/ cflb nfUg] 5}g .
!#= ljb]zL ljlgdosf] ;'ljwf M hnljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] nflu C0f jf z]o/
k"FhLsf] ?kdf ljb]zL d'b|f nufgL u/]sf]df C0fsf] ;fjfF jf Aofh e'QmfgL ug{ jf nufgL
lkmtf{ ug{sf] nflu cfjZos ljb]zL d'b|f g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|rlnt ahf/ ljlgdo b/df
pknAw u/fpg] 5 .
!$= k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhdsf] ;'ljwf kfpg] M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] o; P]g adf]lhd kfpg]
;'ljwfsf cltl/Qm k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd kfpg] ;'ljwf klg bf]xf]/f] gkg{] u/L lng kfpg]
!%= jf;:yfg / af]g; ;DaGwL Joj:yf M k|rlnt sfg"gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg
ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] sfddf ;+nUg sfdbf/ tyf sd{rf/Lsf] jf;:yfg
tyf af]g;sf] Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!^= ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t"/ lng ;Sg] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
ljB't ;]jf pknAw u/fP jfkt To:tf] ;]jf pknAw ug{] JolQm;+u bkmf !& adf]lhd
lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] dxz"n / cGo b:t"/ lng ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t"/ tf]lsP adf]lhd c;"n pk/
ul/g]5 .

cfos/ P]g, @)%* åf/f lemlsPsf] .


!&= ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t"/sf] lgwf{/0f M -!_ ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t"/x? lgwf{/0f ug{sf
nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] Pp6f dxz"n lgwf{/0f cfof]u u7g ug{]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfof]udf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|ltlglw, cy{lj1, ljB'tsf]
pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fstf{ tyf u|fxsx? dWo]af6 sDtLdf kfFrhgf JolQmx? /xg]5g\ .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfof]un] ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t'/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ x|f; s§L
b/, pko'Qm nfe, ;+/rgfsf] ;~rfng tl/sf, pkef]Qmf d"No ;"rLsf] kl/jt{g, /f]oN6L OTofbLsf]
cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug{]5 .
-$_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ePsf] ljB't dxz"n / cGo
b:t"/ eGbf a9L jf ;f] Afx]s cGo s'g} dxz"n jf b:t"/ lng kfpg] 5}g .
-%_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfof]un] cfˆgf] sfd ;DkGg ug{sf nflu ;DalGwt sDkgL,
JolQm, lgsfo jf ;+:yfl;t cfjZos hfgsf/L Pj+ sfuhkq dfUg ;Sg]5 / ;f] lbg' lghx?sf]
st{Jo x'g]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t"/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ pkbkmf -!_
adf]lhdsf] cfof]un] u|fxsx?sf] lsl;d / lsl;d cg';f/sf] dxz"n lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ul7t cfof]usf] sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!*= 5'§} dxz"n / b:t"/ lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ bkmf !& df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
/fli6«o lu|8af6 c;+nUg /xL ljB'tsf] ljt/0f ug{] ePdf To;/L ljt/0f x'g] ljB'tsf] dxz"n
/ cGo b:t"/ ljB't ljt/0f ug{] cfkm}n] lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ljB't dxz"n / cGo b:t"/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ ljB't pTkfbg,
k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fdf nufPsf] ;Dk"0f{ nufgL cf};t kRrL; jif{df lkmtf{ x'g] u/L x|f; s§L x'g]
/ z]o/ k"FhLdf kRrL; k|ltzt nfefG; k|fKt x'g] u/L lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!(= ljB't ;]jf aGb ug{ ;lsg] M b]xfosf] cj:yfdf ljB't ;]jf aGb ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ ljB't ;DaGwL pks/0f tyf nfOgsf] hfFra'´, d/Ddt jf cGo s'g} dxTjk"0f{
sfd ug{' k/]df,
-v_ af9L, klx/f], cfunfuL, e'OFrfnf] h:tf b}jL k|sf]k jf x8tfn, tfnfaGb, bËf jf
cGo o:t} sfa' aflx/sf] s'g} c;fwf/0f kl/l:ylt cfOk/]df,
-u_ s'g} u|fxsn] a'´fpg' kg]{ dxz"n / cGo b:t"/ ga'´fPdf To:tf] u|fxssf]


-3_ s'g} u|fxsn] cglws[t tj/n] ljB't pkef]u u/]df jf zt{ ljk/Lt ljB't ;]jf
pkef]u u/]df To:tf] u|fxssf] xsdf .
@)= /fli6«o k|;f/0f nfOg jf u|L8 M g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L s'g}
k|;f/0f nfOg jf u|L8nfO{ /fli6«o k|;f/0f nfOg jf u|L8 egL tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
@!= pTkflbt ljB'tsf] ljqmL M -!_ s;}n] o; P]g adf]lhd pTkfbg u/]sf] ljB't Psd'i6 ljqmL
ug{ rfx]df /fli6«o lu|8df ;dfj]z x'g] u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] vl/b ug{ u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ul/g] ljB'tsf] vl/b b/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ lj:yflkt nfut
-PEjfO8]8 si6_ sf] lglZrt k|ltzt jf pTkfbg vr{df yk -si6 Kn;_ jf g]kfn ljB't
k|flws/0fsf] cf};t ljqmL b/sf] lglZrt k|ltzt -lkmS:8 k/;]G6]h ckm b Pe/]h 6]l/km_ sf]
cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ul/g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ljB'tsf] vl/b b/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;Dk"0f{ nufgL cf};t kRrL;
jif{df lkmtf{ x'g] u/L x«f; s§Lsf] lx;fa ul/g]5 .

@@= ljB'tsf] cfoft lgof{t M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] g]kfn ======= leq ljB't cfoft
u/L ljt/0f ug{ rfx]df tf]lsP adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lnO{ ljB't cfoft
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfkm"n] pTkfbg u/]sf] ljB't ljb]zdf lgof{t ug{ rfx]df
;f] ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/;+u ;D´f}tf u/L lgof{t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ljB't lgof{t ug{]n] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd lgof{t
s/ ltg{' kg{]5 .
@#= ljB'tsf] u'0f:t/ tf]Sg] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L of] P]g
adf]lhd pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ul/g] ljB'tsf] u'0f:t/ tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ubf{ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] u'0f:t/
sfod x'g] u/L ug{' kg{]5 .
@$= jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n c;/ gkfg{] M ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ubf{ e"–
Ifo, af9L, klx/f], jfo'–k|b"if0f OTofbLåf/f jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n c;/ gkg{] u/L
ug{' kg{]5 .

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


@%= ef]N6 tyf cGo k|fljlws s'/fx?sf] :t/ M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf nflu
ljB'tsf] ef]N6 tyf cGo k|fljlws s'/fx?sf] :t/ tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug]{n] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] :t/ sfod
ug'{ kg]{5 .
@^= ;'/IffTds Joj:yf M ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{] l;nl;nfdf ckgfpg' kg{]
;'/IffTds Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@&= d/Ddt ;Def/ M ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f nfOg jf cGo s'g} ;+/rgfsf]
d/Ddt ;Def/ ug{sf nflu jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] ljB'tsf] cfk"lt{ /f]Sg kg{] cfjZostf
k/]df cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ;f] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfnfO{ sDtLdf rf}aL;
306f cufj} ;fj{hlgs ;"rgfåf/f lbg' kg{]5 .
@*= ljz]if cj:yf M -!_ s'g} ljz]if cj:yf k/L s'g} If]qsf] ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
aGb ug{' k/]df jf s'g} If]qdf ljB't ;]jf tTsfn k'¥ofpg' kg{] ePdf g]kfn ;/sf/n]
;DalGwt ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{]nfO{ cfjZos cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 / To:tf]
cfb]z kfng ug{' lghsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfb]z kfng ubf{ kg{ uPsf] xflg gf]S;fgLsf] IftLk"lt{
g]kfn ;/sf/n] Joxf]g{]5 .
@(= /fli6«os/0f gul/g] M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ;DaGwL hUuf, ejg, pks/0f
tyf ;+/rgfsf] /fli6«os/0f ul/g] 5}g .
t/ !))) lsnf]jf6 jf ;f] eGbf sd hnljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
l;t ;DalGwt hUuf, ejg, pks/0f tyf ;+/rgf Jofks ;fj{hlgs pkof]usf] nflu
g]kfn ;/sf/ cfkm"n] lnO{ ljsf; ug{ ;Sg]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M Jofks ;fj{hlgs pkof]u eGgfn] xfn pkof]u ePsf]af6 nfeflGjt x'g]
hg;+Vof eGbf a9L hg;+VofnfO{ nfeflGjt x'g] pkof]u ;D´g' k5{ .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] k|ltjGwfTds jfSof+z adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/n] lnPsf] hUuf, ejg,
pks/0f tyf ;+/rgf afkt g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;DalGwt JolQmnfO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{
lbg]5 .


-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd lbOg] Ifltk"lt{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] lnPsf] hUuf, ejg, pks/0f
tyf ;+/rgfsf] jt{dfg d"No -To;df ePsf] 6'6k'm6 / ;fwf/0f k|of]uaf6 ePsf] x|f; s6fO{_ sf]
cfwf/df lgwf{l/t ul/g]5 .
#)= hnljB't pTkfbg s]Gb| cflb vl/b ug{' kg{] M s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfn] Psxhf/ lsnf]jf6;Dd
hnljB't pTkfbg u/L ljt/0f ul//x]sf] If]qdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB't ljt/0f ug{]
ePdf To;/L Psxhf/ lsnf]jf6;Dd hnljB't pTkfbg u/L ljt/0f ul//x]sf] JolQm jf
;+:yfn] cfkm"n] ;~rfng u/]sf] hnljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f nfO{g ljqmL
ug{ rfx]df pQm cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] To:tf] hnljB't pTkfbg s]Gb| k|;f/0f tyf
ljt/0f nfOgsf] jt{dfg d"No -To;df ePsf] 6'6km'6 / ;fwf/0f k|of]uaf6 ePsf] x|f;
s6fO{_ sf] cfwf/df cfk;L ;D´f}tfåf/f olsg ul/Psf] d"Nodf v/Lb ug{' kg{]5 .
#!= ljB't ;+/rgfsf] ;'/Iff M -!_ s'g} ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|, ?kfGt/ s]Gb|, pks]Gb|, ljB't
pTkfbgsf] nflu agfOPsf] kf]v/L jf ljB't l;t ;DalGwt s'g} ;+/rgfsf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] cg'/f]wdf jf :jo+ cfˆgf] ljrf/df To:tf] ;'/Iff ug{ cfjZos 7fg]df
g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos k|jGw ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] cg'/f]wdf ;'/Iff k|jGw ul/Psf]df
To;sf] nflu nfUg] ;Dk"0f{ vr{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] Joxf]g{]5 .
#@= c?sf] 3/ hUufdf k|j]z ug{ ;Sg] M g]kfn ;/sf/n] jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB'tsf]
;j{]If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{] l;nl;nfdf s;}sf] 3/ hUufdf k|j]z ug{' k/]df
g]kfn ;/sf/ jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] v6fPsf] sd{rf/Ln] ;DalGwt JolQmnfO{ k"j{
;"rgf lbP/ dfq To:tf] 3/ hUufdf k|j]z ug{ ;Sg]5 . To;/L k|j]z ubf{ s'g} xflg
gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] tf]lsP adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{
lbg]5 .
t/ s'g} 3/ hUufdf ljB'tsf] cglws[t k|of]u jf rf]/L e}/x]sf] zª\sf x'g] dgfl;j
dflkmssf] sf/0f ePdf ;f] s'/fsf] hfFra'´ ug{ jf s'g} b'3{6gfaf6 arfpg k"j{ ;"rgf
ljgf klg To:tf] sd{rf/Ln] ;DalGwt 3/ hUufdf k|j]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
##= c?sf] 3/ hUufsf] pkof]u jf k|flKt M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{sf nflu
c? s;}sf] 3/ hUuf pkof]u ug{ jf k|fKt ug{ cfjZos k/]df cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .


-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bg k|fKt ePdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tt\;DaGwdf cfjZos
hfFra'´ u/L k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;+ul7t ;+:yfnfO{ hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbP;/x cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmnfO{ To:tf] 3/ hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbg ;Sg]5 . ;/sf/L hUuf ePdf cg'dltkqsf]
cjlwe/sf] nflu k§f -nLh_ df pknAw u/fpg]5 .
-#_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
;DaGwL s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ u/]sf]df To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ePsf] 7fpF jf ;f] 7fpFsf] j/Lk/L
tf]lsPsf] b"/Ldf kg{] 3/ hUuf c? s;}n] s'g} vf; sfdsf] lgldQ k|of]u ug{ gkfpg] u/L g]kfn
;/sf/n] lgif]w ug{ ;Sg]5 . To;/L lgif]w ul/Psf] sf/0faf6 ;DalGwt JolQmnfO{ kg{] xflg
gf]S;fgL afkt g]kfn ;/sf/ jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] tf]lsP adf]lhd IftLk"lt{ lbg]5 .
#$= g]kfn ;/sf/n] ljB't pTkfbg tyf ljsf; ug{ ;Sg] M g]kfn ;/sf/ cfkm}n] ljB'tsf]
pTkfbg jf ljsf; ug{ o; P]gsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
#%= g]kfn ;/sf/n] s/f/ u/L ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ ;Sg] M o; P]gdf cGoq
h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfl;t s/f/ u/L ;f]xL
s/f/df pNn]lvt zt{x?sf] cfwf/df ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ u/fpg
;Sg]5 .
#^= hn ljB't ljsf; O{sfO{ M hn ljB'tsf] ljsf; ug{ u/fpg / hn ljB'tsf] ljsf;df lghL
If]qsf pBdLnfO{ k|f]T;flxt ug{ tyf hn ljB't ljsf; ;DaGwL sfdx?sf] cg'udgsf
nflu hn;|f]t dGqfnodf Pp6f hn ljB't ljsf; OsfO{ /xg]5 .
#&= lg/LIfssf] lgo'lQm M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] lg/LIf0f / /]vb]v ug{sf]
nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZostf cg';f/ k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs / ljB't lg/LIfsx? lgo'Qm
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs tyf ljB't lg/LIfssf] nflu rflxg] of]Uotf tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
-#_ k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs tyf ljB't lg/LIfssf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tf]lsP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#*= b08 ;hfo M -!_ s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgodsf] pNnª\3g u/]df
tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] lghnfO{ kfFrxhf/ ?k}ofF ;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg]5 . To:tf] s;"/af6


s;}sf] xflg gf]S;fgL ePsf] /x]5 eg] tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] lghaf6 To:tf] xflg gf]S;fgL
afktsf] Ifltk"lt{ ;d]t e/fO{ lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ s;}n] o; P]g adf]lhd cg'dltkq lng' kg{]df ;f] glnO{ jf cg'dltkqdf pNn]v
ePsf zt{x? kfng gu/L ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f u/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln]
lghnfO{ kfFrxhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ / To:tf] sfd aGb u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ ==========================
-$_ s;}n] ablgot;fy s'g} ljB't pTkfbg jf ?kfGt/ s]Gb|, k|;f/0f nfOg, ljt/0f
nfOg jf ;f] l;t ;DalGwt cGo s'g} ;+/rgfdf k|lts"n c;/ kfg{] s'g} sfd u/]df, eTsfPdf,
lauf/]df jf s'g} lsl;dn] xflg gf]S;fgL k'¥ofPdf jf To:tf] s'g} sfd s'/fsf] nflu b'?T;fxg
lbPdf jf To:tf] sfd ug{] pBf]u u/]df lghaf6 xfgL gf]S;fgLsf] ljuf] c;"n u/L lghnfO{ lauf]
adf]lhd hl/jfgf jf bzjif{;Dd s}b jf b'a} ;hfo x'g ;Sg]5 .
#(= k'g/fj]bg M bkmf * sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] cg'dltkq vf/]h

u/]sf]df jf bkmf @(, #@ jf ## adf]lhd lbPsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] /sddf jf bkmf #* sf]
pkbkmf -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] lbPsf] ;hfosf] cfb]zdf lrQ ga'´ \g]
JolQmn] k}+tL; lbg leq pRr cbfntdf k'g/fj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
$)= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M -!_ o; P]gsf] p2]Zo sfof{Gjog ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos
lgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ n] lbPsf] clwsf/sf] ;j{ ;fdfGotfdf s'g} k|lts"n k|efj gkg{] u/L
g]kfn ;/sf/n] vf; u/L b]xfosf ljifox?df lgod agfpg ;Sg]5M–
-s_ cg'dltkqsf] nflu lbOg] b/vf:tsf] 9fFrf / To:df v'nfpg' kg{] s'/fx?,
cg'dltkqsf] 9fFrf, cjlw, zt{x?, b:t"/ jf z'Ns / cGo cfjZos s'/fx?,
-v_ ljB't ef]N6sf] :t/ tyf ljt/0f ul/g] ljB't ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ / cGo cfjZos
k|fljlws s'/fx?,
-u_ ljB't;+u ;DalGwt s'g} ;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ / ;f] sf] :t/,
-3_ ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ubf{ pkof]u ul/g] pks/0f /
 ljB't rf]/L lgoGq0f P]g, @)%* åf/f l´lsPsf] .
 ljB't rf]/L lgoGq0f P]g @)%* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


;fdfgx?sf] :t/ tyf pkof]usf t/Lsf,

-ª_ lg/LIfssf] of]Uotf tyf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/,
-r_ ljB't dxz"n, ;]jf z'Ns jf cGo b:t"/ ;DaGwL s'/fx?,
-5_ ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ubf{ ckgfpg' kg{] ;'/IffTds
-h_ u|fxs jf pkef]Qmfx?n] kfng ug{' kg{] s'/fx?,
-´_ b'3{6gf tyf To;sf] hfFra'´,
-`_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .

b|i6Jo M s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^# åf/f ?kfGt/ ePsf zAbx? M–
æ>L % sf] ;/sf/ Æ sf] ;§f æ g]kfn ;/sf/Æ .

ELECTRICITY ACT, 2049 (1992)
Date of Authentication and publication

Paush 2, 2049 (17 December, 1992)

An Act made for the Management and Development of Electricity

PREMABLE: WHEREAS, it is expedient to develop electric power by regulating
the survey, generation, transmission and distribute the survey, generation, transmission
and distribution of electricity and to standardize and safeguard the electricity services.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Parliament in the twenty-first year of
the reign of His Majesty’s King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev;

1. Short Title and Commencement:(1) This Act may be called "Electricity Act, 2049

(2) This Act shall come into force on such date as is Government of Nepal
may, by notification published in the Nepal Gazette, appoint.
2. Definitions: Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, in this Act
(a) "Electricity" means electric power generated from water, mineral
oil, coal, gas, solar energy, wind energy, atomic energy or any
other means.
(b) "Hydro-electricity" means electric power generated from water.
(c) "License" means the license issued pursuant to this Act.
(d) "Consumer" means a person who obtains electricity from the licensee.
(e) "Charges" means the fee charged to the consumer for the electricity
services rendered to them pursuant to this Act.
(f) "Licensee" means a person or a corporate body who has obtained the
license pursuant to Section 4.
(g) Inspector" means electricity inspector appointed pursuant to Section
37 and this word also denotes Chief Electricity Inspector.
(h) "Prescribed" or "as prescribed" means prescribed or as prescribed in
the rules made under this Act.

3. Survey, Generation, Transmission or Distribution of Electricity : No
person shall be entitled to conduct survey, generation, transmission or distribution
of electricity without obtaining license under this Act.
Provided that no license shall be required to be obtained by a national or a corporate body
for the generation, transmission or distribution of electricity up to 1000 kilowatt and
for conducting necessary survey thereof. Before generating, transmitting or distributing
hydroelectricity of the capacity ranging from 100 kilowatt to 1000 kilowatt, information
to hat effect shall be given to the prescribed officer in a manner as prescribed.
4. Provisions of License: (1) A person or a corporate body, who desires to
conduct survey, generation, transmission or distribution of electricity, shall be
required to submit an application to the prescribed officer along with the
economic, technical and environmental study report and with other prescribed
particulars on the relevant subject.
Provided that such study report shall not be required to be included while applying for
the license to conduct the survey relating to electricity.

(2) On receipt of an application pursuant to Sub-section (1) the prescribed

officer shall have to examine or cause to examine necessary enquiries and shall have to
issue license to the applicant according to the format as prescribed within 30 days of
receipt of such application in case of license for conducting survey relating to electricity
and within 120 days in as of license for generation, transmission or distribution of

(3) A person or a corporate body, who is doing generation, transmission

or distribution of electricity prior to the commencement of this Act, shall be
required to submit an application along with prescribed particulars to the
prescribed officer within one year from the date of the commencement of this Act
except otherwise provided in the proviso clause of Section 3.
(4) On receipt of an application pursuant to Sub-section (3) the prescribed
officer after examining necessary enquiries, shall issue the license according to the
format as prescribed within 60 days of receipt of such application.

(5) In case a license desires to sell or otherwise transfer its license, it shall
be required to obtain the approval from the prescribed officer.
5. Terms of License: (1) The term of license to be issued for the survey of
electricity may be of 5 (Five) years in maximum.
(2) The term of license to be issued for generations, transmission or
distribution of electricity may be of 50 (Fifty) years in maximum.
(3) In case a license is issued for a term less than prescribed term in Sub-
section (1) or (2), it shall be required to be renewed before one year of expiry of
the term stipulated in the license.
(4) If the license is not renewed pursuant to Sub-section (3) such license
shall be void.
6. Restriction of the Issuance of License: In case license has been issued to any
person or corporate body for the distribution of electricity in any area in
accordance with this Act, no license shall be issued to any other person
or corporate body for the distribution of electricity in the same area for the
distribution of electricity in the same area for the whole term of such license.
Provided that if the licensee is deemed to be unable to supply the electricity as
per demand of that area, license may be issued also to any other person
or corporate body for the distribution of electricity in such area.
7. Matters to be observed by the Licensee: Matters to be observed by the
licensee in relation to survey, generation, transmission or distribution
of electricity shall be as prescribed.
8. License may be Cancelled: (1) If the licensee performs any act contrary to this
Act or rules made under this Act, the prescribed officer may issue an order to the
concerned licensee by prescribing necessary improvements to be made on such
activity within the specified period.

(2) If the licensee makes no improvement within the prescribed period
pursuant to Sub-section (1), the prescribed officer may cancelthelicense of such
(3) Prior to the cancellation of license pursuant to Sub-section (2), the
prescribed officer shall give the licensee a reasonable opportunity to explain one's
own innocence.
9. Agreement may be Entered with the Licensee: Government of Nepal may
enter into agreement with the licensee for bulk purchase of electricity, guarantee
for the necessary capital to be invested or other financial and technical matters.
10. Ownership of Government of Nepal: (1) The land, building, equipment and
structure related to the electricity generation plant or transmission and distribution
line established by the foreign national or corporate body as more than 50
(Fifty) percent of the total investment, shall be under the ownership of
Government of Nepal after the expiry of the term as prescribed in the license.
(2) The assets coming under the ownership of Government of Nepal
pursuant to Sub-section (1) may be purchased by the prior licensee on the
amount as assessed pursuant to Sub-section (3) for generation, transmission
or distribution of electricity and after acquiring such asset, such person, after
entering into an agreement with His Majesty's Government, shall generate,
transmit or distribute electricity according to the agreement so made.
(3) Government of Nepal shall constitute a committee comprising of
at least five persons for the purpose of assessing the amount pursuant to sub-
section (2).
(4) The electricity generation plant, transmission or distribution line
established by the foreign national or corporate body as up to fifty percent of the
total investment or established without foreign investment shall be operated
or managed by the prior licensee by entering into an agreement with Government
of Nepal after the expiry of the term as prescribed in the license on conditions as
mentioned in the agreement so made.
11. Royalty to be Paid : (1) The licensee shall have to pay royalty to Government of
Nepal at a rate of Rs. 100 for each installed kilowatt of electricity per year plus 2
percent of the average tariff per unit (per kilowatt hour) for a term of upto fifteen
years from the date of generation of electricity for commercial purpose.
(2) After the term specified in Sub-section (1), the licensee shall have to
pay royalty to Government of Nepal at a rate of Rs.1000 for each installed
kilowatt of electricity per year plus 10 percent of the average tariff per unit (per
kilowatt hour).
12. Facilities Relation to Other Tax and Charge:
(1) .......∝
(2) ........∝
(3) ....... ∝
(4) ........ ∝
(5) ........ ∝
(6) ........ ∝
(7) Customs duties and sales tax shall be levied as per the prevailing
schedule for the import of construction equipment, machines, tools and
equipment required for repair and maintenance as well as the spare parts thereof
for hydro electricity generation, transmission or distribution which are produced
and sold by local industries. Only one percent customs duties shall be levied
for the import of materials which are not produced in Nepal and no charge
for import license and sales tax shall be levied for such imports.
13. Facility of Foreign Exchange: In case foreign currency has been invested in
the generation, transmission or distribution of hydroelectricity as a loan or share
capital, Government of Nepal shall make available necessary foreign currency
at the prevailing market rate of foreign exchange for repatriation of investment or
repayment of principal or interest of loan.

Deleted by Income Tax Act, 2058

14. Facilities under the Prevailing Law shall be Enjoyed: The licensee shall
also enjoy facility pursuant to prevailing law in addition to the facilities
obtained under this Act in such a manner that the facilities are not repeated.
15. Arrangement Relating to Housing and Bonus : Notwithstanding anything
written in the prevailing law, the arrangement of housing and bonus of the
laborer and staff associated with the work of electricity generation, transmission
or distribution shall be as prescribed.
16. Electricity Charge and Other Charges to be Realized: (1) Government of
Nepal or the licensee may realize electricity tariff or other charges as assessed
pursuant to Section 17 from persons, using such services, in consideration of
the services rendered to them.
(2) Electricity charge and other charges pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be
realized as prescribed.
17. Assessment of Electricity Tariff and Other Charges :(1) Government of
Nepal shall constitute a Tariff Fixation Commission for the purpose of fixing
electricity tariff and other charges.
(2) The commission constituted pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall consist of
at least five persons from among the representative of the Government of Nepal,
economist and those involved in the generation, transmission and distribution
of electricity and the consumers.
(3) The commission, pursuant to Sub-section (1), shall fix the electricity
tariff and other charges on the basis of the rate of depreciation, reasonable profit,
mode of the operation of the plant, changes in consumer's price index, royalty,
(4) The licensee shall not entitled to realize electricity charges and other
charges and in excess of what has been fixed or any other charges other than those
fixed pursuant to Sub-section (3).

(5) The commission pursuant to Sub-section (1) may, in order to complete
its function, call for the concerned company, person, institution or corporate body,
the necessary information and document and it shall be their duty to give such
information and document.
(6) While fixing electricity tariff and other charges pursuant to Sub-section
(3) the commission, constituted pursuant to Sub-section (1), may classify the types
of consumer and fix the tariff accordingly.
(7) The working procedure of the commission, constituted pursuant to
Sub-Section (1), shall be as prescribed.
18. Separate Tariff and Other Charge may be Assessed: (1) Notwithstanding
anything written in Section 17, one who distributes electricity in isolation of the
national grid, shall be entitled to fix the electricity tariff and other charges for
the electricity so distributed.
(2) While fixing electricity tariff and other charges pursuant to Sub-section
(1), it may be so fixed that all investments made on electricity generation,
transmission or distribution is paid back in average of 25 years by deducting the
depreciation cost and a dividend of 25 percent on share capital is earned.
19. Electricity Service may be Stopped: Electricity services may be stopped in the
following condition:
(a) If there is a need to inspect, repair or to perform any important work
relating to the electrical equipment and the electrical line.
(b) If there occurs natural calamities like flood, landslide, fire,
earthquake or strike, lockout, riot or any other extraordinary
circumstances which are beyond one's control.
(c) For any consumer, who do not pay the electricity tariff and
other charges, which have to be paid.
(d) For any consumer, who utilizes electricity unauthoritatively
or utilizes electric power contrary to the terms and conditions
as set forth.
20. National Transmission Line of Grid: Government of Nepal may, by a
notification published in the Nepal gazette, specify a transmission line or grid
as national transmission line or grid.
21. Sale of Generated Electricity: (1) If any person desires to sell in bulk the
electricity generated pursuant to this Act, Government of Nepal may purchase
or cause to purchase such electricity to the national grid.
(2) The rate of electricity purchased pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be
determined on the basis of fixed percentage of avoided cost or an addition to the
generation cost or fixed percentage of average tariff of Nepal Electricity
(3) While determining the rate of electricity purchased pursuant to Sub-
section (2) calculation shall be made in such a way that the total investment could
be paid back in twenty five years in average by deducting the depreciation cost.
22. Import and Export of Electricity: (1) If the licensee desiring to distribute
electricity by importing the same within the Nepal, may do so by obtaining
prior approval of Government of Nepal as prescribed.
(2) The licensee desiring to export electricity generated on its own to the
foreign country may do so by entering into an agreement with Government of
Nepal on such matter.
(3) The exporter of electricity pursuant to Sub-section (2) shall have to pay
export duty as prescribed to Government of Nepal.
23. Fixing of Quality Standard of Electricity : (1) Government of Nepal may, by
a notification published in the Nepal Gazette, fix the quality standard of electricity,
which is generated, transmitted and distributed pursuant to this Act.
(2) While generating, transmitting or distributing electricity, the quality
standard as prescribed pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be maintained.
24. No Substantial Adverse effect be made on Environment: While carrying
out electricity generation, transmission or distribution, it shall be carried out in

such manner that no substantial adverse effect be made on environment by way
of soil erosion, flood, landslide, air pollution etc.
25. Volt level and other Technical Matters: (1) For the purpose of electricity
generation, transmission or distribution, the volt level and other technical matters
shall be as prescribed.
(2) The person who conducts electricity generation, transmission
or distribution shall maintain the prescribed standard pursuant to Sub-section (1).
26. Arrangements for Security Measures : The security measures to be adopted in
the process of generation, transmission or distribution of electricity shall be as
27. Repair and Maintenance: If the supply of electricity is required to be
interrupted for the purpose of repair and maintenance of electricity generation
plant or transmission line or distribution line or any other structure or due to any
other reason, the licensee shall notify the general public by publishing a
notification at least Twenty four hours in advance.
28. Special Condition:(1) If it is required that the generation of electricity in any
area is to be stopped due to any special circumstance or if the supply of electricity
service is to be made immediately in any area, Government of Nepal shall issue
necessary order to the person who generates, transmits or distributes electricity
audit shall be the duty of the concerned person to obey such order.
(2) Government of Nepal shall compensate the concerned person for the
loss or damage caused due to the obeying of the order issued pursuant to Sub-
section (1).
29. No Nationalization to be made: (1) The land, building, equipment and
structure related to electricity generation, transmission or distribution shall not be
Provided that the land, building equipment and structure related to the
generation, transmission or distribution of 1000 kilowatt or less of hydro

electricity, Government of Nepal may for the extensive public use take
over such property and develop and develop that itself.
Explanation: “Extensive Public Use" means the use, which serves benefits to
larger population than the existing population benefited from it.
(2) Government of Nepal shall pay compensation, as prescribed, to the
concerned person for the land, building, equipment and structure which is taken
over by Government of Nepal pursuant to the proviso clause of Sub-section (1).
(3) The compensation payable pursuant to Sub-section (2) shall be
determined on the basis of current price (after deducting wear, tear and
depreciation) of the land, building, equipment and structure taken over by
Government of Nepal.
30. Purchase of Electricity Generation Plant etc.: In case where the licensee is
going to distribute electricity in an area where any person or corporate body is
already distributing electricity by generating up to 1000 Kilowatt of hydro-
electricity, such person or corporate body who is generating hydroelectricity up to
1000 Kilowatt if desires to sell the hydroelectricity plant, transmission
and distribution line which is operated by him/her, the said licensee shall have to
purchase such hydroelectricity plant, transmission and distribution line on the
price (after deducting wear, tear and general depreciation) as fixed by
mutual agreement.
31. Security of Electricity Structure: (1) Government of Nepal may make necessary
arrangement for the security of any electricity generation plant, transmission
plant, substation, or any reservoir made for generating electricity or any
other structure related to electricity, on the request of the licensee or by itself, if it
deems it necessary to provide such security.
(2) If the security arrangement is made pursuant to Sub-section (1) on the
request of the licensee, all the expenses incurred for such security shall be borne
by the licensee.

32. To Enter into Others' Premises : If Government of Nepal or the licensee
requires to enter into anyone's premises in connection with survey, generation,
transmission or distribution of electricity, the employee of Government of Nepal
or the licensee may enter into such premises only after giving a prior notice to the
concerned person. In case any loss or damage is caused due to such
entry, Government of Nepal or the licensee shall pay compensation as
prescribed for such loss or damage.
Provided that such employee may, without giving prior notice, enter into
the concerned premises to rescue from any accident or to carry out investigation
into the matter if there is a reasonable ground to suspect that the electricity is
being unauthoritatively used or pilfered in such premises.
33. Utilization or Acquisition of Other's Land and House: (1) If it is required
that the land and house of any person be used or acquired for the purpose
of generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity, the licensee may
submit an application to His Majesty's Government.
(2) On receipt of an application pursuant to Sub-section (1), Government
of Nepal may, after conducting necessary enquiries into the matter, make
available such land and house in the same manner as it makes available to any
corporate body under the prevailing laws. If the land is owned by the government,
such premises shall be made available on lease for the period up to the term
of license.
(3) If a construction work relating to the generation, transmission,
or distribution of electricity has been preformed by Government of Nepal or a
licensee, Government of Nepal may prohibit to use the premises of a house or land
located in the area where such construction work is performed or the premises of a
house or land located in the prescribed distance from such place of construction by
any other person for any specified purpose. Government of Nepal or the licensee
shall pay compensation, as prescribed, to the concerned person for such damage
or loss caused due to such prohibition.
34. Government of Nepal may Generate and Develop Electricity: Nothing
mentioned in this Act shall be deemed to have prevented Government of Nepal
to generate or to develop electricity on its own.
35. Government of Nepal may enter into contract for Generation,
Transmission or Distribution of Electricity : Notwithstanding anything
written elsewhere in this Act, Government of Nepal, by entering into a
contract with any person or corporate body, may do or cause to do the
generation, transmission or distribution of electricity subject to the terms and
conditions as mentioned in such contract.
36. Hydro-electricity Development Unit: In order to develop or cause to develop
hydroelectricity and to encourage private sector entrepreneurs for the development
of hydroelectricity and to follow up the works relating to hydroelectricity
development, a Hydroelectricity Development Unit shall be constituted in the
Ministry of Water Resources.
37. Appointment of Inspector: (1) In order to carry out inspection and supervision
of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, Government of Nepal
may appoint Chief Electricity Inspector and Electricity Inspector as
may be necessary.
(2) The qualification required for the Chief Electricity Inspector and
Electricity Inspector shall be as prescribed.
(3) Other functions, rights and duties of the Chief Electricity Inspector and
Electricity Inspector shall be as prescribed.
38. Penalties : (1) The prescribed officer may impose a fine up to five thousand
rupees to any person who acts in contravention of this Act or Rules made under
this Act. If the damage is caused to anybody due to such act, compensation
for such damage shall also be realized from such person by the prescribed officer.
(2) If any person generates, transmits or distributes electricity, without
obtaining the license, which is required to be obtained under this

Act, or without observing the terms and conditions set forth in the license, the
prescribed officer may impose a fine up to five thousand rupees and cause to
close such activity.
(3) ......∝.
(4) If any person cause adverse effect, demolishes, destroys or causes harm
otherwise with mala fide intention to any electricity generation plant
or transmission center or transmission line, distribution line or any other structure
related to the same or induces to do the said acts or attempt to do so, such person
may be punished with a fine at par with the value of the damages or with
imprisonment up to ten years or both realizing the value of damages from such

39. Appeal : Any person who is not satisfied with the decision of the cancellation of
license by the prescribed authority pursuant to Sub-section (2) of section 8 or the
decision on the amount of compensation given pursuant to section 29, 32 or 33
or an order of the punishment issued by the prescribed authority pursuant to Sub-
section ∇(1) or (2) of section 38, an appeal against such decision or order may
lie in the Appellate Court within a period of thirty five days.
40. Power to Frame Rules : (1) Government of Nepal may frame necessary Rules
in order to carry out the objectives of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by Sub-
section (1), Government of Nepal may frame Rules, in particular, on the following
(a) Matters relating to the format of application for license and the
particulars to be mentioned in the application, format of license, terms
and conditions, charges or fee and other necessary matter,

Delated by Electricity thief control Act,2058

Amended by Eletricity thief control Act,2058

(b) Matters relating to quality, volt level of electricity and quality standard
of service of electricity to be distributed and other necessary technical
(c) Matters relating to the construction work relating to electricity
structures and its quality standard,
(d) Matters relating to quality standard of materials and equipment which
are used for generation, transmission or distribution of electricity and
methods for using them,
(e) Qualification and function, rights and duties of Inspector,
(f) Matters relating to electricity tariff, service charge or other charges,
(g) Matters relating to security measures to be followed while
generating, transmitting and distributing electricity,
(h) Matters, which are to be observed by customers or consumers,
(i) Accident and enquiries thereof,
(j) Other necessary matters.


ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%)

g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ldlt
!= ljB't -klxnf] ;+zf]wg_ lgodfjnL, @)^! @)^$.%.#
@= ljB't -bf];|f] ;+zf]wg_ lgodfjnL, @)^% @)^%.&.$
#= ljB't -t];|f] ;+zf]wg_ lgodfjnL, @)^^ @)^^.#.@#
$=ljB't -rf}yf] ;+zf]wg_ lgodfjnL, @)&# @)&#.^.!)
ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $) n] lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] b]xfosf
lgodx? agfPsf] 5 .
kl/R5]b –!
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ oL lgodx?sf] gfd æljB't lgodfjnL @)%)Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] lgodfjnL t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; lgodfjnLdf,–
-s_ æP]gÆ eGgfn] ljB't P]g, @)$( ;D´g' k5{ .
-v_ æljB't ljsf; ljefuÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf #^ adf]lhdsf] hnljB't
ljsf; OsfO{sf] sfd ug{ phf{ dGqfno cGtu{t /x]sf] ljB't ljsf;
ljefu ;D´g' k5{ .
-u_ æ;lrjÆ eGgfn] phf{ dGqfnosf] ;lrj ;D´g' k5{ .
-3_ æ;j]{If0fÆ eGgfn] ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0fsf] nflu ul/g]
;j]{If0fsf] sfo{ ;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] ;DefJotf cWoog, lj:t[t
OlGhlgol/Ë l8hfOgsf] sfo{ / To;sf] nflu ul/g] cGj]if0fsf] sfo{
;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-ª_ æljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fÆ eGgfn] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f
jf ljt/0f;Fu ;DalGwt ;+/rgfx?sf] lgdf{0f, ;+rfng tyf dd{t ;Def/
;D´g'k5{ .
-r_ æljt/0f If]qÆ eGgfn] ljB't ljt/0fsf] cg'dlt kqdf pNn]v ul/Psf] If]q
;D´g' k5{ .

-5_ æjfol/ª\uÆ eGgfn] u|fxssf] 3/, sDkfp08, sf/vfgf jf o:t} cGo s'g}
7fpFdf ljB't cfk"lt{sf] nflu ul/g] ljB't ;fdu|L h8fgsf] sfo{ ;D´g'
k5{ .
-h_ æo"lg6Æ eGgfn] Psxhf/ jf6sf] ljB't zlQm Ps 306f;Dd ;+rfng x'Fbf
vkt x'g] ljB't phf{ ;D´g' k5{ .
-´_ æphf{dfks oGqÆ eGgfn] ljB'tsf] vkt ePsf] o"lg6 b]vfpg] oGq -
ld6/_ ;D´g' k5{ .
-`_ æe"of]hg -cly{Ë_Æ eGgfn] ljB't zlQmaf6 x'g] vt/fnfO{ x6fpg lglZrt
ulx/fO{df tf/ nuL hldg;Fu hf]8\g] sfo{ ;D´g' k5{ .
-6_ æk|lti7fgÆ eGgfn] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ?kfGt/ jf ljt/0f ug]{
pks/0f, ;fdu|L tyf k|0ffnLsf] ;dli6ut ?knfO{ hgfpg]5 .

-7_ ædxflgb]{zsÆ eGgfn] ljB't ljsf; ljefusf] dxflgb]{zs ;Demg' k5{ .
kl/R5]b –@
cg'dltkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf
#= hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{ M P]gsf] bkmf # sf] k|ltaGwfTds jfSof+z adf]lhd !)) b]lv !)))
lsnf]jf6 ;Ddsf] hnljB't ;j]{If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf
;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] cg';"rL–! adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ dxflgb]{zsnfO{
hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ kl/of]hgfsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f,
-v_ kl/of]hgf :ynsf] gSzf -d'Vo d'Vo ;+/rgf ;d]t b]lvg]_,
-u_ kfgLsf] ;|f]t / pkof]u x'g] kfgLsf] kl/df0f,
-3_ ljB't ljt/0f ul/g] If]q tyf o;af6 nfeflGjt x'g] u|fxs ;+Vof,
-ª_ pkof]u ul/g] hn;|f]tsf] cGo s;}n] s'g} lsl;daf6 pkof]u u/] gu/]sf],
u/]sf] eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f,
-r_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
$= ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lbg] M ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f
ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] cg';"rL–@ adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|:tfljt ljB't
pTkfbg kl/of]hgf;F+u ;DalGwt b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tLg k|lt b/vf:t kmf/fd
dxflgb]{zs ;dIf lbg' kg]{5 M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-s_ kl/of]hgf :ynsf] gSzf -h;df k|:tfljt ljB't u[x, afFw, hnfzo, gx/,
;'?Ë, ;j–:6]zg, k|;f/0f nfOg, ljt/0f If]q cflbsf] k|f/lDes gSzf /
kl/of]hgf If]q leqsf ufpF, zx/, P]ltxfl;s :yfg, af6f] OTofbL ;d]t
:ki6 ?kdf b]vfpg' k5{_,
-v_ ;j]{If0f ul/g] hn;|f]tsf] If]q / pkof]u x'g] kfgLsf] kl/df0f,
-u_ kl/of]hgf ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt nfut / s'n cjlw -;j]{If0f /
lgdf{0f ;d]tsf] nflu_,
-3_ kl/of]hgfsf] s'n h8fg Ifdtf / jflif{s pTkfbgsf] cg'dfg,
-ª_ hn afx]s cGo ;fwgaf6 ljB't pTkfbg ug]{ eP k|of]u ul/g] OGwgsf]
lsl;d / To;sf] cfk"lt{ ug]{ tl/sf,
-r_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
%= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lbg] M ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0f
ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] cg';"rL–# adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|:tfljt ljB't
k|;f/0f kl/of]hgf;Fu ;DalGwt b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tLg k|lt b/vf:t kmf/fd
dxflgb]{zs ;dIf lbg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ljB't k|;f/0f nfOgsf] k|f/lDes ?6–gSzf -k|:tfljt d'Vo k|;f/0f
j}slNks nfOg ;d]t b]lvg]_,
-v_ k|;f/0f nfOgsf] s'n nDafO{, p2]Zo / cfjZostf,
-u_ k|;f/0fsf] nflu k|of]u ul/g] ef]N6]hsf] :t/ / Ifdtf,
-3_ Psd'i6 k|;f/0f u/L cfk"lt{ ug]{ ePdf ljB'tsf] clwstd nf]8 tyf
u|fxssf] lsl;d,
-ª_ k|;f/0f nfOg ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt nfut / s'n cjlw -;j]{If0f /
lgdf{0f ;d]t_,
-r_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
^= ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lbg] M ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f
ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] cg';"rL–$ adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|:tfljt ljB't
ljt/0f kl/of]hgf;Fu ;DalGwt b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tLg k|lt b/vf:t kmf/fd
dxflgb]{zs ;dIf lbg' kg]{5 M–

-s_ ljt/0f If]qsf] gSzf -h;df To; If]qsf] ef}uf]lns ljj/0f, ljBdfg
ljt/0f k|0ffnL / ug{ vf]lhPsf] ljt/0f k|0ffnLsf] k|f/lDes gSzf ;d]t
:ki6 ?kdf v'nfpg' k5{_,
-v_ ljt/0f k|0ffnLsf] p2]Zo / cfjZostf,
-u_ ljt/0f k|0ffnLaf6 nfeflGjt x'g] pkef]Qmfx?sf] ;+Vof / lsl;d,
-3_ ljB't vl/b jf k|fKt ug]{ ljGb' / laqmL ljt/0f ;DaGwL cGo ljj/0f,
-ª_ ljt/0f nfOg lgdf{0f ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt nfut / s'n cjlw -;j]{If0f /
lgdf{0f ;d]t_,
-r_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
&= b/vf:t pk/ hfFra'´ M -!_ lgod $, % jf ^ adf]lhd kg{ cfPsf] b/vf:t pk/ P]g
/ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd b/vf:tjfnfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{ cfjZos sfuhft, ljj/0f jf
k|ltj]bg k]z u/] gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf dxflgb]{zsn] cfjZos hfFra'´ ug]{ u/fpg] 5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd hfFra'´ ubf{ b/vf:tjfnfn] b/vf:t ;fy k]z
ug'{ kg]{ s'g} sfuhft, ljj/0f jf k|ltj]bg k]z u/]sf] /x]g5 eg] To:tf] sfuhft,
ljj/0f jf k|ltj]bg k]z ug{ ;DalGwt b/vf:tjfnfnfO{ d'gfl;j dflkmssf] Dofb tf]sL
b/vf:t k/]sf] ldltn] !% lbgleq ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd s'g} sfuhft ljj/0f jf k|ltj]bg k]z ug{ ljB't
ljsf; ljefun] Dofb tf]sL ;"rgf lbPsf]df h'g ldltdf To:tf] sfuhft k|fKt x'g
cfpF5 ;f]xL ldltnfO{ g} P]gsf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu b/vf:t
k/]sf] ldlt dflgg]5 .

*= ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq lbg] M -!_ lgod $, % jf ^ adf]lhd k/]sf b/vf:tdWo] b]xfosf
kl/of]hgf ;DaGwL b/vf:tsf] xsdf dxflgb]{zsn] lgod & adf]lhd cfjZos hfF ra'em
u/L cg'dltkq lbg dgfl;a b]v]df b/vf:tjfnfsf] dfu cg';f/ jf cfjZos eP
;+zf]wg ;d]t u/L ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq lbg'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ hnfzoo'Qm jf ax'p2]ZoLo afx]ssf Ps ;o d]ufj6;Ddsf hnljB't
-v_ ;f}o{ zlQm, jfo' zlQm, afof]df; / kmf]xf]/af6 ul/g] ljB't pTkfbg,
-u_ ljB't k|;f/0f,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
-3_ ljB't ljt/0f .
-@_ lgod $ adf]lhd k/]sf b/vf:tdWo] pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ df
plNnlvt kl/of]hgf ;DaGwL b/vf:t afx]s cGo b/vf:tsf] xsdf dxflgb]{szn] lgod
& adf]lhd hfFra'em u/L l;kmfl/; ;lxt ;lrj ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ ;lrjn] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf kl/of]hgf ;DaGwdf ljB'tsf]
;j]{If0f cgdltkq lbg dgfl;a b]v]df b/vf:tjfnfsf] dfu cg';f/ jf cfjZos eP
;+zf]wg ;d]t u/L cg'dltkq lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ / -#_ adf]lhd lbOg] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf]
;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] 9fFrf qmdzM cg';"rL–%-s_, cg';"rL–%-v_ / cg';"rL–%-u_
adf]lhd x'g]5 .

(= Ps} k6s ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq k|bfg ug{ ;lsg] M Pp6} kl/of]hgf;+Fu ;DalGwt ljB'tsf]
pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] s' g} JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] lgod
$, % jf ^ adf]lhdsf ;a} ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ Ps} k6s b/vf:t lbPdf ljB'tsf] pTkfbg,
k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf nflu lgod * adf]lhd Ps} k6s cg'dltkq lbg
;lsg]5 .
!)= ;j]{If0f k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{kg]{ M lgod * jf ( adf]lhd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfkm"n]
u/]sf] ;j]{If0fsf] sfd ;s]sf] tL; lbgleq tLg k|lt k|ltj]bg ljB't ljsf; ljefu
;dIf k]z ug'{kg]{5 .
!!= bf]x/f] kg]{ u/L ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq glbOg] M lgod * jf ( adf]lhd lbOPsf] ;j]{If0f
cg'dltkqdf pNn]lvt cjlwe/ ;f]xL If]qdf ;f]xL sfdsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ kfpg] u/L cGo
s'g} JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfnfO{ bf]x/f] kg]{ u/L cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/g] 5}g .
!@= ljB't pTkfbgsf] cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lbg] M ljB't pTkfbg ug{ rfxg] JolQm
jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] cg';"rL–^ adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|:tfljt ljB't pTkfbg kl/of]hgf;Fu
;DalGwt b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tLg k|lt b/vf:t kmf/fd dxflgb]{zs ;dIf lbg'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ kl/of]hgfsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f -h;df kl/of]hgf :ynsf] gSzf, pTkfbg
ul/g] ljB'tsf] ;|f]t, kl/of]hgf ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do, nfut,
kl/of]hgfsf] ;xefuLx?sf] gfd / ltgLx?sf] ;+nUgtfsf] lsl;d,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
kl/of]hgfdf clGtd :jfldTj /xg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yf tyf To:tf]
;+:yfsf ;+rfnsx?sf] gfd, y/ / jtg ;d]t :ki6 ?kdf v'nfpg' k5{_,
-v_ ljB't pTkfbg ug{ vlgh OGwgsf] k|of]u ug]{ eP k|of]u ul/g] OGwgsf]
lsl;d, To;sf] cfk"lt{ ug]{ tl/sf / ;~ro k|0ffnL tyf ;f] ;DaGwL
;D´f}tf jf cfzo kq tyf tt\;DaGwL cGo s'g} sfuhkq eP ;f] ;d]t
k]z ug'{kg]{5 .
-u_ ;DefJotfsf] ljZn]if0f -kl/of]hgfsf] lj:t[t gSzf ;lxtsf] k|fljlws
ljj/0f tyf cfly{s ljZn]if0f, u|fxs tyf pkef]Qmfx?sf] ljj/0f, laqmL
x'g ;Sg] ljB'tsf] cg'dflgt kl/df0f, ljB't cfk"lt{df k|of]u ul/g] cGo
JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfx?sf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f
k|0ffnL eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f_,
-3_ ljlQo Joj:yf -kl/of]hgfsf] cg'dflgt ljlQo Joj:yf kl/of]hgfsf
nufgLstf{x?sf] cfly{s x}l;ot, kl/of]hgfdf k|ToIf ?kn] ;xefuL x'g]
ljlQo ;+:yfx?sf] k|ltj4tf / nufgLstf{x?sf] bfloTj tyf z]o/–k'FhL /
C0fsf] k|ltzt_,
-ª_ 3/hUufsf] pkof]u jf k|flKt -kl/of]hgfsf] nflu :yfoL jf c:yfoL
ta/af6 pkof]u jf k|flKtsf] nflu rflxg] cfjZos ;/sf/L jf u}/
;/sf/L hUufsf] s'n If]qkmn / hUufwgLx?sf] nut_,
-r_ jftfj/0fLo k|efj ljZn]if0f -kl/of]hgfn] jftfj/0fdf kfg]{ pNn]vgLo
k|lts"n c;/nfO{ Go"gtd ug{ ckgfOg] pkfox?, kl/of]hgfn] To;
If]qdf kfg{ ;Sg] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s k|efjsf] cltl/Qm ljBdfg
:yfgLo >d tyf ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] pkof]u, kl/of]hgf k"/f ePkl5 To;
If]qsf JolQmx?n] kfpg] nfe, lgdf{0f tyf ;+rfng ;Def/ ;DaGwdf
:yfgLo hgtfnfO{ lbOg] tflnd, lgdf{0f lzlj/sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{
;'ljwfx?, ;'/IffTds Joj:yfx? tyf kl/of]hgf ;~rfngaf6 ;DalGwt
hUuf wgLx?nfO{ kg{ ;Sg] c;/, lj:yflkt x'g] hg;+ Vofsf] nut /
ltgLx?sf] k'gjf{;sf] nflu ckgfOg] cfjZos Joj:yf ;d]t :ki6 ?kdf
v'nfpg' k5{_,

-5_ ljB't zlQm vl/b laqmL ;DaGwL ljj/0f -kl/of]hgfaf6 pTkfbg x'g]
ljB't zlQm vl/b laqmL ;DaGwL ;D´f}tf jf cfzo kq tyf tt\;DaGwL
cGo s'g} sfuhkq eP ;f] ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ k5{_,
-h_ kl/of]hgfaf6 pTkflbt ljB't k|;f/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-´_ OGwg cfk"lt{, 9'jfgL tyf ;~ro ;DaGwL ljj/0f -kl/of]hgfsf] nflu
cfjZos kg]{ ljB't tyf cGo OGwgsf] cfk"lt{, 9'jfgL jf ;~rosf]
;DaGwdf ePsf] ;D´f}tf jf cfzo kq tyf tt\;DaGwL cGo s'g}
sfuhkq eP ;f] ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{5_,
-`_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
!#= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lbg] M ljB'tsf] k|;f/0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm
jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] cg';"rL–& adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|:tfljt ljB't k|;f/0f kl/of]hgf;Fu
;DalGwt b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tLg k|lt b/vf:t kmf/fd dxflgb]{zs ;dIf lbg'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ kl/of]hgfsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f -h;df k|;f/0f ul/g] ljB'tsf] ;|f]t,
kl/of]hgf ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do / nfut, kl/of]hgfsf]
;xefuLx?sf] gfd / ltgLxsf] ;+nUgtfsf] lsl;d, kl/of]hgfdf clGtd
:jfldTj /xg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yf tyf To:tf] ;+:yfsf ;+rfnsx?sf]
gfd, y/ / jtg ;d]t :ki6 ?kdf v'nfpg' k5{_,
-v_ k|;f/0f nfOg / k|;f/0fsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ ;j–:6]zgx? ;d]t ePsf]
?6–gSzf, cfjZos kg]{ /fO{6–ckm–j] / l;ª\un nfOg 8fou|fd,
-u_ k|;f/0f ef]N6]hsf] :t/, k|;f/0f Ifdtf, lgdf{0fsf] u'0f:t/, tf/sf] ;fO{h
/ cfk;sf b"/L, n6\7f tyf OG;"n]6/sf] lsl;d / lgdf{0f ;DaGwL lj:t[t
-3_ ;DefJotfsf] ljZn]if0f -kl/of]hgfsf] k|fljlws ljj/0f tyf cfly{s
ljZn]if0f, Psd'i6 k|;f/0f u/L cfk"lt{ ug]{ ePdf u|fxs tyf
pkef]Qmfx?sf] ljj/0f, laqmL x'g ;Sg] ljB'tsf] cg'dflgt kl/df0f Pj+
ljB't cfk"lt{df k|of]u ul/g] cGo JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfx?sf]
:jfldTjdf /x]sf] k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f k|0ffnL eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f_,
-ª_ ljlQo Joj:yf -kl/of]hgfsf] cg'dflgt ljlQo Joj:yf kl/of]hgfsf
nufgLstf{x?sf] cfly{s x}l;ot, kl/of]hgfdf k|ToIf ?kn] ;xefuL x'g]

ljlQo ;+:yfx?sf] k|ltj4tf / nufgLstf{x?sf] bfloTj tyf z]o/–k'FhL /
C0fsf] k|ltzt_,
-r_ 3/hUufsf] pkof]u jf k|flKt -kl/of]hgfsf] nflu :yfoL jf c:yfoL
tj/af6 pkof]u jf k|flKtsf] nflu rflxg] cfjZos ;/sf/L jf u}/
;/sf/L hUufsf] s"n If]qkmn / hUuf wgLx?sf] nut_,
-5_ jftfj/0fLo k|efj ljZn]if0f -kl/of]hgfn] jftfj/0fdf kfg]{ pNn]vgLo
k|lts"n c;/nfO{ Go"gtd ug{ ckgfOg] pkfox?, kl/of]hgfn] To; If]qdf
kfg{ ;Sg] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s k|efjsf] cltl/Qm ljBdfg :yfgLo >d
tyf ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] pkof]u, kl/of]hgf k"/f ePkl5 To; If]qsf
JolQmx?n] kfpg] nfe, lgdf{0f tyf ;+rfng ;Def/ ;DaGwdf :yfgLo
hgtfnfO{ lbOg] tflnd, lgdf{0f lzlj/sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ ;'ljwfx?,
;'/IffTds Joj:yfx? tyf kl/of]hgf ;+rfngaf6 ;DalGwt hUuf
wgLx?nfO{ kg{ ;Sg] c;/, lj:yflkt x'g] hg;+Vofsf] nut / ltgLx?sf]
k'gjf{;sf] nflu ckgfOg] cfjZos Joj:yf ;d]t :ki6 ?kdf v'nfpg'
-h_ ljB't zlQm vl/b laqmL ;DaGwL ljj/0f -kl/of]hgfaf6 k|;f/0f x'g] ljB't
zlQm vl/b laqmL ;DaGwL ;D´f}tf jf cfzo kq tyf tt\;DaGwL cGo
s'g} sfuhkq eP ;f] ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ k5{_,
-´_ k|;f/0f nfOgsf] 8]9 lsnf]ld6/ If]qleqsf ljB't ;DaGwL cGo ;+/rgfx?
b]lvg] gSzf,
-`_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
!$= ljB't ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] nflu b/vf:t lbg] M ljB't ljt/0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf
;Ël7t ;+:yfn] cg';"rL–* adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|:tfljt ljB't ljt/0f kl/of]hgf;Fu
;DalGwt b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ tLg k|lt b/vf:t kmf/fd dxflgb{]s ;dIf lbg'
-s_ kl/of]hgfsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f -h;df ljt/0f ul/g] ljB'tsf] ;|f]t,
kl/of]hgf ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do, nfut, kl/of]hgfsf
;xefuLx?sf] gfd / ltgLx?sf] ;+nUgtfsf] lsl;d, kl/of]hgfdf clGtd
:jfldTj /xg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yf tyf To:tf] ;+:yfsf ;+rfnsx?sf]
gfd, y/ jtg ;d]t :ki6 ?kdf v'nfpg k5{ .

-v_ ;DefJotfsf] ljZn]if0f, -kl/of]hgfsf] k|fljlws ljj/0f tyf cfly{s
ljZn]if0f, laqmL x'g ;Sg] ljB'tsf] cg'dflgt kl/df0f, ljB't cfk"lt{df
k|of]u ul/g] cGo JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfx?sf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] k|;f/0f
tyf ljt/0f k|0ffnL eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f_,
-u_ ljlQo Joj:yf -kl/of]hgfsf] cg'dflgt ljlQo Joj:yf, kl/of]hgfsf
nufgLstf{x?sf] cfly{s x}l;ot, kl/of]hgfdf k|ToIf ?kn] ;xefuL x'g]
ljlQo ;+:yfx?sf] k|ltj4tf / nufgLstf{x?sf] bfloTj tyf z]o/–k'FhL /
C0fsf] k|ltzt_,
-3_ ljt/0f If]qsf] gSzf -To; If]qsf] ef}uf]lns ljj/0f, ljBdfg ljt/0f
k|0ffnL, gofF lgdf{0f ug'{ kg]{ ljt/0f k|0ffnL_,
-ª_ ljt/0f ef]N6]hsf] :t/ tyf lgdf{0fsf] u'0f:t/,
-r_ ;]jf k'¥ofOg] u|fxsx?sf] ;+Vof / lsl;d,
-5_ ljB't zlQm vl/b laqmL ;DaGwL ljj/0f -ljt/0f x'g] ljB't zlQm vl/b
laqmL ;DaGwL ;D´f}tf jf cfzo kq tyf tt\;DaGwL cGo s'g}
sfuhkq eP ;f] ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ k5{_,
-r_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
!%= b/vf:t pk/ hfFra'´ M -!_ lgod !@, !# jf !$ adf]lhd ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf
ljt/0f ug{ cg'dltkqsf] nflu kg{ cfPsf] b/vf:t pk/ P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd
k]z ug'{kg]{ cfjZos sfuhft, ljj/0f jf k|ltj]bg k]z u/] gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf
dxflgb]{zsn] cfjZos hfFra'´ ug]{ u/fpg] 5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd hfFra'´ ubf{ b/vf:tjfnfn] b/vf:t ;fy k]z ug'{kg]{
s'g} sfuhft ljj/0f jf k|ltj]bg k]z u/]sf] /x]g5 eg] To:tf] sfuhft, ljj/0f jf
k|ltj]bg k]z ug{ ;DalGwt b/vf:tjfnfnfO{ d'gfl;a dflkmssf] Dofb tf]sL b/vf:t
btf{ ePsf] ldltn] $% lbgleq ;f] s'/fsf] ;"rgf lbg' k5{ .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd s'g} sfuhft ljj/0f jf k|ltj]bg k]z ug{ ljB't
ljsf; ljefun] Dofb tf]sL ;"rgf lbPsf]df h'g ldltdf To:tf] sfuhft k|fKt x'g
cfpF5 ;f]xL ldltnfO{ g} P]gsf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu b/vf:t
k/]sf] ldlt dflgg]5 .

!^= ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sflzt ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ lgod !@, !# jf !$ adf]lhd ljB't pTkfbg,
k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] nflu kg{ cfPsf] b/vf:t pk/ lgod !% adf]lhd
cfjZos hfFra'´ u/L tt\\;DaGwL cfjZos ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ ljB't ljsf; ljefun]
;fj{hlgs hfgsf/Lsf] nflu ;"rgf k|sflzt ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sflzt ePkl5 k|:tfljt ljB't kl/of]hgfsf]
lgdf{0f tyf ;+rfng ubf{ pNn]vgLo k|lts"n c;/ kg]{ ePdf tt\;DaGwL ljj/0fx?
v'nfO{ ;"rgf k|sflzt ePsf] ldltn] #% lbgleq ljB't ljsf; ljefu ;dIf hf];'s}n]
klg k|ltlqmof lbg ;Sg]5g\ .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd s'g} k|ltlqmof k|fKt x'g cfPdf To:tf] k|ltlqmof
;d]tnfO{ ljrf/ u/L ;DalGwt b/vf:tjfnfn] kfng ug'{kg]{ zt{x? cg'dltkqdf pNn]v
ul/g]5 .

!&= cg'dltkq lbg] M -!_ lgod !@, !# jf !$ adf]lhd ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf
ljt/0fsf] cg'dltsf] nflu k/]sf b/vf:tdWo] b]xfosf kl/of]hgf ;DaGwL b/vf:tsf]
xsdf dxflgb]{zsn] lgod !% / !^ adf]lhd hfFra'em ;d]t ubf{ cg'dltkq lbg
dgfl;a b]v]df b/vf:tjfnfsf] dfu cg';f/ jf cfjZos eP ;+zf]wg ;d]t u/L ljB't
pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkq lbg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ hnfzoo'Qm jf ax'p2]ZoLo afx]ssf Ps ;o d]ufjf6 ;Ddsf hnljB't
-v_ ;f}o{ zlQm, jfo' zlQm, afof]df; / kmf]xf]/af6 ul/g] ljB't pTkfbg,
-u_ ljB't k|;f/0f,
-3_ ljB't ljt/0f .
-@_ lgod !@ adf]lhd k/]sf b/vf:tdWo] pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ df
plNnlvt k/of]hgf ;DaGwL b/vf:t afx]s cGo b/vf:tsf] xsdf dxflgb]{zsn] lgod
!% / !^ adf]lhd hfFra'em ;d]t u/L l;kmfl/; ;lxt ;lrj ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ ;lrjn] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf kl/of]hgf ;DaGwdf ljB'tsf]
pTkfbgsf] cg'dlt lbg dgfl;a b]v]df b/vf:tjfnfsf] dfu cg';f/ jf cfjZos eP
;+zf]wg ;d]t u/L cg'dltkq lbg' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-$_ pklgod -!_ / -#_ adf]lhd lbOg] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf]
cg'dltkqsf] 9fFrf qmdzM cg';"rL–(-s_, cg';"rL–(-v_ / cg';"rL–(-u_ adf]lhd x'g]5 .

!*= Ps} k6s ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f cg'dltkq lbg ;lsg] M Pp6}
kl/of]hgf;Fu ;DalGwt ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ rfxg] s'g} JolQm jf
;Ël7t ;+:yfn] lgod !@, !# / !$ adf]lhdsf ;a} ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ Ps} k6s b/vf:t
lbPdf ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] nflu lgod !& adf]lhd Ps} k6s
cg'dltkq lbg ;lsg]5 .
!(= ;j]{If0fsf] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkq k|bfg
ul/g] M ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f dWo] s'g} Ps jf ;a} sfdsf] ;j]{If0f ug{
lgod * jf ( adf]lhd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfkm"n] u/]sf] ;j]{If0f adf]lhdsf]
ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ;DaGwL lgdf{0f, ;+rfng tyf ;Def/ sfo{sf] nflu
klg ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] Dofbleq} lgod !@, !# / !$ adf]lhdsf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{
b/vf:t lbPdf o; lgodfjnLsf] cGo Joj:yfx?sf] cwLgdf /xL b/vf:tjfnfnfO{
To:tf] cg'dltkq lbOg]5 .
@)= hn;|f]t dfly clwsf/ sfod x'g] M o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd hnljB't pTkfbgsf]
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cg'dltkqdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] sfdsf] nflu ;f]xL
cg'dltkqdf tf]lsPsf] :yfg / kl/df0f;Ddsf] hn;|f]tsf] pkof]u ug]{ clwsf/ k|fKt
x'g]5 .
@!= sfo{ z'? ug'{ kg]{ cjlw M -!_ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
cg'dltkqdf pNn]lvt sfo{ cg'dltkq k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn] ;j]{If0fsf] xsdf tLg dlxgf
leq / pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] xsdf Ps jif{ leq ef}lts ?kdf sfo{ z'? u/L
;f] sf] hfgsf/L ljB't ljsf; ljefunfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
t/ Dofb leq sfo{ z'? ug{ g;s]sf] sf/0f vf]nL cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] lgj]bg
lbPdf To:tf] sf/0f, plrt / oy]i6 b]v]df Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{ z'? ePkl5 ;f] sfo{ ;DkGg geP;Dd k|To]s
^ dlxgfdf ePsf] sfdsf] k|ult ljj/0f ljB't ljsf; ljefunfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
@@= gofF cg'dltkq lng' kg]{ M -!_ P]g k|f/De x'g' cufj} ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf
ljt/0f ul//x]sf] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] klg lgod !@, !# jf !$ df pNn]lvt

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ P]gsf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd dxflgb{]zs ;dIf cg'dltkqsf]
nflu b/vf:t lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k/]sf] b/vf:t pk/ dxflgb]{zsn] cfjZos hfFra'´
u/L u/fO{ b/vf:tjfnfnfO{ cg';"rL–!) adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf cg'dltkq lbg' kg]{5 .
@#= ljB't cfoftsf] :jLs[ltM -!_ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf

ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] g]kfn ============leq ljB't cfoft ug{ rfx]df
tt\;DaGwdf ePsf] ;D´f}tfsf] ljj/0f ;+nUg u/L g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{ :jLs[ltsf] nflu
ljB't ljsf; ljefudf b/vf:t lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lbOg] b/vf:tdf ljB't cfoft ug]{ d'n'ssf] gfd,
cfoft ul/g] ljB'tsf] ef]N6]hsf] :t/, kl/df0f, ljt/0f jf k|;f/0f ug]{ If]q, ljB't
cfoft ug]{ cjlw tyf cGo cfjZos s'/fx? v'nfpg' k5{ .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd kg{ cfPsf] b/vf:t pk/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos
hfFra'´ u/L b/vf:tjfnfsf] dfu adf]lhd jf cfjZos eP ;+zf]wg ;d]t u/L
b/vf:tjfnfnfO{ ljB't cfoft ug{ :jLs[lt lbg ;Sg]5 .

@$= cg'dltkq b:t'/M -!_ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf nflu b/vf:t lbFbf
cg';"rL –!! df tf]lsPsf] b:t'/ a/fa/sf] /sd ljB't ljsf; ljefusf gfddf /x]sf] w/f}6L
vftfdf hDdf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf nflu b/vf:t lbFbf cg';"rL–
!! df tf]lsPsf] b:t'/ ljB't ljsf; ljefudf a'emfpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd b/vf:t lbPsf JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfn] P]gsf] bkmf $
sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq k|fKt u/]df lghn] /fv]sf] w/f}6L /sd
cg'dltkq b:t'/ afkt ljB't ljsf; ljefun] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fh:j vftfdf bflvnf ug'{
kg]{5 .
t/ cg'dltkq lbg g;lsg] ePdf To:tf] w/f}6L /sd lghnfO{ lkmtf{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ P]gsf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq lbg] lg0f{o ePsf]df
;f]sf] hfgsf/L kfPsf] ldltn] tLg dlxgfleq b/vf:tjfnf cg'dltkq lng gcfPdf
pklgod -!_ adf]lhd /fv]sf] w/f}6L /sd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fh:j vftfdf bflvnf ug'{
kg]{5 .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
t/ of] lgod g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sfzg ePsf] ldlt;Dd hDdf ePsf] w/f}6L /sd of]
lgod g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sfzg ePsf] ldltn] k}+tL; lbgleq cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf
;Ël7t;+:yfn] cg'dltkq glnPdf lghn] /fv]sf] w/f}6L /sd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fh:j
vftfdf bflvnf ug'{ kg]{5 .
@%= cg'dltkq gljs/0f ug]{M -!_ P]g tyf o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd k|bfg ul/Psf]
cg'dltkqdf pNn]lvt cjlw ;dfKt x'g' Ps jif{ cufj} cg'dltkqsf] gljs/0f ug'{
kg]{5 .
-@_ P]gsf] bkmf % sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd cg'dltkq gljs/0f u/fpFbf

cg';"rL–!! df tf]lsPsf] =============b:t'/ nfUg]5 .
@^= /f]oN6Lsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu o'lg6 -lsnf]jf6 306f_ sf] u0fgfM P]gsf] bkmf !! adf]lhd
/f]oN6Lsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu o'lg6 -lsnf]jf6 306f_ u0fgf ubf{ ljB't u[xaf6 pTkflbt
s'n ljB't dWo] ;f]xL ljB't u[x ;+rfngsf] nflu k|of]u x'g] ljB'tsf] kl/df0f s§f u/L
afFsL x'g cfpg] ljB'tsf] kl/df0fsf] u0fgf ul/g]5 .
@&= lgof{t s/ M P]gsf] bkmf @@ sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd ljB't lgof{t u/]jfkt ltg'{kg]{
lgof{t s/ ;f]xL bkmfsf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu ePsf] ;D´f}tfdf
lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
kl/R5]b –#
ljB'tsf] ljt/s tyf u|fxsx?n] kfng ug'{ kg]{ s'/fx?
@*= ljB't nfOg h8fg ug{ b/vf:t lbg' kg]{ M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljt/0f ug]{
ljB't zlQmsf] pkef]u ug{ rfxg] JolQmn] lghsf] sfof{nodf lghn] tf]s]sf] 9fFrfdf
b/vf:t lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd b/vf:t kg{ cfPdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
b/vf:tjfnfsf] jfol/Ë hfFr u/fpg nufO{ k|fljlws tyf ;'/IffTds b[li6sf]0fn] l7s
b]lvPdf ljB't nfOg pknAw u/fpg] cfjZos k|aGw ldnfpg' k5{ / jfol/Ë l7s
gb]lvPdf ;f] ;'wf/ ug{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd hfFr ePkl5 ljB't nfOg pknAw u/fpg] ljifodf
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm / u|fxssf] aLrdf ljjfb p7\g uPdf ;DalGwt kIfn] k|d'v
ljB't lg/LIfs ;dIf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 . To:tf] lgj]bg pk/ lg/LIfsn] hfFra'´ u/L

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cfjZos cfb]z lbg]5 / To:tf] cfb]zsf] kfng ug'{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm / u|fxs
b'a}sf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-$_ b/vf:tjfnfnfO{ ljB't nfOg k|bfg ug]{ ;"'rgf lbg'eGbf cufj} cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxs x'g OR5's JolQm;Fu ljB't nfOg n}hfg] tyf phf{ dfks oGq /fVg]
;DaGwdf 5nkmn u/L pko'Qm 7fpFsf] lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxsnfO{ ljB't nfOg h8fg u/L lbFbf / cfkmgf]
tkm{af6 ;fdfg h8fg ubf{ nfUg] vr{ ;d]t v'nfOPsf] nut Oli6d]6sf] k|lt u|fxs x'g
OR5's JolQmnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-^_ u|fxs x'g OR5's JolQmn] pklgod -%_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] nut
Oli6d]6sf] ;fydf nfUg] /sd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] sfof{nodf a'´fPkl5 ljB't
nfOg h8fg ul/g]5 / To:tf] ljB't nfOg pk/ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] lgoGq0fdf
/xg]5 .
@(= cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] phf{dfks oGq h8fg u/L lbg' kg]{ M -!_ u|fxs sxfF ljB't
zlQmsf] vktsf] gfk ug{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfkmgf] tkm{af6 phf{dfks oGq /fvL
;f] jfkt d'gfl;a dflkmssf] w/f}6L lng ;Sg]5 .
-@_ u|fxs sxfF ljB't nfOg axfn g/x]df pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lnOPsf]
w/f}6L To:tf] u|fxsnfO{ lkmtf{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljz]if kl/l:yltdf jf
;/nLs/0fsf] nflu ljB't pkef]u ug]{ u|fxs tyf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm aLr cfk;L
;d´bf/L ePdf phf{dfks oGq g/flvsg klg cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB't ljt/0f
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxs sxfF /flvPsf] phf{dfks oGq ;do
;dodf k|fljlws hfFr u/fpg' kg]{5 / ;+rfngsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ phf{dfks oGq lau|]sf]
b]vPdf lagf d"No csf]{ km]/L lbg' kg]{5 .
t/ u|fxsn] hfgL hfgL jf lghsf] nfk/jfxLsf] sf/0faf6 phf{dfks oGq
lau|]df jf rf]/L ePdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxs;Fu ;f] jfktsf] df]n lnO{ gofF
phf{dfks oGq h8fg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ phf{dfks oGq lau|]sf] jf ;fwf/0ftM 3'Dg' kg]{ eGbf a9L 3'd]sf] egL
u|fxsn] b/vf:t lbPdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] o:tf] phf{dfks oGq a9Ldf !%
lbgleq hfFRg nufpg' kg]{5 .

-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd hfFr ubf{ phf{dfks oGq ;fwf/0ftM 3'Dg' kg]{ eGbf
a9L 3'd]sf] b]lvPdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] lagf d"Nodf dd{t ;'wf/ jf csf]{ km]/L
lbg' kg]{5 .
-&_ u|fxssf] bfjL cg';f/ phf{dfks oGq lau|L jf a9L 3'dL lghnfO{
gf]S;fg k/]sf] b]lvPdf u|fxsn] lgj]bg lbPsf] ldlt eGbf Ps dlxgf cufl8;Ddsf]
gf]S;fgLsf] k"lt{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ug'{ kg]{5 .
-*_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] k|To]s dlxgfsf] ljB't vkt / ;f] jfkt nfUg]
b:t'/ lt/]sf] ;d]t b]lvg] u/L u|fxsnfO{ Ps sf8{ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-(_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxssf] 3/ hUufdf h8fg ug]{ phf{dfks oGq
tyf tt\;DaGwL cGo dfn;fdfgdf cfjZos ;+Vofdf l;n nufpg ;Sg]5 .
-!)_ pklgod -(_ adf]lhd nufOPsf] l;n cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf lghn]
;6fPsf] JolQmn] afx]s c? s;}n] laufg{, km]g{ jf s'g} k|sf/n] gi6 ug{ x'Fb}g .
-!!_ s'g} u|fxs sxfF cufl8 h8fg e};s]sf] ljB't nfOg tyf phf{dfks oGq
kfPs kbf]{ cGo 7fpFdf u|fxsn] ;fg{ rfx]df lgod #$ adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ lnO{ cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxssf] ljB't nfOg tyf phf{dfks oGq ;fg{ kg]{5 .
-!@_ u|fxsn] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] ljB't nfOg, phf{dfks oGq, s6–
cfp6 jf ;ls{6a|]s/ laufg'{ x'Fb}g .
#)= u|fxssf] ljj/0f tyf ;"rL tof/ ug]{ M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxsnfO{ ljB't
nfO{g pknAw u/fpg] ;DaGwdf tof/ kf/]sf] ljj/0f ;'/lIft ;fy /fVg' kg]{5 /
lg/LIfsn] cfkmgf] hfFra'´sf] l;nl;nfdf pQm ljj/0f x]g{ rfx]df b]vfpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfkm"n] ljB't ljt/0f u/]sf] If]qleq ljB't pkef]u
u/L /x]sf u|fxsx?sf] tyf gofF u|fxs x'g rfxg] JolQmx?sf] ;"rL cBfjlws ?kdf
tof/ u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
#!= c?nfO{ ljB'tsf] nfOg lbg gx'g] M u|fxsn] cfˆgf] phf{dfks oGqaf6 c?sf] 3/df
ljB't nfO{g lbg x'Fb}g .
#@= ;8s jf ;fj{hlgs :yfgsf] alQ ;D´f}tf adf]lhd x'g] M ;8s jf ;fj{hlgs :yfgdf
h8fg ePsf] lah'nL alQsf] dx;'n, dd{t tyf ;Def/ jfkt nfUg] vr{ ;f] lah'nL aQL
h8fg u/fpg] u|fxs / cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] aLrdf ePsf] ;D´f}tf adf]lhd
x'g]5 .

##= dx;'n tyf cGo b:t'/ a'´fpg' kg]{ M -!_ ljB't ;]jf pkef]u u/] jfkt P]gsf] bkmf
!& cg';f/ ul7t dx;'n lgwf{/0f cfof]un] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] ljB't dx;'n tyf cGo b:t'/
a'´fpg'' k|To]s u|fxssf] bfloTj x'g]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] dx;'n a'´fpg' kg]{ Dofb cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 . o;/L Dofb lgwf{/0f ubf{ lgwf{l/t ;do eGbf cufl8 dx;'n
a'´fpg] u|fxsn]] kfpg ;Sg] 5'6 / lgwf{l/t ;do leq dx;'n ga'´fpg] u|fxsn] ltg'{kg]{
cltl/Qm dx;'n b/ ;d]t :ki6 ?kdf v'nfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
#$= cGo b:t'/M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB't ;]jf pknAw u/fP jfkt To:tf] ;]jf
pknAw ug]{ JolQm;Fu ljB't dx;'nsf] cltl/Qm P]gsf] bkmf !^ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd
b]xfosf] ;]jf jfkt cGo b:t'/ c;"n pk/ ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ ljB't nfOg h8fg ubf{,
-v_ Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf phf{ dfks oGq ;fbf{,
-u_ Ps k6s h8fg ePsf] ljB't nfOg sf6L k'gM ljB't nfO{g h8fg ubf{,
-3_ phf{dfks oGq /x]sf] afs; leqsf] ˆo"h abNbf,
-ª_ l;n 6'6]sf]df gofF l;n nufpFbf,
-r_ u|fxssf] gfd;f/L ubf{,
-5_ phf{dfks oGq hfFr ubf{,
-h_ u|fxs sf8{ pknAw u/fpFbf .
#%= phf{dfks oGq /fVg' kg]{ M !))) lsnf]jf6 eGbf a9L ljB't zlQm pTkfbg ug]{
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] clgjfo{ ?kn] phf{dfks oGq /fVg' kg]{5 .
#^= ljB"t kl/ky -;ls{6_ sf] l8hfOg tyf lgdf{0f af/] M ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb| jf d'Vo ;j–
:6]zgaf6 ;a}eGbf 6f9f;Ddsf] ljt/0f kl/jt{s oGq;Ddsf] nfO{g l8hfOg tyf lgdf{0f
ubf{ kl/jt{s oGqaf6 k7fpg' kg]{ ef]N6]h :t/o'Qm x'g] lsl;daf6 ljB't kl/ky -;ls{6_
sf] k|fljlws gf]S;fgL dfly ;d]t ljrf/ k'¥ofO{ l8hfOg tyf lgdf{0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
#&= vt/f pTkGg ePdf ;"r gf lbg' kg]{ M u|fxs sxfF h8fg ul/Psf] ljB'taf6 vt/f
pTkGg ePdf jf x'g] ;Defjgf b]lvPdf u|fxsn] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] sfof{nodf
oyfzL3| ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 .
#*= ljB't nfOgsf] hfFra'´ tyf dd{t M -!_ lgod #& adf]lhd ;"rgf k|fKt ePdf
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] oyfzL3| k|fljlws v6fO{ vt/f lgjf/0f ug]{ sfo{ ug'{ kg]{5 .

-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|fKt geP klg cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
cfkm"n] ljB't ljt/0f u/]sf] If]qleqsf] u|fxssxfF h8fg ePsf] ljB't nfOgsf] ;do
;dodf ljB't k|fljlwsaf6 hfFra'´ tyf dd{t ug{ nufO{ ;'/IffTds Joj:yf sfod
u/fpg' kg]{5 .
#(= k'gM ljB't nfO{g lbg] M P]gsf] bkmf !( sf] v08 -u_ jf -3_ adf]lhd ljB't ;]jf aGb
ul/Psf]df cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] /sd u|fxsn] a'´fPdf k'gM ljB't
nfO{g lbOg]5 .
kl/R5]b –$
ljB'tsf] ef]N6, lk|mSj]G;L tyf kfj/ ˆofS6/
$)= ;KnfO{ ef]N6]h M -!_ ;KnfO{ ef]N6]hsf] :t/ b]xfo adf]lhd sfod ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;fwf/0f u|fxssf] nflu ljB't ;]jf P=;L= l;Fun km]hdf @#) ef]N6 /
y|L km]hdf $)) ef]N6 .
-v_ P=;L= y|L km]h rf/ tf/df ;KnfO{ rfxg]nfO{ @#)÷$)) ef]N6 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ df pNn]lvt ef]N6sf] :t/df % k|ltzt
eGbf 36L jf a9L ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
$!= xfO{ ef]N6]h ljt/0f k|0ffnLM -!_ xfO{ ef]N6]h ljt/0f k|0ffnLdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ef]N6]h
:t/ sfod ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ #,#)) ef]N6,
-v_ ^,^)) ef]N6,
-u_ !!,))) ef]N6,
-3_ @@,))) ef]N6, /
-ª_ ##,))) ef]N6 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -s_ b]lv -ª_ ;Dd pNn]lvt ef]N6sf] :t/df %
k|ltzt eGbf 36L jf a9L ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
$@= xfO{ ef]N6]h k|;f/0f k|0ffnL M xfO{ ef]N6]h k|;f/0f k|0ffnLdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ef]N6]h
:t/ sfod ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ ##,))) ef]N6,
-v_ ^^,))) ef]N6,
-u_ !#@,))) ef]N6,
-3_ @,@),))) ef]N6, /
-ª_ $,)),))) ef]N6 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -s_ b]lv -ª_ ;Dd pNn]lvt ef]N6sf] :t/df !)
k|ltzt eGbf 36L jf a9L ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
$#= lk|mSj]G;L M -!_ lk|mSj]G;Lsf] :t/ %) ;fOsn k|lt ;]s]08 %) xif{ sfod ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd sfod ul/Psf] lk|mSj]G;Lsf] :t/df @=% k|ltzt eGbf
36L jf a9L ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
$$= kfj/ ˆofS6/ M kfj/ ˆofS6/sf] :t/ b]xfo adf]lhd sfod ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ u|fxssxfF ;KnfO{ u/]sf] ljB'tsf] kfj/ ˆofS6/ )=* NofluË eGbf 36L
jf Ps OsfO{ eGbf a9L lnl8∙ x'g lbg' x'Fb}g .
-v_ ljB't k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f k|0ffnLdf kfj/ ˆofS6/ v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf]
:t/leq /fVgsf] nflu ;'xfpFbf] ;fwgsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg' kg]{5 .
-u_ u|fxssf] ljB't ;DaGwL kfj/ ˆofS6/ v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] :t/ cg';f/
gePdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] To:tf] u|fxsnfO{ ;'xfpFbf] vfnsf] ;fwg
/fVg nufpg ;Sg]5 .
$%= ljB't ;DaGwL ljleGg :t/sf] gfk ug]{ OsfO{ M ljB't ;DaGwL ljleGg :t/sf] gfk ug]{
OsfO{ b]xfo adf]lhd sfod ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ s/]G6sf] gfk ubf{ ldnL PDkLo/, PDkLo/ jf lsnf] PDkLo/df,
-v_ ef]N6sf] gfk ubf{ ldnL ef]N6, ef]N6 jf lsnf] ef]N6df,
-u_ /]lhi6fG;sf] gfk ubf{ cf]xd, lsnf]cf]xd jf d]uf cf]xddf,
-3_ OG8s6foG;sf] gfk ubf{ x]g/L, ldnL x]g/L jf lsnf] x]g/Ldf,
-ª_ Sofkfl;6foG;sf] gfk ubf{ dfOsf] ˆof/f8, ldnL ˆof/f8 jf ˆof/f8df,
-r_ zlQmsf] gfk ubf{ jf6, lsnf]jf6 jf d]ufjf6df,
-5_ phf{sf] gfk ubf{ lsnf]jf6 306f, d]ufjf6 306f, luufjf6 306fdf,
-h_ ef]N6 PDkLo/sf] gfk ubf{ eL= P=, s]= eL= P= jf Pd= le= P= df,
-´_ l/cfS6Le zlQmsf] gfk ubf{ le=P=cf/=, s]=le=P=cf/= jf Pd=le=P=cf/=
df .
$^= :t/ sfod ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
ubf{ ljB'tsf] ef]N6]h, lk|mSj]G;L tyf kfj/ ˆofS6/ o; kl/R5]bdf pNn]v ePsf] :t/df
ug'{ kg]{5 .

-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ePsf] gb]lvPdf To:tf] k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ ug{
lg/LIfsn] ;DalGwt k|lti7fgsf] cj:yf ljrf/ u/L cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cfjZos
Dofb lbg]5 / ;f] Dofb leq ljB't k|0ffnLnfO{ l7s t'Nofpg' cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf]
st{Jo x'g]5 .
$&= xb yk36 ug{ ;Sg] M g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L o;
kl/R5]bdf pNn]lvt ljB'tsf] ef]N6, lk|mSj]G;L tyf kfj/ kmfS6/sf :t/sf] xbx?
k|fljlws b[li6sf]0fn] vt/f gk'Ug] u/L yk36 ug{ ;Sg]5 .
kl/R5]b –%
ljBt' pks/0fx?sf] ;'/IffTds Joj:yf
$*= e'OFb]lv ljh'nLsf] tf/;Dd x'g' kg]{ Go"gtd b'/ L M -!_ ljB't ljt/0f tyf k|;f/0f
k|0fnLsf] ljleGg ef]N6sf] ljB't tf/ tyf e'OFsf] aLrdf /xg] b"/L cg';"rL –!@ df
n]lvPsf] eGbf sd x'g' xFb}g .
-@_ ;8s dfly tyf ;8ssf] 5]pdf ljB't nfOg n}hfg' k/]df pko'Qm k|fljlws
b[li6sf]0f ckgfO{ n}hfg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ##,))) ef]N6 eGbf a9L ef]N6sf] nfOg n}hfg' cfjZos ePdf cg';"rL –!@
df pNn]lvt ##,))) ef]N6sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] Go"gtd b"/Ldf k|To]s ##,))) ef]N6sf]
nflu yk )=#)% ld6/sf] b"/Ldf n}hfg' k5{ .
$(= ;8ssf] jf/kf/ ljB't nfOg n}hfg] ;DaGwdf M 3gfj:tL ePsf] 7fpFdf !!,))) ef]N6
eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] ljB't nfOg ;8ssf] jf/kf/ ug'{ kbf{ 8an OG;'n]6/ k|0ffnLsf]
k|of]u ug'{ kg]{5 .
%)= ljB't nfOgsf] bfofF afofF x'g' kg]{ km/s M -!_ ljB't k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0fsf] nfOg
n}hf'g kbf{ 3/ jf ?vaf6 cg';"rL –!# df pNn]lvt b"/LeGbf sd b"/Ldf n}hfg' x'Fb}g .
-@_ ##,))) ef]N6 eGbf a9L ef]N6sf] nfOg n}hfg' cfjZos ePdf cg';"rL –!#
df pNn]lvt ##,))) ef]N6sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] Go"gtd b"/Ldf k|To]s ##,))) ef]N6sf]
nflu )=#)% ld6/ yk u/L n}hfg' kg]{5 .
%!= ljB't n6\7fx?sf] aLrdf x'g' kg]{ km/s M ljB't n6\7fx?sf] Ps csf]{ aLrsf] b"/L
sfod ubf{ lah'nLsf] tf/sf] clGtd 6]g;fOn :6«]Gy, ˆofS6/ ckm ;]ˆ6L tyf e'OFaf6
tf/;Dd x'g] b"/L ;d]t ljrf/ u/L n6\7f uf8\g' kg]{5 .
%!= 3/ dflyaf6 lah'nL nfOg n}hfg gx'g] M 3/ dflyaf6 s'g} lsl;dsf] ljB't nfOg
n}hfg' x'Fb}g .
t/ Uof/]h 6x/f jf kvf{n dflyaf6 ljB' t nfOg n}hfg cfjZos k/]df
$))÷@#) ef]N6;Ddsf] nfOg n}hfg ;lsg]5 . o;/L nluPsf] ljB't nfOg Uof/]h,
6x/f jf kvf{nsf] ;a}eGbf cUnf] 7fpFaf6 sDtLdf # ld6/sf] b"/Ldf kg]{ u/L n}hfg'
kg]{5 .
%#= Pp6} n6\7faf6 ljleGg ef]N6]hsf] nfOg n}hfg] ;DaGwdf M -!_ Pp6} n6\7faf6 ljleGg
ef]N6]hsf] nfOgx? n}hfFbf xf8{ ef]N6]hsf] nfOg dflyaf6 / nf] ef]N6]hsf] nfOg tnaf6
h8fg u/L n}hfg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd nfOg h8fg ePsf]df nf] ef]N6]hsf] tf/df xf8{
ef]N6]hsf] tf/af6 s'g} k|sf/sf] lns]h jf cGo s'g} lsl;daf6 vt/f jf rfh{ x'g
gkfpg] u/L h8fg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ xfO{ ef]N6]h tyf nf] ef]N6]hsf] tf/sf] aLrdf k|fljlws b[li6sf]0fn] /xg'
kg]{ km/s sfod ug'{ kg]{5 .
%$= ljdfg:ynlt/ ljB't nfOg n}hfg] ;DaGwdf M ljdfg:ynlt/ ljB't nfOg n}hfg
;DalGwt ljdfg:yn k|d'v;Fu 5nkmn u/L lg0f{o eP cg';f/ n}hfg' kg]{5 .
%%= ljB't nfOg / 6]lnkmf]g nfOg glhsaf6 n}hfg] ;DaGwdf M ljB't nfOgsf] glhsaf6
6]lnkmf]g nfOg jf 6]lnkmf]g nfOgsf] glhsaf6 ljB't nfOg n}hfg' k/]df cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQm tyf ;DalGwt b"/ ;+rf/ lgsfo aLr cfk;df 5nkmn u/L ljB't jf
6]lnkmf]g nfOgnfO{ k|fljlws b'li6sf]0faf6 afwf jf rfh{ gx'g] u/L n}hfg' kg]{5 .
%^= cfsfz lah'nLaf6 arfj6 M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ;'xfpFbf] 7fpFx?df cfsfz
lah'nLaf6 x'g] gf]S;fgL / ljB't zlQmsf] 36a9 x'g glbgsf] nflu cfsf; lah'nL /Ifs
oGq jf c? ;'xfpFbf] ;fwgsf] Joj:yf u/L pQm ;fwgx?af6 cfsf; lah'nLsf] e"of]hg
x'g] Joj:yf ;d]t ug'{ kg]{5 .
%&= cbnL abnL ;+rfng oGq -r]Gh cf]e/ :jLr_ /fVg' kg]{ M cfsl:ds k|of]usf] nflu
ljB't pTkfbg oGq /fVg] k|To]s JolQmn] ;f] oGq /fVg] 7fpFdf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf]
;Nnfx c'g;f/ cbnL abnL ;+rfng oGq /fVg' kg]{5 .
%*= e"of]hg ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ xf8{ ef]N6]h k|;f/0f k|0ffnL cGtu{t ;a} k|sf/sf wft' lgld{t
;kf]6{x?nfO{ cljl5Gg cy{ jfo/ k|of]u u/L :yfoL tyf k|efjsf/L e"of]hg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f k|0ffnLsf] ;kf]6{x?df k|of]u x'g] :6] jfo/df e"OFaf6 #
dL6/ prfO{ eGbf 36L gx'g] u/L OG;'n]6/ /fVg' kg]{5 .

%(= s6cfp6 /fVg' kg]{ M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] u|fxssf] 3/df h8fg ul/g]
phf{dfks oGqsf] ;fydf ;'/Iff tyf nf]8 lnld6]8sf] lx;fan] s6cfp6 jf ;ls{6 a|]s/
h8fg u/L phf{dfks oGq;Fu l;n u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ phf{dfks oGqsf] ghLs} u|fxssf] tkm{af6 Pp6f cfO;f]n]6LË :jLr
h8fg ug'{ kg]{5 .
^)= u|fxs sxfF k|of]u ul/g] ljB't ;fdu|Lsf] e"of]hg M -!_ u|fxssf] 3/leq k|of]u ul/g]
jf6/–lx6/, jftfg's'nLt oGq -oc/–slG8;g/_ h:tf pks/0fx? h8fg eO/fv]sf]df
To:tf pks/0fx?sf] nflu 5'§} ;'xfpFbf] ljB't kl/ky -;ls{6_ af6 ljB't cfk"lt{ u/L
e"of]hgsf] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ u|fxssxfF ljleGg lsl;dsf] wft' ldl;Psf] ljB't ;fdu|L k|of]udf Nofpg]
ePdf y|Llkg Knu ;s]6 k|of]u ug'{ kg]{5 / o:tf] Knu ;s]6 e"of]hg k| 0fnL;Fu hf]8\g'
kg]{5 .
-#_ u|fxssxfF h8fg ul/Psf] e"of]hg k|0ffnL k|fljlws ljlw cg';f/sf] x'g' kg]{5 .
^!= cfGtl/s jfol/ª\usf] ;'/Iff M u|fxsn] cfˆgf] cfGtl/s jfol/Ëusf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu
/fv]sf] ljB't ;fdfgx? tyf jfol/Ë tl/sf k|rlnt k|fljlws dfkb08 adf]lhd x'g'
kg]{5 .
^@= OG;'n];g ePsf] tf/ k|of]u ug'{kg]{ M u|fxssf] 3/df ljB't nfOg n}hfFbf OG;'n];g
ePsf] tf/sf] k|of]u ug'{ kg]{5 .
^#= ljB'tsf] nfOg n6\7faf6 lbg'kg]{ M -!_ u|fxssf] 3/df ljB't nfOg lbFbf ljB'tsf]
n6\7faf6 dfq lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg OG;'n]6]8 s]a'naf6
u|fxssf] 3/df ljB't nfOg lbg'kbf{ k|rlnt k|fljlws dfkb08 adf]lhdsf] ;'/Iffsf]
Joj:yf u/L lbg' kg]{5 .
^$= @#)÷$)) ef]N6df lns]hsf] vt/f M @#)÷$)) ef]N6sf] ljB't k|0fnL tyf jfol/Ësf]
OG;'n]zg /]lh:6foG; sDtLdf % d]ufcf]xd x'g' kg]{5 .
^%= xfO{ ef]N6]hdf lns]hsf] vt/f M -!_ #,#)) ef]N6sf] ljB't k|0fnLsf] OG;'n]zg
/]lh:6foG; sDtLdf @) d]ufcf]xd x'g' kg]{5 .
-@_ #,#)) ef]N6 eGbf dfly k|To]s yk !))) ef]N6sf] ljB't k|0ffnLsf] OG;'n] zg
/]lh:6foG;sf] lx;fa ubf{ @) d]ufcf]xddf ! d]ufcf]xd yk u/L OG;'n]zg /]lh:6foG;sf]
lx;fa ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd OG;'n]zg /]lh:6foG; gePsf] ljB't k|0ffnL
;+rfng ug'{ x'Fb}g .
^^= ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ;DaGwL lgdf{0f :ynsf] j/Lkl/ 3/hUuf k|of]u
ug{ lgif]w ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf ## sf] pkbkmf -#_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu
ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ;DaGwL s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ePsf]df To:tf] lgdf{0f
sfo{ ePsf] 7fpF jf ;f] 7fpFsf] j/Lkl/sf] lglZrt b"/Lleq kg]{ 3/hUuf c? s;}n] s'g}
vf; sfdsf] lgldQ k|of]u ug{ gkfpg] u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;do ;dodf g]kfn
/fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L lgif]w ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ ljB't k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{sf] nflu h8fg u/]sf] ljB't nfOg d'gL tyf
To:tf] nfOgsf] bfofF afofF cg';"rL–!@ / !# df pNn]lvt b"/L leq 3/ agfpg jf ?v
/f]Kg x'Fb}g .
^&= ljB't pks/0fsf] u'0f:t/ tyf pkof]u ug]{ tl/sf M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB't
pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ;DaGwL sfd ubf{ k|of]u ul/g] ljB't pks/0fsf] u'0f:t/
tyf ;'/Iffsf] b[li6sf]0fn] b]xfosf s'/fx? kfng ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ /fd|f] u'0f:t/sf] pks/0f tyf ;fdu|Lsf] k|of]u ug'{kg]{,
-v_ s'g} gofF k|lti7fg ;+rfng ubf{ jf e}/x]sf] k|lti7fgnfO{ dd{t ;'wf/ u/L
k'gM ;+rfng ubf{ k|fljlws b[li6sf]0faf6 ug'{ kg]{ ;Dk"0f{ k/LIf0f u/L 7Ls
b]lvPdf dfq ;+rfng ug'{kg]{,
-u_ ljB'tsf tf/x? h'g sfdsf] nflu k|of]u ul/g] xf] ;f] sfdsf] nflu
pko'Qm Ifdtf ePsf] x'g'kg]{,
-3_ ljB't tf/ hf]8\bf vt/f pTkGg gx'g] lsl;daf6 dfGo k|fljlws dfkb08
adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{,
-ª_ e"ldut tf/sf] HjfOG6 aS;, d]6flns sG8\o"6 HjfOG6 / d]6flns l;ysf]
HjfOG6x? cfjZos k/]sf] ;dodf ;lhn};Fu lg/LIf0f ug{ ;lsg] u/L
h8fg ePsf] x'g' kg]{,
-r_ ljB't ;DaGwL kl/ky -;ls{6_ jf pk–kl/ky -;a–;ls{6_ df tf]lsPsf]
s/]G6eGbf a9L s/]G6 k|jfx x'g uPdf To:tf] ;ls{6 jf ;a–;ls{6sf]
xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g gkfpg] u/L ljB't s/]G6sf] k|jfx aGb ug{ ˆo"h jf
;ls{{6 a|]s/ jf cGo ;'xfpFbf] pks/0fx? h8fg ug'{ kg]{5 . o:tf

pks/0fx? ;+rfng x'Fbf cTolws u/d gx'g, :kfs{ gug]{, tyf abNbf
vt/f gx'g] lsl;dsf] x'g'kg]{,
-5_ l;ª\un km]h :jLr hLljt tf/df afx]s Go'6n tf/df nufpg' x'Fb}g .
kl/R5]b –^
ljB't ;DaGwL sfdsf] ;'/IffTds Joj:yf
^*= ;fjwfgL ;"rgfkf6L M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] b]xfosf ;/;fdfg g]kfnL tyf
c+u|]hLdf n]lvPsf] ;fjwfgL ;"rgfkf6L /fVg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ df]6/, h]g]/]6/, kl/jt{g oGq -6«fG;km/d/_ / cGo k|sf/sf] ljB't k|lti7fg
tyf To;nfO{ ;+rfng jf lgoGq0f ug]{ ;/;fdfg,
-v_ $)) ef]N6eGbf dflyNnf] ef]N6sf] ljB't nfOgsf] n6\7fdf / PS;/] aNg] 6\oj"
ePsf] nfOg af]8{df jf To:tf] pRr lk|mSj]G;L ePsf] k|lti7fgx? .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] ;a} ljB't ;fdu|L jf k|lti7fgdf
;fjwfgL ;"rgfkf6L /fVg g;lsg] ePdf To:tf] ;/;fdfgsf] ghLsdf jf To:tf] ;fdu|L
/x]sf] 7fpFdf jf k|j]zåf/df /fVg' kg]{5 .
^(= ljB't ;KnfO{ aGb ug'{kg]{ M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0fsf] nflu h8fg
ul/Psf] pk/s/0fx?sf] hfFra'´, d/dt jf cGo s'g} dxTjk"0f{ sfo{ ug'{ k/]df ljB't
;KnfO{ aGb ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k|fljlws b[li6sf]0fn] k"0f{
;'/lIft tl/sfn] sfd ug{ ;lsg] ePdf ljB't ;KnfO{ aGb ug'{ clgjfo{ x'g] 5}g .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{ k"/f u/L ljB't nfOg k'gM ;+rfng ubf{
pTkGg x'g ;Sg] vt/f dfly /fd|/L Wofg lbO{ dfq ;+rfng ug'{ kg] {5 .
&)= ef]N6]h 6]li6ª tyf nfOg e"of]hg M ljB't nfOgsf] dd{t ;Def/ ug'{ kbf{ ljB't k|jfx
6]i6/åf/f ef]N6]h gePsf] osLg ePkl5 dfq e"of]hg u/L dd{t tyf ;Def/ sfo{ ug'{
kg]{5 .
&!= OG;'n]zg ePsf] k~hf nufpg] M ljB'tsf] hLljt nfOg ePsf] 7fpFdf s'g} sfd ubf{
OG;'n]zg ePsf] kGhf nufP/ dfq sfd ug'{ kg]{5 .
&@= s/]G6 nfUbf k|fylds pkrf/ ;DaGwL ;"rgf M -!_ ljB't s/]G6 nfUbf ug'{kg]{ k|fylds
pkrf/ ;DaGwL lqmofsf] ljj/0f g]kfnL efiffdf :ki6 ?kn] a'‰g] u/L cfˆgf] k|lti7fgdf
;a}n] b]Vg] u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .

-@_ k|lti7fgsf] :jfldTj ePsf] JolQmn] cfˆgf] k|lti7fgdf ljB't ;+rfng tyf
dd{t ;Def/ ug]{ sd{rf/LnfO{ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fylds pkrf/ ;DaGwdf tfnLd
lbg' clgjfo{ x'g]5 .
&#= ;'/Iff k]6L M s'g} pRr :yfgdf jf ljh'nLsf] n¶fdf sfd ug]{ sfdbf/x?nfO{ ;'/Iff k]6L
nufpg lbP/ dfq sfd nufpg' kg]{5 .
&$= b'3{6gfsf] ;"rgf M -!_ k|lti7fgdf s'g} k|sf/n] b'3{6gf jf gf]S;fgL ePdf cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmn] cg';"rL–!$ adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf lj:t[t ljj/0f v'nfO{ ljB't lg/LIfs
;dIf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ljj/0f k|fKt ePkl5 o:tf] b'3{6gfsf] sf/0f kQf
nufpg ljB't lg/LIfsn] cfjZos lg/LIf0f ug{ ;Sg]5 / k|fljlws b'li6sf]0faf6 o:tf]
b'3{6gf gbf]xl/g ckgfpg' kg]{ ;'/IffTds Joj:yf ug{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ cfb]z
lbg ;Sg]5 . To:tf] cfb]zsf] kfngf ug'{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
kl/R5]b –&
lg/LIf0f tyf hfFra'´ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
&%= lg/LIfs Pj+ sd{rf/L ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf #& sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu g]kfn
;/sf/sf] k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs tyf cfjZostfg';f/ cGo ljB't lg/LIfsx?sf] lgo'lQm
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs tyf ljB't lg/LIfsx?sf] sfddf ;xfotf ug{
g]kfn ;/sf/n] cGo cfjZos sd{rf/Lx? lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
&^= lg/LIfssf] nflu rflxg] of]Uotf M -!_ OlGhlgol/Ëdf :gftsf]kflw k|fKt u/L slDtdf
bz jif{;Dd ljB't If]qdf cg'ej ePsf] JolQm k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfssf] kbdf lgo'Qm x'g
;Sg]5 .
-@_ OlGhlgol/Ëdf :gftsf]kflw k|fKt u/]sf] JolQm ljB't lg/LIfssf] kbdf
lgo'Qm x'g ;Sg]5 .
&&= lg/LIfssf] clwsf/ M -!_ lgod &% adf]lhd lgo'Qm ePsf] lg/LIfsn] cg'dltkq k|fKt
JolQmsf] k|lti7fgsf] hfFra'´ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd hfFra'´sf] l;nl;nfdf lg/LIfsnfO{ cfjZos ;xof]u
ug]{ / lghn] ;f]w]sf] ;a} s'/fsf] hjfkm lbg' cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf u|fxssf] st{Jo
x'g]5 .

&*= gofF k|lti7fgsf] hfFra'´ ug{ lg/LIfs v6fpg] M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] v8f u/]sf]
gofF k|lti7fgsf] hfFra'´ k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs cfkm}+n] jf lghn] v6fPsf] s'g} lg/LIfsn]
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
&(= rfn" k|lti7fgsf] hfFra'´ M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cfˆgf] rfn" k|lti7fgsf] k|To]s
jif{df hfFra'´ u/fO{ To;sf] k|df0fkq lnO{ /fVg' kg]{5 .
*)= lg/LIfssf] cfb]z kfng ug'{kg]{ M -!_ ljB'tsf] ;j]{If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
;DaGwdf P]g tyf o; lgodfjnLsf] cwLgdf /xL lg/LIfsn] lbPsf] cfb]z cg'dltkq
k|fKt JolQmn] kfng ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lg/LIfsn] lbPsf] cfb]z pk/ lrQ ga'‰g]
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ;lrj ;dIf ph"/ ug{ ;Sg]5 / tt\;DaGwdf lghn] lbPsf]
cfb]z clGtd x'g]5 .
*!= a]7Ls ljB't ;fdu|L jf k|0ffnLsf] hfFr M lg/LIfsn] hfFra'´ u/L a]7Ls 7x/ u/]sf]
ljB't ;fdu|L jf k|0ffnL 7Ls u/L k'gM ;+rfng ug{sf] nflu cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
lg/LIfs ;dIf b/vf:t lbg' kg]{5 . lg/LIfsn] ljB't ;fdu|L jf k|0ffnLsf] hfFr u/L 7Ls
b]lvPdf To:tf] ljB't ;fdu|L jf k|0ffnL k'gM ;+rfng ug{ cg'dlt lbg]5 .
*@= hfFra'´sf] b:t'/ M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf u|fxsn] of] lgodfjnL adf]lhd
lg/LIfsåf/f s'g} s'/fsf] hfFra'´ u/fpg cfjZos b]v]df k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfs ;dIf
lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 . To;/L hfFra'´ u/fpFbf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQm jf u|fxsn] g]kfn
;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L tf]s] adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ a'´fpg' kg]{5 .
t/, k|d'v ljB't lg/LIfsaf6} ;fdfGo ?kn] v6L cfPsf] lg/LIfsaf6 cfˆgf] rfn"
k|lti7fgsf] hfFra'´ u/fpFbf s'g} hfFra'´ b:t'/ a'´fpg' kg]{ 5}g .
*#= hfFra'´sf] kl/0ffdsf] ;"rgf M lg/LIfsn] hfFr ubf{ ljB't ;fdu|L jf k|0ffnL 7Ls
b]lvPdf To;sf] ;"rgf ;DalGwt JolQmnfO{ lbg' k5{ 7Ls gb]lvPdf To:tf] ljB't ;fdu|L
jf k|0ffnLsf] dd{t ;'wf/, km]/abn jf ;+rfng aGb ug{ lnlvt cfb]z lbg' kg]{5 .
kl/R5]b –*
*$= hnljB't ;DaGwL lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu ;'/IffTds zt{x? tf]Sg ;Sg] M g]kfn ;/sf/n]
g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L ljB't pTkfbgsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ afFw, ljB't
u[x Pj+ cGo ;+/rgfx?sf] l8hfOg tyf lgdf{0f ubf{ ckgfpg' kg]{ pkfox? / hnfzo
x'g] ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|x?sf] lgdf{0f ;DaGwL ;'/IffTds zt{x? tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
*%= ljj/0fx? hfgsf/Ldf Nofpg' kg]{ M ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] sfo{ z'?
ug'{ cl3 cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] cg'dltkqsf] gSsn, ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf
ljt/0f ul/g] If]qsf] gSzf, ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;DaGwdf u|fxs / cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf]
aLrdf sfod x'g] ;DaGw / cGo zt{x? ;d]t ;f] lnPsf] ljj/0fx? cfˆgf] ;DalGwt
sfof{nodf ;j{;fwf/0fn] yfxf kfpg] u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
*^= af;:yfg / af]g; ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf !% sf] k|of]hgsf nflu
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0fsf] sfddf ;+nUg sfdbf/
tyf sd{rf/Lsf] af;:yfgsf] k|aGw ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] k|To]s cfly{s jif{df u/]sf] v'b d'gfkmfsf] b'O{
k|ltztsf b/n] x'g cfpg] /sd 5'6ØfO{ ;DalGwt sfdbf/ tyf sd{rf/LnfO{ af]g;
ljt/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
t/ To;/L ljt/0f ul/g] af]g; sd{rf/Ln] vfOkfO{ cfPsf] jflif{s tnasf] /sd
eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd af]g;sf] nflu 5'6ØfOPsf] /sd dWo] ljt/0f u/L
afFsL x'g cfpg] /sd cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] sd{rf/L sNof0f sf]if v8f u/L ;f]
sf]ifdf bflvnf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifsf] ;+rfng cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] lgwf{/0f
u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-%_ o; lgodfjnLdf pNn]v eP b]lv afx]s af]g; ;DaGwL cGo s'/fx? k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
*&= Ifltk"lt{ lbOg] M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf ## sf] pkbkmf -#_ tyf lgod ^^ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu
lgwf{l/t b"/Ldf 3/ hUuf pkef]u ug{ gkfPdf To:tf 3/ hUufwgLnfO{ lgod ** adf]lhd
ul7t Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhdsf] Psd'i6 Ifltk"lt{ /sd g]kfn ;/sf/
jf cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lbOg] Ifltk"lt{ of] lgodfjnL k|f/De ePkl5 lgdf{0f
ul/g] ljB't ;DaGwL lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf dfq nfu" x'g]5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f nlvPsf] ePtfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf Ifltk"lt{
/sd lbOg] 5}g M–
-s_ hUufwgLnfO{ lah'nL pknAw u/fpg h8fg ePsf] ;le{; nfOg
d'lgsf] hUuf ePdf, jf

-v_ zx/L jf u|fdL0f If]qdf 3gfj:tL eO{ 3/x? cfk;df 6fFl;O /x]sf]df
Pp6f 3/af6 csf]{ 3/df ljB't nfOg n}hfFbf af6f]df kg]{ cGo s'g}
3/sf] leQfaf6 d]g nfOg nluPdf .
**= Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ;ldlt M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf @* / @( adf]lhd lbg' kg]{ Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd
lgwf{/0f ug{ b]xfosf cWoIf / ;b:ox? ePsf] Ps Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ;ldlt u7g
x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] JolQm –cWoIf
-v_ ljB't ;j]{If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
ug]{ ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k|ltlglw –;b:o
-u_ ljB't If]q;Fu ;DalGwt g]kfn ;/sf/n]
tf]s]sf] ljz]if1 –;b:o
-@_ P]gsf] bkmf #@, ## / lgod *& adf]lhd lbg' kg]{ Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd lgwf{/0f
ug{ pklgod -!_ df tf]lsPsf] ;ldltdf b]xfosf JolQmx? ;d]t ;b:o /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ gf]S;fgL ePsf] crn ;DklQsf] wgL jf lghsf] k|ltlglw –;b:o
-v_ gf]S;fgL ePsf] crn ;DklQ /x]sf] If]qsf]
;DalGwt dfnkf]t sfof{nosf] k|ltlglw –;b:o
-u_ gf]S;fgL ePsf] crn ;DklQ /x]sf] If]qsf] ;DalGwt
ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfsf] k|ltlglw –;b:o
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd
lgwf{/0f ubf{ jf:tljs xfgL gf]S;fgLsf] /sd lgwf{/0f ug]{ gLlt cjnDag ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw cfkm}+n] lgwf{/0f ug{
;Sg]5 .

*(= cg'dltkqsf] laqmL jf xs x:tfGt/0f jf vf/]h ug]{ M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] P]gsf]
bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd cfˆgf] cg'dltkq laqmL ug{ jf cGo s'g} k|sf/n] xs
x:tfGt/0f ug{ rfx]df cg'dltkq k|bfg ug{ ;Sg] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
-@_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] P]g / o; lgodfjnL ljk/Lt s'g} sfd u/]df
cg'dltkq k|bfg ug{ ;Sg] clwsf/Ln] P]gsf] bkmf * adf]lhd sf/afxL ug{ jf
cg'dltkq vf/]h ug{ ;Sg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

*(s=hl/afgf ug{ tyf Ifltk"lt{ e/fO{ lbg ;Sg] M s;}n] P]g jf o; lgodfjnLsf] pNnª\3g
u/]df ;lrjn] To:tf] JolQmnfO{ P]gsf] bkmf #* sf] pkbkmf -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd hl/afgf
ug{ jf lghaf6 xflg gf]S;fgL x'g] JolQmnfO{ Ifltk"lt{ e/fO{ lbg ;Sg]5 .
()= n]vf kl/If0fsf] ljj/0f M cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f
ubf{ ePsf] cfoJoosf] n]vf v8f u/L k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf] cfoJoosf] n]vf csf]{
cfly{s jif{sf] ^ dlxgf leq ljB't ljsf; ljefu ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
(!= jflif{s k|ltj]bg M -!_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug{ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn]
ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f z'? u/] kl5 ljB't ljsf; ljefu ;dIf jflif{s
k|ltj]bg k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf k|To]s dlxgfdf ljleGg ljB't u[xaf6
pTkflbt o'lg6, u|fxssf] lsl;d 5''l§g] u/L ljtl/t o'lg6, k|lti7fgsf] cfGtl/s pkof]u,
r'xfj6, nf]8 tyf Sofkfl;6L ˆofS6/, dfl;s clwstd dfu / gd'gf nf]8se{ ;d]t
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .

(@= ljB't k|0ffnLsf] k|of]u M -!_ cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] g]kfnsf] s'g} efudf pTkfbg
u/]sf] ljB't ljBdfg ljB't k|0ffnLsf] To; efudf /x]sf] s'g} laGb'df cfk"lt{ u/L

g]kfnsf] csf]{ efudf /x]sf] ljB't k|0ffnLsf] s'g} laGb'af6 k|fljlws b'li6sf]0fn] pko'Qm
ePdf ljB't lng ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ljB't k|0ffnLsf] :jfldTj /x]sf] JolQm jf ;Ël7t
;+:yfn] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmnfO{ k|fljlws b[li6sf]0fn] pko'Qm ePdf cfˆgf] ljB't
k|0ffnL k|of]u ug{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ljB't cfk"lt{ ubf{ To:tf] ljB't k|0ffnLsf] :jfldTj
/x]sf] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfnfO{ cfk;L ;D´f}tfaf6 lgwf{l/t eP adf]lhdsf] z'Ns
cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmn] a'´fpg' kg]{5 .
(#= k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd btf{ / :jLs[lt x'g' kg]{ M o; lgodfjnL cGtu{t ljB'tsf]
;j]{If0f, pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ug]{ sfo{sf] nflu cg'dltkq lbFbf cf}Bf]lus
Joj;fo P]g, @)$( adf]lhd btf{ ePsf] / ljb]zL nufgL ;dfj]z ePsf]df ljb]zL
nufgL tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f P]g, @)$( adf]lhd :jLs[lt lnPsf] x'g' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

($= of] lgodfjnL nfu" x'g]M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf #$ cg';f/ g]kfn ;/sf/ cfkm}+n] ljB'tsf]
pTkfbg jf ljsf; u/]sf] cj:yfdf ;d]t cg'dltkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf afx]s cGo
s'/fx?sf] xsdf of] lgodfjnL nfu" x'g]5 .
-@_ !))) lsnf]jf6;Dd ljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f jf ljt/0f ug]{ JolQm jf
;Ël7t ;+:yfnfO{ klg cg'dltkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf afx]s cGo s'/fx?sf] xsdf of]
lgodfjnL nfu" x'g]5 .

($s= lgb]{lzsf jf sfo{ljlw agfpg ;Sg]M P]g tyf o; lgodfjnLsf] p2]Zo sfof{Gjog ug{
pmhf{ dGqfnon] cfjZos lgb]{lzsf jf sfo{ljlw agfO{ nfu" ug{ ;Sg]5 .
(%= cg';"rLdf x]/km]/ tyf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg]M g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf
k|sflzt u/L o; lgodfjnLsf] cg';"rLdf cfjZostf cg';f/ x]/km]/ tyf ;+zf]wg ug{
;Sg]5 .
(^= vf/]hL / arfp M -!_ ljB't lgodfjnL, @)@% vf/]h ul/Psf] 5 .
-@_ ljB't lgodfjnL, @)@% adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfd sf/jfxLx? o;} lgodfjnL
adf]lhd eP u/]sf dflgg] 5g\ .

 t];|f] ;+zf]wg4f/f yk .
b|i6Ao M– -!_ s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^# åf/f ¿kfGt/ ePsf zAbx¿ æ>L % sf] ;/sf/Æ eGg] zAbx?sf] ;§f
æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ .
-@_ klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ?kfGt/ ePsf zAbx? æljB't ljsf; s]Gb|Æ eGg] zAbx?sf] ;§f æljB't ljsf; ljefuÆ .
-#_ t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ?kfGt/ ePsf zAbx? æhn;|f]t dGqfnoÆ eGg] zAbx?sf] ;§f æphf{ dGqfnoÆ .
-$_ rf}yf];+zf]wgåf/f ?kfGt/ ePsf zAbx? M–
-s_ æljB't ljsf; ljefu dfkm{t ;lrjÆ eGg] zAbx?sf] ;§f ædxflgb]{zsÆ .
-v_ æ;lrj cfkm}n] jf ljB't ljsf; ljefu dfkm{tÆ eGg] zAbx?sf] ;§f ædxflgb]{zsn]Æ .

cg';"rL –!
-lgod # ;Fu ;DalGwt_
hfgsf/L ;DaGwL .
>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu .
!)) b]lv !))) lsnf]jf6 ;Ddsf] hn ljB'tsf] ;j]{If0f÷pTkfbg÷k|;f/0f÷ljt/0f ug{
nfu]sf]n] ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod # adf]lhd b]xfosf] ljj/0fx? vf]nL of] hfgsf/L
lbPsf] 5' .
!= hnljB'tsf] ;j]{If0f÷pTkfbg÷k|;f/0f÷ljt/0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f
gfd y/ 7]ufgf M–
@= hnljB'tsf] ;j]{If0f÷pTkfbg÷ k|;f/0f÷ljt/0fsf] p2]Zo tyf k|of]hg M–
#= hnljB'tsf] ;j]{If0f÷pTkfbg÷k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn
-v_ lhNnf M–
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf M–
$= h8fg Ifdtf M–
%= ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod # adf]lhdsf ljj/0fx? M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk hfgsf/L lbg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –@
-lgod $ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] b/vf:t
>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu .
ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0fsf] nflu ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod $ adf]lhd
b]xfosf] ljj/0fx? ;d]t v'nfO{ of] b/vf:t k]z u/]sf] 5' .
!= ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd / 7]ufgf M–
@= pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f ul/g] ljB'tsf] lsl;d M–
#= hnljB't pTkfbgsf] nflu ;j]{If0f ul/g] ePdf hn;|f]tsf] gfd M–
$= ;j]{If0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
%= ;j]{If0fsf] k|s[lt M–
^= ;j]{If0f ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt vr{ ?= =======
-k'i6\ofO{ ljj/0f ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{5 _
&= ;j]{If0f ug]{ cjlw M–
ldlt ================ b]lv ldlt ================ ;Dd .
*= cGo ljj/0fx? M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk b/vf:tjfnfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –#
-lgod % ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] b/vf:t
>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu .
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf] nflu ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod % adf]lhd b]xfosf
ljj/0fx? ;d]t v'nfO{ of] b/vf:t k]z u/]sf] 5' .
!= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd / 7]ufgf M–
@= k|;f/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
#= ljB't k|;f/0f sxfFaf6 sxfF ug]{ xf] ;f]sf] ljj/0f M–
$= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
%= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ef]N6]h tyf kl/df0f M–
^= ;j]{If0fsf] k|s[lt M–
&= ;j]{If0f ug{ nfug] cg'dflg vr{ ?= ===========
-k'i6ØfO{ ljj/0f ;+nUg ug'{kg]{5 _
*= ljB't k|;f/0f ;j]{If0f ug]{ cjlw M–
ldlt ================ b]lv ldlt ================ ;Dd
(= cGo ljj/0fx? M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk b/vf:tjfnfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –$
-lgod ^ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] b/vf:t

>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu .
ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf] nflu ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod ^ adf]lhd b]xfosf
ljj/0fx? ;d]t v'nfO{ of] b/vf:t k]z u/]sf] 5' .
!= ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd / 7]ufgf M–
@= ljt/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
#= ;j]{If0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
%= ;j]{If0fsf] k|s[lt M–
^= ljB't ljt/0f ;j]{If0f ug{ nfUg] cg'dflg vr{ ?= ===========
-k'i6ØfO{ ljj/0f ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{5 _
&= ljB't ljt/0f ;j]{If0f ug]{ cjlw M–
ldlt ================ b]lv ldlt ================ ;Dd
*= cGo ljj/0f M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk b/vf:tjfnfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –%-s_
-lgod * ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkq
ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0fsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ================ df lbg' ePsf]
b/vf:t cg';f/ b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ / ljB't
lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod * adf]lhd of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .

!= ljB't pTkfbg ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd / 7]ufgf M–
@= pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f ul/g] ljB'tsf] lsl;d M–
#= hnljB't pTkfbgsf] nflu ;j]{If0f ul/g] hn;|f]tsf] gfd M M–
$= ;j]{If0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
%= ;j]{If0fsf] k|s[lt M–
^= cg'dltkq axfn /xg] cjlw M–
ldlt ================ b]lv ldlt ================ ;Dd
&= cGo zt{x? M–
cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]
;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–
kb M–==============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cg';"rL –%-v_
-lgod * ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf] cg'dltkq
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ================ df lbg' ePsf]
b/vf:t cg';f/ b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ / ljB't
lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod * adf]lhd of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .
!= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd / 7]ufgf M–
@= k|;f/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
#= ljB't k|;f/0f sxfFaf6 sxfF ug]{ xf] ;f] sf] ljj/0-f M–
$= ;j]{If0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
%= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ef]N6]h / kl/df0f M–
^= ;e]{If0fsf] k|s[lt M–
&= cg'dltkq jxfn /xg] cjlw M–
ldlt ================ b]lv ldlt ================ ;Dd
*= cGo zt{x? M–

cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]

;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–

kb M– =============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cg';"rL –%-u_
-lgod * ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf] cg'dltkq
ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0fsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ================ df lbg' ePsf]
b/vf:t cg';f/ b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ / ljB't
lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod * adf]lhd of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .
!= ljB't ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd / 7]ufgf M–
@= ljt/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
#= ;j]{If0f ug]{ If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f

$= ljB't ljt/0fsf] ef]N6]h / kl/df0f M–

%= ;e]{If0fsf] k|s[lt M–
^= cg'dltkq jxfn /xg] cjlw M–
ldlt ================ b]lv ldlt ================ ;Dd
*= cGo zt{x? M–
cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]
;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–
kb M– =============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cg';"rL –^
-lgod !@ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't pTkfbgsf] cg'dltkqsf] b/vf:t
>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu .
ljB'tsf] pTkfbg ug{ nfu]sf]n] ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ / ljB't lgodfjnL,
@)%) sf] lgod !@ adf]lhd b]xfosf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ cfjZos sfuhft ;d]t ;+nUg /fvL
of] b/vf:t k]z u/]sf] 5' .
!= ljB'tsf] pTkfbg ug]{ JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf M–
@= ljB't kl/of]hgfsf] gfd M–
#= ljB't zlQm pTkfbg ug]{ ;fwg M–
$= hn;|f]tsf] pkof]u ul/g] ePdf M–
-s_ gbLsf] gfd M–
-v_ hn;|f]t pkof]u ul/g] If]q
c~rn lhNnf
uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
-u_ k|of]u ul/g] hn;|f]tsf] kl/df0f M–
%= d'Vo d'Vo ;+/rgfx?sf] ljj/0f tyf /xg] :yfg M–
^= sfo{ ;'? ug]{ ldlt M–
&= sfo{ ;dfKt ug]{ ldlt M–
*= cGo ljj/0fx? M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk b/vf:tjfnfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –&
-lgod !# ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] b/vf:t
>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu
ljB't k|;f/0f ug{ nfu]sf]n] ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ / ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%)
sf] lgod !# adf]lhd b]xfosf ljj/0fx? ;d]t v'nfO{ cfjZos sfuhft ;d]t ;+nUg /fvL of]
b/vf:t k]z u/]sf] 5' .
!= ljB't k|;f/0f ug]{ JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf M–
@= ljB't k|;f/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
#= ljB't k|;f/0f sxfFaf6 sxfF ug]{ xf] ;f] sf] ljj/0f M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf
$= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ef]N6]h / kl/df0fM–
%= sfd z'? ug]{ ldltM–
sfd ;dfKt ug]{ ldlt M–
^= cGo ljj/0fx? M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk b/vf:tjfnfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –*
-lgod !$ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] b/vf:t
>L dxflgb]{zs,
ljB't ljsf; ljefu .
ljB't ljt/0f ug{ nfu]sf]n] ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ / ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%)
sf] lgod !$ adf]lhd b]xfosf ljj/0fx? ;d]t v'nfO{ cfjZos sfuhft ;d]t ;+nUg /fvL of]
b/vf:t k]z u/]sf] 5' .
!= ljB't ljt/0f ug]{ JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf M–
@= ljt/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
#= ljB't ljt/0f ul/g] ef]N6]h / kl/df0f M–
$= ljB't ljt/0f ul/g] If]q M–
-s_ c~rn -v_ lhNnf
-u_ uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf -3_ k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
%= sfd z'? x'g] ldltM–
sfd ;dfKt x'g] ldlt M–
^= cGo ljj/0fx? M–
dfly pNn]lvt Joxf]/f 7Ls ;fFrf] xf] ´'6\7f 7x/] sfg"g adf]lhd ;x'Fnf a'´fpFnf .
;Ël7t ;+:yf eP 5fk b/vf:tjfnfsf]
;xL M–
gfd M–
ldlt M–
7]ufgf M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
cg';"rL –(-s_
-lgod !& ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't pTkfbgsf] cg'dltkq
cg'dltkq ;+Vof M–
g]kfn ;/sf/
pmhf{ dGqfno
ljB't pTkfbgsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ========= ========= df lbg' ePsf] b/vf:t
cg';f/ b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL b]xfosf zt{x? ;lxt of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .
!= cg'dltkq kfpg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd M–
7]ufgf M–
@= ljB't kl/of]hgsf] gfd M–
#= ljB't zlQm pTkfbg ug]{ ;fwg M–
$= hn;|f]tsf] pkof]u ul/g] eP M–
-s_ gbLsf] gfd M–
-v_ hn;|f]t pkof]u ug{ kfOg] If]q M–
c~rn lhNnf uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf
k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
-u_ k|of]u ul/g] hn;|f]tsf] kl/df0f M–
%= d'Vo d'Vo ;+/rgfx?sf] ljj/0f / /xg] :yfg M–
^= cg'dltkq axfn /xg] cjlw M–
&= cGo zt{? M–
cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]
;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–

kb M– =============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cg';"rL (-v_
-lgod !& ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] cg'dltkq

cg'dltkq ;+Vof M–
g]kfn ;/sf/
pmhf{ dGqfno
ljB't k|;f/0fsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ========= ========= df lbg' ePsf] b/vf:t
cg';f/ b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL b]xfosf zt{x? ;lxt of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .
!= cg'dltkq kfpg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd M–
7]ufgf M–
@= k|;f/0f kl/of]hgfsf] gfd M–
#= ljB't k|;f/0f sxfFaf6 sxfF ug]{ xf] ;f]sf] ljj/0f M–
c~rn lhNnf uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf
$= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ef]N6]h / kl/df0f M–
%= cg'dltkq axfn /xg] cjlw M–
ldlt =============== b]lv ldlt ===========;Dd .
&= cGo zt{x? M–
cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]
;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–

kb M– =============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cg';"rL (-u_
-lgod !& ;Fu ;DalGwt_
ljB't ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkq

cg'dltkq ;+Vof M–
g]kfn ;/sf/
pmhf{ dGqfno
ljB't ljt/0fsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ========= ========= df lbg' ePsf] b/vf:t
cg';f/ b]xfosf] ljj/0f vf]nL b]xfosf zt{ ;lxt of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf] 5 .
!= cg'dltkq kfpg] JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] k"/f gfd M–
7]ufgf M–
@= ljt/0f kl/of]hgfsf] gfd M–
#= ljt/0f ul/g] ljB't pknAw u/fpg] kl/of]hgf÷:yfgsf] ljj/0f M–
$= ljB't ljt/0f ul/g] ef]N6]h / kl/df0f M–
%= ljB't lj/t/0f ul/g] If]q M–
c~rn lhNnf uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf
k"j{ klZrd
pQ/ blIf0f
^= cg'dltkq axfn /xg] cjlw M–
ldlt =============== b]lv ldlt=========== ;Dd .
&= cGo zt{x? M–
cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]
;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–

kb M– =============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
cg';"rL –!)
-lgod @@ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ug{ cg'dltkq

cg'dltkq ;+Vof M–
g]kfn ;/sf/
pmhf{ dGqfno

ljB't pTkfbg÷k|;f/0f÷ljt/0fsf] nflu cg'dltkq kfpg ldlt ============== sf] b/vf:t

cg';f/ b]xfo adf]lhdsf ljj/0fx? v'nfO{ ljB't P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -#_ /
ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) sf] lgod @@ sf] pklgod -@_ cg';f/ of] cg'dltkq k|bfg ul/Psf]
!= ljB't pTkfbg÷k|;f/0f÷ljt/0f ug]{ JolQm jf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]uffgf M–
@= ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|x?sf] ljj/0f -k|To]s s]Gb|sf]_ gfd M–
-s_ hl8t Ifdtf -lsnf]jf6df_ M–
-v_ cg'dflgt jflif{s pTkfbg -lsnf]jf6df_ M–
-u_ sldzlgË ePsf] ldlt M–
-3_ ljB't pTkfbgdf k|of]u ePsf] ;fwg M–
-ª_ hn;|f]tsf] pkof]u ePsf] eP hn;|f]tsf] gfd M–
-r_ ljB't s]Gb| /x]sf] :yfg M–
c~rn lhNnf uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf
#= ljB't k|;f/0fsf] ljj/0f -k|To]s nfOgsf]_ M–
-s_ gfd M–
-v_ ef]N6]hsf] :t/ M–
-u_ tf/sf] ;fOh M–
-3_ k|;f/0f ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf M–
-ª_ ;DalGwt ;a :6]zgx?sf] ef]N6]h / hl8t 6«fG;km/d/x?sf] IfdtfM–
-r_ k|;f/0f z'? u/]sf] ldlt M–

$= ljB't ljt/0fsf] ljj/0f M–
-s_ ljt/0fsf] If]q M–
c~rn lhNnf uf=lj=;=÷gu/kflnsf
-v_ ljt/0fsf] ef]N6]h M–
%= ljt/0f 6«fG;km/d/x?sf] s"n Ifdtf M–
^= u|fxssf] ;+:yf M
-s_ ufx{:y M
-v_ cf}Bf]lus M
-u_ Jofkfl/s M
-3_ =========
&= cf};t ljqmL b/ M–
*= ljt/0f z'? u/]sf] ldlt M
(= cg'dltkq axfn /xg] cjlw M–
!)= cGo zt{x? M
cg'dltkq lbg] clwsf/Lsf]
;xL M–
ldlt M–
gfd M–

kb M– =============

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

-lgod @$ / @% ;Fu ;DalGwt_
cg'dltkq tyf cg'dltkq gjLs/0f b:t'/

s_ ljB't pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu

qm=;+= h8fg Ifdtf cg'dltkq b:t'/ cg'dltkq gjLs/0f b:t'/
!= Ps d]ufjf6eGbf dfly kf“r k|lt jif{ Psd'i6 bz nfv k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq
d]ufjf6;Dd ?k}of“ b:t'/ ;/x
@= kf“r d]ufjf6eGbf dfly bz k|lt jif{ Psd'i6 aL; nfv k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq
d]ufjf6;Dd ?k}of“ b:t'/ ;/x
#= bz d]ufjf6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Psd'i6 tL; nfv k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq
kRrL; d]ufjf6;Dd ?k}of“ b:t'/ ;/x
$= kRrL; d]ufjf6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 rfnL; k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq
Ps ;o d]ufjf6;Dd nfv ?k}of“ b:t'/ ;/x
%= Ps ;o d]ufjf6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 krf; nfv k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq
kfFr ;o d]ufjf6;Dd ?k}of“ b:t'/ ;/x
^= kfFr ;o d]ufjf6eGbf k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 ;f7L nfv k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq
dfly ?k}of“ b:t'/ ;/x

-s!_ ljB't -;f}o{ zlQm / jfo' zlQm_ pTkfbgsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu k|lt d]ufjf6 k|lt
jif{ bz xhf/ ?k}ofF .

-s@_ ljB't pTkfbg -vlgh, t]n, sfOnf, UofF;, cf0fljs, afof]df;, kmf]xf]/ nufot s'g}
;fwgaf6_ sf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu k|lt d]ufjf7 k|lt jif{ kGw| xhf/ ?k}ofF .
v_ ljB't k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0fsf] ;j]{If0f cg'dltkqsf] nflu
qm=;+= h8fg Ifdtf cg'dltkq b:t'/ cg'dltkq gjLs/0f b:t'/
!= Ps d]ufjf6eGbf dfly kf“r k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 bz k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq b:t'/
d]ufjf6;Dd xhf/ ?k}of“ ;/x
@= kf“r d]ufjf6eGbf dfly bz k|lt jif{ Psd'i6 aL; k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq b:t'/
d]ufjf6;Dd xhf/ ?k}of“ ;/x
#= bz d]ufjf6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Psd'i6 tL; k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq b:t'/
kRrL; d]ufjf6;Dd xhf/ ?k}of“ ;/x
$= kRrL; d]ufjf6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 rfnL; k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq b:t'/

ldlt @)^(.^.!% df g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)^(.*.!* df g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L yk ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)&).*.!) df g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .

Ps ;o d]ufj6;Dd xhf/ ?k}of“ ;/x
%= Ps ;o d]ufj6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 krf; k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq b:t'/
kfFr ;o d]ufj6;Dd xhf/ ?k}of“ ;/x
^= kfFr ;o d]ufj6eGbf dfly k|lt jif{ Ps'di6 Ps nfv k|lt jif{ cg'dltkq b:t'/
?k}of“ ;/x

u_ ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0fsf] cg'dltkqsf] nflu

qm=;+= h8fg Ifdtf cg'dltkq b:t'/
-ljB't pTkfbg_
!= Ps d]ufjf6eGbf dfly kf“r d]ufjf6;Dd Psd'i6 kfFr nfv ?k}of“
@= kf“r d]ufjf6eGbf dfly bz d]ufjf6;Dd Psd'i6 ;ft nfv ?k}of“
#= bz d]ufjf6eGbf dfly kRrL; d]ufjf6;Dd Psd'i6 bz nfv ?k}of“
$= kRrL; d]ufjf6eGbf dfly Ps ;o d]ufj6;Dd Psd'i6 tL; nfv ?k}of“
%= Ps ;o d]ufj6eGbf dfly kfFr ;o d]ufj6;Dd Psd'i6 rfnL; nfv ?k}of“
^= kfFr ;o d]ufj6eGbf dfly Psd'i6 krf; nfv ?k}of“

cg';"rL –!@
-lgod $* ;Fu ;DalGwt_

tf/b]lv e"O{;Dd x'g' kg]{ Go"gtd b'/L

qm=;+= ljB't ef]N6]hsf] :t/ ;8s jf/ kf/ ;8s 5]p cGo :yfgdf
ubf{ ld6/ ld6/
! @#).$)) eGbf dfly !!,))) %=* %=% $=^
eGbf sd
@ !!,))) / ;f] eGbf dfly ^=! %=* %=@
##,))) ;Dd

cg';"rL –!#
-lgod %) ;Fu ;DalGwt_
tf/ b]lv 3/ jf ?v;Dd x'g' kg]{ Go"gtd b"/L

qm=;+= ljB't ef]N6sf] 3/ tyf ?vaf6 x'g] Go"gtd

:t/ b"/L
!= @#)÷$)) b]lv !!,))) ;Dd !=@% ld6/
@= !!,))) eGbf dfly b]lv ##,))) ;Dd @=)) ld6/

b|i6Jo M–pk/f]Qm Go"gtd b"/L sfod ubf{ xfjfsf] rfkn] pTkGg x'g] tf/sf] pRrtd dRofO{
-DoflS;dd l8ˆn]S;g_ ;d]tsf] lx;fa ug'{ kg]{5 .

cg';'rL –!$
-lgod &$ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
lah'nLaf6 x'g] b'36{gfsf] k|ltj]bg k7fpg] 9fFrf
!== b'3{6gfsf] ldlt / ;do M–
@= b'3{6gf ePsf] c~rn, lhNnf tyf :yfg M–
#= ljB't ;KnfO{ ef]N6]h tyf k|0ffnL M–
$= b'3{6gfdf k/L d/]sf] jf 3fon ePsf] JolQmx?sf] gfd . b'36{gfdf s'g} hgfj/ k/]sf]
eP ;f] ;d]t pNn]v ug]{ M–
%= b'3{6gf ePsf] If]qsf] cg'dltkq k|fKt JolQmsf] gfd M–
^= b'3{6gfdf k/]sf] JolQmsf] k]zf -ljB't ;DalGwt sfd ug]{ jf cGo k|sf/sf] sfo{ ug]{_
:ki6 pNn]v ug'{kg]{ M–
&= -s_ ljB't sfo{ ubf{ b'3{6gfdf k/]sf] eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f M
-v_ c? sfo{ ubf{ b'3{6gfdf k/]sf] eP, s;/L ;f] eof] ;f] sf] ljj/0f M
*= ljB't sfo{ ubf{ b'3{6gfdf k/]sf] eP s;sf] cfb]zfg';f/ sfo{ ubf{ b'3{6gf ePsf] xf], ;f]
sf] gfd, bhf{ / ;f] af/] lghsf] egfO{ M–
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Electricity Rules, 2050 (1993)

Date of Publication

2050.5.1(17 Aug.1993)

1. Electricity (First Amendment) Rules, 2061. 2064.5.3 (20 Aug.2007)

2. Electricity (Second Amendment) Rules, 2065. 2065.7.4 (20 Oct. 2008)

3. Electricity (Third Amendment) Rules, 2066. 2066.3.23 (7 July 2009)

In exercise of the power conferred by the Section 40 of the Electricity Act,

2049 Government of Nepal, has framed the following Rules.



1. Short Name and Commencement:- (1) These Rules may be called the
"Electricity Rules, 2050 (1993)"

(2) It shall come into force immediately.

2. Definitions:- Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in these


(a) "Act" means the Electricity Act, 2049.

(b) "Electricity Development Department" means the Electricity

Development Department established to act as the electricity
development unit under the Ministry of Energy pursuant to Section 36
of the Act.

(c) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Ministry of Energy.

(d) "Survey" means the act of survey relating to the production,

transmission or distribution of electricity and shall also include the acts 1

relating to feasibility study, detailed engineering design and the works

of investigation regarding thereto.

(e) "Production, transmission and distribution of electricity" means the

construction, operation and maintenance of structures relating to the
production, transmission and distribution of electricity.

(f) "Distribution Area" means the area mentioned in the license relating to
distribution of electricity.

(g) "Wiring" means the installation of electrical de vice for the purpose of
supplying of electricity to the house and premises, compound, factory or
any other similar places belongin g to the consumers.

(h) "Unit" means the electrical energy to be consumed within one hour if
one thousand watt of electricity is run.

(i) "Energy Meter" means an equipment installed for the purpose of

showing the units of electricity consumed.

(j) "Earthing" means the work to connect the wire taking it in a fixed depth
with the earth for the purpose of removing any danger to be occurred
due to electric energy.

(k) "P1ant" means the total form of equipments, materials and system which
cause production, transmission, transformation or distribution of



3. Information to be provi ded: - Any person or corporate body who is

interested to conduct survey, production, transmission or distribution of
hydroelectricity of the capacity ranging from 100 to 1,000 kilo watt, shall
have to provide an information with the follow ing particulars to the 2

Secretary through the Electricity Development Department in the format as

prescribed in Schedu1e-1 pursuant to the pro viso clause of Section 3 of the
Act :-

(a) Detail description of the project,

(b) Map of the project site (main structures must be shown),

(c) Source of water and quantity of water to be utilized,

(d) Area where the electricity is to be distributed and estimated number of

consumers to be benefited from it,

(e) Whether the water resources to be utilized has already been utilized by
other or not, if done so give the particulars of the same,

(f) Other necessary matters.

4. Application to be submitted to obtain a License to C onduct a Survey of

Production of Electricity: - Any person or corporate body who is interested
to conduct a sur vey of production of electricity shall have to submit an
application in triplicate (three copies) stating the follow ing particulars
relating to the proposed electricity production project to the Secretary
through the Electricity Development Department in the format as prescribed
in Schedule- 2:-

(a) Map of the project-site (in which preliminary sketch of the proposed
power-house, dam, reservoir, canal, tunnel, sub-station, transmission
line, and village, town, historical places, way etc. inside the project site
also should be clearly shown),

(b) Area of water-resources to be sur veyed and quantity of water to be


(c) Estimated amount of cost and time for the completion of project (both
the sur vey and construction), 3

(d) Total capacity of the project and estimate of annual production,

(e) In case the electricity is to be produced through other means except

other than water resources, types of fuel and method of acquiring the
fuel should be mentioned,

(f) Other necessary matters.

5. Application to be submitted to obtain a License to C onduct a Survey of

Transmission of Electricity:- Any person or corporate body who is
interested to conduct a sur vey of transmission of electricity shall ha ve to
submit an application in triplicate stating the following particulars relating to
the electricity transmission project to the Secretary through the Electricity
Development Department in the format as prescribed in Schedule-3:-

(a) Preliminary route-map of electricity transmission line (proposed main

transmission line and alternative line also should be show n),

(b) Necessity, purpose and total length of the transmission line,

(c) Standard and capacity of voltage to be used for transmission,

(d) If the electricity is to be supplied at once Maximum load of electricity

and types of consumers,

(e) Estimated amount of cost and time for the completion of transmission
line (both the sur vey and construction),

(f) Other necessary matters.

6. Application to be submitted to obtain a License to conduct a Survey of

Distri bution of Electricity:- Any person or corporate body, who is
interested to conduct a sur vey of distribution of electricity, shall ha ve to
submit an application in triplicate stating the following particulars relating to
the electricity distribution project to the Secretary through the Electricity
Development Department in the format as prescribed in Schedule- 4:- 4

(a) Map of the distribution area (in which the geographical description of
the said area, present distribution system and preliminary sketch of
proposed distribution system also should be clearly shown),

(b) Necessity and purpose of the distribution system,

(c) Estimated number and types of consumers to be benefited from the

distribution system,

(d) Point where the electricity is to be purchased or acquired and other

particulars relating to sale and distribution,

(e) Estimated amount of cost and time for the completion of construction of
distribution line (both the sur vey and construction),

(f) Other necessary matters.

7. Examination of Application:- (1) The Secretary by him/herself or through

the Electricity Development Department shall examine or cause to examine
the application received pursuant to Rules 4, 5 or 6 to see whether or not the
applicant has submitted the necessary documents, particulars or report to be
submitted under the Act and these Rules.

(2) While examining the application pursuant to Sub-rule (1), if it is

found that the applicant has not submitted any documents, particulars or
report which ought to have been submitted, a notice shall be given to the
applicant w ithin fifteen days from the date of submission of the application
specifying a reasonable time-limit to submit such documents, particulars or

(3) In case the Electricity Development Department gives notice

specifying the time-limit to submit any document, particulars or report
pursuant to Sub-rule (2), the date, when such matter is received, shall be
deemed as the date of submission of application for the purpose of Sub-
section (2) of Section 4 of the Act. 5

8. To Issue License for Survey:- The Secretary, after making necessary

examination on the application received pursuant to Rules 4, 5 or 6, shall
issue the license to the applicant in accordance w ith the request of applicant
or making necessary amendment in the format as prescribed in Schedules
5(A), 5(B) or 5(C) respectively for the sur vey of production, transmission or
distribution of electricity.

9. To Issue a License for Survey at the Same Time:- If any person or

corporate body desiring to conduct a survey of production, transmission or
distribution of electricity relating to a single project submits application
stating all the particulars pursuant to Rules 4, 5 or 6, the Secretary, subject
to the other provisions of these Rules, may issue the licenses at the same
time to such applicant permitting him/her to conduct the survey of
production, transmission or distribution of electricity.

10. Survey Report to be Submitted:- The person or corporate body who obtains
a license pursuant to Rules 8 or 9 shall have to submit the report of survey in
triplicate to the Electricity Development Department within Thirty days from
the date of completion of work.

11. License for Survey not to be Issued in Duplicity:- In order to avoid

duplicity in works no license shall be issued to any person or corporate body
for conducting a survey for the same work in the same area for a period as
specified in the license for sur vey issued pursuant to Rules 8 or 9.

12. Application to be submitted to Obtain a License for Production of

Electricity:- Any person or corporate body who is interested to produce
electricity shall have to submit an application in triplicate stating the
following particulars relating to the proposed electricity production project
to the Secretary through the Electricity Development Department in the
format as prescribed in Schedule- 6:- 6

(a) Detail description of the project (including a map of the project-site,

source of electricity to be produced, estimated cost and time to complete
the project, name of partners in the project and types of their
association, full name and address of the person or corporate body and
its directors with whom the ownership of the project shall be vested at
last, should be clearly shown),

(b) If mineral fuel is to be used to produce the electricity, types of fuel,

method of its supply and its storage system should be shown and
agreement or letter of intention, if any and relating documents thereto
should be submitted,

(c) Analysis of feasibility (technical description together with the detail

map of the project and economic analysis, description of clients and
consumers, estimated quantity of electricity to be sold, if any
transmission or distribution system belonging to other person or
corporate body is to be used in supplying the electricity description of
the same),

(d) Mode of finance (estimated cost of the project, economic condition of

the investors of the project, commitment of the financial institutions to
be involved directly in the project, and percentage of liability, share
capital and debt of the investors),

(e) Acquisition or utilization of house and land (landowners' description

and total area of the public or private land to be required for the project
for utilization or acquisition temporarily or permanently),

(f) Environment Impact Assessment (measures to be taken to minimize the

adverse affect due project on environment, social and economic effect
of project on the said area, utilization of local labour, source and
materials, benefits to be taken by the local people after the completion 7

of the project, training to be pro vided for local people in relation to

construction, maintenance and operation, facilities to be required for
construction site, safety arrangements and effect on landowners due to
operation of the project, details of people to be evacuated and necessary
plan for their rehabilitation also should clearly be shown),

(g) Description regarding sale and purchase of electric power of the project
(agreement or letter of intension if any and related documents thereto
also should be enclosed).

(h) Description relating to produced electricity transmission line of the


(i) Description relating to supply, transportation and storage of the fuel (if
there is any agreement or letter of intention and other documents
relating to the same, the copy should be enclosed),

(j) Other necessary matters.

13. Application to be submitted to obtain a license for Transmission of

Electricity:- Any person or corporate body, who is interested to transmit the
electricity, shall ha ve to submit an application in triplicate stating the
following particulars relating to the proposed electricity transmission project
to the Secretary through the Electricity Development Department in the
format as prescribed in Schedule- 7:-

(a) Detail description of the project (source of electricity to be transmitted,

estimated cost and time to complete the project, name of partners in the
project and types of their association, full name and address of the
person or corporate body and its directors w ith whom the ownership of
the project shall be vested at last should be clearly shown),

(b) Route-map of the transmission line and sub-stations to be required for

transmission, right-of-way to be required and single line diagram, 8

(c) Standard transmission-voltage, transmission-capacity, standard of

construction, size of w ire and its distance to each other, kinds of poles
and insulators and detailed map relating to the construction,

(d) Analysis of feasibility (technical description and economic analysis of

the project, if the electricity is to be supplied at once description of
clients and consumers, estimated quantity of electricity to be sold, and
if any transmission or distribution system belonging to other person or
corporate body is to be used in supplying the electricity, description of
the same),

(e) Mode of finance (estimated cost of the project, economic condition of

the investors of the project, commitment of the financial institutions to
be involved directly in the project, and percentage of liability, share-
capital and debt of the investors),

(f) Acquisition or utilization of house and land (land-owners' description

and total area of the public or private land to be required for the project
for utilization or acquisition temporarily or permanently),

(g) Analysis of environmental effect (measures to be taken to minimize the

adverse affect due to project on environment, social and economic effect
of project on the said area, utilization of local labour, source and
materials, benefits to be taken by the local people after the completion
of the project, training to be pro vided for local people in relation to
construction, maintenance and operation, facilities to be required for
construction site, safety arrangements and effect on landowners due to
operation of the project, details of people to be evacuated and necessary
plan for their rehabilitation also should be clearly shown), 9

(h) Description regarding sale and purchase of electric power of the project
(if there is any agreement or letter of intention and related any other
documents relating to the same the copy should be enclosed),

(i) Map show ing the other structures relating to electricity w ithin the
periphery of one and half kilometers of the transmission line,

(j) Other necessary matters.

14. Application to be submitted to obtain a License for Distribution of

Electricity:- Any person or corporate body, who is interested to distribute
the electricity, shall have to submit an application in triplicate stating the
following particulars relating to the proposed electricity distribution project
to the Secretary through, the Electricity Development Department in the
format as prescribed in Schedule- 8:-

(a) Detail description of the project (source of electricity to be distributed,

estimated cost and time to complete the project, name of partners in the
project and types of their association, full name and address of the
person or corporate body and its directors w ith whom the ownership of
the project shall be vested at last should be clearly shown),

(b) Analysis of feasibility (technical description and economic analysis of

the project, estimated quantity of electricity to be sold, and if any
transmission or distribution system belonging to other person or
corporate body is to be used in supplying the electricity, description of
the same),

(c) Mode of finance (estimated cost of the project, economic condition of

the investors of the project, commitment of the financial institutions to
be involved directly in the project, and percentage of liability, share
capital and debt of the investors), 10

(d) Map of the distribution area (geographical description, present

distribution system and distribution system to be newly constructed of
that area),

(e) Standard of the distributing voltage and standard of construction,

(f) Number and types of consumers to be benefited from the ser vice,

(g) Description regarding sale and purchase of electricity (if there is any
agreement or letter of intention and related any other documents relating
to the sale and purchase of electricity to be distributed, the copy should
be enclosed),

(h) Other necessary matters.

15. Examination of Application:- (1) The Secretary by him/herself or through

the Electricity De velopment Department shall examine or' cause to examine
the application seeking license for production, transmission or distribution of
electricity received pursuant to Rules 12, 13 or 14 to see whether or not the
applicant has submitted the necessary documents, particulars or report to be
submitted under the Act and these Rules.

(2) While examining the application pursuant to sub-rule (1), if it is

found that the applicant has not submitted any documents, particulars or
report which ought to have been submitted, a notice shall be given to the
applicant within Forty Five days from the date of submission of the
application specifying a reasonable time-limit to submit such documents,
particulars or report.

(3) In case the Electricity Development Department gives notice

specifying the time-limit to submit some documents, particulars or reports
pursuant to sub-rule (2), the date, when such matters are received, shall be
deemed as the date of submission of application for the purpose of Sub-
section (2) of Section 4 of the Act. 11

16. Public Notice to be Published:- (1) On receipt of application seeking to

obtain license for production, transmission or distribution of electricity
pursuant to Rules 12, 13 or 14, the Electricity Development Department
shall, after making necessary examination of application under Rule 15,
publish a notice stating the necessary particulars for the information of
general public.

(2) Any person may furnish his/her reaction stating reasons thereto
to the Electricity Development Department within Thirty Five days from the
date of publication of notice pursuant to sub-rule (1), if the construction and
operation of the proposed project is likely causing ad verse affect.

(3) If any reaction is received pursuant to sub-rule (2), upon

considering such reactions, the conditions which should be followed by the
applicants shall be mentioned in the license.

17. To Issue a License:- The Secretary, after completing or causing to complete

the procedures pursuant to Rule 15 and 16, on the applications submitted for
production, transmission or distribution of electricity pursuant to Rules 12,
13 and 14, shall issue the license to the applicant in accordance with the
demand of applicant or making necessary amendment in the format as
prescribed in Schedules 9 (A), 9 (B) or 9 (C) respectively for production,
transmission or distribution of electricity.

18. License might be i ssued for Production, Transmissi on and Distri bution
of Electricity at the Same Time:- If any person or corporate body is
interested to produce, transmit or distribute the electricity relating to a single
project submits application in one time stating all the particulars pursuant to
Rules 12, 13 and 14, the Secretary, subject to the other provisions of these 12

Rules, may issue licenses at the same time to such applicant permitting
him/her for production, transmission and distribution of electricity.

19. License to be given for Production Transmission and Distributi on to the

Licensee of Survey:- If any person or corporate body who has obtained
license of one or all works for conducting survey of production, transmission
or distribution of electricity pursuant to Rule 8 or 9 submits an application
stating the particulars pursuant to Rules 12, 13 and 14 for the works of
construction, operation and maintenance regarding production, transmission
or distribution of electricity based on his/her own survey w ithin the time
limit of the license, such license shall be issued to the applicant subject to
the other provisions of these Rules.

20. Right on Water Resources:- The licensee, who has obtained license for
production of electricity, shall have the right to use the water resources for
the works as mentioned in the license to the extent of such place and
quantity as specified in the license.

21. Time Limit to Start the Work:- (1) The licensee, who has obtained license
under these Rules, shall have to start the physical works w ithin three months
in case of sur vey and one year in case of production, transmission or
distribution from the date of obtaining the license and shall ha ve to inform
the Electricity Development Department about the same.

Provided that if the licensee gives application stating the reasons of

being unable to start the works w ithin the time limit, the time limit may be
extended if such reasons are deemed proper and sufficient.

(2) Once the works starts pursuant to sub-rule (1), the progress
report of the work shall ha ve to be furnished to the Electricity Development
Department at every six months till the completion of the work. 13

22. New License to be obtained:- (1) Any person or corporate body who has
been undertaking the works of production, transmission or distribution of
electricity prior to the commencement of the Act, shall have to give
application stating the particulars as mentioned in Rules 12, 13 or 14 to the
Secretary through the Electricity Development Department for obtaining the
license pursuant to Sub-section (3) of Section 4 of the Act.

(2) The Secretary, either him/herself or through the Electricity

Development Department, shall examine or cause to examine the application
submitted pursuant to sub-rule (1) and issue the license to the applicant in
the format as prescribed in Schedule-10.

23. Permission for Import of Electricity:- (1) If the licensee, who has
obtained license for production, transmission or distribution in accordance

with these Rules, is interested to import the electricity into ....... Nepal,
he/she shall ha ve to submit an application together with the agreement made
thereto to the Electricity Development Department to get the prior
permission of Government of Nepal.

(2) The name of the country from where the electricity is to be

imported, standard of voltage of electricity to be imported, quantity, area of
transmission or distribution, period of importing the electricity and other
necessary matters shall ha ve to be mentioned in the application to be
submitted pursuant to sub-rule (1).

(3) Government of Nepal after making necessary examination,

may, upon receipt of the application pursuant to sub-rule (1), give its
permission to import the electricity either in accordance w ith the demand of
the applicant or w ith required amendment.

Deleted by Third Amendment. 14

24. License Fee:- (1) While submitting an application for obtaining the license for
survey, an amount equal to the fees prescribed in Schedule-11 shall be deposited
in the deposit account in the name of Electricity Development Department.

(2) While submitting an application for obtaining a license for production,

transmission or distribution, the fees as prescribed in Schedule-11 shall have to be

(3) In case a person or a corporate body who has submitted an application

pursuant to Sub-rule (1) receives a survey license pursuant to Sub-section (2) of
Section 4, the deposit amount so deposited by him/her shall be transferred into the
Revenue Account of the Government of Nepal, by the Electricity Development
Department as a license fee.

Provided that, in case, the license could not be issued to him/her, such
deposit amount shall be refunded to the depositor.

(4) In case, it has been decided to issue survey license pursuant to Sub-
section (2) of Section 4 of the Act and the same has been informed, to the applicant
and if the applicant does not appear to collect the survey license within three
months of such information, the amount deposited pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be
transferred into the Revenue Account of the Government of Nepal.

Provided that, In case the person or corporate body who has been decided
to receive license does not collect it within thirty five days of publication of this
Rule in the Nepal Gazette, the deposit amount collected upto the date of
publication of this Rule in Nepal Gazette shall be transferred into the Revenue
account of the Government of Nepal.

25. To Rene w the License:- (1) The license issued in accordance with the Act
and these Rules shall have to be renewed one year before the expiry of the
period as mentioned in the license.

Amended by second Amendment 15

(2) While renewing a license pursuant to Sub-section (3) of Section

5 of the Act, an amount prescribed in Schedule-11 shall be

26. Counting of Unit (Kilowatt hour) for the Purpose of Royalty:- While
counting the units (Kilowatt hour) for the purpose of royalty pursuant to
Section 11 of the Act, the quantity of electricity used for the operation of the
powerhouse shall be deducted from the total electricity produced from the
powerhouse and remaining units shall be counted.

27. Export Tax:- The export tax to be payable for exporting electricity,
pursuant to Sub-section (3) of Section 22 of the Act, shall be as determined
in the agreement made with Go vernment of Nepal pursuant to Sub-section
(2) of the same Section.




28. Application to be Submitted for Installation of Electricity Line:- (1) The

consumer, who is interested to use electricity to be distributed by the
licensee, shall have to submit an application to his/her office in the format as
prescribed by him/her.

(2) On receipt of an application pursuant to sub-rule (1), the

licensee shall after inspection of the wiring, if deems proper from technical
and safety point of view shall arrange necessary action to supply electricity
to the applicant. If the licensee deems w iring improper he shall issue a notice
to the applicant for the improvement of the wiring.

Omitted by First Amendment 16

(3) In case of dispute arising between the licensee and the consumer
in connection with the availability of electricity to the consumer after the
inspection pursuant to sub-rule (2), the affected party shall have to give an
application to the Chief Electricity Inspector. The Inspector by conducting
an inspection upon such application may issue necessary order. It shall be
the duty of both the licensee and the consumer to follow such order.

(4) The licensee before issuing notice of granting electric

connection shall make consultation w ith the person willing to be a consumer
regarding the service line and fix proper place for placing the energy meter.

(5) The licensee shall provide a copy of the cost estimate to the
person w illing to be a consumer, show ing the possible expenditure for the
electric connection and any material to be installed on his own cost.

(6) The electric line shall be connected only after the person w illing
to be the consumer pays the cost along w ith the cost estimate as received
pursuant to sub-rule (5) in the office of the licensee and the licensee shall
have control over such electric connection.

29. The Licensee shoul d have to Install the Energy Meter:- (1) The licensee
shall install energy meter on his/her own expense for the consumer to
measure the consumption of electric energy and may take security money as
reasonable for meter installed.

(2) In case if electric connection is not in existence at the place of

the consumer the security money as deposited by the consumer pursuant to
sub-rule (1) shall be refunded to him/her.

(3) Notw ithstanding anything written in sub-rule (1), in special

circumstances or if the person w illing to be a consumer and the licensee
make mutual understanding for simplicity, the licensee may supply
electricity w ithout installing any energy meter. 17

(4) The licensee shall cause to inspect technically the energy meter
installed at the place of the consumer from time to time and if the energy
meter is not in order to general operation, he shall change the new energy
meter without any charge.

Provided that, the licensee shall install the energy meter realizing the
price of the energy meter from the consumer in case where the energy meter
has become out of order or has been stolen due to fault or negligence done
know ingly by the consumer.

(5) The licensee shall cause the inspection of the energy meter
within Fifteen days in maximum if the consumer submits an application
stating that the energy meter is out of order or is running faster than the
normal pace.

(6) On inspection if it is found the energy meter is out of order or is

running faster than the normal pace, the licensee shall have to change or
repair such energy meter at free of cost.

(7) According to the claim of the consumer, if it is found the

consumer has suffered loss due to the energy meter being out of order or
running faster, the licensee shall compensate the loss from the date of the
application submitted by the consumer to the proceeding one month.

(8) The licensee shall issue a card to the consumer in which electricity
consumption and the amount paid for it of each month is clearly shown.

(9) The licensee may affix necessary seal, as required, in the energy
meter installed in the house and premises of the consumer or in other
materials installed for the purpose of supplying electricity.

(10) The seal affixed pursuant to sub-rule (9) should not be

displaced, destroyed or by any means damaged by any body other than the
licensee or the person appointed by him/her. 18

(11) In case if a consumer wants to change the place of the energy

meter, which has already been installed, at the convenient place, the licensee
by levyin g charge pursuant to Rule 34, shall cause it to be changed.

(12) The consumer shall not, in any way, try to handle or damage the
service line, energy meter, cutout or circuit breaker.

30. To Prepare the Description and Index of Consumers:- (1) The licensee,
shall keep safely the description of the facts regarding the supply of
electricity to the consumers and such description should be shown to the
Inspector if he/she wants to see it in course of his/her enquiry.

(2) The licensee shall prepare a up-to-date list of the consumers

enjoying the service and persons willing to be new consumers within its area
of distribution of electricity.

31. No Line to be provided to others:- The consumer should not allow electric
connection to other's house from his/her own energy meter.

32. Light Installation at Street or Public Place to be according to the

Agreement:- As regards the expenses for the electricity charge, repair and
maintenance of the street lights or lights installed at public places, it shall be
go verned by the agreement reached at the time of installation between the
consumer and the licensee.

33. Paying of Charges and Other Fees:- (1) There shall be a liability to each
consumer to pay the electricity charge and other fees for enjoying the
electricity service as determined by the Tariff Fixation Commission
constituted pursuant to Section 17 of the Act.

(2) The period to pay the charges pursuant to sub-rule (1) shall be
as fixed by the licensee. While fixing such period the rebate shall be made
clear for those consumers who pay the charges before the fixed period and 19

additional charges to those consumers who do not pay charges w ithin the
fixed period.

34. Other Charges:- The licensee may charge other charges with addition the
electricity charge to the consumers for rendering' the electricity service
pursuant to Sub-section (2) of Section 16 of the Act for rendering the
following services:-

(a) Installing of the electricity line,

(b) Transferring of the energy meter from one place to another,

(c) Reconnecting the electric line after disconnection,

(d) Changing the inside fuse of meter-box,

(e) Fitting of new seal in case it is broken,

(f) Transferring of the entitlement of consumer,

(g) Testing of energy meter,

(h) Making a vailable of consumers' card.

35. Energy Meter to be Installed:- The licensee, who produces the electricity
more than 1000 kilowatt, shall compulsorily install the energy meter.

36. Regarding the Design and construction of Electric Circuit:- While

designing and constructing the electric line from electric generation plant or
main sub-station to the distribution transformer of the remotest location, it
shall be done in such a way that the voltage to be transformed from the
transformer shall be proper and the consideration be given to the loss of
electric circuit and in the process of such construction; (if needed, the
tapping a vailable in the transformer may be used).

37. Information to be Provided in Case of Danger:- In case when a danger

exists from the electrical installation in the consumer's house or premises or 20

there is a possibility to have danger, the consumer shall inform the office of
the licensee as soon as possible.

38. Inspection and Maintenance of Service Connection:- (1) Upon receipt of

the information pursuant to Rule 37, the, licensee shall assign a technician
immediately and cause to remove the danger.

(2) Whether or not the information is received pursuant to Rule 37,

the licensee shall cause to inspect and maintain the ser vice line of consumer
in time to time by electric technician on such area where the distribution is
made by him/her and cause to maintain the safety measures.

39. Service Line to be Reconnected:- If the consumer pays the charge fixed by
the licensee, the service line disconnected pursuant to Clauses (c) and (d) of
Section 19 of the Act shall be reconnected.



40. Suppl y Voltage:- (1) The standard of supply voltage shall ha ve to be

maintained as follows:-

(a) 230 volt in A.C. single phase and 400 volt in three
phases for general consumers.

(b) For those who want a supply of electricity from four

wires, the electric ser vice shall be made a vailable in
230/400 volt from A.C. three phases.

(2) The fluctuation shall not be allowed for more than five percent
in standard vo lt as mentioned in Clauses (a) and (b) of sub-rule (1).

41. High Voltage Distributi on System:- (1) The standard of the voltage in the
high voltage distribution system, the standard of distribution system shall be
maintained as follows:- 21

(a) 3,300 volt,

(b) 6,600 volt,

(c) 11,000 volt,

(d) 22,000 volt,

(e) 33,000 volt,

(2) The fluctuation shall not be allowed for more than five percent in
standard volt as mentioned in Clauses (a) to (e) of sub-rule (1).

42. High Voltage Transmission System:- (1) The standard of the voltage in the
high voltage transmission system shall be transmitted as follows:-

(a) 33,000 volt,

(b) 66,000 volt,

(c) 1,32,000 volt,

(d) 2,20,000 volt,

(e) 4,00,000 volt,

(2) The fluctuation shall not be allowed for more than ten percent in
standard volt mentioned in Clause (a) to (e) of sub-rule (1).

43. Frequency:- (1) The standard of the frequency shall be maintained as 50

cycles per second (50 hertz).

(2) The fluctuation shall not be allowed more than 2.5 percent in the
frequency standard as mentioned in sub-rule (1).

44. Po wer Factor:- The standard of the power factor shall have to be
maintained as follows:- 22

(a) The level of power factor of the electricity supplied to the consumer
shall not be allowed not less than 0.8 lyayring and not more than one
unit leadings.

(b) The condensers or any other appropriate equipment shall be managed

for maintaining the standard of power factor in electric transmission and
distribution system pursuant to clause (a).

(c) The licensee may cause the consumer to install appropriate condenser if
the consumer's electricity related power factor is not at the level
mentioned in Clause (a).

45. Unit of Measurement of Different Standard of Electricity:- Following

unit of measurement shall be maintained for measuring different standard of

(a) Milliampere, ampere or kiloampere for the measurement of electric


(b) Millivolt, volt or kilovolt for the measurement of voltage,

(c) Ohm, kiloohm, or megaohm for the measurement of resistance,

(d) Henry, Millihenry or kilohenry for the measurement of inductance,

(e) Microfarad, millifarad or farad for the measurement of capacitance,

(f) Watt, kilowatt or megawatt for the measurement of power,

(g) Kilowatt hour, megawatt hour or gigawatt hour for the measurement of

(h) VA, KVA or MV A for the measurement of voltampere,

(i) VAR, KV AR or MV AR for the measurement of reactive power. 23

46. Standard to be Maintained:- (1) The standard of the voltage, frequency or

power factor of electricity shall ha ve to be maintained in accordance w ith
this chapter by the licensee.

(2) If it is found that standard has not been maintained pursuant to

sub-rule (1), the inspector, by taking into account the condition of the plant
of the licensee, shall allow necessary time to improve such system and it
shall be the duty of the licensee to correct the electricity system w ithin the
prescribed time.

47. Increase or Decrease of the Limits:- Go vernment of Nepal may, by

publishing a notification in Nepal Gazette, may increase or decrease the
limits of voltage, frequency and power factor mentioned in this chapter by
taking technical factors for the avoidance of dangerous effects.



48. Minimum Distance from Ground to the Electric Wi re:- (1) Distance
between the electric wire of different volts of the distribution and
transmission system and the ground shall not be less than as prescribed in

(2) In case where electric line is to be installed by the side of the

road or along it, it shall be done by adopting appropriate technological

(3) If it is necessary to install electric line of more than 33,000

vo lts, it shall have to be done by adding 0.305 meter for each 33,000 volts on
the distance as prescribed for 33,000 volts in Schedule-12. 24

49. Regarding the Installation of Electric Line Across the Road:- While
installing electric line of more than 11,000 vo lt across the road in a densely
populated area, the double insulator system shall have to be used.

50. Distance to be Maintained on either si de of the Electric Line:- (1) While

installing electric line of distribution and transmission system, it shall not be
installed in a distance lower than the distance as prescribed in Schedule- 13
from the house or tree.

(2) If it is necessary to install electric line of more than 33,000 vo lt,

it shall have to be done by adding 0.305 meter for each 33,000 volts on the
distance as prescribed for 33,000 volts in Schedule-13.

51. Distance to be Maintained in between the Poles:- While determining the

distance in between the electric poles, it shall be maintained with taking
consideration upon last tensile strength factor of safety and distance between
ground and wire.

52. No Electric Lines shoul d be carried out from above a House:- No electric
lines of any kind shall be carried out from abo ve a house.

Provided that the lines of upto 400/230 volt may be carried out from
above a garage, cottage (Tahara), or fence and such electric lines shall be
installed at a height which shall not be less than three meter from the highest
point of such garage, cottage or fence.

53. In Relation to Installation of the Lines of Different voltages in a Single

Pole:- (1) While installing electric lines of different vo ltages on a single
pole, the line of higher voltages shall be installed above and the line of low
vo ltage below.

(2) While installing lines in a manner as mentioned in sub-rule (l),

care has to be taken that no leakage or danger of any kind or charge shall
exist from high voltage line to low voltage line. 25

(3) It is necessary that a distance required from the technical point

of view should be maintained between the lines of high voltage and low
vo ltage.

54. In Relation to electric Lines to be Installed around Ai rport:- While

installing electric lines around the airport, it shall be done according to a
decision arrived at by the discussion with the chief of airport concerned.

55. In Relation to Installation of Electric Lines and Telephone Lines:- While

installing electric line near to the telephone lines or vice versa, the licensee
and the concerned office of telecommunication shall hold discussions
between them and it shall be installed in such a way that no obstacle or
charge shall be made to the telephone line from the technical point of view.

56. Safety from Lightning:- The licensee, shall, for the purpose of safety from
any harm from lightning or to ensure non-fluctuations of electric energy,
provide protection equipment against lightning or any appropriate de vice and
a system for earthing of lightning from those devices shall also be provided.

57. Change-over-s witch to be Maintained:- Each person, who install a standby

generating set for standby use, shall, in consultation with the licensee in that
area, have to install a change-over-sw itch.

58. Earthing to be Done:- (1) All kinds of metallic supports under high voltage
system shall be permanently and effectively earthen by using perpetual earth

(2) Insulators shall have to be installed at not less than three meters
from the ground in the stay-wires used in supports of transmission and
distribution system.

59. Cutout to be Installed:- (1) The licensee shall have to install cutout or
circuit breaker on the energy meter with seal for the purpose of safety and 26

load limit of the energy meter installed in the house or premises of the

(2) The consumer shall ha ve to install an isolating sw itch nearby the

energy meter.

60. Earthing of Electric Devices to be used at the places of the Consumer:-

(1) If electric appliances like water-heater, air-conditioner are installed in
the house of the consumer, provision of earthing shall ha ve to be made for
such appliances by supplying electricity through separate appropriate electric

(2) If electric appliances of different metals is to be used in the

house or premises of the consumer, three-pin plug socket shall ha ve to be
installed and such plug socket shall ha ve to be connected with the earthing

(3) The earthing system installed in the house or premises of the

consumer shall ha ve to be in accordance with the technically proper system.

61. Safety of Internal Wiring:- Wiring method and the electric de vices
installed for the safety of internal wiring of the consumer's house shall ha ve
to be in accordance w ith the prevailing technical standard.

62. Insul ated Wi re to be Used:- Insulated wire shall have to be used when
joining electric line to the consumer's house.

63. Electric Line to be Provided through Pole:- (1) While installing a electric
line to the consumer's house, it shall be done only through pole.

(2) Notw ithstanding anything written in sub-rule (1), while

installing electric line to the consumer's house, it shall be done only after
making provision of safety in accordance with the pre vailing technical
standard. 27

64. Danger of Leakage at 230/400 Volt:- The insulation resistance of electric

system of 230/400 volts and w iring shall be at least 5 megaohm.

65. Danger of Leakage at High Voltage:- (1) The insulation resistance of 3,300
vo lt electric system shall be at least 20 megaohm.

(2) While calculating the insulation resistance of more than 3,300

vo lt electric system, it shall be done by adding 1 megaohm for each 1,000
vo lt on 20 megaohm.

(3) The operation of electric system without the insulation

resistance as mentioned in sub-rule (1) and (2) shall not be allowed.

66. Utilization of House and Land around the construction Site Relating to
Production, Transmission and Distri bution of Electricity may be
Prohi bited:- (1) If any construction work has been carried on relating to
production, transmission and distribution of electricity for the purpose of
Sub-section (3) of Section 33 of the Act, Government of Nepal may, by
publishing a notification in the Nepal Gazette from time to time, prohibit in
the utilization of the house and land at the place of construction or at the
place fallin g w ithin the specified distance around the construction site for
any specified purpose.

(2) No one should plant tree or construct house underneath the

electric line installed for the purpose of transmission or distribution of
electricity or on either side of such line w ithin the distance as prescribed in
Schedule-12 and 13.

67. Standard of Electrical Devices and Method of Use:- The licensee, shall
have to abide by the following matters from the point of view of standard
and safety of the electrical de vices to be used in the works of production,
transmission and distribution of the electricity:-

(a) Materials and de vices of high standards should be used, 28

(b) when bringing into operation the new plant or after repairing the old
one, it should be operated after conducting all tests from the technical
point of view and be proved proper,

(c) The electric wires to be used for any purpose should be of adequate
capacity required for that work,

(d) While joining the electric wires, it should be joined in accordance w ith
the recognized technical standard in such a way that a danger might not

(e) The joint boxes of underground wire, metallic conduct joint and joint of
metallic sheets of the wire shall have to be installed on such places that
those joints could be easily accessible for inspection.

(f) Fuses, circuit breaker or any appropriate de vice shall ha ve to be

installed in such a way that if more current than the specified current
flow in the electric circuit or sub-circuit, they might resist the flow of
current and there would not arise any danger. These devices, while in
operation, should be such that extra heat would not be produced, non-
sparking and would of no danger at the time of changing.

(g) Single phase sw itch is not allowed to be installed in the neutral w ire
except on live w ire.



68. Warning Indication Board:- (1) The licensee shall hang a warning
indication board in Nepalese and English language on the follow ing de vices
and places:-

(a) On motor, generator, transformer and other kinds of plants and

also on the equipments required to operate and control them, 29

(b) On poles through which lines of more than 400 volts are passing
and on the line-board where the tube for X-ray has been installed
or on other plants of such high frequency.

(2) If warning indication board is not possible to be hanged on all

equipments mentioned in Clause (b) of sub-rule (1), it shall be hanged at a
place nearby or at entrance to the place where such equipments have been

69. Electricity Suppl y to be Cut-off:- (1) Electricity supply shall have to be cut
off if inspection, repairing or any other important work relating to the
equipments installed for production, transmission and distribution is to

(2) Notw ithstanding anything written in sub-rule (1), there shall be

no compulsion to cut off the electric line if it is possible to work with full
safety from the technical point of view.

(3) While re-operating the electric line after the completion of work
pursuant to sub-rule (1), it shall be operated only after taking full care of the
possible danger.

70. Voltage Testing and Line Earthing:- While carrying the works of repairing
and maintenance of electric line, it shall be done only after testing the
current w ith a tester and being sure of voltage cutoff.

71. Insul ated Gloves to be Used:- While working 511 a place having live line
of electricity, work shall ha ve to be done only by using insulated glo ves.

72. Notice for First Aid when Affected by Electric Current:- (1) Procedures
required to be taken as a first-aid measure when affected by electric current
shall have to be displayed at the licensee's plant in clearly understandable
Nepalese language. 30

(2) The owner of the electric plant shall compulsorily arrange

training required for first aid measures as mentioned in sub-rule (1) to those
employees who work in operation, repair and maintenance of his plant.

73. Safety Belt:- Workers working at any ele vated place or electric poles shall
be asked to work only by using safety-belt for protection.

74. Information of Acci dent:- (1) The licensee should have to send a detail
description of happening of any accident and damage in plant to the
Inspector in the format as prescribed in Schedule-14.

(2) After receiving the details pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Inspector
may inspect as required to find out the cause of such accident and may give
order to the licensee for arranging safety measures in order to that such
accidents should not be repeated from the technical point of view. It shall be
the duty of the licensee to obey such order.



75. Provision relating to Inspector and Empl oyees:- (1) For the purpose of
Section 37 of the Act, Government of Nepal, as required, may appoint Chief
Electricity Inspector or other Electricity Inspectors.

(2) Government of Nepal may appoint other employees to assist the

Chief electricity Inspector and Electricity Inspector to their work.

76. Qualification Required for Inspector:- (1) A person having an experience

of ten years at minimum in the field of electricity after holding a degree of
Bachelor of Engineering may be appointed on the post of Chief Electricity

(2) A person holding a degree of Bachelor of Engineering may be

appointed on the post of Electricity Inspector. 31

77. Po wer of the Inspector:- (1) The Inspector appointed pursuant to Rule 75,
may make examination about the plant of the licensee.

(2) It shall be the duty of the licensee or the consumer to answer all
the questions asked by the Inspector in connection with the examination
pursuant to sub-rule (1) and to cooperate him/her as required.

78. Inspector to be Deputed to Make Examination of New Pl ant:- The Chief

Electricity Inspector by him him/herself or any Inspector deputed by him/her
may make examination of a new plant installed by a licensee.

79. Examination of the Operating P1ant:- Each licensee shall have to cause
examination of his/her operating plant every year and obtain a certificate

80. Order of the Inspector to be Followed:- (1) The licensee shall abide by the
order issued by the Inspector under the Act and these Rules in connection
with the sur vey, production, transmission or distribution of Electricity.

(2) The licensee, who does not satisfy w ith the order issued by the
Inspector pursuant to sub-rule (1), may file a complaint to the Secretary and
the order issued by the Secretary in this regard shall be final.

81. Examination of Improper Electrical Appliances or System:- The licensee,

for the re-operation of the electrical devices or system making in proper
condition to which the Inspector had decided as improper after examination
shall ha ve to give an application to the Inspector. The Inspector shall give
permission to re-operate of the electrical devices system if proper after
examining such electrical devices or system.

82. Charges for Examination:- A licensee or a consumer may, if he/she deems

necessary to cause to make examination of some thing in accordance w ith
these Rules, give an application to the Chief Electricity Inspector. The
licensee or consumer, while causing examination so, shall have to pay the 32

charge as prescribed by Go vernment of Nepal by a notification published in

the Nepal Gazette.

Provided that if the examination of operating plant is caused by the

Inspector deputed by the Chief Electricity Inspector in connection w ith
his/her regular duty no examination charge shall have to be paid.

83. Notice of the Outcome of Examination:- The Inspector shall have to notify
the concerned person if the examination shows that the electric equipments
or system is found in proper condition and if it is not found in proper
condition he/she shall ha ve to issue a written order to change, repair or stop
operation of such electric de vices or plant.



84. Po wer to Fi x Safety Conditions Regarding the Construction Works

Relating to Hydroelectricity:- Go vernment of Nepal may, by publishing a
notification in the Nepal Gazette, fix the measures to be taken while making
design and constructing dam, powerhouse and other structures required for
production of electricity and conditions for safety regarding the construction
of powerhouse with reservoir.

85. Statements to be Brought to Knowledge:- Prior to start the works of

production, transmission or distribution of electricity, the licensee shall ha ve
to keep in a conspicuous manner in his office the copy of the license, the
map of the area of production, transmission or distribution of electricity,
relation to be maintained between the licensee and the consumer regarding
the distribution of electricity and descriptions stating other conditions.

86. Provisions Relating to Resi dence and Bonus:- (1) For the purpose of
Section 15 of the Act, the licensee shall have to pro vide a residential quarter 33

for the workers and employees in volved on the works of production,

transmission or distribution of electricity.

(2) The licensee shall ha ve to distribute bonus to the workers and

employees every year setting aside the amount equal to two percent of the
amount of net profit.

Provided that the bonus to be distributed shall not exceed the

amount equal to the annual salary of the concerned employee.

(3) The licensee, after distributing the bonus from the amount set
aside pursuant to sub-rule (1), shall deposit the remaining amount in the fund
set up as the employee's welfare fund.

(4) The operation of the fund pursuant to sub-rule (3) shall be as

decided by the licensee.

(5) Matters relating to bonus other than mentioned in these Rules

shall be regulated under pre valent Nepal Law.

87. To be Com pensated:- (1) Go vernment of Nepal or the licensee shall, if the
landowners are not allowed to possess their house and land situated at the
prescribed distance for the purpose of Sub-section (3) of Section 33 of the
Act and Rule 66, pay the amount of compensation at lump sum to such land
owners as determined by the Compensation Fixation Committee pursuant to
Rule 88.

(2) The compensation to be given pursuant to sub-rule (1) shall be

applicable only to the construction works relating to electricity which are to
be constructed after the commencement of these Rules.

(3) Notw ithstanding anything written in sub-rule (1) the

compensation shall not be paid on the following conditions :- 34

(a) If the land is beneath the ser vice line installed for the purpose of
supplying electricity to the landowner, or

(b) If houses are attached to each other in densely populated urban or

rural area and the main line passes through the wall of one house to
another house while connecting electric line from one house to
another house.

88. Compensation Fixation Committee:- (1) A Compensation Fixation

Committee shall be formed consisting of a chairperson and members as
follows for the purpose of fixation of the amount of compensation to be paid
pursuant to Sections 28 and 29 of the Act:-

(a) A person as designated by

Government of Nepal - Chairperson

(b) A concerned person or a representative

of a corporate body conducting

sur vey, production transmission or

distribution of electricity - Member

(c) An expert relating to the field

of electricity as designated by

Government of Nepal - Member.

(2) The following persons also shall be members in the committee

as prescribed by sub-rule (1) in order to fix the amount of compensation to
be paid pursuant to Section 32 and 33 of the Act and Rule 87 :-

(a) Owner of the real estate

(immo vable property) who has

sustained loss or his/her representative - Member 35

(b) Representative of the concerned

Land Revenue Office relating to

area of the loss incurred real estate - Member

(c) Representative of the concerned Village

Development Board or Municipality relating

to area of the loss incurred real estate - Member.

(3) The Compensation Fixation Committee pursuant to sub rule (1)

shall, while fixing the amount of compensation, ha ve to adopt a policy of
fixing actual figure of loss.

(4) The procedures relating to the meeting of the Compensation

Fixation Committee may be determined by the said committee itself.

89. Authority Prescri bed:- The Secretary has been prescribed as the authority
for the purpose of Sub-section (5) of Section 4, Section 8 and Sub-section
(1), (2) and (3) of Section 38 of the Act.

90. Statement of Audit:- The licensee shall, maintaining the account of income
and expenditure while doing the works of production, transmission or
distribution of electricity, submit the account of income and expenditure of
each financial year to the Electricity Development Department w ithin six
months of the next financial year.

91. Annual Report:- (1) The licensee, after the commencement of works of the
production, transmission or distribution of electricity, shall have to send an
annual report e very year to the Electricity Development Department.

(2) In the report pursuant to sub-rule (1), the licensee, shall mention
the units of monthly generated electricity from different power houses, the
distributed units showing the category of consumers, internal use of the 36

plant, leakage, load and capacity factor, maximum demand of a month and a
specimen of load cur ve.

92. Use of Electric System :- (1) The licensee may, if it is possible from the
technical point of view, supply the electricity produced by him/herself in any

part of Nepal to the other point of the country through the present grid
system and vice versa.

(2) The person or corporate body, who has the ownership of the
electric system pursuant to sub-rule (1), shall allow to use his/her own
system to the licensee if it is reasonable from the technical point of view.

(3) The licensee while supplying the electricity pursuant to sub-rule

(1) shall pay the charge as determined by mutual agreement to the person or
corporate body to whom the said electric system belongs to.

93. Registration and Permission shoul d be in accordance with the Prevalent

Laws:- While issuing a license under these Rules for the works of survey,
production, transmission and distribution of electricity, the licensee should
have been registered under the Industrial Enterprises Act, 2049 and
permission should ha ve been taken in accordance with the Foreign
Investment and Technology Transfer Act, 2049 in case foreign investment is
to be involved.

94. These Rules to be Applied:- (1) Except the provisions relating to license all
other provisions of these Rules shall be applicable to production or
development of electricity de veloped pursuant to Section 34 of the Act by
Go vernment of Nepal by itself.

(2) Except the provisions relating to license all other provisions of

these Rules shall be applicable to any person or corporate body who does

Amended by Third Amendment 37

the work of production, transmission or distribution of electricity having

the capacity of up to 1000 kilowatt.

94a. Manual or Procedure may be framed: - To meet the objectives of the Act
of these Rules, Ministry of Energy may frame and implement necessary
Rules of procedure.

95. Change and Amendment in Schedule:- Government of Nepal may, by

publishing a notification in Nepal Gazette, make any change or amendment,
as required, in the schedules of these Rules.

96. Repealing and Saving:- (1) Electricity Rules, 2025 is hereby repealed.

(2) The works done pursuant to the Electricity Rules, 2025 shall be
deemed as to have been done under these Rules.

 Inserted by Third Amendment

1. "Electricity Development Centre" has changed into "Electricity Development Department" by First
2. "Ministry of Water Resources" has changed into " Ministry of Energy" by Third Amendment 38

Schedule – 1
(Relating to Rule 3)
Relating to Information

The Secretary
Electricity Development Department
Ministry of Energy

I am providing this information since I am going to conduct survey,

production, transmission or distribution of hydropower with a capacity of 100 to
1000 kilowatt w ith the following particulars pursuant to Rule 3 of the Electricity
Rules, 2050.
1. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing for
sur vey/production/transmission/distribution of hydroelectricity.
2. Aim and purpose of the sur vey/production/transmission/distribution of
3. Area for the sur vey/production/transmission/distribution of hydroelectricity:-
(a) Zone
(b) District
(c) Village Development Committee/Municipality:-
4. Capacity:-
5. Particulars required by Rule 3 of the Electricity Regulation, 2050:-
The facts mentioned abo ve are correct and true. In case if it is found false
I/we am/are prepared to hear according to law.

Seal of corporate body. 39

Signature of the person or

Corporate body providing
the information
Date:- 40

Schedule- 2
(Relating to Rule 4)
Application for the License to Conduct Survey for
Production of Electricity

The Secretary
Electricity Development Department
Ministry of Energy

I am submitting this application with the following particulars to conduct a

sur vey for production of electricity pursuant to Rule 4 of the Electricity Rules,
1. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing to conduct
sur vey for production of electricity:-
2. Type of electricity to be sur veyed for production:-
3. Name of water resources if sur vey is to be conducted for production of
4. Area of Survey:-
(a) Zone:-
(b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
(d) Boundary:-
East West
North South
5. Nature of Survey:- 41

6. Estimated cost of survey:-

(Justification also should be given)
7. Duration of Survey:-
From ............................ to .............................. (date)
8. Other particulars:-
The facts mentioned above are correct and true. In case if it is found false,
I/we am/are prepared to bear according to law.

Seal of the Corporate body

Date:- 42

Schedule- 3
(Relatin g to Rule 5)
Application for the License to Conduct Survey for
Transmission of Electricity

The Secretary
Electricity Deve lopment Department
Ministry of Energy

I am submittin g this application with the following particulars to conduct a

sur vey of transmission of electricity pursuant to Rule 5 of the Electricity Rules,
1. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing to conduct
sur vey for transmiss ion of electricity:-
2. Particulars of the project/place from where the electricity to be transmitted
is to be pro vided:-
3. Particulars relating to place of transmission:-
From:- To:-
4. Area for sur vey of transmission of electricity:-
(a) Zone:-
(b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
(d) Boundary:-
East West
North South 43

5. Voltage and quantity of transmission of electricity:-

6. Nature of survey:-
7. Estimated cost of sur vey:-
(Justification also should be given)
8. Duration of sur vey:-
From……………………………..To……………… ………..(date)
9. Other particular:-
The facts mentioned abo ve are correct and true. In case if it is found false,
I/we am/are prepared to bear according to law.

Seal of the Corporate body

Date:- 44

Schedule - 4
(Relating to Rule 6)
Application for the License to Conduct Survey for
Distribution of Electricity

The Secretary
Electricity Deve lopment Department
Ministry of Energy

I am submittin g this application with the follow ing particulars to conduct a

sur vey for distribution of electricity pursuant to Rule 6 of the Electricity Rules,
1. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing to conduct
sur vey for distribution of electricity:-
2. Descript ion of the project/place from w here the electricity to be distributed
is to be pro vided:-
3. Area of Sur vey:-
(a) Zone:-
(b) District:-
(C) V.D.C./Municipality:-
(d) Boundary:-
East West
North South
4. Nature of survey:-
5. Estimated cost of sur vey:- 45

(Justification also should be given)

6. Duration of Survey:-
From ............................... to........................... (date)
7. Other particulars:-
The facts mentioned abo ve are correct and true. In case if it is found false,
I/we am/are prepared to bear according to law.

Seal of the Corporate body

Date :- 46

Schedule- 5(A)
(Relating to Rule 8)
License for Survey for Production of Electricity

License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy

As per your application submitted on........ (date) seeking to obtain a license

for production of electricity, this license has been hereby issued to you with the
following particulars in accordance with Sub-section (2) of Section 4 of the
Electricity Act, 2049 and Rule 8 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
1. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing to conduct
sur vey for production of electricity:-
2. Type of electricity to be sur veyed for production:-
3. Name of water resources to be sur veyed for production of electricity:-
4. Area of Survey:-
(a) Zone:-
(b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
(d) Boundary:-
East West
North South
5. Nature of survey:-
6. Period of validity of survey:-
From.......................... to................................. (date)
7. Other conditions:- 47

License Issuing Authority's

Designation : Secretary
Address: Ministry of Energy
Date:- 48

Schedule - 5(B)
(Relating to Rule 8)
License for Survey for Transmission of Electricity

License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy

As per your application submitted on .......... (date) seeking to obtain a
license for transmission of electricity, this license has been hereby issued to you
with the following particulars in E accordance with Sub-section (2) of Section 4
of the Electricity Act, 2049 and Rule 8 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
l. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing to conduct
sur vey for transmission of electricity:- .
2. Particulars of the project/place from where the electricity to be transmitted is
to be provided:-
3. Particulars relating to place of transmission:-
From ................................... To…………...............
4. Area of Survey:-
(a) Zone:-
(b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
(d) Boundary:-
East West
North South
5. Voltage and quantity of electricity to be transmitted:- 49

6. Nature of survey:-
7. Period of validity of license:-
8. Other conditions:-

License Issuing Authority's

Name :-
Designation: Secretary
Ministry of Energy
Date:- 50

Schedule - 5(C)
(Relating to Rule 8)
License for Survey for Distribution of Electricity

License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy
As per your application submitted on........ (date) seeking to obtain a license
for distribution of electricity, this license has been hereby issued to you with the
following particulars in accordance with Sub-section (2) of Section 4 of the
Electricity Act, 2049 and Rule 8 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
1. Full name and address of the person or corporate body willing to conduct
sur vey for distribution of electricity:-
2. Particulars of the project/place from where the electricity to be distributed is
to be provided:-
3. Area of Survey:-
(a) Zone:-
(b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
(d) Boundary:-
East West
North South
4. Voltage and quantity of electricity to be distributed:-
5. Nature of survey:-
6. Period of validity of license:-
From ........................ To …...............
7. Other conditions:- 51

License Issuing Authority's

Designation: Secretary
Ministry of Energy
Date : 52

Schedule – 6
(Relating to Rule 12)
Application for Obtaining a License for Production of Electricity

The Secretary,
Electricity Development Department
Ministry of Energy

I am submitting this application with the following particulars along with the necessary
documents for production of electricity pursuant to Section 4 of the electricity Act, 2049 and
Rule 12 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
1. Name and address of the person or corporate body who is going to produce electricity:-
2. Name of the project of electricity:-
3. Means to produce electricity:-
4. If water resources is to be used:-
(a) Name of the river:-
(b) Area where water resources is to be utilized:-
(i) Zone:- (ii) District:-
(iii) V.D.C./Municipality:- (iv) Boundary:-
East West
North South
(c) Quantity of water to be utilized:-
5. Descriptions of main structures and where to be located? :- 53

6. Date of commencing the work:-

7. Date of completing the work:-
8. Other particulars:-
The facts mentioned above are correct and true, if it is found false, I/we am/are prepared
to bear according to law.

Seal of the Corporate body

Date:- 54

Schedule – 7
(Relating to Rule 13)
Application for Obtaining a License for Transmission of Electricity

The Secretary,
Electricity Development Department
Ministry of Energy

I am submitting this application with the following particulars alongwith the

necessary documents for transmission of electricity pursuant to Section 4 of the
Electricity Act, 2049 and Rule 13 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
1. Name and address of the person and corporate body who is going to transmit the
2. Description of the project/place from where the electricity to be transmitted is to be
3. Descriptions of the point from where the electricity is to be transmitted and
destination of the transmission:-
(a) Zone:- (b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
4. Quantity and voltage of electricity to be transmitted:-
5. Date of commencing the work:-
Date of completing the work:- 55

6. Other particulars:-
The facts mentioned above are correct and true, if it is found false, I/we am/are
prepared to bear according to law.

Seal of the Corporate body

Signature :-
Name :-
Address :-
Date :- 56

Schedule – 8
(Relating to Rule 14)
Application for Obtaining a License for Distribution of Electricity
The Secretary,
Electricity Development Department
Ministry of Energy

I am submitting this application with the following particulars along with the
necessary documents for distribution of electricity pursuant to Section 4 of the Electricity
Act, 2049 and Rule 14 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
1. Name and address of the person or corporate body who is going to distribute the
2. Description of the project/place from where the electricity to be distributed is to be
3. Quantity and voltage of electricity to be distributed:-
4. Area where the electricity is to be distributed:-
(a) Zone:- (b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:- (d) Boundary:-
East West
North South 57

5. Date of commencing the work:-

Date of completing the work:-
6. Other particulars:-
The facts mentioned above are correct and true, if it is found false, I/we am/are
prepared to bear according to law.

Seal of the Corporate body

Name :-
Date:- 58

Schedule - 9 (A)
(Relating to Rule 17)
License for production of Electricity

License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy
As per your application submitted on ......... (date) seeking to obtain a license for
production of electricity, this license has been hereby issued with the conditions as
1. Full Name of the person or corporate body obtaining the license:-
2. Name of the project of electricity:-
3. Means to produce the electricity:-
4. If water resources is to be utilized:-
(a) Name of the river:-
(b) Area where utilization of water resources is to be provided:-
(i) Zone:- (ii) District:-
(iii) V.D.C./Municipality:- (iv) Boundary:-
East West 59

North South
(c) Quantity of water resources to be utilized:-
5. Description of main structures and where to be located ?
6. Period of validity of license:-
7. Other conditions:-

License Issuing Authority's

Designation:- Secretary
Ministry of Energy 60

Schedule - 9 (B)
(Relating to Rule 17)
License for Transmission of Electricity

License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy
As per your application submitted on ......... (date) seeking to obtain a license for
transmission of electricity, this license has been hereby issued with the conditions as
1. Full Name of the person or corporate body obtaining the license:-
2. Name of the project of transmission:-
3. Description of the point from where the electricity is to be transmitted and
destination of transmission:-
(a) Zone:- (b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality:-
4. Quantity and voltage of electricity to be transmitted:-
5. Period of validity of license:-
6. Other conditions:-
License Issuing Authority's
Designation:- Secretary
Ministry of Energy 61

Schedule - 9 (c)
(Relating to Rule 17)
License for Distribution of Electricity
License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy
As per your application submitted on ......... (date) seeking to obtain a license for
distribution of electricity, this license has been hereby issued with the conditions as
1. Full Name of the person or corporate body obtaining the license:-
2. Name of the project of distribution:-
3. Description of the project/plant from where the electricity is to be distributed is to
be provided:-
4. Quantity and voltage of electricity to be distributed:-
5. Area where the electricity is to be distributed:-
(a) Zone:- (b) District:-
(c) V.D.C./Municipality (d) Boundary:-
East:- West:-
North:- South:-
6. Period of validity of license:-
From ............................ to .............................
7. Other conditions:-
License Issuing Authority's
Designation:- Secretary
Ministry of Energy 62

Schedule – 10
(Relating to Rule 22)
License for Production, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity

License No:-
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy

As per your application submitted on ....... (date) seeking to obtain a license for
production, transmission and distribution of electricity, this license has been hereby
issued with the following particulars pursuant to Sub-section (3) of Section 4 of the
Electricity Act, 2049 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 23 of the Electricity Rules, 2050.
1. Name and address of the person or corporate body to do the work of production,
transmission and distribution of electricity:-
2. Name and particulars of each electricity generating plant:-
(a) Energy capacity (in kilowatt):-
(b) Estimated annual production (in kilowatt):-
(c) Date of commissioning:-
(d) Means being used in production of electricity:-
(e) Name of water resources if water resources is being utilized:-
(f) Location of electricity plant:-
Zone:- District:-
3. Particulars of each transmission line:-
(a) Name:-
(b) Standard of voltage:- 63

(c) Size of wire:-

(d) Transmitting capacity:-
(e) Voltage of concerned sub-stations and capacity of installed transformers:-
(f) Date of starting the transmission:-
4. Particulars of distribution of electricity:-
(a) Area of distribution:-
Zone:- District:-
(b) Voltage of electricity to be distributed:-
5. Total capacity of distributing transformers:-
6. Number of consumers:-
(a) Domestic:-
(b) Industrials:-
(c) Commercial:-
(d) …………….
7. Average selling price:-
8. Date of beginning of distribution:-
9. Period of validity of license:-
10. Other Conditions:-

License Issuing Authority's

Designation:- Secretary
Ministry of Energy 64

Schedule- 11
(Relating to Rule 24 and 25)
License or License Renewal Fees
(A) For t he Lice nse to Conduct Survey for Product ion of Elect ricity
S.N Energy to be produce License Fee License Renewal Fee

1. From 1MW to upto 5 MW Per year lump sum Rs. 50,000/- Per year equal of license fee

2. From 5MW to upto 100 MW Per mw rate of Rs.10,000/ per year Per year equal of license fee

3. From 100MW to upto 500 Per year lump sum Rs. 10,00,000/- Per year equal of license fee
4. Above 500 MW Per year lump sum Rs. 20,00,000/- Per year equal of license fee

(B) For t he Lice nse to Conduct Survey for Trans miss ion and Dist ribut ion of Electricity
S.N Energy to be produce License Fee License Renewal Fee

1. From 1MW to upto 5 MW Rs. 10,000/- Half of the license fee

2. From 5MW to upto 100 MW Rs.50,000/- Half of the license fee

3. From 100MW to upto 500 Rs. 5,00,000/- Half of the license fee
4. Above 500 MW Rs. 10,00,000/- Half of the license fee

(C) For t he Lice nse of production, Trans miss ion and Dist ribution of Elect ricity
S.N Energy to be produce License Fee License Renewal Fee (only for
Transmission and
Dis tribution)
1. From 1MW to upto 5 MW Rs. 1,00,000/- Equal of license fee

2. From 5MW to upto 100 MW Rs.5,00,000/- Equal of license fee

3. From 100MW to upto 500 Rs. 10,00,000/- Equal of license fee

4 From 500MW to upto 1000 Rs. 25,00,000/- Equal of license fee
5. Above 1000 MW Rs. 50,00,000/- Equal of license fee

Amended by First Amendment and changed by notification of 2064.5.24 of Nepal Gazette. 65

Schedule- 12
(Relating to Rule 48)

Distance which ought to be from wire to the ground

S. No. Standard of voltage of While On the side of In other places
electricity accrossing the the road (meter)
road (meter) (meter)
1. In between 230/400 5.8 5.5 4.6
and 11,000
2. In between 11,000 and 6.1 5.8 5.2
33,000 66

Schedule -13
(Relating to Rule 50)

Minimum distance which ought to be from the wire to the house or tree

S. No. Standard of Voltage of Electricity Minimum D istance to be

from house or tree
1. Standard 230/400 to 11,000 1.25 meter
2. From 11,000 to 33,000 2.00 meter

Note:- While determining the minimum distance as abo ve, maximum deflection
of w ire arising due to air pressure shall also have to be considered. 67

(Relatin g to Rule 74)

Format of the inform ati on of accident caused due to electric current

1. Time and date of accident :-
2. Place, distr ict and zone of accident:-
3. Electric ity supply vo lta ge and system:-
4. Name of the person killed or injured due to accident (if animal is affected,
mention it) :-
5. Name of the licensee of the area of accident :-
6. Occupation of the person sustain in g accident (work relat in g to electricity
or other work) to be mentioned clearly :-
7. (a) If accident was occurred due to work relatin g to electricity,
particulars of the same:-
(b) If accident was occurred due to other w ork, how it occurred,
particulars of the same:-
8. If accident was occurred due to work relatin g to electric ity, the name and
designat ion of the person on whose order the vict im was w orking and the
statement of the person givin g order:-
9. Detailed descript ion of accident :-
10. Descript ion of the w ork done after accident:-
11. Details of the measures take or to be taken by the licensee in order to
remo ve the possib ility of such accident in future:-
Designation :-
Date:- 68

;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g,@)^#

k|df0fLs/0f / k|sfzg ldlt
;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g
!= s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ @)&@.!!.!#
@= ;fj{hlgs vl/b -klxnf] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)&# @)&#.#.#)
#= g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg cg's"n agfpg s]xL g]kfn P]gnfO{ ;+zf]wg

ug]{ P]g, @)&% @)&%.!!.!(

@)^# ;fnsf] P]g g=#^

;fj{hlgs vl/b ;DaGwdf Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]g
k|:tfjgf M ;fj{hlgs vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw, k|lqmof tyf lg0f{onfO{ cem a9L v'nf, kf/bzL{,
j:t'lgi7 / ljZj;gLo agfpg,
;fj{hlgs vl/b k|lqmofdf k|lt:kwf{, :jR5tf, O{dfGbf/Ltf, hjfkmb]xLtf / ljZjzgLotf
k|j¢{g u/L ldtJooL tyf ljj]sk"0f{ 9Ëaf6 ;fj{hlgs vr{sf] clwstd k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{ /
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ u/fpFbf, dfn;fdfg, k/fdz{ ;]jf tyf cGo ;]jf vl/b ubf{
To:tf] vl/bsf] Joj:yfkg Ifdtf clej[l¢ u/L pTkfbs, laqm]tf, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf
;]jfk|bfosnfO{ ljgf e]befj ;fj{hlgs vl/b k|lqmofdf ;xefuL x'g] ;dfg cj;/ ;'lglZrt u/L
;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt ug]{ ;DaGwdf sfg"gL Joj:yf ug{ jf~5gLo ePsf]n],
k|ltlglw;efsf] 3f]if0ff, @)^# hf/L ePsf] klxnf] jif{df k|ltlglw;efn] of] P]g agfPsf] 5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g, @)^#Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ ævl/bÆ eGgfn]] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; P]g adf]lhd s'g} dfn;fdfg,
k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf k|fKt ug{] jf s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{] jf u/fpg]
sfo{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-v_ æ;fj{hlgs lgsfoÆ eGgfn] b]xfosf lgsfo ;Demg' k5{ M–
-!_ ;+j}wflgs cË jf lgsfo, cbfnt, 
g]kfn ;/sf/ jf k|b]z
;/sf/sf dGqfno, ;lrjfno, cfof]u, ljefu jf ;f] cGtu{tsf
cGo h'g;'s} ;/sf/L lgsfo jf sfof{no,
-@_  g]kfn ;/sf/ jf k|b]z ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf clwsf+z :jfldTj jf
lgoGq0fdf /x]sf] ;+:yfg, sDkgL, a}+s jf ;ldlt jf k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs :t/df :yflkt jf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf k|b]z
;/sf/åf/f ul7t cfof]u, ;+:yfg, k|flws/0f, lgud, k|lti7fg, af]8{,
s]Gb|, kl/ifb\ / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo ;+ul7t ;+:yf,
-#_  g]kfn ;/sf/ jf k|b]z ;/sf/åf/f ;~rflnt jf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
k|b]z ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf clwsf+z cg'bfg k|fKt ljZjljBfno,
dxfljBfno, cg';Gwfg s]Gb| / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo k|fl1s jf z}lIfs
-$_ :yfgLo tx,
-%_ ljsf; ;ldlt P]g, @)!# adf]lhd ul7t ljsf; ;ldlt,
-^_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf k|b]z ;/sf/sf] C0f jf cg'bfgdf ;~rflnt ;+:yf,
-&_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf k|b]z ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L
;fj{hlgs lgsfo egL tf]s]sf] cGo ;+:yf .
-u_ ædfn;fdfgÆ eGgfn] rn jf crn, ;hLj jf lghL{j h'g;'s}
lsl;dsf] j:t' ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] To:tf] j:t' cfk"lt{ ug]{ sfo{sf]
cfg'iflËs ;]jf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg]5 .
-3_ ælgdf{0f sfo{Æ eGgfn] s'g} ;+/rgf jf s'g} s'/fsf] lgdf{0f ug{], k'gM lgdf{0f
ug{], eTsfpg], dd{t ;Def/ ug{] jf lh0ff]{4f/ ug]{ sfo{;Fu ;DalGwt lgdf{0f
:yn tof/ ug]{, vGg], 78\ofpg], agfpg], pks/0f jf dfn;fdfg h8fg
ug]{, ;hfpg], cflb h:tf sfo{ ;Demg' k5{ / ;f]] zAbn] gSzf agfpg],
k|of]uzfnf k/LIf0f ug]{, e"pku|xLo kmf]6f] lvRg], e"sDkLo k/LIf0f ug{]
h:tf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cfg'iflËs ;]jf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg]5 .

 g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg cg's"n agfpg s]xL g]kfn P]gnfO{ ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&% 4f/f ;+zf]lwt .
 s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt eO{ ldlt @)&$.@.* b]lv k|f/De ePsf] .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-ª_ æk/fdz{ ;]jfÆ eGgfn] s'g} cWoog, cg';Gwfg, ;e]{If0f, l8hfOg, 8«O{ª,
;'kl/j]If0f, tflnd, k/LIf0f ug]{ sfd, ;ˆ6j]o/sf] ljsf; jf o:t} k|s[ltsf
cGo af}l4s jf k]zfut ;]jf ;Demg' k5{ .
-r_ æcGo ;]jfÆ eGgfn] ;jf/L ;fwg, pks/0f jf dfn;fdfg ef8fdf lng],
9'jfgL ug]{ jf dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug]{ sfo{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ æaf]]nkqÆ eGgfn] ;fj{{hlgs lgsfon] vl/bsf nflu k|sfzg u/]sf] ;"rgf
cg'?k ;f] lgsfon] tf]s]sf] 9fFrfdf af]nkqbftfn]] k]z u/]sf] d"No v'Ng]
sfuhft, k|:tfj jf b//]6 ;Demg' k5{ .
-h_ æaf]nkqbftfÆ eGgfn] vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng af]nkq k]z ug]]{ jf ug{
;Sg] s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL ;Demg' k5{ .
-em_ æaf]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftÆ eGgfn]] af]nkqbftfn] d"No jf k|:tfj jf b//]6
e/L jf tof/ u/L k]z ug{sf nflu af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{ ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon]] tof/ u/]sf]] lnvt ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn]
af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]{zg, :k]l;lkms]zg, gS;f, l8hfOg, sfo{If]qut
zt{x? -6d{; ckm /]km/]G;_, sfo{tflnsf, d"NofÍgsf cfwf/, kl/df0f ;"rL,
;Demf}tfsf zt{x? / o:t} cGo sfuhft ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg]5 .
-`_ ævl/b ;Demf}tfÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / cfk"lt{stf{ jf lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfosaLr bkmf %@ adf]lhd ePsf] vl/b
;DaGwL] ;Demf}tf ;Demg' k5{ .
-6_ æ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{noÆ eGgfn] bkmf ^$ adf]lhd :yflkt
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no ;Demg' k5{ .
-7_ æclwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod
adf]lhd vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{ :jLs[t ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/L ;Demg'
k5{ .
-8_ æhdfgtÆ eGgfn] s'g} sfd 6'ª\uf] gnfu];Dd ;'/If0f afkt /flvPsf]
;'/If0f hdfgt /sd -l/6]G;g dgL jf cg{]i6 dgL_ ;Demg' k5{ / ;f]
zAbn] af]nkq hdfgt jf sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn]
;'/If0f /fVg' kg]{df ;f] afkt /flvPsf] /sd ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg]5 .
-9_ æljz]if kl/l:yltÆ eGgfn] ;'Svf, cgfj[li6, cltj[li6, e"sDk, af9L, klx/f],
cfunflu h:tf k|fs[lts jf b}jL k|sf]k tyf dxfdf/L jf cfsl:Dfs jf

ck|Toflzt ljz]if sf/0faf6 ;[lht kl/l:ylt ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] o'4
jf cfGtl/s åGå h:tf kl/l:ylt ;d]t nfO{ hgfpg]5 .
-0f_ æ:yfgLo txÆ eGgfn] :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]g, @)%% adf]lhd ul7t
ufpFkflnsf, gu/kflnsf jf lhNnf;ef ;Demg' k5{ .
-t_ æ;+o'Qm pkqmd -HjfO06 e]~r/_Æ eGgfn] b'O{ jf b'O{eGbf a9L sDkgL Jff
kmd{x? ldnL ;+o'Qm jf 5'§f5'§} bfloTj ;lxt s'g} sfd ug]{ sfo{nfO{
hgfpg]5 .
-y_ æPh]06Æ eGgfn] s'g} :jb]zL jf ljb]zL JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] Ph]G;L
lng] JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgL ;Demg' k5{ .
-b_ æPs tx dflysf] clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] ;/sf/L lgsfo tk{m sfo{fno k|d'vsf]
xsdf If]qLo sfof{no ePsf]df ;f] sfo{fnosf] k|d'v / If]qLo sfof{no
gePsf]df ;DalGwt ljefusf] ljefuLo k|d'v, If]qLo k|d'vsf] xsdf
;DalGwt ljefusf] ljefuLo k|d'v, ljefuLo k|d'vsf] xsdf ;DalGwt
dGqfno, ;lrjfno jf cfof]usf] ;lrj, ;lrjsf] xsdf ;DalGwt
ljefuLo dGqL jf /fHodGqL / ;+j}wflgs cË jf lgsfosf] ;lrj jf
k|zf;sLo k|d'vsf] xsdf ;DalGwt ;+j}wflgs cË jf lgsfosf] k|d'v /
cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf vl/b ug]{ lgsfoeGbf Ps tx dflysf]
lgsfosf] k|d'v / To:tf] lgsfo gePsf] cj:yfdf To:tf] ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] ;~rfns ;ldlt jf o:t} cGo lgsfo ;Demg' k5{ .
-w_ æbft[ kIfÆ eGgfn] låkIfLo jf ax'kIfLo ;Demf}tfåf/f g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{
C0f jf cg'bfgsf] ?kdf j}b]lzs ;xfotf pknAw u/fpg] s'g} ljb]zL
d'n's jf cGt/f{li6«o jf ljb]zL ;+:yf ;Demg' k5{ .
-g_ æ/fzgÆ eGgfn] g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an jf g]kfn
;/sf/n] tf]lslbPsf ;/sf/L sd{rf/L, c:ktfnsf lj/fdL, sf/fuf/sf
y'g'jf / kz'k+IfL cflbsf] vfgfsf ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]lslbPsf]
lhG;L ;Demg' k5{ .
-k_ ætf]lsPsf]Æ jf ætf]lsP adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgoddf
tf]lsPsf] jf tf]lsP adf]lhd ;Demg' k5{ .
#= o; P]g adf]lhd vl/b ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ubf{ o; P]g adf]lhdsf]
sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .

-!s_ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd btf{ ePsf] ;+:yfsf] ;/sf/L sf]if k|of]u u/L vl/b
ubf{ ;f] xb;Dd o; P]g adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ / -!s_ sf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L ul/Psf] vl/b ab/ tyf cdfGo x'g]5 .

 s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt eO{ ldlt @)&$.@.* b]lv k|f/De ePsf] .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
vl/b sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L / vl/b ljlw ;DaGwL Joj:yf
$= dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ / ;]jfsf] ljj/0f tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfn;fdfg,
lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf vl/b ug{' cl3 To; ;DaGwL :k]l;lkms]zg, of]hgf, gSzf, l8hfOg,
ljz]if cfjZostf Jff cGo ljj/0fx? tof/ ug{' kg{]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f tof/ ubf{ To:tf dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf
;]jfsf] ;Da¢ j:t'ut k|fljlws tyf u'0f:t/hGo ljz]iftf / sfdsf] cfwf/df tof/ ug'{
kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd ljj/0f tof/ ubf{ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf]
ljz]iftfx? :ki6?kdf a'lemg] u/L pNn]v ug]{ csf]{ s'g} pkfo gePsf] cj:yfdf afx]s s'g}
vf; a|f08, 6]«8dfs{, gfd, k]6]06, l8hfOg, k|sf/, pTklQ jf pTkfbssf] gfd pNn]v ug{
;lsg]] 5}g .
t/ To;/L pNn]v gu/L gx'g] cj:yfdf s'g} vf; a|f08, 6]«8dfs{, gfd, k]6]06, l8hfOg,
k|sf/, pTklQ jf pTkfbssf] gfd pNn]v u/L æ;f] ;/xÆ eGg] zAbx? pNn]v ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-$_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo
;]jfsf] k|fljlws jf u'0f:t/hGo ljz]iftfx?sf] ljj/0f / k/LIf0f -6]l:6ª_, dfls{Ë, Kofs]lhË,
n]alnË jf k'i6Ls/0fsf] k|df0fkq -sgkm/ld6L ;l6{lkms]6_ ;DaGwL cfwf/ jf ;Í]t jf
zAbfjnL pNn]v ubf{ To:tf] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] sfd;Fu c;Da4 x'g]
of]Uo af]nkqbftfnfO{ vl/b k|lqmofdf ;xefuL x'g s'g} lsl;dn] afwf k'¥ofpg] jf cf}lrTo
ljgf k|lt:kwf{nfO{ ;Lldt ug]{ u/L ljj/0f, cfwf/, ;Í]t jf zAbfjnL pNn]v ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
%= nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} klg vl/bsf] nflu tf]lsP
adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug{' kg]{5 .
t/ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf afx]s Ps nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] vl/b ug{ nfut cg'dfg
ug{' kg]{ 5}g .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] nfut cg'dfg tf]lsP
adf]lhd cBfjlws u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
%s= :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bkmf $ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f / bkmf % adf]lhdsf]
nfut cg'dfg tf]lsP adf]lhd :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-@_ bkmf $ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f / bkmf % adf]lhdsf] nfut cg'dfg tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] ljz]if sf/0f k/L ;+zf]wg ug'{ k/]df afx]s Psk6s :jLs[t ePsf] l8hfOg jf
nfut cg'dfgdf ;+zf]wg ug'{ kbf{ To:tf] ;+zf]wg z'?sf] nfut cÍdf kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf
a9L km/s k/]df jf q'l6k"0f{ l8hfOg u/]sf] jf c:jfefljs nfut c'gdfg tof/ u/]sf]
sf/0fn] vl/b sfo{ k|efljt ePdf To:tf] l8hfOg jf nfut cg'dfg tof/, hfFr jf :jLs[t
ug]{ kbflwsf/L / ;f] sfo{df ;+nug k/fdz{bftf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxLsf] eflubf/
x'g]5 .
^= vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] tf]lsPsf] ;LdfeGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b ubf{
tf]lsP adf]lhd vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf -df:6/ k|f]So'/d]06 Knfg_ / jflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/
ug'{ kg]{5 .
^s= df}h'bf ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ k|To]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bkmf #) sf] pkbkmf -^_, bkmf
$! sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / bkmf $^ adf]lhd ul/g] vl/bsf] nflu vl/bsf] k|s[lt
cg';f/ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf, u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yf jf ;]jf k|bfossf] bkmf
!) sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df 5'§f5'§} ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ s'g} cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf, u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf jf ;]jf
k|bfosn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf ;dfj]z x'g rfx]df tf]lsPsf] sfuhft ;lxt
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] df}h'bf ;"rL cBfjlws ug]{ lhDd]jf/L ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] x'g]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL,
k/fdz{bftf, u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf jf ;]jfk|bfosn] ;"rL cBfjlws ug{ k|To]s jif{ ;DalGwt
lgsfodf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-%_ df}h'bf ;"rL ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
&= vl/b sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L M -!_ o; P]g adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{
ug{], u/fpg] lhDDf]jf/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vsf] x'g]5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{ ubf{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] of]Uotf ePsf] / vl/b sfo{ ;DaGwL 1fg ePsf] jf tflnd
k|fKt u/]sf] sd{rf/Laf6 u/fpg' kg{]5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf] sfd ug{sf] nflu vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{af]em / sfo{
k|s[ltsf] cfwf/df 5'§} dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfOsf] :yfkgf u/L vl/b clwsf/L tf]Sg' kg{]5 M–
-s_ vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug]{,
-v_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tof/ u/]sf] gd"gf af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhft -:6\of088{ ljl8Ë 8s'd]06_, gd"gf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft -
:6\of088{ lk|Sjflnlkms]zg 8s'd]06_, gd"gf vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL
sfuhft -:6\of088{ sG6«ØfS6 8s'd]06_ df  ;fdfGotof ;f/e"t?kdf
km/s gkg]{ u/L cfjZostf cg';f/ k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft, af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhft / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug]{,
-u_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tof/ u/]sf] gd"gf k|:tfj dfu
;DaGwL sfuhft -:6\of088{ /]Sj]:6 km/ k|kf]hn_ df  ;fdfGotof
;f/e"t?kdf km/s gkg]{ u/L cfjZostf cg';f/ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj
;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug]{,
-3_ vl/b ;DaGwL ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|sfzg ug]{,
-ª_ k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft ljt/0f ug{] jf
k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fpg],
-r_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj k|fKt ug]{ /
To;nfO{ ;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg],
-5_ kg{ cfPsf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj
d"NofÍgsf] nflu d"NofÍg ;ldltdf k]z ug]{ / d"NoflÍt af]nkq :jLs[ltsf]
nflu k]z ug]{,
-h_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] ;"rgf
-em_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt lng] / To;sf] k/LIf0f u/L ;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg],
-`_ vl/b u/]sf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f ug{]
-6_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] dfu u/]sf] hfgsf/L / sfuhft
pknAw u/fpg], /
-7_ tf]lsPsf] cGo sfo{ ug]{ .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhdsf] sfd ubf{ jf u/fpFbf vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf]
lhDd]jf/L tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ ug'{
kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf] k|d'vsf]

sfd, st{Jo tyf clwsf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

-^_ o; P]g adf]lhd ul/Psf] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] sfof{Gjog ug{ u/fpg lgoldt
?kdf ;'k/Lj]If0f, cg'udg tyf u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f u/L jf u/fO{ lgwf{l/t ;dodf sfo{ ;DkGg
x'g] ;'lglZrttf ug'{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
*= vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]] vl/b ubf{ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cj:yf /
vl/b d"Nosf] cfwf/df b]xfosf]] s'g} Ps ljlw ckgfO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .
-s_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{ M–
-!_ cGt/f{li6«o :t/df v'Nnf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L,
-@_ /fli6«o :t/df v'Nnf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L,
-#_ l;naGbL b/efpkq cfXjfg u/L,
-$_ ;f]e}m vl/b u/L,
-%_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ ;xefuL u/fO{,
-^_ cdfgtaf6 .
-&_ Psd'i6 / ljlwaf6,
:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkv08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æPsd'i6 b/ ljlwaf6Æ
eGgfn] k|To]s OsfO{sf] kl/df0f / nfut cg'dfgsf] s'n cÍ eGbf s]
slt 36L jf a9L k|ltztdf sfd ug]{ xf] ;f] saf]n u/L af]nkq k]z
ug]{ ljlw ;Demg' k5{ .
-*_ pTkfbs jf clws[t laqm]tfåf/f lgwf{l/t b/df -Sof6nu ;lkË_

vl/b ug]{ ljlwaf6,

:ki6Ls/0fM o; pkv08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æpTkfbs jf clws[t
laqm]tfåf/f lgwf{l/t b/df -Sof6nu ;lkË_ vl/b ug]{ ljlwaf6Æ
eGgfn] s'g} dfn;fdfg lgdf{0f ug]{ sDkgLn] pTkfbgsf] ljz]iftf,
u'0f:t/ ;'ljwfsf cfwf/df to u/]sf] laqmL d"No ;DalGwt cfwf/df

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
to u/]sf laqmL d"No ;DalGwt sDkgLsf] j]e;fO6 jf sfuhft
-a|f];/_ df ;fj{hlgs u/]kl5 ;dfg :t/sf] dfn;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{
sDkgLn] tf]s]sf] d"Nodf k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ljlw ;Demg' k5{ .
-(_ ;Lldt af]nkqbftfn] efu lng] -lnld6]8 6]08l/Ë_ vl/b lalwaf6,

:ki6Ls/0fM o; pkv08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æ;Lldt af]nkqbftfn]

efu lng] -lnld6]8 6]08l/Ë_ vl/b lalwaf6Æ eGgfn] s'g}
dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf vl/bdf ;Lldt pTkfbs,
cfk"lt{stf{ jf ;]jf k|bfos dfq ePdf To:tf] pTkfbs, cfk"lt{stf{
jf ;]jf k|bfosaLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ ul/g] vl/b ljlw ;Demg'
k5{ .
-!)_ gofF lng] k'/fgf] lbg] -afO{ Aofs d]y8_ vl/b ljlwaf6,
:ki6Ls/0fM o; pkv08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ægofF lng] k'/fgf] lbg]
-afO{ Aofs d]y8_ vl/b ljlwaf6Æ eGgfn] lglZrt ;do kl5
cf}lrToxLg x'g] jf hg:jf:Yo jf jftfj/0fsf] b[li6n] lnnfd ug{ jf
e08f/0f u/L /fVg gldNg] jf k|of]u ug{ gx'g] cj:yfsf dfn;fdfg
jf d]l;g/L cf}hf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd d"NofÍg u/L ;DalGwt pTkfbs
jf cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lkmtf{ lbO{ gofF lng] ljlw ;Demg' k5{ .
-v_ k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{ M–
-!_ k|lt:kwf{Tds k|:tfj dfu u/L,
-@_ ;f]e}m jftf{af6 .
-@_ of] P]g / o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ k|lt:kwf{ ;Lldt x'g]
u/L 6'qmf 6'qmf kf/L vl/b ug'{ x'Fb}g .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ sf] pkv08 -&_, -*_, -(_ / -!)_ adf]lhdsf vl/b
ljlw ;DaGwL Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
(= v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L vl/b ug'{ kg]{ M o; P]gdf cGoyf Joj:yf ul/Psf]df afx]s
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} vl/b ug'{ kbf{ ;Dej eP;Dd v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L ug'{
kg]{5 / of]Uo af]nkqbftfnfO{ To:tf] vl/b k|lqmofdf ;xefuL x'g ljgf e]befj ;dfg cj;/
k|bfg ug'{ kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
!)= af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotf M -!_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf k|fKt
ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf k"/f u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotfsf cfwf/ jf
vl/bsf] nflu k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] sf/afxL rnfOPsf]df k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotfsf cfwf/, /
-v_ k|:tfjbftfn] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotfsf cfwf/ .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
of]Uotfsf cfwf/ pNn]v ubf{ k]zfut / k|fljlws of]Uotf, pks/0fsf] pknAwtf, ljutsf]
sfo{ ;Dkfbg, laqmLkl5sf] ;]jfsf] Joj:yf, hu]8f kf6{k"hf{sf] pknAwtf, sfg"gL ;Ifdtf,
ljQLo ;|f]t / cj:yf, k]zfut s;"/ u/] afktsf] ;hfo / o:t} cGo cfwf/x? pNn]v ug{
;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd cfwf/ pNn]v ubf{ s'g} vf; ju{sf lgdf{0f Joj;foL,
cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfosn] dfq efu lng kfpg] jf s'g} vf; ju{sf lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfosn] efu lng gkfpg] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg]
5}g .
-$_ af]nkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj / k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj d'NofÍg ubf{ qmdzM
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft / k|:tfj dfu ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
plNnlvt cfwf/ adf]lhd dfq d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 / To:tf cfwf/x? s'g} e]befj ljgf ;a}
af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;dfg ?kn] nfu" x'g] 5g\ .
-%_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg of]Uotf cfjZos kg]{ egL
;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 lglZrt ul/Psf lgdf{0f sfo{df afx]s b'O{ s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Ddsf] nfut
cg'dfg eGbf sd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/bdf of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ul/g] 5}g .
-^_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k]z u/]sf] of]Uotf ;DaGwL ljj/0f tYout ?kdf e'm§f
jf ;f/e"t?kdf ck"/f] ePsf] kfOPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} klg ;dodf To:tf] af]nkqbftf
jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ cof]Uo 7x/fpg ;Sg]5 .
t/ ;fgfltgf q'l6 ePsf] cj:yfdf ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfaf6 ;f]
;DaGwL hfgsf/L dfu u/L ;Rofpg ;lsg]5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

af]nkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!!= af]nkqsf k|lqmof / r/0f M -!_ af]nkqåf/f vl/b ug'{ kbf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] k|lqmof ckgfO{
af]nkq cfXjfg ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f u/L v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{,
-v_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f gu/L v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{ .
-@_ v'Nnf ?kdf cfXjfg ul/g] af]nkq Ps jf b'O{ r/0fdf cfXjfg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ bkmf @* sf] pkbkmf -!_ df plNnlvt cj:yfdf af]nkq cfXjfg ug'{ kbf{ b'O{
r/0fdf cfXjfg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!@ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] ;do ;dodf 7"nf /
hl6n egL lgwf{/0f u/]sf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ jf cf}Bf]lus Knf06 h:tf pRr d"Nosf
dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{ jf of]Uo af]nkqbftfsf] klxrfg ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq
cfXjfg ug'{ cl3 k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ u/L k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] nflu
k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;fj{hlgs ?kdf cfXjfg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] plrt 7fg]df cGo vl/bsf] nflu ;d]t k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf] k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] nflu
cfjZos kg]{ of]Uotfsf cfwf/, k|:tfj tof/ ug]{ / k]z ug]{ tl/sf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj k]z ug{ cfjZos k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL
sfuhft dfu ug]{ ;a} JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL, ;+:yfnfO{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] sfuhft
tf]lsP adf]lhd lbg' kg]{5 .
-%_ of]Uo cfj]bssf] 5gf}6 pkbkmf -#_ df plNnlvt of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df ug'{ kg]{5 .
o;/L 5gf}6 ePsf cfj]bssf]] ;"rL ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|sfzg u/L ;a}
cfj]bsnfO{ k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf lbPsf] tL; lbgleq k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj c:jLs[t
ePsf] s'g} cfj]bsn] lghsf] k|:tfj c:jLs[t ePsf]] sf/0fsf] hfgsf/L dfu u/]df lghnfO{
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
-&_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf zt{ tyf ;f]sf] lgwf{/0f ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
!#= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq cfXjfg ug'{ cl3
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug{'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ vl/bsf] k|s[lt, vl/b ug{ nfUg] ;dofjlw tyf ;f]sf] k|fljlws
-v_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f gu/L af]nkq cfXjfg ePsf] eP af]nkqbftfsf] bkmf
!) adf]lhdsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/x?,
-u_ :ynut lg/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{ Joj:yf eP ;f] ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-3_ af]nkq k]z ug'{ cl3 s'g} a}7s ug'{ kg]{ eP To:tf] a}7s ;DaGwL
-ª_ af]nkq tof/ ug]{ / k]z ug]{ lgb]{zg, af]nkq k]z ug]{ :yfg, af]nkq k]z
ug]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do tyf af]nkq vf]Ng] ldlt, ;do / :yfg,
-r_ d"Nosf] ;+/rgf -sDkf]g]06 ckm k|fO;_, af]ncÍsf] nflu pNn]v ug{ ;lsg]
d'b|f jf d'b|fx?, af]nkq t'ngf ug{ k|of]u ul/g] d'b|f / ;Da4 ljlgdo
b/sf] cfwf/ / ;f]sf] ldlt,
-5_ af]nkq d"NofÍg / af]nkqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug]{ cfwf/ / tl/sf,
-h_ :jb]zL dfn;fdfg / :yfgLo lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbOg] eP ;f]
;DaGwL] Joj:yf,
-em_ dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 5'§f5'§} ;d"x / Kofs]h agfO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{
ePdf To:tf] ;d"x / Kofs]h / ;f]sf] d"NofÍg ug{] tl/sf,
-`_ k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgsf] ljsNksf] k|:tfj ;d]t dfu ul/Psf]] cj:yfdf
To:tf] ljsNk d"NofÍg ug]{ tl/sf,
-6_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] s'g} c+zsf] nflu dfq klg
af]nkq k]z ug{ kfO{g] eP To:tf] c+z jf c+zx?sf] ljj/0f,
-7_ af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw,
-8_ af]]nkq, sfo{;Dkfbg jf cGo cfjZos s'/fsf] nflu lbg' kg]{ hdfgtsf]
/sd, lsl;d, dfGo 9fFrf / dfGo cjlw -e]lnl86L lkl/o8_,
-9_ af]]nkq hdfgt dfu ePsf]df ;f] hdfgtsf] cjlw af]nkq dfGo x'g]
cjlweGbf tL; lbg a9L cjlwsf] x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f,

-9!_ af]nkqbftfsf] nfut cg'dfgeGbf kGw| k|ltzt;Dd sd cÍ sa'n u/]df
sa'n cÍsf] kfFr k|ltzt / nfut cg'dfgsf] kGw| k|ltzteGbf a9L 36]/
sa'n u/]sf] cj:yfdf kGw| k|ltzt eGbf hlt /sdn] 3G6L sa'n u/]sf] 5
;f]sf] krf; k|ltztn] x'g cfpg] /sd sa'n cÍsf] kfFr k|ltztdf yk
u/L sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt /fVg' kg]{ s'/f,
-9@_ af]nkqbftfn] s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf af]nkq lbFbf jf ;Demf}tf ubf{ k]z
u/]sf] cfly{s / k|fljlws ljj/0f,
-9#_ af]nkqbftfn] s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu ;Demf}tf u/L s'g} sfo{ k|f/De
u/]sf] eP To:tf] lgsfo, sfdsf] ljj/0f, ;Demf}tfsf] /sd / sfo{ k|ultsf]
-9$_ v08 -9#_ adf]lhd sfo{ k|f/De u/]sf] cj:yfdf bkmf & sf] pkbkmf -#_
sf] v08 -v_ df plNnlvt sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd s'g} ;fj{hlgs
lgsfodf k|of]udf /x]sf] af]nkqbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf To:tf] lgsfonfO{
cfjZos kg]{ xb;Dd To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf yk sfo{sf]
nflu u0fgf gx'g] s'/f,
-0f_ bkmf %@ adf]lhdsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x? / ;f] ;Demf}tf nfu" x'g]
-t_ :jfy{ aflemg] -sGˆnLS6 ckm O{G6«]i6_ ePdf af]nkq pk/ sf/afxL gx'g] jf
hfn;fhL jf e|i6frf/ u/]df x'g] sfg"gL sf/afxL ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-y_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL sf/afxL ubf{ u/]sf] q'l6 jf lg0f{o
lj?4 k'g/fjnf]sgsf nflu af]nkqbftfn] lgj]bg lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf,
-b_ k|fljlws IfdtfnfO{ k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft tyf cfly{s k|:tfj -af]n cÍ_
Pp6} vfddf k]z ug'{ kg]{ Joxf]/f, /
-w_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] k"j{ of]Uotf jf af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ egL lgwf{/0f u/]sf ljifox? .
-#_ af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf adf]lhd af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft dfu ug]{ JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ / vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng k"j{ of]Uotf cfjZos kg]{ ePdf k"j{
of]Uotf xfl;n u/L To:tf] sfuhft dfu ug]{ JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ lnO{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
!$= af]nkq cfXjfg M -!_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf /fli6«o
:t/sf] b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 / cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkqsf] xsdf
cGt/f{li6«o ;~rf/ dfWoddf ;d]t k|sfzg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf ;f] lgsfo
jf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] j]e ;fO{6df /fVg' kg]{5 / lhNnf :t/Lo ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] xsdf To:tf] ;"rgf ;f] lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] j]e
;fO{6df /fVg ;lsg]5 .
-#_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? v'nfpg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ vl/b sfo{sf] k|s[lt / ;do ;Ldf, dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg]{, ;]jf k|bfg
ug'{ kg]{ jf lgdf{0f sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ :yfg,
-u_ af]nkq hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ eP ;f]sf] /sd / dfGo cjlw,
-3_ af]nkq hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ eP af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw,
-ª_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft kfO{g] :yfg,
k|fKt ug]{ tl/sf / ;f] afkt nfUg] b:t'/,
-r_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug]{ jf k7fpg] :yfg, tl/sf,
clGtd ldlt / ;do,
-5_ af]]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj vf]Ng] ldlt, ;do, :yfg / af]nkq
vf]Ng] ;dodf af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglwnfO{ cfdGq0f
ug]{ s'/f, /
-h_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/fx? .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf
lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf sDtLdf tL; lbg / cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq
jf k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf sDtLdf k}+tfnL; lbgsf] cjlw
lbg' kg]{5 .
-$s_ bkmf @^ sf] pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhdsf] cj:yfdf afx]s pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd
af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug{ lbOPsf] cjlwleq s'g} af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL k|:tfj gk/]df jf k/] klg ;f/e"t ?kdf k|efju|fxL geO{ k'gMaf]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL k|:tfj cfx\jfg ug'{ k/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZostf cg';f/ /fli6«o:t/sf]

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfjsf] xsdf sDtLdf kGw| lbg / cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf]
af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfjsf] xsdf sDtLdf PssfO; lbgsf] ;dofjlw lbO{ k'gM
af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uoutf lgwf{/0f k|:tfj cfx\jfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$v_ pkbkmf -$s_ adf]lhd lbOpsf] cjlwleq klg s'g} af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL k|:tfj gk/]df jf k/] klg ;f/e"t ?kdf k|efjzfnL gePdf / tTsfn vl/b gu/]
;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g] jf ;f] lgsfosf] s'g} sfd /f]lsg] ePdf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] To;sf] cf}lrTo v'nfO{ /fli6«o:t/sf] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfjsf] xsdf
Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ ;ft lbg;Ddsf] cjlw lbO{ k'gM af]nkq cfx\jfg
u/L jf bkmf * adf]lhd s'g} vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 u/L ;f]xL k|s[of cg'?k vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -#_ sf] v08 -ª_ adf]lhd af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhft kfO{g] :yfg v'nfpFbf b'O{ jf b'O{eGbf a9L ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf To:tf]
sfuhft kfO{g] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -#_ sf] v08 -r_ adf]lhd af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug]{
jf k7fpg] :yfg v'nfpFbf Pp6} ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf dfq k]z ug]{ jf k7fpg] Joj:yf ug'{
kg]{5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhd af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug{ jf k7fpgsf]
nflu s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfo, af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] ;'/Iff dfu u/]df ;DalGwt lhNnf
k|zf;g sfof{non] clgjfo{?kdf ;'/Iffsf] Joj:yf t'?Gt ldnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-*_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq dfk{mt ug]{ vl/bdf g]kfnL pBdL
tyf Joj;foLnfO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd 3/]n' k|fyldstf -8f]d]l:6s k|]km/]G;_ lbg ;Sg]5 / o;/L
3/]n' k|fyldstf lbg] ePdf ;f] s'/f af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf / af]]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
t/ /fli6«o:t/sf] af]nkqsf] dfWodaf6 x'g] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/bdf tf]lsPsf] nfut
cg'dfg;Dd :jb]zL af]nkqbftf aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-(_ ljb]zL af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ g]kfn /fHodf cfˆgf] s'g} Ph]06 lgo'Qm u/]
jf gu/]sf] s'/f v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-!)_ pkbkmf -(_ adf]lhd Ph]06 lgo'Qm u/]sf] eP af]nkq k]z ubf{ Ph]06sf]
;DaGwdf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f ;d]t pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
-!!_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;fj{hlgs lgdf{0f sfo{
vl/bsf] xsdf ljb]zL af]nkqbftfn] :jb]zL lgdf{0f Joj;foL;Fu ;+o'Qm pkqmd u/]df To:tf]
ljb]zL af]nkqbftfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg ;lsg]5 .
!%= cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq M -!_ o; P]g adf]lhd af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ b]xfosf cj:yfdf
cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfg ug{' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] dfu cg'?ksf] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{
k|lt:kwf{Tds d"Nodf g]kfn /fHoleqsf PseGbf a9L lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf
cfk"lt{stf{af6 k|fKt gx'g] ePdf,
-v_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jf vl/bsf nflu /fli6«o:t/df af]nkq
cfXjfg ubf{ s'g} af]nkq gk/L lab]zaf6 k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ ePdf,
-u_ bft[kIf;Fu ePsf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd j}b]lzs ;xfotf ;|f]taf6 ljb]zL
dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf,
-3_ ljz]if tyf hl6n lsl;dsf] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ ePsf]n]
cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkqaf6 vl/b ug'{ kg]{ egL ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
k|dfl0ft u/]sf]df .
-@_ o; bkmf adf]lhdsf] cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf c+u|]hL efiffdf
k|sfzg ug'{ kg{]5 / af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL ;a} sfuhft c+u|]hL efiffdf pknAw
u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf bkmf !$ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] j]e ;fO{6df
/fVg' kg]{5 .
!^= af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ePsf] låljwf af/]sf] hfgsf/L M -!_ af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt s'g} s'/fdf låljwf eO{ ;f]
;DaGWfdf :ki6 ug{ To:tf sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] ;dofjlwleq s'g} af]nkqbftfn] cg'/f]w
u/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq k]z ug]{ jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd Dofb
;dfKt x'g' cufj} To:tf] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] hfgsf/L / af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf s'g} x]/km]/ u/]sf] eP To:tf] x]/km]/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L
vl/b sf/afxLdf ;xefuL ePsf ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ lghn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ jf k"j{
of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj tof/ ubf{ To:tf] x]/km]/ pk/ ;d]t ljrf/ ug{ ;do kfpg] u/L lbg' kg]{5 .

-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{sf] nflu af]nkqbftfnfO{ yk ;do lbg cfjZos
ePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd cjlw
a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
!&= af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd cjlw M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq
jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug{] clGtd ldlt / ;do lgwf{/0f ubf{ bkmf !$ sf]

pkbkmf -$_, -$s_ jf -$v_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwdf g36\g] u/L / To:tf] af]nkq jf k|:tfj
tof/ ug{ jf k]z ug{ af]nkqbftfn] kof{Kt ;do kfpg] u/L lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
!*= af]nkq k]z ug]{ tl/sf M -!_ af]nkq lgwf{l/t 9fFrfdf, af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] clws[t
k|ltlglwn] /Ltk"j{s ;xL5fk tyf l;naGbL u/L af]nkqbftf cfk}mn] jf cfˆgf] k|ltlglw dfk{mt
jf x'nfs jf s'l/o/ dfk{mt af]nkq k]z ug'{ kg]{ :yfgdf af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt /
;doleq} k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw gf3L k|fKt ePsf af]nkqx? pk/ s'g} sf/afxL x'g]
5}g / To:tf af]nkqx? Gfvf]nL ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ul/g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ / -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljB'tLo ;~rf/sf]
dfWod k|of]u u/L ul/g] vl/bsf] nflu af]nkq k]z ug]{ tl/sf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{noaf6 :jLs[t ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnL adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!(= af]nkq lkmtf{ tyf ;+zf]wg M  -!_ ljB'tLo ;~rf/sf] dfWodaf6 af]nkq k]z ul/g] afx]s
s'g} af]nkqbftfn] cfkm"n] k]z u/]sf] lkmtf{ lng jf ;+zf]wg ug{ rfx]df af]nkq k]z ug{
tf]lsPsf] clGtd ;do ;dfKt x'g'eGbf rf}aL;306f cufj} l;naGbL lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ af]nkq lkmtf{ lng] jf ;+zf]wg ug]{ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@)= af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw M -!_ af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf]] cjlwsf] u0fgf af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldltaf6 k|f/De
x'g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq
vf]n]kl5 af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg' kg]{ ePdf ;f]sf] sf/0f v'nfO{ cfjZostfg';f/
af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpFbf ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfsf]
d~h'/L lng' kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg d~h'/ ug]{ af]nkqbftfn]
af]nkq hdfgtsf] cjlw af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fP hlQs} cjlw a9fpg'' kg]{5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd d~h'/L glbg] af]nkqbftfsf] hdfgt lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
@!= af]nkq hdfgt M -!_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq;fy tf]lsP adf]lhd hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k]z u/]sf]] hdfgt b]xfosf] cj:yfdf hkmt x'g]5 M–

-s_ bkmf !( sf] pkbkmf -!_ df plNnlvt cjlw kl5 af]nkqbftfn] af]]nkq
;+zf]wg ug{ jf lkmtf{ ug{ dfu u/]df,
-v_ af]nkqdf b]lvPsf] cÍul0ftLo q'l6 ;RofOPsf] s'/f af]nkqbftfn] :jLsf/
-u_ 5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt zt{
adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf gu/]df,
-3_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt af]nkqbftfn]
vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ Dofbleq lbg g;s]df,
-ª_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq k/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -
$_ adf]lhd dfu u/]sf] s'g} hfgsf/L lbFbf af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqsf] d"No
jf ;f/e"t s'/f kl/jt{g u/]df,
-r_ bkmf ^@ adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f ljk/Lt sfd u/]df .
-#_ bkmf %@ adf]lhdsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DkGg ePkl5 To:tf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{
af]nkqbftf tyf pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd hdfgt hkmt ug'{ gkg]{ af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq
hdfgt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lkmtf{ ug'{' kg]{5 .
@@= af]nkq vf]Ng] M af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do ;dfKt ePsf] nuQ} ;f]xL lbg af]]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt ;do / :yfgdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] tf]lsP adf]lhd af]nkq
vf]Ng' kg]{5 .
@#= af]nkq k/LIf0f M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bkmf @@ adf]lhd vf]n]sf] af]nkq d"NofÍg ;ldltdf
k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] af]nkq d"NofÍg ug'{ cl3 ;f] ;ldltn] b]xfosf
s'/fx? lgSof}{n ug{ af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f ug'{kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkqbftf af]nkq k]z ug{ sfg"g adf]lhd of]Uo ePsf]] k'i6\ofO{ ug]{
sfuhftx? k]z eP jf gePsf],

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-v_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]{zg cg'?k
af]nkq k"0f{ eP jf gePsf]] / af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] clwsf/ k|fKt
k|ltlglwsf] ;xL5fk eP jf gePsf],
-u_ af]nkq ;fy hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{ eP af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v
eP adf]lhdsf] lsl;d, cjlw / /sdsf] hdfgt ;+nUg eP jf gePsf],
-3_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg / ;f]xL
sfuhftdf ;+nUg vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{ cg'?k af]nkq ;f/e"t?kdf
k|efju|fxL eP jf gePsf] .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fx?
k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkqbftfsf] clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglw jf :yfgLo Ph]06nfO{ lbPsf]
clVtof/gfdfsf]] sfuhft k]z eP jf gePsf],
-v_ ;+o'Qm pkqmd ;DaGwL ;Demf}tf cfjZos eP ;f] k]z eP jf gePsf],
-u_ af]nkqbftfsf] / lghn] pNn]v u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] u|fXotf -O{lnlhljlnl6_
k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft k]z eP jf gePsf],
-3_ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf ;DaGwL cfjZos sfuhft k]z eP jf gePsf],
-ª_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft adf]lhd b/ ljZn]if0f k]z ug'{ kg]{ eP To:tf] b/
ljZn]if0f k]z eP jf gePsf],
-r_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/f .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; bkmf adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f ug]{ l;nl;nfdf
af]nkqbftf;Fu cfjZos hfgsf/L dfUf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd dfu u/]sf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt
af]nkqbftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 / To;/L hfgsf/L lbFbf af]nkqsf] d"No jf
cGo ;f/e"t s'/f kl/jt{g jf x]/km]/ ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-^_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f eO{ cfXjfg ePsf] af]nkq k/LIf0f ubf{ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf
k"j{ of]Uotf cg'?ksf] 5 jf 5}g ;f] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhd of]Uotf k/LIf0f ubf{ k"j{ of]Uotf cg'?ksf] of]Uotf
;f/e"t?kdf 36L ePsf] kfOPdf To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq /2 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-*_ o; bkmf adf]lhd af]nkq k/LIf0f ubf{ af]nkqdf s'g} cÍul0ftLo q'l6 kfOPdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] q'l6 ;Rofpg ;Sg]5 / To;/L q'l6 ;RofpFbf PsfO b/ / s'n
/sddf leGgtf ePdf PsfO b/ dfGo x'g]5 / ;f]xL b/ adf]lhd s'n /sd ;Rofpg' kg]{5 .
-(_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqdf pNn]v u/]sf] /sd cÍ / cIf/df km/s k/]df cIf/df
n]lvPsf] /sd dfGo x'g]5 .
-!)_ pkbkmf -*_ jf -(_ adf]lhd q'l6 ;RofOPsf]df To;/L q'l6 ;RofOPsf] hfgsf/L
;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
@$= af]nkq pk/ sf/afxL gx'g] M b]xfosf] /Lt gk'u]sf] af]nkq pk/ sf/afxL ul/g] 5}g M–
-s_ l;naGbL eO{ gcfPsf],
-v_ Dofbleq k]z x'g gcfPsf],
-u_ bkmf !( adf]lhd lkmtf{ lnPsf] af]nkq,
-3_ bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd gePsf],
-ª_ bkmf @^ pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhd cfk;df ldn]dtf] u/L bflvnf ePsf
-r_ bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -&_ adf]lhd /2 ePsf] af]nkq .
@%= af]nkq d"NofÍg M -!_ bkmf @$ adf]lhd sf/afxL gx'g] egL 5'6\ofOPsf af]nkq afx]s
bflvnf ePsf cGo af]nkq d"NofÍgsf] nflu ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ af]nkq c:jLsf/ ug{' gkg]{ u/L k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, ljj/0f, ljz]iftf cflb
h:tf s'/fx?df ;fgfltgf km/s kfOPdf ;Dej eP;Dd ;f]sf] d"No lgsfnL To:tf] d"No
;d]t pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq d"NofÍg ubf{ ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;fgfltgf km/ssf] d"No af]nkqbftfsf] af]n cÍsf] kGw|
k|ltzteGbf a9L ePdf To:tf] af]nkq ;f/e"t?kdf ck|efju|fxL ePsf] dflgg]5 / To:tf]
af]nkqnfO{ d"NofÍgdf ;dfj]z ul/g] 5}g .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; bkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æ;fgfltgf km/sÆ eGgfn] af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf plNnlvt k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, ljj/0f cflb h:tf s'/f;Fu tflTjs ?kdf leGg
gx'g] km/s ;Demg' k5{ .
-$_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f u/L af]nkq cfXjfg ul/Psf] cj:yfdf k"j{ of]Uo ePsf
af]nkqbftf afx]s cGo af]nkqbftfaf6 k|fKt af]nkqnfO{ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd x'g] d"NofÍgdf
;dfj]z ul/g] 5}g .
-%_ af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf
cg';f/ ug'{ kg]{5 / To;/L d"NofÍg ubf{ k|To]s af]nkqsf] d"NoflÍt /sd csf]{ af]nkqsf]
d"NoflÍt /sd;Fu t'ngf u/L Go"gtd af]n cÍ sa'n ug]{ af]nkq lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .

-^_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd Go"gtd af]n cÍ sa'n ug]{ af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotf d"NofÍgsf cfwf/ cg'?k eP gePsf] hfFr
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd Go"gtd af]n cÍ sa'n ug]{ af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf
pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd hfFr ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotf d"NofÍgsf
cfwf/ cg'?k ePsf] kfOPdf To:tf] af]nkq Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq
dflgg]5 . o;/L hfFr ubf{ To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
plNnlvt d"NofÍgsf cfwf/ cg'?k ePsf] gkfOPdf lghsf] af]nkq d"NofÍgaf6 x6fO qmdzM
csf]{ Go"gtd af]n cÍ sa'n ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] hfFr ;f]xL cfwf/df ug'{ kg]{5 .
-*_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhd Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL
af]nkqsf] d"NofÍgsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf ;d]t v'Ng] u/L d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L ;fj{hlgs
lgsfo ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
@^= af]nkq c:jLs[t ug]{ jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf] cj:yfdf
;Dk"0f{ af]nkq c:jLs[t ug{ jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ s'g} klg af]nkq bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhd
;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL gePdf,
-s!_ bkmf @& sf] pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhdsf] k|lqmof ckgfpFbf klg af]nkqbftf;Fu
;Demf}tf x'g g;s]df,
-v_ Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqsf] af]n cÍ nfut
cg'dfgeGbf ;f/e"t?kdf a9L ePdf, jf
-u_ dfu ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf cfjZos
gePdf .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s]xL af]nkqx? jf Pp6f dfq
af]nkq ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL ePsf]] sf/0fn] dfq af]nkq c:jLs[t ug{ jf k'gM af]nkq
cfXjfg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq c:jLs[t ePsf] jf vl/b sf/afxL
/2 ePsf] sf/0f ;lxtsf] ;"rgf ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd ;"rgf lbPsf] tL; lbgleq s'g} af]nkqbftfn] ;a} af]nkq
c:jLs[t ePsf]] jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ePsf]] cfwf/sf] hfgsf/L dfu u/]df lghnfO{
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
-%_ af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ s'g} af]nkq gk/L jf pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;Dk"0f{ af]nkq
c:jLs[t jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 eO{ k'gM af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ To;/L af]nkq c:jLs[t jf
vl/b sf/afxL /2 x'gfsf] sf/0fsf] ;dLIff u/L cfjZostfg';f/ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft,
k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, nfut cg'dfg tyf vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x?df x]/km]/ ;d]t ug'{
kg]{5 .
-^_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} af]nkqbftfn] cfk;df
ldn]dtf] u/L af]nkq bflvnf u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf To:tf af]nkqx? /2 x'g]5g\ .
@&= af]nkqsf] :jLs[lt / vl/b ;Demf}tf M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bkmf @% adf]lhd Go"gtd
d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq dfq :jLs[ltsf] nflu 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq 5gf}6 ePsf] ;ft lbgleq ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lghsf] af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ cfzosf] ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 . To;/L
5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf / /sdsf] hfgsf/L cGo af]nkqbftfnfO{
;d]t lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf lbPsf] ;ft lbgsf] cjlwleq s'g} af]nkqbftfn]
bkmf $& adf]lhd lgj]bg gu/]df pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq
:jLs[t u/L lghnfO{ kGw| lbgleq vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{sf] nflu sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt bflvnf
ug{ ;"rgf lbg'' kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ sf] cjlwleq ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfn] sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt bflvnf
u/L bkmf %@ adf]lhdsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{' kg{]5 . o;/L hdfgt bflvnf ubf{
af]nkqbftfn] nfut cg'dfg eGbf kGw| k|ltzt;Dd sd cÍ sa'n u/]df sa'n cÍsf] kfFr
k|ltzt / nfut cg'dfgsf] kGw| k|ltzteGbf a9L 36]/ sa'n u/]sf] cj:yfdf kGw| k|ltzt
eGbf hlt /sdn] 36L sa'n u/]sf] 5 ;f]sf] krf; k|ltztn] x'g cfpg] /sd sa'n cÍsf]
kfFr k|ltztdf yk u/L sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt afkt bflvnf ug'{ kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-%_ pkbkmf -#_ sf] cjlwleq sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt bflvnf u/L af]nkqbftf ;Demf}tf
ug{ gcfPdf lghsf] af]nkqsf] hdfgt /sd hkmt u/L ;f]eGbf nuQ} kl5sf] csf]{ Go"gtd
d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq :jLs[t u/L vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{'
kg{]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkqbftf klg sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt bflvnf u/L vl/b
;Demf}tf ug{ gcfPdf To;kl5sf] Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqbftfsf]
af]nkq qmdzM :jLs[t u/L lghnfO{ o; bkmf adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ ;"rgf lbg' kg{]5 .
-^s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq :jLs[lt / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL sfd
;fdfGotof bkmf @) adf]lhdsf] af]nkqsf] dfGo cjlwleq ;DkGg u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf lbPsf] tL; lbgleq af]nkq c:jLs[t ePsf] s'g}
af]nkqbftfn] lghsf] af]nkq c:jLs[t ePsf]] sf/0fsf] hfgsf/L dfu u/]df lghnfO{
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
@*= b'O{ r/0fsf] af]nkq M -!_ b]xfosf] cj:yfdf b'O{ r/0fdf af]nkq cfXjfg ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] k|fljlws kIf jf vl/b
;Demf}tfsf zt{x? af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{sf avt k"0f{ ?kdf olsg ug{
;Dej gePdf, jf
-v_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] k|s[lt hl6n eO{
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]sf ljleGg k|fljlws kIf jf vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL
;d:of s] s;/L ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] ljifodf / To:tf k|fljlws kIf
/ ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ tyf To;af6 x'g] kmfO{bfsf ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftf;Fu
5nkmn ug{' k/]df .
-@_ o; bkmf adf]lhd k|yd r/0fsf] af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
vl/bsf] p2]Zo, ck]lIft sfo{ ;Dkfbg, df]6fdf]6L :k]l;lkms]zg, cGo df]6fdf]6L ljz]iftf,
af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 / af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqdf d"No vf]Ng' gkg]{, k|fljlws
k|:tfj / k|:tfljt vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{sf ;DaGwdf l6Kk0fL dfq k]z ug'{ kg]{ s'/f pNn]v
ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd u/]sf] af]nkq cfXjfg adf]lhd k|fKt
af]nkqsf ;DaGwdf s'g} jf ;a} af]nkqbftf;Fu 5nkmn ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] af]nkqsf ;DaGwdf pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd ePsf]
5nkmn ;d]tnfO{ ljrf/ u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfo adf]lhd ug{ ;Sg]5 M–

-s_ vl/b ;DaGwdf k"/f ug'{ kg{] cfwf/e"t zt{x? -a]l;s l/Sjfo/d]06_ k"/f
ug{ jf Go"gtd sfo{;Dkfbg ug{ jf lgwf{l/t cjlwleq sfo{{ ;DkGg ug{
g;Sg] jf To:tf zt{x? k"/f ug{ jf sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ jf lgwf{l/t
cjlwleq} sfo{ ;DkGg ug{sf] nflu ;+zf]wg ug{ g;Sg] jf cGo s'g}
sdhf]/L eO{ k|efju|fxL gePsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL k|:tfj /2 ug]{,
-v_ k|lt:kwf{ clej[l4 ug{ k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, d"NofÍgsf] cfwf/ / vl/b
;Demf}tfsf] zt{df x]/km]/ jf ;'wf/ ug]{,
-u_ af]nkqbftfaf6 k]z ePsf ljleGg ljsNkx?sf] pko'Qmtf lgwf{/0f ug{
d"NofÍg k4lt lgwf{/0f ug]{ .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;dfKt ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bf]>f] r/0fdf
af]nkq cfXjfg ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ ;f]xL pkbkmf adf]lhd af]nkq /2
gePsf af]nkqbftfnfO{ kl/dflh{t af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft cg'?k d"No ;lxtsf] af]nkq
k]z ug{ cfXjfg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ o; bkmfdf n]lvP afx]s pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd ul/g] bf];|f] r/0fsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL
sf/afxL o;} kl/R5]bdf plNnlvt Joj:yf cg'?k ug'{ kg]{5 .

k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
@(= k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf] cj:yfdf s'g} JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLaf6 k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf pknAw hgzlQmaf6 s'g} sfd x'g g;Sg]
ePdf, jf
-v_ bft[kIf;Fusf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd j}b]lzs ;xfotf ;|f]taf6 Joxf]l/g] u/L
k/fdz{bftfaf6 ;]jf k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ ePdf .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{ o; P]g adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw
k"/f u/L vl/b ug'{' kg]{5 .
#)= v'Nnf?kdf cfzokq dfu u/L ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ tf]lsPsf] /sdeGbf a9L
/sdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg OR5's
JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLaf6 ;f] ;DaGwL cfzokq ;+sng ug{ sDtLdf kGw| lbgsf]

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
cjlw lbO{ /fli6«o :t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf s'/fx? v'nfO{ ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{
kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] ;DalGwt dGqfnosf] jf
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] j]e ;fO{6df /fVg ;lsg]5 .
-#_ b]xfosf cj:yfdf cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] cfzokq dfu ug{' kg]{5 M–
-s_ tf]lsPsf] /sdeGbf a9L /sdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-v_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] dfu cg'?ksf] k/fdz{ ;]jf k|lt:kwf{Tds d"Nodf
g]kfn /fHoleqsf PseGbf a9L k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|fKt x'g g;Sg] ePdf,
-u_ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf nflu /fli6«o:t/df k|:tfj dfu ubf{ s'g} k|:tfj gk/L
ljb]zL k/fdz{bftfaf6 ;]jf lng' kg]{ ePdf, jf
-3_ bft[kIf;Fusf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd j}b]lzs ;xfotf ;|f]taf6 Joxf]l/g] u/L
cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] cfzokq dfu u/L k/fdz{bftfaf6 ;]jf k|fKt ug'{ kg]{
ePdf .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhdsf] cfzokq dfu ubf{ c+u|]hL efiffdf ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{
kg{]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -#_ adf]lhd kg{ cfPsf cfzokq bftfsf]] of]Uotf, cg'ej / Ifdtf
;d]t d"NofÍg u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg ;Sg] ;fwf/0ftof tLgb]lv 5
cfzokqbftfsf] tf]lsP adf]lhd 5gf}6 u/L ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ tf]lsPsf] /sdeGbf sd /sdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] k|lqmof k"/f u/L To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg ;Sg] JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLsf] ;"rL tof/ ug{ ;Sg]5 / ;f]xL ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ePsf JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLx?dWo]af6 tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] k|lqmof k"/f u/L bkmf #! adf]lhd k|:tfj dfu ug'{
kg]{5 .
#!= k|:tfj dfu ug]{ M -!_ bkmf #) adf]lhd ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]
;+lIfKt ;"rLdf k/]sf cfzokqbftfx?nfO{ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft tf]lsP adf]lhd k7fO{
sDtLdf tL; lbgsf] ;do lbO{ lghx?af6 k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{
kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ;]jfsf] k|s[lt, ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ cjlw, :yfg, ;]jfsf]
sfo{If]qut zt{x?, ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ sfo{ / ck]lIft kl/0ffd,
-u_ k|:tfj tof/ ug{ k|:tfjbftfx?nfO{ lgb]{zg,
-3_ k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfj cnu cnu vfddf /fvL l;naGbL u/L k|To]s
vfdsf] afxL/ s'g k|sf/sf] k|:tfj xf] ;f] :ki6?kn] pNn]v u/L b'j}
k|:tfjnfO{ csf]{ 5'§} vfd aGbL u/L dfu ul/Psf] ;]jfsf] ljifo pNn]v ug'{
kg]{ s'/f,
-ª_ k|fljlws tyf cfly{s d"NofÍg ef/,
-r_ k|:tfj d"NofÍg / t'ngf ug]{ cfwf/ / cÍ ef/,
-5_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x?,
-h_ k|:tfj k]z ug'{ kg]{] :yfg, ldlt / ;do,
-em_ k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug]{ ljlw,
-`_ :jfy{ aflemg] ePdf k|:tfj pk/ sf/afxL gx'g] s'/f / e|i6frf/ jf
hfn;fhL u/]df x'g] sfg"gL sf/afxL ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-6_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sf/afxL ubf{ u/]sf] q'l6 jf lg0f{o
lj?4 k'g/fjnf]sgsf nflu k|:tfjbftfn] lgj]bg lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf, /
-7_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/f .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -r_
adf]lhd k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{ cfwf/x? pNn]v ubf{ k|fljlws k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{ b]xfo
adf]lhdsf s'g} jf ;a} cfwf/ cfjZostf cg';f/ v'nfpg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ k/fdz{bftfn] ug'{ kg]{ sfd ;DaGwL k/fdz{bftfsf]] cg'ej,
-v_ k/fdz{bftfn] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ k|:tfljt tl/sf -d]yf]8f]nf]hL_ sf] u'0f:t/,
-u_ k|:tfljt d'Vo hgzlQmsf] of]Uotf,
-3_ 1fg tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/0fsf] Joj:yf,
-ª_ cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf]] k|:tfjsf] xsdf sfd ;Dkfbg ug{ k|:tfljt d'Vo
g]kfnL hgzlQmsf] ljj/0f .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -em_
adf]lhd k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug]{ ljlw pNn]v ubf{ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 b]xfo adf]lhdsf ljlwx?dWo]
s'g ljlwsf] cfwf/df x'g] xf] ;f] Joxf]/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw,
-v_ u'0f:t/ ljlw,
-u_ lglZrt ah]6 ljlw, jf
-3_ Go"g nfut ljlw .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg vl/b ug'{ kg]{ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf]
k|s[lt c;fdfGo ?kn] hl6n ePsf] jf To:tf] ;]jfn] /fli6«o cy{tGq jf efjL kl/of]hgfdf
pNn]vgLo k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] cj:yfdf k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 k"0f{tM u'0f:t/ ljlwsf]] cfwf/df tf]lsP
adf]lhd ug{ ;lsg]5 .
#@= k|:tfj vf]Ng] M -!_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug]{ clGtd Dofb ;dfKt ePkl5 k|:tfjbftfaf6 k|fKt
k|:tfjsf] aflx/L vfd vf]nL k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfjsf l;naGbL vfd 5'6\ofpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd 5'6\ofOPsf vfdx?dWo] klxn] k|fljlws k|:tfj vf]Ng' kg]{5 /
cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd gvf]nL ;'/lIft;fy 5'§} /fVg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd 5'6\ofOPsf] cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd bkmf ## adf]lhd k|fljlws
k|:tfj d"NofÍg u/]kl5 dfq vf]Ng' kg]{5 .
-$_ k|fljlws k|:tfj vf]Ng] ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
##= k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg M k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v
ePsf] d"NofÍgsf] cfwf/ adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 .
#$= cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng] M k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍgaf6 of]Uo ePsf k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq cfly{s
k|:tfj tf]lsP adf]lhd vf]Ng' kg]{5 .
#%= cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg M -!_ bkmf #$ adf]lhd vf]lnPsf] cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg b]xfo
adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw ckgfOPsf]df k|fljlws k|:tfj
/ cfly{s k|:tfjsf] ;+o'Qm d"NofÍg u/L ;a}eGbf a9L cÍ k|fKt ug]{
k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj tf]lsP adf]lhd 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-v_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ ljlw ckgfOPsf]df k|fljlws k|:tfjdf
pRrtd cÍ k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-u_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ lglZrt ah]6 ljlw ckgfOPsf]df To:tf] ah]6sf]
;LdfeGbf a9L nfut ePsf]] k|:tfj /2 ul/g]5 / To:tf] ah]6sf] ;Ldfleq
k/L k|fljlws k|:tfjdf pRrtd cÍ k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-3_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ Go"g nfut ljlw ckgfOPsf]df k|fljlws k|:tfjdf
;kmn x'g tf]lsPsf] Go"gtd cÍ k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfx?dWo] ;a}eGbf sd
nfut ePsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ cfly{s k|:tfj d"NofÍg ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

#^= k|:tfj c:jLs[t ug]{ / vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug]{ M -!_ b]xfosf cj:yfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
;Dk"0f{ k|:tfj c:jLs[t ug{ jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|fKt ;Dk"0f{ k|:tfj sfo{If]qut zt{x? cg';f/ ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL
-v_ nfut cg'dfg / pknAw ah]6eGbf 5gf}6 ePsf]] k|:tfjbftfsf] nfut
;f/e"t?kdf a9L ePdf,
-u_ k/fdz{ ;]jf cfjZos gkg]{ ePdf, jf
-3_ k|:tfjbftfn] cfk;df ldn]dtf] u/L k|:tfj lbPsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf .
t/ ldn]dtf] gu/]sf k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj pk/ sf/afxL ug{
;lsg]5 .
#&= k|:tfjbftf;Fu jftf{ M -!_ bkmf #% adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftf;Fu sfo{ If]qut /
k|:tfljt ;]jfsf] sfo{If]q, k|ult k|ltj]bg, ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ ;'ljwfsf
ljifodf jftf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ bkmf #% sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -v_ sf] cj:yfdf afx]s cfly{s k|:tfjsf
;DaGwdf k]zfljb\x?sf] kfl/>lds ;DaGwdf jftf{ x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ zf]wegf{ x'g] k|s[ltsf vr{ ;DaGwdf jftf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ o; bkmf adf]lhd jftf{ ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / k|:tfjbftf b'j}nfO{ :jLsfo{ x'g]
;xdlt xfl;n x'g g;s]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bkmf #% sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_,
-v_ / -u_ sf] k|:tfjssf] xsdf To;kl5sf] pRrtd cÍ k|fKt ug]{ / v08 -3_ sf] k|:tfjsf]
xsdf To;kl5sf] ;a}eGbf sd nfut ePsf] csf]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu qmd};Fu jftf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
#*= vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ M -!_ bkmf #& adf]lhd ePsf] jftf{df ;xdltdf k'u]sf] k|:tfjbftfsf]
k|:tfj :jLs[t ug{sf] nflu 5gf}6 ul/g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj 5gf}6 ePsf] ;ft lbgleq ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To;/L
5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{ cfzosf] ;"rgf ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ / ;"rLdf k/]sf
cGo k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;"rgf lbPsf] ;ft lbgleq s'g} k|:tfjbftfn] bkmf $&
adf]lhd lgj]bg gu/]df pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t
ul/g] 5 / lghnfO{ ;Demf}tf ug{ cfpg kGw| lbgsf] cjlw lbO{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq lgh ;Demf}tf ug{ pkl:yt ePdf lghn] bkmf
%@ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{5 / pkl:yt gePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bkmf #% sf]
pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_, -v_ / -u_ sf] k|:tfjssf] xsdf To;kl5sf] pRrtd cÍ k|fKt
ug]{ / v08 -3_ sf] xsdf ;a}eGbf sd nfut ePsf] csf]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu qmd};Fu bkmf #&
adf]lhd jftf{ u/L bkmf %@ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{5 .
#(= k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf M k/fdz{;]jf k|fKt ug]{ cGo ljlw tyf ;f]sf] d"NofÍg
k|lqmof ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

vl/b ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf
$)= l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ l;naGbL b/efpkqåf/f vl/b ug{ ;lsg]
dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] /sdsf] ;Ldf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ l;naGbL b/efpkq dfu ug'{ cl3 vl/b ug]{ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo
;]jfsf] :k]l;lkms]zg, u'0f:t/, kl/df0f, cfk"lt{sf zt{x? / ;do tyf cGo cfjZos
s'/fx?sf] ljj/0f :ki6?kdf pNn]v u/L l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] kmf/fd tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ l;naGbL b/efpkq dfu ubf{ /fli6«o jf :yfgLo :t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf sDtLdf kGw|
lbgsf] cjlw lbO{ ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ Psk6s k]z ePsf] l;naGbL b/efpkq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-%_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf zt{x? k"/f u/L nfut cg'dfgleq k/]sf] Go"gtd d"NoflÍt
b/efpkq :jLs[t ug'{ kg{]5 .
-^_ l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
$!= ;f]e}m vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf]
cj:yfdf dfn;fdfg jf k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf ;f]e}m vl/b ug{ jf lgdf{0f sfo{ ;f]e}m
u/fpg ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ tf]lsPsf] /sd;Ddfsf] k'm6s/ vl/bdf,
-v_ vl/b ;DaGwL zt{x? k"/f ug]{ k|fljlws bIftf jf Ifdtf Pp6f dfq
cfk"lt{stf{ jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos;Fu ePdf,
-u_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ clwsf/ Pp6f dfq cfk"lt{stf{;Fu
ePsf] / cGo pko'Qm ljsNk gePdf,
-3_ df}h'bf dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf jf hl8t ;+oGqsf] kf6{k"hf{sf] k|lt:yfkg jf
lj:tf/ ug{ cfk"lt{stf{ jf k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos kl/jt{g u/]df
;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jfx? k|lt:yfkg jf lj:tf/ ug{
g;lsg] s'/f k|dfl0ft eO{ ;fljssf] cfk"lt{stf{ jf k/fdz{bftf jf

;]jfk|bfosaf6 tf]lsPsf] ;Ldfleqsf] k|f]k|fO6/L :j?ksf] cltl/Qm
dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-3!_ Ps ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] csf]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu s'g} vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-3@_ cGt/f{li6«o cGt/ ;/sf/L ;+:yf;Fu ;f] ;+:yfn] tf]s]sf] b//]6df dfn;fdfg
jf ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-3#_ ljz]if kl/l:yltdf vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-ª_ k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsPsf] sf/0fn] z'? ;Demf}tfdf ;dfj]z gePsf] / z'?
;Demf}tfaf6 cnu u/L ;DkGg ug{ k|fljlws jf cfly{s sf/0fn] sl7gfO{
x'g] eO{ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] ;Ldfleqsf] cTofjZos lgdf{0f sfo{{,
dfn;fdfg, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df, jf
-r_ ;DalGwt sfdsf] nflu s'g} ljlZfi6 -o'lgs_ of]Uotf ePsf] vf;
k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf tTsfn cfjZostf ePdf jf ;fljssf] k/fdz{bftfaf6
g} ;]jf lng' kg]{ ckl/xfo{ sf/0f ePdf .
-@_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -v_, -ª_
/ -r_ adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] xsdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf/df g]kfn ;/sf/,
dlGqkl/ifb\af6 lg0f{o eP adf]lhd vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 / cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf ;f]
lgsfosf] ;jf]{Rr sfo{sf/L lgsfoaf6 lg0f{o eP adf]lhd vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ d'Vo ;lrj, g]kfn ;/sf/ – ;+of]hs
-v_ ;lrj, cy{ dGqfno – ;b:o
-u_ ;lrj, ;DalGwt dGqfno – ;b:o
-3_ dxfn]vf lgoGqs – ;b:o

-ª_ ================
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;f]e}m vl/b ug'{ kbf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfˆgf] cfjZostf /
u'0f:t/, kl/df0f, cfk"lt{sf] zt{ / ;do ;DaGwL ljz]if s'/fsf] tf]lsP adf]lhd lnlvt ljj/0f
tof/ u/L lnlvt b//]6 jf k|:tfj Ps dfq cfk"lt{stf{ jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf k/fdz{bftf
jf ;]jfk|bfos;Fu dfu u/L cfjZostfg';f/ jftf{ u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ o;/L vl/b ubf{ o; P]g adf]lhd s'g} clwsf/Laf6 l:js[tL lng' kg]{ ePdf k"j{
l:js[tL lnP/ / ;Demf}tf u/]/ dfq vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
$@= /fzg vl/b ;DaGwL ljz]if Joj:yf M -!_ o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] /fzg vl/b ubf{ b]xfosf ljifodf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw ckgfpg'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ nfut cg'dfg / ;f]sf] :jLs[lt,
-v_ d"Noj[l¢,
-u_ af]nkqbftfsf] u|fXotf,
-3_ af]nkq hdfgt,
-ª_ af]nkqsf] bflvnf, /
-r_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo ljifo .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df pNn]v eP afx]ssf cGo sfo{ljlwx? o; P]gdf Joj:yf eP
adf]lhd g} x'g]5g\ .
$#= 3/hUuf ef8fdf lng] / ;]jf s/f/df lng] ;DaGwL Joj:yf M o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] 3/hUuf ef8fdf lnFbf jf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] ;]jf
s/f/df lnFbf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
$$= pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 sfd u/fpg ;lsg] M pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL
;d'bfoaf6 lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpFbf jf ;f] ;DaGwL ;]jf k|fKt ubf{ ldtJolotf, u'0f:t/Lotf jf
lbuf]kgf clea[l4 x'g] ePdf jf kl/of]hgfsf] d'Vo p2]Zo g} /f]huf/Lsf] ;[hgf ug]{ / nfeu|fxL
;d'bfonfO{ ;xefuL u/fpg] ePdf pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f u/L To:tf] sfo{ u/fpg jf ;]jf lng ;lsg]5 .
$%= cdfgtaf6 sfd ug{ jf u/fpg ;lsg] M -!_ ;fdfGo k|s[ltsf] d/dt ;Def/, ;fgfltgf
lgoldt sfo{ jf ;/;kmfO{ h:tf sfo{ cdfgtaf6 sfd ug{ jf pkef]Qmf ;ldltaf6 sfd
u/fpg ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd sfd ubf{ jf u/fpFbf k"/f ug'{ kg]{ sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
$^= u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfaf6 sfd u/fpg ;lsg]] M hg r]tgf ;DaGwL tflnd, cled'vLs/0f,
;jlns/0f, d"n k|jfxLs/0f h:tf sfo{ u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfaf6 u/fpFbf l56f] 5l/tf], k|efjsf/L
/ ldtJooL x'g] ePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]] u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] k|lqmof
ckgfO{ To:tf] sfo{ u/fpg jf ;]jf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .

vl/b sf/afxL jf lg0f{osf] k'g/fjnf]sg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
$&= ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'v ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;lsg] M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]] vl/b sf/afxL
jf lg0f{o ubf{ s'g} q'l6 u/]sf] jf kfngf ug'{ kg]{ st{Jo kfngf gu/]sf]n] cfk"mnfO{ Iflt k'Ug]
jf k'Ug ;Sg] sf/0f v'nfO{ s'g} af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] To:tf] q'l6 jf lg0f{osf]
k'g/fjnf]sgsf nflu ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'v ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lbg] k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bg vl/b ;Demf}tf x'g'eGbf cl3sf]
sf/afxLsf ;DaGwdf ;Lldt x'g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgj]bg lbFbf o; P]gdf To:tf] lgj]bg k]z ug{sf] nflu s'g}
cjlw tf]lsPsf] eP To:tf] cjlwleq / To;/L cjlw gtf]lsPsf]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b
sf/afxL ;DaGwL q'l6 u/]sf] jf st{Jo kfngf gu/]sf] s'/f af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] yfxf
kfPsf] ldltn] ;ft lbgleq lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bgdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g sfd u/]sf] jf gu/]sf]
sf/0fn] To:tf] q'l6 x'g uPsf]] xf] jf st{Jo kfngf gePsf] xf] / To:tf] lg0f{o of] P]g jf o;
P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod jf lgb]{lzsfsf] s'g k|fjwfg ljk/Lt 5 eGg] s'/f :ki6?kdf
v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw gf3L k|fKt ePsf] k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bg pk/ s'g}
sf/afxL x'g] 5}g .
-^_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf]] lgj]bgsf ;DaGwdf 5fglag ubf{ vl/b
sf/afxLdf s'g} q'l6 b]lvP, ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] kfngf ug'{ kg]{ st{Jo kfngf u/]sf] gb]lvP
jf To:Tff] lg0f{o sfg"g ljk/Lt b]lvPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] vl/b sf/afxL lgnDag
u/L ;f] lgj]bg k|fKt ePsf] kfFr lbgleq sf/0f v'nfO{ lnlvt lg0f{o ug{' kg]{5 .
-&_ pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhdsf] lg0f{odf ;f] vl/b sf/afxL s;/L cufl8 a9fpg] eGg] s'/f
;d]t pNn]v ePsf] x'g' kg{]5 .
-*_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bg tf]lsPsf] /sdeGbf sd /sdsf] vl/b sf/afxLsf
;DaGwdf eP ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] pkbkmf -^_ adf]lhd u/]sf] lg0f{o pk/
k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;lsg] 5}g .
$*= k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt M -!_ bkmf $( adf]lhdsf] lgj]bg pk/ k'g/fjnf]sg ug{sf] nflu g]kfn
;/sf/n] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] cWoIf / ;b:o /x]sf] ;fj{hlgs vl/b k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt u7g
ug]{5 M–
-s_ k'g/fj]bg cbfntsf] GofofwLz jf k'g/fj]bg cbfntsf]
GofofwLz eO{ ;s]sf] JolQm jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ljlzi6
>]0fLsf] kbaf6 cjsfz k|fKt JolQmx?dWo]af6 Ps hgf – cWoIf
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] g]kfn O{l~hlgo/Lª ;]jfsf] /fhkqflÍt
k|yd >]0fLaf6 cjsfz k|fKt JolQmx?dWo]af6 Ps hgf – ;b:o
-u_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b ;DaGwL ljifodf cg'ejL tyf lj1
JolQmx?dWo]af6 Ps hgf – ;b:o
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] ;b:o lgo'lQm ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf axfn
/x]sf] sd{rf/L lgo'lQm ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kbfjlw tLg jif{sf] x'g]5 .
t/ klxnf] k6s ;b:o lgo'lQm ubf{ Ps hgf ;b:onfO{ Ps jif{ / csf]{ ;b:onfO{ b'O{
jif{sf] kbfjlw tf]sL lgo'lQm ug'{ kg]{]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cWoIf jf ;b:osf] kbfjlw Ps sfo{sfn;Ddsf] nflu yk
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cWoIf jf ;b:osf] ;]jfsf zt{ tyf kfl/>lds / ;'ljwf
g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cWoIf jf ;b:on] cfˆgf] kbdf axfn x'g' cl3 tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] ljj/0fsf] hfgsf/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no dfk{mt g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf
k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ b]xfosf] cj:yfdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] cWoIf jf ;b:onfO{ lghsf] kbaf6 x6fpg
;Sg]5 M–
-s_ v/fa cfr/0f u/]df,
-v_ sfo{Ifdtf jf bIftfsf] cefj eO{ kb cg';f/sf] sfd, st{Jo kfngf ug{
g;s]df, jf
-u_ g}lts ktg b]lvg] kmf}hbf/L s;"/df cbfntaf6 bf]ifL 7xl/Pdf .
$(= k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;lsg] M af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] b]xfosf]
cj:yfdf k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ bkmf $& adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfo ;dIf lbPsf]] lgj]bg tf]lsPsf]
/sdeGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;DAfGwdf eO{ To:tf] lgsfosf
k|d'vn] ;f] lgj]bgsf ;DaGwdf ;f]xL bkmfsf] pkbkmf -^_ df plN]nlvt
cjlwleq lg0f{o glbPdf jf lghn] lbPsf] lg0f{odf lgj]bgstf{sf] lrQ
-v_ bkmf %@ adf]lhd ePsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] ljifodf .
%)= k'g/fjnf]sgsf] tl/sf M -!_ bkmf $* adf]lhdsf] k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt
;dIf lgj]bg lbg] af]nkqbftf jf k/fdz{bftfn] bkmf $( sf] v08 -s_ sf] ljifosf] xsdf
;ft lbgleq / v08 -v_ sf] xsdf To:tf] ;Demf}tf ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbgsf] cjlwleq
k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltdf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgj]bg k|fKt ePsf] tLg lbgleq k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn]
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ To:tf] lgj]bg / lgj]bg ;fy s'g} sfuhft ;+nUg eP ;f]
sfuhft ;d]tsf] k|ltlnlk k7fO{ To; ;DaGwdf eP u/]sf] sfd sf/afxLsf] hfgsf/L /
k|ltlqmof lbg ;"rgf ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|fKt u/]sf] tLg lbgleq ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]
;DaGwL hfgsf/L / k|ltlqmof k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] hfgsf/L / k|ltlqmof, lgj]bsn] lgj]bgsf ;fy
k]z u/]sf] k|df0f, sfuhftsf cfwf/df / cfjZos eP b'j} kIfnfO{ a'emL pkbkmf -!_
adf]lhd lgj]bg k|fKt ePsf] tL; lbgleq k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] lg0fo{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] lg0f{o ug{
;Sg]5 M–
-s_ lgj]bg vf/]h ug]{,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf eO{ g;s]sf] cj:yfdf,—
-!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ cglws[t sfd jf lg0f{o jf unt sfo{ljlw
cjnDag gug{ cfb]z lbg],
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] u/]sf] cglws[t sfo{ jf lg0f{onfO{ k"0f{ jf
cf+lzs?kdf /2 ug{ cfb]z lbg],
-#_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj d"NofÍgdf s'g} q'l6 b]lvO{ k'gM d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{
ePdf To:tf] q'l6 ;d]t pNn]v u/L k'gM d"NofÍg ug{ cfb]z lbg] .
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf eO{ ;s]sf] cj:yfdf To:tf] ;Demf}tf lgj]bsn] kfpg' kYof{]
eGg] k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltnfO{ nfu]df lgj]bsnfO{ k/]sf] dsf{ larf/ u/L
dgfl;a dflkmssf] /sd lgj]bsnfO{ e'QmfgL ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{
l;kmfl/; ug]{ .
-^_ o; bkmf adf]lhd k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg] lgj]bsn] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf]
hdfgt /fVg' kg]{]5 .

-&_ pkbkmf -%_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhd lgj]bg vf/]h ePsf] cj:yfdf To:tf]
hdfgtsf] /sd hkmt x'g]5 .
%!= vl/b sf/afxL /f]Ssf ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu bkmf %) sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd
lbOPsf] lgj]bgsf]] ;"rgf k|fKt ePkl5 ;f] lgj]bgsf ;DaGwdf k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltaf6 lg0f{o
geP;Dd ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxL /f]Ssf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf vl/b sf/afxL
/f]Ssf ug'{ kg]{ 5}g M–
-s_ vl/b sf/afxLdf lglxt dxTjk"0f{ ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] sf/0faf6 vl/b
sf/afxL hf/L /fVg h?/L ePsf] s'/f k|dfl0ft u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltnfO{ hfgsf/L lbPdf, jf
-v_ bkmf %) sf] pkbkmf -$_ sf] cjlwleq k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltaf6 lg0f{o x'g
g;s]df, jf
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf eO{ ;s]sf]df .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ adf]lhd vl/b sf/afxL /f]Ssf
gu/]df ;f]sf] hfgsf/L k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
%@= vl/b ;Demf}tf / ;f]sf zt{x? M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; P]g adf]lhd k'm6s/ vl/b afx]s
cGo vl/b ubf{ o; bkmf adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfj ;DaGwL
sfuhft jf l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL kmf/fddf plNnlvt zt{x? ;dfj]; ug'{ kg]{5 /
To:tf zt{x? ;Demf}tfsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g ;Sg]5g\ M–
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf kIfx?sf] gfd / 7]ufgf, kmf]g, ˆofS; gDa/ / ;Demf}tf
sfof{Gjogsf nflu ;Dks{ /fVg] JolQm,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] sfo{ If]q,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf /x]sf lnvtx?sf] ljj/0f / k|fyldstfsf] qmd,
-3_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg tflnsf,
-ª_ cfk"lt{ ;do, sfo{;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ ;do jf Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg] g;lsg]
-r_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] /sd jf ;f] lgwf{/0f ug]{ tl/sf,
-5_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf :jLsf/ x'g] zt{x?,

-h_ ============== ljb]zL d'b|fsf] e'QmfgL nufot e'QmfgLsf zt{ / tl/sf,
-em_ sfa"aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt -kmf]z{ d]h/_,
-`_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] eP ;f]sf] Joj:yf,
-6_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;+zf]wg / e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;lsg] eP ;f]sf]
-7_ ljdf cfjZos ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL Joj:yf,
-8_ cfjZos kg]{ hdfgt,
-9_ lgwf{l/t cjlwdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g g;s] afktsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ -
lnlSj8]6]8 8\ofd]h]h_,
-0f_ lgwf{l/t cjlweGbf cufl8 g} sfo{ ;Dkfbg ePdf lbg] af]g; ;DaGwL
-t_ vl/b ;Demf}tf /2 ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf,
-y_ ;as06«ØfS6 ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] Joj:yf,
-b_ ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] ;+oGq,
-w_ nfu" x'g] sfg"g, /
-g_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/fx? .
%@s=k]ZsL ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ ;fj{hgls lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf kZrft cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf ;]jf k|bfosaf6 clu|d a}+s hdfgt lnO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf /sdsf] aL; k|ltztdf
ga9\g] u/L k]ZsL lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k]ZsL lb+bf klxnf] k6sdf :jLs[t k]ZsL /sdsf] cfwfdf
ga9\g] u/L / afFsL /sd sfo{ k|ultsf cfwf/df lbg ;lsg] 5 .
-#_ bkmf !) sf] pkbkmf -%_ sf] cj:yfdf afx]s k]ZsL /sd ;Demf}tf ePsf]
sfo{sf] nflu 5'§} vf]lnPsf] a}+s vftf dfkm{t dfq e'QmfgL x'g]5 .
-$_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jf k|bfosn] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd klxnf]
k6s k]ZsL k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn] tL; lbgleq sfo{ k|f/De ul/;Sg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] k]ZsL /sd s'g k|of]hgdf vr{ ePsf] xf] ;f]sf] ljj/0f
cBfjlws u/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-^_ o; bkmf adf]lhd lnPsf] k]ZsL ;DalGwt sfddf k|of]u ePsf] gkfOdf pkbkmf
-!_ adf]lhd lnPsf] clu|d a}+s hdfgt hkmt x'g]5 .
-&_ k]ZsL ;DaGWL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
%#= vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg M sfdsf] cfwf/e"t k|s[tL jf If]q kl/jt{g gx'g] u/L b'j} kIfsf]
lnlvt ;xdltaf6 vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
t/ bkmf %$ adf]lhd e]l/ozg cfb]z hf/L ubf{ jf bkmf %% adf]lhd d"No ;dfof]hg
-k|fO; P8h:6d]06_ ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]{ 5}g .
%$= e]l/Pzg cfb]z M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{sf avt k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsPsf] kl/l:ylt
;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] qmddf ;[hgf ePdf ;f]sf] :ki6 sf/0f v'nfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf]
clwsf/Ln] tf]lsPsf] sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ kfFr k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/Pzg ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
/fhkqflÍt låtLo >]0fL jf ;f] ;/xsf] k|d'vn],
-v_ bz k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/Pzg ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] /fhkqflÍt k|yd
>]0fL jf ;f] ;/xsf] k|d'vn],
-u_ kGw| k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/Pzg ljefuLo k|d'vn],
-3_ kGw| k|ltztb]lv dfly kRrL; k|ltzt;Ddsf] e]l/Pzg ;DalGwt
dGqfnosf] ;lrj jf ;f] ;/xsf] ;DalGwt lgsfosf] k|d'vn],
-ª_ kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf dflysf] e]l/Pzg bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf]
pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf g]kfn ;/sf/
-r_ bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] xsdf kGw| k|ltztb]lv dflysf] e]l/Pzg ;f] lgsfosf]
;jf]{Rr sfo{sf/L lgsfon] .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -ª_ adf]lhd e]l/Pzg cfb]z ubf{ bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_
sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf ;DalGwt dGqfnon] ljz]if1x?sf]
;d"x u7g u/L ;f] ;d"x dkm{t cfjZos hfFra'em u/fO{ k|fKt l;kmfl/; ;lxt ;DalGwt
dGqfnosf] k|:tfjdf g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifb\n] / bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -@_
adf]lhdsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf xsdf ;f] lgsfosf] ;jf]{Rr sfo{sf/L lgsfon] ljz]if1x?sf]

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

;d"x u7g u/L ;f] ;d"x dfkm{t cfjZos hfFra'em u/fO{ k|fKt l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf/df dfq
e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg nfut
cg'dfg :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/LeGbf tNnf] txsf] clwsf/Ln] e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ x'Fb}g .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;f7Lnfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] vl/b
sfo{sf] kGw| k|ltzt eGbf dflysf] e]l/Pzg cfb]z ljefuLo k|d'vn] hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
%%= vl/b ;Demf}tfdf d"No ;dfof]hg M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s
af¥x dlxgfeGbf a9L cjlwsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ug{] qmddf d"No ;dfof]hg ug{
cfjZos b]lvPdf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ ;fj{hlgs lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ubf{ /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfJxfg eO{ vl/b
;Demf}tf eO{ ;s]sf] cj:yfdf ck|Tofl;t ?kdf s'g} lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] d"No ;flas d"Nosf]
bz k|ltzteGbf a9L 36a9 ePdf To;/L 36]sf] jf a9]sf] /sddf bz k|ltzt s§f u/L
tf]lsP adf]lhd d"No ;dfof]hg ul/g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg vl/b ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{
JolQmsf] l9nfO{sf] sf/0faf6 ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;f] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt cjlwleq
;DkGg geO{ a9L ;do nfu]sf]]df jf Psd'i6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg -nDk ;d s06«fS6_ jf lglZrt
ah]6sf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tf ePsf]df d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
%^= ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw yk ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw yk ;DaGwL Joj:yf
;DalGwt vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg sfa"aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt,
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ s'/f pknAw u/fpg g;s]df jf cGo dgfl;a
sf/0faf6 vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw ga9fO{ gx'g] ePdf ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ JolQmsf] lgj]bg
adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] tf]lsPsf] cfwf/df cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
%&= lan jf ljhssf] e'QmfgL M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lan÷ljhssf] e'QmfgL vl/b ;Demf}tfsf]
cwLgdf /xL tf]lsP adf]lhd lbg' kg]{5 .
%*= ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] ;+oGq M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / lgdf{0f Joj;foL cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jfk|bfos
jf k/fdz{bftfaLr vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] l;nl;nfdf pTkGg x'g] s'g} ljjfb cfk;L
;xdltaf6 ;dfwfg ug'{ kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-!s_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd cfk;L ;xdltaf6 ljjfb ;dfwfg x'g g;s]df
k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd dWo:ytfsf] dfWodaf6 ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ s'/f vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .

-@_ =====================
-#_  =======================
-$_  =======================
-%_  ====================
%(= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo / ;f]sf] pkrf/ M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;f] ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{{ ;lsg]
cj:yfx? v'nfpg' kg{]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf cj:yfx? d'Vo ?kdf b]xfo adf]lhd x'g ;Sg]5g\ M–
-s_ cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] vl/b ;Demf}tf
adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg gu/]df, bkmf ^@ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd
cfr/0f kfngf gu/]df jf k]ZsLsf] b'?kof]u u/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf,
-v_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b
;emf}tfsf] cGTo -6ld{g];g jfO{ slGeg]G;_ ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf,
-u_ cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] vl/b ;Demf}tf
cGTo ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf, /
-3_ sfa"aflx/sf] kl/l:yltdf vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;lsg] cj:yf .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf
s'/fx? ;lxt ljQLo km/kmf/s ug]{ / Ifltk"lt{ lbg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf pNn]v ug'{' kg]{5 M–
-s_ :jLsfo{?kdf ;DkGg eO;s]sf sfo{, cfk"lt{ jf ;]jf afkt ug'{ kg]{ e'QmfgL
afFsL /x]sf] eP ;f]sf] e'QmfgL,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos jf
lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] gu/]sf] sf/0faf6 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f] sfd ug{ jf
u/fpgsf nflu nfUg]] yk vr{ afkt lghn] Joxf]g'{ kg]{ bfloTj,

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
-u_ cfk"lt{stf{ jf k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] s'g} q'l6
-l8kmN6_ ljgf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo u/]sf] sf/0fn]
lghn]] Joxf]g'{ k/]sf] jf:tljs xflg gf]S;fgLsf] /sd .
-$_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;fj{hlgs
lxtsf nflu ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ePsf]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]
;Demf}tf cGTo x'g'eGbf cl3 ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf b]xfosf sfd afktsf] /sd e'QmfgL ug'{
kg]{5 M–
-s_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] afFsL /x]sf] e'QmfgL,
-v_ s'g} vr{sf] e'QmfgL zf]wegf{sf]?kdf lbg] Joj:yf ePsf]df jf:tljs?kdf
ePsf] To:tf] vr{{,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf cGtu{t ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] nflu ljz]if?kdf agfOPsf
dfn;fdfgsf] d"No,
-3_ u'd]sf] gfkmf / pkbkmf -#_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] /sd afx]s vl/b
;Demf}tf cGTo ubf{ nfu]sf] vr{, /
-ª_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo vr{ .

-^_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{n]
;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ k"j{ hfgsf/L glbO{ ;Demf}tf tf]8\g kfpg] 5}g .
-&_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{n] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd z'?
gu/]df, sfd z'? u/L aLr}df 5f]8]df jf ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfdsf] k|ult gu/]df ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] To:tf] ;Demf}tf h'g;'s} avt cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-*_ pkbkmf -&_ adflhd ;Demf}tf cGTo ePdf ;f] sfd afkt /flvPsf] k"/}
hdfgt hkmt x'g]5 . ;Demf}tf cGTo ePsf] sf/0fn] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd afFsL /x]sf] sfo{
k"/f ug{ h] hlt /sd cfjZos k5{ ;f] /sd To;/L ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfo{ gug]{
af]nkqbftfaf6 ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;'n pk/ ul/g]5 .
-(_ pkbkmf -&_ adf]lhd ;Demf}tf cGTo ePdf To:tf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd afFsL
/x]sf] sfo{ k"/f ug{sf nflu bkmf @% adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf af]nkqbftfx? dWo]af6 kGw|
lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

-!)_ pkbkmf -(_ adf]lhd cfly{s k|:tfj dfu ug'{ cl3 Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
-!!_ pkbkmf -(_ adf]lhdsf] cfly{s k|:tfj lgdf{0f sfo{sf nflu dfu ul/Psf]
v'nf af]nkqsf] dfWodaf6 ePsf] ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf dfq nfu" x'g]5 .
-!@_ pkbkmf -(_ adf]lhd ;Demf}tf x'g g;s]df o; P]g adf]lhdsf] vl/b k|s[of
cjnDag u/L vl/b sf/afxL k|f/De ug'{ kg]{5 .
^)= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf M o; kl/R5]b adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DkGg ePkl5
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jf d"NofÍgsf] kl/0ffd ;lxtsf]] ;"rgf tf]lsP
adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs ug'{ kg]{5 .
cfr/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf
^!= ;fj{hlgs vl/b sfo{df ;+nUg kbflwsf/Lsf] cfr/0f M ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] vl/b of]hgf
th'{df ug]{, vl/b sf/afxL ;~rfng ug]{, vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ug]{ jf vl/b ;DaGwL
tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo sfd ug]{ sfo{df ;+nUg s'g} kbflwsf/Ln] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f
kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ vl/b sf/afxLdf af]nkqbftfsf] :jR5 k|lt:kwf{ x'g] u/L cfˆgf] st{Jo
lgikIf 9Ën] kfngf ug]{,
-v_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;~rfng ;fj{hlgs lxt x'g] u/L ug]{,
-u_ vl/b ;DaGwdf cfˆgf] sfd jf cfr/0f jf Jojxf/af6 :jfy{ aflemg] sfo{
-3_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] l;nl;nfdf cfk"mn] yfxf kfPsf] af]nkqbftfsf] ;DklQ
;DaGwL hfgsf/L nufotsf cGo ;a} hfgsf/L uf]Ko /fVg],
-ª_ cfk"m kbdf axfn /xbfsf avt vl/b sf/f]af/ u/]sf JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf,
sDkgL / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo s'g} lghL ;+:yfdf cfk"m kbaf6 cjsfz
ePsf] b'O{ jif{;Dd sfd gug]{,
-r_ cfk"m ;+nUg ePsf] vl/b sf/afxLdf cfˆgf glhssf gft]bf/x?n]
af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] ?kdf efu lnPsf] hfgsf/L x'g cfPdf
cfk"meGbf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/LnfO{ t'?Gt hfgsf/L lbO{ To:tf] vl/b
sf/afxLaf6 cfk"m cnu x'g' kg]{],

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf nflu glhssf gft]bf/ eGgfn]
Psf;uf]nsf] klt, kTgL, afj', cfdf, 5f]/f, 5f]/L, ;f;', ;;'/f, bfh', efO,
lbbL, alxgL, HjfO{+, ;fnf, ;fnL jf legfh' ;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ vl/b ;DaGwL sfd sf/afxL ubf{ k|rlnt sfg"g ljk/Lt x'g] sfd gug]{,
-h_ e|i6frf/hGo jf hfn;fhLk"0f{ sfo{ ug{ jf To:tf] sfo{df ;+nUg x'g gx'g],
-em_ k|lt:kwf{sf] nfeaf6 jl~rt ug{] u/fpg] pb]Zon] af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z
{ Gbf cl3 jf kl5 ldn]dtf] ug{ jf u'6aGbLdf ;+nUg x'g gx'g] .

^!s= ljefuLo sf/afxL x'g] M -!_ tfn's sfof{no jf clVtof/ k|fKt lgsfon] cg'udg ubf{
;DalGwt kbflwsf/Ln] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgoddf plNnlvt lhDd]jf/L k"/f
gu/]sf] jf cfr/0f kfngf gu/]sf] b]lvPdf To:tf kbflwsf/L pk/ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd
ljefuLo sf/afxL ug{ clVtof/ k|fKt clwsf/L;dIf n]vL k7fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd n]vL cfPdf To:tf] kbflwsf/LnfO{ lghsf] ;]jf, zt{
;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ljefuLo sf/afxL u/L ;f]sf] hfgsf/L To;/L n]vL k7fpg]
lgsfonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
^@= af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] cfr/0f M -!_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] of] P]g jf o; P]g
cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod, vl/b ;Demf}tf tyf vl/b ;DaGwL cGo lnvtdf pNn]v eP cg'?ksf]
bfloTj kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] ;a{dfGotfdf k|lts"n gx'g] u/L af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] vl/b
k|lqmofdf jf vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] sfof{Gjogdf k|efj kfg]{ dg;fon] b]xfosf sfo{ ug{' jf
u/fpg' x'Fb}g M–
-s_ k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf cg'lrt k|nf]eg lbg jf ;f]sf] k|:tfj ug{,
-v_ tYo aª\UofO jf e'mSofO{ k]z ug{,
-u_ e|i6frf/hGo jf hfn;fhLk"0f{ sfo{ ug{ jf To:tf]] sfo{df ;+nUg x'g,
-3_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfd sf/afxLdf s'g} lsl;dn] ;+nUg x'g] cGo
k|lt:kwL{ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] ;xeflutfdf x:tIf]k ug{,
-ª_ vl/b sf/afxLdf ;+nUg s'g} JolQmsf] hLp Hofg jf ;DklQ gf]S;fg ug]{
k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf wDsL lbg] sfo{ jf s/sfkhGo sfo{ ug{,
-r_ af]nkqbftfx? jf k|:tfjbftfx?aLr vl/b ;DaGwL sfd afF8kmfF8 ug]{ jf
af]nkq jf k|:tfjsf] d"No s[lqd jf ck|lt:kwL{ tl/sfn] sfod ug{] jf
cGo s'g} tl/sfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ v'Nnf tyf :jtGq k|lt:kwf{sf]

nfeaf6 jl~rt ug]{ pb]Zon] af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ug'{eGbf cl3 jf kl5
ldn]dtf] ug{ jf u'6aGbLdf ;+nUg x'g,
-5_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj vf]n]sf] ;dob]lv af]nkq jf k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] ;"rgf
glbFbf;Ddsf] cjlwdf af]nkq jf k|:tfjsf ;DaGwdf k|efj kfg]{ p2]Zon]
;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu ;Dks{ ug{ jf af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f / d"NofÍgdf jf
k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍgdf s'g} lsl;dn] k|efj kfg]{ sfo{ ug{ .
-#_ s'g} vl/b sfo{sf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf :k]l;lkms]zg tof/ ug{] jf vl/b
sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] af]nkqbftf jf lgh;Fu cfj4 /x]sf] s'g} JolQm
jf kmd{ jf ;+:yf jf sDkgL jf To:tf] kmd{ jf ;+:yf jf sDkgLdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Ln]] To:tf]
vl/bsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sf/afxLdf efu lng ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ 6g{sL vl/b ;Demf}tf jf l8hfOg tyf lgdf{0f b'j} sfo{ ug]{ u/L ePsf] vl/b
;Demf}tfsf xsdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
^#= sfnf];"rLdf /fVg] / k'ms'jf ug]{ M -!_ b]xfosf] cj:yfdf af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf,
;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ lghsf]
sfo{sf] ufDeLo{tfsf] cfwf/df ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] Ps jif{b]lv tLg jif{;Dd
sfnf];"rLdf /fVg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ bkmf ^@ adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f ljk/Lt sfd u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf,

-v_ bkmf @& jf #* adf]lhd :jLs[ltsf] nflu 5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqbftf jf
k|:tfjbftf bkmf #* adf]lhd ;Demf}tf ug{ gcfPdf,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ubf{ ;f/e"t q'l6 u/]sf] jf ;Demf}tf cg'?ksf]
bfloTj ;f/e"t?kdf kfngf gu/]sf] jf vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;f]
;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] u'0f:t/sf] gePsf] s'/f kl5 k|dfl0ft ePdf,
-3_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf efu lng cof]Uo 7xl/g] s'g} kmf}Hbf/L s;"/df
cbfntaf6 bf]ifL 7xl/Pdf,
-ª_ of]Uotf 9fF6L jf e'mSofgdf kf/L vl/b ;Demf}tf u/]sf] s'/f k|dfl0ft x'g
cfPdf, jf
-r_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo s'g} cj:yfdf .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf /flvPsf] af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf,
;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] ;f]xL
cjlw;Dd ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng ;Sg] 5}g .
-#_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg a}+s jf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] C0f
glt/L k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt lgsfon] sfnf];"rLdf /fv]sf] JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf
jf sDkgLn] To:tf] ;"rLdf sfod /x]sf] cjlw e/ ;fj{hlgs vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng
;Sg] 5}g .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng g;Sg] JolQm,
kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ug]{ vl/bdf efu lnPsf] kfOPdf lghsf] af]nkq
jf k|:tfj pk/ s'g} sf/afxL x'g] 5}g .
-%_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf /fVg] ;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -!_, -@_, -#_, -$_ / -%_ adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf /x]sf af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"tL{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{ ;+:yf
jf sDkgLnfO{ sfnf];"rLaf6 k'ms'jf ug]{ ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tof/
u/]sf] dfkb08 cg';f/ sfnf];"rLaf6 k'ms'jf ul/g]5 .

vl/b sfo{sf] cg'udg ;DaGwL Joj:yf

^$= ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 x'g] vl/b sfo{sf] cg'udg,
lgodg / ;fj{hlgs vl/b k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no
cGtu{t Ps ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no /xg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfof{nosf] k|d'v g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lghfdtL ;]jfsf]
/fhkqflÍt ljlzi6 >]0fLsf]] sd{rf/L x'g]5 .

-#_ =====================
^%= ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] sfd, st{Ao / clwsf/ M -!_ o; P]gdf cGoq Joj:yf
ePsf] cltl/Qm ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd
x'g]5 M–

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
-s_ vl/b ;DaGwL gLlt jf k|rlnt sfg"gdf ;'wf/ ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{
l;kmfl/; ug]{,

-v_ 6g{ ls, O{=lk=l;=, ;+/rgfTds jf OsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf, Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf
h:tf vl/b ljlwsf ljifodf cfjZos kg]{ lgb]{lzsf, sfo{ljlw / k|fljlws
dfu{bz{g hf/L ug]{,
-u_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxL ;~rfng ug{ k|of]u ug{' kg]{ af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhft -:of6G88{ lal8ª 8s'd]06_, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft
-:of6G88{ lk|Sjflnlkms]zg 8s'd]06_ / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL sfuhft
-:of6G88{ s06«ofS6 8s'd]06_, / k|:tfj dfu ug]{ ;DaGwL sfuhft -
l/Sj]:6 km/ k|kf]hn_ sf] :of6G88{ gd"gf tof/ ug]{,
-3_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 x'g] jf ePsf] vl/b sf/afxLsf] tYof+s ;+sng u/L
To:tf] sf/afxL of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod jf lgb]{lzsf

cg'?k eP jf gePsf] cg'udg jf ============ k/LIf0f ug]{ jf u/fpg],

-3!_ vl/b kZrft\sf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{, u/fpg],
-3@_ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf tyf ;]jf k|bfossf] vl/b
;DaGwL of]Uotf / cg'ejsf] clen]v tof/ ug]{,
-3#_ ljB'tLo vl/b lgb]{lzsf hf/L ug]{,
-ª_ of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod, lgb]{lzsfdf plNnlvt s'g} s'/fsf
;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] /fo k/fdz{ dfu u/]df /fo k/fdz{ lbg],
-r_ vl/b ;DaGwL j]e;fO{6 :yfkgf u/L To;sf] ;~rfng ug]{,
-5_ of] P]g / o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod, lgb]{lzsf, k|fljlws dfu{ lgb]{zg
tyf ;fj{hlgs vl/b ;DaGwL n]v /rgf, ;fdu|L tyf o:t} cGo s'/fx?
;fj{hlgs u/fpg a'n]l6g k|sfzg ug]{,
-h_ vl/b sfo{df ;dGjo ug{sf nflu cfjZos kg]{ sfo{ljlw tof/ u/L
:jLs[ltsf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf k]z ug]{,
-em_ af]nkqbftf jf vl/b sfo{df ;+nUg ePsf] jf x'g] sd{rf/Lsf] nflu
lgoldt k|lzIf0f sfo{qmdsf] Joj:yf ug]{,

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-`_ bkmf ^# adf]lhdsf] sfnf] ;"rLaf6 k'ms'jf ug]{ ;DaGwdf cfjZos
dfkb08 tof/ ug]{ / ;f] dfkb08 cg';f/ sfnf];"rLaf6 k'ms'jf ug]{,
-6_ vl/b Joj:yf k|efjsf/L agfpg lgdf{0f, cfk"lt{, k/fdz{ ;]jf / cGo ;]jf
k|0ffnL k'g/fjnf]sg, ;ldIff ug]{ / ;]jfu|fxL;Fu jf cfjZostfg';f/
cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yf tyf cGo ljb]zL lgsfo;Fu lgoldt ?kdf ;'emfj lng],
-7_ vl/b k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ / ;'wf/ ug{ cfjZos kg]{ :jb]zL jf
j}b]lzs ;xfotfsf] of]hgf tof/ ug]{ tyf To:tf] ;xfotf ;dGjo ug]{
s]Gb|Lo lgsfosf] ?kdf sfd ug]{,

-7!_ vl/b lj1 k|df0fLs/0f ug]{, u/fpg],
-8_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg g]kfn ;/sf/ ;dIf k]z ug{], /
-9_ tf]lsPsf] cGo sfo{ ug]{ .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{non] cfˆgf] sfof{no afx]s cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] u/]sf] vl/b k|lqmofdf s'g}
lsl;dn] ;+nUg x'g] jf tT;DaGwdf pTkGg s'g} ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ 5}g .
-@s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 ePsf] vl/b sf/afxL of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf]
lgod, sfo{ljlw jf lgb{]lzsf ljk/Lt ePsf] kfOPdf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] ;f]
;DaGwdf To:tf] vl/b sf/afxLdf ePsf] q'l6 ;Rofpg / vl/b sf/afxLdf ;+nUg kbflwsf/L
pk/ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxLsf nflu ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vnfO{ / ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] k|d'v g} To:tf] vl/b sf/afxLdf ;+nUg /x]sf] cj:yfdf clVtof/jfnf ;dIf
Wofgfsif{0fsf nflu n]vL k7fpg ;Sg]5 . o;/L n]vL cfPdf ePsf] q'l6 ;RofO{ ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v jf clVtof/jfnfn] ;DalGwt kbflwsf/LnfO{ sfg"g adf]lhd
sf/afxL u/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] bkmf $* adf]lhdsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltsf]
;lrjfnosf] sfd / ;f] ;ldltnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ ah]6 Joj:yf ug]{ sfd ug'{ kg]{5 .
^^= ljz]if kl/l:yltdf vl/b ug]{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf]
eP tfklg ljz]if kl/l:ylt pTkGg eO{ tTsfn vl/b gubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ yk xflg
gf]S;fgL x'g] cj:yf cfO{ k/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] tTsfn vl/b ug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg]5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] kl/l:ylt / tTsfn ug'{ kg]{
vl/b ;DaGwL lj:t[t ljj/0fsf] hfgsf/L Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/LnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ljz]if kl/l:yltdf vl/b ug]{ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
^&= o; P]g adf]lhdsf] vl/b k|lqmof ckgfpg' gkg]{ M -!_ o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf]
eP tfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf of] P]g adf]lhdsf] vl/b k|lqmof ckgfpg'kg{] 5}g M–
-s_ o; P]g adf]lhdsf] k|lqmof ckgfO{ ;'/Iff, ;fdl/s jf k|lt/Iff ;DaGwL
vl/b ug{ /fli6«o ;'/Iff jf k|lt/Iff ;DaGwL b[li6sf]0faf6 pko'Qm gx'g]
egL g]kfn ;/sf/n] lg0f{o u/]df, jf
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/ / bft[ kIfaLr ePsf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;f] kIfsf] vl/b
lgb]{lzsf -k|f]Sof]/d]06 ufO{8nfOG;_ cg'?k vl/b ug{' k/]df,

-u_ lghL If]q;Fu k|lt:kwf{ u/L Jofkfl/s sf/f]jf/ ug{ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Joj;fo ;~rfngsf] nflu s'g} dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf
vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-3_ ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts sfo{qmd jf cf}Bf]lus, cfly{s, k|ljlw k|bz{g /
k|a4{gsf nflu ljb]zdf cfof]hgf x'g] d]nf, dxf]T;j, 6]«8km]o/ jf k|bz{gL
h:tf sfo{sf] nflu tf]lsP adf]lhd ljb]zdf vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-ª_ ljb]z l:yt g]kfnL /fhb"tfjf;, lgof]u h:tf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df,
-r_ ljdfg ;]jf ;~rfng ug{ :jLs[t k|fKt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] PlePzg jf
ljdfg;Fu ;DalGwt pks/0f vl/b ug'{ k/]df .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] vl/b ug'{ kg]{ sf/0f
v'nfO{ tT;DaGwL 5'§} sfo{ljlw ;d]t lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u_, -3_, -ª_ / -r_ adf]lhdsf]
vl/bsf] nflu cfjZos sfo{ljlw agfO{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] ;xdlt lnO{
:jLs[t u/fO{ nfu" ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd agfPsf] sfo{ljlwdf pkbkmf -!_ sf]
v08 -r_ adf]lhdsf] vl/bsf] nflu ljhg]z Knfg, nfO{km ;fOsn / g]6 k|]h]G6 e]No" ;d]tsf
s'/fx? ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
^*= ;~rf/sf ljlw M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqbftf jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ jf af]nkqbftf jf
k/fdz{bftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lbg' kg]{ egL of] P]g / o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod,
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfj cfXjfg ;DaGwL sfuhft jf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt
s'g} lnvt, ;"rgf, lg0f{o jf cGo hfgsf/L o; P]gdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s
lnlvt?kdf lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k7fpFbf To:tf] ;"rgf kfpg] af]nkqbftf jf
k/fdz{bftfsf] 7]ufgf kQf gnflu jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] To:tf] ;"rgf a'emfpg g;lsPsf]
cj:yfdf ;f] ljifosf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f pNn]v u/L /fli6«o :t/sf] b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf
;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 / o;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf]df To:tf] JolQmn] /Ltk"j{s
;"rgf kfPsf] dflgg]5 .

^(= ljB'tLo ;~rf/sf] dfWodaf6 vl/b sf/f]af/ x'g ;Sg] M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sfo{sf]
s'g} jf ;a} k|lqmofdf ljB'tLo sfo{ljlw k|0ffnL dfq ckgfpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ljB'tLo k|0fnLaf6 x'g] vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw, k|0ffnL / o;sf
cGt/lglxt l;4fGt vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ ljB'tLo vl/b ;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
&)= sfg"gL lnvtx? j]e;fO{6df /fVg' kg]{ M of]] P]g / o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod / vl/b
lgb]{lzsf ;j{;fwf/0fsf] hfgsf/L / ;'lawfsf] nflu ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf]
j]e;fO{6df /fVg' kg]{5 .
&!= d"NofÍg ;ldlt u7g ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq, k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] cfzokq
jf k|:tfj jf l;naGbL b/efpkq k/LIf0f / d"NofÍg ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg ;ldlt u7g ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd u7g ePsf] d"NofÍg ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Ao / clwsf/ tf]lsP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
&@= vl/b sf/afxLsf] clen]v M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxL ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] clen]v
tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cjlwsf] nflu ;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg' kg]{5 .
&#= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg M clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGt{ut ag]sf] lgod
adf]lhd cfk"mnfO{ k|fKt clwsf/x?dWo] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf clwsf/ afx]s c? clwsf/ s'g}
sd{rf/LnfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .

 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

&$= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M -!_ of] P]gsf] p2]Zo sfof{Gjog ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos
lgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08
-!_ df plNnlvt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo afx]s cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf lgsfo;Fu
;DalGwt P]g, lgod jf u7g cfb]zsf] cwLgdf /xL cfjZos lgod agfpg ;Sg]5 .
 -#_ k|b]z ;/sf/ / :yfgLo txn] o; P]g adf]lhd cfˆgf] vl/b sf/afxL ubf{ nfut
cg'dfg :jLs[t ug]{, af]nkq d"Nof+sg tyf :jLs[t ug]{, ;f]em} vl/b ug]{ ;DaGwdf bkmf $!
sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd /xg] ;ldlt tyf e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug]{ clwsf/L tf]Sg] ;d]tsf
ljifodf o; P]g tyf vl/b ;DaGwL dfGo l;4fGtsf] k|lts'n gx'g] u/L lgodx¿ agfpg
;Sg]5 .

&$s= k|fljlws dfu{bz{g, sfo{ljlw tyf lgb]{lzsf agfpg ;Sg] M o; P]gsf] sfof{Gjogsf] nflu
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] cfjZos k|fljlws dfu{bz{g, sfo{ljlw jf lgb]{lzsf
agfpg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] sfo{ljlw jf lgb]{lzsf g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t ePkl5 nfu" x'g]5 .
&$v=afwf c8\sfp km'sfpg] clwsf/ M o; P]gsf] sfof{Gjog ug{ s'g} afwf c8\sfp k/]df g]kfn
;/s/fn] ;f] afwf c8\sfp km'sfpgsf] nflu g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L cfjZos
cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
&%= vf/]hL tyf ;+zf]wg M -!_ ;jf/L tyf oftfoft Joj:yf P]g, @)$( sf] bkmf !^* sf]
k|ltaGwfTds jfSof+z vf/]h ul/Psf] 5 .

-@_ k|rlnt sfg"gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf]
pkv08 -@_ adf]lhdsf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf vl/b ;DaGwL sfg"gL Joj:yf o; P]g cg's"n
ePsf] gb]lvPdf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] of] P]g cg's'n cg's"n x'g] u/L
;+zf]wg ug{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ n]vL k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-@s_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd n]vL cfPdf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfˆgf] vl/b
;DaGwL sfg"g Ps dlxgfleq o; P]g cg's"n ;+zf]wg u/L ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-@v_ pkbkmf @-s_ adf]lhd hfgsf/L glbPdf o; P]g;Fu afFlemPsf] xb;Dd vl/b
;DaGwL To:tf] sfg"gL Joj:yf :jtM cdfGo ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-#_ cfly{s sfo{ljlw P]g, @)%% sf] bkmf & sf] ;§f b]xfosf] bkmf & /flvPsf] 5 M–

 g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg cg's"n agfpg s]xL g]kfn P]gnfO{ ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&% 4f/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
æ&= vr{ ug]{ sfo{ljlw M ;/sf/L sfd sfh tyf cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ w/f}6L,
b:t'/, ;]jf z'Ns lng], k]ZsL lbg] tyf km5\of}{6 ug]{, ;/sf/L gubL tyf
lhG;L ;DklQsf] ;+/If0f ug]{, lnnfd laqmL ug]{, ldGxf lbg] ;DaGwL cfly{s
k|zf;g tyf cGo ljljw Joj:yf / tt\;DaGwL sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .Æ
&^= arfp M cfly{s sfo{ljlw P]g, @)%% / ;f] P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL
lgodfjnL, @)%^ / bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -@_, -#_, -$_, -%_ / -^_ df plNnlvt
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf vl/b ;DaGwL P]g, lgod jf u7g cfb]zsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd eP u/]sf
vl/b ;DaGwL ;a} sfd sf/afxL o;} P]g adf]lhd eP u/]sf dflgg]5 .


b|i6Jo M Gofo k|zf;g P]g, @)&# åf/f ?kfGt/ ul/Psf zAbx? M–

-s_ æk'g/fj]bg cbfntÆ sf] ;§f æpRr cbfntÆ .
-v_ æk'g/fj]bg cbfntsf] GofofwLzÆ sf] ;§f æpRr cbfntsf] GofofwLzÆ .

The Public Procurement Act, 2063 (2007)
Date of certification and publication

30 paush 2063 (14 January 2007)

Act number 36 of the year 2007

An Act Made to Provide for Public Procurement

Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to make legal provisions in order to make the

procedures, processes and decisions relating to public procurement much more open,
transparent, objective and reliable,

obtain the maximum returns of public expenditures in an economical and rational

manner by promoting competition, fairness, honesty, accountability and reliability in
public procurement processes, and;

ensure good governance by enhancing the managerial capacity of procurement of

public entities in procuring, or causing to be procured, construction work and
procuring goods, consultancy services and other services by such entities and by
ensuring the equal opportunity for producers, sellers, suppliers, construction
entrepreneurs or service providers to participate in public procurement processes
without any discrimination;

Now, therefore, the House of Representatives has enacted this Act in the First Year of
the issuance of the Proclamation of the House of Representatives, 2007.



1. Short Title and Commencement: (1) This Act may be called “Public
Procurement Act, 2007."

(2) It shall come into force immediately.

2. Definitions: Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act,-

(a) “Procurement” means acquisition of any goods, consultancy services or
other services or carrying out or causing to be carried out any
construction works, by a public entity pursuant to this Act;

(b) “Public Entity” means the following entity:-

(1) Constitutional organ or body, Court, Ministry, Secretariat,

Commission, Department of the Government of Nepal or any other
Governmental Entity or Office thereunder,

(2) Corporation, Company, Bank or Board owned or controlled fully or

in majority by the Government of Nepal or Commission, Institute,
Authority, Corporation, Academy, Board, Center, Council
established at the public level or formed by the Government of
Nepal under the laws in force and other corporate body of a similar

(3) University, College, Research Center, which is operated by the

Government of Nepal or receives grants fully or in majority from
the Government of Nepal, and other Academic or Educational
Institution of a similar nature,

(4) Local body,

(5) Development Board formed under the Development Board Act,


(6) Body operated with loan or grant of the Government of Nepal, and

(7) Other Bodies as specified by the Government of Nepal by

publishing a notification in the Nepal Gazette, as a Public Entity;

(c) “Goods” means any kind of object, whether movable or immovable, and
this term includes services incidental to the supply of such goods;

(d) “Construction Work” means work such as site preparation, excavation,

erection, building, installation of equipment or goods and decoration etc,
associated with the construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or
renovation of any structure or works, and this term also includes services
incidental to construction work such as mapping, laboratory testing,
satellite photography and seismic investigation;

(e) “Consultancy Service” means any study, research, survey, design,

drawing, supervision, training, testing, software development service or
other intellectual or professional service of a similar nature;

(f) “Other Services” means the act of hiring motor vehicles, equipment or
goods, carriage or repair and maintenance of goods;

(g) “Bid” means a document setting out price, proposal or rate submitted by
a bidder in the format specified by a Public Entity as per the notice
published by that entity for procurement;

(h) “Bidder” means any person, firm, organization or company that submits
or may submit bid to take part in procurement proceedings;

(i) “Bidding Document” means a document prepared by the concerned

Public Entity making invitation to bid for submission by bidders by
filling up or preparing price or proposal or rate in such document and
this term also includes instructions to bidders, specifications, drawing,
design, terms of reference, schedule of work, evaluation criteria, bill of
quantities, conditions of contract and similar other documents;

(j) “Procurement Contract” means a procurement contract entered into

between a Public Entity and a supplier or construction entrepreneur or
consultant or service provider pursuant to Section 52;

(k) “Public Procurement Monitoring Office” means the Public Procurement

Monitoring Office established under Section 64;

(l) "Competent Authority" means an authority authorized under this Act or

the rules made thereunder to approve proceedings regarding

(m) “Security” means retention money or earnest money furnished as

security pending the completion of any obligation/work, and this term
also includes bid security or performance security or an amount
furnished for security required to be so furnished for any other reason;

(n) “Special Circumstance” means a circumstance resulted from natural or

divine calamity and sudden or unexpected special circumstance such as
drought, no rainfall, deluge, earthquake, flood, landslide and firing, and
this term also includes a circumstance such as war or internal conflict;

(o) “Local Body” means Village Development Committee, Municipality or

District Development Committee constituted under the Local Self-
governance Act, 1998;

(p) “Joint Venture” means the act of carrying out any work jointly by two or
more companies or firms with joint or several liabilities;

(q) “Agent” means any person, firm or company who takes agency of any
national or foreign person, firm or company;

(r) “One Level Higher Authority” means in relation to governmental

entities, in the case of the head of office, the head of a regional office
where there is such regional office and the departmental head of the
concerned department where there is no regional office, in the case of
regional head, the departmental head of the concerned department, in the
case of departmental head, the secretary to the concerned ministry,
secretariat or commission, in the case of a Secretary, the concerned
departmental Minister or Minister of state, and in the case of a Secretary
or administrative head of a constitutional organ or body, the head of the
concerned constitutional organ or body and in the case of other public

entities, the head of an entity that is one level higher than the procuring
entity and the board of directors or similar other body of such Public
Entity where there is no such entity;

(s) “Donor Party" means any foreign country or international or foreign

organization, which provides foreign assistance in the form of loan or
grant to the Government of Nepal under a bilateral or multilateral

(t) “Ration” means the goods in-kind specified by the Government of Nepal
in respect of food for the Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force
and governmental employees specified by the Government of Nepal;
patients at hospitals, detainees in prisons, animals and birds etc;

(u) “Prescribed” or “as prescribed” means prescribed or as prescribed in the

rules framed under this Act.

3. Procurement to be made as per this Act: (1) In making procurement, a Public

Entity shall have to make such procurement by complying with the procedures
set out in this Act.

(2) Any procurement made in such a manner as to be contrary to Sub-

section (1) shall be void and invalid.


Provisions Relating to Responsibility for Procurement and Procurement


4. Description of Goods, Construction Works and Services to be Prepared:

(1) Prior to procuring goods, construction works or services, a Public Entity
shall have to prepare a specifications, plan, drawing, design, special
requirement or other descriptions pertaining thereto.

(2) The description as referred to in Sub-section (1) shall be prepared
on the basis of relevant objective technical and quality characteristics and
functions of such goods, construction works or services.

(3) In preparing the description pursuant to sub-Sections (1) and (2),

unless there exists any other way of mentioning clearly in an intelligible manner
the characteristics of the goods, construction works or services, a particular
brand, trademark, name, patent, design, type, origin or producer’s name cannot
be mentioned .

Provided that where there is no other way than such mentioning, a

particular brand, trademark, name, patent, design, type, origin or producer’s
name shall be mentioned and the words “equivalent to” shall be mentioned

(4) In mentioning in the bidding documents or prequalification

documents, the description of the technical or quality characteristics of the
goods or construction works or other services, and requirements or symbols or
terminologies relating to testing, marking, packaging, labeling or conformity
certificate, no description, requirements, symbols or terminologies can be so
mentioned as to be irrelevant to the function of such goods or construction
works or services, to create obstacles, in any manner, to participation by
qualified bidders in the procurement process or to limit competition without any

5. Cost Estimate to be Prepared: (1) A Public Entity shall have to prepare a cost
estimate as prescribed for any procurement whatsoever.

Provided that a cost estimate shall not be required for any procurement valuing
up to twenty five thousand rupees.

(2) A Public Entity shall update as prescribed the cost estimate

prepared pursuant to Sub-section (1).

6. Procurement Plan to be Prepared: A Public Entity shall, in making
procurement valued at an amount in excess of the prescribed limit, have to
prepare a master procurement plan and annual procurement plan, as prescribed.

7. Responsibility Towards Procurement Activities: (1) The chief of the

concerned Public Entity shall be responsible for preparing a procurement plan
pursuant to Section 6 and carrying out or causing to be carried out all other
activities relating to procurement to be made by fulfilling the procedures
referred to in this Act.

(2) A Public Entity shall, in carrying out procurement related activity

pursuant to Sub-section (1), carry out so through an employee who has the
qualification prescribed by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office and has
knowledge or training on procurement business.

(3) A Public Entity shall establish a procurement unit or assign the

responsibilities thereof in order to carry out the following acts:

(a) Preparing a procurement plan,

(b) Preparing prequalification documents, bidding documents and

procurement contract related documents by making necessary
amendments in the standard bidding documents, standard
prequalification documents and standard procurement contract
documents prepared by the Public Procurement Monitoring

(c) Preparing documents relating to proposals for consultancy

services by making necessary modification in the standard
request for proposal prepared by the Public Procurement
Monitoring Office,

(d) Publicly publishing the procurement notice,

(e) Issuing pre-qualification documents, bidding documents or

forwarding documents relating to proposals for consultancy

(f) Receiving and safely keeping pre-qualification proposals, bids

or consultancy service proposals,

(g) Submitting the pre-qualification proposals, bids or consultancy

service proposals to the evaluation committee for evaluation
and submit the evaluated bids for acceptance,

(h) Notifying the acceptance of the pre-qualification proposals,

bids or consultancy service proposals,

(i) Obtaining, examining and safely keeping the performance


(j) Examining, or causing to be examined, the quality standards

of the goods, construction works or services that have been

(k) Making available the information and documents asked for by

the Public Procurement Monitoring Office, and

(l) Performing other functions as may be prescribed.

(4) In carrying out or causing to be carried out the functions as referred

to in Sub-section (3), the Procurement Unit or the unit to which responsibility
thereof has been assigned shall carry out the same with the approval of the chief
of the concerned Public Entity.

8. Procurement Method to be Selected: (1) A Public Entity while procuring

shall have to procure by applying any of the following methods based on such
conditions and purchase price as prescribed:-

(a) For procurement of goods, construction works or other services:

(1) By inviting open bids at international level,

(2) By inviting open bids at national level,

(3) By inviting sealed quotations,

(4) By procuring directly,

(5) Through participation of users' committee or beneficiary group,

(6) Through force account.

(b) Procurement of consultancy service:

(1) By requesting competitive proposals,

(2) Through direct negotiations.

(2) In making procurement pursuant to this Act and the rules framed
under this Act, procurement shall not be so made in piecemeal as to limit

9. Procurement to be Made by Inviting Open Bid: Except as otherwise

provided in this Act, a Public Entity making any procurement shall, to the
extent possible, make by inviting open bids, and provide equal opportunity to
qualified bidders to participate in such procurement process without any

10. Qualification of Bidder or Proponent: (1) A bidder shall have to fulfill the
following qualification in order to obtain a procurement contract:-

(a) In the case of a bidder, the qualification criteria set forth in

the bidding documents or where prequalification proceedings
have been conducted for procurement, the qualification
criteria set forth in the prequalification documents , and

(b) In the case of a consultant the qualification criteria set forth in

the documents relating to proposals.

(2) In setting forth qualification criteria pursuant to Sub-section (1) in the

bidding documents or documents relating to proposals, professional and
technical qualifications, equipment availability, past performance, after-sale
service arrangements, availability of spare parts, legal capacity, financial
resources and condition, punishment for having committed professional
offenses and similar other criteria may be set forth.

(3) In setting forth the criteria pursuant to Sub-section (2), no provision

can be so made as to allow only a particular class of construction entrepreneur,
supplier, consultant or service provider to participate or to prevent any
particular class of construction entrepreneur, supplier, consultant or service
provider from participating in the procurement process.

(4) Bids, pre-qualification proposals and consultancy service proposals

shall be evaluated only in accordance with the criteria set forth in the bidding
documents, pre-qualification documents and in the documents relating to
proposals, respectively, and such criteria shall equally be applicable to all
bidders or proponents without any discrimination.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Section, no

qualification requirements shall be prescribed for the procurement of a
construction work the cost estimate of which is less than six million rupees.

(6) The Public Entity may disqualify a bidder or proponent at any time if
it finds that the statement submitted by such bidder or proponent concerning the
qualifications was factually false or substantially incomplete.

Provided that minor errors can be corrected by seeking information

pertaining thereto from the concerned bidder or proponent.


Provisions Relating to Bid

11. Process and Stage of Bidding: (1) In making procurement by bidding, an

invitation to bid can be made by the following process:-

(a) Inviting open bids by determining prequalification,

(b) Inviting open bids without determining prequalification.

(2) The open bid may be invited in a single stage or in two stages.

(3) In making invitation to bid on the conditions set forth in Sub-section

(1) of Section 28, it may be made in two stages.

12. Prequalification to be Determined: (1) In order to procure such construction

work as determined by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office from time to
time to be large and complex, or to procure goods of high value such as
industrial plants or with a view to identify qualified bidders, the Public Entity
shall, prior to making invitation to bids, prepare prequalification documents and
publicly invite to proposals for the determination of prequalification.

(2) Where the Public Entity considers appropriate, it may also determine
prequalification for other procurement as well.

(3) The prequalification documents under Sub-section (1) or (2) shall set
forth the qualification criteria required for prequalification and the method for
the preparation of proposal and the manner for the submission of proposal.

(4) The Public Entity shall provide as prescribed the prequalification

documents required to submit proposal as referred to in Sub-section (1) or (2) to
all persons, firms, companies and organizations that request for such document.

(5) The selection of the qualified applicant shall be made on the basis of
the qualification criteria set forth in Sub-section (3). The Public Entity shall
openly publish a list of the applicants so selected and send the same to all

(6) If any applicant whose prequalification proposal is rejected, requests

for the information of the reasons for the rejection of his or her proposal, within
thirty days of the notice being given pursuant to Sub-section (5), the concerned

Public Entity shall have to provide such information to him or her.

(7) Other provisions relating to the terms and conditions of

prequalification and determination thereof shall be as prescribed.

13. Bidding Documents to be Prepared: (1) Prior to invitation to bid, the Public
Entity shall have to prepare the bidding documents.

(2) The bidding documents under Sub-section (1) shall contain the
following matters:-

(a) The nature of procurement, time required for procurement and

technical specifications thereof,

(b) Where bids are invited without carrying out prequalification,

the criteria for qualification of bidders, as referred to in
Section 10,

(c) Where there is provision of site visit, information relating


(d) If any bid conference has to be held prior to submission of bid,

information relating to such conference,

(e) Instructions for preparing and submitting bids, the place for
the submission of bids, the deadline for the submission of
bids and the place, date and time for the opening of bids,

(f) Component of price, the currency or currencies in which the

bid price may be stated, the currency and the source and date
of the related exchange rate to be used for comparison of bids,

(g) The criteria and methodology for the evaluation of bids and
the selection of bidder,

(h) The preferences to be given, if any, for domestic goods and

local construction entrepreneurs, provision relating thereto,

(i) Where any goods or construction works are to be procured by
making separate lots and packages, such lots and packages and
the manner of evaluation thereof,

(j) Where alternatives to the technical specifications are also

invited, the manner of evaluation of such alternatives,

(k) Where a bid can be submitted even only for a portion of the
goods, construction works or services to be procured, a
description of such portion or portions,

(l) The validity period of bid,

(m) The amount, type, acceptable form and validity period of

security to be furnished for bid, performance or other
necessary matters,

(n) Where a bid security is required, provision that the period of

that security shall exceed by thirty days to the validity period
of bid,

(o) The terms and conditions of the procurement contract under

Section 52 and the modality of coming for the entry into force
of that contract,

(p) Information that bids shall not be processed in the event of

conflict of interest or information relating to legal action for
fraud or corruption,

(q) Provision that any bidder may make an application, for

review, against any error or decision made by the Public
Entity in carrying out bid proceedings,

(r) Provision that the documents proving technical capacity and

financial proposal (bid price) have to be submitted in one

envelope, and

(s) Such other matters determined by the Public Procurement

Monitoring Office as to be involved in the prequalification
documents or bidding documents.

(3) The Public Entity shall make available the bidding documents upon
collection of the charges as prescribed to any person, firm, organization or
company that requests for the bidding documents in accordance with the notice
for invitation to bids, and where prequalification is required to participate in the
procurement proceedings, to those persons, firms, organizations or companies
that have been pre-qualified and request for such documents.

14. Invitation to Bids: (1) A notice for invitation to bids or prequalification

proposals shall have to be published in a daily newspaper of national circulation
and, in the case of an international bid; it may also be published in any
international communication media.

(2) The notice as referred to in Sub-section (1) shall be placed in the

website of the concerned entity or that of the Public Procurement Monitoring
Office, in the case of a central level Public Entity, and in the case of a district
level Public Entity, such notice may be placed in the website of that body or
that of the Public Procurement Monitoring Office.

(3) A notice on invitation to bid or prequalification proposal shall

contain the following matters:-

(a) The name and address of the Public Entity inviting bid,

(b) The nature of and time limit for procurement work and the
place of delivery of the goods to be supplied, the services to be
delivered and the construction work to be performed,

(c) If bid security is required, the amount and validity period


(d) Where bid security is required, the amount and validity period
of the bid,

(e) The place, manner of obtaining the bidding documents or

prequalification documents, and the fees charged therefor,

(f) The place, manner, the deadline for the submission or

forwarding of the bidding documents or prequalification

(g) The place, date and time for the opening of bids, and matter
that the bidders or their authorized agents shall be invited to
attend the opening of bid, and

(h) Other matters as prescribed.

(4) In publishing a notice under Sub-section (1), for invitation of national

level bidding or prequalification proposals, a period of at least thirty days shall
be given and at least forty five days shall be given in the case of a notice on
invitation that of international level bidding or prequalification proposals.

(5) While stating the place from which the bidding documents or
prequalification documents can be obtained pursuant to clause (e) of Sub-
section (3), provision shall have to be made for obtaining such documents from
two or more than two public entities.

(6) While stating the place for submitting or forwarding the bidding
documents or prequalification documents pursuant to clause (f) of Sub-section
(3), provision shall be made that such documents shall be submitted or
forwarded to only one Public Entity.

(7) Where any Public Entity, bidder or proponent requests for security
for submitting or forwarding the bid or prequalification proposal pursuant to
Sub-section (6), the concerned District Administration Office shall mandatorily
make security arrangements immediately.

(8) In making procurement through an international level bidding, the
Public Entity may give domestic preference to the Nepalese entrepreneurs and
businesspersons as prescribed, and where domestic preference is to be so given,
that matter shall be set forth in the notice on invitation to bid and the bidding

Provided that, in the case of procurement of construction work,

preference may be given pursuant to Sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the
Construction Entrepreneur Act, 1958.

(9) A foreign bidder, while submitting bid, shall have to state whether
he/she has appointed any agent in the State of Nepal or not.

(10) Where an agent is appointed pursuant to Sub-section (9), the details

as prescribed in relation to the agent shall also be set forth in the bid.

(11) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Section,

where a foreign bidder enters into joint venture with a domestic construction
entrepreneur, in the case of procurement of public construction work,
preference may be given to such a foreign bidder.

15. International Level Bidding: (1) While making invitation to bid pursuant to
this Act, an international level bid shall be invited in any of the following

(a) Where the goods or construction works as requisitioned by a

Public Entity are not available under competitive price from
more than one construction entrepreneur or supplier within the
State of Nepal,

(b) Where no bid was submitted in response to invitation to

national level bidding for the procurement of goods,
construction works or other services, and the same has to be
procured from abroad,

(c) Where under an agreement entered into with a donor party,
foreign goods or construction works have to be procured from
foreign assistance source,

(d) Where the Public Entity has certified that the goods or
construction works, being of complex and special nature, have
to be procured through an international level bidding.

(2) A notice on invitation to international bidding as referred to in this

Section shall be published in English language; and all bidding or
prequalification documents shall have to be made available in the English

(3) The notice referred to in Sub-section (2) shall have to be placed in

the website referred to in Sub-section (2) of Section 14.

16. Clarification as to Unclear Matter on Bidding or Prequalification

Documents:(1) Where any bidder, being unclear about any matter set forth in
the bidding documents or the prequalification documents, requests, within the
time period set out in such documents, for a clarification, the Public Entity shall
have to communicate the information of such matter to all bidders prior to the
deadline for the submission of bids or prequalification proposals.

(2) Where the Public Entity makes any alteration/modification in the

information under Sub-section (1) and the bidding documents or
prequalification documents, it shall have to communicate information relating
to such alteration/modification to all bidders that have participated in the
procurement proceedings within a reasonable time so as to enable them to take
such alteration/modification into account in submitting their bids or preparing
their proposals for prequalification.

(3) Where it is necessary to provide additional time to bidders for the act
under Sub-section (2), the Public Entity may extend the deadline for the

submission of bids or prequalification proposals.

17. Deadline for Submission of Bids or Prequalification Proposals: The Public

Entity shall have to so set the deadline for the submission of bids or
prequalification proposals as not to be less than the period set forth in Sub-
section (4) of Section 14 and as to allow sufficient time for bidders to prepare
or submit such bids or proposals.

18. Method of Submission of Bids: (1) A bid shall have to be submitted in the
specified form, duly signed by the bidder himself /herself or his /her authorized
agent, in a sealed envelope by the bidder himself /herself or through his or her
authorized agent or by post or courier at such place and within the last date and
time as specified for the submission of bids.

(2) Bids received after the deadline under Sub-section (1) shall not be
processed and such bid shall be returned unopened to the concerned bidder.

19. Withdrawal and Modification of Bid: (1) A bidder may, prior to expiry of the
deadline for the submission of bids, make a sealed application for modification
to or withdrawal of bid that a bidder has once submitted.

(2) Other provisions relating to the withdrawal or modification of bid

shall be as prescribed.

20. Validity Period of Bid: (1) The validity period of a bid shall be as specified in
the bidding documents.

(2) The period as referred to in Sub-section (1) shall commence from the
deadline for the submission of bids.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), the Public

Entity may, if so required to extend the validity period of bids after the opening
of bids, extend the validity period of bids as required assigning the reasons for
the same.

(4) In extending the validity period of bid pursuant to Sub-section (3),
consent of the concerned bidder shall have to be obtained.

(5) A bidder who agrees to extend the validity period of his/her/its bid
pursuant to Sub-section (4) shall correspondingly extend the validity period of
bid security.

(6) The bid security of the bidder not providing consent pursuant to Sub-
section (4) shall be returned.

21. Bid Security: (1) A bidder shall provide as prescribed bid security along with
the bid.

(2) The security furnished pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be forfeited

in the following conditions:-

(a) If the bidder requests for modification or withdrawal of bid

during the validity period of bid, after the deadline for the
submission of bids,

(b) If the bidder refuses to accept the correction of arithmetical

errors found in the bid,

(c) If the selected bidder fails to sign the procurement contract in

accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the
bidding documents,

(d) Where the bidder fails to furnish the performance security as

set forth in the bidding documents within the time for signing
the procurement contract,

(e) If the bidder has changed the bid price or substantive matter of
the bid while providing any information in response to
clarification sought by the Public Entity pursuant to Sub-
section (4) of Section 23 in the course of examination of bids.

(f) If any act contrary to conduct as referred to in Section 62 is

(3) After the conclusion of a procurement contract under Section 52, the
Public Entity shall return the bid security of the bidder who has signed the
procurement contract and the bid security of those bidders whose bid security is
not liable to forfeiture pursuant to Sub-section (2).

22. Opening of Bids: The Public Entity shall have to open bids as prescribed at the
time and place specified in the bidding documents on the same day immediately
after expiry of the deadline for the submission of bids.

23. Examination of Bids: (1) The Public Entity shall have to submit to the
evaluation committee the bids opened pursuant to Section 22.

(2) The committee shall, prior to evaluating the bids submitted pursuant
to Sub-section (1), examine the bids in order to ascertain the following matters:-

(a) Whether documents establishing that the bidder is qualified

under law to submit the bid are submitted or not,

(b) Whether the bid is complete in accordance with the

instructions to bidders set forth in the bidding documents or
not and whether it is signed by the bidder or by the bidder’s
authorized agent or not,

(c) Where a bid security is required to be submitted along with the

bid, whether a bid security of such type, period and amount as
set forth in the bidding documents is accompanied with the bid
or not,

(d) Whether the bid is substantially responsive to the technical

specifications set forth in the bidding documents and the terms
and conditions of procurement contract attached with the
bidding documents or not.

(3) In examining the completeness of bids pursuant to clause (b) of Sub-
section (2), the following matters shall be examined:-

(a) Whether a power of attorney for the authorized agent or local

agent of the bidder is submitted or not,

(b) Where a joint venture agreement is necessary, whether such

agreement is submitted or not,

(c) Whether documents establishing the eligibility of the bidder

and of goods mentioned by the bidder are submitted or not,

(d) Whether necessary document relating to the qualifications of

the bidder is submitted or not,

(e) Where the bidding documents require the submission of a rate

analysis, whether such rate analysis is submitted or not,

(f) Other matters as prescribed.

(4) The Public Entity may, in the course of examining the bids pursuant
to this Section, ask bidders for necessary information.

(5) The concerned bidder shall have to provide the information sought by
the Public Entity pursuant to Sub-section (4) to the Public Entity, and in
providing such information, no change or alteration in the bid price or other
substance of the bid shall be allowed.

(6) In examining bids invited after determination of prequalification,

examination of the qualification of bidder shall be made to ascertain whether or
not it conforms to the prequalification or not.

(7) While examining the qualification pursuant to Sub-section (6), if the

qualification of a bidder is found to be substantially lower than what was at the
prequalification stage, the bid of such a bidder shall be rejected.

(8) If any arithmetical error is found in a bid in examining bids pursuant

to this Section, the Public Entity may correct such an error, and where, in
making such correction, there exists a discrepancy between unit rate and total
amount, the unit rate shall prevail, and the total amount shall be corrected as per
the same rate.

(9) Where there is a discrepancy between figures and words in a bid

submitted by a bidder, the amount in words shall prevail.

(10) Where any error is corrected pursuant to Sub-section (8) or (9),

information of such correction shall be communicated to the concerned bidder.

24. Non–procession of Bids: Bids having following noncompliance shall not be


(a) Where it is not sealed,

(b) Where it is not submitted within the time frame,

(c) The bids withdrawn pursuant to Section 19,

(d) If it is not in accordance with Sub-section (2) of Section 23,

(e) The bids submitted by mutual collusion pursuant to Sub-section (6)

of Section 26,

(f) The bids cancelled pursuant to Sub-section (7) of Section 23.

25. Evaluation of Bids: (1) All submitted bids other than those separated for non-
procession pursuant to Section 24, shall be included for evaluation.

(2) Where a bid is found containing minor deviations in the matters such
as the technical specifications, descriptions and characteristics etc. so as not to
reject the bid, the value of such deviations shall be quantified, to the extent
possible, and included in the evaluation of bids pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(3) Where the value of minor deviations under Sub-section (2) exceeds
fifteen percent of the bid price of the bidder, such a bid shall be deemed to be
substantially non-responsive; and shall be excluded from evaluation.

Explanation: For the purposes of this Section, the words “minor
deviations” mean such deviations that do not materially depart from the matters
such as the technical specifications and descriptions as set forth in the bidding

(4) Where invitation to bid has been made after determination of

prequalification, the bids submitted by the bidder other than the pre-qualified
bidders shall be excluded from evaluation under Sub-section (1).

(5) Bid shall be evaluated in accordance with the criteria and

methodology set forth in the bidding documents; and in carrying out such
evaluation, the bid with the lowest bid price shall be determined by making
comparison of the evaluated price of every bid with the evaluated price of the
other bids.

(6) The qualifications of the bidder of the bid having the lowest bid
price under Sub-section (4) shall be verified in order to ascertain whether it
conforms to the qualification criteria set forth in the bidding documents or not.

(7) Where on examination, the qualification of the bidder of the bid

having the lowest bid price pursuant to Sub-section (4) is in conformity with the
qualification evaluation criteria set forth in the bidding documents under Sub-
section (5), such bid shall be the lowest evaluated substantively responsive bid.
Where, on examination, the qualification of such bidder is found not to be in
conformity with the qualification as evaluation criteria set forth in the bidding
documents, such bid shall be excluded from evaluation; and the qualification of
the next bidder having the next lowest bid price shall be examined on the same
grounds respectively.

(8) The evaluation committee shall prepare an evaluation report stating,

inter alia, the criteria and methodology of evaluation of the lowest evaluated
substantially responsive bid pursuant to Sub-section (6) and submit the report to

the Public Entity.

26. Rejection of Bids or Cancellation of Procurement Proceedings: (1) The

Public Entity may, in the following circumstances, reject all bids or cancel the
procurement proceedings:-

(a) If none of the bids are substantially responsive pursuant to

clause (d) of Sub-section (2) of Section 23,

(b) If the bid price of the lowest evaluated substantially

responsive bid is substantially above the cost estimate, or

(c) If requisitioned goods, construction works, consultancy

services or other services are no longer required.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), no bid shall

be rejected or re-bidding shall be invited only for the reason that only a few
bids are or only one bid is substantively responsive.

(3) The Public Entity shall have to communicate to all the bidders a
notice along with the reason for the rejection of bids or cancellation of the
procurement proceedings pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(4) Where any bidder requests, within thirty days of the communication
of notice pursuant to Sub-section (3), for grounds for the rejection of all bids or
rejection of the procurement proceedings, the Public Entity shall have to
communicate such information to that bidder.

(5) In making re-invitation to bid because of non-submission of any bid

in response to an invitation to bid or cancellation of all bids or cancellation of
the bid proceedings pursuant to Sub-section (1), the modification shall also be
carry out in the bidding documents, technical specifications, cost estimate and
terms and conditions of procurement contract as per necessity by reviewing the
reasons for such rejection of bids or cancellation of the bid proceedings

(6) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Section, if is
proved that the bidder has submitted bid by collusion among the bidders, such
bid shall be rejected.

27. Acceptance of Bid and Procurement Contract: (1) The Public Entity shall
select for acceptance only the lowest evaluated substantially responsive bid in
accordance with Section 25.

(2) Within seven days of the selection of the bid pursuant to Sub-section
(1), the Public Entity shall serve a notice of the intent of acceptance of his or
her bid to the concerned bidder. Information regarding the name, address of the
bidder whose bid has been so selected and the price of the bid shall also be
communicated to the other bidders.

(3) If no bidder makes an application pursuant to Section 47 within a

period of seven days of providing the notice under Sub-section (2), the bid of
the bidder selected pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be accepted and a notice
shall be communicated to the bidder to furnish the performance security to
conclude the procurement contract within fifteen days.

(4) The concerned bidder shall have to furnish the performance security
and sign the procurement contract under Section 52 within the period set forth
in Sub-section (3).

(5) If the bidder fails to furnish the performance security and sign the
procurement contract within the period under Sub-section (3), the bid security
of that bidder shall be forfeited, and the bid of the other immediately next
lowest evaluated substantially responsive bidder shall be accepted and the
procurement contract concluded.

(6) If even the bidder under Sub-section (5) fails to furnish the
performance security and sign the procurement contract, the bid of the other
immediately next lowest evaluated substantially responsive bidder,

respectively, shall be accepted, and a notice shall be served to that bidder for
concluding the procurement contract pursuant to this Section.

(7) If, within thirty days of the communication of the notice as referred
to in Sub-section (2), any bidder whose bid has been rejected requests for
grounds for the rejection of its bid, the Public Entity shall have to communicate
such information to that bidder.

28. Two-Stage Bidding: (1) Two-stage biding may be invited in the following

(a) When it is not feasible to define fully the technical aspects of

the goods or construction works or services to be procured or
the terms and conditions of the procurement contract at the
time of the invitation to bid, or

(b) Because of the complex nature of the goods or construction

works or services to be procured, if it is necessary for the
Public Entity to discuss with the bidders about how to resolve
the problems related to various technical aspects or the
procurement contract and about such technical aspects and
conditions of contract and benefits accruing there from.

(2) While inviting the first stage bid pursuant to this Section, the bidding
documents shall state the purpose of procurement, expected performance, broad
specifications and other broad features and the qualification of bidders, and
state that bidder shall not be required to quote the price in his/her bid and shall
submit only technical proposal and comments on the terms and conditions of
the proposed procurement contract.

(3) The Public Entity may hold discussions with any or all bidders in
relation to the bids submitted in response to the invitation to bid made pursuant
to Sub-section (2).

(4) The Public Entity may, also taking into account the discussions held
in pursuance to Sub-section (3), do the following in relation to the bids
submitted pursuant to Sub-section (2):

(a) Canceling a proposal relating to a bid that fails to meet the

basic requirements required to be met in relation to
procurement or fails to make minimum performance or fails to
complete the work within the specified period or that cannot
be modified to meet such requirements or to make such
performance or to complete the work within the specified
period or due to any other weakness,

(b) Modifying or improving the technical specifications,

evaluation criteria and terms and conditions of the
procurement contract in order to increase competition,

(c) Determining the evaluation system in order to determine the

appropriateness of various options submitted by the bidders.

(5) After the completion of the acts as referred to in Sub-section (4), the
Public Entity shall make invitation to second stage bid. In making such
invitation to bid, the bidders whose bids have not been cancelled pursuant to the
said Sub-section shall be invited to submit bid along with price in accordance
with revised bidding documents.

(6) The second-stage bidding proceedings to be carried out pursuant to

Sub-section (5) shall be carried out pursuant to the provisions contained in this
Chapter except for those provided for in this Section.


Provisions Relating to Consultancy Services

29. Consultancy Services May be Procured: (1) A Public Entity may procure
consultancy services from any person, firm, organization or company in the

following conditions:-

(a) If any work cannot be performed by the human resource available

at the concerned Public Entity, or

(b) If a service is required to be obtained from a consultant under the

foreign aid source in accordance with an agreement with a donor

(2) In procuring the consultancy services under Sub-section (1),

procurement shall be made by fulfilling the procedures referred to in this Act.

30. Short List to be Prepared by Soliciting Expression of Interest Openly: (1)

Where it is required to procure consultancy service that costs more than the
prescribed threshold, the Public Entity, in order to solicit expression of interest
from the persons, firms, organizations or companies that are interested in
providing such consultancy services shall publish a notice in a newspaper of
national circulation, giving a period of at least fifteen days, setting out the
matters as prescribed.

(2) The notice under Sub-section (1) may be placed in the website of the
concerned Ministry of the Public Entity or of the Public Procurement
Monitoring Office.

(3) International level expression of interest shall have to be invited in

the following circumstances:-

(a) To procure consultancy service, the cost of which exceeds the

prescribed threshold,

(b) If the consultancy service as requisitioned by the Public Entity

is not available under competitive price from more than one
consultant within the State of Nepal,

(c) If no proposal has been submitted in response to invitation to

national level proposal for the procurement of consultancy
service, and the service has to be procured from any foreign

(d) If it is necessary to obtain services from a consultant under the

foreign aid source by soliciting international expression of
interest in accordance with an agreement with the donor party.

(4) While soliciting expression of interest under Sub-section (3), notice

shall have to be published in English language.

(5) The Public Entity shall, upon evaluation, inter alia, of the
qualification, experience and capacity of the intending proponents the
expression of interest pursuant to Sub-section (1) or (3), make selection of
generally three to six intending proponents and who can provide such
consultancy service, and prepare a short list as prescribed.

(6) Where it is required to procure consultancy service the cost of which

is less than the prescribed threshold, the Public Entity may prepare a list of the
person, firm, organization or company that can provide such service, by
fulfilling the procedures as prescribed, and shall solicit proposals pursuant to
Section 31 from the person, firm, organization or company that have been
included in that list, by fulfilling the procedures as prescribed.

31. Soliciting Proposals: (1) After a short list has been prepared pursuant to
Section 30, the Public Entity shall request for proposals from intending
proponents, by giving a period of at least thirty days, sending the documents
relating to proposal, as prescribed to the intending proponents who are short

(2) The documents relating to proposal under in Sub-section (1) shall

contain the following matters:-

(a) The name and address of the Public Entity,

(b) The nature of the services to be procured, the time and place
when and where the services are to be provided, the terms of
reference of the services, the task to be completed and
expected outputs,

(c) Instructions to proponent to prepare proposal,

(d) Matters that the technical and the financial proposals have to
be sealed in separate envelopes, each of which has to clearly
indicate the type of proposal outside it and that both
envelopes have then to be sealed in a separate envelope and
that the required services have to be mentioned thereon,

(e) Technical and financial evaluation weightage,

(f) The criteria and weightage marks for the evaluation and
comparison of proposal,

(g) Conditions of the procurement contract,

(h) The place, date and time for the submission of proposals,

(i) Method for the selection of proposals,

(j) Statement that proposals shall not be processed in the event of

conflict of interest and information relating to legal action if
fraud or corruption is committed,

(k) Provision that a proponent may make an application for

review, against any error or decision made by the Public
Entity in carrying out proposal proceedings, and

(l) Other matters as prescribed.

(3) In setting forth in the documents relating to proposals under Sub-

section (1), the criteria for the evaluation of proposal pursuant to clause (f) of
Sub-section (2), any or all of the following criteria shall be set forth as required

for the evaluation of technical proposal:-

(a) Experience of consultants in the task to be performed by


(b) The quality of proposed methodology for the performance of

task by the consultants,

(c) The qualification of the proposed key human resource,

(d) Provision of knowledge and technology transfer,

(e) In the case of international level proposals, the details of key

Nepalese human resource proposed for the performance of

(4) In setting forth in the documents relating to proposals under

Sub-section (1), the method for the selection of proposal pursuant to
clause (i) of Sub-section (2), there shall be set forth which of the
following methods shall be used for the selection of proposals:-

(a) Quality and cost method,

(b) Quality method,

(c) Fixed Budget method, or

(d) Least cost method.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (4), where the

nature of the consultancy services to be procured is exceptionally complex or
such services are likely to have considerable impact on future projects or
national economy, the selection of proposals may be made exclusively on the
basis of the quality method, as prescribed.

32. Opening of Proposals: (1) After the expiry of the deadline for the submission
of proposal, the outer envelope of the proposal received from the proponent
shall be opened and the sealed envelope of technical and financial proposal

shall be separated.

(2) Out of the envelope separated pursuant to Sub-section (1), the

technical proposals shall be opened first, and the envelope of financial proposal
shall be kept safely apart unopened.

(3) The envelope of financial proposal separated pursuant to Sub-section

(2) shall be opened only after making evaluation of the technical proposal
pursuant to Section 33.

(4) Other provision relating to the opening of technical proposals shall be

as prescribed.

33. Evaluation of Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall be evaluated

in accordance with the evaluation criteria as prescribed in the documents
relating to proposal.

34. Opening of Financial Proposal: The financial proposals of only those

proponents who have been qualified from the evaluation of technical proposals
shall be opened as prescribed.

35. Evaluation of Financial Proposal: The financial proposal opened pursuant to

Section 34 shall be evaluated as provided hereunder:-

(a) Where quality and cost method is applied to select the

proposal, the technical and financial proposals shall be
evaluated in a combined form and the proposal of the
proponent who obtains the highest marks in such evaluation
shall have to be selected as prescribed.

(b) Where quality method is applied to select proposal, only the

proposal of the proponent obtaining the highest marks in the
technical proposal shall have to be selected.

(c) Where fixed budget method is applied to select proposal, a

proposal having cost above such budget ceiling shall be
rejected and the proposal of the proponent who obtains the
highest technical marks after falling within such budget
ceiling shall have to be selected.

(d) Where least cost method is applied to select proposal, the

proposal of a proponent having the lowest cost out of the
proponents having obtained minimum marks prescribed for
being successful in the technical proposal shall have to be

36. Rejection of Proposal and Cancellation of Procurement Proceedings: (1)

The Public Entity may reject all proposals or cancel the procurement
proceedings in the following conditions:-

(a) If all the received proposals are not substantially responsive to

the terms of reference,

(b) If the cost offered by the selected proponent is substantially

more than the cost estimate and available budget,

(c) If the consultancy service is no longer required or,

(d) If it is proved that the proponents have submitted the proposal

by mutual collusions.

Provided that the proposal of those proponents who have not

colluded may be processed.

37. Negotiations with the Proponent: (1) Negotiations with the proponent
selected pursuant to Section 35 may be held in the matter of terms of reference
and scope of the proposed services, progress report, and facility to be made
available by the Public Entity.

(2) Except in the conditions under clause (b) of Sub-section (1) of

Section 35, negotiations in relation to the financial proposal cannot be held with
respect to the remuneration of professional experts.

Provided that negotiations may be held with respect to the reimbursable


(3) If an agreement acceptable to both the Public Entity and the

proponent could not be resulted from the negotiations held pursuant to this
Section, the Public Entity shall have to negotiate in the case of the proposal
under clause (a) (b) and (c) of Sub-section (1) of Section 35, with the proponent
having obtained the next highest marks and in the case of the proposal under
clause (d), with the proponent having the next lowest cost, respectively.

38. Procurement Contract to be Concluded: (1) The proposal of the proponent

who has reached to the agreement from the negotiations pursuant to Section 37
shall be selected for acceptance.

(2) Within seven days of selection of proposal pursuant to Sub-section

(1), the Public Entity shall have to serve a notice of the intention of accepting
the proposal to the proponent so selected and to other short-listed proponents.

(3) If no proponent files an application pursuant to Section 47 within

seven days of a notice being served pursuant to Sub-section (2), the proposal of
the proponent selected pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be accepted and s/he
shall be served a notice by giving a period of fifteen days to come to sign the

(4) If the proponent attends within the period under Sub-section (1) to
conclude contract, s/he shall have to sign contract under Section 52, and if s/he
does not attend, the Public Entity shall hold negotiations, respectively, pursuant
to Section 37 with the proponent having obtained next higher marks in the case
of a proponent under clause (a), (b), and (c) of Sub-section (1) of Section 35
and with the next proponent having the lowest cost in the case of clause (d) and

conclude contract with such proponent pursuant to Section 52.

39. Other Provision for Consultancy Services: Other procedure concerning

procurement of consultancy service and evaluation process thereof shall be as


Other Provision Relating to Procurement

40. Provision Relating to Sealed Quotation: (1) The threshold of the amount of
the goods, construction work or other services that can be procured through
sealed quotation shall be as prescribed.

(2) Before inviting a sealed quotation, a form of sealed quotation stating

clearly therein the specifications, quality, quantity terms and conditions of
supply and time and other necessary matters of the goods, construction work or
other services to be procured shall have to be prepared.

(3) In inviting a sealed quotation, a notice shall be published in a

national or local level newspaper by giving a period at least of fifteen days.

(4) The sealed quotation, once submitted, cannot be withdrawn or


(5) The lowest evaluated sealed quotation falling within the cost estimate
after fulfilling the terms and conditions under Sub-section (2) shall have to be

(6) Other provisions of sealed quotation shall be as prescribed.

41. Provision for Direct Procurement: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained

elsewhere in this Act, goods or consultancy services or other services may be
directly procured or construction work may be caused to be carried out directly
in the following conditions:-

(a) Low-value procurement valuing up to the prescribed amount,

(b) If only one supplier or construction entrepreneur or consultant
or service provider has the technical efficiency or capacity to
fulfill the procurement requirement,

(c) If only one supplier has the exclusive right to supply the goods
to be procured and no other appropriate alternative is

(d) If additional goods or services of proprietary nature within the

prescribed limit is to be procured from the existing supplier or
consultant or service provider after it has been proved that if
the existing supplier or consultant or service provider is
changed to replace or extend existing goods or services or the
spare parts of the installed machine the goods or services
existing in the Public Entity can not be replaced or changed,

(e) If the most necessary construction works, goods or

consultancy services or other services within the limit as
prescribed but not included in the initial contract due to failure
to foresee and difficult to be completed by separating from the
initial contract due to technical or financial reasons, is to be

(f) If the service of a particular consultant with his unique

qualifications is immediately needed for the concerned work
or where the service of same consultant is indispensable.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Section,

procurement to be made pursuant to clause (b), (e) and (f) shall be made in the
case of the Public Entity under sub-clause (1) of clause (b) of Section 2 as per
the decision of Government of Nepal, Council of Ministers, on recommendation

of the following committee and in the case of other Public Entity as per the
decision of the supreme executive body of that entity:-

(a) Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal -Coordinator

(b) Secretary, Ministry of Finance -Member

(c) Secretary, Concerned Ministry -Member

(d) Financial Comptroller General -Member

(e) Chief, Public Procurement Monitoring Office -Member

(3) For the direct procurement pursuant to Sub-section (1), the Public
Entity shall invite written rate or proposal from only one supplier or
construction entrepreneur or consultant or service provider after preparing a
written description as prescribed of the special matter concerning its
requirements and quality, quantity, terms and conditions and time of supply and
may procure by holding negotiations according to necessity.

Provided that such procurement shall be made only after obtaining prior
approval where an approval is required under this Act and by concluding a

42. Special Provision Relating to Ration Procurement : (1) Notwithstanding

anything contained elsewhere in this Act, the Public Entity in procuring ration,
shall have to apply the procedure as prescribed in the following matters:-

(a) Cost estimate and approval thereof,

(b) Price-escalation,

(c) Bidder's eligibility,

(d) Bid security,

(e) Submission of bid, and

(f) Other matter as prescribed.

(2) Procedures other than those mentioned in Sub-section (1) shall be as
provided for in this Act.

43. Provision Relating to Renting House and Land and Obtaining Service on
Contract: Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, the
Public Entity may take house and land on rent or obtain the prescribed services
on contract in compliance with the prescribed procedure.

44. Construction Works May be Caused to be Carried out by Users

Committee or Beneficiary Community: If economy, quality or sustainability
is increased in having a construction work carried out or obtaining services
related thereto from the users committee or beneficiary community or if the
main objective of the project is to create employment and to have the
beneficiary community involved, such work may be caused to be carried by or
such service may be obtained from a users' committee or beneficiary
community by fulfilling the procedure as prescribed.

45. Works May be Done or Cause to be Done by Force Account: (1) Such work
as repair and maintenance of ordinary nature, regular petty work or sanitation
may be done by force account or caused to be done by a users' committee.

(2) The procedure to be applied for carrying out or causing to be carried

out the work pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

46. Work May be Caused to be Carried Out by Non-Governmental

Organization: (1) If promptness, effectiveness and economy are achieved in
having works such as public awareness training, orientation, empowerment,
main-streaming carried out by a non-governmental organization, the Public
Entity may have such work carried out or obtain such services from a non-
governmental organization by application of the process as prescribed.


Provision Relating to Review of Procurement Proceedings or Decision

47. Application may be Filed before the Chief of Public Entity: (1) A bidder or
proponent may file an application before the chief of the concerned Public
Entity for review against any error or decision made by the Public Entity stating
the cause for the damages the bidder will suffer or is likely to suffer from the
error or breach of the duty, imposed on the Public Entity in carrying out the
procurement proceedings or making decision.

(2) The application to be filed pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be

limited with respect only to the proceedings prior to entry into force of the
procurement contract.

(3) The application under Sub-section (1) shall have to be filed within
the period specified, if any, in this Act for making application and, if not so
specified, within seven days from the date of the bidder or proponent having
become aware of that the Public Entity has made an error or has dishonored the
duty relating to the procurement proceedings.

(4) In the application under Sub-section (1), the applicant shall have to
state clearly the commission or omission of an act by the Public Entity that led
to such error or breach of duty and the provision of this Act or Regulations or
guidelines made thereunder that have been contravened by such decision.

(5) An application for review received after the expiry of the period
under Sub-section (3) shall not be processed.

(6) If, from the inquiry made in respect of the application received
pursuant to Sub-section (1), an error is found in the procurement proceedings or
the Public Entity is found to have breached its duty or such decision is found to
be contrary to law, the chief of the Public Entity shall suspend the procurement
proceedings and make a decision with reason in writing within five days of

receipt of such application.

(7) The decision under Sub-section (6) shall also state how the
procurement proceedings shall further proceed on.

(8) If the application under Sub-section (1) is in respect of the

procurement proceedings of an amount below the prescribed one, no
application can be submitted before the Review Committee for review against
the decision made by the chief of the Public Entity pursuant to Sub-section (6).

48. Review Committee: (1) For review of the application under Section 49,
government of Nepal shall constitute a public procurement Review Committee
consisting of the following chairperson and member:-

(a) One person from among the former judges of the

Appellate Court or Judge of the Appellate Court or the -Chairperson
persons retired from the special class post of
Government of Nepal.

(b) One person from among the persons retired from the
gazetted first class post of the Nepal Engineering -Member
Service of the Government of Nepal

(c) One person from among the persons having

experiences and expertise on public procurement -Member

(2) While making appointment of a member under clause (c) of Sub-

section (1), no employee, currently holding a post in a Public Entity shall be

(3) The tenure of the chairperson or member appointed pursuant to Sub-

section (1) shall be three years.

Provided that in appointing the members for the first time, one member

shall be appointed for one year and the other member shall be appointed for two

(4) The tenure of the chairperson or member under Sub-section (1) may
be extended up to another one term.

(5) The terms and conditions of the service and remuneration and
facilities of the chairperson or member under Sub-section (1) shall be as
specified by the Government of Nepal.

(6) Before assuming the office, the chairperson or member under Sub-
section (1) shall have to submit the information of the details as prescribed to
the Government of Nepal through the Public Procurement Monitoring Office.

(7) Government of Nepal may remove the chairperson or member in the

following conditions:-

(a) If s/he commits misconduct,

(b) If s/he fails to discharge the functions and duties as per the
responsibility of the post due to lack of performance capacity
or skill, or

(c) If s/he is convicted guilty from a court of law in a criminal

offense of moral turpitude.

49. Application May be Filed Before the Review Committee: A bidder or

proponent may file an application for review before the Review Committee in
the following conditions:-

(a) If the chief of the Public Entity does not make a decision on
the application filed before the Public Entity pursuant to
Section 47 in respect of the procurement proceedings of the
amount above the prescribed threshold within the period as
referred to in Sub-section (6) of the same Section or if the

applicant is dissatisfied with the decision made by him/her,

(b) In the matter of the procurement contract concluded pursuant

to Section 52.

50. Method of Review: (1) A bidder or consultant filing an application for review
under Section 48 before the Review Committee shall have to file such
application in the case of clause (a) of Section 49 within seven days and in the
case of clause (b) of the same Section within a period of thirty days from the
date of conclusion of such contract.

(2) Within three days of the receipt of application pursuant to Sub-

section (1), the Review Committee shall notify, by transmitting a copy of such
application and document attached to such application, if any, to the concerned
Public Entity to provide the information about the action taken in that respect
and comments thereon.

(3) Within three days of the receipt of notice pursuant to Sub-section (2),
the Public Entity shall have to provide to the Review Committee with
information and comments related thereto.

(4) The Review Committee shall have to make decision within thirty
days of receipt of the application pursuant to Sub-section (1) on the basis of the
information and comments received pursuant to Sub-section (3), the evidence
submitted by the applicant along with the application and, if necessary, by
hearing both the parties.

(5) In making a decision pursuant to Sub-section (4), the Review

Committee may decide as follows:-

(a) Dismissing the application,

(b) In the cases where procurement contract has not been


(1) Giving an order to the Public Entity not to commit or
make an unauthorized act or decision or to pursue
incorrect procedure,

(2) Annulling the whole or in part an unauthorized act or

decision made by the Public Entity,

(3) If bids or proposals need to be re-evaluated due to

occurrence of error in its evaluation, issuing an order
for re-evaluation, citing such error as well, if any, in the

(c) Where a procurement contract has already been concluded if

the Review Committee considers that such contract should
have been awarded to the applicant, recommending to the
Public Entity to pay a reasonable amount (quantum merit) to
the applicant having regard to the grievances suffered by the

(6) An applicant filing application for review pursuant to this Section

shall have to deposit security as prescribed.

(7) In cases where an application is dismissed pursuant to clause (a) of

Sub-section (5), such security shall be forfeited.

51. Procurement Proceedings to be Withheld: (1) Upon receipt of the notice of

the application for review filed pursuant to Sub-section (1) of Section 50, the
Public Entity shall have to withhold procurement proceedings until the Review
Committee makes a decision in respect of such application.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), procurement

proceedings need not be stopped in the following conditions:-

(a) If the Public Entity informs the Review Committee certifying

the matter that there is an urgency to keep the procurement

proceedings continuing due to an important public interest
lying in the procurement proceedings, or

(b) If the Review Committee fails to make a decision within the

period under Sub-section (4) of Section 50,

(c) Where the procurement contract has been concluded.

(3) If the Public Entity does not withhold the procurement proceedings
pursuant to clause (a) and (b) of Sub-section (2), it shall have to give
information thereof to the Review Committee.


Provision Relating to Procurement contract

52. Procurement Contract and Terms and Conditions Thereof: (1) In making
procurement other than of low-value one, in accordance with this Act, the
Public Entity shall have to conclude a procurement contract in accordance to
this Section.

(2) The procurement contract under Sub-section (1) shall include the
terms and conditions as referred to in the bidding documents, documents
relating to proposal and documents relating to sealed quotation and such terms
and conditions may, according to the nature of the contract be the following:-

(a) Name and address, telephone, fax number of the parties to the
procurement contract and their contact person for
implementation of the contract,

(b) Scope of the procurement contract,

(c) Details of the documents included in the procurement contract

and their priority order,

(d) Work performance schedule,

(e) Supply time, performance time or whether time can be

extended or not,

(f) Procurement contract amount or procedure of determining it,

(g) Terms and conditions for acceptance of goods, construction

work or services,

(h) Terms and conditions and mode of payment including

payment in advance, payment of foreign currency,

(i) Force majeure,

(j) If price adjustment can be made, provision thereof,

(k) If procurement contract can be amended and variation order

can be issued, provision thereof,

(l) If insurance is necessary, provision relating thereto,

(m) Security required,

(n) Liquidated damages for failure of performance within the

stipulated time,

(o) Provision concerning bonus to be given if work is completed

before the stipulated period,

(p) Conditions in which procurement contract may be terminated,

(q) Provision whether sub-contract can be concluded or not,

(r) Mechanism for settlement of disputes,

(s) Applicable law, and

(t) Other matters as prescribed.

53. Amendment to Procurement Contract: Unless otherwise provide for in

procurement contract, a procurement contract may be amended by written
consent of both the parties subject to non-alteration of the basic nature or scope

of the work.

Provided that procurement contract need not be amended in issuing a

variation order pursuant to Section 54 or making price adjustment pursuant to
Section 55.

54. Variation Order: (1) Unless otherwise provided for in the procurement
contract, if the circumstances that could not be foreseen at the time of signing
of procurement contract arise in the course of implementation of the
procurement contract, the competent authority may, by stating clear reasons
thereof, issue as prescribed, a variation order for a variation of up to fifteen
percent and for a variation order above it, a variation order may be issued as per
the decision made by the Government of Nepal Council of Ministers by
complying with the procedure as prescribed in the case of the Public Entity
under sub-clause (1) of clause (b) of Section 2 and in the case of other Public
Entity as decided by the supreme executive body of such entity.

(2) The variation order under Sub-section (1) shall be issued in the
following manner:-

(a) To be so issued as not to change the basic nature or scope of

the concerned work,

(b) There must have been made arrangements for budget and,

(c) Approval of the competent authority must have been obtained.

(3) Other provision concerning the issuance of variation order shall

be as prescribed.

55. Price Adjustment in Procurement Contract: (1) Unless otherwise provided

in procurement contract, if price needs to be adjusted in the course of
implementation of a procurement contract having duration exceeding fifteen
months the competent authority may adjust price.

Provided that where a procurement contract has been concluded to
procure a public construction work following the invitation of national level
bidding and the price of any construction materials is increased or decreased
unexpectedly by more than ten percent of the previous price, price shall be
adjusted as prescribed by deducting ten percent in the amount so increased or

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), price

adjustment cannot be made where the work under the contract is not completed
within the period prescribed in such contract and has taken more time due to the
delay by the person who has obtained procurement contract or if procurement
contract is concluded on the basis of lump sum contract or fixed budget.

56. Provision Concerning Extension of Contract Period: (1) Provisions

concerning the extension of period of procurement contract shall be as provided
in the concerned procurement contract.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), if the period

of procurement contract is to be inevitably extended due to force majeure,
failure of the Public Entity to make available the materials to be made available
by it or other reasonable causes, the competent authority may extend the period
on the prescribed grounds upon submission of application by the person
obtaining procurement contract.

57. Payment of Bill or Invoice: Subject to the procurement contract, the Public
Entity shall have to make payment of the bill/invoice as prescribed

58. Mechanism for Dispute Settlement: (1) Any dispute arising between the
Public Entity and the construction entrepreneur, supplier, service provider or
consultant in connection with the implementation of the procurement contract
shall be settled amicably.

(2) A procurement contract may provide the mechanism for resolution of
disputes that could not be settled amicably in accordance with Sub-section (1).

(3) In providing mechanism for resolution pursuant to Sub-section (2),

the procurement contract may provide that any dispute relating to supply of
goods, consultancy service and other services shall be resolved through
arbitration in accordance with the procedure provided for, if any, in the
procurement contract and, if not provided for, in accordance with the prevailing

(4) In providing mechanism pursuant to Sub-section (2), the procurement

contract may provide that disputes relating to construction work shall be
resolved as follows:-

(a) By an adjudicator for an amount, as prescribed,

(b) By a three-member dispute resolution committee, in the case

of amount exceeding that of clause (a).

(c) The provision that if a person is not satisfied with the decision
made under clause (a) or (b), such dispute shall be resolved
through arbitration pursuant to prevailing law.

(5) The appointment of adjudicator and formation of dispute resolution

committee under Sub-section (4), and their functions, duties and power and
procedure for resolution of dispute shall be as prescribed.

59. Termination of Procurement Contract and Remedy Therefor: (1) The

procurement contract shall have to specify the grounds in which such contract
may be terminated.

(2) The main grounds under Sub-section (1) may be the following:-

(a) Grounds that the Public Entity may terminate procurement

contract if the supplier, consultant, service provider or

construction entrepreneur breaches the procurement contract,

(b) Grounds that the Public Entity may terminate the procurement
contract on the grounds of convenience for public interest,

(c) Grounds that a supplier, consultant, service provider or

construction entrepreneur may terminate the procurement
contract, and

(d) Grounds that procurement contract may be terminated for

force majeure.

(3) A procurement contract shall include along with the following

matters the provision of financial settlement and compensation to be made in
the event of termination of the procurement contract:-

(a) If payment is remaining to be made for the value of work,

supply or service that has already been satisfactorily
completed, payment thereof,

(b) Liability to be borne by a defaulting supplier, consultant,

service provider or construction entrepreneur for the increased
cost to be incurred by the Public Entity to carryout or cause to
be carried out the work under the procurement contract,

(c) Amount of the actual loss sustained by the supplier or

consultant or service provider or construction entrepreneur due
to the termination of procurement contract by the Public Entity
without any default on his/her part.

(4) Unless otherwise provided in the procurement contract, for public

interest, the Public Entity may terminate a procurement contract on the grounds
of convenience.

(5) Where a procurement contract has been terminated pursuant to Sub-

section (4), the Public Entity shall have to pay the value for the following work
that has been completed prior to the termination of the said contract :-

(a) Payment due under clause (a) of Sub-section (2),

(b) Where expenditure is to be paid on reimbursement basis, such

expenditure as actually incurred,

(c) The price of the goods specially manufactured for the Public
Entity under the procurement contract,

(d) Excluding the lost profit and the amount under clause (c) of
Sub-section (3), the expenditure incurred for termination of
the procurement contract, and

(e) Other expenditure as prescribed.

60. Public Notice of Procurement Contract: After a procurement contract has

been concluded pursuant to this chapter, the Public Entity shall have to publish
as prescribed a notice including the result of the evaluation of bid or
consultancy service.


Provision Relating to Conduct

61. Conduct of the Official Involved in Public Procurement Proceedings: (1)

Any officials involved in the act of formulating procurement plan, operating
procurement proceedings, implementing procurement contract or other act as
prescribed relating to procurement of the Public Entity, shall have to follow the
following conduct:-

(a) Discharging one's duty impartially so that bidders fairly

compete in the procurement proceedings,

(b) Operating procurement proceedings in public interest,

(c) Not committing an act conflicting interest with the

procurement from his/her work or conduct or behavior,

(d) Keeping confidential all proprietary information of the bidder

known by him /her in the course of the procurement

(e) Not working with a person, firm, organization, company and

any other institution of private nature with which s/he had had
dealings of procurement at the time of holding post for two
years after retirement,

(f) If s/he knows that his/her nearest relatives have participated as

a bidder or proponent in the procurement proceedings of
his/her involvement, not taking part in such procurement
proceedings by giving immediate notification to one level
higher authority,

Explanation: For the purpose of this clause nearest relative

means husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter of a joint
family, mother-in-law, father-in-law, elder brother, younger
brother, elder sister, younger sister, son-in-law, sister-in-law
or brother-in-law.

(g) Not committing an act in contravention of prevailing law,

while carrying out procurement proceedings,

(h) Not committing corrupt or fraudulent practice nor involving in

such act,

(i) Not colluding or involving in a group prior to or after

submitting bid or proposal with the objective of forbidding or
causing to be forbidden the benefit of competition.

62. Conduct of Bidder or Proponent: (1) A bidder or proponent shall have to
accomplish such obligation as referred to in this Act or Regulations made
thereunder, procurement contract and other documents relating to procurement.

(2) Without prejudice of the generalities of the provision of Sub-section

(1), a bidder or proponent shall not carry out or cause to be carried out the
following act with the intention of making interference in the procurement
process or the implementation of procurement contract:-

(a) Giving or offering directly or indirectly improper inducement,

(b) Submitting a fact by distortion or misrepresentation,

(c) Engaging in corrupt or fraudulent practice or involving in such


(d) Intervening in the participation of other competing bidder or

proponent to be involved in any way in the proceedings
relating to bid or proposal,

(e) Commit an act of threatening directly or indirectly to cause

harm to the body, person or property of any person to be
involved in the procurement proceedings or coercive act,

(f) Making collusion or involving in groupism prior to or after

submission of bid or proposal with the objective of allocating
procurement contract among the bidders or proponents or
fixing the price of bid or proposal artificially or
noncompetitively or otherwise forbidding the Public Entity of
the benefit of open and free competition,

(g) Contacting the Public Entity from the time of the opening of
bid or proposal until the notice of acceptance of bid or
proposal is given with the objective of causing interference
upon bid or proposal or committing an act of interference in

the examination or evaluation of bid or in the evaluation of

(3) A bidder responsible for preparing bidding documents or

specifications of a procurement contract or for supervising the implementation
procurement contract or a person or firm or organization or company affiliated
with him/her, or an employee working in such firm or organization or company
cannot participate in the bidding proceedings of such procurement.

Provided that this provision shall not be applicable in the case of a turn
key procurement contract or procurement contract so concluded as to carryout
both the design and construction work.

63. Blacklisting and Exclusion From the Blacklist: (1) The Public Procurement
Monitoring Office may blacklist a bidder, proponent, consultant, service
provider, supplier, construction entrepreneur or other person, firm, organization
or company in the following grounds from one year to three years on the basis
of seriousness of his/her/ act:-

(a) If it is proved that s/he has committed an act contrary to the

conduct as referred to in Section 62,

(b) If a proponent of a proposal selected for acceptance does not

come to sign the contract pursuant to Section 38,

(c) If it is proved latter that s/he had committed substantial defect

in implementing procurement contract or had not substantially
fulfilled obligation under the contract or the work carried out
according to the procurement contract is not of the quality as
per the said contract,

(d) If convicted from a court of law in a criminal offense liable to

be disqualified for taking part in procurement contract,

(e) If s/he/it is proved of having signed the procurement contract

by falsifying qualification or misrepresenting,

(f) Any other conditions as prescribed.

(2) A bidder, proponent, consultant, service provider, supplier,

construction entrepreneur or other person, firm, organization or company
blacklisted pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be debarred from taking part in the
procurement proceedings of a Public Entity up to that period.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Section, a

person, firm, organization or company blacklisted by a competent authority
under prevailing law for not paying a loan of a bank or financial institution shall
not be eligible to take part in the procurement proceeding of a Public Entity
during the period of such blacklisting.

(4) If the person, firm, organization or company ineligible to take part in

the public procurement proceedings pursuant to Sub-section (2) or (3) is found
to have taken part in a procurement of a Public Entity, no action shall be taken
over his/her bid or proposal.

(5) Other provision concerning blacklisting pursuant to Sub-section (1)

shall be as prescribed.

(6) A bidder, proponent, consultant, service provider, supplier,

construction entrepreneur or other person, firm, organization or company
blacklisted pursuant to Sub-section (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) shall be excluded
from the blacklist as per the criteria prepared by the Public Procurement
Monitoring Office for exclusion from the blacklist.


Provision Relating to Monitoring of Procurement Activities

64. Public Procurement Monitoring Office: (1) A Public Procurement

Monitoring Office under the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of

Ministers shall be established in order to monitor procurement activities,

(2) The chief of the office under Sub-section (1) shall be an employee of
the gazetted special class of the civil service of Government of Nepal.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Section until

the Public Procurement Monitoring Office is established pursuant to Sub-
section (1), the Office of the Financial Comptroller General may function as the
Public Procurement Monitoring Office for not exceeding six months.

65. Functions, Duties and Powers of Public Procurement Monitoring Office :

(1) The functions, duties and powers of the Public Procurement Monitoring
Office, in addition to the ones referred to elsewhere in this Act, shall be as

(a) To make recommendation to the government of Nepal for

reform in the procurement policy or laws in force,

(b) To issue technical guidelines and manuals required for

implementing this Act,

(c) To prepare standard model of the standard bidding documents,

prequalification documents, procurement contract document
and documents relating to proposal to be used by a Public
Entity to conduct procurement proceedings,

(d) To collect statistics of procurement proceedings to be operated

or operated by a Public Entity and to monitor or to make or
cause to be made technical auditing of whether or not such
proceedings are conducted in compliance with this Act or
Regulations or manual, made thereunder.

(e) If the Public Entity seeks opinion, advice about a matter as

referred to in this Act or Regulations, Manuals made there-
under, to provide opinion, advice,

(f) To establish and operate procurement website,

(g) To publish a bulletin in order to have made public this Act and
the Regulations, Manuals, Technical Notes made thereunder
and public procurement related writings, article, material and
similar other matters,

(h) To prepare procedures required for coordination in the

procurement proceedings and submit to the Government of
Nepal for approval,

(i) To make arrangements for regular training program for the

bidder or the employee involved or to be involved in
procurement proceedings,

(j) To make necessary criteria of exclusion from the blacklist

under Section 63 and exclude from such blacklist as per such

(k) To review, appraise construction works, supply, consultancy

service, and other services system in order to make the
procurement system effective, and to solicit regularly
suggestion from customers or international organization and
other foreign bodies as per necessity,

(l) To prepare plan of domestic or foreign assistance required to

systematize and reform procurement system and to act as the
central body for coordinating such assistance,

(m) To submit the annual report of the procurement proceedings to

the Government of Nepal, and

(n) To do other prescribed functions.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), the Public

Procurement Monitoring Office shall not involve in any manner in the
procurement proceedings, except the procurement proceedings of its office, of
other public entities nor shall resolve any dispute arisen in respect thereof.

(3) The Public Procurement Monitoring Office shall carry out the work
of the secretariat of the Review Committee under Section 48 and it shall have to
make arrangements of the budget required for the committee.



66. Provision Concerning Procurement to be Made in Special Circumstances:

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, where the
occurrence of special circumstance has created a situation in which, if a
procurement is not made immediately, the public entity will sustain further loss,
the Public Entity may procure or cause to be procured immediately.

(2) The chief of the Public Entity shall have to give information of the
circumstances under Sub-section (1) and the detailed description concerning the
procurement to be made immediately to one level higher authority.

(3) Other provision concerning procurement to be made in special

circumstances shall be as prescribed.

67. Procurement Process under this Act not to be Applied: (1) Notwithstanding
anything contained elsewhere in this Act, the procurement process under this
Act need not be applied in the following conditions:-

(a) If the Government of Nepal decides that procurement relating

to security, strategic or defense by application of the process
in accordance with this Act is not appropriate for the interest
of national security or defense , or

(b) If as per the agreement between government of Nepal and
donor party, procurement is to be made in accordance with the
Procurement Guidelines of a donor party.

(2) In making a decision pursuant to clause (a) of Sub-section (1),

Government of Nepal shall have to state reasons for procurement and determine
separate procedure related thereto as well.

68. Method of Communication: (1) Any document, notice, decision or other

information as referred to in this Act and Regulations made thereunder, bidding
documents, documents relating to request for proposal or procurement contract
as to be given by the Public Entity to a bidder, consultant or by a bidder or
consultant to the Public Entity shall, unless otherwise provided for in this Act,
be given in writing.

(2) In case where a notice transmitted pursuant to Sub-section (1) could

not be served due to failure to trace out the address of the recipient bidder or
consultant or for any other reason, a public notice shall be published in a
newspaper of national circulation stating therein brief description thereof and
where a notice is so published such person shall be deemed to have received the

69. Procurement Transaction May be Carried Out Through Electronic

Communications Means: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere
in this Act, Government of Nepal may, by publication of a notice in the Nepal
Gazette, provide a mechanism that the Public Entity may arrange, through the
means of electronic communications, invite a pre-qualification proposal, issue
notice of bid invitation, prepare a short list by inviting expression of interest,
invite a proposal of consultancy service, transmit bidding or pre-qualifying
documents, receive bids, proposals for pre-qualification or consultancy
services, conclude the procurement contract, make payment and give and
receive other notices.

(2) The means of communications under Sub-section (1) shall be used in
the following manner:-

(a) That the content of communications in such means of

communications is legally valid and preserved,

(b) That the security of such communications means is adequate,

(c) That bidder's access to the procurement proceeding is not

inappropriately restricted,

(d) That it is not in contravention of this Act and rule made

thereunder and other prevailing law.

70. Legal Documents to be kept in Website: For information and convenience of

general public, this Act and Regulations and Procurement Manuals made
thereunder shall be kept in the website of the Public Procurement Monitoring

71. Evaluation Committee to be Formed: (1) The Public Entity shall have to
form an evaluation committee as prescribed for examination and evaluation of
the pre-qualification proposals, bids, expression of interest or proposals of
consultancy services or sealed quotation.

(2) The functions, duties and powers of the committee formed pursuant
to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

72. Records of Procurement Proceedings: The Public Entity shall have to keep
safely the records of the documents of the procurement proceedings for a
prescribed period.

73. Delegation of Power: Out of the powers conferred on him/her by this Act or
rule made thereunder, a competent authority may delegate the powers other
than the prescribed one, to any staff.

74. Power to Make Rules: (1) The Government of Nepal may make Rules
required for implementation of the objective of this Act.

(2) Notwithstanding any thing contained in Sub-section (1), the Public

Entity other than the one as referred to in sub-clause (1) of clause (b) of
Section 2 may make necessary Rules subject to the Act, Rules or Formation
Order relating to such entity.

75. Repeal and Amendment: (1) The provision to Section 168 of the Traffic and
Transportation Management Act, 1992 is hereby repealed.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in prevailing law, legal

provision relating to the procurement of the Public Entity under clause (b) of
Section 2 shall be deemed to have ipso facto been so amended as to be
compatible to this Act to the extent of their inconsistency with this Act.

(3) Instead of Section 7 of Financial Procedure Act, 1998, the following

Section 7 has been substituted:-

"7 Procedure of Making Expenditure: Provision concerning financial

administration relating to operation of government transactions and project
implementation, deposit, charges, service fee, taking advance and settlement
thereof, preservation of government's cash and goods-in-and property, auction,
remission, and other miscellaneous provision and procedure related thereto
shall be as prescribed."

76. Saving: All the acts and proceedings relating to procurement carried out under
the Financial Procedure Act, 1998 and the Financial Administrations
Regulations, 1999 made thereunder and the provisions of the Act, Rule or
Formation Order related to procurement of the Public Entity as referred to in
sub-clause (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of Clause (b) of Section 2 shall be deemed to
have been carried out under this Act.


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sfof{no ;Demg' k5{ .
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cGtu{tsf] sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no ;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ æb//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltÆ eGgfn] lgod !$* adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt ;Demg'
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-em_ ædGqfnoÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] dGqfno ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn]
k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-`_ ædf}h'bf ;"rL -:6flG8Ë ln:6_Æ eGgfn] lgod !* adf]lhdsf] ;"rL
;Demg' k5{ .
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JolQmx?n] s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] lgdf{0f, ;~rfng, dd{t ;Def/ ug{sf]
nflu cfkm"x?dWo]af6 u7g u/]sf] ;ldlt ;Demg' k5{ .
-7_ æJoj:yfkg ;Demf}tfÆ eGgfn] cg';"rL–$ sf] v08 -r_ adf]lhdsf]
;Demf}tf ;Demg' k5{ .
-8_ æd"NofÍg ;ldltÆ eGgfn] lgod !$& adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt ;Demg' k5{ .
-9_ æsaf]n cÍ -la8 k|fO;_Æ eGgfn] s'g} af]nkqsf] k/LIf0faf6 sfod x'g
cfPsf] /sd ;Demg' k5{ .
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cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos;+u 5'§} ;Demf}tf u/L To:tf]
vl/b ;Demf}tf cGtu{tsf] s'g} sfo{ ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{,
k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos ;Demg' k5{ .


-t_ æk|f]k|fO6/L dfn;fdfgÆ eGgfn] s'g} dfn;fdfg, oGq jf pks/0fsf]

lgdf{tfn] To:tf] dfn;fdfg, oGq jf pks/0f ;~rfng jf dd{t
;Def/sf] nflu agfPsf] ;xfos pks/0f tyf kf6{k"hf{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-y_ æ;Demf}tf d"No -sG6«ofS6 k|fO{;_Æ eGgfn] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt
vl/b d"No ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] To:tf] ;Demf}tf cGtu{t e]l/Pzg
cfb]]z hf/L ul/Psf]df To:tf] cfb]z adf]lhd ePsf] sfd gfk hfFr
ubf{ sfod ePsf] d"No / d"No ;dfof]hg ePsf]df To:tf]
;dfof]hgaf6 sfod ePsf] vl/b d"No ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-b_ æ;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tfÆ eGgfn] cg';"rL–# sf] v08 -v_
adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf ;Demg' k5{ .
-w_ æcdfgtÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo cfkm+}n] ug]{] s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{
;Demg' k5{ .
-g_ æk'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf $* sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd
ul7t ;ldlt ;Demg' k5{ .

-k_ æcf}iflwhGo dfn;fdfgÆ eGgfn] cf}iflw, vf]k jf EoflS;g, l;l/Gh,
/ut /fVg] emf]nf, k|of]uzfnfdf pkof]u x'g] /;fog -l/Ph]G6_, kl/jf/
lgof]hgsf xd{f]gn pTkfbg jf /f]usf] lgbfg tyf pkrf/sf] nflu
k|of]u x'g] :jf:Yo ;DaGwL pks/0f ;Demg' k5{ .

-km_ æljB'tLo af]nkqÆ eGgfn] ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLsf] pkof]u u/L
af]nkqbftfn] k]z u/]sf] af]nkq ;Demg' k5{ .

-a_ æljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfo{fnon]
lgod !$^ adf]lhd ljB'tLo ;~rf/ dfWodsf] k|of]u u/L :yfkgf,
;~rfng / Joj:yfkg u/]sf] vl/b k|0ffnL ;Demg' k5{ .

-e_ æljB'tLo ;~rf/ dfWodÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfo{fnon]
ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnL :yfkgf, ;~rfng / Joj:yfkg ug{ pkof]udf
NofPsf] ljB'tLo ;~rf/ k|ljlw, k4lt jf dfWod ;Demg' k5{ .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-d_ æ;/sf/L sf]ifÆ eGgfn] ;ª\3Lo ;l~rt sf]if, k|b]z ;l~rt sf]if jf
:yfgLo ;l~rt sf]if ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd
:yfkgf ePsf cGo ;/sf/L sf]ifnfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 .

vl/b sf/afxLsf] tof/L, vl/b of]hgf / nfut cg'dfg
#= vl/b sf/afxLsf] tof/L ug'{ kg]{M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} vl/b sf/afxLsf] tof/L ubf{
b]xfo adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ vl/b cfjZostfsf] klxrfg ug]{,
-v_ vl/b ;DaGwL ljleGg k|fljlws s'/f ;dfwfg ug{ / cfk"lt{stf{sf]
pknAwtf olsg ug{ ahf/df k|rlnt vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] hfgsf/L lng],
-u_ cl3Nnf jif{x?df ;dfg k|s[ltsf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf k/fdz{
;]jf jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ul/Psf] eP To:tf] vl/b k|ls|ofsf] cWoog
-3_ vl/bsf] ljj/0f, kl/df0f / If]q Plsg ug]{,
-ª_ vl/bnfO{ a9L ;'ljwfhgs ;d"xdf ljefhg ug]{ jf Kofs]hdf ;dfj]z
-r_ vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug{ nufpg],
-5_ vl/bsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug]{,
-h_ vl/bsf] cfly{s ;|f]t / /sdsf] klxrfg ug]{,
-em_ vl/b ljlwsf] 5gf}6 ug]{, /

-`_ b'O{ s/f]8 ?k+}ofF;Ddsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b eGbf afx]ssf] cGo
vl/bdf af]nkq of]Uotf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{ jf gkg]{
s'/f olsg ug]{ .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


#s= Kofs]lhË tyf ;d"x ljefhg ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sfo{sf]
Kofs]lhË ubf{ lgod & sf] pklgod -@_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhd vl/b u'?of]hgfdf
plNnlvt Kofs]h ;ª\Vofsf] k|lts"n gx'g] u/L ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/bnfO{ a9L ;'ljwfhgs ;d"xdf ljefhg ug]{ jf
Kofs]hdf ;dfj]z ug]{ u/L tof/L ubf{ cnu cnu ?kdf ;DkGg ug{ ;lsg] k|s[ltsf]
lgdf{0f sfo{sf nflu clwstd k|lt:kwf{ x'g] xb;Dd 5'§f 5'§} ?kdf af]nkq cfJxfg
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ Ps cfk;df cGt/ ;DalGwt eO{ Pp6} Kofs]hdf ;~rfng ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
afx]s k|lt:kwf{nfO{ ;ª\s'lrt / ;Lldt ug]{ u/L 7"nf 7"nf Kofs]h agfO{ af]nkq
cfJxfg ug'{ x'Fb}g .
$= clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] cfb]z lagf vl/b ug{ gx'g] M clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf]
lnlvt cfb]z lagf s;}n] s'g} vl/b ug{, u/fpg x'Fb}g .
%= vl/b dfu k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ dfn;fdfg vl/b ;DaGwL sf/afxL z'? ug'{ cl3
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] vl/b PsfO{n] dxfzfvf, zfvfaf6 vl/b dfu k|fKt u/L
;f] dfu clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/b dfudf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ePsf]] x'g' kg]{5 M–
-s_ dfn;fdfgsf] k|sf/, u'0f:t/, kl/df0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-v_ dfn;fdfg cfjZos kg]{ ;do,
-u_ vl/bsf] cg'dflgt d"No, /
-3_ d"No Joxf]l/g] ;|f]t .

%s= dfn;fdfg, lgd{f0f sfo{ / ;]jfsf] ljj/0f :jLs[t ug{' kg{]M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
k|d'vn] s'g} dfn;fdfg, lgd{f0f sfo{ jf ;]jf vl/b ug{' cl3 P]gsf] bkmf $ adf]lhdsf]
:k]l;lkms]zg, of]hgf, gSzf, l8hfOg, ljz]if cfjZostf jf cGo ljj/0f tof/ ug{' jf
u/fpg' kg{]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] ljj/0f lgod !$ adf]lhdsf]
clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t x'g' kg{]5 .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-#_ pklgod -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;'?ªdfu{, /]ndfu{,

/Hh'dfu{, s]ansf/dfu{ / ljz]if k|s[ltsf ;8sdfu{ h:tf hl6n / ljz]if k|s[ltsf
;+/rgfsf] :k]l;lkms]zg, of]hgf, gSzf, l8hfOg, ljz]if cfjZostf jf cGo
ljj/0fx¿ ljefuLo k|d'vaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg{]5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ul/Psf] ljj/0f b]xfosf s'g} cj:yfdf
;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg]5 M
-s_ ljj/0f tof/ ub{fsf avt k"j{fg'dfg ug{ g;lsg] ef}ule{s
¿kn] hl6n k|s[ltsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ePdf,
-v_ ljj/0f tof/ ul/;s]kl5 k|fs[lts k|sf]khGo kl/l:ylt l;h{gf
-u_ ljefuLo gD;{ kl/jt{g ePdf,
-3_ lgd{f0f sfo{ ;~rfng ug{] k"j{ lgw{fl/t k|ljlw jf kl4lt
kl/jt{g ePdf,
-ª_ ljz]if / hl6n k|s[ltsf] ;+/rgf eO{ ;f] sf] sfo{fGjogdf
sl7gfO pTkGg ePdf .
-%_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] ljj/0f pklgod -$_ df plNnlvt
cj:yfdf ;+zf]wg ug{' k/]sf]df afx]s P]gsf] bkmf %s= sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd
sfg"gL sf/afxLsf] nflu n]vL k7fpg] st{Jo ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vsf] / lgh
:jod\n] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f :jLs[t u/]sf] /x]5 eg] Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/Lsf] x'g]5 .
^= ah]6 tyf lgdf{0f:ynsf] Joj:yf M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/bsf] nflu cfjZos
ah]6 Joj:yf geO{ vl/b sf/afxL z'? ug{' x'Fb}g .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf ah]6sf]
Joj:yf geP klg vl/b sf/afxL z'? ug{ ;lsg]5 M—
-s_ ax'jif{L{o ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ul/g] vl/bsf] xsdf klxnf] jif{sf]
nflu cfjZos ah]6 Joj:yf ePkl5 cGo jif{sf] nflu vl/b
sf/afxL ug{, /


-v_ vl/b ;DaGwL] k|f/lDes tof/L ug'{ cTofjZos eO{ l;naGbL

b/efpkq jf af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] b/vf:t
cfXjfg ug]{, k/fdz{bftfsf] ;"rL tof/ ug{ ;"rgf k|sfzg ug{],
k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|:tfj dfu ug{] jf l;naGbL b/efpkqsf]
kmf/fd, af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj
;DaGwL sfuhft pknAw u/fpg] h:tf sfo{ ug{ .

-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgdf{0f :ynsf] Joj:yf geO{, lgdf{0f :ynaf6
x6fpg' kg]{ ?v la?jf nufotsf ;+/rgf x6fpg] ;'lglZrttf geO{, d'cfAhf jf
Ifltk"lt{ ljt/0f ug'{ kg]{df ;f]sf] nflu ah]6sf] ;'lglZrttf gu/L tyf k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd ug{'kg]{ jftfj/0fLo cWoogsf] k|ltj]bg :jLs[t gu/fO{ af]nkq cfJxfg ug{'
xF'b}g .

-$_ pklgod -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf
jftfj/0fLo cWoog k|ltj]bg :jLs[t x'g afFsL /x]sf] cj:yfdf af]nkq cfx\jfg ug{
afwf kg]{ 5}gM–
-s_ pklgod -#_ k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt :jLs[t eO;s]sf] cfof]hgf
sfof{Gjog ug'{ kbf{ ,
-v_ s'g} ljz]if kl/of]hgf sfof{Gjog ug]{ u/L g]kfn ;/sf/,
dlGqkl/ifb\af6 lg0f{o ePdf .

-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ul/g] vl/bsf] xsdf
pklgod -@_ sf] v08 -s_ adf]lhd cGo jif{sf] nflu vl/b sf/afxL ubf{ cfjZos
kg]{ ah]6sf] ;'lglZrttf u/]/ dfq vl/bsf] sf/afxL z'? ug'{ kg]{5 .
&= vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Ps jif{eGbf a9L cjlw;Dd
;~rfng x'g] of]hgf jf cfof]hgfsf] nflu vl/b ubf{ jf jflif{s bz s/f]8 ?k}+ofFeGbf
a9L /sdsf] vl/b ubf{ vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgfdf cGo s'/fsf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf
s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg{]5 M–
-s_ vl/bsf] k|sf/, kl/df0f / df]6fdf]6L cg'dflgt d"No,

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-v_ vl/b ljlw,

-u_ clwstd k|lt:kwf{sf] nflu vl/bnfO{ 6'SØfOg] jf Kofs]h
agfOg] eP ;f] ;DaGwL Joj:yf,
-3_ ;du| vl/b sf/afxL k"/f ug{sf] nflu ul/g] ;Demf}tfx?sf]
df]6fdf]6L ;+Vof / To:tf] vl/b sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt d'Vo
d'Vo sfd,
-ª_ vl/bsf] nflu k"j{ of]Uotfsf] sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f] ;DaGwL
-r_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] df]6fdf]6L ;do tflnsf,
-5_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgfdf
;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{ egL ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf s'/f .

-#_ o; lgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf P]gsf] bkmf @ sf]
v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ sf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf xsdf ;DalGwt lgsfo;Fu
;DalGwt ;lrjaf6 / cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf xsdf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
vl/b lgodfjnL jf ljlgoddf Joj:yf ePsf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] k|To]s cfly{s jif{df cBfjlws ug'{ kg]{5 .
*= jflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] jflif{s bz nfv ?k}+ofFeGbf
a9L /sdsf] vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf cfufdL cfly{s jif{sf] cg'dflgt jflif{s sfo{s|d tyf
ah]6 tof/ ubf{ cfufdL cfly{s jif{df ug]{ jflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
To;/L vl/b of]hgf tof/ ubf{ lgod & adf]lhd vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf ;d]t tof/ ePsf]
/x]5 eg] To:tf] u'? of]hgfsf] ;d]t cfwf/ lng' kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] jflif{s vl/b of]hgfdf b]xfosf
s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ vl/bsf] k|sf/ ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-v_ vl/bsf] ;Defljt Kofs]h,
-u_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;do tflnsf,

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-3_ vl/b ljlw,

-ª_ vl/bsf] nflu ul/g] ;Demf}tfsf] lsl;d, /
-r_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] jflif{s vl/b of]hgfdf
;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{ egL ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf s'/f .
-#_ pklgod -@_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] ;do tflnsfdf b]xfosf] sfd ug]{
;dofjlw pNn]v x'g' kg]{5 M–
-s_ dfn;fdfg vl/b ug]{ eP :k]l;lkms]zg tof/ ug]{,
-v_ vl/bsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug]{,
-u_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj jf af]nkq
cfXjfg ug]{ jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/
-3_ l;naGbL b/efpkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq cfXjfg jf
k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj dfu ug{ ;"rgf k|sfzg ug]{,
-ª_ l;naGbL b/efpkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{
;]jfsf] k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{,
-r_ l;naGbL b/efpkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{
;]jfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[lt ug{],
-5_ ;Demf}tf ug]{,
-h_ sfo{ cf/De ug{], /
-em_ sfo{ k"/f ug{] .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] jflif{s
vl/b of]hgfsf] Ps Ps k|lt cfufdL cfly{s jif{sf] cg'dflgt jflif{s sfo{s|d tyf ah]6
;fy ;+nUg u/L tfn's sfof{no / cy{ dGqfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] rfn" cfly{s jif{sf] :jLs[t sfo{s|d tyf ah]6
k|fKt ePkl5 ;f] cg'?k of] lgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] jflif{s vl/b of]hgf kl/dfh{g
u/L :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 / To:tf] of]hgfsf] Ps Ps k|lt tfn's sfof{no, sf]if tyf n]vf
lgoGqs sfof{no / ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .


-^_ tfn's sfof{non] vl/b sf/afxL lgwf{l/t ;dodf ;DkGg eP gePsf]

cg'udg ug{' kg]{5 .
(= nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ljrf/ ug'{ kg]{ s'/f M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} vl/bsf]
nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf] s'/f ljrf/ ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ vl/b ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ sfd Pp6} vl/b ;Demf}tfaf6 x'g ;Sg] jf sfd
lkR5] 5'§} vl/b ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf gjLs/0f ug{ kg]{ jf gkg]{,
-u_ vl/bsf] cGo s'g} ljsNk eP To:tf] ljsNk,
-3_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;DkGg ug{sf] nflu nfUg ;Sg] clwstd
/sd tyf ;do, /
-ª_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ljrf/ ug'{ kg]{ egL
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/]sf cGo s'/f .

-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ af]nkq hdfgt jf
sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt nufot df]ljnfO{h]zg / l8df]ljnfO{h]zg vr{, jLdf,
k/fdz{bftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{ ;'ljwf afktsf sfo{x?, u'0f:t/ kl/If0f, Joj;fohGo :jf:Yo
/ ;'/Iff, Ph ljN6 gSzf, sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] sldzg vr{ cflbsf] 5'§} cfO6d
agfO{ nfut cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ lgod
%s= adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f ;d]tsf] cfwf/ lng' kg]{5 .
!)= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg
tof/ ubf{ lgod ( sf] cwLgdf /xL tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ lgdf{0f ;DaGwL, k'/ftflTjs pTvgg
;DaGwL / ;'?ª vGg], l8k 6\o'j\j]n, k]6«f]lnod cg';Gwfg cflb h:tf hldg d'lg ul/g]
sfo{sf] gD;{ eP To:tf] gD;{ adf]lhd / To:tf] gD;{ gePsf] cj:yfdf cfjZos gD;{
tof/ u/L To:tf] gD;{ g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifb\af6 :jLs[t u/fO{ :jLs[t gD;{
adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


t/ To:tf] gD;{ adf]lhd sfd ub}{ hfFbf vf; sfdsf] nflu vf; k|sf/sf] gD;{
cfjZos k/]df ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] To:tf] lgsfosf] k|fljlwsaf6 /
To:tf] k|fljlws geP cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf ;DalGwt k|fljlwsaf6 cfjZos gD;{
tof/ ug{ nufO{ To:tf] gD;{ ljefuLo k|d'vaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg ;Sg]5 . o;/L :jLs[t
ePsf] gD;{ lgdf{0f Joj;fo ljsf; kl/ifb\df Ps jif{leq k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ o; lgod adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfn;fdfg
:ynut ?kdf pknAw x'g] jf gx'g] cWoog u/L lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ nfUg]
;dofjlw ls6fg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug]{ l;nl;nfdf l;d]G6, kmnfd]
808L, O{+6f, 9'+uf, df6f], ss{6kftf lj6'ldg tyf OdN;g, OGwg, kf]lnlyg kfO{k, hL=cfO{=
kfO{k, 8L=cfO{ kfO{k, :oflg6/Lsf ;fdfg, ljh'nLsf ;fdfg, lh= cfO{= jfo/ / o:t} cGo
lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] b/efp, d]lzg tyf pks/0fsf] ef8f jf sfdbf/sf] Hofnf lgwf{/0f
ubf{ b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] b//]6sf] cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
t/ b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltsf] b//]6 pknJw gePsf]df lgdf{0f:yn glhs}sf]
;DalGwt ;/sf/L sfof{no jf ;/sf/L :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yfg, k|flws/0f, lgud jf
o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo ;+:yfn] tf]s]sf] b/efp jf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3n] lbPsf] b/efp,
ef8f jf Hofnfsf cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] b/efp, ef8f jf Hofnf ;d]t pknAw x'g g;s]sf]]
cj:yfdf To:tf] b//]6 lgwf{/0f ubf{ ljefuLo k|d'vn] tf]lslbPsf] b/efp, ef8f jf
Hofnfsf] cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg{]5 .
-^_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; lgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut
cg'dfg To:tf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug]{ k|fljlws eGbf Ps tx dflysf] k|fljlws jf
k|fljlwsx?sf] ;d"xnfO{ l8hfOg 8«O{ª ;d]t hfFRg nufO{ s'g} q'6L b]lvPdf To:tf] q'6L
;Rofpg nufpg' kg]{5 . To:tf] lgsfodf dflyNnf] txsf] k|fljlws gePdf ljefuLo
k|d'vn] To:tf] nfut cg'dfg hfFRg] Joj:yf ldnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-&_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg cg';"rL–! sf] 9fFrfdf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .


!!= dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfg M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfg
tof/ ubf{ lgod ( / ;DalGwt dfn;fdfgsf] :k]l;lkms]zgsf] cwLgdf /xL tof/ ug{'
kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf
s'/fnfO{ cfwf/ lng' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo /x]sf]
lhNnfsf] cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] rfn" jf cl3Nnf jif{x?df
;f]xL k|s[ltsf] vl/b ubf{ nfu]sf] jf:tljs nfut,
-v_ :yfgLo ahf/df k|rlnt b/efp,
-u_ cGo ahf/sf] k|rlnt b/efp / dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{
:yfg;Dd nfUg] cg'dflgt 9'jfgL vr{,
-3_ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3n] hf/L u/]sf] b//]6 .
!@= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg M-!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg
tof/ ubf{ lgod ( sf] cwLgdf /xL tof/ ug{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf
s'/fnfO{ cfwf/ lng' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;DalGwt dGqfnon] k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg ;DaGwL
gD;{ tof/ u/]sf] eP To:tf] gD;{,
-v_ ;DalGwt k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] sfo{ If]qut zt{,
-u_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] rfn"
jf cl3Nnf jif{x?df ;f]xL k|s[ltsf] vl/b ubf{ nfu]sf] jf:tljs
nfut .
t/ o; v08sf] cfwf/df nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{
cl3Nnf jif{x?sf] b/df d"No ;dfof]hg u/L nfut cg'dfg
tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; lgod adf]lhdsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf
vr{x? v'nfpg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ d'Vo hgzlQm Pj+ cGo hgzlQmsf] kfl/>lds,


-v_ e|d0f vr{, hgzlQmsf] a;f]af; vr{, sfof{no vr{, cfjZos

dfn;fdfg pks/0f / ;]jf vr{, k|ltj]bg / cGo sfuhftsf]
cg'jfb, 5kfO{ vr{,
-u_ k/fdz{bftfn] tfnLd, uf]i7L jf e|d0fsf] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ eP
To:tf] sfdsf] nflu nfUg] vr{ / cGo vr{ .

-$_ k/fdz{ ;]jf / cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg cg';"rL–!s= sf] 9fFrfdf
tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
!#= cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg lgod
( sf] cwLgdf /xL tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ ef8fdf lnOg] ;jf/L ;fwg, d]zLg/L cf}hf/, pks/0f jf dfn;fdfgsf]
ef8fsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] To:tf ;fwg,
cf}hf/, pks/0f jf dfn;fdfg ;DaGwL 1fg ePsf a9Ldf tLghgf bIf k|fljlwsx?sf]]
Ps ;ldlt u7g ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] lgsfodf To:tf k|fljlws hgzlQm geP To:tf]
lgsfosf] tfn's sfof{non] To:tf] ;ldlt u7g u/L lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] ef8fsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf
s'/fnfO{ ljrf/ u/L df]6fdf]6L nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ ef8fdf lng kg]{ ;jf/L ;fwg, d]lzg/L cf}hf/, pks/0f jf
dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f, :k]l;lkms]zg, cj:yf / cfo',
-v_ k|rlnt ahf/ b/,
-u_ ef8fdf lng] cjlw,
-3_ OGwgsf] d"No / vkt, /
-ª_ ;ldltn] pko'Qm 7x¥ofPsf] cGo s'/f .
-$_ 9'jfgLsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lhNnf:t/sf]
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] b//]6sf] cfwf/df,
s]Gb|Lo:t/sf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf ljefuLo b//]6sf] cfwf/df / To:tf] ljefuLo
b//]6 ;d]t gePsf] cj:yfdf k|rlnt ahf/ b//]6sf] cfwf/df df]6fdf]6L nfut cg'dfg
tof/ ug'{ kg{]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/sf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{
To:tf] lgsfodf To; ;DaGwL ljz]if1 jf bIf sd{rf/L eP To:tf] sd{rf/Laf6 / To:tf]
sd{rf/L geP To:tf] sfd ug]{ JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfaf6 nfut cg'dfg tof/
u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-^_ 3/ ef8f / ;]jf s/f/ ;DaGwL nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ k|rlnt ahf/ b/ /
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] ;f] ;DaGwL gD;{ hf/L u/]sf] eP ;f] gD;{ cg';f/
df]6fdf]6L nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
!$= nfut cg'dfgsf] :jLs[lt M -!_ lgod !), !! / !# adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] nfut
cg'dfg b]xfosf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t x'g' kg]{5 M–

-s_ Ps s/f]8 ?k}+ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg /fhkqf+lst t[tLo
>]0fLsf] sfof{no k|d'vaf6,

-v_ kfFr s/f]8 ?k}+ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg /fhkqf+lst låtLo
>]0fLsf] sfof{no k|d'vaf6,

-u_ bz s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg /fhkqf+lst k|yd
>]0fLsf] sfof{no k|d'vaf6,

-3_ bz s/f]8 ?k}+ofFeGbf a9L /sdsf] nfut cg'dfg ljefuLo
k|d'vaf6 .
-@_ lgod !@ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] nfut cg'dfg b]xfosf] clwsf/Laf6
:jLs[t x'g' kg]{5 M–

-s_ bz nfv ?k}+ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg /fhkqflÍt t[tLo >]0fLsf]
sfof{no k|d'vaf6,

-v_ klRr; nfv ?k}+ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg /fhkqf+lst låtLo
>]0fLsf] sfof{no k|d'vaf6,

-u_ krf; nfv ?k}+ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg /fhkqf+lst k|yd
>]0fLsf] sfof{no k|d'vaf6,

-3_ krf; nfv ?k}+ofFeGbf hlt;'s} a9L /sdsf] nfut cg'dfg
ljefuLo k|d'vaf6 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v cfkm+}n] o; lgod adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg jf
lgod %s= adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f :jLs[t ug{ gldNg] ePdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Laf6
:jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-$_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+j}wflgs cË jf
lgsfo, dGqfno, ;lrjfno / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo sfof{nosf ;lrj jf k|zf;sLo
k|d'vn] cfˆgf] sfof{nosf] nflu ul/g] vl/bsf] hlt;'s} /sdsf]] nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!%= nfut cg'dfg cWofjlws ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ lgod !$ adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] nfut
cg'dfg cg';f/ vl/b gePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; lgodfjnLsf] k|ls|of ckgfO{
k|To]s cfly{s jif{ o:tf] nfut cg'dfg cWofjlws ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ o; lgod adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg cBfjlBs gu/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
l;naGbL b/efpkq / af]nkq cfXjfg ug{ jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj dfu ug{ kfpg]
5}g .

!^= vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf] sfd M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;DaGwL
sfo{af]em / sfo{ k|s[ltsf] cfwf/df cfjZostf cg';f/ 5'§} vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf
OsfO{sf] :yfkgf ug{' kg{]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf] :yfkgf ubf{
To:tf dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf] k|d'vsf] lhDd]jf/L jxg ug{] u/L vl/b clwsf/L
tf]Sg' kg{]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] vl/b clwsf/Ln] P]gsf] bkmf & sf] pkbkmf -#_
df plNnlvt sfdsf] cltl/Qm b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{;Dkfbg ug{' kg{]5 M
-s_ vl/b u'?of]hgf / jflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ u/L cBfjlws
-v_ vl/b sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt sfddf ;dGjo ug{],
-u_ vl/b dfu ;Íng u/L :jLs[ltsf] nflu clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/L
;dIf k]z ug{],
-3_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj vf]Ng] ;ldltsf] ;+of]hs eO{ sfo{ ug{],

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
 rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-ª_ lgod !$( adf]lhd vl/b sf/afxLsf] clen]v /fVg], /

-r_ Dofb yk, sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt / cg';"rL–@ adf]lhdsf]
k|lttkqsf] clen]v /fVg] .

vl/b / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] 5gf}6
!&= g]kfndf pTkflbt dfn;fdfg vl/b ug'{ kg]{ M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; lgodfjnLdf
plNnlvt s'g} ljlw 5gf}6 u/L vl/b ubf{ ljb]zL dfn;fdfg eGbf g]kfndf pTkflbt
dfn;fdfg kGw| k|ltzt;Dd dx+uf] eP tfklg g]kfnL dfn;fdfg g} vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .

!*= df}h'bf ;"rL -:6flG8Ë lni6_ tof/ ug]{ Joj:yf M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf ^s= adf]lhd df}h'bf
;"rLdf btf{ x'g jf cBfjlws x'g rfxg] JolQm, ;+:yf, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL,
k/fdz{bftf, u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yf jf ;]jf k|bfosn] b]xfosf sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk ;+nUg
u/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf cg';"rL–@s= adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf lgj]bg lbg'
kg]{5 M
-s_ ;+:yf jf kmd{ btf{sf] k|df0fkq,
-v_ :yfoL n]vf gDa/ jf d"No clej[l4 s/ btf{sf] k|df0fkq,
-u_ s/ r'Qmf k|df0fkq, /
-3_ cfjZostf cg';f/sf] Joj;flos Ohfhtkq .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] lgj]bgdf cfjZos
hfFra'em u/L btf{ u/fO{ cg';"rL–@v= adf]lhdsf] lg:;f lgj]bsnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf ^s= adf]lhdsf] 5'§f5'§} df}h'bf ;"rLsf]
ljj/0f cg';"rL–@u= adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf clen]v /fvL k|To]s cfly{s jif{df cBfjlws
ug{' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] df}h'bf ;"rLsf] ljj/0f lhNnf l:yt sf]if tyf
n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no / lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{nosf] ;"rgfkf6Ldf 6fF; u/L jf
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] j]a;fO6df /fvL cw{jflif{s ¿kdf ;fj{hlgs ug{'
kg]{5 .
 rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-%_ o; lgoddf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg df}h'bf ;"rLdf g/x]sf

af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 cfXjfg ePsf] l;naGbL
b/efpkq, af]nkq jf k|:tfjdf efu lng j~lrt ug{ kfOg] 5}g\ .
!(= :yfoL n]vf gDa/ / d"No clej[l4 s/ btf{ k|df0fkq k|fKt u/]sf;+u vl/b ug'{ kg]{ M
-!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} vl/b ubf{ cfGtl/s /fhZj sfof{noaf6 :yfoL n]vf gDa/
/ d"No clej[l¢ s/ btf{ k|df0fkq k|fKt u/]sf JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLaf6 dfq
vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf d"No
clej[l¢ s/ btf{ k|df0fkq k|fKt gu/]sf JolQm, kmd{{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLaf6 ;d]t vl/b
ug{ ;lsg]5 M–

-s_ aL; xhf/ ?k}ofF eGbf sd /sdsf] dfn;fdfg vl/b ubf{ jf lgdf{0f
sfo{ u/fpFbf,

-v_ d"No clej[l¢ s/ gnfUg] dfn;fdfg k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf vl/b
 ===================

-3_ =================

-ª_ ================

-r_ ===============
-5_ 3/ ef8fdf lng' kbf{, /
-h_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ ;xefuL u/fO{ lgdf{0f sfo{
u/fpg' kbf{ .
-#_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg g]kfn ;/sf/n] b'u{d If]q
egL tf]s]sf] lhNnfdf ;DalGwt cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{noaf6 s'g} klg kmd{ jf
laqm]tfn] d"No clej[l4 s/ btf{ k|df0fkq lnPsf] /x]g5 eg] ;f] lhNnfsf] nflu b]xfo
adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] tof/ kf/]sf] lhNnfdf pknAw cfk"lt{stf{sf] ;"rLdf /x]sf
cfk"lt{stf{af6 bz nfv ?k}+ofF ;Ddsf] vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] .


-s_ k|d'v, sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no – cWoIf

-v_ k|ltlglw -clws[t:t/_, lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no – ;b:o
-u_ cWoIfn] tf]s]sf] lhNnf k|fljlws sfof{nosf] k|fljlws– ;b:o
-3_ k|ltlglw, lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 – ;b:o
-ª_ cWoIfn] tf]s]sf] clws[t:t/sf] sd{rf/L – ;b:o–;lrj
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd ul7t ;ldltsf] ;lrjfnosf] sfd sf]if tyf n]vf
lgoGqs sfof{non] ug]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] ;"rL sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{non]
;DalGwt cfGtl/s /fhZj sfof{nodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
@)= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] 5gf}6 M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;DaGwdf vl/b
ljlw 5gf}6 u/]kl5 dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ul/g] eP lgod @!, lgdf{0f sfo{
vl/b ul/g] eP lgod @@ / k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ul/g] eP lgod @# df plNnlvt vl/b
;Demf}tf dWo] s'g k|sf/sf] ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ul/g] xf] ;f] vl/b ;Demf}tf 5gf}6 ug'{
kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf 5gf}6 ubf{ b]xfosf s'/f ljrf/ u/L
5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ vl/bsf] k|sf/ / kl/df0f,
-v_ ;dfg k|s[ltsf]] vl/b k'gM ul/g] ;Defjgf eP gePsf],
-u_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf k/fdz{bftf / cGo
kIf aLr ul/g] hf]lvdsf] afF8kmfF8, /
-3_ ;Demf}tf ;'kl/j]If0f ug]{ tl/sf .

-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf 5gf}6 ubf{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{noaf6 hf/L ePsf] gd'gf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf /x]sf] vl/b
;Demf}tf cg'¿k 5gf}6 ug{' kg]{5 .
t/ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{noaf6 gd'gf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
hf/L geO{ ;s]sf] cj:yfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfkm"nfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] vl/b

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


;Demf}tf ;lxtsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ u/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{nosf] ;xdltaf6 pkof]udf Nofpg ;Sg]5 .

-$_ o; lgod adf]lhd Psk6s af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft / vl/b ;Demf}tf
5gf}6 u/L af]nkq cfXjfg ul/;s] kl5 o; lgodfjnLdf cGoyf pNn]v ePsf]df
afx]s To;/L 5gf}6 ePsf] gd'gf vl/b ;Demf}tf kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
@!= dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfn;fdfg jf
cGo ;]jf vl/b ubf{ cg';"rL–# adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
plNnlvt k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg / cjlwdf cfwfl/t eO{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwdf o; lgodfjnLdf Joj:yf ePsf] s'/fdf o;
lgodfjnL adf]lhd / o; lgodfjnLdf Joj:yf gePsf] s'/fdf j:t' laqmL s/f/
;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ o; lgod adf]lhd dfn;fdfgsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf jf dfn;fdfg
x:tfGt/0f -8]lne/L_ ;DaGwL zt{x? cGt/f{li6«o Jofkf/df k|o'Qm x'g] zAbfjnL
-OG6/g]zgn sdl;{on 6d{; -OGsf]6d{_ adf]lhd tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ o; lgod adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf cGtu{t e'QmfgL ubf{ ;fdfGotof cfk"lt{stf{n]
dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fPsf] sfuhft k]z ePkl5 k|lttkqsf] dfWod jf af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt dfWod adf]lhd ug{' kg{]5 .
@@= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu vl/b ;Demf}tf M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf]
nflu cg';"rL–$ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@#= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{sf] nflu
cg';"rL–% adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .

@$= zt{ /fVg ;lsg] M s'g} vl/b ;Demf}tfsf ;DaGwdf o; kl/R5]bdf plNnlvt zt{sf
cltl/Qm af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf cGo s'g} yk zt{
/fVg' k/]df ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] hf/L u/]sf] gd'gf af]nkq ;DaGwL

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


sfuhft jf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x¿df ;f/e"t ¿kdf

km/s gkg]{ u/L yk zt{ /fVg ;lsg]5 .

of]Uotfsf cfwf/, k|fljlws Ifdtf / k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg
@%= dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ M -!_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ;DaGwL
vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng] af]nkqbftfsf] jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf]
cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf s'/fx? dWo] cfjZostfg';f/ s'g} jf
;a} s'/fnfO{ ljrf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|fljlws Ifdtf,
-v_ dfn;fdfg pTkfbg ;DaGwL lnvt -Dofg'kmofSrl/ª /]s8{_,
-u_ dfn;fdfgsf] k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg
-3_ cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf,
-ª_ dfn;fdfg h8fg ug{' kg]{ ePdf h8fg sfo{df ;+nUg x'g] k|fljlwssf]
-r_ cfk"lt{ x'g] dfn;fdfg vf; cjlw;Dd ;"rf??kn] ;~rfng x'G5 eGg]
s'/fsf] k|Tofe"lt,
-5_ dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/sf] Joj:yf,
-h_ ;]jf / hu]8f kf6k"hf{sf] pknAwtf,
-em_ h8fg -OG;\6n]zg_ ;d]t ug'{ kg]{ u/L dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{
cfk"lt{stf{sf] xsdf lghsf] ;Lk, lgk"0f{tf, cg'ej / ljZj;lgotf .
-@_ o; lgod adf]lhd af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotf / k|fljlws Ifdtf
k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfn;fdfgsf] k|s[lt, kl/df0f,
dxTj jf k|of]u cg';f/ b]xfosf dWo] s'g} jf ;a} sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ af]nkqbftfn] ljut tLg jif{sf] cjlwdf ;/sf/L lgsfo jf lghL
;+:yfnfO{ cfk"lt{ u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] k|s[lt, kl/df0f, ;Demf}tf /sd,
ldlt / To:tf] ;/sf/L lgsfo jf lghL ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,


-v_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg hl6n jf c;fwf/0f k|s[ltsf] ePdf ;DalGwt

;fj{hlgs lgsfo cfk}mn] jf To:tf] lgsfosf] tkm{af6 af]nkqbftf jf k"j{
of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftf ;+:yflkt ePsf] b]zsf] cflwsfl/s lgsfon] lghsf]
pTkfbg Ifdtf hfFr u/]sf] sfuhft,
-u_ cflwsfl/s u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f ;+:yf jf dfGotf k|fKt lgsfon] vl/b ul/g]
dfn;fdfgsf] lg/LIf0f u/L To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] :k]l;lkms]zg / u'0f:t/
;DaGwdf lbPsf] k|df0fkq,
-3_ cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf] cflwsfl/stf k|dfl0ft ug{ cfjZos kg]{
gd"gf, k"/s ljj/0f jf kmf]6f]x?,
-ª_ ;j–sG6«ofS6/af6 u/fpg rfx]sf] cfk"lt{ ;DaGwL sfdsf] cg'kft .
-#_ cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfg af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftf cfkm+}n]
gjgfpg] jf pTkfbg gug]{ ePdf To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbsn] af]nkq jf k"j{
of]Uotfsf] nflu k|:tfj k]z ug]{, dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ / h8fg ug]{ ;DaGwL clwsf/
cfkm"nfO{ Psnf}6L ?kdf /Ltk"j{s k|bfg u/]sf] s'/f k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft af]nkqbftf
jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ g]kfnleq Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;~rfng gePsf] af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf]
k|:tfjbftfn] lghn] vl/b ;Demf}tf k|fKt u/]df To:tf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd cfk"lt{ ul/Psf]
dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug]{, laqmL kZrftsf] ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ tyf cfjZos hu]8f
kf6{k"hf{ df}Hbft /fvL cfk"lt{ ug]{ ;DaGwL bfloTj lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg] lghsf]] Ph]G6 jf
clws[t ljs|]tf g]kfndf /xg] s'/f k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft k]z ug'{[ kg]{5 .
@^= lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b'O{ s/f]8 ?k}+ofFeGbf
dflysf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DaGwL vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng] af]nkqbftfsf] jf k"j{
of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/f dWo]
cfjZostfg';f/ s'g} jf ;a} s'/fnfO{ ljrf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ d''\Vo ;Demf}tfstf{ -k|fO{d sG6«ofS6/_ eO{ Psnf}6L ?kdf sfd u/]sf] jf
Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf u/L sfd u/]sf] jf ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/ jf
;j–sG6«ofS6/sf] ?kdf sfd u/]sf] ;fdfGo cg'ej,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-v_ Psnf}6L ?kdf sfd ;DkGg u/]sf] jf ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf]

x}l;otn] sfd u/]sf] ;d]t u/L af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] ;Ldf jf ;f]eGbf a9L /sdsf]] lgdf{0f
sfo{sf] Go"gtd ;/b/ jflif{s sf/f]jf/,
t/ /fli6«o:t/df v'nf af]nkq cfXjfg ul/Psf] cj:yfdf bz jif{sf]
sf/f]jf/ dWo]sf] s'g} tLg jif{sf] clwstd ;/b/ jflif{s sf/f]jf/nfO{
cfwf/ lnOg]5 .
-u_ Psnf}6L ?kdf jf Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf u/L jf ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/
jf ;a–sG6«ofS6/sf] ?kdf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] Go"gtd /sd a/fa/sf] lgdf{0f sfo{
dfl;s jf jflif{s ?kdf u/]sf] / k|:tfljt vl/b ;Demf}tf;+u d]n vfg]
k|s[lt, hl6ntf / lgdf{0f k|ljlwsf vl/b ;Demf}tf To:tf] sfuhftdf
pNn]v ePsf] ;+Vofdf ;kmntfk"j{s ;DkGg u/]sf] ljz]if cg'ej,
-3_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ z'? ug{sf] nflu cfjZos /sd
e'QmfgL gkfpg] jf kfpg l9nfO{ x'g] cj:yfdf k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{ /
;DalGwt af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfn] ;~rfng u/L /x]sf]
jf ;~rfng ug{ k|ltj4tf hfx]/ u/]sf] cGo lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{
cfjZos kg]{ gub k|jfxsf] Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg] t/n ;Dklt, shf{ ;'ljwf
/ cGo ljQLo ;|f]t -s'g} vl/b ;Demf}tf cGtu{tsf] k]ZsL /sd afx]s_
pknAw ePsf] jf To:tf] ;DklQsf] ;|f]tdf kx'Fr ePsf] cfly{s / ljQLo
-ª_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhdsf bIf hgzlQm,
-r_ af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] cfk\mg} :jfldTjdf /x]sf] jf
vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt cjlwe/ lgjf{w ?kdf pkof]u ug{ ;Sg] u/L
ef8f, lnh, ;Demf}tf jf cGo Joj;flos dfWodaf6 pknJw x'g] rfn"
xfntsf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf d'Vo pks/0f .


-@_ /fli6«o lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] xsdf pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -v_ / -u_ sf] /sd
u0fgf ubf{ d"No clej[l4 s/ jfktsf] /sd s6fO{ x'g cfpg] /sd dfq u0fgf ul/g]5
/ To:tf] /sdnfO{ g]kfn /fi6« a}Ísf] cBfjlws d"No ;"rsf+s cg';f/ ;dfof]hg
ul/g]5 .
-#_ o; lgod adf]lhd lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] k||fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{
sfuhft dfu ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfaf6
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|s[lt cg';f/ b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ ljut bz jif{sf]] cjlwdf lghn] ;DkGg u/]sf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] d"No,
ldlt / sfo{:ynsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ lghn] ;j–sG6«ofS6/ dfk{mt u/fpg rfx]sf] k|:tfljt sfdsf] cg'kft,
-u_ k|:tfljt sfd ;DkGg ug{sf nflu lghFu ePsf k|fljlws hgzlQm,

pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -r_ adf]lhdsf pks/0f / KnfG6sf] ljj/0f,

-3_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ af]nkqbftfsf] P]gsf] bkmf !# sf]
pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -9$_ adf]lhdsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug{
;f]xL bkmfsf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -9#_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f .

-$_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b'O{ s/f]8 ¿k}ofF
;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg ePsf] ljB't u[x, 6jf{Og, k'n, ;'?ªdfu{, /]ndfu{, /Hh'dfu{,
s]jnsf/dfu{, ax'tn] ejg jf ;8sdfu{ h:tf hl6n jf ljz]if k|s[ltsf ;+/rgf
nufot ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 tf]lsPsf] cGo ;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu
P]gsf] bkmf !) sf] pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug{' kg]{5 .
@&= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{ ;]jf
;DaGwL vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng] k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ubf{
b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} s'/f ljrf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|:tfjbftf JolQm eP lghsf] / kmd{ jf ;+:yf eP cfjZos ;+:yfut
sfo{ cg'ej,
-v_ k|:tfjbftfsf] d'Vo d'Vo sd{rf/Lsf] cfjZos z}lIfs of]Uotf / p:t}
k|s[ltsf] sfo{sf] cfjZos cg'ej,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-u_ sfo{;Dkfbg ug]{ tl/sf, sfo{ljlw, sfo{If]tut zt{ k|ltsf] k|efju|flxtf,

k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f / ;do tflnsf,
-3_ k|:tfjbftfsf] Joj:yfkg Ifdtf,
-ª_ k|:tfjbftfsf] cfly{s Ifdtf,
-r_ cGt/f{li6«o:t/af6 k|:tfj dfu ul/Psf] ePdf :jb]zL hgzlQmsf]
;xeflutf, /

-5_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] cGo s'/f .
-@_ o; lgod adf]lhd k|:tfjbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu
ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ b]xfosf] s'g} jf ;a}
sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M—

-s_ ljut bz jif{sf] cjlwdf k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jf;Fu ldNg] k|s[ltsf]
k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg u/]sf] ;fj{hlgs jf lghL ;+:yf, /sd / ldlt v'Ng]
-v_ k|:tfljt sfd ;DkGg ug{sf] nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf d'Vo sd{rf/Lsf]
of]Uotf ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-u_ lghsf] ljut tLg jif{sf Joj:yfksLo sd{rf/L / ;/b/ jflif{s
hgzlQmsf] ljj/0f, /
-3_ ;j–sG6«ofS6/ dfk{mt k|bfg ug{ rfx]sf]] k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] c+z .
@*= ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ M -!_ s'g} vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng] k|of]hgsf]
nflu af]nkqbftfx?n]] Ps ;+o'Qm pkqmd agfO{ af]nkq k]z ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
t/ Ps af]nkqbftfn] ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/ jf JolQmut dWo] s'g} Pp6f
dfq af]nkq k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;+o'Qm pkqmddf /xg] ;fem]bf/sf]
Go"gtd lx:;f / d'Vo ;fe]mbf/ / cGo ;fe]mbf/sf] Go"gtd of]Uotf af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ubf{ To:tf]
pkqmddf /xg] ;fem]bf/sf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf s'/f ljrf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 M–

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-s_ lghsf] ;/b/ jflif{s sf/f]jf/,

-v_ lghsf] ljz]if cg'ej / lghn] ;Dkfbg u/]sf] k|d'v sfo{,
-u_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;~rfng ug{ lgh;+u ePsf] gub k|jfx,
-3_ lghsf] hgzlQm ;DaGwL Ifdtf, /
-ª_ lghsf] cf}hf/ jf pks/0f ;DaGwL Ifdtf .
-$_ s'g} ;+o'Qm pkqmdn] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt Go"gtd of]Uotfsf
cfwf/x? k"/f u/] gu/]sf] Plsg ug{sf] nflu To:tf] pkqmdsf] ;a} ;fem]bf/sf] of]Uotf
u0fgf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf] JolQmut of]Uotfsf] cfwf/
lgwf{/0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/f ljrf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ ;DalGwt sfddf lghsf] ;fdfGo cg'ej,
-v_ cGo ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lghn] u/L /x]sf] jf ug]{ sfd ;DkGg ug{
cfjZos kg]{ ;|f]tsf] kof{Kttf,
-u_ ljQLo ;Ifdtf, /
-3_ ljutsf vl/b ;DaGwL d'2f dfldnf / ;f]sf] glthf .
-^_ s'g} ;+o'Qm pkqmd vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] nflu 5gf}6 ePdf ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] ;+o'Qm pkqmdnfO{ To:tf] pkqmdsf] ;+o'Qm bfloTj / ;+o'Qm
pkqmdsf ;fem]bf/sf] JolQmut bfloTj ;d]t /xg] u/L cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{nodf
:yfoL n]vf gDa/ / d"No clej[l4 s/ btf{ ug{ nufpg' kg]{5 .
-&_ s'g} ;+o'Qm pkqmdn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ af]nkq hdfgt ;d]t k]z ug{' kg]{
ePdf To:tf] af]nkq hdfgt pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf ;a}
;fem]bf/sf] gfddf / ;a} ;fem]bf/sf] bfloTj x'g] u/L] hf/L ul/Psf] x'g' kg]{5 .

-&s_ lgdf{0f sfo{df ;+o'Qm pkqmd -HjfOG6 e]Gr/_ af6 sfo{ ;DkGg ug]{ u/L
af]nkq k|lqmofdf ;dfj]z eO{ 7]Ssf k|fKt u/]sf] cj:yfdf ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf ;a}
;b:on] bfloTj axg u/L ;Demf}tf cg';f/ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf]
sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf s'g} Ps ;b:o jf ;Lldt ;b:o jf cGo s;}nfO{
x:tfGt/0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-*_ ;+o'Qm pkqmd ;DaGwL cGo zt{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@(= cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf v'Ng] sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]M -!_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
af]nkqbftfsf] cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu ubf{ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|s[lt cg';f/ b]xfosf dWo] s'g} jf ;a} sfuhft dfu ug{
;Sg]5 M—
-s_ lghsf] a}Í :6]6d]06,
-v_ lghsf] Joj;fo ;DaGwL sf/f]jf/sf] cfly{s ljj/0f,
-u_ lghsf] ;DklQ, bfloTj tyf gfkmf gf]S;fgsf] ljj/0f v'Ng] jf;nft,
-3_ lghsf] cfly{s / ljQLo x}l;ot v'Ng] cGo s'/f, /
-ª_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt cGo ljj/0f .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] jf;nft dfu ubf{ sfdsf] k|s[lt
cg';f/ ljut b'O{b]lv kfFr cfly{s jif{sf] jf;nft dfu ug{ ;lsg]5 .
#)= ;a–sG6«ofS6/af6 sfd u/fpg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ ;a–sG6«ofS6/af6 ;d]t lgdf{0f
sfo{ u/fpg ;Sg] u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{ ePdf af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ lghn] ;a–sG6«ofS6/af6 sfd u/fpg ;Sg]] s'/f,

-v_ clwstd kRrL; k|ltzt;Dd ;j–sG6«fS6/af6 sfo{ u/fpg ;lsg]
s'/f / ;f] sf] sfo{ k|s[ltsf] ljj/0f,
-u_ cfjZostfg';f/ ;a–sG6«ofS6/sf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ pNn]v ul/Psf]df af]nkqbftfn] vl/b
;Demf}tf ug{' cl3 ;a–sG6«ofS6/sf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ k'i6of+O{ ug]{ sfuhft k]z ug'{
kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


af]nkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf
#!= af]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f vl/b ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] aL; nfv ?k}ofF eGbf
a9L nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{, dfn;fdfg jf h'g;'s} ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{
vNnf af]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ P]gsf] bkmf !% sf] cj:yfdf cGt/f{li6«o:t/df v'nf af]nkq cfx\jfg u/L
dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .

#!s= Psd'i6 b/ ljlwaf6 ul/g] vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} of]Uotf
cfjZos gkg]{ k|s[ltsf] b'O{ s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b
ug{' kbf{ nfut cg'dfg ;fj{hlgs u/L /fli6«o:t/sf] af]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f Psd'i6 b/
ljlwsf] cfwf/df k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq bflvnf ubf{ s"n nfut
cg'dfgdf lglZrt k|ltzt 36L jf a9L k|ltztdf sfd ug]{ Psd'i6 b/ saf]n u/L
af]nkq k]z ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

#!v=pTkfbs jf clws[t ljqm]tfåf/f lgwf{l/t b/df -Sof6nu ;lkË_ ljlwjf6 ul/g]
vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] x]eL OlSjkd]G6, ;jf/L ;fwg, cf}hf/,
d]lzg/L, pks/0f, PS;/] jf Pdcf/cfO{ h:tf :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{
pkrf/hGo oGq jf o:t} cGo oflGqs dfn;fdfgx¿ To:tf] ;dfg :t/sf] dfn;fdfg
pTkfbg jf ljt/0f ug]{ pTkfbs sDkgL jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s laqm]tfnfO{ sDtLdf
;ft lbgb]lv a9Ldf kG„ lbg;Ddsf] lnlvt ;"rgf lbO{ k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|fKt ePkl5 To:tf] dfn;fdfg laqmL ug{
rfxg] pTkfbs sDkgL jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s laqm]tfn] pTkfbgsf] cflwsfl/s
:k]lzlkms]zg, u'0f:t/, d"No / ;'ljwf ;lxtsf] ljj/0f -Sof6nu jf a|f];/_ ;+nUg /fvL
To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf lgj]bg btf{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


t/ o;/L lgj]bg btf{ ubf{ af]nkq hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ 5}g .

-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd btf{ ePsf pTkfbs sDkgL jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s
laqm]tfn] k]z u/]sf] :k]lzlkms]zg, u'0f:t/, d"No / ;'ljwf ;lxtsf] ljj/0f -Sof6nu jf
a|f];/_ x]/L ;dfg :k]lzlkms]zg / u'0f:t/ ePsf pTkfbgx¿sf] pTkfbs sDkgL jf
To;sf] cflwsfl/s laqm]tfsf] ;"rL tof/ ug{' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLsf] cfwf/df vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf]
kl/df0f vf]nL pTkfbs jf clws[t laqm]tfaf6 tf]lsPsf] d"No / ;'ljwf dWo] d"Nodf 5'6
jf ;'ljwfdf yk x'g ;Sg] ljj/0f ;lxtsf] cfly{s k|:tfj dfu ug{' kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj k|fKt ePkl5 d"Nodf kfOg] 5'6 /
;'ljwfdf x'g] yk ;d]tsf] cfwf/df o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd d"NofÍg u/L Go"gtd
d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t k|efju|fxL k|:tfjbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{' kg]{5 .
-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftf;Fu lgod !!) adf]lhd
sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt lnO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{5 .
-&_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

#!u=;Lldt af]nkq -lnld6]8 6]08l/Ë_ ljlwjf6 ul/g] vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw M -!_ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] ;Lldt dfqfdf pknJw ePsf] jf x'g] s'g} dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{, k/fdz{
;]jf jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ug{' k/]df To:tf] k|s[ltsf] cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL,
k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfosx¿ tLg jf ;f] eGbf sd ;+Vofdf pknAw ePsf] cj:yf
olsg u/L To:tf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfosx¿ aLr dfq
k|ltikwf{ x'g] u/L kG„ lbgsf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] dfWodåf/f af]nkq jf k|:tfj
dfu u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;Lldt af]nkq ljlwsf] dfWodaf6 vl/b ug{' kbf{ Ps
tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] k"j{:jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


#!3=gofF lng] k'/fgf] lbg] -afO{ Jofs d]y8_ ljlwaf6 ul/g] vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw M -!_
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfkmgf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] s'g} ;jf/L ;fwg, cf}hf/, d]lzg/L
pks/0f, oGq, /;fog, dn, ljifflb jf o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo dfn;fdfgx¿sf] pTkfbs
sDkgLn] tf]s]sf] jf/]G6L jf Uof/]G6Lsf] ;do ;Ldf cjlw k"/f ePkl5 dd{t;Def/ u/L
;~rfngdf NofpFbf nfut k|efjsf/L gx'g] / To:tf] pTkfbs sDkgLn] tf]s]sf] dfkb08
cg'¿ksf] kl/0ffd glbg] jf k'gMk|of]u ug{ gldNg] jf cf}lrToxLg x'g] / To:tf
dfn;fdfg hg:jf:Yo jf jftfj/0fLo b[li6n] e08f/0f u/L /fVg jf lnnfd ug{ ;d]t
pko'Qm gx'g] cj:yf ePdf To:tf] cj:yfsf] olsg u/L k'/fgf] dfn;fdfg ;DalGwt
pTkfbs jf cflwsfl/s laqm]tf jf cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lkmtf{ lbO{ ;f]xL k|s[ltsf] gofF
dfn;fdfg ;f]xL pTkfbs jf cflwsfl/s laqm]tf jf cfk"lt{stf{af6 ;§fk§f u/L lng
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;§fk§f ubf{ To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbs jf
cflwsfl/s laqm]tf jf cfk"lt{stf{;Fu k'/fgf] dfn;fdfgsf] d"NofÍg k|:tfj lnO{ gofF
dfn;fdfgsf] lgwf{l/t laqmL d"Nodf k'/fgf] dfn;fdfgsf] d"NoflÍt /sd s§f u/L vl/b
;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ o; lgod adf]lhd vl/b ul/g] gofF dfn;fdfg dfGotf k|fKt ;+:yfaf6
u'0f:t/ k|dfl0ft ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{ vl/b x'g] gofF dfn;fdfgsf]
hLjg rqm kZrft o; ljlw k|of]u u/L k'gM ;§f k§f ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] s'/f
v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ k'/fgf] dfn;fdfg /
ahf/df pknAw gofF dfn;fdfgsf] ;"rL tof/ u/L ljefuLo k|d'vaf6 :jLs[lt lnP/
dfq vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
-^_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

#!ª=:jb]zL af]nkqbftfx¿ aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ul/g] M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf !! sf]
pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd Ps r/0fsf] v'nf af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ b'O{ s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf a9L

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


/ b'O{ c/a ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/bdf P]gsf] bkmf !%
sf] cj:yfdf afx]s /fli6«o:t/sf] v'nf af]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f :jb]zL af]nkqbftfx¿
aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ug{' kbf{ k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfj b'O{ cnu
cnu vfddf /fvL l;naGbL u/L k|To]s vfdsf] aflx/ s'g k|:tfj xf] :ki6 ¿kn]
pNn]v u/L b'j} k|:tfjnfO{ csf]{ 5'§} aflx/L vfddf l;naGbL u/L af]nkq k]z ug{' kg]{
Joxf]/f af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf / af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ubf{ k|fljlws
k|:tfjsf] nflu lgod @%, @^, @* / @( adf]lhdsf] k|fljlws tyf cfly{s / ljQLo
Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] k|fljlws k|:tfj P]gsf] bkmf #@ adf]lhdsf]
k|lqmofaf6 vf]nL bkmf @# / lgod %(, ^), ^@ / ^# adf]lhd k/LIf0f u/L ;f/e"t
¿kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq lgwf{/0f ug{' kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf of]Uotfsf] ;a} cfwf/df ;kmn x'g] af]nkq
;f/e"t ¿kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq dflgg]5 / To:tf] ;kmn ;a} af]nkqbftfx¿nfO{
cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng] :yfg, ldlt / ;do pNn]v u/L ;f] ldlt / ;dodf pkl:yt x'g
sDtLdf ;ft lbgsf] cjlw lbO{ ;"rgf ug{' kg]{5 .

-^_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ of]Uotfsf]
cfwf/df c;kmn x'g] af]nkqbftfsf] cfly{s k|:tfj ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug{'
kg]{5 .
t/ ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLåf/f af]nkq k]z ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] cfly{s k|:tfj
lkmtf{ x'g] 5}g .
-&_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd ;kmn af]nkqbftfx¿sf] lgod &( adf]lhdsf]
k|lqmofaf6 cfly{s k|:tfj vf]nL P]gsf] bkmf @% / lgodfjnLsf] lgod ^!, ^$, ^%
adf]lhd cfly{s tyf ljz]if d"NofÍg u/L Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t ¿kdf k|efju|fxL
af]nkqsf] 5gf}6 ug{' kg]{5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


#!r= :jb]zL af]nkqbftfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] M -!_ cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] af]nkqdf Psn ?kdf
jf :jb]zL kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL;Fu ;+o'Qm pks|d u/L ;xefuL x'g] :jb]zL kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ k|fyldstf -8f]d]li6s lk|km/]G;_ lbg' kg]{]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fyldstf lbFbf ;a} eGbf sd sa'n ug]{ ljb]zL
kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] saf]n u/]sf] af]n cÍ /sdsf] kfFr k|ltzt;Dd a9L af]n cÍ
ePsf] :jb]zL kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf] k|:tfjnfO{ :jLs[t ug{ ;lsg]5 .

#!5= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug]{ sfo{ljlw M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf %( sf]
pkbkmf -&_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo eO{ ;f]xL bkmfsf] pkbkmf -(_ adf]lhd
To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ug{' kbf{ P]gsf] bkmf @% adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf
af]nkqbftfx¿nfO{ kG„ lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofb lbO{ vl/b ug{' kbf{ l;naGbL cfly{s k|:tfj
dfq k]z ug{' kg]{ Joxf]/f v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nlu af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
tof/ ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo x'Fbfsf] ;do;Dd l8hfOg jf nfut cg'dfg cg'¿k
;DkGg eO;s]sf] sfo{x¿ s§f u/L afFsL sfdsf] nflu cfjZostf cg';f/sf] l8hfOg
jf nfut cg'dfg kl/dfh{g u/fO{ lgod %s= adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfly{s k|:tfj lgod &( adf]lhdsf] k|lqmofaf6
vf]nL P]gsf] bkmf @% / lgod ^!, ^$ / ^% adf]lhd cfly{s tyf ljz]if d"NofÍg u/L
Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t ?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqsf] 5gf}6 ug{' kg]{5 .
#@= k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f M k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f u/L af]nkq
cfx\jfg ug]{ ePdf To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq cfx\jfg ug'{ cl3 k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf b]xfosf s'/f
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ of]Uotf / ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] xsdf
;fem]bf/sf] of]Uotf,

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-v_ k|:tfjbftfn] cfk\mgf] of]Uotf / u|fXotf k'li6 ug{ k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhft
/ hfgsf/L,
-u_ dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 5'§f 5'§} ;d"x jf Kofs]h agfO{ vl/b ug'{
kg]{ ePdf To:tf] ;d"x jf Kofs]h,
-3_ k|:tfj tof/ ug]{ tl/sf,
-ª_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{ k|ls|of,
-r_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf d'Vo d'Vo zt{,
-5_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ egL ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf cGo ljifo, /
-h_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ tl/sf, :yfg, clGtd ldlt / ;do .
##= k"j{ of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{ M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj
cfx\jfg ug'{ cl3 lgod @% jf @^ adf]lhd lgwf{l/t k"j{ of]Uotfsf cfwf/ ljefoLo
k|d'vaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 .

#$= k"j{ of]Uotfsf] sfuhft pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k"j{of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug{ nfu]sf] vr{sf] cfwf/df OR5's JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLaf6 b]xfo adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ lnO{ k"j{of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft pknAw u/fpg'
kg]{5 M
-s_ b'O{ s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly bz s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] nflu kfFr xhf/
-v_ bz s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly kRrL; s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] nflu bz xhf/
-u_ kRrL; s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly hlt;'s} /sdsf nflu kG„ xhf/
¿k}ofF .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfuhftdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v jf lghn]
tf]s]sf] sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt / sfof{nosf] 5fk nfu]sf] x'g' kg]{5 . k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL
sfuhft ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf ;f] lgsfon] tf]s]sf] b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L cGo
lgsfoaf6 pknAw u/fpg ;lsg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


#%= of]Uo cfj]bssf] 5gf}6 M -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] k"j{ of]Uotfsf] cfj]bs4f/f k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotfsf k|To]s cfwf/ k"/f u/] gu/]sf] ljifodf
cfjZos k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{5 . To;/L k/LIf0f ubf{ of]Uotfsf ;a} cfwf/ k"/f ug]{ cfj]bs
of]Uotf k/LIf0fdf 5gf}6 ePsf] dflgg] / ;a} of]Uotfsf cfwf/ k"/f gug]{ cfj]bs 5gf}6
gePsf] dflgG5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k/LIf0fdf 5gf}6 ePsf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] cfj]bs
;DalGwt vl/b sf/afxLsf] nflu af]nkq k]z ug{ of]Uo ePsf] dflgg]5 .
#^= k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] lgod #% adf]lhd u/]sf] k/LIf0fsf]
lj:t[t ljZn]if0f ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L k|:tfj vf]n]sf] ldltn] kGw|| lbgleqdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfodf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn] b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ cfj]bssf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ cfj]bssf] of]Uotfsf] k|To]s cfwf/ k'li6 ug]{ sfuhft,
-u_ tflnsf cfjZos eP To:tf] tflnsf,
-3_ ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ?kdf k|:tfj k]z ul/Psf] eP ;+o'Qm pkqmd ;DaGwL
sfuhft k"0f{ eP jf gePsf] / To:tf] pkqmdsf] k|To]s ;fem]bf/sf] lx:;f
/ bfloTj,
-ª_ dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 5'6\6f 5'6\6} ;d"x jf Kofs]h agfO{ vl/b
ug'{ kg]{ ePdf To:tf] ;d"x / Kofs]hsf] k/LIf0f ug{ ckgfOPsf] k|ls|of
tyf To:tf] ;d"x / Kofs]hsf] vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lngsf] nflu 5gf}6
ePsf cfj]bs,
-r_ cfj]bs 5gf}6 x'g' jf gx'g'sf] sf/0f .
#&= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf P]gsf] bkmf !# df plNnlvt s'/fsf] cltl/Qm cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf s'/f
pNn]v ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] of]hgf, gSzf,

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-v_ ljn ckm SjflG66Lh,

-u_ dfn;fdfgsf] kl/df0f,
-3_ af]nkqbftfn] ug'{ kg]{ e}kl/ cfpg] sfd,
-ª_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{, lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug]{ ;do,
-r_ jf/]06L tyf dd{t ;Def/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf,
-5_ af]nkqbftfn] k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ cfjZos tfnLd / ;'kl/j]If0fsf] lsl;d /
-h_ cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfg jf hu]8f kf6{k"hf{x? gofF / ;SsnL x'g' kg]{
-em k|:tfljt vl/bsf] nfuL cfjZos kg]{ /sd k|fKt x'g] ;|f]t .

--`_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/]sf cGo s'/fx¿ .
#*= e]befj ug{ gx'g] M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf !# sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -h_ / bkmf !$ sf]
pkbkmf -*_ sf] cj:yfdf afx]s ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxLdf af]nkqbftfnfO{
lghsf] /fli6«otfsf] cfwf/df e]befj ug'{ xF'b}g .
-@_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft adf]lhd cfjZos kg]{ s'g} lnvt af]nkqbftfn]
k|fKt ug{ g;s]sf] cj:yfdf lghn]] k]z u/]sf] To:tf] lnvt ;/xsf] cGo lnvtnfO{
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfGotf lbg' kg]{5 .
#(= Ph]G6sf] ljj/0f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ ljb]zL af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ g]kfndf
cfˆgf] Ph]06 lgo'Qm u/]sf] /x]5 eg] lghn] To:tf] Ph]G6sf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf ljj/0f
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ Ph]06sf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ Ph]06n] kfpg] sldzgsf] cÍ, d'b|fsf] lsl;d / e'QmfgLsf] tl/sf,
-u_ Ph]06;Fusf] cGo s'g} zt{,
-3_ :yfgLo Ph]06 eP lghsf]] :yfoL n]vf gDa/ btf{ k|df0fkqsf] k|dfl0ft
k|ltlnlk / lghn] Ph]06 x'g :jLsf/ u/]sf] kq .
-@_ ljb]zL af]nkqbftfsf] tkm{af6 Ph]06n] af]nkq k]z ubf{ pklgod -!_ sf] v08
-v_ / -u_ df plNnlvt s'/f :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .

 rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-#_ ljb]zL af]nkqbftfn] pklgod -!_ df plNnlvt s'/f :ki6 ?kdf gv'nfPdf jf
:yfgLo Ph]06 gePsf] egL af]nkq k]z u/]sf]df kl5 Ph]06 ePsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf jf
Ph]06nfO{ lbg] sldzg sd pNn]v u/]sf]df kl5 Ph]06n] a9L sldzg lnPsf] k|dfl0ft
ePdf To:tf] af]nkqbftfnfO{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgod !$! adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf
/fVg] sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{5 .
$)= af]nkqbftfsf] u|fXotf ;DaGwL cfwf/ / sfuhft pNn]v ug{' kg]{M -!_ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf af]nkqbftfsf] u|fXotf -Olnlhljln6L_ sf] cfwf/
tyf To:tf] cfwf/ k|dfl0ft ug{ af]nkqbftfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk ;d]t
pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df plNnlvt sfuhft b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5g\ M–
-s_ kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL btf{sf] k|df0fkq,
-v_ Joj;fo btf{{sf] Ohfhtkq,

:ki6Ls/0fM o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æJoj;fo btf{sf] Ohfhtkqæ
eGgfn] s'g} Joj;foLn] cfˆgf] Joj;fo ;~rfng ug]{ p2]Zon] k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd k|df0fkq jf Ohfhtkq lng' kg]{ eP ;f] adf]lhd k|fKt
u/]sf] k|df0fkq jf Ohfhtkq ;Demg' k5{ .
-u_ d"No clej[l¢ s/ btf{ k|df0fkq / :yfoL n]vf btf{ gDa/ -Kofg_

-3_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] tf]s]sf] cjlw;Ddsf] ;DalGwt lgsfoaf6 k|fKt s/
r'Qmf u/]sf] k|df0fkq jf cfo ljj/0f k]z u/]sf] k|dfl0ft sfuhft jf
cfo ljj/0f k]z ug{ Dofb yk ePsf] lg:;f jf k|df0f,
-ª_ af]nkqbftfn] vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng cof]Uo gePsf], k|:tfljt vl/b
sf/afxLdf cfkm\gf] :jfy{ gaflemPsf]] / ;DalGwt k]zf jf Joj;fo
;DaGwL s;"/df cfkm"n] ;hfo gkfPsf] egL lnlvt ?kdf u/]sf] 3f]if0ff,

-r_P]g, o; lgodfjnL / :6\of088{ lal8Ë 8s'd]06sf] ljk/Lt gx'g] u/L
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZos 7fg]sf cGo sfuhft .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@s_ pklgod -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg u}/ afl;Gbf
af]nkqbftfn] ;f] pklgodsf] v08 -u_ / -3_ adf]lhdsf sfuhft k]z ug'{ kg{] 5}g .
-#_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf sfuhft pNn]v ug{
5'6]df jf :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v gePdf jf cGo s'g} s'/f ;+zf]wg ug'{ k/]df ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] af]nkq k]z ug]{ cjlwleq} /fli6«o:t/sf] b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf /
cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] af]nkqsf] xsdf cGt/f{li6«o ;~rf/ dfWoddf k|sfzg u/L To:tf
sfuhft pNn]v ug{, :ki6 ug{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ o;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ af]nkqbftfnfO{ af]nkq k]z ug{ yk ;do
cfjZos kg]{ ePdf af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ;do ;d]t a9fpg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ / -@_ adf]lhdsf sfuhft k]z gug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq
pk/ sf/afxL x'g] 5}g .
$!= af]nkqsf] efiff M -!_ P]g / o; lgodfjnLdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf] afx]s k"j{ of]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfj cf≈jfg ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"j{
of]Uotf, af]nkq jf k|:tfj cf≈jfgsf] ;"rgf / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;Dej eP;Dd g]kfnL
efiffdf / ;Dej geP c+u|]hL efiffdf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ af]nkqbftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL b'j} efiffdf n]lvPsf]
vl/b ;DaGwL sfuhft jf d'lb|t ;fdu|L k]z ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
t/ To:tf] sfuhft jf d'lb|t ;fdu|Lsf] ;DalGwt c+z ;DalGwt b]zsf]
cflwsfl/s ;+:yfaf6 cu|]hL efiffdf cg'jfb ul/Psf] x'g' kg]{5 / To:tf] sfuhft jf
d'lb|t ;fdu|L / To;/L cg'jflbt c+zdf n]lvPsf] s'/fdf s'g} låljwf ePdf cg'jflbt
c+z dfGo x'g]5 .
$@= dfn;fdfgsf] k|fljlws ljj/0fdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
dfn;fdfgsf] k|fljlws ljj/0f pNn]v ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZostf cg';f/
b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] of]hgf, gSzf / l8hfOg,
-v_ ljn ckm SjflG66Lh,

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-u_ dfn;fdfgsf] ;fGble{s ef}lts tyf /;folgs ljz]iftf, ck]lIft

sfo{;Dkfbg ;DaGwL ljz]iftf,
-3_ k|fljlws agfj6 -slGkmUo'/]zg_,
-ª_ dfn;fdfgsf] cfo' cjlwe/sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ hu]8f kf6{k"hf{ /
plNnlvt ;]jf pknAw x'g] jf gx'g],
-r_ af]nkqsf ;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0ffTds k'l:tsf jf gd"gf,
-5_ ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg tyf u'0f:t/ k|Tofe"ltsf] ljj/0f,
-h_ jf/]06L tyf dd{t ;Def/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf,
-em_ dfn;fdfgaf6 jftfj/0fdf s'g} k|efj kg]{ eP To:tf] k|efj / To:tf]
k|efj sd ug{ ckgfpg' kg]{ dfkb08,
-`_ cfk"lt{ ePsf] dfn;fdfg af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf]
:k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhdsf] eP gePsf] s'/f k/LIf0f ug{ ckgfOg] dfkb08
/ tl/sf, /
-6_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
$#= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|fljlws ljj/0fdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f M af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|fljlws ljj/0f pNn]v ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZostf cg';f/
b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{' kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{sf] sfo{If]q / p2]Zo,
-v_ lgdf{0f :ynsf] ef}lts k|s[lt / cj:yf,
-u_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l8hfOg, lgdf{0f, pks/0f h8fg -
O/]Szg_, pTkfbg, h8fg -OG;\6n]zg_ h:tf sfo{sf] ljj/0f,
-3_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] x/]s PsfO{ cfO{6dsf] cg'dflgt kl/df0f ePsf] lan ckm
-ª_ lgdf{0f sfo{af6 jftfj/0fdf k|efj kg]{ eP To:tf] k|efjsf] ljj/0f /
To:tf] k|efj sd ug{ ckgfpg' kg]{ dfkb08,
-r_ d]sflgsn, :oflg6/L tyf KnlDa· / ljB't h8fg ;DaGwL sfd ;d]t ug'{
kg]{ eP ;f] sfd ;DaGwL ljz]if k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg,
-5_ cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg]{ pks/0f / kf6k"hf{sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f,


-h_ ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg jf u'0f:t/sf] k|Tofe"lt ;DaGwL ljj/0f,

-em_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ljleGg r/0fdf ul/g] lg/LIf0f tyf k/LIf0f,
-`_ sfo{ ;DkGg k/LIf0f -sDKnL;g 6]i6_,
-6_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePkl5 lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{
k|fljlws sfuhft, lgdf{0f eP adf]lhdsf] b'?:t -Ph laN6_ gSzf,
cfjZostf cg';f/ pks/0f ;~rfng k'l:tsf -ck/]l6· Dofg'cn_,
-7_ lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLsf/ ug{sf] nflu ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ug'{ kg]{ lg/LIf0f /
sfo{;Dkfbg -k/km/d]G;_ k/LIf0f,
-8_ lgdf{0f sfo{ k|f/De / ;DkGg ug]{ ;dosf] sfo{tflnsf, /
-9_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/f .
$$= cGo ;]jfsf] ljj/0fdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f M af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf cGo ;]jfsf]
ljj/0f pNn]v ubf{ cfjZostf cg';f/ b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg' kg]{5 M—
-s_ ;]jfsf] k|of]hg / sfo{If]q,
-v_ ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg, ;]jf k|bfosn] k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ sfd / ;]jf,
-u_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq ;fy pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ ljj/0ffTds k'l:tsf jf
-3_ ;]jf k|bfosn] kfngf ug'{ kg]{ zt{,
-ª_ ;]jf k|bfosn] k|bfg u/]sf] ;]jf d"NofÍg ug]{ cfwf/ / tl/sf,
-r_ sfd jf ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f / lg/LIf0f,
-5_ sfo{;Dkfbg / u'0f:t/ k|Tofe"ltsf] ljj/0f,
-h_ ;]jf k|bfosn]] k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ tfnLd / ;'kl/j]If0fsf] lsl;d / kl/df0f, /
-em_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgwf{/0f u/]sf cGo cfjZos s'/f .
$%= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhft M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ul/g]
dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] k|s[ltnfO{ ljrf/ u/L af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf sfuhft ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkq lgb]{lzsf tyf af]nkq kmf/fd,
-v_ af]nkq hdfgtsf] 9fFrf,
-u_ sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] 9fFrf,


-3_ k]ZsL e'QmfgL hdfgtsf] 9fFrf,

-ª_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ / gd"gf,
-r_ :k]l;lkms]zg / gS;f,
-5_ sfo{ k|f/De / ;DkGg ug]{ ;dosf] sfo{ tflnsf, e'QmfgL ul/g] d'b|f,
;fdu|L pknJw x'g ;Sg] ;|f]t / :yfg,

-h_ P]gsf] bkmf !# sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -9#_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f,

-em_ af]nkq;fy k]z ul/Psf sfuhftsf] j}wtfsf] ljifodf ;DalGwt
af]nkqbftf lhDd]jf/ x'g] ljifo, /

-`_ P]g, o; lgodfjnL / :6\of088{ ljl8Ë 8s'd]06sf] ljk/Lt gx'g] u/L
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZos 7fg]sf cGo sfuhft .

$^= af]nkq tof/ ug]{ / k]z ug]{ lgb]{zgM ========= ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf af]nkq tof/ ug]{ / k]z ug]{ lgb]{zg lbbf b]xfosf ljifosf ;DaGwdf
lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ af]nkq tof/ ug]{ efiff,
-v_ cGt/f{li6«o Jofkf/df k|o'Qm x'g] zJbfjnL OG6/g]zgn sdl;{on 6d{;\ -
OGsf]6D;{_ cg';f/ d"No cleJoQm ug]{ tl/sf,
-u_ ;+o'Qm pkqmd af/] cfjZos hfgsf/L,
-3_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq ;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhftsf] ;"rL,
-ª_ af]nkqbftfn] ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{
dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf / gd"gfsf] ;+Vof,
-r_ dfn;fdfg vl/bsf] xsdf dfn;fdfgsf] lgdf{tfn] l;kmfl/; u/]sf] To:tf]
dfn;fdfgsf] hu]8f kf6k"hf{x?sf] ;"rL tyf lgh;Fu /x]sf] k|To]s
kf6{k"hf{sf] df}Hbft kl/df0f, k|lt OsfO{ d"No / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw
;dfKt ePkl5 To:tf] kf6{k"hf{sf] d"No j9\g] gj9\g] ;DaGwL s'/f pNn]v
ug'{ kg]{ gkg]{,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .


-5_ af]nkqbftfn] cfk"lt{ ug]{ dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbs, pTkfbg ePsf]] b]z,

a|f08, df]8n / Sof6nu gDj/ af]nkqdf v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/f,
-h_ vl/b sf/afxLsf ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;+u s'g} s'/f
a'em\g k/]df To:tf] s'/f :ki6 ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 tf]lsPsf] ;Dks{
sd{rf/Lsf]] gfd, kb / 7]ufgf,
-em_ af]nkqbftfn]] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf sd{rf/LnfO{
tfnLd k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ eP jf To:tf] lgsfonfO{ k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f ug'{ kg]{
eP ;f] ;DaGwL s'/f,

-em!_ P]gsf] bkmf !# sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -9$_ adf]lhd k|fljlws Ifdtf
u0fgf gx'g] s'/f,
-`_ bflvnf ePsf af]nkq :jLs[t jf c:jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfodf ;'/lIft /x]sf] Joxf]/f, /

-6_ P]g, o; lgodfjnL / :6\of088{ ljl8Ë 8s'd]06sf] ljk/Lt gx'g] u/L
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZos 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .
$&= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft :jLs[t ug{' kg]{ M af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfj cfXjfg

;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ePkl5 To:tf] sfuhft af]nkq cfx\jfg cufj} ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] :jLs[t ug{' kg]{5 .
$*= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] b:t'/ M -!_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft vl/b ug{ rfxg]
OR5's JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v jf lghn]
tf]s]sf] sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt / sfof{nosf] 5fk nfu]sf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft ;f]
lgsfo jf ;f] lgsfon] tf]s]sf] b'O{ jf b'O{eGbf a9L cGo lgsfoaf6 b]xfo adf]lhdsf]
b:t'/ lt/L lng' kg]{5 M–

-s_ aL; nfv ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly b'O{ s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] nflu tLg
xhf/ ¿k}ofF,

-v_ b'O{ s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly bz s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] nflu kfFr
xhf/ ¿k}ofF,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-u_ bz s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly kRrL; s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] nflu
bz xhf/ ¿k}ofF,

-3_ kRrL; s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf dfly hlt;'s} /sdsf nflu aL;
xhf/ ¿k}ofF .
-@_ s'g} JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ / nfUg]
x'nfs jf s'l/o/ dx;'n lt/L af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj cfXjfg ;DaGwL
sfuhft k7fO{ lbg lnlvt cg'/f]w u/]df ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] JolQm,
kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfnfO{ x'nfs jf s'l/o/ dfkm{t af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fO{ lbg'
kg]{]5 .
t/ To;/L k7fpFbf To:tf] JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhft ;dodf g}} k|fKt ug{ g;s]df ;f]sf nflu ;fj{hlgs lgsfo hjfkmb]xL x'g]5}g .

$(= af]nkqsf] ;"rgfdf nfut cg'dfg v'nfpg' kg]{ M b'O{ s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Ddsf] nfut
cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] af]nkq cfx\jfgsf] ;"rgfdf nfut cg'dfg /sd v'nfpg'
kg]{5 .

$(s= af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfdf v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/f M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf !$
df plNnlvt s'/fsf cltl/Qm af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf yk s'/f
;d]t v'nfpg' kg]{5 M
-s_ /fli6«o jf cGt/fl{\i6«o:t/sf] af]nkqsf] hfgsf/L,
-v_ k"j{of]Uotf, of]Uotf;lxt jf of]Uotf/lxt af]nkqsf] hfgsf/L,
-u_ af]nkq cfXjfg ul/Psf] vl/b ljlwsf] hfgsf/L,
-3_ ljB'tLo af]nkq bflvnf ug]{ tl/sfsf] hfgsf/L,
-ª_ lgod #!s= sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfgsf] /sd,
-r_ lgod #!u= adf]lhdsf] ;Lldt af]nkq eP To:tf] ;Lldt
af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg'kg]{ ;"rgf,
-5_ P]gsf] bkmf !$ sf] pkbkmf -*_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq eP :jb]zL
af]nkqbftfn] dfq efu lng kfpg] s'/f,

 rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-h_ P]gsf] bkmf !$ sf] pkbkmf -!!_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq eP :jb]zL lgdf{0f
Joj;foL;Fusf] ;+o'Qm pkqmdn] k|fyldstf kfpg] s'/f,

-em_ P]g adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf k/]sf] JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf]
;~rfnsn] cfˆgf] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs :jfldTj sfod /xg] u/L vf]n]sf]
gofF kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yf jf lgh cfkm}+ jf lgh ;d]tsf] gfddf
e}/x]sf] csf]{ kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] af]nkq k]z ug{ g;Sg] s'/f,
-`_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZos 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .

%)= ====================
%!= lgdf{0f:ynsf] e|d0fM -!_ af]nkq tof/ ug{ / vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ cfjZos ;"rgf k|fKt
ug{ af]nkqbftf cfkm} jf lghsf] sd{rf/L jf Ph]G6nfO{ cfkm\g} vr{df ;Defljt hf]lvd
k|lt cfkm} pQ/bfoL x'g] u/L lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f ug{, u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lgdf{0f:ynsf] e|d0f ug{ cg'dlt
lbg' kg]{ ePdf To:tf]] cg'dlt lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqbftfnfO{ lgdf{0f:ynsf] oyfy{ hfgsf/L lbg lgod
%@ adf]lhd x'g] a}7s cl3 lgdf{0f:ynsf] e|d0f u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
%@= af]nkq k]z ug'{ k"j{sf] a}7s M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqbftfnfO{ af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhft, k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, lgdf{0f:yn jf cGo o:t} s'/f ;DaGwL hfgsf/L
u/fpg af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd lbgeGbf /fli6«o:t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf]] ;"rgfsf]
xsdf sDtLdf bz lbg / cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf
sDtLdf kGw| lbg cufj} af]nkqbftfx?sf] a}7ssf] cfof]hgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .

t/ P]gsf] bkmf !$ sf] pkbkmf -$s_ / -$v_ adf]lhd k'gMaf]nkq
cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf ul/Psf] cj:yfdf af]nkq k]z ug{' k"j{sf] a}7s ;~rfng eO{ g;s]sf]
eP af]nkqbftfnfO{ k'gMaf]nkq ;DaGwL s'/fx¿sf] yk hfgsf/L lbg /fli6«o:t/sf]
af]nkqsf] xsdf sDtLdf kfFr lbg / cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] af]nkqsf] xsdf sDtLdf ;ft
lbg cufj} To:tf] a}7ssf] cfof]hgf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] a}7sdf af]nkqbftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo ;dIf

vl/b sf/afxL ;DaGwL s'g} k|Zg jf lh1f;f /fVg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] lgsfon]
k|Zgstf{x?sf] >f]t pNn]v gu/L ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ To:tf] k|Zg jf lh1f;fsf] hjfkm
/ a}7ssf] dfOGo"6 oyfzL3| pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ePsf] a}7saf6 af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] s'g}
k|fljlws jf Jofkfl/s kIfdf x]/km]/ ug'{ kg]{ b]lvPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f] sfuhftdf
;f]xL adf]lhd ;+zf]wg u/L af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft vl/b ug]{ ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{
To:tf] ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] Joxf]/f To:tf] a}7s ePsf] kfFr lbgleq k7fpg' kg]{5 .

%#= af]nkq hdfgt M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/bsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{
;dfg?kn] nfu" x'g] u/L :jLs[t nfut cg'dfg /sdsf] b'O{b]lv tLg k|ltzt /sdsf]
;Ldfleq /xL lglZrt /sd tf]sL af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;"rgfdf af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq;fy
k]z ug]{ af]nkq hdfgt /sd pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 . o:tf] /sd gub} jf jfl0fHo a}Í jf
ljQLo ;+:yfn] hf/L u/]sf] ;f] /sd a/fa/sf] af]nkq hdfgt x'g' kg]{5 .

t/ nfut cg'dfg /sd gv'Ng] jf OsfO{ b/ dfq v'Ng] u/L af]nkq cfXjfg
ul/Psf] cj:yfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{of]Uotf ;DaGwL
sfuhft / af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfdf af]nkq hdfgtsf] nflu Psd'i6 /sd tf]Sg
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw af]nkqsf] dfGo
cjlweGbf sDtLdf tL; lbg a9Lsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-#_ s'g} af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq cfx\jfg ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ s'g} vf;
jfl0fHo a}Í jf ljQLo ;+:yfn] hf/L u/]sf] af]nkq hdfgt u|fx\o x'g] gx'g] eGg] s'/f
v'nfO{ lbg cg'/f]w u/]df To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f] ;DaGwdf tTsfn} hjfkm lbg'
kg]{5 .
-$_ ljb]zL a}Ín] hf/L u/]sf] af]nkq hdfgt g]kfnleqsf] jfl0fHo a}sn] k|lt–
k|Tofe"lt -sfpG6/ Uof/]G6L_ u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 .

 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlwleq vl/b ;Demf}tf u/L
;Sg' kg]{5 . s'g} sf/0fjz ;f] Dofbleq vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ g;lsg] ePdf /Lt k'u]sf
;a} af]nkqbftfx¿nfO{ af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg kq k7fpg' kg]{5 .

-%s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg' kg]{ sf/0fsf]
ljZn]if0f u/L k'i6\ofO{+ x'g] kof{Kt cfwf/ ePdf dfq pklgod -%_ adf]lhd af]nkqsf]
dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg kq k7fpg' kg]{5 . af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg' kg]{
To:tf] cfwf/ / sf/0f lagf ;dodf g} af]nkq d"NofÍg gu/]sf] jf k]z ePsf]
d"NofÍgsf] ;DaGwdf ;dodf g} lg0f{o gu/]sf] sf/0faf6 af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw
a9fpFbf To;af6 xflg gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf ;f]sf] lhDd]jf/L To:tf] sfddf ;+nUg
sd{rf/L / d"NofÍg ;ldltsf kbflwsf/L ;d]tsf] x'g]5 .
-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhdsf] kq cg';f/ af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg] jf
ga9fpg] eGg] ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftfn] lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ . af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw
ga9fpg] af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq hdfgt hkmt ug{ kfOg] 5}g . af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g]
cjlw a9fpg] af]nkqbftfn] ;f]xL cg'?k ;DalGwt a}Íaf6 dfGo cjlw ;d]t yk u/L
af]nkq hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{5 . o;/L af]nkqbftfn] cjlw yk u/L af]nkq hdfgt
k]z gu/]df af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fPsf] dflgg] 5}g .

-^s_ pklgod -^_ adf]lhd af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg] af]nkqbftfn]
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt k|fjwfgsf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L s'g} klg yk zt{
pNn]v ug{ ;Sg] 5}g .
-&_ s'g} af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq hdfgt hkmt ePsf] cj:yfdf ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lghn] /fv]sf] hdfgt /sd cfkm"nfO{ e'QmfgL ug{ To:tf] hdfgt
hf/L ug]{ a}Í ;dIf hdfgt dfGo /xg] cjlw leq} bfjL ug'{ kg]{5 .
-*_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]g jf o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd hkmt ug'{ kg]{ af]nkq
hdfgt afx]s cGo af]nkq hdfgt vl/b ;Demf}tf ePsf] tLg lbgleq ;DalGwt
af]nkqbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug{' kg]{5 .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


%$= af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlwM ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj
cfx\jfg ;DaGwL sfuhftdf af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw
pNn]v ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] cjlw pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5M–
-s_ bz s/f]8 ?k}+ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] af]nkq jf
k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] nflu – gAa] lbg
-v_ bz s/f]8 ?k}+ofF eGbf hlt ;'s} a9L nfut cg'dfg
ePsf] af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] nflu – Ps ;o aL; lbg

%$s= =====================
%%= af]nkqsf] cfjZos k|lt k]z ug{' kg]{M af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k"j{ of]Uotfsf]
k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj k]z ubf{ k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft,
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj cfx\jfg ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhdsf] cfjZos k|lt k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

t/ dfu ul/P adf]lhdsf] af]nkq jf k|:tfjsf] k|lt k]z gu/]sf] sf/0faf6
s'g} af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ k|lt:kwf{af6 jl~rt ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
%^= btf{ lstfj /fVg' kg]{ / e/kfO{{ lbg' kg]{M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL
sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] laqmL / btf{sf]
clen]v 5'§f 5'§} /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftf cfkm}+n] jf lghsf] k|ltlglwn] k"j{ of]Uotfsf]
k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj k]z ug{ NofPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] a'lem
lnO{ lghnfO{ ldlt / ;do v'n]sf] e/kfO{{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] af]nkqsf] aflx/L vfddf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd btf{ lstfadf btf{ ePsf] btf{ gDa/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ af]nkq laqmL / btf{ x'g] ;do ;dfKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] k|d'v jf lghn] tf]s]sf] clws[t sd{rf/Ln] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lstfadf
b:tvt u/L ;f] lstfa aGb ug'{ kg]{5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


%&= af]nkqsf] ;'/Iff M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] af]nkq
jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj ;f] af]nkq vf]Ng] ;do cl3 s;}n] vf]Ng gkfpg] u/L ;'/lIft
tj/n] /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqsf] ;fy k]z ePsf] gd"gfsf] ljz]iftf af]nkq
vf]Ng' cl3 ;fj{hlgs gx'g] u/L uf]Ko / ;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg' kg]{5 .

%*= af]nkq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg M -!_ ljB'tLo af]nkq jf k|:tfjsf] xsdf To:tf] af]nkq jf
k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd ;dofjlw;Dd ljB'tLo ;~rf/ dfWodaf6 lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{
;lsg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljB'tLo af]nkq jf k|:tfj afx]s cGo tl/sfaf6
af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ug]{ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] cfkm"n] k]z u/]sf] af]nkq jf
k|:tfj lkmtf{ lng jf ;+zf]wg ug{ rfx]df af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ug{ tf]lsPsf] clGtd
;do ;dfKt x'g' eGbf rf}aL; 306f cufj} l;naGbL lgj]bgsf] vfdsf] aflx/L efudf
b]xfo adf]lhdsf s'/f pNn]v u/L af]nkq jf k|:tfj lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wgsf] nflu lgj]bg
lbg' kg]{5 M
-s_ af]nkq jf k|:tfjsf] ljifo,
-v_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj cfXjfg ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf
clwsf/Lsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-u_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] jf lkmtf{ dfu ul/Psf]
ljifo, /
-3_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj vf]Ng] lbg / ;dodf dfq vf]Ng' kg]{ .

-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] g} ;+zf]wg u/]sf] sf/0faf6 btf{ eO;s]sf] af]nkq
;+zf]wg ug{'kg]{ cj:yfdf afx]s pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bg Ps k6s eGbf a9L
lbg kfOg] 5}g .
-$_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bg tyf Ps k6s ;+zf]wg eO;s]sf] af]nkq
jf k|:tfj lkmtf{ lng ;lsg] 5}g .
-%_ af]nkq jf k|:tfjbftfn] cfkm"n] k]z u/]sf] af]nkq jf k|:tfj lkmtf{ lng
jf ;+zf]wg ug{' kbf{ af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ubf{ h'g dfWodaf6 af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


u/]sf] xf] ;f]xL dfWodaf6 dfq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg]5 / km/s dfWodaf6 k]z
u/]sf] lgj]bg pk/ sf/afxL x'g] 5}g .
-^_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] l;naGbL lgj]bg vfd k|fKt x'g cfPdf ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf vfd lgod %& adf]lhd ;'/lIft /fVg' kg]{5 .

%(= af]nkq vf]Ng] M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf btf{ ePsf
af]nkq jf k|:tfj lgod !^ adf]lhdsf] vl/b clwsf/Lsf] ;+of]hsTjdf af]nkq jf
k|:tfj vf]Ng sDtLdf b'O{ hgf ;b:o /xg] ;ldlt u7g u/L af]nkqbftf jf lghsf]
k|ltlglwsf] /f]xj/df k"j{lgwf{l/t ;dodf af]nkq jf k|:tfj vf]Ng nufpg' kg]{5 .
t/ af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglw pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0fn] dfq af]nkq jf
k|:tfj vf]Ng afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq vf]Ng' cl3 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Dofb gf3L
k|fKt x'g cfPsf] af]nkqsf] vfd, af]nkq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{sf] nflu lbOPsf]
lgj]bgsf] vfd / /Ltk"j{s btf{ ePsf af]nkqsf] vfdnfO{ 5'6\ofO{ Dofb gf3L k|fKt x'g
cfPsf af]nkq gvf]nL ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 . o;/L lkmtf{ ubf{
;f]sf] Joxf]/f, ldlt / ;do ;d]t v'nfO{ vl/b sf/afxLsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd af]nkq lkmtf{ u/]kl5 af]nkqbftfn]
lkmtf{ ug{ dfu u/]sf] af]nkqsf] vfd vf]nL To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf]] gfd k9]/ ;'gfpg'
kg]{5 / To;kl5 af]nkq ;+zf]wg ug{sf] nflu lbOPsf ;a} vfd vf]nL To:tf vfdleq
/x]sf] Joxf]/f k9]/ ;'gfpg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] Joxf]/f k9L ;s]kl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bflvnf
ePsf af]nkq qmd};+u vf]nL To:tf] af]nkqsf] b]xfosf] s'/f k9]/ ;'gfO{ ;f]sf] d'r'Nsf
tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 / To:tf] d'r'Nsfdf pkl:yt af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] b:tvt
u/fpg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkqbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,

-v_ af]nkqsf] saf]n cÍ,
-u_ af]nkqdf s'g} 5'6 lbg k|:tfj ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] Joxf]/f,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-3_ k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgsf] ljsNk k|:tfj ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf]

saf]n cÍ,
-ª_ af]nkq hdfgt eP jf gePsf],
-r_ cÍ / cIf/sf aLr leGgtf eP ;f] leGgtfsf] ljj/0f,

-5_ af]nkq kmf/fd -n]6/ ckm la8_ / d"No ;"rL -k|fO; ;]8\o'n_ df
af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] x:tfIf/ eP jf gePsf],
-h_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;RofOPsf] jf s]/d]6 u/]sf]df
s]/d]6 u/L pNn]v u/]sf] /sd / Joxf]/f,

-em_ s]/d]6 ePsf] jf ;RofOPsf] :yfgdf af]nkqbftf jf lghsf]
k|ltlglwsf] x:tfIf/ eP jf gePsf],
-`_ af]nkq kmf/fddf af]nkqbftfn] s'g} s}lkmot pNn]v u/]sf] eP
;f]sf] Joxf]/f / b//]6 ljj/0f dfu u/]sf] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f, /
-6_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pko'Qm 7fg]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/f .
-%_ o; lgod adf]lhd af]nkq vf]Nbfsf] ;dodf af]]nkq :jLs[t jf c:jLs[t
ug]{ lg0f{o ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

-^_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq jf k|:tfj vf]Nbf lgod #!ª= / #!r=
adf]lhdsf] af]nkq jf k|:tfj eP P]gsf] bkmf #@ adf]lhdsf] k|lqmofaf6 af]nkq jf
k|:tfjsf] aflx/L vfd vf]nL cfly{s k|:tfjnfO{ gvf]nL 5'6\ofO{ lgod %& adf]lhd
;'/lIft /fVg' kg]{5 .
^)= af]nkqsf] k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0fM af]nkqsf] k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0f ubf{ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] P]gsf]
bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -#_ df pNn]v ePsf s'/fsf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf s'/fsf] k/LIf0f ug'{
kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkqbftf JolQmut ?kdf jf ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf] ?kdf Ps eGbf
j9L af]nkqdf ;+nUg eP jf gePsf],
-v_ af]nkqbftf P]gsf] bkmf ^# sf] pkbkmf -@_ / -#_ adf]lhd vl/b sf/afxLdf
efu lng cof]Uo eP jf gePsf],

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-u_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 jf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] tf]s]sf] cGo

lgsfoaf6 laqmL ePsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf af]nkq k]z eP
-3_ ;DalGwt JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL cfk}mn] vl/b u/]sf] af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhft e/L k]z u/] jf gu/]sf]] .
^!= af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg M -!_ cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] af]nkqdf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
af]nkqsf] d"No ljleGg d'b|fdf pNn]v ug{ ;lsg] Joj:yf ePdf To:tf] af]nkqx?sf
d"NonfO{ ;f]xL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] ljlgdob/ / d'b|f cg';f/ Pp6}
d"Nodf kl/jt{g u/L af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg / t'ngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg / t'ngf ubf{ d"No clej[l4 s/ afx]ssf] saf]n cÍ sfod
u/L t'ngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ k|rlnt P]g jf o; lgodfjnLdf Joj:yf ul/P adf]lhd afx]s s'g}
af]nkqbftf jf cflwsfl/s ?kdf lg0f{o k|ls|ofdf ;+nUg gePsf cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{
af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f, To:tf] k/LIf0f ug]{ l;nl;nfdf af]nkqbftf;“u dfu ul/Psf]
hfgsf/L jf k|fKt hfgsf/L, d"NofÍg tyf t'ngf;“u ;DalGwt hfgsf/Lx? lbg kfOg]
5}g .
-$_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] P]gsf] bkmf @% sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd d"NofÍgsf] nflu
;dfj]z ePsf af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ To:tf] af]nkqsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
pNn]v ePsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf cg';f/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ af]nkqsf] k|fljlws, Jofkfl/s
/ cfly{s kIfsf] d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]lvt If]q, u'0f:t/, ljz]iftf, zt{, sfo{;Dkfbg
jf cGo s'g} cfjZostfdf tflTjs km/s / uDeL/ c;/ gkg]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{
:jLsfo{ ;fgfltgf km/s ePsf af]nkqx?nfO{ ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq dflgg]5
/ To:tf af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ nfutdf s'g} k|efj kg]{ ePdf To:tf] k|efjsf] d"No
;dfg cfwf/df sfod u/L af]nkqsf] saf]n cÍdf ;dfof]hg u/L af]nkqsf] d"NoflÍt
/sd lgsfNg' kg]{5 .


-&_ pklgod -^_ / lgod ^@, ^# / ^$ adf]lhd lgsflnPsf] af]nkqsf] d"NoflÍt

/sd af]nkqsf] t'ngf ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu dfq k|of]u x'g]5 / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] d"Nodf
;dfj]z ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-*_ af]nkqsf] d"n k|lt / k|ltlnlk k|ltdf d"No jf cGo s'g} s'/fdf leGgtf
kfOPdf d"n k|ltdf pNn]v ePsf] d"No jf s'/f dfGo x'g]5 .
-(_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] pklgod -^_ adf]lhdsf] ;fgfltgf km/ssf]] d"No sfod
ubf{ ;DalGwt sfdsf] nfut cg'dfg jf k|rlnt ahf/ d"No jf Aofhb/sf] cfwf/df
sfod ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] nfut cg'dfg, k|rlnt ahf/ d"No jf Aofh b/ lglZrt
gePsf] cj:yfdf ;f]xL cfO6dsf] cGo ;f/e"t ?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqdf pNn]v
ePsf] d"Nosf] cf};tsf cfwf/df sfod ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!)_ o; lgod adf]lhd sfod ul/g] d"Nosf] cf}lrTotfsf] ;DaGwdf
af]nkqbftf;Fu k/fdz{ ug'{ x'b}g .
^@= af]nkqsf] k|fljlws kIfsf] d"NofÍgM -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] lgod ^! sf] pklgod -%_
adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k|fljlws kIfsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fsf] d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] If]q,
-v_ d'Vo d'Vo dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] k|fljlws
:k]l;lkms]zg / sfo{ ;~rfng tyf sfo{;Dkfbg -ck/]l6· P08 kkm{d]G;_
ljz]iftfx?, /
-u_ jf/]l06sf] ;dofjlw .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd d"NofÍg ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt
s'/f / af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqdf pNn]v u/]sf] s'/fdf s'g} leGgtf kfOPdf d"NofÍg
;ldltn] ;f] leGgtf ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] leGgtfsf] d"No af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v
eP adf]lhdsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf adf]lhd u0fgf u/L sfod ug'{ kg]{5 .
^#= af]nkqsf] Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"NofÍgM -!_ lgod ^@ adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k|fljlws kIfsf]
d"NofÍg ePkl5 d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To:tf] af]nkqsf] lgod ^! sf] pklgod -%_
adf]lhd Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fsf] d"NofÍg ug{' kg]{5 M—
-s_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ jf ;DkGg ug]{ cjlw,


-v_ e'QmfgLsf] zt{,

-u_ af]nkqbftfn] ;dodf sfd ;DkGg gu/] jfkt ltg'{ kg]{ k"j{lgwf{l/t
Ifltk"lt{ tyf ;do cufj} sfo{ ;DkGg u/] jfkt kfpg] af]g;,
-3_ k|Tofe"lt ;DaGwL af]nkqbftfsf] bfloTj,
-ª_ af]nkqbftfn] k"/f ug'{ kg]{ bfloTj,
-r_ af]nkqbftfn]] k|:tfljt vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGo s'g} zt{ yk u/]sf] eP
To:tf] zt{ .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd d"NofÍg ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt
s'/f / af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqdf pNn]v u/]sf] s'/f hfFrL s'g} leGgtf kfOPdf d"NofÍg
;ldltn] ;f] leGgtf ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] leGgtfsf] d"No sfod ubf{ af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf adf]lhd u0fgf u/L sfod
ug'{ kg]{5 .
^$= af]nkqsf] cfly{s kIfsf] d"NofÍg M -!_ lgod ^@ / ^# adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k|fljlws /
Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"NofÍg ePkl5 To:tf] af]nkqsf] cfly{s kIfsf] d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd cfly{s kIfsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ k|fljlws / Jofkfl/s
kIfsf s'/fx? dWo] cfjZos s'/fx?sf] / cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf s'/f ;d]tsf]
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf adf]lhd d"No lgwf{/0f u/L
af]nkqsf] d"Nof+lst /sd sfod ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ cfGtl/s 9'jfgL vr{,
-v_ k|fljlws ljz]iftf .
-#_ pklgod -@_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd k|fljlws ljz]iftfsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt vl/b ;DaGwL Go"gtd b/, Ifdtf jf k|ltkmn -cfp6k"6_
eGbf j9L b/, Ifdtf jf k|ltkmnsf] af]nkq k]z ePsf]df d"NofÍg ;ldltn] Go"gtd b/,
Ifdtf jf k|ltkmnsf] dfq d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf :jb]zL dfn;fdfg / :yfgLo lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{
k|fyldstf lbOg] s'/f pNn]v ePsf]df af]nkqsf] cfly{s kIf d"NofÍg ubf{ d"NofÍg
;ldltn] :jb]zL dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ lbOg] k|fyldstfsf] /sd u0fgf


u/L To:tf] /sd ljb]zL af]nkqbftfsf] saf]n cÍdf hf]8L d"Nof+lst cÍ sfod ug'{
kg]{5 .
-%_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] af]nkq d"NofÍg ubf{ af]nkqbftfn] l;kmfl/; u/]sf] hu]8f
kf6{k"hf{sf ;DaGwdf ljrf/ ug'{ xF'b}g .
^%= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] af]nkqsf] ljz]if d"NofÍg M -!_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] af]nkq d"NofÍg ubf{
d"NofÍg ;ldltn] lgod ^@, ^# / ^$ df plNnlvt s'/fsf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf s'/fsf]
d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] sfo{ of]hgf, sfo{;Dkfbg tflnsf / kl/rfng ;do
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP cg';f/sf] eP jf gePsf],
-v_ af]nkqbftfn] lan ckm SjflG66Ldf ;+nUg cfO6dsf] nflu pNn]v
u/]sf] k|lt PsfO b/ ljZj;gLo eP jf gePsf],
-u_ saf]n cÍ b]xfosf] sf/0fn] c;Gt'lnt eP jf gePsf] M–
-!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] k|f/lDes r/0fdf ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] cfO6dsf]
nflu af]nkqbftfn] c:jfefljs pRr b/ pNn]v u/]sf]n], jf
-@_ af]nkqbftfn] lan ckm SjflG66Lsf] s'g} cfO6ddf Go"g cg'dfg
ePsf] egL ljZjf; u/]sf] cfO6dsf] nflu lghn] c:jfefljs
pRr b/ pNn]v u/]sf]n] .

-3_ af]nkqbftfn] k]z u/]sf] P]gsf] bkmf !# sf] pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -9#_
adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f cg'¿k ;f] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ ;Sg] lghsf]
k|fljlws Ifdtf eP jf gePsf] .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] cj:yfdf jf af]nkqbftfn]
;Gtf]ifhgs ?kdf sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] u/L Go"g saf]n cÍ pNn]v u/]sf] jf
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] If]q jf k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg unt ?kdf a'lem jf ga'lem c:jfefljs
Go"g saf]n cÍ pNn]v u/]sf] jf k|f/lDes r/0fdf ul/g] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu a9L b/n]
pNn]v u/]sf] -k|mG6 nf]l8Í_ 5, 5}g eGg] s'/f d"NofÍg ;ldltn] hfFr ug'{ kg]{5 .
To;/L Go"g saf]n cÍ pNn]v u/]sf] jf pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf]

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cj:yfdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To:tf] af]nkqbftf;Fu b/ ljZn]if0f ;lxtsf] :ki6Ls/0f

dfu ug'{ kg{]5 .
-#_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd dfu]sf] :ki6Ls/0f ;Gtf]ifhgs
ePdf To:tf] af]nkqbftf;Fu lghsf] saf]n cÍsf] cf7 k|ltztn] x'g] /sd a/fa/sf]
yk sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt lnO{ af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ l;kmfl/; ug{ / To:tf] :ki6Ls/0f
;Gtf]ifhgs gePdf To:tf] af]nkq c:jLs[t ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ l;kmfl/; ug{
;Sg]5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd lnOPsf] yk sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt clGtd lan
e'QmfgL ePkl5 lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .

-%_ =============

-^_ ===============

-&_ ==================

-*_ ==================

^%s= d"NofÍg ;DaGwL ljz]if Joj:yf M -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] k|:tfj d"NofÍg ubf{
Psn jf ;+o'Qm pkqmddf k|:tfj k]z ug]{ s'g} af]nkqbftf, l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm,
kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf ;~rfns pk/ e|i6frf/sf] s;"/df d'2f bfo/ eP gePsf]
;DaGwdf olsg u/L To:tf] d'2f bfo/ ePsf] b]lvPdf ;DalGwt lgsfo dfk{mt g]kfn
;/sf/ ;dIf n]vL k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd n]vL cfPdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] To:tf] af]nkqbftf,
l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf ;~rfnsn] Psn jf ;+o'Qm
pkqmdaf6 k]z u/]sf] k|:tfjnfO{ d"NofÍg u/L ;Sg' kg]{ cjlwleq d"NofÍg k|lqmofdf
;dfj]z gug{ lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd lgb]{zg eO{ cfPdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To:tf]
k|:tfjnfO{ d"NofÍg k|lqmofaf6 x6fO{ afFsL k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .

 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


^^= k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ M d"NofÍg ;ldltn] lgod ^), ^!, ^@, ^#, ^$ / ^% adf]lhd
u/]sf] k/LIf0f tyf d"NofÍgsf] lj:t[t ljZn]if0f / b]xfosf s'/f v'nfO{ ;f]sf] k|ltj]bg
tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 / ;f] k|ltj]bg d"NofÍg ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] lgod %$s= sf]
cwLgdf /xL tf]s]sf] cjlwleq ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ af]nkqbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ af]nkqbftfx?sf] s'n saf]n /sd / d'b|f,
-u_ P]gsf] bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -*_ / -(_ adf]lhd q'6L ;RofOPsf] eP To:tf]
q'6L ;RofO{ sfod ePsf] s'n saf]n /sd / d'b|f,
-3_ af]nkqbftfn] s'g} 5'6 lbg k|:tfj ul/Psf] s'/f cfly{s k|:tfj vf]n]sf]
d'r'Nsfdf pNn]v ePsf] eP d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To;/L 5'6 lbg k|:tfj
ul/Psf] /sd ;dfof]hg u/]sf] s'/f,
-ª_ P]gsf] bkmf !# pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -r_ adf]lhd af]nkq t'ngf ug{ k|of]u
ePsf] d'b|f / plNnlvt ldltsf] ljlgdo b/sf] cfwf/df sfod ePsf] /sd,
-r_ P]gsf] bkmf @# sf] pkbkmf -@_, -#_, -$_ / -^_ adf]lhd k/LIf0f ubf{ kfOPsf
-5_ P]gsf] bkmf @% sf] pkbkmf -*_ adf]lhd Go"gtd d"NoflÍt ;f/e"t?kdf
k|efju|fxL af]nkqsf] d"NofÍgsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf .
^&= af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/LM -!_ b]xfosf] /sdsf] af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/ b]xfosf
clwsf/LnfO{ x'g]5 M–

-s_ tLg s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] /fhkqflÍt t[tLo >]0fLsf] sfof{no

-v_ ;ft s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] /fhkqflÍt låtLo >]0fLsf] sfof{no

-u_ kG„ s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] /fhkqflÍt k|yd >]0fLsf] sfof{no

-3_ kG„ s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf a9Lsf] ljefuLo k|d'v .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-!s_ s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq cfkm}n]
:jLs[t ug{ gldNg] ePdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+j}wflgs c+u jf lgsfo,
dGqfno, ;lrjfno / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo sfof{nosf ;lrj jf k|zf;sLo k|d'vn]
cfˆgf] sfof{nosf] nflu ul/g] vl/bsf] hlt;'s} /sdsf]] af]nkq :jLs[t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
^*= dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf M -!_ af]nkq d"NofÍg x'“bf c;kmn ePsf] af]nkqbftfn]] cfkm"n]
k]z u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf lkmtf{ lng ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo ;dIf vl/b
;Demf}tf ePsf]] ;ft lbgleq lnlvt ?kdf cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd cg'/f]w ePsf]df To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf k/LIf0fdf
gi6 gePsf] eP 9'jfgL ug{] / Kofs]lhª ug{] nufotsf ;Dk"0f{ vr{ af]nkqbftfn] g}
Joxf]g]{ u/L To:tf] gd"gf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lghnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ :jLs[t af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfn] k]z u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gfsf] cfk"lt{
ul/g] dfn;fdfg;+u t'ngf ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq d"NofÍg
;ldltaf6 k|dfl0ft u/fO{ ;'/lIft /fVg' kg]{5 .

k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
^(= sfo{ If]qut zt{ tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{sf] nflu
b]xfosf s'/f ;lxtsf] sfo{ If]qut zt{ tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k/fdz{bftfn] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] k[i7e"ld / p2]Zo,
-v_ k/fdz{bftfsf] sfo{If]q / lghn] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ sfd,
-u_ sfd;Fu ;DalGwt cWoog tyf cfwf/e"t tYof+s pknAw eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f,
-3_ k/fdz{bftfn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ s'g} 1fg jf zLk x:tfGt/0f ug{' kg]{
eP ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-ª_ tfnLd k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ eP tfnLd lbg' kg]{ sd{rf/Lsf] ;+Vof,
-r_ k/fdz{bftfsf] d'Vo hgzlQmsf] sfd tyf of]Uotf / lghn] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf]
nflu nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do,

t];f| ] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-r!_k/fdz{bftfsf] d'Vo hgzlQmsf] ?kdf k|:tfljt k/fdz{bftf ;Demf}tf
kZrft sfd ug{ g;Sg] u/L la/fdL ePsf], b'3{6gfdf k/]sf] jf d[To' ePsf]
jf cGo dgfl;a sf/0fn] To:tf] sfo{ ug{ g;Sg] ePsf]df afx]s cGo
cj:yfdf To:tf] d'Vo hgzlQmsf] ?kdf k|:tfljt JolQmnfO{ kl/jt{g ug{
g;Sg] s'/f,
-r@_s'g} k/fdz{bftf d'Vo hgzlQmsf] x}l;otn] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd k"0f{sfnLg

?kdf ;+nUg /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg geP;Dd ;f]
;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{tflnsfdf bf]xf]/f] kg]{ u/L ;f]xL JolQmsf] JolQmut
ljj/0f cGo k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b k|lqmofdf k|of]u ug{ gldNg] s'/f,
-5_ k/fdz{bftfn] sfd z'? ug]{ / ;Dkfbg ul/;Sg' kg]{ ;do,
-h_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{bftfnfO{ pknAw u/fpg] ;"rgf, ef}lts ;'ljwf,
pks/0fsf] ljj/0f, /
-em_ k/fdz{bftfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{ k|ltj]bg, tYof+s, gS;f, ;e]{ k|ltj]bg cflbsf]
ljj/0f .
&)= v'nf ?kdf cfzokq dfu u/L ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]

aL; nfv ?k}+ofFeGbf a9L d"Nosf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ P]gsf] bkmf #) adf]lhd
;"rgf k|sfzg u/L cfzokq dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fdfGotof bz s/f]8 ?k}+ofFeGbf a9L /sdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df
cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] cfzokq dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .

-@s_ P]gsf] bkmf !% sf] cj:yfdf afx]s aL; nfv ¿k}ofF eGbf a9L bz
s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{' k/]df /fli6«o:t/sf]
cfzokqbftf aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ cfzokq dfu ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd cfzokq dfu ug]{ ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx?
v'nfpg' kg]{5 M—
-s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-v_ k|:tfljt sfd jf cfof]hgfsf] ;fdfGo ljj/0f,

-u_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] vr{ Joxf]g]{ ;|f]t,
-3_ cfzokqbftfsf] of]Uotf,
-ª_ cfzokqbftf kmd{ jf sDkgL eP,
-!_ kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] ljj/0f, ;+u7g / sd{rf/L,
-@_ b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L kmd{ jf sDkgLn] ;d"x, ;+u7g jf ;+o'Qm
pkqmdsf] ?kdf k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg] eP To:tf kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] gfd,
7]ufgf, ljj/0f tyf d'Vo eO{ sfd ug]{ kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] gfd,
-#_ ljut ;ft jif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] ;dfg k|s[ltsf] sfd / :yfgsf]
ljj/0f, /
-$_ k|:tfljt sfo{df ;+nUg x'g] k|d'v hgzlQmsf] j}olQms ljj/0f .
-r_ JolQmut k/fdz{bftfsf] xsdf ljut rf/ jif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] ;dfg
k|s[ltsf] sfd / :yfgsf] ljj/0f tyf lghsf] j}olQms ljj/0f,
-5_ k|:tfljt sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do,
-h_ ;+lIfKt ;"rLdf k/]sf JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLaf6 dfq k/fdz{ ;]jf
vl/b ;DaGwL k|:tfj dfu ul/g] s'/f,
-em_ cfzokqbftfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhftx?,
-`_ cfzokq tof/ ug]{ lgb]{zg / cfzokq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt tyf :yfg,
-6_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;+u ;Dks{ ug]{ 7]ufgf / ;Dks{ JolQm .
-$_ cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] cfzokq dfu ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .

-%_ o; lgod adf]lhd kg{ cfPsf cf;okqbftfsf] of]Uotf, cg'ej / Ifdtf
;d]t d"NofÍg u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfzokqbftfsf] of]Uotf, cg'ej / Ifdtf
d"NofÍg ug]{ cfwf/ ;d]t olsg u/L To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg ;Sg] cf;okqbftfsf]
5gf}6 ug{' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


t/ :jLs[t d"NofÍgsf cfwf/x¿ cfzokq bflvnf eO{ ;s]kl5 kl/jt{g u/L

d"NofÍg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-^_ cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ljleGg
d'n's, k[i7e"ld / Ps :yfgLo ============ kmd{ jf sDkgLsf]] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf adf]lhd cfzokq k]z gug]{ Voflt k|fKt
k/fdz{bftf;+u ;Dks{ u/L lghsf] gfd ;+lIfKt ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-*_ o; lgod adf]lhd cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ jf pklgod -&_ adf]lhd
gfd ;dfj]z ubf{ sDtLdf tLgj6f cfzokqbftf 5gf}6 x'g g;s] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
k'gM ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L cfzokq dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-(_ pklgod -*_ adf]lhd bf];|f] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ klg sDtLdf
tLgj6f cfzokq 5gf}6 x'g g;s]df 5gf}6 ePsf hlt cfzokqbftfsf] dfq ;"rL
sfod ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-!)_ o; lgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] ;"rLsf] hfgsf/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
cfzokq k]z ug]{ ;a} cfzokqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

-!!_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/bsf] xsdf ljb]zL
cfzokqbftfn] :jb]zL k/fdz{bftf JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgL;Fu ;+o'Qm pkqmd u/]df
To:tf] ljb]zL cfzokqbftfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg ;lsg]5 .
t/ o;/L ;+o'Qm pkqmd sfod ubf{ bf]xf]/f] kg]{ u/L ;+o'Qm pkqmd ug{ ;lsg]
5}g .

-!@_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd Ifdtfsf] d"NofÍg ubf{ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] s"n
nfut cg'dfgsf] Ps ;o krf; k|ltztdf ga9\g] u/L x'g] sf/f]af/ /sd -6g{cf]e/_
sf] cfwf/ lng' kg]{5 .

-!#_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ lgod %$s=
adf]lhdsf] cjlw leq sfo{ ;DkGg x'g] u/L 5gf}6 ug{' kg]{5 .

-!$_ o; lgod adf]lhd cfzokqbftf 5gf}6 ubf{ s'g} cfzokqbftfn]
cfkm"n] k|fKt u/]sf] cÍ / 5gf}6df kg{ g;s]sf] sf/0f ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu dfu u/]df

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


kfFr lbgleq lghn] k|fKt u/]sf] cÍ / 5gf}6 x'g g;s]sf] sf/0f cfzokqbftfnfO{ lbg'
kg]{5 .
&!= k|:tfj dfu ug]{ M -!_ lgod &) adf]lhd ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] ;f] ;"rLdf k/]sf cfzokqbftfx?nfO{ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft, x'nfs, s'l/o/

jf JolQm jf ljB'tLo ;~rf/ dfWod dfkm{t k7fO{ aL; nfv ¿k}ofF;Dd nfut
cg'dfg ePsf] vl/bsf nflu sDtLdf kG„ lbg / ;f] eGbf a9L nfut cg'dfg ePsf]
vl/bsf nflu sDtLdf tL; lbgsf] ;do lbO{ lghx?af6 k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
To;/L k7fOg] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] s'g} z'Ns nfUg] 5}g .
-@_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf P]gsf] bkmf #! df plNnlvt s'/fsf cltl/Qm
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfj dfu kq,
-v_ k|:tfjbftfn] k|:tfj u/]sf] k|d'v hgzlQmn] cfk\mgf] xfn;fn}sf] j}olQms
ljj/0f ;To / k"0f{ /x]sf] s'/f k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f,
-u_ k|fljlws k|:tfj d"NofÍg u/]kl5 dfq cfly{s k|:tfj vf]lng] s'/f,
-3_ k|fljlws k|:tfjdf k|:tfjbftfn] k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ pQL0ff{Í,
-ª_ k|:tfjbftfn] ;DalGwt sfdsf] nflu cfˆgf] 5'§} sfo{of]hgf tyf hgzlQm
k|:tfj ug{ ;Sg] jf g;Sg],
-r_ k|:tfjbftfn] sfo{If]qut zt{df l6Kk0fL ug{ ;Sg] jf g;Sg], /
-5_ k|:tfljt sfo{ ug{ cfjZos kg]{ /sd Joxf]g]{ ;|f]t .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k|:tfj d"NofÍgsf] cÍef/
pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd cÍ ef/ pNn]v ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw ckgfO{ ul/g] ePdf sfdsf] k|s[lt
/ hl6ntf cg';f/ k|fljlws tyf cfly{s k|:tfjsf] s'n cÍ ef/ Ps ;o
x'g] u/L / To:tf] s'n cÍ ef/ dWo] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] s'n cÍef/
;Q/Lb]lv gAa] / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] cÍef/ tL; b]lv bz;Dd x'g] u/L
lgwf{/0f ug{' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-v_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 u'0f:t/ ljlw, lglZrt ah]6 ljlw / Go"g nfut ljlw
ckgfO{ ul/g] ePdf k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] s'n cÍef/ Ps ;o x'g] u/L
lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ lglZrt ah]6 ljlwaf6 k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{ k|:tfj cfx\jfg ubf{
pknAw ah]6 k|:tfjdf v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-^_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{ cÍ ef/ pNn]v ubf{
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] cÍsf] ;Ldf ggf£g] u/L sfdsf] k|s[lt /
hl6ntf cg';f/ pko'Qm cÍ pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 M—

-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] vf; sfdsf] s'n cÍsf] kRrL;
cg'ej k|ltzt;Dd
-v_ sfo{;Dkfbg ug]{ tl/sf / sfo{ s'n cÍsf] aL; b]lv k}+tL;
If]qut zt{ k|ltsf] k|efju|fxLtf k|ltzt;Dd
-u_ d'Vo d'Vo hgzlQmsf] of]Uotf / s'n cÍsf] tL; b]lv ;f7L
cg'ej k|ltzt;Dd
-3_ k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f jf tfnLd s'n cÍsf] bz k|ltzt;Dd
-ª_ :jb]zL hgzlQmsf] ;xeflutf s'n cÍsf] bz k|ltzt;Dd
hDdf s'n cÍ !)) .
-&_ pklgod -^_ sf] v08 -ª_ df plNnlvt cÍ ef/ /fli6«o:t/sf] k|:tfjsf]
xsdf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
-*_ pklgod -^_ df plNnlvt ;a} d"NofÍgsf cfwf/nfO{ tLgj6f pk–
cfwf/df ljefhg u/L ;f] jfktsf] cÍ ;d]t lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-(_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd cÍ ef/ pNn]v ubf{ pQL0ff{Í ;d]t pNn]v ug'{
kg]{5 .

-!)_ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/bsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k/fdz{bftf 5gf}6
ug]{ cÍef/ pNn]v ubf{ s'g} k/fdz{bftf JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgL;Fu eO/x]sf sfd -js{
Og Xof08_ sf] hgzlQm ;f]xL xb;Dd kl5Nnf] k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍgsf] ;dodf u0fgf
gx'g] s'/f pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-!!_ o; lgod adf]lhd k|:tfj d"NofÍg ubf{ pklgod -*_ adf]lhd ul/Psf]
ljefhg / ;f] jfktsf] cÍef/sf] cfwf/df dfq d"NofÍg ug{' kg]{5 .
&@= df}h'bf ;"rLdf /x]sf k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|:tfj dfu u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf lng ;lsg] M -!_
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] aL; nfv ?k}+ofFeGbf sd /sdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf P]gsf] bkmf ^s=
adf]lhdsf] df}h'bf ;"rLdf /x]sf k/fdz{bftfaf6 lnlvt ?kdf k|fljlws / cfly{s
k|:tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj dfu ubf{ ;Dej eP;Dd 5j6f / sDtLdf
tLgj6f k/fdz{bftfnfO{ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fO{ k|fljlws / cfly{s 5'§f 5'§}
vfddf dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj d"NofÍg ljlw u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw cg';f/
5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
&#= k|:tfj tof/ ug{ lbOg] lgb]{zgdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM P]gsf] bkmf #! sf] pkbkmf -@_
sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj tof/ ug{ k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbOg] lgb]{zgdf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|fljlws k|:tfj / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] 9fFrf,
-v_ k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfj tof/ ug]{ / k]z ug]{ tl/sf,
-u_ sfd slt r/0fdf k"/f x'g] xf] / yk sfd lbg ;lsg] g;lsg] s'/f,
-3_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftsf ;DaGwdf k|:tfjbftfn] s'g} hfgsf/L lng' kg]{
eP To:tf] hfgsf/L lng ;lsg] tl/sf,
-ª_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] s'g} c+z k/fdz{bftfn] ;a–sG6«ofsdf lbg ;Sg] g;Sg]
-r_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pknAw u/fpg] ;"rgf, ;]jf, pks/0f ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-5_ k|:tfj k]z ug'{ cl3 k|:tfjbftfsf] a}7s x'g] gx'g] s'/f,
-h_ k|:tfj dfGo x'g] cjlw,
-em_ k|:tfljt vl/b sf/afxL cGtu{t ;[hgf x'g] s'g} dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{, lgdf{0f
sfo{, cGo ;]jf jf k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL sfd k/fdz{bft[ kmd{ jf lgh;+u
;Da4 JolQm ;+:yfnfO{ lb+bf k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jf;+usf] :jfy{ aflemg ;S5

kfFrf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
 rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


eGg] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ nfu]df To:tf] k|:tfjbftf jf JolQmnfO{ To:tf]

sfd lbg g;lsg] s'/f,
-`_ k|:tfjbftf / lghsf] hgzlQmn] ltg{' kg]{ s/ jf/]sf] hfgsf/L / k|:tfjbftfn]
s/ jf cGo s'g} ljifodf yk hfgsf/L lng rfx]df lghn] ;Dks{ ug'{ kg]{
cflwsfl/s cGo lgsfo,
-6_ k|:tfjsf] efiff,
-7_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft ;+zf]wg ug]{ sfo{ljlw,
-8_ k|:tfj k]z ug]{ tl/sf,
-9_ k|:tfj vf]Ng] tl/sf,
-0f_ uf]kgLotf ;DaGwL zt{ .
&$= k|:tfj 5gf}6 ljlwM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf] sfdsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b
ubf{ u'0f:t/ ljlw 5gf}6 u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]]5 M—
-s_ b]zsf] cfly{s jf If]qut cWoog, jx'If]]qLo -dN6L ;]S6/n_ ;DefJotf
cWoog, 3fts kmf]x/d}nf Jojl:yt ug]{ Pj+ tx nufpg] ;+oGqsf] l8hfOg,
zx/L u'? of]hgfsf] l8hfOg, ljQLo If]q ;'wf/ h:tf k/fdz{bftfaf6
ck]lIft sfo{ :ki6?kdf olsg ug{ g;lsg] k|s[ltsf] / ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
k/fdz{bftfaf6 vf]hk"0f{ k|:tfjsf] ck]Iff u/]sf] sfd,
-v_ 7"nf afFw jf k|d'v k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fsf] ;DefJotf cWoog jf ;+/rgfTds
OlGhlgolª l8hfOg, /fli6«o dxTjsf gLlt ;DaGwL cWoog, 7"nf ;/sf/L
lgsfosf] Joj:yfkg cWoog h:tf pRr bIftf cfjZos kg{] / eljiodf
uDeL/ tyf b"/ufdL k|efj kfg]{ lsl;dsf] sfd,
-u_ Joj:yfkg k/fdz{, If]qut -;]S6/n_ tyf gLltut cWoog h:tf ;]jfsf]
d"No sfdsf] u'0f:t/df lge{/ x'g] jf JolQm, ;+:yf lkR5] ;f/e"t ?kdf cnu
cnu tl/sfaf6 ;Dkfbg ug{ ;lsg] / k|lt:kwL{ k|:tfjsf] nfut t'ngf ug{
g;lsg] lsl;dsf] sfd .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd u'0f:t/ ljlw 5gf}6 ug{ ljefuLo k|d'vsf] :jLs[lt lng'
kg]{5 .


-#_ n]vfk/LIf0f, ;fdfGo OlGhlgol/· l8hfOg tyf vl/b Ph]G6 h:tf /fd|/L
cEof; eO;s]sf, lgoldt k|s[ltsf / sd nfut nfUg] sfdsf nflu Go"g nfut ljlw
5gf}6 ug{ ;lsg]5 .
&%= k|:tfj vf]Ng] tl/sfM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf #@ adf]lhd k|:tfj vf]Nbf
k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] /f]xj/df vf]Ng' kg]{5 .
t/ k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglw pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0fn] k|:tfj vf]Ng afwf
kg]{ 5}g .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj vf]Ng' cl3 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Dofb gf3L k|fKt
x'g cfPsf] k|:tfjsf] vfd / /Ltk"j{s btf{ ePsf k|:tfjsf] vfdnfO{ 5'6\ofO{ Dofb gf3L
k|fKt x'g cfPsf k|:tfj gvf]nL ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 . To;/L lkmtf{
ul/Psf] s'/f, ldlt / ;do ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxLsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg'
kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|:tfj lkmtf{ u/]kl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] /Ltk"j{s btf{
ePsf k|:tfjsf] aflx/L vfd qmd};+u vf]nL ;f] vfd;“u /x]sf] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] vfd
vf]nL b]xfosf s'/f k9]/ ;'gfO{ ;f]sf] d'r'Nsf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfjdf k|:tfjbftfsf] x:tfIf/ eP gePsf],
-u_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;RofOPsf] jf s]/d]6 u/]sf]df k|:tfjbftf jf
lghsf] k|ltlglwn] x:tfIf/ u/] gu/]sf],
-3_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pko'Qm 7fg]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] d'r'Nsfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkl:yt k|:tfjbftf
jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] b:tvt u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd vf]lnPsf] k|fljlws k|:tfj ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ozflz3|
d"NofÍg ;ldltdf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
&^= k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg ug]{ tl/sfM -!_k|fljlws k|:tfj d"NofÍg ubf{ d"NofÍg
;ldltsf k|To]s ;b:on] 5'§f 5'§} ?kdf lgod &! sf] pklgod -^_ df plNnlvt cfwf/
adf]lhd d"NofÍg u/L k|:tfjbftfn] k|fKt u/]sf] cÍ olsg ug'{ kg]{5 .


-!s_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg ug{sf] nflu ;xof]u
k'{ofpg ;DalGwt lj1x¿ ;lxtsf] tLg ;b:oLo pk;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd cÍ olsg ePkl5 ;f] ;ldltsf] k|To]s ;b:on] k|bfg
u/]sf] cÍ u0fgf u/L ;f] ;ldltn] To:tf] k|:tfjn] k|fKt u/]sf] cf}ift cÍ lgsfNg'
kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd d"NofÍg kl5 d"NofÍg ;ldltn] lgod &! sf]
pklgod -(_ adf]lhdsf] pQL0ff{Í k|fKt ug{] k|:tfjbftfx?sf] ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rL tof/ ubf{ pRrtd cÍ k|fKt ug{]
k|:tfjbftfb]lv s|d};+u tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍgsf] sfo{ ;dfKt gx'~h]n cfly{s
k|:tfj vf]Ng x“'+b}g .
-^_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf /x]sf k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq lgod &( adf]lhd
cfly{s k|:tfj vf]lng]5 .
-&_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf ;dfj]z x'g g;s]sf k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj
gvf]nL ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
&&= d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] lgod &^ adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg
;DaGwL sf/afxL kl5 k|:tfjsf] u'0f:t/ ;DaGwdf k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/fx? ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglwsf] ;xL5fk eP jf gePsf],
-u_ k|:tfjbftf k|:tfj k]z ug{ sfg"g adf]lhd of]Uo ePsf]] k'i6\ofO{ ug]{
sfuhftx? k]z eP jf gePsf],
-3_ ;+o'Qm pkqmd ;DaGwL ;Demf}tf cfjZos eP ;f] k]z eP jf gePsf],
-ª_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]{zg cg'?k k|:tfj
k"0f{ eP jf gePsf]], /
-r_ k|To]s k|:tfjsf] ;fk]lIfs ;antf, b'a{ntf / d"NofÍgsf] kl/0ffd .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


&*= k|fljlws k|:tfj d"NofÍg ubf{ 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{ M -!_
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgod &^ sf] pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ePsf
k|:tfjbftfnfO{ cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng] :yfg, ldlt / ;do pNn]v u/L ;f] ldlt /
;dodf pkl:yt x'g ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfjbftfnfO{ pkl:yt x'g ;"rgf lb+bf /fli6«o:t/sf]]
k|:tfjsf] xsdf sDtLdf ;ft lbg / cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] k|:tfjsf] xsdf sDtLdf kGw|
lbgsf] cjlw lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pQL0ff{Í k|fKt gug]{ k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lghsf] k|fljlws k|:tfj 5gf}6 x'g
g;s]sf] sf/0f v'n]sf] ;"rgf ;lxt lghsf] cfly{s k|:tfj lkmtf{ lbg' kg]{5 .

-$_ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd k|:tfjbftf 5gf}6 ubf{ s'g} k|:tfjbftfn] cfkm"n]
k|fKt u/]sf] cÍ / 5gf}6df kg{ g;s]sf] sf/0f ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu dfu u/]df kfFr
lbgleq lghn] k|fKt u/]sf] cÍ / 5gf}6 x'g g;s]sf] sf/0f k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
&(= cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng]M -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn]] cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd vf]Nbf k|:tfjbftf jf
lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] pkl:yltdf vf]Ng' kg]{5 .
t/ k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglw pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0fn] cfly{s k|:tfj
vf]Ng afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd vf]n] kl5 d"NofÍg ;ldltn]
k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd, lghn] k|fljlws k|:tfjdf k|fKt u/]sf] cÍ / cfly{s k|:tfjdf
k|:tfj u/]sf] ;]jf z'Ns k9]/ ;'gfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] d'r'Nsf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfljt ;]jf z'Ns,
-u_ k|:tfljt ;]jf z'Nsdf s'g} 5'6 lbg k|:tfj ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] Joxf]/f,
-3_ cÍ / cIf/sf aLr leGgtf eP ;f] leGgtfsf] ljj/0f,
-ª_ cfly{s k|:tfjdf k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] x:tfIf/ eP gePsf],
-r_ cfly{s k|:tfjdf s'g} s'/f jf Joxf]/f s]/d]6 u/]sf] eP ;f] 7fp“df
k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwn] x:tfIf/ u/] gu/]sf] tyf s]/d]6 u/]sf]
/sd / Joxf]/f,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-5_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pko'Qm 7fg]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .

*)= cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg M -!_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf cGoyf pNn]v ul/Psf]df
afx]s cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg k|of]hgsf] nflu ;f] k|:tfjdf d"No clej[l4 s/ afx]s
k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd k/fdz{bftfnfO{ nfUg] s/ tyf k/fdz{bftfsf] e|d0f, ;DalGwt
sfuhftsf] cg'jfb, k|ltj]bg 5kfO{ jf lz/f]ef/ vr{ h:tf ;f]wegf{ x'g] vr{ ;d]t
lghsf] ;]jf z'Nsdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] dflgg]5 .
-@_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] k|To]s k|:tfjbftfsf] cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg ubf{
k|:tfjdf s'g} cÍ ul0ftLo q'6L kfOPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] q'6L ;Rofpg ;Sg]5
/ To;/L q'6L ;Rofp“bf PsfO{ b/ / s'n /sddf leGgtf ePdf PsfO b/ dfGo x'g]5
/ ;f]xL b/ adf]lhd s'n /sd ;Rofpg' kg]{5 . To;/L q'6L ;RofOPsf] ePdf ;f]sf]
hfgsf/L ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ k|:tfjbftfn] cfly{s k|:tfjdf pNn]v u/]sf] /sd, cÍ / cIf/df km/s k/]df
cIf/df n]lvPsf] /sd dfGo x'g]5 .
-$_ k|:tfljt saf]n cÍdf k|:tfjbftfn] s'g} 5'6 lbg k|:tfj ul/Psf] s'/f cfly{s
k|:tfj vf]n]sf] d'r'Nsfdf pNn]v ePsf] eP d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To;/L 5'6 lbg k|:tfj
ul/Psf] /sd ;dfof]hg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -@_, -#_ / -$_ adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg kl5 ;a} k|:tfjbftfsf] sfod
x'g cfPsf] saf]n cÍsf] ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
*!= k|:tfjbftfsf] 5gf}6 M -!_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw ckgfOPsf] ePdf
d"NofÍg ;ldltn] b]xfo adf]lhd k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg u/L ;kmn
k|:tfjbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ d"NofÍg ul/g] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] k|fKtf+snfO{ k|fljlws
k|:tfjsf] nflu 5'6\ofOPsf] cÍ ef/n]] u'0fg u/L k|fKt u'0fgkmnnfO{ Ps
;on] efu ubf{ cfpg] efukmnsf] cÍ k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] v'b k|fKtf+s
x'g]5 .
-v_ k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍgaf6 ;kmn ePsf k|:tfjx?dWo] ;a}eGbf 36L
saf]n cÍnfO{ cfly{s k|:tfjsf] nflu 5'6\ofOPsf] cÍef/n]] u'0fg u/L


k|fKt u'0fgkmnnfO{ d"NofÍg ul/g] k|:tfjbftfsf] saf]n cÍn] efu ubf{

cfpg] efukmnsf] cÍ cfly{s k|:tfjsf] v'b k|fKtf+s x'g]5 .
-u_ k|fljlws k|:tfj / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] v'b k|fKtf+s hf]8L ;+o'Qm d"NofÍg
ubf{ ;a} eGbf a9L cÍ kfpg] k|:tfjbftf ;kmn x'g] x'“bf lghnfO{ 5gf}6
ug'{ kg]{5 .
pbfx/0f M -!_ k|fljlws k|:tfjnfO{ 5'6\ofOPsf] s'n cÍ ef/ ≠ *)
lgwf{l/t ptL0ff{Í Nofpg] s, v / u k|:tfjbftfn] k|fljlws k|:tfjdf
kfPsf] cÍ M–
s ≠ ()
v ≠ *%
u ≠ *)
pko'{Qm cÍsf] cfwf/df k|fljlws k|:tfjdf kfpg] cÍ u0fgf
ug]{ tl/sf M–
s ≠ ()  *) ≠ &@
v ≠ *%  *) ≠ ^*
u ≠ *)  *) ≠ ^$
-@_ cfly{s k|:tfjnfO{ 5'6\ofOPsf] cÍ ef/ ≠ @)
k|fljlws k|:tfjdf pQL0f{ ePsf s, v / u k|:tfjbftfn] cfly{s
k|:tfjdf saf]n u/]sf] /sd M–
s ≠ $, %),))).–
v ≠ $, #),))).–
u ≠ $, @),))).–
t;y{ ;a}eGbf 36L saf]n u/]sf] /sd ≠ $,@),))).–


pko'{Qm cÍsf] cfwf/df cfly{s k|:tfjdf kfpg] cÍ u0fgf ug]{

tl/sf M–
s ≠ $,@),)))  @) ≠ !*=^^
v ≠ $,@),)))  @) ≠ !(=%#
u ≠ $,@),)))  @) ≠ @)=))
-#_ k|fljlws k|:tfj / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] ;+o'Qm d"NofÍgaf6 kfpg] s'n
cÍ ljj/0f M–
k|:tfj k|fljlws cfly{s s'n cÍ s}lkmot
bftf k|:tfjsf] k|:tfjsf]
v'b k|fKtfÍ v'b k|fKtfÍ
s &@ !*=^^ ()=^^ ;a} eGbf a9L s'n
cÍ kfpg] k|:tfjbftf
æsÆ 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{ .
v ^* !(=%# *&=%#

u ^$ @)=)) *$
-@_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ ljlw ckgfOPsf] ePdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn] P]gsf]
bkmf #% sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd k|fljlws k|:tfjdf pRrtd cÍ k|fKt
ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ lglZrt ah]6 ljlw ckgfOPsf] ePdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn]
P]gsf] bkmf #% sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u _ adf]lhd To:tf] ah]6sf] ;LdfeGbf a9L
nfut ePsf] k|:tfj /2 ug]{5 / To:tf] ah]6sf] ;Ldfleq k/L k|fljlws k|:tfjdf
pRrtd cÍ k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ Go"g nfut ljlw ckgfOPsf] ePdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn]
P]gsf] bkmf #% sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhd k|fljlws k|:tfjdf ;kmn x'g


lgwf{l/t Go"gtd cÍ k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfdWo] ;a}eGbf sd nfut ePsf] k|:tfjbftfsf]

k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ o; lgod adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftf;+u jftf{ ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|:tfj 5gf}6 ePsf] ;ft lbgleq To:tf] k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ldlt,
;do / :yfg vf]nL jftf{ ug{ cfpg ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 .

-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfjbftfnfO{ jftf{sf] nflu af]nfpFbf /fli6«o
:t/sf] k|:tfj eP ;ft lbg / cGt/fl{\i6«o :t/sf] k|:tfj eP kG„ lbgsf] Dofb lbg'
kg]{5 .

-&_ P]gsf] bkmf #* adf]lhd ;Demf}tf ug]{ k/fdz{bftfn] ;Demf}tf u/]sf] tL;
lbg leq ;Demf}tfsf] s"n /sd ;d]6\g] u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lgzt{ e'QmfgL x'g]
k]zfut bfloTj aLdf -k|f]km];gn nfolaln6L OG;f]/]G;_ k]z ug{' kg]{5 .

-*_ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd ;Demf}tf ug]{ k/fdz{bftfn] pklgod -&_
adf]lhdsf] Dofbleq k]zfut bfloTj aLdf bflvnf gu/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf]
vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo u/L lghnfO{ sfnf] ;"rLdf /fVg ;DalGwt lgsfodf l;kmfl/;
ug{' kg]{5 .

*!s=k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L M -!_ b]xfosf] k/fdz{ ;DaGwL
k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/ b]xfosf clwsf/LnfO{ x'g]5 M
-s_ bz nfv ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] /fhkqflÍt t[tLo >]0fLsf] sfof{no
-v_ krf; nfv ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] /fhkqflÍt låtLo >]0fLsf] sfof{no
-u_ tLg s/f]8 ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] /fhkqflÍt k|yd >]0fLsf] sfof{no
-3_ tLg s/f]8 ¿k}ofFeGbf a9Lsf] ljefuLo k|d'v .
-@_ s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL
k|:tfj :jLs[t ug{ gldNg] ePdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-#_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+j}wflgs c+u jf lgsfo,
dGqfno, ;lrjfno / o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo sfof{nosf ;lrj jf k|zf;lso k|d'vn]
cfkm\gf] sfof{nosf] nflu ul/g] vl/bsf] hlt;'s} /sdsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t ug{ ;Sg]5 .

*@= ;f]em} jftf{af6 vl/b ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ pkof]uL / cfjZos kg]{
tflnd, uf]i7L / ;]ldgf/ h:tf ljifodf dfq ;]jf lng' k/]df kfFr nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf]
k/fdz{ ;]jfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v cfkm}+n] / ;f]eGbf dfly aL; nfv
?k}ofF;Ddsf] xsdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ P]gsf] bkmf #& sf]
k|lts"n gx'g] u/L ;f]em} jftf{af6 vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{sf] nflu Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf]
:jLs[lt lnO{ aL; nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kg]{ cj:yfdf sDtLdf tLg
j6f k|:tfj k|fKt u/L ;a}eGbf pkof]uL / sd d"No k|:tfj ug]{;Fu u'0f:t/ / d"NonfO{
;d]t PsLg ug{ ;f]em} jftf{ u/L vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .
*#= cGo ljlw M b]xfosf] cj:yfdf s'g} k/fdz{bftfnfO ljz]if1tf / of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df
lgo'Qm ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ s'g} sfd ug{ pRr:t/sf] ljz]if1tf cfjZos k/]df jf,
-v_ k/fdz{ 5f]6f] ;dosf] nflu cfjZos k/]df jf k/fdz{bftf lgo'Qm ug{] ;do
Go"g ePdf jf,
-u_ cfjZos sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ s]xL k/fdz{bftf dfq of]Uo ePdf jf,
-3_ k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{ w]/} ;do nfUg] eO{ ;do ckof{Kt ePdf .

vl/b ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf
*$= l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] :jLs[t sfo{qmd / vl/b
of]hgf cg';f/ aL; nfv ¿k}ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf
h'g;'s} ;]jf P]gsf] bkmf $) adf]lhd l;naGbL b/efpkq cfXjfg u/L vl/b ug{
;Sg]5 .

 5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-!s_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg krf; nfv
¿k}ofF;Ddsf] PS;/], Ol;hL, cf}iflwhGo dfn;fdfg, /f]usf] lgbfg tyf pkrf/sf]
nflu k|of]u x'g] :jf:Yo ;DaGwL pks/0fx¿ vl/b ubf{ l;naGbL b/efpkq cfXjfg
u/L vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] kmf/fddf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf $) sf]
pkbkmf -@_ df plNnlvt s'/fsf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfg, ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{
;]jfsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ l;naGbL b/efpkqbftfsf] of]Uotf -lgdf{0f vl/b afx]s_
-u_ sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ eP ;f] s'/f,
-3_ l;naGbL b/efpkq dfGo /xg] cjlw,
-ª_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fddf b/efpkqbftfn]] /Ltk"j{s ;xL5fk u/]sf]]
x'g' kg]{ s'/f,
-r_ l;naGbL b/efpkq d"NofÍg ug]{ tl/sf,
-5_ dfn;fdfgsf] xsdf jf/G6L ;DaGwL bfloTj / lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf q'6L
;Rofpg] cjlw;Ddsf] bfloTj .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd kmf/fd tof/ ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] l;naGbL
b/efpkq dfu ug{ P]gsf] bkmf $) sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5
/ To:tf] ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd kfOg] :yfg / ;f] jfkt nfUg] b:t'/,
-v_ hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ eP ;f]sf] lsl;d, /sd / ;dofjlw,
-u_ l;naGbL b/efpkq k7fpg] tl/sf,
-3_ l;naGbL b/efpkq k7fpg' kg]{ sfof{no jf clwsf/Lsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-ª_ l;naGbL b/efpkq bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do,
-r_ l;naGbL b/efpkq vf]Ng] ldlt, ;do / :yfg,
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-#s_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ tLgeGbf sd l;naGbL
b/efpkq k]z x'g cfPdf jf b/efpkq k]z g} gePdf ;f] ;DaGwdf s'g} s'/f pNn]v
gu/L ;f]xL pklgod adf]lhd bf];|f] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .

-#v_ pklgod -#s_ adf]lhd bf];|f] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ klg cfjZos
;+Vofdf l;naGbL b/efpkq k]z x'g gcfPdf k]z x'g cfPsf b/efpkqdWo]af6
b/efpkq :jLs[t ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g .

-$_ l;naGbL b/efpkq k]z ug{ OR5's JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] Ps
xhf/ ?k}+ofF lt/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 b/efpkqsf] kmf/fd vl/b u/L ;f]xL
kmf/fddf l;naGbL b/efpkq k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] b/efpkqsf] kmf/fddf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] k|d'v jf lghn] tf]s]sf] sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt eO{ 5fk nfu]sf] x'g' kg]{5 .

-^_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] hdfgt dfu ubf{ :jLs[t nfut
cg'dfg /sdsf] b'O{b]lv tLg k|ltzt /sdsf] ;Ldfleq /xL lglZrt /sd tf]sL
l;naGbL b/efpkq dfusf] ;"rgfdf hdfgt /sd pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 . o:tf] hdfgt
/sd gub jf jfl0fHo a}Íaf6 krxQ/ lbgsf] dfGo cjlw /xg] u/L hf/L ePsf] a}Í
hdfgt -a}Í Uof/]G6L_ l;naGbL b/efpkq lbg] JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] l;naGbL
b/efp kq;fy k]z ug{' kg]{5 .
-&_ l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] dfGo cjlw k+}tfnL; lbgsf] x'g]5 .
-*_ l;naGbL b/efpkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ;do ;lsPsf] nut} ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] l;naGbL b/efpkq cfx\jfgsf] ;"rgfdf tf]lsPsf] :yfgdf ;Dej eP;Dd
l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] /f]xj/df l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd
vf]Ng' kg]{5 .
-(_ d"Nof+sg ;ldltn] l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] k/LIf0f / d"NofÍg ug]{5 .

 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-(s_ klxnf] k6ssf] ;"rgf adf]lhd k]z ePsf b/efpkq dWo] Go"gtd tLg
j6f b/efpkq ;f/e"t ?kdf k|efju|fxL x'g] cj:yfdf dfq ;a}eGbf sd saf]n cÍ
/x]sf] b/efpkq :jLs[ltsf nflu d"NofÍg ;ldltn] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!)_ pklgod -*_ adf]lhd l;naGbL b/efpkq vf]n]sf] ldltaf6 kGw| lbgleq
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf $) sf] pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd l;naGbL b/efpkq
:jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 / ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;a} l;naGbL b/efpkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

-!!_ pklgod -!)_ adf]lhd l;naGbL b/efpkq :jLs[t ePsf]] ;ft lbgleq
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;DalGwt b/efpkqbftfnfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ cfpg ;"rgf lbg'
kg]{5 .

-!@_ pklgod -!!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{ l;njGbL b/efpkqbftfn] ;f]
;"rgf kfPsf] ldltn] ;ft lbgleq lgod !!) adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z
u/L vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{5 .
-!#_ l;naGbL b/efpkqbftfn] pklgod -^_ adf]lhd /fv]sf] hdfgt b]xfosf]
cj:yfdf hkmt x'g]5 M–
-s_ 5gf}6 ePsf] l;naGbL b/efpkqbftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf gu/]df,
-v_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fddf plNnlvt sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt vl/b
;Demf}tf ug]{ Dofbleq lbg g;s]df,
-u_ P]gsf] bkmf ^@ adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f ljkl/t sfd u/]df .

-!$_ l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL cGo sfo{ljlw kl/R5]b–% df plNnlvt
Joj:yf adf]lhd x'g]5g\ .

*%= ;f]em} vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf $! sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_
adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ pklgod -$_ sf] cwLgdf /xL b]xfosf] ;Ldf ga9\g] u/L ;f]em}
vl/b ug{ ;lsg] 5 M–

-s_ kfFr nfv ¿k}ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{, dfn;fdfg jf
k/fdz{ ;]jf,

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-v_ ===============

-!s_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg aL; nfv
¿k}ofF;Ddsf] cf}iflwhGo dfn;fdfg jf g]kfndf pTkflbt kG„ nfv ¿k}ofF;Ddsf]
dfn;fdfg To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbsn] /fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg
u/L tf]s]sf] laqmL d"Nodf ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L ;f}em} vl/b ubf{ pknAw
eP;Dd g]kfn u'0f:t/ lrGx k|fKt dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
t/ s'g} cf}iflwhGo dfn;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7gaf6
k"j{of]Uotf k|fKt Psdfq cf}iflw pTkfbs sDkgL ePsf]df To:tf] pTkfbsaf6 vl/b ug{'
kbf{ ;f]em} jftf{ u/L hlt;'s} ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] eP klg To:tf] cf}iflwhGo dfn;fdfg vl/b
ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-!v_ pklgod -!_ / -!s_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Ps cfly{s
jif{df Ps} k6s jf k6s–k6s u/L ;f] pklgodx?df plNnlvt ;LdfeGbf a9L /sdsf]
Pp6} JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfaf6 ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

-!u_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
lgdGq0ffdf g]kfn e|d0fdf /x]sf ljb]zL d'n'ssf] ;/sf/ jf cGt/fl{\i6«o cGt/ ;/sf/L
;+:yfsf] clt ljlzi6 jf ljlzi6 JolQmnfO{ cfltYotf / xf]6naf; ;'ljwfsf] nflu krf;
nfv ¿k}ofF;Dd ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-!3_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljb]z l:yt
g]kfnL /fhb"tfjf; jf lgof]u /x]sf] ejg jf ckf6{d]G6sf] dd{t ug{' kbf{ kRrL; xhf/
cd]l/sL 8n/;Dd ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/bsf] xsdf ;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf
u/L ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ P]gsf] bkmf $! sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhd cfk"lt ug]{ clwsf/
Pp6f dfq cfk"lt{stf{;uF ePsf] cj:yfdf To:tf k|f]k|fO6/L dfn;fdfg jf cf}iflwhGo
dfn;fdfg ;f] cfk"lt{stf{ jf lghsf cflwsfl/s las]|tf jf cflwsfl/s Ph]G6 dfkm{t
vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-#s_ pklgod -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ cfjZos kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbs g]kfndf Pp6f dfq ePsf] / cGo
pko'Qm ljsNk gePdf vl/b ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] ;f]xL Joxf]/f clen]v
u/L pTkfbs;Fu ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-#v_ pklgod -!s_ / -#s_ adf]lhd pTkfbsaf6 ;f]em} vl/b ubf{ b]xfosf
zt{x? k"/f u/]sf] pTkfbsaf6 ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ To:tf] pTkfbsn] cfkm\gf] pTkfbgsf] v'b|f tyf l8n/ laqmL d"No ;"rL
/fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg u/]sf],
-v_ To:tf] pTkfbsn] :yfgLo l8n/nfO{ lbP ;/xsf] 5'6 vl/b ug]{ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ lbPsf] .

-#u_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] pklgod -#s_ adf]lhd vl/b
ePsf] cj:yfdf To:tf] vl/b;Fu ;DalGwt pBf]usf] pTkfbg nfutsf] k/LIf0f ug{ jf
u/fpg ;Sg]5 . To;/L k/LIf0f ubf{ nfut c:jfefljs ePsf] kfOPdf To:tf] pBf]unfO{
sfnf];"rLdf /fVg ;lsg]5 .

-#3_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg g]kfn
;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L :jb]zL 3/]n' pBf]u egL tf]lslbPsf] 3/]n'
pBf]uaf6 pTkflbt kRrL; nfv ¿k}ofF;Ddsf] dfn;fdfg ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf]
3/]n' pBf]u;Fu vl/b ;Demf}tf u/L ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-$_;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Ps nfv ?k}ofF eGbf a9L /sdsf] ;f]em} vl/b ubf{
df}h'bf ;"rLdf /x]sf sDtLdf tLgj6f cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf
;]jfk|bfosaf6 lnlvt?kdf b/efpkq jf k|:tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ P]gsf] bkmf $! sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhdsf] k|f]kfO6/L
dfn;fdfg ;f]em} vl/b ubf{ ;fljs ;Demf}tf d"Nosf] tL; k|ltzt d"No;Dd vl/b ug{
;lsg]5 .

-%s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] csf]{ s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 pTkflbt jf
ljtl/t s'g} dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf vl/b ug{' k/]df To:tf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf pTkfbg jf

 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


ljt/0f ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Laf6 lgwfl{|t laqmL d"Nodf ;f]em}
vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-%v_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} cGt/fl{\i6«o cGt/;/sf/L ;+:yf jf ljb]zL
d'n'ssf] ;/sf/ jf To:tf] d'n'ssf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu s'g} dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{' kbf{
To:tf] ;+:yf, ;/sf/ jf lgsfoaf6 lgwfl{|t laqmL d"Nodf ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-%u_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] pklgod -%s_ / -%v_ adf]lhd vl/b ug{' kbf{ s'g} hdfgt dfu ug{' kg]{
5}g .
-^_ P]gsf] bkmf $! sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -ª_ sf] cj:yfdf afx]s cGo
v08sf] cj:yfdf ul/Psf] ;f]em} vl/bsf] xsdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] vl/bsf]
k|s[lt, sf/0f / cfwf/ ;lxt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf
k|bfossf] gfd v'nfO{ ;fj{hlgs ?kdf ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ P]gsf] bkmf $! sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -3_ sf] cj:yfdf vl/b ug{ Ps tx
dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lng' kg{]5 .
*^= ;f]em} vl/b ug'{ cl3 olsg ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]e}m vl/b ug'{ cl3
b]xfosf s'/f olsg ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfg e08f/df df}Hbft eP jf gePsf],
-v_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;“u
vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{;Dkfbg ug{ cfjZos of]Uotf eP jf
-u_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosn]
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] dfu adf]lhd k]z u/]sf] k|:tfj To:tf] lgsfon]
lgwf{/0f u/]sf] :k]l;lkms]zg tyf k|fljlws u'0f:t/ adf]lhdsf] eP jf
gePsf], /
-3_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf cGo ;]jf
k|bfosaf6 k|:tfj ul/Psf] d"No plrt eP jf gePsf] .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhdsf] d"No plrt eP gePsf] s'/f olsg
ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ahf/ cWoog, k"j{ vl/b d"No, nfut cg'dfgsf cfwf/df b/
ljZn]if0f u/L k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf cGo ;]jf
k|bfos;Fu jftf{ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ P]gsf] bkmf $! sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{ kqfrf/sf]
dfWodaf6 ;d]t ug{ ;lsg]5 .
*&= k|ltof]lutf u/fO{ l8hfOg vl/b ug{ ;Sg] M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfls{6]Sr/n Jff zx/L
of]hgf h:tf ljifosf] l8hfOg vl/b ug'{ kbf{ To:tf] l8hfOg ;DaGwL lj:t[t ljj/0f
;lxtsf] sfuhft tof/ u/L To:tf] sfuhft cg'?k l8hfOg k|ltof]lutf u/fO{ pko'Qm
l8hfOg vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .

*&s= vl/b ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yfM -!_ P]gsf] bkmf ^& sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -v_
cg';f/ vl/b ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/ / bft[kIf aLr ePsf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] bft[ kIfsf]
vl/b lgb]l\z
{ sf -k|f]Sof]/d]G6 ufO8nfOg_ df pNn]v gePsf s'/fx¿sf] xsdf P]g / o;
lgodfjnL adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ P]gsf] bkmf ^& sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u_ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu lghL
If]q;Fu k|lt:kwf{ u/L Jofkfl/s sf/f]af/ ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfox¿sf] ljj/0f cg';"rL–
%s= adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ P]gsf] bkmf ^& sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd sfol{\jlw agfpFbf ;fj{hlgs
vl/b ;DaGwL d"ne"t l;4fGt ljk/Lt gx'g] u/L agfpg' kg]{5 .

kl/R5]b – *
/fzg vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf
**= nfut cg'dfgsf] tof/L / :jLs[ltM -!_ /fzg Joj:yf ug'{ kg{] k|To]s ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] k|d'vn] cfˆgf] lgsfosf] lglDt :jLs[t /fzg b/jGbL cg';f/ k|To]s jif{sf]
efb| d;fGtleq g]kfn /fi6« a}Íaf6 k|sflzt x'g] ;DalGwt If]qsf] pkef]Qmf d"No ;"rL,
s[lif pkhsf] d"No lgwf{/0f ug{] ;/sf/L lgsfon] k|sflzt u/]sf] d"No ;"rL, ;8s
;'ljwf, :yfgLo ahf/ b/ tyf ut jif{sf] vl/b ;Demf}tf b//]6 tyf ;fj{hlgs vl/b

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cg'udg sfof{noaf6 s'g} lgb]{lzsf hf/L ePsf] eP To:tf] lgb]{lzsfsf] cfwf/df nfut
cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ul/Psf] nfut cg'dfg :jLs[ltsf] nflu b]xfo
adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L – cWoIf
-v_ k|d'v, sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no jf
;f] sfof{nosf] clws[t k|ltlglw – ;b:o
-u_ k|d'v, lhNnf s[lif ljsf; sfof{no – ;b:o
-3_ k|ltlglw, lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 – ;b:o
-ª_ /fzg Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v –;b:o–;lrj
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] o; lgod adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t
ubf{ pklgod -!_ df plNnlvt s'/fnfO{ cfwf/ lnO{ cg';"rL–^ adf]lhdsf] 9f“rfdf
:jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -#_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ePsf]
hfgsf/L tfn's sfof{no, If]qLo k|zf;g sfof{no / ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{nodf ;ft lbgleq k7fpg' kg]{5 .
*(= /fzg vl/b aGbf]a:t ug]{M -!_ /fzg aGbf]a:t ug'{ kg]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|To]s
;fnsf] df3 Ps ut]b]lv gofF cfk"lt{stf{n] /fzg l;bf cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg]{ u/L P]g / o;
lgodfjnL adf]lhd l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L /fzg l;bfsf] vl/b
aGbf]a:t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd cfXjfg ul/g] l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq dfu ubf{
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf s'/f ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ /fzg, l;bf, bfgf, cfxf/fsf] lsl;d, u'0f:t/,
-v_ b}lgs cfjZos kl/df0f,
-u_ ;Demf}tf cjlw e/ d"Noj[l4 glbOg], /
-3_ g]kfnL gful/s;Fu dfq ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg] .
-#_ ;'/Iff lgsfosf] /fzg aGbf]j:t ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 M–


-s_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd jf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] laqmL

;DalGwt ;'/Iff lgsfo, lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no / sf]if tyf n]vf
lgoGqs sfof{noaf6 ;d]t ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf] l;naGbL b/efpkq jf
af]nkq ;DalGwt ;'/Iff lgsfodf k]z ug{ ;lsg] s'/f l;naGbL
b/efpkq jf af]nkq cf≈jfgsf] ;"rgfdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 . l;naGbL
b/efpkq kmf/fd jf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;f] l;naGbL b/efpkq
jf af]nkq vf]Ng] ;do / :yfg ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-v_ /fzg aGbf]a:t ug'{ kg]{ ;'/Iff lgsfon] /fzg aGbf]j:t ;DaGwL l;naGbL
b/efpkq kmf/fd jf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft laqmLsf] nflu b/efpkq /

af]nkq cfJxfg ug'{ cl3 v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] lgsfodf sDtLdf aL;
k|ltsf b/n] k7fpg' kg]{5 / gk'u ePdf To:tf] lgsfosf] dfu adf]lhd
To:tf] kmf/fd jf sfuhft ;DalGwt ;'/Iff lgsfon] k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-u_ v08 -v_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] kmf/fd jf sfuhft v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf]
lgsfon] OR5's l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf jf af]nkqbftfnfO{ laqmL u/L
;f]sf] clen]v ;DalGwt ;'/Iff lgsfodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-3_ v08 -u_ adf]lhd vl/b ug]{ l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf jf af]nkqbftfn]
To:tf] kmf/fd jf sfuhft /Ltk"j{s e/L l;naGbL u/L /fzg aGbf]a:t
ug]{ ;'/Iff lgsfodf cfkm+} jf cfkm\gf] k|ltlglw dfkm{t jf x'nfs jf s'l/o/
dfkm{t To:tf] b/efpkq jf af]nkq cf≈jfgsf] ;"rgfdf tf]lsPsf]
cjlwleq k'Ug] u/L k7fpg jf a'emfpg ;Sg]5 .
-ª_ v08 -3_ adf]lhd k|fKt x'g cfPsf l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq ;'/Iff
lgsfon] a'emL lnO{ ;f]sf] clen]v /fVg' kg]{5 .
-r_ ;DalGwt ;'/Iff lgsfon] cfkm\gf] sfof{nodf k|fKt x'g cfPsf l;naGbL
b/efpkq jf af]nkq To:tf] l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq k]z ug]{
clGtd ldlt / ;dosf] nuQ} kl5 l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd jf af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt ;dodf vf]Ng' kg]{5 .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


:ki6Ls/0f Mo; pkbkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æ;'/Iff lgsfoÆ eGgfn] g]kfnL

;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L / ;z:q k|x/L an jf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] lgsfo
;Demg' k5{ .
-$_ o; lgod adf]lhd vf]lnPsf l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkqsf] t'ngfTds
tflnsf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cg';"rL–& adf]lhdsf] 9f“rfdf agfpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf b/efpkq jf af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f
/ d"NofÍg P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd u/L ;a}eGbf 36L b/jfnfsf] l;naGbL
b/efpkq jf af]nkq :jLs[t ug'{ kg{]5 / To:tf] 3l6 b/jfnf;“u ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ o; lgod adf]lhd l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq k]z ug]{ l;naGbL
b/efpkqbftf jf af]nkqbftfn] b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L cfO6dsf] dfn;fdfgsf] b//]6
k|rlnt ahf/ d"Nosf] zt k|ltzt eGbf a9L pNn]v u/]sf] kfOPdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn]
To:tf] l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq /2 ug{ l;kmfl/; ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-&_ o; lgod adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ePsf] ;ft lbgleq ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
k|d'vn] pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] t'ngfTds tflnsf ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L tfn's
sfof{no / ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nodf hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
-*_ vl/b ;Demf}tf cg';f/ /fzg Joj:yf ug{ cfk"lt{stf{n] cGg vl/b ubf{
:yfgLo ahf/df cGgfefj x'g] ePdf cGo lhNnfaf6 cGg vl/b u/L /fzg Joj:yf
ug{sf nflu ;DalGwt k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] vfB;“u ;DalGwt lgsfox?;“u
;Dks{ /fvL cfjZos Ohfht pknAw u/fO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-(_ s'g} lsl;dsf] l9nf;':tL eO{ /fzg l;bfsf] aGbf]a:t x'g g;s]df jf ;/sf/L
xflg gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf To:tf] xflg gf]S;fgL k|lt ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v
lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 .
-!)_ /fzg aGbf]a:t ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; kl/R5]bdf pNn]v ePsf] s'/fsf]
xsdf o;} adf]lhd / cGo s'/fsf] xsdf P]g / o; lgodfjnLsf] Joj:yf kfngf u/L
/fzg aGbf]a:t ug'{ kg]{5 .
()= lgb]{zg adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{M /fzg aGbf]a:tsf] nflu vl/b ;Demf}tf x'g g;s]df jf
ePsf]df klg To:tf] ;Demf}tf pNn+3g ePsf]df jf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]g jf o;


lgodfjnL adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf eË u/]sf]df To:tf] lgsfosf] k|d'vn] kG„ lbg
leq} gofF vl/b k|s[of k|f/De ug{' kg]{5 / gofF k|lqmof 6'Ëf] gnfu] ;Dd tfn's
sfof{nosf] lgb]{zgsf] nflu n]vL k7fO{ tfn's sfof{noaf6 lgb]{zg eP adf]lhd /fzg
v'jfpg' kg]{5 .
(!= lg/LIf0f ug{ ;Sg]M -!_ cfk"lt{stf{n] ;Demf}tf cg';f/sf] u'0f:t/sf] /fzg pknAw u/fP
gu/fPsf] ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] cfjZostfg';f/ lg/LIf0f ug{ ;Sg]5 /
;Demf}tf cg';f/sf] u'0f:t/sf] /fzg pknAw gu/fPsf] kfOPdf vl/b ;Demf}tf e· ug]{
sf/afxL ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] ;Demf}tf e· u/]sf]df cfk"lt{stf{n]
;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ s'g} k]ZsL /sd ltg{ af“sL eP To:tf] k]ZsL /sd / ;f] /sddf
k]ZsL lnPsf] ldltb]lv jflif{s bz k|ltztsf b/n] x'g] Aofh ;d]t ltg'{ kg]{5 . lghn]
To;/L ;Demf}tf e· u/]sf] tL; lbgleq glt/]df ;f] /sd lghaf6 ;/sf/L af“sL ;/x
c;'n pk/ ul/g]5 .
(@= k]ZsL lb+bf hdfgt lng' kg]{M -!_ /fzg aGbf]a:t ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
cfk"lt{stfnfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ePkl5 k]ZsL lbg' kg]{ ePdf lghaf6 To:tf] k]ZsL
/sdnfO{ vfDg] u/L jfl0fHo a}Íaf6 hf/L ePsf] / sDtLdf ;ft dlxgfsf] dfGo x'g]
cjlw ePsf] a}Í hdfgt lnO{ saf]n cÍsf] kRrL; k|ltzt;Dd k]ZsL lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k]ZsL lbg ah]6 lgsf;f /sd gk'u ePdf ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] yk /sd lgsf;fsf] nflu ;DalGwt sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs
sfof{nonfO{ cg'/f]w ug'{ kg]{5 / To;/L cg'/f]w ePsf]df ;f] sfof{non] klg :jLs[t
ah]6sf] kl/lwleq /xL yk /sd lgsf;f lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lbPsf] k]ZsL /sd cfk"lt{stf{sf]
k|To]s dlxgfsf] lanaf6 krf; k|ltztsf] lx;fan] s§L u/L rfn" cfly{s jif{sf]
cGt;Dddf ;Dk"0f{ k]ZsL /sd c;'n u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 .
-$_ cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ k|yd k6s lbPsf] k]ZsL /sd c;'n ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] lghaf6 sDtLdf ;ft dlxgfsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw ePsf] hdfgt lnO{ gof“
cfly{s jif{sf] >fj0f dlxgfdf saf]n cÍsf] kRrL; k|ltzt k]ZsL k'gM lbg ;Sg]5 /

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


To;/L lbOPsf] k]ZsL /sd pklgod -#_ adf]lhd s§L u/L ;f]xL] cfly{s jif{sf] kf}if
d;fGt;Dddf k]ZsL /sd c;'n ul/;Sg' kg]{5 .
-%_ cfk"lt{stf{n] pklgod -!_ / -$_ adf]lhd lbOPsf] k]ZsL /sd a/fa/sf] /fzg
lghsf] uf]bfddf df}Hbft /fVg' kg]{5 .
(#= /fzgsf] lgldQ cGo Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg] M ;DalGwt s]Gb|Lo sfof{non] /fzgsf] ;§f
gub pknAw u/fpg ;DalGwt /fzgsf] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lgb]{zg
lbPdf To:tf] lgsfon] lgod ** adf]lhd :jLs[t nfut cg'dfgsf] b/ / :jLs[t
b/aGbLsf] lx;fjn] x'g cfpg] /sd gub} pknJw u/fpg ;Sg]5 .

3/ hUuf ef8fdf lng] tyf ;]jf s/f/df lng] Joj:yf
($= 3/ hUUff ef8fdf lng] ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] 3/ hUuf ef8fdf lng'
kbf{ sf7df8f} pkTosfleqsf] s]Gb|Lo:t/sf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf sDtLdf kGw|
lbgsf] cjlwsf] ;"rgf /fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg u/L / If]qLo jf
lhNnf:t/sf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf To:tf] lgsfo / b]xfosf sfof{nosf] ;"rgf
kf6Ldf sDtLdf ;ft lbgsf] cjlwsf] ;"rgf 6fF; u/L ef8fsf] k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no,
-v_ lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt, /
-u_ sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg'
-s_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ 3/ hUuf cfjZos ePsf] If]q jf :yfg,
-u_ ef8fdf lng vf]h]sf] 3/ hUufsf] k|s[lt, If]qkmn / cGo cfjZos ljj/0f,
-3_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] b//]6df dfq 3/ hUuf
ef8fdf lnOg] s'/f,
-ª_ 3/ hUufwgLn] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ tl/sf / To:tf] k|:tfjsf ;fy k]z ug'{
kg]{ Go"gtd ljj/0f,


-r_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug]{ :yfg / clGtd ldlt,

-5_ 3/ hUufsf] ef8f e'QmfgLsf zt{x? / s/ s§Lsf] ljifo, /
-h_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pko'Qm 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq bflvnf ePsf] 3/
hUuf ef8fdf lbg] k|:tfj vf]nL pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltdf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ef8fdf lng] 3/ hUufsf] ef8f lgwf{/0f ug{ k|To]s
lhNnfdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] 3/ef8f lgwf{/0f ;ldlt /xg]5 M–
-s_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L, – cWoIf
-v_ k|d'v, sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no, – ;b:o

-u_ lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] k|fljlws, – ;b:o
-3_ 3/ hUuf ef8fdf lng] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v – ;b:o
-ª_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] tf]s]sf] lhNnf k|zf;g
sfof{nosf] sd{rf/L -pknAw eP ;Dd clws[t:t/_ – ;b:o–;lrj
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw ;f] ;ldlt cfkm}+n]
lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-^_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] pklgod -#_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf k|:tfjsf]
d"NofÍg b]xfosf cfwf/df u/L 3/ hUufsf] ef8f lgwf{/0f ug]{5M–
-s_ 3/ hUuf /x]sf] :yfg / af6f]sf] ;'ljwf,
-v_ 3/ hUufsf] agfj6 / If]qkmn,
-u_ ef}lts ;'ljwf,
-3_ 3/ hUufsf] kl/;/,
-ª_ 3/ hUuf wgLn] k|:tfj u/]sf] ef8f /sd, /
-r_ 3/ef8fsf] k|rlnt b//]6 .
-&_ pklgod -^_ adf]lhd 3/ hUuf ef8fsf] /sd lgwf{/0f u/]kl5 3/ hUuf ef8f
lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lnlvt ?kdf lbg'
kg]{5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-*_ pklgod -&_ adf]lhdsf] hfgsf/L k|fKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
;DalGwt 3/ hUufwgL;“u ;Demf}tf u/L 3/ hUuf ef8fdf lng' kg]{5 .
-(_ pklgod -*_ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf 3/ hUufwgL / ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
d~h'/Ldf gjLs/0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-!)_ 3/ hUuf ef8fsf] b//]6df j[l4 ug{' k/]df cy{ dGqfnosf] :jLs[lt lnO{ 3/
hUufsf] ef8f lgwf{/0fsf] nflu pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg{]5 .

-!!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] sf7df08f}+ pkTosfleq jflif{s kGw| nfv ?k}ofF;Dd /
sf7df08f}+ pkTosfaflx/ jflif{s kfFr nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] 3/hUuf ef8f ltg'{ kg]{ u/L
3/hUuf ef8fdf lng' k/]df pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf adf]lhd k|fKt k|:tfjdWo]
pko'Qm k|:tfjdf ;]jf, ;'ljwf tyf ef8f /sd ;DaGwdf 3/ hUuf wgL;Fu ;f]em} jftf{
u/L 3/hUuf ef8fdf lng ;Sg]5 .
(%= ;]jf s/f/df lng] ;DaGwL sfo{ljlwM -!_ sfof{no ;'/Iff, lr7\7Lkq cf];f/ k;f/,
;/;kmfO{, 6]lnkmf]g, ljB't / wf/fsf] ;~rfng tyf /]vb]v, kz':jf:Yo tyf s[lif k|;f/
sfo{, au}+rfsf] ;Def/ / /]vb]v, 6fO{lkª jf sDKo'6/ 6fO{k, 8«fO{leª h:tf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf] b}lgs sfo{ ;~rfng ug{ cfjZos kg{] ;]jf s/f/df lng' k/]df ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL;“u s/f/ u/L To:tf] ;]jf s/f/df lng
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;]jf s/f/df ln+bf To:tf] ;]jfsf] cfjZostf,
lsl;d, ;dofjlw, u'0f:t/, ;]jf ;~rfng ljlw, nfUg] df]6fdf]6L vr{ / sfo{ If]qut
zt{ tof/ u/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ kfFr nfv ?k}+ofF;Dd ;]jf z'Ns nfUg] ;]jf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] jftf{ u/L
vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;f] /sd eGbf a9L ;]jf z'Ns nfUg] ;]jfsf] xsdf sf7df8f}
pkTosfdf /x]sf ;fj{hlgs lgsfo tyf s]Gb|Lo:t/sf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] kGw| lbgsf]
;"rgf /fli6«o ;dfrf/kqdf / If]qLo jf lhNnf:t/sf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] kGw| lbgsf]
cjlwsf] :yfgLo kqklqsfdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L / ;f] lgsfo / b]xfosf sfof{nosf]
;"rgf kf6Ldf ;"rgf 6fF; u/L k|:tfj dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M–

kfFrf} ;+zf]wgåf/f z+Zff]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-s_ lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no,

-v_ lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldlt,
-u_ sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg'
-s_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ ;]jfsf] k|s[lt, kl/df0f, zt{ / cGo cfjZos s'/f,
-u_ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ :yfg / cjlw,
-3_ k|:tfjbftfn] k|:tfj;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ Go"gtd sfuhft / ljj/0f,
-ª_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ clGtd ldlt / :yfg,
-r_ ;]jf z'Ns e'QmfgLsf zt{ / s/ s§Lsf] ljifo, /
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/f .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Dofbleq k|fKt ePsf k|:tfj lgod %( adf]lhd vf]nL
k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfj d"NofÍg ubf{ pklgod -@_
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ If]qut zt{ k"/f u/L ;a}eGbf 36L ;]jf z'Ns k|:tfj ug]{]
k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t u/L ;]jf s/f/ ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]{5 .
-&_ pklgod -^_ adf]lhd :jLs[t k|:tfjsf] k|:tfjbftf ;]jf s/f/ ug{ gcfPdf
To;kl5sf] ;a}eGbf 36L ;]jf z'Ns k|:tfj ug]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu ;]jf s/f/ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-*_ ;]jf k|bfosn] k|bfg u/]sf] ;]jfsf] cg'udg ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;do ;dodf
ug'{ kg]{5 . To;/L cg'udg ubf{ ;]jf ;Gtf]ifhgs ePsf] gkfOPdf jf s/f/ adf]lhdsf]
gePdf ;f] lgsfon] ;]jf k|bfosnfO{ ;]jfsf] :t/j[l4 ug{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 / To;/L
;"rgf lb+bf klg ;]jfsf] :t/j[l4 gePdf ;]jf s/f/ /2 u/L csf]{ ;]jf s/f/sf] Joj:yf
ug'{ kg]{5 .

-(_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg lghfdtL ;]jf P]g,
@)$( adf]lhd ;xfos sfo{ ug]{ >]0fL ljxLg kbx?af6 ;Dkfbg ul/g] sfo{ Go"gtd

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


kfl/>lds tf]sL JolQm jf ;+:yf;Fu s/f/ u/L ;]jf s/f/af6 ;Dkfbg ug'{ kbf{ ;f]xL
P]g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
(^= dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug]{, u/fpg] sfo{ljlwM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf /x]sf] s'g}
dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f]sf] lnlvt hfgsf/L To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf]
pkof]ustf{n] ;f] lgsfosf] k|d'vnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 . To;/L hfgsf/L k|fKt ePkl5 lghn]
lgod !# sf] pklgod -%_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ u/fO{ :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ePkl5 dfn;fdfgsf] dd{t
cfkm\g} js{zk jf dd{t s]Gb| eP ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] dd{t To:tf]
js{zk jf dd{t s]Gb|af6 u/fpg' kg]{5 . To;/L dd{t u/fp“bf s'g} dfn;fdfg,
pks/0f jf kf6k"hf{ k]m/abn ug'{ kg]{ ePdf To:tf] dfn;fdfg, pks/0f jf kf6k"hf{
df}Hbftaf6 lnO{ / df}Hbftdf geP P]g / o; lgodfjnLsf] k|ls|of cjnDjg u/L vl/b
ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd pks/0f jf kf6k"hf{ vl/b u/]sf]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
To:tf] dfn;fdfg jf pks/0f lhG;L bflvnf u/fO{ k|lt PsfO{ d"No kf“r xhf/ ?k}+of“
eGbf a9L kg]{ pks/0f jf kf6k"hf{sf] clen]v /fVg' kg]{5 / To:tf kf6k"hf{ k'/fgf
pks/0f jf kf6{k"hf{sf] nflu k|lt:yfkg ul/Psf] s'/f ;DalGwt k|fljlwsaf6 k|dfl0ft
u/fO{ k'/fgf ;fdfg lhG;L bflvnf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ cfkm\gf] js{zk jf dd{t s]Gb| gePsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]g / o;
lgodfjnLsf] k|ls|of cjnDjg u/L dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cfkm\g} js{zk jf dd{t
s]Gb| ePsf] lgsfon] dd{t sfo{ clen]v kmf/fddf -ha sf8{_ /]s8{ /fvL dd{t kZrft\
nfut :jLs[t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
(&= pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 sfd u/fpg] sfo{ljlwM -!_ o; lgodfjnLdf
cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Ps s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf]
lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;f] ;DaGwL ;]jf ;f]xL :yfgdf a;f]af; ug]{ afl;Gbf / To:tf] ;]jf
pkef]u ug{] ;d'bfo dfq /x]sf] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 u/fpg jf
k|fKt ug{ ;lsg]5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-!s_ pklgod -!_ df plNnlvt Ps s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfgdf
d"No clej[l4 s/, cf]e/x]8 slG6h]lG; /sd / hg;xeflutfsf] c+z ;d]tsf] /sd
;dfj]z x'g]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt sfd jf ;]jfsf] k|s[lt,
kl/df0f, nfUg] /sd, pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] Joxf]{g] jf Joxf]g'{ kg]{ /sd
/ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? v'nfO{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L
k|:tfj dfu ug{ jf To:tf] ;ldlt jf ;d'bfo cfkm}+n] k|:tfj jf lgj]bg k]z ug{
;Sg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj jf lgj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfo / To:tf] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] cfjZostfg';f/
5nkmn, jftf{ jf lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f u/L To:tf] sfd jf ;]jfsf ;DaGwdf vl/b
;Demf}tf ug'{' kg]{5 . To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf] s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5M–
-s_ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] k|s[lt, kl/df0f, nfut cg'dfg, pkef]Qmf ;ldlt
jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] Joxf]{g] jf Joxf]g'{ kg]{ /sd, sfo{ jf ;]jf ;DkGg
ug'{ kg]{ cjlw,

-s!_ ;f7L nfv ?k}ofFeGbf a9L nfut cg'dfg ePsf] sfo{df k|To]s sfo{
OsfO{df pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] ug'{ kg]{ of]ubfg,
-v_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;DalGwt sfo{sf] l8hfOg, nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug]{,
:jLs[t ug]{, k|fljlws ;Nnfx lbg], gfkhf“r ug]{, hf“rkf; ug]{ / cGo
cfjZos k|fljlws ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg], ;'kl/j]If0f, u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f
-u_ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL
;d'bfosf] ;xeflutfdf ;DkGg jf pknAw x'g],
-3_ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;~rfng jf dd{t ;Def/ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf
nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] ug'{ kg]{,

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

kfFrf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-ª_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ pknAw

u/fOg] k]ZsL /sd,
-r_ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] e'QmfgLsf] zt{ / tl/sf, /
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-$_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] sfd
lb+bf pklgod -#_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] nfut cg'dfgdf /x]sf] d"No clej[l4 s/,
cf]e/x]8 slG6Gh]G;L /sd / hg;xeflutfsf] c+z s§f u/]/ dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf]
;ldlt jf ;d'bfonfO{ ;Demf}tf /sdsf] a9Ldf Ps ltxfO{ /sd;Ddsf] clu|d ?kdf
k]ZsL lbg ;Sg]5 . ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To;/L lbPsf] k]ZsLsf] clGtd ls:tf e'QmfgL
ug'{' cl3 km5\of}6 u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 .
-^_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] x/]s ls:tfsf] sfdsf] k|fljlws
d"NofÍg, lan, e/kfO{{ / vr{{ k|dfl0ft ug]{ cGo sfuhft To:tf] ;ldlt jf ;d'bfosf]
a}7saf6 cg'df]bg u/fO{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

-&_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] cfkm"n] k|To]s ls:tfdf u/]sf] vr{sf]
;"rgf ;fj{hlgs :yfgdf 6fF; ug'{ kg]{5 / cfkm"n] u/]sf sfdsf/afxLsf] ;DaGwdf
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tf]s]sf] k|lqmof adf]lhd tf]s]sf] cjlwleq
;fdflhs n]vfk/LIf0f ug'{kg]{5 .
-*_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ ;DalGwt
sfdsf] nflu k|fljlws ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg g;Sg] ePdf ;f] sfdsf] nflu cfjZos
k|fljlws hgzlQm ;f] ;ldlt jf ;d'bfo cfkm}n] s/f/df lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 . To;/L
lgo'Qm ul/Psf] k|fljlwsnfO{ lbg' kg]{ kfl/>lds ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s6\6f u/]sf]
slG6Gh]G;Laf6 e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]{5 . t/ To:tf] kfl/>lds nfut cg'dfgsf] tLg k|ltzt
eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-(_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 ;~rflnt x'g] lgdf{0f sfo{df nf]8/,
PS;fe]6/, /f]n/, 8f]h/, u|]8/ lj6'ldg l8:6«LJo'6/, lj6'ldg AjfOn/ h:tf x]eL d]zLgx?
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

kfFrf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


t/ nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{sf] ;dodf x]eL d]zLg k|of]u ug'{ kg]{ hl6n
k|s[ltsf] sfo{ egL pNn]v ePsf] /x]5 eg] ;DalGwt k|fljlwssf] l;kmfl/;df ;fj{hlgs
lgsfoaf6 ;xdlt lnO{ To:tf] d]zLg k|of]u ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-(s_ pklgod -(_ sf] k|ltaGwfTds jfSof+z ljk/Lt x]eL d]zLg k|of]u u/]sf]
kfOPdf To:tf] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfo;Fu ePsf] ;Demf}tf /2 ul/g]5 .
-!)_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] kfPsf] sfd cfk}mn] ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{5
/ s'g} lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;a–sG6«ofS6/af6 u/fpg ;lsg] 5}g . s'g} sf/0fjz ;f]
;ldlt jf ;d'bfo cfk}mn] ;dodf ;f] sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] ePdf ;f] s'/fsf] ;"rgf
;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 . To;/L ;"rgf k|fKt eP kl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]
;DaGwdf cfjZos hfFr u/L ;f] ;ldlt jf ;d'bfo;Fu ePsf] ;Demf}tf tf]8L afFsL sfd
P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd u/fpg' kg]{5 .

-!!_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg u/L;s]kl5
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] v6fPsf] k|fljlws sd{rf/Laf6 To:tf] sfdsf] hfFrkf; u/fO{
To:tf] lgsfoaf6 k|fKt /sd / hg;xeflutfaf6 Joxf]l/Psf] >d, gub jf lhG;L ;d]t
s"n vr{sf] ljj/0f ;f] lgsfodf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 . ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To;/L
k|fKt ePsf] ljj/0f tyf pQm lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;e]{, l8hfOg, nfut cg'dfg, ;'kl/j]If0f /
sfo{;Dkfbg ug]{ JolQm tyf kbflwsf/Lsf] gfd / kb ;d]t v'Ng] u/L sfo{ ;DkGg
k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L clen]v /fVg' kg]{5 .
-!@_ pklgod -!!_ adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
;f]sf] /]vb]v, dd{t ;Def/ ug]{ lhDd]jf/L ;d]t tf]sL cfof]hgfsf] :jfldTj pkef]Qmf
;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ g} x:tfGt/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!#_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] cfkm"n] k|fKt u/]sf] s'g} /sd
b'?kof]u u/]sf] kfOPdf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] 5fgljg u/L To:tf] /sd
pkef]Qmf ;ldltsf kbflwsf/Lx?af6 bfdf;fxLn] ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;'n pk/ ug'{
kg]{5 . To:tf] /sd c;'n pk/ ug]{ sfo{df To:tf] lgsfonfO{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' ;DalGwt
k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

kf+rf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-!#s_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] k|fKt u/]sf] s'g} sfddf lgdf{0f
Joj;foLnfO{ ;+nUg u/fOPsf] kfOPdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pQm pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf
nfeu|fxL ;d'bfo;Fu ePsf] ;Demf}tf /2 u/L To:tf] pkef]Qmf ;dldlt jf nfeuf|xL
;d'bfonfO{ eljiodf To:tf] lsl;dsf] s'g} sf dug{ glbg] clen]v /fvL ;f] sfd ug{
lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ sfnf] ;"rLdf /fVg ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nodf l;kmfl/;
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!$_ o; lgod adf]lhd pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 sfd u/fpFbf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfosf ljifosf ;DaGwdf ckgfpg' kg]{ sfo{ljlw ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ >dd"ns sfdsf] lgwf{/0f,
-v_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfosf] u7g ljlw / sfd, st{Jo /
-u_ sfd jf ;]jfdf ldtJolotf, u'0f:t/Lotf, lbuf]kgf clej[l4 ug]{ tl/sf,
-3_ cfDbfgL vr{sf] clen]v /fVg],
-ª_ sfd jf ;]jfsf] ;'kl/j]If0f / cg'udg,
-r_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] km/kmf/s / hfFrkf;, /
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-!%_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] pklgod -!@_ adf]lhd x:tfGtl/t
cfof]hgfsf]] ;]jf pkof]u u/] jfkt pkef]Qmfn] ltg'{ kg]{ ;]jf z'Ns tf]Sg ;Sg]5 /
To:tf] z'Ns hDdf ug]{ s'g} sf]if v8f u/L ;f]xL sf]ifaf6 To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;~rfng
tyf dd{t ;Def/ ug{' kg]{5 .
(*= cdfgtaf6 lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg]M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cdfgtaf6 sfd ug{ Ps tx
dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cdfgtaf6 sfd ug'{ kbf{ ;f] sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{
k|fljlws ;]jf / lgdf{0f ;fdu|L P]g / o; lgodfjnLsf] k|ls|of adf]lhd vl/b u/L
Hofnfdf sfd u/fpg' kg]{5 .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-#_ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd cdfgtaf6 lgdf{0f sfo{ ug'{ k/]df To:tf] sfd Ps
nfv ?k}+ofFdf ga9fO{ v08 v08 u/L jftf{af6 u/fpg jf lgdf{0f ;DaGwL sfd cfjZos
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L pknAw u/fO{ Hofnfdf lbg ;lsg]5 .
((= u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfaf6 sfd u/fpg] ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ P]gsf] bkmf $^ adf]lhd u}/
;/sf/L ;+:yfaf6 sfd u/fpgsf]] nflu To:tf] sfdsf] cfjZostf, lsl;d, ;dofjlw,
sfdsf] u'0f:t/, hgzlQm, sfo{ ;~rfng ljlw ;lxtsf] sfo{If]qut zt{ / nfUg]
/sdsf] df]6fdf]6L cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bz nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] sfd u/fpgsf] nflu To:tf] sfd
ug]{ p2]Zo /fvL k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd btf{ ePsf] / lgod !* adf]lhdsf] df}h'bf
;"rLdf ;dfj]z ePsf u}/ ;/sf/L ;+:yfnfO{ sDtLdf kGw| lbgsf] cjlw lbO{

/fli6«o:t/ jf :yfgLo:t/sf] b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L ;f] ;+:yfaf6
k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? v'nfpg' kg]{5M–
-s_ k|:tfj dfu ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfljt sfo{sf] k|s[lt, kl/df0f / cGo cfjZos ljj/0f,
-u_ k|:tfljt sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ :yfg / ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ cjlw,
-3_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ clGtd ldlt / :yfg,
-ª_ k|:tfjsf] 9fFrf,
-r_ k|:tfjbftfn] k|:tfj;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhft,
-5_ e'QmfgLsf zt{ / s/ s6\6L, /
-h_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] cfjZos 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] dfu cg';f/ kg{ cfPsf
k|:tfjx? k|:tfjbftfsf] /f]xj/df vf]nL d'r'Nsf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{If]qut zt{ k"/f u/L
Go"gtd /sd k|:tfj ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf nflu ;fj{hlgs lgsfo
;dIf l;kmfl/; ug'{ kg]{5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd l;kmfl/; ePsf] k|:tfj pko'Qm b]lvPdf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] To:tf] k|:tfj :jLs[t u/L ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;Demf}tf ug{ cfpg ldlt
vf]nL ;"rgf lbg' kg]{5 / To:tf] ldltdf lgh pkl:yt ePdf lgh;Fu ;Demf}tf ug{'
kg]{5 .
-&_ pklgod -^_ adf]lhd ;"rgf lbOPsf] k|:tfjbftf ;Demf}tf ug{ gcfPdf
lgh kl5sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{If]qut zt{ k"/f u/L ;a}eGbf sd /sd
k|:tfj ug]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-*_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg bz nfv ?k}ofFeGbf
a9L nfut cg'dfg ePsf] sfd u/fpgsf] nflu lgod &) adf]lhd v'nf ?kdf
cfzokq dfu u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/bsf] k|lqmof cjnDag ug'{ kg]{5 .

k'g/fjnf]sg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!))= ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v ;dIf lbOg] lgj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/fM vl/b sf/afxL jf
lg0f{osf] k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu P]gsf] bkmf $& adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v
;dIf lgj]bg lbg rfxg] af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] To:tf] lgj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/fx?
v'nfO{ x:tfIf/ u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M—
-s_ lgj]bssf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]lnkmf]g, ˆofS; gDj/ / O{d]n 7]ufgf,
-v_ ;Ël7t ;+:yf eP To;/L lgj]bg lbg ;f] ;+:yfn] k|bfg u/]sf] clwsf/kq,
-u_ af]nkq ;+Vof,
-3_ lgj]bg lbg' kg]{ tYout / sfg"gL cfwf/,
-ª_ ;Da4 sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk .

!)!= /sdsf] xbM -!_ P]gsf] bkmf $& sf] pkbkmf -*_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;f7L nfv ?k}ofF
eGbf sd /sdsf] vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;DaGwdf k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lgj]bg lbg
;lsg] 5}g .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k"j{of]Uotf jf k|fljlws

k|:tfj h:tf d"No gv'Ng] k|s[ltsf af]nkq jf k|:tfjsf] d"NofÍg pk/ k'g/fjnf]sg
;ldlt ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;lsg]5 .

!)@= ljj/0f k]z ug'{ kg]{M k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltsf] cWoIf tyf ;b:on] kbdf axfn /xg'
cl3 v08 -s_ / -v_ adf]lhd / kbdf axfn ePkl5 v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no dfkm{t k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifbsf] sfof{nodf
k]z ug{' kg]{5 M
-s_ z}lIfs of]Uotf / ;DalGwt If]qsf] cg'ej nufotsf JolQmut
-v_ s'g} Jofkf/ Joj;fodf ;+nUg eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f,
-u_ cfˆgf] / cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] gfddf /x]sf] ;DklQ ljj/0f klxnf]
k6s kbdf axfn ePsf] ldltn] k}+tL; lbgleq / k|To]s cfly{s
jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] ;f7L lbgleq .
 
!)#= ======== k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu lbOg] lgj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/fM -!_ ======== P]gsf]
bkmf $( adf]lhd k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg rfxg] af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn]
;f] lgj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/f v'nfO{ x:tfIf/ u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M—
-s_ lgj]bssf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]lnkmf]g gDa/, ˆofS; gDj/ / Od]n 7]ufgf,
-v_ ;Ëul7t ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 lgj]bg lbOg] eP To;/L] lgj]bg lbg clwsf/
k|bfg ug]{ sfuhft,
-u_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f,
-3_ vl/b ;Demf}tf eO;s]sf] eP To:tf] ;Demf}tf ePsf] ldlt / k|fKt ug]{
cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos,
-ª_ lgj]bsn] vl/b ;Demf}tf kfpg' kg]{ tYout tyf sfg"gL cfwf/,
-r_ vl/b ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{n] To:tf] ;Demf}tf kfpg gkg]{ tYout tyf
sfg"gL cfwf/,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] .


-5_ lgj]bssf] ;fDklQs -k|f]k/fO{6/L_, Jofkfl/s / cGo uf]Ko hfgsf/L ;'/Iff

ug{sf] nflu k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] s'g} ljz]if pkfo ul/lbg' kg]{ eP
To:tf] ljz]if pkfo, /
-h_ ;Demf}tf k|fKt gu/]sf sf/0fn] lgj]bsnfO{ ePsf] jf k'Ug ;Sg] jf:tljs
xflg gf]S;fgL .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bgsf] ;fy lgj]bsn] cfkm"n] u/]sf] bfjL k'li6 ug{]
sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk ;+nUg ug{' kg]{5 . To:tf] sfuhft lgh;Fu x'g g;Sg] k|s[ltsf]
ePdf lghn] To:tf] sfuhft ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 lemsfO{ kfpg
k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgj]bgdf plNnlvt ljifosf ;DaGwdf lgj]bsn]
k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf ;'g'jfO{ u/fpg rfx]df ;f] ;DaGwL sf/0f / cfwf/ To:tf]
lgj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
!)$= hdfgt /fVg' kg]{ M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf %) adf]lhd lgj]bg lbg] lgj]bsn] af]nkq jf
k|:tfjdf cfkm"n] saf]n u/]sf] /sdsf]] )=! -z"Go bzdna Ps_ k|ltztn] x'g cfpg]
/sd a/fa/sf] gub /sd jf sDtLdf gAa] lbg dfGo cjlw ePsf] a}Í hdfgt k]z
ug'{ kg]{5 .

-!s_ k"j{of]Uotf jf k|fljlws k|:tfj h:tf d"No gv'Ng] k|s[ltsf k|:tfjsf]
d"NofÍg pk/ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lgj]bg lbg' kbf{ k"j{of]Uotf k|:tfjsf] xsdf
lgod 53 sf] pklgod -!_ sf] k|ltaGwfTds jfSof+zsf] cwLgdf /xL tf]lsPsf] Psd'i6
/sd / k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] xsdf af]nkq hdfgtsf] bz k|ltztn] x'g] /sd a/fa/
hdfgt /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] gub /sd jf a}s hdfgt k]z gePdf
k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] cfkm" ;dIf k/]sf] lgj]bg pk/ sf/afxL ug]{ 5}g .
-#_ P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{ lgj]bg bfaL k'u]df k'g/fjnf]sg
;ldltn] To:tf] hdfgt /sd lg0f{o ePsf] ldltn] ;ft lbgleq lgj]bsnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{
kg]{5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!)%= k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bg k7fpg] tl/sfM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v jf k'g/fjnf]sg
;ldlt ;dIf k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu lbg] lgj]bg af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftf cfkm}n]
a'emfpg jf x'nfs, s'l/o/ jf ljB'tLo dfWodjf6 k7fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd x'nfs, s'l/o/ jf ljB'tLo dfWodjf6 k7fOPsf]
lgj]bg P]g jf o; lgodfjnLdf tf]lsPsf] ;dofjlwleq k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf
gk'u]df To:tf] lgj]bg pk/ s'g} sf/afxL x'g] 5}g .

-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bg k/]sf]
hfgsf/L k|fKt u/]kl5 k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] lg0f{o glbP ;Dd vl/b ;Demf}tf /f]Ssf
/fVg' kg]{5 .
!)^= hfgsf/L tyf k|ltlqmofdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM -!_ P]gsf] bkmf %) sf] pkbkmf -#_
adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltnfO{ lbg] hfgsf/L tyf k|ltlqmofdf
k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bgdf ul/Psf] bfjL ;DaGwL tYout ljj/0f, vl/b sf/afxLsf]
sfg"gL cfwf/ / ;Dj4 sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ vl/b;Fu ;DalGwt sfuhft dWo]
pko'Qm sfuhft jf To;sf] s'g} c+z k]z ug{ cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] cfjZos 7fg]df k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bg glbg]
af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;d]t ;Dj4 sfuhft / k|df0f k]z ug{ cg'dlt lbg
;Sg]5 .
!)&= k'g/fjnf]sg ;DaGwL ;'gjfO{M -!_ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] lgj]bs / ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfo b'j}nfO{ a'em\g cfjZos 7fg]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgod !)^ adf]lhdsf]
hfgsf/L, k|ltlqmof / sfuhft k]z u/] kl5 a'em\g ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd a'em\g' k/]df k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] ;DalGwt kIfnfO{
cjlw tf]sL pkl:yt x'g ;"rgf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltn] o; lgod adf]lhdsf] sf/afxLsf] clen]v /fVg' kg]{5 /
To:tf] clen]vsf] k|ltlnlk ;DalGwt kIfn] k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd nfUg] b:t'/ lt/L
lng ;Sg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!)*= ph"/L ;DaGwL lg0f{osf] clen]v M k'g/fjnf]sgsf] ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfo,

k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt jf cGo lgsfoaf6 ePsf] lg0f{o / To:tf] lg0f{osf] ;DaGwdf

ckgfOPsf] pkrf/fTds sbdx?sf] clen]v ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] /fvL
To;sf] hfgsf/L k|To]s jif{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

kl/R5]b – !!
vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!)(= ah]6 ;+s]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ah]6 ;+s]t pNn]v
ug'{ kg]{5 .
!!)= ;Demf}tf ug{ sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{M -!_ :jLs[t af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfn]
P]gsf] bkmf @& sf] pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] 9fFrfdf P]gsf] bkmf @& sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhdsf] Dofbleq
jfl0fHo a}Íaf6 hf/L ePsf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ubf{ P]gsf] bkmf @&
sf] pkbkmf -$_ df pNn]v u/] adf]lhdsf] /sd x'g' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tfdf /sd gv'Ng] ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf tf]sL lbPsf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf]
sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ jf
x:tfGt/0f ug{' kg]{] clGtd cjlw jf k|Tofe"lt -jf/]G6L_ sf] cjlw jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf]
q'6L ;Rrfpg] bfloTj -l8km]S6 nfolalnl6h_ sf] cjlw eGbf sDtLdf Ps dlxgf a9L
cjlwsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-%_ ljb]zL a}Ín] hf/L u/]sf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt g]kfndf :yfkgf ePsf] s'g}
jfl0fHo a}Ín] k|lt k|Tofe"lt -sfp06/ Uof/]G6L_ u/]sf] ePdf dfq dfGo x'g]5 .
!!!= ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf
sfof{Gjog ubf{ cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf sfd ug{' kg]{5 M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ePkl5 ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf

lgdf{0f Joj;foL;Fu cfjZos eP a}7s -kf]i6 la8 sGkm|]G;_ ug]{,
-v_ ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL sfo{of]hgf / sfo{tflnsf tof/ ug{],
-u_ ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ adf]lhd ;doleq} k|lttkq vf]Ng] Joj:yf ug]{,
-3_ cfjZos ePdf ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog 6f]nL u7g ug]{,
-ª_ ;Demf}tf k|zf;g sfo{of]hgf cg';f/ vl/b ;Demf}tf sfo{fGjogsf] k|ult
cg'udg ug]{ / u'0f:t/ kIfsf] lg/LIf0f / k/LIf0f ug]{,
-r_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{:yn ;'Dkg] / ;f] :yn;Dd kxF'rsf]
Joj:yf ldnfpg], vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] x]/km]/, e]l/Pzg cfb]z, d"No
;dfof]hg, vl/b ;Demf}tf lgnDjg jf cGt, sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0fLs/0f,
e'QmfgL cflbsf] Joj:yfkg ug]{,
-5_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f
Joj;foL aLr s'g} ljjfb pTkGg eP To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt ljjfb
;dfwfgsf] pkfo ckgfpg], ;Demf}tf pNn+3g ePsf] cj:yfdf
;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt pkrf/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf cg';f/ sf/afxL cl3
-h_ ah]6 / nfut n]vf -s:6 PsfpG6LË_ sf] kIf nufot ;Demf}tf
sfof{Gjogsf] ljQLo kIfsf] Joj:yfkg ug]{,

-h!_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] lgdf{0f sfo{:yndf cg';"rL–* adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f
;"rgf kf6Ldf clgjfo{ ¿kdf /fVg] Joj:yf ug{' kg]{,
-em_ ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog;Fu ;DalGwt sfuhft l;nl;nfa¢ / Jojl:yt 9+un]
-`_ ;Dkfbg ePsf] sfd :jLs[t ug]{, /
-6_ ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] cfjlws k|ltj]bg Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/L ;dIf
k]z ug]{ .
-@_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg vl/b ;Demf}tf
sfof{Gjogsf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf cGo lgsfon] cfk"lt{stf{,

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt clwsf/df

k|lts'n c;/ gkg]{ u/L] gSzf, :k]l;lkms]zg / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ cg';f/ vl/b
;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog eP gePsf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!!@= aLdf u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]]df afx]s bz nfv ?k}+ofF
eGbf a9L d"Nosf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] b]xfosf] s'/fsf] aLdf u/fpg'
kg]{5 M–
-s_ lgdf{0f ;fdu|L, k|of]u ul/g] d]lzg, cf}hf/ jf Knf06 nufot lgdf{0f
sfo{sf]] k"0f{ k|lt:yfkg vr{,
:ki6Ls/0fM o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ævr{Æ eGgfn] gfkmf ;d]tnfO{
hgfpF5 .
-v_ k]zfut z'Ns, lgdf{0f sfo{sf] s'g} efu eTsfpg, x6fpg tyf s'+8f ss{6
jf v]/ uPsf] ;fdu|L x6fpgsf] nflu nfUg] vr{ nufot xflg jf gf]S;fgL
eP jfkt x'g] vr{ jf ;f] ;DaGwL cfg'ifflus vr{ ;d]6gsf nflu v08
-s_ adf]lhdsf] k|lt:yfkg vr{sf] kGw| k|ltzt /sd jf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
plNnlvt eP adf]lhdsf] cltl/Qm /sd,
-u_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] lgdf{0f:yndf NofPsf] cfkm\gf] pks/0f / cGo j:t'sf]
lgdf{0f :yndf k|lt:yfkg ug{ nfUg] kof{Kt /sd,
-3_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ lgdf{0f:yn ;'lDkPsf] ldltb]lv x:tfGt/0f k|df0fkq
hf/L ul/g] ldlt;Dd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] s'g} v08 jf c+zdf pklgod -@_ df
pNn]v ePsf] sf/0f afx]s cGo h'g;'s} sf/0faf6 x'g] ;a} xflg gf]S;fgL,
-ª_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] b]xfosf bfloTjx? M–
-!_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] q'6L ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlwdf cfkm\gf] bfloTj
kfng ug]{ qmddf ePsf] xflg gf]S;fgL, /
-@_ q'6L ;Rofpg]] bfloTjsf] cjlw k|f/De x'g' cl3 pTkGg ePsf] s'g}
sf/0faf6 q'6L ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlwdf ePsf] xflg gf]S;fgL .
-@_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePklg lgdf{0f Joj;foLn]
pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhdsf] aLdfaf6 b]xfosf sf/0faf6 ePsf] xflg
gf]S;fgL jf Ifltsf] nflu bfloTj jxg ug'{ kg]{ 5}g M–


-s_ o'4, zq'tf jf cfqmd0f,

-v_ ljb|f]x, qmflGt, laKnj jf ;}lgs zf;g jf u[x o'4,
-u_ ljls/0fsf] km}nfj6, cf0fljs OGwgsf] ljls/0f jf cf0fljs OGwgsf]
Hjngaf6 pTkGg cf0fljs kmf]x/ jf ljls/0f o'Qm ljiffbL ljikmf]6 jf
cGo xflgsf/s tTjx?sf] ljikmf]6 jf cf0fljs ;+of]hg jf ;f]sf] cf0fljs
c+zsf] k|b'if0f, /
-3_ Wjlgs jf tLj| Wjlgs ultdf p8\g] xjfO{hxfh jf xjfO{ oGq4f/f >[lht
jfo'sf] rfk .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ jf To;df
/x]sf] s'g} q'6L ;'wf/ ubf{ ePsf] jf To:tf sfo{sf] kl/0ffd :j?k ePsf] b]xfosf] xflg
gf]S;fgL jfktsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] bfjL / To:tf] bfjL ;DaGwL sf/afxL ubf{ nfu]sf] vr{
tyf b:t'/ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] Joxf]g'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ s'g} JolQmnfO{ rf]6k6s nfu]df jf lghsf] d[To' ePdf, jf
-v_ lgdf{0f sfo{df afx]s sfo{ ;~rfng / ;DkGgsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g}
;DklQdf ePsf] xflg gf]S;fgL .
-$_ dfn;fdfg vl/bdf l;=cfO{=kL= -Sofl/h P08 OG;f]/]G; k]8 6''_ d"Nosf]
sDtLdf !!) k|ltzt /sd a/fa/sf] uf]bfdb]lv uf]bfd;Dd o'4, x8tfn / cfuhgL
;d]tsf] ;a} hf]vLd Aoxf]g]{ u/L aLdf u/fpg' kg]{5 .

-$s_ k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/bdf k/fdz{bftfn] ;Demf}tf u/]sf] tL; lbg leq
;Demf}tfsf] s'n /sdsf] ;a} lsl;dsf] hf]lvd Joxf]g]{ u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lgzt{
e'QmfgL x'g] k]zfut bfloTj aLdf -k|f]km];gn nfolaln6L OG;f]/]G;_ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vsf] lnlvt :jLs[lt lagf aLdfsf zt{df
s'g} kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .

-^_ o; lgoddf plNnlvt k|fjwfgsf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L aLdfsf] zt{df kl/jt{g
ug{ :jLs[lt lbPsf] sf/0fn] xflg gf]S;fgL x'g k'u]df To;sf] lhDd]jf/L To:tf] :jLs[lt
lbg] sfo{df ;+nUg sd{rf/L / ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vsf] x'g]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!!#= k]ZsL e'QmfgL / km5\of}{6 ug]{ Joj:yfM -!_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf
;]jfk|bfosnfO{ P]gsf] bkmf %@s= sf] cwLgdf /xL vl/b ;Demf}tfdf Joj:yf eP
adf]lhd k]ZsL lbg ;lsg]5 .

-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lbOPsf] k]ZsL /sd hDdf ePsf] a}+ssf] vftf /
vr{sf] k|of]hg v'Ng] dfl;s ljj/0f cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jf k|bfosn]
;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ lgoldt ¿kdf pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .

-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k]ZsL lbFbf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf
;]jfk|bfosaf6 To:tf] k]ZsL /sd vfDg] u/L / lghn] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd gu/]df
;f] lgsfon] cg'/f]w u/]kl5 tTsfn To:tf] lgsfonfO{ e'QmfgL ug]{ u/L jfl0fHo a}Íaf6
hf/L ePsf] a}Í hdfgt Pjd\ To:tf] a}Í hdfgt ljb]zL a}Ín] hf/L u/]sf] eP g]kfn
leqsf] jfl0fHo a}Ín] k|lt k|Tofe"lt -sfpG6/ Uof/]06L_ lnO{ k]ZsL lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] a}Í hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v
ePsf] k]ZsL km5of}{6 ug'{ kg{] cjlw eGbf sDtLdf Ps dlxgf eGbf a9L cjlwsf] x'g'
{ .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lbPsf] k]ZsL vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
pNn]v eP adf]lhd Kf|To]s /lgË lan jf cGo lan aLhsaf6 s§f ug'{ kg]{5 .

-^_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jfk|bfosn] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf]
sfd To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt ;dofjlwleq ;Dkfbg gu/]sf] sf/0fn] o; lgod
adf]lhdsf] k]ZsL km5\of}6 x'g g;s]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf]
a}Í hdfgtsf] /sd ;DalGwt a}Íaf6 k|fKt u/L k]ZsL km5\of}6 ug'{ kg]{5 / lghaf6
To:tf] k]ZsL /sdsf] ;os8f bz k|ltzt Aofh ;d]t c;'n pk/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|lttkqåf/f dfn;fdfg l´sfpFbf cfkm\gf] sfof{nodf
dfn;fdfg k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbgleq k|lttkq vf]n]sf] k]ZsL /sd km5\of}{6 ug'{
kg]{5 .
-*_ dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fpg] ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{af6 dfn;fdfg pknAw x'g
g;s]sf]df jf dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fpg lgwf{l/t ;doleq dfn;fdfg k|fKt x'g

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


g;s]df ;fwf/0ftof k|lttkq /2 ug'{ kg]{5 / ;f] jfkt a}Ídf hDdf ePsf] /sd lkmtf{
lnO{ k|lttkq vf]n]sf] k]ZsL /sd km5\of}{6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
!!$= lk|l;kd]G6 lg/LIf0fM -!_ ljb]zaf6 vl/b ul/g] dfn;dfgsf] lk|l;kd]G6 lg/LIf0f ug{' kg]{
ePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f] b]zdf cfkm\gf] k|ltlglw lgo'Qm u/L To:tf] lg/LIf0f
u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|ltlglw lgo'Qm ubf{ P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhdsf]
sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ lgo'Qm ug'{ kg]{5 .
!!%= dfn;fdfgsf] lg/LIf0f / :jLs[ltM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfk"lt{ ul/Psf dfn;fdfg
;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg / u'0f:t/ adf]lhdsf eP gePsf]]
lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug'{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ u/fpFbf dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f jf
k/LIf0f ;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg"g eP ;f]xL] sfg"g adf]lhd / gePdf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
plNnlvt sfo{ljlw adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] sfo{ljlw klg geP ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
pko'Qm ;Dem]sf] sfo{ljlw adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] lg/LIf0f
jf k/LIf0f ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu Ps jf Ps eGbf a9L lgsfo jf clwsf/L tf]Sg jf
;DalGwt dfn;fdfg ;DaGwL a9Ldf tLghgf lj1 /x]sf] Ps ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] lgsfo, clwsf/L jf ;ldltn] cfk"lt{ ul/Psf
dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf]] dfn;fdfgsf]
gd"gf / ljlzi6tf l;naGbL u/L /fv]sf] eP To:tf]] gd"gf / ljlzi6tf adf]lhd hfFr
ug'{ kg]{5 . To;/L hfFr ubf{ To:tf] gd"gf / ljlzi6tf cg'?k ePsf] dfn;fdfg :jLs[t
u/L gePsf dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ g} lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ cfjZostfg';f/ ;a}
dfn;fdfg jf ;f]sf] gd"gf 5gf}6 u/L lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug]{ lgsfo, clwsf/L jf ;ldltn] pklgod -$_ / -%_
adf]lhd lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f u/L ;s]kl5 :jLs[t / c:jLs[t dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f
pNn]v u/L lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] k|ltj]bgdf hfFr ePsf]
dfn;fdfgsf] gfd, k|ltzt, :k]l;lkms]zg, lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0fsf] kl/0ffd pNn]v ug'{


kg]{5 / To:tf] k|ltj]bgnfO{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxLsf] clen]vsf] ?kdf

/fVg' kg]{5 .
-&_ o; lgod adf]lhd dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f
ug]{ lgsfo, clwsf/L jf ;ldlt / cfk"lt{stf{ aLr s'g} ljjfb pTkGg ePdf To:tf]
ljjfb vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ePsf] ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] k|ls|of adf]lhd ;dfwfg ug'{
kg]{5 .
-*_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg kRrL; xhf/
?k}+ofF;Ddsf]] dfn;fdfg ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] e08f/ zfvfsf] k|d'vn] cfjZos lg/LIf0f
jf k/LIf0f u/L a'lemlng ;Sg]5 .
!!^= dfn;fdfgsf] lnnfd laqmL tyf /sd c;'nL ug]{M -!_ lgod !!% sf] pklgod -$_
adf]lhd c:jLs[t dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{stf{n] tTsfn lkmtf{ gnu] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
tf]lsPsf] ;dofjlwleq To:tf] dfn;fdfg p7fO{ lkmtf{ n}hfg / ;f]sf] ;§f
:k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhdsf] ;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lnlvt
hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] hfgsf/L x'nfs jf s'l/o/ ;le{;
dfkm{t k7fpg] eP lkmtL{ /l;b ;lxtsf] kq k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfsf] cjlwleq cfk"lt{stf{n] dfn;fdfg a'lemlng
c:jLsf/ u/]df jf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf] ;dofjlwleq p7fO{ gnu]df ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] dfn;fdfg ;fj{hlgs lnnfd laqmL u/L ;f] dfn;fdfg
e08f/0f ug{ nfu]sf] vr{ / To; ;DaGwL cGo vr{x?, aFfsL /x]sf] k]ZsL /sd, k"j{
lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ / lghn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ ltg'{ kg]{ cGo s'g} /sd eP ;f] /sd
;d]t lnnfd laqmL d"Noaf6 s6\6f u/L afFsL /x]sf] /sd cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{
kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] lnnfd laqmLaf6 k|fKt ePsf] /sd ;d]taf6 c;'n
x'g g;s]sf] /sd cfk"lt{stf{af6 k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;'n
pk/ ul/g]5 .
!!&= sfo{ :jLsf/ k|ltj]bg M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;DkGg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{, cfk"lt{
ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg jf k|bfg ul/Psf] ;]jf :jLsfbf{ ;f]sf] k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .


-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v x'g' kg]{5 M–
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;+Vof,
-v_ ;DkGg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{, k|fKt ePsf]] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jfsf] ljj/0f,
-u_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] jf dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf k|fKt ePsf] ldlt,
-3_ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{, k|fKt dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf :jLs[t ePsf] ldlt .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] cfjZos
k|ls|of k"/f u/L e'QmfgLsf] nflu ;DalGwt cfly{s k|zf;g zfvf jf lgsfodf cljnDj
n]vL k7fpg'' kg]{5 .

-$_ o; lgoddf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg lgdf{0f ul/Psf] ;+/rgfsf]
p2]Zo cg'?k ;~rfng ug{ pko'Qm 5 eGg] s'/f ;+/rgfsf] pko'Qmtfsf] k/LIf0f u/L
k|dfl0ft geP;Dd To:tf] s'g} klg sfo{ :jLsf/ ug'{ x'Fb}g .

!!*=e]l/P;g ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{sf] avt k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsPsf]
kl/l:ylt ;f] ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] qmddf l;h{gf eO{ P]gsf] bkmf %$ adf]lhd
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{' kg]{ ePdf o; lgodfjnL adf]lhdsf]
k|lqmof k"/f u/L hf/L ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{' kbf{ b]xfo
adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f v'nfO{ P]gsf] bkmf %$ adf]lhd To:tf] e]l/P;g :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/
ePsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M
-s_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 8«O{ª, l8hfO{g tyf :k]l;lkms]zg cflb abNg'
kg]{ jf gkg]{ / abNg' kg]{ ePdf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cfwf/e"t k|s[lt
jf If]q kl/jt{g x'g] jf gx'g] s'/f,
-v_ e]l/Pzg kl/df0fsf] k|fljlws k'i6\ofO{+ / sf/0f,
-u_ P]gsf] bkmf %s= sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfgdf
k|efj kg]{ eP ;f] sf] k|ltzt, /
-3_ :jLs[t ah]6 tyf sfo{qmddf k/] jf gk/]sf] s'/f .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf sfo{sf] e]l/P;g cfb]z
hf/L ug{' kbf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f v'nfO{ P]gsf] bkmf %$ adf]lhd To:tf] e]l/P;g
:jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/ ePsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M
-s_ dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf] 8«O{ª, l8hfO{g tyf :k]l;lkms]zg
cflb abNg' kg]{ jf gkg]{ / abNg' kg]{ ePdf To:tf] dfn;fdfg
jf ;]jfsf] cfwf/e"t k|s[lt jf If]q kl/jt{g x'g] jf gx'g] s'/f,
-v_ e]l/Pzg kl/df0fsf] k|fljlws k'i6\ofO{+ / sf/0f,
-u_ P]gsf] bkmf %s= sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfgdf
k|efj kg]{ eP ;f] sf] k|ltzt,
-3_ :jLs[t ah]6 tyf sfo{qmddf k/] jf gk/]sf] s'/f .
-$_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{' kbf{ b]xfo
adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f v'nfO{ P]gsf] bkmf %$ adf]lhd To:tf] e]l/P;g :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/
ePsf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M
-s_ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] sfo{If]q, cfjZostf, sfo{If]qut zt{, of]Uotf
jf ljz]if1tf cflb abNg' kg]{ gkg]{ / abNg' kg]{ ePdf To:tf]
;]jfsf] cfwf/e"t k|s[lt jf If]q jf k|:tfljt bIf jf ljz]if1
kl/jt{g x'g] jf gx'g] s'/f,
-v_ e]l/Pzg kl/df0fsf] k|fljlws k'i6\ofO{+ / sf/0f,
-u_ P]gsf] bkmf %s= sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfgdf
k|efj kg]{ eP ;f] sf] k|ltzt, /
-3_ :jLs[t ah]6 tyf sfo{qmddf k/] jf gk/]sf] s'/f .
-%_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ubf{
ljz]if1x¿sf] ;d"x dfkm{t cfjZos hfFra'em u/fO{ k|fKt l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf/df dfq
hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!!(= d"No ;dfof]hgM -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] s'/f vl/b
;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .


-@_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf d"No ;dfof]hgsf] Joj:yf ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fx? ;d]t pNn]v
ug{' kg]{5 M–
-s_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug]{ cj:yf,
-v_ lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;"q,
o; v08 adf]lhd ;"q lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;DkGg ePsf] sfddf nfu]sf] >d,
;fdu|L / pks/0fx?sf] dfq d"No ;dfof]hg x'g] u/L ;"q lgwf{/0f ug'{
kg]{5 .
-u_ d"No ;dfof]hgsf]] clwstd /sd,
-3_ v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] ;"qdf k|of]u ul/g] d"Nosf] ;+/rgf ->d, pks/0f,
;fdu|L, OGwgsf] d"No cflb_,
-ª_ k|To]s d"No ;+/rgfsf] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ k|of]u ul/g] ;Dj4 d"No ;"rL
-r_ d"No ;"rL pNn]v ug{ k|of]u ul/g] d'b|f / e'QmfgL lbg k|of]u ul/g] d'b|f
aLrsf] ljlgdo b/sf] 36j9 dfkg ug]{ tl/sf,
-5_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"q k|of]u ug{ lnOg] cfwf/ ldlt -a];nfOg 8]6_,
-h_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"q nfu" x'g] ;dosf] cGt/fn, /
-em_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"qsf] k|of]uaf6 b]lvg' kg]{ Go"gtd d"No j[l4 / d"No
;dfof]hg ;DaGwL k|fjwfg nfu" x'g k"/f x'g' kg]{ cGo zt{ tyf aGb]h .
-#_ o; lgod adf]lhd ul/g] d"No ;dfof]hgsf]] clwstd /sd ;fdfGotof z'?
;Demf}tf d"Nosf] kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g . d"No ;dfof]hgsf] /sd ;f] d"No
eGbf a9L x'g] ePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{, ;Demf}tf d"NonfO{
:jLs[t ah]6leq kfg{sf] nflu lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf
k/fdz{bftf;Fu jftf{ ug{ jf vr{ 36fpg] cGo pkfo cjnDjg ug{ ;Sg] jf yk ah]6
Joj:yf ul/g] Joj:yf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!@)= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw yk ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf %^ adf]lhdsf] cj:yf k/L]
vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd To:tf] ;Demf}tfsf] cjlwleq k"/f ug{ g;lsg] ePdf
;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn]] sf/0f v'nfO{


vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb ;lsg' sDtLdf PSsfO{; lbg cufj} ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfodf cjlw yksf] nflu lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .

-!s_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg of] pklgod k|f/De x'g'
cl3 ePsf vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf ;DalGWft lgdf{0f Aoj:ffoL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf
k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] of] pklgod k|f/De ePsf] PSsfO{; lbg leq Dofb yksf]
nflu lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ / -!s_ adf]lhd lgj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt clwsf/ k|fKt
clwsf/Ln] ;f] ;DaGwdf cfjZos hfFra'em ug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg]5 . To;/L hfFra'em
ubf{ jf u/fpFbf lghn] b]xfosf s'/f ljrf/ ug'{ kg]{5M–
-s_ ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn]
vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;do d} ;DkGg ug{ e/ dUb'/ k|of;
u/]sf] lyof] jf lyPg,
-v_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos
jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ s'/f pknAw
u/fPsf] lyof] jf lyPg, =======

-v!_ P]gsf] bkmf ^&s= adf]lhd sfuhft lemsfPsf] sf/0faf6 sfddf
l9nfO ePsf] xf] jf xf]Og, /
-u_ sfa' aflx/sf] kl/l:yltsf] sf/0faf6 sfddf l9nfO{ ePsf] xf] jf xf]Og .

-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ubf{ lgj]bgdf Dofb yk ug{sf] nflu
v'nfOPsf] sf/0f vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd dgfl;a b]lvPdf ;f]sf] sf/0f v'nfO{ z'?
;Demf}tf cjlwsf] kGw| k|ltzt ;Ddsf] cjlw;Ddsf] Dofb yk ug'{ kg]{ ePdf af]nkq
:jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/Ln] / ;f] eGbf a9L kRrL; k|ltzt cjlw;Ddsf] Dofb yk ug{' kg]{
ePdf ljefuLo k|d'vn] yk ug{ ;Sg]5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-$_ pklgod -#_ df plNnlvt cjlw eGbf a9L cjlwsf] Dofb yk ug{'kg]{
dgfl;a sf/0f ePdf ;DalGwt dGqfno jf lgsfosf] ;lrjn] yk ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-%_ pklgod -#_ / -$_ adf]lhdsf] Dofb yk ;DaGwL lg0f{o ;Demf}tf
cjlwleq} ul/;Sg' kg]{5 .

-^_ o; lgoddf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg z'? ;Demf}tfsf] krf;
k|ltzteGbf a9L x'g] u/L Dofb yk ug{ kfOg] 5}g .

t/ of] pklgod k|f/De x'g' cl3 eO;s]sf] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf ;'?
;Demf}tfsf] krf; k|ltzt jf ;f] eGbf a9L Dofb yk eO;s]sf] / To;/L yk ePsf]
Dofbdf ;d]t ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;DkGg x'g g;s]sf] cj:yfdf ;Demf}tf
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ k|ult / afFsL sfo{sf] ljZn]if0f u/L Dofb yk ubf{ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd
sfo{ ;DkGg x'g ;Sg] b]lvPdf of] pklgod k|f/De ePkl5 a9Ldf Ps jif{sf] nflu
;DalGwt dGqfno jf lgsfosf] ;lrjn] Dofb yk ug{ ;Sg]5 .
 
-&_ pklgod -#_, -$_ / -^_ adf]lhd Dofb yk gePdf ;f] ;Demf}tf
cGTo ug'{ kg]{5 .
!@!= k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{M vl/b ;Demf}tfdf k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{sf ;DaGwdf b]xfosf]
Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg]5M–
-s_ cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] l9nfO{sf] sf/0fn]
vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;f] ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf] Dofbdf ;DkGg x'g
g;s]df lghn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ ;Demf}tf /sdsf] bz k|ltztdf ga9\g]
u/L ;fwf/0ftof k|lt lbg ;Demf}tf /sdsf] z'Ggf bzdna z'Ggf kfFr
k|ltzt k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ lbg' kg]{ t/ lghsf] sfa' aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt k/L
jf s'g} ulNt jf x]nr]qm¥ofO{ geO{ sfo{;Dkfbg jf cfk"lt{ ug{ l9nf ePdf
To:tf] Ifltk"lt{ ltg{ gkg]{, /
-v_ v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ ltb{}df ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{,
k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf]
sfo{;Dkfbg ug]{ bfloTjaf6 d'Qm x'g g;Sg] .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!@@= lan jf lahsdf pNn]v x'g' kg]{ s'/fM -!_ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf
k/fdz{bftfn] o; lgod adf]lhd e'QmfgLsf] nflu k]z ug]{ /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan
lahsdf sDtLdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ lan jf lahssf] ldlt,
-v_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] gfd 7]ufgf,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf,
-3_ cfk"lt{ ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jfsf] ljj/0f jf ;DkGg ePsf] lgdf{0f
sfo{sf] gfk, cfsf/, kl/df0f / d"No,
-ª_ l;kd]G6 tyf e'QmfgLsf] zt{,
-r_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lan jf lahs ;fy k]z ug{' kg]{ cfjZos
-5_ dfn;fdfgsf] vl/bsf] xsdf lan jf lahs;fy vl/b cfb]z, vl/b
;Demf}tf jf af]nkq :jLs[lt kqdf lbOPsf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] tf]s]sf] 9fFrfsf] l;lkË jf cGo cfjZos sfuhft, /
-h_ cfkm\gf] ;Dks{ 7]ufgf .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lan jf lahs k|fKt ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf]
lan jf lahs vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt k|fjwfg adf]lhdsf] eP gePsf] hfFr u/L
;f] cg'?ksf] gePdf ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos
jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ t'?Gt lbg' kg]{5 .
!@#= lan jf lahssf] e'QmfgLM -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf cg';f/ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] /lgª lan jf
cGo s'g} lan lahssf] e'QmfgL ubf{ s/f/sf zt{ adf]lhd b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} cfwf/
adf]lhd ug{ ;Sg] s'/f pNn]v ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ dfl;s cfwf/df,
-v_ k|fljlws gfkhfFr u/L gfkL lstfa -d]h/d]G6 j's_ df pNn]v ePsf]
jf:tljs sfo{;Dkfbgsf] cfwf/df,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;DkGg sfo{ dfkg ug]{ ;"rsfÍ tf]lsPsf]df To:tf]
;"rsfÍ k|fKt ePkl5 / To:tf] ;"rsfÍ gtf]lsPsf]df ;DkGg ePsf]
sfo{sf] cfwf/df,


-3_ x:tfGt/0f ul/Psf] jf k"/f ul/Psf] sfo{sf] kl/df0fsf] cfwf/df, /

-ª_ lgod !@@ sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd jf k|lttkqsf] zt{sf] cfwf/df .
-@_ /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan lahssf] e'QmfgL lngsf] nflu cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd cfjZos kg]{ sfuhft
k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k]z ePsf] /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan lahs
/ sfuhft ;DalGwt clwsf/Ln] #) -tL;_ lbgleq :jLs[t u/L vl/b ;Demf}tf cg';f/
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] lan jf lahssf] ;f]xL cjlwleq e'QmfgL ;d]t ug{' kg]{5 .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd e'QmfgL ubf{ l/6]G;g dgL
jfkt /lgª jf cGo lan jf lahsdf plNnlvt /sdsf]] kfFr k|ltzt /sd s§f u/L
/fVg' kg]{5 .

t/ lgdf{0f sfo{ afx]s vl/bsf] s'g} vf; k|s[ltsf] sf/0fn] vl/ ;Demf}tfdf
l/6]G;g dgL s§f ug'{ gkg]{ Joj:yf ePdf To:tf] /sd s§f ul/g] 5}g .
-%_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lan jf lahs adf]lhdsf] /sd lz3|
e'QmfgL u/]df cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] To:tf]
e'QmfgLsf] lglZrt /sd jf k|ltzt 5'6 lbg] s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] ePdf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] To;/L e'QmfgL ubf{ 5'6 /sd s§f u/]/ dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{5 .
-^_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg]5M–
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cl3Nnf] s'g} /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan lahsdf
n]lvPsf s'/f s'g} sf/0fjz jf e"njz n]lvg uO{ e'QmfgL /sd ;Rofpg'
kg]{ ePdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfo cfkm}+n] jf ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] cg'/f]wdf To; kl5sf /lgª lan
jf cGo s'g} lan lahsdf To:tf] e'QmfgL /sd ;Rofpg jf x]/km]/ ug{
;lsg], /

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-v_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] vl/b

;Demf}tfsf] zt{ adf]lhd sfo{;Dkfbg gu/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] /lgª
lan jf cGo s'g} lan lahs adf]lhdsf] e'QmfgL glbg jf sf6\g ;Sg] .
-&_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] e'QmfgL vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
plNnlvt cjlwleq lbg' kg]{5 . ;f] cjlwleq e'QmfgL glbPdf vl/b ;Demf}tf
adf]lhdsf] Aofh e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]{5 .

-*_ =========== cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{
kRrL; xhf/ ?k}+ofF eGbf a9L /sd e'QmfgL ubf{ PsfpG6 k]oL r]ssf] dfWodaf6
e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]{5 .
!@$= clGtd e'QmfgLM -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;DkGg ePsf] sfo{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
:jLsf/ u/]kl5 cfk"ltstf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ s/f/sf
zt{ adf]lhd clGtd e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd clGtd e'QmfgL lb+bf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf q'6L
;Rrfpg] cjlw ;dfKt ePkl5 sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt / lgod !@# sf] pklgod -$_
adf]lhd s6\6f ul/Psf] l/6]G;g dgL /sdsf] krf; k|ltzt /sd lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
l/6]G;g dgLsf] afFsL krf; k|ltzt /sd ;DalGwt cfk"ltstf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf

;]jf k|bfosn] ;DalGwt cGtl/s /fh:j sfof{nodf s/ ljj/0f k]z u/]sf] k|df0f
sfuhft k]z u/] kl5 e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{5 .
t/ q'6L ;Rrfpg] cjlwleq ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] q'6L g;RofPdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] l/6]G;g dgL jf hdfgt jfktsf] /sd k|of]u u/L q'6L ;Rofpg
;Sg]5 .

-@s_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf]
xsdf l/6]G;g dgL e'QmfgL ubf{ cfGtl/s /fhZj sfof{nodf s/ ljj/0f k]z u/]sf]
sfuhft k]z ePkl5 e'QmfgL lbOg]5 .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f l´lsPsf] .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn]

pklgod -!_ adf]lhd clGtd e'QmfgL lngsf] nflu ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;“u b]xfosf
bfjL afx]s cGo bfjL gug]{ s'/f pNn]v ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ ljz]if bfjL,
-v_ vl/b sfo{;Dkfbg ubf{ pTkGg ePsf] jf x'g] t];|f] kIf k|ltsf] lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] bfloTj, /
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] ;Dkfbg ubf{ t];|f] kIfsf ;DaGwdf lgdf{0f Joj;foL,
cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] Joxf]/]sf] t/ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfo;Fu bfjL gu/]sf] / ;dodf hfgsf/L gePsf] bfloTj ;DaGwL
;f]wegf{sf] bfjL .
!@%= sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg
ePsf] tL; lbgleq ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] lgdf{0f eP adf]lhdsf] -Ph laN6_
gSzf ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

-!s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO;s]kl5 ;Demf}tf
adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] q'l6 ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlw ;dfKt gx'Fb} s'g} q'l6 b]lvPdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f]sf] PsLg u/L ;dodf g} bfaL ug'{ kg]{5 . o:tf] bfaL ubf{
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|To]s dlxgfsf] sfo{ k|ult b]lvg] u/L clen]v tof/ u/L
;DalGwt clwsf/Laf6 k|dfl0ft u/fO{ /fVg' kg]{5 .

-!v_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!s_ adf]lhdsf] clen]vsf] hfgsf/L
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ u/fpg' kg]{5 / To:tf] clen]v ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{nosf] ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnL, j]a;fO6 jf cGo pko'St dfWodaf6 ;d]t
;fj{hlgs ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ q'6L ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlw ;dfKt ePkl5
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vn] To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË, l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg
adf]lhd eP gePsf] s'/f k|fljlws sd{rf/Laf6 hfFra'´ u/fO{ sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg
tof/ u/fpg' kg]{5 .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-@s_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ pklgod -!s_
adf]lhdsf] clen]v ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ug]{ k|fljlwsn] ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t
8«OË, l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd eP gePsf] hfFr u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfo ;dIf
k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgdf{0f eP adf]lhdsf] gSzf / pklgod -#_
adf]lhd k]z ePsf]] sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq :jLs[t
ug]{ clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 / ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v / af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{
clwsf/L Pp6} JolQm ePdf lgh eGbf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/Ln] cfjZos b]v]df sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bgdf
plNnlvt ljifosf ;DaGwdf cfkm}+n] hfFra'´ ug{ jf s'g} k|fljlws sd{rf/L jf
k|fljlws sd{rf/Lx?sf] 6f]nL dfkm{t hFfra'´ u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ubf{ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË,
l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd ePsf] kfOPdf To:tf] clwsf/Ln] To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{
:jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pklgod -^_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg pklgod -$_ adf]lhd sfo{
;DkGg k|ltj]bg k]z ePsf] ldltn] k}+tfnL; lbgleq pklgod -%_ adf]lhd hfFra'em
ug]{ sfo{ ;DkGg gePdf To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ :jtM :jLs[t ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-*_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg pklgod -#_ adf]lhd
k]z ePsf] sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg bz nfv ?k}+ofF;Ddsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf eP
;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v k|fljlws eP lgh cfkm}+n] hfFr u/L / k|fljlws
geP cGo k|fljlws sd{rf/Laf6 hrfpFg ;Sg]5 . To;/L hfFr ubf{ jf u/fpFbf To:tf]
lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË, l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd ePsf] kfOPdf lghn]
sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 / sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L Ps tx
dflysf] clwsf/LnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-(_ o; lgod adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg :jLs[t ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0fkq -js{ sDKnL;g ;l6{lkms]6_ lbg'
kg]{5 .
!@^= ;do eGbf cl3 sfd ;DkGg ug]{nfO{ k'/:sf/ lbg ;lsg]M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
tf]lsPsf] cjlw eGbf cl3 sfd ;DkGg ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
k'/:sf/ lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k'/:sf/sf] /sd lgwf{/0f ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
tf]lsPsf] ;do eGbf hlt lbg cl3 sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] xf] Tolt lbgsf nflu pklgod
-#_ adf]lhdsf] cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] b/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] v/Lb ;Demf]}tfdf
tf]lsPsf] cjlwleq sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;s] jfkt b}lgs ?kdf hlt /sd ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ ltg'{ kg]{ xf] Tolt g} /sd a/fa/sf] b/ lgwf{/0f ug'{
kg]{5 .
-$_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k'/:sf/sf] s'n /sd
;Demf}tf /sdsf] bz k|ltzt eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
!@&= ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ubf{ lbg' kg]{ e'QmfgL M -!_ ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf %( sf] pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu ;'lj:tfsf]
cfwf/df ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo u/]sf]df ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf
jf ;]jf k|bfosnfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] /sd e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{5 . To;/L e'QmfgL lb+bf
lghn] s'g} k]ZsL /sd lnPsf] /x]5 eg] To:tf] k]ZsL s6fP/ dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ :jLsfo{ ?kdf ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] sfo{, cfk"lt{ jf ;]jf jfkt ug'{ kg]{
e'QmfgL afFsL eP ;f] e'QmfgL,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|of]hgsf] nflu pTkflbt
dfn;fdfgsf] d"No, lgdf{0f:yndf NofOPsf lgdf{0f ;fdu|L,
-u_ lgdf{0f:ynaf6 pks/0f x6fpg nfUg] dgfl;j vr{,
-3_ lgdf{0fsfo{df dfq nufOPsf ljb]zL sd{rf/Lsf] :jb]z lkmtL{ vr{, /
-ª_ cfjZos eP lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;+/If0f / ;'/Iff vr{ .


-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]

;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ lbPsf] ;"rgf
cfk"lt{stf{n] k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn] ;ft lbgleq l;kd]G6sf] nflu tof/ x'g] / tof/ ePsf
dfn;fdfg To:tf] ;Demf}tfsf zt{ / d"Nodf :jLsf/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ df plNnlvt dfn;fdfg afx]s cGo ;fdfgsf] ;DaGwdf
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] b]xfo adf]lhd ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ dfn;fdfgsf] s'g} c+z k"/f u/fO{ ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt zt{ / d"Nodf
k|fKt ug]{, jf
-v_ afFsL /x]sf dfn;fdfgsf] cfk"lt{ cfb]z /4 ug]{ / cfk"lt{stf{n] cf+lzs
?kdf tof/ u/]sf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf / ;Demf}tf cGTo x'g' cufj}
cfk"lt{stf{n] vl/b u/]sf] ;fdu|L jf kf6{k"hf{ jfkt cfk;L ;xdltaf6
d~h'/ ul/Psf] /sd lghnfO{ e'QmfgL ug]{ .
!@*= vl/b ;Demf}tf pNn+3g eP k|fKt x'g] pkrf/M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosn] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] pNn+3g u/]df ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ k|fKt x'g] pkrf/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] pkrf/ P]gsf] bkmf %( df n]lvPsf] cltl/Qm b]xfo
adf]lhd x'g ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ q'6Lk"0f{ sfo{ c:jLsf/ ug]{,
-v_ q'6Lk"0f{ dfn;fdfg tTsfn x6fpg] / ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosaf6 k|lt:yfkg ug{ nufpg],
-u_ ;dodf sfo{;Dkfbg x'g g;s] jfktsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ k|fKt ug]{,
-3_ ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug]{ / ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd gug]{ cfk"lt{stf{,
lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] vr{df To:tf] sfo{
;DkGg u/fpg],
-ª_ cfg'iffl·s Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg], /
-r_ k|rlnt sfg"g jf vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd pknAw x'g] cGo pkrf/ .


ljjfb ;dfwfg ;DaGwL Joj:yf

!@(=ljjfb ;dfwfg M P]gsf] bkmf %* adf]lhd cfk;L ;xdltaf6 ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{' kg]{
ljifo, ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg] k|lqmof, cfk;L ;xdltsf] nflu x'g] a}7s
tyf lg0f{ox¿sf] k|lqmof ;d]t vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v u/L To:tf] ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{'
kg]{5 .

!#)= =================

!#!= ==================

!#@= ================

!##= ===============

!#$= =================

!#%=dWo:ysf] dfWodåf/f ljjfb ;dfwfg M lgod !@( adf]lhdsf] k|lqmofåf/f vl/b
;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] ljifodf ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf
;]jfk|bfos aLr pTkGg ePsf] ljjfb cfk;L ;xdltjf6 ;dfwfg x'g g;s]df k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd dWo:ysf] dfWodaf6 To:tf] ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ sf/afxL z'? ug{'
kg]{5 .

kf/blz{tf / cfr/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!#^= vl/b sf/afxL ;DaGwL sfuhft pknAw u/fpg' kg]{M k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd
n]vfk/LIf0f, cg'udg, cg';Gwfg jf lg/LIf0f ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxL
;DaGwL s'g} sfuhft dfu u/]df ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] sfuhft
dgfl;j ;dodf pknJw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
!#&= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgfM -!_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf
u/]sf] tLg lbgleq b]xfosf] nfut cg'dfg ePsf] vl/bsf] ;DaGwdf ;Demf}tfstf{sf]
gfd, 7]ufgf, ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{, p2]Zo, /sd, cjlw nufot cGo cfjZos

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf]+ ;+Zff]wgåf/f vf/]h .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


ljj/0f ;lxtsf] ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLdf
/fVg' kg{]5 M–
-s_ aL; nfv ?k}ofF eGbf a9Lsf] cGo ;]jf / dfn;fdfg,
-v_ aL; nfv ?k}ofF eGbf a9Lsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf,
-u_ b'O{ s/f]8 ?k}ofF eGbf a9Lsf] ;fj{hlgs lgdf{0f .

-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] j]a;fO6
eP ;f] j]a;fO6df ;d]t /fvL lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldlt, lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no, k|b]z
n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no, lhNnf sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no tyf ;DalGwt :yfgLo
txsf] ;"rgf kf6Ldf ;d]t 6fF; ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg' kg]{5 .

-@s_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
;fj{hlgs lgdf{0fsf] xsdf lgdf{0f:yndf ;d]t ;a}n] x]g{ / b]Vg ;lsg] u/L ;"rgf
kf6L agfO{ /fVg' kg]{5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jf
d"NofÍg kl/0ffdsf] cltl/Qm af]nkq, k|:tfj jf l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL ;"rgf
k|sfzg ePsf] ldlt, ;dfrf/kqsf] gfd, ;"rgf ;+Vof, vl/bsf] ljifo, ;Demf}tf ug]{
af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf jf l;naGbL b/efpkqbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf / ;Demf}tfsf]
d"No v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
!#*= k/fdz{bftfn] :jfy{ aemfpg gx'g]M -!_ k/fdz{bftfn] k/fdz{ lng] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
;jf]{kl/ lxt x'g] u/L Jofj;flos, j:t'ut / lgikIf k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ k/fdz{bftfn] k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg ubf{ cfkm\gf] jt{dfg jf eljiosf] cGo
sfd;“u :jfy{ aflemg] u/L sfd ug'{ x'F+b}g .
-#_ k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL sfdsf] k|s[lt k/fdz{bftfsf] cGo s'g} ;]jfu|fxL k|ltsf]
ljut jf jt{dfg bfloTj;Fu aflemg] vfnsf] jf lghn] ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]
;jf]{Qd lxt x'g] u/L sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] vfnsf] ePdf lghnfO{ k/fdz{bftfsf]
?kdf lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
pbfx/0fM s'g} cfof]hgfsf] OlGhlgol/· l8hfOg tof/ ug{sf] nflu lgo'Qm ul/Psf]
k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;f]xL cfof]hgfsf] jftfj/0fLo d"NofÍg ug]{ k/fdz{bftf lgo'Qm ug{ jf

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


;/sf/L :jfldTjsf] s'g} ;+:yfsf] lghLs/0f ;DaGwL k/fdz{bftfnfO{ To:tf] ;DklQ

vl/b ug]{ vl/bstf{sf] k/fdz{bftf lgo'Qm ug{ jf lghnfO{ jf lghsf] glhssf] gft]bf/
jf lghsf] ;+:yfsf] ;fem]bf/sf] gfddf To:tf] ;DklQ vl/b ug{ cg'dlt lbg ;lsg]
5}g .
t/ 6g{ sL ;Demf}tf jf l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf of] Joj:yf nfu" x'g]
5}g .
-$_ s'g} cfof]hgfsf] nflu dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fpg] jf lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{
kmd{ / To;;Fu ;DalGwt cGo ;+:yf jf JolQmn] ;f]xL cfof]hgfsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf
k|bfg ug{ / s'g} of]hgf tof/ jf sfof{Gjog ug]{ sfdsf] nflu lgo'Qm ePsf]
k/fdz{bft[ kmd{ jf ;f];Fu ;DalGwt cGo ;+:yf jf JolQmn] To:tf] cfof]hgfsf] nflu
dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug{ ;Sg] 5}g .
!#(= k|nf]eg, e|i6frf/ jf hfn;fhLhGo Jojxf/sf] ;"rgfM ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf s'g}
kbflwsf/Ln] lghnfO{ s'g} af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k|nf]eg lbg k|:tfj u/]df jf
cGo s'g} e|i6frf/ jf hfn;fhLhGo sfd u/]sf] yfxf kfPdf ;f]sf] ;"rgf To:tf]
lgsfosf] k|d'v jf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
!$)= ;'kl/j]If0f / hfFra'em ug{ ;Sg]M vl/b sf/afxLdf ;+nUg kbflwsf/Ln] P]g / o;
lgodfjnLdf plNnlvt sfo{ljlw kfng u/] gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf tfn's sfof{non] ;do
;dodf ;'kl/j]If0f / hfFra'em ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!$!= sfnf];"rLdf /fVg]M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]gsf] bkmf ^# adf]lhd s'g} af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ sfnf];"rLdf /fVg' k/]df To; ;DaGwL lj:t[t ljj/0f / sf/0f
v'nfO{ ;Da4 sfuhft ;lxt ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ n]vL k7fpg'
kg]{5 .

-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd n]vL cfPkl5 ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non]
To:tf] ljj/0f, sf/0f / sfuhftnfO{ hfFra'em ubf{ To:tf] af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf,
k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLnfO{ tTsfn ;fj{hlgs vl/bdf efu lngaf6 /f]s nufpg' kg]{ b]lvPdf o;

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


lgod adf]lhdsf] sfnf];"rLdf /fVg] ;DaGwL k|lqmof k"/f geP;Ddsf nflu gofF vl/b
sf/afxLdf ;xefuL x'gaf6 /f]s nufpg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd /f]s nufpg]
lg0f{o u/]df To:tf] lg0f{o ePsf] ;ft lbgleq ;f]sf] ;"rgf ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ lbO{{ ;fj{hlgs ?kdf ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd n]vL cfPkl5 pklgod -@_ adf]lhd vl/b sf/afxLdf
tTsfn /f]s nufpg' kg]{ cj:yfdf afx]s ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non]
;DalGwt af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ To;/L k|fKt ljj/0f, sf/0f /
sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk ;+nUg u/L sfnf];"rLdf /fVg' gkg]{ cfwf/x? eP To:tf cfwf/ /
:ki6Ls/0f k]z ug{ tL; lbgsf] cjlwsf] lnlvt ;"rgf lghsf] sfof{no jf 3/df
k7fpg' kg]{5 .

-$s_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] lnlvt ;"rgf lghsf] sfof{no jf 3/df k7fpFbf

lgh km]nf gk/]df ;f] ;DaGwdf /fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf =========== ;fj{hlgs
;"rgf k|sfzg ug{' kg]{5 / To;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf]df To:tf] ;"rgf /Lt k"j{s
lbPsf] dflgg]5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|fKt u/] kl5 ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLn] cfkm"nfO{ sfnf];"rLdf /fVg' gkg]{ s'g} sf/0f / cfwf/ eP ;f] v'nfO{
;Da4 sfuhft ;lxt cfkm\gf] :ki6Ls/0f ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no ;dIf k]z
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd :ki6Ls/0f k]z ubf{ ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf,
k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLn] lgh / ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ ;“u} /fvL ;+o'Qm ;'g'jfO{ u/L lbg
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{no ;dIf cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg]5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .


-&_ pklgod -^_ adf]lhd ;'g'jfO{sf] nflu cg'/f]w ePsf]df / ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{non] To;/L ;'g'jfO{ ug{ plrt 7fg]df ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo /
af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL / cGo
JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ To:tf] ;'g'jfO{ x'g] ;do / :yfg af/] lnlvt ;"rgf
k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-*_ pklgod -&_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL ;f]xL pklgoddf tf]lsPsf] cjlwleq
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nodf pkl:yt x'g' kg]{5 .
-(_ pklgod -*_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwdf b'j} kIf pkl:yt ePdf ;fj{hlgs vl/b
cg'udg sfof{non] b'a} kIfnfO{ cf–cfkm\gf lnlvt jf df}lvs :ki6Ls/0f / egfO{ /fVg]
df}sf lbg' kg]{5 .
t/ s'g} kIf pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0faf6 dfq ;'g'jfO{ /f]lsg] 5}g .
-!)_ pklgod -(_ adf]lhd ;'g'jfO{ ePsf]df ;f] ;'g'jfO{ pk/ ;d]t ljrf/ u/L /
;'g'jfO{ gePsf]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf,
;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] k]z
u/]sf] sfuhftsf] cfwf/df ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] lghnfO{ sfnf];"rLdf
/fVg] jf g/fVg] lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!!_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] pklgod -!)_ adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{
sfnf];"rLdf /fVg] lg0f{o u/]df ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfo /
af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo
JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ lnlvt ?kdf lbO{{ /fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!@_ pklgod -!!_ adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non]
sfnf];"rLdf g/fVg] lg0f{o u/]df pklgod -@_ adf]lhd /f]s nufOPsf] /x]5 eg] To:tf]
/f]s :jtM x6\g]5 / ;f]sf] Joxf]/f ;f] sfof{non] ;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!#_ pklgod -!)_ adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd /f]s nufOPsf]
af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo


JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ sfnf];"rLdf /fVg] lg0f{o ePdf lghnfO{ sfnf];"rLdf
/fVg] ;do u0fgf ubf{ To;/L /f]s nufOPsf] ;dob]lv u0fgf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-!$_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf
/fVg] sf/afxL ;f] ;DaGwL cg'/f]w k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] 5 dlxgfleq u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 .
-!%_ of] lgodfjnL k|f/De x'g' cl3 s'g} ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ sfnf];"rLdf /fv]sf] jf /fVg] lg0f{o
u/]sf] ePdf To:tf] lgsfon] ;f] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L of] lgodfjnL k|f/De ePsf] tL;
lbgleq ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ k7fpg' kg]{5 .
!$@= sfnf];"rLaf6 km's'jf ug]{M -!_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] P]gsf] bkmf ^#
adf]lhd sfnf];"rLdf /x]sf af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos,
cfk"lt{stf{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ sfnf];"rLaf6
km's'jf ug]{ ;DaGwdf dfkb08 tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd dfkb08 cg';f/ sfnf];"rLdf /x]sf s'g} af]nkqbftf,
k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ sfnf];"rLaf6 km's'jf ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;f]xL dfkb08 cg';f/
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] km's'jf ug{' kg]{5 .
!$#= clen]v /fVg' kg]{M ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd
af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo
JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ vl/b sf/afxLdf efu lng /f]s nufPsf], To:tf] /f]s
:jtM x6]sf], sfnf];"rLdf /fv]sf] / sfnf];"rLaf6 km's'jf u/]sf] s'/fsf] cBfjlws
clen]v cfkm\gf] sfof{no / j]e ;fO{6df /fVg' kg]{5 .

vl/b sfo{sf] cg'udg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!$$= ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/M P]gsf] bkmf ^% df
plNnlvt sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf] cltl/Qm ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf]
sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–


-s_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] vl/b sf/afxLsf] cjnf]sg e|d0f u/L jf

;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 vl/b lqmofsnfk ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg / hfgsf/Lx? dfu
u/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b sfo{sf] cg'udg ug]{,
-v_ vl/b lqmofsnfk ;DaGwL k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{ hfgsf/L, tYofÍ /
To:tf] k|ltj]bg k]z ug{' kg]{ ;dofjlwsf ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{
lgb]{zg lbg],
-u_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ vl/b sf/afxL ;~rfng ug{ / af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf,
l;naGbL b/efpkqbftf cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ vl/b sf/afxLdf ;xefuL x'g ;xof]u
x'g] lsl;dsf sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng ug{],
-3_ vl/b sf/afxLnfO{ ;/n / ;xh agfpg],
-ª_ s]Gb|Lo 8f6f a}Ísf] :yfkgf u/L vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL
sfo{;Dkfbgsf] clen]v /fVg],
-r_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b ;DaGwL hfgsf/L k|jfx ug]{ tl/sfsf] ljsf; ug]{,
-5_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ ug{sf] nflu cGo b]zsf] vl/b sf/afxL
;DaGwL gLlt, sfg"g, cg'ej / cEof;sf] af/]df cWoog cg';Gwfg ug]{,
-h_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf vl/b ;DaGwL Ifdtf jf bIftf / Joj;flos
sfo{s'zntf ePsf sd{rf/Lsf] Joj:yfsf] nflu of]hgf tof/ ug]{,
-em_ v08 -h_ adf]lhdsf] of]hgf cg';f/ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf vl/b PsfO{,
d"NofÍg ;ldlt / ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nodf lgo'Qm x'g] JolQmn]
cfjZos bIftf / Jofj;flos sfo{s'zntf k"/f u/] gu/]sf] olsg ug]{,
-`_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'v, To:tf] lgsfosf] vl/b PsfO{sf sd{rf/L, af]nkq
d"NofÍg ;ldltsf ;b:osf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tyf pQ/bfloTjsf]
ljj/0f tof/ ug]{,

-`!_ k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldltsf] lg0f{o sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg u/L k|wfgdGqL tyf
dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{,
-6_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] vl/b sfo{df ;+nUg sd{rf/Lsf] k]zfut bIftf clej[l4
ug{ cfjZos kg]{ tfnLd sfo{qmdx? ;~rfng ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg], /

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-7_ sd{rf/Lsf] k]zfut bIftf clej[l4 ug{ cfjZos kg]{ tfnLd sfo{s|d
;~rfng ug]{ .

!$%= ljz]if kl/l:yltdf vl/b ug]{ ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ P]gsf] bkmf ^^ adf]lhd vl/b ubf{
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/bsf] cfjZostfsf] lnlvt ljj/0f, u'0f:t/, kl/df0f, zt{ / sfo{
;DkGg ug]{ cjlw h:tf ljj/0f tof/ u/L cfsl:ds kl/l:yltsf] ;fdgf ug{ cfjZos
kl/df0f / ;dofjlwsf nflu dfq oyf;Dej k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ jf Pp6f dfq lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;Fu lnlvt b/efp jf k|:tfj lnO{
:jR5 / plrt d"Nosf] nflu jftf{ u/L vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ul/Psf] ePdf b]xfosf s'/f v'Ng] sfuhft lgod
!$( adf]lhdsf] clen]vdf /fVg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ljz]if kl/l:ylt ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-v_ tTsfn vl/b gubf{ ;fj{hlgs ;'/Iff, lxt tyf ;fd'bflos :jf:Yodf kg]{
-u_ vl/bsf cGo ljlw ckgfpg g;lsg] sf/0f / cfwf/ .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] bz nfv ?k}+ofF eGbf a9L /sdsf]
vl/b u/]sf] ePdf To:tf] lgsfon] To;/L vl/b ePsf] ljj/0fsf] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf
k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 / ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ k7fpg'
kg]{5 .

-#s_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{fno :yfkgf eO{ g;s]sf] cj:yfdf P]gsf]
bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf] s]Gb|Lo :t/sf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon]
v'nf af]nkqsf] dfWod4f/f ;+/rgfTds ;Demf}tf u/L cTofjZos cf}ifwLhGo
dfn;fdfg tyf sfof{no ;+rfngsf] nfuL cfjZos kg]{ d;nGb jf :6]zg/L vl/b ug{
;Sg]5 . o:tf] vl/b sf/jfxLsf] af]nkq ;DalGw sfuhft tyf ;+/rgfTds vl/b
;Demf}tfsf] gd'gf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{noaf6 :jLs[t eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!$%s=;/sf/L vl/b ;]jf sfof{nosf] :yfkgfM -!_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg P]gsf] bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ cfk"lt{stf{ 5gf}6 tyf dfn;fdfg vl/bdf ;xof]u ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n]
s]lGb|o:t/df Ps ;/sf/L vl/b ;]jf sfof{nosf] :yfkgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] dfn;fdfg P]gsf]
bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf ;fj{hlgs lgsfox?n] pklgod -!_
adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] ;/sf/L vl/b ;]jf sfof{no;Fu ;dembf/L u/L ;f] sfof{non]
5gf}6 u/]sf] cfk"lt{stf{af6 vl/b ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] sfof{nosf] sfd b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ P]gsf] bkmf @ sf] v08 -v_ sf] pkv08 -!_ adf]lhdsf ;fj{hlgs
lgsfox?af6 dfn;fdfgsf] k|sf/, u'0f:t/, kl/df0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
dfn;fdfg cfjZos kg]{ ;do tyf ah]6 Joj:yf ;DaGwL ljj/0f
;lxtsf] vl/b dfu ;+sng ug]{ / ;dembf/L ug]{,
-v_ vl/b dfusf] ljZn]if0f u/L dfn;fdfgsf] vl/bsf] ljj/0f -:k]l;lkms]zg_,
nfut cg'dfg tof/ tyf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug]{,
-u_ af]nkq cfJxfg u/L cfk"lt{stf{ 5gf}6 ug]{,
-3_ cfk"lt{stf{;uF ePsf] vl/b zt{ adf]lhd vl/b ug{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ ;"rgf lbg] .
-$_ ;/sf/L vl/b ;]jf ;~rfngsf nflu ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] 5'§}
vl/b lgb]{lzsf hf/L ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ o; lgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg pklgod -!_ adf]lhd
:yfkgf ePsf] sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] d"NoeGbf ahf/ d"No ;:tf] ePdf ahf/af6
vl/b ug{ o; lgoddf n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf kfg]{ 5}g .

!$%v= ==================

!$^= ljB'tLo ;+rf/ dfWodsf] k|of]uM -!_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] P]gsf] bkmf
^( sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu Pp6f dfq kf]6{n /xg] u/L ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLsf] :yfkgf,
;~rfng / Joj:yfkg ug]{5 .
 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .
 ;ftf} ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h .


-@_ ====================
-#_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b sfo{ ubf{ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf]
ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLsf] kf]6{ndf btf{ eO{ vl/b sf/afxL ;~rfng ug{' kg]{5 .
-$_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLaf6 x'g]
vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw, k|0ffnL / o;sf cGt/lglxt l;4fGt ;do ;dodf hf/L ug]{5 .
!$&= d"NofÍg ;ldlt M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf &! adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg ;ldltsf] u7g b]xfo
adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'v jf lghn] tf]s]sf] jl/i7 clws[t
-;Dej eP;Dd k|fljlws sd{rf/L_ – cWoIf
-v_ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] cfly{s k|zf;g zfvf k|d'v – ;b:o
-u_ ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt k|fljlws ljz]if1
-;Dej eP;Dd clws[t:t/_ – ;b:o
-3_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf sfg"g clws[tsf] b/aGbL /x]sf] eP
;f] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] sfg"g clws[t – ;b:o
-@_ vl/b PsfO{sf] k|d'vn] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] ;lrjsf] ?kdf sfd
ug]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg ;ldltn] ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'vsf]
:jLs[lt lnO{ ;/sf/L jf u}/ ;/sf/L If]qsf ljifo ljz]if1nfO{ cfkm\gf] a}7sdf cfdGq0f
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltnfO{ k/fdz{bftfsf] ;xof]u cfjZos ePdf
:jLs[t sfo{s|d / ah]6sf] cwLgdf /xL ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] P]g / o; lgodfjnLsf]
sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ k/fdz{bftf lgo'Qm u/L lbg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] b/efpkq, af]nkq jf k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{
sfddf cfkm"nfO{ ;xof]u ug{ pk;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ d"NofÍg ;ldltsf] ;lrjn] ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] dfOGo"6 tof/ u/L /fVg' kg]{5 /
;ldltdf 5nkmn ePsf ;Dk"0f{ ljifosf] kmfO{n v8f u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
-&_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] cfkm\gf] sfo{ljlw cfkm} lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .


-*_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] o; lgoddf pNn]v eP adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf]

k|d'v ;dIf d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
!$*= b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldlt M -!_ k|To]s lhNnfdf k"/} lhNnfe/L jf lhNnfsf] s'g} efudf 5'§}
nfu" x'g] u/L lgdf{0f ;fdu|L / 9'jfgLsf] b//]6, d]lzg tyf pks/0fsf] ef8f /
sfdbf/sf] Hofnf lglZrt ug{ b]xfosf ;b:ox? /x]sf] b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldlt /xg]5 M–
-s_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L – cWoIf
-v_ lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] lhNnf ;dGjo ;ldltsf]
;b:o Ps hgf – ;b:o
-u_ lhNnf ;dGjo clwsf/L – ;b:o
-3_ k|d'v, sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{no – ;b:o
-ª_ k|ltlglw, g]kfn lgdf{0f Joj;foL dxf;+3 – ;b:o
-r_ k|ltlglw, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 – ;b:o
-5_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] tf]s]sf] k|fljlws sd{rf/L – ;b:o–;lrj
-@_ b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] lgdf{0f ;fdu|L jf 9'jfgLsf] b//]6 lgwf{/0f ubf{ k|rlnt
ahf/ b/sf] cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg{]5 . o;/L lgwf{/0f ul/g] b//]6 c;f/ d;fGtleq
lgwf{/0f u/L ;Sg' kg{]5 .
t/ s'g} cfly{s jif{df lgdf{0f ;fdu|L jf 9'jfgLsf] b//]6 ;fljs d"Nodf bz
k|ltzt eGbf a9L a9\g uPdf ;ldltn] ;f]xL adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-@s_ o; lgod adf]lhd b//]6 lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;f] lhNnf;+Fu l;dfgf hf]l8Psf
lhNnfsf] b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] b//]6 ;d]tnfO{ cfwf/ lng' kg]{5 .
-#_ b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] k|To]s jif{ lhNnfdf rng rNtLdf /x]sf 9'jfgL
;fwgsf] 9'jfgL b/ ;d]t tf]lslbg' kg{]5 .
-$_ o; lgod adf]lhd lgwf{l/t b//]6sf] ;"rgf ;DalGwt k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln]
cfˆgf] lhNnfleqsf ;a} sfof{nox?df k7fO{ ;f]sf] hgfp ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{no, dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] sfof{no / ;DalGwt sf]if tyf n]vf lgoGqs sfof{nonfO{
lbg' kg]{5 .

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

5}7f}]+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-%_ b//]6 lgwf{/0f ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw ;ldlt cfkm}n] lgwf{/0f u/]
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!$(= vl/b sf/afxLsf] clen]v M -!_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] x/]s vl/b sf/afxLsf] lglDt 5'§}
kmfOn v8f u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] kmfOndf cGo sfuhftsf
cltl/Qm b]xfosf sfuhftx? /fVg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;Demf}tf kmfOnsf] k+lhsf,
-v_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] nflu ul/Psf] cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf,
-u_ af]nkq, k"j{ of]Uotf jf k|:tfj cfXjfg ;DaGwL sfuhftx?,
-3_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj
;DaGwL sfuhft ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftfn] :ki6Ls/0fsf] nflu u/]sf]]
cg'/f]w / ;f] ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;a} ;xefuL af]nkqbftf jf
k|:tfjbftfx?nfO{ k7fPsf] hjfkm,
-ª_ af]]nkqbftf jf k/fdz{bftf;Fu ul/Psf] af]nkq k]z ug'{ k"j{sf] a}7ssf]
dfOGo"6 / ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;f] dfOGo"6sf] k|ltlnlk ;a} ;xefuL
af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfx?nfO{ k7fPsf] k|df0f,
-r_ af]nkq vf]Nbfsf] dfOGo"6,
-5_ af]nkqsf] d"n k|lt,
-h_ af]nkq d"NofÍg ;ldltn] af]nkq d"NofÍgsf] l;nl;nfdf af]nkqbftf jf
k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;f]w]sf] k|Zg / ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfaf6
;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ k7fPsf] hjfkm,
-em_ k"j{ of]Uo ePsf af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf d"NofÍgsf] k|ltj]bg,
-`_ k"j{ of]Uo af]nkqbftfsf] ;"rL,
-6_ jftf{ ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] dfOGo"6,
-7_ ;kmn af]nkqbftfnfO{ k7fOPsf] :jLs[ltsf] k|f/lDes ;"rgfsf] k|ltlnlk,
-8_ c;kmn af]nkqbftfx?nfO{ k7fOPsf] ;"rgfsf] k|ltlnlk,
-9_ vl/b ;DaGwdf k|sflzt ;a} ;"rgf,


-0f_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf k|d'v ;dIf / k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lbPsf]

lgj]bg / ;f]sf ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k]z u/]sf] /fo
k|ltlqmof, hfgsf/L tyf ;f] ;DaGwdf ePsf] lg0f{o,
-t_ vl/b ;Demf}tf,
-y_ k|ult k|ltj]bg, OGEjfO; / lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg h:tf vl/b ;Demf}tfsf]
sfof{Gjog;Fu ;DalGwt sfuhft,
-b_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] eP ;f] ;DaGwL sfuhft,
-w_ dfn;fdfg k|flKt, lg/LIf0f / :jLs[lt nufotsf sfuhft,
-g_ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;Fu ePsf
;Dk"0f{ kqfrf/,
-k_ ;a–sG6«ofS6/sf] cg'/f]w / ;f] ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lbPsf]
-km_ d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg / ;f];Fu ;DalGwt ;Dk"0f{ sfuhft, /
-a_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{ ePsf] sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt
sfuhft .
-#_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] clen]v vl/b sf/afxL 6'+uf] nfu]sf] sDtLdf ;ft
jif{;Dd ;'/lIft /fVg' kg]{5 .
-$_ o; lgod adf]lhd clen]v /fVbf o; lgodfjnLdf To:tf] clen]vsf] 9fFrf
lgwf{/0f ul/Psf]df ;f]xL adf]lhd / 9fFrf lgwf{/0f gePsf]]df ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] 9fFrf adf]lhd /fVg' kg]{5 .
-%_ o; lgod adf]lhd clen]v /fVbf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k|To]s ef}lts
;Dkltsf] clen]v /fVg' kg]{5 .
-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhd clen]v /fVbf To:tf] ;Dkltsf] d"No krf; nfv
?k}+ofFeGbf a9L /x]5 eg] ;f] ;Dkltsf] nfut d"No, x|f;s6\6L / dd{t ;Def/ vr{
;lxtsf] ljj/0f v'nfpg' kg]{5 .

-&_ ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkqsf] dfWodaf6 ul/g] vl/b sfo{sf] ;Demf}tf
sfof{Gjog eO{ ;s]kl5 ;f] sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f k|dfl0ft u/L ;DalGwt

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf] j]a;fO6df /fvL ;fj{hlgs

ug{' kg]{5 .
!%)= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg M -!_ P]g / o; lgodfjnLdf Joj:yf ePsf nfut cg'dfg
;+zf]wg ug]{, vl/b ;Demf}tf ;+zf]wg ug]{, vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb yk ug]{ / e]l/Pzg
cfb]z ug]{ clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df plNnlvt clwsf/x? afx]s o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd Joj:yf
ePsf c? clwsf/x? ;f] clwsf/ k|of]u ug]{ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] cfkm" d'lgsf] s'g}
clws[tnfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|Tofof]hg ePsf] clwsf/sf ;DaGwdf To;/L clwsf/
k|Tofof]hg ug]{ clwsf/Lsf] pQ/bfloTj /lx/xg]5 .
-$_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ug]{ clwsf/Ln] cfkm"n] k|Tofof]hg
u/]sf] clwsf/ adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfdsf] ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt clwsf/Laf6 ;do
;dodf cfjZos hfgsf/L lnO{ /fVg' kg]{5 .
!%!= 9fFrf tf]Sg ;Sg] M ;fj{hlgs cg'udg sfof{nosf] l;kmfl/;df g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn
/fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L dfn;fdfgsf]] nfut cg'dfg, k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut
cg'dfg, cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg nufot o; lgodfjnL adf]lhdsf] s'g} ljifosf]
9Ffrf tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
!%@= cg';"rLdf x]/km]/ jf yk36 M g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L
cg';"rLdf cfjZos yk36 jf x]/km]/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!%#= vf/]hL tyf arfp M -!_ cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)%^ sf] kl/R5]b–&, *,
!# / !& vf/]h ul/Psf 5g\ .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd vf/]h ul/Psf Joj:yf adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfd
sf/afxL o;} lgodfjnL adf]lhd eP u/]sf] dflgg]5 .


-lgod !) sf] pklgod -&_ ;+Fu ;DalGwt_
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfgsf] 9fFrf

-s_ cfO6dsf] b//]6 lgsfNg] tl/sf M

>ldsx?sf] vr{ ===================================================================== -s_
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lsf] vr{ ============================================================== -v_
oflGqs pks/0fsf] ef8f -t}No kbfy{ ;lxt_=================================== -u_
cfO6dsf] b//]6 -s + v + u_ Ö -3_
af]nkqbftfsf] cf]e/x]8 -3 sf] !% k|ltzt_ Ö )=!% × -3_
hDdf b//]6 -ª_ Ö !=!% × -3_

-v_ nfut cg'dfg lgsfNg] tl/sf M

qm=;+= cfO6d PsfO cfO6dsf] cfO6dsf] cfO6dsf]
hDdf b//]6 hDdf kl/df0f hDdf vr{
! cfO6d -!_ -r_ -6_ -r_ × -6_
@ cfO6d -@_ -5_ -7_ -5_ × -7_
# cfO6d -#_ -h_ -8_ -h_ × -8_
=== OToflb

hf]8 -j_ Ö -r × 6 + 5 × 7 + h × 8 + =====_

js{ rfh{ :6fkm vr{ – -j_ sf] @ k|ltzt Ö )=)@) × -j_
;fgfltgf cGo vr{ – -j_ sf] @ k|ltzt Ö )=)@) × -j_
hDdf nfut cg'dfg cÍ -t_ Ö !=)$ × -j_


b|i6Jo M
-s_ af]nkqsf] cÍnfO{ t'ngf ubf{ nfut cg'dfg cÍ -j_ nfO{ dflgg' kg]5
{ .
-v_ pko'Q
{ m cg'';f/ nfut cg'dfg tof/ ul/;s]kl5 cfof]hgf÷sfo{qmdsf] ah]6
Aoj:yfkgsf] nflu cfjZostf cg';f/ nfut cg'dfgdf d"No ;dfof]hg slG6Gh]G;L
afkt bz k|ltztn] / lkmlhsn slG6Gh]G;L afkt bz k|ltztn] cfof]hgf÷sfo{qmdsf]
hDdf nfutdf yk ug'{ kg]{5 .
-u_ js{ rfh{, :6fkm vr{, ;fgfltgf cGo vr{ / lkmlhsn slG6Gh]G;L vr{ ug]{ ;Gbe{df
;DalGwt dGqfno jf s]Gb|Lo lgsfoaf6 sfo{ljlw :jLs[t u/fO{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-3_ cfof]hgf÷ sfo{qmdsf] nfut cg'dfg :jLs[lt / vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu
hf]8 -j_ df d"No clej[l4 s/ / ljleGg slG6Gh]G;Lx? hf]8L x'g cfpg] s'n nfut
cg'dfgnfO{ dflgg]5 .


-lgod !@ sf] pklgod -$_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfgsf] 9fFrf

;]jf vr{ zLif{s -s_ PsfO zLif{ssf] k|lt zLif{ssf] hDdf zLif{ssf] hDdf
-v_ OsfO b/ -u_ kl/df0f -3_ nfut -ª_
zLif{s -!_ -ª!_ Ö -u×3_
hgzlQmsf] kfl/>lds -ª!_
zLif{s -@_
e|d0f, a;f]af;, dfn;fdfg -ª@_ Ö -u×3_
jf pks/0f jf ;]jf
nufotsf ;f]wegf{ x'g] vr{
zLif{s -#_ -ª#_ Ö -u×3_
tflnd, uf]i7L, sfuhft
5kfO{ jf cg'jfb nufotsf
cGo km'6s/ vr{ -ª#_
hDdf nfut cg'dfg -r_ -r_ Ö
sfof{nosf] Joj:yfkg vr{ -5_ Ö -r×)=)$_
-rf/ k|ltzt_ -5_
s"n nfut cg'dfg cÍ -h_ -h_ Ö -r±5_

5}7f}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


b|i6Jo M
-s_ af]nkqsf] t'ngfsf] nflu hDdf nfut cg'dfg cÍ -r_ x'g]5 .
-v_ kfl/>lds vr{ -ª!_, ;f]wegf{ x'g] vr{ -ª@_ / cGo km'6s/ vr{ -ª#_ sf] lj:t[t
ljj/0f tof/ u/L o; nfut cg'dfg kmf/fdsf] ;fydf /fvL k|:t't ug'{ kg]{5 .
-u_ pko'Q
{ m cg';f/ nfut cg'dfg tof/ ul/;s]kl5 ah]6 Joj:yfkgsf] nflu cfjZostf
cg';f/ hDdf nfut cg'dfgdf d"No ;dfof]hg slG6Gh]G;L afkt bz k|ltztn],
ljleGg s/ afkt bz k|ltztn] / d"No clej[l4 s/ /sd ;d]t yk u/L s"n nfut
cg'dfg cÍ sfod ug'{ kg]{5 .
-3_ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg :jLsl[t / vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu hf]8 -
r_ df d"No clej[l4 s/ / ljleGg slG6h]G;Lx? tyf sfof{nosf] Joj:yfkg vr{
hf]8L x'g cfpg] s'n nfut cg'dfgnfO{ dflgg]5 .
-ª_ sfof{no Joj:yfkg vr{ ug]{ ;Gbe{df ;DalGwt dGqfno jf s]Gb|Lo lgsfoaf6
sfo{ljwL :jLs[t u/fO{ ;f] cg';f/ vr{ ug'{ kg]{5 .


-lgod !^ sf] pklgod # sf] v08 -r_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
g]kfn ;/sf/
======================== dGqfno
================================ sfof{no
k|lttkq clen]v vftf
vftf kfgf g+=
+l;=g+= k|lttkq k|lttkq /sd ljifo cjlw k|lttkq aGb Dofb yk aGb k]ZsL ;fdfg pTklQ ePsf] s}lkmot
vf]lng] g+= / vf]n]sf] x'g] u/]sf] ldlt ePsf] vftf b]z pTkfbg ePsf]
kmd{sf] ldlt a}Ísf] gfd / ldlt ldlt kfgf g+= ldlt / df]8]n
gfd 7]ufgf

r9fpg]sf] gfd y/ M– k|dfl0ft ug]{sf] gfd y/ M–

;xL M– ;xL M–
ldlt M– ldlt M–

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-lgod !* sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ x'gsf nflu lbOg] lgj]bgsf] 9fFrf

>L sfof{no k|d'vHo" ldlt======================

================================== .

ljifo M df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ u/L kfpF .

;fj{hlgs vl/b lgodfjnL, @)^$ sf] lgod !* sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd tklzndf
plNnlvt ljj/0f cg';f/sf]] k'i6\ofO{ ug]{ sfuhft ;+nUg u/L df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ x'g of]
lgj]bg k]z u/]sf] 5' .
tklzn M
!= df}h'bf ;"rLsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg] JolQm, ;+:yf, cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf
jf ;]jf k|bfossf] ljj/0f M
-s_ gfd M -v_ 7]ufgf M
-u_ kqfrf/ ug]{ 7]ufgf M -3_ d'Vo JolQmsf] gfd M
-ª_ 6]lnkmf]g g++= M r_ df]jfO{n g+= M
@= df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ x'gsf] nflu lgDg adf]lhdsf] k|df0fkq ;+nUg ug'{xf]nf .
-s_ ;+:yf jf kmd{ btf{sf] k|df0fkq 5 5}g
-v_ gljs/0f ul/Psf] 5 5}g
-u_ d"No clej[l4 s/ jf :yfoL n]vf gDj/ btf{sf] k|df0fkq 5 5}g
-3_ s/ r'Stfsf] k|df0fkq 5 5}g
-ª_ s'g vl/bsf] nflu df}h'bf ;"rLdf bftf{ x'g lgj]bg lbg] xf], ;f] sfdsf] nflu Ohfht kq
cfjZos kg]{ ePdf ;f] sf] k|ltlnlk 5 5}g

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


#= ;fj{hlgs lgsfoaf6 x'g] vl/bsf] nflu btf{ x'g rfx]sf] vl/bsf] k|s[ltsf] ljj/0f M
-s_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ M -v_ lgdf{0f sfo{
-dfn;fdfgsf] k|s[lt
;d]t pNn]v ug]{_
-u_ k/fdz{ ;]jf M -3_ cGo ;]jf M
-k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|s[lt -cGo ;]jfsf]
;d]t pNn]v ug]{_ k|s[lt pNn]v ug]{_
lgj]bg lbPsf] ldlt M kmd{sf] 5fk M lgj]bssf] gfd M
cf= j= M x:tfIf/ M


-lgod !* sf] pklgod -@_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ ePsf] lg:;fsf] 9fFrf

g]kfn ;/sf/
======= dGqfno
======================== ljefu
>L ====================================== sfof{no
======================================= .

df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ ePsf] k|df0f

k|=k=g+= M
;"rL btf{ g+= M

>L===========================================================af6 o; lhNnf l:yt ;/sf/L sfof{nox¿df

cfly{s jif{ ==============sf nflu=========================lgdf0f{ sfo{÷ ;]jf÷dfn;fdfg pknAw
u/fpg] k|of]hgfy{ df}h'bf ;"rLdf ;"rLs[t x'g kfpF egL ldlt =========================== df o;
sfof{nodf lgj]bg k|fKt x'g cfPsf] df}h'bf ;"rLdf btf{ u/L of] lg:;f÷k|df0f pknAw
u/fOPsf] 5 .
btf{ ug]{ clwsf/Lsf],-
gfd M
kb M
ldlt M
b:tvt M

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cg';"rL –@u=
-lgod !* sf] pklgod -#_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
df}h'bf ;"rLsf] clen]v btf{ k'l:tsfsf] 9fFrf
g]kfn ;/sf/
======= dGqfno
>L ======================================sfof{no
======================================= .
df}h'bf ;"rLsf] clen]v btf{ k'l:tsf
-cfly{s jif{ ===========_
l;=g+= btf{ g+= btf{ ldlt JolQm÷kmd{sf] ljj/0f sfdsf] ljj/0f -lgdf{0f, dfn;fdfg÷;]jf s}lkmot
gfd 7]ufgf ;Dks{ ;Dks{ g+= dfn;fdfg, k/fdz{ ;]jf, sf] k|s[lt
JolQm u}=;=;=,cGo ;]jf_

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cg';"rL – #
-lgod @! sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf

dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps
;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ vf; dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ ;Demf}tfM s'g} vf; sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{
sRrf kbfy{, pks/0f, kmdf{:o'l6sN;, cf}iflw, cf}hf/ jf cGo o:t} ljz]if k|s[ltsf
dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{sf] nflu vf; dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 .

-v_ ;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tfM vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt dfn;fdfg jf cGo

;]jf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] dfu u/]sf] ;dodf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt b/ / zt{
adf]lhd Ps jf Ps eGbf a9L cfk"lt{stf{af6 k|fKt ug]{ Joj:yf ug{sf] nflu
;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tfdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ug]{ dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf]
Go"gtd / clwstd kl/df0f v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
of]] ;Demf}tf ;fdfGotof Ps jif{ eGbf j9L cjlwsf] x'g] 5}g .

-u_ ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tfM b]xfosf] cj:yfdf ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 M–

-s_ jflif{s vl/b ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug'{ eGbf ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b
ubf{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ ;f/e"t ?kdf nfe x'g] ePdf,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlwdf vl/bsf] kl/df0f ;f/e"t ?kdf yk36 gx'g]
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf cjlwe/ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf] l8hfOg kl/jt{g
gx'g] ePdf, /
-3_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{;uF ;DalGwt k|fljlws hf]lvd a9L gePdf .


-3_ l8hfOg, cfk"lt{ / h8fg ;Demf}tf M 7"nf kfj/ KnfG6 jf kDkLª :6]zg h:tf pRr jf
hl6n k|ljlw o'Qm dfn;fdfgsf] l8hfOg ug]{, lgdf{0f:yndf cfk"lt{ u/L h8fg ug]{,
k/LIf0f ;~rfng ug]{ / To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] ;~rfng ug{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs
lgsfosf sd{rf/LnfO{ cfjZostfg';f/ tfnLd lbg] Joj:yf ug{ l8hfOg, cfk"lt{ /
h8fg ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . o:tf] ;Demf}tf l8hfOg, cfk"lt{ / h8fg sfo{ dWo] s'g}
b'O{ sfo{ ug{sf] nflu ;d]t ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-ª_ 6g{ sL ;Demf}tfM dnvfb pTkfbg ug]{, b'Uw k|zf]wg ug]{ h:tf pRr k|ljlwo'Qm
cf}Bf]lus KnfG6sf] sfo{;Dkfbg Ifdtf pNn]v u/L To:tf] KnfG6sf] l8hfOg, cfk"lt{,
lgdf{0f / h8fg sfo{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd ;DkGg u/L ;fj{hlgs
lgsfonfO{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ug{sf] nflu 6g{ sL ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
gf]6M v08 -s_, -v_, -3_ / -ª_ adf]lhdsf ;Demf}tf jx'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ;d]t x'g
;Sg]5 .

-r_ l8hfO{g, cfk"lt{, h8fg / dd{t ;Def/ ;Demf}tf M 7"nf af]On/, 7"nf kfj/ KnfG6,
klDkª :6]zg, 6af{Og, /Hh'dfu{, /]ndfu{, s]ansf/, P;]DanLnfOg, cf}Bf]lus KnfG6
h:tf pRr jf hl6n k|ljlw o'Qm dfn;fdfgsf] l8hfOg ug]{, lgdf{0f :yndf cfk"lt{
u/L h8fg ug]{, k/LIf0f ;~rfng ug]{, To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] ;~rfng ug{ ;DalGwt
;fj{hlgs lgsfosf sd{rf/LnfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ tfnLd lbg] / To:tf] ;+/rgfsf]
dd{t ;Def/ ;d]t ug]{ Joj:yf ug{ l8hfOg, cfk"lt{, h8fg / dd{t ;Def/ ;Demf}tf
ug{ ;lsg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cg';"rL – $
-lgod @@ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b ;Demf}tf

;fj{hlgs lgsfon] s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf] nflu b]xfosf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps
;Demf}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf M lgdf{0f sfo{sf] kl/df0f ;Demf}tf x'Fbfsf avt olsg gePsf] jf
lgdf{0f sfo{ k|lt PsfO{ sfo{ lan ckm SjflG66Ldf plNnlvt b/df u/fpg] Joj:yf
ug{ PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . o:tf] PsfO{ b/df af]nkqbftfn] k|:tfljt
lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ cfjZos kg]{ ;fdu|L, >d / cGo s'/f ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
;fj{hlgs lgsfon] o; ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ePsf] sfd jfkt e'QmfgL ubf{
lgdf{0f:ynsf] gfk hfFraf6 olsg ePsf]] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] kl/df0fnfO{ k|lt PsfO{ b/n]
u0fgf u/L x'g cfpg] /sd e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]{5 .

-v_ Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tfM e"ldut kfgLsf] kfOknfOg h8fg h:tf gfk hfFr ug{ sl7g
x'g] lgdf{0f sfo{{ jf k'nsf] ;+/rgf h:tf gfk hfFr ug{ ;lsg] lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg
Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tf ubf{ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DaGwL ;a}
k|sf/sf hf]lvd / bfloTj lgdf{0f Joj;foLdf /xg] u/L ug'{ kg]{5 .
t/ ;Demf}tf eO{ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;'? ePkl5 ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] lgdf{0fdf s'g}
lsl;dsf] kl/jt{g ug{ cfb]z lbPsf] sf/0fn] lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] cfly{s bfloTj j[l 4
ePdf To:tf] bfloTj ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] Joxf]g'{ kg]{5 .

-u_ nfut ;f]wegf{ ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd ug{
d~h'/ gug]{ jf ug{ g;Sg] 7"nf] hf]lvdo'Qm / sfd ug]{ kl/l:ylt k"jf{g'dfg ug{
g;lsg] k|s[ltsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf nflu nfut ;f]wegf{ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tf u/L ul/g] lgdf{0f sfo{ jfkt lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ e'QmfgL lb+bf lghn]
To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ u/]sf] jf:tljs vr{, ;f] sfo{sf]] lz/f]ef/ vr{ / :jLs[t


nfut cg'dfgdf pNn]v ePsf] d'gfkmf ykL x'g cfPsf] /sd e'QmfgL lbg ;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tf u/L lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpFbf ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|d'vn] nfut ;f]wegf{sf]
clwstd /sdsf] ;Ldf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 / ;f] ;Ldf eGbf a9L nfut ;f]wegf{ lbg'
kg]{ ePdf ljefuLo k|d'vsf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .

-3_ ;do / ;fdu|L b/ ;Demf}tfM vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{] ;dodf s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] dd{t
;Def/ ug{ nfUg] >d / ;fdu|Lsf] k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsg] eO{ >dnfO{ ;dosf]
cfwf/df / ;fdu|LnfO{ PsfO{ b/sf] cfwf/df u0fgf u/L sfd u/fpgsf] nflu ;do /
;fdu|L b/ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tf ubf{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ b]xfo
adf]lhd e'QmfgL x'g] s'/f :ki6?kdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] >dnfO{ k|lt306f jf k|lt lbg jf k|lt dlxgfsf]
cfwf/df ljefhg u/L x'g cfPsf] /sddf lz/f]ef/ vr{ / :jLs[t nfut
cg'dfgdf pNn]v ePsf] d'gfkmf hf]8\bf x'g cfpg] /sd, /
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt /sdsf] ;Ldfleq /xL dd{t ;Def/ ug{
nfu]sf] ;fdu|Lsf] d"Nosf] e'QmfgL /sd .

-ª_ l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tfM s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l8hfOg / lgdf{0f Pp6} lgdf{0f
Joj;foLaf6 u/fpgsf] nflu l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . ;fj{hlgs
lgsfon] o; ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;'? ubf{ k|fljlws jf k|fljlwsx?sf] ;d"xnfO{
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l8hfOg hfFRg nufO{ :jLs[t u/]kl5 dfq ;'? ug'{ kg]{5 . To;/L
l8hfOg hfFr ug]{ k|fljlws jf k|fljlwsx?sf] ;d"xn] To:tf] l8hfOg, 8«O{ª tyf
nfut cg'dfg hfFr / :jLs[t ubf{ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd hfFr tyf :jLs[t ug]{
sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ hFfr tyf :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{5 .

-r_ Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f sfo{sf] u'0f:t/ / ;DkGg ug]{ cjlw ;DaGwL sfg"gL Pj+
;Demf}tfhGo bfloTj ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] g}
jxg ug]{ u/L To:tf] sfo{ lghsf] ;'kl/j]If0f jf Joj:yfkgdf ljleGg ;j–
sG6«ofS6/åf/f u/fpgsf nflu Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .


of] ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfdsf] e'QmfgL ;fj{hlgs lgsfo;Fu ;Demf}tf ug]{

lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ dfq lbOg]5 .

-5_ sfo{;Dkfbgdf cfwfl/t dd{t ;Def/ jf Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tfM s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf]
dd{t ;Def/ jf Joj:yfkg ug{{ cfjZos kg]{ pks/0f / ljleGg PsfO{ hGo
-cfO6djfOh_ sfo{ pNn]v gu/L clGtd sfo{;Dkfbg dfq pNn]v u/L To:tf] lgdf{0f
sfo{ u/fpgsf] nflu sfo{;Dkfbgdf cfwfl/t ;Def/ jf Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 .

-h_ lk;js{ ;Demf}tfM k6s] ?kdf u/fO{ /xg' kg]{ ;fgfltgf ;Def/ / dd{t ;DaGwL lgdf{0f
sfo{ cfjZos k/]sf avt u/fpgsf] nflu To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] d"No ;"rL sfod
u/L lk; js{ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
o; ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw ;fdfGotof Ps jif{ eGbf a9Lsf] x'g] 5}g .

-em_ lgdf{0f / dd{t ;Def/ ;Demf}tf M 7"nf ›'tdfu{, 7"nf hnfzo ;lxtsf] kfj/ KnfG6 jf
klDkª :6]zg jf 6af{Og, /Hh'dfu{, /]ndfu{, s]ansf/ jf o:t} cGo pRr jf hl6n
k|ljlwo'Qm ef}lts ;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f ug{, k/LIf0f ;~rfng ug]{, To:tf] ;+/rgfsf]
;~rfng ug{ ;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf sd{rf/LnfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ tfnLd
lbg] / To:tf] ;+/rgfsf] dd{t ;Def/ ;d]t ug]{ Joj:yf ug{ lgdf{0f / dd{t ;Def/
;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

-`_ 6g{sL ;Demf}tf : 7"nf ›'tdfu{, 7"nf hnfzo ;lxtsf] kfj/ KnfG6 jf klDkª :6]zg
jf 6af{Og, /Hh'dfu{, /]ndfu{, s]ansf/, pRr k|ljlwo'Qm k'n jf ;8sdfu{ jf o:t}
cGo pRr jf hl6n k|ljlwo'Qm ef}lts ;+/rgfsf] lgdf{0f ug{, k/LIf0f ;~rfng ug]{,
To:tf] ;+/rgfsf] ;~rfng ug]{ sfo{ ;DkGg u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{
Joj:yf ug{sf] nflu 6g{sL ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cg';"rL – %
-lgod @# ;Fu ;DalGwt_

k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf

;fj{hlgs lgsfon] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{sf] nflu b]xfosf ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps
;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 M
-s_= Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tfM ;DefJotf cWoog, cfof]hgfsf] l8hfOg, af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftsf] tof/L h:tf :ki6?kdf klxrfg ePsf], k/fdz{bftfdf Go"g hf]lvd /xg] /
u'0f:t/ dfkg ;lhn};uF ug{ ;lsg] sfdsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf lng Psd'i6 ;Demf}tf
ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tfdf k/fdz{bftfn] lgwf{l/t ;dofjlwleq sfo{If]qut zt{df
plNnlvt k|fljlws ljz]iftf ePsf] sfd u/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfo ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z
ug'{ kg]{ / ;f] jfkt lghn] ;]jf z'Ns kfpg] s'/f pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 .

-v_ ;doj¢ ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug]{], 7"nf Joj;flos ;+:yfsf] Joj:yfkg
ug]{ jf jfFw, ;'?Ë h:tf h6Ln ;+/rgfsf] l8hfOg ug]{ h:tf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] cjlw
cg'dfg ug{ g;lsg] ePdf To:tf] sfdsf] nflu ;doj¢ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of]
;Demf}tfdf k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf z'Ns b]xfo adf]lhd to x'g] s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ k/fdz{bftfnfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ug{{ jf:tljs ?kdf
nfu]sf] ;don] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt kfl/>ldssf] b/nfO{ u'0fg u/L cfpg]
-v_ lan e/kfO{ cg';f/sf] jf:tljs k'm6s/ vr{sf] ;f]wegf{ /sd .

-u_ sfo{ ;DkGgtfsf] cfwf/df z'Ns lbOg] ;Demf}tfM vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ePsf] sfo{
ug{ k/fdz{bftfnfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] ;dodf af]nfpg] u/L jf lghn] ;DkGg u/]sf]
sfo{sf] cfwf/df ;]jf z'Ns lbg] u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf lng' kbf{ sfo{ ;DkGgtfsf] cfwf/df
z'Ns lbOg] ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf z'Ns To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf
pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g]5 .


-3_ k|ltztdf cfwfl/t ;Demf}tfM dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f ug]{ ;]jf, cfls{6]S6sf] ;]jf,
;'kl/j]If0f jf cg'udg ;]jf jf cGo o:t} k|s[ltsf ;]jf vl/b ug{ k|ltztdf cfwfl/t
;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tfdf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;]jf z'Ns lb+bf ;DalGwt
lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cfof]hgfsf] cg'dflgt jf jf:tljs nfut jf vl/b ul/Psf] jf
lg/LIf0f ul/Psf] dfn;fdfgsf] nfutsf] k|ltzt cg';f/ lbOg] s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .

-ª_ ;]jf ;do lglZrt gePsf] ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f sfo{ ;~rfngdf Nofpgsf nflu ;do
;dodf cfjZos kg]{ ;Nnfxsf/, vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL ljjfb lg?k0fstf{ jf
dWo:ystf{, ;+:yfut ;'wf/ jf vl/b ;DaGwL k/fdz{bftf, k|fljlws ;d:of
;dfwfgstf{ h:tf vf; sfdsf] ;DaGwdf cfjZos k/]sf] ;dodf k/fdz{ ;]jf
lngsf] nflu ;]jf ;do lglZrt gePsf] ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5M–
-s_ k/fdz{bftfn] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt sfd ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ cfjZos
k/]sf] ;dodf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt b/df ug{' kg]{,
-v_ k/fdz{bftfnfO{ sfd ug{ jf:tljs ?kdf nfu]sf] ;dosf] cfwf/df
kfl/>lds e'QmfgL ul/g] .


-lgod *&s=sf] pklgod -@_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

lghL If]q;Fu k|lt:kwf{ u/L Jofkfl/s sf/f]jf/ ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfox¿

!= g]kfn b"/ ;~rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8

@= g]kfn vfB ;+:yfg
#= g]zgn 6«]l8Ë lnld6]8
$= g]kfn jfo';]jf lgud
%= hgs lzIff ;fdu|L s]G› lnld6]8
^= g]kfn cf}iflw lnld6]8
&= l;+xb/af/ j}Bvfgf ljsf; ;ldlt
*= h8La'6L pTkfbg tyf k|zf]wg sDkgL lnld6]8
(= g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfo

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


cg';"rL – ^
-lgod ** sf] pklgod -#_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
g]kfn ;/sf/
=============================== dGqfno
==================================== ljefu÷sfof{no
/fzgsf] nfut cg'dfg ljj/0f
/fzg cfjZos kg]{ sfof{noM
sfof{no /x]sf] :yfgM
l;=g++= vfBfGg /fzgsf] PsfO{ kl/df0f ut cf=j=sf] g]=/f=a}Ísf] :yfgLo ;DalGwt s[lif pkhsf] :jLs[t nfut cg'dfg s}lkmot
sf] ljj/0f lsl;d÷ :jLs[lt b/ d"No ;"rL b/ ahf/ b/ d"No lgwf{/0f ug]{ k|lt PsfO{ s'n nfut
u'0f:t/ ;/sf/L lgsfosf] b/ b/ cg'dfg

k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/LM
lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{noM


cg';"rL –&
-lgod *( sf] pklgod -$_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
g]kfn ;/sf/
=============================== dGqfno
==================================== ljefu÷sfof{no
/fzg vl/b ;DaGwL t'ngfTds tflnsf
lhNnf :yfg
l;=g++= vfBfGgsf] PsfO{ cfjZos ut jif{sf] :jLs[t nfut o; jif{sf] 7]Ssf s}lkmot
ljj/0f kl/df0f 7]Ssf b/ cg'dfg b/ ! @ #
b/ s'n b/ s'n b/ s'n b/ s'n
/sd /sd /sd /sd


-lgod !!! sf] pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -h!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

lgdf{0f sfo{:yn ;"rgf kf6L

cfof]hgfsf] gfd =============================================

;DalGwt ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] gfd M================================================
lgdf{0f sDkgL÷kmd{÷;+:yfsf] gfd M==========================================7]ufgf M========================
k/fdz{bftf sDkgL÷kmd{÷;+:yfsf] gfd M ==========================7]ufgf M=================================
cfof]hgf ;Demf}tf ldlt M========================== sfo{ k|f/De ePsf] ldlt M=============================
;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ ldlt M=============================== nfut cg'dfg /sd M=================================
;Demf}tf /sd M======================================
ah]6sf] ;|f]t M g]kfn ;/sf/ ¿= M==============, a}b]lzs C0f÷cg'bfg ¿= M======================

d'Vo d'Vo sfdsf] ;do tflnsf M

d'Vo d'Vo sfdsf] ;DkGg x'g] lgwf{l/t ;dodf ;DkGg yk nfUg] s}lkmot
l;= g+=
ljj/0f ;dofjlw gePsf] eP ;f] sf] sf/0f ;do

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

kl/R5]b — !
qm=;+= ljifo kfgf g+=
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De !
@= kl/efiff !
#= ljlgodfjnLsf] JofVof ug]{ clwsf/ ^
$= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ^
%= k|zf;sLo cfb]z lbg] clwsf/ ^
kl/R5]b — @
s]Gb|Lo sf]if tyf vftf ;+rfng ;DaGwL Joj:yf
^= k|flws/0fsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]if / vftf &
&= k|flws/0fsf] cfDbfgL &
*= ljljw sf]ifsf] Joj:yf *
(= w/f}6l vftf *
!)= sfo{ ;+rfng :t/ vftf ;DaGwL Joj:yf !)
!!= lx;fa cBfalws /fVg] !)
kl/R5]b — #
aflif{s sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 th'd{ f ug]{ / :jLs[lt ug]{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!@= bL3sfnLg of]hgf tof/ ug{ ;Sg] !!
!#= aflif{s sfo{qmd / ah]6 k]z ug]{ !!
!$= aflif{s sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 :jLs[t ug]{ !!
!%= k]ZsL ah]6 :jLs[t ug{ ;lsg] !@
!^= /sdfGt/ ug{ ;lsg] !@
!&= k'/s ah]6 !@
kl/R5]b — $
ah]6 /sdsf] lgsf;f tyf vr{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!*= ah]6 /sdsf] lgsf;f !#
!(= vr{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf !#
@)= cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ubf{ k/fdz{ lng' kg]{ !%
@!= ;fgf] gubL sf]if /fVg ;lsg] !%
@@= ah]6 sfof{Gjog k|ult ;dLIff !^
kl/R5]b — %
n]vf, n]vfk/LIf0f / a]?h' km5\Øf}6{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
@#= n]vf l;4fGt, n]vfdfg, n]vf+sg ljlj / ljQLo ljj/0f !&
@$= s]Gb|Lo n]vf tyf ljQLo ljj/0f !*
@%= n]vf / n]vfsf] ljj/0f bflvnf ug]{ ;do !(
@^= cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL !(
@&= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt !(
@*= cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf @)
@(= s/ n]vfk/LIf0f @#
#)= sfo{;Dkfbg n]vfk/LIf0f @#
#!= ljz]if jf csl:ds n]vf k/LIf0f jf 5fgljg u/fpg ;Sg] @#
#@= a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f @$
##= a]?h" km5\Øf}6{ tyf cg'udg Joj:yf @$
kl/R5]b — ^
;DklQsf] lhDdf, nut ;+/If0f / a/a'emf/y
#$= ;DklQsf] lhDdf / ;+/If0f @&
#%= ;DklQsf] nut @&
#^= l:y/ ;DklQ, rfn' k"hLut sfo{sf] ef}lts k/LIf0f @&
#&= lhG;L ;fdfgsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f @(
#*= lhG;L ;fdfgsf] n]vf+sg tyf clen]vg Joj:yf #!
#(= lhG;L e08f/0f Joj:yf #!
$)= JolQmut lhDdfdf /xg] ;DklQsf] clen]v #@
$!= x:tfGt/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf #@
$@= x|f; s§L ;DaGwL Joj:yf ##
$#= k|flws/0fsf] ;DklQsf] ladf ug]{ Joj:yf ##
$$= a'/a'emf/y ug'{ kg]{ ##
kl/R5]b — &
lnnfd laqmL tyf ldGxf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
$%= lnlvt cfb]z ljgf lnnfd ljqmL ug{ gx'g] #%
$^= lnnfd ug]{ Joj:yf #%
$&= a9fa9af6 lnnfd ljqmL ug]{ Joj:yf #&
$* lnnfd a9fa9sf] :jLs[tL #*
$(= af]nkq cfJxfgaf6 lnnfd ljqmL ug]{ Joj:yf #*
%)= lnnfd ljqmLsf] af]nkq vf]Ng] #(
%!= lnnfd ljqmL ;DaGwL af]nkqsf] :jLs[tL #(
%@= cGo sfo{ljlw $)
%# ldGxf tyf nut s§f ;DaGwL Joj:yf $)
kl/R5]b — *
k]ZsL tyf k]ZsL km5\Øf}6{
%$= k]ZsL lbg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf $@
%%= dfn;fdfg v/Lb tyf dd{t ;DjGwL k]ZsL $@
%^= b}lgs tyf e|d0f eQf k]ZsL $#
%&= kmd{ jf ;+:yfnfO{ lbOg] k]ZsL $#
%*= d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t / ;+rfnsnfO{ k]ZsL $$
%(= k|lttkqåf/f dfn;fdfg lemsfpbfsf] k]ZsL $$
^)= k]ZsL km5Øf}6{+ ;DaGwL Joj:yf $$
^!= Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg] $%
^@= cl3Nnf] k]ZsL km5\Øf}6{ gx'b+ } yk k]ZsL lbg gx'g] $%
^#= k}ZsL :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L lhDd]jf/ x'g] $%
^$= ljefuLo sf/jfxL ul/g] $%
kl/R5]b — (
sfuhft w'Nofpg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf
^%= sfuhft w'Nofpg] $^
kl/R5]b — !)
kbflwsf/Lx?sf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL sfd tyf st{Jo
^^= d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] sfd tyf st{Jo $&
^&= ljefuLo k|dv
' sf] sfd tyf st{Jo $*

^*= sfof{no k|dv ' sf] sfd tyf st{Jo $*

^(= n]vf k|dv ' sf] sfd tyf st{Jo %)
&)= :6f]/ k|dv
' sf] sfd tyf st{Jo %!
&!= vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf] lhDd]jf/L tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Lsf] %!
kl/R5]b — !!
vl/b sf/jfxLsf] tof/L, vl/b of]hgf / nfut cg'dfg
&@= vl/b sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L %#

&#= vl/b sf/jfxLsf] tof/ ug'{ kg]{ %#

&$= vlb/ sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/L tf]Sg' kg]{ %#
&%= vl/b dfu k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ %$
&^= clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] cfb]z lagf vl/b ug{ gx'g] %$
&&= vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{ %$
&*= aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{ %$
&(= ah]6 tyf lgdf{0f:ynsf] Joj:yf %^
*)= dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ / ;]jfsf] ljj/0f tof/ ug'{ kg]{ %^
*!= dfn;fdfgsf] k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f %&
*@= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f %&
*#= cGo ;]jfsf] ljj/0fdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f %*
*$= nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{ %*
*%= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg %(
*^= dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfg %(
*&= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg ^)
**= cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg ^)
*(= ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cfwf/ kfng ug'{ kg]{ ^!
()= nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ljrf/ ug'{ kg]{ s'/f ^!
(!= df}hb' f ;"rL -:6flG8Ë lni6_ tof/ ug]{ ^!
(@= d"No clej[l4 s/ btf{ k|df0f kq ePsf;+u vl/b ug'k{ g]{ ^@
(#= g]kfndf pTkflbt dfn;fdfg vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ^@
kl/R5]b — !@
vl/b ljlw / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] 5gf}6
($= vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{ ^#
(%= vl/bnfO{ k|lt:kwf{ ;Lldt x'g] u/L 6'qmf 6'qmf ug{ gx'g] ^&
(^= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] 5gf}6 ^*
(&= dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ^*
(*= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ^*
((= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ^*
!))= zt{ /fVg ;lsg] ^*
kl/R5]b — !#
of]Uotfsf cfwf / k|fljlws Ifdtf
!)!= af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjsbftfsf] of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{ ^(
!)@= dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ ^(
!)#= dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft &)
!)$= lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ &)
!)%= lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft &!
!)^= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ &@
!)&= k|:tfjbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft &@
!)*= ;+oQ' m pkqmdsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ &@
!)(= cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf v'Ng] sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg] &#
!!)= ;j–sG6«fS6/af6 sfd u/fpg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf &#
kl/R5]b — !$
af]nkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!!!= af]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f vl/b ug'{ kg]{ &$
!!@= k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{ &$
!!#= k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f &%
!!$= k"j{ of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ &%
!!%= k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjsf] k/LIf0f &%
!!^= k|lta]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ &%
!!&= cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfJxfg ug]{ cj:yf &^
!!*= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug'{ kg]{ &^
!!(= e]befj ug{ gx'g] &*
!@)= Ph]G6sf] ljj/0f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ &*
!@!= af]nkqbftfsf] u|fXotf ;DaGwL cfwf/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ &(
!@@= af]nkqsf] efiff *)
!@#= af]nkqsf] d'bf| *)
!@$= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;dfa]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhft *)
!@%= af]nkqbftfnfO{ lgb]z { g *)
!@^= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft :jLs[t ug'{ kg]{ *!
!@&= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] b:t'/ *!
!@*= af]nkq cfXjfg *@
!@(= af]nkqsf] ;"rgfdf nfut cg'dfg v'nfpg' kg]{ *$
!#)= lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f *$
!#!= af]nkq jf k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ePsf] lålawf af/]sf] hfgsf/L *$
!#@= af]nkq k]z ug'{ k"js { f] a}7s *$
!##= af]nkq hdfgt *%
!#$= af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw *^
!#%= af]nkq k]z ug]{ tl/sf *&
!#^= af]nkq lkmtf{ tyf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg] *&
!#&= laqmL / btf{ lstfj /fVg' kg]{ **
!#*= af]nkqsf] ;'/Iff **
!#(= af]nkq vf]Ng] **
!$)= af]nkqsf] d"Nof°g *(
!$!= af]nkqsf] u|fXotfsf] k/LIf0f *(
!$@= af]nkqsf] k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0f *(
!$#= hfgsf/L dfu ug{ ;lsg] ()
!$$= af]nkq pk/ sf/afO{ gx'g] ()
!$%= c+sul0ftLo q'6L ;Rofpg] (@
!$^= af]nkqsf] d"Nof+°g k|of]hgsf] nflu Psn d'bf| sf] kl/0ft ug'{ kg]{ (@
!$&= af]nkqsf] k|fljlws kIfsf] d"Nof+°g (@
!$*= af]nkqsf] Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"Nof+°g (#
!$(= af]nkqsf] cfly{s kIfsf] d"Nof+°g ug]{ (#
!%)= :jb]zL dfn;fdfg / lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{g] ePdf ;f]sf] d"Nof+°g ug'{ kg]{ ($
!%!= af]nkqsf] ljz]if d"Nof+°g ug'{ kg]{ ($
!%@= sjf]n c+ssf] t'ngf ($
!%#= kZrft of]Uotf d"Nof+°g (%
!%$= af]nkq c:jLs[t ug]{ jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug]{ (%
!%%= af]nkq d"Nof+°gsf] k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ (^
!%^= af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ cfzosf] ;"rgf lbg' kg]{ (&
!%&= af]nkq :jLs[t u/L ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{ (&
!%*= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{ (*
!%(= dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf lkmtf{ ug]{ (*
kl/R5]b — !%
k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!^)= k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;lsg] ((
!^!= sfo{ If]qut zt{ tof/ ug{' kg]{ ((
!^@= df}hb' f ;"rLdf /x]sf k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|:tfj dfu u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf lng ;lsg] ((
!^#= v'Nnf?kdf cfzo kq dfu u/L ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{ ((
!^$= vl/b ljlwsf] 5gf}6 !)!
!^%= k|:tfj dfu ug]{ !)!
!^^= k|:tfj tof/ ug{ lbO{g] lgb]z { gdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f !)$
!^&= k|:tfj vf]Ng] tl/sf !)$
!^*= k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+°g ug]{ tl/sf !)%
!^(= d"Nof+°g k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'k{ g]{ !)^
!&)= cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Nbf 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{ !)^
!&!= cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng] !)^
!&@= cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+°g !)&
!&#= k|:tfj c:jLs[t ug]{ / vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug]{ !)(
!&$= jftf{ ug{ ;lsg] !)(
!&%= vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ !!)
!&^= tfnLd, uf]i7L / ;]ldgf/ h:tf ;]jf ;f]em} jftf{af6 vl/b ug{ ;lsg] !!!
!&&= k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/bsf] cGo ljlw !!!
kl/R5]b — !^
vl/b ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf
!&*= l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf !!@
!&(= ;f]em} vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf !!$
!*)= ;f]em} vl/b ug'{ cl3 olsg ug'{ kg]{ s'/f !!^
!*!= 3/, hUuf ef8fdf lng] ;DaGwL Joj:yf !!^
!*@= cGo ;]jf lng] ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw !!&
!*#= dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug]{ u/fpg] sfo{ljlw !!(
!*$= cdfgtaf6 lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg] !!(
!*%= pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 sfd u/fpg] sfo{ljlw !!(
kl/R5]b — !&
k'gjnf]sg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!*^= lgj]bg lbg ;lsg] !@@
kl/R5]b — !*
vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!*&= vl/b ;Demf}tf / ;f]sf zt{x? !@#
!**= vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{ !@#
!*(= ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL Joj:yf !@$
!()= vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg !@%
!(!= jLdf u/]sf] k|df0f k]z ug' kg]{ !@%
!(@= k]ZsL e'QmfgL / km5of}6{ ug]{ Joj:yf !@^
!(#= dfn;fdfgsf] lg/LIf0f / :jLs[lt !@&
!($= c:jLs[t dfn;fdfgsf] lnnfd laqmL tyf /sd c;"nL ug]{ !@*
!(%= sfo{ :jLsf/ k|ltj]bg !@(
!(^= e]l/Pzg cfb]z !@(
!(&= d"No ;dfof]hg !#)
!(*= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg] !#!
!((= k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ !#@
@))= lan jf ljhs k]z ug'{ kg]{ !#@
@)!= lan jf ljhssf] e'QmfgL !#@
@)@= clGtd e'QmfgL !#$
@)#= sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ !#$
@)$= ;do eGbf cl3 sfd ;DkGg ug]n { fO{ k':sf/ lbg ;lsg] !#^
@)%= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo / ;f]sf] pkrf/ !#^
@)^= cg'sn
' tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ubf{ lbg' kg]{ e'QmfgL !#&
@)&= vl/b ;Demf}tf pNn+3g eP k|fKt x'g] pkrf/ !#*
kl/R5]b — !(
ljjfb ;dfwfg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
@)*= ljjfb ;dfwfg ;DaGwL Joj:yf !#(
@)(= ======================== !#(
@!)= ======================== !#(
@!!= ======================== !#(
@!@= ======================== !#(
@!#= dWo:ysf] dfWodåf/f ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ !#(
kl/R5]b — @)
@!$= vl/b sf/afxL ;DaGwL sfuhft pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ !$)
@!%= k|nf]eg, e|i6frf/ jf hfn;fhLcGo Jojf/sf] ;"rgf !$)
@!^= sfnf];r " Ldf /fVg l;kmfl/; ug]{ !$)
@!&= d"Nof°g ;ldlt !$)
@!*= vl/b sf/jfxLsf] clen]v !$!
@!(= 9fFrf tf]Sg ;Sg] !$@
@@)= lgb]l{} zsf agfpg ;Sg] !$@
@@!= a}7s eQf !$@
@@@= cltl/Qm ;do eQf / vfhf vr{ !$#
@@#= 3/, hUuf, dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;DklQ axfndf lbg] !$#
@@$= ljB'tLo ;+rf/ dfWodaf6 vl/b !$#
@@%= nfu]sf] vr{ / ;]jf z'Ns lng] u/ sfo{ (Rechargable Work) ug]{ !$$
@@^= Hofnfsf] b//]6 !$$
@@&= ;]jf pknAw u/fpg] !$$
@@*= ljB't z'Ns jf ;]jf z'Ns ;DaGwL lx;fa ldnfg ug]{ jf ;dfof]hg ug]{ !$$
@@(= j}bl] zs C0f jf cg'bfg cGtu{t vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf !$$
@#)= jfwf c8\rg km'sfpg] !$$
@#!= vf/]hL tyf arfp !$$
" Lx?
cg';r " L–! sfof{nox?sf] gfd !$%
cg';r " L–@ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] txut clwsf/ !$^
cg';r " L–# a}s + hdfgtsf] clen]v !%@
cg';r " L–$ cfo Joosf] cg'dfglt ljj/0f !%#
cg';r " L–% a/a'emf/y k|df0f–kq !%%
" L–^ j/a'emf/y u/]sf] k|df0f !%^
cg';r " L–& k|lttkq clen]v !%*
cg';r " L–* lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut Oli6d]6 lgsfNg] tl/sf !%(
cg';r " L–( dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf !^)
cg';r " L – !) lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b ;Demf}tf !^!
cg';r " L – !! k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf !^@
cg';r" L – !@ k"lF hut tyf dd{t ;DaGwL sfo{sf] e'QmfgL ug'{ cl3 clGtd
ljn;+u ;+nUg x'g' kg]{ sfuhftx? !^$
" L – !# k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfgsf] 9fFrf !^%
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f
cfly{s k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL, @)^*
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g, @)$! sf] bkmf #% n] lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf]
;+rfns ;ldltn] of] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DjGwL ljlgodx? agfPsf] 5 .
kl/R5]b – !
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/DeM -!_ of] ljlgodjnLsf] gfd æg]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f, cfly{s k|zf;g
ljlgodfjnL, @)^*Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] ljlgodfjnL @)^( j}zfv ! ut] b]lv nfu' x'g5 ] .
@= kl/efiffM ljifo jf k|;u+ n] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; ljlgodfjnLdf, –
-s_ æP]gÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g, @)$! ;Demg' kb{5 .
-v_ ævl/b P]gÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g, @)^# ;Demg' k5{ .
-u_ æk|flws/0fÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf # cGt{ut :yfkgf ePsf] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f ;Demg'
kb{5 .
-3_ æ;ldltÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf * adf]lhd ul7t k|flws/0fsf] ;+rfns ;ldlt ;Demg' kb{5 .
-ª_ æd'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf !& adf]lhd lgo'tm dxfk|aGws jf ;fwf/0f
;ef geP;Ddsf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/af6 lgo'tm sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s ;Demg' kb{5 .
-r_ æsfof{noÆ eGgfn] cg';r
" L – ! df tf]lsPsf] sfof{no ;Demg' kb{5 .
-5_ æljefuLo k|dv ' Æ eGgfn] d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t, pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s, lgb]z
{ s, lgb]z
{ s,
If]qLo lgb]z
{ s jf cfof]hgf lgb]z{ s ;Demg' kb{5 .
-h_ æsfof{no k|dv
' Æ eGgfn] cg';r
" L – ! df tf]lsPsf] sfof{nosf] k|dv
' ;Demg' kb{5 .
-em_ æsd{rf/LÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0fsf] s'g} kbdf :yfoL ?kn] lgo'Qm ePsf] AolQm ;Demg' kb{5 .
-`_ æsf]ifÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf @( adf]lhdsf] sf]if ;Demg' kb{5 .
-6_ æah]6Æ eGgfn] k|flws/0fsf] jflif{s sfo{qmd ;+rfngsf] nflu ;ldltåf/f :jLs[t k|To]s
cfly{s jif{sf] cfo / Aoosf] ljj/0f ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] k'/s ah]6 ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-7_ æcfly{s jif{Æ eGgfn] ljqmd ;Dat\sf] >fj0f ! ut]bl] v csf]{ aif{sf] cfiff9 d;fGt;Ddsf]
cjlwnfO{ ;Demg' kb{5 .
-8_ æn]vfÆ eGgfn] sf/f]jf/ ePsf] Aoxf]/f b]lvg] u/L tf]lsPsf] 9fFrfdf v8f u/]sf] >]:tf tyf
lx;fj lstfj ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zJbn] sf/f]jf/nfO{ k|dfl0ft ug]{ ;j} k|sf/sf sfuhft /
cfly{s ljj/0f ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .

-9_ æn]vf pQ/bfoL clws[tÆ eGgfn] cfkm\gf] / dftxt sfof{nosf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;+rfng
ug]{ u/fpg], jflif{s ah]6 tof/ ug]{ / ;f] ah]6 ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t u/fO{ vr{ ug]{ clwsf/
;'Dkg], ah]6sf] n]vf /fVg], /fVg nufpg], cfDbfgL, vr{, w/f}6L / lhG;L ;d]tsf] n]vf
k/LIf0f u/fpg], a]?h" lgoldt ug]{ u/fpg] jf ldGxf ug]{ u/fpg] st{Ao ePsf] d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[t ;Demg' kb{5 .
-0f_ æn]vf k|dv
' Æ eGgfn] o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd sfof{nosf] cfly{s sf/f]jf/sf] n]vf
{ /fVg], vr{ n]Vbf P]g, ljlgodfjnL tyf k|rlnt sfg"g jdflhd l/t k'u] gk'us ] f]
hfFra'em ug],{ cfo Aoo, ;DklQ tyf bfloTjsf] kmfF6jf/L k]z ug]{ / n]vfk/LIf0f u/fpg]
st{Ao ePsf] clwsf/L ;Demg' kb{5 .
-t_ æljlgof]hgÆ eGgfn] k|To]s aif{ ;ldltåf/f ljleGg lzif{sdf jfF8kmfF8 u/]sf] ah]6 /sdnfO{
;Demg' k5{ .
-y_ æn]vf lbUbz{gÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0fsf] sfo{sd
| tyf ah]6 tof/ ug{ / n]vf+sg ;DaGwdf
;ldltaf6 hf/L ePsf] k'l:tsf ;Demg' k5{ .
-b_ æsf/f]jf/Æ eGgfn] sfof{nosf] rn, crn, gubL tyf lhG;L ;DkQL lhDdf lnO{ P]g,
ljlgod jf k|rlnt sfg"g jdf]lhd lgwf{l/t sfddf vr{ jf bflvnf ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ sfd
;Demg' k5{ .
-w_ ægubÆ eGgfn] l;Ssf, gf]6, a}s+ 8«fkm\6, x'08L, e'QmfgL 6«fG;km/, /l;b, d"No c+lst Sof;
Eofn' 8s'dG] 6 jf ;f] ;/xsf] e'QmfgL ug{ ;lsg] lnvt ;d]tnfO{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-g_ æpksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ sÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0fsf] afx|f+} txsf] clws[t ;Demg' kb{5 .
-k_ ælgb]z
{ sÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0fsf] P3f/f}+ txsf] clws[t ;Demg' kb{5 .
-km_ æclwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] o; ljlgodfjnLsf] s'g} ljlgoddf ;ldlt jf s'g}
kbflwsf/Ln] ug]{ elg tf]lsPsf]df ;f]xL ljlgod adf]lhd / gtf]lsPsf]df cg';r " L @
adf]lhd v08 v08df plNnlvt sfo{ :jLs[t ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt ePsf] ;f]xL v08 v08df
plNnlvt txut clwsf/L ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] To:tf] clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] cfkm"df
lglxt clwsf/ ;'Dk]sf] clwsf/LnfO{ ;d]t ;Demg' k5{ .
-a_ æcfGtl/s lgoGq0fÆ eGgfn] P]g, o; ljlgodfjnL tyf P]g jf ljlgodfjnL cGt/ut
ag]sf lgb]l{ zsf / k|rlnt sfg'gn] lgWff{/0f u/]sf k|ls|of kl/kfngf eof] ePg, sfof{nosf]
;DkQLsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g gkfpg] u/L ;'ka| Gw / ;+/If0f ul/Psf] 5 5}g, k|flws/0fsf]
;|ft] sf] ;b'kof]u ePsf] 5 5}g / sf/f]jf/sf] n]vf cBfjlws u/L /flvPsf] 5 5}g,
;DalGwt sfo{sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] /sd vr{ ePsf] 5 5}g, lgwf{/0f ul/Psf pb]Zo k|fKt
ePsf] 5 5}g egL dflyNnf] txsf] clwsf/Laf6 lg/Gt/ ?kdf ul/g] ;'kl/j]If0f / cg'udg
;d]tsf sfo{nfO{ hgfp5 .
-e_ æcfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0fÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0faf6 cfGtl/s jf afXo hgzlQm åf/f lgoldt?kdf
ul/g] n]vf k/LIf0fnfO{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-d_ æj}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f eGgfn]Æ ;fwf/0f ;efjf6 lgo'Qm n]vfk/LIfs jf ;fwf/0f ;efjf6
lgo'Qm geP;Dd dxfn]vf k/LIfsaf6 lgo'Qm n]vfk/LIfsaf6 x'g] n]vfk/LIf0f ;Demg'
kb{5 .
-o_ æa]?h"Æ eGgfn] o; ljlgodfjnL tyf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd k'¥ofpg' kg]{ l/t gk'¥ofO{
sf/f]jf/ u/]sf] jf /fVg'kg]{ n]vf clen]vg tyf sfuhft g/fv]sf] tyf clgoldt jf
a]dg' fl;j tl/sfn] cfly{s sf/f]jf/ u/]sf] elg n]vfk/LIf0f x'bF f 7x¥ofO{Psf] /sd sndnfO{
;Demg' kb{5 .
-/_ æn]vfk/LIf0f sfo{ ug]{ argkq (Audit Engagement Letter)Æ eGgfn] n]vfk/LIfs /
Aoj:yfkg jLrsf] lhDd]jf/L ls6fg ul/Psf] :jLsf/ kq ;Demg' kb{5 .
-n_ æAoj:yfkg :jLsf/ kqÆ (Management Representation Letter) eGgfn] sfof{non]
n]vfk/LIfsnfO{ lx;fj lstfj ;j} b]vfPsf], lx;fj lstfjdf clgoldt sfo{ gePsf],
v'nfpg'kg]{ s'/f v'nfO{Psf] tyf ;xL / z'4 ePsf] :jLsf/kq ;Demg' kb{5 .
-j_ æw'Nofpg'Æ eGgfn] sfof{nodf ePsf] sfuhftdf n]lvPsf] Joxf]/f k9\g, a'em\g, jf To;sf]
s'g} pkof]u ug{ g;lsg] u/L clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{o adf]lhd gi6 ug]{ sfo{nfO{
;Demg' k5{ .
-z_ æhdfgtÆ eGgfn] s' g } sfd 6' Ë f] gnfu] ; Dd ;' / If0f jfkt /flvPsf] ;' / If0f
hdfgt /sd -l/6]G;g dlg jf cg]{i6 dlg_ ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] af]nkq
hdfgt jf sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] ;'/If0f /fVg'kg]{df ;f]
jfkt /flvPsf] /sd ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg] 5 . !
-if_ ævl/bÆ eGgfn] o; ljlgodfanL adf]lhd s'g} dfn;fdfg, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf k|fKt
ug]{ jf s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ u/fpg] sfo{ ;Demg' k5{ .
-;_ ædfn;fdfgÆ eGgfn] rn jf crn h'g;'s} lsl;dsf] a:t' ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] To:tf]
a:t' cfk"lt{ ug]{ sfo{sf] cfg'iffFlus ;]jf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpFg]5 .
-x_ ælgdf{0f sfo{Æ eGgfn] s'g} ;+/rgf jf s'g} s'/fsf] lgdf{0f ug],{ k'gMlgdf{0f ug],{ eTsfpg],
dd{t ;+ef/ ug]{ jf hL0ff]å{ f/ ug]{ sfo{;uF ;DalGwt lgdf{0f :yn tof/ ug],{ vGg] 78\ofpg],
agfpg], pks/0f jf dfn;fdfg h8fg ug],{ ;hfpg] cflb h:tf sfo{ ;Demg' kb{5 / ;f]
zAbn] gS;f agfpg], k|of]uzfnf k/LIf0f ug],{ e"–pku|xLo kmf]6f] lvRg], e'sDkLo k/LIf0f
ug]{ h:tf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cfg'iffFlus ;]jf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpFg]5 .
-If_ æPs tx dflysf] clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] ljefuLo k|dv' cGt/utsf] sfof{no k|dv
' sf] xsdf
ljefuLo k|dv
' , pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s cGtu{tsf sfof{no k|dv
' sf] xsdf ;DjlGwt pk
!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

sfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s, pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ ssf] xsdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t / d'Vo k|zf;sLo
clws[tsf] xsdf k|flws/0fsf] ;+rfns ;ldlt ;Demg' k5{ .
-q_ æk/fdz{ ;]jfÆ eGgfn] s'g} cWoog, cg';Gwfg, ;e]I{ f0f, l8hfOg, 8«Oª{ , ;'k/Lj]If0f, tflnd,
k/LIf0f ug]{ sfd, ;km\6j]o/sf] ljsf; jf o:t} k|sl[ tsf cGo af}l4s jf k]zfut ;]jf
;Demg' kb{5 .
1_ æcGo ;] j fÆ eGgfn] ;jf/L ;fwg, pks/0f jf dfn;fdfg ef8fdf lng] ,
9'jfgL ug]{ jf dfn;fdfg dd{t ;+ef/ ug]{, ;/;kmfO{ ug]{, ld6/l/l8Ë ug]{, ;'/
Iff ;]jf lng], ;km\6j]o/ ;kf]6{ ug]{ jf o:t} k|sf/sf k/fdz{ ;]jf afx]ssf cGo
h'g;'s} ;]jf ;Demg' kb{5 . @
-sf_ æaf] n kqÆ eGgfn] sfof{ n on] vl/b jf lnnfd jf cGo k| : tfjsf nflu
tf]s]sf] 9fFrfdf k|sfzg u/]sf] ;"rgf cg'?k af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k]z
u/]sf] d"No v'Ng] sfuhft,k|:tfj jf b//]6 ;Demg'k5{ . #
-sf–!_ æaf] n kqbftfÆ eGgfn] vl/b jf lnnfd jf cGo k| : tfjsf sfd sf/afxLdf
efu lng af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ug]{ jf ug{ ;Sg] s'g} AolSt ,kmd{,;+:yf jf
sDkgL ;Demg' k5{ . $
-vf_ æl;naGbL b/efp kqÆ eGgfn] s'g} dfn;fdfg vl/b ubf{, lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ jf dd{t ;+ef/
ubf{ jf ;]jf pknAw ug{ k|flws/0fsf] dfu cg';f/ OR5's AolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn]
vfdaGbL u/L l;naGbL nufO{ k]z u/]sf] b//]6 ;lxtsf] ljj/0f ;Demg' kb{5 .
-uf_ æaf] n kq;DaGwL sfuhftÆ eGgfn] af] n kqbftfn] d" N o jf k| : tfj jf b//] 6
e/L jf tof/ u/L k]z ug{sf nflu sfof{non] tof/ u/]sf]] lnvt ;Demg' k5{
/ ;f] zAbn] af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]{zg, :k]lzlkms]zg, gS;f, l8hfOg,
sfo{ I f] q ut zt{ x ? -6d{ \ ; ckm /] k m/] G ;_, sfo{ t flnsf, d" N ofÍgsf cfwf/,
kl/df0f ;"rL, ;Demf}tfsf zt{x? / o:t} cGo sfuhft ;d]tnfO{ hgfpg]5 . %
-3f_ ævl/b ;Demf} t fÆ eGgfn] sfof{ n o / cfk" l t{ s tf{ jf lgdf{ 0 f Joj;foL jf
k/fdz{ b ftf jf ;] j fk| b fos jf k| : tfjsjLr o; ljlgodfjnL adf] l hd vl/b
jf lnnfd jf cGo s'g} sfd ug{ ul/Psf] ;Demf}tf ;Demg' kb{5 . ^
-ªf_ æ;+ o ' Q m pkqmd -HjfOG6 e] G r/_Æ eGgfn] b' O { jf b' O { eGbf a9L sDkgL jf
kmd{ x ? ldnL ;+ o ' Q m jf 5' 6 \ 6 f5' 6 \ 6 } bfloTj;lxt s' g } sfd ug] { sfo{ n fO{
hgfpg]5 . &
@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
-rf_ æclws[t ljqm]tf -Ph]G6_Æ eGgfn] s'g} :jb]zL jf ljb]zL JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] Ph]G;L
lng] JolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgL ;Demg' kb{5 .
-5f_ æljz] i f kl/l:yltÆ eGgfn] ;' V vf, cgfa[ l i6, clta[ l i6, e" s Dk, af9L, klx/f] ,
cfunfuL h:tf k| f s[ l ts jf b} j L k| s f] k tyf dxfdf/L jf cfsl:ds, jf
ck| T oflzt ljz] i f sf/0faf6 ljB' t pTkfbg, k| z f/0f tyf ljt/0f k| 0 ffnLdf
cj/f]w ePsf] kl/l:ylt ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] o'4 jf cfGtl/s åGb h:tf
kl/l:ylt ;d]t nfO{ hgfpFg]5 . *
-hf_ æJoj;foÆ eGgfn] b]xfosf] Joj;fo ;Demg' kb{5 M—
-!_ pTkfbg Joj;fo -pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs / dftxtsf ;Dk'0f{ sfof{nox?_,
-@_ k|;f/0f Joj;fo -pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs / dftxtsf ;Dk'0f{ sfof{nox?_,
-#_ ljt/0f tyf u|fxs ;]jf Joj;fo -pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s / dftxtsf ;Dk'0f{ sfof{nox?_,
-$_ O{lGhlgol/Ë ;]jf Joj;fo -pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs / dftxtsf ;Dk'0f{ sfof{nox?_,
-%_ ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf tf]ss ] f cGo Joj;fo .
-emf_ æ;Demf}tf d"No -sG6«ofS6 k|fO;_Æ eGgfn] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]lvt vl/b d"No ;Demg'
k5{ / ;f] zJbn] To:tf] ;Demf}tf cGtu{t e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ul/Psf]df To:tf] cfb]z
adf]lhd ePsf] sfd gfkhfFr ubf{ sfod ePsf] d"No / d"No ;dfof]hg ePsf]df To:tf]
;dfof]hgaf6 sfod ePsf] d'No ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-`f_ æ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{noÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g, @)^# sf] bkmf ^$
adf]lhd :yflkt ;fj{hlgs vl/b c'gudg sfof{no ;Demg' kb{5 .
-6f_ æpkef]Qmf ;ldltÆ eGgfn] lgdf{0f sfo{jf6 k|ToIf nfe kfpg] AolQmx?n] s'g} lgdf{0f
sfo{sf] lgdf{0f, ;+rfng tyf dd{t ;+ef/ ug{sf] nflu cfkm"x?dWo]af6 u7g u/]sf] ;ldlt
;Demg' kb{5 .
-7f_ æsaf]n c+s -la8 k|fO{;_Æ eGgfn] s'g} af]nkqsf] k/LIf0faf6 sfod x'g cfPsf] /sd
;Demg' kb{5 .
-8f_ æk|fk] f| O{6/L dfn;fdfgÆ eGgfn] s'g} dfn;fdfg, oGq jf pks/0fsf] lgdf{tfn] To:tf]
dfn;fdfg, oGq jf pks/0f ;+rfng jf dd{t ;+ef/sf] nflu agfPsf] ;xfos pks/0f
tyf kf6{kh " f{ ;Demg' kb{5 .
-9f_ æ;j–sG6«ofS6/Æ eGgfn] s'g} vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ lgdf{0f Aoj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf
jf ;]jfk|bfos;Fu 5'6}[ ;Demf}tf u/L To:tf] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGtu{tsf] s'g} sfo{ ug]{ lgdf{0f
Aoj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos ;Demg' kb{5 .
-0ff_ æcdfgtÆ eGgfn] k|flws/0f cfkm}n] ug]{ s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ;Demg'' kb{5 .
*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-tf_ ædf}hb' f ;"rL -:6flG8Ë ln:6_Æ eGgfn] ljlgod (! adf]lhdsf] ;"rL ;Demg' k5{ .
-yf_ æbft[ kIfÆ eGgfn] låkIfLo jf ax'kIfLo ;Demf}tfåf/f g]kfn ;/sf/dfkm{t jf
k|flws/0fnfO{ C0f jf cg'bfgsf] ?kdf j}b]lzs ;xfotf pknAw u/fpg] s'g}
ljb]zL d'n's jf cGt/f{li6«o jf ljb]zL ;+:yf ;Demg' k5{ . (
-bf_ æk|dfl0ft k|ltlnlkÆ eGgfn] o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd ul/g] vl/b k|lqmofdf af]nkqbftf
jf k|:tfjbftfn] sfof{nodf k]z ug'k{ g]{ sfuhftx? gf]6/L kAnLsaf6 k|dfl0ft ul/Psf]
sfuhft ;Demg' kb{5 .
-wf_ æljB'tLo af]nkqÆ eGGffn] ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnLsf] pkof]u u/L af]nkqbftfn]
k]z u/]sf] af]nkq ;Demg' kb{5 . !)
-gf_ æljB' t Lo vl/b k| 0 ffnLÆ eGgfn] ljB' t Lo ;+ r f/ dfWofdsf] k| o f] u u/L
:yfkgf,;+rfng / Joj:yfkg u/]sf] vl/b k|0ffnL ;Demg' kb{5 . !!
-kf_ æljB' t Lo ;+ r f/ dfBdÆ eGgfn] k| f lws/0fn] ljB' t Lo vl/b k| 0 ffnL :yfkgf,
;+ r fng / Joj:yfkg ug{ pkof] u df NofPsf] ljB' t Lo ;+ r f/ k| l jlw, k4tL
;Demg' kb{5 . !@
#= ljlgodfjnLsf] JofVof ug]{ clwsf/ M of] ljlgodfjnLsf] AofVof ug]{ clwsf/ ;ldltnfO{
] .
$= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hgM -!_ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] cfkm'nfO{ k|fKt clwsf/ dWo] ah]6 tyf
sfo{sd | :jLs[t ug],{ /sdfGt/ :jLs[t ug],{ nfut cg'dfg ;+zf]wg ug],{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;+zf]wg
ug],{ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb yk ug]{ / e]l/Pzg cfb]z ug]{ clwsf/ jfx]ssf cg';r
" L @ adf]lhd
cfkm"df lglxt clwsf/df ga9\g] u/L s]xL jf ;j} clwsf/ dftxt sfof{nosf cGo clws[t jf
cfkm" d'lgsf] s'g} clws[t nfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|Tofof]hg ePsf] clwsf/sf ;DaGwdf To;/L clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg
ug]{ clwsf/Lsf] hjfkmb]xLtf /lx /xg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ug]{ clwsf/Ln] cfkm"n] k|Tofof]hg u/]sf]
clwsf/ adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfdsf] ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt clwsf/Laf6 ;do ;dodf
cfjZos hfgsf/L lnO{ /fVg' kg]5
{ .
%= k|zf;sLo cfb]z lbg] clwsf/M o; ljlgodfjnL cGtu{t rflxg] k|zf;sLo cfb]z d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[tn] lbg]5 .

(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

kl/R5]b – @
s]Gb|Lo sf]if tyf vftf ;+rfng ;DaGwL Joj:yf

^= k|flws/0fsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]if / vftfM -!_ k|flws/0fsf] cfkm\gf] Pp6f s]Gb|Lo sf]if x'g5
] / pQm
sf]ifdf b]xfP adf]lhdsf /sd hDdf x'g5 ] M–
-s_ ljB't dx;'n, cGo dx;'n, / ;]jf z'Ns,
-v_ nufgL jf C0faf6 k|fKt x'g] Jofh / nfef+z,
-u_ lkmtf{ x'g cfPsf] nufgL / C0f /sd,
-3_ C0f jf cg'bfg /sd,
-ª_ k|flws/0fnfO{ k|fKt x'g] k"h + L jf z]o/ afktsf] /sd,
-r_ s'g} k|sf/sf] ;DkQL jf j:t' ljqmLaf6 k|fKt /sd,
-5_ cGo h'g;'s} >f]taf6 k|fKt x'g] /sd .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf /sd bflvnf ug{sf] nflu d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] l:js[ltdf
Ps jf a9L afl0fHo a}s + x?df vftf vf]Ng ;Sg]5 . afl0fHo a}s + gePdf ;ldltsf]
l:js[ltdf cGo a}s + df ;d]t vftf vf]Ng ;lsg] 5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]ifaf6 cGo vftfx?df /sd 6«fG;km/ ug]{ afx]ssf
cGo vr{x? ug{ kfO{g] 5}g .
-$_ s]Gb|Lo sf]ifsf] vftf ;+rfng ug]{ clwsf/ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t jf lghn] tf]ss ] f]
clws[t tyf pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ jf lghn] tf]ss ] f] n]vf tkm{sf sd{rf/LnfO{
x'g5] .
-%_ k| f lws/0fn] s] G b| L o sf] i fsf] vftfdf /x] s f] /sd sn l8kf] l h6 jf d' 2 lt
lgIf]kdf nufgL ug{ ;Sg]5 . !#
-^_ pk ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd sn l8kf]lh6 jf d'2tL lgIf]kdf nufgL ubf{ ljleGg
a} s x?;+ u k| : tfj lnO{ k| l t:kwf{ T ds ?kdf a9L Aofh lbg] afl0fHo a} s df
nufgL ug'{ kg]{5 . !$
-&_ pk ljlgod -%_ / -^_ adf] l hd nufgL ubf{ d' V o k| z f;sLo clws[ t sf]
:jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 . !%
&= k|flws/0fsf] cfDbfgLM -!_ k|To]s sfof{non] cfk\mgf] sfof{nodf bflvn x'g] ljB't dx;'n jf
;]jf z'Ns jf s'g} klg cGo cfDbfgL /sd k|fKt ePs} lbg jf ;f] sf] ef]lnkN6 g} ljlgod ^
adf]lhdsf] k|flws/0fsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf hDdf x'g] u/L a}s + bflvnf u/L ;f]sf] clen]v /fVg'
!#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)$.@) sf] &%* cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] lålto ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)$.@) sf] &%* cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] lålto ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)$.@) sf] &%* cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] lålto ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

{ . ef]lnkN6 labf kl/ a}s + aGb ePdf a}s + v'ns ] f] lbgdf hDdf ug'{ kg]5 { . o;/L a}s + bflvnf
u/]sf] lx;fasf] laa/0f dfl;s ?kdf cfkm\gf] tfn's sfof{nodf k7fpg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd bflvn x'g cfPsf] /sd a}s + df hDdf geP;Dd pQm sfof{nosf]
gub lhDdf lng] sd{rf/L, n]vf k|dv ' / sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss] f] sd{rf/Lsf]
;+oQ ' m lhDd]jf/Ldf sfof{nodf ;'/lIft;fy /fVg' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd hDdf ug'k{ g]{ /sd ;dodf g} hDdf gu/]df /sd a'lem lng]
;DalGwt sd{rf/L pk/ sfo{fno k|dv ' n] ljefuLo sf/jfO{ rnfpg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ cfo ;+sng ug]{ sfof{noaf6 ;fKtflxs, kflIfs / dfl;s ?kdf s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf
6«fG;km/ u/]sf] /sd hDdf eP gePsf] /]vb]v ug]{ / lx;fa ldnfg ug]{ st{Jo tyf pQ/
bfloTj ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' , n]vf k|dv ' / sfof{nosf] gub lhDdf lng] sd{rf/Lsf]
x'g5 ] .
-%_ ;+:yfut ljQLo ljefu / ;DalGwt If]qLo sfof{no÷ljefun] dftxtsf sfof{no tyf cfo
;+sng OsfO{af6 ;+sng u/L k7fPsf] /sd k|fKt ePkl5 n]vf+sg u/L ;f]sf] hfgsf/L
dfl;s ?kdf /sd k7fpg] ;DalGwt sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kg]5 { .
*= Joj:yfMM -!_ k|flws/0fsf] sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf jf k|flws/0fsf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{
ljljw sf]ifsf] Joj:yf
cfjZos ;'ljwf ;x'lnotx? pknJw u/fpg d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] cfjZos b]vs ] f ljifodf
;ldltsf] :jLs[ltdf 5'§f 5'§} sf]ifx?sf] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifsf] nflu vftf vf]Ng] / ;+rfng d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t
jf lghn] tf]ss ] f] clws[t / n]vf k|dv ' sf] ;+oQ ' m b:tvtaf6 ;+rfng x'g5 ] .
(= w/f}6L vftf
vftfM -!_ s'g} sfdsf] 6'Ëf] gnfu];Dd hdfgt jfkt k|fKt x'g] w/f}6L /sd ;ldltn] tf]sL
lbPsf] afl0fHo a}s + df w/f}6L vftf vf]nL hDdf ug'{ kg]5 { / ;f]sf] clen]v ;d]t /fVg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] w/f}6L vftf k|flws/0fsf] k|wfg sfof{nodf Ps s]Gb|Lo w/f}6L
vftf / k|flws/0fsf] dftxtsf cGo sfof{nodf cfjZostfg';f/ sfof{nout w/f}6L vf]Ng'
kg]5{ .
-#_ w/f}6L vftfsf] ;+rfng sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss ] f] clws[t / n]vfk|dv' sf]
;+oQ ' m b:tvtaf6 x'g5 ] .
-$_ sfof{nout w/f}6L vftfdf /x]sf] /sd dWo] k|flws/0fn] tf]lslbPsf] ;Ldf eGbf a9L /sd
s]Gb|Lo w/f}6L vftfdf hDdf ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd s]Gb|Lo w/f}6L vftfdf hDdf u/]sf] /sd sfof{nout vftfaf6
w/f}6L lkmtf{ ug]{ cj:yfdf vftfdf /sd Go"g ePdf s]Gb|Lo w/f}6L vftfaf6 dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
t/ o;/L /sd dfu ubf{ s]Gb|Lo w/f}6L vftfdf hDdf ug{ k7fPsf] eGbf a9L /sd dfu
ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] w/f}6L vftfdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] /sdx? /xg]5g\M
-s_ k|flws/0fnfO{{ clu|d ?kdf a'emfpg' kg]]{ w/f}6L /sd,
-v_ k|flws/0fn] cfJxfg u/]sf] af]nkq jf lnnfd las|Ldf efu lngsf] nflu clu|d
?kdf k|fKt x'g] w/f}6L /sd,
-u_ k|flws/0f;+u ul/g] s'g} vl/b ;Demf}tf jf s/f/ adf]lhd jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn]
clu|d?kdf bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ w/f}6L] /sd, /
-3_ k|flws/0f;+u ePsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd e'QmfgL ubf{ To:tf] ;Demf}tf cg';f/
s§f u/L /flvPsf] /sd -l/6]G;g dlg_ .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ sf] v08 -v_, -u_ / -3_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLn] a}s + hdfgt k]z u/]sf] ePdf To:tf] JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf] gfd,
hdfgt lbg] a}s + sf] gfd, hdfgt /sd, hdfgtsf] dfGo /x]sf] cjlw, hdfgtsf] lsl;d
;d]t v'Ng] u/L 5'§} cg';r " L # adf]lhdsf] clen]v /fvL To:tf] hdfgtsf] lgoldt
cg'udg ug'{ kg]5 { . k|rlnt sfg"g jf ;Demf}tfdf ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd To:tf] hdfgt
hkmt ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;DjlGwt a}s + df hdfgt /sd k|flws/0fdf k7fO{ lbg hdfgtsf] dfGo
/x]sf] cjlw leq} k'Ug] u/L bfjL kq k7fpg' kg]5 { . hdfgtsf] dfGo /x]sf] cjlw leq} k'Ug]
u/L ;DjlGwt a}s + df bfjL kq gk7fO{ k|flws/0fnfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g] ePdf ;DjlGwt
sd{rf/Laf6 To:tf] hdfgt /sd c;"n pk/ ul/g]5 .
-*_ s'g} sfd ug{ w/f}6L jf hdfgt /fVg' kg]{ eO{ /flvPsf] w/f}6L jf hdfgt To:tf] sfd
k"/f gu/]sf] sf/0fn] P]g, ljlgod, k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd jf sf/f/sf] zt{gfdf adf]lhd
hkmt ug'{ kg]{ ePdf sfof{no k|dv ' n] lg0f{o u/L To:tf] w/f}6L jf hdfgtsf] /sd hkmt
u/L k|flws/0fsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf hDdf ug'{ kg]5 { .
-(_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd w/f}6L /sd lkmtf{ kfpg] JolQmaf6 k|flws/0fsf] s'g} /sd c;"n pk/
ug{ afFsL ePdf To:tf] /sd lghn] lkmtf{ kfpg] w/f}6L /sdaf6 s6[f u/L c;"n pk/ ug{
;lsg]5 .
-!)_ k|flws/0fdf a'´fPsf] w/f}6L pk ljlgod -*_ adf]lhd hkmt jf pk ljlgod -(_ adf]lhd
s6[f klg gx'g] ePdf To:tf] w/f}6L /sd ;DalGwt JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO lkmtf{
lbg' kg]5
{ .
-!!_ pk–ljlgod -!)_ adf]lhd w/f}6L /sd lkmtf{ kfpg] JolQm, kmd{ ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] w/f}6L
/sd lkmtf{ lng kfpg] Dofb k|rlnt sfg"gn] tf]ss ] f] ePdf ;f]xL cjlwleq, Dofb
gtf]lsPsf]df h'g sfdsf] nflu w/f}6L /flvPsf] xf] ;f] sfd ;DaGwL sf/afO{ clGtd ?kdf
;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] Ps jif{ leq w/f}6L /sd lkmtf{ kfpg ;DalGwt sfof{nodf w/f}6L
hDdf u/]sf] k|df0fsf] k|ltlnlk;fy lgj]bg lbg' kg]5 { .
t/ sfof{non] g} s§L u/L w/f}6Ldf hDdf u/]sf] /sdsf] xsdf To:tf] k|df0f k]z ug{'
kg]{ 5}g .
-!@_ pk–ljlgod -!!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofb leq w/f}6L lkmtf{ lng gcfPdf jf sfof{nosf] w/f}6L
vftfdf eGbf a}s + df a9L df}Hbft b]lvPsf] jf s:tf], s'g k|of]hg jfkt w/f}6L /fv]sf] eGg]
:ki6 gePsf] / s;}sf] bfjL ;d]t geO{ Ps jif{bl] v a}s + vftfdf To;} /xL /x]sf] /sd
;DjGwdf w/f}6L /fVg] JolQm, kmd{ ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf] gfd, 7]ufgf, s] jfkt w/f}6L /fv]sf]
xf] ;f] ;a} Joxf]/f tyf w/f}6L vftfdf a9L /sd ;d]t vf]nL ;"rgf k|sflzt ePsf] ldltn]
k}tL; lbg leq k|df0f ;lxt bfaL ug{ cfpg' elg /fli6«o b}lgs klqsfdf jf k|flws/0fsf]
j]e;fO{6df ;"rgf k|sflzt ug'{ kg]5 { / ;f] ;dodf klg bfaL ug{ gcfPdf k|flws/0fsf]
s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf cfDbfgL hgfpg' kg]5 { .
-!#_ k|To]s sfof{non] cfˆgf] sfof{nosf] w/f}6L vftfdf hDdf ePsf] w/f}6L /sdsf] sf/f]af/
sf] n]vf / JolQmut w/f}6L vftf cBfjlws u/L /fVg' kg]5 { . ;fy} w/f}6L /sdsf] 5'§} a}s+
gubL lstfa /fvL] a}s + :6]6d]06 k|fKt u/L ;|:] tfn] b]vfPsf] afFsL /sd / a}s + n] b]vfPsf]
afFsL /sd dfl;s ?kdf le8fO{ lx;fa ldnfg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-!$_ w/f}6L ;DaGwL clen]vsf] k|lta]bg dfl;s ?kdf tof/ u/L k|flws/0fsf] ;+:yfut
ljQLo ljefudf k7fpg' kg]5 { / Ps cfly{s jif{df afFsL /x]sf] w/f}6L csf]{ cfly{s jif{df
lhDd]jf/L ;fg'{ kg]5 { .
!)= sfo{ ;+rfng :t/ vftf ;DaGwL Joj:yf Joj:yfMM -!_ sfof{non] cfkm\gf] sfof{no /x]sf] 7fp+sf]
:yfgLo a}s + df 5'6}[ sfo{ ;+rfng vftf vf]nL ljlgod !* adf]lhd lgsf;f ePsf] /sdsf] cfly{s
sf/f]jf/ ug'{ kg]5 { . o;/L vf]lng] vftfsf] ;+rfng sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss ] f] clws[t /
n]vf k|dv ' sf] ;+oQ ' m x:tfIf/af6 x'g5
] .
-@_ 5'§} ah]6 gePsf] sfof{nonfO{ sfo{ ;+rfngsf] nflu ;DalGwt sfof{non] :jLs[t sfo{sd |
/ ah]6sf] clwgdf /xL cfjZostfg';f/ k]ZsL :j?k r]saf6 /sd pknJw u/fpg]5 /
;f] /sd a}s + vftfdf hDdf u/L vftf ;+rfng ug'k{ g{5 ] . o;/L vf]nLg] a}s + vftfsf]
;+rfng :fDalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vfdf sfd ug]{ al/i6 sd{rf/Lsf] ;+oQ ' m b:tvtaf6
ug'{ kg]5 { .
!!= lx;fa cBfalws /fVg]M -!_ sfof{non]] o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd vf]ns ] f] a}s
+ vftfsf] ;|:] tfn]
b]vfPsf] cfDbfgL vr{sf] lx;fa dfl;s ?kdf a}s + :6]6d]G6;+u le8fg u/L lx;fa ldnfg ug'{
{ .
-@_ sfof{ n on] kf} i f d;fGt / c;f/ d;fGt;Ddsf] a} + s df} H bftsf] k| d f0f ;lxt
b] x fosf ljj/0f v' n ] s f] k| l tj] b g tfn' s sfof{ n odf kGw| lbg leq k7fpg'
kg] { 5 M
-s_ gub df}Hbftsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ r]s÷8«fkm\6 df}Hbftsf] ljj/0f,
-u_ gubL lstfj cg';f/ b]lvg] gub tyf j}s + df}Hbft le8fg ljj/0fdf efvf gf3]sf]
r]snfO{ cfDbfgL afw]sf] ljj/0f,
-3_ dfu{:y gubsf] ljj/0f /
-ª_ cGo ljj/0f -ePdf k]z ug]_{

kl/R5]b – #
aflif{s sfo{s|d tyf ah]6 th'{df ug]{ / :jLs[lt ug]{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!@= bL3{sfnLg of]hgf tof/ ug{ ;Sg]M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] pb]Zo cg'?k k|flws/0fnfO{ cfufdL
aif{x?df ;+rfng ug]{ ;DaGwdf k|flws/0fn] bL3{sfnLg of]hgf tof/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] of]hgf ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t ePsf] x'g' kg]5 { .
!#= aflif{s sfo{s|d / ah]6 k]z ug]{M -!_ ljlgod !@ adf]lhdsf] of]hgf tof/ ul/Psf] ePdf ;f]
of]hgf cg'?k tyf k|flws/0fsf] ljQLo gLlt ljQLo l:yltsf] cfwf/df k|To]s cfly{s aif{ z'? x'g'
eGbf tLg dlxgf cufj} ;DalGwt ;a} sfof{no tyf ljefuLo÷zfvf k|dv ' x?n] cfufdL cfly{s
aif{df x'g] cfDbfgLsf] cg'dflgt ljj/0f tyf cfufdL cfly{s aif{df k|flws/0faf6 ;+rfng ;Def/
tyf ljleGg lqmofsnfksf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ nIo lgwf{/0f u/L n]vf lbUbz{g tyf ;do ;dodf
;ldlt / d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[taf6 lbO{Psf] lgb]z { g tyf 9fFrf adf]lhd sfo{qmd / cg'dflgt
ah]6 tof/ u/L ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s / pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { ssf] sfof{nodf k7fpg' ;a}
sfof{no k|dv ' sf] st{Jo / pQ/bfloTj x'g5 ] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fKt ah]6 ljj/0fsf] cfwf/df pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { sn] cf–cfkm\gf]
sfof{no / dftxtsf sfof{nosf] PsLs[t jflif{s ah]6 ljj/0f h]7 kGw| ut] leq
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ sf] sfof{nodf k]z ug'{ ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { ssf]
st{Jo / pQ/bfloTj x'g5 ] .
-#_ cfufdL cfly{s jif{sf] k|:tfljt sfo{sd | tyf ah]6nfO{ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ n]
k|flws/0fsf] p2]Zo, bL3{sfnLg ;+:yfut of]hgf, ljQLo gLlt tyf df}hb' f ljQLo l:yltsf]
cfwf/df cfaZos cWoog, 5nkmn / ;+zf]wg u/L rfn" cfly{s jif{sf] cfiff9 ;ft ut]
leq clGtd?k lbO{ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k]z ug'k{ g]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd k|:tfljt sfo{sd | tyf ah]6 k]z ubf{ rfn' cfly{s aif{sf] r}q
dlxgf;Ddsf] oyfy{ vr{ tyf ef}lts sfo{ k|ultsf] cfwf/df sfo{qmd ;xLt cg';r " L$
adf]lhd ljj/0f ;d]t ;dfj]z ePsf] x'g' kg]5 { .
-%_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] k|:tfljt sfo{sd | tyf
ah]6 cg'dfg cfaZos kl/dfh{g u/L c;f/ kGw| ut] leq :jLs[ltsf] nflu ;ldltdf k]z
ug'k{ 5{ .
!$= aflif{s sfo{s|d tyf ah]6 :jLs[t ug ug]{M -!_ ljlgod !# sf] pk–lgod -%_ adf]lhd
k]z ePsf] aflif{s sfo{s|d / cg'dflgt ah]6nfO{ ;ldltn] k|flws/0fsf] cfly{s / cGo
;d;fdlos l:ylt ;d]tsf] cWoog u/L oyfjt ?kdf jf yk36 ;lxt cfiff9 d;fGt leq
:jLs[t ug]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ah]6 yk36 eO{ aflif{s sfo{sd | df klg c;/ kg]{ ePdf d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[tn] ;f]xL adf]lhd sfo{sd | klg ldnfg ug'{ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-#_ o; ljlgodsf] kl/lw leq /xL :jLs[t ah]6 tyf sfo{sd | ;+rfng ug]{ ;Dk"0f{ clwsf/ d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[tnfO{ x'g5 ] .
-$_ k|flws/0fsf] ;|ft] af6 :jLs[t ePsf] s'g} sfof{nosf] s'g} n]vf zLif{ssf] aflif{s ah]6 tyf
sfo{sd | dWo] s'g} sfo{sd
| rfn' cfly{s aif{df sfof{Gjog gu/] klg x'g] t/ ah]6 Joj:yf
gePsf] cGo s'g} sfo{sd | tTsfn sfof{Gjog gubf{ k|flws/0fnfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g]
cj:yf ;[hgf ePdf ;f]xL zLif{ssf] s"n ah]6df ga9g] u/L d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn]
sfo{sd| ;+zf]wgsf] :jLst ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd ePsf] l:js[tLsf] hfgsf/L ;ldltnfO{ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
!%= k]ZsL
ZsL ah]6 :jLs[t ug{ ;lsg]M ;ldltdf sfo{sd | / ah]6 k]z eO{ ljrf/fwLg /xL cfly{s
aif{sf] clGtd lbg ;Dddf ah]6 tyf sfo{sd | :jLs[t x'g g;s]df k|flws/0fsf] b}lgs sfo{
;+rfngsf] nflu k|:tfljt ah]6sf] Ps ltxfO{ /sddf ga9\g] u/L ;ldltn] k]ZsLsf] ?kdf vr{ ug{
k]ZsL ah]6 :jLs[t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!^= /sdfGt/ ug{ ;lsg]M -!_ ;ldltn] :jLs[t u/]sf] ah]6 dWo] s'g} ah]6 lzif{s÷pklzif{sdf /sd
gk'u x'g uO{ Ps vr{ zLif{saf6 csf]{ vr{ zLif{sdf /sdfGt/ ug'{ k/]df ;f]sf] sf/0f ;lxt d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[tn] :jLs[ltsf] nflu ;ldltdf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg b]xfosf vr{ lzif{s afx]ssf cGo
h'g vr{ zLif{sdf yk /sdfGt/ ul/g] xf], ;f] vr{ zLif{sdf ljlgof]lht /sdsf] kRrL;
k|ltzt;Dd d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn]] tyf kGw| k|ltzt;Dd pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zsn]
Ps vr{ zLif{saf6 csf]{ vr{ zLif{sdf /sdfGt/ ug{ ;Sg]5 M
-s_ s'g} ah]6 :jLs[t gePsf] vr{ lzif{sdf,
-v_ k"h + Lut vr{ lzif{saf6 ;+rfng ;Def/ vr{ lzif{sdf,
-u_ ;+rfng ;Def/ vr{ lzif{saf6 k"h + Lut vr{ lzif{sdf,
-3_ :jLs[t gePsf] b/aGbLsf] tna, eQf / ;'ljwf ;DaGwL vr{ lzif{sdf,
-ª_ cfly{s ;xfotf, rGbf / k'/:sf/ ;DaGwL vr{ lzif{sdf,
-r_ ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf tf]ss ] f] vr{ lzif{sdf,
-5_ ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|sf] lhG;L hu]8f lzif{saf6 cGo vr{ lzif{sdf .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zsn] /sdfGt/ ubf{ cfkm\gf] jf cfkm\gf]
cGtu{tsf] sfof{nosf] Ps pkzLif{s leqsf] Ps vr{ zLif{saf6 csf]{ vr{ zLif{sdf
/sdfGt/ ug{ ;Sg]5 . o;/L cfkm\gf] cGtu{tsf] s'g} Ps sfof{nosf] s'g} zLif{sdf /sd
ckof{Kt ePdf / csf]{ sfof{nosf] ;f]xL zLif{sdf /sd j9L ePdf pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] kl/lwdf
/xL To:tf] vr{ zLif{ssf] ah]6 Ps sfof{noaf6 csf]{ sfof{nodf /sd ;fg{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ Ps k6s h'g ah]6 lzif{s÷pklzif{saf6 /sdfGt/ eO{ ;s]sf] 5 ;f] lzif{s÷pklzif{sdf
/sd gk'u x'g uO{ yk ah]6 dfu ug{ / /sdfGt/ ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-%_ g]kfn ;/sf/ / k|flws/0fsf] ;+oQ ' m nufgLdf ;+rflnt cfof]hgfx?sf] :jLs[t ah]6
/sdfGt/ ubf{ Ps ah]6 zLif{sdf k|fKt /sd csf]{ cfof]hgfsf] ah]6 zLif{sx?df /sdfGt/
ug'{ k/]df phf{ dGqfno dfkm{t cy{ dGqfnoaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]5 { .
!&= k'/s ah]6M :jLs[t aflif{s sfo{sd | sfof{Gjogsf] l;nl;nfdf ljz]if sf/0f kl/ s'g} ;]jf jf
sfo{sf] nflu vr{ ug{ :jLs[t /sd ckof{Kt x'g] ePdf jf yk sfo{sd | ;+rfng ug{ cTofaZos
ePdf jf k|fs[lts÷b}ljs sf/0f kg{ uO{ lgdf{0f tyf dd{t ;Def/ ug'{ kg]{ ePdf jf ;ldltsf]
lg0f{o adf]lhd vr{ x'bF f ah]6 /sd gk'u eO{ yk /sd cfaZos x'g] ePdf gk'u x'g uPsf] lj:t[t
sf/0f, vr{ Aoxf]g{] >f]t tyf cg';"rL $ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f ;lxt k"/s ah]6 tof/ u/L
:jLs[tLsf] nflu ;ldltdf k]z u/L ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t eP adf]lhd ug{' kg]5 { .
kl/R5]b – $
ah]6 /sdsf] lgsf;f tyf vr{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf

!*= ah]6 /sdsf] lgsf;f

lgsf;fM -!_ k|To]s jif{sf] ah]6 :jLs[t ePsf] ;ft lbg leq d'Vo k|zf;sLo
clws[tn] ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z{ s÷sfof{no k|dv' nfO{ :jLs[t sfo{sd
| , /sd ;d]t v'ns
] f]
ah]6 ljj/0f / vr{ ug]{ u/fpg] clVtof/L kq k7fpg' kg]5{ .
-@_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs cy{n] cGo Aoj;fosf pk sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] sfof{nodf
/ pk sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] sfof{non] If]qLo sfof{no / ah]6 s]Gb|x?df tyf
If] q Lo sfof{ n on] cfkm" cGt/utsf sfof{ n ox?df :jLs[ t sfo{ s | d , ah] 6 /
onfO{ !^ ah]6 lgsf;f lbg'
vr{ ug]{ u/fpg] clVtof/L leq /xL ;DalGwt sfof{nonfO
kg]5 { .
-#_ :jLs[t ah]6sf] lgsf;f dfu ug]{ sfof{non] lgsf;f dfu ubf{ ut dlxgf;Ddsf] ;Gt'ng
k/LIf0f tyf ;f] ;Gt'ng k/LIf0fdf pNn]lvt vr{ zLif{ssf] cg';r
" L ;lxt ah]6 dfu kmf/fd
;+nUg ug'{ kg]5
{ . cfjZos laa/0f ;+nUg gePdf ah]6 lgsf;f /f]Ssf /fVg ;lsg]5 .
-$_ ah]6 /sd lgsf;f lb+bf ah]6 / vr{ tyf sfo{sd
| sf] nIo / k|ultnfO{ cfwf/ dflgg]5
-%_ rfn" jif{sf] :jLs[t jh]6sf] /sd dfFu ubf{ cfGtl/s jf a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0fn] b]vfPsf]
a]?h" jf c;"n pk/ ug'{ u/fpg' kg]{ /sdsf] ;DjGwdf s] slt sfof{Gjog ePsf] 5, To;sf]
k|ult laa/0f klg ;+nUg x'g' kg]5
{ . lgsf;f lbg] clwsf/Ln] a]?h" km5\of}6sf] k|ultnfO{
cfwf/ dflg lgsf;f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ rfn" cfly{s jif{leq vr{ x'g g;s]sf] jf+sL /sd pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s -cy{_ n] cfufdL
jif{sf] ah]6 lgsf;fdf ;dfof]hg ug]{ u/L /f]Ssf /fVg jf s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf hDdf x'g]
u/L lkmtf{ u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-&_ ;fdfGotof c;f/ dlxgfsf] kGw| ut] kl5 k"h
F Lut ah]6 tyf ;+rfng ;+ef/ ah]6 lgsf;f
lbOg] 5}g .
t/ ljB't pTkfbgdf k|of]u x'g] OGwg tyf cGo cfktsfnLg sfo{sf] nflu tfn's
sfof{nosf] :jLs[lt lnP/ lgsf;f dfFu tyf :jLs[lt lbg ;lsg]5 .
!(= vr{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf
Joj:yfMM -!_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] :jLs[lt ug]{ elg
tf]lsPsf]df ;f]xL adf]lhd / cGosf] xsdf sfof{nosf] :jLs[t aflif{s sfo{sd | , ah]6 /
vr{sf] clVtof/Lsf] kl/lw leq /xL sfof{no k|dv
' n] vr{sf] :jLs[lt lbg' kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/L afx]s c? s;}n] klg vr{ ug{, vr{ ug]{ cfb]z lbg]
jf vr{ u/]sf] s'/f :jLs[t ug'{ x'b+ g} .
!^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-#_ o; ljlgodfnLdf h'g;'s} s'/f pNn]v eP tfklg d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn]
k|flws/0fsf] ljQLo l:ylt larf/ u/L cfjZostfg';f/ :jLs[t ah]6 Pj+ vr{df lgoGq0f
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ s'g} klg vr{ ug]{ jf vr{sf] lgsf;f lbg] clwsf/Ln] /sd lgsf;f lbbf jf vr{ ubf{
lgoldttf, ldtJolotf, sfo{bIftf / k|efjsf/Ltfsf] b[li6sf]0fn] b]xfosf s'/fx?df Wofg
lbO{ /sd lgsf;f lbg jf vr{ ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-s_ ;f] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt lzif{sdf ah]6 :jLs[t ePsf] 5, / ah]6 jf+sL 5,
-v_ vr{ ug'{ eGbf cl3 vr{ ug]{ cfb]z / lgsf;fsf] cfb]z k|fKt ePsf] 5,
-u_ s'g} gof+ of]hgf jf k"h
+ Lut sfo{qmdsf] /sd eP ;f] of]hgf jf sfo{qmd :jLs[t
eO{ ;s]sf] 5, sfo{qmd cg';f/ lgwf{/Lt ;doleq k|ult ePsf] 5 / sfdsf]
u'0f:t/ / kl/df0f ;Gtf]ifhgs 5,
-3_ ;DalGwt sfd k|flws/0fsf] P]g, ljlgod tyf k|rlnt P]g / lgod adf]lhd 5,
-ª_ k]z ePsf sfuhftx? /Lt k'us ] f] 5, cfDbfgL vr{sf sndx?sf] k|df0f k'us
] f] 5
/ sf/f]jf/sf] n]vf cBfjlws u/L /flvPsf] 5,
-r_ k|flws/0fsf] ;DklQsf] gubL jf lhG;L nut b'?:t / cBfjlws 5 / xfgL gf]S;fgL
/ b'?kof]u x'g gkfpg] u/L ;'ka| Gw / ;+/If0f ePsf] 5,
-5_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0fsf] Joj:yf 5 / To;sf] cg'z
[ /0f ul/Psf] 5,
-h_ cfjlws cfly{s ljj/0fx? ;dodf tof/ ePsf 5g\ / ;dodf k]z x'g] u/]sf 5g\ .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg :jLs[t ah]6 zLif{sdf ljlgof]hg
ePsf] /sd ckof{Kt ePdf jf ah]6 zLif{sdf ;dfj]z gePsf] s'g} sfo{df tTsfn} vr{
gubf{ k|flws/0fnfO{ yk xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g,] a9L b:t'/ ltg'{ kg]{ jf laz]if kl/l:ylt pTkGg
eO{ lgwf{l/t k|so[ f canDag ug{ g;lsg] eO{ tTsfn vr{ ug'{ kg]{ ePdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo
clws[tsf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lnO{ cGo ah]6 zLif{ssf] /sdaf6 cfjZostfg';f/ vr{ ug{ ;lsg]
5 . k"j{ :jLs[lt lng ;+ej gePdf / tTsfn sfo{ gu/] cem j9L xfgL k'Ug] ePdf kl5
;dy{g u/fpg] u/L vr{ ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L ul/Psf] vr{sf] hfgsf/L t'?Gt l56f]
;fwgaf6 d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t / tfn's sfof{nonfO{ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-%_-s_ ljz]if kl/l:ylt cfOk/L s'g} ;]jf dfn;fdfg jf s'g} sfo{sf] nflu tTsfn
ah]6 cfjZos kg]{ ePdf To:tf] sfo{sf nflu cfjZos ah]6 ;ldltn] :jLs[t
ug{ ;Sg]5 . !&
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd ePsf] vr{ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] ;ldltaf6 cg'df]bg
u/fpg' kg]5
{ .
!&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-&_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd vr{ ubf{ vr{ ePsf] /sdsf] /l;b, lan e/kfO{x? tyf
cGo k|df0f sfuhftx? sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ u/fpg] clwsf/Laf6 u/L u/fO{ n]vf /fVg'
{ .
-*_ o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd k|flws/0faf6 x'g] vr{sf] s'g} klg e'QmfgL ubf{ ljn ljhs
hf/L ug]{ ;DalGwt JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ Psfp06 k]oL r]saf6 l;w} e'QmfgL
ug'{ kg{5
] .
t/ b]xfosf] ca:yfdf qm; r]s jf j]o// r]s åf/f e'QmfgL lbg ;lsg]5 M
-s_ krf; xhf/ ?k}of jf ;f] eGbf sd /sd,
-v_ tnj, Hofnf, cf]e/6fOd eQfx? jf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ lbO{g] /sd,
-(_ sfof{no k|dv' n] cfly{s sf/f]af/ ubf{ cfˆgf dftxtsf sd{rf/L pk/ /]vb]v k'¥ofO{
sfof{nosf] gub tyf dfn;fdfgdf s'g} lsl;dsf] lxgfldgf, xfgL gf]S;fgL jf nfk/jfxL
x'g gkfpg] u/L ;'/lIft /fVg plrt k|aGw ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-!)_ :jLs[t ah]6sf] kl/lw leq /xL clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{o cg';f/ cltly ;Tsf/ vr{
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-!!_ k|flws/0fsf sd{rf/Lx?sf] cf}iflw pkrf/ tyf 3/ labfsf];l' jwf ;DaGwL vr{sf] :jLs[lt
lbg] clwsf/ ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' nfO{ x'g5
] .
-!@_ k|flws/0faf6 lbO{g] bz xhf/ ?k}of ;Ddsf] rGbf pkxf/ tyf lj1fkg vr{sf] :jLs[lt d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[taf6 ug'{ kg]5 { .
-!#_ o; ljlgoddf h' g ;' s } s' / f n] l vPsf] ePtfklg tLg xhf/ ?k} o fF ; Ddsf]
sfof{nosf]] ;/;kmfO{, 5kfO{ d;nGb, kqklqsf tyf k':ts / ejg tyf cGo
dd{t, ;jf/L ;fwgsf] kf6{k"hf{ tyf dd{t, ;f]em} uf8Ldf xflnPsf] OGwg tyf
n' l a| s ] G 6\ ; vl/b u/] s f] cj:yfdf dfu kmf/fd, vl/b cfb] z tyf lhG;L
cfDbfgLnufotsf v/Lb k| s [ o f k" / f gePsf] ePtf klg sfof{ n o k| d ' v sf]
:jLs[ltdf e'QmfgL ug{ ;lsg]5 . !*
@)= cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ubf{ k/fdz{ lng' kg]{M -!_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf]
ePtf klg cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ubf{ sfof{no k|dv ' ;+u k/fdz{ lng' kg]5
' n] n]vf k|dv { .
-@_ cfly{s sf/f]af/ ;~rfng ubf{ sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vf k|dv
' sf] aLrdf dte]b ePdf
sfof{no k|dv
' sf] lg0f{o cg';f/ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
@!= ;fgf] gubL sf]if /fVg ;lsg]M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] b}lgs sfo{ ;+rfng ubf{ ;fgfltgf ckem{6
{ f] e'QmfgL r]s åf/f ug{ ;Dej gePdf gub} e'QmfgL lbgsf] nflu sfof{non] tf]sL lbPsf]
!*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
sd{rf/Lsf] lhDdfdf /xg] / gLhn] ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv
' sf] l:js[ltdf ;+rfng ug]{ u/L a9Ldf
krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Ddsf] ;fgf] gubL sf]if v8f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ ;fgf] gubL sf]if ;+rfng ug]{ sd{rf/Ln] k|To]s dlxgfsf] clGtd lbgdf lan ekf{O{ tyf
cfaZos k|df0f sfuhft n]vf zfvfdf k]z u/L ;f]wegf{ dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
t/ To:tf] sf]ifdf kf+r xhf/ ?k}+of eGbf sd /sdsf] ;lGrlt ePdf cGo
lbgx?df ;d]t lan ekf{O{ tyf cfaZos k|df0f sfuhft k]z u/L ;f]wegf{ dfu ug{
;lsg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd ;f]wegf{ dfu eP kl5 n]vf zfvfaf6 ;fgf] gubL sf]ifsf]
clen]v, k]z ePsf] lan, ekfO{ tyf k|df0f sfuhft hfFr u/L ;f] sf]ifaf6 ePsf] vr{sf]
;f]wegf{ ljlgod !( sf] pk–ljlgod -$_ sf] clwgdf /xL lbg' kg{5 ] .
-$_ ;fgf] gubL sf]ifsf] lhDdf lng] sd{rf/Ln] n]vf zfvfaf6 k|fKt ePsf] /sd / ePsf] vr{
k|i6 b]lvg] u/L ljj/0f /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifaf6 s'g} k]ZsL lbg kfO{g] 5}g / cfly{s aif{sf] cGtdf
;f] sf]ifsf] lx;fa aGb u/L km/kmf/s ug'{ kg]5
{ .
@@= ah]6 sfof{Gjog k|ult ;dLIffM -!_ ah]6 sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|To]s sfof{non] rf}dfl;s÷cw{
aflif{s cjlw ;dfKt ePsf] kGw| lbg leq sfo{ k|ult laa/0f tof/ u/L sfof{no k|dv
' cfkm}n]
cg'udg u/L To;sf] hfgsf/L tfn's sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kg]5{ .
-@_ ljefu÷If]qLo sfof{non] cfkm\gf] nufot dftxt sfof{nox?sf] rf}dfl;s÷cw{ aflif{s
ah]6 sfof{Gjog ;dLIff rf}dfl;s÷cw{ aflif{s cjlw ;dfKt ePsf] PSsfO; lbg leq
;DjlGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf ] sfof{nodf k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ sn] cw{jflif{s ?kdf df3 d;fGt leq / jflif{s ?kdf cfly{s jif{
;dfKt ePsf] tL; lbg leq :jLs[t jflif{s ah]6 / oyfy{ vr{x?sf] ;dLIff u/L ;f]sf]
ljj/0f d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ ;+:yfut ljQLo ljefun] ah]6 / oyfy{ vr{, k"h
F Lut nufgL ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg pksfo{sf/L
{ s -cy{_ ;dIf cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] rfnL; lbg leq k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ { s -cy{_ n] / ef}lts nIo / k|ult
:jLs[t ah]6 / vr{sf] k|ult laa/0f pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
laa/0f s]lGb|Lo :t/sf] of]hgf cg'udg lgsfon] ;dLIffsf] nflu d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t
;dIf cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] k}tfnL; lbg leq k]z ul/;Sg' kg]5 { .
-^_ jh]6 sfof{Gjog k|ult ;dLIff ug{] k|To]s sfof{non] cw{jflif{s tyf jflif{s ?kdf -k"/s
cg'dfg k]z ug'{ cufl8_ sfof{Gjogdf /x]sf sfo{qmd / yk ePsf gofF sfo{qmdnfO{ nfe
/ nfutsf] cfwf/df k'g k|fyldstf tf]sL k7fpg' kg]5 { .

kl/R5]b – %
n]vf, n]vfk/LIf0f / a]?h' km5\Øf}{6 ;DaGwL Joj:yf

@#= n] v f l;4fGt, n] v fdfg, n] v f+ s g ljlw / ljQLo ljj/0fM -!_ k| f lws/0fsf] cfly{ s

sf/f]jf/sf] n]vf+sg ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf lgb]z { g u/]sf] n]vf+sg gLlt, ;j{dfGo n]vfsf]
l;¢fGt, g]kfn n]vfdfg (Nepal Accounting Standards) / n]vf lbUbz{g cg';f/ k|fb] efjL
cfwf/df (Accural basis) /fVg' kg]5 { M
-@_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd cfly{s sf/f]jf/sf]] n]vf / lx;fa laB'tLo dfWoddf
/fVg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ k|flws/0fsf] sf/f]jf/sf] l;nl;nfdf ePsf] cfDbfgL vr{sf] lx;fa tyf w/f}6L, lhG;Lsf]
lx;fa :ki6 b]lvg] u/L tyf n]vfdf le8g] sfuhftx? ;d]t l;nl;nfa¢ / cBfjlws?kdf
/Lt k"js{ sf] n]vf /fVg] st{Jo / pQ/bfoLTj sfof{no k|dv ' tyf n]vf k|dv ' sf] x'g5
] .
-$_ k|To]s sfof{non] cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] k}tL; lbgleq;Gt'ng k/LIf0f (Trial Balance)
/ ;f] ;+u ;DjlGwt cg';r " L, ljQLo laa/0f / Joj;fo;Fusf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;Demf}tf cg';f/
sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"Nof+sgsf] nflu lglb{i6 u/]sf] ljQLo ;"rgf ljj/0f ;d]t ;+nUg u/L tfn's
sfof{nodf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ k|To]s sfof{non] cfly{s sf/f]af/sf] b]xfP cg';f/ n]vfjGbL ug'{ kg]5 { MM
-s_ j}s + tyf gub lx;fjM
-c_ k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf] cfiff9 d;fGt;Ddsf] gub tyf a}s + vftfsf] lx;fa,
-cf_ ;fwf/0ftof k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf] cfiff9 kRrL; ut] cufl8 g} k|To]s
sfof{non] sfo{ ;+rfng vftfaf6 e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{ /sd e'QmfgL lbO{
sf/f]jf/ jGb ug'{ kg]5{ . ;f] ;do kl5 klg sfof{nonfO{ clt cfjZos sfd
k/L vr{ ug'{ k/]df tfn's sfof{nosf] :jLs[lt lng' kg]5 { .
-v_ lhG;L sf/f]jf/M k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf]] cfiff9 kRrL; ut] cufl8 g} ;DjlGwt
sfof{non] lhG;L vr{ tyf cfDbfgL sf/f]jf/ jGb u/L cfiff9 d;fGt leq lhG;L
n]vf cWofjlws u/L ;Sg'[ kb{5 .
t/ l8h]n kfj/xfp;af6 ljB't pTkfbg ug{sf] nflu cfjZos x'g] OGwg
cfDbfgL vr{ ug{ / clt cfjZos jf cfktsfnLg sfo{sf] nflu of] Aoj:yf
nfu" x'g] 5}g\ .
-u_ cfly{s sf/f]jf/ n]vf+sgM rfn" cfly{s jif{sf] cfly{s sf/f]jf/sf] lng'kg]{ ÷lbg'kg]{
lx;fj tyf vr{ Aoj:yf ug'{ kg]{ n]vf+sg tyf clen]vg rfn" jif{leq g} ul/;Sg'
{ .
-^_ k|To]s sfof{non] lnnfd ljqmL jf ldGxf ePsf] l:y/ ;DklQsf] ;dfof]hg l:y/ ;DklQ
/lhi6/df / ;fdfgsf] xsdf lhG;L n]h/df cBfjlws u/fO{ /fVg' kg]5 { .
-&_ k|To]s sfof{non] rfn" jif{sf] k"h
F Lut sfo{ dWo] ;DkGg x'g jf+sL /x]sf] sfdsf] /sd
;xLtsf] sfo{qmdut laa/0f / k|lttkq vf]lnPsf] jf vl/b cfb]z eO{ cfpg jfFsL /x]sf
;fdfgsf] df]n ;lxt ljj/0f tof/ u/L /fVg' kg]5 { .
@$= s]Gb|Lo n]vf tyf ljQLo laa/0f M -!_ k|To]s Joj;fon] lglb{i6 ;odd} ;Gt'ng k/LIf0f, ljQLo
ljj/0f / cfjlws n]vf ljj/0f ;f] cjlw ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq / jflif{s n]vfsf]
laa/0f cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] k}tL; lbgleq d'Vo k|zf;lso clws[t ;dIf pknJw
u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-@_ k|To]s Joj;fon] g]kfn n]vfk/LIf0fdfgn] tf]s] adf]lhd n]vfk/LIf0f sfo{ ug]{ argkq
(Audit Engagement Letter) ;xL u/L n]vfk/LIf0fsf] nflu ljQLo ljj/0f tof/ ug]{
lhDd]jf/L lng' kg]5 { .
-#_ k|To]s Joj;fon] cf—cfkm\gf] ljQLo laa/0f -jf;nft, gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fj, gub k|jfx
laa/0f, :jfldTj sf]if kl/jt{g l:ylt laa/0f / n]vf+sg l6Kk0fL_ cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf]
b'O{ dlxgfleq d'Vo k|zf;lso clws[tnfO{ pknJw u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-$_ k|To]s Joj;fon] pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] cfkm\gf] ljQLo laa/0f pknJw u/fpFbf
g]kfn n]vfk/LIf0fdfgn] tf]s] adf]lhd Joj:yfkg :jLsf/ kq (Management
Representation Letter) ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ k|To]s Joj;foaf6 k|fKt cfjlws ljQLo ljj/0f / ljQLo Joj:yfkg ;"rgfsf] cfwf/df
k|flws/0fsf] ljQLo ljj/0f pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ n] ;dLIff tyf l;+xfjnf]sg u/L
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-^_ k|To]s Joj;foaf6 k|fKt cfjlws ljQLo laa/0f ;d]tsf] cfwf/df n]vf ljefun]
k|flws/0fsf] rf}dfl;s ljQLo laa/0f, rf}dfl;s cjlw ;dfKt ePsf] csf]{ dlxgf leq
tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] tLg dlxgf leq n]vf ljefun] k|yd d:of}bf ul/Psf]
k|flws/0fsf] ljQLo laa/0f n]vfk/LIfs ;dIf k]z ul/ ;Sg' kg]5 { .
-*_ k|To]s Joj;fon] cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] k}tL; lbgleq b]xfosf ljifodf jflif{s
sfo{;Dkfbg k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L d'Vo k|zf;lso clwsf/Ln] tf]ss ] f] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z
ug'{ k5{M
-s_ k"h F Lut Pj+ ;+rfng ;+ef/ ah]6 ;Fu oyf{y vr{df ePsf] km/s ljZn]if0f,
-v_ dftxtsf sfof{nosf] lg/LIf0f cg'udg tyf sfo{;Dkfbgsf] ;dLIff u/]sf] ljj/0f,
-u_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fsf] d'Vo s}lkmot / ;f]df ePsf] ;'wf/sf] l:ylt,
-3_ ljut aif{sf] clGtd n]vfk/LIfssf] d'Vo s}lkmot / ;f]df ePsf] ;'wf/sf] l:ylt,
-ª_ sd{rf/LnfO{ b08 ;hfo / k'/:sf/ lbPsf] laa/0f,
-r_ sd{rf/L :jLs[t b/jGbL / sfo{/t laa/0f, /
-5_ cfly{s jif{df ePsf d'Vo d'Vo ljQLo, k|fljlws tyf k|zf;lgs ;'wf/ ul/Psf]
sfo{sf] laa/0f .
@%= n]vf / n]vfsf] ljj/0f bflvnf ug]{ ;doM k|To]s sfof{nosf] lhDd]jf/ JolQmn] cfDbfgL vr{
tyf w/f}6Lsf] ljQLo sf/f]jf/sf] n]vfsf] ljj/0f o; ljlgoddf ;do tf]lsPsf] ePdf ;f]xL
adf]lhd / gtf]lsPsf] ePdf b]xfosf] ;dodf pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ ;dIf bflvnf u/L ;Sg'
{ M
-s_ dfl;s n]vfsf] ljj/0f dlxgf e'Qmfg ePsf] kGw| lbg leq,
-v_ jflif{s n]vfsf] ljj/0f cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] PssfO{; lbg leq,
-u_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf pNn]v eP afx]ssf ljj/0f tyf k|lta]bgx? Dffu ug]{ clwsf/Ln]
tf]ss] f] 9fFrf / Dofb leq .
@^= cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLM sfof{non] cfkm" tyf dftxtsf] sfof{nosf] ljlQo ;"rgfsf]
ljZj;lgotf tyf OdfGbf/Ltf, P]g lgod tyf sfo{ljlwsf] kfngf, ;DklQsf] ;'/Iff tyf ;+/If0f
sfo{ ;+rfngdf ldtAolotf, p2]Zo tyf nIo xfl;n ug{sf] nflu ;'b9[ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnL
Aoj:yf ug'k{ g]5{ . o;sf] nflu k|0ffnLut lgoGq0f / k|lqmofut lgoGq0fsf] Aoj:yf ug'k{ 5{ .
@&= n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt
;ldltMM -!_ ;ldltn] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] Ps n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt u7g ug]5 { M–
-s_ ;ldltn] tf]ss ] f] ;b:o – cWoIf
-v_ n]vf Aoj;fodf bz jif{ b]lv ;+nUg /x]sf] :jtGq
rf6{8{ Psfp06]G6 – ;b:o
-u_ pmhf{ If]q;Fu ;DalGwt :jtGq k|fljlws ljz]if1 – ;b:o
-@_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fsf] k|dv ' n] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] ;lrasf] sfo{ ug]5{ .
-#_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] a}7sdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t, cy{÷n]vf k|dv ' tyf cGo ;Da4
kbflwsf/LnfO{ cfdlGqtsf] ?kdf af]nfpg ;lsg]5 .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ul7t n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo tyf clwsf/ b]xfP
adf]lhd x'g5 ] M
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] n]vf tyf ljQLo ljj/0fx? -lkmgflG;on :6]6d]G6_ sf] k'g/fjnf]sg
ug]{ / To:tf ljj/0fx?df plNnlvt tYosf] ;Totf olsg ug],{
-v_ k|flws/0fsf] cfGtl/s ljQLo lgoGq0f k|0ffnL -OG6/gn lkmgfG;Lon sG6«fn ] l;i6d_
tyf hf]lvd Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL -l/:s Dofg]hd]G6 l;i6d_ sf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug],{
-u_ k|flws/0fsf] a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f, sfo{;Dkfbg n]vfk/LIf0f, s/ n]vfk/LIf0f,
cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fn] hgfOPsf] s}lkmotx?df km5\of}6 ePsf] k|ultsf] ;dLIff
-3_ k|flws/0fsf] n]vfk/LIfsn] n]vfk/LIf0f ;DaGwL sfo{ ubf{ kfngf ug'{ kg]{ k|rlnt
sfg"g, clwsf/k|fKt lgsfon] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cfr/0f, dfkb08 tyf lgb]l{ zsf kfng
u/] jf gu/]sf] s'/fsf] /]vb]v tyf k'g/fjnf]sg ug],{
-ª_ k|flws/0fsf] n]vf, ljQLo Joj:yf tyf n]vfk/LIf0fsf] ;DaGwdf ;~rfns ;ldltn]
tf]lslbPsf] cGo sfo{ ug],{
n]vf+sg gLltx? g]kfn n]vfdfgx?sf] cg'z/0f u/LPsf] / n]vfdfg k"0f{ kfngf ul/
Psf] cg'udg ug],{
-5_ k|flws/0fsf] cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLsf] ;dLIff u/L pko'Qm ;'emfjx? ;ldltdf
k]z ug],{
-h_ k|flws/0fsf] cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fsf] sfo{x?sf] cg'udg / ;dLIff ug],{
-em_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn] cfkmgf] sfd st{Jo k"/f ug{sf] nflu clws[t sd{rf/Lx? tyf
n]vfk/LIfsx?;Fu s'g} klg ;"rgf tyf hfgsf/L dfUg ;Sg],
-`_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn] cfkmgf] sfd st{Jo k"/f ug{ k]zfljbx?sf] k/fd{z ;]jf lng
-6_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn] cfkmgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg k|ltj]bg sDtLdf aif{sf] b'O{ k6s
;ldltdf k]z ug]{ .
-%_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltn] cfkm\gf] cfGtl/s sfo{ljlw cfkm} lgwf{/0f ug]5
{ .
-^_ ;fdfGotof n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf kbflwsf/Lx?sf] sfo{ cjlw b'O{ aif{sf] x'g5 ] t/ k'g
csf]{ Psk6s sfo{cjlw yk ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-&_ n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldltsf kbflwsf/Lx?sf] eQf tyf ;'ljwfx? ;ldltn] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g5 ] .
@*= cfGtl/s n] v fk/LIf0f ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ k| f lws/0fdf lgb] { z s k| d ' v /xg] u/L

cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ug]{ 5'§} sfof{no /xg]5 .

-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIfssf] If]qflwsf/, sfd st{Jo tyf pQ/
bfloTj b]xfP adf]lhd x'g5 ] M
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] sfo{;+rfng ;'wf/ ug{sf] nflu n]vfk/LIf0f ul/Psf] sfof{nosf]
d"Nof+Íg u/L ;'emfj ;xLt k|ltj]bg lbg],
-v_ cfGtl/s lgoGq0f k|0ffnLsf] hfFr / d"Nof+Íg u/L ;Nnfx tyf ;'emfj ;xLt
k|ltj]bg lbg],
-u_ k|flws/0fsf sf/f]jf/sf] x'g ;Sg] hf]lvd (Risk issues) sf] hfFr k/LIf0f u/L
;dfwfg ug]{ ;Nnfx lbg],
-3_ P]g, ljlgod, gLlt / lgb]z { gsf] cg'z/0f eP gePsf] (Compliance) klxrfg
u/L ;'emfj ;xLtsf] k|ltj]bg lbg], /
-ª_ sfo{;Dkfbgdf dLtAolotf, sfo{bIftf / k|efjsf/Ltf eP gePsf] d"NofËg u/L
;'emfj ;lxt k|ltj]bg lbg] .
-#_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfsn] n]vf+sg / clen]vg z'4tf / cBfjlwstf hfFr ug]{ qmddf b]xfP
cg';f/sf] sfo{ ug'{ kg]5{ M
-s_ cfGtl/s ljB't ljqmL tyf ljB't lgof{tsf] lgoGq0f lx;fj;+u ;xfos lx;fjsf]
n]vf+sg clen]vg k"0f{ ?kdf cBfjlws /flvPsf] 5÷5}g,
!(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-v_ lgoGq0f vftf / ;xfos vftf dfl;s ?kdf ldnfg tyf cBfjlws ul/Psf] 5÷5}g,
-u_ n]vf zLif{s tflnsf (Chart of Accounts) cg';f/ cfo, gub, k]ZsL, cfzfdL,
nufgL, lhG;L, l:y/ ;DklQ, k"h F Lut sfo{ k|ult, z]o/ k"h
F L, C0f, bfloTj, Joj:yf
lx;fj cflbsf] n]vf+sg g]kfn n]vfdfg / ;j{dfGo n]vfs+g l;4fGt / Jojxf/
cg';f/ n]vf Pj+ cGo sfuhft lgoldt / k|fdfl0fs ?kdf /flvPsf] 5÷5}g,
-3_ l:y/ ;DklQ /lhi6/ tyf clen]v / ef}lts k/LIf0f, k"h F Lut vr{ / ;f] sf] ef}lts
k/LIf0f, ;+rfng ;+ef/ vr{, lhG;L cfDbfgL tyf vr{sf] n]vf+sg tyf clen]v
n]vf k|0ffnLsf]] n]vf lbUbz{g cg';f/ /fVg] ul/Psf] 5÷5}g .
-ª_ q}dfl;s tyf cw{—jflif{s ?kdf cGt/ zfvf lx;fj ldnfg ePsf] k|df0f 5÷5}g, /
-r_ dfl;s ?kdf / cfly{s jif{sf] cGTodf a}s lx;fasf] v'b df}Hbft / a}s + df}Hbftsf]
ldnfg lx;fa tof/ u/L b'?:t /flvPsf] 5, 5}g .
-$_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f ubf{ cGo s'/fsf] cltl/Qm ;DalGwt P]g, lgod tyf ljlgodfjnL
kfngfsf] lgoldttfsf] n]vfk/LIf0f sfo{ ul/g]5 . lgoldttf kfngfsf] n]vfk/LIf0f ubf{
b]xfosf s'/fsf] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-s_ k|flws/0fsf ljlgodfjnLsf] kfngf ePsf] 5÷5}g,
-v_ g]kfn;/sf/sf] k|rlnt P]g, lgod / sfg"gsf] kfngf ePsf] 5÷5}g,
-u_ k"h F Lut tyf ;+rfng ;+ef/ vr{ ljlgof]lht n]vf zLif{s÷pkzLif{s cGtu{t :jLs[t
ePsf] /sd dfq vr{ ug{ lgsf;f ePsf] xf], xf]Og / ;f] cg';f/ vr{ u/]sf] 5÷5}g,
-3_ To;/L lgsf;f ePsf /sd ;f]xL k|of]hgsf] nflu vr{ u/]sf] 5÷5}g,
-ª_ /sd vr{ ubf{ P]g, ljlgodfjnL tyf gLlt, lgb]z { gsf] kfngf ePsf] 5, 5}g /
cfDbfgL vr{ k|dfl0ft ug]{ oy]i6 k|df0f 5÷5}g,
-r_ vr{ ubf{ b'?kof]u x'g gkfpg] / cfly{s cg'zf;g kfng x'g] lsl;dn] kof{Kt
Joj:yf u/]sf] 5÷5}g,
-5_ ;+:yfut jf JolQmut k]ZsL lb+bf cjlw tf]lsPsf] 5, 5}g / ;f] tf]lsPsf] cjlw leq
k]ZsL km5\of}6{ u/]sf] 5÷5}g, /
-h_ :jLs[t af]nkqsf] sfuhft adf]lhd :k]lzlkms]zg / 9f+rf adf]lhd sfo{ ePsf]
5÷5}g .
-%_ sfo{ ;+rfng n]vfk/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fsf] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ lgoldttf, dLtJolotf, sfo{bIftf, k|efjsf/Ltf / cf}lrTotfsf] cfwf/df sfo{
;+rfng ePsf] 5÷5}g,
-v_ sfof{noaf6 ul/g] lg/LIf0f / cg'udgsf] Joj:yf k|efjsf/L 5÷5}g,
-u_ d"No, nfut cg'dfgsf] oy]i6 k'i6\ofO{ ug]{ sfuhftsf] cfwf/df 5÷5}g,
-3_ lg/f]wfTds dd{t Aoj:yf cg';f/sf] dd{t ;Def/ sfo{ ePsf] 5÷5}g,

-ª_ sfo{ ;+rfng ;Dkfbgsf] nflu sfo{ of]hgf sfo{qmd tof/ u/L sfo{ eO{ /x]sf]
5÷5}g, /
-r_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg dfgx? / gD;sf] kfngf ePsf] 5÷5}g .
-^_ Joj:yfkg n]vfk/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fsf] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ Joj:yfksLo of]hgf, gLlt, sfo{ljlw, sfo{qmd / nIo to ePsf] 5÷5}g / eP ;f]
cg';f/ sfo{ ePsf] 5÷5}g, .
-v_ dfn;fdfg vl/b of]hgf tof/ ul/Psf] 5÷5}g vl/b ul/Psf] ;fdfg slt vkt
/ df}Hbft l:ylt /x]sf 5g\,
-u_ sfof{nosf] ;+u7g ;+/rgf, kb, sfo{ ljj/0f / clwsf/ tyf hjfkmb]lxtf :ki6
5÷5}g, /
-3_ dftxt sfof{nosf] lg/LIf0f cg'udg tyf sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf] ;dLIff ug]{ ul/Psf]
5÷5}g .
-&_ k|fljlws n]vfk/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fsf] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-s_ cfof]hgf nufot cGo sfof{nosf] lgdf{0f tyf dd{t ;Def/sf] dxTjk"0f{ k|fljlws
sfo{sf] gd{;, :t/ lgwf{/0f, dd{t sfo{tflnsf to ul/Psf] 5÷5}g, to u/LPsf]
eP ;f]sf] ;d;fdlos kl/dfh{g tyf sfof{Gjog ePsf] 5÷5}g,
-v_ ef}lts ;fwgsf] plrt k|of]u 5÷5}g,
-u_ ef}lts ;fwgsf] lg/f]wfTds dd{t ;Def/ tf]lsPsf] tflnsf cg'?k ePsf] 5÷5}g,
-3_ ef}lts ;fwgsf] IftL tyf b"36{ gf ePsf] eP ;f]sf] sf/0f clen]vg / k|ltj]bg
lbPsf] 5÷5}g .
-*_ s/ n]vf k/LIf0f ubf{ k|rlnt cfly{s P]g / cfos/ P]g cg';f/ s/ s§L, e'QmfgL / clen]v
ePsf] 5÷5}g .
-(_ cfGtl/s n] v fk/LIf0f laefusf] sfd st{ J o tyf pQ/ bfloTj pk/f] Q m
pNn]lvt ePsf] cltl/Qm b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 . @)
-s_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0fsf] ljut s}lkmotdf ;'wf/ ePsf] l:ylt, rfn' s}lkmotsf]
jlu{st[ l:ylt, clgoldt sf/f]jf/sf] k|sl[ t, c;'n pk/ ug'{ kg]{ /sdsf] laa/0f /
e|i6frf/, d:of}6} tyf lxgfldgf ePsf sf/f]jf/sf] ;dLIff ;d]t ePsf] tTsfn /
bL3{sfnLg ?kdf ug'{ kg]{ sf/afxLsf] ;DaGwdf ;'emfa ;lxtsf] cfGtl/s
n]vfk/LIf0fsf] k|ltj]bg k|To]s rf/÷rf/ dlxgfdf n]vfk/LIf0f ;ldlt tyf d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k]z ug],{
-v_ cfGtl/s n] v fk/LIf0fsf] :jLs[ t jflif{ s sfo{ q md cg' ; f/ sfof{ n osf]
n] v fk/LIf0f k| l tj] b g Ps÷Ps k| l t pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z s -cy{ _ tyf
;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zsnfO{ sf/jfxLsf] nflu pknJw u/fpg], @!
@)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
@!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-u_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfsnfO{ sfo{ut dfu{ lgb]z{ g tyf cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f sfo{
k|lqmof pknJw u/fpg] / sfo{sf] u'0f:t/ j[l4 ug{ lgb]z
{ g lbg],
-3_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgsf] If]qut ;dLIff tyf l;+xfjnf]sg u/L d'Vo d'Vo
;f/e"t s'/fx? d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k]z x'g] k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z ug],{
-ª_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfssf] 1fg, zLk j9fpg], tfnLd uf]i7L ;]ldgf/ sfo{qmd tof/
u/L :jLs[ltsf] nflu d'Vo k|zf;lso clws[tnfO{ k]z ug],{
-r_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg pk/ sf/jfxL sfof{Gjog eP gePsf] cg'udg
u/L d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z ug],{ /
-5_ cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f ePsf] ljifodf a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0fn] ;f/e"t?kdf a]?h'
cf}NofOPsf] v08df hjfkmb]lx x'g] .
-!)_ cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f x'b+ f ;f]lwPsf s'/fx?sf] hjfkm ;DjlGwt clwsf/Ln] ;f]xL ;dodf
g} lbg' kg]5
{ . To:tf] hjfkm ;dodf k]z ug{ g;Sg] egL Dofb yk dfu u/]df / dgfl;j
dflkmssf] sf/0f ePdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] cfjZostf cg';f/ Dofb yk u/L lbg
;Sg]5 .
-!!_ cfGtl/s n] v fk/LIf0faf6 b] l vPsf a] ? h' x ? k| l tj] b gdf pNn] v eP cg' ; f/
cz'n pk/, lgoldt jf cfjZos k|df0f sfuhft k]z u/L n]vf cBfjlws ug'{
kg]{5 . @@
-!@_ k|flws/0fsf ls|ofsnfkx?nfO{ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg;+u cfj4 ug{ cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f
ljefun] Ps ;+:yfut hf]lvd Joj:yfkg O{sfO{ (Enterprize Risk Management
Unit) u7g ug'{ kg]{5 . o;n] cGo Joj;fox?nfO{ hf]lvd Aoj:yfkgsf] sfo{df
;dGjo ug]{5 . @#
@(= s/ n]vfk/LIf0fM sfof{non] cfly{s P]g tyf cfos/ P]g adf]lhd s/ n]vfk/LIf0fsf] nflu
cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] k}tL; lbgleq s/ n]vfk/LIf0fsf sfuhft tyf cfjZos n]vf ljj/
0fx? tof/ u/L ;Sg' kg]5 { .
#)= sfo{;Dkfbg n]vfk/LIf0fM -!_ k|To]s Joj;fosf] cfiff9 / kf}if dlxgf ;Ddsf] sfo{;Dkfbgsf]
d"NofÍg ug{ sfo{;Dkfbg n]vfk/LIf0f u/fpgsf] nflu d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] n]vfk/LIfs
lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ sfo{;Dkfbg n]vfk/LIf0f tf]lsPsf] ;doleq ;DkGg ug]{ u/fpg] pQ/bfloTj ;DalGwt
sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vf k|dv
' df /xg]5 .
#!= ljz] i f jf cfsl:ds n] v f k/LIf0f jf 5fgljg u/fpg ;Sg] M k| f lws/0fsf sfd
sf/afxLx? P]g, lgod, ljlgodfjnL / lgb]l{ zsf adf]lhd eP gePsf] ;'lglZrt ug{ k|flws/0fsf]
sd{rf/Låf/f jf c? s'g} ljz]if1nfO{ s/f/df sfd nufO{ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] ljz]if jf
cfsl:ds n]vf k/LIf0f jf 5fgljg u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
@@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
@#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

#@= a} w flgs n] v fk/LIf0fM -!_ P] g cg' ; f/ lgo' Q m n] v fk/LIfsåf/f k| f lws/0fsf] a} w flgs
n]vfk/LIf0f x'g5 ] .
-@_ k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf] a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0fsf] k|ltj]bg cfly{s jif{ Joltt ePsf] 5 dlxgf
leq ;ldltdf k|fKt x'g] u/L n]vfk/LIf0f ;DkGg u/fpg] Joj:yf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn]
ldnfpg' kg]5 { .
-#_ cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] k}tL; lbg leq k|To]s sfof{non] j}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f / s/
n]vfk/LIf0f u/fpg] k|of]hgsf nflu jflif{s lx;fj lstfjsf] n]vf+sg tyf clen]vg k"0f{
?kn] tof/ u/L cBfjlws /fVg' kg]5 { .
-$_ a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f ug{sf] nflu ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vf k|dv
' n] n]vfk/LIfsnfO{
;dodf n]vf ;DaGwL ;j} clen]v tyf sfuhft h'g;'s} jvt x]g{ lbg' kg]{5 /
n]vfk/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf n]vfk/LIfsn] ;f]ws ] f] / vf]hs] f] laa/0f oyfzL3| pknAw
u/fO{ j]?h" x'g glbg] Aoj:yf ug'{ kg]5{ .
-%_ n]vfk/LIf0fsf] ;dodf sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vf k|dv ' sf] pkl:ylt clgjfo{ x'g' kg]5 { .
-^_ a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0fn] clGtd k|ltj]bg lbg' cl3 g} sfof{non] k|f/lDes k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v
ePsf j]?h" ;s];Dd ;Dk/LIf0f u/fO{ ;Sg' kg]5 { .
##= a]?h" km5\o}{f6 tyf cg'udg Joj:yf M -!_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs, cy{sf] sfof{non] s/
n]vfk/LIfs, cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIfs, sfo{;Dkfbg n]vfk/LIfs, ljz]if jf cfsl:ds n]vf k/LIfs
tyf a}wflgs n]vfk/LIfsaf6 n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg k|fKt eP kl5 ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { snfO{
pQm n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg t'?Gt pknAw u/fpg' kb{5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ;DjlGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { sn] cfkm" / cGtu{tsf sfof{nonfO{
k}tL; lbg leq} pQm k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt a]?h"sf] k|sl[ t / hl6ntf x]/L k'/s k|df0f k]z
ug'{ kg]{ ePdf cfjZos k'/s k|df0f k]z ug],{ lgoldt ug'{ kg]{ ljifo ePdf sf/0f vf]nL
lgoldttfsf] nflu k7fpg] / c;"n pk/ g} ug'{ kg]{ eP To;sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f ;lxt
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ df k7fpg' kg]5{ . lgwf{l/t cjlw ckof{Kt eO{ yk cjlw dfu
ePdf a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0fsf] ;do ;d]t Vofn u/L pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ n]
dgfl;a dflkmssf] cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ n]vf k/LIf0fjf6 cf}NofOPsf j]?h'x?sf] ;DjGwdf cfjZos b]lvPdf pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { sn]
;DjlGwt lhDd]jf/ JolQmnfO{ kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ :kli6s/0f dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf]
:kli6s/0f dfu ePdf ;dodf g} k|ltpQ/ ;d]t k7fO{ a]?h' km5\of}6 ug'{ ;DalGwt
sd{rf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g5 ] .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k'i6\ofO{ / k|df0f k|fKt x'g cfPkl5 pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_
n] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sf/afxL ug'{ u/fpg' kg]5 { M
-s_ e|i6«frf/, d:of}6 jf lxgfldgf ePsf] jfx]s c? s}lkmot jf j]?h' lgoldt ug{sf]
nflu n]vfsf l;4fGt, gLlt, n]vfdfg, n]vf lbUbz{g, ljlgod jf kl/kq adf]lhd
vr{ ubf{ ;fdfGo /Lt gk'–ofPsf] / o;af6 k|flws/0fnfO{ s'g} xfgL gf]S;fgL ePsf]
gb]lvPsf a]?h"sf] xsdf pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s -cy{_ sf] l;kmfl/;df d'Vo k|zf;sLo
clws[taf6 lgoldt u/fO{ km5\of}6{ ug{ u/fpg ;lsg]5 .
t/ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t;+u ;DalGwt a]?h' tyf ;ldltsf] clwsf/ If]q
;DalGwt a]?h'sf] xsdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] l;kmfl/z;fy ;ldlt ;dIf
k]z ug'{ kg]5{ .
-v_ v08 -s_ jdf]lhd ;ldlt ;dIf k]z ePsf] Joxf]/f ;ldltn] hfFRbf dgfl;j b]vd ] f
jf k|flws/0fnfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL ePsf] gb]lvPdf ;ldltn] lgoldt u/L lbg
;Sg]5 .
-u_ c;"n pk/ ug'{ kg]{ 7xl/Psf] j]?h'sf] xsdf lhDd]jf/ JolQmnfO{ c;"n ug'{ kg]{
/sd j'emfpg k}tL; lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ ;"rgf k7fpg' kg]5 { .
-3_ v08 -u_ jdf]lhdsf] Dofb leq j'emfpg' kg]{ /sd j'emfpg g;Sg] pko'Qm sf/0f
;lxt ;DjlGwt lhDd]jf/ JolQmn] ;f]xL ;do leq Dofb yksf] lgldQ lgj]bg
u/]df d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] j9Ldf Ps dlxgf ;Ddsf] Dofb yk ug{
;Sg]5 . yk ul/Psf] Dofb leq klg c;"n ug'{ kg]{ /sd j'emfpg g;s] To:tf] JolQm
k|flws/0fsf] sd{rf/L eP sd{rf/L] ;]jf ljlgodfjnL jdf]lhd ljefuLo sf/afxL
ug{ ;lsg]5 / To:tf] afFsL /sd lghsf] tna eQf, k]G;g, pkbfg h:tf h'g;'s}
;|f]taf6 c;"n pk/ ug{ ;lsg]5 . /sd j'emfpg' kg]{ JolQm k|flws/0fsf]
sd{rf/L jfx]s cGo s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yf ePdf To:tf] JolQm jf ;+:yfn] k|flws/
0fdf /fv]sf] w/f}6Ljf6 c;"n ul/g]5 . ;f] w/f}6Ljf6 klg c;"n pk/ geP gk'u
/sd k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lghsf] hfoh]yf /sdjf6 ;/sf/L af+sL ;/x c;"n
pk/ ug{ sf/jfxL ul/g]5 .
-ª_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg c;"n ug'{ kg]{ j]?h'
/sd dWo] lhDd]jf/ JolQm dl/ ;s]sf] jf lhDd]jf/ JolQmsf] 3/ 7]ufgf kQf nfUg
g;sL jf v08 -3_ jdf]lhd hfoh]yf /sdjf6 c;'n " ug{ sfg"gL sf/jfxL ubf{ klg
jf+sL /x]sf] jf ;+:yf eP sfg"g jdf]lhd 6f6 kN6]sf] sf/0fn] c;"n x'g g;s]sf]
a]?h' d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] l;kmfl/zdf ;ldltn] ldGxf u/L lbg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ o; ljlgoddf tf]lsPsf] ;doleq sf/afO{ gug]{ jf ;Gtf]ifhgs :ki6Ls/0f glbO{
cf–cfkm\gf] st{Jo kfng gug]{ sd{rf/L pk/ k|flws/0fsf] sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnL
adf]lhd ljefuLo sf/afxL ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ :ynut n]vfk/LIf0f x'b+ fsf] ;dodf g} ;DjlGwt sfof{no÷cfof]hgfn] n]vfk/LIfsn]
] f] s'/fx?sf] hjfkm lbg] / k|df0f k]z u/L ;Dk/LIf0f u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-&_ a}wflgs n]vfk/LIfsn] clGtd k|ltj]bg lbg' eGbf cl3 g} pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { ssf] sfof{non]
dftxtsf sfof{nosf] PsLs[t n]vfk/LIf0f j]?h" km5\of}6{ sf] k|df0f k]z u/L ;Dk/LIf0f
u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-*_ sfof{non] j]?h"sf] cBfjlws nut /fvL ;f] nut adf]lhdsf] j]?h'" km5\of}6{ ePsf] k|ult
hgfO{ ;f] sf] hfgsf/L tfn's sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kb{5 .
-(_ j]?h" km5\of}6{ sf] cg'udg ug{ s]Gb|Lo txdf b]xfPsf ;b:o ePsf] j]?h' km5\of}6{ cg'udg
;ldlt /xg]5 . cfjZos 7fg]df ;DjlGwt If]qdf sfd u/]sf JolQmnfO{ cWoIfn] cfdlGqt
;b:osf] ?kdf cfdGq0f ug{ ;Sg]5M
-s_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t – cWoIf
-v_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s -cy{_ – ;b:o
-u_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { sx? -;DjlGwt_ – ;b:o
-3_ lgb]z { s -cf=n]=k_ – ;b:o
-ª_ lgb]z { s, n]vf ljefu – ;b:o–;lrj
-!)_ j]?h" km5\of}6{ cg'udg ;ldltsf] sfd st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g5 ] M
-s_ j]?h" ;DjGwL sfd sf/jfxLsf] n]vfhf]vf tyf cg'udg ug],{
-v_ :ynut cWoog e|d0f u/L j]?h" km5\of}6{ jf/] cfjZos lgb]z { g lbg],
-u_ sfod ePsf] j]?h" km5\of}6{ gug]{ sd{rf/L;+u cfjZos ;f]wk'5 Pj+ :ki6Ls/0f
-3_ j]?h" km5\of}{6 gug]{ jf gu/fpg] ;DalGwt sfof{no k|d'v / n]vfk|d'vsf]
sfo{;DkfbgnfO{ j]?h" km5\of}6{ k|ult;+u cfj4 ug],{
-ª_ j]?h" km5\of}6{ cg'udg ;ldltn] lbPsf] lgb]z { g tyf tof/ u/]sf] k|ltj]bg sfof{Gjogsf]
nflu ;DjlGwt sfof{nodf k7fpg], /
-r_ k|To]s rf}dfl;s cjlwsf] a]?h" km5\of}6{ sf] l:yltsf] hfgsf/L ;ldltdf k]z ug]{ .
-!!_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { ssf] sfof{no / dftxtsf sfof{nodf sfod ePsf] j]?h'" km5\of}6{ sf]
nut /fVg' kg]5 { . / cg'udg ug{ b]xfPsf ;b:o ePsf] j]?h" km5\of}6{ cg'udg pk;ldlt
/xg]5 . cfjZos 7fg]df ;DjlGwt If]qdf sfd u/]sf JolQmnfO{ cWoIfn] cfdlGqt
;b:osf] ?kdf cfdGq0f ug{ ;Sg]5M
-s_ ;DjlGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s – cWoIf
-v_ ljefu÷If]qLo lgb]z { s -;DjlGwt_ – ;b:o
-u_ n]vf k|dv ' -;DjlGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s_ – ;b:o–;lrj
-!@_ j]?h" km5\of}6{ cg'udg pk;ldltsf] sfd st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g5 ] M
-s_ sfof{nosf] j]?h'" ;DjGwL sfd sf/jfxLsf] n]vfhf]vf tyf cg'udg ug],{
-v_ :ynut cWoog e|d0f u/L j]?h" km5\of}6{ jf/] cfjZos lgb]z { g lbg],
-u_ sfod ePsf] j]?h" km5\of}6{ gug]{ sd{rf/L;+u cfjZos ;f]wk'5 Pj+ :ki6Ls/0f
-3_ j]?h" km5\of}6{ gug]{ jf gu/fpg] ;DalGwt JolQm sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vfk|dv ' sf]
sfo{;DkfbgnfO{ j]?h" km5\of}6{ k|ult;+u cfj4 ug{,]
-ª_ j]?h" km5\of}6{ cg'udg pk–;ldltn] tof/ u/]sf] k|ltj]bg sfof{Gjogsf] lgldQ
;DjlGwt sfof{nodf k7fpg], /
-r_ a]?h" km5\of}6{ sf] dfl;s k|ult ljj/0f a]?h" km5\of}6 cg'udg ;ldlt ;dIf k]z ug]{ .
kl/R5]b – ^
;DklQsf] lhDdf, nut ;+/If0f / a/a'emf/y

#$= ;DklQsf] lhDdf / ;+/If0f If0fM -!_ k|flws/0fsf] rn / l:y/ ;DklQ tyf lgdf0f{ sfo{ k|ultdf
/x]sf] ;DklQsf] lhDdf / ;f]sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL gx'g] u/L ;+/If0f / ;+ef/ ug]{ pQ/bfloTj ;DalGwt
sfof{no k|dv' sf] x'g5
] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfd ug{ ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' n] cfkm\gf] hjfkmb]xLdf oyf
;Dej cfkm" dftxtsf n]vf ;d"xsf sd{rf/LnfO{ nufpg' kg]5 { .
-#_ o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd ;DklQsf] ;+/If0f ug'{ kg]{ st{Jo ePsf sd{rf/Ln] cfkm\gf]
st{Jo k"/f gu/]sf] sf/0faf6 s'g} ;DklQsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf To;sf] lhDd]jf/L
lghn] axg ug'{ kg]5 { .
#%= ;DklQsf] nutM -!_ ljlgod #$ adf]lhdsf clwsf/Ln] cfkm\gf] lhDdfdf /x]sf] k|flws/0fsf]
b]xfosf rfn' / l:y/ ;DklQ ;d]tsf clen]v tyf sfuhft k"0f{ ?kdf cBfjlws u/L /fVg' kg]5 { M
-s_ l:y/ ;DklQsf] /lhi6/ / ;f] /lhi6/df pNn]lvt ;DklQsf] ef}lts cl:tTj
Plsg ul/Psf] cBfjlws sfuhft / k|df0fkq,
-v_ k|To]s jif{ yk ePsf] l:y/ ;DklQsf] k"h + Ls/0f ul/Psf] lj:t[t laa/0f,
-u_ l:y/ ;DklQsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ljj/0f / ;f]sf] l:y/ ;DklQ /lhi6/;+u le8fg
ul/Psf] ljj/0f,
-3_ lgdf0f{ sfo{ k|ultsf] ljj/0f / ;f]sf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ljj/0f,
-ª_ df}Hbftdf /x]sf] lhG;L / ef}lts k/LIf0faf6 b]lvPsf] ljj/0f,
-r_ JolQmut lhDdfdf /x]sf] pks/0f tyf sfof{no ;fdfu|L ;d]tsf] ljj/0f, /
-5_ h8fg ePsf :yL/ ;DklQ tyf lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ k| u ltdf /x] s f] ;DklQsf]
:yfg kl/j{tg ubf{ ;f]sf] hfgsf/L k|zf;g, e08f/ tyf n]vf zfvfnfO{
lbg'kg]{5 . @$
#^= l:y/ ;DklQ, rfn' k"hLut sfo{sf] ef}lts k/LIf0fM -!_ sfof{nosf] dftxtdf /x]sf] l:y/
;DklQ tyf lhG;L ;fdfgsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ug'{kg]{ lhDd]jf/L To:tf] ;DklQ lhDdf lng]
sd{rf/L / sfof{no k|dv ' sf] x'g5
] .
-@_ sfof{nosf] l:y/ ;DklQ / lhG;L df}Hbftsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ug{ b]xfP cg';f/sf] l:y/
;DklQ tyf lhG;L ;fdfg ef}lts k/LIf0f ;ldlt /xg]5M
-s_ sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss] f] k|fljlws sd{rf/L – ;+of]hs
-v_ n]vf k|dv ' – ;b:o
@$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-u_ k|zf;g k|dv
' – ;b:o
-3_ :6f]/ k|dv
' – ;b:o–;lrj
-#_ sfof{no / cGtu{t /x]sf ;DklQsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ug]{ ;do tflnsf Pj+ of]hgf sfof{no
k|dv' n] th'd
{ f ug'{ kg]5
{ / ;f]xL of]hgf cg';f/ ef}lts k/LIf0f ;ldltn] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{
{ .
-$_ :yL/ ;DklQ tyf lgdf{0f sfo{ k|ultsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ;ldltn] ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfP
cg';f/sf] sfo{ljlw ckgfpg' kg]5{ M
-s_ l:y/ ;DklQsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu k"h
F Lut vr{ Pj+ l:y/ ;DklQ
n]vf lbUbz{g cg';f/ ug],{
-v_ pQm lbUbz{g adf]lhdsf] gd"gf kmf/fd e/L l:y/ ;DklQ /lhi6/;Fu t'ngf u/L
ef}lts k/LIf0f ljj/0f tof/ ug],{
-u_ n]vf lbUbz{gaf6 k|i6 x'g g;s]sf s'/fdf sfo{ut sfuhft tof/ u/L ef}lts
k/LIf0f ug],{ u/fpg],
-3_ k"h
F Lut ;+/rgfsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ gfk hfFr, ;fO{h, k|sl[ t ;xLtsf] lj:t[t
ljj/0f v'Ng] k|fljlws l/kf]6{ ;xLtsf] sfo{ut sfuhft ;+nUg u/L l:y/ ;DklQ /
lhi6/;Fu t'ngf ug],{
-ª_ ljt/0f nfO{gsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f cGtu{t nfO{g tfg]sf] ldlt, :yfg -b]lv–;Dd_ kf]n
;+Vof, kf]nsf] lsl;d / ;fO{h, tf/ ;+Vof, tf/sf] ;fO{h, ljt/0f nfO{g lsnf]ld6/
cflb v'ns ] f] sfo{ut sfuhft (Working Paper) ;+nUg u/L /fVg],
-r_ 6«fG;km/d/sf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ 6«fG;km/d/ h8fg ePsf] ldlt, :yfg, 6«fG;km/
d/sf] lsl;d, lgdf{tf sDkgL, lgdf{0f ldlt, k/n d"No, Ifdtf -s]=le=P=_ v'nfO{Psf]
sfo{ut sfuhft (Working Paper) ;+nUg u/L /fVg],
-5_ KnfG6 P08 d]zLgsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{, d]ZfLg lgdf{tf sDkgLsf] gfd, ag]sf]
ldlt, df]8n
] , Ifdtf, h8fg ldlt cflb v'ns] f] sfuhft ;+nUg u/L /fVg],
-h_ k|;f/0f nfO{g cGtu{t ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ nfO{g tfg]sf] ldlt, :yfg -b]lv–;Dd_,
kf]n÷6fj/sf] ;+Vof, kf]nsf] lsl;d / ;fO{h, tf/sf] ;+Vof, ;fOh, k|;f/0f nfO{gsf]
lsnf]ld6/ cflb s'/fx? v'ns ] f] sfo{ut sfuhft (Working Paper) ;+nUg
u/L /fVg],
-em_ ;j:6]zgsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ ;j:6]zgsf] lgdf{0f ldlt, lsl;d / Ifdtf, :jLr
of8{, Kofgnaf]8{ ;+Vof, lkm8/ ;+Vof, a|s
] / ;+Vof cflb s'/f v'ns
] f] sfo{ut sfuhft
(Working Paper) ;+nUg u/L /fVg], /

-`_ ef}lts k/LIf0fsf] kmf/dsf] d"n gd"gfn] lj:t[t ljj/0f lbg g;s]sf] cj:yfdf 5'6}
sfo{ut sfuhft (Working Paper) tof/ u/L v'nfO{ /fVg] / ;f/f+z ljj/0f
-;DklQ /lhi6/df eP cg';f/_ ;+u t'ngf u/L /fVg] .
-%_ k|To]s sfof{non] rfn" jif{ tyf ljut jif{df lhDd]jf/L ;fb}{ NofO{Psf rfn'" k"h
F Lut
sfo{sf] cBfjlws ul/Psf] clen]v cg';f/ ef}lts k/LIf0f cfly{s aif{ ;dfKt ePsf]
;f7L lbg leq u/L ;f]sf] n]vf+sg clen]v;Fu le8fg ul/Psf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg tfn's
sfof{nodf k7fpg' kg]5
{ . ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ pk–ljlgod -$_ sf] sfo{ljlw ckgfpg'
{ .
-^_ l:y/ ;Dklt tyf k"h F Lut lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ef}lts k/LIf0f ;ldltn] cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf]
;f7L lbgleq l:y/ ;DklQ tyf k"h F Lut lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ef}lts k/LIf0f u/L b]xfPsf ljifodf
k|ltj]bg k]z ug'k{ g]5
{ M
-s_ ef}lts k/LIf0faf6 b]lvPsf] 36L÷a9Lsf] sf/0f ;lxtsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ Ifltu|:t tyf ck|rng tyf sfd gnfUg] ;DklQsf] d"No ;lxtsf] ljj/0f,
-u_ ;+rfngdf g/x]sf] ;DklQsf] d"No ;lxtsf] ljj/0f,
-3_ l:y/ ;DklQ /lhi6/;Fu ef}lts cl:tTjdf /x]sf] l:y/ ;DklQsf] ldnfg ljj/0f,
-ª_ :yL/ tyf lgdf0f{ sfo{ k|ultdf /x]sf] ;DklQsf] ;'/Iff, ;+rfng tyf ;+ef/ plrt
tl/sfn] eP gePsf] ljj/0f .
#&= lhG;L ;fdfgsf] ef}lts k/LIf0fM -!_ sfof{no k|dv ' n] cf–cfkm\gf sfof{nodf /x]sf] lhG;L
df}Hbftsf] ef}lts k/LIf0f cfly{s aif{ ;dfKt ePsf] tL; lbg leq ;DkGg u/L ;f] sf] k|ltj]bg
tfn's sfof{no / n]vf ljefudf k7fpg' kg]{5 . o;/L] ef}lts k/LIf0f ug{ u7g x'g]
sld6Ldf tfn's sfof{non] cfkm\gf] k|ltlglw tf]Sg ;Sg]5 . @%
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf s'n lhG;L df}Hbftsf] lhG;L ;d'x auL{s/0fdf
b]xfP adf]lhdsf -;f/f+z_ laa/0f ;+nUg x'g' kg]5
{ M
-s_ ck|rngdf /x]sf] lhG;L,
-v_ Ifltu|:t lhG;L,
-u_ sd vkt x'g] lhG;L,
-3_ k|rngdf /x]sf] lhG;L,
-ª_ k"h
F Lut lhG;L .
-#_ lhG;L ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfPsf sfo{ljlw ckgfpg' kg]5
{ M
@%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-s_ lhG;L ef}lts k/LIf0f ug]{ sfo{ ;do tflnsf cg';f/ ef}lts k/LIf0fsf] Joj:yf
sfof{no k|dv
' n] ldnfpg],
-v_ uGtL, gfk÷tf}naf6 ;DjlGwt ;fdfgsf] k/LIf0f ug]{ / k/LIf0f ul/Psf ;fdfgsf]
laa/0f :6s k/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf r9fpg], cj;f]ln6÷Ifltu|:t jf j]sDdf ;fdfg
kfOPdf ;f] sf] k|ltj]bg 5'6}[ tof/ ug],{
-u_ kl/df0fut :6f]/ n]h/ cg';f/ b]lvPsf] df}Hbft ;f]xL k|ltj]bgdf r9fpg], o;/L
df}Hbft sfod ug'{ cl3 :6f]/af6 ePsf] ;j} sf/f]jf/ ;f] n]h/df r9fO{;s]sf] olsg
-3_ ef}lts k/LIf0faf6 sfod ePsf / :6f]/ n]h/af6 b]lvPsf km/s snd olsg
u/L kl/df0fut :6f]/ n]h/df b]vfOPsf] df}Hbft ef}lts k/LIf0faf6 sfod x'g
cfPsf] df}Hbft cg'?k ;dfof]hg ug{ k]z ug]{ / o;/L df}Hbft ;dfof]hg ubf{ :6f]/
lsk/ tyf k/LIf0f ug]{ b'j} JolQmn] x:tfIf/ ug],{
-ª_ ef}lts k/LIf0f k|ltj]bgdf :6f]/ k|dv
' sf] x:tfIf/ u/fO{ Ps k|lt lghnfO{ lbg] /
b'O{ k|lt n]vf zfvfdf k7fO{ Ps k|lt cfkm';u+ /fVg] . ef}lts k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg
kl/df0fut n]h/df df}Hbft ;Rofpgsf nflu k'i6\ofO{ ug]{ sfuhft ;d]t
;+nUg ug],{
-r_ k|ltj]bgsf] Ps k|lt 36L÷j9L ;fdfg jfkt ;d'lrt lg0f{o ug{sf nflu, ;DjlGwt
clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug],{
-5_ 36L÷j9L ;fdfgsf] n]vf+sg ug{ hg{n ef}r/ kf; u/L d"No ;xLtsf] n]h/df
r9fpg] . 36L÷j9L ;fdfg jf/] ;d'lrt lg0f{o geP;Dd o:tf /sd 5fgljg ug{
jf+sL zLif{sdf j]Un} b]vfpg] .
-$_ lhG;L ef}lts k/LIf0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fsf] k/LIf0f u/L k|ltj]bg lbg' kb{5 . ;fy} cGo
cfjZos s'/f eP ;f] ;d]t v'ns ] f] x'g' kg]5
{ M
-s_ dfn;fdfgsf] ;+/If0f / ;+ef/ plrt t/Lsfn] oyf ;dodf ePsf] 5÷5}g,
-v_ dfn;fdfgsf] cj:yf tyf dd{t ug'{ kg]{ ;fdfgsf] laa/0f,
-u_ lnnfd laqmL ug'{ kg]{ cj:yfdf /x]sf lhG;L dfn;fdfgsf] laa/0f,
-3_ lhG;L ;fdfgsf] cfDbfgL / vr{ cBfjlw b]lvg] u/L ljg sf8{ k|of]u u/L /flvPsf]
-ª_ lhG;L dfn;fdfgsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL tyf 36L a9Lsf] laa/0f / s;sf] nfk/jfxL
jf uNtLaf6 xfgL gf]S;fgL ePsf] xf] ;f]sf] olsg /fo,
-r_ lhG;L n]h/df cfDbfgL gaf+lwPsf lhG;L / ljgf d"Nosf] ;fdfgsf] laa/0f,

-5_ cGo sfof{noaf6 6«fG;km/ jf x:tfGt/0f eO{ cfPsf lhG;L ;fdfg / cGo sfof{nodf
6«fG;km/ eO{ uPsf lhG;L ;fdfgsf] lx;fj le8fg u/]sf] laa/0f .
#*= lhG;L ;fdfgsf] n]vf+sg tyf clen]vg Joj:yfM -!_ ljleGg sfof{noaf6 x:tfGt/0f eO{
cfPsf, vl/b ePsf jf cGo s'g} k|sf/af6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf lhG;L ;fdfgsf] hf+ra'em u/L lhG;L
;DaGwL sfd ug]{ sd{rf/Ln] j9Ldf ;ft lbg leq lhG;L cfDbfgL clgjfo{ ?kdf af+Wg' kg]5 { .
-@_ lhG;L n]vfsf] n]vf+sg n]vf lbUbz{g cg';f/ /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-#_ sfo{fno k|dv' n] cf–cfkm\gf] sfof{no ;'rf??kn] ;+rfng ug{sf nflu cfjZos kg]{
;fdfg s] slt kl/df0fdf df}Hbft /fVg] xf] ;f]sf] :jLs[lt cfkm\gf] tfn's sfof{noaf6 lng'
kg]{5 . ;f] :jLs[ltsf] cfwf/df dfq lhG;L ;fdfg vl/b ug{ jf cGo sfof{nosf]
e08f/af6 6«fG;km/ u/L Nofpg' kg]5
{ .
-$_ ;fdfGotM k|To]s jif{sf] c;f/ ;f]x| ut]bl] v c;f/ d;fGt;Dd s]Gb«Lo sfof{no e08f/
÷pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ ssf] sfof{nosf] e08f/ tyf If]qLo sfof{no÷ljefusf] e08f/af6
zfvf sfof{nodf lhG;L x:tfGt/0f ul/g] 5|g} .
-%_ lhG;L lgoGq0f vftf;+u lhG;L ;xfos vftf ldnfg u/L ;f]sf] k|ltj]bg jflif{s ?kdf
tfn's sfof{nodf k]z ug'{ kb{5 .
-^_ k|of]u ePsf dfn;fdfg sfof{nodf lkmtf{ x'g cfPdf tyf ;fdfg k'gM k|of]u x'g ;Sg]
ePdf pQm ;fdfgsf] z'?sf] vr{ xFb' fsf] df]ndf x|f; vr{ s§f u/L e08f/df d"No ;lxt
cfDbfgL af+Wg' kg]5
{ .
-&_ sfof{nosf] df}Hbftdf /x]sf] dfn;fdfg tyf ef}lts k/LIf0faf6 36L÷a9L b]lvPsf]
;fdfgsf] d"No sf/0fa; v'Ng g;s]sf] cj:yfdf sfof{no k|dv ' sf] cWoIftfdf ;DalGwt
If]qLo sfof{no÷ljefuLo k|dv ' n] tf]ss
] f] k|ltlglw ePsf] ;ldlt n] To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf]
cj:yf / ;f]xL k|sl[ tsf] ;fdfgsf cf}ift e08f/ d"No / k|rlnt ahf/ d"No ;d]t ljrf/
u/L d"No sfod u/fO{ /fVg'kg]5 { .
-*_ ] f dfn;fdfgx? e08f/df lkmtf{ k|fKt ePdf k|To]s dfn;fdfgsf] Ps ?k}of
d"No gv'ns
d"No sfod u/L lhG;L cfDbfgL ug'{ kg]5
{ / pk–ljlgod -&_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltaf6 d"No
sfod u/fO{ ;dfof]hg ug'{ kg]5
{ .
#(= lhG;L e08f/0f Joj:yfM -!_ e08f/df cfDbfgL af+lwPsf ;fdfgsf] s'g} xfgL gf]S;fgL gx'g]
u/L e08f/ ug],{ ;+/If0f ug]{ / oyf ;dodf To;sf] plrt ;+ef/ u/L k|of]udf Nofpg ;lsg]
cj:yfdf /fVg nufpg] pQ/bfloTj ;DalGwt sfo{fno k|dv ' sf] x'g5
] .

-@_ k|of]u ePsf] dfn;fdfg sfd gnfUg] eO{ cfPsf] cj:yfdf lkmtf{ x'bF f lnnfd x'g] ;fdfgsf]
/lhi6/ v8f u/L nut /fvL 5'6}[ :yfgdf e08f/0f u/L /fVg' kb{5 .
-#_ lhG;L vftf adf]lhdsf] lhG;L df}Hbft ef}lts ?kdf b'?:t /flvPsf] x'g' kg]5
{ .
-$_ vf]hs] f] ;dodf vf]hs
] f] ;fdfg k|fKt x'g] u/L e08f/df ljg sf8{sf] Joj:yf ldnfO{Psf]
x'g' kb{5 .
$)= JolQmut lhDdfdf /xg] ;DklQsf] clen]vM -!_ JolQmut lhDdfdf /xg] k"h F Lut tyf cGo
;fdfg s'g s'g sd{rf/Lsf] lhDdfdf /x]sf] 5 ;f]sf] z'? d"No, kl/df0f, x|f; / v'b d"No ;lxtsf]
cWofjlws clen]v /fVg]÷/fVg nufpg] st{Jo / pQ/bfloTj ;DalGwt sd{rf/L tyf sfof{no
' sf] x'g5
] .
-@_ JolQmut lhDdfdf /x]sf] ;jf/L ;fwg, ljB'tLo oGq, sDKo'6/, Sofd]/f, km\ofS;, kmf]6f]slk
d]lzg, :Sofg/, Hofjn, cf}hf/, pks/0f tyf sfof{no ;fdfu|L cflb dWo] k|of]u eO{
lvO{Psf], 6'6km'6 e} a]sDdf ePsf] jf cGo s'g} sf/0faf6 sfd gnfUg] ePsf ;fdfgsf]
k/n d"No, x|f; vr{ kl5sf] d"No v"b d"No ;lxtsf] laa/0f k|To]s sfof{non]
If]qLo sfof{no÷ljefudf k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] tL; lbg leq pknJw u/fpg'
kg]5{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd ljj/0f k|fKt ug]{ If]qLo sfof{no÷ljefun] k|fKt ljj/0f Plss[t
u/L pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ ssf] sfof{nodf k}tL; lbg / pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { sn] k|fKt ljj/0f
Plss[t u/L rfnL; lbgleq n]vf ljefudf k7fpg' kg]5 { .
-$_ k|To]s jif{sf] AolQmut lhDdf /xg] sfof{no ;fdfu|L, pks/0f tyf Hofjn cf}hf/sf]
zLif{sdf ePsf] s'n k"h
F Lut vr{;uF sd{rf/L AolQmut ;DklQ vftfdf ul/Psf] clen]vg
ldnfg ug'{ kg]5 { .
$!= x:tfGt/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ Ps sfof{non] csf]{ sfof{nonfO{ dfn;fdfg x:tfGt/0f ug'{
k/]df sfo{no k|dv' af6 :jLs[t eP kl5 x:tfGt/0f kmf/fd e/L x:tfGt/0f ug'{ kg]5
{ . dfn;fdfg
a'lemlng] sfof{non] xGtfGt/0f e} cfPsf] dfn;fdfg cfDbfgL jf+wL ;f] sf] hfgsf/L ;fljs
sfof{nonfO{ lbg' kg]5
{ .
-@_ s'g} sfof{no vf/]h ePdf jf cGo sfof{no;+u uflePdf ;f] sfof{no sfod /x]sf]
lbg;Ddsf] lhG;L dfn;fdfgsf] df}Hbft / dd{t ;Def/, lnnfd, ldGxf ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf]
kl/df0f / d"No ;d]t v'nfO{ To:tf] sfof{no vf/]h ePsf] jf uflePsf] ldltn] k}t+ L; lbg
leq k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L ;DjlFwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd To:tf]
dfn;fdfgsf] x:tfGt/0f u/L lng] lbg] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]5
{ .

$@= x|f; s§L ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ l:y/ ;DkQLsf] x|f; s§L ubf{ ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] n]vf+sg
gLlt cg';f/ b]xfo adf]lhd x|f; s§L ug'{ kg]5 { M
;DklQsf] ljj/0f x| f ; s§L b/
s hUuf )
v ejg b'O{ k|ltzt
u hn ljB'tLo ;+/rgf b'O{ b]vL tLg k|ltzt
3 hn ljB'tLo Knf06 / pks/0f tLg k|ltzt
ª cfGtl/s Hjng;Ln Knf06 / pks/0f b'O{ bzdnj kfFr k|ltzt
r k|zf/0f nfO{g -^^ s]le, !#@ s]le / ;f] eGbf dfyL tLg k|ltzt
5 k|zf/0f nfO{g -## s]le_ tLg k|ltzt
h k|zf/0f ;j:6]zg tLg k|ltzt
em ljt/0f k|0ffnL -!! s]le ljt/0f nfO{g eGbf sd ;d]t_ tLg b]vL rf/ k|ltzt
` ;f}o{ phf{ tLg k|ltzt
6 ld6/ / ld6l/Ë pks/0f bz k|ltzt
7 pkef]Qmf ;]jf ;ft k|ltzt
8 ;fj{hlgs aQL tLg k|ltzt
9 ;jf/L ;fwg, d]lzg, cf}hf/, kmlg{r/ / lkmSr/ aL; k|ltzt
0f sfof{no pks/0f kGw| k|ltzt
t ljljw ;DklQ krf; k|ltzt
y cfly{s aif{ leq yk cfwf aif{sf] nflu k|rlnt b/
-@_ s/ n]vf k/LIf0f k|of]hgsf] nflu cfo s/ P]gdf ePsf] Joj:yf adf]lhd x|f; s6[L ug'{
kg]5{ .
-#_ lhG;L dfn;fdfgsf] x|f; s6[f ubf{ lhG;L dfn;fdfg vl/b ePsf] cfly{s aif{df x|f; s6[L
gu/L csf]{ cfly{s aif{ b]vL ug{' kg]5
{ .
$#= k| f lws/0fsf] ;DklQsf] ladf ug] { Joj:yfM -!_ ;jf/L ;fwg tyf d' V o k| z f;sLo
clws[tn] ladf ug'{ kg]{ egL 7x¥ofPsf k|flws/0fsf] sfof{no ejg, gub jf cGo sfof{nosf
dfn;fdfgsf] d"NonfO{ vfDg] u/L b'36{ gf, cUgL, x'nb+uf, e'sDk, la:kmf]6g cflbaf6 x'g] IftLsf] ladf
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ;jf/L ;fwgsf] jLdf ubf{ t];f| ] kf6L{nfO{ x'g] IftL ;d]t ;dfa]z
u/L ladf ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ jLdf u/] afkt nfUg] z'Ns -lk|ldod_ / zt{ jLdf ug]{ ;+:yf;+u ePsf] ;Demf}tf cg';f/
] .
-$_ ladf ubf{ :jb]zL ladf sDkgLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg ;lsg]5 .
$$= a/a'emf/y ug{' kg]{M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] gub, lhG;L, w/f}6L, a]?h', a}s + hdfgtsf] clen]v 3/
hUufsf] gS;f tyf clen]v, krf; nfv ?k}ofF eGbf a9L lgdf{0f sfo{sf] oh laN8 gS;f tyf cGo
/sdsf] nut ;]:| tf tyf sfuhft / cfˆgf] lhDdfdf ePsf] jf /x]sf] sfd cflbsf] lhDdf lng]
sd{rf/L ;fwf/0ftof ;?jf, a9'jf, cjsfz k|fKt u/L jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] cfk"m sfo{/t sfof{no
5f]8L hfFbf jf ;f] sfdaf6 cnu x'bF f a/a'emf/y ug]{ lghsf] st{Jo x'g5 ] . a'emL lng] sd{rf/Ln]
klg t'?Gt a'emL lng' kg{5] . cfn6fn u/L a'emL glnPdf To:tf sd{rf/L axfnjfnf ePdf lghsf]
tna eQf /f]Ssf /fvL cGo s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ a'lem lng lgb]z { g lbg ;Sg]5 . axfn 6'6L ;s]sf]
sd{rf/L eP lghn] k|flws/0faf6 kfpg] ;'ljwfx? /f]Sssf /fvL a/a'emf/y ug{ nufO{g5 ] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd a/a'emf/y ug]{ st{Jo ePsf sd{rf/Ln] PSsfO{; lbg leq a/
a'emf/y u/L ;Sg' kg]5 { . ;f] Dofb leq a/a'emf/y ug{ g;lsPdf ;f]sf] sf/0f vf]nL
;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s ;dIf k]z u/L lgb]z { g eP adf]lhd ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd a/a'emf/y c:yfO{, Hofnfbf/L jf s/f/df lgo'lQm ePsf] jf
sfod d'sfod ePsf] sd{rf/Ln] ;d]t ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ ;?jf eO;s]sf] sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]lsPsf] ;doleq j/a'emf/y ug{ nufO{ /dfgfkq lbg]
st{Jo tyf bfloTj ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' sf] x'g5
] .
-%_ a/a'emf/ysf] lgldQ lgo'lQm, ;?jf jf a9'jf eO{ cfpg] sfof{no k|dv ' ;dodf pkl:yt
x'g gcfPdf ;fljs sfof{no k|dv ' n] cfkm" eGbf Ps tx d'gLsf] sd{rf/LnfO{ a'emfpg' kg]5 { .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -!_ cg';f/ a/a'emf/y x'b+ f cfkm\gf] lhDdfdf /x]sf gub lxgfldgf eO{ gk'u
ePdf jf s'g} dfn;fdfg ;a'b bflvnf ug{ g;s]df To:tf] lhDdf lng] JolQml;t
lxgfldgf, gk'u ePsf] gub / dfn;fdfgsf] df]n c;"n pk/ u/L lghnfO{ k|flws/0fsf]
sd{rf/L ;]jf ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd sf/afxL ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ axfnjfnf / ;flasjfnfn] j/j'emf/y ubf{ sfof{no k|d'vsf] /f]xj/df ePsf]
a/a'emf/ydf csf]{ Ps sd{rf/LnfO{ klg ;fIfL /fVg' kg]5 { .
-*_ a/a'emf/y ug]{ st{Jo ePsf sd{rf/L gf]s/Laf6 cjsfz lnO;s]sf] / kQf gnfu]sf] jf
d/]sf] jf :jf:Yosf sf/0faf6 xf];\ 7]ufg gePsf] jf ax'nfPsf] jf cGo s'g} ljz]if
kl/l:yltdf j/j'emf/y ug'{ kg]{ sd{rf/Ln] ug'k{ g]{ a/a'emf/y lghsf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o jf
cGo s'g} k|ltlglw dfkm{t klg sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss ] f] sd{rf/Lsf] /f]xa/df
j/j'emf/y u/fpg kfpg]5 .
t/ o;/L a'em a'emf/y ubf{ gk'u x'g cfpg] gubL jf lhG;Lsf] xsdf ;DalGwt
sd{rf/L g} pQ/bfoL x'g5 ] .
-(_ a/a'emf/y ug]{ st{Jo ePsf] sd{rf/Ln] o; ljlgod adf]lhd a/a'emf/y u/L ;s]kl5
;flas sfof{noaf6 cg';"rL — % adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf a/a'emf/ysf] k|df0fkq tyf
sfof{no k|dv ' , n]vf k|dv
' , :6f]/ k|dv
' / k|zf;g k|dv ' sf] xsdf cg';r " L—^ adf]lhdsf]
k|df0f k]z gu/L lghnfO{ xfnsf] sfof{nodf xflh/ x'g tyf tna eQf cflb e'QmfgL
ul/g] 5}g . a/a'emf/y ePsf] k|df0f lagf tna v'jfPsf] eP ;f] tna v'jfpg] JolQm
hjfkmb]xL x'g5 ] .
-!)_ a/a'emf/y ug]{ JolQm cjsf; k|fKt sd{rf/L eP pk–ljlgod -(_ adf]lhdsf]
k|df0fkq k]z gu/L lghnfO{ lgj[Qe/0f, pkbfg jf cGo s'g} klg ;'ljwf /sdx? e'QmfgL
lbOg] 5}g .
kl/R5]b – &
lnnfd laqmL tyf ldGxf ;DaGwL Joj:yf

$%= lnlvt cfb]z ljgf lnnfd ljqmL ug{ gx'gM] -!_ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] lnlvt cfb]z
ljgf dfn;fdfg lnnfd ljqmL ug{ u/fpg x'bg} .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] lnnfd ljs|Lsf] cfb]z lb+bf To:tf]
dfn;fdfg lnnfd ljqmL ug]{ cj:yfdf 5÷5}g hfFrL, hfFr ug{ nufO{ cfb]z lbg' kg]5
{ .
$^= lnnfd ug]{ Joj:yfM -!_ lhG;L lg/LIf0fsf] k|ltj]bgdf a]sDdf eO{ sfd nfUg g;Sg], 6'6km'6
eO{ a]sDdf ePsf / k'gM dd{t gx'g] egL lhG;L lg/LIf0faf6 ls6fg ePsf jf dd{t x'g ;Sg] eP
klg k"/fgf] df]8n, To;sf] :k]o/ kf6{ k"hf{sf] cefj ePsf] jf k|ljlw kl/jt{gsf] sf/0fn] jt{dfg
cj:yfdf cg'kof]uL 7xl/Psf dfn;fdfgx? Jff ;DklQsf] ;"rL k|To]s aif{sf] kf}if dlxgf ;Dddf
tof/ u/L clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] l:js[tLdf k|To]s sfof{non] lnnfd las|L ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ lnnfd ug'{ kg]{ elg 7x¥ofO{Psf dfn;fdfgx? lnnfd ug'{ kbf{ To:tf dfn;fdfgx? Jff
;DklQsf] pkof]lutf, ;]jf cfo', x|f;s6[L, cjz]if d"No / ahf/sf] k|rlnt d"No ;d]t larf/
u/L Go"gtd d"No sfod ug{ b]xfo cg';f/sf] ;DklQ lnnfd ljqmL d"NofÍg ;ldlt u7g
ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-s_ ;DjlGwt sfof{nosf] sfof{no k|dv
' – ;+of]hs
-v_ k|fljlws sd{rf/L -clws[t:t/_ – ;b:o
-u_ k|zf;g OsfO{ k|dv
' – ;b:o
-3_ n]vf k|dv
' – ;b:o
-ª_ lhG;L k|dv
' – ;b:o–;lrj
:ki6Ls/0fM sfof{nodf clws[t:t/sf] k|fljlws sd{rf/L gePdf ;xfos :t/
/fVg ;lsg]5 .
-#_ s'g} ljz]if k|s[ltsf] dfn;fdfgsf] d"NofÍg ug{ cGo sd{rf/L jf jfX\o ljz]if1sf]
cfjZostf k/]df pk–ljlgod -@_ jdf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To:tf] sd{rf/L jf jfX\o
ljz]if1nfO{ cfdGq0f ug{ jf k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf lng ;Sg]5 . jfX\o ljz]if1nfO{ cfdGq0f
ug{ jf k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf lng' k/]df tfn's sfof{nosf] :jLs[tL lng' kg]5{ .
-$_ k/ndf]n v'ns ] f]df b'O{ nfv ?k}ofF jf k/ndf]n gv'ns
] f]df d"Nof+lst /sdsf] krf; xhf/
?k}ofF jf b'j} u/L b'O{ nfv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf]
l;kmfl/;df clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ lnnfd ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ df pNn]lvt d"No eGbf a9Lsf] dfn;fdfg÷;DklQ lnnfd ljqmL ug'k{ g]{
ePdf pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] u/]sf] l;kmfl/z pk/ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt
;dIf k]z u/L ;f] ;ldltsf] /fo l;kmfl/zsf] cfwf/df clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] lnnfd
ljqmLsf] l:js[tL lbg ;Sg]5 .
-s_ k/n d"No kGw| nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] dfn;fdfg jf k/n d"No gv'ns ] f]df d"Nof+lst
/sd tLg nfv ?k}ofF jf b'j} u/]/ c7f/ nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] dfn;fdfg÷;DklQsf]
Go"gtd /sdsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt /xg] 5 M–
-s_ lgb]z { sn] t]fs]sf] clws[t – ;+of]hs
-v_ n]vf k|dv ' – ;b:o
-u_ k|fljlws clws[t – ;b:o
-3_ ;DjlGwt sfof{no k|dv ' – ;b:o–;lrj
-v_ k/n d"No rfnL; nfv ?k}ofF / d"No gv'ns ] f]df d"Nof+lst /sd bz nfv ?k}ofF
jf b'j} u/]/ krf; nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] dfn;fdfg÷;DklQsf] Go"gtd /sdsf]
k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt /xg] 5 M–
-s_ pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zsn] t]fs]sf] sd{rf/L – ;+of]hs
-v_ n]vf k|dv ' – ;b:o
-u_ k|fljlws clws[t – ;b:o
-3_ ;DjlGwt sfof{no k|dv ' – ;b:o–;lrj
-u_ k/n d"No rfnL; nfv ?k}ofF / d"No gv'ns ] f]df d"Nof+lst /sd bz nfv ?k}ofF
jf b'j} u/]/ krf; nfv ?k}ofF eGbf dflysf]] dfn;fdfg÷;DklQsf] Go"gtd /sdsf]
k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;ldlt /xg] 5 M–
-s_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] tf]ss ] f] pksfo{sf/L
lgb]{zs – ;+of]hs
-v_ ;DjlGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs – ;b:o
-u_ lgb]z { s, n]vf ljefu – ;b:o
-3_ dfn;fdfg;Fu ;DjlGwt ljz]if1 – ;b:o–;lrj
-^_ cfo' lglZrt ePsf h'g;'s} dfn;fdfgsf] cfo' ;dfKt ePkl5 pk–ljlgod -@_ / -%_
cg';f/ ul7t ;ldltaf6 d"NofÍg tyf l;kmfl/zsf] cfwf/df lnnfd ljlqm ug{ ;lsg]5 .
To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f cGo lnnfd ;fdfu|Lsf] ;"rL ;Fu} tof/ ug'{ kg]{ bfloTj
sfof{no k|dv' sf] x'g5] .
-&_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg :yL/ ;DklQx?sf] pkof]u
cjlw eGbf a9L k'/fgf / rfn" xfntdf g/x]sf jf rfn" xfntdf Nofpg ;f]lx dfn;fdfgsf]
ahf/ d"Nosf] kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf a9L dd{t vr{ nfUg] ePdf pk–ljlgod -@_ / -%_
adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/zdf lnnfd ljlqm ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-*_lgdf{0f ePsf ef}lts ;+/rgf eTsfO{ lnnfd ljlqm ubf{ eTsfpg nfUg] vr{ / dfn;fdfg
ljlqm ubf{ x'g] /sdsf] cfO6d cg';f/ nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'k{ g]5 { . lnnfd ljlqmaf6
k|fKt /sd eGbf eTsfpg nfUg] /sd a9L ePsf] v08df km/s /sdnfO{ g} Go"gtd d"No
dfgL lnnfd 36f36sf] dfWod ckgfpg'kg]5 { . lnnfdaf6 k|fKt x'g] /sd eTsfpFbf nfUg]
vr{ eGbf al9 x'g cfPdf km/s /sdnfO{ g} Go"gtd d"No dfgL lnnfd a9fj9sf] sf/afxL
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-(_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg 3/ hUuf h:tf l:y/ ;DklQ lnnfd
las|L ug'k{ g]{ ePdf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jLs[lt lng' kg]5 { .
-!)_ lnnfd ljqmL ubf{ l;naGbL af]nkq jf ;fjh{lgs a9fj9sf] k|lqmofaf6 ug{ ;lsg]5 .
clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] lnnfd las|L ug]{ lg0f{o ubf{ lnnfd a9fa9 ug]{ jf af]nkq
cfJxfg u/L lnnfd ug]{ eGg] ;DaGwdf ;d]t lg0f{o ug'{ kg]5 { .
-!!_ lnnfd laqmL ug]{ :jLs[lt ePkl5 b]xfo jdf]lhdsf] Dofb lbO{ lnnfd las|Lsf] ;"rgf
k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ kRrL; xhf/ ?k}of ;Dd Go"gtd d"No sfod ePsf dfn;fdfgx?sf] lnnfd
las|Lsf] nflu ;ft lbgsf],
-v_ Ps nfv ?k}of ;Dd Go"gtd d"No sfod ePsf dfn;fdfgx?sf] lnnfd las|Lsf]
nflu kGw| lbgsf],
-u_ Ps nfv ?k}of eGbf j9L Go"gtd d"No sfod ePsf dfn;fdfgx?sf] nflu
slDtdf PSsfO{; lbgsf] .
-!@_ pk–ljlgod -!!_ sf] v08 -s_ / -v_ jdf]lhdsf] ;"rgf ;DjlGwt sfof{non] cfkm\gf] tyf
k|flws/0fsf] ;"rgf kf6Ldf 6f+; F ug'{ kg]5
{ / k|flws/0fsf] j]e;fO{6df ;d]t /fVg' kg]5{ .
-!#_ pk–ljlgod -!!_ sf] v08 -u_ jdf]lhdsf] ;"rgf /fli6«o :t/sf] s'g} b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf
k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5 { / k|flws/0fsf] j]e;fO{6df ;d]t /fVg' kg]5{ .
-!$_ pk–ljlgod -!#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg lnnfd ul/g] dfn;fdfg / la1fkg
vr{nfO{ larf/ u/L /fli6«o:t/sf] klqsfdf ;"rgfsf] 5f]6s/L Aoxf]/f k|sfzg u/L ;"rgfsf]
k"0f{ Aoxf]/f k|flws/0fsf]] ;"rgf kf6Ldf 6fF; ug{ ;lsg]5 . ;fy} To:tf] ;"rgf k|flws/0fsf]
j]e ;fO{6df ;d]t /fVg' kg]5 { .
$&= a9fa9af6 lnnfd ljqmL ug]{ Joj:yfM -!_ lnnfd j9fj9 åf/f lnnfd ljqmL ug{ ljlgod $^
sf] pk–ljlgod -!!_ jdf]lhd k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{ ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? v'nfpg' kg]5 { M
-!_ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f,
-@_ dfn;fdfgsf] Go"gtd d"No,
-#_ lnnfd a9fa9 x'g] :yfg, ;do -z'? / cGTo x'g] ;do_ / ldlt,
-$_ lnnfd a9fa9df ;xefuL x'g gfd n]vfpg] clGtd ;do,

-%_ Go"gtd d"Noaf6 a9fa9 z'? x'g] s'/f,
-^_ lnnfd ;sf/ ug{ 8fFs af]Ng' cl3 g} lnnfd a9fa9df efu lng cfkm\gf] gfd btf{ u/fpg'
kg],{ Go"gtd d"Nosf] bz k|ltztn] x'g] gub w/f}6L /fVg' kg]{ s'/f / 8fFs c+s a9\b} uPdf
;f]xL cg'kftdf w/f}6L yk ub}{ hfg' kg]{ s'/f,
-&_ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f / cj:yf x]g{ ;lsg] :yfg,
-*_ lnnfd ;sf/ u/]sf] /sd a'emfO{ dfn;fdfg p7fO n}hfg' kg]{ cjlw,
-(_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-@_ lnnfd j9fj9sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] ;do k|f/De x'g' cl3 lnnfd a9fa9df efu lng rfxg]
;j} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf] gfd l;nl;n]jf/ 9+un] btf{ ug'{ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-#_ lnnfd j9fj9sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] ;do k|f/De ePkl5 lnnfd a9fa9df efu lng rfxg]
cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf] gfd btf{ ug{ u/fpg kfOg] 5}g .
-$_ lnnfd j9fj9sf] sfo{ k|f/De ubf{ btf{ lstfjdf ;j} eGbf klxn] gfd btf{ u/fpg] JolQm,
kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLsf] gfd pRrf/0f u/L æv/Lb ug{ rfxg] d"NoÆ eGg' xf]; egL eGg'
kg]5 { . tf]lsPsf] gub w/f}6L /fvL klxnf] btf{jfnfn] cfkmgf] d"No af]n saf]n d"Nodf
x:tfIf/ u/] kl5 ;j}n] ;'Gg] u/L lghsf] gfd / af]n saf]n d"No eGg' kg]5{ / To;kl5 bf]>f]
/ qmd};u+ c?nfO{ cfjZos w/f}6L /fvL af]n saf]n d"Nodf x:tfIf/ ug]{ cj;/ lbg' kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ jdf]lhd ;j}sf] kfnf] ;lsPkl5 k'gM klxnf] btf{jfnf b]lv z'? x'g] u/L
bf]>f] r/0f k|f/De ug'{ kg]5
{ . o;/L lnnfd a9fa9 ubf{ clGtd ;do;Dd s'g} JolQm, kmd{,
;+:yf jf sDkgLn] klg cl3Nnf] r/0fsf] d"Nodf j9\g] u/L gof+ af]n saf]n d"Nodf x:tfIf/
gu/]df æclGtd d'No olt sfod eof]Æ egL lnnfd ;dflKtsf] 3f]if0ff u/L d'rN' sf v8f
ug'{ kg]5{ .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -$_ / -%_ jdf]lhd s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] klg Go"gtd d"No
eGbf a9L /sd af]n sjf]n gu/]df To:tf] lnnfd :ylut u/L k'gM ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L
lnnfd ug'{ kg]5 { .
$*= lnnfd a9fa9sf] :jLs[tLM af]n saf]n d"Nosf] bz k|ltztn] x'g] /sdsf] gub w/f}6L /fVg]
k|flws/0faf6 sfod ePsf] Go"gtd d"No eGbf clwstd d"No af]n saf]n ug]{ JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf
jf sDkgLsf] af]n saf]n /sd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] :jLs[t ul/g]5 .
$(= af]nkq cfJxfgaf6 lnnfd ljqmL ug]{ Joj:yfM -!_ af]nkqsf] dfWodaf6 lnnfd las|L ug'{
kbf{ lnnfd las|Lsf] ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ cl3 af]nkq kmf/fd tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ lnnfddf efu lng rfxg] AolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] /sd lt/L
;DalGwt sfof{nosf] k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss
] f] sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt / k|flws/0fsf] 5fk
nfu]sf] af]nkq kmf/fd lsgL ;f]xL kmf/fddf saf]n c+s v'nfO{ af]nkq k]z ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ Ps nfv ?k}ofF; F Dd Go"gtd d"No sfod ePsf] af]nkqsf] nflu
?= #)).–
-v_ Ps nfv eGbf dfly bz nfv ?k}ofF; F Dd Go"gtd d"No sfod ePsf] af]nkqsf]
nflu ?= !,))).–
-u_ bz nfv eGbf dfly hlt;'s} /sd Go"gtd d"No sfod ePsf] af]nkqsf] nflu
?= !,%)).–
-#_ af]nkq cfJxfg u/L lnnfd ljqmL ug{ ljlgod $^ sf] pk–ljlgod -!!_ jdf]lhd k|sfzg
ug'{ kg]{ ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? v'nfpg' kg]5 { M
-!_ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f,
-@_ dfn;fdfgsf] Go"gtd d"No,
-#_ Go"gtd d"No eGbf a9L d"No saf]n ug{x] ? dWo] ;a} eGbf a9L d"No saf]n ] ug]{
af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq :jLs[t ul/g] Aoxf]/f,
-$_ jf]nkq kmf/fd kfO{g] :yfg / ;f] jfkt rflxg] b:t"/,
-%_ jf]nkq k7fpg] t/Lsf,
-^_ hdfgtsf] lsl;d -k|flws/0fsf] w/f}6L vftfdf gub hDdf u/]sf] ;Ssn a}s + ef}r/
jf a}s + hdfgt_, /sd / a}s + hdfgtsf] xsdf dfGo cjlw,
-hdfgtsf] /sd dfu ubf{ saf]n /sdsf] bz k|ltztn] x'g] /sd dfu ug'{ kg]{ /
a}s+ hdfgtsf] xsdf slDtdf gAa] lbg dfGo cjlw ePsf] g]kfn /fi6« a}s + af6
cg'dlt k|fKt æsÆ >]0fLsf] afl0fHo a}s
+ af6 hf/L ePsf] a}s
+ hdfgt dfu ug'{ kg]5
{ ._
-&_ jf]nkq k7fpg' kg]{ sfof{no jf clwsf/Lsf] gfd / 7]ufgf
-*_ jf]nkq bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do,
-(_ jf]nkq vf]lng] ;do, ldlt / :yfg,
-!)_ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f / cj:yf x]g{ ;lsg] :yfg,
-!!_ af]nkq :jLs[t eP kl5 /sd a'emfO{ dfn;fdfg p7fO n}hfg' kg]{ cjlw,
-!@_ cGo cfjZos b]lvPsf s'/fx? .
%)= lnnfd ljs|Lsf] af]nkq vf]Ng]M -!_ lnnffd a9fa9sf] nflu kg{ cfPsf af]nkqx? Tf]lsPsf]
ldlt / ;dodf pkl:yt af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwx?sf] /f]xj/df vf]nL d'rN' sf tof/ ug'{
kg]5{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwx? pkl:yt geP tfklg af]nkq
vf]Ng afwf kg]{ 5}g .
%!= lnnfd ljs|L ;DaGwL af]nkqsf] :jLs[tLM saf]n d"Nosf] bz k|ltztn] x'g] /sdsf] /Lt
{ sf] a}s+ hdfgt k]z u/]sf jf w/f}6L jfkt gub} hDdf u/]sf / Dofb leq kg{ cfPsf
af]nkqx? dWo] k|flws/0faf6 sfod ePsf] Go"gtd d"No eGbf clwstd d"No saf]n ug]{
af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq :jLs[t ul/g]5 .

%@= cGo sfo{ljlwM -!_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd klxnf] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L lnnfd las|L x'g
g;s]df ;ft lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ k'gM lnnfd laqmLsf] ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ lnnfd ;sf/ u/]sf] lhG;L dfn;fdfg k|flws/0fn] tf]ss ] f] cjlw leq saf]n u/]sf] k"/f
d"No a'emfO{ gp7fPdf /flvPsf] w/f}6L hkmt u/L hkmt /sddf g36\g] u/L To; kl5sf]
clwstd /sd sa'n ug]{ qmdzM bf]>f], t]>f] jf rf}yf} a9Ljfnfsf] af]n saf]n /sd :jLs[t
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ jdf]lhdsf] k|lqmofjf6 ljqmL x'g g;s]df ljlgod $^ sf] pk–ljlgod
-@_ / -%_ jdf]lhdsf] ;ldltaf6 k'gM d"NofÍg u/fO{ lnnfd las|L ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ jdf]lhd k'gM d"NofÍg ePkl5 lnnfd las|Lsf] nflu slDtdf kGw| lbgsf]
cjlw lbO{ k'gM ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ lnnfd x'g g;s]sf] cj:yfdf g]kfn ;/sf/
sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yfn] k|flws/0fn] tf]ss
] f] Go"gtd d"Nodf lng rfx]df To:tf
;+:yfnfO{ lnnfd ;sf/ ug{ lbg ;lsg]5 .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -#_ / -$_ adf]lhd ;d]t lnnfd las|L x'g g;s]df d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf]
:jLs[lt lnO{ k|flws/0faf6 l;w} laqmL ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L ;Lw} las|L ;d]t x'g g;s]df
;ldltsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ nut s§f ug'{ kg]5 { .
%#= ldGxf tyf nut s6[f ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ lhG;L ;DklQsf] lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg k|fKt u/]kl5
s'g} dfn;fdfg ldGxf lbO{ nut sf6\g' kg]{ b]lvPdf ldGxf ;DaGwL sf/jfO{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
sd{rf/Lsf] nfk/jfxLaf6 geO{ b]xfPsf] sf/0faf6 k|flws/0fsf] ;DklQx?sf] xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g
uPdf sf/0f hgfO{ ldGxf u/L nut s6[f ug{ ;lsg]5 M
-s_ b}jL b'36{ gf ePdf,
-v_ rf]/L ePdf,
-u_ sd{rf/Lsf] d[To' ePdf,
-3_ l8d]/h ] jf hl/jfgf ltg'{ kg]{ ePdf,
-ª_ dfn;fdfg 6'6km'6 x'g uPdf jf ;'vg, r'xg hlt{ uPsf] cj:yfdf,
-r_ 6f6 kN6L jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yf;+u c;"n pk/ x'g g;s]df,
-5_ s'g} dfn;fdfg lnnfd las|L x'g g;s]df, /
-h_ ;ldltn] pko'Qm 7x¥ofPsf] cGo sf/0f ePdf .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ldGxf ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ldGxf ug'{ kg]{ ;DklQsf] gfd, kl/df0f,
d"No÷/sd tyf ldGxf ug'{ kg]{ ;DklQsf] oyfzSo k|df0f tyf k|i6 ljj/0f ;d]t v'nfO{
l;kmfl/z ug{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ldGxf l;kmfl/z ;ldltn] u/]sf] l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf/df
clwsf/k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[tL lnO{ ldGxf Pj+ nut s6[f ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L ul/Psf]
ldGxfsf] nut /fvL pko'Qm n]vf+sg ug'k{ g]5 { M
-s_ k| w fg sfof{ n osf] xsdf,
-!_ d' V o k| z f;sLo clws[ t n]
tf] s ] s f] pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z s cWoIf
-@_ lgb] { z s, n] v f ljefu ;b:o
-#_ ;DjlGwt ljefuLo k| d ' v ;b:o–;lrj
gf]6 M n]vf ljefu cGtu{tsf] lhG;L jf l:y/ ;DklQ lnnfd;DaGwL ;ldltsf]
xsdf s]Gb|Lo n]vf dxfzfvf k|d'v ;b:o ;lrj x'g]5 .
-v_ ;DalGwt pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z ssf] sfof{ n o -Aoj;fo_ sf] xsdf
-!_ pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z sn] tf] s ] s f] lgb] { z s cWoIf
-@_ n] v f k| d ' v ;b:o
-#_ k|fljlws clws[t -sDtLdf !) tx_ ;b:o–;lrj
-u_ ;DalGwt pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z ssf] sfof{ n o -Aoj;fo_ sf] dftxt sfof{ n osf]
-!_ pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z sn] tf] s ] s f] lgb] { z s cWoIf
-@_ ;DalGwt ljefu÷If] q Lo sfof{ n osf] n] v f k| d ' v ;b:o
-#_ ;DjlGwt sfof{ n o k| d ' v ;b:o–;lrj
-#_ ldGxf l;kmfl/; ;ldltn] k|To]s cfly{s jif{df cfjZostfg';f/ a}7s a;L ldGxfsf] nflu
l;kmfl/; ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ s'g} dfn;fdfg Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf cf];f/ k;f/ ubf{ xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf
cfjZostf / cf}lrTosf] cfwf/df ldGxf l;kmfl/; ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/; lnO{ ldGxf ug{
-%_ ljB't dx;'n afx]s u|fxsnfO{ laB't dxz'ndf jf ;]jf z'Nssf] l;nl;nfdf nufPsf] yk
b:t'/ jf cGo s'g} /sd ldGxf÷nut s6[f ug{k' g]{ dgfl;a sf/0f ePdf ;DalGwt sfof{no
/ ljefu÷If]qLo sfof{nosf] l;kmfl/;df ljlgodfanL adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Laf6
:jLs[lt lnO{ ldGxf nut s6[f ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L ul/Psf] ldGxfnfO{ cfjZos ;dfof]hg
ug'k{ g]5
{ .
-^_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g ;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg of] ljlgodfjnL cGt/ut p7g
g;s]sf] k|flws/0fsf] k]ZsL, afFsL aSof}tf /sd tyf cWofjlws x'g g;s]sf k'/fgf lx;fjsf]
ldGxf tyf nut s6\6f plrt / kof{Kt sf/0f ePdf pk ljlgod-@_ sf] v08 s adf]lhdsf] ldGxf
l;kmfl/; ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/;df ;ldltn] ug{ ;Sg]5 . @^
@^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)$.@) sf] &%* cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] lålto ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

kl/R5]b – *
k]ZsL tyf k]ZsL km5of}{6 ;DjGwL Joj:yf

%$= k]ZsL lbg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf

Joj:yfMM -!_ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf k]ZsL lbg' kbf{ clwsf/
k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] l:js[ltdf b]xfo adf]lhdsf] k]ZsL lbg ;lsg]5M
-s_ s'g} sfd ug{, dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{ jf dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug{,
-v_ e|d0f, sfh, tflnd, ;]ldgf/ jf uf]i7Ldf efu lng k7fpg,
-u_ ;?jf ePsf] :yfgdf k7fpg,
-3_ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;+u ePsf] ;Demf}tf
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ u/fpg, jf
-ª_ cf}iflw pkrf/ k]ZsL,
-r_ cGo sfo{ u/fpg .
-@_ k|flws/0fsf sd{rf/L / ;/sf/L jf u}/ ;/sf/L JolQmn] k|flws/0fsf] sfd sfhsf] lgldQ
k]ZsL lng' kbf{ b]xfosf] ljj/0f v'nfO{ ;DalGwt clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Laf6 To:tf] sfo{
ug{ lbO{Psf] :jLs[lt kq ;lxt k]ZsL dfu kq k]z ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ k]ZsL ;DaGwL sfdsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ ;f] sfo{ ug{ nfUg] /sdsf] cg'dflgt ljj/0f,
-u_ k]ZsL cfjZos ePsf] cjlw,
-3_ klxnf k]ZsL lnPsf] eP ;f] k]ZsL km5of}6{ eP÷gePsf] ljj/0f .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] dfu kq k|fKt eP kl5 ;DalGwt sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{
/sdeGbf a9L gx'g] u/L k]ZsL lng] sd{rf/Lsf] xsdf kb / k|of]hg tyf cGo JolQmsf]
xsdf ;f] JolQmsf] tLg k':t], :yfoL / c:yfoL 7]ufgf k|i6 n]vL k]ZsL lbg' kg]5{ .
-$_ s/f/ ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ cg';f/ lbOg] k]ZsL, k|lttkq ;DjGwL k]ZsL, sd{rf/ ;]jf ljlgodfjnL
cg';f/ lbO{g] cf}ifwL pkrf/ k]ZsL / b}lgs e|d0f eQf ;DjGwL k]ZsL jfx]s cGo k]ZsL
;fwf/0ftof rfn" cfly{s jif{sf] cGTo;Dddf km5\of}6{ x'g] u/L lbg' kg]5
{ .
-%_ ;jf/L ;fwg gljs/0f tyf cGo ;/sf/L /fhZj ltg{ k]ZsL lbg'k/]df sfof{no
k|d'vn] lbg ;Sg]5 . @&
% % = dfn;fdfg v/Lb tyf dd{t ;DjGwL k]ZsL sLM -!_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] ePtf klg g]kfn leq jf ljb]zjf6 dfn;fdfg v/Lb ubf{ jf dd{t ;Def/ u/fp+bf
;DjlGwt kmd{ jf ljqm]tfnfO{ ;f]em} e'QmfgL lbO{ dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{ jf dd{t ;Def/ u/fp+g
;Dej gePsf] ca:yfdf To:tf] sfo{ ug{ u/fpg k|flws/0fsf] sd{rf/LnfO{ ljlgod %$ sf] v08
-s_ adf]lhdsf] k]ZsL lbg ;lsg]5 .
@&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ jdf]lhd dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{ cfkm\gf] sfof{nosf sd{rf/LnfO{ k]ZsL lbO{
k7fpg' kg]{ x'g cfPdf ;fwf/0ftof sfof{no k|dv ' / n]vf k|dv' nfO{ k]ZsL lbOg] 5}g .
% ^ = b}lgs tyf e|d0f eQf k]ZsL sLM -!_ k|flws/0fsf] s'g} kbflwsf/L jf sd{rf/LnfO{ ljlgod %$
sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd :jb]z jf ljb]zdf e|d0f, sfh, tflnd, ;]ldgf/ jf uf]i7Ldf k7fpbf jf
v08 -u_ adf]lhd s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ Ps sfof{noaf6 csf]{ sfof{nodf g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f
e|d0f vr{ ljlgodfjnL cg';f/ kfpg] e|d0f vr{ / b}lgs eQf /sd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf]
:jLs[ltdf k]ZsL lbO{g5 ] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ jdf]lhd ;?jf eO{ hfFbf lbPsf] k]ZsL /sdsf] hfgsf/L k]ZsL lbg]
sfof{non] xfnsf] sfof{nodf k7fpg' kg]5 { . k]ZsL kfPsf] sd{rf/Ln] klg cfkm"n] lnPsf]
k]ZsL /sdsf] kmf+6jf/L xfnsf] sfof{nodf xflh/ ePsf] k}tL; lbgleq k]z ug'k{ g]5 { .
;f] kmf+6jf/L sfof{non] a'em]sf] lg:;f lbO{ kGw| lbgleq k]ZsL km5\of]6{ u/L ;DalGwt
sd{rf/LnfO{ ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lbg'kg]5 { .
-#_ e|d0f cfb]zdf tf]lsPsf] :yfgdf e|d0fsf] nflu lnPsf] k]ZsL cGo sfo{df vr{ ug{ kfOg]
5}g .
%&= kmd{ jf ;+:yfnfO{ lbOg] k]ZsLM -!_ o; ljlgofjnLdf cGoq pNn]v ul/Psf] afx]s lgdf{0f
Joj;foL, cfk'lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;+u ePsf] s/f/ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd df]ljnfO{hz ] g
jfkt k]lZs lbg' k/]df sfd k"/f x'g' kg]{ egL tf]lsPsf] Dofb leq sfd k"/f geO{ k]ZsL jfFsL /
xg uPdf To:tf] k]ZsL /sdsf] Dofb gf3]sf] ldlt b]lv jflif{s bz k|ltztsf b/n] Jofh / ;fFjf
;d]t j'emfpg' kg]{ zt{ pNn]v u/L s/f/ ;Demf}tf /sdsf] jL; k|ltzt /sddf ga9fO{ ljlgod
%$ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhd k]ZsL lbg ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ jdf]lhd k]ZsL lbbf s/f/ ;Demf}tfdf x:tfIf/ eP kl5 bz k|ltzt;Dd
/ afFsL bz k|ltztnfO{ sfo{ k|ultsf] cfwf/df lbg] u/L s/f/ ;Demf}tfdf Joj:yf ug'{
kg]5{ / ;f]xL cg'?k k]ZsL lbg' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ jdf]lhd k]ZsL lbbf To:tf] k]ZsL a/fa/sf] /sdsf] k]ZsL km5\of}6{ u/L
;Sg' kg]{ cjlw eGbf slDtdf Ps dlxgfsf] cjlw a9L ePsf] g]kfn /fi6« a}s + af6 O{hfht
k|fKt afl0fHo a}s + af6 hf/L ePsf] j}s + hdfgt lng' kg]5 { .
-$_ s'g} dgfl;j sf/0f k/L lbO{Psf] k]ZsL km5\of}6{ sf] Dofb a9fpg' k/]df j}s + hdfgtsf] Dofb
klg ;f]xL cg'?k a9fpg nufpg' kg]5 { .
-%_ o; ljlgoddf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg ljlgod !&(sf] pk–ljlgod -*_ v08
-u_ adf]lhd k|fk] /fO{6/L :j?ksf] dfn;fdfg vl/bsf] nflu To:tf] dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{
cfk"lt{stf{n] zt k|ltzt /sd gk7fO{ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ gug]{ tyf a}s + hdfgt ;d]t k]z
gug]{ zt{ /flv b/efpkq k]z u/L dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ x'g g;Sg] eP{ k|flws/0fdf hl8t
;+oGqsf] kf6{kh' f{sf] k|lt:yfkgf jf lj:tf/ x'g g;sL k|flws/0fnfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g] ePdf
To:tf] cfk"lt{stf{sf] ljZj;gLotf tyf kq ;Demf}tfsf] cfwf/df d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf]
l:js[tL lnO{ To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] zt k|ltzt d"No;Dd k]ZsLsf] ?kdf k7fpg ;lsg]5 .

%*= d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t / ;+rfnsnfO{ k]ZsL sLM d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t / ;ldltsf
;b:onfO{ k|flws/0fsf] sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf e|d0fdf hfg' k/]sf] cj:yfdf ljlgod %$ sf] pk–
ljlgod -!_ sf] v08 -v_ jdf]lhd lbO{g] k]ZsL jfx]s cGo s'g} k|of]hgsf] nflu k]ZsL lbO{g] 5}g .
%(= k|lttkq¢f/f dfn;fdfg lemsfpbfsf] k]ZsLM sfof{non] k|lttkq vf]nL dfn;fdfg lemsfpg'
k/]df jf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg' k/]df ;DaGwLt kf6L{n] e'QmfgL kfpg] u/L ;DalGwt jfl0fHo a}s + df
k|lttkq vf]nL k]ZsL hgfO{ To:tf] dfn;fdfg lemsfpg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg ;lsg]5 ] .
-@_ k|lttkqsf] dfWodaf6 dfn;fdfg vl/b lemsfpbf ;f] sf] clen]v cg';r " L—& adf]lhd
/fVg' kg]5{ .
^)= k]ZsL km5\of{}6 ;DaGwL Joj:yf
Joj:yfMM -!_ o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd lbOPsf] k]ZsL tf]lsPsf] Dofb
leq tf]lsPsf] sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ km5of]6{ ug'{ u/fpg' k]ZsL lbg] lng] b'js } f] st{Jo x'g5
] .
-@_ o; kl/R5]b adf]lhd lnP lbPsf]] k]ZsL b]xfo adf]lhd km5\of}6{ ug'{ u/fpg' kg]5 { M
-s_ dfn;fdfg vl/b ug{ jf dd{t ;Def/ ug{sf] nflu k|flws/0fsf] s'g} sd{rf/Ln]
k]ZsL lnPsf] ePdf To:tf] sd{rf/Ln] dfn;fdfg vl/b u/L jf dfn;fdfg dd{t
;Def/ u/fO{ k|flws/0fdf kms]s { f] ldltn] al9df kG„ lbg leq ;f] k]ZsL /sd
km5\of}6{ ug{ dfn;fdfg bflvnf k|lta]b] g ;lxt lan e/kfO{ k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-v_ e|d0f, sfh, tflnd, ;]ldgf/ jf uf]i7Ldf hfg] sd{rf/Ln] lnPsf] k]ZsL ;f] sfo{
;DkGg u/L sfof{nodf xflh/ ePsf] ldltn] k}tL; lbg leq To:tf] e|d0f, sfh,
tflnd, ;]ldgf/ jf uf]i7Ldf hfg ;DalGwt clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] cfb]z, lan
ekf{O{ / e|d0f k|lta]bg h:tf sfuhftx? ;+nUg u/L b}lgs e|d0f eQfsf]
kmfF6jf/L k|flws/0fdf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-u_ ;?jf eO{ cfpg] sd{rf/Ln] ;?jf ePsf] sfof{nodf xflh/ ePsf] ldltn] k}t+ L;
lbg leq ;?jf kq / lan ekf{O{ ;lxt b}lgs e|d0f eQfsf] kmfF6jf/L xfnsf]
sfof{nodf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { . ;f] kmf+6jf/L xfnsf] sfof{non] kGw| lbg leq :jLs[t
u/L ;flas sfof{nosf] k]ZsL /sd ;f]wegf{ k7fpg] jf zfvf lx;fjdf n]vf+sg
ug'{ kg]5 { . xfnsf] sfof{non] ;DalGwt sd{rf/LnfO{ kmfF6jf/L a'em]sf] tyf k]ZsL
km5\of]6{ sf] hfgsf/L ;d]t lbg'kg]5 { .
-3_ v08 -s_, -v_ / -u_ adf]lhd k]ZsL km5\of}6{ sf] nflu lx;fa k]z ubf{ k]ZsL lnPsf]
/sd a9L eO{ k]ZsL afFsL x'g] ePdf To;/L afFsL ePsf] /sd ;d]t lkmtf{ a'emfpg'
kg]5{ .
-ª_ s'g} k|of]hgsf] nflu lnPsf] k]ZsL ;f] k|of]hgsf] nflu vr{ gx'g] ePdf To:tf] k]ZsL
lnPsf] ;ft lbg leq lkmtf{ a'emfpg' kg]5 { .
-r_ k|lttkqåf/f dfn;fdfg lemsfpFbf jf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpbf n]lvPsf] k]ZsL cfkmgf]
sfof{nodf dfn;fdfg k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbg leq To:tf] k]ZsL /sd
km5\of}6{ ug{' kg]5{ . dfn;fdfg pknJw u/fpg] ;DjlGwt kmd{ jf ljqm]tfn]
tf]lsPsf] ;doleq dfn;fdfg pknJw u/fpg g;s]df ;fwf/0ftof k|lttkq /2
ug'{ kg]5 { / ;f] jfkt j}s + df hDdf ePsf] /sd lkmtf{ lnO{ k]ZsL km5\of}6{ ug'{
kg]5{ . o;/L dfn ;fdfg pknJw gu/fpg] jf lgdf{0f sfo{ gug]{ kmd{ jf ;+:yfnfO{
lgodfg';f/ sf/jfxL ug'{ kg]5 { .
-5_ k|lttkqåf/f dfn;fdfg lemsfpFbf jf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpbf s/f/ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd
l/6]G;g dlgsf] /sd k|lttkqdf /f]Ssf u/L /fVg' kg]{ ePdf ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf]
;fdfg cfk"lt{ eO{ ;s] kl5 jf lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ jf/]06L cjlw jf q'6L
;Rofpg] cjlw ;'? eP kl5 dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ;DaGwL k|lttkqsf] xsdf ;Demf}tf
adf]lhdsf] To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] jf/]G6L cjlw tyf lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DaGwL k|lttkqsf]
xsdf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] q'6L ;Rofpg] cjlw ;'? eP kl5 To:tf] jf/]06L cjlw jf q'6L
;Rofpg] cjlw eGbf slDtdf Ps dlxgf yk cjlw ;d]t vfDg] u/L afl0fHo
+ af6 hf/L ePsf] a}s + hdfgt k]z ePdf l/6]G;g dlg jfktsf] /sd e'QmfgLsf]
cfb]z lbO{ k|lttkqsf] k]ZsL /sd km5\of}6{ u/L k|lttkq aGb ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd k]ZsL km5\of}6{ sf] nflu k]z ePsf] kmfF6jf/L hfFr u/L n]vf
k|dv ' n] kGw| lbg leq k]ZsL km5\of}6{ u/L e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{ ePdf ;DalGwt
sd{rf/LnfO{ e'QmfgL u/L k]ZsL km5\of}6sf] k|df0f ;DalGwt sd{rf/L jf JolQmnfO{
lbg' kg]5 { .
-$_ k|flws/0fsf] sd{rf/L afx]s cGo lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk'lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf
;]jf k|bfosnfO{ lbPsf] k]ZsL, k]ZsL km5\of}6{ ug{ tf]lsPsf] Dofb leq km5\of{6}
gePdf a}s + hdfgtsf] cjlw leq} a}s + hdfgt lbg] ;DalGwt a}s + df kq k'Ug]
u/L hdfgt /sd k|flws/0fdf k7fpg kq n]Vg' kg]5 { . s'g} sf/0fa; o:tf] k]ZsL
km5\of}6{ x'g g;s]df aflif{s ;os8f bz k|ltztn] x'g] Aofh ;d]t k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd c;"n pk/ ug'{ kg]5 { . c;"n pk/ x'g g;s]df a}s + hdfgtsf] cg'udg
ug{ tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Laf6 c;"n pk/ ul/g]5 .
^!= Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg]M o; ljlgodfjnLdf tf]lsPsf] Dofb leq k]ZsL km5\of}6{ ug{ g;Sg] dgfl;j
sf/0f v'nfO{ k]ZsL :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L ;dIf lgj]bg lbPdf lghn] tL; lbg ;Dd Dofb yk
u/L lbg ;Sg]5 .
^@= cl3Nnf] k]ZsL km5\of}{6 gx'+b} yk k]ZsL lbg gx'gM] s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sd{rf/LnfO{
cl3Nnf] k]ZsL km5\of}6{ gx'b+ } o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq pNn]v ePsf] cj:yfdf jfx]s yk k]ZsL
lbOg] 5}g .
^#= k]ZsL :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L lhDd]jf/ x'gM] o; ljlgodfjnLdf pNn]v ePsf] Joj:yf jfx]s
s;}nfO{ s'g} k|sf/sf] k]ZsL lbPdf To:tf] k]ZsL :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/Ljf6 c;"n pk/ ul/g]5 .
^$= ljefuLo sf/jfxL ul/g ul/g]M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] sd{rf/Lsf] gfddf /x]sf] k]ZsL tf]lsPsf] Dofb leq
km5\of}6{ gu/]df jf x'g g;s]df ;DalGwt sd{rf/Ln] kfpg] tna eQf nufot h'g;'s} ;'ljwf
/sdaf6 clu|d ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ Dofb gf3]sf] ldlt b]vL aflif{s ;os8f bz k|ltztn] x'g]
Aofh ;d]t s6\6f u/L c;"n pk/ ul/g]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd tLg dlxgf leq k]ZsL km5\of}6 x'g g;s]df lgh pk/ k|flws/0fsf]
sd{rf/Lx? ;]jf ljlgodfjnL jdf]lhd ljefuLo sf/jfxL ;d]t ul/g]5 .

kl/R5]b – (
sfuhft w'Nofpg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf

^%= sfuhft w'Nofpg
ofpg]M -!_ b]xfP cg';f/sf sfuhftx? b]xfosf] cjlw gf3]kl5 b]xfo adf]lhd ug{
;lsg]5 M
s_ sfd tfd]n ePsf] tLg jif{kl5 b]xfosf sfuhftx? ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L
lgb]{zssf] :jLs[ltdf w'Nofpg ;lsg]5M
-!_ b}lgs k|ltj]bgx?,
-@_ ljlgoddf ;dfj]z e};s]sf kl/kqx?, /
-#_ ld6/ l/l8Ë ;DaGwL sfp06/ km\joN; .
-v_ sfd tfd]n ePsf] bz jif{ kl5 b]xfosf sfuhftx? d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf]
:jLs[ltdf w'Nofpg ;lsg]5M
-!_ u|fxs lx:6« sf8{ tyf cfo lx;fj ;DaGwL ljj/0fx?, sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;fk6L,
e'QmfgL u/]sf] ef}r/, ls:tfjGbL, b}lgs eQf, e|d0f eQf, jLn ef}r/x?,
gubL ef}r/x?, k]6L Sof; ;fgf] gubL sf]if ;DjGwL jLn ef}r/ tyf
-@_ /fli6«o :t/sf lgdf{0f sfo{ afx]ssf cGo lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DjGwL ;Demf}tf
7]Ssf k6[f ;DjGwL sfuhftx?,
-#_ sd{rf/Lsf] b/jGbL cfb]z,
-$_ clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ;DjGwL sfuhft,
-%_ n]vf kl/If0fsf] k|f/lDes k|ltj]bg .
-u_ b]xfosf sfuhftx? slxNo} w'Nofpg kfO{g] 5}gM
-!_ ;ldltsf lg0f{ox? / ;f] ;DjGwL sfuhftx?,
-@_ ljB't dx;"n b/ lgwf{/0f ;DaGwL sfuhft,
-#_ z]o/ k|df0f kqx? tyf C0f kqx? / ;f] ;DaGwL sfuhft,
-$_ n]vf k/LIfssf] clGtd, k|ltj]bg tyf jf;nft,
-%_ 3/ hUuf tyf cGo rn crn ;Dkltsf] :jfldTj ;DjGwL / ;f] ;DjGwdf
c8\8f cbfntsf] lg0f{o, km};nf cflb sfuhftx?,
-^_ w'NofOPsf sfuhftx?sf] ljj/0f v'ns
] f] nut,

-&_ c8\8f cbfntdf ljjfbdf /x]sf laifo ;DaGwL sfuhft,
-*_ Ph ljN8 gS;f, :yfO{ ;+/rgf tyf d]zLg pks/0fsf] 8«OË{ , l8hfO{g,
-(_ lbUbz{gx?,
-!)_ u|fxssf] nut kmfon tyf ;f] ;DaGwL sfuhft,
-!!_ /fli6«o :t/sf lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DjGwL ;Demf}tf 7]Ssf k6[f ;DjGwL sfuhftx?,
-!@_ ;ldlt / d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] gw'Nofpg] egL cfb]z u/]sf sfuhftx? .
-@_ sfuhft w'Nofpg] ;DjGwdf sfof{no k|d"vn] cfkmgf sfof{nosf ;DjlGwt b"O{hgf
jl/i7 clws[tsf] l;kmfl/z lnO{ sfuhftsf] k|sl[ tsf] cfwf/df v08 -s_ / -v_ adf]lhd
sfd tfd]n ePsf] tLg jif{kl5 tyf sfd tfd]n ePsf] bz aif{ kl5 k|To]s jif{sf]
efb| dlxgfdf km]xl/:t tof/ u/fO{ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] lnlvt cfb]z lnO{ w'Nofpg'
{ .
t/ cfos/ lgwf{/0f tyf n]vf kl/If0f jf k|flws/0fsf] ;fwf/0f ;ef geP;Dd
;f];u+ ;DjlGwt s'g} sfuhftx? w'NofOg] 5}g .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df pNn]v eP jfx]ssf cGo sfuhftx?sf] dxTj x]/L slt jif{kl5
w'Nofpg] eGg] s'/fsf] lg0f{o d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] ug{ ;Sg]5 .

kl/R5]b – !)
kbflwsf/Lx?sf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DaGwL sfd tyf st{Jo

^^= d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] sfd tyf st{JooM P]g / ;f] P]g cGtu{t jg]sf ljlgodfjnL tyf
o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq pNn]v ePsf] sfd tyf st{Josf] cltl/Qm k|flws/0fsf] d'Vo k|zf;sLo
clws[tsf] cfly{s k|zf;g ;DjGwL sfd tyf st{Jo b]xfo jdf]lhd x'g5] M
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] bL3{sflng tyf cfjlws of]hgf tof/ u/L :jLs[ltsf nflu ;ldltdf k]z ug],{
-v_ ;ldltåf/f tf]lsPsf] dfu{ lgb]z
{ g tyf jh]6 ;Ldf cg';f/ cfufdL cfly{s jif{sf] jh]6 tyf
jflif{s sfo{qmd tof/ u/L :jLs[ltsf nflu ;ldltdf k]z ug],{
-u_ ;ldltn] gof+ cfly{s jif{sf] nflu jh]6 tyf sfo{qmd :jLs[t u/]kl5 vr{sf] zLif{sx?
] f] jh]6 ljj/0f ;lxt vr{ ug]{ clVtof/L ljefuLo k|dv' tyf sfof{no k|dv ' nfO{
-3_ dftxtsf] ljefu tyf sfof{nox?sf] s'g} jh]6 /sdsf] lgsf;f k'/} jf cf+lzs /f]Ssf
/fVg cfjZos k/]df tbg';f/ /f]Ssf u/L n]vf zfvf / ;DjlGwt ljefu÷sfof{nonfO{
hfgsf/L lbg],
-ª_ k|flws/0fsf] cfo, Joo ;DjGwL cfjlws ljj/0fx? tf]lsPsf] ;do leq tof/
-r_ k|flws/0f cGtu{t df}hb' f rfn" tyf l:y/ ;DkQLx? tyf hgzlQmsf] ljj/0f cBfjlws
u/L /fVg nufpg],
-5_ k|flws/0fsf] cfly{s sf/f]jf/sf] ;'kl/j]If0f tyf cg'udg u/L u/fO{ cfly{s cg'zf;g
tyf lgb]{zgx? kfngf ug{ nufpg] / k|flws/0fsf] cfly{s bfoLTjsf] lhDd]jf/L
-h_ :jLs[t sfo{sd
| tyf ah]6 sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg u/L u/fO{ cfjZos lgb]z
{ g lbg],
-em_ ;]jf lgj[Q ePdf a/a'emf/y ug]{ .
^&= ljefuLo k|d'vsf] sfd tyf st{JooM ljefuLo k|dv' sf] sfd tyf st{Jo ljlgod ^* adf]lhd
sfof{no k|dv
' sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] sfd / st{Josf] cltl/Qm b]xfo jdf]lhd x'g5
] M
-s_ jh]6 th'd
{ f tyf dftxtsf sfof{noaf6 tof/ ePsf] sfo{sd
| tyf ah]6 kl/dfh{g tyf
Plss[t u/L tf]lsPsf] ;do leq tfn's sfof{nodf k]z ug]÷
{ u/fpg],
-v_ n]vfk/LIf0faf6 cf}NofOPsf a]?h"sf] nut / km5\of}6{ sf] k|ult cBfjlws ug]÷
{ u/fpg],
-u_ cGt/ut sfof{nox?sf] :jLs[t sfo{sd
| tyf ah]6 sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg u/L u/fO{
cfjZos lgb]z
{ g lbg],
-3_ cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ubf{ n]vf /fVg] / tT;DaGwL k|lta]bgx? k]z ubf{ n]vf lgb]l{ zsf, sfo{ljlw,
kl/kq, lg0f{o tyf lgb]z{ gx?sf] kfngf ug]÷{ u/fpg],
-ª_ tfn's sfof{non] ;do ;dodf lbPsf] lgb]z
{ g adf]lhdsf] sfo{ .
^*= sfof{no k|d'vsf] sfd tyf st{JooM -!_ sfof{no k|d'vsf] sfd, st{Jo / pQ/bfloTj
sfof{no k|dv
' n] ug'{ kg]{ egL o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq n]lvPsf] cltl/Qm b]xfo adf]lhd
] M–
-s_ jh]6 th'd
{ f ;DjlGwt sfo{x? tf]lsPsf] ;do leq k"/f u/L k]z ug]÷
{ u/fpg],
-v_ :jLs[t jh]6 clVtof/L jdf]lhd lgsf;f k|fKt u/L :jLs[t ah]6sf] kl/lwleq /xL vr{
{ u/fpg],
-u_ sfof{nodf bflvnf x'g cfPsf] /sd tyf vr{ ePsf] /sdsf] n]vf+sg tyf cBfjlws
?kdf clen]vg /fVg nufpg] / sfof{nosf] ;dli6ut cfly{s sf/f]jf/sf] pQ/ bfloTj
jxg ug],{
-3_ sfof{nosf] rn / l:y/ ;DklQdf xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g gkfpg] u/L cfGtl/s lgoGq0fsf]
Joj:yf ldnfpg] / ;f] sf] cg'udg ug],{ u/fpg],

-ª_ cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ubf{ cfk\mgf] dftxtsf sd{rf/Lx? pk/ /]vb]v k'¥ofO{ gub lhG;Ldf s'g}
lsl;dsf] lxgfldgf, xfgL gf]S;fgL jf nfk/jfxL ;d]t x'g gkfpg] u/L ;'/lIft /fVg plrt
k|jGw u/L sfof{nodf cfly{s cg'zf;g sfod ug],{ u/fpg],
-r_ ljB't dx;'n, k]ZsL, ;fk6L / c;'n pk/ ug'{ kg]{ /sd tf]lsPsf] ;dodf c;'n pk/ ug]{
/ sfof{nodf hDdf x'g cfPsf] /sd tf]lsP adf]lhd a}s + df hDdf ug],{ u/fpg] /
To;/L hDdf ePsf] /sdsf] cg'udg ug]÷ { u/fpg],
-5_ o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd vr{ ubf{ g]kfn n]vfdfg, ;j{dfGo n]vfs+g l;4fGt
tyf Jojxf/, n]vf+sg gLlt, n]vf k|0ffnL lbUbz{g / ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf tf]s]
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw tyf lgwf{/Lt 9+frfdf n]vf+sg tyf n]vf+sg clen]vgsf] nflu
ljn, ekfO{, sfo{ laa/0f tyf sfuhft k|dfl0ft u/fO{ lx;fj lstfj /fVg] jf /fVg
-h_ cfly{s sf/f]jf/sf] a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f, s/ n]vfk/LIf0f, cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f / sfo{;Dkfbg
n]vfk/LIf0f u/fO{ ;f] n]vfk/LIf0faf6 cfPsf a]?h" lgoldt u/fpg] jf c;'n pk/ u/L
km5\of}6{ ug]{ u/fpg],
-em_ n]vfk/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf n]vfk/LIfsn] ;f]w]sf, dfu u/]sf tyf vf]h]sf laa/0f
oyfzL3| pknAw ug]{ u/fpg] Aoj:yf ldnfpg] . n]vfk/LIfsn] dfFu u/]sf] k|df0f ckof{Kt
eP yk k|df0f klg oyfzL3| pknAw u/fO{ ;s];Dd n]vfk/LIf0f s}lkmot x'g glbg]
Aoj:yf ug],{
-`_ :ynut n]vfk/LIf0f cjlwdf cfly{s sf/f]af/sf] clen]v k|df0f tyf k'i6\ofO{ k]z x'g
g;sL sfod ePsf] n]vfk/LIf0f s}lkmotx?sf] clGtd k|ltj]bg k]z x'g' cl3 To; ;DjGwL
k|df0f clgjfo{ ?kdf ;Dk/LIf0fsf] nflu ;f]em} jf n]vf ljefu dfkm{t pknAw u/fO{
s}lkmot ePsf ljifo x6fpg],
-6_ cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0faf6 b]lvPsf] j]?h"' sfof{no k|dv
' cfkm}n] k|df0f h'6fO{ tTsfn
lgoldt ug{ ;Sg]df cfkm}n] lgoldt ug]{ / cfkm}n] lgoldt ug{ g;Sg] a]?h" tfn's
sfof{nodf ;dod} lgoldt ug{sf] nflu k|df0f ;lxt k]z ug],{
-7_ a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f x'g' cl3 cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0faf6 lg:s]sf j]?h" lgoldt jf km5\of}6{
u/fO{ ;Sg] . lgoldt jf km5\of}6{ x'g g;s]sf] ;DjGwdf nut /fvL tfn's sfof{nodf k]z
-8_ a}wflgs n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bgaf6 k|fKt x'g cfPsf j]?h" tf]lsPsf] cjlw leq,
;Dk/LIf0fsf] nflu cfjZos k|df0f ;xLt k|lts[of pknJw u/fpg],
-9_ n]vf+sg sfo{sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] ;do tflnsf jf n]vf+sg kfqf] adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg ug],{
-0f_ n]vfk/LIf0faf6 cf}NofOPsf a]?h"sf] nut / km5\of}6{ sf] k|ult cBfjlws u/L /fVg],

-t_ g]kfn n]vfdfg, ;j{dfGo n]vf+sg l;4fGt, rng, Jojxf/, n]vf lbUbz{g, P]g lgod / ;do
;dodf ;ldltn] tf]s] cg';f/ ;j} cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ePsf] 5 eGg] ljZjZt u/fpg
Aoj:yfkg :jLsf/ kq (Management Representation Letter) tof/ u/L pksfo{sf/L
{ s cGtu{tsf sfof{no k|dv ' n] ;DjlGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s ;dIf / pksfo{sf/L
lgb]z{ sn] d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf k]z ug],{
-y_ cg';r
" L @ adf]lhd cfkm"nfO{ :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/ gePdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/L dfkm{t
:jLs[tLsf] nflu k]z ug],{
-b_ tf]lsPsf] ;dofjlw leq k|lta]bg k]z ug]{ .
^(= n]vf k|d'vsf] sfd tyf st{JooM -!_ n]vf k|dv
' n] ug'{ kg]{ egL o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq
n]lvPsf] sfd,st{Jo / pQ/bfloTjsf] cltl/Qm n]vf k|dv ' sf] sfd, st{Jo / pQ/bfloTj b]xfo
adf]lhd x'g5
] M–
-s_ cfufdL aif{sf] sfo{sd
| tyf jh]6 th'd
{ f ug{ sfof{no k|dv
' nfO{ ;xof]u ug],{
-v_ g]kfn n]vfdfg, ;fdfGo n]vf+sg l;4fGt rng / Aojxf/, n]vf lbUbz{g / ;ldltn] tf]s]
cg';f/sf cfDbfgL, vr{, ;DklQ / bfloTjsf] n]vf+sg tyf clen]v /Ltk"js
{ /fVg] jf /
fVg nufpg],
-u_ n]vf+sg sfo{sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] ;do tflnsf jf n]vf+sg kfqf] adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg ug],{
x/]s Aoj;fosf n]vf k|dv ' x?n] cfkm" cGtu{tsf sfof{no tyf cfof]hgfsf lx;fj ;d]t
PsLs[t u/L n]vf ljefudf k7fpg],
-3_ cBfjlws n]vf+sg clen]vgsf] cfwf/df ljQLo ljj/0fx? / ;Gt'ng k/LIf0f / ;f] ;+u
;DjlGwt cg';r
" L Pj+ cGo n]vf ljj/0f lglb{i6 ;do tflnsf adf]lhd tof/ u/L tf]lsPsf]
lgsfodf k]z ug],{
-ª_ cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ubf{ P]g, ljlgodfjnL, lglb{i6 lbUbz{g / sfo{ljlw cg'?k eP gePsf]
PsLg u/L /fo ;fy sfof{no k|dv ' ;dIf k]z ug],{
-r_ :jLs[t ah]6sf] kl/lwleq /xL vr{ n]vf+sg ug],{
-5_ n]vf laa/0f tyf df}Hbftsf] ;dLIff tyf cg'udg cfjlws ?kdf u/L ;f]sf] ljZn]if0f
laa/0f tof/ u/L ;'wf/fTds sfo{jfxLsf] nflu sfof{no k|dv
' ;dIf k]z ug],{
-h_ n]vfk/LIf0faf6 cf}N+ ofO{Psf] j]?h" km5\of}6{ ug{ k|lts[of ;xLt cfwf/e"t k|df0f ;+nUg
u/L dfl;s k|ult ljj/0f sfof{no k|dv ' ;dIf k]z ug]{ .
-em_ g]kfn n]vfk/LIf0fdfgn] tf]s] adf]lhdsf] n]vfk/LIf0f sfo{ug]{ argkq n]vfk/LIf0f k|f/De
ug{' cl3 / n]vfk/LIf0f ;DkGg ePkl5 Joj:yfkg :jLsf/ kqdf (Management
Represention Letter) ;xL u/L sfof{no k|dv ' ;dIf k]z ug],{

-`_ cfk"m ;?jf jf j9'jf eO{ hf+bf cfkmgf] lhDdfsf] ;Dk"0f{ >]:tf gub / j}s + df}Hbft, j]?h"
nut / clen]vx? xfnjfnf jf sfof{no k|dv ' n] tf]ss ] f] sd{rf/LnfO{ j/j'emf/y ug]{ .
&)= :6f]/ k|d'vsf] sfd tyf st{JooM :6f]/ k|dv
' sf]] sfd tyf st{Jo b]xfo jdf]lhd x'g5
] M
-s_ sfof{no k|dv
' sf] cfb]z lnO{ dfn;fdfgsf] cfDbfgL vr{ u/L ;f]sf] clen]v /fVg],
-v_ vr{ eP/ ghfg] dfn;fdfgdf lhG;L vftf kfgf gDa/ / vl/b ePsf] cfly{s aif{ pNn]v
-u_ k|flws/0fsf] k|To]s sf]7fdf /x]sf] vr{ eP/ ghfg] dfn;fdfgsf] km]xl/:t agfO{ Ps k|lt
;DjlGwt sf]7fdf / Ps k|lt e08f/ zfvfdf /fVg],
-ª_ vr{ eP/ ghfg] JolQmut lhDdf /xg] dfn;fdfgsf] ;xfos vftf -JolQmut clen]v_
-r_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t, ljefuLo k|dv ' , n]vf k|dv' , n]vf k/LIfs jf k|rlnt sfg"gn]
clwsf/ k|bfg u/]sf] clwsf/Laf6 ul/g] lg/LIf0f / ef}lts k/LIf0fsf] nflu ef}lts ;DkQL
/ ;f]sf] n]vf cBfalws /fVg],
-5_ lnnfd las|L jf ldGxf ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f tof/ u/L lnnfd las|L jf ldGxfsf]
nflu sfof{no k|dv' ;dIf k]z ug],{
-h_ e08f/df df}Hbft /x]sf dfn;fdfgx?sf] plrt ;+/If0f tyf cfGtl/s lgo+q0f x'g] /
] f] ;dodf kfpg] u/L Joal:yt tl/sfn] /fVg] /
-em_ cfkm" ;?jf, a9'jf jf casfz eO{ hfFbf cfˆgf] lhDdfsf] ;Dk"0f{ lhG;L, lhG;L ;|:] tf tyf
clen]vx? xfnjfnf jf xfnjfnf xflh/ x'g gcfPsf] cj:yfdf sfof{no k|dv ' n] tf]ss] f]
sd{rf/LnfO{ a/a'´f/y ug]{ .
&!= vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf] lhDd]jf/L tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Lsf] @* sfd tyf st{JoM
ljlgod &# df tf]lsPsf] sfd tyf st{Josf cltl/Qm vl/b dxfzfvf, zfvf jf OsfO{sf]
lhDd]jf/L tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Lsf] @( sfd tyf st{Jo b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5M–
-s_ vl/b of]hgf tof/ u/L k]z ug],{
-v_ vl/bsf] cfaZostf klxrfg u/L k]z ug],{
-u_ vl/bsf] ahf/ cWoog u/L ug{ nufO{ k]z ug],{
-3_ dfn ;fdfg vl/bsf] nflu k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/bsf] nflu gS;f
l8hfO{g tyf k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/bsf] nflu sfo{If]qut zt{x? tyf
cGo ;]jfsf] nflu ;]jf ;DaGwL ljj/0f tof/ ug{ nufpg],
@*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
@(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-ª_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tof/ u/]sf] gd"gf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
-:6\of088{ ljl8Ë 8s'dG] 6_, gd"gf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft -:6\of088{ lk|Sjflnlkms]zg
8s'dG] 6_, gd"gf vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL sfuhft -:6\of088{ sG6|o\ fS6 8s'dG] 6_df ;fdfGotof
;f/e" t ?kdf km/s gkg] { u/L cfjZostf cg' ; f/ #) k" j { of] U otf ;DaGwL
sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ u/L
k]z ug],{
-r_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] tof/ u/]sf] gd"gf k|:tfa dfu ;DaGwL
sfuhft -:6\of088{ /]Sj]:6 km/ k|kf]hn_ df ;fdfGotof ;f/e"t?kdf km/s gkg]{
u/L cfjZostf cg';f/ #! k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ u/L
k]z ug],{
-5_ vl/b ;DaGwL ;"rgf ;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|sfzg u/L k]z ug],{
-h_ k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft ljt/0f ug{] jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf]
k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fpg],
-em_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj k|fKt ug]{ / To;nfO{ ;'/lIft
tl/sfn] /fVg],
-`_ kg{ cfPsf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj d"Nofªsgsf] nflu
d"Nofªsg ;ldltdf k]z ug]{ / d"Nof+lst af]nkq :jLs[ltsf] nflu k]z ug],{
-6_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] ;"rgf lbg],]
-7_ Dofb yksf] sf/afxL tyf clen]v /fVg], #@ sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt lng] / a}+s
hdfgtx?sf] k/LIf0f u/L ;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg], cg'udg ug]{ tyf ;DalGwt a}s
+ df bfjL
k7fpg' kg]{ cj:yfdf ;dodf g} bfjL k7fpg],
-8_ vl/b u/]sf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f ug{] u/fpg],
-9_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] dfu u/]sf] hfgsf/L / sfuhft pknAw u/fpg],
-0f_ vl/b sf/jfxL;+u ;DalGwt sfddf ;dGjo ug],{
-t_ vl/b df+u ;+sng u/L :jLs[ltsf] nflu sfof{no k|dv
' ;dIf k]z ug],{
-y_ k|lttkqsf] clen]v /fVg] /
-b_ sfof{no k|dv
' n] tf]ss
] f] cGo sfd ug]{ .

#)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
#!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
#@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

kl/R5]b – !!
vl/b sf/jfxLsf] tof/L, vl/b of]hgf / nfut cg'dfg

&@= vl/b sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/LM vl/b P]g tyf o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw k"/f
u/L vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{ ug{] jf u/fpg] lhDDf]jf/L sfof{no k|d'vsf] x'g]5 . vl/b P]g
tyf o; ljlgodfjnL adf] l hd ul/Psf] vl/b ;Demf} t fsf] sfof{ G jog ug{ u/fpg
lgoldt ?kdf ;' k /Lj] I f0f, cg' u dg tyf u' 0 f:t/ lgoGq0f u/L jf u/fO{ lgwf{ l /t
;dodf sfo{ ;DkGg x'g] ;'lglZrttf ug'{ ;DalGwt sfof{no k|d'vsf] st{Jo x'g]5 . ##
&#= vl/b sf/jfxLsf] tof/L ug'{ kg]M{ s'g} vl/b sf/jfOsf] tof/L ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhd ug'{ kg]5
{ M—
-s_ vl/b cfjZostfsf] klxrfg ug],{
-v_ vl/b ;DaGwL laleGg k|fljlws s'/f ;dfwfg ug{, cfk"lt{stf{sf] pknAwtf olsg ug{ /
ahf/df k|rlnt vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] hfgsf/L lng ;f] ;DaGwdf cWoog ug],{
-u_ cl3Nnf] aif{x?df ;dfg k|sl[ tsf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf
vl/b ul/Psf] eP To:tf] vl/b ;DjGwL cg'ejsf] cWoog ug],{
-3_ vl/bsf] laj/0f, kl/df0f / If]q Plsg ug],{
-ª_ vl/bnfO{ a9L ;'ljwfhgs ;d"xdf ljefhg ug]{ jf Kofs]hdf ;dfj]z ug{,]
-r_ vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug],{]
-5_ vl/bsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug],{
-h_ vl/bsf] cfly{s ;|ft] / /sdsf] klxrfg ug],{
-em_ cGt/;DalGwt vl/b ePdf vl/bnfO{ k|fyldlss/0f ug],{
-`_ vl/b ljlwsf] 5gf}6 ug],{
-6_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] sf/jfxL ug'{ kg]{ jf gkg]{ s'/f olsg ug]{ .
&$= vl/b sfo{sf]] #$ lhDd]jf/L tf]Sg' kg]{M
-!_ k|flws/0fn] vl/b ;DaGwL sfd ug{sf] nflu vl/b ;DaGwL sfo{af]em / sfo{ k|s[ltsf]
cwf/df 5'6\6} dxfzfvf, zfvf jf O{sfO{sf] :yfkgf u/L vl/b clwsf/L tf]Sg'
kg]{5 . #%
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] dxfzfvf,zfvf jf O{sfO{sf]] k|d'vsf sf] #^ sfd
tyf st{Jo ljlgod &! adf]lhd x'g5 ] .
-#_ pk ljlgod -!_ adf] l hdsf] clwsf/Ln] ljlgod -&!_ adf] l hdsf] sfd ubf{
;DalGwt sfo{no k|d'vsf] :jLs[t lnO{ ug'{kg]{5 . #&
##= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
#$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
#%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
#^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
#&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
&%= vl/b dfu k|fKt ug'{ kg]{M -!_ dfn;fdfg vl/b ;DaGwL sf/jfxL z'? ug'{ cl3 vl/b O{sfO{n]
sfof{nosf] cfjZostfsf] tyf cGo O{sfO{jf6 vl/b dfu k|fKt u/L :6f]/;+u ;dGjo u/L sfof{no
' af6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]5 {] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/b dfudf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ePsf]] x'g' kg]5 { M—
-s_ dfn;fdfgsf] k|sf/, u'0f:t/, kl/df0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-v_ dfn;fdfg cfaZos kg]{ ;do,
-u_ vl/bsf] cg'dflgt d"No /
-3_ d"No Joxf]l/g] ;|ft] .
&^= clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] cfb]z lagf vl/b ug{ gx'g M] clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] lnlvt
cfb]z lagf s;}n] s'g} vl/b ug{ u/fpg x'bF g} .
&&= vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ k|flws/0fn] Ps jif{eGbf a9L cjlw;Dd ;~rfng x'g]
of]hgf jf cfof]hgfsf] nflu vl/b ubf{ jf jflif{s kRrL; s/f]8 ?k}ofF eGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b
ug'{ kg]{ ePdf vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg{5 ] M—
-s_ vl/bsf] k|sf/, kl/df0f / df]6fdf]6L cg'dflgt d"No,
-v_ vl/b ljlw,
-u_ clwstd k|lt:kwf{sf] nflu vl/bnfO{ 6'SØfO{g] jf Kofs]h agfOg] eP ;f] ;DaGwL
-3_ ;du| vl/b sf/afxL k"/f ug{sf] nflu ul/g] ;Demf}tfx?sf] df]6fdf]6L ;+Vof / To:tf]
vl/b sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt d'Vo d'Vo sfd,
-ª_ vl/bsf] nflu k"j{ of]Uotfsf] sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f] ;DaGwL s'/f,
-r_ vl/b sf/afxLsf] df]6fdf]6L ;do tflnsf,
-5_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgfdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{ egL
;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf s'/f .
-#_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t ePsf] x'g' kg]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] vl/bsf] u'? of]hgfnfO{ k|To]s cfly{s jif{df
cBfjlws ug'{ kg]5
{ .
&*= aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ k|flws/0fn] cfufdL cfly{s aif{sf] cg'dflgt aflif{s
sfo{sd | tyf ah]6 tof/ ubf{ aflif{s vl/b of]hgf ;d]t tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { . To;/L vl/b of]hgf
tof/ ubf{ ljlgod && adf]lhd vl/bsf] u'? of]hgf tof/ ul/Psf] ePdf ;f] u'? of]hgfsf] ;d]t
cfwf/ lnO{ aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]5{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ ubf{ cfufld cfly{s aif{ el/ ug{]
k|To]s vl/b ;DaGwL b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ M—
-s_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{, k/fdz{ ;]jf / cGo ;]jfsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ vl/bsf] ;Defljt Kofs]h,
-u_ vl/b sf/jfxLsf] ;do tflnsf,
-3_ vl/b ljlw,
-ª_ ;Demf}tfsf] lsl;d /
-r_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] aflif{s vl/b of]hgfdf ;dfa]z ug'{ kg]{ egL
;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf s'/f .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] ;do tflnsfdf b]xfosf] sfd ug]{ ;dofjlw
pNn]v x'g' kg]5 { M
-s_ dfn;fdfg vl/b x'gd ] f :k]l;lkms]zg tof/ ug],{
-v_ vl/bsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug],{
-u_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfa jf, af]nkq cfJxfg ug]{ jf
k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ug{,]
-3_ l;naGbL b/efpkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq cfJxfg jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf]
k|:tfj dfu ug{ ;"rgf k|sfzg ug],{
-ª_ l;naGbL b/efpkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj , af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj
d"Nof+Íg ug],{
-r_ l;naGbL b/efpkq, k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj
:jLs[lt ug{,]
-5_ ;Demf}tf ug],{
-h_ sfo{ cf/De ug{,]
-em_ sfo{ k"/f ug{] /
-`_ k|flws/0fn] cfaZos 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] aflif{s vl/b of]hgf tof/ u/L cfufdL cfly{s
aif{sf] cg'dflgt aflif{s sfo{sd | tyf ah]6 ;fy To:tf] of]hgfsf] Ps Ps k|lt ;+nUg
u/L ;ldltdf k]z ug{' kg]5 { .
-%_ rfn' cfly{s aif{sf] :jLs[t sfo{sd | tyf ah]6 k|fKt eP ;f] cg'?k aflif{s vl/b of]hgf
kl/dfh{g u/L tfn's sfof{nosf] :jLs[tL lng' kg]5 { .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd :jLs[t aflif{s vl/b of]hgfdf s'g} ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
:jLs[t sfo{sd | tyf ah]6sf] clwgdf /xL ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-&_ aflif{s vl/b of]hgfdf pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd pNn]v ePsf] ;do tflnsf cg';f/sf]
sfd ePsf jf:tljs ldltx? ;d]t pNn]v u/L cBfjlws ug'{ kg]5 { .
-*_ tfn's sfof{non] pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd vl/b of]hgfdf plNnlvt sfo{ ;dodf ;DkGg
eP gePsf] cg'udg ug{' kg]5 { .

&(= ah]6 tyf lgdf{0f:ynsf] Joj:yf M -!_ vl/bsf] nflu cfjZos ah]6 Joj:yf geO{ vl/b
sf/AffxL z'? ug{' x'bF g} .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg b]xfosf] cj:yfdf ah]6sf] Joj:yf
geP klg vl/b sf/afxL z'? ug{ ;lsg]5 M—
-s_ ax'jif{Lo{ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ul/g] vl/bsf] xsdf klxnf] jif{sf] nflu cfjZos ah]6
Joj:yf ePkl5 cGo jif{sf] nflu vl/b sf/afxL ug{, jf
-v_ vl/b ;DaGwL] k|f/lDes tof/L ug'{ cTofjZos eO{ l;naGbL b/efpkq jf af]nkq
cfXjfg ug],{ k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] b/vf:t cfXjfg ug],{ k/fdz{bftfsf] ;"rL tof/ ug{
;"rgf k|sfzg ug{,] k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|:tfj dfu ug{] jf l;naGbL b/efpkqsf]
kmf/fd, af]nkq jf k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft
pknAw u/fpg] h:tf sfo{ ug{ .
-#_ lgdf{0f:ynsf] Joj:yf geO{ ;f];u+ ;DalGwt vl/b sf/afxL z'? ug'{ x'bg} .
*)= dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ / ;]jfsf] ljj/0f tof/ ug'{ kg]{ M #*
-!_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf vl/b ug{' cl3 To; ;DaGwL :k]lzlkms]zg,
of] h gf, gSzf, l8hfOg, ljz] i f cfjZostf Jff cGo ljj/0fx? tof/ u/L
nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L af6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg{]5 . o;/L tof/
ul/Psf] ljj/0fx? b]xfosf] s'g} cj:yfdf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-s_ ljj/0f tof/ ubf{sf avt k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsg] ef}ule{s ?kn] hl6n
k| s [ l tsf] lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ ePdf.
-v_ ljj/0f tof/ ul/;s] kl5 k|fs[lts k|sf]khGo kl/l:ylt l;h{gf ePdf .
-u_ k|flws/0fsf] gD;{ kl/jt{g ePdf .
-3_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;+rfng ug]{ k"j{ lgwf{l/t k|ljlw k4lt kl/jt{g ePdf .
-ª_ ljz]if / hl6n k|s[ltsf] ;+/rgf eO{ ;f]sf] sfof{Gjogdf sl7gfO{ pTkGg
ePdf .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f tof/ ubf{ To:tf dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf]
;Da¢ j:t'ut k|fljlws tyf u'0f:t/hGo lji]fztf / sfdsf] cfwf/df tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd ljj/0f tof/ ubf{ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf]
ljz]iftfx? :ki6?kdf a'lemg] u/L pNn]v ug]{ csf]{ s'g} pkfo gePsf] cj:yfdf afx]s s'g}
vf; a|f08, 6]8« dfs{, gfd, k]60] 6, l8hfOg, k|sf/, pTklQ jf pTkfbssf] gfd pNn]v ug{
;lsg]] 5}g .
t/ To;/L pNn]v gu/L gx'g] cj:yfdf s'g} vf; a|f08, 6]8« dfs{, gfd, k]60] 6,
l8hfOg, k|sf/, pTklQ jf pTkfbssf] gfd pNn]v u/L æ;f] ;/xÆ eGg] z + Abx? pNn]v ug{
;lsg]5 .
#*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-$_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf]
k|fljlws jf u'0f:t/hGo ljz]iftfx?sf] ljj/0f / k/LIf0f -6]l:6ª_, dfls{Ë+ , Kofs]lhË,
n]alnË jf k'li6s/0fsf] k|df0fkq -sgkm/ld6L ;l6{lkms]6_ ;DaGwL cfwf/ jf ;+st] jf
zAbfjnL pNn]v ubf{ To:tf] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] sfd;+u c;Da4
x'g,] of]Uo af]nkqbftfnfO{ vl/b k|so[ fdf ;xefuL x'g s'g} lsl;dn] afwf k'¥ofpg] jf
cf}lrTo lagf k|lt:kwf{nfO{ ;Lldt ug]{ u/L ljj/0f, cfwf/, ;+st] jf zAbfjnL pNn]v ug{
;lsg] 5}g .
*!= dfn;fdfgsf] k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/ffMM dfn;fdfgsf] k|fljlws
:k]l;lkms]zg pNn]v ubf{ cfaZostf cg';f/ b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M—
-s_ cfaZos ePdf k|:tfljt sfdsf] of]hgf, gSzf / l8hfO{g,
-v_ ljn ckm SjflG66Lh,
-u_ dfn;fdfgsf] ;fGble{s ef}lts tyf /;folgs ljz]iftf, ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg ;DaGwL
-3_ k|fljlws jgfj6 -sGkmLUo'/z ] g_
-ª_ dfn;fdfgsf] cfo' cjlwe/sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ hu]8f kf6{kh " f{ / plNnlvt ;]jf pknAw
x'g] jf gx'g,]
-r_ af]nkqsf ;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0ffTds k'l:tsf jf gd"gf,
-5_ ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg tyf u'0f:t/ k|Tofe"tLsf] ljj/0f,
-h_ jf/]06L tyf dd{t ;+ef/ ;DjGwL Joj:yf,
-em_ dfn;fdfgaf6 jftfj/0fdf s'g} k|efj kg]{ eP To:tf] k|efj / To:tf] k|efj sd ug{
ckgfpg' kg]{ dfkb08, /
-`_ cfk"lt{ ePsf] dfn;fdfg af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] :k]l;lkms]zg jdf]lhdsf]
eP gePsf] s'/f k/LIf0f ug{ ckgfOg] dfkb08 / tl/sf,
-6_ k|flws/0fn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
*@= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/ffMM lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|fljlws
:k]l;lkms]zg pNn]v ubf{ cfaZostf cg';f/ b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug''{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{sf] sfo{If]q / p2]Zo,
-v_ lgdf{0f :ynsf] ef}lts k|sl[ t / cj:yf,
-u_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l8hfO{g, lgdf{0f, pks/0f h8fg -O/]Szg_, pTkfbg, h8fg
-OG;\6n]zg_ h:tf sfo{sf] ljj/0f,
-3_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] x/]s PsfO{ cfO{6dsf] cg'dflgt kl/df0f ePsf] ljn ckm SjflG6l6h,
-ª_ lgdf{0f sfo{af6 jftfj/0fdf k|efj kg]{ eP To:tf] k|efjsf] ljj/0f / To:tf] k|efj sd ug{
ckgfpg' kg]{ dfkb08,

-r_NklDaª / ljB't h8fg ;DaGwL sfd ;d]t ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f] sfd ;DaGwL laz]if k|fljlws
-5_ cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg]{ pks/0f / kf6k"hf{sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f,
-h_ ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg jf u'0f:t/sf] k|Tofe"tL ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-em_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ljleGg r/0fdf ul/g] lg/LIf0f tyf k/LIf0f,
-`_ sfo{ ;DkGg k/LIf0f -sDKnL;g 6]i6_,
-6_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eP kl5 lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ k|fljlws sfuhft,
lgdf{0f eP adf]lhdsf] b'?:t -Ph laN6_ gSzf, pks/0f ;~rfng k'l:tsf, -ck/]l6Ë
-7_ lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLsf/ ug{sf] nflu k|flws/0fn] ug'{ kg]{ lg/LIf0f / sfo{;Dkfbg -k/km/d]G;_
-8_ lgdf{0f sfo{ k|f/De / ;DkGg ug]{ ;dosf], sfo{tflnsf /
-9_ k|flws/0fn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/f .
*#= cGo ;]jfsf] ljj/0fdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/ffMM cGo ;]jfsf] ljj/0f pNn]v ubf{ cfjZostf
cg';f/ b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg' kg]5
{ M—
-s_ ;]jfsf] k|of]hg / sfo{If]q,
-v_ ck]lIft sfo{;Dkfbg, ;]jf k|bfosn] k|bfg ug'k{ g]{ sfd / ;]jf,
-u_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq ;fy pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ ljj/0ffTds k'l:tsf jf gd"gf,
-3_ ;]jf k|bfosn] kfngf ug'{ kg]{ zt{,
-ª_ ;]jf k|bfosn] k|bfg u/]sf] ;]jf d"Nof+Íg ug]{ cfwf/ / tl/sf,
-r_ sfd jf ;]jfsf] u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f / lg/LIf0f,
-5_ sfo{;Dkfbg / u'0f:t/ k|Tofe"tLsf] ljj/0f, /
-h_ ;]jf k|bfosn]] k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ tflnd / ;'k/Lj]If0fsf] lsl;d / kl/df0f,
-em_ k|flws/0fn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf cGo cfjZos s'/f .
*$= Nffut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf afx]s Ps nfv ?k}of eGbf
a9Lsf] s'g} klg vl/bsf] nflu nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kb{5 . t/ lgdf{0f sfo{sf]
xsdf eg] hlt;'s} /sdsf] vl/b ug'{ k/] klg nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{kg]{5 . #(
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] nfut cg'dfg / ljlgod *) adf]lhd tof/
ePsf] ljj/0f $) clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t ePsf] x'g' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] nfut cg'dfg cg';f/ ;f]xL cfly{s aif{ leq jf
nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ePsf] ldltn] Ps aif{ leqdf af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;"rgf k|sfzg gePsf]
ca:yfdf o; ljlgodfjnLsf] k|so[ f ckgfO{ k|To]s cfly{s aif{df cWofjlws ug'{ kg]5 { .
#(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
$)=;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-$_ ljlgod -*)_ adf] l hdsf] ljj/0f tyf pk ljlgod -!_ adf] l hdsf] nfut
cg'dfg ljz]if sf/0f k/L ;+;f]wg ug'{ k/]df afx]s Ps k6s :jLs[t ePsf]
l8hfOg jf nfut cg'dfgdf ;+;f]wg ug'{ kbf{ To:tf] ;+;f]wg z'?sf] nfut
cg' d fg c+ s df kRrL; k| l t;t eGbf a9L km/s k/] d f jf q' l 6k' 0 f{ l8hfO{ g
u/]sf] jf c:jfefljs nfut cg'dfg tof/ u/]sf] sf/0fn] vl/b sfo{ k|efljt
ePdf To:tf] l8hfO{ g jf nfut cg' d fg tof/, hf+ r jf :jLs[ t ug] {
kbflwsf/L / ;f] sfo{df ;+nUg k/fdz{bftf lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 . $!
*%= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfgM -!_ ljlgod *$ adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg tof/
ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] :jLs[t u/]sf] gD;{ / ;/sf/L sfof{nox?sf] nflu lgwf{/0f ePsf] ;DalGwt
lhNnfsf] lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] b/efp, d]lzg tyf pks/0fsf] ef8f jf sfdbf/sf] Hofnfsf] b//]6
adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
t/ To:tf] b//]6 gePdf ;Dej eP;Dd ;/sf/L sfof{non] tf]ss ] f] b/efp / ;f] gePdf
nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/Ln] k|rlnt ahf/ efpsf] cfwf/df b//]6 lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ dfn;fdfg :ynut ?kdf pknAw x'g]
jf gx'g] cWoog u/L lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] ;dofjlw ls6fg u/L tof/ ug'k{ g]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ lgdf{0f sfo{df pks/0f k|of]u u/L
lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsg] / k|flws/0fnfO{ ldtJooL x'g] u/L To:tf] pks/0f k|of]usf] gD;{ cg';f/
nfut cg'dfg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg, To:tf] nfut cg'dfg
tof/ ug]{ k|fljlws eGbf Ps tx dflysf] ;DalGwt laifosf] k|fljlws jf k|fljlwsx?sf]
;d"xnfO{ l8hfO{g 8«Oª{ ;d]t hfFRg nufO{ s'g} q'6L b]lvPdf To:tf] q'6L ;Rofpg nufpg'
{ . sfof{nodf dflyNnf] txsf] k|fljlws gePdf ljefluo k|dv ' n] To:tf] nfut cg'dfg
hfFRg] Joj:yf ldnfO{ lbg' kg]5
{ .
*^= dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfgM -!_ ljlgod *$ adf]lhd dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/
ubf{ ;DalGwt dfn;fdfgsf] :k]l;lkms]zgsf] clwgdf /xL b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} cfwf/ adf]lhd
tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ k|flws/0fn] rfn' jf cl3Nnf jif{x?df ;f]xL k|sl[ tsf] vl/b ubf{ nfu]sf] jf:tljs nfut,
-v_ :yfgLo ahf/df k|rlnt b/efp,
-u_ pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3n] b//]6 hf/L u/]sf] ePdf To:tf] b//]6,
-3_ cGo ahf/sf] k|rlnt b/efp / dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ :yfg;Dd nfUg] cg'dflgt
9'jfgL vr{,
-ª_ aLdf ug'{ kg]{ ePdf aLdfsf] lk|ldod vr{,
-r_ dfn;fdfg h8fg ug{' kg]{ ePdf h8fg vr{,
-5_ s'g} tflnd lbg' kg]{ ePdf To:tf] tflnd vr{,
$!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
-h_ dfn;fdfgsf] lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0fsf] nflu nfUg] vr{,
-em_ :k]o/ kf6{; jf dd{t ;]jf cfaZos kg]{ ePdf To:tf] :k]o/ kf6{; jf ;]jfsf] nflu nfUg
;Sg] vr{, cflb .
*&= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfgM -!_ ljlgod *$ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/
ubf{ b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} cfwf/ adf]lhd tof/ ug{' kg]5{ M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg ;DaGwL s'g} gD;{ tof/ u/]sf] eP To:tf]
-v_ ;DalGwt k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] sfo{ If]qut zt{,
-u_ k|flws/0fn] rfn' jf cl3Nnf jif{x?df ;f]xL k|sl[ tsf] vl/b ubf{ nfu]sf] jf:tljs nfut .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf] l hdsf] k/fdz{ ;] j fsf] nfut cg' d ffg tof/ ubf{
b]xfosf vr{x? v'nfO{ cg';'lr -!#adf]]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf tof/ ug'{ kb{5 . ;fy}
ljlgod ** adf]lhdsf] cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg ;d]t cg';'lr -!#sf]
9fFrfdf tof/ ug{ ;lsg]5 . $@
-s_ d'Vo hgzlQm Pa+ cGo hgzlQmsf] kfl/>lds,
-v_ e|d0f vr{, hgzlQmsf] a;f]af; vr{, sfof{no vr{, cfaZos dfn;fdfg pks/0f / ;]jf
vr{, k|lta]bg / cGo sfuhftsf] 6«fG;n]zg, 5kfO{ vr{,
-u_ k/fdz{bftfn] tflnd, uf]i7L jf e|d0fsf] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ eP To:tf] sfdsf] nflu nfUg]
vr{ / cGo vr{ cflb .
**= cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfgM -!_ ljlgod *$ adf]lhd cGo ;]jfsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{
b]xfo adf]lhd tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-s_ ;jf/L ;fwg, d]zLg tyf pks/0f $# ef8fsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf
s'/fnfO{ larf/ u/L df]6fdf]6L nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-!_ ef8fdf lnO{g] cfaZos kg]{ ;jf/L ;fwg, d]lzg/L cf}hf/, pks/0f jf dfn;fdfgsf]
ljj/0f, :k]l;lkms]zg, ca:yf / tL j:t'x?sf] cfo'
-@_ k|rlnt ahf/ b/,
-#_ ef8fdf lng] cjlw,
-$_ O{Gwgsf] d"No / vkt /
-%_ ;ldltn] pko'Qm 7x¥ofPsf] cGo s'/f .
-v_ 9'jfgLsf] nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ;/sf/L sfof{nox?sf] nflu s'g} b//]6 lgwf{/0f ePsf]
ePdf To:tf] b//]6sf] cfwf/df / To:tf] b//]6 gePsf] ca:yfdf k|rlnt ahf/ b//]6sf]
cfwf/df df]6fdf]6L nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg{5 ] .
$@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
$#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-u_ dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug'{ kbf{ k|flws/0fdf To; ;DaGwL ljz]if1 jf bIf sd{rf/L eP
To:tf] sd{rf/Laf6 / To:tf] sd{rf/L geP To:tf] sfd ug]{ JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf
;+:yfaf6 nfut cg'dfg tof/ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-3_ 3/ ef8f / ;]jf s/f/ ;DaGwL nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ k|rlnt ahf/ b/ cg';f/
df]6fdf]6L nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
*(= ;fj{ h lgs vl/b cg' u dg sfof sfof{non]
n on] lgwf{ / 0f u/] s f] cfwf/ kfng ug' { kg] { M nfut
cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ larf/ ug'{ kg]{ egL ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] s'g} gD;{ jf cfwf/
lgwf{/0f u/]sf] ePdf o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ;f] cfwf/ ;d]t kfng
ug'{ kg]5{ .
()= nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ljrf/ ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM -!_ k|flws/0fn] s'g} klg vl/bsf] nfut
cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ b]xfosf] s'/f ljrf/ ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ vl/b ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ sfd Pp6} vl/b ;Demf}tfaf6 x'g ;Sg] jf sfd lkR5] 5'§} vl/b
;Demf}tf ug'{ kg],{
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf gaLs/0f ug{ kg]{ jf gkg],{
-u_ vl/bsf] cGo s'g} ljsNk eP To:tf] ljsNk,
-3_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;DkGg ug{sf] nflu nfUg ;Sg] clwstd /sd tyf ;do, /
-@_ nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ af]nkq hdfgt jf sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt nufot df]ljnfO{hz ] g
/ l8df]ljnfO{hz] g vr{, ladf, k/fdz{bftfnfO{ lbg' kg]{ ;'ljwf afktsf sfo{x?, u'0f:t/
k/LIf0f, Joj;fohGo :jf:Yo / ;'/Iff, Ph ljN6 gSzf, sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] sldzg
vr{ cflbsf] 5'§} cfO6d agfO{ nfut cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nfut cg'dfg cg';"rL * adf]lhd x'g5 ] / cGo vl/bsf] nfut cg'dfgsf]
9f+rf g]kfn ;/sf/÷;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g5 ] .
(!= df}h'bf ;"rL -:6flG8Ë lni6_ tof/ ug]{M -!_ ljlgod !^@ / !&( adf]lhd vl/b ug]{ k|of]hgsf]
nflu vl/bsf] k|sl[ t cg';f/ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfossf] 5'§f 5'§}
df}hb' f ;"rL tof/ u/L ;f]sf] :jLs[lt sfof{no k|dv ' af6 u/fO{ clen]v /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] df}hb' f ;"rLdf gfd ;dfa]z ubf{ cfjZos of]Uotfsf cfwf/
lgwf{/0f u/L ;DjlGwt sfdsf] nflu of]Uo AolQm, kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] gfd ;dfa]z ug'{ kg]5{ .
-#_ df}hb' f ;"rL tof/ ug{sf] nflu sDtLdf kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ k|To]s cfly{s jif{sf]
k|f/Dedf b]xfosf ljj/0f v'nfO{ k|flws/0fsf] k|wfg sfof{non] cGt/ut sfof{nox?sf]
nflu ;d]t /fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L OR5's JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDkgLAff6 ;DalGwt sfof{nodf lgj]bg k]z ug]{ u/L lga]bg dfu ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jf k|bfossf] of]Uotf,
-v_ df}hb' f ;"rLsf] juL{s/0f,
-u_ df}hb' f ;"rL cBfjlws ug]{ sfo{ljlw, /
-3_ df}hb' f ;"rL dfGo /xg] cjlw .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf ;"rgf k|flws/0fsf] j]e ;fO{6df ;d]t /fVg' kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf k"/f ug]{ JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] df}hb' f ;"rLdf
;dfj]z x'g lgwf{l/t ;dofjlw leq cfjZos sfuhft ;lxt lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd k|fKt lgj]bg pk/ hfFra'em u/L] pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf]
of]Uotf k"/f u/]sf]] lgj]bsnfO{ df}hb' f ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ug{' kg]5
{ .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd s'g} cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosn]
df}hb' f ;"rLdf gfd ;dfa]z ug{ lgj]bg glbPsf] ePtf klg ;+lIfKt ;"rLdf k|ofKt dfqfdf
cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfossf] gfd ;dfa]z x'g g;s]df
lautsf cfly{s aif{df u/]sf] vl/bdf ;Gtf]ifhgs?kn] sfd u/]sf] b]lvPdf jf To:tf]
cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosn] ;f] sfd ug{ VoftL k|fKt
u/]sf] cfwf/df ;d]t df}hb' f ;"rLdf gfd ;dfa]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-*_ df}hb' f ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ePsf jf ;f] ;"rLaf6 x6fO{Psf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf
;]jf k|bfossf] ljj/0f k|To]s cfly{s jif{df cBfjlws u/L To:tf] cBfjlws df}hb' f
;"rLnfO{ cfkm\gf] ;"rgf kf6Ldf ;"rgf 6fF; ug'{ kg]5{ .
-(_ df}hb' f ;"rLdf g/x]sf af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ k|flws/0faf6 cfJxfg ePsf] l;naGbL
b/efpkq, af]nkq jf k|:tfjdf efu lng alGrt ug{ kfO{g] 5}g .
(@= d"No clej[l4 s/ btf{ k|df0f kq ePsf;+u vl/b ug'{kg]{M -!_ s'g} vl/b ubf{ cfGtl/s
/fhZj sfof{noaf6 :yfoL n]vf gDa/df / d"No clea[l¢ s/ btf{ k|df0f kq k|fKt u/]sf JolQm,
kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLjf6 dfq vl/b ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg b]xfPsf] cj:yfdf d"No clea[l¢ s/
btf{ k|df0f kq k|fKt gu/]sf JolQm, kmd{,{ ;+:yf jf sDkgLjf6 ;d]t vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5M–
-s_ jL; xhf/ $$ ?k}of eGbf sd /sdsf] dfn ;fdfg vl/b ubf{ jf lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpbf,
-v_ d"No clea[l¢ s/ gnfUg] dfn ;fdfg vl/b ubf{,
(#= g]kfndf pTkflbt dfn;fdfg vl/b ug'{ kg]{M -!_ o; ljlgoddf plNnlvt s'g} ljlw 5gf}6
u/L vl/b ubf{ ljb]zL dfn;fdfg eGbf g]kfndf pTkflbt dfn;fdfg kGw| $% k|ltzt;Dd dx+uf]
ePtfklg g]kfnL dfn;fdfg g} vl/b ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ cfk"lt{stf{n] g]kfndf pTkfbg ePsf] k|df0f (Country
of Origin) k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fyldstf lbbf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;f] Joj:yf pNn]v
u/L pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|df0f k]z ug'{ kg]{ s'/f ;d]t v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkqsf] xsdf bft[
kIfsf] C0f tyf cg'bfg ;xfotfaf6 vl/b ubf{ o; ljlgodsf] Joj:yf nfu" x'g] 5}g .
$$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
$%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

kl/R5]b – !@
vl/b ljlw / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] 5gf}6

($= vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ k|flws/0fn] s'g} vl/b ug'{ kbf{ o; ljlgodfjnLdf plNnlvt
ca:yf / d"Nosf] cfwf/df b]xfosf]] s'g} Ps ljlw ckgfO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]5{ M
-s_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{M
-!_ cGt/f{li6«o :t/df v'Nnf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L,
-@_ /fli6«o :t/df v'Nnf af]nkq cfXjfg u/L,
-#_ l;naGbL b/efpkq cfXjfg u/L,
-$_ ;f]em} vl/b u/L,
-%_ cdfgtaf6 jf
-^_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 .
-&_ Psd'i6 b/ ljlwaf6, $^
:ki6Ls/0f o; pkv08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu "Psd'i6 b/ lalw af6 eGgfn] "
k| T o] s OsfO{ s f] kl/df0f / nfut cg' d fgsf] s' n c+ s eGbf s] slt 36L jf a9L
k|ltztdf sfd ug]{xf] ;f] saf]n u/L af]nkq k]z ug]{ ljlw ;Demg' kb{5 .
-*_ pTkfbs jf clws[t ljs|]tfb\jf/f lgwf{l/t b/df -Sof6nu ;lkË_ vl/b
ug]{ ljlwaf6, $&
:ki6Ls/0f o; pk v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nlfu " pTkfbs jf clws[t ljs|]tfb\jf/f
lgwf{l/t b/df -Sof6nu ;lkË_ vl/b ug]{ ljlw af6 "eGgfn] s'g} dfn;fdfg lgdf{0f
ug]{ sDklgn] pTkfbgsf] ljz]iftf,u'0f:t/ / ;'lawfsf cfwf/df to u/]sf] las|L d"No
;DalGwt sDkgLsf] j] e ;fO{ 6 df jf -a| f ] ; /_df ;fa{ h lgs u/] kl5 ;dfg :t/sf]
dfn;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ sDklgn] tf]s]sf] d"Nodf k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ ul/g] vl/b ljlw
;Demg' kb{5 .
-(_ ;Lldt af]nkqbftfn] efu lng] -lnld6]8 6]08l/Ë_ vl/b ljlwaf6 $*
:ki6Ls/0f o; pk v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nlfu ";Lldt af]nkqbftfn] efu lng]
-lnld6] 8 6] 0 8l/Ë_ vl/b ljlwaf6 "eGgfn] s' g } dfn;fdfg ,lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ jf ;] j f
vl/bdf ;Lldt pTkfbs,cfk" l t{ s tf{ jf ;] j f k| b fos dfq ePdf To:tf] pTkfbs,
cfk"lt{stf{ jf ;]jf k|bfos aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ ul/g] vl/b ljlw ;Demg' k5{ .
-!)_ gofF lng] k'/fgf] lbg]- afO{ Aofs d]y8_ vl/b ljlwaf6, $(
$^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
$&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
$*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
$(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
:ki6Ls/0f o; pk v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu "gofF lng] k'/fgf] lbg]-afO{ Aofs
d]y8_ vl/b ljlwaf6 " eGgfn] lglZrt ;do kl5 cf}lrToxLg x'g] jf hg:jf:Yo jf
jftfj/0fsf] b[ l i6n] lnnfd ug{ jf e08f/0f u/L /fVg gldNg] jf k| o f] u ug{ gx' g ]
cj:yfsf dfn;fdfg jf d] l ;g/L cf} h f/ tf] l sP adf] l hd d" N of+ s g u/L ;DalGwt
pTkfbs jf cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lkmtf{ lbO{ gofF lng] lalw ;Demg' k5{ . "
-v_ k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{M
-!_ k|lt:kwf{Tds k|:tfj dfu u/L,
-@_ ;f]em} jftf{jf6 .
-@_ o; ljlgoddf cGoyf Joj:yf ul/Psf]df jfx]s s'g} vl/b ug'{ kbf{ ;Dej eP;Dd
v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfJxfg jf k|lt:kwf{Tds k|:tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug'k{ g]5 { / of]Uo
af]nkqbftfnfO{ To:tf] vl/b k|so[ fdf ;xefuL x'g s'g} e]befj gu/L ;dfg cj;/ k|bfg
ug'{ kg]5{ .
($-s_ Psd'i6 b/ ljlwaf6 ul/g] vl/bsf] sfo{ljlw %)
-!_ k|flws/0fn] s'g} of]Uotf cjZos gkg]{ k|s[ltsf] b'O{ s/f]9 ?k}of ;Dd nfut
cg' d fg ePsf] lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ vl/b ug' { kbf{ nfut cg' d fg ;fj{ h lgs u/L
/fli6« o :t/sf] af] n kq cfAxfg u/L Psd' i 6 b/ ljlwsf] cfwf/df vl/b ug{
;Sg] 5 .
-@_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhd af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq bflvnf ubf{ s'n nfut cg'dfgdf
lglZrt k| l tzt 3l6 jf a9L k| l tztdf sfd ug] { Psd' i 6 b/ saf] n u/L
af]nkq k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
($-v_ pTkfbs jf clws[ t ljs| ] t fb\ j f/f lgwf{ l /t b/df -Sof6nu ;lkË_ ljlwaf6
ul/g] vl/bsf] sfo{ l jlwM %!
-!_ k| f lws/0fn] x] l e OSo' k d] G 6,;jf/L;fwg,cf} h f/,d] l ;g/L,pks/0f jf o:t} cGo
oflGqs dfn;fdfgx? To:tf] ;dfg :t/sf] dfn;fdfg pTkfbg jf ljt/0f
ug]{ pTkfbs sDklg jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s las|]tfnfO{ slDtdf kGw| lbg;Ddsf]
lnlvt ;"rgf lbO{ k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf] l hd ;" r gf k| f Kt eP kl5 To:tf] dfn;fdfg las| L ug{
rfxg] pTkfbs sDklg jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s :k] l ;lkms] ; g,u' 0 f:t/,d" N o /
;'ljwf ;lxtsf] ljj/0f- Sof6nu jf a|f];/_ ;+nUg /flv k|flws/0fdf lgj]bg
btf{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
%)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
%!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

pk ljlgod-@_ adf] l hd btf{ ePsf pTkfbs sDklg jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s
las| ] t fn] k] z u/] s f] :k] l ;lkms] ; g,u' 0 f:t/,d" N o / ;' l jwf ;lxtsf] ljj/0f-
Sof6nu jf a| f ] ; /_ x] l / ;dfg :k] ; Llkms] ; g / u' 0 f:t/ ePsf pTkfbgx?sf]
pTkfbs sDklg jf To;sf] cflwsfl/s las|]tfsf] ;'lr tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pk ljlgod-#_ adf]lhdsf] ;'lrsf] cwf/df vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf] kl/df0f
vf]ln pTkfbs jf clws[t las|]tfaf6 tf]lsPsf] d"No / ;'ljwf dWo] d"Nodf 5'6
jf ;'ljwfdf yk x'g ;Sg] ljj/0f ;lxtsf] cfly{s k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pk ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj k|fKt ePkl5 d"Nodf kfO{g] 5'6 / ;'ljwfdf
x' g ] yk ;d] t sf] cfwf/df o; ljlgodfjnL adf] l hd d" N of+ s g u/L Go" g td
d"Nof+lst ;f/e't k|efjuf|lx k|:tfjbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ pk ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftf;+u ljlgod !!* sf] pk
ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 b ! adf]lhd sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt lnO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;demf}tf ug'{ kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
($ -u_ ;Lldt af] n kq- lnld6] 8 6] 0 8l/Ë_ ljlwaf6 ul/g] vl/bsf] sfo{ l jlwM %@
-!_ k|flws/0fn] ;Lldt dfqfdf pknAw ePsf] jf x'g] s'g} dfn;fdfg,lgdf0f{sfo{,
k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df To:tf] k|s[ltsf] cfk"lt{stf{,lgdf0f{
Aoj;foL, k/fdz{ b ftf jf ;] j f k| b fosx? tLg jf ;f] eGbf sd ;+ V ofdf
pknAw ePsf] cj:yf Plsg u/L To:tf cfk"lt{stf{,lgdf0f{ Jofj;foL,k/fdz{bftf
jf ;] j fk| b fosx? aLr dfq k| l t:kwf{ x ' g ] u/L kGw| lbgsf] af] n kq cfAxfgsf]
;'rgfsf] dfWodåf/f af]nkq jf k|:tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-#_ k|flws/0fn] ;Lldt af]nkq ljlwsf] dfWofdaf6 vl/b ug'{ kbf{ Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/Lsf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lng' kb{5 .
($-3_ gofF lng] k'/fgf] lbg]- afO{ Aofs d]y8_ vl/b ljlwaf6 ul/g] vl/b sfo{ljlw %#
-!_ k| f lws/0fn] lglZrt ;do kl5 cf} l rToxLg x' g ] jf hg:jf:Yo jf
jftfj/0fsf] b[li6n] lnnfd ug{ jf e08f/0f u/L /fVg gldNg] jf k|of]u ug{
gx'g] cj:yfsf dfn;fdfg jf d]l;g/L cf}hf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd d"Nof+sg u/L
;DalGwt pTkfbs jf cfk" l t{ s tf{ n fO{ lkmtf{ lbO{ ;f] l x k| s [ l tsf] gofF dfn
;fdfg ;f] l x pTkfbs jf cflwsfl/s las| ] t f jf cfk" l t{ s tf{ a f6 ;6\ 6 f k6\ 6 f
u/L lng ;Sg]5 .
%@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
%#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

pk ljlgod-!_ adf] l hd ;6\ 6 f k6\ 6 f ubf{ To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbs jf
cflwsfl/s las| ] t f jf cfk" l t{ s tf{ ; + u k' / fgf] dfn;fdfgsf] d" N of+ s g k| : tfj
lnO{ gofF dfn;fdfgsf] lgwf{ l /t /sd s6\ 6 f u/L vl/b ;Demf} t f u/L vl/b
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ o; ljlgod adf] l hd vl/b ul/g] gofF dfn;fdfg dfGotf k| f Kt ;+ : yfaf6
u'0f:t/ k|dfl0ft ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
-$_ pk ljlgod-@_ adf] l hd vl/b ;Demf} t f ubf{ vl/b x' g ] gofF dfn;fdfgsf]
hLjgrs| kZrft o; ljlw k|of]u u/L k'g k|of]u u/L ;6\6f k6\6f ug{ ;lsg]
jf g;lsg] s'/f v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ k|flws/0fn] pk ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ k'/fgf] dfn;fdfg / ahf/df
pknAw gofF dfn;fdfgsf] ;' l r tof/ u/L Ps tx dflysf] clws[ t af6
:jLs[t lnP/ dfq vl/b ug'{ kb{5 .
-^_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhdsf] ljlw ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{ vl/b sf/afxLdf
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
($ª :jb]zL af]nkqbftfx? aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ul/g] %$ -!_ Ps r/0fsf]
v' N nf af] n kq cfAxfg ubf{ b' O { s/f] 9 ?k} o f eGbf a9L krf; s/f] 8 ?k} o f
;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0fsfo{sf] vl/bdf ljlgod !!& sf] cj:yfdf
afx] s /fli6« o :t/sf] v' N nf af] n kqsf] dfWodaf6 :jb] z L af] n kqbftfx? aLr
dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf] l hd vl/b ug' { k bf{ k| f ljlws / cfly{ s k| : tfj b' O { cnu
cnu vfddf /flv l;naGbL u/L k|To]s vfdsf] aflx/ s'g k|:tfj xf] :ki6
?kn] pNn] v u/L b' j } k| : tfjnfO{ csf] { 5' 6 \ 6 } aflx/L vfddf l;naGbL u/L
af] n kq k] z ug' { kg] { Joxf] / f af] n kq cfAxfgsf] ;' r gf / af] n kq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pk ljlgod-@_ adf]lhd af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ubf{ k|fljlws k|:tfasf]
nflu ljlgod !)$, !)%, !)*, !)( adf] l hdsf] k| f ljlws tyf cfly{ s /
ljQLo Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pk ljlgod-#_ adf] l hdsf] k| f ljlws k| : tfj ljlgod !#( adf] l hdsf] k| s [ o f
af6 vf] l n ljlgod !$), !$!, !$@, !$#, !$&, !$* adf] l hd k/LIf0f
u/L ;f/e't?kdf k|efju|flx af]nkq lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pk ljlgod-$_ adf] l hdsf of] U otfsf] ;a} cfwf/x?df ;kmn x' g ] af] n kq
;f/e't ?kdf k|efju|flx af]nkq dflgg]5 / To:tf] ;kmn ;a} af]nkqbftfx?nfO{
cfly{ s k| : tfj vf] N g] :yfg,ldlt / ;do pNn] v u/L ;f] ldlt / ;dodf
pkl:yt x'g slDtdf ;ft lbgsf] cjlw pNn]v lbO{ ;'rgf ug'{ kb{5 .
%$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
-^_pk ljlgod-$_ adf]lhd k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+sg ubf{ of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df
c;kmn x'g] ;a} af]nkqbftfx?sf] cfly{s k|:tfj ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfx?nfO{
lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ pk ljlgod-$_ adf] l hd ;kmn af] n kqbftfx?sf] ljlgod !&! adf] l hdsf]
k|so[ faf6 cfly{s k|:tfj vf]ln ljlgod !$), !$!, !$^, !$(, !%), !%!adf]lhd
cfly{s tyf ljz]if d"Nof+sg u/L Go"gtd d"Nof+lst ;f/e't ?kdf k|efju|flx
af]nkqsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
($r ;+o'St pks|daf6 ;xeflu x'g'kg]{ %%-!_ljlgod !!& adf]lhd cfAxfg ul/Psf]
krf; s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf dfly kfFr ca{ ?k}of ;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfg ePsf]
lgdf0f{ s fo{ ;DaGwL cGt/fli6« o :t/sf] af] n kqdf ;xeflu x' g rfxg] ljb] z L
kmd{,;+:yf jf sDklgn] :jb]zL kmd{,;+:yf jf sDklg ;+u ;+o'St pks|d u/L
;xeflu x'g' kg]{5 .
-@_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf] l hdsf] vl/b sf/afxLdf ljlgod($ª sf] Joj:yf nfu'
x'g]5 .
($5 lgdf0f{ sfo{ s f] cfly{ s k| : tfj dfu u/L vl/b ug] { sfo{ l jlw %^ -!_ ljlgod
@)% sf] pk ljlgod -^_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo eO{ ;f]lx ljlgodsf]
pk ljlgod -*_ adf] l hd To:tf] lgdf0f{ sfo{ vl/b ug' { kbf{ ljlgod !%&
adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf af]nkqbftfx?nfO{ kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ cfly{s k|:tfj
dfu u/L vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pk ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofb lbO{ vl/b ug'{ kbf{ l;naGbL cfly{s k|:tfj
dfq k]z ug'{ kg]{ Aoxf]/f v'nfpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhd vl/b ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
tof/ ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo x'Fbfsf] ;do ;Dd l8hfO{g jf nfut cg'dfg
cg' ? k ;DkGg eO;s] s f] sfo{ x ? s6\ 6 f u/L afF s L sfdsf] nflu cfjZostf
cg' ; f/sf] l8hfO{ g jf nfut cg' d fg kl/dfh{ g u/fO{ ljlgod *) adf] l hd
tof/ ePsf] ljj/0f :jls[t x'g' kg]{5 .
-$_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhdsf] cfly{s k|:tfj ljlgod !&! adf]lhdsf] k|s[ofaf6
vf] l n ljlgod !$), !$^ !$(, !%! adf] l hd cfly{ s tyf ljz] i f d" N of+ s g
u/L Go"gtd d"Nof+lst ;f/e't ?kdf k|efju|flx af]nkqsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
(%= vl/bnfO{ k|lt:kwf{ ;Lldt x'g] u/L 6'qmf 6'qmf ug{ gx'g]M -!_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd
vl/b ubf{ s'g} vl/bsf] k|lt:kwf{ ;Lldt x'g] u/L 6'qmf 6'qmf u/L vl/b ug'{ x'bg} .
t/ k|lt:kwf{ clea[lWb x'g] u/L vl/bnfO{ a9L ;'ljwfhgs ;d"xdf ljefhg ug]{ jf
Kofs]hdf ;dfj]z (Slicing and packaging) ug{] sfo{ ug'{ kg]5 { .
%%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
%^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
(^= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] 5gf}6M -!_ s'g} vl/b sf/afxLsf] ;DaGwdf vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 u/]kl5
k|flws/0faf6 dfn ;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ul/g] eP ljlgod (&,, lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ul/g] eP
ljlgod (* / k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ul/g] eP ljlgod (( df plNnlvt vl/b ;Demf}tf dWo] pko'Qm
vl/b ;Demf}tf 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf 5gf}6 ubf{ b]xfosf s'/f ljrf/ u/L 5gf}6 ug'{
{ M–
-s_ vl/bsf] k|sf/ / kl/df0f,
-v_ ;dfg k|sl[ tsf]] vl/b k'gM ul/g] ;Defjgf eP gePsf],
-u_ k|flws/0f / cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf k/fdz{bftf / cGo kIf aLr ul/g] hf]lvdsf]
afF8kmFf8, /
-3_ ;Demf}tf ;'kl/j]If0f ug]{ tl/sf .
(& dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;] j fsf] vl/b ;Demf} t f M -!_ k|flws/0fn] dfn;fdfg jf cGo
;]jf vl/b ubf{ cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt k|fljlws
:k]l;lkms]zg / cjlwdf cfwfl/t eO{ ug'{ kg]5{ .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DjGwdf o; ljlgodfjnLdf Joj:yf ePsf] s'/fdf o; ljlgodfjnL
adf]lhd / o; ljlgodfjnLdf Joj:yf gePsf] s'/fdf j:t' ljqmL s/f/ ;DaGwL k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd x'g5
] .
-$_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd dfn;fdfgsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf jf dfn;fdfg x:tfGt/0f -8]lne/L_
;DaGwL zt{x? cGt//fli6«o Jofkf/df k|oQ
' m x'g] zJbfjnL -O{G6/g]zgn sdl;{on 6d{; -
O{Gsf]6d{__ adf]lhd tof/ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-%_ o; ljlgod adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf cGtu{t e'QmfgL ubf{ ;fdfGotof cfk"lt{stf{n] dfn;fdfg
pknAw u/fPsf] sfuhft k]z ePkl5, k|lttkqsf] dfWod jf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
plNnlvt dfWod adf]lhd ug{' kg{5] .
(*= lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b ;Demf}tffMM k|flws/0fn] s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf] nflu cg';"rL–!)
adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
((= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfM k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{sf] nflu cg';"rL–!! adf]lhdsf]
;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!))= zt{ /fVg ;lsg]M] s'g} vl/b ;Demf}tfsf ;DjGwdf o; ljlgoddf plNnlvt zt{sf cltl/Qm
cGo s'g} zt{ /fVg' k/]df k|flws/0fn] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf jf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
To:tf] zt{ pNn]v ug{ ;Sg]5 .
kl/R5]b — !#
of]Uotfsf cfwf/ / k|fljlws Ifdtf

!)!= af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{M -!_ af]nkq, k"j{of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj
/ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj cfJxfg ubf{ af]nkq bftf jf k|:tfjbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{ cfaZos kg]{
of]Uotfsf cfwf/ lgwf{/0f u/L To:tf] cfwf/ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft
/ k|:tfj dfu ;DaGwL sfuhftdf v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd cfwf/ pNn]v ubf{ vl/b P]g, ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{noaf6
hf/L ePsf] lgb]l{ zsf tyf gd"gf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] lgb]z { g tyf
;ldltsf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd ug'{ kg]{5 / o:tf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ nfut cg'dfg
;b/ ug] { clwsf/Laf6 :jls[ t ePsf] x' g ' k g] { 5 . o:tf of] U otfsf cfwf/x?
;ldltn] ;do ;dodf tf]lslbP adf]lhd x'g]5 . %&
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf cfwf/x? s'g} e]befj ljgf ;j} af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{
;dfg ?kn] nfu" x'g] 5g\ .
-$_ af]nkq, k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] k|:tfj / k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] d"NofFsg af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhft, k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft / k|:tfj dfu ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt cfwf/
adf]lhd dfq ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k]z u/]sf] of]Uotf ;DaGwL ljj/0f tYout ?kdf em'7f jf
;f/e't ?kdf ck'/f] ePsf] kfOPdf k|flws/0fn] s'g} klg ;dodf To:tf] af]nkqbftf jf
k|:tfjbftfnfO{ cof]Uo 7x/fpg ;Sg]5 .
t/ ;fgfltgf q'6L ePsf] cj:yfdf ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfaf6 ;f]
;DaGwL hfgsf/L df+u u/L ;Rofpg ;lsg]5 .
!)@= dfn;fdfg cfk" l t{ ug] { af] n kqbftfsf] of] U otfsf cfwf/M dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ;DaGwL
vl/b sf/jfxLdf efu lng] af]nkqbftfsf] jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfabftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/
lgwf{/0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fx? dWo] cfaZostfg';f/ s'g} jf ;a} s'/fnfO{ larf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug{
;Sg]5 M—
-s_ dfn;fdfg pTkfbg ;DaGwL lnvt -Dofg'kmofSrl/ª /]s8{_,
-v_ k|fljlws Ifdtf,
-u_ cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf,
-3_ dfn;fdfg h8fg ug{' kg]{ ePdf h8fg sfo{df ;+nUg x'g] k|fljlwssf] bIftf,
-ª_ cfk"lt{ x'g] dfn;fdfg vf; calw ;Dd ;'rf??kn] ;Grfng x'G5 eGg] s'/fsf] k|Tofe"lt,
-r_ dfn;fdfg dd{t ;+ef/sf] Joj:yf,
-5_ ;]jf / hu]8f kf6k"hf{sf] pknAwtf,
%&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-h_ h8fg -O{G;6n]zg_ ;d]t ug'{ kg]{ u/L dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ cfk"lt{stf{sf] xsdf lghsf]
zLk, lgk"0f{tf, cg'ea / ljZj;lgotf .
!)#= dfn;fdfg cfk" l t{ ug] { af] n kqbftfsf] k| f ljlws Ifdtf k| d fl0ft ug] { sfuhft sfuhftMM -!_
ljlgod !)@ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu ubf{
k|flws/0fn] dfn;fdfgsf] k|sl[ t, kl/df0f, dxTj jf k|of]u cg';f/ b]xfosf dWo] s'g} jf ;a}
sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ af]nkqbftfn] ljut tLg jif{sf] cjlwdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf lghL ;+:yfnfO{ cfk"lt{
u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] k|sl[t, kl/df0f, ;Demf}tf /sd, ldlt / To:tf] ;fj{hlgs lgsfo jf
lghL ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg h6Ln jf c;fwf/0f k|sl[ tsf] ePdf sfof{no cfk}mn] jf To:tf]
lgsfosf] tkm{jf6 jf]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfabftf ;+:yflkt ePsf] b]zsf]
cflwsf/Ls lgsfon] lghsf] pTkfbg Ifdtf hfFr u/]sf] sfuhft,
-u_ cflwsfl/s u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f ;+:yf jf dfGotf k|fKt lgsfon] vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf]
lg/LIf0f u/L To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] :k]l;lkms]zg / u'0f:t/ ;DaGwdf lbO{Psf] k|df0f kq,
-3_ cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf] cflwsfl/stf k|dfl0ft ug{ cfjZos kg]{ gd"gf, k'/s ljj/0f
jf kmf]6f]x?,
-ª_ ;j–sG6«fs6/af6 u/fpg rfx]sf] cfk"lt{ ;DaGwL sfdsf] cg'kft,
-r_ cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfg af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfabftf cfkmFn } ] gjgfpg] jf
pTkfbg gug]{ ePdf To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbsn] jf]nkq jf k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] nflu k|:tfj
k]z ug],{ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ / h8fg ug]{ ;DjGwL clwsf/ cfkm"nfO{ Psnf}6L ?kdf
/Ltk"js{ k|bfg u/]sf] s'/f k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft,
-5_ g]kfn leq Jofkf/ Joj;fo ;~rfng gug]{ af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfabftfn]
lghn] vl/b ;+emf}tf k|fKt u/]df To:tf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd cfk"lt{ ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg dd{t
;+ef/ ug],{ lalqm kZrftsf] ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ tyf cfjZos hu]8f kf6{kh " f{ df}Hbft /fvL
cfk"lt{ ug]{ ;DjGwL bfloTj lgjf{x ug{ ;Sg] lghsf]] Ph]G6 jf clws[t ljs|t] f g]kfndf
/xg] s'/f k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft .
!)$= lgdf{ 0 f Joj;foLsf] of] U otfsf cfwf/ cfwf/MM -!_ k| f lws/0fn] of] U otf cjZos kg] { egL
;do ;dodf lglZrt ul/Psf lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ afx] s b' O { s/f] 8 ?k} o f eGbf dflysf]
lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ ;DjGwL vl/b sf/jfxLdf efu lng] af] n kqbftfsf] jf k" j { of] U otfsf]
k| : tfabftfsf] of] U otfsf] cfwf/ lgwf{ / 0f ubf{ b] x fosf s' / f dWo] cfaZostfg' ; f/
s'g} jf ;a} s'/fnfO{ larf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 M— %*
-s_ ;fdfGo cg'ejsf] xsdf, Psnf}6L?kdf sfd ;DkGg ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL -k|fO{d
sG6«ofS6/_, Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/ jf
;j–sG6«fs6/sf] ?kdf xfl;n u/]sf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cg'ej,
%*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-v_ Psnf}6L?kdf sfd ;DkGg u/]sf] jf ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf] x}l;otn] cfg'kflts
?kdf u/]sf] sfd -;+oQ ' m pkqmd ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd ;xeflutfsf] k|ltzt_
;d]t u/L af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] ;Ldf
jf ;f] eGbf a9L /sdsf]] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] Go"gtd ;/b/ aflif{s sf/f]jf/,
-u_ ljz]if cg'ejsf] xsdf, Psnf}6L?kdf sfd ;DkGg ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, Joj:yfkg
;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;+oQ' m pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/ jf ;a–sG6«fS6/sf] ?kdf
af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] Go"gtd /sd
j/fj/sf] lgdf{0f sfo{ dfl;s jf jflif{s ?kdf u/]sf] / k|:tfljt vl/b ;Demf}tf;+u d]n
vfg] k|sl[ t, hl6ntf / lgdf{0f k|ljlwsf vl/b ;Demf}tf To:tf] sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf]
;+Vofdf ;kmntfk"js { ;DkGg u/]sf],
-3_ cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtfsf] xsdf, vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ z'? ug{ lgdf{0f
Joj;foLn] e'QmfgL gkfpg] jf kfpg l9nfO{ x'g] cj:yfdf k|:tfljt lgdf{0fsfo{ / lghn]
;Grfng u/L /x]sf] jf ;+rfng ug{ k|lta4tf hfx]/ u/]sf] cGo lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{
cfjZos kg]{ gub k|jfxsf] Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg] t/n ;DkQL, shf{ ;'ljwf / cGo ljQLo
;|ft] -s'g} vl/b ;Demf}tf cGtu{tsf] k]ZsL /sd jfx]s_ pknAw ePsf] jf To:tf] ;DkQLsf]
;|ft] df lghsf] kx'r
F ePsf] k|df0f,
-ª_ hgzlQm ;DjGwdf, af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v
eP adf]lhdsf bIf hgzlQm ePsf] Joxf]/f k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft,
-r_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP jdf]lhdsf d'Vo
pks/0f af]nkqbftfsf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] jf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt cjlwe/ lghn]
lgjf{w pkof]u ug{ ;Sg] u/L ef8f, lnh, ;Demf}tf jf cGo Joj;foLs dfWodjf6 pknJw
x'g] / To:tf pks/0f rfn' xfntdf /x]sf] eGg] s'/f k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft,
-@_ /fli6«o lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] xsdf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cg'ej / Go"gtd ;/b/ aflif{s sf/f]jf/
sf] /sd u0fgf ubf{ d"No clej[l4 s/ jfktsf] /sd s6fO{ x'g cfpg] /sd dfq u0fgf
ul/g]5 / g]kfn /fi6« a}s + sf] cWofjlws d"No ;"rsf+s cg';f/ ;dfof]hg ul/g]5 .
-#_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;DaGwdf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{noaf6 s'g} lgb]z { g hf/L ePsf] ePdf To:tf] lgb]z { gsf] kfngf ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk ljlgod-!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg b'O{ s/f]8 ?k}of ;Ddsf]
nut cg'dfg ePsf] ljB'tu[x,6jf{Og,8\ofd ,k'n, k|zf/0fnfO{gsf] 6fj/, ;j:6]zg
h:tf h6Ln jf ljz]if k|s[ltsf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu ljlgod !)! adf]lhd
of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug'{kg]{5 . %(
!)%= lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft sfuhftMM -!_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] vl/b
k|so[ fdf efu lng lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu ubf{ af]nkqbftf
jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfaf6 lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|sl[ t cg';f/ b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} sfuhft dfu
ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
%(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
-s_ ljut kfFr jif{sf]] cjlwdf lghn] ;DkGg u/]sf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] d"No, ldlt / sfo{ :ynsf]
-v_ lghn] ;j–sG6«fS6/ dfk{mt u/fpg rfx]sf] k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfdsf] cg'kft,
-u_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfd ;DkGg ug{sf nflu lgh;Fu ePsf k|fljlws pks/0f / KnfG6sf]
ljj/0f .
!)^= k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ cfwf/MM k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DjGwL vl/b sf/aflxdf
efu lng] k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} s'/f larf/ u/L
lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ k|:tfjbftf JolQm eP lghsf] / kmd{ jf ;+:yf eP cfaZos ;+:yfut sfo{ cg'ej,
-v_ k|:tfjbftfsf] d'Vo d'Vo sd{rf/Lsf] cfaZos z}lIfs of]Uotf / p:t} k|sl[ tsf] sfo{sf]
cfaZos cg'ej,
-u_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ tl/sf, sfo{ljlw, sfo{If]tut zt{ k|ltsf] k|efju|flxtf, k|ljlw
x:tfGt/0f / ;do tflnsf,
-3_ k|:tfjbftfsf] Joj:yfkg Ifdtf v'Ng] ljj/0f,
-ª_ k|:tfjbftfsf] cfly{s Ifdtf v'Ng] ljj/0f, /
-r_ cGt/f{li6«o :t/af6 k|:tfa dfu ul/Psf] ePdf :jb]zL hgzlQmsf] ;xeflutf .
!)&= k|:tfjbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhftsfuhftMM k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] vl/b k|so[ fdf efu
lng ;Sg] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu ubf{ k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jfsf]
k|sl[ t cg';f/ b]xfosf dWo] s'g} jf ;a} sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ ljut kfFr jif{sf] cjlwdf k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jf;+u ldNg] k|sl[ tsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf k|bfg
u/]sf] ;fj{hlgs jf lghL ;+:yf, /sd / ldlt v'Ng] ljj/0f,
-v_ k|:tfljt sfd ;DkGg ug{sf] nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf d'Vo sd{rf/Lsf] of]Uotf ;DjGwL ljj/0f,
-u_ lghsf] ljut tLg jif{sf Joj:yfksLo sd{rf/L / ;/b/ jflif{s hgzlQmsf] ljj/0f,
-3_ ;j–sG6«fs6/ dfk{mt k|bfg ug{ rfx]sf]] k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] c+z,
-ª_ k|flws/0fn] cfjZos b]vs ] f cGo s'/f .
!)*= ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/M -!_ s'g} vl/b sf/jf{Odf efu lng] k|of]hgsf] nflu
af]nkqbftfx?n]] Ps ;+oQ ' m pkqmd agfO{ af]nkq k]z ug{ ;Sg]5g .
t/ Ps af]nkqbftfn] ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf] ?kdf jf JolQmut ?kdf Pp6f dfq
af]nkq k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmddf /xg] ;fem]bf/sf] Go"gtd lx:;f kRrL; k|ltzt / d'Vo ;fe]mbf/sf]
Go"gtd lx:;f rfln; k|ltzt x'g' kg]{ s'/f tyf ;fem]bf/ tyf d'Vo ;fem]bf/sf] Go"gtd
of]Uotf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ jdf]lhdsf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ To:tf] pks|ddf /xg]
;fem]bf/sf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf s'/f larf/ u/L lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5 { M—
-s_ lghsf] ;/b/ jflif{s sf/f]jf/,
-v_ lghsf] ljz]if cg'ej / ;Dkfbg u/]sf] k|dv ' sfo{,
-u_ sfo{ ;+rfng ug{ lgh;+u ePsf] gub k|jfx,
-3_ lghsf] hgzlQm ;DaGwL Ifdtf, /
-ª_ lghsf] cf}hf/ jf pks/0f ;DaGwL Ifdtf .
-$_ s'g} ;+oQ' m pkqmdn] af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]lvt Go"gtd of]Uotfsf cfwf/x? k"/f
u/] gu/]sf] Plsg ug{sf] nflu To:tf] pkqmdsf] ;a} ;fem]bf/sf] of]Uotf u0fgf ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-%_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf] JolQmut of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ b]xfosf s'/f larf/
u/L lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5
{ M—
-s_ ;DjlGwt sfddf lghsf] ;fdfGo cg'ej,
-v_ cGo ;Demf}tf jdf]lhd lghn] u/L /x]sf] jf ug]{ sfd k"/f ug{ ;|ft] sf] kof{Kttf,
-u_ ljQLo ;Ifdtf, /
-3_ ljutsf vl/b ;DaGwL d'2f dfdLnf / ;f]sf] glthf .
-^_ s'g} ;+oQ ' m pkqmd vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] nflu 5gf}6 ePdf To:tf] ;+oQ ' m pkqmdnfO{ To:tf]
pks|dsf] ;+oQ' m bfoLTj / ;+oQ' m pks|dsf ;fem]bf/sf] JolQmut bfloTj ;d]t /xg] u/L
cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{nodf :yfoL n]vf gDa/ / d"No clea[lWb s/ btf{ ug{ nufpg' kg]5 { .
-&_ s'g} ;+oQ ' m pkqmdn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ jf]nkq hdfgt ;d]t k]z ug{' kg]{ ePdf To:tf]
af]nkq hdfgt pk–ljlgod -!_ jdf]lhdsf] ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf ;j} ;fem]bf/sf] gfddf /
;a} ;fem]bf/sf] bfloTj x'g] u/L] hf/L ul/Psf] x'g' kg]5
{ .
-*_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmd ;DaGwL cGo zt{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g5 ] .
!)(= cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf v'Ng] sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]M -!_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
af]nkqbftfsf] cfly{s / ljQLo Ifdtf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft dfu ;DaGwL ljj/0f pNn]v ubf{
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|sl[ t cg';f/ b]xfosf dWo] s'g} jf ;a} sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ af]nkqbftfsf] ;DjlGwt a}s + :6]6d]06,
-v_ lghsf] Joj;fo ;DjGwL sf/f]jf/sf] cfly{s ljj/0f,
-u_ lghsf] ;DkQL, bfloTj tyf gfkmf gf]S;fgsf] ljj/0f v'Ng] jf;nft,
-3_ lghsf] cfly{s / ljQLo x}l;ot v'Ng] cGo s'/f,
-ª_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt cGo ljj/0f .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] jf;nft dfu ubf{ sfdsf] k|sl[ t cg';f/ kl5Nnf]
tLg b]vL kf+r cfly{s aif{sf] jf;nft dfu ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!!)= ;j–sG6«fS6/af6 sfd u/fpg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf Joj:yfMM -!_ af]nkqbftfn] ;j–sG6«fS6/jf6 ;d]t
lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg ;Sg] u/L k|flws/0fn] af]nkq cfJxfg ug]{ ePdf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
lghn] pk;Demf}tfåf/f ;j–sG6«fS6/af6 sfd u/fpg ;Sg]] jf g;Sg] / ;Sg] eP ;f] sfdsf]
clwstd kRrL; k|ltztdf gj9g] u/L ^) :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v u/L cfaZos ePdf ;j–
sG6«fS6/sf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/ ;d]t pNn]v ug'k{ g]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ pNn]v ul/Psf]df af]nkqbftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf
ug{' cl3 ;j–sG6«fs6/sf] of]Uotfsf] cfwf/ k'i6of+O{ ug]{ sfuhft k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
^)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

kl/R5]b — !$
af]nkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf

!!!= af]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f vl/b ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ lj; ^! nfv ?k}of eGbf a9L nfut cg'dfg ePsf]
lgdf{0fsfo{ jf dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ubf{ jf]nkqsf] dfWodåf/f vl/b ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ af]nkqåf/f vl/b ug'{ kbf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] k|so[ f ckgfO{ af]nkq cfJxfg ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f u/L v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfJxfg u/L,
-v_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f gu/L v'Nnf ?kdf af]nkq cfJxfg u/L,
-u_ /fi6«Lo :t/sf] af]nkq cfJxfg u/L jf
-3_ cGt//fi6«Lo :t/sf] af]nkq cfJxfg u/L .
!!@= k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg kg]M{] -!_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] ;do ;dodf 7"nf /
hl6n egL lgwf{/0f u/]sf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ jf ;ldltn] plrt 7fg]sf cGo vl/b ug{ jf of]Uo
af]nkqbftfsf] klxrfg ug{ k|flws/0fn] af]nkq cfJxfg ug'{ cl3 k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft
tof/ u/L k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] nflu k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|:tfj cfJxfg ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf] l hdsf] k| : tfj k] z ug{ cfjZos k" j { of] U otf ;DjGwL
sfuhft dfu ug]{ ;a} OR5's JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL, ;+:yfaf6 sfof{non] To:tf]
sfuhftsf] b]xfo adf]lhd b:t'/ lnO{ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 . ^@
-s_ b' O { s/f] 9 ?k} o feGbf dfly bz s/f] 9 ?k} o f ;Ddsf] nfut cg' d fgsf] nflu
kfFr xhf/ ?k}of . ^#
-v_ bz s/f]9 ?k}ofeGbf dfly kRrL; s/f]9 ?k}of ;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfgsf] nflu
bz xhf/ ?k}of . ^$
-u_ kRrL; s/f]9 ?k}ofeGbf dfly hlt ;'s} /sd ;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfgsf] nflu
kGw| xhf/ ?k}of . ^%
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] sfuhft pknAw u/fp+bf sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss ] f]
sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt / k|flws/0fsf] 5fk nfu]sf] sfuhft ;f] sfof{no jf ;f] sfof{non]
] f] b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L cGo sfof{noaf6 pknAw u/fpg ;lsg]5 .
-$_ of]Uo cfa]bssf] 5gf}6 k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df ug'{
{ . o;/L 5gf}6 ePsf cfa]bssf]] ;"rL k|flws/0fn] ;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|sfzg u/L ;a}
cfa]bsnfO{ k7fpg' kg]5 { .
^!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
^@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
^#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
^$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
^%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf lbPsf] tL; lbg leq k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj c:jLs[t
ePsf] s'g} cfa]bsn] lghsf] k|:tfj c:jLs[t ePsf]] sf/0fsf] hfgsf/L dfu u/]df lghnfO{
;DalGwt sfof{non] To:tf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg]5 { .
!!#= k"j{ of]Uotf ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/ffMM k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ of]Uotf / ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] xsdf ;fem]bf/sf]
-v_ k|:tfjbftfn] cfkmgf] of]Uotf / u|fxotf k'li6 ug{ k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhft / hfgsf/L,
-u_ dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 5'66\ f 5'66\ } ;d"x jf Kofs]h agfO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
To:tf] ;d"x, jf Kofs]h ,
-3_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj d"Nof+Íg ug]{ k|so[ f,
-ª_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf d'Vo d'Vo zt{,
-r_ k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ :yfg, clGtd ldlt / ;do /
-5_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ egL
;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf cGo ljifo .
!!$= k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] cfwf/ pNn]v ug'{ kg kg]]{M -!_ k|flws/0fn] k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] k|:tfa cfJxfg ug'{ cl3
ljlgod !!# sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhd k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj d"Nof+Íg
ug]{ k|so[ f pNn]v ubf{ To:tf] k|so[ f jf cfwf/x? ;ldltaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj d"Nof+Íg ug]{ k|so[ f jf cfwf/ pNn]v ubf{
k]zfut / k|fljlws of]Uotf, hgzlQm tyf pks/0fsf] pknAwtf, ljutsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg,
laqmL kl5sf] ;]jfsf] Joj:yf, hu]8f kf6k"hf{sf] pknAwtf, sfg"gL ;Ifdtf, ljQLo ;|ft]
/ cj:yf, k]zfut s;"/ u/] jfktsf] ;hfo / o:t} cGo cfwf/x? cfaZoatfg';f/ pNn]v
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!!%= k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjsf] k/LIf0fM -!_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftfn] k"j{
of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotfsf k|To]s cfwf/ k"/f u/] gu/]sf] k/LIf0f ;kmn
c;kmnsf] cfwf/df ug'{ kg]5 { . To;/L k/LIf0f ubf{ of]Uotfsf ;a} cfwf/ k"/f ug]{ k|:tfjbftf
of]Uotf k/LIf0fdf ;kmn / k"/f gug]{ k|:tfjbftf c;kmn ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k/LIf0fdf ;kmn ePsf] k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfjbftf ;DalGwt
vl/b sf/jfxLsf] nflu af]nkq k]z ug{ of]Uo ePsf] dflgg]5 .
!!^= k|lta]bg k]z ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] ljlgod !!% adf]lhd u/]sf] k/LIf0fsf] lj:t[t
ljZn]if0f ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L d"Nof+Íg sfo{ z'? u/]sf] ldltn] kGw|| lbg leqdf sfof{no
k|dv ' ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg' kg]5 { M–
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfjbftfsf] of]Uotfsf] k|To]s cfwf/ k'i6L ug]{ sfuhft,
-u_ s'g} tflnsf cfjZos eP To:tf] tflnsf,
-3_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] ?kdf k|:tfj k]z ul/Psf] eP ;+oQ ' m pkqmd ;DaGwL sfuhft k"0f{ eP
jf gePsf] / To:tf] pkqmdsf] k|To]s ;fem]bf/sf] lx:;f / bfloTj
-ª_ dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 5'66\ f 5'66\ } ;d"x jf Kofs]h agfO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
To:tf] ;d"x / Kofs]hsf] k/LIf0f ug{ ckgfO{Psf] k|lqmof tyf To:tf] ;d"x / Kofs]hsf]
vl/b sf/jfxLdf efu lngsf] nflu 5gf}6 ePsf cfa]bs,
-r_ ;kmn / c;kmn k|:tfjbftfsf] ;"rL / ;kmn jf c;kmn ePsf] sf/0f .
!!&= cGt/{ f li6« o :t/sf] af] n kq cfJxfg ug] { cj:yfM -!_ k| f lws/0fn] b] x fosf] cj:yfdf
cGt/{fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfJxfg ug]5 { M
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] dfu cg'?ksf] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ k|lt:kwf{Tds d"Nodf g]kfn /fHo
leqsf Ps eGbf a9L lgdf{0f Joa;foL jf cfk"lt{stf{af6 k|fKt gx'g] ePdf,
-v_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jf vl/bsf nflu /fli6«o:t/df af]nkq cfJxfg ubf{ s'g}
af]nkq gk/L lab]zaf6 k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ ePdf,
-u_ bft[kIf;+u ePsf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd j}bl] zs ;xfotf >f]taf6 ljb]zL dfn;fdfg jf
lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf, jf
-3_ ljz]if tyf hl6n lsl;dsf] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{ ePsf]n] cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf]
af]nkqaf6 vl/b ug'{ kg]{ egL sfof{non] k|dfl0ft u/L d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] :jLs[t
u/]df .
-@_ o; ljlgod adf]lhdsf] cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf c+uh ]| L efiffdf
k|sfzg ug'{ kg{5 ] / af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL ;a} sfuhft c+uh]| L efiffdf pknJw
u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf ljlgod !@^ adf]lhd tof/ u/L k|flws/0fsf] j]e
;fO{6df ;d]t /fVg' kg]5 { .
!!*= af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ af]nkq cfJxfg ug'{ cl3 af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhft tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug{' kg]5 { M–
-s_ vl/bsf] k|sl[ t, vl/b ug{ nfUg] ;dofjlw tyf ;f]sf] k|fljlws :k]lzlkms]zg, gSzf jf
-v_ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotfsf cfwf/x?,
-u_ ljn ckm SjflG66Lh,
-3_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug],{ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug]{ jf cGo ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ ;do,
-ª_ dfn;fdfgsf] jf/]06L tyf dd{t ;+ef/ ;DjGwL Joj:yf,

-r_ af]nkqbftfn] cfjZos tflnd k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ eP To:tf] tflnd ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-5_ cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfg jf hu]8f kf6{kh " f{x? gofF / ;SsnL -cf]l/lhgn_ x'gk' g]{ s'/f,
-h_ :ynut lg/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{ Joj:yf eP ;f] ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-em_ af]nkq k]z ug'{ cl3 s'g} j}7s ug'{ kg]{ eP To:tf] a}7s ;DjGwL hfgsf/L,
-`_ af]nkq tof/ ug]{ / k]z ug]{ lgb]z
{ g, af]nkq k]z ug]{ :yfg, af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt
/ ;do tyf af]nkq vf]Ng] ldlt, ;do / :yfg,
-6_ d"No ;dfof]hg ul/g] ePdf d"Nosf] ;+/rgf -sDkf]gG] 6 ckm k|fO;_, af]nc+ssf] nflu
pNn]v ug{ ;lsg] d'bf« jf d'bf« x?, af]nkq t'ngf ug{ k|of]u ul/g] d'bf« / ;Da4 ljlgdo
b/sf] cfwf/ / ;f]sf] ldlt,
-7_ af]nkq d"No+fsg / af]nkqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug]{ cfwf/ / tl/sf,
-8_ :jb]zL dfn;fdfg / :yfgLo lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbOg] eP ;f] ;DaGwL]
-9_ dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] 5'66\ f 5'66\ } ;d"x / Kofs]h agfO{ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf To:tf]
;d"x / Kofs]h / ;f]sf] d"NofÍg ug{] tl/sf,
-0f_ k|fljlws :k]lzlkms]zgsf] ljsNksf] k|:tfj ;d]t dfu ul/Psf]] cj:yfdf To:tf] ljsNk
d"NofÍg ug]{ tl/sf,
-t_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] s'g} c+zsf] nflu dfq klg af]nkq k]z
ug{ kfO{g] eP To:tf] c+z jf c+zx?sf] ljj/0f,
-y_ af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw,
-b_ af]n] kq, sfo{;Dkfbg jf cGo cfaZos s'/fsf] nflu lbg' kg]{ hdfgtsf] /sd, lsl;d,
dfGo 9f+rf / dfGo cjlw -e]lnl86L lkl/o8_,
-b!_ af] n kqbftfn] nfut cg' d fg eGbf kGw| k| l t;t;Dd sd c+ s saf] n u/] d f
sa'n c+ssf] kfFr k|lt;t / nfut cg'dfgsf] kGw| k|lt;t eGbf a9L 36]/
sa'n u/]sf] cj:yfdf kGw| k|lt;t eGbf hlt /sdn] 3l6 sa'n u/]sf] 5 ;f]
sf] krf; k|lt;tn] x'g cfpg] /sd sa'n c+ssf] kfFr k|ltztdf yk u/L sfo{
;Dkfbg hdfgt /fVg' kg]{ s'/f, ^^
-b@_ af]nkqbftfn] s'g} ;fa{hlgs lgsfo jf k|flws/0fsf s'g} sfof{nodf af]nkq
lbbf jf ;Demf}tf ubf{ k]z u/]sf] cfly{s / k|fljlws ljj/0f, ^&
-b#_ af]nkqbftfn] s'g} ;fa{hlgs lgsfo jf k|flws/0fsf s'g} sfof{no;+u ;Demf}tf
u/L s' g } sfo{ k| f /De u/] s f] eP To:tf] lgsfo, sfdsf] ljj/0f,;Demf} t fsf]
/sd / sfo{ k|ultsf] ljj/0f, ^*
^^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
^&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
^*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-b$_ v08 -b#_ adf]lhd sfo{ k|f/De u/]sf] cj:yfdf ljlgod -&!_ sf] v08 -ª_ df
pNn] l vt sfuhftdf pNn] v eP adf] l hd s' g } ;fa{ h lgs lgsfo jf
k| f lws/0fsf] s' g } sfo{ n odf k| o f] u df /x] s f] af] n kqbftfsf] k| f ljlws Ifdtf
To:tf] lgsfonfO{ cfjZos kg]{ xb;Dd To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf] k|fljlws Ifdtf
yk sfo{sf] nflu u0fgf gx'g] s'/f, ^(
-w_ af]n ] kq hdfgt dfu ePsf]df ;f] hdfgtsf] cjlw af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw eGbf tL; lbg
a9L cjlwsf] x'g' kg]{ Aoxf]/f,
-g_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x? / ;f] ;Demf}tf nfu" x'g] tl/sf,
-k_ :jfy{ jflemg] -slGkm\lnS6 ckm O{G6«:] 6_ ePdf af]nkq pk/ sf/afO{ gx'g] jf hfn;fhL jf
e|i6frf/ u/]df x'g] sfg"gL sf/afO{ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-km_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkq ;DaGwL sf/afO{ ubf{ u/]sf] q'l6 jf lg0f{o lj?4 k'g/fjnf]sgsf nflu
af]nkqbftfn] lga]bg lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf,
-a_ k|fljlws k|:tfa -k|fljlws IfdtfnfO{ k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft_ tyf cfly{s k|:tfa -af]n c+s_
Pp6} vfddf k]z ug'{ kg]{ Joxf]/f,
-e_ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{non] k"j{ of]Uotf jf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v
ug'{ kg]{ elg lgwf{/0f u/]sf laifox?
-d_ k|:tfljt vl/bsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ /sd k|fKt x'g] ;|ft] ,
-o_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhftx? .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ubf{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{noaf6 hf/L ePsf] gd"gf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] cfwf/df tyf k|flws/0fsf]
lgb]z { g ;d]t kfngf ug'{ kg]5{ .
!!(= e]befj ug{ gx'gM] -!_ ljlgod !!* sf] pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 -8_ sf] cj:yfdf jfx]s vl/
b sf/jfxLdf af]nkqbftfnfO{ lghsf] /fli6«otfsf] cfwf/df e]befj ug'{ x'bg} .
-@_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jdf]lhd cfjZos kg]{ s'g} lnvt af]nkqbftfn] k|fKt ug{
g;s]sf] cj:yfdf lghn]] k]z u/]sf] To:tf] lnvt ;/xsf] cGo lnvtnfO{ dfGotf lbg' kg]5 { .
!@)= Ph]G6sf] ljj/0f pNn]v ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ ljb]zL jf]nkqbftfn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ g]kfndf cfˆgf]
Ph]06 lgo'Qm u/]sf] /x]5 eg] lghn] To:tf] Ph]G6sf] ;DjGwdf b]xfosf ljj/0f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M—
-s_ Ph]06sf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ Ph]06n] kfpg] sldzgsf] c+s, d'bf« sf] lsl;d / e'QmfgLsf] tl/sf,
-u_ Ph]06;Fusf] cGo s'g} zt{,
-3_ :yfgLo Ph]06 eP lghsf]] :yfoL n]vf btf{ k|df0fkqsf] k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk / lghn] Ph]06
x'g :jLsf/ u/]sf] kq .
^(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-@_ ljb]zL jf]nkqbftfsf] tkm{af6 pk–ljlgod -!_ jdf]lhdsf] Ph]G6n] af]nkq k]z ubf{ pk–
ljlgod -!_ sf] v08 -v_ / -u_ df plNnlvt s'/f :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v u/L af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd af]nkq hdfgt ljb]zL jf]nkqbftfsf] gfdaf6 g} k]z ug'{
kg]5{ .
-#_ ljb]zL af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ pk–ljlgod -!_ df plNnlvt s'/f :ki6 ?kdf
gv'nfPdf jf :yfgLo Ph]06 gePsf] egL af]nkq k]z u/]sf]df kl5 Ph]06 ePsf] k|dfl0ft
ePdf jf Ph]06nfO{ lbg] sldzg sd pNn]v u/]sf]df kl5 Ph]06n] a9L sldzg lnPsf] k|dfl0ft
ePdf To:tf] af]nkqbftfnfO{ vl/b P]g adf]lhd sfnf] ;"rLdf /fVg] sf/jfxL ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!@! af]nkqbftfsf] u|fXotf ;DaGwL cfwf/ pNn]v ug{' kg kg]]{M -!_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf
af]nkqbftfsf] u|fxotf -O{lnlhljln6L_ sf] cfwf/ tyf To:tf] cfwf/ k|dfl0ft ug]{ af]nkqbftfn]
k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk ;d]t pNn]v ug{' kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df plNnlvt sfuhft b]xfo jdf]lhd x'g5 ] g\ M
-s_ kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL btf{sf] k|df0fkq,
-v_ Joj;fo btf{s { f] k|df0fkq,
-u_ d"No clea[l¢ s/ btf{ k|df0f kq / :yfoL n]vf btf{ -Kofg_ k|df0f kq,
-3_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf tf]ss ] f] cjlw ;Ddsf] s/ r'Qmf k|df0f kq jf s/ ljj/0f k]z
u/]sf] cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{nosf] k|dfl0ft sfuhft,
-ª_ af]nkqbftfn] vl/b sf/jfxLdf efu lng cof]Uo gePsf], k|:tfljt vl/b sf/jfxLdf
cfkm\gf] :jfy{ gaflemPsf]] / ;DjlGwt k]zf jf Joj;fo ;DjGwL s;"/df cfkm"n] ;hfo
gkfPsf] egL lnlvt ?kdf u/]sf] 3f]if0ff,
-r_ k|flws/0fn] cfaZos 7fg]sf] cGo sfuhft .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] af]nkqsf] xsdf
u}/jfl;Gbf af]nkqbftfn] ;f] pkljlgodsf] v08 -u_ / -3_ adf]lhdsf sfuhft k]z ug'{
kg]{ 5}g .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhdsf] calw tf]Sbf cfGtl/s /fh:j sfof{nodf s/
ljj/0f k]z u/L ;Sg' kg]{ ldlt larf/ u/L af]nkqbftfn] s/ ljj/0f k]z ug{ ;Sg] cjlwsf]
ljj/0f dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf sfuhft pNn]v ug{ 5'6d ] f jf
:ki6 ?kdf pNn]v gePdf jf cGo s'g} s'/f ;+zf]wg ug'{ k/]df k|flws/0fn] af]nkq k]z
ug]{ cjlw leq} af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft vl/b ug]{ ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ hfgsf/L lbO{
/fli6«o :t/sf] b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ul/ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
pk/ :ki6 ug{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ o;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ af]nkqbftfnfO{ af]nkq k]z ug{ yk ;do cfaZos
kg]{ ePdf af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ;do ;d]t a9fpg' kg]5 { .

-^_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf sfuhft k]z gug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq pk/ sf/afxL x'g]
5}g .
!@@= af]nkqsf] efiff
efiffMM -!_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df jfx]s, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DjGwL
sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfa cfJxfg ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"j{ of]Uotf, af]nkq jf
k|:tfj cfJxfgsf] ;"rgf / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;Dej eP;Dd g]kfnL efiffdf / ;Dej geP c+uh ]| L
efiffdf tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ af]nkqbftfn] k|flws/0fdf s'g} klg efiffdf n]lvPsf] vl/b ;DjGwL sfuhft jf d'lb|t
;fdu|L k]z ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
t/ To:tf] sfuhft jf d'lb|t ;fdu|Lsf] ;DalGwt c+z ;DalGwt b]zsf]
cflwsfl/s ;+:yf jf gf]6/L klAnsaf6 cu|h ] L efiffdf cg'jfb ul/Psf] x'g' kg]5
{ / To:tf
sfuhft jf d'lb|t ;fdu|L / To;/L cg'jflbt c+zdf n]lvPsf] s'/fdf s'g} låljwf ePdf
cg'jflbt c+z dfGo x'g] 5 .
!@#= af]nkqsf] d'b|fM af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfj ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosnfO{ lbg] e'QmfgL ;DaGwL Joj:yf ubf{
/fli6«o:t/sf] af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] nflu g]kfnL d'bf| df / cGt//fli6«o:t/sf]
af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] nflu g]kfnL d'bf| tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}s + af6 ;6xL ug{ ;lsg]
a9Ldf tLg d'bf| df e'QmfgL x'g] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]5 { .
!@$= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;dfa]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhft sfuhftMM k|flws/0fn] vl/b ul/g] dfn;dfg,
lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] k|sl[ tnfO{ larf/ u/L af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf sfuhft ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbO{g] lgb]z { g tyf af]nkq kmf/fd,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ / gd"gf,
-u_ :k]l;lkms]zg / gS;f,
-3_ af]nkq hdfgtsf] 9f+rf,
-ª_ sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] 9f+rf
-r_ k]ZsL e'QmfgL hdfgtsf] 9f+rf tyf
-5_ cGo cfaZos sfuhft .
!@%= af] n kqbftfnfO{ lgb] { z ggMM jf]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft, k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
jf]nkqbftfnfO{ lgb]z { g lbbf b]xfosf ljifosf ;DjGwdf cfjZostfg';f/ lgb]z { g lbg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj tof/ ug]{ efiff,
-v_ cGt/f{li6«o Jofkf/df k|oQ ' m x'g] zJbfjnL O{G6/g]zgn sdl;{on 6d{;\ -O{Gsf]6D;{_ cg';f/
d"No cleJoQm ug]{ tl/sf,
-u_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmd af/] cfjZos hfgsf/L,
-3_ af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfuhftsf] ;"rL,
-ª_ af]nkqbftfn] k|flws/0f ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf / gd"gfsf] ;+Vof,
-r_ dfn;fdfg vl/bsf] xsdf, cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf] lgdf{tfn] l;kmfl/; u/]sf] To:tf]
dfn;fdfgsf] hu]8f kf6k"hf{x?sf] ;"rL tyf lgh;Fu /x]sf] k|To]s kf6{kh " f{sf] df}Hbft
kl/df0f, k|lt OsfO{ d"No / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw ;dfKt ePkl5 To:tf] kf6{kh" f{sf] d"No
j9\g] gj9\g] ;DjGwL s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ gkg],{
-5_ af]nkqbftf jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfjbftfn] cfk"lt{ ug]{ dfn;fdfgsf] pTkfbs,
pTkfbg ePsf]] b]z, a|f08, df]8n / Sof6nu gDj/ af]nkqdf v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/f,
-h_ vl/b sf/afOsf ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftfn] k|flws/0f;+u s'g} s'/f a'em\g k/]df To:tf]
s'/f :ki6 ug{ k|flws/0faf6 tf]lsPsfsf] ;Dks{ sd{rf/Lsf]] gfd kb, / 7]ufgf,
-em_ af]nkqbftfn]] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd k|flws/0fsf sd{rf/LnfO{ tflnd k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ eP
jf To:tf] lgsfonfO{ k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f] ;DaGwL s'/f,
-`_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug]{ :yfg, ldlt / ;do,
-6_ laB'tLo ;+rf/ dfWodaf6 af]nkq k]z ug{ ;lsg] g;lsg], k]z ug{ ;lsg] ePdf k]z ug]{
-7_ bflvnf ePsf af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj :jLs[t jf c:jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/
k|flws/0fdf ;'/lIft /x]sf] Joxf]/f,
-8_ k|flws/0fn] cfaZos 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .
!@^= af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft :jLs[t ug{' kg]{M af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft, k|:tfj cfJxfg ;DaGwL
sfuhft tof/ ePkl5 To:tf] sfuhft af]nkq :jLs[t ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt ePsf] clwsf/Ln] :jLs[t
ug{' kg]5
{ .
!@&= af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] b:t'/M -!_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft vl/b ug{ rfxg] OR5's
JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] sfof{nosf] k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss ] f] sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt /
k|flws/0fsf] 5fk nfu]sf] af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft k|flws/0faf6 b]xfo adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ lt/L lng'
kg]5{ .
-s_ jL; nfv eGbf dfly b'O s/f]8 ?k}ofFF;Ddsf] nflu — tLg xhf/ ?k}of &)
-v_ b'O s/f]8 eGbf dfly b; s/f]8 ?k}ofFF;Ddsf] nflu — kf+r xhf/ ?k}ofFF &!
-u_ b; s/f]8 eGbf dfly kRrL; s/f]8 ?k}ofFF;Ddsf] nflu — b; xhf/ &@
-3_ kRrL; s/f]8 ?k}ofFF eGbf dflysf] nflu — aL; xhf/ ?k}ofF &#
-@_ s'g} JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] b:t'/ / nfUg] x'nfs jf
s'/Lo/ dx;'n lt/L jf]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj cfJxfg ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fO
lbg lnlvt cg'/f]w u/]df k|flws/0fn] To:tf] JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfnfO{ x'nfs jf
s'l/o/ dfkm{t af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fO{ lbg' kg]5 ]{ .
&)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
&!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
&@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
&#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
t/ To;/L k7fpbf To:tf] JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] jf]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft
;dodf g}} k|fKt ug{ g;s]df ;f]sf nflu k|flws/0f hjfkmb]xL x'g5 ] g} .
!@*= af]nkq cfXjfgM -!_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf /fli6«o :t/
sf] b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5 { / cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkqsf] xsdf cGt/f{li6«o ;+rf/
dfWoddf ;d]t k|sfzg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|flws/0fsf] tyf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf]
j]e ;fO{6df /fVg' kg]5 { .
-#_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? v'nfpg' kg]5 { M—
-s_ af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{ sfof{nosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ af]nkqsf] lsl;d -/fli6«o :t/ jf cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] af]nkq_,
-u_ vl/b sfo{sf] k|sl[ t / ;do ;Ldf, dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg],{ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ jf lgdf{0f
sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ :yfg,
-3_ af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw,
-ª_ af]nkq hdfgt cfaZos kg]{ eP ;f]sf] /sd / dfGo cjlw,
-r_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft kfO{g] :yfg, k|fKt ug]{ tl/sf
/ ;f] jfkt nfUg] b:t'/,
-5_ af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug]{ jf k7fpg] :yfg, tl/sf, clGtd ldlt /
-h_ af]n ] kq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj vf]Ng] ldlt, ;do, :yfg / af]nkq vf]Ng] ;dodf
af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglwnfO{ cfdGq0f ug]{ s'/f, /
-em_ af]nkq k]z ug'{ clwsf] a}7s x'g] ePdf To:tf] a}7s x'g] ldlt, ;do / :yfg,
-`_ laB'tLo dfWodaf6 af]nkq k]z ug{ ;lsg] ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-6_ /fli6« o jf cGt/fli6« o :t/sf] af] n kqsf] hfgsf/L, &$
-7_ k" j { o f] U otf,of] U otf;lxt jf of] U otf/lxt af] n kqsf] hfgsf/L &%
-8_ af] n kq cfAxfg ul/Psf] vl/b ljlwsf] hfgsf/L, &^
-9_ ljlgod !@( adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg, &&
-0f_ P]g adf]lhd sfnf];'rLdf k/]sf] JolSt,kmd{,;+:yf jf sDklgsf ;+rfnsn] gofF
kmd{ , sDklg jf ;+ : yf vf] l n sf/f] j f/ u/] s f] eP To:tf] JolSt,kmd{ , ;+ : yf jf
sDklgn] af]nkq k]z ug{ g;Sg] s'/f, &*
-t_ k|flws/0fn] cfjZos b]v]sf cGo s'/f . &(
&$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
&%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
&^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
&&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
&*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
&(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf
lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf slDtdf tL; lbg / cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf]
af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf slDtdf k}t+ fln;
lbgsf] cjlw lbg' kg]5 { .
-$s_ ljlgod !%$ sf] pk ljlgod-%_ sf] cj:yf afx]s pk ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd
af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug{ lbOPsf] calwleq s'g} af]nkq
jf k" j { of] U otf ;DaGwL k| : tfj gk/] d f jf k/] klg ;f/e" t ?kdf k| e fju| f xL
geO{ k'g af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj cfAxfg ug'{ k/]df k|flws/0fn]
cjZostf cg';f/ /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfjsf]
xsdf slDtdf kGw| lbg / cGt/fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL
k|:tfjsf] xsdf slDtdf PSsfO{; lbgsf] ;dofcalw lbO{ k'gM af]nkq jf k"j{
of]Uotf lgwf{/0f k|:tfj cfAxfg ug{ ;Sg]5 . *)
-$v_ pk ljlgod-$s_ adf] h d lbOPsf] calwleq klg s' g } af] n kq jf k" j {
of]Uotf;DaGwL k|:tfj gk/]df jf k/] klg ;f/e"t ?kdf k|efju|fxL gePdf /
tTsfn vl/b gu/] k|flws/0fnfO{ xflg gf]S;fgL x'g] jf k|flws/0fsf] s'g} sfd
/f]lsg] ePdf k|flws/0fn] To;sf] cf}lrTo v'nfO{ /fli6«o:t/sf] af]nkq jf k"j{
of] U otf ;DaGwL k| : tfjsf] xsdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[ l t lnO{
;ft lbg ;Ddsf] calw lbO{ k'gM af]nkq cfAxfg u/L jf ljlgod ($ adf]lhd
s'g} vl/b ljlw 5gf}6 u/L ;f]xL k|s[of cg'?k vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 . *!
-%_ pk–ljlgod -#_ sf] v08 -r_ adf]lhd af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL
sfuhft kfO{g] :yfg v'nfpFbf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L sfof{nodf To:tf] sfuhft kfO{g]
Joj:yf ug'{ kg]5 { .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -#_ sf] v08 -5_ adf]lhd af]nkq jf k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL k|:tfj k]z ug]{ jf
k7fpg] :yfg v'nfpFbf Pp6} sfof{nodf dfq k]z ug]{ jf k7fpg] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ ljb]zL af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ g]kfndf cfkmgf] s'g} Ph]G6 lgo'Qm u/] jf gu/]sf]
s'/f v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-*_ pk–ljlgod -&_ adf]lhd Ph]G6 lgo'Qm u/]sf] eP af]nkq k]z ubf{ Ph]G6sf] ;DaGwdf
tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f ;d]t pNn]v ug{' kg]5 { .
-(_ k| f lws/0fn] cGt/fli6« o :t/sf] af] n kqdfkm{ t ug] { vl/bdf g] k fnL pBdL tyf
Aoj;foLnfO{ o; ljlgod adf]lhd 3/]n' k|fyldstf -8f]d]:6Ls lk|km/]G;_ lbg
;Sg]5 / o;/L 3/]n' k|fyldstf lbg] ePdf ;f] s'/f af]nkq cfAxfgsf] ;"rgf
/ af]nkq;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 ,
t/ /fli6« o :t/sf] af] n kqsf] dfWodaf6 x' g ] lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ s f] vl/bdf
k|flws/0fn] tf]s]sf]] nfut cg'dfg;Dd :jb]zL af]nkqbftf aLr dfq k|lt:kwf{
u/fO{ vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 . *@
*)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
*!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
*@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

!@(= af]nkqsf] ;"rgfdf nfut cg'dfg v'nfpg' kg]{M b'O s/f]9 *# ?k}of ;Dd nfut cg'dfg
ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;"rgfdf nfut cg'dfg /sd v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
!#)= lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0fM -!_ af]nkq tof/ ug{ jf ;f] ;DaGwL cfaZos ;"rgf k|fKt ug{
af]nkqbftf cfkm}, lghsf] sd{rf/L jf Ph]G6nfO{ af]nkqbftfsf] cfkm\g} vr{df cfpg ;Sg] /
hf]lvd k|lt pQ/bfoL x'g] u/L lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f ug{ u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|flws/0fn] lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f ug{ cg'dlt lbg' kg]{ ePdf
To:tf]] cg'dlt lbg' kg]5{ .
-#_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkqbftfnfO{ lgdf{0f :ynsf] oyfy{ hfgsf/L lbg ljlgod !#! adf]lhd x'g]
a}7ssf] cuf8L lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
!#!= af]nkq jf k"j{of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ePsf] lålawf af/]sf] hfgsf/LM -!_ af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt s'g} s'/fdf låljwf eO{ ;f] ;DaGWfdf
:ki6 ug{ To:tf sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] ;dofjlw leq s'g} af]nkqbftfn] cg'/f]w u/]df
k|flws/0fn] af]nkq k]z ug]{ jf k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd Dofb ;dfKt x'g' cufj} To:tf]
s'/fsf] hfgsf/L ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]5 { .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] hfgsf/L / af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"jo{ f]Uotf
;DaGwL sfuhftdf s'g} x]/km]/ u/]sf] eP To:tf] x]/km]/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L vl/b sf/afO{df
;xefuL ePsf ;j} af]nkqbftfnfO{ lghn] af]nkq k]z ubf{ jf k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] k|:tfj tof/
ubf{ To:tf] x]/km]/ pk/ ;d]t ljrf/ ug{ ;do kfpg] u/L lbg' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{sf] nflu af]nkqbftfnfO{ yk ;do lbg cfjZos ePdf
k|flws/0fn] af]nkq jf k"jo{ f]Uotf lgwf{/0fsf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
!#@= af]nkq k]z ug'{ k"js { f] a}7s
sMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] jf]nkqbftfx?nfO{ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft,
k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg, lgdf{0f :yn jf cGo o:t} s'/f ;DjGwL hfgsf/L lbg af]nkq k]z ug]{
clGtd lbg eGbf /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf slDtdf bz lbg / cGt/f{li6«o
:t/sf] af]nkq cfXjfgsf] ;"rgfsf] xsdf slDtdf kGw| lbg cufj} af]nkqbftfx?sf] a}7ssf]
cfof]hgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ ljlgod !@* sf] pk ljlgod -$s_ / -$v_ adf] l hd k' g af] n kq
cfAxfgsf] ;"rgf ul/Psf] cj:yfdf af]nkq k]z ug{' k"j{sf] a}7s ;+rfng eO{ g;s]sf]
eP af]nkqbftfnfO{ k'g af]nkq ;DaGwL s'/fx?sf] yk hfgsf/L lbg /fli6«o:t/sf]
af] n kqsf] xsdf slDtdf kfF r lbg / cGt/fli6« o :t/sf] af] n kqsf] xsdf slDtdf
;ft lbg cufa} To:tf] a}7ssf] cfof]hgf ug{ ;lsg]5 . *$
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] a}7sdf af]nkqbftfn] k|flws/0f ;dIf vl/b sf/jfxL ;DjGwL
s'g} k|Zg jf lh1f;f /fVg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] lgsfon] k|Zgstf{x?sf] >f]t pNn]v gu/L ;a}
af]nkqbftfnfO{ To:tf] k|Zg jf lh1f;fsf] hjfkm / a}7ssf] dfO{Go'6 oyflz3| pknJw
u/fpg' kg]5{ .
*#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
*$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ePsf] a}7saf6 af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftsf] s'g} k|fljlws jf
Jofkfl/s kIfdf x]/km]/ ug'{ kg]{ b]lvPdf k|flws/0fn] ;f] sfuhftdf ;f]xL adf]lhd ;+zf]wg
u/L af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft vl/b ug]{ ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ To:tf] ;+zf]wg ul/Psf]
Aoxf]/f To:tf] a}7s ePsf] kfFr lbg leq k7fpg' kg]5 { .
!##= af]nkq hdfgt
hdfgtMM -!_ vl/bsf] k|st[ L cg';f/ ;a} af]nkqbftfnfO{ ;dfg?kn] nfu" x'g] u/L
:jLs[t nfut cg'dfg /sdsf] b'O{ b]lv tLg k|ltzt /sdsf] ;Ldfleq /xL lglZrt /sd tf]sL
af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;"rgfdf af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq;fy k]z ug]{ af]nkq hdfgt /sd pNn]v ug{'
{ . o:tf] /sd gub} jf jfl0fHo a}s+ n] hf/L u/]sf] ;f] /sd a/fa/sf] af]nkq hdfgt x'g' kg]5 { .
t/ nfut cg'dfg /sd gv'Ng] jf O{sfO{ b/ dfq v'Ng] u/L af]nkq cfAxfg
ul/Psf] cj:yfdf k|flws/0fn] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k"j{ of]Uotf;DaGwL sfuhft
/ af]nkq cfAxfgsf] ;"rgfdf af]nkq hdfgtsf] nflu Psd'i6 /sd tf]Sg ;Sg]5 . *%
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq hdfgtsf] /sd pNn]v ubf{ cGt//fli6«o af]nkqsf]
xsdf g]kfn /fi6« a}s
+ af6 ;6xL ug{ ;lsg] ljb]zL d'bf| df af]nkq hdfgt dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw af]nkqsf] dfGo cjlw eGbf
slDtdf tL; lbg a9Lsf] x'g' kg]5 { .
-$_ s'g} af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq cfXjfg ug]{ sfof{nonfO{ s'g} vf; a}s + jf ljlQo ;+:yfn]
hf/L u/]sf] af]nkq hdfgt u|fXo x'g] gx'g] eGg] s'/f v'nfO lbg cg'/f]w u/]df To:tf]
lgsfon] lghnfO{ ;f] ;DaGwdf tTsfn} hjfkm lbg' kg]5 { .
-%_ ljb]zL a}s + n] hf/L u/]sf] af]nkq hdfgt jf sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt g]kfn /fi6« a}s + af6
O{hfht k|fKt jfl0fHo a}sn] k|lt–k|Tofe"lt -sfpG6/ Uof/]G6L_ u/]sf] x'g' kg]5
{ .
-^_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw leq vl/b ;Demf}tf u/L ;Sg' kg]5 { . s'g} sf/0fjz
;f] Dofb leq vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ g;lsg] ePdf /Lt k'us ] f ;a} af]nkqbftfx¿nfO{
af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg kq k7fpg' kg]5 { .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhdsf] kq cg';f/ af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg] jf ga9fpg]
eGg] ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftfn] lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ . af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw ga9fpg]
af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq hdfgt hkmt ug{ kfO{g] 5}g . af]nkqsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg]
af]nkqbftfn] ;f]xL cg'?k ;DalGwt a}s + af6 dfGo cjlw ;d]t yk u/L af]nkq hdfgt
k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ . o;/L af]nkqbftfn] cjlw yk u/L af]nkq hdfgt k]z gu/]df af]nkqsf]
dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-*_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k]z u/]sf]] hdfgt b]xfosf] cj:yfdf hkmt x'g5 ] M—
-s_ ljlgod !#^ sf] pk ljlgod -!_ df pNn]lvt calwkl5 af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq
;+zf]wg jf lkmtf{ dfu u/]df . *^
-v_ af]nkqdf b]lvPsf] c+sul0ftLo q'6L ;RofOPsf] s'/f af]nkqbftfn] :jLsf/ gu/]df,
*%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
*^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-u_ 5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt zt{ adf]lhd vl/b
;Demf}tf gu/]df,
-3_ af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt af]nkqbftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf
ug]{ Dofb leq lbg g;s]df,
-ª_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkq k/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf dfu u/]sf] s'g} hfgsf/L lb+bf af]nkqbftfn]
af]nkqsf] d"No jf ;f/e"t s'/f kl/jt{g u/]df,
-r_ vl/b P]gsf] bkmf ^@ adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f ljkl/t sfd u/]df .
-(_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DkGg eP kl5 To:tf] vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ af]nkqbftf tyf pk–ljlgod
-*_ adf]lhd hdfgt hkmt ug'{ gkg]{ af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq hdfgt ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{
lkmtf{ ug''{ kg]5
{ .
-!)_ s'g} af]nkqbftfsf]] af]nkq hdfgt hkmt ePsf]] cj:yfdf lghn] /fv]sf] hdfgt /sd
e'QmfgL ug{ hdfgt hf/L ug]{ a}s + ;dIf hdfgt dfGo /xg] calw leq} bfjL u/L To:tf]
hdfgt /sd k|flws/0fsf] s]Gb|Lo sf]ifdf hDdf ug'{ kg]5 { .
!#$= af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlwcjlwMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] jf]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj cfJxfg ;DjGwL
sfuhftdf af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] dfGo x'g] cjlw pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw pNn]v ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] cjlw pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ bz s/f]8 ?k}of ;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf]
nflu – gAa] lbg
-v_ bz s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf hlt ;'s} a9L nfut cg'dfg ePsf] af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf]
k|:tfjsf] nflu – Ps ;o aL; lbg
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf]] cjlwsf] u0fgf af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ug]{ clGtd ldltaf6
k|f/De x'g5 ] .
-$_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkq jf k|:tfj vf]ns ] f] ldltn] bz s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf]
jf]nkq jf k|:tfj eP k}tfnL; lbgleq / bz s/f]8 ?k}ofFeGbf a9Lsf] nfut cg'dfg
ePsf] jf]nkq jf k|:tfj eP ;f7L lbgleq jf]nkq jf k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{ cfzosf] ;"rgf
af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k|flws/0fn] af]nkq jf k|:tfj
vf]nk] l5 af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg' kg]{ ePdf ;f]sf] sf/0f v'nfO{ cfjZostfg';f/
af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fp+bf ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfsf]
dGh'/L lng' kg]5 { .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fpg dGh'/ ug]{ af]nkqbftfn]
af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw a9fP hlQs} cjlwdf af]nkq hdfgtsf] cjlw klg a9fO{ To:tf]
hdfgt kq k|flws/0fdf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .

-*_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhd dGh'/L glbg] af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq dfGo x'g] 5}g / lghsf]
hdfgt lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5 { .
!#%= af]nkq k]z ug]{ tl/sfM -!_ af]nkq lgwf{l/t 9f+rfdf, af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] clws[t k|ltlglwn]
/Lt k"js
{ ;xL5fk tyf l;njGbL u/L af]nkqbftf cfkm}n + ] jf cfkmgf] k|ltlgwL dfkm{t jf x'nfs
jf s'l/o/ dfkm{t jf laB'tLo dfWodaf6 -Joj:yf ul/Psf] ePdf_ af]nkq k]z ug'{ kg]{ :yfgdf
af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do leq} k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw gf3L k|fKt ePsf af]nkqx? pk/ s'g} sf/afO{ x'g] 5}g
/ To:tf af]nkqx? Gfvf]nL ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ul/g]5 .
-#_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj k]z
ubf{ k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfj cfJxfg ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] ;+Vof / lbO{Psf] lgb]z { g adf]lhd k|ltlnlk k|lt -skL_ ;lxt k]z
ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ pk ljlgod -!_, -@_ / -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg ljB'tLo ;+rf/
sf] dfWod k|of]u u/L ul/g] vl/bsf] nflu af]nkq k]z ug]{ tl/sf ;fa{hlgs
vl/b cg'udg sfof{noaf6 :jLs[t ljB'tLo vl/b k|0ffnL adf]lhd x'g]5 . *&
!#^= af]nkq lkmtf{ tyf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg]M -!_ s'g} af]nkqbftfn] cfkm'n] k]z u/]sf] af]nkq
lkmtf{ lng jf ;+zf]wg ug{ rfx]df af]nkq k]z ug{ tf]lsPsf] clGtd ;do ;dfKt
x'g'eGbf rf}lj; 306f cufj} l;naGbL lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 . **
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lga]bg lb+bf To:tf] lga]bg Ps vfddf l;naGbL u/L vfdsf]
aflx/L efudf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v u/L k|flws/0fdf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj sf] laifo,
-v_ af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj cfJxfg ug]{ sfof{no jf clwsf/Lsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-u_ af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj ;+;f]wg ul/Psf] jf lkmtf{ dfu ul/Psf] ljifo /
-3_ af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj vf]Ng] lbg / ;dodf dfq vf]Ng' kg]{ Joxf]/f .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] l;naGbL vfd k|fKt x'g cfPdf To:tf vfd ljlgod !#*
adf]lhd ;'/lIft /fVg' kg]5 { .
-$_ af]nkq jf k|:tfj lkmtf{ dfu ePsf] cj:yfdf lkmtf{ dfusf] cflwsfl/stf k'li6 u/L ljlgod
!#( adf]lhd af]nkq vf]Ng] sfo{ ;dfKt eP kl5 To:tf] af]nkq gvf]nL lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ af]nkq jf k|:tfjbftfn] cfkm'n] k]z u/]sf] af]nkq jf k|:tfj lkmtf{ lng jf
;+ z f] w g ug' { kbf{ af] n kq jf k| : tfj k] z ubf{ h' g dfWofd af6 af] n kq jf
k|:tfj k]z u/]sf] xf] ;f]lx dfWofd af6 dfq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;Sg]5 /
km/s dfWodaf6 k]z u/]sf] lgj]bg pk/ sf/afxL x'g] 5}g . *(
*&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
**= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
*(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

!#&= laqmL / btf{ lstfj /fVg' kg]{M -!_ k|flws/0fn] laqmL ePsf] k"j{ of]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft /
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tyf kg{ cfPsf af]nkq jf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfjsf] las|L / btf{
clen]v 5'§f 5'66} /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-@_ af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftf cfkm}n] jf lghsf] k|ltlglwn] k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfj, af]nkq jf
k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj k]z ug{ NofPdf k|flws/0fn] a'lem lnO{ lghnfO{ ldlt / ;do v'ns ] f]
ekf{O{ lbg' kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] af]nkqsf] aflx/L vfddf k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod
-!_ adf]lhd btf{ lstfadf btf{ ePsf] btf{ gDa/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ af]nkq lalqm / btf{ x'g] ;do ;dfKt ePkl5 sfof{nosf] k|dv
' jf lghn] tf]ss] f]
clws[t sd{rf/Ln] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lstfjdf b:tvt u/L ;f] lstfj aGb
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!#*= af]nkqsf] ;'/Iff
IffMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] o; ljlgodfjnL jdf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] af]nkq jf k/fdz{
;]jfsf] k|:tfj vf]Ng] ;do cl3 s;}n] vf]Ng gkfpg] u/L ;'/lIft tj/n] /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkqsf] ;fy k]z ePsf] gd"gfsf] ljz]iftf af]nkq vf]Ng' cl3 ;fj{hlgs
gx'g] u/L uf]Ko / ;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg' kg]5
{ .
!#( = af]nkq vf]Ng]M -!_ af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do ;dfKt ePsf] nuQ} ;f]xL lbg Jff]n
] kq
;DjGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt ;do / :yfgdf k|flws/0fn] af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf]
/f]xa/df af]nkq vf]Ng' kg]5
{ .
t/ af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglw pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0fn] af]nkq vf]Ng afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq vf]Ng' cl3 k|flws/0fn] Dofb gf3L k|fKt x'g cfPsf]
af]nkqsf] vfd, af]nkq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{sf] nflu lbOPsf] lgj]bgsf] vfd / /Ltk"js
btf{ ePsf af]nkqsf] vfdnfO{ 5'6o\ fO{ Dofb gf3L k|fKt x'g cfPsf af]nkq gvf]ln
;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5
{ . o;/L lkmtf{ u/]sf] s'/f, ldlt / ;do vl/b
sf/jfxLsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]5{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd Dofb gf3L k|fKt x'g cfPsf af]nkq lkmtf{ ug{ 5'6o\ fP kl5,
af]nkqbftfn] lkmtf{ ug{ dfu u/]sf] lga]bgsf] vfd vf]nL To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf]] gfd k9]/
;'gfpg' kg]5
{ / To; kl5 jf]nkq ;+zf]wg ug{sf] nflu lbOPsf lga]bgsf] vfd vf]nL To:tf
vfd leq /x]sf] Aoxf]/f k9]/ ;'gfpg' kg]5{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] lga]bgsf] Joxf]/f k9L ;s]kl5 k|flws/0fn] bflvnf ePsf
af]nkq qmd} ;+u vf]nL To:tf] af]nkqsf] b]xfosf s'/f k9]/ ;'gfO{ ;f] sf] d'rN' sf tof/
ug'{ kg]5
{ / To:tf] d'rN' sfdf pkl:yt af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] b:tvt u/fpg'
{ M–
-s_ af]nkqbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,

-v_ af]nkqsf] sjf]n c+s,
-u_ af]nkqdf s'g} 5'6 lbg k|:tfa ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] Joxf]/f,
-3_ k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zgsf] ljsNk k|:tfj ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] sjf]n c+s,
-ª_ af]nkq hdfgt eP jf gePsf],
-r_ c+s / cIf/sf aLr leGgtf eP ;f] leGgtfsf] ljj/0f,
-5_ af]nkq kmf/fddf af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] x:tfIf/ eP jf gePsf],
-h_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;RofO{Psf] jf s]/d]6 u/]sf]df tyf af]nkqbftf jf lghsf]
k|ltlglwn] x:tfIf/ u/] gu/]sf] tyf s]/d]6 u/L pNn]v u/]sf] /sd / Joxf]/f,
-em_ af]nkq kmf/fddf af]nkqbftfn] s'g} s}lkmot pNn]v u/]sf] eP ;f]sf] Joxf]/f,
-`_ s'g} af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqdf ;+zf]wg ug{ lga]bg lbPsf] eP To:tf] ;+zf]wgsf] Aoxf]/f,
-6_ s'g} af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq lkmtf{ dfu u/]sf] lga]bg lbPsf] eP To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf]
-7_ k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm 7fg]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/f .
-%_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd af]nkq vf]Nbfsf] ;dodf jf]n ] kq :jLs[t jf c:jLs[t ug]{ lg0f{o ug{
;lsg] 5}g .
!$)= af]nkqsf] d"NofÍg
ofÍgM -!_ k|flws/0fn] ljlgod !#( adf]lhd vf]ns ] f] af]nkq d"Nofs+g ;ldltdf
k]z ug'{ kg]5 { . af]nkq d"Nofs+g ;ldltn] af]nkqsf] d"Nof+Íg ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
pNn]v ul/Psf] cfwf/ / tl/sf cg';f/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
!$!= af]nkqsf] u|fXotfsf] k/LIf0f
k/LIf0fM af]nkqbftf af]nkq k]z ug{ sfg"g adf]lhd of]Uo ePsf]]
k'i6\ofO{ ug]{ b]xfosf sfuhftx? k]z eP jf gePsf] ;DaGwdf k/LIf0f ug'k{ g]5 { M—
-s_ kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL btf{sf] k|df0fkq,
-v_ Joj;fo btf{s { f] k|df0fkq,
-u_ d"No clea[l¢ s/ btf{ k|df0f kq / :yfoL n]vf btf{ -Kofg_ k|df0f kq,
-3_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf tf]ss ] f] cjlw ;Ddsf] s/ r'Qmf k|df0fkq jf s/ ljj/0f k]z
u/]sf] sfuhft,
-ª_ af]nkqbftfn] vl/b sf/jfxLdf efu lng cof]Uo gePsf], k|:tfljt vl/b sf/jfxLdf
cfkm\gf] :jfy{ gaflemPsf]] / ;DjlGwt k]zf jf Joj;fo ;DjGwL s;"/df cfkm"n] ;hfo
gkfPsf] egL lnlvt ?kdf u/]sf] 3f]if0ff,
-r_ k|flws/0fn] dfu u/]sf cGo sfuhft .
!$@= af]nkqsf] k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0f
k/LIf0fM sfg"gL u|fxotfsf] k/LIf0faf6 ;kmn ePsf af]nkqbftfx?sf]
dfq k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0f ul/g]5 . af]nkq ;DjGwL sfuhftdf af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]z { g cg'?k
af]nkq k"0f{ eP jf gePsf]] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]5 { M

-s_ af]nkqbftfdf x:tfIf/ ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglw jf :yfgLo Ph]G6nfO{ lbPsf] clVtof/
gfdf kq k]z eP jf gePsf],
-v_ Aff]nkqdf af]nkqbftf jf lghsf] clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglwsf] x:tfIf/ eP jf gePsf],
-u_ sfof{no jf sfof{noaf6 tf]lsPsf] cGo lgsfoaf6 lalqm ePsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf
af]nkq k]z eP gePsf],
-3_ ;DalGwt JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL cfk}mn] vl/b u/]sf] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft
e/L k]z u/] jf gu/]sf],]
-ª_ af]nkqbftf JolQmut ?kdf jf ;+o'Qm pkqmdsf] ;fem]bf/sf] ?kdf Ps eGbf j9L
af]nkqdf ;+nUg eP jf gePsf],
-r_ af]nkq ;fy hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{ eP af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf]
lsl;d, cjlw / /sdsf] hdfgt ;+nUg eP jf gePsf], af]nkq hdfgt af]nkq;DaGwL
sfuhftdf pNn]v eP cg';f/ lgz{t eP jf gePsf], jfl0fHo a}s + af6 hf/L eP jf gePsf],
lab]zL a}s+ af6 hf/L ePsf] af]nkq hdfgt eP :jb]zL a}s+ af6 k|ltk|Tofe'lt eP jf gePsf],
af]nkq hdfgt af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] d'bf| df k]z eP jf gePsf],
-5_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmd ;DjGwL ;Demf}tf cfaZos eP ;f] k]z eP jf gePsf],
-h_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmd agfO{ af]nkq k]z ul/Psf] ePdf;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf ;fem]bf/x?sf] gfddf
jf]nkq hdfgt k]z eP jf gePsf],
-em_ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf ;DaGwL cfjZos sfuhft k]z eP jf gePsf],
-`_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft adf]lhd b/ laZn]if0f k]z ug'{ kg]{ eP To:tf] b/ laZn]if0f k]z
eP jf gePsf],
-6_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft adf]lhd af]nkqsf] dfGo cjlw eP jf gePsf],
-7_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ePsf]df ;+lIfKt ;"rLdf k/]sf af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq k]z u/]sf] xf] jf
-8_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/f .
!$#= hfgsf/L dfu ug{ ;lsg]M -!_ af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f, d"Nof+sg, t'ngf tyf af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf
d"Nof+sgsf] l;nl;nfdf ;f] sfo{nfO{ ;xof]u ug{ af]nkqdf pNn]v ePsf] sjf]n /sd / cGo
;f/e"t s'/f kl/jt{g gx'g] u/L ;fdfGo hfgsf/L Pj+ ljj/0f k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm 7fg]df lnlvt
?kdf dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ To:tf] hfgsf/L dfu ubf{ af]nkqbftfn] dfu ul/P adf]lhdsf] hfgsf/L tf]lsPsf]
;dofjlw leq glbPdf jf af]nkqdf pNn]v ePsf] sjf]n /sd / cGo ;f/e"t s'/fdf
kl/jt{g x'g] u/L af]nkqbftfn] hfgsf/L lbPdf lghsf] af]nkq /2 ul/g]5 .
!$$= af]nkq pk/ sf/afO{ gx'g]M b]xfosf] /Lt gk'us ] f] af]nkq pk/ sf/afO{ ul/g] 5}g M–
-s_ l;naGbL eO{ gcfPsf],
-v_ Dofb leq k]z x'g gcfPsf],
-u_ ljlgod !#^ adf]lhd lkmtf{ dfu ePsf]] af]nkq,
-3_ ljlgod !$! / ljlgod !$@ adf]lhd gePsf],
-ª_ cfk;df ldnf]dtf] u/L bflvnf ePsf] af]nkq,
-r_ af]nkqbftfn] ;Gtf]ifhgs ?kdf sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] u/L Go"g /sd saf]n u/L jf
k|f/lDes r/0fdf ul/g] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu a9L b/n] pNn]v -k|mG6 nf]l8Ë_ ePsf]df
:kli6s/0f dfu ePsf]df ;f]sf] ;Gtf]ifhgs hjfkm glbPdf,
-5_ k"jo{ f]Uotf lgwf{/0f u/L af]nkq cfJxfg ul/Psf] ca:yfdf k"a{ of]Uo ePsf af]nkqbftf
afx]s cGo af]nkqbftfaf6 k|fKt af]nkq,
-h_ k"jo{ f]Uotf lgwf{/0f eO{ cfJxfg ePsf] af]nkqdf af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf k"jo{ f]Uotf cg'?ksf]
of]Uotf eGbf ;f/e"t?kdf 36L ePsf] kfOPdf To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq,
-em_ af] n kq d" N of+ s gsf] l;nl;nfdf af] n kqbftf;+ u hfgsf/L dfu ePsf] d f
af]nkqbftfn] af]nkqsf] d"No jf cGo ;f/e"t s'/fx?df kl/jt{g jf ;+zf]wg u/]df lghsf]
-`_ af]nkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do kl5 af]nkq dfGo x'g] cjlw leq af]nkqbftfn]
] kq ;+zf]wg ug{ jf lkmtf{ ug{ dfu u/]df lghsf] af]nkq,
-6_ k|flws/0fn]] c+sul0ftLo q'6L ;RofPsf]df ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lbbf af]nkqbftfn] :jLsf/
-7_ af]nkqbftfaf6 k]z ePsf s'g} sfuhftsf] cflwsfl/stf k'li6 gePdf jf tYo a+UofO{ jf
em'SofO{ k]z u/]df jf e|i6frf/hGo jf hfn;fhL k"0f{ sfo{ u/]df jf To:tf] sfo{df ;+nUg
-8_ af]nkqdf ;fgfltgf km/ssf] d"No saf]n /sdsf] kGw| k|ltzt eGbf a9L x'g uPdf,
-9_ af]nkq vf]n] b]vL af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ ;"rgf g7fP;Dd ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfn] af]nkq
d"Nof+Íg k|so[ f jf af]nkq :jLs[lt k|so[ fdf k|efj kfg{ vf]hd] f,
-0f_ Ps} JolQmsf] x:tfIf/af6 b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L af]nkq k]z ePdf To:tf] af]nkqx?,
-t_ ;+oQ ' m pks|d agfO{ af]nkq k]z ePsf]df ;+oQ ' m pks|dsf] ;fem]bf/x? tLg eGbf a9L
-y_ ljB'tLo ;+rf/ dfWodaf6 af]nkq k]z ePsf]df b]xfosf] cj:yfdfM
-!_ af]nkq hdfgtsf] ;Ssn k|lt af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf tf]lsPsf] cjlw leq k]z
-@_ dfu ePsf] of]Uotf k|dfl0ft ug]{ sfuhft jf :kli6s/0f -hfgsf/L_ k]z gePdf,
-#_ ljB'tLo dfWodaf6 k]z ePsf] sfuhft / af]nkq d"Nof+sgsf] l;nl;nfdf dfu adf]lhd
af]nkqbftfaf6 k]z ePsf] sfuhftdf ;f/e"t?kdf km/s ePdf,
-$_ ljB'tLo ;+rf/ dfWodaf6 / cfkm} pkl:yt eO{÷k|ltlglw dfkm{t÷x'nfs jf s'l/o/af6 k]z
ePsf] ;Ssn af]nkqdf ;dfa]z ePsf sfuhftx?df km/s ePdf,
-%_ ljB'tLo dfWodaf6 k]z ePsf] af]nkq open standards interface cg';f/ k9g of]Uo
-^_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] d"No jfkt k]z ePsf] a}s + ef}r/ cg';f/ ;DalGwt a}s + df /
sd hDdf ePsf] gb]lvPdf .
!$%= c+sul0ftLo q'6L ;Rofpg;Rofpg]]M MM-!_ k|To]s af]nkqbftfsf] Aff]nkq vf]Nbfsf] saf]n /sddf
s'g} c+sul0ftLo q'6L 5 5}g k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]5 { . c+sul0ftLo q'6L b]lvPdf b]xfo adf]lhd ug'{
kg]5{ M
-s_ O{sfO b/ / s"n /sddf km/s ePdf OsfO b/nfO{ z'4 dfgL s"n /sdnfO{ ;RofO{g5 ] .
-v_ c+s / cIf/df km/s ePdf cIf/df n]lvPsf]nfO{ dfGotf lbO{ ;RofO{g5 ] .
-@_ c+sul0ftLo q'6L ;RofO{Psf] ePdf ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfnfO{ To:sf] hfgsf/L lbg'
{ . ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfn] To;/L q'6L ;RofO{Psf] s'/f :jLsf/ gu/]df lghsf] af]nkq
/2 u/L lghsf] af]nkq hdfgt hkmt ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd c+sul0ftLo q'6L ;RofP kl5 sfod x'g] saf]n /sdsf]
k|To]s cfO{6dx?sf] O{sfO{ b/ / s"n /sd ;d]t pNn]v u/L t'ngfTds tflnsf tof/
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!$^ Aff] n kqsf] d" N of+ Í g k| o f] h gsf] nflu Psn d' b | f sf] kl/0ft ug' { kg] { M cGt//fli6« o
af]nkqsf] xsdf Aff]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf af]nkqbftfn] ljleGg lab]zL d'bf| df saf]n ug{
;lsg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] ePdf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd Psn d'bf| df
kl/0ft u/L af]nkqsf] saf]n /sdsf] t'ngf ul/g]5 .
!$&= af]nkqsf] k|fljlws kIfsf] d"Nof+sgM -!_ sfg"gL u|fxotfsf] cfwf/ k"/f u/]sf] / k"0f{tfsf]
k/LIf0faf6 k"0f{ 7xl/Psf] af]nkqx? ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL eP gePsf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf
ljifodf k/LIf0f ul/g]5M
-s_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] If]q,
-v_ d'Vo d'Vo dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf] k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg / sfo{
;~rfng tyf sfo{ ;Dkfbg -ck/]l6Ë P08 kkm{dG] ;_ ljz]iftfx?, /
-u_ jf/]l06sf] ;dofjlw,
-3_ d"No ;dfof]hg, jLdf, k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{, ljjfb ;dfwfg, bfoLTjx? h:tf vl/b
;Demf}tfsf zt{x?
-ª_ lgdf{0f sfo{ tf]lsPsf] cjlw leq ;DkGg ug{] sfo{tflnsf÷lgdf{0f sfo{sf d'Vo d'Vo
ls|ofsnfkx? ;DkGg ug]{ cjlw (Key milestones),
-r_ af]nkq l8hfO{gdf cfwfl/t xf] jf a}slNks l8hfO{g :jLsf/ of]Uo x'g] -a}slNks af]nkq
k]z ug{ cg'dlt lbPsf] cj:yfdf dfq_,
-5_ dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf dfu ul/Psf] ePdf gd"gfsf] k/LIf0f .
-@_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]lvt If]q, u'0f:t/, ljz]iftf, ;Demf}tfsf zt{, sfo{
;Dkfbg jf cGo s'g} cfjZostf;+u d]n vfg] tyf To:tf] If]q, u'0f:t/, ljz]iftf, zt{, sfo{
;Dkfbg jf cGo s'g} cfjZostfdf tflTjs km/s / ulDe/ c;/ gkg]{ tyf k|flws/0fnfO{
:jLsfo{ ;fgfltgf km/s ePsf af]nkqx?nfO{ ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL ePsf] af]nkq
dflgg]5 .
:kli6s/0fM o; ljlgodsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æ;fgfltgf km/sÆ eGgfn] af]nkq ;DjGwL
sfuhftdf plNnlvt k|flalws :k]lzlkms]zg, ljj/0f cflb h:tf s'/f ;+u tflTjs ?kdf
leGg gx'g] km/s ;Demg' k5{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd k|flws/0fnfO{ :jLsfo{ ;fgfltgf km/ssf] ;Dej eP;Dd d"No
lgsfnL To:tf] d"No af]nkq d"Nof+sgsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfsf] saf]n
/sddf yk u/L af]nkq d"Nof+Íg ul/g]5 .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd ;fgfltgf km/ssf] d"No u0fgf ubf{ sfdsf] k|sl[ t cg';f/
;DalGwt sfdsf] nfut cg'dfg jf k|rlnt ahf/ d"No jf Jofhb/sf] cfwf/df sfod ug'{
{ . To:tf] nfut cg'dfg, k|rlnt ahf/ d"No jf Jofh b/ lglZrt gePsf] cj:yfdf
;f]xL cfO6dsf] cGo ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqdf pNn]v ePsf] d"Nosf] cf};tsf
{ . o;/L sfod ul/g] d"Nosf] cf}lrTotfsf] ;DaGwdf af]nkqbftf;Fu
cfwf/df sfod ug'{ kg]5
s'g} k/fdz{ ul/g] 5}g .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;fgfltgf
km/ssf] d"No af]nkqbftfsf] saf]n c+ssf] kGw| k|ltzt eGbf a9L ePdf To:tf] af]nkq
;f/e't ?kdf ck|efju|fxL ePsf] dflgg]5 / To:tf] af]nkqnfO{ d"Nof+sgdf ;dfj]z
ul/g] 5}g .
!$*= af]nkqsf] Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"Nof+ÍggMM -!_ ljlgod !$& adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k|fljlws kIfsf]
d"Nof+Íg ePkl5 af]nkqsf] d"No afx]s b]xfosf cGo s'/fx? klg b[li6ut u/L d"Nof+Íg ug]{ u/L
af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf d"Nof+Íg ug]{ cfwf/x? :ki6?kdf Joj:yf ul/Psf] ePdf d"NofÍ+g
;ldltn] To:tf] af]nkqsf]] Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"Nof+Íg ug{' kg]5
{ M—
-s_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ jf ;DkGg ug]{ cjlw,
-v_ e'QmfgLsf] zt{,
-u_ ;+rfng tyf dd{t vr{,
-3_ :k]o/ kf6{; / ddt{ ;Def/ ;DaGwL ;'ljwf cflb .
-@_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] leGgtfsf] d"No sfod ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf adf]lhd u0fgf u/L ;DalGwt
af]nkqbftfsf] saf]n /sddf d"Nof+Íg k|of]hgsf] nflu yk ug'{ kg]5 { .
!$(= af]nkqsf] cfly{s kIfsf] d"Nof+Íg ug]{M-!_ ljlgod !$& / !$* adf]lhd af]nkqsf] k|fljlws
/ Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"Nof+Íg ePkl5 To:tf] af]nkqsf] cfly{s kIfsf] d"Nof+Íg ug'{ kg]5{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd cfly{s kIfsf] d"Nof+Íg ubf{ k|fljlws / Jofkf/Ls kIfsf s'/fx?
dWo] cfjZos s'/fx?sf] / cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf s'/f ;d]tsf] af]nkq ;DaGwL

sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] cfwf/ / tl/sf adf]lhd d"No lgwf{/0f u/L af]nkqsf] d"Nof+lst
/sd sfod ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ cfGtl/s 9'jfgL vr{,
-v_ k|fljlws ljz]iftf .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd k|fljlws ljz]iftfsf] d"No+fÍg ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL
sfuhftdf plNnlvt vl/b ;DaGwL Go"gtd b/, Ifdtf jf k|ltkmn -cfp6k"6_ eGbf j9L
b/, Ifdtf jf k|ltkmnsf] af]nkq k]z ePsf]df d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] Go"gtd b/, Ifdtf jf
k|ltkmnsf] dfq d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] af]nkq d"NofÍg ubf{ af]nkqbftfn] l;kmfl/; u/]sf] hu]8f kf6{kh " f{sf
;DaGwdf ljrf/ ug'{ xFb' g} .
!%)= :jb]zL dfn;fdfg / lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{g] ePdf ;f]sf] d"Nof+Íg ug'{
kg]{ M af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf :jb]zL dfn;fdfg / :yfgLo lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|fyldstf
lbO{g] s'/f pNn]v ePdf af]nkqsf] ljlgod !$( adf]lhd cfly{s kIf d"NofÍg ubf{ d"Nof+Íg
;ldltn] :jb]zL dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{g] ePdf af]nkq
d"Nof+Íg k|of]hgsf] nflu af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd /sd u0fgf u/L To:tf]
/sd k|fyldstf gkfpg] af]nkqbftfsf] saf]n /sddf hf]8L d"Nof+lst /sd sfod ug'{
kg]5 { .
!%!= af]nkqsf] ljz]if d"Nof+Íg ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ af]nkq d"Nof+Íg ubf{ vl/b sfo{sf] sfo{ of]hgf, sfo{
;Dkfbg tflnsf / kl/rfng ;do af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP cg';f/sf] eP jf
gePsf], af]nkqbftfn] ljn ckm SjflG66Ldf ;+nUg cfO6dsf] nflu pNn]v u/]sf] k|lt PsfO b/
ljZj;gLo eP jf gePsf], saf]n cÍ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] k|f/lDes r/0fdf ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf]
cfO6dsf] nflu af]nkqbftfn] c:jfefljs pRr b/ pNn]v u/]sf]n,] jf af]nkqbftfn] lan ckm
SjflG66Lsf] s'g} cfO6ddf Go"g cg'dfg ePsf] egL ljZjf; u/]sf] cfO6dsf] nflu lghn]
c:jfefljs pRr b/ pNn]v u/]sf]n] c;Gt'lnt eP jf gePsf] b]lvPdf jf af]nkqbftfn]
;Gtf]ifhgs ?kdf sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] u/L Go"g saf]n cÍ pNn]v u/]sf] jf vl/b sfo{sf]
If]q jf k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg unt ?kdf a'lem jf ga'lem c:jfefljs Go"g saf]n cÍ pNn]v
u/]sf] jf k|f/lDes r/0fdf ul/g] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu a9L b/n] pNn]v u/]sf] -k|mG6
nf]l8Ë_ b]lvPdf d"NofÍg ;ldltn] To:tf] af]nkqbftf;Fu b/ ljZn]if0f ;lxtsf] :ki6Ls/0f dfu ug'{
kg{5] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] dfu]sf] :ki6Ls/0fsf] ;Gtf]ifhgs hjfkm
lbPdf To:tf] af]nkqbftf;Fu lghsf] saf]n cÍsf] cf7 k|ltztn] x'g] /sd a/fa/sf] yk
sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt lnO{ af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ l;kmfl/; ug{ / To:tf] :ki6Ls/0f ;Gtf]ifhgs
gePdf To:tf] af]nkq c:jLs[t ug{ l;kmfl/; ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!%@= sjf]n c+ssf] t'ngfM -!_ ljlgod !$!, !$@, !$#, !$$, !$%, !$^, !$&, !$*, !$(, !%)
/ !%! adf]lhdsf] k/LIf0f / d"Nof+Íg ;dfKt eP kl5 af]nkqsf] saf]n c+ssf] t'ngf ug'{

kg]5{ . o;/L t'ngf ubf{ k|To]s af]nkqsf] d"Nof+lst /sd csf]{ af]nkqsf] d"Nof+lst /sd;+u
t'ngf u/L Go"gtd /sd sa'n ug]{ af]nkq lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5 { .
!%#= kZrft of]Uotf d"Nof+sgM -!_ ljlgod !%@ adf]lhd Go"gtd c+s sa'n ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf]
of]Uotf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotf d"Nof+sgsf cfwf/ cg'?k eP gePsf] hf+r
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd Go"gtd c+s sa'n ug]{ af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf hfFr
ubf{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt of]Uotf ;DaGwL d"Nof+sgsf cfwf/ cg'?k
ePsf] kfO{Pdf To:tf] af]nkq Go"gtd d"Nof+lÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq dflgg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd Go"gtd c+s sa'n ug]{ af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf plNnlvt d"Nof+sgsf cfwf/ cg'?k ePsf] gkfOPdf lghsf]
jf]nkq d"Nof+sgjf6 x6fO qmdzM csf]{ Go"gtd c+s sa'n ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotfsf]
hfFr u/L ;f]xL cfwf/df Go"gtd d"Nof+lÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqsf] 5gf}6
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ Pp6f dfq af]nkq kg{ cfPdf ;f] sf] d"Nof+Íg ubf{ To:tf] af]nkq ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL
ePdf tyf :jLs[t nfut cg'dfg eGbf ;f/e"t?kdf a9L gePdf :jLs[t ug{ afwf
kg]{ 5}g .
!%$= af]nkq c:jLs[t ug]{ jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug ug]{M -!_ b]xfosf] ca:yfdf ;Dk"0f{ af]nkq
c:jLs[t ug{ jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug{ ;Sg]5M—
-s_ s'g} klg af]nkq ljlgod !$& sf] pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL
-s!_ ljlgod !%& sf] pk ljlgod-$_ adf]lhdsf] k|s[of ckgfpbf klg af]nkqbftf;+u
;Demf}tf x'g g;s]df . ()
-v_ Go"gtd d"Nof+lst ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqsf] saf]n c+s nfut cg'dfg eGbf
;f/e"t ?kdf a9L ePdf, jf
-u_ df+u ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf cfjZos gePdf .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg s]lx af]nkqx? jf Pp6f dfq af]nkq
;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL ePsf]] sf/0fn] dfq af]nkq c:jLs[t ug{ jf k'gM af]nkq cfJxfg
ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-#_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd af]nkq c:jLs[t ePsf] jf vl/b sf/afxL /2
u/]df ;f]sf] sf/0f ;lxtsf] ;"rgf af]nkq k]z ug]{ ;j} af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd ;"rgf lbPsf] tL; lbg leq s'g} af]nkqbftfn] ;j} af]nkq
c:jLs[t ePsf]] jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 ePsf]] cfwf/sf] hfgsf/L dfu u/]df lghnfO{
hfgsf/L lbg' kg]5{ .
()= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-%_ af]nkq cfJxfg ubf{ s'g} af]nkq gk/L jf pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ;Dk"0f{ af]nkq
c:jLs[t jf vl/b sf/afxL /2 eO{ k'gM af]nkq cfXjfg ubf{ To;/L af]nkq c:jLs[t jf
vl/b sf/afxL /2 x'gfsf] sf/0fsf] ;dLIff u/L cfjZostfg';f/ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft,
k|fljlws :k]lzlkms]zg, nfut cg'dfg tyf vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x?df x]/km]/ ;d]t
u/L ljlgod !@* adf]lhd k'gM af]nkq cfAxfg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-^_ o; ljlgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg s'g} af]nkqbftfn] cfk;df
ldnf]dtf] u/L af]nkq bflvnf u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf To:tf af]nkqx? /2 x'g5 ] g.
!%%= af]nkq d"Nof+sgsf] k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{M -!_ af]nkq d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] sfo{ k|f/De
u/]sf] ldltn] bz s/f]8 ?k}of;Ddsf] af]nkq eP PSsfO{ lbgleq / ;f] eGbf dflysf] af]nkq eP
k}tfln; lbg leq af]nkqsf] k/LIf0f tyf d"Nof+Íg sfo{ ;dfKt u/L b]xfosf ljj/0f v'ns ] f]
k|lta]bg ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5{ . o;/L d"Nof+sg ubf{ af]nkq dfGo
cawL leq d"Nof+sg u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 . (!

-s_ vl/b ;DaGwL ljj/0f, nfut cg'dfg,

-v_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft ljqmL ;+Vof,
-u_ af]nkq lkmtf{ tyf ;+zf]wg ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf,
-3_ af]nkqbftfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf tyf af]nkq vf]lnbf b]lvPsf] saf]n c+s / d'bf| ,
-ª_ af]nkq k]z ug'{ cl3 a}7s ePsf] ePdf To:tf] a}7ssf] dfO{Go'6,
-r_ af]nkqbftfn] ;f]ws ] f k|Zg jf lh1f;f tyf ;f] ;DaGwdf k|flws/0fn] lbPsf] hjfkm,
-5_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf s'g} ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] ePdf To:tf] ;+zf]wg ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-h_ sfg"gL u|fxotf kl/If0fsf] ljj/0f
-em_ af]nkqsf] k"0f{tfsf] k/LIf0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f
-`_ k|fljlws ljj/0f jf ;D´f}tfsf zt{x? ;DaGwdf b]lvPsf ;fgfltgf leGgtf tyf To;sf]
d"Nof+Íg ubf{ ckgfOPsf] cfwf/,
-6_ af]nkqsf] cfly{s tyf Jofkfl/s kIfsf] d"Nof+Íg ul/Psf] ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-7_ af]nkqsf] k/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} s'/f :ki6 ug{ af]nkqbftf;Fu s'g} hfgsf/L dfu
ul/Psf] eP ;f]lwPsf] k|Zg, k|fKt ePsf] hfgsf/L tyf d"Nof+sgdf o:tf] hfgsf/Lsf]
-8_ dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf jf cGo ljlzi7tf k/LIf0f ul/Psf] ePdf gd"gf k]z ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf]
gfdfjnL tyf k/LIf0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-9_ ljz]if d"Nof+Íg ul/Psf] ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-0f_ 3/]n' k|fyldstf lbO{Psf] ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-t_ ul0ftLo q'6L ;RrfOPsf] tyf 5'6 k|:tfj ;dfof]hg ul/Psf] ljj/0f,
-y_ Go"gtd d"Nof+lst af]nkqsf] lgwf{/0f,
(!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-b_ k"j{ of]Uotf lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] eP Go"gtd d"Nof+lst af]nkqbftfsf] ;f] adf]lhdsf] of]Uotf
k/LIf0f ;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-w_ kZrft of]Uotf k|0ffnL ckgfOPsf] eP Go"gtd d"Nof+lst af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf k/LIf0f
;DaGwL ljj/0f,
-g_ Go"gtd d"Nof+lst ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkq bftfsf] gfd 7]ufgf /, saf]n /sd
;lxtsf] l;kmfl/; jf af]nkq /2 ug{ l;kml/z tyf /2 ug'{ kg]{ sf/0f,
-k_ af]nkqbftfnfO{ sfnf] ;"rLdf /fVg' kg]{ eP ;f]sf] sf/0f ;lxt l;kmfl/z,
-km_ af]nkq d"Nof+Íg ;ldltsf] lg0f{osf] k|ltlnlkx?,
-a_ cGo cfjZos ;"rgfx? .
-@_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf ;dofjlw leq af]nkq d"Nof+Íg k|lta]bg
lbg g;Sg] ePdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] l:js[lt lng' kg]5
{ .
!%^= Aff]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ cfzosf] ;"rgf lbg' kg kg]]{M -!_ Aff]nkq d"Nof+Íg ;ldltaf6 k]z ePsf]
ljlgod !%% adf]lhdsf] k|lta]bg pk/ cfjZos hfFr u/L u/fO{ Go"gtd d"Nof+lst ;f/e"t?kdf
k|efju|fxL af]nkqbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf 5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqbftfnfO{ lghsf] af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{
cfzosf] ;"rgf lbg / To:tf] af]nkqbftfsf] gfd, 7]ufgf / /sdsf] hfgsf/L cGo
af]nkqbftfnfO{ ;d]t lbg clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] lg0f{o ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] lg0f{osf] hfgsf/L k|flws/0fn] To:tf] 5gf}6 ug]{ (@ lg0f{o
ePsf] ;ft lbg leq k7fpg' kg]5
{ . o;/L af]nkqbftfnfO{ hfgsf/L k7fpbf l56f] k'Ug]
;fwgaf6 k7fO{ ;Dej eP ;Dd km\ofS; jf O{dn ] af6 k7fpg' kg]5
{ .
o;/L hfgsf/L lbbf af] n kq vf] n ] s f] ldltn] af] n kq dfGo cjwL leq
af]nkq jf k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{ cf;osf] ;"rgf af]nkqbftfnfO{ lbg' kb{5 . (#
!%&= Aff]nkq :jLs[t u/L ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg kg]]{M -!_ ljlgod !%^ sf] pk–ljlgod -#_
adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf lbPsf] ;ft lbgsf] cjlw leq s'g} af]nkqbftfn] ljlgod !*^ adf]lhd lga]bg
gu/]df ljlgod !%^ sf] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq clwsf/
k|fKt clwsf/Ln] :jLs[t u/L lghnfO{ kGw| lbg leq vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{sf] nflu sfo{ ;Dkfbg
hdfgt bflvnf ug{ ;"rgf lbg'' kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq ;DalGwt af]nkqbftfn] sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt
{ . o;/L hdfgt bflvnf
bflvnf u/L ljlgod !*& adf]lhdsf] vl/b ;+emf}tf ug{ kg]5
ubf{ nfut cg'dfg eGbf kGw| k|lt;t;Dd sd c+s saf]n u/]df sa'n c+ssf]
(@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
(#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

kfF r k| l tzt / nfut cg' d fgsf] kGw| k| l tzt eGbf a9L 36] / sa' n u/] s f]
cj:yfdf kGw| k|lt;t eGbf hlt /sdn] 3l6 sa'n u/]sf] 5 ;f] sf] krf;
k|lt;tn] x'g cfpg] /sd sa'n c+ssf] kfFr k|ltztdf yk u/L sfo{ ;Dkfbg
hdfgt /fVg' kg]{ 5 . ($
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw leq sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt bflvnf u/L af]nkqbftf
;Demf}tf ug{ gcfPdf lghsf] af]nkqsf] hdfgt /sd hkmt u/L ;f] eGbf nuQ} kl5sf]
csf]{ Go"gtd d"Nof+lÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqbftfsf] af]nkq :jLs[t u/L vl/b
;Demf}tf ug{' kg{5
] .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] af]nkqbftf klg sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt bflvnf u/L vl/b
;Demf}tf ug{ gcfPdf To; kl5sf] Go"gtd d"Nof+lÍt ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL af]nkqbftfsf]
af]nkq s|dzM :jLs[t u/L lghnfO{ o; ljlgod adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ cfpg] ;"rgf
lbg' kg{5
] .
-$s_ k|flws/0fn] af]nkq :jLs[lt / vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL sfd ;fdfGotof ljlgod
!#$ adf]lhdsf] af]nkqsf] dfGo calwleq ;DkGg u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 . (%
-%_ af]nkq c:jLs[t ePsf] af]nkqbftf dWo] s'g} af]nkqbftfn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf]
;"rgf lbPsf] tL; lbg leq lghsf] af]nkq c:jLs[t ePsf]] sf/0fsf] hfgsf/L dfu
u/]df lghnfO{ k|flws/0fn] ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lbg' kg]5
{ .
!%*= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{M vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DkGg ePsf] ;ft
lbg leq af]nkq cfJxfgsf] ;"rgf ;+Vof, ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf] ldlt, ;dfrf/kqsf] gfd,
vl/bsf] ljifo, ;Demf}tf ug]{ af]nkqbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf / ;Demf}tfsf] d"No v'nfO{ cfk\mgf] ;"rgf
kf6Ldf 6fF; u/L ;f] ;"rgf k|flws/0fsf] j]j;fO6df /fVg' kg]5 { .
!%(= dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf lkmtf{ ug]M{ -!_ af]nkq d"Nof+Íg x'b+ f c;kmn ePsf] af]nkqbftfn]] cfkm"n]
k]z u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf lkmtf{ lbg k|flws/0fnfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ePsf]] ;ft lbg leq
lnlvt ?kdf cg'/f]w ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd cg'/f]w ePsf]df To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf k/LIf0fdf gi6
gePsf] eP 9'jfgL ug{ / Koflsª ug{ nufotsf ;Dk"0f{ vr{ lghn] g} Joxf]g{] u/L To:tf]
gd"gf lghnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f pNn]v ePtfklg :jLs[t af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfn]
k]z u/]sf] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gfsf] cfk"lt{ ul/g] dfn;fdfg;+u t'ngf ug]{ k|of]hgsf]
nflu k|flws/0fn] af]nkq d"Nof+Íg ;ldltjf6 k|dfl0ft u/fO{ l;naGbL u/L ;'/lIft
/fVg' kg]5
{ .

($= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
(%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

kl/R5]b – !%
k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf

!^)= k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;lsg]M -!_ k|flws/0fn] b]xfosf] ca:yfdf s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf
sDklgaf6 k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ k|flws/0fdf pknAw hgzlQmaf6 s'g} sfd x'g g;Sg] ePdf, jf
-v_ bft[kIf;+usf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd j}bl] zs ;xfotf >f]taf6 Aoxf]l/g] u/L k/fdz{bftfaf6
;]jf k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ ePdf .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kbf{ o; ljlgod adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw
k"/f u/L vl/b ug''{ kg]5
{ .
!^!= sfo{ If]qut zt{ tof/ ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ k|flws/0fn] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{sf] nflu b]xfosf
s'/f ;lxtsf] sfo{ If]qut zt{ tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ k/fdz{bftfn] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] k[i7e"dL / p2]Zo,
-v_ k/fdz{bftfsf] sfo{ If]q / lghn] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ sfd,
-u_ sfd;+u ;DalGwt cWoog tyf cfwf/e"t tYof+s pknAw eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f,
-3_ k/fdz{bftfn] k|flws/0fnfO{ s'g} 1fg jf zLk x:tfGt/0f ug{' kg]{ eP ;f] ;DjGwL ljj/0f
/ tflnd k|bfg ug'k{ g]{ eP tflnd lbg' kg]{ sd{rf/Lsf] ;+Vof,
-ª_ k/fdz{bftfsf] d'Vo hgzlQmsf] sfd tyf of]Uotf / lghn] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] nflu nfUg]
cg'dflgt s"n ;do,
-r_ k/fdz{bftfn] sfd z'? ug]{ / ;Dkfbg u/L ;Sg' kg]{ ;do,
-5_ k|flws/0fn] pknAw u/fpg] ;"rgf, ef}lts ;'lawf, pks/0fsf] ljj/0f,
-h_ k/fdz{bftfn] k]z ug'{ kg]{ k|ltj]bg, tYof+s, gS;f, ;e]{ k|ltj]bg cfbLsf] ljj/0f .
!^@= df}h'bf ;"rLdf /x]sf k/fdz{bftfaf6 k|:tfj dfu u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf lng ;lsg ;lsg]]M -!_
k|flws/0fn] kfFr (% nfv b]vL bz nfv ?k}of+;Ddsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf ljlgod (! adf]lhd /flvPsf]
df}hb' f ;"rLdf /x]sf k/fdz{bftfaf6 slDtdf kGw| lbgsf] ;dofjlw lbO{ lnlvt?kdf k|fljlws /
cfly{s k|:tfa 5'§f 5'§} vfddf dfu u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj dfu ubf{ ;Dej eP;Dd 5 j6f / slDtdf tLg j6f
k/fdz{bftfnfO{ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fO{ k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj d"Nof+Íg ljlw Go"g nfut ljlw cg';f/ 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5{ .
!^#= v'Nnf?kdf cfzo kq dfu u/L ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{M -!_ bz (^ nfv ?k}o+ f eGbf
j9L /sd ;]jf z'Ns nfUg] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf k|flws/0fn] To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg
(^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
(&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
OR5's JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLaf6 ;f] ;DaGwL cfzo kq ;+sng ug{ slDtdf kGw| lbgsf]
cjlw lbO{ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] s'/fx? v'nfO{ /fli6«o :t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg
ug'{kg]{5 . ;fdfGotof bz s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf a9L /sdsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{
k/]df cGt/fli6«o:t/sf] cf;okq dfu ug'{ kb{5 . (*
t/ ljlgod !!& sf] cj:yf afx]s b; nfv eGbf a9L aL; s/f]8 ?k}of ;Dd
nfut cg'dfg ePsf] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df /fli6«o:t/sf] cf;okqbftf aLr
dfq k|lt:kwf{ u/fO{ cf;okq dfu ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf b]xfPsf s'/fx? v'nfpg' kg]5 { M—
-s_ sfof{nosf] gfd / 7]ufgf
-v_ k|:tfljt sfd jf cfof]hgfsf] ;fdfGo ljj/0f,
-u_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] vr{ Joxf]g{] ;|ft] ,
-3_ cfzokqbftfsf] of]Uotf,
-ª_ cfzokqbftf kmd{ jf sDkgL eP b]xfPsf hfgsf/L dfu ug'{ kg]5 { M—
-!_ kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] ljj/0f, ;+u7g / sd{rf/L
-@_ b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L kmd{ jf sDkgLn] ;d"x, ;+u7g jf ;+oQ ' m pkqmdsf] ?kdf k/fdz{
;]jf lbg] eP To:tf kmd{ jf sDkgLsf] gfd, 7]ufgf, ljj/0f tyf d'Vo eO{ sfd ug]{ kmd{
jf sDkgLsf] gfd,
-#_ ljut ;ft (( aif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] ;dfg k|sl[ tsf] sfd / :yfgsf] ljj/0f,
-$_ k|:tfljt sfo{df ;+nUg x'g] k|dv ' hgzlQmsf] a}oQmLs ljj/0f .
-r_ JolQmut k/fdz{bftfsf] xsdf laut rf/ !)) aif{df ;DkGg u/]sf] ;dfg k|sl[ tsf] sfd
/ :yfgsf] ljj/0f tyf lghsf] a}olSts ljj/0f,
-5_ k|:tfljt sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ nfUg] cg'dflgt ;do,
-h_ ;+lIfKt ;"rLdf k/]sf JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLjf6 dfq k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ;DjGwL
k|:tfa dfu ul/g] s'/f,
-em_ cfzokqbftfn] k]z ug'k{ g]{ sfuhftx?,
-`_ cfzokq tof/ ug]{ lgb]z { g / cfzo kq k]z ug]{ clGtd ldlt,
-6_ k|flws/0f;+u ;Dks{ ug]{ 7]ufgf / ;Dks{ JolQm .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|flws/0fsf] tyf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nosf]
j]e ;fO{6df /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ sf] ;"rgf adf]lhd cfzo kq k]z u/]sf cfzokqbftfsf]] of]Uotf, cg'ej
/ Ifdtf ;d]t d"NofÍg u/L k|flws/0fn] To:tf] k/fdz{ ;]jf lbg ;Sg] ;fwf/0ftof tLg
b]lv 5 cfzokqbftfsf] 5gf}6 u/L ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]{ 5 .
(*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
((= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!))= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ sDtLdf tLg j6f cfzokqbftf 5gf}6 x'g
g;s]df k|flws/0fn] cfzo kq k]z gug]{ Voflt k|fKt k/fdz{bftf;+u ;Dks{ u/L lghsf]
gfd ;lIfKt ;"rLdf ;dfa]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd ;d]t sDtLdf tLg j6f cfzokqbftf 5gf}6 x'g g;s]df
k|flws/0fn] k'gM ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L cfzo kq dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhd bf]>f] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ klg sDtLdf tLg j6f cfzo kq
5gf}6 x'g g;s]df 5gf}6 ePsf hlt cfzokqbftfsf] dfq ;"rL sfod ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-*_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] ;"rLsf] hfgsf/L k|flws/0fn] cfzo kq k]z ug]{ ;a}
cfzokqbftfx?nfO lbg' kg]5 { .
!^$= vl/b ljlwsf] 5gf}6M -!_ k|flws/0fn] b]xfosf] sfdsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ubf{ u'0f:t/ ljlw
5gf}6 u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 ] M—
-s_ k/fdz{bftfaf6 ck]lIft sfo{ :ki6?kdf olsg ug{ g;lsg] k|st[ Lsf] / k|flws/0fn]
k/fdz{bftfaf6 vf]hk"0f{ k|:tfjsf] ck]Iff u/]sf] sfd,
-v_ pRr bIftf cfjZos kg{] / eljiodf ulDe/ tyf b"/ufdL k|efa kfg]{ lsl;dsf] sfd,
-u_ Joj:yfkg k/fdz{, If]qut -;]S6/n_ tyf gLltut cWoog h:tf ;]jfsf] d"No sfdsf]
u'0f:t/df lge{/ x'g] jf JolQm, ;+:yf lkR5] ;f/e"t?kdf cnu cnu tl/sfaf6 ;Dkfbg ug{
;lsg] / k|lt:klw{ k|:tfasf] nfut t'ngf ug{ g;lsg] lsl;dsf] sfd
-@_ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|sl[ t c;fdfGo ?kn] hl6n ePsf] jf To:tf] ;]jfn] /fli6«o
cy{tGq jf efjL kl/of]hgfdf pNn]vgLo k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] cj:yfdf k|:tfasf] 5gf}6 k"0f{tM
u'0f:t/ ljlwsf]] cfwf/df ug{ ;lsg]5 . o; ljlwaf6 k/fdz{bftf 5gf}6 ug{ ;ldltsf]
:jLs[lt lng' kg]5{ .
-#_ k|fljlws kIf / cfly{s kIfsf] d"NofÍg u/L k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]{ ePdf u'0f:t/
/ nfut ljlwsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ If]qut cWoog, ahf/ cWoog, ;Lldt If]q ePsf ;e]I{ f0f, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf]
k'g/fanf]sg h:tf ;fwf/0f k|sl[ tsf sfdsf] la:t[t sfo{ If]qut zt{x? :ki6 ePsf],
k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;f] sfd ug{ nfUg] ;do / hgzlQm k"af{gd ' fg ug{ ;lsg] jf ;f] sfdsf]
nflu lglZrt ah]6 eO{ a9fpg g;lsg] ePdf lglZrt ah]6 ljlw 5gf}6 ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;
ljlwdf k|:tfj dfu ubf{ ;f] sfdsf] nflu :jLs[t ah]6 v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-%_ n]vf k/LIf0f, ;fdfGo OlGhlgo/LË l8hfOg tyf vl/b Ph]G6 h:tf /fd|/L cEof; eO;s]sf,
lgoldt k|sl[ tsf / sd nfut nfUg] sfdsf nflu Go"g nfut ljlw 5gf}6 ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!^%= k|:tfj dfu ug]{M -!_ ljlgod !^# adf]lhd ;+lIfKt ;"rL tof/ eP kl5 k|flws/0fn] ;f] ;+lIfKt
;"rLdf k/]sf cfzokqbftfx?nfO{ k|:tfa ;DaGwL sfuhft k7fO{ slDtdf tL; lbgsf] ;do lbO{
lghx?af6 k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfa ;DaGwL sfuhftdf b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v u/L k|:tfj
:jLs[t ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt ePsf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[lt x'g' kg]5 { M—
-s_ sfof{nosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ;]jfsf] k|sl[ t, ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ cjlw, :yfg, ;]jfsf] sfo{If]qut zt{x?,
;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ sfo{ / ck]lIft kl/0ffd,
-u_ k|:tfj tof/ ug{ k|:tfjbftfx?nfO{ lgb]z { g,
-3_ k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfj cnu cnu vfddf /fvL l;naGbL u/L k|To]s vfdsf] afxL/
s'g k|sf/sf] k|:tfj xf] ;f] :ki6?kn] pNn]v u/L b'a} k|:tfjnfO{ csf]{ 5'66\ } vfd aGbL
u/L dfu ul/Psf] ;]jfsf] laifo pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/f,
-ª_ k|fljlws tyf cfly{s d"NofÍg ef/,
-r_ k|:tfj d"NofÍg / t'ngf ug]{ cfwf/ / c+s ef/,
-5_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf zt{x?,
-h_ k|:tfj k]z ug'{ kg]]{ :yfg, ldlt / ;do,
-em_ k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug]{ ljlw,
-`_ :jfy{ aflemg] ePdf k|:tfj pk/ sf/afxL gx'g] s'/f / e|i6frf/ jf hfn;fhL u/]df x'g]
sfg"gL sf/afO{] ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-6_ k|flws/0fn] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sf/afO{ ubf{ u/]sf] q'l6 jf lg0f{o lj?4 k'g/fjnf]sgsf nflu
k|:tfjbftfn] lga]bg lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf,
-7_ k|:tfjbftfn] k|:tfj u/]sf] k|dv ' hgzlQmn] cfkmgf] xfn;fn}sf] a}olSts ljj/0f ;To /
k"0f{ /x]sf] s'/f k|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ Joxf]/f,
-8_ k|fljlws k|:tfj d"Nof+Íg u/] kl5 dfq cfly{s k|:tfa vf]lng] s'/f,
-9_ k|fljlws k|:tfjdf k|:tfjbftfn] k|fKt ug'{ kg]{ plQ0ff{Í,
-0f_ k|:bftfjbftfn] ;DalGwt sfdsf] nflu cfˆgf] 5'§} sfo{ of]hgf tyf hgzlQm k|:tfa ug{
;Sg] jf g;Sg],
-t_ k|:tfabftfn] sfo{If]qut zt{df l6Kk0fL ug{ ;Sg] jf g;Sg] .
-#_ pkljgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 -r_
adf]lhd k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{ cfwf/x? pNn]v ubf{ k|fljlws k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{ b]xfo
adf]lhdsf s'g} jf ;a} cfwf/ cfaZostf cg';f/ v'nfpg' kg]5 { M
-s_ k/fdz{bftfn] ug'{ kg]{ sfd ;DaGwL k/fdz{bftfsf]] cg'ej,
-v_ k/fdz{bftfn] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ k|:tfljt tl/sf -d]yf]8f]nf]hL_ sf] u'0f:t/,
-u_ k|:tfljt d'Vo hgzlQmsf] of]Uotf,
-3_ 1fg tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/0fsf] Joj:yf .

-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pk–ljlgod -@_ sf] v08 -em_
adf]lhd k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug]{ ljlw pNn]v ubf{ ljlgod !^$ adf]lhdsf ljlwx? dWo] pko'Qm
ljlw ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k|:tfj d"Nof+Ígsf] c+sef/ pNn]v ug'{
{ . To;/L c+s ef/ pNn]v ubf{ sfdsf] k|sl[ t / hl6ntf cg';f/ k|fljlws tyf cfly{s
k|:tfasf] s"n c+sef/ Ps ;o x'g] u/L / To:tf] s"n c+sef/ dWo] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf]
c+sef/ ;Q/L b]vL gAa] / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] c+sef/ tL; b]vL bz ;Dd x'g] u/L
lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{ k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] c+s ef/ pNn]v ubf{ k|flws/0fn] b]xfo
adf]lhdsf] c+ssf] ;Ldf ggf£g] u/L sfdsf] k|sl[ t / hl6ntf cg';f/ pko'Qm c+s pNn]v
ug{' kg]5
{ M—
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] vf; sfdsf] cg'ej s"n c+ssf] kRrL; k|ltzt ;Dd !)!
-v_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ tl/sf / sfo{ If]qut s"n c+ssf] jL; b]lv
zt{ k|ltsf] k|efju|fxLtf k}tL; k|ltzt ;Dd !)@
-u_ d'Vo d'Vo hgzlQmsf] of]Uotf / s"n cÍsf] tL; b]lv
cg'ej ;f7L k|ltzt ;Dd
-3_ k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f jf tflnd s"n cÍsf] bz k|ltzt ;Dd
-ª_ :jb]zL hgzlQmsf] ;xeflutf s"n cÍsf] bz k|ltzt ;Dd
hDdf s"n cÍ !))
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ sf] v08 -ª_ df plNnlvt c+s ef/ /fli6«o:t/sf] k|:tfj dfu ubf{ nfu"
x'g] 5}g .
-*_ pk–ljlgod -^_ df plNnlvt ;a} d"Nof+Ígsf cfwf/nfO{ tLg j6f pk–cfwf/df ljefhg
u/L ;f] jfktsf] c+s ;d]t lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-(_ pk–ljlgod -^_ jdf]lhd c+sef/ pNn]v ubf{ pQL0ff{s + ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-!)_ k/fdz{ ;] j fsf] vl/bsf] k| : tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf k/fdz{ b ftf 5gf} 6 ug] {
c+sef/ pNn]v ubf{ s'g} k/fdz{bftf AolSt,kmd{ jf sDklg;+u eO/x]sf sfd
-js{ Og x\of08_ sf] hgzlQm ;f]lx xb ;Dd kl5Nnf] k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+sgsf]
;dodf u0fgf gx'g] s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 . !)#
-!!_ o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd k|:tfj d"Nof+sg ubf{ pk ljlgod-*_ adf]lhd ul/Psf]
ljefhg / ;f] jfktsf] c+sef/sf] cfwf/df dfq d"Nof+sg ug'{ kb{5 . !)$
!)!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!)@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!)#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!)$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-!@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhft tof/ ubf{ ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{noaf6 hf/L ePsf] gd"gf k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftsf] cfwf/df tyf k|flws/0fsf]
{ g ;d]t kfngf ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!^^= k|:tfj tof/ ug{ lbO{g] lgb]{zgdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ s'/ffMM ljlgod !^% sf] pk–ljlgod
-@_ sf] v08 -u_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfa tof/ ug{ k|:tfabftfnfO{ lbOg] lgb]z
{ gdf k|flws/0fn] b]xfosf
s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5{ M—
-s_ cfly{s k|:tfa / k|fljlws k|:tfasf] 9fFrf,
-v_ k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfa tof/ ug]{ t/Lsf,
-u_ sfd slt r/0fdf k"/f x'g,] yk sfd lbg ;lsg] g;lsg] s'/f,
-3_ k|:tfa ;DjGwL sfuhftsf ;DaGwdf k|:tfjbftfn] s'g} hfgsf/L lng' kg]{ eP To:tf]
hfgsf/L lng ;lsg] tl/sf,
-ª_ k|:tfljt sfdsf] s'g} c+z k/fdz{bftfn] ;j–sG6«fs6df lbg ;Sg] g;Sg] s'/f,
-r_ k|flws/0fn] pknAw u/fpg] ;"rgf, ;]jf, pks/0f ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,
-5_ k|:tfj k]z ug'{ cl3 k|:tfabftfsf] a}7s x'g] gx'g] s'/f,
-h_ k|:tfj dfGo x'g] cjlw,
-em_ k|:tflat vl/b sf/afO cGtu{t ;[hgf x'g] s'g} dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{, lgdf{0f sfo{, cGo ;]jf
jf k/fdz{ ;]jf ;DaGwL sfd k/fdz{bft[ kmd{ jf lgh;+u ;Da4 JolQm ;+:yfnfO{ lb+bf
k|:tfljt k/fdz{ ;]jf ;+usf] :jfy{ aflemg ;S5 eGg] k|flws/0fnfO{ nfu]df To:tf]
k|:tfabftf jf JolQmnfO{ To:tf] sfd lbg g;lsg] s'/f,
-`_ k|:tfjbftf / lghsf] hgzlQmn] ltg{k' g]{ s/ jf/]sf] hfgsf/L / k|:tfjbftfn] s/ jf cGo
s'g} ljifodf yk hfgsf/L lng rfx]df lghn] ;Dks{ ug'{ kg]{ cflwsf/Ls cGo lgsfo,
-6_ k|:tfasf] efiff,
-7_ k|flws/0fn] k|:tfa ;DaGwL sfuhft ;+zf]wg ug]{ sfo{ljlw,
-8_ k|:tfj k]z ug]{ t/Lsf,
-9_ k|:tfj vf]Ng] tl/sf,
-0f_ uf]klgotf ;DaGwL zt{ .
!^&= k|:tfj vf]Ng] tl/sf
tl/sfM -!_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug]{ clGtd Dofb ;dfKt ePkl5 k|:tfjbftfaf6 k|fKt
k|:tfjsf] aflx/L vfd vf]nL k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfjsf l;njGbL vfd 5'6ofpg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd 5'6o\ fO{Psf vfdx? dWo] klxn] k|fljlws k|:tfa vf]Ng' kg]5 { /
cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd gvf]nL ;'/lIft;fy 5'66\ } /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd 5'6o\ fO{Psf] cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd k|fljlws k|:tfj d"NofÍg
u/] kl5 dfq ljlgod !&! adf]lhd vf]Ng' kg]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfa vf]Nbf k|:tfabftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] /f]xa/df vf]Ng'
{ .

t/ k|:tfabftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglw pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0fn] k|:tfj vf]Ng afwf
kg]{ 5}g .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj vf]Ng' cl3 k|flws/0fn] Dofb gf3L k|fKt x'g cfPsf]
k|:tfjsf] vfd / /Ltk"js { btf{ ePsf k|:tfjsf] vfdnfO{ 5'6o\ fO{ Dofb gf3L k|fKt x'g
cfPsf k|:tfj gvf]nL ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5 { . To;/L lkmtf{ ul/Psf]
s'/f, ldlt / ;do k|flws/0fn] vl/b sf/jfxLsf] k|ltj]bgdf v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfj lkmtf{ u/] kl5, k|flws/0fn] /Lt k"js { btf{ ePsf k|:tfjsf]
aflx/L vfd qmd} ;+u vf]nL ;f] vfd;+u /x]sf] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] vfd vf]nL b]xfosf
s'/f k9]/ ;'gfO{ ;f] sf] d'rN' sf tof/ ug'{ kg]5
{ M—
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfjdf k|:tfjbftfsf] x:tfIf/ eP gePsf,]
-u_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf ;RofO{Psf] jf s]/d]6 u/]sf]df k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwn]
x:tfIf/ u/] gu/]sf],
-3_ k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm 7fg]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhdsf] d'rN' sfdf k|flws/0fn] pkl:yt k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf]
b:tvt u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-*_ pk–ljlgod -&_ adf]lhd vf]lnPsf] k|fljlws k|:tfj k|flws/0fn] ozflz3| d"Nof+Íg ;ldltnfO{
pknAw u/fpg' kg]5 { .
!^*= k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Íg ug]{ tl/sfM -!_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Íg
k|:tfa ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] d"NofÍg sf] cfwf/ adf]lhd ug'{ kg]5 { . d"Nof+sg
;ldltn] k| f ljlws k| : tfasf] d" N of+ s gsf] nflu ;xof] u k' / \ o fpg ;DalGwt lj1x?
;lxtsf] tLg ;b:oLo pk ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 . !)%
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Íg ubf{ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltsf k|To]s
;b:on] 5'§f 5'§} ?kdf d"Nof+Íg u/L k|:tfjbftfn] k|fKt u/]sf] c+s olsg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd c+s olsg eP kl5 ;f] ;ldltsf] k|To]s ;b:on] k|bfg u/]sf] c+s
u0fgf u/L ;f] ;ldltn] To:tf] k|:tfan] k|fKt u/]sf] cf}ift c+s lgsfNg' kg]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -@_ / -#_ adf]lhd d"Nof+Íg kl5 d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] ljlgod !^% sf] pk–
ljlgod -(_ adf]lhdsf] pQL0ff{s + k|fKt ug{] k|:tfjbftfx?sf] ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rL tof/ ubf{ pRrtd c+s + k|fKt ug{] k|:tfjbftfb]lv s|d;
} u+
tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-^_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Ígsf] sfo{ ;dfKt gx'Gh]n cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng
x'b+ g} .
!)%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-&_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf /x]sf k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq ljlgod !&! adf]lhd
cfly{s k|:tfj vf]lng]5 .
-*_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf ;dfa]z x'g g;s]sf k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj gvf]nL
;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5{ .
!^(= d"Nof+Íg k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{kg]{M -!_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] ljlgod !^* adf]lhdsf] d"Nof+Íg
;DaGwL sf/afO kl5 k|:tfjsf] u'0f:t/ ;DaGwdf k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/fx? ;d]t k|To]s k|:tfjsf] ;fk]lIfs
;jntf, b'jn { tf / d"NofÍgsf] kl/0ffd pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] clwsf/ k|fKt k|ltlglwsf] ;lx5fk eP jf gePsf],
-u_ k|:tfjbftf k|:tfj k]z ug{ sfg"g adf]lhd of]Uo ePsf]] k'i6\ofO{ ug]{ sfuhftx? k]z eP
jf gePsf],
-3_ ;+oQ ' m pkqmd ;DjGwL ;Demf}tf cfaZos eP ;f] k]z eP jf gePsf],
-ª_ k|:tfj ;DjGwL sfuhftdf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbOPsf] lgb]z { g cg'?k k|:tfj k"0f{ eP jf
gePsf]] .
!&)= cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Nbf 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]{M -!_ k|flws/0fn]
ljlgod !^* sf] pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rLdf ;dfa]z ePsf k|:tfjbftfnfO{ cfly{s
k|:tfj vf]Ng] :yfg, ldlt / ;do pNn]v u/L ;f] ldlt / ;dodf pkl:yt x'g ;"rgf lbg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfjbftfnfO{ pkl:yt x'g ;"rgf lb+bf /fli6«o :t/sf]] k|:tfjsf]
xsdf slDtdf ;ft lbg / cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf] k|:tfjsf] xsdf slDtdf kGw| lbgsf] cjlw
lbg' kg]5
{ .
!&!= cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ngg]M] -!_ k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Ígaf6 of]Uo eO{ ljlgod !&) sf] pk–
ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf lbO{Psf k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng' kg]5 { .
-@_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn]] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd vf]Nbf k|:tfjbftf jf
lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] pkl:yltdf vf]Ng' kg]5 { .
t/ k|:tfabftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglw pkl:yt gePsf] sf/0fn] cfly{s k|:tfj vf]Ng
afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd cfly{s k|:tfjsf] vfd vf]n] kl5 d"NofÍg ;ldltn] k|:tfjbftfsf]
gfd, lghn] k|fljlws k|:tfjdf k|fKt u/]sf] c+s / cfly{s k|:tfjdf k|:tfj u/]sf] ;]jf z'Ns
k9]/ ;'gfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] d'rN' sf tof/ ug'{ kg]5
{ M—
-s_ k|:tfjbftfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ k|:tfljt ;]jf z'Ns,
-u_ k|:tfljt ;]jf z'Nsdf s'g} 5'6 lbg k|:tfa ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] Joxf]/f,

-3_ c+s / cIf/sf aLr leGgtf eP ;f] leGgtfsf] ljj/0f,
-ª_ cfly{s k|:tfjdf k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf] k|ltlglwsf] x:tfIf/ eP gePsf,]
-r_ cfly{s k|:tfjdf s'g} s'/f jf Aoxf]/f s]/d]6 u/]sf] eP ;f] 7f+pdf k|:tfjbftf jf lghsf]
k|ltlglwn] x:tfIf/ u/] gu/]sf] tyf s]/d]6 u/]sf] /sd / Joxf]/f,
-5_ k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm 7fg]sf] cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-$_ pQL0ff{Í+ k|fKt gug]{ k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lghsf] k|fljlws k|:tfj 5gf}6 x'g g;s]sf] sf/0f
v'ns ] f] ;"rgf ;lxt lghsf] cfly{s k|:tfj gvf]nL lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5 { .
!&@= cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+ÍggMM -!_ k|:tfj ;DaGwL sfuhftdf cGoyf pNn]v ul/Psf]df jfx]s
cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Íg k|of]hgsf] nflu ;f] k|:tfjdf d"No clea[lWb s/ afx]s k|rlnt sfg"g
jdf]lhd k/fdz{bftfnfO{ nfUg] s/ tyf k/fdz{bftfsf] e|d0f, ;DalGwt sfuhftsf] cg'jfb,
k|ltj]bg 5kfO{ jf lz/f]ef/ vr{ h:tf ;f]wegf{ x'g] vr{ ;d]t lghsf] ;]jf z'Nsdf ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] dflgg] 5 .
-@_ d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] k|To]s k|:tfjbftfsf] cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Íg ubf{ k|:tfjdf s'g} c+s
ul0ftLo q'6L kfOPdf k|flws/0fn] To:tf] q'l6 ;Rofpg ;Sg]5 / To;/L q'6L ;Rofp+bf
OsfO b/ / s"n /sddf leGgtf ePdf OsfO b/ dfGo x'g5 ] / ;f]xL b/ adf]lhd s"n
/sd ;Rofpg' kg]5 { . To;/L q'6L ;RofO{Psf] ePdf ;f]sf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{
lbg' kg]5 { .
-#_ k|:tfjbftfn] cfly{s k|:tfjdf pNn]v u/]sf] /sd c+s / cIf/df km/s k/]df cIf/df
n]lvPsf] /sd dfGo x'g5 ] .
-$_ ljlgod !&! sf] pk–ljlgod -#_ -u_ adf]lhd k|:tfljt ;]jf z'Nsdf k|:tfjbftfn] s'g} 5'6
lbg k|:tfa ul/Psf] s'/f cfly{s k|:tfj vf]ns ] f] d'rN' sfdf pNn]v ePsf] eP d"Nof+Íg
;ldltn] To;/L 5'6 lbg k|:tfj ul/Psf] /sd ;dfof]hg ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -@_, -#_ / -$_ adf]lhdsf] d"Nof+Íg kl5 ;a} k|:tfjbftfsf] sfod x'g cfPsf]
;]jf z'Nssf] ;"rL tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-^_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw ckgfO{Psf]df k|fljlws k|:tfj / cfly{s
k|:tfjsf] ;+oQ ' m d"NofÍg u/L pk–ljlgod -&_ adf]lhd ;a} eGbf a9L c+s k|fKt ug]{
k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhd k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ / nfut ljlw ckgfO{Psf] ePdf
d"Nof+Íg ;ldltn] b]xfo adf]lhd k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Íg u/L ;kmn
k|:tfjbftfsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5 { M
-s_ d"Nof+Íg ul/g] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] k|fKtf+snfO{ k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] nflu
5'6o\ fO{Psf] c+s ef/n]] u'0fg u/L k|fKt u'0fgkmnnfO{ Ps ;on] efu ubf{ cfpg] efukmnsf]
c+s k|fljlws k|:tfasf] v'b k|fKtf+s x'g5 ] .

-v_ k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] d"Nof+Ígaf6 ;kmn ePsf k|:tfax? dWo] ;a}eGbf 36L ;]jf z'Ns /
sdnfO{ cfly{s k|:tfjsf] nflu 5'6o\ fO{Psf] c+s ef/n]] u'0fg u/L k|fKt u'0fgkmnnfO{
d"Nof+Íg ul/g] k|:tfjbftfsf] ;]jf z'Ns /sdn] efu ubf{ cfpg] efukmnsf] c+s cfly{s
k|:tfasf] v'b k|fKtf+s x'g5] .
-u_ pkv08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] k|fljlws k|:tfjsf] k|fKtf+s / pkv08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] cfly{s
k|:tfjsf] v'b k|fKtf+s hf]8L ;+oQ' m d"NofÍg ubf{ ;a} eGbf a9L c+s kfpg] k|:tfjbftf
;kmn x'g] x'b+ f lghsf] k|:tfanfO{ 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5
{ .
k|fljlws k|:tfj / cfly{s k|:tfjsf] ;+oQ ' m d"Nof+Íg ug]{ pbfx/0fM
-!_ k|fljlws k|:tfjnfO{ 5'6o\ fOPsf] s"n c+Íef/ = *)
lgwf{l/t ptL0ff{Í Nofpg] s, v / u k|:tfjbftfn] k|fljlws k|:tfjdf kfPsf] c+Í M–
s= = ()
v= = *%
u= = *)
pko'Q { m c+Ísf] cfwf/df k|fljlws k|:tfjdf kfpg] cÍ u0fgf ug]{ tl/sf M–
s== () X *) = &@
v= = *% X *) = ^*
u= = *) X *) = ^$
-@_ cfly{s k|:tfjnfO{ 5'6o\ fOPsf] c+Íef/ = @)
k|fljlws k|:tfjdf ptL0f{ ePsf s, v / u k|:tfjbftfn] cfly{s k|:tfjdf saf]n u/]sf]
/sd M–
s= == $,%),))).–
v= == $,#),))).–
u= = = $,@),))).–
t;y{ ;j}eGbf 36L saf]n u/]sf] /sd = $,@),))).–
pko'Q { m c+Ísf] cfwf/df cfly{s k|:tfjdf kfpg] cÍ u0fgf ug]{ tl/sf M–
s= = $,@),))) X @) = !*=^^
v= = $,@),))) X @) = !(=%#
u= = $,@),))) X @) = @)=))
k| : tfjbftf k| f ljlws cfly{ s s"n c+s s} l kmot
k| : tfjsf] v' b k| : tfjsf] v' b
k| f KtfÍ k| f KtfÍ
s &@ !*=^^ ()=^^ ;a} eGbf a9L s"n c+s kfpg]
k|:tfjbftf æsÆ 5gf}6 ug'k{ g]{ .
v ^* !(=%# *&=%#
u ^$ @)=)) *$=))
-*_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ u'0f:t/ ljlw ckgfO{Psf] ePdf k|fljlws k|:tfjdf pRrtd c+s k|fKt
ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] dfq k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-(_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ lglZrt ah]6 ljlw ckgfO{Psf]df To:tf] ah]6sf] ;Ldf eGbf
a9L /sdsf] cfly{s k|:tfj k]z ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj /2 ul/g]5 / To:tf] ah]6sf]
;Ldf leq k/L k|fljlws k|:tfjdf pRrtd c+s k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-!)_ k|:tfjsf] 5gf}6 ug{ Go"g nfut ljlw ckgfO{Psf]df k|fljlws k|:tfjdf ;kmn x'g tf]lsPsf]
plQ0f{fÍ k|fKt ug]{ k|:tfabftfx? dWo] ;a} eGbf sd /sdsf] cfly{s k|:tfj k]z ug]{
k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!&#= k|:tfj c:jLs[t ug]{ / vl/b sf/afxL /2 ug]{M -!_ b]xfosf cj:yfdf k|flws/0fn] ;Dk"0f{
k|:tfj c:jLs[t ug{ jf vl/b sfjf{xL /2 ug{ ;Sg]5M—
-s_ k|fKt ;Dk"0f{ k|:tfj sfo{If]qut zt{x? cg';f/ ;f/e"t?kdf k|efju|fxL gePdf,
v_ nfut cg'dfg / pknAw ah]6 eGbf 5gf}6 ePsf]] k|:tfjbftfsf] cfly{s k|:tfasf] /sd
;f/e"t ?kdf a9L ePdf,
-u_ k/fdz{ ;]jf cfjZos gkg]{ ePdf, jf
-3_ k|:tfjbftfn] cfk;df ldnf]dtf] u/L k|:tfj lbPsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf .
t/ ldnf]dtf] gu/]sf k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj pk/ sf/afxL ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!&$= jftf{ ug{ ;lsg]M -!_ ljlgod !&@ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftf;Fu sfo{ If]qut / k|:tfljt
;]jfsf] sfo{If]q, k|utL k|lta]bg, k|flws/0fn] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ ;'ljwf h:tf ljifodf jftf{ ug{
;lsg]5 .
-@_ ljlgod !&@ sf] pk–ljlgod -*_ sf] ca:yfdf afx]s cfly{s k|:tfjsf] ;DaGwdf
k]zfljbx?sf] kfl/>lds ;DaGwdf jftf{ x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
t/ ;f]wegf{ x'g] k|sl[ tsf vr{ ;DaGwdf jftf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd jftf{ ubf{ k|flws/0f / k|:tfjbftf b'an
} fO{ :jLsfo{ x'g] ;xdlt xfl;n
x'g g;s]df ;f] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbO{ k|flws/0fn] ljlgod !&@
sf] pk–ljlgod -&_, -*_ / -(_ sf] k|:tfjssf] xsdf To;kl5sf] pRrtd c+s k|fKt ug]{
/ ;f]xL ljlgodsf] pk–ljlgod -!)_ sf] k|:tfjsf] xsdf To;kl5sf] ;j}eGbf sd ;]jf
z'Ns ePsf] csf]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu qmd};uF aftf{ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd ePsf] jftf{sf] dfO{Go'6 /fVg' kg]5 { / jftf{df ePsf ;xdltnfO{
;Demf}tfsf] cleGg c+usf] ?kdf /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-%_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftf;+u jftf{ ubf{ k|flws/0fn] k|:tfj 5gf}6
ePsf] ;ft lbg leq !)^ To:tf] k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ldlt, ;do / :yfg vf]nL jftf{ ug{
cfpg slDtdf ;ft lbgsf] ;dofjlw lbO{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]5 { .
-^_ pk ljlgod-%_ adf] l hd k| : tfjbftfnfO{ jftf{ s f] nflu af] n fpbf /fli6« o :t/
sf] k|:tfj eP ;ft lbg / cGt/fli6«o :t/sf] k|:tfj eP kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbg'
kg]{5 . !)&
-&_ ljlgod !&% adf] l hd ;Demf} t f ug] { k/fdz{ b ftfn] ;Demf} t f u/] s f] tL; lbg
leq ;Demf} t fsf] s' n /sd ;d] 6 g] u/L k| f lws/0fnfO{ lgzt{ e' S tfgL x' g ]
k]zfut bfloTj aLdf – k|f]km];gn nfolaln6L OG;f]/]G;_ k]z ug'{ kg]{5 . !)*
-*_ o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd ;Demf}tf ug]{ k/fdz{bftfn] pk ljlgod-&_ adf]lhdsf]
Dofbleq k] z fut bfloTj aLdf bflvnf gu/] d f k| f lws/0fn] To:tf] vl/b
;Demf} t fsf] cGTo u/L lghnfO{ sfnf] ; ' r Ldf /fVg ;DalGwt lgsfodf
l;kmfl/; u/L k7fpg' kg]{5 . !)(
!&%= vl/b ;Demf}tf ug
ug]M{] -!_ ljlgod !&$ adf]lhd ePsf] jftf{df ;xdltdf k'us ] f] k|:tfjbftfsf]
k|:tfj :jLs[t ug{sf] nflu 5gf}6 ul/g] 5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj 5gf}6 ePsf] ;ft lbg leq clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln]
To;/L 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{ cfzosf] ;"rgf ;DalGwt k|:tfjbftfnfO{ lbg /
;"lrdf k/]sf cGo k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;f]sf] hfgsf/L lbg lg0f{o u/L ;f]xL adf]lhd
hfgsf/L lbg' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd ;"rgf lbPsf] ;ft lbg leq s'g} k|:tfjbftfn] ljlgod !*^
adf]lhd lga]bg gu/]df pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj clwsf/
k|fKt clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t ul/g]5 / To:tf] k|:tfjsf] k|:tfjbftfnfO{ ;Demf}tf ug{ cfpg kGw|
lbgsf] cjlw lbO{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw leq lgh ;Demf}tf ug{ pkl:yt ePdf lgh;+u o; ljlgod
adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]5
{ / ;Demf}tf ug{ pkl:yt gePdf k|flws/0fn] ljlgod !&@ sf]
pk–ljlgod -&_, -*_ / -(_ sf] k|:tfjssf] xsdf To;kl5sf] pRrtd c+s k|fKt ug]{ /
!)^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!)&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!)*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!)(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

;f]xL ljlgodsf] pk–ljlgod -!)_ sf] k|:tfjsf] xsdf To;kl5sf] ;j}eGbf sd ;]jf
z'Ns ePsf] csf]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu qmd};uF jftf{ u/L o; ljlgod adf]lhd ;Demf}tf ug'{
{ .
!&^= tfnLd, uf]i7L / ;]ldgf/ h:tf ;]jf ;f]e}m jftf{af6 vl/b ug{ ;lsg]M k|flws/0fnfO{
pkof]uL / cfjZos kg]{ tfnLd, uf]i7L / ;]ldgf/ h:tf ljifodf ;]jf lng' k/]df tLg nfv
?k}ofF;Ddsf] ;]jfdf pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { sn] / ;f] eGbf dflysf] /sdsf] xsdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo
clws[tsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ ;f]em} jftf{af6 vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!&&= k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/bsf] cGo ljlw ljlwMM -!_ b]xfosf] ca:yfdf s'g} k/fdz{bftfnfO{ of]Uotfsf]
cfwf/df lgo'Qm ug{ ;lsg]5M–
-s_ s'g} sfd ug{ pRr :t/sf] laz]if1tf cfjZos k/]df,
-v_ k/fdz{ 5f]6f] ;dosf] nflu cfjZos k/]df jf k/fdz{ bftf lgo'Qm ug{] ;do Go"g ePdf,
-u_ cfjZos sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ s]xL k/fdz{bftf dfq of]Uo ePdf jf,
-3_ k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ug{ w]/} ;do nfUg] eO{ ;do ckof{Kt ePdf .
-@_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd k/fdz{bftfsf] 5gf}6 ubf{ of]Uo k/fdz{bftfx?;+u xfn;fn}sf]
a}olSts ljj/0f tyf cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd d"NofÍg tyf
ljlgod !&$ adf]lhd jftf{ u/L ljlgod !&% adf]lhd ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd k/dz{bftf 5gf}6 ug{ k/fdz{bftfx?;+u a}olSts ljj/0f / cfly{s
k|:tfj dfu ug'{ cl3 5gf}6 ljlwsf] lgwf{/0f ug'k{ g]5
{ .
!&& -s_
k| f lws/0fn] k/fdz{ ;] j fdf efu lng] ;DjGwL Joj:yf !!)
-!_ k| f lws/0fn] cfkm\ g f] ;fwg >f] t pknaw u/fO{ jfXo lgsfosf] sfo{ ug{
Eofpg] ePdf P]gsf] bkmf !^ cg';f/ Aofkfl/s l;4fGt cg'z/0f u/L g]kfn
;/sf/ jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jfldTj jf lgoGq0fdf /x]sf] jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
cg'bfg jf ;xof]udf ;+rfng ePsf] jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd btf{ ePsf] jf
ljB' t sf] ;j] { I f0f, pTkfbg, k| z f/0f tyf ljt/0f ug] { cg' d lt k| f Kt u/] s f]
;+ u l7t ;+ : yf jf To:tf] p2] Z on] v8f ePsf] :jb] z L jf ljb] z L ;+ u l7t
;+:yfnfO{ ljB'tsf] ;j]{If0f, pTkfbg, k|zf/0f tyf ljt/0f / ;f] ;+u ;DjlGwt
sfo{x?df k|fljlws ;Nnfx jf k/fdz{ ;]jf pknJw u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkljlgod -!_ adf] l hdsf] sfdsf] nflu /fli6« o tyf cGt/f{ l i6« o ;+ : yfn]
af]nkq jf cGo s'g} dfWodaf6 k|:tfj cfJxfg u/]df k|flws/0fn] Psn jf
cGo s'g} ;+:yf;+u ldnL ;+o'Qm pkqmddf af]nkq jf k|:tfj k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ k|flws/0fsf] tkm{af6 k|fljlws ;Nnfx jf k/fdz{ ;]jf pknJw u/fpbf d'Vo
k|zf;lso clws[tsf] :jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
!!)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

kl/R5]b– !^
vl/b ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf

!&*= l;naGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL Joj:yf Joj:yfMM -!_ aL; nfv ?k}+ofF;Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf]
dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf jf lgdf{0f sfo{ l;njGbL b/efpkq cfJxfg u/L vl/b ug{
;lsg] 5 . !!!
-@_ l;njGbL b/efpkq dfu ug'{ cl3 vl/b ug]{ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cGo ;]jfsf]
:k]l;lkms]zg, u'0f:t/, kl/df0f, cfk"lt{sf zt{x?, ;do tyf cGo cfjZos s'/fx?sf] ljj/0f /
b]xfosf s'/f ;d]t pNn]v u/L l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] kmf/fd tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { M—
-s_ cfk"lt{ ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfg, ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ ;]jfsf] ljj/0f,
-v_ l;naGbL b/efpkqbftfsf] of]Uotf -lgdf{0f vl/b afx]s_
-u_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ eP ;f] s'/f,
-3_ l;naGbL b/efpkq dfGo /xg] cjlw,
-ª_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fddf b/efpkqbftfn]] /Ltk"js { ;xL5fk u/]sf]] x'g' kg]{ s'/f,
-r_ l;naGbL b/efpkq d"NofÍg ug]{ tl/sf,
-5_ dfn;fdfgsf] xsdf jf/G6L ;DaGwL bfloTj / lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf q'l6 ;Rofpg] cjlw
;Ddsf] bfloTj .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] b/efpkqsf] kmf/fddf ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn]
tf]ss] f] sd{rf/Lsf] b:tvt eO{ k|flws/0fsf] 5fk nfu]sf] x'g' kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd kmf/fd tof/ ePkl5 k|flws/0fn] l;naGbL b/efpkq dfu ug{
/fli6«o jf :yfgLo :t/sf] ;dfrf/ kqdf slDtdf kGw| lbgsf] cjlw lbO{ ;"rgf k|sfzg
ug'{ kg]5{ / To:tf] ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M—
-s_ l;naGbL b/efpkq kmf/fd kfO{g] :yfg / ;f] jfkt nfUg] b:t'/,
-v_ hdfgt cfjZos kg]{ eP ;f]sf] lsl;d, /sd / ;dofjlw,
-u_ l;naGbL b/efpkq k7fpg] tl/sf,
-3_ l;naGbL b/efpkq k7fpg' kg]{ sfof{no jf clwsf/Lsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-ª_ l;naGbL b/efpkq bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ clGtd ldlt / ;do,
-r_ l;naGbL b/efpkq vf]Ng] ldlt, ;do / :yfg,
-h_ lgdf{0f vl/bsf] xsdf nfut cg'dfg,
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-%_ l;njGbL b/efpkq k]z ug{ OR5's JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] Ps xhf/ !!@ ?k}o+ fF
lt/L k|flws/0faf6 b/efpkqsf] kmf/fd vl/b u/L ;f]xL kmf/fddf b/efp pNn]v u/L dfu
ePsf sfuhftx? ;+nUg u/L l;njGbL b/efpkq k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
!!!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!!@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
-^_ l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] dfGo cjlw k+t} fnL; lbgsf] x'g5 ] .
-&_ l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] hdfgt dfu ubf{ :jLs[t nfut cg'dfg /sdsf] b'O{ b]lv tLg
k|ltzt /sdsf] ;Ldfleq /xL lglZrt /sd tf]sL l;naGbL b/efpkq dfusf] ;"rgfdf
hdfgt /sd pNn]v ug{' kg]5 { . o:tf] hdfgt /sd gub jf jfl0fHo a}s + af6 krxQ/
lbgsf] dfGo cjlw /xg] u/L hf/L ePsf] a}s + hdfgt -a}s + Uof/]G6L_ l;naGbL b/efpkq
lbg] JolQm, kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfn] l;naGbL b/efpkq;fy k]z ug{' kg]5 {
-*_ Psk6s k]z ePsf] l;njGbL b/efpkq lkmtf{ jf ;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-(_ pkljgod -$_ adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ tLgeGbf sd l;naGbL b/efpkq k]z x'g
cfPdf To:tf] l;naGbL b/efpkqnfO{ sfod /fvL ;f]xL pkljgod adf]lhd bf];f| ] k6s
;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5{ .
-!)_ pkljgod -(_ adf]lhd bf];f| ] k6s ;"rgf k|sfzg ubf{ klg cfjZos ;+Vofdf l;naGbL
b/efpkq k]z x'g gcfPdf k]z x'g cfPsf b/efpkq dWo]af6 b/efpkq :jLs[t ug{ afwf
kg]{ 5}g .
-!!_ l;njGbL b/efpkq k]z ug]{ clGtd ;do ;lsPsf] nut} k|flws/0fn] l;njGbL b/efpkq
cfJxfgsf] ;"rgfdf tf]lsPsf] :yfgdf ;Dej eP;Dd l;njGbL b/efpkqbftf jf lghsf]
k|ltlglwsf] /f]xj/df Dofb leq kg{ cfPsf l;njGbL b/efpkq vf]Ng' kg]5 { .
-!@_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] l;naGbL b/efpkqsf] kl/If0f / d"NofÍg ug]5 { .
-!#_ pk–ljlgod -!!_ adf]lhd l;njGbL b/efpkq vf]ns ] f] ldltaf6 kGw| lbgleq pk–ljlgod
-@_ adf]lhdsf zt{x? k"/f u/L nfut cg'dfg leq k/]sf] Go"gtd /sd saf]n ug]{ b/
efpkqbftfsf] b/efpkq sfof{no k|dv ' n] :jLs[t ug'{ kg]5 { .
-!$_ pk–ljlgod -!#_ adf]lhd l;njGbL b/efpkq :jLs[t ePsf]] ;ft lbgleq k|flws/0fn]
;DalGwt b/efpkqbftfnfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ cfpg ;"rgf lbg' kg]5 { .
-!%_ pk–ljlgod -!$_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|fKt ug]{ l;njGbL b/efpkqbftfn] ;f] ;"rgf kfPsf]
ldltn] ;ft lbgleq cfkm"n] sjf]n u/]sf] cÍsf] ljlgod !!* sf] pk ljlgod-@_ sf]
v08 b! !!# cg';f/sf] gub} jf g]kfn /fi6« a}s + af6 cg'dlt k|fKt s'g} jfl0fHo a}s + n]
hf/L u/]sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt -k/kmd]G; Uof/]G6L_ k]z u/L vl/b ;Demf}tf ug'{
kg]5{ .
-!^_ l;njGbL b/efpkqbftfn] pk–ljlgod -&_ adf]lhd /fv]sf] hdfgt b]xfosf] cj:yfdf
hkmt x'g5 ] M–
-s_ 5gf}6 ePsf] l;njGbL b/efpkqbftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf gu/]df,
-v_ l;njGbL b/efpkq kmf/fddf plNnlvt sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ Dofb
leq lbg g;s]df,
-u_ vl/b P]gsf bkmf ^@ adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f ljk/Lt sfd u/]df .
!!#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-!&_ l;njGbL b/efpkq ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf kl/R5]b rf}w|df pNn]v eP adf]lhd
] g\ .
Joj:yfM -!_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f pNn]v eP
!&(= ;f]em} vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf
tfklg Ps nfv ¿k}of eGbf sd /sdsf] dfn ;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf
cGo ;] j f ;f] e m} vl/b ug{ ;lsg] 5 . Ps nfv ¿k} o feGbf dfly kfF r nfv
¿k} o f ;Ddsf] dfn ;fdfg, cGo ;] j f, lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ , k/fdz{ ;] j f / bznfv
;Ddsf] x] l nsK6/af6 u/fO{ g ] 9' j fgL ;] j f, clwsf/ k| f Kt clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[ l tdf
tLg b/efp kq lnO{ Go" g td sa' n ug] { b/efpkq bftf;F u ;f] e m} vl/b ug{
;lsg] 5 . !!$
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ubf{ sfo{If]qut zt{ tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg kGw| nfv ?k}ofF ;Ddsf]
g]kfndf pTkflbt dfn;fdfg pTkfbsaf6 vl/b ubf{ ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ / -#_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Ps cfly{s aif{df Ps} k6s
jf k6s–k6s u/L ;f]xL pk ljlgoddf plNnlvt ;LdfeGbf a9L /sdsf] Pp6} JolQm,
kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+:yfaf6 Ps k6seGbf a9L ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-%_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg k|flws/0fnfO{ cfaZos kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf]
pTkfbs g] k fndf Pp6f dfq ePsf] / cGo pko' Q m ljsNk gePdf d' V o
k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] l:js[tLdf ;f]xL Joxf]/f clen]v u/L pTkfbs;Fu ;f]em} vl/b
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -#_ / -%_ adf]lhd pTkfbsaf6 ;f]em} vl/b ubf{ b]xfosf zt{x? k"/f u/]sf]
pTkfbsaf6 ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-s_ To:tf] pTkfbsn] cfkm\gf] pTkfbgsf] v'bf| tyf l8n/ lalqm d"No ;"rL /fli6«o:t/sf]
;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg u/]sf],
-v_ To:tf] pTkfbsn] :yfgLo l8n/nfO{ lbP ;/xsf] 5"6 k|flws/0fnfO{ lbPsf] .
-&_ pkljlgod -!_ adf]lhd Ps nfv !!% eGbf a9L /sdsf] ;f]em} vl/b ubf{ df}hb' f ;"lrdf
/x]sf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Aoj;foL, jf ;]jfk|bfosaf6 lnlvt ?kdf b/efpkq jf k|:tfj
dfu u/L vl/b ug'k{ g]5 { .
-*_ b]xfPsf] ca:yfdf pk–ljlgod -!_ / -#_ df plNnlvt ;Ldf eGbf dflysf] dfn;fdfg,
lgdf{0f sfo{, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf b]xfo adf]lhd ;f]em} vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5M—
-s_ vl/b ;DaGwL zt{x? k"/f ug]{ k|fljlws bIftf jf Ifdtf Pp6f dfq cfk"lt{stf{ jf lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jfk|bfos;Fu ePdf ;ldltsf] l:js[ltdf,
-v_ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug]{ clwsf/ Pp6f dfq cfk"lt{stf{;uF ePsf] / cGo pko'Qm
ljsNk gePdf sfof{no k|dv ' sf] l:js[ltdf,
!!$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!!%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-u_ df}hb' f dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf jf hl8t ;+oGqsf] kf6{kh " f{sf] k|lt:yfkg jf lj:tf/ ug{
cfk"lt{stf{ jf ;]jf k|bfos kl/jt{g u/]df k|flws/0fdf /x]sf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf jf hl8t
;+oGqsf] k|lt:yfkg jf lj:tf/ ug{ g;lsg] cj:yf k|dfl0ft eO{ ;fljssf] lgdf{tf jf
cfk"lt{stf{ k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos jf lghsf] cflwsfl/s las|tfaf6 k|fk] f| O6/L
:j?ksf] cltl/Qm dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf vl/b ug'{ k/]df b]xfo adf]lhsf] ;ldltsf]
l;kmfl/zdf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf]] l:js[ltdfM
-s_ ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s – ;+of]hs
-v_ Tffn's sfof{nosf] lgb]z
{ s – ;b:o
-u_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] tf]ss
] f] tx bz jf ;f] dflysf] clws[t – ;b:o
-3_ k|ltlglw cy{ -tx bz jf ;f] dflysf] clws[t_ – ;b:o
-ª_ ;DalGwt sfof{nosf] sfof{no k|dv
' – ;b:o ;lra
t/ o; v08 adf]lhdsf] k|fk] fO6/L dfn;fdfg ;f]em} vl/b ubf{ hl8t ;+oGqsf]
;fljs d"Nosf] tL; k|ltzt d"No;Dd vl/b ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-3_ k"jf{gd
' fg ug{ g;lsPsf] sf/0fn] z'? ;Demf}tfdf ;dfj]z gePsf] / z'? ;Demf}tfaf6
cnu u/L ;DkGg ug{ k|fljlws jf cfly{s sf/0fn] sl7gfO{ x'g] eO cTofjZos lgdf{0f
sfo{,{ dfn;fdfg, k/fdz{ ;]jf jf cGo ;]jf ;fljss} lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{,
k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosaf6 vl/b ug'{ k/]df ljlgod !(^ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/Lsf]
-ª_ ;DalGwt sfdsf] nflu s'g} ljlZfi6 -o'lgs_ of]Uotf ePsf] vf; k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf
tTsfn cfaZostf ePdf jf ;fljssf] k/fdz{bftfaf6 g} ;]jf lng' kg]{ ckl/xfo{ sf/0f
ePdf d'Vo k|zf;lgs clws[tsf] !!^ l:js[ltdf, jf
-r_ 3/ ef8fdf lngsf] nflu /fli6«o:t/sf] klqsfdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L 3/ef8fdf lng] k|so[ f
cl3 a9fPsf] cj:yfdf a9Ldf tLg dlxgfsf] nflu jftf{ u/L clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf]
-5_ ljz]if kl/l:ylt cfO{ k/]df ;f] ;DaGwL ljj/0f, tTsfn vl/b gubf{ k|flws/0fsf] lxtdf
kg]{ ;+s6 tyf vl/bsf cGo ljlw ckgfpg g;lsg] sf/0f v'nfO{ To:tf] kl/l:yltsf]
;fdgf ug{ cfjZos kl/df0f / ;dfofjlwsf nflu dfq d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf]
l:js[ltdf .
-h_ k| f lws/0fn] csf] { ;fa{ h lgs lgsfo;+ u tyf pSt lgsfosf] clwsf/ k| f Kt
clwsf/Ln] tf]s]sf] ljs|Ldf]ndf vl/b ug'{ k/]df / k|flws/0fsf] Ps sfof{non]
csf]{ sfof{no;Fu s'g} vl/b ug'{ k/]df, !!&
!!^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)$.@) sf] &%* cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] lålto ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!!&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-h!_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f pNn]v ePtfklg g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf
clwsf+; :jfldTj /x]sf] ;+:yfg/ sDklg / lgsfo jf g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] k"0f{
jf clwsf+; :jfldTj /x]sf] sDklg ;+u dfn;fdfg,lgdf0f{sfo{, k/fdz{ ;]jf / cGo
;]jf ;d]t ;f]em} vl/b ug{ s'g} jfwf kg]{ 5}g . !!*
-em_ k|flws/0fn] s'g} cGt/fli6«o cGt/ ;/sf/L ;+:yf jf ljb]zL d'n'ssf] ;/sf/ jf
To:tf] d'n'ssf] ;fa{hlgs lgsfo;+u ;f] ;+:yf jf d'n's jf lgsfon] tf]s]sf]
b//] 6 df dfn;fdfg jf ;] j f vl/b ug' { k/] d f, !!(
-`_ pk ljlgod-*_ sf] v08 -h_ /- em_ adf]lhd vl/b ubf{ s'g} hdfgt /fVg' kg]{
5}g . !@)
-(_ pk–ljlgod -*_ -5_ adf]lhd bznfv ?k}ofF eGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b u/]sf] ePdf
To;/L vl/b ePsf] ljj/0fsf] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]5 { / ;f]sf] hfgsf/L
;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ k7fpg' kg]5 { .
-!)_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd ;f]em} vl/b ug'{ kbf{ cfˆgf] cfjZostf, vl/bsf] u'0f:t/, kl/df0f,
cfk"lt{sf] zt{ / ;do ;DaGwL s'/fsf] lnlvt ljj/0f tof/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
!*)= ;f]em} vl/b ug'{ cl3 olsg ug'{ kg]{ s'/fM -!_ k|flws/0fn] ;f]e}m vl/b ug'{ cl3 b]xfosf
s'/f olsg ug'{ kg]5{ M–
-s_ vl/b ug'{ kg]{ dfn;fdfg e08f/df df}Hbft eP jf gePsf],
-v_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;Fu vl/b ;Demf}tf
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ cfjZos of]Uotf eP jf gePsf],
-u_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosn] k|flws/0fsf] dfu
adf]lhd k]z u/]sf] k|:tfj To:tf] lgsfon] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] :k]l;lkms]zg tyf k|fljlws
u'0f:t/ adf]lhdsf] eP jf gePsf],
-3_ k|:tfljt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf cGo ;]jf k|bfosaf6 k|:tfj
ul/Psf] d"No plrt eP jf gePsf], /
-ª_ k|fk] /fO{6/L :j?ksf] dfn;fdfg vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf lgdf{tfaf6 lgwf{/0f ePsf] b/ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhdsf] d"No plrt eP gePsf] s'/f olsg ug{ k|flws/0fn]
ahf/ cWoog, k"j{ vl/b d"No, nfut cg'dfgsf cfwf/df b/ ljZn]if0f u/L k|:tfljt
lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf cGo ;]jf k|bfos;Fu jftf{ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{ kqfrf/sf] dfWodaf6 ;d]t ug{ ;lsg]5 .
!*!= 3/, hUUff ef8fdf lng] ;DaGwL Joj:yf Joj:yfMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] 3/, hUuf ef8fdf lng' kbf{
clwsf/ k| f Kt clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{ o cg' ; f/ lng' kg] { 5 . !@!
!!*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)$.@) sf] &%* cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] lålto ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!!(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!@)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!@!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ef8fdf lnbf sDtLdf kGw| lbgsf] cjlwsf] ;"rgf /fli6«o
:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf k|sfzg u/L k|:tfj dfu ug'{ kg]5 { .
t/ dfl;s 3/ ef8f bz xhf/ ?k}of;Dd kg]{df Ps txdflysf] clwsf/Lsf]
:jLs[ltdf Psn b/efpkq lnO{ jftf{åf/f lng ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf k|flws/0fn] b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg' kg]5 { M–
-s_ k|flws/0fsf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ 3/ hUuf cfjZos ePsf] If]q jf :yfg
-u_ ef8fdf lng vf]hs ] f] 3/ hUufsf] k|sl[ t, If]qkmn / cGo cfjZos ljj/0f,
-3_ 3/ hUufwgLn] k|:tfj k]z ug]{ tl/sf / To:tf] k|:tfjsf ;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ Go"gtd ljj/0f,
-ª_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug]{ :yfg / clGtd ldlt,
-5_ 3/ hUufsf] ef8f e'QmfgLsf zt{x? / s/ s§Lsf] ljifo /
-h_ k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm 7fg]sf cGo s'/f .
-$_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq bflvnf ePsf] 3/ hUuf ef8fdf lbg]
k|:tfj vf]nL d"NofÍg ;ldltdf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd bflvnf ePsf k|:tfjsf]
d"NofÍg b]xfosf cfwf/df u/L 3/ hUufsf] ef8f lgwf{/0f u/L l:js[ltsf nflu
k|flws/0f ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5{ M–
-s_ 3/ hUuf /x]sf] :yfg / af6f]sf] ;'ljwf,
-v_ 3/ hUufsf] agfj6 / If]qkmn,
-u_ ef}lts ;'ljwf,
-3_ 3/ hUufsf] kl/;/,
-ª_ 3/ hUufwgLn] k|:tfj u/]sf] ef8f /sd, /
-r_ 3/ef8fsf] k|rlnt b//]6 .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd ePsf] l;kmfl/z / cfaZostfg';f/ jftf{ ;d]t u/L clwsf/
k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] l:js[lt lnO{ ;DalGwt 3/ hUufwgL;Fu ;Demf}tf u/L 3/ hUuf ef8fdf
lng' kg]5
{ .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf 3/ hUuf wgL / k|flws/0fsf] d~h'/Ldf gjLs/0f ug{
;lsg]5 .
-*_ 3/ hUuf ef8fsf] b//]6df a[l4 ug{' k/]df ah]6sf] Joj:yf ldnfO{ Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[lt lng' kg{5 ] .
!*@= cGo ;] j f lng] ;DaGwL sfo{ l jlwM !@@ -!_ ;jf/L ;fwg, pks/0f jf dfn;fdfg
ef8fdf lng], 9'jfgL ug]{ jf dfn;fdfg dd{t ;+ef/ ug]{, ;/;kmfO{ ug]{, ld6/l/l8Ë
!@@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

ug]{, ;'/Iff ;]jf lng], ;km\6j]o/ ;kf]6{ ug]{, lr7\7Lkq cf];f/ k|;f/-s'l/o/ ;le{;_ ,
6]lnkmf]g, ljB't / wf/fsf] ;~rfng tyf /]vb]v , au}+rfsf] ;Def/ / /]vb]v, 6fO{lkª,
8«fO{leª, kfgLsf] cfk"lt{,;"rgf k|sfzg tyf k|flws/0fsf] b}lgs sfo{ ;~rfng ug{ cfjZos
kg{] ;]jf lng' k/]df k|flws/0fn] s'g} JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgL;Fu s/f/ u/L To:tf] ;]jf
s/f/df lng ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;]jf s/f/df lnbf To:tf] ;]jfsf] cfjZostf, lsl;d, ;dofjwL,
u'0f:t/, ;]jf, ;+rfng ljlw, nfUg] df]6fdf]6L vr{ / sfo{If]qut zt{ tof/ u/L d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[t !@# af6 ;}4flGts :jLs[lt lng' kg]5 { .
-#_ kfFr nfv ?k}ofFF;Dd ;]jf z'Ns nfUg] ;]jf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] ljlgod
!&(-!_ tyf -&_ cg';f/ k|:tfj lnO{ jftf{ u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5 . ;f] /sd
eGbf a9L jL; nfv;Dd ;] j f z' N s nfUg] ;] j fsf] xsdf k| f lws/0fn] kGw|
lbgsf] ;" r gf /fli6« o :t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf k| s fzg u/L k| : tfj dfu ug{
;Sg]5 . !@$
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf b]xfosf s'/f v'nfpg' kg]5 { M–
-s_ sfof{nosf] gfd / 7]ufgf,
-v_ ;]jfsf] k|sl[ t, kl/df0f, zt{ / cGo cfjZos s'/f,
-u_ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ :yfg / cjlw,
-3_ k|:tfjbftfn] k|:tfj ;fy k]z ug'{ kg]{ Go"gtd sfuhft / ljj/0f,
-ª_ k|:tfj bflvnf ug'{ kg]{ clGtd ldlt / :yfg,
-r_ ;]jf z'Ns e'QmfgLsf zt{ / s/ s§Lsf] ljifo, tyf
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/f .
-%_ k|flws/0fn] Dofbleq k|fKt ePsf k|:tfj ljlgod !#( adf]lhd vf]nL k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj
d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-^_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfj d"NofÍg ubf{ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf]
sfo{ If]qut zt{ k"/f u/L ;j} eGbf 36L ;]jf z'Ns k|:tfj ug]]{ k|:tfjbftfsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t
u/L ;]jf s/f/ ;Demf}tf ug{' kg]5{ .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhd :jLs[t k|:tfjsf] k|:tfjbftf ;]jf s/f/ ug{ gcfPdf To;kl5sf]
;j} eGbf 36L ;]jf z'Ns k|:tfj ug]{ k|:tfjbftf;Fu ;]jf s/f/ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-*_ ;]jf k|bfosn] k|bfg u/]sf] ;]jfsf] cg'udg k|flws/0fn]] ;do ;dodf ug'{ kg]5 { . To;/L
cg'udg ubf{ ;]jf ;Gtf]ifhgs ePsf] gkfOPdf jf s/f/ adf]lhdsf] gePdf ;f]
lgsfon] ;]jf k|bfosnfO{ ;]jfsf] :t/ j[l4 ug{ ;"rgf lbg' kg]5 { / To;/L ;"rgf lb+bf
!@#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!@$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
klg ;]jfsf] :t/ j[l4 gePdf ;]jf s/f/ /2 u/L csf]{ ;]jf s/f/sf] Joj:yf ug'{
{ .
!*#= dfn;fdfg dd{t ;Def/ ug]{ u/fpg] sfo{ljlw jlwMM -!_ k|flws/0fdf /x]sf] s'g} dfn;fdfg
dd{t ;Def/ ug'{ kg]{ eP ;f]sf] lnlvt hfgsf/L To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] pkof]ustf{n] ;DalGwt
clwsf/LnfO{ lbg' kg]5
{ . To;/L hfgsf/L k|fKt ePkl5 lghn] To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] nfut cg'dfg
tof/ u/fO{ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ k|flws/0fdf ;f] ;DaGwL k|fljlws
sd{rf/L gePdf To:tf] dfn;fdfg d/dt ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yfaf6 nfut cg'dfg
u/fpg' kg]5
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ePkl5 k|flws/0fsf] cfkm\g} js{zk jf
dd{t s]Gb| eP To:tf] js{zk jf dd{t s]Gb|af6 u/fpg' kg]5
{ . To;/L dd{t u/fpFbf s'g}
dfn;fdfg, pks/0f jf kf6k"hf{ k]m/abn ug'{ kg]{ ePdf To:tf] dfn;fdfg, pks/0f jf
kf6k"hf{ df}Hbftaf6 lnO{ / df}Hbftdf geP o; ljlgodfjnLsf] k|lqmof cjnDjg u/L
vl/b ug{' kg]5{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd pks/0f jf kf6{kh " f{ vl/b u/]sf]df k|flws/0fn] To:tf] dfn;fdfg
jf pks/0f lhG;L bflvnf u/fO{ k|lt PsfO{ d"No kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofFF eGbf a9L kg]{
pks/0f jf kf6k"hf{sf] clen]v /fVg' kg]5
{ / To:tf kf6k"hf{ k'/fgf pks/0f jf kf6{kh " f{sf]
nflu k|lt:yfkg ul/Psf] s'/f ;DalGwt k|fljlwsaf6 k|dfl0ft u/fO{ k'/fgf ;fdfg lhG;L
bflvnf ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ cfkm\gf] js{zk jf dd{t s]Gb| gePdf o; lgodfjnLsf] k|so[ f cjnDjg u/L dfn;fdfg
dd{t ;Def/ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-%_ o; ljlgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg cfkm\g} js{zk jf dd{t s]Gb| ePsf]
lgsfon] dd{t sfo{ clen]v kmf/fddf -ha sf8{_ /]s8{ /fvL dd{t kZrft\ nfut :jLs[t
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!*$= cdfgtaf6 lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg]M -!_ ;fdfGo k|sl[ tsf] d/dt ;Def/, ;fgfltgf lgoldt sfo{
jf ;/;kmfO{ h:tf sfo{ cdfgtaf6 ug{ ;lsg]5 . t/ ?= kfFr xhf/ !@% eGbf j9L /sdsf sfo{
cdfgtaf6 ug{ Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lng' kg]5
{ .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] cdfgtaf6 sfd ug'{ kbf{ ;f] sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ k|fljlws ;]jf
/ lgdf{0f ;fdu|L o; ljlgodfjnLsf] k|so[ f adf]lhd vl/b u/L Hofnfdf sfd u/fpg'
kg]5{ .
jlwMM -!_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf
!*%= pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 sfd u/fpg] sfo{ljlw
cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg ;f7L nfv ?k}ofF;
F Dd nfut cg'dfg ePsf] lgdf{0f
!@%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
sfo{ jf ;f] ;DaGwL ;]jf pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfojf6 u/fpg jf k|fKt ug{
;lsg]5 .
:kli6s/0fM ;f7L nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] nfut cg'dfgdf d"No clej[l4 s/, cf]e/x]8 slG6h]lG;
/sd / hg;xeflutfsf] c+z ;d]tsf] /sd ;dfj]z x'g5 ] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt sfd jf ;]jfsf] k|sl[ t, kl/df0f, nfUg] /sd,
pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] Joxf]g{ ] jf Joxf]g{' kg]{ /sd / cGo cfjZos
s'/fx? v'nfO{ k|flws/0fn] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L k|:tfj dfu ug{ jf To:tf] ;ldlt
jf ;d'bfo cfkm}n] k|:tfj jf lgj]bg k]z ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj jf lgj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 k|flws/0f / To:tf] pkef]Qmf
;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] cfjZostfg';f/ 5nkmn, jftf{ jf lgdf{0f :ynsf] e|d0f
u/L To:tf] sfd jf ;]jfsf ;DaGwdf vl/b ;Demf}tf ug''{ kg]5
{ . To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf]
s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ M–
-s_ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] k|sl[ t, kl/df0f, nfut cg'dfg, pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL
;d'bfon] Joxf]g{ ] jf Joxf]g{' kg]{ /sd, sfo{ jf ;]jf ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ cjlw,
-v_ k|flws/0fn] ;DalGwt sfo{sf] l8hfOg, nfut cg'dfg tof/ ug],{ :jLs[t ug],{ k|fljlws
;Nnfx lbg], gf+k hfFr ug],{ hfFrkf; ug]{ / cGo cfjZos k|fljlws ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg],
;'k/Lj]If0f, u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f ug],{
-u_ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf k|flws/0f / pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfosf] ;xeflutfdf
;DkGg jf pknAw x'g,]
-3_ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;~rfng jf dd{t ;Def/ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon]
ug'{ kg],{
-ª_ k|flws/0fn] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ pknAw u/fO{g] k]ZsL /sd,
-r_ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] e'QmfgLsf] zt{ / tl/sf, /
-5_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx? .
-$_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jfsf] sfd lb+bf pk–ljlgod
-#_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] nfut cg'dfgdf /x]sf] d"No clej[l4 s/, cf]e/x]8 slG6Gh]G;L
/sd / hg;xeflutfsf] c+z s§f u/]/ dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ePkl5 k|flws/0fn] To:tf] ;ldlt jf ;d'bfonfO{
;Demf}tf /sdsf] a9Ldf Ps ltxfO{ /sd;Ddsf] clu|d ?kdf k]ZsL lbg ;Sg]5 .
k|flws/0fn] To;/L lbPsf] k]ZsLsf] clGtd ls:tf e'QmfgL ug''{ cl3 km5\of}6 u/L ;Sg'
kg]5{ .
-^_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] x/]s ls:tfsf] sfdsf] k|fljlws d"NofÍg, lan,
ekf{O{ / vr{{ k|dfl0ft ug]{ cGo sfuhft To:tf] ;ldlt jf ;d'bfosf] a}7saf6 cg'df]bg
u/fO{ ;DalGwt sfof{nodf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d"bfon] cfkm"n] k|To]s ls:tfdf u/]sf] vr{sf] ;"rgf
;fj{hlgs :yfgdf 6fF; ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-*_ k|flws/0fn] pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfonfO{ ;DalGwt sfdsf] nflu k|fljlws
;xof]u pknAw u/fpg g;Sg] ePdf ;f] sfdsf] nflu cfjZos k|fljlws hgzlQm ;f]
;ldlt jf ;d'bfo cfkm}n] s/f/df lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 . To;/L lgo'Qm ul/Psf] k|fljlwsnfO{
lbg' kg]{ kfl/>lds k|flws/0fn] s6\6f u/]sf] slG6Gh]G;Laf6 e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]5
{ . t/ To:tf]
kfl/>lds nfut cg'dfgsf] tLg k|ltzt eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
-(_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 ;~rflnt x'g] lgdf{0f sfo{df nf]8/,
PS;fe]6/, /f]n/, 8f]h/, u|8] / lj6'ldg l8:6«LJo'6/, lj6'ldg AjfOn/ h:tf x]eL d]zLgx?
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-!)_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d"bfon] kfPsf] sfd cfk}mn] ;DkGg ug'{ kg]5
{ / s'g} lgdf{0f
Joj;foL jf ;a sG6|\fS6/af6 u/fpg ;lsg] 5}g . s'g} sf/0fjz ;f] ;ldlt jf
;d'bfo cfk}mn] ;dodf ;f] sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;Sg] ePdf ;f] s'/fsf] ;"rgf k|flws/0fnfO{ lbg'
{ . To;/L ;"rgf k|fKt eP kl5 k|flws/0fn] ;f] ;DaGwdf cfjZos hfFr u/L ;f] ;ldlt
jf ;d'bfo;Fu ePsf] ;Demf}tf tf]8L afFsL sfd P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd u/fpg'
kg]5{ .
-!!_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg u/L ;s]kl5 k|flws/0fn]
v6fPsf] k|fljlws sd{rf/Laf6 To:tf] sfdsf] hfFrkf; u/fO{ To:tf] lgsfoaf6 k|fKt
/sd / hg;xeflutfaf6 Joxf]l/Psf] >d, gub jf lhG;L ;d]t s'n vr{sf] ljj/0f
;f] lgsfodf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 . k|flws/0fn]] To;/L k|fKt ePsf] ljj/0fsf] clen]v
/fVg' kg]5
{ .
-!@_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfon] cfkm"n] k|fKt u/]sf] s'g} /sd b'?kof]u u/]sf]
kfOPdf ;DalGwt sfof{ n on] 5fglag u/L To:tf] /sd pkef] Q mf ;ldltsf
kbflwsf/Lx?af6 bfdf;fxLn] ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;'n pk/ ug'{ kg]5 { . To:tf] /sd c;'n
pk/ ug]{ sfo{df To:tf] lgsfonfO{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' ;DalGwt k|dv ' lhNnf clwsf/Lsf]
st{Jo x'g5
] .
-!#_ pkef]Qmf ;ldlt jf nfeu|fxL ;d'bfoaf6 sfd u/fpFbf ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg
sfof{non] s'g} sfo{ljlw lgwf{/0f u/]sf] ePdf To:tf] sfo{ljlwsf] cjnDag ug'{
{ .

kl/R5]b– !&
k'g/fjnf]sg ;DaGwL Joj:yf
!*^= lgj]bg lbg ;lsg]M -!_ k|flws/0fn]] vl/b sf/afO{ jf lg0f{o ubf{ s'g} q'6L u/]sf] jf kfngf ug'{
kg]{ st{Jo kfngf gu/]sf]n] cfkm"nfO{ Iflt k'Ug] jf k'Ug ;Sg] sf/0f v'nfO{ s'g} af]nkqbftf jf
k|:tfjbftfn] To:tf] q'6L jf lg0f{osf] k'g/fjnf]sgsf nflu ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' dfkm{t d'Vo
k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf b]xfPsf s'/f v'nfO{ lga]bg lbg ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ lgj]bssf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]lnkmf]g, km\ofS; gDj/ / O{dn ] 7]ufgf,
-v_ ;Ël7t ;+:yf eP To;/L lgj]bg lbg ;f] ;+:yfn] k|bfg u/]sf] clwsf/ kq,
-u_ af]nkq ;+Vof,
-3_ lgj]bg lbg' kg]{ tYout / sfg"gL cfwf/,
-ª_ ;Da4 sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd lbg] k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lgj]bg vl/b ;Demf}tf x'g' eGbf cl3sf]
sf/afO{sf ;DaGwdf ;Lldt x'g5 ] .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd lga]bg lb+bf ljlgod !%^ sf] pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf
kfPsf] kf+r lbg leq / To;/L cjlw gtf]lsPsf]df k|flws/0fn] vl/b sf/afO{ ;DaGwL q'6L
u/]sf] jf st{Jo kfngf gu/]sf] s'/f af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] yfxf kfPsf] ldltn]
;ft lbg leq lga]bg lbg' kg]5 { .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lga]bgdf k|flws/0fn] s'g sfd u/]sf] jf gu/]sf] sf/0fn]
To:tf] q'6L x'g uPsf]] xf] jf st{Jo kfngf gePsf] xf] / To:tf] lg0f{o vl/b P]g jf o;
ljlgod jf lgb]l{ zsfsf] s'g k|fawfg ljkl/t 5 eGg] s'/f :ki6?kdf v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] cjlw gf3L k|fKt ePsf] k'g/fjnf]sgsf] lga]bg pk/ s'g}
sf/afO{ x'g] 5}g .
-^_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf]] lga]bgsf ;DaGwdf 5fglag ubf{ vl/b sf/afO{df
s'g} q'6L b]lvP, kfngf ug'{ kg]{ st{Jo kfngf u/]sf] gb]lvP jf To:Tff] lg0f{o sfg"g ljkl/t
b]lvPdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] vl/b sf/afxL lgnDag u/L ;f] lgj]bg k|fKt ePsf]
kf+r lbg leq sf/0f v'nfO{ lnlvt lg0f{o ug{' kg]5 { . o;/L lg0f{o ubf{ d'Vo k|zf;lso
clws[tn] sld6L agfO{ ;f] sld6Lsf] l;kmfl/zdf lg0f{o lng ;Sg]5 . !@^
-&_ pk–ljlgod -^_ adf]lhdsf] lg0f{odf ;f] vl/b sf/afxL s;/L cufl8 a9fpg] eGg] s'/f
;d]t pNn]v ePsf] x'g' kg{5 ] .
-*_ s'g} af]nkqbftf k/fdz{bftf, cfk"lt{stf{ jf ;]jf k|bfosn] k|flws/0faf6 ePsf] b'O{ s/f]8
?k}ofF eGbf a9L /sdsf] vl/b ;DaGwdf vl/b P]gsf] bkmf $* cg';f/ Joj:yf ePsf]
k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lga]bg lbPsf] ePdf To:tf] ;ldltn] dfu u/]sf] sfuhft
pknAw u/fO{ ;f] ;ldltsf] lgb]z { g kfngf ug'{ kg{5
] .
!@^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

kl/R5]b – !*
vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL Joj:yf

!*&= vl/b ;Demf}tf / ;f]sf zt{x??MM -!_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd km'6s/ vl/b afx]s cGo vl/b ubf{
o; ljlgod adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k|:tfa ;DaGwL
sfuhft jf l;naGbL b/efp kq ;DaGwL kmf/fddf plNnlvt zt{x? ;dfj]; ug'{ kg]5 {
/ To:tf zt{x? ;Demf}tfsf] k|sl[ t cg';f/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g ;Sg]5g\M–
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf kIfx?sf] gfd / 7]ufgf, kmf]g, km\ofS; gDa/ / ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf
nflu ;Dks{ /fVg] JolQm,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] sfo{ If]q,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf /x]sf lnvtx?sf] ljj/0f / k|fyldstfsf] qmd,
-3_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg tflnsf,
-ª_ cfk"lt{ ;do, sfo{;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ ;do jf Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] Joj:yf,
-r_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] /sd jf ;f] lgwf{/0f ug]{ tl/sf,
-5_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf :jLsf/ x'g] zt{x?,
-h_ lab]zL d'b|fsf] e'QmfgL nufot e'QmfgLsf zt{ / tl/sf, , !@&
-em_ sfa' aflx/sf] kl/l:ytL -kmf]z{ d]h/_,
-`_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] eP ;f]sf] Joj:yf,
-6_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;zf]wg / e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;lsg] eP ;f]sf] Joj:yf,
-7_ jLdf cfaZos ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL Joj:yf,
-8_ cfjZos kg]{ hdfgt,
-9_ lgwf{l/t cjlwdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g g;s] jfktsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ -lnlSj8]68]
] _,
-0f_ lgwf{l/t cjlw eGbf cufl8 g} sfo{ ;Dkfbg ePdf lbg] af]g; ;DaGwL Joj:yf,
-t_ vl/b ;Demf}tf /2 ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf,
-y_ ;a sG6«ofS6 ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] Joj:yf,
-b_ ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] ;+oGq /
-w_ nfu" x'g] sfg"g .
!**= vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{M -!_ :jLs[t af]nkqsf] af]nkqbftfn]
k|flws/0f;+u ;Demf}tf ug{ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd ljlgod !%&= sf]
pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofb leq s'g} jfl0fHo a}s + af6 hf/L ePsf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!@&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] /sd vl/b ;Demf}tf /sdsf]] kfFr
k|ltzt x'g' kg{5 ] .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tfdf /sd gv'Ng] ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf af]nkq
;DaGwL sfuhftdf tf]lsPsf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfo{;Dkfbg
hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ jf x:tfGt/0f ug{'
kg]]{ tyf ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ clGtd cjlw jf k|Tofe"lt -jf/]G6L_ sf] cjlw jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf]
q'l6 ;Rrfpg] bfloTj -l8km]S6 nfolalnl6h_ sf] cjlw eGbf sDtLdf Ps dlxgf a9L
cjlwsf] x'g' kg]5 { .
-%_ ljb]zL j}s + n] hf/L u/]sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt g]kfn /fi6« a}s + af6 cg'dlt k|fKt s'g}
jfl0fHoa}s+ n] k|lt k|Tofe"lt -sfp06/ Uof/]G6L_ u/]sf] x'g' kg]5{ .
-^_ b]xfosf] cj:yfdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt hkmt u/L k|flws/0fsf] sf]ifdf hDdf ug'{
kg]5{ M
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ g;sL vl/b ;Demf}tf tf]l8Psf] cj:yfdf,
-v_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] q'6L ;Rofpg] cjlw leq vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd q'6L g;RofPdf
jf dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{sf] jf/]06L cjlw leq vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd bfoLTj k"/f
gu/]df .
!*(= ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL Joj:yf Joj:yfMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ubf{
cfjZostfg';f/ b]xfosf sfd ug{' kg]5 { M—
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ePkl5 ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL;Fu
cfjZos eP a}7s -kf]i6 la8 sGk|mG] ;_ ug],{
-v_ ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL sfo{ of]hgf / sfo{tflnsf tof/ ug{,]
-u_ ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ adf]lhd ;doleq} k|lttkq vf]Ng] Joj:yf ug],{
-3_ cfjZos ePdf ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog 6f]nL u7g ug],{
-ª_ ;Demf}tf k|zf;g sfo{ of]hgf cg';f/ vl/b ;Demf}tf sfo{fGjogsf] k|ult cg'udg ug],{
u'0f:t/ kIfsf] lg/LIf0f / k/LIf0f ug],{
-r_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{:yn ;'Dkg] / ;f] :yn;Dd kxFr ' sf] Joj:yf ldnfpg],
vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] x]/km]/, e]l/Pzg cfb]z, d"No ;dfof]hg, vl/b ;Demf}tf lgnDjg jf
cGt, sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0fLs/0f, e'QmfgL cflbsf] Joj:yfkg ug],{
-5_ k|flws/0f / cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL jLr s'g} ljjfb
pTkGg eP To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] pkfo ckgfpg], ;Demf}tf
pNn+3g ePsf] cj:yfdf ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt pkrf/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf cg';f/ sf/afxL
cl3 a9fpg],
-h_ ah]6 / nfut n]vf -s:6 PsfpG6LË_ sf] kIf nufot ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] ljQLo kIfsf]
Joj:yfkg ug],{

-em_ ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog;Fu ;DalGwt sfuhft l;nl;nfa¢ / Jojl:yt 9+un] /fVg],
-`_ ;Dkfbg ePsf] sfd :jLs[t ug],{ /
-6_ sfof{non] rf}dfl;s ?kdf n]vf lbUbz{gn] tf]ss ] f] 9fFrfdf lgoldt k"h
F Lut lgdf{0f sfo{sf]
k|ult k|ltj]bg ;DjlGwt lgsfonfO{ pknJw u/fpg],
-7_ ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] cfjlws k|ltj]bg Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug]{ .
-@_ o; ljlgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf]
;'k/Lj]If0f ;ldlt, k|flws/0fsf] k|wfg sfof{no jf cGo lgsfon] cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf,
;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt clwsf/df k|lts"n c;/
gkg]{ u/L] gSzf, :k]l;lkms]zg / vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ cg';f/ vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog
eP gePsf] ;'k/Lj]If0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!()= vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wggMM sfdsf] cfwf/e"t k|st[ L jf If]q kl/jt{g gx'g] u/L b'j} kIfsf]
lnlvt ;xdltaf6 vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg ug{
;lsg]5 .
t/ ljlgod !(^ adf]lhd e]l/ozg cfb]z hf/L ubf{ jf ljlgod !(& adf]lhd d"No
;dfof]hg -k|fO; P8h:6d]G6_ ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg ug'{ kg]{ 5}g .
!(!= jLdf u/]sf] k|df0f k]z ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]d ] f afx]s aL;
nfv ?k}ofFF eGbf a9L d"Nosf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] b]xfosf] s'/fsf] jLdf
u/L k|df0f k]z ug'{ u/fpg' kg]5{ M—
-s_ lgdf{0f ;fdu|L, k|of]u ul/g] d]lzg, cf}hf/ jf Knf06 nufot lgdf{0f sfo{sf]] k"0f{ k|lt:yfkg
:ki6Ls/0fM o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu vr{ eGgfn] gfkmf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-v_ k]zfut z'Ns, lgdf{0f sfo{sf] s'g} efu eTsfpg, x6fpg tyf s'8+ f ss{6 jf v]/ uPsf]
;fdu|L x6fpgsf] nflu nfUg] vr{ nufot xfgL jf gf]S;fgL eP jfkt x'g] vr{ jf ;f]
;DaGwL cfg'ifflËs vr{ ;d]6gsf nflu v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] k|lt:yfkg vr{sf] kGw|
k|ltzt /sd jf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt eP adf]lhdsf] cltl/Qm /sd,
-u_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] lgdf{0f:yndf NofPsf] cfkm\gf] pks/0f / cGo j:t'sf] lgdf{0f :yndf
k|lt:yfkg ug{ nfUg] kof{Kt /sd,
-3_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ lgdf{0f:yn ;'lDkPsf] ldltb]lv x:tfGt/0f k|df0fkq hf/L ul/g]
ldlt;Dd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] s'g} v08 jf c+zdf pk–ljlgod -@_ df pNn]v ePsf] sf/0f
afx]s cGo h'g;'s} sf/0faf6 x'g] ;a} xfgL gf]S;fgL,
-ª_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] b]xfosf bfloTjx? M
-!_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] q'l6 ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlwdf cfkm\gf] bfloTj kfng ug]{ qmddf
ePsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL, /
!@*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-@_ q'l6 ;Rofpg]] bfloTjsf] cjlw k|f/De x'g' cl3 pTkGg ePsf] s'g} sf/0faf6 q'l6 ;Rofpg]
bfloTjsf] cjlwdf ePsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL .
-@_ o; ljlgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePklg lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] pk–ljlgod -!_ sf]
v08 -3_ adf]lhdsf] jLdfaf6 b]xfosf sf/0faf6 ePsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL jf Ifltsf] nflu
bfloTj jxg ug'{ kg]{ 5}g M–
-s_ o'4, zq'tf jf cfqmd0f,
-v_ ljb«fx] , qmflGt, laKnj jf ;}lgs zf;g jf u[x o'4,
-u_ ljls/0fsf] km}nfj6, cf0fljs OGwgsf] ljls/0f jf cf0fljs OGwgsf] Hjngaf6 pTkGg
cf0fljs kmf]x/ jf ljls/0f o'Qm ljiffbL ljikmf]6 jf cGo xflgsf/s tTjx?sf] ljikmf]6 jf
cf0fljs ;+of]hg jf ;f] sf] cf0fljs c+zsf] k|bi' f0f, /
-3_ Wjlgs jf ltj| Wjlgs ultdf p8\g] xjfO{ hxfh jf xjfO{ oGq4f/f >[lht jfo'sf] rfk .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ jf To;df /x]sf] s'g}
q'l6 ;'wf/ ubf{ ePsf] jf To:tf sfo{sf] kl/0ffd :j?k ePsf] b]xfosf] xfgL gf]S;fgL
jfktsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] bfjL / To:tf] bfjL ;DaGwL sf/afxL ubf{ nfu]sf] vr{ tyf b:t'/
lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] Joxf]g{' kg]5 { M—
-s_ s'g} JolQmnfO{ rf]6k6s nfu]df jf lghsf] d[To' ePdf, jf
-v_ lgdf{0f sfo{df afx]s sfo{ ;~rfng / ;DkGgsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} ;DklQdf ePsf] xfgL
-$_ dfn;fdfg vl/bdf l;=cfO{=kL= -Sofl/h P08 OG;f]/G] ; k]8 6'_' d"Nosf] sDtLdf Ps ;o bz
k|ltzt /sd a/fa/sf] uf]bfdb]lv uf]bfd;Dd o'4, x8tfn / cfuhgL ;d]tsf] ;a} hf]vLd
Aoxf]g{] u/L jLdf u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-%_ sfof{no k|dv ' sf] lnlvt :jLs[lt lagf jLdfsf zt{df s'g} kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-^_ ljlgod !^# adf] l hdsf] k/fdz{ ;] j f vl/bdf k/fdz{ b ftfn] ;Demf} t f u/] s f]
tL; lbg leq ;Demf} t fsf] s' n /sdsf] ;a} lsl;dsf] hf] l vd a] x f] g ] { u/L
k|flws/0fnfO{ lgzt{ e'StfgL x'g] u/L k]zfut bfloTj ljdf -k|f]km];gn nfoalnl6
OG;f]/]G;_ u/fpg' kg]{5 . !@(
!(@ k]ZsL e'QmfgL / km5of}{6 ug]{ Joj:yf
Joj:yfMM -!_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jfk|bfosnfO{
of]] ljlgod / af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft tyf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf Joj:yf eP adf]lhd k]ZsL lbg
;lsg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k]ZsL lb+bf k|flws/0fn] vl/b ;Demf}tf /sdsf] aL; k|ltzt
eGbf j9L x'g] u/L lbg' x'bF g} .
-@s_ pk ljlgod-!_ adf] l hd k] Z sL lbbf klxnf] k6sdf :jLs[ t k] Z sL
/sdsf] cfwfdf ga9g] u/L / afF s L /sd sfo{ k| u ltsf] cfwf/df lbg
;lsg] 5 . !#)
!@(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!#)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-@v_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Aoj;foL jf ;]jf k|bfosn] pk ljlgod -!_ adf]hd k]ZsL
lnPsf] ldltn] #) lbgleq sfo{ z'? u/L ;Sg' kg]{5 . !#!
-@u_ pk ljlgod -!_ adf]hdsf] k]ZsL /sd s'g k|of]hgsf] nflu vr{ ePsf] xf]
;f] sf] ljj/0f cWofalws u/L ;DalGwt sfof{nonfO{ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
;DalGwt sfddf k|of]u ePsf] gkfOPdf pk ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd /fv]sf] a}s
hdfgt hkmt x'g]5 . !#@
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd k]ZsL lb+bf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jfk|bfosaf6
To:tf] k]ZsL /sd vfDg] u/L / lghn] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd gu/]df ;f] lgsfon]
cg'/f]w u/]kl5 tTsfn To:tf] lgsfonfO{ e'QmfgL ug]]{ u/L g]kfn /fi6« a}s
+ af6 cg'dlt k|fKt
s'g} jfl0fHo a}s
+ af6 hf/L ePsf] a}s
+ hdfgt lnO{ k]ZsL lbg' kg]5 { . To:tf] a}s hdfgt
ljb] z L a} s n] hf/L u/] s f] eP g] k fn leqsf] jfl0fHo a} s n] k| l t k| T ofe' l t-
sfp06/ Uof/]G6L_ lnO{ k]ZsL lbg' kg]{5 . !##
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] a}+s hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v
ePsf] k]ZsL km5of}6 ug'{ kg{] cjlw eGbf sDtLdf Ps dlxgf eGbf a9L cjlwsf] x'g'
{ .
-%_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd lbPsf] k]ZsL vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd
Kf|To]s /lgË lan jf cGo lan aLhsaf6 s§f ug'{ kg]5 { .
-^_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf ;]jfk|bfosn] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd To:tf]
;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt ;dofjlw leq ;Dkfbg gu/]sf] sf/0fn] o; ljlgod adf]lhdsf]
k]ZsL km5\of}6 x'g g;s]df k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] a}s
+ hdfgtsf] /sd
;DalGwt a}s + af6 k|fKt u/L k]ZsL km5of}6 ug'{ kg]5
{ / lghaf6 To:tf] k]ZsL /sdsf]
;os8f bz k|ltzt Aofh ;d]t c;"n pk/ ug'{ kg]5 { .
-&_ k|flws/0fn] k|lttkqåf/f dfn;fdfg l´sfpFbf cfˆgf] k|flws/0fdf dfn;fdfg k|fKt ePsf]
ldltn] tL; lbgleq k|lttkq vf]ns ] f] k]ZsL /sd km5\of}6{ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-*_ dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fpg] ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{af6 dfn;fdfg pknAw x'g g;s]sf]df
jf dfn;fdfg pknAw u/fpg lgwf{l/t ;doleq dfn;fdfg k|fKt x'g g;s]df
;fwf/0ftof k|lttkq /2 ug'{ kg]5
{ / ;f] jfkt a}s
+ df hDdf ePsf] /sd lkmtf{ lnO{ k|lttkq
] f] k]ZsL /sd km5\of}6{ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
!(#= dfn;fdfgsf] lg/LIf0f / :jLs[lttMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] cfk"lt{ ul/Psf dfn;fdfg ;Demf}tfdf
plNnlvt k|fljlws :k]l;lkms]zg / u'0f:t/ adf]lhdsf eP gePsf]] lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug'{
u/fpg' kg]5
{ .
!#!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!#@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!##= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ u/fpFbf dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f
;DaGwL k|rlnt sfg"g eP ;f]xL] sfg"g adf]lhd / gePdf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt
sfo{ljlw adf]lhd ug'{ kg]5{ . To:tf] sfo{ljlw klg geP k|flws/0fn] pko'Qm ;Dem]sf]
sfo{ljlw adf]lhd ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu k|flws/0fn] To:tf] lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ dfn;fdfgsf]
k|sl[ t x]/L Ps jf Ps eGbf a9L lgsfo jf clwsf/L tf]Sg jf ;DalGwt dfn;fdfg ;DaGwL
a9Ldf tLg hgf lj1 /x]sf] Ps ;ldlt u7g ug{ jf k|flws/0fsf] s'g} clwsf/Laf6
cfjZos lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] lgsfo, clwsf/L jf ;ldltn] cfk"lt{ ul/Psf dfn;fdfg
lgl/If0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ To:tf] k|flws/0fn] To:tf]] dfn;fdfgsf] gd"gf / ljlzi6tf
l;naGbL u/L /fv]sf] eP To:tf]] gd"gf / ljlzi6tf adf]lhd hfFr ug'{ kg]5
{ . To;/L hfFr
ubf{ To:tf] gd"gf / ljlzi6tf cg'?k ePsf] dfn;fdfg :jLs[t u/L gePsf dfn;fdfg
cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ g} lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ cfjZostfg';f/ ;a} dfn;fdfg jf
;f]sf] gd"gf 5gf}6 u/L lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug]{ lgsfo, clwsf/L jf ;ldltn] pk–ljlgod -$_ / -%_ adf]lhd
lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f u/L ;s]kl5 :jLs[t / c:jLs[t dfn;fdfgsf] ljj/0f pNn]v u/L
lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]5{ . To:tf] k|ltj]bgdf hfFr ePsf] dfn;fdfgsf] gfd,
k|ltzt, :k]l;lkms]zg, lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0fsf] kl/0ffd pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ / To:tf] k|ltj]bgnfO{
k|flws/0fn] vl/b sf/afxLsf] clen]vsf] ?kdf /fVg' kg]5 { .
-&_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ubf{ lg/LIf0f jf k/LIf0f ug]{
lgsfo, clwsf/L jf ;ldlt / cfk"lt{stf{ aLr s'g} ljjfb pTkGg ePdf To:tf] ljjfb
vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ePsf] ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] k|s[of adf]lhd ;dfwfg ug'{
{ .
!($= c:jLs[t dfn;fdfgsf] lnnfd las|L tyf /sd c;"nL ug]{M -!_ ljlgod !(# sf] pk–
ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd c:jLs[t dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{stf{n] tTsfn lkmtf{ gnu] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf
tf] l sPsf] ;dfofjlw leq To:tf] dfn;fdfg p7fO{ lkmtf{ n} h fg / ;f] s f] ;§f
:k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhdsf] ;fdfg cfk"lt{ ug{ k|flws/0fn] cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lnlvt hfgsf/L lbg'
kg]5{ .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] hfgsf/L x'nfs jf s'l/o/ ;le{; dfkm{t k7fpg]
eP lkmtL{ /l;b ;lxtsf] kq k7fpg' kg]5{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfsf] cjlwleq cfk"lt{stf{n] dfn;fdfg a'lemlng c:jLsf/
u/]df jf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf] ;dfofjlw leq p7fO{ gnu]df k|flws/0fn] To:tf]
dfn;fdfg o; ljlgodjnL adf]lhd lnnfd las|L u/L ;f] dfn;fdfg e08f/0f
ug{ nfu]sf] vr{ / To; ;DaGwL cGo vr{x?, afFsL /x]sf] k]ZsL /sd, k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{
/ lghn] k|flws/0fnfO{ ltg'{ kg]{ cGo s'g} /sd afFsL eP ;f] /sd ;d]t lnnfd las|L
d"Noaf6 s6\6f u/L af+sL /x]sf] /sd cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] lnnfd las|Laf6 k|fKt ePsf] /sdaf6 ;d]t c;"n x'g
g;s]sf] /sd cfk"lt{stf{af6 k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;"n pk/
ul/g]5 .
!(%= sfo{ :jLsf/ k|ltj]bggMM -!_ k|flws/0fn] ;DkGg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{, cfk"lt{ ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg
jf k|bfg ul/Psf] ;]jf :jLsf/ ubf{ ;f]sf] k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v x'g' kg]5
{ M—
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;+Vof,
-v_ ;DkGg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{, k|fKt ePsf]] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jfsf] ljj/0f,
-u_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] jf dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf k|fKt ePsf] ldlt,
-3_ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{, k|fKt dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf :jLs[t ePsf] ldlt .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ ePkl5 k|flws/0fn] cfjZos k|ls|of k"/f
u/L e'QmfgLsf] nflu n]vf zfvfdf clanDj n]vL k7fpg'' kg]5{ .
!(^= e] l /Pzg cfb] z M
-!_ vl/b ;Demf} t f ubf{ s f avt k" j f{ g ' d fg ug{ g;lsPsf] kl/l:ylt ;Demf} t f
sfof{ G jogsf] s| d df >[ h gf ePdf ;f] s f] :ki6 sf/0f v' n fO{ vl/b ;Demf} t f
adf] l hdsf] sfo{ s f] kl/df0fdf yk, 36 ug{ jf gofF cfO6d yKg jf ;§f
ug{ cfjZos b] l vPdf clwsf/ k| f Kt clwsf/Ln] To:tf] yk36 tyf gofF
cfO6dsf] nfut cg' d fg tof/ u/L b] x fo adf] l hd e] l /Pzg cfb] z hf/L
ug{ ;Sg]5 – !#$
-s_ lgdf{0f sfo{, dfn;fdfg vl/b / cGo ;]jf vl/b tyf k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/bsf] ;+emf}tf
d"Nosf] klRr; !#% k|ltzt ;Ddsf] e]l/Pzg cfb]z k|fljlws k'i6\ofO{ u/L clwsf/ k|fKt
-v_ kRrL; k| l tzt eGbf a9Lsf] e] l /Pzg cfb] z hf/L ug' { kg] { ePdf ;ldltn]
ljz] i f1x?sf] ;d" x u7g u/L ;f] ;d" x dfkm{ t cfaZos hfF r a' e m u/fO{ k| f Kt
l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf/df dfq e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 . !#^
-u_ nfut cg'dfg :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L eGbf tNnf] txsf] cflwsf/Ln] e]l/P;g
hf/L ug{ x'b}g . !#&
!#$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!#%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!#^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!#&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-3_ dfly v08 -s_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg ;f7L nfv ?k}of ;Ddsf]
vl/b sfo{ s f] kGw| k| l tzt eGbf dflysf] e] l /P;g cfb] z d' V o k| z f;sLo
clws[tn] ug{ ;Sg]5 . !#*
-@_ ======================== !#(
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt b//]6eGbf a9L b//]6 x'g] u/L e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug'{
xFb' g} . a9L b//]6 x'g] u/L e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug'{ kg]{ ePdf cfO{6dsf] b/ ;d]t ljZn]if0f
u/L Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-$_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] lgdf0f{ sfo{df gof+ cfO{6d yk ug'{ kg]{ ePdf k|flws/0fn]
To:tf] gof+ cfO{6dsf] b/ ;d]t ljZn]if0f u/L b//]6 lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ubf{ e]l/Pzgsf] k|sl[ t, 7"nf cfO6d, ;fgf
cfO6d, Dofb yk ug'{ kg{] jf gkg{] / kg{] eP slt lbg ug'{ kg{,] e]l/Pzg cfO6dsf]
b//]6 lan ckm SjfG6L6Lsf] cfO6dsf] b//]6 eGbf 36La9L, cBfjlws km]/abn hDdf
;Demf}tf d"Nosf] slt k|ltzt ePsf], e]l/Pzg cfb]z adf]lhdsf] ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] nflu yk
/sd sxfFaf6 s;/L h'6fpg], e]l/Pzg cfb]zkl5sf] hDdf–hDdL /sd z'? ;Demf}tf
d"Nosf] slt k|ltzt x'g] :ki6 ?kdf v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
-^_ s'g} sf/0fn] ;do cefj eO{ jf cfsl:ds sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ cj:yf cfO{ t'?Gt yk sfd
u/fpg k/]df Ps tx dflysf clwsf/Laf6 k"j{ l:js[lt lnO{ e]l/Pzg sfo{ cufl8 a9fpg
;Sg]5 .
!(& d"No ;dfof]hgM -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s afx| !$) dlxgf eGbf a9L
cjlwsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ug{] s|ddf d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ cfjZos b]lvPdf Ps tx
dflysf] clwsf/Ln] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ubf{ /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfJxfg eO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf eO{ ;s]sf]
ca:yfdf ck|Tofl;t ?kdf s'g} lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] d"No ;flas d"Nosf] bz k|ltzt eGbf a9L
36a9 ePdf To;/L 36]sf] jf a9]sf] /sddf bz k|ltzt s§f u/L tf]lsP adf]lhd d"No
;dfof]hg ul/g]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg vl/b ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ JolQmsf]
l9nfO{sf] sf/0faf6 ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;f] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt cjlw leq ;DkGg
geO{ a9L ;do nfu]sf]d ] f jf Psd'i6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg -nDk ;d sG6«fS6_ jf lglZrt ah]6sf]
cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tf ePsf]df d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
-#_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] s'/f vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { .
-$_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf d"No ;dfof]hgsf] Joj:yf ubf{ b]xfosf s'/fx? ;d]t pNn]v ug{' kg]5 { M—

!#*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!#(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!$)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-s_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug]{ cj:yf,
-v_ lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;"q,
o; v08 adf]lhd ;"q lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;DkGg ePsf] sfddf nfu]sf] >d, ;fdu|L /
pks/0fx?sf] dfq d"No ;dfof]hg x'g] u/L ;"q lgwf{/0f ug'{[ kg]5
{ .
-u_ d"No ;dfof]hgsf]] clwstd /sd,
-3_ v08 -v_ adf]lhdsf] ;"qdf k|of]u ul/g] d"Nosf] ;+/rgf ->d, pks/0f, ;fdu|L, O{Gwgsf]
d"No cflb_,
-ª_ k|To]s d"No ;+/rgfsf] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ k|of]u ul/g] ;Dj4 d"No ;"rL -O{G8L;]h_
-r_ d"No ;"rL pNn]v ug{ k|of]u ul/g] d'bf« / e'QmfgL lbg k|of]u ul/g] d'bf| jLrsf] ljlgdo
b/sf] 36j9 dfkg ug]{ tl/sf,
-5_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"q k|of]u ug{ lnOg] cfwf/ ldlt -a];nfOg 8]6_,
-h_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"q nfu" x'g] ;dosf] cGt/fn, /
-em_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"qsf] k|of]uaf6 b]lvg' kg]{ Go"gtd d"No a[l4 / d"No ;dfof]hg ;DaGwL
k|fjwfg nfu" x'g k"/f x'g' kg]{ cGo zt{ tyf jGb]h .
-%_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd ul/g] d"No ;dfof]hgsf]] clwstd /sd ;fdfGotof z'? ;Demf}tf
d"Nosf] kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g . d"No ;dfof]hgsf] /sd ;f] d"No eGbf a9L
x'g] ePdf k|flws/0fn] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{, ;Demf}tf d"NonfO{ :jLs[t ah]6 leq
kfg{sf] nflu lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftf;Fu jftf{ ug{ jf
vr{ 36fpg] cGo pkfo cjnDjg ug{ ;Sg] jf yk ah]6 Joj:yf ul/g] Joj:yf vl/b
;Demf}tfdf ug{ ;lsg]5
!(*= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg]M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb yk ;DaGwL Joj:yf
;DalGwt vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g5
] .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg sfa" aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt, k|flws/0fn]
pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ s'/f pknAw u/fpg g;s]df jf cGo dgfl;a sf/0faf6 vl/b
;Demf}tfsf] cjlw ga9fO{ gx'g] ePdf ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ JolQmn]] sf/0f v'nfO{ vl/b
;Demf}tfsf] Dofb ;lsg' sDtLdf ;ft lbg cufj} k|flws/0fdf cjlw yksf] nflu lga]bg
lbPdf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd lgj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] ;f]
;DaGwdf cfjZos hfFra'em ug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg]5 . To;/L hfFra'em ubf{ jf u/fpFbf
lghn] b]xfosf s'/f ljrf/ ug'{ kg]5
{ M–
-s_ ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tf
adf]lhdsf] sfd ;do d} ;DkGg ug{ e/ dUb'/ k|of; u/]sf] lyof] jf lyPg,
-v_ k|flws/0fn] lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;Demf}tf
adf]lhd pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ s'/f pknAw u/fPsf] lyof] jf lyPg, /
-u_ sfa'aflx/sf] kl/l:yltsf] sf/0faf6 sfddf l9nfO{ ePsf] xf] jf xf]Og{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ubf{ lgj]bgdf plNnlvt sf/0f dgfl;a b]lvPdf tLg
dlxgf;Ddsf] cjlw;Dd af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/Ln] / ;f] eGbf a9Lsf] cjlw yk ug'{
kg]{ ePdf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
!((= k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{M vl/b ;Demf}tfdf k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{sf ;DaGwdf b]xfosf] Joj:yf ug{
-s_ cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] l9nfO{sf] sf/0fn] vl/b
;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;f] ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf] Dofbdf ;DkGg x'g g;s]df lghn]
k|flws/0fnfO{ ;Demf}tf /sdsf] bz k|ltztdf gj9\g] u/L ;fwf/0ftof k|lt lbg ;Demf}tf
/sdsf] z'Go bzdna z'Go kfFr k|ltzt k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ lbg' kg]{ t/ lghsf] sfa'
aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt k/L jf s'g} ulNt jf x]nr]sf| O{ geO{ sfo{;Dkfbg jf cfk"lt{ ug{ l9nf
ePdf To:tf] Ifltk"lt{ ltg{ gkg]{ /
-v_ v08 -s_ adf]lhdsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ ltb{d
} f ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf
k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ bfloTjaf6 d'Qm
x'g g;Sg] .
@))= lan jf ljhs k]z ug'{ kg]{M lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] o;
ljlgod adf]lhd e'QmfgLsf] nflu k]z ug]{ /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhsdf sDtLdf b]xfosf
s'/f pNn]v u/L k|flws/0f ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5{ M–
-s_ lan jf ljhssf] ldlt,
-v_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] gfd 7]ufgf,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf gDa/,
-3_ cfk"lt{ ul/Psf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jfsf] ljj/0f jf ;DkGg ePsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] gfk,
cfsf/, kl/df0f / d"No,
-ª_ l;kd]G6 tyf e'QmfgLsf] zt{,
-r_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lan jf ljhs ;fy k]z ug{' kg]{ cfjZos sfuhft,
-5_ dfn;fdfgsf] vl/bsf] xsdf lan jf ljhs;fy vl/b cfb]z, vl/b ;Demf}tf jf af]nkq
:jLs[lt kqdf lbO{Psf] lgb]z { g adf]lhd k|flws/0fn] tf]ss
] f] 9fFrfsf] l;lkË jf cGo
cfjZos sfuhft, /
-h_ cfkm\gf] ;Dks{ 7]ufgf .
@)!= lan jf ljhssf] e'QmfgL
mfgLMM -!_ ljlgod @)) adf]lhd lan jf ljhs k|fKt ePkl5 k|flws/0fn]
To:tf] lan jf ljhs vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt k|fjwfg adf]lhdsf] eP gePsf] hf+r
F u/L ;f]
cg'?ksf] gePdf ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;f]sf]
hfgsf/L t'?Gt lbg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k]z ePsf] /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhs / sfuhft
;DalGwt sfof{non] k}tfln; lbgleq :jLs[t u/L vl/b ;Demf}tf cg';f/ To:tf] lan jf
ljhssf] ;f]xL cjlw leq e'QmfgL ;d]t ug{' kg]5 { . ;f] cjlw leq e'QmfgL glbPdf
k|flws/0fn] vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] Jofh ;d]t e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]5 { .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{df k|flws/0fn] /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhssf] e'QmfgLsf]
Joj:yf ubf{ b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} cfwf/ adf]lhd ug{ ;Sg] s'/f pNn]v ug{ ;lsg]5 M–
-s_ dfl;s cfwf/df,
-v_ k|fljlws gfk hfFr u/L gfkL lstfa -d]h/d]G6 j's_ df pNn]v ePsf] jf:tljs sfo{;Dkfbgsf]
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;DkGg sfo{ dfkg ug]{ ;"rsfÍ tf]lsPsf]df To:tf] ;"rsfÍ k|fKt ePkl5
/ To:tf] ;"rsfÍ gtf]lsPsf]df ;DkGg ePsf] sfo{sf] cfwf/df,
-3_ x:tfGt/0f ul/Psf] jf k"/f ul/Psf] sfo{sf] kl/df0fsf] cfwf/df, /
-ª_ k|lttkqsf] zt{sf] cfwf/df .
-$_ /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhssf] e'QmfgL lngsf] nflu lgdf{0f Joj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{,
;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] To:tf] lan jf lahssf] cltl/Qm vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd
cfjZos kg]{ k|df0f, sfuhft k]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
-%_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd e'QmfgL ubf{ ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df
afx]s lgdf{0f sfo{ / dfn;fdfg vl/bsf] xsdf l/6]G;g dgL jfkt /lgª jf cGo lan jf
ljhsdf plNnlvt /sdsf]] kfFr k|ltzt /sd s§f u/L /fVg' kg]5 { / k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd nfUg] clu|d cfo s/ jfktsf] /sd ;d]t s§f u/L ;DalGwt /fh:j vftfdf
hDdf ug'{ kg]5 {
t/ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf l/6]G;g dgL s6\6f ug'{ gkg]{ Joj:yf ePdf To:tf] /sd
s6\6f ul/g] 5}g .
-^_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf k|flws/0fn] lan jf lahs adf]lhdsf] /sd lz3| e'QmfgL u/]df
cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] To:tf] e'QmfgLsf] lglZrt /sd
jf k|ltzt 5'6 lbg] s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] ePdf k|flws/0fn] To;/L e'QmfgL ubf{ 5'6 /sd
s§f u/]/ dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]5 { .
-&_ k|flws/0fn] vl/b ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg]5M–
-s_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cl3Nnf] s'g} /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhsdf n]lvPsf s'/f s'g} sf/
0fjz jf e"njz n]lvg uO{ e'QmfgL /sd ;Rofpg' kg]{ ePdf k|flws/0f cfkm}n] jf
;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] cg'/f]wdf To;
kl5sf /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhsdf To:tf] e'QmfgL /sd ;Rofpg jf x]/km]/ ug{
;lsg], /
-v_ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfn] vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ adf]lhd
sfo{;Dkfbg gu/]df k|flws/0fn] /lgª lan jf cGo s'g} lan ljhs adf]lhdsf] e'QmfgL
glbg jf s§f ug{ ;Sg] .
-*_ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] gfkL k'l:tsf (Measurement Book) clgjfo{ ?kdf e/fO{ /fVg'
{ . pQm k'l:tsfdf 7]sb] f/sf] gfd, 7]ufgf tyf eP u/]sf] sfo{sf] laa/0f ;lxt gfk
ug],{ l;kmfl/; ug]{ tyf sfof{no k|dv
' / vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] ;xL /
ldlt x'g' kg]5
{ .
-(_ vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf] qmddf cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jfk|bfos jf
k/fdz{bftfn] s'g} bfjL u/]df To:tf] bfjL u/]sf] /sd e'QmfgLsf] nflu ;ldltsf] :jLs[lt
lng' kg]5{ .
@)@= clGtd e'QmfgL
mfgLMM -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;DkGg ePsf] sfo{ k|flws/0fn] :jLsf/ u/]kl5
cfk"ltstf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ s/f/sf zt{ adf]lhd clGtd
e'QmfgL lbg' kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd e'QmfgLsf] nflu k"hF Lut tyf dd{t;Def/ ;DaGwL sfo{sf]
e'QmfgLsf] xsdf clGtd ljn jf ljhs;+u cg';r" L !@ adf]lhdsf] ljj/0f v'ns
] f] sfuhft
;d]t ;+nUg u/L n]vf zfvfdf k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd clGtd e'QmfgL lb+bf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] xsdf q'l6 ;Rrfpg] cjlw
;dfKt ePkl5 sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt / ljlgod @)! sf] pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd s6\6f
ul/Psf] l/6]G;g dgL /sdsf] krf; k|ltzt /sd lkmtf{ ug'{ kg]5{ . l/6]G;g dgLsf] afFsL
krf; k|ltzt /sd ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] ;DalGwt cflGtl/s /fh:j sfof{noaf6
s/ ljj/0f k]z u/]sf] k|df0f sfuhft k]z u/] kl5 e'QmfgL lbg' kg]5{ .
t/ q'l6 ;Rrfpg] cjlwleq ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foLn]] q'l6 g;RofPdf k|flws/0fn]
l/6]G;g dgL jf hdfgt jfktsf] /sd k|of]u u/L q'l6 ;Rofpg ;Sg]5 .
@)#= sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] tL;
lbgleq ;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] lgdf{0f eP adf]lhdsf] -Ph laN6_ gSzf ;DalGwt sfof{nodf
k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-@_ s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ q'l6 ;Rofpg] bfloTjsf] cjlw ;dfKt ePkl5 sfof{no k|dv
' n]
To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË, l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd eP gePsf] s'/f
k|fljlws sd{rf/Laf6 hfFra'´ u/fO{ sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg tof/ u/fpg' kg]5 { .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ug]{ k|fljlwsn] ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË,
l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd eP gePsf] hfFr u/L sfof{no k|dv' ;dIf k|ltj]bg
k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgdf{0f eP adf]lhdsf] gSzf / pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd k]z
ePsf]] sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg sfof{no k|dv
' n] af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug'{
{ . sfof{no k|dv
' / af]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L Pp6} JolQm ePdf lgh eGbf Ps
tx dflysf] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/Ln] cfjZos b]vd ] f sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bgdf plNnlvt
ljifosf ;DaGwdf cfkm}+n] hfFra'´ ug{ jf s'g} k|fljlws sd{rf/L jf k|fljlws
sd{rf/Lx?sf] 6f]nL dfkm{t hfFra'´ u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
t/ bz s/f]8 ?k}ofF eGbf a9Lsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] nflu cfof]hgf ;DkGg cWoog
k|ltj]bgdf b]xfo adf]lhsf] ;ldltn] hfFra'´ u/L k|dfl0ft ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-s_ cfof]hgf;+u ;DalGwt pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s jf lghåf/f
dgf]lgt clws[t -sDtLdf !! txsf] clws[t_ –;+of]hs
-v_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tåf/f dgf]lgt clws[t
-sDtLdf !) txsf] clws[t_ –;b:o
-u_ pk sfo{sf/L lgb]z{ s cy{åf/f dgf]lgt clws[t
-sDtLdf !) txsf] clws[t –;b:o
-3_ cfof]hgf k|dv' ;b:o–;lrj
-^_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltsf] sfo{ If]q b]xfo adf]lhd x'g5 ] M
-s_= cfof]hgf x:tfGt/0f ug]{ sfo{x?sf] kof{Kttfsf] ;dLIff ug]{ .
-v_ :jLs[t 8«Oª, l8hfOg / gS;fx?sf] (As Built Drawing) sf] pknJwtfsf] ;dLIff ug]{ .
-u_= cfof]hgfsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ k'/f eO{ ;s] kl5 cfof]hgfsf] cg'dflgt / oyfy{ vr{sf]
ljj/0f;Fu t'ngf u/L tt\ ;DaGwdf /fo k]z ug]{ .
-3_= cfof]hgf k"hLs/0f kl5sf] ;+rfng / ;+ef/ ug]{ :yfoL Joj:yfsf] ;dLIff ug]{ .
-ª_= cfof]hgfsf] k|efjsfl/tf af/] eljiodf ug{ ;lsg]÷g;lsg] ;DalGw ;'emfj lbg] .
-r_= cfof]hgfsf] nIo tyf k|ultsf] ;dLIff ug]{ .
-&_ pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ubf{ ;DkGg lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË, l8hfOg jf
:k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd ePsf] kfOPdf To:tf] clwsf/Ln] To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ :jLs[t ug'{
kg]5{ .
-*_ pk–ljlgod -&_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg
k|ltj]bg k]z ePsf] ldltn] kFt} fnL; lbgleq pk–ljlgod -%_ adf]lhd hfFra'em ug]{ sfo{
;DkGg ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-(_ o; ljlgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf]
sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg hfFr ug{ u/fpg ;Sg]5 . To;/L hfFr ubf{ jf u/fpFbf To:tf] lgdf{0f
sfo{ :jLs[t 8«OË, l8hfOg jf :k]l;lkms]zg adf]lhd ePsf] kfOPdf lghn] sfo{ ;DkGg
k|ltj]bg :jLs[t ug'{ kg]5
{ / sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/LnfO{ lbg' kg]5

-!)_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg :jLs[t ePkl5 k|flws/0fn] ;DalGwt lgdf{0f
Joj;foLnfO{ sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0fkq -js{ sDKnL;g ;l6{lkms]6_ lbg' kg]5
{ .
@)$= ;do eGbf cl3 sfd ;DkGg ug]{nfO{ k'/:sf/ lbg ;lsg]M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf]
cjlw eGbf cl3 sfd ;DkGg ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ k|flws/0fn] k'/:sf/ lbg ;Sg] Joj:yf ug{
;lsg]5 .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] k'/:sf/sf] /sd lgwf{/0f ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf]
;do eGbf hlt lbg cl3 sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] xf] Tolt lbgsf nflu pk–ljlgod -#_
adf]lhdsf] cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ adf]lhdsf] b/ lgwf{/0f ubf{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] v/Lb ;Demf]t} fdf tf]lsPsf]
cjlw leq sfd ;DkGg ug{ g;s] jfkt b}lgs ?kdf hlt /sd k|flws/0fnfO{ k"j{ lgwf{l/t
Ifltk"lt{ ltg'{ kg]{ xf] Tolt g} /sd a/fa/sf] b/ lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ o; ljlgoddf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg k'/:sf/sf] s'n /sd ;Demf}tf /
sdsf] bz k|ltzt eGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
@)%= vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo / ;f]sf] pkrf/
pkrf/MM -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;f] ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{{ ;lsg]
cj:yfx? / To;/L ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ePdf ;Demf}tfsf] kIfx?nfO{ k|fKt x'g] pkrf/ pNn]v ug'{
{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf cj:yfx? d'Vo ?kdf b]xfo adf]lhd x'g ;Sg]5g M—
-s_ cfk" l t{ s tf{ , k/fdz{ b ftf, ;] j f k| b fos jf lgdf{ 0 f Joj;foLn] vl/b ;Demf} t f
adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg gu/]df, vl/b P]gsf] bkmf ^@ sf] pk bkmf -@_ adf]lhd
cfr/0f kfngf gu/] d f jf k] Z sLsf] b' ? kof] u u/] d f !$! k| f lws/0fn] vl/b
;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;Sg] ca:yf,
-v_ k|flws/0fn] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu cg's"ntfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;emf}tfsf] cGTo
] g jfO{ slGeg]G;_ ug{ ;Sg] ca:yf,
-u_ cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;Sg]
ca:yf /
-3_ sfa" aflx/sf] kl/l:yltdf vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;lsg] ca:yf .
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ubf{ lalQo km/kmf/s ug]{
/ Ifltk"lt{ lbg] ;DaGwL Aoa:yf pNn]v ug''{ kg]5
{ .
-$_ k|flws/0fsf] tkm{af6 vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug'{ k/]df af]nkq jf k|:tfj :jLs[t ug]{
clwsf/L eGbf Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{o x'g' kg]5 { .
!$!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-%_ o; ljlgoddf h'g ;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{n] k|flws/
0fnfO{ k"j{ hfgsf/L glbO{ ;Demf}tf tf]8\g kfpg] 5}g . !$@
-^_ k|flws/0f;+u vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{n] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd z'? gu/]df, sfd
z' ? u/L aLr} d f 5f] 8 ] d f jf ;Demf} t f adf] l hd sfdsf] k| u lt gu/] d f
k|flws/0fn] To:tf] ;Demf}tf h'g;'s} avt cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 . !$#
-&_ pk ljlgod-^_ adf] l hd ;Demf} t f cGTo ePdf ;f] sfd jfkt /flvPsf] k' / }
hdfgt hkmt x' g ] 5 . ;Demf} t f cGTo ePsf] sf/0fn] ;Demf} t f adf] l hd
afsL /x] s f] sfo{ k' / f ug{ h] hlt /sd cfjZos k5{ ;f] /sd To;/L
;Demf} t f adf]lhd sfo{ gug]{ af]nkqbftfaf6 ;/sf/L afsL ;/x cz'n pk/
ul/g]5 . !!$$

-*_ pk ljlgod -^_ adf]lhd ;Demf}tf cGTo ePdf To:tf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd afFsL
/x] s f] sfo{ k' / f ug{ s f nflu ljlgod !%& adf] l hd 5gf} 6 ePsf af] n kq
bftfx? dWo]af6 kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 . !$%
-(_ pk ljlgod -*_ adf] l hd cfly{ s k| : tfa dfu ug' { cl3 Ps tx dflysf]
clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[t lng' kg]{5 . !$^
-!)_ pk ljlgod -*_ adf] l hdsf] cfly{ s k| : tfj lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ s f nflu dfu
ul/Psf] v' N nf af] n kqsf] dfWofdaf6 ePsf] ;Demf} t fsf] xsdf dfq nfu'
x'g]5 . !$&
-!!_ pk ljlgod -*_ adf]lhd ;Demf}tf x'g g;s]df o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhdsf]
vl/b k|s[of canDag u/L vl/b sf/afxL k|f/De ug'{ kg]{5 . !$*
@)^= cg' s ' n tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf} t fsf] cGTo ubf{ lbg' kg] { e' Q mfgL] M -!_ vl/b
;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Aoa:yf ePsf]df afx]s k|flws/0fn] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu cg'sn " tfsf]
cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo u/]sf]df ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{,
lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosnfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] /sd e'QmfgL lbg'
kg]5{ . To;/L e'QmfgL lb+bf lghn] s'g} k]ZsL /sd lnPsf] /x]5 eg] To:tf] k]ZsL s6fP/
dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]5
{ M–
!$@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .
!$*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

-s_ l:jsfo{ ?kdf ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] sfo{, cfk"lt{ jf ;]jf jfkt ug'{ kg]{ e'QmfgL afFsL eP
;f] e'QmfgL,
-v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd k|flws/0fsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu pTkflbt dfn;fdfgsf] d"No, lgdf{0f
:yndf NofOPsf lgdf{0f ;fdu|L,
-u_ lgdf{0f :ynaf6 pks/0f x6fpg nfUg] dgfl;j vr{,
-3_ s'g} vr{sf] e'QmfgL ;f]wegf{sf] ?kdf lbg] Aoa:yf ePsf]df jf:tljs?kdf ePsf] To:tf]
-ª_ lgdf{0f :yndf NofOPsf lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] d"No tyf
-r_ cfjZos eP lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;+/If0f / ;'/Iff vr{ .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg k|flws/0fn] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu
;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ lbPsf] ;"rgf cfk"lt{stf{n] k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn]
;ft lbgleq l;kd]G6sf] nflu tof/ x'g] tyf tof/ ePsf dfn;fdfg To:tf] ;Demf}tfsf
zt{ / d"Nodf :jLsf/ ug'{ kg]5{ .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -@_ df plNnlvt dfn;fdfg afx]s cGo ;fdfgsf] ;DaGwdf k|flws/0fn]
b]xfo adf]lhd ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ dfn;fdfgsf] s'g} c+z k"/f u/fO{ ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt zt{ / d"Nodf k|fKt ug],{ jf
-v_ afFsL /x]sf dfn;fdfgsf] cfk"lt{ cfb]z /4 ug]{ / cfk"lt{stf{n] cf+lzs ?kdf tof/
u/]sf] dfn;fdfg jf ;]jf / ;Demf}tf cGTo x'g' cufj} cfk"lt{stf{n] vl/b u/]sf]
;fdu|L jf kf6{kh " f{ jfkt cfk;L ;xdltaf6 d~h'/ ul/Psf] /sd lghnfO{ e'QmfgL
ug]{ .
@)&= vl/b ;Demf}tf pNn+3g eP k|fKt x'g] pkrf/M -!_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd
cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jf k|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] gu/L vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] pNn+3g
u/]df k|flws/0fnfO{ k|fKt x'g] pkrf/ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] pkrf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ q'l6k"0f{ sfo{ c:jLsf/ ug],{
-v_ q'l6k"0f{ dfn;fdfg tTsfn x6fpg] / ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joa;foL, k/fdz{bftf
jf ;]jf k|bfosaf6 k|lt:yfkg ug{ nufpg],
-u_ ;dodf sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g g;s] jfktsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ k|fKt ug],{
-3_ ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug]{ / ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd gug]{ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jf
k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] vr{df To:tf] sfd ug{ jf u/fpgsf nflu nfUg]] yk vr{ c;"n
-ª_ cfg'iff+lus Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg], /
-r_ k|rlnt sfg"g jf vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd pknAw x'g] cGo pkrf/

kl/R5]b – !(
ljjfb ;dfwfg ;DaGwL Joj:yf

@)*= ljjfb ;dfwfg ;DaGwL Joj:yf -!_ k| f lws/0f / lgdf{ 0 f Aoa;foL, cfk" l t{ s tf{ ,
k/fdz{ b ftf jf ;] j f k| b fos aLr vl/b ;Demf} t f sfof{ G jogsf] l;nl;nfdf s' g }
ljjfb pTkGg ePdf ;se/ cfk;L ;xdltaf6 ;dfwfg ug'{ kg]{5 . !$(

-@_ pk ljlgod -!_ adf] l hd cfk;L ;xdtLaf6 ljjfb ;dfwfg x' g g;s] d f
k| r lnt sfg" g adf] l hd dWo:ytfsf] dfWofdaf6 ljjfb ;dfwfg ug] { s' / f
vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 . !%)

-#_ ========!%!

-$_ =========!%@

@)(= ============ !%# ==========

@!)= ============ !%$ ========

@!!= ============ !%%

@!@= ============ !%^ ====

@!#= dWo:ysf] dfWod4f/f ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ M ljlgod @)* sf] pk ljlgod-!_ adf]lhd
cfk;L ;xdltaf6 ljjfb ;dfwfg gePdf tL; lbgleq vl/b ;Demf}tfdf sfo{ljlw
pNn] v ePsf] d f ;f] x L adf] l hd / gePsf] d f k| r lnt sfg" g adf] l hd dWo:ysf]
dfWod4f/f To:tf] ljjfb ;dfwfg ug]{ sf/afxL z'? ug'{ kg]{5 . !%&

!$(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!%)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!%!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!%@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!%#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!%$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!%%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!%^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!%&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

kl/R5] b –@)

@!$= vl/b sf/afxL ;DaGwL sfuhft pknAw u/fpg' kg kg]]{ M k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd n]vf
k/LIf0f, cg'udg, cg';Gwfg jf lg/LIf0f ug{ clwsf/ k|fKt lgsfon] vl/b sf/afxL ;DaGwL s'g}
sfuhft dfu u/]df k|flws/0fn] To:tf] sfuhft dgfl;j ;dodf pknJw u/fpg' kg]5 { .
@!%= k|nf]eg, e|i6frf/ jf hfn;fhLhGo Jojxf/sf] ;"rgfM k|flws/0fsf s'g} kbflwsf/LnfO{
s'g} af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfn] k|nf]eg lbg k|:tfj u/]df jf cGo s'g} e|i6frf/ jf hfn;fhLhGo
sfd u/]sf] yfxf kfPdf lghn] ;f]sf] ;"rgf sfof{no k|dv ' nfO{ lbg' kg]5 { .
@!^= sfnf];"rLdf /fVg l;kmfl/; ug]{M -!_ s'g} af]nkqbftf, k|:tfjbftf, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos,
cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL jf cGo JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLn] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{
u/L lghnfO{ sfnf] ;"rLdf /fVg' k/]df k|flws/0fn] To; ;DaGwL lj:t[t ljj/0f / sf/0f v'nfO{
;Da4 sfuhft ;lxt ;fj{hlgs vl/b cg'udg sfof{nonfO{ n]vL k7fpg' kg]5 { .
-s_ vl/b P]gsf] bkmf ^@ adf]lhdsf] cfr/0f ljkl/t sfd u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf,
-v_ ljlgod !&% sf] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd :jLs[tLsf] nflu 5gf}6 ePsf] k|:tfjsf]
k|:tfjbftf ;Demf}tf ug{ gcfPdf,
-u_ vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ubf{ ;f/e"t q'6L u/]sf] jf ;Demf}tf cg'?ksf] bfloTj ;f/e"t
?kdf kfngf gu/]sf] jf vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;f] ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] u'0f:t/
sf] gePsf] s'/f kl5 k|dfl0ft ePdf,
-3_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf efu lng cof]Uo 7xl/g] s'g} kmf}Hbf/L s;'/df cbfntaf6 bf]ifL 7xl/Pdf, jf
-ª_ of]Uotf 9f+6L jf em'Sofgdf kf/L vl/b ;Demf}tf u/]sf] s'/f k|dfl0ft x'g cfPdf .
@!&= d"NofÍg ;ldlt
;ldltMM!_ k"j{ of]Uotfsf] k|:tfa, af]nkq, k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] cfzo kq jf k|:tfj jf
l;naGbL b/efp kq k/LIf0f / d"NofÍg ug{ k|flws/0fn] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg ;ldlt u7g
ug'{ kg]5
{ M
-s_ ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' jf lghn] tf]ss ] f]
clws[t -;Dej eP;Dd k|fljlws sd{rf/L_ – ;+of]hs
-v_ ;DalGwt sfof{nosf] n]vf k|dv '
jf ;f] geP tfn's sfof{nosf] n]vf k|dv ' – ;b:o
-u_ ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt clws[t – ;b:o
-3_ sfg"g clws[t -pknAw eP;Dd_ – ;b:o
-ª_ ;DalGwt sfof{ n osf] k| z f;g k| d ' v – ;b:o !%*
-r_ vl/b O{sfO{sf] k|dv ' – ;b:o–;lrj
!%*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-@_ ================ !%( =====
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg ;ldltn] sfof{no k|d'vsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ ;/
sf/L jf u}/ ;/sf/L If]qsf ljifo ljz]if1nfO{ cfkm\gf] a}7sdf cfdGq0f ug{
;Sg]5 . !^)
-$_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltnfO{ k/fdz{bftfsf] ;xof]u cfjZos ePdf
:jLs[t sfo{sd| / ah]6sf] cwLgdf /xL k|flws/0fn] o; ljlgodfjnLsf] sfo{ljlw
ckgfO{ k/fdz{bftf lgo'Qm u/L lbg ;Sg]5 . !^!
-%_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;ldltn] b/efpkq, af]nkq jf k|:tfj d"NofÍg ug]{
sfddf cfkm"nfO{ ;xof]u ug{ pk;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 . !^@
-^_ d" N ofÍg ;ldltsf] ;lrjn] ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] dfO{Go'6 tof/ u/L /fVg' kg]{5 /
;ldltdf 5nkmn ePsf ;Dk"0f{ ljifosf] kmfO{n v8f u/L /fVg' kg]{5 . !^#
-&_ d"NofÍg ;ldltn] cfkm\gf] sfo{ljlw cfkm} lgwf{/0f ug{ ;Sg]5 . !^$
-*_ d" N ofÍg ;ldltn] o; ljlgoddf pNn] v eP adf] l hd sfof{ n o k| d ' v ;dIf
d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]5 { . !^%
@!*= vl/b sf/afxLsf] clen]vM -!_ k|flws/0fn] k|To]s vl/b sf/AffxLsf] lglDt 5'§} kmfOn v8f
u/L /fVg' kg]5
{ .
-@_ k|flws/0fn] pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] kmfO{ndf cGo sfuhftsf cltl/Qm b]xfosf
sfuhftx? /fVg' kg]5 { M
-s_ ;Demf}tf kmfOnsf] k+lhsf,
-v_ :jLs[t gS;f l8hfOg÷:k]lzlkms]zg
-u_ :jLs[t nfut cg'dfg
-3_ af]nkq jf k"jo{ f]Uotfsf] nflu ul/Psf] cfXjfgsf] ;"rgf,
-ª_ af]nkq, k"jo{ f]Uotf jf k|:tfj cfJxfg ;DaGwL sfuhftx?,
-r_ af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhft, k"jo{ f]Uotf ;DaGwL sfuhft jf k|:tfa ;DaGwL sfuhft
;DaGwdf af]nkqbftfn] :ki6Ls/0fsf] nflu u/]sf]] cg'/f]w / ;f] ;DaGwdf k|flws/0fn] ;j}
;xefuL af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfabftfx?nfO{ k7fPsf] hjfkm,
-5_ af]n ] kqbftf jf k/fdz{bftf;Fu ul/Psf] af]nkq k]z ug'{ k"js
{ f] a}7ssf] dfO{Go'6 / k|flws/0fn]
;f] dfO{Go'6sf] k|ltlnlk ;j} ;xefuL af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfx?nfO{ k7fPsf] k|df0f,
!%(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 x6fO{Psf] .
!^)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!^!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!^@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!^#= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!^$= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!^%= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-h_ af]nkq vf]Nbfsf] dfO{Go'6,
-em_ af]nkqsf] d"n k|lt,
-`_ af]nkq d"NofÍg ;ldltn] af]nkq d"NofÍg sf] l;nl;nfdf af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfnfO{
;f]ws] f] k|Zg / ;DalGwt af]nkqbftf jf k|:tfjbftfaf6 k|flws/0fnfO{ k7fPsf] hjfkm,
-6_ k"jo{ f]Uo ePsf af]nkqbftfsf] of]Uotf d"NofÍgsf] k|ltj]bg,
-7_ k"jo{ f]Uo af]nkqbftfsf] ;"rL,
-8_ jftf{ ul/Psf] eP ;f]sf] dfO{Go'6,
-9_ ;kmn af]nkqbftfnfO{ k7fOPsf] :jLs[ltsf] k|f/lDes ;"rgfsf] k|ltlnlk,
-0f_ c;kmn af]nkqbftfx?nfO{ k7fOPsf] ;"rgfsf] k|ltlnlk,
-t_ vl/b ;DaGwdf k|sflzt ;a} ;"rgf,
-y_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;dIf / k'g/fjnf]sg ;ldlt ;dIf lbPsf] lgj]bg / ;f] ;DaGwdf
k|flws/0fn] k]z u/]sf] /fo k|ltlqmof, hfgsf/L tyf ;f] ;DaGwdf ePsf] lg0f{o,
-b_ vl/b ;Demf}tf,
-w_ k|ult k|ltj]bg, OGEjfO; / lg/LIf0f k|ltj]bg h:tf vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] sfof{Gjog ;Fu
;DalGwt sfuhft,
-g_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] eP ;f] ;DaGwL sfuhft,
-k_ dfn;fdfg k|flKt, lg/LIf0f / :jLs[lt nufotsf sfuhft,
-km_ lgdf{0f Joa;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfos;Fu ePsf ;Dk"0f{ kqfrf/,
-a_ ;j–sG6«fs6/sf] cg'/f]w / ;f] ;DaGwdf k|flws/0fn] lbPsf] hjfkm,
-e_ d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg / ;f] ;Fu ;DalGwt ;Dk"0f{ sfuhft, /
-d_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL ljjfb ;dfwfg ug{ ePsf] sf/afxL;Fu ;DalGwt sfuhft .
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] clen]v vl/b sf/afxL 6'u+ f] nfu]sf] sDtLdf ;ft jif{;Dd
;'/lIft /fVg' kg]5{ .
-$_ o; ljlgod adf]lhd clen]v /fVbf ef}lts ;DklQx?sf] clen]v / ;f] ;DaGwL k|df0f
sfuhftx? ;d]t /fVg' kg]5 { .
-%_ pk–ljlgod -$_ adf]lhd clen]v /fVbf To:tf] ;DklQsf] nfut d"No, xf|;s6\6L / dd{t
;Def/ vr{ ;lxtsf] ljj/0f v'nfpg' kg]5 { .
@!(= 9fFrf tf]Sg ;Sg;Sg]]M o; ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd /fVg' kg]{ clen]vsf] 9fFrf ;ldltn] tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
@@)= lgb]l{ zsf agfpg ;Sg]M o; ljlgodfjnLdf Joj:yf ePsf cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ;'Jojl:yt
9+uaf6 ;+rfng ug{ ;ldltn] cfjZos lgb]l{ zsf agfpg ;Sg]5 .
@@!= a}7s eQfM -!_ ;ldltsf] j}7s eQf ;do ;dodf ;ldltn] lg0f{o u/] jdf]lhd x'g5 ] .
-@_ ;ldltaf6 ul7t pk;ldltsf ;b:on] kfpg] a}7s eQf ;ldltn] tf]s]adf]lhd
x'g]5 . !^^
!^^= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

-#_ s'g} laif]z k|sl[ tsf] sfo{ ug{ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] s'g} ;ldlt u7g ug'{ kg]{ ePdf
To:tf] ;ldltsf ;b:ox? lghn] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g5 ] / To:tf ;b:ox?n] kfpg] a}7s eQf
;ldltn] tf]sL lbP adf]lhd x'g5 ] .
@@@= cltl/Qm ;do eQf / vfhf vr{M -!_ k|flws/0fsf sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ cltl/Qm ;do sfddf
nufpbf b]xfPsf ljj/0f ;d]t pNn]v u/L clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lnO{ sfddf
nufpg' kg]5{ .
-s_ cltl/Qm ;od a;L ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] ljj/0f
-v_ cltl/Qm ;dodf sfo{ u/fpg' kg]{ sf/0f
-u_ sfo{ ug{ nfUg] ;do, /
-3_ cltl/Qm ;dodf sfd nufpg' kg]{ hgzlQmsf] cg'dfg .
-@_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd cltl/Qm ;do sfddf nufpg] :jLs[t ePdf k|To]s lbg u/]sf]
sfo{x?sf] ljj/0f tyf ;f] sfo{ ubf{ nfu]sf] ;do v'ns
] f] sfuhft ;DalGwt sfd nufpg]
kbflwsf/Ln] k|dfl0ft u/L pk–ljlgod -#_ adf]lhd e'QmfgL lbg' kg]5{ .
-#_ cltl/Qm ;do sfd u/] jfkt k|flws/0fsf] ;xfos :t/sf sd{rf/LnfO{ lbO{g] cltl/Qm
;do eQf tyf clws[t :t/sf sd{rf/LnfO{ lbO{g] vfhf vr{ ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf
lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g5
] .
-$_ k|flws/0fn] s'g} clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{ cgsn 8\o6' Ldf sfddf nufpg ;Sg]5 . o:tf]
sfddf nufpbf lbO{g] eQfsf] :jLs[lt tx bz jf ;f] eGbf dflysf] sfof{no k|dv
' n] ug'{
kg]5{ .
@@#= 3/, hUuf, dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;DklQ axfndf lbg lbg]M -!_ k|flws/0fsf] 3/, hUuf jf dfn
;fdfg nLh tyf ef8fdf lbbf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{o cg';f/ lbg ;lsg]5 . o;/L
ul/g] nLh tyf axfn dWo] 3/ tyf hUuf axfn ;DaGwL zt{ tyf ca:yfx? ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f
u/] adf]lhd x'g5
] .
-@_ dfn ;fdfg jf cGo ;DklQ ef8fdf lbg] zt{ tyf ca:yfx? d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn]
lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g5
] . d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] cfjZos b]vd
] f b/ /]6 lgwf{/0f
;ldlt u7g u/L ;f] ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/z adf]lhd ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@@$= ljB'tLo ;+rf/ dfWodaf6 vl/bM -!_ k|flws/0fn] vl/b sfo{sf] s'g} jf ;a} k|lqmofdf
ljB'tLo sfo{lalw k|0ffnL dfq ckgfpg ;Sg]5 . !^&
- @_ k| f lws/0fn] ljB' t Lo ;+ r f/ dfWodaf6 vl/b ubf{ ;fj{ h lgs vl/b cg' u dg
sfof{ n osf] dfu{ lgb] { z g adf] l hd ;f] x L sfof{ n oaf6 :yfkgf ePsf] ljB' t Lo
vl/b k| 0 ffnLdf cfj4 eO{ ljB' t Lo ;+ r f/sf] dfWodaf6 vl/b sf/afxL ug' {
kg]{5 . !^*
!^&= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!^*= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

@@%= nfu]sf] vr{ / ;]jf z'Ns lng] u/L sfo{ (Rechargable Work) ug]{M -!_ k|flws/0fn]
cfkm\gf] ;fwg >f]t pknJw u/fO{ u|fxs jf cGosf] sfo{ ug{ Eofpg] ePdf P]gsf] bkmf !^ cg';f/
Jofkfl/s l;4fGt cg';/0f u/L nfu]sf] lhG;L tyf Hofnfsf] hDdf vr{sf] bz k|ltzt ;]jf z'Ns
lng] u/L To:tf] sfo{ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@@^= Hofnfsf] b//]6M k|flws/0fsf] s'g} sfd Hofnfbf/Laf6 u/fpbf Hofnfsf] b//]6 ;DjlGwt :yfgLo
k|zf;gn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g5] . :yfgLo k|zf;gaf6 lgwf{/0f gePsf Hofnfsf b/ Ps tx
dflysf clws[taf6 utjif{sf] b/nfO{ cfwf/ lnO{ :jLs[t ug'{ kg]5 { .
@@&= ;]jf pknJw u/fpg
u/fpg]M] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfof{no jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] :jfldTj jf lgoGq0fdf
/x]sf] ;+ul7t ;+:yf jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] cg'bfgaf6 ;+rflnt cGo s'g} ;+ul7t ;+:yf jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] ;DalGwt sfof{noaf6 cg'dlt k|fKt JolQm, kmd{, ;+:yf jf sDkgLnfO{ jf ljb]zL ;/sf/
jf lghsf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf] ;+:yfnfO{ k|flws/0fn] dfn;fdfg jf lgdf{0fsf] sfd jf tT;DaGwL
k/fdz{ ;]jf pknJw u/fpg ;Sg]5 . o; ;DjGwL clwsf/ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tdf lglxt
/xg]5 . ;]jf z'Ns ;DaGwdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tn] u7g u/]sf] ;ldltn] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd
] .
@@*= ljB't z'Ns jf ;]jf z'Ns ;DaGwL lx;fa ldnfg ug]{ jf ;dfof]hg ug]{M k|flws/0fsf
u|fxssf] ljlnª sfo{df c+s ul0ftLo q'6L ePdf ;f] sf] ldnfg ;DalGwt sfof{no k|dv ' n] ug{
;Sg]5 . ld6/sf] dN6LKnfO{Ë km\ofS6/df km/s k/]sf] jf o:t} cGo sf/0faf6 5'6 lan ug'{ kg]{
b]lvPdf jf u|fxsnfO{ k|bfg ul/Psf] landf 36fpg' kg]{ ePdf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf]
:jLs[ltdf lx;fa ldnfg ug{ jf ;dfof]hg ug{' kg]5 { .
@@(= j}b]lzs C0f jf cg'bfg cGtu{t vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf Joj:yfMM o; ljlgodfanLdf cGoq
h'g;'s} s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] ePtf klg bft[ kIf;+u ePsf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;f] kIfsf] vl/b
lgb]l{ zsf -k|fS] of]/d]G6 ufO{8nfOG;_ cg'?k vl/b ug'{ kg]{ ePdf o; ljlgodfjnLsf k|so[ f
ckgfpg' kg{] 5}g . t/ ;f] kIfsf] vl/b lgb]{lzsf -k|f]Sof]/d]G6 ufO{8nfOG;_ df pNN]v
gePsf s'/fx?sf] xsdf eg] o;} ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd x'g]5 . !^(
@#)= jfwf c8\rg km'sfpg
fpg]M] o; ljlgodfjnLdf n]lvPsf] s"g} s"/f sfof{Gjog ug{ afwf c8\rg
k/]df ;ldltn] To:tf] afwf c8\rg km'sfpg cfjZos lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@#!= vf/]hL tyf arfp M -!_ g]kfn laB't k|flws/0f, cfly{s k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL , @)^@ vf/]h
ul/Psf] 5 .
-@_ o; ljlgodfjnL;+ u k| f lws/0fsf] cGo ljlgodfjnLx? aflemPdf aflemPsf]
xb;Dd o;} cg's'n ;+zf]wg ePsf] dflgg]5 . !&)
-#_ pk–ljlgod -!_ adf]lhd vf/]h ul/Psf Joj:yf adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfd sf/jfxL o;}
ljlgodfjnL adf]lhd eP u/]sf] dflgg]5 .
!^(= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
!&)= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .

cg';r" L–!
-ljlgod – @ -ª_ / -5_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
sfof{ n ox?sf] ] gfd

l;=g+ = sfof{ n osf] gfd

!= ;+:yfut -s]Gb|Lo_ sfof{no
@= pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { ssf] sfof{no
#= If]qLo sfof{no
$ tfnLd s]Gb|
%= df6f] 9'u+ f tyf s+lqm6 k|of]uzfnf
^= ljt/0f s]Gb|
&= zfvf sfof{no
*= hn ljB't s]Gb|
(= l8h]n s]Gb|
!)= lu|8 ;+rfng ljefu
!!= k|;f/0f lu|8 dxfzfvf÷zfvf
!@= ;fgf hnljB't s]Gb|
!#= ;f}o{ zlQm s]Gb|
!$= kf]n KnfG6
!%= s]Gb|Lo js{;k
!^= kl/of]hgf / cfof]hgf
!& cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf0f sfof{no
!* ;ldltn] ;do ;dodf tf]ss ] f cGo sfof{no .

cg';r" L–@
-ljlgod @ sf] v08 -km_ tyf ljlgod $ ;+u ;DalGwt_
clwsf/ k| f Kt clwsf/Lsf] txut clwsf/ !&!
v08 ljlgod ljifo tx txut clwsf/ -k| : tfljt_
s !( -!)_ cltly ;Tsf/ vr{sf] sfof{no k|dv ' -^ / & tx_ Ps k6sdf kfFr ;o ?k}of;Dd
:jLs[lt lbg] . sfof{no k|dv
' -*, ( / !) tx_ Ps k6sdf b'O{ xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
lgb]{zs Ps k6sdf kfFr xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z{ s Ps k6sdf bz xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t cfjZostfg';f/
v $%-!_, lnnfd ljs|Lsf] sfof{no k|dv' -tx *, ( / !)_ k/ndf]n v'ns ] f]df b'O{ nfv ?k}ofF jf k/ndf]n gv'ns ] f]df
$^-!_ :jLs[lt lbg] . d"Nof+lst /sdsf] krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF jf b'j} u/L b'O{ nfv
krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd
lgb]{zs k/n d"No kGw| nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] dfn;fdfg jf k/n

d"No gv'ns] f]df d"Nof+lst /sd tLg nfv ?k}ofF jf b'j}
u/]/ c7f/ nfv ?k}ofF;Dd
pk sfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s k/n d"No rfnL; nfv ?k}ofF / d"No gv'ns ] f]df d"Nof+lst
/sd bz nfv ?k}ofF jf b'j} u/]/ krf; nfv ?k}ofF;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t k/n d"No Ps s/f]8 krf; nfv ?k}ofF / d"No gv'ns ] f]df
d"Nof+lst /sd krf; nfv ?k}ofF jf b'j} u/]/ b'O{ s/f]8
u %#-!_/-@_ lhG;L dfn;fdfgsf] pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s Ps k6sdf lstfaL d"Nosf] bz xhf/ / cfly{s aif{
ldGxf lbg] -nut e/Ldf Ps nfv ?k}of;Dd
s6[f_ :jLs[lt ug]]{ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t Ps k6sdf lstfaL d"Nosf] krf; xhf/ / cfly{s aif{
e/Ldf aL; nfv ?k}of;Dd
;ldlt lstfaL d"Nosf] aL; nfv ?k}of eGbf a9Lsf]
!&!= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 ;+zf]lwt .
v08 ljlgod ljifo tx txut clwsf/ -k| : tfljt_
3 %# -%_ ldGxf lbg] -ljB't pk sfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s Ps k6sdf kfFr xhf/ / cfly{s aif{ e/Ldf
dxz'n jfx]s yk krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
z'Ns / cGo z'Ns_ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t Ps k6sdf bz xhf/ / cfly{s aif{ e/Ldf kfFr
:jLs[lt ug]]{ nfv ?k}of;Dd
;ldlt kfFr nfv ?k}of eGbf a9L
ª %$-!_sf] k]ZsL :jLs[lt ug]]{ sfof{no k|dv ' -^ / & tx_ Ps k6sdf k|lt sd{rf/L bz xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
-s_,-v_, - sfof{no k|dv ' -* / ( tx_ Ps k6sdf k|lt sd{rf/L aL; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
u_, -ª_ / sfof{no k|dv
' -!) tx_ Ps k6sdf k|lt sd{rf/L krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
-r_ lgb]{zs Ps k6sdf k|lt sd{rf/L Psnfv ?k}of;Dd
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s tLg nfv ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t cfjZostfg' ; f/
r %$-!_ sf] k]ZsL lbg] -7]Ssf sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^ / &_ kfFr nfv ?k}of;Dd

-3_, %& -!_ ;Demf}tf cg';f/_ sfof{no k|dv ' -tx * / (_ aL; nfv ?k}of;Dd
/ -@_ :jLs[lt ug]]{ sfof{no k|dv ' k|jGws÷;x Ps s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
{ s -tx !)_
lgb]{zs tLg s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s ;ft s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] zt{ cg';f/ ;Dk"0f{
5 *$, *%, Dffn;fdfg lgdf{0f sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^ / &_ ;ft nfv ?k}of;Dd
*^ / ** sfo{ / cGo ;]jfsf] sfof{no k|dv ' -tx * / (_ krf; nfv ?k}of;Dd
nfut cg'dfg l:js[t sfof{no k|dv ' -tx !)_ b'O{ s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
ug]{ lgb]{zs kfFr s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s kRrL; s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t kRrL; s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf a9L
v08 ljlgod ljifo tx txut clwsf/ -k| : tfljt_
h *$ / k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] nfut lgb]{zs kfFr nfv ?k}of ;Dd
*& cg'dfg :jLs[lt ug]]{ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s aL; nfv ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t aL; nfv ?k}of eGbf a9L
em &^,!%^, l;naGbL b/efp kq, sfof{no k|dv ' -^ / & tx_ kRrL; nfv ?k}of;Dd
!%&, af]nkqåf/f lgdf{0f sfof{no k|dv ' -* / ( tx_ Ps s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
!&* sfo{, dfn;fdfg tyf sfof{no k|dv ' -!) tx_ kfFr s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
cGo ;]jf vl/bsf] lgb]{zs kGw| s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
:jLs[lt ug]]{ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s k}t+ L; s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t k}+tL; s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf a9L

` !&% -#_ k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] k|:tfj tx !) sf] cfof]hgf k|dv ' kfFr nfv ?k}of;Dd
:jLs[t ug]{ lgb]{zs bz nfv ?k}of;Dd
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s krf; nfv ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t krf; nfv ?k}of eGbf a9L
6 !&(-!_ ;f]em} vl/b ug]{ sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^ / &_ krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
:jLs[ l t - sfof{no k|dv ' -tx * / (_ Ps nfv ?k}of;Dd
dfn;fdfg, cGo sfof{no k|dv' -tx !)_ / ;f]
;] j f / lgdf{ 0 f eGbf dfly
sfo{ vl/b_ sfof{no k|d'v -tx !)_ b'O{ nfv ?k}of;Dd
lgb] { z s tLg nfv ?k} o f;Dd
pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z s rf/ nfv ?k} o f;Dd
v08 ljlgod ljifo tx txut clwsf/ -k| : tfljt_
d' V o k| z f;lso clws[ t kfFr nfv ?k}of;Dd
x]lnsK6/af6 9'jfgL lgb]z { s jf ;f] eGbf dfly
ubf{ :jLs[t ug]{ d'Vo k|zf;lso clws[t Ps k6sdf bz nfv ?k}of+;Dd
6 ! !&(-!_ ;f]em} vl/b ug]{ sfof{no k|d'v -tx !)_ Ps nfv krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
:jLs[ l t -k/fdz{ lgb] { z s tLg nfv ?k} + o f;Dd
;] j f vl/b_ pksfo{ s f/L lgb] { z s rf/ nfv ?k} + o f;Dd
d' V o k| z f;lso clws[ t kfFr nfv ?k}+of;Dd
7 !&(-*_ k|fk] f| O6/L ;fdfg vl/ pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s Ps k6sdf Ps s/f]8 ?k}of;Dd
-u_ b ug{ :jLs[lt ug]]{ d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t Ps s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf a9L
8 !*! 3/ hUUff ef8fdf sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^ / &_ aflif{s ;f\7L xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
lng :jLs[lt ug]]{ sfof{no k|dv ' -tx * / (_ aflif{s Ps nfv jL; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd

sfof{no k|dv ' -tx !)_ aflif{s Ps nfv c;L xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
lgb]{zs aflif{s b'O{ nfv rfln; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
pksfo{sf/L lgb]z { s aflif{s 5 nfv ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t aflif{s 5 nfv ?k}of eGbf a9L
cGo ;DklQ ef8fdf lgb]{zs Ps k6sdf kRrL; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
lng] pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s Ps k6sdf krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t Ps k6sdf kfFr nfv ?k}of;Dd
9 !(^ -!_ - e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L sfof{no k|dv ' -!) tx_ ;Demf}tf /sdsf] tLg k|ltzt;Dd
s_ ug{ :jLs[lt ug]]{ sfof{no k|dv ' -!! tx_ ;Demf}tf /sdsf] kfFr k|ltzt;Dd
pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s ;Demf}tf /sdsf] bz k|ltzt;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t ;Demf}tf /sdsf] klRr; k|ltzt;Dd
v08 ljlgod ljifo tx txut clwsf/ -k| : tfljt_
;ldlt ;Demf}tf /sdsf] klRr; k|ltzt eGbf a9L
0f !(* -@_ Dofb yksf] :jLs[lt sfof{no k|dv ' -^ b]vL tx !) ;Dd_ cfk"mn] :jLs[t u/]sf] 7]Ssfdf tLg dlxgf;Dd
ug]]{ lgb]z
{ s÷If]qLo lgb]z { s cfk"mn] :jLs[t u/]sf] 7]Ssfdf tLg dlxgf;Dd cGt/ut
sfof{noaf6 k]z ePsf]df rf/ dlxgf;Dd
pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s cfk"mn] :jLs[t u/]sf] 7]Ssfdf tLg dlxgf;Dd cGt/ut
sfof{noaf6 k]z ePsf]df 5 dlxgf;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t cfjZostfg';f/
t @@@ cltl/Qm ;do sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^ / &_ dfl;s tL; 306fdf ga9\g] u/L b}lgs b'O{ 3G6f
sfddf nufpg] sfof{no k|dv ' -tx * / (_ dfl;s rfnL; 306fdf ga9\g] u/L b}lgs b'O{ 3G6f
-n]vf k|zf;gsf sfof{no k|dv ' -tx !)_ dfl;s krf; 306fdf ga9\g] u/L b}lgs b'O{ 3G6f
sd{rf/LnfO{ sfddf lgb]{zs dfl;s ;f7L 306fdf ga9\g] u/L b}lgs tLg 3G6f
nufpg :jLs[lt ug]_]{ pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s cfjZostfg';f/

d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t cfjZostfg';f/
y @@@ cltl/Qm ;do sfddf sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^, &, * / (_ dfl;s krkGg 306fdf ga9\g] u/L
nufpg -;fO{6df sfd sfof{no k|dv ' -tx !)_ dfl;s krxQ/ 306fdf ga9\g] u/L
nufpbf_ :jLs[lt ug]]{ lgb]{zs dfl;s c;L 306fdf ga9\g] u/L
pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s cfjZostfg';f/
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t cfjZostfg';f/
b @@@ cltl/Qm ;do sfddf sfof{no k|dv ' -tx ^, &, *,( / !)_ ;fj{hlgs ljbfdf * 306f / cGo lbg b}lgs @ 306f;Dd
nufpg -l;K6 8\o6' Ldf lgb]{zs cfjZostf cg';f/
sfd nufpbf k|lt
lbg_ :jLs[lt ug]]{
w @@% nfUg] vr{ / z]jf sfof{no k|dv ' -^ / & tx Ps k6sdf b'O{ nfv ?k}of;Dd
z'Ns lnO{ sfo{ ug]{ sfof{no k|dv ' -* / ( tx_ Ps k6sdf kfFr nfv ?k}of;Dd
v08 ljlgod ljifo tx txut clwsf/ -k| : tfljt_
:jLs[lt lbg] sfof{no k|dv' k|jGws÷;x lgb]z
{ s Ps k6sdf bz nfv ?k}of;Dd
{ s÷If]qLo lgb]z { s Ps k6sdf krf; nfv ?k}of;Dd
pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s Ps k6sdf Ps s/f]8 ?k}of ;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t Ps k6sdf tLg s/f]8 ?k}of ;Dd
;ldlt tLg s/f]8 ?k}of eGbf a9L
g @@* ljB't z'Ns jf ;]jf sfof{no k|dv ' -^ / & tx Ps k6sdf b'O{ xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
z'Ns;DaGwL lx;fj sfof{no k|dv ' -* / ( tx_ Ps k6sdf kf+r xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
ldnfg ug]{ jf sfof{no k|dv ' k|jGws÷;x Ps k6sdf bz xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
;dfof]hg ug{ lgb]{zs
:jLs[lt ug]]{ lgb]z
{ s÷If]qLo lgb]z { s Ps k6sdf krf; xhf/ ?k}of;Dd
pk–sfo{sf/L lgb]z { s Ps k6sdf Ps nfv ?k}of;Dd
d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[t Ps k6sdf b'O{ nfv ?k}of;Dd

;ldlt b'O{ nfv ?k}of eGbf a9L
cg';r" L–#
-ljlgod ( sf] pk–ljlgod -&_ ;+u ;DjlGwt_

g] k fn ljB' t k| f lws/0f

a} + s hdfgtsf] clen] v
a}+s hdfgt a}+s hdfgtsf] a}b] z
] L a}s
+ af6 a}s + hdfgt hkmt ug'{ kg]{ cj:yfdf
k]z ug]s{ f] lsl;d -lj8 a}+s hdfgt hf/L ePsf] a}s + a}+s a}+s a}+s hdfgtsf] a}s
JolQm, kmd{, a08÷k/km/d]G; hf/L ug]{ hdfgt eP hdfgt hdfgt hdfgt cjlw yk
l;=g+= a}s
+ sf] gfd hf/L + df bfjL /sd k|fKt s}lkmot
;+:yf jf a08÷k]ZsLsf] OG8f];{ ug]{ hf/L dfGo ePsf] eP ;DaGwLt a}s
/ bfjL k7fPsf] ePsf] ldlt
sDkgLsf] nflu k]z u/]sf] :jb]zL a}s + sf] ldlt /sd / /x]sf] ;f] sf]

gfd a08_ 7]
u fgf gfd / 7]ufgf d'bf| cjlw cjlw

================================== ==============================
vl/b O{sfO k|dv ' sfof{no k|dv '
" L–$
-ljlgod !# sf] pk–ljlgod -$_ tyf ljlgod !& ;+u ;DjlGwt_

cfo Joosf] cg' d flgt ljj/0f

-s_ cfosf] cg'dflgt ljj/0f

-!_ jlu{st[ u|fxs ju{ cg';f/ ljB't ljqmL ljj/0f .
-@_ jlu{st[ u|fxs ;+Vof .
-#_ pTkfbg o'lg6 ljj/0f .
-c_ cfGtl/s pTkfbg o'lg6
-!_ hnljB't pTkfbg o'lg6 .
-@_ l8h]n kfj/xfp;af6 pTkflbt o'lg6 .
-cf_ ljB't vl/b o'lg6
-!_ ef/taf6 x'g] vl/b o'lg6 .
-@_ :jtGq ljB't pTkfbgstf{x?af6 x'g] vl/b o'lg6 .
-#_ ljB't zlQm ;Gt'ng ljj/0f (Energy Balance Sheet)
-v_ cfGtl/s >f]t cg'dfg
-!_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] z]o/ nufgL .
-@_ cfGtl/s k"h F L ahf/af6 p7fO{g] /sdsf] cg'dfg .
-u_ j}bl] zs C0f tyf ;xof]u
-!_ j}bl] zs C0f ;xof]usf] ;Demf}tf cg';f/ k|fKt x'g] /sdsf] cg'dfg .
-@_ j}bl] zs cg'bfg ;xof]u cg';f/ k|fKtx'g] /sdsf] cg'dfg .
-3_ k"h
F Lut vr{sf] cg'dflgt ljj/0f
-!_ k|flws/0fsf] >f]tsf] k"hF Lut vr{ cg'dfgdf lgDg laa/0f x'g' kg]5{ M
-c_ rfn" jif{df ;DkGg u/L k"h + Ls/0f x'g] sfo{x? .
-cf_ utaif{sf] k|fyldstfdf /x]sf ;DkGg x'g g;s]sf cw'/f k"h F Lut sfo{ .
-O_ kl/dflh{t k|fyldstf qmddf sfof{Gjog x'g] k|:tfljt sfo{qmd .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/ / k|flws/0fsf] ;+oQ ' m nufgLsf] k"h
F Lut vr{ cg'dfg ubf{ lgDg laa/0f
x'g kg]5
{ M
-c_ cfjlws of]hgfn] nIo u/]sf] sfdsf] ljj/0f .
-cf_ rfn" cfof]hgfdf eO/x]sf] sfdsf] ljj/0f .

-O_ rfn" jif{;Dddf ;DkGg x'g g;Sg] eO{ cfufdL jif{df ug'{ kg]{ jf ;DkGg u/L
;Sg' kg]{ sfdsf] /sdut laa/0f .
-O{_ j}bl] zs ;xfotfsf ;DjGwdf ;Demf}tf cg';f/sf] cjlwdf ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf]
ljj/0f .
-ª_ ;+rfng ;Def/ vr{sf] cg'dflgt ljj/0fM
-!_ :jLs[t b/jGbL / sfo{/t sd{rf/L ljj/0f .
-@_ lgoldt vr{sf] sfo{qmdsf] d'Vo d'Vo sfo{ut nfut ljj/0f .
-#_ ;'wf/fTds vr{ (Preventive) sfo{qmdsf] d'Vo d'Vo nfut ljj/0f .
-$_ sfof{nosf]] lhG;L df}Hbftsf] auL{s/0fsf] ;f/f+zut /sd ljj/0f .
-%_ sfof{nosf] /sdut lhG;L vl/bsf] cg'dflgt ljj/0f .
-^_ lhG;L k|jfxsf] cg'dflgt ljj/0f .
-&_ ut jif{sf] d'Vo d'Vo sfo{ut nfut ljj/0f .
-r_ k|If]lkt ljQLo ljj/0f
-!_ k|If]lkt gfkmf gf]S;fg lx;fj .
-@_ k|If]lkt jf;nft .
-#_ k|If]lkt gub k|jfx .
-$_ :jfldTj c+zdf (Equity) ePsf] kl/jt{g ljj/0f .

" L–%
-ljlgod #* sf] pk–ljlgod -(_ ;+u ;DjlGwt_

Gf] k fn laB' t k| | f lws/0f

a/a' e mf/y k| d f0f–kq

o; ==================== k|f| lws/0fsf ============>L ========================================n] cfkm\gf]] lhDdfdf

/x]sf] k|f| lws/0fsf] gubL, lhG;L sfuhkq / cGo ;DklQx? lghsf] xfnjfnf tf]lsPsf] sd{rf/LnfO{
a'emfO{ ;Sg' ePsf] k|dfl0ft ul/G5 .

======================= =========================== =========================

:6f]/ k|dv ' n]vf k|dv ' sfof{no k|dv '

" L–^
-ljlgod #* sf] pk–ljlgod -(_ ;+u ;DjlGwt_
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f
a/a' e mf/y u/] s f] k| d f0f

o; ==================== k|f| lws/0fsf ==========>L ============== ==========================n] cfkm\gf]] lhDdfdf /x]sf]

b]xfo adf]lhdsf] k|f| lws/0fsf] gubL, lhG;L, sfuhkq / ljj/0fx? o; ==================== k|f| lws/0fsf
xfnjfnf ==========>L ==================== ==================== nfO{ j/j'emf/y u/L lnof}÷ + lbof}M+
-s_ sfof{ n o k| d ' v sf] nfluM
!= gLltut lg0f{o / cGo cfkm\gf] lhDdfdf /x]sf kmfOnx?sf] kl~hsf ;lxtsf] ljj/0f .
@= lg0f{osf qmddf /x]sf kmfOnx?sf] l:ylt ljj/0f .
#= ;?jf x'bF f;Ddsf] ah]6sf] t'ngfdf -k"h
F Lut / ;+rfng ;+ef/sf] 5'6f[ 5'6_}[ vr{ k|ltzt .
$= 7]Ssf ;Demf}tfx? (Contract Agreements) sf] ljj/0f / ;DjlGwt kmfOnx?
%= k|fljlws l:ylt / cljnDj ug'{ kg]{ sfo{x?sf] ljj/0f
^= rfn" cf=j= sf] k"lF hut tyf ;+rfng ;+ef/ sfo{x?sf] nIo / k|ult l:ylt .
&= ut b'O{ jif{ b]lv xfn;Ddsf] ljB't r'xfj6 l:ylt / ;f] ;DjGwL ljj/0fx? .
*= lhDd]jf/L tf]lsPsf] sd{rf/Lx?n] ug'{ kg]{ d'Vo sfo{x?sf] ljj/0f .
(= b/jGbL tyf df}hb' f sd{rf/Lx? -s/f/ / b}lgs Hofnfbf/L ;d]t_ sf] ljj/0f .
!)= ut b'O{ jif{ b]lv xfn;Ddsf] ljB't ljqmLsf] t'ngfdf ;+sngsf] k|ltzt .
!!= lnnfd÷ldGxf ;DjGwL eP u/]sf] sfd / ;f] sf] l:ylt .
!@= cfjf;u[x k|of]u u/]sf] eP k|of]udf NofOPsf ;j} ;fdfgx?sf] gfd ;lxtsf] ljj/0f .
!#= e'QmfgL lbg jfFsL /x]sf cf;fdLx?sf] /sd ;lxtsf] ljj/0f .
!$= :yL/ ;DklQ ef}lts k/LIf0fsf] :yLlt
-v_ n] v f k| d ' v sf] nfluM
!= cl3Nnf] dlxgf;Ddsf] ;+tn ' g k/LIf0f .
@= cl3Nnf jif{x?sf] j]?h"sf] l:ylt / km5\of}6{ sf] nflu e}/x]sf] sf/jfxLsf] l:ylt .
#= lg0f{osf kmfOnx? .
$= ;+rfngdf /x]sf] 7]Ssf ;Demf}tf / ;f] sf] l:ylt .
%= ljleGg Pn=;L= / ;f] sf] l:ylt .
^= Dofb ;dfKt x'g] tflnsf ;lxtsf] k/km/d]G;—j08 / hdfgL kqx?sf] ljj/0f .
&= lx;fj lstfj tyf n]vf ljj/0fx?sf] lhDdf /x]sf] JolQmsf] ljj/0f .
*= OG6/ o'lg6 lx;fj ldnfg eP gePsf] l:ylt .
(= ah]6sf] t'ngfdf vr{sf] k|ltzt -;+rfng ;+ef/ / k"lF hut j]Unfj]Un}_
!)= e'QmfgL lng jfFsL /x]sf] /sd ;lxtsf] ljj/0f .
!!= j}s + Jofn]G;, gubL lx;fj, r]s j's / ;f] ;DjGwL ;j} j}s + vftfsf] ljj/0f .
!@= cfGtl/s tyf clGtd n]vf kl/If0f s'g ldlt ;Ddsf] ;DkGg ePsf] 5 ;f] sf] ljj/0f .
-u_ :6f]/ k|d'vsf] nfluM
!= :6s n]h/ adf]lhd ;dfgsf] e]l/lkms];gsf] ljj/0f .
@= k"h
F Lut vr{ ;DjGwL :6f]/ O:o"sf] ef}r/x? / lhDdf lng] JolQmx?sf] ljj/0f .
#= k"/fgf lkmtf{ cfPsf ;fdfgx?sf] ljj/0f / ;f] sf] nut .
$= :6f]/ 6«fG;km/ e} cfPsf / uPsf ;fdfgx?sf] ef}r/ ;xLtsf] nut .
%= lhG;L df}Hbftsf] ljj/0f .
^= sd{rf/Lx?n] j'em]sf -vr{ gx'g_] ;fdfgx?sf] JolQmut n]h/ .
&= :6f]/ ;DjGwL cGo d'Vo d'Vo s'/fx? g5'6g\ ] u/L tof/ kfl/Psf] ljj/0f .
-3_ k| z f;g k| d ' v sf] nflu
!= sfof{nodf /x]sf sd{rf/Lx?sf] JolQmut kmfOn .
@= sd{rf/Lx?sf] ljbfsf] ljj/0f, ljbfsf] ;6[f tnj lnPsf]df ;+lrt ljbfdf s6[L ePgePsf]
l:yltsf] ljj/0f .
#= cf}ifwL pkrf/ vr{sf] clen]v .
$= sfof{no ejg tyf sfof{nox?sf] ljj/0f .
%= sfof{nosf] hUufsf] ljj/0f / ;Ssn nfnk"hf{ tyf gfkL gS;fx?sf] ljj/0f .
^= sd{rf/LnfO{ ul/Psf] ljefluo sf/jfxLsf] ljj/0f .
&= ljutjif{x?sf] xflh/L /lhi6/ / ;f] sf] nut .
*= sd{rf/L tYofÍ ljj/0f . -hGdldlt, lgo'lQm ldlt, :yfoL ldlt / a9'jf ldlt_
(= s/f/ / Hofnfbf/L sd{rf/Lsf] clen]v

j' e mfpg] j' l emlng]

x:tfIf/M x:tfIf/M
gfdM gfdM
kbM kbM
ldltM ldltM

/f] x j/ MM—
x:tfIf/ M—
gfd M—
kb M—
ldlt M—
cg';r" L–&
-ljlgod %( sf] pk–ljlgod -@_ ;+u ;DjlGwt_
g] k fn ljB' t k| f lws/0f
k| l ttkq clen] v
k|lttkq k]ZsL ;fdfg pTklQ ePsf] e'QmfgL cfb]z /sd
k|lttkq vf]ns Dofb
k|lttkq /sd ljifo / ] f] aGb aGb vftf
l;=g+= g+= / / 7]Ssf cjlw a}s+ sf] x'g] yk ePsf] kfgf b]z pTkfbg ePsf] k|yd bf];|f] t];f| ] hDdf s}lkmot
ldlt d'b|f ;Demf}tf gfd / ldlt u/]sf] ldlt g+= ldlt / df]8]n ls:tf ls:tf ls:tf
gfd 7]ufgf ldlt

================================== ==================================
n]vf k|dv ' sfof{no k|dv '
r9fpg]sf] gfd y/M– k|dfl0ft ug]s { f] gfd y/M–
;xLM– ;xLM–
ldltM– ldltM–
" L–*
-ljlgod () sf] pk–ljlgod -#_ ;+u ;DjlGwt_
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f
lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ s f] nfut Oli6d] 6 lgsfNg] tl/sf

cfO6d O{sfO{ cfO6dsf] hDdf cfO6dsf] hDdf cfO6dsf]

b//]6 kl/df0f hDdf vr{
cfO6d -!_ -r_ -6_ -r_ X -6_
cfO6d -@_ -5_ -7_ -5_ X -7_
cfO6d -#_ -h_ -8_ -h_ X -8_

hf]8 = -j_ = -rX6+5X7+hX8 + =====================================_

js{ rf6{ :6fkm vr{ – -j_ sf] @=% k|ltztn] = )=)@%X-t_
;fgfltgf cGo vr{ – -j_ sf] @=% k|ltztn] = )=)@%X-t_
hDdf nut Oli6d]6 cÍ = !=)% X -t_
gf]6 M af]nkqsf] cÍnfO{ t'ngf ubf{ nut Oli6d]6sf] cÍ -j_ nfO{ dflgg' k5{ .

cfO6dsf] hDdf -s"n_ b//]6 lgsfNg] tl/sfM

>ldsx?sf] vr{ ====================================================== -s_
lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lsf] vr{ ============================================== -v_
oflGqs pks/0fsf] ef8f -t}No kbfy{ ;lxt_ ================= -u_

af:tljs b//]6 -s+v+u_ = -3_

cf]e/x]8 -3 sf] !% k|=z=_ – )=!% X -ª_

hDdf b//]6 -ª_ = !=!% X -3_

gf]6M pk/f]Qm cg';f/ nfut cg'dfg tof/ u/L;s]kl5 ah]6 Joj:yfkgsf] nflu cfjZostfg';f/ hDdf
nfut cg'dfgdf d"No ;dfof]hg slG6Gh]G;L jfkt !) k|ltztn], lkmlhsn slG6Gh]G;L jfkt !)
k|ltztn] / d"No clea[lWb s/ /sd ;d]t yk u/L nfut cg'dfg sfod ug'{ kg]5 { .

cg';"rL – (
-lgod (& sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;] j fsf] vl/b ;Demf} t f

dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf vl/b ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{
;lsg]5 M–
-s_ vf; dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ ;Demf}tfM s'g} vf; sfdsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ sRrf
kbfy{, pks/0f, kmdf{:o'l6sN;, cf}iflw, cf}hf/ jf cGo o:t} ljz]if k|sl[ tsf dfn;fdfg
vl/b ug{sf] nflu vf; dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf cfk"lt{ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-v_ ;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tfM vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jf
k|flws/0fn] dfu u/]sf] ;dodf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt b/ / zt{ adf]lhd Ps jf Ps
eGbf a9L cfk"lt{stf{af6 k|fKt ug]{ Joj:yf ug{sf] nflu ;+/rgfTds jf PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tfdf k|flws/0fn] vl/b ug]{ dfn;fdfg jf cGo ;]jfsf] Go"gtd / clwstd
kl/df0f v'nfpg' kg]5{ . of]] ;Demf}tf ;fdfGotof Ps jif{ eGbf j9L cjlwsf] x'g] 5}g .
-u_ ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tfM b]xfosf] cj:yfdf ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5M–
-!_ jflif{s vl/b ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug'{ eGbf ax'jifL{o ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ubf{
k|flws/0fnfO{ ;f/e"t ?kdf nfe x'g] ePdf,
-@_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlwdf vl/bsf] kl/df0f ;f/e"t ?kdf yk36 gx'g] ePdf,
-#_ vl/b ;Demf}tf cjlwe/ vl/b ul/g] dfn;fdfgsf] l8hfO{g kl/jt{g gx'g] ePdf,
-$_ dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{;uF ;DalGwt k|fljlws hf]lvd a9L gePdf .
-3_ l8hfO{g, cfk"lt{ / h8fg ;Demf}tfM 7"nf kfj/ KnfG6 jf kDkLª :6]zg h:tf pRr jf hl6n
k|ljlw o'Qm dfn;fdfgsf] l8hfOg ug],{ lgdf{0f :yndf cfk"lt{ u/L h8fg ug]{ k/LIf0f
;~rfng ug]{ / To:tf] dfn;fdfgsf] ;~rfng ug{ k|flws/0fsf sd{rf/LnfO{ cfjZostfg';f/
tflnd lbg] Joj:yf ug{ l8hfOg, cfk"lt{ / h8fg ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . o:tf] ;Demf}tf
l8hfOg, cfk"lt{ / h8fg sfo{ dWo] s'g} b'O{ sfo{ ug{sf] nflu ;d]t ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-ª_ 6g{ sL ;Demf}tfM pRr k|ljlwo'Qm NkfG6sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg Ifdtf pNn]v u/L To:tf]
NkfG6sf] l8hfOg, cfk"lt{, lgdf{0f / h8fg sfo{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhd ;DkGg u/L k|flws/0fnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ug{sf] nflu 6g{sL ;Demf}tf
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
gf] 6 M v08 -s_, -v_, -3_ / -ª_ adf]lhdsf ;Demf}tf jx'jifL{o ;Demf}tf ;d]t x'g ;Sg]5 .

cg';"rL – !)
-lgod (* ;Fu ;DalGwt_

lgdf{ 0 f sfo{ s f] vl/b ;Demf} t f

k|flws/0fn] s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf] nflu b]xfosf] ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf M lgdf{0f sfo{sf] kl/df0f ;Demf}tf x'b+ fsf avt olsg gePsf] jf lgdf{0f sfo{ k|lt
PsfO{ sfo{ lan ckm SjfG6L6Ldf plNnlvt b/df u/fpg] Joj:yf ug{ PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 . o:tf] PsfO{ b/df af]nkqbftfn] k|:tfljt lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug{ cfjZos kg]{ ;fdu|L, >d
/ cGo s'/f ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]5 { .
k|flws/0fn] o; ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ePsf] sfd jfkt e'QmfgL ubf{ lgdf{0f :ynsf] gfk hfFraf6 olsg
ePsf]] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] kl/df0fnfO{ k|lt PsfO{ b/n] u0fgf u/L x'g cfpg] /sd e'QmfgL ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-v_ Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tfM e"ldut kfgLsf] kfO{knfO{g h8fg h:tf gfk hfFr ug{ sl7g x'g] lgdf{0f sfo{{
jf k'nsf] ;+/rgf h:tf gfk hfFr ug{ ;lsg] lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpg Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tf ubf{ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DaGwL ;a} k|sf/sf hf]lvd / bfloTj lgdf{0f Joj;foLdf
/xg] u/L ug'{ kg]5
{ .
t/ ;Demf}tf eO{ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;'? ePkl5 k|flws/0fn] lgdf{0fdf s'g} lsl;dsf] kl/jt{g ug{ cfb]z
lbPsf] sf/0fn] lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] cfly{s bfloTj j[l4 ePdf To:tf] bfloTj k|flws/0fn] Joxf]g{'
{ .
-u_ nfut ;f]wegf{ ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] PsfO{ b/ ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd ug{ d~h'/ gug]{ jf ug{
g;Sg] 7"nf] hf]lvdo'Qm / sfd ug]{ kl/l:ylt k"jf{gd' fg ug{ g;lsg] k|sl[ tsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf nflu
nfut ;f]wegf{ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tf u/L ul/g] lgdf{0f sfo{ jfkt lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{
e'QmfgL lb+bf lghn] To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ u/]sf] jf:tljs vr{, ;f] sfo{sf]] lz/f]ef/ vr{ / :jLs[t
nfut cg'dfgdf pNn]v ePsf] d'gfkmf ykL x'g cfPsf] /sd e'QmfgL lbg ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tf
u/L lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpFbf nfut ;f]wegf{sf] clwstd /sdsf] ;Ldf lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]5 { / a9L nfut
;f]wegf{ lbg' kg]{ ePdf d'Vo k|zf;sLo clws[tsf] k"j{ :jLs[tL lng' kg]5 { .
-3_ ;do / ;fdu|L b/ ;Demf}tfM vl/b ;Demf}tf ug{] ;dodf s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] dd{t ;Def/ ug{ nfUg]
>d / ;fdu|Lsf] k"jf{gd' fg ug{ g;lsg] eO{ >dnfO{ ;dosf] cfwf/df / ;fdu|LnfO{ PsfO{ b/sf]
cfwf/df u0fgf u/L sfd u/fpgsf] nflu ;do / ;fdu|L b/ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tf ubf{
lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ b]xfo adf]lhd e'QmfgL x'g] s'/f :ki6 ?kdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ M–
-!_ lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] >dnfO{ k|lt306f jf k|lt lbg jf k|lt dlxgfsf] cfwf/df ljefhg u/L x'g
cfPsf] /sddf lz/f]ef/ vr{ / :jLs[t nfut cg'dfgdf pNn]v ePsf] d'gfkmf hf]8b\ f x'g cfpg]
/sd, /
-@_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt /sdsf] ;Ldf leq /xL dd{t ;Def/ ug{ nfu]sf] ;fdu|Lsf] d"Nosf]
e'QmfgL /sd .
-ª_ l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tfM s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l8hfOg / lgdf{0f Pp6} lgdf{0f Joj;foLaf6 u/fpgsf]
nflu l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . k|flws/0fn] o; ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;'? ubf{
k|fljlws jf k|fljlwsx?sf] ;d"xnfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l8hfO{g hfFRg nufO{ :jLs[t u/]kl5 dfq ;'? ug'{
kg]5{ . To;/L l8hfOg hfFr ug]{ k|fljlws jf k|fljlwsx?sf] ;d"xn] To:tf] l8hfO{g, 8«Oª{ tyf nfut
cg'dfg hfFr / :jLs[t ubf{ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd hfFr tyf :jLs[t ug]{ sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ hfFr tyf
:jLs[t ug'{ kg]5{ .
-r_ Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f sfo{sf] u'0f:t/ / ;DkGg ug]{ cjlw ;DaGwL sfg"gL Pj+ ;Demf}tfhGo
bfloTj k|flws/0f;Fu vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLn] g} jxg ug]{ u/L To:tf] sfo{ lghsf]
;'k/Lj]If0f jf Joj:yfkgdf ljleGg ;j–sG6«fs6/åf/f u/fpgsf nflu Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfdsf] e'QmfgL k|flws/0f;Fu ;Demf}tf ug]{ lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ dfq lbO{g{ 5] .
-5_ sfo{;Dkfbgdf cfwfl/t dd{t ;Def/ jf Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tfM s'g} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] dd{t ;Def/ jf
Joj:yfkg ug{{ cfjZos kg]{ pks/0f / ljleGg PsfO{ hGo -cfO6djfOh_ sfo{ pNn]v gu/L clGtd
sfo{ ;Dkfbg dfq pNn]v u/L To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ u/fpgsf] nflu sfo{ ;Dkfbgdf cfwfl/t ;Def/ jf
Joj:yfkg ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-h_ lk;js{ ;Demf}tfM k6s] ?kdf u/fO{ /xg' kg]{ ;fgfltgf ;Def/ / dd{t ;DaGwL lgdf{0f sfo{
cfjZos k/]sf avt u/fpgsf] nflu To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] d"No ;"rL sfod u/L lk; js{ ;Demf}tf
ug{ ;lsg]5 .
o; ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw ;fdfGotof Ps jif{ eGbf j9Lsf] x'g5
] g} .

cg';"rL – !!
-lgod (( ;Fu ;DalGwt_

k/fdz{ ;] j fsf
fsf] vl/b ;Demf} t f

k|flws/0fn] k/fdz{ ;]jf vl/b ug{sf] nflu b]xfosf ;Demf}tf dWo] s'g} Ps ;Demf}tf u/L vl/b ug{ ;Sg]5M
-s_ Psd'i6 /sd ;Demf}tfM ;DefJotf cWoog, cfof]hgfsf] l8hfO{g, af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftsf]
tof/L h:tf :ki6 ?kdf klxrfg ePsf], k/fdz{bftfdf Go"g hf]lvd /xg] / u'0f:t/ dfkg ;lhn};uF
ug{ ;lsg] sfdsf] nflu k/fdz{ ;]jf lng Psd'i6 ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tfdf
k/fdz{bftfn] lgwf{l/t ;dofjlw leq sfo{If]qut zt{df plNnlvt k|fljlws ljz]iftf ePsf] sfd
u/L k|flws/0f ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ / ;f] jfkt lghn] ;]jf z'Ns kfpg] s'/f pNn]v ug{'
kg]5{ .
-v_ ;doj¢ ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug],{] 7"nf Joj;flos ;+:yfsf] Joj:yfkg ug]{ jf jfFw,
;'?Ë h:tf h6Ln ;+/rgfsf] l8hfO{g ug]{ h:tf k/fdz{ ;]jfsf] cjlw cg'dfg ug{ g;lsg] ePdf
To:tf] sfdsf] nflu ;doj¢ ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tfdf k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf z'Ns
b]xfo adf]lhd to x'g] s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-!_ k/fdz{bftfnfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ug{{ jf:tljs ?kdf nfu]sf] ;don]
;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt kfl/>ldssf] b/nfO{ u'0fg u/L cfpg] /sd,
-@_ lan e/kfO{ cg';f/sf] jf:tljs k'm6s/ vr{sf] ;f]wegf{ /sd .
-u_ sfo{ ;DkGgtfsf] cfwf/df z'Ns lbO{g] ;Demf}tfM vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ePsf] sfo{ ug{
k/fdz{bftfnfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] ;dodf jf]nfpg] u/L jf lghn] ;DkGg u/]sf] sfo{sf] cfwf/df
;]jf z'Ns lbg] u/L k/fdz{ ;]jf lng' kbf{ sfo{ ;DkGgtfsf] cfwf/df z'Ns lbO{g] ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 . of] k/fdz{bftfsf] ;]jf z'Ns To:tf] ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g5 ] .
-3_ k|ltztdf cfwfl/t ;Demf}tfM dfn;fdfg lg/LIf0f ug]{ ;]jf, cfls{6S] 6sf] ;]jf, ;'kl/j]If0f jf
cg'udg ;]jf jf cGo o:t} k|sl[ tsf ;]jf vl/b ug{ k|ltztdf cfwfl/t ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg]5 .
of] ;Demf}tfdf k/fdz{bftfnfO{ ;]jf z'Ns lbbf+ ;DalGwt lgdf{0f sfo{ jf cfof]hgfsf] cg'dflgt
jf jf:tljs nfut jf vl/b ul/Psf] jf lg/LIf0f ul/Psf] dfn;fdfgsf] nfutsf] k|ltzt cg';f/
lbO{g] s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5
{ .
-ª_ ;]jf ;do lglZrt gePsf] ;Demf}tfM lgdf{0f sfo{ ;~rfngdf Nofpgsf nflu ;do ;dodf
cfjZos kg]{ ;Nnfxsf/, vl/b ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL ljjfb lg?k0fstf{ jf dWo:ystf{, ;+:yfut
;'wf/ jf vl/b ;DaGwL k/fdz{bftf, k|fljlws ;d:of ;dfwfgstf{ h:tf vf; sfdsf] ;DaGwdf
cfjZos k/]sf] ;dodf k/fdz{ ;]jf lngsf] nflu ;]jf ;do lglZrt gePsf] ;Demf}tf ug{
;lsg]5 . of] ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf s'/f pNn]v ug'{ kg]5 { M–
-!_ k/fdz{bftfn] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt sfd k|flws/0fnfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] ;dodf vl/b
;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt b/df ug{' kg],{
-@_ k/fdz{bftfnfO{ sfd ug{ jf:tljs ?kdf nfu]sf] ;dosf] cfwf/df kfl/>lds e'QmfgL
ul/g] .
cg' ; " r L—!@
-ljlgod @)! sf] pk–ljlgod -(_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f


-k"lF hut tyf dd{t ;DjGwL sfo{sf] e'QmfgL ug'{ cl3 clGtd ljn;+u ;+nUg x'g' kg]{ sfuhftx?M_

-s_ sfd u/]sf] :yfg M

-v_ sfdsf] ljj/0f M
-u_ n]vf ;+fs]lts ;+Vof / n]vfzLif{s M
-3_ :jLs[t ah]6 M
-ª_ Oli6d]6 c+sM
-r_ sfd z'? ePsf] ldltM
-5_ sfd ;DkGg ePsf] ldltM
-h_ sfd ;DkGg x'bF fsf] hDdf nfut
• lhG;L vr{ M —=============
• Hofnf vr{ M —============
• cGo vr{ M– ===========

================================== ======================= ==========================

;fO6 OGrfh{÷ k|fljlws k|dv ' n]vf k|dv ' sfof{no k|dv '

dd{t;DaGwL sfdsf] ljj/0f pNn]v ubf{ ;+If]kdf t/ s] sfd ul/Psf] xf] k|i6 j'lemg] u/L pNn]v ug'{ kb{5 .
h:t}— 6jf{Og dd{t u/]sf] xf] eg] 6jf{Og dd{t dfq gn]vL 6jf{Ogdf s] dd{t ul/Psf] xf] / sxfF b]lv sxfF;Dd
xf] ;f] ;d]t vf]Ng' kb{5 . To;}u/L nfOg lj:tf/ ePsf] xf] eg] s'g ;fOhsf] tf/, s:tf] kf]n k|of]u u/L
sltj6f tf/ tflgPsf] xf] ;f] ;d]t vf]Ng' kb{5 . lgdf{0f sfo{ k|ultsf] ljj/0f agfpFbf sfo{ z'? ePsf] aif{ b]lv
xfn;Ddsf] vr{ ljj/0f -k|To]s aif{sf] 5'l§g] u/L_ ;d]t b]vfpg' kb{5 .
dd{t ubf{ abnL ePsf d'Vo d'Vo ;fdfgx? h:t}M kf]n, tf/, pks/0f, 6«fG;km/d/, :jLr u]o/ cflb :6f]
bflvnf ePsf] k|dfl0ft sfuhft ;lxt ;+nUg x'g' kb{5 .

cg' ; " r L—!#
-ljlgod *& sf] pk–ljlgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
Kf/fdz{ ; ] j fsf] nfut cg' d fgsf] 9fF r f !&@

;]jf vr{ lzif{s PsfO{ zLif{ s sf] lzif{ s sf]

-s_ -v_ k|lt O{sfO{ hDdf kl/df0f
b/ -3_
lzif{ s -!_
lzif{ s -@_
e| d 0f,a;f] j f;,dfn;fdfg jf pks/0f jf ;] j f
nufotsf ;f]wegf{ x'g] vr{ -ª@_
lzif{ s -#_
tflnd, uf] i 6L, sfuhft 5kfO{ jf cg' j fb
nufotsf cGo km'6s/ vr{—ª#_

s'n hDdf nfut-r_

sfof{nosf] Joj:yfkg vr{ % k|lt;t -5_

s'n nfut cg'dfg c+s-h_

!= af]nkq t'ngfsf] nflu s'n nfut cg'dfg c+s-h_ x'g]5 .

@= kfl/>lds vr{-ª!_, ;f]wegf{ x'g] vr{—ª@_/ cGo km'6s/ vr{- ª#_sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f
tof/ u/L o; nfut cg'dfg kmf/fdsf] ;fydf /flv k|:t't ug'{ kg]{5 .
#= pk/f] S t cg' ; f/ nfut cg' d fg tof/ ul/;s] k l5 ah] 6 Joj:yfkgsf] nflu
cfjZostfcg';f/ hDdf nfut cg'dfg d"No ;dfof]hg slG6h]G;L jfkt !) k|ltztn],
ljleGg s/ jfkt !) k|ltztn] / d"No clea[4L s/ /sd ;d]t yk u/L s'n nfut
cg'dfg c+s sfod ug'{ kg]{5 .

∗ ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 dxfk|jGwssf] ;§f pksfo{sf/L lgb]z
{ s /flv
;+zf]wg ul/Psf] .

!&@= ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt @)&$.)@.!( sf] &%# cf}+ a}7sjf6 ePsf] k|yd ;+zf]wgjf6 yk .

:yflkt @)$@

ESTD 1985

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

cfly{s k|zf;g ljlgodfjnL, @)^*

-;+zf]wg ;lxt_

e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g, @)%(

k|df0fLs/0f / k|sflzt ldlt
u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg
ug]{ P]g, @)^^ @)^^.!).&

@)%( ;fnsf] P]g g+= !

e|i6frf/ lgjf/0fsf ;DaGwdf ;dofg's"n sfg'gL Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]g
k|:tfjgf M ;j{;fwf/0fsf] ;'v, zflGt / cfly{s lxtsf] lgldQ ;dfhdf cfly{s
cg'zf;g, g}ltstf / ;bfrf/ sfod /fVg e|i6frf/ lgjf/0fsf ;DaGwdf ;dofg's"n
sfg'gL Joj:yf ug{ jf~5gLo ePsf]n],
>L % dxf/fhflw/fh 1fg]Gb| jL/ ljqmd zfxb]jsf] zf;gsfnsf] klxnf] jif{df
;+;bn] of] P]g agfPsf] 5 .

!= ;+lIfKt gfd, lj:tf/ / k|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æe|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g,
@)%(Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g g]kfne/ nfu" x'g]5 / g]kfnaflx/ hxfF;'s} /x] a;]sf g]kfnL
gful/s, /fi6«;]js / o; P]g cGtu{t e|i6frf/ u/]sf] dflgg] s'g} sfd u/L ljb]zdf
a:g] u}/g]kfnL gful/s ;d]tnfO{ nfu" x'g]5 .
-#_ of] P]g t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiffM
kl/efiffM ljifo jf k|;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ æe|i6frf/Æ eGgfn] kl/R5]b–@ cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s;'/ ;D´g' k5{ .

of] P]g ;+jt\ @)^% ;fn h]7 !% ut]b]lv nfu" ePsf], k|z:tL / clw/fHo zAb lemlsPsf] .


-v_ æl/;jtÆ eGgfn] gubL, lhG;L jf cGo h'g;'s} lsl;dsf] nfe jf ;'ljwf
;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] 3"; ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-u_ æ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfÆ eGgfn] b]xfosf] ;+:yf ;D´g' k5{ M–
-!_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs :jfldTj jf lgoGq0f ePsf] sDkgL,
a}Í jf ;ldlt jf k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/åf/f :yflkt
cfof]u, ;+:yfg, k|flws/0f, lgud, k|lti7fg, af]8{, s]Gb|, kl/ifb\ /
o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo ;+ul7t ;+:yf,
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/åf/f ;+rflnt jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs
cg'bfg k|fKt ljZjljBfno, dxfljBfno, ljBfno, cg';Gwfg s]Gb| /
cGo To:t} k|fl1s jf z}lIfs ;+:yf,
-#_ :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]g, @)%% adf]lhd ul7t :yfgLo lgsfo,
-$_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] C0f, cg'bfg jf hdfgtdf ;+rflnt ;+:yf,
-%_ pkv08 -!_, -@_, -#_ jf -$_ df plNnlvt ;+:yfsf] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs
:jfldTj ePsf] jf lgoGq0f /x]sf] jf To:tf] ;+:yfaf6 cg'bfg k|fKt
-^_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L ;fj{hlgs
;+:yf egL tf]s]sf] cGo ;+:yf .
-3_ æ/fi6«;]jsÆ eGgfn] k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf]
dflgg] JolQm ;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] b]xfosf] JolQm ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5M–

-!_ /fi6«klt, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf ;dIf lnPsf]
zkyaf6 jf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf;+u u/]sf] ;D´f}tf
jf sa'lnot jf zt{ adf]lhd jf ;fj{hlgs st{Jo kfng ug{sf]
nflu g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfaf6 tna, eQf, kfl/>lds,
;'ljwf, x}l;ot jf cGo s'g} nfe kfpg] jf gkfpg] u/L lgo'Qm,
dgf]gLt jf lgjf{lrt JolQm,

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ s'g} ljjfbsf] lg/f]k0f ug{ jf ;dfwfg ug{ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd

lgo'Qm ePsf] dWo:y jf To:t} x}l;otdf lgo'Qm cGo s'g} JolQm,
-#_ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd lgo'Qm, lgjf{lrt jf dgf]gLt lnlSj8]6/,
;e]{o/ jf ;f]xL k|s[ltsf] x}l;otdf sfd ug]{ JolQm,
-$_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] cGo
JolQm .
-ª_ æ/fhZjÆ eGgfn] k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs
;+:yfnfO{ ltg{' jf a'´fpg' kg]{ s'g} klg k|sf/sf] s/, dx;"n, b:t'/, z'Ns,
/f]oN6L, hl/afgf tyf o:t} k|sf/sf] cGo /sd ;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn]
To:tf] s/, dx;"n, b:t'/, z'Ns, /f]oN6L, tyf o:t} k|sf/sf cGo /sddf
nfUg] Aofh jf hl/afgf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-r_ æs;'/sf] dfqfÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s;'/ u/]sf] jf ug]{
pBf]u u/]sf] cj:yf, kl/l:ylt / To:tf] s;'/sf] ufDeLo{tf jf To:tf] s;'/
ug]{ jf ug{ pBf]u ug]{ JolQmsf] lgot, of]Uotf, cf]xbf / x}l;ot ;d]tsf]
cfwf/df lgwf{/0f ul/g] s;'/sf] dfqf ;D´g' k5{ .
-5_ æcg';Gwfg clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL s;'/sf] cg';Gwfg,
txlssft / d'2f bfo/ ug{ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd clVtof/L kfPsf] lgsfo
jf clwsf/L ;D´g' k5{ .
e|i6frf/sf] s;'/ / ;hfo ;DaGwL Joj:yf
#= l/;jt lng] lbg]nfO{ ;hfoM
;hfoM -!_ /fi6«;]js jf /fi6«;]js x'g nfu]sf] s'g}
JolQmn] cfˆgf] cf]xbf jf ;f] ;DaGwL s'g} sfd ug{ jf ul/lbP afkt jf gug{
jf gul/lbP afkt jf cfˆgf] cf]xbf jf ;f] ;DaGwL s'g} sfd ubf{ s'g} JolQmnfO{
df]nflxhf jf clgi6 ug{ jf u/fOlbP afkt jf gug{ jf gu/fOlbP afkt cfˆgf]
jf c¿ s;}sf] lgldQ l/;jt lnPdf jf lng d~h'/ u/]df b]xfo adf]lhdsf]
l/;jt lng]nfO{ jf lng d~h'/ ug]{nfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ b]xfo adf]lhd
s}b / lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf x'g]5 . l/;jt lnO;s]sf] eP ;f] l/;jt ;d]t
hkmt x'g]5 M–


-s_ kRrL; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd tLg dlxgf;Dd s}b

-v_ kRrL;xhf/ ?k}ofFeGbf tLg dlxgfb]lv rf/
a9L krf; xhf/ dlxgf;Dd s}b,
-u_ krf; xhf/ ?k}ofFeGbf rf/ dlxgfb]lv 5
a9L Ps nfv ?k}ofF;Dd dlxgf;Dd s}b,
-3_ Ps nfv ?k}ofFeGbf a9L 5 dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{
kfFr nfv ?k}ofF;Dd 5 dlxgf;Dd s}b,
-ª_ kfFr nfv ?k}ofFeGbf a9L Ps jif{ 5 dlxgfb]lv
bz nfv ?k}ofF;Dd b'O{ jif{ 5 dlxgf;Dd
-r_ bz nfv ?k}ofFeGbf a9L b'O{ jif{ 5 dlxgfb]lv
kRrL; nfv ?k}ofF;Dd rf/ jif{;Dd s}b,
-5_ kRrL; nfv ?k}ofFeGbf rf/ jif{b]lv 5 jif{;Dd
a9L krf; nfv s}b
-h_ krf; nfv ?k}ofFeGbf 5 jif{b]lv cf7 jif{;Dd
a9L Ps s/f]8 ?k}ofF;Dd s}b
-´_ Ps s/f]8 ?k}ofFeGbf a9L cf7 jif{b]lv bz jif{;Dd
hlt;'s} eP klg s}b .
-@_ /fi6«;]js afx]s cGo JolQmn] s'g} /fi6«;]jsnfO{ lghsf] cf]xbfsf] jf
x}l;otsf] s'g} sfd u/fpg jf gu/fpg dgfpg] p2]Zon] jf lghaf6 u/fpg jf
gu/fpg dgfOlbP afkt jf ;f] cf]xbfsf] jf x}l;otsf] s'g} sfd ubf{ s'g} JolQm
pk/ df]nflxhf jf clgi6 ug{ jf gug{ dgfpg] p2]Zon] jf df]nflxhf jf clgi6
ug{ jf gug{ dgfOlbP afkt s'g} JolQmaf6 cfˆgf] jf c¿ s;}sf] lgldQ s'g}
l/;jt lnPdf jf lng d~h'/ u/]df lghnfO{ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;hfo u/L
l/;jt lnO;s]sf] eP ;f] l/;jt ;d]t hkmt ul/g]5 .
-#_ s;}n] /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd
s'g} sfd ug{, u/fpg jf gug{, gu/fpg l/;jt lbPdf lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf
cg';f/ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;hfo x'g]5 .
-$_ o; bkmf cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s'g} s;'/ ug{ b'?T;fxg lbg] JolQmnfO{
To;/L b'?T;fxg lbPaf6 s;'/ ePsf] jf gePsf] h];'s} eP tfklg s;'/sf] dfqf
cg';f/ lgh /fi6«;]js eP ;f]xL s;'/sf] nflu tf]lsPsf] ;hfo / cGo JolQm eP
To;sf] cfwf ;hfo x'g]5 .


$= lagf d"No jf sd d"Nodf j:t' jf ;]jf lng] /fi6«;]jsnfO{ ;hfo M /fi6«;]jsn]

cfˆgf] cf]xbf jf ;f] ;DaGwL cfkm"n] u/]sf] jf ug{' kg]{ s'g} sfd sf/afxLdf
;/f]sf/ ePsf] jf x'g] ;Defjgf /x]sf] jf cfˆgf] sfof{nosf] sfd;F+u ;DaGw
ePsf] JolQm eGg] hfgL hfgL To:tf] JolQmaf6 cfˆgf] jf c¿ s;}sf] nflu

=== === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/, jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] cg'dlt glnO{ lagf d"Nodf
jf sDtL d"Nodf s'g} dfnj:t' jf ;]jf lnPdf jf lng d~h'/ u/]df jf lng]
pBf]u u/]df lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ 5 dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd s}b /
lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf u/L To:tf] j:t' lnO;s]sf] eP ;f] j:t' hkmt x'g]5 /
;]jfsf] xsdf ;]jfsf] lauf] sfod u/L lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
%= bfg, bftJo, pkxf/ jf rGbf lng]nfO{ ;hfo M -!_ cfkm" axfn /x]sf] kb
cg';f/ ;Dkfbg ug{' kg]{ s'g} sfddf s'g} k|sf/n] c;/ kg{ ;Sg] u/L s'g}

/fi6«;]jsn] s;}af6 === === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] k"j{
:jLs[lt glnO{ cfkm"n] jf cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] s'g} ;b:o jf c¿ s;}åf/f s'g}
k|sf/sf] bfg, bftJo, pkxf/, sf];]nL, rGbf jf s'g} lsl;dsf] nfe :jLsf/ ug]{
jf cfkm" axfn /x]sf] kb cg';f/ ;Dkfbg ug{' kg]{ sfd;+u ;DalGwt JolQm;+Fu
;fk6L lng] /fi6«;]jsnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv 5 dlxgf;Dd
s}b u/L lauf] hkmt ul/g]5 .
-@_ /fi6«;]jsn] g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] sf]ifsf] /sdaf6 vl/b
u/L s;};+uF pkxf/ jf sf];]nL cfbfg k|bfg ubf{ s;}af6 s'g} pkxf/ jf sf];]nL
k|fKt u/]sf] eP To:tf] pkxf/ jf sf];]nL cljnDa cfˆgf] sfof{nodf bflvnf ug{'
kg]{5 . bflvnf gu/]df pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] s;'/ u/]sf] dfgL ;hfo u/L To:tf]
pkxf/ jf sf];]nL ;d]t hkmt ul/g]5 .
^= sldzg lng]nfO{ ;hfoM /fi6«;]jsn] cfˆgf] st{Jo kfngsf] l;nl;nfdf jf

=== === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ s'g} j:t' jf
;]jf vl/b ubf{ jf ef8f jf lnhdf ln+bf lb+bf jf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs
;+:yfn] s'g} 7]Ssfk§f ln+bf jf lb+bf jf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfaf6
pTkflbt j:t' jf ;]jf laqmL ubf{ jf ef8f jf lnhdf lnbf lb+bf s'g} lsl;dsf]

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


sldzg, kfl/>lds, bnfnL b:t'/, ;'ljwf jf nfe k|fKt x'g] /x]5 eg] To:tf]
sldzg, kfl/>lds, bnfnL b:t'/, ;'ljwf jf nfe k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn] ;ft
lbgleq ;DalGwt sfof{nodf bflvnf ug{' kg]{5 . To;/L bflvnf gu/]df To:tf]
/fi6«;]jsn] bkmf # adf]lhdsf] s;'/ u/]sf] dflgg]5 / ;f]xL adf]lhd ;hfo u/L
lauf] ;d]t hkmt ul/g]5 .
&= /fhZj r'xfj6 ug]{ /fi6«;]jsnfO{ ;hfo M /fhZj p7fpg' kg]{ st{Jo ePsf]
/fi6«;]jsn] b]xfosf] sfd u/L /fhZj r'xfj6 u/]df jf /fhZj r'xfj6 ug{
s;}nfO{ d2t k'¥ofPdf jf cfkm" ;d]t ;+nUg eO{ b'?T;fxg lbPdf lghn]
r'xfj6 ePsf] /fhZj /sd cg';f/ bkmf # adf]lhdsf] s;'/ u/]sf] dflgg]5 /
;f]xL adf]lhd s}bsf] ;hfo u/L To;/L r'xfj6 ePsf] /fhZj /sdsf] bf]Aa/
hl/afgf x'g]5 M–
-s_ s'g} gubL jf lhG;L /sd, b:t'/, Ogfd, as; jf cGo s'g} lsl;dsf] nfe
:jLsf/ u/L jf df]nflxhfdf k/L jf df]nflxhf ug]{ lgotn] s;}nfO{ s'g}
k|sf/af6 /fhZj r'xfj6 ug]{ sfddf d2t lbPdf jf s'g} JolQmaf6 s'g}
lsl;dsf] nfe jf ;'ljwf lnO{ jf glnO{ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs
;+:yfnfO{ xflg gf]S;fgL k'¥ofO{ /fhZj c;"n gug]{ jf 36L /fhZj c;"n
ug{ jf u/fpg d2t ug]{,
-v_ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd /fhZj lgwf{/0f ubf{ x]g{'kg]{ jf k/LIf0f ug{' kg]{
sfuhft gx]/L jf k/LIf0f gu/L jf cfjZos k|df0f ;Íng gu/L 36L
/fhZj lgwf{/0f ug]{ jf u/fpg] jf /fhZj g} gnfUg] u/L lgwf{/0f ug]{ jf
u/fpg] sfddf d2t lbg],
-u_ p7fPsf] /fhZj k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd bflvnf gu/L lxgfldgf ug]{,
-3_ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd /fhZj lgwf{/0f ubf{ jf j:t'sf] d"NofÍg ubf{ k]z
ePsf] j:t'sf] aLhs, u'0f:t/ jf kl/df0f km/s kf/L lng' kg]{ /fhZj glnO{
;fdfg 5f]8\g] jf 5f]8\g d2t k'¥ofpg] .
*= u}/sfg'gL nfe jf xflg k'¥ofpg] ablgotn] sfd ug]{nfO{ ;hfo M -!_ s'g}
/fi6«;]jsn] cfkm" jf c¿ s'g} JolQmnfO{ u}/sfg'gL nfe k'¥ofpg] jf


=== === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ u}/sfg'gL xflg k'¥ofpg]
ablgotn] b]xfosf] s'g} sfd u/]df s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv tLg
jif{;Dd s}b / lauf] v'n]sf]df lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf u/L lauf] c;"n pk/
ul/g]5 . lauf] gv'n]sf]df tLg dlxgfb]lv tLg jif{;Dd s}b / bz xhf/
?k}ofFb]lv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 M–
-s_ cfof]hgfsf] ;DefJotf cWoog ubf{ jf gD;{ tof/ ubf{
k'i6\ofOFsf] cfwf/ lagf c:jfefljs lsl;daf6 a9L sfd jf
nfut b]vfpg],
-v_ lgwf{l/t u'0f:t/eGbf sd u'0f:t/sf] lgdf{0f ;fdu|L k|of]u
ug]{ jf k|of]u ug{ cg'dlt lbg] jf To:tf] ;fdu|L k|of]u
ePsf]df lgwf{l/t u'0f:t/sf] xf] egL k|dfl0ft ug]{ jf
:jLs[t lbg],
-u_ dgfl;a sf/0f lagf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] u'0f:t/ sd ug]{,
cfsf/ jf ¿k kl/jt{g ug]{ jf lgwf{l/t zt{ tyf dfkb08
ljk/Lt lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{, u/fpg] jf To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{nfO{
u'0f:t/o'Qm, zt{ tyf dfkb08 adf]lhd ePsf] xf] egL
k|dfl0ft jf :jLs[t ug]{,
-3_ dgfl;a sf/0f lagf nfut Oli6d]6 c:jfefljs ¿kdf
a9fO{ ;+zf]wg u/L sfd ug]{, u/fpg],
-ª_ ´'¶f lan, e/kfO{ agfO{ e'QmfgL lng], lbg] jf lansf] bf]xf]/f]
e'QmfgL lng] lbg],
-r_ dgfl;a sf/0f lagf cfjZos kg]{eGbf c:jfefljs ¿kdf
a9L ;fdfg vl/b ug]{, u/fpg],
-5_ ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] jf ;fj{hlgs ;DklQsf]
c:jfefljs d"NofÍg ug]{, u/fpg],
-h_ ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;DklQ u}/sfg'gL ¿kdf cfˆgf] jf
c¿sf] gfddf btf{, ef]u rng ug]{, u/fpg],

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


-´_ ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] gfddf s'g} ;DklQ lwtf]

lng' kbf{ To:tf] ;DklQsf] jf:tljs d"NoeGbf c:jfefljs
¿kdf clws d"NofÍg ug]{, u/fpg],
-`_ dfn;fdfg vl/b ubf{ u'0f:t/xLg, Dofb gf3]sf] /
c:jfefljs ¿kdf a9L d"No lt/L vl/b ug]{, u/fpg] .
-@_ s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] kbLo x}l;otaf6 k|fKt x'g] ;fwg jf ;'ljwf To:tf]
x}l;ot ;dfKt ePkl5 dgfl;a sf/0f lagf lgwf{l/t ;doleq lkmtf{ gu/]df To:tf]
;fwg jf ;'ljwf lkmtf{ lnO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ Ps xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv kfFr xhf/
?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
-#_ s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] pkbkmf -!_ / -@_ df n]lvPb]lv afx]s cGo s'g} sfd
u/L ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;DklQ ablgotk"j{s s'g} lsl;dn] xflg gf]S;fgL u/] jf
u/fPdf s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ b'O{ jif{;Dd s}b jf lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf jf b'j}
;hfo x'g]5 .
-$_ /fi6«;]js afx]s c¿ s'g} JolQmn] cfkm" jf c¿ s'g} JolQmnfO{

u}/sfg'gL nfe k'¥ofpg] ablgotn] === === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf
;dIf u/]sf] zky, sa'lnot, ;D´f}tf, 7]Ssf, nfO;]G;, k/ld6, k|lt1fkq jf
l8n/lzksf] zt{kfngf gu/]df jf g]kfn ;/sf/ jf To:tf] ;+:yfn] lgwf{l/t u/]sf]
lgod jf sfo{ljlw jf :jLsf/ u/]sf] zt{ pNnª\3g x'g] u/L k|rlnt sfg'gåf/f
lgif]lwt tj/af6 Joj;fo u/]df jf ;/sf/L jf To:tf] ;+:yfsf] ;'ljwf jf
clwsf/sf] b'¿kof]u u/]df lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ b'O{ jif{;Dd s}b jf lauf]
adf]lhd hl/afgf u/L lauf] ;d]t hkmt ul/g]5 .
(= unt lnvt tof/ ug]{ /fi6«;]jsnfO{ ;hfo M s'g} lnvt tof/ ug]{ st{Jo

ePsf] s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] === === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;/sf/L lgsfo jf
;fj{hlgs ;+:yf jf s'g} JolQmnfO{ xflg k'¥ofpg] ablgotn] To:tf] s'g} lnvt
tof/ u/]df lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd s}b /
bz xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


!)= unt cg'jfb ug]{nfO{ ;hfo M cg'jfb ug]{ clVtof/L kfPsf] jf To:tf] sfd

ug{ tf]lsPsf] /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] === === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/,
;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ xflg k'¥ofpg] jf cfkm" jf c¿ s;}nfO{
nfe k'¥ofpg] ablgotn] s'g} lnvt cg'jfb ubf{ unt cg'jfb ug]{, ´'6\7f
ljj/0f /fvL cg'jfb ug]{ jf gfd, y/, ldlt, tYo jf To:t} cGo s'/f km/s kfg]{
sfd u/]df lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd s}b /
bz xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
!!= ;/sf/L sfuhft ;Rofpg]nfO{ ;hfo M ;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf]
sfuhftdf cgflwsf/ jf u}/sfg'gL tl/sfn] ;Rofpg], s]/d]6 ug]{, yk36 ug]{
jf x]/km]/ ug]{ /fi6«;]js jf cGo JolQmnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg
dlxgfb]lv b'O{ jif{;Dd s}b / krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
!@= ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] sfuhft gf]S;fg ug]{nfO{ ;hfo M s'g}
/fi6«;]jsn] ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] sfuhft n'sfPdf jf s'g} tl/sfn]
gf]S;fg k'¥ofPdf jf gi6 u/]df lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ 5 dlxgfb]lv Ps
jif{;Dd s}b / bz xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
To;/L n'sfPsf], gf]S;fg k'¥ofPsf] jf gi6 u/]sf] sf/0faf6 s'g} lsl;dsf] xflg
gf]S;fgL ePsf] /x]5 eg] ;f] ;d]t c;'n pk/ ul/g]5 .
!#= k|Zgkqsf] uf]kgLotf e+u ug]{ jf k/LIffsf] kl/0ffd km]/abn ug]{nfO{
;hfo M ;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfaf6 ;~rfng ul/g] k/LIffsf]
k|Zgkq lgwf{l/t ;doeGbf cufj} clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] ljz]if kl/l:ylt
k/]sf] sf/0f hgfO{ vf]n]df jf vf]Ng nufPdf afx]s s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] cfkm" jf
c¿ s'g} JolQmnfO{ u}/sfg'gL nfe k'¥ofpg] ablgotn] s'g} klg k|sf/n] To:tf]
k|Zgkqsf] uf]klgotf e+u u/]df jf ug{ nufPdf jf k/LIffsf] kl/0ffddf km]/abn
u/]df jf ug{ nufPdf To:tf] /fi6«;]jsnfO{ tLg dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd s}b /
kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv bz xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
!$= u}/sfg'gL Jofkf/ Joj;fo ug]{ /fi6«;]jsnfO{ ;hfo M k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd
ug{ gkfpg]df s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] cfˆgf] jf c¿sf] gfdaf6 jf ;f´]bf/Ldf Jofkf/
u/]df jf lnnfd a9fa9 jf 7]Ssf k§fdf efu lnPdf jf s'g} kmd{ jf sDkgL jf

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


;xsf/L ;+:yfsf] lx:;]bf/ ePdf s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv 5

dlxgf;Dd s}b / bz xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 /
To;/L cfh{g u/]sf] ;DklQ ;d]t hkmt ul/g]5 .
t/, klAns lnld6]8 sDkgLaf6 ;fj{hlgs laqmLsf nflu v'Nnf ul/Psf]
z]o/ vl/b ug{ o; bkmfn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
!%= gkfPsf] cf]xbf kfPF eGg]nfO{ ;hfo M s'g} /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn]
cfkm"n] gkfPsf] cf]xbf, clwsf/, x}l;ot jf ;'ljwf kfPF egL jf s'g}
/fi6«;]jssf] cf]xbf, clwsf/, x}l;ot jf ;'ljwf k|of]u u/]df jf gkfPsf] cf]xbf
;DaGwL lrGx, kf]zfs jf lg:;f b]vfPdf /fi6«;]jssf] cf]xbf ;DaGwL lrGx,
kf]zfs jf lg:;f xf] eGg] c¿n] ljZjf; u/f];\ eGg] dg;fon] To:tf] lrGx,
kf]zfs jf lg:;f h:tf] b]lvg] s'g} s'/f nufPdf jf b]vfPdf, lghnfO{ s;'/sf]
dfqf cg';f/ Ps jif{b]lv b'O{ jif{;Dd s}b / krf; xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv Ps nfv
?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
!^= ´'§f ljj/0f lbg]nfO{ ;hfo M -!_ s'g} JolQmn] /fi6«;]jssf] cf]xbf kfpg] jf
;f] cf]xbfdf axfn /xg] jf s'g} x}l;ot, nfe jf ;'ljwf kfpg] p2]Zon] z}lIfs
of]Uotf, gfd, tLgk':t], pd]/, hft, y/, 7]ufgf, gful/stf jf of]Uotf jf cGo
s'g} s'/fsf] ´§f ljj/0f lbPdf jf ;f] ;DaGwL ´'§f k|df0fkq k]z u/]df
lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ 5 dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd s}b / bz xhf/
?k}ofFb]lv aL; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
-@_ of] P]g jf k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd ;DklQ ljj/0f lbg' kg]{ st{Jo ePsf
/fi6«;]jsn] cfˆgf] gfddf jf c+zdf xs nfUg] jf Psf;uf]nsf] kl/jf/sf] gfddf
/x]sf] jf:tljs ;DklQeGbf a9fO{ jf eP /x]sf] ;DklQ n'sfO{ l5kfO{ ´'§f ljj/0f
lbPdf lghnfO{ Ps dlxgfb]lv tLg dlxgf;Dd s}b / bz xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf
x'g]5 . o;/L n'sfO{ l5kfO{ /flvPsf] ;DklQ ;d]t hkmt x'g]5 .
!&= ;fj{hlgs ;DklQsf] xflg gf]S;fgL ug]{nfO{ ;hfo M s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] cfˆgf]

cf]xbfsf] jf ;f] ;DaGwL st{Jo kfng ubf{ === === ===, g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] ;DklQsf] nfk/afxL jf ablgot u/L lxgfldgf, xflg
gf]S;fgL jf b'¿kof]u u/] u/fPdf jf df;]df jf lghL k|of]udf nufPdf lghnfO{

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ bkmf # adf]lhdsf] ;hfo x'g]5 / To;/L lxgfldgf, xflg
gf]S;fgL jf b'¿kof]u u/]sf] jf df;]sf] jf df:g lbPsf] ;DklQ klg lghaf6
c;"n pk/ ul/g]5 .
!*= u}/sfg'gL bjfa lbg]nfO{ ;hfo M Hofg dfg]{, ckx/0f ug]{, ;DklQ x/0f ug]{,
OHhtdf wSsf k'¥ofpg], 8/, qf; jf c¿ s'g} lsl;dsf] u}/sfg'gL bafaaf6
/fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ of] P]g cGtu{t
;hfo x'g] s;'/ ug{ nufPdf lghnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ rf/ jif{b]lv cf7
jif{;Dd s}b / Ps nfv ?k}ofFb]lv kfFr nfv ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
!(= unt k|ltj]bg lbg]nfO{ ;hfoM -!_ ;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfdf
n]vfk/LIf0f ug]{ clVtof/L kfPsf] s'g} /fi6«;]js jf cGo JolQmn] n]vfk/LIf0f
ubf{ ablgotk"j{s sf/f]af/df gePsf s'/f b]vfpg] jf eP u/]sf tYox¿ nf]k
u/L n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tof/ u/]df To:tf] /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{
s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd s}b / bz xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv
krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df n]lvPb]lv afx]s ;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf]
sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} ljifosf] cWoog jf hfFra'´ u/L k|ltj]bg lbg' kg]{ st{Jo
ePsf] /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] To:tf] cWoog jf hfFra'´ u/L k|ltj]bg
lb+bf ablgot k"j{s eP u/]sf s'/f n'sfO{ l5kfO{ jf geP gu/]sf s'/f b]vfO{
k|ltj]bg lbPdf To:tf] JolQmnfO{ s;'/sf] dfqf cg';f/ tLg dlxgfb]lv Ps jif{;Dd
s}b / bz xhf/ ?k}ofFb]lv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf x'g]5 .
@)= u}/sfg'gL ?kdf ;DklQ cfh{g u/]sf] dflgg] M -!_ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd
;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] dflgg] /fi6«;]jsn] k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd k]z u/]sf]
;DklQ ljj/0f cldNbf] tyf c:jfefljs b]lvg cfPdf jf lghn] dgfl;a sf/0f
lagf cldNbf] / c:jfefljs pRr hLjg:t/ ofkg u/]df jf cfˆgf] x}l;oteGbf a9L
s;}nfO{ bfg, bftJo, pkxf/, ;fk6L, rGbf jf as; lbPsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf To:tf]
;DklQ s] s:tf] ;|f]taf6 cfh{g u/]sf] xf] eGg] s'/fsf] lghn] k|dfl0ft ug{' kg]{5 /
gu/]df To:tf] ;DklQ u}/sfg'gL ¿kdf cfh{g u/]sf] dflgg]5 .
-@_ s'g} /fi6«;]jsn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd u}/sfg'gL ¿kdf ;DklQ cfh{g
u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf To;/L cfh{g u/]sf] ;DklQsf] lauf] cg';f/ b'O{ jif{;Dd s}b /


lauf] adf]lhd hl/afgf u/L To;/L cfh{g u/]sf] u}/sfg'gL ;DklQ ;d]t hkmt
ul/g]5 .
@!= pBf]u ug]{nfO{ x'g] ;hfo M o; kl/R5]bdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s o;
P]g cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s;'/ ug{ pBf]u ug]{nfO{ To:tf] s;'/ ug]{ /fi6«;]js jf
cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ x'g] ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo x'g]5 .
@@= dltof/nfO{ ;hfoM o; P]gdf cGoq 5'§} Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s o; P]g
cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s'g} s;'/sf] dltof/nfO{ To:tf] s;'/ ug]{ /fi6«;]js jf cGo
s'g} JolQmnfO{ x'g] ;hfosf] cfwf ;hfo x'g]5 .
t/, s;'/ ug]{ /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmnfO{ To:tf] s;'/ u/] afkt
gubL, lhG;L, jf cGo s'g} ;'ljwf jf nfe pknAw u/fO{ lbg] jf cfkm"n] lng]
dltof/nfO{ s;'/ ug]{ JolQm ;/x g} ;hfo x'g]5 .
@#= ;+ul7t ;+:yfaf6 ePsf] s;'/df d'Vo eO{ sfd ug]{n] s;'/ u/]sf] dflgg]
dflgg] M
s'g} kmd{, sDkgL jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfn] o; kl/R5]b adf]lhd s;'/ dflgg] s'g} sfd
u/]df To:tf] kmd{sf] xsdf To:tf sfd ubf{sf avt ;DalGwt lx:;]bf/x¿ /
sDkgL jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] xsdf sDkgL jf To:tf] ;+:yfsf] d'Vo eO{ sfd ug]{
clwsf/Ln]] To:tf] s;'/ u/]sf] dflgg]5 .
t/ d'Vo eO{ sfdsfh ug]{ clwsf/L lgo'lQm x'g' cufl8 g} To:tf] sfd
eP u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf h;n] To:tf] sfd u/]sf] 5 ;f]xL JolQmn] s;'/ u/]sf]
dflgg]5 .
:ki6Ls/0fM o; bkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æd'Vo eO{ sfdsfh ug]{
clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] sDkgL jf ;+ul7t ;+:yfsf] cWoIf, ;+rfns ;ldltsf ;b:o,
dxfk|aGws, k|aGw lgb]{zs jf ;f]xL x}l;otdf sfdsfh ug]{ kbflwsf/L ;D´g'
k5{ .

@$= yk ;hfo M ;+j}wflgs c+u jf lgsfosf kbflwsf/L, /fi6«kltaf6 dgf]gog jf

lgo'Qm x'g] kbflwsf/L, g]kfn ;/sf/sf ljlzi6 >]0fL jf ;f] ;/xsf kbflwsf/L,
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf k|d'v dxfk|aGws jf ;f] ;/xsf kbflwsf/Ln] o; kl/R5]b

u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg'g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


cGtu{tsf s;'/ u/]df lghnfO{ To:tf] s;'/df x'g] ;hfodf yk tLg jif{;Dd
s}b ;hfo x'g]5 .
e|i6frf/sf] s;'/sf] cg';Gwfg, txlssft / d'2f bfo/L
@%= cg';Gwfg / txlssft ug]
ug{] M -!_ s'g} JolQmn] e|i6frf/ u/]sf] 5 jf ug{
nfu]sf] 5 eGg] s'/f s'g} ;"rgf jf ;|f]taf6 jf s;}sf] ph'/Laf6 cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Ln] hfgsf/L kfPdf tT;DaGwdf cfjZos cg';Gwfg / txlssft tyf
cGo sf/afxL ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} JolQmn] e|i6frf/
u/]sf] 5 jf ug{ nfu]sf] 5 eGg] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] s'g} ;|f]taf6
kfPdf To:tf] clwsf/Ln] 5fkf dfg]{, sfuhft jf dfn;fdfg a/fdb ug]{ jf dflg;
kqmfp ug]{ nufot df}sf txlssftsf] sfd ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@^= k|f/lDes 5fgljgM s;}n] o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/ u/]sf] jf ug{ nfu]sf] 5
eGg] s'/fsf] ph'/L jf hfgsf/L k|fKt u/]kl5 cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] ;f] ljifosf]
k|f/lDes 5fglag cfjZostf cg';f/ uf]Ko ¿kdf ug{' kg]{5 .
@&= :ki6Ls/0f dfUg]M bkmf @^ adf]lhd k|f/lDes 5fglag ubf{ cg';Gwfg
clwsf/LnfO{ k|fKt ph'/L jf hfgsf/L tYodf cfwfl/t ePsf] eGg] nfu]df
tT;DaGwL ljj/0f pNn]v u/L cfjZostf cg';f/ ;DalGwt lgsfo jf JolQm;+u
k|ltlqmof jf :ki6Ls/0f dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@*= cg';Gwfg clwsf/Lsf] clwsf/M -!_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] o; kl/R5]b
adf]lhd e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL s;'/df cg';Gwfg / txlssft ubf{ b]xfosf] clwsf/
k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ ;/sf/L lgsfo, ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf, /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g}
JolQmsf] ;fy /x]sf] ;Da4 sfuhft, k|df0fsf] lnvt jf
cGo s'g} s'/f cfkm" ;dIf k7fpg jf lglZrt ;doleq k]z
ug{ nufpg],


-v_ e|i6frf/sf] cf/f]k nfu]sf] /fi6«;]js, cGo s'g} JolQm jf

;Da4 tYosf] hfgsf/L ePsf] eGg] cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln]
;D´]sf] JolQmnfO{ pkl:yt u/fO{ ;f]wk'5 ug]{ jf lghsf]
aofg lng],
-u_ e|i6frf/sf] cf/f]k nfu]sf] /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQm;+Fu
:ki6Ls/0f, ;f]wk'5 jf aofg lnO;s]kl5 To:tf] JolQmnfO{
cfjZostf cg';f/ vf]h]sf] avt xflh/ x'g] sfuh u/fO{
5f8\g] jf tf/]vdf /fVg] jf To:tf] /fi6«;]js jf JolQm km/f/
e} a]kQf x'g;S5 eGg] dgfl;a sf/0f ePdf jf lauf] xflg
gf]S;fgL ePsf] b]lvPdf lgh;+u k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd
w/f}6L jf hdfgt dfuL tf/]vdf 5f]8\g] jf To:tf] w/f}6L jf
hdfgt glbPdf lghnfO{ y'gfdf /fVg],
-@_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] lglZrt ;do tf]sL s'g} lnvt jf cGo s'g} j:t'
k]z ug{ jf s'g} s'/fsf] hfgsf/L lbg ;DalGwt lgsfo, /fi6«;]js jf cGo
JolQmnfO{ n]vL k7fPsf] jf s'g} /fi6«;]js jf To:tf] JolQmnfO{ pkl:yt x'g n]vL
k7fPsf]df n]vL cfP adf]lhd ug{' kg]{5 / gu/]df b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ tf]lsPsf] ;doleq ;DalGwt ;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs
;+:yfn] To:tf] lnvt jf j:t' k]z gu/]df jf hfgsf/L
glbPdf cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] ;DalGwt lgsfosf] d'Vo
kbflwsf/L pk/ ljefuLo sf/jfxL rnfpg ;DalGwt
;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ n]vL k7fpg ;Sg]5
/ o;/L n]vL cfPdf ;DalGwt ;/sf/L lgsfo jf
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfn] tTsfn sf/afxL rnfpg' kg]{5 .
-v_ tf]lsPsf] ;doleq ;DalGwt /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g}
JolQmn] lnvt jf j:t' k]z gu/]df jf hfgsf/L glbPdf jf
pkl:yt gePdf lghnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] Ps xhf/
?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-u_ v08 -s_ jf -v_ adf]lhd ljefuLo sf/afxL jf hl/afgf
ePkl5 klg s'g} ;/sf/L lgsfo, ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf,


/fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] n]vL

k7fP cg';f/ gu/]df ;f] lgsfo jf ;+:yfsf] d'Vo
kbflwsf/L jf To:tf] /fi6«;]js jf JolQmnfO{ kqmfp u/L
pkl:yt u/fpg kqmfp k"hL{ hf/L u/L lghaf6 To:tf]
lnvt jf j:t' k]z u/fpg jf lghaf6 cfjZos hfgsf/L
lng ;Sg]5 . To;/L kqmfp ePsf] lgsfo jf ;+:yfsf] d'Vo
kbflwsf/L, /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] To:tf] lnvt jf
j:t' k]z gu/]df jf tT;DaGwL hfgsf/L glbPdf lghnfO{
cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] ;ft lbg;Dd y'gfdf /fVg cfb]z lbg
;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] ljefuLo sf/afxL ug{
lgb]{zg lbPsf] jf hl/afgf ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf]df ;DalGwt lgsfosf] d'Vo kbflwsf/L
jf ;DalGwt /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] ;f] kfng ug{ g;s]sf] dgfl;a sf/0f
pNn]v u/L To:tf] sf/afxL jf hl/afgf x'g' gkg]{ egL lgj]bg lbPdf / sf/0f
;Gtf]ifhgs b]lvPdf To:tf] lgb]{zg jf hl/afgfsf] cfb]z /2 ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-$_ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd s'g} 7fpFsf] tnf;L lng] jf lng nufpg] /
To;/L tnf;L ln+bf cfjZos b]lvPsf] s'g} j:t' jf sfuhft cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln]
cfˆgf] sAhfdf lng jf To:tf] sfuhftsf] k|ltlnlk lng ;Sg]5 . o;/L sAhfdf
lnPsf] j:t' jf sfuhftsf] e/kfO{ ;DalGwt JolQmnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
@(= cg';Gwfg clws[t lgo'Qm ug]{ jf tf]Sg] M o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/sf]
cg';Gwfg / txlssft ug{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cfjZostf cg';f/ cfˆgf]
dftxtsf s'g} clws[t, s'g} ;/sf/L clws[t jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] s'g}
clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{ cg';Gwfg clws[t lgo'Qm ug{ jf tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
t/, s'g} ;/sf/L clws[t jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{
cg';Gwfg clws[t lgo'Qm ug{' jf tf]Sg' kbf{ cj:yf cg';f/ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
;DalGwt lgsfosf] d'Vo kbflwsf/L;+u k/fdz{ lng' kg]{5 .
#)= cg';Gwfg clws[tsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M -!_ cg';Gwfg clws[tsf]
sfd, st{Jo / b]xfoadf]lhd x'g]5 M–


-s_ s;'/bf/nfO{ tTsfn lu/ˆtf/ u/L cfjZos sf/jfxL ug]{,

-v_ o; P]g cGt/utsf] s;'/df cg';Gwfg / txlssft ubf{ jf
;a'b k|df0f ;+sng ubf{ h'g;'s} sfof{no, 3/, ejg,
uf]bfd, ;jf/L ;fwg jf cGo s'g} :yfgsf] vfgtnf;L lng]
jf lng nufpg],
-u_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/LnfO{ ePsf] cGo clwsf/ k|of]u ug]{ .
-@_ cg';Gwfg clws[tn] o; P]g cGt/utsf] s;'/df cg';Gwfg /
txlssft ubf{ cleo'QmnfO{ aofg u/fpg], ;/hdLg d'r'Nsf tof/ ug]{ ;d]t
k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd k|x/Ln] kfP ;/xsf] clwsf/, st{Jo, ;'ljwf / bfloTj
cg';Gwfg clws[tnfO{ k|fKt x'g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] sfd ubf{ cleo'QmnfO{ tf/]vdf /fVg], w/f}6L jf
hdfgL lnO{ 5f8\g], w/f}6L /fVg jf hdfgL lbg g;s]df y'gfdf /fVg] ;d]t
cbfntnfO{ eP ;/xsf] clwsf/ cfjZostf cg';f/ cg';Gwfg clws[tn] k|of]u ug{
;Sg]5 .
#!= cleo'QmnfO{ y'gfdf /fVg] M -!_ o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/df sf/jfxL rnfO{Psf]
s'g} JolQmn] s'g} k|df0f nf]k jf gfz ug{ ;Sg] jf cg';Gwfg / txlssftsf]
sf/afxLdf afwf Jojwfg jf k|lts"n k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] kof{Kt sf/0f ljBdfg
ePdf cg';Gwfg clws[tn] lghnfO{ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd y'g'jf k'hL{ lbO{
y'gfdf /fVg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd y'gfdf /flvPsf] JolQmsf] ;DaGwdf rf}la;
306fleq txlssft k"/f gx'g] eO{ lghnfO{ y'gfdf /fvL txlssft hf/L /fVg' kg]{
b]lvPdf cg';Gwfg clws[tn] lghnfO{ d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L ;dIf pkl:yt u/fO{ d'2f
x]g]{ clwsf/Laf6 cg'dlt lnP/ dfq y'gfdf /fVg' kg]{5 . ;f] adf]lhd d'2f x]g]{
clwsf/L;+u cg'dlt dfUbf y'gfdf k/]sf] JolQm pk/sf] cleof]u, To;sf] cfwf/,
lghnfO{ y'gfd} /fvL txlssft ug{' kg]{ sf/0f / lghsf] aofg sfuh eO{;s]sf] eP
aofg sfuhsf] Joxf]/f :ki6 ¿kdf pNn]v ug{' kg]{5 .


-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd y'gfdf /fVg] cg'dltsf] nflu d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L
;dIf pkl:yt u/fOPsf] JolQmn] To;/L pkl:yt x'Fbf cfˆgf] zf/Ll/s hfFrsf] nflu
d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd y'gfdf /fVg] cg'dlt dfu]df d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Ln]
;DalGwt sfuhftx¿ x]/L txlssft ;Gtf]ifhgs ¿kdf eP jf gePsf] ljrf/ u/L
;Gtf]ifhgs ¿kdf txlssft e} /x]sf] b]lvPdf Ps} k6s jf k6s k6s u/L tL;
lbgdf ga9\g] u/L a9Ldf 5 dlxgf;Dd y'gfdf /fVg] cg'dlt lbg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd y'gfdf /fVg] Dofb yk dfu ubf{ y'gfdf /x]sf]
JolQmn] rfx]df cfkm" y'gfdf /xg' gkg]{ sf/0f / cfwf/ vf]nL d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L
;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
#@= cGo lgsfosf] ;xof]u lng ;Sg] M -!_ o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/sf] cg';Gwfg
/ txlssftsf] l;nl;nfdf cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cfjZostf cg';f/ s'g} klg
;/sf/L lgsfo jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yf jf s;}sf] ;xof]u dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 / o;/L
;xof]u dfu]sf avt ;xof]u ug{' To:tf] lgsfo, ;+:yf jf JolQmsf] st{Jo
x'g]5 .
-@_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] o; P]g cGtu{t e|i6frf/sf] s;'/df cg';Gwfg /
txlssft ug]{ l;nl;nfdf k|x/L kmf];{sf] ;d]t d2t lng ;Sg]5 . o;/L k|x/L
sd{rf/LnfO{ sfddf nufpg' kbf{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] lbPsf] cfb]z k|x/Lsf]
;DaGwdf ;DalGwt k|x/L dxflg/LIfssf] cfb]z ;/x x'g]5 .
-#_ cg';Gwfg clws[tn] cfkm"eGbf tNnf] bhf{sf k|x/L clws[t jf
sd{rf/Lsf] ;xof]u dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 . o;/L cg';Gwfg clws[tn] ;xof]u dfu]df
;xof]u ug{' ;DalGwt k|x/L clws[t jf sd{rf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-$_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cg';Gwfg / txlssft ug{ nfu]sf] s;'/sf]
k|s[ltaf6 s'g} lgsfodf sfo{/t s'g} ljz]if1;+u k/fdz{ ug{' kg]{ jf To:tf] ljz]if1
;d]tnfO{ cg';Gwfg / txlssftdf ;+nUg u/fpg' kg]{ b]v]df lghnfO{ s'g} vf;
cjlwsf] nflu sfhdf k7fOlbg ;DalGwt lgsfo;+u dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 / o;/L dfu
eO{ cfPdf k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg To:tf] lgsfon]
;DalGwt ljz]if1 pknAw u/fOlbg' kg]{5 .


##= :jtM lgnDag x'g] M s'g} /fi6«;]js bkmf @* sf] pkbkmf -!_ sf] v08 -u_,
bkmf #) sf] pkbkmf -#_ tyf bkmf #! adf]lhd y'gfdf /x]sf]df To;/L y'gfdf
/x]sf] cjlwe/ / lgh pk/ bkmf #^ adf]lhd d'2f bfo/ ePsf]df To:tf]
/fi6«;]js ;f] d'2fsf] lsgf/f geP;Dd :jtM lgnDagdf /xg]5 .
#$= ;]jf lng ;Sg]
;SgM] -!_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cg';Gwfg / txlssft tyf
tT;DaGwL cGo sf/afxL ubf{ cfjZostf cg';f/ ;DalGwt ljifosf] ljz]if1 jf
ljlzi6Ls[t lgsfosf] ;]jf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;]jf k|fKt ug{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] ;DalGwt
ljz]if1 jf ljlzi6Ls[t lgsfonfO{ lgo'Qm ug]{5 / To;/L lgo'lQm ubf{ cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Ln] To:tf] ljz]if1 jf ljlzi6Ls[t lgsfon] ug{' kg]{ sfd, k|of]u ug{ kfpg]
clwsf/, kfng ug{' kg]{ zt{, sfo{ljlw / To:tf] ljz]if1 jf ljlzi6Ls[t lgsfon]
kfpg] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf ;d]t pNn]v u/L ;D´f}tf ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/LnfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ljlzi6Ls[t lgsfosf]
sd{rf/Lsf] ;]jf cfjZos k/]df k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
cg';Gwfg clwsf/Laf6 dfu ePsf] ;dofjlw;Dd sfhdf v6fpg' kg]{5 .
#%= tfd]nLdf /fVg]
/fVg] M o; P]g adf]lhd cg';Gwfg / txlssft ub}{ hfFbf ;Íng
ePsf k|df0fsf cfwf/df cf/f]lkt s;'/ k|dfl0ft x'g g;Sg] ePdf cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Ln] tT;DaGwL ph'/LnfO{ sf/0f ;lxtsf] krf{ v8f u/L tfd]nLdf /fVg
;Sg]5 / o;/L tfd]nLdf /fVg] lg0f{o ePsf]df ;f]sf] ;"rgf cf/f]lkt JolQm /
ph'/jfnfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
t/ kl5 s'g} gofF k|df0f km]nf k/]df To:tf] ph'/Lsf] ;DaGwdf k'gM
cg';Gwfg / txlssftsf] sf/afxL cufl8 a9fpg o; bkmfn] s'g} afwf
k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
#^= d'2f bfo/ ug]
ug]{ M o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/sf] cf/f]ksf] ;DaGwdf s'g} JolQm
pk/ ePsf] cg';Gwfg / txlssftaf6 lghn] ;f] s;'/ u/]sf] xf] eGg] ljZjf;
ug{' kg]{ dgfl;a sf/0f ePdf cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL d'2fsf]
sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug{ k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L
;dIf d'2f bfo/ ug]{5 .


e|i6frf/sf] lgu/fgL ;DaGwL Joj:yf
#&= /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb| M -!_ e|i6frf/hGo sfo{nfO{ k|efjsf/L ¿kdf lgoGq0f
ug{ tyf e|i6frf/ lj?4 hgr]tgf clej[l4 ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|wfgdGqLsf]
k|ToIf /]vb]v / lgoGq0fdf /xg] u/L Ps /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb| :yfkgf ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] s]Gb|sf] k|d'vsf] ¿kdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] lghfdtL
;]jfsf] ljlzi6 >]0fLsf] s'g} clws[tnfO{ tf]Sg ;Sg]5 / ;f] s]Gb|df cfjZostf
cg';f/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;]jfsf] sd{rf/Lx¿ /xg]5g\ .

#*= /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/

clwsf/ M bkmf #& sf] pkbkmf
-!_ adf]lhd :yflkt /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo
adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf dGqfno, ljefu, sfof{no / ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfaf6 ;Dkfbg
x'g' kg]{ sfo{x¿ lgoldt ¿kdf eP gePsf] ljifodf ;"rgf ;Íng ug]{,
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf dGqfno, ljefu, sfof{no jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfaf6 lgoldt
¿kdf x'g' kg]{ sfo{ ePsf] gkfOPdf To:tf lgsfonfO{ ;f] ljifodf ;ts{
-u_ ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmn] k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd lbOPsf] ;DklQ
ljj/0f / cfosf] cg'udg ug]{,
-3_ e|i6frf/ x'g ;Sg] :yfg jf sfddf lgoldt lgu/fgL /fVg], 58\s] hfFr /
cGj]if0f ug]{ cfjZos Joj:yf ldnfpg],
-ª_ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ;DaGwdf ckgfpg' kg]{ gLlt, /0fgLlt / tT;DaGwL
sfg'gdf s'g} ;'wf/ ug{' kg]{ b]lvPdf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ cfjZos ;'´fj
-r_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf dGqfno, ljefu, sfof{no jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfdf ph'/L
k]l6sf /fVg] Joj:yf ldnfpg],


-5_ e|i6frf/sf] /f]syfd ug]{ p2]Zon] cfjZostf cg';f/ ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{

s'g} ;'´fj jf lgb]{zg lbg],
-h_ e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL s;'/df cg';Gwfg ug]{ lgsfo jf kbflwsf/Laf6 e|i6frf/
;DaGwL cfjZos ljj/0f jf ;"rgf k|fKt u/L cBfjlws u/fO{ /fVg],
-´_ e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL k|fKt s'g} hfgsf/L ;DalGwt lgsfodf n]vL k7fpg],
-`_ e|i6frf/ lgoGq0f ;DaGwdf cfOkg]{ cGo sfo{ ug]{ jf u/fpg] .
-6_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] cGo sfo{ ug]{, u/fpg] .

#(= ljj/0f lng jf sf/f]
sf/f]af/ jf vftf /f]Ssf /fVg ;lsg] M -!_ k|rlnt sfg'gdf
h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg e|i6frf/sf] s;'/df cg';Gwfg ub}{ hfFbf s'g}
JolQmsf] :jb]z jf ljb]zdf /x]sf] s'g} a}Í jf ljQLo ;+:yfdf sf/f]af/ ePsf] jf
vftf ;~rfngdf /x]sf] hfgsf/L s'g} ;|f]taf6 v'Ng cfPdf cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Ln] To:tf] sf/f]af/ jf vftf /f]Ssf /fVg cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 . cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Lsf] cfb]zfg';f/ ;DalGwt a}Í jf ljQLo ;+:yfn] To:tf] sf/f]af/ jf
vftf /f]Ssf /fVg' kg]{5 .
t/, ljb]zl:yt a}Í jf ljQLo ;+:yf;+u To:tf] sf/f]af/ jf vftf /f]Ssf
/fVg k/]df cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] s"6g}lts dfWod dfkm{t sf/f]af/ jf vftf
;~rfng /f]Ssf /fVg nufpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd sf/f]af/ jf vftf /f]Ssf g/fVg] g]kfnl:yt
;DalGwt a}Í jf ljQLo ;+:yfsf] k|d'vnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] krf; xhf/
?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cg';Gwfgsf] qmddf cfjZos 7fg]df ;fj{hlgs
kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmsf] ;DklQsf] ljj/0f dfu ug{ jf To:tf] ;DklQ /f]Ssf /fVg
;Sg]5 .
$)= /fxbfgL hf/L gug{ jf /f]Ssf /fVg ;Sg] M k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s;'/sf] ufDeLo{tf, cleo'Qmn] s;'/ u/]sf] cj:yf, l:ylt /


s;'/sf] dfqf / s;'/ 7x/]df x'g ;Sg] ;hfosf] cfwf/df cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln]
s'g} cleo'QmnfO{ /fxbfgL hf/L gug]{ jf hf/L eO;s]sf] eP ;f] /fxbfgL /f]Ssf
/fVg ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 .
$!= :yfg 5f]8g\ aGb]h ug{ ;Sg]
;Sg] M s'g} JolQm pk/ o; P]g adf]lhd sf/afxL
rnfPsf]df To:tf] JolQmn] u/]sf] s;'/sf] ufDeLo{tf, s;'/ ubf{sf] kl/l:ylt jf
cj:yf / s;'/ 7x/]df x'g] ;hfosf] dfqf x]/L s'g} cleo'QmnfO{ cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt lagf s'g} :yfg 5f]8\g gkfpg] u/L jf s'g} :yfgdf hfg
gkfpg] u/L cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 .
$@= Dofb tfd]n ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf]
eP tfklg o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/df ljb]zL JolQmsf] gfddf Dofb tfd]n ug{'
kbf{ To:tf] JolQmsf] g]kfnleqdf s'g} lsl;dsf] sfof{no jf k|ltlglw eP To:tf]
sfof{no jf k|ltlglwsf] gfddf Dofb tfd]n ul/g]5 / To;/L tfd]n ePsf] Dofb
/Ltk"j{s tfd]n ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfof{no jf k|ltlglw gePdf To:tf] JolQmsf]
sf/f]af/ x'g] d'Vo :yfg jf lghn] :yfoL a;f]af; ug]{ 7]ufgf jf sf/f]af/ ubf{sf]
avt kqfrf/sf] nflu lghn] lbPsf] s'g} 7]ufgf /x]5 eg] To:tf] 7]ufgfdf 6]n]S;,
6]lnˆofS; jf clen]v x'g ;Sg] b"/;~rf/sf cGo dfWod dfkm{t jf /lhi6/L u/L
x'nfs dfkm{t Dofb tfd]n ul/g]5 / To;/L tfd]n ePsf] Dofb /Ltk"j{s tfd]n
ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljb]zdf /x]
a;]sf] JolQmsf] gfddf Dofb tfd]n ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf g]kfn /fHo kIf ePsf]
s'g} ;lGwdf 5'§} Joj:yf ePsf] /x]5 eg] ;f]xL adf]lhd Dofb tfd]n ug{ o; bkmfn]
afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
$#= ;"rgf k|sfzg ug]{M o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd s'g} JolQmsf]
gfddf ;"rgf k7fpFbf jf Dofb tfd]n ubf{ To:tf] JolQmsf] 7]ufgf kQf gnfuL
jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] To:tf] ;"rgf a'´fpg g;lsPsf] jf Dofb tfd]n x'g
g;s]sf] s'/fsf] k|ltj]bg kg{ cfPdf k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP
tfklg To:tf] JolQmnfO{ tL; lbg;Ddsf] Dofb lbO{ cg';Gwfg ePsf] jf d'2f x]g]{
clwsf/L ;dIf d'2f bfo/ e};s]sf] eP ;f] ljifosf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f pNn]v u/L


pkl:yt x'g /fli6«o:t/sf] ;dfrf/kqdf -ljb]zLsf] xsdf c+u|]hL b}lgsdf_

sDtLdf b'O{k6s ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg ul/g]5 / To;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg
ePsf]df o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg
To:tf] JolQmnfO{ /Ltk"j{s ;"rgf lbOPsf] jf Dofb tfd]n ePsf] dflgg]5 .
$$= ;/sf/L lgsfo tyf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] st{Jo M s'g} ;/sf/L lgsfo tyf
;fj{hlgs ;+:yfsf] k|d'vn] cfˆgf] jf cfˆgf] dftxtsf s'g} sfof{nodf e|i6frf/
ePsf] 5 eGg] s'g} hfgsf/L k|fKt x'g cfPdf tTsfn To:tf] ljifo;+u ;DalGwt
sfuhft tyf kmfOn cfˆgf] lhDdfdf lnO{ ;'/lIft /fVg' kg]{5 / To:tf] ljifo;+u
;DalGwt JolQm tyf sd{rf/Lx¿;+u jf:tljs s'/f a'´L e|i6frf/ ePsf] b]lvg]
sf/0f ePdf To:tf] sfuhft cg';Gwfg tyf txlssftsf nflu ;DalGwt
lgsfodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
$%= cjsfz k|fKt JolQm pk/ klg d'2f rnfpg ;lsg] M s'g} /fi6« ;]jsn] cfkm"
s'g} kbdf axfn /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;Dklt jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yfsf] ;Dklt lxgfldgf jf xflg gf]S;fgL u/L
e|i6frf/ u/]sf] ;DaGwdf To:tf] JolQmn] cfˆgf] kbaf6 cjsfz k|fKt u/]kl5
klg lgh pk/ d'2f rnfpg o; P]gdf nlvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf]
dflgg] 5}g .
$^= d'2fsf] sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug{ afwf gkg]{ M k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg o; P]g cGtu{tsf] d'2f bfo/ x'g' cufj} jf bfo/ ePkl5
cleo'Qm jf k|ltjfbLsf] d[To' ePdf klg d'2fsf] sf/afxL / lsgf/f ug{ afwf kg]{
5}g .
$&= ;Dklt hkmt x'g]M s'g} JolQmn] of] P]g jf k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd e|i6frf/
u/]sf] dflgg] s'g} sfo{ u/L cfh{g u/]sf] ;DklQ / ;f]af6 a9] a9fPsf] cGo
;Dklt ;d]t cfˆgf] jf c¿ s;}sf] gfddf /fv]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf To:tf] ;DklQ
hkmt x'g]5 .
t/, To:tf] ;Dkltsf] xs s;}nfO{ x:tfGt/0f ul/;s]sf] / To;/L x:tfGt/0f
ubf{ y}nL sfod ePsf] /x]5 eg] ;f] /sd skfnL ;/x x'g]5 .


$*= ljb]zL JolQmsf] ;Dklt /f]Ssf /fVg cfb]z lbg] M -!_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln]
lbPsf] ;"rgf jf bkmf $@ adf]lhd tfd]n ePsf] Dofb adf]lhd cg';Gwfg
clwsf/L ;dIf pkl:yt gx'g] s'g} ljb]zL JolQmsf] g]kfn /fHoleq s'g} ;Dklt,
xs, lxt jf ;/f]sf/ /x]5 eg] To:tf] JolQm cg';Gwfg clwsf/L ;dIf pkl:yt
geP;Dd To:tf] ;DklQ, xs, lxt jf ;/f]sf/ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] tf]s]
adf]lhd oyfl:yltdf /fVg jf g]kfnaflx/ n}hfg gkfpg] u/L cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Ln] cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] cfb]zsf] kfngf ug'{ ;DalGwt ;a}sf]
st{Jo x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cfb]z kfng gug]{ JolQmnfO{ cg';Gwfg
clwsf/Ln] Ps nfv ?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] cfb]z kfng gu/]sf]
sf/0faf6 g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ s'g} lsl;dsf] xflg, gf]S;fgL
ePsf] /x]5 eg] ;f] ;d]t lghaf6 e/fOg]5 .
$(= ´'§f ph"/ ug]{nfO{ ;hfo M s;}n] ph"/L lbg] dgfl;a sf/0f geO{ s;}nfO{
s'g} lsl;dsf] xflg gf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg] jf b'Mv lbg] lgotn] s'g} /fi6«;]js jf
JolQm pk/ ´'§f ph"/ lbPsf] 7x/]df lghnfO{ cg';Gwfg clws[tn] kfFr xhf/
?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
%)= ;DklQ ljj/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmn]
To:tf] kb wf/0f u/]sf] ldltn] / of] bkmf k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt ;fj{hlgs kbdf
axfn /x]sf JolQmn] of] P]g k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] ;f7L lbgleq / To;kl5 x/]s
cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] ;f7L lbgleq cfˆgf] jf cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf]
gfddf /x]sf] ;DklQsf] ;|f]t jf lg:;f ;lxtsf] cBfjlws ljj/0f g]kfn
;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] lgsfo jf clwsf/L ;dIf
k]z ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofbleq ;DklQsf] ljj/0f k]z ug{ g;Sg]
;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmn] To:tf] ljj/0f k]z ug{ g;Sgfsf] sf/0f ;lxt
pNn]v u/L Dofb yksf] nflu cg'/f]w u/]df ;DalGwt lgsfo jf clwsf/Ln] a9Ldf
tL; lbg;Ddsf] Dofb yk lbg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd yk u/]sf] Dofbleq klg ;DklQsf] ljj/0f k]z
gug]{ ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmnfO{ kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofF hl/afgf u/L lgh /


lghsf] kl/jf/sf] gfddf u}/sfg'gL ;DklQ /x]sf] cg'dfg u/L ;DalGwt lgsfo jf
clwsf/Ln] cg';Gwfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ o; bkmf adf]lhd k]z x'g cfPsf] ;DklQ ljj/0f uf]Ko /flvg]5 .
t/ o; P]g cGtu{t cg';Gwfg / txlssftsf] l;nl;nfdf ;DklQ ljj/0f
dfu x'g cfPdf To:tf] ljj/0f ;DalGwt clwsf/LnfO{ pknAw u/fpg ;lsg]5 .
%!= afwf lj/f]w ug]{nfO{ ;hfo M o; P]g cGtu{tsf] cg';Gwfg / txlssft ;DaGwL
sfd sf/afxLdf s;}n] afwf lj/f]w u/]df lghnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Lsf] k|ltj]bgsf]
cfwf/df d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/Ln] 5 dlxgf;Dd s}b jf kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf
jf b'a} ;hfo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
%@= ;"rgfsf] uf]KotfM -!_ e|i6frf/sf] s;'/df cg';Gwfg / txlssftsf] l;nl;nfdf
cg';Gwfg clwsf/LnfO{ k|fKt ePsf] ;"rgf jf hfgsf/L jf a'´]sf] jf ;Íng u/]sf]
k|df0fx¿ d'2f bfo/ gx'Fb} ;fj{hlgs ¿kdf k|s6 ug{' x'Fb}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln]
pko'Qm ;D´]sf] ;fj{hlgs dxTjsf] s'g} s'/fsf] 5fglag, cg';Gwfg / txlssft
;DaGwL ljj/0f cfjZostf cg';f/ k|sfzdf Nofpg ;Sg]5 .
%#= cg';Gwfg tyf txlssftdf ;+nUg sd{rf/LnfO{ ljefuLo sf/afxL x'gM] of]
P]g sfof{Gjog ug]{ l;nl;nfdf cg';Gwfg clws[t jf cg';Gwfg tyf
txlssftdf ;+nUg cGo sd{rf/Ln] hfgL hfgL s'g} JolQmnfO{ b'Mv lbg] lgotn]
s'g} sfo{ u/]sf] k|dfl0ft ePdf To:tf] sd{rf/LnfO{ ljefuLo sf/afxL ul/g]5 .
%$= s}bd} a:g' kg]{ M k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg o; P]g
cGtu{tsf] s;'/df cbfntaf6 s}bsf] ;hfo kfPsf] JolQmn] s}bd} a:g' kg]{5 .
%%= ;hfosf] dfubfaLdf 5"6 x'g ;Sg] M o; P]g adf]lhdsf] cg';Gwfgsf] sfd
sf/afxLdf ;xof]u ug]{ cleo'QmnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] cfˆgf] ;fIfLsf] ¿kdf
k|:t't u/L lghnfO{ ;hfosf] dfubfaLdf k"0f{ jf cf+lzs 5"6 lbg ;Sg]5 .
t/ lghn] u/]sf] ;xof]u cGo ;a'b jf k|df0faf6 k|dfl0ft gePdf jf lghn]
d'2f x]g]{ clwsf/L ;dIf cg';Gwfg clwsf/LnfO{ u/]sf] ;xof]u k|lts"n x'g] u/L


aofg lbPdf o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg

lghpk/ k'gM d'2f bfo/ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
%^= sf/afxL gx'g]M k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg e|i6frf/
ePsf] jf x'g nfu]sf] ljifodf sfg'gL sf/afxL cufl8 a9fpg jf e|i6frf/ x'g
glbg] u/L ;"rgf lbg] /fi6«;]jsnfO{ lghn] u/] jf k'¥ofPsf] ;xof]u afkt
lghsf] ;]jf zt{ ;DaGwL sfg'g cg';f/ uf]kgLotf eË u/]sf] cfwf/df sf/afxL
x'g] 5}g .
%&= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hgM -!_ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg
u/L o; P]g adf]lhd cfkm"nfO{ k|fKt ;a} jf s]xL clwsf/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] s'g}
clws[t:t/sf] sd{rf/Ln] k|of]u ug{ kfpg] u/L k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ubf{ ;DalGwt sd{rf/Ln]
clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ kfpg] k|fb]lzs If]qflwsf/ ;f]xL ;"rgfdf tf]lsPadf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] clwsf/ k|of]u ug{ kfpg] clwsf/L ;f]
k|of]hgsf nflu cg';Gwfg clwsf/Lk|lt pQ/bfoL x'g]5 .
%*= k'/:sf/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf M o; P]g cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s;'/df tT;DaGwL
df}sf txlssft, cg';Gwfg jf cGo ;a'b k|df0f ;Íngsf] sfddf cg';Gwfg
clwsf/LnfO{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] JolQmnfO{ cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] plrt k'/:sf/
lbg ;Sg]5 .
%(= e|i6frf/ ;DaGwL d'2fdf ljz]if Joj:yf M k|rlnt sfg'gdf h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] eP tfklg o; P]g cGtu{t bfo/ x'g] jf ePsf] d'2fdf b]xfosf s'/fdf
b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ s'g} /fi6«;]js jf cGo s'g} JolQmn] o; P]g cGtu{t s;'/ dflgg] s'g} sfd
u/]sf] jf To:tf] sfd ug]{ l;nl;nfdf cGo k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd s;'/
dflgg] s'g} sfd ;d]t u/]sf] /x]5 eg] lgh pk/ cGo k|rlnt
sfg'gadf]lhd 5'§} d'2f rnfpg afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-v_ s'g} /fi6«;]js jf cGo JolQmn] o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/ dflgg] s'g} sfd
ubf{ jf To:tf] sfd ug]{ l;nl;nfdf s'g} JolQmsf] xs, ;DklQ jf ;/f]sf/


pk/ klg k|lts"n c;/ k/]sf] /x]5 eg] To:tf] JolQmn] 5'§} d'2f bfo/ ug{
afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-u_ o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/df s'g} JolQm pk/ d'2f bfo/ ePsf]df To:tf]
d'2fsf] k|df0f a'‰b} hfFbf cGo JolQm pk/ ;d]t d'2f bfo/ ug{' kg]{ b]lvPdf
To:tf] JolQm pk/ 5'§} cleof]ukq bfo/ ug{ afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-3_ s'g} /fi6«;]js jf cGo JolQmn] g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{
u}/sfg'gL xflg gf]S;fgL k'¥ofPsf]df ;f] c;'n pk/ ug{ lgh pk/ 5'§} d'2f
bfo/ ePsf]df o; P]g cGtu{t s;'/df 5'§} d'2f rnfpg afwf kg]{ 5}g .
-ª_ s'g} /fi6«;]js jf JolQm pk/ o; P]g cGtu{t d'2f bfo/ ePsf]df To:tf]
/fi6«;]js jf JolQm pk/ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfnfO{ k'Ug uPsf]
xflg, gf]S;fgL e/fpg ;lsg] s'g} sfg'gL Joj:yf /x]5 eg] ;f]xL sf/0fn]
dfq o; P]g cGtu{t d'2f rnfpg afwf k'Ug] jf ;f]xL sf/0fn] d'2f vf/]h
x'g] 5}g .
-r_ o; P]g cGtu{tsf] d'2f lkmtf{ lng jf ldnfkq ug{ ;lsg] 5}g .
^)= ;'/fsL / To;sf] ljj/0f uf]Ko /flvg]
/flvg] M o; P]g cGtu{tsf] s;'/ u/]sf] jf ug{
nfu]sf] 5 eGg] s'/fsf] ;"rgf lbg] ;'/fsLsf] gfd / 7]ufgf lghn] rfx]df uf]Ko
/flvg]5 .
^!= a]jfl/;] dfnj:t' g]kfn ;/sf/sf] x'g] M -!_ o; P]g cGtu{tsf] ;hfo x'g]
s;'/l;t ;DalGwt dfnj:t'sf] wgL kQf gnfu]df cg';Gwfg clwsf/Ln] sAhf
u/]sf] dfnj:t'sf] s'g} xsbf/ eP xsbfaL ug{ cfpg k}+tL; lbgsf] Dofb lbO{
;fj{hlgs ;"rgf hf/L ug{' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofbleq xsbfaL gk/]df jf xsbfaL k/] klg
kof{Kt k|df0fsf] cefjdf xsbfaL k'Ug] gb]lvPdf To:tf] dfnj:t' a]jfl/;L dfnj:t'
dfgL g]kfn ;/sf/sf] x'g]5 .
^@= dfnj:t' lnnfd ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ o; P]g cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s;'/sf
;DaGwdf sAhf ul/Psf] s'g} dfnj:t' nfdf] ;do;Dd sAhfdf /fVbf lvof
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The Prevention of Corruption Act, 2059 (2002 A.D)
Date of Authentication and publication

3 Asadha, 2059 (June 17, 2002)

Act number 1 of the year 2059 (2002)

Preamble : Whereas, it is expe dient to make t imely le ga l pro visio ns re lat in g

to pre ven tion o f corruption w ith a view to maintaining peace, convenience,
financial discipline, morality and good conduct among general public;

Be it enacted by Parliament in the first year of the reign of H is Majesty's the King
Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

Chapter - 1
1. Short Title, Extent and Commencement: (1) This Act may be called the
"Prevention of Corruption Act, 2059 (2002 A.D.)."
(2) It shall be extended throughout Nepal and applicable to all
Nepalese cit izens, public ser vants residin g anywhere outside Nepal and to
the non- Nepalese citizens residin g in foreign countries havin g committed
any act that may be deemed to be corruption under this Act.
(3) It shall come into force immediately.
2. Definitions: In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-
(a) "Corruption" means offences punishable under Chapter -2.
(b) "Graft" means cash, goods or any type of gain or benefit and the
term also includes bribe.
(c) "Public institution" means the following institutions:-
(1) A c om pan y, bank or a c ommit tee fu lly or pa rt ial ly ow ned
or c o nt r o l l ed by Go ver n men t of N ep a l; or a
c om miss i on , organization, authority, corporation, academy,
board, center, council or an y o ther cor porate bo dy of such
nat ure est ab lis h ed by Go vernme n t of Nepal;
(2) A university, college, school, r es ear ch center and any other
similar a ca d em ic o r e du c a t io na l i ns t it u t i o n r u n b y
Go ve r nm en t of N e pa l or on t he full or part ial donat ion
from Go vernment of Nepal;
(3) Local bodies co nst itu t ed under the Local Self-Governance Act,
(4) An in st it ut ion run o n loan, gran t or guarantee of
Go ver nment o f Nepa l;
(5) An ins t it u tio n fully or partially owned or controlled by the
institution referred to in Sub-clauses (1), (2), (3) or (4) or
obtained grant from such institution; and
(6) An y o t he r ins t itu t io n prescr ibed a s p ub l ic ins tit u tio n by
Go ver nment o f N epal in a not ificat io n pu b lis hed by t he
Nepal Gazette.
(d) "Pu blic Ser va n t" me an s t he perso n ho lding a pu blic o ffice
under the prevailing laws and the term also includes the following
(1) per s on a p po int ed, no minat ed or ele cte d un d er an oa th to
Government of Nepal or to public institution, or under the
terms, contracts or agreements concluded with Go vernment of
Nepal or with any public institution, or holding any o ff ice o f
p ub li c r es p on s ib il i t y for sa lar y or a l lo w a n ce s or
remuneration or benefit or position w ith or without any type
of gain from Government of Nepal or any public institution;
(2) A per son appointed as an arbitrator or any other person
appointed in the same p os it io n p urs uant t o the preva il ing
law s to re so l ve or adjudicate any dispute;
(3) A person appointed, elected or nominated as liquidator,
sur veyor or any other person working in the same capacity in
accordance w ith the prevailing laws;
(4) A person designated as public ser vant by Government of
Nepal in a notification published in the Nepal Gazette.
(e) "Re ve n ue " means any type of tax, fee, charge, royalty, fine and other
amount of th is type to be pa id or gi ven to Go vernment o f Nepal
or pub lic institution, and the term also includes interest or fine to be
charged on such tax, fees, royalty and other amount of this type.
(f) "Degree of offence" means the degree of offence to be determined on
the basis of circumstances and situation in w hich the offence has
been committed or attempted to be committed, the gra vity of such
offence or the intent ion, qua lificat ion, p osit ion and capacity of
the person w ho has committed or attempted to commit any offence
punishable under this Act.
(g) "In ves t iga tin g Authority" means the body or officia l authorized to
conduct inquiry, in vestigation and to file cases relating to
corruption in accordance with the prevailing laws.

Chapter - 2
Provisions Relating to Offences of Corruption and Punishment
3. Punishment to Gi ver and Take r of Graft: (1) Wh oe ver, bein g, or
expect ing to become, a public servant accepts or agrees to accept graft
amounting as follow s for him/herself or for any other person in
consideration o f his/her performing or having performed or of
forbearing t o perform or having forborne to perform any act pertaining to
his/her office or the related act or in consideration of favouring or
disfavouring or causing or not causing a loss or of having favoured or
dis favoured or ha vin g caused or not caused a loss to any person while
carryin g out his/her official functions, shall be liable to a punishment of
imprisonment as follow s and of a fine as per the amount in volved depending
on the degree of the offence. In case the graft has already been accepted, it
shall be confiscated.
(a) Up to twenty five thousand rupees. Imprisonment for a term not exceeding
three months.
(b) More than twenty five thousand Imprisonment for a term from
rupees to fifty thousand rupees. three to four months.
(c) More than fifty thousand rupees to Imprisonment for a term from four
one hundred thousand rupees. to six months.
(d) More than one hundred thousand Imprisonment for a term from six
rupees to five hundred thousand months to one year and six months.
(e) More than five hundred thousand Imprisonment for a term from one
rupees to one million rupees. year and six months to two years
and six months.
(f) More than one million rupees to two Imprisonment for a term from two
million and five hundred thousand years and six months.
(g) More than two million and five Imprisonment for a term from four
hundred thousand rupees to five to six years.
million rupees.
(h) More than five million rupees to ten Imprisonment for a term from six
million rupees. to eight years.

(i) Whatsoever amount above ten Imprisonment for a term from

million rupees. eight to ten years.
(2) Whoever, other than a public ser vant, accepts or agrees to
accept graft amounting as follows for him/herself or for any other person
with the intention of con vincing any public ser vant to perform or forbear
to perform any function under his/her office or position or for convincing
to perform or forbear to perform any such act or with the intention of
favoring or disfa voring any person or causing or not causing any loss or
for convinc ing to perform or forbear to perform any such act while
carrying out any function under his office or position, shall be liable to a
punishment of imprisonment as follows and of a fine as per the amount involved
depending on the degree of the offence. In case the graft has already been
accepted, it shall be confiscated.
(3) Whoever gives a graft to a public servant or any other person in order
to do or forbear to do any function pursuant to Sub-Section (1) or (2),
shall be liable to a punishment pursuant to Sub-Section (1) depending on the
degree of the offense committed.
(4) Whoever abates to commit an offence punishable under this Section
shall, if he/she is a public servant, be liable to a punishment as same as the
punishment prescribed for the same offence, and if he/she is any other person, shall
be liable to half of the punishment for that offence on the basis of the degree of the
offence irrespective of whether or not the offence has been committed because of
such abetment.
4. Punishment to Public Servants Accepting Goods or Service Free of Cost
or at Lower Prices: Whoever, being a public servant, accepts or agrees or
attempts to accept, without a prior approval of Government of Nepal or public
institution, any goods or service free of cost or at lower prices for him/herself or
for any other person, from any individual, having knowledge that such individual
is related to or is likely to be related to any act related to his/her office or any act
carried out or to be carried out by him/herself is related to any function of his
office, shall be liable to a punishment of imprisonment for a term from six months
to one year depending on the degree of the offence and a fine equal to the
amount involved and in case such goods is already accepted, it shall be confiscated
and in case of the service, the price thereof shall be fixed and a fine equal to the
price of such service shall be imposed.
5. Punishment for Taking Gift, Present, Award or Donation: (1) Whoever,
being a public servant, accepts, without a prior approval Government of
Nepal or a public institution, any type of donation, gifts, presents, awards or any
type of benefit him/herself or through any member of his/her family or other
person, so as to causing an impact in any way on any of his/her works which is
supposed to be carried out by him/her according to the office he/she assumes;
or any public servant who borrows from a person related to a work which he/she
has to carry out according to the office he assumes, shall be liable to a punishment
of imprisonment from three to six months depending on the degree of the offence
and the amount shall be confiscated.
(2) Whoever, being a public servant, has received any present or gift in
exchange of a gift or present brought from the amount of a fund
belonging to Go vernment of N epal or a public institution, such gift or present
shall be immediately submitted to his/her office. If not submitted, it shall be
deemed to have committed the offence referred to in Sub-section (1) and such gift
or present shall be confiscated having him/her punished accordingly.
6. Punishment for Taking Commission: In case any type of commission,
remuneration, brokerage fee, benefit or advantage is liable to be paid while
performing duties by a public servant or while purchasing or hiring or taking or
giving on a lease any commodity or service necessary for Government of
Nepal or a public institution or while awarding or accepting a contract by
Government of Nepal or a public institution or while selling or hiring or
taking or giving on a lease any commodity or service produced by Government
of Nepal or a public institution, such commission, remuneration, brokerage fee,
benefit or advantage shall be submitted to the concerned office within seven
days from the date of receipt. In case not submitted as such, such public servant
shall be deemed to have committed the offence referred to in Section 3 and the
amount shall be confiscated having him/her punished accordingly.
7. Punishment to Public Servants for Leaking Revenue: Whoever, being a
public servant under the duty of collecting revenues, causes revenue leakage or
help or abets any person for its leakage having been in volved him/herself in
any of the following manners, shall be deemed to have committed the offence
referred to in Section 3 with regard to the amount of revenue so leaked and
he/she shall be liable to the same punishment of imprisonment, and double of
the amount of revenue leaked shall be fined: -
(a) To assist any person in the act of leaking revenue in any manner
whatsoever, having accepted any cash or kind, fee, prize or donation
or any type of other benefit or forbear to collect revenue or to assist or
cause to assist to collect less revenue having caused lo ss to Go vernment
of N epal or a public inst itut ion by taking or not taking any type of gain
from any person;
(b) To assess or assist to assess less re venue or to assess re venue to
the effect of not charging revenue at all by not going through the
documents or not investigating such documents or by not co llect ing
necessary evidence while assess in g revenue as required by the
existing law;
(c) To embezz le the re venue collecte d by n ot depos itin g it in
accordance with the prevailing laws;
(d) To release or assist to release goods, by making difference in the
invoice, quality or q uant it y o f s uc h good s, and w it h ou t c o llect ing
the pre scr ibed re ven ue wh ile assessing the revenue or carrying out
valuation of such goods.
8. Punishment to Public Servants for Getting Illegal Benefit or Causing
Illegal Loss with Mala fide Intention: (1) Whoever, being a public servant,
commits any of the following acts with the mala fide intention of getting
illegal benefits for him/herself or for any other person, or of causing loss to
Government of Nepal or public institution, shall be liable to an
impriso nment o f a term from three months to three years depending on
the degree of o ffe nce, and in case the amo un t in vo lving the o ffence is
known, suc h amount s ha ll be co nf isc a te d h a vin g h im / he r fin ed
a cc or d in g ly . In c a se su ch am ou nt is n ot kn ow n, an imprisonment for
a term from three months to three years and a fine from ten thousand to
fifty thousand rupees shall be imposed.
(a) To sh ow more costs or wor ks in an unnatural manner
with ou t any gr ound o f justification while conducting physibility
study of, or setting norms for, a project.
(b) To use or allow to use the construction materials of lower
quality than that of the prescr ibed qua lity, or to cert ify or
to appro ve the u se of such ma ter ials as t he materials of
prescribed quality;
(c) To degrade the quality of construction work or to change the
form or shape thereof or to car ry ou t o r cause t o carr y out
con struct ion w or ks in contra vent ion o f the pre scr ib ed
ter ms, c on d it ion s a nd s tan da r d; o r t o cer t ify or to
appr o ve s uc h construct ion w ork as qualitat i ve and under
the prescribed terms and condit ions without any reasonable
(d) To carry out or cause to carry out construction works having
increased or amended the costs estimate in an unnatural manner
and without any reasonable ground;
(e) To give or receive payment having prepared false bills or
receipts or to give or receive double payment of bills;
(f) To procure or cause to procure excessive quantity of goods in
an unnatural manner than the quantity needed without reasonable
(g) To carry ou t or cause to carry ou t unnatural va luat ion o f a
government property, a property of a public organization or of
public property;
(h) To register, occupy or use or to cause to register, occupy or use
a government or public property in one's own name or in the
name of other in an illegal manner;
(i) To value or cause to value a collateral security to be
mortgaged in the name of a go vernmental or public
organization in an excessive and unreasonable prices than the
real prices;
(j) To procure or cause to procure goods of degrading quality,
date expired and to pr ocure or ca use t o proc ure goods
having pa id higher pr ices in an unnatural manner.
(2) In case any public ser vant does not return a vehicle or a facility
available to him/her by virtue of his/her official position within the
prescribed time after the expiry of the official position without any
reasonable ground, he/she shall be liable to a fine from one thousand to
five thousand rupees depending on the degree of the offense and such
vehicle or facility shall be taken back.
(3) Whoever, being a public servant, causes any type of loss to a
governmental or pub lic property wit h mal a fi de intent ion havin g
committed any act excludin g the acts referred to in Sub-Section (1) and (2),
shall be liable to a punishment of imprisonment not exceedin g two years or of
a fine equal to the amount of the loss or both dependin g on the degree of
the offence.
(4) In case an y per so n ot her t han a pub lic serva nt, w ith mala
fi de in ten tion o f makin g ille ga l ga in to him/herself or to a ny other
person, does not ab ide by the terms and conditions of an oath,
undertaking, agreement, contract, license, permit, promissory note or
dealership entered into with Go vernment of Nepal or a public institution or
carries out business or misuses the facilit ies or powers of go vernmental or
such institution vio lat ing the Rules or Procedures determined by or terms
and condit ions accepted by Go vernment of Nepal or such institution in a
manner prohibited by the pre vailin g law, he/she sha ll be lia b le to a
pun ishment of im pr isonme nt no t exceed ing tw o years an d be fined
according to the amount of loss and the amount of loss shall be confiscated.
9. Punishment to Public Servants Preparing False Documents: Whoever,
bein g a public ser vant under the duty o f preparin g documents, prepares
false documents with mala fide intention of causing loss to Go vernment of
Nepal or Government or public inst itution, shall be liable to a punishment
of imprisonment for a term from three months to one year, and a fine from ten
thousand to fifty thousand rupees.
10. Punishment for Translating False Documents: Whoever, either a public
servant or any other person authorized or designated to translate
documents, w rongly translates documents, translates documents
incorporating therein false particulars or makes difference in the name,
surname, date, facts or other particulars w ith the mal a fide intention of
causing loss to Go vernment of Nepal, a Government or public institution;
or w ith the intention of getting illegal benefit to him/herself or to any other
person, shall be liable to a punishment of imprisonment for a term from
three months to one year and of a fine from ten thousand to fifty thousand
rupees, depending on the degree of offence committed.
11. Punishment for Tempering Government Documents: Whoever, either a
public servant or any other person, corrects, adds, or changes in
documents belonging t o a government or public institution w ithout
authority or in an illegal manner, shall be liable to a punishment of
imprisonment for a term from three months to two years and a fine n ot
exceeding fifty thousands rupees.
12. Punishment for Causing Damage to Government or Public Documents:
Whoever, being a public servant, conceals a document belon ging to
government or to a public institut ion or c au se s d am age t o , or d es tro y s,
s uc h d oc umen t , s ha l l be lia b le t o a p un ish me nt of im pr iso nment
from s ix month t o one year and shall be fine d fr om ten t hou sand to
fift y t ho u sa nd ru pee s. In ca se a n y lo s s is inc urr ed d ue to su ch
con ce a lmen t, dam age o r destruction, the loss shall also be recovered.
13. Punishment for Disclosing Secrecy of Question Papers or Altering the
Result of Examination: Save in cases where the authorized person
discloses or causes to disclose que st ion pa pers o f an examin at ion to be
con duc ted b y a go vernme nt bod y or a pub lic in stit ut ion be fore t he
prescr ibe d t ime ha vin g given reas ons o f spec ia l c irc umsta nces,
whoever, being a public servant, discloses or causes to disclose the secrecy
of such question paper in any manner whatsoe ver, or alters or causes to
alter the results of examinations with the intention of making illegal
advantage to him/herself or any other person, shall be liable to a
punishment of impr isonment from three months to one year and shall be
fined from five thousand to ten thousand rupees.
14. Punishment to Public Servants Engaging in Illegal Trade or Business:
Whoever, being a public ser vant, engages in trade or business in his/her
own name or in the name of other person or in partnership with others,
takes part in auction or bidding, or becomes a partner in any firm or
company or a cooperative organization w hile being prohibited by law, shall
be liable a punishment of imprisonment for a term from three months to
six months and a fine from ten tho usand to fifty th ousand rupees, and the
property earned in such a manner shall be confiscated.
Provided that, this section shall not be deemed to have hindered to
subscribe shares of a public limited company called for public subscription.
15. Punishment for Claiming False Designation: Whoever, either a public
servant or any other person falsely claims that he/she holds any position,
power, capacity or facility or enjoys such position, power, capacity or facility
of a public servant which he/she is not entitled to or displays any symbol, dress
or mark relating to a position of a public ser vant or wears or displays any
object resembling to such symbol, dress or mark with the intention of
leading others to falsely believe that these are the official symbols, dresses
or marks of a public servant, shall be liable to a punishment of
imprisonment for a term from one year to two years and w ith a fine from
fifty thou sand to one hundred thousand rupees, depending on the degree
of the offence committed.
16. Punishment for Giving False Particulars: (1) Whoe ver, with the
intent ion of secur ing a pos it ion o f a public ser vant, or of being continue
in such a pos it ion, or of securing any position or of getting any benefit or
facility, gives false particulars regarding his educational qua lifications,
name, names of the father and grandfather, age, caste, surname, address,
nationality or qualification, or gives false description in any other matters,
or submits false certificate relating thereto, shall be liable to a punishment
of imprisonment for a term from six months to one year and of a fine from
ten thousand to twenty thousand rupees, depending on the degree of the
offense committed.
(2) Whoe ver, bein g a public servant un der the dut y o f givin g
statemen t o f h is/ her property under this Act or any other prevailing
law s, gives false statement either ha vin g increased or having concealed
the actual property belongin g to or registered in his/her name or under
his/her share entitlement or belonging to his/her joint family, shall be liable
to a punishment of impr isonment for a term from one month to three
months and the fine not exceeding ten thousand rupees. The property,
which has been concealed in such a manner, shall also be confiscated.
17. Punishment for Damaging Public Property: W h o e ver , b e in g a p u b l ic
s er va n t, misappropriates, causes loss to or abuses or causes others to do
so, or destroys or uses for personal purposes, w hile performing his/her
duties pertaining to his/her office, shall be liable to be punished pursuant
to Section 3 and the property which has been misappropriated, damaged,
misused or destroyed or caused others to do so, shall be recovered from him/her.
18. Punishment for Exerting Illegal Pressures: Whoe ver, either a public
ser vant or any other person, compels any public ser vant or any other
person to commit any offence punishable urder this Act by exercise of
fear or threat of under, kidnapping, taking away of property, of causing
adverse impact on prestige or by exerting any other type of illegal pressure,
shall be liable to a punishment of imprisonment for a term from four to
eight years and a fine from one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand
19. Punishment for Giving False Report: (1) Whoe ver, either a p ub lic
ser vant or any other person authorized to carry out audit ing in a
government body or in a pub lic instit ut ion, pre pare s au dit in g rep ort
wit h m al a fi de intent ion ha vin g shown th e fact s not do ne o r happened
in the transaction or ha ving concealed the facts done or happened, shall be
liable to a punishment of imprisonment for a term from three months to
one year and to a fine from ten t housand rupee s t o fifty t housand r upees
depend in g on the degree of the o ffe nce committed.
(2) Save as pro vided in Sub-sect ion (1), in case any public
ser vant or any other person under the duty of submitting report having
conducted a study or in vestigation on any subject in connection w ith
functions of go vernment body or pub lic institution, prepares report w ith
mal a fide intention ha vin g shown the facts actually not do ne or
happened or ha vin g concealed the facts actually done or happened, such
persons shall be liab le to a punishment of imprisonment for a term from
three months to one year and to the fine from ten tho usand ru pees to
fift y thousand rupees depe nding o n the de gree o f the offence
20. Property Deemed to be Acquired Illegally: (1) In case the statement of
property submitted in accordance w ith prevailin g law s by a public servant
deemed to ha ve held a public office in acc orda nce wit h prevail ing laws
seems to be inc ompa tib le or un nat ura l or in case he /she maintains an
incompatible or unsuitable lifestyle or it is proved that he/she has given
someone a donat ion, gift, grant, present or has lent money beyond
his/her capacity, he/she sha ll pro ve the sources from which he/she has
acquired such property and if he fails to do so, such property shall be
deemed to have been acquired in an illegal manner.
(2) In case it has been proved that a public servant has acquired property
in an illegal manner as referred to in Sub-section (1), he/she shall be liable to a
punishment of imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years as per the
amount of the property acquired in such a manner, and a fine according to the
amount of property and the illegal property acquired in such a manner shall also
be confiscated.
21. Punishment for Committing Attempts: Except otherwise provided for in
this chapter, whoever attempts to commit an offense punishable under this Act
shall be liable to half of the punishment to be imposed on the public servant or
any other person committing such offences.
22. Punishment to Accomplices: Except otherw ise pro vided elsew here in this
Act, the accomplices to any offense punishable under this Act shall be liable to
half of the punishment to be imposed on the public servant or any other person
committing such offences.
Provided that, the accomplice who has given cash or kind or made
available any other type of benefit to the public servant or any other person
committing an offence or who has taken such benefit shall be liable to the
punishment as equal to the person committing the offence.
23. Principal to be Deemed to have Committed the Offence in case a
Corporate Body Commits Offence: In case any firm, company or corporate
body commits any act that is deemed to be an offence under this chapter, the
partners at the time of commission of the act in case of a firm and the person
acting as the principal official in case of a company or a corporate body shall be
deemed to have committed the offence.
Provided that, in case it is proved that such act has been committed prior to
the appointment of the person acting as the principal official, the person who has
committed the act shall be deemed to have committed the offence.
Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, the "the person acting as the
principal official" means the Chairman, Board Member, General Manager,
Managing Director or the Official of a company or corporate body working in
the same capacity.
24. Additional Punishment: In case the offences under this chapter have been
committed by an office bearer of a constitutional organ or body to be nominated or
appointed by officer belonging to the special class of Government of Nepal or
officers of equivalent rank; Head, General Manager or officer of a public
institution of equivalent rank, such person shall be liable to the punishment of
imprisonment for a term of three years in addition to the punishment prescribed for
such offence.

Chapter - 3
Investigations, Inquiries and Filling of Cases of Corruption
25. Investigations and Inquiries: (1) In case the investigating authority comes to
know, through any information, source or a complaint lodged by any person, that
any person has committed or is going to commit corruption, it shall initiate
necessary investigations, inquiries and other actions in this regard.
(2) Notw it hs tandin g a ny th ing co nta ine d in Su b-Sect ion ( 1),
in case t he investigating authority has received information from any source that
any person has committed or is going to commit corruption, such authority
may take immediate actions including raid, seizure of documents or goods and
materials or arrest of person.
26. Preliminary Inquiry: The investigating authority shall, upon having received
a complaint or information that one has committed or is going to commit an
offence under this Act, initiate preliminary inquiry confidentially as may be
27. Seeking Explanation: While conducting preliminary inquiry pursuant to
Section 26, in case the investigating authority is of the view that the
information received is based on facts, it may, having provided particulars
relating thereto, seek for comment or explanation from the concerned body or
person as may be necessary.
28. Powers of Investigating Authority: (1) The investigating authority may, while
conducting investigations and inquiries into offenses of corruption under this
Chapter, exercise the following powers: -

(a) To order a government body, public institution, public servant

or any other person to send or submit w ithin a certain time
any relevant document, documentary evidences or any other
things before it;

(b) To conduct inquiry with, or to record the statement of, the

public servant or any other person accused of corruption or
the person to whom the in ve st igat ing auth ority deems to
having information on the relevant facts;

(c) The investigating authorit y may, u pon having taken

exp lanat ion from or up on completing inquiry or recording
the statement of a public ser vant or any other person accused
of corrupt ion, release such person having executed a bond
from him/ her to appear as and when required, or ha vin g
required him/her to appear on the prescribed date or, in case
there is a reasonable cause to believe that such public
ser vant or pers on ma y absc on d or there has bee n a los s o f
an amount, the in vest iga t in g author ity may ask from
him/ her to submit a deposit or guarantee and require
him/ her to appear in the prescribed date or in case no
deposit or guarantee is produced, keep him/her in custody.

(2) In case the invest igat ing authority has sent a letter having
fixed a t ime lim it to the concerned body, public ser vant or other person
requiring to submit any document or any other material or to provide
information on any matter or requiring a public ser vant or any other
person to appear before it, it shall be done accordingly and in case not done,
it shall be as follows:-

(a) In case the concerned go vernment body or public institution

does not submit s uch document or materia l or does not
pro vide information w ith in the t ime pre scr ibed, the
inve st igat ing authority may send a let ter t o t he co ncerned
government body or a public institution to take departmental
action against the chief officer of the concerned government
body or a public institut ion and in case such a letter is
receive d, the concerned governme nt body or a pub lic
institution shall take actions immediately.

(b) In case the concerned public ser vant or any other person does
not submit the documen t or materia l or doe s not pro vide
informat ion or does not ap pear within the prescribed
period, the investigating authority may impose a fine not
exceeding one thousand rupees on such person.

(c) In case any go vernment body, public inst itut ion, public
ser vant or any other person does not do as required to do in
writing by the invest igating authority e ven after the
departmental action or imposition of a fine pursuant to Clauses
(a) or (b), the in ves tigat ing aut hority may issue arrest
warrant to get the ch ief officer of such body or institute or
such public ser vant or other person appeared and get such
document or material produced or acquired necessary
information from him/her. In case the chief officer of a body
or institution, public servant or any other person so arrested
does not submit such document or material or does not gi ve
informat ion relat ing thereto, the invest igat ing author ity
may order for keeping him/her in custody for a period of up to
seven days.
(3) After the in vestigat in g au thor ity 's order for departmental
action or payment of the fine pursuant to Sub-section (2), in case the chief
officer of the concerned body or the concerned public ser vant or any other
person submits an application along w ith reasonable causes for being
unable to do as required, and if the causes are satisfactory, such order or
order of fine may be cancelled.
(4) The inve st igat ing author it y may conduct or cause to
conduct a search at any p lace and se ize any necessary materia ls or
documen t or P hot os tat co py thereo f wh ile conducting the search. A
receipt of the material or document so seized shall be given to the
concerned person.
29. Appointment or Designation of Investigation Officer: The investigation
authority may, in order to conduct invest igat ion and inquir ies into the
offences punishable under this Act, appoint or designate any officer under
it or any government officer or any officer of a public institution as the
investigation officer.
Provided that, while appointing or designating any government
officer, or officer of a public institution as the investigating officer,
consultation shall be held with Government of Nepal or with the Chief
Officer of the concerned body, depending on circumstances.
30. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Investigation Officer: (1) Functions,
duties and powers of the investigation officer shall be as follows:-
(a) To arrest the offender immediately and to take necessary actions;
(b) To conduct or cause to conduct search at any office, house,
building, godown, vehicle or any other places while
conducting investigation and inquiries or while collecting
evidence into offences punishable under this Act;
(c) To exercise other powers conferred on the investigation officer.
(2) Wh ile conducting in vestigation and inquiries into offences
punishable under this Act, the investigation officer shall have all such
powers, duties, facilities and obligation as the police is ha vin g under the
pre vailin g laws in respect to recording statements o f the accused persons,
and preparing reports of public inquiries.
(3) While carry ing out functions under Sub-section (2), the
investigation officer may exercise the powers equivalent to the powers of a
court to require the accused to appear on prescribed date or to release
him/her on deposit or on guarantee or detain him/her in case he is unable
to furnish such deposit or guarantee as may be necessary.
31. Keeping Accused in Custody: (1) The investigation officer may, in case
there is sufficient ground that any person ha ving been taken action for an
offence under this Act may lose or destroy any e vidence or cause
hindrance in the process of investigation or inquiries or cause ad verse
impact thereon, keep him/her in custod y having gi ven h im an order of
detention in accordance with the prevailing laws.
(2) In case the investigation or inquiries w ith regard to a person is
not completed within twenty four hours and it appears that the
investigation needs to be continued ha ving him/her detained, the
investigation officer shall detain him/her after having him/her presented
before the authority hearing the case and only after getting approval
therefor from the authority hearing the case. While seeking for appro val
with the authority hearing the case, the charges against the person
detained, its bases, the reason for continuin g in vestigation having him/her
detained and if his/her statement has been recorded, the contents of such
statement shall be clearly stated.
(3) The perso n who has been presented before the authority
hearing the case for approval of detent ion pursuant to Sub-section (2)
may submit an app lication wh ile bein g presented there requesting for his/her
physical checkup.
(4) In case a permission for detention is sought pursuant to Sub-
section (2), the authority hearing the case may, having considered whether
or not the in vestigation has been carried out in a satisfactory manner and
if it is found that the in vestigation is bein g carried ou t satis factor ily, gi ve
approval for detent ion for a max imum perio d of six mo nth s n ot
exceeding thirty days at a time or time and again.
(5) While seekin g for a permission for extension of time duration
of detention pursuant to Sub-section (4), the person under the custody
may, if he/she so w ants, submit an application to the authority hearing the
case mentioning the reason or basis for his/her not being in detention any
32. Cooperation of Other Bodies May be Required: (1) The investigating
authority may, in course of in ve stigat ions and inq uir ies in to offen ses
pun ishab le u nder this Act, ask any government body or public institution
or any person for cooperation as may be necessary and it shall be the duty of
such body, institution or person to cooperate as and when required.
(2) The in vestigating authority may, in course of conducting
investigation and inquir ies into offenses of corruption under this Act,
take the help of police force as w ell. While engaging police personnel in
the work, the order issued by the investigating authority shall, with regard
to the police, be equivalent to the order of the concerned Inspector General
of Police.
(3) The in ve stigat ion officer may ask the p olice o fficer or
police person ne l subordinate to him/her for help. It shall be the duty of the
concerned police officer or personnel to assist him/her in case the investigation
officer requires such assistance.
(4) In case the investigating authority deems it fit that because of
the very nature of the offence under in vestigation and inquiry, it is
necessary to consult an expert engaged in any agency to be in volved in such
investigation and inquiry; the investigating authority may as k the
concerned body to make such expert a vailab le on a temporary
ass ignmen t for a specific period of time, and in case such a demand is
made, such body shall, notw ithstanding anything contained in the prevailing
laws, make available the concerned expert.
33. Automatic Suspension: In case any public servant is detained pursuant to
Clause (c) of Subsection (1) of Section 28, Sub-section (3) of Section 30
and Section 31, he shall ipso facto be suspended until the period of
detention and if a case is filed against him/her pursuant to Section 36,
he/she shall ipso facto be suspended unless and until the proceedings of the case is
34. Accepting Services: ( 1 ) T h e in ve s t i g a t i n g a u t h o r i t y m a y , w h i le
c on du ct in g in vestigat ion, inqu iries and taking any other actions
relatin g thereto, require ser vices of experts of the concerned subject or of
specialized agencies.
(2) The investigating authority shall, in order to get the ser vices
referred to in sub-section (1), appoint the concerned expert or specialized
agency and while appointing as such, the in vest igatin g authority shall
have to enter into an agreement havin g stated the functions to be carried
out by such expert or specialized agency, the powers that may be
exercised, the terms and conditions to be fu lfilled, the procedures and
remuneration and other benefits which such expert or specialized agency is
entitled to.
(3) In case the investigating authority is in need of the service of
employees of Go vernment of Nepal or of a specialized agency,
notwithstanding anything contained in t he pr eva il in g law s, such
emp lo yees s ha ll b e d ep ute d for a per iod re qu ire d b y t he investigating
35. Keeping in Postponement: While inqu iring and in vestin g under this Act,
in case it appears that the alleged o ffense could n ot be pro ved on the
basis o f the collected evidence, the investigating authority may keep the
complaint in postponement issuing an order slip along w ith reasons
thereof and in case of decis ion of postponement, the information thereof
shall be given to the accused person and the complainant.

Pro vid ed tha t, no t hin g in t his se ct ion sh all be de emed to ha ve

pre ven ted t o investigate and re-inquire on such complaint if any new evidence
is found later on.
36. Filing of cases: In connection with an accusation of commission of
corruption, in case there is a reasonable cause to believe that the accused has
committed the said offence, the investigating authority shall file a case
before the authority having powers to hear the case under the prevailing

Chapter - 4
Provisions Relating to Prevention of Corruption
37. National Vigilance Center: (1) Government of Nepal may establish a
National Vigilance Center under the direct control and super vision of the
Prime Minister in order to effectively control corruption-oriented acts and to
promote people's awareness against corruption.
(2) Go vernment of Nepal may designate a special class officer of
the civil service as the chief of the Center referred to in Sub-section (1), and
there shall be other officials of the services of Government of Nepal in the
center as may be necessary.
38. Functions, Duties and Powers of the National Vigilance Center: The
National Vigilance Center established under Sub-Section (1) of Section 37
shall have follow ing functions, duties and powers:-

(a) To co llect informatio n on whether or not the funct ions to be

carried out by the Ministries, Departments, offices of Go vernment
of Nepal and public institution are being regularly carried out;
(b) To alert M in istr ies, Departments, Offices of Government of Nepal,
or public institution in case the functions to be carried out by them
are not found to ha ve been carried out;

(c) To mon itor the statement of property and income given by persons
hold in g a public post as per the prevailing laws;

(d) To make necessary pro vis ion for regu lar s urve illance, surprise
check and investigation in corruption prone places or works;

(e) To make necessary recommendations to Go vernment of Nepal w ith

regard to the policies, strategies and reformation on laws to be adopted for
corruption control;
(f) To make provision of a complaint box in the Ministries of Government of
Nepal, Departments, Offices or public institution;

(g) To pro vide any suggestion or direction to the concerned bodies with

(h) To collect necessary description or information concerning

corruption from the body or authority working for in vestigation into
offences of corruption and to maintain them updated;
(i) To forward any information concerning corruption received to it to
the concerned bodies;

(j) To carry out or cause to carry out other incidental functions w ith
regard to corruption control;

(k) To carry out or cause to carry out other functions prescribed by the
Government of Nepal.

Chapter - 5
39. Statement May be Taken or Transaction or Account May be Freeze: (1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in the existing law, if it appears from any
source during the course of investigation into offences of corruption that there has
been financial transaction or operation of an account in the name of any person
with any bank or financial institution within the country or in any foreign
country, the investigating authority may order to freeze such transaction or
account. The concerned bank or financial institute shall freeze such transaction or
account in accordance with the order of the investigating authority.
Provided that in case such transaction or account to be freeze is with
a bank or financial institution in a foreign country, the investigation authority
may cause to freeze the operation of transaction or account through the diplomatic
(2) The investigating authority may impose a fine of fifty thousand rupees
in maximum to the chief of the concerned bank or financial institution located
in Nepal not freezing transactions or accounts pursuant to Sub-section (1).
(3) The investigation authority may, if it deems fit in the course of
investigation, according to the need, ask for the statement of property
belonging to persons holding an office of public responsibility or freeze such
40. Banning to Issue or Freezing Passport: Notwithstandin g anythin g
contained in the prevailing laws, the investigating authority may, on the basis
of the gravity of the offence, the condition, circumstances in which the accused
committed the offence, degree of the offence and the punishment in case of
conviction of the offence, issue an order to the concerned bodies for not
issuing passport to any accused or for withholding it if it has been already
41. Restri cti on to Leave Pl aces: In case an action has been taken against any
person under this Act, the investigating authority may, on the basis of the
gravity of the offence, the condition and circumstances in which the accused
committed the offence, the degree of the offence and the punishment in case of
conviction of the offence, issue an order to any accused not to leave any place or
not to go any particular place without the appro val of the in vestigating
42. Provi si on Rel ati ng to Servi ce of Summ ons: (1) Notwithstanding
anything contained in the existing law, while servicing summon in the name of
a foreigner in any offence under this Act, the summon may be served to the
office or representative of such person within of Nepal, if any, and service of
summon in that manner shall be deemed to have duly made.
(2) In case there is no office or representative referred to in sub-Section
(1), the summon shall be served to the main place of transaction, or to the address
of such person where he resides permanently, or to the address of correspondence
given by such person in connection with his business transaction through the
means of telex, fax or any other means o f te lecommunicat ion in w rit ten
form or through registered post, and the summo ns ser ved in any of such
manners shall be deemed to have been duly made.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-sections (1) or (2),
this Section shall not be deemed to have hindered the service of summons
according to the provisions of a treaty in case there is a separate provision for
service of summons in the name of persons living in a foreign country in any
treaty to which Government of Nepal or of Nepal is a party.
43. Publicati on of Noti ce: Notwithstanding anything contained in the prevailing
laws, in case it has been reported that no notice could be served while sending a
notice or servicing a summon in the name of any person in accordance with
this Act or other prevailing laws for not findin g the address of such
person or for any other reasons, a public not ice shall be published least
for tw ice in a national le vel newspaper (in case of a foreigner in a
English Daily) having given him/her a time limit of 30 days and ha ving
given short description as to whether the investigation is underway or the
case is already filed at the authority hearing the case; and in case a notice
has been published in such a way, the notice shall be or summon deemed
to have been du ly de livered or served to such person notw iths tandin g
anythin g contained in the prevailing laws.
44. Obligati ons of governm ent bodi es and public instituti ons: The chief
of a go vernment body and public inst itution shall, in case any
information has been received that corruption has been committed at his
office or any other office under him, immediately take the related
documents or file under his custody and keep it safe, and upon havin g
inqu ired with the persons and officials related to such sub ject and upon
having know n the reality, if there appears any reason of commission of
corruption, he shall forward such documents to the concerned body for
investigation and inquiry.
45. Case May be Filed against R eti red Person: Nothing in th is Act sha ll
be deemed to have pre vented filling of a case against a retired public
servant in connection with commission of corrupt ion ha ving embezzled
or causin g los s t o go vernment or p ublic pr operty or t he property
belonging to an organization owned by Go vernment of Nepal e ven after
such public servant is retired from the service.

46. No Hindrance to Initiate Proceedings and Finalize Case:

Notw it hs tandin g any thin g contained in the prevailing laws, there shall
be no hindrance to in it iate proceedings and finalize a case even if the
accused or defendant dies before or after a case under this Act is filed.
47. Confi scation of Property: In case it is pro ved that any person has
earned property ha vin g committed any act which is deemed to ha ve
committed corruption under this Act or other prevailing laws and has
kept such property and the property accrued therefrom in his/her ow n
name or in the name of anybody else such property shall be confiscated.

Pro vided that, in case the ownership of such property is transferred to

any person and in case the price of such a property is quoted, the
transaction in vo lving such amount shall be treated as a simple loan deed.
48. Order to Freeze Property of a Fo rei gner: (1) In case any foreigner
who does not appear before the in vest igatin g authority in pursuance of a
notice sent by the invest igat ing authority or s ummon served purs uant to
Sect ion 42 is havin g a ny pr operty, ent it lemen t, interest or concern
within of Nepal, the in vest igatin g authority may order to maintain a
status quo w ith regard to them or not to allow to take such property,
entitlement, interest or co nce rn outs ide of Ne pa l un le ss a nd un t il su ch
a pers on app ear s be fore th e investigating authority, and it shall be the duty
of all concerned to abide by such an order.
(2) The in vest igat ing a uth or it y ma y impose a fine o f o ne
tho usa nd ru pees in maximum to the person who does not abide by the
order made pursuant to Sub- section (1) and in case any type of loss or
damage is caused to Government of Nepal or a public institution because
of non-observance of such an order, such loss shall also be recovered from
49. Punishment for Fil ing Fal se Complai nt: In case it is found that any
person has filed a false complaint against any public ser vant or person
without ha vin g any reasonable ground for filing a complaint and with the
intention of causing any type of loss, damage or harassment, the
investigating authority may impose a fine not exceeding five thousand
rupees on him.
50. Provi si on Rel ati ng to Statement of Property: (1) Whoe ver joins a
public office shall, within sixty days from the date of joining the public
office, and whoever is engaged in a public office on t he da te o f
commencement of th is Sec t io n s ha ll, w ith in six ty days from t he date
of commencement of this Act, and thereafter within sixty days from the
date of completion of each fiscal year, submit the up dated statement of
property in his/her name or in the name of his/her fam ily mem bers a lo n g
wit h t he so urces or e vid ence there of to the bod y or au thor it y
prescr ibe d by Go vernment o f N epa l ha ving p ublished a n ot ification
in the Nepal Gazette.
(2) In case the person assuming a public office who is unable to
submit the statement of property w ithin the time limit referred to in Sub-
section (1) makes a request for extension of the time limit having stated
therein the reasons for his/her not being able to submit such statement, the
concerned body or authority may extend the time limit for a period of
thirty days in maximum.
(3) The person assuming a public office who does not submit the
statement of property w ithin the time limit extended pursuant to Sub-
section (2) shall be liable to a fine of five thousand rupees and the
concerned body or official may in vestigate ha ving suspected that there is
illegal property in his/her and his/her family member's names.
(4) The statement of property submitted under this section Shall
be confidential.
Pro vided that, if statement of property is required in connection w ith
investigation and inquiries under this Act, such statement may be made
available to the concerned authority.
51. Punishment to Persons C ausing Hi ndrance and Obstructi on: The
authority hearing the case may, on the basis of the report of in vest igatin g
authority, impose a punishment of imprisonment of a term of six months in
maximum or a fine up to five thousand rupees in maximum or both to a person
who causes hindrance or obstruction in actions relating to investigation and
inquiries under this Act.
52. Confi dentiality of Information: (1) No notice, information or evidence
received to, collected by, the investigating authority in connection with
investigation and inquiry in an offence of corruption shall be publicly notified
before filing of case.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), the
investigating authority may publicize particulars of inquiry and
investigation of any matter of public importance which it deems fit as may be
53. D epartmental Action to Empl oyees Involved in Inquiries and
Investi gation: In connection with implementation of this Act, in case it is
proved that the investigation officer or other employee engaged in investigation
and inquiries has committed any act knowingly with the intention of causing
harassment to any person, departmental action shall be taken against such
54. To be subjected to Imprisonment: Notwithstanding anything contained
in the pre vailing laws, the person having been punished by a court with a
term of imprisonment shall be subjected only to imprisonment.
55. Remission in the Claim of Punishment: The investigating authority may
give complete or partial remission in the claim of punishment with regard to
the accused who assists in the process of investigation carried out under this
Act having him/herself presented as a witness on its behalf.
Provided that in case other e vidences do not pro ve his assistance or in case
he becomes hostile later on, the case may be filed against him again
notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in other prevailing laws.
56. No Acti on to be Taken: Notwithstanding anythin g contained in the
pre vailing laws, no action shall be taken against a public servant for
disclosing confidentiality under the law relating to the terms and condition of
his/her service who gives information for taking legal action in case of corruption
committed or going to be committed or for preventing to be committed.
57. Delegati on of Power: (1) The investigating authority may, by publication
of a notification in the Nepal Gazette, delegate its all or any power conferred on
it by this Act to any of the Government of Nepal's gazetted level officers.
(2) While delegat in g power pursuant to Sub-section (1), the
territorial jurisd ict ion for the pow ers to be accountable by such officer
shall be as prescribed in such notificatio n.
(3) The officer exercising the power conferred on him under sub-
Section (1) shall, for that purpose, be responsible to the investigating authority.
58. Provi si on R elating to Rewards: The in vestigating authority may give an
appropriate reward to the person assisting it in connection with inquires,
investigation or collection of evidences in the offences punishable under this Act.
59. Speci al Provisi ons R el ating to Cases of Corrupti on: Notwithstanding
anything contained in the prevailing laws, it shall be as follows in the
following matters with regard to the cases filed under this Act:-
(a) In case any public servant or any other person has, while committing or in
connection with committing an act that is deemed to be an offence under
other prevailing laws, there shall be no hindrance to file separate case in
accordance with other prevailing laws.
(b) In case there has been adverse impact caused on the rights, property or
interests of any person while committing or in connection with committing
an act that is deemed to be an offence under this Act by a public servant or
any other person, there shall be no hindrance for such person to file a
separate case.
(c) In cases where a case has been filed against a person for an offence
under this Act and it appears later on, after having examined the
evidence, that the case must be filed against other person as well, there
shall be no hindrance to file a separate charge sheet against such person.
(d) Nothing shall be deemed to prevent filling of a separate case against
any public servant or person for offenses to be liable under this Act, even
if the separate case has been already filed against such person in order to
recover loss and damages made by such person to Government of Nepal
or public institution illegally;
(e) In case, where a case has been filed under this Act against any public
servant or other person, there shall be no hindrance to file a case under this
Act or the case filed shall not be dismissed merely for the reason that
there is a legal provision of recovery of the loss caused to Government of
Nepal or a public institution from such public servant or other person.
(f) No cases filed under this Act shall be withdrawn or compromised.
60. Inform er and hi s/her detail s to be kept confi denti al: The name or
address of an informer providing information that an offence under this Act
has been committed or going to be committed shall be kept confidential in case
he/she so requests.
61. Unclaimed goods to be entitled to Government of Nepal : (1) In case
no owner of the goods related to the offence punishable under this Act is traced,
the investigating authority shall publish a public notice requiring the claimant, if
any, of the goods so seized to claim the goods, within a time limit of thirty five
(2) In case, no claim is made within the time limit referred to in sub-
section (1) or even if the claim is made but in absence of proof the claim is not
tenable, such goods shall be the property of Government of Nepal having treated
such goods as unclaimed goods.
62. Goods may be sol d: (1) In case it appears that any goods seized in connection
with an offence punishable under this Act would be damaged or broken for
storing for a long time due to rust or for any other reason or would be rotten or
damaged or price of such goods would go down for being old or would be
useless or it could not be stored or maintained for lack of space, such goods
may be sold having completed the process thereof in accordance with the
prevailing laws.
(2) The amount received from the sale pursuant to Sub-section
(1) shall be deposited to the deposit accounts. In case it has been decided that
such goods has to be given to the concerned owner, he shall be entitled only to the
amount received from the sale.
63. No Hindrance to Exerci se Powers: Nothing in this Act shall be deemed
to have hindered any author ity or officer to exercise powers under other
prevailing laws with regard to investigation, inquires, other actions and filing
or cases relating to corruption.
64. Power to Fram e Rul es: Government of Nepal may frame necessary Rules for
implementing the objectives of this Act.
65. Am endment, R epeal and Savi ng: (1) The following Sections of the Revenue
(Investigation and Control) Act, 2052 have been repealed,-
(a) Clause (c) of Section 2;
(b) Sub-section (2) of Section 6;
(c) The terms "or employee" appearing in sub-Section (4) of Section 9;
(d) Sub-section (2) of Section 18;
(e) Sub-section (2) of Section 21;
(f) Sub-section (2) of Section 23;
(g) The terms "or corruption" frequently used in place to place;
(h) Section 5, chapter 4 and Section 25.
(2) The Pre vention of Corruption Act, 2017 has been repealed.
(3) All actions taken and proceedings initiated under the Prevention of
Corruption Act, 2017 shall be deemed to have been taken or initiated under
this Act.

;'zf;g -Joj:yfkg tyf ;+rfng_ P]g, @)^$

k|df0fLs/0f / k|sfzg ldlt
;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g
s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug{] P]g, @)&@ @)&@.!!.!#
@)^$ ;fnsf] P]g g= #^
;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt ug]{ ;DaGwdf Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]g
k|:tfjgf M d'n'ssf] ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gnfO{ hgd'vL, hjfkmb]xL, kf/bzL{, ;dfj]zL tyf
hg;xeflutfd"ns agfO{ To;sf] k|ltkmn ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ pknAw u/fpg, sfg"gsf] zf;g,
e|i6frf/d'Qm / r':t k|zf;g, ljs]Gb|Ls/0f, cfly{s cg'zf;g tyf ;fj{hlgs sfo{ / ;|f]tsf] s'zn
Joj:yfkg h:tf c;n zf;gsf cfwf/e"t dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;ft\ u/L ;j{;fwf/0fn] kfpg' kg]{ ;]jf
l56f], 5l/tf] tyf sd vlr{nf] 9Ëaf6 kfpg] cj:yf ;[hgf ug{, ;'zf;g kfpg] gful/ssf] clwsf/nfO{
Jojxf/df ptf/L sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg, / k|zf;g ;+oGqnfO{ ;]jfk|bfos ;+oGq tyf ;xhstf{sf] ?kdf
?kfGt/0f u/L d'n'sdf ;'zf;gsf] k|Tofe"lt lbg] ;DaGwdf sfg"gL Joj:yf ug{ cfjZos ePsf]n],
Joj:yflksf–;+;bn] of] P]g agfPsf] 5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æ;'zf;g -Joj:yfkg tyf ;~rfng_ P]g, @)^$Æ
/x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,–
-s_ æ;+ljwfgÆ eGgfn] g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg ;Demg' k5{ .
-v_ ædGqLÆ eGgfn] k|wfgdGqL, pk–k|wfgdGqL jf dGqL ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn]
:jtGq ?kdf dGqfnosf] sfo{ef/ ;DxfNg] /fHodGqL ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .

 s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-u_ æ;lrjÆ eGgfn] dGqfnosf] ;lrj ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
d'Vo ;lrj / ;lrj ;/xsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ljlzi6 >]0fLsf]
cGo clws[t ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-3_ ædGqfnoÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] dGqfno ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn]
k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/so
sfof{no ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-ª_ æljefuLo k|d'vÆ eGgfn] s'g} dGqfno cGt{utsf] ljefu jf ;f] ;/xsf] cGo
sfof{nosf] k|d'vsf] ?kdf sfd ug{] kbflwsf/L ;Demg' k5{ .
-r_ æsfof{no k|d'vÆ eGgfn] s'g} ;/sf/L sfof{nosf] k|d'v eO{ sfd ug]{
kbflwsf/L ;Demg' k5{ .
-5_ ætf]lsPsf]Æ jf ætf]lsP adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgoddf
tf]lsPsf] jf tf]lsP adf]lhd ;Demg' k5{ .
k|zf;g ;~rfng ;DaGwL ;fdfGo k|fjwfgx?
#= ljleGg :t/df sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] d'n'sdf ;'zf;g sfod ug{sf] nflu
s]Gb|Lo :t/, If]qLo :t/, c~rn :t/, lhNnf :t/ tyf :yfgLo :t/df k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg
ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf If]q, c~rn / lhNnfsf] ljefhg tyf :yfgLo txsf]
ef}uf]lns Onfsfsf] lgwf{/0f k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
$= ljifout dGqfno tyf ljefu /xg] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] s]Gb|Lo :t/sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{sf
nflu cfjZos ;+Vofdf ljifout dGqfno tyf ljefux? /xg]5g\ .
-@_ dGqfnosf] ;+Vof / ;f]sf] sfo{ljefhg g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfo{ljefhg lgodfjnL
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|d'v k|zf;lgs lgsfosf] ?kdf k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf]
sfof{no /xg]5 .
-$_ dGqfno dftxtdf cfjZos ;+Vofdf ljefu, sfof{no tyf lgsfo /xg ;Sg]5g\ .
%= cfjZos lgsfo u7g ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ dGqfno,ljefu tyf
sfof{nosf] cltl/Qm g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZostf cg';f/ cGo ;lrjfno, cfof]u, af]8{, s]Gb|,
;ldlt jf cGo To:t} lgsfo u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .

-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd u7g ePsf ;lrjfno, cfof]u, af]8{, s]Gb|, ;ldlt jf cGo To:t}
lgsfosf] sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ tyf cGo sfo{If]qut zt{x? -6D;{ ckm /]k]m/]G;_ g]kfn ;/sf/n]
tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
^= k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;~rfngsf cfwf/ M d'n'sdf ;'zf;g sfod ug{sf nflu o; P]g jf cGo
k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ To:tf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ kbflwsf/Ln]
;+ljwfg tyf cGo k|rlnt sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf s'/fx?sf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf cfwf/df sfo{
;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ /fi6« / hgtfsf] j[xQ/ lxt,
-v_ ;dGofo / ;dfj]zLs/0f,
-u_ sfg"gsf] zf;g,
-3_ dfgjclwsf/sf] k|Tofe"lt,
-ª_ kf/blz{tf,j:t'lgi7tf,hjfkmb]lxtf tyf OdfGbfl/tf,
-r_ cfly{s cg'zf;g Pj+ e|i6frf/d'Qm, r':t / hgd'vL k|zf;g,
-5_ k|zf;g ;+oGqsf] t6:ytf tyf lgikIftf,
-h_ k|zf;lgs ;+oGqdf / lg0f{odf ;j{;fwf/0fsf] kx'Fr,
-em_ ljs]Gb|Ls/0f tyf clwsf/ lgIf]k0f,
-`_ hg;xeflutf tyf :yfgLo ;|f]tsf] clwstd pkof]u .
&= g]kfn ;/sf/n] clVtof/ ug]{ gLltx? M -!_ ;+ljwfg tyf cGo k|rlnt sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf
gLlt Pj+ ;do ;dodf clVtof/ ul/Psf gLltsf cltl/Qm d'n'ssf] k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg
ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] b]xfosf gLlt clVtof/ ug]{5 M–
-s_ cfly{s pbf/Ls/0f,
-v_ u/LaL lgjf/0f,
-u_ ;fdflhs Gofo,
-3_ k|fs[lts tyf cGo ;fj{hlgs ;|f]tsf] bLuf] tyf s'zn Joj:yfkg,
-ª_ dlxnf;zlQms/0f tyf n}lËs Gofosf] ljsf;,
-r_ jftfj/0fLo ;+/If0f,
-5_ hghflt, blnt tyf cfly{s tyf ;fdflhs ?kdf lk5l8Psf ju{sf] pTyfg,
-h_ b'u{d If]qsf] ljsf; tyf ;Gt'lnt If]qLo ljsf; .


-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd clVtof/ u/]sf gLltnfO{ sfof{Gjog ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;do
;dodf cfjZos sfo{qmd tyf cfof]hgfx? ;~rfng ug]{5 .
k|zf;lgs sfo{sf] ;~rfng tyf lhDd]jf/L
*= ;'zf;g sfod ug'{ ;DalGwt kbflwsf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g] M d'n'sdf ;'zf;g sfod ug]{ /
;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;dodf g} To;sf] k|ltkmn pknAw u/fpg] p2]Zon] o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|zf;lgs sfo{ l56f] 5l/tf] 9Ën] ;~rfng ug'{ u/fpg'
;DalGwt kbflwsf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
(= dGqLsf] lhDd]jf/L M -!_ ;+ljwfg tyf cGo k|rlnt sfg"gdf plNnlvt lhDd]jf/Lsf ;fy} cfk"mn]
;Dxfn]sf] dGqfnoaf6 ;Dkfbg x'g] sfo{ ;DaGwL gLltut ljifo nufot ;Dk"0f{ cfjZos sfo{
;dodf g} ;Dkfbg ug]{ u/fpg] ;du| lhDd]jf/L ;DalGwt dGqLsf] x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] ;j{;fdfGotfdf k|lts"n gx"g] u/L ;DalGwt dGqLn] cfˆgf] dGqfno
/ cGtu{tsf sd{rf/LnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg]5 / To:tf] lgb]{zgsf] ;doleq} kfngf
ug'{ ;DalGwt sd{rf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
!)= d'Vo ;lrj tyf lghsf] lhDd]jf/L M -!_ d'Vo ;lrj g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|d'v k|zf;sLo clwsf/L
x'g]5 / ;f]xL x}l;otdf lghn] cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/L jxg ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] ;j{;fdfGotfdf k|lts"n gx'g] u/L o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt
sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf cltl/Qm d'Vo ;lrjsf] sfd, st{Jo,
clwsf/ / lhDd]jf/L b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ k|wfgdGqLsf] ;'k/Lj]If0f tyf lgb]{zgsf] cwLgdf /xL k|wfgdGqL tyf
dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{nosf] k|zf;sLo k|d'vsf] ?kdf ;f] sfof{nosf] sfo{
;Dkfbg ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;lrj tyf cGo ljlzi6 >]0fLsf clws[tsf] ;'k/Lj]Ifssf]
x}l;otn] lghx?n] ;Dkfbg u/]sf sfo{sf] ;'k/Lj]If0f ug]{ tyf ;lrjn] ;Dkfbg
ug'{ kg]{ k|zf;lgs sfo{sf ;DaGwdf cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg],
-u_ ljleGg dGqfno tyf cGo ;Da4 lgsfox?sf] k|zf;lgs sfd sf/afxLnfO{
;dGjo ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-3_ zf;sLo ;'wf/nfO{ d'n'sL k|zf;gsf] cleGg cËsf] ?kdf sfof{Gjog ug{ jf
u/fpg ljleGg dGqfno / cGo s]Gb|Lo lgsfoaLr ;dGjo ug]{,

-ª_ dlGqkl/ifb\sf] ;lrjsf] ?kdf sfd ug]{ / ;f]xL x}l;otdf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] lg0f{o
k|dfl0ft ug]{,
-r_ g]kfn ;/sf/ -dlGqkl/ifb\_ sf lg0f{o sfof{Gjog ug{, u/fpg ;DalGwt
dGqfnox?nfO{ kl/rfng ug]{ jf u/fpg] / tL lg0f{o sfof{Gjog l:yltsf]
;'k/Lj]If0f ug]{,
-5_ d'n'ssf] k|zf;gtGqnfO{ r':t / k'mlt{nf] agfpg g]kfn ;/sf/sf ;lrj tyf
cGo sd{rf/LnfO{ pTk|]l/t ug]{,
-h_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] sfd sf/afxLnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg ;do ;dodf ;lrj
a}7s cfof]hgf ug]{ / ;lrj a}7saf6 ePsf lg0f{o sfof{Gjog l:yltsf]
;'k/Lj]If0f ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-em_ ljleGg dGqfno tyf s]Gb|Lo txsf sfof{nox?sf] k|zf;lgs sfd sf/afxLsf]
cg'udg, lg/LIf0f tyf ;'k/Lj]If0f ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-`_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lg0f{osf] nflu ;lrjn] k]z u/]sf] k|:tfjdf cfjZos s'/fx?
k'u] gk'u]sf] hfFrL] k|:tfjnfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/ -dlGqkl/ifb\_ ;dIf k]z ug]{ / cË
gk'u]sf] kfOPdf ;DalGwt ;lrjsxfF lkmtf{ k7fpg] jf k7fpg nufpg],
-6_ g]kfn kIf ePsf låkIfLo tyf ax'kIfLo;lGw ;Demf}tfsf] sfof{Gjog l:yltsf]
cg'udg ug]{ u/fpg],
-7_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo sfo{ ug]{ jf u/fpg] .
!!= ;lrjsf] lhDd]jf/L M -!_ ;lrj ;DalGwt dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf
sfof{nosf] k|d'v k|zf;sLo kbflwsf/L x'g]5 / ;f]xL x}l;otdf lghn] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug{
cfjZos sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] ;j{;fdfGotfdf k|lts"n gx'g] u/L o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt
sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf] cltl/Qm ;lrjsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|ltkfbg ug'{ kg]{ gLltsf ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt dGqLnfO{
-v_ ;DalGwt dGqLsf] lgb]{zg tyf k/Lj]If0fsf] cwLgdf /xL cfk"m axfn /x]sf]
dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{nosf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{,


-u_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no
cGtu{tsf gLltut ljifodf s'g} ;'wf/ ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;DalGwt dGqL ;dIf
;f]sf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{,
-3_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{nosf]
Joj:yfkg, b}lgs sfo{ ;~rfng, sd{rf/Lpk/ lgoGq0f tyf ;'k/Lj]If0f ug]{,
-ª_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no
cGtu{tsf ljefu, sfof{no jf To:tf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo
:t/sf sfof{no dftxtsf cGo lgsfosf] sfd sf/afxLpk/ cfjZos
;'k/Lj]If0f jf lgoGq0f ug]{ / cfjZostf cg';f/ lgb]{zg lbg],
-r_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] :jLs[t u/]sf gLlt / sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-5_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no
tyf ;f];Fu ;DalGwt cGo lgsfon] k|To]s dlxgf ;Dkfbg u/]sf] sfdsf]
k|ltj]bg tf]lsP adf]lhd k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no ;dIf k]z
-h_ dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{nosf] jflif{s sfo{qmd
th'{df u/L dGqL ;dIf k]z ug]{ / :jLs[t sfo{qmd sfo{fGjog, cg'udg /
d"NofÍgsf ;fy} k|ult ;dLIff ug]{ u/fpg],
-em_ dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo:t/sf sfof{noaf6 jif{el/df ;Dkfbg
ul/Psf k|d'v sfd sf/afxLsf af/]df jflif{s k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L dGqL ;dIf
k]z ug]{,
-`_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no jf
;f] cGtu{tsf /fhkqflÍt låtLo >]0fL;Ddsf sd{rf/Lsf] ;?jf jf kb:yfkgf
ug]{ jf sfh v6fpg],
t/, Ps dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no jf
cGo lgsfo jf ;f] cGt{utsf ljefu jf sfof{nodf sfo{/t sd{rf/LnfO{ csf]{
dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no jf lgsfo jf ;f]
cGtu{tsf ljefu jf sfof{nodf ul/g] ;?jf ;DaGwL Joj:yf k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd x'g]5 .


-6_ j}b]lzs cWoog, tflnd, cWoog e|d0f jf cGo ;/sf/L sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf
ljb]z e|d0fsf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tk{maf6 /fhkqflÍt låtLo >]0fL;Ddsf
sd{rf/Lsf] dgf]gog ug]{ / j}b]lzs e|d0f sfh :jLs[t ug]{,
-7_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no;Fu
;DalGwt ljifodf g]kfn ;/sf/ -dlGqkl/ifb\_ af6 ePsf] lg0f{o sfof{Gjog ug]{
u/fpg] / To:tf] lg0f{osf] sfof{Gjog l:yltsf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug]{,
-8_ ;lrj a}7saf6 ePsf] lg0f{o sfof{Gjog ug]{ jf u/fpg],
-9_ cToGt pTs[i6 Pj+ k|z+;gLo sfo{ ug]{ sd{rf/LnfO{ lghn] u/]sf sfdsf] lj:t[t
ljj/0f pNn]v u/L tf]lsPsf]cfwf/df k'/:sf/:j?k tLg u|]8;Dd yk lbg] jf
Psk6sdf kfFr xhf/ ?k}ofF;Ddsf] Psd'i6 k'/:sf/ lbg],
-0f_ dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no jf ;f] dftxtsf
ljefuLo k|d'v jf cfof]hgf k|d'vn] ;~rfng u/]sf cfof]hgfsf] ;do ;dodf
lg/LIf0f u/L cfjZos lgb{]zg lbg],
-t_ v08 -0f_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f ubf{ ;~rfng ePsf cfof]hgf ;dodf k"/f x'g
g;s]sf] kfOPdf jf k"/f ePsf] cfof]hgfsf] u'0f:t/ Go"g b]lvPdf To;sf]
cfjZos 5fglag u/L bf]ifL b]lvPsf ;DalGwt ljefuLo k|d'v jf cfof]hgf
k|d'vnfO{ cfjZos sf/afxL ug]{,
-y_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ k|of]u ug]{ jf u/fpg] .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -`_ / -6_ adf]lhd eP u/]sf] sfdsf] hfgsf/L ;lrjn]
;DalGwt dGqLnfO{ tTsfn u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ df pNn]v ePsf sfdsf ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/k|lt ;lrj lhDd]jf/
/xg]5 / cfk"m axfn /x]sf] dGqfno jf ;+j}wflgs lgsfo jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf sfof{no;Fu
;DalGwt g]kfn ;/sf/n] dfu]sf] s'g} klg ljifodf cBfjlws hfgsf/L lbg] lghsf] lhDd]jf/L /
st{Jo x'g]5 .
!@= ljefuLo k|d'vsf] lhDd]jf/L M -!_ ljefuLo k|d'v ;DalGwt ljefusf] k|d'v k|zf;sLo
kbflwsf/L x'g]5 / ;f]xL x}l;otdf cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug{ cfjZos sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] ;j{;fdfGotfdf k|lts"n gx'g] u/L ljefuLo k|d'vsf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf cltl/Qm b]xfo
adf]lhd x'g]5 M–

-s_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefusf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{,

-v_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefusf] Joj:yfkg,b}lgs sfo{ ;~fng, cfˆgf] dftxtdf
/x]sf sd{rf/Lpk/ ;'k/Lj]If0f / lgoGq0f ug]{,
-u_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefu tyf ;f] cGtu{tsf sfof{nosf] sfd sf/afxL / sfo{
;Dkfbg ;DaGwL sfo{ljlwnfO{ lg/Gt/ ?kdf ;'wf/ ub}{ ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ l56f],
5l/tf] / u'0f:t/o'Qm ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ Joj:yf ug]{,
-3_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefu jf ;f] cGtu{tsf sfof{non] sfof{Gjog ug]{ s'g}
sfg"g jf gLltdf ;'wf/ ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;f]sf] sf/0f ;lxt ;lrj ;dIf k]z ug]{,
-ª_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefu jf ;f] cGtu{tsf sfof{nosf sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{
;Dkfbg tyf bIftfsf] :t/ lg/Gt/ ?kdf clej[l4 ug{ k|lzIf0f tyf tflnd
lbg] Joj:yf ug]{,
-r_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefu tyf ;f] cGtu{tsf sfof{nosf] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf]
dfl;s, jflif{s jf cGo k|ltj]bg ;lrj ;dIf k]z ug]{,
-5_ cfk"m xfn /x]sf] ljefu cGtu{tsf /fhkqflÍt t[tLo >]0fL;Ddsf sd{rf/Lsf]
;?jf / kb:yfkg ug]{ tyf sfh v6fpg],
-h_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] ljefu jf ;f] cGtu{tsf s'g} sd{rf/Ln] cToGt pTs[i6 /
k|z+;gLo sfd u/]df To:tf] sd{rf/LnfO{ lghn] u/]sf sfdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f
pNn]v u/L tf]lsPsf] cfwf/df k'/:sf/:j?k Ps u|]8;Dd yk lbg] jf
Psk6sdf b'O{ xhf/ ?k}ofF;Ddsf] Psd'i6 k'/:sf/ lbg],
-em_ s'g} sfof{no k|d'vn] sfof{Gjog u/]sf] cfof]hgfsf] ;do ;dodf ug'{ kg]{
lg/LIf0f u/L lbg' kg]{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg] / cfof]hgf ;dodf k"/f x'g
g;s]df jf k"/f ePsf] cfof]hgfsf] u'0f:t/ lgwf{l/t :t/sf] gePdf ;f]sf]
5fglag u/L sfof{no k|d'vsf] nfk/afxL jf uNtLaf6 To:tf] ePsf] eP
lghpk/ ljefuLo sf/afxL k|f/De ug]{ / To;/L u/]sf] ljefuLo sf/afxLsf]
ljj/0f ;DalGwt ;lrj ;dIf k]z ug{],
-`_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf] k|of]u ug]{ jf u/fpg] .
!#= sfof{no k|d'vsf] lhDd]jf/L M k|rlnt sfg"gdf pNn]v ePsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf
cltl/Qm sfof{no k|d'vsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–


-s_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] sfof{nosf] Joj:yfkg, b}lgs sfo{ ;~rfng tyf ;f]
sfof{nodf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lsf] ;'k/Lj]If0f tyf lgoGq0f ug]{,
-v_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] sfof{no / cGtu{tsf sfof{nosf sd{rf/LnfO{ sfh v6fpg],
-u_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] sfof{no / cGtu{t sfof{nosf /fhkq cglÍt sd{rf/LnfO{
Ps sfof{noaf6 csf]{ sfof{nodf ;?jf ug]{,
-3_ Hofb} pTs[i6 / k|z+;gLo sfd ug]{ cfˆgf] sfof{nosf] sd{rf/LnfO{ u|]8 yk jf
gub k'/:sf/sf nflu lghn] u/]sf] sfdsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f pNn]v u/L ljefuLo
k|d'v ;dIf l;kmfl/; ug]{,
-ª_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] sfof{no cGtu{t ;~rflnt cfof]hgfx?sf] sfd lglZrt
;doleq ;DkGg ug{ nufpg],
-r_ cfk"m axfn /x]sf] sfof{noaf6 hg;fwf/0fnfO{ k|bfg ul/g] ;]jfnfO{ k|efjsf/L
-5_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/sf] k|of]u ug]{ jf u/fpg] .

k|zf;lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ ckgfpg' kg]{ sfo{ljlw
!$= lglZrt sfo{ljlw cjnDag ug'{ kg]{ M o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lg0f{o ug{
kfpg] clwsf/Ln] s'g} ljifodf lg0f{o ubf{ k|rlnt sfg"gdf s'g} sfo{ljlwsf] Joj:yf ePsf] /x]5
eg] To:tf] sfo{ljlw / To:tf] Joj:yf gePsf]df lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ ljifosf] k|s[lt x]l/ pko'Qm
sfo{ljlw ckgfpg' kg]{5 .
!%= lglZrt ;dofjlwleq lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lg0f{o ug{
kfpg] clwsf/Ln] s'g} ljifodf lg0f{o ubf{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd s'g} lglZrt cjlwleq lg0f{o
ug'{ kg]{ /x]5 eg] ;f]xL ;dofjlwleq / To:tf] Joj:yf gePsf]df lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ ljifosf] k|s[lt
x]/L lg0f{o ug{ kfpg] clwsf/Ln] pko'St 7x¥ofPsf] ;dofjlwleq lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ cfjZos tYo, ;"rgf jf k|df0f pknAw gePsf] sf/0fn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf]
cjlwleq lg0f{o ug{ g;lsg] /x]5 eg] lg0f{o ug{ kfpg] clwsf/Ln] ;f]sf] sf/0f v'nfO{ lg0f{o
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd sf/0f v'nfO{ lg0f{o ePsf]df lg0f{o ug{ kfpg] clwsf/Ln]
;f]sf] hfgsf/L cfk"meGbf Ps tx dflysf] kbflwsf/LnfO{ oyflz3| lbg' kg]{5 .

!^= lg0f{o ubf{ kf/blz{tf sfod ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lg0f{o ug{
kfpg] clwsf/Ln] s'g} ljifodf lg0f{o ubf{ kf/bzL{ 9Ëaf6 ug'{ kg]{5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; P]gsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ækf/blz{tfÆ eGgfn] lglZrt dfkb08sf] cfwf/df
lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ k|lqmof ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd uf]Ko /fVg' kg]{ s'/fnfO{
k|lts"n c;/ kfg]{ 5}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd kf/blz{tf sfod ug{ lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/Ln] lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{
ljifodf cfˆgf dftxtsf sd{rf/Lsf] /fo tyf k/fdz{nfO{ Wofg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ ljifosf] sf/afxL Ps txaf6 k|f/De eO{ csf]{ txaf6 lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{
/x]5 eg] k|To]s txdf ;+nUg /xg] kbflwsf/Ln] ;f] ljifodf cfˆgf] :ki6 /fo 7x/ ;lxt lg0f{o
ug'{ kg]{ ljifo lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd lg0f{o ug]{ k|lqmofdf ;+nUg /x]sf k|To]s txsf kbflwsf/Ln]
k]z u/]sf] /fodf s'g} k|Zg p7]sf] b]lvPdf lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/Ln] lg0f{o ubf{ To:tf] k|Zgsf] klg
;Daf]wg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ s'g} lg0f{o ubf{ sfg"gL jf k|fljlws k|Zgsf] klg lg?k0f ug'{ kg]{ /x]5 / To:tf]
ljifodf s'g} sfg"glj1 jf k|fljlwssf] /fo lng lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/Ln] dgfl;a 7fg]df To:tf]
/fo lng ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd /fo lnPsf]df To:tf] /fonfO{ ;d]t cfwf/ dfgL lg0f{o ug{
;lsg]5 / To:tf] /fonfO{ dfGg' gkg]{ b]v]df ;f]sf] sf/0f v'nfO{ lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ kf/blz{tf ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!&= lg0f{o ubf{ cfwf/ / sf/0f v'nfpg' kg]{ M o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lg0f{o ubf{
;DalGwt kbflwsf/Ln] u/]sf] lg0f{o s'g s'g s'/fdf cfwfl/t 5 / To:tf] lg0f{o lsg ug'{ k/]sf]
xf] ;f]sf] :ki6 cfwf/ / sf/0f v'nfO{ lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{5 .
!*= :jfy{ aflemPdf lg0f{o ug{ gx'g] M -!_ o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lg0f{o ug{ kfpg]
kbflwsf/Ln] lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ ljifodf k|ToIf ?kdf cfˆgf] s'g} lxt, ;/f]sf/ jf :jfy{ /x]sf] ePdf
jf lghn] u/]sf] lg0f{oaf6 lghsf] xsdf ck'tfnL vfg kfpg] JolQm jf glhssf] cGo gft]bf/
k|ToIf k|efljt x'g] ePdf jf lghsf] Psf;uf]nsf] JolQmn] ;~rfng u/]sf] Jofkf/, Joj;fodf
k|ToIf kmfObf k'Ug] u/L :jfy{ aflemg] ePdf To:tf] kbflwsf/Ln] To:tf] ljifodf lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg]
5}g .

:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkbkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu lg0f{o ug{ kfpg] kbflwsf/Ln] j[xt\ ;fj{hlgs
lxtsf] nflu u/]sf] lg0f{onfO{ :jfy{ aflemPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cj:yf k/L lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/Ln] lg0f{o ug{ gx'g] ePdf
;f]sf] sf/0f v'nfO{ cfk"m ;/xsf] kbflwsf/L ;f]xL sfof{nodf ePdf lghnfO{ / gePdf
cfk"meGbf Ps tx dflysf] kbflwsf/LnfO{ ;f] ljifodf lg0f{o ug{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] kbflwsf/L ;DalGwt sfof{nodf gePdf jf ePdf klg
pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] cj:yf k/L lg0f{o ug{ gx'g] ePdf lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/L ;lrj ePsf]df
d'Vo ;lrj ;dIf / cGo kbflwsf/L ePdf Ps tx dflysf] kbflwsf/L ;dIf k]z u/L lgsf;f
eP adf]lhd lg0f{o ug'{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
t/ d'Vo ;lrj lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/L ePsf]df ;f] ljifo g]kfn ;/sf/ -dlGqkl/ifb\_
;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ s'g} If]q jf pkIf]q -;]S6/–;a;]S6/_ sf] gLlt lgdf{0f ug]{ jf sfg"g sfof{Gjog ug]{
lgsfodf jf s'g} If]q jf pkIf]q lgodg ug]{ lgodgsf/L lgsfodf sfo{/t clws[tn] cfk"m
kbdf axfn /xFbf u/]sf] lg0f{o;Fu ;DalGwt s'g} u}/;/sf/L jf lghL :t/sf] ;f]xL If]q jf
pkIf]q cGtu{t s'g} j:t' jf ;]jf pTkfbg ug]{, s'g} Joj;fo ug]{ jf To:tf] j:t' jf ;]jf
pTkfbg ug]{ kmd{, sDkgL jf cGo s'g} k|lti7fgsf] Joj:yfkgdf cfk"m kbdf axfn /xFbf;Dd /
h'g;'s} sf/0fn] To:tf] kbaf6 cjsfz k|fKt u/]kl5 klg sDtLdf Ps jif{;Dd k|ToIf jf k/f]If
?kdf ;+nUg x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; pkbkmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu PseGbf a9L lgsfodf axfn /x]sf] JolQmsf] xsdf
;]jfaf6 cjsfz k|fKt ug'{ cl3sf] kl5Nnf b'O{ jif{;Ddsf] cjlwnfO{ hgfpg]5 .
-%_ o; bkmfsf] k|lts"n x'g] u/L s'g} sfd ug]{ JolQm cfˆgf] ;]jfdf axfn /x]sf]
JolQm eP lghnfO{ ;f]xL cfwf/df sfg"g adf]lhd ljefuLo sf/afxL ug{ / ;]jfaf6 cjsfz
kfO;s]sf] JolQm eP ;DalGwt dGqfnosf] ;lrjn] bz xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/afgf ug]{ cfb]z
lbg ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd lbPsf] cfb]zpk/ lrQ ga'‰g] JolQmn] k}+tL; lbgleq
;DalGwt k'g/fj]bg cbfntdf k'g/fj]bg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-&_ o; bkmfsf] k|lts"n x'g]u/L ;]jfdf axfn /x]sf] kbflwsf/Ln] u/]sf sfd :jtM ab/
x'g]5 .


!(= sfo{ ;Dkfbg s/f/ ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ s'g} sfd lglZrt
cjlwleq ;Dkfbg -k/km/d]G; sG6«fS6_ ul/;Sg' kg]{ jf lglZrt kl/df0fsf] pknlA w x'g] u/L
;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ ePdf jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fli6«o b[li6sf]0fn] k|fyldstfk|fKt s'g} sfo{qmd jf
cfof]hgf sfof{Gjog ug'{ kg]{ ePdf s'g} kbflwsf/L;Fu sfo{ ;Dkfbg s/f/ u/L To:tf] sfo{
;Dkfbg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L lghnfO{ lbg ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] s/f/df cGo s'/fsf] cltl/Qm lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] kbflwsf/Ln]
ug'{ kg]{ sfdsf] ljj/0f, sfo{ ;Dkfbg ul/;Sg' kg]{ ;dofjlw / sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf] u'0f:t/ jf
kl/df0f ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd s/f/ ePsf]df ;f] s/f/ adf]lhd lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] JolQmn]
To:tf] s/f/ adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ sfa"aflx/sf] s'g} kl/l:ylt pTkGg eO{ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ sfo{
;f] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ cjlwleq k"/f ug{ g;lsg] ePdf ;f]sf] sf/0f ;lxtsf] ljj/0f
v'nfO{ ;DalGwt dGqfnosf] ;lrj ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] ljj/0f dgfl;a b]lvPdf sfa"aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt
pTkGg eO{ hlt cjlw sfd ug{ g;lsPsf] xf] ;f] cjlw s6fO{ yk cjlwleq sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{
sfo{ ;Dkfbg s/f/ ;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-^_ dgfl;a sf/0flagf pkbkmf -#_ jf -%_ adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ g;Sg]
kbflwsf/Lpk/ ljefuLo sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{5 .
-&_ o; bkmf adf]lhd lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] JolQmn] abgLot lrtfO{ jf nfk/afxL jf
x]nr]q\mofOF u/L sfo{ ;Dkfbg gu/]sf] sf/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ xflg gf]S;fgL ePdf jf
cfof]hgfsf] nfut j[l4 x'g] ePdf To:tf] xflg gf]S;fgL jf j[l4 ePhltsf] nfutsf] Ifltk"lt{
lghaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhd e/fpg ;lsg]5 .
-*_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg s/f/ ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@)= ;fj{hlgs rf;f]sf] ljifo sfof{Gjog ubf{ ;/f]sf/jfnf tyf gful/s ;dfh;Fu k/fdz{ ug{
;lsg] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZostf cg';f/ ;fj{hlgs rf;f]sf s'g} ljifo sfof{Gjog
ug'{cl3 ;/f]sf/jfnf tyf gful/s ;dfh;Fu cfjZos k/fdz{ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k/fdz{ ubf{ sfof{Gjog ug{ k|:tfj ul/Psf] ljifosf]
;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds kIfx?sf] ;du| ljZn]if0f u/L To;af6 k|fKt x'g ;Sg] ;+efljt
k|efjsf] d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .

-#_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;fj{hlgs rf;f]sf] ljifo sfof{Gjog ubf{ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_
adf]lhd ;/f]sf/jfnf tyf gful/s ;dfh;Fu u/]sf] k/fdz{af6 k|fKt ;'emfjnfO{ plrt Wofg
lbg]5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; bkmfsf] k|of]hgsf nflu æ;fj{hlgs rf;f]sf] ljifoÆ eGgfn] b]xfosf s'g}
ljifo ;Demg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ cfwf/e"t ?kdf gofF k4lt :yfkgf ug]{ jf eO/x]sf] k4ltnfO{ cfwf/e"t ?kdf
vf/]h ug]{ s'g} ljifo,
-v_ ;fj{hlgs dxTjsf] s'g} ljsf; sfo{qmd jf cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ ljifo, jf
-u_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cGo ljifo .
@!= cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/L kG5fpg gx'g] M -!_ o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sfo{;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{
kbflsf/Ln] cfk"mnfO{ ;'lDkPsf] jf o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd cfk"mn] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{
sfd lgwf{l/t zt{ tyf lgwf{l/t cjlwleq ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ kbflwsf/Ln] bkmf @@ sf] cj:yfdf
afx]s cfˆgf] lhDd]jf/L kG5fpg jf cfk"mn] ug'{ kg]{ sfd c? s;}nfO{ ug{ nufpg x'Fb}g .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] k|lts"n x'g]u/L c?nfO{ sfd nufpg] jf cGo s'g} lsl;dn]
lhDd]jf/L kG5fpg] jf lhDd]jf/L kG5fpg] abgLotn] lgwf{l/t cjlwleq sfo{ ;Dkfbg gug]{ jf
sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;"rs adf]lhd pknlAw xfl;n gug]{ kbflwsf/LnfO{ d'Vo ;lrj eP g]kfn
-dlGqkl/ifb\_, ;lrj eP ;DalGwt dGqL, dGqfno cGtu{tsf kbflwsf/L jf ljefuLo k|d'v eP
;DalGwt ;lrj / ljefu cGtu{tsf cGo kbflwsf/L eP ;DalGwt ljefuLo k|d'vn] r]tfjgL
lbg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd r]tfjgL lbFbf klg To:tf] kbflwsf/Lsf] cfr/0f tyf sfd
sf/afxLdf ;'wf/ gcfPdf To:tf] kbflwsf/Lpk/ sfo{Ifdtfsf] cefjsf] cfwf/df k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd ljefuLo sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{5 .
@@= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g}
kbflwsf/Ln] o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd cfk"mn] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ sfd cfk"m ;/xsf] jf
cfˆgf] dftxtsf] cGo s'g} kbflwsf/Ln] ;Dkfbg ug{ ;Sg] u/L k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd
clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .


t/ clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg u/]sf] sf/0fn] dfq lghn] cfˆgf] kbLo lhDd]jf/Laf6 5"6
kfPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|Tofof]hg ePsf] clwsf/ h'g;'s} avt lkmtf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Goflos /f]xdf lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{
clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg x'g ;Sg] 5}g .
@#= kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmn] cfk'm kbdf
axfn /xFbf jf h'g;'s} sf/0fn] cjsfz k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cjlw;Ddsf
nflu tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f kfngf ug'{ kg{]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd kfngf ug'{ kg]{ kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f b]xfosf
kbflwsf/Lsf] nflu b]xfo adf]lhdsf lgsfo jf clwsf/Ln] agfpg]5 M–
-s_ GofowLzsf nflu Gofo kl/ifb\n],
-v_ ;+j}wflgs lgsfosf kbflwsf/L tyf To:tf] lgsfosf sd{rf/Lsf nflu
;DalGwt ;+j}wflgs lgsfon],
-u_ lghfdtL ;]jfsf sd{rf/Lsf nflu g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifb\n],
-3_ cbfntdf sfo{/t lghfdtL sd{rf/Lsf nflu ;jf]{Rr cbfntn],
-ª_ ;/sf/L jlsn tyf ;/sf/L jlsnsf] sfof{nodf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lsf nflu
-r_ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd u7g ePsf ;Ël7t ;+:yfsf k|d'vsf nflu ;DalGwt
dGqfnon] / cGo sd{rf/Lsf nflu ;DalGwt ;Ël7t ;+:yfn],
-5_ Joj:yflksf–;+;b ;lrjfnosf sd{rf/Lsf nflu Joj:yflksf ;+;b ;lrjfno
;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkg ;ldltn],
-h_ dflysf v08x?df n]lvP b]lv afx]s cGo ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf JolQmsf]
nflu tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -u_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} dGqfno jf
s]Gb|Lo lgsfo jf ;f] cGtu{tsf lgsfodf axfn /x]sf sd{rf/Ln] kfngf ug'{ kg]{ st{Josf]
k|s[ltnfO{ ljrf/ u/L To:tf sd{rf/Ln] kfngf ug'{ kg]{ kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f To:tf] dGqfno
jf s]Gb|Lo lgsfon] g} agfpg ;Sg] u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] clVtof/L lbg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ o; bkmf adf]lhd agfPsf] kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f kfngf ug'{ ;DalGwt
JolQmsf] st{Jo x'g]5 / To:tf] cfr/0f pNn+3g ug]{ JolQmnfO{ pNn+3gsf] dfqf cg';f/

lghpk/ sd{rf/L eP ljefuLo sf/afxL eO{ clen]v /flvg]5 / cGo kbflwsf/L eP lghsf]
nflu kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f agfpg] clwsf/Ln] lghsf] To:tf] clen]v /fVg]5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg s'g} ;jf{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf]
JolQmn] cfˆgf] kbLo jf k]zfut cfr/0f kfngf gu/]sf] jf pNn+3g u/]sf] s'g} s'/f k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd s;"/ dflgg] /x]5 eg] ;f] ;DaGwdf lghpk/ sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxL ug{ afwf
kg]{] 5}g .
@$= kbLo pQ/bfloTjsf] lgjf{x M o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L
ePsf] kbflwsf/Ln] cfˆgf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ubf{ jf st{Jo kfngf ubf{ b]xfosf] ljifodf Wofg
lbg' kg]{5 M–
-s_ cfk"mn] ;Dkfbg ug]{ sfd lgwf{l/t ;dodf g} ;Dkfbg ug{ cfkm}+n] kxn ug]{,
-v_ ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs ;|f]tsf] k|of]u ubf{ ldtJooL 9Ëaf6 clwstd ;b'kof]u /
pTkfbgzLn x'g] u/L k|of]u ug]{,
-u_ ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs sfof{nonfO{ ;]jf k|bfos ;+:yf, ;DalGwt kbflwsf/L
d'n'ssf] ;]js tyf ;j{;fwf/0f ;]jfu|fxL ;]jf kfpg] clwsf/ ePsf] JolQm xf]
eGg] s'/fdf Wofg lbg],
-3_ sfo{ ;Dkfbgdf l9nf;':tL / ljnDa x'g' eg]sf] ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] b'?kof]u x'g'
xf] / d'n'ssf] yk ;|f]t / ;fwg vr{ x'g' xf] eGg] efjgf /fVg],
-ª_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ s'g} ckl/xfo{ sf/0f k/L tTsfn sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ g;lsg]
ePdf To;sf] hfgsf/L dflyNnf] lgsfonfO{ lbg] .
t/ ;fj{hlgs ;]jfsf] ljifodf jf ;]jfu|fxL;Fu ;DalGwt ljifo ePdf
To:tf] ljifo ;DalGwt sfof{nosf] ;"rgfkf6Ldf 6fF;L cfjZostf cg';f/ k|rf/
k|;f/ ;d]t u/L u/fO{ ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-r_ cfˆgf] clwsf/If]qleq kg]{ ljifodf lhDd]jf/ kbflwsf/L :jo+n] lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{ /
s'g} lsl;dsf] sfg"gL hl6ntf jf låljwf gePsf] ;fdfGo ljifodf dflyNnf]
lgsfosf] lgb]{zg dfu gug]{ .
-5_ ;/sf/L jf ;fj{hlgs sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] JolQmn]
;]jfu|fxL;Fu k|rlnt d"No, dfGotf / ;+:s[lt cg'?k lzi6 Jojxf/ ug]{ .

@%= gful/s a8fkq /fVg' kg]{ M -!_ ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ jf hg;Dks{ sfod ug]{ k|To]s
;/sf/L sfof{non] ;a}n] b]Vg] 7fpFdf tf]lsP adf]lhd gful/s a8fkq /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] gful/s a8fkqdf cGo s'/fsf] cltl/Qm b]xfosf s'/fx?
pNn]v ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 M–
-s_ ;DalGwt sfof{non] lbg] ;]jf / To;sf] k|s[lt,
-v_ ;]jfu|fxLn] ;]jf k|fKt ug{ k"/f ug'{ kg]{ sfo{ljlw,
-u_ ;]jf k|bfg ug{ nfUg] ;dofjlw,
-3_ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ kbflwsf/L / lghsf] sfo{sIfsf] ljj/0f,
-ª_ ;]jf k|fKt ug{ s'g} b:t'/ tyf cGo /sd nfUg] eP ;f]sf] ljj/0f,
-r_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/fx? .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df pNn]v ePsf s'/fx? ;DalGwt sfof{nonfO{ afWofTds x'g]5g\ / ;f]
adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg u/L ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ ;DalGwt sfof{no k|d'v tyf cGo
sd{rf/Lsf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
-$_ dgfl;a sf/0flagf pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] gful/s a8fkq adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg
geO{ ;]jfu|fxLn] ;]jf k|fKt ug{ g;s]df ;DalGwt sfof{nosf] k|d'v tyf ;f]sf] lhDd]jf/
sd{rf/Lpk/ ljefuLo sf/afxL x'g ;Sg]5 .
-%_ dgfl;a sf/0flagf pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] gful/s a8fkq adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg
geO{ ;]jfu|fxLn] ;]jf k|fKt ug{ g;sL ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ s'g} xflg gf]S;fgL x'g uPsf]df ;f] xflg
gf]S;fgL afktsf] IftLk"lt{ ;DaGwL Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-^_ gful/s a8fkq ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@^= 3'DtL ;]jf ;~rfng ug{ ;lsg] M ;j{;fwf/0fsf] ;fd"lxs jf j}olQmut ;/f]sf/ /xg] s'g}
;]jfnfO{ ;DalGwt ;]jfu|fxL /x] a;]sf] Onfsfdf g} ;]jf pknAw u/fpg' kg{] u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n]
;do ;dodf tf]s]sf sfof{non] tf]lsP adf]lhd 3'DtL ;]jf ;~rfng ug]{ Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@&= Gofof]lrt ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ ;/sf/L ;]jf pknAw u/fP afkt g]kfn
;/sf/ jf cGo ;/sf/L lgsfonfO{ ;]jfu|fxLn] a'emfpg' kg]{ ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;fdflhs
Gofosf] cfwf/df km/s km/s ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pkbkm -!_ adf]lhd ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ubf{ b'u{d jf lk5l8Psf If]qsf afl;GbfnfO{
cGo Onfsfsf afl;GbfnfO{eGbf ;x'lnot x'g] u/L tf]lsP adf]lhd ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ul/g]5 .
@*= hgtfsf] ;xeflutf / :jfldTj ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g}

kl/of]hgf jf cfof]hgf hgtfsf] k|ToIf ;xeflutf / :jfldTjdf ;~rfng x'g] Joj:yf ldnfpg
;Sg]5 .
-@_ kl/of]hgf jf cfof]hgfdf hgtfsf] k|ToIf ;xeflutf / :jfldTj ;DaGwL Joj:yf
tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@(= zf;sLo ;'wf/ OsfO{sf] :yfkgf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ k|To]s dGqfnodf zf;sLo ;'wf/
OsfO{sf] u7g ul/g]5 . pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ul7t zf;sLo ;'wf/ OsfO{sf] sfd st{Jo /
clwsf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#)= ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_ ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ If]qLo,
c~rn, lhNnf jf :yfgLo :t/df sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ sfof{no k|d'vn] cfk"m axfn /x]sf]
sfof{nosf] sfd, sf/afxLnfO{ :jR5, kf/bzL{ / j:t'lgi7 agfpg / ;j{;fwf/0f tyf
;/f]sf/jfnfsf] sfg"g;Ddt ;/f]sf/nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ tf]lsP adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO
u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf --!_ adf]lhd u/fpg' kg]{ ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO ubf{ ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt
ljz]if1, ;/f]sf/jfnf, gful/s ;dfhsf k|ltlglw tyf :yfgLo lgsfosf kbflwsf/L ;d]tnfO{
cfdGq0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ o; bkmfdf cGoGq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg Goflos /f]xdf lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{
ljifodf ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO ug{ cfjZos x'g] 5}g .
#!= u'gf;f] Joj:yfkg M -!_ k|To]s dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+ sfof{nodf ;f]
dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+ sfof{non] ;Dkfbg u/]sf] sfd sf/afxLsf] u'0f:t/,
k|efjsfl/tf tyf To;df x'g ;Sg] clgoldttfsf] ;DaGwdf u'gf;f] ;'Gg ;a}n] b]Vg] 7fpFdf
u'gf;f] k]l6sf /fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf u'gf;f] k]l6sfdf hf];'s}n] u'gf;f] k]z ug{
;Sg]5g\ .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf u'gf;f] Joj:yfkg ug{sf nflu ;DalGwt dGqfno,
ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+ sfof{nosf lhDd]jf/ clws[tn] k|To]s tLg lbgdf Psk6s cGo
sd{rf/Lsf] /f]xj/df u'gf;f] k]l6sf vf]Ng' kg]{5 / ;f] k]l6sfdf k|fKt ePsf u'gf;f] tyf ;'emfj
dgfl;a /x]sf] kfOPdf To;sf] ;d'lrt Joj:yfkg ug{ cfjZos sf/afxL ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf u'gf;f] ;DalGwt dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L
lgsfo Pj+ sfof{nosf] sfo{;Fu ;DalGwt geO{ To:tf] dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+

sfof{nosf] k|d'vsf] j}olQms cfr/0f;Fu ;DalGwt /x]5g\ eg] ;f]sf] ljj/0f dflyNnf] lgsfodf
k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -#_ jf -$_ adf]lhd ul/Psf] sf/afxLsf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt ;"rgf kf6Ldf
6fF:g' kg]{5 .
-^_ o; bkmfdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ;DalGwt dGqfno, ljefu tyf
;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+ sfof{nosf] sfd sf/afxL;Fu c;DalGwt ljifosf] u'gf;f] k|fKt ePdf u'gf;f]
lbg] ;DalGwt JolQm klxrfg ePsf] /x]5 eg] lghnfO{ ;f] hfgsf/L lbO{ lkmtf{ ug]{ / klxrfg
ePsf] /x]g5 eg] ;f] ljj/0f ;DalGwt dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+ sfof{nosf]
;"rgf kf6Ldf 6fF:g' kg]{5 .
-&_ u'gf;f] Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#@= ljb]zl:yt a}Ídf vftf vf]Nbf :jLs[lt lng' kg]{ M -!_ s'g} klg kbflwsf/L jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
;]jfdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Ln] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cj:yfdf
afx]s cGo cj:yfdf ljb]zl:yt a}Ídf vftf vf]Ng' kbf{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{:jLs[lt lng' kg]{5 .
-@_ ljb]zl:yt a}Ídf vftf vf]Ng' kbf{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"j{:jLs[lt lng] ;DaGwL
sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
##= c?sf] clwsf/df x:tIf]k ug{ gx'g] M -!_ o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{
Ps kbflwsf/Ln] csf]{ kbflwsf/Lsf] clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L jf st{Jopk/ x:tIf]k ug'{ x'Fb}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] k|lts"n sfd ug]{ kbflwsf/LnfO{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sf/afxL
x'g ;Sg]5 .
#$= ;Nnfxsf/ lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ lghfdtL ;]jfsf] kbaf6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg
x'g g;Sg] ;DalGwt ljifodf ljz]if1tf xfl;n u/]sf] ljz]if1 ;]jf k|fKt ug'{ kbf{ g]kfn
;/sf/n] s'g} JolQmnfO{ ljifout ;Nnfxsf/sf] ?kdf lgo'Qm ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgo'lQm x'g] ;Nnfxsf/sf] ;+Vof, lghsf] of]Uotf / lgo'lQmsf]
sfo{ljlw tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgo'lQm x'g] ;Nnfxsf/n] ;Dkfbg ug]{ sfd, lghsf] kbfjlw
tyf lghsf] clwsf/, st{Jo / lhDd]jf/L tyf lghn] kfpg] kfl/>lds tyf cGo ;'ljwf
lghnfO{ lgo'Qm ubf{sf avt g]kfn ;/sf/n] :jLs[t u/]sf] sfo{ If]qut zt{x?df pNn]v eP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .


-$_ ;Nnfxsf/n] ;f] x}l;otdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ kfngf ug'{ kg]{ cfr/0f tf]lsP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#%= k|jQmf tf]Sg' kg]{ M -!_ k|To]s dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+
sfof{non] cfˆgf] dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+ sfof{nosf] sfd sf/afxLsf] ljifodf
;/f]sf/jfnfnfO{ jf ;fj{hlgs ?kdf hfgsf/L lbg dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+
sfof{nosf] s'g} clws[tnfO{ k|jQmf tf]Sg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] k|jQmfsf] sfd st{Jo / clwsf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
#^= ;+j}wflgs lgsfo tyf :yfgLo lgsfon] P]g kfngf ug'{ kg]{ M ;+ljwfg jf k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ ;+j}wflgs lgsfo, :yfgLo tx lgodgsf/L lgsfo -/]u'n]6/L
a8L_ jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs :jfldTj jf lgoGq0f ePsf] ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfn] tyf
To:tf] lgsfo jf ;+:yfdf axfn /x]sf kbflwsf/Ln cfˆgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ bkmf ^, &, !#,
!$, !%, !^, !&, !*, !(, @), @!, @@, @#, @$, @%, @^, @* / #) df pNn]v ePsf
Joj:yfx? cfjZos x]/k]m/ ;lxt -d'6fl6; d'6fl08;_ nfu" ug'{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
#&= ;"rgf k|ljlwnfO{ Jojxf/df Nofpg ;lsg] M -!_ k|To]s dGqfno, ljefu tyf ;/sf/L lgsfo Pj+
sfof{non] cfˆgf] ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] pknAwtfsf] cfwf/df sDKo"6/Ls[t ;"rgf k|ljlwnfO{
Jojxf/df Nofpg ;Sg]5g\ .
-@_ ;"rgf k|ljlwnfO{ Jojxf/df Nofpg] ;DaGwL cGo s'/f tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
#*= cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ;ldlt M -!_ ;/sf/L ;]jf / ;'ljwfnfO{ k|efjsf/L
agfO{ k|zf;g tGqnfO{ ;]jfk|bfossf] ?kdf ?kfGt/0f ug{ tyf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd
clwsf/k|fKt clwsf/Ln] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ sfd sf/afxLnfO{ k|efjsf/L tyf u'0f:t/Lo 9Ëaf6
;Dkfbg eP jf gePsf] s'/fsf] cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ug{ d'Vo ;lrjsf] ;+of]hsTjdf tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] Ps s]Gb|Lo cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ;ldlt u7g x'g]5 .
-@_ If]qLo, c~rn tyf lhNnf :t/df cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ;ldlt tf]lsP adf]lhd
u7g ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ s]Gb|Lo cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ;ldltnfO{ ;xof]u ug{ k|To]s dGqfnodf tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] d"NofÍg tyf cg'udg ;+oGq /xg]5 .

 s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-$_ s]Gb|Lo cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ;ldltsf] ;lrjfno k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf]
sfof{nodf /xg]5 .
#(= ;/sf/L sfo{ km5\of}{6 / ;/sf/L sfo{nosf] lg/LIf0f M o; P]g jf cGo k|rlnt sfg"gdf
plNnlvt Joj:yfsf cltl/Qm ;/sf/L sfo{ km5\of}{6 tyf lg/LIf0f ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
$)= ;'ljwf tf]s] adf]lhd x'g] M k|rlnt sfg"gdf Joj:yf ePsf] ;'ljwfsf
cltl/Qm d'Vo ;lrj, ;lrj, ljefuLo k|d'v jf sfo{fno k|d'vn] ;f] x}l;otdf pkef]u ug{
kfpg] ;'ljwf tyf ;f] x}l;otn] sfo{ ;Dkfbg u/] afkt kfpg] cGo ;'ljwf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]
adf]lhd x'g]5 .
$!= jflif{s k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ dGqfno tyf ljefu / cGo s]Gb|Lo :t/sf ;/sf/L
lgsfon] k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] cjlwleq cfk"mn] ;f]
cfly{s jif{el/ ;~rfng u/]sf] sfo{qmd, ;Dkfbg u/]sf] sfd / To:tf] sfdsf] cjl:ylt tyf
k|ult / nfut nufotsf cGo cfjZos s'/fx? ;d]t ;dfj]z u/L jflif{s k|ltj]bg tof/
u/L dGqfno jf s]Gb|Lo :t/sf lgsfon] eP k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{nodf,
ljefun] eP ;DalGwt dGqfnodf / cGo sfof{no tyf lgsfon] eP tfn's sfo{fnodf k]z
ug'{ kg]{5 . To:tf] k|ltj]bg cfk"meGbf dflyNnf] lgsfosf] :jLs[lt lnO{ cfjZostf cg';f/
;fj{hlgs ?kdf k|sfzg ug{ ;d]t ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgdf ;f] pkbkmfdf n]lvPsf] s'/fsf] cltl/Qm
;DalGwt dGqfno jf lgsfon] To:tf] dGqfno jf lgsfo jf ;f] cGtu{tsf sfof{nox?df
;'zf;g sfod ug{ u/]sf ;'wf/ sfo{qmd / To;af6 k|fKt kl/0ffdsf] ljj/0f pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ k|wfgdGqLn] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|ltj]bgsf] cfwf/df k|To]s jif{ zf;sLo ;'wf/
/ ;'zf;g ;DaGwdf eP u/]sf pNn]vgLo k|ult ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg Joj:yflksf ;+;b ;dIf k]z
ug]{5 .
$@= sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;"rs M o; P]g adf]lhd s'g} kbflwsf/Ln] ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{
sfdsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;"rs tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
$#= c;n lgotn] u/]sf] sfdsf] arfp M o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{]
kbflwsf/Ln] o; P]g jf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd cfˆgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ubf{ jf k|zf;lgs sfo{
;~rfng ubf{ lghn] c;n lgotn] u/]sf] sfd sf/afxLsf] ljifonfO{ lnP/ lghpk/ s'g}
sf/afxL x'g] 5}g .

$$= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M g]kfn ;/sf/n] o; P]gsf] p2]Zo sfof{Gjog ug{ cfjZos lgodx?
agfpg ;Sg]5 .
$%= lgb]{lzsf jf lbUbz{g agfpg ;Sg] M g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;/sf/L sfof{nosf] sfd sf/afxL{nfO{
k|lqmofut 9Ëaf6 l56f], 5l/tf] / ldtJooL ?kdf ;~rfng ug{ jf sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ cfjZos
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Good Governance (Management and Operation) Act,

2064 (2008)

Date of Authentication and publication

2064/10/23(February 6, 2008)

Act No. 36 of the year of 2064 (2008)

An Act enacted to guarantee (ensure) good governance,

Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to make legal provision in relation to good

governance by making public administration of the country pro-people,
accountable, transparent, inclusive and participatory and make available its
outcome to the general public; upon adopting the basic values of good
governance like rule of law, corruption–free and smart (lean or smooth)
administration, financial discipline, and efficient management of public work
and resources to create situation for providing public services in speedy and
cost-effective manner; by bringing into execution (enforcement) of the right of
the citizens upon having good governance by translating it to practical reality;
and transform the administrative mechanism into service delivery mechanism
and facilitator;

Now, therefore, the Legislature Parliament has enacted this Act.



1. Short title and commencement: (1) This Act may be called “Good
Governance (Management and Operation) Act, 2064 (2006)”.

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately.


2. Definitions: In this Act, unless the Subject or the context otherwise


(a) “Constitution” means the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063


(b) “Minister” means Prime-minister, Deputy Prime-minister or

Ministers and this term also includes the Minister of State who
takes independent responsibility of a Ministry.

(c) “Secretary” means secretary of the Ministry and this term shall
also includes the chief-secretary of the Government of Nepal and
officials of special class carrying out the function of secretary.

(d) “Ministry” means Ministry of Government of Nepal and this term

also includes the office of the Prime Minister and Council of
Minister or constitutional organ (body) or office at the central

(e) “Head of the department” means an authority acting as chief of

the the department or office equivalent to such department.

(f) "Office in charge” means an official acting as a chief of any

governmental office.

(g) "Prescribed" or "as prescribed” means prescribed or as prescribed

in the Rule framed under this Act.


General Provisions Regarding to the Operation (execution) of Governance

3. Functions to be carried out at different level: (1) Government of

Nepal shall carry out administrative function at central, regional, zonal,
district, and local level to maintain good governance within the country.


(2) Division into region, zone and district and determination of

geographical areas of local level pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be
made according to the prevailing laws.

4. Thematic (subject wise) Ministry and Department to be

Constituted: (1) There shall be thematic Ministries and departments as
required to carry out the functions at the central level.

(2) Number of ministries and its division of works shall be made

in accordance with the Government of Nepal Division of Works Rules
(Nepal sarkar karya bibhajan niyamawali).

(3) There shall be the Office of the Prime Minister and Council
of Minister as the chief administrative organ of the Government of

(4) There may be department, office and other bodies established

under the Ministry as required.

5. Essential body may be constituted: (1) In addition to Ministry,

Department and Offices, Government of Nepal may constitute
secretariat, commission, board, centre, committee or other such body as
per necessity to carry out administrative functions.

(2) The functions, duties, powers and other terms of reference of

the secretariat, commission, board, centre, committee or other such
bodies constituted under Sub-section (1) shall be as determined by the
Government of Nepal.

6. Basis for executing administrative functions: While carrying out

administrative functions to maintain good governance in the country
pursuant to this Act or other prevailing laws, the concerned authority
shall carry out its functions on the following basis, in addition to the
provisions of the constitution and other prevailing laws :-

(a) greater interest of nation and people;


(b) equity and inclusiveness;

(c) rule of law;

(d) guarantee of the human rights;

(e) transparency, objectivity, accountability and honesty;

(f) economic (financial) discipline, corruption-free, lean(smart) and

people–oriented administration

(g) impartiality and neutrality of administrative mechanism;

(h) access of people to administrative mechanism and its decision;

(i) decentralization and devolution of powers; and

(j) popular participation and optimum utilization of local resources.

7. Policies to be pursued by the Government of Nepal: (1) In addition to

the policies stipulated in the constitution and other prevailing laws and
the policies pursued from time to time, the Government of Nepal shall
pursue the following policies while carrying out the administrative
functions of the country:

(a) economic liberalization;

(b) poverty alleviation;

(c) social justice;

(d) sustainable and efficient management of natural and

public resources;

(e) empowerment of women and promotion of gender


(f) environmental protection;

(g) uplifting of ethnic groups, dalit, economically and

socially backward classes;


(h) development of remote areas and balanced regional


(2) Government of Nepal shall, from time to time, operate

necessary programmes and projects to implement policies pursued
according to Sub-section (1).


Operation and responsibility of administrative function

8. Maintaining Good Governance to be the duty of Concerned

Authority: It shall be the duty of the concerned authority to carry out
administrative function of the country pursuant to this Act or other
prevailing laws, in speedy manner, with the objective of maintaining
good governance and make available its outcomes to the people in time.

9. Responsibility of the Minister: (1) In addition to the responsibilities

mentioned in the constitution and other laws in force, it shall be the
responsibility of the concerned minister to perform or cause to perform
the entire jobs to be carried out by the Ministry under his/her
responsibility including the policy matters.

(2) Without prejudice to the provision of Sub-section (1), the

concerned minister may provide necessary directions to the officials of
his/her Ministry and its subordinate; and it shall be the duty of the
concerned officials to comply with such direction in time.

10. Chief Secretary and his/her Responsibility: (1) The Chief Secretary
shall be the chief administrative officer of the Government of Nepal and
carry out his/her responsibility in that capacity.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provision of Sub-

section(1), the chief secretary shall have following functions, powers,
duties and responsibilities, in addition to the functions, powers, duties
and responsibilities entrusted by this Act or other laws in force;


(a) To perform or cause to perform the functions of the

office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
as an administrative chief of that office under the
supervision and direction of the Prime Minister,

(b) To supervise the functions carried out by the

secretaries and other special class officers of the
Government of Nepal as a supervisor and issue
necessary direction in relation to their
administrative works,

(c) To coordinate or cause to coordinate among the

functions of different Ministries and other
concerned bodies,

(d) To coordinate among the different Ministries and

other institutions of the central level to implement
or cause to implements governance reform
programme as an integral part of the country’s
public administration,

(e) To act as the secretary of the Council of Ministers

and authenticate the decisions of the council of
minister in that capacity,

(f) To mobilize or cause to be mobilized the concerned

ministries for the execution of the decisions of
Government of Nepal (Council of Minister) and
supervise the status of implementation of those

(g) To motivate the secretary and other officials for

making administrative mechanism of the country
lean (smart) and effective,


(h) To convene the meeting of secretary, from time to

time, to make functions of the Government of
Nepal effective; and supervise the status of
implementation of the decisions taken by such

(i) To monitor, inspect and supervise or cause to do so

to administrative functions of the different
ministries and other offices at the central level,

(j) To scrutinize (examine) the agenda/proposal

submitted by the secretaries and present them for
the decision of the Government of Nepal, Council
of Ministers, and return or cause to return in case
such agenda /proposal found to be incomplete,

(k) To monitor or cause to be monitored the state of

enforcement (execution) of bilateral and
multilateral treaty of which Nepal is a party,

(l) To perform other prescribed functions.

11. Responsibility of the Secretary: (1) Secretary shall be the chief

administrative authority of the concerned Ministry, constitutional body
or office at the central level and shall carry out the duties in that

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of provision of Sub-

section (1), the secretary shall have following functions, duties and
powers, in addition to the functions, duties and powers entrusted by this
Act or other laws in force.

(a) Facilitate the concerned minister to formulate

policy of the Government of Nepal.


(b) Carry out the functions of the ministry or

constitutional body or central level office of his/he
incumbency under the direction and supervision of
the concerned minister.

(c) Present proposal before the concerned minister for

necessary reform in policy matters in the ministry
or constitutional body or central level office of
his/her incumbency.

(d) Control and supervise over the management, daily

work performance and civil servant of the ministry
or constitutional body or central level office of
his/her incumbency.

(e) Make necessary supervision and/or control of the

functioning of the ministry, constitutional body or
central level office or departments of his/her
incumbency or office subordinate to such office and
give them necessary directives.

(f) Implement or cause to implement the policies and

programmes approved by the Government of

(g) Submit a monthly report to the Office of the Prime

Minister and Council of Minister, as prescribed, on
the major works performed by the ministry or
constitutional body or central level office of his/her
incumbency and other concerned offices.

(h) Formulate and submit the annual programme of the

ministry or constitutional body or central level
office before the minister and implement, monitor,


evaluate and make progress assessment or cause to

do so to the approved programme.

(i) Prepare and submit annual report before the

minister on major works performed by the ministry
or constitutional body or central level office.

(j) Transfer, recruit or depute the personnel up to

gazetted class two officers of the ministry or
constitutional body or central level office of his/her
incumbency or subordinate office.

Provided that, transfer of civil servants from

one ministry or constitutional body or central level
office or other body or department or subordinate
offices to another ministry or constitutional body or
central level office or body or department or
subordinate office shall be made according to the
provision of the prevailing laws.

(k) Make nomination of the officers up to gazetted

class two for foreign study, training, study tour, or
for other such purposes on behalf of Government of
Nepal and approve foreign visit deputation.

(l) Implement or cause to implement the decisions

taken by the Government of Nepal (Council of
Ministers) on matters related with the ministry, or
constitutional body or central level office of his/her
incumbency and supervise the state of
implementation of such decision.

(M) Implement the decisions made by the meeting of

the secretaries.


(n) Honour the personnel with outstanding or

appreciable work performance with the reward of
up to Three grade increment in salary or cash prize
of up to Five Thousand Rupees with the detail
description of the work performed by such

(o) Make frequent supervision of the projects run by

the ministry, constitutional body or central level
office or head of the department under these offices
and give necessary direction.

(p) While making supervision pursuant to Clause (o), if

it is found that the project has not been completed
within stipulated time or the completed project
found to be less than the quality, make necessary
inquiry and take necessary action against the head
of the department or project chief under whose
authority the concerned project is operated.

(q) Undertake or cause to be undertaken the other

functions, duties and powers as prescribed.

(3) The secretary shall communicate immediately to the

concerned minister about the work performed pursuant to Clause (j), (k)
of Sub-section (2).

(4) The secretary shall be accountable to the Government of

Nepal for functions mentioned in Sub-section (2) and shall also have the
responsibility and duty to give updated information to the Government
of Nepal about any matters related to the ministry or constitutional body
or central level office of his/her incumbency when required.

12. Responsibility of the Head of the Department: (1) The head of the
department shall be the chief administrative authority of the concerned


department and shall carry out necessary functions to accomplish the

responsibility of the office.

(2) Without any prejudice to the generality of the provision of

Sub-section (1), the head of the department shall have following
functions, duties and powers, in addition to the functions, duties and
powers entrusted by this Act or other laws in force.

(a) Perform work of the department of his/her


(b) Carry out the management, day to day work of the

department and supervise and control over the
subordinate staffs of the department of his/her

(c) Arrange for providing expeditious and qualitative

services to the people by continuous improvement
of activities and work performance of the
department of his/her incumbency and subordinate

(d) Present to the secretary, with justification, for

reform to be made in the law or policy to be
implemented by the department of his/her
incumbency or subordinate office.

(e) Organize orientation and training programmes for

continuous improvement of the level of work
performance and skill of the employee of the
department and subordinate office.

(f) Submit monthly, annual or other reports of the

department of his/her incumbency and subordinate
offices before secretary as prescribed.


(g) Make transfer, placement and deputation of

personnel up to gazetted class Three officer
working under the department of his/her

(h) Honour the personnel working in the department of

his/her incumbency or subordinate office with
excellent or appreciable work performance with the
reward of up to One grade increase in monthly
salary or with cash prize of up to Two Thousand
Rupees mentioning the detail description of the
work performed by such personnel.

(i) Make frequent inspection of the project

implemented by the office-in-charge and give
necessary direction; and while making supervision,
if it is found that the project has not been executed
within stipulated time or the completed project
found to be less than quality, make necessary
inquiry and initiate appropriate departmental action
against him/her and submit the report of such action
to the concerned secretary along with the
description of such departmental action.

(j) Exercise or cause to exercise other functions, duty

and authority as prescribed.

13. Responsibility of the Chief Office-holder: The office in charge shall

have the following functions, duties and powers in addition to functions,
duties and powers conferred by prevailing laws;

(a) Carry out the management of the office of his/her incumbency, its
daily functioning and supervision and control over staffs working
in the office;


(b) Make deputation of the personnel of office of his/her

incumbency and subordinate office;

(c) Transfer the non-gazetted staffs from one office to another office
from the office of his/her incumbency or subordinate offices ;

(d) Make recommendation to head of the department for honouring

the personnel of his/her incumbency with outstanding or
appreciable work performance with the reward of increase in
grade or cash prize mentioning the detail description of the work
performed by such personnel;

(e) Cause to complete the work of the projects implemented under

the office of his/her incumbency within stipulated time;

(f) Make effective to the service to be provided to the general public

by the office of his/her incumbency

(g) Exercise or cause to be exercised other functions, duties and

powers as prescribed.

Chapter - 4

Procedure to be Adopted while Carrying out Administrative


14. Certain Procedure to be Followed: Officials authorized to make

decision pursuant to this Act or other prevailing laws, while making
decisions in any subject, shall follow the procedure prescribed by
prevailing laws; and in absence of such procedure shall follow a
reasonable procedure taking into consideration of the subject matter to
be decided.

15. Decision to be Made Within Certain Time: (1) Officials authorized to

make decision pursuant to this Act or other prevailing laws, shall take
decision within the time stipulated by prevailing laws if there is such
stipulation; in absence of such stipulation one shall decide within a


reasonable time taking into consideration of the subject matter to be


(2) In case it is not possible to make decision within the period

mentioned in Sub-section (1) due to unavailability of necessary fact,
information or evidence, the decision making authority shall decide the
matter mentioning its reason.

(3) After making decision mentioning the reason pursuant to Sub-

section (2), the decision making authority shall present its information to
his/her superior authority as soon as possible.

16. Transparency to be Maintained while Making Decision: (1) Officials

authorized to make decision pursuant to this Act or other prevailing
laws, shall act in transparent way while making decision in any subject.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Act, transparency means

procedure of decision making on the basis of certain standard and this
term may not prejudice to the matter required to be kept confidential
pursuant to prevailing laws.

(2) To maintain transparency pursuant to Sub-section (1), the

decision making authority may pay due attention to the opinion and
advice of the subordinate staffs on the subject to be decided.

(3) If the process of decision of the subject has to be initiated

from one level and subsequently decided from the higher level, the
authority involved in each level has to present the subject to the
deciding authority enclosing his/her clear opinion on the subject.

(4) The decision making authority, while making decision, shall

address the questions, if any, raised in the opinion submitted by
authority of all level involved in the process of decision making in each
level pursuant to Sub-section (3).


(5) While making decision, the decision making authority may

seek an opinion of a legal or technical expert in the subject, if he/she
deems it reasonable, if a legal or technical question has to be settled.

(6) If the opinion has been sought pursuant to Sub-section (5),

decision may be made also on the basis of such opinion, and if it does
not seem necessary to follow such opinion its reason shall be mentioned
in the decision.

(7) Other provision regarding transparency shall be as prescribed.

17. Basis and Reason to be mentioned in the Decision: The concerned

authority, while making decision pursuant to this Act or other prevailing
laws, shall mention the clear basis in the decision on which it is based
and reason why such decision has been made.

18. Decision not to be made in conflict of interest: (1) Official authorized

to make decision pursuant to this Act or other laws in force, shall not
decide the matter with conflict of interest by the fact that his/her direct
benefit, concern or interest is involved in the matter, or the decision
directly affects his/her successor or close relatives or provides direct
benefit to the business or profession carried out by the member of the
joint family of the decision maker.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Section, the decision shall

not be deemed to be in conflict of interest where the authority decides on
the matter for the greater public interest.

(2) In case where the official authorized to make decision could

not make decision due to the condition mentioned in Sub-section (1),
he/she shall refer the matter to the official corresponding to him/her rank
of the same office, in absence of such official in the office the matter
shall be referred to the higher official for decision.


(3) If there is no official mentioned in Sub-section (2) in the

concerned office or such official also could not make decision due to the
situation mentioned in Sub-section (1), the decision making official shall
submit the matter to chief-secretary if he/she is a secretary, and the
matter has to be referred to his/her senior if the decision making official
is other official.

Provided that, if the decision-making authority is chief-secretary,

the matter shall be submitted to Government of Nepal (Council of

(4) The officer working in policy making or law enforcing body

of any sector or sub-sector or regulatory body of any sector or sub-sector
shall not be involved in the management of the firm, company or any
other enterprise of non-governmental or private sector, engaged in the
production of goods, service or carry out business related to the decision
made during the tenure of his/her office or involve directly or indirectly
in the management of firm, company or enterprise engage in the
production of goods, service or carry out business, during the tenure of
his/her office or for at least One year of the retirement from the post.
Explanation: For the purpose of this Sub-section, such period,
for the person working in more than one body, shall mean the period of
the latest two years before his/her retirement.

(5) If a person acts in contrary to the provision of this Section, the

secretary of the concerned ministry may take departmental action on that
ground if such person is incumbent in his/her position and if s/he has
been retired from the office the concerned secretary may order to fine
such person up to Ten Thousand Rupees.

(6) The person dissatisfied with the order made pursuant to Sub-
section (5) may file an appeal to the concerned Court of Appeal within
Thirty Five days.


(7) The work performed by the authority, contrary to this Sub-

section, during his/her incumbency (tenure) shall ipso facto be void.

19. Performance contract may be made: (1) If any work to be performed

by the Government of Nepal has to be carried out within certain period
or to be executed with the achievement of certain quantity or if it is
necessary to execute any programme or project of national priority,
performance contract may be entered into with any official assigning
him/her the responsibility of executing such work.

(2) The contract made pursuant to Sub-section (1) inter alia, shall
consist of terms of reference, the period of performance and quality or
quantity of work performance.

(3) If contract has been made pursuant to Sub-section (1), the

person assigned with the responsibility by the contract shall perform the
act according to such contract.

(4) In case the work to be performed pursuant to Sub-section (3)

could not be performed within stipulated time due to force majeure it
shall be communicated to the secretary with the detail statement of its

(5) If statement submitted pursuant to Sub-section (4) seems to be

reasonable, the performance contract may be amended to perform the
work within extended period excluding the time of such stoppage of
work due to the force majeure.

(6) Departmental action shall be taken against the official failing

to perform the work pursuant to Sub-section (3) or (5) without
reasonable cause.

(7) In case, any person having responsibility pursuant to this

Section fails to perform the work with malice (malafide intention) or by
recklessness or negligence thereby resulting loss to Government of


Nepal or causes to increase the cost of the project, compensation for

such loss or increase may be recovered from such official.

(8) Other provisions relating to performance contract shall be as


20. Consultation may be made with Civil Society or Stakeholders while

Implementing the Matters of Public Concern: (1) Government of
Nepal may make necessary consultation with stakeholder and civil
society, if necessary, before the implementation of any matter of public

(2) While making consultation pursuant to Sub-section (1) the

possible impact assessment that can be attained from the proposed
subject shall be made by overall analysis of positive and negative

(3) Government of Nepal, while executing the subjects of public

concern, shall give due attention to the suggestion received from the
consultation with stakeholders pursuant to Sub-section(1) or (2) during
execution of the matter of public concern.

Explanation: For the purpose of this section, ‘matter of public

concern’ shall mean any of the following subject:-

(a) any subject establishing/introducing a

fundamentally new system or fundamentally
repealing the existing system,

(b) subject relating to execution of any development

programme or project of public concern, or

(c) Other subject as prescribed.

21. Responsibility not to be set Evaded: (1) Official who has been
entrusted with the responsibility to perform any work pursuant to this


Act or prevailing laws shall perform the work according to stipulated

terms within stipulated time limit.

(2) Official entrusted with the responsibility to perform work

pursuant to Sub-section (1), shall not evade his/her responsibility or
cause to do any work by any other/person.

(3) An official who gets the work done by others contrary to Sub-
section (2) or evades his/her responsibility of any kind or fails to
perform the work within stipulated time with malicious intention to
evade the responsibility or does not attain the achievement as per work
performance indicator, he/she may be admonished by the Government
of Nepal if such officer is the chief secretary, by the concerned Minister
in case he/she is secretary, by the concerned secretary in case she/he is
the official under ministry or head of the department and the concerned
head of the department in case he/she is any other official.

(4) In case there is no improvement in the conduct and activities

of the official even after the admonition given pursuant to Sub-section
(3), departmental action shall be taken against such an official pursuant
to the prevailing law on the grounds of incompetency.

22. Power may be delegated: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in

this Act, an official may delegate his/her authority to his/her equivalent
or subordinate official to be exercised according to the prevailing laws.

Provided that, the responsible official shall not be exempted from

his/her responsibility owing to such delegation of power.

(2) The power delegated pursuant to Sub-section (1) may be

withdrawn at any time.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), the

power to make decision using judicial mind shall not be delegated.


23. Provision Relating to Official or Professional Code of Conduct: (1)

Every person holding public office shall comply with the official or
professional code of conduct as prescribed during the tenure of his/her
office or to the specified time after retirement no matter what the reason
of retirement be.

(2) Following bodies or authorities shall formulate official or

professional conduct for the following official to be complied pursuant
to Sub-section (1):-

(a) Judicial council for judges,

(b) Concerned constitutional body for the officials and

the staff of concerned constitutional body,

(c) Government of Nepal, Council of Minister for civil


(d) Supreme Court for the personnel working in the


(e) Attorney General for public prosecutors and other

staffs of the office of Government Attorney,

(f) Concerned ministry for chief of the organization

established pursuant to prevailing laws and; and by
concerned organization for other staff thereof,

(g) Legislature-parliament, Execution and Management

committee for the staff of secretariat of legislature-

(h) Prescribed authority for other persons holding

public offices except the official mentioned in the
above Clauses.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Clause (c) of Sub-

section (2), Government of Nepal may delegate power to the concerned


ministry or central body authorizing it to formulate code of official or

professional conduct to be complied by the personnel working in any
ministry or central body or its subordinate body, taking into
consideration of the nature of the duty to be performed by such

(4) It shall be the duty of concerned person to comply with the

official or professional code of conduct formulated pursuant to this
Section, and departmental action shall be taken against the person
violating such code of conduct based on the gravity of such violation
and record of such departmental action shall be maintained, if such
official is an employee (personnel) ; and in case of official other than
civil servant such record shall be maintained by the authority
responsible to formulate professional code of conduct for such officials.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Sub-section (4), in

case any matter concerning to the non-compliance or violation of the
official or professional code of conduct has been criminalized by the
prevailing laws, shall not prevent from initiating proceeding according
to law against such person.



24. Discharging Official Responsibility: An official, responsible to

perform work pursuant to this Act or prevailing laws, while exercising
the authority or discharging duties, shall pay attention to the following

(a) Take self-initiation to perform one's own official work within

stipulated time,


(b) Mobilize the governmental or public resources in cost-effective

manner which might lead to their maximum utilization and

(c) Pay attention on the fact that the government or public office is a
service providing organization, the concerned authority is the
servant of the country, and general public are the holder of the
right to receive service,

(d) Keep in the mind that lingering and delay in the work
performance is the misuse of resources as well as additional
expenses of resource and wealth of the country,

(e) Supply information to the higher authority in case the work could
not be performed in time due to the inevitable condition,

Provided that, in case in matter concerning to public

service or service user (customer), the information shall be
disseminated to the general public by broadcasting or publicizing
as per necessity,

(f) The responsible officer shall make decision by her/himself in the

matters falling under one's own jurisdiction and shall not seek the
direction of superior agency in an ordinary issue without any
legal complication or ambiguity.

(g) The person holding public office, while performing official or

public work, shall show modest behaviour toward the the service
user (customer) consistent with the prevailing values, norms and

25. Citizen's charter to be maintained: (1) Every governmental office

(public office) responsible for delivering public service or involved in
public relation shall maintain citizen's charter in prescribed form and
locate it in the visible place of the office.


(2) The citizen's charter, made pursuant to Sub-section (1), shall

contain, and inter alia, the following matters:-

(a) Detail statement of service offered by the office

and its nature,

(b) Procedure to be followed by the service user

(customer) to obtain the service,

(c) Estimated time for delivering the service,

(d) Description of the officer responsible for providing

service and his/her chamber,

(e) Particulars of the fees to be charged or other

amount to be paid, if any, to receive the service,

(f) Other matters as prescribed,

(3) The matters mentioned in Sub-section (1) shall be mandatory

to the concerned office and it shall be the duty of the chief of the
concerned office and other personnel thereof, to deliver service by
performing the work accordingly.

(4) Departmental action may be taken against the in charge of

concerned office and responsible staff thereof in case the service user
(customer) does not receive service due to the failure of the office to
perform the work (job) pursuant to Sub-section (1) as mentioned in
citizen's charter without any reasonable cause,.

(5) The amount of compensation, for the loss incurred to the

customer in case he/she does not receive the service due to the failure of
the office to deliver service according to citizen's charter made pursuant
to Sub-section (1), shall be as prescribed.

26. Mobile service may be operated: The Government of Nepal may make
arrangement for offering mobile service at the service user's locality,
requiring specific office to deliver service in the prescribed location


(area) with the objective of delivering the service on the matter of

collective or individual concern.

27. Provision of fixing reasonable service fees: (1) Different levels of fees
may be fixed based on the principle of social justice while fixing service
fee (charge) to be paid by the customer to the Government of Nepal or
governmental agency for utilizing the service.

(2) While fixing the service fees pursuant to Sub-section (1) the
service fees shall be fixed with the provision of concession to the
residents of the remote or backward areas than the residents of other

28. Provision Relating to Public Participation and Ownership: (1) The

Government of Nepal may arrange for the provision of operating any
project or programme with direct participation and ownership of the

(2) The provision relating to the direct participation and

ownership in project or programme shall be as prescribed.

29. Provision relating to establishment of Governance Reform Unit: (1)

Governance Reform Unit shall be established in every ministry.

(2) The functions, duties and powers of the Governance Reform

Unit, established pursuant to Sub-section (1), shall be as prescribed.

30. Public hearing to be held : (1) The Chief office-holder at regional,

zonal, district and local level involved in delivery of service, shall
conduct public hearing as prescribed, with the purpose of making the
activities of the office fair, transparent, and objective and addressing the
lawful concerns of general people and stakeholders.

(2) While conducting public hearing pursuant to Sub-section (1)

the expert of the related subject, stakeholder, and representatives of civil
society and officials of the local bodies shall be invited.


(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section, public

hearing shall not be required to be held in the matters to be decided

31. Grievance management: (1) A complaint box shall be maintained at

the visible place of every ministry, department, and government agency
and office for the management of grievance relating to quality,
effectiveness of the work carried out by such ministry, department and
agency or office and possible irregularities in them.

(2) Whosoever may submit complaint in the complaint box

managed pursuant to Sub-section (1).

(3) For the management of complaint submitted pursuant to Sub-

section (2), the responsible officer of the concerned ministry, department
and government agency or office shall open complaint box in the
presence of other officials in every Three days and if the grievances and
suggestions are found to be reasonable, necessary step shall be taken for
the proper management thereof.

(4) In case complaint received pursuant to Sub-section (3) is

irrelevant to the concerned ministry, department and government agency
or office, however relating to the individual conduct of chief of such
ministry, department and government agency or office, the detail of such
grievances shall be submitted to higher authority thereof.

(5) The information of action taken pursuant to Sub-section (3) or

(4) shall be published in concerned notice board.

(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section, in case

the complaint is irrelevant to the function of concerned ministry,
department and governmental bodies or office, its information shall be
given to the concerned person if identified and returned to such person
and in case the complainant is not identified the complaint shall be


posted in the notice board of the concerned ministry, department and

government agency or office.

32. Approval to be Obtained to Open an Account in Foreign Bank: (1)

Any official employed in the service of the Government of Nepal should
obtain prior approval from the Government of Nepal to open an account
in a foreign bank save as prescribed otherwise.

(2) The procedure relating to taking prior approval of the

Government of Nepal to open an account in foreign bank shall be as

33. Not to encroach (interfere) on the authority of other officials: (1)

While performing a function pursuant to this Act or other prevailing
laws, no official shall interfere to the authority, responsibility or duty of
other official.

(2) Legal action may be taken against an official acting contrary

to Sub-section (1).

34. Advisor may be appointed: (1) While obtaining the service of expert in
the concerned subject wherein the work cannot be performed by the
official of civil service, the Government of Nepal may appoint an
individual advisor on the subject.

(2) The number, qualification and procedure of the appointment

of the advisor pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

(3) The functions to be performed by the advisor, his/her terms

of reference, authority, duty, responsibility and remuneration or other
facilities of the advisor appointed pursuant to Sub-section(1) shall be as
mentioned in the terms of reference approved by the Government of
Nepal at the time of appointment.

(4) The code of conduct to be complied with by the advisor

while performing duty on that capacity shall be as prescribed.


35. Spokesperson to be appointed: (1) Every ministry, department and

government agency and office shall appoint any of its officials as a
spokesperson, for the purpose of providing information to the
stakeholders or general public about the activities and functions carried
out by the ministry, department, and governmental agency or office.

(2) The function, duty and powers of the spokesperson appointed

pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

36. Constitutional body and local body shall comply the Act:
Constitutional body, local body, regulatory body or public corporation
under full or partial ownership or control of the Government of Nepal
requiring to perform work according to the constitution or prevailing
laws and official working in these bodies or corporation , while
performing their work, shall mutatis mutandis implement or cause to
implement the provisions mentioned in Section 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 30.

37. Information technology may be brought into practice: (1) Every

ministry, department and government agency and office may bring
computerized information technology into practice based on the
availability of their resources and means.

(2) Other matters relating to bring into practice of information

technology shall be as prescribed.

38. Monitoring and evaluation committee: (1) With the objective of

making the service delivery system effective and transforming the
bureaucracy into service provider agency and carrying out evaluation
and monitoring of the work performed by the official entrusted to
perform the work pursuant to the prevailing laws, there shall be a central
monitoring and evaluation committee established under the coordination
of chief secretary.


(2) Monitoring and evaluation committee may be constituted in

regional, zonal and district level as prescribed.

(3) There shall be an evaluation and monitoring mechanism in

every ministry as prescribed to facilitate the central monitoring and
evaluation committee.

(4) The secretariat of the monitoring and evaluation committee

shall be located in the office Prime minister and council of minister.

39. Disposal of Government Function and Supervision of Government

Office: In addition to the provision mentioned in this Act or other
prevailing laws, other provision related to the clearance (completion)
and supervision of the governmental work shall be as prescribed.

40. Facilities of service shall be as prescribed: In addition to the facilities

received by the chief secretary, secretary, head of the department or
Chief office-holder for work performance in that capacity, the other
facilities of such officials shall be as prescribed by the Government of

41. Annual report to be submitted: (1) Ministry or department and other

government agency at the central level shall, every year, prepare an
annual report including the programme implemented, works that has
been performed and condition of such work, progress and expenditure
and other necessary matters; and submit it within prescribed period, to
the office of the Prime Minister and Council of Minister by the ministry
or agency of central level, to the ministry by the department; and to the
higher office by other office or agency. Such report may be made public
with the approval of the superior Authority.

(2) The report as per Sub-section (1), in addition to the matters

mentioned in the Sub-section, shall include the reform programme to


maintain good governance implemented by the concerned ministry or

agency in the ministry or agency or the sub-ordinate office.

(3) The prime minister, on the basis of report as per the Sub-
section (1), shall submit report every year to the legislature-parliament
concerning the significant progress achieved in the matter of governance
reform and good governance.

42. Work Performance indicator: The indicator of work performance of

the work to be performed by any authority pursuant to this Act shall be
as prescribed.

43. Saving of Acts done in Good faith: No action shall be taken against an
official for his/her bona fide act done while performing any work or
carrying administrative function as per this Act or other prevailing laws.

44. Power to frame Rule: The Government of Nepal may frame necessary
Rules to implement the objectives of this Act.

45. Directive or Manual may be framed: Government of Nepal, for the

purpose of carrying out the activities of government offices or work
performance in a manageable, speedy and economical manner in term of
process, may frame and implement necessary directive or manual.

46. To be governed as per the prevailing laws: This Act shall apply on the
matter contained in this Act and prevailing law shall apply in other

47. The Effect of Repeal of Good Governance (Management and

Operation Ordinance) 2062: After the repeal of Good Governance
(Management and Operation Ordinance) 2062, unless a different
intention appears, the repeal shall not-

(a) revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the
repeal takes effect;


(b) affect the previous operation of ordinance so repealed or anything

duly done or suffered thereunder; or

(c) Affect any right, privilege obligation or liability acquired accrued

or incurred under the ordinance so repealed; or

(d) affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of

any offence committed against the ordinance so repealed; or

(e) affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of

any such right, privilege obligation. liability, penalty forfeiture or
punishment as aforesaid; and any such investigation, legal
proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced,
and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed
of if the repealing ordinance had not been passed.


hUuf k|flKt P]g, @)#$

nfndf]x/ / k|sfzg ldlt
;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g
!= Gofo k|zf;g P]g, @)$* @)$*.@.!^
@= s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)$* @)$(.!.*
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k|df0fLs/0f / k|sfzg ldlt
$= u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn
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hUuf k|flKt ;DaGwL k|rlnt g]kfn sfg'gnfO{ ;+zf]wg tyf PsLs/0f ug{ ag]sf] P]g
k|:tfjgf M hUuf k|fKt ug]{ ;DaGwL k|rlnt g]kfn sfg'gnfO{ ;+zf]wg tyf PsLs/0f ug{ jf~5gLo
>L % dxf/fhflw/fh jL/]Gb| jL/ ljqmd zfxfb]jaf6 /fli6«o k~rfotsf] ;Nnfx / ;Ddltn]
of] P]g agfOaS;]sf] 5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd, lj:tf/ / k|f/De M-!_ o; P]gsf] gfd æhUuf k|flKt P]g, @)#$Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ o; P]gsf] lj:tf/ g]kfn ================= e/ x'g]5 .
-#_ of] P]g t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;ªun] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P]gdf,—
-s_ æhUufÆ eGgfn] s;}sf] xsef]udf /x]sf] h'g;'s} hUuf / To;df :yfoL
¿kn] /x]sf] kvf{n, 3/, ?v ;d]t ;Demg'k5{ / ;f] zAbn] To:tf] hUufdf
:yfoL ¿kn] h8fg ePsf] h'g;'s} j:t'nfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 .
-v_ æ;fj{hlgs sfdÆ eGgfn] ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] lxt, nfe jf pkof]usf]
nflu x'g] sfd jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] tkm{af6 x'g] sfd ;Demg' k5{ / ;f]
zAbn] b]xfosf] sfdnfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 M—
-!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] :jLs[t u/]sf] kl/of]hgf,

of] P]g ;+jt\ @)^% ;fn h]7 !% ut] b]lv nfu" ePsf] .
 u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .

-@_ :yfgLo txåf/f ;~rfng ul/g] kl/of]hgf .
-u_ æ :yfgLo clwsf/LÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] clws[t ;Demg' k5{ .
To;/L s'g} clws[t gtf]sf]df k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L ;Demg' k5{ .
-3_ æ ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t hUuf k|fKt u/] jfkt lbOg]
Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhfdf xs k'Ug] JolQm ;Demg'k5{ .
-ª_ æ ;+:yfÆ eGgfn] k|rlnt sfg'g adf]lhd :yfkgf jf u7g ePsf] sDkgL,
ljsf; ;ldlt / ;+:yfg ;Demg' k5{ .
#= ;fj{hlgs sfdsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] clwsf/ M g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g}
;fj{hlgs sfdsf] lgldQ s'g} hUuf k|fKt ug{ cfjZos 7x/fPdf o; P]g adf]lhdsf]
d'cfAhf lbg] u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] h'g;'s} 7fpFsf] hlt;'s} hUuf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5 .
$= ;+:yfsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbg ;Sg] M -!_ s'g} ;+:yfn] o; P]g adf]lhdsf] d'cfAhf
/ cGo ;a} vr{ Joxf]{g] u/L b]xfPsf] sfdsf] nflu s'g} hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbg g]kfn ;/sf/
;dIf cg'/f]w u/]df g]kfn ;/sf/n] To:tf] ;+:yfnfO{ hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbg] u/L lg0f{o ug{
;Sg]5 M—
-s_ ;+:yfsf] sd{rf/L, dhb"/ jf sfdbf/ a:g] 3/ agfpg jf lghx¿sf]
;'v ;'ljwfsf] c¿ aGbf]a:t ug{ jf ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] lxt x'g]
s'g} sfd ug{,
-v_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yfl;t ;DalGwt kl/of]hgf
;~rfng ug{ jf To:tf] ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/l;t ;DalGwt jf To:tf]
;+:yfn] pTkfbg u/]sf] s'g} dfnj:t' ;~ro ug{sf] nflu
uf]bfd3/sf] lgdf{0f ug{ .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbg ug]{ ;+:yfn] b]xfosf ljifox¿df
dGh'/Lsf] lnvt gu?Gh]n o; P]gadf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ug]{ sf/afO{ rnfOg] 5}g M—
-s_ hUuf k|fKt ubf{ nfu]sf] jf nfUg] ePsf] vr{ g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ lbg],
-v_ dhb'/ jf sflnu8x¿ a:g] 3/ jf lghx¿sf] ;'v ;'ljwfsf] s'g}
sfdsf] lgldQ agfpg] eP slxn];Dddf / s] s:tf] agL tof/ x'g]
xf] / slt cjlw;Dd sfod /flvg] xf],
-u_ c¿ s'g} agfpg] sfdsf] lgldQ eP ;f] slxn];Dddf agL tof/ x'g]
xf] / s] s;/L pkof]u ug{ kfpg] xf] .
s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg To:tf] ;+:yfn] cfˆgf]
kl/of]hgf ;~rfng ug{ v]tL ug'{kg]{ /x]5 eg] cg';Gwfgsf] nflu k|of]ufTds v]tLsf] lgldQ
afx]s cGo v]tLsf] lgldQ P]g cGtu{t g]kfn ;/sf/n] hUuf k|fKt u/fO{ lbg] 5}g .
%= hUuf k|fKt ug]{ s'/fsf] lg0f{o / k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg] clwsf/L M -!_ bkmf # jf $
sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] lg0f{o u/]kl5 h'g sfof{nosf] lgldQ
hUuf k|fKt ul/g] xf] ;f] sfof{nosf] sDtLdf /fhkqflÍt t[lto >]0fLsf] sd{rf/L jf
/fhkqflÍt sd{rf/L gePdf sfof{no k|d'vn] / s'g} kl/of]hgfsf] nflu k|f/lEds sf/afO{
rnfpg ;Sg] 5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h';'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg ;+:yfsf] lgldQ hUuf k|fKt ubf{
pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] k|f/lDes sf/afO{ ug{sf] lgldQ ;+:yfs} sd{rf/Lsf] dgf]gog xf];\
elg ;DalGwt ;+:yfaf6 cg'/f]w ePdf ;+:yfn] tf]s]sf] sDtLdf clws[t :t/sf] s'g}
sd{rf/Ln] To:tf] k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg kfpg] u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 .
^= hUuf k|fKt ug]{ ;DaGwL k|f/lDes sf/afO{ M -!_ bkmf % adflhd k|f/lDes sf/afO{
rnfpg] clwsf/Ln] ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmsf] hfgsf/Lsf] lgldQ b]xfosf sfof{no jf :yfgdf
Ps Ps k|lt ;"rgf 6fF; ug'{ kg]{5 M—
-s_ ;DalGwt hUufsf] cf;kf;df ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] a9L cfjfudg
x'g] :yfg,
-v_ ;DalGwt ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsf sfof{no,
-u_ 3/ / To;n] rr]{sf] s'g} sDkfp08 ;d]t k|fKt ug'{kg]{ ePdf To:tf]
3/ b}nf jf sDkfp08sf] kvf{n .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf hf/L ePsf] tLg lbgkl5 sf/afO{ rnfpg]
clwsf/Ln] b]xfPsf] s'g} sfd sf/afO{ ug{sf] lgldQ cfkm"n] rfx]sf] ;ª+\Vofdf sd{rf/L jf
sfdbf/ lnO{ ;DjlGwt hUuf jf 3/ sDkfp08leq k|j]z ug{ ;Sg]5 M—
-s_ To:tf] hUufsf] gfk gS;f lng] jf ;e]{ ug]{,
-v_ To:tf] hUuf k|fKt ug{ pko'Qm 5 5}g olsg ug{sf] nflu df6f],
9'ª\uf cflbsf] gd"gf ;ª\sng ug]{, vf8n vGg] jf af]l/Ë ug]{,
-u_ k|fKt ug{ pko'Qm 7xl/Psf] hlt hUuf 5'6\ofpg ;fFw, lsNnf v8f
ug{ jf c¿ s'g} k|sf/n] lgzfgf nufpg],

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-3_ v08 -s_ jf -v_ ;DaGwL s'g} sfd sf/afO{sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{
s'g} pks/0f h8fg ug]{ jf v8f ug]{ .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -s_ b]lv v08 -3_ ;dosf] s'g} sfd sf/afO{ ubf{ To:tf]
hUufdf nufPsf] s'g} afnL jf ?v sf6\g jf pv]Ng' k/]df jf s'g} 5]saf/ jf kvf{n x6fpg'
jf eTsfpg' k/]df k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg] clwsf/Lsf] cfb]z k|fKt u/L s'g} JolQmn] ;f]
sfd ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] sfd ubf{ e/;s ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmsf] pkl:yltdf ug{' kg]{5 .
&= gf]S;fgL afkt Ifltk"lt{ lbOg] M -!_ bkmf ^ adf]lhd afnL, ?v, kvf{n cflb sf6]sf] jf
eTsfP afktsf] gf]S;fgLsf] nflu / df6f], 9'ª\uf, lemSbf, vf8n vGbf jf af]l/Ë ubf{
gf]S;fgL ePdf ;f] afkt Ifltk"lt{ lbOg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg] clwsf/Ln]
lgwf{/0f u/L ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmnfO{ lbg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] Ifltk"lt{df lrQ ga'‰g] JolQmn] To:tf]
Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ePsf] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L k|fKt u/]sf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq k|d'v lhNnf
clwsf/L ;dIf ph'/ ug{ ;Sg] 5 / To:tf]df k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 .
*= k|f/lDes sf/afO{sf] 7x/ ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg k7fpg' kg]{ M -!_ k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfPsf]
ldltn] kGw| lbgleq k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg] clwsf/Ln] ;f] sf/afO{ k'/f u/L k|fKt ug{
pko'Qm b]lvPsf] hUuf olsg u/L ;f] ;DaGwL cGo cfjZos ljj/0f ;lxtsf] k|ltj]bg
oyfzL3| :yflgo clwsf/L ;dIf k7fpg' kg]{ 5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|ltj]bg k7fpFbf bkmf & sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd lgwf{l/t
Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd / gf]S;fgLsf] ;Dk"0f{ ljj/0f ;d]t pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
(= hUuf k|flKt ug]{ s'/fsf] ;"rgf M -!_ bkmf * adf]lhd k|f/lDes sf/afO{sf] k|ltj]bg k|fKt
ePkl5 k|fKt ul/g] hUufsf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf s'/fx¿ vfnL :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] ;"rgf
hf/L ug]{5 M—
-s_ s'g sfdsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt ul/g] xf],
-v_ hUuf dfq k|fKt ug]{ xf] jf To;df /x]sf] 3/ kvf{n cflb ;d]t k|fKt
ug]{ xf],
-u_ hUuf /x]sf] ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsfsf] gfd / To;sf] j8f
-3_ gfkL eO;s]sf] 7fpFdf eP lsQf gDa/,
s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

-ª_ gfkL eOg;s]sf] hUuf eP hUuf lrGxfpg ;xfos x'g] cfjZos

ljj/0fx¿ / hUufsf] rf/ lsNnf,
-r_ hUufsf] If]qkmn jf df6f] d'/L,
-5_ cGo cfjZos ljj/0f .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhsf] ;"rgfsf] Ps Ps k|lt b]xfPsf] sfof{no jf :yfgdf 6fF:g'
kg]{5 M—
-s_ h'g kl/of]hgfsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt ul/g] xf] ;f] kl/of]hgfsf] :yfgLo
-v_ lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no,
-u_ ;DalGwt ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsf sfof{no,
-3_ e"ld k|zf;g sfof{no jf dfn c8\8f,
-ª_ ;DalGwt hUufsf] cf;kf;df ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] a9L cfjfudg
x'g] :yfg,
-r_ :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] cfjZos b]v]df cGo s'g} :yfg .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|sflzt ubf{ s'g} ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] hfgsf/L
kfpg g;Sg] s'/fdf :yfgLo clwsf/L ljZj:t eO{ To:tf] ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmnfO{ JolQmut
tj/n] ;"rgf k7fpg pko'Qm / ;Dej b]v]df To:tf] ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmsf] xsdf JolQmut
tj/n] ;"rgf klg lbg ;Sg]5 / To;/L ;"rgf lb+bf d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f eO{ ;s]sf] eP
d'cfAhfsf] /sd a'‰gsf] nflu slt lbgleq s'g sfof{nodf pkl:yt x'g'kg]{ xf] ;f] ;d]t
pNn]v ul/lbg' k5{ .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;"rgf 6fF; ePkl5 ;DalGwt e"ld k|zf;g sfof{no jf
dfn c8\8fn] To:tf] hUufsf] s'g} lsl;dn] xs 5f]8\g] lnvtsf] /lhi6«]zg /f]Ssf km's'jf ug{
:yfgLo clwsf/laf6 e"ld k|zf;g sfof{no jf dfn c8\8fdf n]lv cfPsf] /lhi6«]zg km's'jf
ul/g]5 .
!)= hUuf k|fKt ug]{ ;"rgfdf v'nfpg' kg]{ cGo s'/fx¿ M bkmf ( sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lgd
hf/L x'g] ;"rgfdf ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmsf] hfgsf/Lsf] lgldQ b]xfosf s'/fx¿ ;d]t vf]lnlbg'
k5{ M—
-s_ ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] d'cfAhfdf bfaL ug{ cf—cfˆgf] xsb}of jf ef]u rng
;DaGwL lg:;f k|df0f ;lxt lgj]bg ug{sf] nflu sDtLdf kGw| lbgsf] Dofb,


-v_ ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] To:tf] hUufdf nUffPsf] afnL jf ?v sf6\g tyf

To;df /x]sf 3/, kvf{n cflb eTsfO{ n}hfg kfpg] eP To:tf] jfnL ?v 3/
kvf{n cflb n}hfg kfpg] Dofb .
!!= hUuf jfnfn] ph'/ ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ bkmf ( adf]lhd ;"rgf 6fF; ePsf] ldltn] af6f]sf]
Dofb afx]s ;ft lbgleq cfˆgf] hUuf k|fKt gug'{ kg]{ s'g} sf/0f eP To;sf] sf/0f vf]ln
;DalGwt hUufjfnfn] :yfgLo clwsf/Lsf] sfof{no dfkm{t g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfnodf
ph'/ ug{ ;Sg]5 . hUufjfnfsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ df]lxn] kSsL 3/ agfPsf] /x]5 eg] To:tf] 3/
/ ;f] 3/n] rr]{sf] hUufsf] ;DaGwdf To:tf] df]xLn] klg o; pkbkmf sdf]lhd ph'/ ug{
kfpg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ph'/L pk/ g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfnon] lg0f{o ug'{
cl3 k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg] clwsf/L / cfjZos b]v]df :yfgLo clwsf/Lsf] ;d]t /fo
a'emL lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k/]sf] ph'/Lsf] ;DaGwdf lg0f{o lbgsf] nflu ;fIfL
;/lhdg a'‰g jf s'g} lnvt sfuhkq bflvt u/fpg k/]df o; bkmf adf]lhd ph'/L ;'Gg]

g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfnonfO{ lhNnf cbfntnfO{ eP ;/xsf] clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ph'/Lsf] lg0f{o To:tf] ph'/L k|fKt u/]sf] ;fwf/0ftof
kGw| lbgleq ug'{ kg]{5 .
!@= hUuf sAhfdf lng] clwsf/ M -!_ bkmf ( sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf hf/L ePkl5
bkmf !! sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] ph'/L k/]sf]df ph'/L 6'ª\uf] nfu]kl5 / ph'/L gk/]sf]df
ph'/ ug]{ Dofb gf3]kl5 h'g;'s} avt :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] ;DalGwt hUufnfO{ sAhfdf lnO{
h'g sfof{no jf ;+:yfsf] lgldQ hUuf k|fKt ul/Psf] xf] ;f] sfof{no jf ;+:yfnfO{ lbg
;Sg]5 / tTkZrft ;f] hUufnfO{ ;DalGwt sfdsf] lgldQ pkof]udf Nofpg ;lsg]5 .
o;/L hUuf sAhfdf lnPkl5 :yflgo clwsf/Ln] ;f] s'/fsf] ;"rgf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ lbg]
kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg s'g} hUuf k|fKt ubf{ 3/ ;d]t
k|fKt ul/Psf]df ;f] 3/df 3/wgL cfkm} a;L cfPsf] eP lghn] kfpg] d'cfAhfsf] /sd
lg{wf/0f eO;s]sf] eP To;sf] krf; k|ltzt /sd glbO{ / d'cfAhfsf] /sd lgwf{/0f eO
g;s]sf] eP lghnfO{ cfˆgf] jf;:yfg cGoq ;fg{sf] lgldQ cfjZos kg]{ d'gfl;a
dflkmssf] /sd k]ZsL glbO{ To:tf] 3/ sAhf lng x'b}g .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)$* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

!#= d'cfAhfsf] lsl;d / ;f] lgwf{/0f ug]{ clwsf/L M -!_ o; P]gadf]lhd k|fKt ul/g]
hUufsf] d'cfAhf gubLdf lbOg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] d'cfAhfsf] /sd lgwf{/0f ug{ b]xfosf kbflwsf/Lx¿
ePsf] Pp6f ;ldlt /xg]5 M—
-s_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L,
-v_ e"ld k|zf;s jf dfn c8\8fsf] xflsd,
-u_ kl/of]hgfsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt ul/Psf] eP kl/of]hgf k|d'v / cGo

sfdsf] nflu hUuf k|fKt ul/Psf] eP k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln]
tf]s]sf] Ps hgf clws[t,
-3_ ;DalGwt ufpFkflnsf jf gu/kflnsfsf] k|ltlglw .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;Dk"0f{
hUuf kg]{ / s]xL hUuf dfq kg]{ JolQmsf] xsdf a]Unfa]Un} d'cfAhfsf] b/ sfod ug{
;lsg]5 .
!$= hUuf ;§fdf lbg ;lsg] M o; P]g adf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ubf{ To:tf] hUuf k|fKt ul/Psf]
7fpFdf ;Dk"0f{ hUuf kg]{ JolQmn] d'cfAhf afkt hUuf g} lng rfx]sf]df P]nfgL jf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] :jfldTj ePsf] jf g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd laqmL ljt/0f ug]{
Joj:yf ePsf] s'g} hUuf pknAw ePdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] To:tf] hUuf g} ;§fdf lbg
;Sg]5 .
!%= u'7L hUufsf] d'cfAhf M o; P]g adf]lhd u'7L hUuf k|fKt ubf{ ;f] hUufsf] d'cfAhf
;DaGwdf u'7L ;+:yfg P]g, @)## df tf]lsPadf]lhd x'g]5 .
!^= d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ubf{ ljrf/ /fVg' kg]{ s'/fx¿ M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/ :yfgLo tx /
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yfsf] nflu k|fKt ul/g] hUufsf] d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f
ubf{ d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;ldltn] b]xfosf] s'/fsf] ljrf/ /fVg' kg]{5 M—
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;DaGwdf ;do—;dodf
lbPsf] dfu{ bz{g, /
-v_ hUuf k|fKt u/]sf] sf/0fn] ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] cfkm\gf] a;f]af; jf
sf/f]af/sf] 7fpF cGoq ;fg'{ k/]af6 a]xf]g'{ k/]sf] gf]S;fgL .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)$* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .
s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ :yfgLo tx / g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yf afx]s cGo
;+:yfsf] nflu k|fKt ul/g] hUufsf] d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ubf{ d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;ldltn]
b]xfosf s'/fsf] ljrf/ /fVg' kg]{5 M—
-s_ bkmf ( adf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ug]{ ;"rgf k|sflzt ubf{sf] ;dodf
k|rlnt hUufsf] df]n,
-v_ hUufdf nfu]sf] afnL tyf 3/, kvf{n, 6x/f] cflb ;lxt hUuf k|fKt
u/]sf]df To;sf] df]n,
-u_ hUuf k|fKt u/]sf] sf/0fn] ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] cfº gf] a;f]af; jf
sf/f]af/sf] 7fpF cGoq ;fg'{ k/]af6 a]xf]g'{ k/]sf] gf]S;fgL .
!&= xsaGbLeGbf a9Lsf] hUuf k|fKt ubf{ lgwf{/0f ul/g] d'cfAhf M bkmf !^ df h'g;'s} s'/f
n]lvPsf] ePtfklg g]kfn ;/sf/, :yfgLo tx jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf]
lgldQ o; P]gadf]lhd k|fKt ul/g] hUuf e"ld ;DaGwL P]g, @)@! adf]lhd /fVg kfpg]
xbaGbLeGbf a9Lsf] hUuf ePdf To:tf] hUufsf] d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ubf{ e"ld ;DaGwL P]g,
@)@! adf]lhd kfpg] d'cfAhfsf] cª\seGbf a9L x'g] 5}g .
!*= d'cfAhf kfpg]sf] gfdfjnL / To; pk/sf] ph'/L M -!_ bkmf ( adf]lhdsf] ;"rgfdf
tf]lsPsf] Dofbleq k|fKt ePsf lgj]bgx¿af6 d'cfAhf kfpg] 7xl/Psf JolQmx¿sf]
gfdfjnL tof/ kf/L ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmx¿sf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] ;"rgf
6fF; ug]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd 6fF; ul/Psf] gfdfjnLdf lrQ ga'‰g] JolQmn] To:tf]
;"rgf hf/L ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfnodf ph'/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd k/]sf ph'/L t]/f] d]/f] jf xsef]u ;DaGwL afx]s c¿

ljifosf] eP g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfnon] ;fwf/0ftof kGw| lbgleq lsgf/f nufpg]
kg]{5 .
t/ To:tf] ph'/L t]/f] d]/f] jf xsef]u ;DaGwL ePdf To; pk/ s'g} sf/afO{ gu/L
cbfntsf] clGtd lg0f{oaf6 xsb}df sfod u/L cfpg] JolQmnfO{ o; P]gadf]lhd kfpg]
d'cfAhf lbOg]5 elg d'cfAhf w/f}6 /xg] sfof{nosf] gfd ;d]t pNn]v u/L ;DalGwt
JolQmnfO{ ;"rgf lbg'k5{ .
s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)$* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-$_ t]/f] d]/f] jf xsef]u ;DaGwdf cbfntdf sf/afO{ rnL To;sf] clGtd
lg0f{oaf6 xsb}ofdf sfod u/L cfpg] Jolqmn] To:tf] clGtd lg0f{o ePsf] @ jif{leq
pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd w/f}6L /x]sf] /sd a'emL lng' kg]{5 . ;f] Dofb gf3]kl5 To:tf] w/f}6L
/x]sf] d'cfAhfsf] /sd lng kfpg] 5}g / ;f] /sd ;l~rt sf]ifdf bflvn x'g]5 .
!(= d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ePkl5 ;"rgf ug]{ M d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;ldltn] d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f
u/]kl5 ;DalGwt k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] ;f] s'/fsf] ;"rgf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
@)= df]lxn] kfpg] d'cfAhf M o; P]g adf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ubf{ ;f] hUufdf df]lxofgL nfu]sf]
eP ;f] hUuf afkt lbOg] d'cfAhfsf] krf; k|ltzt /sd df]lxn] kfpg]5 .
t/, hUufjfnfsf] :jLs[lt lnO{ df]lxn] agfPsf] 3/ ;d]t k|fKt ul/Psf]df ;f] 3/
afktsf] d'cfAhf lghn] k"/} kfpg]5 .
@!= d'cfAhfaf6 ;/sf/L afFsL s§f ug{ ;lsg] M o; P]g adf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf] hUufsf]
d'cfAhf ljt/0f ubf{ ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQml;t dfnkf]t, s/ jf cGo s'g} ;/sf/L /sd c;'n
ug{ afFsL /x]5 eg] To:tf] c;'n ug{ afsL /x]sf] /sd d'cfAhfaf6 s§f ug{ ;lsg]5 .
@@= hUufsf] :jfldTj ;g]{ M bkmf !@ adf]lhd hUuf sAhfdf lnPkl5 To:tf] hUufsf] :jfldTj
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] lgldQ k|fKt u/]sf]df g]kfn ;/sf/df / s'g} ;+:yfsf] lgldQ k|fKt u/]sf]df
To:tf] ;+:yfdf ;g]{5 .
@#= hUufsf] gfd;f/L / dfnkf]tsf] nut s§f ug]{ M -!_ bkmf @@ adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
;+:yfsf] :jfldTjdf cfPsf] hUuf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] nflu k|fKt ul/Psf]df dfnkf]tsf] nfut
s§f u/L g]kfn ;/sf/sf] gfddf gfd;f/L ug{ / ;+:yfsf] nflu k|fKt ul/Psf]df To:tf]
;+:yfsf] gfddf gfd;f/L / bflvn vf/]h ug{ :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] hUuf sAhfdf lnPsf] kGw|
lbgleq To:tf] hUufsf] btf{sf] nut /x]sf] sfof{nonfO{ n]vL k7fpg' kg]{5 / To:tf]
sfof{non] klg ;f] adf]lhdsf] sfo{ oyfzL3| ;DkGg u/L To;sf] hfgsf/L :yfgLo clwsf/L
/ ;flas hUufjfnfnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] nut s§f ug]{ jf gfd;f/L ug]{ sfo{ h'g;'s} ldltdf
;DkGg ePtfklg To:tf] hUufsf] :jfldTj ;/]sf] ldltb]lv g} pQm hUufsf] nut s§f ePsf]
jf gfd;f/L ePsf] dflgg]5 .
-#_ of] P]g k|f/De x'g'eGbf cufj} tTsfn k|rlnt sfg'g adf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf]
hUufsf] nut s§f ePsf] /x]g5 eg] of] P]g k|f/De ePkl5 To:tf] hUufsf] nut :jtM s§f
ePsf] dflgg]5 .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)%% åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

@$= :jfldTj ;g'{eGbf cl3sf] cj:yfnfO{ c;/ gkfg]{ M -!_ o; P]gadf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
;+:yfsf] gfpFdf s'g} hUufsf] :jfldTj ;g'{eGbf cl3Nnf] lbg tssf] ;flas hUufjfnfaf6
To:tf] hUufdf nfu]sf] dfnkf]t jf s/ afkt s'g} /sd c;"n pk/ ug{ afFsL /x]sf] eP
To;/L hUufsf] :jfldTj ;/]kl5 klg To:tf] afFsL /sd c;"n pk/ ug]{ sf/afO{ rnfpg
o; bkmfn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
-@_ df]lxofgL nfu]sf] s'g} hUuf k|fKt ul/Psf]df ;fljs hUufjfnfn] tTsfnLg
df]xLaf6 To;/L hUuf k|fKt ug'{eGbf cl3sf] aSof}tf s"t c;"n ug]{ sf/afO{ rnfpg o;
P]gsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
@%= ljz]if kl/l:ytdf hUuf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] ljz]if clwsf/ M -!_ gbLn] PsfPs wf/ abn]sf]
jf s'g} b}jL k/]sf] sf/0fn] oftfoft jf ;~rf/sf] ;fwgnfO{ oyfjt\ rfn' /fVg jf wghgsf]
Jofks Ifltaf6 arfj6 ug{ jf cGo s'g} ;fj{hlgs ;DklQsf] ;+/If0fsf] lgldQ jf cGo
s'g} c;fwf/0f cj:yf k/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g} hUuf tTsfn} k|fKt ug'{ k/]df o; P]gdf
cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg ;f] ;DaGwdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] lg0f{o u/L To:tf] hUuf
k|fKt ug]{tkm{ sf/afO{ rnfpg :yfgLo clwsf/LnfO{ cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sfdsf] lgldQ k|fKt ug'{kg]{ hUufsf] ;DaGwdf bkmf (
sf] pkbkmf -!_ df plNnlvt s'/fx¿dWo] pknAw eP;Ddsf s'/fx¿ v'nfO{ ;/f]sf/jfnf
AolQmx¿sf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu ;"rgf hf/L ug]{5 / To:tf] ;"rgf hf/L ubf{ ;/f]sf/jfnf
JolQmx¿n] zL3|ltzL3| hfgsf/L kfpg ;Sg] elg :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] pko'Qm 7x/fPsf]
t/Lsfaf6 hf/L ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf 6fF; ePkl5 h'g;'s} avt :yfgLo clwsf/Ln]
hUuf sAhfdf lng ;Sg]5 / To;/L sAhfdf lnPs} ldltb]lv To:tf] hUufdf g]kfn
;/sf/sf] :jfldTj sfod x'g hfg]5 .
-$_ o; bkmfadf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ubf{ To:tf] hUufdf nfu]sf] jfnL tyf ?v /
To;df ag]sf] 3/, kvf{n cflb ;d]t k|fKt ul/g] ePdf To; afkt ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn]
Ifltk"lt{ kfpg]5 .
-%_ o; bkmfadf]lhd k|fKt ul/g] hUufsf] d'cfAhfsf] lgwf{/0f bkmf !# adf]lhdsf]
d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ;ldltn] ug]{5 .
-^_ o; bkmfadf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf] hUufsf] d'cfAhf jf Ifltk"lt{sf] /sddf lrQ
ga'em]sf]df afx]s hUuf k|fKt ul/g' gkg]{ eGg] ljifodf ph'/ nfUg] 5}g .


-&_ Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhfdf lrQ ga'‰g] JolQmn] Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ePsf]

;"rgf hf/L ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfno ;dIf ph'/ ug{
;Sg]5 / To:tf]df g]kfn ;/sf/, u[x dGqfnosf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 .
-*_ o; bkmf adf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf] hUufsf] df]ntf]nsf] nut s§f ug]{ ;DaGwdf
bkmf @# sf] sfo{ljlw ckgfO{ :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] sf/afxL rnfpg]5 / To:tf] hUufsf]
;DaGwdf bkmf @$ sf] s'/f klg nfu" x'g]5 .
@^= hUufjfnfsf] d~h'/L ePdf /Lt k'u]sf] dflgg] M g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g} hUuf s'g} ;fj{hlgs
sfddf nufO;s]sf]df To:tf] hUuf o; P]gsf] /Lt k¥ofO{ k|fKt gul/Psf] ePtfklg
;DalGwt hUufjfnfn] d~h'/ u/]sf] cj:yfdf ;f] hUufsf] Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhf o;
P]gadf]lhd lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L IftLk"lt{ jf d'cfJhf lgwf{/0f ul/Pkl5 ;f] hUuf
o; P]gadf]lhd k|fKt ul/P ;/x dflgg]5 .
@&= jftf{åf/f hUuf k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] M o; P]gdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg g]kfn
;/sf/n] ;fj{hlgs sfdsf] nflu s'g} hUuf ;DalGwt hUufjfnfl;t jftf{åf/f k|fKt ug{
;Sg]5 / To;/L jftf{åf/f hUuf k|fKt ubf{ o; P]gdf n]lvPsf] cGo /Lt k'¥ofO{ /xg'
kg]{5}g .
@*= s'6g}lts lgof]u tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfsf] lgldQ hUuf k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] M -!_ jfl0fHo
b"tfjf; nufot s'6g}lts lgof]u tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;+:yfx¿sf] lgldQ o; P]gadf]lhd hUuf
k|fKt ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|fKt ul/g] hUufsf] d'cfAhf lgwf{/0f ubf{ bkmf !^ sf]
pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ul/g]5 .
@(= 3/ cflb ;lxtsf] hUuf k|fKt ubf{ M o; P]gadf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ubf{ ;f] hUufdf /x]sf]
afnL, ?v, kvf{n, 3/, cflb k"/} lnOof]; elg ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] lgj]bg u/]df ;f] ;a}
lng] u/L sf/afO{ rnfpg' kg]{5 .
#)= g]kfn ;/sf/n] hUuf k|fKt gug]{ lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ o; P]g adf]lhd hUuf k|fKt ug]{
u/L sf/afO{ rnfPsf]df s'g} klg cj:yfdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] hUuf k|fKt gug]{ u/L lg0f{o ug{
;Sg]5 / To:tf]df ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] bkmf ( sf]
pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;"rgf 6fF:g' kg]{5 .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)$* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] hUuf glng] u/L sf/afO{ yfd] tfklg bkmf ^ adf]lhd k|f/lDes
sf/afO{ ubf{ eO;s]sf] gf]S;fgL afkt k|f/lDes sf/afO{ rnfpg] clwsf/Ln] Ifltk"lt{ lbO{
g;s]sf] eP :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] bkmf & adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f u/L lbg]5 .
#!= sdfpg lbP afkt hUufdf df]lxofgL xs k|fKt gx'g] M o; P]gadf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf]
s'g} hUufnfO{ hUuf k|fKt ul/Psf] k|of]hgdf gNofP;Dd g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;+:yfn] sa'lnot
u/fO{ s;}nfO{ lbg ;Sg]5 . To;/L hUuf sdfPsf] gftfn] hUuf sdfpg] JolQmnfO{ k|rlnt
sfg'gadf]lhd df]lxofgL xs k|fKt x'g] 5}g .
#@= :jLs[lt glnO{ agfPsf] 3/ jf nufPsf] afnL hkmt x'g] M -!_ o; P]g adf]lhd k|fKt
u/]sf] hUufsf] :jfldTj g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;+:yfdf ;/]kl5 g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;+:yfsf] lnlvt
:jLs[lt k|fKt gu/L s;}n] s'g} k|sf/sf] 3/, 6x/f], kvf{n cflb agfpg jf To:tf] hUuf
cfafb ug{ x'Fb}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ sf] pNnª\3g u/L s;}n] s'g} 3/, 6x/f], kvf{n cflb agfPdf jf
hUuf cfafb u/]df To;/L agfPsf] 3/ 6x/f], kvf{n cflb jf nufPsf] afnLsf] s'g} Ifltk"lt{
glbO{ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf ;+:yfn] hkmt ug{ ;Sg]5 .
##= Ps sfdsf] nflu lnPsf] hUuf cGo sfdsf] nflu k|of]u ug{ ;lsg ] M g]kfn ;/sf/ jf
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yfsf] nflu dfq o; P]g adf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf]
hUuf h'g sfdsf] nflu k|fKt ul/Psf] xf] ;f]xL sfdsf nflu cfjZos gk/]df jf To:tf]
sfddf k|of]u u/]/ a9L x'g cfPdf To;/L cfjZos gk/]sf] jf a9L ePsf] hUufnfO{ g]kfn
;/sf/n] eP cGo s'g} ;fj{hlgs sfddf / To:tf] ;+:yfn] eP bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -!_ df
tf]lsPsf] sfdx¿dWo] s'g} sfddf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]5 .
#$= cfjZos gePsf] hUuf ;flas hUufjfnfnfO{ lkmtf{ ug'{kg]{ M -!_ o; P]g adf]lhd k|fKt
ul/Psf] hUuf h'g sfdsf] nflu k|fKt ul/Psf] xf], ;f] sfdsf] nflu cfjZos gk/L jf k|of]u
u/]/ a9L x'g cfPsf] hUuf bkmf ## adf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/ jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj
ePsf] ;+:yfn] cGo sfddf k|of]u gu/]df To:tf] cfjZos gk/]sf] jf a9L ePsf] hUuf
;flas hUufjfnfnfO{ lkmtf{ ul/lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k"0f{ :jfldTj ePsf] ;+:yf afx]s c¿ ;+:yfsf] nflu o;
P]gadf]lhd k|fKt ul/Psf] hUuf bkmf $ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ul/Psf] lnvt adf]lhdsf]
sfddf k|of]u gu/]df To:tf] hUuf ;flas hUufjfnfnfO{ lkmtf{ ul/lbg' kg]{5 .


-#_ pkbkmf -!_ / -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtfklg o; P]g adf]lhd ljt/0f
ePsf] d'cfAhfdWo] lkmtf{ ul/g] hUuf hltsf] d'cfAhfsf] /sd ;fljs hUufjfnfn] lkmtf{
ga'emP;Dd o; bkmfadf]lhd hUuf lkmtf{ ul/g] 5}g .
-$_ o; bkmfadf]lhd ;flas hUufjfnfaf6 d'cfAhf / yk /sd a'lemlnO{ hUuf
lkmtf{ ug]{ sfd :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] ug]{5 .
-%_ ;flas hUufjfnfnfO{ hUuf lkmtf{ u/]kl5 ;f] hUuf lghsf] gfpFdf gfd;f/L /
bflvn vfl/h ug{sf] nflu :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] ;DalGwt sfof{nodf n]vL k7fpg' kg]{5 /
To;/L n]vL cfPkl5 pQm sfof{non] klg gfd;f/L / bflvn vfl/h u/L To;sf] ;"rgf
:yfgLo clwsf/LnfO{ lbg' kg]{5 /
#%= k|fKt ul/Psf] hUuf laqmL ug{ ;lsg] M bkmf #$ adf]lhd lkmtf{ ul/g] hUuf ;flas
hUufjfnfn] lng grfx]df jf lgh km]nf gk/]df c¿ s;}nfO{ lalqm ug{ ;lsg]5 .
#^= tf]lsPsf] Dofbleq p7fO{ gnu]df dfnj:t' lkmtf{ ug'{ gkg]{ M o; P]gsf] ljleGg bkmfx¿
adf]lhd s'g} hUufdf nufPsf] afnL, ?v tyf To;df ag]sf] 3/, kvf{n cflb p7fO{ n}hfg
kfpg]df tf]lsPsf] Dofbleq To:tf] dfna:t' p7fO{ gnu]df tL dfna:t' :yfgLo clwsf/Ln]
cfˆgf] sAhfdf lng ;Sg]5 / To:tf] dfna:t'df ;DalGwt dfnwgLsf] s'g} bfaL nfUg] 5}g .
#&= tf]lsPsf] Dofbleq Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhf a'lemlng' kg]{ M o; P]gsf] ljleGg bkmfx¿df
Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhf lngsf] nflu tf]lsPsf] Dofbleq ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] ;f] /sd lng
gcfPdf jf lng d~h'/ gu/]df :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] To:tf] Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhfsf] /sd
a'‰gsf] nflu tLg dxLgfsf] clGtd Dofb lbO{ ;"rgf k|sflzt ug'{ kg]{5 . ;f] Dofbleq klg
lng gcfpg] ;/f]sf/jfnf JolQmn] To:tf] Ifltk"lt{ jf d'cfAhf kfpg] 5}g / ;f] Ifltk"lt{ jf
d'cfAhfsf] /sd ;l~rt sf]ifdf bflvn ul/g]5 .
#*= :yfgLo clwsf/Ln] d2t ug'kg]{ M o; P]g adf]lhd s'g sfd ug{ clwsf/ kfPsf] s'g}
clwsf/Ln] cfkm"n] ug'{kg]{ s'g} sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf ================== k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L jf

k|x/Lsf] d2t dfUg ;sg]5 / To;/L d2t dfluPsf]df ================= k|dv
' lhNnf
clwsf/L tyf k|x/Ln] d2t lbg' kg]{5 .
#(= b08 ;hfo M -!_ s;}n] bkmf ^ adf]lhdsf] s'g} sf/afO{ ug{ nfUbf afwf la/f]w u/L To:tf]
sfd sf/afO{ ug{ glbPdf jf To:tf] sfd sf/afO{ ug{ hfg] JolQmx¿nfO{ x"nx'Hht u/]df
jf xftkft u/]df jf To:tf] sfd sf/afO{sf] l;nl;nfdf h8fg jf v8f ul/Psf] s'g}

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)$* åf/f lemlsPsf] .


pks/0fnfO{ tf]8kmf]8 u/]df jf nufPsf] jf agfPsf] lrGx jf gS;f d]l6lbPdf jf lauf/L

lbPdf Ps xhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf jf Ps dlxgf;Dd s}b jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 .
-@_ s;}n] bkmf ( adf]lhd ;"rgf 6fF; ubf{ afwf lj/f]w u/]df jf x'nx'Hht u/]df
Ps xhf/ ?kofF;Dd hl/jfgf x'g]5 .
-#_ bkmf !@ sf] pkbkmf -!_ jf bkmf @% sf] pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd :yfgLo
clwsf/Ln] hUuf sAhfdf lnFbf s;}n] afwf lj/f]w jf x'nx'Hht u/]df Ps xhf/ ?kofF;Dd
hl/jfgf jf Ps dlxgf;Dd s}b jf b'j} ;hfo x'g]5 .
$)= d'2f x]g]{ / k'g/fj]bg ;'Gg] clwsf/Lx¿ M -!_ o; P]g cGtu{t ;hfo x'g] s;"/ ;DaGwL
d'2fsf] z'? sf/afO{ / ls/fgf ug]{ clwsf/ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/LnfO{ x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] u/]sf] lg0f{o pk/ k}+tL; lbgleq

lhNnf cbfntdf k'g/fj]bg nfUg]5 .
$!= g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL x'g] M o; P]g cGtu{tsf] d'2f g]kfn ;/sf/ jfbL x'g]5 .
$@= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M o; P]gsf] p2]Zo sfof{lGjt ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgodx¿
agfpg ;Sg]5 .
$#= vf/]hL / arfp M -!_ hUuf k|fKt P]g, @)!* vf/]h ul/Psf] 5 .
-@_ of] P]g k|f/De x'bfFsf] avt hUuf k|flKt P]g, @)!* cGtu{t s'g} hUuf k|fKt
ug]{ ;DaGwdf eO/x]sf] sfd sf/afO{ of] P]g k|f/De ePkl5 o;} P]g cGtu{t eP u/]sf]
dfgL ;f] sfd sf/afO{ rfn" /fVg ;lsg]5 .

 s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

b|i6AoM -!_ lhNnf lasf; ;ldlt P]g, @)$* åf/f ¿kfGt/0f ul/Psf zAbx¿M–
-s_ ælhNnf ;efÆ sf] ;§f ælhNnf kl/ifb\Æ .
-v_ ælhNnf k~rfotÆ sf] ;§f ælhNnf lasf; ;ldltÆ .
-@_ :yfgLo k|zf;g -t];|f] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)$* åf/f ¿kfGt/0f ul/Psf zAbx¿M–
ælhNnf sfof{noÆ sf] ;§f ælhNnf k|zf;g sfof{noÆ .
-#_ s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^# åf/f ¿kfGt/ ePsf zAbx¿M–
æ>L % sf] ;/sf/Æ eGg] zAbsf] ;§f æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ .


Land Acquisition Act, 2034 (1977)

Date of Authentication and publication

Bhadra 22, 2034 (September 7, 1977)

1. Administration of Justice Act, 2048 (1977) 2048.2.16

2. The Act Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992) 2049.1.8

3. The Act Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2055 (1998) 2055.4.26

4. Republic strengthening and Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2066 (2010) 2066.10.7

Act No. 25 of the year 2034 B.S. (1977)

A Law Enacted to Amend and consolidate Current Nepal law Pertaining to

Land Acquisition

Preamble : Where it is expedient to amend and consolidate current Nepal law

pertaining to land acquisition, now therefore, His majesty’s King Birendra Bir Bikram
Shah Dev has enActed this law with the advice and approval of the Rastriya

1. Short Title, Extent and commencement: (1) This Act may be called "Land
Acquisition Act, 2034 (1977).
(2) It shall be applicable throughout Nepal
(3) It shall come into force immediately.

2. Definitions: In this Act, unless the subject or the context otherwise requires,

(a) "Land" means any land belonging to any person, and walls, buildings,
trees, etc., permanently installed thereon.

(b) "Public Purposes" means undertaken in the interest of or for the benefit
or use of the general public, or functions to be undertaken by
Government of Nepal and the term also included the following:
(1) Project approved by Government of Nepal.
(2) Project undertaken by local bodies in different levels.
(c) "Local Officer" means an officer designated by Government of Nepal
and where no such officer is designated, the Chief District Officer.
(d) "Concerned person" means the person who is entitled to the
compensation payable for lands acquired under this Act.
(e) "Institution" means a Company, Development, Board, or Corporation
established or formed pursuant to the prevailing law.
3. Power of Government of Nepal to Acquire Lands for Public Purpose :
Government of Nepal may, if it so deems necessary, acquire any land at any
place for any public purpose, subject to compensation under this Act.
4. Power to Acquire Land for Institution : (1) In case institution requests
Government of Nepal for the acquisition of land for any of the following
purposes, subject to payment of compensation and all other expenses under this
Act, Government of Nepal may decide to have the land acquired for such
(a) To construct residential quarters for the staff, workers or
laboarers of the institution, or otherwise provide for their
welfare, or undertake any function in the interest of the
general public.
(b) To operate a project connected with an institution fully
owned by Government of Nepal, or to construct a go

down for the storage of any commodes or material

connected with or manufactured by any such institution.
(2) Proceeding regarding the acquisition of land under this Act shall
not be initiated unless the institution requesting for land acquisition has
executed a deed in respect to the following matters:
(a) Payment to Government of Nepal of all the expenses
incurred or likely to be incurred for the acquisition of the
(b) If the land is meant for the construction of residential
quarters for workers or technical personnel, or for any
function intended for their comfort, the period required for
the completion of such building, the design or type
thereof, and the such building, the design or type thereof,
and the period for which it will be maintained.
(c) If any other construction purpose, the estimated time for
construction and mode of for use.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained pursuant to Sub-section (1),
Government of Nepal shall not acquire the land except practical purpose of
agricultural for research, if the institution requires the land for agriculture.
5. Decision of Acquiring Land and Officer for Preliminary Action: (1) At
least Gazetted Class Three Officer or Head of the Office in case Gazetted
Officer is not available at that Office acquiring the land and the Project Chief
in case of a project may initiate preliminary action to confirm the place and
land after the decision made by the Government of Nepal to acquire the land
for the purpose of Section 3 and 4.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), Government

of Nepal may order at least Officer level employee of the institution, if such
institution requests to nominate an employee to initiate preliminary action
pursuant to Sub-section (1).
6. Preliminary action relating to Acquire Land: (1) The officer initiating
preliminary Action pursuant to Section 5 shall put a copy of notice in
following office or place for the purpose of stakeholder,
(a) A place where people mostly move near by the concerned
(b) Concerned Village Development Committee and
Municipality Office,
(c) House door or compound wall, if house and compound
wall has to be acquired.
(2) The officer initiating preliminary action may enter into the
concerned land or house a compound along with employee and workers for the
purpose of following works after three days of Notification pursuant to Sub-
section (1).
(a) To survey or mapping of such land,
(b) To collect the sample of the soil, stone etc, to dig or
boring for to find out whether the land is appropriate or
not to acquire.
(c) Erect pillars, etc., or otherwise demarcate lands
considered suitable for acquisition,
(d) Install any equipment for any of the operations mentioned
in Clause (a) or (b).

(3) In case it becomes necessary to cut or uproot any crop or tree on

the land which is to be acquired, or to remove or demolish any wall or
obstruction located therein in the course of any of the operations indicated in
Clause (a to d) of Sub-Section (2), any person may do so with the approval of
the officer responsible for preliminary Action, and such functions shall be
performed as far as possible in the presence of the concerned person.
7. Compensation for Losses : (1) Compensation shall be paid for losses
resulting from clearing of crops and trees, and of demolition of walls, etc., or
for damage, if any, suffered as a result of the removal or digging of earth,
stone, ditches, or boring.
(2) The officer responsible for preliminary Action shall determine
the amount of compensation payable under Sub-Section (1) and pay the same
to the concerned person.
(3) In case the concerned person is not satisfied with the amount of
compensation determined under Sub-Section (2), he/she may file a complaint
with the chief District Officer on which he/she receives information thereof,
and in such cases the decision of the Chief District Officer shall be final.
8. Report to be Submitted in Respect to Findings of preliminary
Action: (1) The officer responsible for preliminary Action shall complete
such Action within fifteen days from the starting of it, determinate whether the
land is suitable for acquisition, and then submit a report containing necessary
information in respect to such Action to the local office as early as possible .
(2) The report to be submitted under Sub-Section (1) shall also
mention the amount of compensation determined under Sub-Section (2) of
Section 7, and contain full particulars of losses.

9. Notification of Land Acquisition : (1) After receiving a report of

preliminary Action submitted under Section 8, the local officer shall issue a
notification containing the following particulars in respect to the land.
(a) The purpose for which the land is to be acquired,
(b) Whether only the land is to be acquired, or whether it is to
be acquired along with the houses and walls located
(c) The name of the Village Development Committee and
Municipality and ward number in which the land is
(d) The plot number, if the land has already been surveyed
and measured,
(e) If the land has not already been surveyed and measured,
such particulars as will help to identify it, and particulars
regarding the boundaries thereof,
(f) Area of the land,
(g) Other necessary particulars,
(2) One copy of the notice mentioned in Sub-Section (1) shall be
affixed at each of the following offices or places:
(a) The local office of the project for which land is to be
(b) District government office,
(c) The appropriate Village Development Committee or
Municipality Office,
(d) The Land Revenue Office,
(e) Thoroughfares Located around the concerned land,

(f) Such other place as the local officer may deem

(3) In case the local officer is satisfied that the concerned person will
not be able to know (about the land acquisition) notwithstanding the
publication of a notice under Sub-Section (1), he/she may, if he/she so deems
appropriate and feasible, personally send a notice to such person. In case the
amount of compensation has already been determined by the time such notice
is delivered to such person, the local officer shall also indicate in such notice
the period within which he/she should appear for receiving the compensation,
and the name of the office from where he/she should do so.
(4) After the notice mentioned in Sub-Section (1) has been affixed,
the appropriate Land Revenue Office of documents relinquishing title to the
concerned land in any manner. The suspension shall be lifted in case the local
officer directs the Land Administration or Revenue Office in writing to that
10. Particulars to be Given in Notices Relating to Land Acquisition : The
notice to be issued under Sub-Section (1) of Section shall also indicate the
following particulars for the information of the concerned person:
(a) Particulars to the effect that the concerned person shall submit an
application claiming compensation within a minimum time-limit of
fifteen days, along with documentary evidence of his/her title to the
(b) The time-limit within which the concerned person will be allowed to fell
trees or corps grown by him/her on the land, and demolish houses or
walls located therein, if he/she is permitted to do so.

11. Right of Landowner to File complain : (1) Within a time-limit of seven

days from the date of the publication of a notice under Section 9, plus the time
required for the journey involved, the concerned landowner may file a

complaint with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of Nepal
through the local officer, explaining the reasons, if any, why his/her land
should not be acquired. If the tenant has built any brick-house on the land with
the consent of the landowner, such tenant may also file a complaint under this
Sub-Section with respect to such house and the land occupied by it.
(2) Before taking a decision on the complaint filed under Sub-

Section (2), Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of Nepal shall
consult the officer responsible for preliminary Action, and, if necessary, the
local officer as well.
(3) For the purpose of taking decision in respect to the complaint
filed under Sub-Section (1), the ♣ Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government
of Nepal hearing complains under this Section shall exercise the powers
vested in a district court in respect to conducting local investigations
(sarjameen), summoning witnesses, recording statements or procuring
(4) Decision on complaints to be made under Sub-Section (2), shall
be pronounced ordinarily within fifteen days from the date of receipt of such

Amendment by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992)

12. Power to Occupy Land : (1) The local officer shall take possession of the
concern land and hand it over to the office or institution for which it is
acquired after a decision has been made on complaint, if any, filed under Sub-
Section (1) of Sub-Section 11 after the publication of the notice under Sub-
Section (1) of Section 9, or at any time after the expiry of the time limit for
filing a complaint, if no complaint has been received. Such land may then
utilized for the purpose for which it is acquired. After taking possession of the
land in this manner, the local officer shall notify Government of Nepal
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Section (1), in case
any house is to be acquired along with the land, and if it is being occupied
personally by the owner thereof, it shall not be taken possession of (by the
local officer) unless (the owner thereof) is paid 50 percent of the amount of
compensation payable to him/her, if such compensation has already been
determined, or reasonable expenses in advance as required to enable him/her
to shift his residence, if the amount of compensation has not already been
13. Form of Compensation and Officer powered to Determine It: (1)
Compensation payable under this Act shall be paid in cash.
(2) There shall be a committee consisting of the following officers to
determine the amount of compensation payable under Sub-Section (1):
(a) Chief District Officer,
(b) Land Administrator or Chief of the Land Revenue Office,

(c) The Project-in-chief, if the land has been acquired for a

project, and if it has been acquired for any other purpose,
an officer designated by the ♣Chief District Officer,
(d) A representative of the District Development Committee .
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Section (1), the
amount of compensation may be determined separately in the case of persons
whose land is wholly acquired, and of those whose land is partially acquired.
14. Allotment of Other Lands in Exchange : In case any person whose land is
wholly acquired under this Act wants to obtain compensation in the form of
land elsewhere, Government of Nepal may, in exchange for such land, allot
him/her any waste land, or land belonging to itself, or any other land which it
is going to allot or sell in accordance with prevailing Nepal law, if available.
15. Compensation for Guthi lands : In the case of Guthi lands acquired
under this Act, compensation shall be paid inaccordance with the
provisions of the Guthi Corporation Act,1976.
16. Criteria to be Considered While Determining Compensation: (1) The
Compensation Fixation Committee shall take the following criteria into
consideration while determining compensation for lands to be acquired for
Government of Nepal, Local Bodies, and institutions fully owned by
Government of Nepal.
(a) The guidelines issued by Government of Nepal from time
to time in respect to the fixation of compensation and,

Amendment by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992)


(b) The losses suffered by the concerned person as a result of

his having been required to shift the residence or the place
of his/her business by reason of acquisition of the land.
(2) While determining the amount of compensation for land to be
acquired for institutions other than Local Bodies, and institutions fully owned
by Government of Nepal, the compensation Fixation committee shall take the
following criteria into consideration:
(a) The price of the land at the time of the publication of a
notice of land acquisition under Section 9,
(b) The Value of the crops, houses, walls, sheds, etc, if any,
acquired along with the land,
(c) The losses which the concerned person will suffer as a
result of shifting his/her residence, or the place of his/her
business, by reason of the acquisition of his/her land.
17. Determination of compensation for Land Acquired Out of Surplus
Land : Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 16, in case the land to
be acquired for Government of Nepal, Local Bodies, or institutions fully
owned by Government of Nepal happens to be part of the land taken excess of
the ceiling on landholding prescribed in the Lands Act, 1964 the amount of
compensation therefor shall not exceed the amount payable under the Lands
Act, 1964.
18. List of Persons Entitled to Compensation and Complaints against it :
(1) On the basis of the applications received within the time-limit prescribed in
the notification issued under Section 9, the local officer shall prepare a list of
persons entitled to compensation, and issue a notice accordingly for the
information of the concerned persons.


(2) A person who is not satisfied with the list contained in the
notification issued under Sub-Section (2) may file a complaint with the

Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of Nepal within fifteen days
after the publication of such notification.
(3) In case any complaint filed under Sub-Section (2) relates to
questions other than those involving a dispute over ownership or possession,
the ♣ Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of Nepal shall dispose of the
same ordinarily within fifteen days. But in case such complaint concerns a
dispute over ownership or possession, no Action shall be taken thereon, and a
notice stating that compensation shall be paid to the person who establishes
his/her title through the final decision of the court shall be served on to the
concerned persons. Such notice shall also indicate the name of the office
which will hold custody of the amount of compensation.
(4) The person who establishes his/her claim on the basis of the final
decision pronounced by the court on a case relating to dispute over
ownership or possession, shall receive the amount kept in custody, under
Sub-Section (3) within two years after such final decision. In case such
person fails to receive the amount kept in custody after the expiry of that
time-limit, it shall be credited to the Consolidated Fund.
19. Notice to be Given After Fixation of Compensation : After the
Compensation Fixation committee has determined the amount of
compensation, the Chief District Officer shall notify Government of Nepal

Amendment by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992)


20. Compensation to be Obtained by Tenants : In case the land to be

acquired under this Act is a tenancy holding, ♠ fifty percent of the amount of
compensation payable for such land shall be obtained by the tenant. Provided
that in case a house constructed by the tenant with the consent of the
landowner is also acquired, the tenant shall receive the entire amount of
compensation paid for such house.
21. Arrears Due to the Government may be Deducted from
compensation : In case any amount of land or other tax levy is due from the
concerned person at the time of payment of compensation for his/her land, it
may be deducted from such compensation.
22. Devolution of Ownership : After any land has been taken possession of (by
the local Officer) under Section 12, the ownership thereof shall accrue to
Government of Nepal or to any institution for which the land has been
23. Transfer of Title and Adjustment in Land of Record Revenue
Register: (1) Within fifteen days after taking possession of land ownership of
which has accrued to Government of Nepal or any institution under Section 22,
the local officer shall write to the office possessing records of such land to
effect the transfer thereof to Government of Nepal, or to the concerned
institution, as the case may be, after removing entries thereof in the land
Revenue records and such office shall do so, and notify the local officer and
the outgoing landowner accordingly as early as possible.

Amendment by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2055 (1998)


(2) Adjustment in records and transfer of title to the land shall be

deemed to have been of feted from the date of accruement of ownership
thereof, irrespective of the date on which removal or transfer has been Actually
been effected.
(3) In case the records of lands acquired under Nepal law in force
immediately before the commencement of this Act do not appear to have been
adjusted, those shall be deemed to have been ipso facto adjusted after the
commencement of this Act.
24. No Effect on Circumstances Existing Prior to transfer of Ownership :
(1) In case any land or other tax is due from the expropriated landowner still
the day preceding the accruement of ownership of his land to Government of
Nepal or to any institution under this Act, this section shall not adversely affect
to recover such arrears from him/her even after the trans of ownership of
his/her land.
(2) In case any tenancy holding is acquired, nothing contained in this
section shall be deemed to have affect the right of the expropriated
landowner to initiate Action to recover arrears of kut rent due from the tenant
for the period preceding the acquisition.
25. Special Powers to Acquire Land in Special Circumstance: (1) In case
it becomes urgently necessary for Government of Nepal to acquire any land to
maintain transport or communication facilities, or to ensure safety of life and
property against extensive damage, or to protect any other public property in
the event of sudden diversion of the course of any river, or any natural disaster,
or any other extraordinary circumstances, it may, notwithstanding anything
contained elsewhere in this Act, order the local officer to initiate Action for the
acquisition of such land after making a decision to that effect.


(2) In relation to the land to be acquired for the purpose of as

mentioned in Clause (1), the local officer shall issue a notice for the
information of the concerned person, containing such particulars as
mentioned in Sub-Section (1) as are available. Such notice may be issued in
any form he/she may deem appropriate, after being satisfied that the
concerned persons will be informed of it as early as possible.
(3) The local officer may occupy land at any time after the issue of a
notice under Sub-Section (2), and the ownership of Government of Nepal
over such land shall be effective from the date of the occupation of such land.
(4) In case any crop, tree, house, or wall standing on the land to be
acquired under this Section is acquired along with the land, the concerned
person shall be paid compensation therefor.
(5) Compensation for land to be acquired under this Section shall be
determined by the Compensation fixation committee formed under Section 13.
(6) Except in case relating to the amount of compensation, no
complaint against the acquisition of land shall be entertained.
(7) Any person who is not satisfied with the amount of compensation
may file a complaint with the ♣Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government of
Nepal within fifteen days from the date of the issue of the notice of fixation
of compensation, and, in such cases, the decision of the ♣Ministry of Home
Affairs, the Government of Nepal shall be final.
(8) In regard to the removal of entries in the land revenue records of
lands acquired under this Section, the local officer shall take Action on the

Amendment by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992)


basis of the procedure indicated in Section 23. The provisions of Section 24

shall also be applicable to such lands.
26. Consent of Landowner : In case Government of Nepal has already used any
land for any public purpose, compensation payable for such land, even if it has
not been acquired in accordance with the provisions of this Act, may be
determined under this Act, provided that the concerned landowner gives his
consent to do so. Such land shall be deemed to have been acquired under this
Act after compensation has been determined in this manner.
27. Acquisition of Land Through Negotiations : Notwithstanding anything
contained elsewhere in this Act, Government of Nepal may acquire any land
for any purpose through negotiations with the concerned landowner. It shall
not be necessary to comply with the procedure laid down in this Act while
acquiring lands through negotiations.
28. Power to Acquire Land for Diplomatic Missions and International
Agencies : (1) lands may be acquired under this Act for the use of diplomatic
missions, including consulates, and of international agencies.
(2) Compensation for lands to be acquired under Sub-Section (1)
shall be determined in accordance with Sub-Section (2) of Section 16.
29. Acquisition of Land Along with Buildings, etc : In case the concerned
person submits an application requesting that all crop, trogon, walls, buildings,
etc., located on the land which is to be acquired under this Act also be
acquired, Action shall be taken accordingly .
30. Power of Government of Nepal to Take Decision Not to Acquire
Lands: (1) At any stage of the proceedings already started for the acquisition
of land under this Act, Government of Nepal may decide not to acquire the


same, and, in such case, the local officer shall affix a notice under Sub-Section
(2) of Section for the information of the concerned persons.
(2) Irrespective of whether proceedings in respect to the acquisition
of lands are staged, if any losses are suffered as a result of preliminary Action
initiated under Section 6, the officer responsible for such Action shall
determine the amount of compensation under Section 7, where it has not
already been paid.
31. No Tenancy Right on Land Given to Others for Cultivation:
Government of Nepal or any institution may let any land acquired under this
Act for cultivation to nay person on contrAct until it is used for the purpose for
which it has been acquired. Such cultivator shall not be entitled to the tenancy
rights according to current Nepal law by virtue of cultivation of such land .
32. Confiscation of Building constructed or crops Grown Without
Permission : (1) After the ownership of land acquired under this Act by the
Government of Nepal, or any institution, no person shall construct any
building, shed, wall, etc, on such land, or cultivate without the written
approval of Government of Nepal or the concerned institution.
(2) In case any person constructs any building, shed, wall, etc., or
cultivates the land in contravention of Sub-Section (1), Government of Nepal
or the concerned institution, may confiscate such structure, or the crop grown
on the land, without paying compensation.
33. Land Acquired for Purpose may be be used for Another purpose :
In case the land, acquired for the Government of Nepal or on institution fully
owned by the Government of Nepal pursuant to this Act, is not required for
that purpose as it was acquired or there remains surplus land upon using it for
that purpose, the Government may use such land for public purpose and the

institution may use such land in of the activity as mentioned in Sub-section (1)
of Section 4.
34. Land found Unnecessary to be Returned to Expropriated
Landowner: (1) If any land acquired pursuant to this Act is found
unnecessary for the purpose for which it has been acquired, or there remains
surplus land upon using for such purpose, it shall be returned to the
expropriated land-owner, unless it is otherwise utilized by Government of
Nepal or an institution fully owned by it under Section 33.
(2) In case any land, acquired under this Act for any institution other
than one fully owned by Government of Nepal is not utilized for the purpose
mentioned in the agreement executed under Sub-Section (2) of Section 4,
such land shall be returned to the expropriated landowner.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Sections (1) and (2),
no land shall be returned under this Section unless the expropriated
landowner has refunded the amount of compensation paid for such land
under this Act.
(4) The local officer shall return the land on refund of compensation
and additional amount by the expropriated landowner under this Section.
(5) After land has been returned to the expropriated landowner, the
local officer shall direct the appropriate office in writing to update the record
accordingly in the name of the landowner, and the appropriate office shall
then Act and notify the same to the local officer.
35. Power to Sell Land Which Has Been Acquired : In case the expropriated
landowner refuses to get back the land under Section 34, or is not traced, it
may be sold to any other person.


36. Goods Not to be Returned If Not Lifted Within prescribed Time-

Limit : In case the person permitted to lift the crop, tree or building or wall
constructed on the land in accordance with the different provisions of this Act
fails to do so with the prescribed time limit, the local officer may impound the
same, and no claim by such person to such crops, trees, house, or wall shall be
37. Compensation to be Received within prescribed Time-Limit : In case
the concerned person fails to receive compensation within the time limit
prescribed for the purpose under the different provisions of this Act, or refuses
to accept it, the local officer shall issue a notice prescribing a final time-limit
of three months for receiving such compensation. In case the concerned person
fails to receive compensation even with in such time-limit, he/she shall not be
entitled to any compensation.
38. Local Officer to Provide Assistance : Any officer who is empowered
under this Act to perform any Action may request ..........× the chief district
officer, or the police for assistance in the course thereof, and in that event,
............ × the Chief District Officer, or the police shall provide assistance.
39. Penalties : (1) In case any person opposes or obstructs any Action being taken
under Section 6, or uses force the persons who are taking such Action, or
assaults them, or destroys any equipment installed or erected, or erases or
damages any marker or map installed or made in the course of such Action,

Deleted by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992)


he/she shall be punished with a fine not exceeding one thousand rupees, or
with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month, or with both.
(2) In case any person opposes or obstructs or creates disturbances
which affixing the Notice he/she shall be punished with fine not exceeding
Rs. 1,000.
(3) In case any person opposes or obstructs or creates disturbances
while occupying the land by the local officer under Sub-Section (3) of
Section 25, he/she shall be punished with a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000, or
with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month, or with both.

40. Authority to Hear Cases and Appeals : (1) The original jurisdiction in
respect to offenses punishable under this Act shall be in the Chief District
(2) Appeals against any decision made by the Chief District Officer
under Sub-Section (1) shall be entertained ♣ in Court of Appeal within thirty-
five days.

41. Government of Nepal to be the Plaintiff : Government of Nepal shall be

the plaintiff the in all case filed under this Act.

42. Power to Frame Rules : Government of Nepal may frame Rules to

implement the objectives of this Act.

♣ Amendment by Amending Some Nepal Acts, 2048 (1992)


43. Repeal and Saving : (1) The Land Acquisition Act, 1961 has been repealed.
(2) Any Action taken for the purpose of acquisition of land under the
Land Acquisition Act, 1961 at the time of commence of this Act shall be
deemed to have been taken under this Act after the commencement thereof
and may be continued as if it was started under this Act.
Note :
1. The words changed by the District Development Committee Act, 2048 :-
(a) Instead of "District Assembly" to "District Council"
(b) Instead of "District Panchayat" to "District Development Committee "
2. The words changed by Local Administration (Third amendment ) Act, 2048
Instead of "District Office " to "District Administration Office "


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jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ;DaGwdf Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]g

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s'/fnfO{ Wofgdf /fVb} jftfj/0fLo x|f;af6 dfgj hflt, hLjhGt', jg:klt, k|s[lt tyf ef}lts
j:t' dfly x'g ;Sg] k|lts"n k|efjnfO{ oyfzSo sd u/L :jR5 tyf :j:y jftfj/0f sfod
ug{ / k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] ;d'lrt pkof]u / Joj:yfkgaf6 jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ug]{ ;DaGwdf
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of] P]g agfPsf] 5 .
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-@_ of] P]g g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] ldltb]lv
k|f/De x'g]5 .
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-s_ æjftfj/0fÆ eGgfn] k|fs[lts, ;f+:s[lts / ;fdflhs k|0ffnLx?, cfly{s tyf
dfgjLo lqmofsnfkx? / logsf cjojx? tyf tL cjojx?sf] aLrsf]
cGt/lqmof tyf cGt/ ;DaGw ;D´g' k5{ .
-v_ æk|b"if0fÆ eGgfn] jftfj/0fdf k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kn] kl/jt{g u/L jftfj/0fdf
pNn]vgLo x|f; Nofpg], Iflt k'¥ofpg] jf jftfj/0fsf] nfebfoL jf pkof]uL
k|of]hgdf xfgL gf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg] lqmofsnfk ;D´g' k5{ .

of] P]g ;+jt\ @)^% ;fn h]7 !% ut] b]lv nfu" ePsf] .
 u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .
 of] P]g ldlt @)%$.#.!) b]lv k|f/De x'g] u/L tf]lsPsf] -g]kfn /fhkq ldlt @)%$.#.!)_ .


-u_ æ;+/If0fÆ eGgfn] jftfj/0f tyf /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;'/Iff, :ofxf/, ;Def/,
;Da4{g, Joj:yfkg tyf ;b'kof]u ;D´g' k5{ .
-3_ æk|:tfjÆ eGgfn] ljBdfg jftfj/0fLo cj:yfdf kl/jt{g Nofpg ;Sg] lsl;dsf]
ljsf; sfo{, ef}lts lqmofsnfk jf e"–pkof]usf] kl/jt{g ug]{ s'g} of]hgf,
cfof]hgf jf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ ;DaGwdf tof/ ul/Psf] k|:tfj ;D´g'
k5{ .
-ª_ æk|:tfjsÆ eGgfn] k|:tfjsf] :jLs[ltsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg] / To:tf] k|:tfj
sfof{Gjog ug{ :jLs[lt k|fKt JolQm, ;/sf/L, cw{ ;/sf/L jf u}/ ;/sf/L lgsfo
jf ;+:yf ;D´g' k5{ .
-r_ æk|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0fÆ eGgfn] s'g} k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ ;f] k|:tfjn]
jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ jf gkfg]{, To:tf] k|efjnfO{ s'g}
pkfoåf/f x6fpg jf sd ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] ;DaGwdf osLg ug{ tof/
ul/g] ljZn]if0ffTds cWoog tyf d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg ;D´g' k5{ .
-5_ æjftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sgÆ eGgfn] s'g} k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjog ubf{ ;f] k|:tfjn]
jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ jf gkfg]{, To:tf] k|efjnfO{ s'g}
pkfoåf/f x6fpg jf sd ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] ;DaGwdf osLg ug{ tof/
ul/g] lj:t[t cWoog tyf d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg ;D´g' k5{ .
-h_ ækmf]x/ d}nfÆ eGgfn] jftfj/0fdf x|f; cfpg] u/L lgisfzg ul/Psf] t/n, 7f];
Uof+;, n]bf], w"jfF, w"nf], ljls/0fo'Qm tTj jf kbfy{ jf To:t} k|sf/sf cGo
j:t'x? ;D´g' k5{ .
-´_ ælgisfzgÆ eGgfn] WjgL, tfk jf kmf]x/ d}nf kmfNg], y'kfg]{, jf lgisfzg ug]{
sfo{ ;D´g' k5{ .
-`_ æh}ljs ljljwtfÆ eGgfn] kfl/l:yltsLo k|0ffnL -Osf] l;:6d_ sf] ljljwtf,
k|hftLo ljljwtf -:k]l;h 8fOj/l;6L_ tyf j+zf0f' ljljwtf -h]g]l6s
8fOj/l;6L_ ;D´g' k5{ .
-6_ æ/fli6«o ;DkbfÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ================= sf k|fs[lts, ;f+:s[lts,
P]ltxfl;s, k'/ftflTjs, j}1flgs, cfWoflTds, ;f}Gbo{k/s jf ;fdflhs b[li6af6
dfgj hfltsf nflu dxTjk"0f{ dflgg] jftfj/0f;+u ;DalGwt s'g} klg j:t', :yn,
jg:klt tyf hLj hGt' ;D´g' k5{ .

 u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


-7_ ædGqfnoÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ;/sf/, hg;+Vof tyf jftfj/0f dGqfno ;D´g' k5{ .
-8_ ætf]lsPsf]Æ jf ætf]lsP adf]lhdÆ eGgfn] o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgoddf
tf]lsPsf] jf tf]lsP adf]lhd ;D´g' k5{ .
#= k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ug{' kg]{ M k|:tfjsn]
tf]lsP adf]lhdsf k|:tfjx?sf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f tyf jftfj/0fLo k|efj
d"Nof+sg ug{' kg]{5 .
$= k|:tfj :jLs[t gu/fO{ sfof{Gjog ug{ gx'g ] M of] P]g k|f/De ePkl5 s;}n] klg
;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnoaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] k|:tfj :jLs[t gu/fO{ sfof{Gjog
ug{, u/fpg x'Fb}g .
%= k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] nflu k]z ug{' kg]{ M s'g} k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ rfxg] k|:tfjsn] ;f]
k|:tfjsf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg
;+nUg u/L To:tf] k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] nflu ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf k]z ug{' kg]{5 .
^= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ :jLs[lt lbg ;Sg] M -!_ bkmf % adf]lhd s'g} k|:tfj k|fKt ePdf
;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f] k|:tfj ;fy ;+nUg k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo
k|efj d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg hfFra'´ ubf{ To:tf] k|:tfjn] jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo
k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ gb]lvPdf k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f ul/Psf] k|:tfjsf] xsdf
cfkm}n] :jLs[lt lbg]5 / jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg k|ltjb]g ;DaGwdf cfkmgf] /fo
;lxt ;f] k|:tfj dGqfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo
k/LIf0f ul/Psf] k|ltj]bg hfFra'´ ubf{ To:tf] k|:tfjsf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg
klg ug{' kg]{ b]lvPdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f] k|:tfjsf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ug{
cfb]z lbg ;Sg]5 . o;/L ;DalGwt lgsfon] lbPsf] cfb]z adf]lhd s'g} k|:tfjsn]
jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg u/L k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] nflu k]z u/]df ;f] k|:tfj pk/
cfjZos hfFra'´ u/L cfkmgf] /fo ;lxt ;f] k|:tfj dGqfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd s'g} k|:tfj ;fy jftfj/0fLo k|efj
d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg k|fKt ePdf dGqfnon] ;f] k|ltj]bgsf ;DaGwdf /fo ;'´fj
lbgsf] nflu ;j{;fwf/0fn] ;f] k|ltj]bg cfkm}+n] ptf/ u/L n}hfg kfpg] Joj:yf ug]{5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd k|:tfj ;fy k|fKt jftfj/0fLo k|efj
d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bgdf /fo ;'´fj lbgsf] nflu dGqfnon] ;DalGwt lgsfosf
ljz]if1x? ;d]t /x]sf] Ps ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .


-%_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd k|fKt jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL
k|ltj]bgdf ;j{;fwf/0fn] s'g} /fo ;'´fj lbPsf] eP ;f] / pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd s'g}
;ldlt u7g ul/Psf]df ;f] ;ldltn] lbPsf] /fo ;'´fj ;d]tsf] cfwf/df To:tf]
k|:tfjn] jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ gb]lvPdf dGqfnon] To:tf] k|:tfj
sfof{Gjog ug{ k|:tfjsnfO{ :jLs[lt lbg]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -%_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k|f/lDes
jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bgaf6 k|:tfjsf]
sfof{Gjog ubf{ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efjnfO{ sd jf lgoGq0f ug{
;lsg] b]lvPdf ;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnon] k|:tfjsnfO{ cfjZos zt{x? tf]sL
k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ :jLs[lt lbg ;Sg]5 .
-&_ k|:tfjsf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f tyf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg
k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ :jLs[lt lbg' kg]{ cjlw / cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
&= k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f M -!_ s;}n] klg jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj
kfg]{ u/L jf hg hLjg / hg :jf:Yosf nflu vt/f x'g ;Sg] lsl;dn] k|b"if0f ;[hgf
ug{ jf tf]lsPsf] dfkb08 ljk/Lt s'g} oflGqs ;fwg, cf}Bf]lus k|lti7fg jf cGo
7fpFaf6 WjgL, tfk, /]l8of]wdL{ ljls/0f tyf kmf]x/ d}nf lgisfzg ug{, u/fpg x'Fb}g .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ ljk/Lt s;}n] s'g} sfo{ u/L jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n
k|efj kf/]sf] b]lvPdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] tt\ ;DaGwdf cfjZos zt{x? tf]Sg jf
To:tf] sfo{ ug{ gkfpg] u/L /f]s nufpg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ s'g} lsl;dsf] kbfy{, OGwg, cf}hf/ jf ;+oGqsf] k|of]uaf6 jftfj/0fdf
pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj k/]sf] jf kg]{ b]lvPdf dGqfnon] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf
k|sfzg u/L To:tf] kbfy{ OGwg, cf}hf/ jf ;+oGqsf] k|of]udf aGb]h nufpg ;Sg]5 .
-$_ k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf tf]lsP adf]lhd
x'g]5 .
*= jftfj/0f lg/LIfs M -!_ k|b"if0f sd ug]{, x6fpg] jf lgoGq0f ug]{ tyf k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo
k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg k|ltj]bg cg';f/ ug{' kg]{ sfdx? k|efjsf/L ?kn]
ug{ u/fpg dGqfnon] nf]s ;]jf cfof]uaf6 lgwf{l/t k|s[of k"/f u/L jftfj/0f lg/LIfsx?
lgo'Qm ug{ jf To:tf] lg/LIfssf] sfd ug]{ u/L s'g} sd{rf/LnfO{ tf]Sg ;Sg]5 . jftfj/0f
lg/LIfsx?sf] of]Uotf tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-@_ jftfj/0f lg/LIfssf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–


-s_ of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod adf]lhd k|b"if0f sd ug]{, x6fpg]
jf lgoGq0f ug]{ sfo{ eP gePsf] lg/LIf0f ug]{,
-v_ of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod ljk/Lt s'g} 7fpFaf6 WjgL, tfk
jf kmf]x/ d}nf lgisfzg u/] gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf lg/LIf0f ug]{,
-u_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug]{ :jLs[lt lb+bf tf]lsPsf zt{x? adf]lhd sfd eP
gePsf] hfFra'´ tyf lg/LIf0f ug]{,
-3_ v08 -s_, -v_ / -u_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f ubf{ b]lvPsf s'/fx?sf] k|ltj]bg
tf]lsPsf] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug]{ .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ sf] v08 -s_, -v_ / -u_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f ug]{ l;nl;nfdf
jftfj/0f lg/LIfsn] ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsnfO{ k"j{ ;"rgf lbO{ s'g} 3/,
hUuf ejg, sf/vfgf, pBf]u, ;jf/L ;fwg, cf}Bf]lus ;+oGq, cf}hf/, d]lzg/L, hLj,
j:t', clen]v, sfuhft jf cGo dfn;fdfg jf j:t'x?sf] lg/LIf0f, k/LIf0f jf hfFra'´
ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf jftfj/0f lg/LIfsnfO{
;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn] cfjZos ;xof]u ug{' kg]{5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -@_ jf -#_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f ug{ hfFbf ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;+:yfn]
lg/LIf0f ug{ glbPdf jf lg/LIf0f ug{ hfFbf sfddf afwf lj/f]w u/]df jftfj/0f
lg/LIfsn] ;f] JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ kfFrxhf/ ?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ pkbkmf -%_ adf]lhd jftfj/0f lg/LIfsn] u/]sf] ;hfo pk/ lrQ ga'‰g]n]
tf]lsPsf] clwsf/L ;dIf ph'/L ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] ph'/Ldf tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln]
u/]sf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 .
-&_ jftfj/0f lg/LIfssf] cGo sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g ]5 .
(= /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f M -!_ /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ug{' ;DalGwt lgsfosf] st{Jo
x'g]5 .
-@_ /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu ;DalGwt lgsfon] kl~hsf
tof/ ul//fVg' kg]{5 / ;f] kl~hsfdf g]kfn ========== leqsf ljZj ;Dkbf ;"rLdf
k/]sf j:t' jf :ynx? ;d]t ;dfj]z ug{' kg]{5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhdsf] kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z ePsf j:t', :yn, jg:klt,
hLjhGt' cflbsf] ;+/If0f tf]lsP adf]lhd ul/g]5 .


!)= jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]q M -!_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0fsf b[li6n] clt dxTjk"0f{ dflgg] k|fs[lts
;Dkbf jf ;f}Gbo{k/s, b'n{e jGohGt', h}ljs ljljwtf, jg:klQ, P]ltxfl;s tyf
;f+:s[lts dxTjsf :ynx? ePsf] g]kfn ================= leqsf] s'g} 7fpFnfO{ g]kfn
;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]q sfod ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd sfod ul/Psf] jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qdf tf]lsP
adf]lhdsf] s'g} sfd ug{ gkfpg] u/L /f]s nufpg ;lsg]5 .
!!= k|of]uzfnfsf] :yfkgf M -!_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f tyf k|b"if0f lgoGq0f ;DaGwL sfo{df
;xof]u k'¥ofpg g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZostf cg';f/ ljleGg k|of]uzfnfx? :yfkgf ug{
jf e}/x]sf s'g} k|of]uzfnfnfO{ ;f] sfdsf] nflu tf]Sg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd :yfkgf ul/Psf jf tf]lsPsf k|of]uzfnfsf] cGo sfd,
st{Jo / clwsf/ tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!@= gd"gf ;+sng ug{ lbg' kg]{ M s'g} klg pBf]u, sf/vfgf, oGq, ;jf/L ;fwg cflbaf6
;[hgf jf lgisfzg x'g] jf x'g ;Sg] k|b"if0f, WjgL, tfk tyf kmf]x/ d}nfsf] cWoog,
k/LIf0f jf ljZn]if0f ug{sf] nflu ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn] ;DalGwt
lgsfoaf6 clwsf/ k|fKt JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ To:tf j:t' jf
kbfy{sf] gd"gf ;+sng ug{ lbg' kg]{5 .
!#= jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sf]ifsf] :yfkgf / ;~rfng M -!_ jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k|b"if0fsf]
/f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0fsf] nflu jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sf]if gfdsf]
Pp6f sf]ifsf] :yfkgf x'g]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhdsf] sf]ifdf b]xfosf /sdx? /xg]5g\ M–
-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 k|fKt /sd .
-v_ ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf cGt/f{li6«o ;+3 ;+:yfaf6 k|fKt /sd .
-u_ cGo ;|f]taf6 k|fKt /sd .
-#_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sf]ifsf] ;~rfng tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
-$_ sf]ifsf] n]vfk/LIf0f dxfn]vfk/LIfsaf6 x'g]5 .
!$= jftfj/0f ;+/If0f kl/ifb\ u7g ug{ ;Sg] M jftfj/0f ;+/If0f ;DaGwL ljifodf g]kfn
;/sf/nfO{ gLltut dfu{ bz{g / /fo ;Nnfx lbg tyf ljleGg lgsfox? aLr ;dGjo
;d]t ug{sf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] jftfj/0f ;DaGwL ljz]if1 tyf /fli6«o :t/df

 u0ftGq ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^^ åf/f lemlsPsf] .


dfGotf k|fKt /fhg}lts bnsf JolQmx?sf] ;d]t k|ltlglwTj /xg] u/L jftfj/0f ;+/If0f
kl/ifbsf] u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!%= ;x'lnot tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg] M jftfj/0f ;+/If0fdf ;sf/fTds k|efj kfg]{ s'g}
pBf]u, Joj;fo, k|ljlw jf k|s[ofnfO{ k|f]T;flxt ug{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd k|bfg
ul/Psf] ;x'lnot tyf ;'ljwfsf] cltl/Qm g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf
k|sfzg u/L tf]lslbP adf]lhdsf yk ;x'lnot tyf ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!^= ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ dGqfnon] of] P]gsf] p2]Zo k"lt{sf] nflu ;DalGwt
ljifosf ljz]if1x? ;d]t /x]sf ljleGg ;ldltx? u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ul7t ;ldltx?sf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dGqfnon]
tf]lslbP adf]lhd x'g]5 .
!&= Ifltk"lt{ lbg ;Sg] M -!_ s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod jf lgb]{lzsf
ljk/Lt k|b"if0f, WjgL, tfk jf kmf]x/ d}nfsf] ;[hgf jf lgisfzg u/]sf] sf/0faf6 s'g}
JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ s'g} xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g uPdf To:tf] sfdaf6 k|efljt JolQm jf
;+:yfn] ;f] sfd ug]{ JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjs;+u s'g} Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg rfx]df ;f]xL
Joxf]/f v'nfO{ tf]lsPsf] clwsf/L ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd s'g} lgj]bg k/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] ;f] lgj]bg
/ ;f] 7fpFsf] j:t'l:ylt ;d]tnfO{ hfFra'´ ubf{ s'g} JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn] ;[hgf
jf lgisfzg u/]sf] k|b"if0f, WjgL, tfk jf kmf]x/ d}nfaf6 s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{
k|lts"n k|efj k/L s'g} xfgL gf]S;fgL kg{ uPsf] k|dfl0ft ePdf tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln]
To:tf] sfd ug]{af6 ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ dgfl;j dflkmssf] Ifltk"lt{ e/fO{
lbg' kg]{5 .
!*= b08 ;hfo M -!_ s;}n] bkmf ^ adf]lhd k|:tfj :jLs[t gu/fO{ jf :jLs[t k|:tfj
ljk/Lt s'g} sfo{ u/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] To:tf] sfo{ t'?Gt aGb u/fpg ;Sg]5 /
To:tf] sfo{ s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfn] u/]sf] eP lghnfO{ s;"/sf] dfqf x]/L Ps nfv
?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ s;}n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgod jf lgb]{lzsf ljk/Lt
cGo s'g} sfo{ u/]df tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] To:tf] sfo{ t'?Gt aGb u/fpg ;Sg]5 /
To:tf] sfo{ s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfn] u/]sf] eP lghnfO{ s;"/sf] dfqf x]/L krf; xhf/
?k}ofF;Dd hl/jfgf ug{ ;Sg]5 .


!(= k'g/fj]bg M tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] u/]sf] lg0f{o jf cfb]z pk/ lrQ ga'‰g]n] ;f] lg0f{o

jf cfb]z ePsf] ldltn] k}+tL; lbg leq ;DalGwt pRr cbfntdf k'g/fj]bg lbg
;Sg]5 .
@)= sfo{ljlw ckgfpg' kg]{ M tf]lsPsf] clwsf/Ln] o; P]g adf]lhdsf] s'g} sfd sf/jfxL ubf{
tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] sfo{ljlw ckgfpg' kg]{5 .
@!= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg M dGqfnon] o; P]g adf]lhd cfkm"nfO{ k|fKt clwsf/ dWo]
cfjZostf cg';f/ s]xL clwsf/ g]kfn ;/sf/n] s'g} lgsfo, jftfj/0f lg/LIfs jf s'g}
clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@@= o; P]g adf]lhd x'g] M o; P]gdf n]lvP hlt s'/fdf o;} P]g adf]lhd / cGodf
k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
@#= lgb]{lzsf agfpg] ;Sg] M g]kfn ;/sf/n] of] P]g jf o; P]g cGtu{t ag]sf] lgodsf]
cwLgdf /xL cfjZos lgb]{lzsf agfO{ nfu" ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf] lgb]{lzsfsf] kfngf ug{'
;DalGwt ;a}sf] st{Jo x'g]5 .
@$= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] o; P]gsf] p2]Zo k"lt{sf] nflu cfjZos
lgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ n] lbPsf] clwsf/sf] ;j{;fdfGotfdf s'g} k|lts"n k|efj gkg]{
u/L vf; u/L b]xfosf ljifodf lgodx? agfpg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|:tfj ;DaGwdf,
-v_ k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ug]{
-u_ k|b"if0fsf] ;|f]t, dfkb08, /f]syfd / lgoGq0f ;DaGwdf,
-3_ h}ljs ljljwtf tyf /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ;DaGwdf,
-ª_ hn, jfo', WjgL, df6f] k|b"if0f ;DaGwdf,
-r_ kmf]x/ d}nfsf] Joj:yfkg tyf cf];f/ k;f/ cflb ;DaGwdf,
-5_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f sf]ifsf] ;~rfng ;DaGwdf,
-h_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx?sf ;DaGwdf .

b|i6Jo M– s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^# åf/f ?kfGt/ ePsf zAbx? M–
æ>L % sf] ;/sf/Æ sf] ;§f æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ .

s]xL g]kfn P]g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)&@ åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

Environment Protection Act, 2053 (1997)
Royal seal and date of publication

17 Magh 2053 (jan.30. 1997)

Act No 24 of the year 2053 (1997)

An Act Made to Provide for the Protection of Environment

Preamble : Whereas, it is expedient to make legal provisions in order to maintain clean

and healthy environment by minimizing, as far as possible, adverse impacts likely to be
caused from environmental degradation on human beings, wildlife, plants, nature and
physical objects; and to protect environment with proper use and management of
natural resources, taking into consideration that sustainable development could be
achieved from the inseparable inter-relationship between the economic development
and environment protection;

Now, therefore, Parliament has made this Act in the twenty fifty year of the reign of
His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

1. Short Title and Commencement : (1) This Act may be called as the

Environment Protection Act, 2053 (1997 A.D.).

(2) This Act shall commence on such date, as Government of

Nepal may, by a notification in the Nepal Gazette, appoint. ♣

2. Definitions : Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Act;

(a) "Environment" means the interaction and inter-relationship among

the components of natural, cultural and social systems, economic
and human activities and their components.

Commenced from June 24, 1997 by the Notification published in Nepal Gazette on June 24, 19977.

(b) "Pollution" means the activities that significantly degrade, damage
the environment or harm on the beneficial or useful purpose of the
environment, by changing the environment, directly or indirectly.

(c) "Protection" means the safety care maintenance, promotion,

management and proper utilization of the environment and
national heritage.

(d) "Proposal" means a proposal prepared in regard to the carrying out

of such development work, physical activity that may bring about
change in the existing environmental conditions or any plan,
project or program which changes the land uses

(e) "Proponent" means a person, governmental, semi-governmental or

non-governmental agency or institution applying for approval of a
proposal and getting approval for the implementation of such a

(f) "Initial Environmental Examination" means a report on analytical

study or evaluation to be prepared to ascertain as to whether, in
implementing a proposal, the proposal does have significant
adverse impacts on the environment or not, whether such impacts
could be avoided or mitigated by any means or not.

(g) "Environmental Impact Assessment" means a report on detailed

study and evaluation to be prepared to ascertain as to whether, in
implementing a proposal, the proposal does have significant
adverse impacts on the environment or not, whether such impacts
could be avoided or mitigated by any means or not.

(h) "Wastes" means the liquid, solid, gas, slurry, smoke, dust, radiated
element or substance or similar other materials disposed in a
manner to degrade the environment.

(i) "Disposal" means the act of emission, storage, or disposal of
sound, heat or wastes.

(j) "Biological Diversity" means ecosystem diversity, species

diversity and genetic diversity.

(k) "National Heritage" means any such object, site, plant and animal
related with the environment available within Nepal as is likely to
be important to the human being from natural, cultural, historical
archaeological, scientific, spiritual, aesthetic or social point of

(l) "Ministry" means the Ministry of Population and Environment of

Government of Nepal .

(m) "Prescribed" or "As prescribed" means prescribed or as prescribed

in the rules framed under this Act.

3. To carry Out Initial Environmental Examination or Environmental

Impact Assessm ent: A proponent shall have to carry out Initial
Environmental Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment of the
proposals as prescribed.

4. Prohibition on Implementation of Proposal Without Approval :

Upon the commencement of this Act, no one shall implement or cause to be
implemented a proposal without getting it approved from the concerned
agency or the Ministry.

5. To submit Proposal for Approval : A proponent who is desirous of

implementing any proposal shall have to submit such a proposal,
accompanied by the report on Initial Environmental Examination or
Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposal, to the concerned agency
for the approval of such a proposal.

6. Approval for Implementation of a Proposal May be Given : (1) On
receipt of any proposal pursuant to Section 5, and while examining the
Initial Environmental Examination or Environmental Impact Assessment
report submitted with a proposal, if such a proposal does not appear to have
significant adverse impacts on the environment, the concerned agency shall
itself grant approval in respect of the proposal with the Initial
Environmental Examination, and shall forward the proposal along with its
opinion thereon to the Ministry, in respect of the Environmental Impact
Assessment report.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), in

case, while examining the Initial Environmental Examination report of the
proposal, it is found necessary also to carry out Environmental Impact
Assessment of such a proposal, the concerned agency may issue order to
carry out Environmental Impact Assessment of proposal, In case any
proponent, after having assessed environmental impacts pursuant to the
order so issued by the concerned agency, submits an Environmental Impact
assessment report for approval, the concerned agency shall carry our
necessary examination of such a proposal and forward the proposal along
with its opinion to the Ministry.

(3) In the event of receipt of the Environmental Impact

Assessment report with any proposal pursuant to Sub-section (1) or (2), the
Ministry shall arrange so that all the general public may copy the report, by
oneself, to render opinions and suggestions on the report.

(4) The Ministry may form a committee comprising also of

experts of the concerned agencies to render opinions and suggestions on the
Environmental Impact Assessment report received along with the proposal
pursuant to Sub-section (1) or (2).

(5) If, on the basis of opinions and suggestions, if any, rendered
by the general public and also opinions and suggestions rendered by the
Committee, if any, formed pursuant to Sub-section (4), on the
Environmental Impact Assessment report received pursuant to Sub-section
(1) or (2), it does not appear that such a proposal may have significant
adverse impacts on the environment, the Ministry shall grant approval to
the proponent to implement such a proposal.

(6) Notwithstanding any thing contained in Sub-section (1) or

(5), in case it appears form the Initial Environmental Examination or
Environmental Impact Assessment report that significant adverse impacts
to be caused on the environment while implementing the proposal can be
mitigated or controlled, the concerned agency or Ministry may grant
approval, with prescription of necessary terms, to the proponent to
implement the proposal.

(7) The period within which approval is to be granted to

implement the Initial Environmental Examination of the proposal and the
Environmental Impact Assessment report and other provisions thereon shall
be as prescribed.

7. Prevention and Control of Pollution : (1) Nobody shall create

pollution in such a manner as to cause significant adverse impacts on the
environment or likely to be hazardous to public life and people's health, or
dispose or cause to be disposed sound, heat radioactive rays and wastes
from any mechanical devices, industrial enterprises, or other places
contrary to the prescribed standards.

(2) If it appears that anyone has carried out any act contrary to Sub-
section (1) and caused significant adverse impacts on the environment, the
concerned agency may prescribe necessary terms in regard thereto or may
prohibit the carrying out of such an act.

(3)If it appears that the use of any types of substance, fuel, tools or
device has caused or is likely to cause significant adverse impacts on the
environment, the Ministry may, by a notification in the Nepal Gazette,
forbid the use of such substance, fuel, tools or device.

(4) Other provision relating to the prevention and control of

pollution shall be as prescribed.

8. Environment Inspector : (1) In order to effectively carry out or cause

to be carried out the acts of the mitigation, avoidance or control of pollution
or the acts required to be carried out in accordance with the Initial
Environmental Examination or the Environmental Impact Assessment
report, the Ministry may, by fulfilling the procedures prescribed by the
Public Service Commission, appoint Environmental Inspectors or designate
any employee to carry out functions of such Inspectors. The qualifications
for the Environment Inspectors shall be as prescribed.

(2) The functions, duties and powers of the Environment Inspector

shall be as follows:-

(a) To inspect as to whether or not the acts of mitigation,

avoidance or control of pollution have been carried out in
accordance with this Act or the Rules framed under this

(b) To inspect as to whether or not sound, heat or wastes have

been disposed or emitted from any place contrary to this
Act or the Rules framed under this Act.

(c) To examine and inspect as to whether or not the acts have

been carried out in accordance with the terms mentioned
while granting approval to implement a proposal.

(d) To submit to the prescribed authority a report of the matters
found while inspecting pursuant to clauses (a), (b) and (c).

(3) In the course of inspection pursuant to clauses (a), (b) and (c) of
Sub-section (2), the Environment Inspector may, by giving a prior notice to
the concerned person, organization or proponent, inspect, examine or
investigate any house, land, building, factory, industry, vehicle, industrial
device, tools, machinery, animal, object, records, document or other
materials or goods.

(4) The concerned person, organization or proponent shall render

necessary assistance to the Environment Inspector in the course of
inspection pursuant to Sub-section (2) or (3).

(5) In case the concerned person or organization does not allow

inspecting while on inspection pursuant to sub- section (2) or (3), or
inhibits on the works while doing inspection, the Environment Inspector
may impose a fine of up to five thousand rupees on such person or

(6) One who is not satisfied with the punishment awarded by the
Environment Inspector pursuant to Sub-section (5) may file a complaint
with the prescribed authority, and the decision made by the prescribed
authority on such a complaint shall be final.

(7) Other functions, duties and powers of the Environment Inspector

shall be as prescribed.

9. Protection of National Heritage : (1) It shall be the duty of the

concerned agency to protect National Heritage.

(2) For the purpose of the protection of National Heritage, the

concerned agency shall be required to prepare and maintain an inventory

and such an inventory shall also include the objects or places listed in the
World Heritage list available within Nepal.

(3) The objects, places, plants, animals etc. included in the inventory
referred to in Sub-section (2) shall be protected as prescribed.

10. Environment Protection Area : (1) Government of Nepal may, by a

notification in the Nepal Gazette, maintain any place within Nepal
containing natural heritage or aesthetic, rare wildlife, biological diversity,
plant, and places of historical and cultural importance, which are
considered extremely important from viewpoint of environment protection,
as an Environment Protection Area.

(2) The activities of any act as prescribed may be prohibited in the

Environment Protection Area pursuant to Sub-section (1).

11. Establishment of a laboratory : (1) Government of Nepal may

establish different laboratories as required or may prescribe any existing
laboratory to help in the activities related to environment protection and
pollution control.

(2) Other functions, duties and powers of the laboratory established

or prescribed pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed.

12. To Allow Collection of Samples : In order to study, examine or analyze

the pollution, sound, heat and wastes to be or likely to be generated from
any industry, factory, machine, vehicle etc. the concerned person,
organization or proponent shall be required to allow the person or
institution authorized from the concerned agency to collect samples of such
objects or substances, as per necessity

13. Establishment and Operation of Environment Protection Fund :

(1) A fund named Environment Protection Fund shall be established for the

protection of environment, prevention and control of pollution and
protection of the National Heritage.

(2) The following amounts shall be deposited in the Fund referred to

in Sub-section (1):

(a) Amount received from Government of Nepal

(b) Amount received from foreign governments or

international organizations.

(c) Amount received from other sources.

(3) The operation of the Environment Protection Fund shall be as


(4) The fund shall be audited by the Auditor General.

14. Power to Constitute Environment Protection Council: Government

of Nepal may, to provide policy guidance and suggestion to Government
of Nepal with regard to environment protection, and also to have
coordination among different agencies, constitute an Environment
Protection Council comprising of environment experts and representation
of the persons from recognized political parties at national level as well.

15. Concession and Facility May be Provided : In addition to the

concessions and facilities provided under the prevailing law, Government
of Nepal may, to encourage any industry, enterprise, technology or process
which causes positive impacts on environment protection, by publishing a
notification in the Nepal Gazette, provide additional concessions and
facilities as prescribed.

16. Committee May be Formed : (1) In order to accomplish the objectives

of this Act, the Ministry may form different committees consisting also of
experts in the relevant subject.

(2) The functions, duties and powers of the committee formed
pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed by the Ministry.

17. Compensation May be Given : (1) In case, in consequence of he

creation or disposal of pollution, sound, heat or wastes by anybody contrary
to this Act or Rules or guidelines framed hereunder, any person or
organization happens to suffer any loss or damage, the person or
organization affected from such actions may, if he/she desires to have
compensation recovered from the person or institution or proponent doing
such act, make an application to the prescribed authority setting out the
details thereof.

(2) In case any application is filed pursuant to Sub-section (1), and

while doing examination by the prescribed authority of the application and
the state of situation of that place as well, if it is proved that the pollution,
sound, heat or wastes produced or disposed of by any person, organization
or proponent has caused adverse impacts on, and resulted in any loss or
damage to any person or organization, the prescribed authority shall cause
to be recovered the reasonable compensation from the person, organization
or proponent who has committed such acts to the concerned person or

18. Punishment: (1) In case any person carries out any act without getting a
proposal approved under Section 6 or any act contrary to the approved
proposal, the prescribed authority may stop such act immediately, and if
any person or organization has done such act, may according to the degree
of offence punish him/her with a fine up to one hundred thousand rupees.

(2) In case any person commits any other acts contrary this Act or
the Rules or guidelines framed hereunder, the prescribed authority may
require to stop such act immediately, and if any person or organization has

done such act, punish him/her, according to the degree of the offence, with
a fine up to fifty thousand rupees.

19. Appeal: A person who is not satisfied with the decision or order made by
the prescribed authority may appeal to the concerned Appellate Court
within thirty five days from the date of the decision or order.

20. Procedures to be Followed : The prescribed authority shall, while carrying

out any act or action referred to in this Act, follow the procedures as

21. Delegation of Power : The Ministry may, as per necessity, delegate any
of the powers conferred on it pursuant to this Act to any agency of
Government of Nepal , the Environment Inspector or to any officer

22. This Act to Prevail : The maters set forth in this Act shall be governed
by this Act, and other matters shall be governed by the prevailing laws.

23. Power to Frame Guidelines : Government of Nepal may, subject to

this Act or the Rules framed hereunder, frame and implement necessary
guidelines; and it shall be the duty of all the concerned to abide by such

24. Power to Frame Rules : (1) Government of Nepal may frame necessary
Rules for carrying out the objectives of this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by

Sub-section (1), it may frame Rules in particular on the following matters:

a. Proposal

b. Conduction of Initial Environmental Examination or Environmental

Impact Assessment,

c. Sources, standards, prevention and control of pollution,

d. Biological diversity and the protection of National Heritage,

e. Water, air, noise, soil pollution,

f. Management and transportation etc. of wastes,

g. Operation of the Environment Conservation Fund,

h. Other necessary matters.


jftfj/0f ;+/If0f lgodfjnL, @)%$

g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ldlt
!= jftfj/0f ;+/If0f -klxnf] ;+zf]wg_ lgodfjnL, @)%% @)%%.!@.@@
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jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)%# sf] bkmf @$ n] lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n]
b]xfosf lgodx¿ agfPsf] 5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ oL lgodx¿sf] gfd æjftfj/0f ;+/If0f lgodfjnL, @)%$Æ
/x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] lgodfjnL t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; lgodfjnLdf–
-s_ æP]gÆ eGgfn] jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g, @)%#Æ ;D´g'k5{ .
-v_ æ;DalGwt lgsfoÆ eGgfn] P]g jf o; lgodfjnLdf plNnlvt sfd;Fu
;DalGwt g]kfn ;/sf/sf] s'g} dGqfno ;D´g' k5{ .
-u_ æIf]qÆ eGgfn] ======== jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug{sf] nflu lgod $
adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] If]q ;D´g'k5{ .
-3_ æk|ltj]bgÆ eGgfn] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj
d"NofÍg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg ;D´g'k5{ .
-ª_ æsfo{;"rLÆ eGgfn] k|ltj]bg tof/ ug{sf] nflu lgod % adf]lhd :jLs[t
sfo{;"rL ;D´g'k5{ .
-r_ æpBf]uÆ eGgfn] cg';"rL–& df tf]lsP adf]lhdsf pBf]u ;D´g'k5{ .

-5_ ================

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .


-h_ ælg/LIfsÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf * sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd lgo'Qm jf
tf]lsPsf] jftfj/0f lg/LIfs ;D´g'k5{ .

-h!_ æAof6«LÆ eGgfn] lz;fhGo kbfy{ -ln8 wft'_ tyf cDn -Pl;8_ sf] k|of]u
u/L agfOPsf] ljB'tLo zlQmsf] ?kdf /x]sf] ln8 Pl;8 Aof6«L ;D´g'k5{ .

-h@_ æAof6«L Joj;foLÆ eGgfn] Aof6«Lsf] pTkfbg, dd{t, k'gMk|zf]wg, cfoft,
l8n/ jf ;+sns ;Demg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] Aof6«Lsf] v'b|f laqm]tfsf] ?kdf
sfo{ ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yf ;d]tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-´_ ækl~hsfÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf ( sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;DalGwt
lgsfon] tof/ u/]sf] kl~hsf ;D´g'k5{ .
-`_ æk|of]uzfnfÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf !! adf]lhd :yfkgf ul/Psf] jf tf]lsPsf]
k|of]uzfnf ;D´g'k5{ .
-6_ æsf]ifÆ eGgfn] P]gsf] bkmf !# adf]lhd :yfkgf ul/Psf] jftfj/0f ;+/If0f
sf]if ;D´g' k5{ .
-7_ æ;~rfns ;ldltÆ eGgfn] lgod #( adf]lhd u7g ePsf] sf]if ;~rfns
;ldlt ;D´g' k5{ .
-8_ æIfltk"lt{Æ eGgfn] lgod $% adf]lhd lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] Ifltk"lt{ ;D´g'
k5{ .
kl/R5]b– @
k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f tyf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg

#= k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ M k|:tfjsn]
cg';"rL–! df pNn]v ePsf k|:tfjx¿sf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f / cg';"rL–@ df
pNn]v ePsf k|:tfjx¿sf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .

$= jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgsf] nflu If]q lgwf{/0f -:sf]lk·_ ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ jftfj/0fLo
k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ s'g} k|:tfjsf] ;DaGwdf k|:tfjsn] k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'g] ufpF
ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsf tyf To; If]qsf ljBfno c:ktfn, :jf:Yo rf}sL tyf
;/f]sf/jfnf JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ ;f] k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg{ ;Sg]
k|efjsf] ;DaGwdf lnlvt ;'´fj lbgsf] nflu kGw| lbgsf] cjlw tf]sL /fli6«o :t/sf]
s'g} Ps b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .

bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] ;"rgf k|sflzt ePkl5 ;f] ;DaGwdf s;}sf] /fo
;'´fj eP To;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbgleq ;DalGwt k|:tfjsnfO{
cfˆgf] /fo ;'´fj lbg ;lsg]5 . o;/L /fo ;'´fj lbg]n] To;sf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt
lgsfonfO{ ;d]t lbg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|fKt /fo ;'´fj ;d]t ;+nUg u/L k|:tfjsn] ;f]
k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fsf] s] s:tf] If]qdf s:tf] k|efj kb{5 ;f] pNn]v u/L
If]q lgwf{/0fsf] nflu ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd lgj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt lgsfon] lgj]bg;fy
;+nUg sfuhft hfFra'´ u/L If]q lgwf{/0f ;DaGwdf cfˆgf] /fo ;lxt ;f] lgj]bg
dGqfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd If]q lgwf{/0fsf] nflu s'g} lgj]bg k|fKt ePdf
dGqfnon] ;f] lgj]bg;fy ;+nUg sfuhft hfFra'´ u/L k|:tfljt jf ;+zf]lwt ¿kdf
If]q lgwf{/0f u/L lbg' kg]{5 .

%= k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f jf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgsf] nflu sfo{;"rL :jLs[t
ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{ k|:tfjsf] xsdf k|:tfjsn] ;f]sf]
k|ltj]bgsf] nflu cg';"rL–# adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf sfo{;"rL agfO{ ;f] sfo{;"rL ;DalGwt
lgsfoaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ k|:tfjsf] xsdf k|:tfjsn] ;f]sf]
k|ltj]bgsf] nflu lgod $ adf]lhd dGqfnon] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] If]q ;d]tsf] cfwf/df
cg';"rL–$ adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf sfo{;"rL agfO{ ;f] sfo{;"rL dGqfnoaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg'
kg]{5 .
t/ s'g} k|:tfjsn] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ k|:tfjsf] k|ljt]bg
tof/Lsf] nflu lgod $ adf]lhdsf] If]q lgwf{/0f / sfo{;"rL agfO{ ;DalGwt lgsfosf]
/fo ;lxt dGqfnodf Ps} k6s k7fPdf dGqfnon] Ps} k6s If]q lgwf{/0f / sfo{;"rL
:jLs[t u/L lbg ;Sg]5 .

-@s_ s'g} k|:tfjsf] k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ ePdf k|:tfjsn]
If]q lgwf{/0f / sfo{;"rL :jLs[t u/fpg] k|lqmof afx]s o; lgodfjnL adf]lhdsf] cGo
;a} k|lqmof k"/f ug'{ kg]{5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


:ki6Ls/0f M o; lgodfjnLsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg eGgfn]

Psk6s :jLs[t eO{ ;s]sf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ;DaGwL k|:tfjdf cf+lzs ?kdf
ef}lts k"jf{wf/, l8hfO{g jf :j?k kl/dfh{g ug]{, ;+/rgf :yfgfGt/0f jf km]/abn ug]{,
jg If]q jf cfof]hgfsf] Ifdtf yk ug{sf] nflu k]z ePsf] k|:tfj pk/ k'gM ul/g]
jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"Nof+sg ;Demg' k5{ .
-#_ pklgod -!_ / -@_ adf]lhd sfo{;"rL :jLs[t ubf{ k|:tfjsf] k|s[lt cg';f/
;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnon] To:tf] sfo{;"rLnfO{ cfjZostf cg';f/ ;fdfGo x]/km]/
jf kl/dfh{g ug{ ;Sg]5 .

^= k'gM sf/afxL ug'{ kg]M{ k|:tfjsn] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo
k/LIf0fsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ u/]sf]df P]gsf] bkmf ^ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;f] k|:tfj
;fy k|fKt k|ltj]bg hfFra'´ ubf{ k|:tfjsf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ;d]t ug'{ kg]{
u/L ;DalGwt lgsfon] 7x/ u/]df k|:tfjsn] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg tof/
ug{ k"/f ug'{ kg]{ o; lgodfjnL adf]lhdsf] ;a} k|lqmof k"/f ug'{ kg]{5 .

& k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f / jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgsf] nflu k|ltj]bg tof/
ug]{ M -!_ k|:tfjsn] lgod % adf]lhd :jLs[t ePsf] sfo{;"rLsf] cfwf/df cg';"rL– %
adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f / cg';"rL–^ adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf
jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|ltj]bg tof/Lsf] l;nl;nfdf k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo
k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{ k|:tfjsf] ;DaGwdf k|:tfjsn] k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'g] ufpF ljsf;
;ldlt jf gu/kflnsf tyf lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt jf ;/f]sf/ /fVg] JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{
k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg{ ;Sg] k|efjsf] ;DaGwdf k|Gw lbgleq lnlvt
/fo ;'´fj lbgsf] nflu ;DalGwt ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsf, lhNnf ljsf;
;ldltsf] sfof{no, ljBfno, c:ktfn / :jf:Yo s]Gb|df ;"rgf 6fF; u/L d'r'Nsf tof/
ug]{5 / ;f]xL adf]lhdsf] kGw| lbg] ;"rgf /fli6«o :t/sf] s'g} Ps b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf
;d]t k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 . o;/L ;"rgf k|sfzg ePkl5 ;f] ;DaGwdf s'g} /fo ;'´fj
k|fKt x'g cfPdf ;f] /fo ;'´fj ;d]tnfO{ k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
t/ jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg tof/Lsf] l;nl;nfdf
k|:tfjsn] k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'g] ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfsf] O{nfsfdf Ps
k6s k|:tfj af/]df ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{sf] cfof]hgf u/L /fo ;'´fj ;ª\sng ug'{ kg]{5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-#_ s'g} k|:tfjsf] If]q lgwf{/0f / sfo{;"rL :jLs[t eO{ ;s]sf] t/ jftfj/0fLo
k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg k]z eO{ g;s]sf] cj:yfdf ;f] k|:tfjsf] s'g} ljifodf kl/jt{g
cfpg] ePdf kl/jt{g x'g] ljifo / To;sf] k|efjnfO{ ;d]t k|:tfjsn] jftfj/0fLo k|efj
d"NofÍg k|ltj]bgdf ;dfj]z u/L k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

*= ================

(= ===============

!)= k|:tfj :jLs[ltsf] nflu k]z ug'{ kg]{M P]gsf] bkmf % adf]lhd s'g} k|:tfj sfof{Gjog
ug{ rfxg] k|:tfjsn] lgod & adf]lhd tof/ ePsf] k|ltj]bgsf] kGw| k|lt / ;DalGwt
ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfsf] l;kmfl/z ;d]t ;+nUg u/L pQm k|:tfj
:jLs[ltsf nflu ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .

t/ k|:tfjsn] k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg :jLs[ltsf] nflu k]z ubf{
yk k|efljt x'g] If]qsf] ;DalGwt ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfsf] l;kmfl/; ;d]t
;+nUg ug'{ kg]{5 .
!!= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ :jLs[lt lbg ;Sg]M -!_ lgod !) adf]lhd s'g} k|:tfj k|fKt
ePdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f] k|:tfj ;fy ;+nUg k|ltj]bg hfFra'´ ug]{5 / hfFra'´
ubf{ To:tf] k|:tfjn] jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ gb]lvPdf k|f/lDes
jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f dfq u/] x'g] k|:tfjsf] ;DaGwdf ;f] k|:tfj k|fKt ePsf] ldltn]

PSsfO{; lbgleq cfkm}n] :jLs[lt lbg]5 / jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{
k|:tfjsf] ;DaGwdf cfˆgf] /fo / k|ltj]bgsf bz k|lt ;+nUg u/L k|:tfj k|fKt ePsf]
tL; lbgleq dGqfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj k|fKt ePdf ;f] k|:tfj ;fy k|fKt k|ltj]bgsf

;DaGwdf /fo ;'´fj lbgsf] nflu dGqfnon] /fli6«o :t/sf] s'g} Ps b}lgs
;dfrf/kqdf ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L ;f] k|ltj]bg cfkm}n] ptf/ u/L n}hfg jf
cWoog ug{sf] nflu ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ tL; lbgsf] ;do lbg]5 .

-@s_ pklgod -@_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg k"/s jftfj/0fLo
k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bgsf] ;DaGwdf ;j{;fwf/0fn] /fo ;'emfj lbgsf] nflu dGqfnon]

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


/fli6«o:t/sf] s'g} Ps b}lgs ;dfrf/kqdf kGw| lbgsf] ;do lbO{ ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{
kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|ltj]bgsf ;DaGwdf ;j{;fwf/0f JolQm jf ;+:yfsf]
s'g} /fo ;'´fj ePdf To;/L k|ltj]bg klxnf] k6s k|sfzg ePsf] ldltn] tL;
lbgleq ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;+:yfn] cfˆgf] /fo ;'´fj dGqfnodf k7fO{ ;Sg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd s'g} /fo ;'´fj k|fKt ePdf ;f] /fo ;'´fj / P]gsf]
bkmf ^ sf] pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd s'g} ;ldlt u7g ul/Psf]df ;f] ;ldltn] lbPsf] /fo
;'´fj ;d]tsf] cfwf/df k|ltj]bg hfFra'´ ubf{ To:tf] k|:tfjn] jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo

k|lts"n k|efj kfg]{ gb]lvPdf dGqfnon] k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ :jLs[lt lbg]5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd :jLs[lt lbFbf dGqfno ;dIf k|:tfj k|fKt ePsf]
ldltn] ;f7L lbg leq lbO{ ;Sg' kg]{5 .

-^_ pklgod -%_ adf]lhdsf] Dofbleq ljz]if sf/0f k/L :jLs[lt lbg g;s]df
dGqfnon] pQm ;do ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbg leq k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{
:jLs[lt lbg]5 .

!!s= k|:tfjsf] If]q lgwf{/0f -:sf]lkË_, k|ltj]bg tof/L tyf :jLs[lt ;DaGwL ljz]if
Joj:yf M -!_ o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg /fli6«o uf}/jsf
cfof]hgf, /fli6«o ljkb\ jf k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf] Joj:yfkg;Fu ;DalGwt cfof]hgf jf
g]kfn ;/sf/n] tTsfn sfof{Gjog ug'{ kg]{ egL tf]s]sf of]hgf, cfof]hgf jf
sfo{qmd;Fu ;DalGwt k|:tfjsf] If]q lgwf{/0f -:sf]lkË_ ug]{, k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ /
k|:tfjsf] :jLs[lt ug]{ sfo{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] ;dofjlw leq ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{5 M–
-s_ lgod $ sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;'emfj lng] sfo{ ;ft lbg,
-v_ lgod $ sf] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd /fo ;'emfj lbg] sfo{ ;ft lbg,
-u_ lgod & sf] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd /fo ;'emfj lbg] tyf ;"rgf
k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{ ;ft lbg,
-3_ lgod !! sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj :jLs[lt ug]{ jf k|:tfj
:jLs[ltsf] nflu k|ltj]bg k7fpg] sfo{ kfFr lbg,
-ª_ lgod !! sf] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd /fo ;'emfj lngsf] nflu ;"rgf
k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{ ;ft lbg,

klxnf] ;+zf]wgå/f ;+zf]lwt .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

rf}yf] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


lgod !! sf] pklgod -#_ adf]lhd /fo ;'emfj lbg] sfo{ bz lbg,
lgod !! sf] pklgod -%_ adf]lhd k|:tfj :jLs[lt lbg] sfo{ aL;
lbg .
:ki6Ls/0f M– o; lgodsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu, –
-s_ æ/fli6«o uf}/jsf] cfof]hgfÆ eGgfn] g]kfn ;/sf/n] /fli6«o uf}/jsf]
cfof]hgf egL tf]s]sf cfof]hgf ;Demg' k5{ .
-v_ æljkb\ jf k|fs[lts k|sf]k Joj:yfkg;Fu ;DalGwt cfof]hgfÆ eGgfn]
k|:tfj;Fu ;DalGwt dGqfnon] ljkb\ jf k|fs[lts k|sf]ksf]
Joj:yfkg;Fu ;DalGwt cfof]hgf egL tf]s]sf] of]hgf, cfof]hgf jf
sfo{qmd ;Demg' k5{ .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|:tfj;Fu ;DalGwt dGqfnon] s'g} cfof]hgfnfO{ ljkb\
jf k|fs[lts k|sf]k;Fu ;DalGwt cfof]hgf tf]s]df To;sf] hfgsf/L dGqfnonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .

!!v= k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"nNofÍgsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg' kg]{ M Ps k6s :jLs[t eO{
;s]sf] k|:tfjdf k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ / To;af6 jftfj/0fdf
pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kg]{ gb]lvPdf k|:tfjsn] To:tf] k|:tfjsf] k"/s
jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgsf nflu kl/jt{g ug'{ k/]sf] sf/0f / jftfj/0fdf kg{
;Sg] c;/x?sf af/]df ljZn]if0f u/L jftfj/0fLo kl/;"+rs adf]lhdsf] t'ngfTds
tflnsf / cGo cfjZos k'i6\ofO{+ ;lxt k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgsf] nflu
;DalGwt lgsfodf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .

!!u= dGqfnodf l;kmfl/; ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ lgod !!v= adf]lhd kg{ cfPsf] lgj]bg
hfFra'em ubf{ k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug{ pko'Qm b]lvPdf ;DalGwt
lgsfon] k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug]{ cg'dltsf nflu dGqfnodf l;kmfl/;
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ lgod !!v= df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf eP tfklg Psk6s :jLs[t
eO;s]sf] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgdf s]xL ef}lts k"jf{wf/, l8hfO{g, Ifdtf jf
:j?k kl/dfh{g ug]{, ;+/rgf :yfgfGt/0f jf km]/jbn ug]{, ?v s6fg ;ª\Vofdf yk
ug'{ kg]{ eP tfklg k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ cj:yf gb]lvPdf
;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f] k|:tfjsf] jftfj/0fLo Joj:yfkg of]hgf :jLs[ltsf] nflu
dGqfnodf l;kmfl/; ug'{ kg]{5 .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!!3= cg'dlt lbg ;Sg] M -!_ lgod !!u= sf] pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k"/s jftfj/0fLo
k|efj d"NofÍgsf] nflu ;DalGwt lgsfoaf6 l;kmfl/; eO{ cfPdf dGqfnon]
b]xfosf cj:yfdf ;f] k|:tfjsf] k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug{ cg'dlt lbg
;Sg]5 M–
-s_ cfof]hgfsf] s'g} ef}lts ;+/rgfTds OsfO{ lj:tf/ jf
:yfgfGt/0f ubf{ ;f] OsfO{ :jLs[t jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg
k|ltj]bgdf plNnlvt k|efljt If]q leq kg]{ ePdf,
-v_ :jLs[t jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bgd plNnlvt jg
If]qsf] bz k|ltzt eGbf a9L If]q yk x'g] ePdf,
-u_ cGo kl/jlt{t ;+/rgf jf OsfO{sf] sf/0fn] Ps ;o hgf;Dd
hg;ª\Vofsf] :yfoL a;f]af; :yfgfGt/0f jf k'gjf{; ug'{ kg]{
cj:yf ePdf,
t/ cGo kl/jlt{t ;+/rgf jf OsfO{sf] sf/0fn] Ps
;o hgfeGbf a9L hg;ª\Vofsf] :yfoL a;f]af;, :yfgfGt/0f
jf k'gjf{; ug'{ kg]{ cj:yfdf k'gM jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg
ug'{ kg]{5 .
-3_ ;du|df jftfj/0f / h}ljs ljljwtfdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n
k|efj gkg]{ ePdf .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -3_ adf]lhd ;du|df jftfj/0f / h}ljs
ljljwtfdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kg]{ jf gkg]{ eGg] ljifosf] lg0f{o dGqfnon]
ug]{5 .

!!ª= jftfj/0fLo Joj:yfkg of]hgf :jLs[t ug{ ;Sg] M lgod !!u= sf] pklgod -@_
adf]lhd ;DalGwt lgsfoaf6 :jLs[ltsf nflu k|fKt ePsf] jftfj/0fLo Joj:yfkg
of]hgf ;DaGwL sfuhftx? cWoog ubf{ k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{
cj:yf gb]lvPdf dGqfnon] yk k|efj / ;f] sf] Go"gLs/0fsf] pkfo ;lxtsf]
jftfj/0fLo Joj:yfkg of]hgf :jLs[t ug{ ;Sg]5 .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!!r= k|efjsf] Iflt Go"gLs/0f ug'{ kg]{ M o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj
d"NofÍg ubf{ jftfj/0fdf gs/fTds c;/ kg{ ;Sg] b]lvPdf k|:tfjsn] To:tf]
k|efjsf] Iflt cfˆg} vr{df Go"gLs/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .

!!5= vf/]hL / arfp M -!_ k"/s jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg lgb]{lzsf, @)&! vf/]h
ul/Psf] 5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] lgb]{lzsf adf]lhd eP u/]sf sfd sf/afxL o;}
lgodfjnL adf]lhd eP u/]sf] dflgg]5 .
!@= k|ltj]bg kfng ug'{ kg]{ M k|:tfjsn] k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhdsf s'/fx¿ / ;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnon] tf]lslbPsf zt{x¿ clgjfo{ ¿kn]
kfng ug'{ kg]{5 .
!#= cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg M -!_ k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjsf]
cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ;DalGwt lgsfon] ug]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ubf{ k|:tfj :jLs[t x'Fbf
tf]lsPsf] zt{df pNn]v ul/Psf k|efj eGbf a9L k|efj k/]sf] b]lvPdf ;DalGwt
lgsfon] To:tf k|efjx¿ x6fpg jf x6fpg] pkfox¿ cjnDag ug{ k|:tfjsnfO{
cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg]5 / To:tf] lgb]{zgsf] kfngf ug'{ ;DalGwt k|:tfjssf] st{Jo
x'g]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|:tfjsnfO{ lbPsf] lgb]{zgsf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt
lgsfon] dGqfnonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
!$= jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f u/L cBfjlws /fVg' kg]{ M dGqfnon] jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg
ug'{ kg]{ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog eO{ ;]jf, ljt/0f jf pTkfbg z'? ePsf] b'O{ jif{ kl5 To:tf]
k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg{ uPsf] k|efj, To:tf] k|efjnfO{ sd ug{
ckgfOPsf pkfo cflbsf] jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f u/L cBfjlws ¿kdf /fVg' kg]{5 .
k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f
!%= dfkb08 ljk/Lt kmf]x/ d}nf lgisfzg ug{ gx'g] M dGqfnon] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf
k|sfzg u/L tf]lslbPsf] dfkb08 ljk/Lt x'g] u/L s;}n] klg s'g} oflGqs ;fwg,
cf}Bf]lus k|lti7fg jf cGo 7fpFaf6 Wjlg, tfk, /]l8of]wdL{ ljls/0f tyf kmf]x/ d}nf
lgisfzg ug{ u/fpg x'Fb}g .

kfFrf}+ ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


!^= c:yfoL jf :yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ cg';"rL–& df
pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf xfn ;+rfng eO{ /x]sf pBf]un] of] lgodfjnL k|f/De ePsf]
ldltn] () lbg leq / of] lgodfjnL k|f/De x'g' k"j{ btf{ eO{ pTkfbg z'? gePsf
pBf]u jf of] lgodfjnL k|f/De ePkl5 btf{ x'g] pBf]un] pTkfbg z'? u/]sf] ldltn]
;f7L lbgleq ;DalGwt pBf]usf] lj:t[t ljj/0f pNn]v u/L c:yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f
k|df0fkq lng ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 . o;/L lgj]bg k|fKt ePdf
;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f] lgj]bg pk/ hfFra'´ u/L cfjZostf cg';f/ pBf]u ;~rfng
x'g] ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfsf] /fo ;'´fj ;d]t lnFbf To:tf] pBf]u
;~rfng ubf{ jftfj/0fdf pNn]vgLo k|lts"n k|efj kg]{ gb]v]df jf To:tf] k|efj sd
jf lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsg] ePdf To:tf] lgj]bg k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] gAa] lbg leq
lgj]bsnfO{ Ps jif{sf] lgldQ c:yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq lbg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg of] lgodfjnL k|f/De
ePkl5 btf{ x'g] pBf]un] lgod $ adf]lhd If]q lgwf{/0f ug]{ l;nl;nfdf jf lgod &
adf]lhd k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ l;nl;nfdf ;DalGwt ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt jf
gu/kflnsfsf] /fo ;'´fj k|fKt ul/;s]sf] eP ;DalGwt lgsfon] pklgod -!_
adf]lhd pBf]u ;~rfng ubf{ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjsf] ;DaGwdf k'gM ufpF ljsf;
;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfsf] /fo ;'´fj lng' kg]{ 5}g .
-#_ lgod !% adf]lhd g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L s'g} pBf]usf] Wjlg,
tfk, /]l8of]wdL{ ljls/0f tyf kmf]x/d}nf ;DaGwL dfkb08 tf]lsPsf] /x]5 eg] To:tf
pBf]unfO{ o;/L dfkb08 tf]lsPsf] ldltn] ^ dlxgf leq P]gsf] bkmf !! adf]lhd
:yfkgf ul/Psf jf tf]lsPsf k|of]uzfnfaf6 k/LIf0f u/fO{ ;DalGwt lgsfon] tLg
jif{sf] nflu :yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq lbg' kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -!_ / -#_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] Dofbleq c:yfoL jf :yfoL k|b"if0f
lgoGq0f k|df0fkq ljt/0f ug{ gl;sPdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] pQm Dofb ;dfKt ePsf]
ldltn] yk tLg dlxgf leq To:tf] k|df0fkq lbg ;Sg]5 .
-%_ pklgod -!_ / -#_ adf]lhd c:yfoL jf :yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq
lbFbf ;DalGwt lgsfon] To:tf] pBf]ux¿n] kfng ug'{ kg]{ u/L cfjZostf cg';f/
b]xfosf ;a} jf s'g} zt{x¿ tf]Sg ;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|b"if0f sd ug{ jf lgoGq0f ug{ cfjZos pks/0fx¿ lgwf{ l/t
;dodf h8fg ug]{,

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


h8fg ePsf k|b"if0f lgoGq0f pks/0fx¿sf] plrt k|of]u ug]{,
lgwf{l/t ;dodf dfq pBf]u ;~rfng ug]{,
s'g} pBf]u xftf leq s'g} sfd ul/Paf6 k|b"if0f ePsf]df ;f] sfd
/f]Ssf ug{sf] nflu vf; pkfox¿ cjnDjg ug]{,
-ª_ s'g} pBf]usf] sfd sf/afxLaf6 pBf]u xftf aflx/ k|b"if0f ePdf
;f] sfd sf/jfxLnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{sf] nflu vf; pkfox¿
cjnDag ug]{,
-r_ cg'udgsf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ pks/0fx¿ lglZrt ;dodf
pknAw u/fpg],
-5_ ;DalGwt lgsfon] pBf]usf] k|s[lt cg';f/ cfjZos ;D´L
tf]lslbPsf cGo zt{ adf]lhdsf sfd ug]{ .
-^_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] c:yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq k|To]s Ps jif{df /
pklgod -#_ adf]lhdsf] :yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq k|To]s tLg jif{df gjLs/0f
u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-&_ o; lgod adf]lhd kfPsf] c:yfoL jf :yfoL k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkqdf
plNnlvt zt{x¿ ;a}n] b]Vg] u/L pBf]u ;~rfng ePsf] 7fpFdf /fVg' kg]{5 .
-*_ ;DalGwt lgsfon] o; lgod adf]lhd k|df0fkq kfPsf pBf]ux¿sf] gfdfjnL
cBfjlws ¿kdf /fvL ;f] gfdfjnL dGqfnonfO{ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
!&= k|b"if0f u/]df jf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg u/]df ph"/L ug{ ;Sg] M s'g} JolQm, ;+:yf jf
pBf]un] P]g jf o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] zt{ jf dfkb08 cg'?k k|b"if0f
lgoGq0f gu/]df jf kmf]x/ d}nf lgisfzg u/]df ;f] sfo{af6 k|efljt JolQm, ;+:yf, ufpF
ljsf; ;ldlt jf gu/kflnsfn] ;DalGwt lgsfodf ph"/ ug{ ;Sg]5 .
!*= k|b"if0f lgisfzg ug{ jf kmf]xf]/ d}nf lgisfzg gug{ ;"rgf ug]{ M -!_ ;DalGwt
lgsfon] hfFra'´sf] l;nl;nfdf jf lgod !& adf]lhd ph"/L k/L hfFra'´ ubf{ s'g}
JolQm, ;+:yf jf pBf]un] P]g / o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] zt{ jf dfkb08
cg'?k k|b"if0f lgoGq0f gu/]sf] jf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg u/]sf] b]lvPdf To:tf] JolQm,
;+:yf jf pBf]unfO{ ;DalGwt lgsfon] To:tf] zt{ jf dfkb08 cg'?k k||b"if0f lgoGq0f
ug{ jf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg gug{sf] nflu t'?Gt ;"rgf ug'{ kg]{5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf pBf]unfO{ ;"rgf lbFbf
b]xfosf s'g} jf ;a} sfd t'?Gt ug'{ egL ;dofjlw tf]sL ;DalGwt lgsfon] cfb]z lbg
;Sg]5 M–
-s_ k|b"if0f lgoGq0f ug]{ jf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg gug]{ ;DaGwdf
t'?Gt cjnDag ug'{ kg]{ s'/fx¿,
-v_ s'g} pks/0f jf ;fwg k|of]u ug{, ;~rfng ug{ jf To:tf]
pks/0fdf ;'wf/ ug{,
-u_ k|of]u jf ;~rfng ul/Psf s'g} jf ;a} pks/0f k|of]u jf
;~rfng gug{,
-3_ lglZrt cg'udg sfo{qmd cjnDag u/L cfkm" ;dIf k|ltj]bg
k]z ug{ nufpg,
-ª_ k|b"if0f lgoGq0f ug{ tyf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg gug{ ljleGg
lsl;dsf j}slNks pkfox¿ cjnDag ug{,
-r_ jftfj/0f Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL ljsl;t u/L ;f] sf] hfgsf/L lbg
-5_ k|b"if0fsf] lgoGq0f tyf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg ;DaGwL sfo{df /f]s
nufpg] ljifodf pko'Qm ;D´]sf] cGo sfo{ ug{ nufpg .
!(= zt{x¿ kl/jt{g ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ k|b"if0f sd ug]{ jf lgoGq0f ug]{ ;DaGwdf lgod !^
sf] pklgod -%_ adf]lhd tf]lsPsf zt{x¿df s]xL kl/jt{g u/L cGo pkfox¿
cjnDag ug{ pko'Qm ePdf pBf]un] ;f]xL Joxf]/f v'nfO{ ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf lgj]bg
lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|fKt lgj]bg hfFra'´ ubf{ lgj]bgdf pNn]v eP
adf]lhd k|b"if0f sd jf lgoGq0f ug{ cGo pkfox¿ cjnDag ug{ ;lsg] b]lvPdf
;DalGwt lgsfon] lgj]bssf] dfu adf]lhd s]xL zt{x¿ kl/jt{g u/L cGo pkfox¿
cjnDag ug{ :jLs[lt lbg ;Sg]5 .
@)= ;DalGwt lgsfo cfkm}n] ;/;kmfO{ ;DaGwL sfd ug{ ;Sg]M -!_ s'g} JolQm, ;+:yf jf
pBf]un] P]g jf o; lgodfjnLdf tf]lsPsf] zt{ jf dfkb08 ljk/Lt kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg
gug]{ ;"rgf ubf{ klg kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg u/]sf] sf/0fn] ;j{wf/0fdf k|lts"n c;/ kg{
uPdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] cfˆg} vr{df To:tf] kmf]x/d}nf x6fpg ;Sg]5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ;DalGwt lgsfon] s'g} 7fpFaf6 kmf]x/d}nf x6fpFbf
nfu]sf] vr{ / ;f] sfd u/] jfktsf] yk kRrL; k|ltzt /sd To:tf] kmf]x/d}nf
lgisfzg ug]{ JolQm, ;+:yf jf pBf]u;Fu k|rlnt sfg'g adf]lhd ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x
c;"n pk/ ug]{5 .

kl/R5]b –#s
Aof6«Lsf] Joj:yfkg

@)s= dfkb08 k"/f ug'{ kg{] M -!_ Aof6«Lsf] Joj;fo ug{ rfxg] Jof6«L Joj;foLn] k|rlnt
sfg"g adf]lhd ;DalGwt lgsfodf cfˆgf] Joj;fo btf{ ug{ jf ;f] Joj;fosf] nflu
To:tf] lgsfoaf6 :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt lngsf] nflu cg';"rL–* adf]lhdsf] dfkb08 k"/f
u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 .
:ki6Ls/0f M o; kl/R5]bsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æ;DalGwt lgsfoÆ eGgfn] Aof6«Lsf]
sf/f]af/ btf{ ug]{ jf ;f] k|of]hgsf] nflu :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt k|bfg ug{ k|rlnt sfg"g
adf]lhd clwsf/ kfPsf] lgsfonfO{ hgfpF5 .
-@_ of] lgod k|f/De x'g' cl3 k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd Aof6«L Joj;fo btf{
u/]sf jf To:tf] Joj;fo ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfoaf6 :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt kfPsf Aof6«L
Joj;foLn] of] lgod k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] gAa] lbgleq pklgod -!_ adf]hdsf]
dfkb08 k"/f u/L ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{5 .

@)v= dGqfnosf] /fo lng ;Sg] M s'g} Aof6«L Joj;foLn] cfˆgf] Aof6«L Joj;fo btf{ ug{ jf
To:tf] Joj;fo ug{sf nflu :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt lng s'g} lgj]bg u/]df ;DalGwt
lgsfon] To:tf] Joj;fo btf{ ug{ jf ;f] ljifosf] :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt lbg' cl3
dGqfnosf] /fo lng' kg]{5 .

@)u= btf{ jf :jLs[ltsf] hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_ ;DalGwt lgsfon] Aof6«L Joj;foLsf]
?kdf s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] sf/f]af/ btf{ u/]sf] jf ;f] ug{ :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt lbPsf]
ldltn] kGw| lbgleq ;f] s'/fsf] hfgsf/L dGqfnonfO{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ of] lgod k|f/De x'g' cl3 Aof6«L Joj;fo btf{ u/]sf jf ;f] sfo{ ug{
:jLs[lt jf cg'dlt lnPsf Aof6«L Joj;foLsf] ljj/0f ;DalGwt lgsfon] of] lgod
k|f/De ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbgleq dGqfnonfO{ pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .

@)3= zt{ kfngf ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ Aof6«L Joj;foLn] Aof6«L Joj;fo ubf{ cg';"rL–( adf]lhdsf]
zt{x? kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .

bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


-@_ Aof6«L Joj;foLn] pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] zt{x? kfngf u/] gu/]sf] ;DaGwdf
dGqfnon] lg/LIfs v6fO{ To:tf] sfdsf] lg/LIf0f u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd lg/LIf0f ubf{ s'g} Aof6«L Joj;foLn] pklgod -!_
adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] zt{ pNnª\3g u/]sf] b]lvPdf lg/LIfsn] ;f] s'/fsf] k|ltj]bg dGqfno
;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd lg/LIfsaf6 k|fKt ePsf] k|ltj]bg hfFra'em ubf{ Aof6«L
Joj;foLnfO{ s'g} lgb]{zg lbg cfjZos b]lvPdf dGqfnon] To:tf] Joj;foLnfO{ cjlw
tf]sL zt{ kfngf ug{ lgb]{zg lbg]5 .
-%_ pklgod -$_ adf]lhd lbOPsf] cjlwleq s'g} Aof6«L Joj;foLn] zt{ adf]lhd
cfˆgf] sfddf ;'wf/ gu/]df dGqfnon] To:tf] Joj;fo t'?Gt aGb u/fO{ To:tf] Aof6«L
Joj;foLnfO{ P]g adf]lhd ;hfo ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-^_ Aof6«Lsf] k|of]ustf{] cg";"rL–( adf]lhd tf]lsPsf zt{x?sf] kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
lg/LIfssf] of]Uotf tyf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;DaGwL

@!= lg/LIfssf] of]UotfM lg/LIfs kbdf lgo'lQm x'gsf] nflu rflxg] Go"gtd z}lIfs of]Uotf
lghfdtL ;]jfsf] ;DalGwt ;]jf ;d"x ;DaGwL lgodx¿df pNn]v ePadf]lhd x'g]5 .
@@= sfd sf/jfxL /f]Ssf /fVg ;Sg]M -!_ lg/LIfsn] P]gsf] bkmf * adf]lhd hfFra'´sf]
l;nl;nfdf P]g jf o; lgodfjnL ljk/Lt eP u/]sf] s'g} sfd sf/jfO{ t'?Gt /f]Ssf
ug'{ kg]{ ePdf ;Dej eP;Dd dGqfnosf] cg'dlt lnO{ /f]Ssf ug'{ kg]{5 / To;/L
cg'dlt lng ;Dej gePdf To:tf] sfd sf/jfO{ /f]Ssf /fvL ;f] s' /fsf] hfgsf/L
oyfzSo l56f] dGqfnonfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd lg/LIfsn] s'g} sfd sf/jfxL /f]Ssf /fVg' k/]sf] jf
/fv]sf] hfgsf/L k|fKt ePdf dGqfnon] ;f] ;DaGwdf t'?Gt hfFra'´ ug{ nufO{ pko'Qm
cfb]z lbg' kg]{5 .
@#= lg/LIfsn] hfFra'´sf] k|ltj]bg k]z ug'{ kg]M{ -!_ lg/LIfsn] P]gsf] bkmf * adf]lhd
lg/LIf0f ul/;s]kl5 lg/LIf0fdf b]lvPsf s'/fx¿sf] lj:t[t ljj/0f ;lxt hfFra'´
k|ltj]bg dGqfno ;dIf k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|ltj]bg k|fKt ePkl5 dGqfnon] ;f] ;DaGwdf
b]xfosf] s'g} jf ;a} sfd ug{ ;Sg]5 M–

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-s_ P]g jf o; lgodfjnL ljk/Lt k|b"if0f ug]{ jf kmf]x/ d}nf

lgisfzg ug]{ JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsnfO{ pkl:yt u/fO{ aofg
-v_ s'g} ;+oGq, cf}hf/, d]lzg/L, dfn ;fdfg cflb hfFra'´ u/fpg],
-u_ hfFra'´ kZrft\ s'g} ;+oGq cf}hf/, d]lzg/L cflbsf] k|of]udf
/f]s nufpg],
-3_ k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf kmf]x/d}nfsf] lgisfzg gug{ pko'Qm
;D´]sf] s'g} cfb]z lbg] .
@$= :yfgLo k|zf;gn] ;xof]u ug'{ kg]{M lg/LIf0fsf] l;nl;nfdf s;}n] lg/LIfsnfO{ afwf
lj/f]w u/]df jf lg/LIf0f ug{ hfFbf an k|of]u ug'{ kg]{ eO{ lg/LIfsn] k|x/Lsf] ;xof]u
dfu u/]df :yfgLo k|zf;gn] lg/LIfsnfO{ cfjZos k|x/L pknAw u/fpg' kg]{5 .
@%= lg/LIfsnfO{ ;hfo x'g]M lg/LIfsn] P]g jf o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd cfˆgf] st{Jo
kfngsf] l;nl;nfdf hfgL hfgL jf ablgot;fy s'g} sfd u/L s;}nfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL
k'¥ofPdf lghnfO{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd ;hfo x'g]5 .
/fli6«o ;Dkbf / jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qsf] ;+/If0f
@^= kl~hsf tof/ ubf{ ckgfpg' kg]{ sfo{ljlwM -!_ ;DalGwt lgsfon] kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z
ul/g] j:t', :yn, jg:klt, hLjhGt' cflb pNn]v u/L ;j{;fwf/0fsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu
;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd k|sflzt ;"rgfdf pNn]v ePsf j:t', :yn, jg:klt,
hLjhGt' cflbsf] ;DaGwdf s;}sf] s'g} k|ltlqmof eP To:tf] ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf]
ldltn] tL; lbgleq ;DalGwt lgsfodf ph"/ ug{ ;lsg]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd s'g} ph"/L k/]df ;f] ph"/L pk/ 5fgaLg u/L / s'g}
ph"/L gk/]df tL; lbgsf] Dofb ;dfKt ePkl5 ;DalGwt lgsfon] kl~hsf tof/ ug'{
kg]{5 .
@&= lrGx tyf l;dfgf /fVg' kg]{M -!_ ;DalGwt lgsfon] kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z ePsf j:t' jf
:ynsf] klxrfgsf] nflu To:tf] j:t' jf :yndf cfjZostfg';f/ lrGx tyf l;dfgf
/fVg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd /flvPsf] lrGx tyf l;dfgf ;DaGwL ljj/0f / ;f] ;Fu
;DalGwt gS;f ;DalGwt lgsfon] cBfjlws ¿kdf /fvL ;f]sf] hfgsf/L dGqfnonfO{
;d]t lbg' kg]{5 .


@*= xfgL gf]S;fgL ug{ gx'gM] ;DalGwt lgsfosf] :jLs[lt j]u/ s;}n] klg kl~hsfdf
;dfj]z ePsf jf /fli6«o ;Dkbf leqsf j:t', :yn, jg:klt, hLj hGt' cflbsf
;DaGwdf b]xfosf s'g} sfd ug'{ u/fpg' x'Fb}g M–
-s_ s'g} j:t', :yn, jg:klt, hLjhGt', cflb x6fpg, km]/abn ug{ jf To;nfO{
gf]S;fg k'Ug] s'g} sfd ug{,
-v_ s'g} j:t', :yn, jg:klt, hLjGt' cflb s;}nfO{ pkxf/ lbg jf xs5f8L
a]rlavg ug{ jf x:tfGt/0f ug{,
-u_ kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z ePsf s'g} hLjhGt'x¿nfO{ gf]S;fg k'¥ofpg] lsl;dsf
cGo hLjhGt' /fli6«o ;Dkbf ;+/If0f If]qdf k|j]z u/fpg],
-3_ s'g} j:t', :yn, jg:klt, hLjhGt', cflb lau|g] jf gfl;g] u/L cGo s'g}
sfd ug{ .
@(= ph"/L ug{ ;lsg]M -!_ kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z ePsf jf /fli6«o ;Dkbf leqsf j:t', :yn,
jg:klt, hLjhGt' cflbsf] s;}n] lgod @* df n]lvP ljk/Lt xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g] s'g}
sfd u/] u/fPdf ;f] ljifodf hf] ;'s}n] ;DalGwt lgsfodf ph"/L lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd ph"/L k/L hfFra'´ ubf{ jf ;DalGwt lgsfo cfkm}n]
hfFra'´sf] l;nl;nfdf kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z ePsf j:t', :yn, jg:klt, hLjhGt'
cflbsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL ePsf] b]lvPdf ;f] sfo{ t'?Gt /f]Sg' kg]{5 .
#)= jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qdf ug{ gkfOg] sfdM -!_ s;}n] klg jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]q leq
b]xfosf s'g} sfd ug{ u/fpg x'Fb}g .
-s_ k|fs[lts ;Dkbf jf ;f}Gbo{k/s l:yltnfO{ laufg{, gf:g,
eTsfpg, x6fpg, 5]Sg jf c? s'g} lsl;dn] xfgL gf]S;fgL
-v_ s'g} klg jGohGt'sf] vl/b laqmL, Jofkf/ ug{, lzsf/ ug{ tyf
To:tf jGo hGt'nfO{ Iflt k'¥ofpg,
-u_ h}ljs ljljwtfnfO{ k|lts"n c;/ k'Ug] lsl;dsf] s'g} sfd ug{,
-3_ s'g} klg jg:klt sf6\g, 9fNg x6fpg, 5]Sg, pv]Ng tyf
jg:kltnfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g] lsl;dsf sfd ug{,
-ª_ P]ltxfl;s tyf ;f+:s[lts dxTjsf :ynx¿ laufg{, km]g{, gf:g,
x6fpg, eTsfpg jf To:tf :ynx¿df s'g} kf]i6/ jf To:t} cGo
sfuhft jf lrqx¿ 6fF:g jf c? s'g} k|sf/n] xfgL x'g] sfd


s'g} gbL, vf]nf gfnf, ´/gf, vx/], kf]v/L, s'08, tfn jf kfgLsf]
;|f]tdf ljB'tLo wf/ -s/]G6_ k|of]u ug{ / jg:klthGo jf cGo
s'g} lsl;dsf] xflgsf/s /;fog kbfy{ k|of]u ug{,
-5_ s'g} klg lsl;dsf] 3/kfn'jf hgfj/x¿af6 hggs[lt -
h]g]l6s d]sck_ df kl/jt{g ug{,
-h_ vfgL vGg jf s'g} vlgh kbfy{, 9'Ëf, df6f], slª\qm6 jf cGo
kbfy{ x6fpg,
-´_ xf]6n, nh, ;fj{hlgs oftfoft, :jf:Yorf}sL, ljBfno, s'6L jf
cGo o:t} lsl;dsf ;]jfx¿ ;~rfng ug{,
-`_ dGqfnoaf6 clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] :jLs[lt a]u/ jftfj/0f
;+/If0f If]qdf k|j]z ug{,
-6_ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qdf nufOPsf] tf/af/, lrGx, ;+s]t jf cGo
s'g} lrhj:t'x¿nfO{ xfgL gf]S;fgL k'¥ofpg .
-@_ pklgod -!_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf eP tfklg jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qsf]
Joj:yfkg tyf ljsf;sf] nflu dGqfnon] :jLs[lt lbPsf s'g} sfo{x¿ ug{ ;f]
pklgoddf n]lvPsf] s'g} s'/fn] afwf k'¥ofPsf] dflgg] 5}g .
#!= :jLs[lt a]u/ cg';Gwfg ug{ gx'g]M s'g} klg ljb]zL ;+3 ;+:yf jf ltgLx¿;Fu cfj4

JolQm jf ;+:yfn] ;DalGwt lgsfosf] k"j{ :jLs[lt a]u/ g]kfn ======= leqsf] s'g} klg
7fpFdf s'g} hLj, lhjf0f' / jg:kltsf] gd"gf ;+sng ug{ tyf h}ljs ljljwtfsf]
cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL s'g} sfo{ ug{ u/fpg x'Fb}g .
#@= :jLs[ltsf] nflu lgj]bg lbg' kg]{ M -!_ s'g} klg ljb]zL ;+3 ;+:yf jf ltgLx¿;Fu
cfa4 JolQm jf ;+:yfn] g]kfn 
=========== leqsf] s'g} 7fpFdf s'g} hLj, lhjf0f' /
jg:kltsf] gd"gf ;ª\sng ug{ / h}ljs ljljwtfsf] cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL s'g} sfo{ ug{
rfx]df To;sf] p2]Zo v'nfO{ :jLs[ltsf] nflu ;DalGwt lgsfo ;dIf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd s'g} lgj]bg kg{ cfPdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f]
;DaGwdf cfjZos hfFra'´ ug]{5 / hfFra'´af6 s'g} hLj, lhjf0f' tyf jg:kltsf]
gd"gf ;ª\sng ug{ tyf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL s'g} sfo{ ug{ lbg
dgfl;a b]lvPdf cfjZos zt{x¿ tf]sL :jLs[lt lbg' kg]{5 .
 t];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd :jLs[lt lbOPsf] hfgsf/L ;DalGwt lgsfon]

dGqfnonfO{ u/fpg' kg]{5 .
##= zt{ ljk/Lt sfd ug{ gx'g]M -!_ lgod #@ adf]lhd :jLs[lt k|fKt JolQm jf ;+:yfn]

s'g} hLj, lhjf0f' / jg:kltsf] gd"gf ;Ëng tyf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] cg';Gwfg ubf{
;DalGwt lgsfon] tf]lslbPsf zt{ ljk/Lt x'g] u/L s'g} sfd sf/afxL ug{ x'Fb}g .
-@_ pklgod -!_ ljk/Lt s;}n] s'g} sfd u/]sf] b]lvPdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f]
sfd t'?Gt /f]Sg' kg]{5 .
k|of]uzfnf ;DaGwL Joj:yf
#$= u'0f:t/o'Qm k|of]uzfnf dfq tf]lsg]M P]gn] bkmf !! sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd
u}/;/sf/L If]qdf ;~rfng ePsf k|of]uzfnfx¿ tf]Sbf u'0f:t/o'Qm k|df0fkq kfPsf
k|of]uzfnfx¿ dfq tf]lsg]5g\ .
#%= k|of]uzfnfsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/M -!_ P]gdf n]lvPb]lv afx]s k|of]uzfnfsf] cGo
sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M–
-s_ jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f tyf k|b"if0f lgoGq0f ;DaGwdf dGqfno jf
;DalGwt lgsfoaf6 k/LIf0f ug{ cg'/f]w ul/Psf lrh jf
j:t'nfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{ k/LIf0f ug]{,
-v_ ljz]if lsl;dsf] k|b"if0f km}lnPsf] sf/0faf6 jftfj/0fdf uDeL/
c;/ kg{ uPsf] b]lvPdf dGqfnon] tf]lslbPsf] ;dofjlw leq
To:tf] k|b"if0f ;DaGwdf hfFr u/L dGqfno ;dIf k|ltj]bg k]z
ug]{ .
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -v_ adf]lhd k|b"if0f hfFr ug]{ k|ljlw gePsf
k|of]uzfnfn] ;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnosf] cg'/f]wdf ljb]z l:yt k|of]uzfnfaf6
To:tf] k|b"if0fsf] hfFr u/fpg' kg]{5 .
#^= csf]{ k|of]uzfnfaf6 hfFr u/fpg ;lsg]M ;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnon] Pp6f
k|of]uzfnfaf6 hfFr ePsf] k|b"if0fsf] :t/ cfjZostfg';f/ csf]{ k|of]uzfnfaf6 ;d]t
hfFr u/fpg ;Sg]5 .
#&= k|of]uzfnfaf6 ul/Psf] hfFr k|sfzg ug{ ;Sg]M ;DalGwt lgsfo jf dGqfnon] o;
lgodfjnL adf]lhd k|of]uzfnfaf6 hfFr u/fPsf] k|b"if0fsf] :t/ ;j{;fwf/0fsf]
hfgsf/Lsf] nflu k|sfzg ug{ ;Sg]5 .


#*= k|of]uzfnfsf] ;"rL cBfjlws /fVg' kg]{M dGqfnon] ;/sf/L tyf u}/ ;/sf/L If]qdf
:yfkgf ePsf u'0f:t/o'Qm k|of]uzfnfx¿sf] ;"rL tof/ u/L cBfjlws ¿kdf /fVg'
kg]{5 .
sf]if ;~rfng ;DaGwL Joj:yf
#(= ;~rfns ;ldltsf] u7g ;DaGwLM -!_ sf]ifsf] Joj:yf, ;~rfng / /]vb]v ;d]tsf]
sfd ug{sf] nflu b]xfosf ;b:ox¿ /x]sf] Ps sf]if ;~rfns ;ldlt u7g x'g]5 M–
-s_ ;lrj, hg;+Vof tyf jftfj/0f dGqfno cWoIf
-v_ ;x;lrj, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] ;lrjfno ;b:o
-u_ ;x;lrj, cy{ dGqfno ;b:o
-3_ 8]k'6L ue{g/, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s ;b:o
-ª_ cWoIf, g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3 ;b:o
-r_ jftfj/0f ljb\x¿ jf jftfj/0f ;DaGwL
u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfsf k|d'vx¿dWo]af6 Pshgf ;b:o
-5_ ;x;lrj -jftfj/0f dxfzfvf_, hg;+Vof tyf
jftfj/0f dGqfno ;b:o–;lrj
-@_ pklgod -!_ sf] v08 -r_ adf]lhdsf] ;b:osf] dgf]gog dGqfnon] ug]{5 /
lghsf] kbfjlw b'O{ jif{sf] x'g]5 .
-#_ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] a}7s ;DaGwL sfo{ljlw ;~rfns ;ldlt cfkm}n] lgwf{/0f
u/] adf]lhd x'g]5 .
$)= ;lrjfno / k|zf;sLo vr{ ;DaGwL Joj:yfM -!_ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] ;lrjfnosf]
sfd dGqfnon] ug]{5 .
-@_ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] ;lrjfnosf] nflu k|zf;sLo vr{sf] /sd dGqfnosf]
ah]6af6 Joxf]l/g]5 .
$!= sf]ifsf] Joj:yfkg / ;~rfng M -!_ sf]ifnfO{ cfjlt{ -l/eNjLª\u_ sf]ifsf] ¿kdf
;~rfng ul/g]5 .
-@_ sf]ifdf hDdf ePsf] /sd ;~rfns ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] a}+sdf vftf vf]nL
hDdf ul/g]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd vf]lnPsf] vftfsf] ;~rfng ;~rfns ;ldltn] tf]s]
adf]lhd x'g]5 .


$@= sf]ifsf] k|of]uM sf]ifdf hDdf ePsf] /sd jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf
lgoGq0f / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f;Fu ;DalGwt ljifodf / b]xfosf sfddf ;~rfns
;ldltn] lg0f{o u/] adf]lhd vr{ ul/g]5 M–
-s_ jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf]
;+/If0f / To:tf sfo{sf nflu hgr]tgf clej[l4 ug{ k|efjsf/L e"ldsf
v]Ng] ;+:yfnfO{ cfjZos ljQLo, ef}lts / k|fljlws ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg],
-v_ jftfj/0fLo lzIff, tfnLd, cWoog, cg';Gwfg ;DaGwL sfddf cfjZos
cfly{s ;xof]u k'¥ofpg],
-u_ jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf]
;+/If0fdf pNn]vgLo of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ k'/:sf/sf]
Joj:yf ug]{ .
-3_ jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k|b"if0fsf] /f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf]
;+/If0f ;DaGwdf lgoldt sfo{qmddf gk/]sf] of]hgf th"{df tyf sfo{qmd
sfof{Gjog ug]{ .
$#= n]vf Joj:yfM sf]ifsf] cfo Joosf] n]vf k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd /flvg]5 .
$$= jflif{s k|ltj]bg k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{ M ;~rfns ;ldltn] jif{e/L u/]sf] sfd sf/afxLsf]
jflif{s k|ltj]bg ;j{;fwf/0fsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu ;fj{hlgs ¿kdf k|sfzg ug{ kg]{5 .
Ifltk"lt{ tyf cGo Joj:yf
$%= Iflt{k"lt{ e/fpg lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf !& adf]lhd s;}n] s'g} JolQm,
;+:yf jf k|:tfjs;Fu Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg rfx]df To:tf] JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn] u/]sf]
s'g} sfdaf6 lgj]bsnfO{ s] s:tf] Iflt k'Ug uPsf]n] slt Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg rfx]sf] xf]
;f] Joxf]/f v'nfO{ ;DalGwt lhNnfsf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L ;dIf lgj]bg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd s'g} lgj]bg k|fKt ePdf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] ;f]
lgj]bg / cfjZostf cg';f/ ;Da4 7fpFsf] j:t'l:ylt ;d]tsf] hfFra'´ u/L ;f]
ljifodf lhNnf l:yt ;DalGwt sfof{no / pQm lhNnfdf lg/LIfs vl6Psf] eP lg/LIfs
;d]tsf] /fo, ;'´fj lnO{ lgj]bsnfO{ k'Ug uPsf] jf:tljs Ifltsf] d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd s'g} sf/0fn] Ifltsf] d"NofÍg ug{ g;Sg] ePdf k|d'v
lhNnf clwsf/Ln] ;f] ljifodf ;'´fjsf] nflu ;DalGwt lgj]bg k|fKt ePsf] tL; lbg
leq ;f] lgj]bg ;DalGwt lgsfodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .


-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd s'g} lgj]bg k|fKt ePdf ;DalGwt lgsfon] ;f]
;DaGwdf hfFra'´ u/L cfjZostfg';f/ ;DalGwt 7fpFsf] j:t'l:ylt x]/L /fo ;'´fj
;lxt To:tf] lgj]bg ;DalGwt k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L ;dIf lkmtf{ k7fpg' kg]{5 .
-%_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd Ifltsf] d"NofÍg ul/Psf]df ;f]xL adf]lhd / ;DalGwt
lgsfoaf6 ;'´fj dfu ul/Psf]df pklgod -$_ adf]lhd ;'´fj k|fKt eP kl5 k|d'v
lhNnf clwsf/Ln] ;f] ;'´fj cg';f/ Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ug'{ kg]{5 .
-^_ Ifltk"lt{sf] nflu k|fKt lgj]bg pklgod -#_ adf]lhd ;DalGwt lgsfodf
k7fOPsf]df ;DalGwt lgsfoaf6 ;'´fj k|fKt ePsf] ldltn] kGw| lbg leq / ;DalGwt
lgsfodf lgj]bg gk7fPsf]df Ifltk"lt{sf] nflu lgj]bg k/]sf] ;f7L lbg leq k|d'v lhNnf
clwsf/Ln] Ifltk"lt{ ;DaGwdf lg0f{o ul/;Sg' kg]{5 .
-&_ Ifltk"lt{ lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;DaGwdf k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/LnfO{ ;DalGwt JolQm,
;+:yf jf k|:tfjsnfO{ cfkm" ;dIf pkl:yt u/fO{ aofg u/fpg], s'g} sfuhft, pks/0f,
oGq cflb k]z ug{ nufpg], k|b"if0f, Wjlg, tfk jf kmf]x/ d}nfsf] l;h{gf jf lgisfzg
u/]sf] 7fpFdf k|j]z u/L hfFra'´ ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 .
-*_ k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] o; lgod adf]lhd lgwf{/0f u/]sf] Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd
plrt / dgfl;a x'g'kg]{5 .
$^= lgwf{l/t ;dodf Ifltk"lt{ /sd a'´fpg' kg]{M -!_ lgod $% adf]lhd Ifltk"lt{sf]
/sd lgwf{/0f ePsf] ldltn] tL; lbgleq ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn]
Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd ;DalGwt JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ a'´fpg' kg]{5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhdsf] Dofb leq Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd a'´fpg g;s]sf]
dgfl;j dflkmssf] sf/0f hgfO{ ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn] Dofb yksf] nflu
lgj]bg u/]df / To;/L lgj]bgdf pNn]v ePsf] sf/0f dgfl;j b]lvPdf k|d'v lhNnf
clwsf/Ln] Ps k6ssf] nflu a9Ldf tL; lbgsf] Dofb yk ul/lbg ;Sg]5 .
$&= hfoh]yfaf6 Ifltk"lt{ c;"n pk/ ul/g] M -!_ lgod $^ adf]lhdsf] Dofb leq
;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsn] Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd ga'´fPdf ;f] Dofb gf3]sf] tLg
dlxgfleq Ifltk"lt{ kfpg] JolQm jf ;+:yfn] To:tf] JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjssf] hfoh]yf
v'nfO{ Ifltk"lt{ c;"n pk/ u/L kfpg k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/L ;dIf lgj]bg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd s'g} lgj]bg k/]df k|d'v lhNnf clwsf/Ln] Ifltk"lt{
a'´fpg' kg]{ JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjssf] hfoh]yf k|rlnt sfg'g adf]lhd lnnfd laqmL
u/L Ifltk"lt{sf] /sd e/fO{ lbO{ afFsL /sd k|rlnt sfg'gsf] /Lt k'¥ofO{ lng cfP
;DalGwt JolQm, ;+:yf jf k|:tfjsnfO{ lkmtf{ lbg' kg]{5 .


%*= ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L tf]lsPsf]M -!_ s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfn] P]gsf] bkmf $ adf]lhd
k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f ;DaGwL k|:tfj :jLs[t gu/fO{ s'g} sfo{ u/]df P]gsf] bkmf
!* sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L ;DalGwt lgsfo x'g]5 .
-@_ s'g} JolQm jf ;+:yfn] P]gsf] bkmf $ adf]lhd jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg
;DaGwL k|:tfj :jLs[t gu/fO{ s'g} sfo{ u/]df P]gsf] bkmf !* sf] pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd
;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L dGqfno x'g]5 .
-#_ s'g} pBf]un] lgod !^ adf]lhd k|df0fkq glnO{ pBf]u ;~rfng u/]df jf
s'g} JolQm, ;+:yf jf pBf]unfO{ lgod !* adf]lhd k|b"if0f lgoGq0f ug{ jf kmf]x/d}nf
lgisfzg gug]{ ;"rgf ubf{ klg k|b"if0f lgoGq0f gu/]df jf kmf]x/d}nf lgisfzg u/]df
P]gsf] bkmf !* sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L ;DalGwt lgsfo x'g]5 .
-$_ s;}n] lgod @# sf] pklgod -@_ adf]lhd lbOPsf] cfb]z adf]lhd s'g}
sfd gu/]df P]gsf] bkmf !* sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L dGqfno
x'g]5 .
-%_ s;}n] kl~hsfdf ;dfj]z ePsf jf /fli6«o ;Dkbf leqsf j:t', :yn,
jg:klt, hLjhGt' cflbsf] lgod @* adf]lhd xfgL gf]S;fgL x'g] s'g} sfo{ u/]df P]gsf]
bkmf !* sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L ;DalGwt lgsfo x'g]5 .
-^_ s;}n] lgod #@ adf]lhd :jLs[lt glnO{ jf tf]lsPsf] zt{ ljk/Lt s'g} sfd
u/]df P]gsf] bkmf !* sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L ;DalGwt lgsfo
x'g]5 .
-&_ s;}n] o; lgoddf dfly n]lvPb]lv afx]ssf P]g jf cGo lgodfjnL
ljk/Ltsf] s'g} sfd u/]df P]gsf] bkmf !* adf]lhd ;hfo ug]{ clwsf/L dGqfno x'g]5 .
$(= k'/:sf/, k|z+;fkq jf lrGx k|bfg ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ jftfj/0fsf] ;+/If0f, k|b"if0fsf]
/f]syfd tyf lgoGq0f / /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ;DaGwL ljifodf pNn]vgLo of]ubfg
k'¥ofpg] JolQm jf ;+:yfnfO{ dGqfnon] sb/ :j?k gub k'/:sf/ / k|z+;fkq k|bfg ug{
;Sg]5 .
-@_ pklgod -!_ adf]lhd pNn]vgLo of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] pBf]unfO{ ;f] pBf]usf]
vf; pTkfbgdf k|of]u ug{ kfpg] u/L dGqfnon] jftfj/0f cg's"n lrGx k|bfg ug{
;Sg]5 .
-#_ s'g} pBf]un] P]g jf o; lgodfjnL ljk/Lt k|b"if0fsf] lgoGq0f tyf /f]syfd
gu/]df dGqfnon] To:tf] pBf]unfO{ k|bfg u/]sf] jftfj/0f cg's"n lrGx k|of]u ug{
gkfpg] u/L /f]s nufpg ;Sg]5 .


-$_ pklgod -#_ adf]lhd /f]s nufOPsf] ;"rgf dGqfnon] ;fj{hlgs ?kdf
k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{5 .
%)= jftfj/0f ;DaGwL ljz]if1sf] gfdfjnLM dGqfnon] jftfj/0fsf] ;DaGwdf ljz]if 1fg
tyf cg'ej ePsf JolQmx¿sf] gfdfjnL cBfjlws u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
%!= clwsf/L tf]lsPsf]M P]gsf] bkmf * sf] pkbkmf -^_ sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu tf]lsPsf]
clwsf/L dGqfno x'g]5 .

%@= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hgM -!_ dGqfnon] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd cfkm"nfO{ k|fKt clwsf/x¿
dWo] cfjZostfg';f/ s]xL clwsf/ ;DalGwt lgsfo, cfkm" dftxtsf] lgsfo jf s'g}
clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{ k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ ;DalGwt lgsfon] o; lgodfjnL adf]lhd cfkm"nfO{ k|fKt clwsf/x¿ dWo]
cfjZostfg';f/ s]xL clwsf/ cfkm" dftxtsf] lgsfo jf s'g} clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{
k|Tofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
t/ ;DalGwt lgsfon] dGqfnodf cfˆgf] /fo k7fpg] s'/fsf] xsdf clwsf/
k|Tofof]hg ug]{ 5}g .
%#= o;} lgodfjnL adf]lhd x'g]M o; lgodfjnLdf n]lvP hlt s'/fdf o;} lgodfjnL
adf]lhd / c¿df k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .
%$= cg';"rLdf x]/km]/ tyf yk36 ug{ ;Sg] M dGqfnon] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg
u/L cfjZostf cg';f/ cg';"rLdf x]/km]/ tyf yk36 ug{ ;Sg]5 .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .
b|i6Ao M– s]xL g]kfn sfg"g ;+zf]wg ug]{ P]g, @)^# åf/f ¿kfGt/ ePsf zAbx¿M–
æ>L % sf] ;/sf/Æ sf] ;§f æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ .


cg';"rL – !

-lgod # ;Fu ;DalGwt_

k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f ug{' kg]{ k|:tfjx?

-c_ jg If]q

!= t/fO{df %) b]lv %)) x]S6/;Dd / kxf8df @% b]lv !)) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]qkmndf

Psn k|hfltsf :j]bzL lj?jf Pp6} Ansdf j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ .

@= ;DalGwt 7fpFdf k/LIf0f eO{ j[Iff/f]k0fsf] nflu pko'Qm ePsf cfofltt k|hfltsf
lj?jfx¿ t/fO{df !) x]S6/b]lv !)) x]S6/;Dd / kxf8df % x]S6/b]lv %)
x]S6/;Ddsf If]qkmndf Pp6} Ansdf j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ .

#= t/fO{df %) b]lv @)) x]S6/;Dd / kxf8df !) b]lv %) x]S6/;Dd If]qkmnsf] jg

sj'lnotL jgsf] ¿kdf lbg] .

$= ;/sf/åf/f jg cg';Gwfgsf] k|of]hgfy{ jflif{s !% b]lv #) x]S6/ If]qkmn ;Ddsf]

/fli6«o jg ;/k6 s6fg ug]{ .

%= /fli6«o lgs'~h, jGohGt' cf/If tyf ;+/If0f If]q / jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]q :yfkgf ug]{
jf lj:tf/ ug]{ .

^= jg tyf ;+/lIft If]q Joj:yfkg jg k}bfjf/sf] kl/df0f pNn]v gePsf] cj:yfdf Ps

lhNnfaf6 Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]qaf6 Psk6s jf k6s k6s u/L k|lt k|hflt
jflif{s % b]lv %) d]= 6g;Dd h/f lemSg] k|hfltsf jg k}bfj/ ;+sng ug]{ .

&= ;+/lIft hnfwf/ If]qsf] Joj:yfkg of]hgf th'{df ug]{ .

*= !) x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf] If]qkmndf gofF jg:klt pBfg, jg ljp ju}Frf / lrl8ofvfgf

lgdf{0f ug]{ .

(= ljleGg k|hfltsf cfoltt hª\unL hgfj/x? k|lt:yfkgf ug]{ .

ldlt @)^$.%.# sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f cg';"rL x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


!)= /fli6«o lgs'~h, jGohGt' cf/If tyf ;+/If0f If]q / ltgsf] dWojlt{ If]q Pj+ l;d;f/
If]q ;d]tdf Joj:yfkg of]hgf tof/ ug]{ / ;/sf/åf/f Jojl:yt ;a} k|sf/sf
lhNnf:t/Lo jg Joj:yfkg of]hgfx? tof/ ug]{ .

!!= ;fj{hlgs a'6\ofg If]qdf hl8a'6L / ;'ulGwt jg:kltsf] Jofj;flos pTkfbgsf] nflu
hl8a'6L s]Gb| :yfkgf ug]{ .

!@= k|rlnt sfg"g cg';f/ k|zf]wg u/L ;f/fTj lgsfnL lgsf;L ug{ kfOg] k|hfltx?sf]
xsdf Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]q jf Ps jf w]/} l;hgdf Ps k6s jf k6s k6s
u/L Ps lhNnfaf6 k|lt k|hflt % b]lv %) 6g;Dd jg k}bfj/ ;ª\sng ug]{ .

!#= !) ls= ld= eGbf a9L jg ky / !) ls= ld= eGbf nfdf] cUgL /]vf lgdf{0f ug]{ .

!$= jg If]q jf jg If]q eP/ jxg] gbL, vf]nfx?af6 b}lgs !)) 3gld6/ eGbf a9L
afn'jf, 9'ª\uf, u|fe]n / df6f] ;ª\sng ug]{ .

!%= jg If]qaf6 sf]Onf / cGo vlghhGo kbfy{ lgsfNg] .

!^= lg/k]zIf ul/aLsf] /]vfd'lgsf ;d"x dfkm{t ;~rflnt %) x]S6/eGbf a9L jg

sj'lnotL jgsf] ?kdf lbg] .

!&= jg;Fu ;DalGwt ;/sf/L lgsfo afx]s cGo lgsfox?af6 sfof{Gjog x'g] k|:tfjsf]
nflu % x]S6/;Ddsf] jg If]q leqsf] jg:klt x6fpg] sfo{ ug]{ .

!*=%)) b]lv &%) x]S6/;Ddsf] jg If]q Pp6} ;d'bfonfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{

!(= jg tyf ;+/lIft If]q Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf jg k}bfj/sf] kl/df0f pNn]v gePsf]
cj:yfdf Ps lhNnfaf6 Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]qaf6 Ps k6s jf k6s k6s
u/L k|lt k|hflt jflif{s !)–!)) d]= 6g;Dd af]qmf lemSg] k|hfltsf jg k}bfj/
;ª\sng ug]{ .

@)= k|rlnt sfg"g cg';f/ ;ª\sng ug{ k|ltjGw gnufOPsf Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]q
jf Ps jf w]/} l;hgdf dfly qm=;+= ^ / !( sf ;fnl;8, l/7\7f / cdnf, t]Gb'kft,

ldlt @)^(.!!.!$ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


ef]nf{kft, t]hkft nufot sf7 afx]ssf jg k}bfj/ Ps lhNnfaf6 Ps k6s jf k6s

k6s u/L k|lt k|hflt jflif{s %–!)) d]= 6g;Dd ;ª\sng ug]{ .

@!= jg If]q, /fli6«o lgs'~h, cf/If tyf ;+/If0f If]q, dWojlt{ If]q, l;d;f/ If]q /
jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qdf !) b]lv %) z}of;Ddsf l/;f]6{, xf]6n / ;kmf/L tyf ;fgf
vfnsf lzIf0f ;+:Yf, c:ktfn jf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] jg;Fu ;DalGwt lgsfo afx]s cGo
lgsfoaf6 x'g ;Sg] lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ .

@@= :jLs[t jg sfo{of]hgf adf]lhd % x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qaf6 s6fg ePsf ?vsf] h/f,
7'6f lgsfNg] .

@#= Plnog (Alien) tyf OGe]l;e (Invasive) hª\unL k|f0fL tyf jg:kltsf] :yfkgf
nufot (Introduced) lh=Pd=cf]= (Genetically Modified Organism) / Pn=Pd=cf]=
(Living Modified Organism) k|efljt k|hflt Pj+ k|ljlwsf] :yfkgf, k|zf/0f tyf
cg';Gwfg ;DalGw sfo{ ug]{ .

@$= Ps lhNnfaf6 jflif{s % d]= 6geGbf a9L vf]6f] ;ª\sng ug]{ .

-cf_ pBf]u If]q


!= An]l08ª\u k|lqmofaf6 dlb/f pTkfbg ug]{ tyf b}lgs % nfv ln6/;Dd Ifdtf
ePsf] pdfNg] / kmd]{G6]zg ;'ljwfo'Qm l8l:6n/L :yfkgf ug]{ .

@= b}lgs !)) d]= 6g;Dd pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] Pl;8, cNsfnL / k|fylds /;fog
pBf]ux¿ :yfkgf ug]{ .

#= b}lgs !),))) ju{ lkm6;Dd 5fnf k|zf]wg ug]{ .

$= s'lsª\u, g]r'/n Uof; l/lkmlnª\u, lkmlnª\u pTkfbg–ljt/0f ug]{ pBf]u :yfkgf

ug]{ .

%= 9'ª\uf qml;Ë pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

^= >[ª\uf/ ;fdfg afx]ssf /ª\u /f]ug pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

&= b}lgs !),))) ln6/eGbf a9L Ifdtf ePsf] b'Uw k|zf]wg pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

*= An]l08ª\u, l/k|f];]l;ª\u jf l/Snfd]zg k|lqmofaf6 n'la|s]G6;\ pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u

:yfkgf ug]{ .

(= kmf]d pTkfbg pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!)= 8«fO jf j]6 ;]n -Jo«f6L_ pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!!= b}lgs #))) d]= 6g ;Dd vfF8;f/L jf lrgL pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!@= k/Dk/fut 3/]n', pBf]u afx]ssf wfuf] sk8f /ª\ufO{, 5kfO jf w'nfO{ pBf]u -
un}+rf ;d]t_ :yfkgf ug]{ .

!#= k/Dk/fut 3/]n' pBf]u afx]s b}lgs !)) d]= 6g ;Dd pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] kNk
jf sfuh pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!$= jflif{s @ s/f]8 uf]6f;Dd pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] O6f, 6fon cflb pBf]u :yfkgf
ug]{ .

!%=r'g9'+uf jf lSn+s/df cfwfl/t b}lgs # xhf/ d]l6«s 6g;Dd pTkfbg Ifdtf
ePsf] lSn+s/ jf l;d]G6 pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!^= b}lgs %)) d]= 6g ;Dd r'g pTkfbg pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!&= cf}iflw pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ / b}lgs %) d]= 6g ;Dd cf}ifwLsf] nflu k|f/lDes
SDkfp08 (Bulk Drugs) ;+Zn]if0f (Formulation) ug]{ .

!*= b}lgs % d]= 6g eGbf a9L Knfli6s pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u -v]/ uPsf] Knfli6ssf]
sRrf kbfy{df cfwfl/t_ :yfkgf ug]{ .

!(= kfO{k nfOg afx]s Jofkfl/s k|ofhgsf nflu k|lt ;]s]08 !) ln6/eGbf a9L b/n]
kfgL k|zf]wg ug]{ pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

-v_ d]l;g, cf}hf/ / pks/0fdf ?= !) nfveGbf a9L nufgL x'g] b]xfosf pBf]ux¿
:yfkgf ug]{ M–

!= 6fo/, 6\o'A; / /a/ k|zf]wg tyf pTkfbg .

ldlt @)&@.&.#) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


@= kmfp08«L .

#= la6'ldg tyf la6'ldg OdN;g .

$= b}lgs %) d]= 6g;Dd xf8, l;ª / v'/sf] /f;folgs k|zf]wg ug]{ .

%= cfo'j]{lbs cf}ifwL .

^= %) s/f]8;Dd l:y/ k"FhL nufgL x'g] -l;len sfo{ / d]zLg/L_ vfgLdf cfwfl/t
pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

&= b}lgs %) d]= 6g;Dd km]/; tyf gg\ km]/; -l//f]lnª\u, l/df]lN6ª\u / km]la|s]zg
afx]s_ k|f/lDes :d]lN6ª\u u/L wft' pTkfbg ug]{ .

*= jflif{s % xhf/b]lv %) xhf/ So"+ljs lkm6;Dd sf7 k|of]u ug]{ ;Mldn :yfkgf
ug]{ .

-O_ vfgL If]q

!= @% b]lv !)) hgf;Dd :yfoL a;f]af; :yfgfGt/0f jf k'gjf{; u/L vfgL pTvgg\
ug]{ .

@= /]l8of]wdL{ wft'x? afx]s cGo wft'x? pTkfbg ug{ ul/g] e"ldut pTvgg\ eP
b}lgs @)) 6g;Dd / ;txL pTvgg\ eP b}lgs $)) 6g ;Dd pTvgg\sf] sfo{
ug]{ .

#= P:j]:6; afx]s cwft' vlgh pTkfbg ug{ ul/g] e"ldut pTvgg\ eP b}lgs @))
6g;Dd / ;txL pTvgg\ eP b}lgs $,*)) d]l6«s 6g;Dd pTvgg\sf] sfo{ ug]{ .

$= 8]sf]/]l6e 9'ª\uf -h:t} – Marble, Granite, Amphibolite/Polished Stone_

;ª\sng tyf pTkfbg ug]{ .

%= ;fwf/0f lgdf{0fd'vL 9'ª\uf, afn'jf, u|fe]n, cf}Bf]lus df6f] / ;fwf/0f df6fsf]

pTvgg\sf nflu b}lgs #)) So'=ld= ;Dd pTvgg\sf] sfo{ ug]{ .

ldlt @)&@.&.#) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


^= b}lgs ! nfv 3gld6/;Dd k|fs[lts Uof“; (Biogenic Natural Gas) pTkfbg sfo{
ug]{ .

-O{_ ;8s If]q

!= b]xfosf goFf ;8sx¿ lgdf{0f ug]{ M–

-s_ lhNnf ;8sx¿

-v_ zx/L ;8sx¿

@= % b]lv %) ls= ld= ;Ddsf] /Hh'dfu{ lgdf{0f ug]{ .

#= ! b]lv % ls= ld= ;Ddsf] s]a'n sf/ dfu{ lgdf{0f ug]{ .

$= k|d'v k'nx¿ lgdf{0f ug]{ .

%= ;8s k|of]hgsf] nflu ;'?ªx¿ agfpg] .

^= /fli6«o /fhdfu{ tyf ;xfos ;8sx¿sf] :t/j[l4, k'g:yf{kgf tyf k'gM lgdf{0f ug]{ .

-p_ cfjf;, ejg tyf zx/L ljsf; If]q

!= %,))) ju{ld6/ If]qkmneGbf dfly !),))) ju{ld6/ If]qkmn;Ddsf] Built Up Area

jf Floor Area ePsf] Residential, Commercial and Their Combination sf] ejg
lgdf{0f ug]{ .

@= !,))) b]lv @,))) hgf;Dd Ps}k6s cfudg tyf lgudg x'g] l;g]df xn, lyP6/,
Community Hall, Stadium, Concert Hall, Spot Complex lgdf{0f ug]{ .

#= ! x]S6/b]lv $ x]S6/;Ddsf] If]qdf cfjf; ljsf; ug]{ .

$= !) x]S6/b]lv !)) x]S6/;Ddsf] hUuf ljsf; cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

%= !) x]S6/eGbf dfly Hard Surface Pavement -h:t} – Dry Port, Bus Park, Parking
Lot cflb_ lgdf{0f ug]{ .

^= @),))) so"= ld6/eGbf dfly df6f] k'g]{ tyf df6f] sf6L Site Develop ug]{ .


&= !) tNnf jf @% ld6/eGbf dfly !^ tNnf jf %) ld6/;Ddsf ejgx? lgdf{0f ug]{ .

-pm_ hn;|f]t / pmhf{ If]q

!= ljB't nfO{g lgdf{0f cGt{ut M

-s_ =========

-v_ ==========

-u_ !#@ s]=eL= jf ;f]eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] ljB't k|;f/0f nfOg lgdf{0f ug]{ .

-3_ ljBdfg @@) s]=eL= jf ;f]eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] ljB't k|;f/0f nfOgaf6 6\ofk
u/L gofF cfp68f]/ ;j:6]zg lgdf{0f ug]{ .

!s= o; lgodfjnLdf cGoq h';'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] eP tfklg ljB't k|zf/0f nfOg
lgdf{0f ubf{ hlt;'s} jg If]q pkof]u ug'{ kg]{ eP tfklg k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo
k/LIf0f dfq kof{Kt x'g]5 .

t/ o;/L ljB't k|zf/0f nfOg lgdf{0f ubf{ ?v s6fg ug'{ k/]df Ps ?v

s6fg ePsf]df To;sf] Go"gtd kRrL;sf] cg'kftdf ?v /f]k]/ x'sf{Psf] x'g' kg]{5 .

@= ljB't pTkfbg cGtu{t M

-s_ ! d]ufjf6b]lv %) d]ufjf6 Ifdtf;Ddsf] hnljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf lgdf{0f
ug]{ .

-v_ ! d]ufjf6b]lv % d]ufjf6 Ifdtf;Ddsf] vlgh t]n jf UofF;af6 ljB't pTkfbg

cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

#= l;FrfO{sf] gofF k|0ffnL cGtu{t M–

-s_ t/fO{ / leqL dw]zdf @)) x]S6/b]lv @,))) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]q l;FrfO{ ug]{ .

-v_ kxf8L pkTosf / 6f/df @% b]lv %)) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]q l;FrfO{ ug]{ .

ldlt @)^%.#.!^ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgf ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)^%.!!.@^ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f lemlsPsf] .

ldlt @)^%.!!.@^ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)^^.!).!# sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f yk ul/Psf] .


-u_ kxf8L le/fnf] kfvf / kj{tLo If]qdf @% b]lv @)) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]q l;FrfO{ ug]{ .

$= l;FrfO{sf] k'g?Tyfg k|0ffnL cGtu{t M–

-s_ ljBdfg k|0ffnL cGtu{tsf l;FrfO{ cfof]hgfx?df gofF x]8jS;{ lgdf{0f jf d"n gx/
kl/jt{g x'g] s'g} klg k'g?Tyfg cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

%= @% hgfb]lv !)) hgf;Dd :yfoL a;f]af; ePsf hg;+Vof lj:yflkt ug]{ s'g} klg
hn;|f]t ljsf; sfo{ .

^= !) ls=ld= eGbf a9L nDafO{sf] gbL lgoGq0fsf] sfo{ ug]{ .

-pm!_ gjLs/0fLo phf{ If]q M

-s_ ! d]ufjf6b]lv !) d]6fjf6 Ifdtf;Ddsf] ;f}o{ phf{af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf

;~rfng ug]{ .

-v_ ! d]ufjf6b]lv !) d]6fjf6 Ifdtf;Ddsf] jfo' phf{af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf

;~rfng ug]{ .

-u_ )=% d]ufjf6b]lv @ d]6fjf6 Ifdtf;Ddsf] h}ljs phf{af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf
;~rfng ug]{ .

-P_ ko{6g If]q M

!= %) z}ofb]lv !)) z}of;Ddsf] xf]6n :yfkgf / ;~rfng ug]{ .

@= ljBdfg ljdfg:ynsf] If]qkmn yKg] .

#= df5f jf cGo hnr/ ePsf] s'g} gbL jf tfndf Ol~hg hl8t pks/0f / OGwg
Hjng u/L ¥oflˆ6ª sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{ .

$= tfndf :yfkgf x'g] xfp; af]6 -t}/g] 3/_ ;~rfng ug]{ .

-P]_ vfg]kfgL If]q M

ldlt @)^^.!).!# sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)^%.#.!^ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)^&.^.!* sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f yk ul/Psf] .


!= @)) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]qdf km}lnPsf] jiff{bsf] kfgL ;ª\sng ug]{ tyf ;f]xL If]qkmndf
ePsf kfgLsf ;|f]tx¿sf] k|of]u ug]{ .

@= ;]km ON8 ! So";]s;Ddsf] ;txL kfgLsf] ;|f]t / kfgLsf] %) k|ltzt;Dd ;'Vvf

;dodf cfk"lt{ ug]{ .

#= k|lt ;]s]08 @% ln6/ eGbf a9Lsf] b/n] kfgL k|zf]wg ug]{ .

$= e"ldut kfgLsf] ;|f]t ljsf;sf nflu s"n PSo"km/sf] %) k|ltzt;Dd l/rfh{ ug]{ .

%= ;'?ª lgdf{0f u/L vfg]kfgL ;~rfng ug]{ .

^= vfg]kfgL cfof]hgff ;~rfng ug{sf] nflu @% b]lv !)) hgf;Dd hg;+Vof lj:yfkg
ug]{ .

&= kfgLsf] >f]tsf] dflyNnf] efudf %)) hg;+Vof;Ddsf] a;f]af; u/fpg] .

*= kfFr xhf/b]lv aL; xhf/;Ddsf] hg;+VofnfO{ vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{ ug]{ .

(= bz xhf/b]lv Ps nfv;Dd dflg;x¿nfO{ vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{ u/L gofF ;|f]t hf]8\g] .

!)= ! ls= ld= eGbf a9Lsf] l/e/ 6«]lgª\u P08 8fOe/;g\ ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ .

!!= l6«6d]G6 ;lxtsf] 9n lgsf; l;i6d ;dfj]z ePsf vfg]kfgL cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

-cf]_ kmf]xf]/ d}nf Joj:yfkg If]q M

!= 3/ Pj+ cfjf; If]qx¿af6 lg:sg] kmf]xf]/d}nfsf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf] sfd ug]{ M–

-s_ jflif{s !,))) b]lv %,))) 6g;Dd kmf]xf]/d}nf hldgdf eg]{ .

-v_ % b]lv !) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]qdf km}lnPsf] 6«fG;km/ :6]zg / l/;f];{ l/sf]e/L Pl/of
;DaGwL sfd .

-u_ % b]lv !) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]qdf km}lnPsf] /;fog, oflGqs jf h}ljs tl/sfaf6

kmf]xf]/d}nf 5gf}6, s]nfpg], tx nufpg] / k'gM k|of]u ug]{ .

-3_ % b]lv !) x]S6/;Ddsf] If]qdf km}lnPsf] sDkf]i6 Knf06 ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ .


-ª_ %) nfveGbf a9L nfutsf] 9n lgsf; cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

-cf}_ s[lif If]q M

!= kxf8df ! x]S6/;Dd / t/fO{df % x]S6/;Dd /fli6«o jg km8fgL u/L s[lifsf] nflu

k|of]u ug]{ .

@= lgdf{0f ;DaGwL b]xfosf] sfd ug]{ .

-s_ #),))) j6feGbf a9L k+IfL hflt kfNgsf] nflu lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ .

-v_ !,))) j6feGbf a9L 7"nf rf}kfofx¿ kfNgsf] nflu lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ .

-u_ %))) j6feGbf a9L ;fgf rf}kfofx¿ -e]8f, afv|f_ kfNgsf] nflu lgdf{0f sfo{
ug]{ .

-3_ dxfgu/kflnsf / pkdxfgu/kflnsf If]q cGtu{t t/fO{df ! x]S6/eGbf a9L tyf

cGo 7fpFdf )=% x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qdf s[lif yf]s ahf/ :yfkgf ug]{ .

-ª_ Ohfht k|fKt awzfnf lgdf{0f ug]{ .

#= Dofb gf3]sf ljiffbLsf] -;"lrt ljiffbLx¿sf] xsdf dfq_ e08f/0f tyf lj;g{g ug]{ .

$= /f;folgs dn -Ogcuf{lgs kml6{nfO{h/_ / /f;folgs ljifflb -Ogcuf{lgs k]lG6;fO{6_

pTkfbg, ;+Zn]if0f -kmd"{n]zg_, l/Kofs]lhª, e08f/0f tyf l8:kf]hn ug]{ .

%= s]ldsn kml6{nfO{h/ -An]l08ª\u_ tyf ls6gfzs cf}ifwL -An]l08ª\u_ pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u
:yfkgf ug]{ .

-c+_ :jf:Yo If]q M

!= @% blv !)) z}of;Ddsf] c:ktfn jf gl;{ª\u xf]d jf lrlsT;f Joj;fo -cWoog

cWofkg ;d]t_ ;~rfng ug]{ .

-cM_ v08 -c_ b]lv -c+_ ;Dd pNn]lvt / ;f] eGbf sd:t/sf k|:tfjx? tyf cg';"rL–@ df
pNn]lvt k|:tfjeGbf sd:t/sf k|:tfjx? afx]s kfFr s/f]8 ?k}ofFb]lv kRrL; s/f]8
?k}ofF;Dd nfut nfUg] s'g} ljsf; sfo{, ef}lts lqmofsnfk jf e" –pkef]usf] kl/jt{g
ug]{ s'g} of]hgf, cfof]hgf jf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ .



-lgod # ;Fu ;DalGwt_

jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ug'{ kg]{ k|:tfjx¿

-c_ jg If]q

!= t/fO{df %)) x]S6/eGbf a9L / kxf8df !)) x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf] If]qkmndf Psn
k|hfltsf :jb]zL lj?jf Pp6} Ansdf j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ .

@= ;DalGwt 7fpFdf k/LIf0f eO{ j[Iff/f]k0fsf] nflu pko'Qm ePsf cfofltt k| hfltsf
lj?jfx¿ t/fO{df !)) x]S6/eGbf a9L / kxf8df %) x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qkmndf
j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ .

#= t/fO{df @)) x]S6/eGbf a9L / kxf8df %) x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qkmnsf] jg sa'lnotL

jgsf] ¿kdf lbg] .

$= ;/sf/åf/f jg cg';Gwfgsf] k|of]hgfy{ jflif{s #) x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf /fli6«o jg ;/k6

s6fg ug]{ .

%= sRrf kbfy{sf] nflu jgdf cfwfl/t / k|zf]wg ljlw k|of]u x'g] jg If]qsf] ! ls= ld=
leq :yfkgf ug]{ /f]lhg / 6k]{06fOg, /a/, KnfOp8 / e]lg/, O6f tyf 6fon, ;"lt{
sTyf / sf7df cfwfl/t ;nfO{, kNk / sfuh pBf]u, bfp/f a9L vkt ug]{ cn}+rL
nufot dWod / 7"nf lrof pBf]u tyf nf}7;Nnf / w"k pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

^= kmf]xf]/ tyf k|b"if0f kmfNg], hl8a'6L / ;'ulGwt jg:kltsf] Jofj;flos tyf cf}Bf]lus
k|zf]wg ug]{ .

&= jg If]q, /fli6«o lgs'~h, cf/If tyf ;+/lIft If]q, dWojtL{ If]q, l;d;f/ If]q /
jftfj/0f ;+/If0f If]qdf %) z}ofeGbf a9Lsf l/;f]6{, xf]6]n / ;kmf/L tyf dWod /
7"nf vfnsf lzIf0f ;+:yf, c:ktfn / pBf]u :yfkgf jf cGo lgdf{0f sfo{ ug]{ .

*= jg tyf ;+/If0f If]q Joj:yfkg of]hgf jg k}bfj/sf] kl/df0f pNn]v gePsf]

cj:yfdf Ps lhNnfaf6 Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]qaf6 Ps k6s jf k6s k6s

ldlt @)^$.%.# sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


u/L k|lt k|hfklt jflif{s %) d]= 6geGbf a9Lsf h/f lemSg] k|hfltsf jg k}bfjf/
;ª\sng ug]{ .

(= jg tyf ;+/If0f If]q Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf jg k}bfjf/sf] kl/df0f pNn]v gePsf]

cj:yfdf Ps lhNnfaf6 Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]qaf6 Ps k6s jf k6s k6s
u/L k|lt k|hflt jflif{s !)) d]= 6geGbf a9Lsf af]qmf lemSg] k|hfltsf jg k}bfjf/
;ª\sng ug]{ .

!)= k|rlnt sfg"g cg';f/ ;ª\sng ug{ k|ltjGw gnufOPsf Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg
If]q jf Ps jf w]/} l;hgdf h/f / af]qmf k|hflt, ;fnl;8, l/7\7f / cdnf, t]Gb'kft,
ef]nf{kft, t]hkft nufot sf7 afx]ssf jg k}bfjf/ Ps k6s jf k6s k6s u/L k|lt
k|hflt jflif{s !)) 6geGbf a9L Ps lhNnfaf6 ;ª\sng ug]{ .

!!= k|rlnt sfg"g cg';f/ k|zf]wg u/L ;f/tTj lgsfnL lgsf;L ug{ kfOg] k|hfltx?sf]
xsdf Pp6} jg If]q jf w]/} jg If]q jf Ps jf w]/} l;hgdf Ps lhNnfaf6 k|lt k|hflt
%) 6g eGbf a9L jg k}bfjf/ ;ª\sng ug]{ .

!@= jg;Fu ;DalGwt ;/sf/L lgsfo afx]s cGo lgsfox?af6 sfof{Gjog x'g] k|:tfjsf]
nflu % x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf] jg If]q s6fg ug]{ .

!#=&%) x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf] jg If]q Pp6} ;d'bfonfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{ .

-cf_ pBf]u If]q

!= b}lgs % nfv ln6/eGbf a9L Ifdtf ePsf] pdfNg] / kmd]{G6];g ;'ljwfo'Qm a'|c/L tyf
jfOg/L :yfkgf ug]{ .

@= b}lgs !)) d]= 6geGbf a9L pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] sf]/f]l;e, Pl;8, cTsfnL h:tf
k|fylds /;fog pTkfbg -;fOl6«s, 6f/6lgs, P;]l6s Pl;8 h:tf afx]s_ ug]{ .

#= b}lgs !),))) ju{ lkm6eGbf a9L 5fnf k|zf]wg ug]{ .

$= ?= %) s/f]8 eGbf a9L l:y/ k"FhL nufgL x'g] -l;len sfo{ / d]lzg/L_ vfgLdf
cfwfl/t pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

ldlt @)^(.!!.!$ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


%= k]6«f]n /;folgs pTkfbg tyf k|zf]wg -l8h]n, dl§t]n, n'la|s]G6;\, Knfli6s, l;Gy]l6s,
/a/ cflb_ ug]{ .

^= b}lgs %) 6geGbf dfly km]/; tyf gg\km]/; -l//f]lnË, l/d]lN6Ë / km]la|s]zg afx]s_
k|f/lDes :d]lN6Ë u/L wft' pTkfbg ug]{ .

&= b}lgs #,))) d]= 6g eGbf a9L vfF8;f/L jf lrgL pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

*= r'g9'+uf jf lSn+s/df cfwfl/t b}lgs # xhf/ d]= 6g eGbf a9L pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf]
lSn+s/ jf l;d]G6 pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

(= b}lgs %)) d]= 6g eGbf a9L pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] r'g pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!)= P:j]:6; pTkfbg ug]{ .

!!= /]l8of] ljls/0f lgisfzg x'g] -Go"lSno/÷P6f]lds k|zf]wg_ pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!@= b}lgs %) d]= 6geGbf a9L cf}iflwsf] nflu k|f/lDes sDkfp08 (Bulk Drugs)
;+Zn]if0f (Formulation) ug]{ .

!#= clt 3fts (Extremely Hazardous) kbfy{ h:t} M cfO;f]gfO6, ds{/L sDkf08 cflb
pTkfbg ug]{ .

!$= g]kfnL ;]gf jf g]kfn k|x/Ln] :yfkgf jf pTkfbg ug]{ afx]ssf uf]nL, u6\7f, af?b
nufotsf la:kmf]6s kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ .

!%= b}lgs !)) d]= 6geGbf a9L pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] kNk jf sfuh pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!^= jflif{s @ s/f]8 uf]6feGbf a9L pTkfbg Ifdtf ePsf] O6f 6fon pBf]u :yfkgf ug]{ .

!&= b}lgs %) d]= 6g eGbf dfly xf8, l;ª / v'/sf] /f;folgs k|zf]wg ug]{ .

!*= aflif{s %) xhf/ So"ljs lkm6eGbf a9L sf7 k|of]u ug]{ ;Mldn :yfkgf ug]{ .

-O_ vfgL If]q

ldlt @)&@.&.#) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


!= vfgL pTvgg\ ug{sf] nflu !)) hgf eGbf a9L hg;+Vofsf] :yfoL a;f]af;,
:yfgfGt/0f jf k'gjf{; ug]{ .

@= vfgL pTvgg sfo{sf] nflu M

-s_ ;a} /]l8of]wdL{ wft'x?sf] pTkfbg ug{ pTvgg\ sfo{ ug]{ .

-v_ cGo wft'x? pTkfbg ug{ e"ldut pTvgg\ eP b}lgs @)) 6geGbf a9L /
;txL pTvgg\ eP b}lgs !,@)) 6geGbf a9L pTvgg\sf] sfo{ ug]{ .

-u_ cwft' vlgh pTkfbg ug{ ul/g] e"ldut pTvgg\ eP b}lgs @)) d]l6«s 6geGbf
a9L / ;txL pTvgg\ eP b}lgs $,*)) d]l6«s 6geGbf a9L pTvgg\sf] sfo{
ug]{ .

-3_ ;fwf/0f lgdf{0fd'vL 9'ª\uf, 8]sf]/]l6e 9'ª\uf, afn'jf, u|fe]n / cf}Bf]lus df6f]sf]]
pTvgg\sf nflu b}lgs #)) So'=ld= eGbf a9L pTvgg\ sfo{ ug]{ .

-ª_ sf]O{nf tyf dl§sf]O{nf pTkfbg ug{ ul/g] e"ldut pTvgg\ eP b}lgs @))
6geGbf a9L / ;txL pTvgg\ eP b}lgs $)) 6geGbf a9L pTvgg\ sfo{ ug]{ .

-r_ b}lgs ! nfv 3gld6/eGbf a9L k|fs[lts UofF; (Biogenic Natural Gas) pTkfbg
sfo{ ug]{ .

-5_ k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] pTvgg\ / k|zf]wg ;DaGwL sfo{ ug]{ .

-h_ gbL gfnf ;txaf6 b}lgs @%) 3gld6/ eGbf a9L afn'jf, u|fe]n -luvf{+ df6f]
lgsfNg] .

t/ gbL gfnf ;txaf6 ljsf; lgdf{0fsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ /f]8f, 9'ª \uf,
afn'jf, lu§L, u|fe]n -luvf{_, df6f] lgsfNgsf] nflu k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f dfq
u/] k'Ug]5 .

-O{_ ;8s If]q

!= b]xfosf ;8sx¿ lgdf{0f ug]{ M–

ldlt @)^&.^.!* sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)&@.&.#) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)&#.!.@) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f yk ul/Psf] .


-s_ /fli6«o /fhdfu{

-v_ k|d'v ;xfos ;8sx¿

@= %) ls= ld= eGbf nfdf] /Hh'dfu{ lgdf{0f ug]{ .

#= % ls= ld= eGbf nfdf s]a'nsf/ dfu{ lgdf{0f ug]{ .

-p_ cfjf;, ejg tyf zx/L ljsf; If]q

!= !),))) ju{ld6/ If]qkmneGbf dflysf] Built Up Area jf Floor Area ePsf]

Residential, Commercial and Their Combination sf] ejg lgdf{0f ug]{ .

@= @,))) hgfeGbf a9L Ps} k6s cfudg tyf lgudg x'g] l;g]df xn, lyP6/,
Community Hall, Stadium, Concert Hall, Spot Complex lgdf{0f ug]{ .

#= $ x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qdf cfjf; ljsf; ug]{ .

$= !)) x]S6/eGbf dflysf] hUuf ljsf; cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

%= !^ tNnf jf %) ld6/ eGbf dflysf ejgx? lgdf{0f ug]{ .

-p_ hn;|f]t / pmhf{ If]q

!= 

@= %) d]ufjf6eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] hnljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf lgdf{0f ug]{ .

#= ljB't pTkfbg cGtu{t M

-s_ ! d]ufjf6eGbf a9Lsf] sf]Onf jf cf0fljs ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf ;~rfng

ug]{ .

-v_ % d]ufjf6eGbf a9Lsf] vlgh t]n jf UofF;af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf ;~rfng
ug]{ .

$= l;+rfO{sf] gofF k|0ffnL cGtu{t M–

ldlt @)^%.#.!^ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f ;+zf]wg ul/Psf] .

ldlt @)^%.!!.@^ sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f lemlsPsf] .

ldlt @)^%.!).@) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f x]/km]/ ul/Psf] .


-s_ t/fO{ / leqL dw]zdf @,))) x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf] If]q l;+rfO{ ug]{ .

-v_ kxf8L pkTosf / 6f/df %)) x]S6/eGbf a9Lsf] If]q l;+rfO{ ug]{ .

-u_ kxf8L le/fnf] kfvf / kj{tLo If]qdf @)) x]S6/ eGbf a9L If]q l;+rfO{ ug]{ .

%= !)) hgfeGbf a9L :yfoL a;f]af; ePsf hg;+Vof lj:yflkt ug]{ s'g} klg hn;|f]t
ljsf; sfo{ ug]{ .

^= jx'p2]ZoLo hnfzosf] lgdf{0f ug]{ .

&= Pp6f hnfwf/ If]qaf6 csf]{ hnfwf/ If]qdf kfgL kmsf{O { -OG6/ a]l;g jf6/ 6«fG;km/_
pkof]u ug]{ .

-pm!_ gjLs/0fLo phf{ If]q M

-s_ !) d]6fjf6eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] ;f}o{ phf{af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{

-v_ !) d]6fjf6eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] jfo' phf{af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{

-u_ @ d]6fjf6eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf] h}ljs phf{af6 ljB't pTkfbg cfof]hgf ;~rfng
ug]{ .

-P_ ko{6g If]q

!= !)) z}ofeGbf a9Lsf] xf]6n lgdf{0f, :yfkgf / ;~rfng ug]{ .

@= gofF ljdfg:yn lgdf{0f ug]{ .

-P_ vfg]kfgL If]q

!= @)) x]S6/ eGbf a9L If]qdf km}lnPsf] jiff{bsf] kfgL ;+sng ug]{ tyf ;f]xL If]qkmndf
ePsf] kfgLsf ;|f]tx?sf] k|of]u ug]{ .

ldlt @)^&.^.!* sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f yk ul/Psf] .


@= ;]km ON8 ! So'ljseGbf a9L ;txL kfgLsf] ;|f]t / ;f] kfgLsf] ;|f]tsf] ;Dk"0f{ efu
;'Vvf ;dodf cfk"lt{ ug]{ .

#= e"ldut kfgLsf] ;|f]t ljsf;sf nflu s"n PSo"km/sf] %) k|ltzt eGbf a9L l/rfh{
ug]{ .

$= vfg]kfgL cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug{sf] nflu !)) hgfeGbf a9L hg;+Vof lj:yflkt ug]{ .

%= kfgLsf] ;|f]tsf] dflyNnf] efudf %)) hgfeGbf a9Lsf] hg;+Vof a;f]af; u/fpg] .

^= krf; xhf/ eGbf a9L hg;+VofnfO{ vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{ ug]{ .

&= Ps nfv eGbf a9L dflg;x¿nfO{ vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{ u/L gofF ;|f]t hf]8 \g] .

*= h}ljs Pj+ /f;folgs k|b"if0fx¿ x'g] kf]oG6 / gg\ kf]oG6 ;|f]tx¿ jf ltgaf6 k|efljt
x'g ;Sg] e"ldut hn;|f]tsf] cf]e/ dfOlgª\u ug]{ .

(= k|lt ;]s]08 @% ln6/eGbf a9L kfgLsf] ;|f]t pkof]u ug]{ vfg]kfgL ;|f]t ;DaGwL
ax'p2]ZoLo cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug]{ .

-cf]_ kmf]xf]/ d}nf Joj:yfkg If]q

!= !),))) eGbf a9L hg;+VofnfO{ 6]jf k'¥ofpg] p2]Zon] ;~rfng x'g] kmf]xf]/d}nf
Joj:yfkg sfo{ ug]{ .

@= 3/ Pj+ cfjf; If]qx¿af6 lg:sg] kmf]xf]/d}nfsf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf] sfd ug]{ M

-s_ jflif{s %,))) 6g eGbf a9L kmf]xf]/d}nf hldgdf eg]{ .

-v_ !) x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qdf km}lnPsf] 6«fG;km/ :6]zg / l/;f];{ l/sf]e/L Pl/of
;DaGwL sfd ug]{ .

-u_ !) x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qdf km}lnPsf] /;fog, oflGqs jf h}ljs tl/sfaf6

kmf]xf]/d}nf 5gf}6, s]nfpg], tx nfpg] / k'gM k|of]u ug]{ .

-3_ !) x]S6/eGbf a9L If]qdf km}lnPsf] sDkf]i6 KnfG6 ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ .


-ª_ sDtLdf !),))) hg;+Vof ePsf] zx/L If]qaf6 lg:sg] kmf]xf]/d}nf uf8\g] sfd
ug]{ .

#= b]xfosf] k|s[lt / h'g;'s} :t/sf vt/fk"0f{ kmf]xf]/d}nf ;DaGwL b]xfosf lgdf{0f ;DaGwL
sfd ug]{ M–

-s_ kmf]xf]/d}nf ;+oGq lgdf{0f .

-v_ kmf]xf]/d}nf l/sf]e/L KnfG6 lgdf{0f .

-u_ kmf]xf]/d}nf eg]{, y'kfg]{ jf uf8\g] 7fpFsf] lgdf{0f .

-3_ kmf]xf]/d}nf e08f/0f ug]{ 7fpFsf] lgdf{0f .

-ª_ kmf]xf]/d}nf l6«6d]06 ;'ljwfsf] lgdf{0f .

$= 3fts kmf]xf]/ kbfy{ ;DaGwL b]xfosf sfd ug]{ M–

-s_ @% jif{eGbf a9L cfwf cfo' ePsf] s'g} klg /]l8of]wdL{ j:t'x¿sf] lgisfzg /
Joj:yfkg ug]{ .

-v_ krf; n]yn 8f]h ePsf] s'g} klg /]l8of]wdL{ j:t'x?sf] lgisfzg / Joj:yfkg
ug]{ .

-u_ sDtLdf @% z}of ePsf] :jf:Yo s]Gb| jf c:ktfn jf gl;{ª \u xf]daf6 lg:sg]
h}ljs 3fts kbfy{x¿sf] clGtd lgisfzg Joj:yfkg ug]{ .

-3_ s'g} klg 3fts kbfy{nfO{ eid jf k'gM k|of]u ug{sf] nflu ! x]S6/ jf ;f]eGbf a9L
If]qkmn hldg / pmhf{ ;DaGwL s'g} sfd ug]{ .

-cf}_ s[lif If]q

!= kxf8df ! x]S6/eGbf a9L / t/fO{df % x]S6/eGbf a9L ;/sf/L jg km8fgL u/L s[lifsf]
nflu k|of]u ug]{ .

@= s[lifof]Uo e"lddf zx/Ls/0f ug]{ .

#= hLjgfzs ljiffbL -;"lrt ljiffbLx?sf] xsdf dfq_ Knf06 :yfkgf ug]{ .


-c+_ :jf:Yo If]q

!= !)) z}ofeGbf a9Lsf] c:ktfn jf gl;{ª\u xf]d jf lrlsT;f Joj;fo -

cwoog÷cWofkg ;d]t_ ;+rfng ug]{ .

-cM_ b]xfosf] If]qdf s'g} k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug]{ ePdf–

!= P]ltxfl;s, ;fF:s[lts tyf k'/ftflTjs If]q .

@= /fli6«o lgs'~h, jGohGt' cf/If / ;+/If0f If]q .

t/ /fli6«o lgs'~h, jGohGt' cf/If, ;Ld;f/ / ;+/If0f If]qsf gbL gfnf
;txaf6 ljsf; lgdf{0fsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ /f]8f, 9'ª\uf, afn'jf, lu§L, u|fe]n -
luvf{_, df6f] lgsfNgsf] nflu k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f dfq u/] k'Ug]5 .

#= ;fj{hgls vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{sf d'Vo ;|f]tx? /x]sf] If]q .

-cM!_ v08 -c_ b]lv v08 -c+_ ;Dd plNnlvt / ;f]eGbf sd:t/sf k|:tfjx? tyf cg';"rL –
! df plNnlvt / ;f]eGbf sd:t/sf k|:tfjx? afx]s kRrL; s/f]8 ?k}ofFeGbf a9L
nfut nfUg] s'g} ljsf; sfo{, ef}lts lqmofsnfk jf e"–pkof]usf] kl/jt{g ug]{ s'g}
of]hgf, cfof]hgf jf sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ .

ldlt @)&#.!.@) sf] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;"rgfåf/f yk ul/Psf] .


cg';"rL– #

-lgod % ;Fu ;DalGwt_

k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0fsf] sfo{;"rL

!= k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf M

@= k|:tfjsf], –

-s_ ;fdfGo kl/ro

-v_ k|:tfjsf] ;fGble{stf

#= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ ckgfpg' kg]{ ljlw

$= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ ljrf/ ug{ kg]{ gLlt, P]g, lgod tyf lgb]{lzsfx¿

%= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ nfUg]–

-s_ ;do

-v_ cg'dflgt ah]6

^= ================

&= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ vf; k|efj–

-s_ ;fdflhs–cfly{s

-v_ ;fF:s[lts–ef}lts

-u_ /;folgs

-3_ h}ljs

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f lemlsPsf] .


*= k|:tfj sfof{Gjogsf ljsNkx¿–

-s_ l8hfOg

-v_ cfof]hgf :yn

-u_ k|ljlw / ;~rfng ljlw, ;do tfnLsf, k|of]u x'g] sRrf kbfy{

-3_ cGo s'/fx¿

(= k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjsf] /f]syfdsf s'/fx¿

!)= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ cg'udg ug'{ kg]{ s'/fx¿

!!= cGo cfjZos s'/fx¿ .



-lgod % ;Fu ;DalGwt_

jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍgsf] sfo{;"rL

!= k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf M

@= k|:tfjsf] ;fdfGo kl/ro

#= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ cfjZos kg]{ tYof+s / tYof+sx¿ ;+sng ljlw

$= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ ljrf/ ug'{kg]{ gLlt, P]g, lgod / lgb]{lzsfx¿,

%= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ nfUg], –

-s_ ;do

-v_ cg'dflgt vr{

-u_ cfjZos kg]{ ljz]if1

^= k|ltj]bg tof/ ug{sf] nflu lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] If]q

&= k|ltj]bg sfof{Gjog ubf{ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjx¿–

-s_ ;fdflhs–cfly{s

-v_ ;Ff:s[lts–ef}lts

-u_ /;folgs

-3_ h}ljs

*= k|:tfj sfof{Gjogsf cGo ljsNkx¿–

-s_ l8hfOg

-v_ cfof]hgf :yn


-u_ k|ljlw / ;~rfng ljlw, ;do tfnLsf, k|of]u x'g] sRrf kbfy{

-3_ jftfj/0f Joj:yfkg k|0ffnL

-ª_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ pTkGg x'g] hf]lvd :jLsf/ ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg]

-r_ cGo s'/fx¿

(= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ b]lvg] gsf/fTds k|efjx¿ x6fpg] pkfox¿

!)= k|:tfjsf] nfut k|ltkmnsf] ljj/0f

!!= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ cg'udg ug'{ kg]{ s'/fx¿

!@= k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ ;fGble{s ;"rgf, ;Gbe{ ;"rL, kl/lzi6, gS;f, kmf]6f]
lrq, tfnLsf, rf6{, u|fkm / k|ZgfjnLx¿


cg';"rL– %
-lgod & ;Fu ;DalGwt_
k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/fx¿
!= k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf M

@= k|:tfjsf] ;f/f+zM -k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg{ ;Sg] k|efjsf ;DaGwdf

b]xfosf s'/fx¿ ;+If]kdf pNn]v ug]{_

-s_ k|:tfjsf] p2]Zo,

-v_ e"–pkof]udf kg]{ c;/,

-u_ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|lts"n k|efj, dfgj hLjgdf kg]{ c;/, hg;+Vofsf] rfk,

-3_ :yfgLo lrh j:t'df x'g] Iflt,

-ª_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx¿ .

#= k|:tfjsf] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf s'/f :ki6 v'nfpg' kg]{ M–

-s_ k|:tfjsf] lsl;d

-!_ k|zf]wg ug]{

-@_ pTkfbg ug]{

-#_ h8fg ug]{

-$_ ;le{; 8]lne/L

-%_ cGo

-v_ 8]lne/L ug]{ eP s] s:tf] j:t' 8]lne/L ug]{

-u_ k|:tfjsf]–

-!_ h8fg Ifdtf


-@_ k|ltlbg jf jif{ slt 306f ;~rfng x'g]

-3_ k|of]u ul/g] ;fdfu|L -kl/df0f / jif{ pNn]v ug]{_

-ª_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'Fbf lgisf;g x'g] -slt ;do ;~rfng x'Fbf slt kl/df0fdf
lgisf;g x'g] xf]_ v'nfpg' kg]{ .

-!_ 7f];

-@_ t/n

-#_ xfjf

-$_ Uof;

-%_ Wjlg

-^_ w"nf]

-&_ cGo

-r_ k|of]u x'g] pmhf{sf] M–

-!_ lsl;d

-@_ ;|f]t

-#_ vkt x'g] kl/df0f -k|lt306f, lbg / jif{df_

-5_ hgzlQmsf] cfjZostf slt kg]{

-h_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ug{ cfjZos kg]{

-!_ s'n k"FhL

-@_ rfn' k"FhL

-#_ hldgsf] If]qkmn

-$_ ejg / ltgsf lsl;d


-%_ d]l;g/L cf}hf/

-^_ cGo

-´_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'g] If]qsf] lj:t[t ljj/0f M

-!_ gS;f

-@_ ;f] If]q / jl/kl/sf] hg;+Vof / a;f]af;sf] l:ylt

-#_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'g] If]qsf] cf;kf;df s'g} ;+j]bgzLn lrh jf j:t' /x]sf] eP
To:tf lrh j:t'sf] ljj/0f

-$_ xfnsf] l:ylt

-%_ kfgLsf] ;|f]t

-^_ kmf]xf]/d}nf ˆofFSg] jf k|zf]wg ug]{ Joj:yf

-&_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog x'g] 7fpFdf cfjft hfjt ug]{ af6f]

-`_ pTkfbg k|lqmof

-6_ k|ljlwsf] ljj/0f

-7_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx¿

$= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjx¿–

-s_ ;fdflhs, cfly{s / ;fF:s[lts If]qdf kg]{ k|efj

-!_ dfgj :jf:Yodf kg]{ k|efj

-@_ v]tL of]Uo hldgsf] Ifo

-#_ jg h+unsf] Ifo

-$_ ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts / wfld{s d"No dfGotfdf x'g] kl/jt{g

-%_ cGo


-v_ h}ljs k|efjx¿

-!_ hg;+Vof

-@_ jg:klt tyf hLjhGt'

-#_ k|fs[lts jf;:yfg / ;d'bfo

-u_ ef}lts k|efjx¿

-!_ hldg

-@_ jfo'd08n

-#_ kfgL

-$_ Wjlg

-%_ dfgj lgld{t j:t'x¿

-^_ cGo

%= k|efj sfof{Gjogsf ljsNkx¿–

-!_ l8hfOg
-@_ cfof]hgf :yn
-#_ k|lqmof, ;do–tflnsf
-$_ k|of]u x'g] sRrf kbfy{
-%_ cGo s'/fx¿
^= k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjog ubf{ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjnfO{ sd jf /f]syfd ug]{ pkfox¿
&= k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ cg'udg ug'{ kg]{ s'/fx¿
*= cGo cfjZos s'/fx¿
b|i6JoM– k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ cfjZostfg';f/ tYof+s, gS;f, lrq, tfnLsf, rf6{, u|fkm cflb
;+nUg ug'{ kg]{ 5 .


cg';"rL– ^

-lgod & ;Fu ;DalGwt_

jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ v'nfpg' kg]{ s'/fx¿

!= k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ JolQm jf ;+:yfsf] gfd / 7]ufgf M

@= k|:tfjsf] ;f/f+z M -k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg{ ;Sg] k|efjsf ;DaGwdf

b]xfosf s'/fx¿ pNn]v ug]{_

-s_ k|:tfjsf] p2]Zo,

-v_ e"–pkof]udf kg]{ c;/,

-u_ jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|lts"n k|efj, dfgj hLjgdf kg]{ c;/, hg;+Vofsf] rfk,

-3_ :yfgLo lrh j:t'df x'g] Iflt,

-ª_ cGo cfjZos s'/fx¿ .

#= k|ltj]bgsf] ;f/f+z M jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg ;DaGwL k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ePsf

s'/fx¿sf] ;+lIfKt ljj/0f .

$= k|:tfjsf] ljj/0f M

-s_ k|:tfjsf] k|ljlws, ef}uf]lns, jftfj/0fLo, cfly{s, ;fdflhs, ;fF:s[lts tyf ef}lts
kIf pNn]v ug]{ .

-v_ k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogsf] k|To]s r/0fdf ul/g] sfo{x¿sf] p2]Zo, sfo{gLlt tyf
sfo{tfnLsf pNn]v ug]{ .

%= k|:tfjsf] cfwf/e"t hfgsf/L M k|:tfjsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ d"NofÍg ul/g] If]qsf] e"–ef}lts,
;fF:s[lts, h}ljs tyf ;fdflhs, cfly{s kl/l:yltsf ;fy} k|:tfj ;~rfng x'g' eGbf
klxnf x'g ;Sg] s'g} kl/jt{gsf af/]df cfwf/e"t hfgsf/L pNn]v ug] { . pknAw x'g g;Sg]
s'g} tYof+s tyf cWoogn] ;d]6\g g;Sg] ljifo j:t'x¿ eP ;f] klg pNn]v ug]{ .


^= jftfj/0fLo k|efjsf] klxrfg M k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ jftfj/0fsf] b]xfosf If]qdf kg{
;Sg] cg's"n tyf k|lts"n k|efjx¿sf] pNn]v ug]{ tyf ;Dej eP;Dd ;do /
sfo{tfnLsf cg';f/ ;Defljt k|efjx¿sf] cg'dfg ug]{ / kl/df0f tf]Sg] M–

-s_ k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 nfebfoL jf k|lts"n k|efj kg]{ ;do / ef}uf]lns If]q .

-v_ k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 lgisfzg x'g] kmf]xf]/d}nf / k|b"if0fsf k|efjx¿ .

-u_ k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|ToIf, ck|ToIf / ;du| -s'd'n]6Le_

k|efjx¿ .

&= k|:tfjsf] ljsNk ljZn]if0f M b]xfosf] ljifodf ljZn]if0f ug'{ kg]{ M–

-s_ k|:tfjsf] l8hfOg, cfof]hgf :yn, k|ljlw / ;~rfng ljlw, ;do tflnsf, k|of]u x'g]
sRrf kbfy{ cflbsf] ljifodf .

-v_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ cfjZos kg]{ l:y/ k"FhL / rfn" k"FhL, :yfgLo cg's"ntf,
;+:yfut tflnd / ;'kl/j]If0fsf] cfjZostfx¿sf cfwf/df t'ngf ug]{ / ;Dej
eP;Dd k|To]s j}slNks pkfosf] jftfj/0fLo nfut k|ltkmn tyf cfly{s dxTjsf]
af/]df .

-u_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ kg]{ cNksfnLg, dWosfnLg / bL3{sfnLg k|lts"n c;/x¿ .

-3_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog ubf{ k|of]u x'g] pmhf{ / To:tf] pmhf{ art ug{ ckgfOg] pkfox¿ .

-ª_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog gu/]df x'g ;Sg] kl/0ffdsf] ljZn]if0f .

*= jftfj/0fLo k|efj sd ug]{ pkfox¿ M

-s_ jftfj/0fdf k|lts"n k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] ;a} lqmofsnfkx¿sf] nflu ckgfpg' kg]{
Jofjxfl/s ;'/IffTds pkfox¿ pNn]v ug]{ .

-v_ ;'/IffTds pkfox¿åf/f jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efj k"0f{ ¿kdf x6fpg g;lsg] ePdf
Ifltk"lt{sf ;DaGwdf pNn]v ug]{ . cGo ;Defljt ljsNkx¿;Fu t'ngf u/L ;'/Iffsf
pkfox¿ vr{sf b[li6sf]0faf6 sltsf] k|efjsf/L 5g\ eGg] s'/fsf ljZn]if0f ug]{ .

-u_ cGo ;Defljt ljsNkx¿;Fu t'ngf u/L ;'/Iffsf pkfox¿ vr{sf b[li6sf]0faf6
sltsf] k|efj k/]sf 5g\ eGg] s'/fdf ljZn]if0f ug]{ .

(= jftfj/0fLo Joj:yfkg of]hgfsf ;DaGwdf pNn]v ug]{ .

!)= gLltut tyf sfg'gL Joj:yfsf] ;dLIff M k|:tfjsf] k|s[lt / :t/sf cfwf/df ;DalGwt
gLlt tyf P]g lgodx¿sf] ;dLIff ug]{ . s'g} gLlt tyf sfg'gL Joj:yfdf ;'wf/ ug'{ kg]{
eP ;f] pNn]v ug]{ .

!!= k|:tfjsf] cg'udg M k|:tfjsf] sfof{Gjogaf6 jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjsf ;DaGwdf ul/g]
cg'udgsf] tl/sf, cg'udg ug]{ lgsfo / ;do–tflnsf, cg'udg tyf d"NofÍgsf ;"rs
cflb pNn]v ug]{ .

!@= jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0fsf] 9fFrf tyf To;sf] ;fy{stfsf af/]df pNn]v ug]{ .

!#= ;Gbe{ ;fdu|Lx¿ M k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ pb\w[t ul/Psf ;Gbe{x¿sf] k|sfzg ;DaGwL ;"rL
lgDglnvt cfwf/df agfpg] M–

-s_ n]vs,

-v_ k|sflzt ePsf] ldlt,

-u_ pb\w[t ul/Psf ;fdu|Lsf] zLif{s,

-3_ pb\w[t ul/Psf k|sfzg jf klqsfsf] gfd,

-ª_ jif{, v08, c+s cflb -ePsf] v08df_,

-r_ k[i7

!$= kl/lzi6sf b]xfosf s'/fx¿ ;dfj]z ug]{ M

-s_ e"–agf]6, ef}uf]lns l:ylt, e"–pkof]u, e"–Ifdtf / cWoog;Fu ;DalGwt gS;fx¿,

-v_ ;Dej eP;Dd k|:tfj sfof{Gjog :yn tyf To; jl/kl/sf If]qx¿sf] xjfO{ kmf]6f]x¿,

-u_ :ynut cg';Gwfgsf nflu k|of]u ul/Psf k|ZgfjnL jf ljifoj:t'sf] ;"rL,

-3_ rf6{ tyf lrqx¿ h:tf jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg;Fu ;DalGwt s'/fx¿,

-ª_ hnjfo' tyf xfjfkfgL ;DaGwL tYof+s -;dosf] cfwf/df qmda4 u/L_,


-r_ k|:tfj sfof{Gjog :ynsf jg:klt tyf hLjhGt'sf] tYof+s,

-5_ ef}ule{s tyf hf]lvd d"NofÍg tYof+s -k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] ePdf_,

-h_ pknAw x'g ;Sg] ePdf cfof]hgf ;~rfng ug'{ cl3 / kl5sf xfjf / kfgLsf] u'0f:t/
tyf WjgLsf] :t/ ;DaGwL hfgsf/L,

-´_ jftfj/0f k|efj d"NofÍg;Fu ;fGble{s Dofl6«S; jf qmda4 /]vflrq,

-`_ gSzf, :nfO8, /]s8{x¿ tyf lel8of] lkmNd h:tf ;xfos >Jo b[Zo ;fdu|L,

-6_ afnL nufpg] tl/sf, kz'kfng, df6f]sf] u'0f, /f;folgs dn k|of]u ug]{ dfqf ;DaGwL

-7_ cWoog k|ltj]bg tof/ ubf{ k|of]u ul/Psf lnlvt ;fdu|Lx¿sf] ;Gbe{ ;"rL,

-8_ cfdlGqt JolQmx¿ tyf ;xefuLx¿sf] ;"rL tyf ;DalGwt ;+:yfx¿ aLrsf] 5nkmn,
e]nf / a}7ssf] /]s8{x¿ tyf 5nkmn / cg'udgsf] 5f]6f] hfgsf/L,

-9_ jftfj/0fLo k|efj d"NofÍg k|ltj]bgsf] tof/Ldf ;+nUg cWoog 6f]nLsf] JolQm tyf
;+:yfx¿sf] gfdfjnL,

-0f_ cWoogsf] qmddf ;Dks{ ul/Psf JolQm tyf ;+:yfx¿sf] gfd, 7]ufgf / 6]lnkmf]g
gDa/ .


cg';"rL– &

-lgod !^ sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

k|b"if0f lgoGq0f k|df0fkq lng' kg]{ pBf]ux¿

!= An]l08ª\u k|lqmofaf6 dlb/f pTkfbg ug]{ tyf pdfNg] / kmd]{G6]zg ;'ljwfo'Qm l8l:6n/L
;DaGwL .

@= kmd]{G6]zg ;'ljwfo'Qm a|'c/L / jfO{g/L ;DaGwL .

#= sf]/f]l;e, Pl;8, cNsfnL h:tf k|fylds /;fog pTkfbg ;DaGwL -;fOl6«s, 6f/6l/s,
P;]l6s, Pl;8 h:tf afx]s_ .

$= 5fnf k|zf]wg ug]{ .

%= On]S6«f] Kn]l6ª\s tyf UofNegfOlhª\u ;DaGwL .

^= s'lsª\u, g]r'/n UofF; l/lkmlnª\u, lkmlnª\u, pTkfbg–ljt/0f ug]{ .

&= 9'+uf qml;ª\u ;DaGwL .

*= /+u /f]ug ;DaGwL .

(= b'Uw k|zf]wg ;DaGwL .

!)= An]l08ª\u, l/k|f];]l;ª\u jf l/Snfd]zg k|lqmofaf6 n'la|s]G6;\ pTkfbg ug]{ .

!!= kmf]d pTkfbg ;DaGwL .

!@= 8«fO jf j]6 ;]n -Jofl6«_ pTkfbg ug]{ .

!#= vfF8;f/L jf lrgL pTkfbg ug]{ .

!$= k/Dk/fut 3/]n' pBf]u afx]ssf wfuf] sk8f /ËfO{, 5kfO{ jf w'nfO{ -un}+rf;d]t_ ;DaGwL .

!%= k/Dk/fut 3/]n' pBf]u afx]ssf kNk jf sfuh ;DaGwL .

klxnf] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;+zf]lwt .


!^= O6f, 6fon cflb ;DaGwL .

!&= r'g 9'+uf jf lSn°/df cfwfl/t l;d]G6 ;DaGwL .

!*= r'g pTkfbg ;DaGwL .

!(= cf}iflw ;DaGwL .

@)= s]ldsn kml6{nfOh/ -An]l08ª\u_ tyf sL6gfzs kbfy{ -An]l08ª\u_ pTkfbg ug]{ .

@!= Knfli6s -v]/ uPsf] Knfli6ssf] sRrf kbfy{df cfwfl/t_ ;DaGwL .

@@= ;nfO{ ;DaGwL .

@#= c6f] js{zk -@ kfª\u|] afx]s_ ;DaGwL .

@$= sf]Onfaf6 sf]s, lj|s]6 cflb pTkfbg tyf k|zf]wg ;DaGwL_ .

@%= Knfli6s k|f];]l;ª\u -v]/ uPsf] kbfy{ k|f];]; ug]{ afx]s_ ;DaGwL .

@^= 6fo/ 6\o'A; / /a/ k|zf]wg tyf pTkfbg ug]{ .

@&= ;fa'g -l86/h]G6, lSnlgª\u :ofDk';d]t_ ;DaGwL .

@*= kmf]6f] k|f];]l;ª\u ;DaGwL .

@(= kmfp08«L ;DaGwL .

#)= r'/f]6, la8L, ;"tL{, kfg d;nf pTkfbg ug]{ .

#!= kz' awzfnf ;DaGwL .

#@= Unf; -sfFr_ ;DaGwL .

##= vfB k|zf]wg ;DaGwL .

#$= wft'ut -l/d]lN6ª\u, l//f]lnª\u tyf km]lj|s]zg ;d]t_ ;DaGwL .

#%= lj6'ldg tyf lj6'ldg OdN;g ;DaGwL .

#^= sf]N8 :6f]/]h ;DaGwL .


#&= wfuf] stfO{ ;DaGwL .

#*= jg:klt £o", t]n ;DaGwL .

#(= hl8a'6L k|zf]wg ;DaGwL .

$)= xf8, l;+u / v'/af6 ljleGg j:t' pTkfbg ;DaGwL .

$!= /f]lhg 6k]{G6fOg, e]lgP/ tyf sTyf ;DaGwL .

$@= df5fdf;' k|zf]wg ;DaGwL .

$#= Kofs]lhª kbfy{ pTkfbg ;DaGwL .

$$= kz'k+IfLsf] bfgf ;DaGwL .

$%= d]lzg zk ;DaGwL .

$^= j]lN8∙ k|lqmof afx]ssf] s]ldsn kml6{nfOh/, sL6gfzs kbfy{ pTkfbg ;DaGwL .

$&= ?= % s/f]8 eGbf a9L l:y/ k"FhL nufgL x'g] vfgLdf cfwfl/t pBf]u ;DaGwL .

$*= k]6«f] /;folgs pTkfbg tyf k|zf]wg -l8h]n, dl§t]n, n'lj|s]G6;\ Knfli6s, l;Gy]l6s /a/
cflb pTkfbg ug]{_ .

$(= km]/; tyf gg\ km]/; -l//f]lnË, l/dlN6Ë / km]lj|s]zg afx]s_ k|f/lDes :d]lN6Ë u/L wft'
pTkfbg .

%)= P:j]:6; pTkfbg ug]{ .

%!= /]l8of] ljls/0f lgisfzg x'g] -Go"lSno/ / P6f]lds k|zf]wg_ ;DaGwL .

%@= cf}iflwsf] nflu k|f/lDes sDkfp08 (Bulk Drugs) pTkfbg ug]{ .

%#= clt 3fts (Extremely hazardous) kbfy{ h:t} M cfO;f];fOgfO6, ds{/L sDkfp08
cflb ;DaGwL .

%$= uf]nLu¶f, af?b nufotsf ljikmf]6s kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ .

%%= xf8sf] /f;folgs k|zf]wg ;DaGwL .


cg';"rL– *

-lgod @)s= sf] pklgod -!_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_


Aof6«L Joj;foLsf] ?kdf sf/f]af/ btf{ ug{ jf :jLs[lt jf cg'dlt lng b]xfosf] dfkb08
k"/f u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 M–

!= Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]jf/ ug]{ :yfgdf Pl;8 k|zf]wg k|0ffnL h8fg u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ .

@= Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]jf/ ug]{ :yfgdf Pl;8af6 x'g] xfgL jf gf]S;fgLsf] arfp ;DaGwL
k|of{Kt Joj:yf u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ .

#= Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]jf/ ug]{ :yfgdf Aof6«Laf6 lg:sg] Pl;8nfO{ lg:s[o kfg]{ Joj:yf
u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ .

$= Aof6«Lsf] dd{t tyf k'gM k|zf]wg ;DaGwL sf/f]jf/ ug]{sf] xsdf Aof6«L dd{t jf k'gM
k|zf]wg ubf{ lg:s]g lemNsfsf] c;/nfO{ lg:k|efjL kfg{ k|of{Kt Joj:yf ug'{sf] ;fy}
Aof6«L dd{t jf k'gM k|zf]wgsf] ug{sf] nflu ;ª\sng ul/g] / dd{t jf k'gM k|zf]wg
ul/;s]sf Aof6«Lsf] e08f/0fsf] nflu k|of{Kt / cnu cnu :yfgsf] Joj:yf u/]sf]
x'g' kg]{ .

%= Aofl6«sf] l8n/ jf v'b|f ljs|]tfsf] sf/f]jf/ ug]{sf] xsdf Aof6«L e08f/0f ug{ kof{Kt
:yfgsf] Joj:yf u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ .

bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .

cg';"rL– (

-lgod @)3= sf] pklgod -!_ / pklgod -^_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_

Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]af/ ubf{ kfngf ug'{ kg]{ zt{x?

Aof6«L Joj;foLsf] ?kdf sf/f]af/ ubf{ b]xfosf] zt{x? kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 M–

-s_ pTkfbgsf] nflu M

!= Aof6«Laf6 dfgj, hLjhGt' tyf kof{j/0fdf kg]{ jf kg{ ;Sg] gsf/fTds k|efjsf]
;DaGwdf dGqfnon] tf]s] adf]lhdsf] hf]lvdsf] ;ª\s]t lrGx ;lxt :ki6 efiffdf
r]tgfd"ns ;Gb]z Aof6«Ldf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ .

@= k'gM k|zf]lwt ln8 vl/b ubf{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd sf/f]jf/ btf{ u/]sf] jf :jLs[lt
jf cg'dlt lnPsf JolQm jf ;+:yf;Fu dfq vl/b ug'{ kg]{ .

#= pTkfbg z'? u/]sf] ldltn] Ps jif{leq g]kfn ;/sf/åf/f dfGotf k|fKt ;+:yfaf6
u'0f:t/ ;DaGwL k|df0fkq lng' kg]{ .

$= dGqfnon] tf]s] adf]lhdsf] hf]lvdsf] ;ª\s]t lrGx Aof6«Ldf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ .

-v_ dd{tstf{sf] nflu M

Aof6«Lsf] dd{t ;Def/ ubf{ Aof6«Laf6 x'g ;Sg] cfsl:ds hf]lvdsf] Joj:yfkgsf] nflu
cNksflng / bL3{sflng of]hgf agfO{ nfu" ug'{ kg]{ .

-u_ k'g M k|zf]wgsf] nflu M

!= Aof6«L k'gM k|zf]wg ug]{ :yfgdf Aof6«Laf6 lg:sg] Pl;8nfO{ hldgn] g;f]:g] Joj:yf
ug'{ kg]{ .

@= Aof6«L k'gM k|zf]wg ubf{ lg:sg] Pl;8nfO{ lg:k|efjL kfg]{ Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ .

#= Aof6«L k'gM k|zf]wg ubf{ lg:sg] ln8sf s0fsf] dfqf Go"gLs/0f Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ .

bf];|f] ;+zf]wgåf/f yk .


$= Aof6«L k'gM k|zf]wg ubf{ x'g ;Sg] cfuhgLhGo hf]lvdnfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{ tTsfn
p4f/sf] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ .

%= k'gM k|zf]wgsf] nflu Aof6«L km'6fpFbf d]l;gsf] k|of]u ug'{ kg]{ .

-3_ cfoftstf{sf] nflu M

Aof6«L cfoft ubf{ To;/L ug{ cg'dlt k|fKt JolQm jf ;+:yfn] dfq cfoft ug'{ kg]{ .

-ª_ l8n/sf] nflu M

!= 6'6]km'6]sf jf Pl;8 r'lxPsf Aof6«L v'b|f ljqm]tfnfO{ ljqmL ug{ gx'g] .

@= k|of]ustf{af6 k|fKt ePsf Aof6«L 5 dlxgfleq ;'/lIft;fy k'gM k|zf]wg ;dIf k7fpg]

#= k|of]u ePsf Aof6«Lx? k'gM k|zf]wg gu/L k'gM laqmL gx'g] .

-r_ ;ª\sngsf] nflu M

!= k|of]u eO;s]sf Aof6«L k|of]ustf{ tyf v'b|f ljqm]tfaf6 ;ª\sng u/L tLg dlxgfleq
k'gM k|zf]ws ;dIf k7fpg] .

@= Aof6«L ;ª\sng ug]{ :yfgx? olsg u/L ;DalGwt k|of]ustf{, l8n/ tyf v'b|f
ljqm]tfnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{ .

#= Pl;8 gr'lxg] u/L Aof6«L ;ª\sng ug'{ kg]{ .

-5_ v'b|f ljqm]tfsf] nflu M

!= 6'6]km'6]sf jf Pl;8 r'lxPsf Aof6«L k|of]ustf{nfO{ laqmL ug{ gx'g] .

@= k|of]u eO{;s]sf Aof6«L cfkm";dIf ;ª\sng ePkl5 k'gM k|zf]wgsf] nflu tLg
dlxgfleq ;ª\sns jf k'gM k|zf]ws ;dIf k7fpg] .

#= cfkm"n] laqmL u/]sf Aof6«L k|of]ustf{af6 k|of]u eO;s]kl5 k|rlnt ahf/ d"Nodf k'gM
cfkm}n] v/Lb ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg' kg]{ .


-h_ ;fd"lxs?kdf kfngf ug'{ kg]{ zt{ M

Aof6«L Joj;foLn] ;fd"lxs?kdf kfngf ug'{ kg]{ zt{x? M

!= Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]af/ ubf{ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t k]zfut :jf:Yo tyf ;'/Iff ;DaGwL
dfkb08 nfu" ug'{ kg]{ .

:ki6Ls/0f M o; v08sf] k|of]hgsf] nflu æsf/f]af/Æ eGgfn] Aof6«Lsf] pTkfgbg,

dd{t, k'gM k|zf]wg, cfoft, l8n/, ;ª\sns jf v'b|f ljqm]tf ;DaGwL s'g} sfo{nfO{
hgfpF5 .

@= Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]jf/ ug]{ :yfgdf Aof6«Laf6 x'g;Sg] cfsl:ds hf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf]

nflu tTsfn p4f/sf] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{ .

#= Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]af/ ubf{ lg:sg] Pl;8 nufot cGo t/n kbfy{sf] dfqf ^ kL=Pr=
eGbf sd x'g' gx'g] .

$= Aof6«Lsf] e08f/0f ubf{ dfgjLo tyf kof{j/0fLo lx;fjn] gf]S;fgL gx'g] u/L e08f/0f
ug'{ kg]{ .

%= Aof6«Lsf] 9'jfgL tyf e08f/0f ubf{ jftfj/0fLo k|b'if0f x'g glbg k|rlnt jftfj/0f
;DaGwL sfg"gn] tf]s]sf zt{x? kfngf ug'{ kg]{ .

^= Aof6«L 9'jfgL ubf{ Pl;8 gr'lxg] u/L Pl;8 ca/f]ws Knfl:6s jf Pl;8 ca/f]ws
kbfy{af6 ag]sf] Pk|f]g k|of]u ug'{sf ;fy} Aof6«LnfO{ 9'jfgL ug]{ ;fwgdf /fVbf
gxlNng] u/L 7f8f] kf/L /fVg' kg]{ .

&= Aof6«Lsf] lj1fkg ubf{ ln8 tyf Pl;8af6 pTkGg x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdsf] ljifodf
;/f]sf/jfnfnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{ .

*= cfkm"n] jif{el/ u/]sf] Aof6«Lsf] sf/f]af/ ;DaGwL ljj/0f cBfjlws u/L ;f]sf] Ps k|lt
dGqfnon] tf]s]sf] 9fFrfdf k|To]s cfly{s jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] tLg dlxgfleq
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Environment Protection Rules, 2054 (1997)

Date of Publication in The Nepal Gazette

2054.3.12 (June 26, 1997)


Environment Protection (First Amendment) Rules,

2055(1998) 2055.12.22 (April l5, 1999)

In Exercise of the power conferred by Section 24 of the Environment Protection

Act, 1996 Government of Nepal has framed the following Rules: -

Chapter – 1


1. Short title and commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the "Environment
Protection Rules, 1997."

(2) These Rules shall come into force immediately.

2. Definitions: Unless the Subject or context otherwise requires, in these Rules: -

(a) "Act" means the environment Act, 1996.

(b) "Concerned Body" means any Ministry of Government of

Nepal connected with the functions set forth in the Act or
these Rules.

(c) "Scope" means the scope determined under Rule 4 for

undertaking  ………..the environmental impact assessment.

(d) "Report" means a report relating to initial environmental

examination or an environmental impact assessment.

Deleted by first amendment 1

(e) " Work Schedule" means a work schedule approved under

Rule 5 for the purpose of preparing a report.

(f) " Industry" means an industry as prescribed in Schedule 7.

(g) ………………

(h) " Inspector: means an Environment Inspector appointment or

designated under Sub- section (1) of Section 8 of the Act.

(i) "Inventory" means an inventory prepared by the concerned by

under Sub-section (2) of Section 9 of the Act.

(j) " Laboratory" means a laboratory established or prescribed

under Section 11 of the Act.

(k) " Fund" means the environmental protection Fund

established under Section 13 of the Act.

(l) " Managing Committee" means the Fund Management

Committee constituted under Rule 39.

(m) " Compensation" means the compensation determined in

pursuance of Rule 45.

Chapter -2

Initial environment Examination or Environmental Impact Assessment to

3. Initial environment Examination or Environmental Impact Assessment to be
Made: A proponent shall be required to carry out the initial environmental
examination of the proposals mentioned in Schedule (1) and environmental impact
assessment of the proposals mentioned in Schedule 2.

Deleted by first amendment

Amended by first amendment 2

4. Determination of Scope for the environmental impact assessment to be made:
(1) In regard to any proposal requiring environmental impact assessment, the
proponent shall publish a notice in any national level news paper, requesting the
Village Development Committee or Municipality where the proposal is to be
implemented , as well as the schools , hospitals , health posts and concerned
individuals or institutions of the area to offer in writing their suggestions
concerning to the possible impact of the implementation of he proposal of the
environment with giving Fifteen days of time period .

(2) After the publication of a notice pursuant to Sub-Rule (1), anyone who
wishes to offer his/her opinion and suggestion regarding notice objection may
offer his/her opinion and suggestion to the concerned proponent within Fifteen
days from the date of publication of such notice . One who has given such opinion
and suggestion, many furnish information thereof to the concerned body .

(3) The proponent, along with the received opinions and suggestion
pursuant to Sub-Rule(2) ,shall Submit an application for determining causes in the
environment of scope to the concerned body stating what impact does it in that
area while implementing the proposal.

(4) On receipt of an application pursuant to Sub-Rule (3) , the concerned

body shall carry out investigation into the documents attached to the application
and shall forward the application to the Ministry along with its opinions and
suggestions in connection with determination of the scope.

(5) In cases where an application for the determination of scope is received

pursuant to Sub-Rule (4) , the Ministry shall carry out investigation into the
documents attached to the application and shall have to determine the scope as
proposed or in the revise form.

Amended by first amendment 3

5. Approval of Work Schedule or initial environmental examination or

environmental impact assessment to be made : (1) In cases where the proposal
requires initial environmental examination, the proponent shall prepare a work
schedule in the format as mentioned in Schedule 3 for a report relating to such
proposal , and shall have it approved by the concerned body.

(2) In cases where the proposal requires environmental impact assessment,

the proponent shall prepare a work schedule in the format as mentioned in
schedule 4 on the basis of determination of scope made by the Ministry pursuant
to Rule 4, and shall have cause to approve the work schedule by the Ministry.

Provided that in case where any proponent sends the matters by preparing
the scoping and work schedule pursuant to Rule 4 along with the suggestion of
concerned body to the Ministry stimulatingly for the preparation of report of the
proposal for the environmental impact assessment, the Ministry ma give approval
to the determination of scope and schedule at the same time

(3) While approving the work schedule pursuant to Sub Rule (1) and (2) the
concerned body or Ministry may make minor changes or revision in such work
schedule as required citing the nature of the proposal.

6. Re-proceeding to be made: In cases where the proponent has prepared the report
of initial environmental examination pursuant to these Rules and upon
investigation into the report received along with the proposal pursuant to Sub
section (2) of Section 6 of the Act, the concerned by has decided to conduct
environmental impact assessment of the proposal, the proponent shall fulfill all the
formalities as laid down by these Rules for the preparation of the report of
environmental impact assessment.

Amended by first amendment 4

7. Repost of the Initial environmental examination and environmental impact
assessment to be prepared: (1) The proponent shall, on the basis of the approved
work schedule pursuant to Rule 5 , prepare the report of initial environmental
examination in the format as mentioned in Schedule 5 and the report of
environmental impact assessment in the format as indicated in Schedule 6.

(2) Whilst preparing the report, the proponent shall, in the cases of initial
environmental examination affix a notice in the concerned Village Development
Committee or Municipality , Office of the District Development committee
school, hospital , and health post requesting the Village Development committee
or Municipality and District Development Committee or concerned individuals or
institution to offer their written opinion and suggestions within Fifteen days with
regard to the possible impact of the implementation of the proposal on the
environment where the proposal is to be implemented and prepare a deed . The
said Fifteen days notice shall also be published in a national level daily newspaper.
After the publication of such notice the opinions and suggestions so received in
relation to the same shall also be included in the report.

Provided that, while preparing the report of environmental impact

assessment, the proponent shall organize a public hearing about the proposal at the
area of Village Development Committee or Municipality where the proposal is to
be implemented and collect opinions and suggestions.

8. …………

9. ……………

10. Submission of proposal for Approval : The proponent, who wishes to implement
a proposal pursuant to Section 5 of the Act , shall Submit Fifteen copies of the

Amended by first amendment

repealed by first amendment

repealed by first amendment

Amended by first amendment 5

report prepared under Rules 7 along with the recommendation of the concerned
Village Development Committee or Municipality to the concerned body for the
approval of proposal.

11. Power to Grant Approval to Implement Proposals: (1) In cases where any
proposal is received pursuant to Rule 10, the concerned body shall conduct
investigations into the report attached to the proposal, and , in cases where the
investigations show that the implementation of that proposal will have no
Substantial negative impact on the environment , grant approval within Twenty
One days from the date of its receipt in the case of a proposal which requires an
initial environmental examination only , and forward to the proposal the Ministry
along with its opinion as well as ten copies of the report within Twenty One days
from the date of its receipt in the case of a proposal which requires and
environmental impact assessment as well.

(2) In cases where a proposal is received pursuant to Sub-Rule (1), Ministry

shall publish a public notice in any one of the daily newspaper, granting a time
limit of Thirty days, to the general public to make a copy of the report themselves
received along with the proposal on their own or to study it for offering their
opinions and suggestions on it.

(3) In cases where any individual or institution wishes to offer his/her its
opinion and suggestion on the report as mentioned in Sub-rule (2) he/she it shall
send his/her its opinion or suggestion to the Ministry within thirty days ∗ from the
first date of publication.

(4) In cases where any opinion and suggestion is received under Sub-Rule
(3), the report shall be examined in the light of such opinion and suggestion as
well as the opinion and suggestion offered by the Committee formed, if any, under
Sub- section (4) of Section 6 of the Act, and in cases where such examination

Inserted by first amendment

Amended by first amendment 6

shows that the implementation of such proposal shall have no Substantial ∗ adverse
impact on the environment the Ministry shall grant approval for its

(5) The Ministry shall grant its approval, under Sub-Rule (4) within ∗ Sixty
days from the date of receipt of the proposal.

(6) In case of inability to grant the approval within the period pursuant to
Sub-Rule (5) due to the special reason the Ministry shall grant the approval for the
implementation of proposal within Thirty days from the date of lapse of said

12. Report to be complied with: The proponent shall mandatorily comply with the
matters mentioned in the report, as well as the conditions prescribed by the
concerned body or the Ministry, while implementing the proposal.

13. Monitoring and Evaluation: (1) The concerned body shall monitor and evaluate
the impact of the implementation of the proposal on the environment.

(2) In case where it is found in the course of carrying out monitoring and
evaluation under Sub-Rule (1) that the actual impact is higher than the one
specified in the conditions prescribed at the time of approving the proposal, the
concerned body shall issue necessary directives to the proponent to adopt
measures to reduce or control such impact and it shall be the duty of the concerned
proponent to comply with such directives.

(3) The concerned body shall also inform the Ministry about the directives
issued to the proponent under Sub-Rule (2).

Amended by first amendment

Amended by first amendment

Inserted by first amendment 7

14. Environmental examination and Maintenance Updated: Two years after the

commencement of Service, distribution and production relating to the
implementation of a proposal requiring an environmental impact assessment , the
Ministry, shall carry out an environmental examination of the environmental
impact of the implementation of the proposal and the measures adopted for
reducing such impact etc. and maintain updated records thereof.

Chapter – 3

Prevention and control of pollutions

15. Prohibition to emit waste in contravention of the prescribed standards: No

one shall emit or cause to emit the noise, heat and waste from any mechanical
means, industrial establishment or any other place in contravention of the
standards prescribed by the Ministry by a Notification published in the Gazette.

16. provisions relating to provisional or permanent pollution control certificate :
(1) All industries as referred to in Schedule-7 which are currently in operation,
shall apply within 90 days from the date of commencement of these Rules and the
industries which were registered prior to the commencement of these Rule but are
not in operation or the industries which shall be registered after the
commencement of these Rules shall apply within the 60 days from the date of
beginning of production to the concerned body mentioning their detailed particular
to obtain the provisional pollution control certificate. Upon receipt of such
application the concerned body shall conduct inquiry into it , and so seek , as
required the opinions and suggestion of the Village envelopment committee or
Municipality , where the industry is to be operated and if it is found thereafter that
the operation of such industry shall cause no Substantial adverse impact on
environment or there is possibility of reducing or controlling such effect, then

Amended by first amendment 8

concerned body shall issue a provisional pollution control certificate valid for one
year to the applicant within Ninety days from the date of receipt of the application.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Rule (1), If the industry ,

which is to be registered after the commencement of these Rules , had already
obtained the opinions and suggestions from the concerned Village Development
committee or Municipality in course of preparation of the report pursuant to Rule
7 for the determination of scope (scoping) pursuant to Rule 4 , the concerned body
shall not require to obtain the opinions and suggestions from the Village
Development Committee or Municipality again regarding impact on environment
while operating industry pursuant to Sub- Rule (1).

(3) In cases where the standard of sound, heat, nuclear radiation and waste
disposal for any industry has been determined by publishing a notice in Nepal
Gazette pursuant to Rule 15, the concerned body shall require to issue a permanent
pollution control certificate valid for three years to those industries after having
their examination from the designated laboratory or established pursuant to
Section 11 of the Act within Six months from the date of determination of such

(4) On failing to issue the provisional or permanent pollution control

certificate within the stated time period pursuant to Sub-Rule (1s) and(3) , the
concerned body may issue such certificate within additional three months from the
date of lapse of such time period.

(5) While issuing the provisional or permanent pollution control certificates

pursuant to Sub- Rule (1) and (3) , the concerned body may , as required, prescribe
all or any of the following conditions to be complied by such industry: -

(a) To install within the stated time the equipments required to

reduce or control pollution,

(b) To properly use the installed equipments of pollution control, 9

(c) To operate the industry only at stated time,

(d) To take specific measures to control such activities carried

out in the premises of any industry which generate pollution,

(e) To take specific measures to control the activities of any

industry which generate pollution outside the premise of the

(f) To make available the equipments necessary for the

monitoring activities at the fixed time,

(g) To work as per other conditions prescribed and defended

necessary by the concerned body in view of the nature of

(6) The provisional pollution control certificate pursuant to Sub-rule (1)

shall be renewed every years and the permanent pollution control certificate
pursuant to Sub-Rule (3) shall be renewed every three year.

(7) The terms and conditions mentioned in the provisional or permanent

pollution control certificate obtained pursuant to this Rule shall be put in the
places of operation of industry as may be seen by all.

(8) The concerned body shall maintain the updated list of the industries
who obtained the certificates pursuant to this Rule and the list shall be made
available to the Ministry.

17. Complaints may be Lodged in case anyone causes pollution or emits waste: In
cases where any individual, institution or industry does not control pollution or
emits waste in contravention of the conditions or standards prescribed under the
Act or these Rules; the individual, institution Village Development Committee or
Municipality affected by such action may lodge a complaint with the concerned
body. 10

18. Notice to be issued control pollution or not to emit waste: (1) In cases where
the concerned body finds in the course of an investigation conducted on its own or
following a complaint lodged under Rule 17 that any individual, institution or
industry has not controlled pollution or has emitted waste in contravention of the
condition or standards prescribed under the Act and these Rules , it shall
immediately issue a notice to the concerned individual, institution or industry to
control pollution or immediately not to emit waste according to the prescribed
conditions or standards.

(2) While issuing a notice to the concerned individual, institution or

industry under Sub- Rules (1) , the concerned body may order him/her it to take all
or any of the following actions immediately by prescribing a time limit in that
behalf: -

(a) Measures to be adopted immediately for controlling or reducing

pollution, or for not emitting waste,

(b) To use, operate, or improve any device or equipment,

(c) Not to use all or any of the equipment currently being used or

(d) To adopt the specified monitoring programs and submit a report to


(e) To adopt various alternative measures for controlling pollution and

avoiding emission of waste,

(f) To develop environment management system and furnish

information thereof,

(g) To perform other functions which are deemed appropriate for

controlling pollution and prohibiting waste emission activities. 11

19. Power to Change Conditions: (1) In cases where it is deemed appropriate to

effect some changes in the conditions prescribed under Sub-Rule (5) of Rule 16
for reducing or controlling pollution and adopt other measures for that purpose,
the concerned industry may submit an application to the concerned body
mentioning the same.

(2) In cases where investigation conducted into the application received

under Sub-Rule (1) shows that other measures may be adopted for reducing or
controlling pollution, the concerned body may grant its approval to change some
conditions and adopt other measures as requested by the applicant.

20. Power of the Concerned body to carry out sanitation and cleanliness activities
itself: (1) In case any individual institution or industry emits waste in
contravention of the conditions or standards prescribed in the Act or theses Rules
even after being issued a notice prohibiting such action, and such action causes an
adverse impact on the public, the concerned body may remove such waste at its
own cost.

(2) The concerned body shall realize the cost incurred by it for removing
waste from any place under Sub- Rule (1); as well as an additional charge
amounting to Twenty Five percent of that cost in consideration of having done so,
from the individual, institution or industry which has emitted those wastes, as
government dues under the existing laws.

Chapter -4

Qualifications of inspectors and their functions, Duties and Powers

21. Qualification of Inspectors: The required minimum academic qualification for
the appointment in the post of Inspector shall be as prescribed in the Rules
applicable to the concerned Service and Group of the Civil service.

Amended by first amendment

Amended by first amendment 12

22. Power to stop Activities: (1) In cases where the inspector finds it necessary in
the course of investigations under Section 8 of the Act to stoop any activity which
is in contravention of the Act or these Rule he shall do so with the permission of
the Ministry as far as possible, and in cases where it is not possible to obtain such
permission. He may stop such activity and inform the Ministry accordingly as
soon as possible.

(2) In cases where information about any activity required to be stopped or

stopped by the inspector under Sub-Rule (1) is received, the Ministry shall
immediately cause an investigation to be conducted into the matter and issue an
appropriate order.

23. Inspectors to Submit reports of their inspection: (1) After completing an

inspection under Section 8 of the Act, the inspector shall be required to Submit to
the Ministry a report of his inspection along with the details of his findings.

(2) On receipt of a report under Sub-Rule (1), the Ministry may take all or
any of the following actions in that connection: -

(a) To summon the individual, institution or proponent who has caused

pollution or emitted waste in contravention of this Act or these Rule
and record his/her its statement,

(b) To have any plants, tools, machinery, Goods etc. examined,

(c) To impose a ban on the use of any tools equipment, machinery

goods etc. if so deemed necessary following such examination,

(d) To issue any order which is deemed appropriate to control pollution

or prevent the emission of waste.

24. Local administration to extend co-operation: In cases where the inspector

requests for the help of the police because of the obstruction caused to him/her by
anyone in the course of inspection or the need for using force at the time of 13

conducting such inspection, the local administration shall make necessary police
personnel available to the inspector .

25. Punishment to inspectors: In case where the inspector cusses any loss or
damage to anyone by doing anything willfully or with mala fide intention in the
course of discharging his/her duty under the Act or these Rules, he/she shall be
punished according to the existing laws.

Chapter -5

Conservation of National heritages and environment conservation zones

26. Procedure to be followed while preparing inventories: (1) The concerned body
shall issue a notice for the information of the general public mentioning the
objects sites' plants, animals, etc. to be incorporated in the inventory.

(2) In cases anyone has any reaction in respect to the objects, sites,
plants, animal etc. mentioned in the notice published under Sub-Rule (1), he/she
may file a complaint with the concerned body within Thirty days from the date of
publication of the notice.

(3) In case any complaint is filed under Sub-Rule (2), upon

conducting the investigation into such complaint, and in case such complaint is not
filed after expire the of Thirty days the body shall prepare the inventory.

27. Marks Bounders to be maintained: (1) For the purpose of identifying the
objects or sites incorporated in the inventory the concerned body shall maintain
marks or boundaries as required, on such objects or sites.

(2) The concerned body shall maintain updated particulars of the marks and
boundaries maintained under Sub-Rule (1) as, well as the maps related thereto, and
inform the scure to also the Ministry.

28. Prohibition to cause any loss or damage: Except with the approval of the
concerned body no one shall take or cause to be taken any of the following act in 14

respect to the objects sites, plants, animals etc. incorporated in the inventory or
coming under national heritages:-

(a) To remove, alter or take any action which may cause any damage to
any object, site, plant, animal etc.

(b) To gift away, sell or transfer ownership through relinquishment of

title any object site, plant animal etc.

(c) To take into the national heritage conservation zone to any animal of
the type which could harm any animal incorporated in the inventory,

(d) To take any other action in such a manner so as to cause any damage
or destroy any object site plant animal, etc.

29. Complaints may be filed: (1) Any person may file a complaint with the
concerned body in cases where anyone causes loss or damage, in contravention of
Rule 28, to any object, site, plant, animal etc. incorporated in the inventory or
coming under national heritages.

(2) In case it is found, that any loss or damage has been caused to any
object, site, plant, animal etc. incorporated in the inventory in the course of an
investigation into the complaint file under Sub-Rule (1), or in the case of an
investigation conducted by the concerned body on its own, the concerned body
shall stop such activity immediately.

30. Actions prohibited inside environment conservation Zones: (1) No person shall
take or cause to be taken any of the following actions inside an environment
conservation Zone:

(a) To damage, destroy, demolish, remove, block or cause harm or loss

in any other manner to the natural heritages or secenary beauty,

(b) To buy or sell, trade-in, hunt, or cause any harm to the wild life, 15

(c) To take any Acton in such manner which may cause adverse effect
into the bio-diversity,

(d) To cut, fall, remove, block, uproot or cause any loss or harm to any

(e) To damage, replace, destroy, remove or demolish any site of

historic and cultural signification, or affix any poster or similar other
document or picture in such site, or take otherwise any action which
any case harm to such site,

(f) To use electric current or botanical or any other types of harmful

chemicals into any river stream, rivulet, fountain, pond, lake or any
other sources of water,

(g) To transform the genetic make-up through the any types of domestic

(h) To excavate mines or remove minerals, boulders, soil, concrete or

other materials,

(i) To operate hotels, lodges, public transport, health posts, schools,

huts or similar other services,

(j) To enter into the environment conservation Zone without the

permission of the authority empowered by the Ministry,

(k) To cause any loss or damage to any wire-fences, marks or signs or

any other objects installed inside the environment conservation

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-Rule (1), nothing contained

there shall be deemed to prevent the execution of any function permitted by the
Ministry for the Management and development of the environment conservation
zone. 16

31. Prohibitions to conduct research without permission: No foreign organization

or association, or any person or institution affiliated to it, may collect sample of
any living being, bacteria and plant, and take any activity relating to research in
bio- diversity without taking prior approval of the concerned body.

32. Application to be filed for permission : (1) In cases where any foreign
organization or association or any person or institution affiliated to it desires to
collect any sample relating to research in bio-diversity at any place within Nepal ,
it he/she shall submit an application to the concerned body for permission,
mentioning the objectives thereof.

(2) In case an application is received pursuant to Sub-Rule (1), the

concerned body shall conduct necessary investigations in that connection, and, in
case it deems appropriate following such investigation, to grant permission to
collect sample of any living being, bacteria or plant, and take any action relating to
research in bio- diversity , grant such permission by prescribing necessary

(3) The concerned body shall inform the Ministry about any permission
granted under Sub-Rule (2).

33. Prohibition to take actions in violation of conditions: (1) No person or institute

which has secured permission under Rule 32 shall take any action while collecting
samples of any living being bacteria or plant, and take any action relating to
research in bio- diversity in any manner as to be in violation of the conditions
prescribed by the concerned body.

(2) In case anyone is found to have taken any action in contravention of

Sub-Rule (1) the concerned body shall stop such activity immediately. 17

Chapter 6

Provisions relating to laboratories

34. Only standard laboratories to be prescribed : While fixing any laboratories

operated in the not – governmental Sector under Sub- section (10 of Section 11 of
the Act, only those which have received the certificates of standard shall be

35. Fuctions, duties and powers of Laboratories; (1) In addition to those mentioned
in the Act, the functions, duties and powers of the laboratory shall be as follows: -

(a) To test goods or objects whose has been requested by the Minister or
the concerned body concerned with the conservation of the
environment and control of pollution, on a priority basis,

(b) In cases, it is found that the environment has suffered a serious impact
as a result of the spread of a special type of pollution to conduct a test
on such pollution, within the time- limit prescribed by the Ministry and
submit a report thereof to the Ministry.

(2) Any laboratory, which is not equipped with the technology needed for
conducting a test on pollution under Clause (b) of Sub Rule (1), shall conduct such
test by a foreign laboratory on the request of the concerned body or the Ministry.

36. Test may be conducted by any other laboratory: The concerned body or the
Ministry may test the pollution tested by one laboratory by any other laboratory as
per necessity.

37. Power to publish the findings of tests conducted by a Laboratory: The

concerned body or Ministry may publish, for the information of the general public,
the level of pollution tested in a laboratory under these Rules. 18

38. List of laboratories to be maintained up dated: The Ministry shall prepare a list
of Standard laboratories established in the Governmental and non- governmental
sectors and maintain it up dated.

Chapter 7

39 Provisions Relating to formation of Managing committee: (1) There shall be a

managing committee consisting of the following members, for the purpose of
managing, operating, and monitoring the fund: -

(a) Ministry of population of environmental Chairperson Joint Secretary

(b) Joint-Secretary, National Paying commission -member

(c) Joint-Secretary, Ministry of finance - member

(d) Deputy Governor, Nepal Rastra Bank - Member

(e) President Federation of Nepalese chambers

of Commerce and Industries - Member

(f) One person from among environmentalists or Chiefs

of Environment related non- governmental Organization -Member

(g) Joint- Secretary (Environment Division) Ministry of

Population and environment -Member -Secretary

(2) The member under Clause (f) of Sub Rule (1) shall be nominated by the
Ministry and he/she shall have a tenure of two years.

(3) The Procedure relating to meetings of the Managing committee shall be

a determined by the committee itself.

40. Provisions relating to secretarial and Administrative expense: (1) The

Ministry shall function as the Secretarial of the Managing Committee. 19

(2) The administrative expenses required for the Secretariat of the

Managing committee shall be borne from the budget of the Ministry.

41. Managing and operation of he fund: (1) The fund shall be operated as a
revolving fund.

(2) Amounts credited to the fund shall be deposited in an account opened in

a bank the Managing Committee.

(3) The account opened under Sub-Rule (2) shall be operated in the manner
prescribed by the Managing Committee.

42. Use of the fund : Amounts deposited in the fund shall be spent to activities
connected with conservation of environment, prevention and control of pollution
and conservation of the national heritages as well as the following activities in the
manner as decided by the Managing committee.

(a) To provide necessary financial physical and technical assistance to the

Institution playing an effective role in the conservation of the environment,
prevention and control of pollution and protection of national heritage and
promotion of public awareness activities.

(b) To provide necessary financial assistance in the activities related to

environmental education training and research.

(c) To make provisions for rewards to the individuals or institutions for

rendering significant contribution in the fields of environmental
conservation prevention and control of pollution and conservation of the
study national heritages.

(d) To formulate planes and implement programme not included in the regular
programs relating to the conservation of the environment prevention and
control of pollution and conservation of the national heritages. 20

43. Provisions relating to Accounts: The accounts of income and expenditure of the
fund shall be kept according the prevailing laws.

44. Annual report to be published: The Managing Committee shall make public the
annual report of its activities carried out all over the year for the information of the
general public.

Chapter 8

Compensation and other provisions

45. May file an application for realizing Compensation : -In case anyone wishes to
realize compensation from any individual, institution or proponent under section
17 of the Act, he/she may Submit an application to the concerned Chief District
Officer mentioning the type of loss suffered by him/her as a result thereof, and the
amount of compensation sought by him/her.

(2) In case an application is received under Sub Rule (1), the Chief
District Officer shall conduct investigation into it, as well as, into the actual
situation prevailing at the concerned place, as required, and also seek the opinion
and suggestion the concerned officer in the district of the inspector, if any, deputed
to district, and then evaluate the actual loss suffered by the applicant.

(3) If, for any reasons the loss cannot be evaluated under Sub- Rule (2) the
Chief district Officer shall forward the application to the concerned body for its
suggestion on the Matter within 30 days from the rate of receipt to the application.

(4) In case an application is received under Sub Rule (3) the concerned
body shall conduct necessary investigation and study the actual prevailing
situation as required, and send back the application to the concerned Chief District
officer along with its opinion and suggestion.

(5) In case the loss has been evaluated under Sub-Rule (2) the Chief
District officer shall determine the amount of compensation accordingly and in 21

case the suggestion to the concerned body has been sought, the Chief District
Officer shall do so after receiving the suggestion under Sub-Rule (4)

(6) In case an application for compensation has been forwarded to the

concerned body under Sub Rule (3), the chief District Officer shall take a decision
in respect to payment of compensation within 15 days from the date of receipt of
suggestion from the concerned body and in case the application for compensation
has not been forwarded to the concerned body by the Chief District officer shall
take decision regarding the compensation within Six days of application.

(7) In connection with the determination of the amount of compensation,

the Chief district Officer shall have the powers to summon the concerned
individual, institution or proponent, record his/its statement, order for the
Submission of any document equipment machinery etc, and enter into and
investigate from where pollution, noise, heat or gases has been created or emitted.

(8) The amount of the compensation determined by the Chief District

Officer under this Rule shall be appropriate and reasonable.

46. Amount of Compensation to be paid within the prescribed time limit: (1) The
concerned individual, institution or proponent shall to pay the amount to the
concerned individual or intuition within Thirty days from the date of
determination of the amount compensation under Rule 45.

(2) In case the concern individual, institution or proponent Submits an

application for extension time limit of prescribed in Sub-rule (1) explaining
appropriate reasons for his/her it's failure to pay the amount of compensation
within the prescribed time limit and in case the reasons mentioned in the
application are found to be appropriate, the Chief District Officer may extend the
time limit no exceeding Thirty days for one time.

47. Compensation to be Realized from the property : (1) In case the concerned
individual, institution or Proponent flails to pay the amount of compensation 22

within the time limit prescribed in Rule 46 , the individual or institution which is
to receive compensation, may Submit an application to the chief District Officer
within three months from the date of expiry of the said time limit, with a request to
have the amount of compensation be realized, identifying the property belonging
to such individual, institution or proponent.

(2) In case an application is received pursuant to Sub- Rule (1), the Chief
District Officer shall action the property of the individual, institution or proponent
who is to pay the amount of compensation in accordance with the existing laws,
cause to pay the amount of compensation and hand over the remaining balance to
the concerned individual, institution or proponent if he /it approaches him/her for
the same by fulfilling the formalities laid down by the existing laws.

48. Designation of Authority empowered to inflict punishment : (1) In case any

individual or institution take any action without having a proposal relating to
initial environmental examination approved under Section 4 of the Ac, the
concerned body shall be the authority empowered to punish him/her it under Sub-
Section (1) of Section 18 of the Act.

(2) In case any individual or institution takes any action without having a
proposal relating to environmental impact assessment under Section 4 of the Act,
the ministry shall be the authority empowered to punish him/her it under Sub-
Section (1) of Section 18 of the Act.

(3) In case, any industry commences its operation without obtaining a

certificate pursuant to Rule 16 or in case any individual, institution or industry
does not control pollution, or emits wastes even after being notified not to do so
under Rule 18, the concerned body shall be the authority empowered to punish
him/her it under Sub-Section (2) of Section 18 of the Act. 23

(4) In case anyone does follow the order issued pursuant to Sub-rule (2) of
Rule 23, the Ministry shall be the authority embowered to punish him/her under
Sub-Section (2) of Section 18 of the Act.

(5) In case anyone pursuant to Rule 28 who causes any loss or damage to
the object , site, plant, animal etc. incorporated in the inventory or coming under
national heritages, the concerned body shall be the authority empowered to punish
him /it under Sub- Section (2) of Section 18 of the Act.

(6) In case anyone does anything without obtaining permission under Rule
32, or in contravention of the prescribed conditions, the concerned body shall be
the authority empowered to punish him/it under Sub-Section (2) of Section 18 of
the Act.

(7) In case, anyone commits any Act, except provided in this Rule here
above, in contravention of the Act or any other Rules, the Ministry shall be the
authority empowered to punish him/her it pursuant to Section 18 of the Act.

49. Power to Grant rewards, commendation, letters or Logo : (1) The ministry
may grant a cash reward or a commendation letter to any individual or institution
for rendering significant contributions in matters concerning environmental
conservation control and conservation, prevention, pollution and protection of the
heritages as a token of respect.

(2) Any industry which renders significant contribution as mentioned in

Sub-Rule (1) the Ministry may grant an environment-friendly logo to such
industry, which may use it in its specific products.

(3) In case, any industry does not control and prevent pollution upon
violating of the Act or these Rules; the Ministry may impose a ban on the use of
the environment – friendly logo granted to it.

(4) The Ministry shall publish a public notice of the ban imposed under
Sub- Rule (3). 24

50. List of Environmental experts: The Ministry shall maintain an updated list of
the persons possessing special knowledge and experience in the field of

51 .Designating the Authority: The Ministry shall be the authority designated for
the purpose of Sub-Section (6) of Section 8 of the Act.

* 52 Delegation of powers: (1) The Ministry may delegate some of the powers
conferred to it under these Rules to the concerned body or Subordinate body or
any officer level employee as required.

(2) The concerned body may delegate some of the powers conferred to it
under these Rules to the Subordinate body or any other officer level employee as

Provided that the concerned body shall not delegate the power of providing
opinion to the Ministry.

53. Applicability of these Rules: In matters provided for in these Rules, action shall
be taken accordingly and in other matters, action shall be taken pursuant to the
existing laws.

54. Power to make changes or alterations in the Schedule: The Ministry may
change or alter the Schedules as may be required, by notification in the Nepal
Gazette. 25

Schedule -1
(Pertaining to Rule 3)
Proposals Requiring Initial environmental examination
A. Forest Sector
(1) Plantation of indigenous plants of a single species in a single block of 50 to
100 hectares in the Terai and 25 to 50 hectares in the Hills.
2) Plantation of such imported species of plants as are deemed suit for the
purpose, following their test in the concerned place, on a single block of 10
to 50 hectares in the Terai and 5 to25 hectares in the Hills.
(3) Handover of forests with an area ranging between 25 to 100 hectares in the
Terai and 5 to 25 hectares in the Hills as leasehold forests.
(4) Clear feeling or rehabilitation of national forests with an area of not more
than 5 hectares.
(5) Establishment of saw-mills which could to process 5000 to 50,000 cubic
feet of timber per year.
(6) Collection of 5 to 50 tons of forest products other than timer per year.
(7) Establishment or expansion of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and
conservation areas or environmental conservation Zones.
(8) …….of the foots of trees which have been failed removal of leaves (in
such a manner as to turn trees into stumps), extraction of seeds of lichens or
orchids from trees and collection of Salk (shores robust) seeds.
(9) Formulation of watershed management plans.
(10) Construction of new botanical gardens or zoos outside the forest areas by
the public or private Sector.
(11) Recruitment of import who ……… of different species.
(12) Preparation of management plans of national parks, wild life sanctuaries,
conservation Ares and their buffer zones or launching of development and
construction activities specified in such plans. 26

(13) Establishment of medicinal herbs centers for the commercial production of

medicinal herbs and aromatic plants in public scrublands.
(14) Commercial collection or industrial processing of non-polluting medicinal
herbs and aromatic plants.
(15) Construction of forest paths up to Five Kilometer long and of fire
protection lines up to Ten Kilometers long.
(16) Collection of boulders, gravel and sand and extraction of coal and other
minerals from forest areas.
*B . Industrial Sector:
1. Production of alcohol by the process of blending and establishment of
distilleries equipped with boiling and fermentation facilities with a
production capacity of 5,00,000 liters per day.
2. Establishment of acid, alkali and primary chemical industries with a
production capacity of 5, 00,000/- liters per day.
3. Establishment of acid, alkali and primary chemical industries with a
production capacity of 100 metric ton per day.
4. Processing of leather not more than5000 sq. ft. per day.
5. Establishment of electroplating and galvanizing industries.
6. Establishment of cooking natural gas refilling, filling, production and
distribution industries.
7. Establishment of boulder crushing industries.
8. Establishment of paints industries.
9. Establishment of dairy processing industries.
10. Establishment of industries producing lubricant by the process of blending,
reprocessing or reclamation.
11. Establishment of industries manufacturing foam.
12. Establishment of industries manufacturing dry or wet cell (battery).
13. Establishment of crude sugar or sugar industries with a production capacity
of 3000 metric tons per day. 27

14. Establishment of thread and clothes dyeing, printing and laundry industries
(including carpets) except traditional cottage industries.
15. Establishment of pulp and paper industries, except traditional cottage
industries, with a production capacity of 100 metric tons per day.
16. Establishment of bricks and tiles industries with a production capacity of 10
million units per year.
17. Establishment of cement industries with a production capacity of 30 metric
ton per hour based on lime-stone and with a production capacity of 50
metric tons per hour based on clinker.
18. Establishment of quick/slaked lime industry producing 50 metric tons per
19. Establishment of pharmaceutical industries.
20. Establishment of industries manufacturing chemical fertilizers (blending)
and pesticides (blending).
21. Establishment of plastic industries (based on waste plastic as raw materials)
. 22. Establishment of matches industries.
23. Establishment of industries relating to auto workshop (except 2 Wheelers).
24. Establishment of industries producing and processing coke and briquette
from coal."
(b) Establishment of the following industries having investment of total fixed capital
exceeding Rs. One million.
1. Plastic processing (except processing waste materials).
2. Processing and production of tires, tubes and rubber.
3. Soap (including detergents and cleaning shampoos).
4. Photo processing.
5. Foundry.
6. Production of cigarettes, bidi (tobacco rolled in leaf) tobacco , betel Rules.
7. Slaughter house.
8. Glass (plane glass) 28

9. Food processing.
10. Relating to metal (including remelting, reenrolling and fabrication).
11. Bitumen and bitumen emulsion.
12. Cold storage.
13. Threading
14. Vegetable ghee, oil.
15. Herbal processing.
16 Productions of different items from bone, horn and foot root .
17. Rosin turpentine, veneer and catechu.
18. Fish and meat processing.
19. Production of packaging materials.
20. Plotter feeds.
21. Machine soap.

C. Mining Sector:
(a) Excavation of mines through relocation and resettlement of permuted
residence up to more than 100 people.
(b) Relating to Open Mine and Under Ground Mined: -
(1) Excavation of metallic minerals in small scale.
(2) Excavation of the other industrial minerals in small scale except
precious stones semiprecious stones and abrasive minerals from
among the classified industrial minerals for the industrial purpose.
(3) Excavation of non-moralistic metalic in small scale.
(4) Excavation of industrial precious and semiprecious stones and
abrasive minerals with a production capacity of 50 to 100 grams per
(5) Establishment of coal mines in small scale.
(6) Excavation of construction oriented minerals in small scale,

Amended by first amendment. 29

(7) Excavation of highly precious valuable stone and semi-valuable

stone minerals with a production capacity of 50 to100 grams per
(8) Production of naturals gases in very small and small scale.
(c) Relating to other Mines
(1) Extraction of 10 to 50 cubic meters of sand, gravel and soil from
river beds per day.
(2) Extraction of 50 to 100 grams of precious value and semi-value
stone minerals per day through placer or dredging techniques.
D. Road Sector:
1. Construction of the following roads:
(a) District roads
(b) Urban roads
(c) Rural roads
(d) Small feeder roads
2. Construction of One to Five Kilometer long ropeway.
3. Construction of One to Five kilometers long cable car routes
4. Construction of major bridges
5. Constructions of tunnels
6. Improvement, up grading and reconstruction of national highways and
feeder roads.
E. water resources and energy sector:
1. Supply of electricity though the constructions of transmission lines of from
33 to 66 KV capacity.
2. Operation of rural electrification projects of One to Six MW.
3. Operation of electricity generation projects from 5MW capacity.
4. Under the new systems of irrigation :
(a) Irrigating Twenty Five to Two Thousand hectares in the Terai,
(b) Irrigating Fifteen to Five Hundred hectares in the Hill Valley, 30

(c) Irrigating Ten to Two Hundred hectares in the Hilly and

mountainous areas a steep gradient.
5. Under the rehabilitated systems of irrigation:
(a) Irrigating more than Five Hundred hectares in the Terai
(b) Irrigating more than Two Hundred hectares in the hill valleys.
(c) Irrigating more than Hundred hectares in the hilly a steep gradient
and mountainous.
6. Any water resources development activity which displaces ∗ from Twenty
Five to Hundred persons from permanent residence.
7. Control of floods through dams in the Terai.
8. Control of river of more than one Kilometer length.
Note: - Any rehabilitation project which includes additional irrigated areas, new sources
of water, watershed management or changed channel lines shall be considered to be a
new system.
F. Tourism Sector:
1. Establishment and operation of hotel with Fifty to Hundred beds.
2. Extension of the areas of the existing airports.
3. Opening of new areas for the promotion of tourism.
4. Operation of rafting activities on any river having fish or other aquatic life.
5. Operation of new golf courses and organized form of water sports.
6. Promotion of tourism in a number exceeding Ten Thousand per year at an
altitude above Five Thousand meters.
7. Disposal and management of waste emitted from trekking points.
G. Drinking Water:
1. Collection of rain-water in an area of not more than 200 hectares, and use
of water sources (spring and wet-lands) located within the same area.
2. Surface water source with not more than 4 cubic ft. safe yield and supply of
not more than Fifty present of the water during the dry season.

inserted by First Amendment 31

3 Processing of water at the rate of Ten to Twenty Five liters per second.
4. Recharging upto Fifty present of the total aquifer for the development of
underground water sources.
5. Construction of not more than one kilometer long tunnels for carrying
6. Displacement of not more than One Hundred persons for operating a water
supply scheme.
7. Settlement of no more than Five Hundred persons on the upper reaches of
water sources.
8. Supply of drinking water to a population ranging between Two Thousand
to Twenty Thousand.
9. Supply of drinking water to a population ranging between Ten Thousand
and Hundred Thousand upon connecting new sources.
10. Installation of more than 20 Km. long electricity transmission lines for
pumping or processing water and consumption of more than one mw of
11. River training and diversion activities over an area of more than one
H. Waste Management:
1. Waste Management activities to be undertaken with the objective of
providing services to a population ranging between Two Thousand and Ten
2. Following activities relating to waste emitted from houses and residential
(a) Filling of land with One Hundred to One Thousand tons of waste a
(b) Activities relating to transfer stations and resource recovery areas
spread over upto Three hectares. 32

(c) Selecting, picking, disposing, and recycling waste through chemical,

mechanical or biological techniques in an area upto Two hectors.
(d) Activities relating to compost plants in an area ranging between One
to Five hectares.
(e) Operations of sewerage schemes.
I. Agricultural Sector:
1. Clearing of national forests covering upto One hectare in the Hills and Five
hectares in the Terai, and using then for agricultural purposes.
2. Following Construction activities.

(a) ……………………………..
(b) Construction of 1 to 5 Kilometers long agricultural road.
(c) Construction activities for farming Two Thousand to Five Thousand
domestic fowls.
(d) Construction activities for farming big cattle numbering between
One Hundred and Five Hundred.
(e) Construction activities for farming small cattle (sheep and goats)
numbering between One Thousand and Five Thousand.
(f) Establishment of agricultural wholesale markets in urban areas.
3. Following activities relating to toxic Substances (only those which are listed) :
(a) Import of One to Ten tons of toxic Substances.
(b) Sale, supply storage and disposal of 100 kg. to One ton of toxic Substances.
(c) Uses of One Hundred kg. to One ton of toxic Substances in a single area.
4. Establishment of the following agro based industries to dispose of polluted Substances
mixed with dangerous toxins:
(a) Milk-processing industries with a capacity upto Twenty Six Thousand liters a
(b) Such, agro based industries as those producing jam, jelly, squash and juice.
(c) Cheese industries.

Deleted by first Amendment 33

(d) Bady food indstries.

(e)  …………………
(f)  …………………
5.  …………………
6.Commercial fish-farming in an area of more than One hectare.

J. Operation of any plan, project or programme of any development work physical

activity or land use Except the proposals mentioned in Clause (A) to Clause (I) and
those below the standard of such proposals as well as the proposals below the standards
of those mentioned in Schedule -2 with a cost of Rs. Ten millions to hundred millions.

Inserted by First Amendment.

Inserted by the notification published in Nepal Gazette on Aug .23 ,1999 34

Schedule -2
(Relating to Rule 3)
Proposals requiring environmental Impact Assessment
A. Forest Sector:
1. Plantation of indigenous plants of a single species in a single block
covering an Ares of more than One Hundred hectares in the Terai and Fifty
hectors in the Tarai.
2. Plantation of such imported species of plants as are deemed suitable for the
purposes, following their test, in the concerned place, in an area of more
than Fifty hectares in the Tarai and Twenty Five hectares in the Hills
3. Handover of forests with as area of more than One Hundred hectares in the
Terai and Twenty Five hectares in the hill ass leasehold forests.
4. Clear felling or rehabilitation of forests with an area of more than Five
5. Establishment of saw-mills processing more than Fifty cft. of timber per
6. Collection of forest related products except more than Fifty ton of woods.
7. Formulation and implementation of forest management plans.
8. Clearing of publics' forests and establishment of new medical herbs centre
for commercial production.
9. Rosin and turpentine, rubber, plywood and veneer, catechu, and timber-
based matches , pulp and paper industries to be established within one Km.
inside the forest area which depend on forests for their raw material and use
processing techniques and cardamom and medium and large tea industries
which use large quantities of firewood.
10. Commercial and industrial processing of medicinal herbs and aromatic
plants which emit garbage and pollution.
11. Establishment of saw-mills, bricks and tiles factories and tobacco
processing industries within Five Km. from the forest boundaries. 35

12. Establishment of hotels, resorts, safaris, educational institution ,hospital and

industries of other construction activities inside forest areas, national parks,
sanctuaries, conservation areas, buffer zones and environment conservation

B. Industrial Sector:
1. Establishment of distilleries equipped with boiling and fermentation
facilities with a production capacity of more than Fifty Hundred Thousand
liters per day.
2. Establishment of breweries and wineries equipped with fermentation
facilities with a production capacity of more than Fifty Hundred Thousand
liter per day.
3. Production of primary chemicals such as corrosive, acid and alkali etc.
(except citric Tartaric, acetic, acid.) with a production capacity of more
than One Hundred metric tons per day.
4. Processing of hides more than Five Hundred sq. ft. Per day.
5. Production of chemical fertilizers and pesticides except produced through
welding process.
6. Establishment of mineral based industries with a investment of more than
Rs. Fifty millions fixed capital.
7. Production of petro chemical and processing (diesel, kerosene, lubricant
plastics, Synthetic rubbers etc.)
8. Production of ferrous and non ferries metals (except resoling, remelting and
fabrication) by the process of primary smelting.
9. Establishment of industry producing more than Three Thousand metric ton
of rude sugar and sugar per day
10. Establishment of cement industries with a production capacity of more than
Thirty metric tons per hour based on line stone and with a production
capacity of more than Fifty metric tons per hour based on clinker.

Amended by first Emendation 36

11. Establishment of lime industries having production capacity of more than

Fifty metric tons per day.
12. Production of asbestos.
13. Establishment of radio active emission (nuclear and automatic processing)
14. Production of primary compound (Bulk drugs) for medicine.
15. Production of extremely hazardous Substances such as Isocyanine,
mercury compound etc.

16. Production of ammunitions and explosives including gunpowder except
than the production made by Nepal Army or Nepal police forever or to be
established by them.
17. Establishment of industries of pulp or paper with a production capacity of
more than One Hundred metric tons per day.
18. Establishment of brick and tiles industries with a production capacity of
more than Ten million pieces per year.
19. Chemical processing of bones.

C. Mining Sector:
(a) Relocation or resettlement of permanent residence of more than 100 people
for the purpose of mine excavation.
(b) Operation of all underground mining activities located at the main
boundary throst and central boundary thrust Zone.
(c) In case of relating to Open Mines or Underground Mines:
1. Excavation of metallic mineral Substance in medium and large scale.
2. Excavation of non metallic mineral Substances in medium and large scale.
3. Excavation of other medium and large scale industrial minerals except precious
stone, semi-precious stone, abrasive minerals from among the industrial
minerals classified for the purposes of industrial use.

changed by a notification published in Nepal Gazette on Nov. 9,2001

Amended by First Amendment 37

4. Excavation of medium and large scale coal mines.

5. Excavation of construction-oriented minerals of medium and large scale.
6. Excavation of highly valuable semi precious minerals with a production
capacity of more than 100 grams per day.
7. Production of natural gas in medium and large scale.
8. Excavation of radioactive minerals in any scale.
9. Excavation if minerals in any scale.
10. Excavation of crude oil in an scale.
11. Excavation of industrial, precious, semi-precious stones and abrasive mineral
with production capacity of more than One Hundred grams per day.
(d) Relating to other Mines:
1. Extraction of sand, gravel and soil at the rate of more than Fifty cubic meters
per day from the surface of river and revolute.
2. Extraction of highly precious and semi-precious minerals at the rate of more
than One Hundred gms. per day through player and dredging technique.
D. Road Sector:
1. Construction of the following roads:
(a) National highways.
(b) Main feeder roads.
2. Construction of more than Five Km. long ropeway.
3. Construction of more than Five Km. long cable car routes.
E. Water resources and Energy sector:
1. Supply of electricity through installation of transmission lines of more than
2. Operation of more than 6 mva. Rural Electrification Projects.
3. Operation of electricity generation projects with a capacity of more than 5
4. Generation of more than 1mw. Diesel or the heat electricity.
5. Under the new systems of irrigation: 38

(a) Irrigating more than 2000 hectares in the Tarai.

(b) Irrigating more thn500 hectares in the hill valleys.
(c) Irrigating more than 200 hectares in the hill areas with a steep
gradient and Mountain areas.
6. Any water resources development activity which displaces more than One
Hundred people with permanent residence.
7. Construction of multipurpose reservoirs.
8. Inter-basin water transfer and use.
F. Tourism Sector:
1. Establishment and operation of hotels with more than One Hundred beds.
2. Establishment and development of new airports.
3. Rafting arrangement for more than Two Thousand persons per year on a
single river.
4. Dispatch of more than Two Thousand tourists and their assistants per year
for trekking in a single area.
5. Development and construction of any infrastructure for the promotion of
adventure tourism in high mountainous areas.
6. Operation of house boats on lakes.
G. Drinking water:
1. Collection of rain-water in an area of more than Two Thousand hectares
and use of water sources (springs/wetlands) located within the same area.

2. Surface water sources with more than 1 cft. safe yield, and the use of its
entire part during the dry season.
3. Water processing at the rate of more than Twenty Five liters per second.
4. Recharging of more than Fifty percent of the total aquifer for the
development of underground water sources.
5. Construction of more than 1 km. long water tunnels. 39

6. Displacement of more than One Hundred persons for the operation of water
supply scheme.
7. Settlement of more than Fifty persons on the upper reaches of water
8. Supply of drinking water to a population of more than Twenty Thousand.
9. Supply of drinking water to a population of more than One Hundred
Thousand upon connecting of new sources.
10 Over mining of biologically or chemically polluted point and non-point
sources or underground water sources that may be affected by them.
11. Operation of multi-purpose projects relating to sources of drinking waste
water which consumes the sources at the rate of more than 25 liters per
H. Waste Management:
1. Waste management activities to the undertaken with the objective of
providing services to a population of more than Ten Thousand.
2. Following activities relating to waste emitted from houses and residential
areas: -
(a) Filling of land with more than One Thousand tons of waste per year.
(b) Activities relating of transfer station and resources recovery areas
spread over an area of more than Three hectares.
(c) Selecting, picking, disposing and recycling wastes through chemical,
mechanical or biological techniques' in an area spread over more
than Two hectares.
(d) Activity relating to compost plans spread over an area of more than
Five hectors.
(e) Burying of waste emitted from an urban area with a population of at
least Ten Thousand. 40

3. Following construction activities relating to hazardous waste of the

following nature in any scale:-
(a) Construction of waste plant.
(b) Construction of waste recovery plant.
(c) Constructing of a site for filling accumulating or burying waste.
(d) Construction of a site to store the waste.
(e) Construction of a waste treatment facility.
4. Following activities relating to lethal waste:-
(a) Emission and management of any radio active Substance with a half
age exceeding Twenty Five years.
(b) Emission and management of any lethal chemical with Thirty lethal
(c) Final disposal management of biological lethal Substances emitted
from Health Center, Hospital, or Nursing Home with at least Twenty
Five beds.
(d) Any activating relating to One hectors or more of land and energy
for the purpose of incinerating or recycling any lethal Substance
I. Agriculture Sector:
1. Clearing of forest covering more than One hector in the Hills and Five
hector in the Terai and using it for agricultural proposes.
2. Following activities relating to construction.:-
(a) ………………….
(b) Construction of more than Five km. long agricultural roads.
(c) Construction activities for farming more than Five Thousand
domestic fowls.
(d) Construction activity for farming more than Five Hundred big cattle.
(e) Construction activity for farming more than Five Thousand small
cattle (sheep and goats)

Deleted by first Amendment 41

(f) Urbanization plan in cultivable lands.

3. Following activities relating to toxic Substance (only those which are
(a) Import of more than Ten tons of a toxic Substance.

(b) Sale, supply, storage and disposal of more than One ton of a toxic
(c) Use of more than One ton of a toxic Substance in a single area.
(d) Activities relating to insecticide plants or toxic Substances.
J. Health:
1. Operation of hospitals or nursing homes with more than Twenty Five beds,
or medical profession (study and teaching also).
K. If any proposal is to be implemented in the following Ares:
1. Historical, cultural and archeological sites.
2. Environmentally weak and wet Areas.
3. National parks, wild life sanctuaries and conservation areas.
4. Semi-arid, mountainous and Himalayan regions.
5. Flood prone and other dangerous areas.
6. Residential, school and hospital areas.
7. Areas with main sources of public water supply.

8. ………………….

L. Operation of any plan, project or programme relating to any developmental work
,physical activity or change in land use ∗ except the proposals mentioned in Clause (a) to
Clause (K) and those below the standards of such proposals as well as the proposals
below the standards of those mentioned in schedule -1 with a cost of more than One
Hundred millions.

Deleted by first Amendment

Inserted by first Amendment

Inserted by the notification in Nepal Gazette on aug.23.1999 42

Schedule -3
(Relating to Rule 5)
Work schedule of Initial environmental examinations
1. Name and address of the individual or institution preparing the report,
2. Proposal's:
(a) General introduction
(b) Relevancy of the proposal
3. Procedure to be adopted while preparing the report:
4. Policies, laws, Rules and manuals to be taken into account while preparing the
5. Preparing of the reports:
(a) Time:
(b) Estimated budget:

6. ………………….
7. Specific impact of the implementation of the proposal on the environment:
(a) Social and economic:
(b) Cultural and physical:
(c) Chemical:
(d) Biological:
8. Alternatives for the implementation of the proposal:
(a) Design
(b) Project site
(c) Technology, procedure of operation, time schedule, raw material to be
(d) Other matters.
9 Matters concerning the prevention of the impact of the implementation of the
proposal on the environment.
10 Matters to be monitored while implementing the proposal.
11. Other necessary matters.

Deleted by first Amendment 43

Schedule -4
(Relating to Rule 5)
Work Schedule Relating to Environmental Impact Assessment
1. Name and address of the individual or institution preparing the report:
2. General introduction of the proposal:
3. Data needed for the preparation of the report and procedure of collecting
4. Policies, laws, Rules and manuals to be taken into account while preparing
the report:
5. Preparation of the Report:
(a) Time
(b) Estimated budget
(c) Necessary
6. Scope determined for the preparation of the report.
7. Impact on the environment on the implementation of the report:
(a) Social and economic
(b) Cultural and physical
(c) Chemical
(d) Biological
8. Other alternatives for the implementation of the proposal:
(a) Design
(b) Project site
(c) Technology, procedure of operation, time-schedule and raw materials to be
(d) Environment management system.
(e) Whether or not the risks resulting from the implementation of the proposal
can be accepted.
(f) Other matters. 44

9. Measures to remove any negative impact that may be noticed while

implementing the proposal.
10. Particulars of the cost and returns of the proposal.
11. Matters to be monitored while implementing the proposal.
12. Relevant information, reference lists, bibliography, annexes, maps,
photographs, table and shirts, graphs and questionnaires to be mentioned at
the time of preparing the report. 45

(Relating to Rule 7)
Matter to be mentioned while preparing reports relating to
Initial environmental examinations:
1. Name and address of individual or institution preparing the report:
2 Summery of the proposal: (To briefly mention the following matters in regard to
the possibly impact of the implementation of the proposal on the environment):
(a) Objectives of the proposal,
(b) Impact on land-use.
(c) Adverse impact on the environment impact on human life, and population
(d) Damage to be suffered by local goods or objects,
(e) Other necessary matters.
3. The following matters must be explicitly mentioned in respect to the
(a) Type of proposal,
(i) Processing,
(ii) Manufacturing,
(iii) Installation,
(iv) Service delivery,
(v) Others.
(b) If related to delivery, the nature and type of goods to be delivered.
(c) Proposal's
(i) Installed capacity
(ii) Number of hours to be operated per day or year.
(d) Materials to be used (quantity and year to be mentioned).
(e) Emission resulting from the implementation of the proposal (the time of
operation and the consequent volume of emission to be specified)
(i) Solid
(ii) Liquid
(iii) Air,
(iv) Gas, 46

(v) Noise
(vi) Dust,
(vii) Others
(f) Energy to be used:
(i) Type,
(ii) Sources
(iii) Volume of consumption (per day and year)
(g) Human Resource requirements:
(h) Resources required for the implementation of the proposal:
(i) Total (Gross) capital
(ii) Working capital
(iii) Land area,
(iv) Building and their types,
(v) Machinery and tools
(vi) Others.
(i) Detailed particulars of the area where the project is to be implemented:
(i) Maps,
(ii) Population and condition relating to settlements in the area as well as
in the nearby areas,
(iii) Particulars of any sensitive things or objects, if any, located close to
the area where the proposal is to be implemented
(iv) Current situation
(v) Sources of water
(vi) Arrangement made for disposing or processing the waste
(vii) Paths for movement in the area where the proposal is to be
(j) Manufacturing processes
(k) Details of the technology
(l) Other necessary matters.
4. Impact of the implementation of the proposal on the environment:
(a) Impact on the social, economic cultural spheres:
(i) Impact on human health, 47

(ii) Degradation of cultivable land,

(iii) Destruction of forests,
(iv) Changes in social, cultural and religious norms and value,
(v) Others.
(b) Biological Impact:
(i) Population,
(ii) Flora and fauna.
(iii) 'Natural habitat and communities
(c) Physical Impact:
(i) Land,
(ii) Atmosphere,
(iii) Water,
(iv) Noise,
(v) Man-made objects,
(vi) Others
5. Alternatives for the implementation of the proposal:
(a) Design
(b) Project site
(c) Processes, time-schedule,
(d) Raw materials to be used,
(e) Others
6. Alternatives to reduce or control the impact of the implementation of the
proposal on the environment.
7. Matters to be monitored while implementing the proposal.
8. Other necessary matters.
Note: - Data, maps, Photographs, tables, charts graphs etc. shall be enclosed, as required,
while preparing the report. 48

Schedule – 6
(Relating to Rule 7)
Matters to be mentioned while preparing Reports Relating to
Environmental Impact Assessment
1. Name and Address of the individual or intuition preparing the report:
2. Summary of the proposal: (to mention the following matters in regard to the
possible impact of the implementation of the proposal on the environment.):
(a) Objectives of the proposal ,
(b) Impact on land-use,
(c) Adverse impact on the environment, impact on human life, and population
(d) Damage to be suffered by local goods or objects
(e) Other necessary matters.
3. Summary of the Report: Brief particulars of the matters mentioned in the report
relating to the environmental impact assessment.
4. Particulars of the proposal:
(a) To specify the technical, geographical, environmental, economic, social,
cultural and physical aspects of the proposal.
(b) To specify the objectives, working policies and work-schedule of the activities
to be undertaken during each phase of the implementation of the proposal.
5. Basic information relating to the proposal: To mention basic information about
the geo-physical, cultural, biological, and social and economic conditions of the
area to be assessed, as well any possible change that may occur there before the
implementation of the proposal. In case there are any data which may not be
available or any Subject which may not be covered by the study, they too should
be mentioned.
6. Identification of environmental Impact: To mention the possible positive and
negative impact on the following spheres of the environment while implementing 49

the proposal, and estimate and specify the volume of possible impart according to
time and work schedules as far as possible.
(a) Geographical area likely to have positive or negative impact of the
implementation of the proposal and thereof time-schedule.
(b) Impact of waste and pollution to be emitted through the implementation of
the proposal.
(c) Direct or indirect and cumulative impact of the implementation of the
proposal on the environment.
7. Analysis of the alternatives for the proposal: The following matters are to be
(a) Matters concerning the design of the proposal, project site, technology,
operation procedure, time –schedule and raw materials to be used.
(b) Comparison is to be made on the basis of the fixed and working capital,
local suitability , institutional training and supervision needed for the
implementation of the proposal, and the environmental cost and returns and
economic significance of each alternative measures are to be analyzed as
far as possible.
(c) Short, medium and long – term adverse impact of the implementation of the
(d) Sources of energy to be used for the implementation of the proposal and
measures to be adopted for saving such energy.
(e) Analysis of the consequences of the non- implementation of the proposal.
8. Measure to reduce environmental impact:
(a) To mention practical preventive measures to be adopted for all activities
which could have a negative impact on the environment.
(b) In case the environmental impact cannot be fully avoided through
preventive measures, arrangements made for payments of compensation
shall be mentioned. The effectiveness of the preventive measures shall be 50

analyzed from the view point of their cost on the basis of the comparison
with other possible alternatives.
(c) The effectiveness of the preventive measures shall be analyzed from the
viewpoint of their cost on the basis of a comparison with other possible
9. To mentioned matters concerning environmental management plans.
10. Review of policy and Legal Provisions: To review the related policies, laws, and
Rules on the basis of the nature and scale of the proposal. If any policy or legal
provision, needs to e reformed, to specify the same.
11. Monitoring of the Proposal: To mention the procedure of monitoring the impact
of the implementation of the proposal on the environment, as well as the
monitoring agency, time-schedule, monitoring and evaluation Indicators etc.
12. To mention the format and relevancy of environmental examinations.
13. Reference materials: To make at list of publications quoted as references while
preparing the report in the following manner:
(a) Author,
(b) Date of Publication,
(c) Title of the material quoted,
(d) Year volume, number, etc. (if any)
(e) Page number
14. To include the following particulars in the Annexes:
(a) Maps relating to the land structure, geographical location, land-use and
land-capacity and other maps related to the study.
(b) Aerial photographs as far as possible of the proposal implementation site
and the surrounding areas,
(c) Questionnaires or lists of Subject matters used for field research.
(d) Matters connected with the evaluation of the environmental impact such as
charts and photographs. 51

(e) Hydrological and climatic data (by arranging them serially and
(f) Data relating to flora and fauna of the proposal implementation site,
(g) Geological and risk evaluation data (if available),
(h) Information relating to the quality of air and water and the noise level
before and after the operation of the project it available.
(i) Matrix or serial graphs relevant to the environmental impact assessment.
(j) Maps, slides records, video films and visual support equipments.
(k) Cropping techniques and data relating to livestock farming, soil features,
and quantity of chemical fertilizers used.
(l) List of written reference materials used at the time of preparing the study
(m) List of invitees and participants and records of discussions, meetings and
gathering among the concerned agencies, and brief particular of monitoring
(n) List of names of individuals and institutions comprising of the study team
involved in the preparation of the environmental impact assessment report.
(o) Name, address and telephone number of the individuals and institutions
contacted in the course of the study. 52

(Relating to Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 16)
Industries requiring Certificate of pollution control
1. Relating to production of liquor through blending process and distilleries
with facilities of boiling and fermentation.
2. Relating to brewery and winery with facilities of fermentation.
3. Relating to production of primary chemicals such as corrosive, acid, and
alkali (except citric, tartaric, acetic, acid etc.)
4. Hide processing
5. Relating to electro plating and galvanizing,
6. Refilling, filling production and distribution of cooking natural gas.
7. Relating to boulder crushing
8. Relating to paints
9. Relating to milk processing.
10. Production of lubricants through the process of blending reprocessing or
11. Relating to production of foam.
12. Production of dry or wet cell (battery).
13. Production of crude sugar or sugar.
14. Relating to thread, textile painting dyeing or washing (including carpets
except traditional cottage industries.
15. Relating to pulp or paper except traditional cottage industries,
16. Relating to bricks, tiles etc.
17. Relating to cement based on lime stone or clinker,
18. Relating to lime production,
19. Relating to pharmaceuticals.
20. Production of chemical fertilizer (blending) and pesticides (blending),
21. Relating to plastic (based on waste plastic)

Amended by first Amendment 53

22. Relating to matches,

23. Relating to auto workshop (except two wheelers)
24. Relating to production and processing of coke and Briquette from coal.
25. Relating to plastic processing (except scraps processing)
26. Production and processing of tires (except scraps processing),
27. Relating to soap (including detergent and cleaning shampoo),
28. Relating to photo processing.
29. Relating to laundry.
30. Production of cigarette, bidi, tobacco, betel nuts.
31. Relating to slaughter house.
32. Relating to glass (palm dares)
33. Relating to food processing.
34. Relating to metallic (including remolding, rerolling, and fabrication),
35. Relating to bitumen and bitumen emulsion,
36. Relating to cold storage.
37. Relating to threading.
38. Relating to vegetable ghee and oil.
39. Relating to herbal processing.
40. Relating to production of different items from bone, horn and foot root.
41. Relating to rosin tormenting, veneer and catechu.
42 Relating to fish processing.
43. Relating to production of packaging materials.
44 Relating to poultry feed.
45. Relating to machine shop.
46. Relating to production of chemical fertilizers and pesticides except
produced through welding techniques.
47. Relating to mineral based industries having with the investment of more
than Rs. Fifty millions fixed capital. 54

48. Production and processing of petro chemical (production of diesel,

kerosene lubricants, plastic, synthetic rubber etc.)
49. Production of ferrous and non ferrous (except rerolling, remolding, and
fabrication metal though smelting process.
50. Production of assets
51. Relating to emission of radio actives (nuclear and atomic processing).
51. Relating to primary chemical (bulk drugs) for mediations.
53. Relating to extremely hazardous Substance such as isocyanine, mercury
compound etc.
54. Production of ammunitions and explosive including gunpowder.
55. Relating to chemical processing of bones. 55

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