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NOVEMBER 18, 2019 / / MONDAY / / NO.



Former Football Player OJ Simpson

About OJ Simpson

OJ Simpson was most commonly known for

being a formal NFL player. He was also a film Victims Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson
actor, television start, and sports commentator.
Although he did d all of this his name stuck with
football. He even got a place in the hall of fame
for how great of a player he was. His name on
the field was “juice” since he was always so
energetic, and his initials can stand for orange
The Outline of the Murder
juice. He started out his football career at San
Francisco City College in 1965 where he then BRIAN VELASQUEZ Around 11:01 Simpson’s limo driver claimed
transferred over tp the University of Southern to have finally seen him after waiting for him
California. He had set team records, was named for 36 minutes. After he finally got to the
OJ’s wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend
all American, played in two Rose Bowl games, limo he was taken to the airport for his flight
Ronald Goldman were found dead in her home
and won the Heisman Trophy. He was widely to Chicago. Nicole and Ron were found near
in Los Angeles. OJ became everyone’s number
known from this but that quickly changed when the gate. Police arrive to Simpson's mansion
one suspect. He was then charged with murder
his wife Nicole and her friend were killed. to tell him about the death, but instead they
on June 17th. When first looking into the murder
it was clear that someone has stabbed the two find his blood-stained bronco and a bloody
victims to death. Nicole’s mother had left glove that matched the one they found near
something back at the restaurant that Ron was Goldman’s body. The polices got a warrant
working at and he had offered to stop by and and searched more of Simpson’s things and
drop it off. One of her neighbors has claimed to found more things with blood on them on his
hear a thump and went outside to check out the property. After finding all of this and having
noise. After so another neighbor had seen her heard that Simpson was mad at Brown before
dog alone and barking with blood covering its the incident, it was clear to authorities that
paws. this was a good enough reason to take him in.
He was then arrested and charged with the
murder of both Ron and Nicole.

Place where Nicole Brown Simpson’s body was



NOVEMBER 18, 2019 / / MONDAY / / 1007 NEWSPAPER


OJ Simpson’s Trial Case Is He

DAKOTA Innocent?
Simpson pleaded not guilty to the murder of
Nicole and Ron. The opening statement for Lorem ipsum dolor
one of the lawyers was that Simpson was
jealous of the fact that he could no longer
have Nicole. He believed that OJ did it out of
jealousy which gave him a motive. From there
Nicole’s sister testified in the trial and spoke
on how abusive OJ was to Nicole having her
break down into tears. Throughout the trial it
is believed that the police planted evidence
against OJ and that is was done so out of Trial
racial motive. Detective Mark Fuhrman is
cross examined and denies being racist. He
also objects to the theories that he tampered
with the evidence. It was later proven that
protocols were not followed at the crime
scene. The drop of blood from the crime scene
followed the same characteristics that one in
170 million people including Simpson could
have had so. Simpson had been asked to try on
the gloves found at the crime scene and
claimed they did not fit. Tapes of Mark
Fuhrman saying racial things and bragging
about his police brutality were brought to Oj tries on the gloves found at murder scene
light. After putting everything into play and
seeing all the evidence OJ Simpson is found
not guilty and is set free.

OJ celebrates his victory in being found not guilty


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