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Elysia Valdez

Professor Mr.Lewallen

27 November 2019

EDT 180

“Module Expression Reflection”

1. Implementation of feedback:

My plan to revise this project from the feedback that I had gotten was ask questions to my peers

who had reviewed it first to see what the problem was with my module expression project. Then

after them telling why they had said some of those things I would slowly start to change it. It was

more about the content and how it was structured and not what the presentation may have looked

like. Even though the background needed to correlate with the main theme about the topic. What

stood out to me was that they gave great feedback on how I should structure and deliver my

presentation. Getting feedback helps me to understand their point of view when viewing or

running through what I’m trying to present because it tells me what I need to work on and the

way I should look at it and how to deliver it.

2. Learning Reflection:

The feedback was what I needed because it stood out what they see when interviewing my

project and they be telling me what I need to work on because I want my audience to know what

I’m trying to get across so when someone critiques my work I take that as a challenge and

hopefully grow from it so when someone else reads through it it will make sense and they will

see my point. If I have been given another opportunity to do this I would try to approach it from

a different perspective like maybe interviewing people about what they think about education
and how it will change in a few years due to technology. Then maybe create a PowerPoint and

show the different perspectives on each one to see how everyone has a different mind and

perspective about education. Then I would have a conclusion page saying what I think and

provide a solution to how you could improvise this new cycle into your lessons and planning.

3. Alternative Use / Future direction:

Technology has definitely changed throughout time and will continue to improve as we grow and

improve in our daily lives. So as far in education it will do good and bad effects towards teachers

and the way of teaching. The positive impacts that it will create is students will want to be more

engaged when there is more technology and more fun with it rather than staring at a book all

class period. It will help them on projects and finding information and most of all they will

hopefully learn something from it and will use their brain to come up with new ideas and see

how they could make school fun when they are given the chance to do something they want and

how it will be presented. The negative effects and this is it will become a distraction and not

everyone will be as engaged when trying to do a project or an assignment they will get side

distracted and then that will make them lose focus and make an excuse on how they can not turn

the project in on time. Having technology is a good effect to the future generations and how it

will be able to advance their lives. So in the end, technology can be good or bad it depends on

how you look at it but it will be up to you on how you will decide how it’s portrayed in the


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