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Hawksbill Turtle.

• The Eretmochelys Imbricate

Identifying Characteristics
• What distinguish the hawksbill from other sea turtles: pointed beak
two pairs of prefrontal scales; thick, posteriorly overlapping plates
on the carapace; four pairs of coastal plates; two claws on each
Last Seen
• Adult hawksbill sea turtles are primarily found in tropical coral reefs.
They are usually seen resting in caves and ledges in and around
these reefs throughout the day. As a highly migratory species, they
inhabit a wide range of habitats, from the open ocean to lagoons
and even mangrove swamps in estuaries.

• Hawksbill eggs are still eaten around the world despite the turtle's
international protected status, and they are often killed for their
flesh and their stunning shells.
What do Hawksbills Eat?
• Hawksbills are omnivorous and will also eat mollusks, marine
algae, crustaceans, sea urchins, fish, and jellyfish.

Causes of endangerment
▪ Hawksbill turtles are endangered because of their beautiful shell.
They were hunted for hundreds of years in huge numbers for the
“tortoise shell” that was used in many types of jewelry and
trinkets. Harvesting hawksbill turtles for their shell nearly drove
the population to extinction.

Ways to help save the Hawksbills

1.Reduce marine debris that may entangle or be accidentally eaten by
sea turtles.
2.Participate in coastal clean-ups and reduce plastic use to keep our
beaches and ocean clean.
3.Carry reusable water bottles and shopping bags
4.Keep nesting beaches dark and safe for sea turtles.

*The greasiest reward to be ever given would be the feeling that

you help save a life.*.

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