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Asignatura: Ingles Tic

Sección: 761

Nombre del docente: Ada Isabel Viza Q.

Nombre de los integrantes del grupo: German Veas A.

Fecha de entrega

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Body Tesis ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Topic N°1 Importance for People ......................................................................................................... 4
Topic N°2 The evolution of computer networks .................................................................................. 4
CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Nombre del informe


In this paper we will find an introduction to the basic part of the concept of networks, applied to
computer networks. Before we begin to describe what computer, networks are, we must be clear
about the concept of a network.

Using the example of the spider a web is a web of wires, circuits, wires, etc. Connecting one or
more points, in the following picture we see how each point is interconnected by more than one

The aim of computer networks is to communicate and share information. We will also identify the
key components of any data network such as: network classification, network topology,
transmission media, network services, form of communication.
(Protocols) between the networks.

Nombre del informe

Body Tesis

Topic N°1 Importance for People

Importance of computer networks Computer networks are a mechanism that has made modern
life change completely, with the use of the Internet life is something else, everything is much
faster and we can all communicate...but what is the use that you give to the different types of
networks that exist... the computer networks are super important since the information is
available in many sources besides you allows it to be transported at incredible speeds. With the
use of computer networks, you know instantly what is happening even form virtual forums, which
allows you to exchange data, opinions or comments on a certain topic

Topic N°2 The evolution of computer networks

it has been a great step forward in history as it has been hard and difficult to keep everyone and
all communication, but this was not impossible for the human being and over the years
computers have become very helpful and have made it easier for us to carry out many tasks and
applications, But we were not satisfied with this and we were looking for more progress and this
way we managed to implant the communication between computers what have become the
computer networks. The Internet, which is the largest computer network, allows us to
communicate to any part of the world, share information and carry out transactions in seconds
and all this thanks to networks. In banks, travel agencies, airlines, and almost all types of
companies have a core network. Wherever we go we’re gonna find some kind of computer
network, since they’re used up in schools now, houses, etc. in our daily lives are always present
and without them these days would be very difficult to communicate, apart from the fact that we
are already very influenced and full of technology.

Nombre del informe


• Data networks play a very important role in facilitating communication by enabling us

to connect globally. All this through the different procedures used by these networks,
making communication reach the destination and on time.

• With the implementation of technology we have how to organize ourselves

professionally, professionally and personally, because technology gives us the
necessary tools to carry out the different processes and activities that we require.

• With the implementation of the networks and every tool they provide, we can have
constant communication where the cost is favorable.

Nombre del informe


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