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My subject of interest is Photography and I intend to research different forms of technology that
are used within the photography world. Technology is used everywhere now and especially in
photography, from just the camera taking the picture to the computer software to import and edit
the images.


My subject of interest is photography. I am majoring in Photography and have always had a
passion for it. People may think of photography as just taking a picture, however there are a lot
of forms of technology that are connected to it.


The Artificial Intelligence application is ‘Siri’. Siri is a built-in application that comes with an
iPhone. I chose this AI app because Siri can be used for just about anything.

1. How do you think this technology will (or will not) change the way people learn within
your subject area?
a. Siri has changed the way people search and learn about different things. With
just one click of the iPhone’s home button you can ask Siri, a digital personal
assistance, just about anything. Siri can be used with photography in many
different ways. You can ask it to open up the camera app or video chat a friend
by just using words. If you have a question about how to use a camera, ask Siri
and she’ll give you thousands of Safari links on how to solve the problem.
2. What are some of the shortfalls of this technology currently? What advancements
(technologic or otherwise) are needed for this technology to reach its potential to
transform the way we learn?
a. A shortfall with this technology would have to be the speech recognition.
When you register a phone, you link your voice with Siri, so that it’ll understand
you. However, sometimes Siri has trouble understanding if someone else speaks
into the phone, it doesn’t recognize an unfamiliar voice. If Siri were to be to
understand any voice, then it would solve this problem.
3. Describe how this technology might be utilized (for good or bad) outside of its original
intended purpose? Do you foresee anything we should be wary of?
a. Siri has many advantages. It is a very simple technology to use, all you need
is to press the home button and speak into the phone. You can set reminders,
send a message, get directions, open any app, get answers from Safari, make
appointments, etc. Having a photography business can get pretty hectic with
keeping track of all the clients and shoots. Siri can make it so much easier, by
putting all the shoot in the phone’s calendar, all the client’s information in
contacts, and setting reminders for when the next shoot/meeting will be.


The extended Reality application I chose to explore was the use of Virtual Reality goggles. This
form of technology can be paired with photography and videography.

How do you think this technology will (or will not) change the way people learn within your
subject area?

a. Virtual Reality goggles gives the viewer an immersive experience, allowing

them to have the sense of actually being in a certain place and time. Using a
photograph or video as the screen of the goggles, it makes the person feel as if
they were actually in the photo/video. This can change the way people view a
photo dramatically. When one sees a photograph in a frame the image is 2D and
flat. But, if the photo were to be the image one views using the goggles then it
can really change the way one sees the photo. The viewer starts to feel like they
are actually inside the photo.
2. What are some of the shortfalls of this technology currently? What advancements
(technologic or otherwise) are needed for this technology to reach its potential to
transform the way we learn?
a. Virtual reality has many benefits however there are some disadvantages.
Many can actually become addicted to the virtual world that comes within these
goggles. This can then affect their view of reality and relationships to it,
deteriorating human connections. In order to fix these problems, this technology
should only be used for a limited amount of time, max 10-15 minutes per day.
This would allow the viewer to have restrictions, but still have a decent time to
enjoy the goggles.
3. Describe how this technology might be utilized (for good or bad) outside of its original
intended purpose? Do you foresee anything we should be wary of?
a. Virtual Reality goggles are intended to be an enjoyable form of technology
and allow the viewer to experience a virtual world. They can entertain and
interest people because it allows the person to interact and visualize a virtual
world. Photography can be used through this by using a photograph as the
screen where a viewer can feel like they are actually inside of the image.
The IoT application I chose to explore was home security cameras. This form of technology
operated though the internet and can transfer data using the video/images of the camera.

1. How do you think this technology will (or will not) change the way people learn within
your subject area?
a. Home security cameras are meant for protection. They allow one to record
what happens when they are not at home. If a house were to get broken into, the
security camera would capture a video of the robber and that way can keep an
eye on what was taken and the face of the robber. This form of camera is able to
transfer data wirelessly and through sensors. This technology is a different type
of camera than the regular dslr camera, and is able to do a lot of different things.
It is able to maintain records, gather evidence, monitor scenarios, and keep
people safe and secure.
2. What are some of the shortfalls of this technology currently? What advancements
(technologic or otherwise) are needed for this technology to reach its potential to
transform the way we learn?
a. Even though home security cameras gather evidence of theft, it can’t stop
theft. These cameras record footage of the robbers, however it is used for later
viewing and doesn’t stop the crime when it is occurring. This may cause the
people living in the house not feel safe, since the camera didn’t stop the robbery.
But, at least it got a record of the scene for evidence.
3. Describe how this technology might be utilized (for good or bad) outside of its original
intended purpose? Do you foresee anything we should be wary of?
a. A home security camera’s intended purpose it to make the people living in the
house to feel safe and secure. However, a security camera system can be
hacked through the internet. The hacker can then use it to spy on individuals and
invade someone’s privacy. Even though this is a crime, it happens a lot and is
something we should be wary of.

After researching the different forms of applications, I was surprised to see how much
technology has impacted the world we live in. Technology is everywhere. It has its advantages
and disadvantages. My subject area revolved around photography. I researched the uses of
Siri, virtual reality goggles, and home security cameras. All three of these forms of technology
can in some way be linked to photography and how we view it.

All technologies have an intended purpose and can change the way we interact with it. Just by
researching the three forms of applications, I saw that technology can be used in a good or bad
way. For example, I found that Siri and virtual reality has amazing advantages in the
photography world. Siri can help book shoots in the calendar, record client information, and set
reminders, all by just speaking into the phone. Virtual Reality goggles allow the viewer to
escape reality and make them feel as if they were in a photograph or video without actually
being there. Even though security cameras had its advantages, it was the only one with the
most disadvantages. It can’t physically stop theft and can be easily hacked. That being said, any
technology can be used for good or bad, the user is the one in control and has the choice on
how to use it.


Before this project, I knew about these three technologies, however I have not researched them
and seen them as related to photography. Siri, however, is the only one that I actually use quite
often. It was interesting to explore them as related to photography and how one can use them in
the photography world. I personally had an enjoyable experience trying out the virtual reality
goggles. It truly is amazing how technology can alter the way you view things. I do believe that
these technologies can impact the way one learns positively.

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