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Implementation of feedback:

The feedback I received was mainly regarding the layout and the use of buttons, to go to
a new page. I used this information to go back to my slides and fix the font size and
layout a little bit and add the feature of clicking something to go to a new page. I was
able to modify these details in time for the submission.

2. Learning Reflection:

After receiving and giving feedback it made revising my project a lot easier. I could see
other peoples mistakes and go over my project to make sure I had everything correct. If
I were to start this project over, I would take more time on my storyboard to make the
process a little easier. Besides that, I would do everything else the same way.

3. Alternative Use / Future directions

This project was about making an app and with the technology we have today, basically
any app is possible to make. The use of powerpoint was an interesting but helpful way
of creating an app. It helped map out what a possible app could look like. I am sure
there are many ways to create an app and many forms of technology that would make it
possible to create one.

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