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Madison Stallard

EDT 180D- 1:30pm

10 October 2019

Communication Reflection

1. Implementation of feedback:

The biggest source of feedback I received for my group’s podcast was that we needed to

do better, as a whole in staying on topic. There were times that we got off-track and talked about

things that were not directly related to the movie, or that had a very broad connection. While we

wanted to keep our podcast open and create a natural flow, getting off-topic is something that we

should strive to improve if we ever record another podcast. Additionally, we need to be aware of

our volume and proximity to the microphone. There were moments that we all got really excited

or someone said something really funny and so we all laughed, but because of how close we

were to the microphone the audio recording became really muffled and hard to understand. As a

result, if podcasting is something that I continue to take part in, I will be sure to pay attention to

my volume and maybe invest in some form of a microphone.

2. Learning Reflection:

As I look back on my experience with planning the podcast, executing the plan and then assisting

in the final cut–I can confidently say that there is little I would change about our approach. Every

detail and action I took, as a group member and individual creator, was well thought out and

discussed with my group. Communication was a key player in creating a good podcast segment.

We all communicated our ideas regarding the topic of the podcast, the outline for our discussion,

and the timeline that we set for completing the project. Overall I am happy with the group that I
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worked with, the discussion we had, and the approach that we used while completing the


3. Alternative Use / Future directions

In the past, most of the podcasts that I was introduced to were used for some kind of

entertainment. Event the ones related to historical analyses, or discussions about literature were

listened to because people were genuinely interested in those topics. However, I think that

podcasts open the door to so many other possibilities. The most impactful way podcasts can be

used, which may differ with what I initially thought, is as a way for teachers to create study

guides for their students. Different than the traditional paper and question study guide, teachers

can create a study podcast. In it, the teacher can either create the podcast themselves or use it as

an assignment for students. This will not only give students valuable experience using twenty-

first-century technology but will also give them the opportunity to retain more of the information

they need for any upcoming exam or just to understand the content in general.

The possibilities for the technology and main concepts used while completing this assignment

are limitless. Introducing it to classrooms will not only help build a more innovative

environment, but it will also help prepare students for future jobs while helping them discover

and discuss their passions.

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