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Implementation of feedback:

The feedback I received was mainly on the layout and form of media I chose. At first, I did my
project in Powerpoint and someone told me to maybe make my slides vertical. So, I changed it to
Microsoft Word in order to make my layout flow more. I agree that doing my project vertically
made the layout I designed flow more and made it more visually appealing. This was valuable
feedback and helped me make my project better and was a pretty easy fix and did not take that
much time to rearrange my pictures and textboxes.

2. Learning Reflection:

Looking back on my project and the feedback I received, I could have avoided these simple
mistakes. The feedback my classmates gave me were easy to correct and allowed me to fix them
in time for the due date. There is not much I would change about my project if I were to start it
over and do it again. However, something that might have helped would be to make a rough draft
drawing of the layout I was going for. Starting it horizontally lead me to rethink my layout and
make it more visually appealing to my audience.

3. Alternative Use / Future directions

The technology I used for my project was Microsoft Word, Adobe Lightroom CC, and Adobe
Photoshop. The Adobe applications were a little time-consuming, however I have a decent
amount of experience with the software so I did not have much trouble using them. I initially had
my project in a Powerpoint, however after receiving feedback about my layout I changed it to a
Word document and liked the layout a lot better like that. Even though my project looks good on
Microsoft Word, they are probably a lot of other ways and uses of technology I could have used
as well.

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