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The skeleton Man

Chapter 6
1. His face was drawn and thin, angular with high forehead with only a fringe of hair
around his ears, he wore sunglasses and a big hat. It seemed as if the flesh was
melting off his bones .His hands were withes and pales, his skin was too thin, he
also is a reserved man.
2. Yes, we think he is involve with their disappearance because at the beginning of the
story Molly talked about that she have heard a story related to skeleton man that is
similar in that kind of disappearances committed from a family’s uncle.

Chapter 7

1. Mss Rudder seems to think Molly is having again an anxiety attack, or more
than one, it is recurrent.
2. When Molly ,Mss. Rudder and the man from child arrived they found that the
old man was kind and his face was very happy. In addition, there was only a
way to lock Molly’s room from the inside. The lock disappear because Molly’s
uncle has been notified before, and then when Mss. Rudder, the man from child
welfare and Molly arrived he could change things and intervene with locks.
3. WE think He does not have real emotions, that is why he didn’t respond or get

Chapter 8

1. In this dream the rabbit said to Molly that her parents has been buried but
previously he said to her that she must be brave and her spirit must still remain

Chapter 9

1. She discovered that there were many cameras in the house, one of them was
pointing at her room.
2. He has hidden cameras because he wanted to watch and control her, avoiding
her scape.

Chapter 11

1. She sees a huge skeleton who is chasing her.

2. He disappeared because he was searching a point in the river to cross it.

Chapter 12

1. Molly expected to see her mom’s autumn flower bed wit its birdbads and
feeders, her old swing set and the little willow tree that her dad an her planted.

Chapter 13

1. Acording to the story Joseph Buchac reveals Molly´s name at this chapter
beacouse he wanted to created suspense ,also she is who is telling the story.It
is not necessary that who is telling the story introduce him or hemself .At this
point in the story he mention in Molly´s voice tow Mollys who are some
important characters for american history.

Chapter 14
1. She found a photo of her mother,when she was wearing the same brand new
blouse she was wearing the last day she saw her mother an her dad go out the
door but her mom looked diferent,that is why she thought it was a recent
photo.the differences she saw in the photo was her mother had her hands tied
and was leaned againts the rough board wall and she had her mouth covered.
2. She might take and use it to show the photo to Mss.Shabas and she could do
something with the poliche and child walfare service.
3. The author creates suspense showing molly trying to scape of her room and
expecting the old man o r her socalled uncle could disciver her, also Molly in
that same situation look for a evidence and she is very surprised when she find
Chapter 15

1. Those elements who made the Climax of the book are:

-Molly finds evidence about her mother
-She is trying to scape and show the evidecen to someone else
-When she is trying to scape, she finds her parents who are privated of their
-She tries to scape and suddenly she is cutting down by the old man.
Chapter 16

1. At the end Molly finds her parents,She has to run and run becaouse the old
man or skeleton man is chasing her, she tried to hide but then she has to
continue running until a bridge where she is caught by her socalled uncle but
he is now in bones,like the skeleton man.The skeleton man falls and her prents
appear saying she has saved them. Finally the evidence shows that man was
trying to bribe the familly beacouse un Molly´s dad works in a bank but the
way things happened were so simillar to the story of skeleton man.

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