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Soil Science 1

(Principles of Soil Science)

Exercise No. 1

Soil Survey of NwSSU Agriculture Farm for Land Use Planning and Resources Assessment


The ever increasing pressure for infra-structural development in Calbayog particularly in the Agriculture
Farm of NwSSU heightens the conflict between the different land use demands placed on an area. This is
reflected in the need for planning authorities to assess the relative suitability of potential land uses.
Such assessments are important in guiding the University Administration away from good quality
agricultural land. It is manifest that such planning decisions should be made on the basis of a
comprehensive review of all relevant factors, and in particular, this includes the pedological soil
conditions with their controlling influence on the ability of the land to support different land uses.

Past pedological studies have tended to concentrate on the evaluation of land suitability for agricultural
uses. However, such studies are also of value when assessing the suitability of other potential uses
including, forestry, recreational uses, natural resources or general infrastructure development.

This exercise will presents soil surveys to assess the suitability of areas for recreational use, urban
development and agriculture.


This exercise will be conducted for the following purposes:

1. To conduct general assessment of the agriculture farm of NwSSU in terms of kinds of plants,
animals growing in the area, topography of the area; types of farming system already found in
the area.
2. To familiarize the different resources found in the agriculture farm of the university.


1. Students are advice to visit the agriculture area (whole farm area) and list down all the kinds of
plants and animals that are domesticated in the farm. Make a separate lists for different crops
and for animals that are found in the farm.
2. Make a reaction paper based from the findings of the survey (what are the learnings have you
encounter during the survey, and your recommendations to improve the operation of the farm).
3. Submit your reaction paper 1 week after the survey. The report is individual.

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