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My subject area of interest is history and social studies, and how the
various and advancing technologies can make learning about history
more effective, interesting, exciting, and creative through using
emerging technology.


I chose history and social studies as my subject area because it has

always been a topic that has interested me. My goal is to become a
teacher and teach history to high school age students, and
incorporating technology into my classroom will make teaching and
learning more exciting.


I explored AI through the use of simpler versions of a Google home
called the Google AIY voice kit. A cardboard box that could be
assembled by the user, and used similarly to Alexa, Siri, and Google
Home, but way less expensive.

1. How do you think this technology will (or will not) change the
way people learn within your subject area?
This technology could change the way we learn by become a
personal study buddy for students. The AI technology could be
programmed to understand certain quiz or test questions
relating to history, and the program would answer, and vice
versa. Not only could AI be a study buddy, but it could also be
programmed to represent a historical figure, stating names,
birth dates, facts about the figure, and their importance in
history. This allows the student to interact with the AI
technology as if it was a historical figure, and is able to
communicate with it as if it was the real person.

2. What are some of the shortfalls of this technology currently?

What advancements (technologic or otherwise) are needed for
this technology to reach its potential to transform the way we

Some shortfalls of this technology is that the outside is made

of cardboard and isn't as sturdy as something that is more
expensive. In order to buy a sturdy and durable model, you
would have to buy a more expensive model like Google Home,
or Alexa. Some advancements that would need to be made are

3. Describe how this technology might be utilized (for good or

bad) outside of its original intended purpose? Do you foresee
anything we should be wary of?

The technology could be programmed incorrectly


I explored the XR Oculus, and used a program to explore what an

ancient Egyptian tomb would look like. I chose this program because
it was history related, and allowed myself to fully immerse and
experience what a tomb looked like, and the meanings behind the

1. How do you think this technology will (or will not) change the
way people learn within your subject area?

Being able to use XR in the classroom, will immerse

students into the time period in which we are learning,
and will allow them to experience different time periods
and witness historically significant events, to further their
understanding of the lesson.

Examples could be the Mayflower, arriving before colonial

times, or the California Gold Rush, to understand the
working conditions that miners went through. This
technology will advance students learning and
understanding of history through 2 senses, audio and

2. What are some of the shortfalls of this technology currently?

What advancements (technologic or otherwise) are needed for
this technology to reach its potential to transform the way we

According to my research, some short falls would be that the

Oculus has very limited storage space, which would cause
issues with storing any kind of information. Some
advancements of this technology would have to go through
would be having different historical events recreated,
animated, and voiced over by a dedicated team of experts in
both history and technology.
3. Describe how this technology might be utilized (for good or
bad) outside of its original intended purpose? Do you foresee
anything we should be wary of?

Students could get very easily distracted and could view the
Oculus as a toy and a game, rather than a learning tool in a
lesson. As a teacher, one might have to have a tight leash on
those students trying and experiencing XR.


The technology I explored was a 3D printer, that could be used to
print historical artifacts to help students further their understanding
about history.

1. How do you think this technology will (or will not) change the
way people learn within your subject area?

They could have hands on interaction with artifacts such

as tools, artwork, clothing, legislature, and everyday items
used from a certain time period. Using this technology will help
students be able to interact and comprehend how life in a
historical period was like, using the same items that they used.

2. What are some of the shortfalls of this technology currently?

What advancements (technologic or otherwise) are needed for
this technology to reach its potential to transform the way we

Some shortfalls of 3D printing would be limited resource

material that would only imitate the original item. If the 3D
printer does not have AI incorporated into it, the creater would
have no knowledge if the printing had failed, and would have
to recognize failure by eye. Some advancements that this
technology would need would be an expansion on materials
that could be used to 3D print. This way, a 3D printer could
create an exact replica of a historical artifact.

3. Describe how this technology might be utilized (for good or

bad) outside of its original intended purpose? Do you foresee
anything we should be wary of?

Students could potentially waste material if not printed

correctly, and would have to be closely monitored to make
sure of proper use of the printer.

I believe that the use of these technologies in the classroom could
significantly change the way we learn, and the way teachers teach.
The technology could either be used for good, impacting students in
a meaningful and positive way, or it could turn into a distraction and
an addiction to technology.


I thought exploring these technologies was extremely different and

new compared to what I used in school. In all honesty, I have
always been a pen and paper type learner, preferring to write my
own notes rather than use an iPad, or laptop to take notes. I have
never been really accustomed to using technology in a classroom
setting, and I was quite concerned about visiting the IgnitED lab
because of my lack of knowledge. After using and learning about all
3 technologies, my attitude has changed from concern to curiosity. I
was unaware of how to use them, but once I was helped by a staff
member, I was able to understand how these technologies worked,
and began brainstorming on how I could implement these ideas in a
classroom setting.


Replace this text with any additional comments or observations from

your project experience.

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