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Madison Stallard

Expression Module Reflection

EDT 180
29 November 2019
Expression Module Reflection

1. Implementation of feedback:

Most of the feedback I received from Gracie and Dani was very positive. The biggest change
they told me to consider making was a few grammar fixes and to reevaluate my word choice in
some cases. Both editors were extremely helpful and I appreciated them taking the time to look
over my plan and my website.

I used their feedback to fix the logistical errors of my project. With their help, I was able to create
a project that flowed better and had better sentence structure. Overall, their feedback made me
more aware of my writing tendencies.

2. Learning Reflection:

I learned that it is extremely important to check my work multiple times. Specifically, I found out
that it is best for me to use the text to speech setting so that the computer will read my work to
me. This allows me to not only check for spelling and grammar errors, as well as ensure that my
writing has voice and does not sound like a robot wrote it. This setting and part of my revision
process has proven to be extremely effective.

Additionally, with this project, I have continued to learn the importance of having peer editors.
Having my peers look over my work gives a fresh perspective to my writing on a technical level,
as well as new eyes looking at my ideas. With that, I am given effective and constructive
criticism that helps me make my project and writing better.

3. Alternative Use / Future directions

The multimedia platform I used, a website, can be used in a wide variety of ways that go beyond
my original intentions. For example, I have seen some classrooms and teachers use the
website creator platforms, such as Weebly, to create online interactive class websites. In them,
teachers are able to create calendars, discussion posts, assignment links, and other resources
readily available for students. This use not only creates a more accessible classroom
environment that is twenty-first-century friendly, but it also promotes sustainability through the
cut down in paper copies that will most likely need to be replaced for forgetful students.

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