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Platform Link: The platform I have decided to use is a website, more specifically

Weebly. Weebly Is the only website platform I have experience with and I felt it was the
most accessible.

Discussion Post Jenkins: The reason I decided to include Jenkins summary is

because this was a very crucial concept when it came to the progression of what I
would be analyzing in the course. The overall theme is to understand the writing within
the community that I choose and participatory culture the main theme of the Jenkins
paper clarified this to me and explained how this was the way users can communicate
online and strategize to form projects that can be bigger than themselves through the
help of others. At first this concept went over my head since I was not able to include it
in my research proposal but now I understand the impact of it inside writing
communities because what segments the community and allows for interaction it is this
very concept of being able to participate and have a say. So I need to take a closer look
at the examples of how these young kids were able to exploit these platforms and have
a following which is what made them so successful and now find how it parallels to
soccer journalism which it most definitely does and is what makes soccer journalism so
controversial as a matter of fact. My writing in this summary is very clear and concise so
I thought this was a good shift from my first couple of assignments in the course. Given
that I will be doing a theme that showcases my maturity as a writer in the course I feel
this is a good piece to include because I show comprehension for the reading and my
summary is well written. Not only was this assignment extremely helpful to understand
how to read a small passage and summarize it, it also continues to be relevant up until
now in the course because the theme of participatory culture is an aspect of my results.
This assignment will probably go under a tab I will make that will be for “Discussion

Discussion Post Greene:This was a very helpful piece to read and I wanted to include
it because this gave me a sense of how to approach my research. Greene mentions
that when reading it is important to look for certain aspects of the paper such as what
the author is trying to convey or the purpose in other words and when I was reading my
articles and artifacts and what not this was really helpful because I had a complete
analysis of what the purpose was and audience so I could see if there was a narrative
being pushed. Greene explains to take a look at what the discourse is that the author is
trying to make and if he raises any conflicts or questions. It is important to fully address
whatever reading you are looking at any critique any parts that you might disagree or
use the parts that you feel passionate about to reinforce your arguments. Another
aspect of importance that this summary carries is that it was the first summary I did in
the course and one of the first assignments really. When my project is so revolved
around my progression it is almost impossible to not show the first stepping stone. I
understand that my writing for this summary might be at a level that is sub par for a
student in an ENC1102 class but rather than ignore it I should acknowledge where the
mistakes occurred. These are the type of assignments that help the audience how it is
that I came to the selection of my research and most importantly the steps made before
my research proposal. Small assignments like this one can show just as much of my
writing ability and due to the fact that it is so similar to the Jenkins discussion summary I
would group it in the same category of “Discussion Summaries”

Research proposal: The research proposal is a major assignment that helps introduce
my topic and research. This was one of the first of its kind for me I had never done a
research proposal before but the process was very interesting. The reason I think this
adds to my portfolio is because it showcases all of my research into a compilation while
also presenting my argument of how there is communication within this specific
community. My research proposal was a chance and continues to be one for me to
introduce my community and share my interest within it. Personally my community is
one that I have been a part of for many years so I had a lot of enjoyment in presenting it
to my audience. Another benefit of my research proposal was the chance to disect my
secondary sources. Through the study of my secondary sources I made a lot of
connections and learned about the element of participatory culture. The literacy in my
community was very interesting to look at because it revolves around corroboration,
although I would have liked to make more connections between themes I observed and
the language. However there are also aspects of my research proposal that I was not
able to identify and it is fine because I can reflect on this. One of these missing
elements that I am talking about is how I will be conducting research after, I have turned
in my research proposal by now so therefore I have had time to think about adjusting to
these necessary changes and I am looking forward to criticizing my own piece and
explaining further on how I will proceed. Regardless of the grade I got I am proud of this
piece because it is my first major paper and I revised it so that I could make it more
oriented towards participatory culture. For an assignment of this grandeur I would plan
to include it in a tab labeled “Major Assignments”.

Annotated Bib: This was a major assignment that proved to be really helpful for getting
a better understanding of my sources. The reason I gave this so much importance is
because not only is it a helpful tool for readers to have and look at to develop a better
understanding of my ePortfolio, but also was what motivated me to dive deeper into my
sources and take notes the annotations helped even clarify things I didn't understand by
just simply skimming and throughout the process I was able to even find direct quotes
that I know for a fact I will be using further ahead in the journey towards connecting my
sources towards the argument i will be making. The annotations were also one of the
major assignments this course, this assignment actually taught me a lot because a
common misconception is that annotations are a combination of research and
opinion,however I soon learned that opinion has no place within annotations. This has a
perfect fit inside my project because in the case that one of my readers wants to learn
more about a source he has the ability to do so. The annotated bibliography is around
halfway through the course so this is a good checkpoint to demonstrate how my
succession has been happening through this course. I will make some revisions to my
annotated bibliography to make it more centered around my now developed community
of Reddit. Another major flaw that I have to fix with the annotated bib is that I will have
to make it purely objective and change some of my secondary sources to adjust to my
new narrow community, by the end of it all I think this shows the adversity I had to
overcome in this class with a last minute deviation. For an assignment of this grandeur I
would plan to include it in a tab labeled “Major Assignments”.

Analytical Research Essay: This is the ultimate task, the last major paper within the
course. Although I have not started even my rough draft for this I know that the quality
of a paper like this has to be extraordinary. This is gonna be a culmination of all the
research I have recollected and at the same time my last shot at showing my quality as
a writer. This is an interesting paper and one of those that are necessary because it
reflects back on other papers and primary resources. This is gonna be the polished
version of everything that we have worked on. One detail that is going to be important to
not miss is that I have to talk about my process throughout, I have to make sure how ive
shown progression and how I developed my plan for all of my research. It is important to
think of it as stepping stones and I am going to show even the weakest of my writing
and show the brainstorm process of how I ended up where I am. An advantage I had
throughout the course was the ability to space out my assignments and set objectives
for what I was going to accomplish so therefore I already have most of the substance for
this paper, due to the fact that the timelines did not allow for procrastination. This paper
is near the end of the course and what I have now is still in the very beginning stages,
however I can tell that this paper lives up to the name. What I mean by this is that this
paper is super necessary to show my audience because it draws many conclusions and
is very theme oriented. My research is explained and then I get to explain connections
between the sources as well as conclude which will serve as a finale for all the research
that I have conducted in this class. For an assignment of this grandeur I would plan to
include it in a tab labeled “Major Assignments”.

Sources and Annotations Workshop: The sources and annotations workshop was
very helpful for the upcoming step of doing the annotated bibliographies. It started off
very simple I choose one source from the articles I was already interested in and started
making an outline for it. The whole purpose of subdividing it into tasks was to become
familiarized with the concept of annotating, the first step was to take a central idea from
whatever it was that we were reading. Then from a main idea I transitioned to a little
more thought out two sentence summary that explains the findings in the research.
Essentially when you choose research it is meant to back up or support the research
question so I made a brief explanation on how it related to my topic. Since an annotated
bibliography also needs citations this was a chance to practice this highly important skill
as well. I was used to doing all my citations in MLA format so the transition to APA was
a little challenging at first. I tried to support my format with the help of Purdue Owl so
that it could be done correctly. This was a very important small class activity because it
ended up giving me the frame of what would be expected for the much larger annotated
bibliography which was a much bigger project to tackle, taking assignments one step a
time is a repeating theme throughout my progress in the course. For this assignment I
will be grouping it in a category that is called organizing research. This category will be
focused on what to do after the multiple sources have been found because this can be

Finding Sources: The process of finding sources was also closely tied with the final
product of working towards the annotated bibliography. For this assignment one of the
biggest benefits for me as a writer was learning how to find good sources. We were told
about using the UCF library website, but even more importantly introduced me to the
database software. This was revolutionary because it fueled my research in ways that I
didnt even know. There was now a facilitated way for me to have a plethora of scholarly
journals and a large range of articles prevalent to my topic. The process however was
difficult to me because it is a bit nerve wracking finding that perfect article that ties
directly to the topic I was trying to study so I knew whatever it is I choose I would sort of
be stuck it for a while. After some deep reading and trying to analyze the rhetoric of the
numerous articles I stumbled upon one that I liked and decided to go with it. However
what is suprising to me is how many times I have swapped out sources, up until this
point im still looking for more sources to add because I slightly changed my focus.It is
easy to overlook the whole process before the annotated bib. However it is an
extremely challenging thing to do with my indecisiveness, and it goes to show having a
clear path saves a lot of time. For this assignment I will be grouping it in a category that
is called organizing research. This category will be focused on what to do after the
multiple sources have been found because this can be overwhelming.

Discussion Summaries

Jenkins Summary
Greene Summary

Major Papers Annotated Bib. &

Analytical Research Research Proposal

Research Sources and Annotations Finding Sources


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