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Snowden was such a mysterious movie for me. I can’t understand the first scene aside from
having a video without a subtitle, the area where we’ve watched it makes me sleepy that’s why I
chose a spot where I could focus so that I can understand. I always sit on the front row since I
misheard Snowden’s accent.
It would be great if there were subtitles in the movie, though, I had some scenarios where I
fully understand. His experiences made me feel a sudden mixed of emotions especially when
he was being a wanted in America. But it was a relief that he stayed in Russia for good since
many Russian citizens favored in him.
Many people thought that what Snowden have done is wrong especially in the America but
many of them thought that it was right to tell the truth based on what he knows. It made me
realize that it’s not bad to take a risk then face those consequences after that. I admired
Snowden for his honesty just to save his country by revealing those bad doings and happenings
in their country.
Regarding on our subject ICT to the movie Snowden, I can say that it’s not bad to learn and
discover more about those technologies that can really help many people especially our
country, but there should be a limitations on doing them. Because of those people who
discovered another softwares and technologies that can help us, they tend to forget what is their
main goal in creating it. Therefore, we, the users, and them, the inventors, should know what is
right and how to use it properly to prevent any harm in our society.

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