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UNIT 4, 5 AND 6



BI. 3.1


ROSDANI 1814010

FAUZIAH 1814013








It was around ten o’clock on the night October 3, 1971. Fifty-seven-year-

old goldsmith, Dick Johnson, was melting gold in his shop. His wife was helping
him; and their ten-years-old son, Ronnie, was playing with a friends outside the

Suddenly, a car with four man inside drew up. Three of the men got out of
the car and walked into the shop. When they come near today goldsmith and his
wife, they took out pistols from their trouser pockets. Pointing the guns at the
surprised couple, that warned: “don’t movie or will shoot!”

The frightened couple began to struggle with the robbers. Without any
hesitation, the men opened fire on them. Mr. Johnson was shoot in the head. His
wife was wounded in the stomach. Although she was in great pain, she rushed out
the shop, shouting for help. The robbers quickly followed her outside. When they
saw some neighbours, attracted by the screams, coming to her aid, the robbers
panicked. They leapt into their car and the fourth man, who had kept the engine
running all that while, hurriedly drove off into the night.

When the police arrived, Mr. Johnson had already died from his wounds.
Friend took Mrs. Johnson to hospital, where she later recovered.

At the time of the robbery, the shop contained about thirty thousand
pounds worth of gold, jewellery, and other valuables. But the robbers were so
frightened by Mrs. Johnson’s shouts for help that they did not stop to take
anything. Thus, they had killed a man, an offence punishable by death or life
imprisonment, for nothing. This shows that crime never pays !
1. Translate


Kira-kira pukul 10 malam pada 3 oktober 1971 tukang emas, Dick Jonhson,
sedang lembur di tokonya bersama dengan istri untuk membantunya, dan putra
meraka yang berusia 10 Tahun Roni sedang bermain dengan seorang teman
ditoko. Tiba-tiba, sebuah mobil dengan empat orang lelaki masuk. Tiga orang
lelaki itu mengambil mobil dan berjalan ke dalam toko. Ketika mereka mendekati
tukang emas dan istrinya, mereka mengeluarkan pistol dari saku celana mereka
sambil menunjuk senjata pada pasangan yang terkejut, mereka memperingatkan:
“Jangan bergerak kita akan menembak.”pasangan yang ketakutan itu mulai
berjuang dengan perampok tanpa ragu-ragu, orang-orang itu menembaki mereka.
Tn Johnson ditembak kepalanya, istrinya terluka diperutnya meskipun dia sangat
kesakitan Dia keluar dari toko. Para perampok cepat mengikutinya keluar. Mereka
melihat beberapa tetangga. Mendengar teriakanya dan tetangga itu menolongnya,
Para perampok pun panik. Mereka lompat ke mobil mereka dan orang keempat
tersebut, yang menjaga mobilnya mereka buru-buru kabur ketika polisi datang Tn
Johnson meninggal karena lukanya. Tetangganya membawa Ny Jonhson kerumah
sakit, Dia kemudian pulih. Pada saat perampokan, toko itu penuh dengan emas,
perhiasan, dan barang berharga bernilai sekitar 30.000 ton, tetapi para perampok
itu sangat ketakutan karena Ny Johnson berterik minta tolong agar perampok itu
tidak megambil barangnya. Dengan demikian, mereka telah membunuh seorang

Ini sebuah pelanggaran yang biasa dihukum mati atau penjara seumur
hidup, Tanpa imbalan apapun. Ini menunjukan kejahatan yang tidak terbayarkan!
2. Figures

No. Figures
1. Mr. Dick Johnson
2. Mrs. Johnson
3. Ronnie
4. The police
5. The robbery

3. Main Idea

At the time of the robbery, the shop contained about thirty

thousand pounds worth of gold, jewellery, and other valuables. But the
robbers were so frightened by Mrs. Johnson’s shouts for help that they did
not stop to take anything. Thus, they had killed a man, an offence
punishable by death or life imprisonment, for nothing. This shows that
crime never pays !

4. Difficult words

No. Word Meaning

1. Goldsmith Tukang emas
2. Wounded Luka
3. Hurriedly Buru-buru
4. Imprisonment Hukuman penjara
5. Robber Perampok
6. Struggle Perjuangan
7. Pointing Menunjuk

5. Conclusion

On October 3 1971 Robery took place.The robbery took place at

Tn.Jonshon gold shop,the number of robbers was 4 people.3 robbers
entered the gold shop.while one waited in the car to monitor the the gold shop there was Tn.Jonshon and Ny.Jonshon.
6. Exercise
a. Guided Comprehension
1. What were the members of the Johnson family doing on the night
of October 3, 1971?
Answer : The members of the Johnson family doing was melting
gold in his shop.
2. Who came into their shop?
Answer : The Roberry
3. What did they do?
Answer : They wanted to take the jewelery that is in the gold shop
owned by Dicky Johnson
4. What happened to Mr Johnson and his wife?
Answer : Their gold shop was robbed.
5. Where did Mrs Johnson go?
Answer : Ny Johnson overtime in the gold shop with her husband.
6. What did the robbers do when Mrs Jonhson rushed out of the shop?
Answer : The Robbers quickly followed her outside.
7. Why did they panic?
Answer : Because they leapt into their car and the fourth man, who
had kept the engine running all that while, hurriedly drove off into
the night.
8. How much money was in the shop? Why did the robbers fail to
take any thing?
Answer : About thirty thousand pounds worth of gold, jewellery,
and other valuables. Because Mrs. Johnson’s shouts for help.
9. What had occurred by the time the police arrived?
Answer : The Robbers ran away.
10. What is meant by the phrase ‘crime never pays’ as used in the
Answer : Actually it does mean that “crime never rewards
criminal” and “criminal do not get profit from crime”. For
example, if you do something wrong and illegal then you will
probably be caught and after which you will have to go through
many circumstances and at the end as a result you get nothing and
lost everything which means Crime does not pay. Or we can also
say crime is not work.
b. Vocabulary

1. Stopped Drow up
2. Started to shoot Opered fire
3. Injured Wounded
4. Jumped Leapt
5. Got well Recovered
6. Value Worth
7. Crime Offence

c. Language work

1. When shall I start? (I don’t know)

Answer : I don’t know when to start
2. How do you mend a broken ruler? (Do you know)
Answer : Do you know how to mend a broken ruler ?
3. Where does she get off the bus? (She doesn’t know)
Answer : She doesn’t know where to get off the bus.
4. When will he leave? (Mr Jones knows)
Answer : Mr. Jones knows when to leave.
5. Which book shall I read first? ( I don’t know)
Answer : I don’t know which book to read first.
6. Whose house shall I read first? (We know)
Answer : We know whose house to visit first.
7. Who will you telephone tomorrow? (Do you know)
Answer : Do you know who to telephone tomorrow ?.
8. How does he do the sums? (Paul doesn’t know)
Answer : Paul doesn’t know how to do the sums.
9. What shall we do this morning? (we don’t know)
Answer : We don’t know what to do this morning.
10. Where do you put the coats? (They know)
Answer : They know where to put the coats.
11. How did she get there? (Does she know)
Answer : Does she know how to get there ?
12. Which answer is he choosing? (He doesn’t know)
Answer : He doesn’t know which answer to choosing.

1. When was he admitted to the hospital?

Answer : I know when he admitted to the hospital.
2. What have you got in the suitcase?
Answer : I know what you got in the suitcase
3. Where do you go every evening?
Answer : I know where you go every evening
4. Whose car did Linda travel in?
Answer : I know whose car Linda travel in.
5. Why did they plant the tree?
Answer : I know why they plant the tree.
6. Where is the switch?
Answer : I know where is the switch.
7. Which bus shall we take?
Answer : I know which bus shall we take.
8. Whose painting is this?
Answer : I know whose painting is this.
9. Who broke his leg?
Answer : I know who broke his leg.
10. How do you start the engine?
Answer : I know how you start the engine.
11. Whom did you talk to?
Answer : I know whom you talk to?
12. Why is Paul late today?
Answer : I know why is Paul late today.
d. Picture composition

1. Who came to Mr Brown’s house then? Picture 2)

Answer : That came to Mr. Brow’s house is The Builder.
2. Why did the man climb onto the roof? Who was he?
Answer : Because he wanked to repear the celling that leaked. He
was a Builder
3. What were Michael and Richard doing in the garden?
Answer : They were playing badminton.
4. What did they decide to do? (Picture 4)
Answer : They took the ladder who used by the builder
5. Why did the man shout from the roof?
Answer : Because the stairs were moved by the two children.
6. Why was Mrs Brown angry with her two sons?
Answer : Because two sons disturb the builed.
7. What did she do to them? (Picture 5) What did she order the two
boys to do?
Answer : She was angry to them. She order them to apologize.
8. Do you think that the man on the roof was angry with them or not?
Give reasons for you answer.
Answer : No, I don’t think so. Because the man forgive to two

Wretsling is a very old sport which is still popular all over the world today.
Most wrestler are big-sized men, but none can compare with the sumo wretslers of

They are really giants; each weighs between 100 and 165 kilogrammes and
stands at least 1.8 metres. One famous sumo wrestler was 2.34 metres tall!

Sumo wrestlers start their training young –around the age of ten. From the
beginning, they are encouraged to eat all the rice and drink all the sake (Japanese
rice wine) that they want. Before long, they can eat ten times as much as a normal
person. Naturally, they grow very fat, but they are also very muscular because
they practise judo and exercise every day.

Championship fights are held three times a year at the Kokugikwan stadium
in Tokyo. The Japanese are such fans of sumo wrestling that they will pay very
high prices for tickets. Millions of others watch the fight on television

Before each fight begins, the two wrestler drink water from a bucket. Then,
spit out some of it onto the sanded floor of the round ring. They also spill some
salt over the area where they will wrestle-to scare away evil spirits.

The referee enters with a fan in his hand and legs, glaring angrily at each
other. Sometimes, the referee takes fifteen minutes or more to start a fight. So the
wrestlers get up a few times to stretch themselves, then crouch again to stare at
each other.

Suddenly, the referee points his fan down-and the fight begins! The
opponents charge at each other, pulling and swaying as each tries to throw the
other out of the ring. Whichever wrestler touches the floor first is the loser.
1. Translate

Gulat adalah olahraga yang sangat tua yanag masih populer di seluruh dunia
saat ini. Kebanyakan pegulat adalah pria berukuran besar, tetapi tidak ada yang
bisa dibandingkan dengan pegulat sumo jepang.

Mereka benar-benar raksasa; masing-masing beratnya antra 100 dan 165

kilogram dan berdiri setidaknya 1,8 meter. Satu pegulat sumo yang terkenal
tingginya 2,3 meter!

Pegulat sumo memulai pelatihan meraka sejak mudah. Sejak awal, meraka
didorong untuk makan semua nasi dan minum semua sake (anggur beras jepang)
yang meraka inginkan. Tak lama, meraka bisa makan 10 kali lebih banyak dari
pada orang normal. Secara alami, mereka tumbuh sangat gemuk, tetapi mereka
juga sangat berotot karena meraka berlatih judo dan berlatih setiap hari.

Kejuaraan-kejuaraan di adakan tiga kali setahun di stadion kokugigkwan di

Tokyo. Orang jepang adalah penggemar gulat sumo sehingga meraka akan
membayar harga tiket yang sangat tinggi. Jutaan orang lain menonton perkelahian
di televise.

Sebelum setiap pertarungan di mulai, kedua pegulat minum air dari ember.
Kemudian, meraka memuntahkan sebagian kelantai berpasir dari cincin bundar.
Mereka juga menumpahkan garam ke daerah di mana meraka akan bergulat untuk
menakuti roh jahat.

Wasit masuk dengan kipas ditanganya. Kedua pegulat itu membungkuk dan
berjongkok di tangan dan kaki meraka, saling menatap dengan marah. Terkadang,
wasit membutuhksn waktu 15 menit atau lebih untuk memulai pertarungan. Jadi
pegulat bangun beberapa kali untuk meregangkan diri, lalu berjongkok lagi untuk
saling menatap.

Tiba-tiba, wasit mengarahkan kipasnya kebawah dan pertarungan di mulai!

Para lawan saling menyerang, menarik dan mengayung ketika masing-masing
mencoba untuk melemparkan yang lain keluar dari ring. Pegulat mana pun yang
menyentuh lantai pertama adalah yang kalah.
2. Figures
No. Figures
1. Wrestling
2. Sumo Wrestlers
3. Referee

3. Main idea
Wrestling is the sport of pushing each other between two wrestlers
who have a fat body until one is pushed out of the circle or dropped with a
body other than the sole of the foot touching the ground on the inside of
the circle. The wrestler needs to be big and fat because the more fat a
sumo wrestler is, the more likely he is to win.

4. Difficult words
No. Words Meaning
1. Wrestlers Penguat
2. Wrestling Gulat
3. Referee Wasit
4. Encouraged Didorong
5. Swaying Goyangan
6. Pulling Tarikan
7. Spill Menumpahkan
8. Spit Meludah/Memuntahkan

5. Conclusion
Wrestling is the oldest sport in the word. Japanese wrestlers are
really big wrestlers like giants compared to other wrestlers because
Japanese wrestlers have stated training from a young age thay are
encouraged to eat an the rice and drinks they want, and practice judo and
practice every.

6. Exercise
a. Guided Comprehension
1. Why are most wrestlers in the world different from the sumo
wrestlers of japan?
Answer : Wretslerts are big-sized men. But none can compere
with the sumo wrestlers of japan , they are reany grants.
2. Describe the appearance of a sumo wrestler
Answer : Wrestlers each weighs between 100 and 165
kilogrammes and stateds at least 1,8 ,meters one famous sumo
wrestlers was 2,34 metres tan.
3. When do the wrestlers start their training and how are they
Answer : Sumo wrestlers start their training young around the age
of ten from the beginning, they are encouraged to eat an the rice
and drink an the sake (Japanese rice wine) that they want.
4. How do these wrestlers grow to be so fat and muscular?
Answer : They can eat ten times as much normal person.
Naturally, they grow very fat. But they are also very muscular
because they practise judo and axercise every day.
5. Where are the championship fight held?
Answer : The championship held at the kokugikwan stadium in
6. What do the wrestlers do after entering the ring?
Answer : Before each fight begins, the two wrestlers drink water
from a bucket. Then, they spit out ring some of it onto the sanded
floor of the round ring. They also spin same sant over the area
where they will wrestle-to scare away evil spirit.
7. Who starts the fight and how?
Answer : The referee points his fan down-and the fight begins!
The opponets charge at each other, pulling and swaying as each
tries to throw the other out of the ring.
8. How is a contest won?
Answer : They wrestlers touches the floor first is the loser.

b. Vocabulary
No. Words Sinonim
1. Wresting  Sumo Wrestlers
2. Encouraged  Practice
3. Naturally  Normally
4. Muscular  Fighter
5. Judo  Referee
6. Spit  Spill
7. Spill  Spit
8. Scare  Evil
9. Crouch  Bed down
10. Glaring  Angrilly
11. Stare  Watch
12. Opponents  Charge
c. Language Work
Exercise 9
1. “The dentist is buy at the moment.”
Answer :
 The dentist knows that he is busy at the moment.
 Do you know that the dentist is busy at the moment?

2. “Mrs Brady I cutting a piece of cake for you.”

Answer :
 Mrs. Brady knows that she is cutting a piece of cake for
 Do you know that Mrs. Brady is cutting a piece of cake for
3. “You must have a passport.”
Answer :
 He knows that he must have a pass port.
 Do you know that He must have a pass port?
4. “You mustn’t be late for school again.”
Answer :
 She knows that she musn’t be late for school again.
 Do you know that she musn’t be late for school again?
5. “They are hungry.”
Answer :
 He knows that they are hungry.
 Do you know that they are hungry?
6. “The family is watching television.”
Answer :
 She knows that the family is watching TV.
 Do you know that the family is watching TV?
7. “They dog won’t bite you.”
Answer :
 You know that the dog won’t bite you.
 Do you know that the dog won’t bite you?
8. “Your team lost the first match.”
Answer :
 He knows that you team lost the first match.
 Do you knows that you team lost the first match?
9. “Somebody has taken the umbrella.”
Answer :
 She knows that somebody has taken the umbrella.
 Do you know that somebody has taken the umbrella?
10. “The coffee is very sweet.”
Answer :
 You know that the coffee is very sweet.
 Do you know that the coffee is very sweet?
11. “You can’t swim in that river.”
Answer :
 You know that you can’t swim in that river.
 Do you know that you can’t swim in that river?
12. “Your composition isn’t very good.”
Answer :
 She knows that your composition isn’t very good.
 Do you know that your composition isn’t very good?

Exercise 10
1. “I don’t feel well,” she said.
Answer : She said that she didn’t feel well.
2. “My father is a lawyer,”says Donald.
Answer : Donald says that his father is a lawyer
3. The boy said,”There is someone at the gate.”
Answer : There is someone at the gate say the boy.
4. “The price of petrol has gone up,”Father said.
Answer : Father said that the price of petrol had gone up.
5. “I shall be back by noon,” Says Mrs Drake.
Answer : Mrs. Drake says that she does back by noon.
6. The children say,”We want ice-cream to eat.”
Answer : We want ice cream to eat. Says the children.
7. “ I can’t find my passport,”the man says.
Answer : The man says that he can’t find his passport.
8. “The ring is made of gold,” says the salesgirl.
Answer : The salesgirl says that the ring is make of gold.
9. “There’s a football match next week,” says John.
Answer : Jhon says that there’s a football match next week.
10. “We go swimming every day,” say the boys.
Answer : The boys say that they go swimming very day
11. “Tadpoles are baby frogs,” the teacher said.
Answer : The teacher said that they tadpoles were baby frogs.
12. “The train arrives at one o’clock,” says the station-master.
Answer :
The station-master says that the train arrives at one o’clock

d. Picture Composition
1. What was Helen doing on the diving-board?
Answer : Helen wanted to jump in to the pool .
2. Describe what the rest of her friends were doing.
Answer : Helen’s friends were already in the pool And encourage
Helen to jump.
3. What was Helen doing with her friends? (Picture 2)
Answer : Helen and her friends were swimming happily fogether.
4. What did Helen discover when she went to the bathroom?
Answer : Helen shocked when she woked in the mirror and saw
that there was on necklace.
5. Why did she run to the teacher-in-charge at the pool?
Answer : Helen immediately reported to the teacher in charge of
the pool.
6. What did Helen tell her?
Answer : Helen told the teacher in charge of the pool that her
necklace was messing.
7. What did her friends do? Did they find the chain?
Answer : Helen and her friends immendiately look for Helen’s
neckrace that wast lost in the pool and found it in the swimming
8. Why do you think Helen gave the chain to her mother?
Answer : Helen give her necklace to her another.

As a child, you may have played with your shadow and laughed at the queer
shapes that it took when you moved this way and that. Did you know that among
the ashanti villages of Ghana, Africa, there are men who are their chief’s

A chief’s shadow is called an ‘okra’. He is neither a bodyguard nor a

servant. His job is to stay as close as possible to the chief, never leaving his side
day or night. In this way, he acts just like the chief;s shadow.

Although the okra eats the best food and wearsfine clothes, he is not happy.
This is because he knows that he will have no freedom as long as he or his chief
lives. When the chief dies, the okra must die, too! No wonter the poor okra feels
sad whenever his chief falls ill!

The okra is chosen. He cannot refuse to be an okra; neither can he give up

the job if he does not like it. Sometimes an okra may die before his chief. No chie
like this to happen because it may be a sign of bad luck for himself. So the
position is usually given to a very young, strong, healthy man.

An okra dresses in the same way as his chief. The okra wears a beautiful
headdress of feathers and a long robe made of kente cloth. This is a hand-woven
cloth with brightly-coloured patterns.

Everything-food, ress, shelter-is given to him fee. Yet, no one likes to be

chosen as an okra. Many frightened young men even run away from a village
when its okra dies!
1. Translate

Sebagai seorang anak, anda mungkin telah bermain dengan bayangan anda
dan menertawakan bentuk-bentuk aneh yang di perlukan ketika anda bergerak
kesana kemari. Apakah anda tahu bahwa di antara desa Ashanti di Gana, Afrika
ada orang-orang yang menjadi bayang-bayang kepada mereka?

Bayangan kepala seku disebut ‘okra’. Dia bukan pengawal atau pelayan
tugasnya adalah sedekat mungkin dengan kepala desa, tdk perna meninggalkan
sisinya siang atau malam. Dengan cara ini, dia bertindak seperti bayangan kepala

Meskipun okra makan makanan terbaik dan mengenakan pakaian bagus, dia
tidak senang atau bahagia. Ini karena dia tau dia tidak akan memiliki kebebasan
selama dia atau pemimpinya hidup ketika ketua meninggal. Okra harus mati juga!
Tidak heran okra yang malang itu merasa sedih setiap kali pemimpinya sakit.

Okra di pilih. Dia tidak bisa menolak menjadi okra. Dia juga tidak bisa
melepaskan pekerjaan jika dia tidak menyukainya. Terkadang okra bisa mati di
hadapan pemimpinya. Tidak ada kepala yang suka hal ini terjadi karena itu
mungkin pertanda masih buruk nasib bagi dirinya sendiri. Jadi posisinya hiasanya
di berikan kepada pria yang sangat mudah,kuat dan sehat. Gaun okra dengan cara
yang sama seperti kepalanya. Okra mengenakan hiasan kepala yang indah dari
bulu dan jubbah panjang yang terbuat dari pakaian kente. Ini adalah kain tunenan
tangan dengan pola berwarna cerah.

Semua makanan, tempat berlindung pakaian di berikan kepadanya secara

gratis. Namun, tidak ada yang suka di pilih sebagai okra. Banyak pemudah yang
ketakutan bahkan melarikan diri dari desa ketika okranya mati.
2. Figures

1. A chief Shadow or Okra

2. A young man

3. Main idea
To become an okra is not easy. Although the okra eats the best food
and wears fine clothes, he will have no freedom as long as he or his chief

4. Difficult words
No. Words Meaning
1. A chief Seorang kepala
2. Shadow Bayangan
3. Feathers Bulu
4. Headders Hiasan Kepala
5. Frightened Ketakutan
6. Handswoven Tenunan tangan
7. Usually Biasanya

5. Conclusion

To become an okra is not easy. Because we must be prepared with all

the consequences that will face in the future. Okra may accep all luxury,
honor and others free. But his life is never happy because he lives in the
Shadow of tear. Therefore, many young people who feared that even they
es caped from the village when the okra died.

6. Exercise
a. Guided Comprehension
1. Where can you find men who are their chief’s shadows? Give
another name for such people.
Answer : We can find a chief’s shadows in Ghana, Africa. A
chief’s shadow is called an “okra”.
2. In what way does such a man act like his chief’s shadow?
Answer : His job is to stayes close as possible to the chief, never
learning his side day or night.
3. Why is he never happy?
Answer : Because he knows that he will have no freedom as long
as he or his chief lives.
4. Can a man refuse to take this post? If not, why?
Answer : No, he can’t. Because neither can he give up the job if he
does no like it. Sometimes an okra may die before his chief.
5. Why is a young, healthy man chosen?
Answer : Because, it may be a sign of bad luck for himself.
6. How is the dressed?
Answer : The okra wears a beautiful headdress of feathers and
along robe made of kente cloth. This is a hand woven choth with
brightly. Coloured patterns.
7. How do young men escape from being chosen as their chief”s
Answer : A young men even run away from a village when its okra

b. Vocabulary
 I have been in Makassar and anjoyed my stay.
1. Stay
 My family and I have stayed in London for a
long time. (Verb)
 She stands in my left side. (Noun)
2. Side
 I was siding with my ex. (Verb)
 He did a heroic act. He saved my life from
accident. (Noun)
3. Acts
 I am reguired ti act before noon tomorrow.
 Headaches may be a sign of stress. (Noun)
4. Sign  The letter was signed by headmaster. (Verb)

 Her dress looks old fashioned. (Noun)

5. Dress
 She dresses like a princess. (Verb)
 One of the famous shelter is igloo. (Noun)
6. Shelter  The igloo shelters eskimos from the weather
and danger.
c. Language work

Exercise 11
1. He carried the bag by himself.
Answer : He could carry the bag by himself.
2. She goes to sleep early every night.
Answer : She can go to sleep early every night
3. Mary sang very well when she was very young.
Answer : Mary could sing very well when she was very young
4. The old man doesn’t see very well.
Answer : The old man can’t see very well
5. The mountain climbers reached the summit easily.
Answer : The mountain climbers could reach the summit easily
6. Does he sing for a bing audience?
Answer : Can he sing for a big audience
7. My brother lifted the heavy machine.
Answer : My brother could lift the heavy machine.
8. The care takes the corner smoothly.
Answer : The car can take the corner smoothly.
9. Do you play hockey?
Answer : Can you play hockey
10. Mr smith spoke Japanese fluently.
Answer : Mr smith could speak Japanese fluently.
11. You lock the door from inside.
Answer : You can lock the door from inside.
12. He reared tropical fish for sale.
Answer : He could sear tropical fish for sale.

Exercise 12
1. She could not write the essay.
Answer : The will be able to write the essay
2. They can go to the zoo next Saturday.
Answer : They will be able to go to the zoon next saturday
3. Can you play the piano?
Answer : Will you be able to play the piano?
4. My father can speak several languages.
Answer : My father well be able to speak several languages.
5. He could drink all the wine in the bottle.
Answer : He well be able to drink all the wine in the bottle.
6. They could reach Blueberry park before dark.
Answer : They will be able to reach Blueberry park before dark.
7. Could you buy a ticket for the show.
Answer : Will you be able to buy a ticket for the show?
8. We can help him mow the grass tomorrow.
Answer : We will be able to help him maw the grass tomorrow.
9. I can remember the story clearly.
Answer : I will be able to remember the story clearly.
10. The hungry boy can smell the food from the next house.
Answer : The hungry boy will be able to smell the food from the
next house.
11. We can pick the fruit when it is ripe.
Answer : We will be able to pick the fruit when it is ripe.
12. Can the train move back wards?
Answer : Will the train be able to move back wards.

d. Picture composition
1. What was Jimmy doing with his dog?
Answer : Jimmy was giving instruction to his dogs.
2. Where did he take them?
Answer : He took them for a walk in the park.
3. Why did Jimmy take off the leashes from the dogs?
Answer : Because, his dogs were playing on the grass.
4. Who passed by?
Answer : The passed by was the women with her boy.
5. What did one of the dogs do?
Answer : The dog bit a boy on his arm.
6. What did the woman do when she saw this?
Answer : The women screamed for help
7. Where did Jimmy take them? Why was the boy crying and the
woman looking so angry?
Answer : Jimmy took them to his house. Because, the boy was
bitten on his arm and because her boy was crying.
8. Who did Jimmy phone? Why?
Answer : Jimmy called the doctor. Because, the boy was bitten on
his arm.
9. Why did he put muzzles on his dogs’ mouths?
Answer : Because, he prevented his dog from biting people.

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