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1. I think that with the feedback that I got, I would’ve made my podcast a little more edited.

think that if I had done that, my podcast would have been a little better in a professional
way and made more sense to the listeners. I think I have a very dodgy way of talking so
it would have made a lot more sense. I also would have made it more interesting with
sound effects and had it a little bit more organized. If I had more resources, I would have
made it a lot more professional.
2. Based on all of my peer reviews this semester, I have learned a lot about taking
criticism. I have learned that not everything you do is going to be perfect. I have gotten
so much feedback and no matter how hard you worked on something, it is never going to
be perfect. With that though, I have also learned that it is always good to have a fresh
set of eyes on your projects. Having people peer review my things have shown me that
there are going to be things that you may have missed, but others see it and can correct
it for you.
3. I used iMovie to make my podcast. While I was using it, I did not anticipate all the editing
I would have to do. The good thing about this though is that editing is very easy on
iMovie if you understand how to do it. I also was not anticipating how long it would take
to edit it. On iMovie, it makes it so that you can see every frame, so if your clip is long,
you will have to scroll through a lot to find what exact frame you are looking for.

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