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When a man truly loves a woman,

All he needs is a reminder of her presence ,

And the worst of his days would turn upside down .

Just the mention of her name ,

And his deepest chasms dissolve .

Her voice in the most admonishing of tones and he would caress the faeries ,
Her chants becoming the voice of his soul .

The deepest of his dreams cease to exist ,

For he isn't himself anymore .

Her eyes are his eyes ,

Her mind his mind ,
Her soul his .
Her entire being his being .

Her dreams then become his sacred vows ,

Her disappointments he would exchange with the devil himself to overturn .

Her tears would bleed his very being ,

But he wouldn't show a glimpse of his burning fires if she desires it may not be so .

She could ask him to shed every drop of his blood ,

And he would do so without a word ,
Knowing within that every drop thus expended ,
Would lead him to regeneration in the realm of the divine .

In her eyes he would see echelons of the higher cosmos ,

And her being would propel him to a land where even his most cherished gods fail to gain access

Oh , she can fall for another soul ,

And she can conjure sonatas just like Juliet did when Romeo serenaded .
Yet the man would never feel the slightest of pain .

Even her sonatas would become his holy grail ,

And affections elsewhere would become the panacea for his very soul .

He will willingly become the servant of her lover ,

And wait for centuries for the apprenticeship to end .

Yet even if it would never end ,

And in his joyous persistence ,
Her wrath would cause her to throw him off the cliff ,
His mortality in the worldly plane ,
Would only take him to a realm ,
Where Andrei Tarkovsky hath recreated Solaris ,
And her image is plucked out from his consciousness .

He would love this image knowing wholly well of it's identity ,

And that she would someday take form into this very image .

Lifetimes of distances and realms apart ,

He would recognise her with the blink of an eye .
And he would repeat this poem over and over again endlessly even if she wouldn't be his .

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