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Peer Feedback on Project

In the peer feedback section of the in-class critique, I had multiple people review my
assignment. This played an important part in how my final assignment came to be. I
received feedback that was suggesting that I be more concise and specific with my
answers. My reviewers were very helpful in catching any mistake I had made whether it
was grammar related or if I had phrased a sentence wrong.

My group and I worked together to have the ability to ask each other questions if we
needed to and it was very helpful that they also gave me positive feedback as well as
critiques during the session.

2. Implementation of feedback:

After receiving the feedback from my group mates, I went back into my project and
really tried to dissect what I was saying at certain times. This made an immense
improvement to what I was writing and how I sounded when I was addressing the
questions that needed to be answered in my project. I modified the grammar mistakes I
had made and made my writing more flowing so that it could be read more smoothly.

3. Learning Reflection:

Through this peer critique I have learned that in order to be as helpful as I can, I need to
be very specific in the suggestions I give as well as the critiques. No one is going to be
benefited if I am not paying close attention to what is written in front of me as well as
what could be better about it if it was edited. I had to look at the papers as if I was the
one grading them and I had to look at the papers in an unbiased way.

If I had to do this paper over again, I would probably spend more time exploring the
objects. I spent a good amount of time but I could have spent a lot more time in order to
really grasp everything I could about the technology.

4. Alternative Use / Future directions

During this project, I found that there are many different ways to utilize technology. In
my project paper, I had mentioned that the Oculus Rift device could be used as a way to
get students more engaged in a novel they may be reading by creating a virtual reality of
the setting of the book. I feel that if students got to experience the book in an almost
literal sense it would definitely pique the interest of students even more. I think students
would really enjoy getting to visualize exactly what it looks like to be in the fictional
world and it may make the book more relatable.

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