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Implementation of feedback:
Based on the feedback you received, in 1-2 paragraphs describe in detail how you might revise your
podcast project if were going to start a regular podcast. Identify elements that you should be able to
modify if you were going forward, as well as any elements you might not pursue given demands on time,
expertise, and cost, etc.

The way we might revise our podcast project if it was going to become a
regular thing would be we would work on our editing skills and how we go
about chopping things out in order for them to sound as natural as
possible. We would also figure out how to work our mics better because we
could only hook up two so we had to share and it is sometimes hard to hear
what a person is saying. A big thing we noticed is that we all say the word
“like” way too much and it definitely makes it harder to listen to.
Something we might not be able to modify is the fact that we are limited to
the time we can take up in the lab as well as the equipment that we are able
to use.

2. Learning Reflection:
Looking back over your project and feedback, describe in 1-2 paragraphs what you have learned about the
process of revision and iteration. Based on your experiences describe how you might approach this same
project if you started again - what would you do differently, the same, etc.?

What we have learned about the processes of revision and iteration is that
it is a lot harder than it seems. You have to be pretty focused in order to
have things turn out the way you want them too. We also figured out that it
is a team effort and you have to be able to come up with ideas with the team
that everyone can agree on. If we started the project over, I think we would
give ourselves more time in the lab to do more than one take. That way we
could decide and choose which one we liked better. We would definitely
keep our group the same because it was so much fun getting to do this
project together.
3. Alternative Use / Future directions
In 1-2 paragraphs describe how the technology you focused on for your project might be used in a way
you had not initially considered? What are some real or hypothetical use cases of the technology that we
haven't considered?

The technology that we used in our podcast such as the microphones,

headphones and sound bored could be used for a lot of things. Obviously,
microphones record sound so there is a plethora of sounds that could be
recorded and used for so many things. The sound bored that all the audio
went into was really cool and it could possibly be used for something that
still pertains to audio but in a different setting. Some real uses could be for
songs and movie audio. However I think bc the technology we worked with
is pretty stationary, there is not a whole lot that can be done with them.

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